Version 1.7 9/7/04 _____________ | ___________ | ||\ /|| || \ / || || \ / || || \ / || || \ / || || / \ || || / \ || || / \ || || / \ || ||/ \|| ||___________|| |_____________| Like sands through the hourglass... Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Walkthrough by The Lost Gamer ( Copyright 2004 For the latest version of this guide, check Table of Contents: 001. General information 002. Story 003. Characters 004. Controls 005. Walkthrough 005a. Beginning 005b. The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults 005c. "You have unleashed the sands of time" 005d. "Had I really seen her?" 005e. A Secret Passage 005f. The Palace's Defense System 005g. A Booby-Trapped Courtyard 005h. Death of a Sand King 005i. "I'll try to find a way in" 005j. Climbing the Tower 005k. The Warehouse 005l. The Sultan's Zoo 005m. Atop a Bird Cage 005n. Cliffs and Waterfall 005o. The Baths 005p. "There's something glowing up there" 005q. Above the Baths 005r. A Long-Buried Secret 005s. Daybreak 005t. A Soldier's Mess Hall 005u. The Drawbridge 005v. A Broken Bridge 005w. "I'll meet you at the baths" 005x. Waterfall 005y. A Cavern of Ladders 005z. An Underground Reservoir 0005a. Out of the Well 0005b. The Sultan's Harem 0005c. "What did you call me?" 0005d. The Hall of Learning 0005e. Observatory 0005f. Hall of Learning Courtyards 0005g. On the Ramparts 0005h. A Prisoner Seeking an Escape 0005i. "At last we're here!" 0005j. The Hourglass 0005k. "Farah! Come back!" 0005l. Clmbing the Tower of Dawn 0005m. The Setting Sun 0005n. Honor and Glory 006. Credits 001-General Information ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a walkthrough for Gamecube game called Prince of Persia: Sands of Time. You can contact me at, but make the subject blank if you do. Oh, and the "like sands through the hourglass" thing at the top of this page is reference to "Days of our Lives", a TV show on NBC. This game bears similarity to the TV show; they both have muscular men who do not wear shirts. One more thing: I don't have a section listing where the sand clouds and life-extending fountains are because it'd be useless, seeing as you can't go back to a previous section and get a sand cloud that you missed. 002-Story ----------------------------------------------------------- Strangely enough, the game is a story. The story goes something like this: The Persians are attacking an Indian city under control of the Maharajah. It is a brutal fight. The Prince of Persia joins the battle, but quickly realizes that he won't win honor and glory by killing someone. He decides to raid the Maharajah's treasure vault, and bring back a treasure to honor his family name with. The treasure chamber is empty, save for two treasures: a big hourglass and a dagger. He takes the dagger, because it would take over ten men to move the hourglass. Leaving, the Prince shows it to his father, Sharaman. The Vizier reminds Sharaman that Sharaman promised the Vizier anything he wanted from the raid; the Vizier wants the dagger. Good old Sharaman tells the Vizier that Prince can keep the dagger. Vizier will have to settle for getting the hourglass instead. Later on, at the Sultan's palace, the Vizier is talking about the hourglass. He says that it can only be opened by a special dagger; the one Prince has. Prince sticks the dagger in the hourglass, letting the sands loose. Bad idea. The sands aren't ordinary sand; they are the sands of time. They burst out and change the palace, turning everyone into monstrous sand creatures. Only the Vizier, Farah, and Prince are not changed into sand creatures, because the Prince has the dagger, the Vizier has his magical staff, and Farah has a medallion, and those things protect the three. Farah runs off, scared. The Prince chases after her. Can he find her? And, ultimately, can he undo the damage he caused by unleasing the sands of time? 003-Characters ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince: The Prince of Persia the main character. The game follows his attempts to win honor and glory, and his attempt to save the world. Sharaman: King of Persia. He is merciful in victory. It's too bad that he turns into a sand creature and tries to kill the Prince. Maharajah: He is never seen. He loses his kingdom to the Persians. This is because Vizier was a traitor to him. Farah: The maharajah's daughter, she is important because she is one of the three people who didn't become sand creatures. At the beginning of the game, she doesn't like Prince (because Prince attacked her father's city), but she ends up falling in love with him. The sudden change in emotions, needless to say, thoroughly confuses Prince. Vizier: This guy is an ugly, evil bad guy. He's also pretty old. He was a traitor to the Maharajah, so he could have some of the Maharajah's treasures. Specifically, he wants the dagger of time and the hourglass of time. Upon realizing he won't be able to get them, he becomes a traitor to the Persians, tricking Prince into unleashing the sands of time. Sultan of Azad: His palace is where the sands of time are unleashed. He seems like a nice person, even if he is a bit strange (he has a zoo of exotic animals). Guard: He makes Prince set the palace defense system so it will kill the sand creatures. It doesn't. 004-Controls ----------------------------------------------------------- Control stick: Go up/down ladders/poles. B: Swing your sword. Use this to hit someone or something. B + direction: If you're fighting multiple enemies, press B and a direction, and you will swing your sword in the direction you indicated. A: Jump. If you're running towards a gap and press A, you jump over the gap. You can also use jump from wall to wall in certain places. If you're on a ledge, you can jump up so you are standing on the ledge. A + direction: Roll in that direction. A + direction: Jump off something in that direction. A + direction: In a fight, you can run at an enemy and press A. You will then vault over the enemy's head. Some enemies can block this. During the vault, you can press B to hit whatever you're vaulting over. You can also press Y after a vaulting attack to get sand. A + direction: Wall jump. When you're near a wall, go towards the wall and press A and either A or B. If you press A, Prince jumps at the wall, and then uses the momentum to perform a vault over an enemy. If you press B, he uses the momentum to jab his sword at an enemy. Works only in battle. Y: Use the dagger of time to retrieve sand. Sand creatures die when you take their sand away. Problem: Usually you have to hurt them before you can take their sand. Y + B: Press Y to retrieve sand from a sand creature who hasn't been hurt. The creature becomes frozen in time. Press B twice to then destroy the enemy. X: Fall down from a ledge. X: Put away your sword. R: Run across walls if you hold R and run at the wall at an angle. R: Push or pull blocks. R: Drink water. R: Swing (if you're on a bar). R: Block (if you're fighting). R + B: In a fight, you can hold R to block. Then, when an enemy strikes, press B to do a counter attack. This isn't easy to pull off. Some enemies can counter your counter attack. R + Y: Like the counter attack, except press Y instead of B, and you will steal the enemy's sand instead of just harming it. L: Hold it to rewind time. Works only if you have the dagger of time. L: Tap it to go in slow motion for ten seconds. Works only if you have the dagger of time. R + L: Hold R, then press L to go into fast forward mode. The prince will now move super fast, but nothing else (i.e. enemies) will. Z: Look in first-person view. Start: Pause. Control Pad Right: See the landscape camera. 005-Walkthrough ----------------------------------------------------------- The game starts off with Prince on a balcony. Move him inside the curtains to start the opening scene of the game. 005a-Beginning ----------------------------------------------------------- The Prince begins telling his story; "a tale like no one has ever heard". The Persian army is preparing to attack the city where the Maharajah lives. The next day, the battle begins. The Vizier, who wears purple, reminds the king of his promise: the Vizier gets access to whatever he desires from the Maharajah's treasure vaults. Vizier, by the way, has turned traitor; he worked for the Indians, but was actually working for the Persians so the Persians could win this battle. Prince goes quickly before them. The King is happy to see his son so ready for battle. Prince manages to squeeze in through the gates to the city before rocks crush him. This leaves Prince in a pickle, because he can't exit the city now. He'll have to continue on inside the city. That's not a problem; he is determined to gain honor and glory. This is where the game starts for you. Walk up to the men who are using a battering ram to open a door. A bomb goes off and kills them before you get there. How unfortunate. Walk towards rocks against the wall, and you climb up them. These rocks are against the left wall, if your back is against the door the people were trying to open with the battering ram. Climb up to the top of the rocks. Use the A button to jump over a gap. Follow the path to your right, and you reach a wall. Run at the wall and press R to run up it. You grab onto the top. Press A to swing yourself onto the top of the wall. Here we learn some camera instructions. Press Z to go into first person view (use the C-stick while in first person view to look around). Press right on the control pad to go into landscape view (use the C-stick to zoom in and out). Go across the bridge you're on. Oh, darn, a bomb explodes and blows part of it up. Jump over the gap in the bridge and walk towards the door. At the door, turn right to go on another bridge. Jump over the gap in this bridge. At the end of the bridge, turn left to enter a room. Go through it, and press B to get rid of the stuff blocking your exit. You make it to your first fight. You must fight a spear- wielding, green turban-wearing, enemy to proceed. Use the R button to block. Use the B button to attack. Use A and the control stick to dodge in the direction you pointed (if you point backwards, Prince flips backwards). I'd like to point out a move I like to do here. Run at your enemy and press A. You will then see the Prince do a vaulting move over him (in slow motion, cool). Press B when the Prince is behind the enemy, and Prince will hit the enemy with his sword. Once the enemy is dead, use the control stick to climb up the ladder. At the top, you have another fight. You must fight another green turban man, along with a shirtless, sword wielding dude. Kill them, and Prince sheathes his sword. After a battle, when all the enemies are defeated, he sheathes his sword. So when the sheathes his sword, you know you're safe and that there aren't any more enemies around. Prince realizes that many men will die in the battle. He will not win honor and glory by killing, but by being the first to reach the Maharajah's treasure vault. Enter the doorway. Inside is a bunch of water. Press R to drink the water; this refills your life meter (the cane-like thing in the upper left corner). Destroy the stuff blocking your exit, and leave the room. Drop down to the ground below. You have a fight here; now there are two green turbans and two shirtless men to fight, making four enemies in all. When you're fighting multiple enemies, instead of pressing B by itself, press B and point the control stick at an enemy, and Prince will swing his sword at that enemy. Kill the four enemies and enter the doorway. Make sure to try out the vault move I talked about. Or, if you don't feel like fighting, outrun the enemies to the doorway. Once you're in the doorway, go through the twisty room. You end up at a bridge. Walk across it until it is, surprise, blown up. Here you learn a new move. Press R while running at the wall at an angle to run across the wall. Try it; it looks cool. Do this to get over the gap, and do it again to get over a second gap. Climb up the ladder you get to, and enter the doorway to your left. Water is in this room if you need it. Exit the room. You see a hole blown in a wall; that's your destination. Fight the four enemies (two shirtless dudes and two green turban dudes). Go against the wall directly opposite of the doorway. Press A, and you jump to the ledge. Now here's some more stuff to learn: Press A to jump to the top of the ledge. Go left across the ledge after jumping up on it. Your way gets blocked by a statue head. Press X to drop down (so you are hanging on the ledge), and go left past the statue head. Press A to get back on the ledge. Keep going left, and you won't be able to go left any more. Press A to jump and grab the ledge above you. Go as far left as you can along this ledge, while hanging off of the ledge (this way you avoid a statue head). Once you're as far left as you can, drop so you're hanging off the ledge below you. Move so you're over the hole in the wall (your destination). Drop off the ledge and you'll grab onto the bottom part of the hole. Press A to enter the room. You have four green turbans to fight in this room. Kill them. There's a small fountain in this room, drink water from it if you need some. Get used to these fountains because you'll be getting most of the water in this game from them. There are two poles near the fountain. Press A to grab onto the taller one. Climb up the pole. When on a pole, you can press a direction and the A button, and you will jump in the direction you pressed. Use that to jump to the pole on the right (you see it in slow motion, but only the first time you do it). Jump to the tallest pole from that one (you make a forward jump to reach it). Climb up this pole, and jump left off it onto the ledge. Enter the doorway, and Prince gives you the option of having him start the story at this place the next time he gets interrupted. In other words, you can save the game here, and the next time you play, you start from this spot. 005b-The Maharajah's Treasure Vaults ----------------------------------------------------------- You've entered the doorway, so keep going on in this room. There's a pit with water in it in this room. Use the R-button to run across to the left wall to get to the other side of the pit. Turn right, and you face another pit. R-run across the right wall this time. Near the end of your run, press the A button (you jump off from the wall), so you land on safe ground. The jump is done in slow-motion for some reason. You reach another pit. R-run across the right wall to get past the wall. Here, if you zoom out (press down on the C-stick), you see that the walls form a "U" like figure. Here's how you get out of these areas: Run up one wall (press R to do this), and jump off it by pressing A. You land on the other wall; press A before you land to jump off that wall. Do this over and over, jumping from wall to wall, until you reach the top. This particular one is easy since it's the first one you have to do. Get to the top of the left wall, and enter the doorway. Now you're in the main part of the treasure vault. You see a shining light, and then a door (your destination). First, let's see what the shining light it. R-run across the wall to reach another platform. R-run against the wall again, and jump at the end to reach the platform with the shiny thing. Walk at it. It's the dagger of time. That's a good treasure for Prince to get. Unfortunately, it's on the other side of the wall; you can't reach it. You might have noticed that something shiny was beneath this platform. Drop down to see it (get some water if the fall hurts you). It's a big hourglass. In it are the sands of time. It's one of the two containers that can hold the sands of time within it (the other container being the dagger of time). The hourglass is too big for Prince to get, and besides, he wants a treasure that can fit in one hand. Climb a pole and jump off it to reach the doorway you entered this room from. In case you forgot, you want to reach the doorway directly on the other side of the room. That's the destination. Get back to where the dagger is. Zoom out, and you can see how you can go up. R-run to get on the platform to the left (against the destination wall). R-run off this platform, across the destination wall, to land on another platform. R-run across this wall again, and you reach the destination. Enter the doorway. Spiky poles pop up in this room. Go through the room, avoiding the poles. It's not hard to figure out, but here's how to do it. You can see how the poles move back and forth. Go to one of these areas; move forward (make sure you're behind a pole). Then when a pole to your side passes you (it's going backwards), move so you are in front of that pole. Keep going forward, and soon you're out of the poles' reach. Once you're past the poles, you'll find a pit that follows along a corner. R-run across the left wall, and you land on a ledge. Press A so you're on the ledge, and move down the wall. The ledge stops. Press A and press the controller to jump in that direction. Jump to the ledge on the wall opposite of this one. Follow that ledge along, and do another ledge jump. Two spiky poles pop up. These ones are easy to avoid; just pass by when they aren't in your way. Go past the first one. Press Z and look ahead. Here's your objective: you want to do a R-run against the left wall, and jump off to reach the ledge on the right. Do this. Time the start of your run so you don't get hit by the pole. Climb up on this ledge. Follow it along, and you reach a doorway. Enter it. The doorway ends on a ledge. Drop down to the ledge below, and drop to the ledge below that. Hey! That ledge collapses, and you land on the bottom ledge. From here, you'll have to go left, despite the ledges that break. Here's a visual version of this area, with L standing for ledge and - standing for a place you can't stand. Start --------------LLLL-------LLLLL ---LLLLL---LLLL---LLLLLL------ LLLL---LLLLL----------LLLLLLLL Make your way to the bottom left ledge. Jump off of it to the pole, and you see the dagger of time again. That's your destination. Time to do some pole jumping. To jump quickly from pole to pole, press the control towards the pole you want to reach and then jump to that pole. Jump from pole to pole. When you reach the fifth pole (including the one you reached by jumping off the ledge), slide down, and jump off towards the statue. Jump to the platform with the statue on it. Do a R-run up the statue to reach the statue's left hand. See how his left arm seems to make a wall? R-run up it and jump off to reach the right hand. Get to the statue's right shoulder. Here, you have to reach the top of the statue. R-run up it, and jump off to reach the wall. Jump off the wall, and you jump back at the statue. Jump off the statue again. Jump back and forth between the statue and the wall until you reach the statue's head. You see a cut scene. Prince sees there is sand in the dagger. All of a sudden, a rock falls down right on Prince's head. For some reason, time seems to stop, and then it rewinds (the rock goes back up into the ceiling). The rewinding of time stops, and the rock then starts falling again. Prince dodges, and laughs that he managed to escape death. He has what he came for; it's time to Jump to the entranceway. The floor in this room falls off. Fall off the floor, and land on the spikes. Ouch! Prince dies. Hold the L-button. Time rewinds itself, just like when the rock fell. You see, if you press L, Prince flips a switch in the dagger, which allows his to rewind time. This is all part of the new thing that appeared onscreen (in the upper-corner). Let me explain this. There's a circle. The circle is a timer; a full circle is ten seconds. You can rewind time only for a circle's length of time. Under that are three interconnected circles that are filled with sand. Each circle is a sand tank. If you rewind time, this empties a sand tank. When your sand tanks are all empty, you can't rewind time. You can fill up your sand tanks by getting sand (more on that later). Back to being in the room with the floor that fell down, R-Run across the left wall, and jump off it to a platform. R-run across the right wall, and jump off it to reach a spiky pole passageway. You can get past the first three easily. Just pass by when the poles aren't in the way. The next five are a bit harder to beat. You have to go forward with the poles, and slip into a crevice on the side of the wall. This way, when the poles go back, they don't hit you. Then slip past them while they're going back. You land in a pit. You've been here before. Go past three spiky poles to reach the other end of the pit. Jump up to the top of the wall, and exit this room. You make it into the treasure room. Now we see a long cutscene. Here's what happens: Prince rolls into the room. He pulls out the dagger, proudly announcing that he has brought honor and glory to his father and himself. The Vizier again reminds Sharaman of his promise...Vizier gets whatever he wants from the Maharajah's treasure vaults. He wants...that dagger! King "Merciful" Sharaman denies the Vizier; surely Prince can be allowed to keep a memento from his first battle. Vizier can have another one of the Maharajah's treasures, not the hourglass, though (this angers the Vizier), because that would make a fine gift for the Sultan of Azad. Also, they should bring some exotic animals for the Sultan's zoo, and a dozen slave girls. Sharaman reinforces the fact that he is merciful. We see a girl, who has been hiding and watching this scene, get captured. She is Farah, the Maharajah's daughter, and she is forced to be one of the twelve slave girls (we don't learn this now, though). The next thing we see, the Persians are going back home, and they stop off at the Sultan of Azad's palace on the way home. He greets the Persians joyfully. The Sultan of Azad likes the gifts that were brought for him (we can see these in the background). He is fascinated by the hourglass of time. Inside are the sands of time. "Why does it glow?" he asks. The Vizier speaks up. He says that inside is a marvel that no living man has ever seen. He says that a dagger can unlock the sands of time, and that dagger belongs to the prince. Prince opens the hourglass, while Farah (who is there) screams, "NO!" Farah was correct in trying to stop the prince. Once the sands get loose, they cause utter chaos. The Vizier was lying about the marvel inside the hourglass; he wanted this chaos to occur. Vizier tells the Prince to give him dagger, so Vizier can undo this. Prince doesn't do so, seeing as how Vizier is a liar. Prince runs out of this room, and the wall closes behind him. This is the reception hall. We see a bunch of people (one is Farah) running away from sand monsters. The sand monsters are humans, destroyed by the sands of time. The humans escape. But now Prince is stuck with fighting these sand creatures. Unlike the previous enemies, when you knock sand creatures down, they get back up again after a while. Farah shouts at the Prince, telling him what to do. Once a sand creature is knocked down, press Y to use the dagger to take the sand from the sand creature's body, thus killing it. Stealing the sand also fills up one of your sand tanks. Once you kill twelve enemies, Prince sees Farah not too far off. He goes toward her, but a landslide falls on the doorway she ran through, so now Prince can't reach her. She runs off. Prince then enters a sand vortex. Sand vortexes usually appear after a fight. When Prince enters one, he has a vision. The vision is of the future; whatever he sees in the vision will happen. When the vision is over, you can save the game. 005c-"You have unleashed the sands of time" ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince sees that you think him mad. He reassures you that everything he's talking about happened; he isn't making it up, and he is definitely not crazy. If Prince is hurt (he might be), you can go to the end of the hall, and drink water from the circular area there. Go to the doorway that Prince saw Farah exit from. Hey, the landslide didn't block it after all! That's convenient. Enter the doorway, and go up the stairs to the left (you can't go right; that's something the landslide did block). Prince sees Farah up ahead. She notices him and runs away. "WAIT!" Prince calls, but to no avail. Chase after her. A landslide blocks your path. Go into a doorway on your right (the doorway is partially obscured by a red curtain). You make it into the guest room. Go down the stairs. Oh wait, the landslide seems to have made part of the stairs fall down...darn. R-run across the wall, and just fall down (you land on the rest of the stairs). Go underneath the stairs. A sand cloud is here. Press Y, and you suck it into the dagger. All of your sand tanks are filled. And, hey, each time you get eight of these sand clouds, you get a new sand tank for your dagger. Cool! Go to the corner of the room (one wall is the wall with the stairs on it, the other wall is the one with lamps on it). Jump and grab the bar there. On bars, you can press left/right to move left or right. You can also press up/down to turn around on the bar. You can press R to swing on the bar, A to jump off, and X to fall down. Turn so you're facing away from the corner. Swing, and while swinging, jump to the next bar. Do this twice more (swing and jumping to another bar), and then swing/jump to a ledge. Climb up on top of the ledge and move right. You're on a platform here. It's a small one, though. R-run across the wall to another small platform. R-run across the wall again, and jump off from the wall to a bar. Swing on this bar, and jump off it to a platform. Follow it along, and go in the entranceway. Switch to landscape view. You can see Farah is in this hallway. Switch back to normal view. Go to her; a landslide blocks your path again. Rrrr...these landslides are annoying. Prince wonders if he saw Farah, or if she was just a phantom. No matter, he won't be happy until he sees her again. Left of the landslide is a big gap in the floor, with bars over it. R-run against the wall to the first bar. Move to the right side of the bar, and swing/jump forward to the next bar. Go left on this bar, and go forward to another bar. Go all the way left on this bar, and go forward to a small bar. Swing off it to the opposite side of the gap (a fountain is there). Go right, down this hallway, and right again, into an entranceway. You see a hole, which is your destination. R-run across the wall here to a bar. You learn that doing 16 retrieves will give the dagger new powers. Swing and jump to the bar in front of you. Do this again, and swing jump off that bar to a platform. Turn left. R-run against the wall here to reach a bar. Press X and you drop off the bar. Press X until you reach the ground. Fight time. You have to fight six enemies. Press R to block attacks. I find the vault attack works well here; one vault attack will take an enemy down. You learn a new fight move: tap L to go into slow-mo for ten seconds. Once you kill six enemies (and by kill I mean take away their sand), the fight is over. Now you only have ten more retrieves to do to learn a new move. Also, a sand vortex appears in the destination. In the upper/left corner of the room is a bar, but it's too high to reach. R-run up the wall, and jump off it to grab the bar. Flip over (press up/down) so you're facing the wall. Swing on the bar, and jump towards the wall. Press A to jump off the wall, and you grab onto another bar. Flip around, and swing jump off it to a ledge. This ledge leads to the destination (the hole in the wall). Jump to it and enter the vortex. You see a vision where you do a lot of jumps (and get in a fight where you pull off a cool-looking move). Save the game. 005d-"Had I really seen her? ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince wonders, "Whence came these visions?" Whenever he enters a vortex, he has a vision that takes away all his energy (not literally). But each vision he sees is accurate; everything seen in a vision comes to pass. Go down the hallway here (there's a fountain). Break the furniture at the end of the hall. Go through the archway and turn right. Get the sand cloud here, and turn around and go down the hall. R-run up the wall at the end and jump off to reach a bar. Flip over and swing off the bar so you land on top of the wall. Now you have to go to down this side of the wall. Note that there's a circular hole that has yellow light coming out of it. Enter the hole, and go through the hallway inside. You make it to a very strange, bridged area. Go across the bridges to reach a fountain. Prince drinks from it. He reappears at the top of the wall, ready to go down. There isn't a hole in the wall emanating yellow light anymore. Prince's life meter increases. Cool. Jump so you're on the rubble on the other side of the room, and fall down them (don't make any big falls or else Prince will get hurt; make small falls with the X button). Switch to landscape view. Hey, a sand cloud. R-run across the wall over the hole in the floor, which lets you get to the sand cloud. Pick up the sand could and then drop through the hole in the floor. Do more of the dropping down thing to reach the floor. Go through the hallway, and a cutscene occurs. Farah grabs Prince. The two have a rushed conversation. Prince notes her necklace, which is why she's not a sand monster. See, everyone got turned into a sand monster when the sands of time were unleashed, except for a few people. Prince didn't because he had the dagger of time. Vizier didn't because he had a magic staff (and said a magic spell thing in the cutscene). Farah didn't because she had her medallion, which must have some magic powers. Farah says she is the maharajah's daughter, the maharajah being the dude with the nice treasure vaults that Prince got the dagger from. Farah wants the dagger, but after the traitorous Vizier, Prince trusts no one. Sand beetles attack. Farah escapes through a small hole. Prince tells her to go in the reception hall and wait for him there. Fight time. Sand beetles are annoying. Use your sword to kill them; three hits kills one. Replenish your health at the fountain. Head down the hallway, away from the fountain. Take a left at the end. Go through this room and get the sand cloud at the end, then exit the room and go through the entranceway opposite it (which is the same as if you had taken a right at the end). You make it to a big room. Jump across the gap in the floor, turn right, and exit the big room. You see birds fly away with the hourglass. Prince knows that they are working for the Vizier. Prince vows to give Vizier the plunging it into his heart. You're on a balcony. Go down the balcony and it falls apart. R-run across the wall to reach the other side of the balcony. Enter the doorway to reenter the big room. Climb up the red pillar here. Jump to the pillar (not a complete pillar; it's hanging from the ceiling) to the right. Jump across these incomplete pillars, and when you reach the last incomplete pillar, jump of it toward the nearest wall. You land on a ledge. Drop down from the two ledges (really nicks in the wall) so you land on a small ledge. R-run across the wall (in the direction you were going when you were jumping across the incomplete pillars) and when Prince is cast in the shadow of a pillar, jump to reach that pillar. Slide down this pillar. Kill the two sand beetles here and get the sand cloud. R-run across the wall here (the wall that doesn't have a ledge the prevents you from R-running across it). When Prince is in the shadow of a pillar, jump to reach it (again). Jump from pillar to pillar to reach a corner of the room that has gray rocks. Climb up the rocks with two R-runs. Once at the top of the rocks, R-run up the wall and jump off so you reach the bar. Swing to the next bar, and swing off that to a ledge. Go down the ledge and jump off it to another ledge, in the direction of the two bars you just swung from. Grab the sand cloud. Jump on the pillar here (the one without a lamp on it). Jump left off this pillar, away from the pillar with a lamp. Jump to the next pillar, and then jump to the wall. X-drop so you hang off the left edge of the platform you're on. Move across so you're hanging off of the ledge caused by the hole in the wall. Drop down to the ledge below, and move left across it. Then drop down twice to reach a platform. Kill the two sand beetles here. R-run across the wall (the one with green tapestry on it) to reach the bar. Swing across three bars to reach the other side of the room. You have to kill two sand beetles here, too. Get to the other side of this platform (it has red railing). Prince jumps over it (the railing) and hangs off it. Jump off the railing to the pillar and slide down the pillar to the floor. You've got a big fight here. You have to kill fifteen sand creatures now. You have new sand creatures, female ones that have daggers. After filling a new power tank (by killing ten enemies), you learn a new trick: press Y to suck the sand out of it before the enemy gets hurt. This freezes the enemy if done right. Hit a frozen enemy twice to kill it (you don't get sand for this move, though). To do the frozen attack, it is best if you block an attack (with R) and then freeze the enemy. It is also good to freeze an enemy while vaulting over it. Since the enemies attack in groups, when there is only one enemy around (you must kill all of the enemies of one group before the next group attacks), you should either freeze or beat this enemy so that the enemy will temporarily be unable to harm you. Use this time to refill your health by using the fountain. When all the enemies are dead, a sand vortex appears. Save the game. 005e-A Secret Passage ----------------------------------------------------------- Explore the floor here. Grab the sand could in one of the corners of this room. Then grab the red chest (right of the sand vortex) by holding R and push or pull it aside to reveal a hidden passage. Go through the passage. Go down the stairs. The next set of stairs is missing, so R-run across the left wall and jump off at the end to reach the bottom of the staircase. Get the sand cloud for a new sand tank. Step on the switch (metal plate on the floor that has a white circle on it). That opens a door. Go through the door, and it shuts behind you. The bridge here gets crushed by rubble. R-run across the right wall (you can't go across the other wall) and jump at the end to reach the other end of the bridge. Move the block here (with R) onto the switch to open the door. Go through the door and you look around the room. There's a switch thing on the wall; it is actually a lever. Pull it (with R) to make a stone thing come out, which makes a bridge to the center of the room. As soon as you let go of the lever, the bridge retracts so run across it and jump the end part of the bridge. The key is quickness. When you make it to the center platform, a guard with an annoying accent makes you set the palace defense system, which is very complicated to do. You have two levers (a spiral one and a circle one) that you can push/pull. The spiral one, when pushed, moves you up (clockwise) and down (counterclockwise). The circle one moves you right (clockwise) and left (counterclockwise). Step on pictures to get axles. Here's how to beat the hard puzzle: 1 - Step on the picture of the full moon 2 - Move the platform right 3 - Move the platform up 4 - Move the platform left three times 5 - Move the platform down 6 - Step on the black picture (no moon) 7 - Move the platform up 8 - Move the platform right twice 9 - Move the platform up twice 10 - Step on the picture of the half moon 11 - Move the platform right 12 - Move the platform down 13 - Step on the picture of the crescent moon 14 - Move the platform up 15 - Move the platform left 16 - Move the platform up That was hard (at least it is without knowing the sixteen steps). A bridge is made when you do this. Cross the bridge and climb the ladder. Get on the switch and jump up to pull down the lever. Since you and the guard are both pulling down levers, the palace's defense system is activated. That should stop the sand creatures. Two sand creatures come and kill the guard (so much for stopping them). Go down the ladder and kill the sand creatures. A sand vortex appears when they're dead, so go through the doorway and save the game. 005f-The Palace's Defense System ----------------------------------------------------------- Go up the stairs, avoiding the spiky pole. It seems that the defense system will make things harder for Prince, not the sand creatures. Darn. You'll notice some of the floor tiles have lots of holes. These are spikes, which means you have to move very slowly across these tiles, or else spikes will come up and hurt you. Go across the spike platforms and reach the exit of this room. You come upon a lever. Pull it, and it opens a door somewhere. You'll have to get to this door before the lever retracts into the wall, at which time the door shuts. If you fail, you can try again. Run up the stairs, and move past the four spiky poles. Jump off the edge of this platform here to reach a ledge on the wall. Climb up the ledge, and move left across it. Jump to the ledge on the opposite wall. A buzzsaw is above that ledge, so wait until the buzzsaw is going right (it is going out of the way), then drop down so you're hanging off that ledge, then move down the ledge. At the end of the ledge, jump up onto the ledge and off it to reach a hall. Run down the hall and R-run to the ledge on the opposite wall. Go down this ledge, jumping to a ledge on the opposite side of the room when buzzsaws get too close, and jumping back when the buzzsaws are less close. Drop down at the end of the ledge and go through the doorway, which is the door that closes when the lever retracts all the way. You enter a courtyard. Sand creatures, which somehow got past the defense systems, are waiting for you. You have to kill them. You learn a new move, which is jumping at the wall. Press toward the wall and press A to jump at the wall. When you hit the wall, press A to jump off the wall (vaulting over an enemy), or press B to jump off the wall at an enemy. There are four corners on this room. There is the one that has the door you came out of, one that has a sand cloud, one with a fountain, and one that has a sand vortex. Get the sand cloud, and save at the sand vortex, which appears at the conclusion of the battle. 005g-A Booby-Trapped Courtyard ----------------------------------------------------------- On the wall connecting the door you used to enter the courtyard from and where the sand cloud was is a switch. R-run up the wall to press the switch, which makes a platform in the middle of the courtyard rise up. R-run up the platform and jump to grab the bar above it. Swing from the bar to the ledge above. Turn right and jump to the ledge facing you (it is sticking out of the wall). Go forward, and traps pop up. You have a knife thing to avoid. The easiest was to avoid the knife is to jump over the railing for this area (which Prince does automatically) and climb right along the ledge, past the knife. Jump back over the ledge when you've gone as far right as possible. R-run across the wall and jump off. You've got another knife thing to pass, along with four spiky poles. Do what you did last time (a bit harder due to the poles). Past the poles is a switch on the ground. Jump from the switch to the lever that is hanging over the pit (you can do an R-run and then jump from the wall as well). This opens a door. Swing on the lever and jump forward, going through the now-open door. You're in a spiky room. R-run against the wall, and jump off at the ladder hanging from the ceiling. Flip to the other side of the ladder and climb up it. R-run over the gap in the floor. You'll reach a corner that is blocking your way. Jump around it, but make it a straight jump (you'll see what I mean). Get the sand cloud that is behind the corner. Also behind the corner is some rocks and spikes. Jump on the rock. R-run up the wall and jump off the grab the ledge over the spikes. Go across the ledge, inside the room. Familiar music plays; go through the room to reach another fountain that increases your life meter. You end up back by the corner. Face with your back to the corner. R-run across the wall to the bar (it seems like you won't make it, but you do). Swing to the next bar, and to the ledge. Climb across the ledge so you're on the same wall that the bars are sticking out of. Jump off the wall to a new platform. Look ahead. You need to R-run across the wall and jump off at the end of your run to the platform there. Do this when the buzzsaw is going up, more than halfway to the top of its run. On this platform, R-run up to the ledge. Get to the right (near the corner) end of the ledge, and jump off it to a bar. Turn around, and swing off this bar, in the direction you jumped to this bar from. You land on the highest level. R-run across the wall to your left (do this when the buzzsaw is going up and has just been at the bottom of its run). Get past the next buzzsaw in the same way, except jump to the platform to your right near the end of the R-run. You've got a fountain by a locked door on this platform. Go past them, to another buzzsaw wall. R-run past the buzzsaw (in the same way as before). Step on the switch here, which opens the locked door. Quickly, get back to the door and go through it. You reach another hallway that you must get through before the lever retracts. Pull the lever and turn right. R-run across one of the walls when the buzzsaw is down. Past that is a knife thing. Run by it, timing carefully so you don't get hit. It helps to roll (A button) at the end of the run, so you are under the knife should it hit you. A switch is on the left wall. R-run to hit the switch, and jump off it to a ledge it creates. Climb on the ledge and jump to the ledge above. Do this for two ledges. Move down this ledge and jump to the ledge across the room. Jump up the ledges there until you're on the gray ledge. Move along it so you are on a different wall, then jump off from the wall to a new room. You've got more buzzsaws. Wait for the left buzzsaw to reach its position as far away as it can be from you, and then R-run across the wall (you will run over the buzzsaw as it comes back at you). Roll through the closing door to reach the reception hall. Farah is at the reception hall, but a bunch of sand creatures are attacking her, and her bow and arrow isn't working. Prince jumps into the fight. He recognizes one of the sand creatures; it's his father, King Sharaman. Sharaman, being the hardest, should be put off until last. Concentrate of killing the red and blue enemies. You can vault over the red ones, but not the blue ones. Farah helps you by using her bow and arrow. Once sixteen of the bad guys are dead, you can take care of King Sharaman. He is good at sword fighting, so it's hard to hurt him. You might want to try to keep his back to Farah, so Farah can easily hurt him with her bow and arrow, and you can attack when he is temporarily hurt after being hit. Another strategy you can use is to lure Sharaman into a corner, and then vault attack. Normally, Sharaman blocks these, but if he's too close to a wall, there's not enough room for him to do so, leaving you free to injure him easily. Once Sharaman is dead, Prince rips off part of his sleeve. Farah tries to make Prince feel better, after all, Prince just killed his father, Mr. Merciful. Prince angrily says, "That was not my father." Prince runs to the sand vortex. Farah, not knowing what he's doing, tells him to stop. Save the game here. 005h-Death of a Sand King ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince wakes up to find Farah eyeing the dagger. He grabs it and they talk. Prince knows the hourglass is at the top of the tower of dawn (he saw the birds take it there). Prince is going to go there, and Farah comes along because she does not think he can do it (alone). Farah takes off in front of Prince. Follow her, R-running across the walls. Use the fountain here, first, if you need to. Farah stops when Prince tells her to wait (so much for him telling her to keep up). R-run from where Farah is to a solid area. You have fifteen enemies to fight here. Farah says she'll cover you, but Prince is worried she's liable to hit him (she might, but if she does she quickly says, "Sorry!"). Kill the enemies (you've fought these ones before). Farah jumps to you during the fight (near the end). Replenish your energy with the pond, and save at the sand vortex. 005i-"I'll try to find a way in" ----------------------------------------------------------- Farah doesn't like you using the sand vortex (what if the sand creatures came back while Prince was unconscious?). Go up the stairs and get the sand cloud to your right. Turn around and go down the path, which leads to a door. The switch to open the door is on the other side. R-run along the wall (where the path crumble). You land on a green thing below, because the path crumbles some more. Farah asks if you are all right. Prince says, "Stay there! I'll try to find a way in!" R-run along the wall to the next green thing. R-run along the wall again to a bar (flagpole). Swing across the bars to reach another green thing. Prince, alone, talks to himself ("She tried to steal my dagger! After I saved her life! She would have left me there to die, and here I am, risking my life for her again. And why? Good question!"). I guess Prince feels safe to do this since he's out of earshot with Farah. R-run back towards the poles, except you won't reach them, but rather the platform below. Jump off this platform to normal ground. Turn the crank here (turn it all the way; it won't retract like the levers) and it opens a door. Drop to the door, which is on the platform below this one (two barrels are in your way). Farah says, "Here I am!", which isn't helpful in the slightest. Prince gets ambushed by enemies. Kill the seven enemies who attack. Grab the sand cloud (on the end of the "bridge"), and then enter the door you entered. More enemies attack. Kill eight of them, totaling fifteen, to end the fight. Near the end, you learn a new attack: Fast motion. Hold R, and then tap L to use it. This takes up all of your sand. After the fight, go to the sand vortex and save. 005j-Climbing the Tower ----------------------------------------------------------- Climb on top of the rocks (opposite the entranceway). R-run up the wall to reach a ledge above. Jump on it and move right as far as you can. Then jump off from the wall to a bar. Swing from bar to bar across the room (it seems like you can't, but you can). When you reach a place where there is a bar directly above the one you're on, swing off from the bar at the wall, and jump when you hit the wall to reach the bar that was above the other one. After that, swing across the bars (in the opposite direction) to reach normal ground. Go right to find a fountain among debris; replenish life if needed. Go back down this platform. Before going up the ladder, let's do another life increase. Go past the buzzsaw on the wall (when it is halfway up and going up) and enter the doorway to reach the strange place that increases your life. You end up at where the doorway was. Go back to the ladder and climb up it. You end up at a closed door in a buzzsaw area. R-run past the buzzsaws (when they area at the bottom, going up). R-run past the next set of buzzsaws, stepping on the yellow switch that opens the door as you do. Do another R-run, in the same direction, to reach the door. Enter it to reach a room with another locked door. Turn left and R-run across the wall and past the spike pit. Yet another locked door is here, so instead go down the stairs. Farah's here! Step on the switch to let her in. "Try not to get separated again, shall we?" she asks. Then she says, "It's so quiet out there. It's terrible. But also...beautiful." Prince says, "Maybe to you." Go back up the stairs. Farah slips through a crack in the wall ("You're a skinny little thing" Prince notes). Farah pulls a lever, opening a door. Go through the door and you reach a big, blue room. You'll have to get to the bottom. Go down the stairs. See the switch thing on the wall? R-run across the wall, and jump when you're on the switch to land on a lever. You pull it down. Farah, who can't do the R-run, can reach a lever now (because of the lever you pulled). Her lever makes a staircase swing at you. Drop down (when the spiky things are not closing) and go up the stairs. You enter a side room. This room has a lever. Pull it and a door opens. Go to the door, avoiding the spiky poles and the area where the spikes come out. Go through the door, and you end up in one of the areas you've been in before. R-run across the pit and reenter the big, blue room. Go down the stairs and R-run to reach Farah. Go down the stairs and R-run to a platform with the spiky things. R-run off this platform to reach the bottom of a set of stairs. Go up the stairs and pull the lever. Farah goes and pulls a lever. Go down the stairs and R-run to the next lever. Farah then pulls a lever. Go down the stairs and R-run to reach a lever. Rather than pull this lever, you can go right down the stairs to reach a box emanating light (for GBA connectivity). Then pull the lever, and Farah will pull a lever. Go down the stairs (no R-running) to reach another lever. This is the last one. There's a fight in the warehouse area below (which Farah can't reach). Drop down to the fight. Kill the sixteen enemies there. Climb one of the crate stacks to get the sand cloud at the top. Get on the crate stack opposite that one (the opposite closer to Farah). There's a movable box here. Push it off the stack of crates to get it to land on the floor. When it's on the floor, push the box on one of the switches on the floor. Go to the crate stacks on the other side of the room. Behind a stack of crates is another movable box. Move it onto the other switch on the floor. Go up to where Farah is. Go in the sand vortex and save the game. 005k-The Warehouse ----------------------------------------------------------- Get on the elevated platform (by the sand vortex). This is raised by one of the boxes on the switch. R-run up the wall from here to reach a switch. Press it, which opens a door. Farah, who couldn't reach the bottom area, goes through the door. Hurry up after her. Once past the door, turn right and go down the hallway. R-run past the pit of spikes (Farah jumps over). Take two left turns and R-run over another pit of spikes. Then take a right to go outside. Farah wonders, "Where are we?" Prince, amazed, says, "This was the Sultan's zoo." You could see a sand cloud on the overhead shot, so go down the stairs, then turn back and get the sand cloud by the stairs. Turn around again and go towards the zoo. Fight time. You have to beat four enemies with sledgehammers. Not a tough fight. After the fight, Farah is by a locked door with the switch on the other side of the door. Prince says he can't go over the wall, so he'll try to find another way to get over the wall. Save your game at the sand vortex (by the statue of the lion). Farah tells you to be careful, last time you were out for over a minute. 005l-The Sultan's Zoo ----------------------------------------------------------- Jump onto the lamppost by the sand vortex. Climb it and jump left to an area with a tree. Climb up the tree and jump left to an area with a larger tree. Drop left off this area to a small area that has some granite. Face towards the wall you want to get over. There's a tree branch you could use as a bar. Jump to the tree branch (grab the right part of it, because you can't grip the leftmost part) and swing off it to the wall. Drop down from the wall and stand on the switch to let Farah in. Farah notices, "Birds. I wonder how they survived the sands." Prince darkly says, "I don't think they did survive." Fight time. You have to kill five of the sand birds. It's hard to attack the birds, as they swoop down and attack you. The best strategy, I've found, is to block (with R) and attack after you block an attack. Farah, with her bow and arrow, helps you out because the birds die in one hit. Once the birds are dead, enter the small cave with torches by the entrance. Pull the box inside so it is away from the wall. This revels a crack. Farah crawls through it and pulls a lever. She goes through another crack and comes back at you, through the big birdcage. The lever she pulled opened the door to the big birdcage. It's the menagerie of Azad, one of the wonders of the world, but now it's just a big mess of a birdcage, just like the Robin Williams movie (just kidding). Enter the birdcage. There is a bar right by the entrance. Jump to it. Swing towards the wall, jump at and then off the wall to reach the bar above. Facing opposite the door, swing to another bar, and swing from that bar to a wooden platform. Get to the other end of the platform, and jump off it toward the big bar in the middle of the room. Get to the left end of this bar, and swing off it to another, smaller bar. You land on a platform instead. Jump up to reach the bar that you missed. Swing away from the wooden platform here and swing across three bars to reach another wooden platform. Go right and climb the ladder at the end of this platform. You're at the top of the birdcage now. R-run left (counterclockwise) to a wooden platform. R-run left off that platform to a bar. Move left across the bar, so you are in the middle of the room. Swing to a platform in front of you. This platform leads out of the birdcage because there's a hole in the wall. Jump out of the birdcage to an area with a tree. A branch of the tree could act as a bar. R-run up a wall and jump off to reach the bar, then swing off the bar to be on top of the birdcage. Turn the crank here to open a door. Jump off the top of the birdcage, toward a sand vortex. Save to see a weird vision in which Prince is hanging onto a bridge, but then falls as Farah tries to help him. 005m-Atop a Bird Cage ----------------------------------------------------------- Drop down the right side of this platform, and you reach bars. Swing across the bars toward the door you opened by pushing the crank. Rather than go through the door, go past it to the switch on the wall. R-run up to the switch and jump off to pull down a lever, which drops a ladder, letting Farah get to you. Go through the door now. As you go down through this area, Prince says, "If you have believed the rest of my tale until now, perhaps you will also believe me when I tell you that, as we made our way through the moonlit ruins, I began to feel strangely drawn to the girl at my side. My reason told me to distrust her, for she had good cause to hate me. Yet she had proved herself a loyal companion. And, I confess, I was grateful for company of someone who, like me, was flesh and blood." Go down through the tunnel, and turn left into the first room. Fight the eight sand beetles here. When they're dead, jump up so you're on the elevated rock in the corner. R-run left off the rock, and when you reach the switch, jump off to pull a lever, opening a door. Go through the door. Get the sand cloud on the rock there, and pull the box away to reveal a crack. Farah goes through. She steps on a switch (pressure plank) to open a door. Go down through the tunnel again, and go through the door Farah is opening. It closes behind you. Farah calls, "Now how do I get through?" Prink retorts, "I don't know! Can't you crawl through a crack or something?" She does. Break the barrels here to reveal a lever. Pull it to open a door, which you must get to before the lever retracts. Go down the tunnel. There are three knives that have spikes nearby. Roll under the knife blade on the side that doesn't have spikes. Jump over the spike pit past the third knife. Turn right, and you see Farah, right behind the door. R-run across the left wall when the buzzsaws are going up and are halfway up. Move slowly past a spike area and roll through the door to reach Farah. Go across the bridge, jumping over the big gap, to reach a sand vortex. Save here. 005n-Cliffs and Waterfall ----------------------------------------------------------- Go back to where Farah is. R-run across the wall to reach the small area in the corner. Climb the tree here, and jump off at another tree. Climb that tree, and jump off to the right to reach a high ledge. You get attacked by two sand birds. Kill them. R-run off this platform, going right along the rock wall. You reach a small ledge that Prince grabs onto. Move along the ledge and jump off, toward the tree. Slide down the tree and get the sand cloud at the bottom. Climb back up the tree (about halfway) and jump to the next tree. Climb all the way up this tree, and jump to the next tree, by a waterfall. Climb up this tree and jump right off it to reach the area where the water falls. Sand birds attack. Kill all eight of them. Use the water here to regain lost health, then drop so you're hanging off this platform. Move along this platform so you're by a bridge. Drop down to be on the platform that has the bridge. Cross the bridge, jumping over the holes in bridge. Pull the crank to open a door. Farah goes to the door. Turn left. See the tree? Jump to the tree (freaking hard) and climb down. Jump to the next tree (not freaking hard) and climb down that one. Jump off it to the green platform. At the end of the green platform, R-run across the left wall to reach the door Farah is at. Go through the door and down the hallway. Sand beetles attack you. Kill them and keep going through the hallways. Past a fountain, you must fight more sand beetles. Go through the hallways. At the end is a hole in the wall. Go through the hole, which leads you to the baths. You have to fight sand creatures here, including new enemies with chains (they are easily frozen). Kill seven of them, then go up the stairs to find more sand creatures. Kill eleven of them to end the battle. When the battle's over, use the water from the baths to refill your health. Then go into the sand vortex, which Farah understands doesn't hurt Prince, and save. 005o-The Baths ----------------------------------------------------------- There's a ladder here, but Prince can't reach it because it's by water, which stops his R-runs. Instead, go up the staircases to the top of the room, where there's a switch by the door. Move the statue nearby on the switch. It opens a door, and the door will stay open because of the statue. Also, Farah goes through a crack the statue was hiding. Go through the door to find a spiked log swinging from the ceiling. Get to the edge of this area and drop so you're hanging off it (time this so you don't get hit by the spiked log). Drop down to the floor. Do an R-run up a wall and jump off to reach a bar. Swing to the next bar, and swing off that bar to reach an area just like the one you came from. Here, you must jump from wall to wall (only hit A once when you touch the wall, or else you fall). If you mess up, you'll fall and get hurt. Do this to reach the top of this room, and exit past the spiked log. You enter what seems to be a private bath area. Farah is there, on a ledge. You must fight sand creatures here. Kill nineteen enemies to win the battle (around the eighth one, there will be only one enemy left to kill before another group of enemies come, which is a good time to refill health). After the fight, Farah comes down and tells you, "There's something glowing up there. I saw it from the ledge." Enter the sand vortex and save the game here. 005p-"There's something glowing up there" ----------------------------------------------------------- There are three switches nearby. One of them is by a statue (near where the water comes out). Push the statue into the switch to set it. Step on another switch (it's underwater). Farah will come by and stand on the switch for you. How nice. The third switch is where you'd expect a second statue to be. R-run up the wall to set off the switch. Then run to the now-open doorway (on the ground by the side that has the statue) and go through it. Get the sand cloud here and pull the crank at the end of this area. Pulling the crank makes a drain appear, which gets rid of all the water in the room that is preventing Prince from exploring this room. Go back to the room (step on the switch on the floor to open the door). In two corners of this room are ledges that you can R-run up to. Go to the corner that has a movable box nearby. Get to the ledge and go on it. Jump off the edge to reach a bar. Swing from this bar to a pillar. Leap to the next pillar. Jump from this pillar to a bar back at the wall. Move along this bar until you are perpendicular to the wall. Swing to another bar, in the direction of the closer corner. Swing from that bar to a third bar, which is really a switch that opens some gates a little bit. Head to the other corner of the room where you can R-run to a ledge on the wall. Climb up the ledge and jump off it to reach a bar. Move along the bar so you're perpendicular to the wall. Swing forward to another bar. Move so you are parallel to the wall and swing to a pillar. Jump to the next pillar, and jump back toward the wall to grab a bar Move so you're perpendicular to the wall, and then swing from bar to bar to reach another lever. The gates then open all the way. Get back to the movable block. Push it into the hole into the wall that is opened now because the gates are open. The block falls down, into the other part of the baths. Get back to the other part of the baths (past the spiky log room). You'll find the block on the upper level there, in the water. Push/pull the block over the small waterfall, and then move it so it is under the ladder I mentioned in the first paragraph of the "The Baths" section. Climb on the block, then up the ladder. Get the sand cloud here and jump to the above ledge. Flip over to the other side of the ledge and drop to the ledge below. Get on this ledge and move to the wooden area. Go through the hole in the wall to reach another ledge. Move left on this ledge, and then jump off to reach a wooden post. Jump from this post to another wall, the wall with ledges. On the bottom ledge, move right until your way is stopped by spikes. Jump to the above ledge and hang from it, and move on, past the spikes. Drop to the bottom ledge when the top ledge crumbles, and jump back to the top ledge when you can. Move along the edge to the end, where you can jump off and reach a bar. Swing from the bar to a wooden platform. R-run along the wall to another wooden platform, and do another R-run to another wooden platform. Go through the hole in the wall. R-run up the wall and jump off so you reach the bar there. Swing from bar to bar until you reach a ledge, and then move left along the edge. Now you're in a wooden floor area. Go through this area. Break the barrels blocking an exit. Step on the switch on the floor (opening a door). Go past the two knives to reach a fight. You have to fight fourteen enemies here. Kill them all and save at the sand vortex that appears. 005q-Above the Baths ----------------------------------------------------------- Go up the stairs and you reach a room with a strange green part on the floor. Grab the chest thing (the kind you used to find the secret passage in the "A Secret Passage" section. Push the chest against the left part of the balcony. Climb on top of the chest and jump to reach the bar. Swing off the bar onto the pillar in the middle of the room. Jump from pillar to pillar (there are five pillars you jump on). At the end, jump to a bar, and swing from that bar to a balcony. Grab the sand cloud and get to the other end of this balcony, where the stairs were on the other balcony. There aren't stairs here, though. R-run along the wall to reach a balcony with a sword on it (the thing that was glowing up there). Prince takes the sword. R-run back to the previous balcony. There are some doors here, which are made of wood and seem to have light coming through them. Hit the doors with your sword three times to break them (the new sword is strong enough to do that). Go down the stairs that were behind the door. Go through the doorway on your right to reach another of the magic fountain rooms to increase your life meter. When that's done, go down the stairs and break the doors at the bottom. Farah is impressed that you have the strength of Rustof. Go to the locked door. The wall nearby seems poorly made. Break through it with your sword (Farah notices, "That's not the same sword you had before."). Go down the stairs here until you reach a big room. Farah asks, "Where are we?" Prince says, "It's said this palace was built on the ruins of even more ancient one. I thought it was just a story." Go across the platform you're on. Move the stone table out of the way, revealing a hole for Farah to crawl through. Move the stone table to the outlined area, to the right of the torch. Get on the table, then R-run up the wall and jump off to reach a bar (may take more than one try). Swing towards the center of this room, to another bar, and then to a platform. From this platform, jump to a ledge against the wall (it has a torch on it). Move across the ledge by hanging off of it, moving away from the torch. When you're as far as you can go, drop down two ledges so you're on the bottom ledge. Move along this ledge. Jump back and forth between the two walls until you reach a ledge high up on the other wall. Climb on this ledge and move along it. Jump up to the next ledge you come to, and the ledge above that one. Jump off from this ledge to reach a platform with a sand cloud on it. Farah calls to you. Hang of the end of this platform (the end facing Farah) and drop to the ledge below. Move along the ledge and jump off it to a platform with a torch. Move along this platform and jump to the ledge above it. Move along that ledge and jump up to reach Farah. She's in a room with a crank that you move clockwise. Move it twice. Break down the wall the crank is pointing at (it is a solid wall, but it can be done). Go in, which unlocks the first Prince of Persia game, which can be accessed by choosing special features in the main menu. You can save your game here. 005r-A Long-Buried Secret ----------------------------------------------------------- Move the crank so it is facing the locked door to unlock the door. Go through the door and fight the seven Sand Beetles there. Continue down the hall. Move a stone table out of the way to reveal a crack. Farah goes through it. After a while, Farah shows up at the other end of the hall, which you can't cross. She steps on a switch which lets you cross the hall. R-run to the first platform, then R-run and jump to get to the next two platforms. Then do a final R-run to reach Farah. Climb up the ladder here. Go down, and you enter a hall with sand creatures (most of them are the blue ones you can't vault over). There are about twenty enemies to kill. Then save your game at the sand vortex. 005s-Daybreak ----------------------------------------------------------- Get to the end of this hall, where there's a poorly made wall. Break through it to reach a hallway. Use the fountain here to regain life, then go to the end of this hall. There's a closed door here. Break the barrels to the left and step on the switch to open the door. Go through the door before it closes. You enter a soldiers' mess hall. You have sixteen sand creatures here to fight. It's a tough battle. When it's over, save at the sand vortex at the top of the stairs. 005t-A Soldier's Mess Hall ----------------------------------------------------------- Go down the stairs here (there's a fountain against the staircase). There's some debris in this area. Climb on it, and R-run right across the wall to a bar. Farah, who can't run like Prince, doesn't follow. Swing to another bar, and then to a ledge. Climb on the ledge and move around the corner. Jump from the ledge to a bar, and swing from that bar to another ledge. Jump up to the top ledge now. Move around this ledge to get a sand cloud. Get it and jump off the ledge to a bar with a lantern on it. Swing to another platform from this bar. Go along this platform. When it stops, R-run across the wall to the next platform, where there is a locked door. Step on the switch and exit the door to reach the drawbridge area, outside the palace. Hey, it's morning time. Cool. Take a left and follow the path. At the end, jump to a flagpole. Swing from this flagpole to another flagpole. Swing at the wall, then jump off the wall to reach a bar above. Swing off this bar back at the wall to land on a rooftop. R-run up to the platform above, where there are spiky poles. Go through this heavily-spiked area (getting hurt seems unavoidable). At the end of this platform is a switch on the wall. R-run up the wall and jump off to pull a lever, opening a door. Enter the door to get back to the mess hall. Go down the stairs on the left and you'll reach a switch on the ground. Jump to reach a lever and pull it down. This makes a ladder appear, which Farah climbs. Go back up the stairs, and past the door leading outside to the locked door. The door is partially open, so Farah crawls through after a while and steps on a switch to open the door. Go inside and get the sand cloud. Do an R-run up the wall and jump off at the switch to pull a lever, lowering the drawbridge. Exit the room (using the switch Farah used) and get to the door leading outside, where Farah is. Go outside and switch to landscape view. You can see a small wooden thing on the level below. Drop down onto it, and then get to the drawbridge. Drink from the fountain before the drawbridge, if needed. You have a fight on the drawbridge. You have to fight either fourteen or fifteen enemies (I lost count). Refill your health at the fountain and save your game at the vortex. 005u-The Drawbridge ----------------------------------------------------------- Go across the drawbridge and through the open door on the other side. Inside is a crank; turn it to open a door. Go through the door to enter the tower. Go up one flight of the stairs, then R-run to a bar on the wall. Swing from bar to bar to reach a platform with a bridge on it. Go on the switch and jump to pull the lever. The bridge rotates. Farah tells you to try again. Do so, but to no effect. Farah pulls her lever to make the bridge rotate again, then she gets on the bridge. Pull your lever another time to make the bridge move again. Farah exits the bridge and climbs up the wall. She reaches a lever and pulls it. The bridge rotates once more, but also goes up a level. Climb on the rock here, and R-run up to the ledge. Jump to the ledge above, but time yourself so the buzzsaw doesn't hit you. Jump off this ledge to the bridge. Jump off the bridge, right back at the wall you came from. You reach a hole in the wall. Climb over the hole (Prince rips off his right sleeve) and drop down outside. Go along the balcony. When it stops, break the stuff there and R-run along the wall to a bar. Swing from the bar to more of the balcony. Go down the balcony to reach a door leading inside. Once inside, R-run up the wall to a switch, and jump off it to pull a lever. This rotates the bridge your way. Get on the bridge, and Farah pulls her lever to rotate the bridge again. The bridge now leads to the wall. Jump off the bridge to land on the ledges against the wall. Jump to the top ledge, and jump off the wall to reach the ladder that is there. Swing around and climb up the ladder to reach a locked door. Go left, and you'll find a switch on the floor. Jump from the switch to the lever. This makes a ladder appear, which Farah climbs. Farah goes through a hole in the wall and steps on a switch to unlock the door. Go across the bridge here. Farah runs across, and Prince is attacked by birds. Kill the birds and get to the wooden thing that Farah is on. The bridge crumbles. Dang. Farah goes inside the building through a hole, but the switch is broken, so Prince can't come in. Double dang. Save at the sand vortex. 005v-A Broken Bridge ----------------------------------------------------------- Go across the balcony to the left to get a sand cloud, and go across the balcony to the right to find a fountain. Get on the wooden thing Farah was on. Hang off it and drop down to reach a wooden thing below. Move to the right end of the ledge and jump off to reach a pole. Slide down the pole and jump to the pole to your left. Jump from this pole to a ledge against the wall (the same wall you hung from a ledge from earlier). Move all the way across this ledge, and you'll reach a "U" shaped area. Jump from wall to wall here, except the walls are too far apart, so Prince goes down instead of up. When you land on the floor, the floor will collapse, so immediately run left. R-Run up the wooden thing and jump off it to reach a bar. Swing from the bar to the top of the wooden thing. Farah shows up above. She says, "Down below, there's a great open balcony. Come on, I'll show you!" Prince mutters, "Easy for you to say." Drop down the ledges on the other side of the wooden thing to reach the floor. Go across the floor and jump to reach the crack in the wall at the end. Move left along the crack. You'll see Farah again. Jump off from the crack to reach a pole. Slide down it and get the sand cloud there. Climb up the other pole, and jump off it to reach a crack in the wall near Farah. Farah says, "I know where I am. This gate leads to the baths. Do you think you could find your way there?" Prince says, "Of course, finding my way to the baths from here should be easy. Farah replies, "Good, I'll meet you there." When Farah leaves, Prince says, "I'll just ask the first sand creature I meet. Could you direct me to the baths, please? Well, thank you, don't mention it, I used to be a bath attendant back when I was alive. 'I'll meet you at the baths'. She orders me around as if I were a servant! It's my own fault. With women, you need to show them you're in charge right from the start or they'll walk all over you. I've been too indulgent. Probably because I felt sorry for her. Well, it stops now. From now on she'll have to toe the line, that is, assuming I can find her." Get to the left end of the crack and drop down. Move left along this ledge, and you reach a circular ledge. Jump on it to reach a beam. Move slowly across the beam (like you would if you were crossing spikes) to get to the ledge on the other side. Move along the ledge and go through the doorway to enter the stables. Make a right, and R-run across the right wall and jump at the end to reach a flagpole. Swing from flagpole to flagpole to reach a sand vortex. Save your game. 005w-"I'll meet you at the baths" ----------------------------------------------------------- Drop down to the ledge below. There's a room here, but you can't enter it. Instead, tiptoe along the top of the wall that is to the left of the small room here. Go along the top of the wall. You'll run into spikes that are a gate; jump over the gate to land on more of the high wall. Go along the wall, and you'll find another gate (this gate is open). Jump over the gate to more of the wall. Take a right at the fork in the wall. When you're on the gate, jump at another wall, in the center of the room. You get attacked by a horde of birds. They attack, one by one. You can't block their attacks, so you have to learn when they're attacking (they screech before they attack). Kill all of the birds. Move along this wall, toward where the sand vortex was. Jump to the wall in the center of the room. Move along to the other end of this wall. When you're on the bar part (not the wall part), jump towards the outside of this room, to a bar there. Walk up this bar to a small room in the corner. Pull the lever in this room, which makes a ladder appear and a door open. Go down the ladder to reach the floor of the room. Walk along the wall by the ladder and you'll reach a sand cloud. Get it. Get back to the ladder and move through the door that you just opened. Inside, stand on the switch and jump up to pull the lever. This opens/closes some gates, freeing a bunch of sand beetles. Kill the beetles, and enter a stable (it has a square door that makes it hard to miss). Pull the lever inside, which makes a large gate lift up (it slides down as the lever retracts). This is good for R-running across, so you'll have to get back to the ledge below the sand vortex. Climb back up the ladder and go back across the walls to get there. Move quickly because the gate is sliding down. When you get there, R-run across the closing gate to reach a ledge with a sand cloud. Get it, and enter the room. Jump to pull the lever down, which makes a ladder appear. Exit this room (not through the entranceway you can in the room by). R-run across the wall to the area where the new ladder leads to. In this room, there is a switch and a bad wall. Break the bad wall with your sword, and go through to one of the life-extending fountain. When that's done, step on the switch to open a locked door. Go down the ladder and through the door before it closes. You end up in a strange room. Go through the blue, octagonal tunnel. Break the wall at the end. You end up in some underground water area. Walk across the beam and break the stuff at the platform you reach. Drop to the ledge below (the barrels were blocking it). Move right along the ledge, and drop to the lower ledge when the one you're on breaks. Go right along this ledge, and when it breaks, drop to the lower ledge. From here, drop to the ground, where you have to fight sand beetles. There's a sand cloud on a small "island" here; make sure to get it. Get to the dry land and jump to the platform above. Walk across the beam, over the waterfall. Drop to the ledge below on this side. Go right across this ledge, and drop to the below ledge when it breaks. Go left on this ledge and drop to the platform below at the end. Walk up to the water. There's a small ledge sticking out of the waterfall. Jump to it, and go across the beam leading off of this platform. Bats attack you. They swarm in at once. Swing your sword to kill them. They present little challenge to you. When three are left, they scatter. Go across the beam, if you haven't already, and R-run left off this platform to another one (it has three green plants on it). Drop to the ledge below on the far side of this platform. More bats attack you. Kill them and move left along the platform. When you reach the end (you go behind the waterfall), jump across the water to another platform. Jump off this platform to another one. Walk across a beam leading off of this platform. At the end, R-run across the wall to the right to reach a sand vortex. Save and you see a vision with a strange ending, where Farrah seems to be falling off a cliff, holding onto the dagger of time (Prince is holding the other end, keeping her from falling down). 005x-Waterfall ----------------------------------------------------------- You wake up on the platform next to the vortex. Walk across the beam to enter a cave. Break the wall you come to with your sword. You enter a big cave, entering on a wooden bridge. R-run across the wall to the next wooden bridge. It crumbles when you touch it, so quickly run across this bridge and R-run to the next bridge. That bridge crumbles too, so run across it and R-run along the wall to reach solid ground. Go through this area, and break the wall you come across. You end up on a bridge. R-run across the wall to the next bridge. It crumbles, so quickly R-run to the next bridge, which also crumbles. R-run off this bridge to reach a ledge. Bats attack you here. Go right along the ledge. At the end, jump up to the ledge above. Jump off the ledge to the icicle hanging around. Like the bridges here, the icicles will break, so jump off the icicle to the bridge on the other side. This bridge will break, so head left and R-run across the wall to another bridge. This bridge also breaks, so R-run across the wall again, and jump off the wall when you're in the shadow of an icicle to jump to that icicle. Jump to the next icicle, and jump off it to a ledge. Move right along this ledge. Here, you'll have to jump from icicle to icicle (six in all) to reach a sand vortex. Save your game. 005y-A Cavern of Ladders ----------------------------------------------------------- Jump to the ledge by the sand vortex and move right along it. Jump from the ledge to an icicle. You'll have to jump from icicle to icicle here (there are ten icicles) and you end up on a platform with a sand cloud on it. Get the sand cloud. Go across the bridge and fight the bats who attack you at the end. R-run across the wall to another bridge, which is by a gate in the wall. R-run off this platform to a tall ladder. Climb up it, and R-run off this platform to another one. Go down the ladder on this platform. You can R-run off this platform to reach a platform with a box emanating light that you can break (some GBA connectivity thing). What you need to do is actually go down a second ladder that is on this platform. Bats attack you here. Kill them and R-run to another platform. Go down the ladder here to reach the floor. Wade through the water to a tunnel. Break the wall that blocks your way and keep going through the tunnel. The tunnel leads to an underground reservoir. Turn left and go onto the pile of rocks. When Prince is dry, R-run up the wall to the niche there. Jump out of the niche at the rope. Prince grabs onto the rope. To use a rope, use the control stick to move, R to swing, and A to jump. Practice by jumping to the sand vortex in the niche to your left and save your game. 005z-An Underground Reservoir ----------------------------------------------------------- Jump to the ledge (right of the sand vortex) and jump to the upper ledge. Move along it and drop to the ledge below when you're going around the pillar. This ledge has a beam reaching to the middle of the room, except the beam is broken. Jump over the gap to reach the end of the beam and get to the middle of the room. Take a left at the column and go across the beam. Take a right at the next column (bats attack). The column you come to is broken. Jump on top of it and walk across the beam there. When you're at the middle of the beam, jump left onto a rope. Swing directly across from where you jumped (the platform with bars on it). You grab the ledge of this platform. Move left along the ledge here, and go across the beam you come to. When you're halfway across the beam, jump to a rope. Swing to the next rope (in the direction of a sand cloud). There's an archway in the wall. Swing into the archway to enter a booby-trapped room. R-run along the left wall to go over a spike pit, and get the sand cloud there. R-run up the wall here (avoiding the buzzsaws) to reach a ledge. Jump to the ledge on the other side of the room, and move left along this ledge to a platform. Enter the room here. Stand on the switch and jump up to pull a lever. This opens the lid of something, and bunch of bats come out. Kill the bats. Go to the thing that had its lid opened. Hand off the edge. You'll see three blades moving in this shaft. Drop down the shaft carefully, so you don't get hit by the blades. You're free from harm if you're hanging off a ledge. When you're on the floor, enter the blue room and push a box out onto the floor. Drop out on the floor after it. Bats attack you; kill them. Drink some water from the floor here to regain any lost energy. Move the box up to the wall by the sand cloud, then climb on the box and jump to the niche so you can get the sand cloud. Jump to the top ledge to the right here, and move right along it. When you're over the cage the box was in, jump to the ledge on the other side. Follow this ledge along, and climb out to the first beam you get to. Jump to the rope, in the direction of where the sand cloud was. Swing from rope to rope here. At the third rope, turn left and jump to the rope there. An archway is in the wall here; swing into it. When you're in the archway, turn left and R-run across the wall to reach a sand cloud. Get it and R-run back over the pit. See the spiky things coming out of the wall? When they're not there, R-run up the wall and jump off to grab a bar. Move so you're perpendicular to the wall, and swing from bar to bar, toward where the sand cloud was. You end up at a bad wall. Go through it to reach a life- extending fountain. When that's done, get to the archway and jump to the rope outside it. Climb up to get out of the well. Once you're out of the well, the rope breaks so you can't go back down the well. You have a bunch of sand creatures waiting for you here. They attack in groups of three. When you kill eighteen of them, a sand vortex appears. Save your game there. 0005a-Out of the Well ----------------------------------------------------------- Get the sand cloud in this area, and then enter indoors. Use the pool in this room to refill lost energy. Go to the next room. Jump to the rope. There are two switches on the walls in this room. Swing at the white switch and jump to it to press it in, which lowers a door. Jump off of the wall back at the rope before you hit the spikes below. The yellow switch is harder. Do the same thing, except jump back at the rope, swing toward the door, and jump to the door. Get past the door before it shuts again. This must be done quickly. When done, you enter an atrium. Get the sand cloud to your right. Get to the hallway leading off of this room. Pull the lever to open a door. You know the drill: get to the door before the lever retracts. A spiky log is swinging from the ceiling. Step on the white switch to make a platform appear. Jump to the platform when the spiky log isn't there. On the platform, R-run across the wall when the buzzsaw is at the middle and going up so you won't get hurt. At the end of the run, jump off so the spikes on the floor don't hit you. Go up the stairs, avoiding the knives. Farah is in hearing distance now. Run into the room to find her. Uh oh! Sand creatures attack. Kill them all (twenty). Refill your life at the pond thing (since this is the baths) and save at the sand vortex. 0005b-The Sultan's Harem ----------------------------------------------------------- Go through the drapes on the right wall (if your back is to the sand vortex). Break the bad wall here to go to a small room. Break the next bad wall and turn left. Go through the drapes there. Past the drapes, turn left and get the sand cloud. Go to where you would have been had you gone straight through the drapes. R-run up the green wall and jump off it to reach a lever, which opens a door back in the room with the sand vortex. Go back to that room (you see Farah, avoiding sand creatures on the way). While facing the sand vortex, the door that opened was behind the tapestry on the left. Go through it. You end up in a barren passageway. Turn left and stand on the small ledge. R-run across the left wall and jump off at the end to reach another ledge. Keep going down and turn right for a sand cloud. Get the sand cloud, then turn around and go down the room. Break the bad wall on the right and enter the room there. Break the bad wall on the left wall here to find Farah being attacked. Fight the sand creatures here to save Farah. There are about twenty-four bad guys to kill. Prince walks into a sand vortex after the fight. 0005c-"What did you call me?" ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince wakes up sooner than expected. He find Farah stroking him (his hair). She whispers, "Don't leave me. My love, please don't leave me." Prince wakes up and asks, "What did you call me?" He stands up. Farah answers, "It doesn't matter. The important thing is I know how we can reach the Tower of Dawn." Prince says, "Of course, the hourglass. All right, but this time stay with me and pay attention. Can't spend all day chasing after you." Farah doesn't look too happy about Prince's new "toe the line" policy. Refill your health using the small pool there. In this room is a statue. Move it aside to reveal a hole that Farah can crawl through. When she hesitates, Prince asks, "Well, what are you waiting for?" She says, "I'm afraid. What if I get into trouble and you have to come chasing after me?" Prince emphatically says, "Please." Farah asks, "Do you mean to say that you actually need my help?" Prince grudgingly admits, "Yes." Farah happily says, "Oh well, in that case...", and she goes through the hole. Farah steps on a switch or something, opening a door. "The gate is open," she tells Prince. Prince mockingly replies, "I'm afraid. What if I get into trouble?" Go through the door to an outside area. Not much is here, just a crank. Push it, and a door opens. Go through it to meet Farah. She says, "There you are. Are you sure I'm not slowing you down?" Prince responds, "All right, all right." Go through the hall. You find a mirror on the way. Go past it to enter the hall of learning. Farah notes where you are and says that you went out the wrong side of the baths. You'll have to go through the palace now. More importantly, about thirty sand creatures are waiting for you there. Kill them all and save at the sand vortex. 0005d-The Hall of Learning ----------------------------------------------------------- Go back to the hallway you entered this room from. There was a mirror in the way there. Grab the mirror and rotate it twice. This way the light of the mirror is reflected into the hall of learning. Follow the light to the other side of the room. It is reflecting off a mirror there. Pull the mirror away from the wall, onto the brown stain on the floor. This reveals a crack that Farah goes through. When she's gone, Prince says,, "She said, 'my love.' I know she did. I didn't dream it. At least, I think I didn't. Quite natural, really. Her kingdom's conquered, she has nothing, no one to protect her, she needs me. I can see it in the way she looks at me. All I'd have to do is reach out and take her hand and she'd be mine! Why am I talking to myself?" The light is now facing right, towards another mirror. Move that mirror onto the brown stain there to send the light to the other side of the room. Follow the light. Move the mirror near the end onto a brown stain, moving the light left. Break the bad wall the light is falling on, and move the last mirror here onto a brown stain. This sends the light onto a yellow symbol in the middle of the room, making a stone block in the center of the room rise. Climb up this block, and you'll end up on a ledge. Jump off this ledge, in the direction of the spike pit to land on a wall. Move across the beam here, and jump off it to reach the wall. R-run along the wall to the left to reach another platform. Get on the ledge of this platform, and jump off it to reach a flagpole. Swing to another flagpole, and swing off that flagpole to a platform. Farah pulls a lever, revealing a symbol, the same symbol that was on the pillar. You'll have to shine light on that symbol to make something happen. R-run up the pillar with a switch on it here. This makes a platform come out of the wall. Go up, jumping from the pillar to the platform. When you reach the top of the platform, R-run right to a marble platform. R-run right (over two windows) and jump off to reach the ladder. Climb up the ladder to reach a wooden platform. Get the sand cloud on this platform. R-run up the wall by the sand cloud and jump off to grab a beam overhead. Walk along this beam. Near the end, where it breaks, some bats attack you. Jump across to the beams there and drop down the beams to a platform. The wall here has four buzzsaws. R-run along the wall, past the buzzsaws (do this when they're past the middle of their run). Break the wall on the platform you come to to reach another life-extending fountain. When that's done, R-run back along the wall with the buzzsaws to reach the platform with the two beams you dropped from. There's a beam leading off of this platform. Go across this beam (when it breaks, jump across) to reach a platform in the middle of the room. There is a mirror here. Spin it clockwise once, so it is reaching a wall, and is going directly over a beam. Follow the light by walking across the beam. The beam breaks so you can't follow it. Instead, go on another beam leading off of this platform (the one you haven't been on yet). At the turn in the beam, follow it right, and jump off the beam to a platform (a pillar is in the way, so if you didn't turn right, you can't do it). You're in a bar room. Jump to a bar, swing on it at the wall, and jump off the wall to reach another bar. Move right on this bar and swing off to reach a beam. Climb on the beam. It broke, so jump over the gap made by where it broke. Sand bats attack you. Kill them, and then move along the bar. When you're over the platform with mirrors on it, drop down. Farah says, "Listen to this: 'Of what use is reason against the power of love? Love is life, so if you want to live, dine in love. Dine in love if you want to stay alive.'" Prince asks, "What is that supposed to mean?" Farah says, "I thought you'd like it." Prince, "If you want to be useful, try finding a book that will tell us how to get out of here." Farah says, "This isn't that kind of game." Amazed, Prince says, "Game? She thinks this is a game." I think it's a video game. There are two mirrors on this platform. Grab the one that is closer to the light, and move it onto the somewhat stained area, so it shines the light to the right. Grab the other mirror and move it onto its stained area so it reflects light across the room, on a crystal thing. Adjust the mirror so the light actually does hit the crystal thing, which will result in a cutscene showing you that the crystal sends the light down below. R-run across the wall, in the direction of the light. You come to a ledge. Drop down to the ledge below, and to the ledge below that. Move right along this ledge, and jump off it to a marble platform coming off the wall. R-run across the wall, toward where the light is. When you reach it, turn the mirror clockwise, so it is shining on symbol Farah uncovered. This makes stone things come from the wall. Jump off of this platform to the first stone thing. Jump across the stone things to reach Farah. Hang off of the part of this platform that doesn't have a railing, and drop down to reach a sand cloud. Get back to Farah. Jump to the stone thing closest to you. If you turn around away from the wall, you'll see ropes. Jump to the rope, and swing to another rope, and jump from that rope to the wall over the spike pit. You grab onto a ledge. Jump up to the top ledge here and move right along it. When it breaks, drop to the ledge below and keep going right. At the end, jump to the edge above and jump off the ledge at a ladder. Climb up the ladder. Break the bad wall here to reveal a mirror. Break a second bad wall to reveal a lever. Break a third bad wall to reveal a crystal thing. Pull the lever to make stone things come from a wall. Move the mirror onto the stain on the wooden part of this area, so light reflected on the mirror will hit the crystal thing. Go across the stone things to the two mirror platform. Push the first mirror the light touches out of the way. Grab the second mirror (the one by the corner) and move it onto the stain the first mirror was on. Light should reflect off this mirror to the left, over the stone things. It hits the mirror there, and reflects off it to the crystal thing. Some readjustment may be needed. When this is done, this opens a gate on the floor level. Retrace your steps to get back to the floor. Go through the now-open door to get a new sword. Pull the lever in this room, opening a door. Get through the door before it closes to leave the hall of learning. Go through the hallways here, down the stairs. There's only one way to go. You end up at the observatory. Some sand creatures are waiting for you. Kill fifteen of them and save at the sand vortex. You see a vision in which Prince dies at the hand of booby traps. 0005e-Observatory ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince sends Farah to find a switch. Go up the stairs, and she steps on the switch, sending you up. Jump to the platform in front of you. Get the sand cloud on the left part of this platform. Move to the right side of the platform, and R-run along the wall to reach a flagpole. Swing across the flagpoles to reach a platform. Rotate the lever on this platform so the lever is pointing toward the center of the room. Grab the bar on this platform and swing across the bars to reach a column-thing in the center of the room. Jump off it in the same direction you were swinging, and go across the bars to reach a platform with a pink lever. Push the lever so it is facing the wall, directly opposite the center of the room. Swing back to the pole in the center of the room. Jump off it to the bar off of the pink circular things. Swing across the bars, and you reach a lever, which you pull, which rotates all of the circular things in the room. Swing at the switch on the wall. You hit it, making a stone thing come out under you. R-run left along the wall to another stone thing, and R-run left off that stone thing to the blue lever platform. Do this quickly as the stone things will retract into the wall after a time. Swing to the pole in the center of the room. Jump off it to the pole coming from the pink circular thing. Swing across the bars here to reach a lever, which you pull, opening a gate. Jump to the rope here and slide down. Slide down the ropes (seems like fun) to reach the floor. Go through the newly opened door. You enter a hall full of booby traps. Farah goes through a crack and pulls a lever, opening the exit door. Go past the spiky poles to reach a fountain, if you need some health. This room has new traps: knives sliding along the wall at you. When the knives on the right come at you, run on the left. When the knives on the left come at you, run on the right. Use this moving between the two sides to get past the knives. R-run along the left wall, past the spiked log, to reach the doorway. Go through, and there's another hallway full of booby traps. Farah makes a jump over this hallway. Go over the spikes. You'll see a switch on the floor. Step on the switch and run for the door. Be careful, because there are spikes on the floor. Run around the spikes. When it comes to stepping on the switch, time it so you don't get hit by the knives on the wall. When you get through the door, you have another booby trapped hallway. Pull the lever to open the door. You have to go past sliding blades here. Because of crap on the floor, you have to start on the right side of the room. Roll under the second pair of sliding knives to reach the door. You make it to a courtyard. Farah is still trapped inside because she can't open a gate. There are six sand creatures here waiting for you. Wall jumps are best in killing them. Kill them and save at the sand vortex. 0005f-Hall of Learning Courtyards ----------------------------------------------------------- Climb up the ladder (by the side of the pool) and jump off it to reach a broken wall that acts as a beam. Jump to reach the rest of the wall. Three birds attack you here. Beat the birds and move along the wall. Jump over the gap you come to, and go along the wall. Jump to the rope here. Swing from the rope to a beam that is left of the rope. Jump off the beam to a bar, and swing from the bar to a platform. R-run along the wall, past the green flag, to reach a beam. Jump from the beam onto the flagpole that has a green flag. Swing from the flagpole to a platform with two birds on it. Kill them. R-run along the wall (in the direction of the pool) to reach a beam. Jump from the beam to a rope. Swing to another rope, and swing in the same direction to a platform coming out of the wall. R-run off this platform towards another one. You miss it and hit a platform beside it. Drop down to the ground below this platform. Enter the room and pull the crank to free Farah and open some other doors. Exit the room. Hang off the outside of the wall and move past the spike pit. Flip back over the wall when you're past the spike pit. As you do, Prince says, "I could marry her. After all, she is a maharajah's daughter. A conquered one, but still, her blood is royal. Besides, what better way to tame her insolence? It's not so bad for a woman to have a little spirit. It's a challenge!" Enter the door past the spikes. R-run along the wall to the swinging knife area. Get to the stairs past the first knife, swing so you're hanging off of the stairs, and move along to the floor in safety (otherwise you have to dodge knives on the stairs). On the floor are sand beetles. Kill them and get the sand cloud. Exit this room and go down the hallway (the door on the left leads to the courtyard, which is how Farah got in. Side note: In the room Farah was in is a glowing box for the GBA connectivity thing). Turn right at the end of the hallway and go up the stairs. At the end of the stairs, turn left for a sand beetle fight. Kill them all. Go through this hallway by R-running across the walls to get past the spike pits. Turn right at the end of the hall and go up the stairs. Turn left through the doorway at the end of the hall to reach the ramparts. Farah notes the bridge leading to the Tower of Dawn. Drop down to the area below. Kill the twenty sand creatures here and save at the sand vortex. 0005g-On the Ramparts ----------------------------------------------------------- There are two sand clouds in the area below here. The area below being the area with grass and a pool. The sand clouds are at the opposite ends of the grass. Climb back up to where the sand vortex is. Continue on to reach the gate at the end. The gate is opened a bit, so Farah climbs through it. She enters the building, but can't open the gate. There's another one on the other side. You'll have to go around. Jump to the bar left of the gate. Swing to the beam and jump on it. Move along the ledge and step on the other beam. Jump off to the left to reach the gate Farah talked about. She notices a staircase and goes down it to reach the courtyard below, leaving you all alone. Turn around and get to the sand cloud at the end of this rampart. Uh oh! It crumbles, sending Prince to the prisons far below! Prince has never been to a prison before, and now he's a prisoner, seeking an escape. Prince rips off what's left of his shirt (Woo hoo!) and goes bare-chested from now on. Go down the ladder at the side of this bridge. R-run across the wall, stepping on the white switch, which makes a platform appear. R-run along the wall in the same direction, stepping on a white switch as you do so, which makes a platform appear. You have to do this same thing a few times, stepping on four white switches. The last switch makes a platform rise up. When you're on it, ride it down. You have to do the same thing, in the other direction. R-run around the room, stepping on white switches as you do so you can do so. At then end is another platform that takes you down. This time, the room isn't circular; it's square. You have to R-run to a switch and jump off to reach the platform that appears. At the end, jump to a bar and swing from the bar to a ladder. Slide down the ladder. At the bottom, R-run to the switch, jump off it to a bar, swing off the bar to the platform, R-run off this platform to the switch. This continues, and on the last on, R-run off the platform, jump off to the bar and swing off the bar to reach a ladder. Slide down the ladder to reach the floor. There are a bunch of sand creatures here. Kill them and save at the sand vortex. 0005h-A Prisoner Seeking an Escape ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince tells himself, "All right, I've decided. I will marry her. I'll tell her the first chance I get. That'll put an end to all this fencing about and not saying what one really means. We've made it this far. It's foolish to deny what we both feel. Move along to the other side of the U-shaped floor here. Get the sand cloud and refill your health at the fountain. Break the furniture to reveal a switch. Step on the switch, opening a door, which stays open as long as you're on the switch. Go back around the U thing. Grab the crate that's in a corner and push it on the switch to keep the door open. Then go through the door. You enter a hall. Part of the right wall is bad; break it to reach a life-extending fountain. When that's done, turn around to see a locked door and some sliding knives. Go past the blades and R-run up the left wall to press the switch, opening the door. Go through the door to enter the torture chambers. Get the sand cloud on the floor. There are two white levers to pull here, which makes two walls stick out, close at each other. Pull the levers and jump from wall to wall upwards (the walls get farther apart as you go because the levers are retracting). When you reach the top of either of the walls, R-run up a wall and jump off to reach a beam. Climb on the beam, and bats attack. Kill them and get to the end of the beam. You reach a beam at the other side of the room. There are two white switches on the wall here, which work just like those levers. Jump at a switch to press it and jump back to the beam. Hit both switches and jump up between the two walls. At the top of either one, R-run up the wall and jump off to reach a bar. On the bar, swing at a wall and jump back to reach a higher bar. Do the same on this bar to reach a beam. Jump off this beam towards the center of the room to reach a bar. Swing off this bar to a platform with a sand cloud on it. Get the sand cloud. R-run up the right wall. When you hit the switch, jump off to land on a platform the switch made. R-run up the wall to another switch, and repeat the process. You do this for five switches in all, and at the end, R-run up the wall and jump to a beam. Jump off this beam to the ladder in the center of the room. Climb up the ladder to the top, then jump off it to a bar. Swing from this bat to another ladder. Same thing: Climb up this ladder to the top, then jump off it to a bar, swing from the bar to another ladder. Climb up this ladder, reaching the courtyard Farah is in. Around thirty sand creatures are waiting for you here. Save your game at the sand vortex after the battle and you have a vision is which Farah steals the dagger. 0005i-"At last we're here!" ----------------------------------------------------------- Prince wakes up to Farah stroking his head. He freaks, seeing as he just saw the dagger-stealing vision. In a calming voice, Farah says, "It's all right. It's me. It's me. Look, at last we're here. The Tower of Dawn." Go up the stairs here to find a fountain. Go up the stairs to the left of the fountain to find a sand cloud. Get back to the fountain. Step on the switch on the floor to make a pillar rise up. With your back to the fountain, go down the stairs to the right. R-run along the wall to the pillar that rose up, and R-run along the wall past the pillar to a wooden platform. R-run up the wall here to make a pillar rise up on the other side of the courtyard. Jump down from here and get to that column. R-run up it and R-run right to a wooden platform with a box on it. Push the box to the ground. Push it so it's in front of the yellow switch, by the stairs. Climb on the box and R-run up to push the switch, opening the gate to the Tower of Dawn. Go through the gate and get the sand cloud there. Go across the bridge to the tower of dawn. A lot of birds attack you here. You know what? Screw them. Enter the Tower of Dawn without killing the birds. Turn right and pick up the sand cloud there (the last sand cloud). Turn around and go through the hall. At the end is a room at the center of the tower. Before entering, break the bad wall here. Farah says, "I love when you do that." Prince says, "Come with me." Farah says, "No, you go." Go through to reach a life-extending fountain. When you come out, Farah doesn't know what Prince is talking about when he mentions going through the wall. Well, those life-extending fountain things are weird. Enter the main room of the tower. Farah runs ahead. Prince warns, "Be careful." Farah says, "Of what? Not everything is a trap, you know." Follow after Farah. The room becomes a large elevator-like thing. The floor you're on rises upwards. Farah says, "That was easy." Prince says, "Too easy." Sand creatures appear. Prince says, "You know, not everything is a trap." There are about forty sand creatures to kill here. When you kill them all, you can exit the elevator. A fountain is here and you can drink from it during the battle, but enemies may attack you when you're drinking. After the battle, the elevator will stop and a lever shows up. R-run up the back wall of the elevator and jump off at the white switch to pull a lever, opening the doors of the elevator. Exit with Farah, and you reach another elevator. The two of you ride up. Prince says the hourglass is nearby; he can feel it. You end up in a room with lots of gold and the hourglass. Prince was right. Save your game at the sand vortex here. 0005j-The Hourglass ----------------------------------------------------------- Go up the path. When it stops, jump to the platform against the wall. Go across it. R-run to another platform. Do that again, running to three platforms. On the third one (by a window with a lot of light coming through), R-run along the wall and jump off the reach a bar. Swing from the bar to the to of the hourglass. Cutscene time. Farah says, "You did it! Take the dagger. Strike it into the center of the dome". Prince does so, but then stops and says, "My father's army sacked your palace. Captured you as a slave." Farah asks, "What?" "You have every reason to hate me," Prince continues. Farah asks, "What are you talking about?" Prince says, "Now you want me to trust you?" She says, "Go on! There's no time!" Vizier comes out and casts some kind of wind, flinging the two of you away. Farah holds onto Prince's leg. Vizier demands, "Give me the dagger," and then sees it on the ground. As Vizier approaches the dagger, Farah says, "The dagger! He must not get the dagger!" Prince lets go of the pillar he's hanging onto and grabs the dagger as he and Farah get blown away. Prince voice overs, "I had faced my enemy. I had looked into his eyes and I had lost...everything." The two of you fall into a room. Prince catches Farah. Prince says, "A tomb." Farah angrily says, "You were there! The dagger was in your hand! Why did you hesitate? You think you're cleverer than everybody, but you're just like the rest of them. Those soldiers. All they can do is fight. Destroy. Why did I trust you? When didn't you trust me?" Everything goes black. Farah says, "Ow!" Prince says, "Sorry." Farah asks, "Where are you?" Prince says, "I'm right here." Farah says, "Hold my hand. Don't let go." There is a long pause, and Farah says, "I didn't mean what I said earlier." Prince says, "No, you're right. All that happened is my doing. I wanted was honor and glory. I brought this on us." Farah says, "You are brave and good. If this tomb is to be ours, at least the dagger will be buried with us. And...we are together." Princes becomes short of breath. "What is it?" Farah asks. "Nothing," says Prince. Farah notes, "You're trembling." "I just don't like closed spaces. There must be some way out of here," says Prince. Farah says, "When I was small, my mother taught me a secret word. She said that when I was afraid, all I had to do was speak that word and a magic door would open...I've never told that to anybody." Prince says, "I can see why. That's the most childish thing I've ever heard of...What was the word?" Farah tells him, "Cockolookia." Prince repeats it, "Cockolookia". Something makes a grating sound. Prince says, "You did that. Didn't you? Farah?" He notices the tomb is open. He jumps inside. You now control Prince again. Go down this long corridor, which is similar to the life-extending fountain corridors. At then end you come to a strange room. Farah calls to you, but is nowhere in sight. There are a lot of doors here. You must go through doors in a correct order (follow the sound of water). Here's how to do it if you don't like the following the sound of water thing. The first floor is like this: Entrance 1 7 2 6 3 5 4 Go through door four to end up at door six. Go through door one to end up at door three. Go through door five to end up at door two. Go through door seven to reach the second floor. The second floor is like this: Entrance 1 9 2 8 3 7 4 6 5 Go through door six to end up at door three. Go through door one to end up and door nine. Go through door five to find Farah. She's taking a bath. "It's beautiful," she says. "Come on." Prince sets his weapons aside and jumps in. Their hands touch. They look at each other and move in to kiss. The screen goes black. We see Prince wake up on a casket. He sits up, and his voice-over says, "Was it real? That magical cavern? If it was a dream, it was a dream we both shared. I know it was." Meanwhile, Prince realizes his weapons that he took off...they're not there. He looks around and finds Farah's necklace. He says, "Farah. Oh no!" Since Prince has the necklace, he won't be destroyed by the sands of time. But now he's weaponless; he doesn't have the dagger or a sword. Run quickly out of the tomb, past the enemies who are there because you can't fight them. You end up in a mirrored room that holds a sword hostage unless you solve the mirror puzzle. Prince says, "Oh no." Luckily, the sand creatures don't follow you out here. With your sword to the entranceway, you're looking at two movable mirrors. One already has light reflecting off of it. Don't mess with that one. Grab the other, to the left of it, and move it past the mirror that already has light coming off of it. Move this mirror onto the stain on the floor there. It intercepts the light beam and sends into a mirror on a column (if not, adjust it so it does). Standing with your back to this column, there are two mirrors you're looking at. One is facing you, and it is left of the one not facing you. Grab the one not facing you, and push it off the stain in the floor it's on, and push it onto another stain in the floor. This way, if light hits this mirror, it reflects onto the symbol. Grab the last mirror, the one that is left of the one you just moved. Push it onto the stain on the floor (the mirror you moved was on it). The thing around the sword on the altar should go away. Readjust the mirrors as needed until it does (nothing special happens to signify this). Go up to the platform then and pick up the sword. When you pick up the sword, break through the wooden gates to go outside. You see Farah far off. Prince yells, "FARAH!" but to no avail. If you learned anything during the earlier part of the game, it should have been that Farah doesn't stop when you call to her. R-run along the wall here to a bar. Swing to the next bar. Swing off this bar to a wall and jump off the wall to a higher bar. Swing to another bar, and swing to another bar. Swing from this bar onto a platform. On this platform are twenty sand creatures. Your new sword kills sand creatures in one hit. Where was this sword earlier? Kill all of them and save at the sand vortex. 0005k-"Farah! Come back!" ----------------------------------------------------------- For a life-extending fountain, hang off the end of this platform (on the part with no wall) and drop down to the ledge below. Move left along the ledges here and drop down to the beam. Move across the beam and jump to the bar. Swing on the bar, into the room. Break the wooden doors in this room to reach the life-extending fountain, then pull the lever in this room and swing up the bars and jump off the wood to exit the room. Back by the sand vortex, R-run up the rock and grab the wooden ledge. Jump up so you are hanging off of the ledge above, and move left along this ledge, past the rock. Past the rock, jump up to the ledge above. Move right on this ledge and then jump up to the grassy area above. Drink from the fountain here if needed. Switch to landscape view (maybe my game is malfunctioning, but I see Farah on this platform). See the beam above this area (between the broken post and the fountain)? R-run up the wall and jump off it to grab the beam. Jump off this beam to a bar (the kind you can swing on) in the direction of the two...uh...flagpoles. Get on the left end of this bar and swing off it onto a beam. Bats attack you, so kill them. When the bats are dead, drop to the platform below and enter the doorway. R-run along the wall on the left and jump right. Jump back and forth between the walls and you reach the ledge on the right. Do the same thing (jump back and forth between the walls) to reach the bridge to the Tower of Dawn. You see Farrah (with your sword) go through a crack to enter the tower. Prince yells, "Farah! Come back!", which doesn't work, and then he realizes, "She must be using the dagger." Prince advises her, "Farah, be careful! Don't use up all the sand!" Kill the sand creatures here (easy) and go across the bridge (it breaks behind you) and save at the sand vortex. 0005l-Climbing the Tower of Dawn ----------------------------------------------------------- R-run up the wall to the right of the door and jump to reach a bar. Swing off the bar at the wall and jump off the wall to reach a beam. Jump up to the beam above (against the wall). Move along this beam so you're over the banner. Jump so you're on the beam over the other banner. Move along this beam so you can jump out from the wall at the column there. Jump right to another column and climb up it. At the top, jump to the wall and jump off it to reach the platform above. Go right (if your back is to the hole). Go around the ledge here and kill the bats that attack. Drop off at the end of the ledge, and you'll see two walls that are close together. Go up, jumping from wall to wall until you reach the ledge on the right. Move along this ledge and get on the beam that has a banner below. Bats attack; kill them. It's a shame this sword isn't better at killing bats that the other ones. Jump right to the other beam that has a banner below. Move along this ledge to reach the column again, and move off the column onto the wooden beam. At the end of this beam, drop to the bar below. Move right along this bar. At the end, swing at the wall and jump off the wall to grab the beam overhead. Move right along this beam to a ledge (more sand bats attack). Kill the bats and move along this ledge, onto a beam with a banner below (look familiar?). Jump to another beam with a banner below and move along the ledge to an area where the two walls are close together. Go up, jumping back and forth between the walls, until you are hanging off the right hand wall. Move right along this wall, and jump up to the ledge above when you can. Jump to the ledge above that and move left. Jump to the beam above and jump across the gap to land on a beam on the left wall. Move left along this beam, jumping to the higher beam when this one breaks, and dropping to the lowest beam when that one breaks. Then move left, jumping to higher beams when necessary. At the end, jump off the beam to a bannerpole, which isn't a real word. Swing from bannerpole to bannerpole to reach a ledge. Move along the outside of this ledge, and on the other side of the circular thing, you'll reach two walls that are close together. Jump from wall to wall, going downwards because the walls are too far apart. Enter the room and step on a switch to open a door. Exit the room and R-run along the left wall to reach the doorway. Enter it and climb the ladder. Bats attack; kill them. Get to the top of this room by climbing to the top of a ladder, jumping to another ladder, and repeating the process until you reach the top. At the top are thirty sand creatures waiting for you. Kill them. Now's probably a good time to note the fountain on your right; use it if you need to. Then go left, over the rubble, to reach the sand vortex. 0005m-The Setting Sun ----------------------------------------------------------- Climb back on the rubble and climb up the pole there. Jump off it to a bar to your left. Swing from that bar to another bar, and swing from that bar to a thin, red bar. Part of the wall breaks off. Move along this bar to the end and swing at the part of the wall that broke off to grab onto it. Move right along this ledge and jump so you're hanging off the ledge above. Jump off this ledge to reach a beam. Move along this beam (to the left, if you're facing the wall) to the end. R-run along the wall to a platform there. Get on the beam off this platform and jump over the gap between the two beams. Move left across this beam, away from the wall. At the partially broken pillar, go up the pillar, jumping from wall to wall. Start jumping while on the ledge, not hanging off it. At the top, go through the walkway toward the tower. R-run along the wall to your left, and go back out towards the turret. Bats attack; kill them. Go to the next turret by walking across the beam connecting the two. More bats attack you; kill them. Head back toward the tower and R-run left across the wall. R-run left across the wall again, except jump from the wall when you reach the corner in the wall to reach a pole. Climb up the pole and jump off it onto a turret. Climb up the pole on this turret, and jump back toward the tower to reach a bar. Swing off this bar to land safely on a balcony. R-run right off this balcony and jump to a ladder. Climb up the ladder and jump off it to reach a pole. Jump off the pole to get inside the Tower of Dawn. Farah is fighting sand creatures in here and is losing. Prince helps and kills some sand creatures, but not before she gets knocked into a hole. She holds onto the dagger, which is stuck in the ground by the hole. Prince runs to help her, a bit too late. The dagger gives way, and he is forced to grab the blade of the dagger to hold onto her. They stay like this for a moment, until Farah realizes something. She says, "Cockolookia" and lets go of the dagger. She falls to her death, landing near the gold by the hourglass. Prince examines his blood on the dagger, and realizes there are more sand creatures to fight. He looks up, furious. In this fight, getting sand is tricky because your new sword kills the sand creatures without the need for the dagger of time. Sand isn't really necessary, but if you want some, get it from enemies that get hurt by either you kicking them or another enemy accidentally hitting them. Additionally, you'll notice Farah used up all the sand in the dagger, just like Prince warned her not to. Prince saves at the sand vortex and gets a vision of various places you've been to, except they are all empty this time. 0005n-Honor and Glory ----------------------------------------------------------- "Bravely I had fought and slain my enemies with honor and glory in my mind. Although I had fought 'til the desert sands were red with blood, I could not bring back the dead." Prince mourns Farah's dead body. Vizier comes and says, "Give me the dagger." Boy, this guy has a one-track mind, doesn't he? Vizier bribes Prince with immortality. Prince doesn't want to live forever when those he loves are dead and he is to blame. Prince would choose death. Prince bursts past the Vizier and jumps onto the hourglass. He plunges the dagger into the hourglass, undoing what he has done. Everything that happened is rewound, and Prince wakes up with the dagger, in his tent, with the army that is ready for the battle ahead. Prince sneaks into the Maharajah's temple and enters Farah's chambers. She doesn't recognize him, of course, because this was before the two met. He tells her not to be afraid and shows her the dagger of time. He then tells her the story of what happened to him, which is the story you have been playing through (which explains the voice- overs and the beginning of the game, where you were on a balcony and had to go inside to start the game). Prince tells Farah to arrest the Vizier before he betrays them. Then they should send a signal in the air to prove this, so the Persian army will know their plan is foiled. Vizier comes in and suggests a better ending to the story: The Persian Prince entered the chambers of the maharajah's daughter and was slain by the Vizier. Fight time. The Vizier, like the wuss he is, sends magical clones to fight you. You must defeat three of the clones. The clones attack with their staffs, and have strong defense. After hurting one a lot, it takes a break and leans on its staff. Move in for the kill when that happens. I suggest blocking the clones' attack by holding R whenever you are not attacking. Attack often, though. This strategy worked best for me. Another good plan is to roll past the Vizier when he does his staff-swing attack and then hit him from behind. Farah asks what's going on, and Prince and Vizier both try to convince her they are right. After the first clone is dead, Farah tells Vizier to stop and she will have her father judge. Vizier disobeys and rather insults Farah and Prince and their fathers. The Vizier, being old, cannot do anything when the third clone is defeated. Run to the window and hit him. He taunts you, but there is nothing behind such taunts. Follow him out the window and kill him. Then you see the cool ending to the game, which I'm not going to put here. 006-Credits ----------------------------------------------------------- This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2004. If you want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under general information)