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Do NOT post it without my | |permission. I DEFINITELY WILL TAKE LEGAL ACTION, as my lawyer is one | \of the BEST IN THE STATE OF MISSOURI. Thank you. / ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ~ Revision History ~ ~ 1.0 ~ Hey gang. Here's a port of RECVX for the Nintendo GameCube for your multiplatform freaks out there. Enjoy! *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* T A B L E o f C O N T E N T S *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-* ~!~NOTE~!~ If you need to find a certain something in the guide, press and hold Control (Ctrl) and press the F key. Type out the word you are looking for, and search. If you're too lazy to do this, don't bother e-mailing or IMing me. Thank you. Table of Contents: I. Introduction Ia. Contact Me II. Game Basics III. Story IV. Characters V. Weapons VI. Walkthrough VI.1 - Prison/Graveyard VI.2 - Ashford Mansion VI.3 - Military Training Facility VI.TRADE - Optional Lighter/Hemostatic Medicine for Lockpick Trade VI.4 - Private Residence VI.5 - Prison Revisited VI.6 - Alfred's Secret VI.7 - Self-Destruct System... VI.8 - Antarctic Facility VI.9 - Meanwhile, At The Island... VI.10 - Escape From Rockfort VI.11 - Frozen Scenery VI.12 - Memories of Arklay VI.CURE - Cure Claire Redfield From Poison VI.13 - Serve Your Queen! VII. Puzzle Solutions VIII. Enemies/Boss Lists VIII.a Enemies VIII.b Bosses IX. Items List X. File List XI. Wesker's Report XII. Codes/Secrets XIII. My Review XIV. FAQ XV. Credits XVI. Disclaimer __ __ \ \/ / SECTION I \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ INTRODUCTION /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- Well, well, well, gang, if it isn't ol' Zoop again. After just finishing my 7th FAQ and recently winning GameFAQs FAQ Of The Month (my War Of The Monsters FAQ), in which my seventh FAQ was the classic NES title, Mega Man, I decided I needed to do something a bit more relaxing, and current. Well, Resident Evil fans, I ask you, what is more relaxing than zombies crashing through windows to eat your flesh from your living body? Some may say a vacation to Hawaii, or a nice fishing trip, but in my mind, there is simply nothing more relaxing than that, my friends. Having been a huge Resident Evil fan since the original's release (yes, it that big, bulky case, as well), I know how you feel when it comes to indulging yourself into the world of Resident Evil. I was a bit too scared to play the original after I purchased it, but then after I got Resident Evil 2, I decided to finally beat the original, and I am pleased to say I did. As a Resident Evil fan, I know that the spook factor is important, which is why I will do my best to not give away any of the scary details, and I'll try even harder to avoid spoiling those monsters that may pop out of nowhere, but sometimes I will just have to bring them up, for the sake of strategy. The FAQ will go a little something like this: In the Controls/Game Basics section, I will run down the Controls (duh) and helpful tips to save some effort. In the Characters and Weapons sections, I will describe who each person is, and their dark histories with many spoilers to previous Resident Evil titles, but none here. The Walkthrough will guide you through the game, step by step. The Enemies List and Walkthrough contain spoilers, however, let me go ahead and note that I do not spoil anything that should not be spoiled in the first place. The Bosses are listed in the Enemies List, so don't go there unless you have already beaten the game, or you already know who the bosses are. The Puzzle Solution section is full of non-spoiler solution taken from my Walkthrough. The File List will contain the text messages from each file, as well as their location. The Items List is an A to Z list of every item you will find in the game, and where it is located. And you already know what the Credits and Disclaimers sections are by now, don't you? Note that this FAQ is based on the Normal Difficulty of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, as the Easy version is fairly simple enough as is. -David "Zoop" McCutcheon *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ia. Contact Me ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* If you need me for anything whatsoever that IS NOT covered in the guide, and that means SEARCHING THE GUIDE by pressing Control and F together and typing out what you are looking for, and then hitting enter. But as long as it has to do with the game. Sorry, but I don't feel like hearing about how cute your kitten is if I don't really know you, yanno? Actually, kittens are cute... Ahem. You can contact me via e-mail, or sometimes IM. I check my e-mail several times a day; so don't hesitate if you have a question! But please read the long paragraph below my contact info. E-Mail address: ZoopNOVA@aol.com AIM: Zoop NOVA Please only e-mail me if it's something you do NOT see in the guide. Try to look for it; If it's not there, feel free to e-mail me. If you don't know how to e-mail me, just simply bring up a new, unwritten mail (this varies with different services. It should say "Write Mail" on the button, though) and write out my e-mail address. For the subject, type Code Veronica X FAQ. In the body of the mail, write whatever you like, even hate mail! Just one request: Only e-mail in English. Any foreign language e-mails will be discarded. Sorry, I'm not smart enough to know a second language. I don't care what you send, but positive feedback is always nice. But if you're into the hate mail thing, I can dig that, too. __ __ \ \/ / SECTION II \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ GAME BASICS /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- _______________________ /______GAME BASICS______\ <<<<>>>> \/ HERBs [don't even go there] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Herbs and other healing items, such as Medicines and the like, all account for usage when you are damaged. Herbs come in three different colors, in which you can mix to your liking for the best results. They are... _______________________________________________________________ |BLUE | Blue herbs cure poison | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________ |GREEN| Green herbs will cure health | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________ |RED | Combine with Green to create stronger a healing herb | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ You can combine Green + Green to create a stronger version of your normal healing Green herb. Mix Green + Red, and yet again, the normal Green herb will double in strength (kinda like Advil. heh). Use Green + Blue to create a healing plus poison curing herbal medicine. Yippee for Herbs! \/ HEALTH [because you need it] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Your health can be at different colors, depending on the amount of damage that you have received. The colors will determine different aspects of damage, ranging from Green (Great) to Red (Danger). Here is the chart for damage. Enjoy. _______________________________________________________________ |GREEN| Perfect health, or near perfect | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________ |YELLOW| Could be better, but you can go without healing | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________ |ORANGE| Now is the time to use a small herb | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________________________________________________ |RED | DEFINITELY use a large Green herb, or a Medicine | ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ \/ TIPs [for the novices] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ * Conserve ammo. There's no reason to kill every enemy in the entire game, especially if you never return to the area you are in. Let them run about, eating the survivors. THIS IS NOT YOUR CONCERN. Thank you. * * Do not heal every five seconds. Herbs and Medicines are not common, and thus, this creates a problem when you use a full Medicine after a Zombie bites you. Wait until you are practically limping to heal. * * Save often, unless you are aiming for one of the very nice Class rankings. If you are wanting to get the nice Class rankings, do not even save at all. You get one free save after the end of the first disc (Dreamcast only). * * Always keep a few of your inventory slots open for Herbs, Ammo, or special Key Items for the long haul ahead. This will save time and frustration along the way. * * NEVER, and I mean NEVER, EVER use a weapon as great as a Grenade Launcher, Assault Rifle, or anything else on Cereberus dogs, Zombies, or any other "common" enemy. Definitely save your "big guns" for the bosses, or Hunters/Poison Hunters, etc. * * Always keep at least one healing item in your inventory. Nothing lower than two green herbs mixed, though. * __ __ \ \/ / SECTION III \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ STORY /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- [NOTE: This is very little in the researched department, and mainly off of the top of my head. If there is something that is not accurate in this section, please e-mail me with the correct. Keep in mind that this section WILL spoil the games Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 for SURE. Read at your own risk.] July, 1998... In a small town, Raccoon City, several reports have been filed on recent attacks directly outside of the city, in a nearby wooded area. In the Arklay Mountains, several citizens of Raccoon City have been injured and killed in grizzly deaths. The Raccoon City Police Department has investigated these murders, but have come to no conclusion. The deaths are recorded as being extremely violent, with the victims being eaten alive in some cases. The reports were filed as being executed by wild animals, and nothing more. However, after several more reports of horrible deaths in the area, the Raccoon City Police Department filed to organize two separate departments of specialists in combat and field research: The Special Tactics And Rescue Squad. S.T.A.R.S. Bravo and Alpha teams. The Raccoon City Police Department decides that the complaints have been too severe as of late, and decide to ship the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo team into the Raccoon Forest to see who, or what, is causing these brutal murders. Shortly after the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo has left via helicopter from the Police Department, word hit the RCPD hard that the chopper had came crashing down somewhere in the woods towards the Arklay Mountains. They could not get a signal to the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team, so the Alpha Team was sent in to investigate the situation and report back to HQ after they receive word of the analysis on the situation at hand. Upon landing, the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team noticed the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team's helicopter has crashed, and the pilot has been chewed to death by some sort of beast. Taking guard on the situation at hand, the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team slowly investigates, until one of the Team finds more casualties to the beasts in the area. What could have caused such a thing? Slowly after discovering the other body parts and the victims' bodies, the group of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha team is attacked by ravage dogs. In a petrified startle, the helicopter pilot for the Alpha team, Bradley Vickers, decides to take off without the remaining four members; Barry Burton, Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, and Team Captain, Albert Wesker. With nowhere to go, the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team simply runs away, and visions a gigantic mansion in the distance. The Alpha Team runs with all of their might towards the Mansion, which they reach right at the brink of time. After closing the solid double doors to the front of the mansion, the team loses a member (picked decidedly on whom you chose in the beginning of the first Resident Evil), and you must search for that team member throughout this huge mansion. The only problem with this was the fact that the mansion was filled with those mutated dogs that the Alpha Team, and likely the Bravo Team found, as well. Not only this, but humans that were subjected as test experiments also run about the mansion, being in the form of undead zombies, hellish frogs, and more. After learning that the mansion was used by the pharmaceutical company Umbrella, Incorporated to do ghastly experiments on tortured souls, the Alpha Team decides to escape from this mansion from hell... But first, the Alpha Team must find a way to exit, and look for survivors from the Bravo Team, as well. After finding all of the members of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team dismembered, or barely living, the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team focuses on escaping from the deadly mansion that they have been trapped inside of for hours now. Once reaching an underground passage, Enrico Marini, the leader of the S.T.A.R.S. Bravo Team is found injured. He speaks of a traitor in the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team that led them to the mansion to get killed. After he mentions this huge detail, he is shot in the chest, and murdered by a man in the shadows... Once finding out how to exit the mansion, the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team prepares to leave via helicopter after discovering the secret lab beneath the Mansion's fountain in the "backyard." That's right, the chicken Brad Vickers has returned to make up for his mishap back in the forest. However, after being led to the main sector of the lab by the secretly misleading Albert Wesker (with the help of Barry Burton, whose family was being held hostage by Albert Wesker), the group encounters a gigantic monster of a human... The ultimate Bio Organic Weapon, the Tyrant. After the Tyrant breaks from its huge test tube, it attacks and supposedly murders Albert Wesker, and then faces the remaining members of the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team. After a short fight, the Tyrant falls, but not for long. The Alpha Team looks around to find that Wesker is gone, and suddenly, the "Self-Destruct Sequence Has Been Activated" (tm). With the Self-Destruct Sequence Activated, the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team must reach the rooftop so that Brad Vickers can land and get the remaining members out of the forest before the mansion explodes. Out of nowhere, the Tyrant crashes through the ceiling, and attacks the S.T.A.R.S. Alpha Team. After a grueling battle, you receive the Rocket Launcher, and blow up the Tyrant to end its suffering. Barry Burton, Jill Valentine, Chris Redfield, Rebecca Chambers (who was a crucial part of Chris' game, but not story-wise), and Brad Vickers are the only survivors of the Spencer Mansion incident... or so we thought. However, in Code: Veronica X, we learn that Albert Wesker not only survived the explosion, but he happened to be "reborn" during the explosion, as well. But we will get to that after I explain where exactly Claire Redfield comes into the picture... September, 1998... A couple of months after the Spencer Mansion incident, the Raccoon City Police Department has "investigated" the situation very loosely, which has upset the survivors of the Spencer Mansion explosion. Chris Redfield and Barry Burton have set out to travel to Europe, so that they can meet with Umbrella, Inc. to "discuss" matters. Jill Valentine is leaving town, and along the way, meets up with a nasty demon created by Umbrella, Inc. to eliminate the remaining S.T.A.R.S. officers on command, including Jill, even though she has since resigned. After Chris and Barry's departure, the town seems to become... different. In fact, it seems as if the T-Virus has broken loose amongst the civilians of Raccoon City, and the entire town is overrun with zombies. Talk about good timing on Chris and Barry's part, but Jill is not so lucky. Amongst the zombies and ghastly ghouls in the city, The Nemesis, which is the actual demon I spoke of, chases Jill Valentine around Raccoon City, and murders Brad Vickers along the way. While the Nemesis is chasing the poor Jill Valentine from downtown to uptown, two new arrivals enter Raccoon City at the grandest of times. Leon S. Kennedy is a rookie cop that just got transferred to the Raccoon City Police Department, and his luck just got worse. As he arrives, he notices that the town isn't exactly how he envisioned it to be, and soon learns that the undead walk amongst the town. On the other hand, Claire Redfield, the little sister to S.T.A.R.S. member Chris Redfield, has come into town looking for her older brother. Chris did not tell her of what he was going to do, or where he was going to go, and she wants to know why. As she zooms into town on her motorcycle, she encounters the same horrors that young Leon S. Kennedy did, as well. As she reaches a diner, she is attacked by the legion of undead, and who should save her except Leon. After they find out what is going on, they agree to split up, and meet at the Raccoon City Police Department, as they both have business going there. They jump into a squad car and take off, only to find out that a zombie is in their backseat, and lounges forward to attack. A dead truck driver is behind them, and crushes the car as it explodes. They both jump out of opposites sides of the car, and yell to each other to meet at the police station. After the two reach the Raccoon City Police Department in various ways, they both soon realize that they were better off outside. Leon finds that he had a very happy, warm welcome coming to him, but soon realizes that one of the officers that was supposed to be welcoming him, Marvin Branagh, is wounded, and may not live very long. Marvin locks Leon out of the room so he can die in peace. Claire, on the other hand, finds out more about her brother Chris, and soon discovers his whereabouts. However, along the way, Leon and Claire meet, and they find a small girl by the name of Sherry Birkin. Curious as to why the girl was there, Claire decides to follow the girl, only to get into more trouble than she should have in the first place. Leon meets up with a mysterious woman by the name of Ada Wong, who was supposedly searching for her long lost lover, John. She is also searching for a journalist whom might know more about the situation and such. The journalist is a man by the name of Ben Burtolucci, whom is being held in a jail cell in the zombie-invested city as they spoke. Leon agrees to help Ada in finding this journalist, and helps her move a big truck to reach a door in agreement. Around this time, we learn that the major, Brian Irons, was up to no good all along. It's in the open now that Chief Irons was sneaking money from Umbrella into his pocket so he could cash in some innocent victims amongst the city. With a former record including rape weighing on his shoulders, Brian Irons is found by Claire with a young woman, who has a shotgun hole through her stomach. He claimed to have put her out of her misery before she became a zombie, but it seems as if he is lying. Ben Burtolucci seems to have a grudge with certain members within the city, as well as a hefty amount of information to provide to Ada Wong, our new gal pal, and Leon, our old gal pal. After learning a decent amount of history with what is going on, Ben Burtolucci is killed by an odd looking creature which planted a seed within his body, and, yes, the spawn popped OUT of his body. Bloody. Very, very bloody. Alas, we learn that the devilish Brian Irons is behind it all, and made a deal with Umbrella, Inc. so that they could conduct experiments in the Spencer Mansion, however, it got kind of outta hand with the whole "City Infested With Zombies" thing. Regardless, Irons seemingly gets killed by evil monsters (as opposed to the good monsters). Once again, Bloody. Very, very bloody. Indeed. We find out that Sherry Birkin is the daughter of scientists, William and Annette Birkin. William Birkin also happened to be responsible for the whole lab ordeal with the creation of the G-Virus. Below in the sewers, several Umbrella, Inc. agents, including special agent HUNK, decide to destroy Mr. Birkin, and steal his G-Virus. They succeed, or so they thought. William Birkin had consumed the G-Virus as he was shot to death, meaning two things for our heroes, and our enemies: For our enemies, it means that a mutant William Birkin will tear them from limb to limb. For our heroes, and William's daughter Sherry, it means a bit of a stalking issue. William Birkin stalks Sherry, and by now, Claire is all over Sherry. Meaning one thing: Bad stuff. Very bad stuff. Meanwhile, Ada Wong and Annette Birkin have a brief encounter, which leaves Leon S. Kennedy shot and wounded from Annette's stray bullet. Annette gets away, and Ada will have none of it. We soon learn that, not only does Ada like ditching a wounded partner, but Sherry Birkin also has a G-Virus sample in her pendant, which is why the mutant version of her father, William, is chasing her and Claire around so much. As for Jill, Jill is in the midst of avoiding the Nemesis creature with her new buddy Carlos, who was sent in by S.T.A.R.S. to do some dirty work. Honestly, nothing of much importance happens in Resident Evil: Nemesis, besides the fact that you meet a couple of awesome Russian guys, one of which (Nicholai) was tipped off by Umbrella to do even dirtier of work. So enough of that and back to Resident Evil 2. Quite a while away from now, Ada, who was working with a living-dead- superhuman Albert Wesker behind everyone's back, was using Leon and everyone else to get to the G-Virus, and she is attacked by the Tyrant. Yup. And Sherry Birkin has come down with a sort of illness that must be cured! Claire goes off to grab the antidote, and Leon presumes Ada Wong dead due to the Tyrant, whom he disposes of. Yes, it is all a big cluster now in this paragraph! Speaking of deaths, Annette is also presumed dead. After Claire saves Sherry Birkin, they go and get on the train which runs through the lab that everyone is in now. But Leon must deal with the mutant William Birkin, once and for all. After a heated battle and close preparations, the group of Claire Redfield, Leon S. Kennedy, and Sherry Birkin make it out alive, and vow to seek revenge against Umbrella. Ada Wong, and Annette & William Birkin are all presumed dead, but presumed is the word. In fact, it looks as if Ada Wong made it out alive. Once in the vast sunlight, Claire wishes to search for her brother, which she does... Claire sets a trip for the European Umbrella Facility where her brother and Barry Burton had planned to go to, and breaks in quietly. Until someone hears her, anyway. This, my friends, is where and when Resident Evil Code: Veronica X takes place... __ __ \ \/ / SECTION IV \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ CHARACTERS /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- This section is a dedicated glossary of Resident Evil characters that get mentioned in the game that impact the story. This is good for the entire series in general. Enjoy. ___________________________ /______CLAIRE REDFIELD______\ <<<<<<>>>>>> Claire is the snazzy little sister of Chris Redfield, the S.T.A.R.S. member from the very first Resident Evil title, is the main character of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. After learning of Umbrella's secrets in Resident Evil 2, She is attempting to foil Umbrella, Inc's plans to destroy millions of lives with their G-Virus, and further plans into chemicals. She is caught when breaking into one of their Europe plants, and sentenced to an island, where more experiments are taking place there... __________________________ /______CHRIS REDFIELD______\ <<<<<<>>>>> Chris Redfield is the old S.T.A.R.S. team member from the first Resident Evil (and the Remake on the GameCube), and he is back and ready for vengeance. After the Resident Evil Spencer Mansion explosion, Chris has tried to reveal Umbrella to the public throughout current events, over and over again, but to no avail. Someone HAS to listen... __________________________ /______STEVE REDFIELD______\ <<<<<<>>>>> Steve is the little whiny kid that Claire will find very early in the game. Steve seems like somewhat of a loner, and tends to jerk away from Claire. There's something funny about this kid, and it is not the whole Leonardo DiCaprio look-a-like thing, either. And secondly, why the heck is he on this island, anyway? __________________________ /______ALFRED ASHFORD______\ <<<<<<>>>>> A little bit on the crazy side of things, poor old Albert has always lived in the shadow of his twin sister, Alexia Ashford, due to her genius brain. Still, Alfred is a very intelligent young man, if he can get his mind straight, anyway. Alfred seems to be slipping from being on this isolated island, and he wants to prove that the Ashford legacy has not faded, and will stop at no means doing so... __________________________ /______ALEXIA ASHFORD______\ <<<<<<>>>>> Alexia Ashford is the brainy twin sister to the loose Alfred Ashford. Born a complete genius and studying chemicals at a very young age, Alexia is known for having been held in high regard, as she may be able to turn the Ashford family's recent turn of mishaps into dust in the wind, per se. But what is this odd obsession that Alfred has with her? Hmm... _________________________ /______ALBERT WESKER______\ <<<<<>>>>> The supreme ass-kicker of them all, Albert Wesker was originally with the S.T.A.R.S. Captain, and secretly working for Umbrella, Inc. in agreement with Chief Irons as a cover-up so Brian Irons could pocket some of Umbrella's money. Dirty bastard. Anyways, presumed dead, Albert Wesker has returned, but for what reasons? And how the hell is he still alive, anyway? _____________________________ /______ALEXANDER ASHFORD______\ <<<<<<<>>>>>>> The father of both Alexia Ashford and Alfred Ashford, and the son of the great Edward Ashford, whom was the creator of the Virus scheme, and co- founder of Umbrella. The Ashfords were a supreme family of wealth, power, and respect, until Alexander Ashford ruined the family's glory. What did he do? Whatever it was, it is obvious that it has affected the entire family, considering poor Alfred is running a broken down mansion on an island (in the middle of nowhere, no less). _______________________________ /______LORD OZWELL SPENCER______\ <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> Lord Ozwell Spencer was the owner of the original Resident Evil Mansion, which was built by the very talented and deranged mind of George Trevor. Lord Ozwell Spencer was the co-founder of Umbrella, Incorporated with Edward Ashford (Alexander's father, the Twins' grandfather), and was also a figure head in the experiments that went down with the company, as well. For the record, he is alive and well... Must be pretty old, too. Thanks to CVXFREAK for clearing this up. _________________________ /______GEORGE TREVOR______\ <<<<<>>>>> Old George here was the architect for the big, scary Mansion in the original Resident Evil (or the Remake, either way you go about it). George Trevor built the Mansion for Lord Ozwell Spencer, and then found out that his doom was to be sealed inside of it. You will find his grave in the Remake inside of the mansion. His wife and daughter were used as B.O.W. subjects in a very cruel manner. Kind of sad, really. ______________________________ /______RODRIGO JUAN RAVAL______\ <<<<<<<<>>>>>>> Considered the greatest voice actor in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X (which isn't much of a compliment, but regardless, his acting was superb!), Rodrigo is the guard very early in the game that allows Claire to escape from the prison cell. Now, if only he had his medicine to prevent from dying... ___________________________ /______LEON S. KENNEDY______\ <<<<<<>>>>>> Leon S. Kennedy was a new rookie recruit for the Raccoon City Police Department. As he strolled into town, he noticed that the city was a little... Well, deserted. He then found that the city was overrun by legions of the undead. This was Claire's partner in Resident Evil 2, and he is mentioned several times in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. Rumors were that he was dead, however, this is not the case. Expect to see the cult icon as the leading hero in Resident Evil 4. __________________________ /______JILL VALENTINE______\ <<<<<<>>>>> Jill "Break My Heart" Valentine is not only a hottie for a video game character, but she is also the former partner of Chris Redfields, and the co-main character of the original Resident Evil. She has since left the S.T.A.R.S. and was the main character of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis/Last Escape. __________________________ /______WILLIAM BIRKIN______\ <<<<<<>>>>> Albert Wesker's partner in crime that is often noted in Wesker's Report (the file included in this FAQ, in fact) is William Birkin. Created a new type of virus that was highly regarded in Resident Evil. Was shot several times, and then used the virus on himself. He then proceeded to destroy the troops that stole the virus from him whilst in mutation form, but one got away, which was... _________________________ /______SHERRY BIRKIN______\ <<<<<>>>>> The daughter of the great scientist whom created the G-Virus, William, this poor girl barely knew her father, nor did she know much of her scientist mother (Annette), either. Claire and Leon adapted to the little girl quite well... However, the little girl's pendant holds a sample of the G-Virus in a test tube. Sadly, Umbrella knows this, and we learn at the end of Resident Evil 3: Nemesis that Umbrella has kidnapped poor Sherry... Oh, poor Sherry... _______________________________ /______SPECIAL AGENT: HUNK______\ <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> Hunk is what you could call a cult icon. The lone survivor from the William Birkin assault back in Resident Evil 2, he does a lot of Umbrella's dirty workings. However, he is beginning to question his supervisors... Only Hunk knows what his real thoughts are. I can't wait to find out, though. ________________ /______TOFU _____\ <> Okay, so Tofu has absolutely nothing to do with this game, I just wanted to mention him. Why? He's a block of fighting Tofu with a knife! Why the hell not?? __ __ \ \/ / SECTION V \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ WEAPONS /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- In this section, you will find a nice little list of weaponry that you can find in the game, from A-Z. Enjoy. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ------ASSAULT RIFLE------ -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- Ahhh, yes! The lovely AK47. This is what every thug, or every 15 year old that lives in the suburbs, dreams of! This is one smokin' puppy that you will love to whip out in crowded areas, or against bosses, as well! I, personally, enjoy using this baby on those pesky Spiders that crowd the walls in certain areas of the game. Another good enemy to use this weapon on is those damn Hunters, but never use it against a Sweeper, as it is risky business to do so. Instead, break out a Shotgun and blast them away. This is also a decent weapon to use against crowds of Zombies. Yup, it will certainly clear the area in just a slight amount of time. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ---------BOW GUN--------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- The Bow Gun is a fairly simple weapon that can be used mainly against Zombies, or even the Cereberus dogs. The ammunition for the Bow Gun relies in... well... arrows. This is your classic Bow And Arrow type of weapon, only AUTOMATIC! Yes, Robin Hood never had this bad baby! You can take out the enemies with regular arrows (which stick into them), or you can use the very nice Fire Arrows to do a lot more damage than those puny, regular ones. Yeehaw! ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ------COMBAT KNIFE------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- The Combat Knife is a very basic weapon that you will grab very early in the game. The thing to remember about this Combat Knife that stands out amongst the first few Combat Knives in the Resident Evil series, as well as the games after Code: Veronica/X, is that it is extremely strong. This is hands down the best Combat Knife out of all of the Resident Evil games, as it does a decent amount of damage, and can be used instead of bullets as a substitute to your big guns. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- -------GOLD LUGERS------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- The Gold Lugers are one of the weapons that you cannot use in the game, and they are actually used in a trade-off with Steve Burnside. If you trade Steve the Sub Machine Guns, you will get the Gold Lugers to put into the door of the Safe Room in the Ashford "Mansion." This will unlock the doors, leading to the Ashford Office. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- -----GRENADE LAUNCHER---- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- The Grenade Launcher is an extremely cool weapon, indeed. Unlike most of the other "bigger" weapons in the game that damage a lot more than the smaller ones, the Grenade Launcher focuses on being close. If you are too far away from your enemy, the Grenades may not connect with him/her/it. However, you must keep your distance whilst being close, if that makes sense. While the distance is very crappy, I suggest you do use it against enemies such as the bosses, or Hunters/Poison Hunters. There are four kinds of ammo for this gun: Regular, Fire, Acid, and B.O.W. All four are very effective, however, my personal favorite tends to be the Acid Rounds. A very good weapon. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ---------HANDGUN--------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- Ahhh, yes, the Handgun. The Handgun is the most basic weapon in the game, and yet it is still one of the most preferred amongst gamers, as well as myself. Why is this, you ask? Because of the fact that, unlike most starting guns in games, it is just as effective towards enemies from the beginning to the end of the game. Both Chris and Claire will use their Handguns respectively, and to make it even better, each of the awesome Handguns have upgrades, too. You can find Claire's Handgun upgrade in the Crematory of the Anatomist's Office (you will need the Lockpick to open the Duralumin Case it is in), and you can find Chris' Handgun upgrade in the room with Clement a in the Military Training Facility. He will modify it himself, as to where with Claire, you will have to combine the Handgun with the Handgun Parts. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- -----LINEAR LAUNCHER----- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- The Linear Launcher is pretty classified, and you will only use it in one period of the game against the last boss. All I can say about it is, if you thought the Rocket Launcher was smooth, then this thing is B.B. King. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ---------M100 Ps--------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- These bad babies can be found in the very first Cabin that you find in the game. Yes, the one with the pooches underneath it. You will grab the Handgun Bullets on the shelf in the back room to trigger a zombie coming through the window. He will drop these guns. In other words, these guns are optional, and can be overlooked, by some means. Regardless, if you are curious where to find there, that's where they are at, in case you skipped them. They are powerful in a moderate sense, and should be saved for Bandersnatches, which you will find at the Military Training Facility. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ---------MAGNUM---------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- Now this, my friends, is a weapon. A weapon and a half, in fact. This was known as Barry Burton's weapon of choice in the first Resident Evil title, and now it is even more powerful. This will take a Zombie's head smooth off, and knock a Hunter or a Sweeper clean on their ass. Another thing to save this for is the last boss, as it works even better than any other weapon in the game against it. Well, except for the Linear Launcher, which you use against the last boss, anyway. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- -----ROCKET LAUNCHER----- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- Ohhhhh baby! You want it? You got it! The Rocket Launcher has returned in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, and boy, is it smokin' or what? Absolutely amazing is all I can say to describe the wonderful Rocket Launcher in this game. Need to get away from those Zombies? Don't get away from them, make THEM get away from YOU by blowing them to bits! However, you cannot really use your wonderful Rocket Launcher on just Zombies! After all, why would you want to waste your Rocket Launcher on a stupid Zombie or two, anyway? ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ---------SHOTGUN--------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- Ahhh, yes, the lovely and talented Shotgun. I am sure that you have met, correct? Known as a fan favorite in the Resident Evil series for it's decapitation skills, the Shotgun returns in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, and a very worthy one, at that. This bad boy will take down Spiders and Hunters alike with great ease, and will free your worried mind from the terror they represent. You can find the Shotgun in the Underground Sewer Passage in the Military Training Facility on the island. Getting it is a puzzle and a half, of sorts, and will require quite a few free inventory slots, if you want to pick up those lovely herbs, as well. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- ------SNIPER RIFLE------- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- The choice weapon of one Alfred Ashford, you can pick this one up after Alfred tumbles a bit in the Antarctic Facility. This is one of the few "Key" weapons in the game, meaning there is more than just blowing zombies away with it. In fact, "Key" weapons tend to be used for a certain boss battle or two. This is no exception. You will use this awesome rifle in a hardcore battle with the boss Nosferatu. Shoot him in the heart with the seven bullets you're given. And no, you cannot find additional ammo for the Sniper Rifle. ----------\ /---------- -----------\ /----------- -----SUB-MACHINE GUNS---- -----------/ \----------- ----------/ \---------- If you are curious as to why the Sub-Machine Guns are listed in the weapons section, it is simply because of the fact that you have to trade these to Steve for the Gold Lugers, since he wants something automatic and all. Of course, you use the Gold Lugers on the door in the Safe Room of the Ashford "Mansion." You can find the Sub-Machine Guns inside of the Military Training Facility, after you square dance with the Bandersnatch in the "boss" sequence. Best of luck, as they say. In the second part of the game, Chris can get these Sub-Machine Guns by lighting the Wall Statue on fire with the Lighter. Save them for the Hunters, baby. __ __ \ \/ / SECTION VI \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ WALKTHROUGH /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- If you are looking for a certain part of the walkthrough, I suggest typing out the number (V, in all cases) with the sub-number after a period next to it (V.1, V.2, etc). This will gravely help you avoid spoilers and the like, if you are just browsing the guide itself. Thanks, and enjoy. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.1 --------------- PRISON/GRAVEYARD X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X After watching the explosive opening sequence where Claire breaks into a European Umbrella, Inc. facility looking for more dirt on the infamous pharmaceutical company, she is found out, and attempts to escape. After a very good effort, she is taken down by a stealthy guard, and knocked out. After a nice helicopter ride, she is thrown into a prison cell, where it is very dark... Where on Earth are you at? This is where your game begins. Enjoy the ride to one of the greatest games ever created... Start off by equipping your Lighter in the Menu Selection Screen. After you equip the lighter, Claire will light it up to find that a DEMON IS STARING AT HER! AHHH!!!!! Actually, that's Rodrigo. He's not a demon. He is, however, something that you would not expect from a Resident Evil Voice Actor: Talented. Yes, his lines are not that frequent in the game, but most people would consider him the best voice actor the series has ever seen. After some dialog, you will be set free to roam amongst the evils on the island. No, not the B-52's. We're talking about zombies. Once again, not the B-52's. Actual zombies. Before leaving the room, you can take note that Rodrigo will need some Medication. Hint, hint. So when we find some extra Medication, don't swallow it! That's grown-ups medicine! We'll take them back to Rodrigo so that he will give us some goodies! Something you can also take before leaving the room is some Hand Gun Bullets over in the icky area of the room, and the herb. Don't forget the Combat Knife. Personally, I never even pick it up when I play, but it IS a useful weapon. Once you exit the room, you can go ahead and grab the Ink Ribbons that are on the table with the extra lovely Typewriter. Grab the Handgun Bullets, as well. If you're very worried about dying, or if you've a novice, you will want to go ahead and save your game progress right now. After you do this, keep heading down the hall and go up the stairs. This is where the game gets goooooood... After watching the cut-scene, you will be thrown into action, literally! Okay, so no one throws you. I lied. But you are in the middle of quite a few hungry, naked zombies. Ewww... At least their privates have rotted off. *thinks about that sentence* ...Ewwwwwwww... Anyways, novice players might have a hard time here, due to the fact that you pretty much have to zig-zag past the nekked zombies that want to bite you. No, the one on the left is NOT Ron Jeremy. If you get bitten, do not throw a fit over it. Even as I play this game, I cannot get past this part without getting bitten at least once. So ignore the zombies and follow the "U" path to get out of the graveyard, and go through the heavy door that you will notice dead ahead and to the right. Upon going through the door, and after walking a little bit, you will watch another cut-scene. After you meet Steve Burnside, you fall overboard and turn into ice cubes as the Titanic sinks. Yes, get prepared for a gaggle of longrunning Leonardo DiCaprio jokes in this FAQ/Walkthrough. You'll get the Handgun, which is always nice. Go through the middle door (lowest door) after being saved by Kathy Bates on a boat. You will notice that this area is a little... well, spooky. Go ahead and run over to the porch steps and climb up, and then head over to the very end of the porch to grab a single Green Herb. These things are very helpful, as you can use them to heal yourself with. After collecting the Green Herb, head inside the door, and expect the unexpected. God, I hate that saying. Upon coming into your first hellish, nightmarish, Neverland Ranch-ish, Zombie-infested area, you will be greeted by a hungry zombie. You can avoid him, if you are fast enough to, anyway. There are three zombies in total in this area, and they will regenerate if you kill them, so there is no point in doing so. The camera angle will provide it so you see a zombie up close from the second floor area. You will want to kill him with a few shots from your snazzy Handgun. Climb up the steps after destroying him, and collect the Green Herb on the table. Now that you have a second Green Herb, it will be wise to open up your menu by pressing the Start button. After doing this, combine both of the Green Herbs by highlighting them, and selecting the "Combine" option. Not only will this free up space in your inventory, but it will also make a stronger healing property, which is always nice. Now that we have that basic tip out of the way... Head down the steps and turn to your left, and keep trailing over, avoiding the two zombies as you go along. Turn to the left again to reach the open Kitchen area. Notice the map on the left wall. Take it down. This is the Prison Map, and will come in handy, since you will be visiting this area a few times and such. After taking it, avoid the zombies yet again (I know you want to waste them, but hold on, tiger), and grab the Handgun Bullets on the shelf, and then run into the first door you come across. Inside of here, you will hear a deadly banging. You will later find out by seeing that it is a zombie knocking on the window. I think he wants a cigarette, but you aren't Solid Snake, so he will probably get angry with Claire being a non-smoker. Regardless, read the Prisoner's Diary on the bed to your right. After reading that chilling article, keep heading down and turn to the right. Go into the shower stalls, and search the dead body for some Handgun Bullets. Now turn around and go back to collect the other set of Handgun Bullets that are sitting on the shelf. When you do this, it will trigger a cut-scene. Kill the zombie and grab the dual guns, and then head straight for the exit, avoiding the zombie coming from the shower stalls, and the one crawling on the ground. Run out the door, and then run out of the cabin itself. As you walk down the steps, you will endear a cut-scene. It looks as if some wild beasts are after you! AHHH!!! Actually, nothing is chasing you yet, Pilgrim. Go around into the back of the Cabin to discover a dead zombie body that is being drug underneath the building. Spooky! Continue forward and around the building to reach a door. Go inside the door. Yes, that spook was just for kicks. When you reach this area, you will discover a jail cell type of place that is holding two zombies. That, however, is not your problem. Your problem resides in the fact that there are several zombies outside of the jail cell area, and waiting to fall into your open arms. Or rip them off for you. There are three zombies in this area, and your best bet is to avoid them. I know you want to kill stuff, but you see, unless you have infinite ammo, which I doubt, you have to save that ammo for when you REALLY need it. You can waste them, if you prefer. Go through the door at the end of the alley-ish hall. Now that we are in here, you can go straight... But wait! You have to deposit all metal items into the deposit box before continuing. Why, you ask? Because the shutters will close, as well as the doors. So drop off your Handgun, Handgun Bullets, Lighter, M100 P guns, Ink Ribbons, and Combat Knife. Yes, I know you are nervous without having a weapon, and all of those zombies making noises outside, but trust me, it's okay. Walk through to the other side. Once on the other side, do NOT pick up the B.O.W. Grenade Rounds, nor should you pick up the Fire Grenade Rounds, NOR should you pick up the First Aid Spray. You see, you can find an alternate route to reach this place later, and you cannot take any of this stuff to begin with, with the whole anti-metal objects security system thing going on. Ignore the machine in the corner for now, but pick up a copy of the User's Manuel file on the table. Now go through the door. Upon entering, you hear keyboard keys clicking on the other side of the room. We must have extremely intelligent undead on this island. Maybe I am undead? Okay, enough nerd crap... Before heading over there, read a copy of the Fax On The Facility Access Application on the command center. Now travel over there to watch the cut-scene. Afterwards, turn around and search the desk to find the Hawk Emblem. Do not pick up the Ink Ribbons unless you plan to save right now. Otherwise, leave them. Hit the switch near the blocked door to turn the power on to the shutters outside. Exit this room. Run on over to the machine I told you to ignore before, and press the action button to open up the machine's door. Place the Hawk Emblem inside of the machine's tray. That's all you can do as of right now. Now, we should backtrack to the outside, so place any metal items you may have into the anti-metal storage box, and travel on through. Once you reach the other side, take out your Handgun and your Handgun Bullets. Equip your Handgun, reload your bullets in case you have used any, and step outside, partner. Walk out a bit, and you will notice that on the left of the shutters, there is a blue flashing switch. Walk over to it and press the switch. This will open the shutters, and you will find that the zombies inside of the cages, as well as the ones inside of the shutter, are fairly hungry. Sadly, you are the only piece of meat in sight, so they naturally come after you. Aim your Handgun at the oil tank, and shoot it, much like in the intro to the game. This will explode, and badly injure both of the zombies that were inside. Keep in mind that, chances are, they are NOT dead yet. You can pick up the Padlock Key from the guillotine and use it on the gate in the next area. If you do, ignore my directions when I say to run around the building in the next paragraph. Anyways, run over and pick up the Fire Extinguisher inside of the shutters, and make a run for it, past the lot of zombies that await you with arms wide open, and through the door leading to... Yes, the puppies are in here, and want to rock and roll with you, so watch out for them. Dart straight, and they will miss you despite being extremely close to you. If you zig-zag, you are putting yourself at risk of getting bitten by their sharp toofers. Head around the building, and zoom for the gate. Or if you have the Padlock Key, simply use it on the gate and discard the Padlock Key. Once inside the "Meet And Greet With Steve" area, as we have come to recognize it as, you will notice that there is one zombie that is blocking the door leading to the graveyard area, and another one which is munching down on that dead body in the corner, where you found the Handgun at. Just run past both of them, which sounds and looks hard, but it really isn't. Now that you are back in the graveyard, you can kill those pesky zombies as you see fit. Wasting all of them is fine and dandy, but I suggest taking out two or three of the four, since you CAN easily dodge the single zombies, or even two of them split into separate sections of the area itself, so leave one near the entrance, and one near the fire. Now, kill/dodge the zombies, and get close to the fire. Not too close, however, since you don't want to get burnt. Now, open up the menu and select the Fire Extinguisher, and now use it. This will put out the fire. Now that the fire has been put out, grab the Briefcase. Now that you have one of the many items that you will backtrack for in the game, open up your Menu Screen and investigate the Briefcase. Upon examining the Briefcase, you will notice that there is a red button on top of it. Go ahead and press X, which will prompt you to press the button. This will make the Briefcase open up, giving you the TG-01 material, as well as a document describing the product. Now that we have this out of the way, I guess we should go back to the metal detector area once more. I know you are tired of going from place to place that you have already visited, but trust me, you are nearing the end of this run-around craze for a short amount of time. Yay for discovering new areas, Columbus! Now that we have the TG-01, let's go through the door. Upon entering, those two Zombies will still be standing there, unless you offed them the last time you ran through here. Go through the Doggy Door (hehe, I made funny) again, and go around the building. Watch out for the Cerberus dogs in here, and I truly hope that you did not kill them last time, since they are simple to avoid. After this, go through the door. Avoid the loose Zombies from when you opened the shutter, and zoom into the anti-metal building. This is the last time we will visit this place for quite a while. Put away your metal objects, including your Handgun and Handgun Bullets. Keep in mind that the TG-01 is NOT metal, and you are supposed to take it to the machine. So do so. Once you reach the machine, go over to the right side and drop the TG-01 onto the machine. It will make a non-metal replica of the metal Hawk Emblem, which will get discarded after the replica is finished. Now you will have the Sp. Alloy Emblem. Now go save your game in the command station. Come back out after you save (or if you decided not to save), set your sights on playing Marshall Faulk and running through the newly crashed through Zombies in the hall without your weapons. There will be three Zombies in this hall. If you wait long enough at the foot of the metal storage box, the first Zombie will come towards you, making it easy to dodge him if you lean towards the right wall. After you dodge the first Zombie, keep running, but sway to the opposite direction of where you were running to, that way you can dodge the second Zombie. The third and final Zombie will be around the next corner and towards the middle of the hall. You may get bitten by this Zombie. Try to dodge it by tricking it into looking into a different direction, and then traveling through the backway. Grab your Handgun, Handgun Bullets, M100 Ps, Fire Extinguisher, Ink Ribbons, and whatever else I am forgetting. You COULD leave the Combat Knife here, as you should have plenty of ammo throughout the game by following my FAQ/Walkthrough closely, but I don't suggest it. See? Aren't I nice for taking such great responsibility? [DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for your actions. Thank you.] Now, we must head for the "Steve Meet & Greet" Area yet again. Sorry, man, I know that you are sick of it. Once you go outside, Zombies galore. Avoid them, and run for the Doggy Door again. Yup, avoid the pooches. See! You're getting good at guessing how Resident Evil games work, tiger! Upon entering the "Steve Meet & Greet" Area, you will notice two naked Zombies (ewwww...) and one flaming Zombie. They are placed in this order: [NOTE: the numbers indicate the order of encounter, and the D represents the door you must reach. "S" represents Starting Place.] <3> <2> <1> This will give you a good map of where to move, and when to move to where. If that makes since. Slide in between one to two, and quickly slide between two to three. From here, three can leap towards you, however, simply quickly hit the Start button and slip the Sp. Alloy Emblem into the double doors, and open them upon returning to the game. Yay for new areas! This next area is not all that exciting, however, it is kind of creepy, and we learn how to push boxes! Yay for learning! Upon entering the area, you notice that a jeep is blocking the way across the bridge, so look for the side platform to walk across. Once across, turn around and investigate the jeep to find a pack of Handgun Bullets. Now turn around and go to the fire and boxes. See that lone crate? Walk up against it and after a second or two, you will begin to push it. Push it all the way up, until you cannot push it any farther. After this, move to the left of the crate, and push it to the right until it covers the fire completely. Grab the Green Herb over there in the corner, and then hop up on the recently pushed crate by holding the forward pad against the crate and press X. Go to the crate on the top, and hop off of the crate by holding the forward pad and press X. Now climb the stairs, and the second set, as well. Once you reach the top, you will see two construction worker Zombies in the closest area available. To the right is the Military Training Facility, but we will ignore that for now. Instead, let us go straight forward. The first two Zombies are easy to avoid, but you will encounter two more Zombies along the bridge. If they bite you, and they are facing against the bridge, you can knock them over the ledge. Sweeeeeet. As soon as you hit the stairs, press X to climb them and reach a new area, that way the second Zombie will miss you. In this area, you will encounter... POOCHIES! AHHHH!!! Dash along the path and dodge the Cerberus dogs by running along the upper path. There's a few items out here, but let's forget about them for now. There is a mansion in this area that is hard to miss. Climb the steps and enter the building. We will come out here after we drop some items off at the item box inside. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.2 ---------------- ASHFORD MANSION X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Ahhh, yes! Finally, a change of scenery! We will be around the compound for quite a while. Congratulations, you are now in the second chapter of the FAQ/Walkthrough. Let us ignore everything right now, and head up those stairs on the right. Once you reach the top of them, hook a right and go up more stairs. Now go right and through the door. Now that we are in the Safe Room, we can listen to beautiful music, and grab some Ink Ribbons and Handgun Bullets. Be sure to save your game right now, considering the fact that we definitely do not want to waste everything we just did, now do we? After you save our game, you will have to check the table, that way you can read the Secretary's Note, which will soon be filed for your Files. Hehe. Anyways, go ahead and go over towards the longer end of the room, and you will notice a shining dot underneath an end table. Push the end table, and press X to investigate. You will find an ID Card. This will come in handy downstairs, so let us head down there! After leaving the room, head down both stairways, and go over towards the computer on the desk. Search the top of the desk to find a pack of Handgun Bullets. After this, open up your menu and look at the ID Card. If you flip it over, you will notice a few digits that are filled with letters and numbers. The code is NTC0394. Keep in mind that the 0 is a "zero," not an "o." Go over and boot up the computer, and enter this code. This will unlock the door towards the top of the screen on the first floor, to your left. Instead of going there just yet, there is something we should do first. Notice the door below and on the left wall to the one that you just unlocked? Equip your Lighter and go inside of the door. Once you enter the Bathroom area, you will notice that there are several Bats in this room. They cannot attack you, as long as you have the Lighter equipped. Walk down the steps and over to your left, inside of the open stall. Press X to find some hidden Handgun Bullets. Now, search the sink to find a First Aid Spray. Finally, there is a Duralumin Case over in the corner. Pick it up. You will need the Lockpick to get it open. Exit the room. Head up the stairs and store the Duralumin Case and First Aid Spray in the storage box. After this, come back down and go through the door you unlocked. Upon entering the door, you will notice a box of Handgun Bullets near the vase on the ledge. Grab them, as you will need them to waste the three Zombies which are coming after you. After you shoot the three Zombies until they are dead, head straight down the hall and go through the door at the end. Beware, as there is a Zombie to your right, right before you enter the door. There's a 99% chance that you will dodge it's attack, though, so no worries. Now that you are in the Study, you can choose who was the killer. I think it was Mr. Green with the Wrench. er... Wrong game. You can look around in this room a bit, but once you are done, grab the Handgun Bullets on the table, and then press the blue flashing light on the right side of the room to view a movie on the projector. Thing is some messed up, creepy [bleeeeep], I tell ya. After the creepy movie, a part of the wall will open up to let you in. Do not worry, nothing will destroy you upon entering. Once you enter, you will notice a Steering Wheel on the ground, so go ahead and pick it up to put it into your inventory. There's also a new set of weapons in this room, the Gold Lugers. Sadly, though, you cannot take them, as you will be locked in the room if you do, so just leave them for now, and head out of the room and for the exit of the palace. But wait... Is that... Is that... Arnie from What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Yes! It is! And he's stuck on that water tower again! Oh, Arnie! You're so silly! ...Dammit! It's just Steve? Man... And I thought it was Arnie. Oh well. Steve is locked inside the room back there in the study from taking the Gold Lugers. Hurry back there, as the faster you get back there, the better the scenario. Once you get back there in the room, you will see that the control panel is lit up. So go over there and press X to start the puzzle. This puzzle is simple. _________________ | | | | | A | B | C | |_____|_____|_____| | | | | | D | E | F | |_____|_____|_____| There's your chart. Your selections are the two guns, which happen to be choices C, and E. Once you release Steve, he is, sadly, still alive. You will be treated to some commentary between Claire and Steve, which pretty much results in Steve keeping the Gold Lugers to go waste the ammo in them on empty beer cans. At least that's what I think. NOW you can exit the palace. Er.. No, you can't. Once you exit the Zombie Hall, you will be prompted into a discussion battle with one of the sick freaks in that "Dragonfly" movie, Alfred Ashford. After the movie sequence, it is save to go about the area. So go ahead and exit the Ashford "Mansion." If you wonder why I refer to the mansion part in quotations, just look at it. Now that we are out in the courtyard area, grab the lone Green Herb on the right of the screen (on the porch). Watch out for those three Cerberus dogs in the area, and step down the steps. Dart straight towards the rubble and avoid the sleepy pooch, and grab the shining green dot. It is the Navy Proof. You can take this with you. Now, go back to the path, and follow it to the right, and go down the steps/doorway once you reach the end. Once you reach the bottom of the stairs, go around and in back of the stairway. You will find a hidden area that includes the Palace Map, as well as a box of Handgun Bullets. After you grab these two items, head back around and go left. You will notice some Bow Gun Arrows on a gas can, so grab those, as well. You will find the Bow Gun soon enough, so these will come in handy. Now, go over to that stand on the dock and inspect it. Open up your Menu by pressing Start, and use the Steering Wheel on the stand. This will add the Steering Wheel permanently to the stand. Afterwards, select to turn the Steering Wheel. This will make a submarine come up from the water, and yes, you will get inside of it. Don't worry, there aren't any mutant sharks in the water... Or is there? Once you are inside of the submarine, look around in back in the submarine and search to find a Side Pack. This is extremely helpful in comparison to before, so press X and select to equip it. You now have ten (10) inventory slots compared to your former eight (8) slots for inventory. How cool is that? Now, go and pull the lever in front of the submarine. Once you travel to the other side, climb the ladder to reach an underwater facility area. After you have climbed the ladder, go down the two stairways, and turn the corner. Go through the door to reach the Aquarium Room. There are two ways to exit, which are the Shipping way (down/right) and the Aquarium way (up/left). Kill the Zombie on the right, and one of the two Zombies on the left. Leave one, which is easy to dodge, on the left. Grab the Handgun Bullets from the sofa. Head over to the Aquarium path, and go through the door. Now that we are through the door, quickly equip your Lighter instead of your Handgun. There is a set of Bats out here, in case you are wondering why you are going to hold a Lighter like an idiot. Which reminds me, how does that flame stay lit all of that time without going out from the wind or anything? Anyways, run up to the lit up computer screen and press X. This will bring a panel up on the side. Go over to it, and drop the Navy Proof inside of the panel, that way we have it out of the inventory. Now you can go back into the Aquarium Room. Dodge the Zombie, which looks a lot like James Cromwell, and follow the path around the desk and such, leading to another door in the shipment department. Enter. This will lead you to a very big bridge. The camera zooms out so you can see it in full. This is noteworthy, as you see a plane in the background. Keep that in mind. Go across the bridge and through the door. When you get inside of the lift station, go over and take the lift up to the second floor. There is a computer that you can operate up here, so do so. You will want to hold up until the shadow of the crane is centered perfectly to go across to the left. Now, press and hold left until the shadow of the crane is centered directly over the crate, and release. This will lift those heavy crates out of your way. Yay for completing things! Take the lift back down. Now that you are back down here, you will want to go towards the lower part of the screen until the camera changes, and then get under the crates that you have lifted from above. They will FALL ON YOU!!! Kidding. heh. Anyways, see that control panel? Press the button to make the center stage lift up from the ground. But what's this? You've got company... Quickly do a 180 degree turn (away on the d-pad + circle) to turn around, and run away. Get back far enough until the camera changes, and position yourself so that you can see ahead of you quite well. Get out your Handgun and reload it on the menu, and then start pumping every Zombie full of led until they all up and die! YEEHAW! Except the crippled one on the ground, whom you can avoid extremely easily. Kinda sad looking, though. =( Once the bodies are scattered, you can now search for the treasure. You will find a Biohazard Card, which you can use at the lovely Military Training Facility back before the Ashford "Mansion," or The Palace, whichever you prefer. You will also find some Bow Gun Arrows. Yay for investigating crime scenes! So you can now leave, and head back towards the Military Training Facility. Let's go! Go through the door, and dash to the tunnels. Go through the tunnels and into the submarine. Hit the lever and climb out of the submarine once you land. Turn the Steering Wheel and go up the steps. Run along the upper part of the path to dodge the doggies, and go through the door to exit the courtyard/Ashford "Mansion" area. Run past the bridge with the Zombies, and turn to the right and enter the steel door to reach the front yard of the Military Training Facility. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.3 ----- MILITARY TRAINING FACILITY X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once you arrive in the front yard of the Military Training Facility, you will notice that the ground is shaking violently. Why this is shaking inside the front yard, but not directly outside of the steel door leading to the front yard, I will never know. Anyways, the reason it is shaking so violently is due to the fact that a gigantic Gulp Worm is extremely mad, and wants to eat you. I will tell you now that this is not a good thing, however, you probably know that. So with that said, ignore the Gulp Worm and go into the door. Note that you CAN kill the Gulp Worm now, if you ever so wish, however, the fact is that it will come back to life later on in the game, regardless of your actions now, so to save health and ammo, let us ignore it, shall we? Now that we are inside of the Military Training Facility, my vote for the scariest place in the entire game, we can let the creepy fun begin! Ooh! I'm all hot and bothered by it! Kidding... At least that's what YOU think. =P Anyways, the first thing we will want to do is to go upstairs to Claire's right. Ignore the door with no doorknob, and go to the one farther down the hall. Once inside of the office, go around and look inside of the dark room. Sure looks creepy. Anyways, go over to the desk and you will notice something flashing. This means that it can be picked up. Oh, you already knew that? WELL THEN PICK IT UP ALREADY! Jeez... Anyways, it is the Bow Gun. Yes, the thing that we have collected all of that ammo for is coming into use finally! After this, you will get the Memo On The Pass Number file automatically. Try to exit, watch the cut-scene, and then actually exit. We have to solve the puzzle, Watson! Before we do that, however, we have to watch another cut-scene, and then we have to do a few things that need to be completed first. Let's start off by grabbing the Red Herb from the bench, and the Bow Gun Arrows from the telephones, which you cannot see until you grab them. After this, go down the hall and enter the door. We are in the locker room of the Military Training Facility. Smelly. Oh, and there is a single Zombie coming right for you. Equip your awesomely new Bow Gun, and combine the Bow Gun with all of the Bow Gun Arrows that you have. Now, unpause the game and pump him full of arrows until he drops! Continue forward and you will see a row of lockers. Once you turn to enter the "center" of the lockers, you will notice three Zombies in the region. You can either kill all of them with the Bow Gun, or you can kill two with the Bow Gun and the last with the Handgun. Either way you go about it, they are hard to dodge, so killing them is recommended unless you have a lot of stuff to heal with on you. After they are dead, or left, search the locker against the wall for some Bow Gun Arrows, and search the center locker on the popular-with-the-zombie-crowd side to find more Bow Gun Arrows. These things are a-plenty! Go through the door to reach the sauna. Ahhh, yes, a zombie-fied sauna! Watch out before you go charging into things, though. There are two zombies in this area, and one of them is in the actual sauna, so dart through to the steps, that way the zombie cannot bite you. Do not worry, there are no items in the sauna. There is a zombie standing near the bottom of the steps, however, his back is turned, and he will not notice you until you are away from him. Go into the pond of water and turn the valve. This will stop the water. Go over to the front of the lion's head, and pick up the Key With Tag. Now you can go for the exit to both doors, and to the main hall. Once in the main hall, there is one door left to explore before opening the next area. It is located in the middle of the hall, and in between the stairs you accessed and the door you came from. It is the Printing Room, as I like to call it. So go inside already! Once inside, take note of the grounded zombie right below you. He will not crawl towards you, and will not attack unless you come towards him. I think the reason he is just laying there is to take your auto-aim focus off of the other two zombies in the room, and onto him. Regardless, run over and press the blue flashing button on the computer. This will print out a Military Training Facility Map on the printer, so pick it up. After this, you can either kill, or avoid, the zombie coming right for you. Either way, you will have to go into the room next door, which has a VERY worthy item to grab. There is a zombie that is moderate to avoid waiting inside of here. The camera will do this creepy, "Requiem For A Dream" thing at zooming in, so go over to that filing cabinet and use the Key With Tag on it to get the ever so important Bow Gun Powder. The Bow Gun Powder can be combined with the Bow Gun to create a special kind of arrow that is... well, on fire. So fire-tipped arrows are yours, but do not use them all up. In fact, save them for a new enemy, the Bandersnatch. We'll meet one of those in a little bit. As for now, exit the room. Now that we have the three other paths done, use the Biohazard Card on the red-lit panel along the back wall. This will open the... um, thing, and you can go on through. Go through the door, and watch the cut-scene. Alfred Ashford is trigger happy, and a bad aim, at that. As soon as the sequence stops, you will be thrown into the action, so dart to the left and go up the stairs. If you aren't fast enough, you will get hit, and it will hurt. Alfred runs to the door on the right once you are up the stairs, so run after him! Once inside, jog through the hallway and grab the two boxes of Handgun Bullets amidst the cluttered junk in the corner, and go through the door on the right to enter a Safe Room. Yay for those. Combine a Green and Red Herb, and keep your Biohazard Card. You can put away all but one healing item. Basically, all you need is your Bow Gun, Bow Gun Arrows, Bow Gun Powder (which you should equip into your Bow Gun right now), one healing item, the Biohazard Card, and some Ink Ribbons (which you should store AFTER you save). Now, grab the Ink Ribbons on the side of the table, the Green Herb from the floor, and the Hemostatic Medicine from the couch. Take the Hemostatic Medicine with you,but put it in your inventory storage box. Save your game, store your Ink Ribbons, and head outside the door. As you try to enter the door, the shutters will close. Be sure to take note of the mouse that runs underneath it as it does! He is a neat little character that will be known as DIJ throughout the game. For more info, after you beat the game, read DIJ's Diary in the File Section of this FAQ. Watch the cut-scene with Alfred's girly laughing, and go through the door. With all of this heart-beating, you would think the next area would be climatic, but it is simple. Head on over to the right once you are in the door and grab the Sub- Machine Guns. You will need a clip for them, though, and it appears to be downstairs. Before we continue, make sure you have the Bow Gun with the Bow Gun Powder equipped. Now, head back, since the stairs are to the left. Wait... What is that? Uh oh. It's a Bandersnatch. These things are very tough, since they have Stretch Armstrong abilities, but they will quickly fall to three Bow Gun Powder Arrows. Yes, only three. So now go downstairs, and equip the regular Arrows back onto the Bow Gun, and go through the door that recently opened for you. You will watch an extremely long cut-scene now. Enjoy. When you come back into gameplay, you will take place as Leonardo DiBadactor. You will be Juliet's Romeo! Get it? Third movie reference in four appearances, that isn't too bad! Anyways, destroy every Zombie in sight in the first room with your Sub-Machine Guns, and DO NOT PICK UP ANY ITEMS WITH STEVE. Anyways, you can go through the door on the left, if you feel like killing more zombies randomly. If not, go through the door to the right. Be sure to note the Family Picture in Steve's inventory for the short while that you control Steve. After going through the next room, you are in a control fan place- thingy. There's quite a big number of Zombies in this area, but it's nothing that Steve "Let's Waste A Lot of Ammo" Burnside can't handle! You can cross your guns by pressing L1 whilst holding R1. This is a pretty cool thing that not a lot of gamers know about. You will want to head for the stairs that lead to a door on the bottom part of the screen, and go through the door to trigger a trigger happy cut-scene! Hehe! Now that we are Claire, grab the hidden Handgun Bullets inside of the Lion's mouth on the wall, and go follow Steve through to the elevator, and you will go up. Steve runs away, crying, and throwing a fit. Hey, it is not like he is living in This Boy's Life or anything, so why is he so upset? (Yes, four movie references. Another one and I'll have a bingo!) So follow him through the door to your right. In the next area, you can find Steve to the right, so go ove...r... oops. Watch the touching cut- scene between Frank Abagnale Jr. and Christopher Walken... er... Steve and his Pops. Ohh yeah, two references in one paragraph! BINGO! After the touching cut-scene with Steve, go to the left, past Steve, and into the next door. This is the Elevator Room, and there are two hungry Zombies in this area. Equip the Bow Gun, and make sure those arrows are Regular ones and not the Bow Gun Powder ones. Shoot the first Zombie for sure, and you can kill the second if you still have a bit of ammo left for it. There is a box of Handgun Bullets in the corner near the entrance. After you grab those, go straight in the hall to reach the Very Oddly Disturbing Room. Once you have walked through the door of the Very Oddly Disturbing Room, you can save if you like, considering there is a typewriter with a set of three Ink Ribbons. This room is Oddly Disturbing. Why? Because it is. Look at the picture on the wall, which is a picture of the room AFTER you unlock everything inside of it. We can start now. Go pick up the Eagle Plate from the right side of the wall. You will despise the Eagle Plate by the time we get done on this island. Enjoy! Now exit the room. Head straight for the door where you found Steve at, which is down the hall. Once reaching it, there is a box of Handgun Bullets that you can grab. To the right of Steve, climb the crate, and the box of Handgun Bullets is to the right on top of the gas container. Step down, and go through the main entrance in back of Steve. There are a few nasty Cerberus puppies in this area. Watch out for them. You will have to unlock the door before you can exit, and be sure to grab the Bow Gun Arrows near the exit. Now you can exit. We are in the front yard of the Military Training Facility again, so grab those Bow Gun Arrows on the gas container, and run into the entrance of the Military Training Facility. We are going to do something we could save for later, but for the sake of getting it done, we will do it now. Mmmkay? Now, head down the hall and use the Biohazard Card on the shutter-ish door again, and head through. In the place where Alfred shot at you with that Hunting Rifle, there will be two Cerberus dogs. You can easily avoid them and go up the steps very quickly. In the center of the railing will be a hollow space. Place the Eagle Plate into it to reveal the Emblem Card. This will access parts of the Military Training Facility that we could not have before. However, we won't bother anything like this until later. Go into the door to the right again. Go down the hall and use the Biohazard Card on the shutter-ish door from where Alfred locked you in. Now, go into the Safe Room. Store quite a few items, and combine your previous Bow Gun Arrows with your current ones, if you had not already, and combine your Handgun Bullets, as well. Put away everything except a few key items. You will want the following and the following ONLY in your inventory: Biohazard Card, Emblem Card, Handgun, Handgun Bullets, one healing item, and the Bow Gun with regular Bow Gun Arrows equipped. Before we leave, you can do an optional side quest right now, or you can leave it for later on. The up side to doing it now is that you will gain the Lockpick, and because of that, you can unlock the Duralumin Case in your storage box to reveal some Bow Gun Powder, and you can unlock a simple lock in the basement of the Military Training Facility containing Acid Rounds for your soon-to-be Grenade Launcher. The down side is, you will be attacked by Bats several times in the game, because you will lose your Lighter in the trade. Personally, I would do it now, that way you can gain ammo and such without losing a lot of time. THIS IS YOUR CHOICE. It is 100% completely up to you, and you CAN do it later in the game, if you wish. If you decide to, here is what you should do. VI.TRADE [[[{{{-------------------BEGIN-------------------}}}]]] ******OPTIONAL LIGHTER/HEMOSTATIC MEDICINE FOR LOCKPICK QUEST****** Exit the Military Training Facility, and go outside of the front yard to the MTF while you are at it. In case you forgot where to find the Graveyard area, go to where you enter the Military Training Facility's front yard but do not go in, and instead go down to the steps and cross over the crates, as well as the lovely bridge that helps us get over the Jeep-crashed-through bridge. Go through the door. Dodge the three Zombies, and go to the door on the upper right hand corner of the screen. Resurrected Zombies are in the Graveyard, so avoid them and get to the other side and down the steps. Go through the hall, open the door, watch the cut-scene, and deliver the Hemostatic Medicine and the Lighter to Rodrigo for the Lockpick, which believe it or not IS an even trade. See? You could be the General Manager for the Montreal Expos. Hey, you would make better trades that way. Remember to get out that Duralumin Case and unlock it... ******OPTIONAL LIGHTER/HEMOSTATIC MEDICINE FOR LOCKPICK QUEST****** [[[{{{--------------------END--------------------}}}]]] Now, return to the Military Training Facility, to the outside room where Alfred shot at you, where the fire is, and also where the two Cerberus dogs are. Once you enter the area, run over along the gates and enter the opening. Quickly climb down the ladder which is placed inside of the manhole. When we come back to playing, you find out that you are in the second room that you controlled the guy from the Basketball Diaries in. Run down the hall and use the Emblem Card on the locked control panel on the side of the wall. Hop down once the gate has been lifted, and go up. Climb the steps, and go through the door to the first area that you controlled the guy from the Beach in. Once in here, you will notice some Grenade Rounds to Claire's right. Pick them up. Move down a bit and notice a gate with another Emblem Card control panel on slight ledge of the wall. Use the Emblem Card to unlock the gate, and grab the Grenade Launcher from the containers that it sits on. Be sure NOT TO GO INTO THE DOOR IN THIS DIRECT AREA. It will only lead to one set Bow Gun Arrows, and two Bandersnatches that guard them. It is DEFINITELY NOT WORTH IT. Also, PLEASE don't use the Grenade Launcher, okay? We need to at least TRY to attempt to keep our ammo concealed. Yanno? Good. Now load any regular Grenade Rounds we find along the way into the Grenade Launcher to save space. This includes the Grenade Rounds that you just recently picked up on the shelf over there. Speaking of which, there is another door over there, so go over to it and enter! Once you enter this door, the coast should be clear from when you ran into here with Steve. If you have the Lockpick, as I advised, then you can grab some of the nicest ammo in the game, the Acid Rounds. You can load these into the Grenade Launcher whenever you wish, but do not use it now. Around the corner, you can also grab a nice box of Handgun Bullets. After you grab these items, run towards the place you came from (the second Leonardo DiCraprio room), and go through the door on the bottom of the screen that you have to climb the steps to reach. Well, all exits make you climb something, so I guess that wouldn't really matter... Anyways, run on through this area and reach the elevator. Go up to the second floor. Once the elevator opens, run over to the Emblem Card control panel and swipe the Emblem Card through it. You can now discard the Emblem Card, which is good, because it clears up room for some Herbs that you can combine in the room. First thing's first: Climb the steps to the right and grab the Grenade Rounds on the floor, and read the Albinoid Report on the wall computer monitor. Descend the steps. Run over to the Green Herbs (2) on the floor next to the command center. After you pick them up, open up the Menu by pressing Start, and combine the two Green Herbs. After this, walk over to the flashing monitor and press X. This will let you pick up the Army Proof. After this, press X again to investigate the Scientist's Room beyond the Office on the second floor. With the camera in control, you can look around the room and search a bit. You can check out the dead body of the person that Claire watched as he died. Sucker! Anyways, you will want to zoom in on the Skeleton Picture in back of the dead body. There is an access number that you can use to reach the Scientist's Room. Once you zoom in, you learn that the access number is 1126. After you learn this new information regarding the Scientist's Room, head for the exit along the left side of the wall, in between the two Zombies that just woke up from their living-dead nap. Ignore them, and quickly unlock the door, and then go through it. You can drop off the Grenade Launcher, Acid Rounds, Army Proof, and Save in the Safe Room in our now-familiar area, and then head for the Main Hall of the Military Training Facility. Once you are in the Main Hall of the Military Training Facility, please feel free to use up that Biohazard Card one last time on the stairway leading to the Office near the entrance. Afterwards, discard the Biohazard Card. It's tough to depart from it after all of those times you spent together, I know. Once you reach the Office, go to the door and activate the password system. Enter 1126, and go through the sliding door thingy. Whee! Once inside, search the desk for some Acid Rounds for your Grenade Launcher. Sweet. Next, go around the dead body and grab the Skeleton Picture off of the wall. Now, this could get a little messy. Baby Albinoids are coming from everywhere, and you have 45 seconds to exit to the Main Hall of the Military Training Facility. This is not THAT bad, and you should definitely ignore the Baby Albinoids, and they will probably give you a good zapping here and there, but just run for the exit! Nothing else matters, only the exit! Once you are at the Main Hall, you can go outside to the front yard, and ignore the Gulp Worm that is STILL hungry. Notice how shaky the ground is out here, but once inside the Military Training Facility, it doesn't shake at all? This, my friends, has to be one of Zoop's Top Ten Mysteries of The World. Anyways, go to the back yard with the couple of Cerberus dogs. Ignore them, and go into the Steve's-A-Crybaby room. Once in here, go through the door to the left. Once you are in the Elevator Hall, there will be two Zombies that you can very easily dodge in the hall. You will want to head to the Very Oddly Disturbing Room. Once inside, run over to where you removed the Eagle Plate and set the Skeleton Picture in the undusted space. This will cause the wall to move. Once the wall moves, you will see a replica of the Military Training Facility that is missing the Tank from the back yard. Go ahead and pick up the Gold Key from the replica, and read the note to the left of the replica. If you have the Lockpick, pick the lock on the drawer to the right and take the First Aid Spray from the drawer. Now that we have this, we can FINALLY go to the next chapter in the game. To do this, we will want to exit the Military Training Facility. Watch out for the Zombies in the Elevator Hall. See you once you get outside of the Military Training Facility! X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.4 -------------- PRIVATE RESIDENCE X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once you are outside of the Military Training Facility, you will notice that the four Zombies are gone that were in the area. They have been replaced with a couple of Bandersnatches that will hang out on the bridge, waiting for you. Dart through to the other side and up the steps of the bridge. The Bandersnatches will throw their arms over the railings to pull themselves up, but you should be up the steps by time this happens. In the next area, you will want to get to the Ashford "Mansion" Palace, so do so. Watch out for the poochies, though. They are not very nice today. Once you enter the Ashford "Mansion," you will see that something is extremely different... It could be the four Zombies in the main corridor. Yup, I think it is. There are two Zombies on the first floor, so avoid them. Run up the stairs. Once you reach the top of the stairs, there will be a Zombie on the left, which you can avoid, and one at the top of the second set of stairs leading to the Safe Room. Make sure the Handgun is equipped and pop his ass once you get up that set of steps. Now go inside of the Safe Room. Once inside of the Safe Room, heal if you have to (just slightly, unless you are in orange caution/red danger), and get out the following items: Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows, Handgun, Handgun Bullets, Gold Lugers, one healing item, and Ink Ribbons. Go over and load the Gold Lugers into the locked door. These will work as the key to get into Alfred's Office. After you load these into the door, run back and save your game, and then store your Ink Ribbons in the storage box. Now, go through the door with the Gold Lugers inside of it to reach Alfred's Office. Once inside of Alfred's Office, you will be greeted by a loud bang of thunder. Do not worry, no one, or nothing for that matter, is waiting for you. Grab the box of Handgun Bullets on the coffee table in the middle of the room. Go over and gaze outside through the window at the beautiful view, looking down upon the Prison Cabins' rooftops. Very pretty. Read the memo on the table. This will give you the solution to the puzzle that lies inside of this room. The memo states the following... "First digit: Left, Right. Second digit: Left. Third digit: Right. Fourth digit: Right, Right, Right. You must not reset while maneuvering." Now, go over to the computer right next to the memo, and boot'er up. After this, you will be prompted by another replay of that ghastly disturbing video that you saw inside of the Study with Alfred and Alexia killing the dragonfly. Alfred must be obsessed with this video, I say. After this, the grandfather-esque clock will light up over on the right side of the wall. It will ask you for the password, so can cancel out of the computer program. Walk over to the clock and touch the light blue panel that lit up once you activated the computer. This will bring up a way to control the numbers on the clock. Quite clever, indeed. Move the controls Left, and then Right. 1 is your first number. After this, move it Left. This will reveal 9 as the second number. Next, you must move it Right once. Then unveils that number 7 is the third digit to the password. Finally, move the controls Right three times to reveal that the last digit is 1. 1971 is the puzzle solution. Run over to the computer and enter 1, then 9, then 7, and finally 1. Hit enter. This will make the clock move, revealing a doorway where the clock once was. Tadaaaaa! Puzzle solved. Move forward an inch, and a Bandersnatch will crash through the window. Damn! And the view was good, too! Ignore it and run for the newly discovered doorway, and exit via the new door in the hall of the doorway. You will cross through to this path several times during the game, but always ignore that Bandersnatch. You can easily dodge his attacks, and he is always near the desk, so he is not a problem. Just remember he is there throughout the game, and you should be fine. After you exit the Office Hallway, you will be on the Private Residence Way. This path is cleared, for now, so go ahead and run through it, and climb the steps. As soon as you are up the stairs, go to your Menu and equip your Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows, if you want to kill the Bandersnatches, but I STRONGLY SUGGEST YOU DO NOT KILL THEM. Otherwise, you're your Handgun equipped for now. There are two Bandersnatches in this area, however, you should ignore them. They might rough you up a bit, so if you are low on health after they beat you up, do not worry, since there is nothing else in the Private Residence that can hurt you too much. If you are orange caution/red danger, you should heal. While there are only two Bandersnatches in the Private Residence Balcony area, it seems as if there are four, since they will climb the balcony after you climb the sets of stairs. Head into the door once you reach the top of the stairs. Notice how long it takes Claire to enter the Private Residence, despite there being two huge Bandersnatches by her side, waiting to kill her? Maybe they were caught in the suspense, as well? Once you enter the Private Residence, equip your Lighter right away, if you have it. If not, just run like a bat out of hell, no pun intended. There are several bats in this area that will attack you if you do not have the Lighter. Enter the door on Claire's left, which will lead you to an extremely messy room. Quickly equip the Bow Gun with the Fire- Tipped Arrows. Quickly auto-aim and fire three fire-tipped arrows. In case you are wondering WHY we just shot an seemingly nothing, there was a Bandersnatch in the corner, which takes a lot of people by surprise. Grab the Bow Gun Arrows near the Fire Place, and the box of Handgun Bullets in the corner. Grab the Ink Ribbons on the end table while you are at it, and equip your Lighter again, if you got one. Exit the room. Once in the Private Residence Main Hall again, you can head up the stairways that wrap around the entire building. Make sure your Lighter IS equipped, though. If you have the Lighter from the trade, then you are like me, and since I'm a tough cookie, then you must be one, too. The Bats do not harm you THAT much, so don't fret over it. Once completely up, you can find a First Aid Spray and Handgun Bullets on the children's furniture. Now go into the door and watch the cut-scene. After the cut-scene, grab the Green Herb right near you. Return to the door that you entered in and find a box of Handgun Bullets on the well- lit end table, and go back to the door that they dropped you at once the cut-scene was over, and go through it. Once inside, run over to the music box and check it by pressing X. Choose to stop playing the music, and the box will close, and the bed in back of you will lift. After it lifts, you can grab the Silver Key, which can be used inside of the Ashford "Mansion"/Palace, whichever name you fancy. Exit the room. If you wish, once you have exited the door to the siblings' first room, you can go grab a note which you can file inside of the Notes in their second room. Basically, go to the opposite end of the hall and enter the door. From where you enter, it is on the opposite side of the room, on a desk. It is the Message Card, which Alexia has written to her whacko brother, Alfred. Now you can exit the Private Residence, and remember to keep that Lighter equipped. If you don't got one, run like the wind, Rambo. On the way down to the Private Residence Way, you will notice that an extra Bandersnatch has been added to the Private Residence Balcony area, and he wants to play with you. Awwwww, isn't it just adorable? Once again, I strongly advise that you do not kill any of the three Bandersnatches along the way, and just leave them be. They've been through enough trauma, having lost one of their family members to the Man In The Iron Mask back there in the Military Training Facility, and all. Once you enter the Office Hallway, remember that when you walk into the room that the Bandersnatch will be waiting for you near the desk, so don't get too jumpy and get hit. Just head straight for the entrance to the Safe Room, which is to the left. And do NOT kill this one. He is just too easy to avoid to waste the ammo on, I tell ya. Once inside of the Safe Room, run over to the storage box and bring only the following objects: The Silver Key, The Bow Gun with Regular Bow Gun Arrows loaded. These are the only two items you will need for the next few minutes. Walk out of the door and go down the first set of steps, and equip the Bow Gun and blow away the Zombie to your left. After he is dead, go far left and hop up the stairs. Use the Silver Key on the door and go through. Once inside of the Casino (yes, you heard me right, the Casino), you can go around to the desk on the right and grab the box of Handgun Bullets. After you do this, go over to the gambling table and pick up the Bow Gun Powder. Load the Bow Gun Powder into the Bow Gun to turn the Bow Gun Powder into ammunition, and replace the Fire-Tipped Arrows with Regulars again. After you do this, go over to the counter and pick up the two Green Herbs on it and mix them both. We will return shortly, but for now, exit the room and head for the Safe Room again. Once in the Safe Room, make sure you keep out the Gold Key, Silver Key, Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows (combine your fire-tipped arrows), Regular Bow Gun Arrows, Handgun with Handgun Bullets, and One Healing Item. Exit the room and go down the stairs. You will want to head for the Zombie Hall that we went through to save Steve in the Puzzle with the control panel. There is a Zombie that is guarding the door, though, so shoo him away before attempting to enter. Once inside of the Zombie Hall, you will notice a door directly across from the one you just entered. Go over to it and press X. Agree to use the Silver Key on the door, and also agree to discard the Silver Key after you unlock the door with it. After this, press X again to enter, and make sure your Fire-Tipped Arrows are equipped on your Bow Gun. As soon as you walk into the Meeting Room, you will be greeted by two Bandersnatches. Dispose of the two of them with three shots of the Fire- Tipped Bow Gun Arrows a piece, amounting to six. You're like the Count on Sesame Street, that is how smart you are! After this, head down and around to where the second Bandersnatch was standing. You will notice another Eagle Plate on the ground, so pick it up. After you grab the second Eagle Plate, head around to the back of the room and read HUNK's Report on a desk. They didn't call this the Meeting Room for nothing. You will learn what has been up in HUNK's world (read the characters section for a bit more on HUNK), and file the report. Yay for special agent HUNK! After this, you can pick up some Handgun Bullets on a chair near the right side of the room. After you grab them, exit the room. Go down the Zombie Hall, but before you go over to the right to the door that we have not attempted to open up yet, take note that there is a Zombie here, so you will want to lure him away from the door (which is easy), and go around him. Unlock the door with the Gold Key by examining it with the X button and discard the Gold Key afterwards. It's amazing how much backtracking you do in Resident Evil games. Anyways, enter the door already! Once inside, go downwards and run up the steps. Check the front part of the picture, and you will be able to file the Message To The New Family Master note. Once this is done, it is PUZZLE TIME! *cheesy music blasts in the background, repeating "Puzzle Time" like Morris Day* YEAH! This puzzle solution seems hard, but it is, in fact, not hard at all. All it takes is a little knowledge of the game. First, press the button underneath the picture of the female, Veronica. After this, you shall go over and press the button beneath the man with two baby boys in his arms. After this, walk over to the man on the right without the book and press the button underneath its' picture. The fourth button that wishes to be pressed resides underneath the picture of the man that looks like Ben Folds with red hair. After this, select the picture of the man reading the book, and push the button to it. We're getting close to the end. Press the button underneath the picture of the blond man middle- aged man, which is the last of the bottom pictures. Now, press the button underneath Alfred Ashford, the one above the steps. This will bring forth a new item in the game, the Earthenware Vase. How do you pronounce Vase? Do you say "Vase," or "Vah-ze"? Personally, I say Vah-ze, as if I have an accent. Anyways, examine the VAHZE and do so by looking inside of it. You will notice the Queen Ant Object. So pull it out of there. The Earthenware VAHZE is no longer, so now we must exit the entire Ashford "Mansion," and head back towards the Prison area. Hey! HEY! Quit throwing things at me! I didn't make the game! OW! GLASS! GAH! Be highly aware of the two Zombies that await outside of the next two doors that you exit from. Once out of the palace area, dodge the dogs and go left and onto the Bandersnatch Bridge area. Avoid the two of them, and go below, down the stairs. Down the stairs, over the crates, to Grandmother's house we go! WHEE! After this, cross over the bridge and through the door. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.5 --------------- PRISON REVISITED X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Welcome back to the Prison area! We will want to dodge those Zombies, and go through the door on the bottom, which leads to the area with the two Cerberus dogs. There are three Cerberus dogs now, actually, but who is keeping track, right? Just dodge them, as there is no sense in killing them. Go through the door on the opposite side, and get your Handgun out. You will want to kill the first two Zombies in this area, one of which is outside of the cells, and the other of which is near the guillotine. The Handgun is the weapon of choice, since it will give them a nice pop. After those two are dead, run over to the hollow space towards the right of the first cell and throw the Eagle Plate inside of it. The guillotine will drop, and two more Zombies will come from a newly opened area. Try to lure them away from the entrance to the Anatomist's Yard, or you can just bust a cap. Your choice. Once you go through the door, you are in the Anatomist's Yard. Quickly take aim to the gas container and blow it up. This will take down a couple of Zombies very quickly, and you will look good while doing it. Do NOT auto aim and blow up the second Gas Container, but instead jog down the alley and through the gate. Once through here, pick up the box of Handgun Bullets on the crates near the entrance. After this, hop over the crates and push the second one from out of the door's distance that it is blocking. Now go through the door to see some familiar scenery. Go through this area, and pick up the Fire Rounds, B.O.W. Rounds, First Aid Spray, and the Ink Ribbons from wherever you left them at. After this, exit the building from the side exit again, and store the Fire Rounds, B.O.W. Rounds, First Aid Spray, and the Ink Ribbons, as well as every bit of healing equipment/items you have in your inventory inside of the storage box outside of the building. Sounds scary, I know, but you will gain two great healing items very shortly without confrontation, so no worries. Now that we have this done, hop over the crate that you moved and exit through the gate. Once in the Anatomist's Yard, go towards the entrance to the Anatomist's Office and enter. Once inside of the Anatomist's Office, head over to the cluttered junk in the right corner and search to receive a First Aid Spray. From here, run forward a bit and go into the small area to the left. Read the Anatomist's Note on the desk. Very creepy stuff. Probably the creepiest note in the game. Notice that the Anatomy Dummy is missing an Eye. Now exit this tiny room. If you want to, you can investigate the area a little bit more, looking at the dead body and such. Not that exciting, though. So once you have taken a nice gander here and there, you will want to go through the door beyond the glass towards the back of the room... Did that body bag just...? Nah... It couldn't have... or did it...? Once you are inside of the Crematory, two Zombies, one of which is on fire, will come after you. Pump them full of Handgun Bullets with that handy dandy Handgun of yours. Until they are dead, in fact. Grab the Red Herb in the upper right-hand corner near the door. Two other Zombies are in the area, so equip the Bow Gun with Regular Arrows and pump them full of arrows until they drop and stop. Yeaw! After all four Zombies have kicked the bucket, search the mixture of a Crematory and a Torture Room to find a Duralumin Case. Unlock it with your Lockpick to find the Handgun parts for Claire's Handgun. What this does is it will increase the speed that you shoot your Handgun. In other words, it turns your simple Handgun into an Automatic Weapon. Combine the parts with the Handgun, and BAM! There's your enhanced Handgun, which I will still refer to as the Handgun. After this, pick up the Handgun Bullets on the other side of the... um... thingy. Now exit this filthy room! Um... It seems as if Claire is scared, which means... Chewing. Crunching. Icky, icky sounds. That is what fills the once dead room. But now, it is obvious that something is in here, and having quite a dandy meal on top of that. Equip your Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows. Now confront the operating table and you will notice the sicko Anatomist is alive in a living-dead type of way. And guess what else? His main course is also hungry... FOR HUMAN FLESH! \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: ANATOMIST //\\ //\\ //\\ Yes, the undead little bugger just will not go away, will he? First, he tortures all of those helpless prisoners on the island from the Cabins, and now he wants to eat you! Geez, when will this stuck up, self- centered Zombies just leave us alone and let us be?? Oh well, I guess we will have to deal with him head-on, right? Right. A lot of folks suggest just using the enhanced version of the Handgun on him, however, I suggest that you do the opposite of that. The Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows shoots really fast, since you will more than likely have plenty to spare, anyway. So go ahead and use your Bow Gun with the Fire-Tipped Arrows (Bow Gun Powder). It will only take one hit (!!!) to kill him, so he goes down very easily. Remember to heal if he ends up biting you too much. As for his little friend, bust out the Regular Bow Gun Arrows and equip them to your Bow Gun, and finish him off. After the Anatomist is dead, search his body to find the Glass Eye key. Do you remember that Anatomist Dummy inside of the extremely small office? You can use the Glass Eye on that dummy to make the wall shift, so you can reach the Anatomist's secret Torture Chamber. No wonder he went crazy, look how tiny his office is! If that were my place of relaxation, I would want a torture chamber, too! Enough of my ranting, go ahead and go down the stairs. Once you are down the stairs, you are placed into a very dark tunnel with lots of Bats! GASP! Run like hell and grab the Green Herb along the way. Quickly enter your Menu screen by pressing Start, and combine the Green Herb with the Red Herb (or vice versa) and exit the Menu. Keep on running, and go through the door to the Torture Chamber when you reach it. You may get bitten by a Bat or two, but you should be fine, right? Once inside of the Torture Chamber, which is my favorite room in the entire game, you will be greeted by a few loving Zombies. You can either kill them all with your Bow Gun (Regular Bow Gun Arrows, as always), or leave them/most of them be. Grab the Handgun Bullets of the miniature table in the center of the room. There is also some Bow Gun Arrows on the chair contraption to the right of the room... Not sure what the hell in is. You can explore the room a bit, if you can dodge the Zombies while doing so, to take a look at what the Anatomist used to torture his "patients" with. That me put it this way: If I were sick on this island, I would just die eventually from my illness than be taken to THIS medical center. Go down the stairs to the Basement Torture Chamber, and go through the door. Once you are inside of the Basement Torture Chamber, you will notice that it is oh, so quiet. Run over to the statue holding the Rusted Sword and pick it up. This will lock the door that you came from, and the center statue will rise and turn. Also, poison gas will leak in through the floor... WAIT! POISON GAS!? AHHHH!!! CAN'T BREATHE!!! Oh, wait, I'm not in the game... Never mind... You will have to turn the center statue counter-clockwise by pushing up against the long handle. Once you push it to where the statue is facing the statue that you pulled the Rusted Sword from, the gas will stop, and the center statue will lock back down into the ground. You will have to take note of the standing coffin that just appeared on the other side of where you pulled the Rusted Sword from... Creepy... Walk over to the giant coffin, and open your menu. Select the Rusted Sword and use it. This will unlock the door you came from. It will also open up the giant standing spiked coffin, and a Zombie will leap out from it! Quickly do a 180 degree turn around and run like the wind! Wait for the Zombie to walk out a bit, and then run around him and grab the Piano Roll from inside of the spiked coffin. Now that you have this, head for the exit! Now, since you have the Piano Roll, we will want to leave the Prison area for good. Wave goodbye to all of the friends you have made! Watch out for all of the Zombies on the way out, including the ones that are back alive outside of the Anatomist's Office, in the yard. Be aware of the Bandersnatches on the bridge, and notice that the Cerberus puppies are no longer there in the Palace Courtyard. When you go to enter the Ashford "Mansion," you will be greeted to a painful cut-scene between Claire and... Albert Wesker. Thought he was dead, didn't you? Your health will not be down once the cut-scene is over with. Enter the Ashford "Mansion." X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.6 ---------------- ALFRED'S SECRET X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once inside, ignore the Zombies on the first floor and run up the stairs to the second floor. Go left and go inside of the Casino area. Once in here, run over to the Piano at the back of the room and throw the Piano Roll in it by using it near the Piano. This opens up the bottom of the working Slot Machine. Go over and grab the King Ant Object from inside of the Slot Machine. Now, return to the Safe Room. Once you are in the Safe Room, you will want to prepare for an onslaught of Zombies, all of which you should destroy. So grab your Bow Gun with Regular Bow Gun Arrows, One Healing Item, Handgun, Handgun Bullets, Queen Ant Object, and King Ant Object. Get out your Ink Ribbons, too, so you can save. Put them away after you save, and go into Alfred's Office. Avoid the Bandersnatch and go through the door leading to the Private Residence Way. Out here, there will be five hungry Zombies. Equip the Bow Gun (which should have only Regular Arrows, since we didn't pack the Fire-Tipped ones) and blast through all of them. By time this trip is over, you won't have much ammo left in your Bow Gun. Go up the stairs. The Private Residence Balcony area is simple, since the Bandersnatches are hiding. They will pop up as you make your turn to go up the stairs leading to the Private Residence, but you can easily avoid them. Go into the Private Residence right away so the Bandersnatch will not attack you. Once inside the Private Residence, there will be two Zombies to greet you as you enter. Aim the Bow Gun and take them both out. If they get too close, back away and shoot. Head up the stairs and take out the third Zombie, and you will notice a fourth that you cannot see due to obstructed view. Boooo! Refund! Refund! Go to the foot of the steps, aim upwards, and kill him from here. Climb the steps once he is dead and enter the Twins' Hall. Now that you are in the Twins' Hall, auto aim and you should be facing the screen. Start shooting with the Bow Gun until that Zombie is dead. Towards Alexia's Room (the one to the right of the entrance), there will be two Zombies. You can destroy the first to come after you with the Bow Gun, and avoid the second one. Or you could kill him, your choice, really. Enter Alexia's Room. After entering Alexia's Room, we have a brief mission. Run over to the music box and place the Queen Ant Object (the red one). This will open up the music box. It will ask you if you would like to take the Music Box Plate, which is what plays that creepy song that Alfred is obsessed with so much. Take it. We will want to put this in Alfred's Music Box. When you exit the room, the Zombie you left (if you did, anyway) will be to Claire's left, or in the upper part of the screen, so dart downwards. Run down the hall towards Alfred's Room, but take alert that when you round the corner, a Zombie will be standing there. So kill him with the Bow Gun. By time this is over with, you should only have about 70 Bow Gun Arrows remaining. Kinda sad how fast all of that ammo went, isn't it? Go into Alfred's Room. Once inside of Alfred's Room, head over to the Music Box and throw the King Ant Object (the blue one) into the Music Box. This will open up the Music Box. Place the Music Box Plate into the Music Box, and it will play the creepy music that Alfred loves. This will send the top of the bedpost tumbling down, allowing you access to a ladder on top of the top. Grab the Message Card from the desk, if you hadn't before, and then get on the bed, and climb up the ladder. Once up the ladder, you will notice that you are in the attic, and there is a room above the attic (and horse carousel) that you must reach. Exit the carousel and walk around the round room until you see something shining on a chair. Pick up the Silver Dragonfly. Go to the Menu by pressing Start and examine the Silver Dragonfly. You can pull off its' wings, just like the sickos in the movie sequence. So do so. Walk around the round room until you see a painting of an ant on the wall (near where you walked out of the horse carousel) and open the Menu. Select the detached Silver Dragonfly and use it. This will insert the Silver Dragonfly into the hole in the wall, which will allow you to access the ladder leading up to the attic's... Well, attic. Enter the carousel again and climb up the ladder. Once you are up the ladder, walk forward and take the Ink Ribbons from the table. After you do this, head over to the left of the room and grab the Newspaper Clip from the step ladder. After reading it, you learn that Alexia Ashford was a child genius. Like Gary Coleman! Now go over to the middle of the room and push the box all the way to the right. Once the box is pushed as far as possible to the right side of the room, climb the box and take the file which is laying on the case of butterflies. The file is the Confession Note, which you learn that Alfred is absolutely obsessed with Alexia. Underneath the file, you can walk away with the Air Force Proof, the last of the three Proofs that you need to access your getaway plan! WHEE! Now, step down from the down, and go down the ladder. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.7 -------- SELF-DESTRUCT SYSTEM... X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once you go down both ladders and hop down from the bed, head for the exit door. This will activate a cut-scene between Claire and Alexia. All of the sudden, who shows up but Steve! And guess who gets shot in the arm? Steve! YAY! Damn, it didn't kill him... Just my luck, too... Anyways, once you are in the next room, examine the wig to activate yet another cut-scene... DUDE! ALFRED WAS ALEXIA??? Somebody must have watched Psycho before this game was created. *hint, hint* Once you exit, the SELF-DESTRUCT SYSTEM HAS BEAN (yes, the lady has a very thick British accent) ACTIVATED. You know what that means... Head for the exit to every room in the Private Residence and make your way back to the Submarine area. You remember where that is, right? Right outside of the Ashford "Mansion" and to the right. Watch out for the Bandersnatch, and say goodbye to him while you are at it. In the Safe Room, get in the storage box and take the Handgun, Handgun Bullets, Army Proof, Air Force Proof, and one healing item. Exit the room. Go down the stairs and avoid your Zombie buddies. Kiss them goodbye and exit the door. Walk down the steps to watch the cut-scene, and follow Steve down the steps to the Submarine area. Once down here, go over to Steve to watch another cut-scene. Once out of the Submarine, follow the path and watch ANOTHER cut-scene. Follow the path and enter the Waiting Room. Go in the path of the Aquarium, and just dodge the two Zombies, since there's no reason to waste ammo on something so easy to avoid. Once in this room, go over to the standing control panel and place the Army Proof and the Air Force Proof into the control panel. Hit the switch, and you and Steve will enter the plane. After learning that you will need to raise the bridge in order to take off, Claire decides to go while the kitten stays in the plane. As Claire, enter the Waiting Room again and dodge both Zombies, then go around and through the other entrance, which is guarded by a Zombie. Once here, cross the bridge and go through the entrance. From here, go up and get on the lift. Take the lift up, and go through the door once you are up here. Go over to the control system and place the Control Lever into it. Switch the lever up. Now Steve can get out, but that would be without you. And while you would get away from Steve, a definite good thing, you would also blow up, a definite bad thing. So I guess we have to get back with Steve on the plane. Cross the bridge and go through the new door. First thing's first, go down a bit and you will notice a group of dead bodies in the corner. Near one of the Zombies... um... crotch, is the Airport Key. Take the Airport Key and forget where you found it at. Head over to the lockers and unlock one of them with the Lockpick, and grab the First Aid Spray. After this, go ahead and leave the room, cross that bridge again, and go through the door. Jog over to the lift and take it down. After this, we can go ahead and use that Airport Key so we can discard it. You can use it on the panel against the ledge in the wall right below the lift. This will unlock the gate leading to the shutter door that leads to a dire room loaded with goodies! YAY FOR GOODIES! In this room, it is the last salvation you will receive for quite a while, as you have an important boss fight coming up. Take the Handgun Bullets from atop of the crates, as well as the Grenade Rounds. There are two Green Herbs on the ground that you can mix and take with you for your boss battle. Grab that set of Ink Ribbons near the Typewriter while you're at it, sparky. Go over to the storage box near the Typewriter and take out the following items: Grenade Launcher (remove and store regular Grenade Rounds), Acid Rounds, Handgun, Handgun Bullets, and two to three healing items (First Aid Sprays or two mixed Green Herbs will do). Take out the Ink Ribbons and save NO MATTER WHAT HERE (unless you are going for a great grade ranking). Store the Ink Ribbons after you save. Go over to the crates that are jamming the elevator door from closing. Push in the second crate into the elevator, and go over to the left and push the first crate past the second crate, and then push it into the elevator also. Now enter the elevator. This will activate the SELF- DESTRUCT SEQUENCE TIMER (tm). It is set at five (5) minutes. Watch the cut-scene, which you will see that it is TYRANT TIME! The Tyrant is back, and is badder than ever! Well, not ever, just since Resident Evil 2. Once you exit the elevator, you will be in the front yard to the Military Training Facility. Exit the Military Training Facility front yard and run up the Bandersnatch Bridge... Uh oh... Boss time... \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: TYRANT //\\ //\\ //\\ The first form of the Tyrant will come out of nowhere, pretty much literally in a sense that it charges through a wall suddenly. Oh well, I guess we will have to kill it and hopefully eat it. Did I say eat it? =P Anyways, the best bet to use up against the first form of the Tyrant is the Acid Rounds from your Grenade Launcher. Why, you ask? Because these rounds will stun the Tyrant even after impact. After a couple of shots, the Tyrant will fall to its knees. Wait until it stands up again before shooting some more. If you get too close to the Tyrant, it will show you how much it despises you by eating you. Just kidding, but it will destroy poor Claire. Be sure to do a quick 180 degree turn by pressing away on the D-pad plus X, and run away. Stand within firing range, however, as the closer you are, the harder the impact of your weapons. Best of luck! After the Tyrant falls flat on his face, that is your green light, or when you are allowed to go. Go straight past his lifeless body and up the steps. Basically, take the path back to the airplane with Steve, which is to the Submarine, through the hall, through the Waiting Room via Aquarium route, and over to the control panel. Once you board the airplane, you will be treated to a cut-scene. When you take control again, it is due to a huge crash that came from the cargo part of the airplane. Anybody who has played any Resident Evil title enough knows that if it crashes, it is usually the Tyrant. And this is no exception, so I highly suggest saving after you get out the Grenade Launcher with normal rounds and load the rest of your inventory up with First Aid Sprays. Seriously. You'd be surprised at how much a bio organic weapon can hurt you. Here we go... \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: TYRANT 2 //\\ //\\ //\\ Most notably called the "Airplane Form," you will fight this bad boy after the cut-scene upon getting on the Airplane with Steve. After trotting towards the cargo pit, you will find him. You will have to watch the switch very carefully which releases the crates to zoom forward. Lure the Tyrant towards the end of the airplane, however, do NOT get hit. As if I had to tell you that. The Tyrant can knock you out of the plane like this, so one hit is a kill on his part, which doesn't favor you very well, now does it? Weaken him with the B.O.W. Rounds from the Grenade Launcher, Fire Rounds, and plain ol' regular Grenade Rounds. He has a fierce way of attacking twice before you can even get up, much less run away, so don't let him get too close, and be sure to shoot him no more than twice while standing in one spot. Once he is weakened enough, run towards the front and flip the switch to release the cargo. If you do this well enough, the Tyrant will fly out of the airplane. If not, you will have to distract him until the switch lights up again for you to press it. The farther back he is, the easier it will be to destroy him. Also be sure and remember to heal frequently, too, as this will anger you extremely to get close to defeating the Tyrant, and failing to do so. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.8 ------------- ANTARCTIC FACILITY X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X After you destroy the Tyrant, once and for all, you can go through the door, back with Steve. You will be treated to both a couple of cut- scenes, as well as a cool movie sequence. Before the plane crashes into the Antarctic Facility, you will be treated to some music that sounds like it is from a Lifetime movie, and Steve will be daydreaming that Claire is Rose from that movie Titanic that Steve had such a success with. You will be treated to a free save here. Yeehaw. After the plane has crashed, you are treated to another touching cut-scene between Jack and Rose. You know what I never got about that movie? The fact that Rose tells Jack that she will never let go, and right after that, she lets go! What up wit that? Anyways, after the cut-scene, you take control again. Now that you are in control, go to the right and down the ladder. Do not go into the double doors just yet; instead, head into the single door area. This is the Workers' Bunks. Follow the path and cut off to the right. Grab the Bow Gun Powder, and watch the quick cut-scene. After this, grab the First Aid Spray and Handgun Bullets from the open locker to the right. Walk a little bit to activate another cut-scene, as well as a herd of Zombies coming after you. Since this area is very pleasing on the ammo for your Handgun, I suggest to go ahead and fire up every Zombie in here with the Handgun. It works wonders, I tell ya. There is an extra pack of Handgun Bullets to the left in this area. Cross over to the left section of the Workers' Bunks and read the Worker's Diary on the table. Oooooohhhh, Nosferatu sound SCARY, MOMMY! After this, you can grab the Antarctic Transportation Base Map on the left wall in between Bunks. Have you noticed that the Zombies in this area resemble Builder Bob a lot? I sure have. Exit the room, and head into the double doors to the left. Once in the double doors, go over to the door on the left. It is dark in here, and you will notice a Zombie staggering in a cage. I will refer to him as the Annoying Zombie in the game. Yes, he takes the cake. Directly across from him is an invisible pack of Handgun Bullets. Go over and search the table for some Ink Ribbons and Handgun Bullets, and you can search the floor all the way to the right (in front of the table) for a Blue Herb. Blue Herbs cure poison, which will come in handy in the Antarctic Facility. Exit the room and the double doors. Now, there is only one place left to explore, which is the basement! Let's go! Once we reach the bottom of the stairs, go straight to reach our Safe Room. There's a lot of stuff in here, including a peculiar banging noise... On the coffee table, you can find some Bow Gun Arrows, and across from the coffee table you can find Alexander's Memo. On the desk, there's some Ink Ribbons and to the right of the desk, you can find a Green Herb. Push the bookcase back, and the banging sound will increase in sound and quantity. This must mean that the banging is coming from this secret passage! Go down the hall and... !!! Whew... Now, search the opened locker and read the Butler's Letter. Interesting stuff. You can try to push the button now, but since the electricity is out, it won't do much of anything. So let's get that electricity back on, shall we? Store all of your items into the storage box except the following: Handgun, Handgun Bullets, One Healing Item, Bow Gun with Regular Bow Gun Arrows. Exit the room and head to the left. As you walk, you notice giant Moths that spit poisonous "pixie dust" at you. If you get poisoned, there is an unlimited supply of Blue Herbs opposite of the door, but you cannot carry them with you. They are here only for when you get poisoned in this region. Go through the door. Once inside of the Main Conveyer Belt Room, a Zombie (a Builder Bob Zombie, I believe) comes after you, so break out with Bow Gun with the regular Bow Gun Arrows and start shooting. Go the way to Zombie came from and take out two more Zombies with the Bow Gun in this area. There is one last Zombie, but you can leave him, since he is arguably the easiest Zombie to avoid in the entire game. Enter the door past the one on the stairs. It is marked "B.O.W." for Bio Organic Weapon. Yee. Now that you are inside, take note of the locked up Gas Mask to Claire's left. There are two Spiders in this room that will spit acid at you that can poison you, but rarely. Head straight forward and turn a bit to reach a corner covered in spider webs. Search the box in this corner to find the Bar Code Sticker. Head over to the conveyer belt, completely avoiding the Spiders, and pick up the Bow Gun Arrows. Lastly, to the right of the conveyer belt, you can pick up not one, but two boxes of Handgun Bullets for that lovely Handgun of yours. We will return shortly to grab that Gas Mask. But for now, you must exit. Once you exit, equip your Handgun and go straight forward. Ignore the Zombie that staggers as if he came from happy hour at the local brewery and go through the door up ahead entitled "Weapon." This is where things become a little more... fire-powered, I guess you could say. Basically, we are gonna kill a lot of Zombies. How's that for an explanation? Once you come into you room, aim your gun and blast the first Zombie full of caps. Yeaw. After he is down for the count, start blasting the second Zombie whom is around the corner. After he drops, go grab the Mining Room Key on the conveyer belt, and take care of yet another Zombie. Head towards the back of the room, and notice that the locker in the back in somewhat open. Check it to find the Assault Rifle (AK47). If you do not have much space, go store some items and come back. Make sure you have at least three spaces in your inventory. Store this Weapon for Chris in the second part of the game. Go back farther, and you will notice a dead Zombie on the floor. Pick up the Detonator right by his hands, and use it on the locker right next to you. Later on in the game, once we have the Lighter again, we can light the puppy on fire (not an actual puppy. I love puppies. And kittens. Awww, so cute.) and grab the goodies inside of it. Now, exit the room. Dodge that Zombie, and go to the hollow opening across from the staircase that leads to the Mining Room. You will notice a box on a conveyer belt. Go again and splat the Bar Code Sticker across it, and go up the stairs to the Mining Room shortly after. Use the Mining Room Key on the door, and discard it. Go through, and to the back of the Mining Room. Now go through the door in the back. Now that we are in the Generator Room, go straight. When the camera changes, look along the right side of the wall very carefully to find two packs of Handgun Bullets. After this, round the corner and take down the Cerberus doggy. Keep on rolling until you reach a gated maze, which is simple to figure out (go in the first chance you get). You will end up at the Power Generator, which has a blue flashing light on the panel. Activate the Generator. After you do this, exit the "maze" and go in the direction we did not come from. Go around in the back and kill the sleeping Cerberus, and grab the two Green Herbs he was "protecting" and mix them together. Now get out of the hole and go to the right and continue along the path. Before you reach the door, go over and enter the hollow space where the last of the three Cerberus dogs is getting up to attack. Destroy him with the Handgun, and turn on the Power. Viola! Power restored! Exit both rooms and you will end up in the Main Conveyer Belt Room. Go ahead and walk down the steps, and then go into the hollowed space I mentioned before. To the left of the box, against the machinery is the Power switch. Turn it on. After this, go over to the control lever and pull it. This will shift the boxes around. Now, go on over to the B.O.W. Room again. You see, the fragile box that got transported and busted up inside of this room contained a poisonous gas, and thus, the Gas Mask has been released. So once you enter, grab the Gas Mask and head on out, unless you really want to fight with those Spiders for no apparent reason, which I doubt. Exit the Main Conveyer Belt Room and dodge the poisonous pixie dust that the Moths are letting free to blow through the air, and enter the Safe Room again. Now that the power has been restored, you can press the button on the locker in the back room. Walk into the room once the locker moves, and watch the brief cut-scene with the deadly Nosferatu below. In this room, look in the upper left-hand corner and take the Plant Pot from the ground. What an odd little item... Maybe we should plant some daisies in it? Wait... Check the bottom of the Plant Pot by examining it. Ahhh, yes, so THAT was the purpose of it. The Machine Room Key was under the Plant Pot. The Machine Room is upstairs, and through the double doors, to the right. So let's go! Once through the double doors, go right and use the Machine Room Key on the door, and discard it afterwards. Now go through the door. Once you are inside, go through the door to the right. Take the Valve Handle from the tiny catwalk, and go back into the Machine Room. Search the levers to activate a cut-scene. Watch Steve be a huge loser again, and run off. Now that we have the Valve Handle, we will have to fix it up to be the Octa Valve Handle before we can turn off that poisonous gas that is leaking in the Machine Room. Go over through the door to the left in this corridor, and you will be in the room with the annoying Zombie again. In here, walk past the Zombie and into the small room with the Diamond Cutting machinery. You will notice a Green Herb that you could not see the last time you were in here. Grab it, and go over to the Diamond Cutting machinery. Use the Valve Handle towards the right side of the Diamond Cutting machinery to create the Octa Valve Handle. Now, exit both rooms and go downstairs. Be SURE to stop at the Safe Room and save. Get out two to three healing items, put away the Bow Gun and all arrows. Basically, just keep out the following and the following ONLY: Handgun, Handgun Bullets (see if you can divide them, that way Claire has near 100, yet leaves the rest), two to three healing items, the Gas Mask, and the Octa Valve Handle. This is ALL you need. Now Save and store your Ink Ribbons. Go through the Moth Hall, and watch out in case the Moths attached a baby poisonous egg to your back. If it does, ignore the baby until it crawls, then tap buttons vigorously. This will kill it. Go through the door leading to the Main Conveyer Belt Room, and you will notice there are four easily avoidable Zombies coming after you. Dodge your defenders and run up the stairs, and equip the Gas Mask as you go into the Mining Room. Once inside of the Mining Room, go to your left and climb up the huge steps. Once up, climb the stairs and go over to where you can place the Octa Valve Handle and turn it. Once you do, watch the cut-scene. Yay! Steve is finally good for something! Now, once the cut-scene is over with, DO NOT LEAVE YET. Go down the huge steps and collect Alfred's beloved Sniper Rifle. YOU WILL NEED THIS WEAPON NO MATTER WHAT. After you collect it, you will be treated to a cut-scene and a movie sequence. Once you are done with the cut-scenes and such, you will be on a rooftop that a lot of Resident Evil players have grown to hate. Search the two lower corners of the rooftop to find a box of Handgun Bullets (to the left) and a First Aid Spray (to the right). After you have collected these two items, attempt to go down the stairs... Ohhh boy... Not another one... \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: NOSFERATU //\\ //\\ //\\ Let me go ahead and say this: Nosferatu is one of my favorite looking enemies in any game, ever! I love Nosferatu's story, as well. Oh well, who cares what I like? Let's kill his ass! The main thing to remember about poor ol' Nozzieferry is that you MUST stay away from the edges of the building which you are standing out. If you were smart, you haven't used any ammo in that Sniper Rifle that you grabbed from Alfred's stupid behind. Now that you have that equipped, do some damage by aiming directly at Nozzieferry's heart, which is quite a feat to do when avoiding the poison tentacles that whip from side to side, as well as the whole poison gas part. Just make sure that you have a good aim, and that you are clear from his attacks. If you get hit, get up and safely walk to a clear path (I suggest in the corners, but not too close. More towards the middle) that will not send you over the edge once you're hit. If you need to, be sure to heal. Fire Arrows work decent, as well, but be sure to use up all of the Hunting Rifle on his heart, or at least attempt to do that. Besides, I didn't TELL you to take out the Bow Gun, because whatever is in your inventory, Chris will not be able to use. Hence, I think you should just stick to the Sniper Rifle, and once that runs out, start shooting him from a safe distance with your Handgun. Before you know it, Nozzieferry should be toasted. Just make sure to check your health frequently to see if you are poisoned or not. If you are, cure it RIGHT AWAY. This will play a big part in the story, and gameplay, if you are poisoned, so if you're going for a good time, staying poisoned is NOT an option. Don't worry, though, I provide everything you need in this Walkthrough in case Claire IS poisoned. Enjoy the cut-scenes, movie sequences, and everything else that follows. You are pretty much done with the main part of Claire's quest. Now, my friends, it is time to take on evil with our old pal, and Claire's brother, Chris Redfield... X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.9 ---- MEANWHILE, ON THE ISLAND... X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once you take control of Chris, you should go to the corner-ish area and pick up the single Green Herb. Walk forward and confront Rodrigo Juan Raval (I love saying that name) about Claire. All of the sudden, the Gulp Worm appears out of nowhere and eats him! AHHH!!! You will have to get Rodrigo back from the Gulp Worm's stomach before he dies! But first... Investigate the statue along the wall and lower the side panel for viewing. The Sub-Machine Guns are in here, and they are VERY nice. We will get those in a second. But first, go over to the table and pick up the Bow Gun Arrows, the Ink Ribbons, and Save your game, if you wish. Take only the M100 Ps with you. Yeah, remember those? All the way back in the game? Yup. Time to use them. \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: GULP WORM //\\ //\\ //\\ When you enter the room, grab both of the herbs (one Green Herb, one Blue Herb) which are directly ahead of the door that you came from. Avoid the Gulp Worm's attacks and head over to the opposite side of the room and pick up the pack of Handgun Bullets, as well as the Bow Gun Arrows, from the ground. This big guy certainly is not very friendly. Claire will find him as the rattling little sucker in the front yard of the Military Facility, and you can fight him off with Claire in that area, if you wish, however, I suggest holding off on that idea. "Why?" you ask? Because once you are Chris, regardless if you destroyed the Gulp Worm with Claire or not, you will have to fight it. Once you fight it as Chris, I suggest taking out those 2 M100 Ps that you found very early on in the game with Claire on the zombie that crashed through the window in the Cabin. It takes near 12 shots of the 2 M100 Ps to pump this worm to his grave... and trust me, that will take an awfully large grave. The time to shoot him is when he raises high into the air and screams. Pump him full of four to five shots at a time, and keep running to keep him off guard. Another thing to remember about this battle is that you MUST run, and change your patterns of running every now and then, or the Gulp Worm will hit you hard. This is a fairly simple boss battle compared to, say, Nosferatu. You will get the Lighter back from Rodrigo once the Gulp Worm has been killed. After you have killed the Gulp Worm, go back into the room with the Typewriter and the Wall Statue. Go over to the Wall Statue and use your Lighter on it. This will give you access to the Sub-Machine Guns. Yeehaw! Now, go store them. Yes, I know, you just got them, but you have to store them for the Hunters that we will encounter later. Now that this is done, bring one healing item, the Handgun, Handgun Bullets, and exit the room. Run along over to the Elevator and enter it. This will take you to the room where Steve cried himself a river, like Justin Timberlake. JUSTIFIED! There are several Zombies in this room, so dodge all of them and head for the exit to the outside. Once you are out here, go around to the back of the Tank and push the button to make the Tank move, and provide a lift. Do not forget to grab the Handgun Bullets in back of the Tank. Now take the lift down. In this next area, you will find some Shotgun Shells at the bend of the room, as well as a Green Herb and a Blue Herb. Take them all, and head into the new Safe Room, which is to the right after the bend. Once inside, grab the Acid Rounds from the locker, and the Green Herb beside the locker. Mix the two Green Herbs together. Whee. If you get poisoned by something we find outside in a little bit, there is an unlimited supply of Blue Herbs in the permanent Blue Herb Container. On the Table, grab the Shotgun Shells, and the pack of Handgun Bullets. Now you can go over to the storage box and store the Acid Rounds, Shotgun Shells, Blue Herbs, and keep out only one of the healing items you have collected. After this, pick up the Ink Ribbons on the table and store those. By the way, I love that picture on the wall. Keep out only the following: Handgun, Handgun Bullets, and one healing item. Easily the simplest puzzle in the entire game resides inside of this room, and it is over inside of that Drawer. The Drawer sports a nice Gold Luger Replica which you cannot use. You should just store the Gold Luger Replica inside of your storage box, that way you can unlock Steve Burnside in Battle Mode once you beat the game. Here's the solution. ______________________ |________BLUE________| 3 |________RED_________| 1 |________GREEN_______| 2 | BROWN | 4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The numbers beside them are the order of the puzzle. Red, Green, Blue, and Brown. Once you get the Gold Luger Replica, store it inside of the storage box for good. Now, Save your game if you would like to, and exit the room. From here, have Chris go to his left, which leads down. You will notice the Battery Pack just laying on the ground. Now who would go do a thing like that? Pick it up, and you will activate a spooky movie sequence. Run away from the Spider and to the lift. He will call a friend over next time. Take the lift up... Once in the Tank Yard, go through the door to reach the room where Steve whined a lot. You can ignore the immediate Zombies in the room, but be sure to bust a cap in the one near the yellow lift in the back of the room. This lift is where we want to be, so run over and place the Battery Pack inside of it and hop up. Go over to the control panel and decide to go up. Once up here, go left and take the Chemical (Chem.) Storage Key. You will also find the Report: Enhanced Anti-Decay Alloy file. Be sure to keep in mind what it says about the date the Military Training Facility was completed (December 8th). Once you have this, you can go through the door on the right, where leads to more familiar territory. Walk a little bit to activate another cut-scene. After this, take the door leading outside. This will trigger another cut-scene, involving the Eagle Plate. *sigh* And yes, we WILL have to get that back. Once done with that, head over to where the Safe Room used to be. When you walk in, you will be greeted by tons of fire, and three Zombies. Only one is near you, though, so kill it, and kill the second closest one. Run over to the cluttered desk and grab the Side Pack. Yay! We can fit two more items! There's a quiver of Bow Gun Arrows near the door leading to the Scientist's Room. After this, exit to the outside again. From here, go to the elevator again and go to the Basement Floor. When you arrive, you will notice a few things, and one of the most important is the fact that the steps have been lowered, so now you can reach even more important areas to discover inside of the Military Training Facility. When you touch down, you should grab the Flame Rounds and the Handgun Bullets box. There are also a pack of Ink Ribbons, but we can wait on those. Go through the door. Once inside of this area, walk up to the stairs and pick up the Green Herb on the ground. This will come in handy. Climb the staircase and run over to the controls to the left of the room. Press the switch for the capsule to go underground. Walk over to the capsule and pick up the Assault Rifle Bullets. Now, go through the door. In this room, go to the right of the entrance. In the small corner, there are some Bow Gun Arrows. Collect them, and go over to the Turn Table area to the right. Take note that there is a door to the left of this area. Now pick up the Door Knob and watch the cut-scene. After the cut-scene, run like a maniac to the door I just mentioned to the left of where you grabbed the Door Knob. Go inside. Once inside, we are in the Chemical Storage Facility. Yay. Go through the two automatic doors. In here, you will find some Shotgun Shells on the table, as well as the box of Handgun Bullets in the area. Take the Red Herb and mix it with the Green Herb to save space. This is where things get a bit tricky. Use the Chemical (Chem.) Storage Key on the Chemical Storage Facility and discard it. Set the temperature to 128. This is Clement E. Once you take Clement E, you will be treated (if that is the appropriate word) to a cut-scene, and you will face off with a Sweeper. Head straight for the exits without delay! He may swipe you a couple of times, and if so, be SURE to heal. Dart back into the room with the Assault Rifle Bullets from the room with the two Hunters, and check your health very frequently. Now that we have the first Clement (E) and the Door Knob, you can exit this area. In the sewer area, use the herbs to heal, as you probably got knocked around a bit in there, and pick up the Shotgun from the wall rack. This will make the staircase raise. Once this has risen, hop into the water and run past the Zombie that you will wake up. Hop up where the Red Herbs are, and climb the ladder. We are in a familiar corridor now, the one where we found the Battery Pack. Watch out for the two Spiders on the ceiling, and head for the Safe Room. We have opened up the manhole cover, which is good. Only problem is, the lift is up above the ground, so we cannot exit that way. Store a whole bunch of the stuff you've gotten, leaving out only two healing items, Handgun, Handgun Bullets, Shotgun, Clement E, and the Door Knob. Save, store the Ink Ribbons, and exit the room. Go back down into the manhole, and grab the two Red Herbs. Run them back up to the Safe Room and store them. Now, go back into the manhole. Distract the Zombie before you get into the water, and now you can avoid him. Hop back up onto the opposite side of dry land, and place the Shotgun back on the wall rack to bring the staircase back down. Climb it, and go into the elevator. Take the elevator to the second floor again, and kill the Zombie whom is right near the elevator. There will be another Zombie who is near the exit, but just ignore him and dart through. Once outside, go to the Flaming Hall. Enter, and you will be treated to something very unpleasant... The unpleasantness is the fact that Albert Wesker has installed some "Spot Where Chris Is And Kill Him" cameras(tm). If these lasers on the camera spot you, it will send a Hunter to your area to dispose of you. In other words, do NOT get caught in the light of the laser. As soon as the laser disappears, take off FAST! It will reappear and hit the door the second time around, thus, viewing you if you stand still. Go through the door leading to the Main Hall of the Military Training Facility. Use the Door Knob on the door with no door knob in the hall. Yay for Door Knobs! Now you can enter the door, since you placed the Door Knob there. After entering, look to the right and investigate the end table to receive the Tank Object. After you take the Tank Object, go grab the Handgun Bullets in the corner bend to the left, and then go back into the elevator. Be aware of the nasty Hunter Laser in the Burning Hall, though. Avoid the Zombies in the command station, and hit the elevator. Take it to the first floor. Watch where you step, as there is a Hunter Laser in this corridor, and trust me, once a Hunter is in this corridor, it is a pain in the ass. Keep in mind that the door leading out to the Steve's sappy room is blocked. Head towards the Very Oddly Disturbing Room, which is where the Hunter Laser zooms in and out. Go inside. Run over to the scale model of the Military Training Facility and drop off the Tank Object into the hollow space in the scale model. This will pull the photograph of the room to the side. You will spot the Turn Table Key, as well as the Secret Passage Note where the picture was. It looks as if you will have to grab the three Proofs and slide them into the slots in this room. Now, return to the elevator. Once inside of the elevator, go to the Basement Floor and go down the staircase. Take the Shotgun with you, for good. After this, you will have to go into the room with the test tubes, where you got the Assault Rifle Bullets. Once you go up the stairs and walk a bit, a cut-scene will ensue between Chris and Wesker. Touchy, isn't it? After Wesker throws Chris into one of the tubes, a Bandersnatch crashes out of it and attacks you. Just dodge its attacks and head straight for the room where the Hunters were! Now that we are back here, it looks as if the Hunters are no longer around. I guess there was a party or something that they had to attend. Go over to the Turn Table and use the Turn Table Key. Discard it, and choose to move it. Once the Turn Table lifts you to the Main Hall of the Military Training Facility. Climb over the crate in the middle of the room, and then push it back towards where you came from. Notice the Bow Gun Powder on top of the crates up high? Push the big crate to where the Bow Gun Powder is, and then climb up and take it. This will come in handy, for sure. Now that we have that done, go inside of the room where we got the map to the Military Training Facility. As soon as you go into the room, there will be two Zombies near your face. As Ice Cube would say, gonna hit'em wit da Bopgun! So do so. After you destroy the two of them, go into the next portion of the room and search the lockers for some Acid Rounds. Lure the Zombie from the blown up hall into your room, and kill him with the Handgun. Go through the door in back. You can either let the Zombie whom is grounded bite your leg, and you can kill him without using ammo, or you can shoot him four times to get rid of him. Personally, I would say just shoot him, since you need all of the health you can get, even the tiny bit that depletes when you get bitten on the leg. Go through the gate and down the ladder to reach the basement again. As soon as you get off of the ladder, to Chris' right you will find a lever to pull, so do so. What this will do is it will clear the room of all of that poisonous smoke. Run over to where you hop off, but shoot the Zombie standing there until he dies. There's a couple of other Zombies here, but you can avoid them. Go to the steps towards the upper part of the screen, and go through the door. QUICKLY RUN TO THE DOOR DIRECTLY ACROSS FROM THE ONE YOU CAME FROM. There is an extremely nasty Hunter in these parts, and if you charge straight to the door and enter, he may not even notice you, which would be amazingly wonderful, I tell ya. Once inside of this room, go around to the other side and search the left shelf to find the ever-so-important Clement a. Open up your Menu by pressing Start, and combine Clement a and Clement E. This will create the Clement Mixture. After this, you should search the work table and modify your Glock 17 Handgun, kind of like how Claire modified hers. Now you're smokin'! Now we will want to retrace our footsies to the Main Hall of the Military Training Facility. Once you are back in the Main Hall, we will have to go into the front yard of the Military Training Facility. While it may seem safe with the fact that there is no more Gulp Worms around, it is, in fact, NOT safe. There are not one, but TWO Sweepers out here. Ouch. Run straight for the elevator that we got into before the Tyrant battle with Claire... X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.10 ---------- ESCAPE FROM ROCKFORT X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once you are in the front yard, you can pick up some Shotgun Shells a few feet from the door. Otherwise, avoid the Sweepers and run into the elevator. After you get out of the elevator, go to the door and exit. There is a Hunter in here, so be aware of the Hunter and go up the lift above. Once you are up on the second floor of the lift room, travel over to the door and exit the way. Before you pull the lever to lower the bridge, cross over the bridge and enter the door. Now that you are inside of the second floor of the Waiting/Aquarium Room, you will have to complete a puzzle. The Oil Gauge puzzle is probably the trickiest puzzle in the entire game. The reason? Because it is simply hard to tell exactly when to stop filling the gauges up. However, once you see the puzzle solution on paper, it becomes less confusing, and plus, let's face it, it isn't too easy to screw up directions. The solution is simple and not as complicated as it seems. Press X when you are near the oil gauges to begin to activate the sequences to solve the puzzle. The basic concept is that you will need to fill the 10 gauge to the red line. Not under, not over, but exactly on the line of the 10 gauge. The first thing that we will want to move is the number three (3). This will pour some of the oil into the number ten (10). After this, you will want to press number three (3) again. This fills the ten (10) gauge up to six meters. Once this is done, take the five (5) gauge and empty it into the ten (10) gauge. After this is done, press down and empty out the ten (10) gauge. Since we have that under control, go back up and pour the five (5) gauge (well, what is left of it, anyway) into the ten (10) gauge. Now that this is out of the way, fill up the ten (10) gauge the rest of the way by emptying out two of the three (3) gauges. This will put it at the red line where it needs to be. Afterwards, you will have to fend off the Zombies that have just awakened. Blow off their heads with the Shotgun, and then collect the Shotgun Shells towards the back of the room. After you exit the room, you will have to cross over the bridge once more. Go over to the lever controls and move the bridge down in the southern region. Now walk back into the second floor of the lift room. Once in here, walk over and take the lift down. Keep in mind that a well-placed Hunter is still in the area, so avoid it as well as possible and run out of the door to the right. Once you are out here on the bridge again, only in a different region, make sure that you Shotgun is equipped, and run over the bridge. As you get closer to the other side of the bridge, a very strategically placed Hunter will leap from, what seems to be, the sky. Quickly auto-aim your Shotgun and blast him away. Shoot the Hunter a few times until it dies, and then go through the door. In the Waiting Room, you will notice that there are three Zombies in the same exact places in this room. Avoid them all. One of them has a bomb strapped to him, and the others are wearing some VERY fashionable, sleek, and sexy night vision goggles. Apparently, Wesker put them up to wearing all of this stuff. Jog past the other two Zombies and through the door. In this area, you will remember that back in one of the cut-scenes with Albert Wesker, he was putting the Hunters up to no good. Well guess what? One of them is playing watch dog. Auto-aim the Shotgun and blast it away until it cannot be blasted any further. After the Hunter is dead, run over to the computer with the monitor that is lit up, and turn off the power. After the power has been turned off, you can go over to the control panel where you dropped off the three Proofs: the Navy Proof, the Army Proof, and the Air Force Proof. Now I want to sing that Nelly song about shoes, which he calls "Air Force Ones." Whee. After you have all three of the Proofs, it is time to return to the Very Oddly Disturbing Room. "But how do we get back there?" You are probably pondering. Do not fear, I shall post directions in the next paragraph. Exit this room. Avoid all three of the Zombies and return to the bridge on the other side of the room. Go past the bridge and into the next area. Avoid the Hunter and go straight forward and into the "Pre-Tyrant" room. Save if you wish. Now exit into the elevator. Once in the front yard, head for the front door whilst zig-zagging to avoid the Sweepers. From here, go to through the room where you printed out the map of the Military Training Facility. Go through to the other side and out the door to the outside. Go down the ladder through the gate, and hop down the big step once you reach it. From here, go up the stairs towards the bottom of the screen and through the door. Keep jogging and hop into the elevator, and take it to the first floor. From here, go into the Very Oddly Disturbing Room. Once inside of the Very Oddly Disturbing Room, walk over to the space where the picture of the room in complete form once was. Throw in the Navy Proof, Air Force Proof, and Army Proof. This will move the Scale Model to reveal a new ladder, leading to a new area. Behind the memorial are two cases of Shotgun Shells (which you will need badly) and a Green Herb. Grab everything, and go down the ladder. In this hall, you will find two VERY annoying Spiders that have an odd obsession with blocking you way, and thus attacking you while you cannot get through. Avoid the first one, and grab the Grenade Rounds, and the Green Herb near the bend of the hall. Mix the two Green Herbs in your inventory together to save room. Pop a few Handgun Bullets into the second Spider, but ONLY if it is blocking your way. Otherwise, leave it be. Go down the next ladder to reach the Albinoid Pool. Once you are down the ladder, there are two Green Herbs and one Blue Herb. Pick up both of the Green Herbs and mix them with one another. Now that this is out of the way, you can leave the Blue Herb, if you like. Run down the hall and watch the cut-scene. Grab the Handgun Bullets to the left. Time for another boss battle... \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: ALBINOID //\\ //\\ //\\ This thing guards a nice little item (that damned Eagle Plate again) that waits in the water below. Call me crazy, but I truly do think that the Albinoid is really cute. I want to hug it really tightly and stuff. The main thing to remember when squaring off against the Albinoid is to NOT GO INTO THE WATER. Never. Never ever. Once you learn this, it should be a piece of cake to defeat it. mmmm... Cake. The thing to remember about the Albinoid is that it isn't too hard, and more of an annoyance than anything else. It will not attack you out of the water, so don't even dream of going into it. If you do step foot inside of the water, it will send shockwaves throughout the water. Honestly, I'm not sure how much damage this will do, considering I've never been stupid enough to get in the water while this thing is alive. The best thing about the Albinoid is that, while it is a boss, it will not attack you. Just keep shooting it with the Shotgun once it swims towards you. Make sure to re-auto-lock onto the enemy before shooting it, as you do not want to waste any of your Shotgun Shells. Running from side to side only scares it into running away from you, which is definitely an annoyance. After a long battle that will provide more misses than hits, you will destroy the Albinoid. Now it's safe to hop into the water and grab your Eagle Plate. Now that you have the Eagle Plate, go ahead and climb out of the water. Open up your Menu by pressing Start, and combine the Eagle Plate with the Clement Mixture. This will melt through the Eagle Plate, and provide you with the Halberd. This is the Item that you will need to escape from Rockfort Island. Go climb up the ladder already! I'll give directions on the way to get back to where you need to get to in the next paragraph! Go through the hall and up the ladder. Blast any Spiders that get in your way. Exit the Very Oddly Disturbing Room and go into the ladder. Take it to the basement floor. Go through the door in here. Go down the steps, and to the right. Hop up the step and up the ladder. Go through the door. Around the hall, into the Printer room, and out this door. Go to the Turn Table and take it down. Exit into the Wesker Confrontation Room, and easily avoid the Bandersnatch in this room. Go down the steps and through the door. Keep walking and hop down into the water. Avoid Zombie and hop up onto the other side once you reach it. Climb up the ladder and out of the manhole. Run into the Safe Room. Whew. That was a lengthy trip, wasn't it? Store all of your goodies, but leave out the following: Halberd, Shotgun, Shotgun Shells, Bow Gun with Regular Arrows, Fire-Tipped Bow Gun Arrows, two healing items. Make sure you are fully healed. Save your game, too. That is always important. Exit the room, and head over to where you grabbed the Battery Pack. Place the Halberd inside of the door, and go through it. Watch the awesome visuals and cut-scenes. It's go time. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.11 ---------------- FROZEN SCENERY X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once we land at the Antarctic Facility again, we will have to find Claire and yes, sadly, Steve Burnside, as well. We can start this mission off by traveling through the path and out of the door. Equip your Handgun before you go through the door, or after, your choice. Keep your distance, and fire at the Tentacles that have roamed the area since Claire and Steve's crash, which was also caused by those same Tentacles. Darn things. Use the Bow Gun with Regular Arrows on the Tentacles. After you destroy them, climb down the ladder and head straight into the double doors. Once in here, you will notice a few things to keep in mind. The first of which being the fact that the entire open spaced area is now an iceberg, thanks to the water flowing into it. The separate rooms below are still in tact, since the strong doors have prevented any water from leaking through. The second thing to note is the huge Spider that is underneath the ice. And finally, you can reach two new things: The first being the Crane controls which are in the middle of the room, and the second thing being the fact that you can reach a new door by hopping onto the ice. For now, go into the door that led to the Machine Room where Steve crashed the crane into the poisonous gas vent. Now that we are inside of this room, you will notice that it is also frozen, and the water happened to drag a few Zombies into the area. They are underneath the ice, however, which is pretty damn cool, if you ask me. Walk past all of the dead bodies that are stuck inside of the ice and take the Octa Valve Handle from the chamber. After you take the Octa Valve Handle, run out of the area. The Zombies will come to life! Ahhh! After a cut-scene, you will be thrown straight into the mix of things, kind of like the opening sequence to the game. Quickly pull out the Fire-Tipped Arrows and equip them into your Bow Gun. Exit the Menu and blow away the Zombie which is closest to you. After this, run around the cracks in the ice, and head for where you came from and through the door. Once in the Main Room, head around and to the left side of the screen. Equip the Bow Gun with Regular Bow Gun Arrows and go through the door leading to the Annoying Zombie in the cage, as well as the Diamond Cutter machine and such things. Now that you are inside of the room with the Annoying Zombie, you will notice that the entire room has been practically destroyed, and there are three Zombies in the room. More importantly, the Annoying Zombie is one of them, and his cage has been busted open! Kill the two immediate Zombies, and go inside of the cage. Take the Duralumin Case, as well as the Shotgun Shells. Exit the room. Now exit the Main Room, and head into the Bunks. Inside of the Bunks Room, you will notice that everything is still extremely quiet since Claire took out all of the undead. However, there are a few new items that we can pick up in this room. It isn't much, but it's a whole lot at the same time. Take the Grenade Rounds off of one of the beds, the Ink Ribbons (optional) off of the floor next to the Grenade Rounds, and the Handgun Bullets on the first shelf. Exit. Go downstairs. Once you are completely down the stairs, do NOT go left. This will trigger a cut-scene, in which two Zombies will attack you, including the one from the ceiling that is so popular. Plus, next time you come down here, if you have went to the left, there will be four angry Zombies in the area. So just head straight for the Safe Room, okay? Once inside of the Safe Room, you can store some of your goodies. We'll get to that in a moment. First thing's first, go over to the cabinet that will not open. Notice to the right of the cabinet is a hollow space where the Halberd will fit into. So set the Halberd into the slot, and then collect Alfred's Diary, the Paper Weight, and some Ink Ribbons from the cabinet. After all of this, go ahead and keep only the following inside of your inventory: Shotgun, Shotgun Shells, Fire Extinguisher, one healing item. You will need about five Shotgun Shells in total to take care of a Hunter we will encounter along the way, so if you do not have enough Shotgun Shells from the Albinoid earlier, I suggest taking the Fire- Tipped Arrows equipped with the Bow Gun instead. MAKE SURE YOU SAVE IN THIS AREA. That Hunter we're about to face can kill you in one hit. Exit the room. Go up the stairs, and through the double doors. Once in this area, head left until the area cuts off. Hop down, and hop back up along the other side. Go through the door and watch the cut-scene. No matter what, you cannot avoid the Hunter Camera from spotting Chris. So watch for the Hunter to round the corner, and take him out with your Shotgun. Watch out for his Deadly Swipe, which will kill you instantly. After it is dead, go into the door on the right. Once inside of here, move straight forward and push the switch to raise the Refill Tank for the Fire Extinguisher. Once the Fire Extinguisher is filled up, take the lift right next to it downstairs. Walk over to the fire and put it out with the Fire Extinguisher. It will disappear from your inventory after you use it. Search the conveyer belt to find the MAGNUM! Yes, my favorite weapon in the game will kill all regular enemies in ONE HIT. But DO NOT WASTE IT ON SIMPLE ENEMIES. In fact, just save it for the final boss, okay? Keep on trucking in the area by going to the very back. Avoid the Zombie on the ground, who will grab at you if you get too close. You can easily avoid him, since he won't bite you unless you are practically standing on top of him. Light the Detonator with the Lighter on the locker, and then grab three boxes of Handgun Bullets from the locker. If you haven't already grabbed the Assault Rifle from the lockers close to the missles, do so now. We'll use it in a little bit. Now exit via the lift. Once we are done down there, exit the room with the Extinguisher Refill Tank, which I will now refer to as the Pool Room. Once you exit this door, you will notice that in this hall that zig-zags, there are two Hunter Cameras. Here is what the hall looks like... D | |D | | | ---------------- | | | | |E D = Door E = Elevator The two straight lines going down are where the two Hunter Cameras are located at, and the center line is a safe spot to rest at while you await the Hunter Cameras to go off. Once they do turn off, dart for the Elevator which is located where the "E" is on the ASCII map I drew above. As soon as you enter this next area, go for the door right to the left of where you are. If you do not, there is a mean Sweeper in the area that will come after you, and poison you, to boot. Once you are in the foggy area, go into the door to your right, which is a room I will refer to as the Safe Energy Room. Once you are inside, head over to the storage box, which is hard to see, in the corner to the far left of the entrance. Get the Octa Valve Handle out, and use it on the lit up bolt across from the storage box. After this, head over to the side opposite of the door and switch the power on. This will give some lighting to the rooms in the Lab area of the Antarctic Facility. Once the lights are on, pick up the Shotgun Shells on the floor, and the two packs of Handgun Bullets from the table, as well as the Green Herbs and lone Blue Herb from the ground. Combine the two Green Herbs, and store all of the healing items. There's also a pack of Ink Ribbons on the table near the Typewriter. Now, get into the storage box and take only the following items: Assault Rifle with Assault Rifle Bullets clip and the Paper Weight. You will find plenty to heal with along the way. Once you exit the door, walk down a little ways and equip your AK47 (Assault Rifle). As you come to the corner, four Zombies will attack you. Shoot them all to death with your Assault Rifle. Ignore the Herbs on the ground for now, and slowly walk down the hall. At the bend of this corner, you will once again be attacked by three Zombies this time, bringing our total to seven Zombies in this hall. Kill them with the Assault Rifle. Now you can collect all of the Herbs in the Frozen Hall. Take every one of them back to the storage box. Once this is done, go back into the Frozen Hall and enter the elevator at the end of the hall. When the elevator lets you off, get prepared to gasp in awe. Yes, it is the statue room from the original Resident Evil. First thing's first; push the statue all the way to the far left, until it will not go any further. Now, push it up towards the crack in the floor. Watch the cut- scene, and take the map of the Antarctic Lab. Now, take the Handgun Bullets from the table top, and go through the red hall. Don't let the contamination suits scare you as they did me (Mommy! Help!). Before you go through the door, check out the Tiger Statue in the back of the room. Take out the Blue Eye of the Tiger Statue to reveal the Socket. Place the Blue Eye back into the Tiger Statue. Now remove the Red Eye to reveal a nice roll of Magnum Rounds. Gotta love those. Now, place the Blue Eye back into the Tiger Statue. When you arrive, you will be where Alfred fell down into back when Steve shot him. This is what is called the Nest. Walk forward to watch a cut- scene. There are huge bugs throughout this room, and they supposedly damage you, but barely do any damage at all. Pick up the Wing Object from the ground. This may seem sudden, but do this for the sake of getting having more items to heal with for the last boss in a little bit: Go back to the Safe Energy Room and store the Wing Object, Socket, and Magnum Rounds. That way, you can clear out room for all of the Herbs back at the Nest. Take only the Assault Rifle, the Assault Rifle Bullets (if your AK47 is below 50% by now, you can load the Assault Rifle Bullets into it to save space) and the Paper Weight. Return to the Nest. Once you are back at the Nest, go to Chris' left that was in the cut- scene. Pick up the Green Herb outside of the door, and go inside. This was Alexia's Study, and there are five Zombies in these two rooms with no door separating them. Pull out your Assault Rifle and shoot the two in the first room. After this, read the Research Report On Queen Ant on the table. Take the Green Herb on the floor, and mix both Green Herbs together on the Menu screen. Now head into the second part of the room. Kill the two walking Zombies with the Assault Rifle, and step on the grounded Zombie's head after it bites your leg. Pick up the two boxes of Handgun Bullets on the desk. After you take the Handgun Bullets, exit and go to the other side of the Nest. Before you enter this door, grab the Green Herb on the ground, and take note of the blood on the wall. This is where Alfred was injured, crawling for Alexia in the movie sequence before we took over as Chris Redfield. Are you scared yet? Seemingly, Chris is extremely frightened, as it takes him twelve years to open the door. Once we are inside of Alexia's Lab, go over to the left after walking in a ways, and read the Virus Research Report on the control center. After this, walk up the stairs and walk towards the right of the screen. We are greeted by a puzzle! Yay! This puzzle consists of a riddle inside of a puzzle inside of an object. Sounds confusing, I know, but have no fear, since I wrote this damn thing to cure fear to begin with. The inscription reads that Alexia's puzzle solution is as follows: Alexia: Heart, Spade, AA (Ashford Family Logo), Crown And, supposedly, Alfred's is a variation of that puzzle solution. There is your hint. Aww, you actually want me to give you the answer? You guys are mean, I tell ya... Here it is... Alfred: AA (Ashford Family Logo), Crown, Heart, Spade After you solve the puzzle, you will be prompted to place the Paper Weight inside of the hatch that has opened up, welcoming you with warm arms. Place it in there, and watch the cut-scene that ensues. With Alfred Ashford's dead body on the ground, you must investigate it to find Alfred's Ring. Take Alfred's Ring, and leave the room. Open up the Menu and examine Alfred's Ring to turn it into Alfred's Jewel. You will need all three family members' Ashford Family Jewels (get your mind out of the gutter). Now, return to the Safe Energy Room by going the following route: Leave the Nest, go through Red Hall and out of the door to your right. Go through the Frozen Hall and to door on your right. Get over there to the storage box. Keep only the following in your inventory: One healing item, Shotgun (unless you have less than around five shells, then take the Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows), Shotgun Shells, Socket, Octa Valve Handle. Go to your Menu and combine the Socket with the Octa Valve Handle to create the Square Valve Handle. You can save if you want to. Exit the room. Once you exit the room, go through the next exit door. This leads to the area with the Sweeper I warned you about, so head straight through to the elevator right across from you. Once in this area, stay alert and go into the Pool Room. Once inside of the Pool Room, head up the lift that is straight ahead. After you have taken the lift up to the top, walk over to the Valve turny-thingy. Place the Square Valve Handle on this podium and turn it. This will empty out the water. Descend the ladder leading into the pool, and equip your Shotgun. Pick up the Crane Key in the middle of the pool. Afterwards, a Sweeper crashes through the window! GAAHH! MOMMY! Aim your Shotgun and blow it away. Climb the ladder, descend the first ladder, and exit the room. Now that you are out of the Pool Room, go out into the Main Frozen Room. Walk over to the Crane area and go inside of it. Use the Crane Key on the Crane, which will magically go "Poof!" from your inventory. Watch the cut-scene between Chris, Alexia, Nosferatu, and a very Huge Spider. After this, it's boss time... Well, kinda. \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: HUGE SPIDER //\\ //\\ //\\ You will find this big boy... er... mama, in the Antarctic Facility, in the room with the frozen ground (the old Main Conveyer Belt Room from Claire's game). Basically, you will have to get to Nosferatu's body which you rose from the icy grave and take Alexander's Pierce from him without getting killed by the big mama Spider. You do NOT have to kill the Huge Spider; In fact, it is preferred that you do not kill it. Just simply run from it all the while searching for Alexander's Pierce. The best way to get Alexander's Pierce away from Nosferatu's limp body, and avoiding the Huge Spider all the while, is simply by A) being extremely fast, and B) zig-zagging whenever the whole "tackling" thing is going on. When the Huge Spider starts spitting poison, zig-zagging is the worst thing to do. So it's all about timing. Grab Alexander's Pierce, and examine it in the Menu to reveal Alexander's Jewel. Quickly go through the door leading to the Hunter Camera Hall, and run through the hall to the elevator. Go into it. Once you get let off, wait until the Sweeper is coming towards you (Listen to the footsteps. When they start increasing, that means the Sweeper is angry!) and blast it in mid-air with the Shotgun/Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows. After the Sweeper is dead, go to the Safe Room. Once you are in the Safe Energy Room, put away your Shotgun and Shotgun Shells. You can save your game now, which I highly suggest, especially if Claire was not poisoned when you defeated Nosferatu. Take the Handgun, Handgun Bullets, Grenade Launcher loaded with all of your Regular Grenade Rounds, Alexander's Jewel, Alfred's Jewel, one healing item, Combat Knife, and the single Wing Object. X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.12 ------------ MEMORIES OF ARKLAY X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once you are all set and ready to go, exit the Safe Energy Room and exit the Frozen Hall. Now, head back to the Replica Courtyard. There are two Green Herbs on each side of the door, so pick them up and mix them. After this, you can find two more of the Wing Objects in the yard. Go around the walkway and to the area with the carousel. You will notice a shiny item on the ground, so pick it up. It is the second Wing Object! Yay! Now, hop into the water and search the vase-like statue in the water, and you will find the third Wing Object. Now that we have three of the four Wing Objects, we can go inside of that door we picked the Green Herbs near seconds ago. Once you enter the door... Wow. Looky what we have here. It's the Spencer Mansion! Well, not really, but it IS a Replica of the Spencer Mansion. Look around in the back of the stairway, and you will find a teenage girl caught in some sort of green slime. Wait! That's Steve! Oh... It's just Claire. Use ("use" is the keyword) the Combat Knife to free Claire. Watch the cut-scene. If she was poisoned after the battle with Nosferatu, you will have to save her. See below. If she was not poisoned, skip the Optional Mission below. VI.CURE [[[{{{-------------------BEGIN--------------------}}}]]] ******POSSIBLE SAVE CLAIRE REDFIELD FROM BEING POISONED SCENARIO***** From the Spencer Mansion Replica, go outside and head towards the transition hall. Head into the elevator to the right. When you finally arrive, you will notice that there are no Hunter Cameras, nor are there any enemies at all. Whew. Go into the Pool Room when you reach it, and go down the lift that is near the Fire Extinguisher Refill Tank. Once you are down in the basement, where you found the Magnum and such, you will also find several Zombies in the once-clear room. Ouch. Looks like we'll have to kill them. Equip your Handgun and pop each one of the three Zombies, two of which are semi-immediate in range. After all three of the Zombies are dead, you can grab the Serum from the shelf. The Serum is what we needed. So go back into the Hunter Camera Hall, and get into the elevator. If you haven't saved yet, DO SO NOW. NO QUESTIONS, OR IFS, ANDS, OR BUTS, YOUNG MAN/LADY. Head straight back into the Spencer Mansion Replica, and a cut-scene will ensue. Yay! You saved Claire Redfield! ******POSSIBLE SAVE CLAIRE REDFIELD FROM BEING POISONED SCENARIO***** [[[{{{--------------------END---------------------}}}]]] Watch the awesome movie sequence, and you will soon take control of Claire. She will be badly wounded, so pick up the Green Herb and the Red Herb near the door, mix them, and then use them. Now that we have Claire all healed up, grab the Handgun Bullets on the table, as well as the Shotgun Shells on the couch. Go over to the storage box, and put away the Shotgun Shells. After this, take the Shotgun out, as we will need to use it. Exit out of the storage box, and push that bookcase on the side. You will notice a wall rack. Set the Shotgun on the wall rack, and the picture towards the exit will shift to the side. Run over and grab the Grenade Rounds, and the Flame Rounds. Walk back over and take the Shotgun from the wall. Store the Shotgun, Flame Rounds, and Grenade Rounds. After you store these three items, only take the following: Two to three (Two if you're good, three is you're bad. I'm not one to judge, so you decide) full healing items, Handgun, and Handgun Bullets. After you have these items, walk through the door at the end of the room. Doggie room, with no doggies this time! And the windows have been replaced by paintings, too. Darn. As you begin to walk, you will be hit by a Tentacle that will probably startle you, even if you know it's coming. Equip the Handgun and take it out. Afterwards, push the center glass showcase to find some Bow Gun Arrows. Continue walking to the bend (the door on the left is locked from the other side), and go through the side to the right. Another one of those annoying Tentacles will pop through the painting, so bop it with the Handgun until it runs to hide. Push the center glass showcase yet again, and you will find something more rewarding this time: Grenade Rounds. Go back and store the Bow Gun Arrows and Grenade Rounds into the storage box, because you will not be able to use them with Claire after upcoming events. Once you go back through the Tentacle Hall, enter the door at the end of the hall to reach the Holding Cell Area. This is quite a doozey here. Aim your gun and take out the lone Zombie in this area. Leave all of the ammo and such for if you want to grab it with Chris later on, but the majority of it all is just junk. Go up the stairs to the right of the screen. Go over to the right side of the cannon and investigate the file on the ground. This is the Security File, containing the password to the main computer system (VERONICA. See? Code: VERONICA? Get it?). After this, pull the cannon down to reveal a Crystal. At the same time that you see the Crystal, a huge crushing device will come down in front of you. I'm not sure exactly how it knows, but whenever Claire runs under this device, it will slam down one second later. In other words, if you hang out underneath it too much, you will be crushed. Easily, at that. As soon as the cut-scene stops, quickly run through the stone crushing machine and grab the Crystal. Now, you will despise me for mentioning this: You have to set the Crystal in the MIDDLE of where the stone crushing machine will land WITHOUT getting crushed. Now now, before you try to strangle me, let me give you a hint. The best way to go about doing this is running to where you where (to the right of the cannon). Wait for the stone crushing machine to fall down, and run against it. When you feel you are in the middle, quickly hit Menu and Use the Crystal. It will go into a cut-scene where Claire automatically backs up before the stone crushing machine squashes her. If you happen to miss hitting the middle, simply run out of the way as fast as you little hands can smash buttons. Did I say "smash"? Okay, bad word to use, sorry. Once you grab the Security Card, which was inside of the Crystal, dart out of the way and go down the stairs, and through the door to the left of where you entered. This room is dark, huge, and silent. Kind of scary, isn't it? Walk over to the keycard reader, and use the Security Card. Discard it, and run down the scary hall with all of the knights. You will find... Oh dammit, I thought he was dead this time! I really did! Man... Anyways... Watch the cut-scene, and... and... OHHHH BOY! RUN! RUN FOR DEAR LIFE! \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: TYRANT STEVE //\\ //\\ //\\ Awwww. Steve's a nasty monster. I knew it! I bet it was a secret plan to eliminate him by the Screen Actor's Guild due to his resemblances to Leonardo DiCaprio! Regardless, thank god we don't have to listen to his whining anymore. Too bad his stupid hair hasn't changed any. ANYWAYS, there is absolutely no way to kill Steve, regardless of how much you want to, or how much you are willing to pay Capcom to. All you can do is run. So quickly turn around using the 180 degree turn system, and start dashing. You'll probably get hit at least twice with his big axe, so go to your menu and heal quickly after every hit. Tyrant Steve is the toughest enemy in the game, considering the fact that you cannot kill him. Duh. So run out as fast as possible, and enjoy the cut-scene. After the movie sequence, you will take over as Chris again... Actually, you will watch an amazing cut-scene and movie sequence as Chris, as well. And before you know it, you're thrown into another boss battle! \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: ALEXIA ASHFORD //\\ //\\ //\\ This version of Alexia is Godly. In case you do not know what this means, it means that if she gets close enough to touch you with her fingertips, you will die instantly, kinda like in the movie the Ring. Regardless, I bet you are curious as to what you can do against this beast of a Godly chick, eh? Well, the best thing to do here is avoid the fire in every direction that she summons it in. Be sure to never get cornered during this battle, either, as that is a grave no-no. Make sure you are taking your distance from Alexia, and equip your normal Handgun. Pump some bullets into her until she reaches around seven (7) characters in length from your character (Chris), and scatter towards the other side of the room. From here, whip out your Handgun again, and continue to pump more bullets into her. If you are not into being patient with her, and I honestly cannot blame you, just whip out your Grenade Launcher and use normal Grenade Rounds on her ass! After a little bit more of this, she will drop dead. Run over and grab Alexia's Choker near the stairway. Examine Alexia's Choker to reveal Alexia's Jewel. With all three of the Ashford Family Jewels in hand, climb the stairs, and notice the portrait of the happy, loving family on the wall. One by one, enter each of the Ashford Family Jewels into the picture. Once you enter every one of them into the portrait, the picture will slide down, giving you access to a new area by going through the hidden door. In this area, ignore all of the Zombies and head straight for the door on the left. Once you are inside, read the Code: Veronica Report in the chair. There's a couple of Green Herbs near the lift. Take the lift down to the bottom, and press the button to the left. This will open up the incubation chamber. Take the fourth and final Wing Object. Now you have all four. Yay! While you are down there, walk over in between the two test tubes and grab the pack of Handgun Bullets. If you walk over to the side of the command center, you can pick up a hidden case of Shotgun Shells. After this, go ahead and take the lift back up. Go up the stairs and unlock the door. Don't go through just yet, though... Return to the Hall with the Zombies you ignored. Once in this hall, which will be referred to as the Twins' Replica Hall, you will have to blast any Zombie away that gets near you. You will want to go to Chris' left (or on the upper part of the screen) and avoid the Zombie in the area. Go into the door on the left. This is what will be referred to as the Final Safe Room. Only problem is, it doesn't have a storage box. Oh well. Search the right drawer of the desk to find the Sterile Room Key. Search the rest of the room to find lots of goodies, including a First Aid Spray and Shotgun Shells to the left of the desk. Exit the room when you feel comfortable. Dodge all of the Zombies in the Twins' Replica Hall. Head for the Spencer Mansion Replica Hall, and go down the stairs. Go to the door to the right of the Mansion entrance. Use the Sterile Room Key on the door, and discard the key. Do not go through the door. Instead, exit out of the Spencer Mansion Replica and head to the Safe Energy Room. Once you are inside of the Safe Energy Room, keep out the four Wing Objects, Shotgun, Shotgun Shells, and one healing item. Now, go over to the power generator and turn the power off. I know it sounds crazy, but just trust me on this one, Rambo. Now, save and head back to the Spencer Mansion Replica. Once inside, head over to the right and go through the Sterile Room. This is the room where you pushed the statue into the crack for the map earlier. Not that the power is off, we can take both of the Tiger's eyes without it generating from side to side. So go into the back of the red hall and steal the Red Jewel, and the Blue Jewel. Now you can exit the room into the Spencer Mansion Replica Hall. Now that we have both the Red Jewel and the Blue Jewel from the Tiger Statue, head up the stairway and into the Twins' Replica Hall. Pop a view Zombies like Ice Cube to the Poh-Poh back in the NWA days, and go to Chris' left when the time comes to turn. Watch out for the Zombies, and take the Green Herbs from around the door. Go into the door. You are now in Alfred's Replica Room. Go over and place the Blue Jewel into his Music Box. This will open it up. After this, exit this room via the secret exit (the bust of the woman on the wall). Now you are in Alexia's Replica Room. Head over to the door and unlock it, but do not go through. Head back over to Alexia's Music Box and stop the music that is playing. Throw the Red Jewel into it to open it back up, and steal the Music Box Plate from inside. Head back over to Alfred's Replica Room via the bust exit, and place the Music Box Plate inside of Alfred's Music Box. This will allow you to climb the bed, and the ladder which resides on the bed, leading upwards. Climb the ladder. Once you reach the top, you realize just how boring this room is when compared to the dramatic climbing of the ladder. I mean, seriously, why all of that build up for a normal room? There's no shocking document, boss, or even one single enemy in here! I just don't get it. Anyways, enough of my complaining. Run over to the dinner table and take the Dragonfly Object that is in the bucket of sand. Open up your Menu and combine the four Wing Objects with the Dragonfly Object to create the Gold Dragonfly, as opposed to the Silver Dragonfly that you found back on Rockfort Island. Before you leave this area, though, there are a few items that you can grab for the sake of things. These items include the following: Handgun Bullets, which are located on the table, and two Green Herbs, which are thrown on the ground, in a simple corner somewhere amongst the room. After you grab this stuff, head back down the ladder, and out of Alfred's Replica Room. Exit the Twins' Replica Hall by going through to the room where we found the Code: Veronica Report on why Alexia and Alfred tortured their father, and go up the stairs. Remember the door we unlocked? Go on through it. This will set us back inside of the area where the Tentacles crashed through the paintings with Claire. Go back down this Tentacle Hall and to the room where Claire got to access the storage box. This will be our final storage box to access, so get out the following items: Three First Aid Sprays (or three mixed Green/Red Herbs), the Magnum loaded with six rounds, the Magnum Rounds (which should be at twelve), Shotgun with 7 Shotgun Shells inside of it, Grenade Launcher loaded with at least four Flame Rounds, and the Gold Dragonfly. Now leave the room from the way you came. Go through the Tentacle Hall and out of the door that you found the Crystal in with Claire Redfield. This will trigger a cut-scene with Chris and Claire. You will be prompted to take the Security File, but your inventory is likely filled to capacity. We will come back and grab it in a second. Go up the stairs all the way at the end of the path. Once you are up here on the Platform Arena, go up to the electronic door and open your Menu. Use the Gold Dragonfly on the door. Go not go through yet. Now that we have one free space in our inventory, go back downstairs. Go over to the door where Claire is locked inside, and take the Security File from the ground. Open up your Menu and investigate the Security File at where the pages open. You will find the Security Card, which will access the self-destruct system main computer. Yay for blowing things up! Now, go up the stairs and go through the door where you used the Gold Dragonfly to unlock it. When you go inside of the Main Computer Room, equip your Shotgun and blow off the first Zombie's head, whom should be to the left of the screen. You can go into the tiny gated area and kill the second Zombie by taking off its head, as well. There is a Green Herb in here that you can heal with. Afterwards, follow the path and climb up the steep step. Once you are up here, go over to the computer. There is another Green Herb to the left of the computer, so you can take it, if you wish to do so. Use the Security Card on the computer, and it will ask you for a password to enter. Type out, in all caps, the word VERONICA . This will activate the self-destruct system, so GO GO GO GO GO! Run towards the exit! X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X VI.13 ------------- SERVE YOUR QUEEN! X=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=+=--=X Once you exit the door leading outside, a cut-scene and movie sequence will ensue. Once the action picks up again, you will HAVE TO SAVE CLAIRE FROM ALEXIA. Alexia will throw Claire off of the platform to her death within seconds if you do not react quickly. You should have your Shotgun equipped, so quickly auto-aim and fire. One hit will make Claire get away, and start the first of two boss fights with Alexia. \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: ALEXIA ASHFORD VERSION 2 //\\ //\\ //\\ The Queen Ant version of Alexia is definitely NOT easy. It is quite challenging, and arguably the hardest enemy in the entire game, and fittingly so, considering she is the last boss and all. Coming prepared is always a good thing, and that includes your Magnum with every single bullet that you have for it (all 18 of them, bub). If you do not have the optional Magnum, another swell weapon to use against Alexia's Queen Ant form is your Grenade Launcher with Acid or Flame Rounds equipped. Very choice stuff against the Mother of all ants. Combined with the 18 Magnum Rounds, it will only take four Flame Rounds from your Grenade Launcher to defeat Alexia Ashford. You will have to zig-zag a bit, which always seems to work in boss battles, or against strong enemies, in Resident Evil games, yet it never works in Silent Hill games. Ever notice that? Anyways, keep moving. After you get a couple of shots in on Alexia, don't stick around to see her reaction. Get out of there to the opposite side as fast as your poor little legs will take you. The Tentacles will knock you around a bit, and do a bit of damage (but nothing too drastic). The most annoying enemy on the screen is the tiny Ants that will not only block where you walk on the Platform Arena, but also hold you in place by trapping you into corners while the Tentacles hit you, or Alexia spits acid onto you. Which also brings us to Alexia spitting the acid at you. It's annoying. It does moderate damage, but it's pretty easy to dodge, as long as those damn Ants aren't blocking your path. After you defeat the first form of Alexia, she gets extremely jumpy, and awfully mad at you. Ouch. \\// \\// \\// BOSS BATTLE: ALEXIA ASHFORD VERSION 3 //\\ //\\ //\\ After you destroy the first version of Alexia Ashford as the Queen Ant, she will swoon from her former body, which dissolves, and becomes a flying version of a moth-ish, ant-ish, locust-ish like creature. Sounds disgusting, and with all of the ooze and the like that drips from her body, quite frankly, it looks pretty disgusting, as well. Icky, Mommy! It still looks better than Steve Burnside's hair, though. This version of Alexia Ashford is more annoying than challenging, and you can get by the simple battle with the final form of the last boss without getting hit even once! First thing's first, run straight over to the Linear Launcher, which should be all ready to blast Alexia Ashford out of the sky. After you take the Linear Launcher, be sure to equip it! Around every five seconds, Alexia Ashford will float in the air, in one place, and shoot four fireballs at you, one after another. It will take more than five hits to kill Chris off, so you should be fine on your health. The attacks are easy to dodge, in themselves, just because of the fact that you know when she will strike, because she will remain inactive, and standing still, no less! If you try to shoot her during this time, she will likely dodge your shot with the Linear Launcher, and hit you with a fireball all the while. The easiest way to destroy Alexia, who will go down in one hit of the Linear Launcher, is to auto-aim, and play sniper. She will swagger from side to side in mid-air when you try to aim. Time your shots within 1 to 1.5 second(s) in between her swaggering and swaying to get a good shot that will likely hit. After you hit her just once, you will be treated to a lengthy, satisfying ending. Congratulations! You have defeated the crowning jewel to the Ashford Family, as well as the latest "current" installment to the Resident Evil series! I knew you would do it! Now, please send a check or money order for $24.95 to... Just kidding! Kodak moment! HEHE! I'm so giddy! =P __ __ \ \/ / SECTION VII \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ PUZZLE SOLUTIONS /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- This section is plain old copy and pasted from the Walkthrough itself. The reason I made a separate section for the Puzzle Solutions is because, when I am stuck in a game because of a puzzle, I don't want to waste all of my time searching through the Walkthrough for the solution to the puzzle that I am stuck on. I hope you find this as a useful addition to my FAQ/Walkthrough. _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_- GOLD LUGER CONTROL PANEL -_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Is that... Is that... Arnie from What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Yes! It is! And he's stuck on that water tower again! Oh, Arnie! You're so silly! ...Dammit! It's just Steve? Man... And I thought it was Arnie. Oh well. Steve is locked inside the room back there in the study from taking the Gold Lugers. Hurry back there, as the faster you get back there, the better the scenario. Once you get back there in the room, you will see that the control panel is lit up. So go over there and press X to start the puzzle. This puzzle is simple. _________________ | | | | | A | B | C | |_____|_____|_____| | | | | | D | E | F | |_____|_____|_____| There's your chart. Your selections are the two guns, which happen to be choices C, and E. Once you release Steve, he is, sadly, still alive. You will be treated to some commentary between Claire and Steve, which pretty much results in Steve keeping the Gold Lugers to go waste the ammo in them on empty beer cans. At least that's what I think. _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_- CLOCK DOORWAY PUZZLE -_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Read the memo on the table. This will give you the solution to the puzzle that lies inside of this room. The memo states the following... "First digit: Left, Right. Second digit: Left. Third digit: Right. Fourth digit: Right, Right, Right. You must not reset while maneuvering." Now, go over to the computer right next to the memo, and boot'er up. After this, you will be prompted by another replay of that ghastly disturbing video that you saw inside of the Study with Alfred and Alexia killing the dragonfly. Alfred must be obsessed with this video, I say. After this, the grandfather-esque clock will light up over on the right side of the wall. It will ask you for the password, so can cancel out of the computer program. Walk over to the clock and touch the light blue panel that lit up once you activated the computer. This will bring up a way to control the numbers on the clock. Quite clever, indeed. Move the controls Left, and then Right. 1 is your first number. After this, move it Left. This will reveal 9 as the second number. Next, you must move it Right once. Then unveils that number 7 is the third digit to the password. Finally, move the controls Right three times to reveal that the last digit is 1. 1971 is the puzzle solution. Run over to the computer and enter 1, then 9, then 7, and finally 1. Hit enter. This will make the clock move, revealing a doorway where the clock once was. Tadaaaaa! Puzzle solved. Move forward an inch, and a Bandersnatch will crash through the window. Damn! And the view was good, too! Ignore it and run for the newly discovered doorway, and exit via the new door in the hall of the doorway. You will cross through to this path several times during the game, but always ignore that Bandersnatch. You can easily dodge his attacks, and he is always near the desk, so he is not a problem. Just remember he is there throughout the game, and you should be fine. _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_- FAMILY PORTRAIT PUZZLE -_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Check the front part of the picture, and you will be able to file the Message To The New Family Master note. Once this is done, it is PUZZLE TIME! *cheesy music blasts in the background, repeating "Puzzle Time" like Morris Day* YEAH! This puzzle solution seems hard, but it is, in fact, not hard at all. All it takes is a little knowledge of the game. First, press the button underneath the picture of the female, Veronica. After this, you shall go over and press the button beneath the man with two baby boys in his arms. After this, walk over to the man on the right without the book and press the button underneath its' picture. The fourth button that wishes to be pressed resides underneath the picture of the man that looks like Ben Folds with red hair. After this, select the picture of the man reading the book, and push the button to it. We're getting close to the end. Press the button underneath the picture of the blond man middle- aged man, which is the last of the bottom pictures. Now, press the button underneath Alfred Ashford, the one above the steps. _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_- LUGER REPLICA DRAWER -_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Easily the simplest puzzle in the entire game, as most can guess it on their first try, the Drawer Puzzle inside of the basement of the Military Training Facility (with Chris) sports a nice Gold Luger Replica which you cannot use. You should just store the Gold Luger Replica inside of your storage box, that way you can unlock Steve Burnside in Battle Mode once you beat the game. Here's the solution. ______________________ |________BLUE________| 3 |________RED_________| 1 |________GREEN_______| 2 | BROWN | 4 ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The numbers beside them are the order of the puzzle. Red, Green, Blue, and Brown. Once you get the Gold Luger Replica, store it inside of the storage box for good. _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_- CHEMICAL TEMPERATURE -_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ If you remember correctly from the Very Oddly Disturbing Room with either Chris or Claire, you will remember that the note to the side contains the date of which the facility was completed, but no year. This just so happens to be the answer to the Chemical Temperature puzzle. For those with a terrible memory, here's the answer, entered correctly and all: _ _ _ |1|2|8| ¯ ¯ ¯ _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_- OIL GAUGE PUZZLE -_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The Oil Gauge puzzle is probably the trickiest puzzle in the entire game. The reason? Because it is simply hard to tell exactly when to stop filling the gauges up. However, once you see the puzzle solution on paper, it becomes less confusing, and plus, let's face it, it isn't too easy to screw up directions. The solution is simple and not as complicated as it seems. Press X when you are near the oil gauges to begin to activate the sequences to solve the puzzle. The basic concept is that you will need to fill the 10 gauge to the red line. Not under, not over, but exactly on the line of the 10 gauge. The first thing that we will want to move is the number three (3). This will pour some of the oil into the number ten (10). After this, you will want to press number three (3) again. This fills the ten (10) gauge up to six meters. Once this is done, take the five (5) gauge and empty it into the ten (10) gauge. After this is done, press down and empty out the ten (10) gauge. Since we have that under control, go back up and pour the five (5) gauge (well, what is left of it, anyway) into the ten (10) gauge. Now that this is out of the way, fill up the ten (10) gauge the rest of the way by emptying out two of the three (3) gauges. This will put it at the red line where it needs to be. Afterwards, you will have to fend off the Zombies that have just awakened. Blow off their heads with the Shotgun, and then collect the Shotgun Shells towards the back of the room. _ _ _ _ ____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_- PAPER WEIGHT PUZZLE -_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This puzzle consists of a riddle inside of a puzzle inside of an object. Sounds confusing, I know, but have no fear, since I wrote this damn thing to cure fear to begin with. The inscription reads that Alexia's puzzle solution is as follows: Alexia: Heart, Spade, AA (Ashford Family Logo), Crown And, supposedly, Alfred's is a variation of that puzzle solution. There is your hint. Aww, you actually want me to give you the answer? You guys are mean, I tell ya... Here it is... Alfred: AA (Ashford Family Logo), Crown, Heart, Spade After you solve the puzzle, you will be prompted to place the Paper Weight inside of the hatch that has opened up, welcoming you with warm arms. Place it in there, and watch the cut-scene that ensues. With Alfred Ashford's dead body on the ground, you must investigate it to find Alfred's Ring. Take Alfred's Ring, and leave the room. _ _ _ _ _____________________________ _ _ _ _ -_- -_- -_- -_-SELF-DESTRUCT SYSTEM PASSWORD-_- -_- -_- -_- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Before you can fight the last boss in the game, you will have to activate the self-destruct sequence. The password on the self-destruct system main computer in the Antarctic Facility's Lab area is simply VERONICA. All in caps, without the period. Best of luck! __ __ \ \/ / SECTION VIII \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ ENEMIES / BOSS LISTS /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- In this section, I have divided the Enemies and Bosses into their own sub-sections. This will be easier, and will avoid spoilers for most of you guys. Enjoy! \/ VIII.a ENEMIES [regular bad guys] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________________ /______BABY ALBINOID______\ <<<<<>>>> You will encounter these little Baby Albinoid monsters in the room with the screaming guy that got killed early in the Military Facility lab room. You can take these guys out with only a couple of shots with your handgun, or you can just run. I prefer running, personally, as you have to run out from this room, anyway. Either way, after the "sequence," make sure you heal if you are damaged too badly. _____________________ /______BABY ANT ______\ <<<>>> These things are about as fierce as they come! More like as fierce as they sound. Oh well. The main thing to remember about these little critters is that they are seemingly weak against BEING STEPPED ON. Going up against these things, which you will only do in a single corridor during the entire game, is as simple as beating the game with infinite health cheats on: You walk on them, and avoid them otherwise. There. I told you it was easy, dude. ________________________ /______BANDERSNATCH______\ <<<<<>>>> Everyone often asks the same question when it comes to the Bandersnatch enemies (simply known as Banders to Resident Evil fans), and that question is: What in the hell are they, anyway? Well, from looking at them, my best guess is a mix of a human, and a bunch of Silly Putty. They attack with their stretching arms, and can grab you by the head to give you a nice massage. Take them out with some heavy firepower, or you could use some Fire Arrows with your Bow Gun. _______________ /______BAT______\ The Bats are very curious creatures, indeed. Do not worry, they are not huge Bats from Hell or anything. They are just your normal old, boring Bats. You can take them out much like the Crows in the original Resident Evil; one handgun bullet will end their misery. If you equip the Lighter, the Bats will not even bother you. This is good for tight corridors in the game where it is hard to aim, or is easy to get hit in. Very realistic, as real life Bats tend to stray from fire. I bet you didn't know that, did you? =P ____________________ /______CERBERUS______\ <<<>> Awww! They are so cuuute!!! These little puppies like eating human flesh, and hence, you are their dinner. These cute little guys are your basic dog, only half-skinned alive... or undead? Regardless of when their flesh has been eaten away, they are pretty violent, but throughout the years, they have remained a very common enemy in the Resident Evil series. Take them out with a few handgun bullets until they drop, then take out the Combat Knife and slash away until the poor puppies die. Cruelty to animals! ___________________ /______HUNTER ______\ <<>> The Hunters are frog-men, or at least that is what *I* think. No matter which way you go about it, they are awfully mean, and have huge claws to swipe at you with, my dear. These guys have been around ever since the very beginning, and only get creepier with every installment in the series. They move just as fast you Claire and/or Chris do, and will strike at every movement that your poor character makes. Zig-zag to avoid them, and destroy them with heavy firepower, and definitely NOT a normal handgun. _________________ /______MOTH ______\ <> During the second part of the game, and once you are in the chilly region of the Antarctic Base, you will encounter these Moths in a certain hall that leads from main corridor A to the lounge office with the puzzle cabinet. Regardless of where they are, they are a major pain in the butt. They will cling to the back of your character and plant a poisonous egg, of sorts, to damage you. Avoiding them is dangerous, but killing them can be a major waste of bullets. Your choice, but if it were up to me, I would dodge them, as there is a pot full of Blue Herbs so you can recover from the poison right there. ___________________ /______SPIDER ______\ <<>> Yes, those damn deadly spiders are back in this one, as well. They look extremely fuzzy, which is to be expected, considering they are giant spiders and all. Watch out for their poison spit that will come at you every once in a while. The weapon of choice here is bug spray, and lots of it. Sadly, there IS no bug spray on the island, on the iceberg, or anywhere else. So, just use what I use against real life spiders that wander into my bathroom every now and then: A Shotgun. ___________________ /______SWEEPER______\ <<>> The Poison Hunter, known as a Sweeper, is pretty much identical to the other, regular Hunters that you would normally see, only it is Purple with a few Green spots here and there. They enjoy swiping at you after a very long jump, and poisoning you instantly after that. These things are amongst the most deadly enemies in the game, and should be destroyed immediately after you find them. Use a very heavy gun to get rid of their threat, or the trusty Grenade Launcher with Acid Rounds. ___________________ /______TENTACLE_____\ <<<>> The Tentacles are not really that big of a threat in the monster infested Antarctic Facility that you find with Chris on the second part of the game, but you will want to eliminate them before carrying on about your business. Regardless, they will fall to Acid Grenade Rounds, Fire Grenade Rounds, and Shotgun Shells. As I stated before, they are easy to avoid, and even easier to kill, so don't worry about them, even if they ARE huge. __________________ /______ZOMBIE _____\ <<>> I bet you never saw this coming, did you? You read the back of these boxes, and notice words such as "undead" and the "walking dead," etc., and you expect to discard the traditional Zombie? Yeah, right. These things will die after a few bullet hits with the standard gun, or you could take out your handy dandy, trustworthy knife and slash away. The Zombies come in all shapes and sizes, so expect to see site worker Zombies, fat Zombies, and (yuck) Naked Zombies. Itchy. Not Tasty. \/ VIII.b BOSSES [enhanced baddies] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________________ /______ALBINOID _____\ <<<>>> This thing guards a nice little item (that damned Eagle Plate again) that waits in the water below the "mansion" that Claire first finds Alfred Ashford in. You'll have to face this thing later on in the game, however. Call me crazy, but I truly do think that the Albinoid is really cute. I want to hug it really tightly and stuff. The main thing to remember when squaring off against the Albinoid is to NOT GO INTO THE WATER. Never. Never ever. Once you learn this, it should be a piece of cake to defeat it. mmmm... Cake. The thing to remember about the Albinoid is that it isn't too hard, and more of an annoyance than anything else. It will not attack you out of the water, so don't even dream of going into it. If you do step foot inside of the water, it will send shockwaves throughout the water. Honestly, I'm not sure how much damage this will do, considering I've never been stupid enough to get in the water while this thing is alive. The best thing about the Albinoid is that, while it is a boss, it will not attack you. Just keep shooting it with the Shotgun once it swims towards you. Make sure to re-auto-lock onto the enemy before shooting it, as you do not want to waste any of your Shotgun Shells. Running from side to side only scares it into running away from you, which is definitely an annoyance. After a long battle that will provide more misses than hits, you will destroy the Albinoid. Now it's safe to hop into the water and grab your Eagle Plate. ______________________________________ /______ALEXIA (IN MANSION REPLICA)_____\ <<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>> This version of Alexia is Godly. In case you do not know what this means, it means that if she gets close enough to touch you with her fingertips, you will die instantly, kinda like in the movie the Ring. Regardless, I bet you are curious as to what you can do against this beast of a Godly chick, eh? Well, the best thing to do here is avoid the fire in every direction that she summons it in. Be sure to never get cornered during this battle, either, as that is a grave no-no. Make sure you are taking your distance from Alexia, and equip your normal handgun. Pump some bullets into her until she reaches around seven (7) characters in length from your character (Chris), and scatter towards the other side of the room. From here, whip out your handgun again, and continue to pump more bullets into her. After a little bit more of this, she will drop dead. ________________________________________ /______ALEXIA (QUEEN ANT, VERSION 1)_____\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> The Queen Ant version of Alexia is definitely NOT easy. It is quite challenging, and arguably the hardest enemy in the entire game, and fittingly so, considering she is the last boss and all. Coming prepared is always a good thing, and that includes your Magnum with every single bullet that you have for it (all 18 of them, bub). If you do not have the optional Magnum, another swell weapon to use against Alexia's Queen Ant form is your Grenade Launcher with Acid or Flame Rounds equipped. Very choice stuff against the Mother of all ants. Combined with the 18 Magnum Rounds, it will only take four Flame Rounds from your Grenade Launcher to defeat Alexia Ashford. You will have to zig-zag a bit, which always seems to work in boss battles, or against strong enemies, in Resident Evil games, yet it never works in Silent Hill games. Ever notice that? Anyways, keep moving. After you get a couple of shots in on Alexia, don't stick around to see her reaction. Get out of there to the opposite side as fast as your poor little legs will take you. The Tentacles will knock you around a bit, and do a bit of damage (but nothing too drastic). The most annoying enemy on the screen is the tiny Ants that will not only block where you walk on the Platform Arena, but also hold you in place by trapping you into corners while the Tentacles hit you, or Alexia spits acid onto you. Which also brings us to Alexia spitting the acid at you. It's annoying. It does moderate damage, but it's pretty easy to dodge, as long as those damn Ants aren't blocking your path. ________________________________________ /______ALEXIA (QUEEN ANT, VERSION 2)_____\ <<<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>> After you destroy the first version of Alexia Ashford as the Queen Ant, she will swoon from her former body, which dissolves, and becomes a flying version of a moth-ish, ant-ish, locust-ish like creature. Sounds disgusting, and with all of the ooze and the like that drips from her body, quite frankly, it looks pretty disgusting, as well. Icky, Mommy! It still looks better than Steve Burnside's hair, though. This version of Alexia Ashford is more annoying than challenging, and you can get by the simple battle with the final form of the last boss without getting hit even once! First thing's first, run straight over to the Linear Launcher, which should be all ready to blast Alexia Ashford out of the sky. After you take the Linear Launcher, be sure to equip it! Around every five seconds, Alexia Ashford will float in the air, in one place, and shoot four fireballs at you, one after another. It will take more than five hits to kill Chris off, so you should be fine on your health. The attacks are easy to dodge, in themselves, just because of the fact that you know when she will strike, because she will remain inactive, and standing still, no less! If you try to shoot her during this time, she will likely dodge your shot with the Linear Launcher, and hit you with a fireball all the while. The easiest way to destroy Alexia, who will go down in one hit of the Linear Launcher, is to auto-aim, and play sniper. She will swagger from side to side in mid-air when you try to aim. Time your shots within 1 to 1.5 second(s) in between her swaggering and swaying to get a good shot that will likely hit. After you hit her just once, you will be treated to a lengthy, satisfying ending. Congratulations! You have defeated the crowning jewel to the Ashford Family, as well as the latest "current" installment to the Resident Evil series! I knew you would do it! Now, please send a check or money order for $24.95 to... Just kidding! Kodak moment! I'm so giddy! YAY! ____________________ /______ANATOMIST_____\ <<<>>> Yes, the undead little bugger just will not go away, will he? First, he tortures all of those helpless prisoners on the island from the Cabins, and now he wants to eat you! Geez, when will this stuck up, self- centered Zombies just leave us alone and let us be?? Oh well, I guess we will have to deal with him head-on, right? Right. A lot of folks suggest just using the enhanced version of the Handgun on him, however, I suggest that you do the opposite of that. The Bow Gun with Fire-Tipped Arrows shoots really fast, since you will more than likely have plenty to spare, anyway. So go ahead and use your Bow Gun with the Fire-Tipped Arrows (Bow Gun Powder). It will only take one hit (!!!) to kill him, so he goes down very easily. Remember to heal if he ends up biting you too much. As for his little friend, bust out the Regular Bow Gun Arrows and equip them to your Bow Gun, and finish him off. After the Anatomist is dead, search his body to find the Glass Eye key. ____________________ /______GULP WORM_____\ <<<>>> This big guy certainly is not very friendly. Claire will find him as the rattling little sucker in the front yard of the Military Facility, and you can fight him off with Claire in that area, if you wish, however, I suggest holding off on that idea. "Why?" you ask? Because once you are Chris, regardless if you destroyed the Gulp Worm with Claire or not, you will have to fight it. Once you fight it as Chris, I suggest taking out those 2 M100 Ps that you found very early on in the game with Claire on the zombie that crashed through the window in the Cabin. It takes near 15 shots of the 2 M100 Ps to pump this worm to his grave... and trust me, that will take an awfully large grave. The time to shoot him is when he raises high into the air and screams. Pump him full of four to five shots at a time, and keep running to keep him off guard. Another thing to remember about this battle is that you MUST run, and change your patterns of running every now and then, or the Gulp Worm will hit you hard. This is a fairly simple boss battle compared to, say, Nosferatu. You will get the Lighter back from Rodrigo once the Gulp Worm has been killed. ______________________ /______HUGE SPIDER_____\ <<<<>>>> You will find this big boy... er... mama, in the Antarctic Facility, in the room with the frozen ground (the old Main Conveyer Belt Room from Claire's game). Basically, you will have to get to Nosferatu's body which you rose from the icy grave and take Alexander's Pierce from him without getting killed by the big mama Spider. You do NOT have to kill the Huge Spider; In fact, it is preferred that you do not kill it. Just simply run from it all the while searching for Alexander's Pierce. ____________________ /______NOSFERATU_____\ <<<>>> Let me go ahead and say this: Nosferatu is one of my favorite looking enemies in any game, ever! I love Nosferatu's story, as well. Oh well, who cares what I like? Let's kill his ass! The main thing to remember about poor ol' Nozzieferry is that you MUST stay away from the edges of the building which you are standing out. If you were smart, you haven't used any ammo in that Hunting Rifle that you grabbed from Alfred's stupid behind. Now that you have that equipped, do some damage by aiming directly at Nozzieferry's heart, which is quite a feat to do when avoiding the poison tentacles that whip from side to side, as well as the whole poison gas part. Just make sure that you have a good aim, and that you are clear from his attacks. If you get hit, get up and safely walk to a clear path that will not send you over the edge once you're hit. If you need to, be sure to heal. Fire Arrows work decent, as well, but be sure to use up all of the Hunting Rifle on his heart, or at least attempt to do that. I suggest using an automatic Handgun. Before you know it, Nozzieferry should be toasted. Just make sure to check your health frequently to see if you are poisoned or not. If you are, cure it RIGHT AWAY. This will play a big part in the story, and gameplay, if you are poisoned, so if you're going for a good time, staying poisoned is NOT an option. Don't worry, though, I provide everything you need in this Walkthrough in case Claire IS poisoned. ____________________________ /______TYRANT (1ST FORM)_____\ <<<<<<<>>>>>>> The first form of the Tyrant will come out of nowhere, pretty much literally in a sense that it charges through a wall suddenly. Oh well, I guess we will have to kill it and hopefully eat it. Did I say eat it? =P Anyways, the best bet to use up against the first form of the Tyrant is the Acid Rounds from your Grenade Launcher. Why, you ask? Because these rounds will stun the Tyrant even after impact. After a couple of shots, the Tyrant will fall to its knees. Wait until it stands up again before shooting some more. If you get too close to the Tyrant, it will show you how much it despises you by eating you. Just kidding, but it will destroy poor Claire. Be sure to do a quick 180 degree turn by pressing away on the D-pad plus X, and run away. Stand within firing range, however, as the closer you are, the harder the impact of your weapons. Best of luck! ____________________________ /______TYRANT (2ND FORM)_____\ <<<<<<<>>>>>>> Most notably called the "Airplane Form," you will fight this bad boy after the cut-scene upon getting on the Airplane with Steve. After trotting towards the cargo pit, you will find him. You will have to watch the switch very carefully which releases the crates to zoom forward. Lure the Tyrant towards the end of the airplane, however, do NOT get hit. As if I had to tell you that. The Tyrant can knock you out of the plane like this, so one hit is a kill on his part, which doesn't favor you very well, now does it? Weaken him with the B.O.W. Rounds from the Grenade Launcher, Fire Rounds, and plain ol' regular Grenade Rounds. He has a fierce way of attacking twice before you can even get up, much less run away, so don't let him get too close, and be sure to shoot him no more than twice while standing in one spot. Once he is weakened enough, run towards the front and flip the switch to release the cargo. If you do this well enough, the Tyrant will fly out of the airplane. If not, you will have to distract him until the switch lights up again for you to press it. The farther back he is, the easier it will be to destroy him. Remember to heal frequently, too, as this will anger you extremely to get close to defeating the Tyrant, and failing to do so. _______________________ /______TYRANT STEVE_____\ <<<<<>>>> Awwww. Steve's a nasty monster. I knew it! I bet it was a secret plan to eliminate him by the Screen Actor's Guild due to his resemblances to Leonardo DiCaprio! Regardless, thank god we don't have to listen to his whining anymore. Too bad his stupid hair hasn't changed any. ANYWAYS, there is absolutely no way to kill Steve, regardless of how much you want to, or how much you are willing to pay Capcom to. All you can do is run. So quickly turn around using the 180 degree turn system, and start dashing. You'll probably get hit at least twice with his big axe, so go to your menu and heal quickly after every hit. Tyrant Steve is the toughest enemy in the game, considering the fact that you cannot kill him. Duh. So run out as fast as possible, and enjoy the cut-scene. __ __ \ \/ / SECTION IX \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ ITEMS LIST /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- This is a complete list of every item in the game. This list will give the name of each item, what class that item is, and what that item does. If you are looking for a certain item, and you are on a PC, press Control and F together to bring up a search. From there, type out the name of the Item you are looking for, and search. This will take you to the location of the item in the game. Thanks, and enjoy. _____________ ______ /{ACID ROUNDS}\/{AMMO}\______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Acid Rounds are, in my opinion, the best set of Grenade | Rounds that you can find in Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. | The Acid Rounds will burn victims with pure acid upon impact | and does a huge amount of damage, as you could probably | have imagined. They are best used again certain bosses, as | well as Hunters. Save the Acid Rounds for these sorts of | encounters. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ _____ /{AIRPORT KEY}\/{KEY}\_______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Airport Key is something that you will find right near | the crotch of a Zombie guard. Yes, the crotch. No, I am not | being perverted. Regardless, grit your teeth and bear it as | you pick it up. You can use this on the gate at the bottom of| the lift in the Submarine part of the Military Training | Facility. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ __________ /{AIR FORCE PROOF}\/{KEY ITEM}\______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Air Force Proof is in a set of three medals that you will| find in the game to activate a platform to the plane parked | in the submarine area of the game. You will need all three | medals to reach the plane. You can find the Air Force Proof | inside of the Private Residence behind the Ashford "Mansion."| In the attic, to be precise. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________________ __________ /{ALEXANDER'S JEWEL}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Alexander's Jewel can be found on... um... "Alexander's" body| in the second floor of the Antarctic Facility. You will have | to run around the huge Spider enemy to reach his body after | you use the Crane Key on the Crane itself. Make sure to | dodge the oncoming Spider traffic as you search Alexander's | body. Examine Alexander's Earring to discover it is actually | Alexander's Jewel. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________________ __________ /{ALEXANDER'S PIERCE}\/{KEY ITEM}\___________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ To find Alexander's Pierce, you will have to search... um... | "Alexander's" body. It is located in the freezing ice in the | second floor of the Antarctic Facility. After you get the | Crane Key, use it on the Crane. This will lift Alexander's | body from the ice. Dodge oncoming attacks by the huge Spider | that has somehow managed to stay alive in the blistering ice | block, and search Alexander's body to find Alexander's | Pierce, which becomes Alexander's Jewel once you have | investigated it. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ __________ /{ALEXIA'S CHOKER}\/{KEY ITEM}\______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Alexia's Choker is her version of the family Jewel. Getting | it off of her would be somewhat of a problem, you would | think. However, it simply falls off of her during a movie | sequence in the game. You can grab it after you defeat her in| the Spencer Mansion Replica. Examine it to reveal it is | actually Alexia's Jewel. Place it into the portrait at the | top of the stairs with the other two Jewels to access a new | area. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ __________ /{ALEXIA'S JEWEL}\/{KEY ITEM}\_______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Alexia's Jewel can be found after Alexia drops her charm in | the Spencer Mansion incident with Chris Redfield and Albert | Wesker. Search what she drops to discover that it is actually| Alexia's Jewel, the third and final Ashford Family Jewel that| you need. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ __________ /{ALFRED'S JEWEL}\/{KEY ITEM}\_______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find the Jewel of Alfred in the Ashford Family by | going into the Lab area where Alexia was "defrosted" and | investigating Alfred Ashford. After you have Alfred's Ring, | examine it to discover that Alfred's Ring is actually | Alfred's Jewel. You will need all three of the Ashford Family| Jewels to access deeper into the lab. Hey, I said "Family | Jewels" without sounding perverted! | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________ __________ /{ALFRED'S RING}\/{KEY ITEM}\________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Alfred's Ring is one of the three Ashford Family Jewels that | you will need to collect to access deeper into the Lab in the| Antarctic Facility. You can find Alfred's Jewel by examining | him inside of the lab where Alexia "defrosted." After you | have Alfred's Ring, you must examine it to find out that it | is actually Alfred's Jewel. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________ __________ /{ARMY PROOF}\/{KEY ITEM}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Army Proof is in a set of three medals that you will find| in the game to activate a platform to the plane parked in the| submarine area of the game. You will need all three medals to| reach the plane. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________________ ______ /{ASSAULT RIFLE BULLETS}\/{AMMO}\____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Assault Rifle Bullets are not actually bullets as you | would get inside of the packs, or shell boxes, but rather | they are clips of ammunition that you sock into the Assault | Rifle, much like in the mobster movies. There are not that | many of the clips in the game, so hence, they are quite | scarce. However, the few that you do get will last a decent | amount of shots, and they will also take down highly regarded| enemies very swiftly. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________ ______ /{B.O.W. ROUNDS}\/{AMMO}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Bio Organic Weapon Grenade Launcher Rounds are extremely | tough cookies. They are exactly as they say, and we all know | that Bio Organic Weapons are what Umbrella, Inc. does best. | I suggest using these Rounds on the Tyrant, however, if you | wish to use them on something else, then I guess whatever | floats your boat. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________ __________ /{BAR CODE STICKER}\/{KEY ITEM}\_____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ I bet that you are curious about why a Bar Code Sticker is | being used in a Resident Evil game. To be perfectly honest, | I don't even really know why it was used in the first place, | but I am happy that it was. You can find this in the B.O.W. | Room inside of the Antarctic Facility. You use it on the box | on the conveyer belt in the Main Conveyer Belt Room. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________ __________ /{BATTERY PACK}\/{KEY ITEM}\_________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find the Battery Pack inside of the hall with the | two Spiders which you take the lift under the Tank to reach. | After you grab it, run for the lift and take it to the room | where Steve cried a lot. Use it on the yellow lift in the | back of the room. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ __________ /{BIOHAZARD CARD}\/{KEY ITEM}\_______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Biohazard Card can be found after the submarine trip, and| inside of the room where you move the crates with the big | crane. You will have to kill the Zombies on first floor and | look for the Biohazard Card on the center stage lift. This | key card will unlock an area inside of the Military Training | Facility. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________ __________ /{BLUE JEWEL}\/{KEY ITEM}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You will come into possession of both the Blue Jewel and the | Red Jewel twice in the game, as you have to grab the Socket | from the slot which reveals itself after you take away one | of the two colored Jewels. There is also a slide of Magnum | Rounds on the other side. You will use the Blue Jewel to open| Alfred's Music Box in the Twins' Replica Corridor. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ ______ /{BOW GUN ARROWS}\/{AMMO}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Bow Gun is a very simple type of weapon; It shoots arrows| into your enemies until they eventually drop over and die | being poked to death with arrows. Har har. However, they are | best suited for Zombies and Cerberus dogs from time to time, | since they are not that powerful. Regardless, they are ammo, | and ammo is always useful. Think of this as a way to conserve| your good ammo for nasty enemies. See? I'm so uplifting. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ ______ /{BOW GUN POWDER}\/{AMMO}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Bow Gun Powder can be combined with the Bow Gun to create| a special kind of arrow that is... well, on fire. So | fire-tipped arrows are yours, but do not use them all up. In | fact, save them for a new enemy, the Bandersnatch. So | basically, do not use them on zombies WHATSOEVER. Or the | Cerberus dogs, for that matter. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ _________________ /{BRIEFCASE}\/{CONNECTION ITEM}\_____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You will find the Briefcase inside of the Graveyard, once | you have the Fire Extinguisher. Put out the fire to grab the | make access to the item. Search the Briefcase and press the | button on top to unlock it, which will give you the TG-01 and| the instructions document for the TG-01. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________________ _____ /{CHEMICAL STORAGE KEY}\/{KEY}\______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Chemical (Chem.) Storage Key can be found after you use | the Battery Pack on the yellow lift in the room where Steve | sobbed a lot over his Dad. You will find this Key included | with a note based on the chemical resistances. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ __________ /{CLEMENT a}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Chemical a is one of two Chemicals that you will need before | you can melt any alloy object. I take it you have read the | memo? What? You didn't get the memo? Listen, we have been | ignoring this problem with you and the memos for way too long| now, Jerry. I like ya, Roy, but you are going to have to | clean up your gig, Bob. Mix it with Chemical a to produce the| Chemical Mixture. And yes, I did copy and paste this info | from above. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ __________ /{CLEMENT E}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Chemical E is one of two Chemicals that you will need before | you can melt any alloy object. I take it you have read the | memo? What? You didn't get the memo? Listen, we have been | ignoring this problem with you and the memos for way too long| now, Terry. I like ya, Tony, but you are going to have to | clean up your gig, Ron. Mix it with Chemical a to produce the| Chemical Mixture. And yes, I did copy and paste this info | from above. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ __________ /{CLEMENT MIXTURE}\/{KEY ITEM}\______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Clement Mixture will melt any alloy object in the game, | but it is used to melt the Eagle Plate so you can grab the | tiny Halberd that the Eagle Plate was holding. You can get | the Clement Mixture by mixing the Clement a and Clement E | chemicals together. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________ __________ /{CONTROL LEVER}\/{KEY ITEM}\________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Control Lever is given to you by Steve Burnside, that way| you can escape from the island on the airplane that you can | reach via the submarine. You will have to take this upstairs | of the building across the bridge, and place it into the | control panel. Lift the lever up to draw the bridge towards | the top. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ __________ /{CRANE KEY}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find the Crane Key inside of the room in the | Antarctic Facility with the Extinguisher Refill Tank, and the| large pool as Chris Redfield. Drain the large pool with the | Square Valve Handle, and climb down the ladder. The Crane Key| is in this area. Once you take it, a Sweeper will crash | through the window. Kill it. Use the Crane Key to operate the| Crane in the Main Frozen Room. Whee. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ _________________ /{CRYSTAL}\/{CONNECTION ITEM}\_______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Crystal seems to be kind of... well, an odd item for a | traditional Resident Evil game, and what you do with it is | even more weird. You must lay it under a large weight that | can crush your character, and dodge being crushed, to break | the Crystal, and get the key card inside of the Crystal. Talk| about dead weight on your shoulders. HO HO HO! So funny... | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ ____________ /{DETONATOR}\/{MISC. ITEM}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You will find the Detonator in the Weapon Room inside of the | Antarctic Facility. It is on the ground near a dead Zombie in| the back of the room. Pick it up and fixate it to the locker | right next to you. You can light it with the Lighter later on| to reveal some goodies. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ _____ /{DOOR KNOB}\/{KEY}\_________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Ahhh, yes, the cool little Doorknob. As you might have | expected from your trips through the Military Training | Facility, this Doorknob can be used on the door with... well,| no knob! This will grant you access through that tricky | little door. In case you are looking for it, the Doorknob can| be found in the first floor of the basement in the Military | Training Facility. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________ __________ /{DRAGONFLY OBJECT}\/{KEY ITEM}\_____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Dragonfly Object can be found in the attic above the | Twins' replica resting area in the Antarctic Facility. You | will have to combine all four of the Wing Objects with the | Dragonfly Object to create the Gold Dragonfly, as opposed to | the Silver Dragonfly you created in the first part of the | game. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ _________________ /{DURALUMIN CASE}\/{CONNECTION ITEM}\________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Duralumin Case is a case that needs to be opened with a | Lockpick. The Lockpick is the only way to open these puppies | up, and they usually hold some fire-tipped arrows, or other | goodies that are like them. Just keep them in your storage | box until you have a Lockpick to open them up with... | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ ___________________ /{EAGLE PLATE}\/{ANNOYING KEY ITEM}\_________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You will have to find and use the Eagle Plate eighty-five | billion times on the island half of the game. Sorry I cannot | be more specific with where to find it and where to use it | once you find it, but that would be around 120kb of filler | inside the FAQ for me just explaining that. So just read the | walkthrough if you are that concerned. You will need it with | both Claire and Chris, if that tells you anything. You will | also use the little gold hatchet that the Eagle holds in it's| hands. *sigh* This thing sucks. Is that a good description? | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ _________________ /{EATHENWARE VASE}\/{CONNECTION ITEM}\_______________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find this in the room with all of the paintings on | the first floor of the Ashford "Mansion." This is a | connection item, meaning that it is used to transport one | item to your inventory. In other words, examine the | Earthenware Vase to discover something inside of it... | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ __________ /{EMBLEM CARD}\/{KEY ITEM}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Emblem Card is the first item that you will get thanks to| the Eagle Plate, which, as you may have found out by now, is | my most hated item in the game, considering you will have to | retrieve it from the likes of God-knows-what a billion times | in the game. Oh well. The Emblem Card can be used at several | sites inside of the Military Training Facility by Claire | shortly after the Private Residence encounter. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ ____________ /{FAMILY PICTURE}\/{MISC. ITEM}\_____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find the Family Picture in Steve Burnside's inventory| once you take control of him after the whole Bandersnatch | incident. Just look where the Lighter would be in Claire's | inventory, and you will find a picture taken of Steve with | his Mother and his Father. Awwww, how touching! His Dad is | almost as fat as me! =P | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________________ __________ /{FIRE EXTINGUISHER}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Fire Extinguisher can be used twice in the game, and for | different purposes. The one thing to keep in mind, however, | is that once you use this bad boy once, you will have to get | it refilled. Hmm... Where could we do such a thing? Maybe | on the Antarctic Base! Yeah! And maybe we could get a very | cool (get it? Cool?) weapon with it, too! Hint, hint, hint...| -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ ______ /{FIRE ROUNDS}\/{AMMO}\______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Fire Rounds are used in the Grenade Launcher, and | rightfully so, considering how powerful they can be when used| against certain enemies in the game. Most noteworthy is | combining a fine mix of Fire Rounds and Acid Round against | the first version of the Tyrant. This will take him out of | the rap game, and is the weapon of choice in that sense. Yet | another good enemy to use the Fire Rounds on are the | Bandersnatches. Using these on Zombies are a complete waste, | but extremely fun, considering the fact that the zombies | catch afire whenever they come into contact with the deadly | Fire Rounds. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ ______________ /{FIRST AID SPRAY}\/{HEALING ITEM}\__________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The second most known healing item in the series, as well as | the strongest healing item in the series, is the one, the | only, the First Aid Spray. This will heal your character to | the maximum health limit, no matter what the case. These | items were known for giving you a bad grade if you used them | in earlier Resident Evil titles, but they are always good to | keep around in case of a boss battle. The top choice for your| healing needs. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ __________ /{GAS MASK}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Gas Mask is used to... guess what... KEEP POISON AWAY | FROM YOUR FACE! Bingo! You are so intelligent! The way they | raise children nowadays, I tell ya, they are just so smart | and intelligent and smart and... er... You can find the Gas | Mask in the second floor of the basement terminal of the | Antarctic Facility. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ __________ /{GLASS EYE}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Glass Eye does not belong to Dick Vitale, baby! It is | actually used as a key to enter the torture chambers of the | basement in the Anatomist's Office. Creeeeepy. Anyways, take | the Glass Eye away from the Anatomist Zombie's dead body, and| place it inside of the hollow eye socket of the Anatomist | Dummy. This will open the way to the basement. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ __________ /{GOLD DRAGONFLY}\/{KEY ITEM}\_______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Gold Dragonfly can be created after you find each and | every one of the four Wing Objects throughout the Lab area, | and combine all four of them with the Dragonfly Object. Once | you have created the Gold Dragonfly, you can use it as a key | to get into the final destination in the entire game. Go | get'em, tiger. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ _____ /{GOLD KEY}\/{KEY}\__________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Gold Key is one of the items that you will have to back | track to find. You will eventually locate it by getting the | Skeleton Picture from the Scientist's Room, and placing it on| the empty undusted picture slot in the Very Oddly Disturbing | Room. After you place this here, you can grab the Gold Key | from the scale model of the Military Training Facility. And | we all know how important Keys are in a Resident Evil video | game. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ ____________ /{GOLD LUGERS}\/{KEY/WEAPON}\________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Gold Lugers are one of the weapons that you cannot use in| the game, and they are actually used in a trade-off with | Steve Burnside. If you trade Steve the Sub Machine Guns, you | will get the Gold Lugers to put into the door of the Safe | Room in the Ashford "Mansion." This will unlock the doors, | leading to the Ashford Office. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________________ ______________ /{GOLD LUGER REPLICA}\/{SECRET ITEM }\_______________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Gold Luger Replica is the type of item that makes a gamer| tilt their head and mumble a dirty saying following with a | question mark. The reason? It is not a weapon, and you can do| nothing with it. So why does it exists, you ask? It exists | to unlock Steve Burnside in the Battle Game Mode. Yes, you | too can be a big loser with a crappy voice, as long as you | get the Gold Luger Replica out of the puzzle chest in the | hidden basement's safe room of the Military Training Facility| and include this item in your storage box when you beat the | game. Hooray! | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ ______ /{GRENADE ROUNDS}\/{AMMO}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Grenade Rounds are the generic type of rounds available | for the Granade Launcher. There are four types of rounds | including Fire, Acid, B.O.W., and these, the Generic grenade | rounds. Obviously, these are the weakest, and most frequently| found, and not to mention the least approved of. Use these | against enemies like Hunters, Spiders, or Bandersnatches for | a full effect. Think of these rounds as you "Good Rounds | Savers." | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ __________ /{HALBERD}\/{KEY ITEM}\______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Halberd will look familiar to you, considering it is the | center piece to those annoying Eagle Plates that you pick up | like a million times (also see: three). You can find it | inside of the Eagle Plate that Chris has to get from the | Albinoid boss creature. Use the Clement Mixture on it to | dissolve the Eagle Plate and leave nothing but the Halberd. | Use it on the door in the hall with the two Spiders near the | Safe Room to officially leave Rockfort Island for good. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ ______ /{HANDGUN BULLETS}\/{AMMO}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Handgun Bullets are among the easiest things to find in | the game, as well as one of the hardest things to keep a good| stock on. Saving all of your Handgun Bullets will help you in| the long run. After all, you DO want something to kill those | tough enemies with, right? You can use these to waste those | darn Zombies, or the Cerberus puppies. Be sure not to use | your basic Handgun against something like a Hunter, or a big | monster like the Bandersnatches. Handgun Bullets come in | packs of 15 per carton. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ __________ /{HAWK EMBLEM}\/{KEY ITEM}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find the Hawk Emblem inside of the Command Station | in the area of the Cabins which you find the metal detectors | in. Pull it out of a drawer near the computer that Steve was | using. You can use the Hawk Emblem on the machine right | outside of this room in a preparation to make a non-metal | replica of it with the TG-01 key item. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______ ______________ /{HERB}\/{HEALING ITEM}\_____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Herb is a common type of healing item that can be found | throughout the game. There are three different types of Herbs| in the game, being Green (Healing), Blue (Cures Poison), and | Red (Enhance). The Red must be mixed with Green to take any | effect at all, as it Enhances the Green to be stronger. You | can combine Herbs for different results. See the Herbs | Section of this FAQ/Walkthrough under Controls/Game Basics | for a full chart of the results in mixing and the like. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________________ ______________ /{HEMOSTATIC MEDICINE}\/{HEALING ITEM}\______________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Hemostatic Medicine is known as the same type of medicine| that Rodrigo Juan Raval, the kind security guard that let you| free, uses. And since he was out of medicine and sick the | last time we saw him, it would be wise to bring this to him! | You can find a full bottle of the Hemostatic Medicine on the | Second Floor of the Military Training Facility, in the Safe | Room right before the fight with the first Bandersnatch. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________ __________ /{ID CARD}\/{KEY ITEM}\______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The ID Card can be used inside of the Ashford "Mansion" on | the island. You can use this on the computer on the desk in | the main hall to unlock the door leading to the Zombie Hall. | To unlock the door, you will have to type out the special | combination of numbers and letters on the back of the card to| activate the unlocking sequence. The digits are NTC0394. The | 0 is a zero, not an o. You can discard the ID Card after | using it. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ ___________ /{INK RIBBONS}\/{SAVE ITEM}\_________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Ahhhhhhhh, yes, the ever-so-important Ink Ribbons. Ever since| Resident Evil was first released, the way to save your game | has been through a Typewriter. This Typewriter will save your| progress, however, you will need an Ink Ribbon to do so. In | other words, this is an easy way of telling people that they | do not have unlimited saves. Also, if you want a good grade | at the end of the game, you are required to not save AT ALL. | Ouch. Sounds tough, eh? | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________ _____ /{KEY WITH TAG}\/{KEY}\______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Key With Tag is easy to find, and easy to use. In fact, | it can both be found and used on the same floor of the | Military Training Facility! You can use it on the cabinet | type area inside of the room with the map faxed in the fax | machine. You can discard the item once you are done with it. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ _________________ /{KING ANT OBJECT}\/{CONNECTING ITEM}\_______________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ I bet you are quite curious by the King Ant Object and the | Queen Ant Objects, right? They are connecting items that hold| the jewels that you need to place into the musical boxes in | the private residence in back of the Ashford "Mansion" that | Alexia and Alfred seem to hide in every now and then. The | King Ant Object holds the blue colored gem. You can remove it| by examining it. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ ____________ /{LIGHTER }\/{MISC. ITEM}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Lighter is one of two things that you start out with in | the game. The other one being the Player's Manuel file. This | item will come in handy, as you can see Rodrigo's face. See? | I told you it would come in handy. Actually, there's a few | other things that you can do with the Lighter, including | repel Bats from attacking you (yanno, since Bats are scared | of fire and all), and you can light certain things on fire | with it, as well. Overall, I would have to say that the | Lighter is fairly useful. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________ _____ /{LOCKPICK}\/{KEY}\__________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Lockpick was made famous by Jill Valentine, the master of| unlocking, as well as other things that could not make the | censored version of this FAQ (I have the picz0rz... okay, not| really), and you can use the Lockpick as a key to those dang | Duralumin Cases that you find here and there. Overall, the | Lockpick will help add to the loveliness that is Resident | Evil. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________ _____ /{MACHINE ROOM KEY}\/{KEY}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Machine Room Key is used to open up the... go ahead and | take a guess. If you said the Machine Room, you are | absolutely right! Ding ding ding! You can find the Machine | Room Key underneath the Plant Pot, which you probably never | would have guessed. See? Aren't you happy to have such a | smart writer to read off of? | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________ ______ /{MAGNUM ROUNDS}\/{AMMO}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Scarce. If you are wondering why I just randomly said that | word, it is because that is what the Magnum Rounds are. | Scarce. You will only find a few in the entire game, and you | will love every last one of them. This is my choice weapon | for the last boss, and it will take all regular enemies down | in ONE HIT. Yes, only one hit and they will be dead. See what| I mean? Powerful stuff here, man. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ _____ /{MINING ROOM KEY}\/{KEY}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Mining Room Key is pretty useful, considering the fact | that it unlocks an important room, the Mining Room, to be | exact. This key is found on the floor below the room you use | it in. Once you use the Mining Room Key, you can discard the | item. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _________________ __________ /{MUSIC BOX PLATE}\/{KEY ITEM}\______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You want a REAL bad ass Music Box? Well sir, no music box is | complete without Umbrella's Music Box Plate 5000! This bad | boy will play all of your favorite creepy songs while you | enjoy getting scared to death by those things that happen to | bump in the night! Use this in Alfred's Room in the Private | Residence. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________ __________ /{NAVY PROOF}\/{KEY ITEM}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Navy Proof is a pretty easy to handle item that can be | picked up and placed where it needs to be all in a matter of | 15 minutes. The Navy Proof is the first in a set of three | that you will find in the game to activate a platform to the | plane parked in the submarine area of the game. You will need| all three medals to reach the plane. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________________ __________ /{OCTA VALVE HANDLE}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can acquire the Octa Valve Handle simply by altering your| regular Valve Handle that Claire finds in the Antarctic | Facility. You can alter it in the Diamond Cutting Room, which| if you followed through the walkthrough, I refer to it as | the room with the Annoying Zombie in it. Use the Octa Valve | Handle in the Mining Room. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ _____ /{PADLOCK KEY}\/{KEY}\_______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Padlock Key can be found in the area of the Prison with | all of those Zombies locked up in the cages. Once you open up| the shutters and let the Zombies loose, go inside of the cage| and grab the Padlock Key off of the bloody guillotine that is| sitting there. You can use the Padlock Key on the padlock to | the gate that is in the area with the first Cabin, and the | Cerberus puppies inside, as well. This is a great short-cut | that you will use more than once, and a great idea to unlock | it, overall. You can discard this item after usage. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________ __________ /{PAPER WEIGHT}\/{KEY ITEM}\_________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find the Paper Weight inside of the Antarctic | Facility. Once you arrive with Chris Redfield, you should | still have the Halberd from the Eagle Plate in the Military | Training Facility. This can be used as a key to unlock the | cabinet with no way to open it inside of the Safe Room of the| Antarctic Facility. Once you open it, you will find some Ink | Ribbons, Alfred's Diary, and the Paper Weight. You use the | Paper Weight as a puzzle solution inside of the Lab. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________ __________ /{PIANO ROLL}\/{KEY ITEM}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Piano Roll is one of my favorite items in the game, based| on how you find it alone. You will find it below the deepest | pits of the Anatomist's Torture Chambers, in the death | coffin. Once you kill or avoid the lone Zombie inside, grab | the Piano Scroll. You can use it to automatically play the | piano in the palace (Ashford "Mansion"). | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ _________________ /{PLANT POT}\/{CONNECTION ITEM}\_____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ I bet you are looking this up, thinking to yourself, "Okay, | the Resident Evil franchise has never been about planting | trees, or flowers, or anything of the sort. That would be | Animal Crossing for the GameCube. I'm playing Resident Evil | Code Veronica X on my PlayStation 2. So what in the hell is | this for??" Am I right? If so, then simply examine it. You | will find the Machine Room Key underneath it. In case you are| curious as to where to find the Plant Pot, you can find it in| the room from where you look down upon Nosferatu. Good luck! | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________ __________ /{QUEEN ANT OBJECT}\/{KEY ITEM}\_____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ I bet you are quite curious by the Queen Ant Object and the | King Ant Objects, right? They are connecting items that hold | the jewels that you need to place into the musical boxes in | the private residence in back of the Ashford "Mansion" that | Alexia and Alfred seem to hide in every now and then. The | Queen Ant Object holds the red colored gem. You can remove it| by examining it. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ __________ /{RED JEWEL}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You will come into possession of both the Blue Jewel and the | Red Jewel twice in the game, as you have to grab the Socket | from the slot which reveals itself after you take away one | of the two colored Jewels. There is also a slide of Magnum | Rounds on the other side. You will use the Red Jewel to open | Alexia's Music Box in the Twins' Replica Corridor. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________ __________ /{RUSTED SWORD}\/{KEY ITEM}\_________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ Sorry to say that no, you cannot use an awesome Sword in this| Resident Evil game. This Rusted Sword is used as a key to | unlock a spiked coffin containing a mean Zombie and the Piano| Roll inside of the basement to the Torture Chamber, which is | the basement to the Anatomist Office. Lots of basements, huh?| Dodge the Zombie once he comes out of the coffin, though. | The Rusted Sword insertion also unlocks the exit door. Yay. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________ __________ /{SECURITY CARD}\/{KEY ITEM}\________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Security Card is probably the most hated item in the game| because of the way that you have to collect it. It is | probably the most stressful part of the entire game, simply | because of the fact that it is inside of a Crystal which you | have to break open by laying it under a gigantic crushing | machine before the crushing machine makes Claire roadkill... | er... zombiekill... I guess... Regardless, you can use the | Security Card in the room that is electronically locked. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______________ _________________ /{SECURITY FILE}\/{CONNECTING ITEM}\_________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Security File is both a File that you collect in the game| as well as a Connecting Item. You will get the actual file | as Claire Redfield, and she will slip the Item version of | the Security File underneath the door before the final boss | battle. Examine the Security File where it opens at, and you | will discover that the Security Card is hidden within the | pages. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______ ____________ /{SERUM}\/{MISC. ITEM}\______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ No, this isn't like cough syrup, you sicko. HEY! Don't drink | that! This Serum is reserved for Claire Redfield, in case | you were poisoned by Nosferatu before you took over the game | as Chris Redfield. If you were poisoned, Chris will have to | find this Serum for Claire to heal with. If you came out not | poisoned from Nosferatu, this item will not be used in your | game. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ ______ /{SHOTGUN SHELLS}\/{AMMO}\___________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Shotgun Shells come in packs of seven (7), in which you | can use with, duh, the Shotgun. This type of ammo is at a | moderate finding rate in the game, so do not go wasting your | precious Shotgun Shells on simple Zombies. Save these | puppies for when you find a Bandersnatch, or even better, a | Hunter monster. Be sure to keep these for when you need them | ONLY. They also work wonders against bosses. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________ _____________ /{SIDE PACK}\/{ADD-ON ITEM}\_________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Side Pack is probably the most useful item in the entire | game. This item will allow you to carry more than eight | items in your inventory. In fact, it will allow you to carry | ten items. Needless to say, this will help you as much, if | not more, than any other item in the game. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________ __________ /{SILVER DRAGONFLY}\/{KEY ITEM}\_____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Silver Dragonfly can be used as a key, of sorts, in the | attic area of the Private Residence. You can pick the item up| on a chair in the attic near the horse carousel. Examine the | item to reveal that you can pull off its' wings, much like | the Twins do in the spooky video. This will give you access | to a ladder leading to the top. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ____________ _____ /{SILVER KEY}\/{KEY}\________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Silver Key will unlock the doors to the Piano region, | and the Ashford Family Meeting Room inside of the Ashford | "Mansion." You will find it inside of the Private Residence | that Alfred and Alexia hide away from the public in. You can | discard this item after it has been used. Which reminds me, | why the hell are all of the doors constantly locked in | Resident Evil games? | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ___________________ __________ /{SKELETON PAINTING}\/{KEY ITEM}\____________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Skeleton Painting is located inside of the "Face | Splattered" Operating Room in the Military Training Facility.| You will have to view the number in the lower corner of the | Skeleton Painting to grant access to the room. The number is | 1126, and is located in the lower left hand corner of the | painting. You will also have to pick this painting up and | place it in the room with the Military Training Facility | scale model. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________ __________ /{SOCKET}\/{KEY ITEM}\_______________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Socket can be found inside of the Antarctic Facility in | the latter part of the game with Chris Redfield. You can find| the Socket inside of the Lab area. You must remove the Blue | Eye of the Tiger Statue to reveal the Socket. Once you get | the Socket, combine it with the Octa Valve Handle to create | the Square Valve Handle. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________________ __________ /{SPECIAL ALLOY EMBLEM}\/{KEY ITEM}\_________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Sp. Allow Emblem is a replica of the Hawk Emblem when | fused into the TG-01 key item. Once the two are combined with| the help of the machine in the metal detector's building, | they create the Sp. Alloy Emblem which will slide into the | double doors in the "Steve Meet & Greet" Area. This is a key,| of sorts. Once you use it on the double doors, they will | unlock. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________________ __________ /{SQUARE VALVE HANDLE}\/{KEY ITEM}\__________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Square Valve Handle, much like the few other Valve | Handles in the game, cannot be "found," per se. It is | created by combining the Octa Valve Handle and the Socket | with Chris Redfield towards the latter part of the game. You | can use the Square Valve Handle inside of the Extinguisher | Refill Room, second floor of the Antarctic Facility. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ __________ /{STEERING WHEEL}\/{KEY ITEM}\_______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ You can find the Steering Wheel in the Study of the Ashford | "Mansion," otherwise known as the Palace. Once you watch the | disturbing movie of Alexia and Alfred's stare-down, a hidden | area will open for you to explore. It is right in there. You | can use the Steering Wheel to connect you to the submarine in| the water outside of the Ashford "Mansion." | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________ _____ /{STERILE ROOM KEY}\/{KEY}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Sterile Room Key can be found inside of one of the | drawers in the Final Safe Room in the game. Search the right | drawer to find the Sterile Room Key, which unlocks the door | in the Spencer Mansion replica in the Antarctic Facility. You| can cut off the power after you unlock the door, which allows| you to grab the Red and Blue Jewels from the Tiger's eyes. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __________________ _______________________ /{SUB-MACHINE GUNS}\/{WEAPON/TRADE-OFF ITEM}\________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ If you are curious as to why the Sub-Machine Guns are listed | in the items section, it is simply because of the fact that | you have to trade these to Steve for the Gold Lugers, since | he wants something automatic and all. Of course, you use the | Gold Lugers on the door in the Safe Room of the Ashford | "Mansion." | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ __________ /{TANK OBJECT}\/{KEY ITEM}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Tank Object can be found on a high balcony of the room | where Steve killed his Zombie Daddy. Who's yo Zombie Daddy???| I'm so witty, it's not even funny. Anyways, you can use the | Tank Object on the Model Scale in the Very Oddly Disturbing | Room in the Military Training Facility to reveal the Turn | Table Key and Secret Passage Note. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _______ __________ /{TG-01}\/{KEY ITEM}\________________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The TG-01 is an item that you can take through the metal | detectors in the Cabins area of the game to use in the | machine. Once you set the Hawk Emblem into the machine, you | can place the TG-01 onto a tray to the right side of the | machine to create a non-metal replica of the Hawk Emblem to | use on the double doors in the "Steve Meet & Greet" area to | unlock them. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ________________ __________ /{TURN TABLE KEY}\/{KEY ITEM}\_______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Turn Table Key is found inside of the Very Oddly | Disturbing Room. You will find it along with the Secret | Passage Note once you place the Tank Object into the Model | Scale. You can use the Turn Table Key on the Turn Table | in Chris' quest, which is in the room where you first see the| new Code Veronica Hunters. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ ______________ __________ /{VALVE HANDLE}\/{KEY ITEM}\_________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ The Valve Handle can be found through the Mining Room on the | second floor of the Antarctic Facility, and into the tiny | room above the Main Conveyer Belt Room. You can grab it all | by its lonesome, and alter it in the room with the Annoying | Zombie on the second floor. | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ _____________ __________ /{WING OBJECT}\/{KEY ITEM}\__________________________________ -------------------------------------------------------------\ There are four (4) Wing Objects in the game, and you must | collect all four and stick them onto a dragonfly-like object.| This will create a key, which can be used towards the end of | the game to open a door. Now, the only major problem here is | finding all 4 of them... Hmm... | -------------------------------------------------------------/ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ __ __ \ \/ / SECTION X \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ FILE LIST /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- Here is a list of all of the files in the game, including their locations. To find that part of the walkthrough, and you are on a PC, simply bring up the word search (Control + F) and type out the name of the room that they are in. Major thanks to CVXFREAK for allowing me to borrow these files from his FAQ. This list is from A-Z. Enjoy! \/ ALEXANDER's MEMO [antarctic safe room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ My father, Edward, discovered the mother virus in cooperation with Lord Spencer, who was also a nobleman. They studied it for the purpose of military use. Eventually their study took shape. They named a variation of the mother virus, the "T-virus". To camouflage their research, they established Umbrella Chemical, Inc. I majored in bio genetics and have been involved with a top-secret project, supporting my father's research. However, my research went through a difficult phase, and my father died in the middle of the project. We are now at a major disadvantage against the other researchers, as there is great competition in the field of T- virus research. I have disgraced the honorable name of the Ashford family that out great ancestor Veronica established. If nothing is done, Umbrella will be taken over by Spencer. I must expedite the project to its fullest, without being detected by Spencer. After much thought, I decided to establish a large-scale advanced research facility. It will be located in the transport terminal that I created by using the abandoned mine in the Antarctic. Within the facility, I'll have a room built. It will be similar to the design of my mansion, the legacy of the late Trevor. I will be able to cherish my sweet memories there... For security purposes, this confidential project will be given a code name. It is the same name if the beautiful ancestor of the Ashford family, "Veronica" whom I wish to revive so badly. I am confident that the result of my research will be as glorious as her name, and that honor will be restored to the Ashford family again. \/ ALFRED's DIARY [safe room, first floor, antarctic facility] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ January 30th There's a sealed room in the hallway located inside of the Antarctic facility. I don't know what is hidden there, but I do not know how to get in. I can use the three jewels that each one of our three members wear as proof of being legitimate descendant of the Ashford family. The only problem is, I do not know how I can gain possession of my father's proof. February 17th I finally succeeded in entering that sealed room. I never could have imagined that such an insane secret existed regarding the birth of both Alexia and myself... I hate my father. That fool, Alexander...Now it is obvious that we were merely created in an attempt to cover my father's blunder. I can never trust him again. I must regain the glory of the Ashford family with my sister. I have nothing to be afraid of, as long as Alexia is with me. March 3rd Alexia carried out the experiment on the human body that we've been talking about. Our useless father must be happy now, since he can finally contribute to the Ashford family. The only thing we should be careful about is that the butler, Harman, does not become wise to our activities. April 22nd The experiment resulted in failure. Our father was useless after all. Even worse, he turned into a dangerous monster that is completely out of control. We tied him down and locked him up in an underground prison cell. However, Alexia seems to be close to a solution. Beyond all my expectations, she now says that she wishes to conduct the experiment on her own body. On top of that, she feels she must be kept asleep for 15 years in order to accomplish the experiment. Thanks to that idiot, I can't see my dear Alexia for as long as 15 years. Alexia is going to sleep, with all of her trust relying upon me. Now, I am the only one who can protect Alexia. \/ ANATOMIST's DIARY [anatomist's office] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ There is a demon in my mind. I can't control the fierce impluses that the demon sometimes drives me to act upon. It is a brutal ceremony. With the demon next to me, I enjoy watching agonize in pain, screaming and convulsing repeatedly as they die... But, Sir Alfred was kind enough to acknowledge me, and has given me the facilities, the chemicals, and the "equipment" necessary to study everything. I must never betray Sir Alfred's kindness. It is especially critical that no one discovers the sacred place that only he and I know about. I swear the basement of this medical building will be kept secret. Of course, I keep the key to the sacred place with me at all times. Even if an outsider sees it, they will never be able to tell that it is the key. I must remember that my life ends when I lose Sir Alfred's trust. \/ BUTLER's LETTER [locker, antarctic safe room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sir Alfred, Please forgive me, as I must tell you of my abrupt departure by leaving this letter. I first served your father, Lord Alexander, and have for so long shared in the joys and sorrows of the Ashford family. Lord Alexander disappeared unexpectedly 15 years ago, then an accident during an experiment took the life of our dear Alexia. You were forced to become the master of the family at a very young age, and nearly lost your sanity from the sorrow of having lost all of your family members at once. There was nothing I could do, and I felt powerless. I first though that I should kill myself to apologize. I then realized that it would be an insult to our dear Lord Alexander and Alexia, in the other world... Scott Harman Butler, Ashford family \/ CODE: VERONICA REPORT [fourth wing object lab] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After many long years of research, I finally identified the inheritance element that administers the intelligence of man. I even succeeded in manipulating the absolute value of intelligence artificially, by recomposing the base alignment of the element. I then sampled the gene of our great ancestor, manipulated its element, then implanted it into the unfertilized egg of a surrogate mother. What I didn't expect was that twins, a boy and a girl, were born. The boy had higher intelligence than normal, but not high enough for him to be considered a genius. However, the girl had unmatched intelligence that easily allowed her to be classified as a genius. She was exactly what I had been looking for, the revival of our great ancestor. I already determined their names; the girl's name, Alexia, and the boy's name, Alfred. I'm certain that Alexia will elevate the name of the Ashford family to extreme glory. Alexander Ashford \/ CONFESSION LETTER [private residence, attic room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Alexia, my sister, is a genius and possesses unmatched beauty. She is everything to me. I would overcome any obstacle and be willing to risk my life for her. For Alexia, I must revive the glorious Ashford Family which fell during the era of my father, Alexander. Together, we will restore our family name. Once that has been achieved, I'll build a palace where only nobles may gather. I cannot allow the unwashed to see my dear Alexia, to whom my life is devoted. She reigns the world as queen, with I as her servant. That is my dream, and how sweet it will be. Those accomplishments will be proof of my love toward Alexia. It is the purpose of my existence. All other people are meaningless, and they shall prostrate themselves before Alexia and I. Devoted to my beloved Alexia, Alfred Ashford \/ DIJ's DIARY [inside of slot machine in battle mode] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ During a heavy squall, a girl in a red outfit was brought to this island of Rockfort. What could she have possibly done? I've been living here quite some time now, but many who are brought to this island seldom leave alive. Through the sounds of gun and fire, soldiers appeared. There was something going on. I went to the prison, but the girl in red was nowhere in sight. I hurried to the military training facility. The "man" of Rockfort was attacking her relentlessly. How stupid of me. I got too close and almost got myself smashed by the shutters. But, thanks to my natural agility, I was able to get out of the situation and get outside. Anyone other than me would not have been so lucky. Again, I was able to find the girl in red. There she was; in front of the residence. Then from behind her appeared a man with blonde hair. As he called her, he approached her in a friendly manner and started saying something to her... and it happened abruptly. The man in blonde hair started to hurt the girl in red. "I must save her." I thought to myself. But the man in blonde hair went away. Who was that blonde haired man? What did he want from the girl in red? The self-destruct announcement and emergency siren warned the end of Rockfort Island. I hurried to the hangar of the transport. The transport we were on took off as everything exploded into flames. With my neck risking effort, the girl kin red slammed the monster out into the open sky. Sure enough, she was a Valkyrie, a goddess of destruction. I couldn't believe it. The transport landed in Antarctica. And to top it all, the transport that landed before us spilled tons of the T-Virus and everything alive had already turned into zombies. If I stayed, there was no way I could stay alive. I had to find a way to get out of there, quickly. I parted with the girl in red. I started searching the base to see if there was anything I could use. As I was resting in the dark, someone was coming. Whatever it was, it was right there. The door suddenly closed and there was no escape. I kept slamming the doors. Then the door opened. I exploded out of there. But I was no chicken. I stopped to turn around and there she was, the girl in red, standing there looking at me. Where was this place? I was stuck in a room with an elevator and old cannon. Where was I supposed to go? I was stranded. I felt endless despair. Then that blonde man with the sunglasses appeared. He had the girl in an arm lock. Then a man in a black vest came running after them. The man in the black vest followed them. I also hurried to chase after them. It was a grueling fight. Was the man who also knew that girl a monster? The fight looked like it could last forever. Then suddenly there was an explosion, which interfered the fight. That was my last chance. I had to get out of there. I snuck through the hatch of the sub as it was about to close. Finally, I was released from the world of death and I was able to come back to a world where desire and power ruled. DIJ \/ FAX ON THE FACILITY ACCESS APPLICATION [anti-metal box office] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Be sure to verify the content of the following facility access application form, and add the applicants' name to the expected visitor's list. Chief Prison Guard Room Paul Steiner I hereby apply for access permission for Prison Area D. Details follow, Visitor's name: Carl Grisham Purpose of Entry: Carrying in the following materials; 1. New product sample from Metal Industries Co: "TG-01". 2. Various daily commodities ordered by the prison. Note: 1. Will use a transportation truck. 2. "TG-01" sample will be stored in a designated briefcase. \/ HUNK's REPORT [ashford "mansion" meeting room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Attn: Mr. Alfred Ashford, head of the facility Today at 16:32, I arrived successfully from the Umbrella transport base with the large-scale B.O.W. capsule. Extreme care was taken during transport, and all 108 check points were confirmed condition "green" in accordance with standard procedures. It is currently being stored in a freezer. There's one thing that I don't understand. We are normally assigned to special missions. Why were we ordered to transport a frozen capsule this time? I understand that this may be classified as top-secret, but without knowledge of the contents, our safety could be at risk during this transport. This is especially important if the contents are potentially harmful. We would like to ask you provide us with more information, should we be assigned similar missions in the future? I still remember the good old days in the military training center. Nothing has changed since then. We will gear up for the next mission today at 23:00. Umbrella Special Forces Unit HUNK \/ MEMO ON THE PASS NUMBER [splatter-face office in the mtf] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The emergency lock system in the biology experiment room can be released with the four digit pass number. I hope you haven't forgotton about it already. I have just received an order from the system administrator requesting us to change the pass number periodically. What bothers me is that you often lose important memos, pass numbers, or even chemicals... So, in an attempt to solve that problem, I came up with an idea. You know the red human skeleton picture at the back of the biology experiment room? I have decided to use the number signed on the picture as the pass number. If you happen to lose the memo just use the picture. Well, I don't think you would ever need to use the emergency pass number anyway. But just in case, now you know. Take it easy Mr. Careless! \/ MESSAGE CARD [secret mansion's bedroom] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ My dear brother, I firmly believe that the glory of the Ashford family will be revived through your courage and strength as an honored soldier. Yours faithfully, Alexia Ashford \/ MESSAGE TO THE NEW FAMILY [ashford "mansion" portrait room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Sir Alfred, Congratulations on your succession as master as the Ashford family. I hereby present you with an earthenware vase, according to the Ashford family tradition. As you may know, this tradition first began when a butler presented a golden teacup as a commemorative to Veronica. As founder of the Ashford family, her intelligence and beauty are legendary. The second and third, masters, Stanley and his son Thomas were also presented with similar teacups. It was their hope to achieve glory as Veronica did before them. The position as family master then shifted to Sir Thomas to his twin brother Sir Arthur. It then went to Sir Edward, your grandfather. That was when the Ashford family enjoyed it's golden age. It was also Sir Edward's achievement that established the large chemical enterprise, Umbrella Inc. However, when Sir Edward passed away, and your father Sir Alexander succeeded the position, the glorious Ashford family gradually began to sink... I sincerely hope that the Ashford family regains it's glory with your guidence, just as this vase continues to shine eternally. Ashford Family Butler, Scott Harman \/ NEWSPAPER CLIP [atop horsey ride] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ A 10 year old girl genius graduated at the top of her class, from a prestigious university. The international corporation, Umbrella Chemical Inc., offered the position of head researcher. \/ PLAYING MANUEL [you start with this] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ CHECK ALL ITEMS When you obtain a new item, always remember to look at it with the "Check" command on the status screen. Remember, it's always best to rotate the item so you can check it from different angles. TRY TO PUSH OBJECTS If you face an object and press and hold up on the directional button, sometimes you will be able to push it. You may find hidden rooms and items this way. USE THE QUICK TURN You can turn 180 degrees instantly by pressing the Cancel button while holding the directional button down. This is a very effective move when you attack an enemy and then want to turn around and run. USE THE MAP SCREEN When you are lost or are unsure of what to do, check the map screen. You can easily tell where you've been and can see which doors you have unlocked. CLIMB/DESCEND You can climb/descend some objects. To do this, face the object and then push the Action button. SECURITY BOXES The items you store in a Security Box in the prison cannot be accessed through an Item Box. Make sure you remove all important items from a Security Box before exiting a room. I CAN'T TAKE THE GOLD LUGERS FROM THE PROJECTION ROOM You cannot release the trap by yourself. After certain events occur, you will be able to release the trap and obtain the Gold Lugers. I CAN'T ENTER THE BIO-EXPERIMENT ROOM Once the shutter near the bio-experiment room shuts, you can't open it until the ventilation process completes due to the in-room air pollution problems. I CAN'T CLIMB THE LADDER IN THE BEDROOM You will need to place a pair of items onto the two music boxes. Then you will have to... I CAN'T SEND LOADS PROPERLY WITH THE SORTER The sorter judges which room each load will be sent to by an item that is posted on the load. You should check an already sorted load in the room you would like to send your load to and then... \/ PRISONER's DIARY [prison cabins] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ May 13th This room stinks of death. Based upon the information I've found, I believe that I'm far south of the equator. Lucky for me that Bob in the bunk below me, is one of those interesting types of guys... May 16th Today Bob told some crazy story of why he was put this place with me. Bob said that he used to be an attendant of the head of this place. This "boss" named Alfred supposedly placed him in here because of a tiny little mistake. What does that mean? What's going to happen to me? May 20th Without warning, a group of military men took Bob to the building behind the guillotine stand. At midnight, I'll sneak out of here to see him. I've been hearing that anyone taken to that building never comes back. On top of that, there are these REALLY large plastic bags being constantly being removed from that place. I'd better pray for Bob... May 21st I was wrong. I shouldn't have gone there. What is going on it there?! All I could here was some insanely creepy laughter and the sound of Bob screaming. I don't know what to do. I can't sto thinking about it... Is that going to happen to me?! I can't let it... I just can't... May 27th Since my last entry, all of my fellow inmates have been taken to that building! I know that I am next...It's obvious that we are all here to be used as Alfred's guinea pigs. There's no way out! What am I going to do?!... \/ QUEEN ANT REPORT [alexia's study] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ After discovering the remains of an ancient virus within the genes of a queen ant, I have been concentrating on the research of ants. The ecosystem of the ants seems truly ideal to me. There is one queen ant in each anthill, and the soldier and worker ants are the queen's slaves. They dedicate their lives to the queen. The death of the queen ant means the doom of the entire anthill. However, the soldier and worker ants can be easily replaced as long as the queen ant is alive. This is exactly the same relationship between myself and other ignorant masses. I have succeeded in creating an ideal virus by implanting the queen ant's gene into the mother virus that Spencer found. I used my otherwise useless father as a test subject. However, as I expected, the virus caused a rapid change in his cells, triggering the complete destruction of his brain cells and body flesh. Furthermore, a special type of poison gas was generated inside his body, that the blue herb had no effect against. Because of this, I created an antidote in case of an emergency, and stored it inside of the weapon/chemical warehouse on the B2 floor. I have decided to name this virus with unimaginable potential, the "T- Veronica" virus. When I find out how I can fully utilize the power of wonderful virus, my great research will finally be complete. Alexia Ashford \/ REPORT: ENHANCED ANTI-DECAY ALLOY [above lift, steve's dad's room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Although we planned to utilize the enhanced anti-decay alloy called "Duploid" to create the storage capsule of the new B.O.W., we have had to cancel the plan. This is primarily based upon the fact that despite it's excellent resistance to all kinds of liquid including strong acid, it easily dissolves when soaked with a mixture of the two chemicals, "Clement a" and "Clement E". Due to the lethal nature of the new B.O.W., we cannot be too careful in choosing the material for their storage capsule. We have instead decided to use Duploid to create the plate portion of the "Eagle Plate", which shines in indigo-blue. CLEMENT INFORMATION The "a" type is used for gun maintenance and possesses no conspicuous characteristics. However, the E type will change its color to blue at a certain temperature. (It is an odd coincidence that the temperature is exactly the same as the date of completion of this training facility.) Based upon our analysis of the E type, we believe that Clement possesses more features. As new information is learned, we will update this file. \/ SECRET PASSAGE NOTE [very oddly disturbing room, with chris] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The underground passage, which leads to the mansion where Alexia and I live, has been badly damaged. Although I can never allow the unwashed to see Alexia, I cannot go on using the underground waterway that those local people made, either. Oh yes...I think I'll have those prisoners build a bridge. It must be a gorgeous bridge that benefits the perfection that is Alexia. Of course, I must kill everyone who's involved in the construction of the bridge after it is done, so that no one will know about the existence of our mansion. But that is okay, as I have no problems executing such matters. Once the bridge is completed, I'll seal the mansion entrance door at the end of the underground waterway. The entrance of the waterway is locked by the diorama trick, ensuring the secrecy of our mansion. Alfred Ashford \/ SECRETARY's NOTE [ashford "mansion" safe room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Four years have passed since I began serving Sir Alfred. He doesn't trust anyone! Even though I am his attendant, I am still strictly prohibited from entering his private house! What is his problem anyway?! They say he lives with his twin sister, Alexia in his private house on the hill. Occasionally, I've seen someone standing by the window of the house. It might have been Alexia, whose extreme beauty is often talked about. I once asked Sir Alfred about this, but it only enraged him. Even though I am his attendant. He will not show me any lenience. If I ask about her again, I could put my life at risk. After all, it is a mystery why he so desperately tries to keep his private life with Alexia a secret. Robert Dorson \/ SECURITY FILE [cannon room] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ The Ashford family's most important secret is kept at this lab. As a safety precaution, I have installed a self-destruct device in the control room and have placed the activation code inside the computer. Once inputted, all door locks will be released to provide easy access to escape routes. By using the elevator that directly connects to the hangar, one should be able to escape from the lab easily. Please remember that I have used the name of my beautiful ancestor for the activation code. Glory to the Ashfords, Alexander Ashford \/ TG-01 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION [spooky graveyard] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Thank you for your continued support and for our products. This time we have gathered our most advanced technologies, and have succeeded in creating the unique anti-metal detection alloy "TG-01". -TG-01 features? 1. Cannot be detected by any metal detectors. 2. Cannot be pictured by roentgenography at the immigration check. 3. Lightweight, yet durable. We plan to develop various weapons utilizing this innovative new alloy. We enclosed a sample for you to review. We look forward to hearing from you regarding possible business opportunities. Metal Industries Co. Chief, Development Planning Carl Redhill \/ USER's MANUEL [room with 3-d duplicator] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ 3-D Duplicator User's Manual Our new product, the "3-D Duplicator" consists of two parts. 3-D Scanner Portion This portion scans the 3D object. Simply place the material that you want to have scanned onto the tray of the scanner. The scanned object will be processed into 3D data, which will be transferred to the duplicator portion. Duplicator Portion If you place the material you wish to have converted on the machine, you can begin conversion based on the 3-D data that was scanned portion. The conversion will be executed with complete data accuracy. The result will be an object precisely true to the original. \/ VIRUS RESEARCH REPORT [alexia's lab] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Work continues on the "T-Veronica" virus , which I extracted from the queen ant. The more research I conduct on it, the more I am impressed by how much potential it has. I have finally implanted the virus into my own body, and discovered how to fully utilize its power. I will avoid making the mistake that I made on my father. I will suppress the activity of the virus at an ultra-low temperature, so that my cells will change slowly. My calculations indicate that it will take 15 years before my body will gain immunity, and become able to coexist with the virus. Until then, I have no choice but to trust the capsule that I will be in, to that inept but loyal soldier ant who is my brother. For me to obtain unlimited power, some risks need to be taken. When I awaken, I will be the queen... And the "T-Veronica" virus will be unleashed upon the entire world by my children. Every last creature on earth will exist to serve me. At that time, the world will achieve the perfect ecosystem, just like an anthill, but on a much grander scale. Alexia Ashford \/ WORKER's DIARY [antarctic living quarters] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ October 30th When I joined Umbrella Inc., I thought that I would be able to live care free for the rest of my life, being employed by this huge corporation. It's a joke that I ended up being a driver at a place like this. I asked for a position change, but they completely ignored me. It feels more like a prison! Work is extremely demanding, and there's nothing fun about it. I'd rather be dead! November 3rd My hard-earned vacation was canceled suddenly. I heard they failed to secure enough manpower due to a mistake made by the facility head, Alfred. That fool doesn't deserved forgiveness. He doesn't even treat us like human beings! November 5th I heard an interesting story from a guy who's been working here for 8 years. He must be awfully patient... He says that there is a man who has been confined for over 10 years, locked deep below here. People call him "Nosferatu" and are deathly afraid of him. What an absurd story! November 10th At midnight I woke up to an ominous growling sound that seemed to be coming from deep under ground...I'm so pathetic to have been frightened by such a foolish story. Then again, I suppose anyone would have a hard time maintaining their sanity if they were confined in a place like this! __ __ \ \/ / SECTION XI \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ WESKER'S REPORT /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- Major thanks to Dan Engel, the great FAQ writer, for letting me use his copy of Wesker's Report. This file was located on a limited edition DVD that was packaged in pre-orders of Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. This file was known for flipping the Resident Evil fan's world upside-down. A lot of people despised this file, saying it ruined the credibility of the story. However, if you ask me, it is one of the most important files in Resident Evil history, if not the most important. Get ready to discover more about Umbrella, The Mansion, and, of course, Albert Wesker, than any of us cared to mention. Enjoy. "My name is Albert Wesker. I aspired to become a leading researcher at Umbrella Inc. A pharmaceutical enterprise who covertly conduction Bio Organic Weapons, better known as B.O.W., for development. But at the leader development training ground situated in Raccoon City, I met a brilliant and talented researcher who decided to take a different path - William Birkin. In time I shifted my position to S.T.A.R.S., a special forces unit of the Raccoon Police Department. Umbrella, for crisis management reasons of their illegal Bio Organic Weapons development had many of it's people working in the police department. I became the leader of S.T.A.R.S. and conducted all sorts of intelligence activities for Umbrella. As I continued to serve I devised my own plans and waited for the right moment to execute them. Then at last, opportunity knocked. - 1998 - July - 7.24 - The freak murder incidents had occurred in the forest near the mansion started it all. The mansion was Umbrella's secret BOW laboratory and it was clear that the in development T-Virus was the cause of the murder. Initially, Umbrella instructed me secretively to keep S.T.A.R.S. out of the case, but with the heightened emotions of the citizens S.T.A.R.S. had no choice but to move in. That was when my next order was given. Dispatch S.T.A.R.S. to the mansion, dispose of them, then report the situation to headquarters so that their combat with the B.O.W. could be used for data analysis allowing Umbrella a comprehensive portrait of the B.O.W.'s combat abilities. From the 2 S.T.A.R.S. teams I first pitched in the Bravo Team. As expected, the top elite of S.T.A.R.S. gave all they had and became useful sample data. Then following, I geared up the Alpha Team to "search and rescue" the lost Bravo Team. The members of the Alpha Team also proved their worth and as expected many died. There were 5 Survivors from the initial 11 S.T.A.R.S. members. From the Alpha Team were Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine, and Barry Burton. And from the Bravo Team were Rebecca Chambers and Enrico Marini. It was time to begin executing my plans. In the midst of the whole affair I could take Umbrella's ultimate Bio-Organic Weapon, the Tyrant, and join forces with an opposing corporation of Umbrella. To buy into that opposing corporation I would need the actual combat data of the Tyrant. The surviving privileged members of S.T.A.R.S. were just the perfect bait. I decided to have one of them play the Judas and draw them to the Tyrant. That Judas was Barry. Barry was the strong truth and justice kind and cherished his family more than anything. His type is easy to manipulate. I just took that most important thing away from him. My only miscalculation was the high potential of Chris and Jill. But with the family man Barry playing Judas the scheme went as planned. Then the winds turned unexpectedly. I had to eliminate Enrico who found out what was behind it all. I used Barry to get to him. After I successfully got rid of that nuisance I awaited the sample specimen that Barry would bring to me in the Tyrants room. I injected the virus I obtained from Birkin in advance. If I made Umbrella believe I was dead, it made it far more convenient to sell myself to the opposing corporation. According to Birkin the virus had profound effects. It would put my body in a state of temporary "death." It would then bring me back to life with super human powers. Therefor I unleashed an awesome Tyrant from its slumber and let it attack me. As my consciousness faded away I was certain that the whole scheme would end in success. Never did I imagine that S.T.A.R.S. could slay the evil creation. I lost the Tyrant and the plan I devised which cost me my humanity ended in failure. Now anything and anyone who stood in my way would be terminated. It's been that way for a long time and it always will be. At all costs I had to make S.T.A.R.S. pay. - September - Two months had passed since the mansion incident. To regain everything I had lost in my new organization I joined hands with Ada Wong, a female agent who was also sent to spy on Umbrella. I knew in my bones that the key developer was William Birkin, but what he didn't know was that Umbrella did not play games... with anyone. Eventually, Birkin would be assassinated, and the G-Virus would be in the hands of Umbrella. But the salvage team led by Hunk was ahead of us. By the time they got to Birkin, he'd already injected himself with the G-Virus... he became his own creation, and decimated them. Soon after, the T-Virus carried by rats spread throughout Raccoon City, and Umbrella faced its worst scenario. - 9.28 - The good citizens became zombies, and the city had headed for its devastating fate. Humans were no match against zombies. In the chaos, Umbrella Europe applied a new type B.O.W., called "Nemesis". The Nemesis would hunt down and destroy the surviving member of S.T.A.R.S., Jill. It became imperative that our organization would also obtain the Nemesis data. - 9.29 - To cover up the whole affair, Umbrella jettisoned a Tyrant to take care of Leon and Claire, who were trying to unveil their secrets. Then, a new revelation. Birkin used to hide the findings of his studies in his daughter Sherry's pendant. It was very possible that the G-Virus was there. While Umbrella was busy with their cover up, we had to capture Sherry before they did. I sent Ada undercover to seek the location of Sherry. I, the "dead man" on the other hand, had to work in the shadows. A spy's obligation and priority is in the mission, to carry out the mission like a machine without any emotional interference. But through her interaction and involvement with Leon S. Kennedy, there'd been an affection growing inside her. My instincts sensed danger, something had to be done, quickly. My instincts did not disappoint me. Even though Ada almost had her hands on the G-Virus, which Leon had acquired from Sherry, that affection of hers drove her to her death. But she was still of some use. I had to save her life. My people hurried to retrieve the G-Virus that Leon threw away. But Hunk, the only survivor of Umbrella's salvage team, was there before us. - 9.30 - Our only option left was to bring back Birkin, the monster, as the sample specimen and have him finish off Leon and Claire in order to obtain his combat data. Although Birkin lost the battle to Leon and Claire, we succeeded in gathering samples of the G-Virus from his dead body. - 10.1 - In the morning the government bombed Raccoon City in an attempt to stop for the viral outbreak. This was, of course, their feigned reason. Later, Claire left for Europe to find her lost brother Chris, and Leon joined forces with a underground anti-Umbrella organization. Sherry is safe in our hands. I would never underestimate Birkin. There's something about this little girl..." __ __ \ \/ / SECTION XII \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ CODES / SECRETS /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- This section is for those of you whom like to cheat, or for those of you who like collecting everything at 100%. Want to know what your rewards will be? Here's the entire list of things that are odd in the game. Enjoy it, and cherish it. Forever. Like a diamond ring. Or something. \/ UNLOCK BATTLE MODE [monster killing fun] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To unlock the very simple Battle Mode, you must easily defeat the game in ANY difficulty. Needless to say, this will not be very hard to do, especially with this FAQ/Walkthrough to help you. The Battle Mode is a very cool, monster killing spree mode, in which is good for a quick Zombie-killing run, if you are bored. Good stuff. \/ UNLOCK INFINITE ROCKET LAUNCHER [more monster killing fun] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To unlock an infinite ammo'ed version of the wonderful Rocket Launcher, all you have to do is beat the game with an A grade on the final. Sounds easy, but it isn't. \/ UNLOCK LINEAR LAUNCHER [in battle mode] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To unlock the Linear Launcher in the Battle Mode, you must complete the Battle Mode with every character, and get an A grade at the end of it. Best of luck on this one. \/ UNLOCK ALBERT WESKER [in battle mode] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ This one is fairly simple. To unlock Albert Wesker, defeat the Battle Mode with Chris Redfield. Beating the game with Albert Wesker, however, will take a lot more effort. \/ UNLOCK STEVE BURNSIDE [in battle mode] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To unlock Steve Burnside in Battle Mode, Claire's silly companion in the actual game, you will have to solve the drawer puzzle in the actual game's save room (Military Base, Underground. In the office room with those lovely paintings). The puzzle solution is: Open the Red drawer, the Green drawer, the Blue drawer, and then the Bottom drawer. You will get a Gold Luger Replica. Keep this in your inventory box to unlock Steve Burnside in Battle Mode (NOT the regular adventure). You can also unlock Steve Burnside in Battle Mode by performing extremely well with Chris Redfield in Battle Mode and getting a good Grade. \/ UNLOCK ALTERNATE CLAIRE REDFIELD [in battle mode] /\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ To unlock Alternate (bad) Claire Redfield, whom is equipped with different weapons, in Battle Mode, you must complete Battle Mode with the original Claire Redfield. __ __ \ \/ / SECTION XIII \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ MY REVIEW /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- This was my review, written circa September 2001, for the old website I used to write for, Nemesis Online Media Group. And yes, I own the rights to all of my work, so don't even start with that. ;-) Here she is... "Back in early 2000, I was what you would call a cult obsessor (not a word, I know, but I am smart enough to create new ones) with Resident Evil Code: Veronica on my little white box. "Game of the year..." I mumbled as the graphics overwhelmed me into a positive state of shock. I became a huge nerd over the damn game, sitting down for hours after playing, thinking of new plots to the series now that Albert Wesker was back. I literally wrote a short story on this. Sad, isn't it? Well, now it's time to go back and get enraptured again by the sounds of zombies groaning and doggies panting. X brings the next element to the series, and one that bothered me for months upon months: How the hell is Wesker alive? Well, it not only answers this, but it also provides new footage to the best Dreamcast game ever made, and quite possibly, one of the best games ever made. If you know anything about the original Code: Veronica, you know that Claire Redfield is in search of her missing brother, Chris, who invaded the Spencer Mansion to find zombies and other beasts with fellow S.T.A.R.S. Members in Resident Evil on the PlayStation. She goes to an Umbrella Inc. Facility only to be shot at and hunt down by security in the best opening scene in a game or movie, EVER. Not only does it look amazing, but it looks even better on the PlayStation 2. She is then captured and taken to an island prison, which just happens to be under attack by a rival of the Umbrella Corporation. Under the attack, the T- Virus is spread on the island, creating zombies, Cereberus dogs, and other ungodly creatures. This is Resident Evil... The first version of Code Veronica was beautiful. A solid story, amazing graphics, and music to fill your ears to the point that you MUST own the soundtrack. It is one of those games that brings back memories of the past. The rain poured wonderfully onto the rooftops of prisons as you looked at the Mansion windows, the fog filled the towers to the mansion, and the Save Room music was very relaxing and pleasant. A gamer's paradise. Is this one as good or better? You damn skippy. The only flaw to the game is that I keep looking at my controller to check my health. It is that nostalgic, my friends. Graphics are just as good as the one before it, as if they wouldn't be. Capcom has added a few new features to scare the living hell out of the gamer. On top of all the Spiders popping out of vents-Zombies crashing through windows- Bandersnatch arms coming out of nowhere in the dark-horror, they've added some bone chilling new features. Some zombies actually climb stairs and open doors if you leave the damn room. Now THAT is creepy. Enemies are placed in different places at times, which I won't give away their locations. This game also includes all of the freaky memos and diaries of the past RECV, including the Worker's Diary, the Prisoner's Diary, and others (itchy. tasty.)... The second Claire Redfield in the Battle Game is new, as well, sporting Umbrella gear, she is now "Evil Claire Redfield." On top of this, the Wesker Report will fill in most of the blanks only to create new ones. Need I mention the new cut scenes that make Wesker look like he could even kick Dante's ass in Devil May Cry? What more could you want? On top of all of this, you get a free playable demo of Devil May Cry, which is also awesome. Basically, if you've never played Resident Evil Code: Veronica on the Dreamcast, you MUST OWN THIS GAME. If you have the version of Code: Veronica on Dreamcast, YOU MUST OWN THIS GAME. It's that good, plain and simple." __ __ \ \/ / SECTION XIV \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ FAQ /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- This section is dedicated to the common e-mail question that I get. If you have a question about the game, LOOK HERE BEFORE YOU E-MAIL ME. If a question is answered in this section and you still e-mail me about it, I will IGNORE YOUR E-MAIL. Thank you. Q. When was this game released? ~ A. On the PlayStation 2, August 2001. Q. Who is DIJ? ~ A. DIJ is the cute little mouse that was inside of the locker in the Arctic Base. Odd, I know, but that is who it is. Q. How is Albert Wesker still alive after he supposedly died and blew up in the Spencer Mansion? ~ A. Ally Wesker has stated before that he used the T-Virus on himself to become Godly. He supposedly escape after this. Q. Who is the company that Albert Wesker currently works for now? ~ A. The company is supposedly a rival company that wants to put Umbrella, Inc. out of business by using their chemicals before Umbrella has the chance to. Albert Wesker was going to use the test subjects of the T- Virus to sell away, but Chris Redfield foiled that plan. Wesker was subjected to the virus, and sold his soul to the company. This is why Wesker is so mad at Chris: He lost his original life, and his Godly "afterlife" because of him, as well. Q. Can I get extra ammo for the Hunting Rifle that I got from Alfred Ashford in the Antarctic Facility? ~ A. Nope. No. Nada. Q. How come Rodrigo is trapped behind those boxes in Battle Mode? ~ A. Sir, I don't even think that Christ himself could solve that mystery, but it is probably the freakiest thing in the entire game. Don't you agree? Q. I waited until before I left the island to kill the Gulp Worm with Chris, and when I did kill the Gulp Worm, Rodrigo was already dead and could not give me the Lighter back. What gives? ~ A. No, you cannot get the Lighter back if you wait too long. You should not have waited to kill the Gulp Worm. Sorry, but that's life. Q. I only have [insert low number of Handgun Bullets here] and [insert low number of Bow Gun Arrows here] left, and I'm trying to beat the Tyrant on the airplane. Am I screwed? ~ A. Yep, you're royally screwed. Sorry. You'll have to restart your game, or cheat with some GameShark type thingy. __ __ \ \/ / SECTION XV \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ CREDITS /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- Massive thanks to the master of Game FAQs, and the site GameFAQs, CJayC. Awesome guy that actually cares. Check out the FAQ Of The Month section under Features, then Contests to see yours truly's award-winning masterpiece. Or lack thereof. Big thanks to Stephen Ng and Jon Robinson over at IGN.com's FAQs Section. Check out their stuff as soon as possible, and check my Interview under the Writer Of The Week section, while you're at it! Huge thanks to my main boy, Atom Edge (Jeff Chan) for making my ASCII art. This guy should start up a service for making ASCII art and charge everybody for his works of art. If you do, Chan, I want a piece of the cut, as I thought of this idea. ;-) Thanks to my lovely girlfriend, Valerie Meerschaert. She's such a big sweetheart, even if she plays Cubivore until her hands want to fall off. Learn to take breaks, hun. A huge hug and thank you to my dear friend Cloey Pogras for proof reading for me. I despise proof reading huge projects, and she has saved me a bundle of time that I've used writing more on the actual guide. I owe ya one, Clo. Big thanks to Dan Engel, who has contributed so much work, including for Mary-Kate and Ashley games, that it is not even funny. This guy is one of the best, and I am happy to host his file in my FAQ. Thanks man, and keep up the awesome work! Thanks to the Lone Gamer for pointing out an herb that I missed. Big ups to my homie, my dawg, my slang master, tha C to tha V to tha X to tha FREAKYDEAKYDOO! In other words, CVXFREAK. This guy is a great FAQ writer, and I actually used his Resident Evil Code: Veronica FAQ back in April 2000 for the Dreamcast. He let me use his Files from his FAQ so I could save time, and I appreciate it dearly. Thanks mang! Also, big props to my latest homie in the hobby, Psycho Penquin. This guy is one of the funniest folks I've ever talked to, and we agree on most everything. We even created the Milo & Otis FAQ Fan Club together! So if you are on the GameFAQs message boards and would like to be a signature member, go ahead and put in your signature that Milo & Otis > You. Thanks! As for my "as-always" musician Thank-You's, I would like to thank Glen Phillips, the former lead singer and acoustic guitarist for Toad The Wet Sprocket, who's solo career has been doing well. I was listening to Toad's "P.S." album while playing the original version of Code: Veronica on the Dreamcast, and I must admit, "Silo Lullaby" fit well with the rainy atmosphere of the Island Prison. Check out his stuff at www.glenphillips.com, as well as www.glenp3.com. __ __ \ \/ / SECTION XVI \ / ----------------------------------------------------------- / \ DISCLAIMER /_/\_\ ----------------------------------------------------------- This document is Copyright 2003 David McCutcheon. It may not be reproduced nor retransmitted in any form. It may not be altered, published, sold, given as an incentive to buy, etc. without advance permission from the author. Violation of the above terms can and will result in a lawsuit. Thank you.