RESIDENT EVIL SPEED FAQ BY BEOWHAT Table of Contents A-UPDATES (IM IN USAF TRAINING BUT ONLINE!) B-Description C-Instruction D-Walkthrough E-Boss Strategies F-Puzzle Solutions G-Rewards H-Credits (LOOK HERE TO EMAIL ME) A.UPDATES -12/3/02 First mini-boss skip and Easy/Normal rewards issues Ok first of all Thanks to Zaakro and SuppaThugg622 for reminding me about the first mini-boss thing. So i updated the FAQ with that, you can skip the first mini-boss. So that's good it will save a couple of minutes. Secondly to all you people who keep emailing me about not getting the rewards, you HAVE TO DO IT ON NORMAL OR HARD to unlock all the rewards. If you beat it in 2 hours on Easy, you will not get anything good for it. So play it on Normal or Hard and quit complaining to me. I updated the rewards section for that too. I'd also like to remind you all not to E-mail me anymore after the 9'th because i wont be checking my email for 7 months straight, as i have joined the Air Force Special Ops. So if you have any questions better ask right now because i only have 6 days left. By the time this FAQ is updated online it might be like 2 days so i hope not : (. Enjoy B. Description This FAQ is for people who want to beat the game in under 3:30 or 5:30 to get the Rocket Launcher or submachine gun. And following this FAQ you can do so fairly easily. Though the FAQ is more geared towards people who have gotten the submachine gun via Leech Hunter or getting an A rating in the game. Using the submachine gun and this FAQ you will definitely get an S rating. I used this my own FAQ and got a 2:40 S rating using the submachine gun. C. Instruction Before you start running through the game you should know a few things. First of all only get the items I tell you to get. If you have the submachine gun only pick up the shotgun and shotgun rounds, submachine gun rounds, and magnum rounds. Do not pick up the Grenade launcher or its rounds they take up too much space and don't do enough damage to even matter compared to the submachine gun. DO NOT pick up gas cans or bottles those things are worthless you don't need them. Like I said do not pick up anything but what I tell you to pick up and if you do otherwise or feel the need to carry healing items because you are unsure of your skill, then always make sure to try and have more than enough empty slots in your inventory. In order to follow this FAQ you need to have enough space for all the necessary items and weapons and not have to go back to get anything at any time. If you did that you would waste time and it would defeat the purpose of following a speed FAQ now wouldn't it? If you follow the FAQ and do as I said you should be able to get an S rating. If you have any problems and want help or want to submit something look in the credits section for my email, but please remember I'm only going to be here until December 10. Then I ship off for Air Force special ops training for 7 months. Well have fun I know I will. D. Walkthrough Part I Train -Upon entering you should immediately ditch any items you do not need. I.e.: Handgun bullets, etc. -Exit to your left into the next passenger car. Skip the cutscene like I explained earlier and blast those zombies. -Continue on your way into the trashed room car. Go into the first door on your right and inside grab the magnum if you got at least a B in Leech Hunter, and anything else you might need but I recommend just grabbing that and sticking to absolute bare essentials. -The next room is a save room with some healing items if you need that go in if not keep moving to the end of the car. Grab the key from the dead body. Another cutscene will occur, again I recommend getting used to skipping these all as quickly as possible. -Go all the way to the car you first began and unlock the door on the opposite side and enter to meet Billy. -After the Banter go upstairs and trigger a fight with the first mini-boss, leechman, in the dining car. As soon as the fight starts tho, RUN RIGHT BACK DOWNSTAIRS. The next scene will trigger and just go back upstairs and the leech man should be gone. -Press start to leave Billy behind and have Rebecca climb out the window at the end of the car to the roof. -Slowly inch your way to the broken power coupling and repair it. (without any protective gear somehow <.<) You will then be knocked into the hole and stuck in the upstairs kitchen. -Grab the herb if you need it, and the key in the windowsill and send the key down to the lower kitchen using the electronic dumb-waiter. -Switch to Billy and go downstairs and grab the key Rebecca sent down. Then work your way back to the trashed room car. Use the key on the Conductors office there and go inside. -Grab the map and the briefcase in the closet. Then press the button to lower the ladder and ascend. (I usually ditch any items I don't need in Billy's inventory right now. Including the Submachine gun. Don't worry it will be right at your feet again somehow when the train crashes.) -Skip the cutscene and go to the end of the car and into the upstairs of the room car. Grab the ice pick from the cart on your right then head into the first room on your right. -Inside grab the shotgun shells and the Hunting gun if you need it, but hopefully you have the submachine gun and won't need it. Also grab the First aid spray you might need that if you don't do well against the next boss. -Go back into the open car and fight the lovely scorpion. BOSS STRATEGY SCORPION: This one is pretty easy while his head shell is still strong and not open yet take one or two shots then run back so he doesn't ram you. When his shell is open wait till he approaches you shoot him once then step forward and shoot him again then run back to the wall and repeat. I did just that and he never even touched me. -Once the Scorpion is dead go past the body and grab the panel opener from the ground and go back down the ladder. -Make your way back to the Kitchen car (watch for zombies) and send the ice pick up to Rebecca. -Switch to Rebecca and grab the ice pick and use it on the door. And go downstairs to meet with Billy. -Use the panel opener on the Panel on the floor of the kitchen and slide through. Shoot the dogs with your pistols and grab the shotgun shells and First aid spray only if you need it. Also grab the Ring in the dog cage and combine it with the briefcase. -Exit to the back of the train and separate your characters again. Have Billy hit the switch and immediately switch to Rebecca and grab the HookShot. Then get back together and head all the way back to the broken window in the second passenger car. -Make sure Rebecca has the hookshot and several open inventory slots and use the Hookshot in the window. Climb across the roof into the hole. -Kill the Zombie in the bedroom and grab the jewelry box and examine it to get the silver ring. Then exit to a cut scene. Which you should be skipping or don't you listen? -Go down the now open hall and down the stairs to see Billy. Combine the last ring with the briefcase and examine it to get the Blue Card. -Head back toward the front of the train and stop in the save room on the way to save. Then use the blue card on the door and enter. If you are using the submachine gun be sure and grab the small clip from the dead soldier on your way forward. -Once in the Engine room skip the scenes and opt to leave Rebecca behind. Then grab the Magnetic card on the dash and start your way to the back as quickly as possible. -Skip past the zombies whenever possible and kill them quickly whenever you have to until you reach the back of the train. -Use the card on the panel and you will have to input a number sequence into the panel to match a number they give you. The first time you can see your number the second you can't so you will have to use math. Some numbers ive experience are: 81-36-47 -Once you've input both numbers successfully the train will crash and you can begin the Mansion. Part II Mansion -Once in the wrecked area shoot the zombies that decided to come with me. Once they are dead recover anything you need from all the items all over the floor from the train. (Most importantly being the Submachine gun you left for those of you who are L337) -Go out the door and through the sewer and up the ladder to enter the newest Mansion. -Drop anything you don't need right here in the center so you can easily come back to it. I left my extra submachine gun clips, Hook shot, and STARS Baretta. -Go up stairs to the left door. Inside a cabinet on the far side of the room is a crank handle grab it kill the crows and leave. -Go into the Desk room behind the statue. Grab the shotgun shells in here if you like and move to the small door on the left of the room. Move down the hall into the double doors on the right. This is the Study remember this place. -Grab the film cell and place Rebecca with decent armament in the elevator and separate your characters. Have Billy use the crank handle and move her up. -Once up there kill the two large insects and exit the room. Run past the crows or kill them and grab the healing herbs whichever and exit through the opposite door into the Pool room, remember this place as well. Go down the stairs and unlock the door then switch to Billy. -Have Billy work his way to the first door on the right upstairs in the Main Hall. There you will meet Rebecca. Have both of your characters go back to the pool room. -Arm Billy with an infinite handgun only and separate your characters. Have Billy crank the chain up and Rebecca retrieve the key hidden underneath. A boss battle will ensue. BOSS STRATEGY WORM: Arm your infinite handgun and go to the banister by the stairs and place your back against it. From here you can continually shoot the worm without it ever touching you. It won't take long to die. -Regroup and head down the stairs and into the room on your left. Kill the bugs inside and grab the shells and white statue then exit. There is also a grenade launcher in here but if you have the Submachine gun which you should don't bother getting it because it is a serious time and space constraint. -Go to the Desk room and into the hallway door again. Move all the way to the end of the hallway and unlock the Red door with the Fire key. Inside use Billy to push the table across the room to below the antlers and get the minute hand from up there. There's also some shells in here. -Go all the way back through the Desk room and back up the stairs to the pool room and across the balcony and into the Clock room. Place the minute hand in the clock and set the time to 8:15 exactly. -Go back to the Main hall and into the room right next to the Pool room door that was unlocked by the clock. Inside you'll find more shells and a second Film cell. -Go downstairs to the room on the far left and run into the furthest down room. Kill the zombies and enter both Film cells into the computer and retrieve the MO disk. There's some healing items in here if you need them. -RUN back to the main hall because there will be a super zombie in this hall now whom you do not need to waste ammo on, so just run. -Go right across the main hall into the dining room. Kill the zombies in here and unlock the kitchen door and ditch the fire key. Inside grab the lighter fluid and combine it with Billy's lighter and leave back to the Main hall. -Go up to the desk room and insert the MO disk into the podium. It will ask you to input a code usually something like, 2D, 47, or 0A. Separate your characters and place them at the appropriate number value desk remember they go from left to right sequentially: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F. punch in the appropriate values simultaneously and the sword doors will all unlock. -Go back to the study and to that small door in the right corner. Use the lighter to light the candle and the door will open. Go inside, kill the zombies, and climb up to your right. Use Billy to push the bookcase to the wall and grab the Book of Good hidden behind it. Examine it for the angel wings and combine them with the angel statue. -Head back to the main hall and place the finished Angel statue on the Balances of the large statue. Then head back downstairs to the dining room. Go in the other door and down the hall into the store room. In here there is a black statue, and a shotgun which you should grab even if you have the Machine gun, trust me. -Exit via the ladder inside this room. Once on the balcony kill the zombies grab any healing items you need and continue through the far door. You'll be coming back here so remember this place. -Your now back in the desk room so go in the now unlocked sword door right in front of you. Go in the large office doors in the middle of the hallway. Inside separate your characters and have one of them carefully push ONLY THE WHITE KING towards the door through the other pieces till you can safely push it against the wall. Then back down against the rook on the right side of the board. DO NOT TOUCH ANY OF THE OTHER PIECES UNLESS YOU WANT TO DIE. -Grab the Book from the now open desk and examine it to reveal the Black wing. Combine it with the black statue. And go back to the main hall and place it with the other white Statue. The creepy painting will lower revealing a passageway. -Head down that hole and through the hallway killing the spiders. Enter the door at the end of the hallway and continue through into a chain dungeon room. Find the open air vent in here and send Rebecca through it. -Go to the power panel on the wall and press the switches as follows to activate the power: UP, UP, DOWN, UP, UP. Once this is done Rebecca will have a little trouble with some evil monkeys. -Now controlling Billy run all the way back to the main hall avoiding all enemies. Just avoid and run. Once in the main hall run into the dining room, and then to the hall. Make a left down the stairs in the hall and continue down the next stairs. Run past these monkeys and make two rights at the end of this hall and enter the door. Congrats you saved Rebecca. -Once together exit the room and kill the monkeys in here. Use your lighter and light the statues in that big ring of animal statues in this order: DEER-WOLF HORSE-TIGER SNAKE-EAGLE -Enter the now open gate and go into the first room on your right. Inside grab the Tablet from the fireplace and anything else you might need and exit. -Go to the end of the hall by the door you saved Rebecca in and enter that door and head down the steps. Kill the spiders in this hall and enter the room on your right. -Kill the bugs in here and grab the key from the uh… block thing. And go back to the hallway. Keep going and enter the last door in the hallway. Go up the stairs and grab all the ammo you might need and use the key on the door. Enter this code into the briefcase: 385 then combine the parts with Billy's handgun. -Separate your characters and arm Billy with the magnum or machine gun and keep Rebecca posted at the controls. Have Billy go downstairs to the gates. Use Rebecca to manipulate the controls and get Billy through to the red switch. (There' no specific solution here either way works.) Hunters will emerge from gates when you press the switch so kill them and grab the water key from the hole from which they came. -Reunite and exit back to the cavern and then back to the hallway. (Now is the perfect time I took to go through the store room and up to the balcony to leave my shotgun and shotgun shells where I could easily retrieve them later. So I could have the space necessary to carry the hook shot with me to the church.) Doing so saves a lot of time transferring items from one place to another. P.S. Don't go pick up the hook shot now you dope save it for later you don't need it yet. -Once done head back to the main hall. And upstairs to the pool room door. Enter the painting room door on your right in the small hallway and use the water key and discard it. Watch yourself because you have to kill a super zombie in this hallway. -Enter the door immediately to your right and kill another one of these wonderful new Super zombies. And be careful he doesn't explode on you as always. Grab the vice handle behind him on the shelf and exit. -Enter the next door in the hallway into the piano room. Separate your characters and have Billy play the piano and Rebecca go into the door. Grab the Magnum shells and the Battery from in here. When the door closes shut have Billy play the Piano and it will open again. Exit the room. -Go into the next hallway and into the lighter colored door. Kill the zombies and use the vice handle on the vice and grab the second tablet. IGNORE the shotgun shells in here if you dropped off your shotgun and shells like I told you to. I know it's hard but you need to save space. -Go back to the main hall and exit through the front door. Place the battery in the terminal and have the lift come down. Have Billy jump behind it and push the block out to the wall then to the middle pathway. Then up against the one standing pillar. Climb it and grab the last Tablet. Go inside and grab anything your not leaving behind. You need the Hook Shot, and Submachine gun bullets. -Work your way all the way back up to the Pool room and kill the bugs or run past them whichever into the last Sword door. This is the Observatory. Climb down the ladder and insert the Tablets into they're respective spots. Congrats you finished Disc 1. Hopefully that didn't take any longer than 2 hours. Part III Other Building? -At this time have either character go back out the door you came in to grab the Shotgun and Shells you left for yourself If your both smart and good. Then exit through the other door and head toward the church. -Separate your characters and give Rebecca a powerful gun like a Submachine gun I prefer the magnum revolver. And make sure she has the hook shot. Have Billy go in the small open building and step on the front left tile. The door will unlock so have Rebecca go on in. -Head into the rectory door and grab the shells and save if you need to. Head back out and fight another Boss. BOSS STRATEGY GIANT BAT: Stand by the Altar and shoot him as quickly and accurately as possible. I used the Magnum Revolver here 3 shots killed him. All together not very hard so just get it over with and continue. (I hope your still remembering to skip all the cutscenes to save time.) -Use your hook shot on the hole by the front door and once on the roof climb down into the backyard and turn on the power with the switch on the wall. Then unlock the garden door. -Press start and Billy will come running from far away. Once your together arrange yourselves and enter the elevator. -Head into the library door. Separate your characters. Give Rebecca the Submachine gun or other powerful weapon and hookshot. And make sure you leave Billy armed and by the item transfer thingy. Because he will be attacked while your upstairs by a zombie and you need to trade several items with him. -Have Rebecca use the hook shot and go upstairs in the Reference room. Once up there kill the Super zombie in here and turn off the light in the specimen container behind him then grab the special Leech canister and exit. -Press the switch right outside the door to open up the downstairs hallway and continue to the last door in the hallway. Ditch your Hook shot here, And enter. Grab the shells and file and grab the chemical from the container by the gas manifold. Then go through the double doors. -Kill the zombies in here and get the other chemical to mix and make the stripping agent in your kit. There's also some First aid spray in here. Use the stripping agent on the Leech container and get the Bl. Leech statue then send it down to Billy along with those shotgun shells if appropriate and switch to Billy. -As Billy, grab the Leech statue and make sure you have a couple empty slots in your inventory as well and a powerful gun. Then go out into the hallway and kill the super Zombie. -Use the Leech statue in the far door and enter. Grab the Regulator coil from the cabinet and skip the cutscene then enter the door. Kill the 2 zombies then grab the other leech statue from the Big Statue's hand. -Go back to the reference room and send the Leech statue up to Rebecca and switch to her. -As Rebecca use the leech statue on the green door and enter. Be sure and avoid the zombie sticking out on the right side and shoot the other one lying down. Grab the Gas canister and exit. -go into the room with the gas chamber and insert the sterilizing agent in the control panel. Unlock the door and grab the key inside and kill the two zombies. -Exit into the upper hallway and use the key on the opposite door and go in. Kill the 2 hunters and grab the Dial from the cage behind them. Then go back to the item transfer thing. -Send the dial down to Billy and switch to him. As Billy grab the dial and go out into the hallway and use the dial on the door Combo is: 4-8-6-3. then inside turn on the power, grab the circuit, and switch to Rebecca. -Grab the Hook shot and take the door on the left in the hallway and meet with Billy. Give both to Rebecca and use the hookshot below the control room to enter and insert the Circuits into the panel then unlock the door, regroup with Billy and grab the shells. -Might want to save your game here and make sure you give your good weapons to Rebecca and leave her a few empty spaces as well cuz you will lose Billy for a bit. Attempt to open the Car door and skip the cutscenes. -You will have to kill the Super Zombie now and go back up to the control room and fix the Panel. Then Enter the car, grab the Deagle from the dead guy, and start the car going. Part IV Sewage Facility -Go straight out and upstairs and into the small lift and head down. Enter the door down here. Do my Resident Evil fans remember this hallowed place? Oh yes… anyway go to the end and grab the key. I usually use my Magnum Revolver on these hunters and then ditch it since you have a Deagle now. Its kind of a homage to a past Resident Evil moment. J -Go back up to the save room. Grab some ammo some healing items if you need em and use the key on the panel and get the lift up here. Then go out to the lift save if you need to. -Take the lift down and head over to the Resident Evil 2 save room side and a cut scene which you should skip occurs. Grab the Elevator key from the ground and go to the opposite side of the lift. -Go to the elevator and use the key. Tyrant will then come out. BOSS STRATEGY TYRANT- Not very hard at all use your Deagle and Submachine gun and run around him avoiding his running slash and keep blasting him. Heal when you need to. -Enter the elevator and go to the 4'th level. Go straight across the walkway into the door. OH BILLY! Go to the control room and solve the power puzzle. It's very simple ill give you a hint since I can't draw it. One towards the bottom left one towards the left top and one towards the bottom right. -Once done head into the elevator and go. Continue past the zombies into the next room where you will encounter a Super zombie. Then head into the unlocked door at the end. -Just keep going into your only available paths till you hit where Billy is. Then backtrack to the water puzzle room. Have Rebecca man the controls and Billy push the boxes in the hole. Solution Illustrated below: 1. Push the metal box to the right wall 2. Have Rebecca turn the gate to the right 3. Push the left wooden box all the way down into its final spot 4. Climb over the bottom boxes and push the metal box all the way to the top right 5. Have Rebecca turn the gate to the left 6. Push the right wooden box down against the gate 7. Then push that same wooden box against the right wall 8. Have Rebecca turn the gate to the right 9. Push that same wooden box down into its final position 10. Exit and have Rebecca fill the tank with water -Grab the wheel from the other side and head to the door outside where you need that wheel to open it. Do just that and watch for zombies. -Kill the naked zombies and head up the ladder to grab the red chemical then go back down and into the door. -Continue through the hallway full of hunters into the save room. Grab whatever you need and keep trekking forward were almost done. Run down the corridor ignore Mr. toad just keep running. -You will enter a small metal room remember this place you'll be coming back. Go down the elevator. -Now you will have to fight Tyrant again. So just do that. It's not too hard. Then go to the stairs on the opposite side and climb up. Grab the motherboard here. -Backtrack to the metal room I mentioned earlier to remember. Once there place the motherboard in the panel and a box will come. Arm Rebecca with a decent weapon and a few empty slots and stuff her in the box and send her to god knows where. -Upon arrival unbreak your limbs from being stuffed in a tiny metal box and Hit the switch on the control panel in front of the window. This will stop the flow of water allowing Billy to cross over on to your side, but we'll get to that in a minute. -Go to the door and enter. Kill the bug and go to the computers. Grab the Blue chemical to mix and make sulphuric acid. Grab the Water container from the other counter and combine it with your acid. -Go down the stairs and switch over to Billy. As Billy go back to the place where you fought Tyrant for the second time and go in the red door there. -Cross the Now open water passage and ignore Mr. Toad again if your running he wont touch you. Enter the facility and head straight and unlock and enter the door. Once inside you will meet Rebecca. -Have Rebecca stand on Billy's shoulders to get the battery, then kill the bugs that attack you. Can anything ever just stay in it's damn container like its supposed to? Combine the battery with the Battery acid in your kit to make the battery. -Go upstairs of where you are unlock that door and go through. Keep going that way until you reach the cavern with the Forklift. Place the battery in the Forklift and have Rebecca stand on the box, and Billy press the button to lift her up. She will automatically grab the card and be lowered so jump off the box and kill Mr. Toad. -Go back to the Facility and use the red card behind the naked zombies and ditch the card. Arm the character your going to be controlling with powerful weapons and a healing item and your partner with the shotgun and ammo. Enter and Fight the Queen. BOSS STRATEGY QUEEN: Simply blast it with everything you've got the heavier the firepower the faster it goes down. Heal whenever necessary and it will be over fast. -Once He/She is down search the room for some Magnum Rounds (Very important) and grab the two keys one to each character that she dropped. Separate your characters at the key door and use one key to either panel quickly. -This is your last save room Reload, grab ammo, grab healing items, prepare yourselves make sure either character has sufficient weaponry and Billy has at LEAST one healing item and Save. -Head up the lift, skip all these cutscenes to save time and get to fighting. BOSS STRATEGY SUPER QUEEN: Same as before Shoot the Queen with all your best firepower and heal when you start to limp. Should be over fast. -Now you have to distract the Queen from Rebecca until she can open all 4 window locks. So run around her keep her in corners fire at her a lot to keep her attention focused on you and you should do fine. Once all 4 locks are opened the game is over so skip these damn credits and check out your rating. Hopefully you will have gotten a nice big S like I did following this FAQ exactly. I finished in 2:40 and love my new Rocket Launcher. So Congrats if you did. If not try again and learn from your mistakes. E. Boss Strategies 1.BOSS STRATEGY SCORPION: This one is pretty easy while his head shell is still strong and not open yet take one or two shots then run back so he doesn't ram you. When his shell is open wait till he approaches you shoot him once then step forward and shoot him again then run back to the wall and repeat. I did just that and he never even touched me. 2.BOSS STRATEGY WORM: Arm your infinite handgun and go to the banister by the stairs and place your back against it. From here you can continually shoot the worm without it ever touching you. It won't take long to die. 3.BOSS STRATEGY GIANT BAT: Stand by the Altar and shoot him as quickly and accurately as possible. I used the Magnum Revolver here 3 shots killed him. All together not very hard so just get it over with and continue. (I hope your still remembering to skip all the cutscenes to save time.) 4.BOSS STRATEGY TYRANT: Not very hard at all use your Deagle and Submachine gun and run around him avoiding his running slash and keep blasting him. Heal when you need to. 5.BOSS STRATEGY QUEEN: Simply blast it with everything you've got the heavier the firepower the faster it goes down. Heal whenever necessary and it will be over fast. 6.BOSS STRATEGY SUPER QUEEN: Same as before Shoot the Queen with all your best firepower and heal when you start to limp. Should be over fast. F. Puzzle Solutions 1. Brake #'s - it's a random number and it's just simple math. So stop panicking and just do the math slowly in your head. Should come fairly easy if you graduated elementary school. 2. Clock time - 8:15 its always 8:15 move the minute hand right 3 times and the hour hand left 4 times. 3. Desk codes - the desks are numbered as followed from left to right starting in the front row and going back. 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F separate your characters and have either one go to the respective digit desk and press them together as quickly as possible. Codes I've seen so far are, 0A-47-2D 4. Chess Board - ONLY MOVE THE WHITE KING push it up 3 spaces right 1 space and down 1 space and it's done. That's how to make it match the chess board on the desk. 5. Lighting Statues - Light the statues with Billy's lighter in this order to open the gate: Deer-Wolf-Horse-Tiger-Snake-Eagle. 6. Case combination - To open the case in the weapon locker input this code: 385 7. Combination door code - To open the combination lock door in the cable car facility input this code: 4-8-6-3 8. Power puzzle dots - To turn the power back on in the Sewage Facility press the three dots that will light up the whole board. It's very simple ill give you a hint since I can't draw it. One towards the bottom left one towards the left top and one towards the bottom right. 9. Sewage Facility Crate puzzle - To solve the crate puzzle put Rebecca in front of the controls and have Billy push the crates below as follows: 1. Push the metal box to the right wall 2. Have Rebecca turn the gate to the right 3. Push the left wooden box all the way down into its final spot 4. Climb over the bottom boxes and push the metal box all the way to the top right 5. Have Rebecca turn the gate to the left 6. Push the right wooden box down against the gate 7. Then push that same wooden box against the right wall 8. Have Rebecca turn the gate to the right 9. Push that same wooden box down into its final position 10. Exit and have Rebecca fill the tank with water G. Rewards (REWARDS NOTE: THESE PRIZES ARE ONLY GIVEN TO NORMAL AND HARD DIFFICULTY RATINGS! NOT EASY SO DONT BOTHER TRYING TO GET THEM ON EASY!) Successfully complete the game with a "B", "C", or "D" rank and unlock the Leech Hunter mini-game. Successfully complete the game with a time between 3:31 and 5:00 for an "A" rank to unlock the Submachine Gun and Leech Hunter mini-game. Successfully complete the game with a time of 3:30 or faster for an "S" rank to unlock the Rocket Launcher, Submachine gun, and Leech Hunter mini-game. -Thanks to for the rewards explanation H. Credits FAQ written by Beowhat Countless hours of Gameplay Beowhat Ascii text by BondHead Thats right kids im alive thus far at least, and in training for one of the best most dangerous jobs in the US Air Force. HOO YAH Gamers! So if youd like to email me to praise me your quite welcome to it. Dont be expecting many faqs from me as i will be in lockdown training blocks for another 3 months (already have been for months) But at least now i have a laptop. So bring on the email! p.s. Bondhead is a slightly larger cuban but hes still in my pocket. kthanx