Pikmin guide A pikmin guide by Joss "Masamitsu" Southgate/ 2003 ========================================================================= Table of Contents ========================================================================= 1. Introduction 2. Story 3. What are Pikmin? 4. A few time saving and survival tips. 5. Bestiary 6. Walkthrough 6a. Impact Site 6b. Forest of Hope 6c. The Forest Navel 6d. The Distant Spring 6c. The Final Trial. 7. Version History 8. Legal Info ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= 1. Introduction ========================================================================= Hi, and welcome to my guide to Shigeru Miyamoto's latest masterpiece, Pikmin. It is said that Miyamoto's inspiration for Pikmin came from watching teams of ants in his back garden, I dunno if thats true I've never met him. This is very easy and I doubt that you will need a guide, but I decided on it as my first FAQ because of that same reason. This FAQ can be posted on the following sites ONLY: www.Mushroomkingdom.bluhost.co.uk www.gamefaqs.com Dont ask me if you can have this FAQ on your site because i'll say no. Contact me on: bernie_sensation@msn.com. No offensive, irrelevant or hate mail. ========================================================================= 2. Story ========================================================================= Captain Olimar from planet Hocotate is an intergalactic freight pilot. He ships objects from outerspace to be examined by the scientists of his home planet. Recently he had been working too hard, a tendency of his, so he decided to take a holiday. He set of in his faithful ship, the Dolphin when after a while he had an unforseeable collision with a meteorite. His ship crash landed on a weird planet and all 30 of his ship parts had been scattered around the planet. To make matters worse his life support system detected poisonous oxygen in the planet's atmosphere. His life support system can only function for 30 days. Can he possibly retrieve his parts in 30 days? Meet the Pikmin.... ========================================================================= 3. What are Pikmin? ========================================================================= Pikmin are Captain Olimar's only hope of survival. They are a cross between a Plant, an animal and a Pokemon. They are very intelligent being able to fight, carry stuff, build bridges and knock down gates, here are the different types of Pikmin: Red pikmin: They can stand high temperature and have really powerful attacks. Yellow Pikmin: They can handle Bomb rocks and can be thrown really high. Blue pikmin: They can go in water. Oh, and Red Pikmin have little noses, Yellows have ears and blues have mouths. By eating nectar grass or just growing in the ground Pikmin can develop buds and flowers. Bud and flower Pikmin are much faster and stronger than leaf Pikmin. ========================================================================= 4. A few time saving and survival tips. ========================================================================= Firstly and quite importantly you must learn how to use Bomb rocks. When you press X to seperate their colour, Yellow Pikmin with Bomb rocks are seperated from your regular yellers. When you retrieve Bomb rock toting Piks, ALWAYS do it by touch otherwise your Pikmin will be blown into hyperspace because they always set their Bomb rocks off when you whistle. Now onto some time management and survival. When you first start in a new location always take time out to explore so you know how to find some of the parts quickly and so you know where the pellets are. To be a Pikmin master you must learn to make efficient use of time. First never collect more than 2 ship parts a day so you can take time to grow more Pikmin. When you have one team of Pikmin breaking a gate dont just stand and watch, be off growing pikmin or have another team smacking some enemies up or carrying off something. Finally take full advantage of nectar grass, when Pikmin grow flowers they are much faster and this helps you out no end! You can leave them to grow in the soil to get flowers or buds but that takes time. Oh yeah at night make sure you round up your stray Pikmin that are in the field otherwise the predators of the night will devour them. ------- Combat. ------- The golden rule of combat is, believe it or not,never use too much Pikmin, why? Example, You take 100 Red Pikmin to take out, say, an armoured cannon beetle, what will happen is you wont be able to get them out of the way of it's boulder quick enough and they will get crushed very easily or eaten by something if they just get in the way. With small enemies and Bulborbs this isn't so much of a problem, but still you can do it just as easily with 20 and probably have fewer casualtys. C-stick swarming is a good technique but make sure you call them back when they start getting killed or devoured. Throwing Pikmin is a good technique on flying enemies to bring them down then swarm but also when I take out Bulborbs I throw Pikmin and then swarm them. ------- Pellets ------- 1 pellet Takes 1 to carry Seeds: 2 5 pellet Takes 5 to carry Seeds: 5 10 Pellet Takes 10 to carry. Seeds: 10 ========================================================================= 5. Bestiary. ========================================================================= He you'll find all the enemies and how to deal with them. ========================================= Armoured Cannon Beetle ========================================= Location: Forest of Hope, Distant Spring. Attacks: He inhales and shoots boulders at you. Description: Big black six legged beetle Strategy: First up, to avoid his boulders C stick your Pikmin out of the way. To attack him throw a Pikmin in his hole when he inhales and he starts panicking and his vulnerable back is exposed, now all you have to do is chuck Pikmin at his back and call them back when he shakes them off. Use 30 Pikmin to carry Seeds: 50 Pellets: Can sometimes drop a few 1 pellets ========================================= Beady Long Legs ========================================= Location: Forest Navel Description: Huge spider like insect. Attacks: Sqaushes your Pikmin Strategy: Take about 45 Red Pikmin and concentrate your attacks on the orb at the centre of his legs (that sounded rude). C-stick your Pikmin out of the way of its legs until he drops the orb down low enough to throw your Pikmin up to attack it. Repeat as necessary. Pellets: five 1 pellets ========================================== Bread Bug ========================================== Location: Forest Navel Description: Bug with a purply red shell Attacks: Steals Pikmin pellets. When he grabs a pellet simply grab the pellet with 2 pikmin and he will be overpowered and sucked into the onion, this severely injures him. A few punches from Olimar are enough to kick his arse for good. Use 3 pikmin to carry him. Seeds: 3 Pellets: Mostly two five pellets. ========================================== Burrowing Snagret ========================================== Location: Forest of Hope Description: Large heron like bird Attacks: Comes out of the ground and feasts on your Piks. Strategy: The best method for this git is to swarm him just as emerges from the ground. Bear in mind that there are three of them. Pellets: One 5 pellet and 3 or more 1 pellets. ========================================== Dwarf Bulbear ========================================== Location: Distant Spring Description: This breed of Grubdog is small and black with red spots. Attacks: Chomps your Pikmin. Strategy: Just swarm him. Or alternatively just throw a pikmin at it's head. Use 3 to carry them. Seeds: 5 ========================================== Dwarf Bulborb ========================================== Location: Forest of Hope Description: This Grubdog is small and red with white spots Attacks: Chomps your Pikmin Strategy: Swarm the bugger. Or alternatively just throw a pikmin at it's head. Takes 3 to carry Seeds: 5 ========================================== Emperor Bulblax ========================================== Location: The Final Trial Description: Large greenish Grubdog. Attacks: Laps your Pikmin up and can hop and crush Pikmin Strategy: Grab a bomb toting yellow and chuck it in his mouth to stun him. Then chuck Pikmin at his face and call them back when he hops. Take care to C-Stick your Pikmin away from his tongue. Pellets: Five 5 pellets. ========================================== Fiery Blowhog ========================================== Location: Forest Navel Description: Grey pig thing with a long snout with red tip. Attacks: Breaths fire, kicks back legs. Strategy: Keep swarming with reds, with any other colour attack from behind and call them back immediately after they are knocked off. Use 7 Pikmin to carry him Seeds: 8 pellets: sometimes drops a 1 pellet =========================================== Goolix =========================================== Location: Impact Site (Sometimes) Description: Big ball of gel with a Nucleus. Attacks: Drowns red and Yellow Pikmin and the gel hurts Olimar. Strategy: Chuck Blue Pikmin at it's Nucleus until it drops. Pellets: four 5 pellets =========================================== Iridescent Flint Beetle =========================================== Location: Impact Site, Forest of Hope, Forest Navel Description: This beetle scuttles around and can't harm your Pikmin at all and your piks are useless against it. Strategy: Since you can't hurt it all you can do is throw pikmin at it and it will give yo a 1 pellet. Eventually you get a 5 pellet. =========================================== Mamuta =========================================== Location: Impact Site Description: He looks like a rock and is pretty fast. Attacks: He doesn't kill your Pikmin but he slams them and re plants them. Strategy: Throw red Pikmin at his back and call them back when he slams them. Use 8 to carry it. Seeds: 15 ============================================ Pearly Clamclamp ============================================ Location: Impact site Description: This enemy is actually the gel like substance inside the clam. Attacks: Slams the clam shut on your Pikmin. Strategy: Throw about 3 pikmin in at a time and call them back when the clam is about to close. A pearl will pop out once it's defeated. Use three to carry. Seeds: 50 ============================================= Puffstool ============================================= Location: The Forest Navel Description: Just a giant mushroom that runs around. Attacks: Releases spores that turn your Pikmin into evil purple Pikmin. Strategy: Just swarm his legs until he falls over then throw Pikmin on top of him. Take care to avoid his spore. Use 10 to carry him. Seeds: 30 ============================================= Puffy Blowhog ============================================= Location: Distant Spring Description: This type of blowhog floats around and has a horrible mix of blues and purples as skin colour. Attacks: Blows your Pikmin away and makes them lose their petals. Strategy: Lob pikmin up to them until they drop to the ground and then swarm them. Pellets: Three 5 pellets ============================================= Sheargrub ( female) ============================================= Location: The Forest of Hope Description: This little white grub is very weak. Attacks: Nothing really. Strategy: Swarm them. Use 1 to carry. Seeds: 2 ============================================= Sheargrub ( male) ============================================= Location: Forest of Hope, The Forest Navel Description: The purple males are much tougher with jaws. Attacks: Eats Pikmin. Strategy: Swarm them. 1 to carry Seeds: 3 ============================================= Shearwig ============================================= Location: The Forest Navel, Distant Spring Description: This guy has a green shell and flies of when attacked it also chews the bridges your Pikmin sweated to build Attacks: Eats Pikmin. Strategy: Swarm them until they fly into the air and then throw pikmin up at them. Also knocking them into water is a good technique. Use 1 to carry the Shearwigs. Seeds: 4 ============================================== Smoky Progg ============================================== Location: Distant Spring ( before day 15) Description: It first appears as an egg. Smash it and the weird Smoky Progg comes out and starts stomping around. Attacks: Crushes your Pikmin. Strategy: Their will be many deaths but all you can really do is chuck Pikmin on him and call them back. Use 3 to carry him. Seeds: 100! ============================================== Spotty Bulbear ============================================== Location: Distant Spring Description: Like the Dwarf Bulbear but larger. Attacks: Chomps your Pikmin for supper. Strategy: When it is sleeping, creep up behind it and chuck some Pikmin on it's back and then swarm it. Call them back when he starts gobbling your Pikmin though. It takes 10 to carry Seeds: 15 =============================================== Spotty Bulborb =============================================== Location: The Forest of Hope Description: Like the dwarf bulborb but larger. Attacks: Eats your Pikmin. Strategy: When it is sleeping, creep up behind it and chuck some Pikmin on it's back and then swarm it. Call them back when he starts gobbling your Pikmin though. It takes 10 to carry Seeds: 12 ================================================ Swooping Snitchbug ================================================ Location: Distant Spring Description: Flies around, has two long arms and is green in colour. Attacks: Grabs your Pikmin and plants them again in different locations. Strategy: Throw Pikmin like mad at it until it drops to the floor. Use 3 to carry it back. Seeds: 4 ================================================= Water Dumple ================================================= Location: Distant Spring Description: Purple blob things that squirm around in water areas. Attacks: Eats Pikmin Strategy: Swarm them because they are weak. Use 5 Pikmin to carry it back. Seeds: 5 Pellets: May drop some 1 pellets. ================================================== Wogpoles ================================================== Location: The Forest of Hope, Distant Sping Description: Harmless tadpoles. Attacks: none Strategy: Just toss some Pikmin at them. Use 1 pikmin to carry it back. Seeds: 1. ================================================== Wollywog ================================================== Location: Forest Navel Description: Adult wogpoles they are grey in colour. Attacks: Body slams your Pikmin Strategy: When it lands a body slam, immediately swarm it and be ready to call them back when they're knocked off. Use 7 pikmin to carry Seeds: 8 =================================================== Yellow Wollywog =================================================== Location: Distant Spring Description: Adult Wogpoles, they are yellow in colour. Attacks: Body slams your Pikmin. Strategy: When it lands a body slam, immediately swarm it and be ready to call them back when thy are knocked off. Use 7 pikmin to carry Seeds: 8 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= 6. Walkthrough ========================================================================= Contains spoilers. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6a. The Impact site. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ This level has plenty of pellets and nectar grass around for your Pikmin and of course the all important Red Onion. You don't need my help to find that and if you do you must be a retard. After you have sprouted your first Pikmin bash down the pellet posies to make more Pikmin and maybe leave them to grow for a while because there is no time limit on your first day. After you have explored and gathered some pellets it's onto your first part... Enemies: Iridescent flint beatle, Goolix, Mamuta, Pearly clam clamp. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> The Main Engine << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the northeast of the onion there is a box that needs 10 piks to move it. After you have done that the Engine is just around the Corner. it takes 20 to carry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Positron Generator << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You cannot get this part until you have the Blue Pikmin (my favourite colour) from the Forest Navel. You know the arena bit near were you pushed the box? well anyway behind it is a pond containing three Pearly Clamclamps. The one on the far left is holding the positron generator (refer to the Bestiary section on how to defeat this guy.) it takes 20 to carry. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6b. The Forest of Hope. \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ Right this is where the difficulty bucks up a bit, but not that much. The Forest of Hope is where the Bomb rocks from the Yellow Pikmin that you find really come into play. You will find quite a lot of Bulborbs but once you have the knack they're a piece of cake. Now, down to business. You need 1 part for this area. Enemies: Dwarf Bulborb, Spotty Bulborb, Armoured Cannon beetle. Burrowing Snagret, Swooping Snitchbug, Sheargrub,Shearwig and Wogpole. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Eternal Fuel Dynamo << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First take all your red Pikmin and smash down the gate that leads out to a sandy area with some water. There are some dwarf Bulborbs and one large one, but just clean up the small ones first. The part your after is in plain view waiting for the taking along with a 10 pellet. You will need to take care of the Big Bulborb to make more Pikmin because this part takes 40! Knock down the pellet posies as well. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> The Yellow Onion << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knock down the gate near the Dynamo with your Reds and then keep going past more Bulborbs until you find the Onion. Pluck the seed and then build up an army of Yellows and then find some bomb rocks from the tin can near where the dynamo was and knock down as many walls as you can to make progress easier. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> The Whimsical Radar << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bomb the wall to the right of the Yellow Onion and you should see the whimsical Radar on a high ledge. How do you get up there? Throw some Yellows up there and they will haul it back to the ship. It takes 20 to carry. Now if you press Y you can find all your parts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> The Extroardinary Bolt << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part is pretty close to the Whimsical Radar. It is behind a very strong stone wall that needs a lot of Bomb rocks to take down so get your demolition team moving. Behind the wall is the Extroadinary bolt. For a speedy route back, bomb the walls near to it. You don't have to but it makes life easier, and having flower Pikmin makes the easy life even easier :). It takes 30 to carry. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Nova Blaster << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go North of the Dolphin (ship)until you find a incredibly strong grey gate. Have your Pikmin take it down, but go back to the starting site and grow some more Pikmin or something as this takes quite some time. Once the gate is down, sneak past the Bulborbs and grab some Bomb rocks ( provided you brought some Yellows with you) and waste the big guy. Now grab the blaster and leg it back to base. it takes 30 to carry it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Shock Absorber << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knock down the gate in the starting area and head along the east side of the watershore. Grab the red 5 pellet that is up on the ledge then head for the pond to the left of the ledge. Then head right and you should go past the part you need and you should find a spotty Bulborb, kick his arse and take the part back to the Dolphin. It takes 30 Pikmin to carry it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Radiation Canopy << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You must have blues for this part. Take about 10 blues and 25-35 reds. Lead your Pikmin through the strong gate of the Nova Blaster mission and go straight until you find a ledge. Throw your reds up onto the ledge and lead your blues to the right and have them knock down the gate in the water. Once through the gate round up your pikmin and set about the gate on the ledge. Go through and waste the Armoured cannon beetle (refer to the Bestiary for strategies). Once he has bitten the dust just past him is the radiation canopy. Take both back. The Radiation Canopy takes 30 pikmin to carry it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Sagittarius << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head through the gate that you knocked down to get the Fuel Dynamo and head towards the lake. You will need to build bridges to reach it. You can have any colour Pikmin build the first bridge, but you will have to wade across with blue Pikmin and toss them onto the island to build the second bridge. Once the bridges are built you are free to grab the part. The sagittarius requires 20 Pikmin to carry it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Geiger counter << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You will need Blues for this mission. Bomb the wall left of where you found the Yellow Onion and whip the Bulborbs behind it. Lead some Blues round and push the box out of the way and then lead your Pikmin over the narrow bridge. To defeat the Snagrets that pop up refer to my Bestiary section. Now just have your blues carry it back to the ship. The geiger counter takes 15 to carry. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6c. The Forest Navel \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Forest Navel is Quite a fiery place with some water areas dotted here and there. Most of the parts are pretty easy to be honest but it does have tricky ones. You need 5 parts for this area. Enemies: Beady Long Legs, Breadbug, Fiery Blowhog, Puffstool, Shearwig, Wollywog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> The Blue Onion << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do not bring any Pikmin with you. Head over to where the pools of water in little bowls are and make your way to the blue onion. Pull out the seed for your first blue Pikmin and spend some time building a force of blues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Space Float << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You should eventually notice a wierd bug with a purplish shell that's quite big? He's called Breadbug, anyway beat him and the space float is yours. (see Bestiary to beat Breadbug). Space float takes 25 Pikmin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Automatic gear << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Around the edge of the landing site is a pile of twigs, have your pikmin build a bridge up to the platform with the automatic gear on it. The automatic gear takes 15 to carry it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Ionium Jet#1 << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the North of the landing site through the puddles at the end lies the part ( use your map it isn't hard) but make sure you have Blue Pikmin. This part takes 15 Pikmin to carry it back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Anti Dioxin Filter << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the south there is a sandy area with a big lake with some Wollywogs in it, there's your part. Don't just belt down there with some blues, take some reds and take out as many fiery blowhogs as possible to clear a way for your blues. When you get to the lake with your blues it is quite a good idea to kill off the Wollywogs. The part is in plain view and takes 40 to carry it home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Analog Computer << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the lake that was mentioned in the last mission with 20 reds and 20 blues. To the rightof the lake is a gate, do the obvious. You will end up in a corridor that has lots of fire jets in it. Use the C stick to keep your Pikmin close to the wall so your Blues don't get burnt. Eventually you will find a pool with the Analog Computer in it. Seperate your Pikmin and take your Blues into the water and have them carry the part out of the water and then let the Reds take over. It takes 20 pikmin to carry it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Libra << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring about 5 blues, 15 Yellows and 15 Reds. Go to the corridor with flame jets, carefully c sticking your Pikmin past. About halfway up the corridor you will find a bridge that needs rolling out, do it. When you get to the otherside seperate your Pikmin and throw your yellows up onto the ledge. Have your Blues activate the geyser and ride up. Throw your yellows up to the part and have them carry it down. At the bottom call them back and have the reds take over. Easy! The Libra requires 15 pikmin to carry it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Omega Stabiliser << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bring about 40 red Pikmin to the beach near the Anti dioxin filter lake. If you walk past the lake eventually you will see an arena lit by luminescent mushrooms. To get the part you must defeat a puffstool. See my Bestiary on how to bet Puffstool. Then use 30 Pikmin to carry it back. A good tip on the way back is to use Olimar to distract the Wollywogs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Gravity jumper << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take Red and Blue Pikmin down to the lake where you found the Anti Dioxin filter. Seperate your Pikmin and lead your blues to the far left of the river and onto the island with a tin of Bomb rocks on it. Have your Blues roll out the bridge. Once on top of the platform with the part on it have them roll out the other bridge behind the part. Finally have 25 Reds carry it back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Guard Sattelite << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Make sure you have some Bomb rock boys and head to the southeast where if you use your map you should find a wall to bomb down. Once you go in you will have to fight Beady long legs. Refer to my Bestiary section for tips. Once he's done have 20 or so Reds carry it back. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6d. The Distant Spring \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The Distant Spring is basically a water level and for most of the parts you will need Blue Pikmin. The Distant Spring is a very serenic level with lots of rivers and small streams. Enemies: Armoured Cannon Beetle, Bulbears, Dwarf Bulbears, Puffy Blowhog, Shearwig, Swooping Snitchbug, Water Dumple, Yellow Wollywog. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Gluon Drive << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take 50 Blue pikmin Northwest through a big lake ( take care of the Wollywogs) and up on to the platform with the part on. Have them build the bridges and use 50 pikmin to carry it home. Whilst they are doing this I recommend using Red Pikmin to take out the Bulbears on the way home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Massage Machine << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head southeast with some Blue pikmin and build the log bridge that you should find. Take out the Bulbear and grab the part. Use 30 Pikmin to bring it back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Repair type bolt << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part is easiest with blues but it can be done without. Go a little way southeast (just to the edge of the lake) and you will see a thin cause way and a ledge with a small wall on it. Throw 20 blues onto the ledge from round the back, then go onto the thin causeway and whistle them back but they wont be able to get over the small wall so all you have to to do is lead them around to the part. It takes 20 pikmin to carry it back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Interstellar radio << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lead Blue pikmin south until you find a Puffy Blowhog ( go to Bestiary). Defeat it and the part is yours. Use 20 to carry it back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> #2 Ionium Jet << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Take at least 20 blue Pikmin as far north as possible and throw them onto the ledge. Use the geyser to ride up and throw the pikmin over to the part. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Zirconium Rotor << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- To the North of the Gluon Drive is a weak gate that needs knocking down.you will also need to take down a stone wall. Use 30 Pikmin to Grab the part. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Pilot's seat << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go north until you come to an enclosed area with the part in. First you should take out all the enemies that may hinder your Pikmin. Use 25 Pikmin to carry it back to base. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Bowsprit << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- In a circular arena North of your ship you will have to fight another armoured cannon beetle. You will need to build a bridge to take the part back. The Bowsprit requires 30 Pikmin to carry it back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> Chronos Reactor << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Go to the Northeast corner of the map with blue Pikmin and throw 20 of them onto the island with the yellow candypop bud and Geyser ride up there and throw your Blues into the candypop bud to turn them into yellow Pikmin. Now throw them down to the sand to the North then up to the ship part near by. Once they get it down to ground level call them back and change them back into blues using the blue candypop bud. Finally use 20 Pikmin to carry it back. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> UV Lamp << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- First you will need to knock down the tough stone wall near the landing area and it takes 9 bomb rocks to shift it. Next kill all the enemies in the area to make a safe path back. To get the part throw pikmin up to it platform, meeting them each time using the slope at the side. Once at the top the Pikmin will carry it back automatically. This part needs 10 Pikmin to carry it back to the Dolphin. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 6d.The Final Trial \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ The end is in sight so it's time to nab the last part and hightail back to Hocotate. Enemies: Emperor Bulblax. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- >> The Secret Safe << ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This part takes a long while to nab, so I divided it into steps. ------- Step 1 ------- Get about 50 blue Pikmin and take them into the water. Throw half of them one side of the stone wall and throw the rest up the otherside to get on with construction of the other bridge. ------- Step 2 ------- Take 10 yellow Pikmin and get the Bomb rocks on the island to the right of your ship to use on the stone wall. ------- Step 3 ------- Once the bridges are built and the stone wall is gone grab some red Pikmin and throw them into the fiery path to the west. Drop into the water to the right and whistle to grab their attention. They wont be able to reach you but they will follow you. Go north and under the second bridge guide them to the box and they will push it out of the way. ------- Step 4 ------- Now cross the bridges and break down the stone gates on either side of the arena, be careful not to awaken the boss. Start the fight tomorrow. Once you have beaten Emperor Bulblax and nabbed the secret safe with 85 Pikmin, give yourself a pat on the back and watch the ending. Congratulations you have just completed Pikmin. ========================================================================= 7. Legal Info ========================================================================= This guide and it's contents are strictly copyright (c) Joss "Masamitsu" Southgate 2004. It may not be reproduced electronically, physically or otherwise. It may not be put on CD, published in a magazine or anything like that without my permission. It may be printed FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY! It cannot be sold for personal profit or given away as a gift. If you wish to post this guide on your site, you need to email me and ask permission on bernie_sensation@msn.com or the_walrus_of_love@hotmail.com. If you violate this disclaimer you may face legal action. Sites that can post this guide without my permission: www.gamefaqs.com ========================================================================= 8. Version History ========================================================================= ---------- Version 01 ---------- Finished the guide. ---------- Version 02 ---------- Added a Bestiary ---------- Version 03 ---------- Totally updated it. -------------- Version FINAL -------------- Changed some of the boarders and a few mistakes here and there, not much really. Changed the Legal Info aswell. - EoF -