+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ |T|a|c|t|i|c|a|l| |E|s|p|i|o|n|a|g|e| |A|c|t|i|o|n| +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-+-+-+ ___ ___ _ _ _____ _____ _ _ _ | \/ | | | | | | __ \ / ___| | (_) | | | . . | ___| |_ __ _| | | | \/ ___ __ _ _ __ \ `--. ___ | |_ __| | | |\/| |/ _ \ __/ _` | | | | __ / _ \/ _` | '__| `--. \/ _ \| | |/ _` | | | | | __/ || (_| | | | |_\ \ __/ (_| | | /\__/ | (_) | | | (_| | \_| |_/\___|\__\__,_|_| \____/\___|\__,_|_| \____/ \___/|_|_|\__,_| T - H - E T - W - I - N S - N - A - K - E - S <<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>> Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Full FAQ/Walkthrough By: Nick Henson (SinirothX) and Androgynous For the Nintendo Gamecube <<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>>==**==<<<>>> =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S =~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~=~= 1. Copyright Notice/Contact Information 2. Introduction 3. Basics 4. Walkthrough 5. Weapon List 6. Item List 7. Boss Strategies 8. About the Codec 9. Snake's Rankings 10. Pictures 11. Dog Tags 12. Unlockables 13. Update History 14. Credits 15. Final Words ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 1. Copyright Notice/Contact Information ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- Copyright Notice -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- This document is © copyright 2004; SinirothX/nm14. This FAQ is the intellectual property of Nick Henson and nm14, and is solely intended for personal and private usage. Any reproduction or distribution of this guide to make a profit is strictly prohibited, and is punishable by law. The *only* circumstance in which this guide may be reproduced in a magazine or other form of media is when I am contacted by whomever wishes to reproduce and distribute this guide, and asked permission to do so. Should I grant you permission to do this, then and only then may you use it in your media. To anyone who is making a guide of their own for this game(s), you absolutely may NOT use this FAQ as a basis for your own, take any information which is totally original to this guide, or copy & paste information down verbatim unless I am informed, and the go-ahead has been given. Should you be caught participating in these classless acts, I will give you one opportunity to take all stolen information out of the FAQ, or remove the FAQ completely. If you fail to listen after the first warning, and disregard that warning (and this as a forewarning) I will contact CJayC, and proceed to have him remove your FAQ from the site's database. Note to all webmasters: if you wish to host this FAQ on your website(s), you MUST first, without if, ands or buts, contact me using the e-mail address located in the subsequent section of this guide titled, "Contact Info", and kindly ask for permission. And if you are given the flashing green light, you may then post it up. Remember: in your e-mails, post a link to your website so that I can analyze it, and see if it's a site that I find fit to post this FAQ. *If* you are lucky and your site does indeed fit my strict criterion for posting this or any of our FAQs, you will be granted permission, and in the very next update to this FAQ I'll make an addendum to the sites that can display this. However, should you get on that list, you are fully and ultimately responsible for updating your site with the guide's lastest and most recent information, and keeping it completely current. If you do not think you are capable of this or can't be bothered to do so, do NOT waste both of our times in even asking. Please. The most recent version of this can and always will be found at GameFAQs . Also, take heed of this warning: I do not, from this FAQ forward, allow fansites to host my guides (I can differentiate fan-crazed sites from well-established sites). Should I catch any unauthorized sites hosting this FAQ, I'll kindly and professionally ask its removal, and should you ignore this, I will be contacting CJayC. Remember, this FAQ is also the property of CNET Networks. Now, if you wish to convert this document from its original state into another language other than its original, I will have to have say no, sorry. Do not change this FAQ even the slightest character. To people using this FAQ to get through the game solely, if you wish to print or download this FAQ, you may feel free to do so. Any violation or failure to comply with the aforementioned terms will result in severe legal ramifications. All characters, areas, events, or other miscellaneous objects in this game are the copyrighted property of Konami. I am in no way affiliated with any company and/or persons that were/are involved with the making or refurbishing of these games. The following sites may host as of yet: - gamefaqs.com - faqs.ign.com - neoseeker.com Here's a list of sites that never even had a chance in hell to post this FAQ. This is because they have had a notorious history in blatantly ripping off others' works, and posting them on their sites. They either are VERY stupid (especially after the constant, and sometimes repeated, bombardments of warnings and requests), or are just ignorant of the law. If any of you webmasters of the following sites think that by asking for this FAQ you ever had a peon of a chance of receiving permission, you imbecility is even more surprisingly ineffable than when you made said imbecility apparent by vociferously stealing others' original and intellectual work. I will _NOT_ condone any of these heinous acts, and you are foolish if you think I will. The most ignorant, and obviously recalcitrant to following the law, is probably Dave of Cheatcc. That nefarious bastard has had the most evident and indelibly etched background of robbing other's stuff, it's almost sickening. So, before the urge to kill everything within a 5 mile radius of my computer terminal by even thinking of these pompous jackasses swells even further, I'll present you with the deplorable list of conniving, thieving...er, lemme just start... 911 Codes http://911codes.com 9 Lives http://www.9lives.ru/eng/ Bean's PlayStation Dimension http://www.bean.dk/psx/index.htm Cheat Index http://cheatindex.com Cheat Matrix http://cheatmatrix.com Cheat Search http://cheatsearch.com Cheatstop http://www.panstudio.com/cheatstop/ CNET Gamecenter http://games.netscape.com/Faqs/ Console Domain http://www.consoledomain.co.uk Dirty Little Helper http://dlh.net Dark Station http://www.darkstation.com/ Dreamland http://kirby.pokep.net Games Domain http://www.gamesdomain.com Game Express http://www.gameexpress.com Games Over http://www.gamesover.com/ Mega Games http://www.megagames.com Square Haven http://www.square-haven.net Ultimate System http://www.flatbedexpress.com VideoGaming.net http://www.videogaming.net/ -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- Contact Information -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- E-mails: 1. bjsalari[at]hotmail[dot]com (nm14) 2. InfiniteZero000[at]aol[dot]com (SinirothX) Hey everyone. This is the e-mail policy portion of this FAQ. We are going to list what we believe to be "acceptable" or "unacceptable" e-mails. Of course, it would be very wise of you to correctly e-mail us if you are hoping for a response. Also, if you have made a mistake when e-mailing us, it is very likely we will block you so that you cannot send us any more messages. So, now that you all know what will happen if you incorrectly e-mail us, you have to find out what is acceptable and what is unacceptable. Please read below. Do you have information that we have not covered in this FAQ? Well, read below. If you happen to know something in the FAQ please e-mail us. We are always interested in adding information from readers, but there are a few exceptions. If this FAQ is NOT labeled "Final" as its version, your added information may not neccessarily be used. We could possibly already know your information, but have not gotten to that section yet. So, do not guarantee that we will post your comments just because you were nice enough to e-mail us. Now, for a little more about an "acceptable" e-mail, let's talk about the subject of the e-mail. We get a lot of e-mails about other FAQs that we have written, so we can easily miss your e-mail unless you identify it. So, in the subject line, please include the words "Metal Gear Solid TTS" in your subject line. This makes it a lot easier to sort things out in our e-mail. If you do not refer to what game you are commenting/asking for help on, we will most likely ignore the entire e-mail. The last aspect that we would like to talk about is reading the FAQ. If you are in doubt, check around the entire FAQ before coming to us for direct help. It is likely that information is in other parts of the FAQ, and not neccessarily the part that you are looking at during that very moment. Any comments that are already answered in this FAQ will simply be ignored and blocked, as we have taken a lot of time to write this guide for you, you can do a little something for us as well. If any of the above guidelines are not followed correctly your e-mails will be considered "unacceptable" and I am sure you know what that means. We personally think that it will be simple to follow the guidelines, and you will not have to worry very much about the process. Thanks you, again, for your cooperation. ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 2. Introduction ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ SinirothX's Introduction: Hey, well, I'm back with another FAQ, and this time it's a co-author guide with my friend nm14. I say we make a pretty good team, which is why I paired up with him (along with the fact that he wanted his name next to my sexy, prestigious name :P). We're also writing for the remake of one of the greatest PS1 games of all time, Metal Gear Solid (Konami). This has been remade on the Gamecube, with some new trinkets and features, in The Twin Snakes. I found the original fun to write for, so I'm doing it again here. Bosses will meet their inevitable contumelious opprobrium when you utilize my tachydidaxious strategies, any obstacles shall be overcome with the greatest of ease, and the hardest-to-obtain of secrets will seem within the realm of verisimilitude and fathomability. That's all I got, so, enjoy the guide. - Sini nm14's Introduction: Hell and welcome to another FAQ/Walkthrough from t.h.e nm14. Yea, but you what to know why this is a special walkthrough I am sure, right? Well, I am going to team up with my long time pal, and past co-author SinirothX. Yea, that is right folks, but please, before you pass out and start crying read the rest of my introduction. This FAQ/Walkthrough is supposed to hold your hand through the Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. Yes, what a lovely idea. This game has been waited for for quite a while. Amazing graphics and a two-disc game. So, expect a lot of challenges, puzzles and a long story full of stealth and action combined. Not only is this FAQ going to cover the walkthrough portion of the game, but it will (duh) cover the side parts of the game, such as where to find certain items/weapons etc. Another important side note that is worth my time to tell you is that this game is a remake of the original great Metal Gear Solid. So, to sum everything up in a few sentences, this game will be Snake, yea, Solid Snake, taking a mission, and we all know how good he is at stealthy missions. He will do whatever it takes, no matter what is in his way, to get through his obstacles and complete this mission. Good luck folks, and enjoy reading our FAQ/Walkthrough. ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 3. Basics ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- Controls -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- ================ *A Button* ================ Definition ---------- -Fire weapon when a weapon is equipped. -Choke enemy when behind their back. General Information ------------------- When Snake is carryin a weapon, the A button allows you to shoot bullets out of your weapon. Holding the A button down will rapidly fire a weapon, especially assault rifles such as the FA-MAS. If your character is not holding a weapon during gameplay, it can also be used to grab an enemy. This basically heads into a choke mode. If you press the A button again, you will lock the soldier into a tighter choke. If you contiually press the A button while in choke mode, you will snap the soldier's neck. For more information on the choke, see the Special Moves section below the Control Section. The final action that the A button can do is to throw an enemy while you are in choke mode. But, instead of being still, you are going to have to be moving. This will be similar to a body slam. ================ *B Button* ================ Definition ---------- -Punch/Kick an enemy. Press 3 times to get a punch/punch/kick combo. -Knock against a Wall when against a wall. General Information ------------------- The B button is used more often inside of the boss battles than regular running around. It is more or less a melee style of fighting, and you can put together combos to take off the maximum amount of damage. If you press the B button three times in a row you will do two quick punches followed by a spinning kick to an enemy. This is very good for knocking out a person/enemy. The second feature of the B button is that it can get an enemy's attention by making noise by pounding against a wall when you are up against a wall. I might as well mention this here because there is no where else to mention it, but the sounds of the banging are very good because they are different for different surfaces of the game. So, if you want a soldier to come near you so you can take them out, simply bang against the wall and then get ready for a punch kick combo. If you have not ammo left, this may be your only choice. ================ *X Button* ================ Definition ---------- -Enter Crouch Mode. -Crouches when you are against a wall. General Information ------------------- The main information that you need to know about crouch mode, is that it may be a good idea to use if you are sniping or shooting with some cover behind you. This will make enemy fire much less of a problem because you are exposing a lot less surface area to your opponent. Also, if you need to get below a structure you will need to crawl. The only way to crawl is to enter the crouch mode first and then start pushing the control stick. For more information on crawling, look at the Special Moves section right below this one. If you are against a wall, you can press X to go crouching. Then, press the A button to shoot people and then go back under cover. This is useful to be low to the ground so, again, people will have trouble shooting you. ================ *Y Button* ================ Definition ---------- -Lifts Snake up to platforms. -Allows Snake to climb ladders. -Allows Snake to open/close lockers. General Information ------------------- The Y button can be called the Action button for Metal Gear Solid. It basically sums up all the special actions that Snake can perform in one small button. Although it is multi-purposed, this button is used less often than you may expect. If you are interested in searching lockers you can open the lockers with the Y button and then collect the various items contained in those lockers. Also, if you want to hide a dead or sleeping body, the best place to hide them would be inside lockers. I would simply drag the body into the locker and then shut it. The second function that the Y button has is climbing up ladders. There are few ladders scattered around this game, but when there is, the Y button will allow you to climb up. Lastly, if you cannot get up to a waist high ledge or crate, pressing the Y button will allow you to push yourself up to the platform. This is useful in many cases including the very beginning of the game. ================ *Z Button* ================ Definition ---------- -Heads into first person mode. -Heads into third person mode. General Information ------------------- This new feature allows you, Snake, to play the game in first person or third person mode. If you want to stay in first person mode for the entire game without actually holding the Z button, you will have to change the option in the main menu. So, if you are looking for a head shot, you might want to get into first person mode. Then, to get your gun out, press the A button. If you hold the A button you can hold your gun out and aim at a specific target. Again, this is much easier if you want to pick guards off in one shot, also know as a head shot. Once you are first person mode, you can transfer back to third person mode by simply pressing the Z button. It is a matter of opinion as to which mode you like better. But, to change modes, remember that the Z button (small purple button on the top of the controller) is used to switch modes. ================ *L Button* ================ Definition ---------- -Bring up Item Menu. -Change Items. General Information ------------------- When you need to change an item to enhance you gameplay for a certain environment, you will want to change your items (obviously). And, the only way you can do this is to press and hold the Left Trigger button on the controller. This brings up a vertical scroller to the left of your screen. Pressing the up and down button will scroll your items, and whichever one you end up on when you let go of the L button. Just as a note, when you are fighting a boss or some harder enemies, I would recommend that you place the rations on your item list because if you do and your energy is completely drained, your rations will automatically be used. This is very useful which the fact that the your worries for how much health you have are eased to some extent. Of course, you still need to keep track of how much health you have at all times. It is important that you have the correct weapon out at all times, but the advantage to this system of scrolling is that that the times stops when you are scrolling. This means that you can take your time when you are baffled about which weapon you want to get out for the particular situation you are in. ================ *R Button* ================ Definition ---------- -Bring up Weapon Menu. -Change Weapons. General Information ------------------- When you need to change a weapon to enhance you gameplay for a certain environment, you will want to change your weapons of course. And, the only way you can do this is to press and hold the R button button on the controller. This brings up a vertical scroller to the right of your screen. Pressing the up and down button will scroll your weapons, and whichever one you end up on when you let go of the R button. It is important that you have the correct weapon out at all times, but the advantage to this system of scrolling is that that the times stops when you are scrolling. This means that you can take your time when you are baffled about which weapon you want to get out for the particular situation you are in. ==================== *Control Stick* ==================== Definition ---------- -Move Snake. -Enter Crawl Mode. -Aim a gun. General Information ------------------- Yes, it may seem like there is little to say about the control stick but you are sadly mistaken. Of course, it is obvious that using the control stick will move Snake, but one of the important features in this game that involves the control stick is that you can enter the crawl mode by pressing the Y button to duck. Then, pressing the control stick in any particular direction will allow Snake to start crawling. This is useful when you need to get past a certain area. Another thing you should know about the control stick is that it allows you to aim your gun when you are in first person mode. It also rotates Snake when you are aiming your gun in third person mode. Either way, it is very important to master the aiming process because if you are too slow at aiming and firing at an enemy you will be shot at several times, taking much of your health away from you. -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- Special Moves -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- ================== *Dog Tags* ================== The actual listing for Dog Tags and such will not be located in this section, but instead will be in the Things to do and find section. This section is going to thoroughly explain the procedure in obtaining dog tags throughout the game. It is important to understand that dog tags are not mandatory to complete the game, but there are useful if you are interested in the secret portion of this game. It is much like a cheat, only you are not cheating, you are gaining. It is rather fun, because it tests your skills with stealthy action and how good you are with dealing with enemy soldiers. So, if you have no idea of what a dog tag is, I will tell you. A dog tag is basically a tag worn by soldiers that gives you their name. Therefore, everytime you meet an enemy does not mean you will get a new dog tag. Enemies do reappear in this game, so if you ever come across an enemy more than once, you will obviously only be able to get their dog tag one time. So, now that you know all this information, let's get onto the actual strategies of gaining dog tags. There is absolutely only one way to gain a dog tag and this move can only be achieved if you are pretty good at stealth. The technique basically works like this. When you see an enemy, look at your mini-map located in the upper screen and notice the soldier's viewing area. As you should/better know, this is the area where you do not want to be at. So, follow a guard, always staying behind them, and never getting to close to them. If you run too fast and get close to them, they will hear you and will turn around, set off an alarm and then shoot you. So, stay swiftly behind the soldier and wait for the perfect moment: when you are fairly close to the soldier and pull out your gun by pressing A. Make sure that you hold the A button down though, because if you simply tap the button you will fire the gun and the guard will set of the alarm. So, once you have held the A button down and Snake yells the phrase "freeze," you will be able to do whatever you want with the guard. Of course, they have theird hands up and do not move an inch. But, don't simply put your gun away. If you put your gun away, the guard will turn around and start firing at you. So, we are going to have to come up with some plan that will allow us to keep our gun out but still move towards the front of the soldier. The key to this solution is the Y button. Press the Y button to hold your gun down a bit, but you will be able to move around. The second that you let go of the Y button, snake will be pointing his laser on his gun in any direction. So, hold the Y button and head to the front of the soldier. If you soldier happens to be right against a wall, simply run into him and you will be able to knock him back. Once you are in front of him, let go of the Y button. Then, press the Z button to get into first person mode. Now comes the fun part. You have two options, you can either aim at the soldier's head or their crotch. Either way, the soldier will begin shaking and will reveal his dog tag. Once the dog tag is out of his possession, shoot him in the head to kill him in one hit. Then, grab his dog tag, and voila! This is how you obtain dog tags, but remember, do not shoot the guard until you actually get the dog tag out of him by shaking. ================== *Snap Neck* ================== This is one of the best used techniques when you do not have a gun or there are many enemies patrolling a given area. The reason for its great significance is that it makes no noise at all, unlike a gun, so other guards will not be able to hear this sound. I would recommend this technique to newer players and to people who are low on ammo or simply do not have a gun, such as when you are playing the beginning of the game. So, this procedure will be much similar to the technique that allows you to collect dog tags. Another huge advantage to this technique is that there is no blood splattered from the enemy, unlike a gun shot. This makes it much harder for other soldiers patrolling around the area to notice anything suspicious. Now that you know a bit about snapping a soldier/enemiy's neck, let's get on to some interesting strategies of actually performing the technique. This strategy is going to be a lot similar to the technique of grabbing or collecting dog tags from any enemy. You are going to have to first view the vision field of the enemy on your mini-map in the upper section of your screen. Once you see where the soldier's route is, avoid it and try to stay behind the enemy at all times. Do not run too fast, or get too close to the enemy or else you will be caught and an alarm will be set off which means major trouble. So, silently but rather quickly, head up towards the enemy. Try to catch the enemy facing a particular direction while they are stopped. This usually happens when they have turned a corner. They just stop for a short second. This is the best time to sneak behind them and press the A button. But, make sure that you are not moving while pressing the A button or else you will throw your enemy back towards the screen. This will not kill nor knock out the enemy, so you are going to have to deal with him someother way. So, once you have the enemy in the corner, quitely sneak up behind him and make sure both you and he are at a complete stop. Then, press the A button to grab a hold of the enemy's neck. Once you have his neck, you will basically have total control of the enemy. You have a few options, you can simply rapidly press the A button to snap his neck after a few chokes, or you can keep him alive (for whatever reason) and continually press the A button each time the guard tries to resist your choke. Pressing the A button once alone will simply grab your choke harder so that the guard cannot get out. Pressing the A button multiple times will choke him so many times so hard that you will simply snap his neck and you will kill your opponent. -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 4. Walkthrough ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- Disk 1 -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- After the long first scene and you listen to some very nice music, you will be in the first area... .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. -------- Area #1 - Cargo Dock -------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' After the scene where Solid Snake comes out of the water and onto the dry land, go under the stairs there, and by doing so, you will find some needed Rations for early on in the game. This is especially important if you get caught by the guards early in the game in case they shoot you up badly; you have some Rations to rely upon. And also, don't worry if you use them up, you'll be finding a lot of them throughout the game (but also don't use them too quickly or needlessly because they're quite important nonetheless). Next, just leave the area you're in and then make your steps and when you get to where it looks like your trapped, use X and down to get on the ground and then crawl right underneath the pipes to get to the other side. I sure hope that you're in a stealthy mood, because that's how you're going to have to be hear, and really for the whole game. Now, go find a good place to hide from the guards for now, like pressed up against a wall or behind an object. It doesn't really matter, just as long as you pick a good place to hide for the moment. Now, make your way all the way to the extreme right of this room. There's a large metal crate here, and behind it, there is even more Rations to collect. Now, I also suggest ducking and pressing your back against this crate for a while as protection and cover from the guard that's patrolling around this area of the big room. I do not suggest that you walk around too much close to the guards, as your footsteps echo and they can be heard by them. Water is also a sound medium for the guards to spot you, so watch out, and stay in the shadows until the coast is clear. All right, now, if you look over to the left (if you're against the metal crate), you'll see that there's an elevator, but, you also see that there is even more Rations there. So, when you see the little scene where the elevator comes down and a third guard comes out of it, wait for him to wander off, then get up, and sprint over to the Rations and enter the elevator quickly to avoid any confrontation. Now, wait a little bit and you'll be lifted up by the elevator. The credits roll here, Snake takes off his water diving suit, and then there's a long scene where he's briefed on the mission and given a small tutorial. After it's all said and done with that, you're set to go out and kick some terrorist ass. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. --------- Area #2 - Heliport --------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' So, after the Codec conversation with the Colonel and Mei Ling (she will save your data throughout the game whenever you contact her via Codec) is done, you are free of long cutscenes... for the moment, as Metal Gear Solid is chalk full of long cutscenes. By the way, the Colonel is the guy in charge of your mission and just about everything else. You also meet Naomi Hunter in the Codec talk here, and I'm sure you'll grow intimate relations with her... =) Okay, now, back to business. Once you're in complete control of Snake once more, you will be able to located and obtain some more Rations for your collection right in the area that's next to the elevator. You now have a few choices of where you want to go first in this massive area. I'll list them all, but in the order of where and when I went to them, okay? I suggest you start off from the long five minute Codec scene on the elevator to the far right of this area. Here, there's a bunch of snow (be careful with guards, as walking in snow leaves temporary footprints, and guards'll pick up on that if they see them). There's one guard patrolling this right side, so, sneakily get up on him and choke him to death by repeatedly and sporadically tapping circle. If he drops any Rations, that's great, you can add it to your already semi- large collection of them, heh. Also, be extremely cautious while in this area even with the guard being disposed of, as there's a camera up there, and it can spot you if you're not aware of its being there. You can tell if it's going to spot you by looking at your hi-tech radar and see its range of view. If you're in it, you're going to set off the alarm and be rushed by terrorist guards, if not, you're in the clear. But, get out of that area quickly nonetheless. Now, we've taken care of everything in this portion of the Heliport. Now, go back to the starting elevator (where the long conversation on the Codec took place). From here, you'll want to go all the way over to the left of the Heliport, and there's a large room here. In here, there is yet another camera just looking to bust you, but you can stray clear of its vision by staying up close to the wall. At the other side there's three Stun Grenade weapons, which make the screen go white for a moment, and stuns the guards for a period of time, giving you time to get away. They're very useful items to have in your inventory. Get back out of this semi-large room the same way you entered it (backing up and staying pressed against the wall under the watch camera). Next, you'll be thinking why haven't I mentioned that big area with the two huge searchlights moving around it is. Well, you'll want to wait until they're as far away from eachother and then make a desperate dash through the middle, pick up the item and get to the other side. Up here in this newer portion of the Heliport you're in, there's a guard just waiting for you to sneak up on him and kill him. I recommend that you murder him the same way you did with the last guard in this area, and that is to choke him out, and you know he's dead when you hear a cracking sound, and don't let go at any time before that. Now, you'll easily spot a truck right there. So, jump in through the back of it, and then, while in there, collect the SOCOM. It's a pistol that has easy lock-on aiming with lazer meaning that it's dead-on accurate. All right, now, remember where I said there's the first camera when you killed that first guard in the snowy area to the extreme right of the Heliport? Well, now, we go back there, push up against the wall under the camera, and then, make your indelible way up the stairs and to the upper level of the port. Here, there will be a small vent at the base of the wall, this leads you to the Tank Hangar. So, crawl under it with X + D-down, and navigate your way through it (no directions needed since it's pretty straight-forward on where you need to go and how you need to move). When you reach the near end of it, there's a scene with two soldiers talking about an intruder who's busted in and killed a lot of their men. Snake knows it's not him... who is it...? Anyway, keep moving along and eventually you'll reach a vent where you can crawl down it and into the Hangar... .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. -------- Area #3 - Tank Hangar ------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Once you get down and you're in the Hangar (big area with a big scary tank, hehe, figures... ^_^), When you enter it, there's a bunch of Chaff Grenades that are literally in plain sight. So, needless to say, pick them up right then and there. Chaff Grenades: what they do is when you through them, unlike a regular Grenade, but much like a Stun Grenade in the sense that it temporarily takes out something so you can pass or take out safely. Yup, instead of making human soldiers stunned and unaware for a little while, the Chaff Grenade can disable mechanical spotters like cameras for a little while so that you can pass them by freely, or, derail them with your weapons (always do it with a silenced weapon preferably). Anyway, after you've picked them up, run to the place where the most close camera is, and, use one of those recently acquired Chaff Grenades to momentarily put it out of commission. Note: the bar that goes under your radar is the time that the camera will be out. Also note that whenever you utilize on of those Chaff Grenades, you are basically willingly putting out your radar for that length of time as well, which can also work to helping the enemy find you (human enemies that is). Now, go on past that now useless camera and then enter the nearby room that's past the first one there. Be careful, there's yet another camera in this room. No need to Chaff it, just avoid it by staying close to the wall and staying right under it. At the other end of this room, carefully retrieve the Thermal Goggles. Now, leave this room by dodging the camera's view the same way once again. Okay, there is only one more accessible room left up here on the top high level of the Tank Hangar. So, run around to it making minimal noise, and then just enter it. Don't worry, no damn camera in this room. So, you can just easily enter it and reap the benefits that are inside. It includes and contains some more Chaff Grenades as well as the Cardboard Box A. What Cardboard Boxes do is when you're in the proper surroundings, and you're being chased by an enemy or you're just trying to avoid them, you can equip the Cardboard Box and it'll hide you from any danger. What I meant by "proper surroundings" was if there's more boxes of that kind there, and it's usually in or near the area where you first find the box, and it even gives you a clue as to where to use it if you examine it. Now, you are to leave the room where you just got the Chaff Grenades as well as the Cardboard Box A. Now, find the set of stairs leading from the top level of this Hangar. But be careful, there's another stupid camera here just waiting to reveal you to the enemy terrorists. I suggest using a Chaff Grenade for this one, instead of trying to normally dodge it, as you'll probably be caught since it's a harder one to avoid normally. Also, don't turn foolish an think you're in the clear when on the steps and start getting loud and moving really fast, since there's guards right down below, so be careful, since your radar's jammed due to the Chaff Grenade. When down below, go behind the stairs until the Chaff wears away so you don't accidentally get caught. Another plus to this is that you can also attain some ammo for your SOCOM gun. A few god ways to stay clear of any guard spotting you is to stay to the sides of this room, wait for them to pass by, and choke the hell out of them. Memorize how they scout the place by your radar and stay away from the places they go and can view. Or, my absolute favorite method of doing so: hide under the tank and avoid any and all confrontation. Okay, no matter how you finally decide to go about this, even if it's totally just coming out and stuffing the guards full of lead and raising hell and a lot of ruckus, go the elevator at the front of this lower level and when you enter it, set the elevator to lift you up to the area of B1, or, Basement 1. Here you go to the following area... .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------ Area #4 - Holding Cells ------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Okay, at the beginning, this area is very simple and easy to navigate your way through it. Anyway, I'm not going to give you a 10 line speech on it, let's just start, all right? Anyhow, when the elevator stops at your desired B1 destination, leave the elevator and then go on down to as far as you can in this area. Then, once you reach the end, head on to the right, and at the end of this small hallway, you'll see a ladder off to the left. Go up to it, and then press circle on it to go up, and open the shaft. Now, after that is all done and over with, you're located inside of the ventilation shaft, and it is quite similar to the one you were in earlier which lead to the Tank Hangar, but, do not be fooled, it is not. Again, it's easy to go through this shaft as it was with the previous one, if not just a little bit harder only because it's a tad longer. The only justifiable reason you'd have to get lost in this very easy-to-navigate shaft is that it's dark, but it's manageable. Once you get to a certain point in the ventilation shaft, you'll pass over a women who's doing sit-ups. Snake stops to admire her for a second (well, I don't know about him, but I sure was ^_^). After just keep moving. Eventually if you keep on going, you'll get a little call from the Colonel via the Codec. Talk to him if you want, but what he tells you isn't that pertinent, and is pretty redundant to what I'm about to tell you. Plus, it'd be easy to figure out by yourself, anyway. Well, just move forward a bit from where you saw the women, and eventually you'll get to another vent which you climb down out of and into the place where they have they are holding the DARPA chief in imprisonment. And it doesn't look like the cleanest or most comfortable place in the world to be held hostage... Anyhow, you'll get a long scene in which he tells you about The Revolution, terrorists, the Metal Gear black project, etc. Eventually, at the end of it all, you see him die of what seems to be a heart attack, but it's really the Foxdie intoxication. Then, snake feels his pulse to see, and he replies with a resounding "Dead". Now, crawl down on the ground and there you will be able to pick up some more Rations. Trust me, in a bit, you're going to need them a lot. Anyway, here seems like an ideal spot to dial up Mei Ling's frequency on the Codec so that you can save your game progress. You would not want to have to replay all that if you died, now would you? Now, when you're able to exit the cell after the women kicks the guard on patrol's ass, she opens it and you're able to leave it. Now, as you walk out, she aims a gun at Snake's head, she then mistakes him for his genetic brother, Liquid Snake. They have a conversation, he taunts and makes fun of her, she does little girly screaming when he makes fun of her, etc. Afterwards, a bunch of guards ambush you and her at once. You have to kill them all by yourself at first. In a bit, they throw grenades into the room, be careful and try to avoid being hit by any of their explosions. Eventually, the girl decides to open fire with her _machine gun_ which she had made you use your small-time pistol before and by yourself. She then owns them all. After it all, you have another VERY short talk with her that just has her saying "Thanks for the help", and then she walks off with a very exaggerated walk (go Konami!). Afterwards, before she enters the elevator she's go towards, she turns back and starts firing rounds at Snake. That... little... bitch... We soon find out that's it's not her fault and she was being controlled by a powerful psychic named Psycho Mantis. You get another small Codec moment thereafter. After, go to the elevator and go to B2. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---------- Area #5 - Armory ---------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' This is a big area, and can actually get quite complicating, so you'll have to pay attention. So, first you must get out of the elevator in which you got to this area from. Now, be careful in this area as well, as it is very much infested with enemy guards. But, also be weary that there are trick doors that can you send you falling into an endless oblivion if you fall into them (okay, so that's a bit much, but...). They are on the floor, and, you know that you have activated and set them off if there's a clicking sound. If that's the case then haul ass away from there and don't stay there and think "Oooh, a weird clicking sound, let me stay here and see what it does". I pity you if that's the case. Anyway, from where you first leave and get out of the elevator from which you got here with, you'll want to enter the closest room to you. There will be a pile of socom ammo boxes. There are two rows or rooms in this area, but only a select few can be accessed, and those that can be accessed have different items in each room. The top middle room contains some Socom ammunition. Getting most of these boxes should max out your storage of Socom Ammo. Finally, head to the lower part of the room. The left room has some more SOCOM ammo, and make sure you check the lockers by using the Action button. Finally, head into the bottom middle section to find a nice new item called the C4. These are like detenators, you place them, you blow them up with a click of a button. Also, there are three lockers right in front of you inside this room. The lockers on the ends both contain a C4, so it is to your benefit to take both of them before exiting this room. Ok, so we have all the items we can possibly achieve in this room. Notice on your map that there is a hallway on your radar. We have to get to that hallway on the lower left hand corner. So, head southwest and place a C4 against the wall. Then head back and press the B button to explode the bomb. This will create a hole in the wall which will lead to the next room. But, before you actually enter this room, look straight ahead to the western section of the room for another different colored wall. This will lead to a M9! This puts your enemies asleep. Now, head back to the new room. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. -------- Area #6 - Armory South ------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Ok, this is going to be a rather short room. Simply head down the hallway, but notice that you have no radar. That might scare you at first because you may not be able to see your enemies, but don't worry because there are not enemies in this section of the game. Simply look to the right of your screen to see a series of walls. One of the walls is unusually white. It is sort of like a white paint covering. Place a C4 on this wall and detonate it. This will create another hole which leads to another hallway. This becomes a bit interesting because there are two walls with the white coating of paint on each of them. Well, the one that is on the right (not facing your screen) is the one that is useless right now for you, so completely ignore it (unless you feel liking dieing). Stock up on health using some of your rations (if you need to) and then bomb the wall facing your screen. Well, get ready for a little boss battle but do not worry, it is easier than you may expect. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------ Boss #1 - Revolver Ocelot ------ ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Oh, stop freaking out guys! This boss battle is actually one of the easiest boss battles you will ever fight in the history of video game kind. Haha, ok let's get down to the real strategies. First of all, the cutscene will show your Baker, the destination man. Well, he is tied to ropes, and if you touch those ropes, BOOM! C4 in yo face, baby. Anyway, Ocelot will try to be "cool" by coming out and greeting you with a hell of a lot of confidence, but don't worry, we will take care of that in no time. So, enough of the pre-boss battle stuff, let's get to the actual strategies, and you must know that there are two simple ways to defeat Ocelot, and I will explain both. But, before doing any of the strategies, you must do the following if you have not already. Quickly press the R1 or L1 button. R1 is purposed to get your SOCOM out because you are going to need it to kill Revolver Ocelot. Secondly, make sure you have full health by using rations. Luckily the time stops when you are in these item selecting modes, so take your time finding your items. Once you have full health and a weapon, get ready to start the fight. Strategy 1: For the first strategy for defeating Revolver Ocelot, simply do the following. Head to the top of your screen near the SOCOM ammo boxes. Refill your ammo whenever neccessary. Anyway, Ocelot will never actually come towards you, so you can continue to stay here for the rest of the battle. He will be on the opposite side of you, just as you might expect. Simply head back and forth to the right and left, and notice when Ocelot stops and tries to shoot you. He will stand in the corner. Head to the opposing adjacent corner and press the A button 2-3 times. This will give you at least 1-2 hits on Ocelot and that will take off the most damage (unless you get a head shot). Repeat this process going back and forth, but remember, you must wait until he shoots before you can shoot in order to keep your health healthy :) Repeating this will obviously kill him. Strategy 2: This strategy is for complete newbies who have absolutely no skill whatesoever. Anyway, for those of you who are interested in reading about this strategy, this is what you do. You actually have two basic options. You can simply stand in one place and continue to shoot Ocelot by going into first person mode. This will gradually take off damage from him. But, if you want to take the maximum damage away from Ocelot, you are going to have to use this strategy. Simply do the same thing as strategy 1, but instead of shooting him each time, wait until his five bullets run out and he has to reload. This will give you time to get into first person mode and then shoot him in the head. Yea we all know how much head shots hurt, so expect major damage, and he will be down in not time. Of course, he will taunt your for trying hard once you deplete his energy. But, his arm is miraculously chopped off by an invisible and camouflaged ninja! But, he starts to fight you. After you are both in a stalemate, he will leave you. So, you are going to be faced with a new mission. After watching all those amazing cutscenes that will bring up many questions and such because of the long conversations, you will be faced with the mission of finding Hal Emmerich. He was one of the workers on the Metal Gear project. But, first you must find Meryl by contacting her through Codec. How to do that you might ask? Well, take a look at the back of your Video Game case. Yes, the case that you bought the game in. There will be a small photo of Meryl talking to Snake over Codec. It will display the numbers 140.15! Use them to contact Meryl, and then get ready for a long conversation. Of course, a lot of important facts are given as usual. Head back into the armory. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----------- Area #7 - Armory ---------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Yes, back in the large room, but wait. There are two enemies patrolling the area, and they will call for backup of 2-3 men if you get caught in their site. So, make sure that you stay away from them at all times. But, before any of that we must get to a new weapon, and I am sure you will really enjoy it, so don't think it is not worth it. Head into the room that is in the lower right hand corner. This is now accessible because you have a level 2 card key. Notice that there is a laser and if you touch it, alarm is the only word that comes to my mind. So, press Y to crouch and then move to crawl underneath the laser. This will lead you to a few new items. The first of them is the item BOX 1. This is supposed to hide you from enemies in case you are caught (you basically put it right over top of you). The second of the two weapons is a FA-MAS. Yes, this is the weapon that I was talking about. It is an assault rifle which can shoot rapidly and destructively. Now, head back below the laser using the crawl technique (Y and then move with the dircetional keypad) and notice that there is ammo on this side of the room that you could not get before. Collect it and head back out of this room. Now, we are faced with the challenge of getting passed these two guards without getting caught. But, before you do that I would recommend refilling all your SOCOM ammo by going to the same places as you first did when you first came to the Armory. You might also want to refill on your C4 just as you did, again, when you first got to the Armory. Once you have refills of all your ammo for all your guns etc, get ready to dodge for the exit. Notice that the guard on the left basically goes in an L shape, periodically going towards the elevator. The guard on the right, on the other hand, will go in a circle formation. He, is the main guy you have to watch for. I would infilitrate to the elevator down the center of the room, and then quickly press the elevator key, and head towards the top to the Tank Hangar. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. -------- Area #8 - Tank Hangar -------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' This room has a lot of extra items that can be very useful throughout your gaming experience, but really are not necessary if you do not want to go through the trouble of getting passed the guards. This is obviously your choice but regardless, once you get to the first floor, you will be called through Codec revealing that Meryl has opened the door which leads to the Canyon. Well your first option is to simply head to the right into the door that she just opened. This, of course, is the easy way out, but I would strongly recommend you accomplish a bit more in this room before heading forward. So, you will have two guards who need to be taken care of, but I warn you to the point where I am almost screaming. Do not even think about using your SOCOM in this area because the radio will go off in a second and you will have killed a man only to get about 10 more. So, avoid using your SOCOM. Surprisingly, your M9 will also hurt you in this area because there is a report that takes place every once in a while. Shooting a guard will call for backup in your area. So, you are going to have to use stealth, but don't worry because it is not as hard as you think. The first item is directly on this floor. Enter one of the alcoves to gain a SOCOM Supressor. Now, you are done for this floor as of right now. Head up the stairs in this area, again, avoiding the guard that lies in your way. The second item is right up here, and it may seem useless for right now, but you will absolutely love this item for the next area of this game. So, while avoiding the camera that is right above your head, head into the door that is accessible due to your level 2 key. There will be a mine detector in here which will detect mines on your map. Now that you have the final item out of the two items that I told you were in this room, you are free to move onto the next area. Simply head down to the bottom level, and avoid the guard here. Head directly to the right of the elevator to find the path you are looking for. Once you get inside the door you will be warned that there are laser sensors that, if you touch them, will release gas into the room and you will suffocate. So, make sure that once you receive the warning, press Y and then move. This will allow you to crawl and will allow you to get passed all of the lasers. Then, once you get to the end of the room, you will notice that there is a door. Head through to get to the Canyon. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---------- Area #9 - Canyon ---------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Welcome back outside to the snowy area known as the Canyon. Just as you take a few steps forward a mysterious man contacts you on Codec. He will explain that there are mines in this area and it would be wise of you to use your mine detector so that you do not loose significant health that you will need very shortly in this area. So, equip your mine detector and dodge the mines in this area. The figure also warns you that a tank is about to ambush you from ahead so be warned that some sort of battle is coming up very soon. The figure leaves you with his name, Deepthroat, which is very intersting and mysterious at this point in the game. Anyway, head forward and a new cutscene will approach where you will meet a new boss, Vulcan Raven, but you will not have to attack him physically. He will be inside a tank and you will essentially have to defeat the tank itself. So, boss time! .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---------- Boss #2 - M1 Tank ---------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' This boss battle is definately much more challenging than the first, but if you know what to do, you should have no problem at all as to what to do. So, here is the deal. You will start out behind a rocky structure which will defend you from the tanks shots right now. To your right is a ration and a stun grenade, but those are useless for the time being. First, head back to where you came in, and make sure you watch for all the mines here as well. Anyway, there is a ammo box which will carry Chaff Grenades. This is the key to beating this boss. Use the Chaff Grenades to disable the tanks main gun, which locks onto you, Snake, and will instantly damage your health significantly. So, the best way of going about this is to use a Chaff grenade anywhere. This will automatically disable the main turret. Then, wait for the soldier to rise on top of the tank. Throw a Frag Grenade into the tank where the soldier is and you will damage the soldier. After you hit him for the first time, head to the northeast region of the Canyon. This is what I like to call "home." You are going to be coming back and forth to this area to reload and become safe for a short while from the main turret that the tank regains every once in a while. So, throw another Chaff Grenade and then quickly run to where the tank is sitting. Again, throw a grenade at the soldier inside the tank. This will, again, take off a bit more damage from the soldier. Head back to home as quickly as possible and wait for the first turret missile. Then, repeat the process of throwing a Chaff Grenade and then running in to throw a Frag Grenade. Repeat this process until the first soldier is dead. Then, a second soldier will pop up and quickly fire the machine gun on the tank. This brings up another point. Watch out for the machine gun that the tank can still use even if you throw a Chaff Grenade. It cannot take off as much damage as the main turret, but can still take off significant damage. Anyway, the second soldier will appear but will be no different than the first soldier. Quickly repeat your same process that you used with the first soldier and then you will easily win this battle. If you ever run out of Chaff Grenades, a new box of ammo should appear near "home." This makes your battle a lot easier as well. So, once you beat the tank, a cool cutscene begins where Snake throws a grenade into the mussle of the tank. This kills a soldier and Snake punches the soldier. He then walks into the next room. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #10 - Nuke Building 1F ----- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' This area is really a "I just want to get the heck out of here, and onto the next room" type of area. So, I will try to make this as quick and painless as possible. For starters because I am sure you are weak on health after that hard battle. Head up the small incline on the left side to reach a window and one of those friendly rations. Then, head back down and move down the slope to get to a door. Uh oh, there is no way out! Ah, wait, you can crawl underneath this large door. This is where the fun begins. There are really only two guys that you need to watch out for, but you must be cautious about the other guards in case they happen to get into your way. Slightly head to the left. You will see a guard, but make sure he does not see you. When the coast is clear, dash for the stairs on the left side. Now, if you are caught for some reason, do not panic, because it happened to me. Just head to the right and press the elevator button to get it to come down. Then quickly dash into the elevator and go down a floor. But, if you do not get caught, I would recommend sneaking behind the soldier on the right hand side and grabbing his neck possibly, or shooting him with an M9. This is obviously your choice, but it does not make much of a difference. So, when you are through taking care of your business, head for the elevator and press the button. Then, head over to the switches and press the B1 switch so we can take care of a little business (which I am sure you will enjoy, because it involves receiving a new gun). .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #11 - Nuke Building B1 ----- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Welcome to some marble floors, a few bathrooms, a few guards and a little stealth action. Start out by heading to the left. Ignore the door that leads to a larger room opposing the elevator. Heading left will bring you to a door at the far end, which leads to the Men's bathroom. Well, well, well. Looks like the guard is off duty. Let's take advantage of him and snap his neck, shall we? So, press A right behind him and continuously press A to snap his neck. Then, take his body, by dragging it, outside of this room and hide it behind the structure to the left of this door at the exact end of this hallway. Now, stay here because we have one more guard to take care of. Unfortunately, this guard may not come to the bathroom because I believe he waits for the other guard to come back. Yea, this guard is not going to be back anytime soon, so we are going to have to enter the large room where the final guard is, and dispose of him anyway you want. So, enter the large room and notice that there are tons of new doors, but none are accessible at the moment. Try to sneak behind the guard and grab his neck and choke him. If you cannot do this, however, use the M9, or the SOCOM as long as you get a head shot. We do not want to have alarms at this time of the game. So, once this man is down, head for the top right section of this room. You will obtain a new weapon, the Nikita, and a lot of ammo. This gun basically shoots explosives that are controllable by you yourself. They do have a gauge so you cannot have them in the air forever. Once you get the Nikita and the ammunition, head to the middle of the room and grab any SOCOM or FA-MAS ammo if needed. Then, head back out of this room, since all the doors are locked at this stage of the game. Head into the elevator and head one more floor down, to the B2 floor. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #12 - Nuke Building B2 ----- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Ok, welcome to your destination. This is where the Emmerich is located, and it is your job to find him. So, head straight down through the first door, and enter the door right after that to create a cutscene which gives you the information that these rooms are gassed completely, and have electric currents running through the floors which will instantly damage your health if you walk on the floor. So, you are going to have to destroy the generator, which is located in the northwest region of the room. So, if you want to see it for yourself, head back to the elevator, and look left. There lies the generator that you need to destroy with your remote control Nikita missiles. Now, head to the left side of the room to notice Emmerich. You can punch the wall a million times, but he will never notice you, so don't waist your breath. Anyway, head to the bottom region where the gas is. Shoot a Nikita missile here, and start directing it. Remember, if you do not touch your control stick, the missile will move faster. The more you turn the missile, the slower it goes which makes it extremely vulnerable to shooting cameras which will be experienced very shortly. So, I would recommend turning as little as possible. Then, turn right and you will meet your first camera. Quickly turn right again. Don't even think about turning into a door, because these doors do not open for missiles. Then, head straight, going as fast as possible. Turn slightly to the left, and head in the direct middle of the opening. Then, turn right and you will see that generator. Head right into it. These basically eliminates all of the electricity in this area, but the gas is still going to be an issue. Therefore, anywhere you go, you are going to have to act as fast as possible. But, I can make your life much easier. Head down the hall (the same way the Nikita missile went). Turn into the third door to the right and head into the corner to get a Gas Mask. But, make sure that you quickly run out because there is a gunner camera inside here which will take off quite a bit of life if you do not act fast. If you put the Gas mask on, you can stay in the poison gas for twice as long. So, let's head to the next area. Go all the way down, but turn the opposite way you turned with the Nikita. That would be right in if you are looking directly at your screen. Then, head through the door to get to a new part of this room. I would save your game here. Then, head into the next room to and get ready for the bloodiest, but coolest cutscene in all of video game history. Say hello to your good friend Ninja. I know he looks extremely intimidating, but he is really not that hard when you fight him. Anyway, once you watch the cutscene, follow him into the next room. Watch a cutscene where you meet Emmerich, but he runs and hides. The ninja has been waiting for you, and is ready for a fight to the death. One of you is going to die, and if you do not want it to be you, read my strategy below. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------- Boss #3 - Cyborg Ninja -------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Welcome to your third boss battle. This boss battle is probably the most intimidating for a first time Metal Gear Solid gamer to this point in the game but I can assure you that this is not nearly the hardest. If you concentrate you will easily be able to defeat him in no time. I hope you have mastered the kick punch combos because they are going to be used quite a bit throughout this battle. Anyway, there are four stages in the Cyborg Ninja battle, and some are longer/harder than others. I will separate my strategy into four sections, giving hints for each phase so that no phase is too hard for you. First, I need to give you some general information about the Ninja. He starts off with a sword, which is completely unfair not only because his sword takes off a heck of a lot of damage, but because he can deflect every last bullet that you happen to shoot. There are points in the boss battle where the Ninja actually gives you a chance by putting his sword away. But, this is not an indication which tells you that you can take your gun out and start blasting him away. Well, you can technically do this if you really want to, but you will suffer from the "ninja taking out his sword and destroying you" disease. In other words, never take out, use or have anything to do with your guns. Now that this is all settled, we shall move onto the phases. Phase 1: This is going to be a quick, but possible painfull (if you are not careful) phase. The Ninja is carrying a sword, which is obviously an indication that you cannot use any guns. But, he leaps across the room and easily hits you with his large sword attacks. Try your best to dodge these attacks, but at the same time, make sure that you punch and kick him as quickly as possible. If you take off a bit of his life, you will be able to get out of this phase much quicker, and this will creat a much painless phase. So, remember that there are two huge deals with this phase: keeping as much of your health ( although this is probably the most damaging phase) and taking a bit of his health is fast as you possibly can. I will serve you a little of Haste and Stealth for breakfast in case you need any help :) Ok, enough with the jokes, let's move onto phase 2. Phase 2: This phase is going to be a bit longer and probably the most challenging phase of all four. Ninja finally puts his sword away and fights you like a man. But, don't think that he cannot fight with his feet and hands. He is good at doing flying side kicks, and sometimes steps in front of you, jumps over you and tries to stomp on you. Your basic goal is to dodge his fierce attacks and follow these up with a counterattack of your own. This is the easiest way, and probably the least health damaging way I can think of. If you are patient, this will go by easily, but possibly be a length experience. So, once you take off a bit more than half of his health, you enter the third phase out of four. Phase 3: Ok, it is time for a little hide and seek. The part that I like about this phase is that he cannot hit you. You get to simply find him (and trust me, it is not hard to find someone who hides in the most obvious hiding places). Once you find the stupid Ninja, give him two punches and a kick to take off a great deal of damage. Some of the common places that he hides is in the right part of the room in between two structures. He basically likes tight places. Once you find him (and if it helps at all, you can try your thermal goggles because they can easily spot the Ninja) beat him up. You only have to hit him three times and then the final phase starts. Phase 4: This is how any video gamer who has made it this far will want to finish this battle off. Nice, and easy. Yes, this is probably the easiest phase of all, simply because you are too experienced for this Ninja's dumb tricks. So, the Ninja does the exact same thing for the rest of the battle until his energy is completely depleted. He basically walks around, and when he gets right in front of you, he will teleport directly behind you. This will allow you to dodge out of his way, because right when he teleports behind you he will try to attack you. Once he attacks, counterattack him by punching and kicking him. In case that was not clear, wait until he is in front of you. Then he will teleport behind you. Dodge behind him and wait for him to attack. Then attack him. Repeat this process and the Ninja will be down for good. He will suffer, but does not seem to die. His disappearance is extremely odd, but Snake realizes that he was Grey Fox. Once you are done, you will gain the Level 4 Key. Before you leave this area to find Meryl, you can get the Nightvision Goggles by heading to where the Nikita missile went. Destroy the gunner cameras, and head for the last door on the right side. There are some grenades and the Nighvision Goggles. These may help you greatly later on in darker areas. Now, head back to the elevator just as you have done many times. Here, head up to the B1 level where the bathrooms are located. This is where you can claim a few new items, and you will also be able to find Meryl in this area of the game. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #13 - Nuke Building B1 ----- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Alright, back in this area. I am sure you probably know the routine, but I will go over it just because some of you have a shaky memory. Anyway, you are going to want to take as many of the guards out as possible. The best way of doing this is to catch the guards in the bathroom while they are off duty. Just head right behind them and choke them repeatedly to kill them. Hide them in the dark area on the left or right of the long hallway near the elevator. Now, if there is still a guard in the large southern room, you will have to go in there and shoot an M9 dart, simply kill him without being heard which will set off an alarm. Once all of the guards are either dead or incapable of seeing you, head into the southern room and pick up a new item called the Pentazemin which will basically allow you to aim more precisely with a sniper rifle, but as you know, you do now even have a sniper rifle. Do not worry though, because you will get a sniper rifle soon. The pentazemin is in the doors on the side (labeled at the fourth level). Once you have collected your new item, collect any various ammo that you need. Then, head back to the hallway. Now, you must stay on task and complete your original mission that you got after meeting Otacon, which is to find Meryl and get the override detonation codes. So, you may notice that one of the guards actually heads into the before non-accessible women's bathroom. This is obviously suspicious, so follow the soldier. And, if you have not guessed it already, that guard was simply Meryl in disguise. Watch the cutscene, which is funny, serious and a bit emotional all in one. Then, you will receive a level 5 key card, which will now open the level 5 doors scattered around the area, but for now, we have to stay on task and do exactly what she tells you to do. She claims she will go ahead, and you have to cover her, but do not worry because there are no guards in this area. All you have to do is go back into that small hallway going north and up to the level 5 door. You will be hit with a cutscene showing extremely odd signs of Meryl moaning. If you have not guessed it already, Psycho Mantis is controlling her mind. This can mean only one thing, and the only way to be sure of this is to head into the next room. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #14 - Commander's Room ----- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------- Boss #4 - Psycho Mantis ------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Yes, it is just what we all expected, a boss battle with Psycho Mantis, but he does a little mind reading before you actually start fighting. It is actually rather amusing to see him reading your memory card, for example, he stated that I played Legend of Zelda and Mario Sunshine. He also states how often you save your game for the Twin Snakes, and for me he said I saved often. So, after you get through the mind reading and the funny cutscene where Snake nods at you to put your controller down. So, have a small laugh, but get ready for a tricky boss battle, well it is only tricky if you do not read this, but that is exactly why you are reading this. Yea, enough chatting, let's get to the actual strategy on how to beat this guy. First, notice that he can read your mind, and that basically means that your weapons are useless. But, if you think outside the box, and when I say outside I mean way outside. My point is, there is only one way which will allow you to be able to use your guns/weapons on Pyscho Mantis, and that is to play a little trick yourself. The trick is that you must switch your controller port from the first port to the second. This will allow you to shoot the boss. Now, he will try hard to read your mind again, but that is not a problem. Each time he tells you that your shots are useless or that he can read your mind, you should change your controller port to the next one. According to Minesweeper from gamefaqs, and a good friend of mine, the fourth port seems to work much longer than all the other ports. I guess it would be wise to continually change the controller port back and forth to the fourth port on your gamecube. It is really up to you. So, now that you know how to actually hit the boss, you should consider doing a few things before you start the fight. First, set your left set of items to the rations so that you can automatically refill your health in case you loose all of your energy. Also, I would recommend using your SOCOM instead of your M9/FA-MAS simply because it it easier to aim and seems to take off the most damage with one hit. Once you have your weapon and rations all set, get ready for the start of the fight. Meryl will be obviously controlled by Mantis, so you are going to have to knock her out so that she becomes useless in this battle. Dodge her shots, as she tries to shoot at you, and then do a few punch kick combos to knock her out. Then, you can concentrate on the boss. Notice taht there are times where the screen goes completely black but states HIDEO on the top right corner in green. This is just a little game Mantis plays with you so don't think that your TV needs to head to the repair shop. Anyway, try your best to dodge the chairs and pictures that come attacking you. Then, try to shoot Mantis. If he dodges your bullet, you are going to have to change your controller port. Also, listen to what he says out loud, because that can play an important role in deciding whether or not to change your controller ports. So, change your controller port and start shooting him. If you miss your first 2-3 shots, I would recommend giving up for that round because the longer you sit in one place, the more likely you are going to get hit by one of the chairs or pictures flying across the room. Simply repeat the process for awhile until Mantis wakes Meryl up again. Knock her out just as you did before. Then, go for Psycho Mantis again. This time he will dissappear a lot and when he reappears he will shoot a large lightning ball at you. So, your goal is to look at where the lightning bolt is heading. If it is going towards you, dodge it and then head into first person mode. Look for the boss and then shoot him up. You are going to have to act hasty because he does not sit there for a long time after he throws his lightning bolt. He will dissappear rather quickly if you do not act fast. The best time to take off the most health (which will actually happen near the end of the battle) is when he stands in the middle with various items spinning around him. Simply shoot him over and over, but do not stay in the same place just like I told you before. After quite a few shots you will have defeated Psycho Mantis. Now, watch the cutscenes that follow the fight and then get ready to enter the next room, a level 5 door. This will lead you to the next area of the game. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---------- Area #15 - Caves ----------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Ok, again, Meryl will stay at the point and you will have to cover her. But, she is waiting for you at the door, so you are going to have to meet up with her. You will notice right away that there are two paths. First, take the path that leads to the right side of the room. This will take you to an extremely dark passage way (if you want, it would be wise to use your nightvision gogles in this dark area). In the northern section of this hallway is a ration and the southern section of the room contains a box of SOCOM ammo. Collect both of the items and then head back to the Y intersection. Remember how Meryl and Snake were talking about Wolves? Well, get ready to encounter some in the next area. Head forward and crawl under the blocked pathway. You will see a wolf patrolling the area much like a guard. What I did was basically staying under the crawling space and then shooting the dog. Whether you miss or not, the pack of wolves/dogs will come charging in and howling. Start picking them off with some head shots (I would use the SOCOM because it is easier to get head shots with it). Once the place is all bloody and all the dogs are dead, head forward. Oh, ammo boxes all over! Wait, those are for the sniper rifle which you do not even have yet. So, just head into the second part of the cave. Head left to get some FA-MAS ammo. Then, head right, and make your way down south. If you look very carefully, you will notice that there is a small section of the room where you can crawl into to get to the area where Meryl is waiting for you. She sure did get there fast, and I don't think anyone knows exactly how she did it, but regardless, head underneath the section to find another dog. Oddly, this dog does not attack you, and Meryl sort of taunts you when you go up to her. Notice that there are a few rations scattered around the ground. Make sure you pick these up, and to be honest, these rations are rather suspicious as to what might lie in the next room. I mean, it is impossible to have another battle with another boss in such a shory time, right? Well, the only way to find out is to head into the next room. So, head into the level 5 door, and be prepared to be amazed. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. --- Area #16 - Underground Passage ---- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' This is a rather suspicious area. You will start out with a rather interesting cutscene where Meryl acts all special by noticing that there are mines all over this area, but you cannot use your mine detector because your radar is down. She, on the other hand, can still walk right by this area without slowing down or hitting any mine. She said she felt like she could read where the mines were after she was controlled my Psycho Mantis. Well, it does make some sense, but you, Snake, obviously do not have these kinds of powers, so the only way you are going to be able to get across is to follow the foot steps in the snow left by Meryl's quick cross over. So, get across and then a new cutscene starts right when you get to the other side. Oddly, a red dot is right on Meryl's body. The red dot is a laser that seems to be coming from a sniper rifle from far away. To even top the scene off with more irony, Meryl is shot about four times all over her body. Some sniper is going after you, and Meryl is acting as a lure, so that the sniper can take you out as well. After you contact all the people on your Codec, you, Snake, decide that you actually want to save Meryl. So, the only way in which you can save Meryl is to find a Sniper Rifle and fight this sniper back. Well, you are going to have to make a choice. You can either backtrack back to the Nuke Building B1, or you can go all the way back to the Armory to gain a stronger Sniper Rifle. I will explain how to get both of them, but it is your job to backtrack because you have been to all of these places, and you will not experience anything that you have not seen before. Anyway, this walkthrough picks up at the Nuke Building B1. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #17 - Nuke Building B1 ----- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Alright, back into this room. You will use the same strategy as usual, that is, basically take out all the guards while they are in the bathroom. This is also a good time to get some dog tags in case you missed them with these guys in the bathroom because you may not be back here for the rest of the game. So, take all the men out and get their dog tags. Once the room is cleared, head for the large southern room where you can stock up on various ammo. To the east is the Nikita ammo (which is not really useful right now) and there is a room over on the east side which contains ammo for your machine gun and SOCOM. Then, head over to the left or west side of this room. You can now access the rooms over here (remember how you did not have a high enough level key card). In the rooms you will find a ration and some ammo, but more imporantly you will find a new sniper rifle, the PSG1-T. This sniper rifle is a tranquilizer, which means that it is not exactly the strongest bullets you can find. So, I would strongly suggest that you find the stronger sniper rifle located in the Armory. Yes, there is a lot of back tracing, but it really is worth it. But, before you head to the Armory, collect the Pentazemin in the room. This item basically keeps your hands steady while you are aiming a sniper rifle. It will prove to be very useful later on. Now, head back through the rooms back to the armory. You should not have any problems getting passed all of the rooms because they are exactly the same, but the Canyon proves to be a bit more difficult than you might have expected, so I will pick up the walkthrough at the Canyon. Remember that going back to the Armory is OPTIONAL, so don't do it if you really do not want to. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---------- Area #18 - Canyon ---------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Alright, this place, originally where you fought the M1 Tank, it quite a bit different than the first time you passed through here. There are four gun cameras and three guards patrolling the area. Yes, it sounds like it is going to be impossible but it is easier than I expected. Just follow my strategy and you will easily get passed this area. To start off, there are two gun cameras right above your head, so don't move forward unless you want to be blown into actual Snakes :) Anyway, you can use your SOCOM for both of the cameras. If you do not have a Supressor you will not have to worry because the guards for some odd reason do not hear the gun shots. So, quickly shoot both of the gun cameras above you. Now you have a bit more room to work with. As you probably have noticed, there is only one guard on the side where you presently stand and there are two guards on the opposite side. All I did was shoot the guard (and make sure you kill him). Once he is dead, head back out of this room to the last room. This will get rid of the alarm that went off. Now, head back into the Canyon. To your surprise, the guard is still dead but there is no alarm! This is going to be a lot easier. Anyway, head in towards the tank ahead. Remember "home" from the boss battle? Well, head there and collect ammo. Then, notice that there is a camera right in front of you. Shoot it out, again, with the SOCOM. This will make your life a lot easier in times to come. Anyway, there is a camera right on the opposite side of this camera. Take it out the same way, but stay a distance so the guard that patrols near there does not hear. Once all the cameras are disabled, you will have a lot more space to work with. All you really have to do is shoot the guard that patrols near the camera. The other guard that is nearby will not hear the gun shot, so you will not have to worry about him. Then, you can grab the dog tag of the last guy, simply shoot him anyway you want, or you can sneak right passed him. Then, go through the door that is at the end of this room. The Tank Hangar is the same as usual, just use the elevator and head for the Armory. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---------- Area #19 - Armory ---------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Alright, the Armory is harder than before, in fact, it is a hell of a lot harder. Well, there are three guards, but two of them patrol right by each other, so killing them will be almost impossible. First, take out the guard on the right side of the room. It is very easy, and you can get his dog tag if you have not done so yet. Just sneak up right behind you and pull your gun out. Or you can head right behind him and snap his neck. Once he is take care of, go in the various doors to collect certain ammo. Then, head to the bottom of the room and over to the central room. This is the room with no doors, but more of use, this room is good for making noise to attract some of the soldiers. So, head right next to the wall and press the B button to knock on the wall. Then, one of the guards will hear the sound and come into the room. Quickly hind behind the structures in the room and when the guard's vision (on the mini map) turns back to blue, quickly head behind him and take him out. Once he is dead, hide him into the room you were just in. Now, you have the entire room to yourself and the loner guard. This makes matters much easier. I would recommend going for his dog tag here as well, so take him out with the method that best suites you. Once he is gone, the guarded door is finally unguarded. So, head into the new door, but don't go crashing in because there are infrared beams in this room, and if you touch the beams the alarm will go off and your time spent getting the guards dead has become a sudden waist. So, crawl underneath the beams and collect the new and more powerful sniper rifle, the PSG1! This is actually powerful with bullets instead of darts. I doubt that Sniper Wolf will enjoy these bullets. Now, if you were caught during the procedure of killing the enemies, I would recommend going back to the Armory South. Then, head back. The only disadvantage to this is that all the enemies reappear in this room, unlike the Canyon. So, you are going to have to take all the guards out within the visit of this room. Once you are done with this, head to the elevator and head all the way back to the underground passage to fight Sniper Wolf. The walkthrough will pick up at the Underground Passage. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---- Area #20 - Underground Passage --- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Get ready to fight sniper wolf right as you enter the room... .:'*':.========================================.:'*':. --------- Boss #5 - Sniper Wolf -------- ':.*.:'========================================':.*.:' Alright, the ironic part about this battle is that Meryl is not where you expected her to be, that is, she is not lieing on the ground in Sniper Wolf's view. But regardless, we must defeat Sniper Wolf. Head to the left and grab the Pentazemin in the south area of the room. Hopefully you have all ten of your Pentazemins which will be extremely handy throughout this entire battle. So, head into your items menu and select Pentazemin because you will need to use it fast. The good part about this fight is that you will hardly need to use any rations because Sniper Wolf hardly takes off any damage with her shots. But, if you are running low on health simply use a ration from the menu before you lose all your health. The other thing that you should note about this battle is that Sniper Wolf continually runs left and right on a certain level far in the distance, so if she shoots you and you lose your marking or where she is, just look for the level that she normally runs at. Now, on to the strategy. I know it seems like it is insane to head into the middle view where her laser is continuously pointed, but it is your only option. So, stay in the middle and quickly get to crawl mode by pressing the Y button and then moving a bit forward. Then, quickly find where she stands and wait for her to move to a new location. I would not shoot her when she is moving because it is extremely hard and basically waists bullets. When she sets her sniping spot, quickly use a Pentazemin and shoot her. If you do not do this fast enough, you will notice an exclamation mark above her head stating that she found you and is about to shoot you. Basically, the best way of defeating her is shooting her before she shoots you, but the fastest way of defeating her is shooting her in the head. This will take off maximum damage. Also, you can usually get two hits every time you aim at her, so don't stop shooting until you have hit her twice per time she sets up for aiming. Now, there are a few places where sniper wolf likes to run to. She is either in the left region of the platform that she hides on, and she basically stays on the outer edge revealing a small portion of her body. The second place that she may set up at is the right region of the platform. It is basically the same as the left, but at the opposite end of the room. But, for cover she often uses the middle pillar. Once she is covered there, you will not be able to see any part of her body, but at random times she will come out and barely point her gun at you. You have to watch out for this and attack her before she shoots you. This is usually the hardest part of this battle because it is almost impossible to shoot her, and she still shoots you in the same amount of time as any other sniping set up spot. So, shoot her before she shoots you, and try to aim for the head. Make sure you use a Pentazemin as well, although it is possible to shoot her without Pentazemin, it is much harder. Once she is dead, you will have the option of heading forward. So, continue forward and you will see a few openings in the walls on both of your sides. On the left there is some sniper rifle ammo. Once you pass the next group of holes you will me faced with a third, but on the right one there is a gunner camera. You can shoot it out if you want, but you might as well just run right through and avoid the camera. Then, once you get to the new section, you will be able to go two ways. First, head up the stairs to the structure where you will find a few ammo packs for the M9 tranquilizer and the SOCOM. Then, head back down the stairs and head towards the level 6 key card door. Then, a cutscene where Snake is captured by a group of soldiers and Sniper Wolf, it appears to be alive. The next scenes will take place in a torture session, inside the Medical Room. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------- Area #21 - Medical Room ------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' You will learn a lot about Liquid Snake's plans. Liquid Snake finally leaves followed by Sniper Wolf. You are strapped to a torture bed, and Revolve Ocelot is stuck with you to torture you. Of course, we are not going to give into his lame torture, so when the torture session begins you will be faced with two different options. The first option states that you can resist the torture. This is done by pressing the A button rapidly as many times as possible in a row. The second option is to simply surrender. Press the A and Start button to surrender from the torture. You should not, however, surrender because it will effect the ending later on. You will have to survive, as the torture will slowly take away your health. Pressing the A button slowly brings your health back. Each torture session will take three sub-tortures. You must survive all three of them, which means your health must not hit zero otherwise you will have to surrender. After the first torture session you will be dragged by some guards to a prison cell. Here you will be stuck with a terrible stench from the DARPA Chief. You will talk for a short while on the Codec about your situation. Your new mission is to destroy Metal Gear Rex because you will never be able to get the override codes in time. So, you are stuck in this prison cell and the only thing you can actually do is run around and wait for the guard to call you out for the second torturing session. You will, again, be on the torture bed and Ocelot will tell you the rules for a second time. Again, whatever happens make sure you do not die, and I would strongly recommend that you resist the torture. Hopefully you have survived the torturing session again. If you did, you will be placed in the cell for a second time. The interesting thing about your second visit to the cell is that the guard that is watching over you has apparently gained a cold and is coughing like crazy. He then runs to the bathroom. You may think that his abscene is useless right now, but wait a few seconds. A camouflaged person walks into the room. The only person that I can think of is Otacon, and indeed it is. Meet him at the door and he will give you a ration, some ketchup and a level 6 keycard. All of these items are going to be extremely useful for the time being. You also gain a Handkerchief from Sniper Wolf. When Otacon leaves you can use the ketchup to play a little game with the guard. Get down into the crawling position and use the ketchup. It will look like blood is spilled from your body. The guard will then come and check on the situation. He even opens the door. This is a good chance for you to hop on top of him and kill him. If for some reason you cannot kill the guard in time, you will be locked up again and will have to face a third session of Ocelot torture. This third session is a bit harder than the first two, but it is certainly managable. Just use the same tactics as before and you will be placed in your cell for a third time. This time the Cyborg Ninja will come inside the cell and cut open your cell. Thank you Ninja! Anyway, the alarm goes off, but the only person who actually attacks you is the same old guard. So, take him you by punching and kicking with combos. Onces he is down, head through the doors (remember, you have a level 6 key card, so you can open the level 6 doors). Once you end up in the torture chamber you will have to collect the pack with all of your equipment. If you resisted all of the torturing throughout all of the sessions you will oddly have a time bomb in your item equipment. Press A to disarm the bomb and you will be contacted by Codec stating that the bomb was a close one. Anyway, head towards the camera and take it out with one of your guns. Then, head through the level 6 door. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------- Area #22 - Holding Cells ------ ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Well, well, well. It seems like we finally found out where that level 6 door leads to. Well, right as you enter this familiar room, take out the two cameras that are securing the area. This will make quick navigations back and forth a heck of a lot easier. Then, head down the hallway and through the door where the actual cells are located. Grab some M9 and SOCOM ammo just to refill your ammo bags. Also grab the extra book in case you like using them as distractions or whatever. Then, head back out of this room and down the hallway once more. Head around the corner over to where the ladder is. Notice that you cannot go up the ladder because there is a blockage at the top. But, head through the small hole. Grab the ration in here and then head back to the elevator in the front of the room. Now, before we head to the final destination of the first disc, head down to the Armory, B2. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------- Area #23 - Armory/South ------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Ok, there is one neat item that you can pick up if you really want to collect all of the items in the game. You can also do some neat things with this particular item. Anyway, take out the three guards in this room using the same tactics as before. Simply sneak behind the guard that patrols on the right side and then head to the south region of this room. Go for the center building and then look for the vision on the mini map of the soldiers that are guarding the area to the northwest. Tap on the wall by pressing B to get their attention. Once they actually come into the area where you are right now, wait for them to turn their vision blue. Then, sneak behind them and snap their neck. Once there is only one soldier left, take him out however you want and feel free to grab his dog tag if you have not already. Once you are done taking all of the guards out, head for the Armory South. Once you are in the south region, head to where Ocelot fought you in your very first battle. Grab the ammo in this room if you really need to and then head south. You might have already C4ed the wall directly to the right, but if you have not, do it. This will lead into a small hallway with a gunner camera. Take it out, and use your Nightvision Goggles for much better vision. Then, you will see two doors here, one a level 4 door and one a level 6 door. The level four has nothing but three cameras, but the level 6 has a load of Stinger ammo (which you do not even have yet) but more importantly, there is a fencing in the middle of the room. Inside the fencing is a box, which is the items that we came for. Look carefully at the fencing around the room and you will find an opening. Once you find it, head into crawl mode and crawl through. Pick up the item, which happens to be a Camera! Yes, you can take pictures with it. Anyway, you have had your fun with backtracking. Now, it is time to get on with the actual destination. Head for the Underground Passage where you fought Sniper Wolf. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---- Area #24 - Underground Passage --- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Alright, welcome to your last visit to the Underground Passage. There really is nothing to see here, but you must go back here to get to the Communication Towers which will lead you to the final boss of Metal Gear Rex. Or course, this does not happen that fast, but you should know that you are going in the right direction. So, head forward and then you will be hit with the cutscene of Snake clenching his fists and getting angry at the fact that Meryl is out of his reach and he does not know where she is. Then, you will have a few Codec calls which are self-explanatory. Once all that media stuff is done, head forward back to where the stairs is. Your ultimate destination is level 6 door, but head up the stairs to get some ammo because you are going to need it very soon. Once you are all set to go, head for the level 6 door and the finale of disc 1 comes to a close. Place the second disc into your game and enjoy... -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- Disk 2 -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- Mmm-kay, time to cover disk 2, the final stretch of the game. Hope you're ready. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. -- Area #25 - Communications Tower A -- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' If you've played the first game, you'll remember the impending few scenes as some of the most memorable of the game, and they've only become better with this reinstallment of the game. Anyways, first of all, head on through and pick up the evident FA-MAS ammunition, then continue on through the door ahead. Now, if you're sluggish or tired, wait, get some Dr. Pepper, maybe get laid, then come back when you're feeling active, as you're going to need all of your wits about you for this next short portion of TTS, heh. On the other side of this door, MANY soldiers are alerted to your unwarranted presence, and begin to chase after you. As you make your getaway, don't forget to make the acquisition of both the Rope (absolutely imperative) and Stun Grenades if you're in need of any. Otherwise, continue a bit on, and through that next door. "DUUUUWAAWAAAWAHH, C'MON GET DOWN WITH THE SICKNESS". Sorry, had to do that, since I love playing that song during this part. Anyways, you're going to be rushed by a seemingly endless amount of soldiers. At first, just sweep away any that are in sight with your FA-MAS, and continue your long ascent up the huge stairway to the top. You're going to need to be swift and decisive here, since you need to ascend the stairs, all the while taking down soldiers that show up both above and below you (or behind and in front of you, whichever one you prefer ;)). Do NOT go into first person mode here, as you will quickly get your ass handed to you by the soldiers in hot pursuit of you. Obviously, you're going to be able to strafe across here in order to make any significant progress upward. So, always make sure that you're shooting whilst running, and set your guard-killing priorities straight: guards in front of you are a bit harder to reach you usually (due to being at the top of a flight of stairs, but can shoot you even easier), so, dispose of them all first quickly, then take out any soldiers that may be following behind you. After many flights of stairs to climb up, you should finally reach the very top. Up here, acquire the FA-MAS ammo as well as the Ration, which you definitely might need after that long and winding ascent. Now, head around to the ladder up here, and go up to the roof. Ok, so you're up on the roof. Hurray! Now shut up and get back to the mission, it's not that special of an accomplishment. Oh, great...just great. So, Liquid Snake is here, your brother, but he's too much of a pussy to come to fight you alone, no...he has to bring a Goddamned Hind D. No matter, we'll inevitably end up kicking his ass to hell either way. Ok, time to "Rappel" down the side of the tower. But how do you do that, you ask? Well, you remember when you picked up that "rope" from the bottom portion of the Communications Tower (when I told you it was absolutely imperative?). Well that's *exactly* how we're going to be doing it. Cool, yeah? Anyway, head over the side, and make sure that you choose it as your item. Making it down is not as easy as it sounds, though, as of course Liquid will be sitting in the cockpit of his Hind firing bullets rapidly at you at times, so try to avoid them. Make sure, if you lose too much health on the descent, that you pick up some of the Rations on the way down. To rappel downward, you have to press the A button, and Snake will push off the wall, moving down, and if you press Left/Right directions on the D-Pad, you'll move in that direction (when you do them in conjunction with the A button). B is to slowly move along the wall, not useful unless you're trying to obtain some of those nice Rations. Note your Grip Guage, too: if it runs out, you will fall to the bottom, meaning you're dead, sorry to tell you. That's one very important factor that has changed with this game from the original MGS on the PS1. So be weary of it during your hopefully rapid descent on the side of the Communications Tower. At the end of your descent, pick up the C4 and Ration at the bottom. Useful. Now, run the catwalk, then you'll get a signal, when three soldiers come out and stand at the end of the path. There's two ways to drop them all that I seriously recommend. My favorite is to just stand at the opposite (starting) side that they're not on, and launch a Nikita up their asses. The other way is staying at the same vantage point, and using your PSG1 sniper rifle to lay waste to them quickly. Try not to use more than one Pentazemin doing this. Now, once they've been annihilated, run to the end, where you once again encounter the Hind, but don't try to take it on; it's ineffably pointless and futile to even attempt it due to its currect impossibility. Instead, head left and enter the door, trying not to take any hits. In here, pick up the new weapon, Stinger Missile Launcher. Only way to fire it is in first person, though, so you'll be making stops. Oh, and as you've probably already astutely guessed, this is how you will bring about the end of that pestilential Hind D. Head through the next door. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. -- Area #26 - Communications Tower B -- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' From the start of the second Communications Tower (B) that you enter, you'll want to run right and pick up ammo for the Stinger and others. As stupid as the next part may sound, you have to do it apparently. Head down the stairs near here until you come to the point where you cannot continue. This is because the stairway has been blown up or destroyed by some other means. Oh well, go back up the stairs. See? Told you it was stupid! Now, head towards the elevator up here, and Otacon will appear in his stealth camoflauge, then he'll take it off for the ensuing talking scene with Snake. They talk about Meryl, and Otacon just happens to call Snake a "hero". Snake replies with "no, hero always saves the girl," or something to that effect. That is, if you didn't manage to endure the strenuous torture earlier in the game. Otherwise, this scene is a little altered. Anyhow, afterwards, head up and out of this tower using the stairs to the right of the elevator's vicinity. This next part (the somewhat small ascent up the stairs) can get kind of annoying and bothersome. Heh. This is because that every couple of flights of stairs, there's cameras mounted on the wall. Each set has one more than the one previous to it. The first has 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, then finally 5 at the last one. Be tachydidaxious in getting past them by simply tossing Chaff Grenades to pass them. At the top, nab all the items there around the mini- catwalks. Afterwards, exit up the ladder and now you're on the roof of the Communications Tower B. Cool. After a small scene... .:'*':.========================================.:'*':. ----------- Boss #6 - Hind D ----------- ':.*.:'========================================':.*.:' In my opinion, this may be THE hardest boss fight you've had thus far, and if there's any that are more difficult, I'd have to say that it's the Cyborg Ninja that you fought earlier only. Nevertheless, you're in for one hell of a boss skirmish. As you should know, there is only one way to attack and really do damage to this immense Hind, and that's with the exorbitant weapon you made the recent acquisition of in the tower. Yes, that's right, the Stinger Missile Launcher. And obviously, think of it logically: The Nikita can only go straight when you're not controlling it (not up or down). FA-MAS also can only do the when not in first person mode, and there's no way those can pregnate that Hind's thick armor with such infinitesimal bullets, as demonstrated if you even tried it earlier, same goes for the SOCOM. And any type of grenades are just stupid for now. Now, the Stinger, however, has the lock-on function, and it's a powerful missile launcher. Heh, so there you have it. Now, let's begin the actual Hind- ass-kicking strategy, shall we? Ok. First of all, you must note that Liquid sometimes like to get tricky, and not always stay in your immediate line of view. What exactly do I mean by this, you ask? Well, I'm talking about the fact that he sometimes likes to go behind objects deterring your view on it, or even below you, where you can't even shoot at him. However, there's still two methods of tracking him so that you know where he is even when you *don't* see him right there. One of them is by using the three red squares (that represent the three parts you can hit it on and do damage) moving around, that are visible no matter where it goes, although they're sometimes hard to spot. The other way is kind of easy, but sometimes can be a little disorienting, IMO. This is by using your radar and following the red dot around the place. However, the problem with this is its depth, and you can't always tell if it's above you, at your level, or below you, which is why I mightily suggest that you just stick with using the three squares to track him down. To attack Liquid, you're going to need to enter the first person shooting mode (of course, make sure that you have Stinger Missile Launcher equipped at the time of entering first person mode). From here, you see a red square in front of you at all times, that's where you have to align the Hind to get a good shot off at it. It will start blipping when you have the Hind in clear sight. At that time, you should fire off a shot, and watch as it homes in on it and nails it, dealing damage. Take note, however, that every time you nail the Hind, he fires off shots as an immediate counteraction. Try to avoid them by hiding. Use Rations if you're hit by too many of them for comfort. Now, what are some good coverage points, you ask me, eh? Well, then allow me to recommend you some, then. One of the places I suggest is where you exited out to this roof from, and perhaps console with some people via Codec. Also, there's tons of steel pillars and structures for you to use as protect from Liquid's constant barrage of shots and occasional missiles fired at you. After letting relieve some ammunition hitting your coverage instead of you, reemerge and fire off some more missiles. Do this repeatedly to achieve maximum effect. When he hells "eat this," this is your cue to get the **** under some damn cover. The reason being is that at this moment he will launch and enormous bombardment of some of the Hind's own rockets at the roof of the Communications Tower. Sure, it usually doesn't hit around you if you're smart, but there's no need to take needless chances, is there? He also does something very similar when you finally bring him down to the end of his health, but this time you should be double careful, as it hits a lot. Anyways, after all its health is depleted, obviously, the Hind falls. Now Otacon Codecs you and informs you that the elevator is working. Go back in. As you make it up the stairs, chuck another Chaff to deter the cameras from you, and at the top pick up the items and ammo that are waiting for you. It would be nicer if Meryl was waiting naked, horny, with strawberries for you, but...whatever. Ok, afterwards, go inside the elevator. You'll here a beeping sound. Screw it, and continue to the bottom. Apparently the weight limit is exceeded. But how, Snake can't weigh THAT much, even with all the weaponry he has on him. Jesus H. Christ! Otacon realizes that there are four other guards on their with you...WITH STEALTH CAMO ON!!!! PMG OOHHH NO! Anyways, use your FA-MAS to eradicate them all, and if you need to see them better, use your Thermals. At the bottom, pick up all the items waiting for you, then head downward and exit through the door. Again, items, then through the door (L6 access). There's a camera with a mounted gun on the wall, so, don't waste a Chaff, just creep past it when it's not looking your way. In the next area, Chaff the next three gun cameras, then leave to the next area. .:'*':.======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #27 - The Snow Fields ----- ':.*.:'======================================':.*.:' Next boss fight!!! .:'*':.=====================================.:'*':. ------- Boss #7 - Sniper Wolf ------- ':.*.:'=====================================':.*.:' So, she wants you dead, but she actually loves you... Must be somebody's time of the month. Anyway, in this rematch against the beautiful and deadly sniper, you will fight her until the dramatic end, unlike last time where both of you survived and lived to fight another day. This fight is tougher, in my opinion, for a variety of reasons. One being the fact that you are in a much more open area and its easier for Wolf to pick shots off on you (and too bad it's not any easier to pull shots on her - in fact, I think it's harder!). The second reason at hand is that she moves around more, and on top of that, there's more space for her to move around. Time for a little trouble ^_^ Anyways, from the start, you should hide behind that tree that is near where you enter this area after the introductory scene on the Codec mostly. She really won't be able to hit you at all if you expartriate here. Making this your little safe asylum, you can draw your PSG1 sniper rifle out, and begin to look for Sniper Wolf. First, though, you'll need a quick Pentazemin to steady yourself. Now, look for around the back area of this place. When you find her, fill her head up. And afterwards, make sure you don't lose her as it can be hell to find her ass again (you aren't really aiming for her ass, are you ;P). You could also try running around out from behind that tree, and wait for her to pinpoint you and fire. At that time, you'll know about precisely where she is located, and be able to get the drop on her. Fire those sniper rounds! Now, I've had fun with the following method of killing her, and it involves the Nikita. Go Eastward, and hide behind the snow there. Launch a Nikita her way, guiding it accurately, and nail her. Do this a few more times until she's dead. Remember, just like last time you did battle with Sniper Wolf, if you try to get close to her on her end of the Snowfield, you will just axiomatically get shot by her. No Fair! Oh well. Shoot her in the head about 6-7 times and that should be the end of Sniper Wolf for good! After the sad scene which ensues (which also is condusive to divulging a lot of information on the story to you), you can explore the whole open area of the Snowfield if you so desire. Now, just go to all houses here, and you can get a lot of weapons ammo and items like Rations. Thank God. Now, on the far East side, in that house on the farthest wall in, there are Claymore Mines set in place; be mindful of that. When you're done, go down the stairs in the back and you're in the Blast Furnace (where, in the first MGS, you would've switched to the 2nd disk). .:'*':.======================================.:'*':. ------ Area #28 - Blast Furnace ------ ':.*.:'======================================':.*.:' Wow, huge and hot place, eh? Well, this is the Blast Furnace, which branches out to all of the final sections of the game, believe it or not. We've come a long way. Anyways, when you first arrive inside the large area, you will find an enemy soldier surveying the area. Now, in the first MGS, there was just one thing you could do here, and that was to press against the West wall and slowly move across. But in this game you actually have a second option you can pursue if you so please. That is to simply make it to the bottom by hopping the rails down the bottom. Heh, I still prefer the other method. Remember that when you're slowly making your way over on that West wall, you'll have to duck down at times, because of the moving crane that's there. DO NOT get hit by that thing, trust me. At the other side of this area, kill the guard, then continue. Ok, collect the items downstairs, and prepare to listen to me closely, as we're about to nab a brand new item that we haven't had before. First of all, when you're all the way down the stairs, keep heading South, and then you will eventually run in to a room with tons of bars and hot steam. You'll have to wait for the steams to die down a bit, and then make your way (hastily) to the left, and continue forth. Again, make sure this is all being done quickly. Now, at a seemingly dead end, crawl under some of the bars here and continue a bit to a room with a few cameras (with mounted guns, of course) are. Shoot them out quickly, or use a Chaff to make them go haywire temporarily. At that time, you can somewhat freely (but hurry the hell up!) move about, and make the acquisition of the Body Armor. Now, back in in the Blast Furnace we go! Head back up the stairs, and then through the door up to the North area. So now we're located in the Cargo Elevator area. Run around a bit to collect the many ammunitions before mounting the actual (enormous) elevator. Afterwards, when you think you're prepared for the last parts of the game, just get your ass aboard that elevator and activate it via the panel at the back side of it. Heh, once you start to activate it to get it to start moving, you are ambushed by a horde of guards, and since you can't really get off of the damn elevator, you have to sit around nanchalantly and kick their hides. How fun. No other way would I rather do it! (unless Meryl promised sex afterwards, but that's something we're not going to get into right now...). After killing them all shortly, get off the elevator (after it's reached the bottom, of course). And at the bottom, keep heading Northward, and Chaff or shoot (at least with this one, shooting IS recommended) the camera in place. Yeah. Afterwards, start riding the next huge elevator to the bottom, and when Master Miller calls you, you get to listen to some surprising and almost startling new revelations about Naomi Hunter. Wow... anyways, when the lift comes to its halt, move forward through the large door. You're now in the Warhouse, where the final bout versus an old enemy is impending. It's rather easy, but still, I hope you're ready. .:'*':.======================================.:'*':. ------ Area #29 - Warehouse ------ ':.*.:'======================================':.*.:' .:'*':.====================================.:'*':. ------ Boss #8 - Vulcan Raven ------ ':.*.:'====================================':.*.:' Surprisingly, this isn't as difficult of a battle as you would think, really. He's slow, and there's so much damn space to get away from him and hide, as well as pull off some well-placed attacks. First of all, don't let that enormous weapon of his startle you...it's only as dangerous as you let it be. Obviously, you'll want to stay out of his direct field of view, as he'll start destroying you with said enormous weapon. And also, he has a rather large field of view as well. He's also a very aware boss, so don't think you'll be introducing him to your FA-MAS all too easily. Instead, I simply suggest that you find some area at the other side of the whole warehouse, and pull out your Nikita remote missile launcher, and fire on off. Now, completely navigate it around the many, many iron crates in the warehouse area. Try to do this quickly, as you probably know by this point in time, the Nikitas don't have infinite flight time. So, when you finally spot Vulcan Raven with your Nikita missile in flight, just let it fly towards his slow- moving self for some easy, effective damage. You can also get a bit closer and try intimitely introducing him to your Stinger Missiles. After about 3-5 minutes of repeating this, Vulcan Raven should die, followed by a rather cool cutscene afterwards. After the scenes, he gives you the Lv7 Card Key. After all of it is done and complete control of Snake is relinquished to you once again, it is simply a matter of leaving from the opposite side of which you came in. There are two soldiers on guard in this area, so, make it to the other side stealthily (like the basis of this whole game is!) Now, afterwards, just continue up a bit, dropping the foe that's up ahead (be cautious of the trapped-floors). Ok, as you head towards the underground base area, you'll see QUITE A NUMBER OF DAMN GUNNED-CAMERAS. I recommend busting out the 'ol PSG1 and taking them all out right now, as to avoid any future conundrums. Now, head through the door and you are finally there... .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ----- Area #29 - Underground Base ----- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' As you proceed forward...you see it in all of its "gonna bomb the world to the abysmal pits of hell" grandure...Metal Gear. Stop gawking and keep on the move...we've got a world to save here, you know!? *gawks a little longer* Anyways, head to the right and climb the first ladder. You'll receive a little codec transmission from none other than your best pal Otacon. Listen to his blabbering, and then continue on. Drop the first guard you see and then proceed, mmm-kay? Now continue up the next ladder and again get a call from Otacon... lovely... Now, after it is completed, make it all the way to the top, and you will see a guard patrolling up here. Kill him. Next, continue right around and across the small catwalk. When you reach the only room (with glass windows) in this area, you are in for a rather lengthy cutscene involving Revolver Ocelot as well as Liquid Snake (and, of course, Solid Snake as well, heh). Shit. Guess what? Your PAL key just fell all the way down to the bottom of this underground base into the drainage ditch thanks to Ocelot shooting it from your grasp. Crap! Ok, we gotta go down and get it...great. When the scene is done and you retrieve the random object that you just threw through your window, start the descent to the Metal Gear's base. Here, equip your Mine Detector and look for the white dot, which is the PAL key. There is also a 'Bomb' in this drainage ditch, so, if you get it, dispose of it, as it will blow up in some time. Also notice that the longer you stay in this muck and scum of the drainage ditch, the more health you lose. Alright, now that we have done that and gotten it out of the way, head back up the ladders that are placed around Metal Gear's exterior, and up to the control room where Ocelot and Liquid were just situated. But first, stay outside of it, pinpoint the two cameras located within, and completely get rid of them. Now, approach the the first computer that is there with the yellow card symbol on it. Insert the PAL key by pressing the 'Y' button. Now, we have to satisfy the blue symbol-computer's demands. This is to cool the key. So...we head back to the Warehouse where we have just got down fighting with big man, Vulcan Raven. Yeah. Take out any guards on the way. In the Warehouse. stealthily oust the three guards inside, and just sit around waiting for the key to chill. After about a minute or two, check your inventory and check to see if the card has transubstantiated into a blue-ish color. If it has, QUICKLY head back to the control room before it returns to room temperature. Now, insert it into the center terminal; the next objective is to heat the key. How will we do this, you ask? Well, think about it logically for a minute. What's really the only hot place we've been in throughout this whole entire game? That's right! It's the Blast Furnace! Heh, at least we don't have to backtrack too far... Anyway, proceed there. On your way there, in the Warehouse, the three guards from before have experienced metempsychosis and have become prospopoeias of their past selves. Now, continue on towards the first elevator. Listen to Miller's call and once it's at the top, board the next elevator and ride it like a Harley!...err, to the top... Now you're in the Blast Furnace. Just catch at tan here for a few minutes hidden from everyone, and once the key turns red, head back to the room and enter it in the final computer terminal. Now, after a few scenes, you'll be in the control room...but this time it will not be all that pleasent or simple...It starts to fill with noxious gases, and your health starts gradually depleting. I recommend equipping your gas mask, and then paying Otacon a little courtesy call. After your transmission to him, he'll come in a bit and get you the heck out of that infumigated room. After that little ordeal is managed and taken care of, head outside and prepare for a bit more. You've discover that all of your efforts into getting the three PAL keys were all ultimately for achieving the exact OPPOSITE of what you hoped. Instead of rendering Metal Gear obsolete, what you've actually done is fully activate the thing! Great... The terrorists never had the capability of firing a nuke, so they just used you as a pawn and totally tricked you. Elaborate. Anyway, after the next few scenes, you are to do battle with Metal Gear!!! .:'*':.====================================.:'*':. ----- Boss #9 - Metal Gear Rex ----- ':.*.:'====================================':.*.:' Heh, we're finally here. What we've been waiting for the entire game to do. That is...finish off the top secret black project, Metal Gear. Talk to Otacon and learn that Metal Gear indeed DOES have a weakness, as Otacon purposely made one, because he thinks all great creations do. This is the Radome, or, the circular thing next to Rex's actual head structure. We're going to be doing a lot of damage to this thing throughout the fight. One thing, though. Sure, there is a plethora of available targets on Metal Gear's body...but hitting them does no damage, simply temporarily (maybe 3 seconds) disorients Rex. So, go for the Radome! What purpose besides doing some serious damage to Metal Gear does firing your STINGER MISSILES at the Radome do, you ask? Well, heh, I was just getting there :P After you've done enough damage to it, the cockpit of Rex opens, where Liquid Snake is stationed and maneuvering it from. From there, instead of firing at the Radome itself, you can instead focus all of your attention and energies on launching salvos or rockets after another the way of the cockpit. This does even more damage, I guess, since you are actually bombarding the interior of Metal Gear. Ouch! Does that hurt, Liquid? Good. But, that is later, not now. Continue attacking the Radome directly, ok? After you've deleted enough of Radome's health, a few kickass scenes involving Gray Fox (the ninja) will ensue, in which he basically kicks the crap out of Metal Gear and out of Liquid. But, he is inevitably outmatched by the enormous metal titan, and squished to his death. One famous quote from here as GF's being squished and destroying Rex's Radome: "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal." Classic. Brings back some great memories for me, too. Anyway, back to strategizing. During one part of this scene, you once again take control again, so be aware of that and don't just put down your controller the whole time. But basically, you won't be doing much except pressing the fire button. Fox wants you to shoot your Stinger at Rex to finish it off, but doing so would cost him his life, so Snake is hesitant. As you try to fire, it doesn't let you, and Snake says things like "I can't do it." After abdicating control of Solid Snake once more, you're in the final stage of fighting Metal Gear Rex. Nice. Not too much to go, but still, don't get careless as that can cost you your life. Now, continue firing at the the cockpit, which is now open courtesy of Gray Fox annihilating the Radome with his plasma gun. While doing this, like always, I recommend that you stay away from Rex directly, as if it steps on you, that is an instant kill. It also uses its laser and railgun to do damage, but they're generally easy to avoid and evade. The annoying part about this battle is that you will be constantly on the move due to Metal Gear constantly baraging you with its salvos of rockets. To avoid these, simply run and roll. Don't stay in the same place too long, as you'll easily die that way, heh. So, just keep healing and punishing the cockpit area. After a few more minutes of repeating this tactic, Metal Gear will be dismantled. Now, a few long scenes ensue on Metal Gear's head, surrounded by a blazing inferno, and you've been stripped of all your weapons. It's time for the final boss battle (afterwards), vs. Liquid Snake. .:'*':.===================================.:'*':. ----- Boss #10 - Liquid Snake ----- ':.*.:'===================================':.*.:' This is true hand-to-hand combat! Heh, it's not too hard, nor does it throw any new stipulates like Mantis or Rex. You have no weapons to speak of, of course. The best way to beat Liquid is to just move in and keep on doing the same physical combos as you've been using throughout the game. Punch, punch, kick, it's all in the mind! (sorry about that horrible PaRappa the Rappa reference...won't happen again). Anyways, be careful about doing too many combos simultaneously, as he will ward your sorry ass off with a kick. And, after you've pissed him off enough, he starts charging after you. They're easy to avoid, so don't fret. Now, there's also the timer until the nuclear module explodes. You have to beat Liquid within that time limit, or else you get game over and everyone just dies. Heh. Once his health is gone, fight over. But it is not the end! Ok, after the many scenes, follow Otacon, and along the way, pick up the three available Rations. When you reach the jeep, Otacon begins to rev it up. Once that's done, get on and start killing everything in sight. Mainly, though, go for the barrels first, as you need to blow up that gate (take out some guards if you wish). Ok, along the way, you'll encounter two security checkpoints. At these, shoot the barrels, which will bring down the gates, as well as kill the guards there. Kill two birds with one stone! Near the end of it, you will start being pursued by Liquid. Jesus Christ, won't he just die already!? He starts shooting his weapon at you, and hitting your jeep with his. Let Otacon do the driving while you fire back at him. After a bit of time, you'll reach the end of the tunnel, so stay alive! Afterwards, watch your deserved ending. Congratulations, you've beaten Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes!!! ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 6. Item List ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ Hello everyone and welcome to the Item List Section of this FAQ. What I am basically going to do is compile a list of the items and certain strategies and functions of the items. I will also provide you with the location of the items just to make this a bit more complete. Tips and tricks will be given for various items and a description of what each items does will be provided as well. Well, now that you know all about what is going to be provided in this section, let's get to the good stuff and actually tell you about the different items in the game. On we go. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O AP Sensor O ------------- Location: [Cargo Dock] underneath the water on the right side. --------- Basic Function: Beeps/Rumbles your controller when a human/enemy is nearby. --------------- General Information ------------------- The AP Sensor is very handy in stealthy situations. As you can tell from my definition above, the AP Sensor basically rumbles your controller when a human is nearby. This will give you an indication on whether an enemy is close to you or farther away. So, if you start to hear a rumbling noise, head away from the area that your are presently in. Then, once that is all take care of, look around the room and see if you can point out where the enemy is. On the other opposing side, this items can be considered a bit useless because you do have a radar that displays where the enemies are. It also does take up your item slot because you can only have one item out at a time, but it really can be useful especially for beginner players. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Bandage O ----------- Location: [Anywhere] --------- Basic Function: Stops the bleeding of Snake. --------------- General Information ------------------- Bandages are a small item that make a big difference. You must be very meticulous when you decide on useing the bandages. They can really be a waist of an item, or they can sometimes help you. The deteriminant of how good the bandage is, is basically the urgency of the situation. The reason for this, is that Snake can actually stop his bleeding using other tactics than simply putting a bandage on himself. He can actually crouch into crawl mode and simply stand there. This will stop the bleeding, but notice that this takes a lot of time to do. So, what happens if you are in the middle of a fight with a boss or a group of enemy soldiers? Well, this is where the bandage comes in handy. If you really need to stop bleeding (because bleeding does decrease your health steadily) use a bandage. This is the best time. To summarize this all up, bandages are for times of urgency. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Body Armor O -------------- Location: [Blast Furnace] Crawling through the smokey area. --------- Basic Function: Doubles your health gauge. --------------- General Information ------------------- This item is one of the most useful items in the game if you can actually get to it. Its basic function is that it, in reality, decreases Snake's damage by half or fifty percent, which basically doubles the amount of health that Snake has. This is very useful when you are fighting a boss especially because you will have a much longer opportunity to defeat the boss than you are already given. This is basically like an extra life, you know like in Mario. So, take advantage of this item and I would really recommend it to anyone who is having a lot of trouble throughout the game. Of course, this is not mandatory to beat the game, so those of you who are really experienced gamers are advised not to use this item unless you really need/want to. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Box O ------- Box 1 Location: [Armory] Inside of the southeast cell. Duck under the infrared --------------- beams to gain access to this box. Box 2 Location: [Nuke Building B1] Head inside one of the Level 5 Key doors --------------- on the left side of the room. Box 3 Location: [Snow Field] In the truck/car in the area of the Snow Field. --------------- Basic Function: Used to hide from enemy guards. A source of protection. --------------- General Information ------------------- The boxes that are found throughout this game are very useful. They are in reality cardboard boxes that are put over you so that guards and enemies cannot see you. The one trick to wearing cardboard boxes though is that guards will not buy your stealth if the cardboard box does not match the area or at least close to the area that you are in. So, if you use a box in the armory, make sure that you use the first box. Areas around the Armory also have use in the first box. It is exactly the same with all the other boxes as well. Another useful feature about the boxes is that you can transport from place to place. If you head into a truck found throughout the game, you will be transported to wherever your box was found. This is obviously a useful way of getting around the different areas that may take a while throughout the game. It is all up to you. Use it or don't, some people take advantage of this useful item, but a lot probably do not. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Camera O ---------- Location: [Armory South] Get into the level 6 door and shoot out the gun --------- camera. Then crawl through the fencing to grab the camera. Basic Function: Used to take pictures anywhere in the game. --------------- General Information ------------------- This item is forgotten by many gamers because it is way back near the first part of the game, the Armory, and it is in a place that many people skip. All you have to do to get the camera, which is basically just a fun items which serves no real use in progressing throughout the game, is to use C4 on the wall that is right next to the broken wall that lead to the Revolver Ocelot boss battle. In this hallway there are two doors, a level 4 and level 6 door. Inside the level 6 is a fencing area. Crawl through the small opening and then head grab the camera. The camera is just fun to take pictures of different things throughout the game. You can also view your pictures on the special menu located on the main menu. It is just like a dog tag, except pictures. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Card Keys O ------------- 1st Level Card Key Location: [Holding Cells] Given to you by the DARPA Chief. ---------------------------- 2nd Level Card Key Location: [Armory South] Given to you by the ArmsTech ---------------------------- President. 3rd Level Card Key Location: [Canyon] Taken from the dead soldier after ---------------------------- defeating the M1 Tank. 4th Level Card Key Location: [Nuke Building B2] Otacon gives you this key ---------------------------- card after defeating the Cyborg Ninja. 5th Level Card Key Location: [Nuke Building B1] Given by Meryl in the girl's ---------------------------- bathroom. 6th Level Card Key Location: [Holding Cells] Given to you by Otacon when he ---------------------------- sneaks into the cells. 7th Level Card Key Location: [Warehouse] Given to you by Vulcan Raven after ---------------------------- you defeat him in a boss battle. Basic Function: Used to open various doors throughout the game. --------------- General Information ------------------- There really is not a whole lot of information about the card keys except for the fact that these items are absolutely mandatory to progress throughout this game. These cards will allow you to open higher level doors to get into places that might have been non accessible before. So, if you come to a door that you cannot open because you do not have a high enough level card key, do not panic or look for help. Simply realize that you will be getting a new card key later on which can be used at this door later on in the game. A lot of the game will be backtracking and going to the same places as before, so do not feel like you must get every single item the first time you enter a certain area. This is in fact impossible because items are inaccessible due to card keys and opening certain level doors. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Cigarettes O -------------- Location: [Given to Snake at the start of the game] --------- Basic Function: Only positive purpose is to located infrared beams. --------------- General Information ------------------- The cigarettes do seem to be a useless item, which in fact harms your health throughout this game. Though this is partially true, there are some positive aspects given to the cigarette items. First of all, if you use a cigarette you will get the effect that you probably expected. Your health will gradually go down due to cigarettes being terribly bad for you. On the other hand, the positive aspects of the cigarettes are locating infrared beams throughout the game. Usually it is pretty obvious to see where the beams are if you are carefully looking at your mini-map on the upper screen level, but if you do not and you do not happen to have thermal goggles, these items can actually locate those infrared beams. In a way they are pretty nifty, but I would strongly recommend staying away from these items throughout the game. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Dog Tags O ------------ Location: [Anywhere where a soldier is located] --------- Basic Function: Unlock secrets throughout the game. --------------- General Information ------------------- Dog Tags are one of the secret type of items in the game. They are fun to collect, and can give you some secret information while on the course of beating your game. A dog tag, by definition, is basically a tag on a soldier that indicated their name. Each of the enemies throughout the game, including the bosses, have a dog tag attached to them, but it is only a matter of figuring out how to grab a dog tag. I will sum the procedure up, but if you want a clear and heavily detailed strategy for gaining dog tags, check out the Basics section under special moves. So, to get a dog tag, carefully get behind an enemy. Once you are rather close to the enemy, take out your gun and hold the A button. Then, Snake will yell out freeze. The guard will stop and put his hands up. Then, hold down the Y button and walk in front of the guard. Let go of the Y button and then aim your gun in first person mode to either the head or the crotch of the enemy. He will shake and reveal his dog tag for your to grab. Shoot him in the head then to kill him. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Gas Mask O ------------ Location: [Nuke Building B2] In the middle room from the electriied floor --------- which was disabled using the Nikita. Basic Function: Gives Snake double the O2, or oxygen, in gas-filled areas. --------------- General Information ------------------- The Gas Mask is not much of a common item used throughout the game, but when you actually need to use it, it is extremely helpful. The main place where you actually use this item is right where you found it, in the Nuke Building B2. Here, you can examine the area for double the time, because the Gas Mask gives Snake double the O2, or oxygen, to use in any gas-filled area. So, you can go to anyroom for a much longer period of time, and you will find out, if you have not found out already, that the Gas Mask will give you enough time to get some other very important, or at least very helpful, items. One of the disadvantages to using the Gas Mask is the first person mode. If you want to try to see in first person mode you are going to have a load of trouble. Not only will the green gas affect your site, but the small eyeholes in the gas mask are so small that you can barely see where you are looking or aiming at. Other than this, the gas mask is pretty useful, but never use it unless you are actually in gas-filled areas. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Handkerchief O ---------------- Location: [The Cell] Otacon gives this to Snake in the Cell. --------- Basic Function: Makes the dogs like you, and not harm you. --------------- General Information ------------------- This item is pretty useful in certain parts of the game, but it not all that common when you are talking about the entire game as a whole. As you have read in the basic funtion section, this item will allow you to pass by the dogs/wolves without being annoying to them, thus causing them to attack you. I am sure you were pretty angry when you had to scramble passed them inside the caves because they constantly tried to attack you. You will obtain this item when the guard leaves in the Cell after Ocelot's torture, and you will be faced with Otacon. He will give you many items including this Handkerchief. Insterestingly, it has a smell of Sniper Wolf, and you can see that this item has a large connection with Sniper Wolf. Of course, she has the word "Wolf" in her name, which is why the wolves/dogs are probably friendly towards you. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Ketchup O ----------- Location: [The Cell] Given to Snake by Otacon. --------- Basic Function: A item that happens to be useful for a special trick. --------------- General Information ------------------- Alright, if you read the basic funtion for this item, you are probably wondering what I am talking about. Well, the ketchup item is really one of my favorite items in the entire game. Why? Well, it is used as a really neat trick, and you can only use it once, which makes it extremely special. So, when you are resisting Ocelot's torture in the Medical Room, you will be placed into the Cell after each torture session. Here, you will be able to sit around and do basically nothing, but after a few sessions of sitting, the guard leaves and Otacon comes to give you some items. He just happens to hand you some ketchup. The Ketchup is basically used for this instance only, so get into crawling position and use the Ketchup to make fake blood. This will trigger the guard in the cell and basically allow you to take the guard out. This, in my opinion, is a really neat item which results in a pretty cool part of the game. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Medicine O ------------ Location: [Nuke Building B1] --------- Basic Function: Cures the sickness created in the Cell after torture. --------------- General Information ------------------- This is one of those items that I would say is useless if you actually did the right thing and listened to either me, or anyone who probably knows anything about Metal Gear Solid. That is, do not surrender to Ocelot's torture in the Medical Room. That means you must be successful in resisting the torture for however many times you happen to be tortured. But, if you are (to be nice) one of those people that happened to skip that part of the reading, you will find this item essential and very nice. Anyway, the medicine will cure a cold that you will receive inside the Cell that you are kept at. You should rush to the area of the Nuke Building B1 and use the medicine on yourself. This will allow you to cure yourself from the cold and be normal and healthy, like the Snake that would have been if you actually resisted the torture. Ok, I will stop making fun of you...So, I hope this bit of information helped you out. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Mine Detector O ----------------- Location: [Tank Hangar] Located in the level two door on the upper level. --------- Basic Function: Allows Snake to see Claymore mines in any given field. --------------- General Information ------------------- The Mine Detector is definately not a "must get" item. You will find it useful in a few areas, but only outside pretty much, and most of the rooms in this game are obviously inside. But, the good thing about this item is that it allows you to see Claymore mines that are planted in a field by displaying them as yellow dots on your radar mini-map. This is especially useful in the Canyon area earily in the game because the mines are almost impossible to pass unless you can actually see them. There is usually only a specific route that you can go, and it is extremely hard to guess if you do not have your mine detector. On the other hand, losing a little bit of health is not going to kill you. On my first time through this game I did not have the mine detector and I got through easily, loosing only a small bit of health. It is really up to you, but do not think that it really matters if you have it or not. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O MO Disc O ----------- Location: [Armory South] Given to Snake by the President after Ocelot fight. --------- Basic Function: Not Available/No Use --------------- General Information ------------------- I wish I could give you a long informative section for this item in the game, but I unfortunately cannot. This disc is supposedly essential to the White House in the beginning of the game, but really presents no importance later on in the game. If I was you, I would sort of forget that this item exists and stop asking questions about this item. Ok, enough said, let's move onto the next item. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Nightvision Goggles O ----------------------- Location: [Nuke Building B2] Near the two gun cameras in the top room. --------- Basic Function: Allows Snake to see more productively in dark areas. --------------- General Information ------------------- This is one of my favorite items that you can obtain throughout the entire game. Why? Well, I just love how you can see so much better in those terribly dark areas. I especially appreciated the goggles when I went to the caves for the second time. The first time I ever went to the caves I had absolutely no nightvision goggles at all. I was near impossible to see where I was going or where the correct path was. I basically go to my destination with a lot of luck. But, the second time that I visited the caves it was so much better to zip right by the area knowing exactly where to go because everything was actually seeable. So, as you can obviously tell, the nightvision goggles are purposed to allow you to see in dark areas. Like all the other goggles it is really hard to see in first person mode because of the small area in which is available for your eyes. So, if you want to shoot or go into first person mode for some reason, try to unequip these goggles for the best accuracy. Sometimes you have no choice, however, so do as your surrounding tell you to. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O PAL Key O ----------- Location: [Holding Cells] Given to Snake by the DARPA Chief. --------- Basic Function: Disables Metal Gear Rex from deactivating. --------------- General Information ------------------- I am sorry for the lack of detail on this item, but I think it is neccessary to not reveal any essential information on this item. All I would really do is give a load of spoilers, so if you are desperate in knowing what this item is extremely useful for, look in the walkthrough. On the other hand, I will give this information: the temperature of this card will effect what it can be used for. Also, it is purposed to deactivate the Metal Gear Rex before it can activate and destroy virtually anything that moves. Yes, so as you can see, this is one of those ambiguous, but extremely important items in the game. The details will remain a mystery until you actually make some progress in the game. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Pentazemin O -------------- Location: [Anywhere] Usually in small rooms coming out of a larger room. --------- Basic Function: Allows Snake to keep his hands still when using a Sniper --------------- Rifle. General Information ------------------- The Pentazemin, pronounced "Pen-taz-a-mean," is one of the most productive items that you can use throughout the entire game. Though it is only useful when using your sniper rifle, it makes your shooting a heck of a lot easier. Sniping is also a very useful tactic with stealth because you can take out enemies from so far away. The Pentazemin basically allows Snake to keep his hands steady so that he can aim perfectly for a short while at his target. So, if you are looking at shooting a distant enemy in the head, use a Pentazemin and then aim for him. It is near impossible to get a head shot on a Sniper Rifle without using a Pentazemin because the horrendous shaking that takes place all the time while in zoom in mode on your sniper rifle. Other than that, it is pretty much useless for any other action. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Ration O ---------- Location: [Anywhere] Found in enemies and in various rooms. --------- Basic Function: Allows Snake to gain health on his health gauge. --------------- General Information ------------------- No matter what anyone says, the ration is really the most useful item in the entire game. It is absolutely essential, especially for the beginning gamers, to have a good supply of rations at all times. The ration, a brown cylindrical shaped container contains a food and drink that replenishes Snake's health considerabley. Also, if you have rations equipped and you run out of health on your health gauge, the rations will automatically be used to restock your health. The rations can basically be found anywhere, but if you are in urgent situations where you really need some extra rations, simply find an enemy and kill them using any method of your choice. Then, grab there body pressing the A button, and drag and and drop the body. If you do this several times you will see that a ration has popped out of the enemy. This does not work every single time you try, but it works a lot of the time. It is all up to you. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Rope O -------- Location: [Communication Tower A] --------- Basic Function: Allows Snake to get down from the Communication Tower. --------------- General Information ------------------- This item is not used often, and it not even presented to Snake until much later in the game, so you are not going to have to worry about this too much. In fact, the first time I went through this I did not even use the rope to get down from the Communication Tower. I basically just jumped off and landed on a ledge, while hanging. I then dropped off each ledge and then grabbed on the next one. The rope is just an optional way of doing this, and I would encourage you to get it because it can be helpful. It is also good for people who are not as good at the Metal Gear games. So, the rope helps you get down form large areas much slower and productively. What else do you expect from the Rope? ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Scope O --------- Location: [Starting Item] --------- Basic Function: Allows Snake to view far away objects. Like a binoculars. --------------- General Information ------------------- This item is really not that helpful, especially when you gain the sniper rifle. Once you gain the sniper rifle you will pretty much be able to view things from farther away by zooming in plus you can actually snipe them down, but it is all up to what you actually prefer. The Scope is useful in the beginning when you want to view the situation in a given area, especially like the Heliport. You might want to check out the area to see what is going on and where your destination is. This is also a good item to use to check out the enemy's guard route so you can take care of him any way you want to later on. Basically it is a "check that situation out" kind of item, and is to be used at your benefit, but do not use it when you are in the middle of an action type situation. If you get caught using this item, severe damage may take place because you are unaware of a nearby enemy. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O SOCOM Suppressor O -------------------- Location: [Tank Hangar] Located in the upper level. --------- Basic Function: Decreases the noise given off after a shot from the SOCOM. --------------- General Information ------------------- This item is really useful, and I mean REALLY useful when you love to use your SOCOM gun to take enemies out. Also, if you do not have an M9, you might have a load of trouble getting passed parts where silence is key. So, the SOCOM Suppressor is really useful for people who are in these similar situations. Anyway, the SOCOM Suppressor basically makes your gun shots a heck of a lot softer so that enemies will have a much less of a chance of hearing the gun shots. This means that taking enemies out, who are located in the same room, will be ten times easier. Of course, this does not mean a whole lot of you have the M9, which is quiet as well, but the SOCOM can obviously kill people while the M9 only tranquilizes the opponent. This item can be found very early on in the game, so I would recommend you get it right when you can and use it for the entire length of the game. It will be to your advantage I can assure you. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Thermal Goggles O ------------------- Location: [Tank Hangar] In the door on the upper level. --------- Basic Function: Allows Snake to view heated objects more clearly. --------------- General Information ------------------- Opposed to many of the items in the game, I find this item to be the most useless item out of all of them. There is probably one part of the game where the thermal goggles are actually partially useful, but that is about it. The part of the game in which I speak is basically in the Cyborg Ninja fight. There is a phase where he dissappears in the room and you can faintly see his body, but he does not move. So, the thermal goggles allow you to see him a lot more clearly, but I beat him without using them, so it is not much of a big deal. If you are in a dark area and you cannot see an enemy or their guarding route, the thermal goggles may help you see them and where they go, but that is about it. So, use this item if you really have nothing better to do and cannot take a tiny challenge, and when you want to see enemies in darker areas and see exactly what they are doing. That is just about it for the thermal goggles. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== O Time Bomb O ------------- Location: [Medical Room] Ocelot places this inside your equiptment bag. --------- Basic Function: Basically harms Snake. --------------- General Information ------------------- This is one of those, what the heck? kind of items. You really are not expecting this item ever to show up in your inventory, but it does, and it very surprising, I must add. When you are all done resisting Ocelot's torture and doing the various game scenes in the Cell, you will get to go back to the Medical Room to gather all of your guns/items (or your equiptment as a whole) and you will be faced with a new item. It is a present from Ocelot. One funny thing, is you really cannot die from this item because of two reasons. First of all, I am telling you to get rid of it right when you get your stuff from the Medical Room. Secondly, the game reminds you to get rid of after they contact you on CODEC. So, do not have fear over this useless item because you will have all the reminders in the world to get rid of this item. So, the purpose of this item is basically to get rid of it. Enought said about this one, and let's move onto the next. ===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**===**=== ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 7. Boss Strategies ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------ Boss #1 - Revolver Ocelot ------ ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Oh, stop freaking out guys! This boss battle is actually one of the easiest boss battles you will ever fight in the history of video game kind. Haha, ok let's get down to the real strategies. First of all, the cutscene will show your Baker, the destination man. Well, he is tied to ropes, and if you touch those ropes, BOOM! C4 in yo face, baby. Anyway, Ocelot will try to be "cool" by coming out and greeting you with a hell of a lot of confidence, but don't worry, we will take care of that in no time. So, enough of the pre-boss battle stuff, let's get to the actual strategies, and you must know that there are two simple ways to defeat Ocelot, and I will explain both. But, before doing any of the strategies, you must do the following if you have not already. Quickly press the R1 or L1 button. R1 is purposed to get your SOCOM out because you are going to need it to kill Revolver Ocelot. Secondly, make sure you have full health by using rations. Luckily the time stops when you are in these item selecting modes, so take your time finding your items. Once you have full health and a weapon, get ready to start the fight. Strategy 1: For the first strategy for defeating Revolver Ocelot, simply do the following. Head to the top of your screen near the SOCOM ammo boxes. Refill your ammo whenever neccessary. Anyway, Ocelot will never actually come towards you, so you can continue to stay here for the rest of the battle. He will be on the opposite side of you, just as you might expect. Simply head back and forth to the right and left, and notice when Ocelot stops and tries to shoot you. He will stand in the corner. Head to the opposing adjacent corner and press the A button 2-3 times. This will give you at least 1-2 hits on Ocelot and that will take off the most damage (unless you get a head shot). Repeat this process going back and forth, but remember, you must wait until he shoots before you can shoot in order to keep your health healthy :) Repeating this will obviously kill him. Strategy 2: This strategy is for complete newbies who have absolutely no skill whatesoever. Anyway, for those of you who are interested in reading about this strategy, this is what you do. You actually have two basic options. You can simply stand in one place and continue to shoot Ocelot by going into first person mode. This will gradually take off damage from him. But, if you want to take the maximum damage away from Ocelot, you are going to have to use this strategy. Simply do the same thing as strategy 1, but instead of shooting him each time, wait until his five bullets run out and he has to reload. This will give you time to get into first person mode and then shoot him in the head. Yea we all know how much head shots hurt, so expect major damage, and he will be down in not time. Of course, he will taunt your for trying hard once you deplete his energy. But, his arm is miraculously chopped off by an invisible and camouflaged ninja! But, he starts to fight you. After you are both in a stalemate, he will leave you. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ---------- Boss #2 - M1 Tank ---------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' This boss battle is definately much more challenging than the first, but if you know what to do, you should have no problem at all as to what to do. So, here is the deal. You will start out behind a rocky structure which will defend you from the tanks shots right now. To your right is a ration and a stun grenade, but those are useless for the time being. First, head back to where you came in, and make sure you watch for all the mines here as well. Anyway, there is a ammo box which will carry Chaff Grenades. This is the key to beating this boss. Use the Chaff Grenades to disable the tanks main gun, which locks onto you, Snake, and will instantly damage your health significantly. So, the best way of going about this is to use a Chaff grenade anywhere. This will automatically disable the main turret. Then, wait for the soldier to rise on top of the tank. Throw a Frag Grenade into the tank where the soldier is and you will damage the soldier. After you hit him for the first time, head to the northeast region of the Canyon. This is what I like to call "home." You are going to be coming back and forth to this area to reload and become safe for a short while from the main turret that the tank regains every once in a while. So, throw another Chaff Grenade and then quickly run to where the tank is sitting. Again, throw a grenade at the soldier inside the tank. This will, again, take off a bit more damage from the soldier. Head back to home as quickly as possible and wait for the first turret missile. Then, repeat the process of throwing a Chaff Grenade and then running in to throw a Frag Grenade. Repeat this process until the first soldier is dead. Then, a second soldier will pop up and quickly fire the machine gun on the tank. This brings up another point. Watch out for the machine gun that the tank can still use even if you throw a Chaff Grenade. It cannot take off as much damage as the main turret, but can still take off significant damage. Anyway, the second soldier will appear but will be no different than the first soldier. Quickly repeat your same process that you used with the first soldier and then you will easily win this battle. If you ever run out of Chaff Grenades, a new box of ammo should appear near "home." This makes your battle a lot easier as well. So, once you beat the tank, a cool cutscene begins where Snake throws a grenade into the mussle of the tank. This kills a soldier and Snake punches the soldier. He then walks into the next room. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------- Boss #3 - Cyborg Ninja -------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Welcome to your third boss battle. This boss battle is probably the most intimidating for a first time Metal Gear Solid gamer to this point in the game but I can assure you that this is not nearly the hardest. If you concentrate you will easily be able to defeat him in no time. I hope you have mastered the kick punch combos because they are going to be used quite a bit throughout this battle. Anyway, there are four stages in the Cyborg Ninja battle, and some are longer/harder than others. I will separate my strategy into four sections, giving hints for each phase so that no phase is too hard for you. First, I need to give you some general information about the Ninja. He starts off with a sword, which is completely unfair not only because his sword takes off a heck of a lot of damage, but because he can deflect every last bullet that you happen to shoot. There are points in the boss battle where the Ninja actually gives you a chance by putting his sword away. But, this is not an indication which tells you that you can take your gun out and start blasting him away. Well, you can technically do this if you really want to, but you will suffer from the "ninja taking out his sword and destroying you" disease. In other words, never take out, use or have anything to do with your guns. Now that this is all settled, we shall move onto the phases. Phase 1: This is going to be a quick, but possible painfull (if you are not careful) phase. The Ninja is carrying a sword, which is obviously an indication that you cannot use any guns. But, he leaps across the room and easily hits you with his large sword attacks. Try your best to dodge these attacks, but at the same time, make sure that you punch and kick him as quickly as possible. If you take off a bit of his life, you will be able to get out of this phase much quicker, and this will creat a much painless phase. So, remember that there are two huge deals with this phase: keeping as much of your health ( although this is probably the most damaging phase) and taking a bit of his health is fast as you possibly can. I will serve you a little of Haste and Stealth for breakfast in case you need any help :) Ok, enough with the jokes, let's move onto phase 2. Phase 2: This phase is going to be a bit longer and probably the most challenging phase of all four. Ninja finally puts his sword away and fights you like a man. But, don't think that he cannot fight with his feet and hands. He is good at doing flying side kicks, and sometimes steps in front of you, jumps over you and tries to stomp on you. Your basic goal is to dodge his fierce attacks and follow these up with a counterattack of your own. This is the easiest way, and probably the least health damaging way I can think of. If you are patient, this will go by easily, but possibly be a length experience. So, once you take off a bit more than half of his health, you enter the third phase out of four. Phase 3: Ok, it is time for a little hide and seek. The part that I like about this phase is that he cannot hit you. You get to simply find him (and trust me, it is not hard to find someone who hides in the most obvious hiding places). Once you find the stupid Ninja, give him two punches and a kick to take off a great deal of damage. Some of the common places that he hides is in the right part of the room in between two structures. He basically likes tight places. Once you find him (and if it helps at all, you can try your thermal goggles because they can easily spot the Ninja) beat him up. You only have to hit him three times and then the final phase starts. Phase 4: This is how any video gamer who has made it this far will want to finish this battle off. Nice, and easy. Yes, this is probably the easiest phase of all, simply because you are too experienced for this Ninja's dumb tricks. So, the Ninja does the exact same thing for the rest of the battle until his energy is completely depleted. He basically walks around, and when he gets right in front of you, he will teleport directly behind you. This will allow you to dodge out of his way, because right when he teleports behind you he will try to attack you. Once he attacks, counterattack him by punching and kicking him. In case that was not clear, wait until he is in front of you. Then he will teleport behind you. Dodge behind him and wait for him to attack. Then attack him. Repeat this process and the Ninja will be down for good. He will suffer, but does not seem to die. His disappearance is extremely odd, but Snake realizes that he was Grey Fox. .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------- Boss #4 - Psycho Mantis ------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' Yes, it is just what we all expected, a boss battle with Psycho Mantis, but he does a little mind reading before you actually start fighting. It is actually rather amusing to see him reading your memory card, for example, he stated that I played Legend of Zelda and Mario Sunshine. He also states how often you save your game for the Twin Snakes, and for me he said I saved often. So, after you get through the mind reading and the funny cutscene where Snake nods at you to put your controller down. So, have a small laugh, but get ready for a tricky boss battle, well it is only tricky if you do not read this, but that is exactly why you are reading this. Yea, enough chatting, let's get to the actual strategy on how to beat this guy. First, notice that he can read your mind, and that basically means that your weapons are useless. But, if you think outside the box, and when I say outside I mean way outside. My point is, there is only one way which will allow you to be able to use your guns/weapons on Pyscho Mantis, and that is to play a little trick yourself. The trick is that you must switch your controller port from the first port to the second. This will allow you to shoot the boss. Now, he will try hard to read your mind again, but that is not a problem. Each time he tells you that your shots are useless or that he can read your mind, you should change your controller port to the next one. According to Minesweeper from gamefaqs, and a good friend of mine, the fourth port seems to work much longer than all the other ports. I guess it would be wise to continually change the controller port back and forth to the fourth port on your gamecube. It is really up to you. So, now that you know how to actually hit the boss, you should consider doing a few things before you start the fight. First, set your left set of items to the rations so that you can automatically refill your health in case you loose all of your energy. Also, I would recommend using your SOCOM instead of your M9/FA-MAS simply because it it easier to aim and seems to take off the most damage with one hit. Once you have your weapon and rations all set, get ready for the start of the fight. Meryl will be obviously controlled by Mantis, so you are going to have to knock her out so that she becomes useless in this battle. Dodge her shots, as she tries to shoot at you, and then do a few punch kick combos to knock her out. Then, you can concentrate on the boss. Notice taht there are times where the screen goes completely black but states HIDEO on the top right corner in green. This is just a little game Mantis plays with you so don't think that your TV needs to head to the repair shop. Anyway, try your best to dodge the chairs and pictures that come attacking you. Then, try to shoot Mantis. If he dodges your bullet, you are going to have to change your controller port. Also, listen to what he says out loud, because that can play an important role in deciding whether or not to change your controller ports. So, change your controller port and start shooting him. If you miss your first 2-3 shots, I would recommend giving up for that round because the longer you sit in one place, the more likely you are going to get hit by one of the chairs or pictures flying across the room. Simply repeat the process for awhile until Mantis wakes Meryl up again. Knock her out just as you did before. Then, go for Psycho Mantis again. This time he will dissappear a lot and when he reappears he will shoot a large lightning ball at you. So, your goal is to look at where the lightning bolt is heading. If it is going towards you, dodge it and then head into first person mode. Look for the boss and then shoot him up. You are going to have to act hasty because he does not sit there for a long time after he throws his lightning bolt. He will dissappear rather quickly if you do not act fast. The best time to take off the most health (which will actually happen near the end of the battle) is when he stands in the middle with various items spinning around him. Simply shoot him over and over, but do not stay in the same place just like I told you before. After quite a few shots you will have defeated Psycho Mantis. .:'*':.========================================.:'*':. --------- Boss #5 - Sniper Wolf -------- ':.*.:'========================================':.*.:' Alright, the ironic part about this battle is that Meryl is not where you expected her to be, that is, she is not lieing on the ground in Sniper Wolf's view. But regardless, we must defeat Sniper Wolf. Head to the left and grab the Pentazemin in the south area of the room. Hopefully you have all ten of your Pentazemins which will be extremely handy throughout this entire battle. So, head into your items menu and select Pentazemin because you will need to use it fast. The good part about this fight is that you will hardly need to use any rations because Sniper Wolf hardly takes off any damage with her shots. But, if you are running low on health simply use a ration from the menu before you lose all your health. The other thing that you should note about this battle is that Sniper Wolf continually runs left and right on a certain level far in the distance, so if she shoots you and you lose your marking or where she is, just look for the level that she normally runs at. Now, on to the strategy. I know it seems like it is insane to head into the middle view where her laser is continuously pointed, but it is your only option. So, stay in the middle and quickly get to crawl mode by pressing the Y button and then moving a bit forward. Then, quickly find where she stands and wait for her to move to a new location. I would not shoot her when she is moving because it is extremely hard and basically waists bullets. When she sets her sniping spot, quickly use a Pentazemin and shoot her. If you do not do this fast enough, you will notice an exclamation mark above her head stating that she found you and is about to shoot you. Basically, the best way of defeating her is shooting her before she shoots you, but the fastest way of defeating her is shooting her in the head. This will take off maximum damage. Also, you can usually get two hits every time you aim at her, so don't stop shooting until you have hit her twice per time she sets up for aiming. Now, there are a few places where sniper wolf likes to run to. She is either in the left region of the platform that she hides on, and she basically stays on the outer edge revealing a small portion of her body. The second place that she may set up at is the right region of the platform. It is basically the same as the left, but at the opposite end of the room. But, for cover she often uses the middle pillar. Once she is covered there, you will not be able to see any part of her body, but at random times she will come out and barely point her gun at you. You have to watch out for this and attack her before she shoots you. This is usually the hardest part of this battle because it is almost impossible to shoot her, and she still shoots you in the same amount of time as any other sniping set up spot. So, shoot her before she shoots you, and try to aim for the head. Make sure you use a Pentazemin as well, although it is possible to shoot her without Pentazemin, it is much harder. Once she is dead, you will have the option of heading forward. .:'*':.========================================.:'*':. ----------- Boss #6 - Hind D ----------- ':.*.:'========================================':.*.:' In my opinion, this may be THE hardest boss fight you've had thus far, and if there's any that are more difficult, I'd have to say that it's the Cyborg Ninja that you fought earlier only. Nevertheless, you're in for one hell of a boss skirmish. As you should know, there is only one way to attack and really do damage to this immense Hind, and that's with the exorbitant weapon you made the recent acquisition of in the tower. Yes, that's right, the Stinger Missile Launcher. And obviously, think of it logically: The Nikita can only go straight when you're not controlling it (not up or down). FA-MAS also can only do the when not in first person mode, and there's no way those can pregnate that Hind's thick armor with such infinitesimal bullets, as demonstrated if you even tried it earlier, same goes for the SOCOM. And any type of grenades are just stupid for now. Now, the Stinger, however, has the lock-on function, and it's a powerful missile launcher. Heh, so there you have it. Now, let's begin the actual Hind- ass-kicking strategy, shall we? Ok. First of all, you must note that Liquid sometimes like to get tricky, and not always stay in your immediate line of view. What exactly do I mean by this, you ask? Well, I'm talking about the fact that he sometimes likes to go behind objects deterring your view on it, or even below you, where you can't even shoot at him. However, there's still two methods of tracking him so that you know where he is even when you *don't* see him right there. One of them is by using the three red squares (that represent the three parts you can hit it on and do damage) moving around, that are visible no matter where it goes, although they're sometimes hard to spot. The other way is kind of easy, but sometimes can be a little disorienting, IMO. This is by using your radar and following the red dot around the place. However, the problem with this is its depth, and you can't always tell if it's above you, at your level, or below you, which is why I mightily suggest that you just stick with using the three squares to track him down. To attack Liquid, you're going to need to enter the first person shooting mode (of course, make sure that you have Stinger Missile Launcher equipped at the time of entering first person mode). From here, you see a red square in front of you at all times, that's where you have to align the Hind to get a good shot off at it. It will start blipping when you have the Hind in clear sight. At that time, you should fire off a shot, and watch as it homes in on it and nails it, dealing damage. Take note, however, that every time you nail the Hind, he fires off shots as an immediate counteraction. Try to avoid them by hiding. Use Rations if you're hit by too many of them for comfort. Now, what are some good coverage points, you ask me, eh? Well, then allow me to recommend you some, then. One of the places I suggest is where you exited out to this roof from, and perhaps console with some people via Codec. Also, there's tons of steel pillars and structures for you to use as protect from Liquid's constant barrage of shots and occasional missiles fired at you. After letting relieve some ammunition hitting your coverage instead of you, reemerge and fire off some more missiles. Do this repeatedly to achieve maximum effect. When he hells "eat this," this is your cue to get the **** under some damn cover. The reason being is that at this moment he will launch and enormous bombardment of some of the Hind's own rockets at the roof of the Communications Tower. Sure, it usually doesn't hit around you if you're smart, but there's no need to take needless chances, is there? He also does something very similar when you finally bring him down to the end of his health, but this time you should be double careful, as it hits a lot. Anyways, after all its health is depleted, obviously, the Hind falls. .:'*':.========================================.:'*':. --------- Boss #7 - Sniper Wolf -------- ':.*.:'========================================':.*.:' So, she wants you dead, but she actually loves you... Must be somebody's time of the month. Anyway, in this rematch against the beautiful and deadly sniper, you will fight her until the dramatic end, unlike last time where both of you survived and lived to fight another day. This fight is tougher, in my opinion, for a variety of reasons. One being the fact that you are in a much more open area and its easier for Wolf to pick shots off on you (and too bad it's not any easier to pull shots on her - in fact, I think it's harder!). The second reason at hand is that she moves around more, and on top of that, there's more space for her to move around. Time for a little trouble ^_^ Anyways, from the start, you should hide behind that tree that is near where you enter this area after the introductory scene on the Codec mostly. She really won't be able to hit you at all if you expartriate here. Making this your little safe asylum, you can draw your PSG1 sniper rifle out, and begin to look for Sniper Wolf. First, though, you'll need a quick Pentazemin to steady yourself. Now, look for around the back area of this place. When you find her, fill her head up. And afterwards, make sure you don't lose her as it can be hell to find her ass again (you aren't really aiming for her ass, are you ;P). You could also try running around out from behind that tree, and wait for her to pinpoint you and fire. At that time, you'll know about precisely where she is located, and be able to get the drop on her. Fire those sniper rounds! Now, I've had fun with the following method of killing her, and it involves the Nikita. Go Eastward, and hide behind the snow there. Launch a Nikita her way, guiding it accurately, and nail her. Do this a few more times until she's dead. Remember, just like last time you did battle with Sniper Wolf, if you try to get close to her on her end of the Snowfield, you will just axiomatically get shot by her. No Fair! Oh well. Shoot her in the head about 6-7 times and that should be the end of Sniper Wolf for good! .:'*':.====================================.:'*':. ------ Boss #8 - Vulcan Raven ------ ':.*.:'====================================':.*.:' Surprisingly, this isn't as difficult of a battle as you would think, really. He's slow, and there's so much damn space to get away from him and hide, as well as pull off some well-placed attacks. First of all, don't let that enormous weapon of his startle you...it's only as dangerous as you let it be. Obviously, you'll want to stay out of his direct field of view, as he'll start destroying you with said enormous weapon. And also, he has a rather large field of view as well. He's also a very aware boss, so don't think you'll be introducing him to your FA-MAS all too easily. Instead, I simply suggest that you find some area at the other side of the whole warehouse, and pull out your Nikita remote missile launcher, and fire on off. Now, completely navigate it around the many, many iron crates in the warehouse area. Try to do this quickly, as you probably know by this point in time, the Nikitas don't have infinite flight time. So, when you finally spot Vulcan Raven with your Nikita missile in flight, just let it fly towards his slow- moving self for some easy, effective damage. You can also get a bit closer and try intimitely introducing him to your Stinger Missiles. After about 3-5 minutes of repeating this, Vulcan Raven should die, followed by a rather cool cutscene afterwards. .:'*':.====================================.:'*':. ----- Boss #9 - Metal Gear Rex ----- ':.*.:'====================================':.*.:' Heh, we're finally here. What we've been waiting for the entire game to do. That is...finish off the top secret black project, Metal Gear. Talk to Otacon and learn that Metal Gear indeed DOES have a weakness, as Otacon purposely made one, because he thinks all great creations do. This is the Radome, or, the circular thing next to Rex's actual head structure. We're going to be doing a lot of damage to this thing throughout the fight. One thing, though. Sure, there is a plethora of available targets on Metal Gear's body...but hitting them does no damage, simply temporarily (maybe 3 seconds) disorients Rex. So, go for the Radome! What purpose besides doing some serious damage to Metal Gear does firing your STINGER MISSILES at the Radome do, you ask? Well, heh, I was just getting there :P After you've done enough damage to it, the cockpit of Rex opens, where Liquid Snake is stationed and maneuvering it from. From there, instead of firing at the Radome itself, you can instead focus all of your attention and energies on launching salvos or rockets after another the way of the cockpit. This does even more damage, I guess, since you are actually bombarding the interior of Metal Gear. Ouch! Does that hurt, Liquid? Good. But, that is later, not now. Continue attacking the Radome directly, ok? After you've deleted enough of Radome's health, a few kickass scenes involving Gray Fox (the ninja) will ensue, in which he basically kicks the crap out of Metal Gear and out of Liquid. But, he is inevitably outmatched by the enormous metal titan, and squished to his death. One famous quote from here as GF's being squished and destroying Rex's Radome: "A cornered fox is more dangerous than a jackal." Classic. Brings back some great memories for me, too. Anyway, back to strategizing. During one part of this scene, you once again take control again, so be aware of that and don't just put down your controller the whole time. But basically, you won't be doing much except pressing the fire button. Fox wants you to shoot your Stinger at Rex to finish it off, but doing so would cost him his life, so Snake is hesitant. As you try to fire, it doesn't let you, and Snake says things like "I can't do it." After abdicating control of Solid Snake once more, you're in the final stage of fighting Metal Gear Rex. Nice. Not too much to go, but still, don't get careless as that can cost you your life. Now, continue firing at the the cockpit, which is now open courtesy of Gray Fox annihilating the Radome with his plasma gun. While doing this, like always, I recommend that you stay away from Rex directly, as if it steps on you, that is an instant kill. It also uses its laser and railgun to do damage, but they're generally easy to avoid and evade. The annoying part about this battle is that you will be constantly on the move due to Metal Gear constantly baraging you with its salvos of rockets. To avoid these, simply run and roll. Don't stay in the same place too long, as you'll easily die that way, heh. So, just keep healing and punishing the cockpit area. After a few more minutes of repeating this tactic, Metal Gear will be dismantled. Now, a few long scenes ensue on Metal Gear's head, surrounded by a blazing inferno, and you've been stripped of all your weapons. It's time for the final boss battle (afterwards), vs. Liquid Snake. .:'*':.===================================.:'*':. ----- Boss #10 - Liquid Snake ----- ':.*.:'===================================':.*.:' This is true hand-to-hand combat! Heh, it's not too hard, nor does it throw any new stipulates like Mantis or Rex. You have no weapons to speak of, of course. The best way to beat Liquid is to just move in and keep on doing the same physical combos as you've been using throughout the game. Punch, punch, kick, it's all in the mind! (sorry about that horrible PaRappa the Rappa reference...won't happen again). Anyways, be careful about doing too many combos simultaneously, as he will ward your sorry ass off with a kick. And, after you've pissed him off enough, he starts charging after you. They're easy to avoid, so don't fret. Now, there's also the timer until the nuclear module explodes. You have to beat Liquid within that time limit, or else you get game over and everyone just dies. Heh. Once his health is gone, fight over. But it is not the end! Ok, after the many scenes, follow Otacon, and along the way, pick up the three available Rations. When you reach the jeep, Otacon begins to rev it up. Once that's done, get on and start killing everything in sight. Mainly, though, go for the barrels first, as you need to blow up that gate (take out some guards if you wish). Ok, along the way, you'll encounter two security checkpoints. At these, shoot the barrels, which will bring down the gates, as well as kill the guards there. Kill two birds with one stone! Near the end of it, you will start being pursued by Liquid. Jesus Christ, won't he just die already!? He starts shooting his weapon at you, and hitting your jeep with his. Let Otacon do the driving while you fire back at him. After a bit of time, you'll reach the end of the tunnel, so stay alive! Afterwards, watch your deserved ending. Congratulations, you've beaten Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes!!! ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 8. About the Codec ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | COLONEL ROY CAMPBELL | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ==================== Codec Frequency: 140.85 | | Colonel Roy Campbell Purpose/Function: Info/Aid | | ==================== Available?: From start of game. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | MEI LING | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ======== Codec Frequency: 140.96 | | Mei Ling Purpose/Function: Saving your game | | ======== Available?: From start of game. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | DR. NAOMI HUNTER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ================ Codec Frequency: 140.85 (instead of Campbell) | | Dr. Naomi Hunter Purpose/Function: Info/Aid | | ================ Available?: From start of game (not always) | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | OTACON | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | =========================== Codec Frequency: 141.12 | | Dr. Hal Emmerich aka Otacon Purpose/Function: Info/Aid | | =========================== Available?: After being rescued from cell. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | MERYL SILVERBURGH | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ================= Codec Frequency: 140.15 | | Meryl Silverburgh Purpose/Function: Info/Aid | | ================= Available?: After Ocelot fight (only after | | reading a screenshot on back of TTS box). | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | NASTASHA ROMANENKO | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ================== Codec Frequency: 141.52 | | Nastasha Romanenko Purpose/Function: Info/Aid | | ================== Available?: From start of game (randomly). | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ /-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | MASTER MILLER | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ============= Codec Frequency: 141.80 | | Master Miller Purpose/Function: Info/Tactical Aid | | ============= Available?: Crawling through Hangar airducts. | \-----------------------------------------------------------------------------/ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ 13. Update History ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ___ |***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***|~~+~~|***| ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯ Welcome to the update history portion of this FAQ/Walkthrough for Metal Gear Solid The Twin Snakes. This section is simply for you, the reader, and to your benefit. So, the purpose of this section for those of you who do not actually know right now is to inform or *enhance* your brain about the different section or sections that were updated previous to what we have posted on our most recent update. Our goal is to make significant updates so that you don't get too excited for no reason, that being, getting all excited just on a few corrections in an update. So, this is how we our going to label the Update History. We will mark each update with a number: 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 etc. This is basically just a way of indicating a new update. Along with each of the numbers will be a date of the most recent update. This will allow you to to keep track of what we do and when exactly we do it. Ok, I know what you are all probably thinking, "can you just show me the history." Ok, please look below for the most recent publications of the greatest FAQs alive, nm14 and SinirothX. Oh, and please bow to us. ******************************************************************************* .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------------- Version 1.0 ------------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' (11 March 2004) .:New Sections:. ================ ---+-----------------------------------+ -1.|Walkthrough was added 11 March 2004| ---+-----------------------------------+ ---+------------------------------------+ -2.|Introduction was added 11 March 2004| ---+------------------------------------+ ---+-----------------------------------------------------+ -3.|Copyright Notice/Contact Info was added 11 March 2004| ---+-----------------------------------------------------+ .:New Information:. =================== -The walkthrough was updated up to the Armory on Disc 1. ******************************************************************************* .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------------- Version 1.1 ------------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' (12 March 2004) .:New Sections:. ================ ---+--------------------------------------+ -1.|Update History was added 12 March 2004| ---+--------------------------------------+ .:New Information:. =================== -The walkthrough was updated up to talking to Meryl. ******************************************************************************* .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------------- Version 1.2 ------------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' (14 March 2004) ================ .:New Sections:. ================ ---+---------------------------------------------+ -1.|Boss Strategy Section was added 14 March 2004| ---+---------------------------------------------+ =================== .:New Information:. =================== -The walkthrough was updated passed the M1 Tank Boss. ******************************************************************************* .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------------- Version 1.3 ------------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' (16 March 2004) ================ .:New Sections:. ================ ---+-----------------------------------------------+ -1.|About the Codec Section was added 16 March 2004| ---+-----------------------------------------------+ =================== .:New Information:. =================== -The walkthrough was updated passed the Cyborg Ninja. -Codec Information was added. ******************************************************************************* .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------------- Version 1.4 ------------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' (18 March 2004) ================ .:New Sections:. ================ ---+--------------------------------------+ -1.|Basics section was added 18 March 2004| ---+--------------------------------------+ =================== .:New Information:. =================== -The walkthrough was updated passed the first encounter of the Underground Passage. -Controls were added. ******************************************************************************* .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------------- Version 1.5 ------------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' (21 March 2004) ================ .:New Sections:. ================ None =================== .:New Information:. =================== -The walkthrough was updated up to the second Sniper Wolf fight. ******************************************************************************* .:'*':.=======================================.:'*':. ------------- Version 1.6 ------------- ':.*.:'=======================================':.*.:' (04 April 2004) ================ .:New Sections:. ================ ---+------------------------------------------+ -1.|Items List section was added 23 March 2004| ---+------------------------------------------+ =================== .:New Information:. =================== -Walkthrough is complete! -New Items were added to the new section. Controls were also updated. -End of Document-