------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METAL GEAR SOLID: THE TWIN SNAKES An FAQ/Walkthrough, version 2.2 / March 13, 2005 By American Arsenal ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "I lied my face off when I said that I would be okay..." T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N _ _ ___ _____ _ _ ___ ___ _ ____ __ __ _ _ ___ | \ / || _|_ _|/ \ | | / _ \ | _| / \ | _ \ / \ / \ | | | || \ | \/ || | | | / A \ | | | / \_|| | / A \ | | | || |\_|| /\ || | | || |\ | | \ / || |_ | || |_| || | | | __ | |_ | /_\ || |_| | \ \ | || || | | || || | | |\/| || _| | || _ || | | ||_ || _|| _ || _ < \ \ | || || | | || || | | | | || | | || | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | | _ \ \| || || | | || || | | | | || |_ | || | | || |_| \_/ || |_ | | | || | | || \| || \/ || |_| || |/ | |_| |_||___| |_||_| |_||___|\__,_||___||_| |_||_| \_\ \__/ \__/ |___|_||___/ ___ __ ___ _ _ __ _ | |_| |_ | \ / | |\ | (_` |\ | /_\ |/ |_ (_` | | | |__ | \/\/ | | \| ._) | \| / \ |\ |__ ._) "... these scars are permanent and always on display." - Alkaline Trio -- ASCII BY OSREVAD -- =============================================================================== TABLE OF CONTENTS =============================================================================== I. Introduction II. Characters III. Game Basics a. Controls b. The Basics c. Story IV. Walkthrough a. Infiltration b. "I am like you... I have no name." c. Enter Otacon d. Showdown of Snipers e. "I'm you! I'm your shadow!" f. Wolf and Raven g. The Underground Base h. The Twin Snakes V. Your Arsenal a. Weapons b. Items VI. Endings a. Meryl's Ending b. Otacon's Ending VII. Bosses VIII. Dog Tags a. Very Easy b. Easy c. Normal d. Hard e. Extreme IX. Secrets a. Miscellaneous b. Cameos / References c. Ghost Pictures X. Big Boss Rank XI. PSX-GCN Differences XII. FAQ XIII. Revision History XIV. Legal Disclaimer XV. Closing WHAT'S NEW? I cleaned up a few sections and added in another reader tip, courtesy of Beran. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= I ------------------------------------------------------ INTRODUCTION =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Originally released six years ago in 1998, a simple mention of the words "Metal Gear Solid" is sure to bring fond memories to many a gamer. Being one of those gamers who spent countless hours playing the PlayStation classic to death, the mere mention of a possible remake sent chills down my spine. The day this spectacular remake was released, I raced to the store to purchase it. A few weeks and nine times through the game later I'm here to bring you what will hopefully become a rather comprehensive and overall useful FAQ for this tremendous game. If not, it's no big deal, because I know that the strategies and information imparted in this guide took hours upon hours to devise, for the sole reason of helping you, the reader. Before I proceed to the sections that actually matter, however, allow me to explain exactly what you'll be able to find in each chapter. The Story section provides a basic premise to the story, copied verbatim from the instruction manual. The following section, Game Basics, will cover just what the title implies. Check it out if you want to know how the play the game. After that is the walkthrough, the meat and potatoes of this guide. I'm sure you know what all you'll find there. The chapter after that, Your Arsenal, is all about Snake's weaponry and whatnot. The next few sections are dedicated to one particular aspect of the game, ranging from how to achieve the game's various endings, to how to obtain those elusive Dog Tags. Wrapping up this FAQ are the FAQ, which is a basic Q & A session, the Legal Disclaimer, which yells at anyone stupid enough to rip me off, and the Closing, which imparts some words of wisdom and gives props to no one in particular. Just kidding! Now, before I cease my senseless rambling, allow me to explain what each subchapter of the walkthrough section includes, since the titles may be kinda vague. "Infiltration" covers from the very beginning of the game until you exit the ventilation shaft and enter the hangar. "Hostages" stretches from your entrance of the Tank Hangar until the aftermath of the Ocelot boss battle. The following section "Metal Gear's Engineer" will run until you defeat Psycho Mantis and enter the cavernous area after that. The section after that, entitled "Showdown of Snipers", covers up until you defeat Sniper Wolf the second time. After that, "The Underground Base" will cover up until the final string of boss fights begin. "The Twin Snakes" describes the last few bosses, as well as everything between them. - American Arsenal americanarsenal4 (at) gmail (dot) com =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= II ------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTERS =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= The purpose of this chapter is simple: to provide a quick look into the dramatis personae. It's spoiler-free for the most part, but if you have strong allergies you may wanna steer clear just in case. ====================================== SOLID SNAKE, Former Member of FOXHOUND ====================================== Solid Snake, or Snake as you'll become accustomed to calling him, is the protaganist of our story, meaning that you are in control of him at all times. A battle-hardened soldier, Snake is a master of infiltration. Formerly working for the FOXHOUND Special Forces Group, Snake is renowned as an expert in military operations. Having succeeded in countless prior missions, Snake is trusted to complete his mission objective under any circumstance. After ending the Outer Heaven and Zanzibar incidents many years ago, Solid Snake was praised as a hero. More than competent with a wide variety of weaponry, Snake is a brutal force to be reckoned with. His aloof and ice-cold disposition makes him seem like a heartless killing machine, but the truth is rather toward the contrary. ========================================= COLONEL ROY CAMPBELL, Operation Commander ========================================= * Codec Frequency: 140.85 Although Colonel Campbell has long since retired from his role of FOXHOUND Commander, he was called back into action for this operation. More than that, the Colonel is a former member of numerous other military organizations and is an old friend of Snake's. Throughout the game, his role is to keep Snake focused and up-to-date. ============================= MERYL SILVERBURGH, The Rookie ============================= * Codec Frequency: 140.15 Meryl is Colonel Campbell's niece. She was taken captive when the terrorists took control of Shadow Moses Island. Despite having gone through extensive virtual reality training, Meryl has no actual field experience. She does, however, have a great butt. ================================= NAOMI HUNTER, Gene Therapy Expert ================================= * Codec Frequency: 140.85 Naomi is an expert when it comes to Gene Therapy (what a revelation - this character is exactly what the above header says she is!), and she is also the chief of FOXHOUND's medical crew. She works hand-in-hand with Colonel Campbell to provide help to Snake and to manage his nanomachines. ====================================== MEI LING, Communications and Data Guru ====================================== * Codec Frequency: 140.96 She may look young (well she *is* young), but Mei Ling more than qualified to be working as a part of this operation. Not only is she the creator of the Soliton Radar that will prove oh-so vital to you, but she also had a hand in the invention of the nifty Codec device that you'll be using more than often. As if that wasn't enough, she can even save your game data! Talk about a multi tasker! ========================================= MASTER MILLER, Former Survival Instructor ========================================= * Codec Frequency: 141.80 Master Miller used to be a survival instructor for FOXHOUND and is a good personal friend of Snake's. He gives you a ring on the Codec every so often to add his two cents on the current situation and provide support. ================================================== HAL EMMERICH (OTACON), Otaku and Scientific Genius ================================================== * Codec Frequency: 141.12 Otacon is a geek, plain and simple. He's all about Japanese anime (not that there's anything wrong with that) and high-tech computery-stuff. He was a major part in building Metal Gear, so it's inevitable that you'll have to come interrogate him sooner or later. =================================== NASTASHA ROMANENKO, Weapons Analyst =================================== * Codec Frequency: 141.52 Nastasha isn't the most important member of the operation (in fact, you don't ever *need* to give her a ring), but she can still provide some useful insight. Basically, you'll only want to call her to learn more about your weaponry and items, as that's her forte. She can also provide nifty factual information about various things related to the game. Cool beans! ================================== LIQUID SNAKE, Terrorist Mastermind ================================== The current leader of FOXHOUND, this British-accentuated foe is the game's central antagonist. His shares Snake's code name and has the same face, as well. Not just that, but he's the sadist who came up with and implemented the terrorist attack. ==================================== REVOLVER OCELOT, Sadistic Ace Gunman ==================================== Liquid's right-hand man, Ocelot is a wizard with handguns, and seems to love twirling them cowboy-style on his fingers. He's a feisty Russian with an unmatched passion for torture and a cool exterior that doesn't fade when he enters battle. In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2), we get to see a more youthful Ocelot in action. ============================== VULCAN RAVEN, Giant and Shaman ============================== A Native Alaskan, Raven's spirituality has granted him with a blessed body that can resist even the most frigid weather. Add to that his massive chain gun and you've got one opponent who won't be easy to topple. ========================================== PSYCHO MANTIS, Likes Toying With Your Mind ========================================== Armed with a myriad of psychic powers, including telekinesis and mind-reading, Psycho Mantis is possibly the most dangerous member of the terrorist force. As a former member of the KGB's Psychic Intelligence Unit, Mantis has more than enough experience to prove a valuable asset to FOXHOUND, and a terrible foe for us to deal with. ============================================== SNIPER WOLF, Beautiful and Deadly Sharpshooter ============================================== Sniper Wolf can stay still for up to a week without losing her target, making her an accomplished and deadly sniper. Aside from her adoration from the wolves and huskies that inhabit Shadow Moses, Wolf is also the desire of a certain other character. But I'll keep that on the down-low. ================================= DECOY OCTOPUS, Master of Disguise ================================= Decoy Octopus is one of the most enigmatic characters in the game; absolutely nothing is known about him/her. Even the gender is a mystery. ============================================== CYBORG NINJA, Acrobatic Bullet-Deflecting Dude ============================================== This mysterious warrior is neither friend nor foe to Snake. Little is known about this being, but his Spiderman-esque reflexes and agility coupled with his prowess with the katana add up to one dangerous adversary. =============================== BIG BOSS, The Legendary Soldier =============================== Previously a legendary commander of FOXHOUND, Big Boss is considered nothing less than the ultimate warrior. After being foiled various times in the past by the one and only Solid Snake, Big Boss eventually bit the dust. His remains are now being preserved by the military. In Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater (PS2), you're able to see Big Boss's legendary career firsthand. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= III ----------------------------------------------------- GAME BASICS =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= This nifty little section will go over all of the basic information you need to know before playing Twin Snakes. It's kinda like a condensed version of the instruction manual, only written by me instead of whoever writes those. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Controls =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Control Stick - Move Snake Press the stick all the way forward to make Snake run, or just press it a small bit forward for a quiet, sneaky walk. If you move up against a wall, Snake will flatten his back against it. C-Stick - Camera control By tilting this stick in various directions you can move the camera around when you backed-up against a corner peaking around a wall. Start Button - Pause Press Start in conjunction with the B Button to pause the game. Press it along with the A Button to open up the Codec subscreen. A Button - Shoot If you currently have a gun or other weapon equipped, pressing this will shoot it. When no weapons are equipped, you can use this to choke enemies (when you're stationary) or to throw them (if you're moving). B Button - Punch A single press of this button will produce a singular punch. Press it three times for a punch-punch-kick combo that is useful for knocking out foes. Additionally, press this while you're pressed up against a wall to knock with your fist. X Button - Crouch Tap the X Button to crouch. Once you've done that, tilt the Control Stick in any direction to start crawling. Y Button - Basic actions This is pretty much a multi-purpose button. It can open/close lockers, ascend ladders, or climb onto small platforms or crates. Also, when you're flattened up against a wall you can flip over and hang from the railing. Z Button - First person view A simple tap of this button will change your perspective from third person to first person, allowing you to look around and aim with more precision. Left Trigger - Select item Hold down the left trigger to open up your item menu, from which you can equip any item you've currently got. Right Trigger - Select weapon This is exactly like the left trigger, only for weapons instead of items. Hold down the button and scroll through your available weapons. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Fundamentals of Stealth =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= All the basic stuff you should already know / be able to figure out... ========= MAIN MENU ========= Boot up the game, enjoy the lengthy introductory cutscenes, and this is what will pop up. --/ NEW GAME /----------------------------------- Click on this to begin a new game. Before the game actually starts, you'll be given a few decisions: - Difficulty: Should be pretty self-explanatory. There are five modes to choose from (Very Easy through Extreme). If you're new to the Metal Gear series, either Easy or Normal should do nicely. If you're more of a diehard fan who played the original MGS over and over, then Hard may cater more to your needs the first time through. Keep in mind that the walkthrough in this FAQ is based off of the Normal Difficulty mode. - Radar Type: There are three choices here. Type 1 shows the radar at all times, even when you've been spotted by an enemy soldier. In Type 2, which is the default and recommended type, the radar will disappear when you've been seen by a guard. The final type is no radar at all, and is only suggested for huge MGS buffs who know the game like the back of their hand. Once you've made your choices, you'll be prompted to begin the game. Select "yes" and away you go! --/ LOAD GAME /---------------------------------- This, obviously, gives you the option to load any of your previously saved games. If you don't happen to have any, then beginning a new game is the only way to play. --/ OPTIONS /------------------------------------ An array of choices await you... - Rumble: If you want the controller to rumble at certain times (e.g., when you're spotted by a guard), turn this on. - Radar Type: See above, under the "New Game" header for in-depth details on this one. - Blood: Would you like to see your foes bleed profusely when you blow their brains out? If so, this is a good thing to turn on. - Sound: Whichever floats your boat... - Subtitles: Care to see what everyone is saying as they say it? Turn it on if you answered yes to that question. - 1st Person View Switch: If you select "Hold Down" here, you'll have to hold down the Z button every time you want to enter first person view mode. On the other hand, choose "Toggle" if you'd prefer for a single press of Z to enter FPV, and a second press of the same button to exit. - 1st Person View Motion: "Normal" means that pressing up will aim up and down will aim down. As you may guess, "Reverse" is the exact opposite (press up to aim down and press down to aim up). - Item Window: Should you select "Group", weapons and items will be categorized with other similar things. If you'd prefer for everything to be kept separate, "Linear" is the choice for you. - Quick Change: Depending on what you choose here, a quick tap of either trigger will either unequip your current item/weapon ("Unequip"), or change it to the previously equipped item ("Previous"). - Screen Adjustment: Lets you adjust tinker with the screen's adjustment. Unless you're sure you know what you're doing, I suggest that you not mess with it. - Screen Brightness: Same thing as above, only with the screen's lightness and darkness instead. --/ BRIEFING /----------------------------------- This lets you view a plethora of videos dealing with basic information about Snake's mission. While watching any of the videos, use the Left and Right Triggers to change the camera's view, zoom in with B and out with X, and move the view around with the Control Stick. Also, for a laugh, check out the video entitled "Infiltration Method", under the heading Operation Outline. "Sounds like a spy movie!" --/ SPECIAL /------------------------------------ Here you can check out a variety of nifty things, such as a dog tag viewer that lets you see what you've collected thus far, an album of all the photos you've taken using the camera, something telling you the story of previous Metal Gear games and some other cool unlockables. Nice! - Dog Tag Viewer: Lets you take a look at all of the Dog Tags you've collected. - Photo Album: All about letting you take a gander at the photos you've snapped with the Digital Camera. - Boss Survival: Unlocked after beating the game a single time, this cool extra pits you against each of the games bosses with limited items. - Previous Operations: Read up on your Metal Gear history. - Demo Theater: Unlocked after beating the game, this allows you to view all of the game's cutscenes and Codec conversations. =========== GAME SCREEN =========== "Hey, what do all those bars on the screen mean?" - Random confused gamer ________________________________ | | | [-----] +---+ | | 2 | 3 | | | +---+ | | | | - 1 - | | | | | | | | | | [4] [5] | |________________________________| 1 - Snake, and the area of control 2 - Life Gauge. If you happen to be fighting a boss, his/her/it's life gauge will also appear up here. In certain situations, Snake's grip gauge or 02 gauge will be displayed here, as well. 3 - Radar. Shows Snake, any nearby enemies or cameras, and the surrounding area. 4 - Selected item. This is the item you're using at the current time. 5 - Selected weapon. This is the weapon you're using at the current time. ============ MAIN ACTIONS ============ Below you'll find a series of moves, most of which (if not all of which) are absolute necessities to get through the game. --/ WALK / RUN /--------------------------------- Simply tilt the Control Stick all the way in any direction to sprint that way. If you just barely push the stick, Snake will walk, making a lot less noise and being much sneakier. --/ CROUCH / CRAWL /----------------------------- Simply press the X button to go into a crouching position, from which you can begin crawling by tilting the Control Stick in any direction. By crouching you're able to hide behind small objects, and crawling is necessary to enter air ducts or to slide beneath some objects. --/ DIVING ROLL /-------------------------------- To perform this somersault-type move, press the X button while running. This is a good maneuver to use if you need to quickly dive out of the way of gunfire or something else. Additionally, you can use this as an attack if you dive directly into a foe. One other thing: if you hold down the X button during the dive, Snake will automatically drop into the crawling position. --/ PRESSING AGAINST A WALL /-------------------- This fundamental stealth maneuver is simple to execute - just move against a wall and press and hold the Control Stick toward it. If you are near a corner, the camera will change to give you a better view. Also, it's possible to move back and forth while your back is against a wall. To do this, just tilt the Control Stick in the direction you wish to move, continuing to hold it back to remain pressed against the wall. Doing this will allow you to enter certain spaces that are too tight for Snake to fit into otherwise. --/ PEEKING AROUND A CORNER /-------------------- While your back is flattened against a wall (and the camera has changed to show what's around the corner), you can press either the Left or Right Trigger (whichever one corresponds to the direction you want to peek) to poke your head around the corner and get an even better view of what's ahead. Very useful, but it's important to make sure a guard doesn't spot you. --/ KNOCKING ON WALLS /-------------------------- Another very useful technique is the ability to knock on a wall while pressed against it. This will attract the attention of any nearby guards, giving you an opportunity to sneak past another way. To knock, just press the B button while you are flattened against a wall. --/ CLIMBING /----------------------------------- To climb onto a small crate or other object, press your back to it and tap the Y button. If nothing happens, the box is likely to large for Snakey to climb. Things work the same way with ladders - press Y to either ascend or descend one. --/ RIDING AN ELEVATOR /------------------------- To call up an elevator, press Y while standing next to the elevator's control panel. After a few moments, the doors will open up, so head in and press A to choose your desired destination. ================== CHUCK NORRIS-STYLE ================== Unfortunately, the stealthy approach doesn't always work out and you're often required to Chuck Norris someone into submission. With the arsenal of moves listed below, you'll have no trouble doing so. --/ USING YOUR GUNS /---------------------------- After you've selected the desired weapon with the R Trigger, you can press the A button the shoot it. Your basic handguns (SOCOM, M9) are equipped with the ability to automatically lock-on to a nearby foe, making aiming a snap. Things aren't quite so easy with many of the other weapons, so you will have to aim them manually. --/ FIRST-PERSON SHOOTING /---------------------- Unlike the original MGS, it's now possible to aim all of your weapons in first-person, making it easy to shoot with precision. To enter FPV, press and hold the Z button, then press A to whip out your currently equipped weapon and again to shoot it. If you decide that you'd rather put your gun away without firing it at all, press the Y button. Simple enough, eh? --/ FISTICUFFS /--------------------------------- At the very beginning of the game, Snake has no weapons, so hand-to-hand combat is a must. By pressing the B button, Snake will execute a quick punch. Press the button three consecutive times to bust out with a powerful punch-punch-kick combo that works great for knocking down an attacking enemy guard. Use these moves enough on a foe and he'll be knocked out cold. Also, if you perform the spinkick move in first-person, you might get dizzy! Consider yourself warned. :P --/ THROWING /----------------------------------- To throw an enemy to the ground, run toward him with no weapon equipped and press the A button. --/ SNAPPAGE OF THE NECK /----------------------- To crack a soldier's neck, approach him from behind and press the A button with no weapon equipped. Also, it's important that you are NOT moving when you press A, otherwise Snake will opt for the throw instead. Anyway, once you've grabbed the foe, repeatedly press A to eventually snap the poor guy's neck. --/ NIKITA OWNAGE /------------------------------ To utilize this awesome move, equip the Nikita Missile Launcher and press the B button. Snake will whack with this heavy piece of equipment, causing massive damage and rendering most foes unconscious. Fun! --/ FA-MAS STYLE PUNCHING ACTION! /-------------- Similar to the above move, press B while you've got the FA-MAS equipped to add it into Snake's basic punch-punch-kick combo. It doesn't make too much of a difference, but its fun anyway. You can also do this with the PSG-1. ================ ADVANCED ACTIONS ================ Going one step further, the moves to come can be difficult to execute, but can provide a considerable advantage once mastered. --/ HANGING /------------------------------------ To hop over a ledge and hang from the railing, press your back against it and hit the Y button. Once you've done that, you have the ability to shimmy along the railing by moving the Control Stick in the desired direction. To climb back up, press the Y button again. You can also drop to the ground below by pressing X. When hanging, it's imperative that you keep an eye on the Grip Gauge that will appear beneath Snake's Life Gauge. If it happens to run out before you can climb back up (or drop by yourself), Snake will fall, possibly taking damage or even dying. --/ POP-OUT SHOT /------------------------------- When your back is against a wall, move toward a corner and press the A button to pop around and fire a shot from your gun. Works great for taking enemy soldiers by surprise. --/ HOLD UP /------------------------------------ This technique is necessary to obtain the vast majority of the game's dog tags. To pull off a hold up, you need to sneak up behind a soldier press A to stick one of your pistols into his back. Snake will yell "Freeze" and the guard will stop cold. To move around in front of the soldier, hold down B and run through him. Once you've done that, head into FPV and aim at the soldier's head or wangular area (e.g., his crotch) to make him shake with fear, dropping items as he goes. --/ LOCKERS /------------------------------------ New to the game's various rooms are lockers where you can hide, or hide the corpses of your victims. To open up a locker, press Y whilst standing in front of it. If you want to get in and hide, step inside and press Y again. To stash away a body, open the locker and drag the body near it. --/ DRAGGING THE DEAD /-------------------------- If a guard happens to notice a dead body lying around somewhere, the jig is up, so it's a good idea to stash away the bodies of your victims. To begin carrying a body, stand over it and press the A button. Move the body wherever you want to, then release the button to drop it. Also, if you continually pick up and drop a fallen guard's body, he might drop some useful items for you to use! :D Also, if you drag a guard through one of the trap doors found in various areas (namely the Armory and Warehouse North), the body will drop into the endless pit. Good way to hide them. --/ RUN 'N' GUN /-------------------------------- To whip your gun out and fire while running, simply hold down B while running and press A whenever you want to shoot. --/ HANGING CATCH /------------------------------ While hanging, it's quite possible to drop from one ledge and grab onto another instead of hitting the ground. To do this, press X to drop from the first rail, then hit Y as you near the second rail. If done right, Snake will grab on. If done wrong, Snake will go splat. =========================== OTHER STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW =========================== Miscellaneous knowledge that may or may not ever come in handy. --/ TERRAIN /------------------------------------ Depending on where exactly you are, it will be important to take notice of what Snake is walking on. For instance, if you're outside in a snowy area, Snake's footprints will give away his location to a nearby soldier, so be careful of that. Also, some floors of in-door locations make a lot of noise if you run on them, so take your time and slowly walk across. There are also some areas where traps, such as false floors or infrared beams, will impede your progress. Just continue running to dodge the bullet of false floors. However, to get past infrared beams you'll need to either shoot out the mechanisms on the floor or sneak by. The former is simple, but the latter requires the use of your Cigarettes or Thermal Goggles. --/ SHAKY HANDS /-------------------------------- When aiming with the PSG1 (or PSG1-T), Snake will have trouble keeping his hands steady. In order to aim with ease, it's necessary to stop Snake's shaking. There are two ways to do this. The first is to take some Pentazemin, which can be found in various locations throughout the facility. If you don't happen to have any on hand, though, then you'll need to whip out Snake's Cigarettes and start smoking up a storm. They might deplete your health, but they work wonders for stopping Snake's shaky hands. --/ YOU'RE BLEEDING, MAN! /---------------------- If Snake happens to take on too much damage, his Life Gauge will turn red-orange and will begin to quickly deplete. Not only that, but trails of nasty red stuff will start dripping from you, giving away your location to any nearby soldiers. There are two ways to stop bleeding: use a Bandage or crouch for a while. The former is pretty self-explanatory; just select a Bandage from your item submenu and you're gold. As for the whole crouch thing, just press X to crouch down and Snake will stop bleeding and his health will gradually increase until he's back at a normal level (e.g. his Life Gauge is blue). --/ TIME BOMBS /--------------------------------- A few times during the course of the game (two times, to be exact), you may take a look at your item inventory to find a Time Bomb, ticking and about to explode. If such a thing happens, press A to immediately toss it away. Just keep in mind that any nearby soldiers will be alerted to your presence when it explodes. The moral of the story? Don't pick up strange bombs! --/ CAUGHT A COLD, DIDJA? /---------------------- Is Snake sneezing without relent? If so, chances are that he's caught a cold. Now that's not really a good thing, as his sneezing will slow him down and tip off the enemy soldiers. So what can we do if Snake catches a cold? Well, you'll need to find some Medicine. There's only one place in the entire game where this stuff can be found, and that's in the Nuke Building B1. Check out the middle room on the western wall to find what you need. ========= THE RADAR ========= In the field, Snake's Solition radar is his closest ally. The radar is one of the most important parts of gameplay (unless, of course, you turn it off). Find it on the upper-right hand corner of the screen, and be sure not to forgot where it is - it's your daddy in this game. Anyway, there are all sorts of dots and cones and such on the radar. Here's what they all stand for. White Dot: That's you, Snakey-boy, the hero, whatever. Green Cone: Snake's field of vision while in first-person view mode. Red Dots: These denote enemy soldiers or cameras. They also have cones, but they change colors at certain times. Care to know what the colors mean? Read on! * Blue Cone - The guard/camera is oblivious to your presence. * Yellow Cone - The enemy is suspicious of something, but they are not necessarily on to you. * Red Cone - Uh-oh! Looks like they've found you! Yellow Dots: When you've got a Mine Detector equipped, these represent mines. ========= THE CODEC ========= To use your Codec, press Start + A. Once you've done that, you're free to call anyone who's frequency you know. Select the desired frequency by pressing either left or right on the Control Stick, then hit A to give that person a call. If you want to choose a Codec Frequency from the list of people you know, just press down to open up a little window displaying said list. For each individual character's frequency, check the Characters section above. ================== ENEMY STATUS MODES ================== Enemies aren't idiots. Case in point: they get suspicious if they hear you do something stupid, and attack in swarms when they find you. Depending on how suspicious a guard is, he'll go into a different status mode, all of which are listed below. --/ NORMAL MODE /-------------------------------- This is the basic condition, so any nearby guards are too busy doing nothing to have noticed you yet. So, the soldiers will just wander around the area on their patrol routes and possibly even fall asleep if you opt not to give them anything fun to do. Basically, you want to be in this mode, as soldiers are less likely to bother you. --/ ALERT MODE /--------------------------------- Uh-oh! Some guard (or camera) has spotted you! Better go hide! What will happen here is that soldiers will begin to pour into the area and fire at you like there's no tomorrow. If you've got a good hiding place, they'll all leave you alone eventually. Also, if you kill a certain amount of guards this mode will end. --/ EVASION MODE /------------------------------- With this mode, the enemies know you're around somewhere, but they've lost your exact location. If the guards think you might be nearby, they'll sweep through the room to make sure it's all clear. --/ CAUTION MODE /------------------------------- In this mode, enemies are more alert than usual and there might be a few more soldiers posted in the area. Be careful! ================ BOSS LIFE GAUGES ================ When doing battle with a boss character, his/her/its Life Gauge will appear right beneath Snake's. What may be confusing, however, is that each boss has two different gauges, one for their life and another for their "consciousness". The former is pretty self-explanatory - it can be depleted with lethal weapons, such as grenades, your SOCOM or FA-MAS, and either of the missile launchers (Stinger or Nikita). The bottom gauge will be depleted if you use a tranquilizer gun (M9 or PSG1-T) or if you resort to Jackie Chan-style fist fighting antics. Either way, completely depleting either gauge will cause the battle to come to an abrupt end. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Story =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As copied verbatim from the instruction manual. ========================= THE OUTER HEAVEN UPRISING ========================= ~From Metal Gear (released 1987) FOXHOUND operator Solid Snake infiltrates Outer Heaven, a fortress-nation deep in the heart of South Africa, and destroys their prototype weapon Metal Gear, a walking tank with nuclear capability. In the process, he discovers that the leader of Outer Heaven is none other than Big Boss, the supreme commander of FOXHOUND, and puts an end to his former comrade's twisted schemes. ============================= THE ZANZIBAR LAND DISTURBANCE ============================= ~From Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (released 1990) After surviving the Outer Heaven incident, Big Boss escapes to Zanzibar Land and sets up an independent military regime with the hope of creating a world of strife, the only kind of world a born soldier can truly enjoy. At the request of FOXHOUND, Solid Snake infiltrates Zanzibar Land and again destroys Metal Gear, which had been transferred to Zanzibar Land following the collapse of Outer Heaven. He triumphs once again in a final, decisive battle with Big Boss and ensures the downfall of Zanzibar Land. ============================ THE DAWN OF THE 21st CENTURY ============================ The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago was being used to train the next generation special forces unit FOXHOUND when the unit suddenly revolted and captured the island. The terrorists have secured hundreds of nuclear warheads and are demanding that the government turn over the remains of Big Boss. They warn that if their demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch a nuclear weapon. Solid Snake is once again called back to duty in a top-secret mission to deal with the greatest terrorist threat the world has ever seen. First, he must single-handedly infiltrate the nuclear weapons disposal site and rescue two hostages, DARPA Chief Donald Anderson and the President of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker, and then eliminate the terrorist threat and prevent a nuclear launch. With just 24 hours left, the clock is already ticking. Once again, Snake heads into battle... alone. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= IV ------------------------------------------------------ WALKTHROUGH =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Based on the Normal difficulty setting... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Infiltration =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The terrorists have threatened to launch a nuclear weapon if their demands are not met in 24 hours. It's our job to make sure that doesn't happen. But first, we need to infiltrate Shadow Moses Island and find out if it's possible for them to launch. --/ THE MISSION BEGINS! /------------------------ First of all, toss Disk 1 into your GameCube and press the power button. Wait for the game to boot up, then select new game. From there you'll be presented with a choice: how hard do you want the game to be? I recommend choosing Normal (that's the mode that this FAQ is based upon), but it's really up to you. After another choice (radar type; I suggest type 2, as it does happen to be the default) you're good to go! --/ CARGO DOCK /--------------------------------- After the initial cutscene and subsequent Codec conversation, you'll be tossed into control. Once you've gotten a basic feel for the slightly clumsy controls (stupid GameCube controller!), drop into the water behind you, descend the stairs and snatch the adjacent ration. As you'll soon learn, rations are integral to your survival, so be sure to ration them... get it? GET IT!? * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Ration. Fundamental to your survival in this game. Basically, rations are just health packs. If you have them equipped when your life gauge runs dry it will be used automatically; quite the nifty feature! Now then, before running headstrong ahead and getting caught by some soldiers, I suggest you pause for a moment. Drop back into the water and run east to locate another item, the AP Sensor. Lovely. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: AP Sensor. When equipped, this bad boy will rumble whenever a foe nears you. Also good for giving ol' Snake a massage. ;) Once you've got that baby safely tucked away, return to where you started out. Before we can proceed onwards, we have to wait for the cargo elevator found at the northern end of this area to come down. There are two ways to wait for it: the weak way or the cool way. The former is simply to wait around where you first began (maybe doing a few pull-ups using one of the railings as you wait). No chance of being caught, but no fun at all. That's why I suggest taking the other method! Now what might that be? Crawl underneath the structure just ahead and take down the guards with some well-timed choking antics. Should you get caught, simply race back to the south end, flip over the railing and drop into the water. With the ration you found earlier and a couple others that can be found (one on the platform due east of where you began and the other way north near the elevator, hidden behind a forklift), there is no need to worry about your health at this point. Either way, once the cargo elevator comes down you're free to hitch a ride on it, just be wary of the soldier who rides along with it. Before you ride up the elevator, however, it's highly recommend that you check out the lockers just west of the lift. In the locker furthest on the left is the M9, your first gun, and a weapon that will prove useful through the entire game. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: M9. This is the tranquilizer gun first introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2. Although I personally find the SOCOM to be a much more effective (and way cooler) way of defeating enemies, this will do quite nicely until we the SOCOM, as well as a suppressor for it. * NOTE: If you're playing Easy mode, the M9 will be sitting out in the open next to the lockers. Likewise, if Hard mode is what you're using, you won't gain access to this baby until you reach the Armory a bit later. --/ HELIPORT /----------------------------------- Enjoy the lengthy cutscenes and Codec talks, then get ready to partake in some tactical espionage. Our first order of business here is to arm ourselves, as we're pretty much defenseless at the moment (as fun as it is to hear some guard's neck snap, the choke hold can only go so far :/). Anyway, avoid the large platform ahead since the spotlights are almost certain to spot you and head east instead. Keep in mind that walking through the snow will leave footprints that the guards will notice, so we'll use that to our advantage in just a moment. But first, there's a ration just ahead, hiding behind one of the large metal crates. After grabbing it, take a few steps away from the crate so your footprints can be seen clearly by the patrolling soldier. When he comes to inspect them, quietly WALK (not run) around the other side of the box and choke him. You'll probably want to hide his body somewhere to the south, if just to be careful. With that sucker out of the way, take a quick glance to the west to make sure the coast is clear and, if so, bolt for the truck. Hop in the back and check behind the small greenish crate to locate your trusty first sidearm! Sweet! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: SOCOM. Because you aren't gonna get anywhere without a good gun. That said, your SOCOM is a reliable weapon throughout the entire game, and it comes not even-halfway loaded with 13 rounds. It may not be the best choice for large firefights, but it'll do just fine for now. Enjoy! However gung-ho you may be about trying out your new pistol, I suggest strongly against it. Truth be told, the thing makes way too much noise. Shooting it without a suppressor would be like yelling "HEY YOU TERRORIST DORKS COME GET ME!" In other words, not effective in the least. Just keep the gun in it's holster for now, mmmkay? Use the M9, instead. At this point, you've got two choices. You can hang out in the freezing cold and get frostbite whilst collecting some new items, or you can head straight for your goal. If the latter is your choice, skip down a few paragraphs. * NOTE: If you missed the M9 in the Cargo Dock earlier, check underneath the truck here to find it. If you want to go find some new toys to play with, hop out of the truck and sneak southward, onto the stairs. See that item box having the time of it's life spinning around in the spotlight? It may sound tricky, but we're going to make it all ours. The best way to do this is to wait for the lights to start moving apart, then bolt across the platform, grab the item and sprint straight for the southern staircase, which would drop you off near the elevator. It may take a few tries, but the Chaff Grenades you'll get will prove useful if just a moment. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Chaff Grenades. While they don't cause any damage to the terrorist idiots, they do confuse the heck out of any surveillance cameras. They'll show off their usefulness in just a second, so hang tight, my FAQ reading friends! Now then, let's head back to the truck where we found the SOCOM, shall we? From there, quietly walk to the left, ignoring the drowsy soldier to the north, as he's too busy sleeping to bother with us. Not far from the truck is a small room that contains some Stun Grenades for us to feast upon. Unfortunately, a surveillance camera is doing a rather nice job of guarding them. No worries, though, as we just collected some Chaff that will do the trick here. Just pull the pin and wait for the explosion, then race in, open the furthest locker and say hi to the stunners. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Stun Grenades. Much like the Chaff Grenades, these li'l bombers don't cause any direct damage to your foes. They do, however, create a pretty flash that temporarily stuns them. Truthfully enough, I rarely use these, as they aren't too useful. Nevertheless, though, this is the first time you can grab them, so you may as well go for it. Okay, so it's finally time to infiltrate the building. How should we go about it? Well, we've got two choices, one of which is definitely better than the other. The good choice is to ascend the staircase east of the truck, avoiding the camera and wait for the patrolling soldier to show himself, at which point you can partake in some fun neck-breaking antics. From there, find the air duct in one of the crevices and begin crawling. The lesser of the two options is to take down Sleepy (just west of the truck), stay out of the camera's sight and duck into the air duct. Go with whichever choice makes you more giddy. --/ TANK HANGAR /-------------------------------- The path through the air duct is entirely straightforward, no matter which path you chose to take, so I'm going to assume that you don't need me to hold your grimy little hands through it. Not long after entering you'll get a ring on the Codec from Master Miller, one of Snake's old buddies. The basic gist of the conversation is that Miller is willing to lend support to you in any way possible (except actually getting his sorry butt out here and doing something worthwhile), so give him a ring whenever. When the conversation ends, continue through the duct, stopping to peer out the windows if it pleases you. There will also be a short scene showing a couple of guards yammering on about something stupid, most likely. When you reach the end of the vent, you'll emerge in the hangar. Nice, we're on the inside now. As soon as you're on your feet, the Colonel will beep in and start ordering you around. Something about finding an elevator and heading down. We'll take care of that in just a second, but there's something more important to do first. If you're currently downstairs, then ascend the staircase on the west side of the hangar and follow the catwalk around to the opposite side. If you happen to be wandering around upstairs already, simply sneak past the camera by waiting for it to swivel away from you. * NOTE: When walking on the catwalks in this area (and other similar areas throughout the game) it's a good idea to slowly walk instead of running, as the guards below you either have really good hearing or have really good hearing aides. The room we're looking for shouldn't be difficult to locate, as it's the only open room upstairs. Head inside, but stop soon after entering, as there is a camera waiting to yell at you for not being sneaky enough. Just wait for it to turn the other way, then dash in and press yourself against the wall below it. When it's field of vision moves the opposite direction, run forward and snatch the Thermal Goggles, then return to your post underneath the camera before it spots you. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Thermal Goggles. Although they're all colorful now, as opposed to the dull red ones from the original, these are still equally effective. Generally, you'll want to throw these on to scout for possible land mines or if it's too dark to see and you get scared. Now then, it's time for us to return to our actual mission. In order to do this, we need to get downstairs. If you want to be cool like a ninja then feel free to drop off one of the rails, otherwise you'll be better off taking the stairs; just make sure you don't get seen by the camera stationed above them. Once downstairs, I suggest having some fun and cracking the guards' necks. If that's not your fancy, then go ahead and call up the elevator to the north. It tends to take several seconds to come up, so you might need to hide if a guard is present. Head down to the first floor basement (B1). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. "I am like you... I have no name." =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= DARPA Chief Donald Anderson and ArmsTech President Kenneth Baker should be able to shed some light on the terrorists' capabilities. Thing is, they're both being held hostage! We'll have to save them first! --/ HOLDING CELLS /------------------------------ "Look at the radar! It's picking up the DARPA chief. He's the green dot. Hurry and rescue him." Although her accent is gone, Mei Ling's line is pretty much the same thing as before. Run southward, ignoring the door marked "1", as we can't enter it without the proper keycard. Looks like we'll have to find another way in. Continue southward and turn off to the right when the path curves that way and you'll soon come across a ladder, as well as a small air duct below you. Enter the duct to find a ration, which you may or may not need. The vent continues along further, but there isn't anything else worthwhile, so exit and head up the adjacent ladder. If you just want to head straight through the air vents, then take the path straight ahead and ignore the various places where the vent branches out. However, if you're interested in watching a soldier piss, then you'll want to head left at the first fork (there is also some M9 ammo, which we can't pick up just yet). Back on the main path, simply head forward and you'll soon find the appropriate cell (but not before gazing at some woman who is also imprisoned). Snake drops into the DARPA Chief's cell monkey-style and says hello. After an extended conversation about the terrorists' capabilities and Metal Gear, the chief... meh, I'm cool so I won't spoil the cutscenes for you. Enjoy watching it. Once you're back in control, check underneath the chief's bed to find a ration, although you may not have any room for another one. Anyway, step out of the cell and into the hallway to have some fun gawking at a naked guy. Thank God for blurring effects! More cutscenes lead to the game's first major fight, though I wouldn't quite call it a boss fight. Nevertheless, it's good fun. The basic gist is that soldiers will rush into the room, often times in groups of three. Cut them down with rapid fire from that SOCOM of yours (that's right, I'm actually authorizing you to use it!). Should your ammo happen to run dry, you've got a few options. You can just try to slap the attacking guards silly with your punch-punch-kick combo or by choking them. If that doesn't float your boat, then you can just hang out behind your friend and wait for her to mow down the soldiers. Also, for some good fun, try shooting the fire extinguisher as some guards enter the room. They'll be temporarily blinded, giving you some time to kung-fu their sorry butts. When the battle ends, some more cutscenes will entertain your eyes. When they finally end, head back to the chamber where you just had that firefight and check out the southern area. You can find a porno Book in the bathroom, as well as some ammo for your SOCOM in a locker. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Book. This magazine is filled with naughty photos, so lay it down somewhere and watch as the horny guards goggle at it instead of patrolling. With that done, do as the DARPA Chief said and mosey on down to the second floor basement (B2) to look for Baker. --/ ARMORY /------------------------------------- There actually aren't any soldiers patrolling this area yet, so feel free to explore to your heart's content; there's plenty to find. One thing to be aware of, though, is that some parts of the floor will collapse, dropping you into a pit of eternal nothingness that will forever engulf you. In other words, just stay on the move and you won't have to worry about these traps. Now then, let's get down to business. Although most of the chambers in the Armory are locked as of now, there are a few places we can access with our measly Level 1 Keycard. For example, the room closest to the elevator is stocked full of the explosive goodness that is C4. Collect it all, then head south one room to find some SOCOM ammo, which you'll probably need if that gunfight wore you out. Finally, hit up the southwesternmost room to stock up on grenades. No, not the weak Chaff or Stun variety, these guys are the real deal. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: C4. Ahh... wonderful, wonderful plastic explosives. Just set one on the ground with A and detonate it with B. BOOM! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Grenades. More explosives to enhance your life. These work just like the other two kinds that we've already encountered, except that they cause damage. And are much cooler in that respect. As you should recall, the DARPA Chief told us to look for areas of the wall that are a different color than the rest. Well, there are a grand total of three places on the wall in which the color is distinctly different. One on the wall east of the elevator, one on the wall west of the elevator and the last one hidden way down in the southwest corner. I suggest blowing open the walls near the elevator first. The western room contains an M9 for you to enjoy, along with some Stun Grenades, C4, and some other ammo. The eastern room is inclusive of some sweet goodies as well; namely some Chaff Grenades and FA-MAS ammo (which is useless until we actually get us a FA-MAS). Just be careful of the traps in the eastern room. * NOTE: If you missed the M9 earlier, or if you're playing on Hard mode, you can find it in the small area just west of the elevator. Rejoice! Okay, so we've already checked out two of the three C4-able areas, so the only remaining is to the southwest. Blow the wall to smithereens and enter to find that strong harmonic resonance prevents the use of your radar any further. Oh well, you don't really need it for this place anyway. --/ ARMORY SOUTH /------------------------------- Nothing much of any interest here, save for the weakened wall on the eastern side of the screen. Blow it open and head through, allowing you to access the adjacent hallway. Again, this corridor is pretty barren, although it does have two bombable walls. The one on the northern wall is the one we want, though, as nothing worthwhile can come of heading through the eastern wall just yet. In time, however... Anyway, just blast open the north wall and head inside. Looks like we've found Baker. Watch the scenes, then get ready for your first real boss battle! - REVOLVER OCELOT --------------------------- There are two main ways to go about taking down this gunman, both of which are pretty easy. The first way is the old school way, the cool way, and the fun way. Just chase Ocelot around the room peppering him with shots from your SOCOM (or your M9 would work, also). This chamber seems way smaller than in the original MGS, so even getting near enough to punch Ocelot is no problem (although I did punch him a few times in the original, also). Now, if you're just looking for the easy way out then you can stand still, enter first-person view mode and pick him off with little to no difficulty. But that's no fun. Nevertheless, the choice is yours. Just keep in mind that SOCOM ammo respawns semi-often near the top of the screen. When the fight ends, some awesome cutscenes await you. Watch them, soak in all the story, etc, etc. During the scene you'll be assigned a new mission: to find Hal Emmerich, one of the engineers who worked on Metal Gear. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Enter Otacon =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= So the DARPA chief and ArmsTech President aren't our business anymore, but now we have to find some engineer? Meh, how hard can it be? --/ ARMORY /------------------------------------- Once you're back in control after the lengthy cutscenes, return to the main section of the armory (which is now infested with some guards) and open up your Codec screen. Although Baker forgot the Colonel's niece's frequency, we can clearly read it off the back of the game box. 140.15. Give her a ring and see what's up. After a somewhat lengthy conversation, you'll want to head back to the Tank Hangar. But before you run off and do that, there's a new gun to pick up here in the armory. First of all, I suggest taking down the two patrolling soldiers with your M9, as they might present a problem otherwise. Once they're out of the way, use your Level 2 keycard to open up the southeast chamber. Don't just race into the room, though, since infrared beams are set up. Just crouch down and crawl right underneath, using your Thermal Goggles if you really need to see the beams. On the other side is the FA-MAS, as well as your first Cardboard Box! Dandy! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: FA-MAS. This assault rifle is your best bet for large gunfights, or if you just want to raise some hell. Still, either the M9 or SOCOM will be your best bet if you plan to stay sneaky. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Box 1. Put this on and hide amongst a set of other boxes to blend right in! Guards will never know you're there! Now that you've got a spiffy assault rifle, take the elevator up to the first floor hangar. --/ TANK HANGAR /-------------------------------- If you beeped Meryl earlier like I told you to, the L5 door to the elevator's east will open up. Before we go running ahead like a headless chicken, though, there are a few items to grab. Unlike before, do NOT take out any of the soldiers in this area, as they radio in their superior every few seconds to report anything suspicious. When they don't radio in, an additional guard team is sent in to ruin your fun. In other words, just sneak around and don't use that weapon, ya? First of all, head east from the elevator and enter the L1 room (not the L5 room that Meryl opened up for you). The lone guard is this area isn't all that alert, so it shouldn't be too difficult to zip in and grab the SOCOM suppressor, which lies just south of said soldier. Since he doesn't use his report his findings via radio every few seconds like the others, you can just pop a tranq dart into his head and say goodnight. Dance over and grab the suppressor, then return to the main room. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: SOCOM Suppressor. Now we can finally use our SOCOM effectively! This little guy, when equipped, allows you to shoot your trusty sidearm without making enough noise to wake the dead. Yeah. Okie-dokie, there's still more for us to find! Head upstairs (watch out for the camera; just sneak by when it's looking the other direction or toss some Chaff) and duck into the first room you stumble across, if you feel the need to grab some more Chaff Grenades. Otherwise, just pass it by and head east around the catwalk, shooting down the solo guard up here (he doesn't use his radio). Now then, we want to head for the L2 door positioned right under a surveillance camera. The easiest way to dodge this bullet, I think, is simply to shoot out the camera. Anyway, just make your way into the room and snatch the Mine Detector off the floor, as well as the Stun Grenades in the middle locker. Additionally, a Ration can be found underneath the south desk. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Mine Detector. Equip this and mines, which are otherwise invisible (with few exceptions) will show up as yellow dots on your radar. All right, that's all for now in terms of item collecting, so head downstairs and enter the door that Meryl opened up for you. The problem is, infrared beams block the path onward, so you'll need to whip out your Thermal Goggles to get through. If you ignored my earlier advice and didn't get the goggles, then you're out of luck, as you can't go back and get them at this point. You can, however, start smoking a cigarette, as the smoke will reveal the laser beams. Either way, the best way to get through this area is to crawl past one beam, then turn your body horizontally while waiting for the next beam to rise, allowing you to crawl past. Hit any one beam and you're assured death, as the doors will lock and poison gas will flood the room. Not cool. * NOTE: If avoiding the infrared beams doesn't sound like your kind of deal, keep in mind that an alternate solution is available. Much like in MGS2, you can actually shoot out the laser mechanisms. Just look for the small white device on the floor next to each beam and pump a single SOCOM bullet into it to turn off the laser. Keep in mind that you'll need to do this for each laser - busting up one device doesn't turn off every single laser. Make it through the infrared sensors and you're home free! --/ CANYON /------------------------------------- Take a few steps forward and you'll receive a Codec call from a mysterious person called Deepthroat. He tells you to use a Mine Detector, as there are several mines positioned in this area. Also, supposedly there is a tank just ahead waiting to ambush you. Oh, crap... Anyway, just equip your Mine Detector and crawl over the various mines strewn around the area to pick them up. Proceed forward a bit to encounter another member of FOXHOUND... - M1 TANK ------------------------------------- The key to winning this battle is to knock the tank's main gun offline, and the only way to do that is to use a Chaff Grenade. So, right off the bat, before you do anything else, pull the pin and toss some Chaff. When it explodes, race towards the tank and throw a regular Grenade onto the lap of the poor sucker manning the machine gun. That's basically the only way this battle can play out. If you need extra ammo, there's plenty to find strewn around the battlefield. There's even a ration near the rocks west of where you began. With that in mind, simply continue the Chaff-Regular- Chaff-Regular pattern and you shouldn't have much trouble. As usual, a cutscene will follow the battle. Once you're back in control you will be inside the... --/ NUKE BUILDING 1F /--------------------------- If you need it, there's a ration at the end of the western catwalk. Otherwise just run straight ahead and crawl underneath the half-open door. Just as you enter the subsequent area, the Colonel and Naomi will beep in, telling you not to use your weapons no matter what. Don't wanna blow up the dismantled warheads, eh? Pssh. It's impossible to use any of your weapons save Chaff Grenades, anyway. Okay, once you're back in control, run west and flatten yourself against the wall while waiting for the patrolling guard to walk past, totally oblivious to your presence. When he's gone, continue westward and ascend the staircase, as long as the upstairs guard isn't right there. If that's the case, chill out in some inconspicuous downstairs area until he moves away. Once upstairs, bolt right for the elevator. If the soldier comes before the elevator opens, I suggest snapping his neck, otherwise he might see you. And it really sucks to get caught in this area. Anyway, once in the elevator head down to B2. --/ NUKE BUILDING B2 /--------------------------- Head south through the door to initiate a cutscene. Deepthroat will call again, saying the floor is electrified and the only way to get by is the blow up the high-voltage switch. Since we can't quite reach it, we'll need to find a remote-controlled missile to do the job for us. But where can we find such a weapon? Call Meryl, she knows. They're on the first floor basement (that's B1). Hop on the elevator and head up. --/ NUKE BUILDING B1 /--------------------------- First of all, head west and check out the bathroom. Say hi to the pissing guard, then take him out in whatever manner seems most appropriate. I like to hold him up then beat him down like a ninja, but the choice is all yours. There is also a porno book hidden in the first stall, so grab that. Now exit the bathroom and enter the southern area, where another soldier is patrolling. Just kill him however you want (or better yet, wait until he takes his bathroom break and have some fun in there!), then check out all the cool stuff this room has to offer. First and foremost is the Nikita Missile Launcher near the lockers to the east. This is the remote-controlled missile you need! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Nikita Missile Launcher. Fire a missile from this big boy and control it manually until a) it hits something and goes KABOOM, b) it runs out of fuel and blows up, or c) it gets shot down and goes bam. All three ways result in explosions, so there's no way that you can't have fun messing around with this! Although all the doors are currently locked, there is plenty of ammo and such lying around in the central area, so be sure to grab it all before heading back down to B2. --/ NUKE BUILDING B2 /--------------------------- The second you step out of the elevator, take a gander to your left (Snake's right) to see some big mechanism-thingy. That's what you need to blow up with your fancy RC missiles. So. Step into the gas-filled, electric-floor room and whip out that Nikita of yours. Fire a missile and watch as it glides down the hallway. Turn it right at the end, then right again as soon as it enters the subsequent area. Keep as close to the wall as possible, otherwise the gun cameras will shoot it down and you'll have to start all over again. After it passes the first set of gun cameras, you'll want to swerve a bit to the left to avoid the fire of another, which happens to be positioned on the eastern wall. Pass it by, then keep the missiles going straightforward and guide it through the doorway ahead (make sure it goes through the middle). Once you're in there, you are pretty much in the clear. A single right turn, then guide it into the voltage mechanism. *explosion* So now that the floor won't deep fry you anymore, it's cool for us to stand on it. Nice. Step into the previous room to refill your 02 gauge, then race in and enter the third room you happen come across in the corridor. What's inside, you may ask? Well, in addition to a gun camera (which you should shoot out or just avoid), there is a porno book and a Gas Mask. Sweet, now we can stay in gassy situations for even longer! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Gas Mask. This drastically increases the time it takes for your 02 gauge to run dry, meaning you can stay in the gas for a lot longer. Good deal, I say! Now then, go to the end of the hallway and head west. Pop a Chaff Grenade in to neutralize the gun cameras, then check out the open rooms to find some Grenades and Nikita ammo. After that, make your way back to the room with the high-voltage device to find some more Chaff Grenades as well as a ration. With all that loot, head back to the electric-floor hallway and take the eastern door to get out of here (just watch out for another gun camera over the door). Listen to the creepy music for a while, then proceed onwards to view an awesome and extremely bloody cutscene. Afterwards, you can admire the Ninja's handiwork, then follow him through the doorway. Of course, some more cutscenes occur (and these are not devoid of pants-wetting scientists ;)). Guess what? When the scenes are over, it's boss time! - CYBORG NINJA ------------------------------ First of all, none of your weapons will do ANY good here, so put them up and fight like a man (e.g. like someone from Tekken!). Basically, if you use a gun, the Ninja will whip out his katana and deflect every single bullet. So for the first portion of this fight, keep the weapons down and go in for the punch-punch-kick combo whenever you get the chance. Just be careful, as the Ninja has a nice selection of dangerous moves. His air stomp, where he dangles above you for a moment before stomping hard on the ground, is especially devastating, so stay on the move to avoid it. Once you knock off about half of his life gauge, he'll put on his stealth camouflage and tell you to catch him. This actually isn't too different from before, only now it's just a bit tougher to spot the Ninja. Even so, he tends to "hide" in the same places over and over, so no need to worry about losing him. However, if you are really having trouble spotting him, simply equip your Thermal Goggles to reveal the Ninja, in all his glory. Continue the beatdown process and he'll become clearly visible again. Only problem is, now he's got a new attack up his sleeves. Just as you begin your attack combo, he'll teleport behind you and deck you. To overcome this, you need to run around him for a bit until he executes this punch, leaving him vulnerable to your punch-punch-kick. A cool note about this fight is that you can shoot the Mario doll (top-right of the screen) to get a "1-Up" that actually replenishes a tiny portion of your life. Lovely. Another thing, you can knock on the locker where the scientist is hiding to hear him whimpering like a little girl. Priceless stuff! .-------------. | READER TIPS! \____________________________________________________________ | ============ | | Immortal Swords sez: "If you do the 'Nikita 0wn4g3 (Ownage) on the | | Ninja, and unequip the Nikita before he gets up, he shouldn't take out | | his sword. Let the ninja ass kicking ceremony commence." | | | | Beran sez: "I seem to remember during the ninja fight if you use a | | Chaff Grenade he gets all screwed up and stuff. I don't remember if it | | made him any easier to fight or not though... They might have taken it | | out, but that wouldn't make sense. Every single bloody electronic device | | goes nuts when you use one, why not a cyborg?" | | | | Pavtool sez: "During the fight with Ninja in Otacon's office, after you | | punch him a couple of times so he puts his sword away, to get his health | | down quickly you can throw a Chaff Grenade and he freezes up and kinda | | moans a little bit, and then enter first person mode, and hit him up with | | your FA-MAS a bit." | |___________________________________________________________________________| As expected, some insanely long cutscenes follow the fight. When they finally end, you'll have a new objective: meet up with Meryl. To do this, we'll need to head back to B1 of this building. Before we take get down to business, however, there's some stuff to grab using our L4 keycard! Return to the gassy hallway! * NOTE: Before leaving, go shoot the Yoshi doll next to the Mario one to hear the signature Yoshi voice. Yahoo! Another thing to take note of, in the original MGS there was a PlayStation on the central desk. In this newfangled version, it's been replaced with a purple GameCube with a WaveBird controller! The first place to hit up is the middle room in the corridor leading towards the elevator. It was locked before, but now we can head inside and grab the Stun Grenades. Additionally, make your way to the western area with all the gun cameras and find the very last door. Inside are the Nightvision Goggles, which are sure to prove useful later on. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Nightvision Goggles. Wearing these makes everything turn green. Also, they allow you to see in dark places, so you don't have to be scared! That's all to find, so head back to the elevator and ride up to B1. --/ NUKE BUILDING B1 /--------------------------- Like last time, head over to the bathroom first to have some fun eliminating the pissing soldier. After that, head into the southern area to find two guards, one of which is Meryl in disguise. So. How do we figure out which soldier to kill and which one to gawk at? Well, there are a few ways. First of all, the non-Meryl guard will soon head for the bathroom. Follow him there and take him out if you wish. Another way to tell if it isn't Meryl is to let the guard see you; Meryl will run straight for the women's bathroom, while the typical stuff happens if the actual guard spots you. Either way, follow her into the bathroom for a cutscene, of course. Afterwards, the two of you will set off for the Commander's Room. Which is to the north. Before that, however, you may want to check out the area to the south, since we can open up a few of the doors now. There isn't anything TOO important laying around, but you can find another Cardboard Box, a ration, and some ammo. You can also some Pentazemin, which you won't be needing for a short while. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Pentazemin. This stuff will come in handy when you're using a sniper rifle, as it will steady your aim and stop your hands from moving about. Since you don't have a sniper rifle, it really isn't of any use to you just yet. * NOTE: If you want to have some fun, try messing around with Meryl in various ways; punch her, shoot her, blow her up, etc. Funny stuff. All right, let's head for the Commander's Room now. It's at the end of the northern hallway. Make your way to it and a series of cutscenes will start up, eventually leading to a tricky situation where Meryl will be shooting at you. Why? You'll find out. Until then, just pump some tranq darts into her and knock her out with your fists. Meryl's irregular behavior has a reason, as you will see. More cutscenes ("You seem to like The Legend of Zelda, don't you?") will lead to another boss fight. * NOTE: If you happen to have saved game data from Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness, or Super Smash Bros. Melee on your memory card, Mantis will make a point of mentioning them. - PSYCHO MANTIS ------------------------------- Okay, so Psycho Mantis knows exactly when you're going to shoot, so he can dodge your bullets without the slightest bit of trouble. What can we do? In order to throw off Mantis's psychic mind-reading, you need to switch your controller from the first port to the fourth, thus allowing you to nail him with bullets and punches. Another thing to take note of is that Mantis will sometimes make the screen go black, with the word "HIDEO" displayed at the top of the screen. This isn't a problem with your TV; it's just one of Mantis's macho head-games. It'll go back to the normal screen in a few seconds. As for actually fighting Mantis, I highly suggest whipping out your FA-MAS. For the first part of this fight, he'll just float around, so get near him an unload upon him. Be sure to watch out for when he tosses a fireball at you, though, as they tend to cause a lot of damage. Additionally, Mantis will also use his telekinesis to pick up objects (chairs, paintings, even a suit of armor) and toss them at you. You can easily avoid these obstacles simply by crawling. Continue firing at Mantis whenever you can and he will soon enter his next phase. Once you've taken off a little more than half of his life, he'll make Meryl stand up and start shooting at her. Like last time, put her to sleep with the M9. Of course, Mantis doesn't stop there. After you've knocked her out, Mantis brings Meryl up again, this time telling her to blow her own brains out! Apply the same tactics; a few M9 darts will do the trick quite nicely. At this point, Mantis will enter his final phase. He will teleport around the room tossing fireballs around like he's some sort of flamethrower. Since he uses a stealth trick similar to that of the Cyborg Ninja, equip your Thermal Goggles to keep track of him. When he pauses to throw a ball of fire at you, quickly empty a clip of ammo into him. Should you run out of ammo, some respawns at various points around the room, and you can always resort to your SOCOM. Some lengthy cutscenes ensue (as always) after the fight. Once they end, be sure to switch the controller back to the first port, first of all. Then head through the doorway that Mantis was nice enough to open for us, grab the ammo lying around next to the stairs and head through the L5 door. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= d. Showdown of Snipers =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Good eye, sniper. I'll shoot, you run." - Coheed and Cambria --/ CAVES /-------------------------------------- When Meryl says she'll take point and to follow her, what she really means is that she's gonna race ahead with lightning-quick speed and you'll be left to fend for yourself. No matter, though, since you've got this way cool FAQ sitting in front of you. From where you began, a fork in the path ahead can be seen (pick it up, yo). Head east to locate a ration and some SOCOM ammo, then run back and take the northern path. Though it seems to be a dead end, you can actually crawl underneath the rocks to proceed onward. On the other side you'll encounter a group of belligerent wolf dogs, so either stay on the run or shoot them down. These dogs are crazy; they'll literally throw themselves at you. Anyway, just head north into the cavern ahead, where you should turn to the right. There is some sniper rifle ammunition stashed around the caves, but you can't pick any of it up just yet, so give it the cold shoulder. Go to the south of the caves and you'll find another place to crawl under, so do just that. Meryl is just ahead, getting all sorts of love (<3 <3) from the dogs. Grab the ration on the ground, then enter the doorway. --/ UNDERGROUND PASSAGE /------------------------ In a short scene, Meryl explains that the area is mined, and shows off her 1337 mine-evasion skills. When you regain control, simply follow her footsteps to make it through unscathed (unlike the original MGS, you can't just run straight ahead anymore :/). As you reach Meryl, a lengthy cutscene will begin. When it finally ends, we've got to do some major backtracking in order to obtain a sniper rifle. Return to the Commander's Room by heading back through the caves in the same manner you came through them. * NOTE: If you just want a quick reminder of how to make your way back to your current destination, here you are: Commander Room -> Nuke Bldg B1 -> Nuke Bldg 1F -> Canyon -> Tank Hangar -> Armory. Simple enough, eh? --/ NUKE BUILDING B1 /--------------------------- Watch out for the two patrolling guards (I like to take them out while their taking the piss, as you may know) and head for the southern room. Open up the sliding door to the southwest and grab the PSG1-T near the desk. This is a sniper rifle that can be used against Sniper Wolf, but it only uses weak tranq darts. We're going to go get the *real* sniper rifle now. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: PSG1-T. This sniper rifle fires tranquilizer darts rather than actual bullets, so it isn't all that cool. Even so, it's nice to have if you just want to race through the game as quickly as possible, since you can take down Sniper Wolf using it. * NOTE: If you want, you *can* defeat Wolf using the PSG1-T. However, I like playing Twin Snakes the same way I played the original, so this walkthrough is going to go retrieve the basic PSG1. Head for the elevator and ride up to the first floor. --/ NUKE BUILDING 1F /--------------------------- Remember that you can't use your weapons here. >_< Apply some neck-choking if need be and head for the halfway-open doorway that leads into the Canyon. --/ CANYON /------------------------------------- Not only are there two gun cameras stationed on either side of the door you just came through, but there are also soldiers patrolling this place now! If I were you, I'd shoot out the cameras, then proceed forward, sticking to the western wall. When you about reach the central trench, there will be another gun camera for you to take out, so do that before anything else. After that, simply wait for the guard ahead to turn his back then make a break for it, as there is plenty of room to maneuver in this wide-open area. --/ TANK HANGAR /-------------------------------- No more infrared beams to worry about, so just head straight for the elevator and ride down to B2: the Armory. --/ ARMORY /-------------------------------------- The troublesome thing about this area is that three soldiers are now patrolling. Unless you're extra sneaky, I highly recommend taking them out, so bust out with that SOCOM and go for the headshot. It's actually possible (and quite easy) to take out all three soldiers from just in front of the elevator. Simply wait for them to pass by and pump some lead into them. No problemo! Once they've all been neutralized, head for the northwest doorway and enter, using that shiny L5 keycard of yours. Before racing right in and tripping the infrared sensor, though, take a step back and put on those Thermal Goggles of yours. Just crawl right under the beams, grab the PSG1 and some ammo, and make your escape. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: PSG1. This is the only sniper rifle that was available in the original Metal Gear Solid, so it's much cooler to use than the PSG1-T. Just zoom in and blast the stuffing out your target. Of course, going for headshots is the most effective way to utilize this bad boy, but I'm sure I've already beat you over the head with that information before. Return to the elevator and hitch a ride to the first floor. --/ TANK HANGAR /-------------------------------- You know the drill. Head through the northeastern door to enter the Canyon. The guards won't even notice you. --/ CANYON /------------------------------------- Just like last time, take down the patrolling soldier first, then head toward the central trench, where you should take down one of the gun cameras if you haven't already. From there, bolt for the entrance to the Nuke Building. Defeat the other guard here if necessary, otherwise just sneak past him, as you've got plenty of room to sneak around. --/ NUKE BUILDING 1F /--------------------------- Same as the first time you came through here; take the ration from the catwalk to the west, then crawl under the doorway and wait for the guard to walk past. Head to the staircase on the western side of the chamber and, if the soldier up there isn't around, sprint toward the elevator. When the guard passes by, apply some neck-breaking stratego. --/ NUKE BUILDING B1 /--------------------------- Don't bother with the two guards unless you really want to. Run straight for the Commander's Room. From there, take the exit in the back to enter the caves. --/ CAVES /-------------------------------------- You've been here before, so just retrace your steps. Run north, crawl under the rocks, then avoid the doggies and move east then south. Crawl beneath some more rocky terrain, then head north through the doorway, after grabbing the ration. --/ UNDERGROUND PASSAGE /------------------------ Time for the showdown with Sniper Wolf! Grab the Pentazemin to the left, and take note of Meryl's missing body. - SNIPER WOLF --------------------------------- Okay, it's impossible to get anywhere near Wolf, since she'll automatically fire a shot at you if you try to leave the initial area. With that in mind, take up a position near the part of the wall that juts in a little bit, whip out your PSG1 (or PSG1-T) and start looking for Wolf. Once you get a bead on her, pump some Pentazemin into yourself to steady your aim and make sure you don't lose her. Follow her wherever she goes with your scope, and nail her with a shot whenever she pops out to shoot at you. If you do happen to get hit, you'll have to set up your position again and find Wolf again, but it shouldn't be too big of a deal. Remember: unlike the first game, it's entirely possibly to hit Wolf while she's on the move, so don't just wait around like a sitting duck for her to start firing at you. Once she takes 10 or so shots she'll go down. Once she's down, head for the tower where she was perched, grabbing ammo and other goodies from the niches in the wall as you go (just watch out for that hidden gun camera!). Also, there are some FA-MAS bullets underneath the stairs, so pick those up before you head onward. Upstairs you'll find some ammunition (M9 and SOCOM), but no Wolf. Hmm... what gives? Before anything else, call up Mei Ling and save your game. After that, descend the stairs and try the adjacent doorway. Cutscenes abound. --/ TORTURE! /----------------------------------- After a lengthy series of cutscenes, you'll be treated to a torture session at the hands of our good buddy Revolver Ocelot. The basic gist is that you need to mash the A button as fast as possible to recover your health while Ocelot's torture machine drains it. If things aren't looking too good, you can press Start in addition to A to surrender. Keep in mind, though, that this is the sole event that determines what ending you'll get when you beat the game. If you successfully survive the torture, you'll receive the "good" ending. Submit to Ocelot's torture and you'll be given the "bad" ending. The choice is all yours. One other thing: it's possible to replenish a small bit of your life gauge if you continue to mash the A button after the high-voltage current stops. * NOTE: As Ocelot will tell you, there are no continues here. If you die as a result of the torture, you'll have to go back to the last time you saved. Hope you listened to my advice and saved last time you had the chance. After the torture, you'll be treated to some more scenes and Codec conversations. When control is finally yours again, you will be inside the... --/ MEDICAL ROOM /------------------------------- There isn't a whole lot to do in this room just yet, except for annoying the guard by knocking on the walls repeatedly. Wait around for a while and Ocelot will beep the soldier. It's time for some more torture! Same thing as last time, no more difficult or anything. Again, I suggest pushing through the pain instead of surrendering, but it's all up to you. Whatever floats your boat. Afterwards, you'll be back in the Medical Room. The Colonel and Naomi will beep in, and Naomi will even give you nice little massage. This conversation drags on for a loooong time, but it's all interesting stuff. When it ends, the soldier will run off to hit the can, and Otacon will sneak in, many thanks to his stealth camouflage. Although he isn't able to bust you out by himself, Otacon does hand over some goodies: a ration, a bottle of ketchup, a Level 6 keycard, and Sniper Wolf's Handkerchief. That's just plain dandy! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Ketchup. Made from tomatoes! Good on French fries! Yummy! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Handkerchief. It used to belong to Sniper Wolf, so it smells quite similar to her. Because of that, the dogs in the Cave area will automatically love you if you're wearing this, even if you shoot one of the stupid mutts. Before the guard returns, you need to get down on the floor in crawling position and bust the ketchup bottle, so that it looks like blood. The guard won't know what the heck is going on, and he'll open the door to come check you out. That's your cue to hop up and snap his neck. If you happen to screw up here and get locked back in the cell, the Cyborg Ninja will eventually appear as if from nowhere and bust open the door for you. Such a nice ninja! * NOTE: If you don't feel like spilling ketchup all over yourself, you can always hide underneath the bed instead. It works just the same (though it's a bit more difficult to surprise the guard when crawling out from underneath the bed). * NOTE 2: If you don't manage to escape this time around, you'll have to survive a third round of Ocelot's torture. Once out of the cell, run around and grab the ration, then utilize your L6 keycard and head into Ocelot's torture room. You'll find all of your gear (with the sole exception being the MO Disk you got from Baker) stored safely in the box near the torture bed. Now, take out the gun camera positioned over the doorway, then head through. So just where are we? * NOTE: As you proceed onward, you'll get a call from Deepthroat, saying that there is a bomb in your items! Take a look and, sure enough, you'll be able find an activated time bomb hidden in your inventory. Throw it away before it blows up, but keep in mind that the explosion will alert any guards in the area. --/ HOLDING CELLS /----------------------------- All the way back here, where we found the DARPA chief back at the start of the game. We'll have to trek back to the Communications Tower, it seems. Sneak past the pair of gun cameras and call down the elevator. When it opens, ride it up to the first floor. * NOTE: At this point in time, Snake may have caught a cold. If so, he'll sneeze every once in a while, giving away his location to any nearby soldiers. To cure this, you'll need some medicine. Head to the Nuke Building B1 and check the middle room on the western wall in the area below the elevator. Use the medicine and you're cool again. --/ TANK HANGAR /-------------------------------- Exit to the northeast, and head for the Canyon. --/ CANYON /------------------------------------- If you took out the gun cameras earlier (like I told you to), then all you have to worry about are the soldiers. Drop all of them with a tranq to the head, then bolt for the door on the opposite side of the area. --/ NUKE BUILDING 1F /--------------------------- Crawl underneath the partially open door ahead, then hide against the western wall while waiting for the guard to pass. When he does, make your way toward the staircase and call down the elevator. Snap the neck of the guard up here if necessary, then head down to the first floor basement. --/ NUKE BUILDING B1 /--------------------------- Now that we've got a Level 6 card key, we have the capability to open the final door in the room to the south. Head inside and open up the middle door on the western wall to collect your booty: some medicine. * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Medicine. This is only useful if you happened to catch a cold. If that's the case, simply use this to end the suffering that is sneezing every once in a while. Once you've got that, head north through the Commander's Room and into the caves. --/ CAVES /-------------------------------------- Unlike the last time you were here, you can now use the handkerchief that you received from Otacon to make the doggies love you. Crawl underneath the rocks to the north, then navigate around the corner and crawl through another hole in the rocks. From there, simply jog forward through the door. --/ UNDERGROUND PASSAGE /------------------------ As you approach Meryl's bloodstains, a cutscene will occur. Stuff about Meryl, of course. Once it ends, run through the passage and enter the doorway at the end, which will take us into uncharted territory. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= e. "I'm you! I'm your shadow!" =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Please insert disc two. --/ COMMUNICATIONS TOWER A /--------------------- Once you've done so, run down this narrow corridor, grabbing the FA-MAS ammo if you need it. When you enter the door on the other side of this hallway you'll trip some infrared sensors, pissing off the guards who were apparently right behind you. Take the Stun Grenades and Rope to your left, then sprint southward through the door and start ascending the tower. This part of the game can be pretty tricky, so be careful. First of all, whip out your FA-MAS and shoot through any foe within range, all the while racing up the steps. Quickly dispose of the two soldiers behind you, then just hold left on the control stick to easily ascend the stairs. When guards begin to appear and start shooting at you from above, take them out before anything else, as they can really drain your life gauge. Additionally, there aren't any rations or ammunition (except for the small catwalk near the beginning) on the stairs, so it's really important to have enough before even coming here. A technique that is integral here is being able to shoot while running (just hold down B while running, then press A to shoot as usual). This will allow you to mow down the suckers in front of you while staying out of range of the fools trailing you. When you reach the top, be sure to finish off any soldiers behind you, first and foremost. After that, grab the ration, which I'm sure you'll need, as well as some FA-MAS ammo before climbing up the ladder on the south side of the area. --/ COMMUNICATION TOWER ROOF /------------------- Nothing to do in this initial room, so head outside. As you make your way toward the other side, guess who shows up? None other than Liquid, in his fancy Hind. There's no way we can take that thing down, so we'll just have to avoid it. How? There doesn't seem to be any choice but to rappel to the bottom. It's a good thing we picked up that Rope at the bottom of the tower, so select it as your item and watch Snake at work. The controls for rappelling are pretty basic, so you shouldn't have too much trouble adjusting. Pressing the A button allows you to kick or jump off the wall, which is the best (and only) way to descend. Also, if you press A in conjunction with either left or right on the control stick, Snake will make a big jump in the corresponding direction. Now then, if you press the B button, you'll be able to slowly move across the wall, which is better for making slight adjustments. Of course, its not as simple as just rappelling down the wall; you also need to dodge the spray of bullets that Liquid will be firing at you. Fortunately, there are a few rations that can be found on the wall, so try not to miss it. There is one other thing that you need to take notice of, and that would be your Grip gauge. Just like when Snake is hanging onto a rail, he can't hold the rope forever. If the gauge runs completely dry before you reach the bottom, you're worm food. * NOTE: Forget to grab the rope at the bottom of the tower? No problem; there's an alternate way to do this. Just press Y to flip over the railing and get ready to drop from pipe to pipe in order to reach the bottom. Doing this may take a few tries before you get the hang of it, but it shouldn't be too tough. Press X to drop, Y to grab a rail while falling, and the Control Stick to shimmy along the pipes. Be sure that you're lined up with the pipe below before dropping, though, otherwise Snake will soon become a pancake. When you do make it to the bottom, grab the ration to your left and the C4 to the right before you start heading north down the lengthy catwalk. Before you can make it far, however, an alarm is sounded and a trio of soldiers show up at the opposite side. Retreat back to where you came from and press your back against one of the rails, then pop out and fire a clip of FA-MAS ammo into one unfortunate guard. Do the same for the other two, unless you happen to run out of ammo. In that case, the SOCOM will work fine, as would the PSG1. Another great (and humorous) way to take care of all three guards is to fire a Nikita missile at them and kill all three birds with one stone. Once you've cleared out the area, start running to the other side, only to meet up with Liquid and his Hind again. Like before, there's no way to damage the thing, so quickly run west into the safety of the tower, where you'll find a Stinger Missile Launcher. Lovely! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Stinger Missile Launcher. This is the ONLY way to bust up Liquid's fancy Hind, so it must be pretty awesome. You can only fire it in first-person view mode, but that's how you use it's auto-lock feature, so it's all good. Without that heavy duty explosion-causer firmly in tow, run south through the doorway. --/ COMMUNICATION TOWER B /---------------------- To begin with, run east and grab the various boxes of ammo. If you continue down a few sets of stairs you'll soon find that the rest of the path downward has been destroyed, so head back to where you started. From there, run south to meet up with Otacon again. After some chit-chat, you'll regain control. At this point, you'll want to start ascending this area of the tower, so take the stairs east of the elevator. Once you head up the first set of stairs, you'll find that every few subsequent sets are guarded by gun cameras. The first only has one, while the next set has two, the next with three, and so on. There are two ways to get past here; just shoot out the cameras or pull the pin of some Chaff Grenades. Both work fine, so go with whatever you want. When you reach the top, grab all the items (Stinger ammo, a ration, Chaff Grenades, etc) before climbing up the ladder in front of the stairs. --/ COMMUNICATION TOWER ROOF /------------------- There isn't anything in this small first room, so head outside to meet up with Liquid again. - HIND ---------------------------------------- Throughout this battle, you'll need to use the room that you just came out of and the large metal structure across from it as a shelter from the Hind's various attacks. Stand in there and you should be safe for the most part. As for attacking, the only way to hit the Hind is with the Stinger Missile Launcher you got not too long ago. Pull it out and look for Liquid; your Stinger will begin to beep wildly once you get a bead on him. If you happen to lose him, follow the orange dot on your radar or search for the three squares that will be circling around you - that's your lock on Liquid's precious Hind. Whenever you get the chance, send a Stinger his way, but keep in mind that he will often fly away, forcing you to search for his location again. After nailing him with a missile, it's usually a good idea to hide on the other side of the metal structure, so that Liquid's retaliatory gunfire can't hit you. If you do happen to take on some unexpected damage, grab the ration just south of where you entered the roofs, then quickly return to your "shelter." About midway through the battle, Liquid will yell "Eat this!" and drop a load of missiles onto the roof. Luckily, they only hit the platform to the southeast, so it isn't anything to worry about. Just keep following the Hind's trail and pump a Stinger at it whenever the opportunity arises. Just before he bites the dust, Liquid will try to go out in a final blaze of glory; be sure to have a ration equipped so he doesn't take you down with him. "See you in hell... Liquid." After the fight, Otacon will beep in and tell you the elevator is back online. Nice. Head back inside. --/ COMMUNICATION TOWER B /---------------------- Run downstairs toward the elevator, using some Chaff Grenades to divert the gun cameras if you didn't shoot them out before. When you arrive, go pick up the ammo boxes laying around, then call up the elevator. Step inside, ignoring the warning beep, and ride down to the first floor. Otacon will call up in a moment, and finally come to the revelation that four soldiers wearing the prototype stealth suits must be in there with you! Crap! This battle actually isn't too tough, as long as you know what you're doing. If you're having trouble seeing the guards, then equip your Thermal Goggles. Otherwise, rations are the best choice for your item. As for your gun, the FA-MAS is obviously most useful in this case. Just pick a soldier and tear through him, then move onto the next sucker. Remember that if you're wearing the Thermal Goggles you'll have to use rations manually, so keep an eye on your life gauge. As the elevator reaches the ground floor, check both to the east and to the west to find some ammunition, as well as a ration. After that, head south through the door near the elevator. Pick up the ammo and whatnot, then enter the L6 door at the end of this small corridor. Just be careful of the gun camera placed to the side of the door - sneak by when it's looking in the opposite direction. Another three gun cameras await you in the following hallway, so take them out from afar before proceeding. Run through the door at the end to enter the snow fields. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= f. Wolf and Raven =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Pull the trigger and the nightmare stops." - Coheed and Cambria --/ SNOW FIELD /--------------------------------- A cutscene will introduce this area to you, as well as it's central threat. Another boss already? That's right! - SNIPER WOLF, ROUND TWO ---------------------- Like the first time you fought this firing female, it's important to find a good place to take refuge, first of all. The tree that you begin near will provide perfect cover, so pull out your PSG1, zoom in, and start looking for Wolf. Once you find her, use some Pentazemin and make sure you don't lose her location, as there are plenty of places for her to hide in this battlefield. Pump a round into her whenever you get the chance - the fight is fundamentally the same thing as last time. If you want to try a more fun way to defeat Wolf, pull out your Nikita Launcher. In order to make sure Wolf doesn't hit you while you've got an RC missile coming her way, you'll need to hide behind the snowbank on the far eastern side of the area. Simply fire a missile, guide it up the sloped portions of snow ahead and bump into Wolf. This way tends to take longer than the sniper way, but it's much more fun. Go with whichever method you prefer. When the fight ends, run forward to where Wolf was waiting to initiate a lengthy cutscene. Once it's over, ignore the doors right in front of you and check out the other rooms accessible from the snow field. You can find some ammo, rations, bandages, and even another cardboard box, just be sure to use a Mine Detector or your Thermals, since there are mines everywhere. Also be on the lookout for gun cameras, which you should know how to handle by now. When you've looked through all the other rooms, head north and open up the L6 door. The moment you enter this chamber, a gun camera will spot you, so quickly duck behind the crates to the right. From here, you can either peak around the corner and shoot out the camera or crawl underneath the crates. The former is recommended, as the latter will drop you out right in the field of vision of both cameras. Either way, get past the two cameras and head downstairs. --/ BLAST FURNACE /------------------------------ Run downstairs through the doorway, then hide behind the metal crate and wait for the patrolling soldier to turn his back. Knock on the crate to alert the guard, then sneak around behind him and snap his neck. After that, grab some Stun Grenades from the northern catwalk, then head across the southern catwalk. Although it may seem like a dead end, you can actually flatten yourself against the wall and sidle northward. Just be sure to keep your back pressed upon the wall, otherwise you'll fall to a most untimely demise. Another thing to be aware of is the device moving across the wall. Just press X to duck under it and keep moving across. On the other side, there will be a single soldier patrolling the area, so wait for him to show his face, then pop a bullet into it. Once you've done that, head downstairs and have a look around to locate a couple of rations in addition to some ammunition. Nice. There is also another useful item for us to grab, so head all the way downstairs and run southward into a room filled with broken pipes that are leaking red-hot steam. Wait for the jets of steam to stop, then quickly run by, making your way to the west. When there doesn't appear to be anywhere left to go, crouch down and crawl underneath some pipes to access a little side area, where two gun cameras are waiting to draw some blood. Neutralize them with a Chaff Grenade, then run over and snatch the Body Armor. Dandy! * NEW ITEM ACQUIRED: Body Armor. When you wear this bulletproof vest, all damage received will be reduced by one half. Good deal! Head back through the steam room and run north through the large doorway. --/ CARGO ELEVATOR /----------------------------- There is quite a bit of ammo stashed around this chamber, so I suggest stocking up if needed. When you're ready, step onto the cargo elevator and activate it by messing with the panel. But, things never go that smoothly for ol' Snakey boy, so a team of elite soldiers show up at the last minute. There's no where to hide, so you've got to fight! This battle plays out a lot like the other elevator battle, the one in the Communications Tower. Have either some rations or the Body Armor you just found equipped, and go to town on your foes with the FA-MAS. No problem! When the elevator stops moving, move ahead, taking out the gun camera stationed between the two elevators. With that done, simply run ahead and take the next elevator down to the bottom floor. On the ride down, Master Miller will give you a ring on the Codec with some interesting information about Naomi. Soon enough, the elevator will hit the ground, so run ahead through the door. --/ WAREHOUSE /---------------------------------- A lengthy scene here will introduce you to our next adversary... - VULCAN RAVEN -------------------------------- There are a plethora of different techniques that work well in this battle. First of all, Raven is extremely alert, so sneaking up on him and pumping some rounds into him isn't going to work. Instead, some more long-range tactics are recommended. The Nikita Launcher is a great way to cause some damage from afar, as is the Stinger. Just wait for Raven to walk by, then send a missile flying towards him. Another good way, if a bit random, to cause damage is to set Claymore mines all around the battlefield. Just be careful to use a Mine Detector so you don't hit your own mines. Additionally, you can always toss a Grenade in the direction you know Raven is coming to score some quick and easy damage. All of these strategies work quite well, so go with a combination of each if you like. .-------------. | READER TIPS! \____________________________________________________________ | ============ | | themoderated sez: "When you start the battle with Raven, wait for him to | | walk to one side of the room, [then] you run to the other side. Get in | | the prone position (crouch and move forward, but you knew that) and take | | our your sniper rifle and shoot him at your leisure. He can't hit you | | from that distance with his gun. You can beat him really quickly and | | easily this way, and take no damage." | |___________________________________________________________________________| When the fight ends, Raven will hand over the L7 card key. Thanks much, Tubby! Head through the door on the northern end of this warehouse. --/ WAREHOUSE NORTH /---------------------------- Two guards are on patrol here, so don't just run ahead like in idiot. Instead, slowly walk forward a bit and knock on the wall to get the first soldier's attention. When he comes to check it out, hide behind the small part of the wall that juts inward and knock again. The lone soldier will come over to investigate, so throw him and, when he gets up, snap his neck. It's important to throw him first, because he'll duck your neck-break grab if that's what you go for first. Now then, carefully proceed down the hall (watch out for the floor traps!) and stop right when you get to the end, as a guard above will spot you should you move any further. I suggest peaking around the corner and picking him off with a few shots from a weapon of your choice. Once he's been neutralized, run forward, but stop just after the set of stairs. The door to the underground base is just ahead and to the left, but a pair of gun cameras are in prime position to dole out some major damage if you get any closer. You'll be back through this room a bit later, so I highly suggest taking them out for good with a few well-placed gunshots. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= g. The Underground Base =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= --/ UNDERGROUND BASE /--------------------------- * NOTE: If you missed the SOCOM Suppressor early on, you can locate it in the drainage ditch, right underneath the gun camera to the northwest. Props to Crazyreyn for pointing this out to me. Jog down the narrow corridor and take a look upward - it's Metal Gear! Head around it to the right and start up the first staircase to receive a Codec call from Otacon. When he's done yammering, continue up the stairs, but be wary of the guard up here. Alert him by knocking against something, then lure him downstairs, where you should proceed to snap his neck with the greatest of ease. Head back upstairs and ascend the second staircase, prompting Otacon to call again. Just a brief update, really. Once the conversation ends, quickly run to the right and follow the catwalk around to a dead end. Whip out your SOCOM, M9, or whatever you like to use nowadays and look for the patrolling soldier to the west. Pump him full of lead, then run back to the stairs and head left around them this time. Continue along the catwalk until you reach the small room on the other side, which will initiate a LONG cutscene. When the scene ends, you'll have to head all the way downstairs to retrieve the card key. If you followed my earlier advice and took out all the guards, then heading down shouldn't be tricky. When you reach the bottom, equip your Mine Detector and hop into the drainage ditch. Run as fast as possible toward the small white dot that shows up on your radar, as just standing in this sewage will drain your life. I guess that's why they call this a DRAINage ditch. ^_^ You just need to watch out for one thing: there is also a time bomb hidden in this area, so if you pick it up, be sure to quickly oust it from your inventory. * NOTE: If you absolutely *can't* find the key, Master will give you a call; it seems he's come to the conclusion that a rat must have eaten it! To get it back, you'll need to track its route and set up a trap with some C4. There are several small vents that are too small for Snake to fit into, but are just right for a rat, strewn around the area. Find one and camp out there until the rat pops out, at which point you should detonate some C4, popping the rat like a balloon and making the PAL key appear. Nice! Now that we've got the key back in our hands, return to the control room upstairs (it's now unlocked). Before heading in, shoot out the two cameras, as getting seen by one would not be good at all. After that, head for the first laptop terminal, equip the PAL key, and press Y. Our next goal is to cool the key, so head back downstairs and into the warehouse. * NOTE: There's actually a much faster way to heat up/cool the PAL keycard. In the Underground Base, head all the way upstairs and take a right. Run along the catwalk, toward the screen and, near the end, flip over the railing. Below you should spot a hidden platform. Press X to drop from the rail, and Y to grab hold of the platform as you fall. Climb up and take note of the two pipes: shoot the blue one to freeze the key and the red one to heat it up. Makes sense, ya? Anyway, this is way faster than doing all the backtracking and such. --/ WAREHOUSE NORTH /---------------------------- Even though we took down the two soldiers in here earlier, they've been somehow reanimated. Just shoot them down and make your way southward into the warehouse where we fought Raven not too long ago. --/ WAREHOUSE /---------------------------------- A trio of soldiers have now infested this place, as well, so you'll either have to take them out or stay on the move whilst waiting for the key to freeze. If you want to kill them all, start off by facing to the left as soon as you enter to pick off one guard. After that, head right around the pile of crates directly south of the door and shoot down another soldier. The final guard shouldn't be too tricky to dispose of; just sneak up behind him and do whatever you want to him. Now that all the guards are gone, just chill out for a few minutes (I apologize for the horribly cliche pun, but I'm too stupid to come up with anything decent) and wait for the key to cool. You'll know the time is right when the card key turns blue on your item sub-menu. Head north again. --/ WAREHOUSE NORTH /---------------------------- The guards will still be dead, so ignore their rancid corpses and head northward. --/ UNDERGROUND BASE /--------------------------- No guards are around to piss you off, so your path upward is unfettered. Run right after the narrow corridor and ascend the two staircases, then head to the west until you reach the control room. Equip your frost-bitten card key and examine the middle laptop. After a short scene, it will be time to go heat up the key. Where should we do that? How 'bout in the Blast Furnace? Again, head all the way downstairs. --/ WAREHOUSE NORTH /---------------------------- Nothing to worry about here. Run south into the main warehouse. --/ WAREHOUSE /---------------------------------- All three guards have risen from the dead like Phoenixes of some sort. Don't worry, though. Turn left from the get-go and pump a few rounds into the first guard, then head to the right around the set of crates just south of you. Defeat a second soldier here before running due south to finish off the final foe. I told you it wasn't anything to worry about! --/ CARGO ELEVATOR /----------------------------- Try to shoot down some ravens on the way up the first elevator, and listen to Miller when he calls. Once the lift reaches the top, run west (watch out for the gun camera if you didn't take it out earlier) and ride the second elevator to the top. --/ BLAST FURNACE /------------------------------ Quickly silence the soldier right in front of you, then walk southward into the steam room. Sit on your butt in here until the card key turns red, which would be your cue to return to the Cargo Elevator. --/ CARGO ELEVATOR /----------------------------- Ride down to the halfway point. Switch to the eastern lift. Twiddle your thumbs whilst riding down, or wait for one of the ravens to take a crap on the floor and watch it drop. Head north into the Warehouse. --/ WAREHOUSE /---------------------------------- The three guards have been revived again, but you don't even need to kill them this time. Just run right around the crates stacked in front of you and head north to the other side, entering the door once you get there. --/ WAREHOUSE NORTH /---------------------------- Both of the soldiers here have returned again, as well. You can take them out the same way as last time if you want, otherwise just peak around the corner and fire a few shots into each. No biggie. --/ UNDERGROUND BASE /--------------------------- Now would be a good time to save your game. As you can probably guess, more guards have appeared here, also. First of all, head north through the narrow corridor that you begin in. From there, run to the right and ascend the stairs. Chances are, there will be a soldier within shooting range, so quickly take him out before proceeding up the second set of stairs. Turn left at the top and start heading for the control room to receive a Codec call from... someone I won't name. When the conversation is over, proceed towards the control room, taking out a second guard on the catwalk along the way. When you reach the place, whip put that shiny PAL card of yours and use it in conjunction with the third and final laptop, the one with the red screen. Doing so will activate a series of extremely lengthy cutscenes, where all sorts of surprising stuff is revealed. Enjoy! Soon enough, you'll be put back into control, as the control room is filled with poison gas and the door locks. Quickly call Otacon and he'll get to work on opening the door. In the meantime, you may as well throw on your Gas Mask. When the door slides open in a few seconds, head out and some more cutscenes will begin. Whee! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= h. The Twin Snakes =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Once the cutscenes finally come to an end, it's time to take down that huge metal behemoth. - METAL GEAR REX ------------------------------ As the battle begins, call up Otacon to learn Metal Gear's weakpoint -- the circular doohickey positioned to the left of it's head. Apparently, if we hit it with enough Stinger missiles, Liquid will have to open up the cockpit, allowing us to cause some major damage to Rex's interior. Since that circular device, called the radome, will be temporarily impregnable after being hit, be sure to only fire one missile at a time. Additionally, there are myriad other targets on Rex's body. Hitting them will stun Rex for a moment, but won't cause any damage, so I don't suggest bothering with them. While waiting for another good chance to hit the radome, stay on the move to avoid fire from Rex's rail gun, as well as it's laser attack. Metal Gear's only offense that is really dangerous in this fight is it's missile attack; the best way to evade it is to continually dive and roll out of the way. Once you deplete the radome's life gauge, some way cool cutscenes will begin. It looks like there IS still someone on your side. During a portion of this scene, you'll be aiming your Stinger launcher in first person view mode, but you won't be able to fire it, so just sit tight and watch the scene. When full control is all yours again, it'll be time to start aiming for the cockpit, where Liquid is sitting. This part of the battle is almost exactly the same as before, so apply the same general tactics. Unless you lost all of your rations in the first portion of this fight, this second part shouldn't prove much more difficult. Good luck! Just when you think it's all over, some more insanely long cutscenes will lead into yet another boss fight. - LIQUID SNAKE -------------------------------- No weapons for either of you - this time it's all about the fisticuffs. Don't worry too much about the time limit, as you'll most likely either beat down Liquid or get beat down before it expires. This fight isn't too complex; basically just run up to Liquid and give him the ol' punch-punch-kick combo you've been using the entire game. Just be sure to wait a few moments between each time you go in for the attack, otherwise Liquid will evade your strikes and retaliate with a damaging kick. The best way to avoid this is to run towards Liquid after you've executed an attack combo and circle around him a few times, triggering his kick. If you can avoid it, then you're home free to rush in with another combo. Keep this up and his health should be depleted in no time flat. About halfway through the fight, Liquid will also start to use a powerful charge attack. Either dive out of the way when he rushes at you, or attack him while he's preparing (crouching) to use the move to intercept it. Also, keep in mind that you have no rations to save you this time around, so be careful and try not to lose too much life. After the fight, a series of cutscenes will ensue (OMG what a surprise!). Once they're over, it's time to make our escape! --/ ESCAPE ROUTE /------------------------------- First of all, duck back to the east and grab the ration, then follow your friend ahead, grabbing a second ration adjacent to the stairs. Just ahead is the parking garage, where your friend will be spotted by a security camera, alerting a group of angry soldiers. Pick up a third ration behind the jeep to the southwest, then wait for your friend to start up the jeep, at which point you should hop on and start firing away with the mounted rifle. Don't worry about shooting down the guards; instead, aim for the barrels, as they'll explode after a few shots, blowing up the wall ahead, as well as killing off those troublesome Genome Soldiers. Remember to shoot in first person, as it drastically increases your accuracy. As you set off down the road, you'll soon come to a security checkpoint, where several guards will start firing at you. Like before, ignore the soldiers and aim for the explosive barrels instead - there is one on either side of the small building. Not long after you get past the first checkpoint you'll come across a second one. Again, destroy the barrels and you're gold. Just when you think you're out of the woods, none other than Liquid shows up again, this time in a jeep. He'll constantly ram you from behind and fire at you with his rifle, so return the fire. After a few minutes of intense jeep driving action (and assuming you aren't dead from Liquid's assault), you'll reach the end of the tunnel. Congratulations, you've just beaten Twin Snakes! Good for you! Enjoy whatever ending you got, then get cracking on Hard mode! =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= V ------------------------------------------------------ YOUR ARSENAL =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= For those of you who need to know how to master the art of the porno book... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Weapons =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ==== BOOK ==== * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Holding Cells) This is a porno magazine. Though you can't look at it yourself, you can drop it on the floor and wait for some horny guard to come bend over and look at it, making it easy to sneak by. Not only is it pretty funny to use one of these, but it's actually quite effective, as well. == C4 == * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Armory) These are plastic explosives that are necessary to blow open certain walls, specifically those found in the Armory area. Plant some using the A button, then detonate it with the B button. ============= CHAFF GRENADE ============= * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Heliport) Although these explosives don't cause any direct damage to foes, they are incredibly useful nonetheless. Rather than blowing the limbs off your enemies, Chaff releases a burst of particles that temporarily distract any cameras in the area, allowing you to easily sneak by unnoticed. The only drawback to using one of these boomers is that it also jams the radar. ======== CLAYMORE ======== * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Canyon) Yet another type of explosive, these are land mines. They're invisible to the naked eye, so the only way to spot them is to use a Mine Detector or the Thermal Goggles. To pick one up, simply crawl over a mine and Snake will automatically disarm it and add it to his inventory. Although these are rarely useful, there are a few times when using them is an awesome idea (e.g. the fight against Raven). ====== FA-MAS ====== * Location: Armory; In the southeast cell This is a heavy-duty assault rifle that proves most useful in the fight against Psycho Mantis, as well as several other battles against groups of elite soldiers. By no means would I recommend using this if you plan to stay sneaky, but it's definitely shows it's use at certain times and is fun to play around with. ======= GRENADE ======= * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Armory) These precious babies work just like the Chaff Grenades listed above, except that their explosions actually have the capability to blow the crap out of anyone within radius. Fun stuff! == M9 == * Location - Very Easy Mode: Just to the right of where you begin - Easy Mode: Cargo Dock; Sitting out in the open near the lockers to the left of the elevator - Normal Mode: Cargo Dock; Inside the far left locker - Hard Mode: Armory; Use some C4 to blow open the wall due west from the elevator - Extreme Mode: Same as hard. Initially introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2, this is a dart gun that'll put effected enemies right to sleep. The major problem with using this weapon, other than the fact that it doesn't kill, is that it takes several moments to reload after each shot. Even so, this is a solid weapon to use throughout the game, though I highly recommend using the SOCOM instead. ======== MAGAZINE ======== * Location: Empty a clip of ammo to gain one This is just an empty ammo clip. However, these can actually be quite useful at times. To use one, simply hold down A (the longer you hold the button the further you'll be able to throw it) and Snake will throw it, diverting the attention of any guard in the area, and giving you a chance to sneak past. ====== NIKITA ====== * Location: Nuke Building B1; Southern room, near the lockers You can use this missile launcher to fire remote-controlled missiles, which are controlled via the first-person view mode. The only time you ever NEED to use this is to blow up the high-voltage mechanism in the Nuke Building B2, en route to meeting up with the Metal Gear Engineer. However, there are several other times (boss fights, too) when these will come in definite handy. The missiles fired explode upon impact with anything; structures, bullets, yourself, etc, etc. They will also explode if they run out of fuel before hitting anything, so keep an eye on the fuel gauge. Also, if you press B while your Nikita is equipped, Snake will whack with it, knocking any foes it hits out cold in a single swipe. NIKITA'D! ==== PSG1 ==== * Location: Armory; In the northwest cell This nifty sniper rifle is necessary to defeating a certain boss. Twice. While you don't actually HAVE to get this rifle (you can just get the tranq version instead), this is the real deal and doesn't fire weak little darts. Besides, this is the one you had to use in the original, so it's definitely a better choice in most situations than it's counterpart. ====== PSG1-T ====== * Location: Nuke Building B1; In the southern area, southwest room after you first encounter Sniper Wolf This is pretty much the same thing as the PSG1 that is listed above. The only difference is that this version fire tranquilizer darts that simply lull foes to sleep. Not nearly as cool as actually killing them, but just as effective, really. ===== SOCOM ===== * Location - Heliport; In the truck on the northern end of the area - Tank Hangar; Should you forget to grab this weapon in the Heliport, you can find it upstairs in the large room with the camera, south of the ladder leading into the air ducts. Not only is this the first gun you'll find, the SOCOM is also the best weapon to use for the vast majority of the game. Once you find the suppressor for it, it's far and away the most effective gun in most situations. As opposed to the M9, which takes forever to reload between each shot, this bad boy doesn't have any reload between shots, allowing you to quickly fire several shots in rapid succession. Besides, actually killing enemies is way better than putting them to sleep using the M9. ======= STINGER ======= * Location: Communication Tower Roof; Not long after the rappelling mini- game This is your only form of offense against some of the more mechanical bosses, making it invaluable. The Stinger Missile Launcher fires surface-to-air missiles, and must be fired from the first person view in order to utilize its lock-on capabilities. Simply align the reticle over your target to lock, then press A to fire a devastatingly-powerful missile. ============ STUN GRENADE ============ * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Heliport) Just like the Chaff, this flavor of grenades doesn't actually damage your foes. Instead, it explodes into a shower of pretty light and temporarily stuns an enemy. This is somewhat useful when you want a quick getaway, but otherwise these are nearly useless, as they alert any other guards in the area. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Items =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ========= AP SENSOR ========= * Location: Cargo Dock; Hop into the water and check the area to the east This sensor detects approaching lifeforms, meaning that it'll cause the controller to rumble whenever a guard comes near. Somewhat valuable, but the Soliton Radar works just as well, and that doesn't take up your item spot. ======= BANDAGE ======= * Location: Everywhere When Snake starts to bleed, you can use one of these to absorb the profuse drippings and continue on as if nothing ever happened. Nice! ======== BANDANNA ======== * Location: Get Meryl's Ending and start a new game with that save data When you wear the Bandanna, you'll infinite ammo, allowing you to shoot as much as you like with no consequence whatsoever. Neato! However, the prize for getting Otacon's Ending is oh-so much better. ========== BODY ARMOR ========== * Location - After escaping from your torture cell, go to the Nuke Building B2 and check out the eastern part of the gassy area. One of the small rooms contains this nifty item. - Blast Furnace; Access the small gun camera-filled area by crawling through the steam area This bulletproof vest is priceless in some of the later battles; it can really save your skin. Basically, all it does is reduce all damage Snake sustains by 50%, effectively doubling Snake's life gauge. ============ CARBOARD BOX ============ * Location - Box 1: Armory; In the southeast cell - Box 2: Nuke Building B1; In a L5 door in the southern area - Box 3: Snow Field; Check the L6 door to the west of Wolf's body Put this on and hide amongst a group of storage boxes and the guards will never notice the difference! More of a gag than anything else, but the boxes are actually quite useful at times. Also, if you put on a box and hide in one of the three trucks found in the game (in the Heliport, Nuke Building 1F, and Snow Field) a guard will come along and drive the truck to the location specified on your Cardboard Box. Pretty nifty, as well as a great way to travel between the three areas. ========= CARD KEYS ========= * Location - Card 1: Given to you by the DARPA chief - Card 2: Given to you by the ArmsTech President - Card 3: Obtained after defeating the M1 Tank - Card 4: Given to you by Otacon after defeating the Ninja - Card 5: Given to you by Meryl in the bathroom - Card 6: Given to you by Otacon in the holding cell - Card 7: Given to you by Raven after defeating him Using these nifty card keys, you can open up every door with the corresponding number. Another cool thing is that, unlike the original Metal Gear Solid, you don't have to equip the key to open up a door. Nice. ========== CIGARETTES ========== * Location: You have these from the get-go Good for turning Snake's teeth yellow and his lungs black. Just remember; smoking is bad, mmmkay? These things are so hazardous to your health that they'll drain out your life gauge in a matter of seconds, though they won't completely kill you. So then, what's the purpose of using these? If you have no other means of revealing infrared beams, then this is the only way to expose them. ============== DIGITAL CAMERA ============== * Location: Armory South; Blow up the hidden wall just to the right of where you blew up the wall to find Ocelot way at the start of the game. After that, head into the LV 6 door and crawl underneath the fence (there's a small area where Snake can just barely fit through). Using this nifty camera, it becomes possibly to snap photos of whatever you want (Johnny Sasaki is always a good choice ^_^). You don't need to get this at all to progress in the game, but it's fun to mess around with nonetheless. ======== DOG TAGS ======== * Location: Everywhere You can gain these from certain enemies, just like in Metal Gear Solid 2. Go check out chapter VIII for the full scoop! ======== GAS MASK ======== * Location: Nuke Building B2; Look in the middle room in the narrow hallway where the floor used to be electrified By wearing this, you can drastically reduce the effect that poisonous gas has on Snake. What this means is that you can survive longer in areas that are filled with poisonous gas. Cool beans. ============== HANDERKERCHIEF ============== * Location: Medical Room; Given to you by Otacon Since this smells just like Sniper Wolf, you can equip this when traveling through the Cave area to make the doggies love you! I wuv you dis much! ======= KETCHUP ======= * Location: Medical Room; Given to you by Otacon Although you can't eat it, you CAN use it to escape from the Medical Room. Just lay on the ground, equip this, and press A. The ketchup will splatter everywhere, and the idiot guard will think it's blood. Fun! ======= MO DISK ======= * Location: Armory South; After defeating Ocelot, Baker will fork this over This thing has absolutely NO use whatsoever, so just let it sit in your inventory and take up space. ======== MEDICINE ======== * Location: Nuke Building B1; Check inside the middle room on the western wall of the southern area This stuff is only useful if Snake happens to catch a cold whilst being captured. If that happens, our good buddy Snake will continually sneeze, giving away his location to any nearby foes, so picking up this stuff will be a must. ============= MINE DETECTOR ============= * Location: Tank Hangar; Open up the door upstairs using your L2 card key When you use this, the position of any Claymore mines in the area will be clearly displayed on your radar as yellow dots, with yellow cones for the area that is covered by each mine. Additionally, there is another place where the Mine Detector proves useful. Late in the game, when you lose your PAL key, you can wear this to show the location on your radar. =================== NIGHTVISION GOGGLES =================== * Location: Nuke Building B2; Use the L4 card key to open a door on the western side of the area, near the high-voltage device that you had to blow up If you're wandering around a dark area, such as the Caves or the Communications Tower, these are the things to illuminate the situation. These goggles are definitely better to use for seeing in dark places than the Thermals, so they are more useful in that respect. ======= PAL KEY ======= * Location: Nuke Building B1; Given to you by Meryl in the bathroom There's a nifty trick to using this integral to the story item. Check out the walkthrough for more in-depth information on just when and how to use it. ========== PENTAZEMIN ========== * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Nuke Building B1) Pop some of these drugs to steady your aim, something that makes using the PSG1 or PSG1-T drastically easier. Without the aid of this stuff, Snake's hands flail about uncontrollably, making aiming difficult. ====== RATION ====== * Location: Everywhere (first found in the Cargo Dock) Unless you're some sort of diehard Metal Gear mastah, then these things will be absolutely integral to your survival. Not only do rations restore a good portion of your health, but they also cancel out the bleeding status. As if that wasn't enough, just having your rations equipped when your life gauge is emptied will automatically use them to restore your life. Good deal! ==== ROPE ==== * Location: Communications Tower A; Just past the infrared beam trap Although it isn't mandatory that you grab this item, it comes in handy when you need to get down from atop the tower. If you've got this, Snake will be able to rappel down. If not, you'll just have to drop from rail and rail and hope Snake's got a good grip. ===== SCOPE ===== * Location: You have this from the get-go These nifty binoculars allow you to check out the scenario from a distance by viewing things from the first person perspective. When equipped, just press B to zoom in and X to zoom out. ================ SOCOM SUPPRESSOR ================ * Location - Tank Hangar; Check inside the LV1 room to the northeast - Underground Base; If you missed it earlier, you can find it in the drainage ditch, underneath the camera to the northwest With this equipped on your SOCOM, you'll be able to fire countless shots from it without causing a ruckus. Congratulations. ======= STEALTH ======= * Location: Get Otacon's Ending and start a new game with that save data Yep, you can actually get the Stealth Camouflage used by Otacon, the Ninja, and some of the guards! Sweet! Although it doesn't work during boss fights or other "story-important" battles, like the battle while climbing the Communications Tower or the firefight after meeting up with the DARPA chief, this stuff is insanely fun to play around with any other situation. =============== THERMAL GOGGLES =============== * Location: Tank Hangar; Upstairs Wear these goggles to reveal infrared laser beams, hidden land mines, or foes using stealth camouflage. Additionally, you can use these to see patrolling soldiers in dark areas, such as the Communications Tower. Another thing, in Twin Snakes these goggles are all colorful, as opposed to the dull red ones seen in the original MGS. Yay? ========= TIME BOMB ========= * Location - Medical Room; After reclaiming your stolen items - Underground Base; In the drainage ditch If you find this little dandy hidden amongst your items, be sure to press A and rid yourself of it ASAP. Otherwise, it'll explode and Snakey go boom. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= VI ---------------------------------------------------------- ENDINGS =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Two endings, minimal differences... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Meryl's Ending =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This is commonly thought to be the "true" ending. That meaning that this is the ending that actually happens, and leads into Metal Gear Solid 2. Anyway, to obtain Meryl's ending, you need to survive Ocelot's round of torture that occurs just prior to the first battle with Sniper Wolf. Unlike the original MGS, mashing the button quick enough to do things right here isn't too difficult, so have fun. Besides, surrendering is for pussies. In any case, Meryl will remain alive throughout the entire game if you attain this ending. After defeating Liquid for the umpteenth time, she and Snake will escape on the snowmobile and everything will be all happy and stuff. Stupid happy ending crap. The dialogue between Snake and Meryl is pretty cheesy here, so try not to get bored or something. Right. That's all. So then, what is the oh-so amazing reward you get for saving Meryl? You get some weak bandanna with an infinity symbol (look at an eight sideways, yo) sewn into it. When you equip this magical bandanna, Snake will be bestowed an unlimited amount of ammunition for all of his weapons. Unfortunately, he still has to reload when his ammo clip runs out. >_< Although the bandanna isn't all that great, it did spawn the greatest line in any videogame ever (maybe not, but whatever): "Infinite ammo." -- Snake, MGS2 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Otacon's Ending =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Although this is the "lesser" ending, it's actually way funnier, and yields an infinitely superior reward. In order to get Otacon's ending, you have to be a little pussy and submit to Ocelot's torture. At the end of the game, Meryl will be dead after you "kill" Liquid, so you'll have to escape with Otey here. This ending ties in better with the game's themes and such, and is overall more fitting, so I prefer it. As for your reward, you'll get Otacon's Stealth Camouflage, which is also used by the Cyborg Ninja and several enemy soldiers featured in the game. This stuff is insanely fun to mess around with, even if it doesn't quite work on bosses or "story-important battles". Basically, if you want a cool, fun prize that's worth your time, Otacon's ending is the way to go. If you prefer cheesy dialogue and crappy prizes, then Meryl's is more likely your cup of tea. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= VII ---------------------------------------------------------- BOSSES =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= All about the bosses... =============== REVOLVER OCELOT =============== There are two main ways to go about taking down this gunman, both of which are pretty easy. The first way is the old school way, the cool way, and the fun way. Just chase Ocelot around the room peppering him with shots from your SOCOM (or your M9 would work, also). This chamber seems way smaller than in the original MGS, so even getting near enough to punch Ocelot is no problem (although I did punch him a few times in the original, also). Now, if you're just looking for the easy way out then you can stand still, enter first-person view mode and pick him off with little to no difficulty. But that's no fun. Nevertheless, the choice is yours. Just keep in mind that SOCOM ammo respawns semi-often near the top of the screen. ======= M1 TANK ======= The key to winning this battle is to knock the tank's main gun offline, and the only way to do that is to use a Chaff Grenade. So, right off the bat, before you do anything else, pull the pin and toss some Chaff. When it explodes, race towards the tank and throw a regular Grenade onto the lap of the poor sucker manning the machine gun. That's basically the only way this battle can play out. If you need extra ammo, there's plenty to find strewn around the battlefield. There's even a ration near the rocks west of where you began. With that in mind, simply continue the Chaff-Regular-Chaff-Regular pattern and you shouldn't have much trouble. ============ CYBORG NINJA ============ First of all, none of your weapons will do ANY good here, so put them up and fight like a man (e.g., like someone from Tekken!). Basically, if you use a gun, the Ninja will whip out his katana and deflect every single bullet. So for the first portion of this fight, keep the weapons down and go in for the punch-punch-kick combo whenever you get the chance. Just be careful, as the Ninja has a nice selection of dangerous moves. His air stomp, where he dangles above you for a moment before stomping hard on the ground, is especially devastating, so stay on the move to avoid it. Once you knock off about half of his life gauge, he'll put on his stealth camouflage and tell you to catch him. This actually isn't too different from before, only now it's just a bit tougher to spot the Ninja. Even so, he tends to "hide" in the same places over and over, so no need to worry about losing him. However, if you are really having trouble spotting him, simply equip you Thermal Goggles to reveal the Ninja, in all his glory. Continue the beatdown process and he'll become clearly visible again. Only problem is, now he's got a new attack up his sleeves. Just as you begin your attack combo, he'll teleport behind you and deck you. To overcome this, you need to run around him for a bit until he executes this punch, leaving him vulnerable to your punch-punch-kick. A cool note about this fight is that you can shoot the Mario doll (top-right of the screen) to get a "1-Up" that actually replenishes a tiny portion of your life. Lovely. Another thing, you can knock on the locker where the scientist is hiding to hear him whimpering like a little girl. Priceless stuff! .-------------. | READER TIPS! \____________________________________________________________ | ============ | | Immortal Swords sez: "If you do the 'Nikita 0wn4g3 (Ownage) on the | | Ninja, and unequip the Nikita before he gets up, he shouldn't take out | | his sword. Let the ninja ass kicking ceremony commence." | | | | Beran sez: "I seem to remember during the ninja fight if you use a | | Chaff Grenade he gets all screwed up and stuff. I don't remember if it | | made him any easier to fight or not though... They might have taken it | | out, but that wouldn't make sense. Every single bloody electronic device | | goes nuts when you use one, why not a cyborg?" | | | | Pavtool sez: "During the fight with Ninja in Otacon's office, after you | | punch him a couple of times so he puts his sword away, to get his health | | down quickly you can throw a Chaff Grenade and he freezes up and kinda | | moans a little bit, and then enter first person mode, and hit him up with | | your FA-MAS a bit." | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============= PSYCHO MANTIS ============= Okay, so Psycho Mantis knows exactly when you're going to shoot, so he can dodge your bullets without the slightest bit of trouble. What can we do? In order to throw off Mantis's psychic mind-reading, you need to switch your controller from the first port to the fourth, thus allowing you to nail him with bullets and punches. Another thing to take note of is that Mantis will sometimes make the screen go black, with the word "HIDEO" displayed at the top of the screen. This isn't a problem with your TV; it's just one of Mantis's macho head-games. It'll go back to the normal screen in a few seconds. As for actually fighting Mantis, I highly suggest whipping out your FA-MAS. For the first part of this fight, he'll just float around, so get near him an unload upon him. Be sure to watch out for when he tosses a fireball at you, though, as they tend to cause a lot of damage. Additionally, Mantis will also use his telekinesis to pick up objects (chairs, paintings, even a suit of armor) and toss them at you. You can easily avoid these obstacles simply by crawling. Continue firing at Mantis whenever you can and he will soon enter his next phase. Once you've taken off a little more than half of his life, he'll make Meryl stand up and start shooting at her. Like last time, put her to sleep with the M9. Of course, Mantis doesn't stop there. After you've knocked her out, Mantis brings Meryl up again, this time telling her to blow her own brains out Apply the same tactics; a few M9 darts will do the trick quite nicely. At this point, Mantis will enter his final phase. He will teleport around the room tossing fireballs around like he's some sort of flamethrower. Since he uses a stealth trick similar to that of the Cyborg Ninja, equip your Thermal Goggles to keep track of him. When he pauses to throw a ball of fire at you, quickly empty a clip of ammo into him. Should you run out of ammo, some respawns at various points around the room, and you can always resort to your SOCOM. =========== SNIPER WOLF =========== Okay, it's impossible to get anywhere near Wolf, since she'll automatically fire a shot at you if you try to leave the initial area. With that in mind, take up a position near the part of the wall that juts in a little bit, whip out your PSG1 (or PSG1-T) and start looking for Wolf. Once you get a bead on her, pump some Pentazemin into yourself to steady your aim and make sure you don't lose her. Follow her wherever she goes with your scope, and nail her with a shot whenever she pops out to shoot at you. If you do happen to get hit, you'll have to set up your position again and find Wolf again, but it shouldn't be too big of a deal. Remember: unlike the first game, it's entirely possibly to hit Wolf while she's on the move, so don't just wait around like a sitting duck for her to start firing at you. Once she takes 10 or so shots she'll go down. ==== HIND ==== Throughout this battle, you'll need to use the room that you just came out of and the large metal structure across from it as a shelter from the Hind's various attacks. Stand in there and you should be safe for the most part. As for attacking, the only way to hit the Hind is with the Stinger Missile Launcher you got not too long ago. Pull it out and look for Liquid; your Stinger will begin to beep wildly once you get a bead on him. If you happen to lose him, follow the orange dot on your radar or search for the three squares that will be circling around you - that's your lock on Liquid's precious Hind. Whenever you get the chance, send a Stinger his way, but keep in mind that he will often fly away, forcing you to search for his location again. After nailing him with a missile, it's usually a good idea to hide on the other side of the metal structure, so that Liquid's retaliatory gunfire can't hit you. If you do happen to take on some unexpected damage, grab the ration just south of where you entered the roofs, then quickly return to your "shelter." About midway through the battle, Liquid will yell "Eat this!" and drop a load of missiles onto the roof. Luckily, they only hit the platform to the southeast, so it isn't anything to worry about. Just keep following the Hind's trail and pump a Stinger at it whenever the opportunity arises. Just before he bites the dust, Liquid will try to go out in a final blaze of glory; be sure to have a ration equipped so he doesn't take you down with him. "See you in hell... Liquid." ====================== SNIPER WOLF, ROUND TWO ====================== Like the first time you fought this firing female, it's important to find a good place to take refuge, first of all. The tree that you begin near will provide perfect cover, so pull out your PSG1, zoom in, and start looking for Wolf. Once you find her, use some Pentazemin and make sure you don't lose her location, as there are plenty of places for her to hide in this battlefield. Pump a round into her whenever you get the chance - the fight is fundamentally the same thing as last time. If you want to try a more fun way to defeat Wolf, pull out your Nikita Launcher. In order to make sure Wolf doesn't hit you while you've got an RC missile coming her way, you'll need to hide behind the snowbank on the far eastern side of the area. Simply fire a missile, guide it up the sloped portions of snow ahead and bump into Wolf. This way tends to take longer than the sniper way, but it's much more fun. Go with whichever method you prefer. ============ VULCAN RAVEN ============ There are a plethora of different techniques that work well in this battle. First of all, Raven is extremely alert, so sneaking up on him and pumping some rounds into him isn't going to work. Instead, some more long-range tactics are recommended. The Nikita Launcher is a great way to cause some damage from afar, as is the Stinger. Just wait for Raven to walk by, then send a missile flying towards him. Another good way, if a bit random, to cause damage is to set Claymore mines all around the battlefield. Just be careful to use a Mine Detector so you don't hit your own mines. Additionally, you can always toss a Grenade in the direction you know Raven is coming to score some quick and easy damage. All of these strategies work quite well, so go with a combination of each if you like. .-------------. | READER TIPS! \____________________________________________________________ | ============ | | themoderated sez: "When you start the battle with Raven, wait for him to | | walk to one side of the room, [then] you run to the other side. Get in | | the prone position (crouch and move forward, but you knew that) and take | | our your sniper rifle and shoot him at your leisure. He can't hit you | | from that distance with his gun. You can beat him really quickly and | | easily this way, and take no damage." | |___________________________________________________________________________| ============== METAL GEAR REX ============== As the battle begins, call up Otacon to learn Metal Gear's weakpoint - the circular doohickey positioned to the left of it's head. Apparently, if we hit it with enough Stinger missiles, Liquid will have to open up the cockpit, allowing us to cause some major damage to Rex's interior. Since that circular device, called the radome, will be temporarily impregnable after being hit, be sure to only fire one missile at a time. Additionally, there are myriad other targets on Rex's body. Hitting them will stun Rex for a moment, but won't cause any damage, so I don't suggest bothering with them. While waiting for another good chance to hit the radome, stay on the move to avoid fire from Rex's rail gun, as well as it's laser attack. Metal Gear's only offense that is really dangerous in this fight is it's missile attack; the best way to evade it is to continually dive and roll out of the way. Once you deplete the radome's life gauge, some way cool cutscenes will begin. It looks like there IS still someone on your side. During a portion of this scene, you'll be aiming your Stinger launcher in first person view mode, but you won't be able to fire it, so just sit tight and watch the scene. When full control is all yours again, it'll be time to start aiming for the cockpit, where Liquid is sitting. This part of the battle is almost exactly the same as before, so apply the same general tactics. Unless you lost all of your rations in the first portion of this fight, this second part shouldn't prove much more difficult. Good luck! ============ LIQUID SNAKE ============ No weapons for either of you - this time it's all about the fisticuffs. Don't worry too much about the time limit, as you'll most likely either beat down Liquid or get beat down before it expires. This fight isn't too complex; basically just run up to Liquid and give him the ol' punch-punch-kick combo you've been using the entire game. Just be sure to wait a few moments between each time you go in for the attack, otherwise Liquid will evade your strikes and retaliate with a damaging kick. The best way to avoid this is to run towards Liquid after you've executed an attack combo and circle around him a few times, triggering his kick. If you can avoid it, then you're home free to rush in with another combo. Keep this up and his health should be depleted in no time flat. About halfway through the fight, Liquid will also start to use a powerful charge attack. Either dive out of the way when he rushes at you, or attack him while he's preparing (crouching) to use the move to intercept it. Also, keep in mind that you have no rations to save you this time around, so be careful and try not to lose too much life. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= VIII ------------------------------------------------------- DOG TAGS =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Because guards love having pistols aimed at their balls... "Excuse me! I dunno how to get dog tags! Help plz!" -- Random e-mailer The basic gist is that you have to sneak up behind a guard and press A, thus prompting Snake to hold out his gun and yell "FREEZE SUCKER!". Only, he doesn't say sucker. Oh well. That's the basic hold-up right there, but if you're going for the dog tags, you'll need to get in front of your man-slave. In order to do that, simply hold down B and run around to the guard's front side. From there, go into first person and aim at the soldier's "package". For those with no imagination, think crotch. You can also go for the head, but that's no fun. Anyway, the soldier will begin to shake like he's got ants in his pants. In a few moments, an item will pop out, often times a dog tag. Yay! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. Very Easy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= There are a grand total of 27 tags to find on this easiest of difficulty settings. --------------------- - QUICK CHECKLIST - --------------------- [ ] 000 | Ryan M McCarthy | Heliport [ ] 001 | Alexandre Ignatoff | Heliport [ ] 002 | Hyun Sup Kim | Heliport [ ] 003 | Bruno Petit | Tank Hangar [ ] 004 | Yuu Shinohara | Tank Hangar [ ] 005 | Hector S Garcia | Tank Hangar [ ] 006 | Young Chan Park | Armory [ ] 007 | Rathana Danh Sang | Armory [ ] 008 | Scott Derby | Canyon [ ] 009 | Johnny Kickmaier | Canyon [ ] 010 | Jerimiah W Harte | Canyon [ ] 011 | Alejandro Garcia | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 012 | Menelaos Papadimitriou | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 013 | Zaheer Omar | Blast Furnace [ ] 014 | Ryan Callender | Blast Furnace [ ] 015 | Mamoru Mizuno | Warehouse [ ] 016 | Jin Zhao | Warehouse [ ] 017 | Tomoyuki Marumo | Warehouse North [ ] 018 | Jason Clarke | Warehouse North [ ] 019 | Mikiyasu Kambayashi | Underground Base [ ] 020 | Gary Goemans | Underground Base [ ] 021 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 022 | Meryl SilverBurgh | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 023 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room [ ] 024 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field [ ] 025 | Vulcan Raven | Warehouse [ ] 026 | Liquid Snake | Final Battle --------------------------- - 000: RYAN M MCCARTHY - --------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0206 * Blood - O This guy circles around the truck in the northern part of this area. Simply follow him around from behind and put your gun into his back. Just be careful of one thing: the other guard who patrols this area. Be sure to neutralize him first. ------------------------------ - 001: ALEXANDRE IGNATOFF - ------------------------------ * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0326 * Blood - A This guy is the first soldier you'll come across if you head eastward from the elevator. Leave some footprints in the snow for him to follow, then sneak around the opposite way and hold him up. No prob. ------------------------ - 002: HYUN SUP KIM - ------------------------ * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0205 * Blood - O The last soldier in this area can be found far to the north, patrolling the upstairs area. Head up there and hide on the landing between the two sets of stairs, then quickly get behind him once he turns his back. ----------------------- - 003: BRUNO PETIT - ----------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0709 * Blood - O When you first arrive here, there are a total of two soldiers patrolling the area. This particular baddie continually circles around the tank closest to the stairs. To bag him without pissing off his friend, wait until he pauses momentarily near the northwestern portion of the area. The other guard won't be able to see a thing, so hold this guy up with pleasure. ------------------------- - 004: YUU SHINOHARA - ------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0426 * Blood - O As you may expect, this is the other soldier you'll find parading about when you initially enter the hangar. I suggest following the above procedure to knock out the other soldier, then simply sneak up behind this guy. Easy! --------------------------- - 005: HECTOR S GARCIA - --------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 1208 * Blood - -- With your triumphant return to this area, you'll need the L2 card key to nab this particular tag. If you've got it, head due east from the elevator and enter the small area where you can find the SOCOM Suppressor. The guard hiding in here is pretty drowsy as is, so just wait for him to turn his back before putting the gun to his back. --------------------------- - 006: YOUNG CHAN PARK - --------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 1122 * Blood - B After the battle with Ocelot, there will be a couple of soldiers meandering about the adjacent armory. To get behind this fella, enter the armory straight from the room where you fought Ocelot (e.g., take the door north out of that room, instead of going around, through the hall where you used the C4) and run north around the first cell, then back south the other way. Shouldn't be too tough. ----------------------------- - 007: RATHANA DANH SANG - ----------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0827 * Blood - -- This is, obviously, the other soldier patrolling the armory. With the first guy out of the way, sneaking up on this big guy shouldn't prove difficult. ----------------------- - 008: SCOTT DERBY - ----------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0522 * Blood - B On the way back to the armory to grab a sniper rifle, there will be a trio of guards patrolling this area, where you fought Raven and his tank earlier. This particular soldier is circling the area nearest to the Nuke Building. However, a couple of cameras with extremely wide fields of vision are positioned in the center of the Canyon, so you'll need to take those out first. If you've got a lot of ammo (or REALLY good aim), I definitely recommend taking them out from afar, since getting close won't be easy. Once the cameras are out of the way, though, bagging this guy shouldn't prove tricky. ---------------------------- - 009: JOHNNY KICKMAIER - ---------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 1004 * Blood - -- This is one of the two guards walking around the portion of the Canyon nearest to the Tank Hangar. The easiest way I've found to get both of their tags is simply to knock one out with an M9 shot and, while he's asleep, go hold up the other fool. ---------------------------- - 010: JERIMIAH W HARTE - ---------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0804 * Blood - A Follow the same procedure as above, only keep this guard awake and put the other guy to sleep. Whee! ---------------------------- - 011: ALEJANDRO GARCIA - ---------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 1007 * Blood - AB The two guards in this area have horrible bladder problems. Case in point: they alternate between taking bathroom breaks. One goes in, and a few moments later the other heads in. Over and over. However, this makes things quite easy on our part, as the pissing soldier isn't really on guard. Getting his tag should be no problem. ---------------------------------- - 012: MENALAOS PAPADIMITRIOU - ---------------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 0527 * Blood - -- This is the other guy patrolling the B1. To hold him up with little trouble, head straight into the bathroom after the fight with the Ninja - he'll be taking a break. ----------------------- - 013: ZAHEER OMAR - ----------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0728 * Blood - A When you first enter this area from the Snow Field, this guy is the first soldier you'll find. Wait behind the stack of metal crates on the right for him to turn his back, then get behind him and do your thing -------------------------- - 014: RYAN CALLENDER - -------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 1106 * Blood - -- This soldier is patrolling the far side of the Blast Furnace area. Once you get over there, descend the staircase and wait in the small nook beneath the stairs. When this guy passes by, pop out and hold him up. ------------------------- - 015: MAMORU MIZUNO - ------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 1015 * Blood - B While cooling the PAL card key, you'll need to come here, where a couple of guards now reside. To bag this first guy, simple run due south from where you entered (assuming you're entering from the Warehouse North), then curve left around the first set of crates to get behind this guy. -------------------- - 016: JIN ZHAO - -------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 1216 * Blood - O Provided that you took the above soldier out already, there's plenty of room to maneuver around in this area, making this guy's tag simple to get. --------------------------- - 017: TOMOYUKI MARUMO - --------------------------- * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0313 * Blood - B As you may know, there are two guards in this small area. To bag the first guy's tag (the guy walking around downstairs), it's a good idea to knock out the other soldier with a tranq dart. If not, chances are he'll spot you sneaking up on his buddy. Anyway, once he's out cold, just wait around the corner for his friend to turn away, which is your cue to go get him. ------------------------ - 018: JASON CLARKE - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0622 * Blood - -- Nabbing this guy's tag is a bit trickier. To get it, first you have to take down the other soldier in this area. However, you can't just shoot him, as that would alert the upstairs guard. Instead, lure him (the downstairs guy) around the corner and quickly snap his neck. Once you've done that, it's time to find a way to sneak upstairs. Since the guard we want is always staring at the only way toward him, we'll need to create a diversion. A great way to do this is to fire a bullet at him, making sure that you DO NOT actually hit the guard. This will cause him to turn around, giving you some time to race toward the stairs (just watch out for the gun cameras!). When the soldier returns to his usual post, quietly ascend the stairs and hold him up. Whammo! ------------------------------- - 019: MIKIYASU KAMBAYASHI - ------------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0929 * Blood - A This guy patrols the area right outside the control room, where Ocelot and Liquid are hiding out. Trail behind him like you did the other soldier and wait for him to stop moving at one of the small balconies, giving you a chance to take his tag. ------------------------ - 020: GARY GOEMANS - ------------------------ * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0629 * Blood - O From the entrance to the Underground Base, quickly head to the east, then upstairs. You should see this guy on the catwalk just ahead, so silently trail him (be sure to walk, because the floor makes a lot of noise) and hold him up once you catch up to him. ------------------------- - 021: JOHNNY SASAKI - ------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After the battle with the Ninja, head to the Nuke Building B1 and find the soldier who sways "his" hips like a chick when "he" walks (yeah, I know it's Meryl, but whatever). Without being seen, pump a tranq dart into this guard and repeatedly pick up and drop the body until Johnny's tag pops out. ----------------------------- - 022: MERYL SILVERBURGH - ----------------------------- * Location - Nuke Bulding B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- En route to the Commander's Room with Meryl, fire a tranq dart into her head and quickly shake her a few times to make this appear. Easy! ------------------------- - 023: PSYCHO MANTIS - ------------------------- * Location - Commander Room * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After defeating him, shake the poor guy's lifeless body a few times and this will pop out. ----------------------- - 024: SNIPER WOLF - ----------------------- * Location - Snow Field * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- Once you've defeated Wolf for the second time, shake her body some to get her tag. ------------------------ - 025: VULCAN RAVEN - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After beating him down, Raven's tag will automatically appear. No dead-body shaking necessary! ------------------------ - 026: LIQUID SNAKE - ------------------------ * Location - Final Battle * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- When fighting Liquid hand-to-hand atop Metal Gear, you just need to knock him off the edge for his dog tag to appear. Just lure him towards the edge of the battlefield and kick him off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Easy =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= A nice total of 28 Dog Tags await you on Easy mode. --------------------- - QUICK CHECKLIST - --------------------- [ ] 000 | Sasa Radosevic | Heliport [ ] 001 | Huang Rongsheng | Heliport [ ] 002 | Damian Di Cario | Heliport [ ] 003 | Randy W. McAllister | Tank Hangar [ ] 004 | Carlos Costa | Tank Hangar [ ] 005 | Frederico A Elli | Tank Hangar [ ] 006 | Kevin Leung | Armory [ ] 007 | David Falcon Marrero | Armory [ ] 008 | Elran Joseph Ettinger | Armory [ ] 009 | Miguel Barreiro | Canyon [ ] 010 | Jan Olbrich | Canyon [ ] 011 | Alistair Kan | Canyon [ ] 012 | Benjamin T Turner | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 013 | Henk Van Den Brink | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 014 | Daijyu Sato | Blast Furnace [ ] 015 | Ryan G Vicera | Blast Furnace [ ] 016 | Diogo M Fernandez | Warehouse [ ] 017 | John D Eriani | Warehouse [ ] 018 | Chris Kohler | Warehouse North [ ] 019 | Pat RW Hart | Warehouse North [ ] 020 | Matt Davies | Underground Base [ ] 021 | Aurore Portet | Underground Base [ ] 022 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 023 | Meryl SilverBurgh | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 024 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room [ ] 025 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field [ ] 026 | Vulcan Raven | Warehouse [ ] 027 | Liquid Snake | Final Battle -------------------------- - 000: SASA RADOSEVIC - -------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0709 * Blood - A Sleepyhead here likes to hang out on the northwestern side of the area, right underneath a surveillance camera. In order to get his tag, we'll need to lure him away from that area, since the M9 won't bust up the camera and the SOCOM makes enough noise to wake the dead. So, stand against the wall just north of where this guy is pretending not to take a nap and bang on the wall. Once you've done so, bolt for the other side of the truck and knock again. Continue doing this to keep the guard's attention and sneak around the truck to get behind our good buddy, Mr. "I Can't Stay Awake on the Job." --------------------------- - 001: HUANG RONGSHENG - --------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0301 * Blood - O To grab this easy tag, run east from the elevator and onto the snowy area. Wait patiently for the lone soldier in this area to come snooping around, then knock on one of the crates to grab his attention. With that, sneak the opposite way around the crate and hold him up. --------------------------- - 002: DAMIAN DI CARIO - --------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0319 * Blood - A The last soldier in this area can be found upstairs, far to the north. To get his tag, simply camp out on the stairs and patiently wait for him to start moving westward. When he does so, run up behind and yell "STICK 'EM UP!". -------------------------------- - 003: RANDY W. MCALLISTER - -------------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0505 * Blood - -- When you initially arrive in this area, there are two soldiers patrolling the downstairs area. This particular guard covers the west side of the area. Due to this, the perfect time to hold him up is when he is to the left of the big tank, thus blocking the other guard's view of the action. Just hide out north of the brown wooden crate and follow this guy around when he comes by. ------------------------ - 004: CARLOS COSTA - ------------------------ * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 1026 * Blood - O Nabbing this guy is quite similar to his other Tank Hangar brethren, actually. Use the wooden crate by the elevator for cover, then quickly get behind him when he walks by. --------------------------- - 005: FEDERICO A ELLI - --------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0827 * Blood - -- When you return to this area after the firefight with Ocelot, you will be able to check out the room on the far eastern side, downstairs. Head inside and you'll find a guard who just can't stay awake. Sneak up behind him, press A, and you know the rest. ----------------------- - 006: KEVIN LEUNG - ----------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0517 * Blood - -- Upon your return to the Armory after the fight with Ocelot, a couple of guards will have appeared. To bag this guy, who seems to like the western side of the room, simply trail behind him, as being sneaky in this area shouldn't be too troublesome. -------------------------------- - 007: DAVID FALCON MARRERO - -------------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0511 * Blood - AB This is the other guard who appears in the Armory after the duel with Ocelot. Sneak up on him just as you did with the first enemy soldier. --------------------------------- - 008: ELRAN JOSEPH ETTINGER - --------------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0822 * Blood - O As you backtrack to the Armory to retrieve a sniper rifle, a group of three soldiers will be on patrol here. The one who's carrying this tag can be found toward the southwest portion of the Armory, usually. If you can't quite find the right guy, just go aehad and hold up every guard in the area. You should be able to locate the right one soon enough. --------------------------- - 009: MIGUEL BARREIRO - --------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0623 * Blood - A On your way back to the Armory to get a sniper rifle, there will be three guards patrolling this area, where you fought the M1 Tank earlier. This guard in particular can be found exploring the area nearest to the Nuke Building. Before you go to grab him, though, I suggest taking out the four gun cameras stationed around here. Once you've done that, stealing this dude's tag will be a simple task. ----------------------- - 010: JAN OLBRICH - ----------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0811 * Blood - -- In order to get this guy, it's a good idea to neutralize the other soldier in this area with a tranq dart from your M9. Once he's out of the way, get behind Jan here and do that thing you do. ------------------------ - 011: ALISTAIR KAN - ------------------------ * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0524 * Blood - B Follow the same procedure as above, only keep this guard awake and put the other guy to sleep. Easy enough, right? ----------------------------- - 012: BENJAMIN T TURNER - ----------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 0520 * Blood - O You can find this guy patrolling the southern area of the Nuke Building B1. To get this guard's tag with ease, the best way is to simply wait for him to head for the bathroom, at which point you can pop out and hold him up with minimal difficulty. ------------------------------ - 013: HENK VAN DEN BRINK - ------------------------------ * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 0913 * Blood - -- As soon as you step out of the elevator in here, run straight for the men's bathroom. This guy is busy excreting liquid waste from his body, so just walk up behind him and he won't even notice you. ----------------------- - 014: DAIJYU SATO - ----------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0821 * Blood - B Soon after defeating Sniper Wolf (for the second time), you'll head into this area. To get Daijyu's tag, hide out behind the stacked up metal boxes and wait for him to walk near you and turn his back. That's your cue to go hold him up. ------------------------- - 015: RYAN G VICERA - ------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0304 * Blood - O Also found in the Blast Furnace is this guy, who likes to chill over on the far side of the area. After you get there, quickly descend the stairs and hide in the tiny nook beneath the stairs. The moment this guy walks by, you should jump out and do your thing. ----------------------------- - 016: DIOGO M FERNANDES - ----------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 1010 * Blood - O When you return to this battlefield (where you fought Raven), a group of soldiers will be eagerly awaiting your arrival. This particular guard, Diogo, can be found if you run due south from the entrance to the Warehouse North, then curve left around some crates. Bam - easy stuff! ------------------------- - 017: JOHN D ERIANI - ------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 1107 * Blood - -- Given that you took out Diogo (as explained directly above), getting behind this guy should be easy. Remember to confuse him by knocking on the crates and whatnot. ----------------------- - 018: CHRIS KOHLER - ----------------------- * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0418 * Blood - O The best way to get the tag of this guard (the one who resides downstairs) is to first take out the guy upstairs. To do that, a single tranq dart to the head should be in order. Once you've done that, just wait for this guard to turn his back on you. You know what to do from there. ----------------------- - 019: PAT RW HART - ----------------------- * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0806 * Blood - O Getting this guy's tag is a bit tougher. To grab it, first you need to shoot down the other soldier in this area. However, you can't just shoot him, as that would alert the guard upstairs. Instead, lure him (the downstairs guy) around the corner by knocking on the walls and swiftly break his neck. Once you've done that, it's time to find a way to get upstairs. Since the guard we want is always staring at the only way toward him, we'll need to create a diversion of some sort. An effective way to do this is to fire a bullet at him, making sure that you DO NOT actually hit the guard. This will cause him to turn around, giving you some time to race toward the stairs (just watch out for the gun cameras!). When the soldier returns to his usual post, quietly ascend the stairs and hold him up. ----------------------- - 020: MATT DAVIES - ----------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0422 * Blood - -- Matt here patrols the area right outside the control room in the Underground Base, where Ocelot and Liquid are hiding out. Trail behind him like you've done with every other soldier in the game and wait for him to stop moving at one of the small balconies, giving you a chance to take his tag. ------------------------- - 021: AURORE PORTET - ------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0909 * Blood - -- From the entrance to the Underground Base, quickly head to the east, then up the staircase. You'll spot this guy on the catwalk just ahead, so silently follow him (be sure to walk, because the floor makes a lot of noise) and hold him up once you catch up to him (probably when he stops at a balcony). ------------------------- - 022: JOHNNY SASAKI - ------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After the battle with the Ninja, head to the Nuke Building B1 and find the soldier who sways "his" hips like a chick when "he" walks (yeah, I know it's Meryl, but whatever). Without being seen, pump a tranq dart into this guard and repeatedly pick up and drop the body until Johnny's tag pops out. ----------------------------- - 023: MERYL SILVERBURGH - ----------------------------- * Location - Nuke Bulding B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- En route to the Commander's Room with Meryl, fire a tranq dart into her head and quickly shake her a few times to make this appear. Easy! ------------------------- - 024: PSYCHO MANTIS - ------------------------- * Location - Commander Room * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After defeating him, shake the poor guy's lifeless body a few times and this will pop out. ----------------------- - 025: SNIPER WOLF - ----------------------- * Location - Snow Field * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- Once you've defeated Wolf for the second time, shake her body some to get her tag. ------------------------ - 026: VULCAN RAVEN - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After beating him down, Raven's tag will automatically appear. No dead-body shaking necessary! ------------------------ - 027: LIQUID SNAKE - ------------------------ * Location - Final Battle * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- When fighting Liquid hand-to-hand atop Metal Gear, you just need to knock him off the edge for his dog tag to appear. Just lure him towards the edge of the battlefield and kick him off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Normal =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 29 Dog Tags await here to be found. --------------------- - QUICK CHECKLIST - --------------------- [ ] 000 | Michael P. Janes | Heliport [ ] 001 | Paul Rogozinski | Heliport [ ] 002 | Rich Barnes | Heliport [ ] 003 | Kalle Seponpoika Viitanen | Tank Hangar [ ] 004 | Dan Amadio | Tank Hangar [ ] 005 | Kate Dyson | Tank Hangar [ ] 006 | Kaleb T Heil | Armory [ ] 007 | Kevin Gordon | Armory [ ] 008 | Carlos A Ortega | Armory [ ] 009 | Edward A Holmberg | Canyon [ ] 010 | Suneel C Buggal | Canyon [ ] 011 | Ken Alguire | Canyon [ ] 012 | David Miner | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 013 | Steven Tieu | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 014 | Souta Asaka | Blast Furnace [ ] 015 | Paul Caporicci | Blast Furnace [ ] 016 | Akitaka Tosaka | Warehouse [ ] 017 | Carey Murray | Warehouse [ ] 018 | Brian L Hansen | Warehouse [ ] 019 | Eric Dechaux | Warehouse North [ ] 020 | Essam Khili L Obaidi | Warehouse North [ ] 021 | Vong Chan Phuc | Underground Base [ ] 022 | Patrick Ingoldsby | Undergroudn Base [ ] 023 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 024 | Meryl SilverBurgh | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 025 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room [ ] 026 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field [ ] 027 | Vulcan Raven | Warehouse [ ] 028 | Liquid Snake | Final Battle ----------------------------- - 000: MICHAEL P. JANES - ----------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0317 * Blood - O Sleepyhead here likes to hang out on the northwestern side of the area, right underneath a surveillance camera. In order to get his tag, we'll need to lure him away from that area, since the M9 won't bust up the camera and the SOCOM makes enough noise to wake the dead. So, stand against the wall just north of where this guy is pretending not to take a nap and bang on the wall. Once you've done so, bolt for the other side of the truck and knock again. Continue doing this to keep the guard's attention and sneak around the truck to get behind our good buddy, Mr. "I Can't Stay Awake on the Job." --------------------------- - 001: PAUL ROGOZINSKI - --------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 1001 * Blood - B To grab this easy tag, run east from the elevator and onto the snowy area. Wait patiently for the lone soldier in this area to come snooping around, then knock on one of the crates to grab his attention. With that, sneak the opposite way around the crate and hold him up. ----------------------- - 002: RICH BARNES - ----------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0920 * Blood - A The last soldier in this area can be found upstairs, far to the north. To get his tag, simply camp out on the stairs and patiently wait for him to start moving westward. When he does so, run up behind and yell "STICK 'EM UP!". ------------------------------------- - 003: KALLE SEPONPOIKA VIITANEN - ------------------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0627 * Blood - A When you initially arrive in this area, there are two soldiers patrolling the downstairs area. This particular guard covers the west side of the area. Due to this, the perfect time to hold him up is when he is to the left of the big tank, thus blocking the other guard's view of the action. Just hide out north of the brown wooden crate and follow this guy around when he comes by. ---------------------- - 004: DAN AMADIO - ---------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0714 * Blood - A Nabbing this guy is quite similar to his other Tank Hangar brethren, actually. Use the wooden crate by the elevator for cover, then quickly get behind him when he walks by. ---------------------- - 005: KATE DYSON - ---------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0221 * Blood - AB Getting this tag can be a bit tricky, so listen up. Find the LV1 door on the northeastern side of the first floor of this area and head inside. There's a lone soldier in here with his back to you. Quickly crouch and press your back against the small crate straight ahead. Wait a few moments and the guard will turn around to check things out. When he turns his back to you again, get up and go for the hold up. ------------------------ - 006: KALEB T HEIL - ------------------------ * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0714 * Blood - AB After defeating Ocelot, a pair of soldiers will show up in the Armory, ready to have some mystery person aim a pistol at their wangs. Anyway, this soldier will be pacing about toward the western side of the room. Simply trail behind him - it shouldn't be tough to be sneaky in this chamber. ------------------------ - 007: KEVIN GORDON - ------------------------ * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0320 * Blood - A This is the second soldier who shows up unwelcome in the Armory after the battle with Ocelot. Sneak up on him just as you did with the previous sucker. --------------------------- - 008: CARLOS A ORTEGA - --------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 1004 * Blood - O When you return to the Armory to pick up your sniper rifle, a trio of soldiers will be patrolling like blind idiots. The one who's carrying this tag can be found toward the southwest portion of the Armory. If you're having trouble finding the correct soldier, just hold all of them up and you'll find him soon enough. ----------------------------- - 009: EDWARD A HOLMBERG - ----------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0705 * Blood - A On the way back to the armory to grab a sniper rifle, there will be a trio of guards patrolling this area, where you fought Raven and his tank earlier. This particular soldier is circling the area nearest to the Nuke Building. However, a couple of cameras with extremely wide fields of vision are positioned in the center of the Canyon, so you'll need to take those out first. If you've got a lot of ammo (or REALLY good aim), I definitely recommend taking them out from afar, since getting close won't be easy. Once the cameras are out of the way, though, bagging this guy shouldn't prove tricky. --------------------------- - 010: SUNEEL C BUGGAL - --------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 1229 * Blood - -- This is one of the two guards walking around the portion of the Canyon nearest to the Tank Hangar. The easiest way I've found to get both of their tags is simply to knock one out with an M9 shot and, while he's asleep, go hold up the other fool. ----------------------- - 011: KEN ALGUIRE - ----------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 1014 * Blood - O Follow the same procedure as above, only keep this guard awake and put the other guy to sleep. Whee! ----------------------- - 012: DAVID MINER - ----------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 1206 * Blood - -- As soon as you step off the elevator here, head west into the bathroom to meet this guy. He's too busy jacking off to notice you're here, so hold him up and snatch that Dog Tag. ------------------------ - 013: STEVEN TIEU - ------------------------ * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 0130 * Blood - -- This soldier patrols the southern area of the Nuke Building's B1 - the area just below the elevator. To bag this guy, I suggest waiting until he heads for the bathroom. Once he does so, just follow him there and stick your gun to his back before he can even get inside. Nothing to worry about! ----------------------- - 014: SOUTA ASAKA - ----------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0803 * Blood - O When you first enter this area from the Snow Field, this guy is the first soldier you'll find. Wait behind the stack of metal crates on the right for him to turn his back, then get behind him and do your thing -------------------------- - 015: PAUL CAPORICCI - -------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0113 * Blood - O This soldier is patrolling the far side of the Blast Furnace area. Once you get over there, descend the staircase and wait in the small nook beneath the stairs. Pop out and hold him out when he passes by. -------------------------- - 016: AKITAKA TOSAKA - -------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 1118 * Blood - O While cooling the PAL card key, you'll need to come here, where a couple of guards now reside. To bag this first guy, simple run due south from where you entered (assuming you're entering from the Warehouse North), then curve left around the first set of crates to get behind this guy. ------------------------ - 017: CAREY MURRAY - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0731 * Blood - O Provided that you took the above soldier out already, there's plenty of room to maneuver around in this area, making this guy's tag simple to get. -------------------------- - 018: BRIAN L HANSEN - -------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 1129 * Blood - A This is the third soldier meandering about the frozen Warehouse. With the above two guards already neatralized, grabbing this guy's tag should prove no problem. And even if you don't bother to take down the other two, this guy spends most of his time alone on the eastern side of the area, whilst the other two seem to prefer the western portion of the Warehouse. Easy stuff. ------------------------ - 019: ERIC DECHAUX - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0312 * Blood - AB As you may know, there are two guards in this small area. To bag the first guy's tag (the guy walking around downstairs), it's a good idea to knock out the other soldier with a tranq dart. If not, chances are he'll spot you sneaking up on his buddy. Anyway, once he's out cold, just wait around the corner for his friend to turn away, which is your cue to go get him. -------------------------------- - 020: ESSAM KHLIL L OBAIDI - -------------------------------- * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0722 * Blood - AB Nabbing this guy's tag is a bit trickier. To get it, first you have to take down the other soldier in this area. However, you can't just shoot him, as that would alert the upstairs guard. Instead, lure him (the downstairs guy) around the corner and quickly snap his neck. Once you've done that, it's time to find a way to sneak upstairs. Since the guard we want is always staring at the only way toward him, we'll need to create a diversion. A great way to do this is to fire a bullet at him, making sure that you DO NOT actually hit the guard. This will cause him to turn around, giving you some time to race toward the stairs (just watch out for the gun cameras!). When the soldier returns to his usual post, quietly ascend the stairs and hold him up. Whammo! -------------------------- - 021: VONG CHAN PHUC - -------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0603 * Blood - -- This guy patrols the area right outside the control room, where Ocelot and Liquid are hiding out. Trail behind him like you did the other soldier and wait for him to stop moving at one of the small balconies, giving you a chance to take his tag. ----------------------------- - 022: PATRICK INGOLDSBY - ----------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0506 * Blood - A From the entrance to the Underground Base, quickly head to the east, then upstairs. You should see this guy on the catwalk just ahead, so silently trail him (be sure to walk, because the floor makes a lot of noise) and hold him up once you catch up to him. ------------------------- - 023: JOHNNY SASAKI - ------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After the battle with the Ninja, head to the Nuke Building B1 and find the soldier who sways "his" hips like a chick when "he" walks (yeah, I know it's Meryl, but whatever). Without being seen, pump a tranq dart into this guard and repeatedly pick up and drop the body until Johnny's tag pops out. ----------------------------- - 024: MERYL SILVERBURGH - ----------------------------- * Location - Nuke Bulding B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- En route to the Commander's Room with Meryl, fire a tranq dart into her head and quickly shake her a few times to make this appear. Easy! ------------------------- - 025: PSYCHO MANTIS - ------------------------- * Location - Commander Room * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After defeating him, shake the poor guy's lifeless body a few times and this will pop out. ----------------------- - 026: SNIPER WOLF - ----------------------- * Location - Snow Field * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- Once you've defeated Wolf for the second time, shake her body some to get her tag. ------------------------ - 027: VULCAN RAVEN - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After beating him down, Raven's tag will automatically appear. No dead-body shaking necessary! ------------------------ - 028: LIQUID SNAKE - ------------------------ * Location - Final Battle * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- When fighting Liquid hand-to-hand atop Metal Gear, you just need to knock him off the edge for his dog tag to appear. Just lure him towards the edge of the battlefield and kick him off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= d. Hard =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 33 Dog Tags can be located on this difficulty. --------------------- - QUICK CHECKLIST - --------------------- [ ] 000 | Mark Earnest Torio | Heliport [ ] 001 | Alex H Higgins | Heliport [ ] 002 | Li Shi Dan | Heliport [ ] 003 | Kristopher Schmitt | Tank Hangar [ ] 004 | Arthur Manuel Szpilski | Tank Hangar [ ] 005 | Kevin S Weng | Tank Hangar [ ] 006 | Michael A Williams | Armory [ ] 007 | Patrick M Michalishyn | Armory [ ] 008 | Julliard Ej Emilien | Armory [ ] 009 | Ross Lillo | Armory [ ] 010 | Andy E Turner | Canyon [ ] 011 | Nouri Frederic | Canyon [ ] 012 | Eric J Holmes | Canyon [ ] 013 | Alex G Fisico | Canyon [ ] 014 | Jong Dong Kim | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 015 | Navid Masserrat | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 016 | Jad V Jureidini | Blast Furnace [ ] 017 | John Michael V Lim | Blast Furnace [ ] 018 | Andrew M Long | Blast Furnace [ ] 019 | Bruno Almeida Vilares | Warehouse [ ] 020 | Dmitriy Sergeevitch Kovalev | Warehouse [ ] 021 | Oscar M Grandell | Warehouse [ ] 022 | Fernando Makio Yoshimoto | Warehouse North [ ] 023 | Christopher J Barbour | Warehouse North [ ] 024 | Jose Maria Castillo Secilla | Underground Base [ ] 025 | Michael R Klingensmith | Underground Base [ ] 026 | Doug Tooley | Underground Base [ ] 027 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 028 | Meryl SilverBurgh | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 029 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room [ ] 030 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field [ ] 031 | Vulcan Raven | Warehouse [ ] 032 | Liquid Snake | Final Battle ----------------------------- - 000: MARK ERNEST TORIO - ----------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 1014 * Blood - B This guy circles around the truck in the northern part of this area. Simply follow him around from behind and put your gun into his back. Just be careful of one thing: the other guard who patrols this area. Be sure to neutralize him first. -------------------------- - 001: ALEX H HIGGINS - -------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 1206 * Blood - O This guy is the first soldier you'll come across if you head eastward from the elevator. Leave some footprints in the snow for him to follow, then sneak around the opposite way and hold him up. No prob. ---------------------- - 002: LI SHI DAN - ---------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0814 * Blood - A The last soldier in this area can be found far to the north, patrolling the upstairs area. Head up there and hide on the landing between the two sets of stairs, then quickly get behind him once he turns his back. ------------------------------ - 003: KRISTOPHER SCHMITT - ------------------------------ * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 1224 * Blood - O When you first arrive here, there are a total of two soldiers patrolling the area. This particular baddie continually circles around the tank closest to the stairs. To bag him without pissing off his friend, wait until he pauses momentarily near the northwestern portion of the area. The other guard won't be able to see a thing, so hold this guy up with pleasure. ---------------------------------- - 004: ARTHUR MANUEL SZPILSKI - ---------------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0409 * Blood - A As you may expect, this is the other soldier you'll find parading about when you initially enter the hangar. I suggest following the above procedure to knock out the other soldier, then simply sneak up behind this guy. Easy! ------------------------ - 005: KEVIN S WENG - ------------------------ * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0316 * Blood - O With your triumphant return to this area, you'll need the L2 card key to nab this particular tag. If you've got it, head due east from the elevator and enter the small area where you can find the SOCOM Suppressor. The guard hiding in here is pretty drowsy as is, so just wait for him to turn his back before putting the gun to his back. ------------------------------ - 006: MICHAEL A WILLIAMS - ------------------------------ * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 1229 * Blood - O After the battle with Ocelot, there will be a couple of soldiers meandering about the adjacent armory. To get behind this fella, enter the armory straight from the room where you fought Ocelot (e.g., take the door north out of that room, instead of going around, through the hall where you used the C4) and run north around the first cell, then back south the other way. Shouldn't be too tough. --------------------------------- - 007: PATRICK M MICHALISHYN - --------------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0917 * Blood - O This is, obviously, the other soldier patrolling the armory. With the first guy out of the way, sneaking up on this big guy shouldn't prove difficult. ------------------------------ - 008: JULLIARD EJ EMILIEN - ------------------------------ * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 1019 * Blood - -- When you return here to retrieve the PSG-1, a group of four guards will be wasting their time in the Armory. Crap. The best way I've found to make sure you've got the soldier with the tag is to just try to hold everyone up. The M9 proves its use in spades here. ---------------------- - 009: ROSS LILLO - ---------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0529 * Blood - O Ross here is a third soldier who'll show up in the Armory after the fight with Ocelot. Get his tag just as you did with the two soldiers above. -------------------------- - 010: ANDY E TURNER - ------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 1022 * Blood - -- On the way back to the armory to grab a sniper rifle, there will be a trio of guards patrolling this area, where you fought Raven and his tank earlier. This particular soldier is circling the area nearest to the Nuke Building. However, a couple of cameras with extremely wide fields of vision are positioned in the center of the Canyon, so you'll need to take those out first. If you've got a lot of ammo (or REALLY good aim), I definitely recommend taking them out from afar, since getting close won't be easy. Once the cameras are out of the way, though, bagging this guy shouldn't prove tricky. -------------------------- - 011: NOURI FREDERIC - -------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0309 * Blood - A Since a grand total of four soldiers patrol this area in Hard mode, this guy is one of the three nearest to the Tank Hangar entrance. The M9 is your best friend here. Be sure you're well hidden or that the other two guards are knocked out before trying to get this guy. ------------------------- - 012: ERIC J HOLMES - ------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0605 * Blood - -- This is one of the two guards walking around the portion of the Canyon nearest to the Tank Hangar. The easiest way I've found to get both of their tags is simply to knock one out with an M9 shot and, while he's asleep, go hold up the other fool. ------------------------- - 013: ALEX G FISICO - ------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 1121 * Blood - O Follow the same procedure as above, only keep this guard awake and put the other guy to sleep. Whee! ------------------------- - 014: JONG DONG KIM - ------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 1208 * Blood - A This is the other guy patrolling the B1. To hold him up with little trouble, head straight into the bathroom after the fight with the Ninja - he'll be taking a break. --------------------------- - 015: NAVID MASSERRAT - --------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 1210 * Blood - AB The two guards in this area have horrible bladder problems. Case in point: they alternate between taking bathroom breaks. One goes in, and a few moments later the other heads in. Over and over. However, this makes things quite easy on our part, as the pissing soldier isn't really on guard. Getting his tag should be no problem. --------------------------- - 016: JAD V JUREIDINI - --------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0824 * Blood - O When you first enter this area from the Snow Field, this guy is the first soldier you'll find. Wait behind the stack of metal crates on the right for him to turn his back, then get behind him and do your thing ------------------------------ - 017: JOHN MICHAEL V LIM - ------------------------------ * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0217 * Blood - O This soldier is patrolling the far side of the Blast Furnace area. Once you get over there, descend the staircase and wait in the small nook beneath the stairs. When this guy passes by, pop out and hold him up. ------------------------- - 018: ANDREW M LONG - ------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0727 * Blood - O Nabbing this guy's tag is pretty much the same process as above - just make sure that the other soldier in this area has been properly disposed of, lest he discover you. --------------------------------- - 019: BRUNO ALMEIDA VILARES - --------------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0324 * Blood - O While cooling the PAL card key, you'll need to come here, where a couple of guards now reside. To bag this first guy, simple run due south from where you entered (assuming you're entering from the Warehouse North), then curve left around the first set of crates to get behind this guy. --------------------------------------- - 020: DMITRIY SERGEEVITCH KOVALEV - --------------------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0121 * Blood - AB Provided that you took the above soldier out already, there's plenty of room to maneuver around in this area, making this guy's tag simple to get. ---------------------------- - 021: OSCAR M GRANDELL - ---------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0303 * Blood - -- This is the third soldier meandering about the frozen Warehouse. With the above two guards already neatralized, grabbing this guy's tag should prove no problem. And even if you don't bother to take down the other two, this guy spends most of his time alone on the eastern side of the area, whilst the other two seem to prefer the western portion of the Warehouse. Easy stuff. ------------------------------------ - 022: FERNANDO MAKIO YOSHIMOTO - ------------------------------------ * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0131 * Blood - O As you may know, there are two guards in this small area. To bag the first guy's tag (the guy walking around downstairs), it's a good idea to knock out the other soldier with a tranq dart. If not, chances are he'll spot you sneaking up on his buddy. Anyway, once he's out cold, just wait around the corner for his friend to turn away, which is your cue to go get him. --------------------------------- - 023: CHRISTOPHER J BARBOUR - --------------------------------- * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0924 * Blood - A Nabbing this guy's tag is a bit trickier. To get it, first you have to take down the other soldier in this area. However, you can't just shoot him, as that would alert the upstairs guard. Instead, lure him (the downstairs guy) around the corner and quickly snap his neck. Once you've done that, it's time to find a way to sneak upstairs. Since the guard we want is always staring at the only way toward him, we'll need to create a diversion. A great way to do this is to fire a bullet at him, making sure that you DO NOT actually hit the guard. This will cause him to turn around, giving you some time to race toward the stairs (just watch out for the gun cameras!). When the soldier returns to his usual post, quietly ascend the stairs and hold him up. Whammo! --------------------------------------- - 024: JOSE MARIA CASTILLO SECILLA - --------------------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0905 * Blood - A Generally, this soldier likes to hang out in the small area right next to Metal Gear, down a set of stairs on the opposite side that you come up on. Without making too much noise, quickly get down there and give it to this sucker. ---------------------------------- - 025: MICHAEL R KLINGENSMITH - ---------------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0726 * Blood - O From the entrance to the Underground Base, quickly head to the east, then upstairs. You should see this guy on the catwalk just ahead, so silently trail him (be sure to walk, because the floor makes a lot of noise) and hold him up once you catch up to him. ----------------------- - 026: DOUG TOOLEY - ----------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0910 * Blood - O This guy patrols the area right outside the control room, where Ocelot and Liquid are hiding out. Trail behind him like you did the other soldier and wait for him to stop moving at one of the small balconies, giving you a chance to take his tag. ------------------------- - 027: JOHNNY SASAKI - ------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After the battle with the Ninja, head to the Nuke Building B1 and find the soldier who sways "his" hips like a chick when "he" walks (yeah, I know it's Meryl, but whatever). Without being seen, pump a tranq dart into this guard and repeatedly pick up and drop the body until Johnny's tag pops out. ----------------------------- - 028: MERYL SILVERBURGH - ----------------------------- * Location - Nuke Bulding B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- En route to the Commander's Room with Meryl, fire a tranq dart into her head and quickly shake her a few times to make this appear. Easy! ------------------------- - 029: PSYCHO MANTIS - ------------------------- * Location - Commander Room * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After defeating him, shake the poor guy's lifeless body a few times and this will pop out. ----------------------- - 030: SNIPER WOLF - ----------------------- * Location - Snow Field * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- Once you've defeated Wolf for the second time, shake her body some to get her tag. ------------------------ - 031: VULCAN RAVEN - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After beating him down, Raven's tag will automatically appear. No dead-body shaking necessary! ------------------------ - 032: LIQUID SNAKE - ------------------------ * Location - Final Battle * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- When fighting Liquid hand-to-hand atop Metal Gear, you just need to knock him off the edge for his dog tag to appear. Just lure him towards the edge of the battlefield and kick him off. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= e. Extreme =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 37 total Dog Tags can be found on this hardest of difficulty levels. --------------------- - QUICK CHECKLIST - --------------------- [ ] 000 | Leon Shi | Heliport [ ] 001 | Itoh Yuuichi | Heliport [ ] 002 | Justin C Weber | Heliport [ ] 003 | Augusto M Piccio | Heliport [ ] 004 | Nam Huan Ho | Tank Hangar [ ] 005 | Vlad A Parfyonov | Tank Hangar [ ] 006 | Kris O R Sutton | Tank Hangar [ ] 007 | David P Newman | Armory [ ] 008 | Tres Feia | Armory [ ] 009 | Kyle P Wright | Armory [ ] 010 | Markus A Lindgvist | Armory [ ] 011 | Ted Traver | Canyon [ ] 012 | Solid Emad Ylaaj | Canyon [ ] 013 | Seosamh Gowran | Canyon [ ] 014 | Kiba Wang Amada | Canyon [ ] 015 | Iori Oda | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 016 | James O'Reilly | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 017 | Tomotaka Morita | Blast Furnace [ ] 018 | John H Weaver | Blast Furnace [ ] 019 | Jaeho Song | Blast Furnace [ ] 020 | Todd MacIntyre | Blast Furnace [ ] 021 | Mike Lisman | Warehouse [ ] 022 | Wai K Lam | Warehouse [ ] 023 | Kenichi Rou Kudo | Warehouse [ ] 024 | Inhyuk Lim | Warehouse [ ] 025 | Eric Gatineau | Warehouse North [ ] 026 | Brad Furminger | Warehouse North [ ] 027 | Theo Colin Tyler King | Underground Base [ ] 028 | Robert G Pring | Underground Base [ ] 029 | Jun Yo Kim | Underground Base [ ] 030 | Paris Alexandre | Underground Base [ ] 031 | Johhny Sasaki | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 032 | Meryl SilverBurgh | Nuke Bldg B1 [ ] 033 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room [ ] 034 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field [ ] 035 | Vulcan Raven | Warehouse [ ] 036 | Liquid Snake | Final Battle -------------------- - 000: LEON SHI - -------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0314 * Blood - O This guy circles around the truck in the northern part of this area. Simply follow him around from behind and put your gun into his back. Just be careful of one thing: the other guard who patrols this area. Be sure to neutralize him first. ------------------------ - 001: ITOH YUUICHI - ------------------------ * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0503 * Blood - O This guy is the first soldier you'll come across if you head eastward from the elevator. Leave some footprints in the snow for him to follow, then sneak around the opposite way and hold him up. No prob. -------------------------- - 002: JUSTIN C WEBER - -------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0430 * Blood - B The third soldier in this area can be found far to the north, patrolling the upstairs area. Head up there and hide on the landing between the two sets of stairs, then quickly get behind him once he turns his back. ---------------------------- - 003: AUGUSTO M PICCIO - ---------------------------- * Location - Heliport * D.O.B. - 0912 * Blood - O There are two good places to catch this soldier. The first is on the west side of the area, near the small indoor room with the camera. Just south of the entrance to said room is a small nook where you can hide out until it's safe to run out and nab this guy's tag. The other place is right next to the elevator that you rode up on. Just use the metal crate to remain undiscovered and race behind him when this soldier comes over. ----------------------- - 004: NAM HUAN HO - ----------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0320 * Blood - O When you first arrive here, there are a total of two soldiers patrolling the area. This particular baddie continually circles around the tank closest to the stairs. To bag him without pissing off his friend, wait until he pauses momentarily near the northwestern portion of the area. The other guard won't be able to see a thing, so hold this guy up with pleasure. ---------------------------- - 005: VLAD A PARFYONOV - ---------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 0119 * Blood - A As you may expect, this is the other soldier you'll find parading about when you initially enter the hangar. I suggest following the above procedure to knock out the other soldier, then simply sneak up behind this guy. Easy! --------------------------- - 006: KRIS O R SUTTON - --------------------------- * Location - Tank Hangar * D.O.B. - 1215 * Blood - O With your triumphant return to this area, you'll need the L2 card key to nab this particular tag. If you've got it, head due east from the elevator and enter the small area where you can find the SOCOM Suppressor. The guard hiding in here is pretty drowsy as is, so just wait for him to turn his back before putting the gun to his back. -------------------------- - 007: DAVID P NEWMAN - -------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0419 * Blood - -- After the battle with Ocelot, there will be a couple of soldiers meandering about the adjacent armory. To get behind this fella, enter the armory straight from the room where you fought Ocelot (e.g., take the door north out of that room, instead of going around, through the hall where you used the C4) and run north around the first cell, then back south the other way. Shouldn't be too tough. --------------------- - 008: TRES FEIA - --------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0406 * Blood - AB This is, obviously, the other soldier patrolling the armory. With the first guy out of the way, sneaking up on this big guy shouldn't prove difficult. ------------------------- - 009: KYLE P WRIGHT - ------------------------- * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 1103 * Blood - A When you return here to retrieve the PSG-1, a group of four guards will be wasting their time in the Armory. Crap. The best way I've found to make sure you've got the soldier with the tag is to just try to hold everyone up. The M9 proves its use in spades here. ------------------------------ - 010: MARKUS A LINDGVIST - ------------------------------ * Location - Armory * D.O.B. - 0209 * Blood - -- Marcus here is a third soldier who'll show up in the Armory after the fight with Ocelot. Get his tag just as you did with the two soldiers above. You can tell which guard he is because he'll call in on his radio every so often to report what's going on. ---------------------- - 011: TED TRAVER - ---------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 1106 * Blood - -- On the way back to the armory to grab a sniper rifle, there will be a trio of guards patrolling this area, where you fought Raven and his tank earlier. This particular soldier is circling the area nearest to the Nuke Building. However, a couple of cameras with extremely wide fields of vision are positioned in the center of the Canyon, so you'll need to take those out first. If you've got a lot of ammo (or REALLY good aim), I definitely recommend taking them out from afar, since getting close won't be easy. Once the cameras are out of the way, though, bagging this guy shouldn't prove tricky. ---------------------------- - 012: SOLID EMAD YLAAJ - ---------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - * Blood - This is one of the two guards walking around the portion of the Canyon nearest to the Tank Hangar. The easiest way I've found to get both of their tags is simply to knock one out with an M9 shot and, while he's asleep, go hold up the other fool. -------------------------- - 013: SEOSAMH GOWRAN - -------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 0808 * Blood - O Follow the same procedure as above, only keep this guard awake and put the other guy to sleep. Whee! --------------------------- - 014: KIBA WANG AMADA - --------------------------- * Location - Canyon * D.O.B. - 1031 * Blood - A Since a grand total of four soldiers patrol this area in Hard mode, this guy is one of the three nearest to the Tank Hangar entrance. The M9 is your best friend here. Be sure you're well hidden or that the other two guards are knocked out before trying to get this guy. -------------------- - 015: IORI ODA - -------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 0426 * Blood - B This is the other guy patrolling the B1. To hold him up with little trouble, head straight into the bathroom after the fight with the Ninja - he'll be taking a break. -------------------------- - 016: JAMES O'REILLY - -------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - 1017 * Blood - -- The two guards in this area have horrible bladder problems. Case in point: they alternate between taking bathroom breaks. One goes in, and a few moments later the other heads in. Over and over. However, this makes things quite easy on our part, as the pissing soldier isn't really on guard. Getting his tag should be no problem. --------------------------- - 017: TOMOTAKA MORITA - --------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0903 * Blood - B When you first enter this area from the Snow Field, this guy is the first soldier you'll find. Wait behind the stack of metal crates on the right for him to turn his back, then get behind him and do your thing ------------------------- - 018: JOHN H WEAVER - ------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 0607 * Blood - A This guy likes to patrol in the area near the entrance to the area with all the pipes and steam and whatnot, so try to lure him inside by knocking on the walls or using a magazine, then pop out and do your thing. ---------------------- - 019: JAEHO SONG - ---------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 1129 * Blood - O This soldier is patrolling the far side of the Blast Furnace area. Once you get over there, descend the staircase and wait in the small nook beneath the stairs. When this guy passes by, pop out and hold him up. -------------------------- - 020: TODD MACINTYRE - -------------------------- * Location - Blast Furnace * D.O.B. - 1020 * Blood - -- Nabbing this guy's tag is pretty much the same process as above - just make sure that the other soldier in this area has been properly disposed of, lest he discover you. ----------------------- - 021: MIKE LISMAN - ----------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0905 * Blood - O While cooling the PAL card key, you'll need to come here, where a couple of guards now reside. To bag this first guy, simple run due south from where you entered (assuming you're entering from the Warehouse North), then curve left around the first set of crates to get behind this guy. --------------------- - 022: WAI K LAM - --------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0826 * Blood - B Provided that you took the above soldier out already, there's plenty of room to maneuver around in this area, making this guy's tag simple to get. ---------------------------- - 023: KENICHI ROU KUDO - ---------------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0604 * Blood - B This is the third soldier meandering about the frozen Warehouse. With the above two guards already neatralized, grabbing this guy's tag should prove no problem. And even if you don't bother to take down the other two, this guy spends most of his time alone on the eastern side of the area, whilst the other two seem to prefer the western portion of the Warehouse. Easy stuff. ---------------------- - 024: INHYUK LIM - ---------------------- * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - 0116 * Blood - B This Extreme Mode-exclusive tag can be found on the fourth and final soldier in the Warehouse. Kill the others, use the M9, be really sneaky - whatever suits you best. ------------------------- - O25: ERIC GATINEAU - ------------------------- * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 0619 * Blood - A As you may know, there are two guards in this small area. To bag the first guy's tag (the guy walking around downstairs), it's a good idea to knock out the other soldier with a tranq dart. If not, chances are he'll spot you sneaking up on his buddy. Anyway, once he's out cold, just wait around the corner for his friend to turn away, which is your cue to go get him. -------------------------- - 026: BRAD FURMINGER - -------------------------- * Location - Warehouse North * D.O.B. - 1123 * Blood - AB Nabbing this guy's tag is a bit trickier. To get it, first you have to take down the other soldier in this area. However, you can't just shoot him, as that would alert the upstairs guard. Instead, lure him (the downstairs guy) around the corner and quickly snap his neck. Once you've done that, it's time to find a way to sneak upstairs. Since the guard we want is always staring at the only way toward him, we'll need to create a diversion. A great way to do this is to fire a bullet at him, making sure that you DO NOT actually hit the guard. This will cause him to turn around, giving you some time to race toward the stairs (just watch out for the gun cameras!). When the soldier returns to his usual post, quietly ascend the stairs and hold him up. Whammo! --------------------------------- - 027: THEO COLIN TYLER KING - --------------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 1115 * Blood - A Generally, this soldier likes to hang out in the small area right next to Metal Gear, down a set of stairs on the opposite side that you come up on. Without making too much noise, quickly get down there and give it to this sucker. -------------------------- - 028: ROBERT G PRING - -------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0630 * Blood - O You can find this guard meandering about on the set of balconies up the first set of stairs to the east. Just wait on the stairs for him to turn his back, then go for it. ---------------------- - 029: JUN YO KIM - ---------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0514 * Blood - B This guy patrols the area right outside the control room, where Ocelot and Liquid are hiding out. Trail behind him like you did the other soldier and wait for him to stop moving at one of the small balconies, giving you a chance to take his tag. --------------------------- - 030: PARIS ALEXANDRE - --------------------------- * Location - Underground Base * D.O.B. - 0828 * Blood - A From the entrance to the Underground Base, quickly head to the east, then upstairs. You should see this guy on the catwalk just ahead, so silently trail him (be sure to walk, because the floor makes a lot of noise) and hold him up once you catch up to him. ------------------------- - 031: JOHNNY SASAKI - ------------------------- * Location - Nuke Building B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After the battle with the Ninja, head to the Nuke Building B1 and find the soldier who sways "his" hips like a chick when "he" walks (yeah, I know it's Meryl, but whatever). Without being seen, pump a tranq dart into this guard and repeatedly pick up and drop the body until Johnny's tag pops out. ----------------------------- - 032: MERYL SILVERBURGH - ----------------------------- * Location - Nuke Bulding B1 * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- En route to the Commander's Room with Meryl, fire a tranq dart into her head and quickly shake her a few times to make this appear. Easy! ------------------------- - 033: PSYCHO MANTIS - ------------------------- * Location - Commander Room * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After defeating him, shake the poor guy's lifeless body a few times and this will pop out. ----------------------- - 034: SNIPER WOLF - ----------------------- * Location - Snow Field * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- Once you've defeated Wolf for the second time, shake her body some to get her tag. ------------------------ - 035: VULCAN RAVEN - ------------------------ * Location - Warehouse * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- After beating him down, Raven's tag will automatically appear. No dead-body shaking necessary! ------------------------ - 036: LIQUID SNAKE - ------------------------ * Location - Final Battle * D.O.B. - -- * Blood - -- When fighting Liquid hand-to-hand atop Metal Gear, you just need to knock him off the edge for his dog tag to appear. Just lure him towards the edge of the battlefield and kick him off. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= IX ---------------------------------------------------------- SECRETS =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= All sorts of interesting and cool stuff to find in this game... =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= a. General Stuff =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Fun stuff to enjoy here... ----------------- - UNLOCKABLES - ----------------- * Boss Survival Mode - How unlocked: Beat the game once - What it is : This spiffy extra pits you against all of the game's many bosses back to back, and can be pretty difficult. * Meryl Demo - How unlocked: Beat the game once, getting Meryl's ending - What it is : Lets you view all of the cutscenes, including Meryl's ending * Meryl Demo (Costume change) - How unlocked: Beat the game once with the special costumes, getting Meryl's ending - What it is : Lets you view all of the cutscenes, including Meryl's ending, with Snake, Meryl, and the Ninja clad in their alternate costumes * Otacon Demo - How unlocked: Beat the game once, getting Otacon's ending - What it is : Lets you view all of the cutscenes, including Otacon's ending * Otacon Demo (Costume change) - How unlocked: Beat the game once with the special costumes, getting Otacon's ending - What it is : Lets you view all of the cutscenes, including Otacon's ending, with Snake, Meryl, and the Ninja clad in their alternate costumes ---------------------------- - ALTERNATE ENDING THEME - ---------------------------- Beat the game thrice over using the same data file and you'll hear a different theme playing during the credits. Whee. ------------------- - SPECIAL ITEMS - ------------------- There are a grand total of three special items for you to acquire: the Bandanna, the Stealth, and the Digital Camera. The first two items can be obtained by beating the game with the corresponding ending; Meryl's ending will nab you the Bandanna whilst Otacon's yields the Stealth camo. To use either of these items, just click on 'LOAD GAME' and select your completed game data. From there, you'll be able to begin a new game, and that shiny new item of yours will be inside your inventory from the get-go. To get both special items at once, simply beat the game twice, getting each ending, using the same data file. Easy! As for the Digital Camera, it can be found in the Armory South, near the room where you fought with everything's favorite one-handed Russian (aka Ocelot). Just to the right of the hole into that room is another weakened spot on the wall (just look for the place where the color is different, or the sound it makes when you knock is different), which you should blow up. From there, you will have access to a new hallway, where two doors and some gun cameras await. Inside the L6 door is the Digital Camera. To get it, crawl underneath through the small area where the fence is broken. Now, to get the Digital Camera in your inventory whenever you begin a new game, you'll need to first beat the game after attaining it. After that, select 'LOAD GAME' and use your cleared game data to begin a new game. As with the two other special items, this will automatically be in your items. ---------------------- - SPECIAL COSTUMES - ---------------------- After completing the game twice, load the save file and begin a new game. Three of the characters - Snake, Meryl, and the Ninja - will be wearing alternate costumes. Snake will be clad in a tux, while Meryl's new get-up is Snake's sneaking suit, and the Ninja will be sporting a somewhat Spiderman -esque exoskeleton. --------------------------------- - TAKING A RIDE IN THE TRUCKS - --------------------------------- In three different areas of the game (Heliport, Nuke Building 1F, and the Snow Field), you can find a cargo truck sitting around. Although these trucks may not seem to serve any purpose, they can actually be quite useful if you've got one of the three Cardboard Boxes with you. You see, each box has an area written on it (Heliport, Nuke Building 1F, or Snow Field). If you hop into one of the trucks and strap on one of the boxes, a guard will come around soon enough and drive to that destination. Pretty cool, eh? Too bad there aren't many times when you'll get to use it. ------------------------------------------------------ - HEATING UP / COOLING DOWN THE PAL KEYCARD FASTER - ------------------------------------------------------ There is actually a much better (and much quicker) method to do this than backtracking all the way back to previous rooms. In the Underground Base (the area with Metal Gear staring ominously at you), head all the way upstairs and take the first right turn available to you (this will lead you away from the Control Room). Run along this catwalk and, toward the end, hop over the rail and start hanging off the side. If you look below, you should find a small, hidden platform. Press X to drop off and Y to grab onto this hidden platform and climb up onto it. Once here you should notice two pipes; one red and one blue. Shoot the blue one to be sprayed with cold gas that will completely freeze the PAL key. The exact same thing works for the red pipe, only it will heat up your keycard all the way. Cool beans! --------------- - GERONIMO! - --------------- So, care to learn just how Liquid survived the explosive crash of his precious Hind? After defeating Sniper Wolf in the Snow Field, head to the southeast portion of the locale toward a snow bank. From there, take a look in first person view mode at the trees behind the nearby wall. One of them will have a parachute caught in it. Once you catch a glimpse of it, Snake will call up the Colonel for a short conversation. ---------------- - PUPPY LOVE - ---------------- Been killed by the dogs in the Cave area a few too many times? There are two ways to do this. The first, and most obvious, is to equip Sniper Wolf's Handerchief, which Otacon forks over when you're locked up in the Holding Cells. However, since you don't have that when you first enter the Cave, it's a good idea to try out the other method. So, just what is the other method? When you catch up to Meryl just before heading in to meet Sniper Wolf, punch her, then quickly hide in one of your Cardboard Boxes before she can return the favor. In retaliation, she'll have one of the dogs take a piss on your box. From that point onward, you can use the piss box to stop the dogs from attacking. ------------- - ZOOM IN - ------------- During any of the game's cutscenes, you can press either of the triggers to zoom in on the action. Also, you can move the camera around whilst zoomed-in by fiddling with the C-Stick. -------------------------- - PISSING OFF MEI LING - -------------------------- This is a funny one. Call up Mei Ling several times, choosing 'DO NOT SAVE' every time. Before long, she'll begin to ignore you. After that, she'll actually stick her tongue out at you! ------------------------------------ - CANCER SUCKS! SMOKING IS BAD! - ------------------------------------ Whip out your Cigarettes and take a hit, then call up Naomi (140.85). She'll whine to Snake about how smoking sucks, and causes lung cancer. ----------------------- - PISSING OFF MERYL - ----------------------- There are a few funny things to you can do with Meryl while she's hanging around with you right before and after the Psycho Mantis battle. First of all, try punching her, shooting her - basically just try anything! When she recovers from your attacks, she'll even retaliate with one of her own. >_< Also, try staring at her in first-person for a few seconds to make her feel uneasy. To yield some even funnier comments, aim at her with your pistol in first-person for a few seconds. Fun stuff! -------------------- - MERYL'S UNDIES - -------------------- You can catch a glimpse of Meryl in her undies. To do so, watch her doing some exercises from the vent over the DARPA chief's cell. After that, exit the vents via the ladder you used to enter, then head back into the duct again. When you get over Meryl's cell, you'll be able to watch her exercise in her underwear! Nice... There's also another point in time where you can see Meryl's underoos: when you meet up with her in the Nuke Building B1's bathroom. After she sees you and bolts for the bathroom, quickly follow her and, if you make it inside the bathroom before the door closes behind Meryl, you'll get the eye candy. --------------------------- - THE NINJA DISAPPROVES - --------------------------- If you try to fight against the Ninja by using the Nikita whack move, he'll make an interesting comment during the fight. Something along the lines of how the old Snake would never have resorted to using such a weapon. ------------------------------- - DON'T SHOOT RATS, MMMKAY? - ------------------------------- Continously kill off rats in one of many areas where they show up (they like to hang out in ducts/crawlspaces) to receive a special Codec call. ----------------- - BOOTY CALL! - ----------------- After defeating Psycho Mantis and entering the small mine field just before encountering Sniper Wolf, go ahead and step on one of the mines. After getting your legs blown off (or not), Meryl will turn around to taunt you by slapping her booty. Be sure to get a good look. ------------------------ - TORTURING SOLDIERS - ------------------------ Not a secret per se, but a fun way to mess around nonetheless. Sneak up behind an enemy soldier and shoot out his radio with a bullet (not a tranq dart!). It's the small gray-black box hanging on their side. Once you've done that, the guard is at your mercy. Move around to his frontside and shoot out one of his arms and one of his legs. Not only with the guard be unable to call for backup, but he won't be able to hold his rifle and he'll have to hobble to get away! ... You sick, sick bastard. Also, if you sneak up behind a guard, you can plant some C4 on their backs. Good times with explosives. Another cool thing you can do is hang from a railing and drop onto an enemy standing below. Even more fun if you've got the Stealth camo equipped when you do it. Finally, put on a cardboard box and make a nearby soldier suspicious. When he lifts the box off Snake, quickly toss on your Stealth to confuse the beejeezus out of him. ----------------------------- - FUN ON THE TITLE SCREEN - ----------------------------- When viewing the title screen (y'know, the one that reads 'METAL GEAR SOLID: THE TWIN SNAKES'), you can mess around with the strands of DNA, if thats the kinda thing that floats your boat. Hold the Left Trigger to slow down the strands, and press the Right Trigger to speed them up. Such fun! ------------------------- - ALTERNATE CUTSCENES - ------------------------- If you have the SOCOM with you when you meet up with the DARPA chief, the following scene will see Snake pulling some crazy reversals on Meryl, finishing with him aiming his pistol at her. However, you don't have the SOCOM at that point, Snake will do something a little different during that cutscene. Pretty cool stuff, ya? Additionally, if you kill the ravens flying around on the Cargo Elevator, Vulcan Raven will have an extra line or two for you before you get to fight him. Worth checking out, I'd say. ------------------------------------- - JOHHNY SASAKI'S TOILET TROUBLES - ------------------------------------- After using Otacon's Kecthup (or the Ninja's help) to escape from your prison cell after the first Sniper Wolf battle, quickly run into the room with the torture device instead of knocking out the guard. Get inside the room and the guard, Johnny Sasaki, will race off to the bathroom. Apparently he just can't hold it. Now go up to the bathroom door and knock on it a few times - he'll start moaning! =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= b. Cameos / References =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Because everyone loves Yoshi... ---------------------- - ETERNAL DARKNESS - ---------------------- There are several instances where Eternal Darkness-related things show up. First of all, if you toss one of the porno Books onto the ground and take a look at it, you'll be able to spot a shot of ED's heroine, Alex Roivas. Additionally, check inside the L3 Nikita room in the Armory and open up the locker to find a poster featuring Eternal Darkness. There's also one last thing from Eternal Darkness - you may notice that the screen will sometimes begin to tilt during the battle against Psycho Mantis. This is one of the many sanity effects from ED! -------------- - NINTENDO - -------------- Inside Otacon's lab in the Nuke Building B2, check the desk in the center of the room to find a GameCube, as well as a WaveBird controller. Also, the adjacent TV screen is displaying the start-up menu. Spiffy! Another cool thing in the lab are the Mario and Yoshi mini-statues, which can be found atop the desk in the top-right portion of the area. Shoot the Yoshi statue to hear his trademark call, and shoot the Mario one to get a 1-Up, which will restore a tiny portion of Snake's health. Cool beans. ------------------------ - ZONE OF THE ENDERS - ------------------------ This is another thing found in Otacon's lab. On the northern wall is a poster of Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner, another popular game from Konami and Hideo Kojima. ------------------- - THE PRODUCERS - ------------------- Check out the paintings on the north wall in the Commander Room, where you fought Psycho Mantis. The three figures displayed here are none other than Ryuhei Kitamura, Hideo Kojima, and Denis Dyack; three of the major players in the creation of Twin Snakes! ------------------------ - MANTIS'S MINDGAMES - ------------------------ Just prior to the battle with Psycho Mantis, he'll dive into your mind. If you happen to have a game save from Eternal Darkness, Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Smash Bros. Melee, or Super Mario Sunshine on your memory card, Mantis will mention that you seem to like those types of games. Pretty cool, eh? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= c. Ghost Pictures =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= By using your Digital Camera to take photos of certain objects or rooms, you can get ghosts to appear on your snapshots. There really isn't any purpose to do this, but it's fun to check them out nonetheless. Keep in mind that the ghosts will not appear on your photos until you look at them under Special on the main menu. One last thing you should know: I've listed the ghosts by area, so you can just play through the game once and get all of them as you go. ---------------- - CARGO DOCK - ---------------- * Take out the guards patrolling this area, then head toward the forklift near the elevator. Stand to the left of it and take the shot, making sure you get a lot of the forklift in your picture. The ghost is a creepy-looking man pointing a gun toward the screen. -------------- - HELIPORT - -------------- * In order to get this one, you'll definitely want to clear out all of the guards in the area, if just to be careful. Once you've done so, head north if the helipad and look at the door behind the truck, and to the left of the security camera. This is the main door that leads into the Tank Hangar, even though you can't actually go through it. In your shot, you need to make sure that you get the entire door, otherwise you won't get the ghost. This ghost is a man staring into a stone, with an energy beam connecting the stone and his eyes. * Just west of the helipad is a small room with a camera in it. Stand just outside the room (you might want to disable the security camera, but it's not necessary) and take a picture of the room. Be sure that you don't get anything besides the room itself; don't get any of the walls outside. If done correctly, two ghosts hugging each other will appear on your photo. ------------------ - HOLDING CELL - ------------------ * After the gunfight with the Genome Soldiers, step into the cell where Meryl was being kept and look past Johnny Sasaki (naked dude on the floor) toward the opposite wall. This should be your next shot. Don't get any of the walls inside Meryl's cell, or any of Johnny, either. The ghost this time around is a man with glasses putting his arm around someone who looks a lot like Snake. ------------ - ARMORY - ------------ * To the east of the elevator is a small part of the wall that can be blown up using C4 (look for the area that's a different color than the rest of the wall). Blow this wall up and look inside. This shot should include as much of the room as you can get, and none of the broken wall on the outside. Do it right and you'll get a specter holding a sword, as well as a creepy face in the background. ----------------- - TANK HANGAR - ----------------- * After Meryl opens up the L5 door leading into the room with the infrared laser grid, stand at the door and take your shot. You should have the walls on the west and east sides, as well as the door on the far side of the room. Get the job done and you'll be rewarded with two smiling spooks, one of which is wearing some way cool shades. ------------ - CANYON - ------------ * As soon as you enter this area and clear out the mines, take a gander at the large rock to the east. Get as close to it as possible and whip out your camera. The idea here is to get the rock and only the rock in your shot, so zoom in to avoid getting any of the ground or sky. The ghost will be a smiling dude with glowing eyes. ---------------------- - NUKE BUILDING 1F - ---------------------- * Before heading into the area where you're forbidden to use any weapons, run up the catwalk to the left and look through the window into the room below. In order to get the shot right, try to get as little of the surrounding wall as possible - you just want the window here. Given that you don't screw up your ghost will be a man about to stab something with a dagger. * Crawl underneath the partially-opened door and take out the one soldier that patrols the area near the stairs. Once that's been taken care of, go stare at the two lockers at the bottom of the staircase. In this shot, you need to get all of both lockers, and maybe a bit of the wall to either side. Your ghost this time? A guy wearing a hat about to bust some heads with an awesome looking gun. ---------------------- - NUKE BUILDING B1 - ---------------------- * Head north down the hallway adjacent to the elevator and stop at the L5 door, which leads into the Commander Room. Take a picture of the door, making sure that you get the whole door. The ghost for this shot is some weird glowing man who fit right into X-Men. * First of all, enter the bathroom and snap Mr. Pissy's neck. With that done, go stand in front of the middle mirror. Pull out your camera and adjust it so that all of mirror in the middle is visisble. To do this, you may have to step back a bit from the sink, so keep that in mind. Get the shot right and you'll be greeted by a bald man wearing some shades. ---------------------- - NUKE BUILDING B2 - ---------------------- * As soon as you enter the gassy room and the cutscene ends, grab your camera and snap a photo of the wall at the end of the hall. Be sure to get the floor going all the way down, as well. Your ghost will be a white-haired pirate with an eye-path. Arrgh matey!! * In the hallway where the Ninja made mincemeat out of everyone, run straight from the doorway to the opposite wall and then stop moving. Turn to the right and look at the corner, where the two walls meet. That's what you want in your shot. No floor, no walls, no dead bodies. Just the corner. Take the shot to see a man holding a kittycat and a machinegun. * In Otacon's lab, find the Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner poster on the northern wall. Pull out your camera, line things up, and snap a shot of the ENTIRE poster. The ghost will be a man who's so pissed that he's about to punch the screen. * After defeating the Ninja, take a look at the glass windows to the east, right in front of the supercomputers that Otacon was rambling about. Stand in front of the middle window and snap a picture, getting as much of the center window as possible, as well as small bits of the windows on the left and right. Also, try to get a tiny bit of the smaller window on top. If you do this correctly, you'll get a picture with a suit-clad man who's about to get laid by a woman in a red dress. -------------------- - COMMANDER ROOM - -------------------- * Once you've defeated Psycho Mantis, grab your camera and take a look at the blue hologram on the western side of the room. Get the entire structure in the photo and you're golden. The ghost is a guy holding a sword and a gun AT THE SAME TIME PMG! * On the eastern wall is a mirror. Gaze into it and snap of photo, getting the entire thing in the shot. Your prize will be a bright orange ghost! ----------- - CAVES - ----------- * Make your way toward where Meryl is chilling out and stand as far to the south as you can. Bust out your Digicam and line up the shot; you want to get Meryl, the little puppy dog, and the L5 door in the background. Do it right and your snapshot will be possessed by Lassie. ------------------------- - UNDERGROUND PASSAGE - ------------------------- * After taking down Sniper Wolf, go stand to the north of the snow that's stained with Meryl's blood. Line up the shot so that you've got all of the L5 door to the south, as well as most of Meryl's blood. The ghost this time around is a man wearing a green beret and a yellowish-orange vest. ------------------ - MEDICAL ROOM - ------------------ * Once you've broken out of the cell, go stand in front of Ocelot's most prized possession: the torture mechanism. Stand back a bit so that you can get the entire machine in the photo, along with some of the other devices surroudning it. Get it right and you'll get to see a happy blood-stained man with a drill in his hands. ------------------------------ - COMMUNICATION TOWER ROOF - ------------------------------ * Before you use the rope to rappell down the wall, quickly head onto the balcony area and look past the bridge that Liquid destroyed to the other side of the tower. Your shot should be pretty dark, with the outline of the tower in the background. No need to zoom in here, either, as you want as much of the other building as you can get. Snap it good and your picture will be taken over by a ghost with little wispy things all around him. * After you're done rappelling and you've killed off the three enemy soldiers at the end of the catwalk, start running toward where they were positioned. Stop right about when the building on the west begins. From there, grab your camera and take a straight shot, getting the end of the catwalk where the guards were before you killed them as well as a bit of the tower to the left. Make it good and you'll see two men on your photo, one of whom wants to blow you away with his massive gun of doom. --------------------------- - COMMUNICATION TOWER B - --------------------------- * Head for the area where the stairs are broken and take a shot of the wall straight ahead. You'll get to see a blonde dude staring intently at something off-screen. Yay! ------------------------------ - COMMUNICATION TOWER ROOF - ------------------------------ * Once Liquid's precious Hind goes down, go stand on the platform to the south east and stare ahead at Tower A. Snap the shot and your picture should become possessed by some evil demon from Jamaica. Not a pretty sight, I tell ya. ---------------- - SNOW FIELD - ---------------- * After taking down Sniper Wolf and viewing the ensuing sequences, crouch down on the ground a few steps south of her corpse. In your shot, you'll want to get all of the L7 door behind Wolf, as well as her full body. Do it right and your ghost will be a man who appears to be holding a flashlight or some other similar object. ------------------- - BLAST FURNACE - ------------------- * In the initial area, take out the patrolling soldier, then stand on the southern catwalk and look across to the other side. In your snapshot, you'll want a good portion of the catwalk on the opposite side of the furnace, as well as all of the machine that is moving around on the western wall. Get the shot and your ghost will be some dude with a Santa Claus doll. o_O * On the opposite side of the furnace, near the door leading to the Cargo Elevator, stand near the molten lava stuff, underneath the catwalk above. Zoom in on the lava, and leave a tiny bit of the platform on the other side of the lava in. Basically, this snapshot should be mostly lava. If you do it correctly, you'll be rewarded with a ghost who's bleeding from the head. -------------------- - CARGO ELEVATOR - -------------------- * Stand just in front of the elevator and take a shot with little zoom, so that you can get as much of the lift as possible. Make it worthwhile and you'll get two ghosts: one holding a gun and the other a dog. --------------- - WAREHOUSE - --------------- * After defeating Vulcan Raven, head southward and check out his "remains". In this photo, you want a get just a small bit of Raven's gun canister (the big pack he wore on his back), and a lot of the wall behind and above it. Take the shot right and you'll see a man holding two handguns. ---------------------- - UNDERGROUND BASE - ---------------------- * Head up to the top floor and stand right outside the entrance to the Control Room (the place where Liquid and Ocelot and hanging out). The idea with this shot is to pretty much get a straight shot of Metal Gear's head. If you do it right, your ghost will be a man shining with light and grasping some kinda orb. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= X ----------------------------------------------------- BIG BOSS RANK =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Big Boss Rank... proof that you completely OWN this game. ============ REQUIREMENTS ============ So, just what is the Big Boss Rank? Well, after beating the game, you're presented with a variety of statistics, including number of kills, saves, and rations used (amongst other things). The very best ranking is named after Big Boss, the father of Solid and Liquid Snakes. So then, how does one achieve this ranking? Let's take a look-see. * The game must be on Extreme Mode * No kills (use the M9, PSG1-T, or other non-lethal attack methods on bosses) * No continues * Only one ration used * Only eight alerts. HOWEVER, these eight alerts are mandatory ones that take place to further the story (e.g., after talking to the DARPA Chief, the fight with Meryl, or the when ascending the Comm Tower). In other words, make sure you don't get caught at all! * You must finish in less than three hours. * Game Over If Discovered option must be on. * Radar must be either off or on Type 2. That's all, folks! *bites a carrot* Sound pretty tough? You bet your best friend's banana sundae it is! ============ GENERAL TIPS ============ * Unless you're some crazy lunatic, beat the game AT LEAST once before trying to get the Big Boss Rank. You'll want to know exactly where to go and what to do. * If you wanna be cheap, feel free to use the special items (Stealth camo and Bandanna). They won't prevent you from getting Big Boss. Still, true Twin Snakes masters do it without those items. If it makes things easier for you, however, try getting the rank once using the Stealth just to see what you need to do, then try it a second time without it. * This one should go without saying, but I'll mention it anyway: skip ALL of the cutscenes and Codec conversations. Duh. * Don't bother going after certain optional items, such as the Nightvision Goggles or even the SOCOM. Don't want to be tempted with that, anyway. The one optional item that you may want to consider grabbing is the Body Armor, as it'll help soften the blow that is lack of rations. * Make the most of your one alotted ration. Remember that Snake's Life is restored after each boss fight, and that you can shoot the Mario figurine in Otacon's lab to restore it, as well. Also, don't forget that you can slowly recover Snake's health back to a normal level by crouching while he's bleeding. * During the torture event, be sure to submit as soon as possible. Help to cut down on your time, it will. * One of the most difficult areas to go through with no kills is the Comm Tower ascension. Make good use of some stun grenades to get through here. * Without the use of lethal weapons, you'll have to devise new ways to deal with the bosses. Some are simple as switching to a tranquilizer gun and fighting the same way as usual (Ocelot, Wolf, etc), while others are a bit more complex (Raven). * Obviously enough, you'll want to take the quickest route through each area in order to cut down on time. This means no getting the Body Armor early, which will actually make things a lot tougher, given the single ration limit. * If possible, download the video of the "perfect" play through and take notes, it'll help! You can download the video of Karma Hunter's "perfect" game here: * If you want a (really well-written and useful) guide for getting the Big Boss Rank, check out Dark Id's FAQ/Walkthrough. Chances are, at the very least give you a few ideas for speeding through the game. * Buy yourself a rabbit's foot. Luck is always good. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= XI ---------------------------------------------- PSX-GCN DIFFERENCES =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= In this section, I'll cover every minute detail that has been changed from the original version of MGS to this nifty new Twin Snakes version we've got. * The first, and most obvious, change from the original version are the brand new graphics. You've never seen Metal Gear with such visual flair (except for MGS2)! * Another change that really stands out is that the cutscenes have all been completely redone, compliments of Mr. Ryuhei Kitamura. Whine all you want about the "cheesy bullet-time effects". I like the new scenes! * All of the voice-overs have been redone, as well. Although most of the characters have their original actors (although they're referred to by their real names, as opposed to the aliases they used in the original), the Ninja has a new voice-actor. Only problem is that Naomi, Mei Ling, and Nastasha have all been stripped of their accents. Even so, their voices still sound fine. If you hear otherwise, it's just because people like to complain. * Going along with the redone voiceovers, the script has also been given a rehaul, albeit a slightly smaller one. Most of the lines are still the same, but certain things have been changed to reduce cheesiness or increase realism. Don't worry, though, Snake still likes Meryl's butt! * All of Snake's newfangled abilities seen in Metal Gear Solid 2 have been implemented here. A list of all his new abilities can be seen directly below. - Snake can now hide in lockers, as well as hide corpses in lockers - Picking up and moving dead bodies. Also shaking them to obtain hidden goodies. - You're able to hold up enemies from behind - Diving roll - First-person shooting - Shooting out cameras - Climbing onto small objects/crates - Peeking around a corner - Pop-out shot around a corner - Hanging from a railing - You can now punch/kick in first-person - Shooting out a guard's radio - Shutting off infrared beams by shooting out the floor mechanism - Whacking with the Nikita and FA-MAS/PSG-1 - Moving while crouched with your back against a wall * Obviously, the controls have been changed to fit the GameCube controller, as well as accommodate Snake's new moves. * Two tranquilizer weapons from MGS2 have been tossed into the game: the M9 and the PSG1-T. Additionally, the empty clip can also be used in Twin Snakes, as initially seen in MGS2. Another new item thrown into the mix is the Book, which can be used to distract enemy soldiers with naughty photos. Also, the AP Sensor, found very early in the game, is also new. * If he takes enough damage, Snake will begin to bleed, leaving a trail of nasty red stuff wherever he goes. Uh-oh! Crouching will allow Snake to slowly recover his health to a normal level, something not present beforehand. * New music has been added into the game, in addition to tracks from the original. * As in MGS2, many soldiers carry Dog Tags with them that can be obtained by holding up that soldier. * You no longer need to have a keycard equipped to open up a locked door using it. * In general, Twin Snakes seems to be WAY easier than the original MGS. Getting Meryl's ending should prove no problem whatsoever this time around. * All of the VR Training missions have been omitted from the game. * The location of certain items (e.g. the Nightvision Goggles) has been moved. * The Boss Survival Mode has been added in as a nifty little extra. * The title screen is different. * In the original, Snake's Life Gauge and the amount of ammo he can carry for each weapon would be increased following each boss battle. Now in Twin Snakes, his ammo and Life Gauge begin maxed out. * Before climbing the ladder that leads into the vents over the chamber where the DARPA chief is locked away, there is a small air duct near the floor that you can crawl into. * In the air duct above the room where the DARPA chief is locked, there is now an alternate path that you can crawl through to score some ammo. * Following the lengthy conversation with the DARPA chief, you can't peek out of the room and spot Meryl waiting around the corner for you, as you could in the PSX version. * In the Canyon area (the place where you fight the tank), a trench has been added to the center of the area, providing a better place to hide out. * Just to the right of the stairs in the Nuke Building First Floor, it's possible to climb atop a few of the structures covered with tarps. * In Otacon's lab, there is now a purple GameCube (with a WaveBird controller) sitting on one of the desks in the middle of the room. A PlayStation could be found here in the PSX version. * Also in Otacon's lab, two mini-statue's of Mario and Yoshi can be found sitting atop the desks in the top-right corner. * One last thing in the lab: the poster of Policenauts has been changed to one of Zone of the Enders 2. * During the scenes after defeating the Ninja, Otacon will start rambling on about anime. The cutscenes of anime shots have been changed to show parts from Zone of the Enders 2, as opposed to the shots in the original, which came from Policenauts (another Konami game involved giant robots). * Before the battle with Psycho Mantis, he'll no longer mention games such as Castlevania that are on your memory card. Now he'll mention Nintendo and Silicon Knights games, namely Zelda: Wind Waker, Eternal Darkness, Super Mario Sunshine, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. * During the boss fight against Psycho Mantis, a few of the sanity effects from Silicon Knights' other big game, Eternal Darkness, have been thrown in. In case you missed them, the screen will begin to tilt and if you look at Mantis in FPV for too long, some other stuff will go down. * The portraits on the wall in the Commander Room have been changed to show the "big three" behind this game: Ryuhei Kitamura (awesome Cutscene director), Hideo Kojima (creator of the Metal Gear series), and Denis Dyack (the head honcho at Silicon Knights). * After defeating Psycho Mantis and entering the Underground Passage, it isn't possible to simply run straight through the mine field any longer. You have to either crawl ahead or trace Meryl's footsteps. * While on your way to obtain a sniper rifle, you'll find that the Canyon area (where you fought Raven in the M1 Tank) is now populated by a threesome of guards. In the original, there was nothing but mines and cameras here. * In order to heat up and cool down the PAL card much quicker, a small platform has been added in the Underground Base (right near Metal Gear). This allows you to get through the game a good bit quicker. Check out the FAQ or Secrets chapters for the lowdown on exactly what to look for. * The point where you need to change disks is different in the two versions. The original PSX version didn't switch to the second disk until you entered the Blast Furnace, right after defeating Sniper Wolf for the second time. In this newfangled version, though, the disks change right as you enter the Comm Tower. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= XII ------------------------------------------------------------- FAQ =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Although many are not in the form of a question... Q: I didn't read the walkthrough and I can't find the M9 in Hard Mode! I suck! A: First of all, the walkthrough is there for a reason, so please read before asking questions that have been so clearly explained earlier. But since I'm so cool, I'll go ahead and answer this query. In the armory, you can use C4 to blow open parts of the wall to the left and right of the elevator (look for the discolored areas). In the small area to the left is the M9. You can also find it here on any of the easier modes if you missed the gun in one of it's earlier locations. Q: I need to know how to lower my gun without wasting an oh-so precious shot! A: Simply enough, just press Y while your gun is pointed at something to put it down without firing. Another way to put down your gun without wasting a shot is to tap the right trigger button *very* softly and quickly to un-equip it, although this doesn't work in First-person view mode. Q: Can I mess around with the camera during cutscenes like in MGS2? A: You bet! To do so, hold down the right trigger and fiddle around with the C-Stick (that's the yellow one underneath the big green A button). Q: Do I get anything cool for collecting all of the Dog Tags? A: No. Q: I can't figure out how to hold someone up! I can't get any Dog Tags! Help! A: The basic gist is that you have to sneak up behind a guard and press A, thus prompting Snake to hold out his gun and yell "FREEZE SUCKER!". Only, he doesn't say sucker. Oh well. That's the basic hold-up right there, but if you're going for the dog tags, you'll need to get in front of your man-slave. In order to do that, simply hold down B and run around to the guard's front side. From there, go into first person and aim at the soldier's "package". For those with no imagination, think crotch. You can also go for the head, but that's no fun. Anyway, the soldier will begin to shake like he's got ants in his pants. In a few moments, an item will pop out, often times a Dog Tag. Yay! Q: So I really suck at getting past infrared beams! Anything else I can do? A: Indeed there is. Simply whip out your SOCOM, enter first person view mode, and look on the floor for a small light gray/whitish device. When you find it, pump a shot into it to knock the beams offline. Voila! Q: I'm an idiot and missed the rope at the bottom of the Comm Tower! Am I totally screwed? A: No, you aren't completely screwed. If you happened to run right past the rope, you'll have to descend the tower not by rappelling, but rather by dropping from ledge to ledge. First of all, hop over the railing to enter the hanging mode. After that, you can press X to drop off and Y to grab onto a ledge below. The trick here is to make sure that you are lined up with the pipes below, otherwise poor Snakey will fall to his untimely doom. Q: A rate ate my PAL Card when it fell into the drainage ditch! Dammit! A: Nothing to worry about, really. To get it back, you'll need to track the rat's route and set up a trap with some C4. There are several small vents that are too small for Snake to fit into, but are just right for a rat, strewn around the area. Find one and camp out there until the rat pops out, at which point you should detonate some C4, popping the rat like a balloon and making the PAL key appear. Nice! Q: Uhh... my Life Gauge is red and quickly depleting! I don't wanna die! A: The problem there is that Snake is bleeding. To put an end to this misery, you'll need to use a Bandage, provided you have on in your inventory. If not, try using a Ration to boost your Life and stop the profuse bleeding. Also, you can just press X to crouch down and slowly recover Snake's health. Keep in mind, though, that you can only regain up to a certain amount of life before you'll stop regaining. In other words, you can only regain enough health to stop the bleeding and change the red Life Gauge back to the usual blue. Q: Is there any way I can get the wolves to stop using their karate on me? A: Two ways, actually. The first is to simply equip the Handkerchief given to you by Otacon after you've been captured. Since it smells of Sniper Wolf, the cute little doggies will automatically love you. However, since that will only protect you the last time you need to get past the wolves, a better way is available. During your first visit to the caves where these wolves are hanging out, punch Meryl and quickly hide in one of your Cardboard Boxes before she can return the favor. In retaliation, Meryl will have one of the dogs piss on your box. As a result, wearing that particular box from this point onward will cause the doggies to shower you with love. Q: Snake won't stop sneezing! Does he have cancer!? He's too young to die! A: If this happens, it means poor old Snake's caught a cold. The only way to stop his continuous sneezing is to find some Medicine and use it. So where can this Medicine be found? Check in the Nuke Building B1. One of the smaller rooms in the area to the south contains just what you're looking for. Q: Is there anything I can to do increase the time that Snake can spend hanging from a railing? A: There certainly is. Push-ups. To do a push-up, start hanging from a rail and press the Left and Right Triggers in conjunction. Pretty simple, right? 100 of these will increase Snake's Grip Level. Q: I can't aim with the PSG1 because Snake won't stop having a seizure! A: When using the PSG1 (or it's little sister, the PSG1-T), there are two separate ways to cease Snake's hand-shaking. The first is to use some Pentazemin, which can be found in various locations throughout the game. If you don't happen to have any with you, though, you'll need to resort to a more dangerous method. Cigarettes. Cancer-causing as they may be, they do a great job of stopping Snake's hands from shaking. Q: I heard that there is an easier way to heat up and cool down the PAL Key! Is this true! A: It sure is! In the Underground Base (the area with Metal Gear staring ominously at you), head all the way upstairs and take the first right turn available to you (this will lead you away from the Control Room). Run along this catwalk and, toward the end, hop over the rail and start hanging off the side. If you look below, you should find a small, hidden platform. Press X to drop off and Y to grab onto this hidden platform and climb up onto it. Once here you should notice two pipes; one red and one blue. Shoot the blue one to be sprayed with cold gas that will completely freeze the PAL key. The exact same thing works for the red pipe, only it will heat up your keycard all the way. Cool beans! Q: So, what's Meryl's Codec frequency? I dunno what package Baker meant! A: That can actually be a little on the tricky side. The package Baker was yammering about was, in fact, the game box that MGS: The Twin Snakes came in! Flip it over to the back and check out the third screenshot from the top. Whoa! There's Meryl's frequency! It's 140.15! Q: Ummm. Yeah. What's Otacon's frequency? A: It's never a bad idea to write things down, y'know. Anyhoo, his frequency is 141.12. Remember it. Q: Dude! Heads are gonna roll if they messed with my favorite lines! A: Since I can't read minds (or maybe I can and I just haven't figured it out yet), I'd advise that you check out El Greco's Game Script. It's top-notch stuff, as far as Game Scripts go. Q: I can't hit Psycho Mantis! What should I do? A: Switch the controller to the fourth port. It will make all your problems go away. Q: Oh man oh man, can I get the Ninja's way cool sword? Can I? Can I? A: Yes, you can. To do so, first you need to beat the game on Extreme Mode in under two hours with no kills, no rations used, and no saves. After you've done that, a special sequence will occur where you play as Snake and need to defeat the Ninja. It's similar to the fight with the Ninja in Otacon's lab, only that it takes place atop Metal Gear (like the fight against Liquid in the end). If you can win this insanely difficult battle, the next time you start a new game the Ninja's sword will be in your inventory. You can attack with it by tilting the C-Stick in any direction. * NOTE: Please don't be stupid. Q: I can't get Snake to stop wearing that stupid tuxedo! What should I do? A: To get Snake back in his sneaking suit (and Meryl and the Ninja back in their normal costumes), you just need to beat the game an additional two times, once with each ending. Q: Can I am the FA-MAS without firing away like a maniac? A: Yep. To do so, press A and Y at the same time. Adjust the gun's aim to your liking, then release the Y button to start firing. To stop, either let go of the A button or press down Y again. Q: What if I mess up with the ketchup Otacon gives me while I'm captured? A: If that happens, your buddy Johnny will head off to take a dump again, and the Cyborg Ninja will show up to do you a favor. Q: I'm going for the Big Boss ranking! What are the requirements! A: First and foremost, you must be playing on Extreme mode. Also, you can only use one ration throughout the entirety of the game. Additionally, you have to use the tranq gun the whole time, because one kill nullfies the rank. Other than that, you must finish the game in under two hours and not have any alerts other than the eight mandatory ones. Q: What do you think of Twin Snakes? DId Silicon Knights do things right? A: Indeed they did; Twin Snakes is one of the better remakes I can think of. The graphics are terrific and the voiceovers have been redone quite well (don't listen to the naysayers, Naomi, Mei Ling, and Nastasha sound fine without their accents). My only gripe is that the new play mechanics carried over from MGS2 make things far too easy, especially being able to shoot in first-person. Even so, it's a ton of fun to play through the game once just to bring back the nostalgia, and maybe a few more times to see everything available. Q: You wouldn't happen to have a link to that site that generates an MGS codename for you, per chance? A: Why yes I do. Check it out at . In case you're interested, my name (Chris Noonan) translates to Ionic Cobra and David Hayter (Snake's voice actor) translates to Jockstrap Bison. Interesting! Q: How does Twin Snakes differ from the original PlayStation game? A: Despite receiving a facelift and all the new gameplay features introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Twin Snakes is faithful to it's daddy. Check out Chapter XI; PSX-GCN Differences for the full lowdown. Q: I have an, err... "personal" question to ask. How can I get in contact with you? A: My e-mail is americanarsenal4 (at) gmail (dot) com. Let me warn you in advance, though: I'm lazy and take forever to answer questions, especially ones that I can't answer from memory. Please be patient with me. If you have a *really* urgent question, you can try to catch me on Google Talk (americanarsenal4). I'll be nice as long as you are, so please don't be obnoxious (i.e. don't IM every single time I get on). Fair enough, right? One last thing: please please *please* check the guide before getting in contact with me. There's nothing more annoying than having someone nag you about something that is clearly explained in the guide. Bottom line: Ctrl + F is your friend. And my friend. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= XIII ----------------------------------------------- REVISION HISTORY =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Care to take a gander at what can be found in this version of the FAQ? If so, this is the place to be! --------------------- - CURRENT VERSION - --------------------- Version 2.2 / March 13, 2005 Allowed and to host this FAQ. ------------------- - PAST VERSIONS - ------------------- Version 2.2 / January 13, 2005 I cleaned up a few sections and added in another reader tip, courtesy of Beran. Version 2.1 / June 15, 2004 Added in another reader tip, describing an interesting way to take down a certain boss. Version 2.01 / June 11, 2004 Made some changes to the Dog Tags section, so that you can easily find where all the tags are without having to dig through the descriptions for how to get each tag. Yay! I also made a few spelling corrections and other minor changes. Version 2.0 / May 31, 2004 I decided to add in a small chapter detailing the requirements for attaining the Big Boss Rank. Nothing too extravagant, though. Version 1.92 / May 30, 2004 Thanks to SaiyanPrince for pointing out that I forgot to mention the quicker method of heating up/cooling down the PAL card in the walkthrough. Version 1.91 / May 28, 2004 Fixed one typo and corrected some false information in the PSX-GCN Differences chapter. Version 1.9 / May 15, 2004 I tossed in a couple of reader strategies / tips / ideas / whatever it is you wanna call them. Enjoy! Version 1.82 / April 28, 2004 Just another small update. I added in a minor secret, and tossed an extra line into the basics to cover something I (somewhat) missed before. Version 1.81 / April 17, 2004 Fixed two tiny errors. Version 1.8 / April 12, 2004 The FAQ is, more or less, complete! Chances are, there won't be too many more updates, unless I happen to stumble across some nifty new secrets or find some more Ghosts. If that doesn't happen, we can mark this version 'Final' in a nice unofficial way. ^_^ Version 1.7 / April 10, 2004 Got a decent start on the Ghost Pictures section, although I know I've missed a ton. Also, I added in a nifty checklist for the Dog Tags. Version 1.6 / April 6, 2004 Finally took care of the Endings section. Enjoy. Aside from that, I tossed in a few more Frequently Asked Questions. Version 1.5 / April 5, 2004 Kind of a minor update. Added some new information to the Secrets section, but not much else other than that. Version 1.4 / April 4, 2004 The Dog Tags for both Hard and Extreme Mode have been completed, and I got a decent start on the Secrets. Look for more soon! Seriously! I'm not lying! Version 1.3 / March 29, 2004 Rehauled the format, so that it looks kinda like a few of my other FAQs. I also added the Normal Mode Dog Tags, and tossed some extra information into the Game Basics section. A few new Frequently Asked Questions have also been added. Look forward to the remaining Dog Tags and perhaps a few secrets in the upcoming week or so. Version 1.2 / March 28, 2004 Added a bit more to the Game Basics and Items sections, as well as finished up the Dog Tags on the Easy Difficulty. With any luck, Normal mode's tags will be available in a few days time. Version 1.1 / March 21, 2004 Finished up the Game Basics section, added some new information to the Walkthrough, and added the Very Easy Dog Tags. The rest is coming soon, so hang tight, my happy friends! :DDDD Version 1.0 / March 15, 2004 Not only is the walkthrough 100% complete, but I also finished off all of the weapons list and a good portion of the items list! Bow down to me, lowly humans. :P Version .80 / March 14, 2004 The walkthrough is nearing completion - it's finished up until the fight with Vulcan Raven. Expect the complete walkthrough in a few days; stay tuned! Version .60 / March 13, 2004 The walkthrough is now complete up to the aftermath of the Sniper Wolf battle. Also, some more of the weapons and items lists have been completed. Version .15 / March 12, 2004 Not a whole lot is complete for this initial update. The walkthrough is only complete up until the aftermath of the Ocelot battle. However, you can certainly expect some large updates in the next couple of days. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= XIV ------------------------------------------------ LEGAL DISCLAIMER =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= This document is copyright (c) 2004-2005 Chris Noonan (American Arsenal). It is not to be reproduced in any way, shape, or form. However, feel free to download it, print it out for personal use, or send it to your buddies, as long as you leave it unaltered and do not make a profit off of it. Doing so would be very illegal, so I suggest that you do nothing of the sort. One final note: this document should absolutely *NOT* be found on any websites with the exception of , , , and . Don't even bother asking for permission to use it, as the answer will always be no. =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= XV ---------------------------------------------------------- CLOSING =--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--= Though it makes me terribly sad to say this, it's now time to close this guide out! Before that, however, it's necessary to give props to the people who made this FAQ possible. --- CJC Because he dedicates his life to upkeeping the best site in existence. If I was wearing a hat, I'd tip it to you. :D --- / For asking me before taking my FAQs. And also for hosting them after I said yes. --- The following contributors/people who corrected stuff... Brent, Crazyreyn, El Greco, Endymion, frozenfyre091385, Hyprow, i am stan the dark 1, Immortal Swords, Lightling Joe, OneMoreTime, pcarey2, Pavtool, thetitan9, thierter, wyldephang, yobicabrera, jg_plsikin, themoderated, and Beran --- DEngel Because I used his awesome Dog Tag FAQ to locate a few of the tags. --- Crazyreyn For critiquing this FAQ and giving me some suggestions. He's also a great person to talk to on AIM every so often. --- Gbness For critiquing this FAQ and giving me some suggestions, and also for be a cool guy to talk to from time to time on AIM. --- SaiyanPrince For giving me yet another critique and pointing out that I forgot to mention the faster way to heat/cool the PAL card in the walkthrough. --- osrevad For creating the incredibly sexy ASCII art you see at the top of this here document. Should you be interested into bribing him into making some for you, go ahead and contact him. You can drop him a line via e-mail (osrevad [at] gmail [dot] [com]) or on AIM as nahuwe. --- You Because you read my FAQ. And for that, I thank you. Or something. T H A N K S F O R R E A D I N G ! ! ----------------------------------------------------------- Okay then, that's all, folks! No more FAQ, no more writing, no more nonsensical rambling from me. I'm sure you're quite pleased. In any case, I hope you found this FAQ helpful in some way, shape, or form. If not, I just wasted a good month of life... >_< And with that, I'm out. See ya next time! -- http://gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/39691.html -- "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal!" -- Gray Fox _______________________________________________________________________________ Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Chris Noonan. All rights reserved.