=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- Mega Man X (SNES) -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Written By: Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman GUIDE TYPE ..................................... FAQ FILE SIZE .................................... 25 KB FIRST RELEASED ...................... August 7, 2001 LAST UPDATED .................... September 26, 2004 LATEST VERSION ................................ 1.16 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< TABLE OF CONTENTS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 1) Version History 2) Story 3) Controls 4) Weapons 5) Power-Up Locations [5.1] Enhancements [5.2] Heart Tanks [5.3] Sub-Tanks 6) Boss Strategies [6.1] Mavericks [6.2] Sigma's Fortress 7) Contact/Legal Information <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 1) VERSION HISTORY -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= VERSION 1.16 - SEPTEMBER 26, 2004 Updated e-mail address. VERSION 1.15 - NOVEMBER 9, 2003 Revised the file's format, adjusted the number of characters per line, and added/moved sections. VERSION 1.05 - OCTOBER 14, 2002 Updated contact information and made a few other changes. VERSION 1.0 - AUGUST 7, 2001 First (and complete!) version of the guide. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 2) STORY -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Mega Man X's storyline, from the instruction manual... THE JOURNAL OF DR. CAIN April 8th Still nothing. For the last month, I have been sifting through the dirt trying to find a fossil record which would verify my findings on Mesozoic plant life, but so far I have come up empty. Tomorrow, I'll move my archaeo- logical dig to a new site. Maybe I'll have better luck. April 9th Set up camp at the new site and laid out a preliminary gridwork for the dig. I got some odd readings at location E-46. It looks like something metallic is buried several meters below the surface. I think I'll begin there tomorrow. April 10th I can't believe what I found! Several meters below the surface was the remains of a lab. Although most of the lab was damaged, I did manage to find papers that indicate that it belonged to the famous robot designer, Dr. Thomas Light. I've begun to review what is left of Dr. Light's notes and it looks like he was onto a major breakthrough. The notes keep referring to "the capsule"... April 13th I found it. Standing 14 meters high and 8 meters wide, the capsule was hidden underneath a collapsed ceiling. Even underneath all the rubble, the capsule has remained intact and was still running some sort of diagnostic when I found it. There is a warning on the capsule, but all the indicators on the capsule show green. It should be safe to open it. I'll know tomorrow. April 14th Today I met "X." Not simply a robot, X is something totally different. Light has give him the ability to think and make his own decisions. At times, X seems more like a man than like a machine. April 15th Light was a genius! I've been going over his design notes and they are a quantum leap beyond anything the world has ever seen. Using them as a guide, I may be able to replicate his design and integrate them into a new generation of robots. I'll begin transporting X and the rest of Dr. Light's things back to my lab tomorrow. November 22nd With X's help I have completed my first "Reploid." Although I don't com- pletely understand how all of Dr. Light's systems works, I was able to make some minor modifications and the reploid seems to be functioning perfectly. His strength and intelligence seem limitless and he is fully able to make his own decisions. In fact, we got into our first argument. How intriguing! January 3rd The new reploids have been running off the assembly line for several weeks. It's amazing how easily they have been able to adapt to even the most diffi- cult jobs. It still is a bit odd to see them working side by side with humans but everyone seems to be happy to accept them. February 16th Three reploids went "maverick" today and injured two people before they were stopped. This is the third instance of this type of behavior and I still have no idea of what is causing it! There is some talk about stopping the assembly of any more reploids, but I don't think it will happen. Maybe we've become too dependent of them.... The council has now decided to set up a group of "Hunters" to destroy any maverick before it can cause injury. The reploid named Sigma has assigned to lead the Hunters. Sigma is one of the most intelligent reploids I've created and contains my latest circuit designs. His systems should be immune to any problems. May 16th It's been two months since Sigma took control of the Maverick Hunters and he and his hunters have been able to prevent any further injury to the popula- tion. Everyone is starting to breath a little bit easier.... I am a little worried about X. He seems unsure of his place in life and what Dr. Light had planned for him. But given time, I'm sure he'll find his way.... June 4th My worst nightmare has just come true. Sigma went maverick today and took most of the other hunters with him. His motives are unclear, but it seems that he "decided" that humans are inferior and limiting the growth of the Reploids. For that reason, he decided that all humans should be eradicated. Most of the population is in hiding or trying to flee the city. I'm not sure how long we can hold out against Sigma's forces. I fear I've built the rep- loids too well. X is taking the news of the war very personally. He wants to join Zero, the new leader of the Maverick Hunters, when he goes after Sigma. I'm doubtful of their chances, but I won't stop him. Something has to be done.... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 3) CONTROLS -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section describes the basic controls. D-Pad -> (Left/Right) Move Mega Man X (Up/Down) Climb ladder A -> Dash B -> Jump Y -> Fire weapon (Hold) Charge X. Buster L -> Switch weapon R -> Switch weapon Start -> Bring up menu =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 4) WEAPONS -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section contains the effects of the weapons. --------- X. Buster --------- Received From: N/A This is essentialy the Mega Buster from the original Mega Man series. Unlimited weapon energy and can be charged up through three levels. The third level is reached when you acquire the cannon upgrade. ----------- Shotgun Ice ----------- Received From: Chill Penguin Launches a sphere of ice that splits into almost a 180 degree arch. Charge it up to create a sled that resembles Chill Penguin, and you can also ride on it. Not terribly useful, but fun. -------------- Electric Spark -------------- Received From: Spark Mandrill Fires a ball of electricity. It splits up into two when colliding with a wall. Charging it creates two walls of electricity. Useful for eliminating generally weak enemies. -------------- Rolling Shield -------------- Received From: Armored Armadillo The name says it all...fires a rolling shield. The charged form is quite an asset. It surrounds X with a barrier that blocks just about anything. If it takes too much damage, it collapses. -------------- Homing Torpedo -------------- Received From: Boomerang Kuwanger Fires a torpedo that tracks the closet target. Handy for taking out annoying foes that are out of your reach. Charging it sends out several homing fishies. ---------------- Boomerang Cutter ---------------- Received From: Boomer Kuwanger Sends out a sharp boomerang that curves around and flies back to X. Can be used to retrieve items. The charged B. Cutter sends out four large boomerangs in diagnal directions. --------------- Chameleon Sting --------------- Received From: Sting Chameleon Couldn't Capcom think of a better name...? Anywhoo, this weap launches a green beam that splits into three directions. Charging it enables X to turn himself into a chameleon of sorts for a short period of time. During this, you cannot be harmed by enemies. ------------- Storm Tornado ------------- Received From: Storm Eagle A great multi-hit weapon. The charged Storm T. creates a small tornado. --------- Fire Wave --------- Received From: Flame Mammoth Its range is quite short, however the damage is very high. Charging it sends out a ground fire wall that moves forward until it reaches the end of the line. I wouldn't recommend using that too often. You have to waste valuable weapon energy to even reach the third charge level and then Fire Wave uses even *more* energy to create the wall! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 5) POWER-UP LOCATIONS -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section lists the locations of the various upgrades. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [5.1] ENHANCEMENTS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------ Dash Upgrade ------------ Location: Snow Mountain Stage Requirements: None If you can't find this upgrade, please...bang your head against the closet wall, 'kay? Function: Enables X to dash. This can also be used to make long jumps. -------------- Helmet Upgrade -------------- Location: Sky Stage Requirements: Dash Upgrade Along the way to Storm Eagle's lair, you will find a tower of metal scaffolding. Climb up and fall down the other side. Dash jump from the small ledge to the next. Fire away at the tanks, enter the room, and get the brand spankin' new helmet. Function: You can use X's noggin' to smash through certain blocks. ------------- Armor Upgrade ------------- Location: Forest Stage Requirements: Dash Upgrade Towards the beginning of this stage there be a large mound of dirt you have to climb over. Dash jump off the ledge and climb the stone wall. Enter the tiny room and procede to fight the robot RT-55J. He's not that difficult; just fire at the red crystals embedded in his armor. When he starts smokin' and explodes, the capsule emerges from the dirt. Function: Reduces damage by 50%. Needless to say, this makes the game a lot easier... ----------------- X. Buster Upgrade ----------------- Location: Factory Stage Requirements: Dash Upgrade, Helmet Upgrade Nabbing this thing requires a bit o' luck on your part. When ya reach the second spot with the lava (or ice if you already defeated Chill Penguin), look at the ceiling and you should see several small, breakable blocks. Dash jump from when little room you have and keep attemping to break through the blocks. If you can get lucky, you will break through the ceiling and reach the capsule. There's also an alternate way to obtain the upgraded cannon, but it occurs much later in the game. After Zero has that little skirmish with Vile in Sigma's house of horrors, he will fork over the upgrade to you, if you don't have it already. Function: Gives the X. Buster a third level charge. X can also power up the weapons from the Mavericks. ---------------- Hadouken Upgrade ---------------- Location: Gallery Stage Requirements: All Enhancements, Weapons, Heart Tanks, and Sub-Tanks This one takes some take to nab, but it's worth the trouble. Once everything is collected, head to Armored Armadillo's stage. On the final mine cart ride, jump off the cart (before it hits the wall) and wall kick up. Take the energy capsule and use the escape function. Repeat this about four more times. A new capsule should appear by the energy capsule. In this upgrade unit, Dr. Light appears in a Street Fighter outfit. Enter the capsule to gain a new power. Function: Enables the use of the hadouken fireball attack. Can only be used when at full power. To use the power, press Down, Down-Forward, Forward, and then Y. If done correctly, X launches a fireball that pretty much beats the @!%$ outta of any enemy. It will take some practice to do this attack if you're not a big player of fighting games. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [5.2] HEART TANKS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- Sky Stage --------- Requirements: Dash Upgrade At the very start of the stage, you have the moving platforms. Get to the tip-top and dash jump to the left. If you went far enough, you'll land on a ledge with the tank. ------------- Factory Stage ------------- Requirements: None (although defeating Chill Penguin helps) In the huge room with all of those robots that use pickaxes, the Heart Tank is in the lower-right corner. Now if you haven't beaten Chill Peguin, you will have to move through the lava to reach it. Keep in mind that lava easily melts X's armor into liquid. But if the penguin has already biten the dust, you can just walk on the ice and get the item. ------------- Gallery Stage ------------- Requirements: None When the second Mole Borer is in your sights, make sure you get in FRONT of him. Continue walking forward, and you should find the Heart Tank in a gap amongst the rocks. Wallkick your way up to it before the Mole Borer erodes the rock ceiling away. ----------- Ocean Stage ----------- Requirements: None Towards the later half of the stage, there's a battleship of some sort floating on the surface. Fire away at the glowing crystal, and the watercraft sinks and breaks the floor into pieces. Fall down, enter the room, destroy the robotic worm, and take the tank. ----------------- Power Plant Stage ----------------- Requirements: Boomerang Cutter This is located right after the first turtlelike robot you encounter. Wallkick up the wall to see the Heart Tank. Fire the Boomerang Cutter and hope it collects it for you. It will probably take some time before it'll actually work. ----------- Tower Stage ----------- Requirements: Boomerang Cutter When you reach the outside of the tower, climb to the very top. Use the Boomerang Cutter to retrieve the Heart Tank from the ledge. ------------ Forest Stage ------------ Requirements: Launch Octopus defeated, Leg Upgrade Fall down the first gap you reach in this stage. You should see a column of blocks and water. Break the blocks, dash jump to the right, and collect the item. ------------------- Snow Mountain Stage ------------------- Requirements: Fire Wave Hop into the first armored carrier, dash jump off the dome, and eject yourself from the mech to reach the ledge. Continue on and use Fire Wave on the next dome you spot. The building collapses, and you get a Heart Tank. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [5.3] SUB-TANKS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> --------- Sky Stage --------- Requirements: None Right after the beginning platform area, there's a cannon on top of a moving column Blast the cannon, hop onto the column, and let it take you to what I suppose is a air traffic control tower. Shoot the glass once to break and move in. The Sub-Tank is found there. ------------- Factory Stage ------------- Requirements: Dash Upgrade This Sub-Tank is found in the same room as the factory's Heart Tank, except this one is in the upper-left corner. Dash jump from the platform, wallkick to break the blocks, and collect the reward. ------------- Gallery Stage ------------- Requirements: None When you see the first Mole Borer enemy, jump down and let him pass by. Enter the cache that was behind him to get the tank. ----------- Power Plant ----------- Requirements: Boomerang Cutter At the very beginning of the stage, the path splits with two ladders. Take the lower route. Then there's a wall that blocks the Sub-Tank. Use the B. Cutter to pick it up. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 6) BOSS STRATEGIES -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This section gives tips on defeating the game's bosses. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [6.1] MAVERICKS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ------------- Chill Penguin ------------- Weakness: X. Buster (or Fire Wave) Receive: Shotgun Ice If you wish to make this an easy battle, I would suggest picking as many items as you can at this point in the game (particularly the armor and X. Buster upgrades). With those in hand, Chill Penguin is cake. The third level charged shot can easily wipe out the ice statues he fabricates. Keep blastin' Chill until bites the ice..er..dust. -------------- Spark Mandrill -------------- Weakness: Shotgun Ice Receive: Electric Spark With Shotgun Ice, you can defeat Spark Mandrill with your eyes closed. Hit him with it to freeze the foe in his tracks. When he breaks out, shoot at the 'bot again. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. ----------------- Armored Armadillo ----------------- Weakness: Electric Spark Receive: Rolling Shield Peg Armadillo in the chest with a shot from E. Spark and watch his armor fall to the ground. Now he is completely exposed [insert pervertive phrase here]. Continually blast away until he's outta here... -------------- Launch Octopus -------------- Weakness: Rolling Shield Receive: Homing Torpedo Time your weapon attacks so they actually hit Launch Octopus. His many homing fishes can block your fire. The only thing you have to keep an eye out for is his whirlpool move. Get caught and drains your life meter and adds it to his. --------------- Boomer Kuwanger --------------- Weakness: Homing Torpedo Receive: Boomerang Cutter Just fire away with the Homing T. So the shots do track the target, you don't really need to worry about where you attack. --------------- Sting Chameleon --------------- Weakness: Boomerang Cutter Receive: Chameleon Sting Stand on the ground and launch a shot from the weapon, one at a time. The projectile will swoop up and nail Sting Chameleon. No problem. ----------- Storm Eagle ----------- Weakness: Chameleon Sting Receive: Storm Tornado Since the C. Sting splits when it's fired, you can easily damage Storm Eagle while he is airborne. Get ready to dash a lot in this battle. If you're not careful when he uses the wind attack, X will get blown right off the ship. Also, watch out for his dive bomb maneuvers. Just dash once you hear the sound he makes. When Storm Eagle is out of the picture, his airship crashes right into Spark Mandrill's power plant. ------------- Flame Mammoth ------------- Weakness: Storm Tornado Receive: Fire Wave This battle is about as easy as the rest. The key point you have to keep in mind is that you should jump every time Flame Mammoth does. When he lands on the ground, X will be stunned for a few seconds. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<< [6.2] SIGMA'S FORTRESS >>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ----------------------------------- Mid-Boss: Vile (In Armored Carrier) ----------------------------------- Weakness: None Again, let Vile beat the crap out of you... -------------- Mid-Boss: Vile -------------- Weakness: Homing Torpedo After Zero hitches a ride on Vile's carrier, Vile no longer has any protection whatsoever. Break out the Homing Torpedo, and let Vile have it! Watch out for his stun sphere thing. Otherwise, his other attacks are easy to evade. Just as a little sidenote, don't go overboard with the torpedo weapon. You'll need it a bit later in this stage. -------- Bospider -------- Weakness: Shotgun Ice This boss plays different than most. Before Bospider descends into your view, poles randomly stretch between the columns in the room. Then the mechanical menace will move down, according to how the poles are set up. Once the spider is at the bottom, its eye core opens up. Shoot the S. Ice at it. At various points throughout the battle, the spider moves MUCH faster than normal. You might want to keep one Sub-Tank full. ------------- Rangda Bangda ------------- Weakness: Chameleon Sting There are three things you need to take out. The two eyes and the central device. The eyes are no problem...just fire away and dodge their shots when necessary. The thingy in the center can be a slight pain. Slowly slide down the side of the wall, fire the C. Sting a few times, and wallkick up again. Repeat this strategy. ----- D-Rex ----- Weakness: Boomerang Cutter D-Rex tends to detach its head and move both of its body parts around the room. Try to avoid standing on the robot's base, or it'll decide to make a X sandwich out of ya. When D-Rex is at the right side of the room, get ready to move! The attack is difficult to dodge since it's so damn big. ---------- Scooby Doo ---------- Weakness: Shotgun Ice Okay...it's not really Scooby... If you have the hadouken, you might as well use it now while you got the chance. If not, just blast the mutt with Shotgun Ice. Shouldn't present you with any trouble... ----- Sigma ----- Weakness: Electric Spark This battle is actually easier than you might think at first. Simply wallkick rapidly in the upper-left corner. When Sigma leaves the left wall the second (or the third, in rare cases) time, fall down, and fire at him. Wallkick back up again. Keep doing this until Sigma decides to unveil his new toy... --------- Velgauder --------- Weakness: X. Buster (3rd Level Charge), Rolling Shield Prepare to get your ass whooped. If you have the Rolling Shield at full power, this battle isn't quite as bad. Throw the shield at the head of this monstrosity. Try to stay on one of the claws and dodge the lightning they create if possible. Sigma's attacks do very heavy damage, so use those Sub- Tanks! If you run out of energy for the Rolling Shield and Sigma still has a lot of life left in him, then I would just say give up. You can attempt to beat him with only the X. Buster, but it certainly won't be easy. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= =- 7) CONTACT / LEGAL INFORMATION -= =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --------------------- Copyright Information --------------------- (c) Copyright 2001-2004 Ryan "MetroidMoo" Ammerman This FAQ cannot be distributed in books, magazines, etc. or in any other form of printed or electronic media (CDs, etc.) in any way. It may not be given away as some sort of prize or bonus with a purchase, and it may not be used for promotional or profitable purposes. Any characters, names, or other objects are copyright their respective companies. This document and its author are in no way affiliated with any company involved with this game. ------------------ E-mail Information ------------------ E-mail Address: ryanammerman[at]gmail[dot]com Before you e-mail me a question, make sure you've looked through the FAQ to see if your question is answered. If you send me a question that is answered in the FAQ, it WILL be ignored. -------------- Posting Notice -------------- If you wish to use this guide on your site, you may post it without my permission as long as this document is **NOT** changed in any way, shape, or form. The latest version of this guide can always be found at GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com). --End of Transmission