Spoiler free walkthrough for Pokemon Colosseum. V 2.0 Last updated 12/11/04 This walkthrough is copyright (c) 2004 Josiah Herrington ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Contents [TOP] [010] 1: Intro [020] 2: Legal stuff/Updates THE FIND FUNCTION AND [030] 3: Overview REMEMBER THAT YOU CAN [040] 4: Playing the game USE CTRL+F TO ACCESS [W0.1] Controls JUMP TO ANY SECTION IN [W0.2] Shadow Pokemon THE FAQ BY SEARCHING [W0.3] The PC FOR IT'S NUMBERED TAG. [W0.4] Type Chart Like [060] or [W1.0] [W0.5] Pokemon Abilities YOU CAN JUMP BACK HERE [050] 5: Walkthrough BY JUMPING TO [TOP] [W1.1] Train town and fenas city [W1.2] Fenas city [W1.3] Paria town [W1.4] Construction site [W1.5] Paria Cave [W1.6] Ageto Village [W1.7] Battle Mountain [W1.8] ??? Lab [W1.9] Shadow Pokemon Lab [W2.0] Andaa city again [W2.5] Snagging the rest [W3.0] Shadow pokemon list [060] 6: Move list [070] 7: Secrets [080] 8: Credits [090] 9: Contact information ********************************************************** 1: Intro ********************************************************** [010] HI! I have decided to write an FAQ for pokemon Colosseum. In fact I have also decided to write a walkthrough and everything else you might find in something like this. I hope you enjoy the game and my guide helps you complete it as well! ********************************************************** 2: Legal stuff/Updates ********************************************************** [020] This FAQ is mine and is copyright(c) 2002 Josiah Herrington. This FAQ, as of now, can only be displayed at: Gamefaqs (http://www.GAMEFAQS.com) Gamespot(www.gamespot.com) IGN(www.ign.com) www.dadragonz.com as well as my own website, and may be used for personal use only. You may not sell this FAQ or distribute it. Otherwise you may not under any circumstances host this FAQ unless I give permission. I still reserve all rights to discontinue any site's hosting of this FAQ. UPDATES: 11/6-8/04: Created the mass of the walkthrough and weeded out spoilers. 11/10/04: Edited out an accedental small spoiler and added the rest of the content essential for beating the story mode. ********************************************************** 3: Overview ********************************************************** [030] A sequel to the ever so popular Pokemon Stadium 1 and 2, Pokemon Colosseum offers what Stadium did and much more. In the same way Stadium hooked up to your Pokemon Gold/ Silver cart via a transfer pack, Colosseum hooks up to your Ruby/Sapph cart via the GCN/GBA link cable. Now you can finally trade over those pokemon you have been raising on your Gameboy Advance and battle your friends in full 3D. In addition to the standard free battle and different single player matches such as those found in the stadium games, there is now a single player RPG mode. That makes it the cousin of the Gameboy pokemon games, only in 3D! And another added bonus is the ability to steal some enemy's pokemon from them. Which in my opinion is kinda cool. The moves in this are also beautifully animated and look amazing. But enough of the boring overview you are saying. On with the rest of the guide! *********************************************************** 4: Playing the game *********************************************************** [040] **************** [W0.1] Controls **************** The controls are very Simple...they are also in the manual, but nobody ever reads the manual, so it's here. Overworld: Control stick: Move Leo around, Select an option. A: Interact / confirm / select. B: Cancel / back. X: Bring up menu. Y: Bring up menu. R: Not used. L: Not used. Z: Not used. START: Bring up Menu. ******************** [W0.2] Dark pokemon ******************** In the RPG mode of the game there will be certain pokemon that will be shadow pokemon. They have a dark aura around them and are catch-able. They are the only ones that you can catch. To catch one lower it's HP down to a low level and throw a pokeball at it. When you catch a dark pokemon it will only know a move called "Shadow rush" and will stay dark until you cure it of darkness. To do that you can do certain things like use it in pokemon battles, have it in your party rather than in the PC, or use the "call" command in battle Once you clear the dark bars that will be where the exp. Meter would normally be by doing the above things the pokemon will be back to normal as well as gaining some of the pokemon's natural moves. Once all the dark bars are gone take it to Ageto Village and the cave down and left of the pokemon center. There at the shrine you can purify it. Here is a list of what you can do to purify a pokemon and which natures like which method. You can tell a pokemon's nature after you have cleared two dark bars. First after you get the cologne case (after beating the boss at the battle tower) you can buy scents at the agate/ageto market. The scents are the following: $600 Weakest scent $800 Average scent $1200 Strong scent. You can use the move shadow rush in battle till your pokemon goes into hyper mode. Then use the call out command. You can also put the pokemon in the day care center in agate village. Sending the pkmn into battle and walking around with them also un-darkens them. The different natures of pokemon like different things. Using in battle: (Use the pokemon in battle) Adamant Bold Brave Calm Hardy Hasty Impish Jolly Naughty Quirky Sassy Call out in battle: (Once the pokemon goes into hyper mode, use the call command) Docile Lonely Serious Timid Walk with pokemon in Party: (Walk around the overworld with the pokemon in your party) Adamant Bold Brave Hardy Impish Lax Lonely Naive Naughty Sassy Leave pokemon in Day-Care: (Leave the pokemon at the Day-Care center in Agate/Ageto village.) Bashful Calm Careful Gentle Mild Modest Quirky Relaxed Timid Massage pokemon: (Use the Cologne case and scents to massage the pokemon.) Bashful Calm Careful Gentle Hasty Jolly Lax Lonely Mild Rash Relaxed Timid ******************** [W0.3] Using the PC ******************** Using the PC is fairly easy. When you use the PC you will be presented with a menu. You have four options: - Pokemon - Items - Save - Quit - Pokemon This brings you to the pokemon storage section. There are a few main things you do here: Withdraw pokemon Deposit pokemon Move pokemon To withdraw a pokemon you must have at least one open space in your team. Move the cursor over the pokemon you wish to withdraw and press the "A" button, then select "move." Now move the pokemon up to the top of the screen where it says "Party pokemon" and press "A." Now place the pokemon in an empty slot by placing the pokemon above the slot and pressing the "A" button. To deposit a pokemon you must have at least one open space in a box. Move the cursor to the top to where it says "party pokemon" and press "A." Now move the cursor onto the pokemon you wish to deposit and press "A." Select "Deposit" and choose the box to place the pokemon in. ******************** [W0.4] Type Chart ******************** Every pokemon has one or two types and every move has a type. You can do much more damage by doing a move that is super effective compared to one that is ineffective or half effective. Knowing the types is important if you want to do well in the game so if you don't I think you will find yourself, and encourage you to be, checking this chart often. + = double effective (double damage) - = half effective (half damage) I = Ineffective (no damage) DEFENDER DEFENDER DEFENDER ====|Bug|DRk|DRG|ELC|FGT|FIR|FLY|GST|GRS|GND|ICE|NOR|PSN|PSY|RCK|STL|WTR| A BUG |___|_+_|___|___|_-_|_-_|_-_|_-_|_+_|___|___|___|_-_|_+_|_-_|_-_|___| T DRK |___|_-_|___|___|_-_|___|___|_+_|___|___|___|___|___|_+_|___|_-_|___| T DRG |___|___|_+_|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_-_|___| A ELC |___|___|___|___|___|___|_+_|___|___|_I_|___|___|___|___|___|___|_+_| C FGT |_-_|_+_|_-_|_-_|___|___|___|_I_|_-_|___|_+_|_+_|___|___|_+_|_+_|___| K FIR |_+_|___|_-_|___|___|_-_|___|___|_+_|___|_+_|___|___|___|_-_|_+_|_-_| E FLY |_+_|___|___|_-_|_+_|___|___|___|_+_|___|___|___|___|___|_-_|_-_|___| R GST |___|_-_|___|___|___|___|___|_+_|___|___|___|_I_|___|_+_|___|_-_|___| GRS |_-_|___|_-_|___|___|_-_|_-_|___|_-_|_+_|___|___|_-_|___|_+_|_-_|_+_| A GND |_-_|___|___|_+_|___|_+_|_I_|___|_-_|___|___|___|_+_|___|_+_|_+_|___| T ICE |_+_|___|___|___|___|_-_|_+_|___|_+_|_+_|_-_|___|___|___|___|_-_|_-_| T NOR |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_I_|___|___|___|___|___|___|_-_|_-_|___| A PSN |___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_-_|_+_|_-_|___|___|_-_|___|_-_|_I_|___| C PSY |___|_I_|___|___|_+_|___|___|___|___|___|___|___|_+_|_-_|___|_-_|___| K RCK |_+_|___|___|___|_-_|_+_|_+_|___|___|_-_|_+_|___|___|___|___|_-_|___| E STL |___|___|___|_-_|___|_-_|___|___|___|___|_+_|___|___|___|_+_|_-_|_-_| R WTR |___|___|_-_|___|___|_+_|___|___|_-_|_+_|___|___|___|___|_+_|___|_-_| _______________________________________________________ |Types: By Alphabet || Types: By Normal/Special | |___________________________||__________________________| |Bug = Bug Normal || Bug = Bug Normal | |Drk = Dark Special || Fgt = Fighting Normal | |Drg = Dragon Special || Fly = Flying Normal | |Elc = Electric Special || Gst = Ghost Normal | |Fgt = Fighting Normal || Gnd = Ground Normal | |Fir = Fire Special || Nor = Normal Normal | |Fly = Flying Normal || Psn = Poison Normal | |Gst = Ghost Normal || Rck = Rock Normal | |Grs = Grass Special || Stl = Steel Normal | |Gnd = Ground Normal || Drk = Dark Special | |Ice = Ice Special || Drg = Dragon Special | |Nor = Normal Normal || Elc = Electric Special | |Psn = Poison Normal || Fir = Fire Special | |Psy = Psychic Special || Grs = Grass Special | |Rck = Rock Normal || Ice = Ice Special | |Stl = Steel Normal || Psy = Psychic Special | |Wtr = Water Special || Wtr = Water Special | |___________________________||__________________________| =================== [W0.5] Abilities =================== Every pokemon you obtain, start with, or encounter in Pokemon Colosseum will have a special ability. These can do many different things but can be critical in taking the win against that tough opponent. A pokemon that has the ability "blaze" for example, will boost it's fire type moves when it has low health. That could be the difference between you attacking it and it having 10 HP left over or it fainting. Here I have listed the abilities in alphabetical order. ______________________________________________________________________________ |Air Lock | Neggates all weather effects while pokemon is in play. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Arena Trap | Disallows fleeing except flying types or pokemon with levitate| |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Battle Armor | 10% less chance of being strick with a critical hit | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Blaze | Boosts fire type moves by 10% when HP falls below one third. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Chlorophyll | Raises speed by 10% when sunny day is in effect | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Clear body | Pokemon's stats cannot be lowered | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Cloud Nine | Neggates all Weather effects while pokemon is in play. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Color Change | Pokemon changes to match the type of attack that struck it. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Compound Eyes| Raises pokemon's accuracy. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Cute Charm | Opponent has 30% chance of becoming infatuated on contact. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Damp | Self destructing moves cannot be used while pokemon is in play| |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Drizzle | Causes constant Rain Dance status | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Drought | Causes constant Sunny Day Status. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Early Bird | Causes pokemon to wake up in half the usual turns. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Effect Spore | 30% chance of causing burns, paralysis, or poison on contact. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Flame Body | 30% chance of causing a burn on contact. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Flash Fire | Absorbs fire attacks to boost strength of fire moves. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Forecast | Pokemon changes type to match the weather. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Guts | Attack raised by 10% when affected with a status abnormality | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Huge Power | Attack is raised by 50% | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Hustle | Attack is raised by 50% at the expense of accuracy. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Hyper Cutter | Attack cannot be lowered. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Illuminate | Increase Random encounter rate by 30% | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Immunity | Pokemon is immune to poison status | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Inner Focus | Pokemon is immune to flinching. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Insomnia | Pokemon is immune to sleep status | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Intimidate | Lowers Opponents attack by 10% | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Keen Eye | Pokemon's accuraccy cannt be lowered. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Levitate | Pokemon is immune to Ground type moves. Can escape Arena Trap | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Light Ball | Boosts Pikachu's special attack by 50% | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Lightning Rod| Pokemon draws all electrical attacks. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Limber | Pokemon is immune to paralyzed status. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Liquid Ooze | When draining move is used on pokemon foe is damaged. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Magma Armor | Pokemon is immune to Ice type moves. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Magnet Pull | Pokemon prevents the escape of Steel type pokemon. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Marvel Scale | Defence boosted by 50% when affected by a status abnormality | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Minus | Special Attack is boosted by 50% when plussle is in the battle| |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Natural Cure | Pokemon is healed of all status abnormalities when recalled | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Oblivious | Pokemon is immune to attracted status. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Overgrow | Boosts grass type moves by 10% when HP falls below one third | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Own Tempo | Pokemon is immune to confusion status. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Pickup | Pokemon may discover items after battle. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Poison Point | 30% chance that foe will be poisoned on contact | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Pressure | Opponents PP usage is doubled. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Pure Power | Attack power is doubled | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Rain Dish | One 16th of your HP is healed each turn when Rain Dance is on | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Rock Head | Pokemon is immune to recoil damage | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Rough Skin | Foe is hurt by 1/16 of their HP when they come into contact | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Run Away | Pokemon can flee all battles | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Sand Stream | Causes constant sandstorm status | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Sand Veil | Pokemons evasion is boosted by 10% when sandstorm is in effect| |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Serene Grace | Doubles the chances of status effects of moves | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Shadow Tag | Foe cannot switch out pokemon | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Shed Skin | 10% chance Pokemon may be cured of status effects at turns end| |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Shell Armor | Pokemon is immune to Critical hits | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Shield Dust | Attack status effects will be nullified | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Soundproof | Pokemon is immune to sound based moves. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Speed Boost | Causes speed to increase after each turn. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Static | 30% chance foes will become paralized on contact | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Stench | Random encounters reduced by 30% | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Sticky Hold | Pokemon is immune to Knock off and Thief | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Sturdy | Pokemon is immune to One hit KOs. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Suction Cups | Pokemon cannot be ejected from battle | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Swarm | Boosts bug type attacks by 10% when HP falls below one third | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Swift Swim | Pokemon's speed is boosted by 10% when Rain Dance is in effect| |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Synchronize | If attacker inflicts a status effect, defender will reflect it| |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Thick Fat | Defence against fire and ice moves boosted by 50% | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Torrent | Boosts water attacks by 10% when HP falls below one third | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Trace | Pokemon copies foe's ability | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Truant | Pokemon loafs around every other turn. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Vital Spirit | Pokemon is immune to sleep status | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Volt Absorb | Pokemon is healed by Electric type attacks. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Water Absorb | Pokemon is healed by Water Type attacks. | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Water Veil | Pokemon is immune to burn status | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| |Wonder Guard | Pokemon is immune to non-super effective and field moves | |_____________|_______________________________________________________________| *********************************************************** 5: Walkthrough *********************************************************** [050] Here you will find the walkthrough for the RPG mode of the game. NOTE: It is impossible for me to predict which pokemon you will use, how they will level up, or what moves you will or will not let them learn so it is near impossible for me to write a guide perfectly telling you what moves and pokemon to use where. That is up to you to do if you do not have the same moves as I have mentioned. That is only there to give you an idea of what to use. Chances are your pokemon will be similar. If I say to use Entie but you don't have Entie purified but do have a Lvl 65 Typhlosion by all means use that instead. This will steer you in the general direction of what to use. Also, there are no spoilers whatsoever in this walkthrough. I don't even mention what happens in cutscenes. If you find anything that could be even a slight spoiler, let me know. ******************************** [W1.1] Train town and Fennas city. ******************************** After viewing the beginning cut-scene of your rascally character zooming on the hover bike thingy you will be in a small town consisting on a single locomotive which serves as a bar/restaurant sort of combination. You will not be able to leave the town so head on into the building. You will see the TV program and then you can walk out as there is nothing really in here you need to do. When you exit a guy with pink hair will come out and chase you and have a match with you. You start out the game with the psychic type pokemon Espeon at Lvl 25 and the dark type pokemon Umbreon at Lvl 26. Starting pokemon: Umbreon Lvl 26 (Dark) Move 1: Bite Move type: Dark Accuracy: 100 Move Power: 60 PP: 25 Effects: There is a 30% chance of the opponent flinching when hit. Move 2: Secret Power Move type: Normal Accuracy: 100 Move Power: 70 PP: 20 Effects: There is a 30% chance of causing a stat Effect on the opponent depending on the battle location. Move 3: Taunt Move type: Dark Accuracy: 100 Move Power: --- PP: 20 Effects: Makes opponent use attack moves only. Move 4: Snatch Move type: Dark Accuracy: 100 Power: --- PP: 10 Effects: Steals any positive status affects opponent pokemon uses. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Espeon Lvl 25 (Psychic) Move 1: Confusion Move type: Psychic Accuracy: 100 Move Power: 50 PP: 25 Effects: There is a 10% chance of confusing the foe. Move 2: Return Move type: Normal Accuracy: 100 Power: --- PP: 20 Effects: The more the pokemon likes you, the stronger this move will be. Move 3: Reflect Move Type: Psychic Accuracy: --- Move Power: --- PP: 20 Effects: Doubles defense thereby taking .05 damage from all normal attacks. Move 4: Helping Hand Move type: Normal Accuracy: 100 Power: --- PP: 20 Effects: Boosts allied pokemon's attack by 50% for one turn. Trainer Willie's pokemon: Zigzagoon Lvl 24 Zigzagoon Lvl 24 A far cry from the Lvl 2 pokemon faced at the beginning of a Gameboy pokemon game these pokemon are both normal type. Use Espeon's Confusion and Umbreon's Bite to kill them. The Zigzagoon hit with the confusion will probably die in one hit or at least have only a few HP left. The bite from Umbreon should take about 55% of the other Zigzagoon's HP. Use the moves again as necessary. When you beat this trainer head left and you will exit this one engine town. (LOL ONE ENGINE TOWN! HAHAHA! Get it? Cuz there is only... one... thing that's a train engine and...Oh forget it.) Go to the town on the left of the one you are at which will now be open. ******************************** [W1.2] Fenas city. ******************************** Upon arriving you will see two team (Shadow?) grunts moving a wiggling bag. One of them will notice you and they will drop the bag and a battle will ensue. Shady guy folly: Whismur Lvl 25 Whismur Lvl 25 Another easy battle. Espeon's confusion should take one out in one hit while Umbreon's bit severely injures the other. Finish it off with another confusion or bite. Cut-scene time! Go north past the fountain and the castform going around it and head up the stairs. After you go up the stairs go left and across the little walkway to the house which is the mayor's office. When you get close to the door a dude with really freaky hair will come out and say a few lines and walk off. Head inside the door and the mayor will say some stuff. Then head back outside. Head further northpast the kid with the Jigglypuff. Go into the door and talk to the trainers on the left and right and head back out. A battle should start with a few grunts. Snatch member Wakin: Corprish Lvl 25 Koffing Lvl 25 Another easy battle. Use confusion on Koffing to kill him right away and use bite on Corprish. Then use another bite/confusion on him to finish him. Battle over. Yawn Head back to the one engine town by going into the shop and talking to the woman with the long hair in the back of the shop then head south and go out the gate and go to the first town you were in. Go into the train engine and talk to the bartender. You will be able to buy stuff from him now. But most importantly is he will give you 5 pokeballs. Buy: 9 great balls 20 pokeballs bought in 10 pokeball increments so as to get free premier balls As many antidotes and Prz heals as you can afford. Head back to the waterfall town and after the lady in pink stops talking to you, go up and then left and enter the mayor's office. A battle will now start. Mirror B peon Folley: Whismur Lvl 26 Lotad Lvl 25 Easy enough. Use confusion on the Whismur and bite on the Lotad to destroy this grunts team. Ho w droll. Now the other grunt will step up. Mirror B peon Trudly: Duskull Lvl 25 Spinarak Lvl 25 Makuhita Lvl 30 (Shadow pokemon) Not that hard. Use your psychic type confusion to 1HKO the bug type Spinarak and use bite on Duskull. Now he sends out his Lvl 30 Makuhita! What's this? Your partner shows up and tells you it's a dark pokemon. So use Bite on Duskull to finish him off. Use your secret power on makuhita. You don't want to kill him here. You want to bring his HP low so you can capture it. Use secret on it a few more times and hopefully you will paralyze it. Keep using the call out command on your Espeon. You will have at least 5 pokeballs. Use one on the weakened Makuhita to capture it. If it gets out of the ball use another. Go to the trainer school in the middle of the town and talk to the teacher to get your PDA. Head to a gate and fight the gate guard there to get through. You can fight the gate guard on the east side of town for an opportunity to catch the fire pokemon Quilava, the south gate guard for the opportunity to catch the water pokemon Crocanaw, or the west gate guard for an opportunity to catch the grass pokemon Bayleaf. Battle Red/Blue/Green Trooper! Bayleaf/Crocanaw/Quilava Lvl 30 Grimer Lvl 26 Spoink Lvl 24 Use confusion on the Grimer to KO him and bring out Spoink, while using bite on quilava/bayleaf/crocanaw to weaken it. Use bite on the Starter to weaken it further while hitting the Spoink with Return. Use bite again to bring the dark pokemon down to very low HP and finish of Spoink with another Return. The dark pokemon should be in the red in HP or at most the low yellow. Use a pokeball on it while using a potion on your pokemon if you have it to strengthen it, or using call out to keep it from killing the dark one. Once you are done head out the gate and to the next town over. ******************************** Construction site. ******************************** What a mess. Nothing doing here. Head to the next town. ******************************** [W1.3] Paria town ******************************** *Cutscene* Go in the shop up and on the right side of the street cop will run into you. Go out and go up on to see a house with some old geezers in it. Go to the next building to get to the shop and you can buy stuff there including hyper potion. You can talk to the people in the ring to battle them. You can fight all of the trainers and try to catch their dark pokemon or you can continue on. Battle: Chaser Emok Gulpin Lvl 27 Zubat Lvl 27 Battle: Male trainer Skitty Lvl 28 Misdreavous Lvl 30 (Shadow) Zigzagoon Lvl 28 Male trainer Senret Lvl 25 Swellow Lvl 25 Slakoth Lvl 26 Rider Liba Skiploom Lvl 30 (Shadow) Oddish. Lvl 26 Dustox Lvl 26 Bandana guy Divel Psyduck Lvl 29 Quagsire Lvl 30 (Shadow) Roller boy Lon Azurill Igglybuff Swablu Slugma (Shadow) When you want to go on, go up to the top of the town, across the bridge and talk to the colosseum lady. Then go to the very beginning of town and talk to the guy there to battle him. Masa: Ralts: Lvl 28 Furret Lvl 33 (Shadow) Machop Lvl 30 Seedot Lvl 27 *CUTSCENE* Now head to the house south of thebattle ring and talk to the kid and then open the secret door behind the bookshelf. Talk to the kids there. When you exit, another kid will be talking to the buff guy and then will leave. Head north to the windmill. *CUTSCENE* Run inside and talk to the man on the floor. *CUTSCENE* It seems a part was taken. Head over to the construction site. ******************************** [W1.4] Construction site ******************************** When you get there head up and right to find a shiny gear. Head back to Paria Town. ******************************** Paria town ******************************** Run into the windmill. The buff guy and the windmill guy will be talking. Run up to the axle that is missing the gear and press A to open your inventory. Find the gear and press A to put it back on. At this point head north to the computer and save. Talk to the lady and just keep hitting A and you will go through into the run down colosseum and a series of battles will start. Trainer 1 Barboach Lvl 30 Sandshrew Lvl 31 Trainer 2 Natu Lvl 30 Meditite Lvl 30 Trainer 3 Electrike Lvl 30 Cacnea Lvl 31 Vulpix Trainer 4 Bagon Lvl Goldeen Lvl 32 Magnemite Lvl 31 Delibird Lvl 32 You just beat the colosseum in this city! Upon exiting head south to meet the shadow grunt on the bridge. *CUTSCENE* Cypher peon Nore: Yanma Lvl 33 (Shadow) Pineco Lvl 32 Nincada Lvl 31 Surskit Lvl 32 *CUTSCENE* After they leave pick up the shiny notebook next to you. Go through the building fighting trainers as you go. Trainer 1: Phanpy Lvl 31 Trapinch Lvl 32. Roller boy pike: Taillow Lvl 33 Hoothoot Lvl 34 Save and heal then head up the stairs. Bandana guy Geats: Pupitar Lvl 31 Carvahna Lvl 32 Barboach Lvl 32 Hunter Geare: Remoraid Lvl 33 Magnemite Lvl 32 Go the first left turn and fight the brute. Body-builder Akmen: Electrike Lvl 31 Voltorb Lvl 31 Go up he stairs for another floor of trainers. Rider Raleen: Doduo Lvl 32 Ledyba Lvl 32 Swablu Lvl 31 Hunter Tura: Spheal Lvl 31 Snorunt: Lvl 32 Go into the second door to collect the prize from the box. Fight the next trainer. Hunter Toti: Horsea Lvl 31 Oddish Lvl 32 Sandshrew Lvl 32 Go to the next room. Bodybuilder Elidi: Cacnea Lvl 32 Tentacool Lvl 33 Go onto the next room and upstairs and you will end up outside again, only on the roof. Go in the door. *cutscene* Mirror B Peon Reath: Remoraid Lvl 20 (Shadow) Spinarak Lvl 33 Luvdisk Lvl 32 Mirror B peon Ferma: Mantine Lvl 33 (Shadow) Aipom Lvl 32 Furret Lvl 31 Yanma Lvl 33 *cutscene* Use the elevator to get downstairs and pick up the item then go through the door. Save at the computer then make your back up to the rooftop. Battle the trainer to get in.. Hunter Doken: Quilfish Lvl 33 (Shadow) Goldeen Lvl 33 Linoon Lvl 33 ******************************** [W1.5] Paria Cave ******************************** Enter the cave and make your way to the far right. Go downstairs. You can fight trainers on the way if you want or you can sneak past them. I recomend sneaking. Go down the tunnel and then north and fight the trainer. Trainer: Meditite Lvl 33 (Shadow) Bagon Lvl 33 Numel Lvl 32 Go left across the bridge. Rider Sosh: Dunsparce Lvl 33(Shadow) Mareep Lvl 34 Cacnea Lvl 34 Go to the end of the bridge and use the healing machine and save at the computer then go upstairs. Hug the wall going north and fight the trainer at the end near the stairs. Hunter Zalo: Swablu Lvl 33 (Shadow) Lotad Lvl 31 Beldum Lvl 32 Lombre Lvl 32 Head downstairs then north. FIESTAAAAAAA! Go up and you will find Miror B with his pokemon. Miror B: Ludicolo Lvl 31 Ludicolo Lvl 28 Ludicolo Lvl 30 Ludicolo Lvl 29 Sodowoodoo Lvl 35 (Shadow) Get the TM 49 from the box and go up through the door. Get the macho brace from the northeast corner then approach Plusle. *cutscene* Now try to exit town. The fortune teller will call to you. Talk to her. Now exit town and go north! ******************************** [W1.6] Ageto Village. ******************************** Go to the big house at the top of the hill. Their names are Eagun and Beluh. *cutscene* Go out and head right and make your way down and end up going into a cave VIA a small path to the left of the pokemon center. Cipher peon Doven: Spheal Lvl 33 Carvahna Lvl 34 Keep moving forwards. Cipher peon Silton: Shroomish Lvl 34 Cacnea Lvl 34 Go on. Cipher peon Kass: Ralts Lvl 35 Baltoy Lvl 35 Kirlia Lvl 35 Head up. *NPC Battle* Cipher peon Skrub: Geodude Lvl 35 Hitmontop Lvl 38 (Shadow) Clampearl Lvl 36 Wynaut Lvl 37 Now you are back in the grandparents home. Head down to the beginning dock and head left. Go around the bend and into the cave. Open the cases to get a couple pokeballs. Go to the the house southeast of the shop with the large wooden pokeball sign. Anyways Talk to the old man on the couch and select yes. Go back to the house with your partener's grandparents in it and talk to them and they will give you something. You try to leave.Break out the PDA (start) and read the mail. Head out of town. ******************************** [W1.7] Battle Mountain ******************************** Head to the sixth area and enter the building. Save and heal your pokemon and enter the main door. Go forwards and you will enter a series of battles. Battle 1! Rider Turo: Trapinch Lvl 35 Numel Lvl 34 Sandshrew Lvl 35 Battle 2! Rider Drovic: Swinub Lvl 35 Baltoy Lvl 36 Pupitar Lvl 37 Battle 3! Rider Kimit: Sandshrew Lvl 36 Geodude Lvl 36 Numel Lvl 36 Battle 4! Rider Riden: Pineco Lvl 35 Baltoy Lvl 35 Houndour Lvl Graveler Lvl 37 Battle 5! Trainer Telia: Trapinch Lvl 38 Lileep Lvl 36 Barboach Lvl 36 Trapinch Lvl 38 Battle 6! Sr. Performer Nortz: Cacnea Lvl 37 Spinda Lvl 37 Kadabra Lvl 37 Battle 7! Hunter Weeg: Graveler Lvl 36 Vibrava Lvl 37 Sandslash Lvl 37 Battle 8! Cipher peon Kison: Houndour Lvl 37 Koffing Lvl 37 Duskull Lvl 36 Kirlia Lvl 36 Battle 9! Cipher Peon Berin: Geodude Lvl 36 Geodude Lvl 36 Sandslash Lvl 38 Go back and save and heal now. Battle 10! Cipher Admin Dakim: Golem Lvl 38 Meting Lvl 37 Swampert Lvl 36 Camerupt Lvl 38 Entie Lvl 40 (Shadow) This will be by far the hardest battle yet so open it all up. It is not required to catch Entie but he is really powerful! If you kill Entie, hit that reset button. *cutscene* Pick up the hidden item on the ground next to you and talk to the guy on the floor.You will end up in the lobby. You will get an item that will allow you to call Celebi and on the right is a box which contains TM47. After you are done go down and save. Head back to Ageto Village. ******************************** Ageto Village ******************************** Go forwards and the old man will see you. He will say some stuff to your partner. Then go to that cave with the river in it. It is down the ramp to the left of the pkmn center remember? Go through and reach the little pillar thing. Here you can hit the A button on the pillar and if you have cleared the dark bar from any of your pokemon, you can purify them. Pick up the notebook that guy with the Hitmontop dropped beforehand. Fight the kid outside the pkmn center. Trainer: Swellow Lvl 39 Rhyhorn Lvl 39 Sunflora Lvl 40 Now go right and up of the pkmn center and talk to the girl. When you have a choice choose the bottom option and she will give you a cologne case. Heal and save. Talk to your partner's grandfather and the old man outside the entrance to the village. Then when you go out a new area should be open in the middle. ******************************** [W1.8] ??? lab. ******************************** Go there and you won't be able to do anything but you will get an Email, so read it. Head back to Pyrite Town. ******************************** Pyrite Town. ******************************** Head over to the house with the secret room behind the bookshelf and go in the secret room. Talk to them all and then leave for the police station. Walk up to the table in the side room and press A to get the key to the jail cell. Walk up to the nearby cell with two prisoners and press A on the door and choose your key. Walk up to the sleeping guy and press A to plunder a key. Head to the large building at the north of town right of the bridge before you cross it. Go right and go to the door and use the key. Go down the elevator. *Cutscene* Head south and then west to find a vending machine You can buy water, soda pop, or lemonade here. Lemonade is the best because it is $350 and it heals 80 HP. Head back right and up to where you were and then head left past the woman and down the stairs. Go into the shop. You can buy a lot of stuff here Such as: Hyper potion $1,200 Heals 200 HP Max potion $2,500 Heals all HP Full restore $3,000 Heals all HP and all stats. Full heal $600 Heals all status Revive $1,500 Revives a fainted pokemon And some TMs: TM10 Hidden power $3,000 TM14 Blizzard $5,500 TM15 Hyper beam $7,500 TM16 Light screen $3,000 TM17 Protect $3,000 TM20 Safeguard $3,000 TM25 Thunder $5,500 TM33 Reflect $3,000 TM38 Fire blast $5,500 Head outside and down. Go left at the bottom and go into the hotel. Head upstairs and out the door down. Head right and into the poke center place and downstairs and talk to the kid. You will get a part. Head back outside. *cutscene* Head back to where the shop is and head left up the stairs. Talk to the kid and go inside. Head downstairs. Some talking will take place after which you should talk to the kid with no hat. Then head outside. They will ask about your PDA and get the equivalent of your phone number like on the g/s/c games so they can call you. Head right and you will see that kid again tied up again. Go save his butt...again. Shadow grunt: Ledyba Lvl 40 (Shadow) Spinarak Lvl 39 Volbeat Lvl 38 Shadow grunt Arados Lvl 38 Illumise Lvl 40 Gloom Lvl 39 Talk to the kid in the prison VIA the indent on the side and he will give you something. Now would be a good time to save. Head north to the hovering hologram thing and press A. Use the R-disk. Head up to the hover thing and hitch a ride and then go forwards. Go inside. NOTE!: You should save your game before this battle as there is a dark Suicune which is one of the legendary dogs. I would also advise that you head back to the outskirts train shop and buy some net balls as these are more effective than an ultra ball on Suicune. If you are ready head inside. Go into the room south to find 3 rare candies in a box! Talk to the lady being filmed. Cipher admin Venus: Delcatty Lvl 45 Banette Lvl 45 Steelix Lvl 45 Vileploom Lvl 44 Suicune Lvl 40 (Shadow) Pickup the notebook on the desk and get the TM45 from above the stairs. Now head down the stairs. Head back into the door and east up the stairs that are through the door. Save! Now head back out where you saw her go down the elevator and take the rightmost door. Head down the stairs battling trainers. Hunter Frena: Teddiursa Lvl 37 Jigglypuff Lvl 36 Gilgar Lvl 43 (Shadow) Shroomish Lvl 35 Chaser Liaks: Kirlia Lvl 37 Gloom Lvl 36 Roseleia Lvl 38 Stantler Lvl 43 (Shadow) Bodybuilder Lonia: Masquerain Lvl 39 Dunsparce Lvl 39 Octilery Lvl 38 Piloswine Lvl 43 (Shadow) Rider Nelis: Corsola Lvl 41 Sneasle Lvl 43 (Shadow) Loudred Lvl 41 Seviper Lvl 40 Go inside. Go in the far end of the train and then out the other side after getting the item north of the train. Go back and leave the train station. The sparkly thing on the floor is really the key. Grab it. Go ride the train. New area...head left and see two grunts. Head right of the door all the way to the end and get the up UFO key. Head inside. The grunts will run off and then to your right is another sparkly thing on the ground. Get it! Head the train back to the first station. Go all the way back to the room where you fought the shadow exec and outside. Go back one that hover platform and then use the UFO disks to go on. Use the U-disk and ride the UFO. Get the second Celebi flute. You need the F-disk you got some time ago to go on. Head into the Colosseum and SAVE! Now use the elevator. Head down to exit. Head to the middle area on the world map. ******************************** [W1.9] Dark Pokemon Lab ******************************** March right through the front door! Hit the lock on the left and use the key to do that. Head left and collect your prize from the box. Go in the right door. Go into the right room and trigger the other doors lock with the purple console. Go back outside and into the door. Save at the PC. Go right and through the maze-like corridors. Head downstairs. Keep going and you will fight a scientist. Researcher miron: Voltorb Lvl 38 Voltorb Lvl 38 He will drop another key on the floor, so pick it up. Head back outside and to the right door. Open the door with the key and go down the elevator. Head left and down and go through the door. A shadow grunt will drop down and challenge you. Cipher peon Cole: Aipom Lvl 43 (Shadow) Castform Lvl 41 Remoraid Lvl 42 Furret Lvl 37 Go in the elevator. There is DNA on the counter so get it. Sneak past the scientist and up the stairs. Researcher coren: Electrode Lvl 40 Magnemite Lvl 39 Magneton Lvl 40 Grab the item on the counter. Head back up the elevator back to the start and this time head down. Head south and use the key you just got on the door. A shadow grunt will fight you. Cipher peon lare: Nuzleaf Lvl 38 Houndour Lvl 38 Carivana Lvl 38 Murkrow Lvl 43 Head on down. Once you reach the bottom a shadow grunt will challenge you. Cipher peon Vana: Larvitar Lvl 40 Swablu Lvl 40 Fortress Lvl 43 (Shadow) Zubat Lvl 40 Head down the elevator. Head right and you will be faced with a shadow grunt. Shadow grunt: Ariados Lvl 43 (Shadow) Rhyhorn Lvl 40 Grovyle Lvl 42 Head right all the way and collect the reward at the end. Head back then up and right. a shadow Grunt will fight you. BATTLE! Cipher peon Tanie: Granbull Lvl 43 (Shadow) Vigoroth Lvl 39. Linoon Lvl 38 Go back left and up. Sneak as close to the tanks as possible and you won't fight the scientist. Pick up another DNA on the floor behind him. Head out. Head back to the two elevators. Go into the first one and head left. Researcher Kotan: Electrode Lvl 42 Magneton Lvl 42 Ampharos Lvl 41 Continue on... Cipher peon Remil: Vibrava Lvl 43 (Shadow) Swellow lvl 43 Kadabra Lvl 42 Kleon Lvl 43. Go through the next door and fight the grunt. To get through the door you will need to know the three pokemon. Take those two DNA samples you got before and head back to go in the second elevator and the DNA machine will tell you the pokemon. Cipher peon Skrub: Hitmontop Lvl 38 Wobuffet Lvl 42 Clampearl Lvl 43 Graveler Lvl 44 (If you caught Hitmontop before it will be a Medicham.) Go downstairs and see the bad guy erasing the computers. Cipher admin EIN: Altaria Lvl 46 Lanturn Lvl 47 Huntail Lvl 47 Golbat Lvl 48 Raikou Lvl 40 (Shadow) Now he will run off leaving you victorious! Go through the elevator and head outside. You will get an email. Head back to Andaa ******************************** [W2.0] Andaa city/the under again ******************************** Head to that house with the kids in it. Talk to the kid in the upper room. Now head to the construction site. WOW! What a joint! So head inside. Prepare for some hard battling so get your best pokes with you. Heal and save and continue. Head left to fight Miror B. The pokeball haired guy. Miror B: Loudred Lvl 46 Ludicolo Lvl 44 Golduck Lvl 45 Ludicolo Lvl 45 Sodowoodoo Lvl 35 (Shadow) (if you cought Sodowoodoo before he will have an Armaldo at level 45.) Wow you got an ID! Go heal and save. Return and take the right door. Dakim: Whiscash Lvl 46 Fortress Lvl 45 Flygon Lvl 46 Claydol Lvl 46 Houndooom Lvl 47 Wow you got another ID! This time go through the middle door in front of you. Tada.New saving and healing stations! Talk to the old man to watch him transform and battle you. BATTLE! Shadow grunt: Muk Lvl 39 Beautifly Lvl 39 Seviper Lvl 40 Continue on through the door to the left and then up. Two shadow grunts block your way. Fight the north one first. Cipher Peon Baila: Sunflora Lvl 45 (Shadow) Jumpluff Lvl 42 Gloom Lvl 41 Go into the room above you now. Venus: Wigglytuff Lvl 48 Bellosom Lvl 47 Raichu Lvl 48 Misdreavous Lvl 47 Milotic Lvl 48 Wow! Another ID! Cool. Go back and fight the other shadow grunt. Cipher peon Arton: Delibird Lvl 45 (Shadow) Piloswine Lvl 42 Glalie Lvl 42 Heal and save and continue to the next boss. This room in-between has four colored pokeball fixtures. Each of the Id things goes into one of these. You can put your three in now or go on and get the fourth first. At any rate On to the fourth. Borugu: Manectric Lvl 50 Pellipepper Lvl 49 Rhyhorn Lvl 50 Starme Lvl 49 Crobat Lvl 49 YAY! The last ID! Go plug it in! But wait! You got an Email from Eagun Go back to Ageto Village and speak to him. He gives you the masterball! The ultimate pokeball that catches any poke 100% of the time, no matter what! Save and head back to the tower. Go put the final ID in the slot and go through the door. Cipher peon ??? Shadow grunt: Masquerain Lvl 42 Ariados Lvl 41 Heracross Lvl 45 (Shadow) Go ahead to get ANOTHER Email. Just go on and you will be in a room full of people aching for a fight. The first guy fights you. Trainer 1: Nuzleaf Lvl 39 Graveler Lvl 42 Hariyama Lvl 42 Lombre Lvl 42 go right and enter the door. you will hear a punching sound and a guy will fight you. Trainer: Wigglytuff Lvl 43 Loudred Lvl 45 Head left (not through the door) to fight another trainer. Head up to the guy in black next to the elevator and it seems that it is a guy that is on your side! Head in the elevator. Cool elevator... *Cutscene* Head up to the elevators and run around and Helgonza, team snatch's leader will come down. He still isn't mad cuz you blew up his base is he? Guess he is... Fight him. Helgonza/Gonzap: Shiftry Lvl 53 Crawdaunt Lvl 52 Hariyama Lvl 53 Pincer Lvl 52 Skarmory Lvl 47 (Shadow) Head out, heal, save and come back. Go up the elevator and You will be in an arena. Now you will do like before and fight 4 trainers in a row. Each have valuable dark pokemon so it would be wise to pack some ultra balls. Bodybuilder Jomas: Zangoose Lvl 45 Miltank Lvl 48 (Shadow) Porygon 2 Lvl 45 Rider Delan: Absol Lvl 46 (Shadow) Sharpedo Lvl 47 Mightyena Lvl 46 Cipher peon Nella: Houndooom Lvl 48 (Shadow) Torcoal Lvl 47 Mascargo Lvl 46 Cipher peon Ston: Tropius Lvl 49 (Shadow) Craydilly Lvl 48 Vileploom Lvl 48 Cacturn Lvl 49 You win! Your pokemon will be healed now. *Cutscene* Jakira/Nascour: Xatu Lvl 54 Gardivour Lvl 55 Blazikin Lvl 54 Walrain Lvl 56 Dusclops Lvl 55 Metagross Lvl 50 (Shadow) *cutscene* Cipher head Evice: Slowking Lvl 61 Machamp Lvl 61 Scizor Lvl 60 Salamence Lvl 60 Slayking Lvl 60 Tyranitar Lvl 55 (Shadow) Aggron Lvl 60 CONGRATULATIONS! YOU BEAT THE FINAL BOSS! *cutscene* Sit back and enjoy the Sacredfireworks...Heh heh. The end of RPG mode...But there is still so much to be done! Now go catch all the pokes you missed. ******************************** [W2.5] Snagging the rest ******************************** After the credits you will find yourself in the train shop. You will receive an Email. As you head outside you will receive another. Go to the under and talk to the computer kid and he will tell you that people now link to your PDA. Congratulations! You have completed the story mode! Now you can go back to the Pyrite town and capture the few remaining Shadow pokemon Go to the south entrance of pyrite town and talk to the guy you see. He will offer you info on shadow pokemon if you can beat him. Kick his...rear end... If you picked Quilava he will tell you about a Crocanaw. If you picked Crocanaw he will tell you about a Bayleaf. If you picked Bayleaf he will tell you about Quilava. A new area opened up. Head to the team snagem hideout that you blew up in the beginning! Head inside! Check your E-mail. He will tell you the name of the trainer with the dark poke. There are loads of trainers to fight here but you don't have to fight any of them. Keep an eye out for items in here. There are a ton of them. As you are messing around in here you should get one or more new Emails. Also things lying around on the ground can be picked up. If you see a large broken machine with pokeballs scattered around on the floor you can pick the pokeballs up and keep them for future use. Blue ranger: Grumpig Lvl 54 Muk Lvl 55 Camerupt Lvl 53 Quilava/Crocanaw/Bayleaf Lvl 30 (Shadow) Now head to pyrite. You will receive an Email. Now head to The Under. You will receive another Email. Go talk to Nett in the house with the kids. Go out, down, right, in, up, out. Now go talk to the trainer he tells you to. He will battle you: Wailord Lvl 56 Wailord Lvl 56 Now he will tell you about a pokemon with the dark pokemon. Head to the shadow pokemon lab. You will get an E-mail. Head inside and beat about 6 trainers before finding the ranger where you fought the admin before. Fight him. Spoink Lvl 59 Sharpedo Lvl 60 Quilava/Crocanaw/Bayleaf Lvl 30 (Shadow) Head to the snagem hideout Stop off to heal if you need. Email! Read it. Head inside. You should find some trainers in the snagem hideout that were not there before. Beat them. 2 of them have dark pokemon. One is Smeargle, the other is Ursaring. Snag them. Head into the bosses room of the snagems hideout. You will find Gonzap waiting for you. Beat him up and he will leave threatening you. Pick up the rare candies and full revives in the corners. (press A on the red box in the lower left corner of the room and press A towards the lower right side of the room) Pick up the UFO disk that is sparkling on the desk. Head out to The Under. From the pokestation/colosseum head south and outside. Use the D disk to head down. Get the sparkly object. Head back up and use the F-disk. Give the old man his teeth L-disk. Use the L-disk and get the item. Take the UFO down and heal and save. Enter the colosseum 4 times each time winning a HUGE cash prize. You will fight all of the cipher admins over once more. Mirror B is the fourth trainer of the first match. Dakim is the fourth trainer in the second entry. Venus is the fourth trainer of the third entry. Ein is the fourth trainer of the fourth entry. The colloseum king is the fourth trainer in the last entry you will have to make. He has a dark Shuckle. The first three trainers of the first challenge are utter jokes and you can easily beat them. So I will start at Miror B. Miror B: Ludicolo Lvl 68 Ludicolo Lvl 68 Ludicolo Lvl 69 Exploud Lvl 67 Armaldo Lvl 69 Trainer 1 in the second entry: Sneasle Lvl 60 Jumpluff Lvl 61 Electrode Lvl 60 Trainer 2 in the second entry: Delibird Lvl 62 Marshtomp Lvl 61 Walrein Lvl 61 Trainer 3 in the second entry: Azumaril Lvl 62 Medicham Lvl 62 Linoon Lvl 63 Natu Lvl 62 Dakim: Claydol Lvl 63 Solrock Lvl 64 Flygon Lvl 64 Swampert Lvl 65 Houndoom Lvl 65 Trainer 1 in third entry: Machop Lvl 60 Machoke Lvl 60 Ursaring Lvl 61 Trainer 2 in third entry: Graveler Lvl 61 Wigglytuff Lvl 62 Wailmer Lvl 63 Donphan Lvl 61 Trainer 3 in third entry: Spinda Lvl 62 Delcatty Lvl 62 Granbull Lvl 62 Venus: Blissey Lvl 65 Raichu Lvl 63 Dusclops Lvl 64 Meganium Lvl 64 Milotic Lvl 65 Trainer 1 in the 4th entry: Nuzleaf Lvl 60 Volbeat Lvl 60 Beautifly Lvl 60 Trainer 2 in the 4th entry: Lanturn Lvl 60 Exploud Lvl 61 Octilery Lvl 61 Lairon Lvl 60 Trainer 3 in the fourth entry: Swellow Lvl 62 Marshtomp Lvl 63 Crawdaunt Lvl 62 Admin Ein: Manectric Lvl 65 Mantine Lvl 63 Rhydon Lvl 63 Gyrados Lvl 64 Crobat Lvl 65 Trainer 1 of last entry: Nincada Lvl 64 Horsea Lvl 63 Shuppet Lvl 63 Trainer 2 in the last entry: Kecleon Lvl 65 Misdreavous Lvl 64 Kadabra Lvl 64 Seadra Lvl 65 Trainer 3 in last entry: Mawile Lvl 66 Relicanth Lvl 67 Murkrow Lvl 68 Deep King Agnol: Girafarig Lvl 68 Sableye Lvl 69 Shedinja Lvl 68 Kingdra Lvl 70 Skarmory Lvl 66 Shuckle Lvl 45 (Shadow) Go to all the different areas and you will get Emails including one that has photos of you beating up people with a shadow Togitec. Keep going to new areas and eventually you will get an Email saying to watch TV. Do so. Once you have, if you are not already there, head to the outskirts. Awww there you are. Fight you! Milotic Lvl 68 Houndoom Lvl 68 Gyrados Lvl 68 Manectric Lvl 68 Armaldo Lvl 68 Togitec Lvl 20 (Shadow) YAY! You have all the dark pokemon! Now purify them! Now you should have a whole heap of money saved up by now. Use it to buy scents to massage all your pokemon with. ******************************** [W3.0] Dark pokemon list ******************************** (Locations soon) Pikachu Lvl 10 (Japanese Bonus Disk) Jirachi Lvl 05 (US Bonus Disk) Bayleef Lvl 30 Quilava Lvl 30 Croconaw Lvl 30 Furret Lvl 33 Noctowl Lvl 30 Ledian Lvl 43 Ariados Lvl 43 Togetic Lvl 20 Flaaffy Lvl 30 Sudowoodo Lvl 35 Skiploom Lvl 30 Aipom Lvl 43 Sunflora Lvl 45 Yanma Lvl 33 Quagsire Lvl 30 Espeon Lvl 25 Umbreon Lvl 26 Murkrow Lvl 43 Misdreavus Lvl 30 Forretress Lvl 43 Dunsparce Lvl 33 Gligar Lvl 43 Granbull Lvl 43 Qwilfish Lvl 33 Shuckle Lvl 45 Heracross Lvl 45 Sneasel Lvl 43 Ursaring Lvl 45 Slugma Lvl 30 Piloswine Lvl 43 Remoraid Lvl 20 Delibird Lvl 45 Mantine Lvl 33 Skarmory Lvl 47 Houndoom Lvl 48 Stantler Lvl 43 Smeargle Lvl 45 Hitmontop Lvl 38 Miltank Lvl 48 Raikou Lvl 40 Entei Lvl 40 Suicune Lvl 40 Tyranitar Lvl 55 Ho-oh Lvl 70 Celebi Lvl 10 Makuhita Lvl 30 Meditite Lvl 33 Plusle Lvl 13 Vibrava Lvl 43 Swablu Lvl 33 Tropius Lvl 49 Absol Lvl 48 Metagross Lvl 50 *********************************************************** 6: Move List *********************************************************** [060] =================== [W5.0] Move list =================== Bite Move type: Dark Accuracy: 100 Move power: 60 PP: 25 Effects: There is a 30% chance of the opponent flinching when hit. Absorb Move type: Grass Accuracy: 100 Move power: 20 PP: 20 Effects: Pokemon heals half the dealt damage Acid Move type: Poison Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: 10% chance of lowering opponents defense Acid Armor Move type: Poison Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 40 Effects: Pokemon's defense is raised Aerial Ace Move type: Flying Move power: 60 Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Always hits unless the pokemon is underground. Aeroblast Move type: Flying Move power: 100 Accuracy: 95 PP: 5 Effects: High critical hit rate Agility Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Pokemon's speed is raised Air Cutter Move type: Flying Move power: 55 Accuracy: 95 PP: 25 Effects: High critical hit rate. Amnesia Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Pokemon's Defence is raised. Ancient power Move type: Rock Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: 10% chance to raise all stats. Arm Thrust Move type: Fighting Move power: 15 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Attacks twice. Aromatherapy Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Cures all status abnormalities Assist Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Uses an ally's move Astonish Move type: Ghost Move power: 30 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance that opposing pokemon will flinch Attract Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Effects: May render pokemon of opposite gender incappable of attack Aurora Beam Move type: Ice Move power: 65 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 10% chance that opposing pokemon's attack will be lowered Barrage Move type: Normal Move power: 15 Accuracy: 85 PP: 20 Effects: Attacks up to five times Barrier Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Pokemon's defence is raised Baton Pass Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 40 Effects: Switches out current pokemon and passes stat changes to the next Beat Up Move type: Dark Move power: 10 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Each pokemon in your part attacks the foe, except fainted ones. Belly Drum Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Pokemon's attack is sharply boosted at the cost of 50% HP Bide Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Stores damage for two turns and then counters with double force Bind Move type: Normal Move power: 15 Accuracy: 75 PP: 20 Effects: Opponent is damaged slightly for 5 turns and cannot escape. Bite Move type: Dark Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: 10% chance of causing the foe to flinch Blast Burn Move type: Fire Move power: 150 Accuracy: 90 PP: 5 Effects: Attacks the first turn then rests the next. Blaze Kick Move type: Fire Move power: 85 Accuracy: 90 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance of burning the foe. Blizzard Move type: Ice Move power: 120 Accuracy: 70 PP: 5 Effects: 30% chance of freezing the foe Block Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: Prevents the foes escape while user is in battle. Body Slam Move type: Normal Move power: 85 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 10% chance the foe might become paralized Bone Club Move type: Ground Move power: 65 Accuracy: 85 PP: 20 Effects: 30% chance of causing the opponent to flinch Bone Rush Move type: Ground Move power: 25 Accuracy: 80 PP: 10 Effects: Hits 2, 3, 4, or 5 times. Bonemerang Move type: Ground Move power: 50 Accuracy: 90 PP: 10 Effects: Hits twice Bounce Move type: Flying Move power: 85 Accuracy: 85 PP: 5 Effects: Bounces up the first turn and is out of range. Attacks the second turn. Brick Break Move type: Fighting Move power: 75 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Shatters barriers like Reflect and Light Screen Bubble Move type: Water Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: 10% chance of lowering foe's speed. Bubble Beam Move type: Water Move power: 65 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 30% chance of lowering the foe's speed Bulk Up Move type: Fighting Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Pokemon's Attack and Defence are raised. Bullet Seed Move type: Grass Move power: 10 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: Attacks between 2 and 5 turns. Calm Mind Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Pokemon's Special Attack and Defence are raised. Camouflage Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: ??? Charge Move type: Electric Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Boosts the power of a following electric type attack by 100% Charm Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Lowers the foe's attack. Clamp Move type: Water Move power: 35 Accuracy: 75 PP: 10 Effects: The foe cannot escape and is damaged for 2, 3, 4, or 5 turns. Comet Punch Move type: Normal Move power: 18 Accuracy: 85 PP: 15 Effects: Hits the for 2 to 5 times. Confuse Ray Move type: Ghost Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Confuses the foe. Confusion Move type: Psychic Move power: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: 10% chance of confusing the foe. Constrict Move type: Normal Move power: 10 Accuracy: 100 PP: 35 Effects: 10% chance of lowering the foe's speed. Conversion Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Pokemon's type changes to move's type. Conversion 2 Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: Pokemon is resistant to the type of the last attack. Cosmic Power Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Pokemon's Defence and Special Defence are raised. Cotton Spore Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: 85 PP: 40 Effects: Slows down the opponent. Counter Move type: Fighting Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Returns to the foe double the damage of attack done that turn Foe's attack must be a non-special attack Covet Move type: Normal Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 40 Effects: Pokemon steals held item from foe. Crabhammer Move type: Water Move power: 90 Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Effects: High critical hit rate Cross Chop Move type: Fighting Move power: 100 Accuracy: 80 PP: 5 Effects: High critical hit rate Crunch Move type: Dark Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 10% chance of lowering foe's defence Crush Claw Move type: Normal Move power: 75 Accuracy: 95 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance of lowering opponent's defence Curse Move type: Ghost Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Non-Ghost types: Speed is lowered and attack and defence is raised Ghost types: Saccrifice half your max HP to lay a curse on the foe that drains 1/4 of their max HP every turn. Cut Move type: Normal Move power: 50 Accuracy: 95 PP: 30 Effects: Can cut away trees on the overworld map in the GBA games Defense Curl Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 40 Effects: Pokemon's defence is raised Destiny Bond Move type: Ghost Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: If pokemon faints in the next turn, the destiny bonded foe faints. Detect Move type: Fighting Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Negates all attcks, may fail if used in sucession. Dig Move type: Ground Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Pokemon dig into the ground the first turn, then attacks the second. Pokemon cannot be hit while underground except by earthquacke and magnitude which do 200% damage. Disable Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 55 PP: 20 Effects: The opponent's last used move is disabled for 2 to 5 turns. Dive Move type: Water Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Dives underwater the first turn, then surfaces to attack the second. Pokemon cannot be hit while inder except by surf. Dizzy Punch Move type: Normal Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: 30% chance of confusing foe. Doom Desire Move type: Steel Move power: 120 Accuracy: 85 PP: 5 Effects: Attack hits whatever pokemon is out 2 turns later. Double Kick Move type: Fighting Move power: 30 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: Attacks twice. Double Team Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Effects: Pokemon's evasiveness is raised Double Edge Move type: Normal Move power: 120 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: The user loses 1/8 of inflicted damage. Doubleslap Move type: Normal Move power: 15 Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Effects: Attacks 2 to 5 times. Dragon Claw Move type: Dragon Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: N/A o_o Dragon Dance Move type: Dragon Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Pokemon's Attack and Speed are raised. Dragon Rage Move type: Dragon Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Causes 40 HP damage reguardless of foe's defence. Dragonbreath Move type: Dragon Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 10% chance of paralyzing foe. Dream Eater Move type: Psychic Move power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Adds the damage inflicted on the sleeping foe into the pokemon's HP Drill Peck Move type: Flying Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: N/A Dynamicpunch Move type: Fighting Move power: 100 Accuracy: 50 PP: 5 Effects: 50% chance of confusing foe. Earthquake Move type: Ground Move power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Hits all pokemon in play besides the user. Egg Bomb Move type: Normal Move power: 100 Accuracy: 75 PP: 10 Effects: N/A Ember Move type: Fire Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: 10% chance that the foe may be burned. Encore Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: The foe is forced to repeat his last attack for 2 to 5 turns. Endeavor Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: Does damage to the foe by subtracting your HP from your foes and dealing the remainder. Endure Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Pokemon will have at least 1 HP left over after the foe's move. Eruption Move type: Fire Move power: 150 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: The lower your HP gets, the more powerful the move is. Explosion Move type: Normal Move power: 250 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: User faints. Extrasensory Move type: Psychic Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: 10% chance of making foe flinch. Extremespeed Move type: Normal Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: Always attack first. Facade Move type: Normal Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: The move power is doubled when user is poisoned, paralyzed, or burned. Faint Attack Move type: Dark Move power: 60 Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Always hits the target. Fake Out Move type: Normal Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: User attacks first and causes foe to flinch. Fake Tears Move type: Dark Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Range: One Enemy Comes in contact with Pokemon: No Effects: Sharply lowers the special Defence of the target. False Swipe Move type: Normal Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 40 Effects: Leave the target with no less than 1 HP. Featherdance Move type: Flying Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Sharply lowers the attack of the target. Fire Blast Move type: Fire Move power: 120 Accuracy: 85 PP: 5 Effects: 10% chance to burn target. Fire Punch Move type: Fire Move power: 75 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Range: One Enemy Effects: 30% chance of burning the target. Fire Spin Move type: Fire Move power: 15 Accuracy: 70 PP: 15 Effects: Traps target in a firey vortex for 2 - 5 turns. Fissure Move type: Ground Move power: N/A Accuracy: 30 PP: 5 Effects: Ground type 1HKO move. Flail Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: The lower the users HP, the more powerful the move becomes. Flamethrower Move type: Fire Move power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 10% chance to burn target. Flash Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 70 PP: 20 Effects: Lowers targets accuracy. Lights up dark areas in the overworld. Flatter Move type: Dark Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Raises the targets Special attack and confuses them. Fly Move type: Flying Move power: 70 Accuracy: 95 PP: 15 Effects: User flies up out of harms way for the first turn, then swoops to attack the second. Focus Energy Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Increases critical hit rate of user. Focus Punch Move type: Fighting Move power: 150 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Range: One Enemy Effects: If the user is struck before using this move, the user flinches. Follow Me Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: All foe's attacks become focused on user. Foresight Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 40 Effects: Restores lost accuracy and prevents accuracy loss. Frustration Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: The lower the users happiness, the more powerful the move becomes. Fury Attack Move type: Normal Move power: 15 Accuracy: 85 PP: 20 Effects: Strikes two to five times. Fury Cutter Move type: Bug Move power: 10 Accuracy: 95 PP: 20 Effects: Power of move increaces every time the move connects sequentially. Power returns to normal if move misses or is not used. Fury Swipes Move type: Normal Move power: 18 Accuracy: 80 PP: 15 Effects: Strikes two to five times. Future Sight Move type: Psychic Move power: 80 Accuracy: 90 PP: 15 Effects: Foresees an attack two turns in the future. Giga Drain Move type: Grass Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: User regains half of the damage caused to the target. Glare Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 75 PP: 30 Effects: 100% chance to paralyze the target. Grasswhistle Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: 55 PP: 15 Effects: Puts target to sleep/ Growl Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 40 Effects: Lowers the target's attack. Growth Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 40 Effects: Raises the users Special Attack. Grudge Move type: Ghost Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: If user faints, the PP of the killing move is reduced to zero. Guillotine Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 30 PP: 5 Effects: A normal type 1HKO. Gust Move type: Flying Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 35 Effects: Blows away spikes. Hail Move type: Ice Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Damages all non ice type pokemon for 5 turns. Harden Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Raises the users defense. Haze Move type: Ice Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Resets all stat changes. Headbutt Move type: Normal Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance to make the target flinch. Heal Bell Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Cures all status ailments of all pokemon in party. Heat Wave Move type: Fire Move power: 100 Accuracy: 90 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance to burn target(s) Helping Hand Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Boosts allies attack by 50% Hi Jump Kick Move type: Fighting Move power: 85 Accuracy: 90 PP: 20 Effects: If the user misses the target the user takes damage. Hidden Power Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: The type and strength of this move is based on the IVs of the user. Horn Attack Move type: Normal Move power: 65 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: N/A o_o Horn Drill Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 30 PP: 5 Effects: A normal type 1HKO move. Howl Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 40 Effects: Boosts the attack of the user. Hydro Pump Move type: Water Move power: 120 Accuracy: 80 PP: 5 Effects: N/A o_o Hyper Beam Move type: Normal Move power: 150 Accuracy: 90 PP: 5 Effects: User must recharge for one turn after using. Hyper Voice Move type: Normal Move power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: N/A o_o Hypnosis Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: 60 PP: 20 Effects: If it hits, the target is put to sleep. Ice Ball Move type: Ice Move power: 30 Accuracy: 90 PP: 20 Effects: Attacks for five turns with increasing damage unless the user misses. Ice Beam Move type: Ice Move power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance to freeze target. Ice Punch Move type: Ice Move power: 75 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance to freeze target. Icy Wind Move type: Ice Move power: 55 Accuracy: 95 PP: 15 Effects: Lowers the target(s) speed. Imprison Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Prevents target from using moves that that the user knows. Ingrain Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: User becomes unable to flee but regains HP each turn. Iron Defense Move type: Steel Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Effects: Sharply increaces the defence of the user. Iron Tail Move type: Steel Move power: 100 Accuracy: 75 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance to lower the target's defence. Karate Chop Move type: Fighting Move power: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: High critical hit rate. Kinesis Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: 80 PP: 15 Effects: If it hits, target's accuracy is lowered. Knock Off Move type: Dark Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Removes the targets item from it. Leaf Blade Move type: Grass Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: High critical hit rate. Leech Life Move type: Bug Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: User absorbs half of the damage done to the foe. Leech Seed Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: 90 PP: 10 Effects: Seeds the target and leeches health for the user every turn. Leer Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: Lowers the target's defence Lick Move type: Ghost Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 30% chance to paralyze target. Light Screen Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Reduces damage done by special type attacks to 50% while in effect. Lock-On Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: The taret is hit by the next move. Period. Low Kick Move type: Fighting Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: The more the pokemon weighs, the stronger the attack is. Luster Purge Move type: Psychic Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: Lati@s/smergle only move. 50% chance to lower SP. defence. Mach Punch Move type: Fighting Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: User attacks first. Magic Coat Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Effects: Reflects Special Attacks. Magical Leaf Move type: Grass Move power: 60 Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Always hit's 100% of the time. Magnitude Move type: Ground Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: The attack is stronger at higher magnitudes. Mean Look Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: Target is trapped and cannot switch out. Meditate Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 40 Effects: Boosts the attack power of the user. Mega Drain Move type: Grass Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: User absorbs half the damage inflicted on target. Megahorn Move type: Bug Move power: 120 Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Effects: N/A o_o Memento Move type: Dark Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Lowers the target's attack and special attack to rock bottom, but the user faints. Metal Claw Move type: Steel Move power: 50 Accuracy: 95 PP: 35 Effects: 10% chance to raise the defence of the user. Metal Sound Move type: Steel Move power: N/A Accuracy: 85 PP: 40 Effects: Sharply lowers the defence of the target. Meteor Mash Move type: Steel Move power: 100 Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance of rising the attack of the user. Mimic Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: User temporarily learns one of the target's moves. Mind Reader Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: The users next move hits, period. Minimize Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Increases the users evasiveness. Mirror Coat Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Counters special moves returning 200% of damage. Mirror Move Move type: Flying Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: User copies the targets move. Mist Move type: Ice Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: User's team becomes immune to status afflictions for 5 turns. Mist Ball Move type: Psychic Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: 50% chance to lower targets Special Defence. Moonlight Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Restores the users health based on the weather. Morning Sun Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Restores the users health based on the weather. Mud Shot Move type: Ground Move power: 55 Accuracy: 95 PP: 15 Effects: Lowers the target's accuracy. Mud Sport Move type: Ground Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Effects: Reduces the power of electric moves by 50% Muddy Water Move type: Water Move power: 95 Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Effects: 30% chance to lower the accuracy of target(s) Mud-Slap Move type: Ground Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Lowers the accuracy of the target. Nature Powder Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 95 PP: 20 Effects: Changes moves depending on location. Needle Arm Move type: Grass Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance to make target flinch. Night Shade Move type: Ghost Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Causes the same amount of damage as the users level. Odor Sleuth Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 40 Effects: Reset's the users accuracy and prevents accuracy loss. Outrage Move type: Dragon Move power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: User rampages for 2 or 3 turns but is confused afterwards. Overheat Move type: Fire Move power: 140 Accuracy: 90 PP: 5 Effects: Sharply lowers the user's special attack. Peck Move type: Flying Move power: 35 Accuracy: 100 PP: 35 Effects: N/A o_o Perish Song Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Causes all pokemon on the battlefield to faint in three turns. Petal Dance Move type: Grass Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: User attacks for 2 or 3 turns but is confused aftarwards. Pin Missle Move type: Bug Move power: 14 Accuracy: 85 PP: 20 Effects: Attacks 2 to 5 times. Poison Fang Move type: Poison Move power: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance to poison target. Poison Gas Move type: Poison Move power: N/A Accuracy: 55 PP: 40 Effects: If it hits, target becomes poisoned. Poison Sting Move type: Poison Move power: 15 Accuracy: 100 PP: 35 Effects: 30% chance to poison target. Poison Tail Move type: Poison Move power: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: 10% chance to poison the target. High critical hit rate. Poisonpowder Move type: Poison Move power: N/A Accuracy: 75 PP: 35 Effects: If it hits, the target is poisoned. Pound Move type: Normal Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 35 Effects: N/A o_o Powder Snow Move type: Ice Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: 10% chance to freeze target. Protect Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Neggates all attacks on user when used. Successive uses degrade accuracy. Psybeam Move type: Psychic Move power: 65 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 10% chance to confuse target. Psych Up Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: When target uses a stat boosting move, users stat is also boosted. Psychic Move type: Psychic Move power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance to lower target's Special Defence. Psywave Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: 80 PP: 15 Effects: Damage varies depending on the user. Pursuit Move type: Dark Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Does massive damage if target attempts to switch out. Quick Attack Move type: Normal Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: User attacks first. Rage Move type: Normal Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Each time the user is hit while using this move, the user's attack builds. Rain Dance Move type: Water Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Causes it to rain adding 50% to water type moves and taking 50% from fire type moves. Rapid Spin Move type: Normal Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 40 Effects: Frees user from Fire spin, Whirlpool, Wrap, and other similar moves. Blows away spikes, leech seeds, etc. Razor Leaf Move type: Grass Move power: 55 Accuracy: 95 PP: 25 Effects: High critical hit rate. Razor Wind Move type: Normal Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: High critical hit rate. Recover Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: User recovers 50% HP. Recycle Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Allows user to re-use a held item. Reflect Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Reduces damage of normal attacks by 50% Refresh Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Cures the user of burn, poison, or paralysis. Rest Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Heals all HP and status condition, but user falls asleep. Return Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: The higher the pokemon's happiness, the stronger the move. Revenge Move type: Fighting Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: 100% stronger if user takes damage. Reversal Move type: Fighting Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: The lower the user's HP, the more powerful teh move is. Roar Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Causes the trainer to switch pokemon. Rock Blast Move type: Rock Move power: 25 Accuracy: 80 PP: 10 Effects: Attacks 2 to 5 times. Rock Slide Move type: Rock Move power: 75 Accuracy: 90 PP: 10 Effects: 30% chance to make target flinch. Rock Smash Move type: Fighting Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance to lower target's defense. Rock Throw Move type: Rock Move power: 50 Accuracy: 90 PP: 15 Effects: ??? Rock Tomb Move type: Rock Move power: 50 Accuracy: 80 PP: 10 Effects: 100% chance to lower the target's speed. Rollout Move type: Rock Move power: 30 Accuracy: 90 PP: 20 Effects: User attacks for 5 turns with rising intensity. Safeguard Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 25 Effects: User's party is protected from all status abnormalities. Sand Tomb Move type: Ground Move power: 15 Accuracy: 70 PP: 15 Effects: ??? Sand-Attack Move type: Ground Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Lowers the accuracy of the target. Sandstorm Move type: Rock Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Creates a violent sandstorm that does 1/16th of max health damage every turn to all non Rock, steel, or ground pokemon. Scary Face Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 90 PP: 10 Effects: If it hits, the target's speed is shaply lowered. Scratch Move type: Normal Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 35 Effects: N/A Screech Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 85 PP: 40 Effects: If it hits, the target's speed is sharply lowered. Secret Power Move type: Normal Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Has 30% chance to cause a status effect on the target. Seismic Toss Move type: Fighting Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Does damage points to target based on users level. Self Destruct Move type: Normal Move power: 200 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: Use faints when this move is used. Shadow Ball Move type: Ghost Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 10% chance to lower target's special defence. Shadow Punch Move type: Ghost Move power: 60 Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Always hits target. Sheer Cold Move type: Ice Move power: N/A Accuracy: 30 PP: 5 Effects: An ice type one hit KO move. Shock Wave Move type: Electric Move power: 60 Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Always hits target. Signal Beam Move type: Bug Move power: 75 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: ??% chance to confuse target. Silver Wind Move type: Bug Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: 10% chance to raise user's attack, defence, special attack, special defense, and speed. Sing Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 55 PP: 15 Effects: If it hit's the target is afflicted with sleep. Skill Swap Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: User trades special ability with target. Skull Bash Move type: Normal Move power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: User withdraws into shell and raises defence. On the next turn the user attacks. Sky Attack Move type: Flying Move power: 140 Accuracy: 90 PP: 5 Effects: Glows on the first turn and then attacks on the second. Sky Uppercut Move type: Fighting Move power: 85 Accuracy: 90 PP: 15 Effects: N/A Slack Off Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Heals 50% of the user's HP. Slam Move type: Normal Move power: 80 Accuracy: 75 PP: 20 Effects: N/A Slash Move type: Normal Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: High critical hit rate. Sleep Powder Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: 75 PP: 15 Effects: If it hits, the target is afflicted with sleep. Sleep Talk Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: The user attacks randomly while asleep. Sludge Move type: Poison Move power: 65 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 30% chance to poison target. Sludge Bomb Move type: Poison Move power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance to poison target. Smellingsalt Move type: Normal Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Inflicts 200% damage if target is paralyzed, but cures paralasis. Smog Move type: Poison Move power: 20 Accuracy: 70 PP: 20 Effects: 30% chance to poison target. Smokescreen Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Lowers the target's accuracy. Snatch Move type: Dark Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: If the foe uses a move that has a positive effect, that effect is stolen by the user. Snore Move type: Normal Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Allows the user to attack while asleep. Solarbeam Move type: Grass Move power: 120 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Charges up with sunlight and attacks with a powerful beam. No charge is needed when Sunny Day is in effect. Take two turns to charge it rain dance is in effect. Sonicboom Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 90 PP: 20 Effects: Does 20 damage. Spark Move type: Electric Move power: 65 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 30% chance to paralyse target. Spike Cannon Move type: Normal Move power: 20 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Attacks 2 - 5 times. Spikes Move type: Ground Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Lays spikes on the battlefield that damage pokemon that are switched in. Spit Up Move type: Normal Move power: 100 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: N/A o_o Spite Move type: Ghost Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Lowers the PP of the last move the target used. Splash Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 40 Effects: Does nothing whatsoever. The move is useless. Spore Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Causes the target to fall asleep. Steel Wing Move type: Steel Move power: 70 Accuracy: 90 PP: 25 Effects: May raise the defense of the user. Stockpile Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Use consecutive times to power up "swallow" Stomp Move type: Normal Move power: 65 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 30% chance to make the target flinch. Strength Move type: Normal Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: N/A o_o String Shot Move type: Bug Move power: N/A Accuracy: 95 PP: 40 Effects: If it hits, the target's speed is lowered. Struggle Move type: Normal Move power: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: Infinite Effects: Pokemon automatically use this move when out of PP for all moves. User takes recoil damage. Stun Spore Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: 75 PP: 30 Effects: If it hits, the target is paralyzed. Submission Move type: Fighting Move power: 80 Accuracy: 80 PP: 25 Effects: User takes recoil damage. Substitute Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: User loses 25% HP and creates a substitue to take damage. Sunny Day Move type: Fire Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: Makes the sun shine brightly adding 50% power to fire moves and taking 50% power from water moves. Superpower Move type: Fighting Move power: 120 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: User's defense and attack are lowered. Supersonic Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 55 PP: 20 Effects: If it hits, the target is confused. Surf Move type: Water Move power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: N/A o_o Swagger Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 90 PP: 15 Effects: Sharply boosts the attack of the target, but causes confusion. Swallow Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: Use stockpile to boost the healing power of this move. Sweet Kiss Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 75 PP: 10 Effects: If it hits, the target is confused. Sweet Scent Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Lowers the evasion of the target. Swift Move type: Normal Move power: 60 Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: The move will connect. Period. Swords Dance Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 30 Effects: Sharply boosts the attack of the user. Synthesis Move type: Grass Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 5 Effects: The user restores HP depending on the weather. Tackle Move type: Normal Move power: 35 Accuracy: 95 PP: 35 Effects: N/A o_o Tail Glow Move type: Bug Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: Sharply boosts the special attack of the user. Tail Whip Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: Lowers the target's defense. Take Down Move type: Normal Move power: 90 Accuracy: 85 PP: 20 Effects: User takes recoil damage. Taunt Move type: Dark Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Target must use an attack move forthe next 2 turns or the move will fail. Teeter Dance Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Confuses all pokemon on the field but the user. Teleport Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 20 Effects: N/A Thief Move type: Dark Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: User might steal the target's held item Thrash Move type: Normal Move power: 90 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: User attacks for 2 or 3 turns but then becomes confused. Thunder Move type: Electric Move power: 120 Accuracy: 70 PP: 10 Effects: 30% chance to paralyze target. Move has 100% accuracy when rain sance is in effect. Move has 40% accuracy when sunny day is in effect. Move does double damage to pokemon using fly. Thunder Wave Move type: Electric Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: The target is paralyzed. Thunderbolt Move type: Electric Move power: 95 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 10% chance to paralyze the target. Thunderpunch Move type: Electric Move power: 75 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: 30% chance to paralyze the target. Thundershock Move type: Electric Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: 10% chance to paralyze the target. Tickle Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Lowers the defense and attack of the target. Torment Move type: Dark Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: Target can no longer use any move consecutively. Toxic Move type: Poison Move power: N/A Accuracy: 85 PP: 10 Effects: Badly poisons the foe. ^_^ Awesome move. Tri-Attack Move type: Normal Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: 10% chance to paralyze the target. 10% chance to freeze the target. 10% chance to burn the target. Trick Move type: Psychic Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: User switches held items with target. Twister Move type: Dragon Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Double damage against flying foes. Can blow away spikes. Uproar Move type: Normal Move power: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Attacks for 2 to 5 consecutive turns while preventing sleep. ViceGrip Move type: Normal Move power: 55 Accuracy: 100 PP: 30 Effects: N/A o_o Vital Throw Move type: Fighting Move power: 70 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: Attacks last but the move will hit without fail. Water Gun Move type: Water Move power: 40 Accuracy: 100 PP: 25 Effects: N/A o_o Water Pulse Move type: Water Move power: 60 Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: 20% chance to confuse the target. Water Sport Move type: Water Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 15 Effects: Reduces the power of fire moves by 50% Water Spout Move type: Water Move power: 150 Accuracy: 100 PP: 5 Effects: The higher the user's HP, the more powerful the move. Waterfall Move type: Water Move power: 80 Accuracy: 100 PP: 15 Effects: N/A o_o Weather Ball Move type: Normal Move power: 50 Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: This move's power is doubled when a weather effect is in play and becomes the type of the weather effect. Whirlpool Move type: Water Move power: 15 Accuracy: 70 PP: 15 Effects: Does damage for 2 to 5 turns preventing the target's escape. Whirlwind Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 20 Effects: Blows away spikes. Forces foe to switch pokemon. Will-O-Wisp Move type: Fire Move power: N/A Accuracy: 75 PP: 15 Effects: If it hits, the target is burned. Wing Attack Move type: Flying Move power: 60 Accuracy: 10 PP: 35 Effects: N/A o_o Wish Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: N/A PP: 10 Effects: The pokemon in play at the end of the next turn will revive 50% HP. Wrap Move type: Normal Move power: 15 Accuracy: 85 PP: 20 Effects: Does continual damage for 2 to 5 turns preventing the target's escape. Yawn Move type: Normal Move power: N/A Accuracy: 100 PP: 10 Effects: At the end of the next turn the target will fall asleep. Zap Cannon Move type: Electric Move power: 100 Accuracy: 50 PP: 5 Effects: If it hits the target will take damage and become paralyzed. *********************************************************** 7: Items *********************************************************** [070] TMs ========================== 01 Focus punch Type: Fighting Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 150 Special: Attacks last. If user is hit user flinches. 02 Dragon claw Type: Dragon Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 80 Special: N/A 03 Water pulse Type: Water Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 60 Special: 10% chance to confuse 04 Calm mind Type: Psychic Base PP: 20 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Raises SP.ATT and SP.DEF. 05 Roar Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: Makes trainer pokemon switch out. 06 Toxic Type: Poison Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 85 Base power: --- Special: Poisons foe with a poison that gets worse each turn. 07 Hail Type: Ice Base PP: 10 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Summons a hail storm that hurts all types besides ice. 08 Bulk up Type: Fighting Base PP: 20 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Raises Attack and Defense. 09 Bullet seed Type: Grass Base PP: 30 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 10 Special: Attacks 2-5 times per turn. 10 Hidden power Type: Normal Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: This move has different type and power depending on your pokemon. 11 Sunny day Type: Fire Base PP: 5 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Boosts the power of fire moves for 5 turns. No Solarbeam charge. 12 Taunt Type: Dark Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: Taunts the foe and forces them to only use attack moves. 13 Ice beam Type: Ice Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 95 Special: 10% chance of freezing the foe 14 Blizzard Type: Ice Base PP: 5 Accuracy: 70 Base power: 120 Special: 10% chance of freezing Foe. Hits both enemies in double battle. 15 Hyper beam Type: Normal Base PP: 5 Accuracy: 90 Base power: 150 Special: Attacks but the user cannot move or switch out next turn. 16 Light screen Type: Psychic Base PP: 30 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Creates a screen of light that cuts Sp damage by 50% 17 Protect Type: Normal Base PP: 10 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Completely negates all attacks that turn. 18 Rain dance Type: Water Base PP: 5 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Powers up water type moves for 5 turns. Thunder is 100% accurate. 19 Giga drain Type: Grass Base PP: 5 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 60 Special: Returns half of damage done to foe to the users HP 20 Safeguard Type: Normal Base PP: 25 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Covers user and team and prevents any status problems. 21 Frustration Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: This attack is stronger the more your pokemon hates you. 22 Solarbeam Type: Grass Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 120 Special: Charges for one turn and unleashes the next. 23 Iron tail Type: Steel Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 75 Base power: 100 Special: 10% chance of lowering foes defense 24 Thunderbolt Type: Electric Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 95 Special: 10% chance of paralyzing Foe 25 Thunder Type: Electric Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 70 Base power: 120 Special: 100% accurate with rain dance active. 26 Earthquake Type: Ground Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 100 Special: Double damage on a pokemon using Dig. 27 Return Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: This attack is more powerful the more your pokemon loves you. 28 Dig Type: Ground Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 60 Special: Cannot be hit while underground. 29 Psychic Type: Psychic Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 90 Special: 10% chance of lowering SP.DEF 30 Shadow ball Type: Ghost Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 80 Special: 10% chance of lowering SP.DEF 31 Brick break Type: Fighting Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 75 Special: Shatters Light Screen and Reflect. 32 Double team Type: Normal Base PP: 15 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Makes user more evasive 33 Reflect Type: Psychic Base PP: 20 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Creates a wall of light that reduced Normal attacks by 50% 34 Shockwave Type: Electric Base PP: 20 Accuracy: --- Base power: 60 Special: An electric attack that always hits. 35 Flamethrower Type: Fire Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 95 Special: 10% chance of burning foe. 36 Sludge bomb Type: Poison Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 90 Special: 10% chance of poisoning Foe. 37 Sandstorm Type: Rock Base PP: 10 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: Creates a storm that hurts all types but rock, ground, and steel 38 Fire blast Type: Fire Base PP: 5 Accuracy: 85 Base power: 120 Special: 10% chance of burning foe. 39 Rock Tomb Type: Rock Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 80 Base power: 50 Special: Lowers speed of foe. 40 Aerial ace Type: Flying Base PP: 20 Accuracy: --- Base power: 60 Special: A flying type attack that never misses. 41 Torment Type: Dark Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: Keeps the foe from using the same move in a row. 42 Facade Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 70 Special: Raises users attack when paralyzed, burned, or poisoned. 43 Secret power Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 70 Special: 10% chance of adding an effect based on where you are. 44 Rest Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: --- Base power: --- Special: User regains all health and status but sleeps for 2 turns. 45 Attract Type: Normal Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: Makes the opposite gender less likely to attack. 46 Thief Type: Dark Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 40 Special: ??% chance of stealing the foes held item. 47 Steel wing Type: Steel Base PP: 25 Accuracy: 90 Base power: 70 Special: N/A 48 Skill swap Type: Psychic Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: User trades Special abilities with the target. 49 Snatch Type: Dark Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: --- Special: Steals effects of the move the foe uses next. 50 Overheat Type: Fire Base PP: 5 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 150 Special: Severely lower the SP.ATT of the user. HM01 Cut Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 50 Special: Can cut down trees in overworld. HM02 Fly Type: Flying Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 95 Base power: 70 Special: Flies the first turn and attacks the second. Can't be hit in air HM03 Surf Type: Water Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 95 Special: Can be used in overworld to cross water. HM04 Strength Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 80 Special: Can be used in overworld to move boulders HM05 Flash Type: Normal Base PP: 20 Accuracy: 70 Base power: --- Special: Lowers foes accuracy. Can be used to light up caves in overworld. HM06 Rock smash Type: Fighting Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 20 Special: 50% lowering targets defense. Can smash rocks in overworld. HM07 Waterfall Type: Water Base PP: 15 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 80 Special: Can climb waterfalls in overworld. HM08 Dive Type: Water Base PP: 10 Accuracy: 100 Base power: 60 Special: Dives first turn and strikes the second. Can't be hit while under Can be used in overworld to dive below the surface and explore. ____________________________________________________________________________. | | Pokeball | Pokeball Description, Cost, Details, Effects, ETC. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Pokeball | 1x chance of catching pokemon. | | Buyable at the poke mart for $200 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Great ball | 1.5x chance of catching pokemon. | | Buyable at most poke marts. $700 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Ultra ball | 2.0x chance of catching pokemon. | | Buyable at your local poke supermart. $1200. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Masterball | 100% chance of catching pokemon. Never fails. | | Very rare. Un-buyable. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Net ball | 3x chance of catching water or bug type pokemon. | | Buyable at Poke mart. $1000 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Dive ball | 2x Chance of catching pokemon caught underwater. | | Unobtainable in Pokemon Colosseum. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Luxury ball| 1x chance of catching pokemon. Just a fancy color. | | Win a master rank pokemon contest and each time you win it | | with the same pokemon afterwards you will get one! | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Premier | Same as above. | ball | Buy 10 pokeballs, get a premier ball free! | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Timer ball | A pokeball that becomes more powerful every 10 turns. | | Buyable at the rustboro poke mart $1000 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Repeat ball| A pokeball that is more powerful if it is used on a pokemon | | You already have. | | Buyable at the rustboro poke mart $1000 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Nest ball | The weaker the pokemon the more likely a catch. | | Buyable at the verdanturf poke mart $1000 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Safari ball| A standard ball you get at the safari zone. | | $500 for 30 of them. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| | | Items: | Item Description/effects/cost/etc | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Potion | Heals 20 HP | | Buyable $300 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Super | Heals 50 HP | potion | Buyable $700 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| hyper | Heals 200 HP | potion | Buyable $1200 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Max potion | Heals all HP | | Buyable $2500 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Lemonade | Heals 80 HP | | Buyable $350 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Soda pop | Heals 60 HP | | Buyable $300 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Fresh water| Heals 50 HP | | Buyable $200 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Prz heal | Cures paralysis | | Buyable $200 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Antidote | Cures poison | | Buyable $100 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Burn heal | Cures burns | | Buyable $250 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Ice heal | Cures freezing | | Buyable $250 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Awakening | Awakens a sleeping pokemon | | Buyable $250 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Full heal | Cures any status problem | | Buyable $600 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Full | Cures any status problem and restores all HP. | restore | Buyable $3000 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Revive | Revives any fainted pokemon to 1/2 HP | | Buyable $1500 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Max Revive | Fully revives a fainted pokemon. | | Buyable $??? | ___________|________________________________________________________________| X Speed | Use in battle to raise speed. | | Buyable $350 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| X Special | Use in battle to raise special. | | Buyable $350 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| X attack | Use in battle to raise attack. | | Buyable $500 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| X defend | Use in battle to raise defense. | | Buyable $550 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Dire Hit | Use in battle to up critical hit ratio. | | Buyable $650 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Guard Spec | Use in battle to prevent stat loss. | | Buyable $700 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| X accuracy | Use in battle to boost accuracy. | | Buyable $950 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Elixir | Restores 10 PP in a all moves. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Max elixir | Restores all PP in all moves. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Ether | Restores 10 PP in a single move. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Max ether | Restores All PP in a single move. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Escape rope| Escape to beginning of caves | | Buyable $550 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Repel | Repel pokemon for 100 steps. | | Buyable $350 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Super Repel| Repel pokemon for 200 steps | | Buyable $500 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Max Repel | Repel pokemon for 250 steps | | Buyable $700 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| HP up | Raises HP EV by 10 | | Buyable $9800 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Carbos | Raises Speed EV by 10 | | Buyable $9800 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Iron | Raises defense EV by 10 | | Buyable $9800 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Calcium | Raises Sp. ATT EV by 10 | | Buyable $9800 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Protein | Raises attack EV by 10 | | Buyable $9800 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Zinc | Raises SP. DEF EV by 10 | | Buyable $9800 | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Fire stone | Evolves certain pokemon | | Buyable $2400 in Fr/Lg | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Water stone| Evolves certain pokemon | | Buyable $2400 in Fr/Lg | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Thunder | Evolves certain pokemon | stone| Buyable $2400 in Fr/Lg | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Leaf stone | Evolves certain pokemon | | Buyable $2400 in Fr/Lg | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Moon stone | Evolves certain pokemon | | Not buyable | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Sun stone | Evolves certain pokemon | | Not buyable | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Everstone | Keeps pokemon from evolving. | | Not buyable | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Metal coat | Ups the power of STEEL type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| silk scarf | Ups the power of NORMAL type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Twisted | | spoon | Ups the power of PSYCHIC type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Dark | | glasses | Ups the power of DARK type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Never | | meltice| Ups the power of ICE type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Mystic | | water | Ups the power of WATER type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Charcoal | Ups the power of FIRE type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Spell tag | Ups the power of GHOST type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Miracle | | seed| Ups the power of GRASS type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Magnet | Ups the power of ELECTRIC type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Dragon fang| Ups the power of DRAGON type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Soft sand | Ups the power of GROUND type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Sharp beak | Ups the power of FLYING type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Hard Rock | Ups the power of ROCK type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Black Belt | Ups the power of FIGHTING type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Silver | | Powder | Ups the power of BUG type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Poison Barb| Ups the power of POISON type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Sea incense| Ups the power of WATER type moves by 10% | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Lax incense| Ups the holders evasiveness slightly | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Shell bell | Recovers 1/16 of the damage you do to an opponent. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Leftovers | Recovers 1/16 of your total HP every turn. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Kings rock | 16% chance to make your opponent flinch when hit with | | any move. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Bright | | powder| Ups the holders evasiveness slightly. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Quick Claw May allow the pokemon holding it to strike first. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Choice Band The first move you use will receive a drastic increase in | power but all other moves will be disallowed. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Focus Band 12% chance that the user will have 1HP instead of fainting. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Scope Lens Boosts critical hit ratio | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Light ball Doubles the SP att of Pikachu | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Stick Raises the critical hit ratio of Farfetch'd | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Thickclub Doubles the attack of Cubone and Marowak | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Deepseascale Doubles the Sp. DEF of Clamperl | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Deepseatooth Doubles the Sp. ATT of Clamperl | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Soul Dew Doubles the Sp. ATT and Sp. DEF of Latias and Latios. | ___________|________________________________________________________________| Lucky Punch Raises the critical hit ratio of Chancey | ___________|________________________________________________________________| *********************************************************** 8: Secrets *********************************************************** [080] Catch Ho-oh: To catch the fire/flying legendary, Ho-oh, capture and heal all dark pokemon in the game. Beat the battle tower You will get a message and see Ho-oh and then he will be sent to your PC at Lvl 70. Infinite Masterball uses Have the first pokemon use the Master ball for it's turn then with the second pokemon switch the masterball with pokeballs. Then you will have used a Master Ball, but it will take away a pokeball instead of your Master Ball. *********************************************************** 9: credits *********************************************************** [090] [Credits go here in the event someone disserves credit.] Special thanks to... Nintendo and Gamefreak for this cool game. Jeff Veasey AKA CJayC for GameFAQs which this FAQ was designed for, as well as a thanks for all the time and energy he devotes to keeping the site running. My Best friends Josh and Emily for no good reason except that they are the best friends a person could ever have. I LOVE YOU GUYS! =========== Thanks to: =========== The following people for pointing out significant errors in my guide: Jonathan Rhoades To all the FAQ writers, advice givers, team raters, and message posters since the pokemon blue days. Without them I wouldn't have a tenth of the knowledge I have about pokemon. Those who helped me, or tried to help me, on the gamefaqs message board. Thanks all! *********************************************************** 10: contact *********************************************************** [100] If you have any really useful information I do not already have, Email it to me and if I use it you can be in the credits! Also if you spot incorrect information please Email me and yell at me... If you want to host my FAQ go ahead and ask. I will say no but it can't hurt to ask and you never know. Basically though unless you have a rather large gaming site like IGN.com or a decent size site devoted to pokemon such as serebii.net the answer will be an automatic no. ************************************* Here are some things NOT to Email me: ************************************* - QUESTIONS CONCERNING OTHER POKEMON GAMES! IM NOT A WALKING POKEMON DICTIONARY! - Requests for friendship, love, and/or happiness. - QUESTIONS CONCERNING ANY POKEMON GAME OTHER THAN COLOSSEUM! This is not a Fire Red Guide. I will NOT answer questions about those games. I do not know how to make it more clear than this. Before I give you my E-mail Address: ******************************************************************************* * FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY ON THIS GOOD EARTH * ******************************************************************************* R E A D T H E F R E A K I N G W A L K T H R O U G H ! ! ! That is what it's here for! I have get several dozen E-mails a week that are promptly deleted because the answer was in the FAQ. I'm not your private gaming nerd! Read! Please don't abuse the E-mail and make sure I haven't answered your question in the guide. With that said: If for some reason or other you wish to E-mail me, My E-mail is: Kirbyroks @ gmail . com Also, be sure to put "Walkthrough Question" in the title or it will get deleted by my spam filter, and be sure to mention which guide it is. I have many guides out and asking me questions about how to do something in "Game X" aren't going to be answered. =============================================================================== And that wraps up this literary masterpiece. Thanks for reading! Josh and Emily, you own! I love you guys so much! \^^^/ \^^^/ \m/(-_-)\m/ Peace and love and happiness to all! \m/(-_-)\m/ ( . ) [Hugs]----<(^_^)>----[Hugs] ( . ) _/ \_ (>^_^)> <(^_^<) (>^_^)> <(^_^<) _/ \_ ************************END OF FILE************************