Resident Evil 2 FAQ/Walkthrough For the PlayStation Game System Written by peach freak or Copyright 2007-2014 Tim Brastow. All Rights Reserved. Version 1.85 Welcome! This is a walkthrough for Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation. If you have any questions, comments, or if I make a mistake, email me at Once (good) questions are asked, I will put them up in an Asked Questions section. Also, this FAQ is protected by copyright. You cannot sell this, put this on your website without my permission, or any other violation of copyright law. You can, however, save this onto your computer or print it out for personal and LEGAL use. Table of Contents 1. Version History 2. Controls 3. Weapons 4. Characters 5. Enemies 6. Health 7. Walkthrough (Leon A) 8. Walkthrough (Claire B) 9. Walkthrough (Claire A) 10. Walkthrough (Leon B) 11. Files 12. Items 13. Secrets 14. Hunk Walkthrough 15. Credits =================== 1. Version History =================== Version 1.00, July 19, 2007: Finished this FAQ and uploaded it onto GameFAQs. Version 1.10, February 21, 2009: Fixed many of the terrible spelling/grammar mistakes throughout the guide. Version 1.15, March 2, 2009: Re-wrote my Licker description and fixed some item info regarding Chris's Diary and the Lab Card Key. Version 1.20, March 4, 2009: Clarified some additional info about unlocking the Gatling Gun after finishing B scenario. Version 1.50, March 7, 2009: Added in a walkthrough for Hunk in this guide. Version 1.60, April 9, 2009: Ok, I lied. The items that you get from Mr. X upon dropping him are not random. I fixed this for Claire B (and even gave a new strategy for fighting him in the Golden Cogwheel room), as the items you get from him come in a fixed order. Also, I did fix a few more grammar errors found throughout this guide. Version 1.75, March 6, 2014: Fixed many spelling and grammar errors in the Files section. Also added the P-Epsilon Report as it was missing from that section. Gave out a better description on how to encounter Brad Vickers and the best strategy for fighting him. In the walkthroughs, I also added information about the hidden Handgun Bullets behind the statue that drops the Red Jewel in the Police Station (in addition to hidden Handgun Bullets in the Police Station basement). Version 1.80, April 15, 2014: Finally added the items that Mr. X drops from his trench coat during Leon's B scenario. Version 1.85, April 26, 2014: Added in the secret camera angle to the secrets section. ============ 2. Controls ============ X: Open Doors/Fire when weapon is aimed, pick up items Square: Run when held Circle: Check Game Status Triangle: Cancel R1: Aim Weapon L1: Switch targets D-Pad: Move character =========== 3. Weapons =========== Knife: This is something you'll have at the beginning of the game, but when you drop it into your first item box, you'll never see it again. It's a worthless weapon, never mind the fact you need to be up close to attack with it, increasing the risk you get hurt. Only use it for when you're saving ammo, or if the zombies are on the ground. It can be used for taking out dogs easily at least. Handgun: Both characters get this weapon at the beginning of the game, except for the fact Leon's handgun can hold 18 bullets, while Claire's only has a maximum of 13. They are useful for killing zombies and dogs, and maybe good for saving ammo for other weapons against a licker. If you're playing as Leon, you can upgrade this to a Custom Handgun, which can fire 3 bullets at a time and can mow down enemies pretty fast. Sub Machine Gun: Both characters can get this weapon and I personally recommend grabbing it if you tend to have ammo shortages throughout the game. You can find it in the ammo storage room in the Police Station basement, but it can only be grabbed in 1 scenario (so if you took it during Claire A, you can't get it for Leon B). The second spot is in a storage room in Umbrella's Secret Lab, where you go through some puzzle requiring both scenarios. It uses a percentage for how much ammo you have, so you cannot get a clip for it. It's good for stunning enemies and mowing down large groups of zombies, but beware, it eats up two spaces in your item inventory. Rocket Launcher: Found at the end of B game, it holds 2 rockets and is needed to destroy the final Mr. X. It can kill practically any enemy in one hit, but with 2 rockets, you can't do much with it. It can be unlocked as a secret, however, so you get all the rockets in the world to fire with. But this is another nasty item that takes up two spaces in your item inventory. Gatling Gun: You can only get this secret weapon by unlocking it, and it isn't that great. It eats up 2 spaces in your item inventory. Although you get unlimited ammo for it, it takes a few seconds to charge it up, making you very vulnerable to those enemies in groups or the fast enemies. It can fire pretty quickly though, but I think the negatives outweigh the positives with this weapon. ------------------ Leon Only Weapons ------------------ Shotgun: Leon A can find this in two places in the game: Kendo Gun Shop (A scenario) and S.T.A.R.S office (A scenario), and in B scenario, you can only find it on the front desk of the main hall 1F. It is a powerful weapon and holds up to 5 shells. You can use it on any of the weaker enemies. It can blow off a zombie's head at close range or knock them off their torso. They are effective at stunning Lickers and weakening dogs. You can upgrade this to a custom Shotgun, which is much more powerful and can hold to 7 shells instead of 5. The kind of ammo this weapon uses are Shotgun Shells. Magnum: An all-time Resident Evil favorite. Found in the Watchman's Room in Leon A and as early as the S.T.A.R.S office in Leon B, this is a powerful weapon. It can hold up to 8 bullets and kill several enemies in 1-2 hits. Near the end of the game, you can upgrade this to a Custom Magnum. It is a much more powerful gun and is great for mowing down any type of boss. The kind of ammo this gun uses are Magnum Bullets, which are fairly uncommon, but there's enough to have fun with this weapon. Flamethrower: Found in Umbrella's Secret Lab, getting to this weapon is just a waste of time and found near the Anti BOW gas area. You cannot find any ammo for it, as you start out with 100% fire and quickly goes down. At least the flames are effective for taking out plants and vines. -------------------- Claire Only Weapons -------------------- Bow Gun: This weapon can be found in the Kendo Gun Shop (A game), Street Cabin (A game), and the S.T.A.R.S office (B game). It can fire three arrows at a time and hold up to 18 arrows. It is effective at taking down groups of zombies as well as disposing of Lickers, but its usefulness declines as you get deeper in the game. The ammo you find for this weapon, the BOW Gun Bolts, isn't very common either. Grenade Launcher: You can call this Claire's solution to all of Leon's neat weapons. It is found in the S.T.A.R.S office during A scenario and on the Main Hall 1F in B scenario. The Grenade Launcher has three different types of ammo: Grenade Rounds, Acid Rounds, and Flame Rounds. You can stuff as many rounds into your Grenade Launcher as you want, because there is no maximum limit unlike the other weapons. Here is my view of the three types. GRENADE ROUNDS: These are fairly weak and not very useful. Upon firing, it splits into three rounds and scatter, often missing the enemy. But these are good for taking out scattered groups of zombies or going solo with one enemy. They're also useful to use so you can save ammo for your more powerful rounds. When found during the game, the ammo case looks like a gray carrying case. ACID ROUNDS: Can take down many enemies in one hit and is effective on bosses. When you hit an enemy, they change colors and fall down to the ground. When found during the game, the ammo case looks like a yellow carrying case. FLAME ROUNDS: Flame Rounds are my personal favorite type of ammo. When enemies are struck, they get lit on fire. Can take down quite a few enemies in one shot and are effective with Ivy Plants. Flame Rounds are also very effective on stunning bosses found late in the game. When found during the game, the ammo case looks like a red carrying case. Spark Shot: Found in the factory, it fires out jolts of electricity to zap other enemies. It's also good for taking out the final boss of Claire A. Take it if you're on Claire A, otherwise, leave it, unless you're somebody who runs short on ammo all the time. It uses a percentage for ammo, so you can't find any for it. The other bad part of this weapon is that it takes up 2 spots in your item inventory. ============== 4. Characters ============== Leon Kennedy: Kennedy is a newcomer to the Raccoon Police Department, and his first day on the job is a mess. Leon can be protective, but can sometimes be reckless, and he hates it when people do not listen to him. Leon is one of the two characters playable in this game. Claire Redfield: Claire is the other playable character in this game. She is off looking for her brother Chris Redfield, who was involved in the Spencer Mansion incident with Jill Valentine, Barry Burton, and Rebecca Chambers. Claire is a light hearted character and is kind to everybody she finds, but even as a young woman, she can protect herself and fight when needed. Sherry Birkin: This 12 year old will make you never complain about those annoying people you know in life again. You'll find this character while playing as Claire, and you'll need to play as her to get items out of Claire's reach. She is also the daughter of Annette and William Birkin, both who worked for Umbrella and never spent any time with Sherry (hey, I wonder why). Ada Wong: This is Leon's much better counterpart to Claire's Sherry. Soon we find out Ada is a spy and is out looking for her boyfriend John (also soon heard to be dead). Just like Sherry, Ada will help Leon get items out of reach and you will play as her for small parts of the game. You also will find out she tries to keep a lot of things secret. Brian Irons: Chief of the Raccoon Police Department, also works for Umbrella. Irons blamed Umbrella for the T-Virus incident, mostly because it ruined "his city". Afterwards, the mayor wanted Irons to look after his daughter, but Irons killed her. Upon reading notes around the game, it is found out Irons is insane and has killed off police officers, blocked off escape routes, and scattered ammo around the area so nobody would get out alive. When we find him in Claire's scenario, thankfully, he doesn't last long. Annette Birkin: This is the mother of Sherry Birkin. She works at Umbrella and attends little time to Sherry. Annette is a bit protective with the G-Virus and even as William Birkins is a monster, she still loves and attempts to protect him (yet she protects him even if William has no memory as a monster). Also, she is protective with Sherry and wants her to get out alive. William Birkin: Father of Sherry, and is the developer of the powerful G-Virus. Umbrella wanted to steal the G-Virus, but after they fatally wounded William and appeared to have got away with all of the samples, William injected himself with one last sample he still had and protected himself, as well as killing the troops that tried to steal his G-Virus samples. You fight him as a boss several times during the game. Ben Bertolucci: Met only in Leon's scenario, Ben is a reporter who's locked himself up in the Raccoon Police Station prison, and thinks by doing this, will be protected by the monsters. At first, he won't spill out any beans of what's been happening around the city. He only tells them about an escape route, but when he is attacked, he gives you information about Irons and what he's been doing. =========== 5. Enemies =========== Zombie: These are always the traditional enemies. Mutated from the T-virus, you'll find these enemies all over the place. Zombies like to grab onto you and start biting you, and the damage does really stack up overtime. Sometimes, they'll spit acid at you, which isn't much of a problem. Any weapon can take them down, but sometimes they can be easily avoided. Dogs: These aren't found until you're in the basements of Raccoon City. They like to charge and jump at you and if they're in groups, this can be pretty hard to get out of, and you'll usually get severely hurt or killed. The best tactics to kill these dogs (works with any weapon) is to fire when they get up and you hear a growling. This way, they shouldn't come close to touching you and you'll be able to kill them without losing health. Crows: They don't appear too often in the game, and one hit out of any weapon will kill them, but don't waste your ammo on them. If in groups, they will start pecking the crap out of you, and if you can't get away from them, the damage will really start adding up. Lickers: Lickers can be pretty annoying. They can attack you, lick you, and even take a swipe at your head. If your health is low enough, then it can decapitate you. You can tell that that they're going to take a swipe at your head if they stand on all four of their legs, rather than just crawling around. It's best to use a Shotgun/Magnum/Grenade Launcher on them. A good strategy to kill them is to shoot them so they are stunned and fall to their back. Then immediately fire when they get back up and they'll become a minimal problem. Spiders: These giant spiders crawl around the sewers, and most of the time they don't even bother you. They can bite you up close or spit/drop acid on you, depending on if they are on the ground or ceiling. Either way, the acid is poisonous, and be sure to bring a blue herb or two when in the sewers. Try not to waste ammo on them if you can, but if one is really getting on your nerves and making your urge to kill go up, blast them away with a Shotgun or the Grenade Launcher. Super Lickers: Found in Umbrella's Secret Lab, they're more powerful than regular lickers in every way, shape, and form. They still have the same attacks as a regular licker, but can do more damage. Also, no matter what weapon you use, they'll take more hits to die. Try to use a Magnum or a Grenade Launcher when wandering around the lab. Naked Zombies: Just zombies with nothing on. They usually take more hits to die and for some reason, they do more damage when biting than a regular zombie. Well for me at least. They are found at the end of the game, and it's recommended you get up close and blow their head away with a Shotgun or take them out with a Bow Gun/Grenade Launcher. Ivy Plants: Also an enemy found in Umbrella's Secret Lab. Most of the time, you'll find them blocking the way to a door. They like to spit acid at you from far distances, and if you get close to them, they'll slam their head onto you. If you release the Anti-B.O.W. gas in the lab, these plants will become poisonous. Releasing the Anti-B.O.W. gas isn't a requirement to beat the game, so you don't really need to do it. Using a Custom Shotgun/Custom Magnum/Flame Rounds are best for these weapons. ========== 6. Health ========== To check on the current condition of your health, press Circle while you're playing the game and you'll see your status in the top left corner of the screen. Fine (green): Good amount of health, no physical problems with character. Caution (yellow): Has taken a moderate amount of damage, character grabs chest when running, character runs a little slower. Caution (orange): Has taken plenty of damage, character still grabs chest, a powerful hit could kill you. Danger (red): Has taken a lot of damage, character starts limping, near death. Poison (purple): Been affected by poison, health deteriorates overtime, unless treated Now, you'll find Herbs scattered throughout the game. They can be combined to help you out and such. Green Herb: Restores 25% health Red Herb: No effect Blue Herb: Cures poisoning Green + Green: Restores 50% health Green + Green + Green: Restores 100% health Green + Blue: Restores 25% health and cures poisoning Green + Green + Blue: Restores 50% health and cures poisoning Green + Red: Restores 100% health Green + Blue + Red: Restores 100% health and cures poisoning NOTE: To combine a green, red, and blue herb together, you must first combine a green and blue herb, THEN add a red herb. Also, if a combination is not listed above, it doesn't work. ======================== 7. Walkthrough (Leon A) ======================== Resident Evil 2 on the PlayStation comes with two discs: One for Leon's A and B game and the other for Claire's A and B games. A memory card is also required for saving. So, for this game, pop in your Leon disc and the game will start. If you're a beginner or whatnot, before starting the game, go to Options and go to Key Configuration. You'll get a screen with a controller. Hit right on the D-Pad twice to change it from "Type A" to "Type C". This is the same configuration, except Auto-Aim is now enabled. Now hit X to save the setting, and then exit. Back on the main menu, select "Original Game" and then between the two difficulties, select "Normal". ******************************************************************************* ~~~STORY~~~ ******************************************************************************* After the Spencer Mansion was destroyed following the first Resident Evil, the virus outbreak spread throughout the rest of Raccoon City. Here, in this FMV, we find Leon in a jeep driving down the street; first day as an R.P.D (Raccoon Police Dept.) officer. He stops the jeep upon seeing somebody dead on the streets. He examines the body, and it looks like it's been pecked to death by crows. The scene switches to a gas station, and we see a zombie fall to the ground. The driver flips out because the zombie bit him in the arm (he should've gotten treatment). All of a sudden zombies will start ambushing him from all of the corners. Leon aims his gun at the zombies and after a shooting scene, a door next to him opens with Claire Redfield coming out of a diner. They escape in a police car and are heading to a police station. As they're driving, the big rig appears behind them. Claire then gets a gun from the glove compartment, as the driver of the big rig is now a zombie. With no mind or anything, the truck runs over the police car, Leon and Claire escape, as a fire separates the two now. Will they get to the police station in one piece? ******************************************************************************* ~~~WALKTHROUGH~~~ ******************************************************************************* ------------------------ Streets of Raccoon City ------------------------ You'll start out surrounded by zombies. You don't have enough ammo to mow them down, unless you're playing on Easy. Shoot one or two down if you need to, but they can be easily avoided by running around them. Follow the street to another street path, and run around the next two zombies. You'll come across a door. Walk up to it and open the door. Inside the Kendo Gun Shop, walk forward and the owner of the store will aim his weapon at you, under a bad impression you're a zombie. But Leon fesses that he isn't a zombie, so Robert Kendo locks the door, but idiotically stands next to the windows. Now go around the counter and you'll see shelves with broken glass. Take the handgun bullets out of the first case (red box) and then go over to the other counter. Pick up the handgun pullets at the other end. Now, go to the door behind the counter and zombies will break in and eat Kendo for dinner. Kill all of them or leave the room through the door behind the counter. If you do kill the zombies, be sure to examine Kendo twice (press X twice) and you'll get a Shotgun with 4 shells in it. After you open the door in the back, you'll be outside again. Follow this pathway and you'll pass by a door with zombies on the other side. Ignore it for a second and keep running until you get to a truck. The back of it is open, and press X to get the Handgun bullets out of the back. By now, the zombies will have broken the door open. Kill the zombies in your way and go through the new entrance. There may be another zombie or two idling here in this basketball court, but ignore them and open the door here. In this area, go straight and head up the stairs. At the top, follow the walkway to another staircase and go down the stairs. You'll be in between a dumpster and two garbage cans. Check the garbage cans for handgun bullets. Now get on top of the dumpster. Shoot the two zombies in your way until they fall to the ground. Now jump off the dumpster and run to the other side of the room to get to a door, avoiding the other zombies. Open the door. In this area, follow the path to a bus. You'll notice a bunch of zombies feasting on a dead person, but they're too busy to notice you. Open the door and get on the bus. In here, get the Handgun bullets out of the bag and shoot down the crawling zombie until she's dead. Kill the other zombie on the bus. Now get to the other side of the bus and open the door. Out here, you'll find a lot of zombies spaced out. Your best bet is to run around them and zig-zag through them, but if they give you problems, shoot them down. Open the door at the other side of this room. You're outside the police station now. Go through the opening to your left. Run past the two zombies and you'll be at the police station entrance. Don't go in it yet. Instead, run off to the right and you'll find two groups of bushes. Examine the one on the right for a Green Herb. If you got bit by the zombies, it's best you use it now. Now enter the massive Police Station, where you'll spend the majority of your game here, so get to know it. --------------- Police Station --------------- After getting a big look at the main hall, head down the stairs. Go up the ramp on your left and open the door on your left. A police officer named Marvin is severely wounded here, and he'll tell you a story about the outbreak and such. He'll give you a blue card to use in the main hall, and will threaten to shoot you if you don't go, yet Leon will come back for him. He'll then act like a girl and lock the door once you're in the Main Hall. Go up and around to the other side of the hall and you'll find an area with a computer. Get the Handgun Bullets off the counter and go to the computer. Hit yes to use it and use your blue card on the computer to release the locks on the other doors. There's also a typewriter here with an ink ribbon, if you want to save your game. Either way, go to the double doors and open them up. In this room, read the Police memorandum on the bench. Also, open the item box in this room. Put the knife in there so we'll never have to look at it again. If you got the Shotgun from earlier, equip it now. Go around the corner past the wall and you'll see something crawl on the window. Open the door to your right. Follow this hall to a decapitated police officer. Examine him twice to get handgun bullets out of him. Now walk up to the pool of blood for an FMV. You'll find your first licker here. With the Shotgun, wait for it to crawl up to you and then blast it. Two or three shots would work. If you don't have a shotgun, avoid the licker for now, pick up the Green Herb, and open the door. In this hallway, follow it to a set of double doors on your left and then open them. Grab the Operation Report off the desk in this room. Go through the opening at the other side of this room. Use your lighter to light the fireplace and the picture will burn, revealing a Red Jewel. Pick it up. Also, check the back of this room for handgun bullets. Afterward, go back through the double doors and leave this room. Out here, continue to follow this hallway to another door and then open it. In this room, kill of the zombies (I'd go for the female one before she really bugs you). Now, the door to the left of the one you came out of is locked; a Diamond Key is required to open it. Go around the bend (but not up the staircase), grab the two Green Herbs, and open the door. Save your game with the typewriter if you want to. Grab Operation Report 2 from behind the Typewriter, and examine the cabinets for Handgun bullets. Drop a Green Herb or two in the item box, as well as the Red Jewel. Now get out of here. Head up the staircase in this room. At the top, go up the other set of stairs. Follow this hallway to an area with three statues. See those brown tiles on the floor? Well, you need to push the gray and brown status on those tiles and make sure they face the statue in the middle. Push the brown statue around and push it to the door. To the right of the door is a tile, and make sure the statue is on the tile facing the big statue. Now take the gray station and put it on the brown tile near the opening (push it around and then off to the left/right). Once they're facing the big statue, the red jewel will fall out of its hand (wouldn't be logical just to take the jewel out of the statue's hand in the first place?). Before leaving this place, search behind the central statue until you find some hidden Handgun Bullets. Now open the door across from the central statue. In this hallway, kill off the three zombies and open the door leading to the S.T.A.R.S office. Open the cabinet near the communications center for another Shotgun. Also, go to Rebecca Chambers' desk (on the far right) and examine the green cross bag for a First Aid Spray. Go to the desk on the other side of the room. The desk has a S.T.A.R.S poster behind it (this is Albert Wesker's Desk). Examine this desk 50 times and you'll get a hidden Film. Now head over to the two middle desks. The one on the left is Chris Redfield's and the one on the right is Jill Valentine's. Examine Chris's desk to find his blue diary book (ok, let's start raiding Jill's desk while we're at it). After you get the diary, you'll find that a Unicorn Medal was underneath the diary, so pick it up. Claire will enter the room. Leon will give her a radio and Chris's Diary, since Claire is desperate to find her brother. After the chat and all, leave the room. If you got the film, go back to the room where we got the Operation Report 2 and the item box. You'll find another room in here. Go into it and go to the table at the end. Develop the film and it will reveal a picture of some woman (Rebecca Chambers) playing basketball. For now on, we'll call this room "The Darkroom". From here, backtrack all the way to the main hall. In the middle of the room is a statue. Put the Unicorn Medal on the statue and the Spade Key will fall out (it'll be named as Precinct Key; check it in inventory to make it Spade Key). Now go back to the room where you found your first Licker. There's one door in here we haven't opened. Use the Spade Key to unlock it. Examine the shelf across from you to find the Patrol Report. Now go around the bend and you'll find a mini-ladder. Push it up to a cabinet and then get on top of the ladder. Grab the Crank from the top of the cabinet and then leave the room. From here, go to the Dark Room and put the Crank and the Red Jewel in the item box. Now get up to the hallway outside the S.T.A.R.S office. Follow this hallway to a locked door. Use the Spade Key to unlock it and then discard the key forever. You'll be greeted by a bunch of zombies feasting on a police officer. Kill them all off and then go through the alcove. The door in front of you may be blocked off, but examine the closet off to the left for handgun bullets. Now go back to the other alcove and open the door (note the desk next to the door). In the library, go up the stairs to your left. Follow the path (ignore the door) until the floor breaks and you fall back down below (if you have the volume turned up to high, this can scare the crap out of you. Always happens to me). Activate the switch in this corner of the room and the bookshelf will move. Three red lights will also be activated on the other bookshelves. To solve this puzzle, go to the bookshelf on the far left. Use the switch to push it to the right. Now push the middle shelf to the right using the switch. The picture in the other area will move, revealing a Bishop Plug, so pick it up. Now go through the double doors and you'll be on the Main Hall 2F of the police station. You have all the personal space in the world to take down these zombies. Kill them one by one. Now follow this pathway to the middle of the area. You'll find a ladder. Examine the ladder and press the button. The emergency ladder will descend, so you can use it to easily get between the first and second floor, but we don't need to use this ladder now now. Just follow this hallway to another door and then open it. You'll be in a "Waiting Room". Put the Bishop Plug into the item chest. Now go to the table on the other side of the room. Pick up the Secretary's Diary A, the Ink Ribbon, and save your game if you want to. There's also a shining object on the bench. It's a Small Key. Once you have the Small Key, go back to the room right before the library. Use the Small Key to unlock the desk right next to the door. Open it for some Handgun Parts. Combine them with your Handgun to get the Custom Handgun (which, when set on auto-mode, can fire 3 bullets in succession. Yay!). When you're back at the Waiting Room, open the door next to the typewriter with either the Custom Handgun or the Shotgun equipped. Blow away the zombie next to you. Now go to where the zombie was and another one will come out of the fire. Kill this one and go back to the door leading to the Waiting Room. There's another door in this area, so open it. In this hallway, go straight and you'll find a door. It's locked from this side, so hit X to release the lock, but don't open it. Go a little to the left now and you'll find a dead officer. Examine him twice for Handgun Bullets. Now, just run down this hallway without stopping. Crows will come out of the windows, but ignore them or else they'll peck the hell out of you. Once you get to the end of the hallway, open the door and you'll be outside. Out here, there's nothing much but a helicopter on fire and a staircase on the other side of the helipad. Go down the stairs and we'll be on the streets again for a brief moment. ------------------------ Streets of Raccoon City ------------------------ At the bottom of the stairs, kill at least one of the zombies. Try to dodge the other, if not kill it. Now follow this path and you'll find two zombies. They can be easily avoided, but if they give you any problems, kill one and ditch the other. Open the door leading to the cabin. Go around the corner and get the Valve Handle and Handgun bullets off the desk. Don't bother saving, this is the most random and awkward spot for a typewriter. And I'll say this once: DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR NEAR THE TYPEWRITER. If you do, you'll get sucked into a black hole and the world will end. Just kidding, a zombie will enter the room and bug the hell out of you. Leave this cabin and then go back to the staircase onto the helipad. --------------- Police Station --------------- Back on the helipad, go to the alcove near the door leading back inside. Follow it to a slot. Put the Valve Handle in the slot and water will pour from the tower and put out the fire (Am I the only one who finds it weird that the water poured out just conveniently lands on the burning helicopter?). Before going inside, go to the front of the helicopter (where the window is) and get the Handgun bullets. Now go back inside, dodge the crows, and get back to the Waiting Room. Put the Valve Handle in the chest and take out both Red Jewels. Now go back to the previous hallway you were in (not the Main Hall 2F). In here, go to where the fire was and follow the hallway to the door. In this room, go to the other side where you'll find three statues. Put the Red Jewels in the left and right statues and the middle statue's breasts will open with the King Plug. Take the King Plug. Before leaving the room, go to where you put the Red Jewel on the left and you'll see a shining item. This is the Diamond Key. Pick it up. Also, near the door, you'll see cobwebs. Examine the cobwebs for Shotgun Shells. Now go back to the Waiting Room and put the King Plug in the chest and save if you want to. Afterwards, go to the crow hallway and open the door you unlocked earlier. Pick up the Green Herb if you want to and then head down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, pick up the two Green Herbs if you want to and open the door. Examine the dead man in front of you for some Handgun Bullets. Now go through the opening into a bigger room. Kill all of the zombies in here, and watch out for the one faking dead on the floor. Now go into the little office and you'll find a safe. Enter in the combination "2236" and it'll open, revealing Shotgun Shells and a Police Station map. Pick up both of them and go back to the other room. Enter the double blue doors on the other side of this map, with the Shotgun equipped. As soon as you enter the room, fire 2-3 rounds to kill the zombies next to you. Finish off the rest with your Handgun. Go to where the zombies were and follow the hallway to a door and open it. In this hallway, kill off the three zombies. Follow the hallway until you find a door. Unlock it with the Diamond Key and open it, with Shotgun equipped. Pick up the First Aid Spray on the table if you want, and then go get the Rook Plug on the shelf on the other end of the room. Now turn to the door and walk slowly. A Licker will burst through the mirror into this room (this scares the crap out of everybody, don't worry). Two Shotgun blasts will put it away. Now go back into the hallway. There are two other doors we haven't opened in this hall. One of them is locked, but if you want a Small Key, open the door that is next to the door you came out of, and pick it up off the table. Go back to the previous hallway. Get back to the blue double doors here, but don't open them. Instead, open the other door and you'll be at the Main Hall 1F. From here, enter the double doors. If you picked up the Small Key, unlock the desk in the corner of the room for a First Aid Spray. From here, work your way to the Dark Room. Once you get there, put a healing item or two as well as the Rook Plug into the item box. Now back to the hallway outside Dark Room, and open the locked door with the Diamond Key and toss it forever. Enter it with your Shotgun equipped. You'll be surrounded by a few zombies. Blast them away with your Shotgun. They call this room the "Evidence Room" with all the cabinets and such. Before opening the door in this room, go on the other side of the cabinets and open one of them near the end for a film. Take it and develop it in the darkroom if you want (the picture is a licker in a tube). Also, the cabinets near the door that you unlocked have a box of Shotgun Shells for you. Now open the other lock on the other door and open it. Hey, doesn't this place look familiar? Uh oh, I don't like the music playing! Pick up the Green Herb and heal if needed. Go into the office on the other side of the room and hey! It's that cop Marvin! Let's talk to him! Uh oh, he's getting up and changing colors. This can't be good. Oh no, he's a zombie now! He'll charge at you fast, but simply blast his head off with the Shotgun. Afterwards, pick up the Heart Key on the desk. Now go to the other end of the room. Get the Memo to Leon from the table, search the lockers for Handgun bullets, and then open the lock on the door. Now open it to get back in the main hall. Back in here, go up the mini stairs and open the door to the left. Now open the blue double doors in this hallway. Back in this room, go into the opening at the other end where the door is leading to the staircase. There's also another door here. Unlock it with the Heart Key and throw it away forever and then open the door. In this hallway, pick up the Green Herbs if you want and then follow the hall to a staircase. Before descending it, go to the shelf behind the staircase and get the Shotgun Shells. Now go down the stairs and you'll be in the basement. There are three dogs in this hallway. Go around the bend and then lure them over to your area. Now run back and wait for them to charge you. Kill them with your Shotgun and Handgun. Once all three are dead, go to the other part of this hallway. Go down south and open the brown double doors. Go around the corner and go to the machine where we have a little puzzle. You need to adjust the switches to activate the power. Activate them in this order: Up, Up, Down, Down, Up (or if you really want to spite me, there are other solutions to this puzzle). It will release one lock on a door but we still need to open the other lock. Also, get the police station B1 map on the shelf if you want, and then leave the room. Continue south and you'll see the door that just got the power activated. Ignore it and follow the hall to another door and then open it. You'll be in the parking lot. Run forward and a fired gunshot will miss you. You'll meet Ad Wong. She is trying to find her boyfriend John and is also looking for the reporter Ben Bertolucci. She has had trouble trying to move a truck out of the way, so help her out by pushing the truck with her (just hold Up on the side of it). Now go through the door the truck was blocking. Ada will take off, but just follow this hallway to a door with a desk near it. Get the Handgun bullets off the desk and then open the door. You're in the prison area. Go to the other end of the room and we'll find Ben in one of the cells. Leon orders him to get up but Ben's just like "What do you want? I'm trying to sleep.". Ada will come in and ask Ben about what's been happening, but he won't tell anything. Leon then says leave him in the cell, but Ben's got the key. Afterwards, we'll hear a growl and then Ben will tell us how to get out of here. Ada will take off again, but before we leave the cell area, get the Manhole opener out of the cabinet. Now leave this place. In this hallway was another door we didn't open, so let's open it now and we'll be in the dog kennel. The dogs won't break out of their cages unless you go near them, so go to the lid and use the manhole opener to open it. Descend the ladder to get into the sewers. ---------------- Sewage Disposal ---------------- There are spiders in this passage, but try to ignore them. If they do poison you, don't worry, there's a Blue Herb coming up. Get through this hallway and go up the stairs at the top. In this room, open the door to our right. In here, use the Blue Herb to heal yourself if you got poisoned. Open the item box and take out the Rook, Bishop, and King Plug. Now go back out to the other room. Open the other door in this room and you'll come across an H-shaped bridge. Cross it and you'll find a door locked on the other side. To the right of it is a panel. Examine it and then put your Rook/Bishop/King Plugs into it. We still need one more plug to open the lock, but hey, let's free up the space when we can. Now go back into the previous hallway again. Ada will be here and she'll notice an opening that we can't get through. Leon will boost her up to it and you'll now control Ada. She has a handgun with 13 bullets, 45 handgun bullets, and a First Aid Spray. Better yet, she can fire her handgun pretty fast. As soon as you gain control of her, open the door. There are two dogs here. Just use your handgun to take them down in a matter of seconds. On the other side of this room, there's a door and an opening. Go through the opening first and go down the elevator (just hit X while you're on the elevator). Pick up the Shotgun Shells to the right and go back up the elevator. Back up, here, open the other door. Puzzle time. In here, pick up the map of the Sewage Disposal if you want do, and then go down those huge steps. At the bottom, push the nearby crate to the wall across from you. There are also so other crates here. Jump on the crate and then jump down so you're to the left of the middle crate. Push the middle crate to the right so it's lined up with the other crate. Now jump back over the crates and then push the left create so it lines up with the other two. Jump back up the huge steps and go to the control panel. Activate it to make the three crates rise. Cross the three crates and then get the Club Key off the shelf (how is a police station key is way down in the sewers?). Leave this room and go back to where you gained control of Ada. Ada will toss Leon the two items, but will take off because she can't get back over (how does she get back anyway?). Once you regain control of Leon, pick up the Shotgun Shells and the Club Key. Now go back down the stairs, through the hallway, and back up the ladder to the dog kennel. --------------- Police Station --------------- Back at the dog kennel, work your way to the parking lot. Pick up the Green Herb in the corner if you need to, and open the door back to the main basement hallway. Lickers have found their way into this hall while you were away. Give them a taste of your Shotgun. There is also another locked door in this basement. Go to the double doors where the red light is and unlock it with the Club Key. There are dead zombies on the ground in here. Go around the corner and one of the cabinets will fall out. Grab the Red Card Key out of the cabinet and then all of the zombies get up. This isn't good. Kill the first one with your Shotgun and finish the others off with the Handgun. Afterwards, leave this room. Go to the door with the green light near it. Use the Red Card Key on it to release the lock and then open the door. Pick up the Handgun bullets and Shotgun shells on the table and then go to the other end of the room. Open the cabinet and you'll have a choice of getting a Sub Machine gun or a side pack. You can choose both, but you should leave one item or the other for Claire's B scenario. You also have the option of not taking either item and leaving them both for Claire B. I normally take the Sub Machine Gun in the A scenarios and the side pack in the B scenarios. Take the Sub Machine Gun, but watch out, it takes up two spaces. We're going to need it a few times in this game. Now leave this room. Back here, go up the stairs to the 1F. Unlock the door behind the staircase with the Club Key and then open it. Examine the lockers on the right in this room to find Shotgun Shells. Then go into the bedroom. Get the Watchman's Diary off the bunk bed and hell yeah! The Magnum! It's on the table next to the bunk beds. It's got 8 bullets on it, but don't use it now. Leave this room and go out to the hallway. Back in here, open the door to get into the previous room. In here, open the double blue doors. In this room, head south and follow the hallway to a door and then open it. In here, follow this hallway to a blue door. Unlock it with the Club Key and then toss it forever. Now open it. There's a film on the table, but only take it if you have at least two free spaces left. Now go to the other side of the room where you'll find three candleholders on the wall and a little boiler to the left. Light the boiler with the lighter and then activate the three candleholders in this order: middle, right, left. The Golden Cogwheel will fall out of the picture, so pick it up. From here, go back to the Main Hall 1F. Use the ladder to get to the 2F, where a licker will be waiting for you. Kill it. Before going to the library, go to the waiting room and put the Magnum, Handgun, and Handgun bullets in the item box. Take out the Crank and get out of here. Go to the library. When you walk in a few steps, you'll hear banging sounds. Zombies will pour in from the windows in the hallway where you found your first Licker and the hallway leading to the basement, but we won't need to visit those spots again. For now, go up the staircase in the library and open the door at the top to get to the Main Hall 3F. Open the only door in this room to get to the attic. In here, go south and put the Crank in the slot to make the staircase come down. Go up the stairs and you'll come across a set of gears, but one of them is missing. Put the golden cogwheel in and activate the switch. A door will open, revealing a chute and a Knight Plug. Grab the Knight Plug and go down the chute. It'll take you all the way down to the basement and shoot you into the hallway outside the jail cells. As you come down, you'll hear screaming from Ben. A monster broke into his cell (either that or he was an idiot and let the monster in) and attacked him. Go to the cell and get to Ben. He'll give you the Mail to the Chief and try to talk a little bit, but something cuts through his chest and kills him. Then, a roach will come out of Ben's chest and casually leave the room. Ada will come in and then after you read the file, she bolts off thinking she'll find John at the sewer. Leon then contacts Claire saying she can access the parking lot. Grab the Green Herb out of the other cell, and get to the dog kennel and go down the ladder. ---------------- Sewage Disposal ---------------- Follow the hallway to the staircase and go up it. Now open the door into the save room. Save your game if you need to, and make sure you have a Sub Machine Gun out with a Knight Plug, as well as a healing item or two. Go to the H- Shaped room now. Walk to the middle to fight our first boss. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: Giant Cockroach Difficulty: Easy This boss shouldn't be hard at all. It spits out little cockroaches which leech onto you and annoy the hell out of you. Stay from the distance and start blasting away with your Sub Machine Gun. Sometimes you will see little cockroaches on the ground coming at you. If this happens, just aim down and shoot at them. This is why I always take the Sub Machine Gun in the A scenarios. If you never got the Sub Machine Gun, use the Shotgun and Magnum. Also, the cockroaches can mow down your health pretty quickly, so heal if you need to. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After you take down the boss, go to the door and put the last plug in, the Knight Plug (also put in any others if you forgot) and then open the unlocked door. Walk up a few steps and then Ada will fall from the ceiling. Leon comes down the stairs and flips out on her, saying "running off like that was reckless and stupid". After the chat, jump into the sewage and open the door leading to the sewers. ------ Sewer ------ Upon entering the sewers, run down south and jump on the ledge to the left. Pick up a Blue Herb or two and then open the door. Use the Ink Ribbon and Save your game if you need to. Right now, put the Sub Machine Gun in the chest, take out a healing item or two and the Valve Handle. Also grab the Sewer Manager Fax from the table. Now go down the elevator in the corner of the room. We'll see a woman and then she'll run away. Ada goes to run after her. The Woman tries to shoot Ada, but Leon dives and sacrifices a hit for Ada. Leon's on the floor unconscious, so what does that mean for us? Ada wants to talk to that woman, so we'll get to take control of Ada. Run down the hall where the woman was and open the door. The woman will run off to the north to where the ladder is. Follow her and climb up the ladder. Up here, run to the other end of the room, but watch out for the roaches, because they can take you down fast, and dying here is not fun. Climb down the ladder on the other side of the room. In this area, follow the walkway and the woman will shoot Ada's gun out of her hand. We find she is Annette Birkin and knows Ada is a spy. Then she goes on rambling how her husband made the G-Virus and Umbrella tried to steal it. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> FMV So, we see William Birkin with his samples of viruses and his G-Virus, while troops from Umbrella are hunting him down. The troops then come in and try to steal it, and then a tube falls over, prompting one soldier to shoot him to a bloody pulp. Annette will try and treat the wound, but while she's out, William injects the virus in him. By now, he's turned into a monster and a growl can be heard in the sewers. William kills the soldiers and eats more viruses to get stronger. He then takes out the remaining troops and we see mice carrying out the T-Virus, which was how the viruses spread out through the city. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> After another little chat, they get in a catfight, with Ada pushing and slapping Annette over the rail, picking up her gun. Cross the bridge into another room and then go down the ladder. Ada meets up with something jumping out of the sewers, with her screaming. By now, Leon has regained consciousness, so we can take control of him. Go down the same hall Ada did, taking the Sewer Map if you want to. Open the door. Jump off the ledge and run down south. Follow this hall to another door, dodging the spiders. Open the door. In here, run down south. The waterfall is blocking the door, so jump to the left onto the ledge. Open the door here. In this room, use the Valve Handle below the red light to make the ledge come down here. Cross the ledge. Grab the Green Herbs and use the Valve Handle here to make the ledge go back up. Now open the door. Run down this hall until you get to an opening, where a cut scene of Ada shooting in the water to begin. Time for a boss. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: Alligator Difficulty: Really Easy Just don't get up close to it or it'll eat you for lunch with one bite. Instead, run back to the green light panel you passed by. Activate it with X and a log will come out. Wait for the Alligator to come around the bend and get the log in its mouth. Once it is in its mouth, shoot it right in the head and it'll blow up. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, go to where Ada was shooting at the 'gator. The door is locked, but just activate the panel next to the door. Now open the door. Run forward and jump onto the ledge. With a bloody chest, Ada will put a cast around him to heal the wound. After the chat, you'll automatically go up the ladder into the room where Ada and Annette talked to each other. Cross the ledge and run left up the ramp. At the top, get the Eagle Medal from the dead person's hands. Also, grab the Sewer Manager Diary from the control panel. Now go back down the ramp and follow the pathway to a ladder. Since the ladder is blocked off by the spinning fan, use the Valve Handle in the slot to the left to stop the fan. Climb up the ladder. At the top, go down the ladder on the other side of the room. Down here, go up north and jump on the ledge. We'll find a few dead soldiers here, and they look like the ones William Birkin killed. Search their body for the Wolf Medal and check the other one for the Shotgun Shells. Now jump off the ledge and run down to the south. Follow the hallway to the same door, but this time, zombies will emerge from the sewer floors. Let Ada kill them off and then open the door. Back in this room, run down to the waterfall. Insert the Eagle and Wolf Medals into the panel on the right to deactivate the waterfall. The rest of the sewers will be drained out in the process. Now jump on the new ledge and open the door. The ceiling starts shaking, but don't worry about it. Follow the path to another door and open it. In this room, go around the bend and you'll find a sky tram. It is offline at the moment, but go to the right of it and use the panel to activate the sky tram. Now enter it through the left side and we'll be on our way to the Factory. On our way to the Factory, a claw will come in and try to annoy you. Try not to shoot it, as Ada will just shoot the thing down. This is, of course, William Birkin, but we'll see the best of him later on. After he is defeated, walk outside and we'll be at the Factory. --------------- Vacant Factory --------------- Once you're outside, go activate the flare cannon with your lighter. It will light up the area and reveal a shiny object near the flare cannon. Pick it up, as it's the W. Box Key. Now turn around and run to the door at the other side of this room. Man, this doesn't look like a factory at all. Run forward and we'll get to an intersection. Kill the zombie (or let Ada kill it) and run up north. Follow this hallway to a dead end, killing two more Zombies. At the end of this hallway is a dead end. But in front of the dead end is a dead person. Examine him for Shotgun Parts. Combine these with your Shotgun and you have a Custom Shotgun! This thing is much more powerful and can hold seven shells instead of five, but is louder and a tad slower. Now turn around to follow this hallway to another door and then open it. There's no real trick in this hall. Just follow it until you get to a ladder and then go up it, killing the zombies in your path. Up here, drop the Weapon Box Key and the Valve Handle in the item box. Take out 2 or 3 healing items, and be sure to save your game here. Before leaving, grab the Shotgun Shells and the Magnum Bullets from the other table. Also get the First Aid Spray out of the cabinet. Once you're done, get your Custom Shotgun, some ammo, and then open the door. Outside, grab the Factory Map on the wall (kind of useless by now, huh?) and then proceed outside to the tram. We can't activate it yet, but we can head inside it. Go clockwise around it, jump onto the ledge, and open the door. In this room, go forward and pick up the Magnum Bullets in the bathroom. Now go to the back of the room and pick up the C. Panel Key from the rack on the right. Leave the tram and go to the panel near the ledge. Use the key to activate it and go back inside. While the tram is taking you to the lab, a claw will come in and strike Ada. We need to go outside to see what happened. But we get a warning message saying we can't go back inside for a limited amount of time. Jump off the ledge, run forward, and then Birkin will throw a pipe at you. He'll mutate for a new ahead and bust out the claws. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (2nd Formation) Difficulty: Medium At first, his only attack is he can scratch you with his claw. If you get too far away from him, he may jump over the tram to catch up to you. When attacking him, watch out for the nasty camera angle changes here. Shoot him 2-3 times each time and then after a few more shots, he'll grow two small arms, in which case he can multi-combo strike on you. After that, one or two more shots will take care of him. And if you get too close, you may get into a nasty swipe-lock by Birkin. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight is over, go back inside the tram. Ada is still knocked out as the tram reaches the bottom. Leon then brings her to a room nearby. ---------------------- Umbrella's Secret Lab ---------------------- Inside the bedroom, Ada awakens. After another chat, Ada advises Leon not to save her. While we're in here, search the lockers for Shotgun Shells. Save your game if you want to, and open your item box. Bring out the Magnum and any Magnum bullets you have. Get the Green Herb on the cabinet, and the Magnum bullets near the laptop. Now leave the room. Out here, go left into the opening and then open the door. In this room, go into the small room in the middle. Switch screens in here so you see two more openings. Go through the one with the blue light, cross the walkway, and open the door. In this room, follow the hallway to a set of double doors and then open them. Go around the corner and get the First Aid Spray off the barrel. Also get the Fuse Case from the shelf. Wow, this room is quite foggy. Insert the Fuse Case into the machine with the blue light and we'll see some little cut-scene. Afterwards, get the main fuse and leave the room. Back in this hallway, just go back to the previous room. Go to the middle of the room again and put the Main Fuse inside the machine to activate power throughout the lab. Now go through the opening with the red light on top, cross the walkway, and open the door. In this room, go forward and activate the panel near the shutter to open it. It will reveal two ivy plants, so blast them away with your Shotgun. Now go to the door they were blocking in open it. Don't even worry about the Ivy Plant here. Just climb down the ladder instead. Down here, open the door next to you. Walk around the bend in this hallway and a Super Licker will fall through a vent from the ceiling. Blast it away and then go kill the other one waiting for you across from you. There's a third one in the open area, so kill it two. Use the Green Herbs to heal if you need to. Out in the open area, there's a locked door we can't open yet. Instead, go down the other hallway and open the door at the end. There's nothing much to do in the monitor room, but just follow it to a door. Before opening the door, save your game if you want and open the item box. Take out the W. Box Key, as we'll be using it shortly. Now open the door. In this hallway, run forward to the more open area. The path to your north is optional, but head down south, pick up the Red Herb in the corner, and open the double doors. In here, use the W. Box Key to open the locker with the blue light on it and get the Magnum Parts! Use these to get the Custom Magnum! This is a kickass weapon, and will be essential for the final part of the game. Now walk up to the solo door and it'll open by itself. Blow the zombie away and walk up to the other door in this room. In this lab, kill all of the zombies, but try to save up your Magnum ammo. On the other side of the lab is a counter with a computer. Pick up the Lab Card Key that's flashing near it. From here, backtrack to the room where we used the Main Fuse to power up the lab. Oh yeah watch out for the other Super Licker that crashes through the vent and the other Ivy Plants that will get in your way. Once you're in the room where you used the Main Fuse, go through the opening with the blue light again. Cross the walkway and open the door. In here, use the Lab Card Key on the locked door across from you and then open it. In this room, pick up the Magnum Bullets from the table, but make sure you still have one free space open. Now activate the light switch across from you to brighten up another part of this room. Take out all of the zombies in this room and get the MO Disk from the table. Switch to your Magnum, get the First Aid Spray if you want, and then leave the room. Annette will be waiting outside, accusing you of killing her husband. She tells you the truth about Ada and such and then a pipe knocks her out. Leon takes the G-Virus from her. Then out of nowhere, the self-destruct system is activated. Don't worry about that, there's no timer yet. Leave the room. Now go to the center and go through the opening with the red light. You'll have a chat with Ada, who demands you to hand over the G-Virus or she'll threaten to shoot. Ada realizes she can't shoot Leon, and after pausing, she'll be shot and knocked over the shaft by Annette, who gives her last gasp and then dies. Ada was knocked over the shaft and Leon is holding onto her for dear life. Then after another emotional chat, Leon lets her go fall down that long shaft and then has a little breakdown. He then tosses the G-Virus over the shaft as well. With this out of the way, open the door next to you, get to the room with the big tree and vines, go down the ladder, open the door, and you'll be back in the hall with the locked door (and door leading to monitor room). Go into the monitor room for any last minute healing items you need to make or grab, get your Custom Magnum equipped, and go to the previous room. Use the MO Disk to open the locked door. Go through it and open the door at the end of the new hallway. In this room, a 5 minute counter starts. Go to the other side of the room and activate the elevator. While we're waiting for it to get up to our floor, William Birkin comes in to rain on our parade. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (3rd Formation) Difficulty: Really Easy With the Custom Magnum equipped, it's easy as 1-2-3, literally. 3 Custom Magnum shots to the beast and he'll start transforming. If he somehow does attack you with his four claws, watch out for the nasty combo strike, otherwise you're in for a world of hurt. Afterwards, he'll transform into... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (4th Formation) Difficulty: Medium-Hard If you know what you're doing and don't do anything stupid, this boss won't be a real problem. His two attacks is that he can bite you and put you in its mouth and toss you all over the place. He can jump all over the tubes in this place too. Just watch out and avoid those nasty bite locks. He can get you into a bad health condition pretty quickly. Keep your distance, heal after a few bites, and shoot whenever you have the chance. It takes 5-8 shots to kill him for good in this scenario. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight is over, the elevator will be done getting up to the floor and will open. Walk inside the elevator and it'll automatically take you down to the bottom platform. From here, nothing else is required, just run down the hall into the open area and you've completed the game! Enjoy the partial ending, as a better extended one is coming in your next scenario. After the credits roll by, you'll receive your grade, time, and how many times you've saved. Then you'll be prompted to save. Either save in an open spot or overwrite another one. This will allow you to start Claire's B scenario and save any items you've unlocked. ========================== 8. Walkthrough (Claire B) ========================== Starting Claire B requires that you beat Leon A and save your game after the credits. You'll also need your Resident Evil 2 Claire disk to play this scenario. ------------------------ Streets of Raccoon City ------------------------ In the B scenario, you'll start on the other side of the fire. Simply avoid all of the zombies zig-zagging your way through. At the end of the area, open the door to your right. Run down south and avoid the two zombies and go into the office. Pick up the Cabin Key on the desk and go back outside. The zombies may be closer to you, so shoot one of them down, but not kill. Now run to the door on the other side of the room. Unlock it with your Cabin Key and open the door. In here, go right and get the Handgun Bullets off the desk. Now open the door on the other side of this cabin. Out here, dodge all of the zombies and follow the path to the staircase. If the last two get in your way, shoot them down instead of killing them. Go up the stairs and we'll see an FMV of a cop trying to escape, but two zombies sneak up on him. He tries to blast them away with an assault rifle, but hits the pilot instead and the helicopter comes crashing down on the police station. --------------- Police Station --------------- After the FMV is over, go to the other side of this helipad and open the door. In the crow hallway, get the Green Herb and follow the hallway until we see a dead man surrounded by crows. Carefully examine him twice for handgun bullets. Now follow the hallway to the door. In the room with the first, Lickers are here, but quickly get to the door to the Waiting Room. In this room, save your game if you want and get Secretary's Diary A. Also, grab the Handgun Bullets from the bench and put the Knife in the item box. Now go to the Main Hall 2F. All the zombies are piled up on the other side of the room, so just go to the middle and activate the switch to make the ladder go down. But instead, go to where the zombies are piled up. Kill them off one by one, and if you have any ammo shortage, go get the knife. Now, the door to the library is electronically locked, so instead go west of the double doors and get the Unicorn Medal off the wall. Now go back to the crow hall and release the lock on the other door and open it. Go down the stairs and open the door at the bottom. In this room, search the dead man in front of you for Hand Gun Bullets. Now run into the bigger office and kill all of the zombies around you. Now get the Valve Handle off the shelf in the corner and go into the mini office. Get the Handgun Bullets from the desk and enter the combination "2236" into the safe to open it. Grab the Police Station map and the Acid Rounds. Now open the blue double doors. Holy crap! You're surrounded! Don't worry, try to run up north and avoid the first zombie and get to the door. Unlock and it open it. Don't worry if you got bit here, that's what the Green Herbs are for. You'll be in the Main Hall 1F. Go down the steps and put the Unicorn Medal on the Statue to get the Spade Key. Now go up the ramp on the right. We don't have the Blue Card Key, but get the Grenade Launcher from the counter. Hell yeah! Swap the ammo in it with your Acid Rounds and then go up the ladder to the second floor. With your valve handle and possibly a healing item or two, get to the Crow Hall and go outside to the helipad. Go to the slot and use the Valve Handle to put out the fire. Afterwards, examine the front of the helicopter (where the windows are) for more Acid Rounds! Put them into your Grenade Launcher and you'll have 12. Now open the door and an FMV will happen, with a helicopter dropping a tube into the police station revealing a monster. This doesn't look good. In this hallway, the ceiling will crumble and the door next to you is blocked off for good. Uh oh, what's that thumping! Uh oh, it's getting closer and closer! Wait a little longer and Mr. X will come around the corner! He's a big guy with a green trench coat. He can punch you and do a hammer punch on you, but the latter can be avoided by running around. Just pump 4 or 5 Acid Rounds into him and he'll drop dead. Examine him for 30 Handgun Bullets. Mr. X always carries ammo with him, so be sure to check his trench coat every time you drop him. And I lied about his items being random. They are in a fixed order. After, go the door leading to the hall with the fire and open it. Oh no! He got back up! Don't worry, we won't see him until much later. Now, the Lickers appear to be gone. See how not shooting or going near that Licker eventually paid off? Go around the bend since the fire is out. As you cross the helicopter, we hear screaming from inside that area. That can't be good. Open the door near the helicopter. In this room, go to the statues where you use the Red Jewels. Look in the area to the left of the left statue for the Blue Card Key. Now when we try to leave the room, a Licker comes crashing through the glass ceiling. Kill it or avoid it. Now get to the Main Hall 1F via the Waiting Room and to the Main Hall 2F. Once you're there, use the Blue Card Key to unlock the other two doors. Now open the double doors on this floor. Put the Valve Handle in the item box and kill the three zombies. Get the Police Memorandum from the desk and use your Lock-pick on the desk to get the First Aid Spray. Now open the door in this room. Here's where you found your first Licker in A scenario. There's nothing here though, so go around the corner and examine the dead policeman twice for Handgun bullets. Use the Spade Key to unlock the door and discard it (strange, this key was also used for a door near the S.T.A.R.S office in A scenario). Now open the door. Get the Patrol Report from the shelf across from you. Now go around the corner and push the ladder to the south so it's on the cabinet. Climb up the ladder to get the Lighter on top of the cabinet. Now leave the room. Out in this hall, go south, get the Green Herb, and open the door. Go around the bend in this hallway and two zombies will dive out of the window. Kill both of them and then open the double doors. In here, get the Operation Report 1 near the podium across from you. Now go into the other room. Use the Lighter on the fireplace to get the Red Jewel. Also go to the back of the room and examine it until you find Handgun Bullets. Now leave this room and go back into the previous room. In here, follow the hallway to the next door and open it. Hey, where did all the zombies go? Go south and around the bend and open the door leading to the darkroom. Get the Green Herbs if you want. Grab the Operation Report 2 from behind the Typewriter and get the Handgun Bullets from inside the cabinet. Also, drop the healing items, Red Jewel, Lighter, and Acid Rounds. Now leave the room and go upstairs. On this floor, go to the bigger area. Push the brown statue on the small tile near the door and put the gray statue on the tile near the opening and broken door to make the other Red Jewel fall out. Before proceeding, also search behind the central statute to find hidden Handgun Bullets. Now open the door to the next room. In here, open the door to the S.T.A.R.S office. We'll find Leon in here who was raiding the S.T.A.R.S members stuff. He'll give you Chris's Diary and a radio. Go to Chris's desk and get the Diamond Key from his desk. Also go to the cabinet and open it for a Bow Gun. Before leaving, go search Wesker's Desk (the desk in front of S.T.A.R.S poster) 50 times to get the hidden film. When we try to leave the room, something will come out of the Fax Machine. Read the Mail to Chris and then leave. We'll see a little girl running away from a zombie. Kill the zombie and then go back downstairs to the darkroom. Put the Red Jewel and Grenade Launcher Away, and then go develop the film in the back room to get the photo of Rebecca Chambers. Now go out to the previous hall and unlock the door with the Diamond Key and then open it. In the Evidence Room, open the cabinets near you for Bow Gun Bolts. Now go around the bend and get the film out of the other cabinet. Go back to the Darkroom and develop it. Go back to the Evidence Room and open the bigger cabinets for a Plastic Bomb. Now open the lock on the other door and open it. Mow down the zombies here with your Bow Gun and Handgun. Now go into the mini office and get the detonator off the desk. Combine it with the Plastic Bomb. Go to the other side of the room and get the Memo to Leon from the table. Get the Handgun Bullets from the open locker and then open the lock on the door next to you and open the door. In the main hall, go down the ramp and up the mini stairs and then open the door. This time, take down all of the zombies with your Bow Gun and finish them off with the Handgun if needed. Now go down the hall and follow it to a door. Open it once you get to it, open it, but watch out for the remaining zombie. Also get the Green Herb if you want. Follow this hallway to a gray door and then open it with your Diamond Key, and then toss it forever. In this room, get the Eagle Stone from the shelf across from you. There's also a first Aid Spray, BUT DO NOT GET IT. If you, the Licker jumps out from the magic mirror and scares the crap out of you. Leave the room. Back in this hall, get back to the Main Hall 1F. Use the ladder to get to the second floor. Up here, go left and enter the double doors to get into the library. As soon as you walk in, you'll hear crashing. Zombies will pour in through the windows from two hallways (once of which you need to go through). Get the Red Herb off the table and go up the stairs. Follow the walkway until the floor you're on collapses onto the lower floor. Activate the switch to make the bookcases movable. Move the left and middle shelves to the right like last time to make the panel fall down in the other room. Go to it and get the Serpent Stone. Now go to the Waiting Room. Drop the Bow Gun and a healing item or two and take out both Red Jewels. Go into the hallway where the fire was. Before using the bomb, open the door to the room where the Blue Card Key was. Put the Red Jewels in both small statues to make the chest open on the middle statue. Get the first half of the Jaguar Stone and then go back into the previous hallway. Use the Bomb/Detonator combo right on the helicopter and it will explode, allowing us to get to that blocked off hallway we couldn't get to in Leon A. Go into it and open the door. Hey, this room looks neat! Go to the desk across from you and then go around the desk. The chair that's turned around will spin and we'll see Chief Irons. He'll explain about the mayor's daughter and after a chat, we find the chief used to love taxidermy. Then he tells you to leave him alone. Open the other door in this room. This is just a hallway of stuffed animals, so don't worry about it. At the end of the hall, open the door. You'll hear someone running. Go around the corner and you'll hear more running steps. Go into the small dark room. Grab the white Secretary's Diary B from the table and flick the light on. Go to the other end of the room and the little girl will try to run away. Claire tells her she isn't a zombie and after a chat, we find that her name is Sherry Birkin. We're about to have a whole world of hell with this girl. Then we hear a huge roar throughout the police station so Sherry runs off. Before we leave this place, open the chest in the back for some Handgun Bullets. Now let's get back to Irons' office. Hey, where did he go? Grab the Heart Key off his desk and go to the picture near his chair. Press the switch on it and open it up. We'll find three hollow slots. Put the Eagle and Serpent Stone in here, just so we can free some space. Also, grab the Chief's Diary from his chair. Without further ado, go to the Waiting Room and drop the Blue Stone (broken Jaguar Stone) into the item chest. Also, take out our Grenade Launcher and Acid Rounds. Now go to the crow hall and open the door here. If you want, get the Green Herbs here. Now go down the stairs and open the door at the bottom. Back in this room, unlock the door with the Heart Key and toss it. Now open the door. The two zombies in front of you are too close for comfort, so blow them away with your Grenade Launcher. Go around the bend and take out the other zombies with your handgun. Now get to the staircase. Before going down it, get the Acid Rounds from the shelf near the staircase. Now go down the staircase and we'll be in the basement. Follow the hallway to the area with zombies. Kill them off one by one with your handgun. If you're running low on ammo, take them out with the Grenade Launcher. Now go down south and open the double doors on your left. In this room, pick up the Green Herb in this room. Now go around the bend and get to the power machine. Activate the switches in this order: up, up, down, down, up. Then the door near us will be activated, but we need another key to open it. Before leaving this room, get the basement map off the shelf. Back in this hall, go up north past the locked door (that has a red light above it). Follow the hallway until you get to a set of double doors at the end of the hallway. Before opening the double doors, search the trash to your right until you find some hidden Handgun Bullets. Once you find these Handgun Bullets, open the double doors. Outside, get the Red Herb. Now run around the bend AND DO NOT STOP until you get to an open manhole. Watch out for the dogs leaping over the ledge; they can be really annoying here. Once you get to the manhole, go down the ladder. ---------------- Sewage Disposal ---------------- Down here, there's nothing much we can do yet. Go straight and open the door next to you. In here, save your game if you want. Put a healing item or two in the item box if you have too many. Also, pull out your lighter so you don't forget later. Now when you leave the room, we'll find Sherry. She says she can hear her dad (yet he's a monster). Now she jumps into a shaft and now we (sadly) have to control this annoying 12 year old. Sherry doesn't even have a gun. All she has is a first aid spray (she probably assumes it's her precious perfume, but whatever). Now go up the elevator. Up here, you'll find zombies. Since Sherry's a short girl, they won't bite her, but they'll barf acid on her, which is pointless. Now go around the bend on the shaft and open the door. Grab the Grenade Rounds on the other side of this room (so she can't carry a weapon, but they'll let a little kid pick up ammo?). Now leave the room. Out here, open the other door, dodging the zombies. In here, get the sewage disposal map if you want and then go down those huge steps (watch how she just jumps off each step). At the bottom, push the crate down south until it gets to the wall. Now jump on the left crate and then jump down to be on the left of the middle crate. Push the middle crate over to the right so it's lined up with the right crate. Now jump over the crate (if you don't jump directly on the middle of the crate, Sherry struggles to get on). Now push the left crate so it lines up with the other two. Now climb back up the steps (yeah, I said climb, since they're too big for Sherry). Afterwards, press the button on the panel to raise the crates with the water level. Cross the crates and then pick up the Club Key from the shelf. Now return to the elevator and go down it. Sherry will toss Claire the Club Key and the Grenade Rounds, and then she'll run off again since she can't go over the vent hole (come on, use the stuff around her to get up), making Claire scream "Sherry! Sherry!" Now you'll regain control as Claire. Pick up the Grenade Rounds and the Club Key (add them to your Grenade Launcher), and MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR LIGTER ON YOU. Leon will also contact you on the radio and tell you that you can access the parking lot now (so I guess Ben is now dead at this point). Now climb back up the ladder. --------------- Police Station --------------- Back out here, run like hell to the double doors before the dogs get to you. And don't hesitate to open them either. Back in the basement hallway, it seems more zombies have appeared. Shoot down the one next to you and then unlock the door next to you with the Club Key. Shoot down the licker on the ceiling with one shot of your Handgun, and then blow it away with two Grenade Rounds. Kill the other Licker while you're at it too. Also, get the Red Card Key out of the cabinet and leave the room. Now go down to the door you put power on. Use the Red Card Key on the lock to open it, and then enter it. In this room, get the two Handgun Bullet boxes and the Acid Rounds. Now open the locker. If you got the Sub Machine Gun as Leon (and didn't take the Side Pack), the Side Pack should be here. If you took both items as Leon A, nothing will be in the locker for Claire, and if you didn't take either item as Leon B, both of the items will be available for Claire. Equip the Side Pack to get 10 item spaces (WOOHOO). Now leave the room. Back in the hallway, go up north and open the door leading to the parking lot. There are two dogs here, but they can be avoided without a problem. Run around them and open the door on the other side of the room. In this hall, you'll hear the sounds of dogs munching on dead people. Blow them away with grenade rounds and then go all the way to the other side of the hall. Get the film from the desk. If you want some Bow Gun Bolts, go to the prison cell area and grab them from where Leon got the manhole opener. Now turn around and open the door you come across. In the dog kennel, blow away the dog in front of you. Now go up to the mini closet next to the manhole and get the crank. From here, go back to the basement hallway and head up the stairs to the first floor. At the top of the stairs, it seems more zombies popped up while you were on a hiatus. Kill the ones near the door and then unlock it with the Club Key and then open it. In this room, go to the back room. Get the Watchman's Diary off the bunk bed and the Acid Rounds from the desk. Now leave this room. In this hallway, go into the previous room. Back in here, enter the blue double doors. In this hall, go down south to the door (not the one leading to the main hall). Now open the blue door with the Club Key in this room and toss it forever. In this room, go to the other end of the room. Use your Lighter to light up the boiler. Now turn the faucets on in this order: Middle, right, left. The golden cogwheel will fall out of the picture and all of a sudden, Mr. X crashes through the wall! There are two ways to do this fight: If you brought your Handgun with ammo with you, run around the desk across from the faucets taking potshots at Mr. X with your Handgun. Since he doesn't run, he'll never get you, and you'll keep pelting him with bullet after bullet, and eventually he'll cave in. If you didn't bring your Handgun with you, just keep at a safe distance and 4 or 5 Acid Rounds will bring him down. Take the Handgun Bullets from his trench coat once he drops down. Now grab the Golden Cogwheel and scram. Ok, while we're running down the hallway, Mr. X crashes through the wall again! If you jumped (or had to change your pants for that matter), don't worry. This gets many Resident Evil players. If you've got the ammo, dump another 4-5 acid rounds on him. Take the Bow Gun Bolts from his trench coat. Now get back to the main hall 1F. Go to the darkroom and develop the film while you're at it. It's the Tyrant from the first Resident Evil! It's either that or Mr. X without the trench coat. While you're in the darkroom, put away the Lighter and if you Bow gun Bolts from Mr. X, drop those in too. Bring a healing item or two, make sure you have the Crank and the Golden Cogwheel, and then get to the first floor. Use the ladder to get to the second floor, go into the library, and go up the stairs and through the door. You're now on the main hall 3F. Open the door to get into the attic. Use the crank in the slot on the side of the room so the stairs roll down. Go up the stairs and put the Golden Cogwheel into the rest of the gears. Then hit the switch and a door will open. Get the second half of the Jaguar Stone, go down the stairs, and leave the attic. While you're trying to open the door to get to the library, Mr. X somehow jumps onto the third floor. Unless you are extremely quick, you will get hit once here. If he punched you, then quickly run around him before he comes down with his slow hammerhead punch. After you drop him with 4 or 5 Acid Rounds, search his trench coat for some Grenade Rounds. Now go to the library, get to the main hall 2F, and then to the waiting room. It's highly recommended you save your game now. Open the item box and get the first half of the Jaguar Stone. Combine both halves to get the stone. Also, bring out many healing items and all your grenade launcher ammo while you're at it. Now open the door into the next hallway and get to Chief Irons' room. We'll find Sherry here and they'll talk for a second. Now put the Jaguar Stone in the final slot to open up a secret door. Go in it and grab the Mail to the Chief on the floor. Examine the elevator twice and Sherry will come in. Sherry will wait here while you go down the elevator. Follow the hallway to a door and then open it. We'll be greeted by laughing. It's Chief Irons who looks injured. He's going psycho saying we're all going to die. He explains Umbrella destroyed "his beautiful town". Then he tells us William Birkin developed the G-Virus and that the G-Virus is superior to the T- Virus in every way. Irons tries to take Claire with him, and then he gets pulled into the manhole, where the roaring monster beats the crap out of him. Before going down the ladder, get the Acid Rounds from the small shelf. Now try to go down the ladder and Irons will be tossed back up. Go down the ladder. Down here, run across the shaft and we'll do our first Claire B Boss Fight. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (First Formation) Difficulty: Easy Birkin looks nearly like a human until he bloats himself. He's still got the jeans and the lab coat, and hell, even his Umbrella ID. Now he grabs a pipe from the railing and uses it as a weapon. Watch out, he can knock you over the shaft with one hit. Get back to the ladder and start blasting away with Acid Rounds. After 5-7 hits, he'll be knocked out and fall over the shaft. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, follow the shaft to a button. Push the button to make the ladder come down. Climb up the ladder, go down the ledge, get to the door, and we're in the...CRAP! We need to go get Sherry! Man, I thought we could leave here, but nah. Go all the way back to Irons' office and get her, and come back here. Oh yeah, even worse, if you run too far, she'll kneel down, so you'll need to go back to get her to get up. Once you get back to the sewers, you'll see Mr. X on the higher ledge looking around, but doesn't Sherry or Claire. So they scramble to the sewers. ------- Sewers ------- The good part is, Sherry gets sucked into a vent and we lose her. Yes! Thankfully, we don't need to control her unlike Claire A. Run south, onto the ledge, grab a Blue Herb, and open the door. In this room, grab the Sewer Manager Fax from the table. Put away a healing item or two, and bring out your Bow Gun. Drop the handgun and bullets, and save your game if you want to. Oh yeah, don't forget the Valve Handle and Lighter either. Open the door near the elevator with your lock-pick and go down the ladder. In this room, go around the corner and kill the zombie. Also, near the vent is another shelf. Grab the Grenade Rounds from this shelf and go back up the elevator into the save room. Go down the elevator. Down here, we'll find a bleeding Leon who got shot by Annette. If you have her lighter, go to the lift Leon came off of and go up it. In Leon's saving room, pick up the Green Herbs if you want. Also, go to the cabinet across from the table. Push the cabinet to the left and use your lock- pick to open the door. Go down the ladder. Down here, go north and light the candle on the wall with your lighter to get brightness in this room. Pick up the Grenade Rounds next to you. Now go around the bend to the other side of the room. There's a candle here, so look for it and light it up. Then get the Flame Rounds from the shelf. Now go back up the ladder and down the elevator. Now go into the other hallway next to Leon. Get the map of the sewers if you want it and then open the door. In this room, jump off the ledge and go up north. We can't climb the ladder yet, so jump on the ledge to the left. Search the two dead soldiers for Flame Rounds and a Wolf Medal. Now jump off the ledge and keep running south. Go around the bend and open the door, watching out for the spiders. Dodge the spiders and run forward to the waterfall in this room. To free space, put the Wolf Medal in the slot. Now jump on the ledge and open the door. Annette will climb over the pipes, since Ada pushed her over in Leon A. After a chat about how Sherry is lost, Annette will drop down to the ground and be knocked out. Now go around the corner and use your Valve Handle on the slot with the red light to bring the ledge down. Cross the ledge and get the Flame Rounds from the shelf. Grab the Green Herbs if you want, and while you're at it, use the Valve Handle on the slot to raise the ledge back up. Now open the door in this room. Follow this hallway to a door. Don't worry, you don't fight the Alligator in this scenario, as Leon already blew it to smithereens. Open the door. Cross the room to get to the ledge and then climb the ladder. At the top of the ladder, go into the next room and cross the ledge. Now go left up the ramps. At the top, grab the Eagle Medal out of the dead person's hands and get the Sewer Manger Diary from the control panel. Now go down the ramp and use the Valve Handle on the slot near the ladder. This will stop the fan from spinning, so climb up the ladder. Cross the room and watch out for the cockroaches, because they can really be annoying. Go down the ladder at the end of the room. Back in this room, run south and get to the door. Ignore the zombies that come from the floor and open the door. In here, get to the console and put the Eagle Medal in to make the waterfall go away and to get rid of the sewage. Now jump on the ledge and open the door. In this room, you'll see the ceiling crumble a bit, but don't worry about it. Open the door at the end of this hallway. In this room, go around the corner and use the control panel to bring the sky tram back in this direction, since Leon already used it. Then, out of all things, Sherry comes in! Crap, I thought we got rid of her for good. After another chat, go through the doors to get into the sky tram. Don't worry, we don't fight a boss this time. -------- Factory -------- If you still got the Lighter on you, use it on the Flare Cannon to reveal the W. Box Key, so pick it up. Now open the door on the other side of this room. In this hallway, follow it to two paths. Knock out the zombies in your way and go south and you'll get to a door, so open it. In the next room, go around the bend and take out all of the zombies with your Bow Gun. Now go down south and we'll get to a ladder, so climb up it. Claire will tell Sherry to stay here (why can't we leave her here). Drop your Bow Gun in the item box, the Valve Handle, the Lighter, and the W. Box Key. Now pick up the Flame Rounds and Acid Rounds here, and then leave the room. Out here, get the Factory Map on the wall if you want (kind of useless by now, don't you think). The tram is already at the bottom, so we can't use it yet. So go down the lift and open the door at the bottom. In this room, get the C. Panel Key on the table on the other side. Then examine the monitors and turn them on. We'll see Mr. X enter the room and he'll smash the security camera. Wait until he comes around to you, and take him out with 4-5 Acid Rounds. Examine his trench coat after you drop him and you'll get some precious Acid Rounds. Now get back to the save room where Sherry is waiting. Go to the control panel and use the key to activate it. Now let's save our game right now. Before we go to the tram, bring plenty of healing items too. Now leave the room and go back outside. Run over to the tram and go clockwise around it, climb the ladder, and open the door. Inside the tram, get the Flame Rounds from the bathroom. Unlike scenario A, there is no key, so go back outside and activate the panel to get this tram moving. While it's going down, we hear something outside, so Claire has Sherry wait in here while we go outside. The alarm says we can't go back inside for a short while, and when we go outside, the door locks. Jump off the ledge, and go around the bend for a boss fight. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (3rd formation) Difficulty: Medium This boss is easy for some, hard for others. Birkin by now does not even have any relations to a human now, as he's a beast with 4 huge claws on 2 legs. Hey can scratch you for one of his attacks. At the start of the fight, put 2-5 Flame Rounds into him. If he raises his arms, it means he's going for a combo strike and can swipe the crap out of you. In this case, this is why you bring plenty of healing items if you get unlucky. When he gets close to you, run away. He'll jump in the air and try to catch up to you, but when he lands in front of you, run away to get more distance. Keep pumping Flame Rounds into him when you have the chance, and then after about 10 Flame Rounds, he'll jump off and leave us alone. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, go back in the tram to see Sherry. The alarm will turn yellow, and because of overheating, it will stop where it is. Also, Claire gives her raise jacket to Sherry for "good luck" and Sherry will tell Claire she never spent a lot of time with her parents. That means we have to go back outside and venture on our own, but Sherry will still remain in the tram for the time being, right? Once you're outside, go to the other side of the tram and jump on the ledge. Go to the ventilation shaft and jump through it to get inside Umbrella's Secret Lab. ---------------------- Umbrella's Secret Lab ---------------------- As soon as we drop into the vent, we hear the tram take off, and Sherry's still on that tram. Well we got rid of her for the time being. Now run down south and open the double doors. In this room, go to the lift and activate it. Down here, go around the bend and get the P-epsilon report from the dead scientist. Go up to the typewriter and get the Flame Rounds too. Now go near the lift and take the path to the right of it. Run forward and go down the elevator. Down here, go around the corner and we'll find two Super Lickers. Kill them both, but be careful with them. Now get to the panel on the other side of the room and activate it. This gives power to the elevator near the vent. Go back up the elevator. Back up here, activate the elevator to go up again. Now open the double doors. In this room, follow the hallway to the elevator and then open it. In the elevator, activate the panel to use it. In this room, blow away the naked zombies. Then enter the door to the right. Get the Flame Rounds in here as well as the Green Herb if you want, and then leave. Back in here, open the other door. In this room, go to the middle and take the opening with the blue light above it. Now cross the shaft and open the door. Follow this hallway to a set of double doors and then open them. In this room, go around the corner and get the Fuse Case from the shelf. Get the First Aid Spray if you want, and then put the Fuse Case into the machine with the blue light. After a little cut scene, you'll get the Main Fuse. Now leave this room and follow the hallway to the previous door. Back in here, go to the middle of the room and use the Main Fuse on the machine in the middle. Now go through the opening with the red light above it. Cross the shaft and open the door. In this room, run forward and activate the panel to open the shutter on your left. Flame rounds vs. Ivy Plants. How lopsided is this? Blow both of them away and then open the door they were blocking. In the room with the huge tree with vines, go down the ladder and then open the door at the bottom. In this hallway, go around the corner and take out the Super Licker that falls from the vent. Go up forward and kill the remaining two Super Lickers. In the more open area, use the Green Herbs if you need to. Now go in the next hallway and then open the door. In the monitor room, go to the other side of the room. Open the item box and get the W. Box Key out of there. Now open the door into the next room. In here, go out into the open area and then head north. Grab the Red Herb if you want, and then open the double doors. In here, use the W. Box Key on the locker with the blue light. Grab the new cases of Grenade Rounds and walk up to the door so it opens automatically. Walk up to the next door to make it open. Use your fresh Grenade Rounds to blow away all the naked zombies. Now go to the other side of the room and get the P. Room key from the desk. Once you got the P. Room Key, get back to the monitor room. As you're getting past the monitors, Annette will look for Sherry on the monitors and we'll find Mr. X chasing her down (can't he just punch her lights out already?). Annette tells us the sample is inside the pendant Sherry has. Now, get back to the ladder and climb it. In the room with the main fuse, go through the opening with the white light. Now get to the elevator again and go down it. Down here, open the double doors. Now there's a gray crate near the lift. Push it onto the lift, bust make sure there's enough room to get to the switch. Push the switch to make the lift go down. Now push the crate to the south to give you some room. Then, push it to the east so it's against the railing. Now push it up all the way north until it stops at a wall. Jump on it. There should be a higher ledge to your right, so get on it. Unlock the double doors with the P. Room Key. Follow the path to a bigger area and we'll find Sherry being chased by Mr. X (how did she get into the room if it was locked). Sherry tosses Claire her pendant and runs away. Then Claire tosses the pendant over the rail and Mr. X tries to get it, but falls over and takes a headfirst dive into the lava, with Claire going "sucker". But during the scene, Mr. X punched out a computer which activated the self- destruct sequence, so we need to get out of here. Leave the room and jump off the crates. Now go up the lift, open the double doors, and then get to the elevator. Blow away any enemies in your path and then get to the place where you used the Main Fuse. Sherry is crying over her dying mother and then she actually dies. Afterwards, pick up the Master Key from her mom's hands and then Sherry should follow you. Go back to the elevator. Instead of pushing the button, go to the computer and use the Master Key. It will let us use an emergency route. Once we're outside the elevator, we'll be looking at a runaway train, but we need to power it up. Go inside the train. In here, Sherry will wait here. Run up to the other door and it will open by itself. Then enter the double doors. In here, run all the way to the other end of the room. There's a shiny object near the item box, so pick it up. It's the platform Key. Get all your Grenade Launcher Ammo out, and save your game right now. Also, bring all your healing items with you too. Now go back and get off the train. Use the Platform key to unlock the door and throw it away forever. Make sure you have at least two free spots in your item inventory. You have 5 minutes to get out of here now before this place blows to smithereens. Go up the stairs and cross the footbridge to get to the other side of the platform. On the other side, go south and you'll find a switch. Hit it to reveal two plugs, the Joint S and Joint N plug. Now turn around and open the door. Go to the other side of the room while the lava continues to rumble. Put in one plug or the other (it'll automatically put both in). All of a sudden, the lights turn off as Mr. X comes diving out of the lava. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: Mr. X Difficulty: Medium-Hard This is Mr. X in his final form. No trench coat, no slow walking, no cheap shots. The first thing he will do is charge at you, so run to the right. Shoot him now and then, and he'll charge and hit you. After about 2-3 shots and you've healed, a shadowed woman tosses a Rocket Launcher down. Run to it, pick it up, and fire a rocket at Mr. X. Before we fire, Claire will shout out "You lose, big guy!" And we see many replays of the rocket hitting Mr. X right in the sweet spot and he'll finally blow into a million pieces. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Afterwards, the lights go back on. Get back to the other side of the train, but don't open it yet. From the elevator, run down south and kill the naked zombies near you and head south to a panel. Activate the panel to open the gate. Now go back inside the train and go north up the stairs and through the door. Activate the lever to get the train moving and an FMV will start. Leon will get on the train as Claire nearly loses her head. After another chat between the two, something shakes in the back of the train. Enter the door and try to open the double doors, and we now have 2 minutes to get off this train before it blows into a million pieces. Once you open the double doors, run straight and a vine will come into the place. We have one last boss and we'll be done for good. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (5th formation) Difficulty: Really Easy This boss doesn't have any strategy at all. You have 1 Rocket left in your Rocket Launcher. Fire the rocket at him, and then empty your Grenade Launcher on him. Just don't let him get up to you, as I don't know what happens. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the boss is dead, go through the double doors and walk forward to start an FMV. Birkin comes back to life for the millionth time and Sherry sneaks into the control room to stop the train, while the gang escapes out of the tunnel before the train explodes. Oh yeah, Birkin goes down in the explosion too. Now, watch the credits roll and see what you got for a grade and how long it took you to beat the game. Now you've finished Leon A/Claire B! ========================== 9. Walkthrough (Claire A) ========================== Pop in your Claire disc and load up a new game on Normal difficulty. The game starts out with Claire riding her motorcycle throughout Raccoon City, still searching for her brother Chris. She decides to stop at a diner and get something to eat. Also, there is a truck driver at a gas station, and a zombie bit him really bad in the arm (why didn't he get it treated?). At first, it looks like nobody is here, but we find a zombie munching on a dead person. Claire tries to back away from it, and gets to a door to find a gun pointed at her head. She ducks and Leon fires a bullet to the zombie's head, killing it. They both escape to a police car and a zombie pops in and scares them both. After swerving from side to side and hitting a sign, the zombie comes flying out of the window. But the truck driver, now a zombie, has no judgment and mows over the police car. Leon and Claire escape, but a fire separates the two and they'll meet at the police station, where things are going to get a lot worse... ------------------------ Streets of Raccoon City ------------------------ As you start the game, you'll be surrounded by zombies. Just run around them and follow the street to a door, avoiding all of the zombies. When you get to the door, open it and you'll be in the Kendo Gun Shop. Walk a few steps forward and the owner will aim his Bow Gun at you. Claire convinces him she's human, with the owner replying "sorry about that babe". Go around the counter and get the Hand Gun Bullets on the shelf and then go behind the other counter. Get the Handgun Bullets on the desk and walk up to the back door. Zombies will break in through the windows and eat Kendo for lunch. Kill them off one by one and then examine Kendo twice to get his Bow Gun. Now leave this store by opening the back door. Back outside, follow the path until you see zombies near a door. Ignore them and keep running forward. The zombies will break the door open, but go to the open truck and get the Handgun bullets from behind them. Kill the zombies coming at you and then go through the open door. On the basketball court, try to ignore the other zombies and then open the door across from you. In this room, go straight and head up the stairs. Now follow the ledge to another staircase and go down it. Examine the trash barrels for Handgun bullets and then jump on the dumpster. Stun the zombies with your handgun and then jump down to the ground in front of you. Now run to the other door and avoid the other zombies. Open the door. In this area, just run to the bus and ignore the zombies feasting on a dead person. Get to the bus and open the door. Now grab the Handgun Bullets from the backpack and kill the two zombies here. Run to the other side of the bus and open the door here. There are plenty of zombies here, but just zig zag through them and get to the door. In this area, go through the entrance next to you. Run past the two zombies and get to the police station entrance. Before opening the doors, examine the bushes to the right for a Green Herb and heal yourself if the zombies got the worst of you. Now open the double doors and get into the police station. --------------- Police Station --------------- Go down the mini steps and then go up the ramp on the left. Open the door to your left and we'll find an injured cop named Marvin. Claire tells him he's looking for Chris and Marvin explains what happened with him, Jill Valentine, and Barry Burton. Then he gives you the Blue Card Key and threatens to shoot you if you don't leave. Upon leaving, he locks the door. Now go to the other side of the hallway and go on the computer. Use the Blue Card Key to unlock the two doors on this floor. Also, get the Handgun Bullets from the counter. Now go down the ramp and open the double doors. In this room, open the item box and drop the Knife in there forever. Grab the Police Memorandum from the bench. Also, unlock the desk in the corner using your lock pick and you'll get a First Aid Spray. Turn around and go forward and we'll see a strange creature cross the window. Open the door and equip your Bow Gun. Now go around the bend and you'll find a dead cop with no head. Examine him twice for Handgun Bullets. Now walk up to the pool of blood and a Licker will drop from the ceiling after an FMV. The Bow Gun should take care of him. Get the Green Herb from the other side of the room and then open the door. In this hallway, follow the hallway until you get to a door. Ignore the double doors, as we don't have a Lighter built into our item inventory with Claire. Once you get to the door at the end of the hallway, open it. In this room, take down all of the zombies. We don't need to go into the darkroom yet, so head up the stairs to get to the 2F. At the top, go straight down the hall to the three statues. Take the brown statue and push it up against the door leading to the next hall. Now push it to the right of the door and get it on the brown tile. Now take the gray statue and push it to the brown tile near the broken door and opening. Once you have them on the tiles, the Red Jewel will fall out, so grab it. After solving the puzzle, search behind the central statue until you find hidden Handgun Bullets. Once you find the hidden Handgun Bullets, open the door to the next hallway. In here, open the middle door and you'll be in the S.T.A.R.S office. Go to the middle desks. The one on the right is Jill Valentine's and the one on the left and Chris Redfield's. Read Chris's Diary and we'll also find a Unicorn Medal, so pick it up. Now open up the cabinet in the corner of the room for a Grenade Launcher! Hell yeah! Also, go to Wesker's Desk, the one in front of the S.T.A.R.S poster. Examine it 50 times for a hidden film. For another bonus, check the picture near the poster and you'll find a photo of the S.T.A.R.S members. When you try to leave, some paper will print out from the fax machine called "Mail to Chris". Read it and then go downstairs. Enter the darkroom near the staircase and get the Green Herbs if you want. Grab the Operation Report 2 behind the typewriter and get the Handgun Bullets from the cabinet. Put the Red Jewel in the item box as well as the Grenade Launcher. Also, go to the back room and develop the film to get a picture of Rebecca Chambers. Now, get back to the main hall 1F. Go to the statue in the middle of the hall. Put the Unicorn Medal on the hollow in front of the statue and the statue will slide forward and drop the Spade Key. Pick it up and then go back to the hallway where you found your first licker. Unlock the other door with your Spade Key and open the door. Grab the Patrol Report on the shelf across from you. Then go around the bend to find a mini ladder. Push the ladder down south until it gets to the cabinet. Climb up the ladder and get the Crank at the top of the shelf. Now leave the room and go back to the darkroom. Put the crank in the item box, go upstairs and back to the hallway outside the S.T.A.R.S office. We'll see a little girl be chased from the zombie and she runs away (how does she open that door when it's locked in the first place?). Kill the zombie and then unlock the other door in here with the Spade Key and toss it forever and then open the door. We'll find Leon in this room and it appears he spotted that girl too. Leon gives Claire a radio. After the chat, go to the alcove where Leon came out of and search the closet for Handgun bullets. Now go to the other alcove and unlock the desk with your lock-pick to get Flame Rounds for your Grenade Launcher. Then open the door next to you. In the library, head up the stairs to your left. Follow the path until the floor you're on collapses and you fall to the floor below you. Down here, go forward and push the switch. Now we can move the 3 bookcases around. Push the left and the middle ones to the right by using the switches. The plate in the other room will fall down, so go to it and get the Serpent Stone. Now get the Red Herb near the double doors and then open them. You'll be on the Main Hall 2F. Kill the zombies here, as you have plenty of distance to knock them out. Go to the center of the room where the ladder is. Push the switch on the ladder to make it descend, so now we have a quick shortcut to the first floor. Follow this path to the door on the other side of the room and then open it. We're on the waiting Room. Get the Lighter from the bench and read the Secretary's Diary A near the typewriter. Open the item box and put away the Red Jewel and Serpent Stone. With the lighter, go back to the Main Hall 2F. Use the ladder to get to the first floor. Then go to the room where you found the first Licker and then into the next hallway. Open the double doors I told you to ignore a while back. In this room, read the Operation Report on the table and then enter the small room across from you. Use the lighter on the fireplace to reveal a Red Jewel from the picture, so pick it up. Now go back to the Waiting Room the same way you got here. Back at the Waiting Room, open the door near the typewriter. Ignore the zombies, they're no threat. Head up north and open the door. We're in the "crow hall" now. Follow this hallway to a door, but watch out for the crows that fly through the windows. When you get to the door, open it and you'll be outside. Out on the helipad, there's nothing much you can do yet. Head down the stairs instead. ------------------------ Streets of Raccoon City ------------------------ Kill a zombie or two if you need, otherwise they can be avoided pretty easily. Follow this path to a cabin and when you get to the door, open it to get inside the cabin. Go to the other side of the room where the typewriter is. Pick up the second Bow Gun and take the Valve Handle near the typewriter while you're at it. Oh yeah, one thing: don't open the door next to the typewriter. If you do, a zombie comes in. Now leave the cabin and go back outside. Like last time, avoid the zombies and go up the stairs. --------------- Police Station --------------- On the helipad, go to the opening near the door and use the Valve Handle on the slot. Water will pour conveniently onto the helicopter on fire. Before you go back inside, search the front of the helicopter for Handgun Bullets. Now head inside to the Crow Hall. In this hallway is a dead person. Examine the dead cop twice for Handgun Bullets. Now get back to the waiting room. Put the Valve Handle, the Lighter, and the Bow Gun with lower ammo into the item box (if you had two out). Take out the other Red Jewel and go back to the previous hallway. The zombies are also gone and so is the fire. When you cross the helicopter, we'll hear a girl scream. That can't be good. Open the door across from the helicopter. In this room, go to the three statues. Put a Red Jewel in the left and right one. This will make the middle statue's chest open, revealing the first piece of the Jaguar Stone, so pick it up. Before leaving, check the table to the left of the statue for the Diamond Key. Now go back to the waiting room and put the half Jaguar Stone in the item box. Now go to the crow hall. There is one last door locked from this side. Unlock the door and then open it. In here, pick up the Green Herb if you want and then go down the stairs. Down here, open the door to get to an office. You'll find a dead man in front of you. Examine the dead man for Handgun Bullets. Now go into the bigger room and kill each zombie one by one. After they're all dead, go into the smaller office. Enter the combination "2236" on the safe and it'll open. Get the Acid Rounds and the police station map. If you want, go behind the desk and search for a Green Herb. There's also an Ink Ribbon on one of the tables. After you're done here, open the double blue doors. In this room, kill all of the zombies to your south with your Handgun. Once they are all dead, run down south and if you got hurt, get the Green Herb near the machine. Now go down the alcove near here and open the door at the end. In this hallway, kill the zombies and follow the hall until you find a gray door. Unlock the door with the Diamond Key and then open it. In this room, ignore the Cord on the table and then get the Eagle Stone from the shelf. When you turn around and walk by the mirror, a Licker will jump through and attack you. Use 2-3 Bow Gun hits to take him down and then leave the room. Once you're done with everything here, get to the darkroom. Put your Eagle Stone in the darkroom and if you're low on ammo, pull out the Grenade Launcher. Now go to the hallway outside the darkroom and unlock the other door here with the Diamond Key and then discard it forever. In the "Evidence Room", you'll be surrounded by plenty of zombies. Kill them off with your Bow Gun and Grenade Launcher. Search the cabinets across from the other door to find Bow Gun bolts. Also, unlock the bigger Cabinet with the lock pick to find a plastic bomb. And before you leave, go around the corner and open the cabinet for a film. Bring it back to the darkroom to develop it. Once you're back in the evidence room, unlock the other door and then open it. Grab the Green Herb if you need to and then enter the small office. Hey look! It's Marvin! He gets up, and what's this? He turns into a zombie! He's pretty fast, so if you have a Handgun, you may take a bite. Use a Bow Gun or Grenade Launcher to take him down. After you kill him, grab the Detonator on the desk. Combine it with the Plastic Bomb and then get out of this office. Grab the Memo to Leon on the longer desk. Now examine the open locker for Handgun bullets. Afterward, unlock the door here and open it to get to the main hall. Back in here, climb the ladder to get to the second floor and then get to the waiting room. Bring out the Eagle and the Serpent Stone while you're at it. Now to go to the hallway where the fire used to be and where the crashed helicopter is. Go up to the helicopter and use the plastic bomb to blow up the helicopter and the banged up door. Now go through the new hallway and open the door. Wow, what a neat room! Go up to the desk. At this point, you can make one of three decisions: examine the desk, walk around the desk, or try to head for the door on the other side of this room. Whichever option you choose, the chair will turn around. It's Brian Irons, the chief of the Raccoon Police Department, and he mistakes you for a zombie. The dead girl on her desk is the mayor's daughter. Also, it looks like he used to like taxidermy. After the chat, go around the table and open the other door. There's nothing in this hallway; just follow it to a door and then open it. You'll hear footsteps when you walk into the room. Walk around the corner and you'll hear them again. Go into the opening into a dark room. Grab the Secretary's Diary B. Also, flick the switch on in here to get the light on. Run south and the little girl will try to run away. Claire will grab her arm and tell her she's not a zombie. Claire also contacts Leon saying she's found the girl. The girl's name is Sherry. She tells us her mom wants her to stay at the police station to be safe. Afterwards, we hear a roar and Sherry bolts off. Now go back to the Chief's office and we'll find he's missing. Go to the picture behind his desk and activate the button. Put in the Eagle and the Serpent Stone to free up space. Also, get the Chief's Diary from the chair and grab the Heart Key on the desk. Now go to the crow hall and open the door leading downstairs. Go downstairs and open the door. Back in this room, open the door across from you with the Heart Key and then throw it away forever. Now open the door. In this hallway, follow it to a staircase and then go down the stairs and we'll be in the basement. Down here, go straight and lure the dogs to go after you. Kill them one by one and then go into the longer hall. Go south and open the brown double doors to your left. In this room, run around the corner and go to the console. You need to hit the five switches in this order: up, up, down, down, up. This will give power to a locked door just outside here, but we still need another key to get to it. Now leave the room. From here, go north and follow the hallway to another set of brown double doors. Before opening these doors, examine the trash to the right of the door until you find hidden Handgun Bullets. After finding the Handgun Bullets, open the double doors. Out here, follow the path to a manhole, but be quick because the dogs can leap over and attack the crap out of you. When you get to the manhole, go down the ladder. ---------------- Sewage Disposal ---------------- We'll only be here for a short period of time. Open the first door you see. In here, open the item box and put your Handgun in, Bow Gun, and take out the Grenade Launcher, your Grenade Launcher ammo, and your Lighter. Now leave the room. We'll find Sherry waiting for us and she says she can hear her dad calling her name (yet he's a monster by now). She'll run off into a vent and sadly, we need to control Sherry. Sherry can't even use a gun. All she has on her behalf is a First Aid Spray. First, go up to the elevator and go up it. Up here, you'll face a few dogs. They can nastily attack you multiple times, and the lack of speed from Sherry doesn't help either. Run to the first door you find, because the dogs can take you down pretty quickly. In this room, grab the Sewage Disposal map if you want. Hop down the steps here. At the bottom, push the crate near you so it's against the wall. Now, jump on the left crate and hop down so you're to the left of the middle crate. Push the middle crate to the right so it's lined up with the right crate. Jump back over and push the left crate up so it lines up with the other three crates. Now jump back up the steps and use the control panel to raise the sewage level and the crates. Cross the crates and grab the Club Key off the shelf. Now leave this room. Go to the other door and open it. Grab the Grenade Rounds and then run back to the room with the elevator. Go down it and Sherry will toss Claire the Grenade Rounds and the Club Key. Then, since she can't get over the hole, she bolts off to find another way (how does she do it and survive the dogs?). Now we'll regain control of Claire. Pick up the Club Key and the Grenade Rounds. Make sure you have the Lighter and go back up the ladder. --------------- Police Station --------------- The dogs should be on the ground by now. Simply run by them and get back to the double doors, so open them. In the basement hallway, it seems Lickers also snuck their way in. Kill both of them and then open the double doors with a red light above it using your Club Key. In the Autopsy Room, go around the corner and get the Red Card Key from the cabinet. Now all the dead zombies on the floor will get up! Use your Grenade Launcher to mow them all down. Now leave the room. Kill the other Licker in this hall and go to the door with a green light above it. Use your Red Card Key to unlock it. In this room, go to the locker. There's two things we can take: Either a Side Pack (hold 2 more items) or Sub Machine Gun. Since you're probably suffering through a major ammo shortage right now, get the Sub Machine Gun, even if it does take up two spaces (make sure to save the Side Pack for Leon B). Grab the Handgun Bullets and Bow Gun Bolts if you have enough space, and then leave this room. Out in the hall, go up the stairs to the first floor again. Open the door behind the stairs with the Club Key. Go into the bedroom across from you in this room. Read the Watchman's Diary and grab the Acid Rounds from the shelf. Now, go back into the previous hallway. In here, open the door to get back into the office room. In here, get to the blue double doors and open them. Now run down south and open the door in this hall. Follow this hallway to a blue door and open it with your Club Key. Since it's useless, toss the key forever. Now open the door and blast away the Licker inside. Go to the other side of the room and use the Lighter on the boiler. Now turn the faucets on the wall on in this order: Middle, right, left. A Golden Cogwheel will fall out of the picture, so go and pick it up. If you have two spaces on you, get the film as well, and then you can develop it in the darkroom later. Once you have the cogwheel, get all the way back to the Main Hall 1F. Use the ladder to get to the second floor. It appears a Licker got here, so blast it away with your Machine Gun. Go to the waiting room now. Drop your Lighter in there and take out the Crank. Now get back to the main hall and open the door leading to the Library. When you walk in, you'll hear crashing sounds and zombies will pour in from the windows into two hallways: the one where we found our first licker and the one leading to the basement. But as Claire, we don't ever need to go down there. Now, go up the stairs in this room and open the door at the top. On the Main Hall 3F, take out the Licker and open the door to get into the attic. Insert the crank into the slot to our south to make the staircase come down. Go up the staircase and go to the set of gears. Insert the Golden Cogwheel into the gears and push the button to make them rotate. This will open up a door with the second half of the Jaguar Stone, so pick it up. Now get back to the Waiting Room. With a Sub Machine Gun, drop all your other Grenade Launcher stuff into the item box and take out 2 or 3 healing items. Also, take out the first piece of your Jaguar Stone and combine it with the second piece. Also, it's highly recommended you save your game right now. Now get to Chief Irons' office and we'll find Sherry here. Put the Jaguar Stone into the picture and a door will open. Go into it and read the Mail to the Chief on the floor. Examine the elevator and Sherry will come in. Claire will tell her to stay here as we go down the elevator. Down in this hallway, follow it and we'll see a scene of some monster infecting Irons. Follow the hallway to a Cinderella/Sleeping Beauty castle door and open it. Claire and Irons will chat, as Irons tells us about the G-Virus and he's taking us with him, until something rips Irons' chest apart. Now get the Acid Rounds from the shelf in the corner and then go down the ladder. Down here, go up forward and a little arm like creature will get up and form into a giant cockroach. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: Cockroach Difficulty: Easy The cockroach is pretty easy, but it can spit little cockroaches at you to annoy the hell out of you. The little cockroaches can leech onto your body and start sucking your health. It only takes one shot to kill the little cockroaches. It should take about 30% of your Sub Machine Gun ammo clip to defeat it. If not, use your Grenade Launcher if you have it on you. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, follow this path to a button. Press the button to make a ladder descend. Now go back to Irons' office to get Sherry. From here, go back to where you fought the Cockroach and climb the ladder. Also, whenever you're with Sherry, don't run too far or she'll crouch down, meaning you need to run down and get her. At the top of the ladder, run forward and try to jump off the ledge and we'll see William Birkin on the ledge above us, but he won't notice us. Claire and Serry then bolt into the sewers. ------- Sewers ------- As soon as we step it, Sherry makes an idiot of herself and gets sucked in by the vent. This means we have to take control of her. At first, run forward and jump up the ledge. Up here, open the door. In this room, avoid the zombie and get to the other side of the room. Examine the vent to open it and slide down the shaft. In this long tunnel, watch out for the cockroaches because they can mow you down quickly. Now enter the next vent and go down the shaft. In here, pick up the Wolf Medal. The garbage will now dispose into the room below, causing Sherry to fall with it. She is knocked out and then her father, now a monster, does something bad to Sherry... Now we regain control of Claire. Go straight and up the ledge. At the top, get the Blue Herbs if you want and then open the door. In this room, grab the Sewer Manager Fax from the table and the Handgun Bullets from the backpack. Also, get the First Aid Spray from the locker. Also, open your item box and take out the Valve Handle and Lighter. Save your game if you want to and then go down the elevator in the corner of the room. In this hallway, go around the corner and follow the hallway to a door. Get the Sewer Map if you want and then open the door. In here, jump off the ledge and run north. Go on the ledge next to the ladder and search the dead soldier for Flame Rounds. Now go back down south and follow this path to a door, ignoring the Spiders around here. Run forward to the waterfall. We can't go past the waterfall, so jump on the ledge to the left and open the double doors. Walk forward and we'll find Annette aiming a gun at us. She accuses of us of trying to find the G-Virus, and then since Claire tells her Sherry's lost here, her husband William will be after her. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> FMV So, we see William Birkin with his samples of viruses and his G-Virus, while troops from Umbrella are hunting him down. The troops then come in and try to steal it, and then a tube falls over, prompting one soldier to shoot him to a bloody pulp. Annette will try and treat the wound, but while she's out, William injects the virus in him. By now, he's turned into a monster and a growl can be heard in the sewers. William kills the soldiers and eats more viruses to get stronger. He then takes out the remaining troops and we see mice carrying out the T-Virus, which was how the viruses spread out through the city. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> After the FMV, we hear Sherry scream, so Claire and Annette split up. Follow the path to a slot. Put the Valve Handle into it and bring the platform down. Cross the platform and get the Green Herbs if you want. Also grab the Flame Rounds next to the typewriter and put the Valve Handle in the slot to make the platform go up. Open the door. Follow this hallway to an opening. We'll see Sherry knocked out on the garbage, and then Alligator springs out to scare the crap out of us. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: Alligator Difficulty: Really Easy Don't shoot the crap out of the thing. Don't get too close to it either, because it'll just eat you with one bite. Go to where the red light is on the wall. Examine it to release a gas cylinder. Wait for the alligator to put the cylinder in its mouth, and then put one bullet into the alligator. The cylinder will explode, causing the alligator to die. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, go back to where the alligator came out of. The door is locked, so release the lock on the panel to the right and open the door. Run over to Sherry and examine her. Birkin will roar again, and Sherry will get up. Her stomach hurts now too. Pick up the Wolf Medal next to Sherry, jump on the ledge, and then climb the ladder. In this area, go left and cross the bridge. Now go up the ramp to the left. Get the Eagle Medal from the dead person at the top and read the Sewer Manager's Diary. Now go down the ramp. Follow this walkway to a ladder. Use the Valve Handle in the slot next to the ladder to stop the spinning fan. Climb up the ladder. Climb down the other ladder in the room at the top. Back in this room, go back to the door leading to the waterfall, ignoring the zombies that pop up. Open the door. Now go to the waterfall and check out the machine on the right. Put in both medals to drain the sewage and stop the waterfall. Climb the ledge now and open the door that waterfall was blocking. Follow this hallway to a door and then open it. In here, go to the sky tram. Use the panel to the right and turn it on. Now open it to enter it, and we'll take the sky tram to the factory. -------- Factory -------- Use the lighter on the flare cannon to reveal a shiny object, which is the W. Box Key, so pick it up. Now turn around and open the door. Follow the hallway to a bigger one. Kill the zombies and then run north. Kill the two zombies over here and search the dead person in the corner for a Spark Shot. We'll need it for the last battle. Now go the other way and follow the hallway to a door, and then open it. Now follow this hallway to a ladder, mowing down all of the zombies that get in your way. When you get to the ladder, climb up it to get to the save room. In here, drop the Lighter, Valve Handle, W. Box Key, Sub Machine Gun, and the Spark Shot. Take out the Grenade Launcher and all your ammo for it, as well as the healing items that you have. Grab the Flame and Grenade Rounds from the table and save your game now. Now open the door and you'll be outside. Run south and get the Factory Map from the wall (pretty useless by now, don't you think?). Go to the tram and run clockwise around the platform to get to a ledge. Jump on it and open the door to get to the ledge. In here, get the Flame Rounds from the closet and get the C. Panel Key from the rack in the back room. Now go back outside and activate the control panel near the tram. Press yes and you'll go back inside the tram. While the tram is going down, Sherry complains that her stomach hurts and she's burning up. After, we hear noises outside. When we try to go outside, we get a message saying we can't go back inside for a while. Jump off the ledge, and run straight. Birkin will throw his trusty pipe at you and miss, while growing a new head in the process. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (2nd formation) Difficulty: Easy All he has on him is one big claw to strike you with. Just watch out, because if you get too close, you'll be in for some nasty wounds. Stay at a good distance and unload your Flame Rounds into Birkin. They are effective at stunning him too. After about 8 Flame Rounds, he'll be severely weakened and move a lot slower. Finish him off with 2-3 more. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, we'll be able to re-enter the tram. Go inside and Claire will carry Sherry to Umbrella's Secret Lab into a room. ---------------------- Umbrella's Secret Lab ---------------------- Sherry regains consciousness and talks to Claire. Claire has also given her the red jacket she has and then Sherry rambles about how she never had anybody to hang out with. Open the item box and put away a healing item or two. If you are low on Grenade Launcher ammo, take out the Bow Gun to help you. Also, grab the Green Herb in this room along with the Acid Rounds and get the Flame Rounds from the lockers. Now leave. In here, run left and open the door. Now run across the walkway into the middle of the room. Go through the opening with the blue light above it and then open the door. Follow this hallway to a set of double doors and then open them. In here, go around the bend and grab the Fuse Case from the shelf. Now use it on the control panel that has the blue light and after a pointless cut-scene, we get the Main Fuse. Now leave the room. Back in this hallway, just open the door leading to the previous room. Go to the center of the room again. Use the Main Fuse on the machine in the middle to provide power throughout the lab. Now go through the opening with the red light above it and open the door in this path. Run forward in this hallway to get to a console. Activate it to open the shutter to your left. Two Ivy Plants will be in your way, but you can dispose of them with Flame Rounds. Afterwards, open the door they were guarding. You don't even need to touch the Ivy Plant in this room. Just descend the ladder and open the door at the bottom of the ladder. Follow this hallway until a Super Licker bursts from the vent. Give it 2 Flame/Acid Rounds. Now go to the bigger area here and kill both Super Lickers. Use the Green Herb to heal if you need to, and then run to the hallway across from you. Open the door on the other side of the hallway. You'll be in the monitor room. Get to the other side and open the item box. Take out the W. Box Key if you have it and then open the door to your right. Run forward into the bigger area. Now go north and open the double doors. If you have enough space, grab the Red Herb. In here, open the locker with the blue light with your W. Box Key for 2 sets of Grenade Rounds. Walk up to the solo door and it'll open by itself. Now walk up to the next auto-door and you'll be in the big lab. If you have the Bow Gun, take out the zombies using that. If not, save your best Grenade Launcher ammo and use your fresh Grenade Rounds that you got from the locker. Also, go to the other side of the room. Get the Lab Card Key from the desk next to the computer. Also note the machine in the corner near this desk; we'll be using it shortly. Leave the lab and open the double doors. Annette will accuse us of killing her mutant husband. Wow, she's really in love with that G-Virus. Claire tells Annette about Sherry until we hear a growl. She finds William is still alive and is even stronger. William takes a swipe at her. Run to where Annette ran over too (William jumps back up to the vent) and then Annette gives us the Vaccine Synthesis to help us save Sherry. Hey Annette, remember William has lost all prior human memories by now? Oh yeah, you're not going to be making out with a monster anytime soon either. Then she dies for good. Afterwards, the self-destruct system goes off. Wonder what that got caused by? Either way, go back into the monitor room. Put the Bow Gun (if you have it) into the Item Box. Now walk up to the monitors and we'll find Leon on one of them. Claire contacts Leon and tells him to nab Sherry from the security office while we get the Vaccine. Leave the monitor room and get back to the room where we used the Main Fuse. This time, go through the opening with the blue light above it and open the door. Use the Lab Card Key to unlock the door across from you. In this room, grab the Grenade Rounds and Vaccine Cartridge from the table. Now turn on the light using the switch across from you. Once the light goes on, blow away the other zombies and put the Vaccine Cartridge into the computer to your right. Now go to the right of the computer and get the MO Disk from the shelf. Now examine the small machine and push the switch. Go back to the green screen computer and get the Base Vaccine. Also, go all the way back to the big lab where we got the Lab Card Key. Watch out for the naked zombies that appear in the room where the Super Lickers were. Go to that machine in the corner and put the Base Vaccine in it to get the Vaccine. From here, go to the monitor room. If you have the Spark Shot, get it from the item box. Bring your best healing items, drop in the Lab Card Key, and make sure you got the MO Disk. Save your game if you want too. Now go into the previous hallway. Put in the MO Disk to open up the shutter. Go down the new hallway and open the double doors. Take a few steps and a 5 minute detonation counter starts. The shutter also closes, so there's no way out. Go to the other side of the room where the elevator is. Activate the switch to the right. While we're waiting for the elevator to get up to our floor, William Birkin breaks through the ceiling above us. Time for the final boss fight of Claire's A scenario. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (3rd formation) Difficulty: Medium Now that he's got 4 claws, just watch out for the combo strike whenever he raises his back claws. Pump about 5 Flame or Acid Rounds into him. Run around the tubes for protection. After you get enough hits, he'll evolve into... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (4th formation) Difficulty: Hard Wow, this is impossible compared to fighting him with Leon A. In Claire A, he jumps all over the tubes a lot more in my opinion. When he gets on the ground, keep a good distance and start firing the Spark Shot at William as well as any Flame/Acid Rounds you have. Since William is now a beast on four legs with a huge mouth, it can bite you up close or bite you and toss you around. Either of these can mow down your health really quickly. This is where we need all the healing items. After several Spark Shot hits, he'll start to slowly weaken. Finish him off with anything you got. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, the elevator will finally get to our floor. Go into it. Once it gets to the bottom floor, just follow the hallway into the open area and you'll beat the game! Congratulations! Enjoy the scene of Claire using that Vaccine to awaken Sherry and the partial ending. After the credits roll by, you'll get your grade, how long it took you to beat the game, and the amount of times you saved. Then you're prompted to save. Either use a blank spot or overwrite your latest Claire A spot so we can start Leon B. ======================== 10. Walkthrough (Leon B) ======================== To get to Leon B, you must have the Leon disc and a save spot from after completing Claire's A scenario. The FMV opening is the same as Leon A, except Leon winds up on the other side of the fire. In my opinion, Leon B is my favorite scenario to play. You take a unique route throughout the game and get the neat stuff early. ------------------------ Streets of Raccoon City ------------------------ As soon as you start the game, follow this path until you get to a door. Ignore any zombies you see, as they can be easily avoided. After avoiding the zombies, open the door at the end of this street. In this area, run south into the office. Avoid the zombie but if you really need to, shoot it enough times to stun it. Get the Cabin Key from inside the office and then leave. Now run up to the other door in this area and dodge the other zombie. Use the Cabin Key on this door, toss the key, and then open it. Inside this cabin, grab the Handgun Bullets next to the typewriter and then open the other door to get back outside. Out here, just follow the path to a staircase. Do your best to avoid the zombies, but if they do turn out to be a real pain, stun them. Don't waste your time killing them, because we won't come back here again. Once you get to the staircase, go up it and we'll be in the Police Station. --------------- Police Station --------------- <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> FMV As we get to the top of the stairs, we notice an officer trying to escape, while the helicopter pilot is trying to toss a rope down to him. Two zombies sneak up on the officer, so he uses his gun to try and kill him. But the zombies get the best of him and because of this, the officer cannot see and winds up shooting the pilot, causing the helicopter to crash into the police station, and causing the fire. Now, how did he not kill one zombie? Oh well, that's typical for any Resident Evil FMV (and I thought the opening RE3 opening FMV was worse, the Umbrella and RPD troops tossing grenades and firing their weapons not killing one zombie). <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> After the FMV is over, just run to the other side of this helipad and open the door to get inside the police station. In the Crow Hall, go to the dead man and examine him twice for Handgun Bullets. Now follow this hallway to a door and then open it. Ignore the Lickers in this hallway and open the door leading to the Waiting Room instead. Drop the Knife in the item box so we never see that hideous thing again. Take the Secretary's Diary A and Handgun Bullets from the counter. Also, grab the Small Key from the desk if you want and then open the door leading to the Main Hall 2F. All of the zombies are piled up on the other side. Go over there and kill them one by one (if you need the knife, go back and grab it). One all of them are dead, go to where they were (left of the double doors). Get the Unicorn Medal from the wall. Now go to the center of this hallway. Push the switch so a ladder descends to the first floor. Climb down it. On the Main Hall 2F, get the Shotgun from the counter near the computer. Also, go to the statue up front and put the Unicorn Medal on the hollow for the Spade Key. It's fairly useless in Leon B, but hey, there are those people out there who want it. Now, go back to the Waiting Room. Drop the Small Key into the item box. Also, go to the Crow Hall. Open the lock on the other door and then open it. In here, go down the stairs and open the door at the bottom, collecting the Green Herbs if you want. In here, examine the dead man for Handgun Bullets and then go into the bigger room. Kill the zombies near you and get the Valve Handle from the shelf. Now run into the smaller office, kill the zombie, and enter the combination "2236" on the safe. It will open, so pick up the Shotgun Shells and the Police Station map. Also grab the Handgun Bullets from the desk. Now go to the crow hall. Back here, go to the helipad. Out here, go into the alcove and put the Valve Handle in the slot. Water will conveniently pour onto the fire damp it down. Go to the front of the helicopter and examine where the window is for more Shotgun Shells. Open the door and another FMV will start. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> FMV A helicopter will fly over the police station and drop a tube into the crow hall. Mr. X will be released from the tube and crash through. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Open the door again. Back in the crow hall, walk forward and the ceiling crashes down, blocking the door outside. Wait for a few seconds and uh-oh, we'll hear thumping! Wait a few more seconds, and oh no! It's Mr. X! Don't worry, he's worthless. Unload your Shotgun on him and then take a punch or two to get around him. After a few more Handgun shots, he'll drop. Search his trench coat for some Handgun Bullets and go to Waiting Room. When we leave, Mr. X gets back up, but don't worry, he won't follow us from room to room. In the Waiting Room, put away the Valve Handle and go back to the previous hallway. Kill the Lickers and open the door near the crashed helicopter. Examine the cobwebs for Shotgun Shells and go to the other end of the room. We don't have either Red Jewel, but get the Blue Card Key to the left of the left statue. Now get to the Main Hall 1F via Main Hall 2F. Use the Blue Card Key on the computer to unlock the doors here. Open the double doors in this hall. Kill the three zombies. Get the Police Memorandum from the bech. Open the item box and get the Small Key. Unlock the desk in this room with the Small Key and open it for Shotgun Shells. Now open the door to get to the Licker Hall. Go around the corner and search the dead cop twice for Handgun Bullets. Unlock the door next to you with the Spade Key and toss it forever. Grab the Patrol Report from the shelf across from you and leave. The ladder leads you to a First Aid Spray, so get that if you want. Leave the room and open the door to the next hall. Follow this hall to a set of double doors and then open them. Watch out for the two zombies that dive from the windows. In this room, get the Operation Report on the table near the podium (it's in a different location for B scenario). Go into the room in the back and use the Lighter on the fireplace for the first red jewel. Also search the area to the right of the fireplace for Handgun Bullets. Leave this room and follow the hallway into the next room. From here, just go into the darkroom. Get the Operation Report 2 from behind the typewriter, get the Handgun Bullets from the cabinet and drop the Red Jewel in the item box. Leave the room and go upstairs to the 2F. Go to where the statues are. Push the brown statue on the brown tile so it faces the big statue (the tile is next to door). Also push the gray statue onto the brown tile near the opening and broken door so it's facing the big statue. After both statues are on their tiles facing the big statue, the Red Jewel will fall out of the big statue's hand, so pick it up. Afterwards, search behind the central statue to find some hidden Handgun Bullets. Once you find the Handgun Bullets, open the door leading to the next hallway. In this hallway, kill off all of the zombies around the corner and then open the door to get into the S.T.A.R.S office. In here, go to Wesker's desk (desk in front of S.T.A.R.S office) and examine it 50 times for hidden film. Also go to Chris's desk and get Chris's Diary. Also go to the cabinets and open them for a Magnum! This early? Hell yeah! From here, go back to the darkroom. Develop the film and put away the Red Jewel and Magnum. Now go back to the hallway outside the S.T.A.R.S office and open the door at the end (for some reason, Spade Key isn't required to unlock it in B scenario). A girl will spot us and then run down a hallway under a broken door, leaving a shiny object behind, and it's the Diamond Key (and how did she find it here?). Examine the closet to the left for Shotgun Shells. Now run out of this hallway and Claire will meet up with us, as she spotted the girl too. Leon will give Claire a radio. Now go down the other hallway. The desk is locked, and if you even have a Small Key, you can open it for the Custom Handgun parts. Open the door leading to the library. As you walk in a few steps, we'll hear crashing sounds and zombies will pour in from the windows in two hallways: Licker hallway and hallway leading to basement. We don't need to worry about the former hallway, it's the latter we need to worry about. Either way, go up the stairs to the left. Follow this walkway until the floor you're on crashes below. Down here, activate the panel and we'll be able to use the switches on the bookcases. Move the left and the middle cases to the right to make a plate fall down, revealing the Bishop Plug, so go and get it. Now instead of going to the main hall 2F, backtrack all the way back to the hallway outside the darkroom. This is so we don't have to go into one of the hallways loaded with zombies later on. In this room, kill all of the zombies that appeared here and then use your Diamond Key to unlock the door in the corner and open it to get into the Evidence Room. In here, examine the cabinets next to you for Shotgun Shells. Now go around the corner and examine the cabinets here for a film. Go to the darkroom and develop it. Come back to the Evidence Room and open the lock on the other door. Open this door and we'll be where we found Marvin (not seen in B scenario though). Blow away the nearby zombies with your Shotgun and finish the other ones off with your Handgun. Now go into the smaller office and kill the zombie. Also grab the Heart Key from the desk. Now get the Memo to Leon on the other side of the long desk near the other door. Also examine the locker for Handgun Bullets. And if you want it, there's a small key on the desk to the right of the lockers. Open the lock on the other door here, open the door, and then leave the room. Out on the Main Hall 1F, go up the mini stairs with your Shotgun equipped. Quickly aim and blow off the zombie's head next to you and do the same with the other. Fire one shot into the other crowd of zombies and kill off the rest. Now follow this hallway to a door and then open it. Follow this hallway to a gray door. Use the Diamond Key to unlock it and then toss it forever. In here, just grab the Rook Plug from the shelf and then leave. The licker won't crash through the mirror unless you pick up the First Aid Spray, so let it be. Back in this hallway, just open the door to the previous hallway. In here, go to the double doors and then open them. For some reason, a fresh new set of zombies have appeared here too. Kill the ones that get in your way and then go all the way to the other side of the room and get to the one door we haven't opened yet. Unlock it with the Heart Key, toss it forever, and then open the door. Because of the zombies that poured in here, use the Shotgun. Kill the first few enemies with the Shotgun and if you have the ammo, finish the rest off with your Handgun. Now go to the staircase and go down it to get to the basement of the police station. Down here, the dogs from the A scenario are now zombies thankfully. Use your Shotgun to blast them away. Now run south to a set of brown double doors and then open them. In here, walk around the corner and go to the power console. Activate the switches in this order: up, up, down, down, up. This will give power to one of the doors so we can use a Red Card Key on it later. Now get the basement map if you want it and leave the room. Back in here, continue running south and follow this hallway until you get to a door. Open this door and we'll be in the parking lot. Run forward and a gun will be fired at us. It seems this woman named Ada mistook us for a zombie. She's looking for her boyfriend John and the reporter Ben Bertolucci. She needs help pushing a truck. She'll lead you to it. From the right side of the truck, push it to the left and it'll unblock the door, so open it. Ada will take off as we enter the hallway. Just follow her until you get to the end of the hallway. Grab the film off the table and open the door to the left. Run forward to the other side of this prison cell. We'll find Ben sleeping and Leon wakes him up and Ada enters the area. Ben refuses to tell us anything and he won't leave the cell because of the monsters and then we hear a roar. He then tells us a way to get us out of here. Ada runs off and we regain control. Get the Manhole Opener out of this cabinet and leave the cell area. In this hallway, open the other door in this hallway and we'll be in the dog kennel. The dogs are inside their cages, and they won't break out unless you go near them. Go around the bend and use the Manhole Opener to open the manhole. Go down the ladder into the Sewage Disposal. ---------------- Sewage Disposal ---------------- There are two spiders here. Just ignore them and follow this hallway to a staircase. If you get poisoned, don't worry, there's a Blue Herb coming up. When you get to the staircase, go up it. At the top, open the door next to you. Use the Blue Herb if you got poisoned. Open the item box and take out your Rook Plug and Bishop Plug. Put the film away for now (if you got it) and leave the room. Open the other door in this hallway. In the "H" shaped room, go to the other side of the room where a locked door is. To the right of the door is a control panel. Put the Rook and Bishop Plug into the panel. There are still two more plugs we need to find, but let's save some space for now. Now go back and leave the room. Ada is here and she is trying to get up to the shaft. Leon pushes her up and we'll gain control of Ada. As soon as Ada falls to the floor, Sherry spots us and runs away, but drops yet another thing. Ada picks up her pendant and opens it to see a picture of her family. So she keeps it for safe keeping. Ada has a Handgun, along with 45 bullets and a First Aid Spray. Open the only door in this room. In here, mow down the zombies one by one. Cross the walkway to another area. There is an opening and a door. Go through the opening and go down the elevator. Get the Shotgun Shells down here and go back up the elevator. Now open the other door here. In here, jump down the steps to get to the bottom floor. At the bottom, push the crate until it gets to a wall. Now jump over the left crate and jump down to get to the left of the middle crate. Push the middle crate over to the right so it's lined up with the right crate. Now jump back over and push the left crate so all 3 are lined up. Now go back up the stairs and activate the panel to raise the sewage level. Cross the three crates to get to a shelf. Grab the Club Key from the shelf and then leave. Get the Sewage Disposal Map if you want too. Now go to the shaft were Leon pushed you over. Ada will toss Leon the Shotgun Shells and the Club Key. Since she can't back over, she'll find another way. Claire then contacts us about how she found Sherry and cleared the helicopter wreckage outside the waiting room. We'll be on our way, but we've got other things to do. Pick up both items and then go to the save room. Grab the Magnum out of the item box. Now leave the room and go down the stairs, through the hallway, and up the ladder back into the police station. ...Wait a second, Claire is contacting us about Sherry now? In Claire A, she contacted us when she found Sherry, not when Sherry ditched Claire in this part. Oh well. --------------- Police Station --------------- Work your way through the parking lot to the basement hallway. Use the Club Key to unlock the door leading to the Autopsy Room (double doors with red light above it). In here, knock out both Lickers hanging from the ceiling and then get the Red Card Key out of the cabinet from the other side of the room. Now leave the room and go to the door you activated by turning on the power. Use the Red Card Key on the slot to the left of the door and then open it. In here, grab the Handgun Bullets and the Magnum Bullets. Also open the locker. If you have been following my guide, there should be a Side Pack here, so pick it up to get two extra item slots. Otherwise, take whatever's there and leave the room. Back up here, go upstairs to the 1F. Great, even more zombies have shown up here. Dispose of them with your Handgun and then unlock the door behind you with the Club Key and then open it. In here, get the Shotgun Shells from the locker. Now go in the back and get the Watchman's Diary from the bunk bed. Also get the Magnum Bullets on the desk. Now leave this room. Back in here, open the door leading to the previous hallway. In here, open the blue double doors. In this hallway, run south and follow the hallway to a door. In here, follow this hall to a blue door. Pick up the Red Herb on the way and open the blue door with the Club Key and make waste of it. In here, go to the other side of the room. Use your lighter to light up the boiler and then turn the faucets on in this order: Middle, right, left. Now the Golden Cogwheel will fall out of the picture. Run to it and Mr. X will burst from the wall! This often scares a lot of people, but you've seen nothing yet. You have plenty of room to avoid him. Either a few Magnum rounds for near seven Shotgun Shells can drop him. Examine his trench coat for Handgun Bullets after he drops, get the Golden Cogwheel, and leave the room. Everything is peaceful, we're running back to the door we used to enter this hall, and surprise! It's Mr. X again! This time, you have a good chunk of the hall to fire at him. If he punches, take a hit and use it to run around him. 7 more shells or a few more Magnum rounds will put an end to him for now. Once you drop him, search his trench coat to find Shotgun Shells. Now, go back to the Main Hall 1F. If you got the film from the basement, go to the darkroom and develop it. If you do, get back to the Main Hall 1F afterwards. Climb the ladder to get to the second floor and kill the Licker at the top. Now go to the Waiting Room. Take out both Red Jewels from the item box. Now go into the next hallway. In here, the helicopter wreckage was cleared, but go back in the statue room near where the helicopter used to be. Put the Red Jewels in the two small statues and the middle one will open up, revealing the King Plug, so get it. Now leave the room. With the helicopter wreckage cleared, go through the new opening and make sure you have Magnum equipped. In Chief Irons' office, go to his chair and grab the Chief's Diary. Now go around the table and open the door. This hallway has nothing but stuffed animals...for now. Just follow it to the door and open it. In here, go around the bend and into the dark room. Here's where Claire found Sherry. Grab the Secretary's Diary B. Open the treasure box in the back of the room to get the Crank (took us long enough). Now leave the room into the previous hallway. Uh oh, I don't like that music! Mr. X found us again! Hey, with that Magnum of ours, he'll be down in no time (it should only take around 3 Magnum Bullets to down him in this fight). After dropping him, search his trench coat to find some Magnum Bullets. Now go back to the Waiting Room. Grab the Ink Ribbon from the typewriter and make sure you have the Golden Cogwheel and the Crank. From here, get to the library. Go up the stairs inside the library and open the door at the top to be on the Main Hall 3F. There's nothing much to do here. Just open the other door here and we'll be in the attic. In here, go south and put the Crank in the slot to make the staircase come down. Go up the staircase and put the Golden Cogwheel into the set of gears and push the button. This will make a door open, revealing the Knight Plug. Pick it up and you'll be prompted to go down the shaft. Hit yes, as it's a super shortcut to the basement. At the end of the slide, we'll hear Ben screaming. A creature got into his cell and swiped him, thus knocking him out. We can't go anywhere else but the prison cell, so let's go there. Ben almost got the story and tells us something about Brian Irons. This time, he just gaps one last breath and dies. Ada comes into the cell and then we read the Mail to the Chief. Ada also says she is heading to the sewer and has a feeling John is going to be there. Then Claire contacts us and tells us we're getting out of here, but Leon doesn't want to. Well, either way, go to the dog kennel and go down the ladder. ---------------- Sewage Disposal ---------------- Ignore the spiders and get to the staircase at the end of this hallway and then go up it. Up here, open the door next to you to get into the save room. Save your game and bring out a healing item or two, along with your Magnum and Shotgun ammo. And be sure you have all of your plugs on you, if you didn't plug in any earlier. Now leave the room and open the door leading to the H-Shaped hallway. In here, walk up to the middle and we'll battle our first boss. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (1st formation) Difficulty: Easy William still has a lot of human presence in him, with the pants, lab coat, and the name tag on him, with the exception of a deformed arm. He grabs onto a pipe and proceeds to attack you. Stay at a distance and fire 5-6 Magnum rounds at him. He can whack you with his pipe and I believe if you're unlucky, if you get hit, you get sent over the shaft. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, go to the locked door and insert the remaining plugs into the lock. Now open the door. Walk forward and Ada will fall from the ceiling. Leon goes down the stairs and flips out on her. After the chat, she follows you to escape. Jump into the sewage and open the door. We'll be in the sewers now. ------- Sewers ------- Run to the other side of the room and jump on the ledge. Get the Blue Herbs if you want and then open the door. Get the Sewer Manager Fax from the table and go to the item box. Take out the Valve Handle. Now go to the lockers on the other side of the room. Push them to the left to reveal a door. Open the door and then go down the ladder. Down here, go up north and use the lighter on the candle to light everything up. Get the Magnum Bullets on the shelf to your left. Now go around the corner and use the lighter on the candle on the wall near here. Now get the Shotgun Shells on the shelf here and then go up the ladder. Up here, go down the lift. A woman spots us and runs away. Ada tries to talk and the woman starts shooting. Leon takes a dive and takes a hit for Ada, knocking him out. Ada now wants to talk to the woman, so we gain control of her. Go down the hallway where the woman went, take the Sewer Map, and open the door. We'll see the woman run north. Follow her and go up the ladder. Watch out for the cockroaches, get to the other ladder, and go down it. Down here, follow the path and the woman will shoot our gun off. After a chat, we find she's Annette. She's about to go into detail about William Birkin until she spots the pendant on Ada. She thinks we stole it from her and then after another fight, Ada pushes Annette off the ledge. Ada looks at the pendant and finds a G-Virus hidden in it. Now cross the path and go down the ladder. Down here, Ada just stops and we hear some noise. Leon regains consciousness, so we gain control of him. Go down the same hallway and open the door. In here, go up north. The ladder is now being blocked by a fan, but jump on the ledge. Search the soldiers for a Wolf Medal. They also have a Small Key, but it's used to get into the storeroom where Claire gets into the sewers. Now get off the ledge and run down south. Follow this pathway to a door and then open it. In this room, follow the path to a waterfall. Put the Wolf Medal in the slot for the time being. Now jump on the ledge to the left and open the double doors. Follow this path to a slot. Use your Valve Handle to lower the platform to the lower level. Cross the platform. Over here, get the two Green Herbs and get the Shotgun Shells from the shelf. Now put the Valve Handle in the slot over here to make the platform raise. Now open the door. Follow this hallway until we get to a door. Open it. This is where we usually fight the Alligator, but don't worry, we don't have to in B scenario. Leon will find Ada here. Jump up to the ledge she is on. She'll heal your wound with a cast. After a chat, we'll go up the ladder automatically. Go into the other room and cross the platform. Now go up the ramps to the left. At the top, read the Sewer Manager Diary from the console and get the Eagle Medal from the dead person's hands. Now go down the ramp. At the bottom, follow the path to a ladder. It's blocked off by a fan, but you can use the Valve Handle on the slot to the left to make the fan stop. Now go up the ladder. Up here, just go down the ladder across from you. Back in this room, just follow the path to a door and then open it. Watch out for the zombies that pop up, but don't worry, Ada's fast Handgun can make quick work of them. In this room, kill the spiders if they give you any problems. Go back up to the waterfall and put the Eagle Medal in. This will stop the waterfall and clear the sewage here. Now hop on the ledge and open the door. All you need to do here is follow the path to a door and then open it. In this room, go around the corner. The sky tram is on the other side of this place, but go to the panel and activate it to bring it back here. Now go on the left side of the sky tram and open the door. While you're on the sky tram, a claw will burst through the wall. Don't even attempt to waste your ammo and shoot it. Let Ada shoot the thing until it finally recedes. After it goes away, the sky tram comes to a halt and we arrive at the factory. -------- Factory -------- As we get off the tram, go to the flare cannon and use the lighter to brighten up the place, revealing a shiny object. Pick it up, as it's the W. Box Key. Now turn around and open the door across from you. In here, follow this hallway to an area of zombies. Try to let Ada do the work here. Now run up north and follow this path to a dead person, killing the zombies in front of him. Examine him for the Shotgun Parts. Combine them with your Shotgun and we have the custom Shotgun! WOOHOO! Now turn around and follow the other hallway to a door, and then open it. In here, go to the group of zombies. Blow them all away with your new Shotgun. Now follow the hallway to a ladder and climb it. Grab the Shotgun Shells and Magnum Bullets off the shelf, and put the W. Box Key and Valve Handle away. Also, Ada will remain here and try to work the control panel. Leave the room to go outside. Out here, get the Factory Map and go down the lift. Equip your Magnum and follow the path to a door and then open it. In here, follow the path to a monitor area. Get the control panel key off the table and examine the monitors. Mr. X will come into the room and smash the security camera. Now wait for him and pump a few Magnum bullets into him to drop him. Search his trench coat for some Shotgun Shells after the fight. Afterwards, leave this room and go back to the save room. Use the control panel key on the computer Ada is working on. Also, be sure to save your game and bring out your best healing items. Now go back outside. The tram is up here. Go clockwise around the tram, jump on the ledge, and open the door. In here, get the Magnum Bullets from the closet and then leave. Now activate the panel (the key is already there), and we'll go back in the button. While we're going down, a claw will come in and knock out Ada. We need to go outside to investigate, but an alarm tells us we can't go back inside for a while. While we're outside, jump off the ledge. Go around the corner and we'll cross paths with William Birkin. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (3rd formation) Difficulty: Medium We don't fight the 2nd formation in B-game. This boss is easy for some players and harder for others. This time, he's got 4 arms to aid him. When he raises his back arms, it means he's going to do a combo strike with his arms. Don't get too close, or else you can be in for a nasty strike lock. His attacks do a good amount of damage. Stay at a far distance and fire your custom Shotgun at him. If you get too far from him, he'll jump up into the air and drop down right next to you. When this happens, just run away from him and keep shooting. Keep your distance, and after around 10 Shotgun blasts, the fight will end. Birkin will just jump onto the wall and kind of hang himself. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, go back inside the tram. The tram has stopped halfway because of overheating. Also, after a chat with Ada, go back outside. Go to the other side of this tram and jump on the ledge. Go through the vent and we'll be in the lab. ---------------------- Umbrella's Secret Lab ---------------------- As soon as we fall from the vent, the tram takes off to the lower level. Go down south and open the door. In here, go to the elevator and activate it to go down. Down here, go around the corner and get the P-Epsilon report from the dead person's hand. Also get the Shotgun Shells from the shelf. Now go back to the lift. Before going up it, go east and follow the path to another elevator, and then go down it. Down here, go around the corner. Blow away both Super Lickers and then follow the path to a machine. Activate this and it'll provide power to the elevator near where we entered this lab. Go back up the elevator. Back up here, activate the panel on the lift to go up. Open the double doors and follow the hallway to an elevator, and then open it. Press the switch to go down onto another floor. In this room, use the Custom Shotgun to tear these naked zombies to pieces. Go around the corner and open the door. In here, go to the middle of the room. Take the opening with the blue light above it and open the door at the other end of the walkway. Just follow this hallway to a set of double doors. Open them and we'll be in the foggy lab. Go around the corner and get the Fuse Case off the shelf. Insert it into the machine with the blue light and we'll get the Main Fuse after a little cut scene. Leave this room. Back in here, leave this hallway. Go back to the middle of the room and use the Main Fuse on the machine in the middle. Now go through the opening with the red light above it. In this room, go straight and use the panel to open the shutter to the left. Two Ivy Plants will rise up, so knock them out. Open the door they were guarding. Ignore the Ivy Plant in here and go down the ladder. Down here, just open the door next to you. Follow this hallway until a Super Licker bursts from the vent. Kill it and then take out the Super Lickers in the bigger area. Grab the Green Herbs and heal if you need to. Now go into the other hallway and open the door at the end. We're in the monitor room. Go to the item box on the other side of the room. Take out your W. Box Key and then open the door next to you. In here, follow the hallway to the bigger area. Go up north, get the Red Herb, and then open the door. In here, use the W. Box Key on the locker with the blue light to get Magnum Parts. Combine them with your Magnum to get the Custom Magnum! Now walk up to the other door here and it'll open by itself. Now walk up to the other door here to open it. Blow away the naked zombies and then go to the other side of this lab. Grab the Power Room Key from the desk near the computer. Now leave the big lab. From here, backtrack all the way to the elevator we used to get here (in the Main Fuse room, take opening with white light). Also, watch out for all of the Super Lickers and Ivy Plants that appear. Also, get your Custom Magnum out and go up the elevator. In here, follow the hallway to the double doors. Then Annette fires a gunshot at us and accuses us of wanting the G-Virus. She tells us the truth about Ada. Then, just when she's going to shoot Leon (hey, don't try it, we can blow your head off with a Magnum), Mr. X crashes through the ceiling, causing Annette to run away. Unload your Magnum into him and search his trench coat for Magnum Bullets once you drop him. Now enter the double doors. Ok, this puzzle can be a bit frustrating. First, get the crate onto the elevator. Now make sure there is enough room on it so you can hit the switch. Now hit the switch to make it go down. Now push the crate to the south so we have room. Now push it to the east up on the rail. From here, push it all the way up north so it's against more crates. Jump on this crate and then jump on the other crates so we can get onto the ledge. Up here, open the double doors with your Power Key and enter. Go around the corner and head straight. Mr. X appears behind us. Instead of fighting, Leon runs and then Ada shoots him. After shooting him some more times, she runs out of ammo. Mr. X picks her up with one arm, but Ada shoots him in the head a few times, causing Mr. X to throw her into a generator and he tumbles over into a pool of lava. After a chat, Leon and Ada make out and then Ada dies. Now, examine the floor near her until you find the Master Key. Leave the room and Claire contacts Leon on the radio, telling us to go to the Security Office and get Sherry, while she does errands. Go back up to the elevator and press the switch to go down. In this room, unlock the door with the Master Key and open it. Leon will pick up a knocked out Sherry from the bed and bring her to the elevator. Now activate the panel here with the Master Key and use the escape route. Leon brings Sherry into the train and puts her on a bench. Now walk up to the other door here and it'll open. Now open the set of double doors. In here, take out all of your healing items and get the Platform Key on the floor near the item box. Also save your game too. Make sure you have at least two open item spots. Get back to the other car and get off the train. Open the door out here with your Platform Key and toss it. The timer goes off and we 5 minutes to get out of here before this place blows into smithereens. In here, go up the stairs and use them to get to the other side of this footbridge and the train. Over here, go to the switch and push it. Take both Joint S and Joint N plugs. Now turn around and open the door behind you. In here, go to the machine across from it. Put either plug in and it'll automatically put the other one in. Then it says there will be a temporary outage. The lights go out and Mr. X comes out of the lava for one last grudge. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: Mr. X Difficulty: Medium-Hard Mr. X isn't playing Mr. Nice Guy anymore. He's got the claws, lost the trench coat, and is ready to kick the crap out of you. He'll immediately charge at you, so run to the right. Fire your Custom Magnum and run. There's a good chance he'll hit you. After 2-3 hits, the shadow of Ada drops a Rocket Launcher and runs off. Grab the Rocket Launcher, and if you have auto aim on, aim and fire. Leon will end his career as a monster with "Game Over" and blows him into a million pieces. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, the lights go back on. Leave this room and backtrack to the area outside the door leading inside the train. Use your Shotgun/Magnum to blow away the naked zombies here that have appeared. Now run into the wall across from you. Activate the panel to open the gate. Now go inside the train. Go up the stairs and into the front room. Activate the level to get the train moving. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> FMV The train gets moving as Claire just gets here. Leon nearly loses his head nearly riding into a wall. Claire gets on a train car. Sherry is still knocked out and Claire uses the Vaccine to wake her up. Now Leon goes into the front room and assumes Ada is gone. Then the train shakes and they go to investigate it. <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Leave the control room and go see Sherry and Claire. Now go into the other door and walk up to the double doors. It appears the train is going to explode in two minutes. After they can't get the other door to open, go into the double doors. Walk all the way forward until the tentacles start climbing into the train. Time for the final battle and I mean it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOSS BATTLE: William Birkin (5th formation) Difficulty: Really Easy This is it. Just get back to the double doors. Put your last rocket into it and unload your Custom Magnum on him until he dies. Just don't let him get to you. There's nothing else to it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! After the fight, go back to the double doors, walk up a few steps, and enjoy the final FMV ending. After the credits roll by, look at your grade, time, how many times you saved, and if you unlocked any neat stuff, save it for Claire A. ========== 11. Files ========== Here are all of the files scattered throughout the game. Some of these files provide hints, while others are just diaries of people, and some of them are pretty entertaining to read. ------------------ Police Memorandum ------------------ 8/23/1998 This letter is just to inform about the recent moment of equipment that has happened during the precinct's rearrangement. The safe with four digit lock has been moved from S.T.A.R.S office on the second floor, to the eastern office on the first floor. "2236" Raccoon Police Liaison Dept. LOCATION: On bench in the receptionist room (the room beyond the double doors in the Main Hall 1F). ----------------- Operation Report ----------------- -Operation Report- September 26th The Raccoon Police Dept. was unexpectedly attacked by zombies. Many have been injured. Even more were killed. During the attack, our communications equipment was destroyed and we no longer have contact with the outside. We have decided to carry out an operation with intent of rescuing any possible survivors as well as to prevent this disaster from spreading beyond Raccoon City. The details of the operation are as follows: Security of armaments and ammunition. Chief Irons has voiced concern regarding the issue of terrorism due to a series of recent unresolved incidents. On the very day before the zombie's attack, he made the decision to relocate all weapons to scattered intervals throughout the building as a temporary measure to prevent their possible seizure. Unfortunately, this decision has made it extremely difficult to locate all ammunition caches. It has become our top priority to recover these scattered munitions. To unlock the weapon storage. As stated earlier, it will be extremely difficult to secure all the ammunition. However, a considerable supply still remains in the underground weapon storage. Unfortunately, the person in charge of the card key used to access the weapon storage is missing and we have been unable to locate the key. One of the breakers went down during the battle and the electronic locks are not functioning in certain areas. It has become first priority to restore the power in the power in the power room and secure those locks. Recorder: David Ford -Operation Report- September 27th 1:00 PM. The west barricade has been broken through and another exchange ensued. We sheltered the injured in the confiscation room on the first floor temporarily. Twelve more people were injured in the battle. Recorder: David Ford -Additional Report- Three additional people were killed following the sudden appearance of an as of yet unknown creature. This creature is identified by missing patches of skin and razor-like claws. However, its most distinguishing characteristic is its lance-like tongue, capable of piercing a human torso in an instant. Their numbers as well as their location remains unknown. We have tentatively named this creature the "licker" and are currently in the process of developing countermeasures to deal with this new threat. LOCATION: In the briefing room (the room with all of the chairs and the fireplace in the back). In the A scenarios, this file is found on the desk next to the double-doors. In the B scenarios, it is found on the desk next to the podium, on the opposite side of the room. ------------------- Operation Report 2 ------------------- -Operation Report- September 28th Early Morning 2:30 AM. Zombies overran the operation room and another battle broke out. We lost four more people, including David. We're down to four people, including myself. We failed to secure the weapons cache and hope for survival continues to diminish. We won't last much longer... We agreed upon a plan to escape through the sewer. There's a path leading from the precinct underground to the sewage disposal plant. We should be able to access the sewers through there. The only drawback is that there is no guarantee the sewer disposal plant is free of any dangers. We know our chances in the sewer are slim, but anything is better than simply waiting here to die. In order to buy more time, we locked the only door leading to the underground, which is located in the eastern office. We left the key behind in the western office since it's unlikely that any of those creatures have the intelligence to find it and unlock the door. I pray that this operation report will be helpful to whoever may find it. Recorder: Elliot Edward LOCATION: Behind the typewriter in the darkroom. -------------- Chris's Diary -------------- August 8th I talked to the chief today once again, but he refused to listen to me. I know for certain that Umbrella conducted T-Virus research in that mansion. Anyone infected turns into a zombie. But the entire mansion went up in that explosion; along with any incriminating evidence. Since Umbrella employs so many people in town, no one is willing to talk about the incident. It looks like I'm running out of options. August 17th We've been receiving a lot of local reports about strange monsters appearing at random throughout the city. This must be the work of Umbrella. August 24th With the help of Jill and Barry, I finally obtained information vital to this case. Umbrella has begun research on the new G-virus, a variation of the original T-Virus. Haven't they done enough damage already?! We talked it over, and have decided to fly to the main Umbrella HQ in Europe. I can't tell my sister about this trip because doing so could put her in danger. Please forgive me Claire. LOCATION: Found on Chris's desk in the S.T.A.R.S office (Leon, Claire A) and Leon gives this to Claire when she walks into the S.T.A.R.S office (Claire B). -------------- Mail to Chris -------------- Federal Police Dept. -Internal Investigation Report Mr. Chris Redfield Raccoon City Police Dept. S.T.A.R.S. division As per your request, we have conducted our internal investigation and discovered the following information: 1) Regarding the G-Virus currently under development by Umbrella Inc. So far it's unconfirmed that the G-virus even exists. We're continuing with our investigation. 2) Regarding Mr. Brian Irons, Chief of Raccoon City Police Dept. Mr. Irons has allegedly received a large sum of funds in bribes from Umbrella Inc. over the last five years. He was apparently involved in the cover up of the mansion lab case along with several other incidents in which Umbrella appears to have direct involvement. Mr. Irons had been arrested under suspicion of rape on two separate counts during his years as a university student. He underwent psychiatric evaluation as a result of the charges but was released due to circumstantial evidence as well as his phenomenal academic standing. As such, extreme caution is advised when dealing with him. Jack Hamilton Section Chief Internal Investigations United States Federal Police Department LOCATION: When Claire tries to leave the S.T.A.R.S office (either scenario), this file will print out of the fax machine before you take off. Not found in either of Leon's scenarios. -------------- Patrol Report -------------- -Patrol Report- September 20th 9:30 PM Reporter: Sgt. Neil Carlsen We received a report of a suspicious individual skulking around the sewers in the outskirts of Raccoon City. I searched the area and located the individual, but he ran away before I was able to question him. I recovered the following items: *As small amount of C4 plastic explosive. *An electronic detonator. *9x19 parabellum rounds. *infrared scope (broken). End of report. LOCATION: On the shelf across from you in the file room (near Licker hall). -------------------- Secretary's Diary A -------------------- April 6th I accidently moved one of the stone statues on the second floor when I leaned against it. When the chief found out about it, he was furious. I swear the guy nearly bit my head off, screaming at me never to touch the statue again. If it's so important, then maybe he shouldn't have put it out in the open like that.... April 7th I heard that all the art pieces of the chief's collection are rare items, literally worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. I don't know which is the bigger mystery: where he finds those tacky things, or where he's getting the money to pay for them. May 10th I wasn't surprised to see the chief to come in today with yet another large picture frame in his hands. This time it was a really disturbing painting depicting a nude person being hanged. I was appalled by the expression on the chief's face as he leered at the painting. Why anyone would consider something like that to be a work of art is beyond my comprehension. LOCATION: On the desk next to the typewriter in the Waiting Room. ------------- Memo to Leon ------------- To Leon S. Kennedy, Congratulations on your assignment to the Raccoon City police department. We all look forward to having you as a part of our team and promise to take good care of you. Welcome aboard! From all the guys at the R.P.D. LOCATION: On the desk across from the lockers where we saw Marvin at the beginning of the game. -------------------- Secretary's Diary B -------------------- June 8th As I was straightening up the chief's room, he burst the door with a furious look his face. It's been nearly 2 months since I've started working here, but that's the second time I've seen him like this. The last time was when I bumped into that statue, only this time he looked more agitated than ever. I seriously thought for a moment that he was going to hurt me. June 15th I finally discovered what the chief has been hiding all along...if he finds out that I know, my life will be in serious danger. It's getting late already. I'm just going to have to take this one day at a time... LOCATION: On the desk next to fireplace in the room where Claire found Sherry (Claire, Leon B). Not found in Leon A as you cannot access this room in his scenario. -------------- Chief's Diary -------------- September 23 It's all over. Those imbeciles from Umbrella have finally done it... Despite all their promises, they've ruined my town. Soon the streets will be infested with zombies. I'm beginning to think that I may even be infected myself. I'll kill everyone in town if it turns out to be true!!! September 24th I was successful in spreading confusion among the police as planned. I've made sure that no one from the outside will come to help. With the delays in police actions, no one will have the chance to escape my city alive. I've seen to it personally that all escape routes from inside the precinct have been cut off as well. There are several survivors still attempting to escape through the lower levels, but I'll make sure no one gets out. September 26th I've had a change of heart about the remaining survivors inside the precinct. I've decided to hunt them down myself. I shot Ed in the back through the heart less than an hour ago. I watched him writhe in pain upon the floor in a pool of his own blood. The expression on his face was positively exquisite. He died with his eyes wide open, staring up at me. It was beautiful. I wonder if the mayor's daughter is still alive? I let her escape so I could enjoy hunting her down later... I'm going to enjoy my new trophy. Yes, frozen forever in the pose I choose to give her. LOCATION: In Claire's scenarios, you can find this on Chief Irons' chair in his office after he disappears (after you meet Sherry). This found in the same location in Leon B. Cannot be found in Leon A as he cannot access this part of the Police Station in this scenario. ----------------- Watchman's Diary ----------------- August 25th I finally had the chance to see blue skies for the first time in ages, but it did little to lift my spirits. I was reprimanded by the chief for neglecting my duties while I was up on the clock tower. There's only one thing I still don't understand: the chief seemed to be more concerned about the fact that I was up on the tower rather than I was neglecting my duties. Why was access to the tower prohibited in the first place anyway? September 19th I recently talked to the old man who works in the scrap yard out back. His name is Thomas. He's a quiet man and really seems to enjoy chess. He even went so far as to design a special key and lock engraved with chess pieces on them for one of the doors in the disposal yard. We made plans to play chess tomorrow night. I can't help but wonder how good he is. One thing that's been bothering me about him is the way that he's always scratching himself... Does he have some sort of skin disease or is he just rude? September 23rd Thomas was a much better player than I imagined. I used to think of myself as a fairly decent player, but he did a pretty good job of humbling me. About the only thing I imagine that could match his skills in chess is his appetite. All the guy did was talk about food throughout the entire game. He sounded fairly healthy, but he didn't look quite right... I wonder if he's okay. September 26th I was supposed to play another game of chess with Thomas, but we had to cancel it because he hasn't been feeling too well. He stopped by to see me, but I told him to go back and rest since he literally looked like the walking dead. He insisted he was just fine, but I could tell he was really having problems. Come to think of it, I haven't been feeling too good lately.... LOCATION: On the bunk bed in the room behind the staircase leading down to Police Station basement. ------------------ Mail to the Chief ------------------ To: Mr. Brian Irons, chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have lost the mansion lab facility due to the actions of the renegade operative, Albert Wesker. Fortunately, his interference will have no lasting effects upon our continued virus research. Our only present concern is the presence of the remaining S.T.A.R.S members: Redfield, Valentine, Burton, Chambers, and Vickers. If it comes to light that the S.T.A.R.S have any evidence as to the activities of our research, dispose of them in such a matter that would appear to be purely accidental. Continue to monitor their progress and make certain their knowledge does not go public. Annette will continue to be your contact throughout this affair. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. I have deposited the amount of US $10,000 to the account for your services this term as per agreement. The development of the G-Virus scheduled to replace the T-Virus, is near completion. Once completed, I am certain that I will be appointed to be a member of the executive board for Umbrella Inc. It is imperative that we proceed with extreme caution. Redfield and the remaining S.T.A.R.S members are still attempting to uncover information on the project. Continue to monitor their activities and block all attempts to investigate the underground research facilities. William Birkin To: Mr. Brian Irons, chief of the Raccoon City Police Dept. We have a problem. I have received information informing me the Umbrella HQ has sent spies to recover my research on the G-Virus. There are an unknown number of agents involved. They must not be allowed to take this project away from me as it represents my entire life's work. Search the city thoroughly for any suspicious persons. Detain any such individuals by whatever means deemed necessary and contact me immediately through Annette. With these precautions, any possible threat should be eliminated. I will not allow anyone to steal my work on the G-Virus. Not even Umbrella... William Birkin LOCATION: In Leon's scenarios, Ben will give you this right before he dies. In Claire's scenarios, you'll find this on the floor in the secret room next to the elevator in Irons' office. ------------------ Sewer Manager Fax ------------------ -User list of the Connecting Facility- On the first and third Wednesdays of the month, Angelica Margaret, chief of maintenance, will make use of the facilities. Be sure to reduce the moisture levels in the facility by activating the fan, as the equipment she will be using is susceptible to the effects of water vapor. On the 28th of every month, the chemical transporter Don Weller will use the facility. The chemicals he will be transporting are extremely volatile. Extreme caution should be observed throughout their transport. On the 6th and 16th of every other month, police chief Brian Irons will visit the facility to attend regular meetings that take place in the lab. On the fourth Friday of every other month, William Birkin will use the facility to conduct a training seminar for the Chicago branch of Umbrella Inc. As the probability of an attack upon Dr. Birkin will be high, take every measure conceivable to guard his life. You will be informed of all other potential visitors and the time they will arrive as needed. Guide these individuals to their destination safely. We expect nothing but the best from you. Charles Coleman Secretary Chief Umbrella Head Quarters LOCATION: This is found in the sewers, on the big table in Claire and Leon's respective save rooms. ---------------------- Sewer Manager's Diary ---------------------- June 28th It's been a while, but I saw Don today and we talked after completing our work. He told me he had been sick in bed until yesterday. It really doesn't come as much of a surprise given how long he's been working here. He was sweating like a horse and kept scratching his body while we were talking. I asked if he was hot, but he just looked at me funny. What's wrong with him anyway? July 7th Chief Irons has been visiting the lab quite often lately. I don't know what he's doing over there but he always looks grim. The expression on his face has been even more unsettling than usual... My guess is that it's because of Dr. Birkin's impossible requests. The chief has my sympathies though. After all he's done for the town, he doesn't deserve this. July 21st I rarely drink because I'm on the grave yard shift, but don't suppose I have much to complain about since this is how I make my living. August 16th Chief Irons came in late today, looking grimmer than his usual self. I tried to joke with him to cheer him up but he wasn't amused. He pulled out his gun and threatened to shoot me! I was able to calm him down, but that guy must have some serious problems. He knows he can't enter the lab without my help and my medal. This is what it means for the chief "to serve and protect"!? August 21st William informed me that the police and media have begun their investigation on Umbrella's affair. He said that the investigation will be citywide and that there is a possibility that they'll even search through the sewers. He asked me to suspend all Umbrella sewer facility operations until the investigation has concluded. The sewer will still be used for passage, but he stressed that I have to be extremely cautious and that I'd lose my job if anyone finds out about this operation. LOCATION: On the console next to the dead man holding the Eagle Medal in the sewers. ---------------------------- Temporary User Registration ---------------------------- Temporary User Registration for the Culture Experiment Room. User Name:"GUEST" Password: None Valid for 24 hours. LOCATION: On the bench in the Anti-BOW gas room in the lab (across from shutter with the Ivy Plants behind them). --------------------------- Laboratory Security Manual --------------------------- -Security measures in case of an emergency- In the instance of an uncontainable biohazardous breakout, all security measures will be directed toward the underground transport facility. In the instance that any abnormalities are detected among cargo in transit, all materials will automatically be transported from the loading zone to the designated high-speed train. At which point, all materials will be isolated and disposed of immediately. In the instance of a Class 1 emergency, the entire train will be purged and disposed of without delay. In the instance that the lab itself becomes contaminated, the northern most route currently used to transport materials to and from the facility will be designated as the escape route. This route will secure passage to the relay point outside the city limits. Disclosure about any information regarding research conducted here, or the existence of this facility, is strictly prohibited. Since it is top priority to keep all research classified, escape access may be denied under certain extenuating circumstances. LOCATION: In front of the computer in the Anti-BOW gas room in the lab (across from shutter with the Ivy Plants behind them). ------------------ Vaccine Synthesis ------------------ Any beings infected by the G-Virus will reproduce through impregnation of an embryo within another living being. Unless rejected by the host, the embryo will undertake a process of gradual cellular invasion, infecting the host's cells on a molecular level as it rewrites their DNA. Once the metamorphosis is complete, the host will be capable of continuing this cycle of self-replication. The duration of time for the process to run its course will vary from subject to subject. In the early stages of cellular invasion, it is possible to halt progression of the metamorphosis through the administration of the G-Vaccine Antigen. The following procedure details its synthesis. The vaccine creation requires the base vaccine. This can be arranged by the activator VAM. First set the empty cartridge to the VAM and activate it. After several moments the process will be complete and the white-colored base vaccine will be set in the cartridge automatically. Then confirm the green light is on, remove the cartridge, and proceed to the next step. Once the base vaccine has been prepared, set it in the vaccine synthesis machine located in the P-4 level experimental room. The machine is fully automated and only requires the user to push the sequence start switch. At this point, the program will run automatically and synthesis will be complete within approximately 10 seconds. As the synthesis of "DEVIL" is an extremely delicate process, the quality will vary with slight shocks or changes in temperature. Careful handling is required for the proper results. LOCATION: A dying Annette Birkin will give you this after she is knocked out by William to help you save Sherry. Not found in Leon's scenarios. --------------------- P-Epsilon Gas Report --------------------- INVESTIGATIVE REPORT ON P-EPSILON GAS -This report demands immediately attention- The P-Epsilon gas has been proven capable of incapacitating all know B.O.W.s (Bio-Organic Weapon). As such, it has been designated for emergency usage in the event of a B.O.W. escape. Reports based on data collected during the prior incidents indicate the potential for negative side effects. The P-Epsilon has proven to weaken the B.O.W.s' cellular functions. However, prolonged exposures will result in the creation of adaptive antibodies to the agent. Furthermore, some species have been observed to absorb the P-Epsilon gas as a source of nutrition and use the toxins extracted against anything that is a threat. Use of P-Epsilon gas should be severely limited to extreme cases only. We strongly request the authority to re-evaluate the P-Epsilon gas development system. We would like this re-evaluation to take place immediately. 2nd R&D Room/Security Team LOCATION: A dead person is holding this file in his hands in B2 in Umbrella's Secret Lab. This is across from the typewriter in the room. Only found in the B Scenarios. ========== 12. Items ========== This section will not cover ammo. Only key items found across the game. --------------- Police Station --------------- Spade Key: Unlocks door in licker hall. Also unlocks door on 2F outside S.T.A.R.S office that leads to Lounge (A Scenario only) Location: State in Main Hall 1F, requires Unicorn Medal. Diamond Key: Unlocks door leading to interrogation room, unlocks evidence room door. Location: Red Jewel Room (both A scenarios), underneath Chris's Diary in S.T.A.R.S office (Claire B), dropped by Sherry as she crawls under broken door in 2F Lounge outside Library (Leon B). Heart Key: Unlocks door leading to basement. Location: On desk in office where Marvin turns into Zombie (Leon's scenarios). Found on Chief Irons' desk when he disappears after meeting Sherry (Claire's scenarios). Club Key: Unlocks Autopsy Room, Watchman's Room, Colden Cogwheel Room Location: Found on shelf after solving crate puzzles with Ada/Sherry in all scenarios. Unicorn Medal: Used to get Spade Key in Main Hall 1F. Location: Underneath Chris's diary in S.T.A.R.S office (both A scenarios), found on Main Hall 2F hollow past Library doors (both B scenarios) Valve Handle: Used to put out helicopter fire, rotate platform in sewers. Location: In small Cabin outside Police Station (both A scenarios), found on shelf in big office on eastern side of Police Station (both B scenarios). Square Crank: Used to bring down staircase in attic. Location: On top of cabinet in the file room near Licker Hall (both A scenarios), found in dog kennel closet (Claire B), found in treasure chest where Claire found Sherry (Leon B). Golden Cogwheel: Insert into attic gears to open up a passage revealing an item Location: Found in cogwheel room after solving faucet puzzle (all scenarios). Lighter: Lights candles, torches, etc Location: Leon has this item built into his inventory. In Claire A, this is found on the bench in the Waiting Room on the second floor, in Claire B, this is found on top of a shelf in the file room outside the Licker Hall. Red Jewel #1: Used to put in statue in the mini statue room. Location: Found by lighting fire in the back of briefing room. Red Jewel #2: Used to put in statue in the mini statue room. Location: Found by solving statue puzzle on 2F near S.T.A.R.S office Cord: Used to allow shutters to close in either the Licker Hall or the hallway leading to the basement. In the A scenario, the next time you visit the Library, zombies will pour through the windows in the hallway where the cord WASN'T used. However, in the B scenario, when you first enter the Library, the Cord will short out in the hallway where it was used. This causes the shutters to re-open, allowing zombies to pour through the windows and into the hallway. If the cord isn't used, zombies will then pour through the windows in both hallways (in both scenarios). Location: Interrogation Room (A scenario only). Blue Card Key: Used to unlock doors in the Main Hall, unlocks Library in B scenario as well. Location: Given to you by Marvin in A scenario, found in mini statue room in B scenario. Red Card Key: Used to unlock door leading to weapon room in basement. Location: Autopsy Room (all scenarios) Eagle Stone: Used to open up secret passage in Irons' office (Claire only) Location: Interrogation Room (Claire A and B only) Serpent Stone: Used to open up secret passage in Irons' office (Claire only). Location: Found after solving bookshelf puzzle in Library (Claire only). Jaguar Stone (first half): Broken stone, combine with 2nd half to make Jaguar Stone (Claire only) Location: Found in mini statue room after using both Red Jewels (Claire only) Jaguar Stone (second half): Broken stone, combine with 1st half to make Jaguar Stone to open up secret passage in Irons' office (Claire only) Location: Found in attic after using Golden Cogwheel (Claire only) Rook Plug: Used to unlock door to lead to Sewers (Leon only) Location: Interrogation Room (Leon A and B only) Knight Plug: Used to unlock door to lead to Sewers (Leon only) Location: Found in attic after using Golden Cogwheel (Leon only) Bishop Plug: Used to unlock door to lead to Sewers (Leon only) Location: Found after solving bookshelf puzzle in Library (Leon only) King Plug: Used to unlock door to lead to Sewers (Leon only) Location: Found in mini statue room after using both Red Jewels (Leon only) Plastic Bomb: Combine with detonator to blow up helicopter wreckage (Claire only). Location: Found in broken cabinet in evidence room (Claire only). Detonator: Combine with plastic bomb to blow up helicopter wreckage (Claire only). Location: Found on desk in office next to where Marvin becomes a zombie (Claire only). Manhole Opener: Used to open up manhole in kettle (Leon only) Location: Found in cabinet near Ben's cell (Leon only) FILM A (Licker photo) Location: In the cabinets in the back of the Evidence Room (A scenario only, not found in B scenario). FILM B (zombie photo) Location: In A scenario, this film is in the Golden Cogwheel room. In B scenario, you'll find this in the cabinets in the back of the Evidence Room. FILM C (Resident Evil Tyrant film) Location: On the table next to the door leading to the prison cell area where Ben is found. Found only in the B Scenario. Small Key #1: Can be used to unlock desks in the Police Station (Leon only). LOCATION: In Leon A, you can find this on the table in the room next to the Interrogation Room (the room on the other side of the magic mirror). In Leon B, this can be found on the receptionist desk next to the lockers in the room where Marvin is located. Not found in Claire's scenarios as she has a Lockpick to open up the desks. Small Key #2: Can be used to unlock desks in the Police Station (Leon only). LOCATION: Found on the bench in the Waiting Room on the second floor (Leon only). Not found in Claire's scenarios as she has a Lockpick to open up the desks. ------- Sewers ------- Wolf Medal: Used to access door behind waterfall with console. Location: Found in garbage dump where Alligator is (Claire A), found in dead soldier's hand near ladder/fan (Leon A/Leon B/Claire B) Eagle Medal: Used to access door behind waterfall with console. Location: Dead man's hand near other side of ladder/fan (all scenarios) Small Key #3: Can be used to unlock the door leading to the storage room in Claire's save room in the sewers. Location: Found in a dead soldier's hand near the ladder with the ventilation fan in the sewers. Found only on Leon B. -------- Factory -------- C. Panel Key (U): Used to bring tram back up to surface (B scenario). Location: Found in security room outside tram area (B scenario only). C. Panel Key (D): Used to move train downward to lab (A scenario). Location: Found in back of tram near the consoles (A scenario only). W. Box Key: Used to open up locker in Umbrella's Secret Lab. Location: Found outside Sky Tram (on the Factory Side). The item's location can be revealed by using the Lighter on the Flare Cannon. Even if you do not have the Lighter on you, you can still search the area where the W. Box Key is to pick it up. ---------------------- Umbrella's Secret Lab ---------------------- Fuse Case: Used in fogged lab to make Main Fuse. Location: On shelf in fogged lab (all scenarios). Main Fuse: Used to power up lab. Location: Found after using Fuse Case in console (all scenarios) Lab Card Key: Opens vaccine machine room and doors leading to moth area. Location: On the counter next to computer in big lab (A scenario), found on bench in the Anti-B.O.W gas room (B scenario). MO Disk: Used to open shutter to get to final boss (A scenario). Location: Found on shelf in Vaccine room (A scenario only). Vaccine Cartridge: Used to make Base Vaccine (Claire A only). Location: Found on table in Vaccine room (Claire A only). Base Vaccine: Used to make Vaccine (Claire A only). Location: Put Base Vaccine in green screen computer and activate machine (Claire A only). P. Room Key: Used to access Power Room. Location: In big lab on desk near computer (B scenario only). Master Key: Used to access escape route in elevator Location: In Annette's hand after she dies in Claire B, found in Power Room for Leon A. Platform Key: Used to get to power area outside train Location: In the back of the train near item box (B scenario only). Joint S + Joint N Plug: Powers up the area so train can move. Location: Found in outlet near train area (B scenario only). ============ 13. Secrets ============ Unlimited Rocket Launcher: Clear Leon A or Claire A under 2:30:00 with an A or B rank. When you make a new save file, this will be in your item box from the start. Unlimited Sub Machine Gun: Clear Leon B or Claire B under 3:00:00 with an A or B rank. When you make a new save file, this will be in your item box from the start. Unlimited Gatling Gun: Clear Leon B or Claire B under 2:30:00 with an A or B rank WITHOUT saving. This is something I have to make clear, because you may finish under 2:30:00 and only get a Sub Machine Gun, all because you saved. So when going for this, be sure that you have the time to do it. The Gatling Gun will be in your item box at the start of your next scenario (after creating a new save file of course). And for the record, don't use First Aid Sprays either while on your quest to get this. Brad Vickers Zombie: In either A scenario, get to the Police Station without picking up any ammo. This means that you will need to conserve your ammo against the zombies as you go through the Raccoon City streets. When you reach the Police Station, go down the staircase that is to the right of the double doors leading inside. There is also a staircase directly across from the door used to get to the Police Station courtyard. If you didn't pick up any items along the way, you will find Brad Vickers, the pilot of the S.T.A.R.S Alpha Team from the first Resident Evil, as a zombie in this long, straight passage. Brad became a zombie after being killed by Nemesis in Resident Evil 3 (it may sound confusing, but yes, the first half of Resident Evil 3 takes place BEFORE Resident Evil 2 starts). Brad is a TOUGH zombie. He can take nearly a full clip, sometimes more, to die. If you reach Brad, you can go inside the Police Station and grab the Handgun Bullets off the front desk so you can have additional ammo to fight him. In the event that you need health, you can pick up the Green Herb in that little garden across from the stairs (to the right of the double doors leading inside Police Station). In the A scenarios, keep firing at Brad with the Handgun until he drops. Afterwards, equip the Knife, get behind him while he is on the ground, and hack away at him while he gets up. Once he is up, finish him off with whatever Handgun Bullets you might have. You can also encounter Brad in the B Scenarios. If you encounter Brad in, for example, Leon A, you will find Brad as Claire B (even if you get any items before the Police Station as Claire B). Brad is a bit easier to kill in the B Scenarios, as Leon will have access to a Shotgun and Claire will have access to a Grenade Launcher, with both Grenade and Acid Rounds. After killing Brad, examine his dead body. You will find a Special Key that looks like a spoon. The Special Key is used on the lockers in the darkroom, and they contain new costumes. Leon gets another police uniform and a hippie like uniform. The latter costume can allow Leon to fire his gun much faster like Ada. Claire gets one costume that makes her look like a cowgirl. It also gives her a Colt S.A.A, a faster pistol but only holds 6 bullets. If you want the gun but not the outfit, just put the gun in the item box and change back to her default. Hunk Mini-game: The 4th Survivor. Play through Leon A/Claire B OR Claire A/Leon B with A/B rankings twice (meaning, a total of four plays) to unlock this. Hunk was a soldier sent by Umbrella to get the G-Virus. He wakes up in the room right by the Sewer Entrance with the G-Virus and you must get to the helipad at the Police Station. He comes with a Handgun, Shotgun, and Magnum, with ammo for each of those guns. He has a two herbs mixed of Green + Blue. It is very difficult. Many rooms are loaded with zombies and other enemies, and even 2 of the rooms have Mr. X. Conserve your ammo and know where to go. Tofu Mini-game: Finish Leon A/Claire B OR Claire A/Leon B three times each with A/B rankings to get this. Tofu mini game is the same as Hunk, but it's even a lot harder than before. All he has is a knife, but he can take much more damage than any other character in the game. Hidden Film: In the S.T.A.R.S office, go to Albert Wesker's desk, which is the one in front of the big S.T.A.R.S poster. Examine it and it will say "It's trashed. Someone must have searched here." Continue searching until you search it 50 times and you'll find a hidden film. If you go to the darkroom and develop it, you'll find it's a picture of Rebecca Chambers in an RPD basketball uniform. S.T.A.R.S poster: Not really a secret, but in the S.T.A.R.S office, check the picture to the left of the S.T.A.R.S poster. It's a picture of the S.T.A.R.S team from Resident Evil, and you can easily recognize who is who, but Rebecca Chambers is not on there. Secret camera angle: There is a gate directly across the front entrance to the Police Station. To view this camera angle, you MUST kill the two zombies out in the courtyard to the left of the police station front entrance. If you have encountered Brad, then you need to kill Brad first, leave and re-enter the area, and then kill the two zombies. Once the zombies are dead, run directly across from the police station entrance and press X. The camera angle will change and you will see a gate, along with zombies just outside the gate. This is the path Jill used to access the R.P.D. in Resident Evil 3. You can only view this camera angle once per visit, so to see it again, you need to leave and re-enter the area. ===================== 14. Hunk Walkthrough ===================== Hunk: The 4th Survivor is a mini-game you can play after clearing LeonA/ClaireB or ClaireA/LeonB twice (with A/B rankings). The goal of the game is to get from the Sewer Entrance to the Police Station Helipad to deliver the G-Virus to Umbrella, and you have a lot of enemies to overcome, with limited ammo. This is Hunk's inventory: Handgun Shotgun Magnum 150 Handgun Bullets 15 Shotgun Shells 8 Magnum Rounds 2 Mixed Herbs (both are a green/blue herb combined) Be aware that this is all you have. This isn't like the mercenaries in Resident Evil 3 where you can grab additional items, so you need to be very conservative with some of your items. The walkthrough: Room 1: Sewer Entrance Enemies: None Nothing here, just head up the stairs and open the door. Room 2: H-Shaped Septic Pool Enemies: Zombies Use your handgun to stun the first female zombie in front of you. Then, go to the bridge where you fight William Birkin/The cockroach. Stun this zombie before the other two behind you catch up. Now run to the other side of the room, where there are two zombies guarding the door. Equip your Shotgun, wait for them to come close, and then fire. One shot should take care of both of them, so get to the door and open it. Room 3: Sewage Disposal Hallway Enemies: Zombies Bob towards our left to get past the first zombie. You can easily overrun the next zombie, and to get past the first zombie, run around him from his left side. You may get bit here, but either way, make it to the staircase and go down it. You shouldn't have to use any ammo in this room. Room 4: Sewage Disposal Passage Enemies: Spiders If you get poisoned here, restart. Just follow the hallway to the ladder. Run around the spiders. There is some chance they will bite you, but you'll be able to shake it off. Get to the ladder and climb up it to get back into the Police Station. Room 5: Dog Kennel Enemies: Dogs Immediately fire your Shotgun twice to stun the three dogs. The first shot will stun two dogs, while the second will stun a dog that is just about to come around the corner. From here, use your Shotgun to kill all three dogs, BUT DO NOT USE MORE THAN FIVE SHELLS. After, reload your Shotgun and get to the door. Room 6: Prison Cell Passage Enemies: Zombies, Crawling Zombies, Sleeping Zombies Wait a few seconds and then auto-aim/fire your Shotgun. You'll hold back a few zombies next to you. In front of you are two zombies. One is crawling around on the floor and the other is playing dead on the floor. One Shotgun Shell aiming down should be enough to kill both of them. Now, run to the door leading to the parking lot. Stun both zombies here with your Handgun, reload all your weapons, and then get to the door. Room 7: Parking Lot Enemies: Dogs Stall for a split second when you walk in and then run forward. This should cause one dog to leap and miss you. Then, run over to Hunk's left towards the police car to make the other two dogs leap and miss. From here, run all the way to the other side of the room. If you run in a straight line, the dogs shouldn't hit you (as long as you are in "Fine" condition). You are in a hot chase with the dogs, so get to the door. Room 8: Main Hall B1 Enemies: Crows Don't let the word "crows" fool you. If you get caught in anything, they will peck the living hell out of you. Immediately run forward and follow this hallway until you see an opening to your left. Get into the opening and follow it to the staircase. Sometimes you may get caught on a crow that's sitting on the ground. In that case, try to zig-zag through the hall to fake out some of the crows. Get up the stairs. Room 9: Basement Passage Enemies: Dogs This is quite a simple room. Run forward so the camera angle changes. Equip your handgun and fire it three times to stun three dogs. Wait for them to growl, and then fire another three shots. Repeat until all three dogs are dead. Get to the door on the other side of the room. Room 10: Eastern Office Enemies: Zombies Wouldn't it be just logical to open the door across from you and take a shortcut upstairs so we'd only be a room away from winning? There are only two zombies you'll need to worry about here. Get inside the bigger room before the first zombie notices you. Now, run straight, past the opening leading into the office where the safe it. You'll come across two paths. Take the path on Hunk's right and stun the zombie with your Handgun. Now, run around the zombie and get to the double blue doors. You should be able to avoid the rest of the zombies taking this path, but sometimes the last zombie may hang around a little too long and will grab a-hold of you. Open the double blue doors. Room 11: Vending Machine Hallway Enemies: Zombies Whoa! This is a tad too dangerous, especially with all of the zombies surrounding you. If you're skilled, all you need to do is bank a hard left to the door, with an immediate up/square/left combo. If not, you'll need to fight them off with your Shotgun. If you get bit once here, don't worry about it. This is one of the rooms where you can lose a lot of your health. Room 12: Main Hall 1F Enemies: None Nothing here! Enjoy the brief moment of silence, reload all your weapons, keep the Handgun equipped, and then open the double blue doors in this room. Room 13: Receptionist Room Enemies: Spiders If you run straight, you'll probably make it past the first spider. You should get around the second spider without getting hit, and you shouldn't use any bullets in this room. Get to the door behind the wall. Room 14: Licker Hallway Enemies: Lickers You will take at least one hit here, trust me. Run past the first licker as it drops down from the ceiling. Now, as you get to the box where you can use the Cord in the regular game, you'll find another Licker. You should be able to run around this one before it takes a swipe. There is one last Licker you need to dodge, but it's likely that he'll hit you before you can make a beeline to the door. Get out of here fast. Room 15: Boarded-up Hallway Enemies: Ivy Plants With your Handgun equipped, run forward. One of the Ivy Plants will attempt to spit acid on you, so run back. Lure the Ivy Plant into your area and keep at a distance from him. It should take about 20-23 Handgun bullets to kill the Ivy Plant. Now equip your Mangum. The second Ivy Plant is just past the double doors leading into the Briefing Room. Put two Magnum Rounds into the plant and then switch back to your Handgun. It should take another 10 Handgun Bullets to bring him down. The reason you should use your Magnum here is that you have less space to work with on the second plant, and you may not be able to lure him to the other end of the hallway. Get to the single door on the other side of this hallway. Room 16: Stairwell Enemies: Poisonous Ivy Plants IMMEDIATELY bank a hard Up/Right/Square combo and quickly get to the door leading to the Evidence Room. The two plants will immediately spit their poisonous acid at you when you enter the room. Using your Magnum, kill both of the plants. It should take about a good 8 bullets to kill both of them. Do not use any other weapon, as you have limited space and you can't afford to use up your healing items because you got poisoned. Head upstairs, reloading all your guns. Room 17: Statue Room Enemies: Mr. X A trick I use here is to go upstairs and run to the corner of the hallway across from you. Wait for Mr. X to come out of the passage. Watch his movement carefully. As he is closing in to draw a punch, he'll slow down. This is your signal to run around him counter clockwise. Now, you'll easily outrun him, so get to the door on the other side of this hallway. Room 18: Hall outside S.T.A.R.S office Enemies: Crawling Zombies, Sleeping Zombies Don't underestimate a large crowd of zombies crawling around. A number of ankle bites will bring your health down. Put 2-5 Handgun bullets into each zombie without being bitten. If you are in Yellow Caution, heal because going into the next room. Equip the Magnum and then open the door at the other end of the hallway. Room 19: 2nd Floor Lounge Enemies: Super Lickers This is probably the 3rd or 4th most likely room in the game where you are likely to get killed. To get around the first Super Licker, WALK around it on its right. Now, make a beeline into the passage. Take 1 Magnum round to stun the Super Licker guarding the door. It's too much hope that you'll stun him using the Shotgun, so use the Magnum. During all of this, you'll get hit 1-3 times, bringing you down a status level. GET TO THE DOOR WHILE THE SUPER LICKER IS STUNNED. Room 20: Library Enemies: None Nothing here! Although I do wonder what happened to those electronic bookshelves in this room. Take a brief break and then get to the double doors. Room 21: Main Hall 2F Enemies: Poisonous Ivy Plants Use your Handgun to kill both of the plants. You've got way more than enough space to kill both of them. Once they are both dead, get to the door at the other side of the room, equipping the Shotgun. DO NOT ENTER IT IN CAUTION. Room 22: Waiting Room Enemies: Zombies WOW! You're about to be devoured pretty fast. Don't bother shooting, because if you hesitate, you'll be bitten the second you enter the room. Run forward and try to cut through the slight opening between all the zombies. During this, you'll be bitten 2-4 times, bringing your health down quite a bit. For many people, it is likely that you are now down to "Danger" with no healing items left. However, if you're fast, all hope is not lost and the game is still beatable. GET TO THE DOOR FAST. Room 23: Crashed Helicopter Hallway Enemies: Zombies This room is as dangerous as the previous room, but you have a little more time to fire. All of the zombies are piled up on your right. Empty your Shotgun on them before the zombies on Hunk's left start to come after you. Once all of the zombies on your right are dead, get to the door, equipping the Magnum. Room 24: Crow Hallway Enemies: Mr. X Just like B scenario, you have to deal with Mr. X here. There are three solutions: 1) If in the event that you are in "Caution" or higher, run forward and change camera angles. Wait for Mr. X to come around the bend and put a few Magnum Rounds into him. Now, retreat back to the door and wait until Hunk auto-aims at Mr. X. It should take 4-6 Magnum Rounds to drop him. If not, then quickly switch to your Shotgun and finish him off. 2) In the likely scenario that you are in Danger, turn to the left or right and keep aiming until Hunk auto-aims at Mr. X. Empty your Magnum on him. If he is still standing, quickly switch to your Shotgun and finish him off before he goes in for the KO. 3) If you have a good amount of health left, you can always take a punch from him. Then he'll attempt to do his hammer attack. During this time, you can run buy him easily. Whichever option you take, RUN TO THE DOOR AT THE END. Room 25: Police Helipad Enemies: None Congratulations, you made it! Hunk will use a flare to get the helicopter over to him, and he'll wave it over. The helicopter will pick up Hunk and get him out of here. Now, the G-Virus has been delivered to Umbrella. ============ 15. Credits ============ CJayC = the administrator of the best site in the world (GameFAQs) posted this FAQ. Me = for writing this guide. You = you read this guide, and liked it (hopefully). Sony = for making the PlayStation Capcom = for making the Resident Evil series.