=============================================================================== | | | __ __ _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _ | | | \/ | | | | | / ____| / ____| | (_) | | | | | \ / | ___| |_ __ _| | | | __ ___ __ _ _ __ | (___ ___ | |_ __| | | | | |\/| |/ _ \ __/ _` | | | | |_ |/ _ \/ _` | '__| \___ \ / _ \| | |/ _` | | | | | | | __/ || (_| | | | |__| | __/ (_| | | ____) | (_) | | | (_| | | | |_| |_|\___|\__\__,_|_| \_____|\___|\__,_|_| |_____/ \___/|_|_|\__,_| | | | | | | ___ _ _ ____ ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ ____ | | | |__| |___ | | | | | |\ | [__ |\ | |__| |_/ |___ [__ | | | | | |___ | |_|_| | | \| ___] | \| | | | \_ |___ ___] | | | | | =============================================================================== || || || || Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes || Platform: Nintendo Gamecube || || Walkthrough/FAQ || Completed: March 29, 2004 || || Written by: Dark Id || Version: 1.0 || || E-Mail: another_dark_id@yahoo.com || Last Update: March 29, 2004 || || || || =============================================================================== || || || =============================================================================== T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s =============================================================================== I. Version History II. Contact Info / Legal Junk III. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes a. Introduction b. Notice IV. Frequently Asked Questions V. The Story So Far a. Metal Gear b. Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake c. Introduction d. Characters VI. Tactical Espionage Action a. Controls b. Menus and Modes c. Moves and actions. d. Next Generation Special Forces e. Other Threats f. Weapons g. Equipment VII. Notes and Miscellaneous VIII. Disc 1 Walkthrough a. "I'm at Sneaking Point." b. "Make me feel it! Make me feel alive again!" c. "A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own." d. "War is meaningless." e. "Don't you use autofire or I'll know." IX. Disc 2 Walkthrough a. "I'm you! I'm your shadow." b. "Okay hero, set me free." c. "Snake! I'll be watching you! Understand?" d. "You've served your purpose. You may die now." e. "Not yet, Snake! It's not over yet!" X. Spoiler Free Walkthrough XI. Extras a. Unlockables b. Easter Eggs and Secrets. c. Dog Tags d. Rankings e. Boss Survival f. Ghost Pictures XII. Big Boss Walkthrough XIII. Credits XIV. Closing =============================================================================== I . V e r s i o n H i s t o r y =============================================================================== Version 1.0 (March 27, 2004): Alright. This was pretty damn quick to make. Here's what's done. Hope you enjoy it. - Finished all the token FAQ junk. - Finished the main walkthrough. - Finished spoiler free walkthrough - Finished the bulk of the extras section. - Finished the Big Boss walkthrough. What to do: - Add a few extra things. - Do a Boss Battle walkthrough. - Ghost pictures! Ooh...spooky... - Possibly add in my own review. =============================================================================== I I . C o n t a c t I n f o / L e g a l J u n k =============================================================================== =================== * Legal Junk * =================== This document is copyright © 2004 Dark Id. All rights reserved. The author of this document is in no way affiliated with Konami, Silicon Knights, or Nintendo. You may not place this document on your website or reproduce it in any way without the author's consent. The following Websites have permission to use my FAQ: - www.gamefaqs.com No other websites have my permission to host this FAQ. You may submit a request to host the document by means of the proper contact e-mail address. ====================== * Contact Info * ====================== another_dark_id@yahoo.com A few guidelines before bugging me. - Head your e-mail with something pertaining to The Twin Snakes. - Do NOT ask questions already readily answered in the FAQ. I'll block your ass faster than an onion on an infomercial. - Spam, chain letters, social offerings, whatever. I don't care. Feel free to give me a nod of approval though. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. - Spelling... Grammar... These things are your friend... These things ward off the evils of the trash bin. Use them. Because knowing is half the battle...! - Try not to be a vulgar little infant. I hear enough profantly laced banter in real life and the web. I don't need it in my inbox too. Also, you can contact me if you want to host my FAQ. A few guidelines for that too: - I need to see your website, so provide a URL. If it's "going to be up", "in progress", "gonna make it soon", or whatever; then it's "no kthnxbye" - Absolutely no crappy free hosting websites. This is including but not limited to Geocities, Angelfire, Tripod, Homestead, whatever. There is a 98% chance your site rocks about as much as a root canal. The answer is no before you even click the "send" button on the request mail. - If I deny permission and see it up anyway, I'll come down legally on your ass hard. =============================================================================== I I I . M e t a l G e a r S o l i d : T h e T w i n S n a k e s =============================================================================== Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes is a remake of the 1998 Playstation classic, Metal Gear Solid. It features all the perks and benefits of its successor, Metal Gear Solid 2, such as graphics and gameplay editions applied to the original game with the power of the Nintendo Gamecube. Cutscenes and voice work have all been redone to make this a fairly different experience from the original work, while keeping things familiar. The gameplay and graphics are now on par with Sons of Liberty. While not a replacement of the original game by any means, it is a very interesting and worthwhile retelling of a legendary game. NEW FEATURES! OMGLOLWTFBBQ: - Graphical engine that is more or less at Metal Gear Solid 2's level. http://cubemedia.ign.com/cube/image/xxmgscompare24.jpg - Updated gameplay features to include that of Metal Gear Solid 2 (hold-up, hanging on ledges, first person view, rolling, etc.) Basically anything you can do in Metal Gear Solid 2, you can do here. - All the voice work has been redone. All the voice actors from the original game are reprising their roles, with the exception of the Ninja, who is now voiced by Rob Paulsen (insert Fight Club reference.) Also, Naomi, Nastasha, and Mei Ling have lost their accents. - All the music with the exception of the ending theme has been redone and replaced. For better or for worse... - The script has been retooled and reworded in some areas. - All of the cutscenes have been redone. Ryhuei Kitamura (Versus) is directing them and they have a much more stylish and actiony approach to them. Expect insane acrobatics and slow motion/bullet time all over the place. Complain about it being unrealistic. Come to the epiphany that you are a dumbass, seeing as you're arguing about how backflips make are unrealistic in a game with psychics, cyborg ninjas, genetically altered super soldiers, and giant bipedal battle tanks. - New weapons include the M9 (tranq pistol) and the PSG-1 T (tranq sniper rifle). - The briefing scene has been completely redone. It uses polygon models now instead of monotone images of a naked Snake. Snake also has boxers now and undeniably brown hair. - Dog Tags are also in the mix this time around. They don't do much, but they're around... With that said, let us begin. I'll try to keep things a touch humourous for your viewing pleasure. =============================================================================== I V . F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s =============================================================================== Questions go here. Send some in. I'm dying out here. Just don't send stupid ones in our I'll make fun of you here. I'll be nice and won't say who sent those in. Q: Will this be released on the PS2 or Xbox? A: NO! This game is a joint effort between Nintendo and Konami. It is developed by Silicion Knights, a Nintendo second party developer. Even if Silicon Knights were to bought out by another company, it's not their property and they can't pawn off a port. Second party development = NO PORT Have you seen Halo on any other consoles? Didn't think so. Wanna know why? Bungie, a second party developer of Microsoft, made it. Come to terms with it, cry about it, right moody poetry about your tortured soul and how no one understands you. Just don't ***** about it to me or anyone else. Q: How many memory blocks does this game take? A: 3 blocks per save Q: How many discs? A: Still two. Q: Are there VR Missions? A: No. Q: Can you still take pictures of ghosts? A: Yes. Q: What kind of extras are there? A: There's an extras section for a reason. Q: What do dogtags unlock? A: Nothing besides the satisfaction of collecting 'em all. It sucks, but were you really going to get them all anyway? Q: Are there still the easter eggs like Meryl in her panties and junk in Otacon's office? A: Yes. And then some. Q: How many endings? A: Still two. Q: How much are the areas changed from the original? A: Areas are largely the same. A few alterings here and there to conform to the new gameplay. But nothing as drastic as say...the Resident Evil remake. Though holding REmake and Capcom in high regards isn't really fare. These are the same guys that release ports of PSX games on 128-bit consoles for full price... Q: Is Raiden in this...? A: I'm thinking no... Q: Will we be able to play as the Ninja. He kicks ass. *insert long babbling rant about Ninja kicking ass* A: I'm thinking...no... Raiden was more or less a watered down Ninja. He's available in Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions. Beyond that... meh... Q: Where can I get some reviews for this: A: http://www.gamerankings.com/htmlpages2/589712.asp Q: Would YOU recommend it? A: Hell yeah. If you've never played the original, buy this immediately without delay. Otherwise, it's still a very solid purchase. Only $40 to boot. Q: Where can I get some additional info on the series (storyline wise)? A: My goofy and heavily abridged versions ain't good enough? Psh... SPOILERS-A-PLENTY: http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/metal_gear_reference.txt http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/metal_gear_solid_plot.txt Q: OMG! Dennis Dyack mistook Demo Theater for Casting Theater and didn't put in talked about extra costumes!! Is it okay for me to ***** about it like a twelve year old and wish him a dog's death because I'm mad I didn't get a novelty mode and Snake in some sort of panda costume or funny hat? A: No. Get a goddamn social life. Go get hit by a bus. You're a blight on humanity if something like this is one of the major concerns in your life, nancy boy. Q: Can I play as the Ninja? A: No. Q: But he's really cool. He should have his own sidestory and...*rambles on for twenty minutes* A: Nobody cares. Q: Why Q: My mom won't buy me this game. What should I do!? A: A few steps for success! 1.) Turn 17+ years old. 2.) ... 3.) Profit! You'll be well on your way, youngen. Q: Will this game come out for...*is stomped on by Metal Gear* A: No! Q: You must have a lot of time on your hands, huh? A: Hell no, youngen. I work six days a week, have a cute girl by my side, a rocking social life, and a love for video games. Though I do have insomnia and barely need any sleep to get by... And with a bunch of friends that sleep at mere mortal hours, not to mention living in the middle of ****ing nowhere, this wasn't a big chunk of my personal time to do. =============================================================================== V . T h e S t o r y S o F a r =============================================================================== *spoilers ahead for the first two games in the series* In case you're ignorant about the series, there are two games prior to this one. Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. These were released for the MSX and MSX-2 computer system. You probably don't know what the **** an MSX is. Oh well. This game is a direct continuation of these, so it's good to know your routes. The following is an extremely abridged version of what happened. Please note that "Snake's Revenge: Metal Gear 2" is NOT a part of the series in any way, shape, or form. Get one of those Men in Black gizmos and wipe it from your memory. It's for the best. Now then, let's get started. ===================== * Metal Gear * ===================== Bad dudes kidnapped this scientist, Pettrovich Madnar. This pisses off the good guys because he's a scientist and stuff and you know how it is with them and their tendency to make doomsday weapons when captured. Anyway, he gets taken to Outer Heaven, a badass evil fortress nation filled with mercenaries just because. The good guys decide to employ the service of special operations team Fox-Hound. This team changes the format of their name all the time just because they're that elite. They've been called "Fox-Hound" "Foxhound" "FOXHOUND" "FOX-HOUND" and probably something like "Cobra S-Unit Vega" by madmen writing NES instruction manuals. Anyway, Fox-Hound sends in Gray Fox, their biggest badass, to take care of business. He gets his ass kicked and gets captured. Well...that sucks. Before he stops calling them saying "Can you hear me now?" on his cellphone, he mumbled something about a Metal Gear. Seeing as they were in a game by that name, they figured this Metal Gear is bad news. So Fox-Hound decides to send in Solid Snake, a rookie in the group. Since their BEST GUY got capture, they figure what the hell. Nobody objects. Big Boss, Fox-Hound's leader, sends in his equally porn star-esque named agent, Solid Snake, into Outer Heaven to stop Metal Gear and rescue folks. He acts as an extremely unhelpful CO for Snake. There were some other dudes. Outer Heaven resistance guys. But you really shouldn't bother yourself with them. Snake sneaks around, discovers the cardboard box is the greatest tactical advantage a soldier could ever have, and sneaks around some more. Eventually he finds Gray Fox and busts his ass down. Fox maybe threw out a few badass quotes, maybe not. But he left to do some junk. Snake fought some folks and snuck around some more and eventually saved Pettrovich and learned how to kick Metal Gear's ass and stuff. Good deal. Snake snuck around the joint for a while longer to try to get to Metal Gear. Big Boss went ****ing insane at this point and leads Snake into a bunch of traps and bad dudes and basically just sucks the place up. Eventually Snake makes it to the 100th floor underground base of Metal Gear. Why exactly it is in the 100th floor basement of a base I'm not sure. He kicks more ass and sneaks around some more. Possibly utilizing a cardboard box once more. Eventually he gets to Metal Gear and destroys it. He plants a bunch of C4 and the thing explodes. This is the start of a common trend in Snake's life that will later carry on to a girly guy that was rejected from Japanese anime. Afterwards, Snake finds out that Big Boss was the leader of Outer Heaven all along. Big Boss is the greatest soldier EVAR mind you. But Snake, a rookie, manages to kick his ass with ease. Outer Heaven's self destruct system activates. All these cool secret bases have one. Only this one has a special function. If you smoke cigarettes during the countdown, the timer will have a few minutes added to it. I assume some disgruntled employee figured he'd raid the base's cigarette cache if someone kicked the boss' butt. Yadda, yadda, yadda. Outer Heaven is destroyed. Snake saves the day. Big Boss calls up after the credits and is all "OMG! wallhack!!1 j00 sux n00b. im 1337 and wi11 pwn u someday1" Thus ends Metal Gear. =================================== * Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake * =================================== The world is in an energy crisis and things are going south quick. A brillant scientist, Dr. Kio Marv, comes up with this formula for OILIX, which makes things all better. He is, of course, immediately captured by a third world country loaded with terrorists -- Zanzibar Land. They decide the best approach is to send in a single guy to stop them and save the scientist dude. They of course get Solid Snake. Snake is shipped off to Zanzibar Land with just a pack of cigarettes, since a pistol would no doubt weight him down to the ground. Snake makes it to the edge of the area and is contacted by Colonel Campbell, the new leader of Fox-Hound. He tells him what's up and let's Snake go on his way. Snake infiltrates the compound using stealth and cardboard boxes. He is contacted by a woman, Holly White; a reporter that has managed to infiltrate a heavily armed fortress nation and stay hidden for a month. Whatever. Snake wanders around, fights one of his old comrades who became a bad guy, and finds the scientist dude from the first game. He tells him Metal Gear is being made and Snake is all "omg that n00b big_boss420!" Snake leaves the scientist dude and heads out to a desert. "One of his fans" call up and tell Snake the place is mined. Snake completely forgets about this after the mission is over. Snake crosses the desert and fights a really fast guy named after an Arnie flick. After a while he fights a Hind D too, since the creators weren't really up to researching another helicopter. He does a bunch of stuff they just translated into Metal Gear Solid after that. Like climb a 30 story building with enemies on his ass and bust people out of jail. Crap and a half. The rest didn't save when I typed it. Stupid computers and attempts at gaining sentinece and killing their masters...and not saving junk. *grumbles* I'll redo it in an update. ====================== * Introduction * ====================== Flash forward six years to 2005. Fox-Hound has taken over the nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska. Lucky for the US, Snake lives in Alaska now. Sure, he's been out of action and he probably reeks of beer and dog. But he kicked ass before. They're sure he can do it again. Snake gets captured by some commandos and stripped down to his boxers and forced into the mission by his old boss, Roy Campbell. Snake objects, finds out he has an evil twin brother, does one of those blank stare gasps that they do on soap operas, and accepts the mission. His mission is to save the President of DARPA (they made the Internet. So of course they're up to bad stuff), Donald Anderson and the some old geezer president of a weapons' maker, Kenneth Baker. They're demanding the remains of Snake's dad, Big Boss, because Liquid has a real inferiority complex and laughing at his dead dad might help solve that. If their demands are not met, they're going to launch a nuke. This is probably bad, unless you have some badass sunscreen. So they take the most logical route of operation and let Snake eat his cigarettes and shoot him out of a torpedo. And so we begin. ==================== * Characters * ==================== - Solid Snake - The guy you play as. A total badass who kicks ass and takes names. Enjoys long walks on the beach, eating and regurgitating packs of cigarettes, romantic nights in cardboard boxes, dogsled mushing, and sneaking around. Has a tendency to get screwed over and fight giant bipedal mechas. - Colonel Roy Campbell - The commanding officer of this mission. Bares more than a slight resemblance to the Colonel in Rambo. His spunky tomboy niece was captured in the Fox-Hound takeover. He is on your support for this mission. - Dr. Naomi Hunter - Medical chief of Fox-Hound. She is also your support. Used to have a sexy fake British accent. Now has a deadpan, bored American accent. Offers to let Snake strip her down if he makes it alive. I dunno about you, but there is better ways to get laid Snake... - Mei Ling - Cute chinese girl that saves your game. She also gives spiffy little proverbs and sayings. She will be replaced by a naggy girlfriend character that goes into boring and akward conversations for 15 minutes everytime you save in Sons of Liberty. Managed to ditch her phantom Korean accent from the original. - McDonnell "Master" Miller - Snake's old drill instructor back in Fox-Hound. Was one of your support back in Zanzibar Land. Somehow went from black haired Japanese looking dude to a blonde haired caucasian in sunglasses. Sort of looks like Albert Wesker. Gives advice that is completely useless unless you yourself are going on a sneaking mission. - Nastasha Romanenko - Manages to be the most useless person in the game. Has no baring on the plot whatsoever. You could literally never talk to her in the entire game. She gives cool descriptions of weapons and items however. Though didn't take the time to research new gear. Lost her sultry Russian Bond villian accent for reasons unknown... Will pound into your head the concept of "nuclear weapons are bad." - Meryl Silverburgh - Campbell's niece. Stepped through a spacial anamoly in Policenauts and managed to appear in a completely unrelated series. Has hypnotherapy to make her into a lesbian or something, but still falls in love with Snake within ten minutes. Is skilled at hiding things between her boobs. - Dr. Hal "Otacon" Emmerich - The creator of Metal Gear. An extremely goofy dork that tends to piss his pants at the threat of cyborg ninjas. Has a nickname that is short for "Otaku Convention" to emphasis this point. But he is a fan of ZOE2, so at least he has good taste. Has a tendency to be a klutz, fall in love with killers with big breasts, and have corny dialogue. - Deepthroat - SICK! Oh...right...Watergate... Open a history book... Though it isn't the same Deepthroat. Mysterious guy that periodically prevents you from blowing yourself up/electricuting yourself. Apparently is one of your fans. - Donald Anderson - The chief of DARPA. Has very poor taste in ties. Is the only black guy in a movie like game. Will probably die within ten minutes of his introduction. - Kenneth Baker - President of ArmsTech. An old fart that has the tendencies of getting put in elaborate explosive traps and forgetting vital Codec numbers. Smells like cheese. - Jim Houseman - The secretary of defense. Keeping up the series' tradition of having at least one character look similar to a well known figure; this one being a slightly meanacing Abraham Lincoln. Wiggy... - Decoy Octopus - A master of disguise. Copies his victims down to their blood. And uhh... Isn't nearly as cool as the rest of Fox-Hound. Probably got picked on a lot. - Revolver Ocelot - A master gunfighter and master of torture. Turn ons include: electricuting people, breaking old men's arms, setting elaborate traps, "slamming long silver bullets into a well greased chamber", catching people using autofire, and westerns. Probably a huge John Wayne fan. Sadly, is diagnosed with Chronic Backstabbing Syndrome. - Vulcan Raven - A giant racist eskimo. Has the ability to be strong as **** and have ravens follow him around. Has a bunch of crazy tatoos including a raven on his forehead. Thinks he's hardcore because he can take missiles and grenades in the face without flinching. - Psycho Mantis - Fox-Hound's psychic. All these special forces units are getting in on that ESP action. This guy can read memory cards and review save data like you wouldn't believe. And did I mention the controller shaking ability? Out of this world. Has a tragic flaw of not being able to read people's minds if they insert their essence into another controller socket. - Sniper Wolf - Fox-Hound's sniper. Can shoot things real good like. Likes to dance with wolves and sing happy songs. Or...not... Can be found in the caves feeding wolves and popping more pills than a depressed drug addict. Also has the weakest damn Sniper Rifle on the planet, just to prove she's hardcore. - Cyborg Ninja - Badass made...metal flesh... A zombie-robot-ninja who would break your arm and slice you in half just for being in his way. Has more kickass one liners than he knows what to do with. Might have a special relationship with a few people. - Liquid Snake - Solid Snake's evil British twin brother! *music sounds and long close-up gasp* Keeps up the tradition of having mullets and porn star sounding codenames in the family. Tends to overcompensate for himself with helicopters and robots. The lead of Fox-Hound and a remarkably hard to kill guy. =============================================================================== V I . T a c t i c a l E s p i o n a g e A c t i o n =============================================================================== ================== * Controls * ================== Here's the controls. Nothing fancy. Though it WILL take a bit of getting used to if you're a veteran of the PS/PS2 controls. ---------- Control Stick: - Use to Move and Aim in 1st person. - Slightly press in the desired direction to walk. - Press all the way to run. - Also used to cycle through items in the menu screen. Control Pad: - Also used to Move and Aim in first person. But you can only run since it isn't pressure sensitive. - Can also be used to cycle through items in the menu screen. C-Stick: - You can shift the camera while against the wall. - Press up and down to move forward and back while in a locker. B Button: - Makes Snake use his melee attack while standing. - When pressed against a wall, taps the wall when pressed. - Also cycles targets while aiming. A Button: - Fires the current equipped weapon. - If no weapon is equipped, A+*direction* will make Snake throw an anemy. - While standing still near an enemy, will make Snake choke said enemy. - Drag fallen bodies while you are near them. X Button: - Used to crouch down or standup while standing still. - Causes you to roll while moving. - Drops you from a ledge while hanging. Y button: - Opens lockers when in front of one. - Jump over and hang from railings that are waist high. - Hop back up from railings. - Climb objects that are waist height. - Put a weapon you are aiming down. Z Button: - Press for the first person view. R Button: - Press and hold for weapon selection. - Quick Tap to quick equip or unequip the selected weapon. - Move to the right while back to a wall. - Sidestep right in first person view. - While in hanging mode do a pull-up by pressing it and the L button. L Button: - Press the L button for item selection. - Quick tap to quick equip or unequip the current item. - Move to the left while backed to a wall. - Sidestep left in first person view. - While in hanging mode do a pull-up by pressing it and the R button. Start/Pause Button: - Does nothing by itself strangely enough... Start+A: - Activates the codec and saved frequencies can be viewed by pressing down on the Control stick or D pad and frequencies can be scrolled through by moving left or right with the control pad. Pressing up or A calls the selected number. Start+B: - Press to pause the game and press again to unpause. ========================= * Menus and Modes * ========================= Here's a brief run down of the main menu and other junk. Selection: Difficulty: Radar Type: Game Over Condition: New Game ----- Very Easy --- Easy | Normal |-- Off --- Hard | Type 1 |---- Not Game Over If Discovered Extreme --- Type 2 --- Game Over if Discovered Starting a new game...well take a wild guess what it does. The difficulties are fairly self explamatory. Very easy is friggin' pathetic while Extreme is rather hardcore. Extreme difficulty can only be completed by completing the game once. I'd suggest Normal or Easy for newbies, Very Easy for twelve year olds and Hard for veterans. The Radar has three things it can be set at. Off is...take a guess... It makes the game a lot harder. Type 1 is for newbies. The radar is always on with the exception of Alerts and areas where it is disabled for what ever reason. Type 2 is the same as the 1st type, only in small spaces (lockers, vents, and the like) it is disabled. Type 2 is how the game is meant to be played. Off is for the hardcore. Type 1 is for weenies. Game over conditions. If turned to game over when discovered, it doesn't mean "game over when alerted" like in Sons of Liberty, no sir. It means if an enemy SEES you "!" and all that, it's game over. It's quite hard. 1337 need only apply. If you actively use the phrase "1337" you need not apply. Selection: Select Memory Card: Load Game ----- Memory Card slot a Memory Card slot b I think you can handle this. Saves are 3 blocks a piece. You have to delete saves from the GCN menu as far as I know. After you complete the game once and open special items, your saves turn red. Selection: Option: Options ------- Rumble ----------------------- On Off Radar Type ------------------- Off Type 1 Type 2 Blood ------------------------ On Off Sound ------------------------ Monarural Stereo DOLBY PRO LOGIC II Subtitles -------------------- On Off 1st Person View Switch ------- Hold Down Toggle 1st Person Motion ------------ Normal Reverse Item Window ------------------ Group Linear Quick Change ----------------- Unequip Previous Screen Adjustment Screen Brightness Rumble feature pretty much explains itself. Leave it on to get to have a few cool things happen later on in the game. Wavebirds don't have the rumble, so meh. Radar Type I already explained. But once more... Off is off... Type 1 is always on... Type 2 is off during intrusion (in small spaces.) Type 2 or bust! Blood on or off... Regardless if you have it off, it's not going to stop your mom from freaking out if she sees the Ninja hallway any other very violent scene. Kick your overly protective parents in the teeth if need be, youngen. Or get older... Whichever... Sound...in case you are behind on terminology. Mono is one linear sound from all (or the only if you have an ancient TV) speakers. Stereo is right and left side speakers play their programmed side. You probably have this type of set-up. Dolby Pro Logic II is surround sound badassness. You have this? I hate you. *piledrives you into a cactus* Subtitles: This ain't a french movie you were dragged to by your girlfriend. Have them on if you want or are hard of hearing. Have 'em off if you want a more cinematic feeling or something... 1st person view switch. Hold it means you'll well...need to hold the Z button to aim. Toggle means you press it and you stay in 1st person until you press the button again. I found holding to be easier, but whatever floats your boat. 1st person motion switch... Normal is aiming how you would in real life. Up is up down is down. Reverse is up and down inverted. Like you would fly an airplane. I somehow got used to the latter in FPS's so whatever... Item Window. If you have 'em grouped, all the relative items will be together. All the cards go together. All the rifles go together and so on. Linear means everything is out on its own, like in the original game. The former is probably the more covenient choice. Quick change. Leave this at unequip. Trust me. I don't think there is any situation where you have to go back and forth between items quickly. Anyway, the menu pauses the game when opened. Screen Adjustment. I don't know what the hell you did to your screen... Screen Brightness. This game is rather dark. You might have to turn things up a notch to see well. Selection: Briefing This is a long and detailed overview of your mission. It features Colonel and the first time he ever gets a lower body! It also has Snake in his boxers saying goofy one-liners. It's around 20 minutes to a half hour of cutscenes. Pretty interesting for your first time watching it. Has a few funny parts, as well as the single most akward moment in video game history that isn't a result of Engrish. Enjoy. Selection: Mode: Submenu: Special -------------- Dog Tag Viewer ---------- Very Easy Easy Normal Hard Extreme Photo Album Boss Survival ----------- Easy Normal Hard Previous Operations ----- Metal Gear Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake Demo Theater Special option yields a bunch of extras and junk like that. Let's take a look... Dog Tag Viewer keeps a record of all the dogtags you have collected. It displays the bloodtype and birthdate of those collected. Each difficulty has a different amount of dogtags. 26 for very easy, 27 for easy, 28 for normal, 32 for hard, and 36 for extreme. Yeah... Photo Album lets you look at any pictures you've taken with the Camera special item. You can also look at Ghost Pictures taken throughout the game and have the option to exercise their foul image on your photography. Stop taking pictures of Johnny Sasaki's butt! Boss Survival pits you against each of the game's bosses in order. You have a limited number of rations and items issued to you each fight. Your time going through is also gauged. You can play on Easy, Normal, or Hard for this mode. Previous Operations is an abridged summary of what took place in the first two game. It's not all accurate, but it's pretty good none the less... Though, I don't remember Big Boss telling me he was Snake's father... Demo Theater allows you to watch all of the game's cutscenes in order like a movie. This is unlocked by completing the game. There is a "reel" for each ending and each ending with special costumes. The action in between scenes is shown through the quick little mission logs you have the option of seeing when you load. Pretty cool. Though I prefer kicking ass myself and not just watch ass being kicked. --------------------- - On screen display - --------------------- Upper left: - Health Meter: Displays your current health. If it drops to zero, you take a dirt nap. Game over, man! Game over! Rations, completing certain events, and Super Mario in Otacon's lab can refill this meter. Also, it will turn orange and steadily when you are bleeding. Duck for a moment and rest to regain health and stop the bleeding. - O2 Gauge: Displays when you are underwater or in gas filled areas. When it drops to zero, you will steadily begin to lose health until dead. Get out of the hazardous areas to refill it. It will deplete quicker if you have less than full health. - Grip Gauge: This gauge appears when you are hanging on a ledge. When it runs out, you fall. You can strengthen this meter by doing push-ups or by performing several drop catches. The highest level is 3. - Boss Health gauge: This appears during boss battles. When it goes to zero, you win. There is also a stun meter below it. You can deplete this using Stun Grenades, M9 bullets, and PSG1-T rounds. Melee attacking also cuts it down. - Subcharacter health gauge: This is a health meter for extra folks during battle. If it is emptied, the character dies and you lose. Upper right: This is your Soliton Radar. It displays where you are, your surrounding area, and where enemies are as well as their field of vision. A brief run down of what is going on here. - White dot: Your goofy ass. - Green lines: An outline of your surroundings. - Green cone: You or your allies' field of vision. - Red dot: Guys that want to kill you. - Blue cones: Enemies field of vision when they're wandering aimlessly. - Yellow cones: When enemies get startled or pick up on something. Footprints, sounds, shadows, you, their field of vision will turn yellow on the radar and they will investigate. Get out of there. - Red cones: If an enemy is alerted or is attacking you, they will show off how pissed they are by having their field of vision turn red on the radar. - Small yellow stationary cones: If the mine detector is equipped, this is what claymores planted will look like. The radar will be disabled in certain areas and turned off in alert and evasion modes. More on that later. Bottom left: This displays your currently equipped item. Hold the L button to cycle through items. Bottom right: This displays your currently equipped weapon. Hold the R button to cycle through items. =========================== * Moves and Actions * =========================== This part is a basic run down of moves and actions you can pull off in the game. I'll use the MGS2 Substance format just for the hell of having a fairly good organization: ------------ - Beginner - ------------ First Person View Attack: Press the Z button. This allows you to aim accurately and hit specific areas and weak points you couldn't normally. Throw: With no weapons equipped, run toward an enemy and press the A button. You'll toss the enemy out of your way. Can hit nearby enemies as well. Corner View: Press up against a wall and move to a corner of the wall. Your view will switch to get a better view of what is beyond. You can also move the camera about with the c-stick. Climb up Objects: Press the Y button to climb crates and other objects that are about waist height. Roll: Run and press the X button to perform a roll. You can knock enemies out of your way with this. Hold the X button to roll into a laying down position when done. Dragging Enemies: With no weapons equipped, press the A button to pick up a fallen foe's body. Hold the button and press the directional buttons to move and hide the corpse. Hanging: Press the Y button near a waist high railing to climb over the edge. You can only hang for a limited time though, so watch the gauge for grip. Press Y again to pull yourself back up. You can go right to left and go in 1st person view in this mode. Opening and closing lockers: Press the Y button to open a locker. Press it again to shut the locker. Not all lockers can be opened. ---------------- - Intermediate - ---------------- Cardboard Box: Hiding in a cardboard box can give you cover from your enemies. You can look in 1st person from the box. But if you move at all, your location will be given away. Soldiers bumping into you also blow your cover. Choke Hold: With no weapons equipped, press the A button to choke an enemy. Hold the A button to hold onto them. You may need to press the A button again to stop them from escaping your grasp. Hold A and press the direction buttons to move with the enemy. Other soldiers will not shoot their comrade, so he can be used as a human shield. Neck Snapping: From the choke hold, tap A several times to snap a guard's neck. This will kill them quickly and quietly. Peek around Corners: When against a wall at the corner, press the corresponding shoulder button to peek around a corner. Sidestep: When in 1st person view, press either of the shoulder buttons to move to the left or right slightly. Press both to go on your tiptoes. Tapping on Walls: Go against a wall and press the B button. You will tap on the wall, drawing the attention of nearby guards. Books: Placing a book will get the garner the horny guards' attention. They will go on their hands and knees and focus their attention on the mag. Quick unequip/reequip: Tap one of the shoulder buttons to quickly unequip the equipment the button is used for. Good for quickly holstering weapons such as Stingers or unneeded items. ------------ - Advanced - ------------ Jump-out Shot: When at a corner with a weapon equipped, press and hold the A button to jump around the corner and shoot. Release the A button to return to your position. Hold-up: Get the drop on your enemy and raise your weapon. Snake will order the soldier to freeze and they will surrender. Aim for the head or crotch to get them to shake and possibly drop items or dog tags. If you unequip your weapon, shoot with no ammo, or have your weapon lowered for too long, the guard will take back his weapon and call for back-up. This does NOT work on guards during Alert and Evasion. Also, reinforcements can't be held up. Tactical Reload: Tap the R button twice to quickly reload your weapon. Handy if you can't afford to wait for the reload animation. Human Shield: Choke an enemy while others are on your tail. They will not fire on their comrade. You can escape with the hostage to better ground. Be wary though, going near other able soldiers will cause them to punch you out of the choke and release their buddy. Run and gun: Press and hold the A button to raise your weapon. Press the B button along with it and you'll be able to run with your weapon raised. For the FAMAS, you'll need to hold the Y button as well to prevent it from firing if you don't want it to. Shake out items: Pick up a fallen soldier with the A button and immediately release it. This can yield items if done several times. Destroying Radios: The guards need to call for back-up when you are spotted. You can shoot the radio out of their hands or on their belts before they are alerted to stop this. Chaff grenades are also effective. Fire extinguishers/pipes: Shooting fire extinguishers and pipes can send out smoke and steam to blind and even hurt your enemies. Use this to your advantage. Be warned, the same can happen to you. Disposing of bodies: In certain areas, you will be able to dispose of a body by tossing it into holes or off cliffs. Look around for a hatch or trap door and drag the body to it. You will automatically launch it to its final resting place. Note that this will kill unconscious guards. Hiding bodies in lockers: Bodies can be dragged and stuffed in lockers for quick hiding. Just open a locker and drag the desired person into it. The rest takes care of itself. Also, knocked out guards will NEVER wake up in a locker. That's gotta suck... Dropping from hanging: While hanging from a ledge, press the X button to drop below. A guard will be rendered unconscious if they are below you. Be warned, though. This can hurt you and even be fatal if from too high up. Pull-ups: Press both shoulder buttons to do a chin-up. Doing enough of these will get your grip strength stronger. Drop catch: This is a risky little technique. It is possible to drop down from on railing to another lower down. To do it, press X to drop from a railing while hanging. When you reach another railing below, immediately press the Y button to catch onto the railing. This counts as about 10 pull-ups. ======================================= * Next Generation Special Forces * ======================================= Next Generation Special Forces -- The Genome Army. These guys are your enemy. They come in all shapes from lovable Johnny Sasaki to jerks that ambush you in elevators. These guys, while not having any real combat experience, are still an elite group of soldiers and won't hesitate to make you more aerodynamic with a assault rifle volley. These guys patrol many areas of the base here on good old Shadow Moses Island. They mostly keep to predefined patrol routes. However, several things can get them off track of their duties. They are: - Taps on the wall. - Footprints in the snow or from water. - Unconscious bodies. - Dead bodies. - Noisy footsteps. - Shots being fired near them. - Book item. - Being shot. - You passing near but outside their field of vision. If they find everything okay (in other words, do NOT see you) they'll go back to patrolling. The only things that will delay that is the book item (which they'll check out), dead bodies (which will put them in caution), or hear loud gunshots (they'll go into alert mode.) There are several "modes" of which the guards will go into. Let's go over those now, shall we: --------------- - Normal Mode - --------------- Guards patrol about minding their own business. They might occasionally doze off and take a cat nap. They might occasionally go take a piss. They won't bother you as long as they don't see, hear, or are attacked by you. That changes if they do any of those things however... -------------- - Alert Mode - -------------- Soldiers have you in their sights and have alerted their comrades. They're now actively attempting to kill you. The radar is disabled if this happens and turns red displaying the alert status. A little meter displays how much longer until the alert is over. It empties fairly quickly, but will immediately fill if you are spotted or fire a weapon again. Alert mode can be prevented by using a chaff grenade before back-up is called, shooting out a guard's radio before back-up is called, or killing/knocking out the guard before an alert is sounded. When the little meter empties, they will go into... ---------------- - Evasion Mode - ---------------- The guards are now actively hunting you down. This will last until the guards are satisfied that you have eluded them. In Evasion mode, if you duck into certain small rooms or areas, a "Clearing" can take place. In a Clearing, a group of two or three guards will search the room you are in for you. They will check in air vents, lockers, toilet stalls, where ever you may have hauled up in. If you make a noise here, they will immediately investigate the disturbance. Also, if you are in a cardboard box and it seems out of place in the area, the guards will shoot a clip into it to make sure. This isn't good for you... Unless you like being shot... After a clearing ends or you evade the guards long enough, you'll go to... ---------------- - Caution Mode - ---------------- The guards are not actively hunting for you, but they are on guard if you do show up. The additional guards in the area now stick around to patrol. The soldiers now work in pairs of two to patrol. They move around much more and don't stick to their predefined small areas. The meter will slowly run out for Caution mode. When it does, back-up soldiers will leave the area and everything will return to normal. Nice job getting spotted captain stealth. ------------------- - Enemy Reactions - ------------------- The Metal Gear series has a quirky little head icon system going for it. Friends and foes will have exclaimation marks and question marks shoot out of their heads when startled. Here's a summary of what everything means. - Blue Question Mark (?): "Huh? What was that noise?" An enemy has been confused by a sound or something happening. They will either shrug it off or investigate whatever happened! - Blue Exclamation Point (!): "What the hell?" Guard was either just attacked, startled, or something just happened and he's not sure what. He may send things into Caution mode if it was severe enough (like getting shot.) - Red Exclamation Point (!): "There you are!" The guard has spotted you and is ready to show you the business end of his boomstick. - Spinning Stars (***): "KO!" Guard has been knocked unconscious. He'll get up after all the stars fall off. He can be woken up quicker by being picked up and dropped, having a fire extinguisher set off near him, or having a guard kick him. - ZZZ: "zzz... zzz... *snot bobble*" A guard is asleep. - Heart <3: Doggies don't want to bite your face off. - Dazed and confused (...): Only displays if a guard's ! or ? is shot by you. The guard zones out for a few seconds. Nifty. ======================= * Other Threats * ======================= These are other miscellaneous, non-soldier threats you'll encounter. Watch out for them just the same. ----------- - Cameras - ----------- Security cameras are peppered throughout Shadow Moses Island. If you get spotted by one, it's Alert time. Luckily, cameras are pretty easy to avoid. You can either: - Tossing a chaff grenade will disable the camera temporarily. This also takes out your radar, so meh... - Shooting a camera will take it out for keeps. You'll need to use a non- tranquilizer weapon though. The silenced SOCOM is your best friend here. - Exploit it's blind spot. Directly underneath the camera is where it can't get to you. Slide on by and you'll be fine. Also, the camera will send a search team to its position if it picks up unconscious or dead guards. So watch where you're wacking baddies. --------------- - Gun Cameras - --------------- These are similar to the normal cameras. Only difference is that instead of calling for back-up, it decides to take you out itself with its mounted machinegun. Getting spotted by one of these does NOT sound the alarm, but it's bad just the same. Tactics for these are largely the same as regular cameras. The only difference is the target area to shoot them out is slightly different. -------------- - Spotlights - -------------- These only appear in the heliport. They can easily be shot out with just about anything. If you are spotted, the alarm is immediately sounded. -------------- - Trap Doors - -------------- There are several areas where the floor will give way revealing a fatal hole in the ground. Fall in this and you die. Simple as that. You can, however, toss bodies in the whole for quick and easy disposal. Just don't trip in like a klutz yourself. Trap Doors appear only in the Armory and Warehouse North. ------------------- - Laser Tripwires - ------------------- These are red beams that will do bad stuff if crossed. You cannot see them with the naked eye. You'll need to use Thermal Goggles or smoke a cigarette to see where they are. Some tripwires have control devices near them. These are little black boxes with a green light on the front of them. Shooting these takes out the tripwire. Remember that. ------- - Gas - ------- Nerve gas. I'm sure you know that this is bad news. If you are in an area with gas, equip a gas mask and finish your business as quickly as possible. --------------------- - Electrified Floor - --------------------- This only appears in Nuke Building B2. It is impossible to pass as you will be immediately electricuted upon stepping on it. You'll have to deactivate it somehow... -------- - Dogs - -------- These only appear in the caves. They're pretty damn pissy if they don't like you, so watch out. Urine soaked cardboard boxes and certain hankies can get them to love you. The only way to take down dogs is headshots. Except for puppies. They are INVINCIBLE! ---------- - Ravens - ---------- Echoes of Resident Evil. These things only show up once or twice in the game and are normally docile. However, if you shoot one of their ranks, they'll go all The Birds on your ass. So don't do it, genius. ================= * Weapons * ================= "Guns don't kill people, death kills people." These are (mostly) things that make bad people turn dead. Here is a brief run down of the weapons. Clip size also means max ammo. And found means more of "first found" than "only found" for some weapons. Let's a-good: -------- - Book - -------- Rate of Fire: N/A Clip Size: 5 Found: Holding Cell bathroom The Genome Soldiers, while genetically enhanced super soldiers, still are guys. A such, they can easily be distracted by magazines with good looking women. Lay one of these down and a patrolling soldier who sees it will focus his attention upon it for a while. Nice... ------ - C4 - ------ Rate of Fire: N/A Clip Size: 16 (1 per pick-up) Found: Room in the top center of the armory. Lv1 locked, marked "C4" Set with the A button and detonate with B button. You can set these on the floor, walls, and even on an enemy's back. Explodes as soon as you tap the B button after planting it. You can set multiple for added fun. ----------------- - Chaff Grenade - ----------------- Rate of Fire: Low Clip Size: 20 (2 from pick-ups) Found: Heliport helipad. Toss one of these and you'll take out everything electronic from your radar to cameras and enemy radios. Functions much the same as a grenade in practice. Mostly used to mess up electronics of cameras and big rig machines. ------------ - Claymore - ------------ Rate of Fire: N/A Clip Size: 16 (1 per pick-up) Found: Canyon. Mined lower section. These work like a ground based, oversized shotgun. Plant them and any enemy who enters the cone in front of it is in for a nasty surprise. You can plant these right in front of an enemy and won't have to worry about getting the business end of it as long as you're out of the cone. Good stuff. --------- - FAMAS - --------- Rate of Fire: High Clip Size: 25 Found: Armory, southeastern most room. Lv2 Card lock. The token assault rifle of the game. Is in full automatic mode, so you'll shot quickly but run out of ammo quickly. The last three shots are tracer bullets. If you want to hold your fire but still have the gun drawn, hold down Y and A. ----------- - Grenade - ----------- Rate of Fire: Low Clip Size: 20 (5 from pick-ups) Found: Armory, southwest side. Behind the Lv1 door marked "Grenades" Pull the pin, five seconds later it goes boom. Since there is no pressure sensitive buttons, you'll need to hold the A button longer for more range. Toss it immediately to drop it close to you, hold a second or so for medium range, and until you're fully ready to launch the thing. It's loud, needs to land accurately to do any damage, but is a quick kill. ------ - M9 - ------ Rate of Fire: Very Low Clip Size: 15 Found: Next to where you begin (Very Easy) Lockers in the north end of the Cargo Docks (Easy and Normal) Under the truck in the heliport (Easy and Normal) Northeastern most room of the armory, bomb the wall (Hard) Vents in the Holding Cell before the DARPA Chief (Extreme) A pistol that shoots anesthetic darts. Knocks out enemies instead of killing them. Your best friend for a good portion of the game. The biggest downside is you need to reload with each shot, so it is very slow at firing. Head and crotch shots immediately knock out targets. Others take longer. Guards will NOT be alerted if shot with one of these. ------------ - Magazine - ------------ Rate of Fire: N/A Clip Size: 100 Found: Whenever you reload our gun. Whenever you reload your weapons, one of these will be added to your inventory. They work like a grenade in use, but do no damage. They can, however, be used to distract pesky guards with the noise of it hitting the ground. ---------- - Nikita - ---------- Rate of Fire: Very Low Clip Size: 40 (10 per pick-up) Found: Nuke Building B1. Area to the south near the lockers on the east side. A remote controlled missile launcher. Pretty much used only for special occasions. You can fire a missile and then turn it left and right with the control stick. The pitch (up and down) cannot be altered. It also has a finite amount of fuel that depletes fairly quick. Furthermore, it can easily be shot out of the air by gun cameras and eskimos. Of note, it can be used as a giant club if you press the B button while it is equipped. It's slow, but about as damaging as an entire Punch, Punch, Kick combo. -------- - PSG1 - -------- Rate of Fire: Medium Clip Size: 20 Found: Armory behind the Lv5 door marked "PSG-1" A sniper rifle. Has excellent range and a decent fire rate. The only downside is that you need to take a Pentazemin to have any sort of accuracy when firing. ---------- - PSG1-T - ---------- Rate of Fire: Medium Clip Size: 5 Found: Nuke Building B1. In the southwestern most room. Only appears after Sniper Wolf event. Like the standard issue PSG1, only for pacifists. Fires tranq darts like the M9. Only for those who aren't into that whole icky killing thing. --------- - SOCOM - --------- Rate of Fire: Medium Clip Size: 12 Found: Back of the truck in the Heliport Your primary sidearm. Can be fitted with a silencer. It's a semi-automatic pistol with good stopping power. Your weapon of choice if you don't have any mantras against killing. ----------- - Stinger - ----------- Rate of Fire: Low Clip Size: 40 (10 per pick-up) Found: Communication Tower Corridor. In the entrance to Communication Tower B. Heat seeking missile launcher. Used for taking on the most badass of foes. Once you lock on to a target, as long as there is nothing in your way, it will hit what it's targeting. You can also fire standard, non-homing missiles by holding the Z button before firing. ---------------- - Stun Grenade - ---------------- Rate of Fire: Low Clip Size: 20 (2 from pick-ups) Found: Heliport. Small room on the west side. Toss one of these and it will stun everything near its blast zone for a moment. Tossing another immediately afterwards will knock out already affected enemies. Works the same as the regular grenades, five second fuse and all. =================== * Equipment * =================== This is a little blurb on all the items and equipment you'll pick up. From the vital to the downright useless and all inbetween. ------------- - AP Sensor - ------------- Found: Cargo Docks. Left side of the area in the water. This allows you to hear the heartbeats of your enemies as they pass by. Only useful for people going hardcore with no radar. ----------- - Bandage - ----------- Found: All over the place. This stops the bleeding if you fall into dangerous health levels. Although, you don't regain any health. You could just duck in place to regain a bit of health and stop the bleeding instead... In fact...you really should do that... ----------- - Bandana - ----------- Found: Complete the game with the good ending. Gives you infinite ammo when equipped. See the special section for more. -------------- - Body Armor - -------------- Found: Nuke Building B2. Bottom room on the west side. Lv6 door lock. This halves the damage you take from various attacks. Extremely useful for hairy situations on harder difficulties. Just equip and you're good to go. ---------- - Camera - ---------- Found: Armory South. In the hallway past Ocelot fight room. Top room locked with a Lv6 keycard. Crawl under some junk to get to it. This is a special item in the game. It allows you to snap and save pictures taken with it. Also, you can get elusive Ghost Pictures with this. Pictures can be seen in the photo gallery of the special menu. Also, this will be in your inventory every time you start a new game after you collect this. ----------------- - Cardboard Box - ----------------- Found: Heliport Box - Tank Hangar, upper level. Room on the west side. Nuke Box - Nuke Building B1. Southern area, top room on the left. Snowfield - Snowfield. Building just to the northeast of the truck. Ah...the cardboard box. Treat your box well and it'll do the same to you. The box can be used as makeshift cover from enemies. Don't hide in the open or somewhere obvious. Guards will notice if a box is suddenly sitting in the middle of a tank hangar or something. The box will automatically be unequipped if an enemy soldier takes it off while investigating or bumps into you. Most importantly, if you equip the box in a truck and stay still, it will take you to the corresponding area on the box. Pretty sweet. --------- - Cards - --------- Found: Lv1 - Get it from the DARPA Chief Lv2 - Get it from President Baker after the Ocelot battle Lv3 - Get it from a guard's body after the Tank battle Lv4 - Get it from Otacon after the Ninja battle Lv5 - Get it from Meryl Lv6 - Get it from Otacon during the Torture event Lv7 - Get it from Raven after the Raven battle These are keycards you get at various points in the game. They can only unlock doors with locks that are the same or lower than your current card. You need not equip the card to open doors, just walk up to them and it will do it automatically. -------------- - Cigarettes - -------------- Found: You begin with them You begin the games with these. We won't go into the nasty details about how he smuggled them in. Leave that mystery to the Hardy Boys. Equipping these causes Naomi to ***** at you and for you to steadily use health until DEAD! Benefitial side of these is that they are an alternative to Pentazemin and you'll be able to see the laser trip wires. But you have a surplus of them there anti-depressants and thermal goggles... ------------ - Dog Tags - ------------ Found: Most unique enemies besides the ones in the Cargo Docks and Nuke Building. Gotta catch 'em all! No real point to them. Just a challenge. I know, it's a bizarre, foreign concept. No goofy costumes or boring side modes? Not even a special screen or lame art gallery? What's up with that!? ------------ - Gas Mask - ------------ Found: Nuke Building B2. In the bottom room on the east side. Equipping this slows down the depletion of the O2 gauge. You won't be able to see well in 1st person either... ---------------- - Handkerchief - ---------------- Found: Gotten from Otaco during the torture event. Equipping this will make the dogs in the cavern stop attacking you. Aww... aren't they cute? ----------- - Ketchup - ----------- Found: Gotten from Otacon during torture event This is used for the torture event a creative means to escape. Figure it out... ----------- - PAL Key - ----------- Found: Get it from Baker after the Ocelot battle A key you get from President Baker to stop the nuclear launch. There's some sort of trick to it... -------------- - Pentazemin - -------------- Found: All over the place. An anti-depressant that can be abused to stop your hands from shaking. Only useful for when sniping. ------------ - Medicine - ------------ Found: Nuke Building B1. In the middle room on the left side of the southern area. If you catch a cold, this will cure it. ---------------- - Mine Detector- ---------------- Found: Tank Hangar, upper level. Room locked with the Lv2 key on the east side. Makes mines show up on your radar. Also useful for tracking down metallic items. ----------- - MO Disc - ----------- Found: Get it from Baker after the Ocelot battle You get this from President Baker and lose it during the torture event. It doesn't have any actual use in the main game. ----------------------- - Nightvision Goggles - ----------------------- Found: Nuke Building B2. In the northermost room on the west side of the area, near the security gun. Turns the world dim and green. They are more or less useless, since the thermal goggles can serve the same function with more definition. "My eyes! The goggles do nothing!" ---------- - Ration - ---------- Found: All over the place Military foodstuff. They act as health replenishers in this game. If you equip them, you will automatically use one when you run out of health. You can also use them from the menu. They can get frozen if you're in cold areas for too long, so watch out. -------- - Rope - -------- Found: Bottom of Communication Tower A. Used to rappel down the side of the Communication Tower. Don't forget it at the bottom. --------- - Scope - --------- Found: You begin with them A high-tech pair of binoculars you begin with. B zooms in, X zooms out. Not much else beyond that... -------------------- - SOCOM Surpressor - -------------------- Found: Tank Hangar, bottom level. Room on the east side. Equip this and the SOCOM at the same time and it will be automatically fitted on the gun for the duration of the game. You'll be able to silently shoot targets with no worry of alerting nearby sentries. ----------- - Stealth - ----------- Found: Complete the game with the bad ending. Makes you invisible to enemies. See the special section for more. ------------------ - Thermal Goggles- ------------------ Found: Tank Hangar, upper level. In the storage room on the east side. These give you a Predator type view of your enemies with thermal imaging. Say "I want some candy" for added effect. An effective tool for seeing in the dark and picking out cloaked mines and people. ------------- - Time Bomb - ------------- Found: Put in your inventory during torture event. Water of Underground Base If you get this in your inventory, GET RID OF IT! Select and use it to toss it away. If the timer reaches zero, it explodes along with you. That isn't good... =============================================================================== V I I . N o t e s a n d M i s c e l l a n e o u s =============================================================================== Let's go over a few things before we REALLY get started. Format of each area will pretty much go like this: ---------------- - Name of Area - ---------------- Guards in the area: Items in the area: Cameras in the area: I'll only note these the first time they appear or are available. It's pretty pointless to list it every time you step into the area. Boss battle format goes like this: ---------------- - Name of Boss - ---------------- Difficulty of boss: Weapon you should use: * Tips and notes on the boss in question Strategy and techniques to beating the boss. Now, the main walkthrough has the occasional spoilers and is a bit wordy. There is an alternative, very basic walkthrough that is entirely spoiler free after this one. Slide on down there if you want to check that out. Well then... "Are you ready now, my brother!?" =============================================================================== V I I I . D i s c O n e W a l k t h r o u g h =============================================================================== ================================== * "I'm at Sneaking Point." * ================================== -------------- - Cargo Dock - -------------- Guards: - Patrolling western side of the area, near the crates. - Patrolling eastern side of the area, near the crates. - Patrolling northern side of the area, comes down with the elevator. Items: - Ration: In water to the south of starting position. - AP Sensor: In the water to the east of where you begin. - Ration: Southeastern side of the dock. - Ration: Northeastern corner near fork lift. - M9: Next to you at the beginning (Very Easy) Leftmost locker on the north end (Easy and Normal) ---------- Alright, let's get this 'Sneaking Mission' underway, shall we? You begin in the southwestern part of the cargo docks. Your objective is to make it to the elevator on the north end. You've not a lot of starting equipment. Just a pack of LETHAL CIGARETTES (no doubt TRUTH brand death sticks) and a scope for peeking into your next door neighbor's window, you pervert! With that said, let's begin. Head into the water to the south to pick up a ration. To the east in the water is the AP Sensor if you want that. Head back up to where you started to continue. Crawl underneigh the air conditioning dealio here, taking mind of the guard patrolling. There are two guards in this area right now. The third will show up later. The two guards here patrol on the east and west side of the room. Mind the puddles here, the guards will both hear the noise and be able to trail the mess you left on the carpet. Avoid them by either well...avoiding, crawling over, or rolling past. Also take note, you can take shelter in the water if things go sour. Guards can't seem to be able to hit worth **** here. Now then, on the part of the dock opposite of where you started (east wall) there is another Ration to pick up. Now then, sneak to the north. In the northern part of the docks is the elevator. Problem is, the damn thing isn't down yet. You're going to have to wait for the time being. Check out the area here. There is yet another Ration up in the northeastern corner behind the forklift. Now on the other side of area are some lockers. On easy and normal you'll find the M9 here. Your job just got a lot easier. Find a place to hide for the time being until the elevator comes down. There is another guard on it. One of his fellow cannon fodder buddies should come to greet him. Unless his neck is broken. In which case *sad face*. Knock out, sneak past, kill, whichever. Just get past the guard and onto the elevator. Tactical Espionage Action METAL GEAR SOLID: THE TWIN SNAKES ------------ - Heliport - ------------ Guards: - Patrolling the eastern side of the area. - Sleeping in the northwestern side of the area in front of the ground level vent. - Patrolling the upper platform to the north. Cameras: - Northwestern part of the area by the ground level vent. - Side room to the west. - In front of the stairs to the northeast. Items: - Chaff Grenade: The middle of the helicopter landing pad. - Rations: To the left of the elevator (Very Easy and Easy) - Stun Grenades: Left locker in the small room to the west. - SOCOM Pistol: In the back of the truck behind the box. - M9/M9 Ammo: Underneigh the truck. - Ration: East side of the area. Left side of the second air unit from the top. ---------- Wasn't that a badass intro? Check out the area here. Pretty snow, huh? Speaking of which, take not to the eastern side of the place that there is snow covering the ground. Guards will follow your tracks here, so be careful. Also, beware of the search lights focusing on the heliport. Lastly, much of the ground to north makes noise, so you need to be careful there as well. Oh yeah, you can save now if you were paying attention to the cutscenes. If you weren't, well stop playing. You disgrace yourself and your country. COMMUNIST! There is a ration to the left of the elevator on the easier difficulties. It tastes like crap though, the newbies don't get the good, yummy, MANLY meals of the harder difficulties. Anyway, check out the landing pad. There are some chaff grenades here. But so are some search lights. What to do you ask? Well, you can brave the search lights. Time it right and you should be able to run through and grab them unscaved. Of course, you can also shoot out the lights. Which is just a...tad...bit easier to do. The M9 will do the job. Now, from the landing pad you should head west into the small room here. A camera is here which astonishes our hero. I mean, security cameras!? Who would have thought. Anyway, it's relatively easy to avoid. Do so and make your way to the lockers on the other side. There are some stun grenades in the left one. Sneak back out and head north. Watch the ground here. It's a noisy bugger. See the truck here? Slip into it the back of it and pick up the SOCOM behind the box. Now you can cap guards in the face to your heart's violent content. Problem is, it's loud. And the guards are trying to sleep and they'll just get pissed and call the cops with you playing that loud music. Stick with the M9 for the time being. Speaking of which, it's now underneigh the truck if you forgot it down in the docks. Wait for the coast to be clear then slip out of the truck. You've got to get into the main complex now. You've got two options. You can either take the ground level vent to the northwest of your current postion. Or you can take the better route on the upper level. Take the upper level route. It's quicker, more convenient, and has an extra cutscene. Head east. There is a ration to the right of the second air thinger from the top. Mind the footprints. You need to head upstairs. There is another camera here. Get past it and head up the stairs. There is another guard up here. Evade his dopey ass and slip into the vent. -------------------- - Tank Hangar Vent - -------------------- Cozy in here, no? Just follow the vent. Master McDonnell Miller will call you up. He's quite knowlegable...on real life tactics and advice... He's utterly useless as far as the game goes, until he decides to take part in the plot later on. Too bad Nastasha didn't decide to do that. Anyway, follow the vent to another cutscene. Note that it will be slightly extended for those who took no time in getting caught. Hey...it's Steven Blum/David Lucus. Err... follow the vent to the end. --------------- - Tank Hangar - --------------- Guards: - Patrolling the lower western section. - Patrolling the lower eastern section. - Sleeping in the eastern room on the ground level. Camera: - Northeastern corner of the upper level. - Northwestern corner of the upper level. - Center of the room in the eastern corner containing the thermal goggles. Items: - Chaff Grenades: To the left of the vent opening on the upper level. - Thermal Goggles: Lower right part of the lower eastern room on the upper level. - M9 Bullets: Southwestern corner of the ground level. - SOCOM Bullets: Behind the staircase on the ground level. ---------- Now then, glad to be out of that vent? Note that the floor here is very noisy and will send guards to investigate if you're not careful. Walk slowly or crawl when up here. Or snipe everyone with the M9 so you won't have to worry. Watch the camera close to your left when you begin. Slip past it and continue down the walkway. The first door you come upon is locked with a LV2 Card. Forget it for now. Instead, go into the room immediately following it. Note that this room will be _locked_ with a LV4 Card shortly, so go in there now. Avoid the camera and snag the Thermal Goggles on the right side of the room. Head back out. Follow the walkway to the end. Take not of the LV1 door near the stairs. Avoid the camera at the end of the walkway and head down (you can also jump over the railing if you're hardcore and don't feel like walking all the way around. Just don't come crying to me when a guard spots your extreme ass.) Down on the ground level, there are some SOCOM bullets behind the staircase and M9 ones in the southwestern corner of the room. Take note of the LV1 door on the eastern wall and the LV5 door to the north. Well, take the elevator to the B1 level of the complex. ----------------- - Holding Cells - ----------------- Items: - Ration: In the vent next to the ladder in the southeastern part of the area. ---------- Looks like you found the Chief. Press up against the right wall to see a glimpse of him. Run to the south, past the LV1 door and to the east. There is a ladder here you need to go up. But not quite yet. First, look to the eastern wall and see a vent opening. There is a ration in here. This vent leads to...an area you won't be going to for a long while. Why it does this...I do not know. Head up the ladder now. ---------------------- - Holding Cells Vent - ---------------------- Items: - M9 Bullets: First opening to the left at the end. - M9: Right before the DARPA Chief's cell. (Extreme) ---------- Follow the vent and go through the first opening to the left you see. Watch the master of bowel movements, Johnny Sasaki, take a piss. I KNEW you were a pervert! After you're done with your...sick hobby, go to the end to pick up some M9 Bullets. Then turn around and head back the path you were taking before. Sorry, no pissing guards this time, weirdo. Spy on some more people from your vent perch. Until you come to the DARPA Chief at the very end. Time for some talkin'. Metal Gear!? It can't be... ------------------------ - Holding Cells Escape - ------------------------ Items: - Ration: Under the Chief's bed in his cell. - SOCOM Bullets: Right behind you when you begin fighting the guards. - SOCOM Bullets: Next to Johnny Sasaki in front of the cells. - SOCOM Bullets: In the locker in the office south of the cells. - Book: In the bathroom to the right of the office south of the cells. - M9 Bullets: In the bathroom to the right of the office south of the cells. ---------- There is a ration underneath the Chief's bed. He won't be needing it. You'll hear a scuffle outside. Wait a few seconds and the door of your cell will open to NAKED MAN ASS! After the cinematics, you've got to fight a swarm of guards with your new friend. Well...err...maybe not just yet. You have to take out the three guards at present. Go in 1st person and go for headshots on the three. Shoot the fire extinguisher to stop them for a moment to get your shots in if you need. When they all fall, your friend will decide to start fighting. Let her take out some. If you need to, fall back to the cell and pick them off one by one as they try to rush you. After about eight guards, one will lob a grenade at you from the door. Quickly pick him off before he does. Or at least back up behind your sidekick to avoid the blast. There are only two or three more corpses to add to your pile after this. As such, grab any items the cannon fodder dropped during the fight now before it disappears. Note that during the fight, your friend cannot be killed unless YOU shoot her in the head. Sick ****. The game is rightly over if this happens. After the fight ends, you'll have a bit of an odd encounter and your friend will have a change of heart. Oh well, no big loss. Head back into the previous area to pick up a few goodies. When done, head to the elevator and go down to B2. ---------- - Armory - ---------- Items: - See layout. ---------- As the name implies, this is your one stop shop from supplies. They respawn throughout the game. So if by some reason you're out of ammo, stop by here to fill up. I'll lay out what's where for you: A B C D E F G H A = Must be blasted open with C4. SOCOM Bullets, FAMAS Bullets, M9 (Hard), M9 Bullets, and Stun Grenades. B = Must be blasted open with C4. FAMAS Bullets, SOCOM Bullets, Chaff Grenades. Has trap doors. C = PSG-1 Room. Locked with a Lv5 Card. Has infared trip wires. D = C4 Room. Locked with a LV1 Card. E = Nikita Room. Locked with a Lv3 Card. F = Grenade Room. Locked with a LV1 Card. G = SOCOM Ammo Room. Open. H = FAMAS Room. Locked with a Lv2 Card. Has infared trip wires. There are a few traps in here as well. Trap doors that open up and will kill you instantly if you fall in. They are between: - The wall and C - C and D - D and E - About a foot away from the wall on each side of the room in B. Avoid them at all costs. With that said, let's get to work. Go to the C4 Room (D) and grab up all the plastic explosives you can carry. Now head to the north of the PSG-1 Room (C) and plant a C4 on the wall here and blast through. Grab everything in here. Now head out and do the same thing to the wall in the northeastern corner. Mind the trap doors. Now then, head south and stock up on SOCOM ammo and Grenades. When done, blast the wall in the southwestern corner of the area and head through. ---------------- - Armory South - ---------------- Camera: - Gun camera on the south of the eastern most hallway. - Gun camera in the north of the eastern most hallway. Items: - Ration: Southern part of the eastern hallway. ---------- Head south and take out the wall between the third and fourth pillar on the right (the camera will shift if you go too far.) Head throug here and down to the end. Now plant a C4 on the northern discolored part of the wall and the far east. There is a ration to the south in this hall if you need it. Be wary of the gun cameras in here though. When ready, head through the northern blasted wall and prepare for a fight. ------------------- - Revolver Ocelot - ------------------- Boss Difficulty: Very Easy to Easy Weapon of Choice: SOCOM or M9 ---------- Alright, this is your first boss battle of the game. There are a few things to note here: * If you cross the wires in the middle, the place will explode and it's game over. * If you shoot and kill Baker, it's game over. * Using explosives has a very good chance of setting off the C4 as well. Don't do it. * Ocelot can bounce bullets off the wall to hit you. So staying in one place isn't a great idea. * There are steam vents you can use to blind him momentarily and get a shot in. They are all around the edges of the area. * Stun grenades can also do the trick. Though he shrugs them off pretty quickly on higher difficulties. ---------- This fight is really straight forward. Ocelot runs around the edge of the area and shoots at you. That's it. There are two ways you can go about beating him: 1.) Chase him around and shoot him when you catch up. 2.) Stand there and shoot him in the head until the fight is over. Poor guy really got his **** ruined with the 1st Person shooting. At the start of the fight, immediately equip your SOCOM/M9 and run to your left and aim north in 1st person. If you're quick, you can land a head shot on him right there. Four head shots and he's down for the count. Another guaranteed time you can get one in is the first time you stop for cover. He will stop for a second and brag about how he can richochet bullets. Stay on the wall opposite him and cap him when he does this. He also stops to tell you his fetish for reloading bullets, which is a good time to give him some lead too. Beyond that, just wait for him to peek out and shoot you and return the favor yourself. Extremely easy fight. Some awesome cutscenes followed by some a bit of plot advancement when he's through. The Ninja...now there is a badass. After a bit of chit chat, you discover you really suck at saving people. Well, looks like you have to contact the Colonel's niece -- Meryl. Look on the back of the "package" to find what it is. Figure it out for yourself. I did it back in 1999, you can do it now ya lazy bum. Think of the real world. Or look to the Extras section for the answer. Lamer. Head on through the door to the north and back into the armory proper. ==================================================== * Make me feel it! Make me feel alive again! * ==================================================== ---------- - Armory - ---------- Guards: - Patrolling eastern half of the area. - Patrolling western half of the area. Items: - Box 1: FAMAS room. ---------- You are now in front of the SOCOM room. Grab some supplies from the area if need be. It is of note that you can now pick up the FAMAS and the godly Cardboard Box from the FAMAS Room (H). Beware the infared sensors here. Duck to avoid them. When finished, head back up to the first floor. --------------- - Tank Hangar - --------------- Guards: - Patrolling ground level. - Patrolling upper level. - Sleeping in the ground level room to the east. Items: - Chaff Grenades: On top of a box in the ground level room to the east. - SOCOM Suppressor: Right side of the eastern ground level room. - Chaff Grenades: Room to the west on the upper level. - Mine Detector: Room to the northeast on the upper level. - Stun Grenade: Middle locker in the room to the northeast on the upper level. ---------- Alright. Hope you've contacted Meryl. If not, do so now. The back of the package... Come on, you can do it. Anyway, go to the east through the small room here and pick up the SOCOM Supressor (equip it and the SOCOM pistol to equip it. It will always be equipped with it from now on.) Head upstairs to pick up some goodies in the rooms you couldn't get into before. Of particular note is the Mine Detector in the northeastern most room. It will come in handy very soon. Meryl will hopefully have opened the door by now. After it's open, head down into the pathway. Be careful though. There are several moving infared trip wires here. Touch one and it's game over. What you can do, however, is bust the sensors. See the boxes between the pillars on the lefthand side? Destroy each of those to disable the sensor it's connected to. Easy, huh? Head on outside. Say...what happened to that Tank...? ---------- - Canyon - ---------- Items: - Claymores: All over the ground right as you leave the tank hangar. - Chaff Grenade: To your immediate right as you enter the area. - Ration: To the left side of the beginning of the area. Past the rocks. As you advance, someone named Deepthroat will give you a tip. That being the place is mined. Either flip on your mine detector or thermal goggles. You can pick up and collect the mines by crawling over them. You're going to need 'em, so do so now. There are four in front of you, one to the left, and two to the right. Get at least four then advance forward. So THERE is that Tank. ----------- - M1 Tank - ----------- Difficulty: Easy to Moderate Weapon of Choice: Grenades or Stun Grenades ---------- Don't you think this is a bit unfair? Damn eskimos and their tank fleet. A few things to note here: * The main cannon will own your ass if you try to rush it. * The tank's treads can be destroyed with Claymores or C4. * There is a trench in the middle of the area you can duck in to recover and regroup. * The gunner can be shot with firearms. ---------- All right. This won't be as hard as it seems. At the beginning of the fight, run northeast and take refuge against the canyon wall. The Tank will begin firing at you, but you should be safe here. Bust out a chaff grenade and lob it. When it explodes, rush the Tank. Don't worry about the main cannon. It won't fire when the chaff is thrown. When you get to the tank, quickly take Claymore mines and plant them at the treads of the tank. Get in range and plant them. They will immediately explode and take out the tread (don't worry, you won't get hurt from close range.) Do the same to all four corners of the Tank to stop it's movement. Now it's time to deal with the gunner on top. All he does is spin his little turret and try to fire on you. He does this quite slowly, so just keep moving and you should be fine. What you need to do is lob grenades into the hatch of the Tank. Three or four grenades should do the trick. When the gunner is dispatched, another will soon replace him. Simply repeat the process with him and you're good to go. Bare witness to Snake and his magic 20 second fuse grenade! -------------------- - Nuke Building 1F - -------------------- Guards: - Patrolling around the nuke containers in the southwestern part of the area. - Patrolling around the truck in the northern part of the area. - Patrolling the upper platform. Camera: - Middle of the eastern wall of the main area. - Northwestern corner of the upper platform. Items: - Ration: At the end of the catwalk in the outside area. - FAMAS Bullets: Next to the camera on the eastern wall. - SOCOM Bullets: In the back of the truck to the north. - FAMAS Bullets: Behind the eastern staircase. - M9 Bullets: Bottom locker on the western side of the main area. - Grenades: Top locker on the western sideo of the main area. - Chaff Grenades: Next to the western staircase. ---------- This area is a bit of a pain. For the simple reason of you can't use your weapons. People playing on the easy difficulties are allowed the M9. But Normal and above that's out too. Crap... To make matters ever WORSE, if you get caught, the area is filled with gas for as long as they are on Alert/Evasion. Splendid... Follow the upper catwalk to the end for some Rations. Leap over the railing to the path below and crawl under the door. Your objective is the elevator on the upper walkway to the north. There are two stairways up. One to the north and one to the west. The northern one is far safer. Just wait for the coast to be clear and make a run for it. On the walkway, mind the camera and guard patrolling. When you have the chance, sneak into the elevator and go to B1. That wasn't so bad, huh? -------------------- - Nuke Building B1 - -------------------- Guards: - Taking a piss in the men's room to the northwest. - Patrolling the area to the south. Items: - Ration: Northeast corner of the men's room. - Book: Second stall from the top in the men's room (makes you wonder...) - SOCOM Bullets: Left side of the work area to the south. - FAMAS Bullets: Underneath the center desk in the work area to the south. - FAMAS Bullets: Bottom right side of the work area to the south. - Stun Grenades: Northeastern corner of the work area to the south. - Nikita: Eastern side of the work area to the south. - Nikita Bullets: Next to the Nikita. - Ration: Top locker next to where the Nikita is. - M9 Bullets: Third locker down from the top on the row of lockers near the Nikita. ---------- You simply need to make a pit stop to pick-up the Nikita and ammo here. You can go harass the urinating guard if you want. I know your sick ways. When done with your debauchery, head back into the elevator and go down to B2. -------------------- - Nuke Building B2 - -------------------- Items: - Ration: First door on the right from where you enter. In the bottom right corner. - Book: Third door on the right from where you enter. - Gas Mask: Third door on the right from where you enter. In the bottom right corner. - Grenade: Second door on the right on in the western part of the area. - C4: Same as above. - Nikita Bullets: Third door on the right in the western part of the area. - Ration: By the destroyed generator. - Chaff Grenade: Next to the destroyed generator. ---------- Now you know why I told you to get that Nikita. Your objective here is to shoot a missile into the control panel on the other side of the place. Trouble is there is a load of gun cameras in your path. Also, the place is gased, so you could get in trouble if you become careless. Don't even think about trying to best the electric floor. It will rock your world, comrade. Not even the cardboard box can stand against its might. Bust out the Nikita out of your anamoly in the space time continuium where you keep your junk. Fire it and head straight then right at the bend. There are a load of gun cameras here, so you can either try to make it to there in one go, or take out the cameras with missiles. This is what you're dealing with, in slighly crude form: -------------------- | | XXX| | | | | | - ---------------- | x | |--- | -------- | | x| | :) | |--- | | | | | | | | |-- x| | | |x | | | || ----------- ---- || |x ------------------------------ :) = you. x = gun cameras XXX = what you need to blow-up Try to make a straight shot from the second right turn to the opening in the end. If you slow down, you get shot down. Got it? If you're having trouble, just blow up the cameras. When the generator is toast, you'll be able to go further down the hallway now. Go to the third door you come across on the right. There is a gun camera inside that needs dealing with. When it's disabled/destroyed, grab the Gas Mask and put it on. It'll make your short time here loads easier. Head back to catch a breath if need be. Now rummage around for supplies if you like. When you're ready, head through the door to the east and prepare for some badass. Take off that stupid gas mask and continue ahead. You'll be treated with an extremely kickass cutscene. When it's over, head through the door and prepare for a fight. ---------------- - Cyborg Ninja - ---------------- Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Bare hands ---------- "Neither enemy nor friend. I am back from a world where such words are meaningless." This is a very cool fight. And his music rocks too. Some things to note: * He can block all firearms. * Explosives have no effect on him. * Chaff grenades can stun him. But you can only get in two shots with a firearm or one combo before he becomes invunerable and rather pissed. * If you keep using weapons, he'll use his own as well. It hurts. * The Nikita is particularly useful as a melee weapon. It hurts about as much as the PPK combo, is a lot easier to aim, and has great range. Though he will get pissed if you keep doing it. * I know this sounds weird, but in the northeastern part of the room is a Mario and Yoshi doll on a desk. If you shoot Mario, he will give your health back. Though an extremely small amount. A clip of a FAMAS could patch you up nicely though. * The Ninja has a few extra moves on the Extreme difficulty. A quick close-up combo and a few sword attacks when he goes stealth to name a few. * You can't choke him. And he throwing doesn't phase him either. * Stun Grenades have no effect. ---------- Alright, you can't use your weapons for this fight. Unequip yourself and start laying into him. After two hits/combos, he'll start to fight you proper. There are three stages to this fight. 1.) "Good. Now we can fight as warriors. Hand to hand. It is the basis of all combat. Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon." Damn, he gets some good lines. At this stage, he'll pretty much straight up fight you. He'll follow you where ever you go. Just avoid his attacks and counter attack at will. Try to do a PPP combo (punch, punch, stop, punch) instead of PPK, as you'll be a lot more open if you don't land the punch than the kick. If at any time you get down to bleeding level, lob a chaff grenade to stun him so you can recover. He has three attacks here: * Kick combo: Quick and has a far range. He'll mostly be using this. * Punch combo: Uses if you stay too long on his ass at close range. Is pretty quick, but has not much range. * Stomp: He'll flip in the air and hang above your head for a second before coming down on your head. He'll do this if you are on the ground or if you get too close to him for too long. After you get him down to half health, he'll change his tactics. 2.) "Snake! Hurry up and catch me!" Now he uses his stealth camo and hides in certain parts of the room. If you take too long he'll come out and kick your ass as punishment. He hides in a few select places: * The space next to the locker Dr. Emmerich hid in. * The space between the supercomputers on the west side of the room. * The narrow space between the desks and the computers in the middle of the room. * The space between the computer consoles and the bookshelf on the eastern side of the room. * Out in the open in the southeast part of the area. Use your thermal goggles if you can't find him. Also, if you see him rushing you for taking too long, do a roll into him. You'll stop his attack and hurt him. Howza! He'll change tactics again when he's at around a quarter health. 3.) Like old times! I've been waiting for this pain! Now he walks slowly toward you. When he gets to you, he teleports several times around you before he does a strong punch. This part is easy to avoid. Just run around when he starts teleporting. There is a major recovery time if he misses. Just combo him afterwards or better yet; use the Nikita. He'll give you several more cool lines before this fight ends. Nice job. Uhh...hope you took a piss break not too long ago. Lot of cutscenes coming up. When that's over with, head back to the gas filled area. =========================================================================== * A strong man doesn't need to read the future. He makes his own. * =========================================================================== -------------------- - Nuke Building B2 - -------------------- Items: - Nightvision Goggles: Northern most door on the righthand side of the western part of the area. - Stun Grenades: Second door down from the top on the eastern hall. ---------- Just head up to the elevator and go to B1. You can go grab the N.V.G. if you want, but they're quite useless. "The goggles, they do nothing!" I probably butchered that quote... -------------------- - Nuke Building B1 - -------------------- Guards: - Peeing in the men's room to the northwest. - Patrolling the southern area. - Meryl, patrolling the southern area. Items: - Box 2: Northwestern room in the work area to the south. - Ration: Same room as above. - FAMAS Bullets: Southeastern room of the main work area. - SOCOM Bullets: Same room as above. ---------- Alright, your objective here is to find Meryl. She's disguised as an enemy guard. How do you find her, you ask? Start looking at some soldiers' asses. Seriously. She wiggles her ass when she moves. They...took out Otacon saying that for some reason in this game... Well... Go punch her in the face to get her attention then follow her to the woman's bathroom. Do it quick and she'll be in her panties, Captain Perverticous. Also note the badass remix of Mantis' Hymn in the background. Gets me nostalgic of Nupraptor's Retreat from Blood Omen with the thunder crashes and whispering voice overs. ------------------------------- - Nuke Building B1 with Meryl - ------------------------------- Items: - Pentazemin: Southwestern room of the main work area. ---------- Meryl is following you around for the time being. You can kill her, so be careful where you plant those C4's or who you decide to shoot in the head. Also, don't piss her off. She has the ***** slap of doom and is relentless in her pursuit. The guards all decided to go on lunch break, so you're alone here. Also, Meryl won't let you leave this level. Your only option is suic...err...I mean your only option is to go north to the Commander's Room. -------------------- - Commander's Room - -------------------- Gee...she's not acting weird at all, is she? Do yourself a favor and equip the M9 or Nikita before entering the room ahead. After a few seconds, Meryl will demand you s3xx0r her up. Snake refuses since the sudden manly secondary voice and her tomboy mannerisms cause him to question a few things. When you regain control, immediately either shoot her in the head with the M9 or wallop her with the Nikita. Or else you're going to be eating Deagle and it don't taste too good. When she's downed, the real fight begins. But not before some extremely cool and quirky stuff from Psycho Mantis. ----------------- - Psycho Mantis - ----------------- Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: SOCOM, M9, or Nikita (melee) ---------- Wasn't that spiffy? I just finished playing through Wind Waker a week ago. Excellent game, if a bit short. Oh...yeah... Where were we... Psycho in a gas mask trying to kill you...? Oh yeah... Hate when that happens. Some notes: * While you can aim in 1st person, it will switch to his view after a few seconds. This ranges from ten or so on very easy to less than 1 on extreme. It goes without saying that you can't shoot in his viewmode... * Mantis can read your mind. Mind being your control port. Throughout the fight, you'll have to switch your controller to another slot to be able to hit him. * Mantis adapts to your socket in a couple of minutes. So you'll have to change more than once. He's almost guaranteed to do it after he possesses Meryl as well. Just go to the next one in line. * Mantis will automatically detonate explosives if you use them (grenade, nikita, etc.) This is bad for you. Don't do it. * Meryl can still be hurt/killed while she's unconscious. Be careful where you're shooting that thing. * Stun grenades don't effect Mantis. * While he is invisible to the naked eye when he uses stealth, you can detect him with thermal goggles. ---------- Mantis has some cool boss music. Well, this fight is pretty different. In fact, it's one of the more unique and original boss fights ever conceived. If you shoot at Mantis, you'll notice you won't be able to hit him. What you need to do here is switch the controller socket. Go up to your Gamecube and yank out the controller out (you might want to pause...ya know...) and stick it into the next control slot to the right. You'll now be able to hit Mantis. However, he will be able to read your socket after around two minutes or so, so you'll have to swap yet again if you want to hit him. Just keep that in mind if he suddenly gets mad dodging skills. Mantis has of that nifty stealth camoflauge that seems to be all the rage these days. You can counteract this with thermal goggles to see where he's going. Mantis has a few stages of attack which he'll cycle through. First, Mantis will teleport to different places in the room and lob energy balls at you. Since he's a psychic and there is, in fact, no spoon. There are five locations he will always move to when he disappears. * In front of the desk. * To the left of the desk by the statue. * To the right of the desk by the mirror. * The bottom lefthand corner between the wall and the hologram display. * The bottom right side next to the couches. He'll do this a couple times until he decides that furniture and decorations are much better weapons. The key to avoiding ALL of these attacks is quite complicated. You see...you have to lay down on the floor... This effectively eliminates 90% of his attacks. Try to lay down in either the bottom center of the room (where the door you enter through is) or off to the corners. Here's a run down of his attacks: * Spins three floating sofas around himself. * Sends the pictures on the back wall flying across the room and back. Note that the bigger pictures _can_ hit you on the floor. * Sends two vases flying toward you. They charge where you are currently at. * Levitates a statue and spins in in circles around where you are currently. After you get his health down to about 1/3 he will possess Meryl again. You need to knock her out again. Try running off to a corner of the room and picking her off with the M9 when she gets close. Don't be too far though, you'll need to do this again in a second. Also note that Mantis will attack you each time you attack Meryl without knocking her out. After Meryl is floored, Mantis will possess her one final time and make her BLOW HER OWN HEAD OFF! You have only a few seconds to render her unconscious before she makes a mess on the carpet. Shoot her continuously with the M9, beat her like she owes you money, shove a stun grenade down her clevage. Just do whatever or else you'll have to start the fight over again. Once Meryl collapses to the floor, Mantis will start teleporting and tossing force balls again. Just use the same tactics as before. Once Mantis is nearly dead (about 10% health or so) he'll get really desperate and start using all his furniture attacks at once. Just calmly lay down on the floor and give him a few more shots to end this madness. A bit of cinematics and a pug ugly face later and you'll be on your way. Head through the way Mantis opened up for you and down the stairs. There are some SOCOM and FAMAS bullets next to them if you need 'em. When ready, head through the door. ============================ * War is meaningless * ============================ --------- - Caves - --------- Items: - SOCOM Bullets: In the passage to the east of where you begin. South of the end. - Ration: In the passage to the east of where you begin. North at the end. - PSG1-T Bullets: Top lefthand corner of the first open area. - FAMAS Bullets: Northwestern most part of the area. - PSG1 Bullets: Northern part of the area between the two open areas. - Ration: Cave to the south of the main wolf den. - FAMAS Bullets: Cave to the south of the main wolf den. - PSG-1 Bullets: Cave to the south of the main wolf den. - Pentazimin: Cave to the south of the main wolf den. - Ration: Right to the left of the door leading to the Underground Passage. ---------- Oh goodie... Wolves... Head north and crawl underneath the part of the cave blocking your path. You should see a wolf walking around aimlessly ahead. Take out your M9 or SOCOM if you want PETA breathing down your neck. They have terrible breath, so it's not the best idea. Anyway, disable the wolf at your leisure from here then crawl the rest of the way through. Head through the open area here north and take to the east until you come to the wall. Look south and go in 1st person. You should see another wolf here. Neutralize it then head south. There are two areas you can crawl under here. One to the south and one to the east. Break out your NVG or Thermal Goggles to see better if need be. Grab the junk to the south if you like then crawl east. Go north until you encounter Meryl. I'm sure you've had enough of Meryl's sass, so piledrive her through a cactus then immediately hide in a box before she can retaliate. She'll whistle causing the wolf pup here to pull an R. Kelly on you. Now, whichever box it relieved itself on will have the scent of the wolves, allowing you to pass by unscaved if you equip it. Nifty, huh? Go through the door to the north. ----------------------- - Underground Passage - ----------------------- The place is mined, huh? Well, Meryl's little route is all fine and dandy, since the radar isn't working. But a much better option is to turn on your thermal goggles and pick up those mines yourself. They'll come in handy big time later on. Not to mention they might be a bit of a hassle in a couple of minutes if you leave them about. Make it to the other side with Meryl to trigger another cutscene. --------------- - Sniper Wolf - --------------- There is nothing you can do to fight Wolf or save Meryl right now. You need to get a sniper rifle to combat this foe. Leave quickly. Minding the mines on the way out. You really DO suck at saving people... ---------------------------- - Getting the Sniper Rifle - ---------------------------- Alright. There are actually two places you can obtain a sniper rifle. Either across the base back in the B2 Armory, there is a PSG1. Or else back in the B1 of the Nuke Building there is a PSG1-T in the southwestern room of the main work area now. Wish that was there before. Pick up whichever rifle then head back to the underground passage to tango with Sniper Wolf. --------------- - Sniper Wolf - --------------- Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: PSG1/PSG1-T ---------- This battle is quite easy if you get some momentum going. Hope you stocked up on Pentazemin. On another note, her music isn't nearly as cool as Fox's or Mantis's. Time for some notes class. Please take out a sharpened #2 pencil: * Bodypart damage really counts for this battle. More so than any thus far. Hitting limbs will warrant very little damage. Body shots do moderate damage. Head shots hurt her like hell. Needless to say, you want to try for a head shot. * Straighten your aim with the Pentazemin or cigarettes. The former is a infinitely better approach, since they take the "death stick" propaganda seriously in this game. * Laying down to shoot also helps. * The mines are all gone. So don't worry about them. * Meryl is gone too. No need to trouble yourself protecting her for this fight. * If you go beyond the area that you had to pass that was mined (ie, any further than the point that triggered the cutscene here), you will automatically get shot. * If you do get shot. Immediately unequip and reequip the PSG1 to regain your composure and save time reaiming. ---------- Ok. This fight is pretty easy on any difficulty as long as you have some pills to pop. Since they're provided to you if you don't, it is going to be a breeze. Sniper Wolf is at the other end of the passage to the north on a slighly elevated platform. There is a single column on the platform about a third of the way from the left. When sniping, you should try to stand your ground and get a momentum going. If you get the first shot in, keep with it and you should have no problems. Wolf snipes you from the following locations: * Either side of the pillar either standing or on her stomach. * The far left or right of the platform on her stomach. * Crouching between the end of the platform and the column. There really isn't much to it beyond that. When she's finished, head north. Don't forget to SAVE here. Expecially if you haven't done so in a while. There are some supplies on the other side of the area and on the platform where Wolf was... When finished, head to the door to the right of Wolf's platform. Well ****... ============================================== * Don't you use autofire or I'll know. * ============================================== ----------- - Torture - ----------- You now need to endure some torture. Or give up like a ***** and get the bad ending. In which case you are lame as hell, since the torture this time around is extremely easy. Do keep in mind it is Game Over if you die here. No continues. Pro tactics: Mash the A button. Do this until time runs out. That's it. No spoon trick. No Pagan rituals to pull it off. If you can keep a good pace you should be able to do this no problem. You will need to endure three rounds of torture before you get a break if you aren't going to submit like a weenie. *points at the screen* Don't you use autofire or I'll know! Well, after the three rounds you'll get shipped to your cell. --------------------- - Escaping the Cell - --------------------- You get tossed in a cell with a very dead and maggot ridden DARPA Chief following your torture. After some chit-chat you need to get down to getting out of this hell hole. First things first, call Otacon (141.12 if you forgot) to get the ball rolling. Save too if you wish. Now you need to... Well you need to wait. If you didn't submit, you'll have to endure at least one more session of torture. That's just great... After the torture is over (or else if you did submit), your old buddy Johnny Sasaki (the naked guard from before...) will get a case of the ****s and run off to make some nasty. Otacon will show up at this point and be rather unhelpful. At least seemingly. Once he's gone, you need to act quickly if you want to escape. There are three possible ways to get out of your cell: - Hide underneath your bed before Johnny shows up. He'll freak out and open the door to investigate. - Use the bottle of ketchup Otacon gave you. Lay down on the floor and use it. It will appear like you are dead to Johnny. He'll open the door and check on this recent development. Don't move until he opens the door or your cover is blown. - Fail escaping a few times and endure more sessions of torture. Eventually (after three or four tortures), the Ninja will slice the door open allowing you to escape. Whichever happens, either toss Johnny are barrel over him with a roll and run out into the torture room. Once you get past the torture machine, he'll catch up with you, point his gun at you and...get striken with diarhea again... Lovely... Pick up your gear next to the torture room. Now you're back in action. Watch the gun camera on the way out and head through the door to the north. WARNING: If you didn't submit, you now have a time bomb in your inventory. Dispose of it immediately. If it goes off, you die. Ocelot is one sick bastard. -------------- - Cell Block - -------------- You will be back in the Cell Block right next to the elevator. Be careful, there are newly installed gun cameras here. Take them out or chaff 'em then slip into the elevator. Take a ride to the armory if you want supplies. Otherwise go up to the Tank Hangar and head out into the Canyon to the north. ---------- - Canyon - ---------- Guards: - Patrolling the southern area. - Patrolling the central area near the tank - Patrolling north of the trench. Camera: - Near the trench to the east. - Near the trench to the west. - Next to the cargo door to the north. Left side. - Next to the cargo door to the north. Right side. Items: - Ration: Next to the northwestern most rock in the bottom half of the area. - Grenade: In the western part of the trench. - Stun Grenade: In the eastern part of the trench. - Chaff Grenade: Northeastern part of the area near the water pipes. - Grenade: Next to the cargo door to the north. ---------- You might have encountered this place if you went all the way back to get the PSG-1. Well...now is the first time you really have to go through here, so I'll cover it now. The place has a bunch of guards and loads of gun cameras now. Your best bet is to pick 'em off from a distance. Head north across the canyon. -------------------- - Nuke Building 1F - -------------------- Just head to the elevator to the north. Take it down to B2 for a little detour. -------------------- - Nuke Building B2 - -------------------- Items: - Body Armor: Third room from the top in the left set of rooms. Slip on your gas mask and head to the first room you come to on the western side of the area. There is some very useful body armor here. Take it then head back on up to B1. -------------------- - Nuke Building B1 - -------------------- Items: -Medicine: Middle room on left side of the main work area to the south. If you caught a cold, head south then into the middle room on the left side for some cold medicine. This is the just the beginning of Snake's rampant addiction to cold medicine that is a central element of Metal Gear Solid 2's storyline. Or not... Head north to the Commander's room. -------------------- - Commander's Room - -------------------- Just pass on through to the caves. --------- - Caves - --------- Same deal. You're heading to the Underground Passage again. Just so you know, you can equip the hankerchief Otacon gave you to gain the dogs' trust. Head into the Underground Passage. ----------------------- - Underground Passage - ----------------------- Let's try this one more time... Oh hell... PTSD! *cough* Head north and into the door you were captured at last time. Booya! Insert Disc 2. =============================================================================== I X . D i s c T w o W a l k t h r o u g h =============================================================================== =================================== * I'm you! I'm your shadow! * =================================== ------------------------- - Communication Tower A - ------------------------- Items: - SOCOM Bullets: North of where you first enter. - FAMAS Bullets: Same as above. - Rope: Right in front of you after you trigger the alarm. - Stun Grenades: Next to the rope. ---------- Doesn't if feel nice switching discs? Hope you have a lot of FAMAS bullets and Stun Grenades, cuz you're in for a fight. Follow the hallway to the corner up ahead, picking up the ammo you find. If you have a few Claymore mines to spare, it might be a good idea to lay down a few behind you as you go down this part of the hallway. You'll see why in a minute. Enter the door at the end of the hallway and... CRAP! You've now got 27 stories to climb and an unlimited amount of guards on your ass. Just wonderful. The first swarm behind you will get fragged by the mines if you layed a few down. Otherwise, immediately toss a stun grenade or two to stop them. MAKE SURE TO GRAB THE ROPE! Don't forget it! Rush through the door to the south. You've now got to climb to the very top of the communications tower. There is a load of ammo on the ground level, but frankly it's not remotely worth the trouble. Forget it and run up the stairs. Here's a few tips for the climb. I can't really give a walkthrough of this. You'll just have to Rambo your way through: * Periodically throw stun grenades. It will stun and even knock out your persuers behind you. Though it won't do much for those ahead in your path. * Equip the FAMAS and blast anyone in your path. Don't bother getting precise shots in. Just mow down anyone in your path. * Lay a claymore or two in your path if you don't have someone right on your ass. * Don't stop running to shoot. In fact, you should hold the FAMAS at ready to fire if need be on your ascent. * Learn from Sonic the Hedgehog. Roll down any bastards in your way that don't fall to your assault rifle's fury. * Bodyarmor is your friend. Use rations accordingly if need be, but the body armor will be a great help. Don't worry about your health dipping down low. You're going to get it automatically refilled not too long from now. Concentrate on making it to the top alive. When you get to the top floor, the guards will _eventually_ stop. But you're better off just climbing up to the roof than fighting them off. Good luck. ---------------------------- - Communication Tower Roof - ---------------------------- Items: - Stun Grenade: South of the building you emerge from. ---------- Go outside. Ooh...pretty. Head north and bare witness to Snake and his super fast fuse grenade. That guy is like Batman with his gear. Anyway, when the cinematics are over, immediately equip the rope or jump over the railing in front of you. The former being a much, much better idea. ---------------------------- - Communication Tower Wall - ---------------------------- Damn, getting really action oriented, aren't we? You need to repel down the side of the wall. It's not a very long ways. Much shorter than the original game. There are three obstacles in your path here: * Steam from broken pipes. * Liquid and his Hind D. * Your grip gauge. The steam can be easily avoided. Just don't jump in it, genius. The Hind will pass by and fire at you every few seconds. Just don't jump when it passes and you should be good. Also, watch your grip gauge. If it reaches zero, you fall and die. That's not good. Make your way to the bottom until a cutscene starts up. Not bad. -------------------------------- - Communication Tower Corridor - -------------------------------- Items: - Ration: To the left of where you begin. - PSG-1 Bullets: Right next to the ration. - M9 Bullets: Between the railing and the column to the right. - C4: Ditto. - Stinger Missile Launcher: Small room on the west side. - Stinger Bullets: Same deal. You're not out of the woods yet. Slap on your thermal goggles and turn your attention to the north. There are three badass troopers there waiting to blow you away with some sort of magic badass FAMAS's. I'm not sure why their guns shoot so much harder than anyone elses. Maybe they have Damage Mods on them like Deus Ex: Invisible War and they...somehow...shoot harder or something... *shrug* Anyway, take out your sniper rifle and cap the three. You can also launch of Nikita at the group if you want a laugh. Just take care of them before you can advance. Before you do, take a block of C4 and blow open the door in case you need to go back for...whatever reason. Head north. Damn, it's the blasted teleporting Hind again. Immediately run west when you regain control. Try to run along the bottom of the screen to avoid gun fire. Jump over the railing then back up works too if you're in a pinch. Quickly run into the small room to the west. You'll find a Stinger Missile Launcher here. Good deal. Head through the door to the south. ------------------------- - Communication Tower B - ------------------------- Camera: - 11th floor. One camera. - 15th floor. Two cameras. - 19th floor. Three cameras. - 23rd floor. Four cameras. Items: - Grenade: To the right of where you enter. - SOCOM Bullets: Same. - FAMAS Bullets: Ditto. - FAMAS Bullets: 27th floor. - Chaff Grenades: Same. - Stinger Bullets: Same. - Ration: Take a guess. ---------- Oh look, your favorite, more stairs. No Zerg Rush of enemies this time fortunately. To the right and climb down the tower. Or...at least attempt to. Looks like you're going to be a little delayed (just a side note, I'm really glad they changed where the stairs were destroyed. In the original, it was like a ten foot drop tops, making it ridiculous that you couldn't just pull yourself down. Meh...) Head back upstairs until you get another cutscene. Swat down a noisy fly you say? Whatever, Snake. You have to go ALL the way upstairs to the roof now... Wonderful. You need to be wary of gun cameras that are placed periodically. Chaff or shoot your way past them. Their locations are given above. At the 27th floor, grab whatever ammo and supplies you need then head up to the roof. ---------------------------- - Communication Tower Roof - ---------------------------- Head outside. Prepare for a fight. ---------- - Hind D - ---------- Difficulty: Very Easy to Very Hard Weapon of Choice: Stinger ---------- "I'm you! I'm your shadow!" Looks like you need to work out a bit of sibling rivalry with good old Liquid. A few pointers: * Body Armor is your friend. Your best friend playing on Extreme. * The Stinger can lock on and chase its target. Even if you don't have a direct sight at the Hind, you can lock on to it and fire the missile in its general direction and still hit. Lock on it behind the crate say then aim beside the crate. The missile should still hit as long as nothing is in the way. * Your best place to stay around is between the small building you came out of and the crate. You'll need to quickly run for cover to the north or south of it, so be on your guard. * You cannot hit the chopper if it flies below the edge of the building. * Chaff grenades do nothing. * The Hind has three target to it. The front, middle, and rear. Their damage index is descending in that order as well. Try to score a frontal hit if possible. ---------- This fight is odd. It is very easy on most difficulties. However, on Extreme it suddenly becomes the hardest boss in the game. Well, whatever. I highly suggest using Body Armor for this fight. It greatly reduces damage and will save you a bunch of money on your car insurance by switching to Geico. Liquid has a few stages of attack here. The don't vary much, other than tactics and where he flies. His only attacks are the machinegun and firing a missile twice. GET TO THE CHOPPA! Stage 1: The Hind flies around and tries to shoot you with its primary guns. That's about it. It pretty much flies about in a circle and periodically attacks. After it goes down to about 2/3 damage, Liquid will fly off into the distance and fire a missile. Stay on the NORTHERN end of the area to avoid it. Try to get in a attack of your own or two while it's coming. Stage 2: Liquid starts flying below the edge of the area and pops up to attack you periodically. Follow the chopper's movements with your Stinger and fire as soon as it flies into range then take cover. It's a bit tiresome, but it's the safest route. Also, the Hind will tend to retreat quicker if you hit it straight off. Stage 3: After it gets to around 1/3 health, the Hind starts flying very randomly around the area and gets a lot faster. This is even more true in the harder difficulties. Try the same tactic as before, but be prepared to run if it gets the jump on you. When the Hind's energy is depleted, it will attempt to fire another missile. Unlike the original game, this time about it WILL hit you if you do nothing. Run to the SOUTHERN end of the area to avoid it. SSSSSSSNNNNNNNAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKEEEEEEEE! After the extremely over the top cinematics, head back into the building. ================================= * Okay hero, set me free. * ================================= -------------------------- - Communications Tower B - -------------------------- Items: - Ration: Behind the crates to the right of the elevator. - FAMAS Bullets: To the left of the elevator. ---------- Don't you just love going up and down stairs? Now go _all_ the way back to the elevator. Board and prepare for the worst delivery of a line in the entire series. ------------------- - Elevator Battle - ------------------- Thanks for sucking up the place, Otacon. You're now surrounded by cloaked guards. Throw on your Body Armor and the FAMAS and go to work. You should be able to see them easily enough. Just go for headshots on them all. If you're lucky you can spin around unleashing a clip and take out the whole lot of them. Don't be afraid to waste ammo on the grunts. Five walk in, one walks out. Just keep your cool and you should be fine. -------------------------- - Communications Tower B - -------------------------- Camera: - Around the bend in the first room to the south. - Southwestern corner of the area. - The middle of the corridor leading to the Snowfield. - The end of the corridor leading to the Snowfield. Items: - Ration: To the left of the elevator. - M9 Bullets: Back behind the elevator. - PSG1-T Bullets: Back behind the elevator next to the wall. - FAMAS Bullets: By the destroyed staircase. - Chaff Grenades: By the destroyed staircase. - PSG1 Bullets: Hallway to the south of the elevator. - SOCOM Bullets: Next to the entry of the second hallway to the west. - FAMAS Bullets: Southwestern corner of the area. - SOCOM Bullets: Next to the entry to the Snowfield. - Pentazemin: Same deal. ---------- There are a bunch of supplies around this area, so check 'em out. Head south through the doorway. There is a gun camera above the boxes to the east here that needs to be avoided. Slip through to the west hallway. There are several cameras here as well. Take them out or chaff by and head north. Prepare for yet another fight. ----------------------- - Sniper Wolf Rematch - ----------------------- Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: PSG1/PSG1-T ---------- Didn't we just have a boss fight? Seems Wolf is ready to settle up for keeps. Some tips: * This fight is largely the same as the last fight. The only difference is the area is much larger. * Wolf will take refuge behind trees. When she does this, train your sights on her position and be prepared to react. * I find the analog control pad to be much more accurate than the control stick. * If you dip into bleeding health, take shelter all the way to the east of the area. She can't hit you there. * If you are hit, immediately unequip and reequip the rifle to regain your senses. * If you go past the area of cover to the east, you'll automatically get shot. * You could go over to the cover in the east and fire Nikitas at the *****. However, she'll pretty much need to be on the right side of the area if the fuel is going to hold out. It doesn't do loads of damage either. But she won't make an attempt to avoid it though... ---------- Well... It's Sniper Wolf again. This fight isn't any different from before other than you have a much larger area to cover and she has many more places to hide. Just... Stay on target with her and don't give her a chance to shoot. There really isn't much to it... Keep your eye on shakey hands and deal with it accordingly. She doesn't change her tactics at all when nearly dead. So just keep with it. ------------- - Snowfield - ------------- Items: - See below. ---------- After Wolf falls, head north to trigger one of the best cutscenes in the game. There are a ton of buildings here with supplies. I'll give a crappy diagram of the area for reference: D E F C G B H A A = A parked truck. There is a bandage in the back of it. B = Room with two gun cameras. There is a ration and a bandage inside. C = Room with a single gun camera. Nikita bullets and Box 3 inside. D = Room with two gun cameras inside. Leads to the underground base. SOCOM Bullets inside. E = Locked with a level 7 Card. Stinger bullets inside. F = Mined room. Ration and Stun Grenades inside. G = Room with PSG1, PSG1-T, SOCOM, and FAMAS Bullets. H = Room with Grenades and Chaff Grenades inside. Once that's over, you can pick up some supplies from the surrounding buildings. There is a ton of junk around here. It's like the arms flea market. The door directly in front of you leads where you need to go. Watch the gun cameras and head downstairs into the underground base. ================================================== * Snake! I'll be watching you! Understand? * ================================================== ----------------- - Blast Furnace - ----------------- Guards: - Patrolling the upper platform to the south. - Patrolling the lower east side. - Patrolling the lower west side. Camera: - Gun cameras in the area past the steam room. Items: - Stinger Bullets: Past the steam room to the south. - M9 Bullets: Past the steam room to the south. - Body Armor: If you missed it, it's now at the same location as the last two. - Nikita Bullets: Steam room to the south. - PSG1 Bullets: Same deal. - Ration: Below the staircase to the north. - Stun Grenades: Next to the steam room entrance to the south. - SOCOM Bullets: Underneath the staircase to the upper north. - Ration: On the lower platform to the west. - FAMAS Bullets: Same area, beneath the stairs. ---------- Hey, we get to sneak around again! I've missed that. And look, sentries on patrol! When was the last time THAT happened? Like old times. I've been waiting for this pain! Head down the stairs into the area below. You'll be in the Blast Furnace. You see that lava looking **** below? Learn from Super Mario's mistakes and avoid it unless you think Solid Snake is really the Terminator in disguise. You need to get to the other side of the area to through the large doors in the south- east corner. Trouble is, there is no stairs and the elevator is down below. You're going to have to climb it seems. Take care of the guard patrolling here. We don't need him getting all angsty on you while you're climbing over a furnace. There are a few ways to get by this thing. 1.) Just jump over and fall to the platform below. It'll hurt, but it's the safest route. 2.) Sidle along the wall to the west, avoiding the crane. It's a bit risky and if the crane hits you you're dead. But you can blow the crane to bits with rockets. It'll Alert the guys in the area, but it makes it a lot safer. 3.) Tight-rope act. Go over to where the crane is. See that wire there? Jump over the ledge and drop catch on to it. Now, you can either make your way north along the wire, which will hurt a bit when you drop, or else drop catch again to another wire below and go to the platform to the east. This is very dangerous. But that kinda makes it more interesting, don't you think? Whichever the case, get across, avoid the guards, go through the door to the north. ------------------ - Cargo Elevator - ------------------ Items: - FAMAS Bullets: To the right of the crate as you immediately enter. - M9 Bullets: And then... - FAMAS Bullets: Around the corner to the left. - SOCOM Bullets: Around the corner to the right. - FAMAS Bullets: Between the two crates to the northwest. - SOCOM Bullets: Northwest corner of the area. - PSG1-T Bullets: North of the elevator. - FAMAS Bullets: Northeast corner of the area. ---------- Just head on to the elevator and press the button to descend. Prepare for another bad elevator ride... --------------------- - Elevator Battle 2 - --------------------- Geez and I thought elevator rides with crappy music and stinky people were the pits. For reasons unknown to me, despite FOUR guys jumping down in that last cutscene with the random explosion, there are only THREE guys you have to fight. Maybe the last guy randomly exploded too. I dunno. You have a lot more open area to work with and one less guard who fell into a plot hole. Just open up shop on the guys whoever you please. Headshots, beat their ass with a Nikita, Stinger to the face. Whatever suits your fancy. ------------------ - Cargo Elevator - ------------------ Camera: - Between the two elevators. Items: - FAMAS Bullets: To the left of the first elevator. - SOCOM Bullets: To the north of the second lift. Left side. - Claymores: Southwest corner below the second lift. - Ration: Southeast corner b..yadda yadda yadda... - FAMAS Bullets: Northeast corner of the area. - M9 Bullets: North of the elevator. Right side. ---------- Avoid the camera and take the second lift... Not too eventful this time. Just...don't piss off the birds... Oh yeah, plot development time. At the bottom of the lift, head through the doors to the north. Fight time, again. ---------------- - Vulcan Raven - ---------------- Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Stinger or Claymore Mines. ---------- Oh crap... That's a big gun... Tips not involving a nice tank lady to help you out: * Claymore mines work wonders here. Just lay one at several intersections and let Raven kill himself. The more the merrier. * Raven can shoot missiles out of the air if he sees them. So try to attack him from the sides or behind. * Guns do piss poor damage to him. He's a big guy in a video game. Thus he can defy normal conventions of reality easily. The Stinger and Nikita are you best bet. * Stun Grenades do work on him, but don't really blind or slow him down. Just for stun bar purposes. * If Raven shoots a crate pile enough, they will collapse and block your way. Keep that in mind if you're in a spot. * Be careful when aiming the Stinger that you don't lock onto the ravens by mistake. *insert off Edgar Allan Poe joke* Well, there isn't much to this fight either. Raven pretty much runs around and shoots periodically stops to shoot his gun at intersections and when he sees you. You'll need to blast him with rockets from either close behind or the side. Claymores work wonders here as well. When Raven is about half health, he starts to run a bit faster. That's about it. Not too hard a fight. Not too interesting a one either. Oh well... When the fight is over, a bit of chit-chat and plot advancement. When that's through, head north using the brand spanking new Lv7 Card. ====================================================== * You've served your purpose. You may die now. * ====================================================== - Warehouse North - Guards: - Patrolling the walkway to the north. - Patrolling the upper platform to the east. Camera: - Two gun cameras in front of the door to Rex's lair. Items: - Chaff Grenades: Right in front of you when you enter the area. - M9 Bullets: Take a guess... - Ration: Corridor to the north. Between two trap doors. - Stinger Bullets: Raised platform to the east. - Stinger Bullets: In front of the doorway to the north. This is just a short little area. There are two guards on patrol to the north, so be warned. One will be right in your face as you go down the short corridor if you're not careful. The other is overlooking the first guard's location on a raised area to the east. About that little pathway to the north. There are two trap doors here you need to avoid. There is also a pair of gun cameras guarding the door to the north. Avoid this load of junk and head north. Sing the theme to the Jeffersons for good luck. - Underground Base - Guards: - Patrolling the first raised catwalk to the east. - Patrolling in front of the control room on the third level to the south. - Patrolling the third level catwalk to the east. Camera: - Northwestern corner of the bottom level. Above the sewage water. Follow the hallway north to find... Metal Gear! Head to the northeast and up the stairs. There is a sentry patrolling here that needs to be dealt with. Take him out then head upstairs. There is another guard on patrol 'round here. Ruin his **** as well. Now head to the west to the wall then south. There is yet another guard here to the south. Clean house with his ass then down to the southern entry next to the raised room there. Cutscene time. Optional insane acrobatics included. Nice going, Snake! The goddamn card is all the way down at the drainage ditch at the bottom now. Go all the way back down there. Equip your mine detector and jump in the gunk. This water hurts you, being nuclear waste and all, so be careful. The PAL Card should show up as a a little yellow blip on your radar. Look around for it. If you find it, skip the next little section. - Of Mice and Men - If you find a _TIME BOMB_ quickly get rid of it. If this happens, you'll need to do some rat extermination. A rat ate your card and now you're going to have to pay it back in spades. This is triggered by having few alerts. I'm unsure of the exact amount. The rat will appear in one of two areas: * The area between Rex and the gun camera on the northeast side. * The bit of walkway south of the first staircase and next to the water. What to do, you might ask? Well, you could take the hard route and try to sniper the bastard when he comes out. Or you could let technology lay down the law to this upstart vermin. If you have any Claymores, plant one in front of the small vents the rat crawl of of. Be sure to neutralize all the guards before you do this, or you'll set off the alarm. Wait a minute and BOOM, gibbed rat. Kiss my ass animal control! Head up to the Control Room where you lost your card before. - Welcome to the Party PAL! - I'm going to hell for using a pun, I know. Now you've got to go through a rather tiresome little game of backtrack. Go to the control room where Liquid and Ocelot were. Guess they slipped out to watch American Idol or something while you were playing with sewage and rats. Before you enter, take out the cameras. If you get caught by them here, the room will be filled with gas and you will die! When they're done, equip the PAL key and use it on the left laptop. PAL Code #1 Confirmed. Alright, now you need to freeze the key. You _could_ go back to Raven's area and wait a few minutes to freeze the thing. But Silicon Knights decided to cut out the most annoying part of the original game. Head over to the very eastern side of the area and go south until the camera begins to shift. See that big column? Jump over the railing there. Now, do you see that little platform below? You'll need to drop catch to that. Do so. See these two pipes? These pipes kick ass. Shoot the liquid nitrogen pipe to instantly freeze the key. Now drop down below and head back up to the control room to get PAL 2 input. PAL Code #2 Confirmed. Now simply go back and do it again, with the steam pipe this time. Or go back to the Blast Furnace if you're into back tracking. Whichever. Go back and come to the climax of this little story. PAL Code #3 Confirmed. ****! This isn't going well. Immediately call up Otacon and equip your gas mask. After a few seconds, the door will open. Get out of there and prepare to take on the nuclear equipped walking death mobile, which we affectionately refer to as Metal Gear. - Metal Gear Rex (Radome) - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Stinger Why in the hell did Snake just jump 40 feet onto Metal Gear? Was there ANY logical reason for that? Must be Nintendo influence. Snake thinks he's Mario or something. Sorry pal, but jumping on everythings head won't solve all your problems. You need magic mushrooms to be wasted enough to do that. And you also need a squirt gun backpack dammit! *ehem* Some tips and tricks that don't involve trying to get 1000 points for jumping off Metal Gear's head: * Chaff grenades can be used to turn Metal Gear's accuracy from subpar to ****. * If Rex steps on you, you're dead. Don't do that. * Don't hide behind those barrels out there. They go boom. * You need to lock onto the Radome; the satellite dish looking thing on the top right side of Rex. * You cannot damage the machineguns, missile launcher, or laser cannon. This isn't too hard a fight. Liquid doesn't seem to know how to work the thing too well this time around. Rex has the following attacks: * Missiles. These sort of target you. Just not very well. Using chaff will turn their accuracy to **** in no time. Run diagonally toward Metal Gear to avoid these. The first two missiles hit together in succession, but the third one comes a few seconds later. You might need to roll to avoid it. * Laser cannon: If you get to close to Metal Gear, it will fire this. It goes across in a straight line along the ground. It's pretty quick, but you'll know when it's firing since the perspective should change. Just run away from Metal Gear to avoid it. * Machinegun: Rex fires its twin gatling guns at you. It will fire straight in a line from below it outward in your direction. To avoid, simply run toward Rex and to the right or left. * Stomp: If you're underneath Rex and it knows you're there, it will attempt to stomp on you. If you're close, the shockwave will knock you down and hurt you. If you're under it, you die. Don't be under it. Just keep up the pace and it should be too hard. Amount of shots need varies from five on very easy to nine on extreme, increasing by one on each difficulty. After the Radome is damaged enough, you'll get to see some of the best cutscenes ever conceived. Oh yeah... and you have to fight Metal Gear again. - Metal Gear Rex (Cockpit) - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: Stinger Oddly enough, the "second form" of Rex is even easier than the first. Your new target is Rex's cockpit and Liquid's face. You could probably just stand there and shoot missiles straight at Rex and beat it in a couple seconds with maybe a tiny bit of lost energy. The missiles fired from Rex now have pathetic aim. Just blow the **** out of it with Stingers. There isn't much to it at all. Don't forget to take a piss break before you defeat Rex. There is a LOT of story coming your way. After all the crap that goes down, you've one final boss fight coming your way. ============================================ * Not yet, Snake! It's not over yet! * ============================================ - Liquid Snake - Difficulty: Easy to Moderate Weapon of choice: Fists This isn't a particularly hard fight. Nor does the fighting engine lend itself to hand to hand battles. But you can't tell me a fight with your evil twin brother on top of the series' namesake with a nuclear bomb ticking down isn't a cool fight. Let's get it on: * If you fall off, you die. Don't do it. * You cannot hurt Liquid by throwing him. You can, however, toss him off the side to take a breather. * You cannot choke Liquid. He'll toss you to the ground, hurting you instead. * If time runs out, you obviously die. Time for the final bout. Liquid starts using more moves as the fight goes on. You have three minutes to kick his ass, so get to it. Liquid has the following attacks: * Punch Punch Combo: He just punches you twice. Pretty quick, but doesn't hurt much. It also leaves him fairly open when he's done. * Sidestep Kick: Liquid will start sidesteping to avoid your attack then he'll kick you in the back of the head when you're done. Stop your attack and roll away to avoid. * Shoulder block: Liquid will squat for a second and yell then try to shoulder block you. Get out of the way as quick as possible. If you can't avoid it, roll at him. Your roll cancels out his shoulder block. * Kick in the teeth: Liquid will well...kick you in the face. Usually does it if you're too in his face after he gets up. * Stomp: Liquid will stomp on your back if you're on the ground or your hands if you're hanging onto the ledge. * Flip recovery: Once Liquid gets down to around 1/3 health, he'll start falling down after three hits. He will get up doing a flip. It hurts if you're in its path... So don't be in its path. Duh. * Throw: If you try to choke him, he'll get out of it and flip you over his should. Don't try to choke him. Just keep the pressure on him and avoid his attacks. There isn't a lot of strategy to it. Just kick his ass good. He deserves it. That was one hell of an uppercut... What happens next will change depending on whether you submitted to Ocelot or not. As will your partner coming up. It doesn't really change the next portion of events though. - Escape Route - Items: - Ration: Back where you just escaped from in the corner. - Ration: Next to the short stairs. - Ration: In the southwest corner next to the second jeep. Damn, all your stuff is gone. On top of that, Abraham Lincoln is trying to nuke your ass! Also, the President has been kidnapped by ninjas. Are you a bad enough dude to save the him? In any case, this is not your day. Grab the rations in the area and equip them. Head west. Nice going, dumbass! Kill your partner later. For now, you need to concentrate on the guards. Run to the southeast corner and hopefully a guard will follow you. You'll almost definitely get hit, but punch one of the guards in the face then choke him. Back away to the southeast corner with your hostage and wait for your partner to get the damn jeep started. When he or she does, snap the guard's neck for good measure, and hop in the back. You've got control of an infinite ammo gun turret now. Hmm... Infinite ammo turret in a jeep... Jeep escape before the place explodes... Didn't Halo rip this off...? Anyway, blow up the barrels next to the gate, ignoring the guards. Time for the final stretch. After a little while, you'll come to a checkpoint. There are two guards here, one on the right and one on the left. Blow up the barrel next to the goons to take them out. Let's get the hell out of here! Damn, another checkpoint. There are three grunts this time. Take out the barrel on the left first, then the one on the right. Trust me on this. When they're dead, you'll rush on. Goddammit... Does this guy EVER die!? Liquid is back and pissed off. Time for a high speed chase. Go in 1st person and just keep targeting Liquid. This part is extremely easy. Take out his headlights to make matters a bit easier. Simply stick with him while he weaves around like a madman. After about a minute of this, you'll come to the game's conclusion. Congratulations! You've completed Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. =============================================================================== X . S p o i l e r F r e e W a l k t h r o u g h =============================================================================== This is an extremely basic, spoiler free walkthrough for the game. Think of it as a quick consultant of where to go if you have a brain fart or if you want to be fairly surprised as to what goes down. I won't be listing any special stuff, besides the boss info. I'll try to disguise who the bosses are too. Well, then I guess we should get started, no? - Cargo Docks - Crawl under the vent in front of you and go north. Wait two minutes or so for the elevator to come down. Get on it. - Heliport - Go north and slip into either the vent in lower northwest corner or the top level. Crawl inside. - Tank Hangar Vents - Just crawl through to the other end. Exit the vent. - Tank Hangar - Get to the elevator on the north end. Go down to B1. - Holding Cells - Follow the hall up to the vents. Go straight then hang a left when you can't go any farther. Go to the end of this vent. Wait for the door to open and head outside. Defeat all the soldiers that attack you. When the cinematics are over, head back to the elevator and head down to B2. - Armory - Run to the C4 room (top row, middle column) and pick up the plastic explosives. Blow open the wall to the southeast and go through. - Armory South - Blow the discolored wall to the south on the eastern side. In the next hall, blow open the discolored wall to the north. - Boss Battle 1 - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: SOCOM Alright, this is your first boss battle of the game. There are a few things to note here: * If you cross the wires in the middle, the place will explode and it's game over. * If you shoot and kill the guy in the middle, it's game over. * Using explosives has a very good chance of setting off the C4 as well. Don't do it. * The boss can bounce bullets off the wall to hit you. So staying in one place isn't a great idea. * There are steam vents you can use to blind him momentarily and get a shot in. They are all around the edges of the area. * Stun grenades can also do the trick. Though he shrugs them off pretty quickly on higher difficulties. ---------- This fight is really straight forward. The boss runs around the edge of the area and shoots at you. That's it. There are two ways you can go about beating him: At the start of the fight, immediately equip your SOCOM, run to your left and aim north in 1st person. If you're quick, you can land a head shot on him right there. Four head shots and he's down for the count. Another guaranteed time you can get one in is the first time you stop for cover. He will stop for a second and brag about how he can bounce bullets. Stay on the wall opposite him and cap him when he does this. He also stops to tell you his fetish for reloading bullets, which is a good time to give him some lead too. Beyond that, just wait for him to peek out to shoot you and return the favor yourself. After the fight, call 140.15 then head north back into the Armory. - Armory - Head back into the elevator and go upstairs to the first floor. - Tank Hangar - The person from the number you called should open the door to the north. Watch for tripwires here. You can destroy them by shooting the units on the right side of the wall. Make it to the north and go outside. - Canyon - This area is mined. Use thermal goggles or the mine detector to see where they are placed. Pick up at least four mines. - Boss Battle 2 - A few things to note here: * The main cannon will own your ass if you try to rush it. * The treads can be destroyed with Claymores or C4. * There is a trench in the middle of the area you can duck in to recover and regroup. * The gunner can be shot with firearms. ---------- At the beginning of the fight, run northeast and take refuge against the canyon wall. The boss will begin firing at you, but you should be safe here. Bust out a chaff grenade and lob it. When it explodes, rush the Tank. Don't worry about the main cannon. It won't fire when the chaff is thrown. When you get to the boss, quickly take Claymore mines and plant them at the treads of the vehicle. Get in range and plant them. They will immediately explode and take out the tread. Do the same to all four corners of the thing to stop it's movement. Now it's time to deal with the gunner on top. All he does is spin his little turret and try to fire on you. He does this quite slowly, so just keep moving and you should be fine. What you need to do is lob grenades into the hatch of the vehicle. Three or four grenades should do the trick. When the gunner is dispatched, another will soon replace him. Simply repeat the process to win this fight. - Nuke Building 1F - Run north and climb underneath the door. Head to the elevator on the north end of the upper level catwalk. Head down to B1. - Nuke Building B1 - Go south and to the left and collect the Nikita and ammo for it. Go back to the elevator and head to B2. - Nuke Building B2 - Head south to the electric/gassed death area. Take out the Nikita and fire a round. Now, the route you want to take is: -------------------- | | XXX| | | * | | * * * * * | - *---------------- | * x | |- * | -------- | |* x| | :) | |- * | | * | || * | | * | |- * x| | * | |x * | | * | || * ----------- * ---- || * * * * * * * * |x ------------------------------ :) = you. x = gun cameras XXX = what you need to blow-up * = your missile's path When that's blown up, head south to the end then east through the door. Head into the area to the north after the cutscenes. - Boss Battle 3 - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Bare hands ---------- Some things to note: * He can block all firearms. * Explosives have no effect on him. * Chaff grenades can stun him. But you can only get in two shots with a firearm or one combo before he becomes invunerable and rather pissed. * If you keep using weapons, he'll use his own as well. It hurts. * The Nikita is particularly useful as a melee weapon. It hurts about as much as the PPK combo, is a lot easier to aim, and has great range. Though he will get pissed if you keep doing it. * I know this sounds weird, but in the northeastern part of the room is a Mario and Yoshi doll on a desk. If you shoot Mario, he will give your health back. Though an extremely small amount. A clip of a FAMAS could patch you up nicely though. * You can't choke him. And throwing doesn't phase him either. * Stun Grenades have no effect. ---------- Unequip yourself and start attacking him. After two hits/combos, he'll start to fight you proper. There are three stages to this fight. 1.) At this stage, he'll pretty much straight up fight you. He'll follow you where ever you go. Just avoid his attacks and counter attack at will. Try to do a PPP combo (punch, punch, stop, punch) instead of PPK, as you'll be a lot more open if you don't land the punch than the kick. If at any time you get down to bleeding level, lob a chaff grenade to stun him so you can recover. He has three attacks here: * Kick combo: Quick and has a far range. He'll mostly be using this. * Punch combo: Uses if you stay too long on his ass at close range. Is pretty quick, but has not much range. * Stomp: He'll flip in the air and hang above your head for a second before coming down on your head. He'll do this if you are on the ground or if you get too close to him for too long. After you get him down to half health, he'll change his tactics. 2.) Now he uses his stealth camo and hides in certain parts of the room. If you take too long he'll come out and kick your ass as punishment. He hides in a few select places: * The space next to the locker the good doctor hid in. * The space between the supercomputers on the west side of the room. * The narrow space between the desks and the computers in the middle of the room. * The space between the computer consoles and the bookshelf on the eastern side of the room. * Out in the open in the southeast part of the area. Use your thermal goggles if you can't find him. Also, if you see him rushing you for taking too long, do a roll into him. You'll stop his attack and hurt him. He'll change tactics again when he's at around a quarter health. 3.) Now he walks slowly toward you. When he gets to you, he teleports several times around you before he does a strong punch. This part is easy to avoid. Just run around when he starts teleporting. There is a major recovery time if he misses. Just combo him afterwards or better yet; use the Nikita. When the cinematics are over, head back to the elevator in the previous area and head up to B1. - Nuke Building B1 - Exit the elevator and go south. Gain the attention of the soldier to the south on the left side. Follow her to the bathroom. After the cinematics, head north to the room there. - Commander's Room - Head north until you trigger a cinema. When you regain control, quickly render your ally unconscious. - Boss Fight 4 - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: SOCOM, M9, or Nikita (melee) ---------- Some notes: * While you can aim in 1st person, it will switch to his view after a few seconds. This ranges from ten or so on very easy to less than 1 on extreme. It goes without saying that you can't shoot in his viewmode... * The boss can read your mind. Mind being your control port. Throughout the fight, you'll have to switch your controller to another slot to be able to hit him. * The boss adapts to your socket in a couple of minutes. So you'll have to change more than once. He's almost guaranteed to do it after he possesses your ally as well. Just go to the next one in line. * The boss will automatically detonate explosives if you use them (grenade, nikita, etc.) Don't do it. * Your ally can still be hurt/killed while she's unconscious. * Stun grenades don't effect the boss. * While he is invisible to the naked eye when he uses stealth, you can detect him with thermal goggles. ---------- What you need to do here is switch the controller socket. Go up to your Gamecube and yank out the controller out and stick it into the next control slot to the right. You'll now be able to attack the boss. However, he will be able to read your socket after around two minutes or so, so you'll have to swap yet again if you want to hit him. The boss has stealth camo. You can counteract this with thermal goggles to see where he's going. The boss has a few stages of attack which he'll cycle through. First, the boss will teleport to different places in the room and lob energy balls at you. There are five locations he will always move to when he disappears. * In front of the desk. * To the left of the desk by the statue. * To the right of the desk by the mirror. * The bottom lefthand corner between the wall and the hologram display. * The bottom right side next to the couches. He'll do this a couple times until he changes to using objects in the room to attack instead. Laying down on the floor now effectively eliminates 90% of his attacks, so do so. Try to lay down in either the bottom center of the room (where the door you enter through is) or off to the corners. Here's a run down of his attacks: * Spins three floating sofas around himself. * Sends the pictures on the back wall flying across the room and back. Note that the bigger pictures _can_ hit you on the floor. * Sends two vases flying toward you. They charge where you are currently at. * Levitates a statue and spins in in circles around where you are currently. After you get his health down to about 1/3 he will possess the gilr again. You need to knock her out again. Try running off to a corner of the room and picking her off with the M9 when she gets close. Don't be too far though, you'll need to do this again in a second. Also note that the enemy will attack you each time you attack the girl without knocking her out. After she is floored, the will possess her one final time and make her commit suicide! You have only a few seconds to render her unconscious before she shoots herself and it's all over. Knock her out by whatever means necessary. Once your friend is knocked out, your enemy will start teleporting and tossing force balls again. Just use the same tactics as before. Once he is nearly dead (about 10% health or so) he'll get really desperate and start using all his furniture attacks at once. Just calmly lay down on the floor and give him a few more shots to end the fight. After you regain control, head north out the new opening. - Caves - Go north and crawl under the obstruction here. Knock out or kill any dogs that bother you. Head through the cave until you get to the other end to the east. Go through the door here. - Underground Passage - This place is mined. You'll need to either follow the path pointed out or crawl across. - Getting the Sniper Rifle - Get out of there before you get shot. Now go back through the Caves and the Commander's Room to Nuke Building B1. There is now a PSG1-T in the southwestern most room in the area. Grab it and some ammo then head back to the boss. You can also go back to the armory in B2 of the first building and pick up the PSG1 if you wish. Head back to the boss when you're ready. - Boss Battle 5 - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: PSG1/PSG1-T ---------- Some tips here: * Bodypart damage really counts for this battle. More so than any thus far. Hitting limbs will warrant very little damage. Body shots do moderate damage. Head shots hurt her like hell. Needless to say, you want to try for a head shot. * Straighten your aim with the Pentazemin or cigarettes. * Laying down to shoot also helps. * The mines are all gone. So don't worry about them. * Your friend is gone too. No need to trouble yourself protecting her for this fight. * If you go beyond the area that you had to pass that was mined (ie, any further than the point that triggered the cutscene here), you will automatically get shot. * If you do get shot. Immediately unequip and reequip the PSG1 to regain your composure and save time reaiming. ---------- Ok. This fight is pretty easy on any difficulty as long as you have some pills to pop. Since they're provided to you if you don't, it is going to be a breeze. The boss is at the other end of the passage to the north on a slighly elevated platform. There is a single column on the platform about a third of the way from the left. When sniping, you should try to stand your ground and get a momentum going. The boss snipes you from the following locations: * Either side of the pillar either standing or on her stomach. * The far left or right of the platform on her stomach. * Crouching between the end of the platform and the column. When the boss is defeated, head north. It is a good idea to save at this point if you haven't in a while. - Torture Event - You'll need to mash the A button for three rounds to survive. You can also submit by pressing start and A. This directly effect which ending you receive, so be careful. - Escaping the Cell - Call 141.12 as soon as you get the chance. If you submitted, you won't have to wait long for certain events to transpire. If you didn't, then you'll need to endure another round of torture. When your friend on the Codec arrives, use the ketchup while in a prone position after he leaves. When the guard comes to investigate, either knock him out or run to the torture machine to evade him. Grab your equipment and head out of the area to the northeast. - Holding Cells - Go to the elevator right near you and head to the first floor. - Tank Hangar - Head out into the canyon. - Canyon - Go across the canyon to the Nuke Building. - Nuke Building 1F - Go to the elevator to the north and head to B1. - Nuke Building B1 - Go to the Commander's Room to the north. - Commander's Room - Go to the caves. - Caves - Go to the Underground Passage. You can use the hankercheif to stop the dogs' attack. - Underground Passage - Go north to where the last unfortunate events took place. ****INSERT DISC 2***** - Communications Tower A - Follow the hallway. You will now sound an alarm and be overrun by soldiers. Be sure to grab the rope right in front of you as the alarm is sounded. Run up the stairs, tossing stun grenades and shooting anyone in your path. Rolling people also works. When you get to the top, don't stop. Go straight onto the roof. - Communications Tower Roof - Equip the rope and head north. - Communications Tower Wall - Make it down the side of the wall in one piece. - Communications Tower Corridor - There are three commandos to the north that need to be sniped. When taken care of, head north then east. Avoid the enemy ambush that takes place. Run into the building and grab the Stinger and Ammo. - Communications Tower B - Head to the east and downstairs. Keep going down until you find the smashed stairs. Head back up toward the elevator. When you regain control, start heading upstairs. There are sentry guns in the following locations: - 11th floor. One camera. - 15th floor. Two cameras. - 19th floor. Three cameras. - 23rd floor. Four cameras. Don't get shot carelessly. Go onto the roof. There, head outside. - Boss Battle 6 - Difficulty: Very Easy to Very Hard Weapon of Choice: Stinger ---------- A few pointers: * Body Armor is very useful. * The Stinger can lock on and chase its target. Even if you don't have a direct sight at the enemy, you can lock on to it and fire the missile in its general direction and still hit. Lock on it behind the crate say then aim beside the crate. The missile should still hit as long as nothing is in the way. * Your best place to stay around is between the small building you came out of and the crate. You'll need to quickly run for cover to the north or south of it, so be on your guard. * You cannot hit the enemy if it flies below the edge of the building. * Chaff grenades do nothing. * The foe has three target to it. The front, middle, and rear. Their damage index is descending in that order as well. Try to score a frontal hit if possible. ---------- I highly suggest using Body Armor for this fight. It greatly reduces damage received and is a real life saver. The enemy has a few stages of attack here. They don't vary much, other than tactics and where he flies. His only attacks are the machinegun and firing a missile twice. Stage 1: The enemy flies around and tries to shoot you with its main guns. It flies about the area in a circle and attack periodically. It will slow down to attack, so you'll know when it's coming. After it goes down to about 2/3 damage, it will launch a missile from far off. You have about five seconds to get to the north end before it hits. Avoid it. Stage 2: The enemy begins flying below the edge of the area and pops up to attack you every so often. Follow the boss's movements with your Stinger and fire as soon as it flies into range then take cover. It's a bit tiresome, but it's the safest route. Stage 3: After it gets to around 1/3 health, the foe starts flying very randomly around the area and gets a lot faster. Try the same tactic as before, but be prepared retreat in a pinch. When the enemy's life is depleted, be prepared avoid one final missile attack. Run south to avoid it. When you regain control, head back inside and down. Go back down to the elevator you passed earlier. Board it and head to the 1st floor. - Elevator Battle - You've got four stealth commandos attacking you. Equip your SOCOM or M9 and go in first person. Go for headshots on the lot of them. The quicker the better. There isn't really any strategy beyond that. - Communications Tower B - Head out the elevator south through the hall. Follow the hallway to the end and head outside. - Boss Battle 7 - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: PSG1/PSG1-T ---------- Some tips: * This fight is largely the same as the last fight with this boss. The only difference is the area is much larger. * The boss will take refuge behind trees. When she does this, train your sights on her position and be prepared to react. * I find the analog control pad to be much more accurate than the control stick. * If you dip into bleeding health, take shelter all the way to the east of the area. She can't hit you there. * If you are hit, immediately unequip and reequip the rifle to regain your senses. * If you go past the area of cover to the east, you'll automatically get shot. ---------- This fight isn't any different from before other than you have a much larger area to cover and she has many more places to hide. Stay on target with her and don't give her a chance to shoot. There really isn't much to it... Keep your eye on shakey hands and deal with it as needed. She doesn't change her tactics at all when nearly dead, so don't worry about sudden changes. - Snowfield - Head north and trigger the cutscene. When it's over, go through the door in front of you and head down. - Blast Furnace - Head north down the stairs. Pacify the guard down here so he won't give you trouble. Now, get across to the other side. There are three routes possible: 1.) Just jump over and fall to the platform below. It'll hurt, but it's the safest route. 2.) Sidle along the wall to the west, avoiding the crane. It's a bit risky and if the crane hits you you're dead. But you can blow the crane to bits with rockets. It'll Alert the guys in the area, but it makes it a lot safer. 3.) Go over to where the crane is. See that wire there? Jump over the ledge and drop catch on to it. Now, you can either make your way north along the wire, which will hurt a bit when you drop, or else drop catch again to another wire below and go to the platform to the east. This is very dangerous. When you get to the other side, go through the door to the north. - Cargo Elevator - Head onto the cargo elevator. You'll get ambushed. This is just like the last elevator battle. Go in first person and go for headshots to deal with them. You could probably get by just laying into them with gunfire too. After that's over, head over to the second lift. Head through the door to the north. - Boss Battle 8 - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Stinger or Claymore Mines. ---------- Tips for you: * Claymore mines work wonders here. Just lay one at several intersections and let the boss kill himself running over them. * The boss can shoot missiles out of the air if he sees them. So try to attack him from the sides or behind. * Guns do very little damage to him. The Stinger and Nikita are a must. * Stun Grenades do work on him, but don't really blind or slow him down. Just for stun bar purposes. * If the foe shoots a crate pile enough, they will collapse and block your way. Keep that in mind if you're in a spot. * Be careful when aiming the Stinger that you don't lock onto the ravens by mistake. ---------- Well, there isn't much to this fight either. The boss pretty much runs around and shoots periodically stops to shoot his gun at intersections and when he sees you. You'll need to blast him with rockets from either close behind or the side. Claymores work very well also. When the boss is about half health, he starts to run a bit faster. That's about it. When the post battle cutscenes end, head to the north. - Warehouse North - Be aware of the two trapdoors down the hall to the north. Head across the area to the other side and go through the door to the north. - Underground Base - Head down the hallway. After the cutscene, go up the stairs to the east. Try to take out all the guards here to make things easier. There is one above the first set of stairs, one above the second set of stairs, and one patrolling to the west in front of the control room to the south of the third level. Go to said control room and lose a vital item. Go all the way down to the bottom level (make sure all the guards are passed out as you do.) The rat will have eaten your trinket. Get it back by setting a claymore in front of the small vent between the water and *spoiler* on the west side. If the guards are still asleep, this won't cause an alert from the explosion. Note that if you have had too many alerts, the item will be in the waters. Use the mine detector to track it down. If you have no claymores, position yourself south of where the vermin is and snipe him with the PSG1. However you do it, get back up to the Control Room where you lost the item before. WATCH OUT FOR THE CAMERAS IN HERE. If you get caught, you die here. Equip and use the item on the left labtop. You know need to freeze and warm the item. Head over to the very eastern side of the area and go south until the camera begins to shift. See that big column? Jump over the railing there. Now, do you see that little platform below? You'll need to drop catch to that. Do so. See these two pipes? Shoot the one labeled "liquid nitrogen" to instantly freeze the key. Now drop down below and head back up to the control room to and use the item on the center console. Go back and do the same thing, but with the pipe labelled "Steam" this time. Use the key on the rightmost computer. After the cutscene, equip the gas mask and call up 141.12 to open the door. Head out and prepare for a big fight. - Boss Battle 8 part 1 - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Stinger ------- Tips and tricks: * Chaff grenades can be used to turn mess up the beast's accuracy. * If the boss steps on you, you're dead. * Don't hide behind those barrels out there. They will explode when attacked. * You need to lock onto the satellite dish looking thing on the top right side of the boss. * You cannot damage the machineguns, missile launcher, or laser cannon of the boss. Even if you target them, they won't be effected. Your greatest foe has the following attacks: * Missiles. These sort of target you. Just not very well. Using chaff will turn their accuracy to **** in no time. Run diagonally toward the boss to avoid these. The first two missiles hit together in succession, but the third one comes a few seconds later. You might need to roll to avoid it. * Laser cannon: If you get to close to the enemy, it will fire this. It goes across in a straight line along the ground. It's pretty quick, but you'll know when it's firing since the perspective should change. Just run away from it to avoid the attaack. * Machinegun: The boss fires its twin gatling guns at you. It will fire straight in a line from below it outward in your direction. To avoid, simply run toward it and to the right or left. * Stomp: If you're underneath the boss and it knows you're there, it will attempt to stomp on you. If you're close, the shockwave will knock you down and hurt you. If you're under it, it's an instant death regardless of health or rations. Just keep up the pace and it should be too hard. Amount of shots need varies from five on very easy to nine on extreme, increasing by one on each difficulty. When the boss is defeated you'll get some excellent cinematics. Afterwords, you'll have to fight the boss again. - Boss Battle 8 part 2 - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: Stinger Really, you can probably take it just standing there and firing. The new weak point is the cockpit and driver of the vehicle. It's a very easy battle and almost exactly the same as the last part...only easier... - Final Battle - Difficulty: Easy to Moderate Weapon of choice: Fists This is it. Violent fighting to come in the road to the slugfest: * If you fall off, you die. * You cannot hurt the boss by throwing him. You can, however, toss him off the side to take a breather. * You cannot choke the boss. He'll toss you to the ground, hurting you instead. * If time runs out, you will die. This battle has a three minute limit. If time runs up you die. Don't dawdle when fighting. The final bosses attacks: * Punch Punch Combo: He just punches you twice. Pretty quick, but doesn't hurt much. It also leaves him fairly open when he's done. * Sidestep Kick: The boss will start sidesteping to avoid your attack then he'll kick you in the back of the head when you're done. Stop your attack and roll away to avoid. * Shoulder block: The enemy will squat for a second and yell then try to shoulder block you. Get out of the way as quick as possible. If you can't avoid it, roll at him. Your roll cancels out his shoulder block. * Kick in the teeth: Just a standard boot to the face. * Stomp: The boss will fight dirty and stomp your back if you're down or your hands if you're haning on. * Flip recovery: Once the boss gets down to around 1/3 health, he'll start falling down after three hits. He will get up doing a flip. It hurts if you're in its path. * Throw: If you try to choke him, he'll get out of it and flip you over his should. Don't do it. Just keep the pressure on him and avoid his attacks. There isn't a lot of strategy to it. Just beat him down good. - Escape Route - This is the end of the line. Run to the east and up the stairs. Guards are now alerted and come pouring in. Punch one to stun him and choke him to use him as a human shield. Drag him over to the jeep to the southwest and wait here until your partner gets the thing going. When he does, kill the hostage and jump in the back of the jeep. You now have an infinite ammo turret at your disposal. Destroy the barrels to the north to proceed. When the jeep stops, kill the soldiers. Do the same at the next checkpoint. Your nemesis will show up in pusuit. Keep your sights on him and don't let go of the attack button. Survive for another minute or two and you win. Congrats! You've completed Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes! =============================================================================== X I . E x t r a s =============================================================================== ===================== * Unlockables * ===================== These are all the secrets and unlockables in the game. You'll need to make a save at the end of the game to trigger the new junk by loading up that file next playthrough. ----------- - Endings - ----------- There are two endings to this game. They are determined by whether or not you submit to torture. If you do not submit, you escape at the end with Meryl. If you did submit, Meryl dies and you escape with Otacon. -------------------------- - Alternate Ending Theme - -------------------------- Complete the game three times. The credits will be changed from "The Best is Yet to Come" ending theme, to...the Armory alert music... What the hell happened to the badass remix of the main theme from the trailers? Lame... ----------- - Bandana - ----------- Complete the game getting Meryl's ending (don't submit to torture.) On the next game you will have the bandana in your inventory. Equipping it gives you infinite ammo. Spiffy indeed... Though it is the MGS2 version that still requires reloads... ---------- - Camera - ---------- Complete the game with the camera obtained. You'll start with it in your inventory the next playthrough. ----------------- - Boss Survival - ----------------- Complete the game once. This unlocks a mode that pits you against all the bosses (Ocelot, M1 Tank, Ninja, Mantis, Wolf, Hind D, Wolf-2, Raven, Metal Gear, Metal Gear-2, and Liquid) in succession with limited supplies. A neat little challenge. ----------------- - Crimson Ninja - ----------------- Complete the game twice. On the third playthrough, Gray Fox's outfit will be primarily red in color. Sort of nifty... At least his blood isn't blue this time around at the end... -------------- - Meryl Demo - -------------- Complete the game with Meryl's ending. You'll be able to watch all the cutscenes following her path in order. You can see this and all the other demos in the Demo Theater. ----------------------------------- - Meryl Demo (Alternate Costumes) - ----------------------------------- Same as above. Only Meryl will be in her Sneaking Suit and Snake in his Tuxedo. Meh... You need to complete the game with alternate costumes and Meryl's ending. --------------- - Otacon Demo - --------------- Complete the game by submitting to torture. This shows all the cutscenes in the path where Meryl buys the farm. ----------------------------------- - Otacon Demo (Alternate Costumes - ----------------------------------- Same as above, only Snake is in a Tuxedo and Meryl dead in a Sneaking Suit. Blargh... Complete the game while in the Tuxedo to get this. ----------------------- - Sneaking Suit Meryl - ----------------------- Complete the game twice. She'll automatically wear this the third time through. ----------- - Stealth - ----------- Complete the game with Otacon's ending. You'll get Otacon's stealth camo. You are completely invisible to enemy troopers with this equipped. However, it will come off if you bump into enemies with it on. Also, it doesn't work on bosses, required fights with soldiers (elevator battles, holding cell), and with the dogs. ---------------- - Tuxedo Snake - ---------------- Complete the game twice. The third play through Snake will make it sound like a spy movie in a James Bond-esque tuxedo. If you want to get rid of it, since the Sneaking Suit is way cooler, you'll need to get both alternate costume demo reels. After that, it will show up every third playthrough. ================================= * Easter Eggs and Secrets * ================================= You know what Easter Eggs are right? They're little extras in games that are sort of cool. Stuff like pictures of developers, hidden websites, secret areas. That kinda junk. The Twin Snakes has its fair share of these little bonuses as well. ---------------- - Room by Room - ---------------- Okay, there are a lot of easter eggs and little secret things in this game. From item specific extra calls to little fun details. I'll go over each room and point out any secret junk. Sound good? - Docks - Nothing. - Heliport - * If you died at all in the Cargo Docks, Campbell will comment on you getting old in the following scene. - Vents - * Upper vent opening has an extra cutscene with two guards having a conversation. * This conversation is a bit longer if you've already been spotted. - Tank Hangar - Silicon Knights' webpage is visible on a monitor in the room locked with the Lv2 Card on the second floor of the tank hangar. - Holding Cells - * Pressing on the wall to the right of the elevator gives you a brief glimpse of the DARPA Chief. * After seeing the cutscene with Meryl exercising, if you leave the vents then go back in, you'll find her exercising...in her panties. Pervert... Solid Snake indeed... * There is a Book in the bathroom and the toilet paper is unrolled... In fact, there is a book in a stall later on and the toilet paper is unrolled there too... Guess these guys are getting pretty lonely. - Armory - There is an Eternal Darkness poster with Pious Augustus on it in the rightmost locker in the Nikita room. - Armory South - The camera is found here. It is in the area to the east of Ocelot's room, locked by a Lv6 door. You'll need to crawl under some crap to get it. - Ocelot - * If you blow-up Baker, you'll get a Game Over screen where Ocelot calls you a "stupid fool". * Place a book down during the duel. The old pervert will look down and whistle when he sees it. - Canyon - Nothing. - M1 Tank - If you are hit by the main cannon of the Tank, Raven will come out and mock you. - Nuke Building 1F - Nothing. - Nuke Building B1 - * A guard is taking a leak in the bathroom. * There is yet another book in a stall with unrolled toilet paper... * The hand dryer can unfreeze rations. - Nuke Building B2 - * There is a Moai Head in the first room on the right in the gas filled area. This appears in many of Konami's games. - Ninja - * If you knock on the locker Otacon is in you can hear him whimper. * The Ninja doesn't have a heartbeat. Just try the AP Sensor and see. - Lab - * There is a Mario and Yoshi doll in the northeast corner of the area. * If you shoot the Mario doll, it will make the 1-up sound, complete with "1-up" coming out of his head. You will also regain a little bit of health. * If you shoot the Yoshi doll, it will say "Yoshi". * There is a Gamecube and Wavebird controller in the desk in the middle of the room. There is also a monitor showing the Gamecube's menu. * On the east side of the room, one of the books on the rack here is for Metal Gear: Ghost Babel for the Gameboy Color. * The poster on the wall and accompanying anime cutscene are both from Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner. Let me just take a moment to say how much this game rocks and that you should really play it. - Nuke Building B1 Revisited - * Place a book while Meryl is in disguise. When she sees it, she'lll look down and tap her foot on it. * If you alert Meryl and get to the bathroom quick enough, she will be in her panties in the next scene. * Meryl herself is a bit of an oddity. She is directly from another Hideo Kojima game, Policenauts. Though she is 25 in that and has an extremely bad haircut (think an afro-mullet thing.) They're not the same person. * If you stare at Meryl, she'll get all embarrased * If you stare at Meryl's breasts, she'll ask "Why are you staring at my..." * If you attack Meryl in any way or knock her out, she will give you the ***** slap of doom. She is relentless in her quest for revenge, so watch out. * Meryl will get pissed if you aim a gun at her. * After Meryl gets possessed, go in first person for a few seconds and it will switch to her view. - Psycho Mantis - * When Mantis possesses Meryl, if you wait long enough, she will shoot the TV screen and shatter it. It will then flash and go back to normal. Throwback to Eternal Darkness. * When Mantis "reads your mind" he is actually reading your memory card. He will comment on: - Eternal Darkness - Super Mario Sunshine - The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker - Super Smash Bros. Melee * The three paintings on the wall behind the desk are (from left to right) - Ryuhei Kitamaru (Japanese action director. Did the cutscenes.) - Hideo Kojima (Series' creator and usual director) - Denis Dyack (President of Silicon Knights. Co-Producer) * When Mantis sets the room on fire, pay attention to the paintings. Denis Dyack's face will be melted off. * The two wrapped up statues on each side of the room are that of Psycho Mantis himself. Mantis hates the sight of his face. Why he would have busts of himself in the first place and why he would brings those with him to a military base are beyond me. * The above explains why all the mirrors in the area are broken. A face only a momma could love. * If you are killed by Mantis four times, you will have a new way to defeat him is opened up to you. You will be able to target and unmask Mantis's busts. When that is done, his concentration is broken and you won't need to switch the control sockets. * The suit of armor to the southwest is warm for some reason... * The screen goes black like a video error sometimes. Although it says "Hideo" instead of video. * The camera will shift when Meryl is possessed for a second time. This is a throwback to Eternal Darkness. * The ceiling will begin to bleed in the last stages of the fight. Again, Eternal Darkness reference. - Caves - * If you try to leave the area, Campbell and Naomi will yell at you for not being a gentleman. * If you go to the east then north of where you enter, you'll be able to go in first person and see where Meryl slipped through. If you shoot her here, she'll whistle and a dog will run all the way around and attack you. * If you attack Meryl, she'll whistle and send a wolf to bite you. * If you attack Meryl and equip a box quickly, the wolf pup will piss all over your box. From now on, if you equip the box, the wolves will not attack you. - Underground Passage - * If you get blown up by a claymore, Meryl will turn around and smack her ass to mock you. * If you attack Meryl, she will walk across the mine field again, smack you upside the head, and return to where she was. - Sniper Wolf - * If you attack Meryl while she's still there, Campbell and Naomi will get royally pissed. * If you shoot all the rats on top of the platform Wolf was on, Campbell will call up and scold you. - Torture - * If you use autofire he...won't do anything... He wouldn't do anything in the original game either, unless you had a controller made before the game was released. * Ocelot has something interesting to say for the first three sessions of torture with him. After that, it's just canned cutscenes. - Prison Escape - * The prisoner is the same from the cell block escape before, Johnny Sasaki. He also shows up a few times in Metal Gear Solid 2. * If you make noise, Johnny will yell at you. * Johnny will laugh at you if you hide under the bed or move around in ketchup. * If you stay in your cell a long time and stay close to Johnny, you will catch a cold. Cold medicine is in the B1 of the Nuke Building. You will sneeze and possibly give away your position to guards if you're not careful. * If you fail to escape a couple times, the Ninja will bust you out of prison by CUTTING THE DOOR IN HALF. Hardcore. Your items will all be refilled as well. * If you knock Johnny out, he falls in the same prone position he is infamous for. * If you tap on the bathroom door after Johnny runs away, you'll hear him having a rough time with the toilet. - Communications Tower A - Nothing. - Communications Tower B - * If you call up Campbell, he and Naomi will comment on you getting old. - Communications Tower Wall - * You don't actually need the rope to climb down the wall. You can just jump over the side and drop catch your way down. It's dangerous, you don't get a free health refill, and you miss the jumping over the intro and outro cutscenes for this little minigame. - Tower Corridor - * If you try to launch a Stinger at the Hind, he'll run away like a wuss. - Communications Tower B - * If you try to call the elevator, Snake will grunt and have a "?" come out of his head. - Hind D - * I haven't tried this in the remake. But in the original game, if you call up Campbell he would tell you to listen to the sound of where the Hind is. However, if you had a Mono TV set, Naomi and Mei Ling would make fun of you for having such a crappy TV. - Sniper Wolf 2 - Nothing - Snowfield - * Look to beyond the wall in the southeast of the area, near the communications tower. You should see a parachute stuck to a tree. You'll get a little conversation regarding it with the Colonel. * There is a wolf pup out near Wolf's body now. * If you come back to the area later on, there will be several wolves by Sniper Wolf's body. - Blast Furnace - * You can toss anything into the furnace. Guards, bullets, items, yourself. They all burn the same. * The crane on the west end can be destroyed with missiles. One will stop and disable it. A second will send it into the fires below. - Elevators - * Pissing off the birds isn't a good idea. Unless you want them to go all Alfred Hitchcock on you. * Look up in first person while the birds are around. They'll literally crap in your face. Sadly, you can't slip off a pipe with bird **** and fall to your death like good old Raiden. * Kill enough ravens and Campbell and Naomi will yell out you. Serial killers start out this way too... - Vulcan Raven - * If you killed any of the birds before on the elevator, Raven will yell at you for killing his friends during the conversation with him. * The screen will fog up if you stay in the area for too long. - Warehouse North - * The screen will unfog when you come into here. - Underground Base - * A rat will eat your PAL Key if you have had fewer than a dozen alerts. * There is a time bomb in the water in lieu of the PAL Key if this happens. * There is a secret and extremely useful platform with steam and liquid nitrogen pipes. It is to the east of the area. To get to it, you need to go to the southeast of the third level of the area. Run along the platform until the camera begins to shift. Jump over the railing next to the column here. Now drop down to the platform below. Bingo. Instant key freeze/warmth. - Metal Gear Rex - Nothing. - Liquid Snake - Nothing. - Escape Route - Nothing. Well, that about wraps it up for Easter Eggs. But wait...! There's more! -------------------- - The Title Screen - -------------------- Hold the L button to slow down the rotating DNA strands in the background. Hold the R button to speed them up. ----------------- - Codec Madness - ----------------- Some items will garner special Codec conversations when certain items are equipped or if you do certain things. Let's have a few examples, shall we. Campbell: * Equip the cigarettes. Naomi will ***** at you with scientific crap about smoking being bad. Filthy habit, you know. *lights one up* * The cardboard box has a special little conversation for it too. * Naomi will give you incite on all of the boss characters except the Ninja and vehicles. Mei Ling: * If you call up Mei Ling several times and don't save, she'll start to get pissed. Eventually, she'll give you a weird face. After about six or so times, she'll stick her tongue out at you. Master: * Master lets on he's a traitor pretty early if you pay attention and look past his similarity to Liquid's voice. Calling him when you beat Raven and when you get the 3rd PAL key have him slip-up a bit. Nastasha: * Nastasha will give you a description and commentary on the following items: - Cigarettes - SOCOM - Grenades - Stun Grenades - Chaff Grenades - FAMAS - PSG1 - C4 - Claymore - Nikita - Stinger - Cardboard Box - Gas Mask - Thermal Goggles - Nightvision Goggles - Rope - Ocelot's Gun - The M1 Abram Tank - The Hind D And probably a few I forgot. Otacon: Nothing really. He'll get weird during the fights with Sniper Wolf. Meryl: She'll be amazed the cardboard box story was true if you equip in and call her. Deepthroat: Nothing really. He will call if you have the Time Bomb from Ocelot and it's getting ready to explode. ------------ - The Book - ------------ The book item has some cameos itself. While, I will say the FHM chicks in Sons of Liberty were a lot cooler, this is sort of neat I guess... The cover of the book has Ellia, the Cambodian dancing girl from the second chapter of Eternal Darkness. The inside of the bood has none other than Alexandra Roivas, the star of the same game and Buffy the Vampire Slayer lookalike. ------------------ - Cinematic Zoom - ------------------ During cutscenes, hold the R button to zoom in on the scene. You can move around the camera with the C-stick as well. Pretty nifty I suppose... ================== * Dog Tags * ================== Well, I'm sure you already know Dog Tags are useless. Quite frankly, I'm not in the mood to point out the location of every single one. There is already a killer Dog Tag FAQ on GameFAQs that you should check out if you want detailed info. I will, however, point out the special ones: - Johnny Sasaki - You'll need to knock out Meryl while she's disguised and shake her body before she gets up. - Meryl Silverburgh - You'll need to knock out Meryl and shake her down before Wolf camps her ass. Keep in mind, if you do this at any time before Meryl is possessed, she'll give you the pimp slap of death. So wait until right before the Mantis fight, but after Meryl is all weirded out. - Psycho Mantis - You have to shake his corpse after you kill him. - Armory - During the sniper rifle event, an additional guard may be placed in the Armory to protect the rifle. - Sniper Wolf - Be extremely disrespectful to Ms. Wolf there and shake her body down. The dog tag will pop out. - Vulcan Raven - It will automatically appear where he got turned into crow chow. - Warehouse South (aka Vulcan Raven's room) - During the PAL Card even, there are additional men in here with dog tags now. Be sure to pick them up. - Liquid Snake - Knock him over the edge before the fight is over and it will pop out of him. ======================= * Boss Survival * ======================= This is a mode in which you must survive battling all of the bosses in succession. I'll put in a walkthrough for this in the next update as well. I think you have enough to work with for now, no? ======================== * Ghost Pictures * ======================== There are the disembodied spirits of the game developers floating about Shadow Moses Island. You'll need to go all Fatal Frame/Project Zero on their ass with the camera to defeat their tortured souls. Or something like that... All try to squeeze in their whereabouts in a future update. =============================================================================== X I I . B i g B o s s W a l k t h r o u g h =============================================================================== Big Boss, the greatest soldier to ever live. Sure, Snake killed him and all. But the guy had one eye, damaged junk, robotic arms, and was pushing 80 years old. And STILL he kept up with Snake. Big Boss rank is the apex of ability in Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. I suppose this is how Big Boss himself would go about dealing with this operation. We'll see in Snake Eater I suppose how good Big Boss really is. If it is, in fact, him. There are certain requirements for Big Boss ranking. I've by no means got them down pat. I'm sure there are specific requirements. But this is a rough estimate based on what I've done and from the original game. They are as follows. ---------------- - Requirements - ---------------- Time: Must be under three hours. Possibly less. Really, you shouldn't have more than around two or less if you're good. Radar: I know you can have it on, I did when I wrote this. I'll assume you you need to have it on Type 2 or Off. Special Items: Doesn't matter. I know it's cheap. But you can use them to your heart's content and still get through. Damage: Well...you can't have too much damage and make it through with no rations and no continues and only surviving between health refills. I don't think it matters. Bullets Fired: I'm almost positive this doesn't matter. I got bored messing around seeing what you could do and just wasted more ammo than you could shake a stick at and still got Big Boss. Alert: 8 alerts. This is what you have to get. This much I'm sure of. This is ONLY the required Alerts and no more. I've tested myself and gotten a worse ranking by getting an additional one. Required Alerts are as follows: - Escaping the cell block with Meryl. - Johnny Sasaki escaping the cell from torture. - Climbing the Communications Tower. - Guys after you rappel down the Communication Tower Wall. - Communication Tower elevator fight. - Cargo elevator fight. - After inserting the PAL Cards. - Jeep Escape. Clearing Escapes: 0. You can't get additional Alerts, remember? Kill: 0. You need to go pacifist here. Even with the bosses. Mech Destruction: It doesn't matter. I still got it going through destroying every piece of electronics in sight. Continue: 0. Snake...? Snake!? SNNAAAAAAAKKKKEEE! Rations Used: 1 or less. You can use exactly one or less. Any more and you are teh sux. Saves: Under 80. You read that right... I know, it makes things extremely simple... It was the same requirement in the original game... Game Over if Discovered: This HAS to be on. GameFAQs user Karma Hunter (the first person outside of testing to get Big Boss and general badass at the game) confirmed this oversight. Guess that's why I got Fox twice in a row... Damn goofy changing requirements. I think that's about it. Basically, be quick, don't kill anyone, don't get killed, don't get spotted, and don't eat rations. With that said, let's get it on! --------------- - Walkthrough - --------------- - Cargo Docks - Go north and hide out either in a locker or over by the forklift. Wait for the elevator to come down. Evade the guard and get on the lift. - Heliport - Head to the east and go along the canyon wall to the north. Mind the guard patrolling around here. Also, watch out for the pesky camera. Go upstairs and evade the guard. Crawl into the vent shaft. - Tank Hangar Vents - Just crawl through. Skip all the crap. - Tank Hangar - Just a small detail. Go over into the nearby room to the east and grab the Thermal Goggles. They'll come in handy. Watch out for cameras. When you get them, wait for the guard below to be out of your view then hop over the railing and duck into the elevator. Go to B1. - Holding Cells - Follow the hall up to the vents. In the vents, go straight to the DARPA Chief's cell. You'll pick up the M9 right before this. - Prison Escape - Wait for Meryl to open the door for you then head out. This part is a pain. You're presented with three guards shooting you in the face. What you need to do is retreat into Meryl's cellblock. Roll over the ***** if need be. In there, turn around and whip out your M9. Cap all three guards in the head. Meryl will then joint the fight. Run back into the cell again. Don't knock into Meryl this time. You'll need her. Stay in here and arm yourself. Aim at HEAD LEVEL in 1st person view. Meryl should be able to take out about 60% of the guards on her own. However, occasionally one might slip by into your position. It will usual be just a sole soldier. Immediately give him a dart to the head. Repeat this until the fight is over. Try to keep a good amount of health here. When the fight is over, get into the elevator and head down into B2. - Armory - Run to the C4 room (top row, middle column) and pick up the plastic explosives. Blow open the wall in the northwest for its Stun Grenades. Then blow open the wall to the southwest and head through. - Armory South - Blow your way into Ocelot's room. Forget the other hallway at the end. - Revolver Ocelot - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: M9 This fight is still easy as ever, even on Extreme. Hopefully you have a good amount of health from your last battle, just in case. At the beginning of the fight, immediately run to the right and look north. Go in 1st person view and if you're quick, you can get a headshot on Ocelot. You can get another easy shot in on him when he first reloads his gun and tells you his fetish about it. After that, just wait for him to reload and take a shot at him when he does. You can see over the pillars he hides behind easier if you go on your toes when shooting (hold both shoulder buttons.) Hell, if you have enough health just stand there and shoot him in the face until it's over. At this point, you get your health refilled. Good stuff. After you've skipped all the crap after this, head through the door to the north. But before you do, call Meryl at 140.15, 'kay? - Armory - There are guards here now, so watch out. Take a small detour and pick up the FAMAS. It could be a bit useful not too long from now. Head into the elevator and head up to the first floor. - Tank Hangar - You might want to grab the SOCOM silencer from the room to the east if you don't care about mech destructions. Meryl will open up the door to the north. There are trip wires in here. Equip the thermal goggles and avoid them. If you get caught, it's over. Head through the door to the north. - Canyon - Throw on the thermal goggles again and pick up at least four claymores. After that, head north. - M1 Tank - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Stun Grenades You're gonna need to knock out the guys driving the thing. Hope you have a couple of stun grenades. Toss a chaff then rush the tank. Take out all four Tank treads like you normally need to. Now then, time to go to work on the gunner. Lob stun grenades in like you would normally. They work just the same as the regular would. Keep this up until the gunner is neutralized (if you're using the bandana) or until you run out. If you DO run out of grenades, take refuge behind the air system to the northeast. From here, you'll need to shoot the gunner with the M9. If the thing targets you with it's main cannon, toss a chaff. That thing will own you from here to next Tuesday. Just be careful not to get hit by the main cannon. You get another health refill now. - Nuke Building 1F - Run north and climb underneath the door. Make sure no guards see you crawl under. You need to get to the elevator. The way to the north is a lot safer than the western staircase. Watch out for the guard patrolling the truck and the camera on the eastern wall and in the corner on the upper level. Go down to B1. - Nuke Building B1 - Go south and to the left and collect the Nikita and ammo for it. Go back to the elevator and head to B2. - Nuke Building B2 - Head south to the electric/gassed death area. Take out the Nikita and fire a round. Let's break out the crappy ASCII of the area again: -------------------- | | XXX| | | | | | - ---------------- | x | |--- | -------- | | x| | :) | |--- | | | | | | | | |-- x| | | |x | | | || ----------- ---- || |x ------------------------------ :) = you. x = gun cameras XXX = what you need to blow-up Now, the route you want to take is: -------------------- | | XXX| | | * | | * * * * * | - *---------------- | * x | |--* | -------- | |* x| | :) | |-- * | | * | | | * | | * | |- * x| | * | |x * | | * | || * ----------- * ---- || * * * * * * * * |x ------------------------------ When that's blown up, grab the Gas Mask from the third room on the right and head to the east. Mind the gun camera. Head into Otacon's Lab at the north end. - Cyborg Ninja - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Nikita (melee) This fight will be a LOT easier if you have Chaff Grenades. But if not, it won't be too bad. Start the fight off by throwing your weapons away and fighting him man to man so he'll start fighting for real. Fox is a lot faster in Extreme, so be careful if he starts schooling your ass. At any time, feel free to lob a chaff grenade then whip out your Nikita and clobber his metal butt. If you're not using chaff, you should stick with your fists for this portion. Try to do a punch, punch, roll combo to him. This inflicts a good amount of damage, knocks him off balance, and gets you a safe distance away from counter attacks. Also, if you start getting low on health, your friend Mario can help. Toss a chaff grenade and run over to the northeast to where the Mario doll is. Take out your FAMAS and load into the plumber. Don't worry about ammo. You probably will never touch the FAMAS after this point. When Fox starts hiding around the room, equip your thermal goggles to track him down. Remember, he always hides: * The space next to the locker Dr. Emmerich hid in. * The space between the supercomputers on the west side of the room. * The narrow space between the desks and the computers in the middle of the room. * The space between the computer consoles and the bookshelf on the eastern side of the room. * Out in the open in the southeast part of the area. He comes out of his position much sooner on Extreme and cheats by using his sword to attack. If you see him rushing you, roll into his direction. Hopefully, that will stop his assault. Things get extremely easy when he starts teleporting and trying to punch you. Simply equip the Nikita and keep moving when he teleports. After he does his punch, the long recover time should give you more than an open shot to bash his brains in with the Nikita. Easy stuff... You get another health refill here. After you skip the cutscenes, head out back to the elevator and go to B1. - Nuke Building B1 - Exit the elevator. Meryl is patrolling to the south on the left side of the area. Get her attention and follow her to that bathroom. After you regain control, head north to the Commander's Room. - Commander's Room - Equip your Nikita and head in. When you regain control, bash Meryl in the face with it. Alternatively, keep punching her until she goes down. Don't do a PPK, she will probably be able to get off a shot when she gets up. - Psycho Mantis - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: Nikita and M9 This fight is pretty simple but annoying. The annoying part is that you go to Psycho Mantis's viewpoint after less than a second when switching to first person. This makes it damn near impossible to get any good head shots on the guy. But if you'll recall our guard friends. Headshots and crotch shots count the same to them. The same holds true for our friend Mantis. When aiming (from the floor) go for shots in the nads. It's weird, but it works. Swap out the control ports to get Mantis's weakness exploited right away. As we know, getting good shots in is a ***** with Mantis here. With that said, equip your thermal goggles and Nikita. When he's stealthing around and tossing his hadokens around, simply follow him and brain him with the Nikita. It's crude, but it works. This stops being effective when he decides to resort to more unorthodox methods of attack. At this point, you should lay down in the center of the room. Mantis never really got the hang of that whole aiming down thing, so you should be fine. Now then, get a baring where Mantis is and take out your M9. You have to be fast and precise, but go for shots in the nads or head from here. Eventually, Mantis will possess Meryl again. Hopefully, you'll be close to her and will be able to beat her down before she can get off any shots. If not, try stun grenades or getting in a shot with the M9. After that, Meryl will be instructed to commit suicide. Got to stop the crazy redhead before that happens. Take her down by any means neccessary. Now then, Mantis goes back to his energy ball attacks. Again, make with the thermal goggles and Nikita. When he tries his final assault, finish him off with the M9 just like you were doing before. Try not to waste shots with the M9. Mantis will almost always switch after possessing Meryl, so remember that. Just try to be quick with that trigger finger and it should be easy. Another energy refill afterwords. - Caves - Knock out the dogs with the M9. One is immediately north of where you crawl into the cave and one is to the south around the bend. Don't worry about the cub. Still do the Meryl box trick to save trouble not too long from now. - Underground Passage - Get across the mine field. The claymores are more or less useless for this game, with the lack of murder and all... But you should get them out of the way anyway so you don't blow yourself up retreating. - Getting the Sniper Rifle - Get out of there before you get shot. Now go back through the Caves and the Commander's Room to Nuke Building B1. There is now a PSG1-T in the southwestern most room in the area. Grab it and some ammo then head back to Sniper Wolf. - Sniper Wolf - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: PSG-1 T For having a high powered rifle, Wolf does abysmal damage with her shots. Just chug down a Pentazamin and use the same tactics as you normally do. Her only augmentation to her ability for this fight is she aims quicker. As long as you keep hitting her, you should have no problem. Remember to quickly unequip and reequip your weapon to regain your composure if shot. After the fight, head north and get captured. - Torture - Immediately submit. Sorry Meryl. - Escaping the Cell - You get a health refill when returning to your cell. Call up Otacon (141.12 if you forgot lame brain.) Wait around for Sasaki to get owned by the craps and Otacon to show up. When you regain control, use the ketchup. Wait for Johnny to return and get up and do a barrel roll over his lame ass. Run out to the torture machine to be rid of him. Get your clothes and supplies. Avoid the camera and get the hell out of there. - Holding Cells - Avoid the two gun cameras with a chaff and head into the elevator. Go to 1F. - Tank Hangar - Head out into the canyon. - Canyon - There are guards and cameras all over the place out here. Your best bet is to snipe these losers with any PSG1-T rounds left and avoid the cameras with a chaff. Be careful not to down a guard by a camera or a search team will show up to investigate. - Nuke Building 1F - Slide on your forehead up to the elevator. Go to B2. - Nuke Building B2 - Now that you have the Lv6 card, you can pick up the body armor. It's the first room on the right you come to on the west side of the area. Beware of gun cameras that might still be around here. Grab the body armor, it's essential to your survival. Head back to the elevator and up to B1. You could take a pit stop at Mario to refill your energy if you somehow got hurt. Fool of a toke! - Nuke Building B1 - Go straight to the Commander's Room. - Commander's Room - Backflip through here in slow motion while yelling "Sounds like a spy movie." - Caves - Equip the hankerchief you got from Otacon and pass by. Please don't feed the dogs. - Underground Passage - Go north and don't get captured this time. w00t! ****INSERT DISC 2***** - Communications Tower A - Hope you have a few stun grenades here. Go down the hallway and toss a stun grenade right before you trigger the alarm. If you time it well, it will go off right as you regain control. BE SURE TO GRAB THE ROPE! This is going to be one hell of a climb. Equip your body armor. It will really cut down on damage. Now, the key here is to toss stun grenades only if the guys behind you catch up. Don't toss them aimlessly...unless you're using the bandana... What about guys in front of me, you say? Learn from the great master of **** ruining, Sonic the Hedgehog, and roll over their sorry asses. Try not to do it too soon or you'll fall on your face, look like an idiot, and get shot by the guys that have now caught up with you. This isn't as hard as it seems. Just keep moving. Also, you might want to toss a stun grenade around the 25th floor, since there are two guys in front of you at the top floor and it's a ***** to get past 'em. When you get to the top, don't stop. Go straight onto the roof. - Communications Tower Roof - Equip the rope and head north. You'll immediately use it when you regain control. You also get yet another, probably needed, health refill. - Communications Tower Wall - You may very well want to save here. You really want to have FULL HEALTH for the Hind fight. In fact, it's quite essential that you do. Avoid the steam at all costs. There isn't a lot of it, so you shouldn't have trouble. Don't be jumping down if the Hind is flying over. He reappears every ten seconds or so, so watch out. Make your way to the bottom as quickly as possible. - Communications Tower Corridor - Grab the items in the area. Take a pentazemin then equip the thermal goggles and the PSG1-T and aim north. You need to take out the three commandos here. Go for headshots on them before they can react. It's quite simple as long as your aim is good. Aim for either the right or left most guy first then just go down the line capping them all. Good show. When they're dealt with, head north. The Hind shows up again. Run west northwest toward the building. Try your best not to get shot here. Grab the Stinger and ammo and head inside to the south. - Communications Tower B - Head to the east and downstairs. Keep going down until you find the smashed stairs. Head back up toward the elevator. When you regain control, start heading upstairs. Remember the gun cameras: - 11th floor. One camera. - 15th floor. Two cameras. - 19th floor. Three cameras. - 23rd floor. Four cameras. Don't get shot carelessly. When you reach the summit, prepare for the hellish Hind D battle. - Hind D - Difficulty: Very Hard Weapon of Choice: Stinger This is the hardest fight in the game. If you can beat this, it's _mostly_ smooth sailing from here on out. Immediately equip the body armor. It is your lifeline for this fight. This fight has pretty much two phases. The "circle the place and shoot you" phase and the "might as well ****ing teleport I'm going so fast" phase. Let's cover the first err...first...shall we? For the duration of this fight, you need to keep your Stinger TRAINED on the Hind's position. Use the homing missiles to your advantage. In the first part of this fight, stick to the area between the crate and the building. When you have a shot, fire at the Hind. After you do, immediately run to the opposite direction of where you fired to avoid his fire. You might have to make a U-turn and run the other way if he decided to circle around as you shot. When it gets down to 2/3 health, it will fire a missile. Stick to the north end to avoid it. Also take this time to fire off a missile or two at the Hind while it's getting ready to fire and after it fires the missile. Now the Hind kicks into turbo mode. At this part, you HAVE to keep your sights trained on the Hind. Stick between the area noted before. Follow the helicopter's path with your Stinger's targeting. As soon as it rises from the horizon, fire a Stinger and take cover. If you do this, it will only fire off three blind shots that have crap accuracy and hopefully will return to below the horizon. Should you take too long, the thing will start flying all over the goddamn place and will be a ***** to hit and avoid. If this happens, you might have to just stand your ground and fire at it to calm it down. When its health is depleted, it will fire a final missile at you. GO SOUTH to avoid it. You don't want to survive all that and get killed by a damn missile at the very end, do you? This fight is hard, I'm not going to sugar coat it. On the plus side... I guess... You get a health refill afterwards. Head back inside. - Communications Tower B - Head _all_ the way back down to the elevator. Remember the cameras. Once more: - 11th floor. One camera. - 15th floor. Two cameras. - 19th floor. Three cameras. - 23rd floor. Four cameras. Don't get shot like an idiot. That's just an embarrasment. Enter the elevator and head down. Equip your handy body armor before you do. - Elevator Battle - You've got four stealth commandos shooting you in the face. That's just peachy. Equip your M9 and go in first person. Go for headshots on the lot of them. The quicker the better. There isn't really any strategy beyond that. You can kick one or two of their asses if you're up to it. But the M9 is the most direct route. - Communications Tower B - Head out the elevator south through the hall. Toss a chaff grenade and make a run for it. There is one gun camera to the first room you come to and three more in the next hallway. Go straight out into the Snowfield and Wolf. - Sniper Wolf - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: PSG1-T Again, this battle is the same as any other difficulty with the exception of her aiming much quicker. Equip the PSG1-T and down another Pentazemin and take aim. If you get the first shot in, keep it so you get the only shot in. Go for headshots to maximize damage. Aim for where she is going to be when moving, not where she is. If you have her in her sights and you see her laser in your face, take the shot. Even if it is a crappy one, it's better then getting shot in the face. Also, remember to do the quick equip trick. This fight is really easy. If you beat the Hind but have trouble with this... Well you're just weird. But I mean that in a good way... Oh yeah, health refill at this point. - Snowfield - Head north and trigger the cutscene. When it's over, feel free to grab some supplies from the area if you're low. When ready, head north (watch the two gun cameras) and go down to the Blast Furnace. - Blast Furnace - Head north down the stairs. Pacify the guard down here so he won't give you trouble. Now, get across to the other side. The safest route is probably just sidling across the wall, avoiding the crane, to the other side. Avoid the sentry on patrol here. Knock his dopey ass out if necessary. Head to the north through the door there. - Cargo Elevator - Head onto the cargo elevator. You'll get ambushed. That fourth guy STILL vanishes. What the hell is up with that...? Anyway, this is just like the last elevator battle, only with a guy mysteriously disappearing and a lot more space to deal with. Again: M9 + Headshot = Win! After that's over, head over to the second lift. Watch out for the gun camera stationed on the transition part there. Ride down to the bottom. Oh and don't piss off the crows... It's really immature. Head through the door to the north. - Vulcan Raven - Difficulty: Hard Weapon of Choice: M9 and PSG-1 T This fight is a lot harder on Extreme. Why, you might ask? Well, Vulcan Raven is running at full speed now. Also... He doesn't ever stop shooting. He doesn't have that giant barrel of ammo on his back for nothing. There are two ways you can deal with this guy, depending on if you're a special item user or not. Bandana folks: This is extremely easy and quite cheap. But it works extremely well. Equip the M9 and the bandana. Now get a good distance away from Vulcan Raven. Wait for him to pass down a part of the area that is in your view (hopefully he'll be at the other end.) Now here's what you do: - Press up against the wall facing Raven. - Jump out. - Fire a single shot. - Fall back. - Lather, rinse, repeat. That's it. It doesn't do a lot of damage, but you can do it at least a dozen times before you'll need to fall back to a better position. This should only take a few minutes at most to do. Hardcore folks: This is a lot harder and quite dangerous. Here's what you do: - Wait for Raven to go blasting by. - Jump out and go in first person for headshots. - Get as many headshots in with the M9 as you can before you get down to bleeding health. - When you get low on health, retreat and get out of bleeding. - Get to a good position that you can easily fall back from. Be wary of fallen boxes. - Take out the PSG1-T and take a Pentazemin. - Wait for Raven to stomp by and headshot his bald eskimo ass. - Retreat and lay down to heal if need be. Whichever way, you'll get your health refilled after this. Good show, ladie. NOW it's clear sailing from here on out. Head north out of this dump. Raven crap smells. Especially after they've eaten eskimo shaman. - Warehouse North - Be aware of the two trapdoors down the hall to the north. Also, watch out for the two guards here. Hang back a bit and take out the one patrolling below. Hopefully, the second one will come down to stupidly investigate. Take care of him as well. Now head north, hugging the wall to avoid the cameras, and go through the door. - Underground Base - We're almost through here. Last area. Head up to the top level. Take out every guard you come across to make life easier. There is one above the first set of stairs, one above the second set of stairs, and one patrolling to the west in front of the control room. Go to said control room and lose your PAL Key. Go all the way down to the bottom level (make sure all the guards are passed out as you do.) The rat will have eaten your key. Send Mickey Mouse a present in the form of a claymore in front of the little hole he comes out of. If the guards are still asleep, this won't cause an alert. If you have no claymores, position yourself south of where the bugger is and snipe him with the PSG-1 T. You'll have to finish it off with the SOCOM still. However you do it, get back up to the Control Room. WATCH OUT FOR THE CAMERAS IN HERE. No need to screw up at this point. Equip and use the PAL Key on the left laptop. Now head back out and go over to those wonderful pipes on the east side of the area. I'll give a respectful assumption as to your intelligence, seeing as you're doing a Big Boss ranking run through on Extreme. I assume you know how to get to the pipes. Freeze the key first and head back for the middle laptop. Repeat the process with the last one in heating the key. After things go south, equip the gas mask and call up Mr. Otaku Convention to open the door. Head out and prepare for the rather easy Metal Gear Rex. - Metal Gear Rex (Radome) - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Stinger This fight is still pretty simple, even on Extreme. The only real difference is that the laser and machingun fire quicker. That's about it. The missiles still have crap for accuracy. You just need to run toward Metal Gear to avoid them. Just back up if it fires its lasers and regroup. As for the machinegun... Even if it hits you (which it probably will if you're firing the stinger), it does about as much damage as Sniper Wolf's rifle. That being very little. Try to keep to the right side of Metal Gear to be able to target the Radome easier. Oh yeah, don't forget that body armor. - Metal Gear Rex (Cockpit) - Difficulty: Easy Weapon of Choice: Stinger Uhh... You could probably take it out quite easily just standing there and firing missiles straight into the cockpit as long as you have a decent amount of health. It's almost pathetic for the Extreme difficulty to be so easy in this fight... - Liquid Snake - Difficulty: Moderate Weapon of Choice: Fists Well... I can't give a lot of advice here. He's exactly like he is in every other difficulty. Only his attacks do a bit more damage. Don't get hit, don't have a problem. Simple as that. If you do get down into bleeding health, just toss him off the side and croutch to take a breather and regain strength. Stomp his ass into the ground. You're almost done here! - Escape Route - You've got no Body Armor to work with here or any weapons. Head east and jot down to kill Otacon later on the way out. When the guards rush in, you should punch one in the face and immediately choke him after that. Drag your now hostage over toward your escape ride. DON'T snap his neck. That would mess up your ranking, buddy. Do choke him a few times to knock him out when you drop him. When Otacon gets the jeep running, hop in the back and man that turret. Aim for the barrels. Do NOT shoot the guards here. It doesn't matter if they get waxed by the splash damage from the barrel. It does if your bullets go through their chest. First checkpoint. Shoot the barrels as quickly as you can. The guards should be taken out in the splash damage. Second checkpoint. Aim for the left barrel first to dispose of those two commandos. The soldier on the right should now move toward the conveniently placed boom barrel now. Punish his mistake and head on. Liquid shows up for one final bout. Keep your sights focused on the madman as much as possible. You're almost there! Keep with him. I was at bleeding and a literal shred of energy left when I completed it. Congratulations! Provided you followed the given requirements and made it through in one piece, you should now be on par with Sean Conne...Big Boss himself! You have now mastered Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes! =============================================================================== X I I I . C r e d i t s =============================================================================== I'd like to thank the following people. Just because I can: - My friends and family: For obvious reasons. - Fiona: Sorry for all that's happened. We'll have a better tomorrow. - Denis Dyack and Silicon Knights: For making this kickass game and many others. Howabout an Eternal Darkness 2? - Hideo Kojima and Konami: For creating this excellent series and just rocking in general. Snake Eater had better be killer. - Ryuhei Kitamura: For making stylish, flashy, action packed, and more than slightly insane cutscenes. Keep on backflippin'. - CJayC: For having one of the best websites around and hosting this. - n00bs on TTS Board: For a few good laughs and a fascinating study into human stupidity. - Cooljerk: Some reason... *shrug* - Cubs: I dunno... Some reason... *shrug* Running out of creativity here... - Ronzo: For being an insane Polish bastard and having computer powers far beyond that of normal men. - Coop: You one sick bastard, Charlie Brown. - And you for using my FAQ! =============================================================================== X I V . C l o s i n g =============================================================================== Well folks, it looks like this is the end of the road. It was a wild and crazy trip and I might have gotten married back in Vegas. Hope you enjoyed this little tribute to The Twin Snakes. As for me, I'm going to move on to new horizons. Maybe we'll met again, somewhere in the sky... Until then, good times and happy trails. Dark Id, out... "Never been worse..." - Ash White