Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen 3 Menu Translation Guide Version 1.0 By Matt DelGiudice (noamattd #at# hotmail $dot$ com) Legal Statement / Copyright Statement This document was created, edited, proofread, maintained, and nurtured by me, Matt DelGiudice (noamattd #at# hotmail $dot$ com). It is to be used only for private and personal purposes. Under no circumstances is this document to be used for promotional or profitable purposes, including being used in any way by or within magazines, strategy guides, newspaper articles, etc. This FAQ may be used on a website as long as this disclaimer appears in full, and the content remains completely and totally UNCHANGED. Other copyrights and trademarks are acknowledged. Don't steal from me. My FAQ. In layman's terms: This document Copyright 2004 Matthew DelGiudice. The latest version of this FAQ can always be found at Naruto and all related trademarks and characters are Copyright Kishimoto Masashi and TV Tokyo. ================= Table of Contents ================= - Intro - Menu Translation - Multiplayer handicap options - Version History ===== Intro ===== The following pages contain translations of GNT3's menus and dialogue boxes. You should probably print this out or something, as there are no helpful pictures accompanying the options as there were in GNT2. The format will be as follows: Main Menu option "What Sakura says" Submenu option Multiplayer Handicap option (Scroll color# of points) ================ Menu Translation ================ Press start at ye olde Title Screen. After everything loads up, you'll be on the main menu. It starts on Single Player, this guide goes through the options as you scroll DOWN. 1-player mode "Hitori de asobi moudo yo!" One-player mode1 Vs. Computer Survival Shadow Mode Time Attack Multiplayer "Hitori kara yonin de asobi no moudo yo!" Two-player cooperative Two-player Vs. 4-player Vs.4 Two-player Survival Mission "Mission wo konashite, story wo tanoshimu moudo yo!" New Game Continue Mission Select Three-Man Cell "Suree man seru de taisen suru moudo you!" Vs. Computer Two-player Vs.2 Training "Waza ya combo no renshuu ga dekiru moudo yo!" Watch Mode "Shiai kansen ga dekiru moudo yo!" Shop "Kaimono ga dekiru wa!" Omake (Bonus Stuff) "Ironna omake ga aru wa yo!" Sound Test Statistics Ninja Profiles Gallery Viewer Settings "Geimu no settei ga dekiru wa!" Game Options Difficulty # Rounds Time Limit Attack Power Rumble Ranking Sound Stereo / Mono Music On / Off Sound Effects On / Off Memory Card Save Load Auto Save On / Off Default Settings ===================== Multiplayer Handicaps ===================== After choosing your characters (and teams, in 4-player mode), you'll be on the stage select screen. Push DOWN on the control stick to highlight the Handicap option, and push A. This guide assumes you've purchased ALL the handicaps from Anko's shop. You have three points worth of handicaps to use. From the top, the handicaps are: Attack power up (25%) – 1 point Attack power up (50%) – 2 points Unlimited Chakra – 3 points Super move power 50% up - 1 point Hit opponent and regain health – 2 points Energy 50% up – 2 points Energy 100% up – 3 points Become stronger when hit – 2 points Constantly regain health – 3 points Block supers - 1 point Opponent slowly loses health – 3 points Opponent's attack down (50%) - 2 points Opponent's Chakra recovery down – 2 points =============== Version History =============== v0.1 - 11/20/2004 - Just got the game and did this in about 10 minutes. Time to play! v0.5 - 11/22/2004 - Unlocked all the extra menu options and modes, the menu part of the guide is complete. V1.0 – 12/6/2004 - Correct d a couple minor typos, added the multiplayer handicaps. Guide seems to be done.