TM/Shadow Pokémon Locations May, 2004 Version 2.35 Made by LostSamurai Table of Contents 1. Legal Stuff 2. Version History 3. FAQ 4. TM list 5. Shadow Pokémon 6. Movesets of Shadow Pokémon 7. Miscellaneous Helpful Hints 8. Credits -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Legal Stuff This is my document, I wrote it. I'm not bothering to put much in here because this FAQ didn't take much time and effort to write. I just think anyone who steals this is pretty sad. Save the THIEF for Bagon and steal a Dragon Scale. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Version History Version 2.35- Started adding locations of trainers. Version 2.3- Added Jirachi as an obtainable Pokémon Version 2.2- Fully English Version 2.1- Added items held by Pokémon Version 2.0- Added Movesets to shadow Pokémon Version 1.1- fixed text, added Legal Stuff Version 1.0- wrote the entire thing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. FAQ- Liberty of Chris Fritz aka Meowth346 Q: Can Espeon and Umbreon be female? A: In order to prevent breeding either of these two for Kanto Pokemon, Espeon and Umbreon are always male. Their Individual Values and Nature, however, are random. Q: I heard that I have to choose which Johto starter to snatch, near the beginning of the game. Does this mean I can only get one? A: When you first leave Phenice City, you may only battle one of three trainers, and each trainer has a Johto starter. However, after clearing the game, you may start over and choose to battle another of the three trainers, instead. Q: Can the Johto starters be female, or are they preset to male? A: They have a 1-in-8 chance of being female. Q: I didn't snatch a Shadow Pokemon when I had the chance. Did I miss my opportunity? A: You will rebattle many trainers that have Shadow Pokemon. If you don't snatch the Pokemon on the first try, then you'll have another. Once you've snatched the Shadow Pokemon, future battles with the trainer will contain a normal Pokemon in the snatched Pokemon's place. Q: Does this mean if a Shadow Pokemon is male, I can wait until later, and catch it as a female? A: Pokemon's gender and statistical information is set upon the first battle, and will remain for all following battle against that trainer. Q: Can I get more of the TMs from the colosseums by battling more than four times in the same time? A: No. You can only get each TM once, except for the ones that you buy. The only prize you will receive after four colosseum battles is money. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. TM list: (TMs not listed cannot be found in Colosseum without trading to Ruby/Sapphire.) TM01 Focus Punch: Pyrite Colosseum Battle 1 TM02 Dragon Claw: Bottom (Deep Under) Colosseum Battle 4 TM05 Roar: Pyrite Colosseum Battle 3 TM06 Toxic: Complete Pyrite Colosseum TM07 Hail: Pyrite Colosseum Battle 2 TM10 Hidden Power: Under Shop TM11 Sunny Day: Phenac Stadium Battle 2 TM12 Taunt: Bottom (Deep Under) Colosseum Battle 1 TM13 Ice Beam: Poké Coupon (4000pt) TM14 Blizzard: Under Shop TM15 Hyper Beam: Under Shop TM16 Light Screen: Under Shop TM17 Protect: Under Shop TM18 Rain Dance: Phenice Stadium Battle 1 TM19 Giga Drain: Phenice Stadium Battle 3 TM20 Safeguard: Under Shop TM22 Solarbeam: Phenice Stadium Battle 4 TM23 Iron Tail: Under Colosseum Battle 4 TM24 Thunderbolt: Poké Coupon (4000pt) TM25 Thunder: Under Shop TM26 Earthquake: Research Lab TM27 Return: Defeat Pre Gym Leader in Phenice City TM29 Psychic: Poké Coupon (3500pt) TM30 Shadow Ball: Under Colosseum Battle 3 TM31 Brick Break: Pyrite Colosseum Battle 4 TM32 Double Team: Poké Coupon (1500pt) TM33 Reflect: Under Shop TM35 Flamethrower: Poké Coupon (4000pt) TM36 Sludge Bomb: Under Colosseum Battle 2 TM37 Sandstorm: Under Colosseum Battle 1 TM38 Fire Blast: Under Shop TM41 Torment: Defeat Rollerboy Mikey in Phenice City TM44 Rest: Bottom (Deep Under) Colosseum Battle 3 TM45 Attract: Under Studio TM46 Thief: Pyrite Town Jail TM47 Steel Wing: Defeat 10 in Mt. Battle TM48 Skill Swap: Bottom (Deep Under) Colosseum Battle 2 TM49 Snatch: Minor B's Hideout -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Shadow Pokémon, First Encounters Espeon- Level 25- Starter Umbreon- Level 26- Starter Makuhita- Level 30- Minor B Peon Trudly Bayleef- Level 30- Mystery Troop Verde (Phenac City) Quilava- Level 30- Mystery Troop Rosso (Phenac City) Croconaw- Level 30- Mystery Troop Bluno (Phenac City) Furret- Level 33- Rogue Cal (Pyrite Town) Misdreavus- Level 30- Rider Vant (Pyrite Town) Noctowl- Level 30- Rider Nover (Pyrite Town) Flaafy- Level 30- Street Performer Diogo (Pyrite Town) Skiploom- Level 30- Rider Leba (Pyrite Town) Quagsire- Level 30- Bandana Guy Divel (Pyrite Town) Slugma- Level 30- Rollerboy Lon (Pyrite Town) Yanma- Level 33- Cipher Peon Nore Remoraid- Level 20- Minor B Peon Reath Mantine- Level 33- Minor B Peon Ferma Quilfish- Level 33- Hunter Doken Medidite- Level 33- Rider Twan Dunsparce- Level 33- Rider Sosh Swablu- Level 33- Hunter Zato Sudowoodo- Level 35- Cypher Admin Minor B Plusle- Level 13- Receive from Duking Hitmontop- Level 38- Cipher Peon Cowap Entei- Level 40- Cipher Admin Dakim Ledian- Level 40- Cipher Peon Kloak Suicune- Level 40- Cipher Admin Venus Gligar- Level 43- Hunter Frena Stantler- Level 43- Chaser Liaks Piloswine- Level 43- Bodybuilder Lonia Sneasel- Level 43- Rider Nelis Aipom- Level 43- Cipher Peon Cole Murkrow- Level 43- Cipher Peon Lare Forretress- Level 43- Cipher Peon Vana Ariados- Level 43- Cipher Peon Lesar Granbull- Level 43- Cipher Peon Tanie Vibrava- Level 43- Cipher Peon Remil Raikou- Level 40- Cipher Admin Ein Delibird- Level 45- Cipher Peon Arton Sunflora- Level 45- Cipher Peon Baila Heracross- Level 45- Cipher Peon Dioge Skarmory- Level 47- Snagem Head Gonzap (Realgem Tower) Miltank- Level 48- Bodybuilder Jomas (Tower Colosseum) Absol- Level 48- Rider Delan (Tower Colosseum) Houndoom- Level 48- Cipher Peon Nella (Tower Colosseum) Tropius- Level 49- Cipher Peon Ston (Tower Colosseum) Metagross- Level 50- Cipher Nascour (Tower Colosseum) Tyranitar- Level 55- Cipher Head Evice (Tower Colosseum) Smeargle- Level 45- Team Snagem Biden Ursaring- Level 45- Team Snagem Agrev Shuckle- Level 45- Deep King Agnol Togetic- Level 20- Shady Guy (your name) (Outskirt Stand) Pikachu- Level 10- Gift with Silver Poké Coupon Card Ho-oh- Level 70- Catch all Shadow Pokémon, Win Colosseum mode: Mt. Battle 100-in-a-row. Jirachi- Level 5- Gift with Bonus Disc (Note: Must use story-mode Pokémon only) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. Movesets (The first move on the list will be replaced with Shadow Rush until the Pokémon is purified -except for Espeon and Umbreon) ------------------ Umbreon: (ALWAYS MALE) Bite Secret Power Taunt Snatch ------------------ Espeon: (ALWAYS MALE) Confusion Return Reflect Helping Hand ------------------ Makuhita: Foresight Focus Energy Vital Throw Cross Chop ------------------ Bayleef: Miracleseed Sunny Day Synthesis Razor Leaf Body Slam ------------------ Quilava: Charcoal Sunny Day Smokescreen Dig Flame Wheel ------------------ Croconaw: Mystic Water Rain Dance Scary Face Bite Surf ------------------ Furret: Iron Tail Helping Hand Quick Atack Strength ------------------ Misdreavus: Spell Tag Psybeam Confuse Ray Mean Look Shadow Ball ------------------ Noctowl: Steel Wing Hypnosis Reflect Fly ------------------ Flaaffy: Thunderbolt Thunder Wave Cotton Spore Thundershock ------------------ Skiploom: Synthesis Sleep Powder Cotton Spore Mega Drain ------------------ Quagsire: Mud Shot Amnesia Slam Surf ------------------ Slugma: Sunny Day Yawn Rock Throw Flamethrower ------------------ Yanma: Detect Supersonic Sonicboom Uproar ------------------ Remoraid: Bubblebeam Lock-on Psybeam Aurora Beam ------------------ Mantine: Wing Attack Supersonic Bubblebeam Take Down ------------------ Qwilfish: Poison Barb Pin Missile Minimize Poison Sting Surf ------------------ Meditite: Twistedspoon Detect Calm Mind Confusion Hi Jump Kick ------------------ Dunsparce: Spite Glare Yawn Take Down ------------------ Swablu: Mirror Move Sing Safeguard Fly ------------------ Sudowoodo: Hard Stone Flail Block Low Kick Rock Slide ------------------ Plusle: Growl Thunder Wave Quick Attack Helping Hand ------------------ Hitmontop: Black Belt (ALWAYS MALE) Agility Focus Energy Triple Kick Rapid Spin ------------------ Entei: Sunny Day Leer Bite Fire Blast ------------------ Ledian: Baton Pass Safeguard Supersonic Comet Punch ------------------ Suicune: Rain Dance Leer Gust Surf ------------------ Gligar: Faint Attack Sand-Attack Poison Sting Slash ------------------ Stantler: Astonish Hypnosis Leer Take Down ------------------ Piloswine: Soft Sand Endure Odor Sleuth Dig Blizzard ------------------ Sneasel: Faint Attack Screech Fury Swipes Icy Wind ------------------ Aipom: Baton Pass Tickle Fury Swipes Swift ------------------ Murkrow: Faint Attack Mean Look Night Shade Fly ------------------ Forretress: Explosion Protect Bide Rapid Spin ------------------ Ariados: Silver Powder Spider Web Scary Face Leech Life Sludge Bomb ------------------ Granbull: Bite Scary Face Roar Strength ------------------ Vibrava: Dragon Fang Crunch Screech Sand Tomb Dragonbreath ------------------ Raikou: Rain Dance Leer Quick Attack Thunder ------------------ Delibird: Nevermeltice Blizzard Attract Present Fly ------------------ Sunflora: Sunny Day Growth Ingrain Solarbeam ------------------ Heracross: Reversal Endure Counter Brick Break ------------------ Skarmory: Sharp Beak Drill Peck Metal Sound Air Cutter Steel Wing ------------------ Miltank: Milk Drink Defense Curl Rollout Body Slam ------------------ Absol: Perish Song Swords Dance Slash Faint Attack ------------------ Houndoom: Faint Attack Howl Smog Flamethrower ------------------ Tropius: Synthesis Magical Leaf Fly Solarbeam ------------------ Metagross: Metal Coat Hyper Beam Iron Defense Metal Claw Psychic ------------------ Tyranitar: Nugget Crunch Thunder Rock Slide Blizzard ------------------ Smeargle: Sketch Tail Whip Doubleslap Iron Tail ------------------ Ursaring: Faint Attack Fake Tears Lick Slash ------------------ Shuckle: Safeguard Encore Rest Bide ------------------ Togetic: Metronome Charm Sweet Kiss Yawn ------------------ Pikachu: Light Ball Thundershock Growl Tail Whip Thunder Wave ------------------ Ho-oh: Recover Fire Blast Sunny Day Swift ------------------ Jirachi: Ganlon Berry or Salac Berry Wish Rest Confusion -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. Helpful Hints (these are not in any specific order) The order of Johto starters is determined by the exit you choose to leave Phenac city. The colors of the Mystery troops' outfits correspond to the type of the starter they use. Eagun's e-mail is cut off. He is trying to tell you that he has a Master Ball to give you the next time you are in Agate village. You can deposit Pokémon in the computer to fully heal them when there is no Pokémon center machine. Croconaw, Quagsire, Remoraid, Quilfish, Mantine, Yanma, Suicune, Ariados, Ledian, Forretress, Heracross, and Shuckle are all Bug/Water types, and are thus caught with less difficulty if a Net Ball is used on them. Using the Master Ball on Tyranitar screws up the Scizor's Baton Pass Strategy. Bringing a Pokémon that knows Sunny Day (best to use is Meganium) to Ein's lab can help, as most of the trainers use Rain Dance + Thunder strategies. Purify as many Pokémon early on, in Duel Square (when the trainers are levels 27-32) because later on in the game it becomes harder to purify the weaker guys because they keep dying. Do not save money or spend it on vitamins (ex: HP Up) Sell the vitamins that are found in the treasure chest and use the money to buy healing items. Chances are if you save money you'll lose at least once due to lack of healing items, and your money will be halved. Don't use Duking's plusle. He's cute, which is about all. Use Hyper Mode to your advantage. Only Call if you need to heal them or if purifying the Pokémon is your prime concern. Using traded Pokémon is not allowed in Mt. Battle if you're going for Ho-oh, but what is allowed is trading to Ruby/Sapphire to EV train, raise to equal levels, etc. Kill the Shadow Pokémon in Realgem Tower Colosseum (except tyranitar, if you use the Master Ball on it) and come back to snag them once you raise your guys to be stronger. (Level 60+) It makes it much easier to snag them. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. Credits 1. Lost Samurai- I wrote it 2. You for reading this 3. Meowth346's Amazing Site 4. for hosting the site