## ## ##### ###### #### ### ### ## ### ## ## #### #### ##### ### ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ### ## ####### ## ## ### ## ### ## ######## ## # ### ##### ####### ### #### ##### ### ## ### #### ###### #### #### ##### #### ####### ###### ## ## ######## #### ################ ### ### ########## #### ### ######## #### #### #### #### #### #### ### ###### #### ############ #### ######### ### #### #### ############## #### ####### ### ## #### #### #### #### ###### ### ### ############ ### ### ############ ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ###### ############ ###### ############ ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ############ ### ### ############ Mega Man X2 FAQ/Walkthrough by CygnusX2112 (formerly DesertEagle97531) Copyright 2006 by Michael A. Gagliano Dedicated to Humanbegetableonline and Neil Peart ################# TABLE OF CONTENTS ################# 1-Introduction 2-Story 3-Mavericks 4-Walkthrough 5-Item Locations 6-Boss List 7-Super Passwords 8-Credits and Thanks 9-Contact Information +++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 1: Introduction +++++++++++++++++++++++ Hello and welcome to my FAQ/Walkthrough for Mega Man X2. This guide will be covering the entire game. In this FAQ, I will include full walkthroughs for levels, detailed information on boss strategies, weaknesses and weapons, and level passwords. Please note that the order of the bosses that I am using for this walkthrough is based on my own experience with the game. If you have a different order that works better for you, please feel free to do so. Just keep in mind, however, that this FAQ will be walking you through the game based on the boss order used in this guide. I hope my walkthrough will assist you in completing this game. If you have any questions about this guide or want me to add something, please feel free to use the contact information provided at the end of this guide to reach me. You may send me your recommended boss orders, strategies, passwords, or Pro Action Reaply/Game Genie codes. Not only will I post them on this FAQ, but I will of course give you credit as well. Oh well, your probably bored out of your ass listening to me ramble on, so let's get this game started. Good luck and I hope this FAQ helps you to complete Mega Man X2! Enjoy! ++++++++++++++++ SECTION 2: Story ++++++++++++++++ (taken from the game's manual) REPLOID ELIMINATION NOT COMPLETED by Bradbury K. Wells, Times Staff Writer A new uprising is imminent in the battle to contain the Maverick Reploids that have broken away from their control center. Once believed to be completely contained, these Mavericks have been detected in an abandoned factory, according to an intelligence report by well-known scientist Dr. Cain. A special armada of Maverick Hunters was mobilized today to the production factory, but only one reploid has been able to penetrate the heavy artillery outside the factory. Known as Mega Man X, this same reploid has been primarily responsible for the apparent elimination of the threat six months ago. According to Dr. Cain's report, now Mega Man X will battle the Mavericks in an attempt to locate and destroy the leader of this new uprising. -from Mega Man X2 instruction booklet So basically, the events of Mega Man X2 take place six months after the first MMX game in the series. If you watched after the credits at the end of the first MMX game, you would've seen the message that Sigma left for X, saying that he vowed to return in a new form, and that's exactly what he has done. If you played the first game, you will also remember that Zero had sacirificed his life so that X could defeat Vile, Sigma's right-hand man in the first MMX game. Zero's parts still survived, though, allowing him to be reconstructed. Incidentally, however, a group of Mavericks calling themselves the X-Hunters have stolen Zero's parts and are planning to revive Zero and turn him Maverick. The X-Hunters use Zero's parts as bait to lure X into fighting them. So now X must defeat the X-Hunters and recover Zero's parts before Sigma and the Mavericks put them to dangerous use... ++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 3: The Mavericks ++++++++++++++++++++++++ The way this game works is simple. After completing the intro stage, you will be taken to a stage select screen where you can choose to go through the stages in whatever order you wish. However, we will be following the order I have found most effective in this guide. At the end of each stage, you will fight a maverick boss. If you defeat a maverick, you will receive its weapon. Each maverick has a weakness to another maverick's weapon. Here is a list of the mavericks in the order we will be using in this guide: 1) Wire Sponge Weapon: Strike Chain Weakness: Sonic Slicer, Speed Burner 2) Wheel Gator Weapon: Spin Wheel Weakness: Strike Chain 3) Overdrive Ostrich Weapon: Sonic Slicer Weakness: Crystal Hunter 4) Bubble Crab Weapon: Bubble Splash Weakness: Spin Wheel 5) Flame Stag Weapon: Speed Burner Weakness: Bubble Splash 6) Morph Moth Weapon: Silk Shot Weakness: Speed Burner 7) Magna Centipede Weapon: Magnet Mine Weakness: Silk Shot 8) Crystal Snail Weapon: Crystal Hunter Weakness: Magnet Mine ============================================================================== ************* THE WALKTHROUGH ************* ************* ============================================== ************* ************* / \ ************* ============= ============= In this section of the guide, I will be walking you through the stages in the most effective way possible. I will include how to get past even the most difficult areas and bosses. So dust off that old SNES, let's rock this crap! ############################ INTRO STAGE: Reploid Factory ############################ The first level is pretty simple, but don't get used to it, because the game's difficulty will bite you in the ass later on if you don't stay on your toes. After the awesome intro of X crashing the hover bike into the reploid guarding the entrance to the factory, you will take control of X. When you do, quickly open fire on the remains of the reploid in front of you before he has a chance to attack. Once he's out of the way, head right (duh) inside the factory. Once you're inside, blow the enemies here into the next world. Soon, you will notice an enemy that will drill itself into the ground, creating a wall that prevents you from going any further. When this happens, simply remove the wall by blasting it until it is destoryed. You will run into 2 more of these up ahead, so just repeat this process and kill the enemy mavericks along the way. Soon after, you will drop down a vertical tunnel. Stay to the right as you're falling to avoid hitting the electrical trash sitting in a pile below, becuase doing so will cause you damage. When you hit the ground, quickly dash foward through this next area, ignoring the flying enemies that pursue you. When you get to the end of this narrow tunnel, climb the ladder at the end and immediately climb the yellow walls on either side of you, because they will be closing in on you fairly quickly. When you emerge from this deathtrap, head forward until you see another long vertical drop. The boss for the intro stage is down there, but before you go down, begin charging up your X-Buster. Once you're fully charged, head down the drop and you will hit a door at the bottom of the tunnel, which will open upon you making contact with it. ****************** BOSS: Huge Reploid ****************** When you first enter the room, you will land on one of many yellow platforms. The boss will then enter the room shortly after. Now first and foremost, do not let this guy's size intimidate you. He is actually the easiest boss in the entire MMX series. Honestly, once you see how quickly he can be defeated, you will burst into laughter, just like I did when I first played this game many years ago. Getting back to the boss, the only place you can inflict damage to him is his head. Since you should already have your X-Buster fully charged, jump and unleash your charged shot at his head. This should knock off about 1/4 of his health right from the getgo. Begin charging up your X-Buster and hit him in the head once again. Rinse. Repeat. Done. See how easy that was? Now, go have yourself a nice laugh, because once you see how difficult the rest of the bosses can be, you won't be laughing for a looooong time. After defeating the intro stage boss, X leaves the factory and you will see a cutscene with the 3 X-Hunters discussing their plans for Zero and X. Password -------- 7821 7232 3151 2646 *You will now be taken to the stage select screen. The first maverick in our order will be Wire Sponge, so select his stage and off we go.... ################################# MAVERICK STAGE 1: Weather Control ################################# Immediately upon entering the level, turn to your left and climb the wall behind you. When you reach the top of this wall, you should enter a small invisible space in the wall, where a Heart Tank is located. When you pick it up, it will increase your energy meter by 2 bars. There is one of these babies in every stage, so keep an eye out on each stage. Not to worry though, because I will of course be telling where to find all 8 of them. Getting back to the stage, head forward out of the room you begin in and you will emerge outside. Continue to the right, blasting the frog enemies you encounter along the way. You will soon find a strange orb object sitting in the middle of the inside of a tree. You can destroy it if you want, but I recommend that you just ignore it, because you really can't do anything useful with it right now since you have no special weapons. Anyway, continue right, desroying any opponents that cross your path, until you reach an area where it begins to rain. When you enter this area, you should see several oscillating platforms in front of you. Jump onto the first platform when it gets low enough. When the platform reaches its maximum height, dash jump to the left and grab onto the tree. From there, proceed to climb up the tree and into an open space where you will find a frog enemy. Put the little green bastard out of its misery. Next, make a big dash jump to the right and grab onto the red pipes that you see to the right. Climb up on top of these red pipes, then swing into the open space in pipes that you're currently standing on and grab the 1-Up in there. Then dash jump out of the space in the pipes to the top of the red pipes on your right side. Kill the frog up there and grab the Sub-Tank. Once you've done this, jump off the right side of these pipes and you will be on the ground once again. Head to right to enter an elevator shaft. When you get the right opportunity, jump onto one of the purple elevators heading up and blast the enemies that attack you on the way up. When you reach the top of the shaft, quickly jump off the elevator on the right side, or you will be killed by the spikes on the ceiling above. Continue to the right and blast your way through the next wave of enemies. The next part of the stage is pretty straightforward so just kill the enemies and proceed to the right. You will soon reach an indoor area not unlike the one that you began this level in. Once you're inside, head forward and climb the ladders. When you get to the top, kill the enemies up there and move to the right until you see a large scorpion enemy blocking the door to the maverick boss. Keep your distance when attacking the scorpion enemy; let him attack, dodge his attack, then jump and attack him. Continue this process until the scorpion is dead. Now you are clear to enter the boss room. Get ready for one hell of a fight! Make sure you have your X-Buster fully charged before you enter the room. ************************** MAVERICK BOSS: Wire Sponge ************************** Alright, our first maverick battle. I found Wire Sponge to be the easiest maverick to defeat with the X-Buster, and most likely, you will, too. When the fight begins, don't realease your charged shot on him just yet, as he may shield himself with his vines, dissipating your shot and making you waste a good charge. If he doesn't shield himself right away, quickly fire your charged shot at him and begin charging you X-Buster again, all the while avoiding the boss and his attacks. Wire Sponge has a few different, yet simple attack styles. He will grapple to the ceiling with his vine and start shooting these spiked plants onto the ground and walls. You will want to destroy these before he detatches from the ceiling so that you will have an easier time attacking him. When you get him down to about half health, he will turn red momentarily and begin firing lightning bolts from the ceiling. While he is doing this, you won't be able to harm him at all, so just keep your distance from him until he finishes this attack. Once he does finish this attack, he will go back to his original fighting style, so just use your previous strategy to defeat him from here. If you don't kill him quick enough, though, he will do the dreaded lightning bolt attack once again, so tyr to take him out ASAP. Overall, Wire Sponge may take you a few tries if you're new to the MMX series, but for people who have previous experience with MM games, this guy shouldn't take too much out of you. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Items Received -------------- 1 Sub Tank 1 Heart Tank Next Maverick ------------- Wheel Gator Password -------- 2888 7236 3151 5446 ############################### MAVERICK STAGE 2: Dinosaur Tank ############################### Upon entering this bizarre stage, head forward and you will see a machine in the ground that will send bird enemies flying toward you. Dodge these birds by jumping over them or dashing under them, and when you get the chance, jump over the machine. It's a waste to try to destroy it because it just takes too long and you will likely take some damage. Afterwards, continue forward and head inside the tank. Blast the enemy in front of you and climb down the ladders that you come to. When you reach the bottom, head right, killing the enemies you encounter, until you come to a vertical drop. Before jumping down, you will notice a gap in the ceiling just above you. If you go up through this gap, you will receive the X-Buster Upgrade from Dr. Light, but right now we don't have the necessary items to reach the top of the gap, so for now jump down the vertical drop and get onto the platform to your left. This platform will move you across the pit of spikes below and to the other side of the room. Once you get off on the other side, continue left and blast the enemies in your way. You will reach another small drop when you get to the end, so go down and head to the right, eliminating the mavericks along the way. When you get to the end of the right side, you will reach yet another vertical drop, so go down and jump into the Ride Armor at the bottom. This bad boy can tear enemies apart instantly. Head to the left and break down the wall using the strength of the Ride Armor. Head down from here and move to the right. You will soon encounter a maverick who is also using Ride Armor. Poser! Show him who the real badass is! Tear a few more enemies apart and head to the right until you reach. Here, sadly, you must give up the Ride Armor >0 in order to climb the ladder. Once you get to the top of the ladder, you will notice a Heart Tank above a wall of spikes. Unfortunately, you cannot get it right now, so we'll have to come back for it later. Head right and jump onto another flying platform which will take you over to the other side. Blast the birds that attack you while riding the platform and get off on the other side. Jump onto another platform that will take you up and blast the enemies that attack you during your ascent. Get off at the first available opening which should be on your left side. Continue up through this area, destroying the mavericks along the way, until you emerge outside of the tank. Head to the right and jump off the side so that you drop down to the bottom of the deck. Grab the power-ups down there and climb back up and head into the first opening in the tank. Head left and drop down, destroying the large reploid blocking the door to the boss. Once he's out of the way head to through the door to the right to face the deadly Wheel Gator himself! ************************** MAVERICK BOSS: Wheel Gator ************************** This is actually a very simple fight, but it can easily become very tedious if you don't stay on top of the boss's movements. Wheel Gator is weak against Wire Sponge's weapon, the Strike Chain, so whip that bad boy out and get ready for a fight! Right when the fight begins, Gator will submerge under the odd red liquid that the bottom of the room is covered in. The key to avoiding this boss's attacks is STAYING ON THE WALL! I cannot stress this enough. If you are staying on the ground, you're a sitting duck and an easy target. Gator will tear you a new six pack of assholes if you sit on the ground, so make sure that you stay on the walls! The only time you should be on the ground is when you are attacking him. Anyway, when Gator goes underwater, immediately head for the right or left wall, I prefer the right wall because that's just me, but do whatever's easier for you. While you're on the wall, Gator will launch a bladed wheel from out of the water which will climb up the wall that you are on. To avoid this attack, simply dash jump off the wall as the wheel is approaching you and swing around to cling back onto the wall just as the wheel passes you. Now, Gator will either launch a second wheel at you, or he will emerge from the water. If he launches a second wheel, use the same strategy for avoiding it as mentioned previously. If he decides to show himself, however, you must immediately seize this opportunity to damage him, because he does not stay above water for very long. As soon as you see him' emerge, quickly jump down from the wall and land in front of him. Hit him with the Strike Chain as many times as possible, but don't fire the weapon too rapidly or it won't work. After a brief period of time, Wheel Gator will re-submerge into the water. At this point, head for another wall and repeat the process described above until he falls. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Items Received -------------- 1 Sub Tank 1 Heart Tank Next Maverick ------------- Overdrive Ostrich Password -------- 2888 7236 3121 5646 *At this point, X will return to the Maverick Hunter Base, where you will see a cutscene in which the X-Hunters contact X and Dr. Cain and inform them of their plan to turn Zero maverick. The only way to prevent this is for X to defeat the X-Hunters and retrieve all 3 of Zero's parts. When you return to the stage select screen, you will see the 3 X-Hunters teleport to different stages throughout the map. There should be one of them at Overdrive Ostrich's level, so select that stage and follow my instructions to find where the X-Hunter is hiding. ############################# MAVERICK STAGE 3: Desert Base ############################# When you enter the stage, head forward and blast the enemy that attacks you as you proceed, jump over the short wall you come to (or destroy it), and equip the Spin Wheel. When you move forward some more, you will encounter a scorpion enemy identical to the one you ran into at Wire Sponge's stage, so fire a Spin Wheel at him to wipe him out with one shot. Now, instead of going down the ladder you see below you, continue to head right some more and you will discover a strange wall which looks like a bunch of blocks cramped together. Stand right in front of this wall and fire a Spin Wheel at it to destroy the wall. This will open a secret path for you, which will lead you to your first X-Hunter battle. Head forward, climb the wall, and proceed through the door at the top of the wall. ********************* X-HUNTER BOSS: Violen ********************* This guy can be a pain in the arse if you let him push you around. It would help to have a full sub-tank for this fight. Begin by firing a fully charged X-Buster shot at him, then begin charging up again, but you will have to take caution to dodge his attacks. His main attacks consist of the following: Violen will either stay on the ground or jump into the air before firing several small yellow bullets at you. These are fairly easy to dodge, because there is always a way around them, and you should be able to find it easily. He also has another gruesome attack which can seriously mess you up if you don't stay on top of him. He will swing a large ball and chain around the room inconsistently, and it can be hard to dodge because you really can't predict when or where he's going to swing it. So all I can tell you is to keep a very close eye on the ball and chain, and do your best to react quickly to avoid it and follow up with a charged X-Buster attack. Continue with this process until Violen is defeated. For beating Violen, you are rewarded with Zero Part No. 2! After the fight, exit the room the same way you entered it and head back outside to that ladder I told you not to go down before. Now you can go down it. Kill the enemies on the way down and descend another ladder. Head forward and you will find a Hover Bike! This part of the level can be fun, depending on how good you are with handling this thing. The controls for it are the same as for when you are controlling Megaman X. The dash button will make you go faster and the fire button can be used to attack your enemies. Now, you must follow my instructions carefully for the Hover Bike section of this stage if you hope to acquire the Heart Tank at the end of the area. First, when you get on the bike, head across the spike pit on the floor and start heading up the ramp, blasting the enemies on the way up. Soon, you will see a long gray wall. Immediately start blasting it as rapidly as possible. Doing so will cause this wall to fall over so that it can be used crossed like a bridge. Jump off this "bridge" and continue forward, killing the enemy bikers in your way. Whenever you see a small ramp sticking out of the ground, make a big dash jump off of it so that you will clear the large sandstorm machine. If you don't jump off one of these ramps, you will crash into the machine and your Hover Bike will be destroyed, and you will have to kill yourself and start this section over again if you want to get the Heart Tank. So, after clearing the sand machine, continue forward until you see another small ramp. This is the hard part. Be warned, this will most definitely take you a few tries before you get it right. Hell, I've beaten this game countless times and it still takes me a lot of tries. Anyway, when you see another small ramp sticking out of the ground, make a HUGE dash jump off of it at the last possible second. If you pulled it off right, you will land on the next cliff. When you land on this cliff, FASTER THAN GREASED LIGHTNING, begin firing radpidly at the short wall sticking out of the ground so that it falls over, creating a short ramp, but DO NOT dash jump off this ramp or you will crash the bike into the wall above it. Now, ride the bike into the interior of the desert base. Once inside, jump over the first gap, then make a big dash jump off the second ramp. You will land into a spike-lined tunnel filled with various power-ups, and the Heart Tank is the last one! Ride the bike to the end of this tunnel and grab the Heart Tank. However, when you do so, you will more than likely destroy the bike and fall into the spikes below, promptly killing yourself. But this is almost unavoidable. Don't worry though, because you will only have to restart from where you first entered the interior of the base on the Hover Bike, so just continue forward until you can drop down. You will find 2 more scorpion enemies up ahead, so dispose of them using the S. Wheel. When you get to big drop, don't go down just yet. Instead, make a dash jump to right and you will see those yellow blocks similar to the ones that we destroyed with the S. Wheel earlier to reach Violen. Do the same thing here with the S. Wheel and go inside to receive the Air Dash Upgrade from Dr. Light. These bad boys allow you to dash in mid-air. Now leave this room, go down the drop, head right, kill the scorpion enemies and enter the door at the end of the path. Once inside, continue to the right and jump onto the large rocket in the center of the room. It will take off, but X will destroy it by firing his X-Buster at a ridiculously high speed, bringing the rocket down into the desert. Soon, the Maverick Boss for this stage will jump onto the screen. ******************************** MAVERICK BOSS: Overdrive Ostrich ******************************** Since we don't have his weakness, we are forced to use the X-Buster against him. This fight really isn't too frustrating if you dash around enough and keep an eye on his movements. His attack pattern is pretty simple. He will chase you across the screen until you jump over him or he hits you. When you get on a hill with the correct position and height, jump over Ostrich and get behind him. From here, blast him with a charged X-Buster attack. Now, he will either begin chasing you again or he will take into the air and fire several blades into the air, which will come back down and drop onto you! These can be very hard to dodge, as you don't know where they're going to fall until about 0.5 seconds before they hit. Do your best to avoid this attack and continue running from him if he chases you again, getting behind him and attacking him whenever you get the chance. If you get too far ahead of him while he's chasing you, he will jump off the screen and you will see him running in the background. When he jumps off the background, MOVE! Keep moving around until he hits the ground, then attack him. If you keep up this strategy, he should admit defeat easily. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Items Received -------------- Air Dash Upgrade Zero Part No. 2 2 Heart Tanks 1 Sub Tank Next Maverick ------------- Bubble Crab Password -------- 7328 7256 3186 5446 ############################### MAVERICK STAGE 4: Deep-Sea Base ############################### Once the stage begins, proceed to heading right and kill the bats along the way. When you reach an area with water, don't jump in yet. You should see a 1-Up encased in a stone barricade to the right. Jump on top of the barricade and fire a Spin Wheel at the blocks which form the ceiling of the barricade. This will destroy the ceiling, making the 1-Up easy pickings. From here, head back out and drop into the underwater area. Be careful when you first enter because you will immediately be assaulted by a large number of small submarine enemies. Blast the ones in your way with charged X-Buster shots and grab the power up on the right ledge. Now head to the left and drop down into a deeper section of this underwater area. Upon entering this next area, you will see a large fish-looking submarine emerge from the left wall. This thing will soon become a huge pain in the ass, and it's not worth the trouble of trying to destroy it. Just ignore the thing for now, and try your best to avoid its attacks. If you continue right, you will notice a large red floor which will open when the fish submarine approaches it. Don't go down there yet, because there is a Heart Tank in this area that we need to get. Dash jump over this large gap in the floor over to the right wall of your current area. Climb up the wall and you should find a health power-up inside a small cave in ate the top of the wall. Now go back outside the small cave, and you should see several oscillating platforms like the ones in Wire Sponge's stage. Dash jump off the right wall and grab onto the leftmost platform. Ride this platform up to its maximum height, jump off, and grab the ledge in the top right corner to reach the Heart Tank for this level. Now you can leave this area and drop down through that large gap in the floor. The next underwater area you enter is very large, but don't worry, because it can be easily navigated through. Simply head all the way to the right, killing those pesky jellyfish enemies along the way, until you reach a door. DO NOT go through this door. Instead, climb up the wall that the door is on, and proceed up through the next few walls until you find the resting place of the large fish submarine (unless you chose to destory it earlier). You can destroy the submarine here, but if its not there, just head up through the ceiling into the next indoor room. Prepare for a fight! ******************** X-HUNTER BOSS: Agile ******************** This fight can be easy or hard depending on how you choose to handle it. The best way to go about this fight is to stay high on a wall while he is atacking so that you have enough space to react defensively to any of his attacks. When the fight begins, immediately head for the left wall. If he charges at you right away, jump off the wall and over him. Kepp switching walls until Agile decides to stand still and use his projectile attacks. These attacks mainly consist of him firing these large arc beams through the air at you. These are easy to dodge, but you must stay at the highest point on a wall in order to effectively avoid them. When he fires one of them at you, quickly drop to the ground and it should fly over your head. This will now make him vulnerbale for a very brief period of time, so unleash a charged X-Buster shot at him, then quickly climb back up to the top of the wall. If he breaks away from the arc beam attack style and begins charging at you once again, simply head for the opposite wall and continue doing this until you are able to attack him again. Like I said before, this fight can be easy or hard, but it will likely be the latter if this is your first time fighting him. However, the strategy described above is very easy to master and you should be able to bring him down in no time. For defeating Agile, you will receive Zero Part No. 3! After this fight is over, the door in the upper right section of the room will open, so go through there and you will end up in a narrow vertical tunnel. You should be able to see the door to the Maverick Boss from your current position, so dispose of the small enemies outside the door and head over to the entrance of the Maverick's lair. ************************** MAVERICK BOSS: Bubble Crab ************************** This is a pretty easy fight because now we have his weakness, which is the Spin Wheel, obtained earlier from Wheel Gator. So equip the S. Wheel and when the fight begins, get as close to Crab as you can without risking getting damaged yourself, and fire a wheel at him. Since the S. Wheel is a close-range weapon, you will have to approach Bubble Crab in order to deal him any real damage with the weapon. Although, since the S. Wheel keeps on spinning for several seconds after you fire, sometimes a single wheel will hit him multiple times for extra damage! I would recommend that you bring a full sub tank to this fight, hopefully you didn't use it during the fight against Agile. But a full sub tank is not really necessary here, it's just a guarantee. You really shouldn't need one, but it pretty much ensures that you will emerge victorious from this fight. Don't worry too much about dodging his attacks, you should mainly be focusing on damaging him. With his weakness, he should fall pretty easily. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Bubble Splash Items Received -------------- 3 Heart Tanks 1 Sub Tank Air Dash Upgrade Zero Part No. 2 Zero Part No. 3 Next Maverick ------------- Flame Stag Password -------- 4328 7356 3486 5643 ############################### MAVERICK STAGE 5: Volcanic Zone ############################### You will begin the stage atop a tall and skinny cliff. Begin by heading right and climbing up the right wall. Keep climbing up this wall as fast as you can and do not stop until you reach the peak. As you are climbing up the wall, you will see a large beetle reploid which will charge at your current position. When you reach the top of the cliff, jump onto the beetle and keeping jumping on top of the beetle. Doing so will cause it to go higher. When you are high enough, jump off and grab onto the ledge in the upper left part of the screen. Pull yourself onto this ledge and head to the left to find a Sub Tank. Now, get off this ledge and head inside the volcano. Go right and down a staircase shaped path of rocks, blasting the enemies clinging to the walls on your way down. When you reach the bottom, charge up your X-Buster and begin climbing up this narrow passage. Soon after you begin your climb, lava will be flowing up after you! So quickly climb up this passage, ignoring the power-ups along the way. On your way up, you will see a Heart Tank enclosed by a wall. Unleash that charged X-Buster shot and destroy the wall with it. Quickly grab the Heart Tank, proceed to the top of the volcano and get the fark outta there! The volcano will erupt just as you make it out. Phew! Now, head to the right to find several rock pillars sticking out of the lava. Jump across these pillars to reach the other side of the lava. Now go forward and proceed into another cave similar to the volcano that you just came out of. Continue to the right and jump across the rock pillars here as well. Mid-way through this lava pit, jump onto a flying platform, which will take you to the other side of the gap. Now, climb up this narrow passageway. Here, you will notice steam vents emanating from the walls on either side of you. When left alone, these things are harmless, but when those foolish flying squirrel enemies pass by them with their flaming tails, they will emit flames! To avoid this, try to kill of the squirrel enemies altogether. If the enemies do ignite a few of those gas vents, just wait until the flames go away, then continue climbing up the passage until you emerge outside once again. Now head down and to the right to reach the Maverick Boss for this level. ************************* MAVERICK BOSS: Flame Stag ************************* This guy's really easy with his weakness, which is the Bubble Splash we acquired previously from Bubble Crab. Equip the Bubble S. and fire away at Flame Stag. Only fire at him once his invincibility from the previous hit has worn off. Keep hitting him with this weapon and he will be unable to attack. By hitting him consistently with the Bubble Splash, you will back him into a wall, so keep firing until he dies. Send him back to fiery chasm from whence he crawled out! lol! Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Bubble Splash Speed Burner Items Received -------------- 4 Heart Tanks 2 Sub Tanks Air Dash Upgrade Zero Part No. 2 Zero Part No. 3 Next Maverick ------------- Morph Moth Password -------- 1488 7356 3488 5543 ################################ MAVERICK STAGE 6: Robot Junkyard ################################ You will begin this stage in an outdoor junkyard. Head to the right and blast the enemies in your way. There is a Heart Tank out here, but we need Crystal Snail's weapon to obtain it, so we'll have to return to this stage later. Continue forward and you will enter the interior of the waste disposal facility. Proceed right, blasting the enemies you encounter, until you run into a fairly high wall that you can easily climb over. Do not climb over the wall yet. Instead, stand about 2 blocks away from this wall and fire a Spin Wheel straight in front of you. If you're in the right position, the wheel will destroy the camouflaged blocks in the ground, revealing a secret passage. You will need to fire a second wheel to get the rest of the blocks out of the way, so do that now. Once all of the blocks are gone, head down this secret passage and go over to the capsule to receive the Armor Upgrade from Dr. Light which allows you to use the almighty Giga Crush attack! Now, climb back out of this passage and continue over that wall. Head right and kill the enemies up ahead. In this area, you will have to dash jump from platform to platform alternating sides of the room to reach the top. Go all the way to the upper leftmost platform to obtain a 1-Up. Now, head right and you will enter a room with lots of junk and garbage in it. A reploid will emerge from the rubble. You must attack the reploid's chest area in order to damage it. After enough damage, the reploid will fall, then the parasite that was controlling it will fly around the room for a brief period of time. Kill this thing immediately. If you take too long to kill it, it will raise another large reploid out of the ground and you will have to fight another one, so kill that little bastard ASAP! Once you're done here, continue to the right and climb up and over the pipes and down the ladder. When the camera switches to the next screen when you start going down the ladder, stop! Look to your right and you should see a shield enemy standing on a ledge with a secret pasage behind him. Destroy this enemy and jump onto the ledge he was standing on. Now continue through this passage and kill the hanging reploid in front of you. Equip the Sonic Slicer and head through the door ahead to fight the final X-Hunter! ********************* X-HUNTER BOSS: Serges ********************* This guy is, in my opinion, the most deadly of the 3 X-Hunters. He has that painful looking spiked-platform, he plants mines on the ground that are a bitch to destroy, he jumps around the room like a crazed lunatic, AND he has a damage-preventing barrier that automatically activates every time you press the fire button on your controller! AAAHHH!!! Now, don't worry, because this guy isn't ridiculously hard since we have his weakness, the Sonic Slicer. The only time you can really damage this guy is when he's airborne because, like I said before, he has that barrier that protects him, but it only works when he's standing on his levitating platform. Luckily, Serges will also spend most of his time in the air. Whenever you see him launch himself into the atmosphere, immediately seize the opportunity and hit him with an S. Slicer. If he plants those mines on the ground, take them out with charged X-Buster shots ASAP. They will become a real pain if you don't deal with them quickly. Obviously, stay away from him when you're on the ground, because he has those 2 spikes on either side of his platform that will mess you up if you're not careful. Repeat the process of hitting him in the air and dodging his attacks as described above and you should walk away from this fight in one piece. For conquering the 3rd and final X-Hunter, you are rewarded with Zero Part No. 1! Now you have all of Zero's parts and can revive him! But not yet, though. You'll see what I mean as you progress throughout the game. But don't think you've seen the last of the X-Hunters, though, because you will have to re-fight all of them in Sigma's Fortress, and they're much tougher than they just were! After you've dealt with Serges, exit the room through the same door you entered, and continue going down the ladder. When you reach the bottom, jump onto the ledge ahead of you, disposing of the dragonfly enemies that you encounter. Jump across all of the following ledges to the right until you reach the other side. Drop down off the last ledge and climb down the ladder at the bottom. Head left, and kill the dragonflies using the Bubble Splash, until you reach another descending ladder. Go down, and head to the right. You will have to fight another one of those annoying large reploids with the parasite in its back. Do the same as before, attack the reploid's chest and blast the parasite when it emerges. Afterwards, continue to the right through the narrow tunnel ahead, fending off the pesky dragonflies with the Bubble S. When you get to the boss door, take out the large reploid in front of it with the Giga Crush you received from Dr. Light and proceed forward. ************************* MAVERICK BOSS: Morph Moth ************************* This guy's a cinch with the Speed Burner (his weakness). Equip the S. Burner at the start of the fight and right when the battle commences, begin firing at him. He will just be hanging from the ceiling like that for the first half of the fight, making him an easy target. When he starts scattering junk around the room, just dash past him to avoid it and continue attacking him. When he dives into the ground, stay on a wall to avoid his junk attack, and wait until he connects to the ceiling once again before you continue your attacks. If he starts sucking in junk towards him, he will do it in a circular motion, so just move in the same direction to avoid this attack. When you get him down to about half health, he will dislodge from the ceiling and break out of his cocoon, revealing his true form. Don't worry though, because now he's bigger and therefore, easier to hit. Simply hit him with 2 or 3 more S. Burners and he's toast (no pun intended). Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Bubble Splash Speed Burner Silk Shot Items Received -------------- 4 Heart Tanks 2 Sub Tanks Air Dash Upgrade Armor Upgrade Zero Part No. 1 Zero Part No. 2 Zero Part No. 3 Next Maverick ------------- Magna Centipede Password -------- 1444 7356 3488 7246 *Now that all the X-Hunters are out of the way (for now), we can backtrack for several items we couldn't get before. ############################################ BACKTRACK STAGE: Dinosaur Tank (Wheel Gator) ############################################ Go back to the area at the beginning of the stage where you saw that first drop, but I told you there was a gap in the ceiling. Well, now you can reach that gap! Climb up onto the right wall, but don't climb too high up. Jump over to the left wall and use either the extra boost from the Giga Crush, or the Strike Chain to grab onto the left wall. Climb up this wall and you will find a capsule which contains Dr. Light's X-Buster Upgrade for X. Once you've gotten this bad boy, drop down from here and go to the room that had that spike lined wall with the Heart Tank sitting on top of it. Now, use a charged up Speed Burner coupled with an Air Dash to reach the top of this wall from the elevated ledge to the right of it. Now exit the stage and head to Bubbe Crab's level. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Bubble Splash Speed Burner Silk Shot Items Received -------------- 5 Heart Tanks 2 Sub Tanks Air Dash Upgrade X-Buster Upgrade Armor Upgrade Zero Part No. 1 Zero Part No. 2 Zero Part No. 3 ############################## BACKTRACK STAGE: Deep-Sea Base ############################## When you enter the level, go to the wide open underwater area with the jellyfish reploids. Head about 1/3 of the way to thr right, and equip the Bubble Splash. Charge up the Bubble S. with your newfound X-Buster Upgrade. Once you charge it, release the button and shield of bubbles will surround you. Since you're underwater and you have this shield on, you will now be able to jump insanely high, so do that and when you hit the surface, jump on the water for a double jump and grab the ledge in the upper left corner of the screen to reach a Sub Tank. Now exit the level and proceed to Magna Centipede's stage. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Bubble Splash Speed Burner Silk Shot Items Received -------------- 5 Heart Tanks 3 Sub Tanks Air Dash Upgrade X-Buster Upgrade Armor Upgrade Zero Part No. 1 Zero Part No. 2 Zero Part No. 3 Password -------- 4444 3357 1488 7246 ################################## MAVERICK STAGE 7: Central Computer ################################## This can be a very challenging stage indeed, as you are soon about to see. When you enter the level, head forward and you will encounter these small flying enemies with blue shields in front of them. Destroy these shields with charged X-Buster shots and then blast the enemies to finish them off. Proceed to the right and you will notice several spotlights. DO NOT touch these spotlights. Doing so will set off an alarm and if you set it off, you won't be able to get the Heart Tank in this level. So move forward, avoiding contact with the spotlights, until you reach an area with an elevated ledge and 2 spotlights in the center of the room. Get through this area without alerting either spotlight and when you get on the other side, you should see a gray box attached to the ceiling to your left. Grab onto this box and climb up the left wall to reach a Heart Tank. Now go back down this passage and continue forward. In the next area, you will encounter these large gray and purple boxes that will move along the floor at you. Try to avoid these, they won't hurt you on contact, but they can easily crush you if you're in the wrong position, resulting in instant death. However, this area is fairly easy to get through unscathed. Simply continue forward, jumping over and between the blocks to avoid them, and destroy the purple ones so you can get through. When you get out of this area, you will notice a passage up in the ceiling. There is a Sub Tank up this passage, so go back left until you reach a raised ledge. From here, stand on the very end of the ledge and chage up the S. Burner. Now jump up, unleash the S. Burner just as you reach the peak of your jump, and then air dash just as the S. Burner wears off. If you did it right, you should grab the right wall of the passage in the ceiling. Climb up and go to the left to reach the Sub Tank. Now go back down and head right. You will soon enter a room with a giant holographic sword mini-boss. Simply use the Giga Crush to take him out with one hit, because he's a pain if you try to fight him any other way. Once he's done, head to the right and you will drop down a passage. You will notice that this vertical passage has spotlights in it, much like the ones we encountered at the beginning of the level. Try your best not to get spotted at all here, you'll see why in a minute. When you hit the bottom of the passage, continue right and you will notice many large blocks will begin to fall from the ceiling. Now, if you didn't get spotted in the passage you just came out of, this area will be very easy to get through if you just keep dashing. However, if you did get spotted, the blocks will fall at twice the speed that they normally would, making it much harder to get through this area unharmed. The blocks don't do too much damage upon impact, though, so that's not what you really have to worry about. What you do have to worry about is the target object that will try to lock onto you. Do not let this target touch you, you'll see what I mean in a minute. When you reach the other side of the falling blocks area, climb up the right wall and head inside the passage. You will encounter another mini-boss. If you were spotted by that targeting object just now, the boss will become stronger for every time you were locked-onto by the target. Hopefully, you didn't get spotted by it at all (you shouldn't have). The boss is very easy to defeat, just jump through those triple shots he fires and dash under him when he jumps over you. Use the Speed Burner against him and he'll admit defeat quickly. Now continue right and head through the chaos that's about to ensue. Jump over the pits and avoid the falling blocks of death and destruction. After all this mayhem, you will reach the door to the boss. ****************************** MAVERICK BOSS: Magna Centipede ****************************** This guy will fall easily with the Silk Shot. Right when the battle commences, dash over to him and hit him with a Slik Shot. Doing so will cause him to lose his tail, which will disable most of his attacks. Now, all he will do is teleport around the room. Fire charged Silk Shots at him wherever he appears. This fight shouldn't cause you any trouble at all. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Bubble Splash Speed Burner Silk Shot Magnet Mine Items Received -------------- 6 Heart Tanks 4 Sub Tanks Air Dash Upgrade X-Buster Upgrade Armor Upgrade Zero Part No. 1 Zero Part No. 2 Zero Part No. 3 Next Maverick ------------- Crystal Snail Password -------- 1454 3357 6488 7526 ################################# MAVERICK STAGE 8: Energen Crystal ################################# When you enter the level, head right, killing the bats along the way. You will soon reach a downward slope, so head down and jump into the Ride Armor at the bottom. Now head back left and jump down into the gap in the slope. Use the Ride Armor's booster to fly over to the ledge at the bottom of the gap. Make sure you have the Giga Crush equipped here. From this ledge, make a huge dash jump to the left, using the Ride Armor's booster to gain more distance. When the booster runs out, press up and jump to eject yourself from the Ride Armor, then fire the Giga Crush, using its extra boost to grab onto the ledge to the left, where you will find a Heart Tank. Now use the flying platform at the top to get back to the other side. Once you're back on the other side, climb up the right wall to get out of the gap. Go back down that diagonal slope and there should be another Ride Armor right where you got the first one. Get indside (yay!) and head forward. Drop down the vertical plunge you reach and you will land on a bed of spikes, which will not harm you since you're in the Ride Armor. Destroy the breakable part of the wall in front of you, get out of the Ride Armor, and go through the empty hole in the wall you just created. Now jump over the gap and you will come to a diagonal slope. Jump inside the small gap in this slope and a large green crystal will fall down the slope. Stay in the hole until the crystal is gone. Now, go back and get your Ride Armor and head to the right. Tear your way through the enemies up ahead until you reach a lot of pruple crystal-blocks. Destroy them all and grab the 1-Up in the pit. Now, sadly, you must abandon the Ride Armor and climb up the right wall. When you reach the top of the wall, equip the Silk Shot and head forward until you encounter a large crystal reploid. Stand right in front of this reploid and fire normal Silk Shots at it until it dies. With the Silk Shot, he should fall in literally seconds. Once he's out of the way, continue right and head down the very long diagonal slope. When you hit the bottom of the slope, quickly climb up and out of there, because a green crystal is right behind you, and it will crush you against the wall if you stick around for too long. Once you head forward, you should see some bat enemies and large gap in the floor. Instead of jumping over, slide down the left wall of this gap until you reach a secret tunnel at the bottom. Go to the left through this tunnel, killing the enemies in there, and you will receive the Helmet Upgrade from Dr. Light. As prompted by the Helmet Upgrade's targeting system, climb up through the secret passage in the ceiling and follow the path to the left to get that 1-Up. Now go back out of this tunnel and climb back up the left wall of the large gap. Now you can jump over the gap. Continue right and up the slopes until you find another large green crystal. When you do find it, immediately start heading back left until you reach a ladder. Climb up this ladder and stay in the small room up there until the crystal passes underneath you. Kill the bats in the room you're in and go back down the ladder. Head back up the slopes, avoid another green crystal (easy) and head through the door to the right which leads to the Maverick. **************************** MAVERICK BOSS: Crystal Snail **************************** This guy can be pretty tricky, even with his weakness. He's very clever and agile, so make sure you stay on top of his every move. Snail is weak against the Magnet Mine, so have that equipped at the start of the fight. Do not use charged MM shots, because they are not as quick and accurate as regular shots, and they use up more weapon energy. Right when the fight begins, quickly fire off a Magnet Mine at Crystal Snail. If he doesn't withdraw into his shell and block it, the MM you fired at him will separte him from his shell. You can move his shell around the room by dashing into it. Kepp doing this while shooting off a MM at Snail whenever you get the chance. But try your best not to let him reunite wit his shell, because he is essentially powerless without it. Weapons Received ---------------- Strike Chain Spin Wheel Sonic Slicer Bubble Splash Speed Burner Silk Shot Magnet Mine Crystal Hunter Items Received -------------- 7 Heart Tanks 4 Sub Tanks Air Dash Upgrade Helmet Upgrade X-Buster Upgrade Armor Upgrade Zero Part No. 1 Zero Part No. 2 Zero Part No. 3 Next Stage ---------- Robot Junkyard (Morph Moth) for backtracking Password -------- 5474 6357 6588 7226 ############################### BACKTRACK STAGE: Robot Junkyard ############################### We have just one more item to pick up before we head off to storm the fortress. At the very beginning of Morph Moth's stage, head forward until you see 2 hanging reploid in mid-air. Kill them both. Now, you should see a reploid holding a shield, standing on an elevated platform. DON'T KILL HIM! Instead, equip the Crystal Hunter weapon we just acquired and fire a shot at him. Doing so will freeze him and make him into an artificial platform. Jump on top of the platform you just created and make a dash jump to the right, aiming to grab onto the ledge in the upper right corner of the screen. When you get up there, grab the 1-Up, the Heart Tank, and exit the stage. Now we have every itme in the game. Well, except one, but you'll see what that is later. Once you exit this level, enter the first X-Hunter stage. Password -------- 6474 6357 6788 7226 ============================================================================== ************* SIGMA'S FORTRESS ************* ************* ============================================== ************* ************* / \ ************* ============= ============= ####################### SIGMA'S FORTESS STAGE 1 ####################### Begin by heading right, killing the enemies along the way, until you reach a drop. Go down and jump onto the flying platform at the bottom. Let the platform take you across the spike pit, and blast the mavericks that attack you during the ride. When you get off the platform, climb up the right wall and continue forward. Continue up through the walls until you reach an ascending ladder. Climb up and you will notice that the walls here are very similar to the ones in the intro stage that closed in on you. In fact, that's exactly what they are. Start climbing up the walls, and go as fast as you can, because you don't have a hell of a lot of time before the walls start closing. When you reach the top, proceed through the level like normal until you come to another set of walls like the one you just came out of. Start climbing up these walls on the right side, then you will have to switch over to the left side. Make this transition quickly so you can continue climbing the walls. Get out at the top and continue with the level. The rest of the stage from here is pretty straightforward. Along the way, you will have to go through 2 more of the closing wall obstacles. By now, you know how to handle them pretty well, so just proceed until you reach the boss door. ****************************** X-HUNTER BOSS: Violen 2nd Form ****************************** This fight is essentially the same as the first time you encountered him. His weakness is the Bubble Splash, so have that equipped before the fight. Charge up the Bubble S. and then release it to surround yourself with a shield of bubbles. Get near Violen for these bubbles to hit him and they will inflict major damage. He will fall pretty quickly, so don't worry about taking any damage from him. This fight should be an easy victory. ######################## SIGMA'S FORTRESS STAGE 2 ######################## This is a very brief stage, but it can be quite difficult due to the large number of spikes present throughout the level. Begin by heading right and dropping down into the water. Continue right, killing the enemies along the way, until you get to a wall. Climb up this wall and head to the right. Blast the enemy mavericks here and drop down into another underwater area. Now, head right, clinging to the flying platforms as they take you across the spikes. When you get to the other side, wait until a flying platform comes down into view, then jump onto it, and it will take you up the spike-lined vertical tunnel. When you get to the top, equip the Crystal Hunter and fire it at the two bat enemies over the spike pit to freeze them and turn them into stepping stones. Use your newly created platforms to cross the spike pit. Now, jump down and blast the enemy in front of the door. Once he's out of the way, head through the door. ****************************** X-HUNTER BOSS: Serges 2nd Form ****************************** When you first enter the boss room, you will see four hovering platforms in the middle of the room. Jump onto them and cross to the right side until Serges appears. You will see that he is in a huge machine. Don't worry because this guy's much easier than he appears. To begin, you must first remove those four cannons from his front side. Use one shot of the Giga Crush to do this, then head for the leftmost platform to avoid getting knocked into the spikes by Serges when he moves forward. Now that the front part of his machine is gone, you can damage him. Jump onto the bottom of his machine (you won't take any damage by doing so) and charge up the Sonic Slicer. Standing underneath Serges himself, release these charged Sonic Slicers so that they fly upward and hit Serges. Repeat this process until Serges is no more. ######################## SIGMA'S FORTRESS STAGE 3 ######################## This stage will soon become a real pain, and you'll see why. At the start of the level, begin by heading right and blasting the enemies along the way. Continue until you reach a ladder that leads you to a room with a flying platform and a vertical shaft. You don't need the platform to get to the top of the shaft, so just dash jump off the left wall to reach the ledge in the upper right corner of the room. Continue up and right until you reach another ladder that will take into a vertical shaft with a flying platform similar to the one you just came out of. Now, you will have to use the flying platform to navigate upward through the shaft, and this can be very annoying, especially if this is your first time on the stage. Begin by jumping onto the platform and jump onto it several times to make it go left. The way the platform works is simple. Every time you jump on it, it will change direction, going in a clockwise motion. So use this strategy to navigate upward through the shaft until you can see a very narrow opening in the ceiling up ahead. If you are high enough, dash jump off the platform and grab onto the upper right wall and pull yourself up and over to reach the top of this shaft. Now you will see 2 bats in the upper left corner of the room. Do not kill them yet. Instead, lure one of them to the right until you see 2 ladders, one heading up and another heading down. You want to reach the upper ladder, so when you've lured the bat directly underneath this ladder, freeze it with the Crystal Hunter to make an artificial stepping stone out of it. Now, use it to reach and climb the ladder above you. Once you get up there, jump up onto the higher ledge and blast the enemy with the shield ahead of you. Before proceeding, you MUST have at least one full sub-tank! You'll see why in a minute. Now go to where the shield enemy was standing before you obliterated his sorry ass, and you will see a lengthy spike-lined pit with a bat enemy hanging over it. When it comes into view, the bat enemy should fly towards you. DO NOT kill the bat! Instead, let it hit you, and immediately use the invincibility period to run across the spike pit until you reach a small area of floor on which you can safely stand. Now you will see 2 large enemies heading toward you. Take a hit from one of them and cross the other half of the spike pit. Climb to the highest platform here and you should see a 1-Up underneath you. Now equip the Speed Burner and charge it up. Air dash to the right, then quickly turn around and use the charged S. Burner to air dash to the left and land on where the 1-Up is located. I know this can be very difficult to achieve, but that's why there's a 1-Up in the area right before you come here, so you may take as many stabds at this as you like. Anywho, once you've gotten the 1-Up, make sure you have full health. If you don't, use a sub-tank to get yourself to full health. Now in order to get the item up ahead, you must have all 8 weapons, all 8 Heart Tanks, all 4 sub-tanks, and a full health meter, which we should have. Once you're ready, slide down the left wall below and you will eventually fall through the left wall and end up in a hidden room with a Dr. Light capsule. Go inside the capsule for a "special surprise." You will now have the ability to attack with a secret move called the Shoryuken, more commonly referred to as the Dragon Punch. To use the Dragon Punch, press forward, down, down-forward, and then the fire button. Also, you can only use the Dragon Punch when you are at full health. Now that we've gotten this badass ability, head to the right and out of the room. Drop down this vertical shaft until you hit the bottom. Equip the Crystal Hunter and continue to the right until you encounter those pesky dragonfly enemies. Use the Crystal Hunter to freeze the little flying turds and use the platforms you create from them to cross to the other side of the spike pit. Once at the other side, enter through the boss door, and hopefully you have full health. ***************************** X-HUNTER BOSS: Agile 2nd Form ***************************** This guy's a joke now that we have the Dragon Punch. You can quickly take him out with one hit, but wait before doing so. Make sure that your punch will completely hit him, because if it only partially hits him, you will fall right into the spike pit and promptly die, so make sure you know what you're doing before you let one fly. If the punch connects correctly, he will go down in one shot, and although you may land on the spikes below, they will not harm you if you have killed Agile already. ######################## SIGMA'S FORTRESS STAGE 4 ######################## This is a very simple stage. All you're doing here is re-fighting all eight of the maverick bosses. Now that you have all of their weaknesses AND the almighty Dragon Punch, these guys should be pushovers. Below is the layout of the teleporting hatches and which ones lead to which mavericks. I have also stated each maverick's weakness below, so you don't have to look back for them: ___________ __________ |___________| |__________| | | | WHEEL | | MORPH MOTH| | GATOR | | -S. Burner| |-Strike C | |___________| |__________| |___________| |__________| ___________ __________ |___________| |__________| | | |OVERDRIVE | |WIRE SPONGE| | OSTRICH | |-S. Slicer | |-Crystal H| |___________| |__________| |___________| |__________| ___________ ___________ ___________ __________ |___________| |___________| |___________| |__________| | | | | | MAGNA | | CRYSTAL | |BUBBLE CRAB| |FLAME STAG | | CENTIPEDE | | SNAIL | |-S. Wheel | | -Bubble S | | -Silk S | |-Magent M | |___________| |___________| |___________| |__________| |___________| |___________| |___________| |__________| Once you've defeated all eight mavericks for the second and final time, the room will begin exploding and you will receive a message from the big man himself, Sigma. After he's done talking, X will warp out of the room and you will be taken back to the stage select screen. ######################## SIGMA'S FORTRESS STAGE 5 ######################## Upon entering this level you should notice that it is exactly the same as the Central Computer stage where you fought Magna Centipede. So just proceed to the right in the same way you did earlier in this stage until you reach the room where you fought the holographic sword. When you reach the room, you will run into Sigma and a black version of X's longtime pal, Zero. Sigma says that it is the real Zero, but just as he finishes his sentence, the real Zero fires 3 shots from offscreen at the black Zero, destroying it upon impact. Zero then enters the room and after some more brief dialogue, Sigma warps out of the room and Zero creates an underground pasage for you which leads to where Sigma is hiding. After the conversation, jump down through this hole and you will eventually hit ground. When you do, Sigma enters the room and the boss fight will commence. Make sure you have the S. Slicer equipped for this battle. ########### BOSS: Sigma ########### I hope you're ready for one hell of a fight and that you have all 4 sub-tanks full, because trust me, you WILL need it! Have the S. Slicer equipped for this fight, or better yet, try to take out Sigma using the Dragon Punch! This can be very hard to do sometimes, through, and it's probably more trouble than it's worth. So anyway, Sigma will be jumping around the room pretty frequently all the while firing a multitude of projectiles at you whenever he stops moving. When Sigma disappears, he is going to appear above and dive into you at a random time, so use a charged S. Slicer to hit him right before he dives into you. When he stands still, dodge his electric attacks by jumping over them using the walls, then counter him with several S. Slicer attacks. When he sarts moving again, concentrate more on avoiding him rather than damaging him, as you'll have your chance to attack him, but he will seriously mess you up if you take too many hits from him. Practice this strategy until you are confident you can beat him, but until then, don't use up any of your sub-tanks unless you think you have a shot at winning. Once he goes down, you will have to fight him one more time. ############### BOSS: Neo Sigma ############### Sigma's final form can be easy or hard depending on your speed and reflexes of dodging sudden attacks from him. His weakness here is the S. Chain, so have that equipped at the start of the fight and immediately proceed to attacking him once the battle starts. He will spew out smaller enemies to help him out. When he does this, quickly destroy these enemies and collect any power-ups they drop, then immediately get back to attacking Sigma. You should be able to hit Sigma fairly rapidly with the S. Chain, so try to inflict as much damage to him as quickly as you can. You will notice that Sigma will change colors the more damage he takes. The final color he will turn before you finish him off is red, so keep that in mind while you're attacking him. Also, when Sigma turns red, he will begin teleporting around the room, trying to reappear at your location. ALWAYS stay on the move while he is teleporting around, because if he reapears around you, you will be trapped inside him and you will continue taking damage the whole time you're inside him. If you do happen to get stuck inside him, quickly begin attacking him with the S. Chain until he dies. Once he falls, he will give his dying words, then X will warp out of the room and make a run for the exit of the building as it goes up in flames. Watch the ending and enjoy! ============================================================================== CONGRATULATIONS!!! You have successfully completed Mega Man X2! ============================================================================== +++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 5: Item Locations +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Armor Upgrade Capsules ---------------------- Air Dash Upgrade: It's in Overdrive Ostrich's stage. You will need the Spin Wheel (Wheel Gator's weapon) to get it. After the long spike pit with the Heart Tank over it, you will come to a vertical drop. Instead of going down, dash jump to the right and land on the ledge. Destroy the blue blocks here using the S. Wheel then go inside for the upgrade. Helmet Upgrade: This is located in Crystal Snail's stage. To get it, go to the area with a huge gap and bats hanging over the ceiling above it. Slide down the left wall of this gap and go inside the tunnel at the bottom. Go all the way to the left of the passage to reach the upgrade. X-Buster Upgrade: Located in Wheel Gator's stage. Once inside the dinosaur tank, head right until you see a gap in the ceiling. It's towards the beginning of the level. Climb up the right wall of this gap, then dash jump off the wall towards the higher part of the left wall, and grab onto the left wall with the S. Chain or the G. Crush. Climb up and you will find the upgrade capsule. Armor Upgrade: It's in Morph Moth's stage. Use the Helmet Upgrade to find a secret spot in the floor. Destroy this spot using the S. Wheel and jump down to reach the upgrade capsule. Sub-Tanks --------- Wire Sponge's Stage: When you reach the area where it rains, you will see several red/purple pipes above. Use the first flying platform here to dash jump over to the left wall, climb up the tree, then jump out of the tree to the right to land on top of the pipes. Stay on the top level of the pipes and continue to the right to reach the sub-tank. Flame Stag's Stage: It's at the beginning of the level. Lure the large beetle enemy to the top of the mountain, then jump on top of the beetle and air dash over to the left ledge. Grab onto the ledge and head to the left to reach the sub-tank. Magna Centipede's Stage: It's up a passage in the ceiling. The gap in the ceiling is located right before the room where you fight the holographic sword mini-boss. Head to the left and jump onto the highest ledge. Use an air dash coupled with a charged up S. Burner to reach the passage in the ceiling. Bubble Crab's Stage: In the open water area, charge up the Bubble S. and you will be able to jump very high. Jump up and double jump on the surface of the water to reach a ledge in the upper left corner where the sub-tank is located. Heart Tanks ----------- Wire Sponge: Right when you begin the level, climb the wall to the left of you and you will fall into a secret space at the top where the Heart Tank is located. Flame Stag: You will see it behind a wall on your way up the erupting volcano. Quickly destroy the wall with a charged X-Buster shot, grab the Heart Tank, then get the fark outta there! Morph Moth: You need the Crystal H. to get this one. Right before you enter the inside of the building, you will see a shield enemy standing on a raised ledge. Attack him with the Crystal H. and you will turn him into an artificial stepping stone, so jump on top of him and dash jump to the right to grab onto the wall. Climb up this wall and head right to get the Heart Tank and a 1-Up. Bubble Crab: It's in the area where you first encounter the large fish submarine enemy. Head all the way to the right and climb up the wall there until you see several flying platforms to your left. Dash jump off the right wall and grab onto the first platform you can reach. Ride it up and jump off to the right to land on a ledge where the Heart Tank is located. Overdrive Ostrich: There are 2 ways you can get this. The easier way requires the X-Buster upgrade as well as the Speed Burner. When you finish the desert area with the Hover Bike, you will see a spike-lined floor ahead, with the Heart Tank at the end of it. Stand at the beginning of this floor and charge up the S. Burner. Then, air dash to the right, and release the charged S. Burner to give yourself some extra distance and you can reach the Heart Tank, though you will have to sacrifice a life to do it. The other way is harder. You must ride the Hover Bike over the spike pit to reach the Heart Tank. I describe how to do this in the walkthrough part of the guide. Wheel Gator: It's in the room right after the part where you have to give up the Ride Armor. Stand on the highest left ledge and charge up the S. Burner. Then, use an air dash coupled with a charged up S. Burner to the left to reach the Heart Tank above the spike lined wall. Magna Centipede: It's up a passage in the ceiling towards the beginning of the level. Don't set off any of the alarms to reach it. When you get to the end of the area with the spotlights, you will see the passage, so grab onto the gray box and climb up the left wall to reach the Heart Tank. Crystal Snail: It's at the beginning of the level. Head forward until you reach the Ride Armor. Get into it and head back left. Drop down through the gap between the 2 slopes, holding left as you fall so you can land onto the ledge on the left at the bottom. Then equip the G. Crush and make a HUGE dash jump to the left, using the Ride Armor's hover ability to gain extra distance. When the Ride Armor begins to fall, quickly eject from it and continue falling to the left. As soon as you get close to the left ledge, use the G. Crush to gain just enough extra air to grab onto the ledge and reach the Heart Tank. The Dragon Punch ---------------- After the first X game blew you away with the awesome Hadouken Fireball secret tecnique, everyone was expecting something similar in X2. Well, this is it, the Shoryuken Dragon Punch. It's located in the 3rd stage of the fortress, and there are several requirements which you must meet before you are able to acquire it. You must possess all 8 Heart Tanks, all 4 Sub-Tanks, all 8 of the Maverick Weapons, and all 4 of the Armor Upgrade Capsules. Once you've met all of these requirements, proceed with the game until you reach the 3rd stage of the X-Hunter Base. Now you will see 2 bats in the upper left corner of the room. Do not kill them yet. Instead, lure one of them to the right until you see 2 ladders, one heading up and another heading down. You want to reach the upper ladder, so when you've lured the bat directly underneath this ladder, freeze it with the Crystal Hunter to make an artificial stepping stone out of it. Now, use it to reach and climb the ladder above you. Once you get up there, jump up onto the higher ledge and blast the enemy with the shield ahead of you. Before proceeding, you MUST have at least one full sub-tank! You'll see why in a minute. Now go to where the shield enemy was standing before you obliterated his sorry ass, and you will see a lengthy spike-lined pit with a bat enemy hanging over it. When it comes into view, the bat enemy should fly towards you. DO NOT kill the bat! Instead, let it hit you, and immediately use the invincibility period to run across the spike pit until you reach a small area of floor on which you can safely stand. Now you will see 2 large enemies heading toward you. Take a hit from one of them and cross the other half of the spike pit. Climb to the highest platform here and you should see a 1-Up underneath you. Now equip the Speed Burner and charge it up. Air dash to the right, then quickly turn around and use the charged S. Burner to air dash to the left and land on where the 1-Up is located. I know this can be very difficult to achieve, but that's why there's a 1-Up in the area right before you come here, so you may take as many stabds at this as you like. Anywho, once you've gotten the 1-Up, make sure you have full health. If you don't, use a sub-tank to get yourself to full health. Now in order to get the item up ahead, you must have all 8 weapons, all 8 Heart Tanks, all 4 sub-tanks, and a full health meter, which we should have. Once you're ready, slide down the left wall below and you will eventually fall through the left wall and end up in a hidden room with a Dr. Light capsule. Go inside the capsule for a "special surprise." You will now have the ability to attack with a secret move called the Shoryuken, more commonly referred to as the Dragon Punch. To use the Dragon Punch, press forward, down, down-forward, and then the fire button. Also, you can only use the Dragon Punch when you are at full health. ++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 6: Boss List ++++++++++++++++++++ ------------ Huge Reploid ------------ When you first enter the room, you will land on one of many yellow platforms. The boss will then enter the room shortly after. Now first and foremost, do not let this guy's size intimidate you. He is actually the easiest boss in the entire MMX series. Honestly, once you see how quickly he can be defeated, you will burst into laughter, just like I did when I first played this game many years ago. Getting back to the boss, the only place you can inflict damage to him is his head. Since you should already have your X-Buster fully charged, jump and unleash your charged shot at his head. This should knock off about 1/4 of his health right from the getgo. Begin charging up your X-Buster and hit him in the head once again. Rinse. Repeat. Done. See how easy that was? ----------- Wire Sponge ----------- Weapon: Strike Chain Weakness: Speed Burner/Sonic Slicer I found Wire Sponge to be the easiest maverick to defeat with the X-Buster, and most likely, you will, too. When the fight begins, don't realease your charged shot on him just yet, as he may shield himself with his vines, dissipating your shot and making you waste a good charge. If he doesn't shield himself right away, quickly fire your charged shot at him and begin charging you X-Buster again, all the while avoiding the boss and his attacks. Wire Sponge has a few different, yet simple attack styles. He will grapple to the ceiling with his vine and start shooting these spiked plants onto the ground and walls. You will want to destroy these before he detatches from the ceiling so that you will have an easier time attacking him. When you get him down to about half health, he will turn red momentarily and begin firing lightning bolts from the ceiling. While he is doing this, you won't be able to harm him at all, so just keep your distance from him until he finishes this attack. Once he does finish this attack, he will go back to his original fighting style, so just use your previous strategy to defeat him from here. If you don't kill him quick enough, though, he will do the dreaded lightning bolt attack once again, so tyr to take him out ASAP. Overall, Wire Sponge may take you a few tries if you're new to the MMX series, but for people who have previous experience with MM games, this guy shouldn't take too much out of you. ----------- Wheel Gator ----------- Weapon: Spin Wheel Weakness: Strike Chain This is actually a very simple fight, but it can easily become very tedious if you don't stay on top of the boss's movements. Wheel Gator is weak against Wire Sponge's weapon, the Strike Chain, so whip that bad boy out and get ready for a fight! Right when the fight begins, Gator will submerge under the odd red liquid that the bottom of the room is covered in. The key to avoiding this boss's attacks is STAYING ON THE WALL! I cannot stress this enough. If you are staying on the ground, you're a sitting duck and an easy target. Gator will tear you a new six pack of assholes if you sit on the ground, so make sure that you stay on the walls! The only time you should be on the ground is when you are attacking him. Anyway, when Gator goes underwater, immediately head for the right or left wall, I prefer the right wall because that's just me, but do whatever's easier for you. While you're on the wall, Gator will launch a bladed wheel from out of the water which will climb up the wall that you are on. To avoid this attack, simply dash jump off the wall as the wheel is approaching you and swing around to cling back onto the wall just as the wheel passes you. Now, Gator will either launch a second wheel at you, or he will emerge from the water. If he launches a second wheel, use the same strategy for avoiding it as mentioned previously. If he decides to show himself, however, you must immediately seize this opportunity to damage him, because he does not stay above water for very long. As soon as you see him' emerge, quickly jump down from the wall and land in front of him. Hit him with the Strike Chain as many times as possible, but don't fire the weapon too rapidly or it won't work. After a brief period of time, Wheel Gator will re-submerge into the water. At this point, head for another wall and repeat the process described above until he falls. ----------------- Overdrive Ostrich ----------------- Weapon: Sonic Slicer Weakness: Crystal Hunter Since we don't have his weakness, we are forced to use the X-Buster against him. This fight really isn't too frustrating if you dash around enough and keep an eye on his movements. His attack pattern is pretty simple. He will chase you across the screen until you jump over him or he hits you. When you get on a hill with the correct position and height, jump over Ostrich and get behind him. From here, blast him with a charged X-Buster attack. Now, he will either begin chasing you again or he will take into the air and fire several blades into the air, which will come back down and drop onto you! These can be very hard to dodge, as you don't know where they're going to fall until about 0.5 seconds before they hit. Do your best to avoid this attack and continue running from him if he chases you again, getting behind him and attacking him whenever you get the chance. If you get too far ahead of him while he's chasing you, he will jump off the screen and you will see him running in the background. When he jumps off the background, MOVE! Keep moving around until he hits the ground, then attack him. If you keep up this strategy, he should admit defeat easily. ----------- Bubble Crab ----------- Weapon: Bubble Splash Weakness: Spin Wheel This is a pretty easy fight because now we have his weakness, which is the Spin Wheel, obtained earlier from Wheel Gator. So equip the S. Wheel and when the fight begins, get as close to Crab as you can without risking getting damaged yourself, and fire a wheel at him. Since the S. Wheel is a close-range weapon, you will have to approach Bubble Crab in order to deal him any real damage with the weapon. Although, since the S. Wheel keeps on spinning for several seconds after you fire, sometimes a single wheel will hit him multiple times for extra damage! I would recommend that you bring a full sub tank to this fight, hopefully you didn't use it during the fight against Agile. But a full sub tank is not really necessary here, it's just a guarantee. You really shouldn't need one, but it pretty much ensures that you will emerge victorious from this fight. Don't worry too much about dodging his attacks, you should mainly be focusing on damaging him. With his weakness, he should fall pretty easily. ---------- Flame Stag ---------- Weapon: Speed Burner Weakness: Bubble Splash This guy's really easy with his weakness, which is the Bubble Splash we acquired previously from Bubble Crab. Equip the Bubble S. and fire away at Flame Stag. Only fire at him once his invincibility from the previous hit has worn off. Keep hitting him with this weapon and he will be unable to attack. By hitting him consistently with the Bubble Splash, you will back him into a wall, so keep firing until he dies. Send him back to fiery chasm from whence he crawled out! lol! ---------- Morph Moth ---------- Weapon: Silk Shot Weakness: Speed Burner This guy's a cinch with the Speed Burner (his weakness). Equip the S. Burner at the start of the fight and right when the battle commences, begin firing at him. He will just be hanging from the ceiling like that for the first half of the fight, making him an easy target. When he starts scattering junk around the room, just dash past him to avoid it and continue attacking him. When he dives into the ground, stay on a wall to avoid his junk attack, and wait until he connects to the ceiling once again before you continue your attacks. If he starts sucking in junk towards him, he will do it in a circular motion, so just move in the same direction to avoid this attack. When you get him down to about half health, he will dislodge from the ceiling and break out of his cocoon, revealing his true form. Don't worry though, because now he's bigger and therefore, easier to hit. Simply hit him with 2 or 3 more S. Burners and he's toast (no pun intended...well, maybe). --------------- Magna Centipede --------------- Weapon: Magnet Mine Weakness: Silk Shot This guy will fall easily with the Silk Shot. Right when the battle commences, dash over to him and hit him with a Slik Shot. Doing so will cause him to lose his tail, which will disable most of his attacks. Now, all he will do is teleport around the room. Fire charged Silk Shots at him wherever he appears. This fight shouldn't cause you any trouble at all. ------------- Crystal Snail ------------- Weapon: Crystal Hunter Weakness: Magnet Mine This guy can be pretty tricky, even with his weakness. He's very clever and agile, so make sure you stay on top of his every move. Snail is weak against the Magnet Mine, so have that equipped at the start of the fight. Do not use charged MM shots, because they are not as quick and accurate as regular shots, and they use up more weapon energy. Right when the fight begins, quickly fire off a Magnet Mine at Crystal Snail. If he doesn't withdraw into his shell and block it, the MM you fired at him will separte him from his shell. You can move his shell around the room by dashing into it. Kepp doing this while shooting off a MM at Snail whenever you get the chance. But try your best not to let him reunite wit his shell, because he is essentially powerless without it. ---------------- Violen, 1st Form ---------------- Weakness: Bubble Splash This guy can be a pain in the arse if you let him push you around. It would help to have a full sub-tank for this fight. Begin by firing a fully charged X-Buster shot at him, then begin charging up again, but you will have to take caution to dodge his attacks. His main attacks consist of the following: Violen will either stay on the ground or jump into the air before firing several small yellow bullets at you. These are fairly easy to dodge, because there is always a way around them, and you should be able to find it easily. He also has another gruesome attack which can seriously mess you up if you don't stay on top of him. He will swing a large ball and chain around the room inconsistently, and it can be hard to dodge because you really can't predict when or where he's going to swing it. So all I can tell you is to keep a very close eye on the ball and chain, and do your best to react quickly to avoid it and follow up with a charged X-Buster attack. Continue with this process until Violen is defeated. For beating Violen, you are rewarded with Zero Part No. 2! --------------- Agile, 1st Form --------------- Weakness: Magnet Mine This fight can be easy or hard depending on how you choose to handle it. The best way to go about this fight is to stay high on a wall while he is atacking so that you have enough space to react defensively to any of his attacks. When the fight begins, immediately head for the left wall. If he charges at you right away, jump off the wall and over him. Kepp switching walls until Agile decides to stand still and use his projectile attacks. These attacks mainly consist of him firing these large arc beams through the air at you. These are easy to dodge, but you must stay at the highest point on a wall in order to effectively avoid them. When he fires one of them at you, quickly drop to the ground and it should fly over your head. This will now make him vulnerbale for a very brief period of time, so unleash a charged X-Buster shot at him, then quickly climb back up to the top of the wall. If he breaks away from the arc beam attack style and begins charging at you once again, simply head for the opposite wall and continue doing this until you are able to attack him again. Like I said before, this fight can be easy or hard, but it will likely be the latter if this is your first time fighting him. However, the strategy described above is very easy to master and you should be able to bring him down in no time. For defeating Agile, you will receive Zero Part No. 3! ---------------- Serges, 1st Form ---------------- Weakness: Sonic Slicer This guy is, in my opinion, the most deadly of the 3 X-Hunters. He has that painful looking spiked-platform, he plants mines on the ground that are a bitch to destroy, he jumps around the room like a crazed lunatic, AND he has a damage-preventing barrier that automatically activates every time you press the fire button on your controller! AAAHHH!!! Now, don't worry, because this guy isn't ridiculously hard since we have his weakness, the Sonic Slicer. The only time you can really damage this guy is when he's airborne because, like I said before, he has that barrier that protects him, but it only works when he's standing on his levitating platform. Luckily, Serges will also spend most of his time in the air. Whenever you see him launch himself into the atmosphere, immediately seize the opportunity and hit him with an S. Slicer. If he plants those mines on the ground, take them out with charged X-Buster shots ASAP. They will become a real pain if you don't deal with them quickly. Obviously, stay away from him when you're on the ground, because he has those 2 spikes on either side of his platform that will mess you up if you're not careful. Repeat the process of hitting him in the air and dodging his attacks as described above and you should walk away from this fight in one piece. For conquering the 3rd and final X-Hunter, you are rewarded with Zero Part No. 1! ---------------- Violen, 2nd Form ---------------- Weakness: Bubble Splash This fight is essentially the same as the first time you encountered him. His weakness is the Bubble Splash, so have that equipped before the fight. Charge up the Bubble S. and then release it to surround yourself with a shield of bubbles. Get near Violen for these bubbles to hit him and they will inflict major damage. He will fall pretty quickly, so don't worry about taking any damage from him. This fight should be an easy victory. ---------------- Serges, 2nd Form ---------------- Weakness: Sonic Slicer When you first enter the boss room, you will see four hovering platforms in the middle of the room. Jump onto them and cross to the right side until Serges appears. You will see that he is in a huge machine. Don't worry because this guy's much easier than he appears. To begin, you must first remove those four cannons from his front side. Use one shot of the Giga Crush to do this, then head for the leftmost platform to avoid getting knocked into the spikes by Serges when he moves forward. Now that the front part of his machine is gone, you can damage him. Jump onto the bottom of his machine (you won't take any damage by doing so) and charge up the Sonic Slicer. Standing underneath Serges himself, release these charged Sonic Slicers so that they fly upward and hit Serges. Repeat this process until Serges is no more. --------------- Agile, 2nd Form --------------- Weakness: Magnet Mine This guy's a joke now that we have the Dragon Punch. You can quickly take him out with one hit, but wait before doing so. Make sure that your punch will completely hit him, because if it only partially hits him, you will fall right into the spike pit and promptly die, so make sure you know what you're doing before you let one fly. If the punch connects correctly, he will go down in one shot, and although you may land on the spikes below, they will not harm you if you have killed Agile already. ---- Zero ---- Weakness: None (Use charged X-Buster shots) You will have to fight this guy if you didn't collect all 3 of his parts. He can be quite a challenge, too. He will attack quickly and with a lot of strength. There really is no accurate strategy for defeating him, so all I will tell you is use the walls and attack him with charged X-Buster shots. He will probably take you several tries before you beat him. ----- Sigma ----- Weakness: Sonic Slicer I hope you're ready for one hell of a fight and that you have all 4 sub-tanks full, because trust me, you WILL need it! Have the S. Slicer equipped for this fight, or better yet, try to take out Sigma using the Dragon Punch! This can be very hard to do sometimes, through, and it's probably more trouble than it's worth. So anyway, Sigma will be jumping around the room pretty frequently all the while firing a multitude of projectiles at you whenever he stops moving. When Sigma disappears, he is going to appear above and dive into you at a random time, so use a charged S. Slicer to hit him right before he dives into you. When he stands still, dodge his electric attacks by jumping over them using the walls, then counter him with several S. Slicer attacks. When he sarts moving again, concentrate more on avoiding him rather than damaging him, as you'll have your chance to attack him, but he will seriously mess you up if you take too many hits from him. Practice this strategy until you are confident you can beat him, but until then, don't use up any of your sub-tanks unless you think you have a shot at winning. Once he goes down, you will have to fight him one more time. --------- Neo Sigma --------- Weakness: Srike Chain Sigma's final form can be easy or hard depending on your speed and reflexes of dodging sudden attacks from him. His weakness here is the S. Chain, so have that equipped at the start of the fight and immediately proceed to attacking him once the battle starts. He will spew out smaller enemies to help him out. When he does this, quickly destroy these enemies and collect any power-ups they drop, then immediately get back to attacking Sigma. You should be able to hit Sigma fairly rapidly with the S. Chain, so try to inflict as much damage to him as quickly as you can. You will notice that Sigma will change colors the more damage he takes. The final color he will turn before you finish him off is red, so keep that in mind while you're attacking him. Also, when Sigma turns red, he will begin teleporting around the room, trying to reappear at your location. ALWAYS stay on the move while he is teleporting around, because if he reapears around you, you will be trapped inside him and you will continue taking damage the whole time you're inside him. If you do happen to get stuck inside him, quickly begin attacking him with the S. Chain until he dies. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 7: Super Passwords ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ All of the following passwords will start you at the indicated stages, with all 8 Heart Tanks, all 4 Sub Tanks, and all 4 Armor Upgrades: Intro Stage Completed --------------------- 8127-6337-6356-5226 Wire Sponge Beaten ------------------ 8124-6337-6356-5526 Wheel Gator Beaten ------------------ 8124-6337-6326-5226 Overdrive Ostrich and Violen Beaten ----------------------------------- 8424-6357-6386-5526 Bubble Crab and Agile Beaten ---------------------------- 6424-6357-6686-5223 Flame Stag Beaten ----------------- 6424-6357-6688-5523 Morph Moth and Serges Beaten ---------------------------- 6444-6357-6688-7226 Magna Centipede Beaten ---------------------- 6474-6357-6688-7526 Crystal Snail Beaten (Sigma's Fortress Unlocked) ------------------------------------------------ 6474-6357-6788-7226 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 8: Credits and Thanks +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of the following people who helped make this guide a success: -God for everything! -Capcom for making such an awesome game! -HumanVegetableOnline for giving me someone to dedicate this guide to! -Neil Peart, whose phenominal literture has helped me through the toughest emotional problems of my life, as well as inspiring me to write! -GameFAQs for posting this guide (hopefully)! -Me for writing this guide! -You for reading my guide! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ SECTION 10:Contact Information ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The follwing information can be used to contact me. If you would like to make a contribution to this FAQ, you can simply send me an e-mail or IM. If you would like to post this guide on your website, you may not do so without my permission. If you send me an e-mail asking me to post the guide on your site, I will be more than happy to let you. Just please contact me first! E-Mail: DesertEagle97531@yahoo.com (preferred) or mikeg415@hotmail.com AIM: DesertEagle415AE Well, I hope you had as much fun reading this FAQ as I did typing it. I hope this guide has helped improve your skills at Mega Man X2. Remember to contact me before posting this guide on your site. The only website that may use this guide as of now is GameFAQs. I really hope you enjoyed reading my FAQ, and I look forward to hearing some good suggestions to improve this guide. Thank you for taking the time to read my FAQ and have fun playing Mega Man X2! Copyright 2006 by Michael A. Gagliano