--------------------------------------------- Resident Evil 3 Strategy Guide by Alasdair Lo System: Nintendo Gamecube Date: 16 June, 2004 Version 1.3 --------------------------------------------- Contents 1. Introduction 2. Updates 3. Story 4. Characters 5. Basics 6. September 28th, daylight: Jill's Scenario Part 1 7. October 1st, night: Carlo's Scenario 8. Fighting Fit Again: Jill's Scenario Part 2 9. Tips and Tricks 10. After Beating the Game 11. Minigame: The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal 12. Secrets 13. Conclusion Appendix I. File Index --------------- 1. Introduction --------------- After the successful release of Resident Evil 2 for the Playstation back in 1998, Capcom was really motivated and made an even newer game the year after. This game is Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Resident Evil 3 made radical departures from the earlier 2 Resident Evil games. It is the first game in the series that takes place outdoors most of the time, compared to the REmake and RE2 which are rather institutionalized as they take place in the facilities in the entire game. The focus point of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis is to show what damage the T-virus has done to Raccoon City, and what happened to Raccoon City after Jill and Carlo's escape, rather than focusing on Umbrella's continued virus development. Hence many people think that the contribution to the timeline was little, and Wesker's Report only mentioned the events of RE3 briefly. It's so unfair. In my opinion, RE3 is much more fun and realistic than RE2, and hence I treasure it much more than RE2. Again, as I never owned the game, I could just buy the Gamecube port from the shops in Hong Kong for only HK$200 (HK$7.8 = US$1) and enjoy this game in spite of its 1999 graphics. --------------- 2. Updates --------------- Version 1.3: Fixed all the line spacings. Version 1.2: Added a new section called "After Beating the Game" Version 1.1: Fixed some spelling mistakes, added some alternate spacing, and changed my own record of Nicholai in the Mercenaries minigame. I also added a few tips and tricks. --------------- 3. Story --------------- The events of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis takes place 24 hours before and after Resident Evil 2. The position of the game in the timeline is as follows: 1998 July 23-24 Resident Evil 0 | 1998 July 24-25 Resident Evil | 1998 Sept 28 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Part 1 (You are here) | 1998 Sept 29 Resident Evil 2 | 1998 Oct 1 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Part 2 (You are here) After the surviving STARS members escaped from the Spencer Mansion in the Arklay Mountains, they reported to the police force about those strange monsters and zombies created by Umbrella. Unfortunately, the mansion was destroyed in the explosion; hence there was no hard evidence to prove it. Apart from this, since Umbrella has so many people in the police force, and even Chief Brian Irons himself was bribed to keep Umbrella's activities secret, no one wanted to pursue the case. Therefore, the STARS members Chris, Barry and Rebecca had to fly to Europe themselves to search for the answers. Jill Valentine, however, decided to stay and investigate the underground Umbrella labs before moving on. Bad move! In September, there was an accident in the underground Birkin lab which spilled the T-virus all over the sewers of Raccoon City. The number of people turning into zombies increased exponentially and Jill was caught up in the disaster, and has to make her escape, her last escape. --------------- 4. Characters --------------- Jill Valentine: Jill is one of the surviving STARS members of the mansion incident. She is definitely my favorite female character of the series, as she is really a "professional gun user" compared to Claire Redfield due to her being a STARS member of the Raccoon Police Department and having received training in the US Delta Force. However, Jill is an arrogant person, and does not trust Umbrella and its affiliates; this includes members of Umbrella's mercenary group, until much later on. Carlos Oliveira: This 21 year old Latin American joined the Umbrella Biohazard Countermeasure Service, a mercenary group responsible for eliminating problems caused by their BOW products, I guess for money. Like Jill, Carlos is just so cool and arrogant, and ruthless at times. He is one of the lucky ones, as the UBCS has a high mortality rate in most of their missions. However, he soon finds out the real reason of the higher ups in Umbrella for sending his team into the mess of Raccoon City, Mikhail Victor: No, this isn't Mikhail Gorbachev, the last general secretary of the USSR. Instead, he is a lieutenant of the UBCS. He belongs to Carlo's team, and was badly injured. He is a typical UBCS member, with his ruthlessness. Nicholai Ginovaef: Every RE game has to have a human enemy other than the zombies. Capcom decided to use this guy, the leader of Carlos's team as the bad guy. I guess this is another of those Wesker-Chris relations you find in the Resident Evil Series. As to what evil he has done, read the guide to find out. --------------- 5. Basics --------------- Button Configuration Type A: A: Open doors, examine surroundings, shoot while in Attack Stance B: Hold while pushing the control stick or Directional Pad forward to run, Cancel Selection C: Quick Turn (Down + B also works) X: Unused Y: Status Screen Z: Show Map Control Stick or Directional Pad: Press up to move in the direction the character is facing, press down to backtrack, press left and right to rotate character R: Attack Stance, Dodge Move L: Change Target Ammo usage: As in many survival horror games, there are fewer handgun bullets relative to the enemies that are found in the game, so you must conserve ammo, and use the knife! However, I found out that ammo is only an issue in the earlier parts of the game, as stronger weapons like the shotgun become available, you can act as the exterminator, and kill anything that gets in your way. Dodging: Jill can dodge the attacks of the zombies and other monsters in this game. To do this, press R the moment before the enemy attacks. It is harder to do so in the hard mode. This is very important in avoiding the Nemesis' attack. Files: Files contain many clues to how to solve many puzzles in the mansion, so always pick them up if you are a beginner. However, if you are trying to complete the game in less than 2.5 hours, skip all files, and try to memorize the solutions to the puzzles. Health System: Green Fine: 50% - 100% Health Yellow Caution: 25% - 50% Health Orange Caution: 10% - 25% Health Red Danger: 0% - 10% Health Purple Poison: Health slowly drops As you can see, the HP range of yellow caution has dropped to that of orange caution in the Gamecube exclusive Resident Evil games like RE0 and REmake. So you should really start to be careful as the HP meter drops to caution, as one-hit kill moves will really work from then on. Green Herbs, when used alone, heal about 25% of your health. Blue Herbs cure poisoning. A Red Herb is useless on its own, but when combined with Green herbs, a full healing item can be made. First Aid Sprays are also a full healing item, but I do not recommend using them if you are after a good rank. Life Selections: In some parts of the game, Jill will run into events which require her to select one in two decisions. This is called a Life Decision. If she does not choose the events in time, a default selection will be chosen for you, or a third scene will occur, which is the most disadvantageous. Each choice has its own pros and cons, so think carefully before choosing. The popularities of each choice are stated throughout this guide. Random Events: To increase the replay value of the game, the producers decided to interchange the position of items, and the enemies appearing in certain areas will change from time to time. So do not take it for granted when you visit certain areas. Split Decisions: In some parts of the game, Jill or Carlos may have to visit 2 landmarks. The order of the locations visited can affect the next few events and scenes, and hence the popularity of each split decision will be given to you throughout this guide. Use Auto-Aim: In Resident Evil 3, the auto-aim feature does not turn on by default, so you will have to take the trouble to turn it on in the Controller Setup in the option screen. Don't kill yourself aiming! The Reloading Tool and Gunpowder: Another new feature of Resident Evil 3 is the ability to mix different ammo for different weapons most suited to Jill's needs. As long as Jill continues to mix ammo of the same type, she will be able to mix more and more ammo of that type. The list of all possible combinations is stated below. Gunpowders A and B can be picked up in the field, but C is only made by mixing one jar of A with one jar of B. Pure powders can be combined with Grenade Rounds to form Special Grenades. However, 6 grenade rounds are deducted from your total whenever you do this, and if you do not have enough grenade rounds, the number of special grenades made will be fewer. After mixing the same type of Handgun or Shotgun Ammo for 7 times, Jill can gain the ability to create enhanced ammo. It is much more powerful. With Reloading Tool: Powder A: 15 Handgun Bullets the 1st to 3rd times, 17 the 4th to 6th time, 20 the 7th time, enhanced ammo available the 8th time onwards. Powder AA: 35 Handgun Bullets the 1st time Powder AAA: 55 Handgun Bullets the 1st to 3rd times, 61 the 4th to 6th times, 72 the 7th to 10th time, 83 the 11th time onwards. Enhanced ammo is available the 8th time onwards. (Note: to be able to mix AAA and get 83 bullets, mix powder A into Handgun Ammo for 11 times, then combine 3 powder As to create a Powder AAA, then mix it up!) Powder BBA: 60 Handgun Bullets the 1st time. Powder B: 7 Shotgun Shells the 1st to 3rd times, 8 the 4th to 6th times, 9 the 7th times, enhanced ammo available the 8th time onwards. Powder BB: 18 Shotgun Shells the 1st time. Powder BBB: 30 Shotgun Shells the 1st to 3rd time, 33 the 4th to 6th times, 39 the 7th to 10th time. 45 the 11th time onwards. Powder AAB: 20 Shotgun Shells the 1st to 3rd times, 22 the 4th to 6th times, 26 the 7th to 10th time, 30 the 11th time onwards. Powder C: 10 Grenade Rounds the 1st to 3rd times, 11 the 4th to 6th times, 13 the 7th time. Powder AC: 10 Flame Rounds the 1st to 3rd times, 11 the 4th to 6th times, 13 the 7th time. Powder BC: 10 Acid Rounds the 1st to 3rd times, 11 the 4th to 6th times, 13 the 7th time. Powder CC: 10 Freeze Rounds the 1st to 3rd times, 11 the 4th to 6th times, 13 the 7th time. Powder CCC: 24 Magnum Bullets the 1st to 3rd times, 26 the 4th time. With Grenade Rounds: Powder A: 6 Flame Rounds the 1st to 3rd time, 7 the 4th time. Powder AA: 12 Flame Rounds the 1st to 3rd time, 13 the 4th time. Powder AAA: 18 Flame Rounds the 1st to 3rd times, 19 the 4th to 6th times, 23 the 7th time. Powder B: 6 Acid Rounds the 1st to 3rd time, 7 the 4th time. Powder BB: 12 Acid Rounds the 1st to 3rd time, 13 the 4th time. Powder BBB: 18 Acid Rounds the 1st to 3rd times, 19 the 4th to 6th times, 23 the 7th time. Powder C: 6 Freeze Rounds the 1st to 3rd time, 7 the 4th time. Powder CC: 12 Freeze Rounds the 1st to 3rd time, 13 the 4th time. Powder CCC: 18 Freeze Rounds the 1st to 3rd times, 19 the 4th to 6th times, 23 the 7th time. --------------------------------------------------- 6. September 28th, daylight: Jill's Scenario Part 1 --------------------------------------------------- "It all began as an ordinary day in September, an ordinary day in Raccoon City. A city controlled by Umbrella. No one dared to oppose them, and that lack of strength could ultimately lead to their destruction. I suppose they have to suffer the consequences of their actions, but there would be no forgiveness. As soon as the wheels of justice begin to turn, nothing can stop them, nothing. It was Raccoon City's last chance, and my last chance. My last escape." After watching the opening FMV showing how the police and the UBCS try in vain to hold back the zombies with their rubber bullets, Jill will be knocked out of her apartment complex by an explosion. Then you can start playing as Jill, just run along the pathway, and let the zombie there bite you, then shove him off and climb up the dumpster. Climb down again and you will be treated to a cut scene, showing many zombies surrounding Jill, but Jill managed to break open a door and run inside. Inside the alley, there are some zombie arms sticking out of the bars of the windows, probably to cheer the zombies that are advancing on Jill. Then Jill runs and retreats into another door. "September 28th. Daylight. The monsters have overtaken the city. Somehow, I am still alive..." *****UPTOWN/DOWNTOWN***** --------------- Warehouse --------------- Enjoy the cut scene between Jill and a rather frightened individual who refuses to go with Jill. Instead, he hides inside a container! What a wimp! Anyway, take the First Aid Spray, and press the green lit switch for some Handgun Bullets. Apparently, the back door is locked, so enter the office. ------------------- Warehouse Save Room ------------------- The warehouse key, or backdoor key as they call it is on a rack. There are 2 bottles of Powder A in a closet. Take them but store them in the item box for later use. I suggest you take the knife and equip it. Take the ink ribbons and store them. Check the 2 books of game instructions, and they will become files, then you can leave. New Weapon! Knife Effective Against: Zombies, Crows and Cerberus dogs The knife is the close combat weapon of RE3. It is more powerful than the knife in RE2. However, it should only be used against zombies as they are slow. Whenever you are fighting zombies, just stab them once, retreat and stab again. Repeat until they are dead. --------------- Warehouse --------------- Open the backdoor and go through. ----------------------- Alley outside Warehouse ----------------------- Go through the other door. ------------------------ Street outside Warehouse ------------------------ There are a lot of zombies here. Wait for them to rise, and stab them all to death as said above. If you run out of retreating space, go through a door and back in to reset their positions. After they are all dead, go through either of the other unlocked doors you find in the street. As you pass one of the wrecked police cars, you hear a shoving sound? What is it? ------------------- Water Storage Alley ------------------- Attempt to open the first grey door you see and you see someone burst out screaming, followed by a large group of frenzied zombies. As the zombies are running, I suggest you leave this alley and return to calm them down. Then stab all of them to death, while being careful in case they run at you. When the zombies are all dead, go down the stairs revealed by the open door. There is another zombie here. Kill him, and take the shotgun from the dead policeman and the lighter fluid on a box. New Weapon! Shotgun Ammo: Shotgun Shells in units of 7 and 14 Effective against: All mainstream enemies, particularly in large groups The Benelli B3S Shotgun is the standard shotgun of RE3. It works like any other shotgun in any other RE games. Whenever zombies and Cerberus dogs come in very large group, first one shot and you should be able to kill at least 2 in one shot while severely injuring the others. The shotgun ammo found in the field is scarce, but luckily you can make more shells using Powder B. An effective against anything weapon of RE for sure! With these new items, get back up, and take the 2 green herbs. Then return to the street outside the Warehouse. ------------------------ Street outside Warehouse ------------------------ Run by the police car and a zombie may burst out! My! He looks so angry and frenzied at you! So get out of this street and come back in. Then stab him to death. If the zombie does not come out, just keep returning to this room until he does. After the zombie is dead, examine the seat of the police car for Powder B. With all these new items, return to the warehouse and deposit them all in the item box, leaving the Handgun, the Handgun Bullets, the Knife and the Lighter Fluid. Be sure to kill the zombie in the alley by stabbing him to death. Afterwards, get back to the Water Storage Alley. ------------------- Water Storage Alley ------------------- Go through the door around the corner and down the stairs. ----------------------- Street outside Bar Jack ----------------------- Run past the 3 zombies in the street. Then turn around the corner and attract the two snacking zombies' attention. Then climb up the stack of wooden boards, and take the uptown map. Retreat up one step of the fire escape, and stab the zombies downwards as they approach. Feel free to sing "Cha-cha-cha!" In rhythm to the stabbing while you do this. When they are all dead, go to the top of the fire escape for 2 more green herbs. Then go through the door in the other end. --------------------- Alley behind Bar Jack --------------------- Turn around the corner, and you will see the man you saw earlier in the Water Storage Alley killing one zombie before running into the bar. As Jill, stab the 2 other zombies, and follow that man into the bar. --------------- Bar Jack --------------- The man is confronted by Officer Zombie, and he desperately tries to hold him off. As Jill, pick up the Clock Tower postcard from the counter, and the Handgun Bullets in the cash register. Then that man should have killed the zombie. He falls down, exhausted. New File! Clock Tower Postcard A picture postcard of a clock tower. (Picture of a Clock Tower) The following explanation is printed on the backside: "A landmark spot: Saint Michael Clock Tower." Explanation: The St. Michael Clock Tower is one of the places Jill is going to visit in the game. "Brad, hang in there. Why isn't someone doing something about this?" Jill says. "I don't know that you are still alive, Jill, the police aren't trained for this kind of situation, what could they do?" Brad replies. "Listen, he's coming for us, we're both gonna die!" "What are you saying?" Jill asks. "You'll see. He's after STARS members, there's no escape!" Brad cries before leaving. Boy, it seems that the chickenheart is now a paranoid chickenheart. He really needs a specialist. Anyway, take the lighter, and combine them the fluid to make the lighter usable. Then go back out through the door you came in. --------------------- Alley behind Bar Jack --------------------- Well, well! The music has changed to what seems like the music of Heineken beer commercials! Go through the door in the reddish-brown lit hallway. Note: There is a door that Jill can unlock here; it leads back to the street outside the warehouse. Think of it as a shortcut. ---------------------- Zombie Barricade Alley ---------------------- Run over to the door with the string tied on it, and burn the string. Then the zombies behind the barricade would have broken through. Lure them to the red oil barrel. When most of them are near the barrel, open fire on it and it will explode, killing most of the zombies. However, the other 2 Officer Zombies are not interested, and hence they would have to be taken out with the knife. When all zombies are dead, take the two red herbs and combine them with the green herbs to make full healing items. There is also another file, Photo A, in the arms of a dead policeman, take it and through the door Jill has untied. New File! Photo A (Picture of the FMV scene showing the policeman moving out of the van.) The police are pressing forward. It's dated "September 27. Explanation: It shows that the battle between the policeman and the zombies with their rubber bullets took place on September 27, 1998. --------------- Burning Alley --------------- Run near the flames, and a Cerberus dog jumps out from his sauna! Kill him and his little friend. Then enter the door without bars into the save room. New Enemy! MA-39 Cerberus Attacks: Jumping Bite Strength: Combined use of the Handgun and Knife: 1 shot and 6-8 stabs Handgun: 6-9 shots Shotgun: 1-3 shots plus group kill The hellhounds from the mansion are back to haunt Jill! This time, their attacks are much nastier than before, as the jumping bite gives as much damage as a zombie bite. Fortunately, the dogs can be taken out cheaply, by stunning one with a handgun, and pinning it down by stabbing it continuously downwards with the knife. Always use this trick to save ammo, whenever you are facing them in a one to one battle. The shotgun can blow them away in a group too! --------------- Alley Save Room --------------- Take the Powder A and B, but store them in the item box. I suggest you save here, as a big battle is coming up. Take the Shotgun from the item box, as well as 2 red-green herb mixtures. Then leave, and go through the other barred door. ----------------------------- Street outside Police Station ----------------------------- There is a brown door here, but it is locked with a simple lock, so the only other door available in this street is the RPD main gates. Go through them. ---------------------- Outside Police Station ---------------------- Here, there is an FMV. Jill is about to enter the police station, when our chickenheart hero, Brad comes in, holding his chest. "Jill! Jill, Jill!" Jill says, "Brad!" Suddenly, "Oooooroooaggh!" A monster jumps down from out of no where and corners Brad! "Jill! Help!" However, the monster grabs Brad and stabs a tentacle through his face! "Brad!" After killing Brad, the monster turns towards Jill! He mutters, "STARS." It's time for our first life selection! Life Selection! It's time to avenge Brad! Or is it? The screen turns to that of a color negative, and you see our friend Nemesis marching towards you! There are 2 choices: 1. Fight with the monster (Default) Popularity: 70% 2. Enter the Police Station Popularity: 30% Although many strategy guides advocate escaping in this first battle, I strongly suggest you stay and fight, as you can get a rare item after you knock him completely out. Even if you do not want to fight, you can always take Brad's card case from his body, and examine it for Brad's ID card before entering. Hence, choosing to fight is always a better idea. If you are a wimp, choosing option 2 will cause Jill to dodge Nemesis' moves and enter the station. For some strange reason, Nemesis cannot break open the double doors. How pathetic. If choose to fight, Nemesis will immediately charge at you. Run in a circle to his right to attempt to dodge his attack. Then refer to the guidelines below on how to fight Nemesis. New Enemy! Nemesis Attacks: Grab 'n' Throw and Grab Again if You Do Not Get Up in Time and Instant Death Face stab combo Charge Grab "Ooooorrrrooooogh!" Tired Punch Charging "Ooooorrrrooooogh!" Tired Punch Rocket Barrage Rocket Launcher Bash Strength: Combined use of Handgun and Shotgun: 30 shots of the handgun to stun him, and 7 shots of the Shotgun with 9 shots of the Handgun to bring him down completely Magnum: 8 shots to stun him, 7 shots to bring him down completely Grenade Launcher with Flame Rounds: 7 Rounds to stun him, 5-6 Rounds to bring him down completely Grenade Launcher with Freeze Rounds: 6 Rounds to stun him, 5-6 Rounds to bring him down completely The Nemesis is this Tyrant of Resident Evil 3, and of course, the game is named after him. He stalks Jill throughout the entire game, and wants to kill her. He attacks with his left arm, so you should always run to his right to avoid his grab attacks. However, his tired punch (So called because he makes a tired sound before punching) is another story. As his arms are so long, and the punch spins through a very large angle, it is very difficult to avoid even if you run in a curved line to his right. You only hope is to try to use the dodge feature of this game. When Nemesis grabs Jill, he first throws Jill to the ground, and at that time, you should mash the control stick rapidly to make Jill get up, or Nemesis will grab Jill again, and may stab her face, killing her instantly when she is in yellow caution or worse. So as a rule of a thumb, always have one or 2 full healing items ready when you face Nemesis, or expect to die a painful death! Nemesis wants STARS, so give him stars! If you want to fight him, I suggest you use powerful weapons against him. The Flame and Freeze Rounds have a larger probability to stop Nemesis in mid-charge, but he can dodge them rather easily. However, he will soon be seeing stars and will collapse once. Now, just aim down and give a few more "free shots" onto his back before he could recover. If you are using the Freeze or Flame Rounds, he most probably will not be able to damage you at all after waking up if you are fast. After you take Nemesis out completely, he will drop an item. It is the Eagle Parts A. Then examine Brad's body for his card case. Examine the card case again to reveal his ID Card. Then you can enter the police station. *****POLICE STATION***** --------------- Lobby --------------- There is no one here, and the doors leading to the Eastern Hall and Chest Room have been boarded up. So head to the reception desk, get the handgun bullets, and examine the computer. If you have the STARS ID card, you can use it and get the combinations of a certain safe in the evidence room, otherwise, go through the only other door that you can open. Note: There are 4 possible combinations to the lock. They are: "0131", "0513", "4011" and "4312". Remember them if you are playing a speed game. --------------- Western Office --------------- Random Event! The position of the zombies is randomized here, they can either be all to Jill's right on the other side of the table, or distributed evenly in the office. If they are distributed evenly, then Jill would have to kill some to advance. Inside the small office compartment, you see the cop Leon and Claire met in RE2, his name is Marvin Barnagh. He is holding a Report. There may be shotgun shells on his desk, if not, they are found in the operations room. New File! Marvin's Report "Report" September 24th, There are reports of a theft in the municipal building before dawn. A jewel decorated clock at the main gate was damaged. Two of twelve gems that are installed on the face of the clock are missing. (1) Due to lack of available officers at this time, I have no choice but to suspend the research of this case. Signed, Marvin Branagh "Report" September 26th, Based upon an autopsy report of a 42 year old restaurant owner, I have discovered that he has one of the missing gems. He apparently took shelter in the police department at about 10 am, where he was shot to death within 10 minutes of having developed the symptoms. Since the city is currently under martial law, we are forced to suspend this case. At this time, we'll keep the gem as evidence. (2) Signed, Marvin Branagh Explanations: (1) In order to make the clock outside the municipal building to work, Jill must insert the 2 missing gems into the clock. (2) The blue gem is found in a drawer inside the evidence room. With all the new information, go through the other door in the evidence room. --------------- Evidence Room --------------- One of the lit drawers has the blue gem in it, there is a locked drawer. Use the combination provided by the computer to unlock it and reveal the STARS Key. There is also a drawer locked by a simple lock. If you do not have the combination yet, go through the other door to the Dark Room Hall. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Shoot and stab the 4 zombies to death. If you do not have Brad's ID or the shotgun shells yet, go through the door next to the door which you came in. Avoid the zombies or Cerberus, and go through the double doors into the operations room. Jill's ID is on a desk, and the shells are atop the fireplace. If you wish to have the combination, go back to the lobby, and insert the card into the computer. The combination will be revealed. Then you can get the STARS key from the locked drawer. There may or may not be Red Herbs in the hall outside the operations room. Enter the Dark Room. ------------------- Dark Room Save Room ------------------- Take the Powder A from the white closet, and David's Memo from behind the typewriter. Take the Ink Ribbons, save if you wish, and head out. New File! David's Memo My sanity is at its end... I still can't believe this is happening. We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen. He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies but he came back to save me. But when the time to return the debt, I ran. I can still hear him calling out my name. I can still hear the screams coming from behind. The sound of his flesh being stripped from its bones. I was afraid... terrified... It's the 27th. The fight to stay alive continues. I took out several zombies who managed to break through the barricades. Now I'm cutting through the chill with whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead. That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer with it. We've lost 13 men as of yesterday. In 3 hours, we'll bicker over trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time. When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning one last body into fertilizer. Peace at last. I can hardly wait... Explanation: This shows what a desperate situation the police are having. --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Go up the stairs. --------------- Statue Hallway --------------- Random Event! The position of the 4 zombies in this room tends to be different every time. There may be 3 zombies on top of the stairs or just one fatty officer zombie there. If there are 3 zombies there, then too bad, you will have to waste ammo in killing them, otherwise, just run past them to the door. --------------- STARS Hall --------------- Random Event! There may be 2 red herbs near the boarded up Spade Key door, if not, they are found in the hallway outside the operations room. With your STARS key, enter the STARS office. --------------- STARS Office --------------- This is the same old STARS Office Leon and Claire got or, I should say, will get into in RE2. There is a first aid spray in the pouch near Rebecca's desk. It seems that Barry Burton has left a box of Handgun Bullets for you! What a nice guy. Apparently, Jill still hasn't returned the lockpick to Barry, so it's hers for the taking. But before taking it, examine the locker. Random Event! What is there for me? There will either be a Magnum or a Grenade Launcher in the locker. If the Grenade Launcher is there, I suggest you return to the dark room and mix some Flame or Freeze Rounds, as there is a big battle ahead. New Weapon! Magnum Ammo: Magnum Bullets in units of 6 Effective Against: Anything The Smith and Wesson Magnum is one of the few weapons in the game that packs a punch! Most enemies can be killed instantly in one shot be decapitation. However, it is not as effective against Nemesis as the Grenade Launcher, and ammunition is rare, and can only be created by mixing Powder CCC with the reloading tool. So I suggest you save this weapon until much later stages of the game. New Weapon! Grenade Launcher Ammo: Grenade Rounds, Flame Rounds, Acid Rounds and Freeze Rounds in units of 6 Effective Against: Grenade Rounds: All mainstream enemies Flame and Freeze Rounds: All mainstream enemies plus Nemesis Acid Rounds: All mainstream enemies plus Grave Digger The Hk-p Grenade Launcher is a small and handy Grenade Launcher developed for police use. This time, it comes in 4 types of ammunition. Grenade Rounds are very frequently found in the field, and are useful against most monsters apart from the bosses. The Flame Rounds, Acid Rounds and Freeze Rounds are guaranteed to kill most mainstream enemies in one round. However, Acid Rounds are effective against the Grave Digger, while Flame and Freeze are effective against Nemesis, with Freeze being slightly more powerful. Please note that the special grenades cannot be found anywhere in the field, so Jill must mix her own rounds. There is a file on the fax machine, from Kendo Gun Shop. New File! Fax from Kendo To the boys of S.T.A.R.S., I have some good news for you from my brother Joe. He has finalized the new handgun for official use. It's the M92F S.T.A.R.S. Special (1), but he calls it the "Samurai Edge." It's the most balanced of the Kendo custom guns. Joe said, if you miss the targets with this, you should carry a teething ring instead of a gun in your holster. Goods will be delivered along with their proper documentation. I'm sure you'll be surprised when you see what kind of excellent parts are used for the M92F. I know that you'll want to thank the good people who developed it. Sincerely, Robert Kendo (2) Kendo Gun Shop Explanations: (1) Jill uses this M92F handgun in this game. (2) The gunshop owner who will meet Leon and Claire in RE2 is called Robert Kendo. Regardless of what weapon you found in the locker, take it, and then take the lockpick and attempt to leave. Suddenly, the radio receives an incoming call. It's from some guy named Carlos. Who could that be? Now, exit and return to the Dark Room Hall. On your way back, you hear the sound of a window being smashed, who could that be? --------------- Dark Room Hall --------------- Walk a few steps forward in the direction of the door leading to the evidence room, and Nemesis crashes through the window! He has brought a rocket launcher with him! Watch out. Now, to beat him, I suggest you take out your weapon you found in the STARS office. If it's the Grenade Launcher, then load it with Flame Rounds or Freeze Rounds, then blast away. Lean against a wall, and hopefully, most of the Nemesis' rockets will miss. However, he will still charge you and bash you with his Rocket Launcher, so beware. Luckily, the magnum or the Flame Rounds and Freeze Rounds have a tendency to stop him in mid charge. Blast him with your weapon, and when it runs out, follow up with quick shots of the handgun. When he is finally down, he will drop a case contain the Eagle Parts B, and combine it with the Eagle Parts A for the Desert Eagle 6.0! New Weapon! Desert Eagle 6.0 Ammo: Handgun Bullets in units of 30 Effective against: All slow mainstream enemies as it is fast The desert eagle handgun is the more powerful handgun in the game as it fires extremely quickly. As there is an aiming scope, sometimes, the bullets may hit the enemies' vital spot, and kill them or decapitate them in one shot! A must have for those die hard people out there. Now, leave the police station, taking the knife with you. Be sure to pick the lock on the locker in the evidence room for another jar of Powder B. *****UPTOWN/DOWNTOWN***** ----------------------------- Street outside Police Station ----------------------------- Pick the lock on the brown door, and go through. --------------- Barrel Alley --------------- Run along the alley, and you will see some bug like creature crawling out of a window and up the wall, what is it? Anyway, examine the dead mercenary for another box of Handgun Bullets and his diary. New File! Mercenary's Diary September 1st Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had returned. I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no reason given. I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But on the morning of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had helped me out, giving me a second lease on life. (1) September 15th, I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office. It looks like my UBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. abduction. In addition, they have nightmen who specialize in handling problems cause by illegal products. (2) I'm currently a member of the latter. September 28th, Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets feeding upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would rather have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to this place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that my dead body won't come back to life. (3) Explanations: (1) Umbrella sometimes recruits mercenaries by bribing governments of developing nations to release their prisoners of war, and then requiring them to join the UBCS. (2) The mission of the UBCS is to counter internal violent struggles and to search and rescue any kidnapped researchers. They also deal with problems caused by Umbrella's escaped BOWs and virus leaks. (3) This UBCS Mercenary cannot stand it anymore, and shot himself a few hours earlier. Note: If you carefully observe the cover of the dairy, you will notice that it says, "Daily Report Chris Redfield" What an obvious typo, or is there more than one Chris Redfield in this world? Go through the other door. --------------- Fire House Alley --------------- There is a fire hose, but it is fixed onto the hydrant with bolts. So you cannot take it yet. Random Event! There may be 3 Green Herbs here, if not, they are found outside the City Hall near Mayor Michael Warren's statue. Go through the other door. --------------- Bus Wreck --------------- You hear the sound of an Assault Rifle going off, and then some splatting sounds. What on earth? There are 3 Cerberus dogs here. Kill those little poochies and explore this open area. You find the body of another UBCS Mercenary, apparently he was the person who tried to shoot the Cerberus, but ended up being bitten in the neck and killed. Take the Powder B off him and go through the door into the car park. --------------- Parking Lot --------------- There are more Cerberus waiting for Jill to play with her. Take them all out, and examine a car with wires sticking into it. Take the Power Cord from the car. Then go through the other door into yet another Save Room. ---------------------- Parking Lot Save Room ---------------------- Take the Handgun Bullets from the table, save if you wish. Deposit any unwanted items like the Power Cord, but take the lockpick with you. Go through the other door. -------------------------- Street outside Parking Lot -------------------------- Some more Cerberus is hanging out with their friends. Take out your shotgun and blast them all into doggie heaven when they bunch up. Then go through the other door into the Construction Site. ----------------- Construction Site ----------------- Take the Downtown Map off the wall, and go forward. There is another dead UBCS mercenary lying on the ground. Suddenly, a giant brown bug jumps down screeching, "That mercenary is my dinner! How dare you ruin my dinner?!" It's time for Jill to meet another new enemy of the game. New Enemy! Drain Deimo Attacks: Claw Attack "Come to my arms, baby" "Stand up on two legs, charging at you with two arms spreading out as if to hug you" Grab and pin down Strength: Shotgun: 2-3 shots Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds: 1-3 rounds The Drain Deimo is one of the creepy crawly creatures that Jill encounters in RE3. They look a lot like the Chimeras in the REmake. They just like to scream, and claw Jill, and sometimes get up on two legs, and attempt to grab Jill and pin her down. They are annoying in the respect that they just like to jump over Jill. Hence it is always better to use weapons of high impact force against them. Please note that the Shotgun or Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds will not always stun them or kill them in the first hit, so it is always safer to use even more powerful Grenades. When they die, their young may jump out to avenge their mother, so look out. That Drain Deimo is rather mad at Jill for ruining his dinner. Blast him away and he will scream the last time. When he is dead, pick up the Powder A from the mercenary, then go through the door up the stairs. -------------------------- Street outside Restaurant -------------------------- Move a little bit to the right, and you will hear the sound of gunfire, and another UBCS mercenary shoots and kills a zombie shouting, "Scum!" before running off and entering the restaurant. At this point, you can check the map, and find out that there is also a Newspaper Office somewhere near here. It may be worth looking into first. Split Decision! Your order of visiting the e two landmarks can be varied here, for slight differences in the cut scenes involved. Path 1: Visit the Restaurant First Popularity: 80% Path 2: Visit the Newspaper Building First Popularity: 20% I prefer path 1, as it is always better to tackle the problem from the top, and you get to fight fewer zombies. So I first cover path 1, before covering path 2. For Path 1, enter the restaurant from the front door. For Path 2, enter the transparent door for the Arcade Shops. Note: The cinema is currently showing Biohazard 4, is this a preview of things to come? *****PATH 1***** ------------------ Grill 13 Restaurant ------------------ Inside, there is a city guide, written by Mayor Michael Warren. New File! City Guide City Guide The Tracks of Our City Dear citizens, Thanks to kind and generous people of Umbrella Inc., this is a peaceful and friendly city. The vast donations from Umbrella Inc., have been used for welfare work, the constructions of public utilities, and to help maintain public peace. (1) In 1992, it was my fifth year as mayor of our beautiful city. It was then that through many donations and hard work our city was able to rebuild the municipal building, create a state of the art hospital. (2) In honor of these fine accomplishments, I was awarded with a grand statue that same year. The statue rests in the municipal building. (3) I came to this city as an engineer more than 35 years ago. I made contributions to the electric systems, and to the installation of the cable car. I pledge to follow the tradition of this fine city and will devote my life to its prosperity. The mayor of the city, Michael Warren Explanations: (1) Even the mayor relies on Umbrella to maintain stability in the city. Umbrella frequently donates vast sums of money to the mayor to maintain their influence. Hence Jill says Raccoon City is a city controlled by Umbrella. (2) The hospital is one of the places visited in RE3. (3) The statue holds a Book of wisdom on its hands. Jill would have to take it later. Random Event! There may be 2 bottles of Powder A on a table. If not they are found in the Newspaper Office. A certain cupboard in the back of the open kitchen is locked with a simple lock. Pick the lock to reveal a fire hook. Use it to open the square cover on the ground. Just then, someone comes in. It's the mercenary Jill saw earlier. "What's that?" Jill asks. "Calm down, lady, I'm no zombie. My name's Carlos, corporal of Umbrella's counter biohazard force. What's yours?" The mercenary asks. "Jill, did you just say you belong to Umbrella?" Jill replies. "Yeah, we came out here to save you civilians, but the mission went bad the minute we landed." But before Carlos Oliveira could continue. "Rrroooarrrr!" nemesis bursts in! "Hey, how did he find me?" The screen changes in color to that of a color negative. That's right, folks, it's time for another... Life Decision! What shall we do with them? 1. Run into the basement Popularity: 0% 2. Hide inside the kitchen Popularity: 100% Default. Fight Nemesis where you stand Popularity: 0% What could be better than just let a cut-scene take care of Nemesis and reveal his free item to Jill? Hence always choose decision 2. Then Jill and Carlos can just hide behind a counter, and Jill throws an oil lamp into the leaking Gas Cylinders, and boom! Nemesis is knocked out! However, Carlos is not amused. "Are you crazy? You could have barbecued both of us!" Anyway, run over to Nemesis, and pick up the item. It's a first aid box, with 3 first aid sprays. Lovely. Then exit through the back door before Nemesis wakes up. --------------- Arcade Shops --------------- "Let me ask you something, why did Umbrella send your team here?" Jill asks. "Our mission is to rescue the civilians," Carlos replies. Jill was not amused. "How kind of you, considering Umbrella caused all this in the first place, those liars!" "Look, we're just mercenaries, hired hands." Suddenly, Carlos hears someone banging on the door. "No time for talking, if you can believe me, join us. Think about it!" Carlos runs off again. You are left to play as Jill again. Turn around the corner, and Nemesis should give chase again. Enter the first door you see to the right. ---------------------------- Shopping District Save Room ---------------------------- Take the Rusted Hex Crank from the pile of boxes, and there may be Shotgun Shells for the taking as well. Now, deposit any unwanted items, and take the Blue Gem and Power Cable with you. Then head out again. --------------- Arcade Shops --------------- Nemesis may or may not be waiting for you in this street. Anyway, run up the steps and into the door at the end of this walkway. --------------------------------- Street outside Newspaper Building --------------------------------- Avoid Nemesis and enter the newspaper building. ------------------- Newspaper Building ------------------- Take the First Aid Spray from the counter and the Photo B from the top of the phone booth. The push the step ladder until it is underneath the red switch. Climb up and press the switch. The fireproof shutter opens up, and some flames pop out. You hear Nemesis' roar again. Run up the stairs, and an explosion sends the door flying out! Does that scare you? Anyway, go through the door at the top of the stairs. New File! Photo B A close-up shot of a zombie. (Picture of the FMV showing one of the zombies.) It says, "SCOOP!" on the backside. --------------- Newspaper Office --------------- Kill the lone zombie, and take the Photo C and the Reporter's memo. Most importantly, take the green gem. New File! Photo C (Photograph of opening FMV showing the bodies of dead police on the floor.) The police have been destroyed. New File! Reporter's Memo At last I have found the evidence I need to prove that the "cannibal disease" is indeed happening in this city. One man actually ate people to death. He was like a savage animal tearing away a new flesh. It was completely disgusting. I have heard rumors that many people are also suffering from this disease now. However, the cause of the disease is not yet known. Is this another mystery of the present disease? I will have to check on it... They have placed Raccoon City under martial law because of the cannibal disease. I have lost contact with the media outside of the city, but I won't keep my eyes shut and walk away. I have a duty to the people and my profession. (1) I don't think the disease has spread nationwide yet. I believe that this city holds the key to its creation and cure. In fact, I'm sure of it. The military has setup blockades around the city to keep people from escaping and spreading the disease. Most of the citizens have either died or have come in contact with the disease. I know that it is the right decision to quarantine the city, but I can't help but pity myself. If I am infected or eaten, it doesn't matter. My fate is already sealed. All I have left is my journalism. I won't give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease. I have just discovered that the disease is not spread through the air, but by some other means. (2) Explanations: (1) This reporter is just another of those obsessives in the world. Anyone with common sense will know the danger of the disease and leave as soon as he can. (2) T-virus is not spread through the air. Random Event! If you have not found the 2 jars of Powder A in the Restaurant, there are 2 on the table here. Attempt to leave and Nemesis comes in! Why he's mad! Run past him, if you are lucky, you can get past him without getting hurt at all. Get out of the building quick! --------------------------------- Street outside Newspaper Building --------------------------------- Nemesis jumps down from the building! God! Will nothing stop this monster? Anyway, run to the clock outside the city hall gates, and insert the 2 gems. Then the gate will open. Head inside, quick! You are safe now. Note: The corpse by the gates is holding another box of handgun bullets. You can come back for it later. *****PATH 2***** --------------- Arcade Shops --------------- So many zombies. Kill them all and go through the door around the corner in the right. ---------------------------- Shopping District Save Room ---------------------------- Take the Rusted Hex Crank from the pile of boxes, and there may be Shotgun Shells for the taking as well. Now, deposit any unwanted items, and take the Blue Gem and Power cable with you. Then head out again. --------------- Arcade Shops --------------- Run up the steps and into the door at the end of this walkway. --------------------------------- Street outside Newspaper Building --------------------------------- Take the handgun bullets from the dead body by the gate. Enter the newspaper building. ------------------- Newspaper Building ------------------- Take the First Aid Spray from the counter and the Photo B from the top of the phone booth. The push the step ladder until it is underneath the red switch. Climb up and press the switch. The fireproof shutter opens up, and some flames pop out. You hear Nemesis' roar again. Run up the stairs, and an explosion sends the door flying out! Does that scare you? Anyway, go through the door at the top of the stairs. New File! Photo C A close-up shot of a zombie. (Picture of the FMV showing one of the zombies.) It says, "SCOOP!" on the backside. --------------- Newspaper Office --------------- Kill the lone zombie, and take the Photo C and the Reporter's memo. There is no Green Gem here. How sad. Random Event! If you have not found the 2 jars of Powder A in the Restaurant, there are 2 on the table here. New File! Photo C (Photograph of opening FMV showing the bodies of dead police on the floor.) The police have been destroyed. New File! Reporter's Memo At last I have found the evidence I need to prove that the "cannibal disease" is indeed happening in this city. One man actually ate people to death. He was like a savage animal tearing away a new flesh. It was completely disgusting. I have heard rumors that many people are also suffering from this disease now. However, the cause of the disease is not yet known. Is this another mystery of the present disease? I will have to check on it... They have placed Raccoon City under martial law because of the cannibal disease. I have lost contact with the media outside of the city, but I won't keep my eyes shut and walk away. I have a duty to the people and my profession. (1) I don't think the disease has spread nationwide yet. I believe that this city holds the key to its creation and cure. In fact, I'm sure of it. The military has setup blockades around the city to keep people from escaping and spreading the disease. Most of the citizens have either died or have come in contact with the disease. I know that it is the right decision to quarantine the city, but I can't help but pity myself. If I am infected or eaten, it doesn't matter. My fate is already sealed. All I have left is my journalism. I won't give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease. I have just discovered that the disease is not spread through the air, but by some other means. (2) Explanations: (1) This reporter is just another of those obsessives in the world. Anyone with common sense will know the danger of the disease and leave as soon as he can. (2) T-virus is not spread through the air. Jill will find a mercenary temporarily unconscious. He wakes up and introduces himself. He's called Carlos Oliveira. Suddenly, Nemesis comes marching in! The screen's colors turn to that of a color negative. It's time for yet another thrilling... Life Selection! Oh no! He's coming for us! 1. Jump out of the window Popularity: 0* 2. Hide in the back Popularity: 100% Default. Fight Nemesis where you stand Popularity: 0% What could be better to use a cut-scene to take care of Nemesis and reveal his free item? Hence always choose choice 2. After the selection, Jill and Carlos hide, and boom! Nemesis gets knocked out by a random explosion. You can take his item for free. It's a First Aid Box with 3 Sprays. Great. Now leave. --------------------------------- Street outside Newspaper Building --------------------------------- Jill and Carlos have a chit-chat, and Carlos reveals that he does not know the true reason while UBCS came here. He runs off. Now, return to the restaurant through the back door in the Arcade Shops. ------------------ Grill 13 Restaurant ------------------ Inside, there is a city guide, written by Mayor Michael Warren. New File! City Guide City Guide The Tracks of Our City Dear citizens, Thanks to kind and generous people of Umbrella Inc., this is a peaceful and friendly city. The vast donations from Umbrella Inc., have been used for welfare work, the constructions of public utilities, and to help maintain public peace. (1) In 1992, it was my fifth year as mayor of our beautiful city. It was then that through many donations and hard work our city was able to rebuild the municipal building, create a state of the art hospital. (2) In honor of these fine accomplishments, I was awarded with a grand statue that same year. The statue rests in the municipal building. (3) I came to this city as an engineer more than 35 years ago. I made contributions to the electric systems, and to the installation of the cable car. I pledge to follow the tradition of this fine city and will devote my life to its prosperity. The mayor of the city, Michael Warren Explanations: (1) Even the mayor relies on Umbrella to maintain stability in the city. Umbrella frequently donates vast sums of money to the mayor to maintain their influence. Hence Jill says Raccoon City is a city controlled by Umbrella. (2) The hospital is one of the places visited in RE3. (3) The statue holds a Book of wisdom on its hands. Jill would have to take it later. Random Event! If you have not found them in the newspaper office, 2 bottles of Powder A are Jill's for the taking. A certain cupboard in the back of the open kitchen is locked with a simple lock. Pick the lock to reveal a fire hook. Use it to open the square cover on the ground. Climb down. ------------------- Restaurant Basement ------------------- Boy, what a flood. Anyway, get the Green Gem from the corpse and climb back up. Return to the street outside the Newspaper Building. --------------------------------- Street outside Newspaper Building --------------------------------- Insert the 2 gems into the clock to open the gates. Get in before Nemesis catches up. You're safe now. *****2 PATHS CONVERGE***** ---------------------------- Y Junction outside City Hall ---------------------------- There is no one here. At the Y-Junction, turn right and go through the door. --------------- Gas Station --------------- Attempt to use the crank on the hole to lift the shutter, but it breaks! How clumsy! However, a part of the crank is stuck in the hole now, and a small piece of iron is sticking out. Hmm... What's next? Go back to the Y Junction, and go through the other door. Random Event! There may be 2 Red Herbs by a filling tank. If not, they are found in the Substation. --------------------------------- Street outside Japanese Take-away --------------------------------- There are so many zombies, waiting for the take-away to open. Hungry? Try Jill's knife stab. When they had endured enough stabs, go through the other door. --------------- Lonsdale Yard --------------- Nope, no enemies here. But take the green herbs and go through the next door. --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- Random Event! There may be Cerberus or zombies hanging around the oil barrel. Either way, blow them all up with the barrel. Then climb over the stack of boards. On the other side, another Cerberus or a few zombies will ambush Jill. If they are zombies, shoot the barrel on the floor to blow them away. Enter the cable car through the back door. --------------- Cable Car --------------- Examine the top of the opened control panel for a file Mechanic's Memo. Then examine the panel. It seems that the fuse has blown out, the mixed oil is used up, and the power cable is missing. You have the power cable so reconnect it. New File! Mechanic's Memo I know that you're intimidated by your new job Kevin, so let me tell you how to make sure that you and your trains get along just fine. You see, these carriages were made in 1968, and then imported from Europe. Sometimes they get rickety, but they still work because they are simple, stubborn, and strong. We can always depend on them. If they have a bad day and are malfunctioning, you'll need to take a good look at their circuits for any trouble. Once you discover what's wrong, you'll be able to fix it easily. I'm sure that you'll be able to avoid those nasty little malfunctions if you check the parts every day. These old trains will surely have problem if you don't remember to check them out. Just remember that if you need to replace anything, you have to choose a suitable part. When I say suitable, I mean that even if you can't find another original part, you'd better find something that works good enough. Even with regard to oil, you must always prepare good quality oil for these trains. Never forget Kevin that a man may betray others, but a machine won't. Explanations: This shows that Jill has to travel all around town to find the parts necessary to replace those broken in the control panel. That's most annoying... Walk a few steps forward, and Jill meets a white haired UBCS officer. "You're one of the survivors of the rescue team, right? I've just met your teammate Carlos." Jill tells him. "How did a girl like you manage to survive?" The officer asks. "Hey, I'm no ordinary civvy, I'm a member of STARS." "STARS? You mean the RPD special force team?" the officer asks before walking away. Suddenly, Jill hears someone moaning in pain. "Is someone wounded back there?" Jill asks. Move to the other end of the car. "Oh this looks bad." The wounded mercenary goes rather hysterical. "They're coming. Get ready. Fire, fire! Stick together!" Jill comforts him, "Calm down, everything's going to be OK." Go through the door to the other car. "So, Jill, have you decided to help us out? It looks like that we are the only ones who survived. We should work together." Carlos suggests. But Sergeant Nicholai disagrees, "No, we can't trust her." Carlos is surprised. "Why? But Sergeant we need her help. Our unit's down to you, me and Lieutenant Mikhail, and Mikhail's hurt bad. If we don't cooperate, we won't be walking away from this mission!" Nicholai grumbles, "Fine, let's go over our plan. We are moving to the clock tower area which is the designated landing zone for the extraction chopper. Once we go there, the chopper will fly in and pick us up." Carlos says, "But that's a lot of ground to cover. I'm not sure if we can make it there on foot." "The main problem we have is that the landing zone is cut of from here by the fire. So we have no choice but to use this cable car to navigate through it. Fortunately, it can also act as a moving shield to get us through the worst areas." "That sounds like a good plan, sir," Carlos replies. "OK, people, let's get moving." Nicholai moves to the other car. Carlos tells Jill, "Jill, put this on." Don't worry, Jill, it's not a strait jacket; it's a side pack, increasing your item carry capacity by 2. Now, take the wrench off the seat and leave. Return to the gas station. On your way, there, a zombie will burst out of the car in the street outside the Japanese take away. Kill him, and take the Powder B. --------------- Gas Station --------------- Use the wrench on the broken crank, and the shutter will open up. Now, enter the shop. Random Event! There may be 3 jars of powder A on the table. If not, they are found inside the Sales Office. Move a little bit forward, and Carlos comes in. "Jill. Hey, the zombies are getting restless." "I know, I can hear them, what's going on?" Move behind the counter. "Jill!" Carlos cries. Jill asks, "What's wrong?" Carlos replies, "They're coming! They must have sniffed us out! They know we're here!" Jill says, "Calm down!" Carlos takes his assault rifle, "Any objections to me playing hero this time?" He gets out to face the zombies. "What are you doing? Carlos!" Don't worry about a thing, Jill. I'm sure he will be fine. But if you attempt to leave, you will see Carlos being cornered by the zombies. Oh no! Anyway, go behind the counter and take the first aid spray. Then examine the cupboard. It's locked with a letter lock. It's... Puzzle Time! Letter lock The whole objective is to let the light above the lit letter light up, while the others are dimmed. It is achieved by pressing 4 buttons: A, B, C and D. When a light is lit, pressing the button that affects it will dim it, and vice versa. Button A affects the 2 lights on the left. Button B affects all the lights except the rightmost one. Button C affects all the lights except the leftmost one. Button D affects the 2 lights on the right. When the letter is matched 3 times, the lock will open, and Machine Oil will be available to you. However, it's still missing something, so Jill cannot use it. Take it, and attempt to leave, but a sudden electrical spark lights up some petrol and sets the entire shop ablaze! Get out! Get out quick! Outside, Jill sees Carlos playing dead. "Carlos! No!" Jill cries. Carlos gets up. "Relax, I'm not dead yet." Jill asks, "Are you OK?" Carlos replies, "I'm fine, this hero stuff is harder than it looks." Now, head for the door back to the Y Junction, suddenly, the fire causes a massive explosion and reduces the station to rubble. "Ouch, my ears are ringing. We both should be deaf by now. OK, I'm going to scourge you some equipment. There not might be any at our destination." Carlos leaves. As Jill return to the Y Junction. ---------------------------- Y Junction outside City Hall ---------------------------- Attempt to get back to the main gates, but zombies burst through a door! Get rid of them! Kill them all! Then go through the opened door. Random Event! If you have not found them in the Fire Hose Alley, there are 3 green herbs here. Now, examine the statue of Mayor Michael Warren. Push the button! He drops his book to you. What kind of a statue is this? Take the Bronze Book, or the Book of Wisdom, and return to the Arcade Shops. --------------- Arcade Shops --------------- You will hear a noise, and you will see Carlos running away. "No!" It seems that a horde of zombies are chasing him. Do Carlos a favor, would you? Take them all out when they bunch up with your shotgun. Then I suggest you deposit any useless items in the save room. Also mix some Flame or Freeze Rounds with the Reloading tool. Then return to the street outside the Restaurant, taking the Grenade Launcher with you if you have found it earlier. ------------------------- Street outside Restaurant ------------------------- Place the Bronze Book into the hole by the fountain, and then examine the circle. "The future is in our hands." There is a bronze compass, or a future compass. Take it, and return to the mayor's statue and place it in its hands. The statue then turns over revealing a battery. My! What statue will hide batteries? With the battery, return to the construction site. ------------------ Construction Site ------------------ Random Event! If you are lucky, 2 Drain Deimos will be here, if you are unlucky, 2 Brain Suckers will be there instead. New Enemy! Brain Sucker Attacks: Claw Attack "Come to my arms and let me suck your cerebrospinal fluid, baby." "Stand up on two legs, arms spreading out as if to hug you." Brain Drain Poison Spit Strength Shotgun: 2-3 shots Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds: 1-3 rounds What do we get when we cross a Drain Deimo with a Spider? That's right kids, a Brain Sucker. Brain Suckers are giant fat green bugs that make the same cries as the Drain Deimo. They can spit poison which always causes poisoning in this game which is nasty. The Brain Drain attack is worse. Luckily, you can be alerted to it once he gets up on two legs and spreads out his arms. These guys are quite tough, and should be taken out with weapons with high impact force, like the Shotgun or Grenade Rounds. When they die, they may drop their young everywhere, so leave the room, and they will be gone. Kill the bugs and go up the stairs. Insert the battery in the hole, and the elevator will be turned on. Go down. ------------------------- Street outside Substation ------------------------- Random Event! There is a horde of zombies here. They may be either close or far away from you. Either way, kill them with the shotgun and the TNT box on the wall. Then enter the Substation through the door on the right. --------------- Substation --------------- Random Event! If you have not found them outside the Gas Station already, 2 Red herbs will be right in front of Jill as soon as she enters. Go through the other door to the control room. Random Event! There may be 3 jars of Powder B on a table. If not, they are found in the Sales Office. Inside, there are 2 shutters. One requires you to set the voltage range to 115V-125V, one requires you to set the range to 15V-25V. Hmmmmm... Ladies and Gentleman, it's time for yet another puzzle! Enjoy! Puzzle Time! Voltage Puzzle 1. First, go to the control panel with the green light and turn on manual mode. 2. Then examine the control panel with the switches. The starting voltage is 50V. There are 4 pairs of switches Red or Blue. The value of A is +15nV, where n is the multiplier. The value of B is -5nV, where n is the multiplier. You must press the 4 switches in the order of the multipliers. The 1x multiplier goes first, the 2x multiplier goes second and so one. As 50+15+30+45-20=120V, to open the door with range 115-125V, you should press the switches in the order Red, Red, Red, Blue. As 50+15-10-15-20=20V, to open the door with range 15-25V, you should press the switches in the order Red, Blue, Blue, Blue. When the 2 shutters open, enter the high voltage control room first. Random Event! If you have found the Grenade Launcher in the Police Station, the Magnum will be here, and vice versa. Take whatever weapon there is. Then you will hear the sound of zombies banging against the gate. Get out and oh no! Zombies are trying to break into the Power Station! See the familiar color negative screen? It's another... Life Selection! Potential Zombie Invasion! 1. Head to the Emergency Exit Popularity: 65% 2. Increase Electric Output Popularity: 35% Default. Let the zombies break in so you can fight them Popularity: 0% What kind of idiot will be stupid enough to let zombies break in? I strongly suggest you select selection 1. However, if you select 2, Jill will increase the electric output, and will shock the zombies on the gates. Just watch their heads fly! However, the system will then short circuit, so the value of the blue button of the control panel will change to -10n. SO if you have not opened both shutters already, the solution will change. When you leave, Nemesis will not be there, but you'll have to fight him later, so I do not recommend this selection. If you select decision 1, Jill will leave the substation via the back door. But Nemesis is waiting for her on the roof! Now, run in circles and Nemesis will continuously miss you with his rockets. After 4 misses, he will jump down to confront you. Apparently, he still wants STARS, so give him stars! Use the weapon you found with the weapon that you already found in the RPD. After he is down, he will drop a case. Examine it. It is the M37 parts A. Interesting. Take them. Note: When Nemesis is aiming at you with his Rocket Launcher, do not stray to close to the TNT box if it is still there, otherwise, he may be able to hit that with his rocket launcher, and blow Jill up! Regardless of what selection you chose, go and take the fuse from the low voltage control room and leave, and go all the way back to the Fire Hose Alley. On the way, a zombie may burst out of a car outside the parking lot. Kill him and examine the seat for a Grenade Rounds. Deposit any unnecessary items but take the wrench with you. --------------- Fire Hose Alley --------------- You can now release the fire hose using the wrench. Take the hose and discard the Wrench. Then go all the way back to the burning alley, avoiding the Drain Deimos, Brain Suckers, Zombies and Cerberus that may get in the way. --------------- Burning Alley --------------- Use the firehose on the hydrant and the fire will be put out. Go through the door previously blocked by the flames. --------------- Simple Alley --------------- Go through the other door. --------------------------- Street outside Sales Office --------------------------- Random Event! There may be 2 Drain Deimos or Brain Suckers here. I strongly suggest you stop their screaming for good before entering the sales office. There is a square crank here, which can be used to open the shutter in the alley behind Bar Jack for 18 more Grenade Rounds. --------------- Sales Office --------------- "Wait!" Suddenly gunfire is heard. Jill spots Nicholai, "What did you do?" "I had no choice, he was about to turn into a zombie. It would have been a threat so, I eliminated it." Nicholai explains. "But he was still conscious, wasn't he?" Jill asks. "He was as good as dead, and it will take fewer bullets to kill him now than it would have if he had transformed." Well, I don't have any opinions about this euthanasia thing, so I don't think Nicholai's statement is cold. With Nicholai busy examining the dead mercenary, go over to the shining item on the table .First there is a file called Manager's Memo. New File! Manager's Memo Before you begin your new position, please allow me to give you some advice. Some of the medicines in the storage room are unstable and their quality will deteriorate under changing temperatures or humidity. Therefore, you must remember to keep the temperature the same in the storage room at all times. You should personally check it everyday. Although the computer checks it around the clock, a machine is not perfect. Try and remember that a machine is no more than a tool to be used by people. You must check all personnel coming and going to the storage room. Many dangerous drugs are stored there; if any of them are missing you have a serious problem on your hands. The door to the storage room is always locked, but when you let personnel into it, you will need to have them hand in their documents. And above all else, remember that if you find anything suspicious, contact your boss immediately. If you forget the password to unlock the door, try and remember that it is a word that everyone is familiar with. Don't forget that once a new product is shipped, the password will be updated again. You can always enter the password from the terminal of the PC for administration. Explanation: The password to the storage room is dependent on the newest product shipped by Umbrella. The password can be entered through the PC. With this file, use the remote control. The TV turns on. You will see a commercial with a woman walking in front of and pointing her hand in the direction of the product. The products can be Safsprin (Umbrella's very own Aspirin, I suppose?), Adravil, a pain relieving cream, or Aquacure, maybe a tranquilizer. Now, examine the PC, and enter the product name as the password. The door to the storage room will be unlocked. But before going in, go over to the cupboard by Nicholai and get the First Aid Spray and Business Fax. Then go through the door there. New File! Business Fax "Order Sheet" The liquid medicine named VT-J98 is suitable to cultivate the NE-T type virus. Therefore, we will need to order additional quantities of it. U.E. Sixth Laboratory Explanation: This shows that Umbrella is still busy researching more viruses, including the NE-T virus. Random Event! Inside the storage room, there may be 3 jars of Powder A and/or B if you haven't found them yet. Then take the oil additive. Attempt to leave, and an FMV scene shows many zombies breaking in through the windows. You hear Nicholai scream, "Nooooooo!" Then a horde of zombies bursts in! Seems a challenge, doesn't it? But luckily, there are liquid nitrogen valves in the room. When Jill shoots those valves, the gas will leak out, and kill most of the zombies. Otherwise, the remaining zombies can be taken down with the handgun. Avoid the remaining zombies, and go all the way back to the Burning Alley. --------------- Burning Alley --------------- If you have not met him outside the substation, Nemesis will be here waiting for you. As the alley is so narrow, you most likely to be beaten very badly before you are able to defeat him or escape. Anyway, if he is there, give him all the stars you can have, and take the M37 Parts A off him. Regardless of whether you have met Nemesis here, you can return to the warehouse if you like. Apparently, the man who refused to go with Jill has gone out of his container, and is now the midnight snack of 3 zombies! Kill them or avoid them, then climb into the container. There are 2 jars of Powder A and B, as well as a file Dario's memo. New File! Dario's Memo I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die. I'm just not ready... My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed. But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only important thing. That's all that matters. I never would have pictured my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me you have a long way to go. Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire. Cut down before his prime... Explanation: So the cowardly man was called Dario Rosso, and he always wanted to become a novelist, eh? Now, combine the oil with the oil additive to make the mixed oil. Then take the fuse and mixed oil with you, and head back to the Cable Car. --------------- Parking Lot --------------- Suddenly, the ground shakes, and a hole is made in the ground. Jill almost fell through, but manages to hang on. Suddenly, 2 crates slide down from the van and are going to crush Jill! The color negative screen goes on again! Life Selection! Earthquake! 1. Climb up Popularity: 100% 2. Jump down (Default) Popularity: 0% There are no disadvantages in climbing up, and jumping down will only let you have a glimpse of the Grave Digger, followed by some sliding worms. That's all, it's a total waste of time. Hence just choose 1 and move on. New Enemy! Sliding Worm Attack: Suck Blood Strength: Any Weapon: 1 shot The sliding worms are just another annoyance found in RE3. They may try to latch onto you to suck your blood, but they do very little damage. SO just run. ---------------------------- Y Junction outside City Hall ---------------------------- Arrive at the junction and "rrroarrrrr!" It's Nemesis, and he stills wants STARS! So, it is time to use your supplies of Freeze Rounds or Flame Rounds, and you can watch him flinch for a while when he charges due to the flames or the liquid nitrogen! When he is down, examine his body of the M37 parts B, but do not combine the parts yet. Instead, continue on your way. --------------- Lonsdale Yard --------------- Suddenly, the ground trembles. What is it? Go on, and Jill suddenly falls through a hole in the ground! Underneath, Jill stands in awe, suddenly, a giant worm named Grave Digger jumps out! I bet he wants to say, "Let's play!" Boss Battle! Grave Digger You don't even need to waste any ammo in killing this monster. Just run to the 2 gaps in the walls to activate the power switches, and avoid the Grave Digger as he darts out at Jill. When the 2 switches are activated, the ladder can be lowered, and Jill can climb up. Simple. --------------- Cable Car Stop --------------- Enter the Cable Car. --------------- Cable Car --------------- Insert the remaining two parts into the control panel, and the car will be fixed. Carlos will come in. "It looks like we are ready to go. Here, take this." They are some Flame Rounds. Take them. "Uhh... Nicholai, won't be joining us." Jill says. "I understand." Carlos says. "I'll operate the cable car, let's go." Go to the other car, and Carlos says, "It's looking good." The Cable Car starts, and suddenly, a rumbling sound was heard. Mikhail screams. "Mikhail!" Carlos cries. As Jill, go and investigate. Apparently, Nemesis has found his way into the Cable Car! As Jill, get back to the front compartment. "Jill! Get out of the cable car, now!" Mikhail tells Jill. "Mikhail, wait, don't!" Jill replies. "Get out of here, hurry!" Mikhail says before opening fire on Nemesis. Then an FMV starts, showing Mikhail trying to hold off Nemesis with his Assault Rifle, but his gun suddenly becomes blocked, and Nemesis swings him against the glass windows, knocking him down. Nemesis prepares to stab him through the face, but Mikhail whispers, "Just a little closer." He takes out a Grenade and pulls the pin. "You lose." Suddenly, boom! An explosion occurs and Nemesis is sent flying out of the Cable Car. Meanwhile, in the front carriage, things are not looking very good either. Carlos cries. "No! The brakes are out!" The screen changes to a color negative again. You know what this means, don't you? Life Selection! Help! Runaway Cable Car! 1. Jump out of the window Popularity: 50% 2. Use the emergency brake (Default) Popularity: 50% The popularities of each selection are evenly split here. This is because they have their very own pros and cons. Hence, I will cover each selection one by one. *****CLOCK TOWER***** *****SELECTION 1***** "It's useless!" Then Jill jumps out of the window, Carlos cries, "No!" The screen goes white, then the FMV shows the Cable Car violently crashing through the outer walls of the Clock Tower. --------------- Bedroom --------------- "Mmmm. Mmmm...." Jill wakes up, suffering from a severe headache. Need some Safsprin, Jill? Heh heh... Random Event! There may be 2 jars of Powder A and B in this room, if not, they are found in the chapel. Take the powder, if they are there. Then examine the painting of the lady. It will fall, revealing the Clock Tower Key, which is a Winder key. Take it and go through the door quick, as some zombies have come fresh from the burning car! --------------------- Living Room Save Room --------------------- Save if you like, then unlock the other door with the Winder Key. Be sure to combine to two M37 parts together if you have them for the Western Custom M37 Shotgun. Go through. New Weapon! Western Custom Ammo: Shotgun Shells in units of 7 and 14 Effective against: Anything as it fires very quickly The Western Custom M37 is the shotgun everyone's been waiting for! It fires much more quickly, as fast as the Desert Eagle, and has an increased penetrating power. Zombies and other enemies that stand in a single file coming towards Jill are very likely to be killed at once. Hence use this shotgun to your advantage. Satisfaction guaranteed. --------------- Book Room --------------- Jill hears someone dropping down from the floor. It's Carlos. "Carlos!" Jill says. "Well, we both managed to survive; I guess we can start helping each other again." Carlos says. "Yeah, it's been rough, but we can rest now." "No, we're the only one's left, there's no rest for the wicked. Here's a gift for you." It's some Freeze Rounds. Take it. Carlos then salutes you and leaves. There is an Art Picture Postcard, there are also some Grenade Rounds on a table. Take them and go through the other unlocked door. New File! Art Picture Postcard A picture of antique clocks. The following verse is printed. "Give your soul to the goddess. Put your hands together to pray before her." Explanations: This states the way to solve a certain puzzle involving the clocks in the picture. Remember it. ----------------- Clock Tower Lobby ----------------- There is a Mine Thrower in the hands of a dead mercenary. Apart from this he's holding some Operation Instructions. New File! Operation Instructions Order for UBCS Echo Team: Wipe out the downtown area of the infestation and then evacuate the remaining citizens to the clock tower. Among the civilians, remember to give priority to the employees of Umbrella's affiliates. (1) Remember to stay alert because the infected have a high endurance rate and will strike without hesitation. Evacuation Procedure: 1. Once the mission is complete, or when it becomes too impossible to accomplish, evacuate immediately. 2. We'll deploy a helicopter that is waiting in the suburbs, to the yard in front of the clock tower. 3. When you are ready for evacuation, ring the bell of the clock tower to signal the helicopter. (2) Explanations: (1) The UBCS are here to rescue civilians, but they are focusing on Umbrella employees. (2) Jill has to ring the bell of the clock tower to signal the rescue chopper. New Weapon! Mine Thrower Ammo: Mine Thrower Rounds in units of 6 Effective against: Grave Digger The Mine Thrower shoots out darts that sticks to walls, etc, when enemies come close enough, they explode. Simple as that. When a dart latches onto an enemy, the enemy will first take damage from the dart, and then the explosion, which occurs a few seconds later. Although powerful, I suggest that you save the rounds for the second battle with the Grave Digger. You'll see what I mean. The clock tower map and a first aid spray is found on a table, and some blue herbs are growing in pots in this lobby. There are also 2 music boxes, one in tune with "uduudu" written on it, another is out of tune, with "duddud" written on it. Remember this for now. Then go through the door opposite the one you came in. Note: If you go through the double doors towards the camera, Jill will be at the Clock Tower Courtyard, there are some herbs here and there, but they will be guarded by either crows or Cerberus, so it's not worth the try. --------------- Dining Room --------------- Random Event! If you are lucky, there will be crawling zombies which you can run past. If you are unlucky, there will be drain deimos, if you are super unlucky, there will be Brain Suckers! If the latter two are there, blast them with as much firepower as you can muster. Then go through the other door. --------------- Piano Room --------------- Everything seems peaceful... Go through the door opposite. --------------- Chapel Save Room --------------- Random Event! If you have not found them earlier, there will be 2 boxes of Powder A and B on the floor. Examine the cupboard with the curtains to reveal another Clock Tower Key, a Bezel key. Then attempt to leave, and suddenly the music stops, and the room shakes. What could that be? Go back to the Lobby, and a horde of zombies burst in through the windows. Unfortunately, Capcom positioned Jill so that she would no be able to run past them in a straight line, hence do a quick turn and then swerve past the zombie to reach the door. This is when the 2 routes converge. *****SELECTION 2***** The Cable Car crashes outside the clock tower, and Jill gets up and looks around, Crows are flying in the sky. --------------- Courtyard --------------- There are crows here, take the herbs if you like, then enter the Courtyard through the side door. --------------- Piano Room --------------- Go through the door on the right. --------------- Chapel Save Room --------------- Random Event! There may be 2 jars of Powder A and B on the floor, if not, they are found in the bedroom. Take the Clock Tower Key, a Winder Key from behind the curtains, and get out. The room seems to be shaking. What could that be? --------------- Piano Room --------------- Run forward, only to be ambushed by a group of zombies! Unfortunately, Jill's action in the cut-scene prevents her from running to the door opposite in a straight line, so she will have to do a quick turn to swerve over. --------------- Dining Room --------------- Jill sees Carlos having a breakdown, and slaps him awake. Carlos says he just can't handle it. He then leaves. Take the Grenade Rounds off the fireplace, and go through the other door. ----------------- Clock Tower Lobby ----------------- There is a Mine Thrower in the hands of a dead mercenary. Apart from this he's holding some Operation Instructions. New File! Operation Instructions Order for UBCS Echo Team: Wipe out the downtown area of the infestation and then evacuate the remaining citizens to the clock tower. Among the civilians, remember to give priority to the employees of Umbrella's affiliates. (1) Remember to stay alert because the infected have a high endurance rate and will strike without hesitation. Evacuation Procedure: 1. Once the mission is complete, or when it becomes too impossible to accomplish, evacuate immediately. 2. We'll deploy a helicopter that is waiting in the suburbs, to the yard in front of the clock tower. 3. When you are ready for evacuation, ring the bell of the clock tower to signal the helicopter. (2) Explanations: (1) The UBCS are here to rescue civilians, but they are focusing on Umbrella employees. (2) Jill has to ring the bell of the clock tower to signal the rescue chopper. New Weapon! Mine Thrower Ammo: Mine Thrower Rounds in units of 6 Effective against: Grave Digger The Mine Thrower shoots out darts that sticks to walls, etc, when enemies come close enough, they explode. Simple as that. When a dart latches onto an enemy, the enemy will first take damage from the dart, and then the explosion, which occurs a few seconds later. Although powerful, I suggest that you save the rounds for the second battle with the Grave Digger. You'll see what I mean. The clock tower map and a first aid spray is found on a table, and some blue herbs are growing in pots in this lobby. There are also 2 music boxes, one in tune with "uduudu" written on it, another is out of tune, with "duddud" written on it. Remember this for now. Then go through the door opposite the one you came in. --------------- Book Room --------------- Kill the zombies, and take the Art Picture Postcard from a table. Then go through the other unlocked door. New File! Art Picture Postcard A picture of antique clocks. The following verse is printed. "Give your soul to the goddess. Put your hands together to pray before her." Explanations: This states the way to solve a certain puzzle involving the clocks in the picture. Remember it. ---------------------- Living Room Save Room ---------------------- Go through the other door. --------------- Bedroom --------------- Random Event! If you haven't found them in the Chapel, 2 jars of Powder A and B will be here for the taking. Examine the painting of a woman, and it falls down, revealing a Clock Tower Key, a Bezel Key, and then return to the lobby before the zombies can get you. This is when the two routes converge. *****2 SELECTIONS CONVERGE***** ----------------- Clock Tower Lobby ----------------- Go up the stairs. --------------- 2nd Floor --------------- Spiders! Run past them and go through the door. New Enemy! Giant Spider Attacks: "Come to my arms, baby" "Charge with arms spreading out" Pin down Poison Spit Strength: Western Custom: 2-3 shots Grenade Launcher with Flame Rounds: 1 Round The Giant Spiders have made their return in RE3. Their attacks haven't changed much. However, the Poison Spit always poisons, so look out. In this game, Spiders are not much of a threat and most of them can be run past. That's all I can say. When they die, they drop their young everywhere, so using Flame Rounds are a safe bet. --------------- 2F Balcony --------------- There are 2 Red Herbs here, take them, and then examine the key hole. Use the Bezel key and the ladder will be lowered. Climb up. --------------- Bell Tower --------------- Random Event! There may be 2 jars of Powder A or a box of Mine Thrower Rounds here. Enjoy. There is a silver gear by a mechanism that needs a gear to be inserted. Remember this for now, as you will need it to ring the bell. Then examine the giant music box. Does the music sound familiar? Puzzle Time! Music Box Puzzle Your job is to fix the switches so that they can play the same tunes as before. After remembering the scrawl "uduudu" on the tuned music box, we know we have to push Switches A, C, D and F upwards, and B and E downwards. Then play. The tune is correct, and the machine opens, revealing the Chronos Chain, combine it with the Winder Key to make the Chronos key. Then climb down the ladder. --------------- 2F Balcony --------------- Attempt to go through the door, and Nemesis comes in! He still wants STARS! But wait, why is the screen turning into a color negative again? Oh, it's time to play the game of "how shall we take care of him?"! Life Selection! What kind of stars shall we give him?? 1. Use the Cord Popularity: 100% 2. Use the Light Popularity: 0% Default. Fight Nemesis where you stand Popularity: 0% Again, no explanations needed. If we use the cord, Jill will use the light's power cord to shock Nemesis, knocking him out and revealing the free item. The free item this time is another First Aid Box! How kind. Now, before Nemesis wakes up, go back to the Book room and unlock the Green door with your Chronos Key. Then enter before Nemesis comes after you. --------------- Spider Hall --------------- Run past the spiders and go through the door on the other side. --------------- Clock Room --------------- There are 3 balls in the trays of the statues, and the three paintings have 3 trays. It's puzzle time! Puzzle Time! Praying before the Goddess. There are 3 balls, a Crystal Ball, an Obsidian Ball and an Amber Ball. From the Art Picture Postcard, we know that we have to place the balls in the trays in a way so that the centre clock's hands are together, that is in the 12:00 position. The starting position of the central clock can be 5:00, 7:00, 9:00 or 11:00, so there are 4 possible solutions. Each ball has a value n assigned. The value of n for the Crystal Ball is 1, that of the Obsidian Ball is 2, and the Amber Ball's value is 3. Placing the balls in each goddess' tray has different effects on the time of the central clock. The effects are as follows: Past Goddess: -n hours Present Goddess: +n hours Future Goddess: +2n hours With this information, you should be able to solve this puzzle easily. For example, when the time is 11:00 the net change in time has to be +1 hour, so we place the Amber ball on the past Goddess' tray, moving the time back 3 hours, to the 8:00 position. Then we place the Obsidian Ball in the Present Goddess tray to move the clock forward for 2 hours, leading to the 10:00 position. Finally, we place the Crystal Ball in the Future Goddess' Tray, moving the clock forward by 2x1=2 hours, and the time will be 12:00. After the puzzle, the central clock will open up, revealing a Gold Gear, combine it with the Silver gear to make the Chronos Gear. Then go to a corner of the room for some Mine Thrower Rounds on the table. There is a bell blocking the door, but Jill cannot push it. Head back to the Bell Tower. By the way, there is a dead mercenary holding a girl in his hands. Examine his body for a Mercenary's pocketbook. New File! Mercenary's Pocketbook September 26th, It's only been there hours since the mission started, but the team is down to me and Campbell. The number of the zombies is far greater than we expected. There is no hope left for this city. We have already injected the antibody for the virus, but I'm not sure that it will work. I don't know if I will survive... September 27th, We managed to reach the clock tower. Out of desperation we robbed some wounded members of their weapons and used the surviving citizens as decoys. We were taught to do this in order to survive in the battlefield, but I never enjoyed it. However, a girl showed up at the clock tower before me. She is one of the survivors. She looks just like my sister before she starved to death... September 28th, I wanted to evacuate as soon as possible, but the girl didn't. Her father insisted that he wouldn't leave the city. Where his beloved wife rests in peace. I really wanted to save the girl, but Campbell said, "All I care about is our lives." That's how I felt before, but now... The clock tower has become a dangerous place and I don't want to make anymore mistakes... Explanations: This shows that the UBCS really suffered heavy casualties in Raccoon City. --------------- Bell Tower --------------- Insert the Chronos Gear into the machine, and the bell rings. Now, equip your Grenade Launcher loaded with Freeze Rounds, then leave, go down to the lobby. --------------- Courtyard --------------- An FMV starts (Is it just me, or has the Clock Tower struck 13 o'clock?). Jill runs out of the building. "We're safe, down here!" Jill looks up to the chopper, "It's finally over..." but just then, someone fires a Rocket at the Helicopter, and blows it to pieces. It's Nemesis! Nemesis jumps down. If you chose to use the emergency brake, Carlos will come and blow up nemesis' Rocket Launcher, if not he will still have it. However, before the battle, Nemesis stabs Jill with a tentacle, infecting her with the T-virus! He's coming closer... When you can control Jill again, just use the usual techniques to bring Nemesis down, however, you must be careful, as Jill's condition is "Virus" now, and her HP will slowly drop, so heal when you think you will die at the next attack. After enough shots, Nemesis will waddle to the burning helicopter and pass out there. What's wrong with him anyway? I guess he's seeing stars now; heh heh... Then Carlos will come to Jill, who has just passed out. "Jill! Oh what have I done? So sorry Jill, please! Wake up!" Then the screen goes black, and Carlos screams. "Jill, Jill!" That's the end of part 1. -------------------------------------- 7. October 1st, night: Carlo's Scenario -------------------------------------- "October 1st, night. I woke up to the sound of falling rain. I can't believe I'm still alive." Between September 28th and October 1st, the events of Resident Evil 2 happened. That was when Leon and Claire have arrived in the police station for shelter, and have found a secret lab through the sewers. They then battled William Birkin, who is now mutated by the G-virus. They managed to rescue Sherry Birkin, and now have escape via the underground transport train. Now, back to our story. --------------- Chapel Save Room --------------- "Well, Jill. Looks like our roles have been reversed from when we originally met, huh? Don't worry Jill, this chapel is safe," Carlos tells Jill, who is now lying on the altar in the chapel. "I'm fine, I don't feel any pain. But that's what bothers me. If I don't feel anything then what does that mean?" Jill is really hysterical. "Don't worry, Jill, I take care of you. Don't let that virus beat you." You are now playing as Carlos now. Return to the Clock Room of the Clock Tower, dodging zombies on your way. Random Event! There may either be 3 Giant Spiders or 3 Drain Deimos in the Spider Room. If the latter are present, then you must kill them, otherwise, just run away. --------------- Clock Room --------------- The bell that Jill can't push can be pushed aside by Carlos. Then go through the door revealed. *****PARK***** Check the map, there are 2 landmarks, the Hospital and the Park. The Hospital looks like the likely place for a T-Virus cure. Doesn't it, anyway, that is the only door Carlos can enter for now. There are a few civilian zombies hanging around, as well as Dr. Zombies. You know what to do? Let them come near the oil barrel and blow them to pieces! Then enter the double doors into the Raccoon Hospital. *****HOSPITAL***** --------------- Lobby --------------- Well, I got a hunch that there will be a reception committee waiting for Carlos, and I am right. A zombie comes out to present flowers to Carlos. Then suddenly, "Errrrgggho!" A black reptilian monster jumps over and slam dunks his head onto the ground. He then cries, "Arrrgghhhereorrrgh!" which means, "Welcome to Raccoon Hospital, I'm Hunter Beta, nice to meet you!" Kill the Hunter Beta and his friend, quickly, with the Assault Rifle! New Enemy! MA-121 Hunter Beta Attacks: Claw Swipe "Errrrgggho!" Yao Ming style Jump Slash "Errrrgggho!" "Yao Ming jumps at the buzzer, he scores!" Yao Ming style slam dunk decapitation Strength: Shotgun: 2-3 shots Assault Rifle: 5-6% Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds: 1 Round The Hunter Betas are the newest prototype of Hunters Umbrella has developed, I must say, these Hunters just like to play basketball, as they just like to jump up and then dunk their claws on you. If your HP is low enough, they can slam dunk your head off with their claws! However, Umbrella seemed to be trading speed for armor in these hunters, as they can be killed in only 1 Grenade Round! Just watch the limbs fly! Please note that their Jumping Slash is different from those of the Hunter Alphas in the respect that they only begin to drop when they are right above you. So to catch them in mid air, you will have to aim upwards. With the 2 Hunters dead, explore the lobby for 2 Red Herbs, then go through the door. ------------------ Hospital Save Room ------------------ Take the first aid spray if you need it, then go through the other door. -------------------- Ground Floor Office -------------------- There are some Handgun Bullets in a locker in the corner. There is a dead doctor, take his diary. New File! Director's Diary September 10th, These patients suffer from gangrene and congestion of their blood at first. Then their mind slowly deteriorates. In the end, there is nothing left on their mind. When that happens even mercy killing seems pointless. After all, they are already dead... This disease is unlike anything I have ever witnessed. (1) Once the patient's mind is gone, they become flesh hunger monsters and act like wild animals who are on some type of bloodlust. (2) September 18th, Another patient has been admitted to the hospital. He is showing symptoms of the first stages of the disease at this point, but...I haven't been able to sleep at all these past few days. I refuse to let these patients become "zombies." I am not just an ordinary citizen. I am a doctor. Even if I die, my clinical charts will contribute to finding a cure. September 26th, We lost most of the doctors and staff during the battle against the "zombie" patients. (3) It's impossible to maintain the hospital under these conditions. And, I know that it's too late for me. I am beginning to feel that same itchy and hungry desire that all of my patients felt. It's too late for me... Explanations: (1) This shows that the director does not work for Umbrella. (2) This again describes the symptoms of the T-virus infection. (3) I wonder what started the battle between the staff and the zombie patients? Maybe it is because, "Itchy itchy nurse came, ugly face so killed her. Tasty." Or is it because the hospital food just tastes horrible? "Itchy itchy, hospital food horrible so killed nurse. Tasty." Heh heh. There is a tape recorder on a table beside some donuts, unfortunately Carlos cannot eat them. How sad. Then go over to the elevator and activate its vice recognition lock. Use the tape recorder at this point. "There also appears to be a slight fracture in his right arm just below the elbow. However..." after this amusing diagnosis is read out, the lift will power up and unlock. Split Decision! 1. 4F First Popularity: 75% 2. B3 First Popularity: 25% At this point, there are 3 switches on the elevator panel, 4F, 1F (You are now here) and B3. You can choose to visit either 4F or B3 first. As the two paths are very similar, I will just divide the guide into 4F and B3 modules. So you can read the modules in the order of the locations you visit. Random Event! Zombies will ambush Carlos upon exiting the lift on either 4F, B3 or upon returning to 1F. So stay sharp. *****4F***** --------------- 4F Corridor --------------- Go through the door marked Data Room. --------------- Data Room --------------- "Don't shoot!" Bang! Bang! "Doh!" Carlos sees Nicholai dropping one of the other UBCS members. "Nicholai, you're still alive?" Carlos asks. "You saw what happened?" Nicholai worriedly asks. "Yeah, what's going on?" Nicholai points his gun at Carlos. "I'm a supervisor, that's all you need to know!" He is about to shoot Carlos, when the shot UBCS member decided to throw a grenade over to Nicholai. Carlos and Nicholai ran for it, and Nicholai jumps out of the window. Note that if you visit this room after exploring the entire B3, 2 Hunter Betas will be here and no cut-scene will play, kill them if this is so. Random Event! There may be Handgun Bullets on table, if not, they are found at B3. New File! Photo D The zombies are walking. (Picture of opening FMV showing the zombies walking.) It says, "The effect of the T-virus" on the backside. Explore the data room for a sickroom key, and the Photo D. Then return to the corridor. In the corridor, enter Sickroom 401 (Anyway, it is the one that is not locked. I cannot remember the sign above the door.) --------------- Sickroom 401 --------------- Random Event! There may either be sliding worms or zombies in this room. There may be 2 Green Herbs in this room, if not, they are found on B3. Regardless of whatever enemies are there, examine the dead doctor for a number. Remember it! Then examine the room for the position of a cart. Remember its position, it should be in one of the corners. Take the herbs if they are there, then return to the corridor, and enter Sickroom 402. --------------- Sickroom 402 --------------- There is a picture of the Arklay Mountains on the wall, does that seem suspicious to you? Notice the 4 pads in the corners. I guess it is time for a lovely little puzzle! Puzzle Time! Mirror Sickroom 401 The whole objective of this puzzle is to push the cart in this room so that it forms a mirror image with Sickroom 401. As the mirror image is left to right, so if the cart is positioned in the upper right corner of Sickroom 401, the cart in Sickroom 402 should be at the upper left hand corner of Sickroom 401. Get what I mean? If not, then just push the cart to each of the corners in turn, and get shocked up to 3 times until you get it right! Ha ha! After the puzzle is complete, the picture of the Arklay Mountains will fall down, revealing a safe. To open the lock, enter the code on the doctor's hand in Sickroom 401. Then it will open, revealing a Vaccine Base! Take it. Then leave. --------------- 4F Corridor --------------- If you have visited 4F after visiting B3, Hunter Betas may appear in the corridor. Kill them quick before they can react, and hear them scream "Arrrgghhhereorrrgh!". I guess they are crying for their mommy! Ha ha! Take the elevator down. *****B3***** --------------- B3 Corridor --------------- Go through the door in the other end of the corridor. --------------- B3 Lab --------------- If you have visited 4F before coming down here, there will be 2 Hunter Betas here. If this is your first destination, then there will be none, instead, when Carlos turns around the corner, a short-sighted UBCS confronts him, saying that he is surprised that a guinea pig was still alive. He then vents on about who annoyed he is, having been betrayed by a man with gray hair (Nicholai). However, he accidentally opened a safe in the process, and inside was an activated time-bomb! Happy Birthday! "Noooooo!" Boom! That UBCS member drops dead. Random Event! There may be 2 Green Herbs here, if not, they are found in Sickroom 401 on the 4F. There may also be handgun bullets in a cupboard, if not, they are found in the data room on the 4F. After taking all the items that are here, go through the other door. -------------------- B3 Cultivation Room -------------------- Some frog-like creatures are in side some fish tank. Cute. Take the Medium Base from the shelf. Then take the Medical Instruction Manual. Read it carefully, as it shows how to make the Vaccine Medium. Go over to the machines by the fish tanks, it's time for another interesting puzzle. Puzzle Time! Create the Medium New File! Medical Instruction Manual Umbrella Medical Service North America Division Douglas Rover In order to activate the synthesizer to cultivate the vaccine, please follow the procedure as detailed below: 1. Supply enough energy to the system. (1) 2. Set the medium base to the device. (2) When the device is ready, you can start mixing the vaccine medium. To mix the vaccine, you will need to control the five levers. This will cause the two gauges to increase or decrease. If you adjust the two gauges so that they stop at the center, the vaccine medium will then be produced automatically. (3) Explanations: (1) First, go to the control panel by the fish tank and pull the lever down. It will turn the machine to the left on, as well as draining the cultivation tank! (2) Place the medium base into the machine to the left. (3) To make the 2 gauges stop at the center, pull levers 1,3 and A downwards. Then the vaccine medium will be created. Will the medium created, attempt to leave, just then, the 2 creatures in the tanks wake up. They smash against the tank. Crying, "Let us out! We're hungry!" They smash out! It seems that 2 Hunter Gammas are please to meet, err... eat Carlos! Get out there quick! Then return to the B3 Corridor. New Enemy! MA-121 Hunter Gamma Attacks: Claw Swipe "Errrrgggho!" Yao Ming style Jump Slash "Yum, that was good." Swallow you whole instant death attack Strength: Shotgun: 2-3 Shots Assault Rifle: 5-6% Grenade Launcher with Grenade Rounds: 1 Round The Hunter Gammas are another of the new prototype Hunters Umbrella is developing. These cute little froggies are not as crazed on basketball as the Hunter Betas, but they have a big mouth, as well as an enormous appetite. As long as your health is low enough, they can swallow you whole if you are close enough! Luckily, you will only encounter no more than 4 in the entire game. --------------- B3 Corridor --------------- Random Event! If B3 was your 2nd destination, 2 Hunter Betas may be here, kill them with the TNT box, and fast! Then go up. *****2 PLACES VISITED***** -------------------- Ground Floor Office -------------------- Random Event! If zombies do not ambush you outside the elevator, 2 Hunter Betas will be there. Kill any monsters, than return to the Save Room. ------------------- Hospital Save Room ------------------- Combine the Vaccine Base and the Vaccine Medium to make the Vaccine. Then leave. --------------- Lobby --------------- It seems that someone has set up time bombs all over the lobby. They are to explode in 7 seconds! Get out of there! Run for it! *****PARK***** An FMV scene showing Carlos running like mad away from the hospital starts. Then boom! The entire hospital is blown up and reduced to rubble! After the FMV scene, Carlos gets up. Return to the Clock Tower. *****CLOCK TOWER***** --------------- Clock Room --------------- Suddenly, the room shakes, dust falls from the ceiling. Then the music changes to the song "Nemesis is After You". Return to the Clock Tower Lobby, avoiding whatever enemies there may be on the way. ----------------- Clock Tower Lobby ----------------- Attempt to run to the double doors, and suddenly, Nemesis jumps down from the roof! His clothes have been burnt off, and many tentacles have grown on him! He is in a really bad mood! He mutters, "STARS!" New Enemy! Nemesis 2 Attacks: Tentacle Whip Tentacle Leg Pull "Take that, and that!" Tentacle grab and slam attack (Up to 5 hit combo) Strength: Any powerful weapon: Just keep shooting and running until he falls Nemesis is back for STARS, and his tentacles are really a big threat. He likes to grab you and smash you onto the ground. In that case, mash the joystick and the buttons quickly, as he can do this in a 5 hit combo! After this, you should mash the buttons again to get up quickly, or Nemesis will continue with his combo with other moves, and can easily kill you. So use hit and run tactics, my friend. Although Nemesis wants STARS, you can still give him stars if your assault rifle has 40% of ammo left or more. Hit and run, and if he is still conscious, use your Sigpro handgun. Note that Nemesis is focusing on STARS, not on you, so he may ignore you and go through the door to another room, before reaching Jill in the chapel. If he does, you lose! If you have enough ammo, stand in front of the double doors leading to the dining room and face Nemesis. Otherwise, just run to the chapel, regardless of whether you have taken him out. ---------------- Chapel Save Room ---------------- Go over to Jill, and press the button A. Carlos administers the vaccine to Jill. "Mmmm... Mmmm..." Carlos asks Jill, "We barely made it, how do you feel?" Jill answers, "I'm OK, what happened to you?" "I've just fought with that monster. I have some bad news, Nicholai is still alive." Jill was surprised. "What? I thought he was dead." Carlos says, "That guy doesn't know the meaning of the word 'dead'" Jill asks, "What is he after?" Carlos replies, "I don't know, but I know that he is our enemy. Sorry Jill, but I have to take care of a few things. Carlos leaves, you're back in control of Jill again. ---------------------------------------------- 8. Fighting Fit Again: Jill's Scenario Part 2 ---------------------------------------------- Jill has now recovered from her T-Virus infection, in fact she is immune to it. Now, take the lockpick and the Grenade Launcher loaded with Freeze Rounds. Then get out of the chapel. --------------- Piano Room --------------- Nemesis bursts in through the door! He has become rather feeble since the big battle in the Clock Tower. If you have taken him down as Carlos, he will be even weaker. So, after 3 Freeze Rounds, he should fall down and crouch in pain. Then you can just pound him with 5 more rounds, and he should be seeing stars and black out before he could even stand up! After he is down, examine the case he drops. If you are playing the game for the first time, there will be an M4A1 Assault Rifle. If not, then it will be an Infinite Bullet box! If the Inf. Bullets are available, use it on the Grenade Launcher, then you can really have fun with all sorts of Grenades, ha ha! Then return to the Park. Be sure to take the Grenade Rounds from the corpse caught in the spider web in the Spider Room on your way. *****PARK***** Kill the zombies that are hanging around outside the main gates of Raccoon Park. Then pick the lock on the white door and go in. --------------- Park Save Room --------------- Random Event! There may be either Grenade Rounds or Mine Thrower Rounds in here. One is on the table, and one is in a locker. Grab whatever ammo you find, and take the Photo E from the table, and most importantly, the Park Key, which is the Main Gate Key for Raccoon Park. Then deposit the lockpick as it is obsolete now, then get out again. Use the key on the main gate and enter the Park. New File! Photo E (Picture of FMV scene showing zombies closing in on cornered UBCS members) The zombies are attacking. --------------- Park Entry Area --------------- Random Event! If you are lucky, there will be only Sliding Worms here, if you are unlucky, there will be Hunter Betas. Kill the Hunter Betas, if they appear, and go down the stairs to the right. --------------- Pond Walkway --------------- Random Event! If you are lucky, there will only be zombies, otherwise, 2 Hunter Gammas will climb up from the Pond and ambush you! Kill whatever monsters that appear, and go through the door on the other side. --------------- Park Walkway --------------- Random Event! There may be either 3 Cerberus Dogs or hunter Betas here. If the latter are present, I suggest you brace yourself, as the Hunter Betas practically make no sounds when running towards you. Kill all monsters, and then examine the 2 UBCS Mercenaries. One is holding a Park Key, which is the Grave Yard Key, and a Written Order. Another is holding some Magnum Bullets. There is another locked door, and there is a sign that says, "No Trespassing Beyond this Point." Tempting isn't it? Remember this door. Then return to the Park Entry Area, and go through the door with the sign of a fountain. New File! Written Order Mission Requirements: Bravo 16 1. Obtain and secure sample of all the information pertaining to this case. Observe and record combat data on the UBCS. (1) 2. Destroy all the evidence including the medical facility that has the medical treatment data. (2) 3. Check the guinea pig's ability to accomplish the mission. (3) Once your mission is complete, evacuate the area. Remember that you must not help anyone who is not a supervisor (4), nor bring anything back that might be traced to where it belongs. Explanations: (1) The UBCS were sent in to evaluate the combat abilities of the different monsters and zombies that appeared in Raccoon City. (2) This explains why the Hospital was blown up. (3) They may be referring to Nemesis. (4) This explains Nicholai's reluctance to help Jill. --------------- Park Fountain --------------- There is a Park Map on a notice board. There are also 3 Green Herbs. Then examine this weird contraption by the fountain. Open the lid, there will be 4 gears, 2 grey, 2 black. There is another sign which says, "Manipulate the Fountain!". This shows which fountains will turn on with different arrangements of the gears. Hmmm... Interesting. Puzzle Time! Manipulate the Fountain The 4 arrangements don't seem to help, eh? The required solution is in the fountain pool itself. The sign says, "Refer to the Following Illustration to Drain the Pool." The arrangement of 2 Black Gears in the top 2 rightmost positions, and the 2 gray gears at the bottom. SO now, go back to the contraption and fiddle with the gears. The puzzle is similar to a mosaic puzzle. When you select a gear next to the empty hole, that gear will shift to the empty square, get it? You have 6 steps to move the gears. To solve the puzzle, follow the steps below: 1. Choose the Black Gear at the bottom left. 2. Choose the Gray Gear at the top center. 3. Choose the Black Gear at the bottom right. 4. Choose the Gray Gear at the top right. 5. Choose the Black Gear at the top center. 6. Choose the Black Gear at the top left. 7. Press the Start Switch. The pool will then drain. Climb down the ladder revealed. --------------- Sewer Path --------------- Avoid the Sliding Worms and climb up the ladder on the other side. A rumbling sound was heard, what could it be? --------------- Graveyard --------------- This is one of the most "realistic" areas of the game, as you get to see the zombies arise from their graves! They are 2 Red Herbs here, but taking them will force you to fight 2 zombies that burrow from the ground. After this, unlock the door with the Graveyard Key and enter. --------------- Graveyard Cabin --------------- There are 2 jars of Gunpowder A and B. Take them and go through the other door. -------------------- Graveyard Save Room -------------------- Take the first aid spray, and deposit the gunpowder for now. Then take the lighter and exit. --------------- Graveyard Cabin --------------- Take the Iron Pipe from the open cupboard, and then use the lighter on the fireplace. Discard it as it is now obsolete. Use the Iron Pipe on the hole reveled to pry a way for Jill to crawl through. Crawl through the hole. -------------------- Supervisor's Hideout -------------------- There are some Grenade Rounds here. Then take the Supervisor's Report and the Fax from the H.Q. Very interesting indeed. Then take the Park Key on the table. It is the Rear Gate Key, for the door you saw in the walkway with the Hunter Betas or Cerberus. New File! Supervisor's Report The endurance ability of the contaminated guinea pigs is truly incredible. Even when shot in a vital area, they can sometimes survive for several days without taking care of the wound. However, after prolonged exposure to the virus, the guinea pigs' intelligence level decreases to that of an insect. Even though reviving the dead seems to disgusting, the virus may still be of use. If we inject the virus into our POWs and release them, they would return to their units and then turns into zombies. (1) This plan may work well for us in the future. In certain areas, the virus seems to have caused the mutation of animals and plants. It may be difficult, but it'll make a good sample for the bio weapon development. I've heard that there is a giant alligator (2), but I have only encountered a giant creature moving under ground. I don't even want to imagine what creature spawned that monster. I encountered "NEMESIS." If I didn't know about it, I'd have been contaminated and would have become one of them by now. If it is still walking around the city, its mission is not yet over. S.T.A.R.S. members must be very tough, (3) since they have survived until this point. However, they cannot hold out forever. Explanations: (1) This describes another sick plot of the UBCS Mercenaries. (2) The Giant Alligator is the one that Leon and Claire fought in Resident Evil 2. (3) The mission of the Nemesis is to track down any surviving STARS members of the mansion incident and eliminate them in Raccoon City. New File! Fax from the H.Q. Attention. The Raccoon City project has been abandoned. Our political maneuvering in the senate to delay their plans is now futile. All supervisors should evacuate immediately. The US army is going to execute their plan tomorrow morning. The city will be obliterated at daybreak for sure. Explanation: This shows that once the evil activities of Umbrella have been brought to light in the U.S. Government, Umbrella is doomed and cannot prevent them from beginning a crackdown on them. Their first objective is to nuke Raccoon City, their official reason was to stop further outbreak, but it was a plan to remove Umbrella's foothold in the U.S. by destroying the city that they have so much influence on. Attempt to leave, and a radio transmission will be sent in. "All supervisors, mission terminated. Return immediately. All supervisors return immediately. Over." It seems that the Fax from the H.Q. was no joke. Crawl out of the hideout. --------------- Graveyard Cabin --------------- "I'm quite impressed that you managed to stay alive up until now." Nicholai has returned. "And you seemed to have done a pretty good job of looking out for yourself. How about helping out?" Jill asks him angrily. "I have no intention of helping you." Nicholai replies. "Why, cause we're nothing but pawns in all this?" Jill asks. "In a matter of speaking, you are. Our employers wanted a detailed analysis of the zombie beings that were created by infection of the T-virus." "You mean that they deliberately sent in a military unit to be butchered by their creations?" Jill asks in awe. "Not exactly. Although the conditions encountered were extreme, it was an unexpected outcome that the team will be wiped out. We were only required to collect life data from the subjects." I guess even Nicholai was surprised by that. Suddenly, the ground shakes. Nicholai cries, "Another mutant!" before running away. Now, I suggest you take your Mine Thrower with all your Mine Thrower Rounds with you, as well as the Western Custom Shotgun and some full healing items with you before you go out there. --------------- Graveyard --------------- The ground shakes again. Continue forward, and an FMV scene will start, where an earthquake shakes the Graveyard, and Jill drops into the hole. Then the Grave Digger with all its high and mighty burrows out. He opens his mouth and lunges at Jill, as if saying, "Let's play." Boss Battle! Grave Digger Attacks: Charge Bite Dig Bite Strength: Combined Usage of the Mine Thrower and Shotgun: Just keep laying mines and shooting until he falls The Grave Digger is really mad, as he is now red with fury! As soon as you have control of Jill, run past the lampposts, and lay 6 mines on the ground, preferably in the middle of the path. The Grave Digger will get up from the ground and attempt to charge bite Jill, but instead, he will step on the mines and will be blown up. After you hear the explosion, reload and lay 6 more on the ground past the Grave Digger and lure him over. After this second explosion, the Grave Digger will burrow into the ground and leave Jill alone for now. Then the Grave Digger will attempt two dig bites on Jill, when you see the dirt fly up, run into the opposite direction to dodge the bites. After this, the Grave Digger will attempt another Charge Bite. Do the same mine laying procedure as done before. When you run out of mines, just blast him full of Shotgun Shells and he will go down, and melt to form a puddle of violet-red slime. Ewww... Note: If you do not beat Grave Digger within 2 minutes, the 2 lamp posts will become loose. If Jill shoots them, they will fall onto the pool of water, electrifying it. When the Grave Digger approaches, he will automatically be shocked to death. Laugh, with all your might, laugh! With the Grave Digger dead, a fence will fall, allowing Jill to escape. Escape, and return to the Park Walkway, dodging any enemies that may come in your way. --------------- Park Walkway --------------- Unlock the padlock with the Rear Gate Key and go through. ----------------------- Bridge to Dead Factory ----------------------- Attempt to cross the bridge, and some tentacles attempt to hit Jill, suddenly, Nemesis jumps up in front of Jill! How should we deal with him this time, folks? Life Decision! Get out of my way! 1. Push him off (Default) Popularity: 90% 2. Jump off Popularity: 10% Although this life decision will affect the ending of Resident Evil 3, I am extremely against Jumping Off. This is because the sequences that follow will be back and forth, instead of being straight forward. Apart from this, it is always better to attack the problem from the top. However, I will still write the walkthrough for selections 1 and 2 separately. So enjoy. *****SELECTION 1***** Jill dodges the Nemesis' attack and pushes him off. She then runs full steam into the Dead Factory. *****DEAD FACTORY***** --------------- Main Hall --------------- Go through the only unlocked door in this hallway. --------------- Lounge Save Room --------------- Jill finds Carlos, "Carlos." Jill says. "Jill, listen very carefully. They are launching a missile into the city as soon as day breaks. The explosion will be powerful enough to destroy everything." Jill asks, "Are you sure about that?" Carlos says, "Positive, I heard it straight from a supervisor." Jill is surprised, "They go this far to cover their tracks?" (Jill is wrong this time. The missile is from the U.S. Government, not from Umbrella.) Carlos then leaves you. Random Event! There may be 3 jars of Powder A and B on a table. Otherwise, they are found in the Water sample Room. Take the Manager's Diary from the table, the first aid spray and the Facility Key. Then go through the other door. New File! Manager's Diary April 25th, Today is my 30th birthday. I was transferred to this facility today. I am very happy because the work environment is very different from life in the university. May 14th. The disposal system has been completed. Using a special kind of gas, it can decompose the cells of the guinea pigs. We have to try this out before beginning practical usage of the system, since it is not 100% stable yet. May 20th, While I was checking the treatment room, the door shut, and I was locked inside. I couldn't get out for one hour. I guess even if you have the key card, it's useless when you are locked inside. (1) June 7th. The guinea pigs we have to dispose of are increasing. The system is not working smoothly. The laboratory staff doesn't listen to my opinions and I am getting extremely frustrated. July 16th, We can't dispose of all the bodies and the quality of the liquid medicine is not good enough, either... July 29th. Though the function of the system decreases, (2) the number of the bodies we have to dispose doesn't. The infection level has increased and the antibodies we are using are no match for the new mutation of the virus. Some of the workers have been infected by the disease. I have continued to work, but I always keep a gun with me. I must remember to save one bullet for me. I want to weep. I don't want to die here. I swear that I'll lose my mind if I imagine how painful the death will be... Explanations: (1) Jill will get trapped in the Treatment Room herself later on, but she can use the Lab Key Card to escape. (2) Later, Nemesis will be dunked into the disposal pool, and some interesting things will happen... --------------- Steam Room --------------- There are lots of places with steam coming out of the pipe, Jill cannot walk through the steam. In order to reach the control panel, another puzzle must be solved. Happy? It is very hard to explain using words but I will try. Puzzle Time! Steam Puzzle 1. Go to the area to Jill's right, and press the switch. The steam in front of Jill will stop. 2. Press both switches you find, then backtrack, and press the switch you have pressed in Step 1 to clear the steam. 3. Go to the other side of the room. Press both switches, then go all the way back to the area you were during the beginning of Step 2. 4. Press both switches and the steam covering the control panel will disappear. Press the safety mechanism on the panel, and a door in the Disc Room will be half unlocked. 5. Press the switch mentioned in Step 1 to clear the steam, if necessary. Then leave. With the puzzle solved, return to the main hall, but remember the card reader next to the elevator. --------------- Factory Main Hall --------------- Random Event! There may be 2 Drain Deimos or Brain Suckers here. Kill the monsters found, and unlock the first door you see with the Facility Key. Go through. --------------- Disc Room --------------- This is the room I mentioned in the puzzle earlier. Kill all zombies. There is a Dead Factory Map on the wall. Take it. Ignore the system disc for now. Then take the Green Herbs and go down the lift. --------------- Disposal Pool --------------- Random Event! There may be Naked Zombies, Drain Deimos, Brain Suckers or Hunter Betas in this room. This is the pool all the trash is dumped into in this factory. The water looks so murky and slimy. Obviously the disposal system is losing its functionality. Ugh... Kill any monsters that appear, take the shotgun shells and go through the door. --------------- Flooded Passage --------------- Random Event! There may be Sliding Worms or Hunter Betas in this room. If there are Hunter Betas, just let them come at you, as they cannot jump up to the ledge where Jill is. Feel free to pea shoot them to death. Wade to the other ledge, climb up and go through the door. ----------------------- Monitor Room Save Room ----------------------- Take the Security Manual from a table, and the water sample from the wall to the right. Then go through the other door. New File! Security Manual "Security of the Plant" Since this plan is a facility under the disguise of a deserted factory, civilians will sometimes enter. If this should occur, do not hesitate to shoot them. If they choose to surrender, arrest and then transfer them to the laboratory as guinea pigs. You will be rewarded. "Maintain of the Device" This entire plant is controlled by an epidemic prevention system. When contamination is detected in the treatment room or decomposed specimen pool, the plant will automatically be locked down for isolation. In that case, you must follow the manual to unlock it. If the contamination is over the limit, the whole system will automatically lockdown. Then, you must remain in the plant and wait for subsequent orders. Those who leave the facility without permission will suffer extreme consequences. Explanation: This shows the sick practices of the management of this Dead Factory. --------------------- Water Screening Room --------------------- Random Event! If you have not found them already, there are 3 jars of Powder A and B here. Insert the water sample into the machine, and a wave pattern will be displayed. Hum with the machine tunes if you like. Heh heh... Get ready for the last (and most frustrating) puzzle of Resident Evil 3! Puzzle Time! Rubik's Waves I named this puzzle Rubik's Waves, as it is designed like a Rubik's Cube puzzle, and just as frustrating. There are 3 wave ranges, A, B and C, you will have to adjust them so that when the 3 ranges overlay, the resulting waveform is the same as that of the one at the top. Note that each block on each wave range increases the amplitude (height) of the resultant wave by 1. Hence, if either, A, B or C occupy the same position: The resultant block will have an amplitude of 1 unit. If A and B or B and C or A and C occupy the same position, the resulting block will have an amplitude of 2 units. If A, B and C all occupy the same position, the resulting block will be 3 units high. With this taken into account, the puzzle may not be as frustrating as many people think. My guideline is as follows: You should adjust the wave ranges so that each wave will not occupy any blocks of the resultant wave that have zero amplitude. At the same time, each wave must occupy the blocks corresponding to the positions with an amplitude of 3. If you follow the guidelines above, I can assure you that you can solve the puzzle much quicker. If you think you have the resultant wave, select Check, and the wave pattern will be checked. If the 2 patterns match, then congratulations! The second lock on the door in the disc room will be unlocked, and Jill can enter that room. There is a machine applying ultraviolet rays to the water to Jill's right. Insert the plastic card of the facility key there and remove it. A pattern will radiate on the card. Before returning to the disc room, I suggest you mix a new batch of Freeze Rounds for your Grenade Launcher, if you haven't got the Infinite Bullets Box. Take some full healing items with you as well. Now, this is where the 2 selections will converge. *****SELECTION 2***** Jill will jump off the bridge, and end up in the water. Now, climb over the Watergate into the Dead Factory. *****DEAD FACTORY***** --------------- Flooded Passage --------------- Walk forward, suddenly, zombies will wake up and attack Jill, but Carlos saves her in the nick of time. Carlos then tells Jill of the incoming missile attack on Raccoon City before leaving. Now, climb up the ledge to Jill's right, and go through the door. ----------------------- Monitor Room Save Room ----------------------- Take the Security Manual from a table, and the water sample from the wall to the right. Then go through the other door. New File! Security Manual "Security of the Plant" Since this plan is a facility under the disguise of a deserted factory, civilians will sometimes enter. If this should occur, do not hesitate to shoot them. If they choose to surrender, arrest and then transfer them to the laboratory as guinea pigs. You will be rewarded. "Maintain of the Device" This entire plant is controlled by an epidemic prevention system. When contamination is detected in the treatment room or decomposed specimen pool, the plant will automatically be locked down for isolation. In that case, you must follow the manual to unlock it. If the contamination is over the limit, the whole system will automatically lockdown. Then, you must remain in the plant and wait for subsequent orders. Those who leave the facility without permission will suffer extreme consequences. Explanation: This shows the sick practices of the management of this Dead Factory. --------------------- Water Screening Room --------------------- Random Event! There may be 3 jars of Powder A and B here. Otherwise, they are found in the Lounge Save Room. Insert the water sample into the machine, and a wave pattern will be displayed. Hum with the machine tunes if you like. Heh heh... Get ready for the last and most frustrating puzzle of Resident Evil 3! Puzzle Time! Rubik's Waves I named this puzzle Rubik's Waves, as it is designed like a Rubik's Cube puzzle, and just as frustrating. There are 3 wave ranges, A, B and C, you will have to adjust them so that when the 3 ranges overlay, the resulting waveform is the same as that of the one at the top. Note that each block on each wave range increases the amplitude (height) of the resultant wave by 1. Hence, if either, A, B or C occupies the same position: The resultant block will have an amplitude of 1 unit. If A and B or B and C or A and C occupy the same position, the resulting block will have an amplitude of 2 units. If A, B and C all occupy the same position, the resulting block will be 3 units high. With this taken into account, the puzzle may not be as frustrating as many people think. My guideline is as follows: You should adjust the wave ranges so that each wave will not occupy any blocks of the resultant wave that have zero amplitude. At the same time, each wave must occupy the blocks corresponding to the positions with an amplitude of 3. If you follow the guidelines above, I can assure you that you can solve the puzzle much quicker. If you think you have the resultant wave, select Check, and the wave pattern will be checked. If the 2 patterns match, then congratulations! The first lock on the door in the disc room will be unlocked. After solving the puzzle, return to the Flooded Passage. Wade toe the other ledge, climb up, and go through the door. --------------- Disposal Pool --------------- Random Event! There may be Naked Zombies, Drain Deimos, Brain Suckers or Hunter Betas in this room. This is the pool all the trash is dumped into in this factory. The water looks so murky and slimy. Obviously the disposal system is losing its functionality. Ugh... Kill any monsters that appear, take the shotgun shells and go up the lift. --------------- Disc Room --------------- Kill all zombies. There is a Dead Factory Map on the wall. Take it. Ignore the system disc for now. Then take the Green Herbs and go through the door that isn't locked. --------------- Factory Main Hall --------------- Jill sees Nicholai shooting at her for a moment before he goes into a passage and closing the shutter behind him. What is he doing? Anyway, go through the door to Jill's right. --------------- Lounge Save Room --------------- Random Event! If you have not found them yet, there are 3 jars of Powder A and B Take the Manager's Diary from the table, the first aid spray and the Facility Key. Then go through the other door. New File! Manager's Diary April 25th, Today is my 30th birthday. I was transferred to this facility today. I am very happy because the work environment is very different from life in the university. May 14th. The disposal system has been completed. Using a special kind of gas, it can decompose the cells of the guinea pigs. We have to try this out before beginning practical usage of the system, since it is not 100% stable yet. May 20th, While I was checking the treatment room, the door shut, and I was locked inside. I couldn't get out for one hour. I guess even if you have the key card, it's useless when you are locked inside. (1) June 7th. The guinea pigs we have to dispose of are increasing. The system is not working smoothly. The laboratory staff doesn't listen to my opinions and I am getting extremely frustrated. July 16th, We can't dispose of all the bodies and the quality of the liquid medicine is not good enough, either... July 29th. Though the function of the system decreases, (2) the number of the bodies we have to dispose doesn't. The infection level has increased and the antibodies we are using are no match for the new mutation of the virus. Some of the workers have been infected by the disease. I have continued to work, but I always keep a gun with me. I must remember to save one bullet for me. I want to weep. I don't want to die here. I swear that I'll lose my mind if I imagine how painful the death will be... Explanations: (1) Jill will get trapped in the Treatment Room herself later on, but she can use the Lab Key Card to escape. (2) Later, Nemesis will be dunked into the disposal pool, and some interesting things will happen... --------------- Steam Room --------------- There are lots of places with steam coming out of the pipe, Jill cannot walk through the steam. In order to reach the control panel, another puzzle must be solved. Happy? It is very hard to explain using words but I will try. Puzzle Time! Steam Puzzle 1. Go to the area to Jill's right, and press the switch. The steam in front of Jill will stop. 2. Press both switches you find, then backtrack, and press the switch you have pressed in Step 1 to clear the steam. 3. Go to the other side of the room. Press both switches, then go all the way back to the area you were during the beginning of Step 2. 4. Press both switches and the steam covering the control panel will disappear. Press the safety mechanism on the panel, and the second lock of the door in the disc room will unlock. 5. Press the switch mentioned in Step 1 to clear the steam, if necessary. Then leave. With the puzzle solved, go to the Disc Room. But I suggest you mix a new batch of Freeze Rounds for your Grenade Launcher if you do not have the Infinite Bullets. Take some full healing items with you as well. Apart from this, you can also take the Facility to the Water Screen Room beforehand, and insert the plastic card into a slot to the right of the Rubik's Waves puzzle. Then the card will radiate a special pattern. This is when the 2 selections converge. *****2 SELECTIONS CONVERGE***** --------------- Disc Room --------------- Take the System Disc and go through the now locked door in the corner. ----------------------- Path to Treatment Room ----------------------- Run to the Disc Reader. If you chose selection 1 earlier, then Nicholai will try to shoot Jill. "You're still wondering around!" "Nicholai?" Jill says, "So you want to make it out alone. Is that your plan?" "I made certain that none of the other supervisors survived. Since I am the only one who knows what really happened, there will be more bargaining power when it comes to discussing my bonus," Nicholai replies. He takes another shot at Jill. "But why kill me? I am not in their payroll." "They want to have you eliminated for reasons of their own. The amount is modest, but there is a reward to be claimed upon the confirmation of you death." Nicholai takes another shot at Jill, "That's great, but I have no intention of contributing to your retirement fund!" Jill says angrily. Nicholai tries to shoot Jill again, but something grabs him from behind and kills him. Either way, insert the System Disc into the reader, and Jill will enter the treatment room. --------------- Treatment Room --------------- The PA system announces, "Warning, proceeding evaporation in treatment room. Please evacuate immediately." The door behind Jill locks up. A countdown timer of 4 minutes starts. Then suddenly, a familiar voice says, "STARS." It's Nemesis! He is back for more. Then the lights turn on to light up the Arena! Nemesis tries to attack Jill, but misses, incidentally hitting the valves of a molten sludge pipe, and the sludge burns off all his tentacles but one! Now, it's time to fight! Boss Battle! Nemesis 2 Attacks: Tentacle Whip Tentacle Leg Pull Tentacle Stab "Take that, and that!" Tentacle grab and slam attack (Up to 5 hit combo) Strength: Grenade Launcher with Freeze Rounds: Just keep shooting until he falls Nemesis is back for STARS, but he is really a feeble old man now, and can only limp slowly after Jill. He is still dangerous, however, as his tentacle stab can Jill when she is in Yellow Caution, and it goes a long range. As soon as you get to play as Jill, fire 3 Freeze Rounds at Nemesis, and he will kneel down in pain in front of a molten sludge pipe. Fire at the valve and the sludge will rain on Nemesis, melting his right arm away! Ha ha! Now, you can just lure him near another pipe, stun him, and burn him. I know it's difficult, but if you succeed, Nemesis will lose his head! Ha ha! Now, pepper him with Freeze Rounds or just spray him again, and he will fall down and stay down. I bet he's really seeing stars now. Heh heh! After the battle, a Red Card Key will fall out of a dead scientist's pocket. Take it and use it on the reader to get out before the time expires. ----------------------- Path to Treatment Room ----------------------- You will be treated to a cute FMV scene, where the entire contents of the Treatment Room will be dumped into the disposal pool down below. Nemesis' body slides down too, and sinks while giving out bubbles. Now, something interesting will happen... After the FMV scene, the PA system will announce that a missile attack is confirmed. Return to the main hall. ------------------ Factory Main Hall ------------------ If you have the facility card radiating, then go back to the steam room, activate the elevator with your Key Car and go down. In the room below, there is a cupboard with a slot. Insert the plastic card of the facility key in, and a Rocket Launcher will be revealed. Bravo! Take it and return here. New Weapon! Rocket Launcher The M66 Rocket Launcher is the ultimate boss-stopping weapon in RE3. I suggest that you save it for some thing special later. You'll see... Regardless for whether you have done the above, use the Red Card Key to open the shutter. Kill the naked zombies and go through the door revealed. --------------- Communications --------------- If you selected selection 1, then Carlos will call you on the radio. "Jill, are you there, if you can hear me, respond immediately." Carlos calls over the radio. "What's up?" Jill asks. "The chopper engines are running and ready to go. Listen, the city's about to become ground zero. Hurry up. And don't forget to take that device with you." "What does it do?" "That device tracks the distance of the approaching missile. Listen, we are all gonna survive. Just get over here!" Jill will automatically take the radar receiver. If you selected selection 2, Nicholai will pilot the helicopter over to Jill, and tell her that she is doomed. The screen will change to a color negative. Life Selection! Nicholai you traitor! 1. Negotiate with Nicholai Popularity: 50% 2. Return Fire on the chopper (Default) Popularity: 50% If you have the Rocket Launcher, then you can make Nicholai pay for what he has done. I guess you will feel much better after shooting his chopper down. If not, then Jill should negotiate with Nicholai, who will fly away as he thinks Jill is doomed. Carlos then comes in, and tells you that he is going to find another chopper. Regardless of what choice you take, activate the ladder. The Missile will be detected in the receiver. You have 480 seconds before the nuke hits. Take the magnum rounds from a cupboard, and a first aid spray in some boxes. Then climb down. ------------------ Naked Zombie Path ------------------ There are many dead naked zombies, but one is playing dead, and one is alive. Kill them both, and then take the incinerator manual off the wall, and the shotgun shells. Then go through the other door. New File! Incinerator Manual The incinerator plant is one of the facilities that burns the disposable items which are sent from the laboratory. The incinerator burns the waste materials that cannot be decomposed at the treatment room. It also supplies electricity to the facility by a thermal power electricity generator. Part of the electricity is stored in the big battery installed in the facility's underground area. The electricity is used as an auxiliary power source. The auxiliary power circuit will be activated once the three "auxiliary circuit units" are properly placed in their sockets. In case the circuits are not connected automatically, a person can connect them manually to activate the system. Explanations: Jill has to insert the 3 batteries into their power units in order to power up the rail gun. --------------- Scrap Yard --------------- Run along the cars, and an explosion occurs. Don't worry, it's there to scare you. There are 2 dead Mr. X Tyrants as well as some dead U.S. soldiers. What's going on? Anyway, take the Classified Photo File off the hands of a dead soldier and go through the other door. New File! Classified Photo File In my opinion, I feel that it's too early to use this, "Paracelsus' Sword" in actual fighting. However, in order to acquire the G-Virus that Umbrella has developed, it will be a great help to us. The power of the "Rail Cannon" is satisfactory, but please note that it is still having a few remaining problem. Technology Division Colonel, Franklin Hart Explanation: It seems that now the U.S. Government is sending its army against Umbrella to obtain the G-Virus. I think that the soldiers have won the battle, as you can see in the next room. The rail cannon is still there, Jill can "borrow it" for her own use. --------------- Rail Cannon Room --------------- Explore the room, there is a dead T-103 Tyrant slumped against the wall, a Mr. X lying on the ground beneath the Rail Cannon, and another one crashed into the wall next to the exit. If the helicopter who airdropped the Mr. X against Leon and Claire in RE2 were carrying the other 5 canisters here to fight the soldiers, then the soldiers must have won the battle. But they have left the rail cannon behind, since it is too awkward to take it away after deployment. Go over to the control panel to the right of the rail cannon. Then the machine will check the system, and tell you that there is not enough power to activate the cannon. So go over to battery terminal 1 and push in the battery. Push it in like the way you push in a crate. Then something that looks like the remains of Nemesis' body will drop down in front of Jill, and begin eating the T-103 Tyrant! He then turns to face Jill! I guess the thick "bodies not disposed properly" soup must have done him good! Boss Battle! Mutated Remains of Nemesis Attacks: Tentacle Bash Body Slam Acid Spread Acid Spray Jump down from machinery, crush you with his backbone instant death attack Nemesis is back, and is even more annoyed than ever. Luckily, the battle is not as hard. Empty your Rocket Launcher with him and then pound him full of Freeze Rounds. Eventually, the remains will loose interest in Jill, and return to have his midnight snack, Tyrant Salad. After that, just go and push in the other 2 batteries, and the rail cannon will charge up. When fully charged, the cannon will count down and blast its laser. Just don't get hit by the laser or you will die. The first hit will clear the machinery in front of Nemesis, and the second hit will hit him, and blast him into a million pieces, leaving a small piece of flesh. When he is down, attempt to go through the single door, and it seems that that lump of flesh has still got some life with him. He goes over to Jill. The screen turns to a color negative again! What to do, this time? Life Selection! Vengeance is mine! 1. Exterminate the monster Popularity: 99.99% 2. Ignore it and Evacuate Popularity: 0.01% Default. Let the lump of flesh spray you with acid one last time before it dies Popularity: 0% Want to take out your anger at Nemesis for stalking you around town for 4 whole days? Choose 1, and Jill will roll away when the piece of flesh tires to spray her. She spots a magnum on the floor. She fires 5 of 6 of the bullets in the gun. Before the last shot she says, "You want STARS? I'll give you stars." Bang! I guess Nemesis finally had enough stars now! Heh heh. The flesh finally drops dead, and melts, giving out a lot of steam. If you are running out of time, then just select selection 2, and leave. You can watch the body melt will pleasure, or just go through the door. --------------- Elevator Room --------------- Go down the elevator. --------------- Helicopter Area --------------- Run a few more steps forward, and if you chose to push Nemesis off, Carlos will shout, "Jill, over here!" and the 2 will fly off. If she chose to jump off, "Barry will pick Carlos and Jill up. Either way, enjoy the ending FMV, and watch as the nuke hits Raccoon City, reducing it to rubble. Then you will be shown the late night news broadcast. Finally, the end. ------------------- 9. Tips and Tricks ------------------- Cheap Cerberus Trick: Whenever, you are facing only one Cerberus Dog, fire one bullet into him and then equip the knife. Before he can get up again, aim downwards and stab the dog continuously, shouting "Bad dog! Bad dog!" continuously as you stab. Eventually, the dog will die, and you have just saved a lot of Handgun Bullets! Cheap Hunter Trick: Just like the Cerberus, the Hunters in RE3 can be pinned down. But this time, use a heavier weapon, like the Shotgun. Fire one shot into the enemy, and them aim down and fire once more before he can get up. Then he most likely will stay down after this shot. Congratulations! You just saved some health! Feinting Hunter Betas: If you want to run past Hunter Betas, then you can always run towards them until you are a few steps away. Then stop. The Hunters should attempt their jump slashes, and then you can continue running and go past them. Knife Fighting: Whenever you use the knife against zombies, you should take a stab or 2 and then retreat about 2 stabs before stabbing again. Then you can easily kill them all without taking any damage. You must be careful, as some zombies just like to charge at Jill with faster speed. If that happens, leave the room and come back in to calm the zombie. Zombie Slope Behavior: Zombies are stairs and slopes behave differently than those in Resident Evil Remake. Zombies can still bite you when you are on stairs, but they can only vomit at Jill when they run down or up slopes. So use this to your advantage. Mid-Air Interception: In this game, jumping monsters like Drain Deimos, Brain Suckers, Hunter Betas and Hunter Gammas do not jump in a perfect arc when they do. Instead, they will leap upwards until they are vertically above Jill or Carlos before attacking. Therefore, to stop them in mid-air, you must take a heavy weapon and aim upwards. If you can hit the monster, he will be sent sprawling on the floor, and sometimes, will even die in one hit! Conserving Herbs: If you want to fight Nemesis every time you meet him to get all 7 rare items, prepare to take a lot of damage! Hence, whenever there are red herbs, always mix them with a green herb instead of mixing 3 Green herbs together. Whenever you pick up the First Aid Box, always take it with you when traveling to other First Aid Sprays, as the box can carry 3 full healing items in one space. More about conserving ammo: If you knife all zombies you meet to death and use the shotgun properly up to the revisiting of the Arcade Shops after returning from the cable Car, you can play the game with a surplus of Handgun Bullets. If you decide to avoid Nemesis every time you meet him, you can start using the handgun against zombies much earlier as you probably can save up to 60 or so Handgun Bullets by not fighting Nemesis. Nemesis' Rare Items: In Hard Mode and only Hard Mode, whenever you knock out Nemesis, he will drop a case, containing a rare item. This is what you'll get if ou beat him in sequence every time. 1st time: Eagle Parts A 2nd Time: Eagle Parts B 3rd Time: First Aid Box 4th Time: M37 Parts A 5th Time: M37 Parts B 6th: First Aid Spray 7th Time: M4A1 Assault Rifle in the first game, Infinite Bullets Box in the next game. Note that the items appear in sequence. If you skip Nemesis outside the police station, but decide to fight him inside, you will get the Eagle Parts A there, instead of Eagle Parts B. Cheap way of getting the Desert Eagle: If you don't want to risk fighting Nemesis at all, simply choose to hide in the kitchen or hide in the back during the 3rd Nemesis Encounter, and to use the cord in the 6th encounter, and Nemesis can be knocked out without using any ammo and the 2 Eagle Parts will be yours for the taking! Unfortunately, but the time you reach the Clock Tower, the handguns will be rather obsolete from then, and there really will be no time for Jill to check out her new toy. Gunpowder Economy: If you follow my tip in conserving handgun ammo above, then you will find that the Powder A are rather useless. So, I will just summarize which Gunpowder mixtures are the most cost-effective: Powder AAA: Use it to make 18 Flame Rounds, as you have a large surplus of Powder A that are not needed to fix handgun Bullets Powder AAB: As you have a large surplus of Powder A, you can use this surplus in conjunction with only one Powder B to create 20 or more Shotgun Shells, this is particularly useful when you have mixed Powder B enough times to be able to mix Enhanced Ammo. Powder B: As the shotgun shells are in rather large supply in the uptown/downtown area, you can simply mix Powder B one by one to "build up experience" So you can mix enhanced Shotgun Ammo using Powder AAB later. Powder BBB: If you still have 3 spare Powder B, then you can use it to mix an even large batch (More than 30) of Shotgun Shells after you have mixed Powder B a couple of times already. Powder CC: This is a good way to "build up experience" in mixing Freeze Rounds, mixing it with Grenade Rounds yields 2 more than mixing it with the Reloading Tool at first. Just mix as you like. Note that, mixing other flavors of Grenade Rounds can also increase Jill's experience in mixing other types of Grenades. So after mixing Flame Rounds for 3 times, Jill can get 13 Freeze Rounds instead of 12 when combining it with the Grenade Rounds. Powder CCC: If you decide to avoid Nemesis whenever you can, then use it to make Magnum Bullets. If you plan to fight Nemesis whenever you meet him, then combine it with Grenade Rounds to make Freeze Rounds. Luring Nemesis in the Treatment Room: There are 2 ways to force Nemesis in front of a molten sludge pipe so you can spray him. The easy way: Time your Freeze Rounds so that you can stun Nemesis when he is just in front of a pipe. Then hit the pipe to splash him! The hard way: Stand in front of the pipe yourself, and lure Nemesis over, then fire on the pipe just as he is close enough. The sludge will hurt Jill, as well as Nemesis. -------------------------- 10. After Beating the Game -------------------------- After the beating the game, and watch in awe as the nuclear bomb reduces to rubble, you will be treated to a ranking screen after the credits, with the background of either Jill and Carlos enjoying the view of the sea (Chose to Push Him Off at the bridge) or Jill and Carlos having a drink in a bar (Chose to Jump Off at the bridge). The total play time, the number of saves and ranking are also shown. The ranking can be in a range of A to F. As it is rather difficult to get an A in Resident Evil 3, I have to add an extra chapter to show you the scoring system of the game. --------------- Time Taken --------------- 100 points are awarded depending on the time taken to complete the game. This is the score awarded if you are quick enough. It is essential you get only the times listed below in order to get an A: 2:30:00 or less: 100 points 2:30:01-3:00:00: 90 points FMVs and cut-scenes, and pausing with the start button and menu screen all take time. So always try to skip cut-scenes, and do not pick up files. Memorize the codes and solutions to the puzzles. --------------- Number of Saves --------------- Another 100 points are awarded depending to the number of saves you have made with the ink ribbons. This is an area where many player will lose points. No Saves: 100 Points 1 Save: 90 Points 2 Saves: 80 Points 3 Saves: 70 Points As you can see, you get a lot of penalties for saving the first few times, so to get an A save only once, preferably at the Clock Tower as it is the midway point of the game. If your parents do not mind you playing the Nintendo Gamecube for many hours, then don't save at all. --------------- HP Recovered --------------- This is the area where many, many players will lose plenty of marks, and drop grades severely. Resident Evil 3's scoring system is not solely dependent on the number of first-aid sprays used. It is dependent on the usage of healing items as a whole. Here is the breakdown: Green Herbs: Recover 50 HP 2 Green Herb Mixtures: 100 HP 3 Green Herb Mixture: 200 HP Red-Green Herb Mixture: 200 HP First Aid Spray: 200 HP HP Recovered: 1500 or less: 100 Points 1501-1700: 90 Points 1701-1900: 80 Points To avoid recovering too much HP, do not take damage at all! This means that all Nemesis fights are to be avoided if possible. I found out that all the compulsory Nemesis fights will literally take no damage at all if you can use the proper weapon and dodge. --------------- Final Score --------------- Your ranking is dependent on the final score. The breakdown is as follows: 270-300 Points: A 220-260 Points: B 180-210 Points: C 120-180 Points: D 50-110 Points: E 0-50 Points: F Fortunately, the final ranking only determines how many costumes you get in the boutique. So do not feel bad if you get a poor grade. Mercenaries' minigame is available regardless of what rank you got. --------------- My Record --------------- I only got an A in Resident Evil 3 recently. It took me 2:39:49, 1 save and I used only 5 Full Healing Items. --------------------------------------------------- 11. Minigame: The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal --------------------------------------------------- After completing the game in Hard Mode, once, you can play this new Minigame, featuring the 3 UBCS Mercenaries you meet in the game: Carlos Oliveira, Mikhail Victor and Nicholai Ginovaef. To play the game, load a Next Game File from the Memory Card Screen, and select "The Mercenaries." --------------- The Mission --------------- The Minigame is based on the UBCS' original mission, to rescue civilians and earn money. In the start of the game, you will be told that there is a bomb implanted in your body. To dispose of it, you must travel from the cable car to the warehouse office all the way Uptown. There are many monsters in the way, and you can kill them to give you more time and money. Killing enemies in groups or sequentially can net you an extra time bonus. When you reach the warehouse office, you will meet your boss, he looks exactly like Chief Brian Irons. He will give the mercenary his pay, and his freedom. This minigame is much easier to win than the Extreme Battle mode or Hunk's 4th Survivor Minigame, so I enjoy it more, as I do not care about the rankings in the end. Anyway, you are given a rank based on how many people you saved, and how many healing items you used. ------------------------- The Enemies and the Gains ------------------------- As I said earlier, killing monsters can give you valuable time. Here are all the enemies and the time they give you when you kill one. Nicholai gets 8 times the listed time if he kills them with his knife. Zombies: 3 seconds Cerberus Dogs: 4 seconds Crows: 1 second Sliding Worms: 1 second Drain Deimos: 5 seconds Brain Suckers: 6 seconds Hunter Betas: 6 seconds Hunter Gammas: 6 seconds Nemesis 1: 10 seconds for knocking him down, 20 seconds for taking him out Nemesis 2: 120 seconds for taking him out --------------- Saving People --------------- There are a total of 6 people to be saved. The more people you save, the higher rank you get. The locations of the 6 people are as follows: Dario Rosso: Shop in Gas Station Woman: Office in Newspaper Building Brad Vickers: Basement of Grill 13 Restaurant Marvin Barnagh: Substation Other UBCS Mercenary: Storage Room of Sales Office Other UBCS Mercenary: Bar Jack To save someone, you must kill all the monsters that are in the same room as they are. Then go over to them and press the A button. Then that person will stand up, leave, and drop a case. Inside, there may be ammo or healing items. An additional 20 seconds will be added to your timer. --------------- The Characters --------------- Different UBCS members have different weapons, healing items in hand. So I will just give you some tips for each of the characters. *****CARLOS OLIVEIRA***** Items he starts with: M4A1 Assault Rifle Desert Eagle 6.0 Handgun 90 Handgun Bullets 3 Green-Blue-Red Herb Mixtures Statistics: Carlos Oliveira is the most well balanced of the UBCS, he has average firepower, in form of his assault rifle and the Desert Eagle, as well as sufficient healing items. He is rather slim, which makes him easier to avoid zombies and other enemies. However, his Desert Eagle makes the game rather unpredictable, as it can unexpectedly critically hit monsters and kill them in one shot. Hope you are lucky. Which monsters to kill and which to avoid: If zombies are not blocking your way, do not kill them. Otherwise, use the Desert Eagle 6.0. Attempt barrel kills if necessary. If they are pack very closely together, and there is no barrel, use the assault rifle in an attempt to achieve a consecutive kill, with a larger time bonus! Crows and Sliding Worms can be ignored. Cerberus can be run past, unless they are really blocking your way. Drain Deimos, Brian Suckers and Spiders can be run past, as they have slow response time. Hunter Betas and Gammas are to be killed by the Assault Rifle. IF you have mastered the art of dodging, then you can kill them with very quick bursts of the Desert Eagle. I can do this many times without taking any damage now. Nemesis 1 encounters can be avoided as they do not affect your rank if you do not kill them. If you manage to get to the Bus Wreck with 2:00 or more on the timer, Nemesis 2 will appear. To kill him, you must lure him near the oil barrels and blow him up with all 3 barrels. What you get for saving people: Dario Rosso: 60 Handgun Bullets Woman: First Aid Spray Brad Vickers: 60 Handgun Bullets Marvin Barnagh: 60 Handgun Bullets Nicholai in Sales Office: First Aid Spray Mikhail in Bar Jack: 60 handgun Bullets Dario Rosso is just guarded by some zombies, so you can kill them with the Desert Eagle. The Woman is guarded by Miss Zombies, kill them the usual way. However, you will have to be careful of the zombie hoard outside the Newspaper Building and the Hunter Betas in the stairs. A secret time bonus can be obtained, if you go into the alley where you have jumped out of the window, and examining the dead end. There are 2 seconds, not much eh? But there are 6 time bonus spots in total, and each time you find one, the time bonus doubles. (Ending up with 64 seconds the 6th time!) The ground floor of Grill 13 Restaurant is guarded by 3 Hunter Betas, so you will have to take care of them with the Assault Rifle or Desert Eagle before climbing down the ladder to face the zombies. Examining the serving tray in the Restaurant nets you another time bonus. Marvin Barnagh is guarded by naked zombies, kill them the usual way. Examining the control panel in the low voltage control room will net you another time bonus. Another time bonus spot is found by examining the hydrant where Jill first found the fire hose. Nicholai is guarded by 3 Hunter Gammas, hurry up and kill them with the Assault Rifle before they swallow you whole. If you have the guts, peck them quickly with the Desert Eagle. It is rather difficult to feint them in this narrow hallway, so be careful! Examining the dead policeman who had Photo A will net you another time bonus. Mikhail is guarded by a lot of zombies, killing them with the Desert Eagle or Assault Rifle is easy. The final time bonus spot is found by examining the police officer in the water storage alley whom Jill found the shotgun. My Personal Record: The best I can do for the moment with Carlos Oliveira is a D rank, with $891 as pay. I doubt that if it is a fair grade, but here's what I did: I saved Dario Rosso, the woman in the Newspaper Building, Brad Vickers and Marvin Barnagh. I managed to kill some zombies with barrels, as well as several mobs of zombies consecutively with the Assault Rifle. I found 4 of the secret time bonus spots. I avoided all Nemeses 1. I did not battle Nemesis 2 at the bus wreck, as I only had about a minute and a half left on the clock at that time. I used all 3 Red-Blue-Green Herb mixtures, but no First Aid Sprays. I arrived at the finishing point with just over a minute left. Note: I think that it is extremely unfair to be awarded a D even after saving 4 people. The first time I played as Carlos, I only saved Dario, and reached the finish line with only a Yellow Caution left, and no healing items, I was awarded a D as well. If anyone who happened to read this guide knows what went wrong. Please e-mail me and tell me so. *****MIKHAIL VICTOR***** Items he starts with: Benelli M3S Shotgun 21 Shotgun Shells Smith and Wesson Magnum 12 Magnum Bullets M66 Rocket Launcher Green-Blue-Red herb Mixture Statistics: Mikhail Victor is one Mercenary who trades firepower for healing items. As he has only one Mixed Herb, there is really no room for mistakes. However, as he carries a lot of heavy weapons, his game is the easiest to save all civilians and get an A. He can get rid of the Nemesis 2 at the Bus Wreck really quickly, and attain a time surplus. As Mikhail is a fatty person, it is harder for him to avoid monsters. So he has to fire more than the other 2 UBCS members. What monsters to kill and what to avoid: If zombies are not blocking your way, do not kill them. Otherwise, wait for them to group together closely enough, and blast them all to 2nd heaven with a few blasts of your shotgun. Crows and Sliding Worms can be ignored. Cerberus can be run past, unless they are really blocking your way. It is harder for Mikhail to run past Drain Deimos, Brian Suckers and Spiders, so use the Magnum on them if necessary. Hunter Betas and Gammas are to be killed by the Magnum. Nemesis 1 encounters can be avoided as they do not affect your rank if you do not kill them, they can dodge Rockets, so avoiding them is a way to save Rockets. If you manage to get to the Bus Wreck with 2:00 or more on the timer, Nemesis 2 will appear. To kill him, just use the Rocket Launcher and the 120 seconds are yours. What you get for saving people: Dario Rosso: 14 Shotgun Shells Woman: 14 Shotgun Shells Brad Vickers: 18 Magnum Bullets Marvin Barnagh: First Aid Spray Nicholai in Sales Office: First Aid Spray Carlos in Bar Jack: 14 Enhanced Shotgun Bullets Dario Rosso is just guarded by some zombies, so you can kill them in a group with the shotgun. The Woman is guarded by Miss Zombies, kill them the usual way. However, you will have to be careful of the zombie hoard outside the Newspaper Building and the Hunter Betas in the stairs. A secret time bonus can be obtained, if you go into the alley where you have jumped out of the window, and examining the dead end. There are 2 seconds, not much eh? But there are 6 time bonus spots in total, and each time you find one, the time bonus doubles. (Ending up with 64 seconds the 6th time!) The ground floor of Grill 13 Restaurant is guarded by 3 Hunter Betas, so you will have to take care of them with the Magnum before climbing down the ladder to face the zombies. Examining the serving tray in the Restaurant nets you another time bonus. Marvin Barnagh is guarded by naked zombies, kill them the usual way. Examining the control panel in the low voltage control room will net you another time bonus. Another time bonus spot is found by examining the hydrant where Jill first found the fire hose. Nicholai is guarded by 3 Hunter Gammas, hurry up and kill them with the Magnum before they swallow you whole. The first one is directly to Mikhail's right. It will be good to walk over to the next camera angle, and wait for the other 2 to come out one by one before shooting them piecemeal. Examining the dead policeman who had Photo A will net you another time bonus. Carlos is guarded by a lot of zombies, killing them with the Shotgun or Magnum is easy. The final time bonus spot is found by examining the police officer in the water storage alley whom Jill found the shotgun. My Personal Record: I recently got an A with Mikhail Victor, and I got $1932 as pay. I will tell you what I did, as a guideline to how to get an A with Mikhail. Hope it helps. Here's what I did: I saved all 6 hostages. I made a lot of zombie and Cerberus group kills with the Shotgun and Barrels. I killed the Nemesis 1 in the construction site with the Rocket Launcher. I killed the Nemesis 2 at the bus wreck with 3 hits from the Rocket Launcher. I found all 6 secret time bonus spots. I only used a Red-Blue-Green Mixed Herb and a First Aid Spray. I finished with 7:58:32 left on the timer. *****NICHOLAI GINOVAEF***** Items he starts with: Sigpro Handgun Knife Blue Herb 3 First Aid Sprays Statistics: I guess that it is customary for the bad guys in the game to have very poor equipment, as Nicholai himself has only a fully loaded Sigpro handgun to start with! It seems to be the end of the world, doesn't it? Fortunately, it is not really that hard to rescue Dario Rosso and get you first box of Handgun Bullets. Afterwards, through careful use of ammo, I guess you shall prevail. As Nicholai only carries one blue herb, there really is no room for mistakes when it comes to fighting poisonous enemies. In conclusion, Nicholai is for true champs only. After some tries, I can save Dario and Marvin Barnagh and escape, and finish with a D Rank anyway. What monsters to kill and what to avoid: Zombies should be avoided, unless they really block your way. Individuals are to be killed with the knife for a 24 second time bonus. Large groups should be killed using barrels whenever necessary. Crows and Sliding Worms can be killed with the knife, for a whopping 8 second time bonus! Cerberus Dogs are to be avoided whenever you can. Drain Deimos, Brain Suckers and Spiders can be run past while taking a little damage. Don't worry, as Nicholai is an Iron Man. Hunter Betas and Hunter Gammas are to be killed by the Sigpro, but you should try to lure them into jumping at you, then you aim up and catch them in mid air. Then pin them down as they are sprawling on the floor. Use Enhanced Handgun Bullets whenever necessary. Always avoid Nemesis 1! If you can reach the bus wreck with 2:00 or more on your timer, Nemesis 2 will jump down. In that case, you MUST lure him to the oil barrels and blow him up all 3 times, if you fail, run away! What you get for saving people: Dario Rosso: 60 Handgun Bullets Woman: 60 Enhanced Handgun Bullets Brad Vickers: 60 Handgun Bullets Marvin Barnagh: 60 Handgun Bullets Carlos in Sales Office: 60 Enhanced Handgun Bullets Mikhail in Bar Jack: 60 Handgun Bullets Please not that I have only saved Dario and Marvin. The monsters guarding them are the same as those in the other scenarios. As Heavy Monsters like Hunter Betas and Gammas are near the Woman, Brad Vickers and Carlos, you must cross your fingers for luck before saving them. My Personal Record: It was a miracle, but I actually could finish the minigame as Nicholai with a D, and about $600 in salary. Here's what I did: I saved only Dario Rosso and Marvin Barnagh I succeeded in killing many zombie groups with oil barrels. I stabbed many zombies to death. I avoided all Nemeses 1 and the Nemesis 2 at the bus wreck. I did not find any secret time bonus spots. I used all 3 First Aid Sprays. I finished with 2:34:10 left on the clock. --------------- The Rewards --------------- After you die, or reach the Warehouse Office, you will be given a rank depending on how many people you saved, and how many healing items you have used. You will also be given a pay depending on how many monsters you have killed. The Rank is very unpredictable. Once, I used Carlos and saved only Dario, and ran past everyone and got to the exit, and I got a D Rank. Later, I could save the first 4 hostages, but I still got a D. I just don't know why. The scoring system really is messed up. After saving enough money, you can use it to purchase some cool new weapons. They are as follows: $2000: M4A1 Assault Rifle with Infinite Ammo $3000: Gatling Gun with Infinite Ammo $4000: M66 Rocket Launcher with Infinite Ammo $9999: All weapons in Resident Evil 3 have Infinite Ammo Think twice before buying the Infinite Ammo, as the effects are permanent, regardless of choosing continue or restart in the next game file, the ammo will always be infinite. So watch out. --------------- 12. Secrets --------------- Ranking: After the credits finish rolling in Hard Mode, you will be given a rank depending on an invisible score based on: The Playing Time: Full Score 100 The Number of Saves: Full Score 100 The Amount of HP Recovered: Full Score 100 To get an A rank, you must get a score of 270 or above. To get an A: You must: Finish in 2:30 or less to get 100 points in play times. Avoid Nemesis whenever possible, as he will give you a lot of damage, requiring you to use many healing items. You must skip all FMV scenes and files, as they waste time. You must not: Save more than 3 times, or your score for the number of saves will drop below 70. Recover more than 1500 HP, which means you cannot use more than 7 Full Healing Items and 1 Half Healing Item at the same time. The best rank I get while fighting Nemesis all 7 times was C. But I am sure that avoiding him the best you can should make a difference. So good luck trying. The rank you receive determines the number of costumes you will be getting in the Boutique in the Boutique Street of Raccoon. That's all. Therefore I couldn't care less about my rank. Anyway, if you have got a new costume, you can find the boutique key in the Item Box in the Next Game. Then you can access the Boutique and change your costume. Jill's Diary: If you find and read all files of the game in the correct order, the first game instructions will be replaced by the Jill's Diary here it is: New File! Jill's Diary August 7th, Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies eating peoples flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart are not healed yet... August 13th. Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What's with him? He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated. The other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for accidentally splashing Chris' face with coffee. (1) I immediately stopped Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walk away. I wonder what happened to him... August 15th, Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told me that "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that "It's not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself without rest (2), without even telling me. August 24th, Chris left the town today to go to Europe. Barry told me that he would send his family to Canada and then he would follow Chris. I decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the research facility in this city will be very important to this entire case. In a month or so, I'll be joining with then somewhere in Europe. (3) That's when my real battle begins... Explanations: (1) This describes Chris' rash personality. (2) The behavior of a "typical" policeman: They are always determined to investigate the case even way after the case's closed. (3) The remaining STARS members have flown to Europe to investigate the Umbrella HQ. Epilogue Files: Each time you complete Resident Evil 3 in Hard Mode, you will be treated to an Epilogue File of 8 of the Resident Evil Characters. It shows what happened to the characters after they have survived. I will not directly copy out the files, but I will just give a brief outline of each: Jill Valentine: Jill attempted to find Chris in his hideout after leaving Raccoon City. She only can find Chris' Knife on the floor, but she still thinks Chris is alive. She is now sworn to find Chris and bring down Umbrella together. Chris Redfield: By the look of the picture, I'd say Chris may be sitting in a cafe in Paris. He looks at a passing girl, and thinks that she is about the same age as Claire. So we can see that Chris misses his sister, but soon he finds out that Claire is looking for him, but was caught, so he will come to rescue his sister later, and become the star in Resident Evil: Code Veronica. Barry Burton: Barry is still the family man as he is, and is still grateful to the remaining STARS for forgiving his betrayal. He is ready to leave with Chris, and says goodbye to his family. His family reassures him that they'll be OK. Leon Scott Kennedy: Leon is talking to a man who claims to be a representative of the U.S. Government. He wishes to take custody of Sherry Birkin. Leon first refuses, but then agrees. Bad move! You are going to regret this, Leon. You should have at least found an orphanage for Sherry instead of Albert Wesker's virus research orphanage! Heh heh! Claire Redfield: Claire, like Leon, has mad yet another bad move. Instead of finding medical help to Leon and Sherry, she just agrees with Leon and leaves them alone to continue her search for her brother. She later is caught and imprisoned in Rockfort Island in Resident Evil: Code Veronica and it was her brother who found her, instead of her finding her brother. Poor girl. Sherry Birkin: It is always the child who suffers. She is now in custody of the organization who claimed to be of the U.S. Government. However, she is actually in custody of Wesker! She now sits down and hopes that Claire will one day find her. Ada Wong: Ada Wong is alive and well from her mission. But the passage mentions that she will change her name. I don't know why Government Agents have to change their names all the time in their missions, but Ada seems to be sad to lose her original name, as she is in tears. Agent Hunk: Agent Hunk has completed his mission to obtain the G-Virus from William Birkin. The helicopter pilot lifting him out says that he is the only person who survives in all his missions. Agent Hunk has taken off his mask, and we can see his real looks. Apparently he is a rather experienced commando who looked as if he is in his late thirties. --------------- 13. Conclusion --------------- Well, that's the end of my guide of the Gamecube version of Resident Evil 3. I must say, I really like this game, in spite of the 1999 graphics, and treasure it more than Resident Evil 2. Although it was a sad thing that the events in Resident Evil 3 were merely mentioned. However, but Wesker's Report 2 (only published in Japan) will mention the Nemesis. So it makes a comeback then. Now, the next game in the series will be Resident Evil 4, and it should finally happen in 1999, as the end of Code Veronica is on the end of December 1998. So here's hoping! I will only let Gamefaqs show this guide, as I am most familiar with its interface. Any readers can print it out this guide to help them with the game, just don't copy it! If you have any difficulties in playing a game (although I think you should not have) e-mail me at kylohk@netvigator.com and I will be happy to answer your questions, just don't send in junk mail or spam. ----------------------- Appendix I. File Index ----------------------- I have decided to list out all the files you will find in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Here are the files: --------------------- Clock Tower Postcard --------------------- A picture postcard of a clock tower. (Picture of a Clock Tower) The following explanation is printed on the backside: "A landmark spot: Saint Michael Clock Tower." Explanation: The St. Michael Clock Tower is one of the places Jill is going to visit in the game. --------------- Photo A --------------- (Picture of the FMV scene showing the policeman moving out of the van.) The police are pressing forward. It's dated "September 27. Explanation: It shows that the battle between the policeman and the zombies with their rubber bullets took place on September 27, 1998. ---------------- Marvin's Report ---------------- "Report" September 24th, There are reports of a theft in the municipal building before dawn. A jewel decorated clock at the main gate was damaged. Two of twelve gems that are installed on the face of the clock are missing. (1) Due to lack of available officers at this time, I have no choice but to suspend the research of this case. Signed, Marvin Branagh "Report" September 26th, Based upon an autopsy report of a 42 year old restaurant owner, I have discovered that he has one of the missing gems. He apparently took shelter in the police department at about 10 am, where he was shot to death within 10 minutes of having developed the symptoms. Since the city is currently under martial law, we are forced to suspend this case. At this time, we'll keep the gem as evidence. (2) Signed, Marvin Branagh Explanations: (1) In order to make the clock outside the municipal building to work, Jill must insert the 2 missing gems into the clock. (2) The blue gem is found in a drawer inside the evidence room. --------------- David's Memo --------------- My sanity is at its end... I still can't believe this is happening. We lost another man yesterday. Meyer; one of our better marksmen. He saw me panic once we were overrun by the zombies but he came back to save me. But when the time to return the debt, I ran. I can still hear him calling out my name. I can still hear the screams coming from behind. The sound of his flesh being stripped from its bones. I was afraid... terrified... It's the 27th. The fight to stay alive continues. I took out several zombies who managed to break through the barricades. Now I'm cutting through the chill with whisky, unloading my Mossberg on anything undead. That shotgun's become a close friend of mine. I've blasted many a zombie into fertilizer with it. We've lost 13 men as of yesterday. In 3 hours, we'll bicker over trivial things in the meeting room. It's a total waste of time. When I finish this bottle, my old friend Mossberg will be turning one last body into fertilizer. Peace at last. I can hardly wait... Explanation: This shows what a desperate situation the police are having. --------------- Fax from Kendo --------------- To the boys of S.T.A.R.S., I have some good news for you from my brother Joe. He has finalized the new handgun for official use. It's the M92F S.T.A.R.S. Special (1), but he calls it the "Samurai Edge." It's the most balanced of the Kendo custom guns. Joe said, if you miss the targets with this, you should carry a teething ring instead of a gun in your holster. Goods will be delivered along with their proper documentation. I'm sure you'll be surprised when you see what kind of excellent parts are used for the M92F. I know that you'll want to thank the good people who developed it. Sincerely, Robert Kendo (2) Kendo Gun Shop Explanations: (1) Jill uses this M92F handgun in this game. (2) The gunshop owner who will meet Leon and Claire in RE2 is called Robert Kendo. ------------------ Mercenary's Diary ------------------ September 1st Following six months of intensive training, my body's edge had returned. I was a good soldier, but they ordered my execution with no reason given. I was tortured and forced to give a false confession. But on the morning of my execution, a miracle happened. The company had helped me out, giving me a second lease on life. (1) September 15th, I ended my vacation short and returned to the HQ office. It looks like my UBCS unit's been called into action. Umbrella maintains its own paramilitary unit to counter corporate terrorism and V.I.P. abduction. In addition, they have nightmen who specialize in handling problems cause by illegal products. (2) I'm currently a member of the latter. September 28th, Dawn's here, but we're still slogging through this nightmare. There are no provisions of any kind here. The undead walk the streets feeding upon the flesh of the living. Given the choice again, I would rather have been executed. Death row was a heavenly asylum compared to this place. I've chosen to pull the trigger myself, in the hope that my dead body won't come back to life. (3) Explanations: (1) Umbrella sometimes recruits mercenaries by bribing governments of developing nations to release their prisoners of war, and then requiring them to join the UBCS. (2) The mission of the UBCS is to counter internal violent struggles and to search and rescue any kidnapped researchers. They also deal with problems caused by Umbrella's escaped BOWs and virus leaks. (3) This UBCS Mercenary cannot stand it anymore, and shot himself a few hours earlier. Note: If you carefully observe the cover of the diary, you will notice that it says, "Daily Report Chris Redfield" What an obvious typo, or is there more than one Chris Redfield in this world? --------------- City Guide --------------- City Guide The Tracks of Our City Dear citizens, Thanks to kind and generous people of Umbrella Inc., this is a peaceful and friendly city. The vast donations from Umbrella Inc., have been used for welfare work, the constructions of public utilities, and to help maintain public peace. (1) In 1992, it was my fifth year as mayor of our beautiful city. It was then that through many donations and hard work our city was able to rebuild the municipal building, create a state of the art hospital. (2) In honor of these fine accomplishments, I was awarded with a grand statue that same year. The statue rests in the municipal building. (3) I came to this city as an engineer more than 35 years ago. I made contributions to the electric systems, and to the installation of the cable car. I pledge to follow the tradition of this fine city and will devote my life to its prosperity. The mayor of the city, Michael Warren Explanations: (1) Even the mayor relies on Umbrella to maintain stability in the city. Umbrella frequently donates vast sums of money to the mayor to maintain their influence. Hence Jill says Raccoon City is a city controlled by Umbrella. (2) The hospital is one of the places visited in RE3. (3) The statue holds a Book of wisdom on its hands. Jill would have to take it later. -------------- Photo B -------------- A close-up shot of a zombie. (Picture of the FMV showing one of the zombies.) It says, "SCOOP!" on the backside. --------------- Photo C --------------- (Photograph of opening FMV showing the bodies of dead police on the floor.) The police have been destroyed. ---------------- Reporter's Memo ---------------- At last I have found the evidence I need to prove that the "cannibal disease" is indeed happening in this city. One man actually ate people to death. He was like a savage animal tearing away a new flesh. It was completely disgusting. I have heard rumors that many people are also suffering from this disease now. However, the cause of the disease is not yet known. Is this another mystery of the present disease? I will have to check on it... They have placed Raccoon City under martial law because of the cannibal disease. I have lost contact with the media outside of the city, but I won't keep my eyes shut and walk away. I have a duty to the people and my profession. (1) I don't think the disease has spread nationwide yet. I believe that this city holds the key to its creation and cure. In fact, I'm sure of it. The military has setup blockades around the city to keep people from escaping and spreading the disease. Most of the citizens have either died or have come in contact with the disease. I know that it is the right decision to quarantine the city, but I can't help but pity myself. If I am infected or eaten, it doesn't matter. My fate is already sealed. All I have left is my journalism. I won't give up until I solve the mystery of this deadly disease. I have just discovered that the disease is not spread through the air, but by some other means. (2) Explanations: (1) This reporter is just another of those obsessives in the world. Anyone with common sense will know the danger of the disease and leave as soon as he can. (2) T-virus is not spread through the air. ---------------- Mechanic's Memo ---------------- I know that you're intimidated by your new job Kevin, so let me tell you how to make sure that you and your trains get along just fine. You see, these carriages were made in 1968, and then imported from Europe. Sometimes they get rickety, but they still work because they are simple, stubborn, and strong. We can always depend on them. If they have a bad day and are malfunctioning, you'll need to take a good look at their circuits for any trouble. Once you discover what's wrong, you'll be able to fix it easily. I'm sure that you'll be able to avoid those nasty little malfunctions if you check the parts every day. These old trains will surely have problem if you don't remember to check them out. Just remember that if you need to replace anything, you have to choose a suitable part. When I say suitable, I mean that even if you can't find another original part, you'd better find something that works good enough. Even with regard to oil, you must always prepare good quality oil for these trains. Never forget Kevin that a man may betray others, but a machine won't. Explanations: This shows that Jill has to travel all around town to find the parts necessary to replace those broken in the control panel. That's most annoying... --------------- Manager's Memo --------------- Before you begin your new position, please allow me to give you some advice. Some of the medicines in the storage room are unstable and their quality will deteriorate under changing temperatures or humidity. Therefore, you must remember to keep the temperature the same in the storage room at all times. You should personally check it everyday. Although the computer checks it around the clock, a machine is not perfect. Try and remember that a machine is no more than a tool to be used by people. You must check all personnel coming and going to the storage room. Many dangerous drugs are stored there; if any of them are missing you have a serious problem on your hands. The door to the storage room is always locked, but when you let personnel into it, you will need to have them hand in their documents. And above all else, remember that if you find anything suspicious, contact your boss immediately. If you forget the password to unlock the door, try and remember that it is a word that everyone is familiar with. Don't forget that once a new product is shipped, the password will be updated again. You can always enter the password from the terminal of the PC for administration. Explanation: The password to the storage room is dependent on the newest product shipped by Umbrella. The password can be entered through the PC. --------------- Business Fax --------------- "Order Sheet" The liquid medicine named VT-J98 is suitable to cultivate the NE-T type virus. Therefore, we will need to order additional quantities of it. U.E. Sixth Laboratory Explanation: This shows that Umbrella is still busy researching more viruses, including the NE-T virus. --------------- Dario's Memo --------------- I can't help but wonder if anyone will read these words, but writing them will help me maintain my sanity if nothing else. After I've become a meal for those undead monsters, will the G.I.s responsible for sealing off the town laugh upon discovering my corpse? So is this how it's supposed to end? I don't want to die. I'm just not ready... My wife, daughter, mother... My entire family has been killed. But none of that matters anymore. Right now, my life is the only important thing. That's all that matters. I never would have pictured my end to be like this. I had so much left to do. Rather than becoming a salesman, I should have tried my hand at being a novelist. It's what I've always wanted, but my mother would only tell me you have a long way to go. Why did I ever listen to her? But this looks like the end for the great Dario Rosso, novelist extraordinaire. Cut down before his prime... Explanation: So the cowardly man was called Dario Rosso, and he always wanted to become a novelist, eh? --------------------- Art Picture Postcard --------------------- A picture of antique clocks. The following verse is printed. "Give your soul to the goddess. Put your hands together to pray before her." Explanations: This states the way to solve a certain puzzle involving the clocks in the picture. Remember it. ----------------------- Operation Instructions ----------------------- Order for UBCS Echo Team: Wipe out the downtown area of the infestation and then evacuate the remaining citizens to the clock tower. Among the civilians, remember to give priority to the employees of Umbrella's affiliates. (1) Remember to stay alert because the infected have a high endurance rate and will strike without hesitation. Evacuation Procedure: 1. Once the mission is complete, or when it becomes too impossible to accomplish, evacuate immediately. 2. We'll deploy a helicopter that is waiting in the suburbs, to the yard in front of the clock tower. 3. When you are ready for evacuation, ring the bell of the clock tower to signal the helicopter. (2) Explanations: (1) The UBCS are here to rescue civilians, but they are focusing on Umbrella employees. (2) Jill has to ring the bell of the clock tower to signal the rescue chopper. ----------------------- Mercenary's Pocketbook ----------------------- September 26th, It's only been there hours since the mission started, but the team is down to me and Campbell. The number of the zombies is far greater than we expected. There is no hope left for this city. We have already injected the antibody for the virus, but I'm not sure that it will work. I don't know if I will survive... September 27th, We managed to reach the clock tower. Out of desperation we robbed some wounded members of their weapons and used the surviving citizens as decoys. We were taught to do this in order to survive in the battlefield, but I never enjoyed it. However, a girl showed up at the clock tower before me. She is one of the survivors. She looks just like my sister before she starved to death... September 28th, I wanted to evacuate as soon as possible, but the girl didn't. Her father insisted that he wouldn't leave the city. Where his beloved wife rests in peace. I really wanted to save the girl, but Campbell said, "All I care about is our lives." That's how I felt before, but now... The clock tower has become a dangerous place and I don't want to make anymore mistakes... Explanations: This shows that the UBCS really suffered heavy casualties in Raccoon City. ----------------- Director's Diary ----------------- September 10th, These patients suffer from gangrene and congestion of their blood at first. Then their mind slowly deteriorates. In the end, there is nothing left on their mind. When that happens even mercy killing seems pointless. After all, they are already dead... This disease is unlike anything I have ever witnessed. (1) Once the patient's mind is gone, they become flesh hunger monsters and act like wild animals who are on some type of bloodlust. (2) September 18th, Another patient has been admitted to the hospital. He is showing symptoms of the first stages of the disease at this point, but...I haven't been able to sleep at all these past few days. I refuse to let these patients become "zombies." I am not just an ordinary citizen. I am a doctor. Even if I die, my clinical charts will contribute to finding a cure. September 26th, We lost most of the doctors and staff during the battle against the "zombie" patients. (3) It's impossible to maintain the hospital under these conditions. And, I know that it's too late for me. I am beginning to feel that same itchy and hungry desire that all of my patients felt. It's too late for me... Explanations: (1) This shows that the director does not work for Umbrella. (2) This again describes the symptoms of the T-virus infection. (3) I wonder what started the battle between the staff and the zombie patients? Maybe it is because, "Itchy itchy nurse came, ugly face so killed her. Tasty." Or is it because the hospital food just tastes horrible? "Itchy itchy, hospital food horrible so killed nurse. Tasty." Heh heh. --------------- Photo D --------------- The zombies are walking. (Picture of opening FMV showing the zombies walking.) It says, "The effect of the T-virus" on the backside. --------------------------- Medical Instruction Manual --------------------------- Umbrella Medical Service North America Division Douglas Rover In order to activate the synthesizer to cultivate the vaccine, please follow the procedure as detailed below: 1. Supply enough energy to the system. (1) 2. Set the medium base to the device. (2) When the device is ready, you can start mixing the vaccine medium. To mix the vaccine, you will need to control the five levers. This will cause the two gauges to increase or decrease. If you adjust the two gauges so that they stop at the center, the vaccine medium will then be produced automatically. (3) Explanations: (1) First, go to the control panel by the fish tank and pull the lever down. It will turn the machine to the left on, as well as draining the cultivation tank! (2) Place the medium base into the machine to the left. (3) To make the 2 gauges stop at the center, pull levers 1,3 and A downwards. Then the vaccine medium will be created. --------------- Photo E --------------- (Picture of FMV scene showing zombies closing in on cornered UBCS members) The zombies are attacking. --------------- Written Order --------------- Mission Requirements: Bravo 16 1. Obtain and secure sample of all the information pertaining to this case. Observe and record combat data on the UBCS. (1) 2. Destroy all the evidence including the medical facility that has the medical treatment data. (2) 3. Check the guinea pig's ability to accomplish the mission. (3) Once your mission is complete, evacuate the area. Remember that you must not help anyone who is not a supervisor (4), nor bring anything back that might be traced to where it belongs. Explanations: (1) The UBCS were sent in to evaluate the combat abilities of the different monsters and zombies that appeared in Raccoon City. (2) This explains why the Hospital was blown up. (3) They may be referring to Nemesis. (4) This explains Nicholai's reluctance to help Jill. -------------------- Supervisor's Report -------------------- The endurance ability of the contaminated guinea pigs is truly incredible. Even when shot in a vital area, they can sometimes survive for several days without taking care of the wound. However, after prolonged exposure to the virus, the guinea pigs' intelligence level decreases to that of an insect. Even though reviving the dead seems to disgusting, the virus may still be of use. If we inject the virus into our POWs and release them, they would return to their units and then turns into zombies. (1) This plan may work well for us in the future. In certain areas, the virus seems to have caused the mutation of animals and plants. It may be difficult, but it'll make a good sample for the bio weapon development. I've heard that there is a giant alligator (2), but I have only encountered a giant creature moving under ground. I don't even want to imagine what creature spawned that monster. I encountered "NEMESIS." If I didn't know about it, I'd have been contaminated and would have become one of them by now. If it is still walking around the city, its mission is not yet over. S.T.A.R.S. members must be very tough, (3) since they have survived until this point. However, they cannot hold out forever. Explanations: (1) This describes another sick plot of the UBCS Mercenaries. (2) The Giant Alligator is the one that Leon and Claire fought in Resident Evil 2. (3) The mission of the Nemesis is to track down any surviving STARS members of the mansion incident and eliminate them in Raccoon City. ------------------ Fax from the H.Q. ------------------ Attention. The Raccoon City project has been abandoned. Our political maneuvering in the senate to delay their plans is now futile. All supervisors should evacuate immediately. The US army is going to execute their plan tomorrow morning. The city will be obliterated at daybreak for sure. Explanation: This shows that once the evil activities of Umbrella have been brought to light in the U.S. Government, Umbrella is doomed and cannot prevent them from beginning a crackdown on them. Their first objective is to nuke Raccoon City, their official reason was to stop further outbreak, but it was a plan to remove Umbrella's foothold in the U.S. by destroying the city that they have so much influence on. ---------------- Manager's Diary ---------------- April 25th, Today is my 30th birthday. I was transferred to this facility today. I am very happy because the work environment is very different from life in the university. May 14th. The disposal system has been completed. Using a special kind of gas, it can decompose the cells of the guinea pigs. We have to try this out before beginning practical usage of the system, since it is not 100% stable yet. May 20th, While I was checking the treatment room, the door shut, and I was locked inside. I couldn't get out for one hour. I guess even if you have the key card, it's useless when you are locked inside. (1) June 7th. The guinea pigs we have to dispose of are increasing. The system is not working smoothly. The laboratory staff doesn't listen to my opinions and I am getting extremely frustrated. July 16th, We can't dispose of all the bodies and the quality of the liquid medicine is not good enough, either... July 29th. Though the function of the system decreases, (2) the number of the bodies we have to dispose doesn't. The infection level has increased and the antibodies we are using are no match for the new mutation of the virus. Some of the workers have been infected by the disease. I have continued to work, but I always keep a gun with me. I must remember to save one bullet for me. I want to weep. I don't want to die here. I swear that I'll lose my mind if I imagine how painful the death will be... Explanations: (1) Jill will get trapped in the Treatment Room herself later on, but she can use the Lab Key Card to escape. (2) Later, Nemesis will be dunked into the disposal pool, and some interesting things will happen... ---------------- Security Manual ---------------- "Security of the Plant" Since this plan is a facility under the disguise of a deserted factory, civilians will sometimes enter. If this should occur, do not hesitate to shoot them. If they choose to surrender, arrest and then transfer them to the laboratory as guinea pigs. You will be rewarded. "Maintain of the Device" This entire plant is controlled by an epidemic prevention system. When contamination is detected in the treatment room or decomposed specimen pool, the plant will automatically be locked down for isolation. In that case, you must follow the manual to unlock it. If the contamination is over the limit, the whole system will automatically lockdown. Then, you must remain in the plant and wait for subsequent orders. Those who leave the facility without permission will suffer extreme consequences. Explanation: This shows the sick practices of the management of this Dead Factory. ------------------- Incinerator Manual ------------------- The incinerator plant is one of the facilities that burns the disposable items which are sent from the laboratory. The incinerator burns the waste materials that cannot be decomposed at the treatment room. It also supplies electricity to the facility by a thermal power electricity generator. Part of the electricity is stored in the big battery installed in the facility's underground area. The electricity is used as an auxiliary power source. The auxiliary power circuit will be activated once the three "auxiliary circuit units" are properly placed in their sockets. In case the circuits are not connected automatically, a person can connect them manually to activate the system. Explanations: Jill has to insert the 3 batteries into their power units in order to power up the rail gun. ---------------------- Classified Photo File ---------------------- In my opinion, I feel that it's too early to use this, "Paracelsus' Sword" in actual fighting. However, in order to acquire the G-Virus that Umbrella has developed, it will be a great help to us. The power of the "Rail Cannon" is satisfactory, but please note that it is still having a few remaining problem. Technology Division Colonel, Franklin Hart Explanation: It seems that now the U.S. Government is sending its army against Umbrella to obtain the G-Virus. I think that the soldiers have won the battle, as you can see in the next room. The rail cannon is still there, Jill can "borrow it" for her own use. -------------- Jill's Diary -------------- August 7th, Two weeks have passed since that day. My wounds have been healed, but I just can't forget it. For most people, it's history now. But for me, whenever I close my eyes, it all comes back clearly. Zombies eating peoples flesh and the screams of my teammates dying. No, the wounds in my heart are not healed yet... August 13th. Chris has been causing a lot of trouble recently. What's with him? He seldom talks to the other police members and is constantly irritated. The other day, he punched Elran of the Boy's Crime department just for accidentally splashing Chris' face with coffee. (1) I immediately stopped Chris, but when he saw me he just gave me a wink and walk away. I wonder what happened to him... August 15th, Midnight. Chris, who has been on a leave of absence for a "vacation," called me so I visited his apartment. As soon as I walked into his room, he showed me a couple of pieces of paper. They were part of a virus research report entitled as simply as "G". Then Chris told me that "The nightmare still continues." He went on to say that "It's not over yet." Ever since that day, he has been fighting all by himself without rest (2), without even telling me. August 24th, Chris left the town today to go to Europe. Barry told me that he would send his family to Canada and then he would follow Chris. I decided to remain in Raccoon City for a while because I know that the research facility in this city will be very important to this entire case. In a month or so, I'll be joining with then somewhere in Europe. (3) That's when my real battle begins... Explanations: (1) This describes Chris' rash personality. (2) The behavior of a "typical" policeman: They are always determined to investigate the case even way after the case's closed. (3) The remaining STARS members have flown to Europe to investigate the Umbrella HQ.