Pokemon Colosseum Guide Version: 1.3 ' . , ' ^ .' ,' \ _ ^ / \ _.--. __ _ \.-'|'\ | \ ____ _____ / \ / \' _,-' '. /_ | /'. ,----| \| \ /_ | \ / / \ ' / /\ \ __ | | |/ / /'/ / \ .-- / | / / ' /\ \ . \^ / \. \/ / .-.| .'| \/ /_ |\ / (_ \ |/ / \ ^/ ' \ / , \ , / (_\ '-_\ .-' '.|\| \ | //| / \ / , [ ] \ \ | / |'-_ '-.__.|' | \\_.-'/ | / [ ] | | ,---.._ \ \\_.'|_| '-._| '""' \__\/ / /____ ,---- | | [ ] / _ '\\,-' '-.// \ \ \ [ ] |_| / // /.---. _ ___ __ _\ \ | \ |_| / //___// // | / | .--. ,... .---. | _\| \| \\ \| \ / / / // // / / || \ | |\_|| |\_\\ \__\ \\ \\ \ / /____ / // // / | || |\ \ \ '-. \ _\\ \\ \\ |\ | \ / // // // // /__| || |.\ \ _'-. \ \ \__\ \\ \\ \\|\ \ / // // // // / \ || / |\| || \_| | \ \\ \\ \\ \ \ \ / ' / \__..//__,./ '..' '----' '-___.-' \____\\____/ \ \ \ \ '..__..-'' '---- '-.__\ Christopher Speight Paradisio15@houston.rr.com AKA Paradisio This work is not to be reused, edited, posted elsewhere besides gamefaqs, or anything else that would infringe on copy writes or the author. Doing so can and will lead to consequences. This is solely a fan work and is not meant to infringe on any of the Nintendo or Pokemon trademarks. Table of Contents ------------------ 1. News/Updates 2. Walkthrough -Main Walkthrough -Mt. Battle -HO-OH 3. Pokemon List 4. FAQs 5. TMs 6. Purifying Shadow Pokemon 7. Shops 8. Pokemon in Story Mode 9. Thanks to... ------------------ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~1. News/Updates~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1.3 - Most of the trainer's money is done now, thanks Big Bang Vegeta yet again, a move set list and item list should be coming up soon, which he is working on. Added a nice logo to the top of the page, thanks Alex Ngo. Also added a section about obtaining HO-OH. The Pokemon List is now also complete. 1.2 - Ditched the storyline colosseum section, found it pretty pointless as it varies too much. Redid the section formatting so you can discern it better from the rest. The shops section is complete... The general walkthrough is complete except the trainer's money, Miracle B. and Ho-Oh. The TMs section is nearly complete also. The pokemon in story mode is also complete; thanks shadow panther for your help. Thanks to Big Bang Vegeta for his help with the trainer's money also. 1.1 - Added several new sections and started adding the trainer's money. Corrected several typos and spacing problems... New sections are still under construction. 1.0 - Version 1 is done, the complete walkthrough, more to come! W W WWW W W W WWW W W WWW WWW W W WW W W W W W WWW W WW W WWW WW W W W W W W WWW WWW W W WWW W W W W W W W WWW WWW WWW W W ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~2. Walkthrough Beginning~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Welcome this guide covers the story mode of pokemon colosseum. First start a new game, sorry ladies there is only a male main character and enter your name. The game starts off in a weird desert base with the main character taking some mechanical arm and being chased by a large group before running off on his weird vehicle, you automatically start with the day and night pokemon, espeon and umbreon. These pokemon are always male, sorry. Outskirt Stand ------------------ You should now be at a train station, take some time to learn the controls and the menu; they are straightforward. The menus have: Pokemon - list of your pokemon in your party, select a pokemon to see a summary of it, switch it with another pokemon, and give it items. PDA - Has the snag list, pokemon stolen and from who. An e-mail browser for in game e-mails, and at the front of the PDA is some general character info. Items - Obviously shows a list of your items, push to the right to see other sets of items. Back to the game... If you go too left or too right you will go to a world map, which has no where to go right now. Do the sensible thing and go into the train to run into two goons. They get in a hover car and speed into the distance. Head back into the train to see a cut scene about your visit to the base that didn't go so well. Talk to everyone in the bar to get some story info and then head outside the train again. The pink haired guy from inside will come out and challenge you, of course agree to battle him. Rider Willie X2 Zigzagoon, level 24 I am going to assume you have played the regular games, it is pretty much exactly the same at this point in the game and this battle is very simple. After the fight is over he instructs you to head to Phenac City, do as he says. Phenac City ---------------- As you enter you will run into the goons you met earlier, apparently they are kidnapping someone, time to fight again! Shady Guy Folly $500 2x Whismur Level 25 Very easy again, I managed to one hit KO them with confusion. Go up to the bag after the fight and let the person out, you get to name them, probably indicating a secondary main character. I am just going to use one of the default names for her, RUI. Before we head to the mayors house lets explore the town a little. From the entrance going counter clockwise you will run into an old man who wishes to battle, agree with him of course. Fun Old Man Drig $800 Sentret Level 25 HootHoot Level 25 Another battle you should have 0 trouble with, just keep attacking and they should go down in a couple of turns. Go past the next building, it is just a house with nothing interesting. Now head to the other side of the street and enter the shop. Talk to the person at the counter to buy items, do so if you wish. They sell: Potion, Super Potion, Antidote, Burn Heal, Ice Heal, Awakening, Paralyze Heal, and full heal items. Upstairs talk to the guy at the desk to learn there are no wild pokemon in this region; hmm I wonder how we will get more then. The store on the second floors sells: Guard Special, Dire Hit, X Attack, Defend, Speed, Accuracy and Special. The last stop for this area is the pokemon center. This is where you save your game and heal your pokemon, both of which are good ideas. Downstairs is where I assume you can duel with other players or something, I am not sure yet. Leave the building and head up to the next area of town. Go to the far southwest to find a chest with 3 super potions in it. On the northeast part there is a trainer that wants to battle, so do it. Roller Boy Kaib Silcoon, Level 25 Wurmple, Level 25 Both are form 1 and 2 bug pokemon and are extremely weak, just use attacks and they should go down in one or two hits. After the battle he will give you TM41, torment. Enter the door nearest to the guy you just battled and watch the TV to learn about your fancy new arm you stole from the bad team. Then enter the building on the other side of town to run into a really freaky looking guy, and if you wondering what fufufufu means, it's basically Japanese for an evil laugh. Then enter the building to meet the mayor. Rui will talk about shadow pokemon with the mayor; after they get done talking the mayor directs you to visit the local pokemon colosseum. The last building we haven't been to yet is the pre gym. Enter the building and when you are ready, talk to the lady on the far right wall at the machine to battle, when ready go onto the stage area. Cooltrainer Botan $810 Sunkern, level 27 Hoppip, level 28 They are both grass type, we don't have any fire type moves or anything but I found confusion to work especially well against them. Time for the next battle! Cooltrainer Liqui $810 Marill, Level 28 Surskit, Level 27 I just used regular attacks again with no problem. Rich Boy Dugo $540 Trapinch, level 27 Swinub, level 27 Another very easy fight, just use basic attacks again. Lady Gwin $540 Geodude, Level 27 Rhyhorn, Level 27 I found confusion worked especially well again in this battle. For winning all four you get the White Herb item from Justy. He/She will fight you when you get all full party. I recommend going back to the pokemon center to heal and save before we continue on. When your ready head to the exit on the far north end of town and enter it. Talk to everyone to learn that there is already a challenge-taking place, too bad. Exit back to town to run into some more goons. It appears that the main character was one of the bad guys who stole pokemon, listen to some more stuff about the snag machine, and eventually you have to fight again. Team Snagem Wakin $270 Corphish, Level 25 Koffing, Level 27 Confusion is super effective on Koffing, and should kill him in one hit. And then just take Corphish out with regular attacks. After the battle Rui suggests buying some poke balls, so go to the poke mart and talk to everyone to find they don't sell any in this town, so head back to the train area. Outskirt Stand ------------------ The bartender inside will give you 5 fore free, aren't we lucky. He will now sell them as regular merchandise, so he now sells: Antidote, Burn Heal, Ice Heal, Awakening, Paralyze Heal, Great Ball, Poke Ball, and Full Heal. I would suggest buying some more balls. Head back to Phenac City as there doesn't seem to be anything left here. Phenac City ----------------- As you enter a woman will inform you that the goons are back in town. Go to the mayor's house to see a guy with a huge Afro, his name is Miror B. After a brief conversation he leaves to Pyrite. Now you must fight one of the same goons you fought earlier again. Miror B. Peon Folly Whismur, Level 28 Lotad, Level 25 Just a regular fight, you should have no trouble. Time to fight his partner in crime. Miror B. Peon Trudly $800 Duskull, Level 25 Spinarak, Level 25 Makuhita, Level 30 (shadow) Once you knock out one pokemon Makuhita will come out and Rui will tell you to capture it because it is evil or something to that extent. Lower its hit points by using Bite and then capture it with a poke ball. I found that confusion did the perfect amount of damage to him for a capture; confusion also works great against all the other guys in this battle as well. The entire town exits are blocked by guards, you can only defeat one unfortunately and they each carry a different one. The one to the South has Croconaw, the east one has Quilava and the last one has Bayleef. Mystery Troop Verde/Bluno/Rosso $900 Bayleef/Croconaw/Quilava, Level 30 (shadow) Grimer, Level 28 Spoink, Level 24 If you want to get all pokemon, you are going to want a female, as there is no Ditto in this game. So I recommend reloading if you get a male. Confusion is super effective against Grimer so use that to take him down and then whittle down the shadow to capture. Bite is super effective against Spoink as well. Afterwards the guard says something about how they closed the pokemons hearts artificially... Time to head to the next town, but first we must stop at the Construction Lot. Construction Lot ---------------------- There is absolutely nothing to do here for now, so leave and go to the next area. Pyrite Town ----------------- This is quite the hellhole if I have ever seen one. You will see some more goons talking as you enter, well one goon and one extremely lenient law enforcement officer. The first building on your left with the fortune telling sign... is the fortuneteller; nothing to do in there at the moment, probably for a future event. Next is the big green building, insider you will see a scene between Johnson and the Chief. This is the easiest save point in the city to get to as well, so remember it. In the back are a number of jail cells including one with Folly and Trudly. The next building is a tower like structure; besides the television set there is nothing to do here. The next building is the shop, they sell: Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Full Heal, Revive, Antidote, Burn Heal, Ice Heal, Awakening, and Paralyze Heal here. Across from the previous building is a building with a G looking logo on it. Inside is Duking, who runs the local Colosseum. Talk to the boy and use the bookshelf behind him to open up a secret passage, insider are a few people.... That's it, pointless. Once you leave the passage a little scene takes place between Duking and Silva. The next building is the inn, where you can heal your pokemon for $100. Outside is a guy in a weird outfit you can fight. Chaser Calda $520 Sentret, Level 25 Taillow, Level 25 Slakoth, level 26/28 (hard to tell) Pretty straightforward again, no shadow pokemon to capture either, so just use your regular attacks and you should be fine. Head forward past the inn and talk to the first woman you see walking back and forth, time to battle. Chaser Emok $540 Gulpin, Level 27 Zubat, Level 27 Confusion works great on both if you are still using Espeon. I would recommend saving now and after each battle coming up, as each has a shadow pokemon you could catch. As you approach the circle, Rui will talk for a second. All the trainers around the circle are carrying a shadow pokemon. We are going to start from the one on the left closest to you and work our way around counter-clockwise. Rider Nover $300 Noctowl, Level 30 (shadow) Ledyba, Level 27 Wingull, Level 27 As usual kill the non-shadowed first and then whittle them down into the red. Make sure to get a female as well. Street Performer Diogo $480 Flaffy, Level 30 (shadow) Shroomish, Level 30 Once again, try to get a female shadow so you can breed its pre-evolution. Rider Leba $300 Skiploom, Level 30 (shadow) Oddish, Level 26 Dustox, Level 26 Just do what we have done for every other fight involving a shadow. Bandana Guy Divel $480 Quagsire, Level 30 (shadow) Psyduck, Level 29 And one last one in the circle... Rider Vant $300 Misdreavus, Level 30 (shadow) Zigzagoon, Level 28 Skitty, Level 28 The only pokemon you should worry about is Misdreavus, as it will cast shadow ball, which will put a serious hurt on most of your pokemon, and it will also use confuse ray, very annoying. Now, you can fight the people on the circle a second time as well without shadow pokemon, I would recommend you work on the heart bar of a few pokemon so you can use more of their moves. I am going to use: Espeon Umbreon Flaffy Croconaw (you may have Bayleef/Quilava) Makuhita Past the circle of trainers is someone roller-blading, talk to them to get into another shadow pokemon involved fight. Roller Boy Lon $168 Slugma, Level 30 (shadow) Azurill, Level 27 Igglybuff, Level 28 Swablu, Level 27 Only pokemon that should be a danger is Slugma itself, as it will use a powerful flamethrower attack. North of the roller-blader is a steel building with a bunch of mechanical stuff inside, talk to the people if you wish and then leave. Near the bridge is a large building with a locked door; we will be here in a bit. Now head across the bridge and into the large dome. Inside you can heal your pokemon and save if you wish, this is the colosseum entrance, which we will be entering shortly. Talk to the goon here to learn that Cail (the guy at entrance) has a weird pokemon. So go give him a visit and steal his pokemon. Rogue Cail $464 Furret, Level 33 (shadow) Ralts, Level 29 Seedot, Level 29 Machop, Level 29 Furret is very strong offensively, so watch out for his strength attack. Once again, make sure you get a female Furret so you can breed it. After the fight Cail babbles about shadow pokemon and then the scene goes to Miror B. and wavy hair man you ran into earlier at the Mayors Office. Now we have to do some colosseum battling to continue. As you reach the bridge a scientist should come out of the generator building and collapse, speak to him and go inside. Silva stole one of the generator gears so no colosseum for now, we must find the gear first. So head back to the construction lot to find it. Construction Lot ----------------------- See the big shiny gear in the northeast corner, that's it... Get it and leave. Pyrite Town ----------------- Head back to the generator room and put the gear back in as instructed, now we can head to the colosseum. It is a good idea to train up your pokemon now, as there are a lot of battles ahead. NOTE: These trainers are probably not the ones you will face, and in fact you may not even need to battle in the colosseum at all, sorry. When ready head to the colosseum area and talk to the receptionist. You must win four battles in a row; there are no shadow pokemon either so you shouldn't have much to worry about. You get healed in-between fights as well. Hunter Hoks Barboach, Level 30 Sandshrew, Level 30 I used Misdreavus shadow ball on Barboach and then Croconaw's used surf to knock them both out at the same time. If you use Bayleef, its leaf attacks should work well here also. Chaser Tisler Natu, Level 30 Meditite, Level 30 Shadow ball works great on Meditite and bite works very well on Natu. Bandana Guy Vilch Electrike, Leave 30 Cacnea, Level 31 Vulpix, Level 32 This fight isn't particularly challenging, you should be able to beat it quite easily even without exploiting elemental weaknesses. Bodybuilder Mirez Bagon, Level 32 Goldeen, Level 32 Magnemite, Level 31 Delibird, Level 34 The opponent has a pretty rounded team this time, but they are all fairly weak. For winning, I received $4,848 and TM06, Toxic. Save and heal and head outside and cross the bridge. At the end of the bridge a goon guard will greet you and want to give you a gift and lead you inside the locked building. They soon realize who you are and attack! Cipher Peon Nore $1320 Yanma, Level 32 (shadow) Pineco, Level 32 Nincada, Level 31 Surskit, Level 32 Yanma likes to confuse so be careful. Make sure to catch it, if you aren't planning on breeding it for another Yanma you don't need a female one as they don't evolve. After the battle, pick up the file on the desk it is Ein File H. Read it if you wish and continue on. Ignore the lady by the elevator for a minute until we get to the save point/healing station, just go around to the door and fight one guy. Roller Boy Pike $204 Taillow, Level 33 HootHoot, Level 34 After the fight heal and save and fight the lady by the elevator. Chaser Kai $640 Phanpy, Level 31 Trapinch, Level 32 Unfortunately the elevator door is locked and we don't have the key, so use the stairs and go up. Just go around the floor and beat everyone, be sure to save every so often. These battles are all pretty easy so Ill just list them as I go in order. Bandana Guy Geats $512 Larvitar, Level 31 Carvanha, Level 32 Barboach, Level 32 Hunter Geare $528 Remoraid, Level 33 Magnemite, Level 32 Bandana Guy Loba $528 Wingull, Level 32 Wooper, Level 33 After the fight there is a chest nearby with 5 great balls in it. Bodybuilder Akmen $744 Electrike, Level 31 Voltorb, Level 31 Now head up to the next floor and do the same thing again! Rider Raleen $320 Doduo, Level 32 Ledyba, Level 32 Swablu, Level 31 Hunter Tura $512 Spheal, Level 31 Snorunt, Level 32 One of the rooms on the way to the next trainer has a chest with revive in it. Hunter Toti $512 Horsea, Level 31 Oddish, Level 32 Sandshrew, Level 31 Bodybuilder Elidi $792 Cacnea, Level 32 Tentacool, Level 33 Head up the next flight of stairs when you are ready. Now you are on the roof of the building, talk to the guy here and he will say they captured an intruder, so go insider the door here to find out it is Silva who has been captured. Time to fight again. Miror B. Peon Reath $660 Remoraid, Level 20 (shadow) Spinarak, Level 33 Luvdisk, Level 32 Be careful with Remoraid since it is low level you don't want to overkill it. Miror B. Ferma $660 Mantine, Level 33 (shadow) Aipom, Level 32 Furret, Level 31 Yanma, Level 33 Get rid of the other pokemon besides Mantine ASAP, Mantine is very strong and its bubble attack will put quite a bit of hurt on anyone. After the fight the two lady goons run off, so talk to Silva. After you talk briefly, Miror B. Appears on the screen. After that go to the desk and pick up Ein File S and read it if you wish, it is just more about shadow pokemon and the experiments. If you go down the stairs you can ride an elevator to the bottom floor and pick up 3 Hyper Potions from a chest and heal/save. But you can't enter the elevator room once you exit it unfortunately. When you are ready, go to the rooftop and fight the guy guarding the cave entrance. Hunter Doken $528 Qwilfish, Level 33 (shadow) Goldeen, Level 33 Linoone, Level 33 After you beat him enter the cave (or go save first.) Go all the way past the stairs and you can find a chest with 3 ethers. Now go back to the stairs, by them is a trainer looking for a fight. Street Performer Simes $512 Anorith, Level 32 Lotad, Level 32 Now head down the stairs and fight the next trainer. Chaser Maiz $640 Koffing, Level 32 Ralts, Level 31 Shroomish, Level 32 Now continue to you get to a flight of stairs, but don't go up them instead go north. Rider Twan $330 Meditite, Level 33 (shadow) Bagon, Level 33 Numel, Level 32 Another shadow pokemon fight, starts getting really annoying how far the save point away is... After the fight go north and then right, before the staircase. Eventually you will run into another trainer. Hunter Valen $528 Lotad, Level 32 Whismur, Level 33 Slakoth, Level 32 A little past him you should find a chest with a full heal, then go down the staircase going down. You should now be in a sewer like area. Head west into you get into a fight with a woman trainer. Rider Sosh $340 Dunsparce, Level 33 (shadow) Mareep, Level 34 Cacnea, Level 34 Pretty easy except Dunsparce, who hits pretty hard. Past her by the stairs is finally a save and healing machine For now go back past the lady we fought, back up the stairs and go up the flight of stairs we skipped earlier... Head through the corridors until you reach a woman trainer and prepare to battle her. Chaser Rehan $640 Geodude, Level 32 Lotad, Level 31 Snorunt, Level 32 Slakoth, Level 31 Now head into the room she was blocking and fight yet another trainer. Bandana Guy Noxy $528 Lotad, Level 32 Lotad, Level 32 Lotad, Level 33 Lotad, Level 33 That has got to be the most boring lineup you could have, c'mon Nintendo be a bit more creative. After the fight get the chest by him, it contains 3 Ultra Balls. Then head back to the save/heal terminals in the sewer area and climb the stairs and fight the next trainer. Roller Boy Evat $198 Lotad, Level 32 Lombre, Level 33 Now head down the corridor and you should see a goon guarding the staircase, take him out first. Hunter Zalo $528 Swablu, Level 33 (shadow) Lotad, Level 31 Beldum, Level 32 Lombre, Level 32 Make sure to catch Swablu, as the evolved form is pretty awesome. Now head to the east instead of going down the stairs and fight the first trainer you see. Rider Derid $330 Pineco, Level 30 Shuppet, Level 33 Koffing, Level 33 Head past him afterwards and you should come to yet another staircase, this time go down it. You should now be in the sewer area again, go west first. Hunter Meli $528 Zigzagoon, Level 32 Zigzagoon, Level 32 Linoone, Level 33 Past her are four treasure chests containing: Protein, Iron, Zinc, and Carbos. Then head back to the stairs and go north. Chaser Mela $660 Natu, Level 33 Tentacool, Level 32 Teddiursa, Level 32 Cipher Peon Sema $1360 Spheal, Level 34 Lileep, Level 32 Dustox, Level 33 Now I would definitely advise saving/healing since next we fight the boss... FINALLY! When you are ready go down the only flight of stairs we have yet to use. When you go down the stairs head north into the next cave. Well, look who is getting jiggy with it. If you go the north door you can see the poor little pokemon. Time to take him back! Cipher Admin Miror B. $3500 Ludicolo, Level 28 Ludicolo, Level 29 Ludicolo, Level 31 Ludicolo, Level 30 Sudowoodo, Level 35 (shadow) You should be able to beat the Ludicolo easily, just don't use anything with a weakness to water/grass. Be careful once Sudowoodo comes out, it knows rock and fighting moves as well. I would recommend paralyzing him and then whittling him down with normal type moves before attempting to capture. He does have pretty high defense, so it may take a few tries. After the fight, loot the chest to get TM49, snatch and then go through the door on the north end. Pick up Ein File P and read it to learn a little bit about Pokemon purification. Then loot the chest to get a Macho brace, and then talk to Plusle. Then everyone comes in and you go back to Duking's place. Plusle then joins you to help stop the spread of shadow pokemon. Now go see the chief of police to see a little cut scene. Talk to the goons and on the table in the back is the jail key. Let out the solitary guy, after he leaves you can find TM46, thief in his cell. You can open the other cells as well, but the guy's wont leave and there is nothing to find. If you talk to Cail he will fight you again. Rogue Cail Snubbull, Level 35 Kirlia, Level 35 Nuzleaf, Level 35 Machop, Level 35 The trainers here can be fought infinitely, just enter and exit a building and they will fight you again. Good for easy EXP. Although their lineup seems to chance, so I won't post them. You can also enter the colosseum and battle again if you would like. Although the pokemon in the competition are going to be at level 50+, so you are going to have a very hard time unless you are training a lot. When you ready to continue the game talk to the Fortune Teller Lady, she will tell you to go to Agate Village. Good idea, but first lets stop somewhere else first. Outskirt Stand ------------------- You can fight Willie again now... Rider Willie Zigzagoon, Level 29 Linoone, Level 30 You probably need some more poke balls by now, so stock up. Now head to Agate when you are ready to continue to story. Agate Village ------------------- Explore the town a bit before going inside any of the homes; if you talk to the guy at the top with his Taillow he will give you a Rawst Berry. If you go behind the tree home you can get a chest with the EXP share item! There is an old guy looking for a fight by the building with the large poke ball on it. Fun Old Man Skof $1120 Machop, Level 34 Seedot, Level 35 Furret, Level 34 Near the pokemon center is a path down, there is an entrance there being blocked, if you go to the right side and down you should be able to get on a lower path, take it and you should find a chest with the quick claw item in it. In one home you can find a save point, a day care, and a name changer. The building with the large poke ball on it is the store. They sell: Hyper Potion, Super Potion, Full Heal, Revive, HP UP, Protein, Iron, Carbos, Calcium, Zinc, Joy Sent, Excite Sent and Vivid Sent. The other homes don't have anything in them really; so when you are ready enter the home with the large tree growing on top of it. After a brief conversation with Eagun there is trouble afoot in the forest nearby, go to the cave entrance and go inside. You should come to a trainer right off the bat. Cipher Peon Doven $1360 Spheal, Level 33 Carvanha, Level 34 Continue on a bit to fight the next one. Cipher Peon Silton $1360 Shroomish, Level 34 Cacnea, Level 34 Now head to the shining doorway to meet another peon. Cipher Peon Kass $1400 Baltoy, Level 35 Ralts, Level 35 Kirlia, Level 35 Up ahead you should see Eagun with another goon... You will see a battle between Cipher Peon Skrub and Myth Train Eagun... Level 50 Pikachu vs. level 30 Hitmontop. Pikachu always loses, sorry! Cipher Peon Skrub $1520 Geodude, Level 38 Hitmontop, Level 38 (shadow) Clamperl, Level 38 Wynaut, Level 37 Hitmontop is always male unfortunately so you can't breed for the other fighters until the new games come out with Ditto. After the battle you learn that the point of the mission was for them to capture celebi the time Pokemon and destroy the relic stone. You then go back to Eagun's house. You now must go meet a man named Senilor who lives by the Poke Mart. So go see him. He is the guy sitting on the couch watch TV in the home with the Wobbuffet at the table. After talking to him, go back to Eagun's house and receive the Small Tablet. As you leave the home you should receive your first in game email. So go read it, if you don't know, it is in your PDA. Seems trouble afoot on Mt. Battle. After you read it, you will get instructions on how to get there. I would heal and save first before we do anything else. But first go back to the cave and into the courtyard and pick up Ein File C, it talks about Celebi and the relic. You can complete the purification by returning here and visiting this stone once the pokemons heart gauge is completely white. By doing this a pokemon can level up, be named, and otherwise be completely normal. If you have used your crystal/gold/silver starter much it probably saved enough exp to level several times and evolve also. This might be a good time to switch out so you can work on purifying other pokemon... As later in the game you want to have all of them purified. Mt. Battle ------------- Head into the building first, inside is a save machine, a healing station, an old guy on a bench who deletes moves, and a counter where you can exchange coupons for prizes. When ready enter the center area. Time to fight! Rider Turo $350 Trapinch, Level 35 Numel, Level 34 Sandshrew, Level 35 Surf + Same Type Attack Bonus = Dead Rider Turo Hunter Drovic $592 Swinub, Level 35 Baltoy, Level 38 Larvitar, Level 37 Water is super effective against entire team again. Rider Kimit $370 Sandshrew, Level 37 Geodude, Level 38 Numel, More rock, fire and ground types, you know what to do by now. Rider Riden $370 Pineco, Level 35 Baltoy, Level 35 Houndour, Level 37 Graveler, Level 37 Hunter Telia $608 Trapinch, Level 38 Barboach, Level 38 Trapinch, Level 38 Lileep, Level 38 Street Performer Nortz $592 Cacnea, Level 37 Spinda, Level 37 Kadabra, Level 37 Hunter Weeg $592 Sandslash, Level 37 Graveler, Level 38 Vibrava, Level 37 Cipher Peon Kison $1480 Houndour, Level 37 Koffing, Level 37 Duskull, Level 38 Kirlia, Level 38 Cipher Peon Berin $1520 Geodude, Level 38 Geodude, Level 38 Sandslash, Level 38 Now would be a good time to save before the next big battle on platform number 10. The big guy will talk about the time flute and Ein's Lab. Time to fight him! Cipher Admin Dakim $4000 Metang, Level 37 Golem, Level 38 Marshtomp, Level 38 Camerupt, Level 38 Entei, Level 40 (shadow) Do yourself a favor and don't put an electric type in battle or he is going to die in one turn from powerful ground and rock moves like earthquake. And that is no typo; you can catch the legendary hound Entei in this battle as well. He can't be bred anyways so don't worry about his/her/its gender. Get rid of everyone else ASAP, paralyze him, whittle him down into the red and throw ultra balls at him (buyable at Outskirt Stand now.) After the battle pick-up the item on the ground, it is the F-Disk item. Then talk to the guy on the ground. After you talk to the man (Vander) you will go back to the entrance automatically and he will give you the time flute. Then loot the chest here to get TM47, Steel Wing. Now return to Agate Village to continue the story. Agate Village ------------------- Return to Eagun's house and speak to him about what happened on Mt. Battle. Make sure to give him your PDA number as well. Talk to the guy outside the house and you should unlock a new area on the may... head there. Mystery Lab ---------------- As you enter you should get another e-mail from Duking do as it says and return to Pyrite Town. Pyrite Town ---------------- Go insider the big green sheriffs office and visit the new prisoners. Open the door and talk to the person sleeping and nab their key. Go back to the building with several floors you had to fight through previously... Everyone is looking for a fight again unfortunately. They pretty much use the same pokemon just stronger versions, evolved forms, and etc. Use the elevator to go down into the basement area. There is like a whole city under here, probably not with the best people either. As you walk to the left a TV message should appear from Lady Venus. The shop here sells a variety of TMs and the usual items. Walk around and you should eventually find a chest with 3 hyper potions inside. The building next to the chest is the inn, which costs a ridiculous $1000 a night. Upstairs is a save machine, and a TV screen message should come alive also. Head outside and across the bridge and talk to the guy to engage in a fight, before the fight he talks about the winner of the colosseum here getting a shadow pokemon prize. Chaser Gurks $800 Magikarp, Level 38 Feebas, Level 38 Wailord, Level 40 Feel the wrath that is Magikarp, not. Head inside the building and downstairs and talk to the boy to make a delivery to Netts house, once outside you should see a cut scene with wavy haired man, Ein, and Venus. Head to the building by the circular antenna and talk to the person standing out front and then go inside and downstairs. Talk to the kid in the white shirt to deliver the part and complete the Kids Grid and then talk to him again and try to head upstairs. You will stop and give the kids your PDA number, then head out of the building. Once you leave a bunch of people will be talking about how they found a spy and they are by the elevator. Go to the elevator to find it is Silva again. Talk to the first lady you come to. The jig is up! Cipher Peon Kloak $1600 Ledian, Level 40 (shadow) Spinarak, Level 39 Volbeat, Level 38 Very simple, and catch should be fairly easy if you have some ultra balls. You will have to fight another right after battle is finished as well. Cipher Peon Dagur $1600 Ariados, Level 38 Illumise, Level 40 Gloom, Level 39 Head around to the side and talk to Silva, he will give you an R-Disk. Head south past him and follow the ledge to another trainer. Hunter Zada $560 Skitty, Level 35 Oddish, Level 34 Jigglypuff, Level 35 Shuppet, Level 35 Past her is a vending machine that sells beneficial drinks. Next go to the weird machine by the group of people and use the F-Disk to travel forward on the circular platform. On this side of the town is the bitter medicine seller, good medicine that makes your pokemon like you less. Inside the dome as are the usual save/heal spots... You can ride the elevator here to exit back to the map if you wish. Next head downstairs to where you saw a cut scene earlier. Now go back to town and put the R-Disk in and ride it to a new area and enter the building here. Go in the first room to get a chest with 3 rare candy items. Then talk to Venus... FIGHT! Cipher Admin Venus Delcatty, Level 45 Steelix, Level 45 Banette, Level 45 Vileplume, Level 44 Suicune, Level 40 (shadow) Another legendary to be caught, all I can say is GOOD LUCK and I hope you have a lot of Ultra Balls to hurl at him. As far as the others, Psychic works great on taking Vileplume out and water is very effective against Steelix. After the fight is over pick up Ein File F, the final report and gives more information on purification. Also loot the other chest that contains TM45, Attract. I would recommend you go save before following them down the staircase. Unlock the door here so you can get to save/heal easier. Follow her but instead go down the right exit... Hunter Frena $592 Shroomish, Level 35 Jigglypuff, Level 38 Teddiursa, Level 37 Gligar, Level 43 (Shadow) Aside from catching the shadow pokemon this fight is extremely easy. Chaser Liaks $860 Kirlia, Level 37 Gloom, Level 38 Roselia, Level 38 Stantler, Level 43 (shadow) Regulars are easy but catching Stantler isn't sometimes... He has a variety of recoil moves and usually uses them often, while he isn't difficult, he is difficult to catch because he kills himself. There is an exit between the previous trainer and the next that contains chest with 2 Timer Balls and 2 Max Potions. Bodybuilder Lonia $936 Dunsparce, Level 39 Octillery, Level 38 Masquerain, Level 39 Piloswine, Level 43 (shadow) Another boring shadowed pokemon fight. You should have the tools for this one. At the bottom floor there is a chest with 4 ultra balls and a trainer looking for a fight. Rider Nelis $410 Loudred, Level 41 Corsola, Level 41 Seviper, Level 40 Sneasel, Level 43 (shadow) A long fight, but not particularly hard. Afterwards head inside the passageway to see Venus and some goons talking about going to see Ein, they head inside the train afterwards. In one of the rooms past them is a chest with the Blackglasses item. Then follow them inside. Go through the train and out the other door to meet up with them again. Follow them when they run off and pick up the subway key they dropped. Then go to the train controls and insert the key to move the train. Get off the train to find you have a greeting party that soon departs. A bomb goes off as you get close, but ignore it for now and head right to get a chest with a U-Disk. Then go inside the blown up doorway. Get the main gate key lying on the group when the goons run off. Now ride the train out of here and go all the way back to the world map. If you use the U-Disk it will take you to a room with a second time flute. Phenac Town Revisited ----------------------------- Yea, bet you forgot that we could fight Justy when we have six pokemon, well I did too. Go see him/her (?) for a match. Pre Gym Leader Justy $2520 Sandshrew, Level 41 Gligar, Level 41 Cacnea, Level 41 Azurill, Level 40 Sunflora, Level 40 Nosepass, Level 42 After the battle, talk to Justy to receive TM27, Return. Also make sure to leave the building and come back in and talk to the teacher to receive a PDA upgrade. Shadow Pokemon Lab ---------------------------- Go up to the control panel and use the main gate key. Then go around the outside fence to get to a chest with 3 revive items. Then go inside the door on the base. Once inside go into the right room and use one of the computers to open the shutter. This opens a door on the outside, so go out and use that door. In here you will find a save machine, but no heal machine, in lue of the health machine just deposit your pokemon and withdraw them and they will be healed up. Then head around the mini-maze and go down the stairs. On this next floor you will find a scientist who will battle you. Researcher Myron $1520 Voltorb Level 38 x2 After the battle, pick up the item he dropped, it is a card key. Then head downstairs and loot the chest to get 3 elixirs. Then go back to the other lab entrance and use the card key on the slot next to the door. Then ride the elevator down. This is quite the confusing place. Basically some doors are one way and others are two way. Go down first into the room and talk to the scientist here. Time to fight! Researcher Lethco $1560 Magnemite, Level 38 Electrike, Level 39 Chinchou, Level 38 Then go back to the main corridor and head left. When you go in the room head to the elevator to be ambushed. Cipher Peon Cole $1640 Aipom, Level 43 (shadow) Furret, Level 37 Remoraid, Level 39 Castform, Level 41 Easy shadow catch, as far as Castform goes, it changes its type depending on what the field is, so if someone uses rainy day it becomes a water pokemon. After the battle use the lift to go deeper into the lab. A not so friendly lab researcher upon entry to the lower level greets you. Researcher Odlow $1560 Electrode, Level 39 Magnemite, Level 38 Magneton, Level 39 Be careful, Electrode likes to suicide attack for lots of damage to everyone. After the battle pick up the DNA sample item off the desk and head up the stairs to fight again. Researcher Coren $1600 Magneton, Level 40 Electrode, Level 40 Magnemite, Level 39 After the battle pick up the Down St. Key. Now head back to the room with the elevator doorways, and go back down to the center section and open the door there with the key you just received. Go through to have another ambush battle. Cipher Peon Lare $1720 Houndour, Level 38 Carvanha, Level 38 Nuzleaf, Level 38 Murkrow, Level 38 (shadow) Be careful with Murkrow, I accidentally killed him many times before catching him. But his defense seems low and I managed to catch him with an ultra ball while he was only in the yellow. Then head into the next area; go left to find several cells, in one you can find another DNA sample. Then head down again past where we turned left; eventually you should come to a fork, go left for now and you should run into another ambush. Cipher Peon Vana $1600 Swablu, Level 40 Pupitar, Level 40 Forretress, Level 43 (shadow) Zubat, Level 40 This catch can be long since Forretress as very strong defensively. I would recommend using moves that lower defense if you have any. After the battle ride the nearby lift down. Head left to get into yet another ambush battle. Cipher Peon Lesar $1600 Rhyhorn, Level 40 Ariados, Level 43 (shadow) Grovyle, Level 40 I found psybeam from Umbreon around level 49 did the perfect amount of damage for the capture. Head all the way to the right after the battle to find a chest with one full restore. Then head up and right to get into another ambush battle. Cipher Peon Tanie $1560 Granbull, Level 43 (shadow) Linoone, Level 38 Vigoroth, Level 39 Should be a relatively easy capture if you have a couple ultra balls. Afterwards go up through the weird door to be inside another lab. If you go to the top of the area you can see Ein in the next room up, then battle the scientist. Researcher Dubik $1480 Electrode, Level 37 Electrode, Level 37 Watch out for the explosion attack! After the battle pick up another DNA sample near the scientist. Go back to the room with 2 lifts and use the right one. You will find a DNA analyzer machine, so use it on your DNA samples. My three were Sudowoodo, Bayleef, and Mightyena. I hear it is different for each game so be cautious. Now go back to the room with 2 lifts in it and take the left one. You should run into a scientist. Researcher Kotan $1680 Magneton, Level 40 Electrode, Level 42 Ampharos, Level 42 After the battle he will sound an alarm, uh oh! Up ahead you will get ambushed again. Cipher Peon Remil $1720 Vibrava, Level 43 (shadow) Swellow, Level 43 Kecleon, Level 43 Kadabra, Level 42 Kecleon changes types depending on what the last move to hit it was. Be careful not to overkill Vibrava. The door here is locked, use the panel and select the pokemon you have a DNA sample for. Time to fight Skrub again! Cipher Peon Skrub $1760 Graveler, Level 44 Wobbuffet, Level 42 Clamperl, Level 43 Medicham, Level 41 Be careful of Wobbuffet it likes to reflect attacks back at you, but if you don't attack it, it pretty much will do nothing. After the battle head downstairs and you will meet Ein. Cipher Admin Ein $4800 Huntail, Level 47 Lanturn, Level 47 Altaria, Level 48 Golbat, Level 48 Raikou, Level 40 (shadow) Raikou isn't as much of a problem as the rest. Get rid of Huntail ASAP, as it will use rainy day that will boost water/electric attacks the enemy does. After the fight pick up the Data Rom item off the desk. Then go into the corner on the left side and find the HP UP item. Then loot the other chest for TM26, earthquake. Then use the lift to escape to the top floor. As you leave the complex you should get e-mail, it is from one of the smart kids talking about data from the lab that we just got so let us go bring it to them. The Under -------------- Go back to the building with the kids (by the satellite dish) and talk to the kid at the computer. Now go back to the world map... The construction site should be replaced with Realgam Tower... So head there already! Realgam Tower -------------------- Pretty nice huh? Go left to meet Miror B. Cipher Admin Miror B. $4600 Loudred, Level 46 Golduck, Level 45 Ludicolo, Level 44 Ludicolo, Level 45 Armaldo, Level 43 (depends on if you got Sudowoodo from him) Work on getting rid of Golduck as fast as possible, it knows a variety of pretty nasty moves. The Ludicolo are very annoying also, they like to dive, leech seed, giga-drain and other type moves, no fire/water types will fair well against them. When you win he/she will give you the Red Id Badge. To the right and up from the main area is Dakim. Cipher Admin Dakim $4700 Claydol, Level 46 Forretress, Level 45 Flygon, Level 46 Whiscash, Level 46 Houndoom, Level 47 (replacement for Entei, thanks Big Bang Vegeta) Both Claydol and Forretress have high defense, Forretress likes to cancel out attacks with protect as well, and Claydol/Flygon likes to use Earthquake. Unfortunately they only use Earthquake when it won't harm their own team members most of the time. Watch out for flygon's sunny day + solar beam combo as well. Also Forretress knows explode, and it will deal A LOT of damage. When you win you should get the green ID Badge. If you go straight from the main area you'll come to a room with a save and heal station. If you talk to the man here he will turn into a goon and fight you. Cipher Peon Bopen $1600 Dustox, Level 39 Grimer, Level 39 Seviper, Level 40 Psychic attacks = Dead Bopen Go left and up to meet two more goons. Take out the one to the right first. Cipher Peon Arton $1680 Piloswine, Level 42 Delibird, Level 45 (shadow) Glalie, Level 42 Delibird is very annoying, it likes to attract which will cause a pokemon not to attack sometimes. Take out Piloswine with a quick water attack. And now take out the other trainer in the room. Cipher Peon Baila $1680 Sunflora, Level 45 (shadow) Gloom, Level 41 Jumpluff, Level 42 Now if you go to the right door you reach a room with a big locked door and 4 multi colored clots where you put the four badges, which we are still missing two of! So go right again and then up. Here you will meet Ein again. Cipher Admin Ein $5000 Rhydon, Level 50 Starmie, Level 49 (substitute for Raikou, thanks Big Bang Vegeta) Manectric, Level 50 Crobat, Level 48 Pelipper, Level 49 After the battle you should receive the Yellow Id Badge and head towards the lift, you should receive e-mail from Eagun. Unfortunately the bottom of the message seems to be cut off for some reason, lets go see him. Agate Village ----------------- Go see Eagun to receive the master ball. There is only really one or two more pokemon in the game that could warrant its use. So if your good you may just want to save it so you can transfer it to ruby/sapphire/fire red/leaf green. You probably have some more pokemon to purify so this is a good opportunity as well. There is a trainer in front of the pokemon center that will battle you. Cool Trainer Dury Swellow, Level 39 Rhyhorn, Level 49 Sunflora, Level 40 Past the trainer you should see a lady in blue that will give you a Cologne Case. Basically you buy scents and use them on pokemon to make their heart gauge decrease. Realgam Tower -------------------- Head back to the room where you fought the two guards and head up this time. Time to fight the last admin. Cipher Admin Venus $4800 Bellossom, Level 47 Wigglytuff, Level 48 Raichu, Level 48 Misdreavus, Level 47 Milotic, Level 48 (replacement for Suicune, thanks Big Bang Vegeta) A very annoying team especially Milotic who knows confuse and attract, and they will all use their annoying moves quite liberally to inflict a variety of status problems on your pokemon. For winning you get the last badge, the Blue Id Badge. If you have been having trouble with these battles I recommend you go to Mt Battle and train till your pokemon are in the sixties. Skip to that section if you want some info. When you are ready go back to the rooms with the four slots and put the ID cards into the corresponding slots and enter the big door. You will be ambushed, as you are about to enter. Cipher Peon Dioge $1680 Masquerain, Level 42 Ariados, Level 41 Heracross, Level 45 (shadow) Should be an easy capture, I got it when it was only at about half health with one ultra ball and no statuses on it. Once inside the main chamber you should get e-mail. It is from the kids, talking about really nothing important. Talk to the guy near where you enter to battle. Bandana Guy Klest $672 Nuzleaf, Level 39 Graveler, Level 42 Hariyama, Level 41 Lombre, Level 42 Ahh they like to use fake out that will make you flinch, very annoying. Now fight the trainer to the left. Street Performer Luper $640 Qwilfish, Level 40 Seadra, Level 39 Octillery, Level 39 Feraligatr, Level 40 Next is the lady sitting at the desk. Hunter Aline $672 Lairon, Level 41 Mawile, Level 40 Metang, Level 39 If you talk to the guy by the lift he will reveal he is Silva and the boss is at the top of the tower. If you go into the right door you will get into another battle. Bodybuilder Givern $1080 Wigglytuff, Level 43 Loudred, Level 45 Yea, that's it... sad huh? Inside the room is another trainer looking for a fight. Rider Elose $400 Chimecho, Level 40 Swalot, Level 39 Noctowl, Level 39 Cradily, Level 40 Now leave and go into the left room. There are three trainers here, first is the one on the left, then the right, then at the desk. Chaser Trus $800 Magneton, Level 40 Machoke, Level 40 Swellow, Level 40 Ninetales, Level 40 Rider Kevel $410 Quagsire, Level 41 Donphan, Level 40 Sandslash, Level 40 Cipher Peon Bluno $1800 Grumpig, Level 44 Muk, Level 45 When ready go back to the main area and go up the lift. Nascour will greet you and then run off up another lift. Before you head up if you enter the left doors downstairs are a healing a saving station, very useful. But you will have to defeat someone else using the healing station first. Chaser Rugen $820 Shelgon, Level 40 Vigoroth, Level 41 Head upstairs and try to take the elevator, unfortunately you can't use either, but then your old boss shows up. Snagem Head Gonzap $5300 Pinsir, Level 52 Hariyama, level 53 Shiftry, Level 53 Crawdaunt, Level 52 Skarmory, Level 47 (shadow) Winning shouldn't be a problem, if it is then you need to go train more. The capture is very difficult, as it has very high defense. I would paralyze/sleep and then use a move that lowers defense till it won't go down any more and then tap it and let it suicide its health into the red and then use timer and ultra balls on it. Now when you ride the lift up you will arrive in a colosseum where you will have to battle six trainers with shadow pokemon in a row... No saving in between or healing unfortunately... So if you are planning on getting them all female, good luck, I am just going to wait for ditto to breed them. Bodybuilder Jomas $1080 Zangoose, Level 45 Miltank, Level 48 (shadow, always female) Porygon2, Level 45 Rider Delan $470 Absol, Level 48 (shadow) Sharpedo, Level 47 Mightyena, Level 46 Cipher Peon Nella $1880 Houndoom, Level 48 (shadow) Torkoal, Level 47 Magcargo, Level 46 Cipher Peon Ston $1960 Tropius, Level 49 (shadow) Vileplume, Level 48 Cradily, level 48 Cacturne, Level 49 Unlike previously, you are healed before the next fight, thankfully. Cipher Nascour $5600 Xatu, Level 54 Gardevoir, Level 55 Blaziken, Level 54 Walrein, Level 56 Dusclops, Level 55 Metagross, Level 50 (shadow)!!!! Metagross is one of two pokemon you should consider using the master ball on... It has insane defense and in general is just a pain in the butt to take down. Nascour also likes to use X-items on his pokemon to increase his stats. After the battle the friendly old mayor shows up, yay! He shall stop this evil. It turns out he is the true leader of Cipher! Oh no! Your pokemon are healed before this fight as well. Cipher Head Evice $6100 Salamence, Level 60 Scizor, Level 60 Slaking, Level 60 Machamp, Level 61 Slowking, Level 61 Tyranitar, Level 55 (shadow)!!! Tyranitar (especially female) is the one you want to use that master ball on if you still have it! If you have a well-rounded team in the 50-70s he should be easier than Nascour. After the battle Eagun, Duking, and Silva all show up. And of course Evice pronounces he wont lost then next time! A helicopter shows up to sweep him away but a huge fireball comes from the sky and destroys it... You probably know who it is from if you played the gold/silver/crystal games, Ho-Oh! Congratulations on beating the story mode... Well not really, we still have other things to do! When the game comes back on you should receive e-mail and be back in the outskirts. When you leave the train you should get yet another e- mail, time to go visit Pyrite again. Pyrite Town ----------- Go see the kids, if you don't know they are in Duking's place, go to the left bookshelf and search around for a passageway. Then go back to the front of town and fight Cail for the third time... Rogue Cail $912 Granbull, Level 56 Gardevoir, Level 57 Shiftry, Level 56 Machamp, Level 57 After the battle he will talk about another shadow pokemon you couldn't get previously and Snagem Hideout, which will now be conveniently on your world map. Snagem Hideout --------------- Enter the main gate to receive e-mail, it should tell you the name of a specific trainer who has one of the evolved starters you couldn't get previously. For the sake of the guide the e-mail is about Bayleef whose trainer is Verde. Up ahead you should come to a chest with a max elixir in it. Now go through the hole in the wall to find a save station and go through the door into the hallway. You should get ambushed soon, see the ambush trainer section below for more information. Now head up the staircase to receive yet another e-mail, its an update to your list of shadow pokemon... In which we should only be missing Smeargle currently. Now head around the corner and through the door to find a chest with an elixir. Now head over to the next room and go down the stairs and head down and you should find a man and a chest containing 2 Max Revive items. Then of course fight the man. Team Snagem Niver $530 Grovyle, Level 52 Rhyhorn, Level 52 Vigoroth, Level 52 Zangoose, Level 53 Head up the stairs here to find a chest with 3 rare candies. Then head back to the other floor and use the staircase at the bottom of the area. Now when you reach the top of the steps head right and up to fight. Rider Rions $540 Poochyena, Level 54 Kadabra, Level 53 Linoone, Level 53 Mightyena, Level 50 The chest here contains 3 Max Potions. Afterwards had over to the other side of the floor and fight another guy walking around Team Snagem Driton $550 Lanturn, Level 50 Pelipper, Level 53 Seadra, Level 55 Starmie, Level 52 Now head down and you should find another chest with 3 PP Up items and another staircase. Now go down that staircase. Head down and left the find a chest with 2 max ethers and another guy to battle. Bodybuilder Colas $1298 Pupitar, Level 54 Spinda, Level 51 Carvanha, Level 51 Shelgon, Level 54 Now head up to meet another guy by a staircase going down. Banda Guy Crudo $880 Swalot, Level 51 Linoone, Level 55 Sandslash, Level 53 Weezing, Level 52 Then go down the staircase and battle the guy at the bottom of the stairs. Team Snagem Fuston $540 Delibird, Level 54 Beautifly, Level 53 Swellow, Level 54 Golbat, Level 53 Now head forward and you should see a bunch of poke balls on the ground, pick them up to receive 5 ultra balls. Then head forward and talk to the goon, he holds one of the shadow pokemon you missed, so it depends on which one you picked, I picked Croconaw so I got this one, sorry I don't have the others, so I am going to assume that it is one of the three original trainers, just with the same lineup except the shadow pokemon Cipher Peon Verde/Bluno/Rosso $2200 Bayleef/Croconaw/Quilava, Level 30 (shadow) Grumpig, Level 54 Sharpedo, Level 53 Muk, Level 55 This should be an easy capture since you have ultra balls now and the pokemon is only level 30. At this point I left the area to explore a bit more and when I entered Phenac City I got another e-mail, it is another update to the shadow pokemon list, in which you should only be missing Ursaring. Then I want back to the base and received yet another e-mail, it should say Nett in the under has some info on another shadow pokemon. Ambush Trainers: Near the save point you should get ambushed at the same point each time after you leave the area and enter. These trainers previously held shadow pokemon, and if you missed them you can catch the shadow pokemon now. I am not sure if the order is random per game but mine went like this, even after a reset. Cipher Peon Nore (Had Shadow Yanma Previously) $2200 Ninjask, Level 55 Forretress, Level 51 Beautifly, Level 54 Masquerain, Level 52 Cipher Peon Skrub (had Shadow Hitmontop Previously) $2120 Medicham, Level 50 Wobbuffet, Level 50 Huntail, Level 51 Golem, Level 52 Cipher Peon Kloak (had Shadow Ledian Previously) Volbeat, Level 53 Ariados, Level 52 Illumise, Level 53 Cipher Peon Baila (Had Shadow Sunflora) Jumpluff, Level 53 Roselia, Level 52 Vileplume, Level 51 Cipher Peon Arton (had shadow Delibird) Sealo, Level 50 Glalie, Level 54 Piloswine, Level 55 Cipher Peon Dioge (Had shadow Heracross) Forretress, Level 51 Masquerain, Level 53 Dustox, Level 50 The Under ---------- Go see Nett, the kid at the computer in the kids' grid base. He says Gurks saw a shadow pokemon and he is near the Junk shop, so go pay him a visit. He is on the second floor outside. Chaser Gurks $1120 Wailord, Level 56 Wailord, Level 56 He should disclose information about the person with the lady shadow evolved starter pokemon. At this point I went back to Phenac City and got another e- mail about the pokemon lab and that the last trainer is there. Shadow Pokemon Lab ------------------- There is nothing in the shutter door except the save point. So go into the main door and use the elevator down. Head to the left and down and get ambushed near the elevator. Cipher Peon Cole (had shadow Aipom) $2320 Wigglytuff, Level 56 Furret, Level 57 Castform, Level 56 Octillery, Level 56 Then go back to the main area and head down past two doors to get ambushed yet again. Cipher Peon Lare (had shadow Murkrow) $2280 Sneasel, Level 57 Houndour, Level 56 Sharpedo, Level 56 Nuzleaf, Level 57 Now keep heading down and head toward the last lift on this floor to get ambushed again. Cipher Peon Vana (had shadow Forretress) $2320 Mawile, Level 57 Pupitar, Level 56 Golbat, Level 56 Swablu, Level 56 Afterwards use the lift to go down to the next floor. Head left to get ambushed again! Cipher Peon Lesar (had shadow Ariados) $2280 Rhyhorn, Level 57 Masquerain, Level 57 Grovyle, Level 56 Now head to the right and up and go near the 2 elevators to get, yes, attacked again. Cipher Peon Tanie (had shadow Granbull) $1760 Linoone, Level 42 Delcatty, Level 43 Vigoroth, Level 44 Now if you go into the room in the top left you can see the guy in red/blue/green where Ein used to be. So go back and take the left lift. Go through the corridor to get ambushed again near the door. Cipher Peon Remil $2320 (had shadow Vibrava) Kadabra, Level 57 Kecleon, Level 58 Quagsire, Level 58 Swellow, Level 58 Now head forward and down the stairs to come to the last starter pokemon trainer. Cipher Peon Verde/Bluno/Rosso $2520 Bayleef/Croconaw/Quilava, Level 30 (shadow) Grumpig, Level 62 Muk, Level 63 Breloom, Level 61 Congratulations, you should have all three evolved starters now. Now leave the building and you should get another e-mail. It just contains a picture of the little girl and her little ugly pokemon. Next I went to Phenac City and received another e-mail, this one is about hot they think the Snagem team fixed the big snag machine, time to go back to pay them another visit. Snagem Hideout -------------- You should get yet another e-mail upon entering, it says that the people at Snagem probably have the Smeargle and Ursaring shadow pokemon. You should get another e-mail soon after with more pokemon that are shadowed... We are now missing Smeargle, Ursaring, and Shuckle... So head inside and go up the stairs. Then use the next staircase at the bottom of the area. And on the next floor a bodybuilder will be blocking your path, so clear the road. Bodybuilder Lonia (had shadow Piloswine) $1320 Flaffy, Level 55 Dunsparce, Level 51 Octillery, Level 54 Walrein, Level 52 Now head around and go down the stairs to fight another blue haired trainer. Hunter Frena (had shadow Gligar) $848 Jigglypuff, Level 52 Shroomish, Level 53 Mawile, Level 53 Donphan, Level 51 Shelgon, Level 54 Pupitar, Level 54 Next I went to save and the bodybuilder was replaced with Nelis. Rider Nelis (had shadow Sneasel) Corsola, Level 51 Sharpedo, Level 51 Seviper, Level 52 Loudred, Level 54 As I came back Frena was replace with Liaks. Chaser Liaks (has Shadow Stantler) Gloom, Level 53 Noctowl, Level 52 Golduck, Level 54 Jumpluff, Level 53 Now head up and fight the guy again if you wish and go down the stairs. Now head through the next area and a trainer should fight you. Team Snagem Biden $520 Smeargle, Level 50 Smeargle, Level 50 Smeargle, Level 51 Smeargle, Level 45 (shadow) Very easy, these guys have weak stats, but make sure to catch a female, as Smeargle has some very interesting breeding capabilities. Now head past him and get into a battle with another trainer. Team Snagem Agrev $550 Marshtomp, Level 55 Shifty, Level 50 Machoke, Level 52 Ursaring, Level 50 (shadow) Congratulations, you should be missing all but Shuckle now. Now go look around the base and find Gonzap. He should be in the room with the large table. Snagem Head Gonzap (had shadow Skarmory) $6400 Armaldo, Level 64 Granbull, Level 64 Crawdaunt, Level 64 Breloom. Level 64 Machamp, Level 64 Gyarados, Level 64 Afterwards Gonzap disappears, never to be seen again. Pick up the D-Disk off the table and leave this place finally. The Under ---------- Go to the UFO control panel, on my way I got e-mail with a picture of Miror B. riding the UFO down. Which is where we are going, use the D-Disk and descend. Pick up the item off the ground, it is the steel teeth item, no these aren't for a pokemon. Up ahead is the most difficult colosseum in the game. We will need to compete their to get the final three pokemon; Shuckle, Togetic, and Ho- Oh. But first ride the UFO back up and use the F-Disk to get to the other side, there is an old guy standing near the shop to the left, give him the steel teeth, he will give you the L-Disk so use it already. The chest on the left side has an amulet coin in it. Then back using the D-Disk again. The final battle for the first competition I got Miror B. and here is what he had, I am unsure if it is random like the others or not. Cipher Admin Miror B. Exploud, Level 64 Ludicolo, Level 63 Ludicolo, Level 65 Ludicolo, Level 64 Armaldo, Level 65 For winning the first competition I got $20,500 and TM12 Taunt. Afterwards I received e-mail warning you about the Deep King trainer. This is whom we are trying to battle, since he holds Shuckle. Next competition I battled Dakim. Cipher Admin Dakim Solrock, Level 64 Swampert, Level 65 Claydol, Level 63 Flygon, Level 64 Houndoom, Level 65 For finishing this time I received $21,000 And TM48 Skill Swap. I also received E-mail; it is just more about the Deep King. Next competition is Venus. Cipher Admin Venus Raichu, Level 63 Meganium, Level 64 Dusclops, Level 64 Blissey, Level 65 (why do they put in pokemon we can't get?) Milotic, Level 65 Most.Annoying.Team.Ever At one point my Feraligatr was attracted, paralyzed and confused... For winning this time I receive $22,000 and TM44 Rest. I received yet another e-mail, this time showing he has a shadow Shuckle. Next up on the list is Cipher Admin Ein! Cipher Admin Ein Manectric, Level 65 Crobat, Level 65 Gyarados, Level 64 Rhydon, Level 63 Mantine, Level 64 For winning I received $18,000 and TM02 Dragon Claw, along with an e-mail saying that the Deep King has entered into the tournament. Deep King Agnol Sableye, Level 69 Kingdra, Level 70 Girafarig, Level 68 Skarmory, Level 58 Shedinja, Level 68 Shuckle, Level 45 (shadow) For winning I received a measly $10,000 and no prize. Outskirt Stand --------------- You should receive an e-mail accusing you of attacking them... So head to Phenac City. Phenac City ------------ You should receive an e-mail that will complete the list of shadow pokemon, and it is TOGETIC! Talk to the guy running around the circle, he will accuse you again and then continue running. Leave the area and come back to receive more e-mail, it has a nice picture of you beating the hell out of that kid, I think he deserved it in retrospect, oh wait we didn't do that. Agate Town ---------- You should get an e-mail telling you to watch TV... I expected this from Sony but not Nintendo (dumb joke.) Anyways go find a TV in town and watch it. You should see footage of shadow Togetic and what looks like you. And it should say it was sent in by a brat in the under. I then ran to a couple other random places and got another e-mail saying to watch TV, so do so. Seems like the villain is in Outskirt Stand RIGHT NOW! Outskirt Stand --------------- Seems he was beating up on one of your first foes. Time to take out the trash. Shady Guy Armaldo, Level 68 Houndoom, Level 68 Manectric, Level 68 Gyarados, Level 68 Milotic, Level 68 Togetic, Level 20 (shadow) A good water and electric combo in there 70s should wipe the floor with him. As far as catching Togetic, paralyze and put it to sleep and you should be able to catch it with an ultra ball at full health if you are lucky... On a side note, Togetic has a very low chance of being female. In the end it turns out it wasn't anything special, just another good pretending to be you. For all intensive purposes the game is pretty much beat... There is still one more pokemon to get, Ho-Oh! To get him you must beat Mt. Battle in Colosseum mode with the pokemon you last used in story mode. But first, you must purify all the other pokemon. Pyrite Base Revisited ----------------------- First floor: Chaser Kai $760 Phanpy, Level 38 Vibrava, Level 38 Roller Boy Pike Taillow, Level 40 Noctowl, Level 41 Second Floor: Bandana Guy Geats: Carvanha, Level 38 Pupitar, Level 38 Barboach, Level 38 Hunter Geare Remoraid, level 39 Magnemite, Level 39 Bandana Guy Loba Wingull, Level 41 Wooper, Level 40 Bodybuilder Akmen Electrike, Level 40 Voltorb, Level 40 Third Floor: Rider Raleen Doduo, Level 38 Ledian, Level 38 Swablu, Level 38 Hunter Tura Sealo, Level 39 Snorunt, Level 40 Hunter Toti Seadra, Level 38 Gloom, Level 39 Sandslash, Level 39 Bodybuilder Elidi Cacnea, Level 40 Tentacool, Level 39 Roof: Hunter Doken Corphish, Level 37 Goldeen, Level 38 Linoone, Level 37 Cave F1: Street Performer Simes Anorith, Level 41 Lombre, Level 40 Cave B1: Chaser Maiz Koffing, Level 38 Kirlia, Level 38 Shroomish, Level 39 Rider Twan (had Shadow Meditite) Machop, Level 38 Shelgon, Level 40 Camerupt, Level 39 Hunter Valen Lombre, Level 37 Loudred, Level 38 Slakoth, Level 38 Cave F1: Chaser Rehan Graveler, Level 37 Lotad, Level 38 Snorunt, Level 37 Slakoth, Level 38 Bandana Guy Noxy Lotad, Level 33 Lombre, Level 35 Lombre, Level 34 Lombre, Level 36 Sewer: Rider Sosh (had Shadow Dunsparce) Jigglypuff, Level 38 Mareep, Level 39 Cacnea, Level 39 Cave B1: Roller Boy Evat Lombre, Level 40 Lombre, Level 41 Rider Derid Forretress, level 38 Shuppet, Level 39 Koffing, Level 40 Hunter Zalo (had shadow Swablu) Loudred, Level 36 Lotad, Level 38 Metang, Level 39 Lombre, Level 37 Sewer: Hunter Meli Zigzagoon, level 39 Linoone, Level 39 Linoone, Level 39 Chaser Mela Natu, Level 40 Tentacool, Level 41 Teddiursa, Level 39 Cipher Peon Sema Lileep, Level 39 Sealo, Level 40 Dustox, level 38 Miror B's Lair: Miror B. Peon Reath Seaking, Level 54 Ariados, Level 53 Luvdisk, Level 53 Miror B. Peon Ferma Sharpedo, Level 50 Yanma, Level 53 Aipom, Level 52 Furret, Level 51 Mt. Battle ------------- Outside Mt. Battle is one trainer I couldn't find a place for in the rest of the guide, sorry. Athlete Aidel $624 Vulpix, Level 39 Pikachu, Level 40 Abra, Level 38 Now there are 100 trainers total in 100 different "zones", divided among 10 sections. After each zone you may leave if you wish. Once you reach the end of every 10 you come to a booth where you receive coupons for clearing that area. At the end of each section, the last trainer will have stronger and more pokemon than the rest of the trainers in that section. You team is completely healed after each battle as well. Once you clear a section you may go back to that section by continuing your challenge and selecting the section you wish to go to... Makes it very easy to do training after you have cleared all 100. #1 Cool Trainer Stum Taillow, Level 18 HootHoot, Level 15 #2 Rich Boy Cyus Sunkern, Level 15 Hoppip, Level 16 #3 Researcher Mort Igglybuff, Level 17 Electrike, Level 17 #4 Lady Auro Azurill, Level 17 Sentret, Level 18 #5 Cool Trainer Lehan Togepi, Level 18 Vulpix, Level 18 #6 Roller Boy Pera Magikarp, Level 18 Zubat, Level 17 #7 Teacher Nevie Poochyena, Level 17 Swinub, Level 19 #8 Athlete Rinos Wooper, Level 18 Trapinch, Level 19 #9 Fun Old Lady Anges Duskull, Level 19 Ralts, Level 20 #10 Area Leader Vander Zigzagoon, Level 18 Whismur, level 20 Skitty, Level 19 Slakoth, Level 19 Jigglypuff, Level 20 Now you come to a room where you can save, and talk to the guy at the desk to receive some poke coupons. Continue on if you dare! #11 Fun Old Lady Gelvin Wynaut, Level 20 Pichu, Level 20 #12 Roller Boy Pabe Zubat, Level 20 Whismur, Level 21 Grimer, Level 21 #13 Athlete Caden Beldum, Level 21 Barboach, Level 22 #14 Rich Boy Lond Lotad, Level 21 Seedot, Level 22 #15 Athlete Albac Geodude, Level 23 Sandshrew, Level 22 #16 Lady Eloos Marill, Level 22 Jigglypuff, Level 23 #17 Fun Old Man Metz Abra, Level 23 Shuppet, Level 23 #18 Researcher Roeck Mareep, Level 23 Magnemite, Level 24 Voltorb, Level 23 #19 Teacher Vona Spheal, Level 24 Carvanha, Level 25 #20 Area Leader Arth Pineco, Level 25 Ledyba, Level 25 Surskit, Level 25 Nincada, Level 24 Anorith, Level 24 Head to the break room again and continue when ready. #21 Guy Gris Wurmple, Level 25 Silcoon, Level 25 Cascoon, Level 26 I still wonder why these people don't evolve their pokemon... #22 Fun Old Lady Desla Kirlia, Level 28 Kirlia, Level 25 #23 Bodybuilder Eisen Aron, Level 26 Phanpy, Level 26 Sandshrew, Level 25 #24 Cool Trainer Bedro Wingull, Level 26 Bagon, Level 26 #25 Roller Boy Grel Oddish, Level 27 Gulpin, Level 26 #26 Teacher Loden Larvitar, Level 26 Houndour, Level 28 #27 Fun Old Man Taryn Natu, Level 27 Duskull, Level 26 #28 Glasses Man Solek Machop, Level 27 Slakoth, Level 26 Zigzagoon, Level 29 #29 Athlete Wina Geodude, Level 28 Mawile, Level 29 #30 Area Leader Renson Staryu, Level 26 Staryu, Level 29 Corphish, Level 29 Goldeen, Level 30 Surskit, Level 30 Do the break room and continue if you wish again... The scenery changes to lava and smoke now. #31 Lady in Suit Malla Togepi, Level 31 Slakoth, Level 30 #32 Cool Trainer Herton Taillow, Level 30 Doduo, Level 31 #33 Fun Old Man Higson Natu, Level 30 Corphish, Level 30 #34 Fun Old Lady Allaw Abra, Level 30 Clamperl, Level 31 #35 Glasses Man Delot Magnemite, Level 24 Voltorb, Level 23 #36 Rich Boy Diek Cacnea, Level 32 Shroomish, Level 32 #37 Roller Boy Warl Gulpin, Level 31 Grimer, Level 34 #38 Guy Rone Anorith, Level 33 Pineco, Level 33 Volbeat, Level 32 Illumise, Level 32 #39 Cool Trainer Neira Numel, Level 33 Bagon, Level 34 #40 Area Leader Trinch Nosepass, Level 34 Lileep, Level 34 Phanpy, Level 35 Rhyhorn, Level 35 Barboach, Level 34 Bla, go into the break room and continue. #41 Researcher Vogi Pikachu, Level 38 Chinchou, Level 35 #42 Glasses Man Terl Delcatty, Level 36 Spinda, Level 36 Vigoroth, Level 37 #43 Lady in Suit Sowa Noctowl, Level 36 Linoone, Level 37 #44 Fun Old Man Yudan Sableye, Level 37 Nuzleaf, Level 37 #45 Athlete Magro Mawile, Level 37 Corsola, Level 37 Graveler, Level 38 #46 Roller Boy Toli Koffing, Level 37 Grimer, Level 37 Dustox, Level 37 Gloom, Level 38 #47 Fun Old Lady Ropel Kadabra, Level 38 Natu, Level 37 Medicham, Level 38 #48 Lady Vesey Lombre, Level 38 Luvdisk, Level 38 Tentacool, Level 38 (maybe, I killed him before I wrote it down) Seadra, Level 39 #49 Teacher Kinson Sealeo, Level 39 Houndour, Level 39 Spinda, Level 40 #50 Area Leader Zentin Beautifly, Level 40 Swellow, Level 40 Masquerain, Level 39 Golbat, Level 40 Pelipper, Level 39 Congratulations on making it half way! #51 Teacher Leine Voltorb, Level 40 Magnemite, Level 40 Chinchou, Level 41 #52 Glasses Man Laton Cacnea, Level 40 Phanpy, Level 41 Aipom, Level 40 Nosepass, Level 41 #53 Bodybuilder Besol Lileep, Level 41 Skiploom, Level 41 Ledian, Level 42 #54 Cool Trainer Boda Delibird, Level 42 Rhyhorn, Level 40 Anorith, Level 42 #55 Roller Boy Daga Houndour, Level 42 Vibrava, Level 43 Staryu, Level 42 Delcatty, Level 41 #56 Guy Alten Beautifly, Level 43 Teddiursa, Level 42 Skiploom, Level 42 Clamperl, Level 43 #57 Lady in Suit Fial Luvdisk, Level 43 Goldeen, Level 43 Luvdisk, Level 44 Goldeen, Level 44 #58 Fun Old Man Haken Nuzleaf, Level 44 Koffing, Level 43 Nosepass, Level 43 Mawile, Level 44 #59 Lady Illa Corsola, Level 44 Volbeat, Level 43 Illumise, Level 44 Roselia, Level 44 #60 Area Leader Loko Wifflytuff, Level 44 Azumarill, Level 44 Ariados, Level 45 Wailmer, Level 45 Wobbuffet, Level 45 Scenery changes again here, and for the better. #61 Roller Boy Gort Yanma, Level 44 Masquerain, Level 44 Ledian, Level 45 Ariados, Level 46 #62 Rich Boy Perd Lunatone, Level 44 Solrock, Level 45 Dunsparce, Level 47 Sandslash, Level 46 #63 Researcher Mante Delibird, Level 47 Clamperl, Level 45 Dustox, Level 45 Magcargo, Level 45 #64 Athlete Meton Ninjask, Level 46 Dodrio, Level 47 Jumpluff, Level 46 Linoone, Level 45 #65 Fun Old Lady Lonno Murkrow, Level 45 Misdreavus, Level 46 Banette, Level 46 Sableye, Level 46 #66 Lady in Suit Reme Azumarill, Level 47 Girafarig, Level 46 Roselia, Level 45 Bellossom, Level 45 #67 Cool Trainer Fedra Swellow, Level 46 Sneasel, Level 47 Girafarig, Level 47 Vigoroth, Level 46 #68 Glasses Man Gilam Sharpedo, Level 48 Camerupt, Level 47 Chimecho, Level 45 Medicham, Level 48 #69 Guy Odon Granbull, Level 48 Pupitar, Level 47 Mantine, Level 47 Sealeo, Level 49 #70 Area Leader Athey Mawile, Level 48 Machoke, Level 48 Quagsire, Level 49 Dusclops, Level 49 Altaria, Level 50 #71 Lady Caril Wifflytuff, Level 49 Sunflora, Level 49 Noctowl, Level 50 Piloswine, Level 50 #72 Fun Old Man Chenek Seviper, Level 49 Swalot, Level 50 Golbat, Level 50 Kadabra, Level 51 #73 Roller Boy Tran Gligar, Level 50 Sneasel, Level 50 Hitmontop, Level 51 Grumpig, Level 52 #74 Researcher Ribek Masquerain, Level 51 Mightyena, Level 50 Stantler, Level 52 Granbull, Level 51 #75 Bodybuilder Vitalo Dusclops, Level 51 Lanturn, Level 51 Skarmory, Level 52 Vileplume, Level 52 #76 Cool Trainer Daras Glalie, Level 51 Breloom, Level 54 Swellow, Level 51 Rhydon, Level 51 #77 Athlete Dian Metang, Level 52 Granbull, Level 51 Jumpluff, Level 51 Xatu, Level 53 #78 Glasses Man Hauf Tropius, Level 51 Absol, Level 52 Lairon, Level 52 Exploud, Level 53 #79 Fun Old Lady Naldo Torkoal, Level 52 Shiftry, Level 51 Noctowl, Level 52 Relicanth, Level 54 #80 Area Leader Shobon Hariyama, Level 52 Cacturne, Level 53 Weezing, Level 53 Golem, Level 54 Starmie, Level 55 #81 Athlete Dobel Girafarig, level 54 Ninjask, Level 55 Zangoose, Level 54 Dodrio, Level 55 #82 Guy Keto Breloom, Level 55 Sharpedo, Level 55 Camerupt, Level 56 Forretress, Level 55 #83 Glasses Man Moit Banette, Level 55 Magneton, Level 56 Mantine, Level 56 Whiscash, Level 55 #84 Fun Old Man Matso Raichu, Level 56 Lombre, Level 55 Electrode, Level 56 Altaria, Level 56 #85 Bodybuilder Ritaco Crawdaunt, Level 58 Octillery, Level 54 Huntail, Level 58 Golduck, Level 55 #86 Lady Ristin Bellossom, Level 55 Gorebyss, Level 56 Miltank, Level 56 Ampharos, Level 57 #87 Roller Boy Dorn Skarmory, Level 56 Xatu, Level 56 Shiftry, Level 57 Rhydon, Level 57 #88 Rich Boy Jurek Weezing, Level 57 Muk, Level 57 Altaria, Level 56 Donphan, Level 58 #89 Researcher Vonder Cradily, Level 57 Armaldo, Level 58 Heracross, Level 56 Ninetales, Level 59 #90 Area Leader Norus Tropius, Level 60 Ludicolo, Level 60 Vileplume, Level 59 Bellossom, Level 59 Shiftry, Level 60 #91 Fun Old Man Tando Golem, Level 58 Relicanth, Level 59 Cacturne, Level 60 Sandslash, Level 60 #92 Fun Old Lady Panne Golbat, Level 59 Swalot, Level 59 Muk, Level 60 Tentacruel, level 60 #93 Rich Boy Quint Grumpig, Level 59 Kadabra, Level 60 Metang, Level 60 Lunatone, Level 60 #94 Lady Kowly Castform, Level 60 Sunflora, Level 60 Vileplume, Level 60 Bellossom, Level 60 #95 Athlete Crisom Mantine, Level 60 Seaking, Level 60 Huntail, Level 60 Gorebyss, Level 60 #96 Athlete Raus Electrode, Level 60 Misdreavus, Level 60 Ninetales, Level 60 Camerupt, Level 60 Watch out for Electrodes Explosion... It nearly killed my Level 66 Feraligatr. #97 Cool Trainer Trilo Feraligatr, Level 60 Typhlosion, Level 60 Meganium, Level 60 Breloom, Level 60 Ampharos, Level 60 #98 Cool Trainer Lomen Blaziken, Level 60 Sceptile, level 60 Swampert, Level 60 Altaria, Level 60 Glalie, Level 60 #99 Teacher Nacie Crawdaunt, Level 60 Magneton, Level 60 Shedinja, Level 60 Heracross, Level 60 Gardevoir, Level 60 Now ascend to the final arena, make sure you pick up the chest to the right as it contains the last time flute. #100 Mount Battle Master Somek Pinsir, Level 60 Claydol, Level 60 Crobat, Level 60 Gligar, Level 60 Flygon, Level 60 Gyarados, Level 60 A good Psychic, Water and Electric can do these guys in easily enough. Unfortunately all you get for winning is a measly 1200 coupons. Coupons received by area 100 200 400 600 800 800 900 900 1000 1200 Final Bout With Willie ----------------------- Willie at Outskirt Stand challenged my after I had caught all 48, I didn't know where else to put it, so I guess it'll be here! Rider Willie Linoone, Level 53 Dodrio, Level 53 Girafarig, Level 54 HO-OH ------ 1. Get all the pokemon in story mode. 2. Purify all the pokemon in story mode. 3. Put together your team you wish to capture HO-OH at. Make it well balanced and have them all around the same level. Make this team your party. Try not to use legendaries, but you can. 4. Save and quit the game... 5. Now go to the Colosseum Mode Mt. Battle... NOT THE STORY MODE. Register the story mode pokemon as your team for Mt. Battle. 6. Beat Mt. Battle in Colosseum mode, and when you complete it you will receive HO-OH. IT IS NOT A SHADOW POKEMON! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~3. Pokemon List~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the list of all the pokemon you can acquire in this game and how to get them... 1. Bayleef - Mystery Troop Verde/Bluno/Rosso, One at Phenac, one at Snagem, and one at Shadow Pokemon lab at the end of the game 2. Quagsire - Bandana Guy Divel, one of the guys at the target town in Pyrite Town, he is always there 3. Slugma - Roller Boy Lon, who is roller blading past the target area in Pyrite Town, he is always there. 4. Furret - Rogue Cail, who can be found at the entrance to Pyrite Town. 5. Quilava - Mystery Troop Verde/Bluno/Rosso, One at Phenac, one at Snagem, and one at Shadow Pokemon lab at the end of the game 6. Yanma - Cipher Peon Nore, at Pyrite Base first and at Snagem Hideout later in the game. 7. Piloswine - Bodybuilder Lonia, first in the area near the under subway and later in Team Snagem Hideout. 8. Stantler - Chaser Liaks, first in the area near the under subway and later in Snagem hideout. 9. Qwilfish - Hunter Doken, on the roof of the Pyrite Base, never leaves. 10. Meditite - Rider Twan, Always in Pyrite Base 11. Dunsparce - Rider Sosh, Always in Pyrite Base 12. Swablu - Hunter Zalo, Always in Pyrite Base 13. Ledian - Cipher Peon Kloak, the under first and in Snagem Hideout later. 14. Smeargle - Team Snagem Biden in Snagem base. 15. Ursaring - Team Snagem Agrev in Snagem base. 16. Sneasel - Rider Nelis by the Under Subway and later in Snagem Base. 17. Aipom - Cipher Peon Cole, Shadow pokemon lab. 18. Murkrow - Cipher Peon Lare, shadow pokemon lab. 19. Gligar - Hunter Frena, by the Under Subway and later in Snagem Base 20. Forretress - Cipher Peon Vana, Shadow Pokemon Lab. 21. Skarmory - Snagem Head Gonzap, first in Realgam Tower and later in Team Snagem Base. 22. Ariados - Cipher Peon Lesar, Shadow Pokemon Lab. 23. Absol - Rider Delan, always in Realgam Tower. 24. Miltank - Bodybuilder Jomas, always in Realgam Tower. 25. Tropius - Cipher Peon Ston, always in Realgam Tower. 26. Sunflora - Cipher Peon Baila, first in Realgam Tower and then in Snagem Base. 27. Heracross - Cipher Peon Dioge, first in Realgam Tower and then in Snagem Base. 28. Houndoom - Cipher Peon Nella, always in Realgam Tower. 29. Shuckle - Beat the Deep Colosseum four times and on the fifth time you will meet the Deep King who has Shuckle 30. Togetic - In possession of your shadow, the very last event in the game. Low chance to be female 31. Mantine - Pyrite Base first, and then Miror B's Hideout in Pyrite Base at the end of the game. 32. Plusle - Given to you in the storyline, non-shadow 33. Hitmontop - Skrub, Appears a couple times in game, and can be found later in Snagem hideout, Hitmontop is always male 34. Delibird - Cipher Peon Arton, first in Realgam Tower and then late in Snagem Hideout. 35. Makuhita - First in Phenac city, don't know where he appears later sorry. 36. Vibrava - Cipher Peon Remil, in Shadow Pokemon Lab. 37. Misdreavus - Rider Vant, at circle in Pyrite Town. 38. Granbull - Cipher Peon Tanie, in Shadow Pokemon Lab. 39. Umbreon - Start the game with, always male 40. Sudowoodo - Cipher Admin Miror B., first in Pyrite Town, then in Realgam Tower and lastly in Deep Colosseum. 41. Remoraid - Miror B. Peon Reath, in Pyrite Base and then later in Miror B's lair in Pyrite Base at the end of the game. 42. Suicune - Cipher Admin Venus, first in the under, then in Realgam Tower and then in the Deep Colosseum. 43. Entei - Cipher Admin Dakim, first in Mt. Battle, then in Realgam Tower and then in the Deep Colosseum. 44. Raikou - Cipher Admin Ein, first in Shadow Pokemon Lab, then in Realgam Tower and then in the Deep Colosseum. 45. Metagross - Fight Nascour, genderless. Always at Realgam Tower 46. Croconaw - Mystery Troop Verde/Bluno/Rosso, One at Phenac, one at Snagem, and one at Shadow Pokemon lab at the end of the game 47. Espeon - Start the game with, always male 48. Tyranitar - Fight Evice, Always at Realgam Tower 49. Flaffy - Street Performer Diogo, on the circle in Pyrite Town. 50. Skiploom - Rider Leba, on the circle in Pyrite Town. 51. Ho-Oh - See the HO-OH section. 52. Noctowl - Rider Nover, on the circle in Pyrite Town. ~~~~~~~~~ ~4. FAQS~ ~~~~~~~~~ Q: Where do I find such and such pokemon? A: Check the freaking guide Q: WTF this pokemon is always male! A: Only 2 pokemon are always male, Umbreon and Espeon, all others have a chance... UNLESS, you fight the trainer, lose, and save, in which the gender is set permanently. Q: How do I purify shadow pokemon? A: See the PURIFYING SHADOW POKEMON SECTION! Q: I missed a shadow pokemon, am I screwed? A: No, you get multiple chances to catch them all, and in most cases, unlimited chances. ~~~~~~~~ ~5. TMS~ ~~~~~~~~ TM1 - Pyrite Colosseum Prize, Focus Punch TM2 - Deep Colosseum Prize, Dragon Claw TM3 - Transfer from R/S, Water Pulse TM4 - Transfer from R/S, Calm Mind TM5 - Pyrite Colosseum Prize, Roar TM6 - Phenac Colosseum prize, Toxic TM7 - Pyrite Colosseum Prize, Hail TM8 - Transfer from R/S, Bulk Up TM9 - Transfer from R/S, Bullet Seed TM10 - Under store for $3,000, Hidden Power TM11 - Phenac Colosseum Prize, Sunny Day TM12 - Deep Colosseum Prize, Taunt TM13 - Buy at Mt. Battle, 4000 coupons, Ice Beam TM14 - Under store for $5,500, Blizzard TM15 - Under store for $7,500, Hyper Beam TM16 - Under store for $3,000, Light Screen TM17 - Under store for $3,000, Protect TM18 - Phenac Colosseum prize, Rain Dance TM19 - Phenac Colosseum prize, Giga Drain TM20 - Under store for $3,000, Safeguard TM21 - Transfer from R/S, Frustration TM22 - Phenac Colosseum prize, Solarbeam TM23 - Under Colosseum Prize, Iron Tail TM24 - Buy at Mt. Battle, 4000 coupons, Thunderbolt TM25 - Under store for $5,500, Thunder TM26 - Chest in Shadow Pokemon Lab, Earthquake TM27 - Reward for beating Justy in Phenac City, Return TM28 - Transfer from R/S, Dig. TM29 - Buy at Mt. Battle, 3500 coupons, Psychic TM30 - Under Colosseum Prize, Shadow Ball TM31 - Pyrite Colosseum prize, Brick Break TM32 - Buy at Mt. Battle, 1500 coupons, Double Team TM33 - Under store for $3,000, Reflect TM34 - Transfer from R/S, Shock Wave. TM35 - Buy at Mt. Battle, 4000 coupons, Flamethrower TM36 - Under Colosseum Prize, Sludge Bomb TM37 - Under Colosseum Prize, Sandstorm TM38 - Under store for $5,500, Fire Blast TM39 - Transfer from R/S, Rock Tomb TM40 - Transfer from R/S, Aerial Ace TM41 - Trainer in Phenac City gives it to you as a reward for beating him, Torrent TM42 - Transfer from R/S, Facade TM43 - Transfer from R/S, Secret Power TM44 - Deep Colosseum Prize, Rest TM45 - In a chest by where you first fight Venus, Attract TM46 - Let out one of the Prisoners in the Pyrite City jail, Thief TM47 - Chest in the lobby of Mt. Battle, Steel Wing TM48 - Deep Colosseum Prize, Skill Swap TM49 - A chest in Miror B's Lair, Snatch TM50 - Transfer from R/S, Overheat. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~6. Purifying Shadow Pokemon~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The different natures of pokemon decide what is the fastest way of purifying them... Here are the 5 ways in which you can purify pokemon. 1. Walk around with it in your party 2. Send it out in battle 3. Call it when it is in hyper mode, in battle. 4. Massage it using scents with the cologne case. 5. Put it in daycare. Once the bar is completely white and in the summary it says open the final lock, you need to take it to the statue in the agate village cave, where it will become a completely normal pokemon. There are also three time flutes that will instantly purify one pokemon. You get one in the story, one from using the U-Disk and one at level 100 of Mt. Battle. ~~~~~~~~~~ ~7. Shops~ ~~~~~~~~~~ These are what the shops sell at the END of the game. Agate: Hyper Potion $1200 Super Potion $700 Full Heal $600 Revive $1500 HP UP $9800 Protein $9800 Iron $9800 Carbos $9800 Calcium $9800 Zinc $9800 Joy Scent $600 Excite Scent $800 Vivid Scent $1200 Outskirt Stand: Antidote $100 Burn Heal $250 Ice Heal $250 Awakening $250 Paralyze Heal $200 Full Heal $600 Great Ball $600 Poke Ball $200 Ultra Ball $1200 Net Ball $1000 Nest Ball $1000 Timer Ball $1000 Under: Regular Store --------------- Full Restore $3000 Max Potion $2500 Hyper Potion $1200 Full Heal $600 Revive $1500 TM14 $5500 TM15 $7500 TM16 $3000 TM17 $3000 TM20 $3000 TM25 $5500 TM33 $3000 TM38 $5500 TM10 $3000 Herb Shop ---------- Energy Powder $500 Energy Root $800 Heal Powder $450 Revival Herb $2800 Pyrite: Hyper Potion $1200 Super Potion $700 Full Heal $600 Revive $1500 Antidote $100 Burn Heal $250 Ice Heal $250 Awakening $250 Paralyze Heal $200 Mt. Battle: These prices are in coupons; you win coupons on Mt. Battle. TM29 3500 TM13 4000 TM24 4000 TM35 4000 TM32 1500 Ganlon Berry 15000 Salac Berry 15000 Petaya Berry 15000 Apicot Berry 15000 Leftovers 10000 Mental Herb 8000 Focus Band 10000 White Herb 8000 Quick Claw 10000 Kings Rock 10000 Scope Lens 10000 Choice Brand 10000 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~8. Pokemon seen in story mode only~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is all the pokemon you will see if you play the game only and not trade with the cartridge. This includes 260 pokemon, and you can only receive 273 total by trading with ruby/sapphire. A to Z Abra Absol Aggron Aipom Altaria Ampharos Anorith Ariados Armaldo Aron Azumarill Azurill Bagon Baltoy Banette Barboach Bayleef Beautifly Beldum Bellossom Blaziken Blissey Breloom Cacnea Cacturne Camerupt Carvanha Cascoon Castform Chimecho Chinchou Clamperl Claydol Combusken Corphish Corsola Cradily Crawdaunt Crobat Croconaw Delcatty Delibird Dodrio Doduo Donphan Dunsparce Dusclops Duskull Dustox Electrike Electrode Entei Espeon Exploud Feebas Feraligatr Flaffy Flygon Forretress Furret Gardevoir Geodude Girafarig Glalie Gligar Gloom Golbat Goldeen Golduck Golem Gorebyss Granbull Graveler Grimer Grovyle Grumpig Gulpin Gyarados Hariyama Heracross Hitmontop Ho-Oh HootHoot Hoppip Horsea Houndoom Houndour Huntail Igglybuff Illumise Jigglypuff Jumpluff Kadabra Kecleon Kingdra Kirlia Koffing Lairon Lanturn Larvitar Ledian Ledyba Lileep Linoone Lombre Lotad Loudred Ludicolo Lunatone Luvdisk Machamp Machoke Machop Magcargo Magikarp Magnemite Magneton Makuhita Manectric Mantine Mareep Marill Marshtomp Masquerain Mawile Medicham Meditite Meganium Metagross Metang Mightyena Milotic Miltank Minun Misdreavus Mudkip Muk Murkrow Natu Nincada Ninetales Ninjask Noctowl Nosepass Numel Nuzleaf Octillery Oddish Pelipper Phanpy Pichu Pikachu Piloswine Pineco Pinsir Plusle Politoed Poochyena Porygon2 Psyduck Pupitar Quagsire Quilava Qwilfish Raichu Raikou Ralts Relicanth Remoraid Rhydon Rhyhorn Roselia Sableye Salamence Sandshrew Sandslash Sceptile Scizor Seadra Seaking Sealeo Seedot Sentret Seviper Sharpedo Shedinja Shelgon Shiftry Shroomish Shuckle Shuppet Silcoon Skarmory Skiploom Skitty Slaking Slakoth Slowking Slugma Smeargle Sneasel Snorunt Snubbull Solrock Spheal Spinarak Spinda Spoink Stantler Starmie Staryu Steelix Sudowoodo Suicune Sunflora Sunkern Surskit Swablu Swalot Swampert Swellow Swinub Taillow Teddiursa Tentacool Tentacruel Togepi Togetic Torchic Torkoal Trapinch Treecko Tropius Typhlosion Tyranitar Umbreon Ursaring Vibrava Vigoroth Vileplume Volbeat Voltorb Vulpix Wailmer Wailord Walrein Weezing Whiscash Whismur Wigglytuff Wingull Wobbuffet Wooper Wurmple Wynaut Xatu Yanma Zangoose Zigzagoon Zubat Pokemon in Ruby/Sapphire/Gold/Silver/Crystal that are missing, but can be traded in: Alakazam Regirock Regice Registeel Latias Latios Kyogre Groundon Rayquaza Jirachi Chicorita Cyndaquil Todoile These are currently unseen and can not be gotten until the next version of the Game Boy Advance games or possibly never gotten. Cleffa Unokn Tyrogue Smoochim Elekid Magby Lugia Celebi Deoxys This adds up to 273 that can be obtained in this game, and 104 more that can be obtained in future games for a total of 386. Thanks to George Renda AKA shadow panther that helped me with this section. ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~9. Thanks~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks to Nintendo/pokemon team for making such wonderful games and products. Thanks to the people who run gamefaqs for everything, like getting me more into games and hopefully posting this. And thanks to the entire message board users. Thanks to Big Bang Vegeta for information on some of the encounters and how much money the trainers have. Thanks to George Renda AKA shadow panther that helped me with the "Pokemon Seen in Story Mode" section. Thanks for the logo Alex Ngo.