/| / | / \ / `. / `. / \ / | / | / | / | / /| | / / | | _ \ / | | | / \ `. / | | -._ __ __ ' _| __ _ _|_ / | ._`-._/ | | | \ | | | | | | | | | |/ | | / \ '.`. | | | ' |__| \ | | | |__| | | | / \ \/ | | | | \ | | | | | | | / | `. | | |__| |__| | |_| |__| | | | / / ____ _`-. |\ | | / / `--. `---' `-' | \ | | `._ \ `._\ | ___ `.- '. ,'`._\ __ ' | | ,-' `--' `. ,`-._ | | | | | | | | ,' | / `._,'| |__| | | | | | / | | `. | | | | | | |/ | | | | |__| \/ | | | | | | | | .-. | \| | | | | /| |,' \ | ,'/ | \| ,' / | / / ,' ,',' _.-'-' Thanks to GhostOfLegault for the awesome artwork you can see above. 0-------------------------------------0 | Resident Evil 4 | | FAQ/Walkthrough | | By J "Osafune2" Southgate | | For the Nintendo Gamecube | | Copyright © Osafune2 2006 | | Version 1.01 | 0-------------------------------------0 Version History: 1.00 - I began this FAQ and soon had everything written up, I finished the walkthrough and went back and added to all the pre-walkthrough sections to get them up to scratch. 1.01 - I attempted to add some items and weapon sections but I simply cannot find the time or energy because I have exams and stuff and there are a million better guides than mine that already contain Item info and this guide probably wont get posted anyways. I did add in Assignment Ada and eventually I will endeavour to include the Mercenaries. Email: joss.southgate@gmail.com +=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+ TABLE OF CONTENTS +=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+=-=+ 00. Introduction 01. Characters 02. A few general tips 03. Walkthrough Chapter 1 - 1 Chapter 1 - 2 Chapter 1 - 3 Chapter 2 - 1 Chapter 2 - 2 Chapter 2 - 3 Chapter 3 - 1 Chapter 3 - 2 Chapter 3 - 3 Chapter 4 - 1 Chapter 4 - 2 Chapter 4 - 3 Chapter 4 - 4 Chapter 5 - 1 Chapter 5 - 2 Chapter 5 - 3 Chapter 5 - 4 The Final Chapter 04. Assignment Ada 05. Boss Guide 06. Legal 07. Credits _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 00. Introduction || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Hello, my name is Osafune2 and this is my latest project, Resident Evil 4 for the Nintendo Gamecube, you may recognise me from my Ocarina of Time or Secret of Monkey Island FAQs that can also be found on GameFAQS and IGN. I didn't really mean to write this, that may be a rather odd thing to say and indeed it certainly is under odd circumstances that I decided to write this, or rather didn't decide. I was sitting around unable to sleep and I just randomly wrote "Chapter 1 - 1" in a text document and wrote out a guide for that chapter, I didn't really think of continuing but suddenly I was compelled and began writing and this FAQ/Walkthrough was born. The walkthrough is pretty vague in parts because some of it was from memory because I only took rough notes on a subsequent playthrough of the game like what items are where etc. I am glad I made this guide and I really enjoyed writing it up and noting down some of my cool strategies for getting through the tough bits using as little ammo as possible, this is a pretty good walkthrough if I may say so myself but I am currently playing through once more so I can gloss over one or two vague parts of the guide, I also eventually want to add some strategies for Professional Mode. I do not expect you will see this as Resident Evil 4 has been written for by loads of other people already but hopefully CJayC will deem this document worthy of a place on his site. -- Osafune2 _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 01. Characters || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Lets not beat around the bush, lets get in there with some rough character biographies written by me in a few minutes. Leon Scott Kennedy ------------------ As you may well know, Leon S. Kennedy was just a Rookie Cop 6 years ago in the Raccoon City Police Department. It was his first day on the force and he got himself involved with the infamous T-Virus outbreak caused by William Birkin, a scientist who caused a leak in the water system for the city and turned the residents into mindless, flesh eating Zombies. He managed to escape with the help of Claire Redfield, who was looking for her brother Chris, missing since the incident in the Arklay Mountains. Leon also seems to have fallen in love with the mysterious Ada Wong who appears in the game, is she in Resi 4 we wonder? After the Raccoon incident Leon caught the attention of the US Government due to his remarkable feat and skill and he was recruited as an agent guarding the President's family shortly afterwards. Through tough physical training he transformed himself into one of the best agents in the world and performed many daring assignments and became experienced and also learned a few Spider-Man esque wise cracks it seems. When Ashley Graham, the President's Daughter, was mysteriously kidnapped Leon was hired to go in on a one man rescue mission and find her, apparently she has been sighted in rural Europe... Ashley Graham ------------- Ashley is the well-endowed daughter of the President. As previously mentioned she has very large breasts and wears clothing similar to the type of thing you would expect to see on perverted Hentai, which gives a depraved mental picture of the developers. She gets kidnapped by a mysterious group on her way home from college in Masachusetts and has been sighted in Europe, cue Leon being sent on a rescue mission. Ada Wong -------- Ada is the Eurasion woman whom Leon met in Resident Evil 2, she aided him in escaping Raccoon City and was seemingly killed by a mutated William Birkin, but rather than getting killed she was rescued by a certain man by the name of Albert Wesker... It seems they are working for an unknown Organization in RE4 and Ada is sent out to the village and surrounding areas to search for a Plaga sample for Wesker, but it seems there is more to her than meets the eye, perhaps she is playing a rather dangerous game of double crossing? Anyway she meets Leon several times and even saves his life a few times, maybe she loves him still, if I was Leon I would love her, definitely. Jack Krauser ------------ A former comrade and fellow agent with Leon, Krauser was thought to have died in a Helicopter crash but it seems this steroid pumped Sylvester Stallone wannabe has been sent in to Europe and appears to be working with miss Ada Wong, though the two of them don't always see eye to eye. He seems to be an extremely violent, homicidal maniac these days so Leon has to be careful because he has orders regarding Mr. Scott Kennedy. Luis Sera --------- This Aragorn lookalike claims to be an ex-cop and a ladies man. He helps Leon and Ashley out in several situations after Leon rescues him from captivity, he seems to be a pretty cool guy but just what is he doing in the village and why was he taken captive? He is unwilling to reveal his real past but it seems he knows too much. Bitorez Mendez -------------- This eight foot tall, google eyed freak is the chief or priest to the village and it seems he gives orders to the strange villagers. He has a few run-ins with Leon but he spares his life. He takes orders from one named Lord Saddler... Ramon Salazar ------------- Ramon is the castellan of the castle and he is also very short in stature and has an irritating high voice. He enjoys inventing new ways to dispose of Leon and gets increasingly infuriated when they are thwarted by Leon's l33tness. He is the eighth Castellan of the castle and he wants to correct the ways of his predecessors and give the Las Plagas parasites to a strange cult group called the Los Illuminados. He doesn't really appear to be acting on his own free will. The Los Illuminados ------------------- This mysterious organization/religious cult group is responsible for the whole situation. It seems they have revived some parasites called the Las Plagas and are using them to make puppets of the local villagers, their nefarious deeds will become more apparent as Leon progresses. Ganados ------- These once peaceful villagers lived their simple lives out perfectly happily doing their daily chores and duties. One day a priest by the name of Saddler came to them and began preaching an odd religion, it also seems that he took some away and gave them odd injections, these villagers are now mindless, murderous maniacs bent on killing Leon. Lord Saddler ------------ You will hear the enemies cry his name in death, but who is this mysterious cloaked man? He seems to have complete rule over the Las Plagas and uses them to his ill will. _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 02. A few general Tips || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Before I start the walkthrough I intend to go through the basics of this game with you, starting with the controls: Control Stick - This simply moves Leon around at varying speeds depending on how much pressure is applied. A button - This serves as the main action button, you can get these prompts with the name of the action that can be performed such as "Open," "Climb" or "Kick." When holding R or L to draw the Gun or Knife it is the fire or slash button. B button - Hold this down to make Leon run when moving with the Control Stick. Y button - Opens the inventory, this then allows you to move around it and organise it or use items etc. X button - When playing with Ashley in tow, this tells her to wait or follow on if she is already waiting, also, when near an item such as a dumpster, she may be able to hide in it. If she can do so, a prompt shows, press X to make her perform the action. Z button - Opens the Map R button - This makes Leon draw his gun ready to aim and shoot some motherbitches. L Button - This makes Leon get his knife out ready to knife some motherbitches. C-Stick - This rotates the camera, nothing more, nothing less. D-Pad - Alternate method of control, just not analogue. Start - Pauses the game and opens the options menu. Now I will talk a little bit about playing with Ashley, as said in the above section, you can use the X button to tell Ashley to wait or to follow you from a waiting position. This is highly useful if you want to leave her in a corner whilst you fight and protect her. There are a few more important points, Ashley can get picked up and carried by an enemy, if that enemy reaches a door then it is Game Over, the same thing applies if Ashley is killed by you or an enemy, if she is carried off then you need to shoot the enemy down. For some reason Ashley posseses an inability to descend ladders so you must catch her with the A button. Be careful in combat as well because it doesn't take much to kill Ashley and she does crouch when surrouded by enemies as opposed to running away. Now for some basic survival tactics: 1) The Knife is very useful in this game, particularly in the village and other early sections. If confronted with one or two villagers then there is simply no need to waste ammo, weapon carrying Ganados have very distinct attack animations that are very easy to read when they are going to use them, the pitchfork being the easiest and slowest attack to read. At this point simply step back and they will miss and stumble a little, now step forward and calmly knife them in the face, this makes them stagger and allows you to get a melee attack in such as a kick and then knife them to death on the floor, no bullets used. This tactic is a life saver on pro. 2) Use ladders, a prime example of this is in the walkthrough at the start of chapter 1 - 2. If there are a lot of Ganados and you have access to a ladder, then simply climb up and wait at the top with the knife, they will simply line up and then climb the ladder allowing you to slash them down with the knife, easy peasy. 3) Knife barrels, you shouldn't need to be told to knife barrels and crates. 4) Use bullets sparingly. This is another no-brainer, do not go spraying bullets into the oncoming hordes unless you have the Chicago Typewriter then it feels damn fine. But other than that, aim for the head to get a melee attack at a single one, this will also knock all other enemies flying, also Leon is invincible in a melee attack animation. In the castle and Island areas, the best use of bullets is to shoot the knees and lower leg area as they will go on their knees and the 85% instant kill Suplex move becomes available, this is a God send for taking out enemies fast. 5) Flash Grenades are an instant kill against Parasite spawning ganados. If there are a large number on Plaga heads as I like to call them, then use a Flash Grenade to instantly destroy them, this is amazingly useful particularly on the cabin fight in Pro mode. 6) Save a lot, unlike previous Resident Evil games you no longer get a grade depending on the number of saves, so feel free to use as much or as few saves as you want, remember that there are no Ink Ribbons which is highly useful. 7) Do not immediately sell treasures, there are certain treasures that can be combined with other smaller jewels and suchlike to greatly increase the value. - Beerstein combines with the Red, Green and Yellow Catseyes. - Elegant Headdress combines with the various colour gems. - Golden Lynx combines with the Red Stone of Faith, Blue Stone of Treason and Green Stone of Judgement. - The Butterfly Lamp combines with the various colour Eyes gained from killing Novistadors. - The Crown combines with the Crown Jewel and the Royal Insignia. 8) Mix herbs, this is extremely important, never simply use and waste a single Green Herb unless you are desperate for inventory space, you can always guarantee another herb or a red herb later on to combine it with and increase the effectiveness. Green Herb = Restores a small amount of health Green + Red = Completely restores health, very useful. Green + Green = Restores a substantial amount. Green + Green + Green = Completely restores health Green + Yellow = Restores a small amount and increases health bar. Green + Red + Yellow = Completely restores health and increases the health bar, beast combination in the game. Now on to the main event, the walkthrough section. _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 03. Walkthrough || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This walkthrough section is pretty much spoiler-free for your enjoyment. It is also pretty in-depth, it has some advanced strategies about using the knife for certain parts and if you have trouble with them then do not worry, there are alternate ways to doing them, just use guns, I included them for ammo conservationists playing in Pro or whatever. Enjoy this walkthrough written completely by yours truely. NOTE: Some of this walkthrough is a little vague because I played and then wrote it up afterwards, so some of the items etc may have escaped my memory, especially in Chapter 5. I will hope to ammend this in future updates so stay tuned. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 1 - 1 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE VILLAGE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### __ / ) /--/ / (_fter the opening cutscenes, you begin your game on a lone path out in rural europe, you will see some crows on the branches of a tree, if you want you can shoot them for 200 Ptas or whatever they may yield. Continue onwards and you will find a small wooden house. There is a quick scene here, before you go in, head to the left and you will find a small crate on the back of a cart, press L to bring out your knife and smash it and then take the random content. Now go and enter the cabin, head to the left for a scene and then you will be attacked by this mysterious villager, he is armed with an axe, I recommend waiting for him to strike and then step backwards, his lunge unsteadies him allowing you time to slash him in the face with the knife. Upon doing this enemies will often stagger and you can get a prompt saying "Kick" press A to kick him over and then when he is prone on the floor, slash him again with your knife as there is no point in wasting ammo. After this another scene occurs, when it is finished there are more Ganados (villagers) on your tail, run up the stairs ahead and collect the Handgun Ammo and then go to the window and press A to jump out. You are now faced with three villagers, one has a pitchfork, one an axe and I believe one is unarmed. Stand with your back to the house and wait for the first one to get into an attack animation, dodge it by stepping back and then go forwards and slash him in the face and then kick him, this should send the others to the ground as well, now you can get a good few slashes in whilst they are on the floor. Now back away and do the same thing as before to kill them all without wasting a single bullet, pretty nifty eh? Grab whatever items they drop and then continue down the path and enter the small shack up ahead and get the Handgun Ammo from the table and smash the crates here for some items, one of them always seems to yield a handy Green Herb here so take that as well. Now exit and head further along and you will see a dog trapped in a bear trap, help it with the A button and it will scamper off, it'll return the favour later, trust me. Run a little way further along and to the right there is a fenced off sort of area, go near the tree here and grab the well hidden Red Herb, in your inventory you might want to mix it with the Green Herb to get an item that can restore full health. Now you will see a sign post with skulls on it like the one you saw before the dog, this means as you may have guessed, that there are traps nearby. Head down the hill and you will see two trip wires, do not step into these as there will be a large explosion, instead there is a gap between the trees that you should take. Go carefully and look to the floor to see a Bear Trap, knife it to make it close and then head up the slope here, a Villager armed with a pitchfork will see you here. Get farely close in to him and he will go into his lumbering, clumsy attack animation, step back to dodge it and then move in when he is off balance and knife him in the face then press A to kick him and then get him on the floor, this is a useful tactic and we will be using it a lot to conserve ammo. Now go along the path a bit more here to find a shack which you should enter, get the Green Herb from in here and then knife the crates and grab whatever comes out. Now once outside the shack there are a further two villagers, they will come at you one at a time, so be ready to use some knifing skills, you should not need a gun here if you are relatively experienced. Take them down with knife slashes to the face and then kick them. Now head past them and go across the bridge. You will see three villagers on the cliff but they will not be able to reach you, continue down and stand near the door way of this shack to lure out this solitary villager, he is unarmed so just slash his face repeatedly, then enter the shack and grab the Handgun Ammo and smash the crates for their contents and then go and open the gate to enter the actual village of Pueblo. Upon entry a cutscene happens and you get Playing Manual 1 from nowhere, now go forwards and you will get a prompt saying "Look" press the A button to look through Leon's binoculars and you will see many villagers going about their business, might look quite innocent if it weren't for the Spanish Policia officer burning at the stake. Nice. As there are a lot of villagers here, expect a big battle that will most likely put you out of ammo and lose you a lot of health if you don't know what you are doing. Luckily there is a simple strategy that involves using two bullets that will enable you to complete this tough battle without being hurt. Head over into the village and run to the right side, there is a woman with a pitchfork that will notice you, luckily they are slow to react so you can enter the first house on the right, past this woman, it can be a little difficult to see. After entering, turn round and shoot the left of the door twice to make a hole, now go up to it and hold L to ready the knife, as the villagers approach just tap A and aim for their faces, you will get "Kick" prompts and you can kick the enemies through the door without harming it. Keep doing this, it takes a long time, more villagers will come into the village. Keep standing by the hole in the door and slash at them through it and eventually a scene will happen and they will all leave. At this point you can go and grab the items your victims dropped and enter the house you took refuge in once more, go to the right and smash the Barrel and grab whatever it contains, then go and slash the lock off the door and enter the back room, take the 1000 Ptas from the bed and smash the crates for some items. Now leave this house and enter the one opposite, go behind the stairs and grab the Handgun Ammo from the cabinet and then knife the barrels for items, then head up the stairs and take the Shotgun from the wall and smash the cabinet glass with a knife and take the Incendiary Grenade. Take the Shotgun Shells from the bed up here and then jump out the window next to the shotgun, head right up on to the side house here and check the chimney for some Handgun Ammo and then head back and follow the path round and get the Spinel, a valuable gem. Now drop down from here and head right to the entrance of the village, from here head right past the cow and then knife the crate for a Yellow Herb, if mixed with a Green and/or Red you can use it to not only heal but it will increase your maximum health as well, now get the Red Herb from the cart and then go back to the village entrance and head left from there this time behind the house on the left where you got the Shotgun from. Get the Green Herb from the logs and then continue and knife the crate for a Red Herb. Jump through the window near you and take the Handgun Ammo from this house and smash the crates for items and then exit. Now go left towards the chapel where all the villagers went, to the left of this one can find a well hidden box of Handgun Ammo through the wooden fence on the right. Now near the chapel there is a large tower, enter and climb the ladder and take the Handgun Ammo from the table and then drop down, exit the tower and head right up the path, check the little shacks here and there for some items and then in the last one on the right there is some Handgun Aammo and an Alert Order file on the desk, take it and read it and then continue up this path and enter the next area which is a farm. In here the first thing you want to do is take out the enemies here, and do this without using much ammo if any. Luckily this is simple, head to the left and you will see a big barn, enter here and swiftly slash the Villager with the pitchfork in the face and kick him, now take him out with the knife. Another villager should now be alert to your presence and enters the barn, this one throws axes, what you need to do is wait for him to throw an axe and dodge as best you can by running and then as he gets another one ready, slash him in the face with your knife and kick him to the floor and take him out with the knife. Now smash the crate in the barn for whatever it yields and enter the little enclosed area behind it. There are chickens here and some of them lay eggs, if you see any green rays indicating an item, it will be an Egg, take it as they are useful and compact healing items. Now head back through the barn and climb the fence to the right of where you entered this area, run over to the right and you will find another villager wielding a pitchfork, step back to dodge his attack and take him out with the knife. There is another villager in the barn to take out so do so and then wait on the ground floor for another one to enter via the window, close in after he enters and slash him to death before he can aim an axe at you. Now the enemies are killed, slash the barrels in here for items and open the cabinets for a Spinel and Green Herb then climb the ladder and get the Handgun Ammo from the cabinet, then climb out of the window space and drop down immediately ahead, smash the box here for the Beerstein and then push the large bookcase away. You may have noticed several Blue Medallions around the farm and indeed taken the notice from the tree, if you destroy ten or more you get a nice gift from someone. Here is how to get seven from the farm area. From the entrance of the farm, head right and shoot the one hanging from the tree, 1/15, then climb the fence and head round the side of the large barn and look up and shoot 2/15, enter the large barn and climb the ladder and then go out the window and head left, there is a windmill on the right with medallion 3/15 on it, shoot it out and then drop down. Smash the crate for and item and then look above the gate to the right for 4/15. Climb back up the ladder and you will see 5/15 hanging in the window of the big barn. Drop down here and go over towards the other barn where you took out the first villager, there is a small balcony above the doorway, step back and shoot number 6/15 down from there, now head through this barn and shoot 7/15 from the tree on the right. Now before you go, head back to the entrance of the farm and into the little hut, there is a Typewriter to save your game as well as a barrel containing an item. Outside this hut on the right is a well full of stinking water, shoot the wooden prop to knock the lid down and then shoot the shiny Pearl Pendant down and collect it. Now go and leave the farm via the exit across the other side. Once out here, there is another Booby Trap sign, head down the hill and there is a scene where a boulder is pushed down towards you. This bit can be annoying, Tap A as fast as you can and Leon sprints away from the boulder, eventually a dodge prompt will come up, this consists of wither "L + R" or "A + B" press the appropriate buttons and Leon will dodge, if you get crushed simply retry from the top of the hill. Now you will be in a tunnel, shoot the shiny things from the ceiling to get some Spinels. Out here you will see a Villager with some dynamite, approach him and he runs off to the right and enters the house, if you are quick enough you can follow him and knife him down as he tries to climb through, then run back as he will explode. Now try and attract the other villagers in the hut by climbing in through the window and then out again, now go and stand parralel with the wall alongside the window, at this point the Villager will stand with his arm holding dynamite poking out the window, shoot it and he explodes, this is a glitch in the AI, he just runs at the wall. Climb in the hut and loot the crates and then enter the next room, there is a crack in the door here, look out to see another dynamite villager, shoot the dynamite from his hand to kill him. Now leave this house and go to over to the house on the left as you came in, there is a trip wire to be careful of as well as a bear trap, so enter from the other side and loot the crates for a Spinel among other things. Now go towards the big house ahead, before you enter, shoot the birds nest in the tree to get the Red Catseye. Now head to the right of the house and smash the crate for an item. Finally enter the house by slashing the lock from the door, take the Handgun Ammo from the table and open the cabinet for 1000 Ptas. Ignore the typewriter and head through the doorway, stop and look right, shoot the tripwire to avoid being hurt and then continue and shoot the next one away. In here take the Green Herb from the cabinet and the 1000 Ptas from the table, now to the left is a bookcase, push it aside and enter through the doorway, now head along the path and open the cupboard for a cutscene and the end of the chapter. Save your game. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 1 - 2 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE VILLAGE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### __ / ) /--< /___/efore you begin, there is a scene and you get some dodge prompts, press them correctly to get through the scene unscathed. Now you start in a small shed minus Leon's cool jacket. Take the Handgun Ammo from the shelf and then go to the exit of this house, a mysterious man hails you now. Exit the house and head round and speak to him, this is the Merchant and he regularly pops up in the game, you can spend your Pesetas here on new snazzy weaponry. I recommend purchasing the Attache Case M for 30,000 Ptas, it costs a lot but significantly expands your inventory. You can buy some other weapons if you really want, but there is no point, you can do this area barely firing a shot if you know how. Anyway, head past the merchant and smash the barrels for some items and then go back. You will see a scene showing lots of enemies, this section can be tricky if not for this method, which I must thank Raistlyn from the RE4 Message Board for telling us about this on his Pro runthrough. Basically at the far end of this valley there is a gate, next to this is a house with a ladder leading to a lookout point. This is our target. Start by bursting through the double doors, head right past the first Villager and go down the stairs, this part is tricky as they will close in, if they get close slash them and then kick them aside and run along, then head left across the bridge and right up the hill, there are a lot of villagers on your tail at this point, climb the ladder and then up the on to the right, this is the tower we want, there is a villager at the top so slash him and kick him off the edge. Now for the easy part, stand near the edge and aim down with the knife, the villagers will climb up and when they get to the top simply slash them down with the knife, do this twice to each villager to kill them. The dynamite carriers will climb the ladder, slash them down and they will blow up many others. After you have killed this lot, get the item from the barrel behind and then climb down. Some more villagers should be attracted here so go back up and slash them down, then go back down once more and head forwards towards the little shack, shoot the barrel on the left and some more will come, go back to the tower and slash them down. Be careful of the ones with axes, you can slash them out of the air though. Now go back over to that hut and enter it quickly and then exit and you should find a hell of a lot of villagers on your tail, leg it back to the tower and climb up, wait for them to climb and slash them down. When this lot are dead there should be very few villagers left. Drop down from this vantage point and enter the hut below, open both the lockers for a Yellow Herb and 1000 Ptas. Exit and head right behind this hut and get the items from the barrels, then go over to the big hut, climb up the ladder and quickly knife the villager in the face and kill him. Smash the barrel for an item and then open the chest for Emblem (Right Half) and then go down. Enter this building and get the Handgun Ammo and then go to the next room and take the Shotgun Shells. Leave this building. Head forwards from where you are now and then follow the left path up to high ground, there is the final villager here, so kill him with the knife as he is unarmed and the music stops, congratulations! You have done a tough battle using no bullets! Inexperienced players may have to use a few though. Anyway, open the chest ahead for the Emblem (Left Half) and then drop down the ladder on the left and then drop down once more and go to the gate on the right, attempt to open it and it opens the Key Items screen, combine the emblem halves and use it to go through the door. This area is deserted, get the item from the barrel on the right and then go up the little path on the left for the second barrel and then go through the door ahead. Smash the barrel in this room and then head through the next door. There are quite a few enemies here, one of them has throwing axes and it is quite a small space so knifing a group this large will be tricky, there is an easy method though, wait for them to group together and advance and then whip an Incendiary Grenade out and throw it in their midst. This will engulf them in flames, when they go out go and slash up whatever is left of them, jobs a good 'un. Continue along and smash the barrel and then jump through the window on the right, in this area there are two dynamite villagers that throw the stuff repeatedly. There is a dumpster you can hide behind and crouch with the prompt, or you can simply stand at the back of the room next to the window you jumped through and you will be totally out of range, before taking them out, wait for them to kill the other two who are advancing toward you. Now when they ready the dynamite, swiftly aim with your gun and fire, if done right they will explode and kill both of them, if not wait until they ready the next lot as you are completely out of range. After they die, head forwards and slash the bear traps and through the door two more villagers should arrive. One of them throws axes so I would just shoot them in the face and kick them to death rather than risking injuries with the knife. Before you proceed, head right and go round the small enclosed area and open the oven like stove thing for a Spinel and then smash the barrels for items and open the other one for Handgun Ammo. Then proceed through the door. In this room, look to the left and you will see a boarded up window, smash it with the knife and hop over and collect the Elegant Mask. Now smash the barrels in here, one of them contains a Green Herb every time. In the next area follow the path and you will meet a villager next to a ladder leading down, he is alone so you can use your knife skills yo kill him. Now if you are low on healing items, and you probably shouldn't be, I was overflowing at this point, anyway jump down the ladder on the left if you need some and slash the fish in the water for some Bass, the restore quite a lot of health and the big one restores it fully but takes up a hell of a lot of space. Collect the items and then climb back up and then up the next ladder. Once outside this well, head left and you will see a wooden board that you can shoot down much like in the farm, do so and then shoot down the shiny thing and collect the Brass Pocket Watch. Next go into the shack and smash the barrel and crate for some items, sneak by the tree to avoid the wire but be sure to slash the Bear Trap with your knife. Head up the hill and then up the stairs into the house, there is a door here with a little puzzles, you need to rotate the ball to make an insignia, luckily it is very simply, rotate it Up and then Left and go through the door. Open the cabinet in here for 1000 Ptas and then check the drawer on the desk for some more Handgun Ammo, if you have used the strategies in this guide for the knife you should have over 200 bullets. Next check the box on the shelf for the Insignia Key and then open the door to end the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 1 - 3 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE VILLAGE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ __ ' ) / / / (__/pon starting this chapter, immediately look left and open the cabinet for a useful Green Herb. Now if you want a bonus cutscene head back into the previous room, I won't spoil it though. Anyway, proceed down the stairs, check this house to find a Brown Chicken Egg in the oven and then go to the other side of the house and smash the glass for a grenade of some sort, seems to change for me every playthrough. Now leave this house, once outside you need to be careful, there is a Chainsaw Man out here, otherwise known as Dr. Salvador, there are other villagers with him as well, at this point I recommend throwing grenades at him as you do not want him close to you, then equip your shotgun and shoot at him repeatedly until he dies, collect the Ruby from him. Check the shack on the left and smash the crate within and grab the item from it, then exit and follow the path, grab the TMP Ammo from the floor and then you will see lots of enemies, you can waste a lot of ammo taking them out, or you can use my strategy of lobbing a Flash Grenade at them and running past them and through the door. You are back in the Village once more and you can prepare for a warm welcome, head into the shack on the left quickly and destroy the crates for items, then head down the path and evade the villagers, go to the house on the right like you did in the first village battle and shoot a hole in the door once more and wait there and use the knife to slash the villagers when they get close, leave after defeating them and then take out the last two villagers on the rooftops ahead by shooting their legs to make them fall and then slashing them to ribbons with the knife. Now go over to the chapel and examine the door and use the Insignia Key when prompted to enter. Break the crate for an item, there is a Typewriter here, so save if you want and then go through the door. There is a trap door ahead so open it and drop down, follow the path into the next cave like room and shoot the lantern out from the ceiling, next turn around and shoot the shiny things off the ceiling for an Elegant Headdress and a Spinel. Smash the crate and then continue along the path and you will meet the Merchant again. He doesn't really have anything new, but you can sell all your Spinels and stuff, do not sell your valuable treasures yet as you are making a lot of money from enemies, also sell TMP ammo as I would not recommend buying the TMP because it is not particularly useful until fully upgraded. Head left through the door and climb the ladder. You are at a churchyard now, head forwards and then right to find a shack with a woman wielding a knife in it, take her out and then loot the shed for items. Next head up the path and there are more enemies, shoot the dynamite fella and he will blow the others up, if there are any left alive get to work on them with your knife. Now you will have noticed some Blue Medallions in this area, so from where you are now, head left and shoot 8/15 from the tree and then head down back to the main churchyard and you will see one on the tree near the shack, shoot it for 9/15, next shoot 10/15 from the tree on the left side of the cemetery, get 11/15 from round here as well it is obvious. Now head up towards the church, head down the small path to the right and you will meet two villagers, shoot the one with the dynamite to take both of them out easily, or at least him and you can knife the woman. Head past them and shoot 12/15 from the eaves of the roof. Now you can solve a puzzle at the pedestal here, you need to rotate the pedestal to light up three of the symbols, unfortunately I have not written the solution down. Now go back and head right down the wooden walkway, there are three villagers here to greet you, but they are easy, knife them in the face and kick them off the edge, you should be able to get all three at once if you time it right. You cannot miss Medallion 13/15 ahead, get it and jump across and enter the shack, smash the boxes, a snake will be in one of them immediately slash it to get a Chicken Egg of some sort. Take the note from the table and exit the shack. Turn around and you should see 14/15 Medallion hanging on the underside of the walkway, shoot it and then jump across, 15/15 is tricky, you need to stand at the edge of the walkway and shoot it, you can only just see it ahead on the underside. After you have it, head down the walkway, take out the last villager with the knife using the same techniques as always and then go through the door. Smash the barrels on the right and get whatever falls out of them and then go forwards, there are a lot of crows in the centre, aim at the middle of them with the Shotgun and shoot, collect the items that they drop. Go into the first hut on the right and collect the Spinel and Handgun Ammo and then leave and get the other items from the other huts. Finally, head over to the wagon with stones on it on the left side of the area and collect the Spinel from there. Head through the door ahead. In the hut on your right now, there is a barrel to smash as well as Handgun Ammo. Head down the path and another boulder will be pushed after you, tap A like mad and then press the appropriate buttons to dodge. Afterwards continue onwards into a swamp area. Head forwards and you will see the first villager, slash him in the face with the knife and kick him, another one will run out and straight into the trip wire causing it to explode and kill them both. Head into the hut on the left and slash the crates for items, a snake is in one of them so be careful, an axe throwing villager is down below in the water so shoot him in the knees and slash him when he is on the floor, now you are in the water, head back towards the entrance of this area and grab the Hand Grenade from the floor. Head back and go up the ramp into the hut once more and then drop down into the water on the other side. You will probably see one or two more villagers on this side, so kill them with the knife or conserve as much ammo as you can. Head forwards and shoot the tripwire here and you will see a slope with a tree on it to the left, look up to see a nest, shoot it down and collect the Antique Pipe. Make your way back to the walkway as best you can, there are a few more villagers, then head along it and drop down at the gap towards the end. There is another villager ahead of a tripwire, simply wait and he blows himself up, you should now be at the far end of the swamp, head up to the shore and some villagers come out of the hut there, you can take these guys down with the knife easily. If you hadn't already noticed there are now a hell of a lot of villagers making their way through this swamp. So I would recommend ignoring the Incendiary Grenade you can find further back along the walkway and just looting the hut here and legging it up and through the gate at the far end of this road. You are now in an area near a lake, head up the path for a scene and then grab the Red Herb at the base of the tree behind and then go back down to the fork in the path and take the other path, on the left is a tree with a nest in it containing Gold Bangle w/Pearls. Shoot it down and collect it and then go into the shack on the right and grab the Handgun Ammo along with the Yellow Herb from the crate. You should be bursting with healing items now which is good because the first boss is on the way, head into the final hut where there is a Typewriter and a Green Herb along with whatever the game gives you from the crate. Go and get into the boat and sail southeast and you will get a scene then... __________________________ | BOSS FIGHT ONE: Del Lago | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This boss battle is both very fun and easy. Basically it drags you along by a rope attached to your boat. It will first take you past two lumps of debris, steer to avoid these. You have in your possession an infinite number of Harpoons, ready them with R and press A to throw them at the Del Lago. Try and score a hit before it submerges, at this point do not stay still, steer away because otherwise it will rise up and knock you into the water and doing a lot of damage. If you are unfortunate enough to be knocked into the water, mash the A button like lightning to make Leon swim back to the boat. The Del Lago will repeat this, when he is dragging you throw harpoons at him, when he submerges, move. Pretty simple but eventually he will seemingly swim off and vanish. Stay still in your boat and ready a harpoon, you will eventually get little red arrows telling where the Del Lago is, turn in that direction and you will see it swimming after you, wait a little and then launch a Harpoon down it's throat. If you miss you get knocked to the water and potentially killed. Do not let yourself get low on health because if you have red health in the water then the Del Lago will kill you for definite. Repeat this strategy and you will soon claim victory against the beast from the depths. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After the battle you will have a scene requiring you to tap A like mad to cut Leon free of the rope. More scenes and then the end of the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 2 - 1 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE VILLAGE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ _// / /___eon seems to have been enjoying a nice nap in the cabin because it is now dark and stormy outside. Grab the Handgun Ammo from the table and the Flash Grenade from the shelf and then take the Anonymous Letter from the table. Leave the cabin and instead of going through the gate ahead, instead go into the boat, look to the northeast to see some blue lights and speed over there and into the cave. There is a Merchant in here along with tons of barrels, smash them. Now go to the left and move the crate their by pushing it, climb up the ladder above the merchant's hut and move aside the two crates here as well and smash the barrels, one of them will reveal a Green Gem, you can combine this with the elegant Headdress to increase it's value. Now drop down and speak to the merchant and buy stuff if you want though there is not much point, no leave the cave via the boat. Now you can head back to the shore where you disembarked to fight the Del Lago if you want, head there now and enter the cabins and take the respawned Handgun Ammo and Green Herb among other things, do not attempt to go back to the village or further back up the pathway because a scene will occur and a large pack of Colmillos wolves will attack you and that is not good. Head back to the boat and sail back to the cabin where Leon awoke. Head forwards and through the gate ahead. There is a new enemy here, but you will be seeing a lot of them later, a Plaga will emerge from the Villagers head, these guys are annoying, they can whip you causing a lot of damage. Shoot it several times to destroy it and then simply knife the other villager. Follow the path and jump across the gaps above the river and then make your way to the rope and abseil down. At the bottom look up and shoot the villager down from the tower and kill him with your knife. Climb up the ladder and break the barrel as well as collecting the Handgun Ammo. Now drop down again and look across the water to see a crate, shoot the chain suspending it to make a platform and jump across to the next part, head right and look up at the beam and shoot the shiny object down and collect it to find the Amber Ring. Look up to your left now and shoot the next crate down. Climb the ladder here and shoot the next crate down, this will allow you two platforms to the next part. Go down and jump across, break the barrels behind the ladder and grab what they drop and then climb up and pull the lever to stop the water flow and make a tunnel appear in the water fall. Now go down and jump across the crates, a scene will occur and a hell of a lot of Villagers are going to arrive. There are some guarding the water fall, shoot these guys out quickly with your Shotgun and then stand with your back to the tunnel. Wait for the other villagers to arrive and then lob a grenade at them if you have one and then shoot or slash what is left of them. If multiple Plaga break out of their heads then a Flash Grenade will instantly kill them which is a very useful thing to know. Oh, another handy tip, the villagers with torches blow fire at you, shoot their torch repeatedly and you can make them set themselves and others on fire. Go down the tunnel behind and take the Round Insignia from the wall, you get a call here so listen to it and then head through. Break open the barrels here and then you can slash some bats if you want, they only seem to drop money though. Now step in the boat. It will take you to a Save Point, run up the stairs and get the Handgun Ammo from the box and then go towards the merchant and then behind his stall and smash the barrel there. There is also a Save Point here, buy some stuff if you want or need and then sell a few of your treasures, keep the Beerstein and Elegant Mask as well as any gems like the Catseyes because they can combine with these items to make more money. The Gold Bangle w/pearls is worth 10000 Ptas which isn't bad. Now head right and climb the ladder and go up through the door. Head left into the open area for a scene and then... ____________________________ | BOSS FIGHT TWO: El Gigante | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This Lord of the Rings rip-off is big and clumsy, but make sure you do not get hit by it as it hurts. It has two close range attacks, one is to grab you and squeeze you, the other is to hit you or stamp on you. He also likes to grab a tree and swing it at you, this is easily avoided by using the dodge prompts "L + R" or "A + B" he also throws rocks at you, run to avoid them. His most devastating attack is when he bends over and charges at you, press L + R to dodge if you are quick enough. Now for actually hurting him, I recommend using the shotgun and aiming for his face. Do this a few times and run, soon you will get a scene where they dog from the start of the game arrives and distracts him for you, use this moment to unload as much as you can into his head. Eventually a parasite emerges from his back, at this point go and press A to climb, you then have to tap either A or B to slash the parasite. Repeat this two or three more times and then big guy is defeated, grab the 15,000 PTAS from his body. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now check the area for Handgun Ammo, Red Herb and Yellow Herb. In one of the huts you find TMP Ammo, Spinel and Green Herb, in the other you find 1000 Ptas and Handgun Ammo and in the last one there is Spinel, Shotgun Shells and 1000 Ptas. Now go through the door that leads towards the church, run up the walkway and then enter the shack on the right and open the crates again for items and then continue up to the church. There are some dangerous Colmillos or wolves here, two shots with the Shotgun will sort them out, but they will probably hurt you. Use a G + R + Y herb combo to fully heal and increase health because you probably wont have needed to until now. Go over to the church and enter, use the Round Insignia and enter. Break the barrel on the right and then go and open the cabinet at the end of the church for 3000 Ptas, then go to the left or right corner and climb the ladder, go to the Chandelier and jump to it, then wait for the next prompt to jump to the other side. Head round and smash the barrels and then go to the control panel thing to solve a small puzzle. You need to turn each symbol to create the final Insignia design as seen on the large motif, rotate the red twice, blue once and the green three times and then select "Combine." This will open the gates, head round and enter the room for a scene, you now have Ashley, the President's daughter in tow with you, so smash the crates for items, they are usually good items rather than just money. Leave the room and go to the ladder and jump down, turn back and press A to catch Ashley and then walk out a little way for a scene and the end of the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 2 - 2 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE VILLAGE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ , ' ) / / / (__/_ // ou should start this chapter by breaking the crates around here with (/ your trusty knife, grab whatever they drop and then head through the door. Go forwards out here and Ashley will tell you to shoot the cart loaded with oil barrels that is oh so conveniently placed there, do so and you will obliterate all but two of the villagers, and they are easy prey to kicking and slashing. Now head down the hill and enter the hut and break the respawned crates. Now leave this shack and head down to the hill and descend the ladder. Go through the door ahead and speak to the Merchant, he has a new gun for sale, the Red9, it is very powerful but it does require a stock to be 100% accurate and effective. On this playthrough I chose to hold out for my favourite gun, the Blacktail. But it is completely up to you as it is a very nice gun. Anyway, head back through the cave, smash the crate on the right and take the Handgun Ammo from it, there is always ammo there. Continue and climb the ladder and through the door back to the chapel room in the village. Smash the crate and save your game on the typewriter if you want. Then head outside. You will be spotted by a villager to the left, go there and shoot him and kick him to the ground then finish him with your blade, now head round behind the houses, smash the crate for an item and then head right through the cow shelter thing, there is another villager here, take him out. Head forwards and by the house where you first got your Shotgun is another female villager so shoot her in the legs to drop her then slash her or whatever. Now if you head round behind here I believe there is another villager, he often spots you and comes out anyway. Now I will leave you to raid the houses as I cannot be bothered to type it all up again, but once you climb the tower there is a Spinel at the top as opposed to ammo. Drop down and head up the path leading to the farm take out the first villager and take refuge in the cabin on the left, tell Ashley to wait in here and then go outside. Another villager or two should make their way towards you, shoot them in the face and kick them, then use the knife. Beware of the bear trap, knife it. Further up there is another villager, this one always seems to sprout a Las Plaga and there is nothing you can do, shoot it repeatedly to kill it. Take out the bear traps here and then press X to call Ashley to your side once more. Now head through the gate to the farm. Immediately have Ashley wait in the dumpster on the right with the X button when prompted so you are unhampered to take out the Ganados in this area. Head right into the large barn and you will be greeted by several of them, there are also loads of bear traps, you should be ok with the knife against these, I was. Either way, I believe some more either come in the front or through the side window so take these fella's out and then knife all the bear traps. Climb the ladder and wait at the window space for two more villagers to arrive, these throw axes and sickles at you so be careful and shoot them in the face and knife them. Hop out of this window and head left and drop down, kill the Villager here and take out all the Bear Traps as well as breaking the crate for an item. Now you are free to loot this place again as everything respawns except the Pearl Pendant. Once you are done call Ashley and go back here and then give her a piggyback over the gate so she can unlock it, go through. Speak to the Merchant out here, sell what you don't need and then head across the bridge, you get a call here. Now after this there is a tough battle but if you have been following this guide correctly and conserving ammo you should have a hell of a lot of bullets, I had over 200 Handgun bullets and 50 Shotgun shells. Head across the bridge and there is a scene, you now are in a cabin with Luis Sera. Start by pushing the bookcases in front of all the places where they can get through, then grab the Red Herb, Yellow Herb and Shotgun Shells and stand ready in a corner. Eventually they will break through, let Luis shoot through one window, he has a good weapon, a Red9 upgraded so he can take them out quick. You should shoot the ganados that come through the other ways, try to help Luis if he gets into trouble but he cannot die that I am aware of. Eventually the cabin will get crowded, it can get hard now, if backed into a corner, knife in the face, kick and repeat. A lot of Las Plagas are going to burst out, if a lot of them come out then use a Flash Grenade, this destroys them and stuns the others, let Luis shoot them, he will pick them off easily. Luis will often say "Leon, use this!" he will most likely give you Handgun Ammo. Keep your health at a reasonable level so you know death isn't imminent, I had a stupid amount of healing items, I was glad to use them to empty my inventory. Keep using this tactic of knifing and kicking as well as shooting the ones coming through the windows and Flash 'nading them if there are a lot of Las Plagas, when Luis says "Leon! Upstairs" follow him. Once upstairs, take the Flash Grenade from the shelf and get the Green Herb as well. More will come up the stairs, I recommend an Incendiary Grenade in their midst to kill them all. The windows will smash and they will start climbing ladders, you can go up to these and press A to knock them down, this is a good tactic so do so when you get a break from the fighting. After a long and difficult slog, there is a scene and the enemies decide to give up the attack for some unknown reason and that also marks the end of the chapter. Phew! # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 2 - 3 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE VILLAGE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ __ ' ) ) /--' / \_ight, head down stairs and collect whatever items you may have missed and then leave the cabin. Round the side of the cabin you can find some Handgun Ammo and further away from the cabin is some TMP Ammo resting on some logs. Now head over to the Merchant, before you speak to him enter the shack next to him and grab the Two routes file as well as the items. I will tell you now that these two routes are very unpleasant, the left one is through a camp swarming with Ganados and the right one is a battle against another El Gigante in a narrow corridor, I have only written a section for the right path against the Gigante because it is my favored path, I will add a section for the left path at a later date. Right, for the right path there is a very easy method, speak to the merchant right now and go and spend 30,000 Ptas on the Rocket Launcher! Oh yeah baby! It might seem expensive but you will easily make it back on battling the Gigante so this is the most obvious way to do it if you ask me. Anyway, go to the lever and select the right doorway, and go through. Run forwards and the El Gigante drops down. Equip the Rocket Launcher, press R and zoom in on it's big ugly face with the C-stick and... BOOOOOM!! Adios El Gigante! Or if for some stupid reason you haven't got a Rocket Launcher or the money to buy one, then you can start by getting a free hit by shooting the boulder Ashley points to and dropping it on his head, then use a combo of Flash Grenades and the Shotgun to lure that parasite out and slash it. After defeating it, grab the 15,000 Ptas from it and then head over and slash the chains off the door and go through. Raid the first hut for TMP & Handgun Ammo, 1000 Ptas, a Spinel and an Incendiary Grenade. Now go to the second one along and grab the Old Key which you need, and 2x Handgun Ammo, 2000 Ptas and 2x Spinel. Now grab the Handgun Ammo from the ledge to the left outside. Now aim upwards and you will see a flashing light on a strange object that is hanging down, shoot this and collect the Purple Gem that falls. Now go and slash the chains off this door and then use the Old Key to unlock the door that lies ahead. Update: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE LEFT PATH If you take the left path, head forwards and some Ganados drop down, a female one and several others, there are some exploding barrels to the right so shoot them to take the majority out and then kill any ones that escape death. Head right round the corner and you will see a Ganado on the walkway above, shoot him down and then go and climb the ladder. Once at the top run ahead along the walkway and tell Ashley to hide in the dumpster so she is out of the way. Now ahead of you is a large circular walkway with a small little arena type thing at the bottom, take out any enemies on the walkway and jump down with the Shotgun equipped, now a whole load of enemies will leap down, including two Bella Sisters who are chainsaw wielding female Ganados. Stand with your back to a wall and go crazy blasting them, I know it wastes precious ammo but there is no other way of taking on this many Ganados. After dropping the Bella Sisters take the Camp Key as well as the Pesetas they drop and then climb up and call Ashley over, drop down and go through the door. Once out here follow the path to the left and loads more Ganados come, Grenades are an absolute must here, throw some into the crowd to eliminate most of them and then pick off the remainder with your Shotgun, grab the items they drop and then go to the end and through the door, you will now be in the place that I have written about below except that you need to run forwards and then to the right to find the cabin and Merchant. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In this area head up left and speak to the Merchant, sell whatever items and ammo you do not need and buy anything you might not have been able to get, he has nothing new. Now head down to the cabin, grab the Handgun Ammo to the right of it, and then enter, collect the Rifle Ammo and the Village's Last Defence file from the lockers and then go and save your game if you want to. Now leave and head up the path and you will find an area with some lifts, grab the item from the barrel and then step on them. This part is annoying, there are Ganados on the lifts that throw axes. It is a lot easier with the Shotgun, take out the villager on the first one and then the one on the ledge to the right, the second lift has three villagers on it, aim to the middle and shoot with the shotgun to get all at once and knock them off. Repeat this on the next two and then get the one on the left, there are two more now both with villagers on, shoot them all off with the Shotgun, you will be murdered using the Handgun. At the bottom, head round and enter the control room for the lifts, open the lockers for a Flash Grenade and some Handgun Ammo. Now leave this room and proceed further down the path and you will see a cave. Tell Ashley to wait outside and enter, there are dynamite villagers immediately inside so shoot the dynamite out of their hands to kill them and then call Ashley and climb the ladder. There is a pitchfork wielding Ganado here so dispatch him with the knife and then head further and open the chest for the Yellow Catseye. Now leave the cave and continue down to the Merchant, he still has nothing new but there is some TMP, Shotgun and Handgun Ammo near him, collect it and save at the typewriter. Now go through the big doors at the end of the path. Run down towards the house and there is a scene, you will need to perform a dodge prompt here, watch the scene after and you are faced with the third boss fight of the game. _________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT THREE: Bitores Mendez| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This guy is the village chief, only his body is suspended on his spine which protrudes. Start by unloading any grenades you have to damage him and then shoot him with the Shotgun, if you are quick you get a scene where his legs fall off. Now climb the ladder behind and wait for him. He will swing about, so wait for him and then shoot him with the Shotgun when he is close, he may swipe you and it hurts so be ready to heal. This battle is very easy from this point, just shoot with the Shotgun or any gun until he dies. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now grab the Yellow Herb, Handgun Ammo and Red Herb and drop down, there are more items around, Shotgun Shells, TMP Ammo, more Handgun Ammo and an Incendiary Grenade to look out for. Grab the False Eye and 30,000 Ptas from Mendez and then head left and leap out of the hut, Ashley meets up with you. Leave this area and then go back to the lifts, ride it up, there are no enemies this time. Make your way to the large door here and go through. On this path there are ganados and also a truck which runs them over, shoot it with the Shotgun and it will crash, collect 5,500 Ptas from it and run up the hill, there are a lot of Ganados behind, you can fight them but there is no point, grab the Velvet Blue from the barrels and then continue for a cutscene and the end of Chapter 2. Make sure you save. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 3 - 1 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### ______ / --/ (_/this chapter marks the start of the castle, the castle is one of the toughest sections in this game and it is my least favourite area by far. You will have noticed in the village that I advised you to use the knife a lot and gave some strategies for knifing through certain areas, the reason was to build plenty of ammo because things are more gung ho in the castle so be prepared. Go and smash the barrels you can see immediately in this area, then go round behind the shack on the right which contains the Merchant to find some crates, one of them has a Snake in it so be careful, then turn round and open the chest here to recieve 5,500 Ptas. Go back round and enter the Merchant's little hut, grab the Green Herb from the desk and speak to him. He has some new stuff for sale, I would recommend the Blacktail which is a nice Handgun, the Riot Gun to replace your Shotgun and the L Attache Case, this is very useful as it allows you a lot more space, and also enabled me to carry the S-Auto Rifle which you can buy here, it comes in very handy in a moment. Ascend the stairs and go through the door, head round the corner here and take the Rifle Ammo from the crate, now if you have a rifle and you should have upgraded to the Semi Automatic one by now, aim it up and you will see two Monks on the battlement up ahead, shoot them both in the head for instant kills. Head round and up the stairs, tell Ashley to wait here because there are catapults ahead which fire flaming stones and she will get killed if she is with you, run past the catapult fire and then go left down the stairs. Call Ashley to you now, they will not fire on her as they need her alive. Enter the small room here and smash the barrels for some items and take note of the large cannon here, you need it later. Leave this area and quickly head up the stairs and then left through the archway to dodge the catapult fire, Ashley shouldn't get hit here either. Before going up the stairs ahead, aim up with the rifle and shoot the Zealot priest with the goat skull mask. Now go up the stairs, there is a small opening in the wall, aim through this with your rifle and shoot the red barrel you should see on the ledge with the Catapult on it, this will explode and destroy the catapult crew. Now head all the way up the stairs, do not go any further yet, you can pick off a catapult above and to the left of the stairs you came up, there is also one all the way over past the walkway leading away from the door to the main castle. Now wait a little and two Zealots will arrive up the stairs after you, shoot them both in the face with the rifle. Now tell Ashley to wait once more and run across the walkway, the boulders from the catapult will not touch you if you are quick, head left and into the little hut. Call Ashley as quick as you can and she will run unharmed, a masked Zealot will probably come out of the stone hut opposite so take him out with two shots to the chest with your rifle. Once you are both safe in this hut, it is time to take out the final catapult, aim out of the right window space and shoot the Zealot operating the catapult to take him out, it only takes one shot no matter where it hits. Now this area is safe head outside and go to the crank on the left, operate it by tapping A repeatedly and the cannon you saw earlier will be raised, use it and it blows down the big gates, talk about stealthy eh? Now before you enter, go over and ransack the stone building opposite where you are now for some items and grab the Yellow Herb from the chest in there, now head outside and go round the side of the hut and take the Gold Bangle from the chest. Follow the path leading back to the gates and go through the newly blown open doorway, there is a merchant here for some reason, he has nothing new, so ignore him and go through the door. Take the Shotgun Shells from the desk and and 2000 Ptas from the cabinet and then ascend the stairs. There are a good few Zealots up here, stand next to a wall and they advance. Now this would be rather hard if it were not for a amazingly cool new combat move Leon gets for the castle, when one of the Zealots gets near, shoot him in the knees, if he kneels, go up to him and you will get a prompt saying "Suplex" press A and Leon will do one and smash it's head into the floor for an instant kill. So that is the tactic, run around and shoot enemies in the knees and Suplex them, be careful though as Ashley can get caught and carried, so shoot the person kidnapping her as fast as possible. Keep fighting and suplexing and keep Ashley shielded behind you, after they are dead the leader in the red robe will probably come up, his head will burst into a parasite so take it out before he gets close. Take 4500 Ptas from him and then break the crates upstairs and take the Red Herb from the cabinet and 1800 Ptas from the table. Now go and take the Golden Sword from the wall and go back down the stairs, take the Platinum Sword from the wall here and replace it with the Golden one and use the Platinum sword in its place, the door will now open, go through. You get a scene here with Luis, after that you need to get into the castle itself, the gate is on the right but it is locked. There is also a door left of it, open it and you will immediately see a Zealot standing there, he is completely oblivious right now, so I recommend using a single bullet from your rifle to blow his head off. This will attract the attention of the monks inside the guardhouse and they come out, take them out one by one. Now head right and enter the guardhouse via the other door, there is normally one monk left in there, so knife him to death. Take the Handgun Ammo from the table and then open the cabinet for 2500 Ptas. Exit this room and you will see a crossbowman on the top of an arch, shoot him down and now I recommend equipping your Riot Gun. Head down the stairs and two shield and mace weilding Zealots appear, shoot them with your Riot Gun to shatter their shields, they sometimes stumble and if they do kick them and finish them with the knife. Now open the door and grab the Green Herb and break the barrel to yield some form of ammo, or at least it often does for me. Make sure all your weapons are loaded and then open the chest for the Castle Gate Key, the door opens and some Zealots swarm in, stand with your back to the wall and ready your gun so Ashley stands behind you, there is a large group that go up left and right near the explosive barrel so shoot it to take out all of them if done right. Now you have a clear advantage and there is the simply task of taking out the remnants, one of them might spawn a new type of parasite similar to the Las Plaga, but these ones look like Aliens and have an instant death attack if they get too close, shoot it with the Rifle once to kill it. Now head back through this area and unlock the castle gate, there is creepy laughter after you enter, head forwards for a scene and then smash the barrels to the left and right for some items. Go forwards and the door closes, I now recommend saving at the typewriter as just ahead is a very challenging room, you may have heard of the infamous Water Room. After saving, head through the door, head to the right and take the Handgun Ammo from the chair and examine the painting of Saddler to get 5000 Ptas. Now go down the corridor and take the Capture Luis Sera file and head left, fire breathing statues block your path, look to the right to see a picture and examine it for the Prison Key. Head back and go up the corridor and use the prison key on the door to your right, tell Ashley to wait at the top of the stairs and descend, grab the Green Herb on the left and then go to the cell, there is a weird enemy with huge claws in here called a Garrador, open the cell and attract its attention then retreat. It is blind so walk carefully, it will move slowly trying to sense you, equip the rifle and aim for the parasite on it's back, three shots and its history. You can also use the bells to lure it out if you want. Anyway, after you have finished it off, take the 15,000 Ptas and pull the lever in his cell to shut off the fire coming from the horse statue. Now go back and meet up with Ashley, in this hallway some enemies come, there is a lantern overhead so shoot that down on top of them and kill whatever remains and continue. There is a dynamite Zealot round the corner and two crossbow users, take out the dynamite guy quick and then use your rifle on the two crossbowmen. Head past and take the Handgun Ammo from the shelf, there is another guy to the left just standing there, slash him to death with the knife. Now enter the door to confront the water room. This room is difficult, especially since you have Ashley in tow, luckily this is also a continue point so you can restart if you cock it up. I always start by heading left, some Zealots come near you so shoot them in the legs and Suplex, this is incredibly useful here. Ignore the other guys and run down the stairs ahead and turn right once in the small corridor, shoot the Zealots and suplex then go into the room on the left. Grab the Green Herb and the Shotgun Shells. Now wait in this room for any more Zealots to enter and take them out at close quarters in here. Now you will notice two platforms in here, stand on one and have Ashley wait and then step on the other one to raise a lever in the main room. Head back there now, there are going to more enemies here so keep running away and taking pot shots and try to suplex as much as you can, then go and use the lever, tap A to lower the stairs. Head up the stairs for the hardest part of this awful room, Ashley points out that there are some levers above so go and piggyback her up the ledge so she can operate them. Now you have Zealots on your tail and you have to take out the ones going for Ashley as well, use the Handgun and Suplex method on the ones coming in close, I recommend the Rifle for the ones chasing Ashley, I had to use the Blacktail and Riot Gun because I soon ran out of Rifle Ammo. I always find this part hard and I took heavy damage here but I have an abundance of healing items. After Ashley does the first crank a platform will appear in the water, now you need to repeat the methods of guarding her as well as taking out the ones that are coming after you, after she has finished with the second lever, go and catch her. Now leg it over the platforms in the water and go through the door, phew! Jebus! I need to practice that room, one this file I am writing this walkthrough to I have got barely any Healing items left, only the First Aid Spray that I have had since the very start of the game. Anyway, smash the pots around this room and take whatever they yield, and also open the chest on the right for a Hand Grenade. Now speak to the merchant, he doesn't really have anything new, but you can buy a First Aid Spray from him which is lovely. The door next to him leads to a target practice room which is a little odd, you can win bottle caps that feature models of the various characters in the game, refer to the appropriate section for more details. Now head down the corridor to the north for a scene and the end of the chapter! # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 3 - 2 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _____ / ' ,-/-, (_/ inally! you can enjoy a section of the game without stupid ol' Ashley getting in the way. Head through the door near you, break the pots for some items and then jump down into the sewers. The sewer section is very annoying, Salazar has released these huge insects that can become partially invisible called Novistadors, I hate these things. You will hear the sound of one, turn the corner and one will charge you, shoot it in the eye a good few times to kill it, they often drop gems called [insert colour] eyes. Head round the next corridor and you will see a pool of water, head a little way towards the ladder and aim down and you should see two outlines of Novistadors, aim at them and when the laser pointer shows up, open fire to kill them and then head through the water and round to the next area. This room has some cells in it and some water at the far end that you need to find a way to drain, some Novistadors burst out of the cell so take care of them as best you can, my best obviously isn't very good, I hate Novistadors. Anyway, check the cells to find a Yellow Herb, some Shotgun Shells and an Incendiary Grenade oh, and Luis' Memo. Now go down the path at the side of the room, follow it and watch out for the Novistador round here and then go to the Control room through the door, smash the crates for items and open the chest for the Butterfly lamp, you can set the Eyes you have been getting from the Novistadors in this if you want. Now go back to the room, some more Novistadors arrive, so shoot them and jump down the ladder and kick the gate down, follow the path up the stairs and break the barrel for a Green Herb then open the door ahead. This room has several large swinging axes for you to dodge, they have very clear marks on the ground where the swing, so run past and then get the Velvet Blue on the right and go through the door. Climb the ladder and get the Spinel from the barrels and leave the sewers via the door. In this room you will see a group of the Zealot Ganados performing some sort of arcane ritual, head right along the balcony towards the chandelier above them, equip a Hand Grenade and chuck it down into the middle of the group to blow them all to smithereens, now go back to the ladder and drop down. Take the Illuminados Pendant from the leader and grab the Spinels that all the other ones dropped. Climb back up and jump across the chandelier, head right and break the barrels for a Velvet Blue, jump across the next chandelier and head left and break the glass with your knife and open the chest for an Elegant Mask. Now go down to the lower level and then save your game at the typewriter and go up the stairs to find another Merchant, he has nothing new, so sell some Spinels and other items and head through the red door next to him. Grab the Red Herb from the table here and head upstairs, take the Castellan Memo for some interesting reading, and then take the Handgun Ammo from the chair and go through the door. You will be greeted by some Crossbow users which isn't nice, head to the right side and you will meet two enemies on your level as well, take them out with Suplexes and then go to the back of the room behind the pillars and take out the Crossbowmen with te Rifle, head left and jump through the glass and go through the door. Break the barrels and ascend the stairs, there is an enemy with a skull helmet, so shoot his lower leg and Suplex him and then slash him with your knife. You are now on the upper walkway, you should see the Red robed priest on the platform ahead, use your Rifle from here and attempt to snipe him, he will run through the door on the right of the platform, snipe the other enemies and then go and jump down to that very platform. Head through the door on the right and take the Shotgun Shells and the four boxes of 1000 ptas, which is nice. Now go slowly up these stairs and you will see the Red Priest, aim with the Rifle and shoot him twice in the chest area to kill him. If you fail to do so he runs off and will eventually ready a huge gatling gun, this is tough if he does this, you need to time your shots carefully, if you are a good enough shot then you will avoid this nasty encounter. Go and take the Gallery Key and then drop down on to the platform and open the door. Break the pots in here and then examine the panel to initiate a puzzle, there are several pictures, you need to make it so there are six people dead in all the pictures, press switch 4, 3, 1 and finally switch 2 and the door opens. Go through and watch the scene and you are ambushed, you are in a relatively sheltered area for now, use your Handgun to put a bullet in their lower leg (I discovered below the knees is a guaranteed suplex position unless running fast) and then perform the suplex to bust their heads. There are four crossbowmen which come out, not only that but some Ganados with one shot Rocket Launchers come out, at this point you should run and they will miss. Take out the final enemies and when the music stops you are safe for the time being. Take the 1600 Ptas at the bottom of the stairs and explore the top level for a Green Herb, Handgun Ammo and a Spinel. Head through one of the doors at the top of the stairs and grab the Yellow Herb and exit, now go and press the button at the door near the painting to make a treasure chest raise up and some more rocket launcher Zealots fire at you, run away and head through the side door towards the south and smash the pot and press the switch to make a walkway extend to the chest. Open the door and walk backwards to make it close and the Rocket Launcher enemies fire at the door. Run out and go and slash them to bits and open the chest for the Goat Ornament. Now go and head through the door at the top of the room with the switch beside. Go down the hall and smash the pots and then take the left door because the one ahead will not open. Follow the path and shoot the Spinel down from above the door and head through, follow the path and and examine the fountain to get two Velvet Blues and another Spinel and go down the path past the barrels and open the door, continue along and watch the scenes, you then get a call. Go down the stairs and enter the garden. Open the gate and break the barrels to the left to find a Velvet Blue, you will notice a large stone platform in the centre of this part, head forwards and some Colmillos dogs will charge you, shoot them down with the Shotgun and continue to the right and open the gate there. Turn left at the fork and you will see some more Colmillos in a cage, shoot them from a distance and break the barrel next to them and take whatever is dropped. Now turn left and then take the second left along this path to find a chest containing a useful First Aid Spray. Go back and head right and you will arrive under the bridge and you will also be attacked by more Colmillos so gun them down and continue round and up the stairs to find the Moonstone (Right Half) sitting there at the fountain. Jump from the fountain and head towards the south and then go left to find another cage with some Colmillos in, kill them from a distance once more and then go down the path and take the second left turn off and take the Shotgun Shells from the chest, head back and take what would have been the first left but is now the right and head up the stairs and down the other side, head round to the right and collect the Moonstone (Left Half) from the fountain. Now use your map and make your way to the entrance and go up the stairs, combine both halves of the Moonstone to make the Blue Moonstone and use it on the door, enter for a scene and then the chapter ends. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 3 - 3 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### () /\ / ) /__/mash the pots round this room and grab the Handgun Ammo, there is also a room beside where the bed is, grab the file in here and open one of the large wardrobes for a Mirror w/ Pearls and Rubies. The merchant in here has nothing new except some upgrades so ignore him unless you want some upgrades and then go through the door to emerge in an elaborate dining room, take the Handgun Ammo and Green Herb and break the pot at the end for an item, head down this room and through the wooden door to the right, there are lots of pots in here as well as 5000 Ptas to be found and a highly useful Green Herb. Leave this room, there is a narrow corridor to the right once back in the dining room, ring the bell and a painting flips up, there is a wine bottle on the top left, aim for that and shoot it and the door will open. Go through and go towards the pedestal, a cage descends and you are trapped with a Monk and a Garrador, I recommend suplexing the monk and attempting to break out to escape the Garrador, shoot the lock from one of the doors and kick it down to escape. Now go to a corner and suplex the monks that are trying to get you, the Garrador will often stay in the cage so you can use your rifle on the parasite on his back. After killing all your foes, enter the cage and take the 15,000 Ptas from the Garrador and the Hourglass w/Gold Decor from the pedestal. Take the eastern door to the next area. You will be on a raised platform, there are a lot of enemies about down below, use the Rifle to blow their heads off from a distance, don't forget the one across from you. Now drop down and waste any Zealots near the gate. Pull the lever to the right of the gate to raise a bridge, climb back up and head across it but watch out as there are plenty of enemies to suplex to death. Head left down the stairs and take the 1800 Ptas from the table, jump down and smash the glass for a Rocket Launcher, Flash Grenade, Incendiary grenade, Rifle Ammo, handgun Ammo and Shotgun Shells. To make your way round to the upper walkway by smashing the lock with your kick and heading round and through the door across the walkway. Break the pots here and go to the merchant, he has the Attache Case XL which I would recommend because you need to save that Rocket Launcher for a boss later, it is pricey but provides tons of room. Now head through the door on the left for a grisly scene and the end of the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 3 - 4 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### ______ / --/ (_/ake the Handgun Ammo near you and then smash the pots around this area for some items and examine the painting of Saddler to get 5000 Ptas. Go the the protruding platform to see Ashley down below, equip your Rifle and aim at the metal straps, but to the right or left so you do not hit Ashley, shoot them off and she breaks free. It isn't as simple as that though as a whole load of Zealots attempt to kidnap her, just aim near Ashley and when you see anyone, decapitate them with a headshot. After the first lot another load will arrive, some of these have Crossbows to aim at you which is not nice, there is also a red priest to take down, he has the key Ashley needs, after destroying them all, Ashley takes the key and unlocks the door, you now play as Ashley. Save on the typewriter on the left as the next section can be tricky, to the upper right of this room is a Yellow Herb, take it and go to the next area to meet a Zealot. Ashley has no weapons, but there are oil lanterns around the room which you can throw at him, when he is coming after you go to a lantern and press A to throw it, two hits from these will kill him. Now take the Green Herb from the table and crawl under, there is a lever here for you to turn, it opens the next doorway, head through. Use the lanterns in here to kill the Zealot and then take the Spinel from the desk drawer and open the cabinet for 2500 Ptas. There are two cranks to operate either side of the metal doors, do so and go through, take the Red Herb from the table and then ignore the blue door for now and head down the corridor and through the door there. Take the Green Herb from the desk in here and then go to the table next to the door and crawl under it, press the switch on the wall and head to the fireplace and take the Stone Tablet from it. Now push the switch on the left to open a gate, go back to the entrance of the room and push the bookcase aside to reveal another switch to press, do so. This makes a path through the gates to the door you need to go through, head over there and take the 1800 Ptas from the cabinet and the Velvet Blue from the table and go through the door. Follow this rather dark and foreboding corridor and go round the corner and down the stairs to the basement, there is a puzzle in the centre, it is one of thos mismatched picture puzzles. I do not have the solution for this puzzle at the moment, so solve it and then use the Stone Tablet on it to open the door, go through and open the chest for a Gold Bangle, then take the Salazar Family Insignia, a chest flips round, open it for the Serpent Ornament. Now you need to run from here and fast, you will notice that the suits of armour have Plagas in them so they come alive, these are called Armaduras and are rather irritating to say the least. Run past and up the stairs, as you run past the suits of armour here they will try to strike you, you get a quick dodge prompt so press the buttons fast or Ashley will most likely die in one hit. Once out of this area head down the corridor and through the blue door ahead. Read the memo on the desk in this room and then check all the drawers and cabinets for Handgun Ammo, Spinel, Blue Velvet and take the Green Herb from the table. Now go and examine the strange pedestal thing and use the family Insignia on it and then rotate the dais. This creates a ladder, climb up and follow the path and go through the door to meet up with Leon and the chapter ends. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 4 - 1 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### __ / ` /-- (___,xit the room via the western exit and go back through the cage room, now head down the corridor near you and through the door, kick the lock of the door in this room and then make your way to the fountain, head to the right and give Ashley a Piggyback to unlock the door. Head through and take the Elegant Perfume Bottle, 5000 Ptas, Red Herb and the Broken Butterfly Magnum. Now backtrack to the hall where the chapter started and that you freed Ashley from and go through the northern most door on your map. Save your game here and break the pots for items and take the Handgun Ammo and then ride the curious contraption across the gap, Ashley will wait for you, enter the room across. This room is spectacular and really shows of the Gamecube's muscle, there is a large expanse of lava and fire as well as these huge Dragon Statues piloted by Zealots, use your rifle upon entry and aim to the right and take out the pilot of the first statue. Now head down the stairs and open the chest that appeared for 5000 Ptas. The next platform has a spinning fence, stand near it and constantly tap A to when the gap appears Leon will jump, do the same the other side and descend the stairs. Two more Dragon Statues will appear, one to the left and one straight ahead. Some Zealots will also arrive, take them out. Head back towards the platform with the spinning gate and aim to the left and take out the Dragon Rider there, now head towards the other statue and hide behind the stone wall. To take this guy out, head to the opening and he will breathe fire, now quickly run to the right and aim with the Rifle and shoot the Zealot to destroy the statue. If you cannot get him with the Rifle, use the Shotgun. Now head up and take the Lion Ornament from the chest that appears and then take the Illuminados Pendant from the chest on the way back, exit this room and meet up with Ashley once more. Head left and you will find a little cart, ride it round and break the pot once you get off for an item and then go into the next room. This place is familiar, it is the room where you first met Salazar, examine the door to the north and place the Goat, Serpent and Lion ornaments on it and it will open, head through. Head down the stairs and ride the cart down here. Break the two pots in this area and then head to the room on the right and take the Handgun Ammo from the cabinet and speak to the Merchant if you want. There is also another shooting range here. Leave and then head down to the room with the Yellow Herb on the table, take it and then open the cabinet for a Spinel and head through the double doors. Take the Handgun Ammo from the Lion Statue, go down the corridor, but you must be ready to dodge the armour that attacks. Head through to the large circular room and take the Green herb and Shotgun Shells from the sides and then grab the King's Grail from the middle. Upon doing this the door closes and three Armaduras emerge, keep away from them and shoot at their helmets with the Shotgun and eventually a Las Plaga will break out, do this to all three and throw a Flash Grenade to kill them. After this three more emerge, do the same thing, it is tricky though, keep running and take pot shots at them then be ready with the Flash Grenade. Now leave with your King's Grail and head all the way back. Now enter the room to the west of this main hallway, there are four panels that you need to push down, use the two statues on two of them and have Ashley wait on another and stand on the last one yourself and head through the door that opens. Watch the scene, the roof is now descending, this is easy though, aim with the Handgun and shoot the glowing red orbs to stop the roof, continue through the next opening. Follow the corridor and the door slams trapping Ashley, some Zealots are driving a hufe spiky death machine down as well. Shoot the Zealots driving it and Ashley will escape through the gate that will open. Break all the crates and barrels in here and take the Elegant Chessboard from the desk and then the Queen's Grail from the chest. Kick down the door and you are back in the original hallway. Head through the path ahead and down the corridor with the open windows some purple robed monks approach, I recommend grenading them, or you can use the suplex tactic but they have nasty scythes. After killing them shoot the shiny bits on the statues for Spinels and an Elegant Mask. Use the Queen's Grail on the left statue at the end here and the King's Grail on the right and go through the door that opens in between them. Break the pots in here and then jump through the windows on the left and then ascend the ladder and walk to the end of the walkway and open the chest for a Butterfly Lamp. Go back to the corridor and head through the door there. There is a scene here and some more Novistadors, get your back to a wall and then try to shoot them in midair because they die one hit, use the Shotgun on the ones that land to kill them fast. Take they Eye gems from them and use them on the Butterfly Lamp to increase the value. Now head across and turn left and pull the lever, the drawbridge will try and lower but it cannot, shoot the chains away and head across and through the door. There is a merchant here with new upgrades, so upgrade your arsenal of weapons and save your game at the Typewriter. Grab the Handgun Ammo from the chair and then go through the door ahead. You will now be outside the castle on a huge bridge facing a large tower, watch the quick scene and then head across the bridge, over to your right our some catapults that will start firing, ignore them for now and head towards the tower. Turn left and go up the stairs to bump into a lot of enemies, shoot them in the legs and suplex them, follow the walkway carefully because the catapults will still be firing. If you stand near the corner of the wall on your right you should be able to aim out with the rifle and shoot the Zealots manning the catapults. Take them down and head round and go through the door you will see on the right. You are confronted by a large set of complex gears and mechanisms, climb the ladder near you and search the upper level for Handgun Ammo and a crate, climb up to the next level and take the Green Herb and read the letter on the table which explains that the gears have been jammed with something. If you look carefully you should be able to see a piece of wood, shoot it and then go to the edge and aim below and shoot the next one away. Now jump down to the previous level and shoot the final one away and climb back up, pull the lever to start the mechanims again, this also results in Zealots breaking in to the tower. Descend down to the next level and be careful of the crossbows and jump down again, now head down once more, just ignore the enemies. Once on the bottom level some one will start throwing dynamite down so be careful, break the crates around here and take out any pursuing enemies, the door is close by so go through it. Now this part can be nasty, there are many purple robed Zealots ahead and some behind. Now I often cheat this method and throw a Flash Grenade and then run through the door ahead, so do that if you want. But if you must make a stand then I still recommend grenades, use an incendiary or a regular Hand Grenade, the horned leader drops a Gold Bangle if you are interested. After this tough battle head through the door opposite. Blimey, they just cannot give you a break can they? You recieve a warm welcoming from some Zealots and two Garradors which like to fight close together making life extra difficult. I recommend taking out the ganados first using suplexes and then shoot the bells at the far end of the room to distract the Garradors and get some cheap shots off at the parasites on their backs. Walk around a lot and pray they don't decide to charge, pick them both off, now about four or five skull helmeted monks arrive on the scene to help the Garrador, this is tough. If you have a Grenade, then use it to waste these pests, either way, take them down fast, despite the helmets about two suplexes will kill each one. Now finish the last Garrador if you havent already done so. Take 15,000 Ptas from each Garrador and take the Green Herb and Incendiary Grenade from this room and go through the opened door. Take the Spinels from the statues and then head up the stairs to the next room and watch a scene, be ready with the dodge prompts and the scene ends. You are now in an underground area, examine the corpses on the spikes to find a Crown and a Velvet Blue. Take the TMP ammo, Magnum Ammo and the Yellow Herb near the merchant and then speak to the Merchant. I would now advise selling up your Riot Gun and purchasing the Striker, this is a small and compact Shotgun and it completely owns. You will now want to Save your game and head through the door, examine the pipes on the way to get a Spinel, Red Herb near the gate and the Velvet Blue from another pipe. Looks like someone is following you... Head through the door up ahead. You will hear something moving around above you, occasionally a dodge prompt will appear, press it to dodge an attack. Head into the first room on the right and take the First Aid Spray and Handgun Ammo and go over to the elevator to discover the power is out. Now leave this room, still dodging your mysterious assailant and enter the next room along. There is some TMP ammo in here, leave and enter the room at the far end. In here is a power switch that you need to press to activate power, there is also a Green Herb and some Shotgun Shells in here. At this point the attacker, known as Verdugo, one of Salazar's personal guards decides to show up at last. This fight is optional, but if you kept the Rocket Launcher you found earlier in the castle then it is a piece of cake, before you can hurt him you need to find the Liquid Nitrogen canister and knock it over and then blast him with the Rocket Launcher to kill him. Take the Crown Jewel from his body and you can combine it with the crown. The elevator will automatically descend, go back to the room and enter it. And so ends this long and rather difficult chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 4 - 2 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ __ ' ) ) /--' / \_ight from the bat, take the Green herb near you and head down the stairs, there is a Merchant here with some new tune ups as well as a typewriter to save if you are so inclined and a box of Handgun Ammo on the desk. There is also another shooting range where you can play game C. Head through the door and you will be reunited with the Los Ganados originally from the village! Whoo, rather than having a group hug, slash them in the face and kick them to the floor and finish them. Head into the mining area, there are some barrels to smash a Velvet blue to obtain, get them and drop down the ladder, attract the attention of the villagers and then climb the ladder again and wait for them to climb up so you can slash them down much like we did in chapter 2 - 1 remember? After killing them, jump down the ladder and head forwards and over to the switch near the mine cart track, pull the lever and a mine cart containing some dynamite rolls down but the Circuit Breaker stops it. Now behind you there is a small hill with some Ganados at the top, run up the pathway there and kill him and then head over to the lever of the Circuit Breaker and pull it. Now head back down and a Dr. Salvador will show up along with a few Ganados, I recommend Grenading him and then whipping out your Shotgun and shooting him in the head repeatedly until he dies because they are nasty if they get in close so be ruthless. Now go back to the switch and pull it to lower the cart with the dynamite you need, also take the Velvet Blue from the cart near you and then collect the Dynamite, to the right of the mine cart switch is a rock, use the dynamite at it to blow it away and then there are a further three Ganados to take down, do so and then head into the door behind. Watch the scenes here and then prepare for... _________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT FOUR: Los Gigantes | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are two El Gigantes to fight this time, hence "Los" rather than "El." Luckily there is an instant kill method for one of them, you will notice a ladder near you that you should climb up, wait for one of the Gigantes to start shaking the platform you are on and then zipline down to the other side, ahead of you is a switch which activates a trapdoor in the centre, press A to operate and wait for a Gigante to stand on the metal circle in the centre and then press A to drop it into the larva and kill it, do not go near it yet because it grabs you which is not very nice. Use the same method as when you first fought one, use Flash Grenades and Hand Grenades to either blind or inflict massive damage on him respectively. Aim for his face with your Shotgun and when the parasite shows jump up and tap A or B like hell. Keep doing this, take pot shots at him and then run, to get a good distance between him and you, use the zipline and then fire at him, eventually he will drop and yield a lovely 15,000 Ptas for your troubles. NOTE: In the NTSC version you can leave the room and then return to find another 15,000 Ptas from the one you killed automatically, in the PAL version which this guide is written to this does not work. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Search this room for some Shotgun Shells a First Aid Spray and a Flash Grenade and then leave through the doors across the room. Follow this tunnel and you arrive in a cave with some Novistadors, oh joy. Stand on the platform overlooking the abyss and remember this good tip, Novistadors die one hit if they are flying, shoot the flying ones fast and then take out the ones that land if any get a chance to, now take the Green Herb nearby and then head up the path to Leon's right and some more Novistadors join the party at the top, nearby here there is a tunnel, head down it and take the Green Herb and press the light switch, you will be ambushed by more Novistadors down here, they are hard to fight in close quarters so attempt to get back to open ground. Now head across the walkway and take the TMP ammo on the left and fight some more Novistadors and then head into the cave, grab the Green herb and press the switch and prepare for another annoying ambush from these bastard insects. Now leave and head over to the door that was revealed by the light and go through. There are huge pillars that stomp here, so be careful going past them, pull the lever on the left when you see it and head on past the last pillars and into a chamber, take the Royal Insignia and then ride the lift thing up to end the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 4 - 3 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ , ' ) / / / (__/_ // ou will start this chapter off in an outside area, break the barrels (/nearby and then go to the shack to meet the merchant, tune up your weapons and then take Ada's Letter from the doorpost and then continue on down the path. On the left and right will be two torch bearing Ganados so take them out as silently as possible and then creep further forward and you will see a large bonfire with several Ganados around it. There is a ladder nearby to climb up so do so and then throw a Grenade into their midst and blow them all to smithereens. Jump down and take whatever they have dropped. Head over to the right and you will see a wooden shack, go behind and take the Velvet Blue from the well and turn around and collect the box of 1800 Ptas, now jump through the window space of the shack and smash the crate for an item and then operate the crank to reveal a ladder, climb down. Follow the path and break the crates on either side of you and then you will emerge in a large open room, there are several Ganados in this semi maze like area as well as some Bear Traps, there is also a Dr. Salvador at the top window on the large room. Use your rifle to pick off the Ganados to the left, ahead to the right and in the far left corner near the big building structure. Now head down and look up at the Dr. Salvador, he will continually run into the wall so pick him off at your leisure. Turn around here and you can find a tunnel leading downstairs, take out the Ganado at the end and open the Sarcophagus for the Staff of Royalty, a nice valuable treasure. Now climb the ladder and enter the top level, take the Key to the Mine and then wait as some more Ganados will follow you up the ladder, slash them down off the edge to kill them. Take the 10,000 Ptas from the Dr. Salvador and then head downstairs to meet another Salvador, throw some Grenades if you possess any and then shoot him with a powerful gun. Take 10,000 Ptas from him and exit and then head up the stairs to the right and use the Key to the Mine on the door and open it. In here the spiked ceiling will fall, shoot the four red bulbs and then take out the annoying parasites from the floor. Open the tomb here for 1800, 2000 and 1500 Ptas. Now proceed on through. Smash the barrels and take the Green Herb on the left and then climb into the mine cart, jump to the middle one and shoot the lever on the left to start it up. This section is a bit like Indiana Jones, basically Ganados will jump in at several points, equip the Shotgun and stand in the back cart and shoot them down before they can jump in at the first two points, you will then enter an open area where the cart is stopped by a Ganado. Loads of them will jump into the cart now so get blasting, there is also a Dr. Salvador here which is not very nice at all to face at close range to be swift. After this shoot the lever to continue. There are more dropping points that are easily dealt with but eventually a Dr. Salvador jumps in, but the cart speeds up down a hill so you can easily take him out here. Be ready with the dodge prompts throughout this section so you can avoid the overhanging wooden beams. When you are nearing the end be ready to hit L + R as hard as you can to make Leon perform an awe-inspiring leap of faith, you then need to tap A like mad to make him climb up. Examine the pedestal through here for the Stone of Sacrifice and then climb the nearby ladder, head forwards and then to the right and use the Stone of Sacrifice to open the door and then take the elevator up to end the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 4 - 4 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE CASTLE # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _____ / ' ,-/-, (_/from the start of this chapter, head forwards and take the Handgun Ammo and then head forwards and down the stairs on to a platform. You will probably notice the massive statue of Salazar ahead, head up a bit and an enemy will use a lever which makes it's hand move, but only one of them. More enemies will jump down so be careful but you need to jump to the hand and ride it up and then use the lever on the platform ahead to make the next hand move then take that to the other side and go down to the bottom level here via the ladder and pull another lever located near a red robed Zealot. Go back to the side of the room you started on and get to the top floor using the hand and pull the lever here, the next lever to pull requires you to go back to the western side to the top level and use the lever behind the head of the statue. You now will have the platforms raised in the water as well as the statue working proper, now simply jump all the way down and head down the path, the statue will come alive now though so you need to tap A like mad, also pillars will fall from the left and right, when one falls from the left, press L to dodge it and R when they fall from the right. Slash the lock off the door and head through it. You need to tap A and run across this bridge and then hit L + R together to make Leon perform another super-human leap and then tap A to make him climb up. Now enter the tower ahead. Watch a scene and now you have a rather large battle on your hands, head right up the stairs and then you will get to some wooden walkways, an enemy drops down the ladder ahead so kill him and then climb up said ladder opposite where you are now. More Zealots will enter the bottom of the tower so pull the lever next to you to make a barrel roll down the stairs and crush them now continue up the stairs and you will find an elevator. There is a Zealot throwing dynamite from the galleries above so kill him if you can and then go on to the lift and push the crates off and activate the lift via the switch. This part is hard, several red robed monks will drop down as the lift ascends and you have to fight them at close quarters as well as contend with Crossbowmen from the platforms near you, the lift is also painfully slow. Use the shotgun on the crossbowmen as soon as you can and then I recommend shooting the monks or slashing them with the knife and suplexing as best you can. After a lot of healing items and red Zealots you will arrive at the top, head on to the walkway. Check this area for some ammo and then head up and round to the next elevator and take it up. Go up the stairs here and grab the Shotgun, TMP and Handgun Ammo near the merchant and speak to him to purchase a First Aid Spray unless you are holding one already. Now you will want to save and head through the door and then go forwards for a scene and a boss battle. _________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT FIVE: Ramon Salazar | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Wow! This guy has had a serious makeover from the irritating midget with the short temper. This boss can seem a little overwhelming at first from the sheer size of it but it isn't actually all that hard. Start by heading left and right and grabbing the Yellow Herb, Shotgun Shells and Handgun Ammo from this platform and then you can start fighting the boss. He has some basic attacks with teh various tentacles, luckily you get a dodge prompt which makes these attacks extremely easy to avoid, he also likes to get the big eyeball thing and slam it down repeatedly, run to avoid this. The nasty thing is his instant kill attack, thats right, he has a cheap instant kill attack designed to make him seem harder than he actually is. When the large eyeball appendage opens wide, run fast in a direction and he should miss, if he gets you it is Game Over, try again time. Now you know how to dodge his attacks, it is time to hurt him. Use your Striker and aim for the eyeball, shoot it, if some green blood sprays out you know it is hurting him. Do this enough and it will drop and the weird protective shell thing falls from Salazar, allowing you time to equip the Rifle or Broken Butterfly and aim at his head and let off a few rounds. Repeat this process several times to kill him. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After beating him, drop down to the lower level and look around for barrels and smash them for items, in one of them you get a guaranteed First Aid Spray, take it and climb the ladder and take the 50,000 Ptas from Salazar's remains and head through the door behind him. Break the barrels and follow the path and abseil down the wall, then head down the corridor for a scene and the end of the chapter as well as the end of the disc. DISC 2 Walkthrough # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 5 - 1 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE ISLAND # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ , ' ) / /--/ / (_ead down the pathway after the scenes and turn left into the cave, head forwards here and ignore the pathway leading right and climb the ledges and break the crates, one of them contains an Emerald. Go back down and take the aforementioned path. Jump across the gap and the spotlight will see you and activate an alarm. Wait here and take out the first few Soldier Ganados that arrive, these fellas can also be Suplexed so remember that and take them out. Head forwards a bit past the wall and a massive Soldier wielding a gatling gun leaps down, these are nasty and are called J.J's, according to the bottle caps gained from the target practice anyway. Head back behind the first wall and wait for him, throw any grenades at him that you may have and then blast him in the head with your Rifle and take the 30,000 Ptas that he drops. Climb the ladder on the right and smash the boxes for the item and then drop down, go into the hut across and take the Yellow Herb and then leave and make for the stairs ahead, some more soldiers will be about so be sure to make corpses of them and ascend the stairs and hit the switch on the left to trigger a laserbeam that hits a reflector on top of another bunker further down, go there and take the items from within and climb the ladder and examine the reflector and align it with the one further over near where you killed the J.J. Go over there and climb the ladder and move this reflector so it hits the pillar right of the door you need to open, head up the stairs and through the door. Take the Shotgun shells and then follow the path, some soldiers will push a boulder down so use the dodge buttons to avoid and head through, you will meet some enemies near a ladder so take them out and climb it. At the top leave the tent and shoot the soldier on the left and then jump the gap and climb through the window space on the right. Take out the electric stick wielding soldiers and then make two lefts to find a red herb, now head round to find a red barrel near some rocks, shoot it to blast them and head through and grab the Golden Lynx from the chest, now exit this cave. Head right and shoot the soldier and then head behind the rocks and there will be a dynamite thrower and some crossbowmen on the cliff above, shoot the red barrel near them to take them out and then shoot the other soldiers that run down the hill. Head up left into the cave and follow it to the end to find Shotgun Shells and a useful Green Herb. Go back and take out any soldiers following you and jump down from the walkway, shoot the wagon with the barrels in and it will roll down and destroy any others, head up to the gate and press the switch next to it to open it and head through. Go down to the Merchant and you can see two more items to buy, the treasure map for the Island and the Killer7 Magnum, do not waste money on this gun, you have the Broken Butterfly which is just as good. Save if you want and then head further onwards, there is an electric stick Soldier and two crossbow wielders, take them out with the rifle and enter the door on the left to gain access to the military base proper. Open the locker near you for 2000 Ptas and then follow the corridor and check the metal dumpster to the right for an Incendiary Grenade. Now follow the path to find a solitary enemy, kill him with the knife because he is unarmed and it would be wasteful to shoot him. Take the Green Herb from the worktop and then turn around to find some Shotgun Shells in a suitcase. Now follow the path down and you will see an oven... Head up to it and prepare to dodge as the infamous Oven Man bursts out! "What was he doing in there?" wonders Leon, I have no idea personally. Check the sink for a Hand Grenade and then go to the doorway to the right and head through the door. Out here head round the corner to meet a huge axe wielding soldier that likes to charge you, equip your Shotgun and aim for the head and let fly to decapitate him. Now ignore the door ahead and go down the stairs near here and kill the enemies which include a large armoured soldier like we just met, open the suitcase for the Red Stone of Faith which can be combined with the Golden Lynx and then go into the room under the stairs and smash the barrels and then head up the stairs and through the door. Head a little into this room for a scene and Ashley's location is marked on your map, exit this room via the north door. Grab the Shotgun Shells from the filing draw on the left and enter the small room on the right to meet the merchant who has some new stuff including the Tactical Vest which costs 60,000 Ptas but reduces damage by 30%, I would recommend picking it up if you are on your first playthrough. You can also find Shotgun Shells and Rifle Ammo in this room as well as a target practice range where a new row of Bottle Caps becomes unlockable. Now go back out of this little side room and head down the corridor and a door opens up and some dynamite is throw at you, wait behind the barrier and when the door opens try and shoot the dynamite from one's hands if not kill one. It will open every so often so you have lots of chances. Once the dynamite throwers are out of the way take out the crossbow gunners that replace them. Grab the Emerald from the filing cabinet on the left and go through the now permanently open door and take the TMP ammo from the red wall box. Follow the path round and go through the northern door to reach the next area. Take the Green Herb near you and enter the small room to find a Typewriter to save at and a Brass Pocket Watch in a crate next to it. Leave this little room and follow the corridor round and go through the double doors to the medical lab. Head forwards here and watch an ominous scene and then go right and check the monitor for a small puzzle, you have to rotate the coloured arrows to make a path from top right to bottom left, this is so pathetically easy, once you have done it head through the door that opens. Take Luis Memo from the table on the left and take the TMP ammo and then examine the corpse to get the Freezer Card Key. The large monster known as a Regenerator is now up and about, do not attempt to fight this one and just run out of this lab, there is an Emerald in it's room if you are desperate. You will hear the freaky breathing sound of a regenerator in this area, ignore it and head through the gate ahead and head down the small side alley on the left and open the case for an Emerald, then go and open the large white freezer door. This place has some nasty looking Regenerator corpses frozen crogenically, take the Rifle Ammo from the left and then smash the glass cabinets in front of you for a Green Herb. Head into the little room on the right and change the card to the Waste Disposal Card Key and then examine the cryogenic machine on the right and disable it. Everything unfreezes, leave this small room and enter the next one up on the right and open the door there for the Thermal Scope equippable on the S-Auto Rifle. Unlucky for you the door locks and a Regenerator emerges. Run near the entrance of the freezer room and aim with the thermal scope at it, you will see some hot spots on it, these are Plagas parasites and you need to shoot these out to kill it, do so and take the money it drops and exit the room. Run away from the Regenerator out here and head right down the red-lit corridor and enter the door at the end to reach the Waste Disposal area. Go through the door here and grab the Hand Grenade and then operate the controls, you can use the grabbing hand to throw two Ganados down the disposal shaft, do so and they hit the switch disabling it. Two soldiers also run up to the room you are in so take them out with suplex tactics and head down into the room below and take out any remnants. Take the Green Herb from this room and examine the dumpster right of the door to find an Emerald and then go through the door to the left. You can find some lovely Shotgun Shells and an ever useful Yellow Herb, even if you have full health they sell for 3000 Ptas or you can upgrade Ashley's health later. Open a locker for a Flash Grenade and head through the door, take the Handgun Ammo from the red cupboard and head round the corner to meet two large armoured soldiers. Take them out with Headshots from the Striker or Broken Butterfly. You will see Ashley in the room at the end but you need a card key head through the door on the left. There are electric stick users in here, so shoot them down before they can inflict a large amount of damage on your person and then go down the stairs and turn around get the Magnum Ammo and Shotgun Shells from the cupboard and head through the door to the right of the stairs. Follow the corridor all the way to the end and enter the end room for a Green herb and a typewriter to save at. Exit this little room and head into the room that is now to your right, go to the end and a weird looking Regenerator enters with spikes on it's body, this is an Iron Maiden and it looks nasty, but before you run to the hills (see what I did?) this isn't too hard. To fight this Iron Maiden you need to act like a Trooper *snigger* and aim with the Thermal Scope and shoot the parasites you can see, after this take out it's leg on the upper thigh to drop it and then quickly hit the parasite on it's back to make it explode in a fountain of gore. Take the storage room card key and leave this lab, there are some items to be had if you explore, but I cannot be bothered to write detailed explanations, so if you want go into the main lab area and get the Rifle Ammo, Shotgun Shells and a Green Herb, now exit and head back through this corridor. Run all the way back to Ashley's cell and unlock it and watch the scene to end the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 5 - 2 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE ISLAND # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### _ __ ' ) ) / / / (_ab the Shotgun Shells on the left and try to leave for a scene, take the paper airplane and read what it says now leave the Storage Room. There will be some enemies outside including a big armoured soldier, stand with Ashley behind and blast him in the head with the shotgun or Broken Butterfly and then finish the remaining soldiers with your Handgun or Shotgun depending on how good you are with aiming. Leave this room heading back towards the waste disposal shaft and you will be ambushed, take them all out fast with the shotgun and press the switch to open the door and then prepare for more battles as some more Ganados come in. Leave this room and watch the scene and you jump down to the waste disposal area. You land near an Iron Maiden, so get up and flip the lever to open the door, the Iron Maiden will get up at this point so close the gate to buy some time and then aim with the Thermal Scope and take out all the four parasites on it's front and then the one of the back to kill it. Grab the 20,000 Ptas it leaves and the Rifle Ammo and open the next gate along, push the large dumpster down and then head forwards and another Iron Maiden arrives, shoot the exploding barrel near it for massive damage and then shoot the parasite on its back and it will explode. Take the Rifle Ammo and the Green Herb and then head through and push the large red dumpster aside and go through to the next area. Follow this path and take out all the enemies you find as well as smashing the barrel and taking the Green Herb near the wall and then head through the door to the next room. There will be a hell of a lot of enemies in here, shoot them down as best you can and then make for the little control room in the corner with Ashley, you should have noticed the wrecking ball suspended in the centre of the room no? There is a lever in here to make it smash into the wall, have Ashley Operate it whilst you stand back and take down any enemies that try and get in to the small room from either left or right, wait for the lever to go back to its original position and then have Ashley operate again and then one last time to smash the wall revealing a doorway, grab the Red Herb and Handgun Ammo and make a break right of the lava pool and head through the door. Make a right and enter the room for some Rifle Ammo and an Incendiary Grenade and then head to the first shutter and pull the leaver next to it, this causes a normal Regenerator to come out, so take it out using the Thermal Scope and then continue. Make a left and press the red button on the wall and take the Green Herb and open a locker for some Shotgun Shells then leave to face another Regenerator, kill it and take the 5000 Ptas it drops for you. Head left and send Ashley underneath the shutter to open it and head through. In the room on the right is a Merchant and a Yellow Herb, get them and go to the double doors, tell Ashley to wait near one of the levers and operate the other one, try and do it in unison, when the middle light lights up, head through the door. Take the Rifle ammo and Shotgun Shells and then smash the crates, one has a First Aid Spray in it every time, then get on to the bulldozer and Ashley drives it, at least she can do something useful. This isn't going to be plain sailing though, face away from Ashley and eventually some Ganados will give chase. Blast them down from a distance or wait for them to get on to the bulldozer and kill them for ammo and money. Pretty soon a truck comes up behind, shoot it a couple of times in the engine block and it goes up in flames and stalls, more Ganados come so kill them, use Flash Grenades if Las Plagas burst forth. After a while the truck comes for a second attack, do the same to it and it will crash out. Now things get really annoying you get to an area with a lift and the switch resets stopping you from progressing. Time to hop off the bulldozer and head up the ladder on your right, take the Green Herb and shoot the two Soldiers near you and head round and get the switch, make sure no enemies are making for Ashley, and head back down via the other ladder as fast as you can and climb back on and the elevator raises, you have also reached a continue point so you start here if you die which helps. Now through this gate, look up at the walkway above and you will spot two Ganados, shoot them down and then face away from Ashley once more. Some more Ganados will sprint out behind you so take these guys out, there are some guys to the right that like to jump down as well so take them out, if you are low on ammo, wait for them to get on the back and kill them and grab the ammo dropped, this part can be a little taxing on the healing items, especially on Professional. Soon you will come to a gate that Ashley starts smashing down with the bulldozer, when you get through look forwards and another truck comes, shoot it out with the Rifle or the Shotgun and it crashes out and you arrive safely in another area. Grab the Handgun Ammo and head through the door to the next room, check the two cabinets for a Hand Grenade and 5000 Ptas, take the Green Stone of Judgement from the case and the Shotgun Shells and buy anything you might need from the Merchant and save your game. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 5 - 3 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE ISLAND # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### __ / ) /--/ / (_fter starting this chapter, take the item to the left of the stairs, it is sometimes Ptas sometimes it is Shotgun Shells with me, then take the Our Plan document from the table and head through the door to the left. There is a scene here and when it is over, head down this path and take the Shotgun Shells and then head down the stairs, there are some enemies down here through the next door. Enter and take them out fast. There is a little side room to the right at the end of this boiler room which has 3000 Ptas in it as well as a Flash Grenade, leave and go up the stairs to the left and take out another enemy and take the Shotgun Shells and 1100 Ptas from the locker and then head through the door at the bottom of the stairs. Take the 3000 Ptas (PAL version) on the right and ride the elevator up, head forwards for a scene, this is not skippable and requires some swift dodge button pressing. There is a continue point midscene if you screw up like I did a few times. After the scene jump down the ladder and go through the door. In this corridor there are some lasers to drop, the first set are easy, the second set you need to wait for the horizontal laser to go to the top and the two side lasers to make a sort of triangle if that makes sense, wait for this and run onward, prepare to dodge as some more lasers spring into action and then you need to perform some more dodging moves, go forwards to the door and press the switch and turn round and dodge the lasers, pretty acrobatic old Leon isn't he? Go through the door. There is a peculiar sort of throne room in here, turn round and shoot down the Elegant Headdress from the metal beam and then head through the door behind the chair and ride the elevator down. Go down the stairs and take the Green Herb and Shotgun Shells and then head over to the merchant and a Typewriter. Get the Red Herb behind the gate and then go through the door to the next area. Take the Yellow Herb and then continue onwards for a scene and you are plunged into a large cargo rig thingy, to make matters worse there is a large and rather hideous beast to contend with. Start by blasting it repeatedly in the face and it will run off, head down the path and take the Green Herb and then you will find a door with a green panel, shoot it and it opens, press the switch. Now head round the other side and do the same and the monster jumps back down, run like mad to the large red door and go through to the next one. Grab the Incendiary Grenade and head forwards for the monster to return, blast it away and then head forwards along the central path and you should see three green panels around, shoot them all and then go up and then right to find a Hand Grenade and then press the switch behind you and go back, now open the map and look to the south and then east to find the second button, press it and go through the red door before the 30 second timer runs out, being careful of the monster of course. Press the red button on the right and then the monster drops down ahead, shoot it and then take the dark little corridor and blast the green panel through the gate, now head back and go right out of this small tunnel and press the second button, now head back to the little dark tunnel and go through the big red door in front. Jump with A for a scene, now on the ledge, grab the ammo and items and head forwards for a scene. ______________________________ | BOSS FIGHT SIX: "It" or U3 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grab the Shotgun Shells and the Green Herb in here and then start shooting U3 and aim for it's head. Watch out for its pincer and keep it from coming close. Lead it towards the red barrel and shoot it to harm it, if you pull the lever near here and lead it through the path there is another red barrel you can use to inflict massive damage. Eventually it will start burrowing and popping up, you get a dodge prompt when it does so be quick with those fingers to avoid damage and then start shooting, repeat this strategy until it dies, a few grenades wouldn't go amiss either. 50,000 Ptas is the reward for beating this beast. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After it dies, go back through the gate that you came through to start the battle and head through the little door to the right. Follow the path and then go on to the lift thing to the right and use it to get a free Green Herb on the other side and then ride it back and climb the ladder. Climb up a second small ladder and take the Shotgun Shells and then go through the door. You start on a cliff here, head right a bit and look down to see loads of Ganados conveniently placed near a red barrel, aim and shoot it to blow them all up in a satisfying manner. Drop down and take out the last two nearer the tent below. Take the TMP ammo from the crates and smash all the barrels, there is a Yellow Herb to the east as well, then head to the large tent and drop down the ladder. Make a right and grab the Blue Stone of Treason and use it on your Golden Lynx, head further down and make a left and break the crates and then go over to the merchant, sell him your Golden Lynx with the three stones for 35,000 Ptas if you want and then tune your weapons at the Merchant and save. Take Krauser's Note from the desk and climb the ladder to the right. Break the barrel and drop down and head forwards along the path for a scene, Krauser fires at you and they penetrate walls so make for the building at the end. Take the Green Herb and break the box and examine the gate on the right to find that it has a timer. Climb the ladder and take the Flash Grenade, Krauser will come after you so shoot him and if you get close there is a little knife fight with dodge prompts, keep running and doing this until the timer releases and then go through the gate. The first Insignia we are getting is to the east, so head forwards and then east down a little path towards a building, you can go in here and get items if you want but there is no point really, continue east behind the house and take the Green herb and then go up the stairs to your left. Watch a scene where you get Piece of the Holy Beast - Panther and then you are faced with a long wait and a long session of dodging Krauser until he retreats and a statue emerges, push this on to the panel behind the stone pillar and the gate releases on the lever, allowing you to exit this area. Head back towards that house I mentioned earlier, to the right of the entrance is a lever, pull it and go through the gate that opens and then. There are weird robots down this ladder so blast them quick and take the TMP ammo along with the Green Herb and head forwards through the tunnel and make your way through here, blasting the annoying robots. You reach a tower and the gate slams, grab your Yellow herb and ascend the stairs and head right on to the wooden walkway and take the Piece of the Holy Beast - Eagle and then watch a scene and prepare for battle. ______________________________ | BOSS FIGHT SEVEN: Krauser | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is a time limit which is not nice, there is a Green Herb and some Magnum Ammo at the other end. Krauser is very fast but you get a lot of dodge prompts ready to dodge so a fast reaction player will be fine here. Get an accurate gun and attempt to blast his knees, I used my Blacktail upgraded with exlcusive but it is up to you. Do this enough and he will kneel, now run up to him and knife his face repeatedly or shoot him with the Broken Butterfly or Rifle for the most damage. He will sometimes trip you and go to kill you with his mutated arm, watch for the dodge prompt. Repeat this stratgy to kill him. Take the 50,000 Ptas and the Piece of the Holy Beast - Serpent. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Now leg it back to the stairs you came up on and run down, you need at least 30 seconds remaining, if not reload and try again against Krauser. Head forward to the wooden protrusion and jump down, run to the wall and then use all three Insignias on it as fast as you can to open the gate, then go through the door to end the chapter. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: Chapter 5 - 4 #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE ISLAND # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### ______ / --/ (_/this is the penultimate chapter in Resident Evil 4 and it sure is fun if a little ridiculous. Grab the Green Herb in front of you and you get a Save Point here as well, head forwards for a scene, looks like you have a Helicopter loaded with Machine Guns to help you take on Saddler's Army. Wait for Mike (helicopter pilot) to take out the gun turret and then take the Shotgun Shells from the tent on the left. Continue along the path and a lot of enemies will descend the platform ahead, Mike should help but you will need to take some out yourself as well as watch the ones to your right. Either wait for Mike to blow down the huge lock and head across the path, there is another gun turret so wait for your Helicopter buddy to help you and then go to the big hut. Take the items in here and then head through and drop down the ladder and kill the enemies, go through the tunnel for an item and then head back, ascend the ladder and press the switch to open the door on the right. There is a J.J across here, equip a magnum and use the Zipline to get to him and kick him down, now shoot him several times in the face to kill him. Grab the 15,000 ptas and drop down and press the switch on the left to open the gate. Jump down and proceed through the gate. You are greeted by two gun turrets so head left down the tunnel and break the barrel as well as watch for enemies whilst Mike takes down the gunners, once he has, climb the ladder and hide behind a steel wall and the remaining gunner shoots at you, some enemies assault you here so kill them and then run across the walkway and into the side bit and wait and Mike kills the second gunner. Make your way forwards and the switches deactivate and lock the large door, kick down the gate ahead and press one switch and then drop down and go to the ladder on the other side and press the next switch and proceed on through. Run upstairs for a scene and then head left and then look to see a little alleyway leading to a barrel containing a First Aid Spray, now continue left and drop down the ladder, turn round and take the Pearl Pendant and then continue for a scene. Go through the double doors further onwards. You are now in a dark and onimous place, grab the Flash Grenade from the shelf and take the Magnum Ammo from the drawer at the desk, save at the typewriter and open the green wallbox for Shotgun Shells and then head up the dark hallway, the final Regenerator in the game will emerge now, take it down using the usual methods and loot the cells for Rifle Ammo and a Red Herb and take the 5000 Ptas the Regenerator leaves for you, climb up and go through the door. Go down the stairs for a Green Herb and then break the crate further to the right, the next area is quite difficult with low ammo, so you may have some problems as there are a lot of enemies. Head to the bottom of the stairs and take out the archers with your rifle and then aim for the one in the upper room ahead. Now use the explosive barrels to your advantage on the approaching enemies, a J.J will arrive now so wait in safety at the bottom of the stairs for him to jump down and then use your Rifle on him from a distance, hit him in the head and then hide, rinse and repeat. Takes a while but you will not suffer damage, if he comes near you Grenade him. He drops 15,000 Ptas, enter the area proper and head forwards and a little to the left under the buildings and jump the sandbags and climb the ladder, lots of enemies come now so kill them, one of them has the Emergency Lock Card key because they seal off the switches required to open the door. Wait in the room at the top and shoot the ones that come and then go out and take down the Crossbowmen on the walkways, when the music stops you are safe. On the bottom level there is a room where you need to use the emergency lock card key on the wall terminal to activate the switches, loot all the rooms on three levels and press the switches on the second level and then drop down to the bottom. Go to the northwest to find the door and head through, open the cabinet on the right for some Shotgun Shells and take down the shield bearers that you see. Go through the door at the end of this corridor. There is a scene here and you will end it with Ashley in tow, head through the only possible door. Grab the TMP ammo out here as well as the Green Herb and read the memo, then take the thin path near the Merchant for 5000 Ptas and speak to the Merchant for final upgrades and what have you and then head through the single door. Head down the stairs and you will find four enemies, kill them and head left, follow the path and take the Shotgun Shells by the computer and then head back and go right at the previous fork and go through the large black doors for a scene and the end of the chapter. My apologies for the vague-ness of some parts of this chapter, I will ammend it when I can be bothered. # #### ##### #### ## ###' ##~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### ## Resident Evil: The Final Chapter #### ####~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ## ## ##### THE ISLAND # ' ### # ### # # # ## ### ______ / --/ (_/this is it ladies and gentleman, the final chapter and you can probably guess what is coming. Leave this room and take the Yellow Herb, Shotgun Shells and the Our Mission file and then go left through the big doors. Here is the final Merchant as well as the final Save Point, get anything you need from the merchant as well as the Green herb nearby and break the crates then head down the pathway to the lift and watch the scenes and then you must face Almighty Lord Saddler! __________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT EIGHT: Osmund Saddler | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ It had to happen, you knew it, Saddler decides to mutate into a very weird spider thingy with eyes on it's legs. This boss looks very nasty and intimidating but it is so easy it is laughable, seriously. It has a few attacks, it likes to swipe at you, throw things at you which gives you a dodge prompt and jump in the air and slam down on you which does hurt admittedly. Take out any gun, it doesnt really matter and aim for the eyes on his legs, hit one and he falls down, giving you time to run over and press A to climb and stab his main eyeball. Run back from him down the walkway and climb the platform at the end and operate the switch, wait for Saddler to get close and then press A to hit him with some scaffolding to get a free stab at his eye. Couldn't be easier. Keep blasting his eyes and then stabbing him and running away. Eventually Ada will appear and throw down the Special Rocket Launcher, head to the walk way leading to the scaffolding bit and run across the bridge to the right, wait for the dodge prompt to jump over when it falls and tap A to climb. Once on this platform Saddler will jump over and try to stand between you and the Rocket Launcher, get some hits in on his eye using the method mentioned earlier and then run past and take your Specialised Rocket Launcher, equip this baby and fire it at Saddler to defeat him, it has infinite ammo so do not worry if you miss. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After this there is a scene and you recieve the Jet Ski Key, now take the money from Saddler's dead body and run down the walkway and back to the elevator. Meet up with Ashley and run down the corridor to the left, you have a three minute time limit by the way, jump down the ladder and catch Ashley and then get to the Jet-Ski and use the appropriate key. You now have to escape, this is pretty easy though you can die a few times like I did on my first playthrough. Head round the corner on the ski and go through the right arch and then through the left one. Ride the jump down the waterfall and you get a scene, a giant tidal wave is pursuing you, hold Up to accelerate and head forwards, make the jump round the corner without slowing down, it can be tricky and then ride to the left side to avoid the falling rock, keep accelerating through the two even tougher jumps and then get to the left to avoid a rock and the immediately to the right to avoid the last two and then you are free and have completed Resident Evil 4! Congratulations! Watch the ending and the slightly chilling credits and then the bonus scene at the end, you then get your stats, mine were: Clear Time: 6:47:09 Shot Accuracy: 89% Enemies Killed: 846 Number of Saves: 21 Not too bad considering I wrote a guide from this file. You have now unlocked the Assignment Ada side mission and the Mercenaries mini game. You can also purchase the Infinite Launcher from the Merchant at a start of a New Game+, load this completion data again to do one, you start with all health upgrades, all the weapons, ammo and healing items you had before etc. Now you need to complete it again on Professional Mode you will have unlocked :D. _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 04. Assignment Ada || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __ / ) /--/ / (_fter completing the game you can access this cool side mission featuring none other than Ada Wong on her quest to retrieve the Las Plagas sample, you need to get five in total and then meet your Evac chopper at the comms tower. You are on the same starting point on the Island as Leon, head down the path and turn left into the cave, there are some soldiers in here, shoot them in the knees and kick them to conserve ammo because Ada has no knife. Ignore the bridge to the right and go to the cliffs, shoot open the crates and take whatever is inside and then go back down and turn left across the little bridge, there is another soldier here to take out so do it. Jump across the gap and take the Handgun Ammo from the crate, then go and climb the ladder ahead, there is a First Aid Spray up here, some enemies also come out including a Gatling Gun wielding J.J. Shoot with the Rifle from a distance to his head, take him out here if you can, otherwise he comes and jumps the ladder, you need to take him down close range if he does so. There are also regular soldiers climbing up so shoot them down until they die and then drop down and collect whatever they may yield. Now head into the bunker opposite for TMP ammo and then go to the large stairs and take the Green Herb, head through the large door and hop the sandbags for a Yellow Herb, then follow the path and watch out for any enemies, use the TMP on their legs and kick them. Collect the Red Herb and climb the ladder once up, head out of the tent, turn left and shoot the barrels for items, this will probably trigger some enemies arriving so kill them and jump the gap and go right into the cave. Take the Handgun Ammo from the table and then find the Yellow Herb, blow the wall using the barrel like you did on the main game with Leon and enter, open the chest for a Hand Grenade instead of a Golden Lynx and then exit. Head right and take out any enemies, there is a dynamite thrower on the ground level so stand behind the crates and shoot him with your Rifle, now aim up and get the red barrel on the ledge to deal with the archers and then head left up the path into the little cave, go to the end and take the Red Herb, turn round and take out any followers and jump down and go north through the door. Take the Green Herb from the table and then use your rifle on the enemies ahead and climb the ladder left of them and go through the ventilation shaft. Head down the stairs to the north and get the TMP Ammo and the item from the crate and head back to where you entered and follow the path in a southerly direction and take the Green herb on the way, get to the medical labs, there are two enemies in the room where the first Regenerator is in the main quest, kill them and head into the room on the right and take the Plaga Sample from the corpse and then kill the enemies that follow and grab the Handgun Ammo on the right and leave this area altogether. Go through the gate and into the freezer room, grab the Green herb on the left and then open the door in the top right room for the Plaga Sample no. 2 and then leave. Open the suitcase ahead for a TMP ammo and then new enemies arrive, simply make a break for the door leading to the Waste Disposal area. Run down here and take the Handgun Ammo and then go to the next room and kill the enemies and grab the Rifle Ammo, next go to the edge of the ladder over the disposal shaft area and take out the J.J as well as the other enemies with your rifle, drop down and kill the dynamite throwers and then grab the Red Herb and go through the door to Ada's left. Grab the Green herb and then go into the office like area and take the TMP ammo, you are locked in and enemies swarm in so shoot them in the legs and kick them, try not to waste ammo but if you get cornered by all means spray TMP ammo into their faces and Fan Kick them with A. Press the switch to unlock the door and kill the new lot of enemies that come it and head through the next door. Follow the hallway and take the Handgun Ammo from the red box on the wall and then take the Yellow Herb to the right. You will find the storage room where Ashley was prisoner in the main game, shoot the enemies through the door and then enter. Grab the handgun Ammo and the TMP ammo and then take the Plaga Sample no.3 from the case, if your Attache Case is full then rid yourself of unneeded Handgun Ammo but save your Grenades as you will need them in a bit. Leave and head through the door to the right, there are five enemies here so kill them as you see fit and take the Green Herb and the TMP Ammo and head down the stairs, kill the two soldiers lurking underneath and grab the Red Herb by the door and the Handgun Ammo from the windowsill, attempt to leave via the door right of the stairs and a J.J and some shield bearing cronies arrive, swiftly equip a Grenade and lob it to take out the shield bearers and then run under the stairs. After a while the J.J comes down, throw a grenade at him and shoot him in the head to kill him and take the First Aid Spray he drops and enter the door to the right that is now open. Use your TMP against the many enemies here, just blast them mercilessly, follow the path and kill the dynamite throwers by hitting their dynamite to blow them up, enter the room they came from for a Yellow herb and some nice TMP ammo. Now head left into the lab where you met the first Iron Maiden as Leon, grab the Green Herb and then head right and jump the window space and kill the enemies in here, get the Green, red and Yellow herbs from the opposite end and then take the Plaga Sample from one of the pillars, break the glass aorund here for Rifle Ammo x2, Handgun Ammo x2 and TMP ammo x2. Enemies now jump through the broken window so kill them as best you can using kicks etc. Jump through the window and head to the west side of this room for a control panel that deactivates the security lock and then open the case for Handgun Ammo. Jump back through the window and head through the door on the left and then the door to the next area, just ignore these enemies. Head down this walkway and break the barrels for a First Aid Spray, there is no a rather hard boss fight. _____________________ | BOSS FIGHT: Krauser | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This battle is a hell of a lot tougher than when you fought him as Leon because Ada sucks to be honest. You need to run away from him a lot and be ready to use the dodge prompts, a proficient dodger will have no trouble here but for the beginner he is tough. Aim for his knees with the TMP and he kneels, equip the rifle and get a shot off at his head for the most damage. You need to keep this up, use a few Grenades if you want and heal on caution health status because if you slip up a dodge command then you are dead. Do this a good few times to kill him and get the final Plaga Sample from where he escapes. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Head up the elevator and enter the comms building and then use the communications panel to call the Evacuation Chopper. You have now beaten the Assignment Ada quest. Now you can purchase the Chicago Typewriter from the merchant in the main game, it costs 1,000,000 Ptas but it is very powerful and has infinite ammo. It is a lot of fun if you can be bothered to raise the cash. _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 05. Boss Guide || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This is a nice little section for those of you who just need help with the bosses because some of them can be a little tricky to the Resident Evil newcomer. Being lazy I have simply used the strategies direction from the walkthrough but they are good enough. __________________________ | BOSS FIGHT ONE: Del Lago | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This boss battle is both very fun and easy. Basically it drags you along by a rope attached to your boat. It will first take you past two lumps of debris, steer to avoid these. You have in your possession an infinite number of Harpoons, ready them with R and press A to throw them at the Del Lago. Try and score a hit before it submerges, at this point do not stay still, steer away because otherwise it will rise up and knock you into the water and doing a lot of damage. If you are unfortunate enough to be knocked into the water, mash the A button like lightning to make Leon swim back to the boat. The Del Lago will repeat this, when he is dragging you throw harpoons at him, when he submerges, move. Pretty simple but eventually he will seemingly swim off and vanish. Stay still in your boat and ready a harpoon, you will eventually get little red arrows telling where the Del Lago is, turn in that direction and you will see it swimming after you, wait a little and then launch a Harpoon down it's throat. If you miss you get knocked to the water and potentially killed. Do not let yourself get low on health because if you have red health in the water then the Del Lago will kill you for definite. Repeat this strategy and you will soon claim victory against the beast from the depths. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________________________ | BOSS FIGHT TWO: El Gigante | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This Lord of the Rings rip-off is big and clumsy, but make sure you do not get hit by it as it hurts. It has two close range attacks, one is to grab you and squeeze you, the other is to hit you or stamp on you. He also likes to grab a tree and swing it at you, this is easily avoided by using the dodge prompts "L + R" or "A + B" he also throws rocks at you, run to avoid them. His most devastating attack is when he bends over and charges at you, press L + R to dodge if you are quick enough. Now for actually hurting him, I recommend using the shotgun and aiming for his face. Do this a few times and run, soon you will get a scene where they dog from the start of the game arrives and distracts him for you, use this moment to unload as much as you can into his head. Eventually a parasite emerges from his back, at this point go and press A to climb, you then have to tap either A or B to slash the parasite. Repeat this two or three more times and then big guy is defeated, grab the 15,000 PTAS from his body. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT THREE: Bitores Mendez| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This guy is the village chief, only his body is suspended on his spine which protrudes. Start by unloading any grenades you have to damage him and then shoot him with the Shotgun, if you are quick you get a scene where his legs fall off. Now climb the ladder behind and wait for him. He will swing about, so wait for him and then shoot him with the Shotgun when he is close, he may swipe you and it hurts so be ready to heal. This battle is very easy from this point, just shoot with the Shotgun or any gun until he dies. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT FOUR: Los Gigantes | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There are two El Gigantes to fight this time, hence "Los" rather than "El." Luckily there is an instant kill method for one of them, you will notice a ladder near you that you should climb up, wait for one of the Gigantes to start shaking the platform you are on and then zipline down to the other side, ahead of you is a switch which activates a trapdoor in the centre, press A to operate and wait for a Gigante to stand on the metal circle in the centre and then press A to drop it into the larva and kill it, do not go near it yet because it grabs you which is not very nice. Use the same method as when you first fought one, use Flash Grenades and Hand Grenades to either blind or inflict massive damage on him respectively. Aim for his face with your Shotgun and when the parasite shows jump up and tap A or B like hell. Keep doing this, take pot shots at him and then run, to get a good distance between him and you, use the zipline and then fire at him, eventually he will drop and yield a lovely 15,000 Ptas for your troubles. NOTE: In the NTSC version you can leave the room and then return to find another 15,000 Ptas from the one you killed automatically, in the PAL version which this guide is written to this does not work. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT FIVE: Ramon Salazar | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Wow! This guy has had a serious makeover from the irritating midget with the short temper. This boss can seem a little overwhelming at first from the sheer size of it but it isn't actually all that hard. Start by heading left and right and grabbing the Yellow Herb, Shotgun Shells and Handgun Ammo from this platform and then you can start fighting the boss. He has some basic attacks with teh various tentacles, luckily you get a dodge prompt which makes these attacks extremely easy to avoid, he also likes to get the big eyeball thing and slam it down repeatedly, run to avoid this. The nasty thing is his instant kill attack, thats right, he has a cheap instant kill attack designed to make him seem harder than he actually is. When the large eyeball appendage opens wide, run fast in a direction and he should miss, if he gets you it is Game Over, try again time. Now you know how to dodge his attacks, it is time to hurt him. Use your Striker and aim for the eyeball, shoot it, if some green blood sprays out you know it is hurting him. Do this enough and it will drop and the weird protective shell thing falls from Salazar, allowing you time to equip the Rifle or Broken Butterfly and aim at his head and let off a few rounds. Repeat this process several times to kill him. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________________________ | BOSS FIGHT SIX: "It" or U3 | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Grab the Shotgun Shells and the Green Herb in here and then start shooting U3 and aim for it's head. Watch out for its pincer and keep it from coming close. Lead it towards the red barrel and shoot it to harm it, if you pull the lever near here and lead it through the path there is another red barrel you can use to inflict massive damage. Eventually it will start burrowing and popping up, you get a dodge prompt when it does so be quick with those fingers to avoid damage and then start shooting, repeat this strategy until it dies, a few grenades wouldn't go amiss either. 50,000 Ptas is the reward for beating this beast. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________________________ | BOSS FIGHT SEVEN: Krauser | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is a time limit which is not nice, there is a Green Herb and some Magnum Ammo at the other end. Krauser is very fast but you get a lot of dodge prompts ready to dodge so a fast reaction player will be fine here. Get an accurate gun and attempt to blast his knees, I used my Blacktail upgraded with exlcusive but it is up to you. Do this enough and he will kneel, now run up to him and knife his face repeatedly or shoot him with the Broken Butterfly or Rifle for the most damage. He will sometimes trip you and go to kill you with his mutated arm, watch for the dodge prompt. Repeat this stratgy to kill him. Take the 50,000 Ptas and the Piece of the Holy Beast - Serpent. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________________________ | BOSS FIGHT EIGHT: Osmund Saddler | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ It had to happen, you knew it, Saddler decides to mutate into a very weird spider thingy with eyes on it's legs. This boss looks very nasty and intimidating but it is so easy it is laughable, seriously. It has a few attacks, it likes to swipe at you, throw things at you which gives you a dodge prompt and jump in the air and slam down on you which does hurt admittedly. Take out any gun, it doesnt really matter and aim for the eyes on his legs, hit one and he falls down, giving you time to run over and press A to climb and stab his main eyeball. Run back from him down the walkway and climb the platform at the end and operate the switch, wait for Saddler to get close and then press A to hit him with some scaffolding to get a free stab at his eye. Couldn't be easier. Keep blasting his eyes and then stabbing him and running away. Eventually Ada will appear and throw down the Special Rocket Launcher, head to the walk way leading to the scaffolding bit and run across the bridge to the right, wait for the dodge prompt to jump over when it falls and tap A to climb. Once on this platform Saddler will jump over and try to stand between you and the Rocket Launcher, get some hits in on his eye using the method mentioned earlier and then run past and take your Specialised Rocket Launcher, equip this baby and fire it at Saddler to defeat him, it has infinite ammo so do not worry if you miss. ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ So there you have it, a lazy copy and paste jobby for the bosses! _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 06. Legal Information || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The guide and all of it's contents are strictly copyright © Joseph "Osafune2" Southgate. It may not be reproduced, sold, published in a magazine or book or put on CD or anything like that without prior consent from me, the author. This guide can be printed in part or whole, for personal use only, it cannot be sold for profit as I have already said, any infringement of these rules are breach of copyright and I will attack you with machetes if I find out you have plagiarised or anything like that. If you wish to host this walkthrough on your website then email me at joss.southgate@gmail.com and link me to your site and I will judge whether it is a worthy place for my guide. Finally, The Legend of Zelda and all it's trademarks are © Nintendo 1988 - 2006. These are the sites it can currently appear on: - www.gamefaqs.com - faqs.ign.com - www.nintendo-cheats.tk - www.1up.com - www.gamerhelp.com - www.neoseeker.com ALWAYS CHECK GAMEFAQS FOR THE MOST COMPLETE AND RECENT VERSION. _________________________________________________________________________ ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| || 07. Credits || ||-----------------------------------------------------------------------|| ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ First and foremost, thanks goes to the geniuses at Capcom who developed this awesome game along with all kinds of other games including the old Resident Evil games, MegaMan and the Gameboy Advance Zelda games which have given me hours of delightful gameplay. Me, because I wrote this guide so I deserve credit. Raistlyn of the Gamefaqs RE4 board, I struggled with Pro when I was a Resi 4 n00b and his strategies on his various handicapped run throughs can be applied to many situations and I was able to beat Professional Mode with ease once I read his threads. I am sure he won't mind me crediting him. GhostOfLegault, he responded to my subtle request for better ASCII art and sent me the title that you see adorning the top of this document, makes it look much more professional so a big thanks to him. I would like to thank the guys from DragonForce, who are an awesome band of Power Metal awesome-ness and I listened to them and rocked when writing this guide. Blah, blah, blah thanks for reading. THE END