============================================================================== ============================================================================== ------------Resident Evil Zero - Gamecube - Hardmode Walkthrough-------------- ============================================================================== ============================================================================== Walkthrough by dpurdu 1 - Updates 2 - Introduction 3 - Before we begin 4 - Walkthrough Part 1 - The Train Part 2 - The Facility Part 3 - The Church Part 4 - The Factory Part 5 - The Treatment Plant 5 - Still to come 6 - Thanks 7 - Contact and copyright ============================================================================== -1--Updates------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== 01-02-03 - Version 1.0 - Everything is new. ============================================================================== -2--Introduction-------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== This is my first proper walkthrough for a game, alot of people seem to be finding hard mode on REZero quite, uh, hard. In theory this guide should let you get through the whole game without getting mauled, eaten, leeched, slashed, licked or hassled in any terminal way by any of the nasty things we're likely to encounter. This is strictly a walkthrough and doesn't include any gameplay information. I'm working on the assumption that your fairly familiar with the basic game layout and mechanics. I'll say a quick shout out now to Marshmallow who wrote the REmake Chris hard mode guide that gave me the idea to have a go at a guide of my own. Please note that this FAQ is VERY specific in what you must do to get through the game. We will be leaving a few items fairly early in the game that you might not expect, leaving things in odd places and doing things in an order that may not seem logical at all times, but trust me this guide will get you through if you stick to it. It's not the only way nor is is the best way but it's one that works pretty well for me. If you have any suggestions, constructive criticism or anything else to say please let me know. My email addres is at the bottom of the page. ============================================================================== -3--Before we begin----------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== A lot of the work in this game is going to be done by Billy, he is a little tougher and can survive several more enemy encounters than Becky. Poor Becky will get killed if she has three hugs from a zombie so bear this in mind when your controlling her. Once we leave the facility were leaving Becky's hand gun and the launcher behind. One of the main things that made this game hard for me is the item managment aspect. This is totally not a problem if you ditch the launcher and Becky's gun early on, it will free up a load of spaces for you and should solve the problem. Were going to take time to kill a few zombies outright. It may take alot of hits but some of these zombies will keep getting in your way, the dining room, and one or two hallways in the Facilty leap to mind. Several rooms in the game we wont visit at all. The west wing bathroom, the second room of the animal puzzle room in the basement and maybe a couple of others. This won't seem odd to anyone who is used to hard mode but the most important thing here is, be a coward, dont fight if you don't have to. We have a limited number of bullets and they all have a zombies name on them. That being said I've figured a margin of error into the walkthrough so if you use a health spray or two over what I suggest or let a few handgun bullets or shotgun shells go when you shouldn't you should be ok still. Please be aware this doesn't apply to launcher ammo or magnum rounds. We are going to use the launcher to kill one boss and clear out the basement of the facility and we dont have much room for mistakes. In the hard mode game we have 33 magnum rounds and were using them to kill 4 bosses and one hunter. Be warned you really don't want to waste any. I won't be telling to reload your guns all the time. Basically your big boys and girls keep them loaded at all times unless I say otherwise. Like I said were dropping Becky's gun so were gonna use up all its bullets once we get to the facility and not reload it. Lastly some parts of the guide might be hard to pull off but practice and you should be able to get it ok. Onward! ============================================================================== -4--walkthrough--------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---Part 1 - The Train--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission A - Meet Billy Ok, first skip a bunch of cut scenes and you will find yourself controlling Becky in a train. If you have any special weapons in your inventory drop them now. If you have the closet key please keep it. I think the extra costumes rule and you have enough inventory slots to access the secret closet without causing any problems. You have to enter the closet room with Billy anyway and its a minor detor for Becky at best. Anyway, turn to Becky's left and exit through the door at the bottom of the screen. Skip the cut scene, imediately turn 180 degrees and fire 2 or 3 shots into the zombie sneaking up behind you, this should kill it. Turn 180 again and drop the zombie wearing the blue guard uniform. This should take 4 or 5 shots. 180 and leave before he gets up again. Run through the corridor, don't enter the two doors on Becky's right, go to the end of the corridor and get the key from the conductor. Skip the cut scene. You're about to be assaulted by a couple of dogs. While the game is loading after skipping the scene hold up and a tiny bit right. When the action starts run between the wall on Becky's right side and the dogs left, you should zip round behind it before your bitten. Another dog will burst through the window but hug the wall and you should pass safely behind. Now run back to the train car like your being chased by zombie dogs. Do not shoot them at all and under no circumstances check the corpse for handgun bullets. Upon entering the train car hold down the R trigger, click the left trigger once and you should target the blue zombie again, a couple more shots should kill it. If you were fast enough the zombie on Becky's left should not be fully turned so run by it. If not knock it down with a few handgun bullets, there is one more zombie where the car opens out wider. It shouldnt be too hard to dodge though. Open the door and discard the key. Run through the next car, dropping a couple of zombies if need be. This first part of the game is quite important. We're aiming to get Becky off the train more or less unhurt. If you mess up and get munched, start again. Skip the cut scene with Billy and go up the stairs, run into the room, trigger the cut scene, skip it, 180 and go back down the stairs, skip the next scene and the horrid leech zombie will be dead. We now have control of Billy. Mission B - Kill the Scorpion But were not going to use him. Make him drop any special weapons he has and give him the closet key if you have it. Switch to Becky and run to the back of the dining car, go up the ladder outside the window. Trudge slowly up the roof of the train, it seems to be easier to move onto the next screen if you stick to the far side of the roof for some reason. Go around the hole, connect the wire, skip the scene. We're now in a rather tiny kitchen type room. Grab the ammo, the key and the herb. You shouldn't need to use the herb at all. Put the key into the lift and switch to Billy. Go down the stairs and exit the door we haven't tried yet at the bottom of the screen, take a hard right and grab the key from the lift. Back to the bottom of the stairs and enter the train car we came from. If you're quick you should be able to get through the first car safely. In the next car we should be more or less ok again if we knock down a zombie or two, run to the end. This door has two nasty dogs behind it so make sure your fully loaded and enter. Run a short way into the room and you will have a much better view of the corridor to kill the dogs. Once they are dead, enter the second door on the right, grab the herb and save if you wish. Might not be a bad idea cause you have your first boss battle coming up. Exit the room and search the body for bullets, you should be on about 35ish now. Run to the conductors office at the end, Unlock the door and drop the key when prompted. Enter the office and hit the switch to the right of the door. Grab the map if you need it then drop the herb. you have a choice to make here. I prefer to knife the next boss to death, you can take the gun instead if you like but leave one or the other. Go up the ladder and run around the bar, skip the scene and run into the room, before leaving drop the knife/gun on the floor, exit the room. Were now in a corridor full of yucky horrid squidgy leeches. Grab the ice pick from the trolley and enter the door further down. If you have the closet key use it and change to Billy's cool suit. Snag the spray, the hunting gun, the handgun ammo and the shotgun shells. Now exit the room, you don't need the the ink ribbons in the corner. Run back to the long bar room car, ignoring the red herb, we will get it later. Once back in the bar room drop the ice pick, grab the knife and equip you hunting gun. Run into the room, skip scene. -----The Scorpion------------------------------------------------------------- This guy isn't much trouble at all but I'm not happy with my method just yet. Chances are I'll update soon. We have one spray Billy can use here so we can afford to take a couple of hits. Once the battle starts run back and wait for the scorpion to swipe at you. After it swipes there is a lag before the next attack. During this lag run forwards and give it a shotgun blast in the head, remember to hold down while aiming. If it's using its claws to cover its head, dodge another attack and run forwards and try again. After the first shot hits, the scorpion will shuffle back, during this shuffle run forwards and let it have another blast. Reload via the menu screen. With any luck the boss should be a fairly long way back in the car, backed up against the bar. It should get stuck in a kind of loop, take shotgun blast - shuffle back - take a couple of steps forward - attack. After it steps forward blast it again, wait for it to shuffle back and come forward again, blast wait, etc etc. Remeber to reload after each two shots. After your shotgun ammo is all gone switch to the knife/gun and finish it off using the same tactic, only thing is with the knife if the boss gets too close it may swipe you when it shuffles back. You can hit it from further away with the handgun so make sure you hit as far away as possible with the knife. Your boss should now be dead. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission C - Stop the train Use the health spray, drop the hunting gun, drop the knife if you have it. If you used the handgun keep it. Grab the ice pick and the panel lifter from the far end of the room. You should have these items: Billy:Ice pick-Lifter-Handgun-Handgun Ammo Down the ladder, exit the room and run back to the passenger car. Knock down any zombies you have to. In the second car feel free to kill any zombies. Then move into the kitchen. Drop the ice pick into the lift, then run past the fridge and use the lifter on the panel by the door. Enter the hole and come out in the storage room. Kill the dogs as fast as possible, you can hit them when you can't see them. Click the left trigger to be sure of their location. Open the door to the kitchen, grab the shotgun shells and the gold ring from the dog cage. As Becky get the ice pick from the lift and use it on the door to get out. Quickly run down the stairs to avoid the zombie barbeque in the dining car and enter the kitchen. Walk up to the fridge to trigger the zombie, who will leap out and back up to the stairs to kill it without getting hurt. Pick up the bottle and enter through the door Billy kindly unlocked for us. Mix a molotov cocktail and discard and excess gas. Give your handgun bullets and cocktail to Billy, regroup and exit from the room via the far door from the kitchen. Stand Becky to the right of the door, by the hookshot. the hookshot is such a major pain in the neck. It took a bit of planning to move it around to all the required places without doubling back too much. We will use it four times before we get rid of it. Stand Billy by the switch, flick it then change to Becky to grab the hookshot. Billy:Handgun-Handgun Ammo-Gold Ring-Cocktail-Shells Becky:Hookshot-Handgun-Herb Run back through the storage room and the kitchen to the passenger car. Kill any zombies left in this car and continue to the end. Before exiting split up and take Becky through the door. Use the hookshot on the open window asap before getting munched by the hungry zombies. Drop down the hole, ice the zombie, ignore the knife. Check the closet for the jewel box. Examine it for the silver ring. Try to exit, skip the cutscene. Switch to Billy, go through the door, up the stairs, through the now empty leech corridoor and wait for Becky in the room where we killed the scorpion. Switch to Becky, exit and go down the corridor. The door on Becky's right has the closet with her extra costumes. I normally use leather rather than cowgirl. Grab the red herb we have churlishly ignored thus far and mix it with the green. Join Billy and regroup, (Theorised plan, have Becky grab the knife - I have a plan that I need to double check with this, I may remove this part). Go down the ladder by the remains of the bar and search the closet for the case, combine it with the gold and silver rings for the key card. Have Becky mix the two herbs in this room and use them to bring anyone who needs it to full health. You mustn't use both sets of herbs. Billy:Handgun-Handgun Ammo-Shotgun Shells-Cocktail Becky:Hookshot-Card-Herbmix-Knife-Handgun Exit the room, you may want to save here. If so do it before using the card on the reader by the door or you wont be able to save until you reach the facility. Have Billy d the saving as he can do so without dropping items, make sure he leaves the ink ribbon. Use the card on the reader by the last locked door in the corridor, skip the scene, run to the trains cabin, skip the scene. Choose to leave Becky behind. Have Billy search the counter at the front of the cabin for the card and search the back of the cabin near the door for some more bullets. We're on a time limit now so lets hurry. Run back along the covered walkway past some sleepy zombies who are just waking up. Enter the door and go into the conductors office and up the ladder. this may seem odd but its gonna save us some zombie encounters. Run through the scorpion room, the leech room and down the stairs. Enter the door and knock down the unfortunate stars zombie. Run past him through the kitchen, storage room and to the back of the train. Use the card on the read by the door. To solve this puzzle I will use CGibsons solution from his excellent puzzle solutions FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The object of the puzzle is to use a combination of 10 numbers to enter an overall number that is equal to the number on the display. The solutions can include more than what is listed below, but these are the easiest to enter. 36 - 3333333339 67 - 7777777774 81 - 8888888889 A cut scene will signal the correct sequence has been entered and the other character left behind in the Engine Car will be give a turn. The only difference with this part is only the overall number needed to reach will be displayed. However, the listed number solutions should be easier to remember. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Above solution courtesy of CGibson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ If you want a laugh I acctually forgot my card first time I did thing and ran out of time before I could stop the train. Anyway, skip the scene. After you wake up run almost directly ahead to reach the door before being involved in another zombie barbeque. Run through the sewers, I was expecting spiders but none here, go up the Ladder, Skip the Scene and welcome to:- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Part 2 -The Facility-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission A - The Red Key We've reached a shiny new area but were not going to save just yet. Have Billy drop the Molotov infront of the Picture and go up the stairs on the left of the picture. Separate and have Billy enter the door on the left of side of the upper lever to enter the crow room. Once inside grab the handle and skip the cutscene. Hold up and sprint for the door before you get crowed. Enter the door behind the scales in the main hall to take us to the conference room. Run to the right side of the room and grab the shells from the side of the table, still dont save yet. Back past the entrance and use the lower left door. Once your inside hold up and left, hug the wall and run right at the zombie. You will reach the door just in time so be ready with that finger on the A button to enter. Once inside have Becky drop the knife, snag the map if you want it and run her into the left, switch to Billy and have him use the handle on the control by the right side of the lift and send Becky up. Switch to Becky and we have two icky bugs to deal with, we shall do this by ignoring them. Hold up and left and race along past the table. You can see some ammo but it can be hard to grab and escape smoothly. Try after the screen changes angle and it should be fairly easy to swipe the ammo from the table. Dont reload Beckys gun After getting said item hold up and right to scoot up the stairs before getting savaged by the bugs. You will have noticed the bugs are quite fast when moving straight but a lot slower when turning we shall use this to our advantage a couple of times in the game. Cross the balcony on the far side of the fountain to avoid more crows, ignor the herb. Run all the way through the centipede room to the knight door at the end and drop the herb mix and the hookshot. Run down the stairs, unlock the door and switch to Billy. As Billy, exit the Library, grabbing the film A on you way out. As you exit hold up and right, you will run along the wall and again head right at a zombie but pass behind it as it spins round to lunch on you. Back through the conference room to the main hall, go downstairs and drop off the film A by the lower left door. Get the ammo from the table and save if you want, we have a boss battle coming up but its comically easy and were not going to get hit once! Dont touch the herbs yet. Go back up the stairs and enter the far right door to meet Becky. Take the Ammo from her (should have about 90 odd rounds now) and enter the nearby door. There are a couple of bugs in here but were going to take advantage of their slow turning to get in and out without getting hurt. It may take a little practice but it is possible. Hold up and dash to the grenade launcher, pick it up, hold up to run to the white statue on the pedestal by the blue door. Grab it hold up and right to run to the shotgun shells. These can be a little tricky to pick up as well. If you position yourself just on the far side of the broken vase like thing you should be ok. Once you have the shells hold up and left to race out of the room. Billy:Launcher-Handgun-Handgun Ammo-Shells-White statue Becky:Handgun Regroup with Becky and head up the stairs. At the top of the stairs Turn left and have Billy wind the second handle from the left. Switch to Becky, send her down the ladder and grab the key. Skip the scene and get ready of the easiest battle in any RE game ever. -----the Centipede------------------------------------------------------------ I know your gonna hate me for saying this but theres a bug in this game... For anyone still reading there is a fault in the game with this boss battle. Its possible to stand in a particular spot and murder the boss without getting touched. Run to the top of the stairs and make sure you have the handgun equiped. position yourself so you are directly in the center of the opening at the top of the stairs and move a couple of video game feet into the room. you can't be hit if your in the right place. Were going to be hitting it in the face as much as possible and were gonna use all the launcher ammo we have. The boss follows a set pattern around the room that passes close to where you are. It starts at the far end of the room facing you where it will be mauling Becky. Give it a couple of handgun shots and it should start moving. You should be able to get in one or two more handgun bullets beofr it faces away and moves out of the screen at the bottom right. It will now loop around and come back into the screen and pause to maul Becky rather alarmingly close to you. Quickly switch to your launcher and let it have a couple of rounds. It will move off again, switch to the handgun wait for it to stop facing you, couple more rounds in the face and he should be off again. Lather, rinse, repeat. Once you launcher rounds are all gone keep going with the handgun. After you use all the launcher rounds and a total of about 20 handgun rounds he should be dead and you should be on full heath! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission B - Angels and Devils Now we have the key, go back down the main stairs and into the main hall, drop the launcher and the shotgun shells in front of the painting. We have a couple of tricky rooms to negotiate coming up so you may want to save. Give Billy the key and Becky's handgun. Give Becky the white statue. Make sure you have dropped the ink ribbon. Go solo and check you have you inventory like this: Billy:Hand gun-Handgun Ammo-Becky's gun-Red Key Equip Beckys gun but dont reload it. Enter the lower right door on the main halls ground floor and enter the dining room. We have four zombies in here and were going to kill them all. There is a chef zombie opposite you hands outstreched as you enter. Drop him and make your way to Billy's right, once Beckys gun is out, leave it on the floor and switch to Billys. We dont need the handgun for the rest of the game. There is another zombie waiting at the head of the table to take it down. Keep working your way around the table and knocking zombies down until they are all dead. Were coming through here a few times so its a worhtwhile exercise. After the carnage you should have 70 or so rounds left, drop them on the floor by the door to the main hall. Enter the kitchen through the red door and grab the bottle and lighter fuel. Mix the fuel with the lighter and exit. Leave the dining room through the far door, past the recumbent zombie, he will try to get you in a while but not just yet. Make sure your fully loaded cause your about to enter one of the most difficult rooms in the game to pass through without getting hurt, once again a combination of this room and the dining room might have you restarting from the recent save a time or two. Inventory check-Billy:Handgun - Red Key - Bottle There are the items in here and we are getting them in this order black statue, gas, shotgun. space is limited and if you dont things in the right order your going to get munched. Enter the room, let the first zombie come towards you a little and knock him down. Sprint to the black statue and grab it. After this run around to the other side of the wall that divest the room, if your very lucky you will get between the zombies but more likely you will get a little munch, this is ok. Grab the gas NOT the shotgun. Mix the gas with the bottle to make three Molotovs, drop the extra gas, grab the shotgun and equip it. You have a full inventory now and license to discharge a couple of shots to make your way back out unscathed. If you use up alot of shotgun blasts or get munched again go back to the save. Exit the room and go back through the corridor to the dining room and past our sleepy friend. Switch to Becky, enter the dining room grab the handgun ammo and regroup. Back to the main hall and drop the shotgun by the painting, we have plans for this baby. Combine the three Molotovs with the three at the top of the stairs and drop the black statue by the scales. Give Billy the handgun ammo, regroup, exit through the conference room and go back in the lower left door solo as Billy. There are three zombies in here, kill them all. You may be really low on handgun ammo by now but we can live with that Bring Becky in and regroup with Billy leading, run to the end of the corridor, use the red key on the red door and discard it when prompted. Enter this room and push the table as far as you can. Should stop level with the fire place. climb over the table and flip the switch. Now push the table under the deer head above the fire place, climb up and grab the needle, climb down grab the hand gun ammo and exit. Re enter the Library, give Billy the statue and pick up the knife we dropped in here earlier. Switch him to solo and make sure he has at least one spare inventory slot. He should have: Inventory check-Billy: Handgun - Handgun Ammo - Needle - White statue - Knife Were now going to use the lighter on the candle near where we grabbed the film A earlier in the game. Billy must be solo here and you have to enter this room and get past the zombies first time. As you enter hold up, you will see a couple of zombies feasting a corpse but you should dash right past them. Jump up to the little platform on Billys right, Equip the knife turn around and slash the zombies to death. (I havent tested this one yet if it doesnt work I will remove it) Drop the knife, push the book case and grab the book of good, examine the pages, get the wings and combine them with the statue. If knife idea worked, exit the room and grab the launcher ammo on the way out. If if didnt work stay on the platform and back up as far as you can towards the door. The zombies should follow you. Wait until they as as far from the edge of the platform as possible and sprint down and grab the launcher rounds. Hop back up and repeat the process with the zombies. Dash back off the platform and hug the bookcase on your way out and you should be ok. Regroup with Becky and exit. Go through the corridor and through the conference room to the main hall yet again. Drop the Statue on the scales and combine the launcher ammo with the launcher and drop it by the painting. Now run back through the centipede room across the balcony and into the clock room where Becky met the bugs for the first time. Have Billy use the needle on the Clock and enter the code 8.15, run back past the bugs, across the balcony, snag the herb on your way, try not to use it if you can. Through the centipede room, drop off out herb with the hookshot and the herb mix Becky dropped earlier and back to the main hall. Take a quick left and enter the door that was locked until now. Run in, knock down a zombie, run to the fire place, grab the film B, you may need to knock the zombie down again and back to the main hall. Around this time Billy may start looking a little low on health. If so have Becky mix the herbs in the main hall by the save table and heal him. He should have the Film B, handgun and ammo. Grab the film A from the lower floor of the main hall, go solo and enter the lower left door. Run all the way to the end of the corridor and enter. Run behind the table and insert the film A in the projector, choose insert again and put the film B in as well. Take the MO disk and 180 to exit before getting hugged by mister zombie. Run back through this corridor as fast as possible and return to the main hall, to avoid our first leech zombie. You wont have any trouble getting past him if you fast. Regroup and go up the stairs, grab the black statue and enter the conference room. Use the MO disk on the podium and enter the code it asks for by pushing the corressponding number/letter combination on the desks infront of the podium, you can double check the numbers by looking at the microfilm under the files section of the menu. Go solo again take Billy through the door that just opened in the confrence room. Hold up and left to race behind the zombie and enter the first door. Grab the napalm shell for the launcher from over the fire place ignore the ink ribbon and solve the chess puzzle. To do this push the white king back three places, right one place and forward two places. Be careful not to touch any other pieces or you will get gassed. Get the book of evil from the desk, examine it and combin the wing with the statue, Combine the two. Were goiong to exit now, then turn right knock a zombie down and enter the door in the opposite wall. Do that then move into the room a little to lure the zombie out from between the beds. Dash past him swipe the first aid spray from the table and exit. Dodging this guy really isnt very hard. Back in the corridor knock down the two zombies lying in wait and return to the main hall. Drop the black statue on the scales and the picture will slide down to reveal a hidden passage. Regroup and reorganise your inventory thusly: Billy:Handgun Ammo - Grenade launcher - Shotgun shells - Handgun - napalm rounds Becky:F/A spray Mission B - Three tablets Save if you like but you shouldn't really need to. Go down the stairs and enter the door at the end of the tunnel. There are spider here but provided you keep moving you should be ok. There are a couple of herbs here so sort out any minor wounds or poisoning if need be. Enter the door and go give Becky a boost. As Becky run ahead and to the left and press the switches on the puzzle up,up,down,up,up. Skip about three cutscenes and were back to Billy. Despite the dramatic music were fairly cool for time here. Equip the launcher and exit. Hold up and then turn left quickly past the monkey. Hold up and run more or less straight ahead to enter the door opposite us. Grab three hand gun ammo boxes on the table and let the zombie have it with the launcher. Run to the back corner and get the shotgun shells being exit avoiding the sleeping zombie by the bed and ignor the gas. Go back through the spider corridor, enter the main hall and into the dining room. Exit through the bottom door and spoil our sleepy zombie friends day with the launcher as he wakes up. Through door and down the stairs, left past the place that was blocked by steam. Don't worry about the herbs just yet unless you were poisoned. Enter the door and get ready to kill three zombie monkey things with the launcher. They can be hard to see so remember the click left trick to track where they are. This should take all our remaining grenade rounds and maybe a napalm shell or two. Run past the animal puzzle, get the ammo in the corner and enter the save room and uh, save Becky. Before leaving give Becky the handgun, the handgun ammo and the shells and exit. Enter the door on the right with Becky going solo. Down the stairs and race past the giant spiders, once again you should be ok if you keep moving. Go in the door on Becky's right. There are a couple of bugs guarding a key. Pass them on the right, grab the key and run out on the bugs left, if your lucky you wont get hurt but we can take a little swipe here and be ok. Exit the room hold up, tap right and you should shoot nicely round the corner and enter the room at the end of the corridor. Go up the stairs and use the key on the locker. Get the case, enter code 385 and combine the handgun parts with Billy handgun. Round up the shells, handgun rounds and the single magnum round in a closet at the back of the room and wait by the control panel. Back to Billy, enter the door, down the stairs and past the spiders into the room where Becky is waiting. Dont go up the stairs turn left and enter the little maze. Switch to Becky, press left, move Billy forward, have Becky press center, mobe Billy forward and grab the acid rounds. Load your launcher with the acid rounds, to Becky - press left, To Billy move forward. Flip the switch and get ready for a fight with a couple of hunters. The should fall after a couple of acid rounds each. Switch back to napalm rounds, grab your shiny new key, regroup and exit. Make all hast past the spiders and enter the animal puzzle room. Once again puzzle solution from CGibsons FAQ. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Light the fires on the animal statues in the order of weakest to strongest. The order is as follows: Deer, Wolf, Horse, Tiger, Snake, Eagle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Above solution courtesy of CGibson ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Switch to Becky, Enter the first room on the right in the little corridor that just opened and collect the first of three tablets. Back out and exit back up the stairs. Un poison anyone who got poisoned here and bring anyone who needs healing back to full health. Proceed back through the dining room to the main hall. You may want to save here if you havent for a while. Items like this Billy:Launcher with napalm rounds(equiped) - Acid Rounds(if you have them) Spray - Key - Shells Becky:Handgun - Handgun Ammo - Tablet - Magnum Ammo Exit through the door to the centipede room, and run into the room we got the launcher in waaaaay back. Run past the bugs open the door, discard the key. Quickly go solo with Billy and pour your Napalm and Acid rounds into the leech Zombie. ONce it is dead drop the launcher and any rounds you may still have for it. YAY no more precious space taken by the launcher! Enter The room next to the door we just came in solo as Billy, Turn left run past the Leech zombie, get the vice handle and run out again before the leech grabs you. Again this isnt too hard. Now regroup and enter the room on the right. Have Billy play the piano and send Becky into the secret room to grab the magnum ammo and the battery, leave the bottle. Back to Billy play the piano again bring Becky back out and time for another inventory shuffle Billy:Handgun(equip) - Handgun Ammo - Spray - Vice handle - Shells Becky:Magnum ammo - Tablet - Battery Go solo as Billy, turn right and exit, go through the door on the right and turn right immediatly. Use the vice handle, 180, knock down the zombie, 180 grabe the tablet, 180 knock down the zombie, run past it and grabe the shells on the right, 180 kill the zombie, exit. (I plan to revise this room to give a more foolproof strategy cause you will probably get a hug or two in here) Enter the room at the end of this corridor, grab the handgun ammo, the red herb and use the spray cause Billy is almost certainly hurting by now. Exit and run past the leech zombie into the first door on the right to take us to the corridor we iced a leech zombie in. Switch to Becky, exit the piano room regroup and exit through the bug room and back into the main hall. Go solo as Becky to the lower level and exit the room, through the knight doors in the bottom center. use the battery on the lift, push the block under the left hand pillar and snag the tablet. Back to the main hall and arrange your inventories like this. Both should have a full inventory Billy:Shotgun - shells - spray - tablet - Molotovs(X6) Becky:Tablet - Tablet- Handgun - handgun ammo - Redherb - magnum Ammo If you have any extra heals laying around use them to bring everyone up to full health and exit to the centipede room, Becky leading. Run up the stairs and past the four bugs towards the knight door, have becky grab the green herb and mix it with the red, if you left it here and enter the observatory. Send becky down the ladder to drop in her two tablets then go back to the door you just entered, drop the hand gun, exit, grab the herbal mix and the hookshot, 180, renter the observatory. Switch to Billy, drop the shotgun, put in the final tablet(you must switch to disk 2 here). Go back to the entrance we came in. Exit solo as Billy, grab the two herbs and come back in again. Its possible to do this without being scratched by those horrid monkey things. If you didnt have the green herb from the balcony waiting outside the knight door make another herb mix here. Arrange inventory like this. Inventory Check-Billy:Shotgun - shells - spray - mix - mix Becky:Hook shot - Handgun - handgun ammo - Molotovs(x6) - green herb We will be back for the magnum shells, after a nice refreshing boss fight and then the game is all down hill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Part 3 - The Church--------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Mission A - To the basement Run over the bridge as Billy and send Becky into the bell tower using the C stick to trigger the switch to open the church door. Switch to Billy and enter the church. Run through, enter the save room, grab the shells and save. You will need to drop something to do this. Exit the room with the shotgun equipped and fight the bat. -----The Bat------------------------------------------------------------------ This boss is, for me, the most irritating one in the game. It follows no set patterns and there no really trick to beating it. YOur going to need to use about 10 or 15 shells here several of which will probably miss. Keep R held down and click the L button to track where the boss is at any given time. When you think you have a good chance of hitting it, let a blast go. Running around doenst seem to make things any easier. Basically stand and blast to get things over asap. If you get grabbed mash the buttons and the C stick to get the bat to drop you. It will die eventually. Sorry this explanation isnt any better. I play to have another look at the bat and the scorpion for the next update. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ After the bat is dead have Billy take the first aid spray to reach full health. Exit the church and run back to the observatory and pick up the magnum rounds we left ther earlier. Exit and switch to Becky. Have Becky enter the church and hook shot to the roof. Run across and down the ladder. Flip the switch and open the door. Press regroup and then go back to the rear of the church to mix the red herb with the green. Wait for Billy to arrive take the elevator to the basement. Mission B - To the cable car Leave Billy and enter the first door on the left, run around to the left and hookshot to the upper floor. Drop the hookshot, grab the gas and equip the Molotovs. Move in to the room and bottle the Leech zombie to death. You will probably take a small amount of damage but 4 molotovs molotovs later and were in a leech free zone. Grab the extra bottles from the shelf, make more molotovs drop the excess gas and grab the leech jar from the vending machine like thing. Exit the room with the handgun equiped, grabing the map on the way if you need it. Run all the way to the last door in the corridor, noting the button on the right as we leave. Enter the door and make a quick detor to the left. In this room there are more sleepy zombies. They wont cause trouble, providing you avoid the zombie looking for some leg grabbing action. Get the red chemical from the container by the sitting zombie and leave through the left door. There are two zombies in this room. Execute them both, get the blue chemical from the container in the corner and combine the stripping agent in the mixing set with the leech jar to make the leech charm, dont worry about the spray just yet. Send the leech charm and the molotovs down to Billy. Switch to Billy, drop the herbmix and the magnum rounds, enter the library. there is a zombie in here who may wake up, shotgun him if he does. Grab the leech charm and the molotovs, switching between Becky and Billy as needed. As Billy exit the library and wait facing the blank wall to the left of the library. To Becky and hit the switch we noticed earlier back in the corridor. Switch to Billy and murder the leech zombie as it comes around the corner. Run though the now safe corridor all the way to the end and use the Leech charm on the door. Run through the study ignoring everything and exit the door at the far end. Dodge past the wierd pacifist zombie bad back out again grabbing the leech charm on the way. Back therought the study and the corridor to the library and send the leech up in the lift. Switch to Becky, Back to the lift room and grab the leech charm and use it on the green door. Enter and left the leg biter crawling towards you have a nibble, stomp on his head, grab the canister and exit. One of the bodies on the floor half in the storage drawers may try and get you buy it easily avoided. Grab the spray from this room and exit. Hang a quick right here and run past the sitting zombie. Put the canister in and then GRAB ANOTHER READ CHEMICAL. This will save you a world of hurt a little later when we reach the treatment facility. Enter the gas room, again being careful of the leg biter. Get the breeding room key and exit asap before our zombies all wake up. Most likely the sitting zombie is now awake and will try to get you on your way out but try and wait for a couple of seconds by the gas room exit and he should come forward far enough to allow you to pass behind unharmed. Run back into the corridor and enter the door with bars on it with the breeding room key. Discard it when prompted. There are a couple of hunters in here but we have a spray to heal us if we get hurt. Run in, around the desks, hugging the right wall and get the dial from the cage. Run but between the hunters and exit as fast as you can. You shouldnt die but you might get scratched. Use the first aid spray if you really need it. We have some more healing coming up so try and avoid it if you can. Back to the elevator and send the dial to Billy. As Billy, grab the dial and back to the corridor. Use the dial on the locked door and enter 4863. Run back and get the herb mix and magnum rounds, enter the now unlocked door and skip the cut scene, hit the switch and change to Becky. As Becky go back and get the hookshot from the leech zombie room. Enter the cable car room , go down the stairs and drop your handgun, herb mix and first aid spray (if you have it) near Billy. Grab the regulator coil from near the train and exit the room through the ground floor door. Mix the herbs opposite and enter the leech door. Run to the desk and get the handgun ammo, then search the cabinet for the final regulator coil. Go back to the cable car room and use the hookshot in the far right corner to enter the upper office. Ditch the hookshot (at last!) get the shotgun shells and use the two coils on the control panel and skip the scene. Run out of the door and down the ladder Go back to Billy, heal yourself, if you are on orange caution or lower and and arrange your inventories like this Becky : Handgun - Handgun Ammo - Mag rounds - Herb mix Billy : Shotgun - Shells - As many herbs as you have left Were loosing Billy in a second so say any goodbyes or anything you need to. Enter the train, skip a couple of scenes and hold up left, run past the leech zombie and up the stairs. Reconnect the regulator coil, down the stairs, dodge the leech zombie and enter the train, get the magnum hit the switch, skip scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Part 4 - The Factory-------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fairly short area this one, so exit the train and lets get under way. Mix the two herbs near the train and breing them with you, go up the stairs and turn right. Across and up again then exit the door. Run almost directly ahead and enter the save room, drop off the magnum and exit. Run to the end of the room and down in the elevator. Across the little gantry and enter the door. Run all the way to the end of this room and grab the shiny key. On the way out hug the right hand wall to avoid the sleepy hunters, back across the gantry and up the lift. Back to the save room and us the key on the console and grab the handgun ammo, Pick up the ink ribbon and save. Drop the ink ribbon, retrive the magnum and exit. Run to the left of the platform and hit the controls, skip the scene. Drop the magnum bullets by the elevator. Then run back across the platform to the shiny object in the corner. Skip again, pick up the elevator key, run back to the elevator, equip magnum, use the key. Skip yet another scene and its boss battle time. -----Tyrant - First Encounter ------------------------------------------------ This is our first RE staple boss so lets enjoy it. This guy is quite alot of fun. There are a couple of things to be aware. -His right hand has a giant, huge, monster claw on it. Ergo were not going to be running past him on his right side, ok? -He hits VERY hard. Beck can take two hard charges on full health and the next tap will kill her. -He turns slowly. Its possible to run circles around him and he won't hit you. -He has recovery time after being hit. About every 2 magnum rounds he will reel back and not be able to do anything until he recovers. This are a couple of seconds when he can't move. The battle goes like this, when you start after the skip scene have the right trigger held down and let him have a magnum round. These are precious so dont miss. He will stagger. Run diagonally across the room and wait in the opposite (top left) corner. When he prepares to charge run to the bottom left corner and let him have another magnum round. Now run to the bottom right corner dodge the charge by running to the top right and let him have another. Basically repeat until you use 8 and only 8 magnum rounds. Then continue with the handgun. After about 10 hangun rounds the battle is yours. I have a couple more ideas that may work a little better that I will add to a future update. Second time we meet this guy he is a total pussycat ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Grab your magnum rounds and enter the lift. Use one spray to heal yourself. If your hurting alot use the full heal, if your only scratched use the 2 herb mix. Take the lift to the second floor. Be sure your magnum is equipped and loaded. Exit and was the nearby hunter. Reload your magnum and equip the handgun. Grab the handgun bullets and herbal mix. If you have herbal mixes left over from the tyrant battle and your at full health leave the 2 herb mix and take the full heal. Back to the elevator getting the handgun ammo and magnum ammo on the way, go to the fourth floor and exit. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --Part 5 - The Treatment Plant------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- Mission A - Get the Handle -------------------------- Nearly there now, this is our last area. Skip the cut scene, run forward and enter the double door. Drop one of your heals so your now carrying, the magnum the handgun and ammo for both. If we need this heal we can come back for it later, we should be ok as there are plenty of heals in this area and even thought its the games final area were not doing much serious fighting. Grab the gas and continue in to the room and get the handgun ammo from the desk. You can save if you like but you dont really need to. Turn around and switch on the power by hitting the 5th switch in the second column, the 5th switch in the third column and the 1st switch in the second column. Now exit via the lift in the corner with the handgun equiped. There are three zombies in here, Kill them all with the handgun. Run past the dead zombies and get the bottle on the floor. Mix it with the Gas to make 3 molotovs. Equip them and leave the room. Theres a leech zombie racing around the corner so move in to the room a little and let him have 2 bottles then run on to the end of the corridor. This wont kill him but we can finish him off a little later. Run past the locked door for now and enter the one at the end of the corridor. Shoot the zombie on the far side of the pool table and snag the bottle to make more molotovs. You should have four left, also take the map if you need it. Leave the molotovs by the door we just came in. The gas should be all gone by now so exit down the stairs. Through the forklift room and exit, run through this room ignoring the shells, go down the stairs and exit. Skip the scene and reunitie with Billy. Leave all Billys heals by the locked door and exit. Back up the stairs and have Billy collect the shotgun shells, seperate and send Billy into the pit. Solve the highly irritating bridge making puzzle like this: -Billy, push the grey box to the wall opposite Becky. -Becky, turn the gate to the right. -Billy, push the box by the ladder to its final position on the far wall. Then return to the ladder. -Becky, Turn the gate either way -Billy, Push the final box to it is touching the gate. Then push it to the wall opposite Becky. -Becky, Turn the gate to the right. -Billy, Push the final box into position and exit the pit. -Becky, Fill the pit, get the handle. Please note the gate won't move if Billy is in the way. Switch to Billy and exit. Run through the forklift room and back up the stairs. Have Billy grab the molotovs and equip them and exit solo. A couple more molotovs and our last leech zombie is history. Use the handle on the locked door and skip the scene. Return to Becky and bring her into the corridor with Billy and equip the handgun. You now have a choice. You should have a couple of heals in room at the opposite end of this corridor and the room with the power connection puzzle. We have nothing serious to fight that can hurt us until the two final boss battles now so you can choose to get the heals or not. If your at full health dont bother as we have two more heals we can pick up in a room or two. Enter the door Billy unlocked with Becky leading and Billy in team mode but on idle. ------------------------------ Mission B - To the Access card ------------------------------ There are five zombies in here but were only killing the ones blocking our exit. Ignore the ladder and work your way around to the left side of the machinery in the center of the room killing the naked zombies with the handgun. When you reach the door get ready to run as there are two hunters in the next corridor. Have Becky leading and Billy still on idle. Sprint past the hunters and with any luck you should be unhurt. In the next room collect the handgun ammo from the bed. It can be a little hard to pick up so position yourself with Becky a little to the left of the bed pole as you look as it. Save here as this is the last save chance before the final showdown and we have two bosses to kill before that. Ignore the napalm rounds and have Becky mix up a couple of herbs and give the spray to Billy. Exit with Becky leading and Billy on idle, go down the stairs and through the corridor. This room is basically a circle, so go clockwise around the circle past the lift and take down the three naked zombies with the handgun. Have Billy grab the shotgun shells and go to the lift. Make sure both characters are well inside the lift using the C Stick and go down. Cue the Tyrant! -----Tyrant - Second Encounter ----------------------------------------------- Ok, remember I said this guy was a pussycat? Provided you do this right you won't get hurt at all. Have Billy equip the shotgun but stay on idle for now. Have Becky equip the Magnum. This room is a rectangle and the lift is in the top left corner for purpose of this explaination. Just after you round the bottom right corner you will trigger the Tyrant battle. Skip the cur scene and hold down thr R button. The very second gameplay starts let the tyrant have a single magnum bullet. This will send him into his rocovery animation and give you time to run like a frightened rabbit towards the top right corner. Round the corner and position yourself carefully like this. We are in a short straight area with the ladder leading up to the mother board at one end and the top right corner at the other. About halfway between these point the camera angle will switch from a long view of the top right corner to the ladder. You want to be as close to the ladder as possible with the camera still on the top right corner, facing the corner. Switch to the menu and switch Billy to attack with the shotgun loaded and equipped. Give Becky the HANDgun amd return to the gameplay. The above paragraph should have taken a couple of second to sort out and the tyrant should be making his way around the bottom right corner towards you. He may well charge towards the to right corner but thats ok cause his evil claw hand is on the same side as the wall and cant get us. As Becky keep the R button down and keep clicking the L button. Once the tyrant is in range pour handgun bullets into him, Billy should join in with the shotgun fairly soon. Keep both characters fully loaded via the menu screen, don't let them reload themselves cause it takes to long. Provided you do all the above fast enough the Tyrant will keep going into his recovery animation every few seconds and wont be able to round the top right corner. After about 12 shells and a couple of clips of handgun ammo he will be dead. Told you this guy was a push over. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Go up the ladder with Becky in the lead, run forwards grab the motherboard, 180 and back down the ladder. Leave Billy by the currently locker door in the tyrant room and go back up in the elevator. Run forwards and drop the motherboard in the slot, skip scene, enter gondola, skip scene, run forwards hit the handle to lower the water at the dam. Skip another scene, exit the room. Hold up and left upon entering the next room and race for the stairs. Go onto the stairs but dont acctually do down. You can stand on about the top three steps without going down. From here you can exterminate the bug with 7 or 8 handgun bullets. Now run over to the end of this room and get the blue chemical, mix it with the red. If you werent listening way back in the church and forgot the red chemical you can get red chemical from room at the top of the ladder in the just after Billy used the handle. Get the industrial water and mix it with the mixing set. Unlock the nearby door and then go down the stairs, wait by the door. Switch to Billy and enter the door. There are two Herbs here, use them should you need to. If you have two full heals between you both you dont need to bring them with you. Go down the ladder and hold up. Sprint for the ladder opposite and leap up as soon as you reach it before the frog licks you., enter the door. Run right ahead ignoring the zombies and unlock the door. Switch to Becky, enter the door and grab the ammo. Run around the machine in the center of the room and execute the two horrid naked zombied, Call Billy grab the shotgun shells (you should have about 50 by now) and drop the two heals you should have. Regroup and enter the room Becky came from and run to the shelf. Make sure Billy is still on idle amd Give Becky a boost to get the battery. Skip the scene and dash to the foot of the stairs. From here provided you are far back enough take out the two bugs then go up the stairs. Exit the door Becky unlocked a short time ago and you should see all your heals you dropped way back when. Dont get the just yet though. Have Billy lead with the shotgun equipped and exit the room, head up the stairs through the puzzle room and run to the forklift. Have Billy jump on the box and have Becky combine the acid with the battery and then use it on the forklift. Press the button and get the card. Have Billy lead out and watch for the frog who may put in another appearance here. If he does a shell or two will send him packing. Run back through the puzzle room, down the stairs Grab all the healing items you can carry. Back through the blue chemical room and down the stairs. Exit and run, past where we got the shotgun shells, use the card on the door and discard it when prompted. Now you want your inventory like this. Becky-:Magnum, Magnum ammo, Handgun, Handgun ammo, 2 heals Billy-:Shotgun, Shells, 3 Heals There may well be a heal left over here and another one back where we met Billy. This is our insurance incase we take a beating with the next boss. Enter the room with Becky leading and Billy idle, be sure to grab the magnum ammo from the right of the door. OUr penultimate boss battle is behind this door so geat ready. You should have about 50+ shells, 20+ magnum bullets and 125+ handgun bullets by now. Plus all the heals we have laying around were not going to have a problem . ------------------- Mission C - Escape! ------------------- Before entering the room make very sure Billy is on idle NOT attack. The reason is were doing a lot of running away and you want to keep you characters together. Were leading with Becky as Billy can take a little more damage incase he gets left behind. If he is left in attack mode he will often be trying to aim while were busy running and get attacked. Enter the room and skip the scene. -----Marcus Boss battle------------------------------------------------------- This guy can be a little tricky so were going to be really careful here. You will notice that the room is a figure 8 shape. The strategy for this one if pretty simple. Run to a corner of the 8, turn, left loose a few bullets of your choice. Run to the opposite corner wait till he comes into range again let loose a few more bullets, run etc etc. I tend to let him have about 7 or 8 magnum rounds then finish him ot with the handgun. If your running low on magnum rounds for any reason then it is possible to kill him with just the handgun but its going to take well over 100 hits. Its best to err on the side of caution with this fight as the boss can do major damage very easily. Let about 3 or 4 handgun bullets or 1 magnum round go at one time then run again. Reload via the menu at all times and if for some reason you mess up at on of the corners and dont aim soon enough or do a manual reason its better to run and get well prepared for the next shot thant risk shooting when Marcus is too close. ONe thing to remember is dont get too far ahead or Marcus will cut through the center of the 8 and give you a nasty surpise. This is the longest battle were going to have and it can seem like its going on for ever particularly if you are using the hand gun. About ever 10 handgun hits or ever 1 or 2 magnum hits you will hear a kind of squelch sound when the bullet hits to indicate Marcus is feeling the pain. About halfway through the battle he will sprout tentacles that increas his range a little so be careful. This one is probabbly the hardest in the game and the key is not to get greedy with your shots. It may take a little practice but you will be fine. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Once he is dead heal up if need be and grab the two keys, give one to each character and examine them to see which is left and which is right. Unlock the final door. Before you leave you have three, healing items in the next room and if possible you want 4 for Becky and 2 for Billy. Feel free to go back and get any heals you left behind in the facility. In the next room grab your heals, shells and handgun ammo. Give Becky the handgun any remaining ammo and 4 heals. Give Billy the magnum plus ammo The shotgun, plus shells and 2 heals. Becky on idle with the handgun equipped and Billy leading with the magnum. Save and get on the lift, hit the switch and skip the scene. -----Leech Queen Battle------------------------------------------------------- Once you start your on a timer so get underway quickly by lettting the queen have a magnum round and run up the nearest stairs. Have Billy go solo and leave Becky in Attack mode with the hand gun. She should fire at the queen when she can to help just a little. Run down the stairs and get as far from Becky as possible and empty the Magnum into it. After about 8 to 10 shots you will see a cut scene and Becky will start opening the locks to the roof. Half the battle over. You will start next to the first handle standing by Becky. Switch to the menu use one of your heals if need be. Take an extra one from Becky and make sure she is fully healed then run as far from Becky as possible. YOu should have so many heals by now you can more or less sit there and let the queen attack you while Becky unlocks the roof but thats not much fun now is it? Keep running and finish off your magnum rounds then switch to the shotgun. and keep pumping shells into the queen. Be sure to keep an eye on your health and Becky as she is probably being hit by a fair amount of acid. Nothing the heals can't take care of though. By about the 2.30 mark Becky should be more or less done and Billy will finish of the queen with a magically appearing magnum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The game is now over. Congratulations you have finished hard mode. This guide should get you in well under the 3.30 for the top ranking. ============================================================================== -5--Still to come------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== I want to add a couple more decent strategies for the Bosses. Particularly the scorpion, the bat and the Marcus creature. Also I think I need to double chek one or two item name and I have no doubt that I will find a few spelling errors here and there. ============================================================================== -6--Thanks-------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== Thanks very much to Capcom for the great gamen and CjayC for the great site. A special thanks to CGisbson for letting me include his solutions to the train and animal puzzles. Please check out his contributor recognition page at http://www.gamefaqs.com/features/recognition/8824.html, where you can also find his email address. ============================================================================== -7--Contact and Copyright----------------------------------------------------- ============================================================================== My email address is dpurdu@yahoo.com My website address is www.geocities.com/dpurdu This document is copyright (c) dpurdu 2003 Thanks very much for reading