------------------------------------------ Resident Evil 0 Leech Hunter Help Guide By Burton, with help from Schnelbs ------------------------------------------ I. Intro II. What's New? II. Summary III. Walkthrough IV. Rewards V. Contact Information ----------------------------------------------- Introduction ----------------------------------------------- Hi! If your reading this, chances are you've purchased Resident Evil 0, played through at least once, and are now curious about the Leech Hunter minni-game you unlocked. Or perhaps if your reading this your looking for a good help guide to reach all 100 leeches. ----------------------------------------------- Whats New ----------------------------------------------- What's New in this walkthrough you ask? Well all of the problems have been fixed, (a typo on my part about the infinite ammo Revolver) A Room checklist, and lists on changes. Special Thanks to everyone who went out of their way to point out problems or add things for me. ---------------------------------------------- Summary ---------------------------------------------- This guide is based on my own experience with Leech Hunter, with the assistance of a good friend and a free afternoon, we were able to discover the quickest and safest way to clear the Facility with minimal damage and abundant ammo and such. The only real prerequirement for this guide is that you are familiar enough with the area that you can follow my nicknaming of the various rooms. (The Fire Key door off the Dining room for example will be reffered to as the Kitchen) ---------------------------------------------- Walkthrough ---------------------------------------------- *Note* This Walkthrough has been edited once or twice now, if you are looking for a gem per room count, please consult the Checklist at the end of this guide, if you are looking for tips/changes in the Machine Gun Situation/Magnum Situation those are also available at the end of the guide. Thanks for Reading! - Burt At the start of the game, you take control of both Billy and Rebecca, my advice is to split the group up, take control of Billy and give him as much Pistol ammo as he can carry in one slot, mainly because his pistol is stronger and he can take more damage. You may or may not want to give him her first aid spray as well depending how confident you are in your skills. A few notes before we begin: 1. You should for no reason need to enter the western wing of the first floor (This being, the bathroom and the projection room) there are no gems inside and you take more of a chance being damaged by the Leech Zombies inside. 2. Use your medical options wisely, if you have Billy don't run and heal right when he dips into caution, try and make more progress for healing. 3. This guide is most effective when trying to kill all zombies before you begin collecting gems, when you get around 97 or 98 certain areas will be refilled, take note of this as you progress through the walkthrough. 4. This guide is based around you getting the magnum, for this you should have Billy in the Suit and Rebecca in the skater outfit. At the begining you should see a green and blue herb. Lets begin, shall we: ------- Main Hall 1F ------- Fill Billy up with as much ammo as he can hold in one slot split up the group and head up the stairs. ------ Main Hall 2F ------ When you reach the top of the stairs, take the door that leads to the observatory ----- Hall to Observatory 3F ----- Follow the path to the stairs and once you reach the top, listen for the plague crawler screams, eventually the 4 of them should come near you but they won't advance on the stairs, from here use the pistol to plug away at them until they die. Continue to the Observatory ---- Observatory 3F ---- Enter the Observatory and kill the one zombie uptop, stand near the ladder and aim down, shooting the 2 zombies you see here. After their both dead, descend the ladder and kill the zombie that pretends to be dead, claim the green herb and go back up to the main hall. --- Main Hall 2F --- Chances are you want some fire power to fight some of the bigger monsters in the game, most notably the Hunters which dominate the upstairs area and basement portions of the minni-game. Head down the stair care that is hidden behind the the picture. --- Basment 1F --- Make your way to through the hall dodging the spiders as you go, don't worry about killing them now, as you'll get your revenge in a bit, if you get poisoned don't forget about the blue herb in the main hall. Enter the first door on your right. --- Ammo Room BF1 --- Kill the zombies here and make your way into the Torture room, be prepared to run like hell though. --- Torture Room BF1 --- This part is a massive pain the butt because you need to dodge the 4 or so Hunters in this room and look for the big weapon near the spiked box. (Should be the shotgun or grenade launcher) Use the weapon to kill the Hunters and return to the Basement hall. *Edit* It has been brought to my attention that a shotgun is available in the sewers, it is invisible, but I have confirmed there is one there, this should help make this part alot easier. - Burt --- Basement Hall 1F --- Here proceed down the left to the save room. --- Basement Save Room 1F --- Kill the monkey here and proceed through to the next room. ---- Vent Room B1F ---- Kill the apes in here and obtain the fire key and if available what ever weapon (For me it was once the Magnum and once the Grenade Launcher) If you get the Magnum, return to the Observatory and pickup the magnum rounds. If not return to the main hall and continue on. --- Observatory 3F --- Alright, now that you have the Magnum you should have 13 or so shots, more than enough to kill the rest of the Hunters in the building. Remember 1 shot = one Hunter. If you don't have the magnum yet, be prepared to dodge, or stand your ground and fight. Head back to the main hall and go through the double doors to the briefing room. --- Briefing Room 2F --- No enemies here, proceed through the left double doors to what I'll refer to as the "Hunter Hall" --- Hunter Hall 2F --- Kill the 4 or so Hunters here and progress through to the Fireplace room. --- Fireplace Room 2F --- Kill the two zombies here and return back to the Hunter Hall ---- Hunter Hall 2F ---- Go through the double doors into the crank room ---- Crank Room 2F ---- Here kill the zombies and continue into the Candle Room ---- candle Room 2F ---- Kill the zombies here and return to the Briefing Room --- Briefing Room 2F --- Head down to the next set of double doors with the Knight's next to them to Enter the Kings Hall. --- King's Hall 2F --- Again, kill the 4 Hunters here and enter the bedroom --- Bedroom 2F --- Becareful here, the zombies are close they make it easy to gang up on you watch your rounds and collect the Custom Handgun when the coast is clear. Don't be afraid to use the FA spray if you need it. Now that we've cleared the upstairs lets head back to the main hall. --- Main Hall 1F --- Head through the doorway into the Eastern Hall. DO NOT I REPEAT DO NOT HEAD TO THE LEFT WING!!! --- Eastern Hall 1F --- Kill the two zombies here and head right to the Dining Room. --- Dining Room 1F --- Eliminate the zombies here and unlock the Fire Emblem door to the Kitchen --- Kitchen 1F --- Nothing in here until you kill all the zombies, then 3 or 4 spawn here. Return to the Dining Room ---- Dining Room 1F ---- From here, Enter the Garden Room --- Garden Room 1F --- Kill the 2 Hunters here and go up the ladder --- Balcony 2F --- Clear out the Zombies here and unlock the door to return to the Briefing Room --- Briefing Room 2F --- Return to the Eastern Hall --- Eastern Hall 1F --- Take the left this time to head down to the Second Floor of the Basement --- Ring of Fire Room BF2 --- Becareful of the 2 Hunters here, when their dead head through the grate. --- Right Grate Room BF2 --- Kill the Zombies here, again, another one of the power weapons should be here by now you should have access to a combination of the shotgun, the grenade launcher or the magnum. --- Left Grate Room BF2 --- Kill More Zombies and return to the Ring of Fire Room --- Ring of Fire Room BF2 --- Head into the first room you encounter as you go around the corner. --- Hole in the Floor Room BF2 --- Kill the zombies here and return to the RoF room. --- Ring of Fire Room BF2 --- Head right into the 3F Basement --- 3F Basement --- Dodge the Spiders and enter the first door to the right. --- Water Room BF3 --- Kill the 2 Plague Cralwers here and continue to the weapons room --- Weapons Room BF3 --- This area should be clear so stop for a breather and review your situation. Depending on how much magnum/shotgun ammo you have you need to make a choice, you can clear out the 5 Hunters in the area where the train crashed otherwise if you have grenade ammo to spare, head to the grenade launcher room. (where you got the launcher in main game) --- Main Hall --- Head down the ladder to the sewers --- Sewers BF1 --- There should be some shotgun shells here, pick them up and continue on --- Crashed Train BF1 --- Kill the Hunters here and return to the Main Hall *Edit* The Fire Key is sometimes available here. - Burt --- Main Hall --- Return to the Grenade Launcher Room --- Grenade Launcher Room 1F --- If you haven't already blast the 2 plague cralwers here and enter through to the Cralwer Hall 1 --- Cralwer Hall 1F --- Be Care and Blast the Zombie Leech here, don't bother going into the first door on the left because it should be empty except for a leech, instead enter the door to the Piano room. --- Piano Room 1F --- Kill the 2 zombies on the floor and take the mixed herb if you need it. After that return to the Crawler hall and enter Cralwer Hall 2 --- Crawler Hall 2 1F --- Kill the Leech here and turn right into the Zombie Room --- Zombie Room 1F --- Kill the Zombies Here and return to the Cralwer Hall 2 --- Crawler Hall 2 1F --- Go down the hall to Factory Room --- Factory Room 1F --- Kill the 2 Hunters here and collect what ever items are inside. Congratulations! You've successfully cleared the Facility of enemies. Now go back to the main hall, collect Rebbeca and begin collecting the gems. You may not want to dump your weapons just yet incase you run into any enemies but you should be fine if you followed this guide. Watch out though because in the Kitchen, the Fireplace room and one or two other areas Zombies may reappear. Good Luck and God Bless! ------------------ Gem Check List: ------------------ Main Hall: 3 Blue 2 Green [ ] Hall to Observatory - 3 Blue [ ] Observatory - 4 Blue [ ] Crow Room - 2 Green [ ] Fire Place Room - 3 Blues 1 Green [ ] Fire Key Hall - 4 Green 4 Blue [ ] Chess Hall - 3 Blue 2 Green [ ] Weapons Room - 1 Blue [ ] Torture Room - 2 Green[ ] Magnum Room - 1 Blue [ ] Spider Hall - 2 Green 2 Blue [ ] Crashed Train - 1 Green [ ] Dining Room - 2 Green [ ] Kitchen - 4 Green 3 Blue [ ] Boiler Room/Hall - 1 Blue - 2 Green [ ] Bedroom - 2 Green [ ] Office - 3 Blue [ ] Rebecca Resuce Room - 3 Green [ ] Waterfall Room - 1 Green 2 Blue [ ] Garden Room - 2 Green [ ] Balcony - 3 Green 3 Blue [ ] Fireplace Room - 4 Blue [ ] Pillar Room - 3 Greens [ ] Lift Room - 3 Green 2 Blue [ ] Medical Hall - 1 Blue - Clear Trashed Mechanic Room - 2 Green 2 Blue [ ] Rusty Window Room - 2 Blue [ ] Piano Room - 3 Green [ ] Statue Room - 2 Green 1 Blue [ ] Comp Room - 2 Blue 2 Green [ ] Note: The gem colors may change, but I am almost 100% sure the number of gems in each room stays set. - Burt -------------------- Changes Between Magnum/Machine Gun Missons -------------------- In the Machine Gun Varition, in the Western Wing Bathroom instead of shotgun shells, you will find a 50% clip of machine gun ammo, I suggest using this to clear the zombies and spiders. In the Bunkbed room in B2, there will be a blue and a green herb instead of two greens. The machine gun (obviously) will be located in the room where you can previously find the Magnum. To play the Machine Gun misson, select the Cowgirl outfit for Rebecca and the Suit for Billy. In the Magnum Variation, the Western Wing Bathroom will contain 14 shotgun shells, use these however you feel is best because you'll have plenty of firepower. In the Bunkbed room in B2 there will be 2 green herbs instead of a green and a blue, the Magnum will be located in the room where Billy gave Rebecca a boost in main game. To play the Magnum misson, select the Skater outfit for Rebecca and the Suit for Billy. -------- Rewards ------- As you complete the game, different amounts of charms will yield different prizes; 100 gems - Infinite Ammo for all weapons (some weapons will appear sooner) 99 to 90 - You will get the Special Revolver (5 Shots, Kills Most Bosses in 1 Hit) 89 to 60 - The Hunting Rifle will have infinite ammo when you find it. 59 to 30 - Equipped Hangun's have infinite ammo 29 to 1 - Sub Machine Gun Bullets are added to the inventory next time you play. ( To Get the Machine Gun You need to obtain a Rank of A in the Main Game) ------ Contact Information ------ THis guide was written on the 17th of Novemember 2002, by Derrick Burton with some assistance from Matt Schneller. - Updated on Novemember 28th, 2002 I can be reached on AIM at Burtology or by email at burtology@hotmail.com If you have a question about where gems are, please don't bother me, I can't tell you how painful it is for me to try and talk someone through the whole game in a period of 5-10 minutes. If you get stuck, please check the list and look harder. :) To everyone who's contacted me so far, thanks for the support, to anyone who hasn't recieved a reply yet, I'll do my best to get back to you. Feel free to contact me if you see something that needs to be changed or you'd like to see added. Or if you just want to talk about the game. If you'd like to use this walkthrough on your site, feel free just please let me know or give some credit to me on your site :). Resident Evil of course is a copyright of Capcom.