T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N # # ### ### ## ## #### #### ## #### ### ### # ## #### ## ## ### ### ### ## #### #### ### # # ## ### # ## #### ###### # # ## # ## # ## # # # # #### # # # ## ## # # ## # ### # # # ## # ## #### # # #### # # # # ## ## # # ## # # # #### ## # ## ## #### # # ## ### # ## ## # # # ### # # # #### #### #### # # # # ## ### ## ## #### T H E T W I N S N A K E S =========================================================================== Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Version: 1.30 First Created on: 3/9/04 Last Updated on: 3/13/04 Created By: Jason Howell (CAHowell) Email: howellgames@howell-games.com =========================================================================== Copyright Notice: This is Copyright ©2004 by Jason Howell, and may only be used on Gamefaqs.com, Ign.com, SA2BSB.com, and Gamespot.com. Any other site caught plagiarizing this guide will have their ISP contact and possible Legal action. You are free to print out this guide for personal use. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 010. TABLE OF CONTENTS | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ TABLE OF CONTENTS....................................................010 VERSION HISTORY......................................................020 WALKTHOUGH...........................................................030 -The Beginning/Revolver Ocelot.............................031 -Revolver Ocelot/Vulcan Raven & M1 Tank....................032 -Raven & M1 Tank/Cyborg Ninja..............................033 -Cyborg Ninja/Psyco Mantis.................................034 -Psyco Mantis/Sniper Wolf (1st Time).......................035 -Torture/Hind D............................................036 -Hind D/Sniper Wolf (2nd Time).............................037 -Wolf/Vulcan Raven.........................................038 -Vulcan Raven/Metal Gear REX...............................039 -The Finale................................................03a EXTRA INFO...........................................................040 -Weapons and Items.........................................041 -Codec Info................................................042 LEGAL INFO...........................................................050 /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 020. VERSION HISTORY | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Version 1.0: Well, I finally staretd on the game. Going to try to get to Revolver Ocelot fight and submit it. ========================================================================= Version 1.A: Added a few things, including Weapons and items, and codec info. Going to try to get up to the Ninja fight today. ========================================================================= Version 1.1: Working on adding the Psyco Mantis to at least the Sniper Wolf fight, and maybe to the Hind D...More general info should be added in the next few days, along with a few corrections. Like a few people who have been emailing me, send me any corrections. ========================================================================= Version 1.2: Got the Torture and Hind D boss part done, along with the first part of the Right Equip Screen items. Look for more info in the next few days. And before I forget, I added a few email corrections and tips. ========================================================================= Version 1.3: Added the final touches to the main part of the guide and the items section. Next is the Ghost, Dog Tags, Soldier AI, Enemies Biology, and maps of each areas. Also, if you wish to submit any tips and hints, they are more than welcome. Also, for those that are confused, the guide mostly reflect the earlier difficulty levels. I will perioticly add corrections to match the rest of the guide. ========================================================================= Version 1.4: Not much, just changing my email...This is like the 10th time today I have said that... /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 030. WALKTHOUGH | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ The Beginning/Revolver Ocelot (031): =========================================================================== Cargo Dock =========================================================================== Once you get passed the beginning and the Codec convo, you will be in the beginning of the Cardo Dock. Head to your right and pick up the M9 (SOCOM like pistol that fires traquilising rounds instead of real bullets, and just stuns the target instead of killing them right off). Take out the two guards with the M9 and wait for the elevator to come down. Once it is down, go on it to start a cutscene and head to the next area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: It has been revealed that the M9 changes from game to game. On easy, it is located in one of the lockers. On Normal, it is located under the truck. On hard, it is in the armory part. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== Heliport =========================================================================== After the long cutscene with the Hind D and the Codec convo's, you will have a new goal: Make it to the other side and enter though the air ducts. Save if you want to, and continue on. Head past the heliport landing area and get the SOCOM from inside a truck (A small pistol that can fire real bullets, but has a long reload time). Either take out the guards, or sneak past them, and crawl into the air duct to the next area. =========================================================================== Tank Hangar =========================================================================== The first part of the area is the air duct, head forward and right to start a convo with Master. Continue onward to head into a flooded part of the duct. Continue forward and don't stop to reach the other side. Once you are on the far right side (The rats will lead you), head out of the air ducts to reach the main hangar part. To get to the next area, head past the guards (Or kill them or knock them out), and head to the elevator on the left side. Make sure you are not in evasion mode, and press the Y button. Head down to the B1 floor to reach the next area. =========================================================================== Holding Cells/Upper Ducts =========================================================================== Once you are in the Holding cell area, head down the hall and head to the right to find a ladder. Head up the ladder (Y Button), and continue onward. Head to the second holding cell to start a cutscene with the "DARPA" cheif. Once that is done, you will have to team up with a unknown female soldier and take down your first "boss". /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Genome Soldier Swarm Difficulty: Easy | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: Pretty easy fight, since you have FPM now. The Genome Soliers will | | usually come in swarms of 3, and leave behind M9 and SOCOM bullets,| | as well as Rations. Try to aim for the head, crotch, and chest area| | for a instant kill without having to waste ammo. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Once that is done, you will enter another cutscene with the Unknown Soldier revealing that she is under the control of Psyco Mantis, and a clue to the identity of the DARPA cheif. Once that is done, take the elevator down to level B2, the Armory. =========================================================================== Armory =========================================================================== Equip the Lv. 1 card and enter the Level 1 doors to pick up C4, SOCOM ammo, and Grenandes. Head to the lower left part of the area and place a C4 bomb on the southern wall, and press the B button to explode it. Continue on to the next area. =========================================================================== Southern Armory =========================================================================== Unfortunatly, the atmosphere of this area does not allow you to use the radar. However, the white plaster walls are the indicaters where you should place the C4. The first fake wall is at the very end. The second one is at the end of the second area. Enter it to see a cutscene with Ocelot, and start the first real battle. /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Revolver Ocelot Difficulty: Easy | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: Ocelot is a bit easier now that you have the first person mode. RO | | uses a pistol that can only fire 6 times before he has to reload, so| | use that to attack. Ocelot will run if you are on the opposite side | | of him, so attack from across the room. Be careful, though, if you | | trip the C4 wire, you will instantly die. | |--------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks and Actions: | | -Shoot: Revolver Ocelot has six shots before having to reload, and | | since this is his only attack, it is pretty easy to avoid. | | His bullets will usually richishay of the wall, so watch out| | for that. | \--------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Revolver Ocelot/Vulcan Raven & M1 Tank (032) =========================================================================== Southern Armory/Armory =========================================================================== After the Ocelot and Ninja fight, Baker will start to talk, and give you two items: the useless MO Disk, and the Level 2 Security card, and gives you a hint on where to find Meryl's Codec info (Hint: The back of the GCN Disc Box the Twin Snakes came in). Once that is done, head back to the west Armory. There, you will have to evade some guards. Head back to the elevator and go back to level 1. 140.15 =========================================================================== Hangar =========================================================================== Try to knock out or kill the guards before entering. Before continueing, there is a few things you may want to pick up. Destroy both cameras on the upper parts of the stairs and enter the left level 2 door for one of the boxes you can use. Before continueing, however, go to the already open door on the upper right side and get the Thermal Goggles. Now thats out of the way, Call Meryl at Frequency 140.15 to get her to open the door to the canyon area. To get her to open the door, go up the stairs and stand on the metal section until she calls you back. Once she does that, the door will open. The next part will be tricky. There are about 6 motion detectors that are naked to the human eye, and will require either the cigs, or the Thermal Goggles (T. Goggles are highly recommended). Only cross one at a time, and wait for the beams to go completely up before crossing. Once you are on the other side, you will be in the next area, the Canyon. =========================================================================== Canyon =========================================================================== As you enter the area, a strange person by the name of Deepthroat, and tells him to be careful of the Claymore mines. Equip the AP Sensor and avoid the mines. About half way across, a part Indian by the name of Vulcan Raven will attack in a Tank, starting the second boss battle. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Vulcan Raven and the M1 Tank Difficulty: Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: The fight itself doesn't really start until you reach the tanks | | area, so be careful. The tank will fire at you when you are trying | | to get there, so throw a chaff grenade to throw off the Cannon part| | for a short period of time | | | | The real challenge comes from trying to damage the tank, which | | comes from damaging the gunners at the top. You have several | | options. You can either shoot the gunner from the hill area, use | | the tranq. darts to lower his fatigue meter, or throw grenades | | near him. Be warned, though, the gunners cannot be damage while | | they are inside the tank. | | | | There are two gunners total, and you will win once you kill the | | second one. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Cannon Blast: Raven fires a long distance shot from the main | | cannon of the tank. Can be stopped with a Frag | | Grenade. | | | | -Rapid Fire: The gunners will use there FA-MAS Like weapons to | | Rapidly fire at you. Can use the metal storage bin | | on the right to avoid. | | | | -Trample: The tank will try to run over you, usually taking | | either 1/2 of your life bar, or instantly kill you. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Bobby Johnson says: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- "You mention him as being hard..but to make this guy EXTREMELY easy, after running at the tank and being shot at, run behind the rock and equip grenades..then, when you're on the right side of the rock, he'll shoot at you but only hit the rock..now, get in first person, lean to the right, and hold a grenade for a few seconds..relase it, aiming at the tank treads..if done right, you'll get a very short cutscene, showing the tread being blown up..do this to both tank treads, and every time you successfully blow up part of the tread, the tank will get slower and slower (I've blown up I believe like 2 sections of each tread)...now, all you have to do is run up right beside the tank, and toss grenades into the Gunner's pit over and over again..if you're close enough, the tank cannon AND the gunner will not be able to hit you..."-Bobby Johnson --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you Bobby for that helpful email submission. Raven & M1 Tank/Cyborg Ninja (033) =========================================================================== Canyon/Nuclear Weapons Storage Building =========================================================================== After the Raven fight, Snake will pick up the Level 3 PAN card and continue on to the Nuclear Weapons Storage Building. Here, you will get a codec call telling you that you cannot use "Explosive" weapons on the first floor, but that doesn't limit you to stealth. You can use the M9's Traq. Darts to knock out the guards. Once you are ready, crawl under the door. On the first floor, go to the far left and go up the stairs. From there, knock out the guards, and head to the elevator. Press Y and enter, and select the B1 floor. =========================================================================== Underground Office =========================================================================== Your only purpose on this floor is to get the Nikita Launcher. Head in on the Level 3 door in front of you cna continue on inside the central area. Head to the right and look for a rectangle shaped item box with the Nikita. Get some ammo for it, head back to the elevator, and head down to B2. =========================================================================== Leaked Gas Area =========================================================================== A unique area indeed...The first part of the area is airlocked, but the rest of the area is filled with toxic fumes that will depleat your O2 Gauge. Before fireing each Nikita, make sure your 02 level is at it's max. The floor is also electrified, and the only way to pass it is to take out the generator on the right side. From the safe point, fire the Nikita and guide it to the right, then up, then though the middle of the glass door, right, and left into the generator. After that, you will be able to walk on the electric floor. Most of the items are ammo, but there are two items of interest, and only one of them you can get now. The first one is the gas mask that is in the Level 3 door on the right set of doors. The second is the Body Armor in the Level 6 door on the left side, but you cannot get that right now. Once You get those, continue to the left side. Once you enter the door, a small cutscene will come up and show the Ninja killing quite a few Genome soldiers. Once that is done, head in the door the Ninja went in to start a boss fight. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Cyborg Ninja Difficulty: Easy/Medium | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: A pure hand to hand combat battle. The cyborg Ninja's Katana will | | block any bullet attack, so make sure you only use your hand | | attacks (B Button moves). Fortunatly, the fight is pretty easy. | | The Ninja's attacks don't do that much damage, so you should get | | off by using a single ration for the entire fight. The Ninja fight | | has several phases, including a part where he will use Stealth | | (Look for the transparent outline, or use the Thermal Goggles). | | The ninja's attacks include a slashing attack at the beginning, a | | airial stomp, and a rushing attack, all which only damages you for | | a small ammount. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Katana Swipe: Uses his blade to either attack you, or reflect your| | bullet attacks. Stops using after you hit him twice.| | | | -Airial Attack: Appears on the celing, and causes a ripple wave | | effect in the carpet. | | | | -Stealth: Uses the stealth device to make him a crystal-like | | outline. Use Thermal Goggles. | | | | -Rush Attack: Appears to the side of you and rushes, lightly | | damaging you. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Cyborg Ninja/Psyco Mantis (034) =========================================================================== Nuke Building: Level B1 =========================================================================== After the Ninja fight, head back to the main area and get back on the elevator and select B2. Once there, head to the central area and look for a guard that walks "Differently" from the other guards. Once she sees you, she will run to the womens bathroom on the right side of the elevator. Be fast enough, and you can catch her in her underwear. After learning about her past, she will give you the Level 5 PAN card. Now thats out of the way, you can finally head to the comanmanders room and start the next boss battle --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TIP: There are two things you should do before the Psyco mantis fight. First, get as much ammo as you can, and get the FA-MAS from the armory. The fight itself will be extremely long with out ammo, and unless you have a save from before the fight, you cannot go back. Also, you cannot backtrack earlier in the game until you finish the torture part. Second, if you want to, have a Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine, Eternal Darkness, or Super Smash Bros. Melee save on the slot 1 memory card. If you have those, Mantis will mention those when you fight him, and will also mention Silicon Knights if you have a ED save on file. Also, make sure you have one of the two Sniper Rifles in your inventory before continueing. You will need them for a boss fight after that. The PSG-1-T (Fires Tranq. Darts), is in the middle section of the B1 floor, and the PSG-1 is in the Armory, near the location of the Revolver Ocelot fight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Once you do everything, head down the hallway in the middle of B1, and into the commanders room. =========================================================================== Commanders Room =========================================================================== Once you are in the room, the fight with Mantis will be delayed a bit, and Meryl (Under the control of Mantis), will try to attack her. Use a Tranq. dart, or knock her out. DO NOT use lethal bullets. Once that is over, the battle will begin. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Psyco Mantis Difficulty: Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: Definatly the best and the hardest boss fight in the game, Psyco | | Mantis is a force to be reckoned with from the Origional | | Playstation owners, and is the only boss fight to recieve and full | | overhall. Mantis will start off with a odd attack that makes a | | Black screen with the words "HIDEO" (AKA: The series creator), come| | up, to confuse you. Once that is done, he will go into a non patter| | form of using Psycic Blast, 3 random pieces of furnature, and the | | statues as a form of offence. | | | | The thing about this battle, though, is Mantis will always dodge | | your bullets and attacks UNLESS you change to the 3rd or 4th | | control port. In the origional, you had to change to the second, | | but vets will quickly learn that the 2nd is the same as the 1st. | | Also, after a few minutes, Mantis will eventually be able to read | | THAT port, meaning you will have to change to the other open one. | | | | Fortunatly, Psyco's attacks are rather weak, meaning that 2 or 3 | | rations would be best for a beginner to the game. If you run out of| | ammo, you will have to attack him with your fist and weaken his | | fatigue gauge. Once one of the gauges is empty, you will win the | | fight. | | | | Oh yea, almost forgot, about 2/4 of his energy gone, Mantis will | | use Meryl as bait and try to kill her (meaning a game over). Use | | a Tranq. Dart or knock her out to prevent that. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Psycic Blast: Mantis charges a ball of energy for about 3 seconds | | releases it, and teleports. He usually yells before | | launching it, so attack him before he does. | | | | -Black Screen: Mantis yells "Darkness!", and a black screen with | | the words "HIDEO" come up. Only there to confuse | | people, since it pauses the fight. | | | | -3 Item Shield: Mantis calls apon any 3 objects in the room and | | causes them to rotate around him. Used for both | | Offence and Defence. | | | | -Stone Statue: Mantis uses a statue to circle him, similar to the | | 3 item shield. | | | | -Teleport/Fly: Mantis has the automatic ability to fly in the air, | | as well as the ability to teleport after a attack. | | | | -Mantis View: Randomly shows his point of view, let go of the | | buttons to exit. Used to confuse the player. | | | | -Meryl Attack: Mantis uses Meryl as a pawn and tries to attack | | snake. Knock her out. | | | | -Meryl Suicide: Mantis will try to get Meryl to commit suicide. | | Knock her out. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Psyco Mantis/Sniper Wolf (035) =========================================================================== Wolf Caves =========================================================================== A small section filled with a new type of enemy: Wolves. The wolves will attack you if you do not have Wolfs Hankerchief (After the torture), or have the Small Wolf Pup pee on the box. To quickly get past wolf infested areas without wasting ammo, use flash grenades. The pathway is (from the enterance), right a little, up, crawl, right, crawl, right, and crawl again to get to the area Meryl is at. Once you are ready, go to the next area. =========================================================================== Path to the Communications Tower =========================================================================== In the next area, there are a few claymore mines. Along with Meryl showing you the pathway, use the Thermal Goggles as a guide. Once you are on the other side, a cutscene with Sniper Wolf shooting Meryl will play, and then start your next boss battle. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: If you didn't take my advice earlier and got one of the PSG-1's, you will need to backtrack as soon as the boss battle begins. Either one will work, and it doesn't matter which one you pick up. The PSG-1-T is in the middle part of the B1 Nuke Building (Before the P. Mantis fight), and the PSG-1 is all the way in the Armory, so I personally recommend picking up the PSG-1-T for a quicker fight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Sniper Wolf, Fight 1 Difficulty: Easy/Medium | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: After the last fight, the shootout battle is actually somewhat of a| | break. Sniper Wolf only has one attack, and thats to shoot you with| | her sniper rifle. Fortunatly, she will use the laser targeter on | | her rifle for assurance, so you can dodge her attacks by moving the| | control stick around. | | | | The best place to attack is about half way on the wall and half way| | on exposed on the left or right enterance points to the alley. Wolf| | will move to around after you shoot her, so be prepared. Once her | | fatigue or health bar is gone, you will win the fight. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Aim: Sniper wolf will always use the laser pointer on her rifle to| | aim before she attacks. To throw her off, move the Control | | stick around. | | | | -Fire: After around 5 seconds of aiming without inferance, she will | | well...shoot you..and it stings... | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ After the fight, walk up the alley and to the door on the right to start a cutscene, and you getting captured. Torture/Hind D: (036) =========================================================================== The Torture Process =========================================================================== Now that you are captured, you will be in a cutscene with Ocelot, Sniper Wolf, and Liquid talking about the U.S. Government and other issues. After that is done, you will have to do a somewhat exausting mini-game where you have to endure a high voltage charge, or submit to it. So, what exactly does submitting and endureing have to do with the game? Although it won't affect the game currently, it will near the very end, and it also determines what special item and ending you will recieve. If you submit, you will get the Otacon ending where Meryl dies, and you will recieve the Stealth Camo, which is much more useful then the later special item. Endure, and you will recieve the true ending with Meryl, and get the Infinity Ammo Bandana. Personally, you should get the stealth the first time, re-do the game, and get the Bandanna. In terms of usefullness, the Stealth is extremely good for getting around guards, but useless against bosses, while the Bandana is good for both enemies and bosses. Anyways, getting back to the game, to submit, press the start button as soon as it starts to stop it, and you won't have to do it again. To endure, repetedly press the A button to restore health. If you run low on health, you will die, but not be able to continue, meaning you will heave to start from your last save. The torture will last as long as the blue bar under the life bar has some left in it. You will have to endure the torture two times to be able to get the good ending, and submit once to get the bad. After the first torture session, they will place you in a cell, and the colonel will contact you and start a long codec convo about what snake heard and about the DARPA chief. Once that is over, call Mei Ling to save, and then contact Otacon to start the escape process. If you submitted, he will eventually come after a few minutes, but if you endured, he will come after the second torture session. Once he comes, he will give you the Level 6 PAN card, Wolf's Handkerchief (Good for avoiding wolves in the wolf cave), and Ketchup (Used to escape). To get Johnny to open the cell, use the Ketchup and lay down on top of it (to make it look like you are bleeding). Eventually, Johnny the guard will come around and unlock the door, giving your window to escape. Knock him out, and contune on down the hall. Once out, go pick up the ration near the torture room door, and enter it. Go to the right of the torture table and get back your stuff. Beware, though, go look though your left inventory for a bomb, and if there is one, press A to throw it. Otherwise, it will be instant death. Now that's out of the way, there is a few things before you can do before you continue, and it would be wise if you do. Since you are on the Holding cell area of the Hangar, you can do a few things before that were too long and hard to do. Head back down to level B2 (Armory) and get the PSG-1 and FA-MAS if you haven't already. Head back though the canyon area, to the nuke building, and to the gas filled B2 area to get the Body Armor to the left path. Once that is done, head back though the wolf cave (Equip the Handkerchief to avoid the wolves), and to the Sniper Wolf area. =========================================================================== Communications Tower: Enterance =========================================================================== After seeing the flashback cutscene with Meryl, head back to the area where you were captured to enter the communications tower. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note: Since there will be many guards up ahead, it is highly recommended that you get the FA-MAS before continueing, since the guards are getting a little tougher and fast, and the simple fact that you will be going up staircases for the next hour or so. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- =========================================================================== Communications Tower A =========================================================================== Like I said earlier, you will be spending a good hour climbing stairs. To get to your next destination, you will need to climb 27 flights of stairs to get to the top area, and on top of that, you will have guards chasing you. Equip the FA-MAS and Body Armor and head up the stairs. On the 9th floor, you will get a call about the frozen level 6 door, telling you to go to the top. Once you are on the 27th floor, look for a ladder on the left side and climb up it. Head though the door to reach the roof area. =========================================================================== Communications Tower A: Roof =========================================================================== Once you are at the top, go forward to start a cutscene with the Hind D exploding most of the roof. Once that is done, you will have to climb to the bottom using one of two methods. If you got the rope from earlier, you can use that to repel down to the bottom area. To control it, use the A button to push of, and the directional pad/control stick to show where you want to move. The second is to use the hanging method and drop down. To get there safely using the hanging method, drop and catch (X to drop, and Y to grab) twice on the left, head to the very right, drop down there twice, and head back to the very left and drop down twice again to safety. Once you are at the bottom, you will find that you are on level 9, meaning you are at the frozen level 6 door. Put some C4 on the frozen door and detonate it to open it up for a quick route. Anyways, use the Thermal goggles and the FA-MAS or the PSG-1 to take down the guards, and continue on to Tower B. Once you are in the enterance, you will pick up the Stinger Launcher and have the ability to launch heat seeking missles. Once that is done, head down to the lower parts of Tower B. =========================================================================== Communications Tower B =========================================================================== Before you can do anything, head to the elevator and try to press Y to find out it is broken. Then, head back to the left and down a few flights before finding that the stairs to the underground section is destroyed. The, head back to the elevator to start a cutscene with Otacon. Now thats out of the way, head to the right to find the crates that were previously blocking your path are stacked up. Head up the stairs, but be careful, there are gun turrets on the walls, and they will increase in number the farther you go up. Once you are at the top, go up the ladder on the northern wall to head to the Tower B Roof, starting the next boss battle, Liquid and the Hind D. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Hind D Difficulty: Medium/Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: Although some see it as hard, I see it more as long and | | frustraiting. The fights actual difficulty depends on where you | | fight, and fortunatly, you are already there when you begin the | | fight. Head to the section in between the storage tanks and the | | enterance area to the boss to avoid most of Liquid's attacks. | | | | Like the M1 Tank fight, Liquid has a gun and a rocket launcher, so | | it will be somewhat hard to avoid his attacks while you are out in | | the open. Equip your rocket launcher and follow the 3 squares | | around until you can see him, and fire. Simple as that. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Rapid Fire: Liquid fires a round of bullets at you. Hide behind | | the storage tanks for more defence. | | | | -Missles: After awhile, liquid will randomly fire several | | misslies at you. Use your own stinger missles to | | counter, or dodge them. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Hind D/Sniper Wolf #2 (037) =========================================================================== Communications Tower B/Underground Area =========================================================================== Now that that's out of the way, head back to the elevator area in Tower B. Fortunatly, if you destroyed any gun turrets during your first accending, they will still be off line. Press the Y button to enter the elevator. Once in the elevator, however, Otacon will warn you that 3 Stealth Camo's were stolen and the guards with them are in there with you. Equip the FA- MAS to make very quick work of them, and head to the next area. Once you are out, head down the right path and down the hall. Since there are several Gun Turrets, you may want to throw a frag grenade down before heading down the hall. Once you are at the end, head though the door and into the next battle: The Final Battle with Sniper Wolf. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Sniper Wolf #2 Difficulty: Easy | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: She has more health now, but she is virtualy the same. Sniper Wolf | | now uses the trees for cover and moves from one tree to the other | | (Right to left), but is virtually the same battle. Do to the | | distance in between her and you, you will have to use either of the| | PSG-1's. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Aim: Before she shoots, she will always aim her laser pointer at | | you for accuracy. Move arround to avoid it. | | | | -Run: After being hit, she will move from tree to tree and hide. | | Not much you can do. | | | | -Shoot: After aiming, she will...well, shoot you. And it hurts... | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ After that, you will see the Wolf death seen. Boo Hoo Hoo, you killed A WOMAN. Anyways, check the various warehouses for supplies and shake her dead body from her feet for her dog tag. Once that is done, head to the building in the Northwestern part to continue. Wolf/Vulcan Raven (038) =========================================================================== Blast Furnace =========================================================================== One of the better parts of the game, and one of the more deadlier runs. The place is filled with melted steel and other substances to create a lava-like surface, so be careful. Touching it WILL cause instant death, and cause you to be melted into oblivian. The quickest way to get to the next area is, from the beginning, go to the right to the crane area. Place yourself against the wall and then crouch to avoid the crane. Once you are on the other side, head down the pathway on the right side to the Cargo Elevator. =========================================================================== Cargo Elevator =========================================================================== As you can see, there are no guards at all, only gun turrets. After collecting the various gun rounds, head on the elevator and press the Y button near the control panel to start it. After that, a cutscene with some Ninja-Like guards will come up, and force you to fight. Once again, use your FA-MAS to quickly take care of them. Once it stops, head down the right hall to the next one and do the same thing. Once it stops, get out and enter the next area, the Cold Storage, to start your next fight against our favorite Eskimo! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Vulcan Raven Difficulty: Medium | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: Some say he is hard, some say he is a piece of cake, and I say he | | greatly varies apon difficulty levels. Ravens only (but powerful) | | attack is to use his heavy Sub-Machine gun to blast you up REAL | | good. Fortunatly, do to his weight and the weight of the weight of | | the gun, he is extremely slow, and takes about 20 seconds just to | | head from one side of the room to the other. | | | | There are several things you can do. The first is the offensive. | | Make sure Raven is at the complete opposite side of the room as | | you are and take out the FA-MAS and blast him in the head area. | | He will start attacking, but if you have 2 or so rations, you | | should be fine. The second is to plant C4 and Claymores on the | | Floors and lure him near you. Claymores are easier to use, since | | C4 needs to be detonated. The third is to use any Nikita Missles | | you have left over and attack him while his back is turned. He will| | destroy them if he see's them, so be careful (and save your Stiner | | milles for later). Once his health or Fatigue gauge is gone, Mr. | | Eskimo will surrender! | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Sub Machine Gun: Uses a powerful Sub Machine gun to blast the shit| | out of you. Keep a close diffence from him, since| | it is nearly impossible to get away from him if | | you get too close. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Once raven is eaten by the ravens, collect his dog tag from the area he was eaten and continue. Avoid the guards and head though the door to the last area, the underground base. Raven/Metal Gear Rex (039) =========================================================================== Underground Base =========================================================================== The holding area of Metal Gear Rex, this is the marker of your final hour of the game. In all, there are 3 levels: Bottom, 2nd, and control area. Although it may seem large, most of the time spent is codec convo's and cutscenes. To continue, head to the right and head up the stairs. From there, continue up and head on the left path. Continue down and head up the stairs after you reach up the end to see a cutscene with Revolver Ocelot and Liquid talking about their plans and Snake losing the PAL Key card. Your next goal is to retreve the PAL Card from the bottom, and it can be in one of two locations. Head back down to the very bottom and wade in the toxic pool until you find it. Along with the PAL card, you can find such items, such as the SOCOM Supressor for some odd reason (IF you didn't get it the first time), a Time Bomb, and various ammo and rations. If you cannot find it, head up the left ladder and look for a hole on the bottom north wall. Wait until the mouse comes out and shoot him, revealing the key. Once that is done, head back to the control room (Take out the camera's first, or you will face instant death VIA poison gas). Go to the laptop on the very left and press Y with the card equipped to enter the first key. Next is Cold. You have two options. You can either head to the Raven room and wait until it freezes, or do the new method. While still on the Control level, head to the very right side and hang over the railing until you see the platform with the two pipes. Release, and quickly press Y while dropping to grab onto the pipe platform (Or die..). There are two pipes: Steam and Liquid Nitrogen. Use your gun to release the nitrogen from the second pipe (and make sure you have the card equipped), to freeze the card. Head back to the control room and enter it in the second computer from the left to enter the second card. Last one is steam. Same case, either head to the steam room before the Raven room, or head back to the pipe and release the steam with the card equipped to warm it up. Head back and put the card in the last slot to...ACTIVATE METAL GEAR REX!!!! After that, the door will shut, and gas will leak into the room. Equip the Gas Mask and call Otacon to get him to open it. While he is attempting to open it, walk around the door area, and he should call you back after that, opening the door. Once that is over, walk out the door to start a cutscene with Liquid, and the long Metal Gear REX fight. /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Metal Gear REX Difficulty: Medium/Hard | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: REX is actually somewhat easy, just long. In all, there isn't much | | strategy behind this battle. The arena is completely square with | | no where to run. In all, there are 2 different phases, the Radome | | part (Where you need to hit the round thing on the right part), and| | the second is to hit the middle part. | | | | After the first part, you will see a cutscene with Gray Fox | | Sacreficing himself to destroy the Radome. During that, you will | | have a in-game cutscene where you are contiplating on if you should| | shoot REX with Gray Fox in the way (Naturaly, you won't, however). | | | | Although the second part is a bit easier, it's also a bit akward. | | Your view will change to sideways, and you will have to shoot the | | middle (Cockpit) section of Metal Gear REX to damage it. You can | | also damage the laser and gun turrets by locking onto them, but | | they are a waste of time. | | | | In all, REX has 4 attacks: Missles, Gun Turrets, a Laser, and to | | stomp you with his feat. The laser goes in a sideway patter, so its| | pretty easy to dodge. The machine gun deals damage similar to the | | guns from wall turrets and guards. The missles, however are the | | biggest problem. Not only are they powerful and the attack he uses | | the most, but they cause you to exit Stinger mode. Finally, he will| | try to use REX's feet to stomp you into the ground. Although rare, | | it is extemely powerful. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attack: | | -Missles: REX fires several lock on missles to damage you and to | | knock you out of first person view. Unequip the stinger | | and run around to avoid them. | | | | -Laser: REX fires a white laser beam that goes from right to left| | (and vice versa). Simply step back to avoid it. | | | | -Guns: REX fies several rounds from a gun turret mounted on it | | that is similar to the attacks of guards. Walk from side | | to side to avoid it. | | | | -Stomp: REX tries to use it's legs to stomp on you. Powerful, but| | slow and inaccurate. When under his legs, imediantly | | run from under it to avoid his attack. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Once that is done, you will then see a long cutscene with liquid, and engage in the final battles of the game. The Finale (03a) =========================================================================== The Final Battles =========================================================================== /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |Boss: Liquid Snake Difficulty: Easy | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| |Info: After the fight that is known as REX, liquid is a walk in the park | | Although there is a time limit, you can easily beat him. Since you | | (and him) are only using your fist, the only attacks he has it to | | charge at you and to punch. One small thing, if you fall, you die, | | but if he falls, he gets back up. One final note is you have about | | 3 minutes to defeat him. | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Attacks: | | -Punch: Liquid...well...punches you, and it hurts..somewhat... | | | | -Charge: Liquid kneels down, then charges at you at high speeds. | | Dodge him to avoid. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Now that's done, you will finally see the major changes with the torture. If you endured, Meryl will be alive and Otacon will "Sacrefice" himself to open the escape route. If you submitted, you will find Meryl, dead, and Otacon will talk about moving on, and shit like that. Either way, the one that you talk to during the scene is your travel partner. After that is done, your final task will be to esacpe. And the only way is by Jeep. =========================================================================== Escape Route =========================================================================== Before continueing, get the ration on the other side of the stairs (Since you do not have any of your old items). In the next area, your partner will take a about 30 seconds to get into the jeep, and guards are pouring in. Get the ration on the upper left corner, and try to avoid the guards fire. Once you are in the jeep, go into first person mode and blast the barrel near the gate to move on to the next area. =========================================================================== Escape Tunnel =========================================================================== In all, there are 2 segments, the checkpoints and liquid. The first part is getting past the checkpoints. To do so, blast the two barrels at the checkpoints to continue. Next, liquid will appear and try to ram and shoot you. Keep fireing on him, and don't threat him running into you a few times. Once you get into the cutscene, your job is done, and the cutscenes will take over for you. =========================================================================== Aftermath =========================================================================== I don't want to spoil what happens (Although I will say that the Otacon ending is MUCH better then Meryls). Once you do that, you have completed most of the game! You can go back on that save file and get the other ending and special item. And once you do that, you can play the game again a third time with a few changes, including: -Snake in a Black Tuxedo -Meryl in Snakes Sneaking suit -The Ninja is now mostly dark red and some blue, also known as the Crimson Ninja Although you can collect the dog tags, they don't unlock anything special. Congradulations! You beat a remake of a nearly 6 year old game! /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 040. EXTRA INFO | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ A collection of info that is more in-depth than the main guide. Misc info is fileld with different explenations from simple stuff, such as Items, to a explenation of how a Soldiers AI works and it's weak points. ========================================================================== 041. WEAPONS AND ITEMS ========================================================================== Guns and Missle Launchers: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- M9 Type: Tranquilizer Special Features: Sound Supressor already equipped Found: -Next to you at the beginning. Info: A modified Beretta M92F to fit Tranquilizer Darts, it is one of the newer weapons to the seires. Unlike the SOCOM or USP, the M9 fires non-lethal darts that puts it's target to sleep. Also, unlike bullets, it already has a supressor, so it dosen't set off the alarm if it is fires, and passing by guards arn't as suspicious. In boss fights, the M9 acts as the alternate to lethal ammo, the fatigue gauge weapon. In any boss fight that has a fatigue gauge along with a health bar, you can use non-lethal ammo to win the boss fight and not add to your kill list. One final note, each Tran. dart takes about a one second delay between each fire to reload, so it is wise to use them from a farther distance when taking out a group of Terrorist. **Update: I got a email from a person named Wogle telling me of the true modification of the M9 (Guess I forgot...) "Just correcting a small mistake in your explanation of the M9. It is modified Beretta M92F, not a USP-Woggle -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCOM Type: Bullet Special Features: Supressors Found: -In the back of the truck on the Heliport Info: The SOCOM is the gun Snake will be using alot in the beginning. Unlike the M9, the SOCOM/USP does not have a reload time between each shot, so you can fire as many as you like before having to reload. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FA-MAS Type: Quick Burst Bullets Special Features: Quick unload Found: Info: Similar to the AK-47 from MGS2, the FA-MAS is a quickfire rifle that is handy for taking out a large group of guards. Although it is uneeded to complete the game, it is a handy weapon for dealing out damage quick. It unloads ammo quick, so make sure you are on target and not off target, since it does not have a supressor, it will surely set off the alarms. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSG-1 Type: Sniper Rifle, uses lethal bullets Special Features: Uses first person mode. More accurate, but causes hand tremors. Use Cigs or Pentazemin to cure for awhile. Found: Info: A high power Sniper Rifle that uses the first person mode, and can only be used in that mode (in other words, you cannot move around while using it). The PSG-1 uses real lethal bullets, so it will kill if hit in one of the main lethal points on a non-boss underling. Due to the ammount of intensity while using the weapon, the game adds in a flaw: your hands will tremble while using the weapon, so you will need a item, such as Pentazemin to calm your nerves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PSG-1-T Type: Sniper Rifle, uses tranquilizer darts Special Features: Causes enemies to sleep (Or lower the Fatigue meter) when hit. Found: Info: A high power Sniper Rifle that uses the first person mode, and can only be used in that mode (in other words, you cannot move around while using it). The PSG-1-T uses Tranq. Darts, so the target will not be kill if hit, and will only cause the enemy to sleep or lower the fatigue meter in boss fights (The purple bar under health) Due to the ammount of intensity while using the weapon, the game adds in a flaw: your hands will tremble while using the weapon, so you will need a item, such as Pentazemin. to calm your nerves. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nikita Type: Remote Controlled Missle Special Features: Can be controlled for a short ammount of time before it self destructs, or hits a corner. Uses First Person view to use. Found: Info: A remote controlled missle launcher, the Nikita is a highly powerful weapon that is needed to continue in the game. The Nikita missles will fire in First Person view and can be controlled for around 20 seconds before self destructing (Look in the upper left corner for the time gauge), or hits a corner. Since it can only be used in FPV, you will need to be stationary while using it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stinger Missle Launcher Type: Heat Seeking missle launcher Special Features: Can lock onto enemies and certain targets. Only one can be used at a time. Found: Info: Similar to the Nikita, but instead using heat seeking missles to attack. Stinger missles use a lock on system uses only in First Person Mode to lock onto the targets and hit them. Stinger missles can track the target if far away, but will blow up eventually from time, or hitting a object that is in the way. You can only have one Stinger missile in the air at one time. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mines and Explosives: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grenade Type: Timed Explosive Special Features: Explodes after 5 seconds after the pin has been pulled Found: Misc. Locations Info: A old style hand grenade that uses a pin and throw system to damage the enemies. Hand Grenades will only explode after the pin is pulled, and that is usually indicated when Snake pulls back his arm. Grenades will explode after 5 seconds, so make sure you have thrown it and backed off before then. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chaff Grenade Type: Electrical Jamming Special Features: Throws off electrical devices and cameras, but jams the radar. Found: Misc. Locations Info: A type of interferance grenade that causes a wave of electrical malfunction for about 15 seconds. This is useful for knocking cameras offline and weapons, such as the Tank. Unfortunatly, a side effect of the Chaff Grenade is that it will jam the radar for that ammount of time, so know where you are before using it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stun Grenade Type: Causes Stun condition in all nearby soldiers Special Features: Causes Stun condition in all nearby soldiers Found: Misc. Locations Info: A handy grenade while in Alert Mode, the Stun Grenade will knock out a soldier and put him in Stun condition for a limited ammount of time. Useful for getting away from soldiers. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- C4 Type: Plastic explosive with a detonater Special Features: Can be detonated from far away. Found: Misc. Locations Info: A type of explosive that will only explode when detonated with the B button. C4 is useful for killing soldiers from far away and blowing holes in walls. Like grenades, however, it can also cause you damage, so detonate them from a safe distance. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Claymore Mines Type: Non controlled explosives Special Features: Can kill soldiers that walk on them Found: Misc. Places Info: A type of mine that is similar to a landmine. When placed on the ground, you will have no control over them, and will only go off when you or a soldier walks across them. The sensor will also detonate the mine if a soldier walks into it's line of sight. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Health Recovery, Anti-Depressants, and Cure medications: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rations Type: Complete health recovery Special Features: Fully Recovers health Found: Misc. Locations Info: One of the most important items of the game, Rations will fully recover all health and bleeding, but will not cure colds. Rations are military style MRE's that usually have some sort of meat, side dish, desert, and drink that can be used on the battlefield (Misc info there, folks. Nothing to do with the game at all). Anyways, you can only carry 5 rations, so make good use of them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandage Type: Stops bleeding condition Special Features: Stops bleeding condition Found: Misc. Locations Info: Somewhat of a useless item, but it is useful for timely situations. Bandages will stop bleeding condition (Causes bloodloss until the death of Snake), that will happen when your health meter goes around orange (About 25% if health). Can also be cured by staying in the crouching or crawling position. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medicine Type: Cures cold Special Features: Cures Cold Found: Misc. Location Info: A type of a cold cure, Medicine will cure the Cold state (When you start to sneeze every 20 or so seconds). This is useful in heavily guarded areas where sneezing can send you into Alert mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pentazemin Type: Cures shaking condition for a short time Special Features: Cures shaking condition for a short time Found: Misc. Locations Info: A type of Anti Depressant that calms the nerves and allows you to fire without shaking. This is only a temporary cure, however, since it will only last for a minute. Use while using a PSG-1 or PSG-1-T -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cigarettes Type: Shows infared censors, but causes your health to drop Special Features: None Found: You start with it Info: A type of smokeless Cigaretts that calms people down, but also cost you health. Use when going though the censors in the Hagar. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Right Equip Screen Items: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Scope Type: Allows you to zoom in FPV Special Features: Allows you to zoom in FPV Found: You start with it Info: A type of Binoculars that allow you to zoom in first person view. Although useless due to the addition of First Person Mode, it can be useful for scouting out areas that are too hard to see. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- AP Sensor Type: Rumbles when enemies are nearby Special Features: Rumbles when enemies are nearby Found: Pool area in the beginning area. Info: A type of sensor that alerts you when enemies are nearby, the AP sensor will cause a rumble in your controler when a guard gets near. This is a wire controler item, however, and cannot be used with the Wavebird. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thermal Goggles Type: Shows climate conditions and warm bodies Special Features: Allows you to see invisible enemies and dim areas Found: Upper right part of the Hangar. Info: A type of special goggles that allow you to either see in the dark, enemy location, and invisible and quick enemies. It is actually very useful in dim areas, but does cause somewhat of a ramdom pallet, cel shading effect to mimic real Thermal Radars in real life. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mine Detector Type: Shows claymore mines Special Features: Shows claymore mines Found: Info: A special addition to the radar that allows you to see nearby claymore mines, mainly in the canyon area. The mine detector not only shows the location, but the direction the detonation trigger is in. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gas Mask Type: Slows the effects of losing O2 (Oxygen) Special Features: Cuts losing the O2 Gauge in half Found: B2, Nuke Building on last of the right part of the doors Info: A type of mask similar to the one Psyco Mantis uses, it is only used in one area, but it helps quite a bit. It cuts the depletion of the O2 gauge in half, giving you more time. It is extremely important to have in the last part of the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Socom Suppressor Type: Adds a silent option to the SOCOM Special Features: Silences the SOCOM Found: Info: A one use item that is useful in crowded areas, it adds a silencer to the SOCOM, allowing you to use the handgun without alerting the guards from the gunshot noise. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Body Armor Type: Cuts bullet damage in half Special Features: Cuts bullet damage in half Found: B2 of the Nuke Building, 1st door on the left part. Info: A special type of bullet proof vest made out of fibors stronger than steel, the body armor cuts any bullet damage you recieve in half, but will not cut damage from O2 depletion or non-bullet attacks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAN ID Card Type: Opens security Doors Special Features: Opens security doors Found: Recieved thoughout the game in cutscenes Info: A special security card that allows you to bypass doors with a number on them. PAN ID Cards have a number assinged to them, and have a max of level 6. The PAN ID card is updated whenever you recieve one, and can open all doors below it's number. For example, a level 3 card can open 1, 2, and 3, but not 4, 5 or 6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Book Type: Distracts the guard Special Features: Distracts guars Found: Various Locations Info: A type of pornographic book with a easter egg (Ella and Alex from eternal darkness). These books can be used to distract a guards for a short ammount of time, and allow you to shoot/stun/kill them. You cannot use these in clearing mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Magazine Type: Left over clip from M9's and SOCOMS Special Features: Used to distract the guards Found: Automaticly recieve when you change a clip in a non FA-MAS weapon. Info: Although useless, magazines do have a purpose if you use them right. If you plant them in the right spot and shoot off your gun, you can distract the guards and sneak past them or kill them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rope Type: Used to escape the roof of communications tower a Special Features: easier way to escape communications tower a Found: Communications tower Info: A special type of rope used to escape the roof of Communications Tower A, it is a easier method then using the drop and catch method and allows easier decent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cardboard Boxes Type: Various Special Features: Various Found: Armory, Hangar, etc Info: A leftover box from one of 3 areas, Cardboard boxes have multi purposes and do come useful mid-way in the game. Cardboard boxes can be equipped when in alert mode, and if in a right surrounding, can be used to hide until the warning goes down. The second use is a easier way to get past the Wolf Cave. Equip it after shooting Meryl at the enterance to the Communications Tower Alley to get the small pup to pee on it and be able to get across the valley easier when heading back. The third is a means of transportation. Equip it and get in the back of a truck to be transported to another area. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ketchup Type: Used to escape the prison Special Features: Immitates real blood, delicious on hot dogs and burgers Found: Otacon gives it to you after you call him in the jail cell. Info: A special substance made out of Tomato/Tomato paste and other substances to create a thick blood lookalike which is good on Hot Dogs, Burgers, and Fries. Anyways, it is mainly used to escape the Jail. To escape, lay down and equip it and press A. You can only use it once, so use it cauciously. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Handkerchief Type: Makes wolves friendly toward you Special Features: Makes wolves friendly toward you Found: Otacon gives it to you while in the jail cell. Info: A handkerchief given to Otacon by Sniper Wolf, and given to Snake. It has her scent, so when you head past the wolf caves on the way back to the communications tower, they will not bother you. Must be equipped to use. You lose it after the second sniper wolf battle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAL Card Key Type: Used to activate Metal gear, 3 different types Special Features: Changes into 3 different keys depending on tempature Found: Given to you by Baker Info: A special type of key made out of materials that change when introduced to a hot or cold enviroment, the PAL Card key is used to get past the final part of the game and activate Metal Gear. The PAL Card Key has three different forms: Hot, Cold, and room Tempature. Room tempature is the base form you start out with, Cold is activated by comming in contact with a cold vent or going back to the Vulcan Raven room, and Hot is activated by going back to the furnace room or finding a warm vent. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Time Bomb Type: Kills you after a set ammount of time Special Features: Instant Death! Found: -50% chance of finding it after you get your supplies back after the torture. Designed to go off after 3 minutes -Can be found in the toxic waters around REX when searching for the PAL Card Key. Set to go off after 1 minute Info: A special trap designed to instantly kill the player after a short ammount of time, the Time Bomb can be found in the locations mentioned above. If you do get it/hear a odd sound, check your left inventory for it, and if you do (While still in the inventory) press A to throw it away and detonate it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Digital Camera Type: Takes pictures you can save Special Features: Takes pictures you can save Found: Armory. Look for another false door. (Better explenation later..) Info: A special type of camera that takes pictures of both the natural and unatural, the Digital Camera is a purely optional item that is used to take pictures. Furthermore, it can be used to find the hidden ghost pictures thoughout the game. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stealth Camoflage Type: Causes you to be unseen by the untrained eye (AKA: Soldiers) Special Features: Invincibility! Found: Submit to the torture, and get Otacons ending. Info: A special type of device created to bend light and make the user unseeable by the untrained eye, Stealth Camoflage is the ultimate item to steak in non boss battles. The only time it becomes unusable is in boss battles and if you bump into a guard. One small note, if you hold up guards while wearing the Camoflage, he will not shake, and you will need to remove it before he will. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bandana Type: Gives you infinity ammo/items on all R items Special Features: Never run out of anything in the R item screen! Found: Endure the torture, and get Meryl's ending. Info: A special Bandana with the invinity symbol sewed into it, the Bandana is the ultimate weapon for taking out guards without worrying about ammo, and boss fights. When equipped, it will cause any item in the R inventory to not run out, but there is one flaw: If you run out of ammo when it isn't equipped and it's empty, you still cannot use the item until you find ammo for it. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dog Tags Type: The Ultimate time waster Special Features: NOTHING!!! Found: Guards and all bosses besides Ocelot and Machines Info: One of the most dissapointing additions to The Twin Snakes, Dog Tags are simply collectors items collected from holding up enemies and defeating certain bosses. Dogs Tags were rumored to unlock something, people thought after Dennis Dylack said there would be other unlockables, but the Canadian appearantly lied, and people were pissed off. So to people looking to collect them in hopes that something comes available: Don't. They do absolutely nothing of interest. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================== 042. CODEC INFO ========================================================================== Roy Campbell Frequency: 140.85 Type: Support Info: Roy Campbell (AKA: The Colonel), is your main sorce of support thoughout your game. Previous commander of FOXHOUND and since then been retired, he has been dragged out of retirement to persuade snake to take this mission. The Colonel will usually be the one who tells you where to go and what to do. You will get his Frequency at the very beginning of the game. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Naomi Hunter Frequency: 140.85 Type: Support (Sometimes comes up instead of the colonel) Info: Cambells assistent and leader of FOXHOUNDS Medical Research, Naomi is one of biggest plot twist in the game that turns it around 360 Degrees. Naomi will usually help you sometimes when you call the Colonel. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Master Miller Frequency: 141.80 Type: Battle support Info: A old FOXHOUND survivor and combat specialist, Master Miller is one of Snakes most respected friends and allies, but holds a dark truth to him. You will get his codec address when crawling in the ducts to go to the Hangar. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mei Ling Frequency: 140.96 Type: Save address. Info: A young chinese assistent for FOXHOUND, Mei Ling is your primary support for your game, and will save your game at any time. You will recieve her address once you get to the top of the Heliport. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meryl Silverburgh Frequency: 140.15 Type: Support Info: One of the main characters of the game, Meryl is Roy's Neice and has wanted to be a soldier after finding out her father died. In the earlier part of the game, she was controlled by Psyco Mantis, and is later tortured. Meryl's codec is rather unique, since you can only find it on the back of the Twin Snakes box on one of the screenshots, (or reading this guide...) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nastasha Romanenko Frequency: 141.52 Type: Weapons support Info: A middle aged Ukraine woman, Nastasha is a expert on firearms, and nearly all weapons for that matter. You can call Nastasha early in the game, but she only becomes key after the tank fight. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Hal Emmerich "Otacon" Frequency: 141.12 Type: Support Info: Not to give away anything from MGS2, but Otacon is a american who had sex with his step mother, pissed off his step sister for not saving her, loves anime, and is the third generation of Emmerich's who has involvement with Nuclear Weapons (Grandfather was involved in the Manhattan Project, and his father was born on the same day the A-Bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan). He prevers to be called Otacon, since he is a Otaku (Japanese Anime fanboy and insult, but badge of honor for americans), also named after the Otaku convention in Japan. He will provide assistence in the later part of the game, and will give you a few key items. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | 050. LEGAL INFO | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/ Legal Info: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This FAQ is copyright of Jason Howell and. This FAQ can not be re-published under any site without consult from the author. Certain in-game content (as in enemy status info, etc can be re-published on any FAQ or Site, but must be written in your own words. If the content in this guide is published in full or with minor word change, action can range from contacting your Internet Provider or Website Provider, to legal action. Allowed Sites: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ www.gamefaqs.com www.gamespot.com www.ign.com www.sa2bsb.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Banned Sites: www.cheatcc.com www.zeldaguide.com Credits: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Brady's Guide: Reference used. Bobby Johnson: Gave alternate M1 Tank Solution in Email Wogle: Informing me about the M9's modification Contact Email: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Problem Email: If you spot a problem with this guide, please fill out a complaint and send it to howellgames@howell-games.com. Please address the problem, guide, and right solution. General Email: For not as important messages, please send it to howellgames@howell-games.com