Primal Rage (Midway Arcade Treasures 2 Edition)FAQ By OrochiJin- Tim Garza Version 0.5 October 21, 2004 Disclaimer: Please do not post this FAQ without my permission. If you decide to use this FAQ it cannot be changed in any way. This FAQ is copyright 2004 Tim Garza AKA OrochiJin. There will be no more permissions to post this FAQ aside from those listed at the end. Primal Rage is a trademark of Atari/Midway. All copyrights are owned by their respective owners, no infringement intended. ------------------- Updates ------------------- Version 0.5 - October 21, 2004 Not much, but a few corrections to some moves. I've had no time. Work is killing me, personal life stuff is taking the rest of the time right now. I apoligize for the lack of updates/content. Maybe life'll be good to me this weekend and I can kick back and do lots of work. Then again, maybe not >_> Version 0.4 - October 18, 2004 Some clarifications and more moves entered in. Help from all the previous contributors as well as I J, Vagrant Story, and enterthedraygon. Still a work in progress as we try to fine tune this bad boy. To those who were wondering, I have not had the time to do any real confirmation on some of these moves as I spent the whole weekend doing paperwork on buying a house. The next few days though I will have the time to make sure everything is working. That doesn't mean you should stop bugging me about the stuff, just no HATE mail about "OMFG yur guide is wrong!!! You suck" I am a mod, and I WILL track you down. HAH. Seriously though, keep em coming. We WILL get the right moves here, I SWEAR! Version 0.3 - October 15, 2004 Yet MORE info! YES, we're still going full steam to get these up to date. Thanks to some new additions from: Mountains of Ice, The Coop as well as updates from me and Heidern 76. We are still trying to confirm these. Also please keep in mind, we're not sure if there are two versions of the game or not. Some people may find the moves here don't work for their copy. Version 0.2 - October 14, 2004 Got the GC default config from Viewtiful Darkness. Multiple movesets updated thanks to Heidern76! Working on getting more as soon as I get off work. The more people who can try and confirm these, the better. Version 0.1 – October 14, 2004 Beginning of FAQ. Will add more info as people find the moves/fatalities. Get it in now for credit! Email me at You’re only helping us all out!!!! Please also CONFIRM THE MOVES and FATALATIES. I will start doing this once I get home but unfortunantly work gets in my way. Bastards. -------------------- Table of Contents: -------------------- 1. Overview 2. Controls 3. Characters 4. To Do List 5. Credits ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Overview ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Primal Rage is an Atari arcade fighter. Fighter you say? Oh yes, imagine picking a prehistoric animal and beating the snot or blood out of another one! Throw in special moves and FATALITIES, and well you’ve got yourself a pretty great game that I love deeply. So why am I doing an FAQ when there’s a good one in the arcade section? Simple. It seems that the game that we’ve gotten on Midway Arcade Treasures 2 has had a small bit of a change. All the moves seem to have been simplified down to Street Fighter command moves it seems. And also, the fatality commands seem to have changed as well. So we’re here to sort that all out. PLEASE NOTE: This is a move set list for the Primal Rage on the Midway Arcade Treasures 2 disc. This list will NOT work with any other version of Primal Rage. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Controls ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Since I’m not going for a complete FAQ, just a list of the new move Commands, I’ll just give short info here: D-Pad or Analog – Move fighter. You can duck by pressing down, jump by pressing up, and block by holding away from the enemy Button Xbox PS2 GC ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1=High Quick X Square B 2=High Fierce Y Triangle Y 3=Low Quick A X A 4=Low Fierce B Circle X ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Characters and Special Move Lists ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ARMADON ----------- Bed of nails - D,U + 2 (can be done with Hold 2+3, D,U) Iron Maiden - B,D,DB, + 3 Mega Charge - B,DB,D,DF,F + 3 Gut Gouger - F,B 2+3 Hornication Uppercut - F,D,DF + 1 Spinning Death - F,D,B + 4 Flying Spikes - D,DF,F + 2 Eat a Human - Hold all buttons, F,D,DF FATALATIES Gut Fling - Hold 1+2+3, Tap Down 5 times Meditation - Hold all buttons, F,DF,D,DB,B,F,F Faling Spikes - Hold all buttons, B,F,B,F -------- BLIZZARD -------- Freeze Breath - F,F + 1 Ice Geyser - D,U + 2 Mega Punch - B,F + 3 or 4 (determines short or long) Fake Mega Punch - D,D + 1 Punching Bag - F,B 1+4 Air Throw - 2+3 Ground Throw - F,B 2+3 Eat a Human - Hold all buttons, F,D,DF FATALATIES Brain Bash - ? To-Da-Moon - Hold all buttons, D,D,D,D,F Redemption - Hold all buttons, tap Back 5 times -------- CHAOS -------- Grab and Throw - F,B 2+3 Power Puke - D,DF,F + 1 or 2 (determines fast or slow) Fart of Fury - F,DF,D,DB,B + 3 Ground Shaker - D,D + 3 Flying Butt Slam - D,D + 4 Battering Ram - F,F + 3 Eat a Human - Hold all buttons, F,D,DF FATALATIES Golden Shower - Hold 1+3, D,D then hold all buttons, B,F,B,F Cannonball - Hold all buttons, B,DB,D,DF,F,DF,D REQUIRES A STAGE WITH WATER IN BACKGROUND The Churl - Hold all buttons, F,F,F,B,B,B -------- DIABLO -------- Fireball - D,DF,F + 1 Or 2 (determines fast or slow) Torch - D,DF,B 1+3 (hold) Hot Foot - B,DB,D,F 2+4 Mega Lunge - B,DB,D,DF,F + 4 The Pulverizer - B,D,DB + 4 Inferno Flash - D,D + 3 Eat a Human - Hold all buttons, F,D,DF FATALATIES Incinerator - Hold all buttons, U,UB,B,DB,D,DF,F Fireball - Hold 2+3+4, tap Forward 5 times Infernal - ? -------- SAURON -------- Primal Scream - D,U + 1 Stun Roar - B,DB,D,DF,F + 1 Earthquake Stomp - D,D + 3 (can be used in air) Cranium Crusher - D,U + 4 Leaping Bone Bash - D,U + 2 Air Throw - 2+3 Throw - F,B 2+3 Eat a Human - Hold all buttons, then F,D,DF FATALATIES Carnage - Hold all buttons, B,F,B,F Flesh Eating - ? Grape Crusher - Hold all buttons, Tap Down 5 times -------- TALON -------- Brain Basher - B,D,DB + 2 Pounce and Flip - F,D,DF + 2 Frantic Fury - D,DF,F + 1+4 (hold to drift across screen) Slasher - 1+2 Face Ripper - F,D,DF + 2 Jugular Bite - B,F + 2 (must be in a combo) Run - Hold 1+3, then go F or B Eat a Human - Hold all buttons, F,D,DF FATALATIES Heart Wrenching - ? Shredder - Hold 1+4, then do a 360 motion (F, FD, D, DB, B, BU, U, UF, F) Stampede - Hold all buttons, the F,B,F -------- VERTIGO -------- Venom Spit - F,F + 1 or 2 (determines speed) Voodoo Spell - B,B + 2 Ground Teleport - D,D + 4 Air Teleport - D,U + 4 Come Slither - B,B + 3 Scorpion Sting - F,F + 4 Eat a Human - Hold all buttons, F,D,DF FATALATIES Petrify - Hold 2+4, B,B,B then hold all buttons, F,F Shrink and Eat - Hold 2+4, B,B,B then hold all buttons, D,D (WARNING, CAUSES GAME TO LOCK UP ON 1P SIDE) La Vache Qui Rit - Hold all buttons, tap Back 3 times ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. To Do List: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I need MOVES and FATALS. Please EMAIL THEM TO exscanner(at) Thanks to the people on the MAT2 boards (all of you) for your work on This. -------------------------------------------- Got a comment? Suggestion? Wanna complain? Email it to Thanks! The only sites allowed to use this FAQ currently are: GameFAQs – – the most current version is always here! If you see this anywhere else, please let me know as it is an unauthorized copy of this FAQ. Thanks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The one and only CjayC for the site of course Heidern76 – for finding Multiple character starting move lists, and the basics of the CHURL Power42 - for finding Grape Crusher(Sauron) and Redemption(Blizzard) fatalities Mountains of Ice - Talon Fatalaties The Coop - Eat a Human moves, corrections to moves, and multiple fatals. I J - Clarification on moves Chris Nephew - Corrections to a few moves. Thanks! Vagrant Story - Clarification on moves enterthedraygon - Clarification on moves Viewtiful Darkness - For the GC button layout