******************************************************************************* T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N ___ _____ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ |\ /|| | | || | | | || | | | || || \ | \/ || | |___|| | | |___||___| |___ | || || | | ||-- | | || | __ |-- | ||\ || || || | | || | | || | || | || \ || || || | | ||___ | | ||___ |____||___ | || \ ___||___||___ ||___/ T H E T W I N S N A K E S ******************************************************************************* Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes A FAQ/Walkthrough by CyricZ Version 1.4 e-mail: cyricz42 at yahoo.com ******************************************************************************* Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. FAQ 3. Basics 3A. Controls 3B. Menus/Displays 4. Solid Snake: Licensed to Skulk 4A. Movements/Actions 4B. The Art of Stealth 4C. Weapons 4D. Items 4E. Supporting Cast 5. Walkthrough 5A. Hostages 5B. Scientist 5C. Meryl 5D. Capture 5E. Towers 5F. FOXHOUND 5G. REX 5H. Endgame 6. Room By Room 5A. Cargo Dock to Tank Hangar Building 5B. Canyon to Nuke Building 5C. Caves to Towers 5D. Snow Field to End 7. Bosses 8. Extras 8A. Dog Tags 8B. Secrets 8C. Easter Eggs 8D. Changes from MGS PSX *COMING SOON* 8E. Internet Ranking Data *COMING SOON* 8F. Ghost Pictures *COMING SOON* 8G. Notes on Extreme *COMING SOON* 9. Standard Guide Stuff 9A. Legal 9B. E-mail Guidelines 9C. Credits 9D. Version Updates 9E. The Final Word ******************************************************************************* 1. INTRODUCTION ******************************************************************************* Hello, and welcome to my guide to Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes for the Nintendo GameCube! In this guide, you'll learn how to get Solid Snake through his famous Shadow Moses mission, retold on the Nintendo GameCube in a style that connects on a graphical level with MGS2. Here, you'll get a walkthrough for the mission, as well as tips on how to survive, how to beat the bosses, and how to track down all those ever-elusive Dog Tags. ******************************************************************************* 2. FAQ ******************************************************************************* Q: What Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes? A: This game is a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid, released for the Nintendo GameCube. Q: How close is this to the original? A: This is a question I cannot fully answer at the moment, having never played the original myself. I believe that the plot and mission setup (rooms, etc.) are the same. Obviously, there's been a graphical update, and there has been the addition of first-person mode, as well as the ability to peek around corners. Also, many of the cutscenes have been redone to look a lot cooler by film director Ryuhei Kitamura. I'll soon have detailed info on exactly what changed. Q: How many blocks does this game use? A: This game takes three blocks for every save file you create. More blocks are used if you take and save photos. Q: What is the rating for this game? A: This game is rated M for Mature by the ESRB for Blood and Gore, Suggestive Themes, and Violence. Q: What's Meryl's frequency? A: Ah, one of the more insidious puzzles in the game. Baker will tell you that her frequency is on the back of the package. So, go ahead and look at it. That's the DVD package you got when you purchased the game. Evil, eh? If you lost it, threw it out, or never got one (rental, or what have you), then you'll find her frequency in section 4E: Supporting Cast. Q: What's Otacon's frequency? A: Forgot it already? Well, he tells you, but it won't be automatically saved. It's 141.12. Q: What do I get for getting all the Dog Tags? A: Satisfaction. Yeah, I know, it kinda bites, but there it is... ******************************************************************************* 3. BASICS ******************************************************************************* Most of this information can be found in the manual, an apparently precious commodity these days. ============== 3A. Controls = ============== Control Stick and Control Pad: Moves Snake in the desired direction with respect to the camera. The further you push the Control Stick, the faster Snake will move. A Button: Weapon Button. Pressing this will fire/throw/use your current weapon. If you have no weapon, this will allow you to grapple enemies. B Button: Close Combat Button. This will let you unleash melee attacks. If you have a weapon equipped, it can be used to add to the punch. X Button: Crouch Button. This will cause Snake to crouch, and stand back up if crouched. Use the Control Stick while crouched to crawl. Y Button: Action Button. Depending on the situation, this can be used to push buttons, grab ladders, climb up platforms, or hang from railings. L Button: Holding this down will bring up your Item Menu. Scroll your items with the Stick/Pad and let go to select your item. While you have an item ready, tap L to equip or unequip it. R Button: Holding this down will bring up your Weapon Menu. Scroll your items with the Stick/Pad and let go to select your weapon. While you have a weapon ready, tap R to equip or unequip it. Z Button: Holding this down (or pressing it depending on your control scheme) will switch you to first-person mode. In FP mode, you can use the Stick/Pad to look around, and to aim more precisely. C-Stick: While in Corner Mode, this will move the camera around you to view your surroundings. START Button: Must be pressed with another button to do anything. Pressing START with A will bring up the Codec so you can speak to your team. Pressing START with B will pause the game and show you where in the complex you are. ==================== 3B. Menus/Displays = ==================== Main Menu New Game: Starts a game from the beginning. You'll be required to select a difficulty. Difficulty affects several things, including enemy strength, alertness, and numbers, as well as the items in the game, and how much of certain items and ammo you can carry. After selecting difficulty, you'll select radar type. The first type doesn't disappear if you're discovered. The second type is the default type and disappears if you're discovered. Off turns it off completely and is only recommended for the confident. Lastly, if you selected the HARD or EXTREME difficulty, you can opt to have "Game Over If Discovered" turned on or off. Load Game: Reload a saved game from your Memory Card. Options: Accesses the Options Menu (see below). Briefing: Allows you to review Snake's briefing by Campbell and Naomi. Select a subject to hear about it. While viewing the briefing, you can move the camera recording with the Control Stick, zoom in and out with B and X, switch cameras using L and R, or skip the thing entirely using START. Special: Accesses other stuff (see below). --- Options Menu Rumble: Turn the Controller's Rumble function on or off. Radar: Select the Radar Type (as you do at the beginning of the game). Blood: Turn off to remove blood from the game. Sound: Select Monoaural, Stereo, or Dolby Pro Logic II. Subtitle: Turn subtitles on or off. 1st Person View Switch: "Hold Down" will only keep you in FP mode for as long as you have Z held down. "Toggle" will switch you between FP and Normal mode every time you tap the Z Button. 1st Person View Motion: In "Normal" Up and Down will let you look in those directions. In "Reverse" Up will make you look down and vice versa. Item Window: "Group" will group items together, based on their type, such as all pistols being grouped together. "Linear" will give every item its own line. Quick Change: This controls what tapping L and R do. If on "Unequip", then tapping it will unequip the item/weapon. If on "Previous", then tapping it will go to the weapon/item you had selected last, then back. Screen Adjustment: Use this to adjust the screen position. Brightness Adjustment: Use this to adjust the screen brightness. --- Special Menu Previous Operations: Read the stories for Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2. Photo Album: If you take photos in the game, you can view and adjust them here. Dog Tag Viewer: Access this to look at the Dog Tags you've found. Each difficulty in the game has its own set of Dog Tags. Demo Theater: Access this after you've completed the game to view the game's cutscenes. Boss Survival: Access this after you've completed the game to fight all game bosses in succession. --- Main Game Display Upper-Left Corner: Mostly, this displays Snake's health in a blue bar. When you take damage, the bar decreases. When it gets pretty low, it will turn yellow and you'll start bleeding to death, further losing health. Stop the bleeding by either using a Bandage or by flattening yourself on the ground. Also, this can display other bars, including enemy health, ally health, your Grip Gauge when hanging, and your O2 Gauge when underwater. Upper-Right Corner: This is the Soliton Radar. I'll further explain this in the "Art of Stealth" section. Lower-Left Corner: This displays your currently equipped item, if you have one. If the item is usable, the number you have is listed, next to the maximum number you carry. Lower-Right Corner: This displays your currently equipped weapon, if you have one. The numbers displayed are your current ammunition, next to your maximum ammunition. Also, if the weapon is a gun, the current bullets in the magazine will be displayed. ******************************************************************************* 4. SOLID SNAKE: LICENSED TO SKULK ******************************************************************************* As Solid Snake, you're a former member of the FOXHOUND organization. Your skills at intrusion are unmatched, and you're well-trained to work under just about any circumstances. After stopping the threat of Metal Gear twice, Snake decided to go into retirement in Alaska. Unfortuantely, he's been called back to the fold by his old friend and former CO, Colonel Roy Campbell, for this mission. ======================= 4A. Movements/Actions = ======================= --- Basic Actions Movement - Use the Control Stick or Control Pad to move Snake. Depending on how far you tilt the stick, you can go faster or slower. An outright run moves you quickest, but is also the noisiest, and you're easier to spot. Crouching/Crawling - Pressing X while standing or walking will drop you to your knees, where you'll present a smaller profile, and can aim more cleanly. If you move while crouched, you'll start crawling, presenting an even smaller profile. Crawling can also get you into tight spaces, such as in vents or under tables. Diving Roll - Pressing X while running to dive and roll, which can move you quickly from cover to cover, hop you over small gaps, or knock down enemies. If you attempt a roll while on stairs, you'll trip and land rather heavily. Climbing - Pressing Y while near a waist-high platform (such as a crate) will cause you to mount it. Also, if you're near a ladder, pressing Y will make you grab onto it. Hanging - Find a railing, and press Y to flip over the side of it. Once hanging, you'll see a "Grip Gauge" decreasing. Once the Gauge runs out, you'll fall. While hanging, you can press L or R to edge in those directions. Press Y to pull yourself back up. Press X to drop from the railing. If you drop in the vicinity of another railing, press Y again to catch that railing. If you hold down L and R at the same time, you'll do a pull-up. Both pull-ups and hanging-drop-catches can increase your Grip Level if performed enough times (100 pull-ups or 10 HDCs). Lockers/Bathrooms - Pressing Y near a locker door or bathroom stall will open the door. If you get inside, you'll automatically close the door. These are good places to hide. Press Y to leave again. Press B to make a noise and alert nearby enemies (not that you'd normally want to do that). Elevators - Press Y at an elevator door to call it. Get inside, and step in front of the panel to take a close look at it. Use the Control Pad to select a floor and press A to go there. Wall Flattening - Running into a wall will flatten you against it. This may switch you into Corner View, giving you a better look at the terrain ahead of you. Use the Control Stick to slide along the wall. Pressing the L or R button will cause you to look in that direction. If at a corner, you'll look around it. Pressing B while on a wall will cause you to knock on it to attract enemies. Using the Codec - Access the Codec using the START + A buttons. From there, you can use the Control Stick to adjust the frequency (Left/Right), or push Down to pick a frequency from memory. Once you're set, press A to call. If someone's on the other line, they'll pick up. Also, you may get calls during the course of the mission. Press START + A to take them. If the "CALL" icon is red, you'll automatically take it. --- Combat Actions Weapon Attack - Pressing A will fire/throw/use the weapon you're currently using. Generally, if using a gun, the gun will auto-aim at the nearest enemy, firing at their midsection. Precise Attack - Use First-Person mode with the Z Button, then press and hold down A to draw your weapon. If you're holding a pistol, you won't fire until you let go of A. If you're holding an automatic, you'll automatically start firing as soon as you press A. If holding up your pistol, and you wish to put it away, press Y. While precisely aiming, you can fire on specific targets on the enemy, such as their head, heart, groin (instant kills), or at their radio. Shooting out their radio will mean they can't call for backup. Tactical Reload - Press R twice while holding a weapon. This will automatically reload it. Really, what you're doing is unequipping it and re-equipping it with a full magazine. Hand-to-Hand Combat - Pressing B will cause you to punch. Keep pressing B to string together a combination of attacks, which can knock an enemy out. If you have a weapon equipped, your attack can cause even more damage. You can even attack in First-Person mode. Choke Hold - Hold A while not moving behind an unsuspecting enemy to grab them around the neck. You can move around while holding them. If they try to escape, press A again to tighten your grip. Rapidly pressing A will cause you to knock them out. You can also use this technique to give yourself a human shield. Dragging - Hold A near a fallen enemy to start dragging them. Use the Control Stick to manuever them to a spot you see fit, then let go of A to drop them. Shakedown - Repeatedly picking up and dropping fallen enemies may result in them giving up items. Try this on lots of guards. You CANNOT get Dog Tags this way, however. Run & Gun - Hold down the B button while running around and holding a weapon, and you can shoot while running. Jump-Out Shot - While hiding behind a wall and having a gun drawn, press A to jump out and fire at the nearest enemy. This can also be used to toss grenades around corners. Hold Up - Probably the most difficult, but the most rewarding way, of taking care of an enemy is the hold up. Sneak up behind them, enter First-Person mode (well, I like to, anyway), and hold down A to draw your gun. Freeze! Eep! At this point, your enemy is defenseless, but still quite alert. If you put away your weapon, remain idle for a time, or walk away from the enemy, he'll go into Alert Mode and start attacking. Aim your weapon at an enemy's sensitive areas (head or groin), and they'll panic. At that point, they'll start shaking and may drop an item, oftentimes a Dog Tag. This is the only way to get most of the Dog Tags in the game. --- Camera Views Normal View - This is the game's basic view as you wander around. It's a top-down view that gives you a decent view of your immediate surroundings. Corner View - Flattening up against a wall will put you in this mode, which gives you a better view down around corners. Peeking around corners using L and R will give you an even better view, and moving the C-Stick will move the camera as you're in this view. First-Person View - Use the Z Button to access this. Use the Control Stick to look around. Press the L or R buttons to take a step in those directions. Press both to stretch up (useful for when you're crouching behind cover). Intrusion View - This is a special first-person-type view that you enter when you start crawling in narrow spaces. You can still move around in this move and even fire weapons. ======================== 4B. The Art of Stealth = ======================== This is a sneaking game, first and foremost. You're not here to run around and kill everyone, regardless of how fun that may seem. For one, your enemies are quite good and can fill you full of bullets pretty quickly. For another, you just really don't have enough ammo to deal with everyone in a gung-ho manner. --- Rules of Stealth #1: Know the radar (see first section below) #2: Know your opposition (see the rest of the sections below) #3: Watch your opposition and how it moves. Watch the patrols. Watch to see if they hang out at any one area for a long period of time. Watch to see if they stop and stretch or fall asleep. #4: Trace a route through your area, using all the cover available. #5: If an option, make sure there's an available escape route or hiding place, in case things go pear-shaped. #6: If you feel like it, lay a trap, possibly of mines, C4, or books. #7: If you've chosen to sneak past your enemies, go as quietly as possible. Move quickly, but pace yourself. The longer you have to expose yourself, the worse chance you'll have. #8: If you choose to eliminate your enemies, start by thinning out their ranks. Use knocking, choke holds, and hold ups to take them out one at a time. #9: Once you deal with your enemies, try your best to hide the evidence, especially if you know there are other enemies in the room. --- The Radar The small square in your upper-right corner is the Soliton Radar, your best friend. From this, you can get an accurate portrayal of your immediate surroundings, including terrain and enemies. White Dot: Why, that's you! Green Lines: These outline walls in the terrain. Green Cone: If you're in First-Person mode, this will show up, showing your field of vision. Red Dots: Bad dudes... Blue Cones: Enemies who are just chilling around normally have this to show their field of vision. Yellow Cones: If an enemy sees his shadow, a screw loose, or something else amiss, they'll be in Caution Mode and will have this to show their field of vision. Red Cones: If an enemy is chasing you in Alert Mode, or is being attacked, they have these to show their field of vision. Small Yellow Cones: If you have a Mine Detector, claymore mines will show up as these yellow cones. Don't run through them or boom. If your Radar is in Type2 mode (set on the options), then the radar will completely disappear while Alert Mode or Evasion Mode are active. There are also certain areas in the complex where you cannot use your Radar, due to jamming in the area, so be careful. Also, you can't use the Radar while crawling around in vents. --- Enemy Soldiers These next-generation special forces are by far your most frequent enemies in the game. They've been tasked to patrol specific areas and watch for anything suspicious. Things that they'll find suspicious: you (if you briefly pass by farther than their field of vision), footprints, bodies, the Book item, being shot, and any suspicious sounds, like noisy footsteps or knocking on walls. Once they check out the disturbance, they'll normally go back to their patrol, as long as they don't spot you or anything else suspicious. The exceptions are the Book item, which they'll stop to read for a bit. Also, if they find an unconscious buddy, they'll kick him to wake him up. If, however, they find a dead body, hear gunshots, or get shot themselves, they'll go into Caution Mode (explained shortly). With the dead body, they'll get a replacement guard. If, by some ill chance, they spot you, they'll go into *drumroll*: Alert Mode: The radar kills out, and the bar in the upper-right is red. The enemy will chase after you and fire. They will also call for backup, in the form of more soldiers. This bar decreases rapidly, but will refill right away if you're still in sight of the enemy. Once the bar is empty: Evasion Mode: The enemy doesn't know where you are, but know you're around. The attack team called in, as well as all other soldiers in the area, will comb the entire area looking for you, which may include searching through lockers, and in vents. If the enemy can't find you after their exhaustive search: Caution Mode: The attack team will leave, probably, the radar comes back, and all guards will be in yellow-coned cautionary stance. It'll be tough to get them, but this bar will decrease, as well, but pretty slowly. Once it's empty, you'll go back to normal mode. Fighting Guards: All guards are armed with assault rifles or shotguns of some type, as well as a few grenades. Fighting them is not a matter of overpowering them, so much as shooting better. Head shots and groin shots are instant kills. Shooting them in their radios will prevent them from calling for help. If using tranquilizer guns, shoot them in the head for quickest results. Head Icons: Guards will sometimes have little icons above their heads. Here's what they mean: - Blue Question Mark: I'm confused. I thought I saw something or heard something, and it turned out to be nothing. - Blue Exclamation Point: I noticed something. I saw/heard something suspicious just now, or I was just attacked. - Red Exclamation Point: I see you! Time to die! (this one's accompanied with an accent of strings) - Spinning Stars: Oh, heck. It seems I've been knocked out. It'll take me a minute or so to regain my composure - Floating Z's: Sooooo sleepy. Either I've just been tranked, or I've nodded off. - Heart: I wuv you!!! (only applicable to Dogs) --- Cameras and Spotlights These emplacements are stationary means of spotting you. If they do so, you'll automatically be in Alert Mode, and an attack team will be sent out to find you. Spotlights can be stopped simply by shooting them with any weapon, which will shatter the lightbulb. Security Cameras are a bit more complicated. You can use a Chaff Grenade, which will scramble the electronics. Careful, as this will also disable the Radar. Alternatively, you can shoot them out, but it requires a lethal weapon, and those tend to be pretty loud. One bullet will destroy them. Most often, you'll find the most efficient way to deal with Cameras is to avoid them, as, oftentimes, you can find ways around them. Also, there's a blind spot just beneath them that you can sneak under. Also, if cameras find downed bodies, they'll get suspicious and send an attack team to check it out. --- Sentry Guns Unlike normal Security Cams, these cameras have guns attached to them. If you're spotted, they'll open fire. They can very easily track you vertically, but not horizontally, so if you're running towards or away from them, you're in trouble, but not so much if you're running around them. It's worth it to point out that an attack team won't be summoned if you're spotted, but any guards in the area will definitely hear the noise. Like Security Cameras, they can be shot down with a lethal weapon. --- Tripwires These beams of infrared light will either set of alarms or release a trap if you pass through them. Use your Thermal Goggles to see them to avoid them, or sometimes there's a control box with a green light that powers them. Shooting them with a lethal weapon will destroy them. --- Dogs There are only a couple of dogs in the game, but they are pretty mean. If you have the Handkerchief equipped, they won't attack. ============= 4C. Weapons = ============= All weapons and items can be found floating around (no, seriously). Weapons are generally in long flat boxes, and ammunition is in taller, more cubic boxes. In the item windows, blue weapons are non-lethal, while red are lethal. You may not take weapons carried by the enemy, as they're ID-coded for each soldier. --- M9 Clip: 15 Max Ammo: 46 (VE, E, N) or 31 (H) or 16 (EX) Ammo Boxes: 15 Found: VERY EASY: Cargo Dock, right next to your entry point. OR: Heliport, beneath the Snowcat (the truck with treads) EASY: Cargo Dock, at the north end, next to the elevator. OR: Heliport, beneath the Snowcat (the truck with treads) NORMAL: Cargo Dock, at the north end, in the leftmost locker. OR: Heliport, beneath the Snowcat (the truck with treads) HARD: Armory, set C4 at a non-painted wall just west of the elevator. EXTREME: Armory, set C4 at a non-painted wall just west of the elevator. OR: In the vents above the Holding Cells, if you're quick enough. Use: This pistol fires tranquilizer shots. It has a suppressor and a laser sight built in. The only major drawback is that every time you fire a shot, you need to manually load another bullet into the chamber. Shoot an enemy in the head for quickest knockouts. Snooze time depends on difficulty. Also, on VERY EASY, you can shoot an enemy anywhere for immediate knockout. --- SOCOM Clip: 12 Max Ammo: 61 Ammo Boxes: 12 Found: Heliport, inside the back of the Snowcat (the truck with treads). OR: Armory, in the south central room. OR: Tank Hangar, on the second floor, behind the open door. OR: Holding Cells, following meeting Meryl (you will automatically get the pistol here if you didn't get it in the other spots). Use: This is a lethal pistol, but at least it's semi-automatic. It doesn't come with a suppressor, but you can find one if you poke around enough. --- FAMAS Clip: 25 Max Ammo: 211 Ammo Boxes: 25 Found: Armory, behind LVL2 door, east side. Use: This is your basic assault rifle. Fire it in automatic by holding down the A Button. If you want to hold your fire but still have the gun drawn, hold down both the A and Y Buttons. --- PSG1 Clip: 20 Max Ammo: 61 Ammo Boxes: 20 Found: Armory, behind LVL 5 Door, northwest room Use: This is your sniper rifle. Naturally, you use this weapon to take out bad guys long-range. It's mostly useful just for your fights with Sniper Wolf. --- PSG1-T Clip: 5 Max Ammo: 61 Ammo Boxes: 5 Found: Nuke Building B1, after Meryl is wounded, go to the LVL 5 Door in the southwest corner. Yes, I know that door has been open to you for some time, but the PSG1-T will not appear until that time. Use: This is a tranquilizing sniper rifle, in case you have this big hang-up on killing (like me). --- GRENADE Max: 20 In Boxes: 5 Use: Fragmentation grenades are good for a quick kill. The trick is getting them close enough to your enemies to do that. From the moment you pull the pin, you have a five second timer. Using grenades is pretty difficult, so I generally don't recommend it. --- CHAFF.G (Chaff Grenade) Max: 20 In Boxes: 2 Use: Toss one of these, and, in five seconds, it'll blow, scattering chaff everywhere, killing your Radar, all the enemy radios, and any Cameras. --- STUN.G (Stun Grenade) Max: 20 In Boxes: 2 Use: Toss one of these, and, in five seconds, it'll flash, stunning every enemy in the close vicinity for a short time. --- C4 Max: 16 In Boxes: 1 Found: The first time you'll find some will be in the Armory behind a LVL 1 Door. Use: These high explosive devices can be set with the A Button, then detonated with the B Button. You may set more than one before detonating. --- CLAYMORE Max: 16 In Boxes: 4 Found: Your first minefield is in the Canyon. Crawl over the mines to pick them up. Use: Set these down, and anyone who steps into their cone will get blown up. You can even drop them down as you're being chased. As long as they blow away from you, you can be almost on top of them and not get hurt. --- STINGER Max: 40 Ammo Boxes: 10 Found: Communication Tower Walkway, just as you enter Tower B, right in front of you. Use: This powerhouse weapon is meant to take down big bad guys. When equipped, you'll automatically bring it up into lock-on mode. Lock-on a target and fire. If you wish to fire dumb rockets, use Z for FP mode, and aim and fire. --- NIKITA Max: 40 Ammo Boxes: 10 Found: Nuke Building B1, in the computer room, east side. OR: Armory, behind the LVL 3 door in the northeast area. Use: This remote-controlled missile launcher is mainly for special use, such as blowing up something you can't really get to. It's not a terribly useful combat weapon, as the missile tends to move pretty slow. Once you fire, you can use the Control Stick to steer the rocket left or right, but you can't adjust the pitch up or down. --- BOOK Max: 5 Use: Despite all their genetic advances, the guards in this game are still susceptible to these magazines, although they only read them for the articles. Place one on the floor, and, if a guard sees it, he'll stop to read it for quite a while, ignoring everything else. Perfect opportunity. --- MAGAZINE Max: 100 Use: You'll get one of these whenever you have to reload your weapon. You can toss it anywhere to make noise and get a bad guy's attention. =========== 4D. Items = =========== CIGS Found: Start with them Use: Snake smuggled these into the mission in his stomach. While using these, your health will steadily decrease, but you will be perfectly still if you need to snipe. Also, the smoke can be used to illuminate the IR Sensors. --- RATION Max: 5 (VE, E, N) or 4 (H) or 3 (EX) Use: These round yellow boxes contain meals that can restore your health. If you equip them, you'll automatically use one should your health run out. Alternatively, you can access the Item List, and just press A to use them from there. --- BANDAGE Max: 10 In boxes: 2 Use: If your health bar is yellow, you'll start dripping blood. To stop this, use a bandage. You won't have any health restored, though. --- PENTAZEM Max: 10 In boxes: 5 Use: This anti-depressant is a safe way to steady your hand while sniping, for a limited time. Just bring it up in the Item Window and press A while it's highlighted. This item is useless in VERY EASY, as you're automatically set up for precise sniping. --- CARD LVL 1 Found: On Anderson after you infiltrate his cell. CARD LVL 2 Found: On Baker after you fight off Ocelot. CARD LVL 3 Found: On a soldier after destroying the Tank. CARD LVL 4 Found: Otacon will give it to you after you meet him. CARD LVL 5 Found: Meryl will give it to you after you two meet up in the Nuke Building. CARD LVL 6 Found: Given to you by Otacon while you're in prison. CARD LVL 7 Found: Given by Raven after you defeat him. Use: These keycards open doors in the complex. They can only open doors that are equal to or below their number, though. There's no need to specifically use them, as they'll automatically open their doors. --- MO DISC Found: Given by President Baker after you beat Ocelot. Use: You have no personal use for this. It gets stolen by Ocelot once you get captured. --- PAL KEY Found: Given by Meryl after you two meet up in the Nuke Building. Use: This key is used as an override code for Metal Gear. Exactly how it's used is a puzzle, which you'll have to solve. --- SCOPE Found: Start with it Use: Quite simply, these binocs will allow you see long distances. Use the B Button to zoom in, and X Button to zoom out. --- AP SENSOR (Antipersonnel Sensor) Found: Cargo Dock, in the water on the right side. Use: While carrying this, the controller will rumble as you get closer to enemies, allowing you to better guage their distance if you can't see them. --- THERM.G (Thermal Goggles) Found: Tank Hangar, in the unlocked upstairs storage room. After speaking with Anderson, this room is locked with a LVL 4 Door. Also, if you didn't pick up the SOCOM until this room, only the SOCOM will be there, and the Goggles will be placed there after the door locks. Use: Put these on and you'll be able to see things that give off heat as bright colors. This includes enemies. --- GAS MASK Found: Nuke Building B2, in the third room down in the center hallway. Use: Put this on and you'll be able to hold your breath longer in rooms with poisonous gas. --- N.V.G (Night Vision Goggles) Found: Nuke Building B2, in the north-western most office, a LVL 4 door. Use: Put these on and you'll have a refreshingly mint outlook on life, and you'll be able to see clearly in dark areas. --- MINE.D (Mine Detector) Found: Tank Hangar, behind LVL2 Door on 2nd floor, right side. Use: With this equipped, any Claymores in the area will appear as small yellow cones on your Radar. Stepping into those cones will detonate the mine. However, crawling over the dots that originate those cones will pick up the Claymore. --- SCM.SUPR (SOCOM Suppressor) Found: Tank Hangar, behind the first floor LVL 1 door, right side. Use: Equip this and the SOCOM at the same time. You'll automatically attach it. Your SOCOM will now be silent. --- B.ARMOR (Body Armor) Found: Nuke Building B2, behind the LVL 6 Door in the SW corner. OR: Blast Furnace, on the lowest floor past the steam vents, near the guns. Use: Equip this and you'll only take half damage when being attacked. --- BOX 1 (Heliport) Found: Tank Hangar, 2nd floor LVL 1 door, left side. OR: Armory, FAMAS room in SE corner. BOX 2 (Nuke Building) Found: Nuke Building B1, behind western LVL 4 door. BOX 3 (Snowfield) Found: Snowfield, in bunker on the west side. Use: All cardboard boxes can be used to hide yourself. You can also move while under them. If an enemy sees you moving, or runs into while you're not moving, your cover will eventually be blown, so be careful how you use them. There's also a second use for boxes. If you climb inside a Snowcat (the trucks with treads) and hide in a box, don't move, and you'll be carried off to the area that the box dictates. --- KETCHUP Found: Otacon gives this to you while you're in prison. Use: Lie on the floor and press A while having it equipped to appear dead. It works a lot better if the enemy doesn't see you use it, of course... --- HANDKERCHIEF Found: Otacon gives this to you while you're in prison. Use: Equip this and the dogs will not attack you. It smells a lot like Sniper Wolf. --- TIME BOMB Found: In your gear after you pick it back up after you escape from prison, if you resist. Also, you'll find one in the drainage ditch in the Underground Base after you lose the PAL KEY. Use: Throw it away before it blows! Oh, but make sure you're not really near anyone to alarm. --- MEDICINE Found: Nuke Building B1, behind the LVL 6 Door in the computer room. Use: After your capture and imprisonment, if you submit to your torture, you'll catch a cold, which will cause you to start sneezing. Take this to cure yourself. --- ROPE Found: Bottom of Communication Tower A, just after you alert all the guards. Use: Once you reach the top of the tower and get attacked, equip it, and run up to the edge to drop down. --- CAMERA Found: Armory South, behind the LVL 6 door in the southeast corner, shoot down the Sentry Guns and crawl under the broken fence. Use: Equip it, aim, zoom in and out with B and X, and press A to take your picture. There is no mission-related need for this. --- DOG TAGS Found: Hold up several bad guys wandering around the area. Use: Each difficulty has a different set of dog tags. You can collect them, just like trading cards. What do you get for getting them all? Seems like it's just bragging rights. ===================== 4E. Supporting Cast = ===================== Colonel Roy Campbell - He and Snake go way back. The former commander of FOXHOUND will be your CO during this mission. However, he hasn't been told every detail of the mission. (Frequency: 140.85) Dr. Naomi Hunter - She's chief of FOXHOUND's medical staff. She sets up Snake with nanomachines for his mission, and can provide insight into FOXHOUND's members. (Frequency: 140.85) Mei Ling - This young lady is in charge of communications and data management. She designed the Codec, which you'll use for this mission, and she'll also take care of your game saving. (Frequency: 140.96) Natasha Romanenko - This Russian military analyst is brought in to provide Snake with info on nuclear arms. (Frequency: 141.52) Master Miller - Snake's former survival instructor is on hand for tips on how to play the game. (Frequency: 141.80) Meryl Silverburgh - This young lady was captured when FOXHOUND took over Shadow Moses. She has had the finest military training, but no combat experience. She's Colonel Campbell's niece. (Frequency: 140.15) Donald Anderson and Kenneth Baker - The first is the chief of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the second is the president of ArmsTech, a leading arms manufacturer. Both were taken hostage during this incident. Ninja - This mysterious cyborg is clothed in a strange suit from head to toe. He carries a katana, which he can use to block bullets. Hal Emmerich - Also called "Otacon", this guy is an ArmsTech developer who designed the newest Metal Gear. He's a big fan of anime. His nickname is a shortened version of "Otaku Convention". (Frequency: 141.12) Deepthroat - This mysterious informant will always contact you, and he has some pretty good advice. (Frequency: 140.48) Liquid Snake - The leader of the FOXHOUND terrorists. He looks almost exactly like Solid Snake. Revolver Ocelot - Shalashaska the Great is one of the world's finest gunmen and an expert at torture. Member of FOXHOUND. Vulcan Raven - This behemoth is a shaman quite resistant to pain. Member of FOXHOUND. Sniper Wolf - A sultry and brilliant markswoman, and member of FOXHOUND. Psycho Mantis - This member of FOXHOUND has telepathic and telekinetic abilities. Decoy Octopus - Not much is known about FOXHOUND's master of disguise. ******************************************************************************* 5. WALKTHROUGH ******************************************************************************* I'll use compass headings as I refer to directions in the game. These may not really refer to the actual headings in the world, but I'll use north to refer to the top of the screen. ============== 5A. Hostages = ============== Cargo Dock - You'll enter on the southwest side of the dock. If on VERY EASY, your first weapon, the M9, is right next to you. Press X to drop to your knees and crawl under the boiler or nearby pipes. There are two guards wandering around the west and east end of this area. Watch the puddles on the ground. If you run too fast, you'll make noise. The elevator you're looking for is at the north end of the room. Once you get there, it will start down, with a third guard on it (if playing on EASY or higher). If playing on EASY, next to the door is your first weapon, an M9 pistol. If you're playing on NORMAL, the M9 is in the leftmost locker. This weapon can tranquilize enemies. Use it to knock out the patrolling guards. Once all are out, you have the place to yourself, so raid the area of the ammo, Rations, and AP SENSOR, which you'll find under the water on the east side. Anyway, once you're cleaned up here, hop in the elevator. If playing on HARD or EXTREME, you'll have no weapon down here, so you'll just have to make do and sneak the whole way. Heliport - Once you get control, you'll find that you're at the south end of the area. Your objective here is to gain entry to the building. The front entrance is out, so you'll have to sneak in through a vent. There are two, one on the first floor, and one on the second. There are three guards in this area (four on EXTREME), two on the ground, patrolling the west and east sides. The third is on the second floor, patrolling the catwalks. The extra one on EXTREME is in the south end of the area. Make sure you take a trip into the back of the Snowcat (the truck with treads) to pick up the SOCOM pistol. If you didn't get the M9 in the last room, there's another beneath the Snowcat, on VERY EASY to NORMAL difficulties. There's also Chaff Grenades on the helipad, but you'll have to avoid or shoot out the spotlights. If you want some early Stun Grenades, go to the west end of the area, but there's a Camera that's really tough to avoid, so you may have to use one of your Chaffs, or you can shoot it, if the guards are all knocked out. Anyway, to enter the building, you can go in on the first floor, but you'll have to avoid the two guards and two cameras near the front door. If you wish to enter through the second floor, you'll only have to deal with the guard on the east side, and on the catwalk, and slip in through the vent up there. Tank Hangar - Regardless of which vent you use, you'll end up here. Your goal is on the north side of the first floor, in the form of the elevator. There are two guards wandering around the tanks on the ground floor. On the upper catwalks are two cameras on the NW and NE corners. Also, there's a camera in the storage area on the east side of the second floor, which has a Book and Thermal Goggles. Once you're done here, tap Y to start the elevator, hop in, and walk over to the buttons. Select B1. Holding Cells - Head down to the southeast corner, and climb up the ladder and into the vents. If you want to take a detour, you'll listen to a fantasizing guard. Follow the vents and you'll pass over a nice-looking young lady. Keep going, and you'll reach the DARPA chief, Donald Anderson. He'll tell you about the real reason this whole nuclear threat is such a problem, and give you a CARD LVL 1. He'll then have a heart attack and die. The lady next door will then show up, having knocked out her guard and swiped everything but his pixellation. While the two of you are negotiating, the alarm will sound and the bad guys will show up. MINI-BOSS: SOLDIERS - Fifteen soldiers will come in three at a time. You can either knock them out with the M9 or gun them down with the SOCOM. There's ammo lying around the room, and downed enemies can drop items. Once you take down your first three, your companion will decide to help you out. Once all soldiers are gone, she'll take off and you'll be left alone. Now, leave the cells by the LVL 1 door and head back to the elevator. Select 1. Tank Hangar - Now that you have your new card, go to the east side of the room (ground floor). Dispose of the guard in this room, and take the SOCOM SUPRESSOR to silence your gun. Also, go in the upper west storage room and take the Chaff and BOX 1. Head back to the elevator and select B2. Armory - This place is (currently) nice and empty. Careful, though, because there are a few spots in the place with weak flooring that give way. There are six rooms here, which contain weapons. Enter the middle north room to find a bunch of C4. The middle south room has a SOCOM (if you don't already have one) and ammo. The southwest room has Grenades. Now, you have to find Baker, and they say that he's behind an unpainted wall. This wall is in the southwest corner of the room. Bust it down using the C4 (set with A and blow with B). Also, you can set C4 at unpainted walls in the northwest and northeast corners. If you're playing on HARD, it'd behoove you to do so to the northwest wall, as that's where you'll find the M9. Armory South - There's another wall to blow up on the southeast corner of this corridor. After that, you'll have a choice of two walls. The east-most wall leads to a couple of sentry guns and locked doors. The north wall leads to Kenneth Baker, president of ArmsTech, and boy is he in a pickle. BOSS: REVOLVER OCELOT - Ocelot will use the northwest pillar as cover. In addition to his and Baker's health, you'll also see a meter denoting his current revolver ammunition. The best time to shoot him is when he's reloading, but it's tough to get a clean shot. He's a rather good marksman. Just about any of his shots will hit you, unless you're in cover. Three head shots with either the SOCOM or the M9 will put him down. Oh, and don't shoot Baker. That'd be mean... =============== 5B. Scientist = =============== Armory South - In the aftermath of your fight, a new character will emerge, the Ninja. He'll cut off Ocelot's right arm, cut down all the wires holding Baker, and go a quick round with you before running off. You'll speak to Baker and he'll tell you more about Metal Gear, and he'll give you the CARD LVL 2 and an MO DISC, before he, too, dies of a heart attack. He'll also tell you to contact Meryl, and that her frequency's on the back of the package. What package, you ask? Why, the package your game came in, of course. If you lost it, or never got one, then I'll tell you that Meryl's frequency is 140.15. After a conversation with her, she'll tell you that she'll open the cargo door in the Tank Hangar for you. Head north out the LVL 2 door. Armory - There are two guards here, now (three on HARD and up). Also, you can open the southeast door with your new card. Be careful, because there are IR sensors in here that will sound the alarm, so crawl under them, and pick up the FAMAS assault rifle. Make your way back to the elevator and head to the first floor. Tank Hangar - NOTE: If you were already here when you called Meryl, leave by the elevator and come back. As you get off the elevator, Meryl will tell you the door's open. Notice that one of the tanks is missing. The guard on the east side of the ground floor has now moved to the catwalk, and the guard on the west side is now making regular reports. If he gets knocked out or dies, they'll send in an attack team to find out what happened when he doesn't report in. Now that you have a CARD LVL 2, go to the upper east storage room and get the MINE DETECTOR. Now, head through the open cargo door on the north wall. There are IR sensors in this small anteroom that will release gas if broken. If you have the Thermal Goggles, you can put them on and time your movements past the beams. If you don't, you can also look to your left past the beams to find several control boxes for the IR beams, although you'll have to use your SOCOM to shoot them out (hope it's silenced). Once past the IR sensors, head through the far door. Canyon - You'll receive a message from a guy named Deepthroat about mines in the area. If you got it in the Tank Hangar, turn on the Mine Detector, to reveal four mines in front of you, and one off to your far left. If playing on NORMAL or higher, there are also two on the right side. Crawl over these mines to pick them up for yourself. Once you get about halfway, you'll meet your newest adversary. BOSS: M1 TANK - Although Vulcan Raven's driving, your real opponent is the tank itself. It can fire cannon shots and machine guns at you. The cannon shots are by far the most devastating part of the tank. Fortunately, you can disable the cannon fire by dropping a Chaff Grenade. With the cannon temporarily disabled, you can focus on dodging gunfire and trying to get a shot at the Gunner in the turret. It's kinda tough when the Tank's moving around, though. You can fix that, thankfully. Set Claymores in the area, or drop C4 and blow it as the Tank rolls over it. As you damage the treads, the Tank will become less and less mobile. This gives you a good chance at the gunner in the turret, your main target. You can use any of your guns, and Grenades particularly shine here, as Snake's pretty good at getting them in the gunner's lap. Each Gunner takes three head shots or three direct Grenade tosses, with the M9, the SOCOM, Stun Grenades, or Frag Grenades. There are two gunners to deal with. Once you've dealt with the gunners, Snake will then disable the tank in a particularly cool fashion, and you'll be able to move on. If you need items, there are Rations, Grenades, SOCOM ammo, Chaffs, and Stuns lying around. Canyon - After destroying the Tank, you'll get the CARD LVL 3 off a guard and you can enter the Nuclear Building to the north, where Meryl is hiding. Nuke Building 1F - Head down the ramp and crawl under the door. The crew will radio in and tell you about all the nuclear material in here. For that reason, you cannot use any weapons besides Chaff Grenades and Books. On VERY EASY and EASY difficulties, you can still use the M9. Your objective here is the elevator up the stairs in the northwest corner. On the ground floor are two guards patrolling around, as well as a Security Camera on the east wall (three on EXTREME). On the catwalks above are another guard and another Camera on the north wall. Best way to get through this is to make your way to the west, then up the west stairs and into the elevator. Or, you can just pick off the guys here and raid the area of items. Try not to get caught, because if these guys fire their shotguns, they'll probably hit the nuclear material, which will start killing you. Once in the elevator, go down a floor. Nuke Building B1 - Yes, I know Dr. Emmerich is in the second basement, we're taking a little detour. There are two guards down here: one in the bathroom doing his business, the other patrolling the computer room. Deal with them both. Now, you can raid this room for items. Specifically, take the NIKITA remote-controlled missile launcher in the computer room to the south. Now, head back to the elevator and down a level. Nuke Building B2 - Head through the south door and you'll get a call about the floor being electrified. Also, the whole hallway is gassed. Apparently, someone doesn't want Dr. Emmerich leaving. You can survive the gas for some time, so open the door to the gassed hallway and fire off a NIKITA rocket. If you don't move the rocket, it will travel faster, so remember that. Turn right at the junction, then you'll enter an office area. There are four sentry guns in this area, two on the southwest corner of the wall, and the other two on the east wall of this room. If you move the missile quickly enough around the corner to the right, you can quickly get by the first gun, then pass under the second gun. Veer left as you pass the second and ride the missile into the breaker room. A little more manuevering and you'll slam the missile into the circuit breaker, shutting down the electric floor. Don't worry about running out of air in the gassed hallway; your missile will run out of juice long before you start suffocating. Once the breaker's down, you'll (more or less) have your run of the place. The gas is still up, and will be forever, so your next task is to find some way to stay alive. Head down the central hallway, and take the third (southernmost) door on camera right. In here, in addition to a Sentry Gun, you'll find the GAS MASK. Slip it on and you'll be able to hold your air longer in the gas. There is also one other gun at the southeast door, which is your destination. Head through it. Nuke Building B2 (East) - You'll see a scene of pwnination as you enter the room. Chase the ninja through the busted open LVL 4 Door. Laboratory - As you enter, the Ninja will attack. BOSS: NINJA - Shooting him is worthless, as he'll just block your shots, so start punching. Chase him around the room. After he flips and lands is one of the best times to swat at him. Try not to land combos, just use single punches, or else you may give the Ninja an opening. After knocking him down a lot of health, he'll go into hiding with his stealth camo. You can see a little distortion where he's hiding, but he usually picks corners, so just pound him. After that, he'll cut that trick, and he'll start getting up close and personal. He'll walk up to you, then teleport to another side of you. Smack him after he teleports. Keep hitting him and he'll be done. Laboratory - The Ninja will reveal an interesting fact, and take off in a huff. You'll meet Dr. Emmerich here, who likes to be called Otacon. He'll talk about Metal Gear REX and give you the CARD LVL 4. Otacon will take off in stealth camo and will promise to help you. Remember his frequency (141.12) because it won't be automatically stored in the Codec. Now, you have to find Meryl. =========== 5C. Meryl = =========== Nuke Building B2 - You can open a couple new doors here. One of them (the far north door in the west side) has Night Vision Goggles, which can help you see in dark areas. Head up to B1. Nuke Building B1 - Note the spare guard in the area. Take out the original two guards, then get noticed by the new third one. Watch as she(?) takes off and follow her to the ladies' room. Hey, it's Meryl. You'll have a chat with her and she'll want to help you out. She'll give you the CARD LVL 5 and the PAL KEY, which is used to shut down Metal Gear. Use it to start raiding the offices in the computer room to the south, which will net you some items, including BOX 2. Now, head north through the LVL 5 Door. Commander Room - You'll automatically enter the office. Watch this VERY interesting scene (in more ways than one), and you'll discover the root of your problems is Psycho Mantis. Knock out Meryl with a few punches or an M9 and your enemy will face you. Pay close attention to this scene as he looks into your soul. BOSS: PSYCHO MANTIS - Mantis is a HUGE pain IF you don't know the super secret to defeating him. He'll attack one of several ways: he'll lift the chairs in the room and rotate them around himself. He'll lift the suit of armor and send that flying around. He'll send the portraits and books flying out to hit you, or he'll just create a psychic blast and toss it at you. If playing on NORMAL, he'll also attempt a leapfrog trick with the vases. If playing on HARD, he'll ALSO add a trick of tossing the hunting trophies at you. Finally, on EXTREME, he'll also throw the busts at you. One more thing. If you look at Mantis through First-Person mode for too long, you'll get distortion and will be suddenly seeing yourself through his perspective. The secret to beating Mantis is that he's "reading" your mind through your Controller. Oh, it's true! So, what you have to do get a good shot at him is simply switch your Controller to another socket. From that point, you can just peg him with impunity. If he regains power over you, switch your controller to another socket (one of the ones you haven't used yet). After you drain a good portion of his life, he'll bring up Meryl to fight you. Trank her or punch her (but don't empty her life). After you knock her down, he'll instead try to get Meryl to kill herself. Trank her once more, and you can spend the rest of the fight focusing on Mantis. It's also worth noting that, if you lay flat on the ground, almost none of Mantis' attacks can hit you, except the psychic blasts, but those are pretty easily avoided anyway. Once you defeat him, he'll spill his story and open up the secret door to Metal Gear. Commander Room - Head north through the secret door, picking up a few items on the way, then head north. Caves - Meryl will head on to the end ahead of you. Your way forward is to the northwest, crawling under the rocks. The dogs in the area will attack you, so trank them. Once you get out from under the rocks, head east, north, east, then south, and you can crawl out to the east and you'll reach Meryl. That's the quick way, but you can explore the caves and find several items. There are two adult dogs, and a puppy, who won't attack. Once you reach the northeast door, you can go with Meryl through the door. Underground Passage - Meryl will walk through the minefield here. You can either trace her steps with her or just crawl on the ground, which won't set off the mines, and you may even pick up a few. As you pass the minefield, you'll find you have a serious problem. FOXHOUND's Sniper Wolf will attack, and Meryl will be injured. Unfortunately, the only way to fight back is to get your own Sniper Rifle. If you call Otacon, he'll tell you there's one in the Armory. You'll have to leave and go all the way back there. Pass through the caves, Nuke Building B1, up to Nuke Building 1F (don't forget to crawl under the south door), then out to the Canyon. Canyon - Well, you've got problems here, because things have changed since you were here last. Your most immediate problem is two Sentry Guns above the north door sweeping the near area, and a guard pacing around. The towers near the gully in the middle of the area each have a Security Camera, and there are two more guards in the south area (three on HARD and up). Good luck getting on through. I suggest not tranking/killing the first guard before taking out the cameras, as his body will probably be spotted by them, opening up a whole new can of worms. Once you get past the cameras, you can take it a little easier, since you'll have more cover. Head out the south door to the Tank Hangar, which hasn't changed, down to the Armory. Armory - There's a new guard in front of the LVL 5 Door if you're on EASY or higher. Take out all three in the area. Once you enter the PSG1 room, crawl under the IR sensors in the area, then grab the PSG1 and ammo. Now, head aaaaallllllll the way back through the Canyon and to the Nuke Building. Nuke Building B1 - Go to the computer room to the south. The LVL 5 Door here will have the PSG1-T (in case you don't want to kill Wolf). Now, head to the Underground Passage. Meryl will be gone, but you still have an enemy. BOSS: SNIPER WOLF - Grab some PENTAZEM nearby and munch on it to steady your hand. The trick to this fight is basically to shoot Wolf before she shoots you. Don't head out of the square entry section, because if you get close, Wolf will automatically hit you. Otherwise, she'll take a few seconds to line up her shot, longer if you're moving around. Face down her way and pull out your rifle. Zoom in with B and line up your shot. You'll do far more damage if you connect with her head (like every other boss). Once you take a shot, she'll jump to a new spot. Shoot her up enough and she'll collapse. Underground Passage: Head north. There are a few items in the alcoves, but watch the third alcove for a Sentry Gun. Once you reach the base of the tower, you'll find that Wolf's gone. Take any items in the area, then head for the LVL 6 Door to start a cutscene. The short story is that you'll be captured. ============= 5D. Capture = ============= Medical Room - You'll have a chat with Liquid, Ocelot, and Wolf. Ocelot will begin the torture. You have a choice here. If you choose to "Submit", by pressing START + A, then Meryl will be killed. If you don't submit once during all these sessions, she'll be spared. The ending of the game plays out differently either way, and I leave the choice up to you. You aren't allowed to save during these tests, and there are no "continues" (as Ocelot will tell you), so if you die, you'll go back to the last save. If you choose to resist, rapidly press A to restore your strength as the electric current starts sucking it away. After three bouts with the current, you'll be tossed in a cell. Talk to the Colonel on the Codec, then talk to Otacon, and it'll be time for more torture. Three more runs with the current, then back to the cell. Otacon will show up with four things, a Ration, some Ketchup, a Handkerchief, and the CARD LVL 6. Lay down and quickly use the Ketchup. If your guard didn't see you actually use the Ketchup (and you don't move while he comes to check you out), you can get the drop on him. If he sees you use it, the ploy won't work, but you have to try anyway to get the story moving. So, if it fails, it's back to the torture machine. After that run, sit around in your cell, and you'll get released by the Ninja. If you submit during your torture, you'll go through all the same stuff, only without the torture bouts. Time to go. The guard will notice you're loose, so you'll have to knock him out. Run out into the torture room, and grab your stuff. If you resisted torture, check your Items. Look for the TIME BOMB. Well, someone left you a nasty surprise, eh? Toss it away then take cover. Watch out for that Sentry Gun near the door. Holding Cells - There are two Sentry Guns here, but just avoid them and hop into the elevator. If you submitted during torture, you'll notice that you're now sneezing up a storm. Looks like you'll need to go find some cold medicine. It's time to head all the way back to the Underground Passage. Before you get too far: Nuke Building B1 - Open the LVL 6 Door here to get MEDICINE. Use it if you're sneezing. Nuke Building B2 - Open the LVL 6 Door here to get BODY ARMOR. Caves - Equip the Handkerchief and the Dogs won't attack you. Underground Passage - Clean up the items, then head (finally) into the Communications Tower through the LVL 6 Door. Time to switch discs! ============ 5E. Towers = ============ Communication Tower A - There's some ammo in front of you. As you leave the entry passage, you'll automatically run over some tripwires. Nice work, sneaky boy. Now, an unlimited number of guards will start pouring in from behind you. First, grab the ROPE that's lying in one of the boxes in front of you, then head south. You'll be at the base of the tower. There's a bunch of ammo lying around, but I suggest ignoring that and making tracks for the stairs and start climbing. If you can stay ahead of your enemies, you should be fine up to the first "checkpoint", which has several more items. The door up here is frozen shut, so you can't get to the outer walkway. Looks like you'll have to cross over to the next tower from the roof. So, keep climbing, and you'll notice you have a new problem; enemies are now coming from both above and below. Remove them from out of your way however you wish, then continue climbing until you reach the top floor, which kinda twists around. Once you reach the end, press Y to grab the ladder and climb on out. Communication Tower Roof - As you step outside, you'll find you have company, in the form of Liquid in the Hind helicopter. You have nothing that can harm him at the moment, so just equip the ROPE you have and run to the railing. You'll automatically start rappelling down. Communication Tower Wall - Here's how to rappel. Pressing A will kick you off the wall, and pressing B will stick you on the wall, allowing you to move slowly. Use these two buttons in conjunction with the Control Stick to make your way down the wall. As you descend, your Grip Gauge will decrease. If it empties, you're street pizza. In order to restore it, you have to find landing points, which are in the form of girders placed regularly on the way. Oh, and while you're doing this, Liquid is strafing you from the Hind. Have fun. As soon as you reach your third girder, you'll automatically make the remaining descent, landing on the walkway you were originally trying to get to. Communication Tower Corridor - If you wish, you can bust open the frozen door using the nearby C4, but it only sends you back to Tower A. The way forward is across the bridge, and there are three bad guys on the far side. Take out your Sniper Rifle (either one) and take them out. Continue forward and into the door, avoiding the Hind. As you enter the door, you'll find your savior: the STINGER missile launcher. Grab the ammo and enter Tower B. Communication Tower B - Can't go up. There are boxes in the way. Hit the elevator. Can't use that. Start heading down. Stairs are broken. There's no way out of this game! Head back to the elevator and you'll see Otacon. He'll have done what you could not; moved the darn boxes. Head up the stairs. As you climb these stairs, you'll find that every four floors are stationed Sentry Guns, adding one every floor. Shoot them out, chaff them, or avoid them. Once you reach the top, take all the items up here and climb the ladder. Communication Tower Roof - As you'll expect, Liquid will chopper up to challenge you. Fortunately, you now have a means of fighting him off. BOSS: HIND D HELICOPTER - In the main, Liquid will focus on using the guns to try to take you down. Hide behind structures, because dodging is right out. When he stops shooting, use the radar to get his position (a red line on the edge of your radar) and pull up the STINGER. Now, remember, when using the STINGER, that equipping it will automatically bring up the Lock On mode, and you won't be able to move. To be able to move again, you have to unequip the STINGER. Anyway, three lock-on spots will appear on the Hind. Fire at any one, because they all do the same damage. It takes about twenty rockets to bring him down. At about halfway, Liquid will start firing off missiles, which will bust up the area. After you finish the Hind, you can head back into the tower. Communication Tower B - Head back downstairs. The elevator is now working, so hop in. Buzz? That's weird. Activate the elevator and Otacon will call in. Long story short, you've got company. Take out these four soldiers, and you'll reach the ground floor. Head out, clean up any items you wish, watch out for the Sentry Guns hanging around, and head outside. ============== 5F. FOXHOUND = ============== Snow Field - As you exit, you'll find that someone's back for a rematch. BOSS: SNIPER WOLF - This fight is to the death. Basically, the only thing that makes this fight any harder than your other fight with Wolf is that you'll have to cover a larger field of area. Easy way to find out where she is is to just run around for a while. Eventually, she'll start sighting towards you, and you'll know where she's coming from. Once again, it's the game of "shoot her before she shoots you". There's really no other way to do it, because, like before, if you try to get close, she'll automatically shoot you. It takes about six head shots to take her out. Snow Field - Otacon will show up, to witness you finishing Wolf. Now, this whole area's open to you. Check all the warehouses for ammo and items. Just watch out for the Sentry Guns. The LVL 7 Door, which you can't get into yet, just has STINGER ammo and some M9 ammo. Watch out in the easternmost bunker on the north wall, which has planted CLAYMORES. Your way forward is through the westernmost bunker on the north wall. There are stairs in the back leading down. Blast Furnace - As you enter the room, you'll find a guard patrolling up on the top floor. Now, it seems like you've got nowhere to go from here. You can either drop down using the railings, or head to the southwestern corner of the room. From there, you can flatten yourself against the west wall and start inching over to the other side. Be sure to duck while you're inching, because the nearby crane passes pretty low. Once you get on the north side, you can take out the other guard here (two guards on HARD and three on EXTREME) and head for the door. If you wish, you can explore this area, particularly the southeastern corner of the ground floor, which has steam vents and Sentry Guns, as well as several items. If you didn't get the BODY ARMOR before, it's here now. Cargo Elevator - Poke around for items, then hop on the elevator and press Y to get her going. As you ride down, you'll be attacked by four enemy soldiers. Take them down, and you'll reach the bottom. On this floor, you'll find more items and a Sentry Gun. Head to the next elevator and ride down. Whoa. Someone get Alfred Hitchcock on the phone. Once you reach the bottom, pick up items and head through the north door. Warehouse - As you enter, you'll meet your final member of FOXHOUND: BOSS: VULCAN RAVEN - Raven marches around the warehouse (rather slowly) and fires off his minigun in random directions. It's tough to get a well-aimed shot on him, as he will fire rather quickly. I find it best to pull out your STINGER, lock-on, fire, and run away before he can gun you down. It takes about ten STINGER missiles to take him down. If you don't wish to kill him, ten Stun Grenades will work just as fine. The game wants you to use NIKITA missiles, but I find it VERY tough to get one properly homed in on him without him gunning it down, shooting you, or a raven getting in your way. Once he's finished, you'll get the CARD LVL 7, and you can head through the north door. Warehouse North - Watch out in the southern part of this room, since there are a few loose tiles that will give way. There are also two guards here, one patrolling the catwalk, and another a couple floors up looking down. When you finish with them, also take care of the two Sentry Guns near the north door. You can exit through those. ========= 5G. REX = ========= Underground Base - As you enter, you'll see your target right in front of you. This area's a maze of stairs, with plenty of items. There are two guards in here, three on HARD, and four on EXTREME, patrolling the catwalks. After you dispose of them, head to the south side of the third floor to listen in on Liquid and Ocelot. You'll soon discover that you have all three keys to deactivating Metal Gear. Ocelot will notice you and shoot the key out of your hand. Now, you have to go chase after it. Head down to the drainage ditch. Run under the bridge and you'll get a call from Master that a rat ate the key. Oh, and you also picked up a TIME BOMB while you were under the bridge, so toss that away. Well, I can never find the rat, but you don't really have to; there's an easier way to take it out. In the northwest corner of the first floor is a small rat hole. Lay down a Claymore in front of the hole and eventually the rat will go boom. Grab the PAL KEY. Now, head back up to the (now empty) control room. If you have no Claymores, try the same with C4, except you'll have to watch for him to jump out. If you have neither, you'll have to try to shoot it. Underground Base (Control Room) - DEFINITELY shoot out the Cameras here, or you'll get gassed when they spot you. Equip the PAL KEY and press Y in front of the yellow laptop to use it. Now, you have to cool the key to change its shape. Run all the way back to the Warehouse. SUPER SECRET TRICK - If you don't want to make trips to the Warehouse and Blast Furnace just sitting around, then you should take a look at the southeast corner of the middle floor. See that railing area that it looks like you can't get to at all? You can get to it, but it requires a Hang- Drop-Catch. For those of you who didn't read the basics section, first hang from the railing above that one, then press X to let go, then press Y again just as you hit the next railing. Once you're in this secret area, you may notice the two pipes on the wall. One's liquid nitrogen, the other's steam. Shoot them while holding the KEY, and it will automatically change color. You have to Hang-Drop-Catch again to leave, by grabbing onto the wire at the bottom, so be careful. However, if you prefer the simpler method, just head out to the Warehouse. Warehouse - There are two new guards here (three on NORMAL and HARD and four on EXTREME). Deal with them, or just avoid them. After about two minutes or so, your key will change colors to blue. Now, head back to the Underground Base's Control Room and use the key in the blue computer. Now, you have to warm it up, so head to the Blast Furnace. Blast Furnace - One of the guards moved down to this floor, so take him out quickly. After about two minutes of hanging out here, the key will be back to yellow, then another two minutes later, the key will turn red. Now, head on back to the Underground Base. Make sure you don't hang out in the Warehouse for more than two minutes, or else the card will change color again. Underground Base (Control Room) - Toss the key into the red slot. Well, looks like you shut down Metal Gear, right? Wrong! Good work, Snake, you just turned it on. Master Miller reveals his true identity. Now, the room's filling with gas. First, slip on the gas mask, then get on Otacon's case to have him hack the door. Contact him four times (if you don't, you'll run out of time) in succession, and a few seconds later, the door will open. Once you're out, you'll confront Liquid, who will hop into REX and fire it up. Supply Route - As Liquid keeps yakking at you, talk to Otacon, who'll tell you about REX's weakness. Time to take it down. BOSS: METAL GEAR REX - REX has three attacks (in addition to stomping on you if you get really close), it can fire twin machine guns, it can fire a laser weapon, and if you're far, it will fire three missiles that home in on you, so run around to dodge them as you hear them incoming. When you get an opening, pull out your STINGER and lock onto REX's radome, which is the circular thingy on its top right side. Get missiles onto the radome, five on VERY EASY, six on EASY, seven on NORMAL, eight on HARD, nine on EXTREME. After that's done, there's a cutscnene where your Ninja friend will show up one last time, destroy the radome, and get squashed. Now, you'll have a second round, where you'll have to target the cockpit. The same amount of missiles to the cockpit will finish REX. ============= 5H. Endgame = ============= Supply Route - REX will blow, and Liquid will tie you up. He'll throw words at you for several minutes, and gesture towards Meryl, who has a Time Bomb next to her. You now have three minutes to give your brother a good whoopin'. FINAL BOSS: LIQUID SNAKE - Actually, Liquid's pretty easy. Just focus on him with single punches, like when you were fighting the Ninja. Using combo attacks can leave you open. Oh, and watch your step, because if you fall, you won't be coming back. Once you punch him out, you'll toss him over the edge. Time to get out of here before the base is nuked. Depending on whether or not you submitted to your torture, your escape partner will be different. Escape Route - You might wanna grab the RATION, since you don't have any items anymore. Head up the stairs and to the jeeps. Your buddy will fail to find keys in the first jeep, then start up the second jeep. While this is going on, you either have to hold off your enemies or hide from them. There's a RATION in the southwest corner of this room, too. Once the jeep is started, hop onto the back and grab the machine gun. Start firing at your enemies, as well as the barrels next to the gate. Blowing those will bust open the gate, and you will start driving up the tunnel. On the way to the outside are two checkpoints. Shoot the barrels out of the way, then you'll drive up to the surface. Just before you reach the surface, Liquid will show up again (geez, does that guy EVER die?) Use the machine gun to fend off Liquid. Just after you start passing pillars in the middle of the tunnel, you're almost there. Once the cutscene starts, the game is over. Liquid will become a victim of FoxDie and the two of you will make your escape. Congratulations! You once again saved the free world from the threat of Metal Gear! Following your victory, you'll be tallied on your abilities, which is related to your time, your number of saves, continues, people killed, and rations used. You can put your code up on the Internet to check your rankings. ******************************************************************************* 6. ROOM BY ROOM ******************************************************************************* Description: Describes the area, including basic layout, and exits. Opposition: Enemies, cameras, etc. in the area. Unique Items: Special weapons and items in the area. Common Items: Standard items in the area. Letters after the item's/enemy's name indicate the difficulties it shows up on (VE = VERY EASY, E = EASY, N = NORMAL, H = HARD, EX = EXTREME). No letters indicate that it shows up on all difficulties. ======================================== 5A. Cargo Dock to Tank Hangar Building = ======================================== *Cargo Dock* Description: This is the entry area for the game, and you'll only need to come here once. There's a big pool of water at the south end, the only exit of which is at the west stairs. The exit from this room is the elevator at the north end, leading to the Heliport. Opposition: SOLDIER - Patrols up and down the west side. SOLDIER - Patrols around the right half of the room. SOLDIER - (E,N,H,EX) Shows up with the elevator and patrols around the top. Unique Items: M9 - (VE) Right next to your insertion point. (E) Just to the left of the elevator. (N) In the leftmost locker near the elevator. AP SENSOR - Underwater on the southeast side of the room. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N) Behind boiler in southeast corner. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Underwater on west side. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northeast corner. M9 AMMO - (VE,E) Northwest corner, in rightmost locker. STUN.G - (VE) Northwest corner, in leftmost locker. --- *Heliport* Description: A rather large area where the Hind D docks. Mostly a large flat area with a catwalk on the north end, and a small storeroom on the west end. Entry from the Cargo Dock is through the elevator on the south end. You can exit at the north end through the vent on the ground floor in the northwest corner, or through the vent on the second floor in the north end, both of which lead to the Tank Hangar. Opposition: SOLDIER - Patrols eastern side of the area. SOLDIER - Hangs out at the northwest corner of the ground floor. SOLDIER - Patrols the north second floor catwalk. SOLDIER - (EX) Patrols the southern area. CAMERA - Northwest corner of the ground floor. CAMERA - Just east of the main door. CAMERA - The west storeroom. SPOTLIGHT - West side of the catwalk, shining on the helipad. SPOTLIGHT - East side of the catwalk, shining on the helipad. Unique Items: M9 - (VE,E,N) Beneath the Snowcat (the truck with treads). SOCOM - In the back of the Snowcat. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) East side, near metal structures. CHAFF.G - Helipad STUN.G - West storeroom, leftmost locker --- *Tank Hangar* Description: The ground floor has two M1 Tanks sitting dormant. There's a second floor catwalk around the room, staircase access on the west side. There are two LVL 1 Doors, one on the east side, ground floor, one on the west side, catwalk. There is a LVL 2 Door on the northeast catwalk. The eastern storeroom on the catwalk remains open until after Ocelot. When it closes, it's a LVL 4 Door. Entry from the Heliport, through either of the vents. Exits are the elevator on the north wall, leading to the Holding Cells and Armory, and the cargo door on the northeast wall (LVL 5), leading to the Canyon, which only opens when you speak to Meryl. Opposition: SOLDIER - Patrolling west side of ground floor. After Ocelot, this soldier reports in regularly. SOLDIER - Patrolling east side of ground floor. After Ocelot, this soldier patrols the east upper catwalk. SOLDIER - Hangs out on ground floor, behind LVL 1 Door. CAMERA - Northwest corner of catwalk. CAMERA - Northeast corner of catwalk. CAMERA - Eastern storeroom on catwalk. IR SENSORS - Just beyond the Cargo Door. Knock out the control boxes or avoid, or else gas will be released. Unique Items: THERM.G - Eastern storeroom on catwalk, in southeast corner (LVL 4 after Ocelot). BOX 1 - (VE,E,N,H) Western storeroom on catwalk (LVL 1). SCM.SUPR - (VE,E,N,H) Eastern storeroom on ground floor (LVL 1). MINE.D - (VE,E,N) Northeastern storeroom on catwalk (LVL 2). Common Items: M9 AMMO - Southeast corner of the ground floor. SOCOM AMMO - Northwest corner of the ground floor. CHAFF.G - North end of catwalk. BOOK - (VE,E) Eastern storeroom on catwalk. CHAFF.G - Western storeroom on catwalk (LVL 1). CHAFF.G - Eastern storeroom on ground floor (LVL 1). RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northeastern storeroom on catwalk, under desk (LVL 2). STUN.G - Northeastern storeroom on catwalk, middle locker (LVL 2). --- *Holding Cells* Description: This is a small area, consisting of a lobby passage, a guard room, a small restroom, and two holding cells, plus a vent system. Elevator on north wall leads to Tank Hangar and Armory. LVL 6 Door on west wall leads to Medical Room. Opposition: SOLDIER FIGHT - Group of fifteen soldiers after talking to Anderson. AUTO-GUN - Just east of the elevator door, appears after capture. AUTO-GUN - Just south of the elevator door, appears after capture. Unique Items: M9 - (EX) In the vents just prior to Anderson's cell IF you're fast enough to get there. CARD LVL 1 - Climb through the vents and speak to Anderson. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) In the lower vent system. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Anderson's cell, under the bed. M9 AMMO - (VE,E,N) In vent system, in a detour. M9 AMMO - (VE,E,N,H) In restroom. SOCOM AMMO - Middle of the guard room. SOCOM AMMO - Locker in the guard room. BOOK - In restroom. --- *Armory* Description: This area has several small rooms with weapons. There are three tiles that collapse, one to the left of each of the weapon rooms in the top row. The northeast room is LVL 5. The north room is LVL 1. The northeast room is LVL 3. The southeast room is LVL 1. The south room is open. The southeast room is LVL 2. Exits are the north elevator, which leads to Tank Hangar and Armory, and the southwest wall (blow open with C4) and south door (LVL 2), which both lead to Armory South. There is also a bustable wall in the northwest corner, leading to a hidden room, as well as another in the northeast corner. Opposition: SOLDIER - Appears after Ocelot, patrols west side of room. (H,EX) Reports in regularly. SOLDIER - Appears after Ocelot, patrols middle of room SOLDIER - (H,EX) Appears after Ocelot, patrols east side of room. SOLDIER - (E,N,H,EX) Appears after Mantis, patrols LVL 5 Door, disappears after capture. IR SENSORS - Southeast room, crawl under (LVL 2). IR SENSORS - Northwest room, crawl under (LVL 5). Unique Items: SOCOM - South room. M9 - Behind northwest wall. FAMAS - Southeast room (LVL 2). BOX 1 - Southeast room (LVL 2). NIKITA - Northeast room (LVL 3). PSG1 - Northwest room (LVL 5). Common Items: SOCOM AMMO (x4) - South room. C4 (x6) - North room (LVL 1). GRENADE (x4) - Southwest room (LVL 1). SOCOM AMMO - Behind northwest wall. SOCOM AMMO - Behind northeast wall. FAMAS AMMO - Behind northwest wall. FAMAS AMMO (x3) - Behind northeast wall. STUN.G - Behind northwest wall. CHAFF.G - Behind northeast wall. C4 - Behind northwest wall. FAMAS AMMO (x3) - Southeast room (LVL 2). NIKITA AMMO - (VE,E,N,H) Northeast room (LVL 3). BOOK - (VE,E,N,H) Northeast room, in locker (LVL 3). PSG1 AMMO (x2) - (VE,E,N,H) Northwest room (LVL 5). --- *Armory South* Description: This area is jammed, deactivating the radar. Entry is by the northwest hole. Blowing a hole in southeast wall opens another passage. Blowing a hole in north wall will open way to Baker and Ocelot fight. Blowing a hole in east wall will open way to an area with a LVL 4 Door and a LVL 6 Door. Opposition: REVOLVER OCELOT - Waiting in ambush in north room. AUTO-GUN - Eastern hallway, southeast corner. AUTO-GUN - Eastern hallway, northwest corner. AUTO-GUN (x2) - LVL 4 room, north wall. AUTO-GUN - LVL 4 room, south wall. AUTO-GUN - LVL 6 room, south wall. Unique Items: MO DISC - Given by Baker after Ocelot fight. CARD LVL 2 - Given by Baker after Ocelot fight. CAMERA - Southeast room (LVL 6), crawl under chain fence. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Southeast passage, near an Auto-Gun. RATION - (VE,E,N) North room. M9 AMMO - North room. SOCOM AMMO (x2) - North room. CHAFF.G - (VE,E,N,H) Southeast room (LVL 6). STUN.G - (VE,E,N,H) Southeast room (LVL 6). STINGER (x4) - (VE,E,N,H) Southeast room (LVL 6). --- *Medical Room* Description: You won't be seeing this room until halfway through the game. It consists of an examination room at the north end, and a cell area in the south end. The only exit is at the northeast leading to the Holding Cells. Opposition: JOHNNY SASAKI - Patrolling outside your cell. AUTO-GUN - Just above the exit door. Unique Items: CARD LVL 6 - Given by Otacon while in your cell. KETCHUP - Given by Otacon while in your cell. HANDKERCHIEF - Given by Otacon while in your cell. YOUR GEAR - Sitting right next to the examination table. TIME BOMB - Hidden in your gear if you resisted torture all three times. Common Items: RATION - Given by Otacon while in your cell. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Southwest corner of the room. ============================= 5B. Canyon to Nuke Building = ============================= *Canyon* Description: This is a large rocky expanse. The south end has several rocks which can be used for cover, and the north end has a module on the east side. There's also a trench running horizontally through the middle, which can be hid in. Southern exit leads to Tank Hangar, and northern exit (LVL 3) leads to the Nuke Building. Opposition: CLAYMORE (x4) - In the large southern clearing. CLAYMORE - Just past the western rocks, near a Ration. CLAYMORE (x2) - (N,H,EX) Behind the eastern rocks. M1 TANK - Boss lying in wait the first time you enter. SOLDIER - Patrols the east and south portion (after Mantis fight). SOLDIER - Patrols the trench (after Mantis fight). SOLDIER - Patrols the north end of the room (after Mantis fight). SOLDIER - (H) Stands guard by the western rocks (after Mantis fight). SOLDIER - (EX) Stands guard by the trench (after Mantis fight). CAMERA - Situated on the west tower (after Mantis fight). CAMERA - Situated on the east tower (after Mantis fight). AUTO-GUN - Just west of the north door (after Mantis fight). AUTO-GUN - Just east of the north door (after Mantis fight). Unique Items: CARD LVL 3 - Found on a guard following the Tank fight. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Near one of the southwestern rocks. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) In a tiny alcove on the west side. SOCOM AMMO - Northwest corner. GRENADE - In the west side of the trench. GRENADE - Just west of the north door. GRENADE - Eastern edge. STUN.G - In the east side of the trench. STUN.G - Near one of the southwestern rocks. CHAFF.G - Northeast corner. CHAFF.G - Eastern edge. CHAFF.G - Southeastern corner. CHAFF.G - (EX) In a tiny alcove on the west side. --- *Nuke Building 1F* Description: This room consists of two areas, a southern entry room, with a slightly open cargo door (crawl under it) leading to a larger open room with a second-floor catwalk, accessible by east and west stairs. South door leads back to the Canyon. Elevator on the second floor leads down to B1 and B2. Opposition: SOLDIER - Patrolling the east and north end. SOLDIER - Patrolling the majority of the southern area. SOLDIER - Patrolling the catwalk. SOLDIER - (EX) Patrolling the majority of the southern area. CAMERA - Eastern wall. CAMERA - Northern corner on the catwalk. Common Items: M9 AMMO - West end, southern locker. SOCOM AMMO - In the back of the Snowcat at the north end. FAMAS AMMO - East wall, beneath the stairs. FAMAS AMMO - East wall, beneath the Camera. GRENADE - West end, northern locker. CHAFF.G - Beneath the elevator, and slightly to the west. --- *Nuke Building B1* Description: This area consists of a main hallway. There's a men's restroom on the west side, a ladies' room on the east side, and a computer room to the south. The computer room has a LVL 4 office in the southeast corner, a LVL 4 office in the northwest corner, a LVL 5 office in the southwest corner, and a LVL 6 office in the middle west end. Exit by the elevator to 1F and B2, and LVL 5 door in north wall to Commander Room. Opposition: SOLDIER - Using the men's room, leaving to patrol hallway. SOLDIER - Patrolling the computer room and hallway. Unique Items: NIKITA - Eastern side of the computer room. CARD LVL 5 - Given by Meryl in the ladies' room (after talking to Otacon). PAL KEY - Given by Meryl in the ladies' room (after talking to Otacon). BOX 2 - Behind the LVL 4 Door in the northwest computer room. PSG1-T - Behind the LVL 5 Door in the computer room, after you get the PSG1. MEDICINE - Behind the LVL 6 Door in the computer room. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Men's room, northeast corner. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) In one of the lockers in the computer room. M9 AMMO - In one of the lockers in the computer room. SOCOM AMMO - In the middle of the computer room. FAMAS AMMO - In the middle of the computer room. FAMAS AMMO - Under the table in the middle of the computer room. NIKITA AMMO (x2) - East side of the computer room. STUN.G - Northeast corner of the computer room. BOOK - Inside one of the stalls in the men's room. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) In one of the stalls in the ladies' room, after you get access. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) In the northwest office in the computer room (LVL 4). SOCOM AMMO - In the southeast office in the computer room (LVL 4). FAMAS AMMO - In the southeast office in the computer room (LVL 4). PSG1-T AMMO - In the west office in the computer room (LVL 5). PENTAZEM - In the west office in the computer room (LVL 5). --- *Nuke Building B2* Description: This is a rather complicated area. The entry is through the elevator, leading back to 1F and B1. There's an entry room, which leads south to the gassed hallways which heads east to the B2 East section, and west to more offices and the circuit breaker room. There are three offices in the central hallway, the middle one being LVL 4. There are four offices in the west area, the northernmost one being LVL 4, and the southernmost one being LVL 6. Opposition: AUTO-GUN - (E,N,H,EX) The southernmost office in the central hallway. AUTO-GUN - (E,N,H,EX) Above the southeastern door. AUTO-GUN (x4 E,H,EX, x5 N) - Dotted around the western office area. Unique Items: GAS MASK - The southernmost office in the central hallway. N.V.G - The northernmost office in the west area (LVL 4). B.ARMOR - The southernmost office in the west area (LVL 6). Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northern office in central hallway. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Circuit breaker room in the northwest corner. NIKITA (x2) - Middle-north office in west area. GRENADE (x2) - Middle-south office in west area. CHAFF.G - Circuit breaker room in the northwest corner. BOOK - Southern office in central hallway. STUN.G (x2) - Middle office in central hallway (LVL 4). --- *Nuke Building B2 (East)* Description: This is a relatively small area. Exits are to the southwest, back to the B2 area, and to the north, leading to the Laboratory. The area is jammed from radar. Common Items: FAMAS AMMO - Floating near the carnage. --- *Laboratory* Description: This is a moderate-sized room, with several open office areas. The only exit is the south door leading back to the B2 East area. Opposition: NINJA - Boss fight once you first enter the room. Unique Items: LVL 4 CARD - Given by Otacon after you defeat the Ninja. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) West side, behind glass. SOCOM AMMO - Northwest corner. FAMAS AMMO - Southeast corner. FAMAS AMMO - Northeast corner. CHAFF.G - Southwest corner. --- *Commander Room* Description: This is a somewhat small office, which is led to from a short hallway. The south door leads back to Nuke Building B1, and the secret door in the northeast leads to the Caves. Opposition: PSYCHO MANTIS - Boss fight in this room. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northeast corner. M9 AMMO - Southwest corner. FAMAS AMMO - Northwest corner. FAMAS AMMO - Southeast corner. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Secret room (after Mantis fight). SOCOM AMMO - Secret room (after Mantis fight). FAMAS AMMO - Secret room (after Mantis fight). ===================== 5C. Caves to Towers = ===================== *Caves* Description: This cave system has jamming, so you won't be able to just follow the radar out. There's a crawlspace to the northwest leading to the next area, after which the cave system goes east. There are two crawlspaces in the east, one leading east to the exit (leading to the Underground Passage), and one leading south to a stash of items (see below). Opposition: DOG - Patrolling western cave. DOG - Patrolling eastern cave. PUPPY - Eastern cave. Will not attack, but will alert other Dogs. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) East of the entrance, then north. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Southeastern stash (see above). RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Next to the northeastern exit. SOCOM AMMO - East of the entrance, then south. FAMAS AMMO - Through first crawlspace, then east, north, and west. FAMAS AMMO - Southeastern stash (see above). PSG1 AMMO - Through first crawlspace, then east, north, and east. PSG1 AMMO (x2) - Southeastern stash (see above). PSG1-T AMMO - Through first crawlspace, northwest corner. PSG1-T AMMO - Through first crawlspace, then east, north, and east. PENTAZEM - Southeastern stash (see above). --- *Underground Passage* Description: This is a long thin passage. The exit to the south leads to the Caves, and the LVL 6 Door to the north leads into Communication Tower A. There's a small catwalk on the north end. There are also six small alcoves on the west and east side of the passage on the way north. Opposition: CLAYMORE (x14) - Scattered around the southern end. SNIPER WOLF - Will ambush you once you pass the Claymores. AUTO-GUN - Stationed in the northeastern-most alcove on the way to the north end. Common Items: PSG1 AMMO - Northwest corner of first square area. PSG1 AMMO - Northeast corner of first square area. PSG1-T AMMO - Southeast corner of first square area. PSG1-T AMMO - Southwest corner of first square area. PENTAZEM - Southwest corner of first square area. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northeastern-most alcove. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Just southeast of the catwalk. M9 AMMO - On north catwalk. SOCOM AMMO - On north catwalk. FAMAS AMMO - Beneath catwalk stairs. PSG1 AMMO - Southwestern-most alcove. PSG1 AMMO (x2) - Beneath north catwalk. --- *Communication Tower A* Description: This is a tall tower leading up to the communication dishes. It's largely stairs leading up the 27 floors. The entry corridor leads from the Underground Passage. The 9th floor door leads out to the Communication Tower Corridor, but is frozen shut. The 27th floor ladder leads out to the Communication Tower Roof. Opposition: IR SENSORS - These sensors are situated just as you come out of the entry passage. They cannot be avoided, and will result in... SOLDIERS - These are infinite Soldiers attacking from behind you, and they begin attacking from ahead of you as you climb several floors. Unique Items: ROPE - Just past the IR Sensors. Common Items: SOCOM AMMO - In the entry passage. FAMAS AMMO - In the entry passage. STUN.G - Just past the IR Sensors. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Base of the tower. SOCOM AMMO (x3) - Base of the tower. FAMAS AMMO (x3 VE, x2 E,N,H,EX) - Base of the tower. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) 9th floor. SOCOM AMMO - 9th floor. FAMAS AMMO (x2) - 9th floor. STUN.G - 9th floor. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Top floor. SOCOM AMMO - Top floor. FAMAS AMMO - Top floor. --- *Communication Tower Roof A* Description: You won't spend too much time up on this roof. The only obvious exit is the way you came in, leading back down to Communication Tower A. The other way out is by using the ROPE from the last area to climb down and reach the Communication Tower Wall. Opposition: HIND D HELICOPTER - Attacking from the sky, and you're helpless. Common Items: STUN.G - Just south of the entry door. --- *Communication Tower Wall* Description: This area is solely for your wall rappelling that you'll have to do to avoid the Hind and reach the Communication Tower Corridor. Only way is down, and there are two support struts to land on on your way. Opposition: HIND D HELICOPTER - Attacking from the sky, and you're still helpless. Common Items: RATION (x2): (VE,E,N,H) On your way down the wall. --- *Communication Tower Corridor* Description: This is a walkway connecting the two communication towers, so one doesn't have to climb all the way up to get to the other side. Well, you had to do that, anyway, as your entry here is from the Communication Tower Wall. Other exits include the south door, leading back to Communication Tower A (which you'll need C4 to open), and the northwest door, which leads to Communication Tower B. Opposition: SOLDIER (x3) - These guys are perched at the corner of the walkway, and they're pretty decent shots, so some long-range work might be in order. These guys may give up RATIONS, which will one of your VERY few RATION sources in EXTREME difficulty. HIND D HELICOPTER - Liquid will find as you round the corner, so get moving and inside the door. Unique Items: STINGER - Northwest room. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Entry point. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Walkway corner. M9 AMMO - Entry point. C4 - Entry point. STINGER AMMO - Northwest room. --- *Communication Tower B* Description: This is tower is roughly identical to the first one, with 27 floors, roof access, a door at the 9th floor connecting to the Communciation Tower Corridor, and a ground floor entryway, leading to the Snow Field. The major differences are a working elevator, connecting the ground floor and the 9th floor, and the fact that the majority of the lower stairs are destroyed. You won't be going to the ground floor until you visit the roof. Opposition: AUTO-GUN: 11th floor. AUTO-GUN (x2): 15th floor. AUTO-GUN (x3): 19th floor. AUTO-GUN (x4): 23rd floor. SOLDIERS (x4): In the elevator, and you'll fight them once you get underway. AUTO-GUN: In the first room of the ground floor passage. AUTO-GUN (x3): In the ground floor exit passage. Common Items: SOCOM AMMO - 9th floor. FAMAS AMMO (x4) - 9th floor. GRENADE - 9th floor. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Top floor. FAMAS AMMO - Top floor. STINGER AMMO (x3) - Top floor. CHAFF.G - Top floor. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Base of tower. M9 AMMO - Base of tower. FAMAS AMMO - Base of tower. PSG1-T AMMO - Base of tower. CHAFF.G - Base of tower. PSG1 AMMO (x2) - First room before the ground floor exit passage. SOCOM AMMO (x2) - Ground floor exit passage. FAMAS AMMO (x2) - Ground floor exit passage. PENTAZEM - Ground floor exit passage. --- *Communication Tower Roof B* Description: This is the other half of the tower roofs. There's very little walking space here, due to several structure lying around. The only exit is the way you came in, back to Communication Tower B. Opposition: HIND D HELICOPTER - Now that you have the STINGER, you can finally take this chopper down. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) West edge. BANDAGE - South stairs. STINGER AMMO - East edge. =========================== 5D. Snow Field to the End = =========================== *Snow Field* Description: As expected, this is a large snowy field, dotted with several trees. There are also seven bunkers in the area, containing lots of stuff. Exits are the south door, back to Communication Tower B, and the western bunker on the north wall, which leads to the Blast Furnace. The middle bunker on the north wall is sealed by a LVL 7 Door. Opposition: SNIPER WOLF - Your second fight with the femme fatale occurs just as you enter the area. AUTO-GUN (x2) - East wall, southern bunker. AUTO-GUN (x2) - North wall, western bunker. AUTO-GUN - West wall, northern bunker. AUTO-GUN (x2) - West wall, southern bunker. CLAYMORE (x5) - North wall, eastern bunker. Unique Items: BOX 3 - West wall, northern bunker. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) South part of field. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) North wall, eastern bunker. RATION (x2) - (VE,E,N,H) West wall, southern bunker. BANDAGE - West wall, southern bunker. BANDAGE - Snowcat in southwest corner. SOCOM AMMO - North wall, western bunker. SOCOM AMMO (x2) - East wall, northern bunker. FAMAS AMMO (x3) - East wall, northern bunker. PSG1 AMMO - Southeastern part of field. PSG1 AMMO - East wall, northern bunker. PSG1-T AMMO - Southwestern part of field. PSG1-T AMMO - East wall, northern bunker. NIKITA AMMO (x4 VE,E,N,H, x3 EX) - West wall, northern bunker. GRENADE (x2 VE,E,N,H, x1 EX) - East wall, southern bunker. CHAFF.G (x2) - East wall, southern bunker. STUN.G - North wall, eastern bunker. M9 AMMO - North wall, middle bunker (LVL 7). STINGER AMMO (x4) - North wall, middle bunker (LVL 7). --- *Blast Furnace* Description: This toasty warm area has three floors, but it's tough to get between floors. Going down, you can drop from the railings, as long as there's ground beneath you. There's another way to go, too, which works going both directions. On the top floor, the wall is wide enough to inch along. Just be careful of the pulley system overhead; be prepared to duck. Exits are at the top floor, southeast side, leading to the Snow Field, and the bottom floor, northeast side, leading to the Cargo Elevator. Steam vents line the southeastern section, ground floor. Falling into the molten stuff is an instant kill. Opposition: SOLDIER - Patrols top floor, southeast side. SOLDIER - Patrols second floor and ground floor, west side. SOLDIER - (H,EX) Patrols second floor and ground floor, east side. SOLDIER - (EX) Stands guard in the south side of the second floor. AUTO-GUN (x2) - South section, ground floor, beyond the steam vents. Unique Items: B.ARMOR - South section, ground floor Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northwest corner, ground floor. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northeast corner, ground floor. M9 AMMO - South section, ground floor. SOCOM AMMO - Southwest corner, top floor (on the edge). SOCOM AMMO - North wall, second floor, beneath the stairs. FAMAS AMMO - Northwest corner, ground floor, beneath the stairs. PSG1 AMMO (x2) - Southeast area, ground floor. STINGER AMMO (x2) - South section, ground floor. NIKITA AMMO (x2) - Southeast area, ground floor. CHAFF.G - South section, ground floor. STUN.G - Top floor. STUN.G - Northeast corner, ground floor. C4 - Southeast corner, second floor. --- *Cargo Elevator* Description: This area consists of three floors, connected by two large cargo elevators. The top floor exit leads to the Blast Furnace. The bottom floor exit leads to the Warehouse. Opposition: SOLDIERS (x4) - These guys will attack as you descend the first elevator. AUTO-GUN - South wall of the middle floor. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Middle floor, southeastern corner. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Ground floor, east side. M9 AMMO - Top floor, behind southeastern crate. M9 AMMO - Middle floor, northeast of lower elevator. SOCOM AMMO - Top floor, northwest corner. SOCOM AMMO - Middle floor, northwest of lower elevator. FAMAS AMMO (x4) - Scattered around top floor. FAMAS AMMO - Middle floor, northeastern corner. FAMAS AMMO - Middle floor, western edge. PSG1-T AMMO - Top floor, northwest corner. NIKITA AMMO (x2) - Ground floor. C4 - Ground floor, west side. CLAYMORE - Middle floor, southwestern corner. --- *Warehouse* Description: This chilly warehouse is full of large crates, and that's about it. Exit to the south leads to the Cargo Elevator. Exit to the north (LVL 7 Door) leads to Warehouse North. Opposition: VULCAN RAVEN - Your enemy your first visit here. SOLDIER - Patrolling west area after taking back PAL KEY. SOLDIER - Patrolling east area after taking back PAL KEY. SOLDIER - (N,H) Patrolling southeast area after taking back PAL KEY. Unique Items: CARD LVL 7 - Given by Raven after you defeat him. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Northeastern corner. SOCOM AMMO - East side. NIKITA AMMO - Southwestern corner. NIKITA AMMO - Southeastern corner. CLAYMORE - West side. --- *Warehouse North* Description: This area consists of a tiled floor leading to catwalks, suspended over a waterfall. The south exit leads to the Warehouse. The north exit leads to the Underground Base. There are two loose tiles in this room, both in the passage to the catwalks. Opposition: SOLDIER - Patrols the lower catwalks. SOLDIER - Stands guard on the eastern high catwalk. AUTO-GUN (x2) - Bracketting the northern door. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Middle of the entry passage (between the two trap doors). M9 AMMO - East of the southern exit. STINGER AMMO - In front of northern exit. STINGER AMMO (x3) - On the eastern high catwalk. CHAFF.G - West of the southern exit. --- *Underground Base* Description: The dominating feature of this room is Metal Gear REX, perched in the very center. A harmful drainage ditch runs around the ground floor, and catwalks extend up two floors, winding around to a the Underground Base Control Room at the south end of the third floor. Exits are to the south on the ground floor, leading to Warehouse North, and a new exit is created once you use the three keys to the Supply Route. Opposition: AUTO-GUN - In the northwestern corner of the ground floor. SOLDIER - Patrolling the eastern catwalks. SOLDIER - Patrolling the western catwalks. SOLDIER - (H,EX) Patrolling the western catwalks. SOLDIER - (EX) Patrolling the eastern catwalks. Unique Items: TIME BOMB - Placed at a random point in the drainage ditch. PAL KEY - Regained once you destroy the rat that has it. Common Items: RANDOM ITEMS - In the drainage ditch are several items on all difficulties, in random locations. You can find SOCOM ammo, FAMAS ammo, and RATIONs down there. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Ground floor, west side, near water. BANDAGE - Middle floor, west side. SOCOM AMMO - Ground floor, east side, near water. SOCOM AMMO - Top floor, west side. SOCOM AMMO - Top floor, southwest corner. FAMAS AMMO - Ground floor, east side, near water. FAMAS AMMO - Middle floor, in front of REX, from east side. FAMAS AMMO - Top floor, northeast corner. FAMAS AMMO - Top floor, west side. STINGER AMMO - Ground floor, just east of the stairs to the middle floor. STINGER AMMO - Top floor, southeast corner. CHAFF.G - Ground floor, west side. CHAFF.G - Middle floor, just up the stairs. CHAFF.G - Top floor, east side. --- *Underground Base (Control Room)* Description: This small control room contains the laptops which can override REX's systems. The main door will lead you back to the Underground Base. Opposition: CAMERA - Southwest wall. CAMERA - East wall. (If either Camera spots you, gas will be released) Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Just outside the door. BANDAGE - South side of the room. STUN.G - Southeast corner of the room. --- *Supply Route* Description: This large room is used to ferry in supplies for the base. For your purposes, it serves as a big arena to fight your last couple of bosses. You got here from the Underground Base, and the only way out is the aptly named Escape Route, which you'll find automatically. Opposition: METAL GEAR REX - Your first adversary here. LIQUID SNAKE - Your second adversary here. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) You may get lucky and find one around here. STINGER AMMO - Dotted all around the room. --- *Escape Route* Description: This area will serve as your way out of here. It leads to a small garage with a couple of jeeps, and then to a slanted tunnel leading to the surface, after a couple of checkpoints. Opposition: SOLDIERS - Unlimited Soldiers will follow you into the area once a Camera automatically spots you. SOLDIERS - There are a couple of Soldiers to fend off at each of the two checkpoints. LIQUID SNAKE - Your brother tails you in a jeep on your way out. Common Items: RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Just west of your entrance. RATION - (VE,E,N,H) Southwest corner of the garage. ******************************************************************************* 7. BOSSES ******************************************************************************* This area details how to beat each boss, in the order you face them in Boss Survival mode. The human (or as human-like as possible) bosses all have two health meters, a Life meter and a Stun meter. You can drain the former using lethal weapons, and the latter by using the M9, PSG1-T, Stun Grenades, or punching. If you bottom out the Life meter, you'll get credit for a kill, and no kill if you empty the Stun meter. Story-wise, it doesn't matter which you empty, because the end of the battle will play out the same way. --- REVOLVER OCELOT - Ocelot will use the northwest pillar as cover. In addition to his and Baker's health, you'll also see a meter denoting his current revolver ammunition. The best time to shoot him is when he's reloading, but it's tough to get a clean shot. He's a rather good marksman. Just about any of his shots will hit you, unless you're in cover. Three head shots with either the SOCOM or the M9 will put him down. Oh, and don't shoot Baker. That'd be real mean... M1 TANK - Although Vulcan Raven's driving, your real opponent is the tank itself. It can fire cannon shots and machine guns at you. The cannon shots are by far the most devastating part of the tank. Fortunately, you can disable the cannon fire by dropping a Chaff Grenade. With the cannon temporarily disabled, you can focus on dodging gunfire and trying to get a shot at the Gunner in the turret. It's kinda tough when the Tank's moving around, though. You can fix that, thankfully. Set Claymores in the area, or drop C4 and blow it as the Tank rolls over it. As you damage the treads, the Tank will become less and less mobile. This gives you a good chance at the gunner in the turret, your main target. You can use any of your guns, and Grenades particularly shine here, as Snake's pretty good at getting them in the gunner's lap. Each Gunner takes three head shots or three direct Grenade tosses, with the M9, the SOCOM, Stun Grenades, or Frag Grenades. There are two gunners to deal with. Once you've dealt with the gunners, Snake will then disable the tank in a particularly cool fashion, and you'll be able to move on. If you need items, there are Rations, Grenades, SOCOM ammo, Chaffs, and Stuns lying around. NINJA - Shooting him is worthless, as he'll just block your shots, so start punching. Chase him around the room. After he flips and lands is one of the best times to swat at him. Try not to land combos, just use single punches, or else you may give the Ninja an opening. After knocking him down a lot of health, he'll go into hiding with his stealth camo. You can see a little distortion where he's hiding, but he usually picks corners, so just pound him. After that, he'll cut that trick, and he'll start getting up close and personal. He'll walk up to you, then teleport to another side of you, so smack him right after he teleports. Keep hitting him and he'll be done. PSYCHO MANTIS - Mantis is a HUGE pain IF you don't know the super secret to defeating him. He'll attack one of several ways: he'll lift the chairs in the room and rotate them around himself. He'll lift the suit of armor and send that flying around. He'll send the portraits and books flying out to hit you, or he'll just create a psychic blast and toss it at you. If playing on NORMAL, he'll also attempt a leapfrog trick with the vases. If playing on HARD, he'll ALSO add a trick of tossing the hunting trophies at you. Finally, on EXTREME, he'll also throw the busts at you. One more thing. If you look at Mantis through First-Person mode for too long, you'll get distortion and will be suddenly seeing yourself through his perspective. The secret to beating Mantis is that he's "reading" your mind through your Controller. Oh, it's true! So, what you have to do get a good shot at him is simply switch your Controller to another socket. From that point, you can just peg him with impunity. If he regains power over you, switch your controller to another socket (one of the ones you haven't used yet). After you drain a good portion of his life, he'll bring up Meryl to fight you. Trank her or punch her (but don't empty her life). After you knock her down, he'll instead try to get Meryl to kill herself. Trank her once more, and you can spend the rest of the fight focusing on Mantis. It's also worth noting that, if you lay flat on the ground, almost none of Mantis' attacks can hit you, except the psychic blasts, but those are pretty easily avoided anyway. SNIPER WOLF (Fight 1) - Grab some PENTAZEM nearby and munch on it to steady your hand. The trick to this fight is basically to shoot Wolf before she shoots you. Don't head out of the square entry section, because if you get close, Wolf will automatically hit you. Otherwise, she'll take a few seconds to line up her shot, longer if you're moving around. Face down her way and pull out your rifle. Zoom in with B and line up your shot. You'll do far more damage if you connect with her head (like every other boss). Once you take a shot, she'll jump to a new spot. Shoot her up enough (PSG1 or PSG1-T) and she'll collapse. HIND D HELICOPTER - Lent to Liquid by Sergei Gurlukovich, he'll try to use it to swat you off the Comms Tower. In the main, Liquid will focus on using the guns to try to take you down. Hide behind structures, because dodging is right out. When he stops shooting, use the radar to get his position (a red line on the edge of your radar) and pull up the STINGER. Now, remember, when using the STINGER, that equipping it will automatically bring up the Lock On mode, and you won't be able to move. To be able to move again, you have to unequip the STINGER. Anyway, three lock-on spots will appear on the Hind. Fire at any one, because they all do the same damage. It takes about sixteen rockets to bring him down. After six missiles, Liquid will bust up the southern stairs. After emptying its health, it will fire one last volley of missiles at the canisters on the north side, so avoid those explosions. SNIPER WOLF (Fight 2) - This fight is to the death. Basically, the only thing that makes this fight any harder than your other fight with Wolf is that you'll have to cover a larger field of area. Easy way to find out where she is is to just run around for a while. Eventually, she'll start sighting towards you, and you'll know where she's coming from. Once again, it's the game of "shoot her before she shoots you". There's really no other way to do it, because, like before, if you try to get close, she'll automatically shoot you. If she seems to disappear behind a tree, she'll wait a few seconds before trying to lean out and shoot you. It takes about six head shots (PSG1 or PSG1-T) to take her out. VULCAN RAVEN - Raven marches around the warehouse (rather slowly) and fires off his minigun in random directions. It's tough to get a well-aimed shot on him, as he will fire rather quickly. I find it best to pull out your STINGER, lock-on, fire, and run away before he can gun you down. It takes about ten STINGER missiles or ten Stun Grenades to take him down. The game wants you to use NIKITA missiles, but I find it VERY tough to get one properly homed in on him without him gunning it down, shooting you, or a raven getting in your way. METAL GEAR REX - The famed walking tank that the series is named after. REX has three attacks (in addition to stomping on you if you get really close), it can fire twin machine guns, it can fire a laser weapon, and if you're far, it will fire three missiles that home in on you, so run around to dodge them as you hear them incoming. When you get an opening, pull out your STINGER and lock onto REX's radome, which is the circular thingy on its top right side. Get missiles onto the radome, five on VERY EASY, six on EASY, seven on NORMAL, eight on HARD, nine on EXTREME. After that's done, there's a cutscnene where your Ninja friend will show up one last time, destroy the radome, and get squashed. Now, you'll have a second round, where you'll have to target the cockpit. The same amount of missiles to the cockpit will finish REX. LIQUID SNAKE - Actually, Liquid's pretty easy. Just focus on him with single punches, like when you were fighting the Ninja. Using combo attacks can leave you open. Oh, and watch your step, because if you fall, you won't be coming back. Once you punch him out, you'll toss him over the edge. ******************************************************************************* 8. EXTRAS ******************************************************************************* ============== 8A. Dog Tags = ============== I'll say it now: There is no bonus for finding the Dog Tags, just collector's satisfaction. To get Dog Tags from a normal Soldier, you must sneak up on behind him as he marches around, select a pistol, and point it at him by holding A. Snake will say "Freeze", and the guard will do so. Now, he's at your mercy. Walk around to his front, enter First-Person mode, then point your gun at the Soldier's head or groin. The soldier will panic and start shaking, dropping his Dog Tag. Most every soldier in the game has a tag, except those in the Cargo Dock, those in Nuke Building 1F, and those that you have no choice but to attack for one reason or another. The last six Dog Tags in each list are all special Dog Tags, which cannot be taken from hold-ups. The special ways to get those are documented in their sections below. If I put a "*" near the Dog Tag #, it means that that guard is new to that difficulty, as opposed to its easier counterpart. VERY EASY: 000 - Ryan M Mccarthy - Heliport (Left Side) 001 - Alexander Ignatoff - Heliport (Right Side) 002 - Hyun Sup Kim - Heliport (Second Floor) 003 - Bruno Petit - Tank Hangar (Left Side) 004 - Yuu Shinohara - Tank Hangar (Right Side) 005 - Hector S Garcia - Tank Hangar (Right LVL 1 Door) 006 - Young Chan Park - Armory (Left Side, after Ocelot fight) 007 - Rathana Danh Sang - Armory (Right Side, after Ocelot fight) 008 - Scott Derby - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, north end) 009 - Johnny Kickmaier - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, south end) 010 - Jerimiah W Harte - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, near trench) 011 - Alejandro Garcia - Nuke Building B1 (Patrolling) 012 - Menelaos Papadimitrou - Nuke Building B1 (Men's Room) 013 - Zaheer Omar - Blast Furnace (Top floor) 014 - Ryan Callendar - Blast Furnace (Patrolling Lower Floors) 015 - Mamoru Mizumo - Warehouse (Patrolling north side, after 1st PAL KEY) 016 - Jin Zhao - Warehouse (Patrolling south side, after 1st PAL KEY) 017 - Tomoyuki Marumo - Warehouse North (First Guy) 018 - Jason Clarke - Warehouse North (Second Guy) 019 - Mikiyasu Kambayashi - Underground Base (Patrolling west side, 2nd-3rd floor) 020 - Gary Goemans - Underground Base (Patrolling east side, 2nd-3rd floor) 021 - Johnny Sasaki - Nuke Building 1F (Knock out Meryl while she's in disguise, then shake her) 022 - Meryl Silverburgh - Several areas (Knock out Meryl while she's in her normal outfit, then shake her) 023 - Psycho Mantis - Commander Room (Shake Mantis' body) 024 - Sniper Wolf - Snow Field (Shake Wolf's body) 025 - Vulcan Raven - Warehouse (Following his defeat) 026 - Liquid Snake - Supply Route (Knock him off the platform during the fight) EASY: 000 - Sasa Radosevic - Heliport (Left Side) 001 - Huang Rongsheng - Heliport (Right Side) 002 - Damian Di Carlo - Heliport (Second Floor) 003 - Randy W Mcallister - Tank Hangar (Left Side) 004 - Carlos Costa - Tank Hangar (Right Side) 005 - Frederico A Elli - Tank Hangar (Right LVL 1 Door) 006 - Kevin Leung - Armory (Left Side, after Ocelot fight) 007 - David Falcon Marrero - Armory (Right Side, after Ocelot fight) 008*- Elran Joseph Ettinger - Armory (After Mantis Fight, in front of LVL 5 Door, disappears following first Wolf fight) 009 - Miguel Barreiro - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, north side) 010 - Jan Olbrich - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, south side) 011 - Allistair Kan - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, near trench) 012 - Benjamin T Turner - Nuke Building B1 (Patrolling) 013 - Henk Van Den Brink - Nuke Building B1 (Men's Room) 014 - Diajyu Sato - Blast Furnace (Top floor) 015 - Ryan G Vicera - Blast Furnace (Patrolling Lower Floors) 016 - Diogo M Fernandes - Warehouse (Patrolling north side, after 1st PAL KEY) 017 - John D Eriani - Warehouse (Patrolling south side, after 1st PAL KEY) 018 - Chris Kohler - Warehouse North (First Guy) 019 - Pat RW Hart - Warehouse North (Second Guy) 020 - Matt Davies - Underground Base (Patrolling west side, 2nd-3rd floor) 021 - Aurore Portet - Underground Base (Patrolling east side, 2nd-3rd floor) 022 - Johnny Sasaki - Nuke Building 1F (Knock out Meryl while she's in disguise, then shake her) 023 - Meryl Silverburgh - Several areas (Knock out Meryl while she's in her normal outfit, then shake her) 024 - Psycho Mantis - Commander Room (Shake Mantis' body) 025 - Sniper Wolf - Snow Field (Shake Wolf's body) 026 - Vulcan Raven - Warehouse (Following his defeat) 027 - Liquid Snake - Supply Route (Knock him off the platform during the fight) NORMAL: 000 - Michael P Janes - Heliport (Left Side) 001 - Paul Rogozinski - Heliport (Right Side) 002 - Rich Barnes - Heliport (Second Floor) 003 - Kalle Seponpoika Viitanen - Tank Hangar (Left Side) 004 - Dan Amadio - Tank Hangar (Right Side) 005 - Kate Dyson - Tank Hangar (Right LVL 1 Door) 006 - Kaleb T Heil - Armory (Left Side, after Ocelot fight) 007 - Kevin Gordon - Armory (Right Side, after Ocelot fight) 008 - Carlos A Ortega - Armory (After Mantis Fight, in front of LVL 5 Door, disappears following first Wolf fight) 009 - Edward R Holmberg - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, north side) 010 - Suneel C Buggai - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, near trench) 011 - Ken Alguire - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, south side) 012 - David Miner - Nuke Building B1 (Men's Room) 013 - Steven Tieu - Nuke Building B1 (Patrolling) 014 - Souta Asaka - Blast Furnace (Top floor) 015 - Paul Caporicci - Blast Furnace (Patrolling Lower Floors) 016 - Akitaka Tosaka - Warehouse (Patrolling west side, after 1st PAL KEY) 017*- Carey Murray - Warehouse (Patrolling the south side, after 1st PAL KEY) 018 - Brian L Hansen - Warehouse (Patrolling east side, after 1st PAL KEY) 019 - Eric Dechaux - Warehouse North (First Guy) 020 - Essam Khlil M Obaidi - Warehouse North (Second Guy) 021 - Vong Chan Phuc - Underground Base (Patrolling west side, 2nd-3rd floor) 022 - Patrick Ingoldsby - Underground Base (Patrolling east side, 2nd-3rd floor) 023 - Johnny Sasaki - Nuke Building 1F (Knock out Meryl while she's in disguise, then shake her) 024 - Meryl Silverburgh - Several areas (Knock out Meryl while she's in her normal outfit, then shake her) 025 - Psycho Mantis - Commander Room (Shake Mantis' body) 026 - Sniper Wolf - Snow Field (Shake Wolf's body) 027 - Vulcan Raven - Warehouse (Following his defeat) 028 - Liquid Snake - Supply Route (Knock him off the platform during the fight) HARD: 000 - Mark Ernest Torio - Heliport (Left Side) 001 - Alex H Higgins - Heliport (Right Side) 002 - Li Shi Dan - Heliport (Second Floor) 003 - Kristopher Schmitt - Tank Hangar (Left Side) 004 - Arthur Manuel Szpilski - Tank Hangar (Right Side) 005 - Kevin S Weng - Tank Hangar (Right LVL 1 Door) 006 - Michael A Williams - Armory (Middle, after Ocelot fight) 007 - Patrick M Michalishyn - Armory (Right Side, after Ocelot fight) 008 - Juliard Ej Emilien - Armory (After Mantis Fight, in front of LVL 5 Door, disappears following first Wolf fight) 009*- Ross Lillo - Armory (Left Side, after Ocelot fight) 010 - Andy E Turner - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, north side) 011 - Nouri Frederic - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, near trench) 012 - Eric J Holmes - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, south side) 013*- Alex G Fisico - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, standing guard near the rocks) 014 - Jong Dong Kim - Nuke Building B1 (Patrolling) 015 - Navid Masseratt - Nuke Building B1 (Men's Room) 016 - Jad V Jureidini - Blast Furnace (Top floor) 017*- Jon Michael V Lim - Blast Furnace (Patrolling Ground Floor) 018 - Andrew M Long - Blast Furnace (Patrolling Lower Floors) 019 - Bruno Almeida Vilares - Warehouse (Patrolling west side, after 1st PAL KEY) 020 - Dmitriy Sergeevitch Kovalev - Warehouse (Patrolling the south side, after 1st PAL KEY) 021 - Oscar H Grandell - Warehouse (Patrolling east side, after 1st PAL KEY) 022 - Fernando Makio Yoshimoto - Warehouse North (First Guy) 023 - Christoper J Barbour - Warehouse North (Second Guy) 024 - Jose Maria Castillo Secilla - Underground Base (Patrolling west side, 2nd floor) 025 - Michael R Klingensmith - Underground Base (Patrolling east side, 2nd-3rd floor) 026*- Doug Tooley - Underground Base (Patrolling west side, 3rd floor) 027 - Johnny Sasaki - Nuke Building 1F (Knock out Meryl while she's in disguise, then shake her) 028 - Meryl Silverburgh - Several areas (Knock out Meryl while she's in her normal outfit, then shake her) 029 - Psycho Mantis - Commander Room (Shake Mantis' body) 030 - Sniper Wolf - Snow Field (Shake Wolf's body) 031 - Vulcan Raven - Warehouse (Following his defeat) 032 - Liquid Snake - Supply Route (Knock him off the platform during the fight) EXTREME: 000 - Leon Shi - Heliport (Left Side) 001 - Itoh Yuuichi - Heliport (Right Side) 002 - Justin C Weber - Heliport (Second Floor) 003*- Augusto M Piccio - Heliport (South Side) 004 - Nam Huan Ho - Tank Hangar (Left Side) 005 - Vlad A Parfyonov - Tank Hangar (Right Side) 006 - Kris O R Sutton - Tank Hangar (Right LVL 1 Door) 007 - David P Newman - Armory (Middle, after Ocelot fight) 008 - Tres Feia - Armory (Right Side, after Ocelot fight) 009 - Kyle P Wright - Armory (After Mantis Fight, in front of LVL 5 Door, disappears following first Wolf fight) 010 - Markus A Lindgvist - Armory (Left Side, after Ocelot fight) 011 - Ted Traver - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, north side) 012 - Solid Emad Ylaaj - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, patrolling near trench) 013 - Seosamh Gowram - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, south side) 014 - Kiba Wang Amada - Canyon (After Mantis Fight, guarding near trench) 015 - Iori Oda - Nuke Building B1 (Patrolling) 016 - James O'Reilly - Nuke Building B1 (Men's Room) 017 - Tomotaka Morita - Blast Furnace (Top floor) 018 - John Weaver - Blast Furnace (Patrolling Ground Floor) 019 - Jaeho Song - Blast Furnace (Patrolling Lower Floors) 020*- Todd Macintyre - Blast Furnace (Guarding Middle Floor) 021 - Mike Lisman - Warehouse (Patrolling northwest, after 1st PAL KEY) 022 - Wai K Lam - Warehouse (Patrolling southwest, after 1st PAL KEY) 023*- Inhyuk Lim - Warehouse (Patrolling northeast, after 1st PAL KEY) 024 - Kenichi Rou Kudo - Warehouse (Patrolling southeast, after 1st PAL KEY) 025 - Eric Gatineau - Warehouse North (First Guy) 026 - Brad Furminger - Warehouse North (Second Guy) 027 - Theo Colin Tyler King - Underground Base (Patrolling west side, 2nd floor) 028 - Robert G Pring - Underground Base (Patrolling east side, 2nd floor) 029 - Jun Yo Kim - Underground Base (Patrolling west side, 3rd floor) 030*- Paris Alexandre - Underground Base (Patrolling east side, 3rd floor) 031 - Johnny Sasaki - Nuke Building 1F (Knock out Meryl while she's in disguise, then shake her) 032 - Meryl Silverburgh - Several areas (Knock out Meryl while she's in her normal outfit, then shake her) 033 - Psycho Mantis - Commander Room (Shake Mantis' body) 034 - Sniper Wolf - Snow Field (Shake Wolf's body) 035 - Vulcan Raven - Warehouse (Following his defeat) 036 - Liquid Snake - Supply Route (Knock him off the platform during the fight) ============= 8B. Secrets = ============= BANDANNA Earned: This item is earned after completing the game, and resisting torture every time, ending the game with Meryl. Use: Put this on and you'll have infinite ammo. --- STEALTH Earned: This item is earned after completing the game, having submitted during the torture, ending the game with Otacon. Use: Equip this and you won't be seen at all. You cannot hold up people with this, because they need to see you to be spooked. --- CAMERA Earned: Earn the Camera from the get-go by completing the game once with each ending. --- NEW COSTUMES Earned: Complete the game twice, once for each ending. Turn them off by completing the game another two times, once for each ending. Effect: Snake will be in a tuxedo, instead of his Sneaking Suit. Meryl will be in a Sneaking Suit instead of her fatigues, and the Ninja's costume has a lot of red in it. ================= 8C. Easter Eggs = ================= There are several Eternal Darkness related eggs. - In the upstairs Tank Hangar, in the room with the computers, is a computer that's displaying an Eternal Darkness website. - In the Armory, go to the NIKITA room (LVL 3) and open the locker. The inside of the door has an Eternal Darkness poster. - The BOOK item has a picture of Ellia on the front cover (look at it as it's in "pickup" mode) and two pictures of Alex Roivas on the inside (after you've deployed it). Otacon's Lab is also a hotbed for eggs. - The poster on the back wall is for Zone of the Enders 2. - Mario and Yoshi figurines are (quite obviously) on a shelf in the lab. You can shoot Yoshi to hear his trademark call, and shoot Mario for a "1-UP", which will restore your health. - Also, in the middle of the room is a desk with a GameCube, Wavebird, and a TV displaying the GCN startup screen on it. Psycho Mantis' fight is quite interesting. - First, the portraits on the back wall are, from left to right, Twin Snakes cutscene director Ryuhei Kitamura, Metal Gear creator Hideo Kojima, and Silicon Knights studio head Denis Dyack. - Psycho Mantis' tirade is quite interesting. He will read your Memory Card. He will comment on many types of games you play. Specifically, he'll touch on Super Mario Sunshine, The Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Eternal Darkness. Mantis will also comment on your tendencies during the game, and how often you've saved. Meryl's Great Butt: - In the Holding Cells, before speaking to Anderson, you'll notice Meryl doing exercises in her cell. Before going to Anderson, head back around the corner, and she'll be doing a different exercise. After five times of doing this, she'll start over, only this time in her underwear. - Also, once you discover her, after finding Otacon, tail her all the way to the ladies' room. If you can get to the ladies' room once she enters, and before the door closes, then the first part of the conversation with her will be while she's in her underwear. ******************************************************************************* 9. STANDARD GUIDE STUFF ******************************************************************************* =========== 9A. Legal = =========== This FAQ was made 100% by me, and is Copyright © 2004 Scott "CyricZ" Zdankiewicz. You may not take it in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way, even if you ask me first, and that includes putting it in HTML format. Please don’t post this on your site unless you have express consent by me. I’ve put a lot of time into this. Give me some credit... Currently, the following sites have permission to post my FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.gamewinners.com www.cheatcc.com www.ign.com I'm not going to allow people with small personal sites to post this FAQ. They may post the link on GameFAQs with all the MGS guides, but, trying to keep updates, well, updated, I'll only allow large committed sites that I trust. ======================= 9B. E-mail Guidelines = ======================= If you wish to e-mail me, be sure to follow these guidelines... - Make ABSOLUTELY sure I haven't already answered your question in the guide. - Make sure it has something to do with MGS: The Twin Snakes. I don't want spam, chain letters, offers for friendship. Compliment me on the FAQ all you want, though... - Make sure you say Twin Snakes at one point in your e-mail. I have more than one FAQ, and asking a generic question such as "How do I kill the last boss?" doesn't tell me much. - Spell correctly and use proper grammar, please. If I can't understand your e-mail, it'll go to the junk pile... ============= 9C. Credits = ============= CJayC, Al Amaloo, and IGN, for having this guide on their sites. Konami Computer Entertainment Japan and Hideo Kojima for creating this wonderful series. Silicon Knights and Nintendo, for their efforts in bringing this remake to the GameCube. Ryuhei Kitamura, for his beautifully redone cutscenes. ===================== 9D. Version Updates = ===================== Version 1.4 - 3/24/04 - Extreme's up. I'll have Ghost Picture Data and Ranking Data shortly. Version 1.3 - 3/18/04 - Hard's up. Version 1.2 - 3/16/04 - Normal's up. Version 1.1 - 3/15/04 - Very Easy's up. Version 1.0 - 3/14/04 - I have the walkthrough and room guides done with respect to the Easy difficulty. Progress will be made on the other difficultes, as well as Ghost captures with the Camera. ==================== 9E. The Final Word = ==================== Good remake. Not as good as AGD Interactive's King's Quest II remake, but a very fine effort, and a good way for us Nintendites to break into MGS.