------------------------------------------------------------------------------ McGoo's FAQ and Walkthrough for... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______ ___ _____ ___ __ ___ / ___/ / / / |/ / _ \/ _ | / |/ / / (_ / /_/ / / // / __ |/ /|_/ / \___/\____/_/|_/____/_/ |_/_/ /_/ ________________________________ |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/ |zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz/ |zzz/------------------/zzzzz/ |zz/ /zzzzz/ |z/ /zzzzz/ |/ /zzzzz/ /zzzzz/ /zzzzz/ /zzzzz/ __ ______ /zzzzz/ | | / / __/ /zzzzz/ | |/ /\ \_ /zzzzz/ |___/___(_) /zzzzz/ /zzzzz/ /zzzzz/ /zzzzz/ _______ ___ _____ ___ __ ___ /zzzzz/ / ___/ / / / |/ / _ \/ _ | / |/ / /zzzzz/ / (_ / /_/ / / // / __ |/ /|_/ / /zzzzz/ \___/\____/_/|_/____/_/ |_/_/ /_/ /zzzzz/ /zzzzz/ /| /zzzzz/ /z| /zzzzz/ /zz| /zzzzz/__________________/zzz| /zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| /zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz| /_______________________________| Copyright 2004 Bandai/Sunrise ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mobile Suit Gundam vs. Z Gundam ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ TABLE OF CONTENTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Version History 1. Introduction 1A. Foreword 1B. Suggestions to using this guide 1C. How to get this game 1D. Other FAQ's 2. Game Basics 2A. Controls 2B. Game Modes 2C. Battle Screen 2D. Game System 3. Pilots, Stages, and Mobile Suits/Armors 3A. Pilots 3B. Stages 3C. Mobile Suits/Armors 4. Walkthrough/Strategies 5. Secrets 6. Legalities and Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== Version History *Release* 5/20/05-V1.0 Features: Introduction, Game Basics, Stages, Pilot list, and MS/MA List. 5/21/05-v1.1 Updates: Fixed some grammar and spelling, added a few faq's, and corrected a couple of minor things. 6/09/05-v1.2 Updates: Changed beginning image, moved a few things, added new layouts to ms/ma lists. Refinement of current parts. *Current* 1/2/06-v1.3 Updates: Changed intro sig, fixed some spelling mistakes, added thoughts on ps2 version, added contributor information, began Walkthrough/Strategies section. ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1A. Foreword MSG: Gundam vs. Z Gundam(GVSZG as I'll refer to it) for the Gamecube is basically a port and upgraded version of the arcade game AEUG vs. Titans that came out in Japan on the PS2. I'm assuming your already familiar with Gundam so I won't dally over it. This game is very similar to Federation vs. Zeon(FVSZ) but has a lot of good gameplay tweaks along with more suits, modes etc. While I don't consider this game THE best Gundam game available, I do consider it one of the best. The main reason I am doing this guide is for Gundam fans and Gamecube owners. I hope you can take something away from this info to increased your enjoyment of this game. 1B. Suggestions to using this guide If your like me, I rarely read a whole guide or use one at all. But I feel that it is good to use one when you don't know something and want to increase your abilities. This is especially true for import games. So to help you out, here's a list of tips you should use: 1. Use Ctrl+F to find what you want. 2. If for some reason your browser didn't display this correctly, save it, open it in Wordpad and change the right margin to .8". 3. If something is wrong or you know of something that should be added, e-mail the me asap! 4. Save yourself a copy and change it to personal use and liking. 5. Find multiple sources for additional help. If I can think of any others I'll update this list. 1C. How to get this game As of right Now, this game is only coming out on the PS2 for the US. If anyone knows otherwise let me know. I chose the Gamecube version because ofit has 4-player Versus, better load times(almost None), and a little crisper graphics. Plus I have a freeloader already for my Gamecube, so there was no reason to spend money to mod my PS2. So let me state this again, this is the guide for a JAPANESE game. I bought my copy new on ebay (http://www.ebay.com) for about $60 including shipping. Other places to buy this game would be your favorite import shop or online vendors that specialize in import games like http://www.ncsx.com, http://www.playasia.com, and http://www.lik-sang.com to name a few. But like I said, you can usually get a copy new for the same price or cheaper on ebay. Or an even cheaper used one. To each his own. 1D. Other FAQ's Q. Who made this game? A. While Capcom made the engine and came up with the earlier design for the previous games, Bandai actually developed and published this one. Q. How can I get in contact with you? A. Send your questions/comments/incite to shin_mcgoo@hotmail.com I also lurk around the Gamefaqs board for this game. Q. How import friendly is this game? A. I find it very easy to navigate through menus and find out what is going on. Some menu's have English like the main menu, and if you've played other vs. games your feel right at home. If you haven't, it won't take long to figure out what selection does what. The only bad part is during U.C. Mode. You won't be able to tell how the endings or alternate stories are unfolding. But I don't think this should keep you from enjoying the game. Q. What is different between the PS2 and Gamecube version? A. For the second time, the Gamecube has 4-player multiplayer, no online mode, and faster load times. I think the Gamecube graphics looks a little better, but not by much. Less jaggies mainly. Also, I can tell you that this game was made for the PS2 and ported, so it doesn't use the full power of the Gamecube. Also I've heard from some people the PS2 version has some lag issues, but again I can't confirm it. Q. Why are you bashing the PS2 Version? Are you a hater? A. Heck no. I love Sony products and my PS2. I still have a PSONE. And I'm not bashing the other version. I'm just stating the facts and somethings I've heard. Q. How's the replay value? A. Simply amazing. There is so much to do and buy. You'll be playing this game for a long time. Q. I can't find this game! A. Read up above, I tell you where to find it. Q. Why isn't this coming out on the Gamecube in the US?! A. Bandai as of right now doesn't think it'll sell well here. It is a shame. Someone tell me otherwise! Q. Can the ZZ Gundam disconnect into its different parts? A. I wish it could but no. Q. Where is the Wing Gundam or God Gundam!? A. I love AU series, but this is a UC game only. Sorry pal. Q. Can I use dual beam sabers? A. On some suits, you can all the time, like the Gaplant. On most though you use just one. There are a few specials where you can pull out your second saber for just a second, like the Gundam's(RX-78-2). Q. Quick! Where's the block button? A. There is none. You auto-block as long as you have a shield, are not attacking, and your shield is facing the attack. More Q and A's to come as I get them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Game Basics ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2A. Controls Before you read the rest, to see these controls in action, just wait at the title screen and a demo of the controls will play like it did in FVSZ. Like FVSZ, controls in GVSZG are almost identical. You can use the Analog Stick or the D-pad to move. While the D-Pad is more precise and more responsive for movement, the Analog Stick is surprisingly better this time around. Just try them both to see which you like better. Also notice that you can change all the button actions in the game except for pause. Again there is no block button. You will autoblock if you are hit close to the shield and are not attacking. Movement: Analog Stick or D-pad Jump: Press A Boost: Hold A Fly: Boost in any direction. Dash/Sidestep: Double tap with D-pad or Analog Stick in the cardinal direction you want to dash. Transform: For suits that can transform, hold A and then double tap forward. To keep flying, you must hold the direction you want to go. To increase your altitude, press/hold A depending on how high you want to ascend. To descend, release A and angle suit down. You will revert to MS mode when your boost runs out or by releasing the direction you're holding. Shoot Primary Weapon: B Melee Attack: Y Lock-on/Change Perspective: X Awaken: Tap L twice. To Awaken in Co-op, both players must tap L twice at the same time. Command: L Commands for CPU Allies are as follows in this order: Normal, Snipe, Melee, Back up, and Evasion. Send Status: L For when playing with Human only. Special: Z (B+A, it is different some suits, usually justs makes suit jump and fire. But some suits it is a special function. Like it is reload for the Gundam MKII.) Sub-Weapon: R Sniping Mode: Hold X (for certain suits) Special Attacks: C-Stick up and down (Melee+Jump) and right and left(shoot + melee) 2B. Game Modes (Main Menu) Arcade: Play missions back to back over different stages. Choose your route/ difficulty, choose your ground MS, space MS and Awaken Type. The quickest way to start playing. Co-op also available. Have 2P hit start at beginning. Bots cost less on resources than human players do because the game assumes you are better than the average bot. Versus: Play with or against humans or bots. Up to four players can play split screen on a single stage at a time. Bots cost half as less on your resources than human players do. U.C. Mode: The meat and potatoes of the game. U.C. Mode is where you play through the timeline of characters from MSG, Z, and a few from ZZ. Includes heroes and villains with alternate timelines when certain conditions are met. Lot's of pilots and replay value here. Survival: Fight stage after stage against increasing odds. Replay: Watch your saved Versus movies here from multiple perspectives. Training: Practice your skills here. Collection: Buy and view a number of different things here. From MS to image stills to the game's full motion videos (fmv's). Options: Change game settings here, duh. 2C. Battle Screen Right Top Corner: Radar that shows enemies and allies in your lock-on radius. You being in the center, allies being green, and enemies being red. In space, if someone is above you, their dot is brighter, less defined if below you. Next to the radar might be a timer occasionally. Left Top Corner: Balance of power gauge. Like the other vs. games, it shows Which side is winning basically. Your side in on top in blue while your enemy is in red. You win the mission when you deplete the enemies bar, and lose when your is. In some Missions in U.C. Mode, you will have a timer for it mission limit, along with different mission objectives. Left Top: Below that is the Awaken bar. When you give and take damage your Awaken Bar will grow. When full, your be able to unleash your 1 of the 3 newtype powers you have for that mission. Right Bottom Corner: Top is your current command to cpu playersYour suit info: armor points remaining first, then primary and secondary weapon ammo supplies. Left Bottom Corner: Information of the battle. Not that important. Also, caution warnings will appear in the direction of the threat when new one is detected/coming closer/is locked on to you. 2D. Game System The Balance of Power Like the other vs. games, for your side to win the battle, you must have absolute power. The balance of power gauge mentioned above displays who is winning/losing. Different units cost different amounts of resources for your side, thus costing more on your balance of power in the mission. For example, Zeta Gundam is more taxing on your sides resources than a GMII is. So you'll be able to come back from a death more if you pilot the GMII. But you're in a weaker MS, so you will most likely not be able to fight as well or last as long as you could if you were in Zeta. You must take this fact into consideration when choosing a unit. Awaken System This is the new system used to incorporate newtype powers into the game. Your pilot/teammates don't have to be a newtypes to use them either. At the beginning of each mission, you will be asked which one of the 3 different kinds of awaken power you'd like to use during the mission. You'll be covered in an color-coded aura during the duration of the power. Your enemies can also use this system too and when they do they will be covered in the aura. Here are the powers starting from the left on the screen. Assault (gold aura): The best power (IMO), increases your attack power, speed slightly, and makes your side immune to being stunned. Lasts for about 10 seconds. Revival (red aura): Automatically revives a fall teammate minus one suit part, and doesn't tax your resources. Revived unit has a quarter of his armor. Bad because most of the time your ally uses it and then when you need it, it isn't charged enough for you to use. But better than no powers. Lasts 10 secs. Mobility (blue aura): Speed increases by a lot. Useful for getting out of a sticky situations. I hardly ever use this. Lasts about 20 secs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Pilots, Stages, and Mobile Suits/Armors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3A. Pilots [A.E.U.G.]: Apolly, Judau Ashta, Quattro Bajeena, Kamille Bidan, Katz Kobayashi, Reccoa Londe, Elpeo Ple, Amuro Ray, Emma Sheen, Fa Yuiry, Roberto [E.F.S.F.] (0079): Ryu Jose, Hyato Kobayashi, Sleggar Law, Sayla Mass, Amuro Ray, Kai Shiden [Titans]: Rosamia Badam, Buran Blutarch , Dungel Cooper, Yazan Gable, Ramsus Hasa, Kacricon, Gates Kappa, Reccoa Londe, Jerid Messa, Four Murasame, Mouar Pharaoh, Lila Milla Rira, Paptimus Scirocco, Emma Sheen, Sarah Zabiarov [Zeon/Axis/Neo Zeon]: Char Arznable, Casval Deikun, Gaia, Haman Karn, Mash, M'quve, Ortega, Ramba Ral, Lalah Sune, Ple Two, Dozle Zabi, Garma Zabi 3B. Stages Missions take place on the ground and in space. Outer space missions have zero gravity. MS/MA that are space combat capable only will only work in outer space stages. Also next to each stage is what war it is featured in. If i have one of these wrong call me out! One Year War (OYW), Gryps War (GW), and/or First Neo Zeon War (NZW) Ground Stages: Atlantic Ocean - OYW Belfast - OYW Dakar - GW, NZW Forest Area South of Black Sea - OYW Great Canyon - OYW Green Noa 1 - GW Hickory - GW Himalaya Mountains - GW Hong Kong City - GW Hong Kong City 2 - GW Inside Side 7 - OYW Jaburo - OYW, GW Jaburo 2 - OYW, GW Jaburo Underground - OYW, GW Kennedy Port - GW Kilimanjaro - GW Odessa - OYW Pacific Ocean - OYW New Yark - OYW Seattle - OYW Taklamakan Desert - NZW Texas Colony - OYW Space Stages: Axis Surface - OYW Inside A Baoa Qu - OYW Inside Colony Laser - GW Luna II - GW Granada - GW Outside A Baoa Qu - OYW Solomon - OYW Von Braun - GW, NZW Outer Space Stages: A Baoa Qu Space - OYW Axis Space - GW, NZW Gate of Zeden - GW Gate of Zeden 2 - GW Green Noa Space - GW Gryps Space - GW, NZW Satellite Orbit - OYW, GW, NZW Satellite Orbit 2 - OYW, GW, NZW Side 2 Space - GW Side 6 Space - NZW Solomon Space - OYW 3C. Mobile Suits/Armors (All usable in space and ground unless told) LEGEND __________________________________________ / \ |MS/MA Name - Base HP - Unit Cost | |Main Weapon(s): Ammo Amount | |Sub Weapon(s): Ammo Amount | |Melee Weapon if it has one. | |Extra Features | \__________________________________________/ ________________ |A.E.U.G./Karaba\_________________________ |_________________________________________\ | \ |RGM-79R GM II - 420 - 170 | |Beam Rifle: 14 | |Vulan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | |Shield | | | | | |MSA-003 Nemo - 440 - 200 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | |Shield | | | | | |MSA-005 Methuss - 400 - 195 | |Arm Beam Guns: 20 | |Missile Launcher: 3 | |Beam Saber | |Shield, Transformable | | | | | |RMS-099 Rick Dias - 480 - 225 | |Beam Pistol: 8 | |Clay Bazooka: 15 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | | | | | |RMS-099 Rick Dias(Red) - 480 - 250 | |Beam Pistol: 8 | |Clay Bazooka: 15 | |Back Beam Pistol: 8 | |Beam Saber | | | | | |MSK-008 Dijeh - 480 - 250 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Clay Bazooka: 15 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Naginata | |Ground Combat capable only. | | | | | |RX-178 Gundam Mk. II - 500 - 295 | |Beam Rifle: 6 | |Hyper Bazooka: 8 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | |Shield, can reload weapon at anytime. | | | | | |RX-178+FXA-05D Super Gundam - 500 - 295 | |Long Beam Rifle: 1 | |Missile Launchers: 6 | |Swings rifle for melee attack, | |transformable. | | | | | |MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki - 500 - 310 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Clay Bazooka: 15 | |Vulcan Cannons: 50 | |Beam Saber | | | | | |MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam - 520 - 375 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Hyper Megalauncher: 3 | |Vulcan Cannons (Beam Rifle):40 | |Grenade launcher (Hyper Megalauncher): 2 | |Beam Saber | |Shield, Transformable | | | | | |MSZ-010 Double Zeta Gundam - 540 - 375 | |Double Beam Rifle: 16 | |Double Beam Cannon: 16 | |Hi-mega Cannon: 1 | |Hyper Beam Saber | |Shield | | | \__________________________________________/ ________________ |E.F.S.F (0079) \_________________________ |_________________________________________\ | \ |RGM-79[G] GM Ground Type - 420 - 145 | |Beam Rifle: 14 | |100mm Machine Gun: 80 | |Beam Saber | |Shield, can wave for back up. | | | | | |RGM-79 GM - 400 - 160 | |Beam Spray Pistol: 15 | |Vulcan Cannon: 40 | |Beam Saber | |Shield | | | | | |RX-75-4 Guntank - 640 - 195 | |180mm Cannons: 6 | |40mm Rocket Launchers: 90 | | | | | |RX-79[G] Gundam Mass Production Ground Type| |480 - 225 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |100mm Machine Gun: 60 | |Rocket Launcher: 15 | |180mm Cannon: 20 | |Missile Launcher: 6 | |Chest Vulcan Cannon: 30 | |Beam Saber | |Shield, ground combat capable only. | | | | | |RX-77-2 Guncannon - 560 - 225 | |Beam Rifle:4 | |240mm Cannons:6 | |Punches and Kicks | | | | | |RX-78-2 Gundam - 520 - 310 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Hyper Bazooka: 15 | |Gundam Hammer: 1 | |Vulcan Cannons: 50 | |Beam Saber | |Shield | | | \___________________________________________/ _______ |Titans\__________________________________ |_________________________________________\ | \ |RGM-79R GM II - 420 - 170 | |Beam Rifle: 14 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | |Shield | | | | | |RMS-106 Hizack - 440 - 195 | |Zaku Machine Gun Kai: 140 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Missile Pod: 6 | |Beam Saber (Machine Gun) | |Heat Hawk (Beam Rifle) | |Shield | | | | | |RMS-106CS Hizack Custom - 440 - 195 | |Beam Launcher: 10 | |Beam Saber | |Have to select Hizack's Beam Launcher | |to play as the Hizack Custom. | | | | | |RMS-106 Hizack (Blue) - 440 - 195 | |Zaku Machine Gun Kai: 140 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Missile Pod: 6 | |Beam Saber (Machine Gun) | |Heat Hawk (Beam Rifle) | |Shield | | | | | |RMS-117 Galbaldy Beta - 460 - 200 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Shield Missiles: 2 | |Beam Saber | |Shield, Transformable | | | | | |RMS-154 Barzam - 440 - 200 | |Chargable Beam Rifle: 10 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | | | | | |RMS-108 Marasai - 480 - 225 | |Beam Rifle: 30 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | |Shield | | | | | |PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn - 480 - 225 | |Beam Cannons: 10 | |Grenade Launcher: 6 | |Beam Tomahawk | | | | | |RX-160 Byalant - 480 - 250 | |Beam Cannon: 10 | |Beam Saber trust, then a kickoff. | |Beam Saber | | | | | |ORX-005 Gaplant - 480 - 275 | |Single Beam Cannon: 16 | |Double Beam Cannon | |Beam Saber | |Transformable | | | | | |NRX-044 Asshimar - 520 - 275 | |Large Beam Rifle: 12 | |Beastly Punch | |Punches and Kicks | |Transformable, capable of ground combat | |only. | | | | | |PMX-000 Messala - 500 - 275 | |Mega particle Cannons: 6 | |Missile launcher: 6 | |Beam Saber | |Transformable | | | | | |RX-178 Gundam Mk.II - 500 - 295 | |Beam Rifle: 6 | |Hyper Bazooka: 8 | |Vulcan Cannons: 40 | |Beam Saber | |Shield, can reload weapon at anytime. | | | | | |RX-139 Hambrabi - 520 - 295 | |Arm Beam Cannon: 10 | |Wire-Guided Shocker: 1 | |Back Beam Cannon x 2: 6 | |Beam Saber | |Transformable | | | | | |PMX-001 Palace Athene - 500 - 300 | |Beam Cannons: 16 | |Scattering Mega particle Cannons: 6 | |Shield Missile x 4: 32 | |Large Missile: 8 | |Beam Saber | |Shield (Shield Missile) | | | | | |RX-110 Gabthley - 480 - 310 | |Feyadeen Rifle: 10 | |Shoulder Mega Particle Cannons: 6 | |Beam Saber | |Transformable | | | | | |NRX-055 Baund Doc - 540 - 350 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Scattering Mega Particle Cannon: 2 | |Beam Saber | |Transformable | | | | | |NRX-055 Baund Doc(Gray) - 540 - 350 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Scattering Mega Particle Cannon: 2 | |Beam Saber | |Transformable | | | | | |PMX-003 The O - 640 - 375 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Beam Sabers Block | |Beam Sabers | | | | | |MRX-009 Psyco Gundam - 600 - 325 | |Scattering Mega Particle Cannons x 3: 15 | |Hand Mega Particle Cannon x 5: 50 | |Upward Beam Saber swing, punches and kicks.| |Shield, Press the C-stick to activate the | |I-field. Transformable, ground combat | |capable only. | | | | | |MRX-010 Psyco Gundam Mk.II - 600 - 375 | |Scattering mega particle CanNon x 3: 15 | |Long range attack x 6: 48 | |Beam Saber/Flying punch | |Shield, Press the C-stick to activate the | |I-field. Transformable. | | | \___________________________________________/ ___________________ |Zeon/Axis/Neo Zeon\______________________ |_________________________________________\ | \ |MS-05 Zaku I - 400 - 150 | |Machine Gun: 160 | |Bazooka: 18 | |Cracker Grenade: 4 | |Punches and Kicks | | | | | |MS-06F/J Zaku II - 440 - 155 | |Machine Gun: 160 | |Bazooka: 18 | |Magella Attack Cannon: 35 | |Cracker Grenade: 4 | |Missile Pod: 9 | |Heat Hawk | | | | | |MS-06S Zaku II Commander Type - 400 - 160 | |Machine Gun: 160 | |Bazooka: 18 | |Magella Attack Cannon: 35 | |Cracker Grenade: 4 | |Heak Hawk | | | | | |MSM-04 Acguy - 440 - 155 | |Head Vulcans: 36 | |Cannons: 14 | |Claw Attack | |Ground combat capable only. | | | | | |MS-07B Gouf - 480 - 195 | |5-barrled 75mm Machine Gun: 60 | |Heat Rod: 1 | |Heat Saber | |Shield | |Ground combat capable only. | | | | | |MSM-03 Gogg - 640 - 195 | |Scattering mMega Particle Cannon: 2 | |Torpedoe Launcher: 12 | |Claw Attack | |Ground combat capable only. | | | | | |MSM-07 Z'Gok - 480 - 195 | |Beam Cannon: 14 | |Missle Laucher x 6: 60 | |Claw Attack | |Ground combat capable only. | | | | | |MSM-07S Z'Gok Commander Type - 440 - 225 | |Beam Cannon: 12 | |Missle Laucher x 6: 54 | |Claw Attack | |Ground Combat capable only. | | | | | |MSM-10 Zock - 600 - 195 | |Main weapon: Mega particle Cannons x 8: 8 | |Photo Maser Gun: 1 | |Melee: Claw | |Ground combat capable only. | | | | | |MS-09 Dom - 480 - 200 | |360mm Giant Bazooka: 12 | |Scattering Beam: 1 | |Heat Saber | |Ground combat capable only. | | | | | |MS-09R Rick Dom - 480 - 200 | |360mm Giant Bazooka: 12 | |Scattering Beam: 1 | |Heat Saber | |Space combat capable only. | | | | | |YMS-15 Gyan - 520 - 225 | |Missile Launcher x 5: 10 | |Space Mine x 12: 10 | |Beam Saber | |Shield | | | | | |MS-14A Gelgoog - 500 - 225 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Spinning Beam Naginata | |Beam Naginata | |Shield (on back) | | | | | |MSN-02 Zeong - 520 - 300 | |wire-guided 5-barrel Mega particle Gun: 30 | |Head Mega Particle Gun: 1 | |Space combat capable only. | | | | | |MS-14S Gelgoog Commander Type - 480 - 310 | |Beam Rifle: 10 | |Spinning Beam Naginata | |Beam Naginata | |Shield (on back) | | | | | |AMX-004 Qubeley - 480 - 375 | |Beam Launcher: 12 | |Funnels x 12: 20 | |Beam Saber | |Can tell funnels to do different things | |with C-Stick. | | | | | |AMX-004-2 Qubeley Mk. II - 480 - 375 | |Beam Launcher: 12 | |Funnels x 12: 20 | |Beam Saber | |Can tell funnels to do different things | |with C-Stick. | | | |AMX-003 Gaza C - 400 - 195 | |Knuckle Buster: 8 | |Back Beam Cannons: 20 | |Beam Saber | |Transformable | | | \___________________________________________/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Walkthroughs/Strategies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I will update this incramentally over time. The walkthrough will be over missions for the different routes in Arcade mode. I orginally wanted to do the same for UC Mode, but I find it reduant to do that when there is already a good walkthrough for it on the PS2 FAQ. Tactics for the different routes will get updated over time. Strategies will just be pretty basic but good to remember. If you can think of something I've left out or haven't mentioned at all be sure to let me know. I can't let you contribute if you want. Strategies 1. Keep moving! If you stand still you will become a much easier target to hit! You should always be trying to get in a better offensive position too. 2. This goes along with the first one, but be sure not to use any attack that keeps in you a position for too long. Like for the Qubeley, to let your bits out, you have to stop moving, this leaves you open to attack. 3. Be wary of your suit choices, especially when playing with or against another player because of their cost on resources. Sometimes you might have to lower your standards to a less expensive (cheaper) MS to attain victory. Other times you suit choice might not have the armor or weaponary to overcome the mission's targets. Plus knowing your MS/MA's ablitities always helps. 4. Pick and use your powers wisely. You should know going into a mission or at least after you've already lost once which power you need. Recovery is always a safe bet, but Assault may just add the power you need to achieve glory. Also, I only use Assault or Mobility if it is going to let directly to gaining advantage in the battle. For instance, let's say I am extremely low on armor, but I only need to take out two more enemy MS to win the battle. Plus they are both low on armor like I am. The best thing for me to do is not play it safe (but not stupid either) but to use my Assault power and try to overtake them for the win. "The greater the risk, the greater the reward" in this case. 5. Take cover when you can, behind anything that will help. 6. Lastly, while the battle is loading, think of a plan, talk with your partner if you have one, and execute it. Arcade Route Walkthrough....is in the works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Secrets ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Unlock ZZ Gundam by jtslau. 1) Buy Route E and complete. 2) Buy Route F and complete with One Year War character. 3) Beat the Psyco Gundam and the Psyco Gundam MKII in Route A. 4) Buy the Psyco Gundam and the Psyco Gundam MKII in the collection shop. 5) After Buying Items No. 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9 in the specials section, ZZ Gundam will be available for purchase. To unlock character #15 by Crazyap. Input the name in any mode as RO-SA-MI followed by a lower "i" character. To unlock other characters in collection by Crazyap. Select the characters and once you have their alternate costumes they'll be open for purchase. When you reach 100% your're awared with a golden Haro Statue. More to come as they surface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Legalities and Thanks ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copyright 2005 Richard McGrew Contributors information in greatly appreciated and also copyrighted under their repective names. This, like all of my works may only be reproduced for personal or private use. It cannot be placed on any web site or publicly distributed without my permission. Use of this FAQ on any site other than Gamefaqs without my prior kNowledge is prohibited and a violation of copyright laws. All trademarks and copyrights contained here are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Thanks to Bandai, Capcom, and Sunrise for this game and Gamefaqs for everything it offers.