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And I used to think the PSX version was cool <_< Anyway, this game is nothing like it's original. The original had only 8 cars and 1 bonus car. This game has over 45 cars! They're not easy to get however. This has it all: Porsche (My favorite), Ferrari, Lamborghini, Aston Martin and then you have your average Ford, Mercedes, etc. The Hot Pursuit mode has been creatively been modeled. You have your average cop cars chasing you, road blocks and spike strips, and a helicopter?!?!. The helicopter is the hardest to shake off of you. First of all, it can acceler- ate faster than you can believe and drops barrels packed with explosives at you! Trying to dodge these can be a nightmare. Then you have a championship and Ultimate Racer mode. Here you can beat each level to move on until the finals. Beating each level earns you something. It could be unlocking another tournament bracket, unlocking cars, or unlocking tracks. As you progress, you will unlock more valuable cars (Porsche, Ferrari, Lamborghini, etc.). That is what's in this game. Onto the guide. ============================================================================== Table of Contents ============================================================================== Version History Controls Hot Pursuit Quick Race You're The Cop Challenge Ultimate Racer World Racing Quick Race Challenge Championship Options Tips Car Information NFS Points Tracks ** Cheat/Codes Gameshark Codes FAQ Copyright Credits Author's Note * = Haven't started section yet. Don't expect to see it below. ** = Started section but not finished. ============================================================================== Version History ============================================================================== * * * ALL PREVIOUS VERSIONS DELETED * * * 1.00 - Updated Finished Hot Pursuit section. This is the first complete version of the FAQ. In the next update I will hopefully finish the track descriptions. 1.03 - Updated Got a few more shortcuts for the tracks and did a major formatting correction mainly because my 'overscores' weren't showing up nice on IGN. 1.10 - Updated I made a new FAQ section and you will see the other obvious changes in different sections. 1.12 - Updated It's been awhile but I'm still working on this FAQ. I added several contributions and made a format change because the other was too hard to read, atleast to me. I will be finishing up the Hot Pursuit, World Racing, and Tracks sections within the next updates. ============================================================================== Controls ============================================================================== * Taken From Instructional Manual * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Menu Controls Highlight Menu Items - D-Button Up and Down Cycle Choices - D-Button Left and Right Select/Go To Next Screen - X Button Return To Previous Screen - Triangle Button Help - Circle Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Driving Controls Steering - Left Analog Stick/D-Pad Left and Right Gas - X Button/Right Analog Stick Up Brake/Reverse - Square Button/Right Analog Stick Down Change View - Triangle Button Horn - Circle Button Shift Up - R2 Button Shift Down - L2 Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You're The Cop Controls Activate Siren/Target Speeders - Circle Button Call Roadblock or Spike Strip - (Manual/Semi-Automatic) Triangle + R2 (Automatic) R2 Button Call Helicopter - (Manual/Semi-Automatic) Triangle + L2 (Automatic) L2 Button Activate Speed Boost - R3 Button* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Camera/View Controls Look Back - L1 Button Change View - Triangle Button Cycle Heads-Up Display (HUD) - D-Button Right Zone Freeze - (Manual/Semi-Automatic) Square + L2 (Automatic) L2 Button Zone Zoom - (Manual/Semi-Automatic) Triangle + R2 (Automatic) R2 Button ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Replay Controls Player 1/Player 2 - L1 Button Previous Marker - D-Button Down Next Marker - D-Button Left Slow Motion - Square Button Stop/Play - X Button Camera Angle - Triangle Button Help - Circle Button Toggle Replay Controls On/Off - Select Button Return To Menu - Start Button * This button is activated when you press down on the Right Analog Stick until you hear a click. ============================================================================== Hot Pursuit ============================================================================== QUICK RACE ---------- In quick race, you start off with a random car. Then you race on Coastal Parklands. ============================================================================== YOU'RE THE COP -------------- This is the fun place. You get to be the cop. Players - One Player : Solo Play, full screen Two Players : 1st player is the cop and 2nd is the racer. 1st player has to stop the racer before the time runs out. 2nd player has to finish the number of laps before the cop busts him 3 times or the time runs out. (Sent in by: Pez) There are no AI opponents in this, just you and your friend, except player 1 is the cop and player 2 is the speeder. Basicly you just have catch player 2 three times and arrest him in the time limit, while player 2 has to complete the set number of laps in the time limit while avoiding being arrested. (Sent in by: Lazer Lazer) Skill level - Beginner : Fast opponents Advanced : Faster opponents Expert : Fastest opponents Setup - Catch Up Off : No boost On : Boost to catch up to opponents Traffic Off : No cars on course On : Cars on course Damage Off : No damage done to car On : Damage to car (Note: this doesn't affect per- formance) ___________________________________________________________ Cars to choose from: What cars you will be chasing: Ford Crown Victoria Pursuit Lotus Elise Vauxhall VX220 Opel Speedster Ford TS50 BMW M5 Pursuit BMW M5 Jaguar XKR Coupe HSV GTS Coupe HSV GTS Coupe Mustang SVT Cobra R Pursuit Aston Martin V12 Vanquish Ferrari 550 Barchetta Ferrari 360 Spider BMW Z8 Corvette ZO6 Pursuit Porsche 911 Turbo Ferrari F50 Dodge Viper GTS Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version Lamborghini Diablo Pursuit McLaren F1 McLaren F1: LM Mercedes CLK - GTR McLaren F1 / : LM ___________________________________________________________ Tips ---- o Use your boosts, why wouldn't you? o Tips for pulling over cars: Call for Spikes, Roadblocks, or Helicopters. When you do call for them, conserve them, you only get three helicop- ters and three of either spikes or roadblocks. To pull them over, crash them off the road and get in front of them. In some cases they will back up about 100 yards. If that happens, turn around quickly and hit them head on. That should get them. o Avoid going off of jumps. That how you waste your time. . . o Right from the beginning I target the last car, and then call for a road block, if it is positioned right on a small road, the spike strip will hit all the cars, leaving an easy job to pick them up with maximum points. (Sent in by: Dan Jacobson) ============================================================================== CHALLENGE --------- Players - One Player : Solo Play, full screen Two Players : 1 on top of the screen and 2 on bottem will start in the last two positions on the grid. You can work your way up in the normal fashions for knockouts etc. (Sent in by: Cliff Haddox) Players run from the cops just the same as sin- gle player. The only difference is you have no AI. If you play a knockout or lap knockout it will shove in 2 AI players and have a 4 player race, but it never puts any higher AI players than that. (Sent in by: Lazer Lazer) Race Type - Free Run : Run practice laps Single Race : First to the finish wins Knockout : Last place in each race eliminated Lap Knockout: Last place on each lap eliminated Skill level - Beginner : Fast opponents Advanced : Faster opponents Expert : Fastest opponents Setup - Opponents Full Grid : 7 opponents One : 1 opponent Opponent Type Random : Random picked car Same : Same car as yours Catch Up Off : No boost On : Boost to catch up to opponents Traffic Off : No cars on course On : Cars on course Damage Off : No damage done to car On : Damage to car (Note: this doesn't affect per- formance) ============================================================================== ULTIMATE RACER -------------- In this section, I will (hopefully) tell you where the cops are on each lap (if possible), how to avoid each one, and tell you the important shortcuts to take to lose the cops. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 1 - Lotus Elise Delivery ------------------------------ Objective: Deliver a Lotus Elise in under 5:00:00 Reward: Events - 2 and 3 Cars - Lotus Elise Tracks - (none) Cars available: Lotus Elise Since this is the first level in Ultimate Racer, it should not be that hard. After making you first two turns, you will go up a long straightaway. On the straightaway there will be a cop on either the right or left of you. When you go past him, you should be going well over a hundred. He will give chase. When you enter the tunnel, stay to the right as much as you can. Sim- ply because if he gets on the left of you, you can ram him into the other wall while still going pretty fast. If you're on the other side, you will have a harder time trying to get past him. Most likely, he will give the chase up once you get out of the tunnel if you're lucky. The second cop should give chase soon after you get out of the tunnel. You should still be going very fast so you won't have to worry about him. You should have four stars by now. Once you go up the very big hill, look to your right to see a dirt path. Take it and look to your left for when you see the path turn. Go across the road and onto the other path. Follow this until a little bridge. After going through the tunnel, you will bechased by another cop, which makes two cops in total chasing you. You will continue down this road until you see a shortcut to the right. Take it because you will save time. After going down the free way, you will make a little turn to the right. Look to the right for a path. This is an excellent opportunity to lose the cops. If they are far behind you, they will follow you by using their boosts. Most likely they will lose control on this path. Just stay all the way to the right and go until the main road. After awhile, you will go over a bridge and will see a fork up ahead. I would say turn right and continue down the road. Reason is because if you have cops on your tail, the traffic can help you to get rid of them. When there's forks, take the right so you can stay with the traffic. Soon, you'll be done with time to spare (hopefully). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 2 - Opel Speedster Delivery --------------------------------- Objective: Deliver an Opel Speedster in under 6:15:00 Reward: Events - 4 and 5 Cars - Opel Speedster NFS Edition Tracks - (none) Cars available: Opel Speedster After making a turn and two slight ones, you will go up a hill. A cop will be around here, but you'll be going going fast. After going through the S- Curves, as the police call it, you will make a slight 180 degree turn. Then to the right is a path. Take it to avoid wasting valuable time. Eventually you will go down a curvy road with a straight road to the left (on your radar). This is a favorite place for cops to set up roadblocks and spike strips. To the left as your going down the curvy road is a path. Take it. After coming out of the tunnel, you will see columns. To the right is a very narrow path. Take it and most likely, cops will go beserk trying to get you while aat the same time crashing into the columns. At about 58%, you will make a right turn. Then a left. Look to your left to see a boardwalk. It will be hard to control on this but you will manage (hopefully). At about 67.7%, look to your right to see a path in the trees. This will eliminate trying to avoid any roadblocks that might be to the left of the path. At about 74% complete, you will see a little town. You will see the main road veer off to the left. Look straight and a bit to the right. You will barely see a path made of cobblestone. The traction on this is similiar com- pared to the boardwalk surface. Watch out for the barrels to the left as your going through here as the will slow your speed down dramatically. At 91% complete, you will be going around a turn to the right. Look to your right to see a little path that will ave police going beserk again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 3 - Merecedes CL55 AMG Delivery ------------------------------------- Objective: Deliver a Mercedes CL55 AMG in under 7:00:00 Reward: Events - 6, 7, and 8 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Mercedes Benz CL55 AMG 0 to 15% into the race is pretty straight forward. Make the turns good, avoid traffic, speed past cops, etc., etc. Now at 15% you will be going on a straightaway. In the distanc is a fork that you will make a choice of going one way or the other. I suggest going to the left and staying to the left because you will be going faster on it. At about 25% complete, you will see a sign telling you to make a _SHARP_ turn right. Don't be a fool, go straight through it and into a secret path. When you have a split in the path, take the right one. Go on this until it rejoins to the main road. At about 43.5% complete, look to the right for a path. Take it and avoid the structures. This is a good place to lose the cops. When coming back onto the main road, immediately turn to the left onto another road. From my under- standing, you can save about 10 seconds by using this path instead of the others. At about 63% there will be a roadblock most of the time. If there is, don't be fooled by the hill. Go either on the the right or on the left of the hill to avoid the roadblock, if there is any. At 78% complete, there will be a dirt path to the left. There is usually a roadblock on the main road at about this place, so you can avoid it. At 89.8% complete, there will be another dirt path to the left. Take it to save a few seconds. At 95.5% complete look to your left to see yet _another_ dirt path. This will leave the police crying for backup to arrive. Shortly after you will see yet _ANOTHER_ dirt path to the left a little ways down. Soon your finished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 4 - Austrailia vs Germany Desert Knockout ----------------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid coming in last on each race Reward: Events - 9 and 10 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ford TS50, Mercedes Benz CL55 AMG, Opel Speedster Take the Ford TS50 and you'll be up against the Ford, Mercedes, and the Opel. In the first race, go past the columns acting like medians, and look to your right for a path. After going through there, enter back onto the main road. After going over a bridge you will turn to the left. Then you will see a path to your right. Take it to the end and exit back onto the main road. After turning very slightly to the right, you will see telephone poles in the distance. To the left of them is another path. Take it until the end and slow down. Then take a right turn into yet another path. Slow down at the end of this and make a sharp right hand turn onto the main road. After awhile you will see signs telling you to turn right. Go through them instead and you'll be on a secret dirt path. This is an _excellent_ place to lose cops. Follow the path all the way down and go off the jump at the end. You will get huge air and be back onto the main road. Don't bother going towards the right after you jump because you'll just waste time. At the end where all you have to do is make a 180 degree turn, cut as close as you can to the wall to avoid wasting time. Repeat for the second lap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 5 - Pursuit Crown Victoria Challenge ------------------------------------------ Objective: Pull over speeding cars in under 2:00:00 Reward: Events - 11 Cars - Pursuit Crown Victoria Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ford Crown Victoria If you don't know the controls after the screen shows them, refer to my Controls section. Anyway it's real simple. If you get too far behind, press R3. When you get up to one, you can try to push them off the road and slow them down until they're caught. If they're too fast for you, you may call a roadblock or spike strips. If they avoid those, call in the helicopter. He will drop barrels to slow the car down. Once you get them all, you'll get your prize. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 6 - Germany vs U.K. Forest Knockout ----------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid coming in last on each race Reward: Events - 11 Cars - (none) Tracks - National Forest II Cars available: BMW M5, Jaguar XKR Coupe These are three races on the same course. Last player on each race gets eli- minated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 7 - U.K. vs Australia Race -------------------------------- Objective: Come in first after three laps Reward: Events - 11 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: HSV GTS Coupe, Jaguar XKR Coupe This is an easy race. Pick the Jaguar and just beat the opponents like it is nothing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 8 - GM Challenge Multi Track Knockout ------------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid coming in last on each race Reward: Events - 12, 13, and 14 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Opel Speedster, Vauxhall VX220 These are three races on different course. Last player on each race gets eliminated. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 9 - Pursuit BMW M5 Challenge ---------------------------------- Objective: Stop all speeders within 2:30:00 Reward: Events - 15 Cars - Pursuit BMW M5 Tracks - (none) Cars available: BMW M5 You have to stop four speeding cars before the time runs out. This will be a bit more difficult than the last one you did, so be on the look out! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 10 - HSV Mediterranean Challenge -------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid coming in last after 4 laps Reward: Events - 16 Cars - (none) Tracks - Calypso Coast Cars available: HSV GTS Coupe This is a tuogh race. Because most of the streets are narrow, it's hard to shake the cops off your tail. You usually spin out because they try to block you. Then the helicopter with it's barrels. . .they're hard to avoid. I got busted once and a guy got arrested. The other two got busted twice. I guess that's why I won. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 11 - Island Outskirts Lap Knockout ---------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid being last on each lap Reward: Events - 16 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: BMW M5, HSV GTS Coupe, Jaguar XKR Coupe This is easy. Remember, it's a Lap Knockout, don't be in last place on each lap. For your concern, I picked the BMW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 12 - Ancient Ruins Lap Knockout ------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid being last on each lap Reward: Events - 17 and 18 Cars - (none) Tracks - Ancient Ruins II Cars available: BMW M5, HSV GTS Coupe, Jaguar XKR Coupe This is easy. Remember, it's a Lap Knockout, don't be in last place on each lap. For your concern, I picked the BMW. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 13 - Pursuit Corvette Challenge ------------------------------------- Objective: Stop three Dodge Vipers in under 3:00:00 Reward: Events - 19 Cars - Pursuit Corvette ZO6 Tracks - (none) Cars available: Corvette ZO6 This is actually easier than it seems. Because there's barely any side to the road, this is where spikes come in handy. Press R2 (or Triangle + R2 if manual) and wait for the strip. I got lucky and got all three at a time! Once their tires are out, just ram them until they stop. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 14 - V12 Vanquish Point-to-Point Series --------------------------------------------- Objective: Come first in points at the end of the tournament Reward: Events - 20 and 21 Cars - (none) Tracks - Autumn Crossing II Cars available: Aston Martin V12 Vanquish These five poit-to-point races are hard. If you come in first on the first three, you don't need to worry about winning on the last two which are extremely hard. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 15 - European Invitational Tournament ------------------------------------------- Objective: Come first in points after 5 races Reward: Events - 22 and 23 Cars - (none) Tracks - Alpine Trail Cars available: Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, BMW Z8, Ferrari 360 Spider Either the BMW or the Ferrari would be a good choice. If you're up for a challenge, pick the Aston Martin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 16 - Ferrari 550 Alpine Challenge --------------------------------------- Objective: Complete four laps and come in first Reward: Events - 24 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pirinfarina This isn't that tough. I saw no helicopter during my whole race, so I assume you won't either. The police won't chase you right before the finish on the fourth lap. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 17 - Ferrari 360 Alpine Point-to-Point -------------------------------------------- Objective: Deliver a Ferrari 360 Modena in under 6:10:00 Reward: Events - 24 Cars - (none) Tracks - Autumn Crossing Cars available: Ferrari 360 Modena Challenge Version This is a point-to-point race. . .with cops :-( Anyway, it took me two tries and on the second one, I had over a minute left (That includes a bust). It's really easy, so try your best. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 18 - Pursuit Mustang Cobra R ---------------------------------- Objective: Stop three speeders in under 3:30:00 Reward: Events - 24 Cars - Pursuit Mustang Cobra R Tracks - (none) Cars available: Mustang SVT Cobra R This is EXTREMELY easy. All you have to do is put your sirens on, call for spike strip, and get the cars once they go over it. Seriously, this was the easiest so far in Ultimate Racer! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 19 - BMW Z8 Tropical Time Trial ------------------------------------- Objective: Complete a lap in under 4:15:00 Reward: Events - 25 and 26 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: BMW Z8 This is a bit difficult at first, but you'll eventually get it. There is something you MUST do to pass this test. There is a massive shortcut that will save you about 10 seconds. Right from the start, turn left and follow that road. You will save valuable time that way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 20 - U.S. Invitational Lap Knockout ----------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid being last on each lap Reward: Events - 27 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Corvette ZO6, Dodge Viper GTS Not really a hard event, just make sure you don't come in last place on each lap and you'll do fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 21 - Porsche Challenge Race --------------------------------- Objective: Finish in first after 5 laps Reward: Events - 27 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Porsche 911 Turbo, Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version This is one hard race. It took me awhile to do it and after I did I saved the game :P Anyway, the cops are being total ******* in this event. The corvettes like to get ahead of you and slam you into the wall while your competition speeds away. I had it happen that I was in the lead just before the last lap, then I somehow ended up being 30 seconds behind the leader when I finished. Anyway, good luck on this event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 22 - Lamborghini Lap Knockout ----------------------------------- Objective: Avoid being last after each lap Reward: Events - 28 Cars - Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 VT Tracks - (none) Cars available: Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 VT, Lamborghini Murcielago Real simple: don't come in last place on each lap. It's as simple as that. Despite there being Lamborghinis, they don't pose a threat. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 23 - Porsche vs Ferrari Showdown -------------------------------------- Objective: Come in first after 4 laps Reward: Events - 28 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari F50, Porsche 911 Turbo, Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version I picked my lovely Porsche 911 Turbo simply because I love Porsches. This is my favorite course! , so I'll do horrible here. Anyway, once you win, you get your prize. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 24 - Corvette Time Trial ------------------------------ Objective: Race in under 3:15:00 Reward: Events - 28 Cars - Corvette ZO6 Tracks - (none) Cars available: Corvette ZO6 Very easy event. I had over 30 seconds remaining. One shortcut to keep in mind is where all the rocks are dividing the four lane highway, go to the left after that, then go in the opening and into the other opening. This will save you a bunch of time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 25 - U.S. vs Germany Race Knockout ---------------------------------------- Objective: Avoid finishing last on each race Reward: Events - 28 Cars - (none) Tracks - Outback II Cars available: Corvette ZO6, Dodge Viper GTS, Porsche 911 Turbo, Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version I would pick a Porsche (naturally) and blow the competition away. Remember, avoid finishing last. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 26 - U.S. vs Italy Race Knockout -------------------------------------- Objective: Finish in first Reward: Events - 29 Cars - (none) Tracks - Calypso Coast II Cars available: Corvette ZO6, Dodge Viper GTS, Ferrari F50, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0, Lamborghini Murcielago I would pick the Ferrari mainly because how easy it handles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 27 - Pursuit Murcielago Challenge --------------------------------------- Objective: Stop four cars in under 5:00:00 Reward: Events - 29 Cars - Pursuit Murcielago Tracks - (none) Cars available: Lamborghini Murcielago This is a bit difficult. Just ask for spikes whenever you get near a car and you'll be fine. When you run out of spikes, call for a helicopter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 28 - Supercar Series I ---------------------------- Objective: Finish first in points at the end of race 8 Reward: Events - 30 Cars - (none) Tracks - Palm City Island Cars available: McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1, McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1 LM, Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR This is easy. Italways seems that when I race with McLarens, it's always so easy. I don't know why, but it just is. I ended up just fooling around on the last three levels because I was bored :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 29 - Supercar Series II ----------------------------- Objective: Finish first in points at the end of race 8 Reward: Events - 30 Cars - (none) Tracks - Palm City Island II Cars available: McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1, McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1 LM, Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR This is easy. Italways seems that when I race with McLarens, it's always so easy. I don't know why, but it just is. I ended up just fooling around on the last three levels because I was bored :P ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 30 - The Ultimate Road Race --------------------------------- Objective: Beat the three opponents on a six lap race Reward: Events - 31 Cars - McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1 Tracks - (none) Cars available: McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1 This will be easy. Despite there being McLarens, they are extremely easy. If you read my descriptions from above, you should know that I beat them easily. There is one shortcut that you should go through during the race. It is hard to tell you where, but there's a place where one road goes it's normal route and the other diverts off to the left. If you're on the right road, you should be on wood and have little turning capabilities. Don't worry, this will knock a second off your final lap time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 31 - Ferrari 550 Endurance Race ------------------------------------- Objective: Complete 3 laps at Ancient Ruins Reward: Events - 32 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pininfarin Very difficult. Mainly because the Mustang Pursuit car is fast and the Ferrari is slow. They do everything to slow you down and then it's too late to win. I won on luck when the guy in first place was like 10 seconds ahead of me on my last lap, he went over the spikes set up for me and got busted. I won. Good luck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 32 - Hot Pursuit 2 Championship Duel ------------------------------------------ Objective: Beat the opponent Reward: Events - (none) Cars - Ferrari 360 Modena Challenge Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari 360 Spider This race isn't that difficult. The opponent will likely get busted alot. I was lucky and won the race when he got arrested :) Anyway, for the last event, this wasn't too challenging, but still worth it! ============================================================================== World Racing ============================================================================== QUICK RACE ---------- In quick race, you start off with a random car. Then you race on Coastal Parklands. ============================================================================== CHALLENGE --------- Players - One Player : Solo Play, full screen Two Players : 1 on top of the screen and 2 on bottem will start in the last two positions on the grid. You can work your way up in the normal fashions for knockouts etc. (Sent in by: Cliff Haddox) Race Type - Free Run : Run practice laps Single Race : First to the finish wins Knockout : Last place in each race eliminated Lap Knockout: Last place on each lap eliminated Skill level - Beginner : Fast opponents Advanced : Faster opponents Expert : Fastest opponents Setup - Opponents Full Grid : 7 opponents One : 1 opponent Opponent Type Random : Random picked car Same : Same car as yours Catch Up Off : No boost On : Boost to catch up to opponents Traffic Off : No cars on course On : Cars on course Damage Off : No damage done to car On : Damage to car (Note: this doesn't affect per- formance) ============================================================================== CHAMPIONSHIP ------------ Event 1 unlocks event 2 and 3. Event 2 unlocks 4 and 5. Event 3 unlocks 6, 7, and 8. So on and so forth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 1 - National Forest Challenge ----------------------------------- Objective: Place 2nd or better. Reward: Events - 2 and 3 Cars - (none) Tracks - National Forest Cars available: Ford TS50, Lotus Elise, Mercedes Benz CL55 AMG, Opel Speed- ster, Vauxhaul VX220 This race should be easy. You'll be racing against 4 opponents. Here's a tip to start off good: When the start is ticking down, don't hold the gas. In- stead, wait for 1, then put the pedal to the metal. You will get points for every person you pass (Just the first time). For the first lap, just follow behind the lead guy. Look at where he brakes and turns. Then on the second and third lap, just fly through the course. In no time you'll be finished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 2 - CL55 AMG Mediterranean Time Trial ------------------------------------------- Objective: Complete a lap in under 3:05:00. Reward: Events - 4 and 5 Cars - Mercedes CL55 Tracks - (none) Cars available: Mercedes Benz CL55 AMG This might be a bit difficult because of the traffic. When you're going over a hundred, be careful because a car could hit you in a second, ruining your time. Actually this is easy. If you don't succeed your first time, see if you remember where any shortcuts were. They could help by cutting a second or two off your final time. Race conservatively and you do just fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 3 - Ford TS50 Lap Knockout -------------------------------- Objective: Win the race by not being the last person to cross the finish line each lap. Reward: Events - 6,7, and 8 Cars - Fors TS50 Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ford TS50 All you have to do is be in front of someone at the end of each lap. As soon as the guy in last place crosses the finish line he will be eliminated. Race to the finish. When you win, you'll get your rewards. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 4 - Lotus Elise Challenge Race ------------------------------------ Objective: Place 2nd or better. Reward: Events - 9 and 10 Cars - (none) Tracks - Coastal Parklands II Cars available: Lotus Elise This race should be easy. You'll be racing against 4 opponents. For the first lap, just follow behind the lead guy. Look at where he brakes and turns. Then on the second and third lap, just fly through the course. In no time you'll be finished. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 5 - National Forest Knockout ---------------------------------- Objective: Avoid getting last in each race to win. Reward: Events - 11 and 12 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Lotis Elise, Opel Speedster Just make sure you don't place last in each race. When you win, you get your reward. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 6 - Jaguar XKR Championship --------------------------------- Objective: Win the three race tournament. Reward: Events - 11 and 12 Cars - (none) Tracks - Scenic Drive II Cars available: Jaguar XKR Coupe This race can be difficult for beginners. The handling on the Jaguar is hard to cope with. You tend to slide when going at high speeds. Just learn to handle it and you'll do fine in the race. The points are: 1st place: 10 points 2nd place: 6 points 3rd place: 4 points 4th place: 3 points 5th place: 2 points 6th place: 1 point 7th & 8th: 0 points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 7 - BMW M5 Autumn Hill Climb ---------------------------------- Objective: Win the two lap race. Reward: Events - 11 and 12 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: BMW M5 This race will be difficult for begginers. Mainly because the BMW is fast. Just race like normal and you'll win the event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 8 - General Motors Time Trial ----------------------------------- Objective: Complete a lap in under 3:30:00. You only have three laps to accomplish this. Reward: Events - (none) Cars - (none) Tracks - Island Outskirts II Cars available: Opel Speedster, Vauxhall VX 220 Just race like you always do in other knockouts. But, you may take more than three tries because the traffic is frustrating... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 9 - U.K. vs. Germany Tournament ------------------------------------- Objective: Finish first in points at the end of the fifth race. Reward: Events - 15 Cars - (none) Tracks - Rocky Canyons II Cars available: BMW M5, Jaguar XKR Coupe I would recommend using the BMW. It's easier to handle and brakes faster in my opinion. Just make sure to come in first to ace the event. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 10 - Point-to-Point Series -------------------------------- Objective: Place 2nd or better. Reward: Events - 16 and 17 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: BMW M5, HSV GTS Coupe, Jaguar XKR Coupe These races are all straight through. So that means that it's one lap, not two or three. Just drive your best and you'll do fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 11 - Outback Time Trial ----------------------------- Objective: Complete a lap in under 3:10:00. You only have three laps to accomplish this. Reward: Events - 16 and 17 Cars - (none) Tracks - Outback Cars available: HSV GTS Coupe This can be hard because of all the traffic. Just remember some shortcuts from when you previously raced this course before, especially the one by the tunnel. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 12 - U.S. vs. U.K. Knockout --------------------------------- Objective: Finish 1st in points by the last race. Reward: Events - 18 and 19 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, Mustang SVT Cobra R This race is hard. I would suggest picking the Aston Martin. Even though I did it with the Ford, it was extremely difficult. Just make sure you don't place last in each race and you'll win the event and unlock Events 18 and 19. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 13 - Calypso Coast Lap Knockout ------------------------------------- Objective: Make sure to be in front of the last driver after each lap. Reward: Events - 18 and 19 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, BMW Z8, Ferrari 360 Spider I found this race easy to beat with the BMW. Once you take the road, there's no stopping you! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 14 - Mediterranean Knockout --------------------------------- Objective: Don't be last! Reward: Events - 20 and 21 Cars - (none) Tracks - Mediterranean Paradise II Cars available: BMW M5, HSV GTS Coupe, Jaguar XKR Coupe Just don't come in last for all three races. At least there are no laps on the last course. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 15 - Ferrari vs. Ford Showdown ------------------------------------ Objective: Don't be last! Reward: Events - 22 and 23 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari 360 Spider, Mustang SVT Cobra R Hmmm. . . I wonder what car you should use. I shouldn't even tell you. . . When you pick your car, just make sure you come in first for points. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 16 - Ferrari 360 Sprint ----------------------------- Objective: Don't come in last, come in first! Reward: Events - 22 and 23 Cars - Ferrari 360 Spider Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari 360 Spider This is a very complex course. If you don't win the first time, just try again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 17 - V8 Multi-Track Knockout ---------------------------------- Objective: Finsh second or better. Reward: Events - 24, 25, and 26 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: BMW Z8, Ferrari 360 Spider, Mustang SVT Cobra R This is a series of six races with two laps in each race. Just don't come in last place and you'll do fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 18 - 400 BHP+ Tournament ------------------------------ Objective: Come in first with points. Reward: Events - 24, 25, and 26 Cars - Aston Martin V12 Vanquish Tracks - (none) Cars available: Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, BMW Z8, Ferrari 360 Spider Come first in points after all 6 races and you'll win your prizes! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 19 - Convertible Cruise Race ---------------------------------- Objective: Come in first place. Reward: Events - 24, 25, and 26 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: BMW Z8, Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pininfarina Come in first in this race by completing three laps at Outback II. I would suggest picking the Ferrari. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 20 - Aussie Rules Lap Knockout ------------------------------------ Objective: Don't be in last place on each lap. Reward: Events - 27 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: HSV GTS Coupe This race is easir than you would think. Just make sure your not in last place at the end of each lap! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 21 - Lamborghini Murcielago Race -------------------------------------- Objective: Complete 3 laps at Ancient Ruins. Reward: Events - 27 Cars - Lamborghini Murcielago Tracks - (none) Cars available: Lamborghini Murcielago This race will be fun! Now you get to drive a Lamborghini! But concentrate on winning rather than on the car. Once three laps are completed and you come in first place, you win the Lamborghini Murcielago! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 22 - V10 Alphine Lap Knockout ----------------------------------- Objective: Don't be in last place on each lap. Reward: Events - 28 Cars - (none) Tracks - Alpine Trail II Cars available: Dodge Viper GTS, Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version You should know by now that I LOVE Porsches. So that's what I'm picking. Anyway once you pick your car, just make sure your not in last place after each lap. Once you unlock Event 28, you could beat that then beat Event 30! But for now we're going in order. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 23 - V12 Challenge Race ----------------------------- Objective: Come in first place after 5 laps. Reward: Events - 28 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari F50, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0, Lamborghini Murcielago This will be an interesting race :-) I would pick the Murcielago. This will be a tough race. Remember the race earlier with all the Lamborghinis? Well that was hard, now think of this. Three times the pressure on you this time. Not to mention this is one of my worst courses I race on :-( Just try your best and have faith in yourself :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 24 - Porsche Autumn Time Trial ------------------------------------ Objective: Complete a lap around Fall Winds II in under 3:30:00 Reward: Events - 28 Cars - (none) Tracks - Fall Wind II Cars available: Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version Complete a lap in under 3:30:00 at Fall Wind II. You only have 5 laps to ac- complish this. Once you do, you will unlock track 28 which can then be raced to unlock the final race. Just concentrate on finishing this in under the time limit without hitting any cars roaming around :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 25 - Muscle Car Knockout ------------------------------ Objective: Don't finish last in each race Reward: Events - 28 Cars - (none) Tracks - Desert Heat II Cars available: Corvette ZO6, Dodge Viper GTS This is a series of six races with three laps in each race. Just don't come in last place and you'll do fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 26 - Point-To-Point Knockout ---------------------------------- Objective: Don't finish last in each race Reward: Events - 29 Cars - Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version Tracks - (none) Cars available: Corvette ZO6, Dodge Viper GTS, Ferrari F50, Lamborghini Diablo 6.0, Lamborghini Murcielago, Porsche 911 Turbo, Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version. Finally, an event I can enjoy with competition! This event is going to be amazing. I would pick the Porsche 911 Turbo, because Porsche are my favorite cars :). Note that these races are Point-To-Point which means no laps. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 27 - Lamborghini Past vs Present -------------------------------------- Objective: Come first in points Reward: Events - 29 Cars - (none) Tracks - Rocky Canyons Cars available: Lamborghini Murcielago Be sure to come in first in points after the four races are done. Since there are all Lamborghinis, this race is going to be a _bit_ fast ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 28 - McLaren F1 Invitational Tournament --------------------------------------------- Objective: Come first in points Reward: Events - 30 Cars - (none) Tracks - Tropical Circuit II Cars available: McLaren Cars Limited: McLaren F1 These races actually easier than the previous event. You will be racing against supercars which go 0-60 in 3.2 secs! Even though you would expect this to be hard, it's reall actually average. Come first in points and you win (duh!). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 29 - Mercedes CLK GTR Invitational Race --------------------------------------------- Objective: Come in first Reward: Events - 30 Cars - (none) Tracks - Tropical Circuit Cars available: Mercedes Benz CLK GTR This has to be one of the HARDEST events of all. Seriously, it took me about an hour and a half to complete it. Anyway, use all the shortcuts you know and hang on for the ride of your life! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 30 - McLaren F1 LM Endurance Race --------------------------------------- Objective: Complete ten laps and come in first Reward: Events - 31 Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: McLaren Cars Limited: McLaren F1 LM I found this easy. Just use all the shortcuts you know. A really good short- cut is to the left of the start. You could save about 5 seconds going this way. Once you win, you unlock a secret event! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Event 31 - Ferrari F50 Endurance Challenge ------------------------------------------ Objective: Complete three laps and come in first Reward: Events - 32 (After completing ALL of Ultimate Racer) Cars - (none) Tracks - (none) Cars available: Ferrari F50 This is a nice race. I got it on my fourth try. The biggest challenge is the cars. Watch out for them otherwise you'll lose the race. ============================================================================== Options ============================================================================== Audio - Menu Music : Set volume from mute to maximum Racing Music : Set volume from mute to maximum Ambient Sound Effects : Set volume from mute to maximum The Sound Effects : Set volume from mute to maximum Engine Sound Effects : Set volume from mute to maximum Menu Sound Effects : Set volume from mute to maximum Speech : Set volume from mute to maximum Controller - PLAYER 1 Configuration : Shows the setting for controls in four different orders Callibration : Calibrate a racing wheel so that it does not pull to the right or left when you want to go straight. (Sent in by: Mike Blank) Vibration Feedback : Set vibration on controller 1 PLAYER 2 Configuration : Shows the setting for controls in four different orders Callibration : Calibrate a racing wheel so that it does not pull to the right or left when you want to go straight. (Sent in by: Mike Blank) Vibration Feedback : Set vibration on controller 2 Display - Track Map : Set the map's display style Rearview Mirror : Show or hide the mirror Units : Set the speed and distance units Leaderboard : Show or hide the leaderboard Jump Cams : Show or hide shots of big air Zone Cams : Enable or disable zone features Player 1 Options : Customize Player 1's HUD (too much to list) Save / Load - Save : Save your current progress Load : Load your progress from your Memory Card Autosave On / Off : Enable or disable autosaving after each race Player Names - PLAYER 1 Name : Choose your name Gender : Choose Male / Female PLAYER 2 Name : Choose your name Gender : Choose Male / Female Credits - : See who made this game ============================================================================== Tips ============================================================================== This section is dedicated to Tips for this game. If you have any, please send them in. ---------------------------------------------------------- o Tips for clean race/lap, lead all laps, or win a challenge race: 1) Use the following setup options: Opponent Type: Same, Catch Up: Off, Traffic: Off. 2) Select other options/race type as needed to unlock car. 3) Select a slower car. (I use the Lotus Elise.) 4) Select an easy track that you are very familiar with. (I use the National Forest with every shortcut except through the water next to the bridge.) If you use the information above, for example, you should only have to slow down next to the lumber mill and just before the bridge after the last turn. (Sent in by: Michael Blank) ============================================================================== Car Information ============================================================================== This section will tell you various information about each car in the game. The Top Speed, 0-60, and Power for the cars is for people who are interested in the car's stats and don't have two controllers to find this out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ford TS50 --------- Unlocked : Event 3 (Championship) Top Speed : 155 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.9 secs Power : 335 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lotus Elise ----------- Unlocked : Event 1 (Ultimate Racer) Top Speed : 125 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.6 secs Power : 122 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mercedes-Benz CL55 AMG ---------------------- Unlocked : Event 2 (Championship) Top Speed : 155 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.8 secs Power : 355 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opel Speedster -------------- Unlocked : Available at start Top Speed : 137 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.7 secs Power : 145 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vauxhall VX220 -------------- Unlocked : Available at start Top Speed : 135 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.6 secs Power : 145 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BMW M5 ------ Unlocked : Available at start Top Speed : 155 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.3 secs Power : 394 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HSV GTS Coupe ------------- Unlocked : 50,000 NFS points Top Speed : 171 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.1 secs Power : 402 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jaguar XKR Coupe ---------------- Unlocked : Available at start Top Speed : 155 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.2 secs Power : 370 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aston Martin V12 Vanquish ------------------------- Unlocked : Event 18 (Championship) Top Speed : 190 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.5 secs Power : 450 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BMW Z8 ------ Unlocked : 100,000 NFS points Top Speed : 155 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.6 secs Power : 394 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari 360 Spider ------------------ Unlocked : Event 16 (Championship) Top Speed : 180 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.4 secs Power : 400 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pininfarina --------------------------------- Unlocked : 200,000 NFS points Top Speed : 186 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.3 secs Power : 485 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mustang SVT Cobra R ------------------- Unlocked : Available at start Top Speed : 175 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.9 secs Power : 385 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corvette ZO6 ------------ Unlocked : Event 24 (Ultimate Racer) Top Speed : 171 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.9 secs Power : 405 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dodge Viper GTS --------------- Unlocked : Available at start Top Speed : 185 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.0 secs Power : 450 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari F50 ----------- Unlocked : 300,000 NFS points Top Speed : 202 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.7 secs Power : 513 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 ---------------------- Unlocked : Event 22 (Ultimate Racer) Top Speed : 205 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.8 secs Power : 550 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamborghini Murcielago ---------------------- Unlocked : Event 21 (Championship) Top Speed : 205 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.7 secs Power : 571 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Porsche 911 Turbo ----------------- Unlocked : Available at start Top Speed : 190 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.1 secs Power : 414 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version ---------------------------------- Unlocked : Event 26 (Championship) Top Speed : 200 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.9 secs Power : 558 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1 ------------------------------- Unlocked : Event 30 (Ultimate Racer) Top Speed : 240 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.2 secs Power : 627 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ McLaren Cars Limited McLaten F1 LM ---------------------------------- Unlocked : Event 30 (Championship) Top Speed : 207 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.8 secs Power : 668 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR --------------------- Unlocked : Drive a clean race (Single race, one player, 8 laps, advanced) Top Speed : 200 MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.0 secs Power : 600 BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ford TS50: NFS -------------- Unlocked : Win a knockout (One player, world racing, advanced) Top Speed : 155+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.9 secs Power : 335+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lotus Elise: NFS ---------------- Unlocked : 250,000 NFS points Top Speed : 125+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.6 secs Power : 122+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mercedes-Benz CL55 AMG ---------------------- Unlocked : NFS: Lead all laps (Single race, 2 laps, world racing, full grid, advanced) Top Speed : 155+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.8 secs Power : 355+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Opel Speedster -------------- Unlocked : NFS: Event 2 (Ultimate Racer) Top Speed : 137+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.7 secs Power : 145+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vauxhall VX220: NFS ------------------- Unlocked : Lead all laps (Single race, one player, 4 laps, world racing, full grid, advanced) Top Speed : 135+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.6 secs Power : 145+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HSV GTS Coupe: NFS ------------------ Unlocked : Drive a clean race (Single race, one player, 4 laps, advanced) Top Speed : 171+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.1 secs Power : 402+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Jaguar XKR Coupe: NFS --------------------- Unlocked : 150,000 NFS points Top Speed : 155+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 5.2 secs Power : 370+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari 360 Modena Challenge Version ------------------------------------ Unlocked : Event 32 (Championship) Top Speed : 180+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.5 secs Power : 400+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari 550 Barchetta Pininfarina --------------------------------- Unlocked : NFS: 1,000,000 NFS points Top Speed : 186+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.3 secs Power : 485+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mustang SVT Cobra R: NFS ------------------------ Unlocked : 500,000 NFS points Top Speed : 175+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.9 secs Power : 385+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aston Martin V12 Vanquish: NFS ------------------------------ Unlocked : 400,000 NFS points Top Speed : 190+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.5 secs Power : 450+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corvette ZO6: NFS ----------------- Unlocked : 2,500,000 NFS points Top Speed : 171+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.9 secs Power : 405+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dodge Viper GTS: NFS -------------------- Unlocked : 1,500,000 NFS points Top Speed : 185+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.0 secs Power : 450+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari F50: NFS ---------------- Unlocked : Lead all Laps (Single race, one player, 8 laps, world racing, full grid, advanced) Top Speed : 202+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.7 secs Power : 513+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamborghini Diablo 6.0 ---------------------- Unlocked : NFS: 2,000,000 NFS points Top Speed : 205+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.8 secs Power : 550+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamborghini Murcielago ---------------------- Unlocked : NFS: 3,000,000 NFS points Top Speed : 205+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.7 secs Power : 571+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Porsche 911 Turbo: NFS ---------------------- Unlocked : 750,000 NFS points Top Speed : 190+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.1 secs Power : 414+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Porsche Carrera GT Concept Version ---------------------------------- Unlocked : NFS: 3,500,000 NFS points Top Speed : 200+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.9 secs Power : 558+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1 LM: NFS --------------------------------------- Unlocked : 5,000,000 NFS points Top Speed : 207+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.8 secs Power : 668+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ McLaren Cars Limited McLaren F1: NFS ------------------------------------ Unlocked : 4,000,000 NFS points Top Speed : 240+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 3.2 secs Power : 627+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mercedes-Benz CLK-GTR --------------------- Unlocked : NFS: 4,500,000 NFS points Top Speed : 200+ MPH 0 - 60 MPH : 4.0 secs Power : 600+ BHP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ford Crown Victoria Pursuit --------------------------- Unlocked : Event 5 (Ultimate Racer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BMW M5 Pursuit -------------- Unlocked : Event 9 (Ultimate Racer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mustang SVT Cobra R Pursuit --------------------------- Unlocked : Event 18 (Ultimate Racer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Corvette ZO6 Pursuit -------------------- Unlocked : Event 13 (Ultimate Racer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamborghini Murcielago Pursuit ------------------------------ Unlocked : Event 27 (Ultimate Racer) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ============================================================================== NFS Points ============================================================================== You know when you get NFS points? Well, when you get enough, you unlock secret cars. This is the list that tells you how many points you need for the cars. If you know any additional ones or if I make a mistake, please E- Mail me (address found at top of document). Also, don't cheat :P I heard about that cheat that you press L2 or R2 at the finish line and if you time it right, you will get 175,00 NFS points or 300,000 some. But play it the right way : ) How Many Points What Car You Get ---------------------------------------------------------- 50,000 HSV Coupe GTS ---------------------------------------------------------- 100,000 BMW Z8 ---------------------------------------------------------- 150,000 Jaguar XKR: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 200,000 Ferrari 550 Barchetta ---------------------------------------------------------- 250,000 Lotus Elise: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 300,000 Ferrari F50 ---------------------------------------------------------- 400,000 V12 Vanquish: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 500,000 Mustang Cobra R: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 750,000 Porsche 911 Turbo: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 1,000,000 Ferrari 550 Barchetta: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 1,500,000 Dodge Viper GTS: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 2,000,000 Lamborghini Diablo: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 2,500,000 Chevrolet Corvette: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 3,000,000 Lamborghini Murcielago: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 3,500,000 Porsche Carrera GT: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 4,000,000 McLaren F1: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 4,500,000 Mercedes CLK-GTR: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- 5,000,000 McLaren F1 LM: NFS ---------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Tracks ============================================================================== I will tell you the track's length, elevation, and diffculty. As well as how it is unlocked. Please E-Mail me if I messed up on a few tracks. I finished the game and I'm not sure how all of them are unlocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coastal Parklands ----------------- Unlocked : (default) Length : 4.950 mi (circuit) Elevation : 50 to 278 ft Difficulty: Beginner Shortcuts : o At the second turn you will be given the option of going one of two ways. Go to the left, simply because you will be going faster. o After turning left go to the right, unless you are going so fast that you can't stop in time to make the turn. In that case, go to the left. o Right before the tunnel you can go two ways. For intermed- iates and beginners, go right. For experts that want to cut off a few seconds, go left. After going on the dirt road, you will see a fork in the road. I would take the left to cut even more seconds off. After going left, you will barely see a right hand turn, but go through it. After you go under a bridge, you will see another fork. Take the left in your in for a challenge. You will go across a river, creek, brook, or whatever and see a pipe. Bear to the left slightly so you don't hit it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ National Forest --------------- Unlocked : Event 1 (Championship) Length : 4.620 mi (circuit) Elevation : 190 to 347 ft Difficulty: Beginner Shortcuts : o From the start, bear right and head for the tree with a path cut into it. Follow this path straight and you will reach the main road. Instead of going on the road, jump right across it and back onto the dirt road. You will eventually reach the main road. o After reaching the "freeway", you will have a choice of going left or right. Go to the left to cut off approximately three seconds. o After going under the bridge after the freeway, go left onto the dirt road. o At the final turn, stay to the right and go past the bridge and go inbetween the tree and wall. Then go through the sign for national park if you want some fun. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenic Drive ------------ Unlocked : (default) Length : 7.750 mi (point-to-point) Elevation : 50 to 347 ft Difficulty: Advanced Shortcuts : o After going through the tunnel, you will see a big hill going up. For fast cars, as soon as you land, veer right to just make the turn to the dirt road. Then make a right on the dirt road to cross the main road and back onto the dirt road. Make sure you are stable enough to make it through the tree. If you want fun, go through the sign :) o After going off the dirt path, you will go downhill. Look for a dirt road to the right. o After the dirt road, go through the tunnel and at the end of the road, go to the right. o Right before the yellow, flashing signs you will see a dirt path to the right. Take it. Follow it down and go through the pipe. You will go across a stream. Follow the path up and under a bridge. Right after that, you'll see a path to the left. After that, the dirt road goes to the main road. o After coming out of the dirt road and after going across the bridge, you will see a choice between two roads. Take the left on because you will be going faster. o Before the lighthouse you will see a fork. Take the left one unless you are going so fast that you can't make the turn. In that case, take the right. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Desert Heat ----------- Unlocked : (default) Length : 5.190 mi (circuit Elevation : 82 to 484 ft Difficulty: Beginner Shortcuts : o After going past the rocks posing as a median, you should see a fork. Take the right to shave off a few seconds. o After going over a bridge with steel structures, you will make a sharp turn to the left. After that you will see a dirt path to your right. Take it. Right before it connects to the main road, you will see another dirt road to the right. Take it too. Take this exit slow and veer to the right when exiting the dirt road. You will be on yet another dirt road. You go off of a little jump at the end. You should see tele- phone poles to your right. The ones on the ground is where the next path is. Take it to cut a a few seconds. At the end there will be a jump. Take it slow and veer to the right onto the main road. Don't worry about the dirt road, it's useless. o This is hard to explain but... Eventually you will see yellow signs to the left telling you to turn right. Go right through them and you'll be on a dirt road. Follow this road to the end for a big, big jump. o After the jump, go down the road. You will see an entrance to the right. Don't go into it though becaue it'll just slow you down. o At the final "U"-Turn, you will be able to take a path on the other side of the waterfall. Don't, just cut the U-Turn as close as possible without hitting catuses(sp?). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outback ------- Unlocked : Event 11 (Championship) Length : 5.460 mi (circuit) Elevation : 163 to 597 ft Difficulty: Beginner Shortcuts : o You will see a building at the start. To the left of it is a path. Go into it. You will go through a toll booth and into a building. After coming out of the building you will see an airplane up ahead. Go through it and off of the jump. o After going off the jump you will curve to the right. You will eventually see a path to the left. Take it. You will go across a stream and back onto the main road. o Inside the tunnel there will be a sign telling you not to en- ter. Bust through it to reveal a mine shaft. Go through it and be cautious if you have a fast car because there's a jump that will send you flying into the mountain. Eventuall you will see the main road, but go straight into the tunnel. You will come out onto the main road. o After the rocks posing as medians, there will be a very sharp left turn (you will see it on your radar). Cut that as much as you can without hitting the wall to your left. You can easily shave about 5 seconds off here. o When you enter the duststorm, look to your left. Right after it passes, there will be a path to your left. Right before you exit it, turn sharply to the left to go on another path. Don't turn left when you exit because you will lose time. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rocky Canyons ------------- Unlocked : Event 27 (Championship) Length : 5.300 mi (point-to-point) Elevation : 82 to 597 ft Difficulty: Advanced Shortcuts : o Right behind the yellow signs telling you to turn left, there is a dirt path to the right. You will go back onto the main road. o You will see the yellow signs again telling you to turn left. Go to the right and onto a dirt path to avoid the sharp right turn down the road. o After you exit the last shortcut that I mentioned, turn right and go inbetween the signs. Follow this dirt road all the way down and make a sharp right to avoid the sharp turn around down the road. o Right after the rocks posing as medians, look to your left. You will just barely see an opening. Go through it, across the main road, and into the next mine shaft. You will eventu- ally end up in a tunnel (the main road). o After you exit the tunnel, you might be going too fast to no- tice but, there will be a sign telling you to go 35 MPH around the turn. Right past this is a path. Take it to avoid going uphill and losing speed. o Right after coming out of the last shortcut, you will see a turn. Right after that, there will be a path to the left. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient Ruins ------------- Unlocked : (default) Length : 6.420 mi (circuit) Elevation : 10 to 731 ft Difficulty: Beginner Shortcuts : o After going around the first turn, you will see a path to the left. o When you come out of the first tunnel, you will go down several jumps goind downhill. There will be a U-Turn and to the left is a path where you can shave off a few seconds. o After the last shortcut, you will go up a few hills. Eventu- ally you will see red maple trees (I guess) and to the left is a path. o Farther along the track you will see houses in the distance. Keep an eye for a red sign that says "50". Directly to the right of it is a major shortcut. You have to be careful on this surface because it's easy to wipe out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calypso Coast ------------- Unlocked : Event 10 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 5.100 (circuit) Elevation : 10 to 292 ft Difficulty: Advanced Shortcuts : o To the right of the third blue and white arrows telling you to turn right. You will have to be cautious to not hit any- thing. o After the fifth blue arrows telling you where to go, you will make a turn. Afte you make it you will see an opening to the left. Be careful not to slide or wipe out. o After the sixth blue arrows telling you where to go, you will go down a road. You will then stumble upon trees in an area. There is a shortcut in here. o You will reach a "town" eventually. When you do, look ahead to see a fork when approaching. Take the right and hang on for a slippery ride! Eventually you will be out. Don't bother taking the right when coming out, it's not worth it. Just go on the road to the finish. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mediterranean Paradise ---------------------- Unlocked : (default) Length : 9.470 (point-to-point) Elevation : 9 to 824 ft Difficulty: Advanced Shortcuts : o A bit far down the track you will see red maple trees. To the right is just barely a shortcut. o After going through a "mini-tunnel" after the last shortcut, to the right a bit down you will see an opening in small mountain. Go in it to avoid the turn. o After going through the first "real tunnel", you will see columns. To the right is a _small_ little dirt path. Take it to avoid the annoying turn. o You will go under a msin bridge and see blue arrows telling you to turn right. You will make a right hand turn, then a left hand turn. Right after that left hand turn, you will see a path to the left. You will slide alot when on it, so be careful! o After coming out of the last shortcut, you will see large, yellow, blinking lights. After a few windy turns, you will see trees. In the middle of them is a path. o Eventually you will see a town in the distance. You will see the main road curve to the left. Your path is straight ahead of you. Since it's cobblestone, you will have to be extra careful when on it. Mainly because there are places you can hit that can stop you _completely_. o After you get some air going off of a bridge, you will turn left. Then you will see arrows telling you to turn right. The next shortcut is all the way to the right around this turn. It will be hard to make going fast, so look out for it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fall Winds ---------- Unlocked : (default) Length : 6.990 mi (circuit) Elevation : 1206 to 1810 ft Difficulty: Expert Shortcuts : o After going through the first tunnel, there will be a slight turn to the right. Right after that, there will be a path to the right. Take it. At first it may seem like it's taking you away from the track and a waste of time. But it's really cut- ting alot of time off if driven properly without hitting any- thing. o After coming out of that, you will turn to the right alot. Then you will make your way downhill a bit. Look to your left for a big boulder. You will have to make your way around this. Once you do, you will be inside a mountain. The surface you are on is planks of wood, so you're not going to have a- lot of traction. When you make it out of the mountain, you e- ventually end up back on the main road. o After copming out, you will eventually see a sign saying "HALE'S GULLEY NATIONAL MONUMENT". Behind this to the right is a little shortcut. A fun thing is going off of the stair- way going up. You could get about 400 NFS points for going off of it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alpine Trail ------------ Unlocked : Event 15 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 5.670 mi (circuit) Elevation : 1250 to 1620 ft Difficulty: Expert Shortcuts : o This is the best shortcut in the _WHOLE_ game. When you start off, go on the main road until you see a dirt path. Follow it past a house. You will then see the main road again. Instead of going on the main road, go straight. You will be on anoth- er dirt road. When you reach the end, go again on the dirt road ahead! This is the end of this MAJOR shortcut. You could cut of 15 seconds with this! o This is hard to explain. You will eventually see alot of trees to your left. Then the barrier disappears and you could turn left tocut the main road. When you do, you will be on a dirt road. On average, you could cut off about 3 seconds. o After the S-Curves, you will see yellow signs. To the right a bit down, is a shortcut which cuts the main road that turns. o After the 270 degree turn, you will turn three more times be- fore going straight into the next shortcut. This saves about 3 seconds also. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Autumn Crossing --------------- Unlocked : Event 17 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 10.980 mi (circuit) Elevation : 1206 to 1810 ft Difficulty: Expert Shortcuts : o This is also hard to explain. There will be a certain U-Turn where you can take the inside to the left. I can't really say where it is because there aren't that many landmarks around. o After the last shortcut, a short way down the road to the left is a dirt path in which you can enter. It's hard to see so take the turn cautiously. o After coming out of the last shortcut, make your first "real" turn. After that, look to your left for a shortcut. o You will eventually go through a tunnel. After that, you will go on a dirt road and rejoin to the main road. When you do, you will make a U-Turn. After that, look to your left and you will see that the barrier will disappear. When it does, take the dirt road and follow it. o After the S-Curves, you will make a squigly turn :) Then look to your right to yur right and you'll see a dirt road. It'll eliminate the curved road to the left. o After that, you will make a 270 degree turn. Then follow that road a few more turns then go straight to find yet another shortcut. This will eliminate a long turn. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Island Outskirts ---------------- Unlocked : (default) Length : 5.500 mi (circuit) Elevation : 3 to 359 ft Difficulty: Advanced Shortcuts : o After going through the miniture S-Curves in the beginning, you will turn left. Go a little up the road and you'll see a fork. Turn right because there's more room for speed and less turns than the other one. o After passing the village, you will make a wide 180 degree turn. Look to your right and you'll see a road blocked off. Go through the barriers for a shortcut. o Eventually you will be on a mini highway. You will see a left and right ahead. Take the right for a shortcut that's down the road a bit. o On the fourth turn you will see a path to the right, take it. You will desend quickly down to a beach. The only thing you'll have to look out for is the trees in the middle of your path. Just go around them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Palm City Island ---------------- Unlocked : Event 28 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 7.500 mi (circuit) Elevation : 21 to 945 ft Difficulty: Expert Shortcuts : o Go down and you'll see a road to the left. TAKE IT. This is probably the second best shortcut in the game. You can cut so much time off by taking this. o When you come out of the last shortcut, don't turn right onto the highway. Instead go around it to the left and you'll see a...I don't know. Anyway, you have to make sure not to hit the structure, and since you're on the inside, you will cut time off. o Once you see the first set of "huts", look right in front of them for a shortcut. o Once you see the third pair, look right before them for a shortcut. o Once entering the S-Curves, look to the right for a little shortcut. o After the striaghtaway in the middle of the S-Curves, make a few turns and look to your right to see a shortcut. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tropical Circuit ---------------- Unlocked : Event 29 (Championship) Length : 13.250 mi (point-to-point) Elevation : 3 to 945 ft Difficulty: Expert Shortcuts : o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coastal Parklands II -------------------- Unlocked : Event 4 (Championship) Length : 4.950 mi (circuit) Elevation : 50 to 278 ft Difficulty: Beginner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ National Forest II ------------------ Unlocked : Event 6 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 4.620 mi (circuit) Elevation : 190 to 347 ft Difficulty: Beginner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Scenic Drive II --------------- Unlocked : Event 6 (Championship) Length : 7.750 mi (point-to-point) Elevation : 50 to 347 ft Difficulty: Advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Desert Heat II -------------- Unlocked : Event 25 (Championship) Length : 5.190 mi (circuit Elevation : 82 to 484 ft Difficulty: Beginner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Outback II ---------- Unlocked : Event 25 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 5.460 mi (circuit) Elevation : 163 to 597 ft Difficulty: Beginner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rocky Canyons II ---------------- Unlocked : Event 9 (Championship) Length : 5.300 mi (point-to-point) Elevation : 82 to 597 ft Difficulty: Advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ancient Ruins II ---------------- Unlocked : Event 12 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 6.420 mi (circuit) Elevation : 10 to 731 ft Difficulty: Beginner ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Calypso Coast II ---------------- Unlocked : Event 26 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 5.100 (circuit) Elevation : 10 to 292 ft Difficulty: Advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mediterranean Paradise II ------------------------- Unlocked : Event 14 (Championship) Length : 9.470 (point-to-point) Elevation : 9 to 824 ft Difficulty: Advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fall Winds II ------------- Unlocked : Event 24 (Championship) Length : 6.990 mi (circuit) Elevation : 1206 to 1810 ft Difficulty: Expert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Alpine Trail II --------------- Unlocked : Event 22 (Championship) Length : 5.670 mi (circuit) Elevation : 1250 to 1620 ft Difficulty: Expert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Autumn Crossing II ------------------ Unlocked : Event 14 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 10.980 mi (circuit) Elevation : 1206 to 1810 ft Difficulty: Expert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Island Outskirts II ------------------- Unlocked : Event 8 (Championship) Length : 5.500 mi (circuit) Elevation : 3 to 359 ft Difficulty: Advanced ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Palm City Island II ------------------- Unlocked : Event 29 (Ultimate Racer) Length : 7.500 mi (circuit) Elevation : 21 to 945 ft Difficulty: Expert ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tropical Circuit II ------------------- Unlocked : Event 28 (Championship) Length : 13.250 mi (point-to-point) Elevation : 3 to 945 ft Difficulty: Expert ============================================================================== Cheats/Codes ============================================================================== * * * ALL CODES COURTESY OF GAMEWINNERS * * * All car codes must be entered at the main menu. You cannot save the car once it is unlocked. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Aston Martin V12 Vanquish: Press R2, Right, R2, Right, Triangle, Left, Triangle, Left at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BMW Z8: Press Square, Right, Square, Right, R2, Triangle, R2, Triangle at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Chevrolet Corvette Z06: Press Left, R2, Left, R2, L1, R1, L1, R1 at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari 360 Spider:: Press R2, Square, R2, Square, Triangle, L2, Triangle, L2 at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari F50: Press L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle, Right, L2, Right, L2 at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ferrari F550: Press L1, Square, L1, Square, Right, R1, Right, R1 at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ford Pursuit Mustang Cobra R: Press Left, Square, Left, Square, R2, R1, R2, R1 at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ford TS50: Press Right, Left, Right, Left, R2, Square, R2, Square at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ HSV Coupe GTS: Press L1, L2, L1, L2, R1, Triangle, R1, Triangle at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lamborgini Diablo 6.0 VT: Press Right, R2, Right, R2, R1, L1, R1, L1 at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lotus Elise: Press Triangle, R2, Triangle, R2, Left, Square, Left, Square at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ McLaren F1: Press Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, R1, Left, R1, Left at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ McLaren F1 LM: Press Square, L1, Square, L1, Triangle, Right, Triangle, Right at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mercedes CLK GTR: Press R2, R1, R2, R1, Left, Triangle, Left, Triangle at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Porsche Carrera GT: Press Left, Right, Left, Right, R1, R2, R1, R2 at the main menu. A message will confirm correct code entry. ============================================================================== Gameshark Codes ============================================================================== * ALL CODES COURTESY OF GAMESHARK.COM * NOTE: Gameshark.com is currently shut down. These were all the codes I got off of there before it was shut down. (M) Must Be On 0E3C7DF21853E59E EE99FDEEBCD1BE8A ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Max NFS Points DEAE284AC7945D83 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOT PURSUIT: Lotus Elise CEAF3CD0BCA99B93 CL55 AMG CEAF3DD6BCA9C2AB HSV GTS Coupe CEAE37AEBCA99B84 BMW Z8 CEAE37AABCA99B84 Ferrari 550 Barchetta CEAE37B2BCA99B84 Ferrari F50 CEAE37BABCA99B84 Ford TS50 NSF CEAE37A6BCA99B84 Lotus Elise NFS CEAE37BEBCA99B84 Benz CL55 AMG NFS CEAE378ABCA99B84 Opel Speedster NFS CEAF3CD2BCA99B93 Vauxhall VX 220 NFS CEAE3792BCA99B84 Jaguar XKR NFS CEAE37B6BCA99B84 Ferrari 550 B NFS DEAE374ABCA99B84 SVT Cobra R NFS CEAE3742BCA99B84 AM V12 Vanquish NFS CEAE3746BCA99B84 Corvette Z06 CEAE375EBCA99B84 Viper GTS NFS CEAE3756BCA99B84 Ferrari F50 NFS CEAE379EBCA99B84 Lambo.Diablo 6.0 NFS CEAE3752BCA99B84 Lambo Murcielago NFS CEAE375ABCA99B84 Porsche911 Turbo NFS CEAE374EBCA99B84 P.Carrera GT NFS CEAE3766BCA99B84 McLaren F1 LM CEAE376ABCA99B84 McLaren F1 CEAE3762BCA99B84 Benz CLK GTR CEAE376EBCA99B84 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- YOU'RE THE COP: BMW M5 CEAE378EBCA99B84 SVT Cobra R CEAE3796BCA99B84 Corvette Z06 CEAE37A2BCA99B84 Lambo. Murcielago CEAE379ABCA99B84 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Select=Time On 0E910B78BCA99A81 DE9C7ED2A209C373 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- L3=Time Off 0E910B78BCA99A80 DE9C7ED2BCA99B83 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Infinite Heli's DE9CAFB6BCA99B83 ============================================================================== FAQ ============================================================================== This section will hopefully clear up most of the E-Mails I get for various questions. Q.) What is a Clean Race? A.) A Clean Race is when you complete a race without hitting any big objects in your way. These include cars, walls, and big bushes. These do not in- clude small bushes and small signs. Q.) I completed all of Ultimate Racer and I can't get Event 32 to open! How do you? A.) You have to complete every event in World Racing and Ultimate Racer to unlock it. More Coming Soon! ============================================================================== Copyright ============================================================================== THIS DOCUMENT COPYRIGHT © CHRIS WASNETSKY 2002. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED N|This is _MY_ FAQ. I don't want to see it anywhere else than the following O|websites. NO MORE SITES WILL BE ALLOWED TO HOST MY FAQS FROM NOW ON. The |_4_ sites that spell _PING_ with their first letters are: C| H|GameFAQs [http://www.gamefaqs.com/] E|Neoseeker [http://www.neoseeker.com/] A|IGN [http://faqs.ign.com/] T|Playstation cheat.net [http://www.psxcodez.com/] C| C|You may NOT plagarize this. If you don't know what that means you shouldn't .|even think about stealing any parts of my FAQ to put in yours. I don't want C|this published or made profit of. If you violate any rules, you will face O|severe punishment. M| THIS DOCUMENT COPYRIGHT © CHRIS WASNETSKY 2002. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ============================================================================== Credits ============================================================================== o CjayC: For managing the best site on the www! o GameFAQs: For posting this on their site o Neoseeker: For posting this on their site o IGN: For posting this on their site o Playstation cheat.net: For posting this on their site o Gamewinners and Mark Vaughn: For there secrets. Thanks again o Mark Leone for some info on the Secret Cars section o Dan Jacobson for a tip on "You're the Cop" o Pez for the information on 2 Player You're the Cop o Michael Blank for some tips in the Tips section o Cliff Haddox for the information on 2 Players o Lazer Lazer for some information on 2 Players ============================================================================== Author's Note ============================================================================== I hope this guide helped you (so far. . .). If you have any questions, comments, or corrections E-Mail me right away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * * * E N D O F D O C U M E N T * * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------