INO YAMANAKA GUIDE "I won't lose to you!" Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2 Character FAQ: Ino Yamanaka Version: 1.0 Copyright 2007, Sean Lewis. Any questions, comments, errors? Email me at -In saying that, I don't often check my email, so if they are sent ensure they are appropriately titled to a point where I don't think they are spam. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright owners. -----------------------Version History:---------------------- Version 1.0- Character outline, and strategy completed. Battle quotes have also been listed. --------------------------------Contents------------------------------- -------- 1. Introduction - Ino Yamanaka History - Why use Ino? - Advantages/Disadvantages of Ino 3. Explanations of controls and various buttons - General controls - Ninjutsu - Taijutsu 4. Combo list and explanations - Game Manual Combos - Original Combos - Special Technique Combos 5. Battle Tips 6. Miscellaneous Ino Features 7. Closing comments 8. Frequently asked questions and future updates 9. Legal Documentation and Credits ----------------------Game Introduction-------------------------------- ----- Naruto Clash of Ninja is a series designed for the Gamecube based on the widely popular anime and manga series, Naruto written by Masashi Kishimoto. The large cast of characters, all with somewhat of a unique fighting style, and unique fighting ability attracts many to the series and this game. Personally, I love Ino Yamanaka. She is loud, impatient, and as a certain team mate would put 'troublesome'. She is comparable to the personality of both Naruto and Kiba. So ofcourse, Ino being my favourite character when I got this game, I had to choose her as the character I wanted to be best at and what not. And with her style of fighting, she was easy to adapt to, so a strategy with Ino was easy to come up with. --------------Ino Yamanaka:------------ Ino Yamanaka is recognized by her blonde hair pulled into a ponytail, and her blue eyes. She is Sakura's childhood friend, and rival in love. She is the loud, yet has a deep bond with her team mates, Shikamaru Nara and Chouji Akimichi being the second generation of the formation, Ino-Shika-Cho. Ino was brought into Naruto through Sakura, being her child hood friend who pulled her out of her depression, due to constant bullying of her oversized forehead. She befriended her and the two were considered best friends until Sakura found out that Ino liked Sasuke, just like Sakura. Sakura ended the friendship instantly. The two grew apart until the chuunin exams in which this game is set, in which they versed each other and rekindled their friendship. Ino's name in Japanese can mean 'Mountain Boar', giving Sakura the use of the insult 'pig', which irks Ino to no end. Although somewhat obnoxious, she cares for her friends and is willing to go against anything to help them, even if it is obvious she will not succeed. ------------Why use Ino?-------------- Ino has an offensive style, like most the characters in Naruto: Clash of Ninja 2. Ino has fast combos, some with useful teleports. She also has a unique grab, which only Sakura and herself have in this game; in which they push the opponent; which leaves them open to frontal combos. She is also quick, and has a nice balance of attack combos, with advanced kunai attacks. But the fact is, every character is balanced quite well; some are stronger then others but others compensate for the strength in speed, longer combos, etc. The best thing to do is choose your favourite character in the game and learn to master them, so this is a guide for help with mastering Ino. --------------Pros and cons of using Ino:-------------------- The Good: 1. She is extremely quick. 2. She has easily executed long combos, to tie in with her speed and compensates for her lack of strength. 3. She has the push grab, and also has a kunai technique that throws the opponent, giving Ino both grab techniques for any situation. 4. Her teleport techniques make her even harder to keep up with. 5. Her special technique has a long range, and is easily executed. The Not So Good: 1. Her strength is quite low, although is compensated with speed. 2. Her special technique is true to the anime and manga in which; if you miss she is left open for a frontal attack for a few seconds. 3. Although has decent amount of stamina; has lack of defense. ------------------------3.Controls and Buttons----------------- General controls: R Button: - A side step used to dodge kunai and techniques, steps to the right. - Uses the substitution jutsu, must be pressed while getting attacked, and teleports you out of the area and reappear with an attack, although does little damage but high chakra cost. L Button: - Sidestep to the left. - Substitution Jutsu X Button: Special Technique. Ninja Art: Mind Transfer Jutsu. Z Button: If you are facing multiple enemies, changes opponent you are facing. Y Button: Grab move. In Ino and Sakura's case, pushes the enemy. Otherwise is a throw. Tap the control stick TWICE to the right or left to run. Tap the control stick up TWICE to double jump. If you hit the A or B button just before hitting the ground, when knocked away, it rolls you preventing additional damage. Ninjutsu: These moves are carried out by the appropriate A button use and control stick. A - Throw Kunai: Just pressing this button with make Ino throw two Kunai. Holding down this button will increase the number to four kunai, when holding once there is a small flash, the four kunai are ready. Is a general attack and useful for small amounts of life left, and from a distance. Right+A - Sliding Slash: Ino slides along the floor, holding two kunai cutting through the enemy. Is one of Ino's slower attacks, although still quite quick. Not useful unless accompanied by a combo as alone it can leave you open to an attack if you miss. Left+A - Guard Stance: Ino stands herself into guard stance and if hit during this time will use a substitution jutsu and reappear and attack the opponent with a kunai. Moderately useful but is still open to grabs, special techniques and kunai can still be used on you. Although the stance is only held up for a few seconds so timing must be mastered. Down+A - Kunai Swing: Ino swings her kunai around, which also throws her enemy into the air, like the grab for other characters. Is useful starter combo. Can give you a break from the enemy. Up+A - Throw Kunai: Throws kunai diagonally up, cannot be charged but can hit jumping opponents. Not very useful in single player mode, but versing another person, people tend to jump a lot. Tap Control stick twice towards opponent+A - Dashing Cut: Ino must be running, when A is pressed she will swing a kunai. Can be stringed into combos. Is useful when running near the opponent. Jump in air+A - Throw Kunai: Ino will jump into the air and throw kunai diagonally down, although is only thrown at a certain angle Due to the angle, not very useful, especially with moving opponents. Taijutsu: These are used with the control stick aswell as the B button. B - Ino Punch: A simple punch that Ino uses. Starter of many combos, extremely useful. Right+B - Jumping Elbow: Is a jumping attack in which Ino swings her elbow at the opponent, which can be stringed into one combo. Although is a useful combo. Left+B - Ino Slap: Ino slaps her opponent, if the opponent is guarding pushes them away, and with certain timing, if the opponent is attacking, can block the attack. Down+B - Sweeping Kick: A sweeping kick at the feet, useful in starting combos. Quite quick and useful combos. Up+B - Cartwheel Kick: Ino does a cartwheel, kicking her opponent twice. Nice and quick attack although not used as a starter combo, so quite useless. Tap Control stick twice towards opponent+B - Flying Kick: Ino must be running/dashing. When B is pressed she throws herself into the air and kicks the opponent. Can string combos. Useful. Jump in air+B - Air Cartwheel: Ino will jump into the air and flip, kicking the opponent, yelling 'How's this'. Although this attack is hard to land on the opponent and cannot be strung into any combos, so useless. --------------------4. Combos----------------------------- Each combo will have the key input, how many hits, basic description and a rating on how useful. IMPORTANT NOTE: When the term (Left+_) is used, left is away from the enemy. Right is towards the enemy. --------------------COMBOS LISTED IN GAME MANUAL:------------------- 1. B+B+B+B+B+B - 6 Hits This combo consists of two punches, a kick, then knees the opponent into the air, then flipping back and kicking, then kicking the opponent away. It gets the opponent away from you, breaks their guard in most cases, is quick and the easiest executed combo, but is also one of Ino's longest combos with decent damage. Rating: * * * * * 2. B+B+B+B+B+A - 5 - 7 hits This combo consists of two punches, a kick, then knees the opponent into the air, then flipping back and kicking, then throws two kunai at them. Has slightly higher damage then combo above, but only when both kunai hit. Due to kunai occasionally missing not as useful, although still a nice combo. Rating: * * * * 3. B+B+B+A - 3 Hits This combo consists of two punches and a kick, then teleporting behind the opponent, is useful and can be strung into many combos ALTHOUGH the teleport only teleports behind the opponent if space allows so, so ensure this combo has room for the teleport to be efficiently tied with other combos. Rating: * * * *4. B+B+A - 2 Hits Two punches followed by two kunai thrown, is not very useful as long recovery time and no combos can be tied in. Rating: * 5. (Left+B)+B+B (3 hits) - 3 Hits Slaps the opponent, then kneeing them into the air, then flipping and kicking them towards the ground. Nice and quick and the opponent takes awhile to recover which allows you to ready for more combos. Rating: * * * 6. (Left+B)+A - 3 Hits A slap then two kunai are thrown, useful as the opponents are thrown away from you allowing dashing combos or kunai throws to be used. Rating: * * * * 7. (Down+B)+B+B - 5 Hits Ino's sweeping kick followed by two cartwheel kicks, knocks opponent down allowing you to prepare for a combo. Rating: * * * 8. (Run+B)+B - 2 Hits Ino runs at opponent, knees them into the air then kicks towards the ground, other combos are similar to this so this combo is obsolete. Rating: * ------------------------ORIGINAL COMBOS:----------------------------- 9. (Right+B)+B+B - 3 Hits This combo is a kick into the air, then teleports with another kick, then kicks towards the ground. However, the teleport kick occasionally misses and leaves you facing away from the enemy, although the recovery time for the combo is generally pretty long which compensates for this. Rating: * * * 10. (Down+B)+A - 2 Hits Sweeping kick to the floor, then slides with kunai. Useful for quick and easy damage, also knocking the opponent down. Although cannot be strung into a longer combo. Rating: * * * 11. B+B+B+B+B+B+A - 6-8 Hits A repeat of combo 1, except two kunai are thrown to add more damage, although kunai occasionally miss. Rating: * * * * * 12. (Down+A)+A - 1-4 Hits Ino swings her kunai hitting her opponent into the air, then throws three kunai into the air. Personally, Most often hits for three hits, due to one kunai missing, although occasionally does hit. Not too high damage-wise, although can be strung into another combo. Rating: * * 13. (Down+A)+B+B+B - 4 Hits Ino once again swings her kunai throwing her opponent into the air, and then elbows them into the air, then teleports and kicks then kicking them into the floor. Occasionally the teleport kick misses, along with the second kick. Although had decent damage. Rating: * * * 14. (Down+A)+A. Pause. B+B+B+B+B+B+A (7 hits) - 10-12 Hits Ino's longest combo, although timing must be learnt. After throwing the enemy into the air with her kunai, then hitting them with three kunai, she waits until they have nearly hit the floor then use combo #11. Timing must be mastered to use this, is pretty easy to get the hang of it. Rating: * * * * * 15. (Down+A)+A. Pause (Down+A)+A - 6 Hits Similar to combo above, although this combo is just repeating the (Down+A)+A combo, must be facing a wall or level boundary for it to work, can repeat multiple times and then tied into combo #1. Can be extremely powerful if works, but fail rate is extremely high due to need for a level boundary, and timing, although if pulled off is extremely high damage. I've managed to do the down+a + a combo three times consecutively. Rating: * * -----------------------SPECIAL TECHNIQUE COMBOS:-------------------- Ino uses her Mind Transfer Jutsu to take control of her opponents body, then calling Chouji in to attack releasing before it hits leaving a startled opponent hit by Chouji's Meat Tank. Ino's special technique has been said to be hard to string into combos, so for those having trouble, here are combos in which Ino's special technique can be pulled off, with a decent success rate. 16. B+B+B+A+X (6 hits) Ino punches twice, kicks then teleports behind or near her opponent then uses her special technique, Mind Transfer Jutsu. Ensure there is enough room for her teleport to work correctly or she might be facing the wrong way when she uses her jutsu; which will not work in your favour at all. Rating: * * * 17. B+B+X - 3 Hits Ino simply punches twice, then uses her special technique. Is easily done and usually always succeeds. Rating: * * * * * 18. (Double Tap Left/Backwards)+X - 1 Hit Ino flips back then using her special technique. Not too useful unless versing another person as this combo uses the range of Ino's combo to its advantage. Although if the opponent moves back may not work too well. Rating: * * 19. (In air+B)+X (2 hits) - 2 Hits Learning to use this takes a bit, but after you are in the air, you must wait till you are at your opponents level to press B, which will hit them into the air, press X quickly and will hit them. Surprisingly useful combo considering alone the jump+B is hopeless alone. Rating: * * * * 20. Dashing +X Run towards the enemy, and when in range press X. Works best against another person as is a strange way to use it, while taking advantage of Ino's technique range. Rating: * * ------------------------5. General Tips-------------------------------- To start off, it is best to get the longest combo in as possible, if not quick enough just stand and do nothing, which will end up blocking them in most cases, then use a quick DownB+B combo. When your opponent is knocked down, you can go ahead and charge your kunais by pressing and holding A. That way, when your opponent gets back up, you have 4 kunais to throw in their face or to at least distract them. When you are surrounded, don't panic. Remember that you have a rotation move, that you should take full advantage of. Try to anticipate an attack so you can put up a quick shield. In the case of a team battle, if you are surrounded by enemies, target one and use the B+B+B+A combo, it will teleport you behind your opponent and get you out of the fray. If you have anything else to comment or add to the tips, please email me (email located at top of FAQ) with your information and next version it will be added if proved correct. -----------------------6. Miscellaneous-------------------------------- ---- Unlockables relate to all characters, such as Ninja info cards, etc. Here are information on these. 1. Ino's alternate costume- Ino's alternate costume is the purple costume except the purple is replaced by a bright orange, which is influenced by the orange jumpers Ino wears while observing the Chuunin exams round two, and the jumper she wore as a child. 2. Ninja File Card: Ino Yamanaka - Ninja Registration Number O-12604 - Birthdate DOB: 9/23 (Age 12/Libra) - Height/Weight 149.3 cm/38.2 kg - Blood type B - Personality Selfish Courageous - Favorite food Cherry Tomates Custard Flan - Least favorite food ? - Would like to fight Sakura Haruno - Favorite line Floral Language - Hobbies ? - Specialty ? ----------------------7. Closing Comments------------------------------ ------- Thank you for reading my Ino Yamanaka FAQ, I hope it helped you use Ino, If you have any additional comments, information to be added, etc. Please email me. -----------------------8. FAQ and future updates----------------------- ------- Q: Is Ino unlockable? A: Ino is already available to play, no need to unlock. Q: I used the Mind Transfer Jutsu; but was hit and didn't get knocked out, is that normal? A: Sometimes the enemy hits you at a certain time before your spirit was released breaking the jutsu, it happens occasionally and in some cases is a blessing. Future updates will be combos, comments, and corrected information in case of errors. And maybe fix any unknown spelling/grammar problems and add to the Q/A section. --------------------------9. Legal Documentation and Credits----------- ------- This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. Currently, only GameFAQS has the privilege to host this FAQ. This FAQ/Walkthrough is copyright of Sean Lewis ( All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Thanks to: My Mother for buying me the game. Masashi Kishimoto for making such great characters GameFAQS for hosting this guide.