__________________________________________________________ Subject: Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X Infinite Launcher/A ranking guide Played on: PS2 NTSC~U/C Version: 1.00 Author: MCondella Donations [Paypal]: Runbarefoot1(at)verizon(dot)net Email: ThePeoplesDrummer(at)Verizon(dot)net Copyright 2006 Michael Condella ___________________________________________________ System loading. Please wait... ========================== |001: Table of Contents | ========================== 001: Table of Contents 002: Version History 003: Introduction/Expedition 004: Controls 005: Basic terminology 006: Requirements for an A ranking 007: Status menu 008: Walkthrough ================= Claire Redfield | ================= (To automatically be directed to the desired section, press and hold ctrl+F and enter the corresponding code.) Part 1 ###### 8.1/ Prison Area.....................................(top1) 8.2/ The Palace......................................(pin2) 8.3/ The Airport...................... ..............(des3) 8.4/ Military Training Facility......................(bop4) 8.5/ Steve Burnside..................................(ger5) 8.6/ Military Training Facility 2....................(qer6) 8.7/ Return to Palace................................(bag7) 8.8/ Castle..........................................(lop8) 8.9/ Return to Prison................................(wxg9) 8.10/ Return to Castle...............................(kem10) 8.11/ The Airport revisited .........................(lzr11) 8.12/ Boss Fight: Tyrant.............................(nqz12) Part 2 ###### 8.13/ Antarctic Transport Terminal...................(vih13) 8.14/ Boss Fight: Nosferatu .........................(wmq14) ================ Chris Redfield | ================ 8.15/ Military Training Facility.....................(iuy15) 8.16/ The Airport ...................................(asd16) 8.17/ Boss Fight: Adult Albinoid ....................(mnb17) Part 2 ###### 8.18/ Antarctic Transport Terminal ..................(fds18) 8.19/ Boss Fight: Giant Spider.......................(iqn19) 8.20/ Boss Fight: Alexia ............................(qaz21) 8.21/ Boss Fight: Alexia ............................(hem22) 009: Final Words 010: Disclaimer ======================== |002: Version History | ======================== Version 1.10 February 13, 5006: Resolved some format issues. Provided credit to the Resident Evil CODE: Veronica X Offical Strategy Guide, for their optimal Tyrant strategy. Added Credit to VMerken, for his help with a puzzle illustration. Some minor revisions in grammer have also been made. Version 1.00 January 16th, 2006: Aye! Welcome to the first installment of my Resident Evil Code: Veronica X / Infinite launcher and A ranking guide! I will periodically monitor and revise this guide for various defects in grammar and removal of mistakes - even updates on knowledge. Good luck with obtaining an A ranking and obtaining The most lethal weapon in the game: The infinite Rocket Launcher! ======================= |003: Introduction | ======================= Aye! This is my first time at the keys, so please keep the hate mail at a desired minimum. The enigma of the A ranking: I've been playing the Resident Evil series ever since the first great game, and I remained perplexed on obtaining a satisfactory ranking, never mind an A ranking. I would play the game and have my inventory neatly organized by herbs and medicines, weapons, ammo and items. I would know where every key went, and how to make the bosses look like clowns; in fact I was a good player: - rankings were always poor...? Why? I asked Allah. Why!? As I later discovered, obtaining an A ranking had nothing to do with my old beliefs, so I subsequently learned the tricks of the trade and now one of my hobbies is obtaining an A ranking in every Resident Evil game that offers one. In Resident Evil Code: Veronica X your reward for an A ranking is the Infinite Rocket Launcher. This super powerful weapon subjugates every creature in the game. I've tested that every creature in the game falls merciful from 1 single shot from the IRL. While the final battle you need 2 shots! Salvation! Glory be to god in the highest! =================== |004: Controls | =================== The game offers 3 different control types: 1. type A 2. type B 3. type C In this guide I used control type A (which, to my knowledge is the default control setting) I recommend using type A as well, mainly because control type A will be the only type outlined in this guide. You may use another type at your own discretion. D-pad (directional pad) ======================= Up Move player forward Left Turn player left Right Turn player right Down Move player backward L1 Change aim R1 Aim Triangle Map Square Ok/Attack Circle Cancel/Run X Ok/Attack Select Options R3/Start Status Menu =========================== |005: Basic terminology | =========================== Drop: Shooting a creature to the ground (not necessarily killing it) for free movement. This saves time & more importantly ammo. FAS: First Aid spray. 180: A spin around tactic. To initiate press: down on the D-pad and circle. Ninja Zombie: A zombie with unusually high sp. (speed points) Sleeper: A fully councious zombie that lies on the ground. Strafe: To grind against a wall in order to evade an enemy. Mash: Repeatadly press the specified button. Evade: To escape from the enemy. Cut scene: Movie Sequences. Canister: A cylinder that is filled with a combustible fluid. 1 bullet will destroy it, and subsequently rendermajor damage to any target(s). ===================================== |006: Requirements for an A ranking | ===================================== The golden requirement is an understanding of the game. It is mandatory that you have played through the game at least 1-3 times before attempting to obtain an A ranking. You have to take the time to learn the origin of every key item and the subsequent destination of every key item. (without thinking) The time limit here is lenient, but you don't want to get halfway through the game and say, "Wait, where does this key go!?" Try to become accustomed to knowing which area of the game will load next when entering a certain door. If you know what area will load next, hold the running buttons beforehand, so when the room does load, you'll have a good head start, and who knows, you might dodge an enemy or two. The day that I decided to stand on an alter and announce, "I would like to obtain an A ranking and weild the infinite Rocket launcher," I developed a personal strategy; I would play through a certain area of the game, (for instance Claries game, from the jail cell to Tyrant,) a certain number of times. When I would defeat Tyrant, I would reset the game and play up to Tyrant again to master particular areas of the game. I knew what to expect around every corner, in which case, I could boot the game up and play the entire disc not having to think! :Performs drum roll...: The requirements are: 1. Beat the game in under 4:30. Capcom was very lenient. My first time, I cleared the game with 3:31, with only simple rudimentary knowledge of the game. Nearly an hour of extra time! The time limit shouldn't intimidate you. Remember, you are a wizard at this. 2. No First Aid Sprays. Completely ignore! Waste of an inventory slot. This may seem drastic, but the game is abundant with herbs. Herbs are your friends. You can pick up every herb in the game and still have plenty of time to manage for the A ranking. Note: Depending on your skill level, you can skip some herbs for faster times. 3. No Saves! Except in the middle where the game prompts you to save, this is a free save. you will notice when you execute this save, next to Claire's name it will read: /00/ in comparison to a typewriter save where it will read: /01/ Are we nodding yet? 4. No retries. That's right, you can't die. There's only two places I had difficulty with this requirement. One was with Alexia 1, if she touches Chris, you instantly die. Preparation is irrelevant, "I have so many herbs I'll make it!" Irrelevant. Again, if you're touched you are scorched to red flame. Guess what? You have to boot up all the way back from the free save. Can you say depression? Can you say vomiting? Yes! Well, I can...it happened to me. :( The second one is in the Armory with the concrete slab that drops from the ceiling. My heart always beats fast here because there is a risk of dying. ====================== |007: Status menu | ====================== Conditions: Fine: You're perfect. You are able to move with MAX sp. Caution (yellow): Your physically hurt. Speed is slightly reduced. Can be cured with a single green herb. Caution (orange): Not a feasible condition. You can die from a single critical attack. Never under any circumstances challenge a Hunter (a creature that has an orgy of critical hits) like this. (not sure if speed differs from caution yellow send me an email) Danger: You limp like a gypsy. Completely unhealthy. Destined to die. Heal immediately. Never remain in this condition. Recap: My recommendation is to actually remain in the Fine condition at all times. Some beliefs speculate going on the caution yellow condition is okay (you can) but the fine condition provides MAX sp, and clarity of mind. The key to mastering the clock, and the subsequent A ranking Now onto the good stuff... Please boot up Resident Evil Code: Veronica X. Good luck with an A ranking run!!!!!!!!!! :) ___________________________________________________________ System loading. Please wait... ======================= |008: Walkthrough | ======================= ====================== | Claire Redfield | ====================== ______________ 8.1/ /_Prison_Area_/ (top1) 1. [Cell] Equip: Lighter. (Press select to skip) 180. Pickup: Green Herb 180. Pickup: Bullets (on chair) Exit through door. 2. [Corridor] Pickup: Bullets. Ascend stairs. Exit. 3. [Graveyard] Follow the path. (press select to skip) Immediately run past the 1st Zombie, Then strafe to the right in order to avoid the 2nd Zombie. This is the HARDEST dodge to pull off in the game without taking damage. If zombie 2 attacks, mash X to quickly shrug him off & subsequently receive less damage. Enter door. 4. [Main Gate Area] Run straight. (press select to skip) Acquired: Handgun. Exit to door straight ahead. 5. [Barracks Exterior] Run straight. 180, up the stairs. Run straight. Pickup: Green Herb. 180. Exit to door. 6. [Barracks Interior] Drop the zombie to Claire's right. Exit to door. Run straight. Pickup: Handgun ammo. (cannot be skipped) Drop Zombie. Pickup: M-100P. 180. Strafe the right wall evading the sleeper, if he attacks mash X. Exit through the door you entered from. If the zombie from before is still alive drop him. Go back outside. 7. [Barracks Exterior] Go down the stairs. (cannot be skipped) Head straight, curl around the Barracks. (cannot be skipped) Run straight until you come to the door. 8. [Guillotine Area] Run straight until you see two zombies. Evade the 1st Zombie, then, strafe the Garbage receptacle making sure the 2nd zombie has his back towards Claire. After, strafe the shutter evading the final 3rd zombie and Exit to door. 9. [Metal Detector Area] Run straight. (cannot be skipped) Deposit: Lighter, M-100P, Handgun, Bullets. Run to the blue door. 10. [Computer Room] Run straight turning to Claire's left. (press select to skip) 180. Pickup: Hawk Emblem. 180. Pull the level on the lock release device (flashing blue lights) 180. Exit through door. 11. [Metal Detector Area} (cannot be skipped) Deposit: Hawk Emblem. Go to the other box. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Handgun, Handgun ammo. Exit to outside. 12. [Guillotine Area] The Zombies are gone! Equip: handgun. Examine: Shutter switch. (cannot be skipped) Shoot canister....BOOM! Pickup: Fire Extinguisher. 180. Drop remaining Zombies. Enter guillotine area. Pickup: Padlock Key. 180. Exit to Barracks. 13. [Barracks Exterior] Run back to the Jeep Area, strafing the Barracks building in order to evade Zombie dog 2. Zombie Dogs in general are easy to evade as long as your running. 14. [Main Gate Area] Run back to the Graveyard strafing the left wall to evade the Zombie by the door. 15. [Graveyard] Evade the 1st zombie when his back is towards you. Drop the remaining zombies. Proceed to Fire. Use: Fire Extinguisher. Pickup: Briefcase. Check: Briefcase, push button, Ignore the file. 180. Exit to Jeep area. 16. [Main Gate Area] 17. [Barracks Exterior] Run to Claire's right. Use: Padlock key. (great shortcut!) Exit to Guillotine Area. 18. [Guillotine Area] 19. [Metal Detector Area] Run straight. (cannot be skipped) Deposit: Fire extinguisher, Handgun, Handgun ammo. Pickup: Hawk Emblem (out of the other box) Approach detector to signal alarm. 180. Approach control panel. (cannot be skipped) Use: Hawk Emblem. (cannot be skipped) Approach auto Duplicator. Use: TG-01. (cannot be skipped) Acquired: Sp. Alloy emblem. 180. Approach the switch and turn the metal detector off. Pickup: Lighter, M-100P, Empty Extinguisher, Handgun, Handgun Ammo.. (from other box.) Exit to guillotine area. Note: If you activate the metal detector with the Hawk Emblem, and subsequently activate the shutter over the windows, the Zombies will never break through! Note: It is vital to take the Empty Extinguisher with you. 20. [Guillotine Area] 21. [Barracks Exterior] Use the shortcut and head for the Jeep area. 22. [Main Gate Area] Run through the path that the zombies leave for you with their backs turned, evade the 3rd zombie at the end of that path. Use: Sp. Alloy Emblem Exit through gate. 23. [Iron Bridge] Run straight. Turn left, use catwalk. Pickup: green herb. Pickup: green herb. (depending on inventory space, you can elect to use it now.) Push the silver box aligning it with the others. Clime over and head up the stairs. 24. [Tri-Area Point] Ignore the 1st zombie. Strafe the right wall all the way through until you reach the stairs. Up the stairs we gallop. _____________ 8.2/ /_The_Palace_/ (pin2) 1. [Palace Courtyard] Strafe the wall to Claire's right, the dog will pass. Then, immediately strafe the opposite wall, the other dog will pass. Exit to the Palace door. 2. [Palace Reception Area] Descend stairs. (cannot be skipped) Proceed up stairs and into the save room. 3. [Save Room] Pickup: Handgun ammo. Deposit: Playing manual, empty extinguisher. 180. Exit. 4. [Palace Reception Area] Enter the code: NTC 0394 on the computer. Pickup: Handgun Ammo. Equip: M-100P. 180 Exit through unlocked door. 5. [Palace Corridor] Pickup: Handgun ammo. Create a path by killing the first two zombies, the 3rd zombie will never be a problem. Enter Gold Luger Room. 6. [Gold Luger Room] Pickup: Handgun ammo. Examine: Ant button. Push it. (Press select to skip) Enter secret room. Pickup: Steering Wheel. Exit. 7. [Palace Corridor] Pickup: Red Herb. (combine with remaining green herbs.) 8. [Palace Reception Area] Attempt to go outside. (Press select to skip) Exit to Palace Corridor. 9. [Palace Corridor] 10. [Gold Luger Room] Examine: Terminal Push: C, E, Decide. (Press select to skip) 180. Exit. 11. [Palace Corridor] 12. [Palace Reception Area] (Press select to skip) Exit to courtyard. 13. [Palace Courtyard] Descend stairs. Proceed to Submarine Area. Strafe the left wall evading the Zombie Dog while doing so. 14. [Submarine Dock] Use: Steering Wheel (cannot be skipped) Exit to submarine. 15. [Submarine Interior] Examine lever. 180. Exit. ______________ 8.3/ /_The_Airport_/ (des3) 1. [Airport Corridor] Descend the 2 flights of stairs. Exit. 2. [Airport Reception Area] Take the path to Claire's right. Evade the single Zombie. Exit to shutter. 3. [Bridge] (cannot be skipped) Run across...clank, clank, clank. Exit. 4. [Crane Room] Use the lift. Examine: terminal. Remove the box that is blocking access to the blue control panel. Examine: control panel. (You should have the M-100P already equipped) (cannot be skipped) Kill the first two zombies. Ignore and evade the sleeper. Pickup: Biohazard Card. 180. Exit to bridge. 5. [Bridge] 6. [Airport Reception Area] 7. [Airport Corridor] 8. [Submarine Interior] Examine: lever. 180. Exit. 9. [Submarine Dock] Examine: Steering Wheel. 180. Exit to courtyard. 10. [Palace Courtyard] 11. [Tri-Point Area] Strafe the wall, run to end of path. Evade the zombie that lingers by the red door. (no need to shoot) Exit to red door. 12. [Worm Zone] (press select to skip) Evading the worm is simple as long as your running. Exit to double doors. _____________________________ 8.4/ /_Military_Training_Facility_/ (bop4) 1. [MTF Main Corridor] Run to the end of the corridor. Exit to Brown door. 2. [Locker Room] Kill the initial Zombie. (Consider the M-100P in this room) Kill the rest of the Zombies, or, intentionally let one of them bite you and mash X to drop the others. Exit to white door. 3 [Water room] Quickly descend the stairs. (Ignore what's inside the sauna) Enter: water. Examine: Valve. (cannot be skipped) 180. Pickup: Key with tag. 180. Exit. 4. [Locker Room] 5. [MTF Main Corridor] Exit to the other brown door. 6. [Copy Room] Ignore the sleeper. Kill the second Zombie. Evade the third Zombie. (by strafing the lockers) Use: Key with tag. Pickup: Bow Gun Powder. 180. Evade the third Zombie. (again) Exit. 7. [MTF Main Corridor] Pickup: Red Herb. (if you have space) Use: Biohazard Key and open the shutter. Exit. 8. [Indigo Blue Plate Room] Proceed. (press select to skip) Juke out the laser. Climb the stairs. Exit. 9. [Vending Machine Area] Pickup: Handgun Ammo x2. Exit to Silver Door. 10. [Save Room] Pickup: Green Herb. (slightly obscured [near typewriter]) Pickup: Green Herb. (combine + Equip: M-100P) Pickup: Hemostatic. Deposit: Bow Gun Powder, Hemostatic. (you should have: M-100P, Handgun, Handgun Ammo, Biohazard Card. [Make sure you are fully healed and DON'T bring a healing item.]) Exit to brown door. (press select to skip) Exit to brown door. 11. [Bander snatch room] Pickup: Sub Machine Gun. Proceed. (press select to skip) Run back to where you took the Sub Machine Gun. 180. Kill the Bander snatch. (cannot be skipped) Exit. (press select to skip) (press select to skip) _________________ 8.5/ /_Steve_Burnside_/ (ger5) 1. [Grenade Launcher Room] Exit to Brown door. (don't shoot anything) 2. [Ventilation Room] Kill the first Zombie and shoot the two canisters as well, eliminating everything. Ascend stairs. Exit. 3. [Basement] Proceed to elevator. (press select to skip) (cannot be skipped) _______________________________ 8.6 /_Military_Training_Facility_2_/ (qer6) 1. [MTF Control Room Corridor] Follow Steve. 2. [MTF 2nd floor] Follow Steve. (cannot be skipped) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) 3. [MTF Ground Floor] Enter the singular door. 4. [MTF First Floor] Pickup: Handgun Ammo Strafe the wall all the way to the end of the corridor evading the two zombies. Exit to brown door. 5. [Painting Room] Pickup: Eagle Plate 180. Exit. 6. [MTF First Floor] 7. [MTF Ground Floor] Enter the double doors. 8. [Tank Area] Ignore the Dogs and head for the red singular door to Claire's right. Exit. 9. [Worm Zone] RUN to the Military Training Facility double doors. Exit. 10. [MTF Main Corridor] Use: Biohazard Key. (on the shutter) Exit. 11. [Indigo Plate Room] Evade the dogs while they are in their sitting positions. Run up the stairs. Use: Eagle Plate Pickup: Emblem Card 180. Exit to pony door. 12. [Vending Machine Area] Use: Biohazard Key. Exit to Save room. 13. [Save Room] Deposit: Gold Lugers, Handgun, Handgun Ammo. 180. Exit. 14. [Vending Machine Area] 15. [Indigo Plate Room] 16. [MTF Main Corridor] 17. [Worm Zone] 18. [Tank Area] 19. [MTF Ground Floor] 20. [MTF First Floor] Use the Elevator Select: 2F 21. [MTF Second Floor] Use: Emblem Card. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Green Herb x2 (or use now) Pickup: Army Proof. Examine: Terminal. Examine: Skeleton Painting. ..."1126" 180. Exit to brown door. 22. [Indigo Plate Room] 23. [MTF Main Corridor] Use: Biohazard Key Ascend stairs. Exit to door at the end of corridor. 24. [Experiment Room] Examine: Desk. Pickup: Bow Gun. Examine: Door Lock System. Enter: 1126. Exit. 25. [Baby Albinoid Room] Pickup: Acid Rounds. 180. Pickup: Skeleton Painting. (cannot be skipped) Immediately exit this room and evade the baby Albinoid's. 26. [Experiment Room] 27. [Main Corridor] Run, run, run.... Descend stairs. 28. [Indigo Plate Room] Descend the ladder. 29. [Ventilation Room] Use: Emblem Card Evade gas Turn to Claire's right. Ascend stairs. Exit. 30. [Grenade Launcher Room] Use: Emblem Card. Pickup: Grenade Launcher. (sweet) 180. Exit. 31. [Ventilation Room] Ascend the opposite stairs. Exit. 32. [Basement] Use the elevator Select: 1F. 33. [MTF First Floor] 34. [Painting Room] Use: Skeleton Painting. (cannot be skipped) 180. Pickup: Gold Key. 180. Exit. 35. [MTF First Floor] 36. [MTF Ground Floor] 37. [Tank Area] 38. [Worm Zone] 39. [Tri-Point Area] Head towards the Palace. Two Bander snatches will now enter this area Very easy to evade. Just keep running to Palace. ___________________ 8.7/ /_Return_to_Palace_/ (bag7) 1. [Palace Reception Area] Descend the stairs. Evade the zombie. Ascend the stairs. Use the open space to run past the Zombie. Using this method it will never bother you. Exit to save room. 2 [Save Room] Deposit: Bow Gun, Army Proof, Acid Rounds, Gold Key. Take: Gold Lugers. Equip: Lighter 180. Use: Gold Lugers. (on door) Pickup: Green Herb. (adjacent to door) Exit. 3. [Study] Pickup: Handgun Ammo. Input: 1971. (on computer) (cannot be skipped) Proceed. (cannot be skipped) Immediately head for the secret area and the Bander snatch will never be a problem. 4. [Walkway] 5. [Castle Courtyard] This area is occupied by two bander snatchers. I recommend a skilled evasion, but you may take one of them out with the grenade launcher I specified you to hold on to. Ascend stairs. Exit to Castle. _________ 8.8/ /_Castle_/ (lop8) 1. [Castle Front Foyer] Ascend the stairs. (You should still have the lighter equipped) Proceed. Ascend the stairs. (Ignore FAS) Exit to door. 2. [Hallway] (press select to skip) Pickup: Green Herb. Exit to door. 3. [Red Ant Object Room} Close the Music Box. (cannot be skipped) 180. Pickup: Silver Key. 180. Exit. 4. [Hallway] 5. [Castle Front Foyer] Should STILL have the lighter equipped. 6. [Castle Courtyard] As soon as the area loads run directly to the stairs and evade the Bander snatch long range attack. At the bottom, strafe the wall to Claire's right and get the hell out of here! 7. [Walkway] 8. [Study] Exit to Save room as fast as possible, evading the Bander snatch. 9. [Save Room] 10. [Palace Reception Area] 11. [Palace Corridor] Equip: Grenade Launcher. Use: Silver Key. 12. [Conference Room] This room is occupied by two Bander snatchers. Head immediately to the center of the room. If your evading becomes hopeless waste them with the Grenade Launcher. It typically will take 4 bullets to kill them both. Pickup: Eagle Plate. Exit. 13. [Palace Corridor] 14. [Palace Reception Area] 15. [Palace Courtyard] Pickup: Green Herb. (go ahead, It's been sitting there for a while) 180. Descend stairs. Exit. 16. [Tri-Point Area] As your Descending the stairs...hold the run buttons before hand. When you reach the bottom, strafe the right wall, then, strafe the opposite area. You should come out of this completely unscathed. ___________________ 8.9/ /_Return_to_Prison_/ (wxg9) 1. [Iron Bridge] 2. [Main Gate Area] 3. [Barracks Exterior] 4. [Guillotine Area] Equip: M-100P Kill the two Zombies. Equip: Grenade Launcher. Use: Eagle Plate Waste the two Ninja Zombies. Equip: M-100P Exit. 5. [Laboratory Courtyard] Shoot the canister. Run straight. Exit. 6. [Item Box Area] Pickup: Handgun Ammo. (off barrel) Climb up and over box. Push. Exit. 7. [Computer Room] 8. [Metal Detector Area] Run straight...fast. Pickup: B.O.W. Gas Rounds Pickup: Flame Rounds. By this time you should have a Ninja Zombie heading towards you. drop him. Evade the other. Exit. 9. [Computer Room] 10. [Item Box Area] Deposit: B.O.W. Gas Rounds, Flame Rounds. 180. Exit. 11. [Laboratory Courtyard] Pickup: Green Herb. Exit to Lab. 12. [Laboratory] Pickup: Handgun Ammo. (on shelf) Exit to door at end of corridor. (cannot be skipped) 13. [Torture Room] Drop the initial Zombie. Pickup: Red Herb. 180. Run to the end of area. Pickup: Duralumin Case. 180. Equip: Grenade Launcher. Evade and exit. 14. [Laboratory] Proceed. (cannot be skipped) Use a single shot on the Ninja Zombie. Continue to use the M-100P until both Zombies perish. Pickup: Glass eye. Equip: Lighter. Use: Glass eye. 15. [Tunnel] Pickup: Green Herb. 16. [Fountain Room] Immediately run straight evading the two zombies. The one at the can be evaded by moving to Claire's left. 17. [Gas Chamber] Pickup: Rusted Sword. (cannot be skipped) 180. Complete puzzle by allowing the shield bearer face the Rusted Sword bearer. Use: Rusted Sword. (cannot be skipped) 180. Evade the zombie. (no need to kill) Pickup: Piano Roll. Exit. 18. [Fountain Room] Drop the Zombies that block the path. 19. [Tunnel] Equip: Lighter. 20. [Laboratory] 21. [Laboratory Courtyard] Zombies occupy this area now. Drop the initial zombie. Strafe the right wall. Strafe the left wall. 22. [Item Box Area] Pickup: Hemostatic. Pickup: Gold Key. 180. Exit. 23. [Laboratory Courtyard] Shoot the canister Run straight Exit. 24. [Guillotine Area] 23. [Barracks Exterior] 24. [Main Gate Area] 25. [Graveyard] 26. [Corridor] 27. [Prison] (press select to skip) Acquired: Lockpick. 180. Exit. 28. [Corridor} 29. [Graveyard] 30. [Main Gate Area] 31. [Iron Bridge] 32. [Tri-Point Area] Strafe left. Strafe Right. 33. [Palace Courtyard] Pickup: Navy Proof. 180. Ascend stairs. (press select to skip) Exit. 34. [Palace Reception Area] Descend stairs. Exit to Blue door (to Claire's right) 35. [Bathroom] Descend stairs. Pickup: Duralumin Case 180. Exit. 36. [Palace Reception Area] 37. [Palace Corridor] As you come to the end of the corridor...strafe to the left. Use: Gold Key. Exit. 38. [Ashford Family Room] The sequence of the painting must be pushed in chronological order: . . 4 . 2 . . . Entrance 6 5 . . 1 3 . . . . . . . 7 . Credits go to: VMerken for having direct influence on creating this graphic. However, it's my FAQ so I did draw it. Thanks Vincent! Pickup: Earthenware Vase. 180. Exit. 39. [Palace Corridor] 40. [Palace Reception Area] 41. [Save Room] Deposit: Duralumin Case, Navy Proof. Exit. 42. [Palace Reception Area] Proceed to the last door in the upper area. Drop the Zombie. Use: Silver Key Exit. 43. [Casino Room] Pickup: Bow Gun Powder. Use: Piano Roll. (cannot be skipped> Pickup: Blue Ant Object. Pickup: Green Herb x2 180. Exit. 44. [Palace Reception Area] 45. [Save Room] 46. [Study] 47. [Walkway] Clear a safe path; Kill everything: 48. [Castle Courtyard] ___________________ 8.10/ /_Return_to_Castle_/ (kem10) 1. [Front Foyer] The bats were replaced with zombies. Drop the initial zombie. Ascend stairs. Kill the zombie on this floor. Kill the final zombie at the top. 2. [Hallway] Pickup: Handgun Ammo. (on Desk) Exit to Red Ant Object Room. 3. [Red Ant Object Room] Check: Earthenware Vase Acquired: Queen Ant Object. Pickup: Music Box Plate. 180. Exit. 4. [Blue Ant Object Room] Use: Music Box Plate. (cannot skip) 180. Exit to ladder. 5. [Attic] Pickup: Silver Dragonfly. Pickup: Green Herb. Check: Silver Dragonfly. Use: (new) SD on painting. (cannot skip) Exit to upper ladder. 6. [Secret Study] Push the box to the right bookshelf. Climb up. Pickup: Air Force Proof. 180. Exit. 7. [Attic] 8. [Red Ant Object Room] (press select to skip) 9. [Blue Ant Object Room] Examine: Blonde Wig. (press select to skip) Exit. 10. [Hallway] 11. [Front Foyer] 12. [Castle Courtyard] 13. [Walkway] 14. [Study] 15. [Save Room] Just make sure you have the 3 proofs. 16. [Palace Reception Area] 17. [Palace Courtyard] (Press select to skip) 18. [Submarine Dock] Proceed to Steve. (cannot skip) 19. [Submarine Interior] ________________________ 8.11/ /_The_Airport_Revisited_/ (lzr11) 1. [Airport Corridor] (press select to skip] 2. [Airport Reception Area] Proceed to the door. (not the shutter) 3. [Boarding Area] Examine: Terminal. Use: Navy Proof. Use: Army Proof. Use: Air force Proof. (cannot be skipped) 4. [Aircraft Cockpit] Ascend stairs. (press select to skip) Pickup: Control Lever. Exit. 5. [Boarding Area] 6. [Airport Reception Area] Exit to shutter. 7. [Bridge] 8. [Crane Room] Use the left. Exit to green door. 9. [Upper Bridge] Use: Control Lever. (cannot be skipped) Proceed across the bridge. Exit. 10 [Oil Room] Pickup: Airport Key (off the zombie) 180. Exit. 11. [Upper Bridge] 12. [Crane Room] Ride the lift down. Use: Airport Key. (on shutter) Exit. 13. [Elevator Room] Pickup: Green Herb x2. Pickup: Grenade Rounds. Pickup: Handgun Ammo. Deposit: Everything. Take: Grenade Launcher, Flame Rounds, Acid Rounds, Grenade Rounds Push the silver box inside the shutter. 180. Walk around. Push the second silver box past the other one, and neatly fit it inside the shutter. Equip: Grenade Launcher (with ammo of your choice) Exit. (press select to skip) 14. [Worm Zone] 15. [Tri-Point Area] (press select to skip) Stand at a safe distance and pump everything you have into Tyrant body. Pass him when he is knocked out. Exit. 16. [Palace Courtyard] 17. [Submarine Dock] 18. [Submarine Interior] 19. [Airport Corridor] 20. [Airport Reception Area] 21. [Boarding Area] 22. [Aircraft Cockpit] (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) Deposit: Everything. Take: Bow Gun, Bow Gun Powder x 2, Duralumin Case. Examine: Duralumin Case. Acquired: Bow Gun Powder. Combine: 30 Bow gun Powder Round into Bowgun. Deposit: Bow Gun Arrows. 23. [Cargo Hold] ____________________ 8.12/ /_Boss_Fight_Tyrant_/ (nqz12) I present to you the ultimate strategy for defeating Tyrant. ***Credits go to: Resident Evil Code Veronoica X Official Stratefy Guide.*** Remember the Bow Gun Powder Rounds? I never instructed you to use them on a single creature...why? Because, they are meant for Tyrant. As soon as the room loads do not explore your environment at all, stand right by the catapult and empty your entire 30 rounds into Tyrant. (Even though you can't see Tyrant each and every arrow is impacting him inflicting great damage) When all 30 rounds are consumed use the catapult and send Tyrant crashing down, down, down! This couldn't have possibly be achieved without the Bow Guns super fast reloading capabilities! (cannot be skipped) Exit. 24. [Aircraft Cockpit] (press select to skip) (press select to skip) Save when the game prompts you to... ___________________________________________________________ ====================== | Claire Redfield | ====================== Part 2 ______________________________ 8.13/ /_Antartic_Transport_Terminal_/ (vih13) 1. [Central Hall] Proceed. Descend ladder. 180. Ignore double doors. Ignore singular door. Descend stairs. 2. [Moth Corridor] Descend stairs. Run straight ahead. Exit to save room. 3. [Save Room] Deposit: Everything. Exit. 3. [Moth Corridor] Proceed. (cannot be skipped) Immediately exit to double doors evading the single moth. (if you happen to get poisoned use the blue herb that is conveniently growing in this area.) 4. [Sorting Room] Strafe the sorter evading zombie 1. Strafe the staircase evading zombie 2. Continue running straight until you run into the wall, strafing it all the way down to the door that's marked "WEAPON." (cannot be skipped) Exit to Weapon door. 5. [Weapon Room] Evade Zombie 1. (just lingers there) Evade zombie 2 by strafing the shelf. Pickup: Mining Room Key. 180. As soon as zombie 3 is shown, strafe the inner green gate opening and examine the cabinet. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Assault Rifle. (the only thing that should be in your inventory) Equip: Assault Rifle. 180. Kill zombie 3 & 4. Proceed. Examine dead zombie. Pickup: Detonator. 180. Use: Detonator (on cabinet) Drop remaining zombies. Exit. 6. [Sorting Room] Proceed straight. Ascend staircase. Use: Mining Room Key. 7. [Mining Room] Ascend blocks. (well, there not stairs) Ascend stairs. Examine the pipe. 180. Descend stairs. Descend blocks. Exit to double doors. 8. [Power Room] Proceed straight. Pickup: Green Herb x2 180. Head over to the switchboard where the single dog awaits. Kill it, and the one that soon approaches. Pickup: Green Herb. Proceed to the area where the final dog awaits. Kill it. Pickup: Green Herb x2 180. Examine the generator. (cannot be skipped) 180. Examine the switchboard now. 180. Exit. 9. [Mining Room] 10. [Sorting Room] Descend stairs. Strafe the staircase evading the zombie. Head over to the door marked "B.O.W." Exit. 11. [B.O.W. Gas Room] With caution, carefully juke and evade the two spiders to the farthest point in the room where the boxes are stacked. Pickup: Bar Code Sticker. Immediately go to your inventory. Combine 2 single herbs. Combine 2 single herbs. 180. Pickup: Green Herb. Pickup: Blue Herb. (you have multiple herbs now, the spiders in this room are a minor threat) 180. Exit. 12. [Sorting Room] Examine the power switch for the sorter. 180. Use: Bar Code Sticker. (on box) Examine control panel. (cannot be skipped) 180. 13. [B.O.W. Gas Room] Pickup: Gas Mask. 180. Exit. 14. [Sorting Room] 15. [Moth Corridor] We all know how annoying the Moth enemy can be...It's poison mist, and the parasite that it plants on you. Those worries are a thing from the past with my strategy.... When the room loads stand still. You can see two of the three moths. Kill them both with a single shot. (that leaves you with one more moth) Kill the final moth. (let it come to you) exit to save room. My strategy: Basically every time you enter the Moth Corridor in Claire's Game, stand still by the door you entered from and allow the 3 moths to come to you. Neutralize them accordingly. Note: Every time you return to the Moth Corridor in Claire's game, the moths will automatically regenerate. However, I always suggest killing them despite this. 16. [Save Room] Deposit: Remaining herbs. 180. Pickup: Green Herb. Push the book shelf and reveal secret room. Examine locker. (cannot be skipped) 180. Examine locker. Enter secret room. (press select to skip) Arghhhhhmmmmmmmmmahh! Pickup: Plant Pot. 180. Exit. 17. [Moth Corridor] When the room loads stand still. (remember?) Kill all the three moths in this position, don't move, let them come to you. (remember?) Ascend stairs. Exit. 18. [Central Hall] Exit to double doors. 19. [Sorting Room Upper Level] Approach the door to your right. Check: Plant Pot. (underneath) Acquired: Machine Room Key. Use: Machine Room Key. Exit. 20. [Mining Room Upper Level] Examine Control Panel. (press select to skip) 21. [Sorting Room Upper Level] (press select to skip) Equip the Gas Mask and enter? Yes. Exit. 22. [Mining Room Upper Level] Exit to door. 23. [Power Room Upper Level] Pickup: Valve Handle. 180. Equip the Gas Mask and enter? Yes. Exit. 24. [Mining Room Upper Level] 25. [Sorting Room Upper Level] Exit to the only other door in this area we haven't explored yet... 26. [Machine Room] Pickup: Green Herb. Pickup: Blue Herb. Use: Valve Handle. (cannot be skipped) Acquired: Octa Valve Handle. 180. Exit. 27. [Sorting Room Upper Level] 27. [Central Hall] 28. [Moth Corridor] Same strategy. (remember?) 29. [Save Room] Deposit: Assault Rifle, remaining herbs. (the only things you should have in your inventory is the... Gas Mask, Octa Valve Handle, Handgun with 15 rounds loaded, and 1 healing item (optional) Equip: Handgun. Exit. 30. [Moth Corridor] (Same Strategy) Only now with the Handgun. 31. [Sorting Room] This area is now equipped with more zombies. To reach the mining room safely, strafe the wall that leads to the staircase. (You must do this fast to get away unscathed) Equip the Gas Mask and enter? Yes. Exit. 32. [Mining Room] Ascend the blocks. Ascend the stairs. Use: Octa Valve Handle. (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (cannot be skipped) Descend the blocks. Pickup: Sniper Rifle. (cannot be skipped) (press select to skip) 33. [Helipad] (press select to skip) Descend stairs. (press select to skip) Immediately 180 to get away from Nosferatu and to safety. _______________________ 8.14/ /_Boss_Fight_Nosferatu_/ (wmq14) Okay, first of all, the music in this fight is so engaging, I love it! One of the best tunes in the game by far... Finally a beat I can kill to! This boss fight can either be tricky or easy. In terms of attacks: Nosferatu has two. Poison Mist: Releases an abundant amount of poison (difficult to evade) Tackle: Uses his tentacle to throw you far distances. The most dangerous one is by far his tackle move. Your on a helipad, if he gets a chance he will knock you right off for an instant death. Again, can we say depression? You will have to boot the game back up again to your free save, not that bad? My strategy: Keep away from the outskirts of the helipad. Never by any means approach the edges. Actually, I found it helpful to navigate close, or directly within the yellow H symbol in the center of the environment. Zoom in with your scope, and always fixate on his exposed pulsating heart. It can be tricky, because he sort of dances when your fixating on it. If you happen to get poisoned (a poison that no Blue Herb can cure) reboot from the free save. (it would be too easy if he approached you normally, so the fact that he emits a lot of movement is to enhance the difficulty factor) When you figure out your preferred pattern shoot a round into his heart. (you will know you had a direct hit when he hisses. It takes 3 hisses for him to perish) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) ___________________________________________________________ ================= Chris Redfield | ================= _____________________________ 8.15/ /_Military_Training_Facility_/ (iuy15) 1. [Tunnel/Save Room] (press select to skip) Pickup: Green Herb. (press select to skip) Deposit: Everything. Take: Assault Rifle. Equip: Assault Rifle. (the only thing that should be in your inventory) 180. Exit to door. 2. [Worm Zone] The pattern of the worm is simple. Each time it exposes itself, it is vulnerable for Assault Rifle damage....So, take the initiative and pump rounds into it. Preferably when it roars... (press select to skip) Acquired: Lighter. Pickup: Green herb (use) Pickup: Blue herb Exit to Tunnel/Save Room. 3. [Tunnel/Save Room] Examine the statue, put the stone lid down. Use: Lighter. Pickup: Sub Machine Gun. Deposit: Sub Machine Gun, Blue Herb. 180. Exit. 4. [Worm Zone] Proceed to the elevator. Pickup: Handgun Ammo. Call the elevator. (cannot be skipped) Exit. 5. [M.F. Ground Floor] Run to the double doors evading the single zombie. Exit. 6. [Tank Area] Examine button. (rear side of tank) (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Handgun Ammo. (obscured, below tank) Exit. 7. [Halberd Corridor] Pickup: Shotgun shells. Pickup: Green Herb. Pickup: Blue Herb. Exit to save room. 8. [Save Room] Pickup: Green Herb. Pickup: Acid Rounds. 180. Pickup: Shotgun shells. Pickup: Handgun Ammo. Combine herbs. 180. Deposit: Blue Herb, Acid Rounds, Handgun Ammo, Mixed Herb. (you should only have the Assault Rifle and Shotgun Shells in your inventory) 180. Exit. 8. [Halberd Corridor] Pickup: Battery Pack. (cannot be skipped) Strafe the wall to your left to evade the spider. Exit. 9. [Tank Area] 10. [M.F. Ground Floor] Drop the zombies that block your path to the lift. Use: Battery Pack. Pickup: Chem. Storage Key. 180. Exit. 11. [M.F. Second Floor] (press select to skip) (press select to skip) 180. Ascend stairs. Pickup: Grenade Rounds. 180. Descend stairs. Exit to elevator. 12. [Basement] Descend stairs. Pickup: Shotgun. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Flame Rounds. Exit. 13. [Frozen Capsule Room] Ignore Herb. Ascend stairs. Examine control panel. (cannot be skipped) 180. Pickup: A. Rifle Bullets. Combine: A. Rifle Bullets/A.Rifle. Exit. 14. [Turntable Room] Exit to single door. 15. [Chemical Warehouse] Pickup: Shotgun Shells. Examine: Cabinet. Set the temperature to 128. Acquired: Clement E. Equip: Shotgun. 180. Exit. 16. [Turntable Room] Pickup: Door Knob. (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) BRACE YOURSELF! If your fully healed the hunters shouldn't pose a threat to you. When the screen loads a hunters is near Chris and one is away. Blast the one that is near Chris with two shots. Repeat to the other one. Evade the deadly long jump attack. Exit. 17. [Frozen Capsule Room] 18. [Basement] Hang the Shotgun. (cannot be skipped) Ascend the stairs. Exit. 19. [M.F. Second Floor] Equip: Assault Rifle. Drop the zombie 1. Strafe the right wall and the staircase to evade zombie 2. Exit to red door. 20. [Indigo Blue Plate Room] (cannot be skipped) Exit to pony door. 21. [Experiment Room] Hold the run buttons and quickly run past the Huntercam. (no tactics needed) Pickup: Side Pack. 180. Exit. 22. [M.F. Main Corridor] Use: Door Knob. Exit. 23. [Catwalk] Pickup: Tank Object. 180. Exit. 24. [M.F. Main Corridor] 25. [Experiment Room] 26. [Indigo Blue Plate Room] 27. [M.F. Second Floor] 28. [M.F. First Floor] It is vital to evade this Huntercam. You DON'T want a hunter in this area! When you first witness the Huntercam, simply wait until it's field of vision stops & run past it. Exit. 29. [Painting Room] Use: Tank Object. (cannot be skipped) 180. Pickup: Turn Table Key. Exit. 30. [M.F. First Floor] Exit. 31. [Basement] Pickup: Shotgun (cannot be skipped) Enter water. Ascend ladder. 32. [Halberd Corridor] Exit to save room. 33. [Save Room] Deposit: Assault Rifle. Take: Grenade Launcher (load it with the flame rounds you already have in your inventory) 180. Exit. 34. [Halberd Corridor] 35. [Basement] Pickup: Red herb. Exit. 36. [Frozen Capsule Room] Pickup: Green Herb. Combine: Green Herb/Red Herb. Equip Shotgun. Ascend stairs. (press select to skip) DON'T KILL THIS BANDER SNATCH. Run right into it, and then head for the exit. 37. [Turntable Room] Use: Turntable Key. 180. Climb over box. 38. [M.F. Main Corridor] Exit to singular door. 39. [Copy Room] Kill zombie 1. Pickup: Shotgun Shells. Evade Zombie 2. Watch out for zombie 3, kill him. Exit. 40. [Indigo Blue Plate Room] Kill the sleeper. 41. [Ventilation Room] Examine the breaker. (cannot be skipped) 180. Climb down. (There shouldn't be any zombies here because I suggested to kill them with Steve) Ascend northern stairs. Exit. (hold the run buttons) 42. [Grenade Launcher Room] IMMEDIATELY RUN TO THE DOOR RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, MASHING X TO ENTER THE DOOR! (this hunter will never touch you) 43. [Workshop] Pickup: Clement a. (combine with Clement E) 180. Exit. 44. [Grenade Launcher Room] 45. [Ventilation Room] 46. [Indigo Blue Plate Room] 47. [Copy Room] 48. [M.F. Main Corridor] Make sure you are fully healed. Equip: Grenade launcher (flame rounds) 49. [Worm Zone/Hunter Zone] Another battle with two Hunters. Never under any circumstances try to evade them without killing them! Pump Flame rounds into both of them until they are stone dead. Pickup: Shotgun Shells. 180. Exit to elevator. 50. [Elevator Room] Pickup: Healing item. (use) (if wounded by Hunter fight) Pickup: Healing item. (to take with you) Note: You will need 3 empty slots, so pickup recovery items at your own discretion. ______________ 8.16/ /_The_Airport_/ (asd16) 1. [Crane Room] Equip: Shotgun. Kill the Hunter. (let it come to you) Use the lift. Exit. 2. [Upper Bridge] Run across the bridge to exit. 3. [Oil Room] Examine device. The input sequence is as followed.... 3,3,3,3,10,5,3. Exit. 4. [Upper Bridge] Examine lever. (cannot be skipped) 5. [Crane Room] Exit to lower bridge. 6. [Bridge] Strafe the left side, when you hear the hunters jump attack, quickly strafe the opposite side. Exit. 7. [Airport Reception Area] Kill zombie 1 with the Shotgun. BOOM! Evade the zombie 2 and 3. Exit. 8. [Boarding Area] This hunter will never bother you. Examine terminal. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Army Proof. Pickup: Navy Proof. Pickup: Air Force Proof. 180. Exit. 9. [Airport Reception Area] 10. [Bridge] 11. [Crane Room] 12. [Elevator Room] Make sure you fully healthy yourself here. Deposit: Assault Rifle, shotgun rounds Pickup: Grenade Launcher (loaded with Grenade rounds, or Acid rounds), 2 healing items. Equip: Grenade Launcher 180. Exit. 13. [Worm Zone/Hunter Zone] This is very dangerous, you must duel 2 poison hunters. Do not move around the environment just pump rounds into both of them until they perish. If you happen to get poisoned, 180, and head back to the item box for a blue herb. Exit. 14. [M.F. Main Corridor] 15. [Copy Room] 16. [Indigo Blue Plate Room] 17. [Ventilation Room] 18. [Basement] 19. [M.F. First Floor] 20. [Painting Room] Use: Army Proof. Use: Navy Proof. Use: Air Force Proof. 180. Pickup: Green Herb. Pickup: Shotgun Shells x2. 180. Exit. 21. [Spider Tunnel] Pickup: Green Herb. Pickup: Grenade Rounds. Note: Do this without fear if you happened to get poisoned don't worry about it, there is a blue herb in the next area. 22. [Albinoid Pool] Pickup: Green Herb x2 (combine} Pickup: Blue Herb (only if poisoned) Proceed. (cannot be skipped) ____________________________ 8.17/ /_Boss_Fight_Adult_Albinoid_/ (mnb17) Keep in mind that this is an optional boss fight. You do not have to kill the AA. This guide is formatted in favor of this option, so I STRONGLY suggest to skip this fight. If you kill the AA you suffer from a case of acute mental retardation! Before I went for A ranking runs, and when I would casually play the game for gun, I would ALWAYS kill the AA. It takes A LOT of ammo, (the entire 100% of the Sub Machine Gun, and some Grenade Launcher rounds) The best advice for this boss fight is to know where the Eagle Plate is BEFORE you enter the pool. The goal is to simply pickup the Eagle Plate. I usually enter the pool, take 1 bolt of electricity (barely 2), pickup the Eagle Plate, and exit the pool using only one recovery item. Things can defiantly go wrong. But if you followed this guide correctly you should have the needed recovery items for this encounter :) Exit. 23. [Spider Tunnel] 24. [Painting Room] 25. [M.F. First Floor] 26. [M.F. Second Floor] 27. [M.F. Ground Floor] 28. [Tank Area] 29. [Halberd Corridor] Combine: Clement Mixture/Eagle Plate Acquired: Halberd. Use: Halberd. (press select to skip) ___________________________________________________________ ================= Chris Redfield | ================= Part 2 ______________________________ 8.18/ /_Antartic_Transport_Terminal_/ (fds18) 1. [Hanger] Proceed. Exit. 2. [Central Hall] Equip: Grenade Launcher (loaded with grenade rounds) Neutralize both tentacles. Descend ladder. 180. Descend stairs. 3. [Moth Corridor] No Moths! :celebrates with pita bread: Exit to save room. Note: If you fail to go directly to the save room and explore the Moth Corridor, you'll run into two zombies and a pointless scene. 4. [Save Room] Use: Halberd. Pickup: Paper Weight. (Don't pickup the Ink Ribbon for obvious reasons) 180. Deposit: Everything. Take: Assault Rife, Shotgun, Shotgun Shells, Empty Extinguisher. Equip: Shotgun. Exit. 5. [Moth Corridor] 6. [Central Hall] Proceed to the double doors. Exit. 7. [Sorting Room Upper Level] All the water from Claire's game ended up freezing over. So, we are able to reach places that were deemed impossible before. Exit to the door to the right. 8. [Mining Room Upper Level] Walk across the ice. Pickup: Octa Valve Handle. 180. (cannot be skipped) There are only three zombies here that are a threat; the ones that prohibit your path from exiting: After the cut scene, drop the two zombies to Chris's rear. Then, there is a final zombie at the end of the path that can easily be evaded by running to the right a little. Exit. 9. [Sorting Room Upper level] Head over to the door to the opposite side. 10. [Machine Room] In Claire's game we were never able to reach the briefcase because it was fenced in. Now there is an entrance..... Kill zombie 1. Kill zombie 2. Pickup: Duralumin Case Pickup: Shotgun Shells Zombie 3 should have never reached you. Exit. 11. [Sorting Room Upper Level] We now have access to the part of the catwalk that is separated. Jump onto the ice and access this new area. Exit to the first door you see. 12. [Corridor1] (press select to skip) You cannot evade the Huntercam. Kill the hunter with your shotgun. (let it come to you) 13. [Control Room] Push the blue switch. (cannot be skipped) Use: Empty Extinguisher. Ride the lift down. 14. [Weapon Room] Kill Zombie 1. Use: Empty Extinguisher. Pickup: Magnum. (Booyah!) 180. Exit. 15. [Control Room] 16. [Corridor 1] Proceed down the Corridor where you will come across another huntercam. Evade when it's field of vision turns off. Exit to elevator. 17. [Mansion Courtyard] Exit to the door in front of you. 18. [Corridor2] Exit to the door to your right. 19. [Save Room] Examine the hollow. Use: Octa Valve Handle. (cannot be skipped) 180. Examine the switchboard. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Green Herb x2. (combine) Pickup: Blue Herb. 180. Pickup: Shotgun Shells. Deposit: Assault Rifle, Duralumin Case, Blue Herb, Mixed Herb. 180. Exit. 20. [Corridor 2] Proceed down the corridor and kill every zombie with the Shotgun. Pickup: Green Herb. Exit. Note: The Shotgun inflicts greater damage if you shoot it at very close range, like, wait for the zombie to bite you, and right when it's in your face....BOOM! 21. [Mansion Tiger Room] Pickup: Shotgun Shells. (on table) Examine Tiger Statue. Take the left jewel. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Socket. Put the Jewel back. (cannot be skipped) Take the right jewel. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Magnum Rounds. Put the jewel back. (cannot be skipped) 180. Exit. 22. [Ant Shrine] (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Wing Object. 180. Take the path to Chris's left. Pickup: Green Herb. Exit. 23. [Alfred's Room] Ascend stairs. Examine panel. Input: AA, Queen, Heart, Spade. (cannot be skipped) Use: Paper Weight. (cannot be skipped) (press select to skip) Pickup: Alfred's Rings. 180. Descend stairs. Exit. 24. [Ant Shrine] 25. [Mansion Tiger Room] 26. [Corridor 2] 27. [Mansion Courtyard] 28. [Corridor 1] Before the room loads, hold the run buttons. When the room loads, run past Huntercam. Exit to control Room. 29. [Control Room] Take the lift to the top. 180. Combine: Socket, Octa Valve Handle. Acquired: Sq. Valve Handle. Use: Sq. Valve Handle. (cannot be skipped) Descend ladder. 180. Pickup: Crane Key. (cannot be skipped) Immediately kill the Poison Hunter with your shotgun. It shouldn't even touch you. Exit the Control Room. 30. [Corridor 1] Before the room loads, hold the run buttons. When the room loads, run past the Huntercam. Exit to Sorting Room Upper Level. 31. [Sorting Room Upper Level] Use: Crane Key. (press select to skip) __________________________ 8.19/ /_Boss_Fight_Giant_Spider_/ (iqn19) I know both the music and the spider are scary, but this is an optional boss fight. Head to the center of the ice. Pickup: Alexander's Peirce. (this was Nosferatu's earing, it's to the left of Nosferatu) Exit from whence you came. 1. [Corridor 1] Huntercam's are gone! :celebrates with two pieces of pita bread: 2. [Mansion Courtyard] 3. [Corridor 2] 4. [Save Room] Deposit: Shotgun Rounds, Shotgun. (You must bring the following: Magnum, Magnum Rounds, Wing Object, Healing Item, Alexander's Peirce, Alfred's Ring, Combat Knife. 180. Exit. 5. [Corridor 2] 6. [Mansion Courtyard] We haven't explored this area yet, so let's go explorin'. Equip: Magnum. Kill the Poison Hunter. (let it come to you) Pickup: Green Herb x2. Pickup: Wing Object. (near the merry -go- round) Pickup: Wing Object. (in the water by the fountain) Exit to double doors. 7. [Mansion Main Hall] Go under the large staircase. It's Claire! Use: Combat Knife. (press select to skip) (press select to skip) 8. [Save Room] We are Claire again for a short period. Hey! Put away the pita bread?! It's only for a short while... Pickup: Green Herb. Pickup: Red Herb. Combine & use. Pickup: Shotgun Shells. (on sofa) Deposit: Everything. Take: Duralumin Case, Shotgun. Check: Duralumin Case. Acquired: Magnum Bullets. Push bookshelf to the left. Use: Shotgun. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Grenade Rounds. Pickup: Flame Rounds. 180. Pickup: Shotgun. Deposit: Magnum Rounds, Flame Rounds, Grenade Rounds. Take: either the M-100P, Handgun, Submachine Gun. (You should only have a gun and a healing item) 180. Exit. 9. [Tentacle Corridor] Proceed as the Tentacle comes crashing in. Kill Tentacle 2. Exit. 10. [Armory] Ascend the stairs. Examine the security file. (cannot be skipped) Okay, we haven't been able to save in a while, my heart always begins to beat a little faster in this area... Run past the falling concrete slab. BANG! Pickup: Crystal. Run past the falling concrete slab again. BANG! 180! FAST! As the slab is rising, run to the center square. Use: Crystal. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Security Card. 180. Descend stairs. By this time if there is an active zombie, kill it. Exit to the only other door we haven't explored yet. 11. [Security/Statue Room] Use: Security Card. (press select to skip) (press select to skip) 180! RUN! When your damaged use the Mixed Herb. RUN! (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) ____________________ 8.20/ /_Boss_Fight_Alexia_/ (qaz21) Yet again the fact that we haven't saved in a long time is threatened with Alexia. The Magnum is the best gun for this situation, and the only gun for this situation, because it will make this nightmare over a lot sooner. Alexia has two Attacks: Poison Mist: Spits Venom. (Reptile?) Blood Flame: Alexia will throw blood on the ground, and wherever the trail of blood lands, she will ignite it with fire. Scorch choke: Instant Death. If Alexia comes near you your choked, raised into the air, and scorched to fire. My strategy: The key to surviving is distance. (Alexia will never get to use Scorch Choke) Use the environment, every inch of it, and only use the Magnum when you are at a safe distance. There is more than enough room to move around in. Pickup: Alexia's Choker. Ascend stairs. Check: Alfred's Ring. Acquired: Alfred's Jewel. Check: Alexander's Peirce. Acquired: Alexander's Jewel. Check: Alexia's Choker. Acquired: Alexia's Jewel. Use: Alexia's Jewel. Use: Alfred's Jewel. Use: Alexander's Jewel. (cannot be skipped) Exit. (cannot be skipped) 1. [Hallway] Strafe the right side wall evading zombie 1. Turn right. Exit to door. 2. [Study] Examine desk. Pickup: Sterile Room Key. 180. Exit. 3. [Hallway] Exit from whence you came, evading the zombie. 4. [Mansion Main Hall] Descend stairs. Use: Sterile Room Key Exit. 5. [Tiger Statue Room] 6. [Corridor 2] 7. [Save Room] Examine: switchboard. Shut the power off. 180. Exit. 8. [Corridor 2] 9. [Mansion Courtyard] 10. [Mansion Main Hall] 11. [Tiger Statue Room] Examine: Tiger Statue Pickup: Blue Jewel Pickup: Red Jewel 180. Exit to double doors. 12. [Mansion Main Hall] 13. [Hallway] Strafe the right side wall evading 3 zombies, run past the study, and finally strafe the left side wall to the exit. Pickup: Green Herb x2. Exit. 14. [Blue Ant Object Room] Use: Blue Jewel. (cannot be skipped) Exit to the secret passage. 15. [Red Ant Object Room] Stop the music box. (cannot be skipped) Use: Red Jewel. Pickup: Music Box Plate. Exit to whence you came. 16. [Blue Ant Object Room] Use: Music Box Plate. (cannot be skipped) 180. Exit. 17. [Dining Room] Pickup: Dragonfly Object. Pickup: Green Herb x2. exit. 18. [Blue Ant Object Room] 19. [Hallway] Exit to the sliding double doors. 20. [Computer Room] Ride the lift down. 180. Examine computer. (cannot be skipped) Pickup: Wing Object. Combine: Wing Object x4/Dragonfly Object. Acquired: Gold Dragonfly. Ride the lift up. Pickup: Green Herb x2. Ascend stairs. Exit. 21. [Tentacle Corridor] Kill the Tentacle Claire didn't kill. It's okay to use the Magnum. 22. [Final Save Room] Deposit: Everything. Take: Gold Dragonfly, Magnum, Magnum Rounds, Grenade Launcher, (loaded with 8 flame rounds) Mixed Herb x5 (one having a Blue Herb), one empty slot. 180. Exit. 23. [Tentacle Corridor] 24. [Armory] (press select to skip) Pickup: Security File. Ascend large staircase. Exit. 25. [Final Battle Area] Use: Gold Dragonfly. Equip: Grenade Launcher. Kill zombie 1 & 2 with a single shot. Climb up. Equip: Magnum. Check: Security File. Acquired: Security Card. Examine terminal. Input the password. (the name of the game your playing) VERONICA. (cannot be skipped) 180. Exit. 26. [Final Battle Area] (press select to skip) (cannot be skipped) SHOOT ALEXIA WITH MAGNUM! (press select to skip) ______________________ 8.21/ /_Final_Battle_Alexia_/ Let's get right to it... Immediately empty out all Magnum Rounds, making sure to reload in your inventory. You CANNOT stay in one place this entire fight, the key is to be as mobile as possible due to the annoying little hatchlings that are everywhere. Avoid Alexia's poison mist and tentacle whip as best as possible. When Alexia detaches and becomes a flying rodent, immediately pickup the Linear Launcher. If your poisoned, this is the time to use your Blue Herb. At this point there is a chance that you can instantly kill Alexia right after you pickup the Linear Launcher...Here it is: Right after you pickup the Linear Launcher, equip it, then 180. Point the weapon upwards and shoot. Adios! If that doesn't work........ Navigate between the Linear Launcher and evading Alexia's now only move: Fire Spit. It's a 2 step pattern. The general rule of thumb here is actually never aim the Linear Launcher at Alexia, but instead, aim it to where you predict she will fly to next, and.....BOOM! (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (press select to skip) (cannot be skipped) ***THE END*** Congratulations! You beat the game! But, wait, you already beat the game haven't you!? Well, that's what I recommend, so, lemme' scratch dat'. Congratulations! You got an A ranking! MAD PITA BREAD FOR EVERYONE! ___________________________________________________________ ===================== |008: Final Words | ===================== :Exhales deeply and drinks revival tonic: So, this concludes my first FAQ. Wow, I'm really happy - I've been a gamer since infancy, and I've always read FAQ's, I guess it was time to create one of my own. I decided this to be my first FAQ because I love this video game and I am really surprised I had fun typing, buffing & bringing it to life. My inbox these days warmly welcomes you - any suggestions, kind words, or anything at all; I would gladly take into consideration. Oh, - if this FAQ helped you, send me an email. It would be nice to know that I have helped someone. Or, maybe, perhaps, you would like to go bowling? Email: ThePeoplesDrummer(at)Verizon(dot)net Donations [Paypal]: Runbarefoot1(at)verizon(dot)net. Some feel that the donation is a way of recipicating the numerous long hours that have gone into the FAQ. Thanks to Vincent! (VMerken) for helping me with a puzzle illustration. Thanks to Vincent! (VMerken) for being so nice and helping me find a program to render ASCII art. Thanks to anyone reading this FAQ. -Michael. __________________________________________________________ ==================== |009: Disclaimer | ==================== This text is (c) 2006 by Michael Condella (MCondella) All rights reserved. I published this guide for the intent for it to be viewed on www.gamefaqs.com & www.gamefaqs.com ONLY. This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you would like to use this guide publically or broadcast it on the internet you may ask me, I will gladly approve of the matter if, and only if, it is deemed evident that it is my walkthrough without no other person(s) taking credit for MY walkthrough. Lots of personal hard work, careful considerations and strategic game play went into this guide. To protect my work, if anyone should disobey the above terms, they will be reprimanded with a copyright infringement. ___________________________________________________________