POKEMON COLOSSEUM BOSS GUIDE By AC Fanatic ------------------------------ 1. Introduction to the Guide 2. In Depth Strategy on Bosses 3. Which Bosses Have which Shadow Pokemon 4. Techniques on Capturing Shadow Pokemon 5. Legal Stuff, Credits, Acknowledgements… ------------------------------ Introduction to the Guide Hi I'm AC Fanatic this is my first GameFAQ so I don't expect it to ever get accepted, but I'm going to try at least. I have written this guide mainly for the younger kiddies that need help with knowing what to do when you have to face and defeat a boss not how to capture their shadow pokemon, mainly to keep them from asking stupid questions on the Message Boards like Me. This GameFAQ should provide the reader with enough informationto be able to kick their way through the somewhat challenging Bosses, and help them restore Peace and Tranquility to the Region of Orre. ------------------------------ In Depth Strategy on Bosses Boss #1: Miror B. Pokemon: *Sudowoodo* Lv. 35 Ludicolo Lv. 29 Ludicolo Lv. 30 Ludicolo Lv. 28 Ludicolo Lv. 31 Strategy: As the first boss Miror B. has a well put together team, except for the major flaw of having four of the same Pokemon! Ludicolo is an Water-Grass type Pokemon, but neither Fire or Electric type attacks will do much damage to them. So I would recommend that you should use the Flying attack Fly which will be a super effective hit against Miror B.'s Ludicolo's. Also at the beginning of the battle you Should use the an attack that will put the Ludicolo's th sleep such as Sleep Powder or Hypnosis on his Ludicolo's to stop the possible threat of the Ludicolo's using Rain Dance which will restore HP to the Ludicolo's due to their ability Rain Dish which restores some HP to the Pokemon every turn. To take care of Sudowoodo take him out with Fighting, Water, Ground, or Grass type attacks. *** Boss #2: Dakim Pokemon: *Entei* Lv. 40 Metang Lv. 37 Marshtomp Lv. 36 Golem Lv. 38 Camerupt Lv. 38 Strategy: Dakim has a bright idea that he can use protect on one of his Pokemon then use Earthquake with his other Pokemon, which isn't a bad idea at all, also Dakim will always start out with Metang and Golem/Camerupt. Firstly I highly recommend the use of a Water Pokemon since the majority of his Pokemon are weak against Water attacks, and you may want to use a flying type again since Earthquake can't hit flying type Pokemon. On the very first turn you may want to use only status affecting attacks so you can find out who is using Protect and Earthquake. On the second turn whoever used Protect last turn will use Earthquake this turn and visa versa for the other Pokemon, so attack with both of your Pokemon the one that used protect last turn and do the same thing till all of his Pokemon are defeated. *** Boss #3: Venus Pokemon: *Suicune* Lv. 40 Delcatty Lv. 45 Vileplume Lv. 44 Banette Lv. 45 Steelix Lv. 45 Strategy: Venus is one of the harder trainers to defeat due to her Steelix. Venus has a wide variety of Pokemon so there is no real strategy to defeating her easily. Three types of Pokemon that I would recommend would be Psychic, Fire, and Electric. You would want a Pschic type Pokemon to KO Vileplume easily.Then try to damage Delcatty badly before Delcatty can use attract which will make one of your Pokemon unable to use its moves most of the time against both of Venus's Pokemon. The Fire type Pokemon would be used for Steelix so you may quickly knock it out of the ring. And the Electric type would be for Suicune mainly but possibly for Banette also, use any type of electric attack for Suicune, and in a few turns Suicune should be down on the ground. *** Boss #4: Ein Pokemon: *Raikou* Lv. 40 Lanturn Lv. 47 Altaria Lv. 46 Huntail Lv. 47 Golbat Lv. 48 Strategy: Ein mainly uses Water and Electric type Pokemon, so it's not very hard picking the types of Pokemon that you need, except for the fact that the types you need are fairly rare in Orre. You obviously need Electric and Ground type Pokemon, but the only 2 Electric type you have come across so far are Flaaffy (Hopefully it is now an Ampharos) and Pluse which is for the most part extremely useless, and as for the Ground type the only one is Piloswine and you may have missed catching it so forget the ground type unless you want to start purifying it until it learns dig which is really only useful against Raikou. There isn't really much I can do to help you here except provide you with tips and battle information, so you just need to go with your instincts and hope for the best. *** Boss #5: Miror B. REMATCH Pokemon: *Sudowoodo* Lv. 35 Armaldo Lv. 43 Ludicolo Lv. 44 Ludicolo Lv. 45 Golduck Lv. 45 Loudred Lv. 46 Strategy: Miror B. has decided since your last battle with him ended in your favor to add a few new friends to his/her team, which include Golduck, Loudred, and Armaldo. Loudred is most likely going to be the biggest threat to you because of his attack Shadow Ball, you may want to target your attacks on him. As for Golduck and Armaldo take them out with Electric and Fire type attacks. Use the same strategy as before for the rest of his Pokemon. You should then have a quick and easy win. *** Boss #6: Dakim REMATCH Pokemon: *Entei* Lv. 40 Houndoom Lv. 47 Flygon Lv. 46 Forretress Lv. 45 Whiscash Lv. 46 Claydol Lv. 46 Strategy: Dakim was the hardest for me to defeat out of the 4 in a row boss rematches, because all of his Pokemon are different except for Entei. About half of Dakims Pokemon are of the Ground type so I recommend the use of water Pokemon and Pokemon of the Flying type also, because he still uses the Earth Quake/Protect technique again. Also be on alert he also uses the Sunny Day Solarbeam technique, so you may want to have one of your water Pokemon know Rain Dance so you can stop the threat of 5 Solarbeams in a row. *** Boss #7: Venus REMATCH Pokemon: *Suicune* Lv. 40 Milotic Lv. 48 Bellossom Lv. 47 Raichu Lv. 48 Wigglytuff Lv. 48 Misdreavus Lv. 47 Strategy: Venus has a whole new team like Dakim accept for Suicune, so she is also a bit hard. She has only Pokemon of only one type so that makes it even more dificult. I would strongly advise the use of Electric, Psychic, and Fire(after the water Pokemon are taken out) Pokemon to get the job done. Milotic is probably the Hardest to take down because of its Ice attacks that can be very threatening. *** Boss #8: Ein REMATCH Pokemon: *Raikou* Lv. 40 Manectric Lv. 50 Starmie Lv. 49 Rhydon Lv. 50 Pelipper Lv. 49 Crobat Lv. 48 Strategy: Finally the last out of the Realgam Tower Rematches Ein. Ein right from the start will try to poison both of your Pokemon so you may want to use attacks that make you impossible to hit for the first turn such as Fly, Dig, and Dive, but just in case you may want to carry some Full Heals or Lum and Pecha Berries. First of all you may want to use many Electric type atacks because three of his pokemon are weak against Electric type attacks they are, Starmie, Pelipper, and Crobat. And as for Raikou and Manectric use a solid hitting Ground attack and you should knock'em out fast. For Rydon just get him with a water attack and you should have a fun and successful battle. *** Boss #9: Gonzap Pokemon: *Skarmory* Lv. 47 Crawdaunt Lv. 52 Pinsir Lv. 52 Hariyama Lv. 53 Shiftry Lv. 53 Strategy: Gonzap is now your new Arch Enemy, he weilds the power of 1 Hit Wonder(Pokemon Stadium Pun:) Attacks, so you will want to afflict his Pokemon immediately with Staus afflicting attacks, such as Hypnosis, Poison Powder, and Thunder Wave to lessen the chance of being hit with one of Ein's devastating attacks such as Crabhammer and Earthquake. After that you should hit his team with mainly Fire type attacks to steal the win, but its not the last time you will meet up with Gonzap... *** Boss #10: Nascour Pokemon: *Metagross* Lv. 50 Gardevoir Lv. 55 Xatu Lv. 54 Dusclops Lv. 55 Walrein Lv. 56 Blaziken Lv. 54 Strategy: Let me be the first to congratulate you on making it this far, but also let me be the first to tell you that the next battle isnt a walk in the park. The majority of Nascours Pokemon are weak to dark type attacks so make sure you have some Pokemon with dark type attacks, you may also want to hit his Metagross with ground type attacks to take it out easily. For the rest of his Pokemon, just hit Walrein with acouple of fighting type attacks, then just hit Blaziken with a couple of water type attacks and the victory should be yours. Congratulations you have beaten Realgam tower, but wait who could that be? *** Boss #11: Evice Pokemon: *Tyranitar* Lv. 55 Salamence Lv. 60 Machamp Lv. 61 Scizor Lv. 60 Slaking Lv. 60 Slowking Lv. 61 Strategy: Yes, The person who has been behind the evil plot to take over the world is the Ever Evil Evice(aka The Mayor). Evice has a wide variety of Pokemon so it will not be an easy task to defeat Evice. To defeat Tyranitar take him down with a few water type attacks, but to make the battle easier just throw the Master Ball that you got earlier in the game. For the rest of his Pokemon, take down Salamence with ice attacks, Machamp will go down easily with one good Psychic attack, Scizor will go down with a fire type attack, Slacking will go down with some fighting type attacks, and finally hit Slowking with a nice Electric type attack and if you can pull this off, CONGRATULATIONS THE REALGAM TOWER ADVENTURE IS OVER! But, the Boss Battles still rage on... *** Boss #12: Gonzap REMATCH Pokemon: *Skarmory* Lv. 47 Crawdaunt Lv. 64 Armaldo Lv. 64 Machamp Lv. 64 Breloom Lv. 64 Granbull Lv. 64 Strategy: Your Arch Enemy is back for a second beating. This he has almost all new Pokemon and all of them are fairly high leveled. Gonzaps Pokemon almost imeadiately use Hyper Beam as soon as they can so be prepared for a few harsh blows, but his Pokemon must then rest for a turn to regain some lost energy, so now is your turn to hit them with some powerful attacks. To defeat crawdaunt hit him with a Thunder or Thunderbolt attack to deal some serious damage, As for Armaldo take him out with surf, Machamp is another easy KO take Machamp down with a couple of Psychic attacks, take Breloom down with a fire attack, the last and certainly least Granbull will go down with a good fighting attack such as Brick Break. *** Boss #13: Angol Pokemon: *Shuckle* Lv. 45 Girafarig Lv. 68 Sableye Lv. 69 Skarmory Lv. 66 Shedinja Lv. 68 Kingdra Lv. 70 Strategy: Who the heck are you? Yeah Angol is a little strange looking if you ask me. But now to get on to the strategy. Angol is probably has the strongest team in the game other than yourself but he isn't all that hard to defeat. The only real hard thing to defeat is Shedinja, because of its ability wonder guard it can only be hit by super effective hits, so the only type of attacks that can touch are Flying, Fire, Ghost, Dark, and Dark, so make sure you bring at least one Pokemon with one of those type of attacks and take down the rest with your own skills by just pelting them with strong attacks, but make sure your Pokemon are about the same levels as Angol's or you may have some trouble defeating him. *** Boss #14: Shady Guy Pokemon: *Togetic* Lv. 20 Armaldo Lv. 68 Milotic Lv. 68 Manectric Lv. 68 Houndoom Lv. 68 Gyrados Lv. 68 Strategy: Good Job you have made to final battle, Vs. Yourself? Yes Shady Guy has taken the form of YOU! He has quite the easy team to defeat as long as your Pokemon are Lv. 65 and above, if they arent then go do some training. Togetic can be taken down with almost any attack, Alrmaldo can be taken down with a high leveled Surf attack, Milotic should be taken down with some electric attacks the same goes for Gyarados, take down Magnetric with a good rock type attack, as for Houndoom get rid of him with a good Water type attack and take the Victory for the last time! Good Job! ------------------------------ Which Bosses Have Which Shadow Pokemon Miror B. has Sudowoodo Dakim has Entei Venus has Suicune Ein has Raikou Gonzap has Skarmory Nascour has Metagross Evice has Tyranitar Angol has Shuckle Shady Guy has Togetic ------------------------------ Techniques on Capturing Shadow Pokemon There are three major steps in Snaging Pokemon they are as follows: 1 weaken the Pokemon- When a Pokemon HP meter begins to get in the yellow you may want to read step 2. 2 Inflict the Pokemon with a Status Condition- Use attacks such as Hypnosis, Poison Powder, and Thunder Wave. 3 Throw a Snag Ball- When you think you can catch the Pokemon, use the Poke, Great, Ultra, Premier, Net, Nest, Timer, or the almighty never failing Master Ball. ------------------------------ Legal Stuff, Credits, Acknowledgements… This was written by me, you can take it, steal it, print it, put it on your web site as long as you ask me first and get a positive response by emailing me at tgreene15@yahoo.com Nintendo and Gamefreak make Pokemon and own all rights to Pokemon. And Lets give a round of applause to: Mega Mage3003- for the help harle1012000- for the help Deathborn 668- for the help Gameboy9001- for the help ghostfox1- for the correction Fawful Waffle- for the tips Shadowangemon- for the idea Jiggy37- for correcting my wording of a particular sentence GameFAQs- For hosting everyones GameFaq Nintendo/Nintendo Power- for reference usage And me, AC Fanatic, for Providing this simple, but yet informational GameFAQ