**************************************************************************** A Resident Evil 0 Handgun/knife Strategy Guide and Walkthrough Written by Skillet05 Version 1.1 2004 This FAQ can be found at http://www.gamefaqs.com **************************************************************************** This is my handgun/knife strategy guide for Resident Evil 0. Version 1.1 If you have any questions about the game that are not answered in this guide, You can contact me at: georgewison288@hotmail.com. Please read the entire document before you send me any questions. CONTAINS SPOILERS!!!!!! I'll try not to let too much slip, but there probably will be a few spoilers here and there. However, this guide will assume that you have completed the game at least once, so spoilers should not be that big of a deal for you. This guide is copyright 2003 Skillet05. Don't post this guide on your website without first contacting me, and getting my OK. Don't Print this document and use it for profit or post it anywhere with your name on it. If any of the above conditions are violated; my lawyer will hunt you down quicker than you can say Resident Evil kicks @$$. All Concepts related to the Resident Evil series are copyright by Capcom. ____________________________________________________________________________ +++++++++++++ Updates +++++++++++++ June 8, 2003 Version 1.0- Completed the whole guide. I won't make any more updates unless I have to. January 20, 2004 Version 1.1- I was given a nice little tip by Sean Hayes on how to easily bypass the giant bat boss. ____________________________________________________________________________ ============================= Table Of Contents ============================= 1. Introduction 2. Controls/tips I. Controls II. Special moves 3. Weapons and Bestiary I. Weapons II. Enemies III. Bosses 4. Walkthrough 5. FAQ's 6. Conclusion ============================ 1. Introduction ============================ Why attempt a challenge as daring this? An even better question would be why write a strategy guide about it, but I digress. Trying to beat this game with only a handgun and a knife is hard. Don't read any further if you get frustrated easily or if you have high blood pressure. However, if you do manage to pull it off, you'll have tremendous bragging rights and an improved self-esteem. Plus, it will give you something to do while your waiting for Resident Evil 4 to come out (by the way, check back here when it does, cuz you better believe there will be one awesome strategy guide on this site written by yours truly). This guide is written for Normal mode (Hard mode is possible, but there's no way I am EVER doing that again. It took me nearly a week just to beat it and I'm not recommending anyone else try it until they have completed this walkthrough at least twice). I am going to assume that you have played the game at least once (hopefully more than that, otherwise you're gonna have a pretty rough ride). I will give a few puzzle solutions, but if puzzle solutions is what you're looking for, you shouldn't even be reading this, go find a normal walkthrough, or better yet, a puzzle solution guide. =========================== 2. Controls, Tips, and Crucial Knowledge =========================== +++++++++++ I. Controls +++++++++++ CONTROL STICK, CONTROL PAD - moves your character around C STICK - moves partner character around, press down hard to run and soft to walk A BUTTON - confirms selection, examines surroundings, action, uses weapon when R BUTTON is depressed X BUTTON - changes between characters Y BUTTON - displays inventory screen Z BUTTON - displays the map R BUTTON - draw your equipped weapon B BUTTON - cancels selection when in the inventory screen, hold down to run START BUTTON - switches partner action between team and solo L BUTTON - changes targets while holding R BUTTON +++++++++++++++++ II. Special Moves +++++++++++++++++ I'm gonna assume that you already know how to do all of the basic stuff (shooting, moving objects, etc.), so this section will mostly cover the special tactics you will need to survive in this game. Dodging- Since you're not gonna have all those shiny weapons, you absolutely HAVE to become the Zen master of dodging. I'll cover specific dodging tactics in the Enemies section. As far as directions go, if I say dodge to the left, I mean your character's left. Wait then Run- The Wait then Run technique, pioneered by such RE experts as A.REDFIELD, states this: If a Hunter is running at you, you should run towards him, but before you collide, you must stop. The Hunter should shriek and then perform his jump attack. As soon as you hear the shriek, start running forward and the hunter will jump right over you. At this point you can either run straight for the door (recommended), or turn around quickly and get in some free shots as the hunter reorients himself. Recovery Items- Cling to every last herb like your life depended on it. Don't heal until you are in DANGER condition, unless you are fighting a very powerful enemy. Partner- Be sure to always have your partner on IDLE unless I say other wise. This will save valuable bullets, and it will make dodging enemies easier. Try to keep your partner's knife equipped so that he can defend himself but also so that he doesn't waste bullets. I will tell you to split up your characters a lot in this walkthrough to make dodging easier. ----------------- a. Weapon tactics ----------------- Blam Blam Run- This means take one or two shots at the enemy, then run around his weak side and a few steps away. Now, hit the R BUTTON to quickly turn around and repeat the whole process. This only really works when you're taking on the enemy one-on-one style. If you are surrounded or you have your partner character with you, don't even attempt this because you'll only waste a lot of time and more importantly health. This tactic will mostly be used against bosses. Using the knife- The best way to use the knife without getting hit is to stab the monster, turn, run a few steps back, repeat the process. This will only work in large rooms and long hallways. Your first attempt at this will probably get you bitten quite a few times, but don't get frustrated as it takes practice to get the timing down. I only recommend using the knife on slow moving creatures like the regular zombies, or monsters that can be injured easily such as the zombie dogs. Shoot Shoot Stab- This tactic refers to taking a few shots at your enemy until he is on the ground, and then running up and stabbing him to death with your knife. This is primarily used against zombies. ======================= 3. Weapons and Bestiary ======================= ++++++++++ I. Weapons ++++++++++ KNIFE- Found- In Billy's possession, and in room 102 of the train The knife will mainly be used to kill slower enemies and enemies on the ground. You have to get up close and personal to use it, which means that you will almost definitely take some damage. The only positive thing about using the knife is that it does not require any ammo to use. S.T.A.R.S. HANDGUN- Found- In Rebecca's possession at the start of the game. This is the weakest gun that you will be using in the game. Its shots are incredibly weak, but it will still work to take down any zombie you come up against. ARMY HANDGUN- Found- In Billy's possession at the start of the game. A little bit stronger than Rebecca's handgun. This is the handgun you will use more often because Billy is more accurate with it and because of it's strength. Use it against weaker enemies. CUSTOM HANDGUN- Found- Combine the handgun parts with the Army Handgun. It fire's much faster than the normal handguns and it is a bit more powerful and a bit more accurate. This is the best gun I will you let have during this game. It allows you to get headshots much more often so you will save bullets if you use it. +++++++++++ II. Enemies +++++++++++ ZOMBIES- just about the only enemy you'll be able to kill often and with ease. Do not let yourself get surrounded, and you should be ok. Their main attack is grabbing you and biting you. This doesn't cause too much damage but enough bites will slowly kill you. The best tactic is to just shoot at them until they fall to the ground, then run up and knife them to death. If you have to use the knife, stab down at their legs to make them fall over, then stab their torsos. To dodge them, stand in one spot so that you can lure them to that spot and then quickly run around them. CERBERUS- these zombie dogs are quick and ferocious. They attack by jumping up at you and knocking you over, or by biting your arm. Both attacks do little damage. Never let 2 dogs surround you, or they will just take turns hitting you while you struggle to get a shot in. The dogs' main weakness is that they can be knocked down very easily. One shot or one stab should do the trick. After you get them on the ground, you can run up and knife them until they die, however, make sure that there is not another dog in the room or you will get attacked by him. To dodge a dog, run straight at him, and then quickly cut to the side just before you run into each other. He should jump right past you. Be sure to run in a zigzag pattern as you run away so as not to get bitten from behind. LEECH ZOMBIE- Oy... Never, EVER, fight with these monsters. It will waste a ton of ammo, ammo that you don't have, and you will lose a ton of health as you constantly get hit and when they explode. They attack by hitting you with their arms from far away, and by grabbing you when they are up close. Dodging these guys is fairly easy. When they first appear, they do a kind of wiggly dance. During this dance, they will not attack you, giving you ample time to hightail it to the nearest door. If you wait to long, you will probably get bitten, so if you think you missed your chance, exit the room and try again. LEECHES- don't even worry about these guys, just run by them. PLAGUE CRAWLERS- These giant bugs can either hit you with your claws, or jump up on you and bite you. They are not all that powerful, but sometimes their numbers can overwhelm you. If you and your partner both use your handguns, you can kill these guys pretty quickly. Mainly, you'll just dodge these guys because they're not that fast. The best way to do this is to run in a wide circle around them, don't worry about getting to close because they have pretty slow reaction times. CROWS- all these guys can do is scratch at you with their claws, and this attack is very weak. As long as you don't shoot at them, they will not become hostile, so just run away whenever possible. GIANT SPIDERS- These guys are a joke. Don't fire a single shot at these guys cuz it's much easier just to run around them. They are so slow that you'll probably make it to the exit door before they can turn around. They attack by running up to bite you and by spitting acid at you which can poison you. ELEMINATORS- these monkeys are very quick, and they can climb walls. They can hit you with their claws, or they can jump on your back and start slashing at you. These guys are tough, so tough that I would advise you not to fight them. It can be possible if you take them on one at a time with your partner's help, but you will take a lot of damage. These guys are faster than you, so dodge them by running in a zigzag pattern. HUNTERS- Hunters should be avoided at all costs, they are very fast when they are running, but even if you outrun them, they can catch up to you by jumping at you. They normally just stand next to you and slash you, but they can also slash you while they are jumping and they can also pin you to the ground and hurt you. Blam Blam Run is recommended if you are forced to fight one of these guys. To dodge these guys, use the Wait then Run technique outlined above. LURKERS- These guys have very slow reaction times. Just run right by them and you'll be ok. These guys can grab you with their tongues and swallow you if you stand still for too long so just exit ASAP as soon as you see one of these guys. You could just stand really far away and shoot at these guys but that's generally a waste of ammo since these enemies disappear anyways as soon as you leave the room. +++++++++++ III. Bosses +++++++++++ GIANT SCORPION- This is a pretty easy fight. The way to beat him is to aim your handgun down at his face and only fire while he is coming up close to attack you. Back up against the back wall, move into the upper corner, and prepare for combat. After a while, each shot you take will stun him, and if you time your shots right, you will be able to stun him before he can injure you. Wait until you are almost dead before you use your spray. After his face turns green, pull out your knife and aim it down to save ammo. If you take too much damage though, pull out your handgun again to finish the job. If you are over in the corner though, you will not take much damage. Wait until his claws are even with your feet before you stab him, this should make him recoil. Its attacks mainly consist of trying to hit you with its claws. You will see him draw his claws back before he does this, giving you a small amount of time to stab him and hopefully pause his attacks. He will also charge at you, but if you are in the back of the room he will not do this. Sometimes, the scorpion will try to hit you with his stinger, but this attack is not very powerful. The last attack only happens when you damage the scorpion greatly. After a few stabs, the scorpion will flail its claws in pain and if you are anywhere near them, you will be hit. However, his claws don't seem to hit you if you stay in the upper corner like I mentioned above. CENTIPEDE- This will be the easiest fight you have in the game; you won't even need any health items. After you watch the cut scene, run to the alcove at the top of the stairs. If you stand in here you will be able to shoot at the boss, but he won't be able to hit you. Use the auto-targeting feature to keep up with the bug, and only fire one or two shots so as not to waste bullets. This fight will take a really long time, but you won't lose any health at all in the process. One last thing, if you completely ignore me and try to take the boss on one on one, don't use the knife because every time you get close to the centipede its feet will hurt you. As I said, the centipede can hit you with its feat if you get too close. It can also run you over if you get in its way, or attack you with its claws. As long as you stick to my strategy you won't get hurt. GIANT BAT- *Note* Sean Hayes recently informed me of a nice little glitch that allows you to bypass this entire fight. Enjoy. "...on the giant bat in the church, just run right by it and into the save room. When you leave the room, the bat will be dead/gone. So much for the hardest fight in the game" (Hayes). Also note that I myself haven't tested this yet, so if this doesn't work then please accept my apologies. *End note* This will be the hardest fight in the game, and the one reason why I recommend that you don't attempt this game on HARD mode. You will waste SO much ammo in this fight that you might not be able to finish the game. About 1 out of every 3 shots you take will actually hit him, and you will waste even more ammo when the smaller bats come down. When the fight starts, make your way over to the front door. Here you will be able to see a large portion of the room, and the bat will have a harder time picking you up and carrying you across the room. Only fire at him when you can see him so as to conserve ammo, and be sure to aim up if he is above you. When the smaller bats come down, make sure you are not targeting them. If they give you too much trouble, pull out your knife, and start stabbing upward until enough of them are gone for you to get a clear shot at the big guy. Mostly, he will fly around and try to hit you with the claws on his wings. This won't hurt you much, but he does it allot. Another thing he will do is pick you up and fly you to the middle of the room before finally dropping you. This attack can hurt you pretty badly, but he rarely does it if you stay against the wall. The small bats will bite you, but this does not hurt much. When the small bats do come, run to the other side of the room so that they won't mess up your aiming too much. TYRANT 1 & 2- Be sure that you have at least 2 full health items for this fight. You're gonna be using the Blam Blam Run technique for this battle, so be sure you run around his left (your right) side. Again, be sure you're running around the side without the claw on it, or you will get hit. If you are really daring, you can use the knife for this fight. Just run around his weak side, stab him in the back, and then repeat this process. If you are shooting him, shoot him 3 or 4 times before you take off running. You should run just as soon as he starts turning around, if you do this, he will jump right past you. Now you can repeat the process. If you run too far ahead of him, he will squat down and jump slash at you. Try to run around his weak side if you see this happening. To avoid it all together, only run a few steps away from him. Be careful when standing behind him, or he will do a quick 180 slash and knock you to the ground. If you are using the knife, be sure to only stab once, and then run away. If you don't run around him quick enough, he will hit you with his weak hand, so be quick. MARCUS- This fight won't be all that hard. Just keep running around the room and pause to shoot every now and then. He attacks you by hitting you with his arms and by picking you up and strangling you. Half way through the fight he will sprout tentacles that he will try to hit you with. If he grabs your partner, start shooting him so that he will let go. QUEEN LEECH- Get really far away from it and hit it with your remaining handgun ammo. If you run out, run up and use your knife on it. It attacks by tackling you and by spitting acid on you. The best way to avoid its attacks are to just stay away from it. You can use the catwalks around the room to stay away from it's reach. For the second part of the battle, use any handgun ammo you might have, or just attack it with your knife. You should have plenty of healing items incase you get in trouble. =========================== 4. Walkthrough =========================== *I will use a or a when I want you to use that character. **When I say "go to your right" I mean your character's right. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ TRAIN /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ PASSENGER CAR Make sure you have your gun equipped, and head left through the unlocked door. You start with about 45 HANDGUN BULLETS. STAIRWELL CAR After the cinema, shoot the zombie to your left until he falls down, then bolt for the door. It should only take between 2-4 shots. CABIN HALLWAY Go through the first door you see on Rebecca's right. PASSENGER BEDROOM Be sure to pick up the HANDGUN AMMO by the beds, then leave. CABIN HALLWAY Go through the door next to the one you came out of. TRAIN SAVE ROOM Be sure you remember where this room is, cuz you'll want to save a lot during this game. For now, pick up the GREEN HERB and leave. CABIN HALLWAY Run down to the end of the hall and examine the corpse on the floor. You should receive the TRAIN KEY that you can use to access the dining room. After the cut scene, a dog will jump through the window. Run as fast as you can back to the stairwell car, dodging the other dog that crashes through the window. The dogs should be stunned when they first jump in, so as long as you don't waste time, you should be able to make it out of there before they can catch up to you. Hug the right walls to avoid the dogs. STAIRWELL CAR Only shoot the zombies that get between you and the door, you don't have to kill them. PASSENGER CAR Run to the end of the room and use your key to enter the room before the zombie can wake up. KITCHEN STAIRWELL After the cut scene ends, head upstairs. DINING CAR Don't waste your ammo on this leech zombie, just turn and go back down the stairs before he can attack you. This will trigger a cut scene. Give Billy all of your handgun ammo and split up. Use the ladder at the end of the room. PANTRY ROOF Walk to the end of the roof and examine the cables. Repair the broken switch, and Rebecca will be knocked into the... PANTRY Pick up the HANDGUN AMMO, the GREEN HERB, and the CONDUCTOR'S KEY, and send them down the dumbwaiter. DINING CAR Run downstairs. KITCHEN STAIRWELL Go through the newly unlocked door into the kitchen. Use the dumbwaiter to get all of the items from Rebecca upstairs. Go back out the unlocked door. PASSENGER CAR If you can't run past the zombie, then shoot him until he falls and then use your knife. STAIRWELL CAR You should probably try to kill all of the zombies in this car to make subsequent trips easier. If you get a chance to use the knife, use it and save some ammo. After your done, head into the passenger bedroom. CABIN HALLWAY Run until you see the screen change, then stop and wait for the dogs to appear. Don't shoot until they get close, and after you kill one, use the knife on the other dog. Stop off at the save room and save, your first boss fight is coming up. Investigate Edward's body to find some more HANDGUN AMMO. After that, unlock the door near the end of the hall. CONDUCTOR'S OFFICE Leave the HERBS in this room so that Rebecca can mix them later. Take the BRIEFCASE with you, and head up the ladder. TRAIN BAR Ignore the cut scene and continue to the door at the end of the hall. CABIN HALLWAY 2 Pick up the ICE PICK off of the cart and head through the only other door you can go through. UPPER BEDROOM 1 I know it's tempting to take the hunting gun, but you're gonna have to leave it behind. Unless you're chickening out on me. Still reading? Good. Pick up the FIRST AID SPRAY and the HANDGUN AMMO. Leave whatever you want to behind, but organize your inventory like this- Handgun with ammo Knife Full healing item any other healing items you have with you CABIN HALLWAY Head back to the bar. TRAIN BAR Time for your first boss fight. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BOSS 1- GIANT SCORPION CHARACTER- BILLY This is a pretty easy fight. The way to beat him is to aim your handgun down at his face and only fire while he is coming up close to attack you. Back up against the back wall, move into the upper corner, and prepare for combat. After a while, each shot you take will stun him, and if you time your shots right, you will be able to stun him before he can injure you. Wait until you are almost dead before you use your spray. After his face turns green, pull out your knife and aim it down to save ammo. If you take too much damage though, pull out your handgun again to finish the job. If you are over in the corner though, you will not take much damage. Wait until his claws are even with your feet before you stab him, this should make him recoil. Its attacks mainly consist of trying to hit you with its claws. You will see him draw his claws back before he does this, giving you a small amount of time to stab him and hopefully pause his attacks. He will also charge at you, but if you are in the back of the room he will not do this. Sometimes, the scorpion will try to hit you with his stinger, but this attack is not very powerful. The last attack only happens when you damage the scorpion greatly. After a few stabs, the scorpion will flail its claws in pain and if you are anywhere near them, you will be hit. However, his claws don't seem to hit you if you stay in the upper corner like I mentioned above. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****STATUS CHECK**** You should have about: 100+ HANDGUN BULLETS left a GREEN and RED HERB downstairs maybe a lone GREEN HERB Hopefully a FIRST AID SPRAY a GREEN HERB in Rebecca's possession. between FULL HEALTH and YELLOW CAUTION hopefully. ****STATUS CHECK**** Pick up the ICE PICK, BRIEFCASE, and grab the PANLE OPENER by the ladder. Drop any extra healing items you have, and go down the ladder. CONDUCTOR'S OFFICE Leave through the door. CABIN HALLWAY Head back in the direction of the kitchen. STAIRWELL CAR Watch out for any zombies that might still be here, and go through the door. PASSENGER CAR Again, watch out for zombies and go through the door. KITCHEN STAIRWELL Go back to the dumbwaiter and send the ICE PICK up to Rebecca. PANTRY Pick up the ice pick and use it to open the door. DINING CAR Quickly, hug the wall and head towards the stairs before the zombies can reach you. KITCHEN STAIRWELL Reunite your team, and use the panel opener on the hatch in the corner. STORAGE CAR Be sure that Billy is in attack mode and kill the dogs. Grab the GOLD RING, and combine it with the briefcase. Now grab the FIRST AID SPRAY by the shotgun shells and head through the door. REAR CAR Have one character stand by the panel and one by the hookshot. When one pulls the lever on the panel, switch to the other character and grab the HOOKSHOT. Leave through the door. STORAGE CAR Unlock the door at the opposite side and leave. KITCHEN STAIRWELL Make sure both characters are in attack mode. As Rebecca, run until you are several feet passed the refrigerator. When the zombie pops out, you'll have a character on each side and you should kill him. Go to the STAIRWELL CAR. STAIRWELL CAR Kill any zombies that remain and have Billy use the HOOKSHOT at the window by the door. Before you go, make sure that Rebecca is on attack mode, Billy has the briefcase, and that Billy has at least 2 free item slots. TRAIN ROOF 2 Walk to the hole in the roof and drop down. ROOM 102 Kill the zombie in here and pick up the jewelry box in the closet. Examine the jewelry box to get the SILVER RING and combine it with the BRIEFCASE. Drop the HOOKSHOT if you have to, and pick up the other knife in the corner. Switch back to Rebecca, and have her go up the stairs and pick up the GREEN HERB there. Switch back to Billy and try to leave. After the cut scene, switch to Rebecca, and go through the first door you see. You should be in the same room as Billy now. Regroup, and have Rebecca pick up the HOOKSHOT. Leave now. CABIN HALLWAY 2 Run back to the train bar. TRAIN BAR Pick up the herbs you left here if you have room, but leave one spot open. CONDUCTOR'S OFFICE Have Rebecca mix the herbs here and take them with you. CABIN HALLWAY Arrange your items so that Billy has the card key, and use it to open the door. ENGINE CAR Run to the door at the end. CONTROL ROOM Have Rebecca stay behind. Grab the box of HANDGUN AMMO on the floor, and look under the cabinet for another box. Grab the MAGNETIC CARD and leave. ENGINE CAR Take off running and get to the door before the zombies can wake up. CABIN HALLWAY Go to the CONDUCTOR'S OFFICE, and use the ladder to take a detour to the STAIRWELL CAR. STAIRWELL CAR Go through the door before the zombies can get you. PASSENGER CAR Just shoot Ed enough times to knock him down and then run past him and get to the REAR CAR. REAR CAR Use the MAGNETIC CARD on the console near the door. Here are the solutions to both puzzles. 36= 3333333339 67= 7777777774 81= 8888888889 /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ TRAINING FACILITY /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ TRAIN WRECK Pick up any healing items you can carry and make sure you have the HOOKSHOT. You should be able to get out of there before the zombies get up. SEWER Head to the ladder at the end of the path. MAIN HALL After the cinema, grab the HANDGUN AMMO from the table and have Rebecca mix the herbs on the floor. Save if you want to. Organize your inventory exactly like this: Rebecca- HANDGUN KNIFE HANDGUN BULLETS Billy- HANDGUN KNIFE Go through the double doors on the East side of the room near the typewriter. DINING ROOM Stay where you are, and have Billy take the zombie on the upper side of the screen while you shoot the zombie in front of you. Investigate one of the far tables to find some HANDGUN AMMO. leave through the only other unlocked door. BOILER ROOM Head to the right down the hallway and go through the door. STORAGE ROOM Shoot the zombie in front of you and the one coming around the corner. Take the BLACK STATUE on the floor and head back to the main hall. MAIN HALL Go up the stairs and leave your BLACK STATUE by the large statue near the double doors. Head to the left, and go through the single door there. STUDY Grab the CRANK HANDLE from the cabinet, and get outa there quick before the crows attack you. MAIN HALL Go through the double doors by the large statue. CLASSROOM In here, run to your left and go through the dingle door on this side of the room. LIBRARY CORRIDOR Take out the zombies in this hallway, and head through the double doors. LIBRARY Pick up the MICROFILM A from the table on the far side of the room, and then head to the lift. Have Rebecca stand on the lift, while Billy uses the CRANK HANDLE on the broken crank to the right of the lift. CLOCK ROOM Quickly, make a sharp turn to her left and make a beeline for the HANDGUN AMMO. After you grab it, you should be able to hug the left wall and make it to the door without being hit. SOUTH TERRACE Ignore the crows in this area and run straight to the herbs near the balcony portion of the terrace. Go to the other door. CAGE ROOM Go down the stairs on the left side of the area but don't go through the first door. Instead, go unlock the second door. LIBRARY Go out the door. LIBRARY HALL Immediately turn and shoot the zombie down, then use your knife to finish the job. Go through the door back to the classroom. CLASSROOM Go back to the main hall. MAIN HALL Head over to the right side of the room and go through the newly unlocked door. CAGE ROOM Regroup with Rebecca and head up the stairs. Make sure you give ALL of your handgun bullets to Billy now. Go over to the cranks by the wall and raise the cage. Switch to Rebecca, climb down the ladder, and pick up the FIRE KEY. Uh oh, someone better find a giant rolled up newspaper and fast, it's time for another boss fight. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BOSS 2- GIANT CENTIPEDE CHARACTER- BILLY BULLETS- 45-60 This will be the easiest fight you have in the game; you won't even need any health items. After you watch the cut scene, run to the alcove at the top of the stairs. If you stand in here you will be able to shoot at the boss, but he won't be able to hit you. Use the auto-targeting feature to keep up with the bug, and only fire one or two shots so as not to waste bullets. This fight will take a really long time, but you won't lose any health at all in the process. One last thing, if you completely ignore me and try to take the boss on one on one, don't use the knife because every time you get close to the centipede its feet will hurt you. As I said, the centipede can hit you with its feat if you get too close. It can also run you over if you get in its way, or attack you with its claws. As long as you stick to my strategy you won't get hurt. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****STATUS CHECK**** You should have AT LEAST: 50+ HANDGUN BULLETS A GREEN-RED mix in Rebecca's possession several healing items downstairs both characters at FULL HEALTH (this one is a best case scenario, so don't worry about it too much.) ****STATUS CHECK**** Go downstairs and wait by the door I told you not to go in earlier. Leave Rebecca in the hallway, and send Billy in alone. ART ROOM Watch out for the 2 bugs in this room. The goal is to get to the back of the room, grab the WHITE STATUE, and get back out without getting hit. Wait for the bugs to crawl up next to you, and then juke around them, hugging the wall on the left side of the screen. Grab the statue, and make a big circle by hugging the other wall to get back out. CAGE ROOM Regroup with Rebecca, and head back out into the main hall. MAIN HALL Leave the WHITE STATUE by the BLACK STATUE, and head downstairs toward the dining room. DINING ROOM Run to the red door and unlock it before the zombie can reach you. KITCHEN Grab the LIGHTER FLUID, and combine it with Billy's lighter. Now, make your way back up to the classroom. CLASS ROOM Head through the single door on your left. LIBRARY HALL Go unlock the fire door at the end of the hall and go inside. ASSISTANT'S OFFICE Push the table in the middle of the room so that it is under the moose head. Press the red button to turn out the light, stand on top of the table, and grab the IRON NEEDLE. Now, look for the HANDGUN AMMO on the table, and head back to the library. LIBRARY Go use Billy's lighter on the lamp by the locked door in the corner. Leave Rebecca here. SMALL LIBRARY Quickly, hug the ledge, run over to step, and step up, you might have to take a bite to do this. You can now take out the zombies with your knife, but watch out for their vomiting attack. Push the shelf up here and grab the BOOK OF GOOD. Examine it to find the ANGEL WINGS. Regroup with Rebecca, and head back to the cage room where you fought the centipede. You can leave the ANGEL WINGS in the main hall. CAGE ROOM You have 2 options from this point. You can either send one member with the IRON NEEDLE back to the clock room, or you can send both characters. If you send both characters, then the goal is to stay in the alcove and shoot both of the Plague Crawlers until they die. If you send one character, then be prepared to do allot of dodging. I recommend sending one character, because you'll waste allot of healing items and ammo if you fight the bugs. However, if you are not good at dodging, you should probably send both characters. I'll cover the dodging scenario, since the shooting scenario is pretty self explanatory. Leave Rebecca. SOUTH TERRACE Run to the door, ignore the crows. CLOCK ROOM Hug the wall on your right and turn the corner there. Run a little ways, and go in-between the two bugs, straight to the clock. Use the IRON NEEDLE, and set the time to 8:15. Do a quick turn, and follow the same route to get out of the room. Regroup with Rebecca, and head to the main hall. MAIN HALL Go through the other single door on this side of the room, but only send in Billy. CONFERENCE ROOM Only shoot the zombies you have to so that you can make it to the fireplace mantle, and grab the MICROFILM B. Leave. MAIN HALL Regroup with Rebecca, and find the MICROFILM A if you left it somewhere. Head downstairs, and go through the door on the western side of the room. PROJECTOR HALL DO NOT for any reason enter the door on your left. Go to the end of the hall and through the door there. PROJECTOR ROOM Kill the zombies if you have to, and pick up the HANDGUN AMMO from the front of the room. Use the 2 microfilms on the projector to receive the MO DISK. Leave. PROJECTOR HALL Make sure you're controlling Rebecca, and get ready to run. Hug the left wall, and don't stop for anything. Go around the left side of the leech zombie, and get to the door before he can attack you. Go to the classroom. CLASS ROOM Use the MO DISK on the podium up front, and enter the code it gives you on the desks. Go through the doors that just unlocked in this room. INFIRMARY HALL Kill the zombies, and have only Billy enter the first double doors that you come to. CHESS ROOM Grab the HANDGUN BULLETS from the mantel, and move the big white chess piece so that it looks like the chessboard on Marcus' desk. After you get the BOOK OF EVIL, examine it to find the BLACK WING, and then go back outside. INFIRMARY HALLWAY Regroup with Rebecca, and go through the door at the end of the hall. INFIRMARY Kill the zombies in here, and grab the FIRST AID SPRAY, one of the BLUE HERBS (use the other one if you were poisoned earlier), and put the GREEN CHEMICAL in Rebecca's mixing set. Go back to the main hall. MAIN HALL Grab the 2 statues and combine them with their corresponding wings. Place them on the large statue at the top of the stairs to cause the picture of Marcus to rise up. Split the 2 characters up, and have Billy go down the stairs. BASEMENT CORRIDOR Run to the left of the first spider, and he should drop down behind you. After you turn the corner, hug the left wall and go around the second spider. To dodge the last spider, stay on the wall, and cut the corner sharply. Now, sprint to the door before he can turn around. BASEMENT OFFICE Switch to Rebecca, and use the same strategy to dodge past the spiders and get to this room. There is a GREEN HERB and a BLUE HERB in here for you to take. Go to the other door. HOLDING CELL Have Billy give Rebecca a lift up to the ventilation shaft. Switch back to Billy, and make your way past the spiders again, through the first floor dining room, and into the boiler room. Switch back to Rebecca. TORTURE ROOM Head over to the power regulator and press the buttons in this order: UP, UP, DOWN, UP, UP BOILER ROOM After the cut scene, head past the boilers, pick up all the herbs you can carry, and go down the stairs. ANIMAL PUZZLE ROOM Run as fast as you can, and in a zigzag pattern. Turn the corner very sharply, take another right, and go through the door. B2 SAVE ROOM Regroup with Rebecca, and make sure that both characters are on attack mode. Leave the room. ANIMAL PUZZLE ROOM Stay by the door, and take on the Eliminators as they come to you. Because the hall is so narrow, the monkeys will not be able to gang up on you, and you can normally kill all 3 of them while taking very little damage. Pick up the HANDGUN AMMO, and go over to the animal statue puzzle. Light the statues in this order: deer, wolf, horse, tiger, snake, eagle. Go through the doorway, and take the first door. BASEMENT BUNKS Get the HANDGUN AMMO and the UNITY TABLET and leave. ANIMAL PUZZLE ROOM Go through the door near the one where you found Rebecca. CAVE HALL Run right under the spiders, and enter the first door you see. WATER FALL ROOM Walk around the right side of the Plague Crawlers and grab the LOCKER KEY. Now, run back around them, and out the door. CAVE HALL Run to the end of the hall and go through the doors. ARMORY Go up the stairs and grab the HANDGUN AMMO. Now, use the key you found on the locker in this room to receive the DURILIUM CASE. Input this code into the top of the case: 385 Combine the HANDGUN PARTS with Billy's handgun to receive the CUSTOM HANDGUN. Leave Rebecca up here, and take Billy down the stairs. Make sure Billy has a lot of ammo and healing items for this next part. Switch back and forth between Billy and Rebecca to solve this puzzle, and start a cut scene. Stay where you are when the Hunters attack you. Immediately start shooting as soon as the first drops down. With the speed of your new handgun, you should be able to knock the Hunter down. Now run up to him and aim down to finish the job. Run back to the button, and wait for the second Hunter to appear. When he does, shoot him once or twice to get his attention, then use the "Wait then Run" tactic outlined above. When he jumps over you, turn around and start shooting him in the back until he dies. Grab the WATER KEY, regroup with Rebecca, and get the heck outa there. CAVE HALL Dodge past the spiders and run up the stairs. You will probably get poisoned while running up the stairs. Go back through the main hall to the cage room. CAGE ROOM Make sure Rebecca has the WATER KEY, and leave Billy here. ART ROOM Use the same tactics as earlier to get around the bugs and unlock the door. SECURITY ROOM HALL Take the first door you see here. SECURITY ROOM Turn to your left, and run right past the leech zombie. Pick up the VISE HANDLE and get outa there before the leech zombie can grab you. SECURITY ROOM HALL Run down the hall, ignore the leech zombie, and go through the next door you come to. PIANO BAR Switch back to Billy. CAGE ROOM Go into the art room. ART ROOM Run past the Plague Crawlers, and go through the door. SECURITY ROOM HALL Hug the wall, and make your way to the bar. You'll probably take a bite. BAR Have Billy play the piano, and when the wall rises, send Rebecca in to grab the battery. When the wall closes down, have Billy play the piano again so that Rebecca can get out. Leave Rebecca here, and make sure that Billy has the VISE HANDLE, and 3 free item slots. SECURITY ROOM HALL If you're quick, you can make it around the leech zombie, and to the door at the end of the hall. VISE ROOM HALLWAY Turn right, and go up the hallway and through the door. VISE ROOM Kill the zombie to your right and go over to the vise. Use the VISE HANDLE, grab the OBIDIENCE TABLET, and get outa there. VISE ROOM HALLWAY Head to the other door in this hall and go through it. WORK ROOM Grab all the goodies in this room and leave. VISE ROOM HALLWAY Run past the leech zombie in here and the one in the next hallway and go back to the art room. ART ROOM Cross to the left side of the room and go around the Plague Crawlers to the door. Once outside, switch back to Rebecca. BAR Leave. SECURITY ROOM HALL Turn quickly and run to the door. ART ROOM Use the same strategy you did with Billy to get out of this room. CAGE ROOM Equip your knives and head upstairs. Stay at the top of the stairs and get close to the end of the alcove. When the bugs come up, aim down and start stabbing them. Go through the double doors. OBSERVATORY Pick up the HANDGUN AMMO and drop any healing items that Rebecca and Billy might be holding. Go down and place the 2 tablets in their rightful places. Go back to the main hall. MAIN HALL Leave Rebecca, and go back down the basement corridor, past the spiders and enter the now unlocked door on the right. All you have to do in this room is grab the HANDGUN AMMO before the zombies wake up, and then head back up to the main hall. Go out the now unlocked front door. FRONT PORCH Go over to the elevator and place the battery in the slot near the elevator. Now, push the box across the porch and over to the column. Climb on top of it and pick up the DISCIPLINE TABLET. Go back to the main hall. MAIN HALL The task now becomes moving all of the healing items that you left, in here and in other places that are safe to go back to, into the observatory. Also move the HOOKSHOT there. OBSERVATORY Once all that is done, put the last tablet into its spot, and watch the cut scene. After the cut scene, arrange your inventory like this and go out the door: BILLY- CUSTOM HANDGUN ALL HANDGUN AMMO KNIFE FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM FULL HEALING ITEM REBECCA- HANDGUN KNIFE SINGLE GREEN HERB HOOKSHOT /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ CHURCH / LAB /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ CHURCH YARD Run across the bridge and go into the little hut on the right. Have Rebecca stand in the top left corner and leave her there. Go through the front door. CHAPEL Go through the door in the upper right corner. CHURCH OFFICE SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! SAVE! CHAPEL Time for another boss fight. Oh Boy. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BOSS 3- GIANT BAT CHARACTER- BILLY BULLETS- ??? *Note* Sean Hayes recently informed me of a nice little glitch that allows you to bypass this entire fight. Enjoy. "...on the giant bat in the church, just run right by it and into the save room. When you leave the room, the bat will be dead/gone. So much for the hardest fight in the game" (Hayes). Also note that I myself haven't tested this yet, so if this doesn't work then please accept my apologies. *End note* This will be the hardest fight in the game, and the one reason why I recommend that you don't attempt this game on HARD mode. You will waste SO much ammo in this fight that you might not be able to finish the game. About 1 out of every 3 shots you take will actually hit him, and you will waste even more ammo when the smaller bats come down. When the fight starts, make your way over to the front door. Here you will be able to see a large portion of the room, and the bat will have a harder time picking you up and carrying you across the room. Only fire at him when you can see him so as to conserve ammo, and be sure to aim up if he is above you. When the smaller bats come down, make sure you are not targeting them. If they give you too much trouble, pull out your knife, and start stabbing upward until enough of them are gone for you to get a clear shot at the big guy. Mostly, he will fly around and try to hit you with the claws on his wings. This won't hurt you much, but he does it allot. Another thing he will do is pick you up and fly you to the middle of the room before finally dropping you. This attack can hurt you pretty badly, but he rarely does it if you stay against the wall. The small bats will bite you, but this does not hurt much. When the small bats do come, run to the other side of the room so that they won't mess up your aiming too much. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****STATUS CHECK**** Hopefully, you have AT LEAST: 80 HANDGUN BULLETS a GREEN HERB on Rebecca one or two+ HEALING ITEMS back at the observatory ****STATUS CHECK**** Switch back to Rebecca, and enter the chapel. Now, use your HOOKSHOT to reach the hole in the roof. CHURCH ROOF Run to the end and climb down the ladder. CHURCH YARD Pull the switch to restart the elevator. Combine the RED HERB with the GREEN HERB in your inventory, and then open the gate. Switch back to Billy, leave the chapel, and meet up with Rebecca. Go down the elevator. Don't forget to divvy up your handgun ammo too. LAB HALL Head down the hall and go through the door on the left. CHURCH LIBRARY Split your ammo up, and make sure that Billy is in attack mode. Leave him over by the typewriter, and use the HOOKSHOT to get Rebecca up to the second floor. UPPER RESEARCH ROOM Run forward, and watch out for the leech zombie. Hug the shelves, and run around it over to the glowing vending machine-like thing to pick up the LEECH CAPSULE. Dodge around the zombie again, and exit the room. UPPER HALLWAY Hit the switch next to you. Go down the hall and into the first unlocked door you come to. UPPER CABLE CAR Grab the GREEN HERB and leave your HOOKSHOT in here. Leave. UPPER HALLWAY Go through the door at the end of the hall. GAS CHAMBER Kill the zombie on the ground with your knife. Get the RED CHEMICAL, and combine it with the GREEN CHEMICAL and the LEECH CAPSULE to get the BLUE LEECH CHARM. Go through the other door in this room. OPERATING ROOM Make sure you kill all of the zombies in here. Grab the FIRST AID SPRAY from the shelf, and then send the BLUE LEECH CHARM down to Billy. CHURCH LIBRARY You should find a dead zombie at your feet. Leave. LAB HALL Cut the corner, and dodge to the right around the leech zombie. Pick up the herbs if you have some room, otherwise hit the door running. MARCUS' OFFICE examine the desk to find HANDGUN AMMO. Take the INPUT REGULATOR COIL and go out the other door. MARCUS' ART ROOM Only kill the zombies if you have to. Take the GREEN LEECH CHARM and go back to the church library. You should be able to dodge the zombie in this large, empty room. CHURCH LIBRARY Send the charm up to Rebecca. OPERATING ROOM Pick up the charm and use it on the other door in that room. BODY ROOM Kill the 2 zombies in here with your knife. There's some HANDGUN AMMO on the table, get that and the STERILIZING AGENT, then go back to the gas chamber. GAS CHAMBER Use the STERILIZING AGENT. Go into the gas chamber and pick up the BREEDING ROOM KEY. Get outa there quick. It should take the zombie a long time to get up, and you can easily run around the other zombie in the room. Go back to the upper hallway and unlock the door there. BREEDING ROOM Run past the Hunters by hugging the far wall on the left and making a large loop to the back of the room. Quickly grab the DIAL and exit the room by hugging the same wall. Go back to the OPERATING ROOM. OPERATING ROOM Send the DIAL down to Billy. CHURCH LIBRARY Grab the DIAL and exit the room. LAB HALL Dodge past the leech zombie again and go to the only door you haven't been through yet. Place the DIAL here, and input the combination: 4863. LOWER CABLE CAR Go to the wall on the left, and hit the switch here. Now, switch back to Rebecca, and bring her to the upper portion of this room. Grab the HOOKSHOT and go down the ladder. Grab the OUTPUT REGULATOR COIL on the ground and get the other coil from Billy. Use the HOOKSHOT in the corner of this room to go upstairs. CABLE CAR CONTROL ROOM Use both of your coils, exit out the door, and head back down the ladder. LOWER CABLE CAR Before you do anything, rearrange your items like so: Rebecca: CUSTOM HANDGUN HANDGUN AMMO, all of it 1 full healing item KNIFE Billy: REBECCA'S HANDGUN KNIFE every other healing item you have left Now, try to enter the cable car. After the cut scene, ignore the leech zombie and head back up the ladder. Go into the control room, and fix the coils again. Go back down the ladder, evade the leech zombie, and board the cable car. CABLE CAR Hit the switch at the front of the car and go for a ride. When the car stops, exit. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ THE FACTORY /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ CABLE CAR STATION There are 2 GREEN HERBS here that you should mix together. Now, head up the stairs and go through the double doors. TURNTABLE ACCESS Hehe this place looks a little familiar doesn't it? Anyway, head to the lift at the far side of the room and ride it down. Run along the catwalk and go through the door at the end. SURVEILANCE HALL Run to the end of the hall and pick up the FACTORY KEY. 2 Hunters will surprise you on your way out, but you can dodge around them to either side and hit the door running. TURNTABLE ACCESS Ride the lift back up and head through the single door on your left. FACTORY CONTROL ROOM YAY!!! Precious HANDGUN AMMO, it's been a while. Use your new key at the control panel and also grab the FIRST AID SPRAY in the cabinet. You should definitely save here, even if you've saved recently. A boss fight is coming up and you might die the first few times you try it. TURNTABLE ACCESS Hop on the ole turntable and head down to the lab.... ahh memories. LAB TURNTABLE ROOM Before you head over to Enrico's elevator, turn around and head over to the locked elevator behind the turntable. Leave one of your healing items here. Now, make your way across the room to trigger the cut scene with Enrico. Grab the ELEVATOR KEY, and head back to the other elevator. Use your key here, and prepare to fight the TYRANT. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BOSS 4- TYRANT 1 CHARACTER- REBECCA BULLETS- 30-40 Be sure that you have at least 2 full health items for this fight. After the fight starts, pick up the FIRST AID SPRAY you should have left over here. You're gonna be using the Blam Blam Run technique for this battle, so be sure you run around his left (your right) side. Again, be sure you're running around the side without the claw on it, or you will get hit. If you are really daring, you can use the knife for this fight. Just run around his weak side, stab him in the back, and then repeat this process. If you are shooting him, shoot him 3 or 4 times before you take off running. You should run just as soon as he starts turning around, if you do this, he will jump right past you. Now you can repeat the process. If you run too far ahead of him, he will squat down and jump slash at you. Try to run around his weak side if you see this happening. To avoid it all together, only run a few steps away from him. Be careful when standing behind him, or he will do a quick 180 slash and knock you to the ground. If you are using the knife, be sure to only stab once, and then run away. If you don't run around him quick enough, he will hit you with his weak hand, so be quick. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****STATUS CHECK**** You should have about: 100 HANDGUN BULLETS 1 or 2 FULL HEALING ITEMS ****STATUS CHECK**** Head into the elevator, and take it to the 2nd floor. FACTORY CAT WALK Run to the barrel and grab the HANDGUN AMMO. Do a quick turn, and run back to the elevator. Go down to the 4th floor. /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ TREATMENT PLANT /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ PLANT BRIDGE After the cut scene, take the door at the end of the bridge. PLANT POWER ROOM Take the HANDGUN AMMO in this room and solve the puzzle. Take the lift down. LOWER GENERATOR ROOM Dodge the zombies in this room by running past the first one, and going in between the next 2. Pick up the herbs on your way out. LEECH CATWALK Run down to the corner. You'll see a leech zombie, but if you move fast enough you can go right past him and into the door at the end of the hall. POOL TABLE ROOM Go around the zombie and down the stairs. FORKLIFT ROOM Leave the herbs here, and head out the other door in this room. BOX PUZZLE ROOM Head through the door in front of you. BOX PUZZLE STAIRWELL Go down the stairs and through the door. DISPOSAL ROOM After you meet up with Billy again, exchange guns and head back upstairs. BOX PUZZLE ROOM Solve the puzzle, and grab the HANDLE on the other side of the pool. Give Billy all of the ammo, and split up. Head back up to the leech catwalk with the HANDLE. LEECH CATWALK Quickly run past the leech zombie and use the HANDLE to open the door. BACKUP GENERATOR ROOM Head to the far left corner and prepare for some fighting. Shoot and stab all the zombies till the room is no longer a threat. Switch back to Rebecca and make your way to this room, dodging the leech zombie in the same way. Pick up the HANDGUN AMMO, and take both characters up the ladder. UPPER GENERATOR ROOM Kill the zombie. Grab the herbs and put the red chemical in Rebecca's mixing set. Go back downstairs. BACKUP GENERATOR ROOM Split up the characters and take Billy through the door here. HUNTER HALLWAY Use the wait, then run technique to get past the hunters and through the door at the end. PLANT LODGINGS Grab the HANDGUN AMMO and the healing items if you need them. Switch back to Rebecca and take her to this room in the same fashion. Go through the other door. LEECH STAIRWAY Go down the stairs and through the door. SEWER CATWALK Don't stop running, even if a Lurker jumps up at you. GONDOLA ROOM Kill the zombies up here, and give all of your ammo and healing items to Billy. Leave Rebecca here, and take Billy down the lift. TYRANT ROOM Run around the other side of the room to start the fight with the Tyrant. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BOSS 5- TYRANT 2 CHARACTER- BILLY BULLETS- 40-50 This fight will be allot like the first one only longer so I'm gonna repeat what I said earlier. Be sure that you have at least 2 full health items for this fight. You're gonna be using the Blam Blam Run technique for this battle, so be sure you run around his left (your right) side. Again, be sure you're running around the side without the claw on it, or you will get hit. If you are really daring, you can use the knife for this fight. Just run around his weak side, stab him in the back, and then repeat this process. If you are shooting him, shoot him 3 or 4 times before you take off running. You should run just as soon as he starts turning around, if you do this, he will jump right past you. Now you can repeat the process. If you run too far ahead of him, he will squat down and jump slash at you. Try to run around his weak side if you see this happening. To avoid it all together, only run a few steps away from him. Be careful when standing behind him, or he will do a quick 180 slash and knock you to the ground. If you are using the knife, be sure to only stab once, and then run away. If you don't run around him quick enough, he will hit you with his weak hand, so be quick. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****STATUS CHECK**** You should have about: 130 HANDGUN BULLETS 1 or 2 FULL HEALING ITEMS ****STATUS CHECK**** Head to the end of the room and hit the switch here. A ladder will lower down and you should go up it. UPPER TYRANT ROOM Find the MOTHERBOARD and make your way back to Rebecca. GONDOLA ROOM Split up your ammo and healing items, and send Rebecca on the gondola. FLOODGATE CONTROL Hit the switch in this room and then leave. INDUSTRIAL WATER ROOM The bug in this room should be easy to dodge as long as you run in wide circles around them. Grab the industrial water and the blue chemical and mix it all together to get the BATERY FLUID. Go down the stairs in this room. INSECT ROOM Switch back to Billy GONDOLA ROOM Head down the lift and go through the only door you haven't been through in the TYRANT ROOM. DAM BRIDGE Grab the herbs here and head across the bridge. If a Lurker jumps up, just run right by him. TURBINE ROOM Only kill the zombies if you have to. Grab the HANDGUN AMMO and go through the door. INSECT ROOM Give Rebecca a boost to get the BATTERY. Run back up the stairs before the bugs can get you. INDUSTRIAL WATER ROOM Quickly run to the only door you haven't been to yet. DISPOSAL ROOM Head back up to the forklift room FORKLIFT ROOM Use the BATTERY here and get the KEYCARD. You should go save now. Head back to the TURBINE ROOM. TURBINE ROOM Use the KEYCARD and go through the door. FINAL HALL Organize your inventory so that each character is loaded down with ammo and healing items. MARCUS ROOM Time for a boss fight +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BOSS 6- DR MARCUS CHARACTER- BOTH BULLETS- 90-120 This fight won't be all that hard. Just keep running around the room and pause to shoot every now and then. He attacks you by hitting you with his arms and by picking you up and strangling you. Half way through the fight he will sprout tentacles that he will try to hit you with. If he grabs your partner, start shooting him so that he will let go. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****STATUS CHECK**** You should have about: 50-75 HANDGUN BULLETS 3 FULL HEALING ITEMS ****STATUS CHECK**** After the fight, grab the 2 keys off the ground and use them at the big door. ELEVATOR SAVE ROOM Save and grab the herbs, FIRST AID SPRAYS, and HANDGUN AMMO. Make sure that every item slot is full with healing items and ammo. HELIPORT This is it, I hope you have enough ammo, healing items, and luck to finish the game. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ BOSS 7- QUEEN LEECH CHARACTER- BOTH BULLETS- unknown Get really far away from it and hit it with your remaining handgun ammo. If you run out, run up and use your knife on it. It attacks by tackling you and by spitting acid on you. The best way to avoid its attacks are to just stay away from it. You can use the catwalks around the room to stay away from it's reach. For the second part of the battle, use any handgun ammo you might have, or just attack it with your knife. You should have plenty of healing items incase you get in trouble. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ****STATUS CHECK**** CONGRATS!!! you just beat the game using only a handgun and your knife! ****STATUS CHECK**** =========================== 5. FAQs =========================== Q. Can I host this guide on my site? A. Sure if I like ya. Seriously though, if you want to host it send me a polite e-mail outlining your intentions, and be sure to give me credit if I respond with a yes. Q. Will you make a guide like this for the other Resident Evil games? A. If I get a lot of requests, then yeah I'll make some more Handgun walkthroughs. I'll even write some for the older games if you ask me to. =========================== 6. Conclusion =========================== Thanks go out to... CJayC: For maintaining this site and hosting this guide. You for reading this guide Capcom for making the game Sean Hayes for contirbuting to the giant bat section. This document is protected by international copyright laws. Do not plagiarize this guide. All copyrights not mentioned in this guide are respected. If you would like to contribute, I will credit you. You can contact me at: Email: georgewilson288@hotmail.com