"It's cheating. It's cheating. It's CHEATING." ._______. ._______. ._________.___._______. ._________._______. ._______. | ._. !_| ._. !_| ._. | | ._. !_| ._. | ._. !_._! ._. | | |\| | |\| | |\!___|___| |_| | |/| | |/| | |/| | | | | | !_! | !__\__| | | | | !_! | | | | | | | | | !___| ._____!_____. | | | | | ._____| | | |___! | | | | |\__| !\_____\____! | | !_! _| !_____| | | |__/| | | !___! | !_________________. | |_______!_! ._________! !___! | !___! \___\| \________| ._. !_| |\________| |________/!/___/ !/___/ | |\| | | | |___| | | !_! | | | | | | .___. | ._____| !_! | | |/| | | !\____!_. ._| | !_! | .______!_________!_!_____!_!___!_________!___. !_______. _| ._____.|_ ._____. ._!.____ .!_. \_____/ /| |\____| | |___./| | |___//| | ___/__/ | !!____| | |. /|____| |. // | | / /\__\/| ._______| |!/____/| |//| | | / /_/____|_ |\______| | | |_. /_|_!._| !__________\ !_________!___! !/_ !_______! \_________\! \________!___! !/______/ "ROcket LaUNcher" SpeED waLKTHrough for GameCube - NTSC ( 1:38:31 - Hard mode ) bY VIncent MerKEn This document is best viewed using a non-proportional font, which is able to align the numbers and characters below (eg. Courier New, OCR A Extended...): 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123465789 sUrvIV-hOr...Bonjour.Jill.et.Chris.vOUs.EXPirerEz.DanS.ma.demeure.sANs.dOuLEUrs. Also, adjust your viewer settings in such a way that the above ASCII logo is rendered correctly (linefeed according to window, increase window size to at least 80 chars width). ** Update History --]-]-------[-[-- 190503: Alpha's down for business. 1:38:31 completion time so far. I have not researched into the effects of running around without weapons whenever possible. My hunch is that the gained time because of the increased running speed will be nullified by the time lost while equipping/unequipping the weapon in the menu, but I am not sure that this is effectively the case. Something for a possible beta version? 110503: Started work on alpha version. 00 Content --]-][-[-- ** Update History 00 Content 01 Preface 02 Before Unleashing Ms. Chambers 03 Groovetime! 04 V Talks 05 My FAQs So Far 06 Disclaimer 01 Preface --]-][-[-- Hey, long time no write here on GameFAQs. No, I'm not dead yet, but good old Real Life is keeping me on a Combat Knife's edge. Anyway, welcome to this little Resident Evil: 0 "Rocket Launcher" guide. You'll notice that it's a little different from my usual format, but that's because I wanted to try something new. What this guide tries to offer: to finish Resident Evil: 0 in the shortest possible time in Hard mode using the two uberweapons of the game: the Rocket Launcher and Magnum Revolver aka the Hand Cannon (with infinite ammo). Why? Because I'd like to give you a solid foundation for a "World Record" attempt as tracked by Twingalaxies(dot)com, and they allow usage of these "one-shot-kill-all" weapons. Now please don't get me wrong. I do NOT endorse this kind of "World Record". In fact, I am disgusted by it. The _cheat_ weapons that are the Rocket Launcher and Magnum Revolver completely destroy the game's challenge, regardless of difficulty mode (that's why I chose Hard). Enemies become nothing more than animated speed bumps which either need to be removed by a single shot or left alone. You are God, you decide whether they live or die, and that's that - they have no chance whatsoever to put up a fair fight. Item management reduces to a minimum because you no longer have to care about health and ammunition. All you have to worry about are the puzzle items and the quickest route through the game and that's it. Which is, frankly, pathetic. The only possible reasoning as to why TwinGalaxies, the official worldwide video gaming scoreboard, tracks this kind of record is because they want to be _sure_ that they get the fastest time possible as allowed by the game. Well, okay, sure, but that doesn't change anything about the incredible cheapness of it all. The only kind of _true_ time record I would be willing to support is the out-of-the-box record (ie. starting from a New Game). So why this "Rocket Launcher" FAQ then, V? Various reasons. One, out-of-the-box speed guides have already been covered for Resident Evil: 0 so I wanted to do something different. Two, I wanted to show the ridiculousness of a cheat weapon walkthrough (okay for fungames but surely not for serious tracking)- I made sure the layout reflects this. Finally, I've noticed that there's quite a large community of gamers committed to setting or beating World Records on video games. Well, I'd like to offer them a solid foundation with this guide from which they may be able to produce a top time, and I wish these players the best of luck while at it. Anyway. Time to get it on. 02 Before Unleashing Ms. Chambers --]-]-----------------------[-[-- [Getting The Rocket Launcher] Beat the game within 210 minutes in either Normal or Hard mode to unlock the Leech Hunter bonus game as well as receive the Rocket Launcher, Submachinegun and Closet Key. There are a couple guides which cover this already, so I won't go into detail here. Use the occasion to master the controls and get used to the environment. [Getting The So Bah-Roken Magnum Revolver and Even More Uber Infinite Ammo] Beat the Leech Hunter bonus game you've obtained twice: once with 90 to 99 Leeches collected (Magnum Revolver), and once with all 100 collected (Infinite Ammo). Again I must refer you to other guides which outline how to do this. Apart from fournishing you with the items you need to attempt this walkthrough, the bonus game's also a great showcase on player-monster interaction. We might even need that in this walkthrough. [Commonly Used Terminology] Controls: Here is a list of all the controls needed during play: D-Pad : Directional Pad (use First Analogue Control Stick if preferred) Forwards, Backwards, Left, Right: Up, Down, Left, Right on the D-Pad resp. A Button: Action/Confirm Button B Button: Run/Cancel Button X Button: Switch Character Y Button: Enter/Leave Menu C-Stick : Second Analogue Control Stick R Button: Aim Button L Button: Switch Targets Start : Start Button (Character Separation/Reunion, Skip Cutscenes) Special Moves/Actions: 180 : A character turnaround. Tap B and Down simultaneously to perform this manoever. BLAM! : A shot from the Magnum Revolver. Used often. BOOM! : A shot from the Rocket Launcher. Rarely used, but present nonetheless. CUTSCENE: A cutscene. Skip immediately with Start, unless noted otherwise. PICK UP : Pick up some item. PICK UP/USE: Pick up some item, then, at the menu screen, USE it. PICK UP/USE-COMBINE: Pick up some item, USE it, then COMBINE it with a second item. PICK UP/USE-EQUIP: Pick up a weapon and equip it directly in the menu. COMBINE : Combine items. EXAMINE : Examine item. LEAVE : Leave item. EXCHANGE: Exchange item from active character with item from passive character. Active/Passive Character: As you know, in Resident Evil: 0, you're in control of two characters - Billy the Tank and Rebecca the China Doll. You only have direct control over one of them (called the 'active' character from now on) whereas the other (the 'passive' character) will either wait while you explore other rooms, or follow you around. With the C-Stick, you can control the passive character when the active character's in the same room, but that's it. Whenever you press the X Button, the characters will switch roles, thus the passive character becomes the active character, and vice versa. It is important to denote active/passive characters during the walkthrough, as well as the actions required to split them up or join them together again. I'll the following conventions: RB: Rebecca and Billy act as a team, with Rebecca as the active character. BR: Billy and Rebecca act as a team, with Billy as the active character. B : Billy acts solo, while Rebecca tries not to yawn too hard. R : Rebecca acts solo, while Billy kills time playing with his handcuffs. COOPERATE: Active and passive character team up. (press Start) SPLIT UP : Active and passive character split up. (press Start after a COOPERATE) SWITCH : Active and passive character switch roles. (press X Button) [Tales About Billy And Rebecca] This walkthrough is all about Billy the Tank. Being a Tank is a good thing: you're able to survive a lot of attacks without dropping to Caution, you're fast and basically have no recoil when firing weapons (except for the Rocket Launcher). So it's quite obvious that the Tank will be doing all the dirty work. Rebecca the China Doll only rears her head when it's absolutely unavoidable. China Dolls break at the slightest motion, so it's very dangerous to send her out, unless you like to go for the nearest Green Herbs all the time. Which is a no-no in this speed guide. So let's stick to Billy and keep Rebecca on a low profile. Now, is there a way to abuse Billy? Why yes, I'm glad you asked. Since he'll be doing the killing most of the time, he'll be the one carrying a weapon while Rebecca carries nothing (making her faster). The abusive part comes when we navigate Rebecca through an array of rooms, with Billy as the passive character. Since Billy's quite chivalrous by nature, he'll attack anything that gets in his way in order to protect Rebecca. Since he's packing the Magnum Revolver (usually), he'll kill the aggressors in one shot. *And*, since you're controlling Rebecca, you're keeping her safe and won't lose any time while all this happens. Now, if that isn't a win-win situation, then I don't know what is. I'll be using this whenever I can. [Layout] Here's how the general layout looks: Ehh ...say what? is a three-digit number, XYY, with X being the general area in which you're playing, and YY the sequence number in which this particular room first appeared. So for example, 102 is the second room you visit in The Train, 412 is the twelfth room you visit in The Factory. Is a short description of the room, freshly sucked out of yours truly's thumb. will indicate who is/are present in the room and in what role (ie. BR, RB, B or R). If nothing's mentioned, the latest role indicator applies. What has to be done before leaving the room. Very cryptic. Very jive-like. If nothing's said, just run from exit A to exit B. If there's a need for a deeper explanation for one or several actions, it'll be described here. 03 Groovetime! --]-]----[-[-- _____________________ ___|Chapter 0: Bootin' up|___________________________________ Once you've obtained a savegame containing the Rocket Launcher and Magnum Revolver with Infinite Ammo in either Hard or Normal Mode (please consult chapter 02 to find out how to do this), select Load Game from the main menu. Choose said savegame and select Continue. If you wish to keep track of your time without too much hassle, get a stopwatch and activate it as you press Continue. CUTSCENE We'll get the usual 'Loading Environment, Please Hold' Typewriter Text Of Doom(tm), after which it's playtime - welcome to Ecliptic Express. ____________________ ___|Chapter 1: The Train|____________________________ 101 [Passenger Compartment 1] R 102 [Passenger Compartment 2] CUTSCENE Y Button LEAVE: Closet Key, Handgun EQUIP: Rocket Launcher Y Button BOOM! 103 [Passenger Compartment 3] 104 [Sleeping Quarters 1] PICK UP/USE-EQUIP: Magnum Revolver 103 [Passenger Compartment 3] Examine Corpse to obtain Train Key CUTSCENE R Button, BLAM!, window breaks Run 1.5 steps forward, then aim and BLAM! to kill 2nd Cerberus 102 [Passenger Compartment 2] BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! 101 [Passenger Compartment 1] CUTSCENE Turn Rebecca 90 degrees right, head straight for door (no Zombie should appear, if they do, ignore) Examine door, unlock it and discard Train Key 105 [Kitchen] CUTSCENE 106 [Dining Area] trigger CUTSCENE Marcus Leech: BLAM! BLAM! CUTSCENE CUTSCENE Cancel reading player's manual Y Button LEAVE: Handgun Ammo (60x) EXCHANGE: Magnum Revolver -> Submachinegun LEAVE: Submachinegun SWITCH LEAVE: Combat Knife LEAVE: Handgun LEAVE: Handgun Ammo (15x) EQUIP: Magnum Revolver SWITCH Y Button SPLIT UP Climb ladder 107 [Roof 1] Forwards Connect Power Cable CUTSCENE 108 [Service Area] PICK UP: Train Key Examine Service Lift, place Train Key inside SWITCH 106 [Dining Area] B 105 [Kitchen] Examine Service Lift, obtain Train Key 101 [Passenger Compartment 1] IF Zombie spawned earlier: BLAM!, run to middle of train compartment (2nd Zombie awakens), BLAM! IF Zombies appear now: run to middle of train compartment, BLAM! Zombie appearing from behind, then BLAM! front Zombie 102 [Passenger Compartment 2] 103 [Passenger Compartment 3] Examine/use door to Conductor's Office, discard Train Key 109 [Conductor's Office] Turn Billy 90 degrees right, Examine/activate switch to drop ladder Climb ladder 110 [Bar] CUTSCENE 111 [Passenger Compartment 4] PICK UP: Ice Pick 110 [Bar] trigger CUTSCENE BOSS FIGHT: Stinger Run to back of car, R Button, BLAM! BLAM! When Stinger is near, aim down to BLAM!, run 1.5 steps forwards, aim down and BLAM!, then aim forward and BLAM! to kill PICK UP: Panel Opener 109 [Conductor's Office] PICK UP: Briefcase 103 [Passenger Compartment 3] 102 [Passenger Compartment 2] 101 [Passenger Compartment 1] 105 [Kitchen] Examine Service Lift, place Ice Pick inside Y-Button USE: Panel Opener CUTSCENE SWITCH 108 [Service Area] R Examine Service Lift, obtain Ice Pick Y-Button USE: Ice Pick 106 [Dining Area] 105 [Kitchen] BR SWITCH Enter crawlspace 112 [Supply Room] Place Billy between Rebecca and Cerberi, BLAM! BLAM! PICK UP/USE-COMBINE: Gold Ring, Briefcase 113 [The Most Annoying RE Item Since The Crank] RB SPLIT UP Position Billy near Hookshot SWITCH Examine/activate switch SWITCH Examine Hookshot PICK UP: Hookshot Cancel reading Hookshot manual COOPERATE SWITCH 112 [Supply Room] Unlock/enter door 105 [Kitchen] 101 [Passenger Compartment 1] 102 [Passenger Compartment 2] R SPLIT UP 111 [Passenger Compartment 4] SWITCH 102 [Passenger Compartment 2] B Place Billy behind window USE: Hookshot 114 [Roof 2] 115 [Sleeping Quarters 2] BLAM! PICK UP: Jewelry Box trigger CUTSCENE 111 [Passenger Compartment 4] BR COOPERATE 110 [Bar] RB SWITCH 109 [Conductor's Office] 103 [Passenger Compartment 3] BR SWITCH Place Billy in front of magnetic card reader Y Button EXAMINE: Jewelry BOX, obtain Silver Ring COMBINE: Silver Ring, Briefcase EXAMINE: Briefcase, obtain Blue Keycard USE: Blue Keycard Discard Blue Keycard trigger CUTSCENE 115 [Dead merc corridor] 116 [Driver's Compartment] B CUTSCENE Cancel reading brake operation manual Choose Rebecca to stay behind CUTSCENE PICK UP: Magnetic Card 115 [Dead merc corridor] 103 [Passenger Compartment 3] BLAM! 102 [Passenger Compartment 2] 4 Zombies here. Run forward until perspective changes Pass Zombie 1 until you're _very_ close to Zombie 2 (but still outside of bite-range) BLAM! Quickly run to exit before Zombie 3 gets to you and Zombie 4 awakens 101 [Passenger Compartment 1] BLAM! Byebye Edward. 105 [Kitchen] 112 [Supply Room] 113 [The Most Annoying RE Item Since The Crank] USE: Magnetic Card Enter code: 81: 8888888889 or 67: 4777777777 or 36: 2244444444 CUTSCENE 116 [Driver's Compartment] R Enter code: 81: 8888888889 or 67: 4777777777 or 36: 2244444444 CUTSCENE CUTSCENE 117 [Train Crash Site] RB CUTSCENE 118 [Sewer Entrance To Management Training Facility] CUTSCENE =*= CLOCK: 0:19:50 =*= =*= DAMAGE: Billy - none | Rebecca - none =*= ___________________________________________ ___|Chapter 2: The Management Training Facility|_______________ 201 [Main Hall] B SWITCH SPLIT UP 180 202 [Crow Room] PICK UP: Crank Handle Bail out immediately once Crows attack 201 [Main Hall] BR COOPERATE 203 [Conference Room] RB SWITCH 204 [Female Art Corridor] 205 [Main Library] R Move Rebecca onto elevator platform, then SPLIT UP SWITCH Y-Button USE: Crank Handle CUTSCENE 206 [Clockwork Area] 207 [Fountain] 208 [Fire Key Hall] Unlock door leading to Main Hall. 201 [Main Hall] 180 SWITCH 205 [Main Library] B 180, exit 204 [Female Art Corridor] *Random factor*: one-shot kill of two Zombies If so : BLAM! L-Button BLAM! If not: BLAM! BLAM! L-Button BLAM! 203 [Conference Room] 201 [Main Hall] RB SWITCH COOPERATE 208 [Facility Key Hall] 209 [Art Room] BR SWITCH Aim down to kill Plague Crawlers. *Random factor*: one-shot kill of Plague Crawlers. If so : BLAM! If not: BLAM! BLAM! SWITCH PICK UP: White Statue SWITCH 180, exit 208 [Facility Key Hall] Go up stairs, activate chain winding mechanism. SWITCH Go down ladder into the emptied "swimming pool". PICK UP: Facility Key CUTSCENE BOSS FIGHT: Centurion After hearing Becky sing "Aaahhhh! Billy!", the ex-marine will be under your control. Stand your ground and defeat Centurion with a simple BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! CUTSCENE SWITCH 201 [Main Hall] RB 210 [Dining Area] Run a few steps forward, wait for Billy to pop 2 Zombies, then unlock door with Facility Key. 211 [Kitchen] SWITCH PICK UP/USE-COMBINE: Lighter Fluid, Lighter SWITCH 210 [Dining Area] 212 [Boiler Room Corridor] 213 [Storage Room] Run a few steps forward, Billy will drop Zombie 1, then run around corner until perspective changes. Judge Zombie 2's distance to Becky - if he's too close, let Billy take care of it. PICK UP: Black Statue SWITCH Clim ladder, exit 214 [The Balcony] BR Run until you see a walking Zombie (with another behind him) *Random factor*: one-shot-kill of Zombies If so : BLAM! If not: BLAM! BLAM! Run down the walkway and unlock the door, exit 203 [Conference Room] 204 [Female Art Corridor] 205 [Main Library] PICK UP: Microfilm A USE: Lighter (on lantern) 215 [Library of Benevolence] BLAM! SPLIT UP BLAM! Climb onto elevated area, push bookcase to the right (1.5 pushes) PICK UP: Book of Good SWITCH COOPERATE 205 [Main Library] RB 204 [Female Art Corridor] Unlock door, Facility Key's automatically discarded afterwards 216 [Study] SPLIT UP Push table all the way down, climb it, drop off, activate light switch, push table to the left until under the moose head. PICK UP: Iron Needle SWITCH COOPERATE 180, exit 204 [Female Art Corridor] BR 203 [Conference Room] 201 [Main Hall] SWITCH 208 [Facility Key Hall] RB SPLIT UP 207 [Fountain] R *Random factor*: Crows attack Alas, it happens. Don't worry, the damage is minimal. 206 [Clockwork Area] CAREFUL! Do NOT get hit by the Plague Crawlers in this room, when you do, either restart the game or use the Green Herb near the Fountain. USE: Iron Needle Set clock to 8:15 (R/R/R/Hour Hand/L/L/L/L/OK), enjoy non-skippable cutscene, exit quickly 207 [Fountain] *Random factor*: Crows attack 208 [Facility Key Hall] SWITCH COOPERATE 201 [Main Hall] BR SPLIT UP 217 [Projection Room Corridor] B 218 [Projection Room] Place Billy in front of the projector so that you can use objects on it. Y-Button USE: Microfilm A When prompted, INSERT. USE: Microfilm B You will receive the MO Disk. Skip looking at the Microfilm Image, exit 217 [Projection Room Corridor] 201 [Main Hall] SWITCH COOPERATE 203 [Conference Room] RB SWITCH Y-Button USE: MO Disk You will receive a two-digit security code (hex number), memorize it. SWITCH Place Rebecca behind the desk corresponding to the second digit of the hexcode. The desk arrangement is: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F SWITCH Place Billy behind the desk corresponding to the first digit of the hexcode, then push the button below the monitor. SWITCH Let Rebecca do the same. CUTSCENE Run to the exit using the person nearest to it (SWITCH if necessary). 219 [Chess Room Corridor] ?? Make sure Billy's the active player (SWITCH if necessary). BLAM! SWITCH 220 [Chess Room] RB Run towards desk SPLIT UP Place Rebecca behind the desk with the small chessboard SWITCH Push King Pin on giant chessboard down (2.5 pushes), then right, then up SWITCH PICK UP: Book of Evil Skip reading Marcus' Diary 1 SWITCH COOPERATE 219 [Chess Room Corridor] BR SWITCH 203 [Conference Room] RB 201 [Main Hall] Position Rebecca behind the statue of justice. Y-Button EXCHANGE: (empty spot) <- Book of Good EXAMINE: Book of Good (yields Angel Wings) COMBINE: Angel Wings, White Statue (yields Statue of Good) USE: Statue of Good Y-Button EXAMINE: Book of Evil (yields Black Wing) COMBINE: Black Wing, Black Statue (yields Statue of Evil) USE: Statue of Evil CUTSCENE 220 [Cell Corridor] Make sure that you aren't poisoned by the Giant Spiders in this area. Should this happen, either reset the game or use a Blue Herb (there is on in the Cell Anteroom or Boiler Room Corridor). 221 [Cell Anteroom] 222 [Cell] Run up to open air vent, give Rebecca a boost 223 [Torture Room] R Activate Power Regulator: UP/UP/DOWN/UP/UP CUTSCENE CUTSCENE CUTSCENE ***THE REBECCA RESCUE*** 222 [Cell] B Cancel the map. 221 [Cell Anteroom] 220 [Cell Corridor] 201 [Main Hall] 210 [Dining Area] BLAM! once to drop the walker Zombie if necessary 212 [Boiler Room Corridor] 223 [Animal Statues] Curb left until perspective changes, then BLAM! (aim down to kill Eliminator 1) Run forwards until perspective changes again, then BLAM! BLAM! (aim down to kill Eliminator 2 and 3) ***YOU SAVED REBECCA!*** 224 [She's baaaaaaack!] BR CUTSCENE CUTSCENE CUTSCENE CUTSCENE 223 [Animal Statues] 225 [Basement Corridor] SWITCH Again, don't get poisoned by the Giant Spiders. 226 [Hunter Testing Array] RB Run a few steps forward SPLIT UP Run up the stairs, examine console, press "L" SWITCH Run into testing array and position Billy in the upper left corner SWITCH Press "L" a second time SWITCH Press the button to activate the array (two Hunters) BLAM! run 2 steps forward BLAM! PICK UP: Facility Key Go to blocked exit, wait for the gate to raise COOPERATE 225 [Basement Corridor] BR SWITCH 223 [Animal Statues] RB Glue Rebecca in front of the gate SPLIT UP SWITCH Use the Lighter on the oil trays near each animal statue, respecting following sequence: Deer/Wolf/Horse/Lion/Snake/Eagle SWITCH 227 [Sleeping area] R PICK UP: Unity Tablet 223 [Animal Statues] SWITCH COOPERATE 212 [Boiler Room Corridor] BR 210 [Dining Area] SWITCH, evade possible leftover Zombies, Billy will deal with them. 201 [Main Hall] RB 208 [Facility Key Hall] 209 [Art Room] SWITCH Use/discard Facility Key on locked door. 228 [Piano Room Corridor] BR SPLIT UP SWITCH 229 [Surveillance Room] R PICK UP: Vise Handle 228 [Piano Room Corridor] COOPERATE 230 [Piano Room] RB SWITCH Let Billy play the piano. CUTSCENE SPLIT UP SWITCH PICK UP: Battery SWITCH Billy gets an encore - play the piano again. COOPERATE Run to the exit door, wait for Rebecca to catch up. SWITCH 228 [Piano Room Corridor] 231 [Vise Room Corridor] 232 [Vise Room] USE: Vise Handle CUTSCENE PICK UP: Obedience Tablet 231 [Vise Room Corridor] 228 [Piano Room Corridor] Wait for the Marcus Leech to stretch its arms, then run past it. Billy will try and chop into it and that's that. 209 [Art Room] 208 [Facility Key Hall] 201 [Main Hall] SPLIT UP 233 [Outside, front entrance] R USE: Battery Activate the cargo elevator. Climb on top of crate, then drop off behind it and push it to the right of the screen (6 pushes). Get behind it again and push to the front (left once perspective changes, 11.5 pushes), then to the front again (4.5 pushes) to be able to climb it and fetch the Discipline Tablet (the shiny item on top of the northwest pillar). 201 [Main Hall] SWITCH COOPERATE 208 [Facility Key Hall] BR SWITCH 234 [Observatory] RB Climb down ladder. Y-Button USE: Obedience Tablet Y-Button USE: Unity Tablet Y-Button USE: Discipline Tablet CUTSCENE =*= CLOCK: 0:56:52 =*= =*= DAMAGE: Billy - none | Rebecca - none =*= -<- SWITCH DISCS ->- (fastest way to switch: keep disc 2 nearby, once disc drive stops spinning (you can hear this) press Open button on console, quickly switch the discs and close up) CUTSCENE Climb the ladder, exit _____________________________ ___|Chapter 3: Marcus' Laboratory|_______________ 301 [Bridge Area] RB Run to church entrance SPLIT UP Get Rebecca into small chapel and onto the pressure tile (upper left corner) to unlock church entrance SWITCH 302 [Church] B 303 [Priest's Quarters] 302 [Church] CUTSCENE BOSS FIGHT: Infected Bat Stand your ground and try to hit Mutated Bat in the air. It'll attack after a few seconds, so you'll hit it sooner or later (aim up or straight ahead accordingly): BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! (3 shots kill it) CUTSCENE USE: Hookshot (remember me? Gyahahahaah) 304 [Rooftop] 305 [A Rather Small Patch Of Grass] Lift the circuit breaker, exit through gate 301 [Bridge Area] COOPERATE Enter lift 306 [Laboratory Corridor] BR 307 [Reference Room] Glue Billy in front of the service lift SPLIT UP Y-Button EXCHANGE: Hookshot -> Rocket Launcher EXCHANGE: Magnum Revolver -> (empty spot) SWITCH EQUIP: Magnum Revolver Y-Button USE: Hookshot (in area with topdown view, as in church) 308 [Capsule Area] R PICK UP: Leech Capsule (past Marcus Leech) 306 [Laboratory Corridor] Push button (lifts wall, activates Marcus Leech) 309 [Laboratory] PICK UP: Red Chemical 310 [Operating Room] BLAM! BLAM! (on 2 Zombies) PICK UP: Green Chemical (which yields a Stripping Agent) Y-Button COMBINE: Green Chemical, Stripping Agent (yields the Blue Leech Charm) Y-Button Activate service lift, send Blue Leech Charm to Billy SWITCH 307 [Reference Room] B Get Blue Leech Charm from service lift 306 [Laboratory Corridor] Run past the morphing Marcus Leech Y-Button USE: Blue Leech Charm 311 [Marcus' Study] PICK UP: Input Registry Coil Skip looking at Old Photograph CUTSCENE 312 [Art Storage] Wait for a second to shift walker Zombie, then run past it PICK UP: Green Leech Charm The walker shouldn't bother you on the way back 311 [Marcus' Study] 306 [Laboratory Corridor] Evade the Marcus Leech (when it appears, stop, wait for it to attack, then run past it) 307 [Reference Room] Use the service lift to send the Green Leech Charm to Rebecca SWITCH 310 [Operating Room] R Get the Green Leech Charm from the service lift Y-Button USE: Green Leech Charm 313 [Morgue] Run past sleeper Zombie towards the crawler BLAM! PICK UP: Sterilizing Agent 310 [Operating Room] 309 [Laboratory] PICK UP: Red Chemical Y-Button USE: Sterilizing Agent (on console near gas chamber) Enter gas chamber PICK UP: Breeding Room Key 180 and exit before Zombies wake up 306 [Laboratory Corridor] Unlock Breeding Room, discard Breeding Room Key 314 [Breeding Room] BLAM! BLAM! (two Hunters) PICK UP: Dial 306 [Laboratory Corridor] 309 [Laboratory] 310 [Operating Room] Use service lift to send Dial to Billy SWITCH 307 [Reference Room] B Get Dial from service lift 306 [Laboratory Corridor] Evade Marcus Leech USE: Dial Enter 4863 code to unlock door 315 [Railcar Station A (ground floor)] CUTSCENE Pull lever CUTSCENE PICK UP: Output Registry Coil Position Billy next to railcar entrance SWITCH 310 [Operating Room] R 309 [Laboratory] 306 [Laboratory Corridor] 315 [Railcar Station A (1st level)] Use the ladder to go down to the ground (and vice versa later on) 315 [Railcar Station A (ground floor)] Go to Billy Y-Button EXCHANGE: (empty spot) <- Input Registry Coil EXCHANGE: (empty spot) <- Output Registry Coil USE: Hookshot (at topdown view) (the last Hookshot of this game! FREE at last!) 315 [Railcar Station A (1st level)] USE: Input Registry Coil USE: Output Registry Coil CUTSCENE Unlock door 315 [Railcar Station A (ground floor)] SWITCH COOPERATE Try to enter railcar CUTSCENE CUTSCENE CUTSCENE Evade Marcus Leech (easy) 315 [Railcar Station A (1st level)] PICK UP: Output Registry Coil USE: Output Registry Coil 315 [Railcar Station A (ground floor)] Evade Marcus Leech, enter railcar 316 [Railcar Station B] =*= CLOCK: 1:14:01 =*= =*= DAMAGE: Billy - none | Rebecca - none =*= ______________________ ___|Chapter 4: The Factory|_______________ 401 [Platform Walkway] Go down the small elevator. 402 [Mr. T Corridor] PICK UP: Factory Key Pass first Hunter (push it aside), then curl around the second Hunter's left side. Curl quickly, or he'll have enough time to hit you. If you're not confident enough, use the Magnum Revolver instead. 401 [Platform Walkway] Up the small elevator you go. 403 [Platform Control Room] Y-Button UNEQUIP: Magnum Revolver USE: Factory Key (on control panel) CUTSCENE 401 [Platform Walkway] Activate the Platform. 404 [Underground Laboratory] CUTSCENE PICK UP: Elevator Key Y-Button EQUIP: Magnum Revolver USE: Elevator Key CUTSCENE BOSS FIGHT: Proto Tyrant Three words: L-Button BLAM! BLAM! CUTSCENE 405 [Personnel Elevator] Select the 4th level CUTSCENE 406 [Where's Billy? There's Billy!] CUTSCENE 407 [Power Station] Activate the power grid, then connect the nodes in sequence (1/2/3) to juice The Factory: o---o | | o-1---o-o \| /| o-o---o-o | |\ /| | | | o | | | |/ | | | o o | |/| | | o 2 3 o | | | | o-o o-o / o Access the elevator. 408 [Three Zombies] Run past Zombie 1 while he's getting up, and easily evade the remaining two. 409 [Heya Marcus!] 410 [R&R] BLAM! (single Zombie) 411 [Forklift Truck Area] 412 [The Reservoir] 413 [Squat Them Leeches Part 1] 414 [Welcome Back, Billy] CUTSCENE SWITCH 413 [Squat Them Leeches Part 1] BR 412 [The Reservoir] Tricky part coming up: Run a few steps forward with Billy SWITCH Becky should now be in front of the small staircase leading to the sewage control panel. Climb down the ladder, as Billy goes, control Rebecca with the C-Stick so that she climbs the staircase and is directly in front of the control panel. Okay, Billy's now facing this: BOSS FIGHT: THE BIGGEST BADDEST CRATE PUZZLE IN THE GAME (overhead view) ___ N |B | W E 1, 2, 3: regular crates |12 | S M: metal crates (Rebecca cant push this) R| M | -.-: gate _|-.-| B, R: Billy, Rebecca |_ | |_3_| Push the M-crate east, then mount crates 1, 2 to get Billy back in starting position: ___ N |B | W E |12 | S R| M| _|-.-| |_ | |_3_| SWITCH Rotate the gate to the right SWITCH Shove the crate 1 to the south until it's next to crate 3, then climb/drop until behind the M-crate. Shove it northwards, then climb/drop to get behind crate 2: ___ N | BM| W E | 2 | S R| | | _| . | |_ | | |13_| SWITCH Rotate the gate to the right SWITCH Shove crate 2 southward and to the east, then get behind: ___ N | M| W E | B| S R| 2| _|-.-| |_ | |13_| SWITCH Rotate the gate to the right SWITCH Shove crate 2 all the way south, then get outta there, climb the ladder and position Billy in front of the area where the crate walkway will be. SWITCH Fill/Drain the basin CUTSCENE SWITCH PICK UP: Handle 411 [Forklift Truck Area] RB 410 [R&R] SWITCH 409 [Heya Marcus!] BR Run dead ahead, plugging Billy to the wall on his right. The Marcus Leech is very likely to miss both heroes. Y-Button USE: Handle CUTSCENE 415 [Zombie Nudity] SWITCH Run into the left fork to spot 3 Zombies in the buff... *Random factor*: one-shot kill of two Naked Zombies with the first shot If so : BLAM! BLAM! If not: BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! 416 [Sleeping Area] RB 417 [Squat Them Leeches Part Deux] 418 [Water Walkway] 419 [The Gondola] Turn Rebecca to her left, then step onto the elevator. MAKE SURE that Billy steps onto the elevator platform as well. 420 [Proto Tyrant's Revenge] Run around until... CUTSCENE BOSS FIGHT: Proto Tyrant, round 2 It's easier this time: BLAM! BLAM! SPLIT UP While you guide Rebecca to the shiny button in the back of the room, use the C-Stick to put Billy near the door to The Dam (room 425). You can push the button once the Proto Tyrant theme music faded away sufficiently. 421 [Get Me That Motherboard, Baby...] R PICK UP: Motherboard 420 [Proto Tyrant's Revenge] 419 [The Gondola] Go to the console controlling the Gondola Y-Button USE: Motherboard CUTSCENE Enter the Gondola CUTSCENE 422 [Dam Control Room] Examine and use the control lever CUTSCENE 423 [Rebecca's Chemistry Hour] BLAM! (aim down to kill the single Plague Crawler) PICK UP: Blue Chemical (yields Sulfuric Acid) PICK UP/USE-COMBINE: Industrial Water, Sulfuric Acid (yields Battery Fluid) 424 [Plague Crawler Surprise] Position Rebecca directly under the Empty Battery SWITCH 420 [Proto Tyrant's Revenge] B 425 [The Dam] 426 [Steam Room] Unlock/enter door on Billy right 424 [Plague Crawler Surprise] SWITCH COOPERATE Give Rebecca a boost CUTSCENE PICK UP/USE-COMBINE: Empty Battery, Battery Fluid (yields Hi-Power Battery) CUTSCENE Two Plague Crawlers are attacking, unfortunately, Becky's got da boomstick... BLAM! BLAM! (don't forget: aim down) 423 [Rebecca's Chemistry Hour] RB SWITCH Unlock/enter door 414 [Welcome Back, Billy] BR 413 [Squat them Leeches Part 1] 412 [Reservoir] 411 [Forklift Truck Area] Run to crate on forklift SPLIT UP Climb the crate SWITCH Y-Button USE: Hi-Power Battery Activate forklift so that Billy can get the Keycard Before exiting, COOPERATE 412 [Reservoir] RB SWITCH 413 [Squat them Leeches Part 1] BR 414 [Welcome Back, Billy] 423 [Rebecca's Chemistry Hour] 424 [Plague Crawler Surprise] 426 [Steam Room] SWITCH BLAM! BLAM! (2 Naked Zombies) SWITCH Y-Button EQUIP: Rocket Launcher USE: Keycard (discard afterwards) SWITCH 427 [The Calm Before The Storm] RB 428 [Full of Leeches] CUTSCENE BOSS FIGHT: Queen Leech, 1st Well, BLAM! and BOOM! at full throttle until her royal highness gives up. CUTSCENE PICK UP: Shaft Key (the one on the right) SWITCH PICK UP: Shaft Key (the other one) Proceed to dual-locked door Y-Button USE: Shaft Key (on left terminal) SWITCH Y-Button USE: Shaft Key (other terminal) 429 [The Final Stretch] Step onto the large elevator and activate it CUTSCENE CUTSCENE 430 [Incineration Area] BOSS FIGHT: Queen Leech, 2nd (part A) Same as the previous Boss Fight: BLAM! and BOOM! her royal lights out. CUTSCENE Skip reading the Gate Operation Manual. At this point, you can only control Billy. BOSS FIGHT: Queen Leech, 2nd (part B) A bit harder, but still very manageable, thanks to that uberstick of destruction which Billy wields. One shot from it is enough to lure Queen Leech, 2nd away from Rebecca. And that's basically all you have to do. Fire one rocket to keep Rebecca safe, evade Queen Leech, 2nd's attacks against Billy. Repeat until Rebecca has activated all 4 gate handles. CUTSCENE CUTSCENE Keep pressing START to skip as much from the credits sequence as is humanly possible. This will teleport you to the Ranking Screen. And that's it! Congratulations, fellow Zombie Hunter... =*= CLOCK: 1:38:31 =*= =*= DAMAGE: Billy - Queen Leech, 2nd damage | Rebecca - none =*= 04 V Talks --]-][-[-- So there you go. A pretty good base for a Rocket Launcher speed run, although I can't guarantee that the current alpha version is completely error-free - will check in the next couple of days. The mark has been set to 1:38:31 at the moment, but I can imagine that with the necessary refinements, faster times can be achieved (I'm pretty sure that if all random factors pan out, everything can go at least a minute faster). However, I'll leave these refinements up to you - should you be willing to share them, please send me an e-mail. In the meantime, I'll be checking whether or not it pays to run without weapons, as I'm not sure whether the menu access will be overcompensated by the increased running speed. As always, I can be reached at: vip(at)padua(dot)org Use it for Resident Evil or Devil May Cry-related questions, suggestions, criticism, pointing out possible errors, discussions... enfin, go nuts. Spamming, 3L337-5P34|<, E-MAILS UUSING ONLY FULLL CAPITALS AND EXCLAAMATION MARKSS!!! AND BAAD SPAHLING UP TEW BEEIN UREEDIBIL AND NO PUHNCTUATION WHATSOEVER!!! AND WHICH JUST POINTLESSLY KEEPS GOING ON AND ONN AAND ON AND ON AND OHNNNN and questions which are already being covered by this FAQ or other guides featured on gamefaqs.com will not be answered. You have been warned. Final Words Of Wisdom (tm): Uberweapons Ubersuck Quality FAQs over Quantity FAQs - Be innovative Be diFfeRENt 05 My FAQs So Far --]-]-------[-[-- Here's a list of all the FAQs I've written in case you have one of these games and wish to play it in a somewhat 'different' way. The list will be shown and updated in any future FAQ. Game Genre Resident Evil 1:17 Speed Guide (Jill, PAL version) Resident Evil 2 1:15 Speed Guide (Leon A, PAL version) Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Handgun Only Guide (NTSC version) Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Knife Only - 100% Kill (NTSC version) Resident Evil: Code Veronica 2:30 Speed Guide (unoptimized, PAL version) Resident Evil: Game Cube Guide Spectacular (Jill, NTSC version) Resident Evil: 0 1:38 "Rocket Launcher" Speed Guide (NTSC version) Silent Hill 1:00 Speed Guide (PAL version) Parasite Eve 2 0:55 Speed Guide (NTSC version) Alone In The Dark 4 Speed Guide (Aline 1:15, Edward 1:30, PAL version) 06 Disclaimer --]-]---[-[-- Game concept & characters are (c)2002 by Capcom. This entire text is (c)2003 by Vincent Merken (aka VMerken). All rights reserved. This document is hosted by GameFAQs, thus only CJayC has the right to display it. You are not allowed to print out this document for any commercial purpose (such as putting it into a strategy guide or separate booklet with the intention to ask money for it). Selling printed copies of the text is prohibited. You are not allowed to ask money in exchange for viewing this document on your website. If GameFAQs and survivalhorror.com do it for free, why should you do otherwise? You may not, in any way, alter the text. Not one letter. Lots of work and many, MANY hours of play went into this and I don't want to see any other name saying its their walkthrough. If you want to see this document on your website, send me an e-mail telling your intentions. I'll generally concur, if you agree with the terms stated in this disclaimer. Sorry to be so strict, but I don't like reading about people who see their text appearing on websites they didn't give permission for. The Internet is a FREE information center for anyone and serves to make our lives a bit easier. Period.