Megaman X6 Nightmare Souls and "How to get Zero" FAQ - PS1 Written by Ed Mak This FAQ has been updated!!! Once so far. Date? I think it's January 29th of 2002 right now. Hey hey, look at that! The numbers make up a pallidrone! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 666 ########## ########### 666 ####### ######## 666 ####### ###### ######### ############# ####### 666666 ##### ###### ######### ######## ###### ###### 666 666 ############## ########## ####### ########### 666 666 #### #### ##### ##### ############# ######### 666 666 ##### ### ##### ##### ####### ##### ########### 666666 ##### ## ########### ###### ###### ####### ###### ###### # ######## #### ############## ####### ###### ######### ### ############## ######## ########## # ######### ######### ########### ########## ########## ############ ############# ############### Nighmare Souls How to get Zero ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright© 2001/2002 Ed Mak And yes... Copyright© 2001/2002 Ed Mak for the MMX6 ASCII Art once again Email: *Remember, just e-mail! No MSN Messenger!!! *I will not read your e-mail unless you have told me where you had read my FAQ, it seems that my FAQ is popping up in a few places here and there Finished January 13, 2002 Started... I forgot, it was like 5 days ago Another FAQ??? What's this one about this time? ----------------------------------------------- There are big time spoilers in here. This FAQ will talk about the Nightmare souls and Zero. What about Zero? I will tell you how to get Zero without powering up X too much. Obviously, everyone is soooo hooked on the fact that I had said (in the Reploid location FAQ) "Zero has the ability to collect all 128 reploids by himself". It is true and I will tell you how to get Zero with not too much hassle. What are these Nightmares? -------------------------- They were created by Gate, the first super-smart Megaman X guy to have have no Dr. attached to it. Anyways the story goes like this (in point form): - There were three storylines in X5, I guess Capcom took the one where Zero is destroyed. - The colony was destroyed, and small tibits of Zero were everywhere. - X took the time to find Zero's parts, but couldn't find them at all. Very mysterious. - Gate was a worn down scientist who was shunned by his fellow collegues, just because his robots' AI were sooooo complex. - As time went by (I don't think they were dismantled in one day) Gate's robots were starting to just fall apart. Not literally. - The robots were killed by those who did not like Gate (his collegues maybe????). - The only one who cared for him and his work was Alia. Although, she had some involvement in the schemes to take out his reploids too. - We can now assume that Gate is a filled with much anger and resentment. - One day, Gate was wandering about the field where the colony had crashed and luck would be his guide. - Gate found a piece of Zero that co-incidentally also had some of Zeros's DNA data. - He took a keen interest in this because Zero (X as well) was an old mysterious robot who held great powers. - He spent most of his life trying to create reploids that could not be fully examined, like Zero. Complex AI programming was one of his solutions. - Gate thought that if he could create a reploid who was un-analyzable, then he would have created the ultimate reploid. - He analyzed the DNA extensively and was blown away by the data because some of the it could not be fully analyzed. - He experimented with this DNA to create High Max and the Nightmares. There are sure to be inaccuracies, missing information, and mistakes. Please e-mail me about them. Where do the Nightmare souls come from? --------------------------------------- Nightmare souls come from Nightmares, and all those who were infected by them. I really don't know what these Nightmare souls actually are, but I think they are just the by-product of Nightmares. You see them after you kill a Nightmare or a Nightmare-infected reploid. You can also see them after you destroy one of Gate's top reploids (bosses). The fact that you get souls afterwards might suggest that they were infected by the Nightmare. Gate's intentions as also hinted by Alia. However, the Nightmare never does actually come out of the reploid. To me, they probably were infected, Capcom just wanted to make the nice lights that come out of the large Nightmare souls for visual eye-candy. In a sequence that occurs, if you don't destroy High Max, Alia says something along the lines of "The worst case scenario would be a physical change in them... Gate's reploids look different now than previously before". Which just further strengthens the idea of Gate's reploids being infected and being used un-willingfully by Gate. Dyanamo is back, you can see him when you go into a "Dynamo Stage". He appears only after you have beaten either High max or had already beaten all of Gate's reploids. It seems as though Dynamo has some Nightmare souls. He likes these Nightmare souls because they are mysterious and COULD power him up. Yeah, he's an idiot, but hey. He has Nightmare souls BUT he's not infected, he just drops them. And he drops BIG ones. These BIG Nightmare souls seem interesting, where do I get them? ---------------------------------------------------------------- You get ONE big Nightmare soul when you destroy one of the eight reploids (a "Gate product") for the first time. These BIG Nightmare souls are worth two- hundred whopping Nightmare points unlike the smaller, negligible, worthless souls that regular Nightmares drop. Now, there's also another guy who has BIG Nightmare souls. Can you name him? I told you already, he's Dynamo! He doesn't just drop one, not even just two, but a big grand total of THREE. Wow, whoooooooooooo-eeeeeeeeeeeee. Why would you go and collect thousands of those smaller ones, when you can get a few of these big ones? So I hear you get rankings for collecting Nightmare souls --------------------------------------------------------- Of course you do! Dynamo is a lot smarter than he looks, he is probably collecting the Nightmare souls to gain a higher ranking for himself. Wow, he's a smart man. But I guess you're more worried about YOUR ranking. Ok ok, so what kind of ranking do you want? Should I tell you about those other rankings like GA and SA? NO!!! "B..b..b...but" But nothing! The ONLY number you should be thinking about is: UH - 9999souls That's right. If you get 9999souls, then you get to supa-size your character. Who cares about 1000souls, 4000souls, 6000souls?? No one!!! If someone says, "Guess what? I have 7685 Nightmares! So ;P" Then you know he has not seen this FAQ. Be a friend and help him out, show him my FAQ. Hey hey, you got me hooked. How do I extract these little puppies from Dyanamo? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big men always has big things, and wants big things. All you have to do now is just CUT AND PASTE!!! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Well now, you will have to: - have Dynamo present within a "Dynamo Stage". - use meteor rain, or ensuizan on him and wait half a second. - wait, once Dynamo is stunned... hit him once again with meteor rain or ensuizan. - watch Dynamo will jump across to the other side of the screen. - see that he'll jump sooo quickly that he'll drop a BIG Nightmare soul. - collect the Nightmare soul and recieve two-hundred Nightmare points. - repeat this three times. He only drops three per visit. - defeat him. - you now have a good six-hundred points from ONE battle. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wow, and to think that might have actually wasted your time killing off those regular Nightmares instead of killing off Dynamo. What the... only six-hundred? ----------------------------- "But you need nine-thousand nine-hundred ninety-nine Nightmare points to be at UH rank! You're not telling me something..." Yes, and to be fair I'll tell you how to get that many points. You can beat Dynamo over and over and over and over and over... until you have reached your goal. I bet you're all going "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... how did you ever become so smart?". Here's how I got UH rank in just twenty minutes: And if you're talented enough, you can copy and paste each of these steps into notepad and print it out. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - You have beaten Turtle boss. - You have enough skill to beat the Weapon center. - Go to the Weapon center and beat the two power cables. It is highly recommended that you use meteor rain or ensuizan on them. - Go into the Dynamo Portal that will lead you to the Dynamo Stage. - Very quick and easy stage, just get to Dynamo now. - Dynamo is hard as ever with three attacks: - his very own Giga-attack (does he use Nightmare soul?) - throws multiple swords around - he slashes you as he jumps over you - You'll never see his attacks if you have meteor rain or ensuizan because you'll be using them on him. - Just beat Dynamo using the little guide that is about 20 lines above. - Repeat until you have enough points. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Thank you, now I'm at rank UH. But what do I do, now that I'm at this rank? --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well you're going to have to go collect some upgrade-parts. You can collect these parts by rescuing lost reploids. Please refer to the FAQ regarding lost reploids... the one that has the nice MMX6 ASCII art in particular. Not that I'm shamelessly promoting an FAQ that I also wrote. You can look at the other one if you want. Both are high-quality FAQ's. After you have collected some parts, you'll notice that X or Zero have green little areas next to their name on the "parts select" screen (on main map, press L1). You can equip them and have much more fun now. As Zero, you have the ability to hold four regular parts from the Normal and Zero section of the parts list. You also have the option of choosing a limited part as well that does not account for the other four regular parts. As X, you have the same ability to hold four regular parts from the Normal section. You cannot access Zero's section but in exchange, you can equip parts from the X section. Plus one limited part as well. Nice, what do you recommend? ---------------------------- Hmmmm... Take whatever you want. There are FAQ's around that will tell you a lot about them. I disagree on some of the things they say, but hey! What? You still want me to tell you? Is there a synonym for "NO!!"? So, what about the Zero part of the FAQ??? ------------------------------------------ What's up with these e-mails I'm getting? I'm always ALWAYS getting questions about Zero. Here are a few examples: "I love Zero!! He's the coolest dude ever!! Now I read in your FAQ which says you can collect all 128 reploids with him alone. How how how???" "I want Zero with Max health, Max energy, and all reploids rescued using him only! Can you tell me an easy way to do this??" "Man, Zero is awesome. But in your FAQ, the health bonus (whether it's from a tank or a reploid) is given to the one who gets it. Help me out!" It seems as though everyone is intrigued by how you can collect all 128 reploids with Zero. I guess I'm not the only one who wants a Zero-only game. Who needs an X-buster when you can have a Z-buster!! Be a hero, be a ZERO!! Getting all 128 reploids with Zero isn't all that hard. But getting him is! It's hard because Falcon X and normal X are not very good. Are you gonna tell us how to get Zero without powering up X? ------------------------------------------------------------ Ok!ok! So you start the game off with X (use Falcon X as a recommended preference). Now what do you do? Well, here are the levels who both X and Falcon X can reach the Dynamo Stage without needing anything: Inami Temple Laser Institute Central Museum Weapon Center If you think back to these stages, they're bloody HARD!!! With X or Falcon X and a small life bar will not get you too far. Inami Temple So, you want to reach a Dynamo Stage from Inami Temple? That's great!! Now think back... remember all that acid rain? Remember those guys who are invincible when they raise their arms? Remember jumping across those vertical platforms (you should remember, you had to die 20 times over before beating it)? Well I wouldn't recommend this level, unless you like trying again and again. Laser Institute Oh no! Didn't you remember all those reploids that you're gonna have to dodge on your way to Zero? This is waaaaay too hard to do. Wow, isn't it harder to NOT rescue the reploids?! Of course you CAN prove me that you can do it, I KNOW you can do it. Should you do it? NO!! Central Museum This is a great level to get the Dynamo level. With a catch of course: it's random! Oh yes, easiest Dynamo level to get (of the four levels) but it's random! I'm thinking the same thing: "Screw you Capcom, see if I buy your next game!!! ...Oh fine, just don't do it again, k?" Anyways, try your luck and see if you win out. Remember, you can just kill yourself if even the last portal is not what you want. Weapon Center Big robot in the back, do you see him too? What should you do? With the state that X is in, I would NOT go into this level. You actually thinking that you can pass BOTH power cables without dying?! Wow, and you're still looking at this FAQ? Oh you can do it, but I'd rather waste my time with Central Museum. Why did Capcom do this to us? ----------------------------- Yeah well, I feel the same way... Why do we ALWAYS (except X4) start off with X. Why can't we just start off with Zero and forget about X??? Well Duh, if we started off with Zero then no one would ever want to rescue X. Capcom is smart, they know we gotta contrast between the best with the worst. So what about the recommended way to do it? ------------------------------------------- Ok, after doing this you'll have 200souls for X. I'm soooo sorry, but it's easy though!! If you still don't want X to have ANYTHING, then I would recommend you to go into Central Museum and try your luck. And it's not too hard either. Maybe you shouldn't even do this... hahahahahaha, of course you're gonna do it! Me - Anyways, think think think. Why couldn't you get on top of the area in the Amazon Area? You - "Because you couldn't jump high enough!" Me - So what could you do to make yourself jump higher? You - "Oh right right, go to the Northpole Area and kill off Blizzard Wolfang so you can get his weapon." Me - But why did you want his weapon? You - "Ummmm... OH!!! It gives you EXTRA footing so you can jump higher in the Amazon Area so you can get to that Dynamo Stage." Me - Wow! Simply WOW!! I'm absolutely impressed! I'd never thought that you could come up with such an razor sharp plan all by yourself! Anyways, here's the cut and paste version: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * - Beat up Blizzard wolfang in the Northpole area - You'll need Falcon X for this part - Go to Amazon Area, keep going until you come to the part where there is a pink rope - Use Ice Burst to gain enough height to grab onto the ledge above - Just in care you didn't know, you can step on the ice blocks that come out of Ice Burst - Keep going until you find the Dynamo Stage - Use Falcon X to navigate this area - Beat up fake-Zero - Now, Use Zero to do EVERYTHING * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * And that's that. You can turn Zero into the Ultimate Hunter using my little method at the top. As a last side note... it's Blaze HEATNIX!!! Not Pheonix. I would like to thank myself for being sooooo smart. Why? Well if it weren't for me, you'd all still be at around 7000souls. Not only that, but it would be split up between X and Zero! Don't be fooled by others info, the original came from here. So if you see stuff like how to get 9999souls, then you know that it came from me. Have I said enough? Do I have to write a whole new section on do and don'ts? No!! Because I trust each and every one of you people. E-mail: *Just e-mail and *I will not read your e-mail unless you have told me where you had read my FAQ, it seems that my FAQ is popping up in a few places here and there