T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N _ _ ___ _____ _ _ ___ ___ _ ____ __ __ _ _ ___ | \ / || _|_ _|/ \ | | / _ \ | _| / \ | _ \ / \ / \ | | | || \ | \/ || | | | / _ \ | | | / \_|| | / A \ | | | || |\_|| /\ || | | || |\ | | \ / || |_ | || |_| || | | | __ | |_ | /_\ || |_| | \ \ | || || | | || || | | |\/| || _| | || _ || | | ||_ || _|| _ || _ < \ \ | || || | | || || | | | | || | | || | | || | | | | || | | | | || | | | _ \ \| || || | | || || | | | | || |_ | || | | || |_| \_/ || |_ | | | || | | || \| || \/ || |_| || |/ | |_| |_||___| |_||_| |_||___|\__,_||___||_| |_||_| \_\ \__/ \__/ |___|_||___/ ___ __ ___ _ _ __ _ | |_| |_ | \ / | |\ | (_` |\ | /_\ |/ |_ (_` | | | |__ | \/\/ | | \| ._) | \| / \ |\ |__ ._) Tactical Espionage Action ~~~~~Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes~~~~~ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- | ~~~~~~~FAQ/Walkthrough~~~~~~~ | | o----------o | | |by me frog| | |----------------------+----------o----------o-------+------------+----------| |cskull@frogdesign.com | Created on: March 19, 2004 |VersionFinal| GAMECUBE | |----------------------+----------o----------o-------+------------+----------| | RATED M (FOR MATURE) | Last update: April 19, 2004 | AIM: me frog 12345 | +----------------------+----------o----------o-------+------------+----------+ ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Table of Contents %%%%%| | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== *** You see those weird collecting of two letters and two numbers? Punch those in when you bring up your comptuer's FIND ability to instantly skip to that section. It's an easy way to get to one part of the FAQ without having to slow down. Complete 100%: The chapter has been completed and no changes will be made from here on UNLESS there's an error in the section Complete: The chapter has been completed, but changes can still be made Near completion: The chapter is nearly done (90%+ complete) Good progress: The chapter has a lot of information, but it is not yet complete (60- 89% complete) Halfway: The chapter is or is a little over halfway (50-59% complete) Not complete: The chapter enough solid info, but hasn't been fully completed yet (15-49% complete) Small progress: The chapter has been started, but very little info is inside (1-14% complete) Not started: The chapter has not yet begun (0% complete) +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(01)| VERSION HISTORY | VH01 | I'll describe the updates here | Version Final | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(02)| INTRODUCTION | IN01 | My introduction to TTS | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(03)| GAME BASICS | GB01 | The game basics/overview of TTS| Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(04)| WALKTHROUGH: D1 | WAD1 | Walkthrough for Disc 1 of TTS | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(05)| WALKTHROUGH: D2 | WAD2 | Walkthrough for Disc 2 of TTS | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(06)| WEAPONS | WEAP | Weapon discriptions for TSS | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(07)| ITEMS | ITEM | Item discriptions for TTS | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(08)| CODEC USE | CUSE | Description of the CODEC used | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(09)| DOG TAGS | DTAG | Dog tag locations for TTS | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(11)| SECRETS/CAMEOS | SECA | Secrets/cameos in the game | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(12)|PS/GC DIFFERENCES| PSGC | Differences of PS/GC versions | Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(13)| LEGAL INFO | LIFO | Legal information on this guide| Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ |(14)| CONTACT INFO | CIFO | Information on contacting me | Complete 100% | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |(15)| CREDITS/CLOSING | CRCL |Credits and end-of-FAQ statement| Complete 100% | +--------------------------------------------------------------+---------------+ ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Version History %%%%%| VH01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Ver. Final | April 19, 2004| The reason there hasn't been an update in so long +-----------+---------------| is because I spent time and time again locating | the damn ghost pictures. But I can't freaking find | them. So this has been marked the FINAL version | of the FAQ is everything is complete and the | popularity of the game has dropped. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.8| April 13, 2004| First of all, I decided to remove the maps, as +-----------+---------------| well as the ones I've currenlty done. Reason is | the difficulty in creating maps. As the areas get | larger, it becomes more complicated. But anyway, | I've marked the game basics as Final, as well as | completed the Secrets/Cameos and the Dog Tags. | All that is left is the Ghost Pictures, which will | be soon. After that, don't expect that many more | updates. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.8| April 13, 2004| First of all, I decided to remove the maps, as +-----------+---------------| well as the ones I've currently done. Reason is | the difficulty in creating maps. As the areas get | larger, it becomes more complicated. But anyway, | I've marked the game basics as Final, as well as | completed the Secrets/Cameos and the Dog Tags. | All that is left is the Ghost Pictures, which will | be soon. After that, don't expect that many more | updates. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.7| April 6, 2004 | Sorry, this update has been ready to be sent in +-----------+---------------| since Friday... but I haven't found time to send | it in. Anyway, lots of stuff added. Items and | secrets mainly. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.6| April 1, 2004 | Finished EVERYTHING... April Fools! OMGWTFLOL! +-----------+---------------| Sorry, couldn't resist. Anyway, I DID manage to | totally complete the weapons section, and then I | was able to start on the items. I'll try to finish | the items and get a few more maps in tomorrow. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.5| March 31, 2004| Somewhat minor update, I got three of the weapons +-----------+---------------| in, but I wrote a lot on them so it took a little | while. I'll try to mainly work on the weapons and | some more maps over the weekend, and then I'll | start the items. I'm saving the Dog Tags for last, | unless I get a lot of people who want me to do them | sooner. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.4| March 30, 2004| Minor update, added only three maps. It's hard to +-----------+---------------| do the maps when only a portion is showing up on | the stupid radar screen. I'll try to implement | items and rooms and paths in the maps later, but | for now I'm just focusing on getting all of them | done. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.3| March 26, 2004| It turns out I didn't get to work on the game +-----------+---------------| basics today, but as promised, I did get to the | room maps. Got six of them. As of now, they only | contain just the basic map, but I may add item | locations and security level doors later. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.2| March 25, 2004| I've been doing a little work on the guide each +-----------+---------------| day, and now I have enough new information for a | real update. Only a few more things have been | added: the PS/GC Differences chapter has been | completed (it's a pretty small chapter anyway), | and two more sections of the Game Basics chapter | has been finished, but these are HUGE sections. | I'll have in-depth controls added, and I will also | start on the room maps chapter tomorrow. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 1.0| March 21, 2004| The layout has been completed, the Game Basics +-----------+---------------| chapter is nearly done, and the guide is ready to | be sent in to GameFAQs! So you know what? I'll do | that right now. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 0.9| March 20, 2004| Surprised? I worked all day today and finished +-----------+---------------| the main FAQ. Early morning tomorrow I will finish | the main layout, as well as the basic chapters. +-------------------------------------------------- +-----------+---------------+-------------------------------------------------- |Version 0.2| March 19, 2004| Well, bought the game and started the FAQ. I got +-----------+---------------| up to the first battle with Raven, but nothing | else has been added. Expect more tomorrow. +-------------------------------------------------- ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Introduction %%%%%| IN01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== In September of 1998, Metal Gear Solid, a stealth and espionage game featuring Solid Snake, was released on the PlayStation. Five and a half years later, Metal Gear Solid is still one of the most popular games around. And now Konami has granted us with another great game: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. It is a remake of the original Metal Gear Solid, but with upgraded EVERYTHING, just like Resident Evil was when it came out for Gamecube. Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes has improved graphics, new gameplay features, and a new "dog tag" option for the experienced players and people who like to go on sidequests. The Twin Snake is on two discs, but truthfully, it isn't that long of a game. There are several HOURS (yes, hours) of cut-scenes in this game, some of them being up to twenty minutes! And they occur often too. So the game needed to be placed on two discs, just like Enter the Matrix had to be placed on two discs due to the live action cinema scenes in it. Now, about me. This is my twenty-second walkthrough for GameFAQs, and my first Metal Gear game. I am truthfully somewhat new to the Metal Gear series; I barely played the original Metal Gear Solid, and only a few parts of Metal Gear Solid 2. I am a Nintendo fan, so I don't get to see those games that often. Now that it's out on Gamecube, I can enjoy playing a Metal Gear Solid game all the way through for the first time. The GAME BASICS will explain basic things: the story, characters, controls, abilities, enemies, etc. The DISC ONE WALKTHROUGH does just what it says: guides you through disc one. Can you guess what the DISC TWO WALKTHROUGH does? The WEAPONS chapter will list the name of a weapon, its description, and where to obtain it. The ITEMS chapter will list the name of an item, its description, and where to obtain it. The CODEC USE will list everyone's CODEC frequencies, as well as what they can do for you and some tips for using the CODEC. The DOG TAGS chapter will tell you how to obtain all the dog tags in the game, for they can sometimes be difficult to find. The ROOM MAPS chapter is probably going to take me the longest period of time to finish; it'll have a map of each room, as listed on your radar. The SECRETS/CAMEOS chapter describes the many unlockable things in The Twin Snakes, and then there are TONS of cameos, so they'll be described as well. Finally, the PS/GC DIFFERENCES chapter stands for PLAYSTATION/GAMECUBE DIFFERENCES. Here, I'll tell the curious people what this new version of Metal Gear Solid includes that wasn't included in the PlayStation version. So, those are the chapter descriptions, and I probably won't have another chapter in unless I totally forgot something. So now, here's the Game Basics! ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Game Basics %%%%%| GB01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Game Data | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Developed by Silicon Knights and Konami 3 blocks Progressive Scan Compatible 1 player Rated M (Mature; Blood and Gore, Suggestive Themes, Violence) Licensed by Nintendo +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | The Story | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You are Solid Snake, former member of FOXHOUND. The nuclear weapons disposal facility on Shadow Moses Island in Alaska's Fox Archipelago was being used to train the next generation special forces when the unit suddenly revolted and captured the island. The terrorists have secured hundreds of nuclear warheads and are demanding that the government turn over the remains of Big Boss (from Metal Gear, former leader of FOXHOUND, who was killed by Solid Snake; the remains were collected by the government). They warn that if their demands are not met within 24 hours, they'll launch a nuclear weapon. Your first mission is to rescue the two hostages being held inside the facility: the DARPA Chief Donald Anderson and the President of ArmsTech, Kenneth Baker. Your second objective is to find out if the terrorists really do have the ability to launch a nuclear weapon, and if they do, you must stop it. Since this is a secret, concealed mission, no official help will be given to you, except through CODEC, your means of communication. Can you stop the nuclear weapon in only 24 hours? NOTE: Story description is courtesy of The Twin Snakes instruction booklet. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | The Characters | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Solid Snake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Snake was a former member of the FOXHOUND unit, until he decided to leave it. He now works with Campbell. After two missions in the past with a run in on Big Boss, he is being called in to stop a terrorist attack at Shadow Moses Island, Alaska. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meryl Silverburgh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ She is the niece to Colonel Campbell, Snake's commander. She has always dreamed of becoming a soldier and joined FOXHOUND. She was later locked up because she refused to take part in the rebellion, and then teamed up with Solid Snake in his quest to stop the terrorist attack. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Colonel Roy Campbell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Campbell used to be the commanding officer of the FOXHOUND unit, but later retired. The only reason he is back for another mission is because he is the only commander who actually knows Snake. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naomi Hunter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naomi is your medical person on this mission, and she is an expert on genes. She seems to have little family, and there's something mysterious about her... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mei Ling ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mei Ling is a new person who is helping Snake for the first time. She is in charge of communications and data management. She created Snake's radar, as well as the CODEC, the method of communication used by the people in the game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liquid Snake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Liquid Snake is responsible for the terrorist threat on the government, seeing as how he is the combat leader of FOXHOUND. His appearance is near identical to Solid Snake, although he has a different accent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ninja ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ninja is very mysterious, and he refuses to reveal any information about himself. He seems to know Snake, although Snake has no idea who Ninja is. He is capable of using stealth camelflouge and he has a Japanese sword with the ability to deflect all bullets. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Game Screen | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Health ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your health is in the upper-left hand corner of the screen. It can't be increased, but you can use RATIONS to heal it. Whenever you're hit by an enemy by any type of attack, you'll take damage. If you take enough damage, your health will drop to zero and Snake will die. Once the gauge becomes orange (low health), Snake will begin to bleed and he'll gradually lose health. However, bleeding and health loss can be stopped with a Band-aid. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Radar ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your radar is in the upper-right hand corner of the screen. It shows you where you are, your enemies, and objects. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Item ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your item is in the bottom-left hand corner of the screen. It shows the current item equipped; if no item is equipped, nothing will be shown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Weapon ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your weapon is in the bottom-right hand corner of the screen. It shows the current weapon equipped; if no weapon is equipped, nothing will be shown. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Boss Health ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two types of boss health: Life Gauge ********** The life gauge is the bigger health meter, which decreases as you use damage with guns (not tranquilizers). Stun Gauge ********** The stun gauge is the smaller health meter, which decreases as you use damage with fists or tranquilizers. If either one drops to zero, the battle ends. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Grip Gauge ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your grip gauge is shown when you're hanging onto a ledge. When it decreases to zero, you'll drop off. You can either quickly grab onto another ledge or you risk dieing. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Radar Modes | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Normal Mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you're in normal mode, the radar is displayed fully. Your are the white dot and your green light is you field of vision (first-person). Red dots represent enemies and they have a wider field of vision that's blue, yellow, or red depending on the situation. Blue **** Enemy is acting under normal behavior. They are not aware that you are there, and they'll follow a certain route while watching out. Sometimes they'll be sleeping or distracted, which is a good opportunity to take 'em out with a tranquilizer. Enemies will leave their patrol route if they hear you or see blood. Yellow ****** Enemy is under caution mode. You've been spotted, but they can't find you. The radar remains in caution mode, but more soldiers will be in certain areas and soldiers will follow a bigger attack route. When the caution gauge is empty, all extra guards appear and guards return to their normal route. Red *** The player has been spotted by the enemy. At this time the radar disappears and an attack team will be sent in. Alert mode can also occur if a guard spots a body of another guard, so make sure to hide bodies that are in open sight. When the enemy can't find you, evasion mode will start. Sometimes, in certain areas, the radar will be jammed. This prevents all use of radar, but cameras and radios won't work either, so it hurts your enemies as well. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Dog Tags | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Dog Tags are new to Metal Gear Solid, and there is no reward for them; just personal satisfaction. For every difficulty, there is a different set of dog tags. To get a dog tag, you have to sneak up behind a soldier and get into first-person mode. Snake will yell "Freeze!" Now quickly sneak around to the front. The soldier will be shaking and may drop dog tag. They'll try to shoot you when they get the chance, so kill 'em after they drop the tag :) +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Stealth Tactics | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Stealth is a very important part in the game, and you'll always want to know how to avoid an enemy so you don't find yourself facing ten more. The AI in this game is VERY intelligent, much more than you'd usually find in a game. Here are some ways to avoid being caught by the enemy: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big Obstacles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are many obstacles that are placed in different areas of the game, some being bigger than others. If an enemy hears something and walks toward you, a good think would be for you to quickly equip your M9 and then back yourself against the wall. Slowly creep toward the side where the guard is and look around the corner using L/R. Then press A to step out and shoot a tranquilizer dart at the guard. This is an easy way to ambush a guard that is suspicious. A good place to practice this would be in the Armory, on the southwest wall. A guard patrols the far left hallway, so you can sneak up on him by means of the wall and then turn and shoot. There are many other places where this can be used and if you learn them, things will get a lot easier. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Small Obstacles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Small obstacles, like desks and crates, aren't that good for using to sneak up on enemies, but they're a good hiding place. For example, in the Tank Hangar, one of the rooms on the upper floor has a desk with two computers. If you go to the back side of the desk and CROUCH (make sure to do that for all small obstacles), the guards might not notice you. If they do, you can always jump out and start shooting at them, and an ambush is always a good thing to do. If there are multiple small boxes or desks in a room, always hide behind the one that's closest to a corner, since guards are less likely to look there. Never stand up behind a small object, because the upper part of your body will be showing and guards can shoot you in the head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lockers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are lockers spread all over the facility, and they are one of the best objects you can use while being stealthy. If you find a locker, press Y to open it. Some lockers are locked, and they'll stay locked for the whole game, but most are always open. Sometimes you'll find items in them, which you should always grab. But if you're in trouble and need a place to hide, and there's no place to go, then all you need to do is open a locker then run up to the back and turn around. You'll automatically close it. You won't be able to fire or aim a weapon unfortunately, but you'll be able to see through the cracks of the locker. Like I said before the AI is very intelligent, so they won't ignore lockers. If you're hiding in one, and the camera switches to a third-person view, you're in trouble. That means that the guards are about to open a locker, and since you can't use a weapon instantly, they'll have the advantage. So that means that there's always a risk to using lockers, but most of the time it's the best way to go. Seriously, lockers are EVERYWHERE, so you'll never have much trouble finding them. The majority of them are in small rooms; only a few end up in rooms that are really big and link to a bunch of smaller rooms. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bodies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There is another thing you can do with lockers, and that also involves stealth. Whenever you kill or knock out a guard, you'll never want to leave it out in the open if there's a bunch of other guards in the area. Unequip your weapon (tap R) and then press A near the body of the guard and you'll pick the body up. If you hold A, you can drag the body around. Dropping it may release an item, so do that once. You can drag a body into an open locker and place it in, then the locker will close automatically and the body will be in. If you want to be rid of the body completely, you can open it and the body will fall out, flash a couple of times, then disappear. Very unrealistic, but oh well. Besides hiding bodies in lockers, you can put them in small corners or places where guards are less likely to spot. If no lockers are in sight (because that should always be the first place you hide a body in), then try to drag the body to the nearest corner. If the guards spot a body on the ground, they'll know you were there and call security. NEVER go out in the open when dragging a body (such as walking straight across the room... really defeats the purpose of stealth), but try to stay in dark corners. Drop the body and take out another guard if needed, but do that only if all else fails, because then you'll have to worry about ANOTHER guard's body :( You don't have to worry about hiding bodies if all guards have been shot down, because then there's no one to notice anything suspicious :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Watch your steps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When you get to the orange section of your health, Snake will start to drip blood. This will leave marks on the floor, and if the guards see them, they'll follow the marks until they stop. This could lead them to discover you. You'll always want to take a route that's out of the guard's sight if you're dripping blood. Remember, there is an item called the Bandage that you can use, and it'll make you stop dripping blood. A guard will return to his normal route if the bloody tracks suddenly stop, so using a Bandage when you start to drip is a great idea. Besides, it'll stop making your health slowly decrease. Another way to stop the blood is to use a Ration, which you'll probably have, but you'll want to just use a Bandage if you have one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slipping under obstacles ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Guards don't usually look under obstacles, so if you find one (for example, at the very beginning of the game, you have to crawl under a big block) and guards think you're around (or if you're in Evasion mode), best thing to do (if there are no lockers around) is to crawl under something. Remember, press X and then move forward to start to crawl. A great plus of crawling under obstacles is that you can get good aim at the guards without them noticing. However, you can only aim at their feet, but that shouldn't be a problem. Just use your M9 to knock them out, then emerge and drag their body away. If the guards spot you under the structure, then they'll start firing and you won't have a chance to escape, so the only thing you can do is either fire back or get out fast. Guards might come to your spot if you fire a loud shot and miss, so make sure you either have a silencer screwed on (or if you have a gun that makes a small sound) or make sure that you're very accurate :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avoiding infrared lasers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Easily the most annoying security trap in the game is the infrared laser. These are invisible lasers placed in certain rooms throughout the game, and tripping one will sound an alarm causing many guards to fill the room, or it'll do something worse: fill the room with poisonous gas. There is a way to see infrared lasers, and that is by using your Thermal Goggles. Once you see them, avoiding them becomes a lot easier (duh). There are two ways to avoid infrared lasers, and they work ONLY depending on the situation. If the lasers are still, then you can crawl under them (X and move forward). Just make sure you don't trip the laser when you're crouching down to crawl! If the lasers move up and down, then you have to use strategic timing to get past them. Since it can be hard to see where to stop running with the Thermal Goggles, it's best that you watch the FLOOR. For example, in the Tank Hangar, there's one area with a bunch of infrared lasers that move up and down. The way to avoid them is by waiting until one moves up, then quickly head past it and stopping in between the lines on the floor. Otherwise you may accidentally run too far and trip another laser. There's one point in the game where you HAVE to trip a laser to continue (although in real life, you could just jump over it), but that should hopefully be the only point in the game where you trip one. Here are some places with lasers, from my memory: The Armory (the southeast room has two lasers guarding the gun) The Tank Hangar (the big room in the north of the first floor has lasers moving up and down) Communications Tower "A" (this is the unavoidable laser) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Avoiding cameras ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are two types of cameras: the security camera, which sets off an alarm if you're spotted, and then the Sentry Gun, which doesn't set off an alarm, but rather takes you out on its own. The cameras also have a line of sight which can be seen on the radar, and they like to move to the left and right as you move through the area. If a regular camera spots you, an alarm will trigger many guards, just as if a guard radios for some. If a Sentry Gun spots you, it'll fire FAMAS ammo (it has infinite ammunition) until you leave the line of sight. The best way to take out the cameras are by using your SOCOM. Enter First-Person mode and aim up at the main body of the camera and fire a single shot. Sparks will fly a little and the camera will turn, then stop moving. Once you've taken a camera out, it's out until you leave the area, so you can walk around freely. When you re-enter the area, you'll have to take out the camera again. Cameras can be in many places, some right at the start of the room (where one step sets them off) and others in corners of the room, usually guarding certain doors, exits, or items. Keep an eye on your radar to find the cameras! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Escaping guards ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sometimes, even though you do all the tactics above, guards still find you, and they'll give chase. There are many ways to escape guards, and again, they all depend on the situation that you're in. Don't try to hide in lockers or crouch under small obstacles if the guards already know that you're around, or they'll find where you're hiding easily. You can try to fight back if you have a good gun ready, but make sure it's not in the area in Communications Tower "A" where you trip the laser, since the guards won't stop coming. If you try to fight back, don't take time to aim your gun, since you'll just be shot many times before you can get one shot in. Using your FAMAS (if you have it) is a very easy way to dispose of guards chasing after you quickly, since it's a machine gun. If you have no machine gun or the guards are too many, then the best thing for you to do is run. You can head into water; the guards don't follow you there, but remember that you'll lose oxygen and eventually health if you stay in water for too long. If you get away from the guards and enter Evasion mode, quickly head into a small corner or under an obstacle, or into a small room or locker. Small rooms, and maybe even lockers, will be searched so make sure you have a secure hiding place. Once you enter Caution mode, it might be a good idea to remain in your hiding place until the Caution meter goes down to zero, so you can head out without any extra guards in the area. If you are found out again in a small room, you'll be cornered so be prepared to fight. Another good idea is to always equip a Ration when running from guards, just in case you lose all your health while trying to escape. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Controls | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Control Stick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Moves Character~~~ The control stick does what it pretty much always does in a game: moves the character. The character can be moved in all directions, as long as it's within 360 degrees (duh). If you want to walk silently, so you don't attract attention, then push the control stick slightly in any direction. If you want to run (which you'll be doing most of the time), then push the control stick all the way in one direction and hold it. Snake, due to his aerobic body (or the fact that the developers overlooked this little part of reality), never gets tired of running, so as long as you hold the control stick in a certain direction, Snake will continue to run that way. You cannot back up/walk backwards in this game; you just have to turn around and run. If you enter First-Person mode, then you can use the control stick to aim your gun. You can't move while in First-Person mode, but you really don't need to. By aiming your gun, you can get head shots or hit a small target, which may make things easier for you. If you enter water, then you'll always walk slowly in it, no matter how hard you push the control stick. Another use for the control stick is getting up against a wall. If you run up to any wall, you'll place your back to it. You can then inch left or right. If you reach the edge of the wall, don't inch any closer or you'll leave the wall. Releasing the control stick and returning it to its default position also causes you to be released from the wall. There's one more use for the control stick. When you enter crouch mode, you can press forward on the stick and you'll start to crawl. You can move around while crawling, but you'll be moving very slowly. However, you can back up while you're lying down (this is the only way you can back up in the game). Don't try to escape guards in crouch mode, because that's a sure way you'll get killed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Fires weapon/chokes guard/moves body~~~ The main purpose of the A button is to fire your weapon, since you'll almost always have one equipped. Tap the A button to fire a single shot. If you press the A button rapidly, then you can fire many shots at once. For certain weapons, like the grenades, you can hold the A button before releasing it, and that'll determine how far you throw the weapon (throwing weapons pretty much only applies to grenades). If you have the FAMAS, don't try to tap A rapidly to fire; instead, just hold down the button and you'll fire many shots rapidly (it's a machine gun, after all). If you don't have a weapon equipped, then you can do some basic combat maneuvers. For example, walking up to a guard and pressing A without a weapon will cause you to start choking the guard. If you rapidly press A, you can break the guard's neck and kill him. If you use the A button in conjunction with the control stick while choking a guard, you can move him around. Releasing the A button at this time causes you to throw the guard. You can also use the A button on a guard when he is dead or asleep. If you have no weapon equipped, walk up to the body of the guard and press and hold A. You'll pick up the body. If you drop it, the guard may release an item. While holding the body, you can drag it around, and hide it in certain places. Remember that you'll always be in a walking pace while dragging a guard. Firing a weapon while in First-Person mode is the same as firing a weapon in third person mode; just tap it/hold it and you'll fire. The A button will have no effect if you try to fire a weapon that's out of ammunition; always keep an eye on your ammo so you don't get in a bad situation! Finally, you can use the A button to use an item. If the items screen is brought up, you can press the A button and you'll use the item that's highlighted. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Melee techniques~~~ The B Button is if all else fails. Basically, if you are in a VERY tight situation, or have no ammunition left, OR are in one of the two battles where you can't use guns, you'll have to use the B button. This is used for melee techniques. In other words, punches and kicks. Snake, sadly, only has one combo, and that's a punch- punch-kick combo. If you tap the B button three times, you'll perform the combo. If you tap in just once, you'll do a punch. When you're fighting the Ninja or [final boss], it'll be Tekken style action, so you'll have to stick to using your combo. Luckily, the melee techniques are something that you can master easily, since they're very limited. There's a second thing the B button is used for, but I haven't found much use for it. To use it, get up against a wall and press B once. You'll tap the wall and make a sound. This will attract guards, and they'll start moving towards the sound. You can use that opportunity where they move away from their position to run wherever you need to go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ X Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Crouch down to a low stance/do a dive roll/drop off a ledge~~~ The X Button is very useful because crouching down can lead to lying down on the floor, and both can be used to evade enemies or get under low obstacles. While standing still, press X once and you'll crouch down low. When you're crouching, you can use small objects for protection because your head won't be showing. To get back out of crouch mode, tap X again. While you're crouching, you can move forward on the control stick to lie down on the floor. You can go under small obstacles this way (for more info on lying down, refer to the control stick section). You can also crouch while moving against a wall. If you are crouching when you're against a wall, moving will not cause you to lie down on the floor (you'll simply continue moving on the wall). When you're crouching on a wall, you may be able to avoid some bullet fire if guards have spotted you (although there are better ways to avoid fire; this is just one of the alternatives), or you can avoid low objects that can hurt you. The second use for the X button is the dive roll. For the most part, it's useless but in some situations, it can save your life. While running at full speed, press X and you'll roll on the floor and get up again (still running at full speed). If enemies are firing at you, you can use the dive roll to avoid some fire. You also go a little faster when rolling, so keep that in mind just in case you ever need to reach your destination quickly. Finally, the X button can be used to drop off of a rail you're hanging onto. If you ever need to get off a rail and onto a lower area, just press X and you'll drop down. Remember though, that if you fall down from a high area, you'll instantly die. You'll lose health if you fall from an area that's slightly high up, and you won't lose any health if the ledge is near the ground. While falling, you can also grab onto another ledge (explained in the Y button section). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Y Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Hang or get up from ledges/grab ledges/open or close lockers/climb ladders~~~ As you can see, the Y button has a LOT of functions, but most of the functions are things that you don't need to use constantly throughout the game. The first three functions involve ledges. If you're on a certain part of a rail (there has to be a square hole in the middle of the rail), you can stand next to it and press Y. You'll flip over and hang onto the side of the rail. This is useful for avoiding the evil guards that come and try to find you during Evasion mode. While hanging from a ledge, you can inch left and right while using the control stick. If you drop down from a ledge (described in the X button section), you can grab onto another ledge by pressing Y (more on that later). To pull yourself up from a ledge press Y a second time. When you're near a locker, press Y to open it. If Snake tries to open a locker and can't open the door, that means that it is locked, and will remain locked throughout the whole game (no keys for lockers, sorry!). Most lockers can be opened though, and some hold good items. If you run into the locker and then press Y again, Snake will close it and you'll be able to hide from guards. You can't move around at all in a locker, or aim a weapon or use your melee techniques, so if the guards find you in a locker, you're in trouble. The final technique that you can use the Y button with is for climbing ladders. Ladders are sometimes hard to spot, since they really blend in with the surroundings, but you can recognize them by the metal bars that area on the wall. Simply stand next to a ladder and Snake will automatically climb the whole thing. Ladders always lead to a new area, and there are very few ladders in the game, so you don't have to worry about this much. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Z Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Enter or exit First-Person mode~~~ First-Person mode is one of the new things that was added to the game, and cannot be used in the original Metal Gear Solid. There are two ways to enter First-Person mode, and they can be changed in the OPTIONS menu of the game. The first, default way is this: press and hold Z and you'll enter First-Person mode. Continue to hold Z as you aim and shoot at [insert shootable person/object here]. Release Z and you'll enter Third-Person mode once more. The second way is a little easier, and is recommended for novice players. If you tap the Z button, you'll enter First-Person mode. After doing whatever needs to be done, tap the Z button once more and you'll return to Third-Person mode. Pick whatever one you want (they both are really easy to use). While in First-Person mode, you can do many things. You will stay in one place, so that means no running, crouching, etc. Use the control stick to aim in any direction and then press the A button to fire your weapon. Basic A button rules apply here, so hold the button with a machine gun and tap it once to fire a shot from any type of pistol. You cannot use melee techniques when you're in First-Person mode (trust me, it wouldn't do you that much good anyway). First-Person mode is great for getting in head shots, which deal more damage than regular shots. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ L Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Show items~~~ The L Button will be used a lot throughout gameplay because you'll constantly be switching items. You have to hold the L Button and the game will pause, and then you can use the control stick and move up or down to highlight items. Items are classified into certain categories. For example, Thermal Goggles and the Gas Mask would both be on the same row because they're facewear. If you want to select something in a particular row, then you use left and right on the control stick to scroll. If you release the L button, the game unpauses, so be careful (you can't change it to a tap like you could with the Z button). Once you select an item you like, you can either use it by pressing the A button or equip it by simply releasing the L button. Make sure the item you want to equip is highlighted when you release the button! And yes, using and equipping items are two different things. For example, if you use a Ration, you'll automatically restore health right then and there. But if you equip a Ration, your health will automatically be restored when it hits zero. Some items can't be used (like the Body Armor), but all items can be equipped. However, only a handful of items have uses when they're equipped, so make sure that you don't equip something useless! To quickly un-equip a weapon, do a slight tap with L. In the bottom left-hand corner of the screen (where the equipped item is shown), you'll notice there's nothing there. To re-equip the item, simply do a quick tap of the L button again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ R Button ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~Show weapons~~~ The R Button is one of them most common buttons that will be used throughout gameplay because you'll always be equipping or changing weapons. To bring up the weapons screen, hold the R button and the game will automatically pause. You can now use the control stick to move up or down to highlight weapons. Weapons are classified into certain categories. For example, the SOCOM and the M9 would both be on the same row because they're both manual and require reloading. If you want to select something in a particular row, then you use left and right on the control stick to scroll. If you release the R button, the game unpauses, so be careful (you can't change it to a tap like you could with teh Z button). Once you select a weapon you like, release the Z button. You can't "use" weapons like you can with items; you can only equip them. When a weapon is equipped, press the A button to use it (more information on that in the A button section). To change weapons, you have to go back to the weapons screen and cycle through again. If a weapon runs out of ammunition, it'll become useless, so make sure to quickly switch to a different weapon. For some weapons (like sniper weapons), you automatically enter First-Person mode and you can't leave First-Person mode until you un-equip the weapon. To quickly un-equip a weapon, do a slight tap with R. In the bottom right-hand corner of the screen (where the equipped weapon is shown), you'll notice there's nothing there. To re-equip the weapon, simply do a quick tap of the R button again. This can be useful if you're using a weapon that puts you into First-Person mode and you want to get out of it quickly so you don't get hit (you still can't move with a weapon that automatically takes you into First-Person mode). ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Walkthrough: Disc 1 %%%%%| WAD1 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Cargo Dock | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ After watching the story sequence and opening credits, you'll be in control. Head to the left and grab an M9. Now wander into the water and look left. There's a yellow box. Grab it; it's a RATION, which restores your health. Equip it and it'll take effect automatically when your run out of health, or you can just use it manually. Now head east all the way. You'll see a small floating object. Grab it to get the AP SENSOR. This makes your controller rumble if you're near enemies (you have to equip it first). Now head back out of the water and near your starting point. Crawl under the structure here. When you emerge on the other side, go slowly forward. A guard be there, so shoot it. There are a few more guards depending on the difficulty you're playing. Once they're all gone, head forward and take the elevator up. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Helipad | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ More opening credits play, as well as a cinema scene. Pay attention, because your radar system is important. Okay, once you have control, save your game. Now head east, past the snow. Behind one of the boxes you'll find RATION. Cross to the other side and you should find a truck. Climb inside and head past the box to get a SOCOM. If you want CHAFF GRENADES, they're on the Helipad, but there's searchlights there, which will call in enemies. Dispose of them with your SOCOM. Now go to the northwest side and crawl through the air went to end up in the Tank Hangar. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Tank Hangar | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Call the colonel and he'll tell you about the view you're in. You'll get a call from the Master, and he'll tell you to follow the rats. Do so, through the water, and you'll be led up to the main part of the Tank Hangar. There's guards all over the place, so be really careful. Equip your Ration just in case, as well as your SOCOM. Climb up to the second floor. There's a room in here that has a BOOK and THERMAL GOGGLES. However, a security camera guards it. Use some Chaff Grenades to disable the camera, or you can shoot it. Downstairs, there's an elevator that you need to enter. Head over to the elevator and press Y below the yellow light. Wait a couple of seconds and the elevator door will open. Enter the elevator and head over to the switch on the southwest side. Press down once and A to select BI. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Holding Cells | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The DARPA Chief is here, and he's one of the hostages you need to rescue. Head south and then west to get a call from Campbell. He'll tell you to press Y near a ladder to climb it. Hey, we're near a ladder, so why not go up? Here, you're up in the vents. Follow it east, up, and west to trigger a cutscene with a woman working out. Continue in the vents and you'll trigger a second cutscene. Bingo, you've found Donald Anderson, the DARPA Chief. Watch the cut-scene, where you'll receive PAN CARD LV. 1 and learn that the terrorists do have the ability to launch a nuclear weapon, the Metal Gear. After he tells you some valuable information and gives you the card, something will happen to him. After that, head outside of the cell and you'll meet the other hostage. After a little lovely conversation, you'll have to face fifteen soldiers. Pick up the SOCOM bullet pack from the floor, and shoot the three guards. After that, the girl will also start shooting. She does most of the work, but you should also help up. Pick up the items that some of the soldiers drop, like SOCOM bullets and the Rations. After a cinema scene with Liquid Snake and then some Matrix-style action from Solid, you'll gain control once more. Save your game first. To the right of you is a LV. 1 door. Go through (thanks to the PAN card Lv. 1 you can now go through level one doors). Pick up the SOCOM bullets here and then head south. Go through the door on your right and get the BOOK and the M9 bullets. You can also open the locker for SOCOM bullets. Now head back through the level one door and go north. Take the elevator up to floor one. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Tank Hangar | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Here, exit the elevator and head east, through the door. Shoot the lone guard here and then grab the SOCOM SURPRESSOR in the southeast corner. This suppresses the noise of your SOCOM, so it doesn't attract as much attention. Now head back out (the killing of the guard should've attracted some attention, so be ready for some action) and climb the stairs. Take out the guard here and head through the left door. Get the CHAFF GRENADES and BOX 1. Now go back down the stairs (taking out any guards that might've shown up) and go into the elevator once more. Take the elevator down to B2. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Armory | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ No guards here, yay! However, there are a few trap doors here (three, I think). Falling through one ends your game, Ration or not, so be careful. Head west then south when you can and enter the room on your right. Take the four C4s here, then open the left and right lockers (the middle one is locked) to find two more C4S. These plastic explosives have a remote detonator (lay with A, detonate with B). Now head south all the way and enter the center room on the south side. There are a bunch of SOCOM bullets here (one pack is in the locker, which you have to open). Now exit that room and head into the room on your left. There's a bunch of nice grenades here for you to grab (four to be exact). The rest of the rooms have higher level doors, so you can't enter them yet. Now talk to Campbell and he'll tell you to look for a part of the wall with a different pattern than the rest of the wall. If you want more SOCOM bullets, then head right of the elevator to find a part of the wall with cement over it [look at it in first-person view (Z) to find the exact spot]. Lay a C4 down and detonate it to find a bunch of SOCOM bullet packs. Be careful, two parts of the room here are trap doors. Once you have those, head to the left of the elevator. Look to find another cement wall. Blow it open and grab the M9 bullets, STUN GRENADE, and CHAFF GRENADE inside, then head to the southwest part of the room. There's another cement area here, and you need to blow this one up. So do so (it might be a good idea to save here) and go through the hole. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Armory South | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ I have no clue why they had to separate the armory into two parts, but ah well. Head to the very south of this hallway and look right to find a part of the wall painted white. Blow it up with a C4 and head through. Now head all the way east in this hallway and blow up the white area there (not the white wall on the side). Be VERY careful here, because there's a sentry gun on both the north and south sides. Take out the one on the south side before it spots you and grab the Ration. Then head back out into the hall and blow up the other white wall. Head through to find the president of ArmsTech, Baker. After you trigger a cut-scene with Baker, where he's caught in a torture area. After some more Matrix action, you'll meet your first boss, Revolver Ocelot. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Revolver Ocelot ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: ** This would be a one star battle if you didn't have to worry about the damn wires threatening Baker. You can only use the outer-edge of the arena to move, because touching the wires in the center will kill Baker, ending the game. Baker has a health meter, but you really don't have to worry about it, since Ocelot really only cares about you. The trick to beating him is to shoot him when he's reloading. You'll notice that next to his health you'll see the ammunition for the handgun he carries. Once he runs out of bullets, he'll spend a short time reloading. It's the best time to hit him, but it's still a bit difficult since he always runs when reloading. The best strategy is a little time consuming, but safe. Just make sure you have a Ration, in case you lose all health. Get totally opposite Ocelot (as in on the other side of Baker) and start running from left to right in that area you're in. Ocelot should shoot, but if you keep running left and right he should miss most of the time. When he runs out of bullets, quickly switch to first-person mode and shoot him with your SOCOM (there's bullets everywhere, by the way). Repeat this until he runs out of health and the battle ends. ************************************************************************************ Strangely enough, Ocelot is still in perfect condition when you make him run out of health; it's just at that moment a strange character will slice his arm off, and then all the wires attached to the C4s that threaten Baker. After Ocelot runs away and you and the new character have a quick, cinematic battle, he'll run off as well. You'll then start a long conversation with Baker, who talks to you about the Metal Gear project and Meryl, the girl who helped you fight the soldiers. He tells you to get Meryl's frequency, which is on the back of "the package". After some more talk, something will happen to him. Now you have to contact Meryl, but you don't have her frequency. Grab your MGS:TTS game box and look on the back. The third screenshot has Meyrl and Snake talking. Check the frequency there (it's 140.15). How clever is that? The game box was the package! So now bring up Codec and talk to Meryl. You'll have a long talk with Meryl about the base and the development of Metal Gear, then she'll tell you that she can open the cargo door to Emmerich with the level five card she has. Once the conversation ends, save your game. Now head north through the level two door to enter the Armory. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Armory | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Two or three guards (depending on the difficulty) now patrol the armory, so be careful. After you take both out, head into the southeast room which is now accessible thanks to your new LV. 2 card given to you by Baker. STOP when you enter. Get down low to the floor and crawl to the opposite side. There are security lasers that will call in guards if you trigger them, and crawling is the only way under. Get the FAMAS RIFLE here, and crawl back under the lasers. Collect the two boxes of FAMAS ammunition and exit the room. Now head to the elevator and go back to the first floor, to the Tank Hangar. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Tank Hangar | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Take out the guard on the east, but not on the west. Why? If the other guards don't hear a report from him, they'll send in an attack team to investigate. Just try to avoid him as much as possible, but DON'T knock him out/kill him. At the start, head upstairs and take out the guard, then head around all the way to the east side, where you can open the door with your LV. 2 card. Inside this room, there's a MINE DETECTOR, and inside one of the lockers is a STUN GRENADE. Once you have that crap, head out and then back downstairs. Go into the huge area that Meryl opened for you. This area is dangerous. You'll get a call from Meryl telling you that infrared sensors monitor the hallway, and the doors seal and fill with poison gas if you are detected. Equip the THERMAL GOGGLES that you got earlier and you'll be able to see the infrared sensors. They move up and down, and crawling under doesn't work, because they touch the floor. The only was is to move in between the spaces when the sensors are high enough. Do this for all of them and the door at the end will automatically open, and you'll enter the Canyon. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Canyon | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Save your game, because you're close to another boss battle. Head forward a little and suddenly, your Codec will ring. A mysterious person who goes by the name of "Deepthroat" is sending you a message. He's telling you to use a Mine Detector because mines are scattered everywhere. He'll also tell you that a tank is about to ambush you, then he'll disconnect. You can't contact him even with his frequency. Equip the Mine Detector that we got earlier. It doesn't show up on the actual screen, just the radar. Crawl over them and you won't be harmed. Go forward a little and Raven will appear. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Vulcan Raven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: **** This guy is one hard dude. You aren't actually fighting the Vulcan Raven (who drives the tank), but the two gunners who decide to torture you by shooting deadly fire and trying to run over you. Raven only appears when Hell's Attack (TM) is still working. Hell's Attack (TM) is the cannon shot, the main weapon from the main gun. It hits Snake 99.9% of the time (Once it missed me... once) and it does some massive damage to Snake. So the first thing you want to do is throw a Chaff Grenade at the tank to disable the cannon. The fight gets a lot easier now, but it's still pretty difficult (and the cannon is only disabled for a short period of time). After you throw the grenade at the tank, hide behind the rock to the left of you until its done jamming, then continue left and grab the RATION that's there. You can also grab the STUN GRENADE, but it's not of major use. Equip the Ration, and then equip regular grenades. Rush toward the tank and a regular soldier will emerge and arm himself with a regular gun. Now there are a few ways to beating this soldier. The first way is somewhat difficult, but quick (only if you practice it a little). You have to throw a grenade so a small cut-scene will occur which shows the grenade entering the hole that the soldier retreats into. If it blows up in there, the soldier loses a third of his health. It's difficult because the grenades mostly just bounce off the tank or land too far away from the soldier to do any actual damage. Don't worry about your supply of grenades, because grenade packs are all over the arena. The second (longer but easier) way requires you to have some ammunition left it your SOCOM of FAMAS. There is some SOCOM ammunition below the grate that's near the tank's starting point, but no FAMAS ammunition. You can use the M9, but that takes a _LONG_ time. Just use your weapon to shoot the guard whenever he comes out. He'll scream, retreat, and come out again. When you kill the first guard, a second emerges. Do the same thing that you did to the first to destroy the guard. Oh, and watch out for the actual tank, which Raven trys to run you over with; that can do a _LOT_ of damage, I mean a LOT. So be careful, and never get too close. ************************************************************************************ Once you kill both men, Snake will approach the tank and throw one final grenade at it, right into the turret itself. An LOL scene will occur then, and you'll obtain CARD KEY LV. 3 from the guard's body. Raven will then talk to General Ivan about Snake (the Solid one). +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building 1F | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Due to all the nuclear warheads, you can't use any weapons other than Chaff Grenades or Books (you can use M9s on the easy difficulties). Thankfully, the game won't LET you equip a weapon, so you don't have to worry about forgetting. At the start, head left and go down the tiny hallway there. Grab the RATION at the end, and then return to the start. Head down the ramp in front of you and you'll come to a locked door. Crawl under it and you'll get another call, telling them to Call Nastasha (141.52). So call her and she'll introduce herself as the nuclear and weapons specialist. Once she's gone, head into the large room. There are two guards here and a security camera near the east stairs. If you get caught by the guards or the camera, the room will fill with poison gas, which is really bad for you, since it doesn't go away for a while. To avoid getting caught by the security camera, you can either use a Chaff Grenade or head up the stairs west of you. Up here, there's a single guard and a security camera that's on the other side of you. The guard is usually sleeping, so you can either approach the elevator carefully and press the button (be careful, it takes a lot longer to get down than the one in the Tank Hangar), or you can distract the guard with a Book (or an M9 if you're able to). Once you're in the elevator, head to Nuke Building B1. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building B1 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Head east all the way and enter the bathroom. There's a guard in here, so distract him or take him out with the M9 or your SOCOM (yes, you can use weapons now) and grab the RATION that's in the corner. In one of the stalls, there's a BOOK. Now head back out and go through the door that's adjacent to the elevator. There's a lone guard here, but it fills up with a lot more if you're caught, so be careful. Grab all the items here: the SOCOM bullets, the FAMAS bullets, the NIKITA missile launch and the NIKITA bullets (both very good to have). Now go back to the elevator and head to B2. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building B2 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ At the start, head south through the door and then go through the door here. You'll start a scene where Snake's looking over the area, and the electrified floor that rests here. You'll get a call from Deepthroat, and he'll tell you that the floor is electrified (really?) and the place is filled with gas. You have to shut off the electric fence somehow (the gas isn't that deadly; your oxygen depletes slowly), and that's by destroy the breaker. How do you do it, you ask? Well, since it's on the other side of the floor, use your NIKITA that you got earlier. It allows you to control the missiles. So aim one down and fire it. At the end of the path, turn right. The sentry guns here will destroy the missile if it's spotted, so you have to somehow avoid them. Turn right the moment you enter the office building, then cruise that way until you pass the second sentry gun. Veer left here, then head through the open door (it's a glass door, and only the middle is open, so you have to steer through there). Here, slowly guide your missile into the breaker. This will turn the electric fence off. Quickly run into the third room on your left to find a BOOK and in the corner, a GAS MASK. Put it on and you'll find your oxygen decreasing a lot slower than it usually does. Now go back to the first room on your right and grab a RATION. Now go south down the corridor and turn left to enter the next room. Here, a bunch of freaky whispering is happening. Head through the next door and a cinema scene will start to happen. There will be a huge batch of guards trying to defeat someone, and let's just say that there's a LOL of blood and gore :) As Snake walks in, you'll see the person who you saw after you fought Ocelot killing a guard. After the character leaves, collect the FAMAS bullets and follow him into the next room. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Laboratory | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You'll see Emmerich here talking to the character, and the Ninja will hold a knife to Emmerich. Snake will shoot a the character, known as Ninja, and he'll slice the bullet in two! After some talk, Emmerich will run and hide in a locker, and the battle will begin! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Ninja ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: *** Shoot the Ninja all you want, it won't do a thing to him. According to him, guns are for the weak. You'll soon learn that he can deflect bullets easily, so hand-to-hand combat is the only way you're going to do any actual damage to this guy. First thing you want to do is look around in the northwest cubicle; there's a Ration. There's a bunch of FAMAS bullets here as well; you may want to collect them for later, but remember, you can't use them here. The Ninja is very agile, and jumps around a lot, over the walls. You can run up and do a combo on him, but after you do so, retreat. He'll usually do a flying kick at Snake otherwise, which is a good attack (doesn't do SERIOUS damage, but it almost never misses). He also likes to jump up in the air and hang there for a moment, then land. This does more damage than the kick, but if you keep running at all times, he'll keep missing. After you get down half of his health, he'll compliment you, then use his stealth camelflouge. You can see a thin outline of him, and it's usually easy to find where he's hiding. When you do, just attack him and he'll hide in a different area. If you can't find him, then switch to your Thermal Goggles to see him more easily. After he hides and you find him a couple of times, he'll start to teleport when you try to hit him. He sometimes goes in with an attack after he teleports, so be careful. Just hit him some more after he teleports, and his health will eventually run out. That was a fun battle. ************************************************************************************ The Ninja will fall back and Snake will ready himself for attack. After some animated Matrix action where Snake throws the Ninja through a glass wall, the Ninja will reveal who he is. After he wipes out half of the office, he'll disappear. After some talk with Campbell and Naomi about the Ninja, Snake will start to talk to Emmerich. After a lot of information of Metal Gear Rex, you'll get a CARD LV. 4 and Emmerich will tell you to call him Otacon, because he likes Japanese Anime :) Oh and look! Yoshi and Mario on one of the computers! After telling you that he can bring you ammo and weapons by calling him, he'll tell you his frequency: 141.12. This isn't stored in the Codec until you contact him, so just do it now so you don't have to try and remember later. Okay, after you've contacted Otacon, exit through the level four door with your new key. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building B2 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You're back in the area where the Ninja killed all the soldiers. Head through the corridor and into the next room. Continue through the rooms until you reach the room with the gas. Head left and south, and open the level four door in the middle. Get the two STUN GRENADES here. Now continue left until you get to the office where you steered your NIKITA. The middle door is now available, and it contains two GRENADES and one C4. The door to the left of it has NIKITA bullets, and the far left door has NIGHT VISION GOGGLES. Now head back to the elevator (hurry before your life starts to deplete) and head to B1. Now head out of the office, right, then south through the door at the end of the corridor. Take the elevator in here to B1. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building B1 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Back here, head into the large office area adjacent you. There are now two guards here, instead of one. Take out the one on the left side (that's the one that was originally there) and get spotted by the second. He'll start to run, and follow her. He'll head into the girls bathroom. Go in to start a cinema scene, where the "he" is revealed as Meryl! After you and her talk, she'll give you the PAL KEY. She'll then ask to come with you, and after a little more talking, Snake will agree to take Meryl with him. After, she'll give you CARD LV. 5. Okay, something that will really piss you off: Meryl has a health meter as well. So don't let her die, k? K. Go into the computer room where you found Meryl. Head through the first door on your left to get a RATION and BOX 2. The third room on the left has a PENTAZEN. The Pentazen acts like your cigs, since you won't shake when sniping. However, the Pentazen doesn't make you lose health slowly, like the cigs do. The third room on the right has FAMAS and SOCOM bullets. Once you have those, return to the corridors and head north, through the level five door. A cinema scene will begin. Meryl will suddenly get a mass headache, and then... well just watch the scene, okay? Head through the door. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Commander Room | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Meryl will get another mass headache and some more strange things will happen. Afterwards, Meryl will aim a gun a gun at Snake, and then you'll see Psycho Mantis. He'll read your mind and reveal that Snake likes Nintendo games and then he'll read your memory card. If you have a Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Smash Bros. Melee, Zelda: Collector's Edition, or Eternal Darkness save on your memory card, he'll mention those games :) After some more talk, you'll engage in battle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Psycho Mantis ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: **** Ah, the people at Konami are clever. First, the way on finding Meryl's code and then how to defeat Psycho Mantis. First off, Mantis can send a blast of energy at you, which does a good deal of damage. It's one of his more common attacks, but if you keep moving, you should be able to avoid it. Mantis also likes to grab the portraits off the wall and send them flying at you. There's a few, so it may be tough to avoid all of them. Also, he'll pick up the chairs and they will spin around him, slowly extending their radius so they'll hit you. He also likes to make the suit of armor fly around. If you're playing on the "Normal" difficulty, he has another attack: he'll send the vases bouncing around the arena, trying to hit you. If you're playing on the "Hard" difficulty, he will also use the trophies as weapons. Now, Mantis told you he was reading your controller before the battle began. Truthfully, he was. If you go near Mantis, he'll just teleport out of the way. So how to beat him? Simple: switch control sockets. Yeah, just pause the game temporarily and switch to socket two, then Mantis won't be able to read your mind. This allows you to attack him, because he won't be able to read you. So bust out your FAMAS or SOCOM and start shooting wildly (there's some ammunition in the corners of the room if you need it; there's also a RATION in the northwest corner, which I suggest you grab). Eventually, Mantis will realize that you've switch controller sockets, and he'll be able to read you again. This time, simply switch to socket there and continue the battle. Eventually, when you've made him lose about half his health, he'll bring Meryl up again. She'll start to shoot you, which can take a big chunk out of your health meter. Tranquilize her with your M9, and then Mantis will try to make her kill herself. It takes a couple of shots to the head for her to die, but still don't hesitate and quickly tranquilize her once again. Once she's knocked out, continue fighting Mantis. When he is able to read your controller again, switch to socket four and keep fighting until you win. ************************************************************************************ Psycho Mantis will suddenly tell you how to reach the maintenance base of Metal Gear (you have to go through the hidden door behind the bookcase). He'll talk to you a lot about his past and how he can read people's minds. He'll open the door for you before he dies, and then Meryl and Snake will talk for a little while, and then you'll be in control. Go through the door that Mantis revealed for you. If you climb down the stairs and head into the little alcove, you can get FAMAS and SOCOM bullets. Continue through the level five door and you'll start another cut-scene. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Caves | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Equip yourself with an M9, since you're going to have to face wolf-dogs in this area. There are two paths you can take when you start. Go left, and then crawl under the rock. While you're under, tranquilize the wolf-dog that is patrolling the open area. Once he's asleep, emerge and head forward, past the dog. From her on, equip your Night Vision Goggles so you can see the wolves better (they can see you easily, even though it's dark). Head north and east, then switch to first-person mode. Look south and you'll find a wolf. Get him with a tranquilizer, then head south and crawl under the rock on your right. Grab all of the items here, and then crawl out and head under the other rock. Crawl to Meryl here. After you talk, head through the north door. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Underground Passage | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Meryl will be shot down by Sniper Wolf, but she's still alive. YOU'RE in trouble because Sniper Wolf can see you perfectly. And to damage her, you have to find your own sniper rifle. The moment you're done talking to Campbell and Naomi, retreat to the caves and contact Otacon. He'll tell you that he saw a sniper rifle in the armory, WAYYYY back. So backtrack through the caves, and then Nuke Building B1. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building B1 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ In the computer room, the third door on the left has a PSG1-T, which is a tranquilizing sniper rifle. You want something better, trust me, but the PSG1-T can come in handy. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building 1F | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ In Nuke Building 1F, take out the guard on the catwalk with your M9, and then use the PSG1-T you just got to take out the two guards below. Crawl under the door (it's dark on the other side, so you may want your Night Vision Goggles). +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Canyon | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Okay RIGHT at the start, there are two sentry guns. I suggest using your SOCOM to take them out, since it has a silencer (well, it should anyway... we got it a LONG time ago). Once they're out, I suggest using an M9 on the guard in front of you, then sneaking across and taking out the two (three on "Hard" difficulty) guards on the other side. Do this fast, because if you take out the first guard, no report will be made and a backup unit will be sent. But if you're spotted, a backup unit is sent anyway so you really don't have much of a choice. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Tank Hangar | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Nothing new here, so just take out the lone guard on the ground floor and use the elevator to get to B2. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Armory | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ We're here now, yay. Chances are you're not playing on "Very Easy", so there will be three guards patrolling the armory (if you are playing "Very Easy" then there will only be two). Take out whatever guards there are and then head through the level five door. There are infrared sensors in here, which you can see with your Thermal Goggles. On the other side of the sensors is the sniper rifle you're looking for: the PSG1. Collect that and the PSG1 ammo, then exit (don't forget the sensors) and raid all the other rooms (remember, the lower right room has infrared sensors as well). Once you have all the good crap, return to the Underground Passage (yeah, there's no real shortcut). +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Underground Passage | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ As soon as you enter the Underground Passage, you'll be in a battle with Sniper Wolf. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Sniper Wolf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: *** This is one of those less interesting battles, because it's basically something where you try to hit Sniper Wolf before she its you. She rests on this one balcony, and once you locate it, you'll always know where to look. She likes to hide in four different places on that balcony and whenever you hit her, she'll move to a different place. Don't try to shoot her when she's running; when she is aiming at you, THAT's the time to get in a good shot. She takes three or four seconds to aim, but when she fires, your aim will SERIOUSLY be thrown off. If that happens, just go to third-person mode again (just tap R, not hold) and then straight back to first- person mode (tap R again) and you should be able to aim properly again. Your hands are going to be shaking when you aim. There are two ways to prevent this: Pentazem, which is nearby, or Snake's cigs. I recommend the Pentazem, since it doesn't decrease your health while being used. ************************************************************************************ Once you defeat Sniper Wolf, SAVE! You're coming up to a place where you won't be able to save your game, and if you die, you'll pick up from the last save. Go north. There's some PSG1 ammo in the first alcove on your left, and a RATION in the third alcove on your right. Be careful though, because the alcove with the Ration also has a sentry gun; take it out before grabbing the ration. Continue north out onto the snow. There's another RATION to your left. Before you head into the level six door on your right, climb the stairs. There's M9 and SOCOM ammo here. Grab it and approach the level six door. Snake will start to enter, but three guards will drop down and tell him not to move. After some more action, Sniper Wolf will threaten Snake. There will be some more talk between Snake and Sniper Wolf, she'll leave. Snake will then be knocked out by one of the guards and he'll be captured. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Medical Room | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You awake in the Medical Room, with Liquid Snake, Sniper Wolf, and Revolver Ocelot. Liquid Snake and Sniper Wolf will have have a conversation over you. Ocelot will tell Liquid that you've awoken. You're attached to some machine. After Liquid talks to Raven on his phone, and then Wolf, Liquid, and Ocelot talk some more and reveal that you're about to be torture. After Liquid leaves, Wolf will leave as well, after saving that Meryl. Ocelot and Snake will talk a little more, and Ocelot will tell you that if you stop torture, then Meryl dies. Here's how to resist the torture: when Ocelot turns it on, rapidly press A. The blue bar shows how much longer the electrical shock will occur. If you use Auto-Fire, then Ocelot will know. If you press Start+A, the torture will end, but Meryl will be killed. This affects the ending, so I suggest to not give in. There are three electrical shocks that will occur, and each one is longer than the last. Once you survive all three, you'll be thrown into a cell. You'll proceed to have a long talk with Campbell and Naomi about Metal Gear, and a little about Meryl. Once you have talked to Campbell and Naomi, call Otacon. He'll promise Snake that he'll arrive with supplies right away. Wait just a little bit longer (wouldn't be a bad idea to save either) and a cinema scene will occur. You're back in torture. After Ocelot tells you a little more about himself, the torture will begin. Three more times of resisting torture, it's back in the cell. Campbell and Naomi will talk to you for a little bit. Just your luck, when they stop, the guard will run off due to his stomach. Otacon will come and he'll give you a LV. 6 CARD, a HANDKERCHIEF, and RATION, and a bottle of KETCHUP. Trust me, these all have their uses. After you talk a little more, he'll leave. Quickly lie down where you are and equip the ketchup, then press A to use. It'll look like you're dead. The guard will be all surprised and open the door. Quickly get up and knock him out. If any part of this fails, you'll head back to the torture chamber, and then you'll be released by the Ninja (make sure to knock the guard out after he releases you). Head into the torture chamber and make sure you watch out for the Sentry Gun. Grab the spinning chest, which is your items. Check them to find a Time Bomb set at four minutes. Quickly get it out and throw it away from you, then take cover. It'll explode. Whew, that was close! Now quickly head out of the level six door here before the sentry gun sees you. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Holding Cells | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The elevator is right next to you, but so are two Sentry Guns. Take both out with your SOCOM and then enter the elevator. Take it up to the Armory. From there, you have to make your way all the way back to Nuke Building B1. Joy. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building B1 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Head into the computer room and take out the lone guard. Then enter the second door on your left, which is a level six door. Grab the MEDICINE there. This is for if you surrendered during the torture (you'll catch a cold then). Now raid the other rooms and return to the elevator, and head to Nuke Building B2. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nuke Building B2 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ There's a level six door here, in the office. Equip the Gas Mask and head to the door (it's second on the right). Inside is the BODY ARMOR, which reduces your damage by half! Nice! Now head back out to the elevator and return to Nuke Building B1. From there, make your way over to the caves. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Caves | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Equip the handkerchief here. Since it has the faint smell of Sniper Wolf, the dogs won't attack you. They'll actually obey you. So please don't shoot them :) The only bad thing about having the handkerchief equipped is that you lose the ability to have your Night Vision Goggles on. Ah well, you can see a little anyway. Raid the whole area for items, and then go into the Underground Passage +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Underground Passage | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Nothing here except the Sentry Gun that can hurt you... oh, and I am the only one who thinks Meryl's blood has been on the floor a little TOO long? Ah well. Approach the square to begin a cinema scene where Snake is looking at Meryl's blood :) and is remembering what happened to Meryl. You'll then get into a long conversation with Campbell, Naomi, Master, and Mei Ling (mostly about Meryl). When it's done, head north, and through the level six door that you originally planned to go through before you got captured. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Walkthrough: Disc 2 %%%%%| WAD2 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Communication Tower "A" | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Might be a good idea to save here, since you're at the start of disc two. Run north down this corridor and grab the FAMAS and SOCOM ammunition. Head west, into the next door. Like it or not, you're going to be forced to trip some infrared wires because the game doesn't let you jump freely. Don't bother fighting the guards; they'll just keep coming. So quickly grab the ROPE that's in front of you and start heading south. Ignore all the item boxes and start climbing the stairs. You have a LONG way ahead of you, so equip your Body Armor to reduce the damage you get from the soldiers. Just keep climbing sets of stairs and you'll eventually reach a level six door to the walkway. Otocan will contact you and tell you that doors sometimes freeze solid due to the cold. There's no way to get through the door, so you're going to have to get to the roof. Continue running up stairs, but now guards will come at you from both sides. Get your FAMAS ready and kill anyone who gets in the way (don't kill every guard that comes, since that'll just waste time and won't help). Remember, whenever your health gets in the orange part, use a Ration, then equip the Body Armor and continue running. You'll know you're close to the roof when you have to take a square path. Climb the ladder at the end (in case you forgot, you have to press Y) and you'll reach the roof. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Communication Tower Roof | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Head out the door to trigger a cut-scene. Liquid Snake will emerge with his oh-so- wonderful Hindhelicopterr. Run toward the stairs to trigger another cut-scene. After you're nearly killed by a dozen missiles, Liquid will show himself. When you regain control, quickly equip the rope and Snake will automatically leap off. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Communication Tower Wall | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Snake has to make his way down the wall using the rope he has. This should've been a cut-scene but NOOOOOO. Anyway, to descend, press A and then hold down the control stick. If you want to jump left or right, press A and then press left or right to make a large jump in whatever direction you pushed the stick in. If you want to slowly walk across the wall, press B and hold the direction you want to go. Also, you have a meter that shows you how long your grip is lasting. If it runs out, Snake will slip and fall. Kthnxbye. The best way to do this is to simply go down, unless you're knocked way off to the right side (then go back left). This wouldn't be so difficult... no wait, it's difficult no matter what, but what makes this harder is that Liquid is in his Hind trying to kill you. Avoid the gunfire as best you can. When you get close enough to the bottom, Snake will jump down to the Communication Tower Corridor. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Communication Tower Corridor | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ To the left of you is a RATION, so grab it before you do anything else. Now your destination is north, across the bridge, but three guards are blocking the path, and they all have machine guns, so tranquilize 'em with your PSG1-T. It can be REALLY hard to see them in the dark and snow, so it's not a bad idea if you use your Night Vision Goggles. Now head across the bridge (make sure you have the Body Armor back on) and Liquid will appear with his damn Hind. He'll start shooting at you. Ignore him for now and head left, through the door. Grab the STINGER missile launcher and the STINGER ammo. Now head south, through the door, and into Communication Tower B. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Communication Tower "B" | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Head left at the start to get GRENADES and SOCOM and FAMAS ammunition. Start running down all the stairs and you'll find that (celebration here) the rest of the stairs are gone. So head back up to the start and go south. You'll trigger a cinema scene with Otacon, who gets the elevator working and starts talking to you a little bit about Meryl. After Snake asks Otacon to get the elevator working, Otacon will disappear. Now climb the stairs. Every few floors, a Sentry Gun will appear. I find it best to ignore them; if you're wearing the Body Armor, they can't hurt you major, and you can just use a Ration when you reach the top. Every time you encounter a Sentry Gun, there will be one more than the last encounter. When you get to the top, there will be a ****load of ammo for you to grab, including different types of grenades. The most important armor is the STINGER ammo, since you'll be using that in the next boss battle. Climb the ladder near the last set of stairs once you have everything. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Communication Tower Roof | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Equip your Body Armor and STINGER, 'cause you will engage in a boss fight pretty soon. Oh yeah, save your game :) Head outside to start a cinema scene. The Hind helicopter will rise and Liquid will talk to Solid for a bit before the battle begins. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Sniper Wolf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: **** This thing is pretty difficult, but it'd be nearly impossible if you didn't have so much cover on the roof. Starting off, hide behind the tanks while Liquid shoots some machine gun fire at you. When it stops, the helicopter will fly to a different location. Watch the red line on the edge of your radar; that's the helicopter. When you bring up your STINGER, some red lines will pass over the green ones. These are lock one points (there's three; doesn't matter which one you hit). Fire at it (make sure you're not aiming directly at a wall that's protecting the Hind, because the lock on points will show up even if there is a wall; you can shoot around corners though, because the STINGER homes in) and it'll take some damage. Once you equip the STINGER, you won't be able to move, so that's why it's a bad idea to shoot while the Hind is firing at you. Eventually, the Hind will start to fire missiles. Yes, missiles. If it hits you, then you're in trouble. It can also blow up any good cover, and if the arena ends up losing all cover locations, you're pretty much dead. Be careful, after you deplete all HP, the battle still lingers for a while and the Hind can still shoot. ************************************************************************************ After a cool cut-scene occurs, you'll get a call from Otocon. The elevator is working, luckily. After some more chat, you'll be back in control. Now head back to Communication Tower "B". +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Communication Tower "B" | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You have to climb all the way down those stairs again *sigh*. The good news is now that you're coming DOWN the stairs, you have a much better shot at the Sentry Guns. So make sure to take them out (check in first-person mode after every set to see if the Guns are there) before you descend. When you get to the bottom, grab the RATION and push the elevator button. Enter and the weight buzz will sound. Wow, I didn't know Snake weighed that much. Head down and after a talk, Otacon will realize that four people are in the elevator with you, in Stealth Camelflogue, which is why the weight limit alarm went off. Equip your FAMAS and simply go around in a circle shooting the guards. They drop FAMAS ammunition if you need it. Now go and exit the elevator. Head through the level six door, then through the one right after it (beware, there's a Sentry Gun in here, so take it out first). Equip your SOCOM and take out the Sentry Gun across the hallway before going further. In the next hallway, there are two Sentry Guns for you to get rid of. Now head out of the level six door and into the snow. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Snowfield | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ As soon as you enter, a bullet will fly past Snake. He'll then call Otacon and after a little of talking, Sniper Wolf will join into the conversation. After that... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Sniper Wolf ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: **** This time, it's a lot harder because you're in this wide open area. If you try to find her with your sniper equipped, she's gong to seriously destroy you. The best way to go is to choose a random spot and run in a few circles. You'll eventually see her marker. At that point, quickly whip out your rifle and shoot in her direction. If you hit her in the head, it causes a lot more damage. She'll usually try to sneak away, but you can follow her and maybe even hit her when she's sneaking. Sometimes she hides behind a tree and sticks only her gun hand out. You can't hit her when she does this, but she can hit you. Never try to run up to her, because you'll be shot, just like in the Underground Passage. When she stops and aims at you, quickly shoot her. If she shoots you first, your aim will be thrown off and you'll probably have to track her down again. Just keep shooting her as she aims, and you should win this battle. ************************************************************************************ When you deplete her health, she'll drop to the ground and start shooting and missing. Blood will start to appear by her stomach and Snake will jump out to shoot her once more. However, Something Bad Happens and then Something Good Happens. Then Something Sad Happens. Once all of that happens, you're free to explore the Snowfield, which is a huge area with lots of items. But before you do that, approach the place where Sniper Wolf lies. After she talks to Snake about her past, she'll ask you to finish her off. Otacon will appear and then Snake will give her one last shot. After Snake and Otacon talk a little bit, they'll both leave and you'll finally be in control. NOW you can search the place. Start at the southeast corner and collect a RATION. Then head north and go through the door. Get the CHAFF GRENADES and regular GRENADES, but watch out for the Sentry Guns. Exit the room and go north into the next room. Get the PSG1, SOCOM, and FAMAS ammunition that rests here. Now go into the door that's next. BE CAREFUL. There's mines here, so use you Mine Detector to avoid them. The first door on the left has NIKITA bullets, but also a Sentry Gun in the southeast corner. The second door on the left has two RATIONS and a BANDAGE, but it also has two Sentry Guns, one in the northwest corner and one in the southeast corner. Now head into the truck south of the room you were just in to find another BANDAGE. In the north left door, you have to make your way around boxes, as well as two Sentry Guns. Head down the stairs once your each them and you'll enter the Blast Furnace +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Blast Furnace | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Head down the stairs and through the door. Take out the guard in front of you with an M9 so you don't alert the other guard. Now go left and put yourself against the wall. Slowly start inching to the right. Crouch with X as you inch because a crane can hit you otherwise. On the other side take out the guards (one or two, depending on the difficulty you're playing at) with your M9, and then go down all the stairs to your right. Head through the door here to enter the Cargo Elevator. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Cargo Elevator | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ There are lots of items here, as well as the actual elevator. Head to the southwest corner to find FAMAS ammo. From there, head north all the way and look next to the third box to find SOCOM ammo. There's PSG1-T ammunition if you head north a little more. Now head to the southeast side, where there's some SOCOM ammo. Head north, past the box, and you'll find FAMAS ammo in the corner. Now run up to the control panel and press Y to call the Cargo Elevator down. A cinema scene will occur where a bunch of guards start shooting at Snake and he does some more Matrix action. After a little more of the cut-scene, you'll get to fight four guards. Whip out your FAMAS and start shooting. They all drop FAMAS ammo when they're dead, so grab some if you need it. When you reach the bottom, take out the Sentry Gun on your right. Then head right, into an area with another cargo elevator. In the southwest corner, there's a CLAYMORE. Head north all the way from the Claymore to get SOCOM bullets. In the southeast corner, there's a RATION. Head north from there to get some FAMAS ammunition. Again, head to the control panel on the elevator and take it down. As you go, ravens will start to fly above you. Hmmm... wonder what that means? About halfway down, you'll get a call from your Master. Insert major plot twist here. Once you're done with the call, just wait for the elevator to reach the bottom. Search around the boxes on both sides to get a C4, some NIKITA bullets, and a wonderful RATION. First, call Campbell to extend the plot twist that just occurred. Once you have done so, and have all the items, head through the door and into the Warehouse. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Warehouse | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ A bunch of ravens will charge at you the moment you enter the Warehouse, and then Raven himself will appear. Holy crap, WHAT IS that thing that he's carrying? You and Raven will talk before the battle, just like you always do. A cinematic battle take place, and then the real battle will begin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Vulcan Raven ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: **** Well, if it weren't for Raven's mass, infinite ammunition machine gun of death, this battle would be a lot easier. I personally feel that the stupid thing would be a lot easier also if this weren't in some HUGE room! Okay, Raven has a HUGE line of sight, according to the radar, and whenever he spots you, he'll let his bullets fly. The SOCOM is out of the question; it simply doesn't fire fast enough and isn't that powerful. The FAMAS could work, but seeing as how it's weak and that you really can't hit Raven when he's shooting at you, it isn't that great either. No, your STINGER needs to be used. Watch on the radar for Raven and try to sneak up behind or to the side of him. If you're too loud, he'll spot you. Sometimes, he shoots randomly in one direction. That gives you a good opportunity to use a STINGER missile. Shoot it and that will instantly get Raven's attention, so be prepared to run. When you get him to low health, he'll start making objects crash down, blocking paths. Try your best to get around these, and continue firing STINGERs. Eventually, you'll beat him. ************************************************************************************ When Raven is defeated, he'll talk to you a little and then give you CARD LV. 7 so you can get to Metal Gear. He'll then tell you something that will come as a shock... seriously. A little more talking, and then he'll invite his Raven's to start eating his flesh. When he's dead, you'll get a call from the Master who will give you more information on the thing he told you earlier (this time, the colonel will be in on the conversation as well). Once that's done, you can contact the Master, Campbell, Mei Ling, and Otacon to learn even more. When you've talked to them and saved your game, exit by means of the level seven door. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Warehouse North | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ At the start, grab the CHAFF GRENADE on the left and the M9 bullets on the right. Straight ahead is a RATION, but be careful; there's a trap door right in front, and you can step over it once, but if you try to again, you'll fall through and die instantly, just like in the Armory. Right in front of you is another trap door. Also, there is a guard patrolling the next area. Take him out with your M9 and climb the stairs. Another guard might be near, but he usually patrols the upper floor. Once the guard(s) is/are out, take out the two Sentry Guns near the door northwest of you. You can climb the stairs here and grab the STINGER bullets also, if you wish. Once that's done, head through the door that was near the Sentry Guns. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Underground Base | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You're very close to the end of the game, so hold on! Head north in this corridor and you'll see Snake looking at Metal Gear. There's plenty of items in this area. To your left is a CHAFF GRENADE. Head north all the way from here and then down the stairs to your left and start going south. There's a RATION waiting for you. Now go back to the starting point and go right and north. You should get a call from Otacon (if you don't get it, you will soon) and he'll tell you he's trying to hack in Baker's private files to learn the trick to shutting Metal Gear down with only one key. Anyway, continue north to find STINGER bullets. Now go up the stairs. To your right is a CHAFF GRENADE. Now go left and south, and follow the path to FAMAS ammunition. Now head north, up the stairs. There might be a guard here, so take him out with your M9. As you're climbing the stairs, Otacon will contact you and inform you of his progress with Baker's files. When you've disconnected, continue up the stairs and head right. Grab the FAMAS bullets here and then go south. As you're going south, you'll pass a little ledge sticking out on your left. There's a CHAFF GRENADE there. Continue south all the way, then you'll find STINGER bullets left. Now return to the stairs. Go left this time and you'll get another call from Baker and learn the truth about what Metal Gear really is. When it's over, continue left and south. There are FAMAS bullets on the first ledge to your right, and SOCOM bullets on the second ledge to your right. Continue south and you'll get yet another call from Otacon, this time about Baker's motive behind the Metal Gear project. Right after he disconnects, call him yourself to learn more about Baker's files. Continue right to find some SOCOM bullets. Now return to the area where Otacon first contacted you about what Metal Gear was. Look around here, because there's a set of stairs heading down that you haven't touched yet. When you find it, go down. Here, go south all the way and right to get a bandage. Now go up the stairs, left, south, and right. Behind the wall where the SOCOM missiles are is the control room. Approach it to begin a cut-scene with Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot. They'll be talking to each other about their plans and what to do with Metal Gear. Otacon will also contact you and explain the override system, which I'll talk to you about later. Afterwards, the security camera will catch Snake and Ocelot will spot him. Tactical espionage action indeed, Snake. Get yourself caught twice. Good job. And then to make things worse, Snake will drop the key into the sewage drain. Beautiful. Okay, so now you have to retrieve the key, which is somewhat easy, and can be done in a short amount of time. QUICKLY head down to the starting point of the Underground Base and equip your Mine Detector. Head down the tiny set of stairs to your right and jump into the green liquid. Your life will start to deplete, so you have to be quick. Quickly run to the left, under the bridge (you'll pick up a TIME BOMB on the way; quickly get rid of it, it has a minute before it detonates). Look for the white dote in the sewage area. That's the PAL key. Great, we've found it now, and it wasn't that hard. Now return to the control room and enter. Grab the RATION here and enter the control room. STOP when you enter. There are two security cameras here. The room will fill with poison gas and suffocate you if you're spotted by either. One is to the right of you and is very easy to take out. The other is directly across from you. Once they're both gone, equip the PAL Key and run over to the first computer. Press Y and the computer will accept PAL Key #1. Now, there are two ways to get PAL Key numbers 2 and 3. The first is easy, yet time consuming. The second is difficult, but it saves a LOT of time. Oh, before you do anything else, save your game. Thanks. Okay, go left, north, then right all the way, then south until you're ALMOST at the end. Press Y near the ledge and you'll grab onto the rail (the rail has to have a square hole in it or you won't grab on). There should be a ledge sticking out of the wall with no visible way of getting there. While hanging from the ledge, press X and quickly press Y when you reach the next ledge to catch onto it. Pull yourself up and look into the pillar. You should see two small pipes. Upon closer inspection (a.k.a. first-person), you'll see that the left pipe is steam and the right pipe is cold. So equip the PAL key and your SOCOM. Shoot the blue pipe (it's on the right) and the PAL key will transform automatically. Now hang off this ledge and drop down and quickly grab onto a wire that's on the second floor. From there, you can return to the control room and insert the ice key. Then go back to the third floor ledge and get to the ledge with the pipes, and this time shoot the left pipe with the PAL card equipped. Your key will change to orange. Again, drop and hang onto the wire and return and insert it into the slot. Let me note that if you don't grab onto the ledge or wire, you die due to the fall. Now there's a second way that's MUCH longer, but it's if you can't get to the ledge with the pipes. Backtrack all the way to the Warehouse (there are two or three guards there now; it depends on the difficulty you're at). Now equip the PAL key and wait 120 seconds. The key will change blue. Now head all the way back to the control room and insert the key. Now you have to head back to the Blast Furnace. Again, wait 120 seconds with the key equipped and it'll turn orange. When you get the orange key, you SHOULD get a call from the Maser (I got it after I got my key, but it might just be when you enter the Underground Base with the orange key). He'll tell you more about what he's been telling you before, and it's pretty surprising this time. Okay, once you've listed to the Master and the colonel, return to the control room. On your way there you'll get a call from ----------------. Once you've talked to him/her, head to the control room and place the key in. Okay, once you've placed both keys in place, you'll have deactivated Metal Gear! At this point run outside and scream "I HAVE BEATEN THE TWIN SNAKES! I AM A GOD! KNEEL BEFORE ME!" Then you'll come back and find that you've activated Metal Gear... damn. First you get caught twice, then you lose the PAL key, and now you activate Metal Gear... time to lay off the drugs, Snake. You'll get a call from *************** and then an insane plot twist will occur. After that, the room will fill with poisonous gas and the doors will lock. Put on your Gas Mask before you do anything else. Now contact Otacon. After you disconnect, contact him once more. After that, do it two more times and then get out of your Codec. Wait a few seconds and Otacon will contact you, and then the door will open up. Leave the room and a cinema scene with Liquid and Snake will occur. Yes, another plot twist here, and it's just as surprising as the others. Afterwards, Liquid will jump into Metal Gear REX, and you'll begin a battle. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ BOSS: Metal Gear REX ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: **** (Very easy) **** (Easy) *****(Normal) *****(Hard) The reason that there's separate difficulties for each difficulty level is that the health bar changes depending on the difficulty (I'll state the health later). The moment you start the battle, contact Otacon. He'll tell you that REX uses sensors to see, so if you destroy the sensor, it'll be blind. The sensor is on its left arm (so that's to YOUR right). It's a huge, gray circle that stands out if you look at it closely. REX's armor is invulnerable to regular weapons, but a STINGER missile can do the trick. To destroy the sensor, it takes five STINGER missiles (Very Easy), six missiles (Easy), seven missiles (Normal), or eight missiles (Hard). Once you destroy the sensor, and emergency will be recorded into REX and the cockpit will open up. However many shots it took you to destroy the sensor is the same amount of shots it'll take you to destroy the cockpit. Once you do that, the battle ends. However, I haven't told you the attacks or a strategy yet, have I? :) Well, REX has four attacks: the first attack will be used if you're too close; REX will simply stomp on you, which causes a good amount of damage. The second attack is a LOT of machine gun fire. Again, this happens if you're close by. The third attack is a laser weapon that you really don't want to see. The fourth is the easiest to dodge when used, and it's the most commonly used one as well. REX will shoot three missiles out in the air and they'll home in wherever Snake is currently standing. If you simply run, you'll dodge the missiles. Now, you won't ever have to see the first three attacks if you follow this simple strategy. You'll want to stay far back; not TOO far back, but far enough. REX will only use the missile attack, which is fairly easy to dodge. Once he's used the attack, equip yourself with the STINGER and aim for the sensor (there are three lock on targets, but remember that the sensor is the big round circle to your right). Shoot it once (if you miss, don't try to aim for it again... please). REX will shoot another few missiles and then you need to take another shot again. Afterwards, Ninja, er... /////////// will come and start to destroy the Radome. As it's blowing up, ANOTHER plot twist will occur... good god, will there be no end to the horror? But then, the Ninja will try to stop REX from moving, but then REX will smash Ninja into the ground. More cut-scene, sad moment, then back to the battle. It's basically the same strategy, except you'll be aiming for the cockpit. Once you do the proper number of hits, the battle will be over. ************************************************************************************ No sir, this is not the end of the game yet. Metal Gear REX will explode, so you've stopped the nuclear weapon, so the world is saved. But now, Liquid is still alive (according to him, he won't die as long as you're alive). Oddly enough, he'll wait for you to awake and then talk to you for a bit, stupid plot twists will return and haunt you :) It's another surprising one too. He'll then gesture toward Meryl, tied up, a time bomb close to her. After Snake talks to the colonel, and later the Secretary of Defense, who turns out to be a huge bastard. A little more talk, and the final battle will begin. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ FINAL BOSS: Liquid Snake ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DIFFICULTY: ** What's happening to final bosses these days? They're getting easier and easier... I remember the good old days when it was EXTREMELY difficult to defeat a final boss unless you had loads of practice during the game. Since you have three minutes before the station blows up, you and Liquid have decided to use there time "creatively" so to speak. Therefore, no weapons. Just like the battle with the Ninja. Okay, you have three minutes to defeat Liquid and if you fall off the edge of this very thin arena, you'll die (note how Liquid always manages to grab onto the edge if he's knocked off...). Liquid has no special abilities, unlike the Ninja, so it'll be regular hand-to-hand combat with punches and kicks. Just use your combo constantly, and retreat quickly after you use it to avoid being hit yourself. Then move in and continue to attack. Remember, you have three minutes to defeat this battle. But if you beat the Ninja battle, then you should beat this easily. ************************************************************************************ Once you drain the HP of Liquid, some more fighting will be going on, literally just like Neo and Smith's fight in Matrix Revolutions :) Literally. Snake will then uppercut Liquid and that will send him over the edge (an UPPERCUT?), and he'll die. Why didn't he die when we sent him over the edge during the battle? Snake will revive Meryl and they'll talk for a little. HELL-O! There's a bomb that's just about to be dropped on this place, and it's time to do some Metroid action and escape the damn place. Snake and Meryl will start to make out and then Otacono will contact you. After some somewhat bad and surprising news, you guys will be ready to escape. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Escape Route | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ At the start, head through the door behind you and grab the RATION. In the parking garage, fend off the guys with your fists while Meryl finds the car with keys. When she does, quickly rush to the southwest corner and grab a second RATION, then rush into the back and grab the machine gun. Fend off the soldiers, then shoot the barrels near the gate to open it. Meryl will start to drive, and you'll end up in the second part of the Escape Route. You'll drive for a little and then you'll stop at a checkpoint. Quickly defeat all the guards here and then shoot the barrels to open the path. You'll drive for a little while longer and then encounter a (oh noes!) second checkpoint. Again, you'll want to defeat all the guards and then blast the barrels. As you drive through, the screen will turn white like it usually does when you complete something. But nope, it's not over. Liquid will appear in the second car, the one that had no keys. How. The hell. Did he. Survive. Don't pay attention to that at the moment, you just need to stop him from killing you both. Make sure your Rations are equipped and then start shooting at Liquid (not the car; Liquid). This will distract him and he'll be knocked back. Liquid will constantly switch lanes, making it harder to hit him. Eventually, he'll get to the side and you'll have to start fending him off from there. He'll try to ram you and he'll make Snake lose health, so be careful. Eventually, the screen will whiten. ************************************************************************************ Cinema scene. More Matrix action as Snake leaps to the car Liquid is in and they'll have a lot of fighting before they reach daylight and crash, nearly going over the edge. As Liquid is ready to kill Snake, FoxDie will act just in time and claim Liquid's life. Some more cinema scenes, Snake's real name (note that it's the same name as the actor who does his voice...cool), and then the game ends! Congratulations! After the credits... well... just listen. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Weapons List %%%%%| VH01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | M9 Tranquilizer | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This is a new addition to Metal Gear Solid, and one of the most useful weapons that you'll ever use. The M9 Tranquilizer gun does just what its name suggests; puts your enemies to sleep. There are many good places to use it. You'll first learn how to use it in the Cargo Bay. You don't start with all the ammo, but only with fourteen shots. Still, that's a good amount since if you practice well, you can take out up to fourteen guards which is like, all the guards in the next three areas and that's if you don't pick up any additional ammunition. One of the best things about the M9 Tranquilizer is that it is silent; the most silent gun in the game, and it is simply a tiny dart, so it's not noticeable by guards. Also, one hit in any part of the body will put a guard to sleep. When the guard sighs and falls to the ground, you'll know that they are asleep. Further confirmation of this is the little Z's that float near them on the ground. The guards can still wake up, but it takes a long time. If your SOCOM has a silencer screwed on, it may be a good idea to kill them when they're sleeping, just so they don't come back to haunt you. The M9 can be used in basically any situation, but it is best used when you're trying to be stealthy. Say, for example, you're in the Armory, where guards patrol the halls. You can hide behind a wall, look around the corner, step out, and take out the guard with a dart. No one will notice what has happened, since it will have all happened quickly and silently. If you're noticed by the guards, then don't use your M9. Stick with another gun, since the M9 is best used for aiming in First-Person mode, and during intense combat, using First-Person mode can get you in a rather annoying situation. The M9 can also be used for boss fights, since you can deplete their second health meter (the pink/red one) with tranquilizer weapons. This small weapon can hold a lot of ammunition (about sixty darts) and there's ammo spread all over the place, so you'll never really have to worry about you running out of ammunition for this gun. One final, very useful thing is that when you enter First-Person mode, you'll have a laser helping you aim. That means that you can aim accurately so you don't get the attention of the guards if the dart flies past them. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | SOCOM | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This is the second gun that you'll receive, and it's a semi-automatic pistol. That means that you have to tap A for each time that you want to fire a shot, but you won't have to wait that long before you can fire it again (in fact, you can fire rapidly if you quickly tap A). When you first find the SOCOM, located in the Helipad area in the back of the truck, it'll have hardly any ammunition and it'll be VERY loud. If you shoot this gun, you're going to attract the attention of guards. So if there's more than one guard in the area or if you miss the guard you were trying to shoot, then the guards will approach the area where the noise came from. This can be a good thing, sometimes, because you can ready another weapon and take out all the approaching guards quickly. However, I wouldn't use the SOCOM in areas with a lot of guards; that's what the M9 is for. However, you can get a SOCOM Suppressor in the Tank Hangar; that's a one of a kind item where if you equip it, you'll automatically screw it one to the SOCOM, which will make it a lot quieter. Once you have the suppressor screwed on, it'll remain on the gun for the rest of the game. You can now fire lots of shots off without fear of being noticed, although note that it still makes a small sound effect. The areas of the guard's body affects the amount of damage that will be dealt with the SOCOM. For example, you aren't going to deal major damage to a guard if you hit it in the leg a bunch of times. However, if you fire the SOCOM and the guards stomach, he'll suffer more damage. It takes two to three shots to kill a guard when shot in the stomach. When you shoot a guard at the head, it'll be a one-hit kill, so always aim for the head when firing. Also note that this applies to bosses as well. You'll cause more damage if you shoot them in the head (a LOT more, might I add) than if you were to shoot them in the body. If you're firing in Third-Person mode, you'll always shoot straight at the stomach; if you switch to First-Person mode, you can aim the gun at different parts of the body. Like the M9, the SOCOM is equipped with laser vision. That means that it's much easier to aim at specific parts of the body when in First-Person mode. Finally, the SOCOM is the best weapon for taking out Sentry Guns or security cameras. If you aim one SOCOM shot at a security camera/Sentry Gun's main part, it will spark a little when hit and be out for the rest of the game. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | FA-MAS | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The FAMAS Assault Rifle is the only real machine gun that you'll get in the game. It can hold over to two-hundred and fifty rounds and they can all be fired rapidly. You'll find the FAMAS in the Armory, along with a bunch of FAMAS ammo. You start with about ninety rounds. The FAMAS should be used for what its name suggest: assault. The FAMAS is VERY loud, and since it fires rapidly, it will attract pretty much every guard in the room no matter where they are or no matter how big the room is. DO NOT use this for stealth. Stick to something like the silenced SOCOM or better yet, the M9 tranquilizer. If you're caught by guards, quickly switch to the FAMAS. There's really no need to go into First-Person mode with this rifle, since it only takes about two seconds of shooting at one guard in Third-Person mode to take them down. The FAMAS, like most machine guns in video games, isn't super powerful, but it can take out someone faster than the SOCOM can. But if you only have a few rounds (I'm talking four or five), then don't expect to take out a guard. You might take one out, but most of the time you'll just put the guard in critical condition. If guards are all swarming in from one direction, then you can switch to First-Person mode, since it's easier to eliminate the guards then. If guards are on all directions of you (like in the Cargo Elevator), then it's better to just remain in Third-Person mode and start shooting while running in a circle. That way, you can quickly take out all of the guards without being shot by one while you're focusing on killing another. There is a lot of FAMAS ammunition in the military base, so you shouldn't have to worry about running out constantly. Most of the time, you should have the FAMAS ammo filled up to the max, since you should be mostly taking out guards when being stealthy. The FAMAS rifle should not be used during boss fights, since it is pretty weak; stick to the SOCOM for that. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | PSG1 | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This is the first of the two Sniper Rifles that you'll receive in the game. The PSG1 can zoom up much farther than a usual gun can (duh), making shooting guards from afar or from below/above much easier than usual. To zoom in, hold B. You'll keep zooming until you release B or you get to the max zooming point. Hold X to zoom out. Like zooming in, you'll get going out until you release X or until you zoom out too far. You'll automatically head into First-Person mode when you do this, so if you're in the middle of a firefight, don't take this gun out. The gun does not have laser sight, but rather a target screen so you can always aim correctly. Press A to fire a single shot. The PSG1 sniper rifle is strong, so you should be able to take out most enemies in a single hit. You'll always head into First-Person mode with a more close up range than usual, so if you're trying to take out a guard right in front of you, then you might have a hard time getting a clear shot because you'll be zoomed too far up. However, if the guard is distant, then you'll have a perfect shot. The PSG1 makes noise, so make sure to be very cautious as you aim and fire. You can't switch out of First-Person mode as long as the PSG1 is equipped. If you tap (not push, tap) the R button slightly, then you'll unequip the sniper and you'll be back to Third-Person mode. Tap the R button again and you'll equip the PSG1 once more (this applies to all weapons, by the way). The PSG1 is used for two important battles with the sharpshooter Sniper Wolf. It's not really needed for the rest of the game, and you'll probably never use it, but it's still a useful weapon to have if you need to take guards out on a lower or upper floor before heading down. Remember, this is a STEALTH weapon. NOT a combat weapon. If you try to use this during combat, you'll be taken out rather quickly. The PSG1 has a moderate amount of ammunition, and the ammunition isn't as common as most ammo in the facility, but you'll probably never run out of ammo anyway. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | PSG1-T | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This is the second of the two Sniper Rifles that you'll receive during the game. This weapon isn't required, but it can be quite useful to have, and it, like the regular PSG1, can be used during the two battles with Sniper Wolf. You can find this in the computer room in what I THINK is the Nuke Building. I doubt it though. Anyway, the T in the name of this weapon stands for tranquilizer, so as you may have guessed, this has the same effect as the M9 does. Although it isn't needed to finish the game, it can prove to be much more useful than the regular PSG1. Why? One, it has a silencer screwed on, so you won't make any noise when shooting a guard. And two, the tiny tranquilizer darts that are spit out can put a guard to sleep instantly and in one hit. Like the PSG1, you'll automatically switch to First-Person mode and remain there whenever you're using the weapon. Also, the zoom controls are the same. If you want to zoom up, hold B until you think you have zoomed up far enough. If you want to zoom out, hold X until you think you have zoomed out far enough. In an area with many guards (and with two floors), this may be the weapon that you want to use, since it's silent and effective. It should not be used from a close range, because that will just prevent you from aiming correctly. If you decide to use this during the Sniper Wolf fights, you'll deplete her pinkish-red health meter instead of the regular green one that you usually deplete. Like the M9, you'll never want to use this in combat. First, it's a sniper rifle, and that's only used for stealth. Second, there's really no point in keeping quiet once you've been found out by the guards. Third, it takes a couple of seconds to aim correctly and by then, the guards might just be firing SOCOM/FAMAS shots at you. Simply stick to stealth with this weapon and you'll do fine. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Grenade | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Not a required weapon, but a very handy weapon to have during a specific boss fight. However, I find myself rarely using these throughout the normal course of the game, since I have my handy assault rifle for that. But still, the grenades have a long range, and they have a large blast radius when they explode, so if you have no other option, don't hesitate to use these. This grenade is timed, and you can choose how far you want to throw it. When you first get the grenade out (by the way, you'll find grenades everywhere in the facility, so don't worry about running out of them), hold A. If you simply tap A, you'll drop the grenade right when you are, and that means move! If you hold A for any longer, then you'll throw it at different distances. Basically, the longer you hold A, the farther you'll throw the grenade. This can be tricky to master, because at first, you might throw too far or fall too short of your target. A useful way to practice throwing is to get to an area where there are no guards and there are grenades found everywhere (the Armory is a perfect example of this), and practice throwing at specific targets until you can hit them perfectly. When the grenade lands, a little timer will start and you'll have five seconds to get away before the grenade explodes. Grenades can do plenty of damage to Snake, so you won't want to be hit by one. During the first battle with Raven, the grenades can be useful because you can throw them into the tanks. You don't get many opportunities like that in the main part of the game. You could always throw a grenade down to the first floor of whatever room you're in if you're on the second floor. That's always fun, especially if you hit one of the guards :) +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Chaff Grenade | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The Chaff Grenade works like a regular grenade, except it doesn't deal damage to you or your enemies. No, the Chaff Grenade is an electronic jamming device, so whatever electrical devices are within it's range will be knocked out for a short period of time. For the most part, these are useless since a third of the areas in the facility are already jammed, and then there's the fact that your SOCOM can just take out any security camera or Sentry Gun. During the first Raven battle, this can be used to knock out the giant cannon that hits you 99% of the time and deals massive damage. Otherwise, you won't find yourself using this item that much. I have yet to experiment to see if it jams your radar, but if you want to check, then just drop the grenade where you're standing. The way to determine the distance for this grenade works just like the regular grenade. The longer the hold A, the farther you'll throw it. If you enter First- Person mode and aim high, you can hurl the grenade really far. If you're trying to take out a camera or Sentry Gun, then you shouldn't have much trouble, because most cameras/Sentry Guns are located in corners. Make sure the Chaff Grenades don't bounce off the walls, though. Running out of Chaff Grenades is something that you'll never have to worry about; there's so many floating around in pretty much every place you'll find ammo, you'll often find yourself rejected when trying to pick one up because it'll be full. You start with quite a lot of Chaff Grenades, and you can find the first few in some lockers in the Cargo Bay. That's the first area, for people who forgot. You won't actually find yourself using them until the Raven battle though, since cameras and Sentry Guns are rare during the first part of the game. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Stun Grenade | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The third grenade type in the game. The Stun Grenade is a lot more useful than the Chaff Grenade, probably about as useful as the regular grenades. But still, I doubt you'll be using them, since they aren't really needed. I have no memory on where you first find Stun Grenades (think it's the Armory), but you won't need them during any point of the game, they're just one of the secondary, more useful weapons for you to have. When the grenade explodes, a flash of light will occur. This light is good enough to stun enemies for enough time for you to get away. It's most useful in the Communications Tower "A", where the unlimited amount of guards chase after you, or in areas where lots of guards are coming into your area. Throwing this grenade works just like the previous two. The long you hold A, the farther you'll throw. If you have practiced with the regular grenade, then this will be no different. Again, you can throw this grenade very high up into the air if you get into First-Person mode and look up. Stun Grenades aren't as common as the Chaff Grenades, but due to the fact that they're hardly ever used (unless you don't want to waste any ammo and want to get yourself out of a tight situation), you'll almost never run out of them. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | C4 Remote Control Bomb | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ You'll first find C4 during your first visit to the Armory, and you'll use it right then. C4's pretty much fall under the grenade category, since they are a plastic explosive. Although "Remote Control Bomb" isn't part of the actual name, it pretty much describes what the C4 is. If you equip this and set it down with the A button, you have complete power over when you want to make it explode. So that means that you can easily run a good distance away before blowing it up. When you want to blow the C4 up, simply press the B button (if you start punching, then that means that you haven't actually set a C4 down yet). The C4 will explode and damage any guards that are near it. This weapon is actually more useful than the regular set of grenades. You can lay a C4 down in the path of a guard who's patrolling an area and blow it up when the guard walks over. C4s do a pretty decent amount of damage (remember, you can be damaged by them as well, so be careful) to whoever they hit, so you'll probably take the guard out in a single hit. You can't actually throw these, so if you want to place them in an area with guards, you'll actually have to travel there yourself, and that can be dangerous sometimes. C4s can blow up more than just guards, though. If you place it near a wall located in the Armory/Armory South that is made up of only concrete, you can blow the wall up. This is required for getting further into the game. The C4s aren't very useful in boss fights, unless you're fighting someone who constantly moves around on foot and in a set path. I don't recommend ever using these in boss fights anyway. You don't have to worry about running out of C4s, since they're placed pretty much everywhere. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Claymore | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This has to be one of the most useful types of grenades you'll ever encounter. However, they are very rare. The Claymore is an antipersonnel directional land mine. Translation: if you get near it, be prepared for a blast. The enemies like to use Claymore's in certain areas (mainly the start of the Canyon, but there are some more places where one or two have been placed). If you get too close to them, they'll explode and deal a good amount of damage to Snake. Claymore's are invisible once they are set down, and therefore they are impossible to spot. So how to avoid them, you ask? Well, in the Tank Hangar, there's a level two door and inside you can find a Mine Detector. If you equip this to your items, then you'll be able to spot the mines. You can tell what the mines are because they'll just suddenly appear on your radar. Use the radar to avoid the mines and avoid damage. However, there's another way to avoid the mines if you don't have a Mine Detector. If you get down into a crawling position, and inch over a mine, you won't take damage. If you go directly over the mine, you'll pick it up. This is the only way to obtain Claymores, so when you enter an area with mines, make sure to pick up as many Claymores as you can. They ARE very rare and should only be used in situations where you really need them. For example, you won't want to waste a Claymore on a guard that you could easily take out with your SOCOM. Once you set the Claymore down, it becomes invisible to both you and the enemy. Since the enemy doesn't know that the Claymore has been set down, you can place it in the path of a guard to kill the guard easily. As soon as the guard enters the area of the Claymore, he's dead. Like the C4, Claymores can't be thrown, so you'll have to actually travel to the area where you want to place the Claymore down. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | STINGER | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The STINGER is a fun weapon to have, but unfortunately you don't get it until you're about a two-thirds of the way into the game. Simply put, the Stinger is a rocket launcher (the instruction booklet calls it a portable surface to air missile, but I have no clue what that means). Yeah, now you know why it's fun =) You'll need it during the first boss battle with Liquid Snake, when he's in the Hind D, but after that you can just use it to clear out a mass amount of guards. Whenever you equip the STINGER, you'll automatically enter First-Person mode, just like you do with the Sniper Rifles. The STINGER can hold about forty rockets, and you start off with around twenty, but that's pretty much enough (although it is nice to have forty rockets). The best thing about the STINGER is that it is equipped with a lock on ability. Besides the fact that the targeting screen gives you perfect aim at stationary targets, you'll sometimes have to fight things that move around too fast. When the squares on your targeting screen become green, that means that you have locked on to a target and it is in your sight. If you fire it, the missile will now follow whatever target it locked on to. Sometimes, you'll automatically lock on to your target, but it'll head behind some type of barrier. The lock on square turns red when that happens. Don't fire a rocket then, because you'll just end up wasting one of your rockets. Wait until the target emerges, or if it remains stationary, you could always blow up the barrier. One bad thing about the STINGER is that you can be damaged by it as well. The STINGER has a blast radius that's spreads pretty far, so if you fire it at something that's close to you, you can be damaged in the blast. So if you're using it during assaults, make sure you're far enough away from the targets. Don't EVER use the STINGER for stealth because like all rocket launchers, it is VERY loud. If large waves of enemies are coming at you, you can clear them all out with a rocket. Don't waste a rocket on a single enemy, or even two enemies; it's wise to just use it on groups of enemies that contain three or more. Sometimes, in certain situations, you'll just want to stick to your FAMAS. However, if you have high health and the guards aren't in the best shape, you can take out your launcher and blast away. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | NIKITA | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The NIKITA missile launcher is something that's required to finish the game, but it's also something that you'll use basically once, and then never use it again. The NIKITA missile launcher is a radio guided missile. 75% of you people should know what that is. This means that you can control wherever the missile is going, which is useful in one point where you have to guide the NIKITA missile over an electric fence that prevents Snake from going any further. When you equip the NIKITA missile launcher, you'll automatically enter First-Person mode. Fire it and you'll automatically leave Snake's view and have a First-Person view of the missile (you won't see the missile, but rather what's in front of it). You can now control it with the control stick or control pad. You can guide the missile left or right using your controls, but it automatically heads straight. It IS possible to turn the missile around if you went too far, but you'll need to be in a wide area. Whenever the missile hits a wall, it'll explode. Also, a second meter will appear on the screen whenever you fire your missile. This meter will be decreasing rapidly. Basically, when the meter empties, the missile will explode. You get plenty of time before the missile detonates, so if you know where you want to shoot it, you should get there in no time. If you don't touch any of the controls and the missile is straightened out, its speed will increase slightly, saving some time if your missile is about to detonate. After you use it in the one required point in the game, you're probably never going to have to use it again. However, if you do, there are certain restrictions. One, you cannot use the missile launcher in any area where the electronic devices have been jammed. You can fire it, but you'll have no control over where it goes. Also, if you're outside, there will be certain restrictions to how far you can guide it. I don't know what you'd use the missile launcher for once it's not required; it's a slow and bad way to take out guards, and there's really no objects you need to blow up. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Book | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Books are found through the facility, and they aren't actually novels. No, books are pornographic magazines (sorry, you can't look through them yourselves). You can find lots of books throughout the facility, but they are one of the rarer "weapons" in the game. You can't defeat an enemy by using a book, but if you equip one and lay it down, it can be used as a distraction. If a guard spots one, he'll start looking through it (damn perverts), which gives you a chance to sneak past the guard or kill him. You'll probably never have to use one, but if you're desperate, and everything else has failed, the books can be a life saver. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Magazine | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ No, this isn't another type of pornographic magazine, but an empty ammunition clip for your weapons. If you equip the magazine, you can throw it. Throwing works just like it did with the grenades; the longer you hold the A button, the farther you'll throw the magazine. It makes a loud noise when thrown, and any guards who hear it will approach the area from where the sound was made. You can use that as an opportunity to quickly sneak by, but hurry. When the guards find that there's nothing there, they'll return to their posts and if you haven't gotten a move on, you can be spotted. Magazines, like books, are hardly ever used in the game, though you'll end up getting a lot of them, since you'll be using your weapons constantly. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Items List %%%%%| VH01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== Listed in alphabetical order... and there's NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.... sorry. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | AP Sensor | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The AP Sensor is found in the Cargo Dock, the first area of the game. Enter the water behind your starting point and head to the right side and you should spot the AP Sensor. This item, when equipped, will allow you to sense where enemies are. Now, I know most of you are going to get all excited when you see this because knowing where your enemies are is always a GOOD thing, right? Well... you sorta don't need it. Since there's always a radar in the upper-right hand corner of the screen, you can always tell where the enemies are. Besides, the radar is a much more effective thing to use, since you can always see where the enemies are moving and you can see them from a greater distance. However, experts at the game can try to use the AP Sensor. Whenever you get near an enemy, your controller will start to rumble, indicating that a guard is nearby. This gives you a chance to quickly hide or get ready to perform an ambush or something. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Bandage | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This is one of the more useless items in the game, although if you have one and if you need it, you might want to use it. First off, bandages can be found pretty much everywhere, in the most random places (the middle of rooms, on top of boxes, near trucks, etc.). At first glance, they seem to have no use. But they do have a use, though it may not be a very important one. When your health turns orange/red (the danger zone), you'll start dripping blood. As you drip blood, your health will slowly decrease until it gets to the point where a shot from any weapon or a single punch can take you out instantly. If you use the bandage, you can stop bleeding and therefore, prevent health loss. Don't just use these randomly, it'll be just a waste. Save them for when your health turns orange and use them immidiately to prevent blood loss of any kind. This should let you keep some of your health, and you'll be able to surivive a couple more hits. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Bandana | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ When you beat the game with Ending 1, you'll receive the bandana when you start a new game on that same file (remember, you game automatically erases once you beat it with a file). To get Ending 1, you'll have to make sure Meryl is alive and kicking. That means that you cannot submit to the torture near the end of disc one, so Meryl won't be killed. Once you watch Meryl's ending, you'll have the Bandana. If you equip this item in your slot, you can fire any weapon and you'll have infinite ammo. You know what that means? FAMAS galore during combat! YEAH! +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Body Armor | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This has got to be one of the most useful items in the game. Too bad you get it so late in the game. Seriously, you'll probably find yourself wearing this throughout the whole game whenever another item isn't required or whenever you don't need to use a Ration. In the Nuke Building B2, there's a level six door. Inside, you can find the Body Armor. Once equipped, you'll have better protection. That means any damage you take from enemies (weapons or melee tactics), you'll suffer only half of the damage. When you get to the later boss fights, like the Hind D, and the second Raven battle, this will become very useful because the weapons used in those battles deal major damage. Make sure, if you want to survive, to switch to a Ration temporarily when you get to low health. If you keep switching between the Body Armor and Rations, then the game will get a lot less frustrating. However, I don't recommend Body Armor for players who want a challenge, but on the Extreme difficulty, I won't blame you for using the Body Armor :) +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Camera | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ One of the rare special items in the game, that most people will overlook completely. To get it, head to the Armory South, pass the room with Ocelot, and blow up the wall. There's a level six door here. Enter it and crawl under the obstacles to grab the camera. Once you have it, you'll have this item in your invetory from the start of every game. But what does the camera do, you ask? Well, if you equip it, you'll be able to take some pictures throughout the game of whatever you wish. You can save these pictures to your memory card and then you can look at them at the main menu. To do so, simply go to the Photo Album in the Special Menu. There, you can adjust the RGB color of the photos, as well as change the names of the photos that you've taken. You can also take the "Ghost Pictures" by using the camera. What are ghost pictures, you ask? Ghost Pictures are hard to find, unless you know where to find them. If you take a picture of a certain point, it'll come out differently, with the picture a developer. There's no reward for getting all of the ghost pictures, but it's fun and grants a little satisfaction, just like the Dog Tags do. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Cardboard Boxes | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Cardboard boxes have many uses, and they are all useful. This is one of those items where you'll either use the boxes a LOT- as in all the time. Or you'll use the boxes pretty much once every game- that or never. There are three different boxes, and while a few of their uses are the same, each box has a different use. This first box, BOX 1, is found inside the Tank Hangar. On the second floor, enter the first room to your left as you climb the stairs. BOX 2 is found in the Nuke Builidng B1. Near the start of the area, head left. On the second floor, you can find it in a room on the left. The third box is found much later in the game; it's in the Snowfield, where you fight Sniper Wolf for the second time. You can find the box northeast of the truck. Now, whenever you equip any of the three boxes, you'll automatically hide under them. Guards will walk right past the boxes, since they see them every ten feet. However, if they notice that a box is moving (you CAN move while under a box; you just can't fire a weapon), they'll become suspicious (who wouldn't?). Sometimes, the guards also might notice that a box has changed places, and then they'll check out the situation. This can be called a substitute for a locker if you can't find one in the area. The best places to have boxes are in corners of rooms, or maybe you can be next to a bunch of other boxes or crates. A place that isn't very intelligent is somehwere like the middle of the floor in an open room with five guards patrolling the area. All three boxes have a separate use, which is similar, but different if you know what I mean. There is a truck in the Nuclear Storage Building 1F, and if you climb into it and use a cardboard box, you'll be transporated to the area that is written on the side of the box. It's a way to get to areas that would usually take much longer to reach on foot. Anyway, Box 1 will take you to the Helipad (not like you'd need to go to the Helipad anyway, but it can be good access to the Tank Hangar or somewhere close to it). Box 2 will take you to the Nuke Building B1. Of course, you'd have access to it by climbing the stairs and taking the elevator, but you can avoid the guards by taking the truck. And finally, box number 3 will take you to the Snowfield. The Snowfield has many doors and you might've missed a couple of the doors there, so if you want to get some, you can head take the transport. Also, the Snowfield leads to the later areas of the game, where important thigns can be found. If you get all three boxes, you'll have a very nice form of transportation so make sure to get them as soon as possible! +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Card Lv. X keys | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The Level X in the description stands for a number between 1 and 7; yes, there's seven card keys that you can find. You might have noticed that there are doors with numbers on them. The numbers refer to the level required to open the door. So if you have a level four card key, you won't be able to open a level six door. The first card key is gotten from the DARPA Chief after you rescue him. The second card key can be gotten from the ArmsTech president after you beat Ocelot. After you beat the first Raven, Snake will automatically retrieve the third card key from a guard's body. After you rescue Emmerich (Otacon), he'll give you card key level four. The fifth card key is gotten from Meryl when you meet up with her about halfway through the game. Otacon will give you the sixth card key when you're locked up in a cell during the torture scene near the end of disc one. The seventh card key is gotten MUCH later in the game; once you kill Raven in the Warehouse, he'll give you the final card key. The doors open automatically if you have the card key because the doors read the salt stored in the card. The cards never have to actually be equipped; as long as you have one on you, the corresponding door (and all doors with a lower number) will open. When you get later card keys, you can backtrack to earlier areas and open doors that you couldn't before; good items are usually stored in those rooms. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Cigarettes | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Snake smuggled his smokes into the facility by placing them in his stomach. You'll start the game with these items, and you seem to have an unlimited amount of them. However, you'll probably NEVER use these. They are useful in one way, and bad in another. If you equip them, whenever you snipe, your hands will stop shaking, allowing you to aim straight. Also, you'll be able to see any infrared lasers, useful if you haven't gotten the Thermal Goggles yet (although you should get the goggles by the time you run into any infrared problems. The bad thing about cigarettes is that your health decreases. Not super fast, but it doesn't decrease slowly either. You shouldn't have these equipped for that long anyway, if you happen to use them, so don't worry. However, like I said before, you'll probably never need these. Besides, Pentazemin (another item) makes your hands stop shaking without any side effects and your thermal goggles let you see infrared lasers... I don't even know why this item exists... +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Dog Tags | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The dog tags weren't in the original Metal Gear Solid (though they were in Metal Gear Solid 2), and have been added in as one of the two sidequests that are available in this game. The dog tags can be found pretty much everywhere on specific soldiers, but the soldiers on where the dog tags are found are different for each difficulty. So you'll have to go through Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Extreme before collecting all the dog tags. Once you get them, nothing will happen. There's pretty much no reward from them. The dog tags are used to identify a soldier if they're killed, so you can view the name of the soldier, blood type, etc. if you wish. It's a fun little extra, but you'll wish that there was SOME kind of reward after gettinig them all... +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Gas Mask | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The gas mask is a useful item, but you really won't be using it that much. You'll find it in the Nucleaer Storage Building B2, inside onoe of the many rooms there. It's an ideal place to find it, since the Nuclear Storage Building B2 is always filled with poisonous gas. Anyway, if you equip it, you'll automatically put it on. Your oxygen meter (which appears when you're in areas with gas or when you're underwater) will deplete much slower, allowing you to remain in areas with gas for longer periods of time than you could before. However, I don't suggest equipping these and then switching to First-Person mode. It's pretty complicated to see through the gas mask. But then again, there are pretty much no guards in gassy areas. Therefore, you shouldn't have to worry about any types of attack that require you to go into First-Person mode. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Handkerchief | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The handkerchief, while it may seem completely useless, is one of the most useful items in the game, although you probably will use it only once or twice. In the Caves area, a bunch of Sniper Wolf's guard dogs are patrolling the area. If they spot you, they'll attack. They are pretty hard to take down because if you shoot in Third-Person mode, you'll go over their heads and they'll always charge at you when you're in First-Person mode, which really messes up your aim. The handkerchief stops all of this. Since it has a little of Sniper Wolf's scent on it, the dogs will obey you and follow you around, but they won't show any sign of attacking you. If you unequip the handkerchief, the dogs will immidiiately start to attack again, so be careful. It's best to equip it just before you enter the caves. With it, you can enter new areas without fear of being stalked and ripped apart by the dogs. You get the handkerchief from Otacon when you're being tortured. He brings it to you, along with three other items. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Ketchup | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The Ketchup, while it may seem useless, is a total lifesaver for when you're being tortured and you need to escape. It's given to you by Otacon, along with three other items. The way to use it is this: after Otacon leaves, quickly lay down onto the floor. Highlight the Ketchup and press A and a pool of Ketchup will appear below you. When the guard returns from the bathroom, he'll open the cell door, thinking your dead. That's when you have to quickly get up and take him out. This shouldn't fail, unless the guard sees you lying down or if you shift while he's looking at you. You only get to use this once, but there'd be no purpose for it after you get out of the cell anyway. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | PAL Key | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ After you defeat Revolver Ocelot and rescure Baker, he'll give you the PAL Key. This key is used for shutting down Metal Gear (it's an alternative to the two passcodes, which you can't get). If you equip it at any time except in the last part of the game, it'll do nothing. However, you have to equip it in the last part of the game to have it change color and to insert it into the computer. Once you do that, there's no more use for it anymore, although you'll be 99% done with the game after you use it :) +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Pentazemin | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ In the first part of the game, you won't find any of these. However, as you get closer and closer to the area where you first meet Sniper Wolf, you'll find these lying all over the place. What do they do? Well, they have one of the same functions as the cigarettes do. They'll stop Snake's hands from shaking whenever he's sniping. If his hands are shaking, you won't be able to aim straight, and that's never a good thing. You'll start finding these all over the place once you get one of the two sniper rifles, and you'll even find them during the two Sniper Wolf battles, where you'll need them the most. Without them, it's a lot harder to snipe. However, since you probably won't be sniping that much during the main course of the game, there will be no use to them. You can carry up to five Pentazemin at a time, but that's a lot more than enough for whatever you plan to snipe. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Medicine | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This has only one use, and half the players won't need it, the other half will need it. Taking the medicine cures a cold, and colds are not good (Snake will be running around, sneezing and making noise). In the Nuclear Storage Building B1, you can find the Medicine in the computer room south of the elevator; here, it's in one of the rooms on the left side (after you get out of torture, you should be able to get into the door). There's only one way to catch a cold: if you submit to the torture during the torture event. Otherwise, you'll have no need for the medicine. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Mine Detector | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The Mine Detector is another one of those items that are useful, but you won't be using them very much in the game. You can find the Mine Detector in the Tank Hangar on floor two. It's in a room on the right that's protected by a level two security lock. You should be able to easily figure out what the Mine Detector does; it, well, detects mines. On your radar, if you have the Mine Detector equipped, you'll be able to see the Claymores scattered about. Although most of the mines are in the Canyon area, which is the place where you'll go right after you get the detector, there are some Claymores in the later parts of the game, where you'll need to get out your Mine Detector again. For the most part, it'll just remain sitting in Snake's invetory. If you want the Claymores, then the item has really no use, since the only way to get Claymores is by crawling, and crawling ensures that you won't be damaged by a mine even if you go right over it. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | MO Disc | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ TOTALLY useless. Seriously. You'll get it from President Baker after the battle with Ocelot, and it supposidely contains information on the Metal Gear project that both FOXHOUND and the colonel need. However, it'll be taken from you by Ocelot during the torture session. Although it appears in your invetory, you'll never have to use it, so just ignore it. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Nightvision Goggles | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Everyone here knows what nightvision goggles do, right? Yeah, well they're in this game also. It's helpful in one part, but not required, and besides, the Thermal Goggles are just as useful, except they have more abilities. In the Nuclear Storage Builidng B2, you can it in the room on your left that's all the way north (there's a Sentry Gun close by). If you equip the Nightvision Goggles, then everything will become green. You'll have a clearer view of the area than you would with the Thermal Goggles, so I guess that's a plus. Most of the areas in the game are bright (unless you have the brightness turned down), so you won't be needing them for 95% of the game. However, when you're in the caves, you'll know how dark it gets in there, and you'll need to whip out your goggles. You'll be able to see a lot then, but your vision can sometimes still be a little complicated. Another place where the Nightvision Goggles are useful is in the vents that connect the Helipad and the Tank Hangar. However, there's like no chance that you'll ever visit that place again :) +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Ration | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ Rations are little yellow cans that are found basically EVERYWHERE. Seriously, you can find some right behind you at the start of the game up until the very last area in the game. And Rations are also what is possibly the most used item. Why? Well, they're basically health packs. Military food that gives you energy, to be more precise. You can use these in two different ways. First, if you get low on health (like orange area, you start bleeding, and you don't have a Bandaid to help you), you can bring up the items screen. Scroll down to a Raton and press A and Snake will eat it. This refills some of Snake's health. The amount of health that is refilled depends on the difficulty. For example, on Very Easy, if you eat a Ration, all health will be refilled. On Easy, eating a Ration only restores fifty percent of your health, and so on. There is another way to use a Ration, and if you aren't the lazy type, it can be the more useful way. If you actually equip the Ration to your items, so you can view it in the bottom left-hand corner, it'll be used automatically. That means when you run out of health, one Ration will be taken from your total and the amount of health that is refilled on whatever difficulty you're playing will be granted to Snake, allowing you to keep on fighting. No type of cinema really occurs, it'll just... refill. So sometimes, you won't even realize that you have lost all health unless you notice that there is one less Ration in your invetory. These are probably one of the most common items, as well as the most useful ones. You can find them literally everywhere, and you'll often find yourself having the max amount (which is five, and that, in my opinion, is plenty). You need to bear in mind that Rations effect your ranking at the end of the game. If you use lots and lots of Rations, then the ranking that you have will decrease. If you use little to no Rations, you'll probably get a very high rating. Something you should pay attention to if you're going for the "Big Boss" rating (which is the highest rank you can receive). +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Rope | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The Rope is good for pretty much one thing only, but in order to progress any further, you'll need the Rope. After you trip the infrared laser in the Communications Tower "A", you'll be able to grab the Rope that's literally right in front of you. When you get to the top of the tower and have to escape, you can run towards the railing and you'll automatically use the rope to go down. To descend, press A and you'll jump down the wall. You can also press left or right as you press A to do jumps. If you hold B and left or right, you'll slowly move in the direction you're holding the control stick in. Also note that your "GRIP" meter takes effect here (if it empties, you'll fall off and to your death). If you land on platforms, the "GRIP" meter is restored. Make sure to grab the rope as you reach the bottom of the tower, since... I don't know, just grab it, okay? +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Scope | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The scope is a useless item, although there might be one out of every three hundred people who might use them. The scope is basically Snake's binoculars, and you'll starft the game with them. If you equip them, you'll automatically go into First- Person mode. From there, the controls work just as if you're using a sniper weapon (although your hands don't shake). Hold down the B button and you'll start to zoom in. If you want to zoom out, just hold the X button. If you want to see where guards are stationed, or where you can get a good position to shoot at them, then you can use the Scope. There's really no other use for them, other than that, but there's no way to dispose of the item. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | SOCOM Suppressor | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The SOCOM Suppressor does just what its name suggests: it surpresses the sound of the SOCOM. When you first get the SOCOM, it'll make a loud noise as you fire a bullet. This noise can attract guards. If the suppressor has been screwed on to the SOCOM, then the gunshot will be a lot quieter (not completely silent, but still very quiet), so you can fire it off without fear of guards discovering you. The SOCOM Suppressor is located in the Tank Hangar. It's on floor one, and in a room on the right. When you get it, simply equip it and then equip the SOCOM. Bingo, the SOCOM now has surpressed sound. The SOCOM Suppressor goes away after you screw it on to the SOCOM. After you screw it on, your SOCOM will be silent for the rest of the game. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Stealth | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ This is Stealth Camelflogue given to you by Otacon (Dr. Emmerich). The only way to get this is by getting Ending 2, the worse ending. To get Ending 2, you'll have to submit to the torture that Ocelot gives you near the end of Disc One. Meryl will be killed, and Otacon will be in the ending sequence instead of Meryl. Like the Bandanna, you get this at the start of your next game. However, it has to be in the same file, so once you beat the game and it erases, start a new one there. The Stealth Camelflouge is one of the most useful items in the game, possibly more useful than the Bandana. If you equip it, you'll become invisible to all enemies in the facility. This will allow you to pass by any guard in any area, unless you trip infrared lasers. The game, even on the hardest difficulties, becomes much easier with the Stealth Camelflouge. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Thermal Goggles | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ The Thermal Goggles are very useful in some situations, but they aren't needed for about nintey percent of the game. First, you'll find the Thermal Goggles in the Tank Hangar (where you find pretty much everything). It's on the second floor, in a room on the right side. If you equip these, you'll automatically go into thermal mode. All colors will be changed and the color will depend on the thermal distribution disturbances. There are two great uses to the Thermal Goggles. One, it acts as a sug to cigarettes, and allows you to see infrared lasers. They can be a little hard to spot when everything else is preatically the same color, but you'll still be able to see them. Don't worry, Snake is not going to lose health when the Thermal Goggles are equipped (unlike the cigs). Second, it lets you see in dark areas. The nightvision goggles give you a better vision of the area, since everything isn't all in very bright colors. There are smaller uses to the Thermal Goggles. One, you can see the invisible mines. Not on your radar, but on the actual game screen. Two, you'll be able to see the cloacked Ninja during the second part of his battle (although it's easy to find him anyway). The Thermal Goggles is an item that you won't want to miss. +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Time Bomb | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ At last, we come to the final item. The Time Bomb is BAD. VERY BAD. There are only two time bombs in the game, but you won't want to be the victim of either. Once it gets into your invetory, its timer will automatically start to count down. The first Time Bomb has a countdown of four minutes, while the second Time Bomb has a countdown of only one minute. If either of the Time Bomb's... time (>_>) runs out, then it'll explode. The first Time Bomb is found right after you get your item chest when you escape from the torture. Quickly take it out and throw it, then run to a secure place. The second Time Bomb is found in the last area, where you're trying to retrieve the PAL Card. When you run under the bridge that's in the sewage water, you'll collect the Time Bomb. Again, take it out and throw it, then run to a safe place while it explodes. Both Time Bombs explode only a few seconds after you throw them, no matter how much time was left on them. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Codec Use %%%%%| VH01 | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== The CODEC is the item that you use for contacting the general, as well as Mei Ling, Meryl, Master, Otacon, etc. Here, I'll list the frequency of each person, their purpose, and when you get their frequency. +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.85--------------------+ |Colonel Roy Campbell| The colonel is the first person you'll contact by Codec, and| +--------------------+ you get him at what is pretty much the VERY beginning of the| | game. If you ever get stuck with something, then the colonel| | is the person to contact. Of course, you could always just | | use this FAQ... | |------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.85--------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.85--------------------+ |Dr. Naomi Hunter | Naomi is also contacted by using the same frequency as | +--------------------+ colonel Campbell. If you contact the frequency, you'll get | | either Campbell or Naomi. Most of the time, Naomi will | | contact you, so you don't need to worry about contacting | | her. Like Campbell, she is available at the start of the | | game. | |------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.85--------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.96--------------------+ |Mei Ling | You get Mei Ling after you arrive at the Helipad, which is | +--------------------+ pratically the start of the game. Whenver you contact Mei | | Ling, you'll be given the option of saving your game. If you| | do save, then Mei Ling will almost always give you a famous | | quote after it. They seem interesting at first, but they get| | old and irritating fast. The only time she doesn't give you | | a quote is when you're in a boss or mini-boss battle. | |------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.96--------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: 141.80--------------------+ |McDonald Miller | McDonald Miller is the former trainer of FOXHOUND. He is | +--------------------+ referred to as the Master in the game, because he trained | | Snake. You'll first talk to Miller when you're crawling | | through the vents and into the Tank Hangar. He basically | | gives you advice, just like colonel Campbell does. If you're| | stuck and Campbell and this FAQ are no help (yeah right), | | then contact Master Miller. | |------------------------FREQUENCY: 141.80--------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.15--------------------+ |Meryl | Meryl is basically used for the same purpose as the others; | +--------------------+ she can help you get through areas where you're stuck. The | | first time you talk to her will be after President Baker | | dies. You have to contract her yourself, but the only way to| | find out the frequency is looking at the third picture on | | the back of the game package. After you talk to her the | | first time, you can use her for advice. When she gets | | kidnapped at the end of disc one, you'll always get NO | | RESPONSE from her Codec if you try to contact her. | |------------------------FREQUENCY: 140.15--------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: xxx.xx--------------------+ |Deepthroat | Deepthroat is a mysterious character whose identity is not | +--------------------+ revealed until the end of the game. His frequency is stored | | into your Codec's memory, but it's no use, since you'll | | always get NO RESPONSE whenever you try to contact him. He | | only contacts you two or three times during the game to give| | you useful advice. | |------------------------FREQUENCY: xxx.xx--------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: 141.12--------------------+ |Otacon | Otacon is one of the top workers behind the Metal Gear | +--------------------+ project, so he has valuable information for Snake. He is | | also obsessed with Japanese anime, which is why he got the | | nickname "Otacon." Anyway, after you defeat the Ninja and | | rescue Otacon, he'll give you his frequency. It isn't stored| | into memory until you contact him once, so make sure to | | contact him the moment you become in control so it can be | | stored in memory for later use. He basically gives you info | | like everyone else, be he is a HUGE lifesaver in most | | situations near the end of the game. | |------------------------FREQUENCY: 141.12--------------------+ |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| +--------------------+------------------------FREQUENCY: 141.52--------------------+ |Nastasha Romanenko | When you get the STINGER, you'll get in touch with Nastasha | +--------------------+ for the first time. She's an expert on weapons, but after | | you talk to her for that first time, she'll never contact | | you again. And you'll never need to contact her again; she | | gives useless advice anyway. But if you're feeling | | desperate, she's always available for talking. | |------------------------FREQUENCY: 141.52--------------------+ ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Dog Tags %%%%%| DTAG | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Very Easy | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ -------------------------------------------------------------- Dog Tag Number | Name of Soldier | Location of Soldier | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 00 | Ryan McCarthy | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 01 | Alexandra Ignatoff | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 02 | Hyun Sup Kim | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 03 | Bruno Petit | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 04 | Yuu Shinohara | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 05 | Hector S. Garcia | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 06 | Young Chan Park | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 07 | Rathana Danh Sang | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 08 | Scott Derby | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 09 | Johnny Kickmaler | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 10 | Jerimiah W. Harte | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 11 | Alejandro Garcia | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 12 | Menelaos Papadimitriou| Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 13 | Zaheer Omar | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 14 | Ryan Callender | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Numberr 15 | Mamoru Mizuno | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 16 | Jin Zhao | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 17 | Tomoyuki Marumo | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 18 | Jason Clarke | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 19 | Mikiyasu Kambayashi | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 20 | Gary Goemans | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 21 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 22 | Meryl Sliverburgh | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 23 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 24 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 25 | Vulcan Raven | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 26 | Liquid Snake | Supply Route | -------------------------------------------------------------- +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Easy | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ -------------------------------------------------------------- Dog Tag Number | Name of Soldier | Location of Soldier | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 00 | Sasa Radosevic | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 01 | Huang Rongsheng | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 02 | Damian Di Carlo | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 03 | Randy W. McAllister | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 04 | Carlos Costa | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 05 | Federico A. Elli | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 06 | Kevin Leung | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 07 | David Falcon Marrero | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 08 | Elran Joseph Ettinger | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 09 | Miguel Barreiro | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 10 | Jan Lobrich | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 11 | Alistair Kan | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 12 | Benjamin T. Turner | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 13 | Henk Van Den Brink | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 14 | Daijyu Sato | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 15 | Ryan G. Vicera | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 16 | Diogo M. Ferandes | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 17 | John D. Eriani | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 18 | Chris Kholer | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 19 | Pat RW Hart | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 20 | Matt Davies | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 21 | Aurora Portet | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 22 | Johhny Sasaki | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 23 | Meryl Silverburgh | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 24 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 25 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Wolf | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 26 | Vulcan Raven | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 27 | Liquid Snake | Supply Route | -------------------------------------------------------------- +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Normal | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ -------------------------------------------------------------- Dog Tag Number | Name of Soldier | Location of Soldier | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 00 | Michael P. Janes | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 01 | Paul Rogozinski | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 02 | Rich Barnes | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 03 |KalleSeponpoikaViitanen| Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 04 | Dan Amadio | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 05 | Kate Dyson | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 06 | Kaleb T. Heil | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 07 | Kevin Gordon | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 08 | Carlos A. Ortega | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 09 | Edward A. Holmberg | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 10 | Suneel C. Buggal | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 11 | Ken Alguire | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 12 | David Miner | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 13 | Steven Tieu | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 14 | Souta Akaka | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 15 | Paul Caporicci | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 16 | Akitaka Tosaka | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 17 | Carey Murray | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 18 | Brian L. Hansen | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 19 | Eric Dechaux | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 20 | Essm Khili L. Obaldi | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 21 | Vog Chan Phuc | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 22 | Patrick Ingoldsby | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 23 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 24 | Meryl Silverburgh | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 25 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 26 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 27 | Vulca Raven | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 28 | Liquid Snake | The Supply Route | -------------------------------------------------------------- +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Hard | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ -------------------------------------------------------------- Dog Tag Number | Name of Soldier | Location of Soldier | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 00 | Mark Ernest Torio | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 01 | Alex H. Higgins | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 02 | Li Shi Dan | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 03 | Kristopher Schmitt | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 04 |Arthuer Manuel Szpilski| Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 05 | Kevin S. Weng | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 06 | Michael A. Williams | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 07 | Patrick M. Michalishyn| The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 08 | Julliard Ej Emillien | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 09 | Ross Lillo | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 10 | Andy E. Turner | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 11 | Nouri Frederic | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 12 | Eric J. Holmes | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 13 | Alex G. Fisico | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 14 | Jong Dong Kim | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 15 | David Masserrat | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 16 | Jad V. Jureidini | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 17 | John Michael V. Lim | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 18 | Andrew M. Long | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 19 | Bruno Almeida Vilares | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 20 |DmitriySergeevitchKova.| The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 21 | Oscar M. Grandell | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 22 |FernandoMakio Yoshimoto| Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 23 | Chirstopher J. Barbour| The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 24 |JoseMariaCastilloSecilla The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 25 |Michael R. Klingensmith| The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 26 | Doug Tooley | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 27 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 28 | Meryl Silverburgh | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 29 | Psycho Mantis | Commander Room | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 30 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 31 | Vulca Raven | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 32 | Liquid Snake | The Supply Route | -------------------------------------------------------------- +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ | Extreme | +====---------------------------------------------------------------------====+ -------------------------------------------------------------- Dog Tag Number | Name of Soldier | Location of Soldier | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 00 | Leon Shi | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 01 | Itoh Yuuichi | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 02 | Justin C. Weber | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 03 | Augusto M. Piccio | Heliport | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 04 | Nam Huan Ho | Tank Hanger | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 05 | Vlad A. Parfyonov | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 06 | Kris O.R. Sutton | Tank Hangar | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 07 | David P. Newman | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 08 | Tres Feia | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 09 | Kyle P. Wright | The Armory | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 10 | Markus A. Lindgvisit | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 11 | Ted Traver | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 12 | Solid Emad Yiaaj | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 13 | Seosamh Gowran | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 14 | Kiba Wang Amada | The Canyon | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 15 | Iora Oda | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 16 | James O'Reilly | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 17 | Tomotaka Morita | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 18 | John H. Weaver | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 19 | Jaeho Song | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 20 | Todd Macintyre | Blast Furnace | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 21 | Mike Lisman | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 22 | Wai K. Lam | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 23 | Kenichi Rou Kudo | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 24 | Inhyuk Lim | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 25 | Eric Gatinaeu | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 26 | Brad Furminger | The Warehouse North | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 27 | Theo Colin Tyler King | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 28 | Robert G. Pring | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 29 | Jun Yo Kim | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 30 | Paris Alexandre | The Underground Base| -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 31 | Johnny Sasaki | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 32 | Meryl Silverburgh | Nuke Building B1 | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 33 | Psycho Mantis | The Commander Room | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 34 | Sniper Wolf | Snow Field | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 35 | Vulcan Raven | The Warehouse | -------------------------------------------------------------- Number 36 | Liquid Snake | Supply Route | -------------------------------------------------------------- ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Secrets/Cameos %%%%%| SECA | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== ---------------------- +------------------------------- Alternate Ending Theme | To unlock the Alternate Ending ---------------------+ | Theme, complete the game three | | times. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Receive Bandana | To get the bandana, which ---------------------+ | grants you infinite ammo when | | equipped, beat the game with | | Ending 1, Meryl's ending. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Boss Survival Minigame | To get the Boss Survival ---------------------+ | Minigame, simply beat the game | | once. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Get Crimson Ninja | To get the Crimson Ninja, ---------------------+ | simply beat the game two | | times. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Meryl Cinema Scenes | To get the scenes from Meryl's ---------------------+ | part of the story, complete | | the game with Ending 1, | | Meryl's ending. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Meryl Cinema Scenes 2 | To get the second set of ---------------------+ | scenes from Meryl's part of the | | story (alternate costumes), | | beat the game as Tuxedo Snake. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Otacon Cinema Scenes | To get the scenes from ---------------------+ | Otacon's part of the story, | | complete the game with Ending | | 2, Otacon's ending. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Otacon Cinema Scenes 2 | To get the second set of ---------------------+ | scenes from Otacon's part of | | the story (alternate costumes), | | beat the game as Tuxedo Snake. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Sneaking Meryl | To unlock the sneaking Meryl, ---------------------+ | simply complete the game | | twice. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Start with the camera | To start with the camera that ---------------------+ | allows to take pictures, simply | | beat the game with the camera | | already in your invetory. +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Receive Stealth | To get the Stealth Camelflogue ---------------------+ | from Otacon, which allows you | | to become invisible to | | enemies, simply beat the game | | with Ending 2, +----+------------------------------- ---------------------- +------------------------------- Get Tuxedo | To get the tuxedo costume, ---------------------+ | simply complete the game two | | times. +----+------------------------------- o-------------------o |See Mario and Yoshi| o-------------------o--------------------------+ | In the area where you | | save Otacon, look on one | | of the computers and you | | will see Mario and Yoshi.| o--------------------------+ o-------------------o |See Alex Roivas | o-------------------o--------------------------+ | To see Alex, from Eternal| | Darkness, lay a Book | | down. Look at it in | | First-Person view to see | | Alex. | o--------------------------+ o-------------------o |See a Gamecube | o-------------------o--------------------------+ | In the area where you | | save Otacon, look at one | | of the computers and you | | will see a Gamecube and a| | Wavebird controller on | | the screen. | o--------------------------+ o-------------------o |See Mario and Yoshi| o-------------------o--------------------------+ | In the area where you | | save Otacon, look on one | | of the computers and you | | will see Mario and Yoshi.| o--------------------------+ o-------------------o |ED:SR poster | o-------------------o--------------------------+ | In the Armory, there is a| | room with NIKITA ammo. | | Inside one of the lockers| | is an Eternal Darkness: | | Sanity's Requium poster. | o--------------------------+ o-------------------o |See Mario and Yoshi| o-------------------o--------------------------+ | In the area where you | | save Otacon, look on one | | of the computers and you | | will see Mario and Yoshi.| o--------------------------+ o-------------------o |ZOE poster | o-------------------o--------------------------+ | To see a ZOE poster, look| | at the back wall during | | the Ninja battle. | o--------------------------+ ++++++++++++++++++++++ o Zoom on cut-scenes o ++++++++++++++++++++++ | | ----------+----------- To zoom in on any cut-scene, simply hold the R button. To have the camera wander, use the C-stick. ---------------------- ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% PS/GC DIFFERENCES %%%%%| PSGC | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== Not a whole lot of differences are betweten the PlayStation and Gamecube version of Metal Gear Solid, but the differences are some things that you'll definitely notice, especially if you've played the original. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Graphics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The biggest change. You'll notice that the graphics are a step up from Metal Gear Solid 2, and a HUGE step up from the original game. Everything is made of more polygons, and there has been more colors added, as well as better resolution (so you can see things more clearly). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First-Person mode ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This makes the game less frustrating, since while in First-Person mode you can aim up or down or to the side easier, to perform more headshots or hit a target that you can't hit aiming normally. You can't move in First-Person mode (the game would be MUCH too easy if you did), and you have an option of simply clicking the Z button to switch or holding the Z buttton to switch (one for novice players, one for advanced players). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hanging from ledges ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a useful technique that allows you to evade enemies at some points and then allows you to get to places easier at other points. You can hang on a ledge and do pull-ups (to exercise, therefore increasing the amount of time you have to hold onto the ledge) or drop down. One useful technique when hanging from a ledge is dropping off one ledge and grabbing onto another as you fall. It takes practice, but it's rewarding. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lockers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lockers make evading enemies much easier, since you can hide in them and watch as enemies pass by. You can also hide bodies in the lockers, therefore preventing the guards from finding them (since guards never look in lockers). Another useful thing about lockers is that you can find some items in there, items that weren't placed in the original game. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A new weapon (the M9) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A very useful weapon that you get at the beginning of the game. The M9 is a tranquilizer that is very silent (if a gun is silent, it doesn't attract attention), and can put guards to sleep with one hit in any part of the body. This is useful if you need to quickly pass by a guard, so you can just tranquilize him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cameos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Like the PlayStation version had cameos from Sony games, the Gamecube version has cameos from Nintendo games. For example, you can see Mario and Yoshi on one of the computers in one area, and then a Wavebird controller and Nintendo Gamecube in another area. Most cameos are useless and are just placed in the game for fun, but some cameos can actually help you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dog Tags ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Dog Tags were introduced in Metal Gear Solid 2. What's the reward for getting a dog tag? Nothing, but if you get them all, consider yourself one of the better players of the game. Silicon Knights was intelligent enough to put a different set of dog tags in the game for each difficulty, so if you want them all, you have to pretty much master the game or SERIOUSLY master stealth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Additional cut-scenes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you were to watch all the cut-scenes of the game in a row, without any interruptions, you'd be finished a couple of hours after you start. There are lots of new cut-scenes in this game, scenes that weren't in the original Metal Gear Solid. This is the reason that the game comes on two discs. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Legal Info %%%%%| LIFO | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |MAJOR NOTE: This FAQ will be hosted by ONLY GAMEFAQS.COM, IGN.COM, | |NEOSEEKER.COM, AND GAMENOTOVER.COM! NO! YOU CANNOT PUT THIS ON YOUR SITE! No| |matter how many times I say don't, WAY too many people take my FAQs without | |my permission. I have grown to trust only these four sites, who haven't | |actually stolen any type of work from people. Even if you want my FAQ, sorry| |but thanks to some certain sites, only these four are allowed to host it. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Note that if you DO steal my FAQs, you will regret it. Seriously regret it. Stealing someone's work without asking is something that FAQ writers get really pissed off at. Stealing someone's work and crediting someone else for it is PLAGIARISM! That is a SERIOUS violation and I assure you, you'll pay dearly if you plagiarize any of my work. ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Contact %%%%%| CIFO | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ AIM Contact rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My AIM: me frog 12345 PLEASE don't start whole conversations with me. Chances are, if I'm on, I'm usually talking to somebody else, and I don't want to stop to have a conversation with somebody that I don't know. Just ask the question, you'll definitely get a response, and then that's it. Note that I don't know the answer to everything. If you ask a question that I'm unsure about, I'll simply tell you that I don't know the answer and that'll be the end of it. Kthnxbye. Also, if you IM me asking something about the FAQ, I'll simply say, "Look in the FAQ" and then won't say anything else. I really don't like having to stop other conversations for a few moments to answer some question that's obviously already typed. If you don't get an answer in a minute, don't flip. I might be away for just a couple of minutes, or I might be talking to a bunch of other people at once. I'll usually answer within ten minutes of your question, so just keep the text box open while you do something else and you'll get a response. If you have no patience and keep posting, "What's the answer?" a dozen times, I simply won't answer you. If it gets too far, I might even block you, though I rarely do that to people who ask me questions. Don't pop up later and start chatting with me. I personally don't like it when I start to get into conversations where I don't know you. If it happens constantly, I'll simply block you. Note that you don't have to worry about warnings; I'll never warn someone, I'll just block him or her completely. Well, that should be it then. Now on to e-mail... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ E-mail contact rules ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My e-mail address is cskull@frogdesign.com. There are a few things that you can e-mail me about, and few things that you can't. First the things that are okay. Information on the game. No this does NOT mean full area guides, because if it isn't there I haven't gotten to them yet but I will. It means additional TIPS on beating an area or correcting information that I messed up. Secrets are _TOTALLY_ accepted. Praise mail. I used to be against this, but now I realize how rare praise really is. Just don't send me things like, "Yer faq is kewl, lol!!!" Suggestions for the FAQ. Something like, "Why don't you add such and such in your FAQ. NOT "Why don't you totally re-do your FAQ because it sucks!" That is just plain rude and annoying. If you don't like my FAQ, tell me things to make it better! The things that you CAN'T e-mail me about are... Spam. This is the NUMBER 0NE thing that you must not send. I get at least twenty spam e-mails a day and I don't need yours it doesn't help. Please don't send any. Asking permission to use this FAQ. No, you can't, so don't bother. Only four sites, which I have listed at the top of the guide, can use this FAQ. Hate mail. No I don't appreciate it if you send me an e-mail saying, "Your FAQ is the biggest piece of **** ever created! It sucks!" That just fills up my inbox and it really annoys me. Spelling/Grammar mistakes. I used to get about ten e-mails a day saying, "You spelled these two words wrong." or something like, "You used inappropriate grammar in this chapter." Please people! I can find those on my own! And that wraps up the contact. Once again my e-mail is: cskull@frogdesign.com ===================--------------------====================------------------- | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | | |%%%%% Credits/Closing %%%%%| CRCL | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | -------------------====================--------------------=================== CJayC: His awesome game site, and for posting this guide on it. osrevad: he created that cool ASCII art you see at the top And he also wants me to include this info: his AIM is nahuwe, his e-mail is omohasiosrevad@hotmail.com, and he says he'll gladly take ASCII art requests for FAQs. And he has some great art! __ / _| _ __ ___ ___ | |_ _ __ ___ __ _ | '_ ` _ \ / _ \ | _|| '__| / _ \ / _` | | | | | | || __/ | | | | | (_) || (_| | |_| |_| |_| \___| |_| |_| \___/ \__, | __/ | |___/ You can check out all of my other work at: http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/11408.html This FAQ is copyright 2004 Colin Scully