Pokemon Colosseum - Snagging FAQ (C) 2004 Josher_1212@sbcglobal.net v1.10 07/09/04 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Contents ============== 1. Contents 2. Legal Junk 3. What is Snagging/Shadow Pokemon? 4. General Tips 5. Snag List 6. Credits 7. Version History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Legal Junk Plain and simple. DO's: ------------- Download this to your hard drive for PERSONAL use Print and distribute this for FREE E-mail this to your friends Put this on your own site WITH PERMISSION, which I usually will grant. E-mail me if you have questions or constructive comments. E-mail me if you have hints I do not have listed here. DON'Ts: ------------- Commercially distribute (SELL) this document. Take credit for this document. E-mail me regarding spelling errors in this document. I check this document for such errors whenever I update it, which is quite often. (Update is different from submit.) 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Snagging a Pokemon is something an ordinary Trainer should never do. Using a special contraption called a Snag Machine, ordinary Poke Balls become Snag Balls, capable of stealing (Snagging) a Trainer's Pokemon right in the middle of a battle! It is illegal and very criminal. However, you have a reason to do it. You can only Snag certain Pokemon known as Shadow Pokemon. A criminal syndicate by the name of Cipher has created 48 fighting machines known as Shadow Pokemon. How did they do it? By artificially closing the door to the Pokemon's heart. This means the relationship between Pokemon and Trainer is nonexistent. The Pokemon may even go as far as to attack people at random, including its own Trainer! Your job is to save them all. And you know what else? If you're a big Gold/Silver fan and bought Ruby and/or Sapphire, you have another incentive. Most of the Shadow Pokemon you are to Snag are from those older games! When you Snag a Shadow Pokemon, it only has one move: Shadow Rush. It's a typeless move with infinite PP, 90 Power, and 100 Accuracy. 12.5% of the damage it inflicts is delivered as recoil damage to the user. Shadow Pokemon don't gain EXP. Instead, they have a 5-level Heart Gauge, which you want to empty by keeping them in your party, using them in battle, putting them in the Day-Care center, or using Scents on them. You can also call out its name, which also dispels Hyper Mode (more on that later.) Which one works best depends on the Pokemon's nature, revealed when a Shadow Pokemon is purified 40%. When a Pokemon uses Shadow Rush, it may instead go into Hyper Mode. When a Pokemon is in Hyper Mode, you can't use items on it. It periodically will not listen to you in battle, but if it uses Shadow Rush in this state, it'll likely get a Critical Hit. Calling out its name dispels Hyper Mode. When a Shadow Pokemon is purified 40% of the way, it begins to accumulate EXP and EVs, but it does not receive them until it is purified completely at the Relic Stone. --- Thanks, PkmnMstr10@aol.com! When your Pokemon's Heart Gauge goes down, it will remember its regular moves and can use them for you. It remembers the first one at 20% purification, the second at 60%, and the third at 80%. Its nature is revealed at 40%. Once its Heart Gauge is empty, it has reached 99% purification. At this point, take it to the Relic Stone in Agate Village. It will become 100% purified, forget Shadow Rush, and learn its fourth move, typically quite powerful. It will also regain all the EXP it built up as a Shadow Pokemon, typically enough to level-up several times. It will receive a Ribbon, and you can rename it if you desire. Needless to say, it can't enter Hyper Mode after being purified. You can now re-order its moves, and after you finish the game, transfer it to your Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire if you have a GCN/GBA cable. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. General Tips Snagging Shadow Pokemon is much like catching ordinary ones. But since your roster is much more limited in this game, it takes a little more finesse to Snag. Here are some general hints: 1. Get the Pokemon's HP low. 2. Give it a status effect other than Burn or Poison. 3. Use attacks with low base Power or attacks the Shadow Pokemon has a resistance to. 4. Use effects like Hail or Sandstorm to whittle away the Shadow Pokemon's HP, provided you can change the weather to Rain Dance or Sunny Day at any time. 5. Carry lots of Ultra Balls. 6. The RESET button is your friend. Save every time you successfully Snag a Pokemon. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Snag List The heart of the FAQ, it tells you where each and every Shadow Pokemon in the game is, and the simplest way to Snag it. ===================================== 01/48 Makuhita Trainer - Miror B. Peon Trudly Location - Phenac City Type - Fight Level - 30 Recommended Team - Espeon ~Lv26 Umbreon ~Lv27 Make sure you've got a few Great Balls before trying to Snag it. This is your first Snag opportunity, and a very easy one. To get to it, you've got to go through a Duskull and Spinarak, but they're no problem. Now you see the Shadow Makuhita. The trick to Snagging is not to KO it inadvertently. That means no Super-effective attacks. In other words, waste Espeon's turn by using non-damaging moves or the Call command, and have Umbreon use Bite until Makuhita's HP is in the red (20%), or at least one-third. Now take out one of your Great Balls and attempt to Snag it. You should be able to do so with little trouble. If it happens to escape, throw another Ball. If you miss this opportunity, you can battle this trainer again at the lair of Miror B. after you finish the game. He'll battle you until you Snag his Makuhita. ===================================== [NOTE! Depending on which exit you take out of Phenac City, you will face a different trainer, each with a different G/S starter. This guide will follow Croconaw.] ===================================== 02/48 Croconaw Trainer - Cipher Peon Bluno Location - Phenac City Type - Water Level - 30 Recommended Team - Espeon ~Lv26 Umbreon ~Lv27 Makuhita ~Lv30 You've only got one chance to Snag this Pokemon, so save your game beforehand. You'll need to get through a Spoink and a Grimer regardless of who you challenged, but they're easy as pie. Now onto the Snag... This Snag will be harder than the last one. Since neither of your Pokemon's attacks will have an advantage/disadvantage over any of the Shadow Pokemon, use Bite. Don't let Makuhita battle, Shadow Rush is too powerful. You don't want to use Confusion either, because of the possiblity of confusing it. Get its HP into the red and use your Great Balls. Continue to throw Balls at it until you Snag. The backlash from Shadow Rush will make this attempt easier over time. ==================================== 03/48 Misdreavus Trainer - Rider Vant Location - Duel Square (Pyrite Town) Type - Ghost Level - 30 Recommended Team - Espeon ~Lv26 Umbreon ~Lv27 Makuhita ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 You have infinite chances to Snag Misdreavus. If you mess up, just enter and exit a building, scope the Trainer out, and you get another try. Misdreavus is a must-Snag. It's got Pain Split, which helps the Snagging process tremendously, as well as some status moves. You've got to go through a Zigzagoon and a Skitty (watch for Attraction) first. I'd use Umbreon and Croconaw for this Snag. Have Umbreon use Bite once and Croconaw use Shadow Rush. This should take Misdreavus down to the red or low orange HP. Now you can try to Snag it. If it resists, let it wear itself down with Shadow Rush, then try again. ==================================== 04/48 Skiploom Trainer - Rider Leba Location - Duel Square (Pyrite Town) Type - Grass/Flying Level - 30 Recommended Team - Espeon ~Lv26 Umbreon ~Lv27 Makuhita ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 As with Misdreavus, you have infinite chances to Snag Skiploom. This is very easy. Take out the Oddish and Dustox with ease. Now carefully whittle down its HP with Shadow Rush. Don't use any moves your Shadow Pokemon may have learned. Get its HP into the red. You should succeed with your first Ball. ==================================== 05/48 Quagsire Trainer - Bandana Guy Divel Location - Duel Square (Pyrite Town) Type - Water/Ground Level - 30 Recommended Team - Espeon ~Lv26 Umbreon ~Lv27 Makuhita ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Skiploom ~Lv30 Again, you have infinite tries. This will be harder than Skiploom, but still easy. If you have Croconaw's Water attack, do NOT use it here unless you want Quagsire's HP to operate in reverse. You have to get past a Psyduck, but it's no trouble. Use Umbreon's Bite to weaken it, then throw Great Balls until you Snag. If it resists, very carefully get its HP lower, then try again. ===================================== 06/48 Flaaffy Trainer - Street Performer Diogo Location - Duel Square (Pyrite Town) Type - Electr Level - 30 Recommended Team - Espeon ~Lv26 Umbreon ~Lv28 Makuhita ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 As before, you have infinite tries. Flaaffy is about as hard as Quagsire. Try to attack it with non-contact attacks such as Confusion, because Flaaffy has the Static ability, paralyzing attacking Pokemon on contact. This is why it is a must-Snag. Weaken it with Confusion or if you're feeling lucky, Shadow Rush. Make sure its HP is in the red before you attempt to Snag. ===================================== 07/48 Slugma Trainer - Roller Boy Lon Location - Duel Square (Pyrite Town) Type - Fire Level - 30 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv28 Makuhita ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 Again, you have infinite tries. Slugma is probably the easiest of the six Pyrite Pokemon. As with Flaaffy, watch for contact attacks, or your Pokemon may get Burned. You can actually turn this to your advantage if you use physical attacks or Shadow Rush. As with all Shadow Pokemon, make sure its HP is low before Snagging. ==================================== 08/48 Noctowl Trainer - Rider Nover Location - Duel Square (Pyrite Town) Type - Normal/Flying Level - 30 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv28 Makuhita ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 Guess what? You have infinite tries! Noctowl will be your hardest Snag so far, but it's VERY important, because it has Hypnosis, essential for Snagging other Shadow Pokemon. Snag it the same way you would other Shadow Pokemon, but try to get it to attack Flaaffy--its Static ability might kick in. ==================================== 09/48 Furret Trainer - Rogue Cail Location - Pyrite Town Type - Normal Level - 33 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv28 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 No more infinite tries, but if you come back after you beat Miror B., he'll fight you as often as you'd like, so you don't have to Snag Furret this time, but it helps. You've got to get through a fairly tough team, including a Fight-type Machop at Lv30. It's tough to encourage Furret to use anything but Shadow Rush, so be very careful in taking down its HP. Put it to sleep with Noctowl's Hypnosis. ==================================== 10/48 Yanma Trainer - Cipher Peon Nore Location - Pyrite Building Type - Bug/Flying Level - 33 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv30 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 I find it very difficult to make this Snag right now. It was the first Snag I missed. Don't worry, you can find Nore in the Snagem Hideout after you beat the game, and he'll fight you until you Snag his Yanma. Yanma is hard to Snag because of its Speed Boost ability and its tendency to use Shadow Rush every turn. Use the same strategy as before, but if you miss it, come to Snagem Hideout with Ultra Balls and you'll be able to Snag it much more easily. ==================================== 11/48 Remoraid Trainer - Miror B. Peon Reath Location - Pyrite Building Type - Water Level - 20 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv31 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 This is a very tough Snag because it is terribly easy to KO Remoraid by accident. One of your Pokemon should know Quick Attack, perhaps Noctowl. One Quick Attack should take Remoraid down to the red. You should be able to Snag it with one Ball because of its low level. ==================================== 12/48 Mantine Trainer - Miror B. Peon Ferma Location - Pyrite Building Type - Water/Flying Level - 33 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv31 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 Mantine is a very tough Pokemon to Snag simply because they are hard to capture, perhaps because of size. Like Quagsire, Mantine has the Water Absorb ability, so no Surfing allowed. I don't know if you have any second chances with it, so make it count. I got lucky because it was about to Shadow Rush itself to death. It had a sliver of HP left and I Snagged it at the last possible moment. Use Bite carefully to whittle down its HP. ==================================== 13/48 Qwilfish Trainer - Hunter Doken Location - Pyrite Building Roof Type - Water/Poison Level - 33 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv31 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 This is a tough Snag despite its size. I saved this one for after I finished the game, when I had Ultra Balls and Net Balls, and it still wasn't easy. Getting its HP down is no problem, but it has a tendency to Shadow Rush often, and there's little you can do to convince it otherwise. Come back later with Net Balls. If you want to try to Snag it now, I wish you plenty of good luck. ==================================== 14/48 Meditite Trainer - Rider Twain Location - Miror B. Cave Type - Fight/Psychc Level - 33 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv32 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 Before pressing on, make sure you have plenty of Great Balls, at least a dozen. This is a lot easier than the last two, and there's no real excuse for not Snagging it right now. Umbreon's Bite is a good idea, as is putting it to sleep so it can't KO itself from Shadow Rush. This is quite easy. ==================================== 15/48 Dunsparce Trainer - Rider Sosh Location - Miror B. Cave Type - Normal Level - 33 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv32 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 First, put it to sleep with Noctowl, then have Umbreon Bite or Noctowl Shadow Rush. This is also easy. ==================================== 16/48 Swablu Trainer - Hunter Zalo Location - Miror B. Cave Type - Normal/Flying Level - 33 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv33 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 If you instead have Espeon, two Confusions should take it into the red. If not, two or three Bites should do the trick. Either way, put it to sleep and Snag it. ==================================== 17/48 Sudowoodo Trainer - Cipher Admin Miror B. Location - Miror B. Cave Type - Rock Level - 35 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv33 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 Out of the four Cipher Admins, this one is a tie for most irritating. He's got four Ludicolo, and they're all Annoyers. Noctowl's Fly helps a lot in taking them down. You should have received three Ultra Balls on the way here. Save them for later. Once you get to Sudowoodo, put it to sleep using Noctowl, but don't switch it back out; you'll encourage Sudowoodo to use Rock Slide instead of Shadow Rush. If you KO it, you will have a second chance to face him in Realgam Tower, and infinitely many more chances in Deep Colosseum. Make sure Sudowoodo's HP is in the red, then start throwing Great Balls. Not Ultra Balls yet. You might catch it with the Great Balls. If it's close but not caught, try one of your three Ultra Balls. If it isn't caught, try another Ultra Ball. You should catch it before your three Ultra Balls are used up. ==================================== 18/48 Hitmontop Trainer - Cipher Peon Skrub Location - Relic Forest (Agate Village) Type - Fight Level - 38 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv30 Umbreon ~Lv34 Noctowl ~Lv30 Croconaw ~Lv30 Misdreavus ~Lv30 Quagsire ~Lv30 At this point, you should be able to buy Ultra Balls from the Outskirt Stand. Do so. Skrub's team it very tough. He's got this annoying Wynaut, take it out carefully. It's tough to convince Hitmontop to use anything but Shadow Rush, so weaken it carefully. Umbreon and Bite is an option, but there's the risk of a painful Triple Kick. Instead, use Croconaw or your other Shadow Pokemon to weaken Hitmontop. Noctowl's Hypnosis helps, too. If you miss it, you can fight him again later, in a distant location. ==================================== You won't be using Noctowl to fight very much, so look around town for the EXP. Share and have Noctowl hold it. It will gain EXP. Points at a good enough rate to stay high-level enough to take Shadow Rush blows while delivering Hypnosis. ==================================== 19/48 Entei Trainer - Cipher Admin Dakim Location - Mt. Battle Type - Fire Level - 40 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv32 Umbreon ~Lv35 Noctowl ~Lv34 Hitmontop ~Lv38 Misdreavus ~Lv33 Quagsire ~Lv33 You did purify your Shadow Pokemon, right? And please tell me you bought all the Ultra Balls you can afford (at least 20)! That's right! You finally get to Snag one of Gold/Silver's signature Pokemon, ENTEI!! Entei is a MUST-SNAG. If you don't Snag it for some reason (Shadow Rush backlash, running out of Balls...), hit the Reset button and try again. Everyone thinks Entei and the other G/S Beasts are dogs. They look more feline-ish to me. But it's just me, I guess. Nintendo actually made feline-ish references to them in their Pokemon Stadium 2 Player's Guide. Really, I think they're too fast to be dogs. And yes, all of that Speed will be a big problem when trying to Snag it. The battle with Dakim is by far your hardest yet. Beating his other four Pokemon is just as hard as Snagging Entei. Here was my strategy, and I Snagged him without using the Reset button. In case you don't do as I say, you'll have to wait until Realgam Tower to Snag him again, and if you miss there, he's the second Admin you face in Deep Colosseum. You face him the second time you enter, and every fifth after that. First, I took out all of Dakim's other Pokemon, so Entei was left alone. It was Shadow-Rushing its HP down. I immediately switched to Noctowl and used Hypnosis to make it zonk out, making the Snag much easier. More importantly, Entei can't KO itself from the Shadow Rush backlash. Slowly but surely, I used weak attacks like Quick Attack to put its HP in the red. At about 10% HP, I begun throwing Ultra Balls. I couldn't get anywhere. Asleep and at 10% HP, it was breaking out of Ultra Balls. Entei must be strong! And it is! It woke up, and Shadow Rushed a couple of times. I was afraid it was gonna KO itself, but it didn't. It was at about 4% HP. I put it to sleep again, and Snagged it on the next Ball. I was ecstatic and let out a big sigh of relief, then said joyfully, "Entei, welcome back!" Not only are the legendary Beasts my favorite Pokemon, they were all on my Silver Version multiplayer roster! You Snagged Entei! Only two more Beasts to go... OK, I can't stress this enough. Now that you've Snagged Entei, SAVE YOUR GAME! We don't want to have to Snag it again! ==================================== Here's the scoop on Entei. It's really powerful and really fast. It also takes a REALLY long time to empty its gauge. Thankfully, you get a Time Flute after you defeat Dakim. The flute lets you summon Celebi. But you can't catch it! However, it does something almost as good. It fully purifies ANY Shadow Pokemon, regardless of how much taint it has in its meter. That means you should use it on Entei. Though you'll find greater Pokemon later, having a fully purified Entei really helps you at this point. If you choose not to do so, use Entei in every battle, so its meter empties. You get three Time Flutes through the course of the game, so... I'd definitely do it, but it's your call. ==================================== 20/48 Ledian Trainer - Cipher Peon Kloak Location - The Under Type - Bug/Flying Level - 40 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv32 Umbreon ~Lv35 Noctowl ~Lv34 Entei ~Lv40 Misdreavus ~Lv33 Quagsire ~Lv33 Compared to Entei, this is pie. Try using one Stomp (Entei) on Ledian and work from there. ===================================== OK, at this point, you should have lots of money and maybe a few vitamins. Sell the vitamins for lots of cash, then go to the Outskirt Stand and buy a dozen Net Balls. The next Shadow Pokemon is held by a Cipher Admin. You know what that means? Another legendary Beast! The Water Beast, Suicune!! Heal and save your game at The Under Colosseum, then go forth and meet Suicune. ===================================== 21/48 Suicune Trainer - Cipher Admin Venus Location - The Under Type - Water Level - 40 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv33 Umbreon ~Lv35 Noctowl ~Lv36 Entei ~Lv41 Misdreavus ~Lv33 Quagsire ~Lv34 This will be easier than Entei because the Net Balls you bought are 50% more effective on it than Ultra Balls. You've got to get through some pretty powerful Pokemon before seeing Suicune. Those include a Banette (Bite/Entei) and a Steelix (Fire Blast/Entei). Once you see Suicune, keep in mind that it's very defense-oriented. Still, using Fire Blast would be a bad idea in case you Burn it. Put it to sleep with Noctowl, but keep Entei out to encourage Suicune to use Surf. Have Entei use Bite or Stomp until its HP gets low, then throw Net Balls. If you run out of Net Balls (unlikely), throw Ultra Balls. You've got to Snag Suicune, not only because it's very powerful and fast, but also because you won't get another chance to Snag it for a LONG time. Not until Realgam Tower. Besides, you have a Reset button. And if you miss it both places, Venus will show up in Deep Colosseum starting with the third round of battles, and every fifth from there. Once you Snag it, SAVE!! ===================================== As with Entei, you may consider saving you next Time Flute for Suicune. But since it takes a long time to get the next Time Flute, and you'll have a much more powerful *coughLegendarycough* Pokemon, I'd save your Time Flute for that Pokemon and your third for another Pokemon you'll Snag later in the game. At this point, head for Mt. Battle and start purifying Suicune. I'd get it fully purified, but you don't have to. I only purified mine 60% of the way before I reached the Break Room I stopped at. You've got four Trainers ahead of you, and each one has a Shadow Pokemon. Save your game after each successful Snag. ===================================== 22/48 Gligar Trainer - Hunter Frena Location - Subway (The Under) Type - Ground/Flying Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv40 Noctowl ~Lv38 Entei ~Lv42 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv35 This isn't too bad. None of the next four Shadow Pokemon are very tough to Snag. Use Suicune's Shadow Rush to get Gligar's HP down, as well as Suicune's Heart Gauge. Hypnosis helps as well, but you don't need it. ===================================== 23/48 Stantler Trainer - Chaser Liaks Location - Subway (The Under) Type - Normal Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv40 Noctowl ~Lv38 Entei ~Lv42 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv35 This is probably the toughest of the lot because you can't encourage it to use anything but Shadow Rush. Be careful about Shadow Rushing with Suicune. Consider using Surf if you have it, and there's a second Pokemon out on your opponent's side because Surf's Power of 95 is split when two targets are attacked. ===================================== 24/48 Piloswine Trainer - Bodybuilder Lonia Location - Subway (The Under) Type - Ice/Ground Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv40 Noctowl ~Lv39 Entei ~Lv42 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv35 Don't use Entei's Fire Blast, as that'll KO Piloswine. Instead put it to sleep, then wear it down with Shadow Rush or Bite. Not too tough. We've got half the Shadow Pokemon! ===================================== 25/48 Sneasel Trainer - Rider Neils Location - Subway (The Under) Type - Dark/Ice Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv40 Noctowl ~Lv39 Entei ~Lv42 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv35 This is a very important Snag, because Sneasel is one of the fastest Shadow Pokemon in the game, even faster than Entei. (I hope that the Speed stat refers to agility over actual speed, because in terms of actual speed, Entei is WAY faster.) You can't really encourage it to use anything but Shadow Rush, so take its HP down carefully with Bite, you might make it flinch. It should put up little resistance in the Ultra Ball if you've taken its HP down carefully and you've put it to sleep. When trying to put it to sleep, watch for Icy Wind, as that takes both of your Pokemon's Speed down. ===================================== After the lab blows up, you can get the U-Disk, which takes you to the second Time Flute. Save it for that Pokemon I told you about. You'll be getting your opportunity to Snag it soon... If you miss any of the Shadow Pokemon in this next area (except the last one), all of them will reappear here after game completion until you Snag them. Buy lots of Ultra Balls (2 to 3 dozen) before coming here. The encounters will give you lots of trouble, so you will likely have to retreat back to Agate Village or Phenac City several times. Buy more Ultra Balls at the Outskirt Stand each time. Conserve your Lemonades and Hyper Potions. ===================================== 26/48 Aipom Trainer - Cipher Peon Cole Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Normal Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv41 Noctowl ~Lv40 Entei ~Lv42 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv35 For some reason, Aipom gave me trouble... I saved it for later, but if you want to catch it here, putting it to sleep is necessary, as is red-zone HP. ===================================== 27/48 Forretress Trainer - Cipher Peon Vanna Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Bug/Steel Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv41 Noctowl ~Lv41 Entei ~Lv43 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv35 Forretress also gave me a great deal of trouble. It uses Shadow Rush almost every turn, making it a pain to Snag. Put it to sleep right away, and DON'T use Fire Blast, it's got a 4x weakness to Fire, meaning OHKO. Take it down carefully with Shadow Rush or Stomp. I had to save this one for later also. ===================================== 28/48 Ariados Trainer - Cipher Peon Lesar Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Bug/Poison Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv42 Noctowl ~Lv42 Entei ~Lv43 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv36 Two of Entei's Bite attacks and Ariados should have red-zone HP. This is one of the easiest Snags in the whole Lab. ===================================== 29/48 Granbull Trainer - Cipher Peon Tanie Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Normal Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv42 Noctowl ~Lv42 Entei ~Lv43 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv36 You'll run into the same problems as with Aipom, except Granbull's size and "strength" makes him much tougher to Snag. I saved this one for later. Try to Snag it anyway. If you fail, don't hit the Reset button, just move on. ===================================== 30/48 Vibrava Trainer - Cipher Peon Remil Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Ground/Dragon Level - 43 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv42 Noctowl ~Lv43 Entei ~Lv43 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv36 Because Dragons have resistances to most elements, you can attack with just about anything (Even Fire Blast) and not worry about OHKOing it. This Snag is fairly easy, and definitely a lot easier than the last one. Put it to sleep and get its HP in the yellow or red before throwing your Ultra Balls. ===================================== At this point, you fight Cipher Peon Skrub again. If you missed Snagging his Hitmontop, you get another chance here. OK, this is very important. Unlike the scientists lead you to believe, you CAN leave the Lab without trouble, despite the security alarm. So head back out. Make sure you've got at least 6 Hyper Potions, 12 Lemonades, and 20 Ultra Balls. If you don't have 20 Balls, sell any nonessential items, like Full Restore and PP Up. You will now have the chance to Snag an absolutely essential Pokemon. The last of the Legendary Beasts. My number one favorite Pokemon. The fastest Pokemon on land. Raikou!! Please, please, please! SAVE YOUR GAME before this fight! Also make sure you have lots of Revives, as Entei and Suicune will each faint several times here, I guarantee it. Even more than Entei and Suicune, Raikou is a MUST-SNAG for these reasons: 1. Fastest Shadow Pokemon in the game. 2. Thunderdance (Rain Dance + Thunder) is built right in. 3. You can pull serious damage combos with Raikou and Suicune. 4. It looks really sleek. 5. It's nearly essential for your Multiplayer roster. ===================================== 31/48 Raikou Trainer - Cipher Admin Ein Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Electr Level - 40 Recommended Team - Flaaffy ~Lv34 Suicune ~Lv43 Noctowl ~Lv44 Entei ~Lv44 Misdreavus ~Lv34 Quagsire ~Lv37 Ein is tied with Miror B. as the most irritating Cipher Admin for two reasons: His team is really tough (Altaria Lv46, Golbat Lv48, Lanturn Lv47, and Huntail Lv47), and he has my favorite Pokemon as a Shadow Pokemon on his team. GETTING to Raikou is very hard. Once Raikou is sent out, it begins! OK, here's my Raikou-Snagging strategy, and it wasn't a picnic. First, put it to sleep with Noctowl, and make sure it stays asleep. Raikou's Defense stats are both low, so use your weakest attacks (NOT Shadow Rush, if it Critical Hits, you might be out a Raikou, and have to go through Ein's team again. Isolating Raikou it very important because half his team has Rain Dance, which makes Thunder hit 100%, and Raikou's Sp. Atk is really high, but not as high as its Speed. Take it down VERY carefully with Entei's Bite or Stomp, preferably Bite due to Entei's lower Sp. Atk and Raikou's higher Sp. Def. If you want to give Raikou extra incentive not to Shadow Rush, use Suicune's Aurora Beam instead of Bite. Suicune can take a Thunder without being KO'd. Keep Noctowl out at all times. If it faints, or one of your Beasts faint, use a Revive. When its HP is below 10% and it has zonked out, you should throw an Ultra Ball every turn. This is one of the toughest Snags in the game. Even if it breaks out of the Ball right away, keep throwing them. Eventually, one will Snag it. For me, it took 15 Ultra Balls before Raikou "quietly" reunited with me. ===================================== Like Entei and Suicune, Raikou takes a very long time to purify. About five times as much rehabilitation is required as opposed to your G/S starter you Snagged. I would use my Time Flute on it immediately so you can use the Raikou/Suicune Thunderdance/Surf combo, which can rip opposing Pokemon apart. Whether you saved your first Time Flute or not, now would be an excellent time to use one. And no, this suggestion isn't just out of favoritism for Raikou. It is indeed very strong. Now Realgam Tower has been built. You fight all the Cipher Admins over again. If you missed Sudowoodo or any of the Beasts for some reason, you have a second chance. The Raikou/Suicune Thunderdance combo works VERY well here. Use it all the time. Eventually, you find another Shadow Pokemon. If your Pokemon ever run low on HP or PP, head back to the PC and healing station (not really a Pokemon Center) in Dome V (where the music first changed to the bad guy dungeon theme). Also save every time you make a Snag. Before heading in there, I'd spend some time at Mt. Battle leveling up your three Beasts, particularly Raikou and Suicune, as you'll use them almost every battle. You should also have lots of money. Buy more Ultra Balls and Hyper Potions. ===================================== 32/48 Sunflora Trainer - Cipher Peon Baila Location - Realgam Tower Type - Grass Level - 45 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv43 Suicune ~Lv45 Noctowl ~Lv49 Entei ~Lv46 Misdreavus ~Lv36 Quagsire ~Lv38 This is a tough Snag, but easy compared to most of them here. I had to save most of the Snags in here for later. I was kind of anxious to trade my Pokemon to Ruby, where they'd level up faster. Anyway, the idea is to use Suicune's Surf not only to keep it from Shadow Rush, but to slowly weaken it. What makes this Snag hard is that it's got Synthesis, which refills HP. ===================================== 33/48 Delibird Trainer - Cipher Peon Arton Location - Realgam Tower Type - Ice/Flying Level - 45 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv44 Suicune ~Lv46 Noctowl ~Lv50 Entei ~Lv47 Misdreavus ~Lv36 Quagsire ~Lv38 This is not too bad, but if you're in a hurry, save this for Snagem Hideout, where it will be more convenient to Snag. It likes to Shadow Rush, so hit it with Sleep and weaken it. ===================================== After you beat the last Admin (Ein, he's got a Starmie instead of Raikou, unless you missed), you get an e-mail from Agate Village. Go to Beluh there and he gives you the Master Ball, which you will be using shortly. Now save at Dome V and move on. ===================================== 34/48 Heracross Trainer - Cipher Peon Dioge Location - Realgam Tower Type - Bug/Fighting Level - 45 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv45 Suicune ~Lv46 Noctowl ~Lv51 Entei ~Lv47 Misdreavus ~Lv36 Quagsire ~Lv38 Save the Master Ball for later. Use the standard procedure of putting it to sleep, weakening it (Bite works well as it is strong against that), and Ultra Balls. ===================================== 35/48 Skarmory Trainer - Snagem Head Gonzap Location - Realgam Tower Type - Steel/Flying Level - 47 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv46 Suicune ~Lv47 Noctowl ~Lv52 Entei ~Lv47 Misdreavus ~Lv36 Quagsire ~Lv38 This is a tough Snag. You will meet him again during your second trip through the Snagem Hideout. Just beat his team and *try* to Snag his Skarmory. It is very hard until you have the correct Pokemon to snap it out of Shadow Rushing. It took me three tries to succeed: one here, and two at the Hideout. ===================================== At this point, head back to Dome V (I know it's a long way, but do it anyway) and heal and SAVE. Head back to Mt. Battle and level up Suicune and Raikou to at least Lv52. Now head back to the top of Realgam Tower (Saving again along the way), and face the final bosses. Each one has a Shadow Pokemon you can Snag. Snag what you can and save the rest for later. Make sure you have your Master Ball - you'll be using it here. Also be sure you have at least 3 dozen Ultra Balls. I recommend more. ===================================== 36/48 Miltank Trainer - Bodybuilder Jomas Location - Realgam Tower Colosseum Type - Normal Level - 48 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv52 Suicune ~Lv52 Noctowl ~Lv55 Entei ~Lv48 Skarmory ~Lv47 Quagsire ~Lv40 Rollout is the big problem here because it grows in power every time it's used. If you taught your Pokemon Double Team (TM32, prize at Mt. Battle), use it. This is a difficult Snag. As before, put it to sleep, then weaken it carefully. ===================================== 37/48 Absol Trainer - Rider Delan Location - Realgam Tower Colosseum Type - Dark Level - 46 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv52 Suicune ~Lv52 Noctowl ~Lv55 Entei ~Lv48 Skarmory ~Lv47 Quagsire ~Lv40 I don't know how you convince it to use anything but Shadow Rush. Use standard procedure. If you miss, come back later and you can fight all the Colosseum Trainers again. ===================================== 38/48 Houndoom Trainer - Cipher Peon Nella Location - Realgam Tower Colosseum Type - Dark/Fire Level - 48 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv52 Suicune ~Lv53 Noctowl ~Lv56 Entei ~Lv48 Skarmory ~Lv47 Quagsire ~Lv40 Don't use Surf or you'll KO it. Wear it down with an Ice Move and put it to sleep. I skipped most of the Colosseum Trainers because I wanted to conserve my supplies. If you want to Snag it, use Aurora Beam (Suicune). ===================================== 39/48 Tropius Trainer - Cipher Peon Ston Location - Realgam Tower Colosseum Type - Grass/Flying Level - 49 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv53 Suicune ~Lv53 Noctowl ~Lv56 Entei ~Lv48 Skarmory ~Lv47 Quagsire ~Lv40 This is a very hard Snag because Tropius has a tendency to use Shadow Rush or Fly, both of which make it tough to Snag. My suggestion is to come back here with Tyranitar and use its Sand Stream to weaken it more effectively. Raikou's Spark works OK here if you'd rather paralyze it, otherwise use standard procedure. ===================================== Your Pokemon are healed (finally!) and you face a powerful Cipher Trainer by the name of Nascour. Evidently the crowd is rooting for Nascour; they chant his name during the cut scene. Anyway, he has a Shadow Pokemon... ===================================== 40/48 Metagross Trainer - Cipher Nascour Location - Realgam Tower Colosseum Type - Steel/Psychc Level - 50 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv53 Suicune ~Lv54 Noctowl ~Lv57 Entei ~Lv48 Skarmory ~Lv47 Quagsire ~Lv40 This, for me, was the hardest Snag in the game. It's almost impossible to do it now, and Cipher's other Pokemon are in the mid-level 50s, so save it for later. If you want to try, weaken it down to the yellow or red with Aurora Beam, and good luck! ===================================== Your Pokemon are healed again, and you face the final boss, who has the highest level Shadow Pokemon in the game. ===================================== 41/48 Tyranitar Trainer - Cipher Head Evice Location - Realgam Tower Colosseum Type - Rock/Dark Level - 55 Recommended Team - Raikou ~Lv54 Suicune ~Lv54 Noctowl ~Lv58 Entei ~Lv48 Skarmory ~Lv47 Quagsire ~Lv40 The rest of Evice's Pokemon are around level 60, making this fight extremely tough. Snagging Tyranitar with Ultra Balls is a big pain compared to Raikou. It's no problem if you have that Master Ball - just use it right now. That's what I would do. ===================================== You have now finished the game. If you desire, you may transfer your Pokemon to a Ruby/Sapphire GBA game and level them up (highly recommended!) then import them or any Pokemon back into the Story Mode. I did this for my Beasts, and you should, too. ===================================== Now you should get a bunch of e-mail telling you about a Shadow Pokemon at Snagem Hideout. Go there. Any Cipher Peons whose Pokemon you didn't Snag will be here, and they'll fight you one at a time until you Snag all their Pokemon. At the end of the Hideout, you will find the broken Snag Machine. Pick up the 5 Ultra Balls lying on the ground, and get ready for a Snag opportunity. ===================================== 42/48 Quilava Trainer - Cipher Peon Rosso Location - Snagem Hideout Type - Fire Level - 30 My Team - Raikou ~Lv98 Suicune ~Lv61 Noctowl ~Lv60 Entei ~Lv51 Metagross ~Lv56 Quagsire ~Lv40 I use my :-) Lv98 Raikou to tear apart Rosso's Team, then Slam with Quagsire to get Quilava's HP low. It should only take one Ultra Ball. ====================================== Now you've got to head to Pyrite and The Under. You get e-mails telling you to go to a certain Trainer. He tells you about a Shadow Bayleef after you beat his two Lv56 Wailord. Head for the Shadow Pokemon Lab, and make your way down. You will fight any Cipher Peons whose Shadow Pokemon you failed to Snag. I forgot about a Murkrow in the Lab before, but because of Insomnia, you can't put it to sleep, so it's best to save it for now. You know what else you whould save right now? Your game! ====================================== 43/48 Murkrow Trainer - Cipher Peon Lare Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Dark/Flying Level - 43 My Team - Raikou ~Lv100 ... finally at Prime Cup contention :-) Suicune ~Lv64 Noctowl ~Lv61 Entei ~Lv53 Metagross ~Lv60 Quagsire ~Lv40 Again, use Quagsire to weaken it. You can't put it to sleep. Ignore the fact that it's escaping your Balls almost immediately despite the low HP. One will Snag it eventually. Have patience. ====================================== 44/48 Bayleef Trainer - Cipher Peon Verde Location - Shadow Pokemon Lab Type - Grass Level - 30 My Team - Raikou ~Lv100 Suicune ~Lv64 Noctowl ~Lv61 Entei ~Lv53 Metagross ~Lv60 Quagsire ~Lv40 Quagsire's Slam, or Surf better yet, helps weaken it. Put it to sleep and the Snag will be very easy. Be careful not to KO it. ====================================== 45/48 Ursaring Trainer - Team Snagem Agrev Location - Snagem Hideout Type - Normal Level - 47 My Team - Raikou ~Lv100 Suicune ~Lv66 Noctowl ~Lv62 Entei ~Lv56 Metagross ~Lv64 Quagsire ~Lv41 My Entei is at a low-enough level to successfully weaken it. Put it to sleep and try to Snag. It will put up a lot of resistance. Shadow Rush's backlash is also trouble. ====================================== 46/48 Smeargle Trainer - Team Snagem Biden Location - Snagem Hideout Type - Normal Level - 47 My Team - Raikou ~Lv100 Suicune ~Lv66 Noctowl ~Lv62 Entei ~Lv56 Metagross ~Lv64 Quagsire ~Lv41 Again, Entei or Quagsire's physical attacks do the job. Smeargle is extremely unpredictable, so weaken it carefully. It won't put up as much resistance as Ursaring, but still quite a bit. ====================================== At this point, you have to find Gonzap and fight him again. His team is very powerful. If you want to move on in the game, you have to Snag his Skarmory if you haven't already. He will fight you as many times as you need to Snag. He will not drop the D-Disk until you Snag his Pokemon. ====================================== Use the D-Disk to get to the Deep Colosseum and pick up the Steel Teeth for the old man to the left of The Under colosseum. You get the L-Disk from him, which grants you access to the Amulet Coin. If the Pokemon holding it engages in battle, you win double the usual amount of money. Anyway, back to the Deep Colosseum. Here, you will hear about Deep King, the toughest trainer in the game. He's got a Shadow Pokemon, but first, you have to face the Cipher Admins again. All four of them. Their teams are in the mid to high level 60s. Also, you get another chance to Snag their Shadow Pokemon, but the only one you could have conceivably missed is Sudowoodo. Win the contest four times, winning a great deal of cash each time. If you have Net Balls (6+) left, press on. If not, head to Outskirt Stand and buy until you have 6+ Net Balls and 18+ Ultra Balls. Spend some on Hyper Potions at The Under or Agate Village as well. Deep King is the final battler of the fifth contest. ====================================== 47/48 Shuckle Trainer - Deep King Agnis Location - Deep Colosseum (every fifth tournament) Type - Bug/Rock Level - 45 My Team - Raikou ~Lv100 Suicune ~Lv68 Noctowl ~Lv64 Entei ~Lv58 Metagross ~Lv91 (I did some GBA leveling up) Quagsire ~Lv42 Deep King has a Lv70 Kingdra that can do major damage. Watch out for his other Pokemon, all in the high level 60's. Most of them have Earthquake. Don't let them take Shuckle out or you have to face all the Admins again before you get another round with Deep King. Shuckle has high Defense stats, so using Stomp with Entei ~Lv55 isn't too bad an idea. Use Net Balls instead for a higher success rate. ====================================== At this point, you have to have all 47 Shadow Pokemon to trigger this event. Go to different areas and you get e-mail. When you are prompted to watch TV, do so. Eventually you are promted to go to the Outskirt Stand; save, then do so. One last Shadow Pokemon awaits! ====================================== 48/48 Togetic Trainer - Fake Hero Fein Location - Outskirt Stand Type - Normal/Flying Level - 20 My Team - Raikou ~Lv100 Suicune ~Lv68 Noctowl ~Lv64 Entei ~Lv58 Metagross ~Lv91 Tyranitar ~Lv56 Fein is disguised as you. Take out his five Lv68 Pokemon. If Togetic is alone, swap in Tyranitar, and Sand Stream kicks in, causing Togetic to safely lose HP. Do NOT attack it. When its HP gets in the low yellow, call Tyranitar back and swap out Entei or Raikou. When Togetic's HP hits red, use Sunny Day or Rain Dance, then start throwing Balls at it. ====================================== You now have all the Shadow Pokemon! Now purify them. If you do, you can get Ho-oh by taking your Story Mode team to the top of Mt. Battle in BATTLE MODE, not Story Mode. You can, however, transfer your GBA team to Story Mode and you won't be disqualified. Unfortunately, you can't rename the Ho-oh you get... ====================================== ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Credits Nintendo/Creatures/Game Freak - For creating the Pokemon games. The Pokemon Company - Licensing. PkmnMstr10@aol.com - For pointing out Shadow Pokemon's EXP gains. Myself - For writing this FAQ. God - Wouldn't be here without Him. Everyone who has submitted corrections. All sites hosting this document. You - For reading this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Version History v1.10 - Corrections. (07/09/04, 52 KB) v1.00 - All Snags finished. I am accepting alternate strategies and other pertinent information. (06/28/04, 52 KB) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ---End of File---