Mortal Kombat: Deception Character FAQ - Tanya Version 2.0 Table of Contents: I. Introduction...........................................................MKT1 II. Characteristics of Tanya..............................................MKT2 III. Legend...............................................................MKT3 IV. Bio's.................................................................MKT4 V. Combo and Special Moves................................................MKT5 A. Zi Ran Me......................................................MKT6 B. Yue Chuan......................................................MKT7 C. Kobu Jutsu.....................................................MKT8 D. Special Moves..................................................MKT9 E. Fatality & Hara Kiri...........................................MKT10 *SPOILER ALERT* F. Fatality and Hara Kiri Description.............................MKT11 VI. Linking Combo's Together..............................................MKT12 *SPOILER ALERT!* VII. Ending...............................................................MKT13 VIII. Unlocking Tanya and Her Alt's.......................................MKT14 IX. Version History.......................................................MKT15 X. Closing, Copyright, and All That Good Stuff............................MKT16 ________________ =============================/ \================================ I. Introduction MKT1 =============================\________________/================================ Hello, welcome to my FAQ for Tanya in MK:Deception. I'm basically just going to be covering the basics of Tanya's moves and adding in a piece here or there that have to deal with combo's I have found for her. What are all of those letters on the right of the Table of Contents for? With Version 2.0 I have decided to go ahead and add a way to search the FAQ for a specific thing. Let's say you wanted to learn some of Tanya's custom combo's. Simply look in the Table of Contents and you will see that in section VI I talk about linking combo's together. So, go to the right side and you will see that the code for section 6 is MKT12. Now push your Control key along with F (works with most browsers) and it will bring up a search box. Type in the code and your computer should search the FAQ for spots where that code is. There will only be two spots, the ToC, and the section you are looking for. It makes things a whole lot easier. Well, three places for that code ^_^! ____________________________ =======================/ \========================== II. Characteristics of Tanya MKT2 =======================\____________________________/========================== Tanya first appeared in Mortal Kombat 4 way back in 1997. I had always hoped for a return from her, as I felt that no new characters in that game were fairly represented. Finally with MK: Deception we were able to learn a little more about Tanya. Originally from Edenia, she at some point abandoned Kitana and Sindel and began working for the "dark side", if you will. She is now heavily rumored to be Jade's sister, which would make sense. In some ways, she reminds me of Reptile in that she is always looking for a master to serve, never really stepping out on her own. Her true intentions are never really revealed, and even more important, we are never given a reason as to why she abandoned Kitana, Sindel, and her supposed sister Jade. I guess you could say that she is a mystery in itself. Tanya's Zi Ran Men stance is without a doubt her weakest. That's not to say that she can't do anything in it, it's just that her other two styles are far more combo oriented than this stance. Her weapon stance, Kubu Jutsu, is by far her strongest. She has very quick and easy combo's that can take an average of 28% off. Not to mention that if you happen to catch your opponent in the air and juggle them, you can easily take off 45% on her best combo line. I like using her simply for the wide array of moves she has that can also be used during combo's (as you will see in my Linking combo's section). Your best actions to take while fighting with her is to get your opponent to use their breakers fast. All three of her stances have easy to do combo's that can lead into a juggle, doing this will almost assure that your opponent will want to use their breakers as the threat of loosing 30% of their life early on may be too much for them to handle. I would not advise using her Human Cannon Drill attack too often against human players. If they block it they have a free chance to juggle you for extra damage. If they don't block it but it misses, then back dashing is likely your best option. I find that Sub-Zero can be a dangerous player against Tanya. Her drill attack unfortunately does not go under his frost, so you run the chance of getting hit with it. Not to mention that a player that likes to use Ice Clone a lot can effectively cut you off from doing any good damage combo's. If you are fighting one of those players that likes to keep his distance with Sub, I would advise you to do one of two things. 1) Wait untill they fire a frost attack at you, side step it, then fire off a projectile of your own. Or 2) If you are good at side stepping, then slowly work your way inside and use her best combo's in Kubu Jutsu. More to come... __________ ==================================/ \================================= III. Legend MKT3 ==================================\__________/================================= D - Down F - Forward U - Up B - Back 1 - Attack 1 2 - Attack 2 3 - Attack 3 4 - Attack 4 THR - Throw SC - Style Change BLK - Block Move commands separated by a comma "," indicate that a button must be pressed then another. Example: 1, 1, 4, 3. Move commands separated with a plus sign "+" indicate something must be pressed together with another button. Example: 1, 2, 4, U+3. Indicating that Up must be pressed at the same time as 3. ________________ ===============================/ \============================== IV. Tanya's Bio's MKT4 ===============================\________________/============================== ------ Bio ------ I had been called an enforcer of the Deadly Alliance. I preferred the term "ambassador." It was my duty to impose the will of Quan Chi and Shang Tsung upon the denizens of Outworld. But the sorcerers' rule was short-lived and I found myself leaderless, longing to return to my birthplace in Edenia. When Baraka caught up with me, he gave me a choice: Serve his new lord of Outworld - or die. I have lived for thousands of years because I make the right decisions. I pledged my service to the Dragon King. ------- Alt Bio ------- Onaga was aware of Shao Kahn's invasion of Edenia so many years ago. Apparently the Dragon King had been watching Shao Kahn from beyond death. Whatever the late emperor had been attempting, Onaga was determined to complete it. He was looking for lost information, ancient spells that would fuse the Elder Gods' six Kamidogu into one and therefore make it possible for him to wield their combined might. I brought him to Edenia, where I believed that information still existed. __________________________ =========================/ \========================== V. Combo and Special Moves MKT5 =========================\__________________________/========================== Name of move Command Damage% --------------------- ----- --A. Zi Ran Men Style MKT6 --------------------- ----- Reaching Punch 1 9% Knee Punch D+1 4% Double Handed Knee Strike 2 12% Natural Palm F+2 11% Radical Uppercut D+2 13% Hi-Heel Kick 3 12% Shin Destroyer B+3 8% Foot Smash D+3 5% Sidekick Bruiser 4 7% Low Chip Kick D+4 4% Perfect Form 1, 1 14% Good Seasons 2, F+2 19% Bloody Boots 4, 4 9% Sneaky Heels B+3, F+3 16% Mind and Body as One 1, 1, 3 18% My Lucky Feet 4, 4, SC, 4 24% ------------------- ----- --B. Yue Chan Style MKT7 ------------------- ----- Knuckle Hand 1 7% Wide Double Arm Palm B+1 13% Grasping Palm D+1 4% Forearm Strike 2 12% Uppercut D+2 13% Stomach Palm 3 8% Low Freaky Kick D+3 3% Low Turning Kick B+4 7% Side Kicker 4 11% Low Turning Kick D+4 5% Knuckle Punches 1, 1 12% Knuckle Master 1, 1, 1 18% Pelvis Ripper 3, 3 12% Finishing Touch 2, B+1 20% Lets Dance 1, 1, 2 21% Power Heels 4, 4 18% All Skull 3, 2, B+1 24% Toad Style 2, SC, B+1 28% All For You 2, SC, 4, 4 27% Do You Feel It 2, SC, 2 26% Twisty Edges 2, SC, 1, 1 29% Kobu Jutsu X-Fer 2, SC, 1, 1, U+1 31% --------------- ----- --C. Kobu Jutsu MKT8 --------------- ----- Underarm Twirl 1 10% Overhead Smash B+1 7% Inward Dual Strike U+1 10% Crossing Low Strike D+1 4% Head Basher 2 7% Razor Swipes B+2 17% Cutting Uppercut D+2 15% Crossing Tonfa 3 9% Crushing Side Blow B+3 8% Low Snap Kick D+3 6% Elbow End 4 6% Long Ranged Trip B+4 7% Defensive Bash U+4 6% Walking Short Kick D+4 4% Underarm Slap 1, 1 16% Dual Tonfa Snuff 1, 1, U+1 21% Wonder Twirls B+2, 1 24% Slicing Wind B+2, B+1 22% Razor Wands B+2, 1, 1 27% Head Knocker B+2, 2 22% Tonfa Steel End B+2, 4 21% Billy Club Pain B+2, 4, 4 23% Striker Sticks 4, 4 9% Spinner B+2, 1, 1, U+1 30% ------------------ ----- --D. Special Moves MKT9 ------------------ ----- Front Flip THR 16% Human Cannon Drill F, F+3 9% Air Fire Blast D, U+2 9% Surging Blast D, B+2 9% Split Flip Kick D, B+4 15% Find me (Invisible) U, D+1 0% --------------------------- ----- --E. Fatality and Hara Kiri MKT10 --------------------------- ----- Fatality 1: F, D, D, D+1 Close Range Fatality 2: U, B, F, U+2 Close Range Hara Kiri: D, D, F, U+3 *SPOILER ALERT* ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- --F. Last Warning.......Fatality and Hara Kiri Descriptions MKT11 ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- Fatality 1: Tanya strikes down on her opponents leg so hard that her hand goes inside of their leg, she then pulls out their Femur bone. As the opponent is busy hoping around she takes the bone and stabs them right in the neck with it. Sounds of agony and the gargling of blood can be heard as the opponent falls to the floor. Fatality 2: Tanya pulls out her Kobu Jutsu, she takes one slice across the opponents stomach, then one to the neck, she then does a half turn and thrusts her weapons into her opponents gut and leaves them there. The opponent then falls down to his/her knees and begins to fall face forward. As he slowly slumps forward, the Kobu Jutsu prop the person up, preventing them from falling all the way (think tri-pod). Hara Kiri - Tanya reaches into her own legs and pulls out both of her Femur's, she then proceeds to stab herself in the eyes. __________________________ =======================/ \============================ VI. Linking Combo's Together MKT12 =======================\__________________________/============================ I will refer to moves that pop your opponent in the air and allow you to juggle them, periodically in my combo strings. So if ever you see POP in a combo string, you know that the next command MAY POSSIBLY require a delay before you attempt the next part of the combo. Not all do though. Before I get any E-mails about it, I didn't put in 3 hit pop move combo's for a reason. I think everyone can find them on their own. 4 Hits - Zi Ran Men - 1, 1, 3, POP, D, B+4 -- 25% 4 Hits - Zi Ran Men - 1, 1, 3, POP, F, F, 3 --26% 4 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, F, F, 3 -- 25% 4 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, D, B+4 -- 28% 5 Hits - Zi Ran Men - 1, 1, 3, POP, B+3, F+3 -- 26% 5 Hits - Zi Ran Men - 1, 1, 3, POP, 2, F+2 --28% 5 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, 4, 4 -- 30% 5 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, 2, B+1 -- 29% 5 Hits - Kubu Jutsu - B+1, POP, B+2, 4, 4 -- 24% 5 Hits - Kubu Jutsu - B+1, POP, B+2, 1, 1, U+1 -- 26% (possible to get 6 hits) 6 Hits - Zi Ran Men - 1, 1, 3, POP, 1, 1, 3 -- 28% 6 Hits - Zi Ran Men - 1, 1, 3, POP, 4, 4, SC, 4 -- 28% 6 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, 3, 2, B+1 -- 31% 6 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, 1, 1, 2 -- 33% 6 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, 1, 1, 1 -- 31% 6 Hits - Kubu Jutsu - B+1, POP, B+1, POP, B+2, 1, 1, U+1 7 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, 2, SC, B+2 -- 34% 7 Hits - Kubu Jutsu - B+2, B+1, POP, B+2, 4, 4 -- 32% 8 Hits - Yue Chuan - 1, 1, 2, POP, 2, SC, 1, 1, U+1 -- 35% 8 Hits - Kubu Jutsu - B+2, B+1, POP, B+2, 1, 1, U+1 -- 34% Yet another *SPOILER ALERT* ___________ ===============================/ \=================================== VII. Ending MKT13 ===============================\___________/=================================== In Edenia, Tanya had located the ancient texts that described the process to fuse the five Kamidougu into one. With this information, Onaga was able to create the One Kamidogu - a tool of unspeakable power. As the Dragon King was distracted, reveling in his victory, Tanya seized the opportunity to snatch the Kamidogu from him, thereby obtaining god-like power. She destroyed the Dragon King and became the ultimate ruler of the Realms. _________________________________ ====================/ \======================== VIII. Unlocking Tanya and Her Alt's MKT14 ====================\_________________________________/======================== Tanya - A-3 In Outworld near the Ice Caves. (7pm-12am) - Koffin DI Tanya Alternate Suit - First thing you have to do is Tanya's first quest in Outworld. She is located at A-7. She will ask you to find a suitable cave to trap Liu Kang in. The cave you are looking for is at H-5, you must have access to the Tarkatan encampments to get to it. After you return to her at A-7,leave the realm and re-enter. Upon doing this, Tanya will now be at location C-2. You are now free to challenge her. After you beating her, you receive the key to unlock her Koffin containing her Alternate Costume. Koffin ML Tanya Bio - Koffin DP 306 Platinum Koins Tanya Alt Bio - Koffin KA 253 Jade koins ___________________ ============================/ \============================== IX. Version History MKT15 ============================\___________________/============================== Version 1.0 - 10-13-2004 - All of Tanya's attacks are listed, as well as damage values for each and every one. Also added in some custom combo's I have found along with damage values for them too. Version 2.0 - 10-14-2004 - Added an Introduction, some characteristics of Tanya, and a search feature. Or "Virtual pages", if you will. Fixed a part in her ending where I forgot to add a word, also cleaned up the layout a bit and fixed a few spelling errors I missed. ______________________________________________ ================/ \=============== X. Closing, Copyright, and all That Good Stuff MKT16 ================\______________________________________________/=============== This FAQ is Copyright 2004 by Josh Ford Any reproduction of this FAQ of this FAQ in part, or in whole, is prohibited. If you are seen hosting this FAQ and have not been given permission, you will be in violation of copyright laws and subject to punishment. is the only site with permission to host this FAQ.