Rockman X4 (Capcom) for the PC 29 January 2004 This document Copyright 2004 xyqyx ============ Introduction ============ This guide is written by me (xyqyx) and it covers every little detail of the game. This entire guide is filled with spoilers. If you have anything to tell me, please contact me at Please take note that all mails will not be replied (unless it is a very special case). All the questions will be answered in future updates. Updates will take at most one month. This is to make sure that you will read the guide without having me to reply to the same question repeatedly. If you see no updates, that means that the question that you are asking is in the FAQ and you should read that part again. Send all your comments to me, good or bad. This document should only be found in If it is found anywhere else, please contact me. The contents of this FAQ might be similar with other FAQs/guides/walkthrough/etc. on the internet. This is because I have read through them before I started writing mine. In no way have I copied/edited/expanded/etc. other people's work to become mine. I apologize for any inconvenience that I may have caused. ============= Game Controls ============= After you have seen a movie showing X and Zero, you will be prompt to press start or enter. There will be three options available: Game Start - Starts the game. - You can choose to be X or Zero. Continue - Load from the game you have just quit. - Load a game from the data block. - There is only 2 data block and each data block can only save 3 files. Options - Button Config. - Set your keys that are used to play. - You can set your keys for keyboard, game pad or a SideWinder game pad. - X-Buster, Z-Saber (Your primary weapon). - Jump - Dash (Can also be executed by pressing forward twice). - Giga Attack (X's Nova Strike or Zero's Rakuhouha). - Special Moves (Used to fire X's special techniques or execute Zero's learned move). - Weapon Select R/L (Used to select X's special techniques without going through the menu). - Direction Buttons (Buttons to move around in the game). - Game level - Set the difficulty level of the game. - There are 2 difficulty levels, which are easy and normal. - Music - Also known as sound test. - There are 32 different songs taken from the game. ============ In-Game Menu ============ In the menu you can enter the Options Menu. You can also escape from a stage that you have already completed. Press TAB while you are in the menu to quit the game. =========== Walkthrough =========== I will describe the walkthrough with X and Zero alternately. Sky Lagoon Area 1 For X, you will start by watching a movie between Sigma and the General. Sigma is trying to manipulate the General in attacking the humans. The General refuse to betray the humans. Sigma left with confidence that the General will change his mind. For Zero, you will see his dream about the past. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HUNTER H.Q. "Mavericks have been found at point 5567! The Mavericks occupied the Sky Lagoon using the most advanced weapons available! The army appears to be the Repliforce!" X "Roger that. I'm on my way now!" HUNTER H.Q. "Mavericks emerged at the point 5567! They've occupied Sky Lagoon! This looks like Repliforce's doing!" ZERO "Repliforce? ...OK. I'm on my way." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Start out by just moving to your right and take down any enemies in your way. You will see a robot dragon flying after moving to a place with some 'doors'. You do not need to kill this sub-boss. The fastest way is to jump over all the 'doors' and destroy the last one. If you want to kill the sub-boss, you may do so. The dragon has a few attacks. The first one is swiping its claw to destroy the 'doors'. The second attack is by slamming its claw down to the ground. You can avoid both attacks by keeping a good distance before it swipes the claw down. Once the claw is down, fire away. If you are cornered at the end, it may fire 2 shots towards the ground. Just climb the 'door' to avoid it. You cannot attack it while it is doing this attack. After going through the biggest 'door', the entire place looks like it is going to explode. Just keep moving on until you meet Magma Dragoon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "You're Dragoon from the 14th unit!" DRAGOON "This isn't good, X! That Maverick just destroyed the power reactor!" X "What?! Then the Sky Lagoon will... come crashing into the ground!" DRAGOON "It's too late, X! It's time I made my escape. I suggest you do the same... Don't do anything reckless on the way out, okay?" (Dragoon flies away) X "The city below will soon become a sea of flames. Many people will perish... I have no choice but to escape from here and head to the city below!" ZERO "Dragoon!? You're in the 14th unit. Why...?" DRAGOON "This doesn't look good, Zero! That Maverick took out the power!" ZERO "What! Then the Sky Lagoon will... come crashing into the ground!" DRAGOON "Yes... And destroy the entire city." ZERO "We have to do something! DRAGOON "It's too late. I must escape now. You'd best do the same Zero..." (Dragoon flies away) ZERO "Damn! If the Sky Lagoon falls... it will be disastrous! There's no time... I'm going down!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Area 2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "...Wha?! The city has been completely destroyed. They were innocent people... I won't forget this!" ZERO "The carnage... It's... horrible... Those Mavericks will pay for this!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are places where blocks of stones come falling down. Manoeuvre around them and destroy the blocks of stones before it comes smashing down. Near the end of the stage, there will be a part of the ground that will fall together with you. Once you reach the bottom, there is a large energy capsule and an extra life below. Get them and quickly climb up the wall before it crushes you. You can jump off the ground before it falls thus saving you time but you will not get the items below. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZERO "Iris! What are you doing here? Are you OK!?" IRIS "Zero... Did you come to save me?" ZERO "Yes. Hang on!" IRIS "A huge Maverick appeared and..." ZERO "Stay here Iris. I'll handle it!" ZERO "Is this really one of Repliforce's? I don't have a moment to spare! I have to defeat him or else..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After that, you will then face the robot dragon. It has a few attacks. One of them is firing 3 shots at you. Manoeuvre around it or just take the damage and hit its head. Once in a while, it will fly to the other side. Dash under it if it is flying to low. The second attack that it has is by firing many shots on the ground towards you. Jump over to the left just before it reaches you. If you get close to it, its claw will slash you. Just keep a distance from it and you will be safe. If you have not killed it, it will fly to the other side and repeat its attack. After defeating it, Colonel will arrive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "...Who are you?" COLONEL "I'm the Colonel of the Repliforce." X "Has the Repliforce been occupying this area?" COLONEL "What are you talking about!? I only came to save my sister. The army responsible for all the violence in this region is not the Repliforce!" X "Nevertheless, I want you to disarm and follow me back to H.Q." COLONEL "Never! You're asking my soldiers to drop their weapons? The only time we drop our weapons is when we aren't able to fight any longer!" X "But you will be regarded as a Maverick and treated as such." COLONEL "Do as you will! The Repliforce would sooner fight and die than discard our pride! Consider us Mavericks if this is what you wish!" X "Wait! Calm down Colonel!" (Colonel leaves the scene) X "What the...! Something's got to give. Otherwise the entire Repliforce will be considered to be Mavericks!" COLONEL "Zero! Long time no see!!" ZERO "Colonel... What are you doing here?" COLONEL "I've come to save my sister Iris. I only hope she's okay..." ZERO "She's fine! I just rescued her." COLONEL "Oh? Thanks Zero! I owe you one..." ZERO "...Colonel. I have a question for you. ...Did your unit attack this place?" COLONEL "What are you talking about? Repliforce came here for help. We weren't involved in the attack!" ZERO "They suspect you've become a Maverick." COLONEL "What!?" ZERO "Disarm and come with me to the H.Q." COLONEL "I'm afraid I can't. Soldiers never drop their weapons! I won't do it, not even for you Zero!" ZERO "Then they'll think you're a Maverick!" COLONEL "So be it! The Repliforce prefers war over dishonor and shame! Good bye, Zero!" ZERO "Wait! Colonel! Listen to me!" (Colonel leaves the scene) ZERO "Damn! This isn't good Colonel! They may decide the entire Repliforce is a group of Mavericks!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* You will watch a movie about Reploids trying to create their own nation. After the movie, you will be back in H.Q. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "...Who are you?" DOUBLE "Call me Double, the rookie hunter. My liege, the Repliforce has begun it's coup!" X "...Wait! ...Colonel, you're jumping to conclusions here!" DOUBLE "Sir, you've been given the order to scramble!" X "Right. I'm leaving right now!" ZERO "Iris ...What are you doing here?" IRIS "My brother Colonel started to coup!" ZERO "I know..." IRIS "Please don't fight against him! This must be some kind of mistake!" ZERO "They've occupied several cities already. As a hunter, I must stop them!" IRIS "Zero..." ZERO "I must go now!" Jungle - Infiltrate enemy-occupied jungle and destroy the weapon under construction. Cyber Space - A bug has corrupted the network. Dive into cyberspace and exterminate it. Air Force - The Repliforce ship has taken off. Pursue and blast it out of the air. Volcano - Dragoon of the 14th unit is a traitor. Locate and bring him back to hunter H.Q. Marine Base - Repliforce decimated the city and left. Pursue them aboard a Land Chaser. Bio. Lab - The abandoned lab is now operational. Investigate and destroy the lab. Military Train - A military train is moving supplies. Cut off Repliforce's supply route. Snow Base - We've discovered a hidden snow base. Halt production of their new weapon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Choose the stage that you want to play. I am not going to say which stage is the easiest because it all depends on your skill in playing the game and the special techniques that you have. The order that I've listed below has no particular order in which is the easiest. ******************************************************************************* Jungle Boss: Web Spider (He protects the secret weapon of the jungle) Area 1 You will start out at the top left of the screen. Just jump down and keep moving forward. After you see enemies that stick on the wall and a spike spinning back and forth on the ground, do not go down any further. Instead, go to the right of the screen to receive the boot module, X's armor. If you have problems finding it, be on a platform that has a waterfall in the background. Then, move to the right and the screen will show the secret cave. Zero can enter the cave and get nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. LIGHT "This battle should never have happened, X... Why must Reploids fight each other? Why do these peace keepers persist in fighting each other? This must be some sort of mistake... X, enter this capsule. Equip with this to discover the truth. Equip with this boot module and jump twice in the air to hover. You can move either left or right and will remain airborne for a few moments. It is effective for negotiating through higher and more dangerous terrain. Stop this tragic war as soon as possible, X." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Step on the capsule to receive the boot module. The boot module allows you to hover on air by pressing the jump button twice. You can hover for around 5 seconds if you do not move or 2 seconds if you move left or right. The boot module also gives you the ability to dash on air. Just press the dash button while you are on air. The boot module lets you jump a little bit higher. After receiving the boot module, get out of the cave and continue. The spinning spike can be stop by hitting it but it cannot be destroyed. You will then reach a place with wooden logs coming down. Just climb and jump on them to get over with this place. Climb the stairs and move up. You can fire at the enemies while you are on the stairs. Once you have reached the top, go right and destroy the door to proceed. Area 2 Go forward and you will find new enemies. The web that shoots a thread of web cannot be destroyed. Instead, destroy the spiders on the web. Further up, there will be snakes dropping from above the trees just dash past this area and jump down before they fall. Destroy a pod that produces bees to stop more from coming out. Climb down some stairs and you will find a medium energy capsule for you to take. In this area there are red coloured tree barks that can be burned with Rising Fire or Ryuenjin (Magma Dragoon). Burn the second red coloured tree bark to get a heart tank. Burn the third tree bark to get over this area faster. Get the large energy capsule and go on. At the end of the area, you will meet Web Spider. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPIDER "You've labeled us all as Mavericks! I won't let you pass. Turn back now!" SPIDER "Ah... Zero. I've been expecting you." ZERO "Spider! You work for Repliforce?!" SPIDER "Yes... I lead a renegade unit now." ZERO "There's still time, call of the coup!" SPIDER "No. I know where my loyalties lie." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without special techniques Web Spider will start by hanging on a thread of web. He will shoot out a web that will follow you. To evade this attack, be at the bottom of Web Spider. When he shoots out the web, do a dash and jump over it. Try to minimize damage instead of attacking. If you get stuck in the web, most likely Web Spider will damage you again. After damaging half of his life bar, a big web will be formed for him to move on. He will shoot out 4 small spiders that will move on the floor and climb up the wall. After that, he will do the web attack twice before he shoots his spiders again. Try to minimize damage as much as possible. You will win him in time. With special techniques If you have Nova Strike, use it on him and continue attacking. Plasma shots works well on destroying his mini spiders. If you receive enough damage, do Nova Strike again. Kuuenbu and Kuuenzan (Split Mushroom) works perfectly on him. Use your E-tanks if you really need them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got Lightning Web "Fires a spider net charged with electricity. Can be used to attack, wall jump or double jump." You learned Raijingeki "S.M. button on the ground. Lightning attack. Effective against distant enemies." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lightning Web can be used as a wall to climb higher places that is not reachable. Use Lightning Web to get the EX-tank (Snow Base Area 1) and is also effective against Split Mushroom (Bio Laboratory). If you dash on it and dash away, the web will disappear. The charged up Lightning Web makes a web like Web Spider's web. It can attack enemies but it cannot be used to climb. The Lightning Web will last for two seconds and the charged up version last for 4 seconds. You can shoot 12 Lightning Web or 4 charged up Lightning Web. Each charged up Lightning Web takes away 3 Lightning Web. Raijingeki is a lightning sword. Raijingeki can be used against Magma Dragoon (Volcano), the sub-boss and Split Mushroom (Bio Laboratory). It can last for around 1 second. ******************************************************************************* Cyber Space Boss: Cyber Peacock (He lives in cyberspace and wants to destroy the network system) Area 1 Race time! You have to race against time to the end of the section. The time starts right after you have been locked on. The main obstacles are those yellow orbs that will suck you in if you touched them. Avoid them at all costs. If you have Soul Body/Kuuenzan (Split Mushroom), you can use it to dissipate the yellow orbs, thus saving time. There is not much that I can help you in this area. You must be skilful in jumping, dashing, timing, and using your Soul Body/Kuuenzan wisely. You can shoot the orbs a few times to make it change its direction. So, if you have Plasma shots, use them. The boot module (Jungle Area 1) is very useful here. Do not climb any stairs in this area. Instead climb the walls and do a lot of air dash to get to the end. There are 3 ranks to show how you have faired in that area. Rank S will take you to the next section and give you an item. Rank A will only bring you to the next section while Rank B makes you repeat that section again. The rank for the first section will lower after 15 seconds and will lower down to Rank B after another 15 seconds. So, you only have 30 seconds to complete the first section. You will get a heart tank for X or an extra life for Zero if you finish in Rank S. The second section will lower your rank in 18 seconds and will lower again in another 18 seconds. You have 36 seconds to complete the second section. An E-tank for X or a heart tank for Zero will be given if you get Rank S. The third section takes 35 seconds to lower your rank for the first time and another 50 seconds to lower your rank again. So, you have 1 minute and 25 seconds to complete this section. Getting a Rank S will give you the head module for X or an E-tank for Zero. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. LIGHT "I'm giving you a new head module, X. This module will improve your special weapons ability. It should reduce your special weapon energy requirements to near zero. You may now use your special weapons as often as you want. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The head module gives you the ability to use your special weapons unlimitedly. If you charge up your special weapon with the arm module, the head module will have no effect. The head module has no effect on the body module (Nova Strike). Area 2 Just move forward. It is that simple. There are a few switches that will turn the entire place upside down. If you do not know which one to turn on, step on all of them. The switches allow a ball to roll over to break some floors for you to continue on. At the end of Area 2, you will meet Cyber Peacock. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEACOCK "His potential... is limitless?! ...not possible." X "Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?" PEACOCK "I was ordered to test your abilities. It's quite simple." X "What!?" PEACOCK "Prepare yourself!" PEACOCK "I'm impressed you made it this far! But you can't beat me! Get ready!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without special techniques Just be either in the left or right corner. When you think he is about to appear, dash to the opposite side and attack him as soon as he appears. When he uses the 'homing feathers' attack, dash to the opposite direction and jump over the feather. This is similar in avoiding Web Spider's web attack. Try to minimize damage when he is using the 'homing feathers' attack. With special techniques If you have Soul Body (Split Mushroom), use it on him and he will dissipate. Do not use the charged up Soul Body on Cyber Peacock. Ryuenjin (Magma Dragoon) will help you win this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got Aiming Laser "Move the cursor to lock onto enemies. Attacks the enemy with the aiming laser." You learned Rakuhouha "Giga attack button on the ground. The ultimate special attack that channels all stored energy into one blast. Use this move selectively as it consumes energy." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Aiming laser ensures that you will hit an enemy. Although the hit is ensured, the attack power is low. You can aim at most 3 enemies at any given time. Aiming Laser is effective against Storm Owl. The charge up version creates a beam that can be aimed by you. This charged up version will last for 4 seconds. You can fire your Aiming Laser 48 times or 4 charged up Aiming Laser. Each charged up Aiming Laser takes away 12 Aiming Laser. Rakuhouha charges your energy and send them into 9 different directions. It is used against Storm Owl (Air Force). You can use it to defend yourself as you are invincible when you use it. Rakuhouha will charge if you are damaged. You can use Rakuhouha 4 times. ******************************************************************************* Air Force Boss: Storm Owl (He left with a space fortress to conquer the air) Area 1 You will get the Eagle Armor after moving forward a bit. The Eagle Armor can fly by pressing the jump button twice. Once you are on air, you can fly as long as you like. You can even move left and right. Press jump again to cancel the flight. While on air, the altitude cannot be changed. You can shoot like normal and if you charge up your weapon, 3 homing shots will be fired. While you are charging on the ground, you cannot move, but if you charge on air, you still can move like normal. If the Eagle Armor starts to blink, jump out of the armor. The blinking indicates that the armor is going to explode and you cannot fire. Press up and jump to get off the armor. After getting the Eagle Armor, there will be two stairs. On top of the stairs, there is a medium energy capsule. After getting the medium energy capsule, do a dash and get the heart tank on a platform that is going to be destroyed by a big laser. If you lost the Eagle Armor, do a dash jump to get over places that has been destroyed by the lasers. Go on until Area 2. Area 2 Destroy all the doors and the enemy that shoots out big lasers. Ignore the ladders ahead as it leads you to nowhere. Stand on the moving platform to travel pass a place that is full of spikes. Once you reach the other side, jump and shoot a Lightning Web (Web Spider) beside the spikes. Climb on it and jump again to the wall above. Having the boot module will help. The arm module capsules will not be here if you are using Dark X. It will take some tries before you succeed. There are 2 arm modules for you to choose from. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. LIGHT (Multiple shots arm module) "You can charge up to four blasts at a time with this arm module. It takes a while to charge, but you can fire a charged shot at any time you so wish with it. This arm module is also changeable. Enter this capsule to change parts." DR. LIGHT (Plasma shot arm module) "With this arm part, you can fire the Plasma Shot which is effective against stronger enemies. If the shot hits the opponent, plasma is generated which will cause additional damage to the enemy. This arm module is also changeable. Enter this capsule to change parts." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The arm module is a good upgrade. If you choose the multiple shots arm module, you can charge up 4 charged shots and fire at anytime. These shots are weaker than the normal shots. The time taken to charge up all 4 shots will be the same even if you still have some charge shots left. If Nova Strike is being executed, all the shots that are charged will be gone. The Plasma shot arm module leaves some plasma behind after making contact with the enemy. The plasma will attack anything that touches it (except you). Both arm modules enables you to charge up any of your special weapon to become more powerful. After receiving the arm module, there will be a sub-boss to face. The battle begins with the laser-shooting enemies coming in and out to shoot. Your target is the 'eye' on the right side of the room. The 'eye' opens and closes every 2 seconds. Be in the middle of the room and charge up your Plasma shot or Ryuenjin (Magma Dragoon) if you have it. Fire at the eye when it opens. If those laser-shooting enemies bug you, just destroy them before they fire. The strategy is just to jump and shoot. Climb the stairs and you will find a large energy capsule. Then, you will face Storm Owl. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OWL "How dare you destroy my unit! You'll pay for this with your life!" OWL "Why do you judge us as Mavericks!?" ZERO "Wait! Stop the coup!" OWL "No. We're just justified in doing this!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without special techniques Attack him at every chance you get. When he fires his 3-way laser, be in between the lasers to avoid it. You can destroy the laser by shooting a charged up shot but you can't slash it without Tenkuuha. When he shoots a single cyclone, dash away from it. If he shoots 4 homing cyclones, just dash away just as they come towards you. If he creates 3 tornadoes, dash away just after it has formed for half a second. When he is very very low on life, he will be in the middle of the stage and shoot out cyclones in 4 directions that will follow your movement. Storm Owl is not easy without any special techniques. With special techniques Just use Aiming Laser/Rakuhouha (Cyber Peacock). He will go down quickly. Nova Strike him if he shoots 4 homing cyclones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got Double Cyclone "Fires vacuum cyclones left and right. Most effective when surrounded by the enemies and skyborne enemies." You learned Tenkuuha "Enhanced Z saber! You can cut enemy energy shots with your saber." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Double Cyclone shoots two cyclones that look like Storm Owl's Cyclone to the left and right. The charge up Double Cyclone shoots two tornadoes to the left and right. You can shoot 48 Double Cyclone or 4 charged up Double Cyclone. Each charged up Double Cyclone takes away 12 Double Cyclone. Tenkuuha will make your saber change from green to purple. It can be used to slash some enemies' shots. ******************************************************************************* Volcano Boss: Magma Dragoon (He betrayed the irregular hunters and hid himself inside a volcano) Area 1 Start by just dashing forward. There is a lava rock behind so you should not stop dashing. After getting the medium energy capsule, you will be jumping over a series of holes with lava rocks flying up and down. Make sure they do not hit you because it will stun you and you will go down the hole and die. There will also be fire 'leaping' over the ground. Just be in the middle of its starting and ending point to avoid it. Once you reach an upward slope, cling onto the walls on the left. Wait until all the lava rocks go before you continue. Repeat until you reach the top. You can also ignore the lava rocks as they deal little damage to you. Destroy the door at the end and proceed to Area 2. Area 2 Jump from platforms to platforms and make it quick. The lava rocks below will start to weaken the platforms. 2 hits from it and the platform will be gone. Get the medium energy capsule. Move to the highest platform and shoot a Lightning Web (Web Spider) or Kuuenbu (Split Mushroom)/Hienkyaku (Jet Stingray) to your left. Cling onto it and jump to the left to get a heart tank. You can jump on the platform without any techniques. Get the ridden armor further in the level. The armor can dash and jump like normal. Its weapon is a blade on the tip of its hand. Press twice to make the blade do a slice. You can also do the slice attack while jumping. Charge its weapon to do a dash attack. To get off the armor, press up and jump. Jump up and get off the armor right after you have gotten the armor to reach a higher platform. Charge up your Twin Slasher (Slash Beast) by having an arm module (Air Force) to break the wall apart. Inside there, you will receive the Nova Armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. LIGHT "Equip with this new body module, X. This body part absorbs damage inflicted by enemies and will gradually accumulate within. When it is filled to capacity with energy you can execute the invincible Nova Strike. However, a single use will consume all your energy stores, so use it only to pull through tight situations." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the body module, you can do an invincible air dashing attack (Nova Strike) that will destroy anything in its path. It takes the whole weapon bar. It can be recharge by being damaged or getting weapon capsules. Go back to the ridden armor and continue moving forward. When you reach a dead end, do not jump up to the higher platform. Instead, destroy the rocks below with the armor's weapon. The armor can move on the lava. At the end, you will meet Magma Dragoon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAGOON "X... You've arrived." X "Dragoon! Why did you betray the H.Q.!?" DRAGOON "Heh... You'll have to defeat me first." X "But... We're allies!" DRAGOON "...You're so naive. ...Listen closely. I let the Sky Lagoon fall! And I'd do it again! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" X "No! Those were innocent people! You're not Dragoon! Just a Maverick!" DRAGOON "You got that right! Power up X! It's time you showed me what you can do!" DRAGOON "Zero... It's really you!" ZERO "Why did you betray us?!" DRAGOON "........." ZERO "Answer me, Dragoon!" DRAGOON "I have no answer for you my friend." ZERO "Dragoon!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With ridden armor Just slice him until he dies. Do your best not to lose the armor. Without special techniques Cling onto the right wall as soon as possible. Charge up your X-buster and be on the highest point of the wall. When ever you think the time is right, fire your charged up X-buster on Magma Dragoon. If he fills the corner with a blast of lava or does the fire punch towards you, jump away from the wall and quickly climb back on the wall when you have the chance. When he does the lava shower attack, just take the damage or avoid it if you think you have the skill to do so. With special techniques Double Cyclone (Storm Owl) works wonders on Magma Dragoon. Just hit until he dies. Use Plasma shots if you do not have Double Cyclone. Nova Strike him when you get the chance. Raijingeki (Web Spider) is supposed to work well on him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DRAGOON "...You... are... strong... X..." X "Such a waste... Why Dragoon?" DRAGOON "...Always... wanted... to fight... you. ...Then ...he ...appeared ...and" X "He appeared? Who?!" DRAGOON "told me to work for Repliforce. To goad you into fighting..." X "You did it just so you could fight me?" DRAGOON "...was worth it... for a final duel..." X "Dragoon!!!" You got Rising Fire "Shoots fire energy vertically. Effective against all airborne enemies. Some objects may be burned by this attack as well." DRAGOON "...I ...wanted defeat... you... ...Then ..he ...appeared..." ZERO "He? Who!?" DRAGOON "...He ...told me... he'd give me power. only if I worked... for Repliforce..." ZERO "...What!?" DRAGOON "I couldn't... refuse the offer... Sorry Zero..." ZERO "...Dragoon!!!" You learned Ryuenjin "Up + S.M. button on the ground. A powerful attack that burns enemies with flames. Some objects might be burned by this technique." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rising Fire is a ball of fire shot from X's arm going upwards. It is used to burn in Jungle Area 2, Snow Base Area 1 to get a heart tank and Sigma's first form. Rising Fire also can be used against Frost Walrus. The charged up Rising Fire is having X doing an upward punch before releasing the fire from his hand. You can fire 16 Rising Fire or 4 charged up Rising Fire. Each charged up Rising Fire takes away 4 Rising Fire. Ryuenjin is an uppercut done by Zero with flames on his saber. It is used to get a heart tank in Jungle Area 1, Cyber Peacock (Cyber Space), sub-boss (Air Force), sub-boss (Military Train), heart tank, sub-boss and Frost Walrus (Snow Base), Iris (Final Weapon) and Sigma's First Form (Final Weapon). ******************************************************************************* Marine Base Boss: Jet Stingray (He destroyed the city and escaped to the sea) Area 1 You will start out on a Land Chaser. The Land Chaser cannot charge up its weapon and you cannot jump out from it until you are facing Jet Stingray. The Land Chaser can dash which will attack an enemy. If you dash on air, it will be airborne for a second. Press up or down to make it move a little bit. Area 1 of this stage is easy. Do not jump on the third hole on the ground. Instead, just let it go normally and you will get a heart tank. Jump, dash and attack until you reach Area 2. Area 2 You will still start with the Land Chaser. Nothing that is new here. Do the dash attack when you see Jet Stingray. When you see two blocks and two land mines, jump right after the upward slope and do a jump before dashing on the next platform. There will be an E-tank on another higher platform. Press up or down to control your altitude a little. You will automatically jump off the Land Chaser at the end. Get the large energy capsule and meet Jet Stingray. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STINGRAY "I'm impressed that you found me... But your search is over. Get ready X!" STINGRAY "Argh! He's still after me! Enough already. We settle this now!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without special techniques Climb on the wall and fire away with your charge shot. This should destroy his Ground Hunter all together. Zero will be harder as you need to slash him when he is coming down. Jump over him when he dashes towards you. When he is absorbing everything, dash away from him. This attack will still work on you even if you are on the wall above the water. You can avoid his dash attack but being at the topmost corner. You can be just below him too when he does the dash attack. Once half of his life bar is gone, he will send red coloured Ground Hunters. These are homing and it is quite difficult to avoid. He will also do an attack by dashing down and then dash up wherever you are. Just dash away before he attacks. Just do not let too many Ground Hunters to be on the floor and you should be able to win. With special techniques Just use Frost Tower (Frost Walrus). Do not use the charged up version. Use it when you think he is going to dash towards you. If you have the head module (Cyber Space Area 1), this battle will be easy as you keep using Frost Tower. Hyouretsuzan (Frost Walrus) will take him down easily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got Ground Hunter "Fires mini Stingray drones that race across the ground. Effective against enemies on walls and floors. Push Down while the Stingray drones are flying to command them to fall." You learned Hienkyaku "Dash button while jumping. May be executed in the air." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Ground Hunter that you fire is similar to Jet Stingray's Ground Hunter. These are useful against Slash Beast. They will scout on the ground until they reach a wall. If you fire them on air, you can command them to go down to the ground by pressing the down button. The charged up version is an 'energy' Ground Hunter shooting forward. You can fire 48 Ground Hunter or 8 charged up Ground Hunter. Each charged up Ground Hunter takes away 6 Ground Hunter. Hienkyaku just allows you to dash on air. Quite useful sometimes to dodge attacks. You cannot perform Kuuenbu (Split Mushroom) after doing Hienkyaku and vice versa. ******************************************************************************* Bio Laboratory Boss: Split Mushroom (He occupies the laboratory and will attack whoever visits there) Area 1 Climb up this spiral stair until you reach the teleporter at the end. In the next section, move until the end. In the third section, climb up the stairs. You will meet an enemy that grows on the wall. You can shoot it, but it will regenerate in 4 seconds. Climb further and a platform will close. Choose the left path and you will face two of those regenerating enemies. Choose the right path and you will meet two hovering enemies. Either way, the platform will close again after you have past that section. Cling on the platforms and climb up the stairs. Do not dash in this section, as the spikes will kill you instantly. The platform will close again and there will be two enemies from both sides tunnelling through the wall. Dash when needed. Stay on the stairs and wait for the time before you go on. Continue to the next screen and you will meet the sub-boss. Just fire with your charged shots or Plasma shots/Raijingeki (Web Spider) when it comes ramming up the platforms. Make sure you have enough platforms to stand on. Area 2 Climb the spiral stairs again until you reach the teleporter at the end. In the next section, you will see a heart tank on the top. Climb up the falling platform and cling on the right side of the wall before climbing up to reach the heart tank. You can also do a jump that is followed by a Nova Strike to reach the heart tank. Kuuenbu if you cannot reach it. Continue on to the next section and you will be on a rising platform. The enemies will come out from the left and right side or the wall. Use Rising Fire/Ryuenjin (Magma Dragoon) to have an easier time. You cannot climb on the wall in this section until the platform stops moving. Get the medium energy capsule and medium weapon capsule at the top before meeting with Split Mushroom. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSHROOM "Are you X? I'm under orders to terminate you." X "What?! Who's orders?" MUSHROOM "Take a wild guess." MUSHROOM "You made it this far. I'm impressed! You interested in a real challenge?" ZERO "Who's your commanding officer?" MUSHROOM "Never mind that, it's time to fight!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without special techniques Split Mushroom will start by clinging on the right wall while generating Soul Bodies. Climb on the left wall and fire away. Zero has to slash him at close range. When the Soul Bodies attack you. Do your best to avoid them. He will create a duplicate of himself. The real Split Mushroom is the one that is not blinking. Fire at it until he dies. Avoiding his attacks is hard but it can be done. With special techniques Use Lightning Web/Raijingeki (Web Spider) on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got Soul Body "Accumulates energy and generates an illusion. Enemies will sustain damage if struck by the soul energy. Requires high energy expenditures however and will eventually dissipate in time or if it sustains heavy damage." You learned Kuuenbu "With the correct timing, higher and further jumps are possible while airborne. Kuuenzan may be activated while attacking in the air." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Soul Body that you fire will be close to you. This energy can attack enemies and it is useful to destroy the yellow orbs in Cyber Space Area 1 to get the head module and it is also used against Cyber Peacock. This energy will follow your movement. The charged up version creates an exact duplicate of you. You will be frozen but your duplicate can move around and fires his X-buster like normal. The duplicate cannot charge up his weapons and cannot use any special techniques that you have. It also does not have any modules that you have received. The duplicate can go past your point of view but the screen will never move until it is over. The duplicate will only disappear when the time ends. This means that you can walk on spikes with it. Soul Body will never trigger an event like getting a module or fighting a boss. Each Soul Body last for 3 seconds and the charged up version last for 4 seconds. You can fire 8 Soul Body or 4 charged up Soul Body. Each charged up Soul Body takes away 2 Soul Body. Kuuenbu is a double jump. It comes with Kuuenzan. Kuuenzan is a stronger attack than your ordinary slashes. You will probably use this technique the most throughout the game. You cannot perform Hienkyaku (Jet Stingray) after doing Kuuenbu and vice versa. ******************************************************************************* Military Train Boss: Slash Beast (He defends the military train to protect the supply of goods) Area 1 Just go until the end of the train firing any enemies on the way. When a robot comes and throws a bomb on to the train, just jump over. When you meet the sub-boss at the end, fire with your charged shots from a safe distant. Plasma shots work well here. Only the spike at the tip of the bar will hurt you. Slash or Ryuenjin it with Zero. Area 2 Go forward like Area 1. In the middle of the train there is a ridden armor. The armor can dash and jump like normal. Its weapon is a blade on the tip of its hand. Press twice to make the blade do a slice. You can also do the slice attack while jumping. Charge its weapon to do a dash attack. To get off the armor, press up and jump. Go on and you will see a heart tank on the path. Get it and get off the armor once you reach the end of the train. The train will stop. Get off and move through the tracks to get to another train. At the end, you will meet Slash Beast. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEAST "Challenging my unit was both foolish and reckless! You are nothing more than my prey... One that is soon to be retired!" BEAST "You dared to attack my unit?! I'm gonna enjoy fighting you!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without special techniques Similar to Jet Stingray, cling on the wall and fire away. Jump and dash when needed to avoid his attacks. Slash him quick and avoid him if he is going to attack. With special techniques Use Ground Hunter (Jet Stingray) on him and he will go down easily. Zero will still have to slash him normally. Hopefully you have Kuuenbu/Kuuenzan (Split Mushroom) and Hienkyaku (Jet Stingray) to help you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got Twin Slasher "Shoots Twin Slashers forward in two directions. This weapon has wide range capabilities making it easier to hit enemies." You learned Shippuuga "S.M. button while dashing. You can execute a powerful dash blade attack. Approach your enemy with Sippuuga and perform a combo!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When you fire your Twin Slasher, 2 slashes will come out from your arm with one going up and the other one going down. This weapon is not really strong and is used to get the body module (Volcano Area 2). The charged up version just create a wider spread of Twin Slasher. You can fire 48 Twin Slasher or 8 charged up Twin Slasher. Each charged up Twin Slasher takes away 6 Twin Slasher. Use Shippuuga when you are dashing to slice enemies in front of you. Your dash will instantly stop when you use it. Shippuuga is used against Sigma's third form. ******************************************************************************* Snow Base Boss: Frost Walrus (He protects the secret weapon which lies inside the snow base) Area 1 If you climb up on the wall to your left and dash over to the other side, you will find medium energy capsules, medium weapon capsules and a life. This is the best place to refill your E-tanks and W-tank. To get to the higher level of the ground, you can either jump and do a Nova Strike or use a Lightning Web (Web Spider). Kuuenbu (Split Mushroom) to get to the higher platform. Back at the starting point, move forward. You will notice some ice blocks appearing and disappearing every 5 seconds. You will die if you are at the point where the ice blocks reform. There is an ice block above you after you have climbed up the first stair. Use Rising Fire/Ryuenjin (Magma Dragoon) and a heart tank will fall from above. Once you get past this section, you will be in a place with ice blocks appearing and disappearing. Time yourself properly before jumping. There is an extra life on the left side. Continue right while jumping over some spikes. You will be tested in your jumping and dashing skills again. On the slopes, keep doing dash jumps and you will get over this place quickly. Make sure you do not make many mistakes, as the slope will begin to disappear in time. Once you cannot go right any further, do not go down left. Instead, climb the wall on the right to the top. Fire a Lightning Web (Web Spider) or Kuuenbu (Split Mushroom) and cling on it before clinging on a higher level of ground to get the EX-tank. Go down and continue with the slopes. At the end of the slopes, go on the platform on the left instead of going down. You will find a large energy capsule. Continue on to find many ice platforms coming up. Manoeuvre yourself to go down and go right to meet a sub-boss. Just shoot at it and avoid it the spikes above. Ryuenjin (Magma Dragoon) will make this battle end faster, or else you just have to slash it. If it is dashing towards you, just shoot at it to make it stop. When all the spikes on top are gone, it will change into a star shape and bang around the screen, shoot it a few times and it will change back to normal. Plasma shots works well here. Repeat the process and head on to Area 2. Area 2 There is a W-tank on the top of this stage after destroying some ice blocks. You should not have trouble finding it. If you do have problems, break every block of ice in this stage and you will find it. On the second section of Area 2, there is a bird that makes the entire screen covered in ice. Kill it if you do not want this to happen. It will make the ceilings cover with spikes and making the floor slippery. At the end, you will meet Frost Walrus. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WALRUS "They sent a kid like you after me? I promise to end this quickly..." WALRUS "What's that blonde kid up to?! I don't have time for you junior!" ZERO "Hey! Shut up and fight already!" WALRUS "Oh... That does it, you're goin' down!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Without special techniques Charge, shoot/slash, climb and jump over him until Frost Walrus dies. If he starts firing ice from his back, be ready to avoid some ice spikes from the air. If he is breathing ice breath and forms a block of ice, avoid it and destroy all the spikes that come out. When he crashes towards the wall, you will lose your grip on the wall. With special techniques Although Rising Fire (Magma Dragoon) is Frost Walrus's weakness, you should stick with Plasma shots to make this battle end faster. This battle will be easier with the boot module (Jungle Area 1). Ryuenjin should be used in this battle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You got Frost Tower "Generates a huge ice block that acts as a shield. May also be used to trap enemies before dissipating." You learned Hyouretsuzan "Down + S.M. button while jumping. A dive attack. Effective against surface enemies." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frost Tower creates a block of ice surrounding you. This weapon is good against Jet Stingray. You can use Frost Tower on air. The block of ice will come down after you use it on air. The charged up version will create a big ice block coming down followed by 2 ice blocks and then it will be followed by 3 ice blocks and ending it with 4 ice blocks coming down. Frost Tower will last for 3 seconds before disappearing. You can use Frost Tower 16 times or 4 charged up Frost Tower. Each charged up Frost Tower will take away 4 Frost Tower. Hyouretsuzan is an ice attack that can only be done on air. It is used against Jet Stingray (Marine Base) and Colonel. You can move slightly to the left or right when doing it. ******************************************************************************* Memorial Hall Boss: Colonel After defeating any of the 4 Mavericks, you will meet the Colonel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE "Sir, it's a message from the Colonel!" COLONEL "X! I'll wait for you at Memorial Hall. Make sure you show up on time." DOUBLE "Sir, this must be a trap!" X "...Perhaps. But I won't run this time!" IRIS "I've got a message from Repliforce..." COLONEL "Zero! I'll be at the Memorial Hall! Be there!" IRIS "Don't go Zero! Don't fight him!" ZERO "This is a matter of personal pride now. There's no avoiding this... I must go." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Move forward to face Colonel. Zero will only see a movie that shows them both fighting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "Colonel! Stop this foolishness now!" COLONEL "...Never!" X "Colonel, please! Think this over!" COLONEL "The Repliforce must be independent! Our battle will determine this!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this battle, you should have 4 special techniques. X-buster works best here. If you have Nova Strike, use it. The boot module (Jungle Area 1) works best here too. Hover on air when Colonel disappears. He should reappear right below you but he cannot harm you. When he uses the 3 slashes attack, you can hover to avoid all of them. If you do not have the boot module, jump when you think he is going to appear. When he does the 3 slashes attack, dash under the first, jump over the second and dash under third while shooting him at the same time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLONEL "Impressive! But the result won't be the same next time. Until then..." X "Colonel!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After this battle, you will continue fighting the remaining 4 Mavericks. ******************************************************************************* Space Port Boss: Colonel After defeating 8 Mavericks, you will go to the Space Port to stop the take off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE "The Repliforce has begun assembling!" X "Where are they?" DOUBLE "The space port! They plan to take off into space!" X "Hurry! We have to stop the Colonel!" IRIS "Repliforce is at the space harbor..." ZERO "I have to go." IRIS "No! ...Please wait Zero! I don't want to see you two fight..." ZERO "Someone has to stop your brother. I'm leaving..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This stage is easy. Just go until the end to meet Colonel. Before you enter the first door, there is a large energy capsule on the top left corner. It is hidden behind the wall. Just climb the wall on the left to the top to find it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "Colonel, step back!" COLONEL "I'll stop anyone who tries to interfere with our independence!" X "Enough of this! It's only an illusion!" COLONEL "...You hunters will never be able to understand us! Get ready, X!" ZERO "I don't want to fight. Step back." COLONEL "I'm sorry. I can't let you through..." ZERO "Iris will be sad if she loses you..." COLONEL "Don't be so presumptuous Zero! Save it until after you've defeated me!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should have all the special techniques by now. Even so, X-buster still works better than any weapons that you have. Jump and dash like the first match against him. Zero should use Hyouretsuzan on him. His slashes are faster and he has a new attack. He will summon a bolt of lightning onto his sword. The ground will be filled with electricity and then it will shoot up. Jump in between the electricity and minimize damage. Attack only if you think you are safe. You can climb up the wall to avoid his slash attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLONEL "...Impressive... But... it's too late!" X "What?" COLONEL "The Repliforce... already left for space! ...I'm beaten... but the Repliforce will never perish! The Reploids' nation will be born in the vastness of space!" X "Colonel!!!" COLONEL "...Impressive Zero! But it's too late!" ZERO "What!?" COLONEL "Repliforce has left for the space! Even if I perish, Repliforce lives." ZERO "...Colonel." COLONEL "...Zero. Tell Iris that her brother died happily! ...Good bye Zero!" ZERO "Colonel!!!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* Final Weapon Part 1 Boss: Double/Iris, General ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOUBLE "Repliforce has flown off into space..." X "...Double, watch the ship for me. I'll go after them!" DOUBLE "Sir! Reconsider what you are doing, it's far too dangerous!" X "We don't have any other option! I'm leaving you in charge here, Double!" HUNTER H.Q. "They've left for outer space! Scramble all Maverick Hunters!" ZERO "Iris? Where are you? Iris! She left with them? No!!" HUNTER H.Q. "Maverick Hunters! Scramble!" ZERO "I'm on my way! Don't do this to me Iris..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refill your tanks before going to the Final Weapon. You will see a movie about Double who becomes evil. Zero will just go on with the stage. Go ahead on the first section of the stage and you will meet Double/Iris soon. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "Double! What... Why are you here!?" DOUBLE "...Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha ha ha! The Mavericks, Hunters and Repliforce... Idiots, all of them. They're making my job to easy!" X "...W... What are you talking about? Double, what are you saying?!" DOUBLE "Think it over in heaven! Die, X!" ZERO "Iris!" IRIS "So you fought with my brother..." ZERO "I'm sorry..." IRIS "Then it's over. Everything..." ZERO "Wait Iris! Listen to me!" IRIS "Good bye Zero..." ZERO "Iris!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The battle with Double is easy if you know what you are doing. He will be jumping up and slamming himself to the wall. Just climb up the wall and you will be safe as he cannot reach higher than half of the wall. If he shoots out 'bubbles', just be as close as possible to him and dash away before it touches you. Once his life is low, he will start shooting out 2 crest shape beam. Dash under the first one and climb up the wall quickly to avoid the second beam. Only charged up shots work on him. Double Cyclone works here but it will make some bird-like machine shoot at you. Just stick to the first strategy. Zero should just Ryuenjin and Kuuenzan the robot until the diamond appears. Destroy those bombs that comes out from Iris every time you attack it. When Iris charges its laser beam, cling yourself to the wall and attack the bombs that comes near you. It will be harder to avoid if the diamond is there to shoot you too. Just be in the centre of the stage and cling to the wall before Iris shoots. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "Double!" DOUBLE "...Damn! ...How could I lose to a weakling like you... X "Double, tell me! Why did you do this?" DOUBLE "...Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha! You're so naive, X! I was sent as a spy from the very beginning to keep an eye on you!" X "...Double! I... I trusted you!" DOUBLE "Ha ha ha ha! That naiveness may be your fatal flaw! Good bye, X! See you in the after life!" X "Double!!" (Zero will watch a movie on Iris's death) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Continue on until you reach a door. Go through the door and you will be subjected to go through a lot of spikes. Use Lightning Web or Kuuenbu to get through this area. If you choose to fall down before the door. You will have to jump and dash a lot. You will get an Eagle Armor at the middle of this path. Just be careful not to fall down at this path. At the end, General will be waiting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X "General! What are you planning to do? GENERAL "...We're going to build a nation for the Reploids. That's our ultimate goal. We'll fight anyone who tries to interfere with our independence." X "There must be alternatives to this mindless fighting!" GENERAL "...We were called Mavericks without justifiable reason. What other choice did we have than to fight?" X "...But..." GENERAL "It's too late now! Get ready, X!" ZERO "General! Many died because of you! Those lives are on your conscience!" GENERAL "Independence always has a high price..." ZERO "What about Iris?! Did you forget her?" GENERAL "I have no regrets. Come on, Zero!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General has a variety of attacks. The most common used attack is the 'hand attack'. He will shoot out his hands depending on how high you are and fires some shots towards you. Make sure he shoots out his hands at the highest point. Then, attack him when you are near. Another 'attack' is moving around the stage. Just cling onto the wall to be safe. If you are underneath him when he is doing this, he will slam himself to do ground. Avoid by dashing away. The 'diamond shot' attack will be used if his life is low. Cling on the wall and position yourself to avoid his attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X ".. what? What happened!?" GENERAL "...It can't be... This weapon must be malfunctioning..." X "General! What do you mean?" GENERAL "Someone else is controlling it! ...You must hurry X. The earth is... in danger!" X "Alright. I'll stop the weapon myself!" ZERO "What is this!? What happened!?" GENERAL "No! This weapon can't be working..." ZERO "General! What's wrong?" GENERAL "Someone else is controlling it!" ZERO "Then... Earth's in grave danger! It must be stopped! I'll handle this..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* Final Weapon Part 2 Boss: All the previous bosses and Sigma in three forms Refill your tanks as this will be your last chance. You will have to fight all the 8 Mavericks before confronting Sigma. Use the strategy above and you should win. Continue on to meet Sigma. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGMA "This is amusing... It really is X... X "You're... Sigma!" SIGMA "Hee hee hee. My plan to keep Repliforce and the Maverick Hunters at each others' throats worked perfectly! ...Double did a good job as a spy!" X "Why you...!" SIGMA "Hee hee hee. Repliforce are the fools this time! Now all that's left is to destroy Earth with the very weapon they made." X "No! I'll never let you do that!" SIGMA "Try hard X. Your life depends on it!" SIGMA "Hee hee hee. Good work, Zero!" ZERO "You're... Sigma! ...So it was you!" SIGMA "Hee hee hee. Yes! Simply brilliant! You even defeated Colonel and Iris!" ZERO "...You made me do it!" SIGMA "No. You wanted to destroy them! Allow me to remind you that I was once the leader of the Maverick Hunters..." (A movie showing Sigma as a Maverick Hunter leader against Zero) SIGMA "Zero! You were a Maverick?!" ZERO "What's your point?! Are you that surprised?" SIGMA "Ah... Zero! You're most impressive!" ZERO "Sigma... I will defeat you!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first form is easy. Use Rising Fire/Ryuenjin on him twice. Then, climb to the topmost corner of the wall to avoid his attack. Repeat until his second form appears. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGMA "Hee hee hee. You are very good, X! But not for long. You won't be able to evade this attack!" SIGMA "I've been waiting for you Zero! It's time for us to settle this!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a bit harder than the first form. He will throw his scythe first. Avoid it easily. The second time he throws, the scythe will follow you and determine his next attack. If it touches the ground, he will create four homing boomerangs to attack you. Hard to avoid but it is possible. You should let the scythe hit the wall. It will electrify that wall and Sigma will shoot lasers on the ground. Use this chance to attack him. Repeat until the third form. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGMA "Ha ha ha ha ha! Feel my incredible power! Drown in the empty vastness of space!" SIGMA "Ha ha ha! You're finished Zero! Iris is waiting for you!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is a medium energy capsule for you to use. Sigma's third form has more attacks. The three heads has different attacks. The blue head shoots ice breath towards the ground. Avoid it by clinging to something or be on top of it. The red head spits fire towards you. Jump to the topmost corner and fall down after he has spit twice. The yellow head shoots electric shots at you. Hard to avoid. It is easier to destroy them then to avoid their attacks. Your real target is Sigma, and there are two of them for you to destroy. The one on the ground has two attacks. One is by blowing you towards some spikes. The spikes can't kill you but it can damage you. X should just dash and shoot while Zero using Shippuuga to attack Sigma. Its second attack is sucking in you and some debris into his mouth and spitting them out. Use Rakuhouha to protect yourself or do some quick slashes to destroy the debris. X can use Plasma shot to destroy the debris. The second Sigma is the one holding a giant gun. He will either shoot the ground or aim at you a few times. X should climb up the heads and use charged shots at him. Zero can use Kuuenbu/Kuuenzan at him by destroying the head below him. The heads and Sigma will come out alternately so be prepared for his next attack. When you have finished him off, go forward and end the game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGMA "...Hee hee hee." X "What's so funny?" SIGMA "This weapon is aimed straight at earth already... No one can stop it now!" X "Damn!" SIGMA "Ha ha ha ha ha! Good bye, X!" X "General!" GENERAL "...The weapon can be stopped with my body." X "But then you'll..." GENERAL "...Many of my men have died. As their leader, I must leave with them... X, please forgive our foolishness..." X "General!" (A movie showing X escaping) SIGMA "...Hee hee hee." ZERO "What's so funny?" SIGMA "This weapon is aimed at Earth... No one can stop it..." ZERO "No!" SIGMA "Ha ha ha ha ha!! Good bye, Zero!" ZERO "General!" GENERAL "...Zero... I was... wrong. Sigma... He blinded me to the truth..." ZERO "It's okay... Rest." GENERAL "...With my body I can stop the weapon." ZERO "But then you'll..." GENERAL "It's over for this soldier. Farewell!" ZERO "General!!!" (A movie showing Zero escaping) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******************************************************************************* ******* Credits ******* ROCKMAN X4 STAFF PRODUCER KEIJI INAFUNE BAMBOO PLANNER OHKO MITSURU ENDO HIROYUKI YAMATO PROGRAMMER HISASHI KURAMOTO HIROKI BANDOH SYUICHIRO CHIBOSHI TOMOHIRO AKIZUKI YUUJI HAGIYAMA AKIHIRO KASHIMOTO HIDEKI MOTOZUKA OBJECT DESIGN IKKI TAZAKI TSUYOSHI FUJISAWA NWO HATTORI NOTTSU MAN KATSUMI TODA OBI TOMOMI HAYATO KAJI NOBUYOSHI MIHARA SCROLL DESIGN NATSUE UEDA SHIMOYAN MAYUMI YOSHIOKA J R KITA-ONE KENTAROH ONO TITLE DESIGN UKABIN ILLUSTRATIONS MANASHI HYPER MINO SENSEI TOYOZO HIDEKI MUSIC TOSHIHIKO HORIYAMA SOUND EFFECT MORE RICH VOICE ACTOR RUTH SHIRAISHI WAYNE DOSTER MARK HAGAN MATTHEW MEERSBERGEN JOHN O'CORNER JERMY FELTON MICHELLE GAZEPIS CHARLIE FONTANA ISSEI FUTUMATA KAZUO OKA MARI MARUTA OSAMU HOSOI TAKASHI NAGASAKO ANIMATION STAFF XEBEC NOBUYOSHI HABARA SHINJI TAKAGI SHINICHI YAMAOKA HIDEYUKI MOTOHASHI MEIJYU MAEDA RIEKO NAKAI MASAHIRO SATOH KANAMI SEKIGUCHI MINORU UETA RYOTA NIINO MIHO ASANO MASAKAZU KAWAZOE YURIKO IKEHARA YU-KO KAMI NOBUO HORII YOUKO ITO SHINGO ADACHI RYUJI FUJITA MASARU ECHIGOYA KAORI TAKAHASHI AYUMI TSUKAMOTO MITSUKO SEKIMOTO HIROMI AOKI SHIZUKO KAWABATA KAZUYO IKEDA NATSUYO BAN MASAKI KIMURA HISAAKI SAKABE K PRODUCTION KEISON PRODUCTION KONI PRODUCTION MARIX MAKI PRODUCTION TRANS ARTS YUKIO SUGIYAMA HIROKI SEKITO HARUHIKO TSUMURA SAORI KIBE HIROAKI MATSUZAWA TOMOHIRO BABA CHISATO ASAI TAKAHIRO WADA PRODUCTION AI YOSHIMI UMINO HACHIDAI TAKAYAMA FUMIE KAWAI FUYUKI SAKANOUE MEGUMI OGAWA YUKIKO OGAWA NOBUKO AKUTSU TOMOKO TAKAMURA MOTOKO IWAHASHI SAORI ISHIBIKI WINDOWS 95 VERSION PROFIRE SPECIAL THANKS KOJI NAKAJIMA TAKUYA SHIRAIWA ERIK SUZUKI JUN TAKAHASHI TAKAYUKI UMEZU AYUMI TERADA SHINICHI SATO TETSUYA TABUCHI YOSHIHIRO SUDO TAKESHI KAWANO NORIKAZU FUJIKAWA ...AND ALL CAPCOM STAFF GENERAL PRODUCER NORITAKA FUNAMIZU EXECUTIVE PRODUCER YOSHIKI OKAMOTO THANK YOU FOR PLAYING PRESENTED BY CAPCOM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... The battle has ended. Yet somehow, X doesn't feel quite right... "...What caused all those robots to turn into Mavericks?" "...Will it happen to me Someday?" Has X just realized his tragic destiny? It appears that X will have to solve this mystery one day... Soon... ...The battle has ended. But for some reson, Zero's memories of the past continue to haunt his mind. ...As a hunter, it is his duty to go after those Mavericks... ...And at the same time, he knows that it is his destiny to defeat his friend one day. Two different people. Two different fates. In the future... Zero's decision will lead two great hunters to tragedy. The future is coming... CAPCOM ******************************************************************************* ******************************************************************************* ===== Items ===== - Small energy capsule (Recovers a quarter of the life bar) - Medium energy capsule (Recovers half of the life bar) - Large energy capsule (Recovers the entire life bar) - Small weapon capsule (Recovers a quarter of the weapon bar) - Medium weapon capsule (Recovers half of the weapon bar) - Large weapon capsule (Recovers the entire weapon bar) - Helmet (Gives you an extra life) - E-Tank (Used to keep energy to recover the life bar. The size of the energy capsule does not matter. It will use up all the energy stored even if you have a full life bar. Also known as sub-tank). - W-Tank (Used to keep weapon energy to recover the weapon bar. It will use the amount needed to refill your weapons. The size of the weapon capsule does not matter). - EX-Tank (Gives you 4 lives instead of 2 lives every time you continue). - Heart Tank (Increases your life bar by a small fraction. There is 1 heart tank in each of the 8 Maverick stages). ====== Cheats ====== - When selecting X, press down to get Dark X. X's colour is lighter than usual. You can get the Ultimate Armor at Jungle Area 1 where you get the boot module, Cyber Space Area 1(Section 3) where you get the head module, or in Air Force Area 2 where you get the arm module. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DR. LIGHT "...X, you've finally arrived... This capsule contains the sealed secret parts for the Ultimate Armor. When you execute the Nova Strike, the wings will open and you can execute the invincible body crash attack. ...However, this armor is not completed yet and your safety is not assured. If this acceptable to you, enter now... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the Ultimate Armor, you can execute Nova Strike unlimitedly. Once you have gotten the Ultimate Armor, it will be considered as getting all the modules. Your arm module is Plasma shot arm module. You cannot change the arm module. You look different than the normal body module. Just follow the strategies above and do more Nova Strike on the bosses. - When selecting Zero, press up to get Dark Zero. There is no difference between the normal Zero and Dark Zero. Dark Zero has black armor instead of red armor. The strategy is the same as above. ============= Miscellaneous ============= - It takes 1 second to charge up the X-buster. - It takes 1.5 seconds to charge up the Plasma Shot. - It takes 1 second to charge up 2 shots and 2.5 seconds to charge up four shots for the multiple shot arm module. - The maximum lives you can have are 9 lives. - The maximum Kuuenzan you can do in a jump is 7 times. - When you are low on life, a flying tank labelled with a heart will come to you occasionally. Smash it and a medium energy capsule will appear. - By pressing F4, the game will be in Windows mode or full screen mode. - By pressing F5, the screen resolution (pixel) will change. - By pressing F6, the screen resolution (bit) will change. - By pressing F7, the screen will become small. - You can play all the movies, stage songs, and sound effects, which are under the Rockman folder. - Rockman is the name in Japan and Megaman is the name in America. - Challenges: - Beat the game perfect. (Never get hit) - Beat the game under one hour. ======= Credits ======= xyqyx - For writing this FAQ. Eizaz - For giving me most of the information throughout the whole game. Jeff "CJayC" Veesay - For posting this FAQ. FAQ writers - For contributing their work to help people. - For helping me in my FAQs. Everybody - Whoever who has contributed a little bit in this FAQ. - Those that I have forgotten to mention. ========= Copyright ========= This document is Copyright 2004 xyqyx. It may not be reproduced under any circumstances. It may not be placed in any other web site outside of GameFAQs. This document cannot be distributed in any form at all. Use of this guide on any other places is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.