FAQ / WALKTHROUGH ON RESIDENT EVIL (BIOHAZARD, outside the US) for the Nintendo GameCube. Written by: Muchitsujo, v 1.00 ========================================= = 00: TABLE OF CONTENTS / LEGAL SPEAK = ========================================= :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : # | CONTENTS | UPDATED : : 00 | TABLE OF CONTENTS / LEGAL SPEAK | 11/09/06 : : 01 | VERSION INFO | 11/09/06 : : 02 | INTRODUCTION | 09/17/04 : : 03 | TACTICS | 09/17/04 : : 04 | ENEMIES | 09/24/04 : : 05 | WEAPONS | 10/02/04 : : 06 | JILL VALENTINE WALKTHROUGH | 11/09/06 : : 07 | CHRIS REDFIELD WALKTHROUGH | 11/09/06 : : 08 | ENDINGS | 10/03/04 : : 09 | REWARDS | 09/15/04 : : 10 | FILE TRANSCRIPTS | 10/01/04 : : 11 | PUZZLE SOLUTIONS | 11/09/06 : : 12 | BOSS STRATEGIES | 11/09/06 : : 13 | ITEM LIST | 10/02/04 : : 14 | UNANSWERED QUESTIONS / PARTING SHOTS | 09/29/04 : : 15 | FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | 09/29/04 : : 16 | FUTURE UPDATES | 10/03/04 : : 17 | CONTACT INFO | 11/09/06 : : 18 | FINAL NOTES | 11/09/06 : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: At this point in time, gamefaqs.com, neoseeker.com, faqs.ign.com, 1up.com, and supercheats.com are permitted to host this FAQ. All others must first seek, then be granted, permission to use this FAQ in any way, be it hosting or merely taking out excerpts. Any other usage is oh so illegal and proper steps will be taken. All direct references and characters in the game are property of Capcom, but this FAQ and the effort put into either writing or transcribing is mine and mine alone. (In other words, copyright, by me, Muchitsujo). Pop culture references are the property of whomever, and while the references may be original, the object in question is not. or, as GameFaqs puts it... This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. DISCLAIMER: I'm just going to go at this one right now. I personally had the whole of the plot of RE4 ruined for me while watching what I thought was a fairly innocent preview/review, but ended up unwilling subject to ten kinds of spoilers flashing across the screen unexpectedly. So I'll make it clear right now: THIS FAQ DOES CONTAIN SPOILERS. IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH THEM, SKIP DOWN TO THE WALKTRHOUGH AND GO STRICTLY IN ORDER. I WON'T REVEAL SOMETHING UNTIL YOU ALREADY KNOW WHAT'S HAPPENING. Enemy listings, however, will appear as they do in every other RE FAQ I've done. Also, THIS IS NOT A SPEED GUIDE. I WRITE THESE BY FOCUSING ON DETAIL AND EFFICIENCY. The methods in this guide have gotten me the highest rankings regardless of how much junk I pick up along the way, and I've probably tested them a few times now. By my own admission, I try to write my Walkthroughs in a no BS format. This means that I'm not going to take time leading you in the wrong direction or repeat myself just to lengthen the guide. If it's not part of the game, it's not in here either. NOTE: This is written for normal mode. First-aid sprays are acknowledged, but it is going to be assumed that you DO NOT PICK THEM UP OR USE THEM. ====================== = 01: VERSION INFO = ====================== v 0.9 Not a public release. It was completed 9/23/04, Jill aspects of walkthrough, item lists, boss fights, etc are complete. I've also introduced a new format for transcribing the files that is more in line with how the game does it. It's a little more space and work, but if you guys are for it, I'll keep it that way and fix the other guides. I've also decreased inadvertant spoilers by a large margin. v 1.0 First public release. It was complete 10/03/04, Chris aspects of the guide are now complete, and all the pieces now match up with one another. Endings has been completed, unanswered questions, FAQ, etc are complete to this point. 346k. v 1.01 Second public release. It was complete as of 11/09/06. If it's not minor, I don't know what would be, but old guides need lovin' too. Re-wrote parts of Jill's guide to highlight Muchitsujo's Astounding Corpse-Stacking Theory, and changed the guide to her first fight with the Yawn to conserve some ammo. Some of the events in the game have been officially made into puzzles as well. Minor changes to the standard fare elsewhere, to make certain things clearer where they may have not been before. 358k. ====================== = 02: INTRODUCTION = ====================== "Alpha Team is flying around the forest zone, situated in in northwest Raccoon City, where we are searching for the helicopter of our compatriots, Bravo Team, who disappeared during the middle of their mission. "Bizarre murder cases have recently occurred in Raccoon City. There are outlandish reports of families being attacked by a group of about ten people. Victims, were apparently, eaten." "The Bravo Team was sent in to investigate, but we lost contact." "Bravo Team's helicopter was a derelict. Save for the remaining body of Kevin..." ............................................................................... In 1996, Capcom released Resident Evil on an unsuspecting gaming world, seeking to revolutionize how we regarded fear and intensity from a console game. Unfortunately, due to time and budget concerns, some aspect of the story and gameplay suffered from significant cutbacks to be disclosed later. The game, though widely considered to be one of the greatest in its time, was released as an incomplete. Now, six years later, the complete story can finally be told on a new generation of consoles. The horror is very much alive and well. ............................................................................... "We continued our search for the other members, and it turned into... a nightmare..." ================= = 03: TACTICS = ================= In all RE games, your ultimate goal is survival, but there are certain things that will make your survival a lot easier. ---------------------- |CHOOSE YOUR DIFFICULTY| ---------------------- It's not as simple as easy, normal, and hard in this one, so when you're looking at the question to open up a new game, Mountain Climbing is Normal Mode and Hiking is Easy Mode. Those who are new to the series or what have you might prefer to make a run through easy mode first, just keep in mind that you can't get anything but the Closet Key as your reward if you do. If you complete the game in Normal Mode, you CAN select another difficulty by reloading your completed game, but such is not a choice in Easy. Furthermore, most gamers seem to believe that Jill is an easier choice than Chris because she has a number of advantages early on in the game. I believe that their games are about equal, but the choice is yours. ----------------- |KNOW THE CONTROLS| ----------------- As a default, the controls in RE are: CONTROL STICK: Character movement, aim (with weapon readied) C-STICK: Press down to do a quick turn. A: Action. Open doors, pick up items, examine things on screen, climb objects, get down from objects, select (in item screen), fire (with weapon ready) B: Run (when used with control stick) Y: Item menu toggle Z: Map Start: Bring up options menu L: Change target / realign shot (with weapon readied), use defense item (MANUAL MODE ONLY) R: Ready weapon ------------- |CONSERVE AMMO| ------------- This game does have pretty good supply of ammo, and if you play your cards right, you can have more than enough, but there isn't the wide variety of weapons that are seen in other REs and most of the weapons you to get will be found pretty quickly, unless you're Chris, in which case you should probably be more concerned. No matter what character you choose or what path you take, keep track of the ammo you're expending to make sure you're never caught in a bad situation. If you aren't coming back to an area later on, don't kill the enemies wandering about and if you know a specific route is going to be clear, use it to your advantage as much as possible. If you can run from an enemy like a Chimera without getting hurt too much, you won't have to worry about how much ammo you have left for the Tyrant fights. Another detail of "ammo" concerns defense items. By going into the menus, you can change whether or not you want to use your defense items automatically or manually by hitting L the second you are grabbed. Again, I think this is a matter of preference because it doesn't appear that one or the other will give a clear advantage. As an added note of fun, if you use a DAGGER on a ZOMBIE and then blow its head off, you can take the DAGGER back. Fun! ---------------- |HEAL RESPONSIBLY| ---------------- The health spectrum for REmake is generally as follows: GREEN: 100-76% health Everything is fine and dandy. YELLOW: 75-51% health Some damage taken, but otherwise fine. ORANGE: 50-26% health Starting to show signs of fatigue. RED: 25-1% health Danger area. Could die from any attack. POISON: Varies Slow, but noticable decrease in health. Remove quickly. Unlike in previous RE games, your movements are not significantly hindered until you reach ORANGE. Thus you can put off healing, while still being able to get around your enemies. RED is also not quite the same as in other RE, you do not clutch your side and limp from place to place, but your movement is much like it is in ORANGE. Keep in mind that your quick turn movement is also slowed once you take enough damage. HEALING CHART: GREEN = 25% restore GREEN + GREEN = 50% restore GREEN + BLUE = 25% restore and antidote GREEN + RED = Full restore GREEN + GREEN + GREEN = Full restore GREEN + GREEN + BLUE = 50% restore and antidote GREEN + RED + BLUE = Full restore and antidote BLUE = Antidote RED = Useless, on its own FIRST-AID SPRAY = Full Restore Poison status should not occur often, though the snakes are quite pesky and if you're ever poisoned by a small and stupid mistake, they'll be the ones to do it. ------------ |AIM PROPERLY| ------------ All creatures in this game move on a field, not in linear tracks. Therefore, you should realign your shot by hitting L when your weapon is up (using R). This helps not only when zombies are wandering about, but it's all but crucial in boss fights like the yawn and the black tiger. It not only guarentees that your shot will hit, but it also realigns with the enemies weak or central area, making your shot hit harder. Don't ignore your ability to aim up or down either. While you will hit a lower enemy when shooting straight ahead in this game, it is far more efficient to shoot down at them. Same applies to higher enemies, or enemies with higher weak points. By shooting up with your shotgun at a close zombie, you can decapitate him instead of firing more shots into its gut. Also, anything shot out of the air will always have more damage done to it. Use that wisely. --------- |USE RANGE| --------- Some weapons are designed to fire certain distances, and others have the same power from any distance. For that reason, avoid putting yourself in danger. If you're using a handgun, don't wait for them to get too close, but if you have a shotgun (which also has the potential for knockback), maximize the power by waiting a little. With the grenade launcher and the flamethrower, be certain you'll be able to hit your target with the range you've alloted. Be wary of obstacles as well. Remember that to shoot faster, continue tapping the A button instead of holding it down. Also, enemies seem to be absolutely confounded by the staircases, or at least put at a severe disadvantage by them, so feel free to take a few pot shots from there. -------------------------- |KNOW THYSELF / THY PARTNER| -------------------------- Stamina and speed can vary from character to character, so while Chris may be able to take that one extra hit from the hunter, Jill probably won't. Keep this in mind as you progress through the game and it becomes more of an issue. There isn't a great deal of mobility or speed lost in the drop from CAUTION to DANGER, but if you're not careful it can easily be the difference between running away from a hunter and being decapitated by one. As for your partner, who is of periodic use, Barry will provide tips and spare ammo for Jill, while Rebecca will back Chris up with her knowledge of treating wounds and mixing chemicals. Just know that both have their own weaknesses you may have to compensate for later. ---------------- |KNOW THINE ENEMY| ---------------- Whether you're running from an enemy or fighting it, be aware of its attack patterns. Certain enemies (zombies, particularly) can be faked out and tricked into lunging at where you were while you run away or prepare to stun them out of their attack. As a bit of added fun, if you pick up an item as an enemy is about to attack you, they will miss more often than not and stand there confused until you make your escape. If you can think faster than your enemy, you won't always have to attack faster. Also, because of the Crimson Heads, it's generally a good idea to avoid plugging zombies at random, as all of them are capable of coming back later. Kill only what you have to, burn whatever bodies you can (see below), and remember that naked zombies CANNOT come back as Crimson Heads. ------------- |STACK CORPSES| ------------- This is, I'll admit, a rather ridiculous and tedious method for reducing usage of Kerosine, but it DOES work. If you kill a group of zombies and they land on the same general spot on the floor, when you use your FUEL CANTEEN and LIGHTER combo on them, all corpses on that spot will incinerate for the price of one usage of the FUEL CANTEEN. Every little bit helps. ----------------------- |WATCH FOR CRIMSON HEADS| ----------------------- Crimsons don't care who they tear apart in trying to get to you. This means that if you're being chased by a Crimson, say in the YELLOW HALLWAY, if you dodge a zombie, the Crimson will probably rip it apart. Depending on what else you're doing at the time, this can be good or bad. If you kill the Crimson, and can burn the bodies, you're saving ammo. If you're running around, or can't burn the bodies, there will only be more Crimsons later on. ---------- |PLAN AHEAD| ---------- Jill may have eight item spaces, but Chris isn't so lucky when he has six to work with, for unexplained reasons (perhaps Jill is the master of packing, in addition to unlocking). Since you can't seem to automatically use or combine herbs, you'll have to be smart with your item spaces and make sure you have enough. Luckily, there aren't any weapons in the game that take up multiple slots in the inventory. ----- |GOALS| ----- With any ranked game, you're obviously going to aim for a high rank most of the time. The higher and faster, the better. If you want to know what times will grant you which rewards, consult section 09 REWARDS to figure out what you're getting yourself into. Time yourself, if need be. Keep track of how long it takes to do certain things, and don't forget to save. If you save and it takes longer than you wanted to in one part, you can reload and take another run through it. Beats playing through the whole game again. ================= = 04: ENEMIES = ================= ZOMBIES The REmake has seen a return to a more traditional zombie, at least in terms of their models. No more hats, no more surprises attached (at least the first time through), and their heads pop just as they should when you magnum or shotgun them. Their primary mode of attack has become the grab and bite, crawling and biting is not as much of a threat as it used to be and you shouldn't find many zombies feigning death during the course of the game, just make sure you can tell between that and ones that you have actually killed. If you do find yourself caught on the stairs with one of them, they'll vomit on you, no matter what, so don't run in close proximity to them ever. Despite some obvious dangers (one bite from these will put Jill down to CAUTION in Normal Mode), they are surprisingly easy to fake out and dodge. If you're going to put one of these down, use the handgun if you have a fuel canteen with something in it and a lighter or aim up with the shotgun to decapitate them. Also remember that, quite the opposite of RE0, if you shoot a zombie as it's trying to stand up, the attack is surprisingly ineffective, so don't shoot until it's standing. If you know you won't be returning to an area, don't worry about any of that and cap them as always. Also note that naked zombies in the lab area CANNOT come back later, so you're free to kill them as well. ******************************************************************************* CERBERUS Mansion guard dogs, dobermans, specifically, bred for violence and without any discretion or inhibition due to the T-Virus. Their primary mode of attack is to either to do the jump, bite, run combo on you or grab your arm and pull on it as hard as they can until you button mash enough to throw them off. As a third attack, they may pounce on you, knocking you over, and try to tear at your neck. It's more likely that you'll be knocked down if you're already injured, and you're probably going to have your throat torn of if you aren't careful in that instance. The best weapon against them is the handgun or one of the shotguns, but if you knock them out of the air, you'll do a lot more damage to them. Pointing down and plugging bullets into them is the best method for dealing with them, but since they often come in packs and work well as such, you'll be attacked if you aren't careful. It's better to take them as they come, using the shotgun for the packs. ******************************************************************************* CRIMSON HEADS This is the reason why you burn corpses and decapitate them. Leave a zombie dead on the floor for long enough, and this is what happens. Your first encounter with one will probably come in the yellow hallway, but even if you're fast enough to avoid this encounter, you can't avoid fighting at least one of these. Imagine your standard zombie, except it can run as fast or faster than you, has long blade-like claws, and a lot more intelligence than most enemies in the game. To make matters more interesting, if one is chasing you through a hall that has other zombies in it, they will tear those to shreds on their way to you. Fortunately, you practically have to step on top of one before it will activate, so stuffing a corpse into a corner will leave you relatively safe (for the most part). Keep this in mind if you're one of those strategic types. As for the actual slaying of these cusses, I recommend nothing less than a shotgun as close as you can get without being mauled. ******************************************************************************* CROWS Your standard crow, only it's more taken with being a predator than just a scavenger. These only appear in a few rooms in the mansion and one area in the courtyard, and the general rule is that if you don't mess with them, they won't attack you. The exception here is the courtyard area, where you'll have to kill them all if you want something good there. In this case, the handgun has its advantages in that you can take them down in one shot, but some may prefer the superior spray radius that can be achieved with the shotgun. ******************************************************************************* SNAKES Smaller than their more notable cousin, these will drop from the trees in the courtyard areas and will occasionally lie in wait on the ground, waiting to bite and inflict the poison status. Since they're otherwise small, weak, and not worthy of being killed, this makes them one of the most annoying enemies in the game. ******************************************************************************* SPIDERS Not your garden-variety spider, these things are bigger than dogs and have a nasty habit of ruining your day with their poison. Fortunately, there are only five to eight of them in the entire game. Mostly they hang around walls and ceilings, spraying poison at you, but on the ground they can either do that or grab you and try to bite you. They're not terribly intelligent and will stay on the wall for the most part unless you alert them to your presence. To kill a spider, you can either use a shotgun or higher and risk having a bunch of baby spiders crawling out of the corpse after it dies, or you can use the acid rounds, in which case the baby spiders are gone, but the spider's body will continue to gush out poison after it dies. On rare occasions, this can hurt you. If you can at all avoid these things, do it. ******************************************************************************* NEPTUNE Zombie sharks, a classic enemy from RE1. These have absolutely nothing to do with the cartoon shark equivalent of Curly Joe nor the band he was in, or the later hip-hop producing group of the same name. There are two baby sharks and mommy that will trail them in the Aqua Ring. When you first encounter them, run like the devil is on your trail because the babies hurt, either taking a piece off or pulling on your leg like the cerberi, but the mommy bites to kill. The second time you can either kill them with your weapon of choice or do something clever to get around that. ******************************************************************************* BEES Wesker's favorite enemy to practice his shooting on, who knows why. There's a whole hive of these buggers in the residence, but luckily you'll only see one of them outside of there. Ignore them, if at all possible, and by ignore I mean run away from. ******************************************************************************* HUNTER According to Wesker's Report II, these are actually humans that have been altered using the T-Virus and lizard DNA, and they're programmed to kill those immune to the T-Virus. Or those wearing body armor. Or generally anything that moves. As opposed to their stand, slash, stand pattern of previous range, they will now strike you with one claw and then the other in rapid succession to inflict maximum damage and throw you off balance. They also have the added bonus of being able to pounce on you like the cerberi, which makes defense items ever so much fun. Otherwise, they still have their classic jump, screech, and slash attack which will either take a large chunk off of your life or kill you, and I've had it kill from FINE condition. They're among the fastest and most intelligent enemies in the game, so they rely on you being stupid and running away. Stand your ground either with the assault shotgun, the grenade launcher, or the magnum, though I don't recommend using the last if you can at all avoid it. ******************************************************************************* CHIMERA It's hard to describe exactly what this is, but if you're familiar with the drain deimos in RE3, it's like a combination of that and a monkey. For those unfamiliar, this is probably what the keeper refers to in his diary. Medium- sized monkey creatures with large claw-like appendages protruding from their backs and hooks for hands and feet (eyes... made of wood... er, nevermind). Their favorite hangouts are wandering around in the power room and climbing the grates or chasing you through air ducts. If they aren't slashing at you, they might be grabbing you from the ceiling and trying to slit your throat, and they might succeed if you're low enough on life and don't have any defensive items. To kill these, I recommend the grenade launcher or the magnum, but all things considered, you shouldn't have to kill them if you can avoid them... oh, and they melt into goo when they die... ================= = 05: WEAPONS = ================= DAGGER (DEFENSE ITEM) The primary defensive item. If a zombie tries to lean over and bite you, you can jab this into the side of their head, which will inflict some damage, but is not an auto-kill by any means nor will it prevent them from becoming Crimson Heads later (decapitation was the key word). One of the interesting little bits of fun later on is that if you decapitate them afterwards, you can find the same dagger lying on the floor. ******************************************************************************* STUN GUN (JILL'S DEFENSE ITEM) You don't pick up the stun gun specifically, but you can find battery packs scattered throughout and they'll be referred to in the walkthrough. When Jill pulls this thing out, she'll charge it and send it into the gut of the zombie grabbing her, causing them to convulse under an electrical current and fall to the floor in a heap. The damage on this is pretty substantial, moreso than the dagger, but it doesn't prevent Crimsons from popping up wherever. ******************************************************************************* FLASH GRENADE (CHRIS' DEFENSE ITEM) The best defense item in the game by a considerable margin, but don't ask why there are so many of them just lying around. If Chris is attacked by a zombie, he'll jam one of these in their mouth. From there, you can either be a classic action hero and blow it up in their mouth using a gun, or you can wander off, leaving a confused zombie with a ticking grenade in their mouth just standing around mindlessly. Either method is excellent, as these will kill zombies whether you're on screen and in the room or not. ******************************************************************************* SURVIVAL KNIFE Not neccessarily a bad weapon, but not a good one either. Useful for slashing zombie legs to drop them, as always, but not useful for much else due to its limitted range and power. A good last resort if ammo is scarce, but not a weapon that should be relied on beyond the mansion and the residence at the latest. ******************************************************************************* HANDGUN Standard handgun with a fifteen bullet capacity. Your basic weapon through the majority of the game, cannot be upgraded or otherwise enchanced. It has plus range and the most ammo of any weaopn in the game, so odds are you'll still be using it on into the second disk. One nice little bonus of this game's handgun is that it does headshot fairly frequently, whether you're Chris or Jill. ******************************************************************************* SHOTGUN Unlike the shotguns of other games, this particular model only seems to hold six shells. That flaw aside, it is the best weapon for dealing with multiple enemies, airborn or ground-based, is deadly in close range, and remains quite effective against larger enemies and bosses if you have no better options. Still useful for popping zombie heads, though it's noticably more difficult. ******************************************************************************* ASSAULT SHOTGUN The second and more reliable shotgun you'll find. Though it's not a guaranteed item just lying around, you should be able to pick it up rather easily, barring any disaster that would delay you for a long period of time. This particular model holds ten shells against the standard six, and is better all around in terms of recovery rate, reload time, power, range, and recoil. ******************************************************************************* GRENADE LAUNCHER (JILL ONLY) The most versatile weapon in the history of the game returns (debuts?) again. The difference between the rounds is also as significant as it was in previous games; grenades are best used in close range, crimson heads (and zombies) are weak against incendiary grenades, and spiders won't spray out their young if you kill them with an acid round. Use this when you're in need of something more powerful than a shotgun, but it isn't bad enough to pull out the magnum. ******************************************************************************* MAGNUM Big freakin' gun. Capable of destroying most enemies in a single hit. Ammo isn't scarce for this, but generally speaking, you'll want to save this gun for bosses only as there isn't necessarily enough ammo to go around otherwise. It suffers from significant recoil, as all magnums should, so fire from a distance if you can. ******************************************************************************* SELF DEFENSE GUN Someone's idea of a bad joke. One bullet, cannot be reloaded, won't be automatically discarded after use. Either don't pick it up at all or use it to kill the first enemy you see and put it back in the item box. ******************************************************************************* FLAMETHROWER (CHRIS ONLY) Self-explanatory. You only get to use this for a few minutes, as it doubles as door unlocking mechanism (explained in walkthrough). Shoots a concentrated and damaging stream of flame, but runs on a 100% that drains rather quickly and it cannot be reloaded. Save it for the boss fight immediately following its discovery, not like you have a choice. ******************************************************************************* HANDGUN (SPECIAL) If you liked the Samurai Edge S.T.A.R.S. handgun from RE3, this is an attempt to copy that. Fires three bullets in succession, a little more powerful than the standard handgun, and best of all, it has infinite bullets. ******************************************************************************* ROCKET LAUNCHER (SPECIAL) Some recoil is the only price you'll pay for having a weapon that can basically kill anything in one hit, including all of the bosses. There are a few minor issues with it though, for one, it only kills, it does not destroy (so you'll still see Crimson Heads lying around), and for another it doesn't do anything special in terms of appearance. Not to mention it kills all the suspense. ******************************************************************************* ==================================== = 06: JILL VALENTINE WALKTHROUGH = ==================================== Note: This walkthrough will avoid circumstantial assumptions, like getting a lucky headshot on a zombie, as they don't work well with contingencies... ******************************************************************************* Part One: MANSION ******************************************************************************* **MANSION MAIN HALL** Ah, so many memories... but now's not the time to get nostalgic. After some dialogue between Jill, Barry, and Wesker, you'll be headed into... **DINING ROOM** There's some INK RIBBONS on the table, to go with the typewriter in here, but for the record, this is the worst place to save in the game. Run to the opposite end and you'll get the classic blood scene. Turn around and take the door to your right. **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) Take a left down the hallway with the convenient camera angle and you'll meet Mr. Teeth and Cataracts, your first ZOMBIE. Killing him at this stage in the game is a waste, so turn right around and go back into... **DINING ROOM** Barry will down the ZOMBIE using his magnum and they'll suggest a change of location. Head back for the double doors and the main hall. As you approach the door, the supposedly dead zombie will get up and go back to the hallway. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Wesker's gone and Barry wants you to help look for him. Head behind the stairs and down the little path (remember that gate). Once the camera angle changes there, backtrack and go out to where Barry is standing. Barry and Jill will talk a bit and Jill will get the LOCK PICK as her personal item. Barry will leave after this. Despite Jill's initial idea of checking out the east side of the mansion, she can't yet, so take a left back into... **DINING ROOM** Barry's gone, but no worries, just head through the opposite door to... **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Same ZOMBIE, except he's wandering around to the right this time. Turn left, examine Kenneth for a FILE (your second one, S.T.A.R.S. Manual is default), and go further on to exit the room. Don't worry about Kenny either, he can't come back. **WEST STAIRCASE (EXT.)** Make your way through to the birdcage, where you can pick up a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Near the edge of the staircase you can find two GREEN HERBS, though neither are worth picking up just yet. Oh, and that corpse in the corner? It disappears later, but there's no corresponding enemy that I've seen. Freaky. Make your way up the stairs and open the door. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES There's a GREEN HERB and a dead ZOMBIE ahead of you. There's a very distinct difference between a dead human and a dead ZOMBIE and you'll learn this one of the next times you enter. Meanwhile, hang a right, then a left, then another right (dodging the ZOMBIE admiring himself in the mirror). Further along, you'll see the GOLDEN ARROW sparkling. Pick it up, and you'll get a reminder from your manual. Hold off a bit on that one. Next to the mirror ahead is a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Grab it while the ZOMBIE to the left is approaching and you'll fake him out. Use the lag in his movements to make a run for it and take the door on the right, which you'll unlock automatically. **UPPER DINING HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Here's the first ZOMBIE we'll have any fun with, since we're unlikely to ever get close enough to him again to have him mutate. Turn left and grab the sparkly to get your first DAGGER and some info on defense items. May want to equip your SURVIVAL KNIFE as well. Once you reach the double doors at the end, you have a decision to make. If you want six SHOTGUN SHELLS later, then go around the other side and begin pushing the statue west. If you're lucky, the ZOMBIE will get in the statue's path and you can knife around it to kill him. If not, he'll probably grab you and you'll lose the DAGGER, and if you're not quick enough, he'll get a bite in and you'll drop down to caution. When you've otherwise disposed of him (and as far away from any door as possible), push the statue off the edge where the opening is and it will crash to the floor below. All's well in here, so head out the double doors. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Go down the short flight of stairs and through the door in the center part of the landing. **GRAVEYARD** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Head down both sets of stairs and you'll see one of the ZOMBIES and he'll recognize you as prey. Blarg. Hang a left down the central pathway and you'll find a gravestone at the end. Open up ye olde inventory and examine the GOLDEN ARROW to get the ARROWHEAD, then use the ARROWHEAD on the stone. It will slide back opening a path for you to head down. Once you get to the bottom, take a right and grab the BOOK OF CURSE and flip it over to examine the back. You'll get the MANSION KEY, henceforth referred to as SWORD KEY, and a FILE. Head back out and odds are that the first ZOMBIE is hanging around while the other is a ways to the right, behind the gate. Dodge it and run right out of here. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Head down the stairs and through the double doors you haven't been through yet (east side of mansion, or to the left while going down the stairs)... **STATUE ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) Here we see a large statue holding a MAP OF THE 1ST FLOOR and a dresser in the corner. If you climb over the dresser and go back to the shelf you can pick up another DAGGER, but a ZOMBIE will follow you in and more likely than not you'll waste time, bullets, and the dagger on him. Otherwise, you could push the dresser to the back of the statue and climb up to grab the MAP, but it's not a necessary item, so I don't recommend it. Instead, unlock the nearby door with the SWORD KEY and enter. **CORNER HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ? First (and only) time through here, there's nothing that can get you. Push the second dresser out of the way to grab a DAGGER, then push the second dresser after the corner backward to pick up a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Exit through the door at the opposite end. **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** No enemies here either, yet. Head to the first door you come across and unlock it with the LOCK PICK, then enter. **EAST GARDEN** Make your way around the corner to pick up the CHEMICAL (HERBICIDE). If you need them, there are two GREEN HERBS and a RED HERB further on as well. Might want to mix up some healing items for later. There's also a tank of KEROSINE here, but you can't do anything with it yet because you don't have the proper items (and the dogs will get you if you try to come back), so just leave. **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** Keep heading forward and you'll see a door on the right. That's the MANSION BATHROOM, and there's DAGGER in there if you drain the tub, but it's just a waste of time to get it, so don't bother. Further along there's a single door which you should enter now. **ORNATE ROOM** Odd camera angle here... Hmm... take the other door. **FIREPLACE LOUNGE** On one side of the table here is a DAGGER, on the other side, useless INK RIBBONS. The real treasure here is on the wall, in the form of the SHOTGUN. Grab it, and don't worry just yet. **ORNATE ROOM** You may now worry. Check the door behind you and the door in front of you immediately, then move around a bit and Barry will come to the rescue. **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** After a little dialogue (and a classic line), Barry will be headed off again and you'll be left alone. Just take the double doors in front of you. **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE The ZOMBIE is way ahead and around the corner, while all the doors but the one on the immediate right are locked. Only one way through... **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: THREE ZOMBIES The first ZOMBIE is lurking just around the corner. Kill it then go through the nearby door. **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Grab the FILE between the item box and the lantern, then pick up the FUEL CANTEEN on the floor, which you should refill with the KEROSINE near the typewriter. Ditch the CHEMICAL, the SHOTGUN, any healing items, and the SURVIVAL KNIFE in the item box. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES If you killed the first ZOMBIE, the other two are upstairs with their positions and awareness reset. The first is to the left and the second is around the corner to the right, which is where you're heading, so you can kill this one if you want. To save yourself some time later, I recommend luring the other zombie over and killing him so that his corpse overlaps the one already on the floor. You can burn two corpses at once this way and save yourself the trouble. Go to the door at the end of the right hand side, as the first one is busted. **RED HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES The first ZOMBIE is to your right, where you'll need to be going. It might be wise to kill it as you'll be using this hallway a lot. To your left you might see the WOODEN MOUNT, useful if you want the MAP OF THE 2ND FLOOR after you get the LIGHTER, but that's unnecessary, so just go through the door on the right end of the hallway. If you can manage to lure the other ZOMBIE over to where you can stack it on the other one once it falls, that's one less usage of kerosine later, but he seems to be one of them that headshots rather easily. **TREVOR'S STUDY** On the table to your right, you'll find a DOG WHISTLE, and with it, a FILE on what to do with it. Don't forget the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the corner of the same table either. On the curved table in the other half of the room, you can find another FILE on the left side of the table and the all-important LIGHTER on the other side. With those items in tow, head out the nearby door. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Find the corpse on the upper level and burn it by using the FUEL CANTEEN. Run away fast as the flames can still hurt you. Repeat the process with the corpse downstairs, then reenter... **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Refill the FUEL CANTEEN with the KEROSINE near the door. Each of these KEROSINE tanks has four uses total in it, so this one is now spent. Exit. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE If you took the WOODEN MOUNT and absolutely have to get the MAP OF THE 2ND FLOOR kill the ZOMBIE on the left side of the hall and go to the end, where you'll find the DISUSED STUDY and a strange picture on the fireplace mantle. Use the WOODEN MOUNT on it and then the LIGHTER and you'll get the MAP. It's a total waste of time, so I'll assume you headed right and went through the same door as before. **RED HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Torch both the ZOMBIES, as you're going to be coming through here fairly often. The other doors along the way here you can't unlock yet, so just run to the far end of the hallway and you'll unlock the door with the SWORD KEY. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Good ol' Barry will meet up with you here, provided you did the SHOTGUN encounter earlier, and he'll give you a six pack of ACID GRENADES, provided you have the item space (and you should). All the other doors on this level are locked at the moment, so head across and back through the double doors into... **UPPER DINING ROOM** Run down the right side and unlock the second door you come across with the SWORD KEY. Enter. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Take a left and unlock the door you find with your LOCK PICK. **WEST TERRACE** ENEMIES: TWO CERBERI This will be your first encounter with the beasts... Move away from the door a little and towards the glass panel, then use the DOG WHISTLE. Both CERBERI will come running, so plug them with your gun and hope for little damage. Grab the COLLAR one of them drops to get the COIN, then check the back of that to turn it into the IMITATION OF A KEY. You're probably damaged right now, so check out the nearby GREEN HERB PLANTER and heal your wounds. Go back out the door after that... discarding the DOG WHISTLE... **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Walk around the staircase and to the little path on the north side. You'll find a ZOMBIE there, so plug him or do what you will. If you want to, there's another ZOMBIE at the bottom of the stairs that you can lure up for stacking purposes. I recommend it. Go through the door at the end that he was guarding, unlocking it. The door on the left is locked for now. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Head out and through the little opening and hang a right. Notice the corpse lying around to the right. You can try to burn it, but it probably won't do you any good as this is now a CRIMSON HEAD who will rise up and slash at you. Run fast and toward the door on the right. **NARROW HALLWAY** You'll notice a couple of statues as you go up the stairs. Around the corner is an indentation in the floor that holds the MANSION KEY (ARMOR KEY), grab it and quickly replace it with the IMITATION OF A KEY. Nothing else to do here yet, so head back out. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Waaah! Crimson! He usually waits around the corner by the door, so duck around quickly and go through the same door, though now might be a good time to grab the GREEN HERB if you've been hit. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE As you move forward, a ZOMBIE will bust out of the door leading to the WEST TERRACE and the startling music will start to play. With a little effort, you can get him to stack on the other two you've already laid out, but like the earlier zombie in the red hallway, he seems to headshot fairly easily. Once you've dealt with him, the room should be clear save for the three corpses upstairs and the one downstairs in the corner behind the stairs. Start torching them, and when you run out of fuel, head down the stairs, continuing down the hallway until you see one door straight ahead one one on the right that you can use the LOCK PICK on. Take that one. **FURNITURE ROOM** There's a BATTERY PACK on the nearby cupboard that you'll want to grab. Next to it is a case with a BROKEN SHOTGUN, but it's of no use to Jill, so ignore it. Further on in the room is a tank of KEROSINE and some INK RIBBONS in the desk. May be a good time to refuel the FUEL CANTEEN. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Assuming you've cleaned house around here, this place is going to be safe for a while, but there are a few things we'll need to pick up before we can really progress in the next area, so head back to the stairs and go through the door by them to access the magic box. **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** There's no items in here, but there is a typewriter if you have to save and an item box to drop your junk in. I recommend getting rid of the ACID GRENADES and the GREEN HERB, if you still have it. Ditch the SWORD KEY as well, since it's all but useless for now. Grab the CHEMICAL (HERBICIDE) too. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Refuel in the FURNITURE ROOM if you're so inclined, then go out the door next to it, unlocking it with the ARMOR KEY. **WINDOW HALLWAY** Pick up the BATTERY PACK next to you on the table. There's some things to be done straight down the hallway, but first, take a right and enter the door you'll find there on the right. **KEEPER'S ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES (not yet) Grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the bed, then go around to get an ominous FILE on the table. Both ZOMBIES should make their appearance now, one from behind you. Plug both of them as much as you need to to exit, but be sure to grab the BATTERY PACK in the closet before you do. **WINDOW HALLWAY** Take a left and go around the corner at the end, down the straight path and around the corner to the door. **GREENHOUSE** ENEMIES: VINES Here's an interesting little problem; you need to grab an item but these blasted vines are guarding it. No sweat, drop the HERBICIDE into the nearby water pump and pump it to the red side. Pumping it to the green side solves nothing and kills the five GREEN HERBS here (what treasure!), but the real goal is the DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT EYES) behind the vines. Grab that and head out. **WINDOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES (not yet) Why did I name the window hallway as such? Run out of here to find out. They will chase you, but they can't catch up. Take the door at the end of the left corner, unlocking it, and return to... **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE There's that old ZOMBIE to your left, but you don't need to worry about him just yet, so take a right and reenter... **DINING ROOM** If you wanted those SHOTGUN SHELLS I mentioned earlier, grab the BLUE GEMSTONE off the south side of the table and go back to the WINDOW HALLWAY. As you go, take the first door on the right, avoiding both ZOMBIES, and enter the TIGER ROOM, where you'll use the BLUE GEMSTONE to get the SHOTGUN SHELLS. Others who feel they don't need it can just keep on heading left and out the double doors. Myself, I don't recommend getting these just yet, but later I'll remind you. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Head back up the stairs and take the right little staircase at the landing. The door you can plainly see is the one leading to the RED HALLWAY, but first, we should be heading to the right of that and through a door we can now unlock with the ARMOR KEY. **EAST TERRACE** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) Follow the twisting corridor around until you get a cut scene and meet up with an old friend. He's harmless in this run, so don't worry. Pick up the DAGGER on the bench near you, but know if you continue on to grab the two GREEN HERBS at the end, that old friend will come back after you, and he's so bad, you can't even use defense items on him. For that reason alone, you might as well just grab the nearby GRENADE LAUNCHER and just leave anyway. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Now just take a left and go through the nearest door to... **RED HALLWAY** Unlock both of the doors you pass using the ARMOR KEY, and enter the second one, assuming you have one item space open. **KNIGHT ROOM** What's that? Our first puzzle?... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [KNIGHT PUZZLE] + + + + As soon as you enter the room, four statues will + + move forward: a knight with a shield, a knight with + + an axe, a knight with a halberd, and a knight with + + a sword. + + + + Ignore the paintings on the back wall, as they're + + irrelevant to the puzzle, unfortunately. If you + + play around with the statues, you'll notice that + + the shield statue also moves in the sword statue, + + but moving the halberd statue will send the sword + + one back out again. + + + + Push the halberd statue in first, then the one with + + the axe, then push in the shield statue. The sword + + one should move in automatically, allowing you to + + flip the center switch without fear of danger. + + ----------- + + | - T - | 1 = HALBERD 4 = SWORD + + | |4| |1|>| 2 = AXE S = SWITCH + + | - - - | 3 = SHIELD T = JEWELRY BOX + + | |S| | + + | - - - | < = PUSH LEFT > = PUSH RIGHT + + |<|2| |3|>| + + | - - | + + ----------- + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You'll now have the JEWELRY BOX on your hands. Examine the front and back of it to get the DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT ALL). **RED HALLWAY** Head left and out through the first door you come to. **EAST STAIRCASE** You shouldn't have any item spaces left, so head down the stairs to drop off some items in... **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Barry's stashed some goodies in here for you in the form of some INCENDIARY GRENADES and a FIRST-AID SPRAY. At least put the former into the box for future use. Now it a good time to ditch everything else though, so when you're done in here your inventory should look like this... JILL'S INVENTORY: HANDGUN HANDGUN MAGAZINE LIGHTER ARMOR KEY (open) (open) (open) (open) **EAST STAIRCASE** Head up the stairs again and go towards the door on the left (east) end of the hallway and open it with the ARMOR KEY. **DEER ROOM** Riiiight. Take the RED HERB, then use your LOCK PICK on the left door. **RESEARCHER'S ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE BEE (not yet) Barry again! He'll give you an incomplete FILE, then leave. Examine the frame to your left to get the FISHHOOK. After that, turn around and examine the one on the right (north) side of the room. Take the LURE OF A BEE, and ignore the message you get, selecting no. Combine the FISHHOOK with the LURE OF A BEE in your inventory, then examine the frame near the door to get a BEE SPECIMEN. Use the LURE OF A BEE on this collection after getting it, then use the BEE SPECIMEN on the frame to the right to complete that collection. Now you may select "Yes". This will activate the BEE and send it after you, but instead of messing with it, grab the WIND CREST and head right out the door. **DEER ROOM** Across this room is another door leading to the RESEARCHER'S LODGINGS, where you'll find a GREEN HERB on one side of the bed and a FIRST-AID BOX on the other, which will contain a FIRST-AID SPRAY. Also on the dresser is some INK RIBBONS, but blah to that. When you're done, head out the door again. **EAST STAIRCASE** Head down the stairs and go out the door here on the lower level, and don't worry about the message, it won't be an issue. **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take a left and enter the first door on the left, unlocking it with the ARMOR KEY, then getting rid of it. The ZOMBIE might approach, but this isn't an issue yet, just head inside. **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: FOUR CROWS (not yet) Hmm, an undetermined number of CROWS are in here, but don't shoot at them or screw up and they won't mess with you. In the meantime, we've got a puzzle on our hands... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [STAINED GLASS PUZZLE] + + + + On the other side of the room is a portrait with a + + caption reading: "Lisa, protected by the three + + spirits". The portrait has a green crown, a purple + + necklace, and an orange bracelet. + + + + _____ L = LISA GLASS N = NECKLACE GLASS + + |L| | | B = BRACELET GLASS C = CROWN GLASS + + | |B| |D D = DOOR TO GREEN HALLWAY + + |B| |R| + + |L|N|E| The object here is to match up the glass + + |U| |D| items with the right color. Bracelet and + + |E|C| | crown both appear as yellow, while the + + | - | necklace is red. To alter the colors, + + |_____| use the switch on either the blue or red + + sides to tint it that color. + + + + Since the bracelet is orange, use the switch on the + + red side to switch the glass to that color. Since + + the necklace is purple and the crown is green, use + + the switches on the blue side to make them the + + correct color. When you're finished, just revisit + + Lisa's portrait and press the button. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now that the portrait is sliding up, grab the DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT MOUTH) that you'll find on the floor. To your right is a gate leading to the GRAVEYARD, which you can unlock with the LOCK PICK. Since this is the best route out of here, I recommend taking it. **GRAVEYARD** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Whoa now, dodge the ZOMBIE and run to the left, climb up the stairs, and go back inside. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Take a left again up the stairs and into the nearby door. **RED HALLWAY** It's time to go into that door you haven't been through yet (frist on right). **RICHARD HALLWAY** Run forward a little bit and Richard will come barreling out. After a scene, you're back in... **RED HALLWAY** Ah, the famous SERUM run. Take a left and exit that way. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Run straight through the double doors. **UPPER DINING ROOM** Run down the right side and take the second door. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Head around and down the stairs into the room next to them. **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Grab the SERUM off the shelf with all the bottles on it. There's going to be a fight soon, so you might want to grab the SHOTGUN, I recommend a straight swap for the HANDGUN, for now. BE SURE TO LEAVE TWO ITEM SPACES OPEN, preferably THREE. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Climb back up again and head out through the same door on the other end. **UPPER DINING ROOM** Hang a left and run through the double doors... **MANSION MAIN HALL** To the opposite end again and to... **RED HALLWAY** First door on the right... **RICHARD HALLWAY** If you got here in time, Richard's still alive, albeit a little dramatic, and Jill will give him a shot of SERUM. He'll give you the radio if you got there in time, but if you just screwed around for twenty minutes he's probably dead. I'll assume he's alive as this isn't hard or anything. Nearby, you'll find two GREEN HERBS for healing your bleeding self, so use 'em if you need 'em, just keep in mind you'll still need two or three open item slots. Check out the door to the left side now... **DISUSED HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Little dusty in here. The ZOMBIE is to the left at the junction, so take him out and then go through the door at the end there. **SMALL DINING ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) That's a HANDGUN MAGAZINE sitting there glimmering, so grab it as you probably do need it right now. Head around the table and use the LIGHTER on the candle to get a better idea of what's going on around here. It'll also give you access to another HANDGUN MAGAZINE in the china cabinet. Push the nearby cupboard out of the way to reveal a hole. That's where your ZOMBIE is, but he's a little weaker than the others (been stashed there too long) so it doesn't take much to down him. After that's accomplished, examine the nearby cabinet to get MUSICAL SCORE (MUSIC, MID-PAGES). That's all you're here for, so take it and leave. **DISUSED HALLWAY** Hang a right and out to... **RICHARD HALLWAY** Around the corner to... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Here, we're really going to want to go downstairs again, so head down there and turn right and open the double doors. **DINING ROOM** If you have that third item slot, you'll want to put it to good use by grabbing the EMBLEM off the fireplace mantel. If you have four item slots, then you may still be interested in the BLUE GEMSTONE, in which case you should follow the instructions from last time we were in here. This is the best time to get them if you think you need them. Either way, we're going in the same basic direction. **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take a right, watch out (kill) the ZOMBIE you find nearby, and then enter the last door on the left. **PIANO BAR** Head around the piano to the shelf and push it out of the way to get to the MUSICAL SCORE (MISSING MUSIC). Combine the MISSING MUSIC with the MUSIC, MID- PAGES to get the MUSICAL SCORE (MOONLIGHT SONATA). Now if you have the EMBLEM with you, just use the MOONLIGHT SONATA on the piano. If not, go get it from the DINING ROOM. After you play the melody, a panel will slide up. Enter and you'll find a FILE on the floor, plus a GOLD EMBLEM. Grab the GOLD EMBLEM and replace it with the EMBLEM after the scene. This room is spent, so exit. **KENNETH HALLWAY** Turn right and take the usual door on the left further along... **DINING ROOM** Use the GOLD EMBLEM above the fireplace and the clock will open up. You should check it out. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [CLOCK PUZZLE] + + + + Check the painting next to the clock and you'll get + + a message that says "A picture of two knights + + striking each other. The short sword has been + + thrust into the breast of one knight, while the + + long sword has pierced the head of the other." + + + + Check the clock and it'll look like a normal clock, + + but the 3 is replaced by a shield, the 6 is armor, + + the 9 is a sword, and 12 is a helmet. + + + + "When the two have run each other through, the path + + to your destiny will open." + + + + Use the painting as your reference and move things + + from there. The small gear operates the long hand, + + while the large gear moves the small hand. Both + + hands currently point to midnight. + + + + Move the large gear twice to the right to make it + + point to armor, then quit turning. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Your reward will be the MANSION KEY (SHIELD KEY), which will open up the ATTIC near where Richard is. For that reason, we should head for the double doors. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Go up the stairs, right at the landing, and through the door on the east side. **RED HALLWAY** Through the first door on the right... **RICHARD HALLWAY** Richard's still in here, all right, but unwilling to do much of anything. Grab the GREEN HERBS, if there are any left, and head out the door on the other side. **DISUSED HALLWAY** Head up the stairs and unlock the door with the SHIELD KEY, then discard it. **ATTIC** ENEMIES: wait for it... Walk forward a bit and you'll have an encounter. Luckily, if you saved him, Richard will want to help out with his ASSAULT SHOTGUN. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #1A: YAWN]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |There are a few solutions to the issue of The Yawn. For one, you could run | |around him to the far side of the room to grab what you need and run, but | |we'll assume you stand him down. As should already be evident from earlier, | |The Yawn will bite and poison you, so you'll just have to deal. Now the Yawn| |will circle around both you and Richard, and his constant movement will make | |him hard to hit, and when it's easy, he'll just bite you anyway. Keep aiming| |with the L-button and you'll get the best shot in. You can fire on your own,| |but alternatively, you can also have Richard do the lion's share of the work | |and save the shells you're carrying around for later. After a set number of | |direct shots, there will be a scene, and Richard will be gone, leaving behind| |a fully loaded ASSAULT SHOTGUN (rather nice of him). One or two shots later | |the music will stop and the Yawn will slither off into the night. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow The Yawn into his hole and you'll find the last DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT NOSE). Take it and leave. **DISUSED HALLWAY** Odds are, you've been hit by The Yawn once. If this is the case, you're poisoned and need the SERUM, and will collapse trying to get it. If not, then your path should be... DISUSED HALLWAY -> RICHARD HALLWAY -> RED HALLWAY -> EAST STAIRCASE -> EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM (pick up other three MASKs and the GRENADE LAUNCHER) -> EAST STAIRCASE -> GREEN HALLWAY -> STAINED GLASS HALLWAY -> GRAVEYARD But assuming you are poisoned, you'll either collapse instead (no big deal) or be forced to take a SERUM run, in which case your path is... DISUSED HALLWAY -> RICHARD HALLWAY -> RED HALLWAY -> MANSION MAIN HALL -> UPPER DINING ROOM -> WEST STAIRCASE (INT.) -> WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM Be careful, as there's a new ZOMBIE afoot in the RICHARD HALLWAY. **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** You'll wake up here, fully healed if you passed out from the poison. If you were conscious, grab the SERUM and use it again, then heal yourself in whatever way you prefer. Pull the GRENADE LAUNCHER out, along with the other three MASKS and whatever healing items you want. JILL'S INVENTORY: HANDGUN HANDGUN MAGAZINE GRENADE LAUNCHER MASK W/OUT NOSE MASK W/OUT EYES MASK W/OUT MOUTH MASK W/OUT ALL (open for herbs) **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Head up the stairs, around them, and out the door at the end. **UPPER DINING ROOM** Right towards the double doors... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Up the stairs and through the door at the landing. **GRAVEYARD** For unexplained reasons, picking up the last MASK makes this place quiet. In other words, regardless of whether or not you killed them, the ZOMBIES and/or their corpses are no longer in this area. Freaky. At the bottom of the stairs take the left path down to near where you used the ARROWHEAD, and go down the stairs. You may notice the faces on the wall to your left again. Use the corresponding MASKs in your inventory with the faces on the wall. From left to right it's: EYES, ALL, NOSE, MOUTH. When all are in place, that thing'll fall from the ceiling. Check it out and... well... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #2A: CRIMSON ELDER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |With Jill, there is no easier boss. Equip the GRENADE LAUNCHER and begin | |firing at him. After three shots, he's down permenantly. Boring. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the floor to the right of the coffin are some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Inside the coffin itself is a switch to open the gate again and the all-important STONE & METAL OBJECT. Now equip your HANDGUN again and go up the stairs. Take the gate entrance back into... **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: CROWS (won't attack) The crows still aren't interested in you if you don't fire at them, so just run around... **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Ah, we're face to face with the ZOMBIE from before. Now, he dies. As an alternative, you can merely stun him long enough to get through, but his presence from here on out is irrelevent. Check out the door he was guarding... **STONE CORRIDOR** ENEMIES: ONE CERBERUS As you make your way to the right, you'll hear a rustling noise and the CERBERUS will jump out from behind you. Kill it, as it's a nuiscance. At the end of the room you'll see a door, along with a panel next to it that has an octagon-shaped hole. Use the STONE & METAL OBJECT on that to unlock the door. Factoring in The Yawn and any troubles from that, it can take forty-five minutes to an hour to get through the Mansion. ******************************************************************************* Part Two: COURTYARD ******************************************************************************* **COURTYARD STORAGE** Technically, this is still the Mansion, but it makes more sense to break it off here. On the floor to your left are more SHOTGUN SHELLS for the taking and to the right, another BATTERY PACK and a FIRST-AID SPRAY. We're headed to the right, so go down the stairs there and through the door. **WINDING PATH** As you head down the path, you'll get a radio message right around the red wind charm. Once it's finished, don't go any further because it's puzzle time. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [CERBERUS PUZZLE] + + + + The gate ahead reads that it will open when the two + + dogs' desires are fulfilled. The left dog has blue + + eyes and reads "The Last Gasps of Destruction", + + while the dog on the right has red eyes and reads + + "The War Cry of Revenge". + + + + Back up the pathway is a sign the reads as follows: + + + + North: Valley of Destruction + + South: Cave of Hatred + + East: Summit of Madness + + West: Path of Revenge + + + + The object is to wind charms color to correspond + + with the dog's direction. Press the switch when + + the red charm faces west and when the blue charm + + faces north. The gate will unlock after that. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Head through the gate... **COURTYARD GRAVESITE** ENEMIES: uhh... CROWS There's something you should be doing here, but you don't have the item for it just yet. Instead, you need to run across here to the opposite gate and be very careful not to piss off the CROWS. **MOUNTAIN PATH** Yeah... that noise... anyway, keep on walking. There's a point at which the path divides to circle around a tree, but both of them lead to the same place, so don't worry about which one you pick. Enter the house you find at the end of the path... **CABIN** ENEMIES: Wait for it... Around a couple of corners there's a fireplace and a short set of stairs leading to the MAP OF COURTYARD 1F. Beyond that is a typewriter with a FILE next to it, and further along, an item box. Rearrange your items here... JILL'S INVENTORY: HANDGUN HANDGUN MAGAZINE ASSAULT SHOTGUN (assuming the standard has 2> left in it) SHOTGUN SHELLS WIND CREST (open) (open) (open) Turn to the other side of this narrow area and around the corner until you find a stack of boards and the CRANK (SQUARE CRANK). Start to head back around and you'll hear something near the typewriter. Keep going and... When you come to, Lisa Trevor, in all her freaky glory will be standing in front of her. Run right past her to the door. If she hits you three times, two and a half really, you're meat. **MOUNTAIN PATH** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Make your way down to the bottom. After the junction, there's a ZOMBIE waiting near the end, but you can dodge around his back and avoid him entirely. **COURTYARD GRAVESITE** ENEMIES: SIX CROWS Now, I will verse you in the ways of the ASSAULT SHOTGUN. Equip it and walk forward until the angle changes, then aim. Use the L-button to realign your shot until it's pointing at the first crow on the far side of the middle path. Fire. Three CROWS should be dead immediately. Now start running left down through the path and when you reach the middle just before the two graves, aim and fire up again. The last three CROWS should drop, but if there's still one or two left, use the HANDGUN on them. Now for the little matter of the graves... it's not quite a puzzle, but use the WIND CREST on the right stone. The MOON CREST, STAR CREST, and SUN CREST will be revealed. Take them all and move over to the left stone, where you should start examining the backs of them. When you do, you'll be asked if you want to press a button. Select yes and the indentations will pop out. Once you've done that with all three, use them on the stone and you'll reveal the MAGNUM REVOLVER, which you should grab. Now take the left gate again up to... **WINDING PATH** Follow this back up... **COURTYARD STORAGE** Head up the stairs and then take a right around to the double doors. An equipped ASSAULT SHOTGUN may be a good idea. **GAZEBO** ENEMIES: THREE CERBERI Walk forward a little bit and there's another radio message, if you have it. Further ahead are three CERBERI, in various places. If you're lucky, one of your shots will kill two of them, but it's generally recommended that you kill all of them. After that, it's back to the HANDGUN for a while. But first, before running off to the gate on the opposite side, there's a GREEN HERB and a BLUE HERB nearby that may interest you. **WATERWAY** Take a left at the end and around to the panel. Use the SQUARE CRANK there. Once that scene is over, go down the ladder and to the opposite side. Keep running here, and take the elevator down. **FOUNTAIN COURT** ENEMIES: CROWS Run out, around and straight across, avoiding the crows at all costs. **IVY PATH** ENEMIES: SNAKES! There's a RED HERB next to the door, good for combining with the other stuff you just got. Now turn right and keep running down the pathway. SNAKES will drop from above, but you just keep on running right to the door. It should take ten to fifteen minutes to make the run through this area. ******************************************************************************* Part Three: RESIDENCE and AQUA RING ******************************************************************************* **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Ahead of you are a set of three BLUE HERBS, but you won't be needing any of them yet. Instead, turn right and take the first door there. **RESIDENCE SAVE ROOM** There's a BATTERY PACK on the shelf along with some INK RIBBONS near the typewriter. Further on, there's an item box and a tank of KEROSINE. You're never really in the residence long enough to let Crimson Heads spawn, so I wouldn't worry about it. Now you have two choices: you can either take the easy way out with the next boss, which will take longer, or you can take the normal way out, which is much faster. Deposit everything in the item box except the HANDGUN and HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Fans of the easy way out will take the LIGHTER as well. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** See that set of double doors up there? That's where we're headed. **RECREATION ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO SPIDERS There's a SPIDER right above you so run to the right where there's a GREEN HERB and a RED lamp. Light it if you're going the EASY WAY out and it'll cast a silhouette that looks a bit like this: \_|_/ <_( )_> | Remember that. By now you should be running around avoiding the SPIDER, so run to the other side, past the GREEN HERB, and go down the nearby stairs where you can pick up the RED BOOK (you need this), a FIRST-AID BOX (BLUE/GREEN MIXED HERB), and a box o' SHOTGUN SHELLS. On the table without SHOTGUN SHELLS, there will be a GREEN lamp, which you'll light and see this symbol: _____ -<_(|)_>- Go back up the stairs and, for you EASY WAYS again, go up the next set of stairs where you'll find a third lamp in ORANGE with this symbol... \___/ <_(o)_> Now check the billiard balls on the table... 2 blue, 3 RED, 4 purple, 5 ORANGE, 6 GREEN. Remember that... or don't... After you're done in here doing whatever, exit and try not to get sprayed with poison along the way. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Now, about that box... push it forward and once it rounds the corner, push it over so it touches the other box. Use these to climb in around the danger. If you don't, some vines will strangle you, which is not cool. Go through the door on the other side of the boxes. But if you're an EASY WAY, drop the LIGHTER off first. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Make your way through here... The first door is locked, but the second door is something you can open, in a minute... **002 ROOM** After the scene you can pick up a FILE concerning the upcoming boss. Head into the door nearby that you haven't been in... **002 BATHROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) There's a shiny object on the shelf, pick it up to get the RESIDENCE KEY (KEY FOR ROOM 001). The ZOMBIE will bust in now. Oddly enough, he can't be hurt until the door closes, so keep your distance. Kill it and leave. It's only messier later if you don't. **002 ROOM** Take the door to the right again. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Run all the way through this thing again to the door at the far end. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Climb over the set of boxes. When you get back down, check out the door on the other side. Unlock it with your KEY FOR ROOM 001, discard, and enter. **001 ROOM** Hmm, feet... On the table in the main part of the room is a valuable HANDGUN MAGAZINE, along with the SELF DEFENSE GUN and a FILE that comes with it. This walkthrough assumes that you do not under any circumstances pick up the SELF DEFENSE GUN as it is a waste of space. Now enter the door next to the entrance to this room... **001 BATHROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) There will be a clunk in the other room. Feet, again. Go to the bathtub and drain it to pick up the CONTROL ROOM KEY. Now get out of here before the ZOMBIE wakes up. **001 ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Don't be stupid, just take the door next to you. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** No worries now. Climb the boxes again to get to... **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** We still don't have a key for the first room so go to the second... **002 ROOM** Head forward and over to near where the bed is. You'll see two bookcases. Push the one on the left back against the wall, and the one on the right further to the right. This will reveal a ladder, which you should descend. **AQUA RING ENTRANCE** Run around to the boxes, ignoring the first two and the door that's locked from the other side. Push the third box into the water. Now push the box that was behind it into the water. Push the last box into the wall the first two were lined up against, then it goes into the water too. Makeshift bridge. Cross it, check out the GREEN HERB if you need it, but otherwise head for the doors. **UPPER AQUA RING** ENEMIES: NEPTUNES! Start running to the left and a scene will occur. Keep running, no matter what happens, just keep running. Open the door at the end with the CONTROL ROOM KEY. **CONTROL ROOM** Climb down the ladder. When you get down to the bottom, turn right. There's a MAP OF THE AQUA RING. Now is as good a time as any to start up the next puzzle sequence... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [PRESSURE LOCK PUZZLE] + + + + This whole room is a deathtrap. Not yet, mind you, + + but very shortly it will be necessary for you to + + perform a few tasks around the room. For the + + purposes of the solution, conceive of the room as + + having left and right while facing the central + + ladder. + + + + First, you'll want to check the table by the map. + + This will give you a warning and a valve number, + + either 1, 2, or 3, to release if the oil pressure + + drops. + + + + Check the panel on the far right side and you'll + + get an error message regarding drainage. A neptune + + will slam the window, making the situation all the + + more urgent. + + + + Examine the panel to the right of the drainage one + + and remove the safety. Now go to the upper part of + + the room and try to lower the shelter on the main + + panel. This will fail. + + + + Remember the oil pressure valve number from before? + + Head to the hallway beyond the ladder and make a + + left and you'll see a series of tanks there. Use + + the tank associated with your number (you'll be + + given a choice if you examine them). + + + + Now, head over to the safety release in the right + + corner, using it, then go to the upper panel and + + lower the shelter. You can now freely drain the + + water. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go back into the hallway near the ladder and grab the FIRST-AID BOX (2 GREEN HERBS MIXED) if you were bit a couple of times. Head down into... **DRAINAGE ROOM** Take a right into the main part of the room, where there are some SHOTGUN SHELLS on the right again. Grab those and take the opposite door too... **LOWER AQUA RING** ENEMIES: TWO NEPTUNES... Head forward and one of the NEPTUNES starts flapping. Keep your distance and he's no trouble. Further along in a small pool of water is mommy NEPTUNE. Ignore her for now and climb up the platform, where you'll see a shiny new key to be grabbed. Unfortunately, more bad stuff. You can be a loser and waste your ammo, or you can push the green box into the water and flip the nearby lever to resolve this issue. Climb back down and grab the RESIDENCE KEY (GALLERY KEY). Now exit. **DRAINAGE ROOM** Turn right and head for the double gate... **AQUA RING EXIT** Sparkling on the box ahead are some MAGNUM ROUNDS. After that, head around and take the ladder up, unlocking the door at the end. **AQUA RING ENTRANCE** Simple as that. Climb up the ladder again. **002 ROOM** Now turn right around the corner and exit. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Go back to the door you couldn't open before and unlock it with the GALLERY KEY, then enter. **GALLERY** ENEMIES: BEES! Ignore the items around you, instead run forward, past the table, left before the door, and examine the corpse you find at the end. Take the INSECTICIDE SPRAY and leave as fast as you possibly can. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Turn right and go past the 002 door. You'll find the MAP OF THE RESIDENCE and a hole. Use the INSECTICIDE SPRAY there. No more bees. The path diverges now for this guide. EASY WAY types, you can read on, NORMAL WAYs should skip down until they see the marker for them to start. -------- |EASY WAY| -------- Head back through the hallway to the first door... **GALLERY** Now you may be interested in the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the table. Take it and check out the area where the hive used to be to pick up the RESIDENCE KEY (KEY FOR ROOM 003). Use it to enter the room of the same name. **003 ROOM** There's nothing in the room to the left, so ignore it. Ahead is a typewriter, but don't worry about it. Instead, examine the bookshelf nearby and take the white book for an important FILE. Now use the RED BOOK in it's place. Notice that the bindings form the figure of a reclining nude. Assuming the books are numbered from left to right with 1, 2, 3, etc, swap 1 and 4, 2 and 7, and 3 and 8. This will unlock the door. Don't go through the door. Instead, go out the same door you used to get in. **GALLERY** Run straight across and you'll see a door with an odd lock mechanism. Operate it. Remember the symbols from before? The first one matched up with 3, so highlight that and the number 3. Go to the next symbol over, select it, and 5 on the number panel. For the final symbol, select it, then the number 6. Head through the now unlocked door. **CHEMISTRY LAB** It's puzzle time again! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [V-JOLT PUZZLE] + + + + The goal here is to make the V-JOLT, but keep in + + mind that if you mix the wrong chemicals, toxic + + gas will be created and you'll be poisoned. + + + + You're provided with four EMPTY BOTTLES to do this + + trick with and they're all placed at the opposite + + end of the room. I'll assume you don't have a lot + + of space, so I'll show you how to do it in three. + + + + First, fill one of the bottles with WATER and put + + UMB NO. 3 in another. Mix those two to get NP-004. + + + + Next, fill one with YELLOW-6 and immediately mix + + that with the NP-004 to create UMB NO. 10. + + + + Put some more WATER in a bottle and more YELLOW-6, + + then mix those two to get UMB NO. 7. + + + + Combine the UMB NO. 7 and the UMB NO. 10 to get + + VP-017. + + + + From here, all you need to do is combine the VP-017 + + with a bottle of UMB NO.3 and V-JOLT is complete. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Unfortunately, you can't ditch the EMPTY BOTTLES yet. Turn right and go around the corner back into... **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Head right back to... **002 ROOM** Down the ladder... **AQUA RING ENTRANCE** Since the water was drained, you no longer can access the makeshift bridge. Take the door instead. **AQUA RING EXIT** Go down the ladder and around to the door. **DRAINAGE ROOM** Take the single door on the right. **CONTROL ROOM** Climb up the ladder and exit through the door. **UPPER AQUA RING** ENEMIES: ONE NEPTUNE Take the short set of stairs to the left, ignoring the NEPTUNE flopping about, and enter the door on that side. **GUARD ROOM** You'll see a mass of writhing roots in front if you. Approach them, but don't get too close, then use the V-JOLT. You'll discard the rest of the bottles as well. Now head out. **UPPER AQUA RING** ENEMIES: ONE NEPTUNE Back up the stairs to... **CONTROL ROOM** Down the ladder, to the door... **DRAINAGE ROOM** Through the gates... **AQUA RING EXIT** Up the ladder, out the door... **AQUA RING ENTRANCE** Up the ladder... **002 ROOM** Use the door... **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Go back to through the first door you come across... **GALLERY** Run across to... **003 ROOM** And out the secret door... **PLANT 42 ROOM** ENEMIES: PLANT 42! After a scene, Barry will come in and save your ass (so that's where the FLAMETHROWER went in Jill's game!). Run across to get the MANSION KEY (HELMET KEY). If you talk to Barry, he'll suggest he's sticking around here, but you should check out the mansion. Exit through the double doors. ---------- |NORMAL WAY| ---------- Ignore the door to the GALLERY, keep running to the end... **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Climb over the boxes and take a left after crossing them. Enter the room on the left after that. **RESIDENCE SAVE ROOM** Ditch a few of your items (keep the RED BOOK), save if you have to, and grab whatever healing itemsyou need, but the key here is to get the GRENADE LAUNCHER and load it with INCENDIARY GRENADES. Ditch the regular GRENADES too. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Back over the boxes to... **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Take the first door to... **GALLERY** You can now grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE without fear. Head over to where the hive used to be and pick up the RESIDENCE KEY (KEY FOR ROOM 003), and use it on the corresponding door. **003 ROOM** Ignore the door to your left and the typewriter ahead. Instead, examine the bookcase and take the FILE, then use your RED BOOK in the open space. Note the reclining nude figure that the bindings create. Swap books 1 and 4, 2 and 7, and 3 and 8. A shelf should slide out, revealing a door. Enter with your GRENADE LAUNCHER equipped. **PLANT 42 ROOM** ENEMIES: Oh, gee, I wonder... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #3A: PLANT 42]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |There's a set of stairs to your left as you enter, so run up those and cross | |the little platform until you're staring into the mouth of the beast. When | |it opens up, start firing. It may rain some damaging pollen on you or whip | |you with the vines, but you should continue to fire when you have a clear | |shot, unless of course then vines knock you off the edge. Two shots with the| |INCENDIARY GRENADES and it'll start falling apart. One or two more and the | |whole thing's dead. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down the stairs again and check out the fireplace to get the MANSION KEY (HELMET KEY). Now exit via the double doors. ---------- |END "WAYS"| ---------- **GALLERY** There's a RED HERB next to you, provided you're interested. After that, just head out for the door. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Head left and you'll find Wesker cappin' some bees. After the scene, turn around and head out the door. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Cross the holes now, as it's safe. Speaking of safe you might want to head left into... **RESIDENCE SAVE ROOM** Ditch the MAGNUM ROUNDS here, the HERBs, and pull out the ASSAULT SHOTGUN, with whatever SHOTGUN SHELLS you have in the box. Equip it and exit after that... **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Hang a left and to the door leading out. You may want to grab a BLUE HERB as there's an area ahead where it's pretty easy to get poisoned. **IVY PATH** Head out and around. Halfway through you'll get another radio message. Make your way to the door again. **FOUNTAIN COURT** ENEMIES: TWO CERBERI Let sleeping dogs lie. Run across and quickly to the elevator. **WATERWAY** ENEMIES: SNAKES! This is where the poisoning happens. To avoid it, cling to the outside border of the path to avoid the coiled SNAKE near the corner, and go down the ladder when you get there. Head back up the other side and out to... **GAZEBO** Go to the left and around that way. Straight ahead is the door to... **COURTYARD STORAGE** New note from Barry, he's fixed the door and is giving you a BATTERY PACK, a FIRST-AID SPRAY, and some GRENADES. How nice. Go through the door straight across. This will take twenty-five to thiry minutes for you followers of the normal way. Easy ways can tack five to ten minutes on either end. Cheaters never prosper. ******************************************************************************* Part Four: MANSION (II) ******************************************************************************* **STONE CORRIDOR** Just head across to the door... **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: wait for it... Walking forward a bit will trigger a scene and your first HUNTER will come bustin' in. Blast him with the ASSAULT SHOTGUN a couple of times and he's toast. Now go back through the door next to the double doors (the one that used to have a busted doorknob...) **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: THREE HUNTERS! The first one is at the bottom of the stairs. Pump him full of shells and head into the nearby door... **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** This is partially to reset the hunters in the other room, but ditch the GRENADES as long as you're here. Ditch the HANDGUN too, you'll be needing the space for better goodies. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS Run up the stairs and immediately turn left (there's a HUNTER in the alcove on the right). Run towards the HUNTER and if you're lucky, it'll throw him off guard and send him readying for the jump-slash while you run past. If not, run through him anyway, but avoid killing if you can. **SMALL STUDY** GREEN HERB in front of you. Turn right and unlock the door with the HELMET KEY. **TRAPPED ROOM** Uh, hmm, well... Get behind the statue and begin pushing it forward into the main part of the room. Don't worry about the walls, just focus on pushing the statue to the end. Now turn around and run back out. Head around the left corner and run to the opposite wall, flipping the switch. Run out as fast as you can and into where the statue is, then begin pushing it to the left. If you do this in time, you'll solve the puzzle and keep the walls from moving. In the newly opened alcove, there's a DAGGER and a hole. Go down the hole. **TREVOR'S GRAVE** Ahead of you will be LAST BOOK VOL. 1. Open it to get the MEDAL OF EAGLE. Now examine the grave to get a FILE, then press the button on the tombstone. Climb down the ladder. **EAST BASEMENT TUNNEL** ENEMIES: THREE SPIDERS You'll encounter all three SPIDERS as you go. Turn right at the first corner, left at the second, and right again to get to the exit door. There's a MAP OF THE BASEMENT in here, but seriously, you don't want it. **WEST BASEMENT TUNNEL** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Run forward and you'll find a RED HERB and a BLUE HERB, good for combining with stuff. Turn right and you'll see a ZOMBIE approaching, while the other will come from the nearby corner. Kill both of them, then pick up the DAGGER at the junction. Keep on running forward and flip the breaker beyond there. Return to the junction, head right this time, pick up the HANDGUN MAGAZINE near the door, and unlock said door. **KITCHEN** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Grab the DAGGER on the table, then cap the ZOMBIE that approaches. Maybe just enough to knock him down, you won't be coming back here. Now go around the corner where he was, ignore the corpse that does nothing, and use the elevator. **ORANGE HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES The colors!... Ahem, to your left is a ZOMBIE guarding two GREEN HERBS and a RED HERB, but odds are you don't have the inventory for it. To the right is a door you need to enter and a ZOMBIE nearby, which you could kill. **MANSION STORAGE** SHOTGUN SHELLS and ACID GRENADES. Just like Christmas. Further ahead, a BATTERY PACK and a BATTERY, which you have dire need of. Grab 'em all and leave. **ORANGE HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take a left and go around the corner, then unlock the door. The only other door in this area is busted. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Do the smart thing and go into the door on the immediate left. **UPPER DINING ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER HUNTER to your left, run for the right and go through the nearby door. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Run around and down the stairs. The corpse in front of the save room is gone, so just enter there as usual. **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Manually reload the ASSAULT SHOTGUN, ditch the ACID GRENADES, the BATTERY, the HANDGUN MAGAZINES, and the MEDAL OF EAGLE. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Climb up the stairs again and take the door down the hall on the left, unlocking it with the HELMET KEY. **TAXIDERMY LOUNGE** Hmm... moving statues... yeah, definitely a puzzle, but first, collect the FILE on the table, the DAGGER on the right side, and the GRENADES on the left. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [GEMSTONE PUZZLE] + + + + There are three stuffed animals in this room, one + + is a deer head, one is a buffalo head, and one is a + + full-sized eagle. In each of them are three gems, + + the red, the yellow, and the purple, respectively. + + + + You need to grab the red and the yellow, but the + + problem is this: the eagle follows your movements + + and whenever its vision is locked on one of the + + other heads, the gem inside, in turn, locks into + + place. You'll have to outwit the eagle to get to + + each stone. + + + + To start out, push each of the dressers in the room + + until they line up beneath the nearest head. Next, + + you'll want to turn out the light, as this is the + + only way to see each gem. + + + + Continue over until the eagle's vision "locks" on + + the deer (you'll hear it do so). Now run towards + + the eagle's wall, and under it until you're at the + + other side where you can climb up and grab the + + YELLOW GEMSTONE from the buffalo. + + + + Once the eagle's vision "locks" on the buffalo, + + climb down and repeat the process in the other + + direction so you can pick up the RED GEMSTONE. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stones in hand, you're free to leave. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Now head left through the door at the end and get ready to run... **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Run forward through the hole, then hang a right and head through the door... **NARROW HALLWAY** Head all the way through this area and to the end, where you can now unlock the door with the HELMET KEY. **LIBRARY** ENEMIES: Just you wait... Right near the window are two GREEN HERBS. A good deal, if you ask me. Keep heading around the corners until you get the scene... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #4A: YAWN (II)]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |Don't fire at him yet, he can't be hurt until you climb down the ladder and | |he joins you in the lower part of the library. Now turn on him, ASSAULT | |SHOTGUN armed, and begin firing at his head. His main attack this time is | |similar before, he'll rear up, pause, then strike at you. He's rather easy | |to dodge in that, but after six to ten shots, he'll be down for the count. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What, no steaming puddle of purple goo? Head around the corpse to get the item he knocked down. It's the LAST BOOK VOL. 2. Open it to get the MEDAL OF WOLF. The door on this level is completely busted, so climb up the ladder again. Walk around the upper level and out the door again. **NARROW HALLWAY** Head right out of here... **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Last time we run through this hellhole. Use the same door as earlier. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS (not yet) This is the last time we'll be coming through here too. Go down the stairs, and turn right down the hallway as you normally would. Keep running and the HUNTERS will crash through the windows, but just ignore them and go for the door. **WINDOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES If you left the ZOMBIES standing, they're still going to be here. Do what you will with them but your goal is a quick right turn and a left when there's and opening. **TIGER ROOM** ENEMIES: ? Put the YELLOW GEMSTONE into the tiger statue. This will reveal an MO DISK, which you should take. If you put the RED GEMSTONE in instead, well, you'll just find out for yourself. **WINDOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Take a left out into the hallway, dealing with the ZOMBIEs as you will. Go through the door at the end. **KENNETH HALLWAY** Turn right and take the first door you see. **DINING ROOM** Turn left and head on out through the double doors. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Run across the hall and use the HELMET KEY to unlock the single door, then discard it. **DECORATIVE LAB** Pick up the FILE on the right. Go around the corner and through the door. It's just a pack of INK RIBBONS in the desk behind you. **MIRROR ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE You should see one ZOMBIE approaching, but he's a total waste of time so don't bother. Run around him, use the BLUE HERB PLANTER if you need to (why is it here?), grab the DAGGER, the GREEN HERB, or both, then check out the JEWELRY BOX in the armoire. Now combine the RED GEMSTONE with it in your inventory... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [JEWELRY BOX PUZZLE] + + + + Putting the gemstone into the box will cause five + + small pieces to drop out of the sides. The object + + here is to fit them together into the octagon hole. + + + + Of course, the trick here is to make sure the piece + + is fit against the border of the octagon, that way, + + there won't be any overlap in the middle areas. + + ________ + + / || \ Ah, the wonders of ASCIII.. + + / || \ The end result should look + + / ___||_____\ something like the monstrosity + + / || \\ \ to the left, minus a little + + | || \\ | space for overlap. When you + + | || \\ | fine tune, try to jam pieces + + | || \\ | as far into the edge as you + + \ \\____/|| / possibly can. You can be + + \ // || / punished for overlap, but a + + \// || / bit of open space is perfectly + + \______||/ fine. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Good deal, now you have the BROACH. Examine it to get the EMBLEM KEY, and exit. **DECORATIVE LAB** Head for the door... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Go up the stairs and through the door at the landing... **GRAVEYARD** Run down the stairs and across the field to the gate door... **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: CROWS... As previously stated, don't mess with the CROWS, they don't mess with you. Just head for the door. **GREEN HALLWAY** You know that nearby door with the weird knocker? Open it with the EMBLEM KEY. **SPENCER'S STUDY** Go in and turn on the light on the desk. In the left-hand drawer is a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS. Behind you is the METAL OBJECT, which you need, along with the BATTERY PACK nearby. Exit. **GREEN HALLWAY** Turn left and go through the single door. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS The HUNTERs are upstairs, distracted, so just go for the door nearby... **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Ditch the MEDAL OF WOLF, the MO DISK, and the METAL OBJECT. Take out the BATTERY and the SQUARE CRANK. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS Turn left around the corner and out the door again. **GREEN HALLWAY** Right down the hall and around the corner... **STONE CORRIDOR** Freedom at last, head for the door... It should take twenty to twenty-five minutes to complete this area. ******************************************************************************* Part Five: COURTYARD (II), MANSION (III), ALTAR ******************************************************************************* **COURTYARD STORAGE** Nothing to do here. Just head across and out. **GAZEBO** Run across to the double gates. **WATERWAY** ENEMIES: SNAKES! Climb down the ladder, cross the bridge, and run across the other side, hugging the outside corner to avoid getting poisoned. **FOUNTAIN COURT** ENEMIES: TWO CERBERI There's one CERBERUS near the gate to the residence and one by the fountain. Kill both and go over near the fountain, using the BATTERY in the open slot. Ride the elevator to the top. **GAZEBO** Run out the hallway, then left, up the stairs to the gates. **WATERWAY** Head left to the panel from before and use your SQUARE CRANK, then exit the same way you came in. **GAZEBO** Head down the left stairs again and to the elevator... **FOUNTAIN COURT** In the main pathway, the waterfall is gone now, so go through that area and down the ladder... **UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE** Take the door on your right, but if you have need of a typewriter or an item box RIGHT NOW, you can go on ahead and find some INK RIBBONS as well. We'll be coming back soon enough, so it's not necessary. **EAST TUNNEL** Nothing to do to the right, so head left and down the stairs to the door. **ELEVATOR TUNNEL** Run around the edge and open up the power control box on the other end to get the curiously named SHAFT. When heading back, turn left down the hall and open the door, where there's a HANDGUN MAGAZINE nearby. **ENRICO ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER (not yet) Run forward until there's a scene, still an awkward one if you ask me. When it's done, examine Enrico to get the CRANK (HEXAGON CRANK). As you head back out, a HUNTER will bust in. Make him pay for ruining the moment. **ELEVATOR TUNNEL** Run around the left edge this time and you'll be able to see and pick up a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Head for the door. **EAST TUNNEL** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS As you head up the stairs, you'll see the HUNTERS. Shoot from below as soon as your aim is cleared, then fire again until you dispatch both. Go through the door. **UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE** Turn right and open the item box up to add the HANGUN MAGAZINE to your stock, then deposit it again, along with the SQUARE CRANK, which is now useless. Now head to the other side and use the HEXAGON CRANK on the panel. Go through the door, taking the GREEN HERB if you want it. **WEST TUNNEL** Turn right and run up to the boulder. Check it and as you run back, it will start moving, so dive into the alcove. Back where the boulder was, you can find some SHOTGUN SHELLS. Head for the demolished wall and enter the big door you find there... **SPIDER ROOM** ENEMIES: Sonofa... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #5A: BLACK TIGER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |This thing behaves no differently from your average spider, except that its | |charge can knock you into the wall. Speaking of your average spiders, they | |will be dropping down from above through this entire fight and seem to | |materialize out of nowhere. Run around the big one, since it has severe | |issues with turning, and continue to pump it full of shot as you run and gun.| |Four or five shots will do it in. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clean out whatever SPIDERS remain so they don't distract you. More will come, but eh. Avoid the black tiger's spitting corpse too, as it can poison you. Take the SURVIVAL KNIFE on the right side of the room and cut off the webs that were on the door. Enter. **AUXILARY TUNNEL** To the left are two BLUE HERBS and a MAP OF COURTYARD B1. To the right, another door. **SOUTH TUNNEL** Go left and use the HEXAGON CRANK on the panel three times, then exit the inventory. The boulder will start moving. You coward types can turn around and run, but real adventurers charge the boulder and run into the left alcove with the door. **GODDESS ROOM** Hmm, sounds like puzzle in here... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [GODDESS PUZZLE] + + + + If you step on that circular panel in the center, + + it will rotate ninety degrees. Hmmm..... + + + + Go behind the second statue and push it north (away + + from the other statue) until it's resting in front + + of the darker panel. Move over to the little hole + + near the door and use the HEXAGONAL CRANK to move + + that panel out, then use it again to move the panel + + out of the way. + + + + From there, push the statue east, then south and + + onto the circle. It will rotate couter-clockwise + + ninety degrees. Push the statue west and off the + + circle again, then go behind it and push it back + + on. Get around and push it east again and, once it + + clears the circle, keep pushing directly south + + until it fits into the hole. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Your reward will be the CYLINDER, which you should combine with the SHAFT. The Roman numerals on it spell out 4, 2, 3, 1, so don't bother turning. Exit. **SOUTH TUNNEL** On the end where the boulder started, you can find a FIRST-AID BOX with a FIRST-AID SPRAY inside. Worthless. Head to the door instead. **AUXILARY TUNNEL** Take the center door... **SPIDER ROOM** Straight across... **WEST TUNNEL** Out the door... **UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE** Ditch the HEXAGON CRANK and SURVIVAL KNIFE in the box. Make your way to the door near the ladder. **EAST TUNNEL** Down to the other door... **ELEVATOR TUNNEL** Go to the control console again and put the newly formed CYLINDER SHAFT in the box. Enter 4, 2, 3, 1, just like before. Try to start the elevator and Barry will hook up with you for a bit. **DISPOSAL TUNNEL** After another scene, you'll be off. Go into the nearby door. **LISA TUNNEL** ENEMIES: LISA TREVOR! This place is dangerous, so bear with me. Run forward and you'll come to a junction, eventually. Take a right and you'll see LISA TREVOR, who actually just appears in the first side you go down. Turn around and run to the left- side path and go up the stairs you find, grabbing the GREEN HERB and the RED HERB along the way. At the top you'll find a door on the left. Quickly head inside. **STORAGE TUNNEL** When you reach the boxes, climb on top of them to get some MAGNUM ROUNDS, a HANDGUN MAGAZINE, and a BATTERY PACK. Now climb down, push the box a little bit to the left, then forward until it's on the lift. Use the button to send it on its way, then head out again. **LISA TUNNEL** ENEMIES: LISA TREVOR! This again... go down one of the tunnels, then when you meet up with LISA, turn around and run through the opposite tunnel to the door you used to get in. **DISPOSAL TUNNEL** Barry leaves, without explanation. Turn left, running down into the area with the planks. Use the item box to ditch the MAGNUM ROUNDs and the HANDGUN MAGAZINE, pull out the METAL OBJECT. Now climb down the ladder and push the box into the compactor. Flip the switch to break it, then climb down and get a BROKEN FLAMETHROWER. Make your way back to the door. **LISA TUNNEL** ENEMIES: LISA TREVOR! Follow what I say and follow well. Go to the left side of the tunnel, when you see LISA TREVOR, turn around and begin moving, but don't run so far away that she doesn't follow you. Head down the right end of the tunnel. You should see a switch on the wall up here. Just about when LISA reaches you, flip the switch, run away from her, around to the left tunnel, down the stairs, and keep going until you see the hooks on the wall, where you should use the BROKEN FLAMETHROWER. This will unlock the door and you should enter RIGHT NOW. **LISA'S ROOM** ENEMIES: SNAKES! Navigate your way through here. Lisa doesn't seem to follow you in, but I'm pretty quick here normally, despite the fact that this room is huge. Get through the water as fast as possible as this is where the SNAKES are. You'll find a JEWELRY BOX near some candles when you reach dry land. Open it and you'll get a FILE and the STONE RING. Combine the STONE RING with the METAL OBJECT to get another STONE & METAL OBJECT. Now climb up the ladder. To the right to get a BLUE HERB and a GREEN HERB. Head for the left side now and climb up the ladder. **CABIN** Explains a bit. Use the item box to get the MEDAL OF WOLF and MEDAL OF EAGLE, just BE SURE TO HAVE ONE ITEM SPACE OPEN. Do whatever else you need to and head out. **MOUNTAIN PATH** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Head down the mountain, avoiding Mr. ZOMBIE along the way. **COURTYARD GRAVESITE** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES One's ahead, one's near the stones, avoid both and use the door. **WINDING PATH** Head on up... **COURTYARD STORAGE** Use the single door... **STONE CORRIDOR** Here's why you needed that item space. Grab the STONE & METAL OBJECT off the panel and exit through the other way. **GREEN HALLWAY** Straight across to... **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: CROWS... Ignoring the CROWS and opening the gate... **GRAVEYARD** Up the nearby stairs... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Head down the stairs and around to the little blue tunnel you went in at the very beginning of the game. Use both STONE & METAL OBJECTS on the door to open it. **ALTAR SAVE ROOM** There's a typewriter next to you and an item box further down. Keep following the tunnel down, deeper and deeper, until you get to the door. **ALTAR** ENEMIES: Wait... Head to the ladder and go down. Jill and Barry will have an encounter, then... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #6A: LISA TREVOR]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |You can either give Barry his gun back or don't. If you don't, you'll keep | |the gun and get a FILE, but Barry won't help you. For the sake of this guide| |I'll assume you gave Barry his gun back because it's the right thing to do. | |Now you're facing Lisa Trevor. There are two ways to beat her. One's the | |wasteful way, i.e., pump bullets into her and hope she falls off the edge, | |and the other's the dramatic way which is to use the hint from and earlier | |FILE and push all four stones off the edge while Barry provides cover. Be | |quick about it and only shoot when you have to, but remember that Lisa is a | |medium-level boss because if she hits you three times, you're dead, and even | |if you do give Barry his gun back, he can still get hurt too. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you do it the stones way, you'll get a special scene and can access the FILE in the coffin. Barry's still going to stand guard, so head out through the pathway near the statues and take the elevator up. **COURTYARD POOL** Ignore the door. Walk aroudn the pool and examine the statues, using the MEDAL OF EAGLE and MEDAL OF WOLF where applicable. This will open up the path to the elevator, which you should take down to the lower level. This area should take twenty-five minutes to half an hour to complete. ******************************************************************************* Disk Two Part Six: LABORATORY ******************************************************************************* **MACHINERY ROOM** There's nothing much to do here aside from run around the machinery and head for the ladder. **LAB ENTRANCE SAVE ROOM** There's some INK RIBBONS on the floor, between the typewriter and the item box. Save if you want, then exit through the door. **UPPER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: THREE ZOMBIES There's KEROSINE near the door, but realistically, you won't need it. As you head forward, one ZOMBIE will approach, dodge him. If you're going to kill the ZOMBIES here, decapitate them with the ASSAULT SHOTGUN. There are two GREEN HERBs, one near the rail and one near the wall. Notice another ZOMBIE climbing up the stairs. When you get to the end, turn left, dodge the ZOMBIE there, and grab the MO DISK. Now head down the stairs. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Take the door on the right. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Take the door on the left... **ROENTGEN ROOM** Well, what have we here... Pick up the X-RAY (X-RAY OF CLARK) on the box ahead and then grab the other X-RAY (X-RAY OF GAIL) off the white board. Now check the computer nearby to have this bit explained to you... puzzle time! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [X-RAY PUZZLE] + + + + You have two X-RAYs in your possession now, one for + + Clark David and one for Gail Holland. Check out + + the x-ray projection panel and you'll see two other + + names up there, Alex Bechet and Ed Fisher. + + + + The note on the board should remind you that it's + + just as easy as remembering your ABCs, so put the + + X-RAY OF CLARK between Alex and Ed, then put the + + X-RAY OF GAIL on the end, to the right of Ed. Now + + head back and flip the switch in the back of the + + room. + + + + Notice how certain organs are now standing out more + + than others? Consult the board again to cross- + + reference them; "colon", "esophagus", "liver", and + + "lungs". Take the first letter from each and your + + password is "CELL". + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ For reference, it's possible to skip this puzzle if you know the answer. Now that you have the password, you can head on out... **MEDICAL HALLWAY** If you're curious about that FIRST-AID BOX at your feet, it's a mix of two GREEN HERBS. Head through the door next to you. All other doors in this area are locked right now. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES From here on out, you'll be running around in this area a lot, so kill the ZOMBIE in front of you and run through his hallway, going through the double doors near the end. **OPERATING ROOM** Straight ahead are some carefully disguised MAGNUM ROUNDs. Now head into the left side of the room and grab the FILE on the table. Use the computer with "JOHN" as the username and "ADA" as the password, via the file, then use "CELL" to unlock the other floors, then exit. Check the little hall behind you to pick up a FIRST-AID BOX if you want one GREEN HERB. Further along, you can find a BATTERY PACK, but that's all there is in here, so leave after that. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Turn right and run across to the door you just came through (the one straight ahead, not that one on the right). **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Go forward and take the first door on the right, now unlocked. **NITRO ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Naked ZOMBIES can't become Crimson Heads, so just plug this guy until he drops. Pick up the INCENDIARY GRENADES nearby, if you intend on using them, then the SLIDE FILTER on the desk, which is necessary for a mini-puzzle. Further into the room you can find a FILE on a shelf. Use your MO DISK on the GameCube lookin' thing and you'll unlock the first of three levers to the door back in the MEDICAL HALLWAY. Now exit. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Turn left and go out the door at the end. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Go left through the gate. **UPPER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: THREE ZOMBIES Climb up the stairs, avoiding the ZOMBIES, and take a left down the path, avoiding the second ZOMBIE, and go through the door near where the MO DISK was. **VISUAL DATA ROOM** There's a FIRST-AID SPRAY on the table in front of you. The shiny to the left is another vital MO DISK. Now go to the projector in front and use the SLIDE FILTER on it. At the end you'll get a code, "8462" in normal mode. Enter that in the passcode terminal on the wall. Now you can check that room out, but along the way you can pick up the MAP OF THE LABORATORY from the shelf near the door and a FILE from the one next to the secret room. There's also some SHOTGUN SHELLS in the lower shelf next to it. Pick up the LABORATORY KEY (KEY FOR THE POWER AREA) in that room, then you can use the imaging equipment to look at Kenneth's tape, if you want to see what a mess that was. The whole SLIDE FILTER process can also be skipped for those of you concerned with time at this point. Just enter the "8462". **UPPER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: THREE ZOMBIES Dodge the ZOMBIE, head down the stairs... **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Go left through the tunnel, then turn right at the end. When you get to the corner, unlock the single door and the double door with the KEY FOR THE POWER AREA. Go through the latter. **MORGUE** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Here's some fun... turn left and push the shelf all the way to the end. Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS to your left, then climb up the ledge to the right and go through the duct. **AUTOPSY ROOM** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Turn left and go around the corner into the next duct. **MORGUE** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Quickly get down, pick up the BATTERY PACK near the computer terminal, then use the most recent MO DISK to unlock another lever. Now you can either do things the safe way and jump through the ducts again, eventually making your way back to the door, or you can turn around and push the shelf forward, avoiding the onslaught of CHIMERAS, and climb out that way. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take a left into the single door. **DAMP HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Door to your left is the AUTOPSY ROOM, but the door is rusted shut, which is why we didn't use it. Further ahead is a junction, with a ZOMBIE on either side. For now, go through the door opposite you. **OFFICE SAVE ROOM** Something bad happened here, but now the music's all peaceful. Typewriter and INK RIBBONs on the table, along with a FIRST-AID SPRAY. GRENADES are on the floor near that. Do whatever you have to, then pull out the MAGNUM REVOLVER and the MAGNUM ROUNDS. This will be our last official "stop" in a save room, so take some healing items and the MO DISK as well. JILL'S INVENTORY: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS MAGNUM REVOLVER MAGNUM ROUNDS MO DISK (open, for herbs) (open, for herbs) (open) **DAMP HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Turn left, frag the ZOMBIE, go down the stairs and enter... **FUELING ROOM** ENEMIES: THREE CHIMERA There's only one CHIMERA in the entire game that you have to kill, and that's in here. Turn right then left down the next path with the arrow (by the furnace), turn, shoot the CHIMERA with the MAGNUM. Now check out the panel it was guarding to take out the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE. Now exit the same way you came in (don't worry, you can run for now). **DAMP HALLWAY** Turn left ahead into... **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take either path to the opposite corner of the room. Going straight ahead will lead you to a ZOMBIE, a DAGGER, and a HANDGUN MAGAZINE, so there isn't much point. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Take the door on the right... **NITRO ROOM** If you haven't done the MO DISK thing in here, do it now. We're going to use the mystery box with the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE to refuel it. Thus begins the nitro quest. ----------- |NITRO QUEST| ----------- You're warned against running with nitro and this is generally true. But let it be known that you aren't guarenteed to die the second you start running, so TECHNICALLY, you can run with it, particularly on the lower difficulty levels. I don't recommend you do, but it's still possible in short bursts. You are going to have to avoid all enemies during this time because if you get hit and shaken significantly, you're going to blow up. If you fire off a weapon to defend yourself, you're going to blow up. Sneeze? Kaboom. Got it? Good. I don't even think you can quick turn. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Turn left and WALK to the end of the hallway... **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Go through the tunnel, right, and open the single door. **DAMP HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Right at the junction, down the stairs. **REFUELING ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS (not yet) Turn right, go left down the second path, replace the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE. --------------- |END NITRO QUEST| --------------- Go back out, turn the corner, run to the end of the hall, then turn right and go straight for the door, avoiding the CHIMERAS. **VENTILATION ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Run straight ahead and use the final MO DISK on the GameCube. A CHIMERA will jump out of the vent, but provided you still have the ammo, you can blast it twice with the ASSAULT SHOTGUN. Now go down the other path, keep avoiding CHIMERAS, and head for the door. You might not have time to get the BATTERY PACK along the way. **POWER ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Head around either side. When you get to the computer panel, turn power on for the elevator, then run around the other side and out the door. **VENTILATION ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Just keep on running... **FUELING ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Right out of here... **DAMP HALLWAY** Zombies are gone. Run for the elevator at the opposite end. Turn it on and you'll meet up with Barry. **LAB CORRIDOR** You can pick up some SHOTGUN SHELLS just to your left. Head through the door at the end. **TYRANT STORAGE** ENEMIES: Wait... Well, at least it makes sense this time, sorta. Make sure you have that MAGNUM REVOLVER equipped... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #7A: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |Here's your anti-climax. Run around the corner about halfway through the | |camera angle change, then start firing at it. Five to six shots should down | |it just before it reaches you, but if you're uncomfortable with it, you can | |always run back a little further. Don't get me wrong, it'll still do some | |massive damage if you do get hit, but that's the thing, you shouldn't. It | |doesn't even have a charge attack. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run back around and check Wesker's body to get a FILE that a lot of people overlook. Further along that path is an electronic lock, which you should release now. Now check on Barry and you'll exchange a scene. Go for the door. **LAB CORRIDOR** Self-destruct times! **DAMP HALLWAY** Head left around the corner, then right to the door. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Take whatever route you want to the opposite corner. CHIMERAS will drop down either way, but you should ignore them. Go through the non-gate doors. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Go to the end and pull down the three levers to open the door. Go through... **PRISON HALLWAY** Head down the stairs and to the door. **PRISON CELL** Why, it's Chris! Exit. **PRISON HALLWAY** You can either go back into the PRISON CELL and get some SHOTGUN SHELLS or you can go back up the stairs. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Run to the end... **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Take a left through the gate doors. **UPPER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ? It depends what you did here earlier. If you decapitated the ZOMBIEs, there won't be anything. If you ignored them, they're just ZOMBIES. If you killed them without burning or decapitating them, then you have a mess of CRIMSON HEADS in here. Do with them as you will (ASSAULT SHOTGUN?), but your goal is the door upstairs. **LAB ENTRANCE SAVE ROOM** This is our last save room, so do what you will in here and pick up some healing items if you were careless enough to get hit in the last battle. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE ONE ITEM SLOT OPEN. Climb up the ladder. **MACHINERY ROOM** Now we can go through the door... **EXIT HALLWAY** There's a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS to your left and to the right, a FIRST-AID BOX with a GREEN HERB inside. Weak. MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE ONE ITEM SLOT OPEN. Keep running and you'll get a scene, further along you need to grab the FUSE UNIT for use on the panel at the end. The boys will decide to make their stand, so head for the elevator. Three minutes... **HELIPAD** Grab the SIGNAL ROCKETS, for immediate usage. After a few scenes, the Tyrant will bust out of the ground to meet you. Oh snap! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #8A: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |The nasty thing about this is that the Tyrant can still kill Barry after all | |this time, so provide enough cover fire with your MAGNUM REVOLVER to distract| |it. If it begins to turn or walk slowly towards you, this means that it's | |getting ready to charge and slap you with the claw, which will immediately | |send you to DANGER. Run sideways to avoid this. Another method of screwing | |with the Tyrant is to stand directly behind it. More often than not, it | |won't be able to figure out what you're doing and will just stand there. | |Better still, its turn and charge attack will be off line and misses you. | |When Brad drops the ROCKET LAUNCHER, equip it and fire. If it bats away one | |of the rockets with its claw, don't worry, the second shot will hit. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bare minimum, you can get through here in just under twenty minutes. More realistically, it would take twenty-five to thirty minutes. Your overall time will be between 2:25 and 3:20, probably closer to the latter if you did the V-JOLT quest earlier. Either you've gotten all the items or just missed getting the Rocket Launcher. My personal time was 2:32:07 while writing this. ==================================== = 07: CHRIS REDFIELD WALKTHROUGH = ==================================== Note: This walkthrough ignores all "lucky" circumstances, so if you're getting those headshots or stacking those corpses, stupendous, I'll still write it as if you aren't. I don't factor in you getting attacked either, so it all evens out. Also, Chris' walkthrough will be less detailed with the directions. I regard Jill's game as a sort of preparation for Chris', despite them being near equal in difficulty. ******************************************************************************* Part One: MANSION ******************************************************************************* **MANSION MAIN HALL** After some discussion between Chris, Jill, and Wesker, you'll be headed into... **DINING ROOM** There are some INK RIBBONs on the table, but you shouldn't ever have any need for them (or the typewriter in this room), so just ignore them and run along the right side of the room to the door in the opposite corner. **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: Wait... Turn left and you'll meet the first ZOMBIE of the game. Since you're going it alone, you might think that it'd work to dodge/kill him and go out the nearby door, but no, you have to report to Wesker... **DINING ROOM** Left to the doble doors... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Pick up the HANDGUN here and go charging back into the fray... **DINING ROOM** Head for the door... **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Now he's to your right, but it doesn't matter now. Grab the FILE on Kenneth if you want then go through the door near him. **WEST STAIRCASE (EXT.)** There's a HANDGUN MAGAZINE by the birdcage and two GREEN HERBS next to the stairs. Head up the stairs... **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Watch out for that corpse in the future, and ignore the GREEN HERB near it for now. Turn right into the hole, dodge behind the ZOMBIE, then pick up the GOLDEN ARROW near the end. After that, take the HANDGUN MAGAZINE sitting by the mirror, just try not to get bitten in the process. Now go to the right door behind the second ZOMBIE. **UPPER DINING ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE There's a DAGGER to the right, and the double doors you need to go through further on. You can backtrack around the other side and push the statue forward and off so you can get a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS later. In fact, I recommend this because Chris has no Grenade Launcher. If you want to kill the ZOMBIE over there, Chris is better with the knife, but I'll recommend that you at least kill it, so long as it's on the statue side and not the door side. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Turn left and go down to the landing, opening up the door there. **GRAVEYARD** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Head down both sets of stairs and you'll meet up with the first ZOMBIE. Dodge it and run down the left path, being careful not to alert the other ZOMBIE further over. At the end, examine the GOLDEN ARROW to get the ARROWHEAD, then use that on the stone to open a passageway. Pick up the BOOK OF CURSE at the bottom and examine the back to get the MANSION KEY (SWORD KEY). Now head back to the door. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Descend the stairs and turn left, going through the double doors. **STATUE ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) You can waste time pushing the dresser forward to get the MAP OF MANSION 1F from the statue or running behind there to get the DAGGER you'll just end up wasting, or you can go through the right door, unlocking it with the SWORD KEY. **CORNER HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ? Go forward until you're past the second dresser, then push it forward to get a DAGGER. Around the corner, push the second dresser backwards to get the HANDGUN MAGAZINE. **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** The nearest door is locked for Chris, so keep on walking until the second door. Enter. **MANSION BATHROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) Drain the bathtub and you'll find out why the water was dirty. Unfortunately, Chris isn't as resourceful as Jill, who just stomps the ZOMBIE, so dodge it and grab the OLD KEY from the tub, then leave. **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** Now check out that locked door, using your OLD KEY. **EAST GARDEN** Chris probably has just two item spaces left, so if you want to combine the two GREEN HERBS and the RED HERB near the end, you should do that before you grab the CHEMICAL (HERBICIDE). **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) As you run past that door, the ZOMBIE will bust out from the MANSION BATHROOM. Keep running and go through the double doors at the end. **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Nothing to do here but take the door on the right. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: THREE ZOMBIES Around the corner is a ZOMBIE, which you should kill. Enter the door near where he was. **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Ditch the SURVIVAL KNIFE, the HERBICIDE, and your excess HERBs in the item box. Pick up the FILE, the FUEL CANTEEN, and the OLD KEY near the typewriter. Refuel the canteen with the KEROSINE near the door. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Burn the ZOMBIE's body with the FUEL CANTEEN, then climb up the stairs, take a right (ignoring the ZOMBIE on the left), and kill the ZOMBIE there. Now wait there for the first ZOMBIE to come around and kill it so that it lands and is touching the body of the second ZOMBIE. Burn 'em both in a two for one deal. Now go down the stairs to refuel, come back, and go through the door at the end of the right passage, unlocking it. **RED HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES There's another ZOMBIE to your right, and one further around the corner on the left. If you can pull off the same trick here, do it, but don't worry if you can't since the FUEL CANTEEN is full. You'll want to destroy both bodies in here. After this, head down to the right where there's a door the first ZOMBIE guarded. **TREVOR'S STUDY** Pick up the DOG WHISTLE and the FILE with it to your right. On the corner, there's also a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. If you want another FILE, go deeper into the room and grab the book on the curved desk. Now go back through the same door. **RED HALLWAY** There's a WOODEN MOUNT further along here, for use if you want the MAP OF MANSION 2F. Just go back out to the EAST STAIRCASE, turn right, run to the end, go through the door and use it on the fireplace with your LIGHTER. But, for the purposes of this guide, it's useless, so run to the opposite end of the hall and unlock that door with the SWORD KEY, which is all you can do in here. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Run across to the double doors. **UPPER DINING ROOM** Run down the right side and open up the second door with the SWORD KEY. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Turn left and unlock the door with the OLD KEY. **WEST TERRACE** ENEMIES: TWO CERBERI (not yet) Heal using the GREEN HERB planter in front of you if you need to. Now use the DOG WHISTLE. Kill both the CERBERI and pick up the COLLAR one of them drops. Open it up to get the COIN, then examine the back of that to get the IMITATION OF A KEY. Use the GREEN HERB planter again if you want to, then go out the same door, discarding the DOG WHISTLE. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Turn left and run around the stairs, then kill the ZOMBIE to your left, and go through the door at the end. The left-hand door is inaccessible for now. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES, and a special guest... Run out through the hole, then hang a right. The CRIMSON HEAD will rise, but go through the door anyway. **NARROW HALLWAY** When you get to the panel in the floor, grab the ARMOR KEY. Replace it with the IMITATION OF A KEY right away. Exit. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIEs Grab the GREEN HERB ahead, if you want it. The CRIMSON HEAD will now be in the nook on the right when you head for the door, which means you're probably going to get caught between him and the ZOMBIE on the left at some point. Head through the door. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Head forward and ZOMBIE will bust open the door from the WEST TERRACE. For some weird reason, he's the easiest ZOMBIE to headshot in the game. As for the one climbing the stairs, you can either wait and stack him on the corpse from last time in here, or you can just kill him and burn both separately. After you're done, go down the stairs and down the hallway, unlocking the door at the end with the ARMOR KEY. **WINDOW HALLWAY** Grab the FLASH GRENADE on the table, as this is a wonderful little item. Now turn right and go down the hall, opening the first door on the right. **KEEPER'S ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES (not yet) Ignore the body on the floor and grab the HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the bed. Go around to the desk and pick up the FILE, which will cause the ZOMBIE to bust out of the closet behind you. Avoid it somehow (you might want to switch the controls to MANUAL so you don't waste the FLASH GRENADE) and grab the OLD KEY behind it. Now run out of the room, avoiding both ZOMBIES as you go. **WINDOW HALLWAY** Take a left and go through the door we just recently unlocked. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Unlock the door next to you with the OLD KEY. **FURNITURE ROOM** To the left is another FLASH GRENADE and further on, the BROKEN SHOTGUN which you NEED to pick up. There's also a KEROSINE tank further on in the room, so refuel the FUEL CANTEEN. Ignore the useless INK RIBBONS in the desk. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Burn any remaining corpses in this area, then head for the door right next to the bottom of the stairs. Don't worry about the corpse near there because it will never become an issue if you directly follow this guide. **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Ditch the BROKEN SHOTGUN and the FUEL CANTEEN in the item box. Since I instructed you before that you should be killing and burning everything, this won't be a big deal as the only body that hasn't been incinerated will be in the UPPER DINING ROOM, too far away to bother you. Take the HERBICIDE out of the box as well, and save on ther typewriter if you have to. CHRIS' INVENTORY: HANDGUN HANDGUN MAGAZINE SWORD KEY ARMOR KEY HERBICIDE (open) **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Take a right around the corner and to the door at the end. **WINDOW HALLWAY** Run to the end and just around the corner to... **GREENHOUSE** ENEMIES: VINES! Head to the nearby water pump, dump the HERBICIDE in, and pump to the red side. Pumping to the right side kills all five of the GREEN HERBS just sitting there. The real goal is the DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT EYES) sitting behind the fountain, so grab that and leave. **WINDOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES (not yet) Start running forward and the ZOMBIES will bust through the windows. Take a left, unlock the door at the end of the hall, and go through. **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Back here, are we? Turn left and charge the ZOMBIE, using one of the FLASH GRENADES on him. Shoot him after that or just wait for him to pop, makes no difference. Head around the elevator and down the stairs, unlock the door with the SWORD KEY, discard it, and enter. **KITCHEN** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES (not yet) There's an OLD KEY on the shelf here, which you should grab, along with the DAGGER on the table. When you try to leave, a ZOMBIE comes walking down the stairs. You'll be back here eventually, so you might try to do something to decapitate it... Or just ignore it entirely, run around the table, avoid the crawling ZOMBIE, and go through the door again. I pick the latter. **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Run around the elevator, unlock the first door you come across with the ARMOR KEY, and take the door near the end on the left. A ZOMBIE may bust out of the door near the end. **DINING ROOM** Turn left and head out the double doors. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Go up the stairs and turn right at the landing, continuing up. You'll see the usual double doors, but don't go in those yet. Instead, go to the right of that and unlock the door with the ARMOR KEY. If you go in, you'll end up in the EAST TERRACE, where there's a DAGGER, two GREEN HERBS, and a special ZOMBIE. I don't recommend it. Instead, go to the familiar door. **RED HALLWAY** Unlock the first door you see with the ARMOR KEY, but DON'T GO IN YET. Unlock the second door and go inside. **KNIGHT ROOM** +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [KNIGHT PUZZLE] + + + + As soon as you enter the room, four statues will + + move forward: a knight with a shield, a knight with + + an axe, a knight with a halberd, and a knight with + + a sword. + + + + Ignore the paintings on the back wall, as they're + + irrelevant to the puzzle, unfortunately. If you + + play around with the statues, you'll notice that + + the shield statue also moves in the sword statue, + + but moving the halberd statue will send the sword + + one back out again. + + + + Push the halberd statue in first, then the one with + + the axe, then push in the shield statue. The sword + + one should move in automatically, allowing you to + + flip the center switch without fear of danger. + + ----------- + + | - T - | 1 = HALBERD 4 = SWORD + + | |4| |1|>| 2 = AXE S = SWITCH + + | - - - | 3 = SHIELD T = JEWELRY BOX + + | |S| | + + | - - - | < = PUSH LEFT > = PUSH RIGHT + + |<|2| |3|>| + + | - - | + + ----------- + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now you can grab the first JEWELRY BOX. Examine the front and back to get a DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT ALL). **RED HALLWAY** Turn left and take the first door you see. **EAST STAIRCASE** You shouldn't have any item slots left now, so go down the stairs and into the nearby door. Check the note too, Wesker's giving you some help. **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Pick up at least the SHOTGUN SHELLS and the HANDGUN MAGAZINE and do what you will with the FIRST-AID SPRAY. Now crack open the item box and ditch the MASK W/OUT EYES, MASK W/OUT ALL, and the SHOTGUN SHELLS. Take out the BROKEN SHOTGUN. **EAST STAIRCASE** Climb up the stairs again and take a left at the top, unlocking the first door with the ARMOR KEY. Enter. **DEER ROOM** Ignore the RED HERB, you won't have space for it. Unlock the room on the left using the OLD KEY. **RESEARCHER'S ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE BEE (not yet) Grab the FILE on the desk. Unlike Jill's game, Chris gets the complete one. Now go to the far wall and grab the FISHHOOK. Turn around and go to the frame on the right side to get the LURE OF A BEE, then combine that with the FISHHOOK and go to the frame next to the door. Pick up the BEE SPECIMEN and replace it with the now complete LURE OF A BEE, then go back to the right frame and put on the BEE SPECIMEN and hit the switch. A WIND CREST will be revealed, but if you try to get it, the BEE will awaken. Ignore it, grab the WIND CREST, and exit. **DEER ROOM** Still no space for the RED HERB, because we have to go across this room to pick up... **RESEARCHER'S LODGINGS** On the dresser is the OLD KEY which you'll be needing for the shortcut coming soon. There's also a FIRST-AID BOX with a FIRST-AID SPRAY, a GREEN HERB, and some INK RIBBONS in here, but take none of them because you probably don't have any space. **DEER ROOM** Door on the left... **EAST STAIRCASE** Turn left and go down the stairs to the door at the end of the hall. Don't worry about the message, this guide won't go through the door often enough for it to break. **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Turn right first and unlock the door on the left at the end with the ARMOR KEY, then discard that. As you're heading over there, the ZOMBIE from the NORTHEAST CORRIDOR busts in on you. Dodge him and go to the double doors he came through. **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** Take the door in front of you. **ORNATE ROOM** Take the other door. **FIREPLACE LOUNGE** Curious parties will find that you cannot light the fireplace here. Sad, but true. Grab the DAGGER if you want, ignore the INK RIBBONS, and go to the back wall where there's a SHOTGUN. Take it and replace it immediately with the BROKEN SHOTGUN. **ORNATE ROOM** No trouble here, head out the door. **NORTHEAST CORRIDOR** Head across to the double doors... **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Kill the ZOMBIE in front of you, then go down the hall, door on the left... **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: CROWS! Remember, don't screw up the puzzle or shoot at the CROWS and they won't mess with you. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [STAINED GLASS PUZZLE] + + + + On the other side of the room is a portrait with a + + caption reading: "Lisa, protected by the three + + spirits". The portrait has a green crown, a purple + + necklace, and an orange bracelet. + + + + _____ L = LISA GLASS N = NECKLACE GLASS + + |L| | | B = BRACELET GLASS C = CROWN GLASS + + | |B| |D D = DOOR TO GREEN HALLWAY + + |B| |R| + + |L|N|E| The object here is to match up the glass + + |U| |D| items with the right color. Bracelet and + + |E|C| | crown both appear as yellow, while the + + | - | necklace is red. To alter the colors, + + |_____| use the switch on either the blue or red + + sides to tint it that color. + + + + Since the bracelet is orange, use the switch on the + + red side to switch the glass to that color. Since + + the necklace is purple and the crown is green, use + + the switches on the blue side to make them the + + correct color. When you're finished, just revisit + + Lisa's portrait and press the button. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Grab the DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT MOUTH), then unlock the gate door with the OLD KEY and go through there. Luckily, this is the last OLD KEY door in the game. **GRAVEYARD** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Dodge the near ZOMBIE and run across the field and up the stairs. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Take a left up the stairs and through the door. **RED HALLWAY** Take the first door on your right... **RICHARD HALLWAY** Head forward and you'll get a scene. Now you're on the famous SERUM run! **RED HALLWAY** Left down the hallway... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Across to the double doors... **UPPER DINING ROOM** Second door on the right... **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Down the stairs and into the nearby room... **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Ditch the HANDGUN, HANDGUN MAGAZINE, WIND CREST, and MASK W/OUT MOUTH. Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS from the item box and take the SERUM from the shelf. CHRIS' INVENTORY: SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS SERUM (open) (open) (open) **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Climb up the stairs, go around, and out the door at the end. **UPPER DINING ROOM** Left to the double doors... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Across to the other door... **RED HALLWAY** Take the right door after you enter... **RICHARD HALLWAY** You'll get a scene with Rebecca and Richard where you'll take him to the WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM. You'll also get your radio, if you managed to save him. After another scene you'll be in... **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Lousy backtracking... climb up the stairs, go around them, door at the end... **UPPER DINING ROOM** Left, double doors... **MANSION MAIN HALL** Across, single door... **RED HALLWAY** Single door on right... **RICHARD HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Here we are again... there are two GREEN HERBs here, but the goal is the door on the other end. It's preferable that you keep the item slots open. Unfortunately, there's also a ZOMBIE here. I endorse the ammo-saving (coward) route and run around the little herb alcove, behind the ZOMBIE, and out the door. **DISUSED HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Head to the left and you'll meet up with Mr. ZOMBIE. Decapitate him with the SHOTGUN and continue on. **SMALL DINING ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Here, you can pick up one HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the table and another HANDGUN MAGAZINE in the china cabinet, after you light the candle with your LIGHTER, of course. Push the bigger cabinet out of the way and you'll reveal the ZOMBIE. Dodge it and grab the MUSICAL SCORE (MUSIC, MID-PAGES) in there. Now exit. **DISUSED HALLWAY** Head to the end and take the door on the right. **RICHARD HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Run through the herb alcove again to avoid the ZOMBIE. **RED HALLWAY** Head left and out the door. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Head down the stairs and go through the double doors on the right... **DINING ROOM** Run down the left side and pick up the BLUE GEMSTONE. Now head to the fireplace and take the EMBLEM off the mantle. Exit through the door nearby. **KENNETH HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Kill the ZOMBIE near you, preferably via decapitation, then go through the door down the hall on the left. **WINDOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Don't do anything with the ZOMBIE. Run straight ahead and into the alcove on the right, entering the door. **TIGER ROOM** Use the BLUE GEMSTONE on the tiger statue to get the SHOTGUN SHELLS. **WINDOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take a left and head for the door again... **KENNETH HALLWAY** Head left down the hall and take the next door... **PIANO BAR** Run around the piano and push the shelf out of the way to get the MUSICAL SCORE (MISSING MUSIC). Combine that with your MUSIC, MID-PAGES, then go to the piano to try it out. Chris can't play, but Rebecca can, sort of, so let her try (either choice gives the same result) and exit. **KENNETH HALLWAY** The fastest way out of this is to trigger a scene, so head down the hall and through the first door on the right. **WINDOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Kill the ZOMBIE, decapitation prefered. Go through the door near where he was at the corner. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Run forward and around the corner, into the door near the stairs. **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Go talk to Richard and you'll trigger the scene. Now take the FUEL CANTEEN out if you screwed up decapitating one of the last two zombies. You may want to get rid of the HANDGUN MAGAZINES too. Head out again. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Refuel the FUEL CANTEEN in the FURNITURE ROOM if you have to, but the other door is your goal. **WINDOW HALLWAY** Burn the corpse if there is one, then head right to the end... **KENNETH HALLWAY** Burn the corpse here too, then go down to check on Rebecca. **PIANO BAR** Becca finally got it. Head into the alcove and grab the FILE and the GOLD EMBLEM. Now use the EMBLEM in its place. Head for the door. **KENNETH HALLWAY** Go down the hall again and take the door on the left. **DINING ROOM** Use the GOLD EMBLEM on the mantle and the clock will open up... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [CLOCK PUZZLE] + + + + Check the painting next to the clock and you'll get + + a message that says "A picture of two knights + + striking each other. The short sword has been + + thrust into the breast of one knight, while the + + long sword has pierced the head of the other." + + + + Check the clock and it'll look like a normal clock, + + but the 3 is replaced by a shield, the 6 is armor, + + the 9 is a sword, and 12 is a helmet. + + + + "When the two have run each other through, the path + + to your destiny will open." + + + + Use the painting as your reference and move things + + from there. The small gear operates the long hand, + + while the large gear moves the small hand. Both + + hands currently point to midnight. + + + + Move the large gear twice to the right to make it + + point to armor, then quit turning. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Take the MANSION KEY (SHIELD KEY), then head for the double doors. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Go up the stairs, to the right, and through the single door. **RED HALLWAY** First door on the right... **RICHARD HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Dodge the ZOMBIE, grab some herbs if you have space, and go for the door. **DISUSED HALLWAY** Go across and unlock the door with the SHIELD KEY, then discard it. **ATTIC** ENEMIES: ... Head forward and it's... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #1B: YAWN]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |Chris doesn't have Richard backing him up, but it's still not all that hard. | |The yawn will circle around the post in the middle, which shifts his weak | |spot around a lot. When he does get close to you, he's likely to rear back | |and strike, so use Chris' superior speed to dodge that if at all possible. | |If you get bitten, you'll need to do some form of a serum run again, so TRY | |to avoid it. The only method I can fully endorse in dealing with the yawn is| |to run behind it to where it crawled out of the wall and take the DEATH MASK | |there, then leave. Standing your ground and killing him normally will screw | |you over in the next fight because Chris doesn't have the firepower yet. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- One way or another, you have the DEATH MASK (MASK W/OUT NOSE). **DISUSED HALLWAY** Now, things are going to split in three. If you got through the battle without being poisoned, your route is this... DISUSED HALLWAY -> RICHARD HALLWAY -> RED HALLWAY -> EAST STAIRCASE -> EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM (pick up other three MASKs) -> EAST STAIRCASE -> GREEN HALLWAY -> STAINED GLASS HALLWAY -> GRAVEYARD But assuming you are poisoned, you'll either collapse, leaving Rebecca to save you, or you'll be forced to take a SERUM run on your own. Both paths are... DISUSED HALLWAY -> RICHARD HALLWAY -> RED HALLWAY -> MANSION MAIN HALL -> UPPER DINING ROOM -> WEST STAIRCASE (INT.) -> WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM If Rebecca saves Chris, then your path after that is the same as the first. We'll start with Chris saving himself... **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Ditch your additional items and grab the other three MASKS and exit. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Go up and around the stairs to the door at the end... **UPPER DINING ROOM** Left to the double doors. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Go down to the landing and through the door there... **GRAVEYARD** ENEMIES: Wait... There are no zombies here anymore. Run down the path to the stone staircase and go down. From left to right on the wall, use the masks as EYES, ALL, NOSE, MOUTH. This will drop the coffin for you to examine, but... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #2B: CRIMSON ELDER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |Equip the SHOTGUN if you haven't already and begin firing as quickly as you | |can. If he does get to you, he'll either grab you or do the dual claw slash | |that all Crimsons do, except his is a bit more painful. Fire once, then run | |to the side as he charges. Three shots will put him on the ground for a bit,| |then he'll get up again and you can repeat the process. Two or three more | |shots and he'll be dead. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS near the coffin, then hit the switch in it and take the STONE & METAL OBJECT. Go up the stairs and through the gate. **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: CROWS... Ignore the crows, go for the door... **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Blast the ZOMBIE ahead or don't, your goal is the door behind him. **STONE CORRIDOR** ENEMIES: ONE CERBERUS (not yet) As you head forward, the CERBERUS will jump out from behind you. I'd ignore it and just use the STONE & METAL OBJECT on the panel to unlock the door. Because of that stupid trip back to the RICHARD HALLWAY, it takes anywhere from fifty minutes to an hour to get through this area. ******************************************************************************* Part Two: COURTYARD ******************************************************************************* **COURTYARD STORAGE** There's some SHOTGUN SHELLS to your left and a FLASH GRENADE on the shelf where the FIRST-AID SPRAY is. Go down the stairs near there and to the door. **WINDING PATH** Near the red wind chime, you'll get a radio message from Wesker. Dunno why. Speaking of red wind chimes... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [CERBERUS PUZZLE] + + + + The gate ahead reads that it will open when the two + + dogs' desires are fulfilled. The left dog has blue + + eyes and reads "The Last Gasps of Destruction", + + while the dog on the right has red eyes and reads + + "The War Cry of Revenge". + + + + Back up the pathway is a sign the reads as follows: + + + + North: Valley of Destruction + + South: Cave of Hatred + + East: Summit of Madness + + West: Path of Revenge + + + + The object is to wind charms color to correspond + + with the dog's direction. Press the switch when + + the red charm faces west and when the blue charm + + faces north. The gate will unlock after that. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ **COURTYARD GRAVESITE** ENEMIES: SIX CROWS Nothing to do here yet, run across to the other gate. Ignore the CROWS... **MOUNTAIN PATH** The path splits at one point, but both lead to the... **CABIN** ENEMIES: ? Head around the stairs and go up to grab the MAP OF THE COURTYARD 1F, if you want it. Continue on to find a typewriter and a FILE next to it. Keep going and pull the WIND CREST and turn around, go around, and pick up the CRANK (SQUARE CRANK). As you backtrack to the typewriter, a door will open. Keep going and... LISA TREVOR! She's indestructable no matter what you do right now, so dodge her and head for the door. If you stick around and she keeps hitting you, you're in serious trouble. **MOUNTAIN PATH** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Shortly after the paths reunite, you'll meet the ZOMBIE. Dodge him and go for the gate. **COURTYARD GRAVESITE** ENEMIES: SIX CROWS Walk forward until the angle changes, then aim. Realign the shot until you're aiming at the first CROW on the far side of the path. Fire and three will drop. Run down the path to the stones, then aim just before you reach them and fire. The rest should drop. Use the WIND CREST on the right stone and you'll reveal the MOON CREST, STAR CREST, and SUN CREST. Go to the left stone, examine the backs of each CREST until the symbol juts out, and use each to reveal the MAGNUM REVOLVER. **WINDING PATH** Up the path to the door... **COURTYARD STORAGE** Head up the stairs and around them, exitting through the double doors. **GAZEBO** ENEMIES: THREE CERBERI Head forward and you'll get a scene involving the radio. Now it's time to duel the CERBERI, shotgun-style. Kill 'em all, check the GREEN HERB and BLUE HERB if you need them, then go for the double gates. If you run low on ammo as you kill the dogs, don't bother reloading. **WATERWAY** Run to the panel, use the SQUARE CRANK. Now climb down the ladder and up the opposite one. Run for the elevator. **FOUNTAIN COURT** ENEMIES: CROWS! Turn right, run for the gate, avoid the CROWS. **IVY PATH** ENEMIES: SNAKES! Pick up the RED HERB near you for combining, if you want. Now run to the door at the end. SNAKES will drop, but just keep on running. Due to Chris' superior speed, it shouldn't take longer than ten minutes to get through this area. ******************************************************************************* Part Three: RESIDENCE and AQUA RING ******************************************************************************* **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** There are three BLUE HERBs ahead. You shouldn't need 'em yet, so turn the corner and take the first door on the right. **RESIDENCE SAVE ROOM** You can find a FLASH GRENADE and some INK RIBBONs on the shelf near the typewriter. Further in the room is the item box and a tank of KEROSINE. At the item box, ditch your SQUARE CRANK, your MAGNUM REVOLVER, whatever HERBS you have, and the SHOTGUN, but NOT the SHOTGUN SHELLS. Trust me. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Head for the double doors to the right. **RECREATION ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO SPIDERS Avoid the SPIDER above you. To the left is a GREEN HERB, which you probably won't have space for in the greater scheme of things. Ignore the lamps, you can't do anything with them as Chris... well, unless you wasted too much time in the mansion and ended up killing Richard... more on that later. Run back to the other side, where you'll find a GREEN HERB, and follow the path down the stairs, where you can pick up some SHOTGUN SHELLS, the RED BOOK, and a FIRST AID BOX, which has a GREEN/BLUE MIXED HERB inside. I recommend taking it. Once you have all those goodies in tow, exit. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Push the box in front of you until it clears the corner, then push it over the hole and against the other stack of boxes. Climb over them to get to the door. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** RUn around the corner and past the first door to the one with the 002 above it. **002 ROOM** Head into the room on the left... **002 BATHROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) Turn to the right and grab the RESIDENCE KEY (KEY FOR ROOM 001) on the shelf. You'll hear a door slam in the distance, so turn around and wait for a second and a ZOMBIE will bust on in. Charge the ZOMBIE and use a FLASH GRENADE on him, then exit. **002 ROOM** Door on the right... **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** To the end... **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Climb over the boxes and unlock the door on the other side with the KEY FOR ROOM 001. Enter. **001 ROOM** There's a SELF DEFENSE GUN (with a FILE) and a HANDGUN MAGAZINE further in the room, but I don't expect you to use the HANDGUN again, and the SELF DEFENSE GUN is a waste, so take the door on the left. **001 BATHROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE (not yet) Drain the water in the tub to get the CONTROL ROOM KEY. Outside, you'll hear a thump, and the ZOMBIE in here will start to get up. Just exit. **001 ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Don't waste your time. Just exit to the right. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Cross the boxes to the door... **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Run to the end and the 002 door again. **002 ROOM** Head forward and grab the FILE on the desk. To your left are a couple of book- cases. Push the one on the left forward, then push the one on the right to the right. This will reveal a ladder. **AQUA RING ENTRANCE** Head around the tunnel until you get to the last of the three boxes and push it forward into the water. Head back to the second box and do the same. With the first box you saw, push it against the wall where the others were, then down into the water. Cross the bridge, grab the GREEN HERB if you need it, and head in... **UPPER AQUA RING** ENEMIES: NEPTUNES! After the scene, start running to the left, ignoring the NEPTUNES. Don't stop until you reach the door and unlock it with your CONTROL ROOM KEY. **CONTROL ROOM** Climb down the ladder. When you get down to the bottom, turn right. There's a MAP OF THE AQUA RING. Now is as good a time as any to start up the next puzzle sequence... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [PRESSURE LOCK PUZZLE] + + + + This whole room is a deathtrap. Not yet, mind you, + + but very shortly it will be necessary for you to + + perform a few tasks around the room. For the + + purposes of the solution, conceive of the room as + + having left and right while facing the central + + ladder. + + + + First, you'll want to check the table by the map. + + This will give you a warning and a valve number, + + either 1, 2, or 3, to release if the oil pressure + + drops. + + + + Check the panel on the far right side and you'll + + get an error message regarding drainage. A neptune + + will slam the window, making the situation all the + + more urgent. + + + + Examine the panel to the right of the drainage one + + and remove the safety. Now go to the upper part of + + the room and try to lower the shelter on the main + + panel. This will fail. + + + + Remember the oil pressure valve number from before? + + Head to the hallway beyond the ladder and make a + + left and you'll see a series of tanks there. Use + + the tank associated with your number (you'll be + + given a choice if you examine them). + + + + Now, head over to the safety release in the right + + corner, using it, then go to the upper panel and + + lower the shelter. You can now freely drain the + + water. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Go back into the hallway near the ladder and grab the FIRST-AID BOX (2 GREEN HERBS MIXED) if you were bit a couple of times. Head down into... **DRAINAGE ROOM** Turn right. On the right in the main part of the room are some SHOTGUN SHELLS on a box. Now head across for the double doors. **LOWER AQUA RING** ENEMIES: TWO NEPTUNES... As you reach the first NEPTUNE, you'll find the ASSAULT SHOTGUN next to it, assuming you saved Richard in the mansion, of course. Keep walking forward and climb onto the platform when you reach it. Try to grab the object and the NEPTUNE will knock it down. Push the nearby green box into the water, then flip the switch nearby. Head down into the water again and grab the RESIDENCE KEY (GALLERY KEY). Now you can leave. **DRAINAGE ROOM** Turn right and go for the double gate door. **AQUA RING EXIT** Run forward and take the MAGNUM ROUNDS off the box ahead. Now turn and go for the ladder and climb up, unlocking the door at the end. **AQUA RING ENTRANCE** Turn left and climb the ladder at the end. **002 ROOM** Head around the corner and for the door with the blood smear... **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** When you reach the door, unlock it with your GALLERY KEY and enter. **GALLERY** ENEMIES: BEES! Run forward, avoiding the bees, and when you get to the 003 door, turn left. Examine the body at the end to get the INSECTICIDE SPRAY, then turn around and run right out of here. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Turn right, run past the 002 door to the end and take the map. It will reveal a hole, which you should use the INSECTICIDE SPRAY on, killing the hive in the other room. Now head back for... **GALLERY** There's a HANDGUN MAGAZINE on the table here, but you don't have room for it. Run around the table to where the hive was to pick up the RESIDENCE KEY (KEY FOR ROOM 003). Head back for the 003 door and unlock it with that, and enter. **003 ROOM** Nothing in the room to your left, so go past the typewriter and examine the bookcase to get a FILE. Now use the RED BOOK, and notice how the book bindings now form a figure. Exchange books 1 and 4, 2 and 7, and 3 and 8. The shelf will move, revealing a door... **PLANT 42 ROOM** ENEMIES: Oh, take a guess... There will be a scene and Chris will get a hug from a vine. This isn't a problem, unless you didn't save Richard in the mansion, in which case you should skip over this next part 'til you find REBECCA METHOD below... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #3B: PLANT 42]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |Run up the nearby stairs and to the center of the platform. When the bulb | |opens, begin firing your ASSAULT SHOTGUN, just be wary that the plant is more| |likely to whip you off the platform in this state. Otherwise, when the bulb | |is closed, the same vines will rain damaging pollen on you. If you stay with| |your back against the wall, the vines won't knock you off, but if the pollen | |comes you should run away from it and come back when its done. After four to| |six shots, it will start to weaken in a scene. Four to six more and it will | |curl up and die. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Head down to the fireplace and take the MANSION KEY (HELMET KEY) and exit via the double doors. -------------- |REBECCA METHOD| -------------- If you didn't save Richard in the mansion, the plant will grab Chris and won't let go. Rebecca will show up and Chris will toss down the Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment to her (the FILE you just got). Rebecca will head out into the gallery and she'll have to open the keypad door on the opposite end of the room. The password is a little different in Chris' game, but it goes like this \___/ \_|_/ _____ <_(o)_> 3 <_( )_> 5 -<_(|)_>- 6 | Inside the CHEMSITRY LAB, it'll be puzzle time... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [V-JOLT PUZZLE] + + + + The goal here is to make the V-JOLT, but keep in + + mind that if you mix the wrong chemicals, toxic + + gas will be created and you'll be poisoned. + + + + You're provided with four EMPTY BOTTLES to do this + + trick with and they're all placed at the opposite + + end of the room. I'll assume you don't have a lot + + of space, so I'll show you how to do it in three. + + + + First, fill one of the bottles with WATER and put + + UMB NO. 3 in another. Mix those two to get NP-004. + + + + Next, fill one with YELLOW-6 and immediately mix + + that with the NP-004 to create UMB NO. 10. + + + + Put some more WATER in a bottle and more YELLOW-6, + + then mix those two to get UMB NO. 7. + + + + Combine the UMB NO. 7 and the UMB NO. 10 to get + + VP-017. + + + + From here, all you need to do is combine the VP-017 + + with a bottle of UMB NO.3 and V-JOLT is complete. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now exit the room. Your path will be to the GUARD ROOM, but because there's no water in the aqua ring, it'll take a little longer. Your path will be... GALLERY -> RESIDENCE HALLWAY -> 002 ROOM -> AQUA RING ENTRANCE -> AQUA RING EXIT -> DRAINAGE ROOM -> CONTROL ROOM -> UPPER AQUA RING From there, go left down the stairs and left at the bottom to the GUARD ROOM. Use the V-JOLT on the root, then refer to the battle plans above for Chris. ------------------ |END REBECCA METHOD| ------------------ **GALLERY** You'll meet up with Rebecca here in a scene. She'll offer to treat your wounds in the nearby CHEMISTRY LAB if you need it. Take her up on it or don't. Grab the nearby RED HERB and combine it with the GREEN/BLUE MIXED HERB from earlier. Exit. **RESIDENCE HALLWAY** Head left and you'll meet up with Wesker. When he leaves, turn around and head out. **RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY** Cross the holes without fear and head left for the entrance door. Might want to grab a BLUE HERB before you go. **IVY PATH** Along the way, you'll get a scene, but make your way for the gate... **FOUNTAIN COURT** ENEMIES: TWO CERBERI Dogs versus crows... just run across and around to the elevator. **WATERWAY** ENEMIES: SNAKES! Run along the outside edge as best you can to avoid the SNAKES and go for the inside edge after hitting the corner with the light. Use the BLUE HERB if you get poisoned. Go down the ladder, across to the other one, and out the gates. **GAZEBO** Run straight ahead and to the door on the right. **COURTYARD STORAGE** Ahead, you'll find a FLASH GRENADE, a FIRST AID SPRAY, a box of SHOTGUN SHELLS, and a note from Wesker saying that he fixed the doorknob in the mansion. It should take around twenty minutes to complete this area, twenty-five or more if Rebecca had to save you. ******************************************************************************* Part Four: MANSION (II) ******************************************************************************* **STONE CORRIDOR** That dog that jumped out before you left is gone now. Head for the door. **GREEN HALLWAY** ENEMIES: Wait for it... As you turn right and head into the main part of the room, a HUNTER will run in from the courtyard. Blast it, then take the second door on the left, the one that had the busted doorknob earlier. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: THREE HUNTERS Run forward and around the corner you'll find the first of the HUNTERS. Kill it and enter the nearby door. **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Our purpose here is twofold, first to ditch the HERBs and MAGNUM ROUNDS in your inventory and to reset the hunters in the other room. Save if you want to. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS Charge up the stairs and take a left straight for the HUNTER at the top. It will either try to slash you or jump-slash right over you, so if you get caught you should fire once to knock it down and continue on for the door at the end. **SMALL STUDY** There should be a GREEN HERB right in front of you. After grabbing it, turn right and unlock the door with the HELMET KEY. **TRAPPED ROOM** Get behind the statue and start pushing it through the threshold and into the main part of the room. Don't worry about the walls, just push it to the end. After that, turn around, go left through the passage, and flip the button at the end, running out as the walls retract. Go back to the statue, push it to the left, and it will click into place after a while, solving this "puzzle". Grab the DAGGER in the alcove, then jump down the hole behind you. **TREVOR'S GRAVE** Grab the LAST BOOK VOL. 1 in front of you and open it up (examine pages) to get the MEDAL OF EAGLE. Now examine the grave ahead to get a FILE. Push the switch to reveal a ladder. **EAST BASEMENT TUNNEL** ENEMIES: THREE SPIDERS Run ahead, avoiding the SPIDER, go right around the corner, left around the next (SPIDER), and go for the door (SPIDER). There's a MAP on the other end of the tunnel, but its really not worth it. **WEST BASEMENT TUNNEL** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Ahead are a RED HERB and a BLUE HERB, which you should immediately combine with the earlier GREEN HERB, provided you weren't poisoned. To the right is a junction, either side guarded by a ZOMBIE. Grab the DAGGER, kill the ZOMBIE straight ahead, and round the corner at the end. Flip the generator switch to turn on the elevator, then go back down the other path, avoiding the second ZOMBIE, and open the door at the end. You shouldn't pick up the nearby HANDGUN MAGAZINE. **KITCHEN** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Apparently, the crawling ZOMBIE from before realized he could walk again. One is on the other side of the table, the other is to the right, where you should be going, so charge him with a DAGGER equiped or otherwise dodge him so you can get to the elevator. **ORANGE HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES To the left, a ZOMBIE guarding two GREEN HERBs and a RED HERB. Don't have the space. To the right, a ZOMBIE, you should dodge him, and a nearby door, which you need to enter. **MANSION STORAGE** Payday. Pick up the two boxes of SHOTGUN SHELLS and the FLASH GRENADE on the floor, along with the BATTERY on the shelf, which you NEED. **ORANGE HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Turn left, run around the corner, open the door. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Immediately take the door on your left. **UPPER DINING ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER HUNTER to the far left, take the nearest door on the right. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Go around the stairs and down them, entering the nearby door. **WEST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Ditch the MEDAL OF EAGLE, the BATTERY, and whatever HERBS you might have. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Climb back up the stairs and go down the hall, unlocking the first door on the right with the HELMET KEY. **TAXIDERMY ROOM** Hmm... moving statues... yeah, definitely a puzzle, but first, collect the FILE on the table, the DAGGER on the right side, and the SHOTGUN SHELLS on the left. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [GEMSTONE PUZZLE] + + + + There are three stuffed animals in this room, one + + is a deer head, one is a buffalo head, and one is a + + full-sized eagle. In each of them are three gems, + + the red, the yellow, and the purple, respectively. + + + + You need to grab the red and the yellow, but the + + problem is this: the eagle follows your movements + + and whenever its vision is locked on one of the + + other heads, the gem inside, in turn, locks into + + place. You'll have to outwit the eagle to get to + + each stone. + + + + To start out, push each of the dressers in the room + + until they line up beneath the nearest head. Next, + + you'll want to turn out the light, as this is the + + only way to see each gem. + + + + Continue over until the eagle's vision "locks" on + + the deer (you'll hear it do so). Now run towards + + the eagle's wall, and under it until you're at the + + other side where you can climb up and grab the + + YELLOW GEMSTONE from the buffalo. + + + + Once the eagle's vision "locks" on the buffalo, + + climb down and repeat the process in the other + + direction so you can pick up the RED GEMSTONE. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Stones in hand, you're free to leave. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** Turn left and go out the door at the end. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Run out through the passage, turn right, and go for the door. I hate this hallway. **NARROW HALLWAY** Head to the far end of this hall and unlock the door with the HELMET KEY. **LIBRARY** ENEMIES: Surprise! Ahead of you are two GREEN HERBs. Might want to grab one... Turn left around the corner and... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #4B: YAWN (II)]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |This time you actually do have to fight him, but don't fire at him until you | |have climbed down the nearby ladder. Once you're down there, fire when you | |see his head. He'll keep moving around, but periodically he'll stop to rear | |up and strike you, at which point you should get out of range. It's a shoot-| |and-dodge kind of battle, but after six to ten shots from the ASSAULT SHOTGUN| |he'll go down permenantly. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Run to the other side of the bookshelf and pick up the LAST BOOK VOL. 2. Open it to get the MEDAL OF WOLF. From here, you have to go back up the ladder to exit, as the double doors are busted. **NARROW HALLWAY** Run for the opposite door. **YELLOW HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE CRIMSON HEAD, TWO ZOMBIES Head down and go through the opening and enter the door, as you normally would. Fortunately, this is our last time through here. **WEST STAIRCASE (INT.)** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS (not yet) Last run through here too. Go to the bottom of the stairs and head around to the door on the far end of the hall. Two HUNTERS will show up, but just open the door. **WINDOW HALLWAY** Turn right, then left into the alcove and enter the door. **TIGER ROOM** ENEMIES: ? Use the YELLOW GEMSTONE on the statue to get an MO DISK. If you use the RED GEMSTONE... well... **WINDOW HALLWAY** Exit the alcove and go left down the hall to the door. **KENNETH HALLWAY** Turn right and enter the nearby door. **DINING ROOM** Left to the double doors. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Head across to the single door, unlock it with the HELMET KEY, then discard. **DECORATIVE LAB** Next to you is a FILE. Head around the shelves and turn right at the opening. To the left are just a bunch of useless INK RIBBONS. **MIRROR ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Dodge the ZOMBIE and grab the JEWELRY BOX on the shelf. There's also a DAGGER if you want it, and a GREEN HERB with a BLUE HERB PLANTER nearby. Exit. **DECORATIVE LAB** Combine the RED GEMSTONE with the JEWELRY BOX... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [JEWELRY BOX PUZZLE] + + + + Putting the gemstone into the box will cause five + + small pieces to drop out of the sides. The object + + here is to fit them together into the octagon hole. + + + + Of course, the trick here is to make sure the piece + + is fit against the border of the octagon, that way, + + there won't be any overlap in the middle areas. + + ________ + + / || \ Ah, the wonders of ASCIII.. + + / || \ The end result should look + + / ___||_____\ something like the monstrosity + + / || \\ \ to the left, minus a little + + | || \\ | space for overlap. When you + + | || \\ | fine tune, try to jam pieces + + | || \\ | as far into the edge as you + + \ \\____/|| / possibly can. You can be + + \ // || / punished for overlap, but a + + \// || / bit of open space is perfectly + + \______||/ fine. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Now examine the BROACH and it will become the EMBLEM KEY. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Climb up the stairs to the landing and enter the door. **GRAVEYARD** Run down the stairs and around to the gate door. **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: CROWS... Ignore the CROWS, run for the opposite door. **GREEN HALLWAY** Unlock the door with the gold symbol using the EMBLEM KEY. **SPENCER'S STUDY** You'll hear a scream. Guess its time to exit. **GREEN HALLWAY** Turn left and go into the nearest door. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER Climb up the stairs and turn right, going into the door at the end. **RED HALLWAY** Turn right and go for the door. **TREVOR'S STUDY** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER You have to kill the HUNTER here if you want Rebecca to live so you can get the good ending, so blast it and you'll talk with her for a minute. Head out the nearby door. **EAST STAIRCASE** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER Head down the stairs and go through the door near them. **EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM** Ditch the MO DISK, the MEDAL OF WOLF and the GREEN HEBR, if you haven't used it yet. Grab the SQUARE CRANK and the BATTERY. **EAST STAIRCASE** Head out the door on this level again. **GREEN HALLWAY** Turn right and open the gold door again. **SPENCER'S STUDY** Turn on the light ahead and open the left drawer to get more SHOTGUN SHELLS. Now grab the METAL OBJECT and the FLASH GRENADE on the shelf behind you. **GREEN HALLWAY** Turn right and go around the corner, out the door. **STONE CORRIDOR** To the opposite door... This area should also take roughly twenty minutes to complete. ******************************************************************************* Part Five: COURTYARD (II), MANSION (III), ALTAR ******************************************************************************* **COURTYARD STORAGE** Head across... **GAZEBO** Out the double gates... **WATERWAY** ENEMIES: SNAKES! Down the ladder, up the other one, avoiding the damn SNAKES, use the elevator. **FOUNTAIN COURT** ENEMIES: TWO CERBERI Turn left around the corner, blast the CERBERI before it gets up. Another will come running, dispose of it. Put the BATTERY in the nearby recepticle and then ride the elevator up. **GAZEBO** We're on the far side of this room, so make a run for the double gates. **WATERWAY** Head left and over to the panel, then use the SQUARE CRANK to fill the pool again. **GAZEBO** Head back down to the right and to the elevator. **FOUNTAIN COURT** Now we can head across to where the waterfall was and go down the ladder. **UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE** The door on the right is where you want to be headed, but if you absolutely have to use them, there's a typewriter with INK RIBBONS and an item box straight ahead. **EAST TUNNEL** Nothing on the right, head down to the door on the left. **ELEVATOR TUNNEL** Run across and open the panel to get the SHAFT. Now turn around and go left to the door, ignoring the HANDGUN MAGAZINE near it. **ENRICO ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER (not yet) Run around and you'll meet Enrico. Examine his body after the scene to get the CRANK (HEXAGON CRANK). When you head back, a HUNTER will enter the room, so kill it and leave. **ELEVATOR TUNNEL** Head either way to the door. The other way has another HANDGUN MAGAZINE which you have no use for. **EAST TUNNEL** ENEMIES: TWO HUNTERS Near the top of the stairs, two HUNTERS wait. Kill them both, then exit. **UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE** Head to the right. If you haven't already, get rid of the SQUARE CRANK and the METAL OBJECT and do whatever else you need to do. Now go around to the other side of the tunnel and use the HEXAGON CRANK on the panel to open a path. There's a GREEN HERB by the door. **WEST TUNNEL** Grab the FLAMETHROWER to your left. Now run to the right and check the boulder. On your way back, it will start rolling, so run for the door alcove. You can check back where the boulder was to find the SHOTGUN SHELLS. Check where the boulder crashed to find a door. **SPIDER ROOM** ENEMIES: Painfully obvious! Might as well put that FLAMETHROWER to good use... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #5B: BLACK TIGER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |Black Tiger is just a larger stronger version of the spider with the same | |strengths and drawbacks. It has extreme difficulty turning around, but it | |can still spit poison at you and has a charge attack that can knock you into | |the opposite wall. Unload on it with the FLAMETHROWER, being careful to | |dodge the other spiders, and it should collapse shortly. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPIDERS will continue to pour into the room after that, so dispose of them as you will. If there's any fuel left, you can use the FLAMETHROWER to attack the webs on the door, but if not, grab the SURVIVAL KNIFE on the barrels in the room and cut it open. **AUXILARY TUNNEL** There are two BLUE HERBs to the left and a MAP OF COURTYARD B1F. If you don't have room for them and still are poisoned, examine the panel on the right side of the tunnel and place the FLAMETHROWER there to unlock the door. YOU CAN'T USE THE FLAMETHROWER FROM THE ITEM SCREEN, that's why you have to examine the panel. **SOUTH TUNNEL** Head around to the panel and use the HEXAGON CRANK three times, then exit the item screen. The boulder will start rolling towards you. Real men run towards the boulder into the alcove. There's a FIRST AID BOX with a FIRST AID SPRAY back where the boulder was, but the goal is the nearby door, and you'll need an item space open. **GODDESS ROOM** A statue, a rotating platform, a movable wall... we can do this! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [GODDESS PUZZLE] + + + + If you step on that circular panel in the center, + + it will rotate ninety degrees. Hmmm..... + + + + Go behind the second statue and push it north (away + + from the other statue) until it's resting in front + + of the darker panel. Move over to the little hole + + near the door and use the HEXAGONAL CRANK to move + + that panel out, then use it again to move the panel + + out of the way. + + + + From there, push the statue east, then south and + + onto the circle. It will rotate couter-clockwise + + ninety degrees. Push the statue west and off the + + circle again, then go behind it and push it back + + on. Get around and push it east again and, once it + + clears the circle, keep pushing directly south + + until it fits into the hole. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Grab the CYLINDER from the hole and combine it with the SHAFT to get the CYLINDER SHAFT. Ingenious, I know. Don't bother turning it, it just says "IV II III I"... **SOUTH TUNNEL** Head back for the other door. **AUXILARY TUNNEL** Grab the FLAMETHROWER again and head out. **SPIDER ROOM** Across to the other door... **WEST TUNNEL** ENEMIES: ONE HUNTER What the hell is a HUNTER doing here? Oh well, homage to the first, kill it. Here, you'll have to examine the panel again and set the FLAMETHROWER in place to unlock the door again. **UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE** Ditch the HEXAGON CRANK and the SURVIVAL KNIFE. Enter the door near the ladder. **EAST TUNNEL** Down the stairs... **ELEVATOR TUNNEL** Head to the panel and put the CYLINDER SHAFT in. Flip the switches 4, 2, 3, 1, just like the shaft says to and the elevator will rise. Ride it down to the bottom. **DISPOSAL TUNNEL** Head for the door. If you see the wooden planks, turn left, if you see a broken bridge, its on the other side. **LISA TUNNEL** ENEMIES: LISA TREVOR! Head into the tunnel and take the right side at the junction. LISA will appear but you can't kill her so turn around and go down the other side of the tunnel and up the stairs, where you'll find a GREEN HERB and a RED HERB. Continue up and go into the door in the central part of the room. **STORAGE TUNNEL** Climb up the boxes you find to grab some MAGNUM ROUNDs, a FLASH GRENADE, and a HANDGUN MAGAZINE. Do what you will with the last one, but take the others. When you climb down, push the box forward and onto the lift, manuevering it as necessary. When you're done, send the lift down using the button, then exit. **LISA TUNNEL** ENEMIES: LISA TREVOR! Take whichever side you want, but retreat as soon as you see Lisa and go down the other side as before. Your goal is the same door as before, so ignore the door with the hooks on the right side of the tunnel (right as you exit the STORAGE TUNNEL, that is). **DISPOSAL TUNNEL** Head left and open the item box, depositting everything but the ASSAULT SHOTGUN and the SHOTGUN SHELLS while pulling out the METAL OBJECT. Now climb down the nearby ladder. Push the box over away from the ladder and when you near the end, push it from the other direction into the hole. Now turn on the compactor and it will crush the box. Hop down to get the BROKEN FLAMETHROWER. Go back out the way you came. **LISA TUNNEL** ENEMIES: LISA TREVOR! At the junction, head left, you'll see Lisa, so retreat to the right until you see the lever on the wall. Now wait for Lisa to come (you might try to lead her closer). When she gets near you, pull the lever, run away from her and down the opposite side, then find the panel over there and use the BROKEN FLAMETHROWER on it. This will unlock the door, which you should enter now! **LISA'S ROOM** ENEMIES: SNAKES! A long room... when you reach the water, that's where the SNAKES are, so be careful. At dry land on the opposite side, grab the JEWELRY BOX on the left side. Open it to get the STONE RING and a FILE. COmbine the STONE RING with the METAL OBJECT to get the second STONE & METAL OBJECT. Climb up the ladder. To the right are a GREEN HERB and a BLUE HERB. Take 'em if you want 'em, then climb the ladder on the left side. **CABIN** Hmm, we're here again. Use the item box here to ditch any HERBS you have stashed, and pull out some INK RIBBONs if you HAVE to save. Now might be a good time. When you're done, put them back and grab the MEDAL OF WOLF and MEDAL OF EAGLE. CHRIS' INVENTORY: ASSAULT SHOTGUN SHOTGUN SHELLS STONE & METAL OBJECT MEDAL OF EAGLE MEDAL OF WOLF (stays open) Now make you way to the door. **MOUNTAIN PATH** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE You'll find the same ZOMBIE a little past the junction. Dodge it as you did before. **COURTYARD GRAVESITE** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES One ZOMBIE in front of you, one ZOMBIE by the stones. Cross the field to the gates. **WINDING PATH** Follow it up to the door. **COURTYARD STORAGE** Head up the stairs and go in the door. **STONE CORRIDOR** Grab the second STONE & METAL OBJECT in the panel next to you. Head for the opposite door. **GREEN HALLWAY** Turn right and head across to... **STAINED GLASS ROOM** ENEMIES: CROWS... Ignore the CROWS, go for the gate. **GRAVEYARD** Up the stairs, to the door. **MANSION MAIN HALL** Go down the stairs, then examine what's behind them. You'll find a gate, where you should stick both STONE & METAL OBJECTS. Open the door... **ALTAR SAVE ROOM** Typewriter next to you, item box a little further down the stairs. Grab a healing item or don't, but keep following the path, further and further down until you get to the door... **ALTAR** Follow the path to the ladder and climb down, where you'll meet up with Wesker and an old friend... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #6B: LISA TREVOR]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |Wesker backs Chris up for this fight, but you don't have to worry about | |giving him a gun or even having to protect him. Unfortunately, his gun isn't| |quite the hand cannon Barry's is, and Chris will want to save what little | |ammo he has. The choice is simple, start pushing the rocks off the side and | |if freaky ol' Lisa gets too close, blast her with the ASSAULT SHOTGUN. If | |she's at a safe distance, keep on pushin' those rocks. Just watch out, Lisa | |ability to jump over the coffin to get to you. Push all the stones over and | |the fight will wrap up with a scene. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Examine the coffin to get a FILE. Wesker will stay here, if he's still around, otherwise its no biggie. Follow the path out where the gate was and take the elevator up. **COURTYARD POOL** Run around the fountain using the MEDAL OF EAGLE and the MEDAL OF WOLF where applicable. This will drain the fountain and open up a new path... This whole section will take twenty-five to thirty minutes to complete. ******************************************************************************* Disk Two Part Six: LABORATORY ******************************************************************************* **MACHINERY ROOM** Head around the machines and down the ladder. The door can't be opened yet. **LAB ENTRANCE SAVE ROOM** INK RIBBONS on the floor here, along with an item box and a typewriter. Save now if you haven't recently. You should be heading into the lab with nothing but your ASSAULT SHOTGUN and SHOTGUN SHELLS. **UPPER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: THREE ZOMBIES Next to you is a tank of KEROSINE, but it doesn't matter anymore. There is one ZOMBIE to the right and around the corner, along with two GREEN HERBS. Another ZOMBIE is "walking" up the stairs and yet another is to the left of the stairs, guarding a MO DISK which you need to grab. Dispatch the ZOMBIES as you will, but go for headshots, lest they become Crimsons later. When you're done, go down the stairs. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Head through the door on your right... **MEDICAL HALLWAY** At your feet is a FIRST AID BOX with a two GREEN MIXED HERB. Head through the door on the left. **ROENTGEN ROOM** Grab the X-RAY (X-RAY OF CLARK) on the box ahead, then the X-RAY (X-RAY OF GAIL) on the white board, then the FILE next to the computer... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [X-RAY PUZZLE] + + + + You have two X-RAYs in your possession now, one for + + Clark David and one for Gail Holland. Check out + + the x-ray projection panel and you'll see two other + + names up there, Alex Bechet and Ed Fisher. + + + + The note on the board should remind you that it's + + just as easy as remembering your ABCs, so put the + + X-RAY OF CLARK between Alex and Ed, then put the + + X-RAY OF GAIL on the end, to the right of Ed. Now + + head back and flip the switch in the back of the + + room. + + + + Notice how certain organs are now standing out more + + than others? Consult the board again to cross- + + reference them; "colon", "esophagus", "liver", and + + "lungs". Take the first letter from each and your + + password is "CELL". + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ It's possible to skip this puzzle if you have the answer already. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Door on the right... **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES There's a ZOMBIE ahead of you in the tunnel, so kill it however you please (this one won't turn Crimson if you follow the guide). At the end, go through the door on the left... **OPERATING ROOM** Straight ahead are some hidden MAGNUM ROUNDS. Now go into the main part of the room and grab the FILE near the computer. Turn it on and enter "JOHN" as the login and "ADA" as the password, just like the file before this one said to do. When you select a floor to unlock, enter "CELL" as the password and unlock both floors. Log off the computer. Now behind you is a little passage with a FIRST AID BOX that contains a GREEN HERB and a FLASH GRENADE further on. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Turn right down the tunnel and into the door you just came out of. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Run towards the end and open the now unlocked door on the right. **NITRO ROOM** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Kill the ZOMBIE, naked ones can't turn Crimson. There are some MAGNUM ROUNDS in the sink next to you. Ahead is a SLIDE FILTER, which you'll need. Around the corner, grab the FILE and use MO DISK on the GameCube to unlock one of the levers. Exit. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Turn left and go through the double doors at the end. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Left through the double gates. **UPPER LAB HALL** Go up the stairs and left at the top, opening the double doors. **VISUAL DATA ROOM** FIRST AID SPRAY in front of you. Around the little alcove on the left is a MO DISK, so take it. Use the SLIDE FILTER on the projector and you'll get the code "8462", same code as it will always be on normal mode, so technically you can skip over running to the NITRO ROOM so early. Enter that on the passcode terminal next to the phone and a passage will open. There's a MAP OF THE LABORATORY on the shelf next to the door, and on the shelf next to the opening, a FILE. To the left of the FILE are some SHOTGUN SHELLS in a cabinet. Now grab the LABORATORY KEY (KEY FOR THE POWER AREA) on the table in the alcove. You can use the video equipment to watch Kenneth's film if you want, but it isn't worth it. **UPPER LAB HALL** Down the stairs... **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Go through the tunnel on the left, take a right on the end, unlock the single door with the KEY FOR THE POWER AREA, then unlock the double doors, discard that key, and enter there. **MORGUE** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Push the shelf on the left to the end and grab the SHOTGUN SHELLS you find. Now climb up on the ledge and into the vent... **AUTOPSY ROOM** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Take a left into the next duct. **MORGUE** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Here we are again. Jump down and take the FLASH GRENADE near the computer, then use your MO DISK on the GameCube. CHIMERAS may be pouring in now, so jump in the duct again. **AUTOPSY ROOM** Head right to the next duct... **MORGUE** Run out the door. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take a left through the single door. **DAMP HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Head across and into the door straight ahead. **OFFICE SAVE ROOM** SHOTGUN SHELLS on your left, with a FIRST AID SPRAY and some INK RIBBONS with a typewriter on the table. Pull out the MAGNUM REVOLVER and MAGNUM ROUNDS, along with the MO DISK. You need one item space open. **DAMP HALLWAY** ENEMIES: TWO ZOMBIES Turn left, blast the ZOMBIE, and head through the door. **FUELING ROOM** ENEMIES: THREE CHIMERAS Turn right and when you reach the end, head left. A CHIMERA will be there. You have to kill this one, so unload on it with either the ASSAULT SHOTGUN or the MAGNUM REVOLVER. At the end, grab the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE from the machine, and don't worry about the message just yet. Head back out the same door. **DAMP HALLWAY** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Turn left at the junction and through the door at the end. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Take whichever path you want to the double doors near the double gates. Straight ahead, there's a ZOMBIE guarding a HANDGUN MAGAZINE and a DAGGER, while to the right is the tunnel you cleared earlier. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Take the door on the right near the end. **NITRO ROOM** If you didn't do the MO DISK thing earlier here, now's the time. Open the odd panel opposite it and put the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE inside to refuel it. Thus begins the Nitro Quest... ----------- |NITRO QUEST| ----------- You're warned against running with nitro and this is generally true. But let it be known that you aren't guarenteed to die the second you start running, so TECHNICALLY, you can run with it, particularly on the lower difficulty levels. I don't recommend you do, but it's still possible in short bursts. You are going to have to avoid all enemies during this time because if you get hit and shaken significantly, you're going to blow up. If you fire off a weapon to defend yourself, you're going to blow up. Sneeze? Kaboom. Got it? Good. I don't even think you can quick turn. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** WALK to the door on the left at the end. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ONE ZOMBIE Avoid the ZOMBIE by taking the tunnel route to the door in the opposite corner. **DAMP HALLWAY** Walk to the right at the junction. **FUELING ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Head for the right again, then left down the path where you can replace the FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE. --------------- |END NITRO QUEST| --------------- Now turn around, head all the way to the right at the end of the path, then right again to a new door. The CHIMERAS will try to harass you, but ignore it. **VENTILATION ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Run ahead, ignore the path on the left, and at the end you'll find another GameCube to use the last MO DISK on. When you turn around and go for the earlier path, a CHIMERA will pop out. Kill it or dodge, but your goal is the door at the end of the path. It's likely that another CHIMERA will jump out before that. There's also a FLASH GRENADE along the way. **POWER ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Head around either side, your goal is the panel oppsite your starting position. A CHIMERA will pop out along the way, so when you get to the panel, quickly use it to restore power to the elevator, then head out the other way. Another CHIMERA will pop out, but just make your way for the door. **VENTILATION ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Head left and around the path, finally left and out the door. **FUELING ROOM** ENEMIES: TWO CHIMERAS Avoid the CHIMERAS, run straight ahead and left at the end to the doors. **DAMP HALLWAY** The ZOMBIE on the other side is gone now. Head over there and send the elevator up. Rebecca will join you. **LAB CORRIDOR** There's some SHOTGUN SHELLS to the left, if you want them. The goal's the door at the end. **TYRANT STORAGE** ENEMIES: (dramatic chord) After a few scenes here, the Tyrant will be released. Equip your MAGNUM REVOLVER... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #7B: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |Chris' method of killing this thing should be pretty much the same as Jill's | |was. Immediately turn around and run down the nearby path, then when you're | |at a safe distance (at your discretion), turn around and begin firing the | |MAGNUM REVOLVER at it. You should be standing about halfway down the screen | |when you start shooting. This Tyrant doesn't have any dash attack, but his | |claw is still dangerous enough in close range. Five to six shots will do him| |in, hopefully without reaching you. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check in on ol' Wesker to get a FILE, then head left to the end and flip the switch to unlock the door. Now head back and check on Rebecca, then you can exit. **LAB CORRIDOR** Go back to the elevator... **DAMP HALLWAY** Of course, no RE is complete without a self-destruct sequence. Head right at the junction and out the door. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Avoid the CHIMERAS, make your way to the opposite corner, entering the solid double doors. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Run to the end and pull the three levers to unlock the doors. **PRISON HALLWAY** Head down the stairs and to the door on the right... **PRISON CELL** Jill! Exit with her. **PRISON HALLWAY** You can either go back into the PRISON CELL and get some SHOTGUN SHELLS, or you can run up the stairs. **MEDICAL HALLWAY** Out the doors at the end. **LOWER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: CHIMERAS! Take the left gates... **UPPER LAB HALL** ENEMIES: ? Maybe you left the ZOMBIES alive, in which case, they'll still be wandering. If you killed them without decapitating them or burning them, they're CRIMSON HEADS now, so enjoy. If you were a good little soldier and killed them the proper way, there's nothing here. Head around the top of the stairs and make your way to the door. **LAB ENTRANCE SAVE ROOM** Here, you might want to use the item box or the typewriter. Grab what healing items you can, you probably don't need the ASSAULT SHOTGUN or SHOTGUN SHELLS anymore, but MAKE SURE YOU LEAVE ONE ITEM SLOT OPEN! **MACHINERY ROOM** The girls will direct you to the door. Go for it. **EXIT HALLWAY** SHOTGUN SHELLS on your left, to the right, a FIRST AID BOX with just a GREEN HERB in it. Follow the path and you'll get another scene with the radio. Keep going to get the FUSE UNIT, which you need. The girls will decide to handle things down below here, so use the FUSE UNIT on the elevator and head on up. **HELIPAD** Take the SIGNAL ROCKETS in front of you and use them immediately to signal Brad. After a few scenes, the Tyrant will crash the party. As previously stated, oh snap! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #8B: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |Unfortunately, after all the work you've put into saving Rebecca, the Tyrant | |can still kill her if you're not careful. Immediately start unloading the | |MAGNUM REVOLVER on it and eventually it'll spin around all ready to power- | |slap you across the 'pad for serious damage. Avoid that by running to the | |sides (as close to strafing as you can in RE). If it does slash you, might | |want to heal after that. Otherwise, one nifty trick is to stand behind it, | |which somehow confuses it and throws off its aim. Keep firing and Brad will | |drop the ROCKET LAUNCHER. Equip it and fire, but don't worry if he bats the | |first shot away, it's perfectly normal. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If you "cheat" and know the codes ahead of time, this can take twenty minutes to get through. Non-cheaters will find it takes twenty-five to thirty. Following this walkthrough to the last detail, it should take 2:25 to 2:50 to beat this game, which is enough to get you all the goodies. My personal time on this run while writing the FAQ was 2:30:44, slightly faster than with Jill. It's The Way of the Shotgun, it's all in the wrists. ================= = 08: ENDINGS = ================= Perennial Resident Evil fans know that RE1 has multiple endings for each character, but those newcomers may also recognize that from some of the things mentioned in the walkthrough. Regardless, this secion will cover each character's endings, in other words... THIS SECTION WILL CONTAIN NOTHING BUT SPOILERS. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. ---- |JILL| ---- BARRY AND CHRIS: HOW TO: Give Barry his gun back, save him from Lisa in that battle, do the MO DISK quest, distract the Tyrant on the helipad RESULTS: Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, the three fly away in the copter BARRY: HOW TO: Give Barry his gun back, save him from Lisa in that battle, DON'T do the MO DISK quest, distract the Tyrant on the helipad RESULTS: Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, Jill comments on how she believes that Chris is still out there... CHRIS (GOOD): HOW TO: Give Barry his gun back, save him from Lisa in that battle, do the MO DISK quest, DON'T distract the Tyrant RESULTS: Tyrant kills Barry, Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, the two fly away in the copter NONE (OKAY): HOW TO: Give Barry his gun back, save him from Lisa in that battle, DON'T do the MO DISK quest, DON'T distract the Tyrant RESULTS: Tyrant kills Barry, Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, Jill flies away alone CHRIS (BAD) HOW TO: DON'T give Barry his gun back or DON'T save him from Lisa, do the MO DISK quest RESULTS: Barry dies in battle, Tyrant lives, mansion does not blow up, the two fly away in the copter NONE (WORST): HOW TO: DON'T give Barry his gun back or DON'T save him from Lisa, DON'T do the MO DISK quest RESULTS: Barry dies in battle, Tyrant lives, mansion does not blow up, Jill flies away alone ----- |CHRIS| ----- REBECCA AND JILL: HOW TO: Save Rebecca from the Hunter, do the MO DISK quest, distract the Tyrant on the helipad RESULTS: Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, the three fly away in the helicopter REBECCA: HOW TO: Save Rebecca from the Hunter, DON'T do the MO DISK quest, distract the Tyrant on the helipad RESULTS: Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, Chris comments on how he believes that Jill is still out there... JILL (GOOD): HOW TO: Save Rebecca from the Hunter, do the MO DISK quest, DON'T distract the Tyrant RESULTS: Tyrant kills Rebecca, Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, the two fly away in the copter NONE (OKAY): HOW TO: Save Rebecca from the Hunter, DON'T do the MO DISK QUEST, DON'T distract the Tyrant RESULTS: Tyrant kills Rebecca, Tyrant dies, mansion blows up, Chris flies away alone JILL (BAD): HOW TO: DON'T save Rebecca from the Hunter, do the MO DISK quest RESULTS: Rebecca is killed by the Hunter, Tyrant lives, mansion does not blow up, the two fly away in the copter NONE (WORST): HOW TO: DON'T save Rebecca from the Hunter, DON'T do the MO DISK QUEST RESULTS: Rebecca is killed by the Hunter, Tyrant lives, mansion does not blow up, Chris flies away alone ================= = 09: REWARDS = ================= ONCE AGAIN... The title screen for each additional run through this is changed to a green the shade of split pea soup. Unappetizing, but some people dig it. It is this particular screen that indicates that the below features have been/can be instituted. CLOSET KEY You'll get this the first time you complete the game and reload, though each subsequent time it will appear in the item box. To get to the closet room, go into the STATUE ROOM and down the small hallway. Before the first turn, straight ahead, you'll see something resembling a door which you can unlock. Jill gets either a set of army fatigues w/ hat and will get her classic RE3 outfit once you beat the game again. Chris gets the Homie Chris outfit first time around, and the second time it's his CVX get-up. There's also a different ending screen for each new costume. ONE DANGEROUS ZOMBIE Surprise! The Forest Zombie has no special bearing on the plot, but he'll appear in the mansion once you've completed the game as ONCE AGAIN... in hard or normal mode with BOTH Jill and Chris. Basically, Forest with an undetermined amount of grenades strapped to his body. If you shoot him or slash at him with the knife, he'll explode. Logically, the game will prevent you from using any defensive weapons should he attack you, but you should try to avoid him at all costs, as he will end your game with the utmost haste. Oh yeah, did I mention he runs at about the same speed as you do? After you return to the mansion, he'll thankfully disappear. Forest can only appear in Once Again... and will not show up in real survival or invisible enemy mode. Forest will appear in the following areas: UPPER DINING ROOM (post SWORD KEY) GREEN HALLWAY (post SWORD KEY for Jill, post ARMOR KEY for Chris) WEST STAIRCASE (INT.) (no longer in UPPER DINING ROOM) KENNETH HALLWAY SMALL DINING ROOM (behind cabinet) REAL SURVIVAL For those of you out there irritated by the abundance of magic item boxes in the RE series, this one goes out to you. Item boxes are no longer linked together when you play in this mode. INVISIBLE ENEMY Apparently, the t-virus can make you invisible too. Suffice to say, avoiding crimsons and other fast enemies gets a lot more difficult in this mode. Not to mention, auto-aim is off. If you're up for it, in hard mode, all items are invisible as well. SECRET MESSAGE If you beat invisible enemy mode in under five hours, you can get a secret message from director Shinji Mikami, plus... COSTUME CATALOGUE For those of you who really liked the closet key, here's some additional fun. See every costume, the ones they kept, and the ones they didn't. SAMURAI EDGE Fans of the other S.T.A.R.S. custom handgun can get this, with infinite ammo, after beating either normal or hard in under five hours. First Aid Sprays and number of saves don't matter. ROCKET LAUNCHER A high-powered pea shooter with a lot of flashy animations. It doesn't pop the heads of zombies or even incinerate them, but it does kill everything it hits and fires rather quickly. Complete normal or hard in under three hours to pick this puppy up. Again, First Aid Sprays and number of saves don't matter. ========================== = 10: FILE TRANSCRIPTS = ========================== All files were transcribed by me. Spelling and grammatical errors in this are most likely direct transcriptions from the game, i.e. "you'll able" and "climing" in File #1 and "out this" in File #4, etc. MANSION I: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #1: S.T.A.R.S. MANUAL / FOUND IN: DEFAULT \ / S.T.A.R.S. Manual \ / If you have changed your controller \ type to TYPE-B or to TYPE-C, please / keep in mind that the contents \ explained here correlates with / controller TYPE-A. \ / --How to view your STATUS SCREEN-- \ / Press the Y Button during the game. \ (You will not be able to view the / STATUS SCREEN during Cut-Scenes or \ while being attacked.) / \ In the STATUS SCREEN you'll able to / to do the following things. \ *Equip weapons / *Use items \ *View maps / *Read files \ / --How to VIEW MAP-- \ / In the STATUS SCREEN select MAP \ from the menu bar or simply push the Z / Button during the game. If you have \ not obtained a map, onlt the places you / have explored will be displayed. \ / --How to READ MAPS-- \ / uncolored room(s): Unexplored room(s). \ orange room(s): Rooms with still / items left. \ green room(s): Explored room(s) / without any items left. \ / red door: Locked door. \ white door: Unlocked door. / blue door: Door you've been \ through. / \ --How to PUSH THINGS-- / \ When there is a movable object, face / the object in the direction you want to \ push it and press the Control Stick / (+ Control Pad) in the direction you are \ facing. / \ --CLIMBING ON & CLIMING DOWN-- / \ Walk up to an object that's waist high / of the character, and then press the A \ Button. (You can climb on movable / objects as well.) To CLIMB DOWN from \ an object, press the A Button while / standing on the edge of the object. \ / --How to EQUIP WEAPONS-- \ / In the STATUS SCREEN select the \ "weapon" you want arm, then select the / "EQUIP" commend. (Even if you have a \ weapon, you must EQUIP it in order for / you to attack.) \ / --ATTACKING STANCE-- \ / Hold down the R button. (The player \ will take an attacking stance towards / the closest enemy.) \ / --How to ATTACK-- \ / While holding down the R Button, \ press the A Button. (You can attack the / enemy with the weapon you have \ equipped.) / \ --180 DEGREE TURN-- / \ While pressing down the Control Stick / (or the + Conrol Pad), press the B \ Button. (This can also be done using / the C Stick alone.) \ / --EXAMINE AN ITEM-- \ / From the STATUS SCREEN select an \ ITEM and then select the EXAMINE / command. (The details of the item will \ be displayed.) / \ --Emergency Evade-- / \ Using DEFENSE ITEMS such as / Daggers, will allow you to escape \ momentarily when grabbed by an / enemy. (However, you will not be able \ to escape when the enemy grabs you / from behind.) \ / To equip a DEFENSE ITEM, go to the \ STATUS SCREEN, and then select an / ITEM from the DEFENSE ITEM menu. \ Then select the EQUIP command. / \ If your DEFENSE ITEM mode is set to / MANUAL in the Controller Settings, you \ must press the L Button to use the / DEFENSE ITEM. \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #2: KENNETH'S FILM / FOUND IN: KENNETH HALL (search Kenneth) \ / It's the film that belonged to \ Kenneth. I need a video player to see / what's recorded on it. \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #3: BOOK OF CURSE / FOUND IN: BOILER ROOM \ / Book of Curse \ / The four masks, \ a mask that speaks no evil... / a mask that smells no evil... \ a mask that sees no evil... / a mask that cannot speak, smell, \ or see evil... / \ When all four fall into place, / evil will awaken. \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #4: TREVOR'S DIARY / FOUND IN: 1) PIANO BAR (near GOLD EMBLEM) \ 2) TREVOR'S GRAVE / 3) DECORATIVE LAB \ / 1) \ / Trevor's Diary \ / Nov. 24, 1967 \ / Eleven days have past since arriving \ on this estate. How did I end up like / this? A guy in a lab coat came with a \ plate of skimpy meal and said to me, / \ "Sorry to put you through this, but it's / for security reasons." That's when it \ hit me. It all makes sense now. / \ There are only two people that know / the secret of this mansion, Sir Spencer \ and myself. If they kill me, Sir Spencer / will be the only person that knows the \ secret. / \ But for what purpose? It doesn't / matter now. It's too dangerous here. \ My family... I hope they are all right. / \ I've decided to escape... / Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe. \ / have explored will be displayed. \ / Nov. 26, 1967 \ / How could I be so careless? I lost my \ favorite lighter-- the one Jessica gave / me for my birthday. Now it's going to \ be that much harder to get out this / dark place. \ / Nov. 13th, the date when my fate was \ sealed. My aunt was hospitalized just / three days before that. Jessica and \ Lisa said that they were going to visit / her. I wish I could be there with them. \ / But wait, even as I'm writing my \ memory is coming back to me more / vividly. Just before I passed out, I \ remember the men in the lab coats said / something like "Most likely your family \ is already..." I pray for their safety. / \ Nov 27, 1967 / \ Somehow, I managed to get out that / room. But getting out of this mansion \ won't be as easy. I have to get past all / the booby-traps. Tiger Eyes, Gold \ Emblem... I have to try and remember / for my own sake..... \ / 2) \ / Nov. 29, 1967 \ / I can't get out. I have tried every \ possible way to escape but only to be / faced with the reality that I'm trapped. \ / I've been everywhere. The laboratory \ with the large glass tubes filled with / formaldehyde and those dark, wet and \ eerie caves... What can I do? / \ At first I didn't want to believe my / eyes. But that familiar high-heeled \ shoe in the corridor.... It was like / reflex. One name came to my mind, \ Jessica! / \ I don't want to believe they share the / same fate as me. \ No! I can't give up hope, I have to hope / they're alive. \ / Nov. 30, 1967 \ / I haven't had anything to eat or drink \ for the past few days. I feel like I'm / going crazy. \ / Why is this happening to me? Why do \ I have to die like this? / I was too obsessed with designing this \ ghastly mansion. I should have known / better. \ / Nov. 31, 1967 \ / It was a dark and damp underground \ tunnel. And another dead end. But even / in the darkness something caught my \ eye. / \ Carefully, I lit the last match I had to / see what it was. \ / A grave! But deeply engraved into the \ stone was my name! / \ "George Trevor" / \ At that instant, it all became clear to / me. Those bastards knew from the \ beginning that I'd die here and I fell / right into their trap. \ / But it's too late now. I'm losing it. \ Everything is becoming so far away. / Jessica... Lisa... Forgive me. \ / Because of my ego, I got both of you \ involved in this whole damn conspiracy. / Forgive me. May God justify my death \ in exchange for your safety. / \ George Trevor / \ 3) / \ There's something handwritten. / It's not dated. \ / Nothing's changed. \ I never thought that this room I / designed as an experiment would pay \ off like this. / \ I can hide here safely for a while, / because nobody knows about the \ secret behind this painting. / Not even Sir Spencer. \ / Painting of a mansion... In the back of \ the art room. / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #5: CRUMPLED MEMO / FOUND IN: TREVOR'S STUDY (w/ DOG WHISTLE) \ / A crumpled memo \ / Today, Sir Spencer told me to hide \ something where no one could find it. / \ Well, I had this idea. I figured if I / could somehow have it protected by a \ dangerous animal like the vicious / canine that lives here, no one would be \ able to get near it! / \ As far as I can tell, the mutt is always / hanging around the second floor \ balcony on the west side of the terrace, / and he ought to come running at the \ sound of a dog whistle. / \ This is where you come in. The thing / is, I reckon you're the only person that \ can get near that damn dog without / risking a serious mauling. \ / Which means only you can put this \ collar on him. The object that Sir / Spencer wants hidden is concealed \ inside. / \ You're the only person I can trust with / this. Of course, you'll get something out \ of it as well. remember that certain / item that you've always wanted to get \ hold of? / \ Well, in exchange for your services, I / just might be able to get it for you. \ This could work out well for both of / us... \ / Jon Toleman \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MANSION II: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #6: BOTANY BOOK / FOUND IN: TREVOR'S STUDY \ / Botany \ --Uses of Medicinal Herbs-- / \ It is a well-known fact that there / exist many plants that are credited \ with medicinal healing powers. Since / ancient times, mankind has been \ healing wounds and diseases using / various plants. \ / In this book, we will sample three \ herbs that are a native of the Arklay / Mountains and briefly outline each of \ their medicinal qualities. Each herb has / a distinct color and a distinct medicinal \ quality. / \ The green herb recovers physical / strength. the blue herb neutralizes \ natural toxins. However, the red herb / has no real effect by itself. We have \ found that mixing green and red herbs / results in a magnified effect. \ / We will outline the effects of red herbs \ when mixed with other herbs when we / have more data. Meanwhile feel free to \ experiment on your own, for true / knowledge is best acquired through own \ experience. / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #7: BODY DISPOSAL / FOUND IN: MANSION SAVE ROOM EAST \ / Special instructions when disposing \ dead bodies / \ We have new information regarding / those "beings". They may appear to be \ dead but in fact they are able to come / back to life. However, there are ways \ to prevent them from becoming active / again. \ / Currently there are two known \ methods to cease their resurrection. / \ 1. INCINERATION / 2. DESTRUCTION OF THE HEAD \ / If further methods are discovered, they \ will be notified immediately. / \ Meanwhile to those of you who still / have the will to live, oil has been placed \ on the first floor of the mansion. Take / as much as you need. \ / You'll need something to light it with, \ which you'll need to find by yourself. / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #8: KEEPER'S DIARY / FOUND IN: KEEPER'S ROOM \ / Keeper's Diary \ / May 9, 1998 \ / Played poker tonight with Scott and \ Alias from Security, and Steve from / Research. Steve was the big winner, but \ I think he was cheating. Scumbag. / \ May 10, 1998 / \ One of the higher-ups assigned me to / take care of a new creature. It looks \ like a skinned gorilla. Feeding / instructions were to give it live \ animals. / \ When I threw in a pig, the creature / seemed to play with it... tearing off the \ pig's legs and pulling out the guts / before it actually started eating. \ / May 11, 1998 \ / At around 5 A.M., Scott woke me up. \ Scared the shit out me, too. He was / wearing a protective suit. He handed \ me another one and told me to put it / on. Said there'd been an accident in the \ basement lab. / \ I just knew something like this would / happen. Those bastards in Research \ never sleep, even on holiday. / \ May 12, 1998 / \ I've been wearing the damn space suit / since yesterday. My skin's getting \ grimy and feels itchy all over. The / goddamn dogs have been looking at me \ funny, so I decided not to feed them / today. Screw 'em. \ / May 13, 1998 \ / Went to the Infirmary because my back \ is all swollen and feels itchy. They put / a big bandage on it and told me I didn't \ need to wear the suit anymore. All I / wanna do is sleep. \ / May 14, 1998 \ / Found another big blister on my foot \ this morning. I ended up dragging my / foot all the way to the dog's pen. They \ were quiet all day, which is weird. / \ Then I realized some of them had / escaped. Maybe this is their way of \ getting back at me for not feeding them / the last three days. If anybody finds \ out, I'll have my head handed to me. / \ May 16, 1998 / \ Rumors going around that a researcher / who tried to escape the estate last \ night was shot. My entire body feels / hot and itchy and I'm sweating all the \ time now. / \ I scratched the swelling on my arm and / a piece of rotten flesh just dropped off. \ What the hell's happening to me? / \ May 19, 1998 / \ Fever gone but itchy. Today hungry / and eat doggie food. \ / May 21, 1998 \ / Itchy itchy Scott came ugly face so \ killed him. Tasty. / \ 4 / / Itchy. Tasty. / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #9: RESEARCHER'S WILL / FOUND IN: RESEARCHER'S ROOM \ / Researcher's Will \ / There is a letter. \ / June 3, 1998 \ My dearest Alma, / \ Let me first apologize for not being / able to call you. A man wearing \ sunglasses didn't permit any phone / calls. Sorry Alma. \ / I sit here trying to think of where to \ begin, of how to explain in a few simple / words all that's happened in my life \ since we last spoke, and already I fail. / \ I hope this letter finds you well, and / that you'll forgive the tangents of my \ pen; this isn't easy for me. / \ Even as I write, I can feel the simplest / of concepts slipping away, lost to \ feelings of despair and confusion-- but / I have to tell you what's in my heart \ before I can rest. Alma, please believe / that what I'm telling you is the truth. \ / The entire story would take hours for \ me to tell you, and time is short, so / accept these things as fact: last month \ there was an accident in the lab and / the virus we were studying leaked. \ / All my colleagues who were infected \ are dead or dying, and the nature of the / disease is such that those still living \ have lost their sense. This virus robs / its victims of their humanity, forcing \ them in their sickness to seek out and / destroy life. \ / Even as I write these words, I can hear \ them, pressing against my door like / mindless, hungry animals. \ / (Jill's version of the letter \ begins here with: / \ A letter is slipped inside. / \ The top part of the letter is torn off. / The rest of the letter is legible.) \ / Alma, I have tried to survive only to \ see you again. But my efforts only / delayed the inevitable; I am infected, \ and there is no cure for what will / follow-- except to end my life before I \ lose the only thing that separates me / from them. \ / My love for you. \ / In an hour I'll have entered my eternal \ sleep where there is peace. Please / understand. Please know that I'm sorry. \ / Martin Crackhorn \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #10: MAIL FROM THE CHIEF OF SECURITY / FOUND IN: TAXIDERMY LOUNGE \ / Mail from the Chief of Security \ / CONFIDENTIAL \ Attn: Chief of Security / Date: July 22, 1998 2:13 \ / X Day is drawing up on us. Execute \ the following procedures within one / week. Prompt actions are demanded. \ / 1. Lure S.T.A.R.S. to the estate, and \ obtain B.O.W.'s raw combat data / against S.T.A.R.S. \ / 2. Collect two embryos of each mutated \ specimens as sampled, excluding the / Tyrant. Dispose of the Tyrant. \ / 3. Ensure complete disposal of the \ Arklay Laboratory including all / personnel and test animals. Disguise \ their deaths as an accident. / When the above procedures are \ executed, report to headquarters for / further instructions. \ / If for some reason you are unable to \ execute the procedure by the deadline, / report immediately. In case of \ emergency situations, report directly to / the extension number 5691. \ / Good luck. \ Umbrella Headquarters, / Umbrella Inc. \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ COURTYARD / RESIDENCE: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #11: SUICIDE NOTE / FOUND IN: 001 ROOM \ / Suicide Note \ / June 22, 1998 \ / I had to do it. We ran from those \ things-- helping each other to survive. / But Robert started to show the \ symptoms. I had to do it. Those damn / things are pure evil. \ / There was no other way. He would \ have done the same if it were the other / way around. After I put him out of his \ misery I had to just leave him in the / bathroom. Now I'm probably the last \ one..... / \ How could this happen? I'll never / forgive myself for being part of this \ project. Eventually I'll get what's / coming to me, though. There's no way \ to escape from this nut house. It's just / a matter of time now. \ / Everything is set. All I need is a little \ courage to get it done. Knowing that / I'll leave many things undone is regret \ beyond words. / \ But, this is better than just waiting to / to turn into one of them. Please \ understand and at least let me end my / life as a person. \ / There's a message on the back. \ / Linda, please forgive me... \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #12: PLANT 42 REPORT / FOUND IN: 002 ROOM \ / PLANT 42 REPORT \ / Four days have passed since the \ accident. The plant at Point 42 is / growing at an amazing rate. \ / Although there are many unknown \ aspects about this plant, we know that / in comparison with the other group of \ plants, the T-Virus has had a / substantially stronger affect on this \ one. / \ The T-Virus has drastically morphed / its host's anatomy as well as its size. \ Looking at its current state, it's / difficult to imagine its original \ appearance. Nowhere on Earth will you / find anything like it. \ / We've also found that PLANT 42 has \ two main source of acquiring its / necessary nutrients. One source is \ through its root. Somehow it has / rooted itself down into the basement. \ / Immediately after the accident, a \ scientist went mad and destroyed the / Aqua Ring. Ever since, the basement \ has been like a pool. There is a high / possibility that it's one of the \ chemicals in the water that's promoting / happen. Those bastards in Research \ the PLANT 42's rapid growth. / \ However, we have yet to determine the / specific chemical. \ / A bulb-like body of the PLANT 42 has \ been sighted hanging from the ceiling / of the first floor. We are sure that it \ used the air ducts to reach the first / floor. Numerous long tentacle-like \ vines are protruding from the bulb. / \ We believe the vines are the second / means of acquiring its nutrients. When \ the PLANT 42 senses prey, it uses the / tentacle-like vines to capture its prey. \ After doing so, suckers on the vine / drain the prey of its blood. \ / We've also noticed that it has some \ intelligence. When it captures its prey / or when it's inactive, the vines twine \ around the door to stop possible / intruders. \ / Unfortunately, a several of our \ scientists have already fallen victim to / this PLANT 42. When we heard the \ stories from the survivors, they all / observed on thing in common: \ / When the uniform petal-like flaps \ open and reveal its vital internals, it / has a tendency to become more \ aggressive. / \ One witness reported that it was as if / was trying to protect itself. Why it \ behaves the way it does is still / unknown. \ / May 21, 1998 \ Henry Sarton / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #13: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY LAB EXPERIMENT / FOUND IN: 003 ROOM \ / Organic Chemistry Lab Experiment \ / The similarities in the cellular \ characteristics of the rapidly growing / plant infected by the Tyrant Virus have \ been reported in the previous papers. / However, while repeating these \ experiments, an interesting new fact / became clear. \ / We learned that a chemical in the UMB \ family, UMB No. 20, containts a / compound that that is toxic to the cells \ of the plant. / \ We have given UMB No. 20 a new name: / V-JOLT. If calculations prove correct, \ when V-JOLT is applied directly to the / root of the plant, the entire plant \ should be dead within 5 seconds. / \ The V-JOLT can be made by simply / mixing the VP and UMB chemicals in a \ specific ration. However, extra care must / be taken when handling these UMB \ chemicals. They have been known to / generate toxic gases if mishandled. \ / The characteristics of each UMB \ chemical are as follows: / \ UMB No. 3 red / Yellow-6 yellow \ UMB No. 7 green / UMB No. 10 orange \ VP-017 blue / V-JOLT dark brown \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #14: FAMILY PICTURE AND NOTES / FOUND IN: 1) (inside third JEWELRY BOX) \ 2) CABIN / 3) TOMB (check coffin) \ / A family picture and notes \ / 2) \ / There's something written on the back. \ / Nov. 10, 1967 \ -Progenitor Virus administered / \ *Jessica / Administered virus: Type-A \ Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell / activation. \ / Virus fusion: Negative \ / Action: Disposed \ / *Lisa \ Administered virus: Type-B / Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell \ activation. / \ Virus fusion: / Positive but delayed fusion \ / Body modification: \ Observed constant results. / \ Status: / Continue proetective observation. \ / *George \ Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967) / \ There's a journal left by someone. / \ Nov. 14, 1967 / \ I feel dizzy after that shot they gave / me. I don't see Mom. Where did they \ take her? / She promised that we would escape \ together. Did she escape alone and leave / me behind? \ / Nov. 15, 1967 \ / I found Mom. we ate together. I was \ very happy. / \ But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. / Same face but different inside. \ / Have to find Mom. Have to give face \ back to mother. / \ I got Mom's face back. / Nobody can have my Mom except me. I \ attach her face to me so she doesn't go / away. \ Because Mom sad when I meet her / without her face. \ / Nov. 17, 19 7 \ / from inside box, scent of mommy. \ maybe true mother there. / stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in \ the way. / can't see mother becuz 4 stones. \ / 1) \ / 19 \ / daddy atached first \ momm atached scond / \ iNside reD and sLimy / whiTe and haRd \ / not true moM wheRe \ / dunno dadd \ found mum again / \ whne atachd momMy / she move no more \ she screaming / \ why? / Jst want to b with her \ / 4 \ / mom \ where? / \ I mis yuo / \ 3) / \ It's a letter / \ To my Lisa, / \ Day by day I can feel my consciousness / drifting further away. \ The shots given to me by men in white / clothes made some of mommy's itching \ go away. Today they gave me another / shot saying it was "nutrition". \ / When they give me the shots mommy's \ can think straight, but mommy's / shocked and sad because mommy's \ unable to think of you all the time. / \ Mommy's afraid. Afraid of forgetting / everything, especially the memories of \ you and daddy... What your faces look / like, how we used to be together... \ They're all starting to disappear into / somewhere dark in my mind. \ / Oh Lisa, I wish I could touch your face \ and hold you in my arms right now, so / that I can hold on to our wonderful \ memories of you and daddy. / \ Lisa we can't stay here any longer. We / have to escape! \ / Listen to me Lisa. Our chance to \ escape is the next time when we go to / that lab together. We'll both pretend \ that we are both unconscious and when / that man in white clothes is off guard \ that will be our chance. / \ When we're on the outside, let's look / for daddy together. Okay sweetie? \ Be strong, Lisa. / \ Nov. 13, 1967 / Jessica Trevor \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #15: BARRY'S PHOTOGRAPH / FOUND IN: TOMB (kill Barry) \ / This is the photograph that fell out of \ Barry's shirt right before he fell into / the pit. \ / (There is something written on the back.) \ / We love you daddy \ From your sweet daughters, / Moira and Polly \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LABORATORY: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #16: LETTER OF A RESEARCHER / FOUND IN: ROENTGEN ROOM \ / Researcher's letter \ / June 8th, 1998 \ My dearest Ada, / \ By the time you read this letter, I will / no longer be the person you once knew. \ The results of my test came out today, / and as I suspected, it came out positive. \ / I feel like I am teetering on the edge of \ reason just thinking about my / impending doom. I would give anything \ not to have to become one of them. / \ As far as I know, you are not infected. / I sincerely hope things do not reach \ such a desperate pass, but if it has / turned out that you are now the last \ person remaining alive, I want you to / get the material from the Visual Data \ Room. / \ Then, activate the Self-Destruct / System in the Power Room, and escape \ from here. Please do everything in your / power to make this whole accident \ public. / \ If everything is still running normally, / you should be able to release all the \ locks using the Security System. / \ I have set up the terminal in the small / security room so that you can log in to \ the system using my name and your / name as the password. \ / You will need another password to \ release the lock of the door in Basement / Level Two where the Visual Data Room \ is located. / \ As a safety measure I have coded that / password into an X-ray picture; a \ roentgenogram. I know you, and I'm / sure you will be able to work it out \ without any trouble. / \ There is just one more thing... and it is / my last request. I hope you never have \ to lay eyes on me in this state, but if / you do happen to run into me in my \ hideous form, I beg you to put me out / of my misery. I hope you understand. \ / Thank you, Ada. \ Yours truly, / \ John / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #17: V-ACT / FOUND IN: OPERATING ROOM \ / V-ACT \ Researcher's note / \ There is now evidence that when the / host loses consciousness, the body goes \ into a dormant state. During this time / the virus becomes active and rapidly \ transforms and reconstructs the basic / composition of the body. \ / The host eventually mutated into a \ humanoid creature. (We call them / V-ACTs) \ / Its speed and amazing muscular \ development are particularly / noteworthy. After transformation, it \ becomes more agile and aggressive. / \ Already four of our researchers have / died from trying to feed it, turning the \ place into an instant blood bath. / (Ever since this tragic and barbaric \ accident, we have decided to call its / kind "Crimson Heads") \ / That dangerous and precious prototype \ specimen can't be left there. We have / to figure out a way to deal with it. \ Termination is definately not an option. / \ We finally decided to freeze the / specimen and confine the body inside \ the basement of the backyard cemetary. / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #18: FAX / FOUND IN: NITRO ROOM \ / FAX \ / To: Sanitation Division \ Attn: Manager of Sanitation / From: Raccoon Disaster Contingency \ Committee / \ The contents of this fax are / confidential and intended for the named \ addressee only. Any copying, or / disclosure of the contents of this fax to \ any third party is strictly forbidden by / the sender. \ / After reading the contents of this fax, \ must be destroyed immediately. / \ We expect significant increase in the / damage done by the recent T-Virus' \ outbreak than initially estimated. / There are several concerns. \ / First Concern \ More than half of the researchers have / been infected by the T-Virus and died. \ It has also been reported that almost / all of the survivors of this accident are \ starting to show symptoms of the / T-Virus infection. \ / Second Concern \ Our Secret Security Patrol Team has / also been completely eradicated. \ Therefore, out most secret research is / in danger of public disclosure. Quick \ actions are demanded to prevent mass / media coverage. \ / Third Concern \ There is a high possibility that most of / the specimens are running loos inside \ the compound. We expect many / casualties to follow. \ / However yet unforunate, these \ casualties underscore the success our / research results. Actions must be \ taken to prevent our research results / from being made public. \ / We suspect the first official \ intervention will come from the State / Police and S.T.A.R.S. We strongly \ recommend taking measures against / them first. \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #19: SECURITY PROTOCOLS / FOUND IN: VISUAL DATA ROOM \ / SECURITY PROTOCOLS \ / LEVEL ONE \ / Heliport/ For executive use only. This \ restriction does not apply in the event / of an emergency. \ / BASEMENT LEVEL ONE \ / Passage to Heliport/ Entry is \ prohibited unless accompanied by a / Consultant Researcher or the Chief of \ Security. Unauthorized persons / entering the heliport will be shot on \ site. / \ Elevator/ The elevator stops during / emergencies. \ / BASEMENT LEVEL TWO \ / Visual Data Room/ For use by the \ Special Research Division only. All / other access to the Visual Data Room \ must be cleared with Keith Arving, / Room Manager. \ / BASEMENT LEVEL THREE \ / Prison/ Sanitation Division controls \ the use of the prison. At least one / Consultant Researcher (E. Smith, S. \ Ross, A. Wesker) must be present if / viral use is authorized. \ / Triple Lock Door/ Entry into the room \ is limited to the sole person who / deactivates the lock with all of the Pass \ Codes. Accessing the exclusive Output / Terminals located in each section of the \ Senior Researchers deactivates the lock. / \ Power Room/ In this room nitro / compound is used as the primary fuel \ source of power. Access is limited to / Headquarters Supervisors. This \ restriction may not apply to Consultant / Researchers with special authorization. \ / Pass Code Output Terminals/ Use and \ access of the Output Terminals is / limited to authorized Senior \ Researchers. / \ BASEMENT LEVEL FOUR / \ Regarding the progress of "Tyrant" / after the administration of T-Virus... \ (Illegible hereafter...) / \ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ FILE #20: OBSERVATION NOTE / FOUND IN: TYRANT STORAGE (check Wesker) \ / Observation Note \ / The discovery of the G-Virus was in \ fact 21 years after the administration / of the primogenitor virus. \ / The "Prototype Parasite" which we had \ delivered from a laboratory in France / was administered to the sample \ specimen. The sample specimen took in / the parasite without showing any signs \ of adverse reaction. / \ The lack of any reaction was an / unsolved mystery. But now everything \ is clear to me now. / \ The "Prototype Parasite" was / incubating in the sample specimen's \ body for 21 years. Then from that / incubating state the prototype suddenly \ mutated. ("Evolved" may be a more / appropriate word to describe it.) \ / This observation gave me more insight \ in my research. Through further / modification and testing, I was able to \ derive a method to create the "G" that / surpasses the performance of the "T". \ / This was the breakthrough that would \ change the future of the B.O.W.'s / history. \ / I can't wait to see the look on Alexia's \ annoying face when I finally announce / my research. But unfortunately I'll \ have to wait a few more years to / completely verify my findings. \ / William Birkin \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ========================== = 11: PUZZLE SOLUTIONS = ========================== MANSION I: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [KNIGHT PUZZLE] + + + + As soon as you enter the room, four statues will + + move forward: a knight with a shield, a knight with + + an axe, a knight with a halberd, and a knight with + + a sword. + + + + Ignore the paintings on the back wall, as they're + + irrelevant to the puzzle, unfortunately. If you + + play around with the statues, you'll notice that + + the shield statue also moves in the sword statue, + + but moving the halberd statue will send the sword + + one back out again. + + + + Push the halberd statue in first, then the one with + + the axe, then push in the shield statue. The sword + + one should move in automatically, allowing you to + + flip the center switch without fear of danger. + + ----------- + + | - T - | 1 = HALBERD 4 = SWORD + + | |4| |1|>| 2 = AXE S = SWITCH + + | - - - | 3 = SHIELD T = JEWELRY BOX + + | |S| | + + | - - - | < = PUSH LEFT > = PUSH RIGHT + + |<|2| |3|>| + + | - - | + + ----------- + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [STAINED GLASS PUZZLE] + + + + On the other side of the room is a portrait with a + + caption reading: "Lisa, protected by the three + + spirits". The portrait has a green crown, a purple + + necklace, and an orange bracelet. + + + + _____ L = LISA GLASS N = NECKLACE GLASS + + |L| | | B = BRACELET GLASS C = CROWN GLASS + + | |B| |D D = DOOR TO GREEN HALLWAY + + |B| |R| + + |L|N|E| The object here is to match up the glass + + |U| |D| items with the right color. Bracelet and + + |E|C| | crown both appear as yellow, while the + + | - | necklace is red. To alter the colors, + + |_____| use the switch on either the blue or red + + sides to tint it that color. + + + + Since the bracelet is orange, use the switch on the + + red side to switch the glass to that color. Since + + the necklace is purple and the crown is green, use + + the switches on the blue side to make them the + + correct color. When you're finished, just revisit + + Lisa's portrait and press the button. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [CLOCK PUZZLE] + + + + Check the painting next to the clock and you'll get + + a message that says "A picture of two knights + + striking each other. The short sword has been + + thrust into the breast of one knight, while the + + long sword has pierced the head of the other." + + + + Check the clock and it'll look like a normal clock, + + but the 3 is replaced by a shield, the 6 is armor, + + the 9 is a sword, and 12 is a helmet. + + + + "When the two have run each other through, the path + + to your destiny will open." + + + + Use the painting as your reference and move things + + from there. The small gear operates the long hand, + + while the large gear moves the small hand. Both + + hands currently point to midnight. + + + + Move the large gear twice to the right to make it + + point to armor, then quit turning. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COURTYARD I: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [CERBERUS PUZZLE] + + + + The gate ahead reads that it will open when the two + + dogs' desires are fulfilled. The left dog has blue + + eyes and reads "The Last Gasps of Destruction", + + while the dog on the right has red eyes and reads + + "The War Cry of Revenge". + + + + Back up the pathway is a sign the reads as follows: + + + + North: Valley of Destruction + + South: Cave of Hatred + + East: Summit of Madness + + West: Path of Revenge + + + + The object is to wind charms color to correspond + + with the dog's direction. Press the switch when + + the red charm faces west and when the blue charm + + faces north. The gate will unlock after that. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RESIDENCE: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [PRESSURE LOCK PUZZLE] + + + + This whole room is a deathtrap. Not yet, mind you, + + but very shortly it will be necessary for you to + + perform a few tasks around the room. For the + + purposes of the solution, conceive of the room as + + having left and right while facing the central + + ladder. + + + + First, you'll want to check the table by the map. + + This will give you a warning and a valve number, + + either 1, 2, or 3, to release if the oil pressure + + drops. + + + + Check the panel on the far right side and you'll + + get an error message regarding drainage. A neptune + + will slam the window, making the situation all the + + more urgent. + + + + Examine the panel to the right of the drainage one + + and remove the safety. Now go to the upper part of + + the room and try to lower the shelter on the main + + panel. This will fail. + + + + Remember the oil pressure valve number from before? + + Head to the hallway beyond the ladder and make a + + left and you'll see a series of tanks there. Use + + the tank associated with your number (you'll be + + given a choice if you examine them). + + + + Now, head over to the safety release in the right + + corner, using it, then go to the upper panel and + + lower the shelter. You can now freely drain the + + water. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [V-JOLT PUZZLE] + + + + The goal here is to make the V-JOLT, but keep in + + mind that if you mix the wrong chemicals, toxic + + gas will be created and you'll be poisoned. + + + + You're provided with four EMPTY BOTTLES to do this + + trick with and they're all placed at the opposite + + end of the room. I'll assume you don't have a lot + + of space, so I'll show you how to do it in three. + + + + First, fill one of the bottles with WATER and put + + UMB NO. 3 in another. Mix those two to get NP-004. + + + + Next, fill one with YELLOW-6 and immediately mix + + that with the NP-004 to create UMB NO. 10. + + + + Put some more WATER in a bottle and more YELLOW-6, + + then mix those two to get UMB NO. 7. + + + + Combine the UMB NO. 7 and the UMB NO. 10 to get + + VP-017. + + + + From here, all you need to do is combine the VP-017 + + with a bottle of UMB NO.3 and V-JOLT is complete. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ MANSION II: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [GEMSTONE PUZZLE] + + + + There are three stuffed animals in this room, one + + is a deer head, one is a buffalo head, and one is a + + full-sized eagle. In each of them are three gems, + + the red, the yellow, and the purple, respectively. + + + + You need to grab the red and the yellow, but the + + problem is this: the eagle follows your movements + + and whenever its vision is locked on one of the + + other heads, the gem inside, in turn, locks into + + place. You'll have to outwit the eagle to get to + + each stone. + + + + To start out, push each of the dressers in the room + + until they line up beneath the nearest head. Next, + + you'll want to turn out the light, as this is the + + only way to see each gem. + + + + Continue over until the eagle's vision "locks" on + + the deer (you'll hear it do so). Now run towards + + the eagle's wall, and under it until you're at the + + other side where you can climb up and grab the + + YELLOW GEMSTONE from the buffalo. + + + + Once the eagle's vision "locks" on the buffalo, + + climb down and repeat the process in the other + + direction so you can pick up the RED GEMSTONE. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [JEWELRY BOX PUZZLE] + + + + Putting the gemstone into the box will cause five + + small pieces to drop out of the sides. The object + + here is to fit them together into the octagon hole. + + + + Of course, the trick here is to make sure the piece + + is fit against the border of the octagon, that way, + + there won't be any overlap in the middle areas. + + ________ + + / || \ Ah, the wonders of ASCIII.. + + / || \ The end result should look + + / ___||_____\ something like the monstrosity + + / || \\ \ to the left, minus a little + + | || \\ | space for overlap. When you + + | || \\ | fine tune, try to jam pieces + + | || \\ | as far into the edge as you + + \ \\____/|| / possibly can. You can be + + \ // || / punished for overlap, but a + + \// || / bit of open space is perfectly + + \______||/ fine. + + + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ COURTYARD II: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [GODDESS PUZZLE] + + + + If you step on that circular panel in the center, + + it will rotate ninety degrees. Hmmm..... + + + + Go behind the second statue and push it north (away + + from the other statue) until it's resting in front + + of the darker panel. Move over to the little hole + + near the door and use the HEXAGONAL CRANK to move + + that panel out, then use it again to move the panel + + out of the way. + + + + From there, push the statue east, then south and + + onto the circle. It will rotate couter-clockwise + + ninety degrees. Push the statue west and off the + + circle again, then go behind it and push it back + + on. Get around and push it east again and, once it + + clears the circle, keep pushing directly south + + until it fits into the hole. + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ LABORATORY: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + [X-RAY PUZZLE] + + + + You have two X-RAYs in your possession now, one for + + Clark David and one for Gail Holland. Check out + + the x-ray projection panel and you'll see two other + + names up there, Alex Bechet and Ed Fisher. + + + + The note on the board should remind you that it's + + just as easy as remembering your ABCs, so put the + + X-RAY OF CLARK between Alex and Ed, then put the + + X-RAY OF GAIL on the end, to the right of Ed. Now + + head back and flip the switch in the back of the + + room. + + + + Notice how certain organs are now standing out more + + than others? Consult the board again to cross- + + reference them; "colon", "esophagus", "liver", and + + "lungs". Take the first letter from each and your + + password is "CELL". + +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ========================= = 12: BOSS STRATEGIES = ========================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #1A: YAWN]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |There are a few solutions to the issue of The Yawn. For one, you could run | |around him to the far side of the room to grab what you need and run, but | |we'll assume you stand him down. As should already be evident from earlier, | |The Yawn will bite and poison you, so you'll just have to deal. Now the Yawn| |will circle around both you and Richard, and his constant movement will make | |him hard to hit, and when it's easy, he'll just bite you anyway. Keep aiming| |with the L-button and you'll get the best shot in. You can fire on your own,| |but alternatively, you can also have Richard do the lion's share of the work | |and save the shells you're carrying around for later. After a set number of | |direct shots, there will be a scene, and Richard will be gone, leaving behind| |a fully loaded ASSAULT SHOTGUN (rather nice of him). One or two shots later | |the music will stop and the Yawn will slither off into the night. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #1B: YAWN]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |Chris doesn't have Richard backing him up, but it's still not all that hard. | |The yawn will circle around the post in the middle, which shifts his weak | |spot around a lot. When he does get close to you, he's likely to rear back | |and strike, so use Chris' superior speed to dodge that if at all possible. | |If you get bitten, you'll need to do some form of a serum run again, so TRY | |to avoid it. The only method I can fully endorse in dealing with the yawn is| |to run behind it to where it crawled out of the wall and take the DEATH MASK | |there, then leave. Standing your ground and killing him normally will screw | |you over in the next fight because Chris doesn't have the firepower yet. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #2A: CRIMSON ELDER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |With Jill, there is no easier boss. Equip the GRENADE LAUNCHER and begin | |firing at him. After three shots, he's down permenantly. Boring. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #2B: CRIMSON ELDER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |Equip the SHOTGUN if you haven't already and begin firing as quickly as you | |can. If he does get to you, he'll either grab you or do the dual claw slash | |that all Crimsons do, except his is a bit more painful. Fire once, then run | |to the side as he charges. Three shots will put him on the ground for a bit,| |then he'll get up again and you can repeat the process. Two or three more | |shots and he'll be dead. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #3A: PLANT 42]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |There's a set of stairs to your left as you enter, so run up those and cross | |the little platform until you're staring into the mouth of the beast. When | |it opens up, start firing. It may rain some damaging pollen on you or whip | |you with the vines, but you should continue to fire when you have a clear | |shot, unless of course then vines knock you off the edge. Two shots with the| |INCENDIARY GRENADES and it'll start falling apart. One or two more and the | |whole thing's dead. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #3B: PLANT 42]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |Run up the nearby stairs and to the center of the platform. When the bulb | |opens, begin firing your ASSAULT SHOTGUN, just be wary that the plant is more| |likely to whip you off the platform in this state. Otherwise, when the bulb | |is closed, the same vines will rain damaging pollen on you. If you stay with| |your back against the wall, the vines won't knock you off, but if the pollen | |comes you should run away from it and come back when its done. After four to| |six shots, it will start to weaken in a scene. Four to six more and it will | |curl up and die. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #4A: YAWN (II)]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |Don't fire at him yet, he can't be hurt until you climb down the ladder and | |he joins you in the lower part of the library. Now turn on him, ASSAULT | |SHOTGUN armed, and begin firing at his head. His main attack this time is | |similar before, he'll rear up, pause, then strike at you. He's rather easy | |to dodge in that, but after six to ten shots, he'll be down for the count. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #4B: YAWN (II)]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |This time you actually do have to fight him, but don't fire at him until you | |have climbed down the nearby ladder. Once you're down there, fire when you | |see his head. He'll keep moving around, but periodically he'll stop to rear | |up and strike you, at which point you should get out of range. It's a shoot-| |and-dodge kind of battle, but after six to ten shots from the ASSAULT SHOTGUN| |he'll go down permenantly. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #5A: BLACK TIGER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |This thing behaves no differently from your average spider, except that its | |charge can knock you into the wall. Speaking of your average spiders, they | |will be dropping down from above through this entire fight and seem to | |materialize out of nowhere. Run around the big one, since it has severe | |issues with turning, and continue to pump it full of shot as you run and gun.| |Four or five shots will do it in. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #5B: BLACK TIGER]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: VERY EASY]+ | |Black Tiger is just a larger stronger version of the spider with the same | |strengths and drawbacks. It has extreme difficulty turning around, but it | |can still spit poison at you and has a charge attack that can knock you into | |the opposite wall. Unload on it with the FLAMETHROWER, being careful to | |dodge the other spiders, and it should collapse shortly. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #6A: LISA TREVOR]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |You can either give Barry his gun back or don't. If you don't, you'll keep | |the gun and get a FILE, but Barry won't help you. For the sake of this guide| |I'll assume you gave Barry his gun back because it's the right thing to do. | |Now you're facing Lisa Trevor. There are two ways to beat her. One's the | |wasteful way, i.e., pump bullets into her and hope she falls off the edge, | |and the other's the dramatic way which is to use the hint from and earlier | |FILE and push all four stones off the edge while Barry provides cover. Be | |quick about it and only shoot when you have to, but remember that Lisa is a | |medium-level boss because if she hits you three times, you're dead, and even | |if you do give Barry his gun back, he can still get hurt too. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #6B: LISA TREVOR]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |Wesker backs Chris up for this fight, but you don't have to worry about | |giving him a gun or even having to protect him. Unfortunately, his gun isn't| |quite the hand cannon Barry's is, and Chris will want to save what little | |ammo he has. The choice is simple, start pushing the rocks off the side and | |if freaky ol' Lisa gets too close, blast her with the ASSAULT SHOTGUN. If | |she's at a safe distance, keep on pushin' those rocks. Just watch out, Lisa | |ability to jump over the coffin to get to you. Push all the stones over and | |the fight will wrap up with a scene. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #7A: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |Here's your anti-climax. Run around the corner about halfway through the | |camera angle change, then start firing at it. Five to six shots should down | |it just before it reaches you, but if you're uncomfortable with it, you can | |always run back a little further. Don't get me wrong, it'll still do some | |massive damage if you do get hit, but that's the thing, you shouldn't. It | |doesn't even have a charge attack. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #7B: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: INFANTILE]+ | |Chris' method of killing this thing should be pretty much the same as Jill's | |was. Immediately turn around and run down the nearby path, then when you're | |at a safe distance (at your discretion), turn around and begin firing the | |MAGNUM REVOLVER at it. You should be standing about halfway down the screen | |when you start shooting. This Tyrant doesn't have any dash attack, but his | |claw is still dangerous enough in close range. Five to six shots will do him| |in, hopefully without reaching you. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #8A: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |The nasty thing about this is that the Tyrant can still kill Barry after all | |this time, so provide enough cover fire with your MAGNUM REVOLVER to distract| |it. If it begins to turn or walk slowly towards you, this means that it's | |getting ready to charge and slap you with the claw, which will immediately | |send you to DANGER. Run sideways to avoid this. Another method of screwing | |with the Tyrant is to stand directly behind it. More often than not, it | |won't be able to figure out what you're doing and will just stand there. | |Better still, its turn and charge attack will be off line and misses you. | |When Brad drops the ROCKET LAUNCHER, equip it and fire. If it bats away one | |of the rockets with its claw, don't worry, the second shot will hit. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |+[BOSS FIGHT #8B: TYRANT]+ | |+[DIFFICULTY: MEDIUM]+ | |Unfortunately, after all the work you've put into saving Rebecca, the Tyrant | |can still kill her if you're not careful. Immediately start unloading the | |MAGNUM REVOLVER on it and eventually it'll spin around all ready to power- | |slap you across the 'pad for serious damage. Avoid that by running to the | |sides (as close to strafing as you can in RE). If it does slash you, might | |want to heal after that. Otherwise, one nifty trick is to stand behind it, | |which somehow confuses it and throws off its aim. Keep firing and Brad will | |drop the ROCKET LAUNCHER. Equip it and fire, but don't worry if he bats the | |first shot away, it's perfectly normal. | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- =================== = 13: ITEM LIST = =================== The items listed below are found in this format... (ITEM NAME) (DISK), (PART OF GAME, AS DEFINED IN FAQ) (LOCATION, OR HOW TO ACQUIRE IT) (DESCRIPTION UPON EXAMINATION) Any mistakes, i.e. the grammatical mad skillz of the HERB description, are transcribed as such. WEAPONS / AMMO This section covers anything used to kill or that can be combined with another item to kill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SURVIVAL KNIFE DISK 1, PART 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: DEFAULT (JILL & CHRIS), SPIDER ROOM (Jill) A mid-size lightweight survival knife. Jill's personal protection knife used for close encounters. (Chris) Carbon-reinforced alloy blade with serrated edges. Chris has been using it since his days in the Air Force. (Spider Room) It's a survival knife. Comes in handy in desperate situations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDGUN DISK 1, PART 1 HOLDS 15 BULLETS FOUND IN: DEFAULT (JILL), MANSION MAIN HALL (CHRIS) A S.T.A.R.S. custom automatic. Fires 9mm Parabellum rounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDGUN MAGAZINE BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS (except #2) HOLDS 15 BULLETS FOUND IN: WEST STAIRCASE (EXT.), YELLOW HALLWAY, CORNER HALLWAY, TREVOR'S STUDY, KEEPER'S ROOM, EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM (CHRIS), SMALL DINING ROOM (2), 001 ROOM, GALLERY, WEST BASEMENT TUNNEL, ELEVATOR TUNNEL (2), STORAGE TUNNEL, LOWER LAB HALL A clip for the hangun. 15 rounds of 9mm parabellum. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOTGUN DISK 1, PART 1 HOLDS 6 SHELLS FOUND IN: FIREPLACE LOUNGE Fires 12 Gauge Shells. A weapon that is capable of firing wide-range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHOTGUN SHELLS BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS HOLDS 6 SHELLS FOUND IN: EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM (CHRIS, after note), TIGER ROOM (use BLUE GEMSTONE), GRAVEYARD (after boss #2), COURTYARD STORAGE, RECREATION ROOM, DRAINAGE ROOM, COURTYARD STORAGE (CHRIS, after second note), MANSION STORAGE (2, for CHRIS), SPENCER'S STUDY, WEST TUNNEL, VISUAL DATA ROOM, MORGUE, OFFICE SAVE ROOM (CHRIS), LAB CORRIDOR, PRISON CELL, EXIT HALLWAY 12 Gauge Shells for the Shotgun that scatter fires. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUEL CANTEEN DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: MANSION SAVE ROOM EAST You can carry with you fuel to light a few times using a lighter. (With kerosene) There's still some kerosene left in it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASSAULT SHOTGUN DISK 1, PART 1 (JILL), PART 3 (CHRIS) HOLDS 10 SHELLS FOUND IN: ATTIC (JILL), AQUA RING (CHRIS) Fires 12 Guage Shells. A S.T.A.R.S. custom arsenal and also Richard's favorite. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGNUM REVOLVER DISK 1, PART 2 HOLDS 6 ROUNDS FOUND IN: (use the CRESTs in COURTYARD GRAVESITE) It's loaded with Magnum rounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAGNUM ROUNDS DISK 1, PART 3, PART 5; DISK 2, PART 6 HOLDS 6 ROUNDS FOUND IN: AQUA RING EXIT, STORAGE TUNNEL, OPERATING ROOM, NITRO ROOM (CHRIS) Powerful bullets for the .357 Magnum Revolver. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SELF DEFENSE GUN DISK 1, PART 3 HOLDS 1 SHOT FOUND IN: 001 ROOM A self defense gun that fires .22 Magnum rounds. One round has been fired already. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCKET LAUNCHER DISK 2, PART 6 HOLDS 4 ROCKETS FOUND IN: HELIPAD A very destructive weapon that fires rockets with a large blast radius. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HEALING ITEMS / SAVE ITEMS These items are ones you should seek out if your condition changes or need to save. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GREEN HERB BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS FOUND IN: WEST STAIRCASE (EXT.) (2), YELLOW HALLWAY, EAST GARDEN (2), WEST TERRACE (planter), GREENHOUSE (5), RICHARD HALLWAY (2), EAST TERRACE (2), RESEARCHER'S LODGINGS, GAZEBO, RECREATION ROOM (2), AQUA RING ENTRANCE, SMALL STUDY, ORANGE HALLWAY (2), LIBRARY (2), MIRROR ROOM, UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE, LISA TUNNEL, LISA'S ROOM, UPPER LAB HALL (2), OPERATING ROOM (open FIRST AID BOX), EXIT HALLWAY (open FIRST AID BOX) An herb that's grow wild in this region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLUE HERB DISK 1, ALL PARTS (except #1) FOUND IN: GAZEBO, RESIDENCE ENTRYWAY (3), WEST BASEMENT TUNNEL, MIRROR ROOM (planter), AUXILARY TUNNEL (2), LISA'S ROOM An herb that's grow wild in this region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED HERB DISK 1, ALL PARTS FOUND IN: EAST GARDEN, DEER ROOM, IVY PATH, GALLERY, WEST BASEMENT TUNNEL, ORANGE HALLWAY, LISA TUNNEL An herb that's grow wild in this region. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIXED HERBS BOTH DISKS, ANY PART FOUND IN: (combine two or more herbs to make them), RECREATION ROOM (open FIRST AID BOX), CONTROL ROOM (open FIRST AID BOX), MEDICAL HALLWAY (open FIRST AID BOX) A mixture of 2 Green Herbs. A mixture of 3 Green Herbs. A mixture of Green and Blue Herbs. A mixture of 2 Green Herbs and a Blue Herb. A mixture of a Green Herb and Red Herbs. A mixture of Green, Blue, and Red Herbs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST AID SPRAY BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS (except #4) FOUND IN: (check item box), EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM (after note), RESEARCHER'S LODGINGS (open FIRST AID BOX), COURTYARD STORAGE, COURTYARD STORAGE (after second note), SOUTH TUNNEL (open FIRST AID BOX), VISUAL DATA ROOM, OFFICE SAVE ROOM A medicinal spray that can heal wounds completely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST AID BOX BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS (except #2) FOUND IN: RESEARCHER'S LODGINGS, RECREATION ROOM, CONTROL ROOM, SOUTH TUNNEL, MEDICAL HALLWAY, OPERATING ROOM, EXIT HALLWAY A (item) was inside. (#1 First Aid Spray) (#2 Mixed Green/Blue Herb) (#3 Mixed 2 Green Herbs) (#4 First Aid Spray) (#5 Mixed 2 Green Herbs) (#6 & #7 Green Herb) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SERUM DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: MANSION SAVE ROOM WEST There's just enough for one dose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INK RIBBON BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS (except #2) FOUND IN: DINING ROOM, FIREPLACE LOUNGE, (check item box), FURNITURE ROOM, RESEARCHER'S LODGINGS, RESIDENCE SAVE ROOM, DECORATIVE LAB, UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE, LAB ENTRANCE SAVE ROOM, OFFICE SAVE ROOM To be used with a typewriter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JILL ITEMS These items relate specifically to the Jill walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCK PICK DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: MANSION MAIN HALL A tool for unlocking most simple locks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHTER (JILL) DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: TREVOR'S STUDY Words are carved on it. "Don't play with fire! Love, Jessica" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRENADE LAUNCHER DISK 1, PART 1 INFINITE CAPACITY FOUND IN: EAST TERRACE Grenades are already loaded. (Any other rounds) It's loaded with (name) rounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INCENDIARY GRENADES DISK 1, PART 1; DISK 2, PART 6 HOLDS 6 GRENADES FOUND IN: EAST MANSION SAVE ROOM (after note), NITRO ROOM Shells for the Grenade Launcher. They are filled with special fuel that ignite upon impact with target. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GRENADES DISK 1, PART 1, PART 3, PART 4; DISK 2, PART 6 HOLDS 6 GRENADES FOUND IN: DEFAULT (GRENADE LAUNCHER), COURTYARD STORAGE (after second note), TAXIDERMY LOUNGE, OFFICE SAVE ROOM, Shells for the Grenade Launcher. They are filled with high-explosives. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACID GRENADES DISK 1, PART 1, PART 4 HOLDS 6 GRENADES FOUND IN: MANSION MAIN HALL (if Barry helped you in ORNATE ROOM earlier), MANSION STORAGE Shells for the Grenade Launcher. They are filled with sulfuric acid. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BARRY'S .44 MAGNUM DISK 1, PART 5 HOLDS 6 SHOTS FOUND IN: ALTAR (kill Barry) Fires .44 Magnum rounds. An extremely powerful handgun, not to mention one of Barry's favorites ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHRIS ITEMS These items relate specifically to the Chris walkthrough. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LIGHTER (CHRIS) DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: DEFAULT (CHRIS) It's a brass lighter coated with gold. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OLD KEY (CHRIS) DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: MANSION BATHROOM, MANSION SAVE ROOM EAST, KEEPER'S ROOM, KITCHEN An old key of the mansion. Looks like you might be able open most simply designated door locks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLAMETHROWER DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: WEST TUNNEL A anti-personnel weapon that sprays a stream of flame. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEFENSE ITEMS These items can be used either manually or automatically to stop any grabbing attack. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STUN GUN (JILL) BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS FOUND IN: FURNITURE ROOM, WINDOW HALLWAY, KEEPER'S ROOM, COURTYARD STORAGE, RESIDENCE SAVE ROOM, COURTYARD STORAGE (after second note), MANSION STORAGE, SPENCER'S STUDY, STORAGE TUNNEL, OPERATING ROOM, MORGUE, VENTILATION ROOM A self-defense item. You'll be able to take down an assailant, leaving him disoriented momentarily. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DAGGER DISK 1, PART 1, PART 4; DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: UPPER DINING ROOM, STATUE ROOM, CORNER HALLWAY, MANSION BATHROOM (JILL), FIREPLACE LOUNGE, KITCHEN, EAST TERRACE, TRAPPED ROOM, WEST BASEMENT TUNNEL, TAXIDERMY LOUNGE, MIRROR ROOM, LOWER LAB HALL By stabbing this dagger, you'll be able to protect yourself and escape from hostile situations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FLASH GRENADE (CHRIS) BOTH DISKS, ALL PARTS FOUND IN: WINDOW HALLWAY, FURNITURE ROOM, COURTYARD STORAGE, RESIDENCE SAVE ROOM, COURTYARD STORAGE (after second note), MANSION STORAGE, SPENCER'S STUDY, STORAGE TUNNEL, OPERATIG ROOM, MORGUE, VENTILATION ROOM A self-defense item. Normally used to disturb the offender's vision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PUZZLE ITEMS These items are involved in the solving of puzzles. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLDEN ARROW DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: YELLOW HALLWAY The arrowhead looks like it can be removed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ARROWHEAD DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: (examine GOLDEN ARROW) The arrohead is made from peridot, Sometimes referred as poor man's emerald. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOK OF CURSE DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: GRAVEYARD (machinery room) It's titled, "Book of Curse" (Flip over) There's a key embedded on the back cover. Will you remove it? (Yes) You got the Mansion Key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICAL / HERBICIDE DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: EAST GARDEN A chemical agent to destroy plant growth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOODEN MOUNT DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: RED HALLWAY There's nothing unusual. (examine pages) There's a paper attached on the inside. Nothing is written on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DOG WHISTLE DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: TREVOR'S STUDY By blowing into it, it generates frequencies only audile to the ears of dogs. You can call a dog with this whistle. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COLLAR DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: WEST TERRACE There's a switch. Will you push it? (Yes) A coin was hidden inside the collar. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COIN DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: (examine COLLAR) There's nothing unusual. (Flip over) It changed into a shape of a key ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IMITATION OF A KEY DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: (examine back of COIN) Shaped like a key, but lacks the rigidity to be used as one. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROKEN SHOTGUN DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: FURNITURE ROOM It's broken and can't be fired. Maybe there's another use for this... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH MASK / MASK W/OUT EYES DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: GREENHOUSE It's a death mask without eyes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH MASK / MASK W/OUT MOUTH DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: STAINED GLASS ROOM It's a death mask without a mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH MASK / MASK W/OUT ALL DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: (examine front and back of the first JEWELRY BOX) It's a death mask without eyes, nose, or mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DEATH MASK / MASK W/OUT NOSE DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: ATTIC It's a death mask without a nose. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BLUE GEMSTONE DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: DINING ROOM (push statue over in UPPER DINING ROOM) It's beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSICAL SCORE / MISSING MUSIC DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: PIANO BAR It's titled, "Moonlight Sonata". (examine pages) A section of the music is missing, leaving only the beginning and the end of the music. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSICAL SCORE / MUSIC, MID-PAGES DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: SMALL DINING ROOM The beginning and the last sections of the music are missing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSICAL SCORE / MOONLIGHT SONATA DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: (combine MISSING MUSIC with MUSIC, MID-PAGES) It's titled, "Moonlight Sonata". (examine pages) The complete musical score of the "Moonlight Sonata". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEWELRY BOX (#1) DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: KNIGHT ROOM (examine top) There's a design of the sun and the moon. On the plate it says "Sunshine will awaken me." (examine bottom) There must be a way to open this box. (examine sides) There's a switch. Will you press the switch? (Yes) (Second time) Nothing's happening. (Keep screwing around with the box) Appears as if you failed. (Examine front and back) There was a mask inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FISHHOOK DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: RESEARCHER'S ROOM It's a hook for fishing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEE SPECIMEN DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: RESEARCHER'S ROOM It's a giant bee specimen for mounting. It's well preserved. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LURE OF A BEE / LURE W/OUT HOOK DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: RESEARCHER'S ROOM It's a lure shaped like a bee. There's no hook on it. (combine with FISHHOOK) It's a lure shaped like a bee with the hook attached. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WIND CREST DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: RESEARCHER'S ROOM There's an icon depicting wind. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMBLEM DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: DINING ROOM It's galled all around the outer edges due to frequent fitting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- GOLD EMBLEM DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: PIANO BAR It's galled all around the outer edges due to frequent fitting. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOON CREST DISK 1, PART 2 FOUND IN: COURTYARD GRAVESITE There's an icon depicting the moon. (Flip over) There's a button. Will you press it? (Yes) There are two projecting lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAR CREST DISK 1, PART 2 FOUND IN: COURTYARD GRAVESITE There's an icon depicting the moon. (Flip over) There's a button. Will you press it? (Yes) The base is protruded in the shape of a cross. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOON CREST DISK 1, PART 2 FOUND IN: COURTYARD GRAVESITE There's an icon depicting the moon. (Flip over) There's a button. Will you press it? (Yes) There are three projecting lines. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRANK / SQUARE CRANK DISK 1, PART 2 FOUND IN: CABIN (Examine tip) The end is shaped like a square. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED BOOK / UNPRINTED BOOK DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: RECREATION ROOM It's a book with a red cover. (flip to pages) Nothing is printed on any of the pages. Is there a special way to use it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSECTICIDE SPRAY DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: GALLERY It's a pump-action spray. There's plenty of insecticide inside. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMPTY BOTTLE (4) DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB It's empty. It's used to synthesize V-JOLT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WATER DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB It's a bottle filled with water. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UMB NO. 3 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB Used to synthesize V-JOLT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NP-004 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB (combine WATER with UMB NO. 3) Used to synthesize V-JOLT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW-6 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB Used to synthesize V-JOLT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UMB NO. 7 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB (combine WATER with YELLOW-6) Used to synthesize V-JOLT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UMB NO. 10 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB (combine NP-004 with YELLOW-6) Used to synthesize V-JOLT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- VP-017 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB (combine UMB NO. 7 with UMB NO. 10) Used to synthesize V-JOLT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V-JOLT DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: CHEMISTRY LAB (combine UMB NO. 3 with VP-017) When applied to the roots of Plant 42, this will kill the plant within 5 seconds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST BOOK VOL. 1 DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: TREVOR'S GRAVE The words on the cover, what can it mean? (examine pages) A medal was hidden inside the book. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LAST BOOK VOL. 2 DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: LIBRARY The words on the cover, what can it mean? (examine pages) A medal was hidden inside the book. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BATTERY DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: MANSION STORAGE With this, you can operate the elevator. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YELLOW GEMSTONE DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: TAXIDERMY LOUNGE It's beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RED GEMSTONE DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: TAXIDERMY LOUNGE It's beautifully cut and polished to a mirror-like surface. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEWELRY BOX (#2) DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: MIRROR ROOM There's a round recession approximately 4 cm in diameter. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROACH DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: (open the second JEWELRY BOX) It changed into a key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- METAL OBJECT DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: SPENCER'S STUDY An object made from alloy. There's an emblem engraving. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEWELRY BOX (#3) DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: LISA'S ROOM (Opens) You got the STONE RING ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STONE RING DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: (examine the third JEWELRY BOX) It's an ocatgonal ring made of stone. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHAFT DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: MINING ELEVATOR It appears to be some sort of key to start the power supply. Symbols are carved in its side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CYLINDER DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: GODDESS ROOM A circular metal object with a hole in the center. Symbols are carved in its side. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CRANK / HEXAGON CRANK DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: ENRICO ROOM (examine Enrico) (Examine tip) The end is shaped hexagonal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-RAY / X-RAY OF CLARK DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: ROENTGEN ROOM A name is on it. "CLARK DAVID" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- X-RAY / X-RAY OF GAIL DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: ROENTGEN ROOM A name is on it. "GAIL HOLLAND" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SLIDE FILTER DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: OPERATING ROOM There are red colored slides are inside. Nothing's on it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUEL SUPPLY CAPSULE DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: FUELING ROOM It's empty. (refuel it) The main ingredient of this fuel appears to be nitro compound. "Running" could result in a fatal explosion. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUSE UNIT DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: EXIT HALLWAY It's an assembly of many large fuses. It's rated for high currents of electricity. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL ROCKETS DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: HELIPAD Pyrotechnic Signal Rockets. I can signal Brad with this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KEYS These items are used to unlock doors. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANSION KEY / SWORD KEY DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: (examine back of BOOK OF CURSE) There's nothing unusual. (Flip over) There's an engraving of a sword. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANSION KEY / ARMOR KEY DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: NARROW HALLWAY There's nothing unusual. (Flip over) There's an engraving of an armor. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANSION KEY / SHIELD KEY DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: DINING ROOM There's nothing unusual. (Flip over) There's an engraving of a shield. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STONE & METAL OBJECT DISK 1, PART 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: GRAVEYARD, (combine STONE RING and METAL OBJECT) An emblem is carved on the octagonal object. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENCE KEY / KEY FOR ROOM 001 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: 002 BATHROOM (flip over) Numbers, 001 is imprinted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONTROL ROOM KEY DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: 001 ROOM It's a key for entering the Control Room. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENCE KEY / GALLERY KEY DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: LOWER AQUA RING (flip over) The word "GALLERY" is imprinted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RESIDENCE KEY / KEY FOR ROOM 003 DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: GALLERY (flip over) Numbers, 003 is imprinted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MANSION KEY / HELMET KEY DISK 1, PART 3 FOUND IN: PLANT 42 ROOM There's nothing unusual. (Flip over) There's an engraving of a helmet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDAL OF EAGLE DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: (examine LAST BOOK VOL. 1) Found inside the Last Book Vol 1. Is there a special way to use it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MEDAL OF WOLF DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: (examine LAST BOOK VOL. 2) Found inside the Last Book Vol 2. Is there a special way to use it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MO DISK (3) DISK 1, PART 4; DISK 2, PART 6 (2) FOUND IN: TIGER ROOM (give the tiger the YELLOW GEMSTONE), UPPER LAB HALL, VISUAL DATA ROOM It appears to be a disk for rebooting a system of some sort. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EMBLEM KEY DISK 1, PART 4 FOUND IN: (examine BROACH) The key's designed with an emblem of the Spencer Family, whose history is as old as Raccoon City. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CYLINDER SHAFT DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: (combine CYLINDER and SHAFT) Symbols are carved in its side. Will you turn it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BROKEN FLAMETHROWER DISK 1, PART 5 FOUND IN: DISPOSAL TUNNEL The muzzle is broken. It can't be fired. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LABORATORY KEY / KEY FOR THE POWER AREA DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: VISUAL DATA ROOM An electrical symbol is imprinted. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MASTER KEY DISK 2, PART 6 FOUND IN: TYRANT STORAGE (check Wesker if your partner died) A key to unlock doors during emergency situations. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPECIAL ITEMS These items appear after completing the game under certain circumstances. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROCKET LAUNCHER DISK 1, PART 1 HOLDS INFINITE ROCKETS FOUND IN: DEFAULT (complete game in under three hours, replaces SURVIVAL KNIFE) Launches fire-and-forget rockets continuously. Extremely destructive. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDGUN ANY DISK, ANY PART HOLDS INFINITE BULLETS FOUND IN: (check item box after completing the game in under five hours) An automatic that fires .40SW rounds. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOSET KEY DISK 1, PART 1 FOUND IN: DEFAULT (if first time completing game, in item box each time after) There's a design of a female's side face beautifully embossed on the key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ============================================== = 14: UNANSWERED QUESTIONS / PARTING SHOTS = ============================================== * ARKLAY MOUNTAIN REGION WILDLIFE The video in the beginning of both films leads us to believe that there's a pack of zombies and cerberi wandering around the forest somewhere attacking groups of hikers and whatnot. Originally, before the entire plot of RE2 came out, I assumed that they were the cause of the outbreak in Raccoon City by wandering in and attacking random civilians, as one can assume they weren't exactly close to the Spencer Mansion if people were able to get there to begin with. Not the case, as we now know, but that leaves the families that were eaten, who could have theoretically come back. That might explain the corpses in RPD's morgue, but otherwise it's probably safe to assume that Umbrella had control of these corpses and their disposal with all the waste treatment facilities they had lying arouned (RE3 and RE0). * THE QUESTION ON EVERYONE'S MIND... ...is "good lord, who is lighting all these candles and how are they burning for so long?" * RICHARD AIKEN He goes to the trouble of reloading his shotgun for us to take AS he's being eaten in Jill's game. What a guy! * RADIO AND CONTINUITY It makes sense that Jill picks up the radio message about Lisa Trevor. We can assume Barry was warning Wesker about Lisa. What doesn't make sense is how Chris picks up Wesker's transmission on Lisa in his game. Who is Wesker talking to? An as of yet unrevealed accomplice? Barry, who happened to be wandering around outside during Chris' game and SOMEHOW escaped the mansion area unscathed before it blew up? A useless plot device? * GRAVITY AND YOU The boulder in the EAST TUNNEL always leaves me confused, because it looks as if it has rolled uphill before coming to a stop. Again, there could be another tunnel in there that I don't know about and it merely hit a wall, but it is rather curious designing. * JOHN AND ADA This is one major issue that REMake left unresolved and, arguably, made worse. In the original game, John referred to Ada as "the only one left" which, while a little ambiguous, could imply that John thinks Ada will come to look for him and be the only one who knows about the incident that is capable of exposing this mess to the media. REMake's John is still concerned with blowing the lid off Umbrella's work, but he refers to Ada as "the last person remaining alive", which, to me at least, seems to indicate that Ada was at the Arklay labs around the time the incident occured, as opposed to generic spy chick wandering the city, looking for her boyfriend. I could just be reading too much into this stuff, but it does leave enough there to have me scratching my head and wondering if they're either planning on redefining her role or making a REMake 2. After all, in RE 1.5, Ada was a researcher... * LISA TREVOR The timeline given in her journal compared to Jessica's and George's throws a few things into confusion. If Jessica was buried with her brief letter to Lisa, then it's safe to assume that Jessica may have been terminated the same day Lisa's journal begins. This point is further confused by Lisa's encounter with her "fake mom", whose face Lisa tears off in the warped reasoning of a decaying mind. I think that Lisa assumes that someone else stole her mother's face, and that she must give her that face back, hence, Jessica is sad because Jessica has no face, not Jessica is sad because Lisa is not wearing Jessica's face. As for this "fake mom" character, there are two possibilities I see are either 1) they brought in a lobotomized or otherwise sedated Jessica to visit Lisa to see what the reaction would be or 2) they brought in some generic female researcher who had a passing resemblence and she was killed instead. More confusion is introduced when we read the generic entry labelled only "19" that we find in the first Lisa journal in the cabin. On November 19th, George Trevor was well, albeit held hostage, and we assume that Jessica is dead at this time because Lisa smells her in the coffin. The most reasonable explanation for this is that Lisa either observes male and female test subjects being experimented on (the "red and slimy, white and hard" being substitutes for flesh and bone), or she is examining them herself as a sort of test and discovers those facts on her own. Whether this occurs before she loses her mind or after her she regains her intelligence infection with the Nemesis Parasite is unclear, but I'm inclined to think that it's after because that journal entry is found in the cabin, which I don't imagine she had access to from the beginning. * THE GAME, OVERALL It's hard not to like a game that redoes a classic with few flaws and a great deal of added depth. The enviroments, pre-rendered though they may be, with the individual flickering candles and drops of water are certainly a sight to see. Hell, I'm still impressed every time I climb the ladder to escape the Aqua Ring. The defense item system and the Crimson Heads were equally a welcome change in the game play, and the addition of Lisa Trevor gave the game a (so far as we know) self-contained storyline that gives even more credence to the idea that Spencer is a total bastard without opening too many holes in the process. Unfortunately, this is an idea that I fear may not be fully utilized in the future. Otherwise, this game has widespread appeal for both new fans and followers of the original. The latter still gets something resembling a "Jill Sandwich" line and all the music is basically the same as it was in the original, revamped for the new system. Well, except for the music just after Trevor's grave in the original. That music creeped me out like few others, but they didn't keep it in this one. ==================================== = 15: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS = ==================================== Q: Muchitsujo? A: ... It means chaos and disorder in Japanese. I'm not Japanese myself, but I can never think of screen names for anything. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why did you write this? A: Around the time my CVX guide was 80%, I got an e-mail from someone reading the Zero one, wanting to know whether I had written one on REmake. At that time, I had the bones of a REmake guide in place, I just hadn't filled it in, so I took it as my cue to do so. Here's to you, chief. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Who has the easier/quicker game on the whole? A: Despite what a lot of people will tell you, I think that if you know what you're doing, the two games are even in difficulty and time. Jill gets the LOCKPICK, which allows for more DAGGER placement than in Chris' game, she has the GRENADE LAUNCHER, which regardless of whether or not you use the glitch cheat, is a weapon of pure wrath against the undead (and with INCENDIARY ROUNDS, there's a whole lot less Crimson Heads), she gets a little bit more help in terms of ammunition and assistance from Barry Burton, she's a bit smarter in the cut scenes, gets the ASSAULT SHOTGUN earlier, and has two extra item slots to play with. She also starts with the HANDGUN, but realisticly, Chris gets a gun so soon afterward that it makes for little difference. Chris has better stamina (and taking into account this and how he doesn't need to store the GRENADE LAUNCHER and its ROUNDS, the lack of item slots is offset), walks/runs dramatically faster (making the runs for OLD KEYS, the NITRO quest, the staircase to the Crimson Elder, dodging Zombies, and running away from Forest a lot less tedious than it can be in Jill's game), his defense weapon is more effective than Jill's, Rebecca can heal him (which is probably more valuable than ammo), and you're usually not going to be able to do that V-JOLT sidequest, which is already all but worthless. It becomes really a matter of preference, I've gotten relatively equal playing times on each character. Some people feel more 'hardcore' with the limited item space of Chris, some people like the advantages the LOCKPICK gives Jill. I'll leave it up to you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Which game is more worth playing, the original or REmake? A: It's a difficult comparison to make. I own both REmake and RE: Director's Cut, and I've played through them enough times to know to notice a ton of differences between the two games. It's pretty much the difference between watching a really high-quality horror movie (oxymoron?) or watching something low-budget, but still somewhat scary (Evil Dead?). When they made the orignal game, they didn't necessarily have the resources, the plot was substantially cut up, and the room designers had absolutely no understanding of utilizing light to enhance the mood of the game. Compare some screenshots online, if you don't believe me. By contrast, REmake remedied all these problems, increased the mansion size alone by about 33%, and added the Crimson Heads which are some of the freakiest muthas in video game history. It's of a greater priority that someone new to the series play the REmake than the original, though developing fans of the series may want to make an "i am teh mastre of unlokcing!!1!1" run through the original just for kicks. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: "master of unlocking?" A: The original Resident Evil had a level of dialogue mastery only approached by John Carpenter's "Big Trouble in Little China", except while Carpenter's work may have been intentional, RE was clearly not and characters would not make a mental connection until they announce their intentions; "How about going down to check by yourself? I have a rope here." "Oh, do you? Well then I'll try to go down using the rope." To experience the full glory of this, I recommend checking out DSchmidt's game script at http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/psx/file/resident_evil_script.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why is George Trevor's diary still lying around over thiry years later? A: You take a look at the walls and ceiling and tell me a cleaning crew has been through recently. More seriously, those diaries, with the exception of the third installment, were generally in areas that your average researcher or keeper wouldn't have a great deal of reason to go checking out. The more emotional tie-in is that it makes the mansion seem more like a living and sinister creature, with a long history of swallowing up lives. Good for darkening the mood. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What's the deal with George Trevor anyway? A: New York architect, original designer of the Spencer Mansion. He was a key part of the first game, but was cut from the ending like so many other things. REmake was an opportunity to reintroduce the Trevor family to RE lore. In the original, there was more background info on him, including a diary entry or two that mentioned eating dinner with Spencer and admiring his handywork in the dining room. The player was supposed to find various hints throughout the game from Trevor himself, detailing his attempted escape. The hints were elaborate and in many cases would solve otherwise confusing puzzles, but there were some problems with keeping Trevor in the game as he was designed. For one thing, players would question how notes from thirty years ago were still lingering around giving out the supposedly well-guarded secrets of the mansion, and for another thing, Trevor was also running from zombies, hunters, and other such menaces, which would raise the question of how they could clean out Spencer's Mansion with little evidence of an outbreak thirty years ago but were completely inept in modern times. Capcom backed off this idea and decided to have the modern day inhabitants of the mansion tell the story and, on rare occasions, help solve puzzles. They also rewrote the history of the t-virus innumerable times and now we're led to believe it has been in existence since approximately 1977, which definately raises less questions about why no one had found out about Umbrella until this point. Search the web and the RE sites and you can find all this out on your own. As for Trevor's rambling at the end of his journal, I'm assuming that he's making reference to the costume closet that you can access after beating the game by using the CLOSET KEY. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: ...and Lisa Trevor? A: Universal test subject in Umbrella's research up 'til about 1988, with varying degrees of interest in her between '67 and '88. She was one of few human test subjects that showed any sort of reaction to the Progenitor Virus, so she was tested on and injected with just about every virus known to man in the original t-virus research. For inexplicable reasons, she survived every one of them, including ebola and other nasty things from what I remember. Some years later, Arklay labs got a Nemesis Parasite to research and they used it on Lisa. Nemesis Parasites typcially killed their hosts rather quickly, after giving them enhanced comabt abilities, but Lisa appeared to merely consume it. After that, it appears that the G-Virus developed in her system and she regained some of her lost intelligence. Birkin spent the next chunk of his life researching, testing, and attempting to isolate this virus so that he could eventually get credit for it. Arguably, this led to his demise as Umbrella France, which created the Nemesis Parasite, probably was not too happy with his attempts to commandeer their research. Lisa, meanwhile, was "disposed of" over the course of a few days, but as we can plainly tell, this wasn't terribly successful. My own theory is that it was either at this point she mutated into what we now know her as or it was soon after she consumed the Nemesis Parasite. You can find all this out by getting a translated copy of Wesker's Report II online, but otherwise it's safe to assume that Lisa Trevor is either dead or permenantly in hiding. As for her supposed disposal, I think she was just kept in the underground by Spencer just in case they needed her in the future. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: ...then what's Spencer's deal? A: I can assure you, if I had the wealth and influence, I would do the same. Being paranoid and hiding random puzzle items, I mean, not researching viruses. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Can Lisa Trevor be killed? A: Not conventionally. For example, if you blast her with the ROCKET LAUNCHER after you get it in Once Again... she'll let out a scream and fall down for a few seconds, but wait too long next to her and she'll start to get up again, tentacles flaring ala Nemesis. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What do you have against FIRST-AID SPRAYS? A: In a number of games after the original, you wouldn't be able to get the best possible ranking if you used FIRST-AID SPRAYS. It became a force of habit for me to ignore them entirely, so despite the fact that it's okay to use them in this game, I still ignore them as legitimate items. It's better training anyway to disregard them in favor of herbs, particularly if this is your first RE game. If it's not, you shouldn't need them anyway. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What else can you use the SWORD KEY for (as Jill)? A: Well, if you run around the elevator at the end of the KENNETH HALLWAY, you can go down the stairs and unlock the door to the KITCHEN, but since there's nothing you can actually DO down there and not much reasoning behind exiting the KITCHEN that way, I ignore it entirely. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What's the deal with the eagle in the taxidermy lounge? A: I've never bothered with it, but I think it locks the gemstones into place if you don't fool it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: How do you get Barry's photograph and his gun? A: Pretty simple, don't give him the gun back in the tomb. Lisa Trevor will come after both of you and Barry will try to defend Jill only to be knocked into the pit. If you do this, your ending drops a few ranks and you're a total jerk, but you get the most powerful handgun in the game. Some people seem to think it helps to kill him if you want to get the Rocket Launcher and special Handgun, but I maintain it can be done without letting anyone die. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What happens if I do kill Barry? A: Same basic thing as if you kill Rebecca. Mansion doesn't blow up. Tyrant on the loose. Virus monsters running about wreaking havoc. Raccoon City is boned slightly earlier than it would be otherwise. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: Why didn't you let me use the GRENADE LAUNCHER more often? A: That's what's known as a "judgement call". The walkthrough lets you have fun by using it to bust up the Crimson Elder and Plant 42, but the game has no real challenge to it using the Grenade Launcher on everything that moves. If I make you try to play like Chris in Jill's game, then Chris' game will be that much easier to transition to. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q: What is Wesker's Report II? A: It came with the pre-order in the Japanese version of the game. In short, it's Wesker's reflections on his time in the laboratories of the Spencer Estate. It gives some more background information on Lisa Trevor and introduces some odd new elements (hunters apparently used to be human), but overall it's worth a bit of a read, despite all the headaches it may cause. ======================== = 16: FUTURE UPDATES = ======================== Some things I may add/fix in the future are... *Changes in location names based around the principle of eliminating confusion and keeping up with what the game says it is *Damage chart for the enemies *Update on what happens if you beat Invisible Enemy mode in under five hours (more details) *Wesker's Report II, depending on if anyone can get me the hook-up or point me to one that I can use, so long as I mention them in the credits. ====================== = 17: CONTACT INFO = ====================== Logically, there are going to be a few guidelines for contacting me. First and foremost, I can only hope you've done a search function on the FAQ or read through the entire thing for the answer to your question BEFORE you decide to e-mail. I may just not answer the question and redirect you where to find the answer otherwise. If your question is good, it may make it in here. Second of all, I prefer my e-mails in English. I can understand a little bit of Japanese, but I really prefer my mail in English. No 1337, no ebonics, it doesn't even have to be the Queen's English, just common speaking English. If I cannot understand you or am too frustrated with your means of phrasing, I don't need to respond. Simple as that. Third, I'm not interested in fan fiction. Let's get that clear right now. I have fun with this, I do NOT live vicariously through it. No photos, no "inside" information, no BS. There is no guarentee (actually, theres closer to a guarentee I won't) that I will take anything of that nature seriously. Fourth, I'm sorry if I'm not hardcore enough for your gaming tastes. I don't play through these games with only the knife and I might do so only if I were horribly bored. I can't pull off some neverending combo in a fighting game that would send you to your doom. The most I've ever done is get a ninja before the end of the first act of FF:Tactics. That's good enough for me. You don't like it, you write a better FAQ. Same reason as the rest of us. Fifth, by e-mailing me any sort of conspiracy theory or otherwise wacked-out analysis of the events in the game, you're pretty much giving me the right to make mention of it and possibly debase the idea in here in whatever manner I deem to be appropriate at the time (anonymously, of course. Even if it is mostly a flame, it will not be referred to by name). Legitimate questions will be answered, interesting theories will be added, but everything else has a very slim chance to get in. No guarentees, approval always pending. Don't harass me either. Multiple e-mails won't get your mail read any faster, but it may get you blocked. Same theory applies to flaming. Like all things on the internet, maybe one of these days we'll connect, but you're running on your time and I'm running on my time. Just the way it is. That said, (hey, have you used Ctrl+F yet?) my e-mail is fearfaq(at)hotmail.com (replace the at with an @, I do this to mess with the spambots. Try to be good and give me some idea of what you're talking about in the e-mail title. And, as a final added note. PLEASE AVOID KEEPING MY E-MAIL IN YOUR ADDRESS BOOK. I don't use this as my primary e-mail, but I did go into my account the other day to find the junkmail box carpet bombed by various non-entities that wanted me to know that they had changed their addresses and also, did I know what I was doing was illegal? That's a nuiscance that I'd prefer to avoid. Also, the cold hard truth of it, is that if you want to communicate with me, you're going to have to do it via e-mail. I'm not giving out my cell number so you can text message me video game questions. I'm not signing into MSN Messenger so we can chat something over. I'm not joining your message board or newsgroup. I'm not going to relay info over a Friendster or MySpace account. Either it happens through e-mail or it doesn't happen at all. The line is drawn. ===================== = 18: FINAL NOTES = ===================== As all good FAQ / Walkthroughs come to an end, so must come the shout outs. Props to: -- Capcom, for catering to my apocolyptic / B-horror movie needs. The name Resident Evil and characters in it are their trademark. The introduction is primarily taken from the game itself. -- Gamesages, because I snatched the copy of the ending bonuses from them. It would be an even bigger pain to figure that out on my own. -- CJayC, for being an all around good chap and putting up the gamefaqs site you are likely using. Along with the disclaimer in the beginning. Posting this as well, cheers. -- TWilde, for writing the plot analysis I've been a long-time reader of. Your attention to detail is incredible, your wit is excellent. -- Stephen Ng, and the people over at the FAQs section of IGN. Like CJayC and the GameFAQs crew, they also work exceptionally hard to bring you the best. -- Leo Chan, and all the others over at Neoseeker, for all the reasons given for the other FAQ sites and more. -- Supercheats and 1up, next verse, same as the last few. -- The people who run RE sites, because sometimes I need to refresh my memory, or at least access information on upcoming games and release dates. They also sometimes have information on special features like Wesker's Report and for cheapskates like me who don't like to pre-order, thanks a lot. -- People who write FAQs, thanks for keeping me from being the designated tech support for my friends. And vice versa. -- Radiohead, they make fine music. No props to: -- Those who would infringe on the copy rights. I don't make money off of any of this, but seriously, that shit ain't cool yo, and it doens't take that much to get permission. ---- Copyright 2004 Muchitsujo