<<############################################################################>> Tactical Espionage Action ## ## #### ##### ## # ### #### ## ### #### ### # ### ### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # ## # #### # #### # # ## #### #### ### #### # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #### # # # #### ### #### # # # # #### ### #### ### ### The Twin Snakes <<############################################################################>> Ghost Pictures FAQ <<============================================================================>> Copyright <<============================================================================>> This FAQ is copyright ©2004 by Mike Nelson It may only be used on the following sites http://www.gamefaqs.com http://www.freewebs.com/metalgearsolidtwinsnakes/index.htm http://www.neoseeker.com http://www.hostultra.com/~metalgear If you would like to use it on your site please e-mail me. (See Contacts) <<============================================================================>> Contents <<============================================================================>> 1. Version History 2. Ghost Pictures FAQs 3. FAQ Key 4. Ghost Picture List 5. Contacts 6. Gratitude <<============================================================================>> Version History <<============================================================================>> Version 1.0 Made the FAQ itself and added the nice header up there. Version 1.1 Added the mini walkthroughs, and names of the people in the pictures. I also added the What are Ghost Pictures? section. Fixed a few spelling errors. Version 1.2 Added the Maps for all of the pictures. Fixed Bubblingflesh's name from Bubblingfish. Supermariosolid added the descriptions of the ghosts. Version 1.3 Added a FAQs section and the descriptions of the pictures. Version 1.4 Added some questions to the FAQs. Fixed a few errors here and there. Version 1.5 Fixed spelling errors and grammar issues. Added more to the contacts section. Version 1.6 Fixed spelling errors and edited the FAQ to meet GameFAQs standards. A new site was added to the list this FAQ can be included on. <<============================================================================>> Ghost Pictures FAQs <<============================================================================>> 1. What are ghost pictures? Ghost pictures are elusive photos of a certain area at a certain angle. After you take the picture in game and save it, which you must do, you see nothing. There is, however, a catch. If you took the picture correctly and view it in your photo album, you will see another image on top of the original picture. This image is of one of the people from the production team! They will be in some pose that looks pretty cool. 2. How much memory do they use? Ghost pictures take up 3 blocks of memory on your memory card. 3. Do they unlock anything? As of right now, having all the ghost pictures unlocks nothing but investigations are still being made. 4. How do I take pictures? Equip the camera, aim it, then press A to take the picture. Follow the on screen directions. 5. Where is the camera? The camera is in either the first or the second room near the Ocelot fight.You have to use C4 on the wall near where you use it to get into Ocelot's battle area in the first place. There area lot of gun-cameras so be careful. 6. Are your descriptions of the pictures the only way the pictures can look? No. My descriptions are what my pictures look like without the ghosts, but yours may look slightly different though they will be close. 7. What happens when you exorcise your pictures? The only thing that happens is it will remove the ghost from the picture. I don't know why you would want to do that though, the ghosts look cooler. <<============================================================================>> FAQ Key <<============================================================================>> This is going to help you figure out what I mean with certain letters, numbers or symbols throughout the FAQ maps. S = This is Snake. <,>,^,V = They will be near the S like this S<, >S, S, or V. They represent snakes field of view. ^ S <<============================================================================>> Ghost Picture List <<============================================================================>> First and foremost, Supermariosolid helped me a LOT during the picture taking process. We both worked long into the night to get these pics. He also wrote the descriptions of each ghost. They are good too! For each ghost picture I will give you the location, the object it is near, the location of the ghost related to the object, a mini walkthrough to get each picture, little maps for each one, descriptions of the pictures, descriptions of the ghostswritten by Supermariosolid, and the name of the guy who is the ghost. Here is an example. A * by it in the sample, here, means I have it completed throughout the FAQ. <<===============================================================>> 00. Location - Object* -Ghost Location* -Mini Walkthrough* -Maps* __________ | | | Individual Symbolism for example in this one the | B --| | = equals (=) a door so it would be shown like this, | | | = = Door or the B equals (=) a body and looks like, | |___| B = Body |_=_ | |___|______| -Description of Picture -Description of the Ghost* -Name of the Guy* <<===============================================================>> 01. Cargo Dock - Forklift -On the left side of the forklift -An easy one to start with. Just run up to the side of the forklift opposite the wall and snap a picture. - _______ @@| @=Forklift S< @@| | -Just the side of the forklift. -A man wearing a black shirt, with white irises and pointing a gun (looks like a Makarov) towards at the right side of the screen. -Kevin Leung <<===============================================================>> 02. Heliport - Main Door to Tank Hangar -Right on front of the door -I would take out the guards for this one, then just snap a shot of the entire door. - __===__ v === = Door S -Has the entire door in it. -A man wearing a yellow shirt with brown hair staring into an amulet with lightning shooting into his eyes. -Doug Tooley <<===============================================================>> 03. Heliport - Heliport Side Room -Its in the room -Also easy. Just go to the room west of the helipad, stand just outside the door and snap a shot. There is a camera in there so be careful. - __| |__>S | -Has just the room, not any of the sides of the door. -A man and a woman hugging. The woman is holding a trophy under her arm. -Mike Janes & Paul Rogozinski <<===============================================================>> 04. Heliport - Center of Heliport -Hangin out on the H itself -First thing is take out the lights lighting the helipad. You can do this by shooting them with the SOCOM. Then stand south of the H and snap a shot. It not be zoomed in much at all. Aim at the center of the H. - _______----_ | | | | | | | |--------| | | | | | | V | |_--___S_____| -Has the entire H, it is not zoomed at all. -Two guys sword fighting, on man is on his knees blocking the other man's broadsword with two knives. -Rich Barnes <<===============================================================>> 05. Holding Cells - Decoy Octopus Corpse -On the floor with the DARPA Chief -After the fight with Meryl and the cutscenes, go into the cells, stand at the door and snap a shot of the DARPA Chief's corpse. - ___ ___ | | | | | D | | | D = Decoy Octopus |_V_|__|_ _| S -Has the DARPA Chief's corpse from head to toe. -A woman in purplish-blue lingerie. -Pam Pagayonan <<===============================================================>> 06. Holding Cells - Looking out of Meryl's Cell -On the wall outside Meryl's cell -Also after the fight with Meryl. Stand at Meryl's door, face out of the cell and take a picture, no zooming needed. - ___ ___ | | | | | | | | |_ _|__|_S_| ^ | | ______| -Just the outside of the cell, not any of the sides of the door. -A guy with glasses with his arm on Snake's shoulder. Snake is wearing his outfit from Sons of Liberty. -Peter Handrinos <<===============================================================>> 07. Armory North - Hidden Room behind NE Blast Wall -In the hidden room east of the elevator -Get the C4, then Blow the wall east of the elevator. Stand at the opening and snap a shot into the room. - ____ _ | | |E| | | E = Elevator _===___|_ V_|_____ S -Has just the room, not any of the cracked wall. -A man wearing a blue shirt holding a sword,it looks like the Alastor from Devil May Cry. In the background you can see the picture of a women smiling in blue aura that is surrounding the man. -Bryan Abad <<===============================================================>> 08. Tank Hangar - Airlock -In the room with the lasers before the canyon -Call Meryl and have her open the door in th hangar. When its open, stand at the door and snap a shot into the room with the lasers. - _____ |-----| |-----| |-----| -- = Lasers | V | == = Level 5 Door _===S===_ | -Has the sides of the room leading up to the far door. -A man in a orange shirt and woman giving a creepy smile. Their eyes are glowing orange. -Kevin Gordon <<===============================================================>> 09. Canyon - Large Rock, Right of Minefield -On the rock itself, you have to be close to find him. -First clear the minefield then go right up to the rock on the east side of the canyon. Take out the camer and adjust it so you don't see above or around the rock in anyway. Take a picture and that should be it. - ## | S<####| ## = Rock ####| == = Door ###| ____====____| -Its all rock texture, nothing else. -A man in a blue shirt with his sunglasses on his head smiling. His eyes are glowing white. -James O'Reilly <<===============================================================>> 10. Nuke Building - Looking in to Nuke Room from Catwalk -On the window at the end of the catwalk. -After the tank fight, go up the catwalk on the west side of the room just before the room with the gaurds. Stand at the window as far up as possible. Take the shot. - _ ------ |V| : |S| : | | : -You see mainly the fence in front of the window. -A man with glasses weiring a green shirt with Gumby's face on it. He's in attack mode weilding a knife. -Andrew Paton <<===============================================================>> 11. Nuke Building - In front of lockers -On the front of the lockers -Knock out or avoid the gaurds somehow and go to the lockers on the west side of the room below the stairs. Stand back a little to get all of both of the lockers. - | |_ _ |_| >S _| = Locker |_| |______ -Has the two lockers and a little of the wall behind them. -A man with a brown backwards cap on, weilding a futuristic Desert Eagle. -Don Toledo <<===============================================================>> 12. B1 Nuke Bld. - Men's Room Mirror -On the middle mirror -Knock out the gaurd and go up to the middle mirror. Stand back slightly and take the shot. - |_ : | : |>S : = Mirror :_| | -Has the entire mirror. -A bald man with a goatee wearing black sunglasses giving a smug look. -Dave Miner <<===============================================================>> 13. B1 Nuke Bld. - Commander's Room Door -On the door itself -Simply go up to the level 5 door and snap a shot. - === | V | === = Door | S | -Has the entire door and a little of the ceiling. -A man floating. He's wearing a black jacket with a giant sword going down his chest. His face is orange, red, and purple. -Scott Williamson <<===============================================================>> 14. B2 Nuke Bld. - Electric Floor -On the wall at the end of the hall -When you enter the gas room, after the cutscene, just pull out the camera and aim at the wall at the end of the hall and keep the floor in it. - === : S | :#^#|__ |###]__| |###|__ |###]__| # = Electric Floor |###|__ |###]__| |###| ___|###|____ ############ ############ ------------ -You can see the floor all the way down to the end. -A man with silver hair smiling. He has a eye patch on his left eye. -Gerry Eng <<===============================================================>> 15. Laboratory Hallway - Corner of Hallway with Corpses -On the corner of the wall -This one is easier than it may seem for some, it took me forever to get this one. Simply stand at the point where you would turn and face the corner opposite you. Take out the camera and aime at the corner wall, you do not need the floor at all. - ______ B/| ___ SB| / = Snake's View | B| B = Body -Has just the corner, no floor, no ceiling. -A man wearing a blue shirt holding a gray cat and holding an M4. -Ted Traver <<===============================================================>> 16. Laboratory - Zone of the Enders 2 Poster -On the poster -Simple. Just aim at the poster above where Snake and Otacon talk in the cutscene, get all of it in the shot. - ___-____ |_V__| - = Poster S -Has the entire poster. -A man with glasses clenching his fist and bringing it back. He's holding a sword. -Brad Furminger <<===============================================================>> 17. Laboratory - Glass wall that Ninja was thrown through -Replaces the glass itself -Go to the glass walls in front of the super computers and snap a shot of the first two windows. - | |_ _ |_| : _| = Super Computers |_| :>S : = Window |_| : -Has the first two sections of glass from the top. You see the top half of them. -A funny James Bond type pick. Man in blue and grey suit holding a girl in a pink dress. -Will Barry <<===============================================================>> 18. Commander's Room - Holographic Model -On the holographic towers -After the Mantis fight, go to the blue things on the west side of the room, stand back a little and snap a shot, try to get the top of the towers. - | | __ ||++| ||++| >S + = Holographic Model | -- |________ -Has the whole model from the bottom to the top of the radar. -A Matrix type pick. A man in a white trench coat with black glasses is standing. His right arm is a sword and his left hand is holding a machine gun. (Cant't really make it out.) -Denis Dyack <<===============================================================>> 19. Commander's Room - Mirror -On the mirror -Just like the men's room mirror, get the whole thing in it. - __ __ ##| _| # = Bookcase S<|_: : = Mirror | -Has the entire mirror. -Guy with classes giving a weird smile. His eyes are white and he is glowing orange. He has a knife of some sort in his hand. -Frank Chen <<===============================================================>> 20. Caves - End of Cave, Where Meryl Waits -Next to Meryl -Pass all the wolves and go to Meryl. Stand as far south as possible, all the way to the cave wall behind you. Take out the camera and shoot. You don't need to zoom. - __====__ | | \ | | | |M | M = Meryl | | { = Crawling Space | | == = Door / | { / \ | | V | |_S_| -Has Meryl and the door behind her. -It's a dog's face. It looks like a collie. -Jeff Feth <<===============================================================>> 21. Caves - Looking out of the first crawlspace -With the dog out there -Start crawling under the first overhang, look slightly left and shoot the picture. - ________ | | | | \ / \ V / % = OVerhang you must crawl under |%S%| | | -Has just snow and the rock of the far wall. -Man with a goatee shooting lightning out of his eyes. -Randy McAllister <<===============================================================>> 22. Caves - Large Puddle of Water -In the puddle -Take out the dogs in the caves. Go up to the big puddle of water just above the snow. Take out your camera, look down and zoom slightly in so that you have a lot of the puddle in the picture. - ___ __ ___ | \/ \____/ \ \_ @@@@ | \_ @V@ |\ | @ = Puddle \ S | | | % = Snow |% %% % %| | | -Its basically all water and rock. It is 98% puddle though. -Man smiling. He is wearing glasses, you can see his eyes glowing a dull white. -Rob Elsworthy <<===============================================================>> 23. Underground Passage - Meryl's Blood -Above the blood -Stand north of the blood and take out your camera. Aim it so that you have the blood and the door behind it, sort of like the electric floor picture. - | | | S | | ^ | __| B |__ | | B = Blood | | == = Door | | | | |____=====____| -Has the entire door behind the blood with the blood visible on the floor. -A woman in a yellow life vest. She is wearing dark sunglasses and has a red beret and is packing a rifle. -Karyn Derby <<===============================================================>> 24. Underground Platform - Sniper Wolf's Passage -In front of the platform -Easy, run all the way up until the walls end on your left and right. Take out your camera and just aim it at the platform that Wolf was on, take the shot. - |########| __===_ | #|/ | == = Door |_ V _______| # = Platform Area | S | | | -Has the entire platform, nothing more. -A World War I (or II) soldier with a bullet in his chest and he is holding a rifle. -Scott Derby <<===============================================================>> 25. Medical Room - DARPA Chief's corpse -Hangin in front of the DARPA Chief -Just get in front of the DARPA Chief, crouch and shoot. - _________ | D| | / | / = Snake's line of sight |_ S | ] = Door | | | | | ] |_|_______| -Has all of the DARPA Chief. -A man with a sodering iron about to stab a man who is knelt down. -Dan Amadio <<===============================================================>> 26. Medical Room - Torture Machine -On the torture machine -Just stand back a little form the machine Snake was electricuted on and shoot the picture without zooming. - _________ ___ | | ]____ | ##### | | | | | # = Torture Machine | V |_==_| ] = Door | S | == = Bathroom Door -Has the machine and a little backround stuff on the sides. -A guy with blood all over him holding a drill. He is glowing orange. -Sean Dwyer <<===============================================================>> 27. Comm Tower A Roof - Near Destroyed Dish Antenna -In the air facing tower A -Before you use the rope to rapel, go up on the platform where the bridge was and aim out towards the other tower. - ________________________________ |__________ __________ __________| | | | Walkway | | = = Door | --| | | | | | | | | | |___| | -- | |_=_ | |_| | __=| |___|______| |>S__|_|___| Tower B Tower A -Has all air and you can see Tower B in the backround. -A guy smiling and looking at the camera. Light purple Stars are glowing dull around him. -Jung Yoon <<===============================================================>> 28. Connecting Walkway - Walkway -In the middle of the walkway -After you clear the gaurds on the other side of the walkway go to just about where tower B starts. Take out your camera and aim towards where the gaurds were just standing. - ________________________________ |__________>S_________ __________| | | | Walkway | | = = Door | --| | | | | | | | | | |___| | -- | |_=_ | |_| | __=| |___|______| |____|_|___| Tower B Tower A -Has the walkway and a little of the tower wall on the left side. -Two blue guys. One guy is smiling and holding a beer. The other man has weilding a rocket launcher. You can't see his face. -Daniel Ebanks & Carmen Dix <<===============================================================>> 29. Comm Tower B - Top of Broken Stairs -On the wall opposite the stairs -When you get to the top of ther stairs just take out your camera and aim forward over the broken stairs towards the wall. - __________ | |]]]]]] | | |_| _ or [ or ] = Stairs |V |_| |S| |_| | |______|_| |_[[[[[[[__| -Has all of the opposite wall with no zoom. -A man with white hair and cat yellow eyes giving a mean stare and has his arms crossed. -Clove Roy <<===============================================================>> 30. Comm Tower B - Near Destroyed Girders -In the air facing tower B -Just like the one on tower A. Go up on the platform and aim out towards tower A. - ________________________________ |__________ __________ __________| | | | Walkway | | = = Door | --| S<| | | | | | | | | |___| | -- | |_=_ | |_| | __=| |___|______| |____|_|___| Tower B Tower A -Has all air and you can see Tower A in the backround. -A zombie who has blood all over his face eating a rubber chicken. -John Dobbie <<===============================================================>> 31. Snowfield - Sniper Wolf Corpse -In front of the door behind Wolf -Stand just south of her body, and walk a couple steps south. Crawl on the ground and face her, get her body at the bottom of the picture and the entire door behind her. - __===__ T T = Tree W W = Sniper Wolf T V == = Door S T -Has the door behind Sniper Wolf and the side of her body at the bottom of the picture. -A guy giving a cold stare holding a knife. -Carey Murray <<===============================================================>> 32. Blast Furnace - Narrow Walkway on Top Level -In front of the crane -Take out the first gaurd and go to down the southern most catwalk. When you get to the box area stand in the northeastern square. Aim at the crane over the molten meltal and shoot. - | : | : _ _ _ _ |@@@@@@: _: | _______|#| | |____ | # = Elevator |__V | | @ = Crane | S|______| | == = Door |____________==_| -You can see the crane and the far walkway. -A guy staring and his eye are white. A fat weird looking gnome guy has his fist under the mans chin. -Paul Caporicci <<===============================================================>> 33. Blast Furnace - Molten Metal in North Section -Above the moltem metal -I took out the guard just to be safe. Stand east of the northern most molten metal pit and aim so that you get all of it in and shoot. - __________ ____====____ ________ | |@@@@@@@@| ]] ] = Stairs |@@@@@@@@| | @ = Molten Metal |@@@@@@@@>S| == = Door |@@@@@@@@| | |@@@@@@@@| | @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@|_______ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ -Has only molten metal. -A guy in a blue shirt bleeding from the top of his head. He is staring into nothing. -Steve Henifin <<===============================================================>> 34. Cargo Elevator - Cargo Elevator -In front of the first cargo elevator -When you get to the first cargo elevator just take a shot of it, its really easy. - ____________ | ______ | |__ | || |__| | #|| | |______|| == = Door | V | # = Elevator Control | S ___| |____===_|___| -Has the cargo elevator from the left fence to the right fence. -A man and a woman with theirnecks slit open staring into the camera. The man is holding a chihuaha and the woman is holding a tommy gun. -Mike Seto & Dawn Blair <<===============================================================>> 35. Warehouse - Vulcan Raven's Final Resting Place -On the wall above Raven's stuff -Stand just north of Raven's stuff and aim at the the wall and down just enough to get the top of his tank pack. - S ^ R = Vulcan Raven's Gun and Pack ____R_====___ -Has the wall above the pack with very little of the pack showing at the bottom. -A blue guy with white eyes pointing a pistol and a desert eagle at the right side of the screen. -Blair Wilson <<===============================================================>> 36. Warehouse - Between Containers 5 and 6 -In between boxes 5 and 6 -If the nine boxes were numbered like a phone pad its between 5 and 6, stand just south of them getting the sides of the boxes in the picture. - __________ __________ | | | | | ## ## ## | | ## ## ## | | ## ## ## | | ## ## ## | # = Box | S | | | R = Vulcan Raven's Gun and Pack | ##^## ## | OR | ## ## ## | | ## ## ## | | ##V## ## | | | | S | | ## ## ## | | ## ## ## | | ## ## ## | | ## ## ## | |_____R==__| |_____R==__| -Has the boxes on the sides and then other boxes in the backround. -A guy with his hand over his wrist. He is wearing a tank top and has bullet holes in his chest. -Pat Ingoldsby <<===============================================================>> 37. WaterFall - Sewage Waterfall -Above the waterfall -I would suggest taking out the gaurds in this room first, then stand on the bridge and aim at the waterfall. - ____==______ |______ _ _| | | | |_| == = Door |% | |_|_| % = Waterfall |% >S| | |% | |___| |______| |___| -You can see the pipe the water comes out of along with a lot of water. -A man hanging from a rope. (kinda creepy) -Sanford Kong <<===============================================================>> 38. Underground Base A - Cockpit of Metal Gear Rex -In front of Rex's cockpit -This one may take a few tries, the angle has to be just right. Stand in fron Rex and the control room window. The picture must be head on to Rex with no zoom at all. - @@@@@_ ### | #| | # = Rex CockPit | | @ = Rex ______V| | ______S___| -Has the cockpit and most of the head. -A man smiling glowing orange. He has bug arm which is creating a green blob or some kind of energy blast. -Dan Tozer <<===============================================================>> 39. Underground Base B - Control Room World Map -On the map in the control room -Stand as far back as possible, between the computers and shoot the middle screen on the back wall. - __---------__ __ / \_______/ \ |__| ___ S ___ | -- = Window | {|___| ^ |___|| == = World Map |__|_____=====_____| { = Door -Has all of the world map and nothing else. -A man smiling giving the thumbs up. -Peter Anderson <<===============================================================>> 40. Metal Gear Rex Hangar - Fighting Metal Gear -Between Rex's legs -Before Rex starts to move or you even move, just pull out the camera and shoot. - ___________ | @@@ | | @@@ | @@ = Rex | V | ## = Boxes | S | | | | ## ## ## | |___________| -Has Rex's legs on the sides with the wall in the backround. -A man with a stern look on his face. His face is orange and his eyes are bright blue. It's a floating head. -Brian Lee <<============================================================================>> Contacts <<============================================================================>> You can send me an e-mail at mnftg64@hotmail.com. E-mail me if you want to add this FAQto your site, have questions about anything MGS:TTS related or if you see something wrong with my FAQ. Even if it is something as small as one spelling error because I want to give you guys the best FAQ I can. <<============================================================================>> Gratitude <<============================================================================>> There are three people who helped me get all the pictures SuperMarioSolid LukeSrife5 Bubblingflesh <<============================================================================>> All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. <<============================================================================>>