NCAA FOOTBALL 2003 by EA SPORTS -=* Player Last Names List *=- by: teegar email: started: 7/11/2004 current version: 0.6 status: in progress PREFACE *** Several people have emailed me with new names. However, I think some of those emails may have accidentally been deleted. If you submitted some names and they're not in the list, just re-send them and I'll drop them in as soon as I can. Note that my email address has changed since I made the original version. *** INTRODUCTION This document is (well, will be) a list containing all of the last names of players that announcer Brad Nessler will say during his commentary in NCAA Football 2003 (tm) by EA Sports. All the names in this list were gathered from the many created schools and players I've made. This is in all likelihood an incomplete list -- and may always be unless I can get my hands on the raw game data -- so if you have any to add, let me know! VERSION HISTORY date: 7/11/2004 | version: 0.5 Started making the list. date: 6/29/2005 | version 0.6 Added three new names provided by email. FORMAT I've arranged the list alphabetically, and I've tried to keep the names themselves in alphabetical order where possible. THE NAMES A --- Adams Addis Allen Allison Alston Anderson Andrews Atkins Ayers B --- Baker Baldwin Ball Ballard Barber Barker Barnes Bartlett Bauer Bell Benjamin Bennett Benson Berger Bernard Bird Blackwell Blair Boyle Bradford Branch Brennan Brock Brown Bryant Britton Buchanan Buckner Burgess Burnett Burns Burnsides Butler Byrd C --- Cain Caldwell Cameron Campbell Cannon Carney Carson Carter Carty Case Cash Castro Chambers Chapman Chatfield Chen Cherry Christian Church Clark Clarke Clay Cobb Coffey Colburn Coleman Collins Conrad Cook Cordes Cote Cotton Craft Craig Curry D --- Daniel Davidson Davis Dawson Delaney Dezern Decker Diaz Dixon Dodson Donaldson Donovan Dorsey Douglas Dunbar Dunlap Dunn Duran Durham E --- Eaton Edwards Elliott Estes Evans Everett F --- Farmer Farrell Faulk Fernandez Fleming Fletcher Ford Foster Francis Franks Frost Fuller G --- Gaines Gamble Gardner Garza Gentry Gilbert Giles Goff Good Goodman Green Grimes Guthrie H --- Hahn Hale Haley Hall Hammond Hancock Haney Hansen Hanson Harding Harris Harrison Hartman Hatfield Head Hendricks Henry Herring Hicks Higgins Hill Hobbs Hodges Hoffman Hogan Holland Holt Hopper Horton House Howard Hull J --- Jackson Jacobs Jarvis Jenkins Jennings Jefferson Johnson Johnston Jones Joyner K --- Kane Kemp Kerr Kinney Kirkland Kline Knight Knox Kramer L --- Lambert Lancaster Larsen Larson Lawrence Lee Lindsey Lopez Love Lowe Lucas Lynch M --- Madden Malone Mann Martin Mason Mathews Mathis Matthews Maxwell May Mayer Mayo McCarthy McCarty McConnell McCoy McCray McDaniel McDowell McFadden McKay McKinney McLaughlin McMillan McPherson Melton Merrill Merritt Meyer Michael Middleton Miles Miller Mitchell Monroe Mooney Moore Morales Morton Moses Mosley Mosling Mueller Mullen Murray N --- Nakfoor Nash Neal Nelson Newton Nichols Nielsen Nixon Noble Norman Norris O --- Odonnell Oliver Olsen Olson Osborn P --- Pace Palmer Parks Patrick Patton Paulding Peck Pennington Perez Peters Phillips Pollard Poole Potts Pratt Prince Q --- Quinn R --- Ramirez Ramsey Randall Randolph Rasmussen Raymond Reed Renedo Reynolds Richards Rivera Rivers Robbins Roberts Rodriguez Rogers Rojas Romero Rose Rowland Ruiz Russell Rutledge S --- Sanchez Sandoval Sargent Schutte Scott Sears Shepard Sherman Simpson Slater Small Smith Snyder Sparks Spencer Stallworth Stanley Stanton Stark Stein Stewart Stokes Strong Stuart Summers Sutton Swanson T --- Taylor Theodore Thomas Thompson Timms Todd Turk Turner Tyson U --- Underwood V --- Vance Vuong W --- Wagner Walker Wall Walsh Walter Ward Warner Washington Watson Weaver Weiss West White Whitney Wilkins Williams Winston Winters Wise Wolfe Wood Woodard Workman Y --- Young OTHER STUFF + Any name that appears in a created school's initial roster will be announced during the game. I got the majority of these names by quickly creating schools and gleaning names from the rosters. + I will do my best to keep this list updated as often as possible. Again, if you have any names to pass along, please do so. I will credit you if you send me a name or names and I can confirm their presence in the game. If you email me with new names, PLEASE TELL ME HOW YOU WOULD LIKE TO BE CREDITED (GameFAQs username, a nickname, etc.). If you don't do this, I will not be able to credit you in this list. + I do not own NCAA 2004, but if someone would like to verify that all of these names can be heard in-game in the 2004 version, I will submit this list to the 2004 section of GameFAQs as well. + When emailing me about this list, please put "NCAA Football Names List" as the subject line of your email. My spam filters (software and mental) are extremely high and I tend to discard anything I don't immediately recognize. + No spam. + Really. I mean this. + Email stuff that will cause me to dislike you immensely, even more than tofu salad and flat tires: l337-speak, flames, spam, anything not written in English, anything written using very poor English, blank emails, attachments, you get the idea. + Email stuff that I will respect you for in the morning: new player names, corrections in spelling or alphabetizing, PayPal donations, genuine praise, pretend praise and expressions of gratitude to me for making this list. Cute girls near Charleston, South Carolina may also send phone numbers and/or date invitations. THANKS TO: the people who email me with new names EA Sports -- they made the game myself -- I made the list CJayC -- he made GameFAQs Jesus Christ -- He made me whole LEGAL SCHMEGAL This document is property of "teegar" (aka Dave Baker) and is copyright (c) 2005. If you want to use this document for anything other than individual personal use, you must contact me first. Any public use of this document that I have authorized must include a credit to me. This document may not appear on any website other than without my prior consent.