____________________________________________ R E S I D E N T E V I L ____________________________________________ Resident Evil Walkthrough by RaccoonCityPD (c). Another 100% Complete Guide by RaccoonCityPD - only on www.gameFAQs.com All text copyright Jason Beks, 30 December 2003 (c). Email questions to: jbeks@hotmail.com (ensure Resident Evil is in the subject line). ____________________________________________ I N D E X ____________________________________________ 1. Copyright 2. Controls 3. Objective 4. Hints & Tips 5. Health 6. Walkthrough - Jill - Hiking (easy) mode 7. Walkthrough - Chris - Hiking (easy) mode 8. Walkthrough - Rocket Launcher (under 3 hours) 9. Once Again mode 10. Real Survival mode 11. Invisible enemy mode 12. Secrets 13. Credits ____________________________________________ 1. C O P Y R I G H T ____________________________________________ Ok - for starters, don't knick my work and write it off as your own yada yada yada. If this walkthrough appears anywhere other than www.gameFAQs.com you'll know it's been plagurised, modified or stolen. Offenders will be injected with the T-virus and forced to lickbath Lisa Trevor. Please feel free to email any questions. Now let's go kill some zombies... ____________________________________________ 2. C O N T R O L S ____________________________________________ control pad - up/down/left/right B + control pad up - run L - change targets/use defence item R - auto-aim weapon A - action/confirm R + A - shoot Y - inventory Z - map C-stick - 180 degree turn start/pause - options screen/skip cutscenes ____________________________________________ 3. O B J E C T I V E ____________________________________________ Your primary objective is to escape from the Spencer mansion in one piece - your secondary objectives are optional and varied, but include thorough investigative research, rescuing your colleagues, containing the biohazard outbreak and killing Rebecca Chambers (not really, but mighty tempting). To complete the game 100% and unlock every secret you must complete the following: - Finish the game on 'Normal' mode. - Finish the game on 'Once Again' mode. - Finish the game on 'Real Survival' mode. - Finish the game on 'Invisible Enemy' mode. - Finish the game in under 3 hours on 'Normal' or 'Hard' mode. - Finish Jill game twice. - Finish Chris game twice. _____________________________________________ 4. H I N T S & T I P S ____________________________________________ Walkthrough directions will be given as follows: LS (left screen, left, west), RS (right screen, right, east), US (up screen, up, top, north), DS (down screen, down, bottom. south). This means that if you are instructed to go US (up screen), move the character towards the top of your television set or monitor. Save only when you are instructed to do so. You have limited ink ribbons and must use it sparingly at key moments when mortality is high. Collect items only when you are instructed to do so. You have limited storage space and must use it wisely. Conserve ammo. Do not shoot unless you are instructed to do so. There isn't enough ammo to kill every enemy in the game, so avoid enemies where possible. If you are attacked (grabbed by the shoulders or knocked to the ground and pounced on), hit the L-button repeatedly to use a defence item. If you stab an enemy in the head with a dagger and then decapitate them with a gun, you can retrieve the dagger from their remains. Defence items aren't effective against Crimsonheads (reanimated zombies). Yes, I'm aware that a zombie is already a reanimated corpse, but a Crimsonhead is a reanimated reanimated zombie. And they'll claw your face off before you can question the logic of their existence. Manually reload your weapons at regular intervals. If you character is forced to automatically reload in the heat of battle, enemies will take advantage of the break in gunfire and close in. Count your shots, and immediately after using your weapon, stop and manually reload. Master the gentle art of decapitation. Just before an enemy reaches for you, aim upward into their face with the shotgun and blow their head off. Then you won't have to worry about incinerating their corpse. Master using the C-stick 180-degree turn - it's an incredibly swift escape manoeuvre. Rely on auto-aim to target off-screen enemies. Even if your character has their back to an enemy, the auto-aim function will spin them around in an instant, targeting the nearest enemy. If you require space in your inventory and it is full, use a health item, even if you are at maximum health. Alternatively, if you have a small supply of low-grade ammo (handgun magazine or shotgun shells) occupying a space, waste the ammo to utilise the space. This guide does not contain spoilers and will not ruin your adventure by revealing surprises or plot details. Unlike many other self-indulgent and overly-lengthy RE walkthroughs, this guide will not bore you with trivial details, such as the post-op bra cup measurements of Lisa Trevor's mother's sister-in-law's neighbour's mailman's ex-wife. Who gives a shit. All you need to know is that Lisa Trevor is a dirty, dirty girl who lives in a world hewn from her own faeces, and probably uses sewer rats as menstruation pads. Hmmm... maybe not - that would imply even the slightest appreciation of personal hygiene. May I once again remind the league of all-too avid RE fans - it's not real Nerdlinger (you know who you are...). ____________________________________________ 5. H E A L T H ____________________________________________ Your health meter is divided into 3 main gradients. When you have over 80% health your meter will read 'FINE'. When you have between 20%-80% health your meter will read 'CAUTION'. When you have less than 20% health your meter will read 'DANGER'. Your health may be replenished by using first aid sprays and a variety of coloured herbs. Different herb combinations will produce different results: Green herb + red herb + blue herb will recover 100% health and cure poison. Green herb + green herb + green herb will recover 100% health. Green herb + red herb will recover 100% health. First Aid Spray will recover health 100%. Green herb + green herb + blue herb will recover 60% health and cure poison. Green herb + green herb will recover 60% health. Green herb + blue herb will recover 30% health and cure poison. Green herb will recover 30% health. Blue herb will cure poison. Only blue herbs will cure poison. Only the herb combinations listed above will work. ____________________________________________ 6. W A L K T H R O U G H - J I L L - 1 0 0 % C O M P L E T E ____________________________________________ --- JILL - Hiking (easy) mode --- The main advantage of beginning with Jill in Hiking (easy) mode is that Jill is equipped with 8 storage spaces in her inventory (Chris has only 6). Jill can also use the grenade launcher, use the lock pick and doesn't have to suffer the infernal boobery of too-cute bumbling medic Rebecca Chambers (even the T-virus has second thoughts about infecting this dickhead, trust me). Ok - let's begin (we'll revisit Rebecca-bashing at length in Chris' adventure). - Mission 1 - A Comrade Falls - Run to the fireplace at the opposite end of the dining room. Once Barry has investigated the blood, enter the single door RS of the fireplace. You will emerge under a light in a passage we'll label the 'Kenneth passage' (why will become all too apparent in a few seconds). Walk DS and trigger the cutscene. Immediately after the cutscene ends, flick the C-stick and run DS, leaving the passage via the previous door under the light. Let Barry kill the enemy. Return to the main hall through the double-doors at the opposite end of the dining room. Run to the RS side of the bottom of the main staircase. Run through the passage that loops around under the staircase and trigger the cutscene. Take the lock pick. Disregard Barry's suggestion and return to the Kenneth passage via the dining hall (do not be tempted to use the entrance doors in the main hall - a pack of feral dobermans patrol the front porch and will enter the mansion if the door is opened). Once you emerge in the passage, walk US slightly until you notice the previous enemy - kill him (remember - a zombie isn't truly dead unless he lies in a pool of blood. If he's down but not bleeding, reposition yourself some distance away and fire again once he's upright). Examine Kenneth's corpse and take the videotape. Move US and exit via the door LS of the large painting. Run through the L-shaped passage until you come upon a birdcage. Take the handgun magazine and reload. Take/combine the 2 herbs and head upstairs. Enter the door. Move quietly LS under the archway, past the mirror. Stand before the plush chair and auto-aim DS, killing an off-screen enemy. Once he is dead, continue moving DS through the passage, past the rows of tall candlesticks until you come upon a golden arrow and a handgun magazine. Examine the arrowhead. - Mission 2 - The Subterranean Crypt - Walk LS around the corner and you will be faced with 2 doorways. Enter the door that is right of the mirror that rests in the corner. You will emerge on the balcony above the dining hall where Barry investigated the blood. Ignore the enemy and move RS. Take the dagger from ledge beside the door. Lure the enemy toward the large stained-glass window and run to the opposite side of the balcony. Push the statue in front of the section of broken railing, then push it off the edge of the balcony. Exit via the double-doors at the end of the balcony. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the main hall. Walk halfway down the main staircase and enter the door set into the wall, between the 2 candlesticks (it has a painting of a tombstone on it). You will emerge in a courtyard behind the mansion. Descend the stone steps and follow the path to the tomb that is over-shadowed by a relief carving of a cherub. Place the arrowhead into the tombstone and descend the long staircase. Take/examine the Book of Curse and retrieve the sword key from the back of the book. Ascend the long staircase and stand at the top of the stairs. On your left behind the fence is small enclosed graveyard. Enter the small graveyard and search the area below the tree trunk for shotgun shells. Return to the courtyard and ascend the stairs leading back to the main hall. Enter the main hall and walk downstairs to the ground floor. - Mission 3 - A Safe Haven - Just for shits and giggles, take another lap through the passage under the main staircase and examine the double-doors that are located under the staircase. No - despite the eerie likeness, those are not the hunger pangs of Rosie O'Donnell resounding behind the doors. Enter the double-doors to the right of the bottom of the main staircase. If you wish to retrieve the 1F map that rests atop the statue, climb over the cabinet and enter the curtained doorway. Push the cabinet back into the centre of the room until it rests beside the statue. Climb onto the cabinet to retrieve the map. Once you have the map, push the cabinet back to its' original location. Climb over the cabinet into the curtained doorway and proceed to the end of the dark passage. Take the dagger and use this defence item (L button) to temporarily stun the enemy that appears. Stand still, and when he lunges at you press the L-button to stab him in the temple. Run past him and quickly climb back over the cabinet. Enter the door to the right of the curtained doorway. 2 of the cabinets in the tiled L-shaped hallway can be pushed to reveal items. The second cabinet conceals a dagger if pushed US and the fourth cabinet conceals a handgun clip when pushed DS. Enter the door at the end of the passage. Step into the winding hallway and enter the grey metal door set into the LS wall. Follow the exterior path around the side of the building and take 1 green herb. Combine this green herb with the previous 2 herbs in your inventory, creating a full health item. Take/combine a green herb and a red herb. Take the chemical from the wheelbarrow and return to the winding hallway (do not return to this area under any circumstances - the doberman will have jumped the fence). Proceed RS through the winding hallway. Enter the first doorway on your right that leads to the bathroom. Drain the bathtub and take the dagger. Exit the bathroom. Continue moving LS through the winding hallway and exit via the double-doors at the far end. Reload and enter the door on your left that lies between the portrait and the chair. Cautiously move down the carpeted passage toward the staircase and attract the enemy's attention. Flick the C-stick and run back to doorway. Once you are at a safe distance, auto-aim and kill him. Lure the enemy on the upper balcony downstairs and kill him as he descends. Enter the maintenance save room at the bottom of the staircase (you will be safe from harm in any room that contains a typewriter, so retreat to these locations when you need to compose yourself). Store the survival knife and take the ink ribbon from the inventory chest. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 01). - Mission 4 - Trial by Fire - Store everything. Your inventory should be empty. Return to the carpeted hallway outside and exit via the previous ground floor door. You will emerge through the door that lies between the portrait and the chair. Exit via the double-doors US. Step into the winding hallway and enter the single door directly opposite the double-doors. Step through the small marble room to the opposite door. Take the dagger, ink ribbon and shotgun. Return to the marbled room and the roof will descend. Quickly attempt to open both doors! Once Barry leaves, enter the double-doors directly ahead of you and return to the save room via the door between the portrait and the chair. Take the green herb that sits outside the maintenance save room. Store everything inside the maintenance save room. Take/combine all handgun magazines from the storage chest. Take the handgun, sword key and shotgun. Take the fuel canteen from the floor and refill it with kerosene from the supply beside the typewriter. Take the handgun magazine from the crate. You should now be carrying 5 items in your inventory. Leave the maintenance save room and walk upstairs. At the top of the stairs, walk DS and exit via the door at the far end of the landing. In the U-shaped carpeted hallway, take the wooden mount from the table beside you and walk US. Enter the single door at the end of the passage. In the study, take the handgun magazine, dog whistle and lighter. Read the botany book. Leave via the opposite door and you will emerge once again on the landing above maintenance save room. Follow the landing LS to the door at the far end. Enter the sitting room with the fireplace. Place the wooden mount above the fireplace and light the fire to retrieve the 2F map. Take one of the green herbs and return downstairs. Incinerate the 2 enemies you disposed of earlier with the fuel canteen, if they weren't decapitated with gunfire (if you leave bodies that haven't been decapitated they will reanimate as Crimsonheads - super psycho clawing zombies). Be sure to run once the corpse is alight or you may get burnt. Return to the maintenance save room and refill your fuel canteen. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 02). - Mission 5 - His Master's Voice - Take/equip the loaded shotgun, loaded handgun, sword key, dog whistle, lighter and fuel canteen - your inventory should have 2 free spaces. Return upstairs and enter the door above the maintenance save room that leads to the U-shaped carpeted hallway where you found the wooden mount. Proceed DS through the U-shaped hallway, past the double-doors until you arrive at the very last door at the end of the corridor. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the main hall. Barry will give you acid shells. Run downstairs and enter the double-doors that are left of the bottom of the staircase, leading to the dining hall. Take the blue gemstone from the rubble on the floor and enter the door to the right of the fireplace. Torch the corpse and walk US, following the passage until you come upon stairs leading downwards to a door. Unlock but do not enter the door at the bottom of the stairs. Return to the dining room via the door near the light, just DS from the charred corpse. Exit through the double-doors and return upstairs to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the double-doors that open onto the balcony above the dining hall. Ignore the enemy and proceed through the door at the far end of the balcony, closest to the stained-glass window - this door will require the sword key. Equip your shotgun and enter the grey metal door just ahead of you beside the floor rug. You will emerge on an exterior balcony. Move DS and stand in the corner of the balcony, at the lower left corner of the screen. Face the door and blow the dog whistle. Shoot the dobermans with the shotgun. If you become injured, use the green herbs in the planter box after the hounds are dead. Take/examine the dog collar until it becomes a coin, then the imitation key. Equip the handgun and return to the landing through the grey metal door. Walk DS until you can see the banister around the staircase and auto-aim, killing an off-screen enemy. Another enemy will ascend the staircase - kill him. If you run out of handgun bullets, switch to the shotgun and decapitate the enemies. Proceed downstairs and torch the corpse lying beside the crates under the stairs. Enter the drug save room beside the stairwell and store the acid shells and blue gemstone. Proceed around the corner, following the hallway until you arrive at 2 doors. Use the lock pick on the first door opposite the window and enter the small room. Take the battery pack, ink ribbon and refill your fuel canteen. Return upstairs and incinerate the 2 corpses if they weren't decapitated with gunfire. Return to the drug save room and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 03). - Mission 6 - The Medieval Trap - Your inventory should consist of the handgun, handgun magazine, imitation key, shotgun, fuel canteen and lighter. Equip the shotgun and proceed around the corner, following the hallway until you arrive at 2 doors. Enter the first door opposite the window and refill your fuel canteen. Return to the stairwell and run upstairs. At the top of the stairs walk DS until you reach an old door, on the far side of the two-armed candelabra. Enter the door and torch the corpse DS from the plush chair. Walk RS toward the plush chair and under the archway. Run DS past the corpse and enter the door, avoiding the Crimsonhead's attack. Ascend the stairs and replace the armour key with the imitation key. Descend the stairs and return to the hallway with the Crimsonhead. He is hiding around the corner near the plush chair, and will not sense your presence if you are cautious. Take/combine the 2 herbs and equip the handgun. Quickly scoot around the corner, executing a U-turn under the archway and enter the door below the plush chair. If you are quick you will avoid his clawing attack. When you emerge on the landing above the medical supplies room, an enemy will burst through the grey metal door ahead of you. Stand at the top of the stairs and kill him. Burn his remains if he wasn't decapitated. Return to the drug save room at the bottom of the stairs and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 04). - Mission 7 - A Tiger's Eye - Take/equip the loaded shotgun, armour key, blue gemstone and chemical. Leave the drug save room and follow the ground floor hallway around until you reach the last door. Enter the door using the armour key. Follow the wall LS through the dark corridor and turn right into the small alcove, opposite the scythe that rests against the wall. Enter the door in the alcove beside the oval mirror and place the blue gemstone in the tiger's eye. Take the shotgun shells. Return to the dark corridor and enter the door beside the scythe. Take the handgun magazine from the bed and examine the desk. Read the Keeper's diary. Investigate the wardrobe. Aim upward with the shotgun to decapitate the enemy. Take the battery pack from the wardrobe and use a defence item (L-button) on the other enemy. Return to the dark corridor. Walk DS past the scythe toward the bench that sits below the window. Take the battery pack from the bench. Walk past the ominous shadows at the window panes and enter the greenhouse door near the rake. Place the chemical in the pump trough and turn the pump on. Turn the switch to 'red'. Take/combine only 3 green herbs. Take the death mask and exit the greenhouse. Run through the dark corridor, around the L-bend and past the scythe to the door at the far end. Ignore the enemies in pursuit. You will emerge in the Kenneth passage. Run DS to the first door on your right under the light and enter the dining room. Exit via the double-doors to the main hall. - Mission 8 - A Comrade Awakens - Walk upstairs and run around the balcony until the camera angle shows a large chain-suspended chandelier in the foreground, with a door at the top of a small flight of steps. Use the armour key to enter the door. Run along the exterior balcony and take the handgun clip from the glass table, the dagger from the bench and the grenade launcher from the dead comrade. Equip the grenade launcher and run US past the dead comrade, ascending the stairs and turning the corner toward the herbs. Auto-aim as he advances from behind and kill him with the grenade launcher. Return to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the door on your left and proceed through the U-shaped corridor. Unlock but do not enter the first door you pass. Unlock and enter the double-doors set into the LS wall halfway through the U-shaped passage. Walk into the centre of the room. In the following order, push the top left LS, the top right knight RS, the bottom left knight LS and the bottom right knight RS. Press the button on the central table and take the jewellery box from the wall at the far end of the room. Examine the jewellery box and press the buttons on the front face and rear face of the box. Take the death mask. Return to the U-shaped passage and run US through the curtained archway, entering the first door on your right. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room. Examine the note pinned to the wall outside the maintenance save room. Enter the maintenance save room and store everything in the inventory chest. Place the new items on the ground (2 first aid sprays, 2 handgun clips and incendiary shells) in the chest. Be sure to combine all handgun clips and herbs. Take/refill the fuel canteen and store it. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 05). - Mission 9 - The Abandoned Office - Take the armour key - you should have 7 free spaces in your inventory. Return to the top of the stairs. Walk US and enter the first door on the right that requires the armour key. Take/combine the 2 herbs and enter the white wooden door. Read the Researcher's Will. Take the hook from the mounted fishhook display right of the aquarium. Take the bee specimen from the fishing lure display left of the door. Take the lure of a bee from the insect specimen display left of the aquarium. Do not press the switch. Combine the hook and lure of a bee and place it in the fishing lure display, left of the door. Place the bee specimen in the insect specimen display left of the aquarium and press the switch. Take the wind crest and quickly leave the room before the wasp stings you. Walk DS under the deer head and enter the door opposite the white wooden door (a broken picture frame lies on the floor beside it). Take the first aid kit, ink ribbon and the green herb hidden on the far side of the bed. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 6). - Mission 10 - A Musical Interlude - Take/equip the loaded shotgun, armour key and lighter. Return upstairs. Walk DS and enter the door at the end of the landing that leads to the U-shaped passage. Walk DS and continue moving past the double-doors. Enter the next door you come upon set into the RS wall, opposite the porcelain jug. After the cutscene with Richard, run DS to the main hall. Run to opposite side of the upper balcony in the main hall and enter the double-doors. Run around the balcony above the dining room and enter the door at the far end, closest to the stained-glass window. Avoid the enemy. Run downstairs to the drug save room and search the shelves for serum. Run back upstairs and return to the upper balcony in the dining hall, then through the double-doors to the upper balcony in the main hall. Run to the opposite side of the balcony and enter the door that leads back to the U-shaped passage. Enter the first door on your right and deliver the serum to Richard in the dusty L-shaped corridor (if you took too long Richard will die). Take/combine the 2 green herbs near Richard and proceed LS through the dusty L-shaped corridor. Enter the door at the end of the corridor. Stand before the archway and wait for the enemy to advance. Auto-aim upward as the enemy attacks and decapitate him with the shotgun. Step through the archway and enter the door at the far end near the flickering light. Use the lighter to light the candlestick on the table. Leave the handgun magazine on the table but take the shotgun shells from the shelves in the corner left of the candlestick. Stand to the right of the candlestick and push the wardrobe DS. Step into the alcove and auto-aim upward, decapitating the enemy. Take the musical score and leave the room. Return through the archway to the exit via the US door. Run through the dusty L-shaped corridor to the U-shaped passage. Run DS to the main hall. Return downstairs and enter the double-doors left of the bottom of the staircase. Run through the dining room and take the emblem from the wall above the fireplace. Exit via the door right of the fireplace. Quickly run US through the Kenneth passage and enter the second door on your left. Run around the far side of the piano and push the shelf RS to reveal the musical score. Combine both musical scores and place them on the piano. Enter the secret passage and swap the gold emblem with the emblem. Examine Trevor's diary. Take the ink ribbon from the counter and exit the room. Step into the Kenneth passage and run DS past the rattling door. Enter the first door on your right near the light. Place the gold emblem in the recess above the fireplace and examine the grandfather clock. Turn the large gear right twice. Take the shield key and exit via the double-doors on your right. Return upstairs and enter the single door that leads to the U-shaped passage, opposite the double-doors. Run through the U-shaped passage and exit via the second last door. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 7). - Mission 11 - The Serpent's Lair - Equip/take the loaded grenade launcher, acid shells, incendiary shells, 2 full health items and the shield key. Return upstairs to the U-shaped passage. Walk DS and continue moving past the double-doors. Enter the next door you come upon set into the RS wall, opposite the porcelain jug. Run through the dusty L-shaped passage and exit via the other door. Run straight ahead up the steps and enter the door at the top. You will emerge in a dusty attic. To your right on the shelves is a box of shotgun shells. Step into the room and trigger the cutscene. Shoot at the body of the beast and try to avoid his bite, keeping well away from his head. Keep the battle located in a circuit around the central post and only fire if his head is on the opposite side of the post. Don't let him encircle you, trapping you next to the post - hug the outer wall. Manually reload when necessary. Be sure to collect Richard's powerful assault shotgun and the death mask from the far corner before leaving the attic. If you're bitten, you must quickly make your way to the drug save room and use the serum from the shelf before the poison kills you. The quickest route is: return to the U-shaped passage and run DS to the main hall. Run to opposite side of the upper balcony in the main hall and enter the double-doors. Run around the balcony above the dining room and enter the door at the far end, closest to the stained-glass window. Avoid the enemy. Run downstairs to the drug save room and search the shelves for serum. Once you are cured, return back to the maintenance save room via the same route: run upstairs and enter the upper dining hall balcony, run through to the main hall upper balcony, enter the U-shaped passage on the opposite side and follow it to the second last door that leads to the landing above maintenance save room (consult your map). If you're not bitten, return to the maintenance save room by following the U-shaped passage past the double-doors and entering the second last door that leads to the landing above maintenance save room (consult your map). You can avoid the enemy in the dusty L-shaped corridor by quickly slipping past him when he has his back turned. Store everything in the maintenance save room. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 8). - Mission 12 - The Architect's Prison - Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun, shotgun shells, 3 death masks, armour key, wind crest and 1 full health item. Your inventory should be full. Leave the maintenance save room. Once outside, exit via the ground floor door - do not go upstairs. You will emerge through a door that is between a portrait and a chair. Walk DS until the camera angle changes and quickly enter the door on the left in the corner. Ignore the enemy that appears behind you. In the stained-glass gallery, press the button below the yellow valiant oppoiste the door. Run around the other side of the partition and press the button below the yellow saint. Press the button below the red sage (left of the yellow saint). Finally, press the button below the stained-glass image of the Lisa. Enter the outer courtyard and take the fourth death mask. Exit via the wrought iron gate. Follow the path to the subterranean staircase and descend it. Place the 4 masks on the corresponding busts. The first requires a mask with no eyes, the second a mask with no eyes, nose nor mouth, the third a mask with no nose, the fourth a mask with no mouth. Approach the coffin. Kill the enemy by remaining stationary and auto-aiming at close range. Reposition yourself if he drops. Take the shotgun shells and press the button in the coffin. Take the stone and metal object from the coffin and ascend the staircase. Run through the courtyard and return to the stained-glass gallery via the wrought iron gate. Run through the stained-glass gallery and exit via the door on the other side of the partition. Stand stationary and decapitate the enemy with the shotgun. Proceed RS into the short darkened passage from where the enemy emerged and exit via the door. - Mission 13 - The Night Path - You will appear on an exterior porch. Run LS along the porch until you reach the metal door at the far end. Kill the enemy that follows you and place the stone and metal object into the recess beside the metal door. Enter the metal door that leads to the storage shed. Take the shotgun shells from the floor and first aid spray and battery pack from the shelf. Enter the door at the bottom of the steps. Run down the slope and examine the first weathervane. Stop the arrow spinning at 'W'. Run down the slope and examine the second weathervane. Stop the arrow spinning at 'N'. Proceed downwards through the wrought iron gates. Walk slowly past the first 2 crows, then at the T-intersection walk RS between the next 2 crows. Stand before the RS grave and place the windcrest in the recess. Take the 3 crests and examine each one, pressing the buttons on each to activate the projections. Stand before the LS grave and place the 3 crests in the recesses to retrieve the magnum. Walk to the top of the T-intersection and exit via the RS gates. Follow the path through the woods to the cabin. Take/combine the 2 green herbs from the ground outside the cabin entrance. Enter the cabin, take the courtyard map from the fireplace room and store everything in the chest. Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun, shotgun shells, 2 full health items and ink ribbon. Move DS from the chest and jump down onto the dirt. Take the crank. Carefully approach the typewriter and examine the photograph - do not enter the doorway. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 9). - Mission 14 - Beyond the Brown Pool - Store the ink ribbon and proceed through the door to the fireplace room. Shoot the creature until she collapses (about 3 times), then run past her to the exit. Run through the woods and take the path back to the storage shed, avoiding the enemies. Once you are inside the storage shed, walk up the small flight of steps and exit via the wooden double-doors opposite the grey metal door. This courtyard is patrolled by 3 feral dobermans. You can avoid them by running in a zigzag fashion. Enter the large wrought iron gate that is situated on top of the stairs at the opposite end of the courtyard, beyond the columns. Walk around the side of the drainage pool and use the crank to drain the water. Climb down into the empty pool and follow the cobblestone path to the elevator. Ride the elevator down to the lower courtyard and walk quietly LS past the waterfall to the double wrought iron gate. Take the green herb on the ground in front of the waterfall. Enter the double wrought iron gate and take the red herb. Combine the red herb with the green herb you picked up in front of the waterfall. Follow the shady path to the cabin. If you become poisoned by the falling snakes, cure yourself with the blue herbs located just inside the cabin. Enter the first door on your right, the potting save room. Take the battery pack, first aid spray and ink ribbon. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 10). - Mission 15 - The Forsaken Lodge - Store everything. Take/equip the handgun, handgun magazine, 1 full health item and the lighter. Leave the potting save room. Walk US and enter the double-doors beyond the crate. Run into the centre of the room and auto-aim, shooting the enemy from a distance. Do not shoot at the second enemy, or he will drop to the floor and pursue you. If you become poisoned, leave the room and use a blue herb located near the cabin entrance. Take/combine the 2 green herbs and use the lighter on the lamp in the corner. Record the number of eyelashes that appear (either 0, 2 or 4). Walk downstairs into the dining area and take the first aid kit, shotgun shells and red book. Light the second lamp on the dining table and record the number of eyelashes (either 0, 2 or 4). Walk upstairs to the billiard table and light the third lamp. Record the number of eyelashes (either 0, 2 or 4). Examine the balls on the pool table and record the numbers that appear on the green, red and orange balls (these numbers correspond to the eyelash symbols in higher difficulty level games). Return to the potting save room and store everything. Take/equip the assault shotgun, shotgun shells and 2 full health items. Return to the outer hallway and walk US until the camera angle shows the damaged floor with 2 large splintered holes. You need to push the crate that is located near the double-doors over the RS hole. Climb over the stack of crates to the exit door by the light. Run through the corridor and enter room 002. Enter the bathroom and take the residence key from the shelf. Use an L-button defence item on the enemy and quickly leave the bathroom. Climb back over the stack of crates and return to the hallway outside the potting save room. Enter door 001 opposite the potting save room door. Run past the hanging body and take the self-defence gun. Equip the self-defence gun and enter the bathroom. Drain the bathtub and take the control room key. Quickly leave the bathroom and return to the potting save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 11). - Mission 16 - A Watery Grave - Take the control room key and 2 full health items Return over the crates to room 002. Examine the Plant 42 Report on the desk and push the left bookcase US, the right bookcase RS. Descend the ladder and run through the cement tunnel. Push the 3 crates into the pool, beginning with the crate that is closest to the pool. Run across the crates and take the green herb. Enter the double metal doors that are half submerged in water. You will emerge in a circular room, the aqua ring. Run RS and follow the curved wall. Enter the control room door set on top of the small flight of steps. Heal after you have been bitten twice. Descend the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, walk DS and take the first aid kit. Walk DS further and familiarise yourself with the location of the oil pressure regulator. Return to the bottom of the ladder and walk RS into the middle of the control room. There are control panels on your left, right and ahead of you. The panel on your left is a pressure shelter. The panel on your right controls the main system. The panel ahead of you in the middle controls the drainage switch. Activate each panel in the following order: middle panel, right panel, left panel, oil pressure regulator (DS from the ladder), right panel, left panel, middle panel (try every number when activating the oil pressure regulator. The shutters will reset if this is done correctly). Once the aqua ring has been drained, take the map from the wall and follow the path directly opposite the oil pressure regulator. Descend the small flight of steps and enter the single hatch door. Run DS and examine the pile of soaked dynamite for grenade shells. Enter the double metal doors opposite the pile of soaked dynamite. Run past the smaller shark and step into the water on the left side of the large shark. Climb onto the platform and attempt to activate the flashing switch. Push the water flow control system unit into the water, then throw the switch on the generator. Climb into the water and retrieve the gallery key, flashing in the water near the shark's nose (don't worry - this bastard has got one serious case of fin flop he ain't gonna recover from). Return to the room with the pile of soaked dynamite and exit via the barred metal doors, just beyond the single hatch door. Take the magnum rounds from the crate, climb the ladder and exit via the door. Run US and return to the corridor outside of room 002. Follow the corridor RS to the next door on your right. Use the residence key to enter the gallery. Run under the archway and take the insecticide spray from the corpse in the far corner. Run to avoid the wasps. Return to the outer corridor and run US to the area outside of room 002. Take the map from the wall and spray the insecticide into the hole. Return to the potting save room beyond the stack of crates. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 12). - Mission 17 - The Green Collossus - Take the red book. You should have 7 spaces free. Climb back over the crates and enter the gallery. Examine the lock mechanism on the door near the wall-mounted clock. Press the button with the 4-eyelash symbol. The number that was on the red billiard ball should be entered next. Press the button with the 2-eyelash symbol. The number that was on the orange billiard ball should be entered next. Press the button with the 4-eyelash symbol. The number that was on the green billiard ball should be entered next. Enter the lab and take 3 empty bottles. Fill 1 bottle with UMB3, 1 bottle with Yellow-6 and 1 bottle with water. Mix the UMB3 with the water. Mix the new compound you have created (NP-004) with the Yellow-6. Fill 1 bottle with Yellow-6 and 1 bottle with water. Mix the Yellow-6 and the water. Mix the new compound UMB10 with UMB7. Fill 1 bottle with UMB3. Mix UMB3 with the new compound VP-017. You have just created V-Jolt, a deadly herbicide. Leave the lab and exit the gallery. Walk US and enter room 002. Climb down the ladder and run through the cement tunnel. Enter the single metal door. Climb down the ladder and exit through the barred metal doors. Enter the single hatch door on your left. Climb up the ladder in the control room and enter the double-doors at the top. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the aqua ring. Run US away from the shark and enter the guard room. Approach the writhing tentacles and use the V-Jolt. Return via the same route back to the gallery (up the steps to the double-doors, down the ladder, through the single hatch door, through the barred metal doors, up the next ladder and back through the cement tunnel). Enter the gallery and investigate the narrow corridor beyond the archway, where the crumpled corpse sits in the corner. Take the residence key from the desk under the wasp nest and the red herb. Enter room 003, just DS from the corpse (don't worry - he ain't going nowhere). Enter the bathroom and drain the bathtub. Take the dagger and leave the bathroom. Take the ink ribbon and examine the bookcase. Take the white book and swap it with the red book. You must rearrange the book spines to form a picture of a reclining sea nymph (down boys, just a picture). Begin by swapping the 4th book with the 1st. Then swap the 6th book with the 2nd. Then swap the 7th book with the 3rd. Ta-da. Enter the secret doorway at the foot of the bed. Take the helmet key from the fireplace and exit via the double-doors. Take the red herb and return to the potting save room (you can walk past the stacked crates now the giant plant is dead). Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 13). - Mission 18 - Hunted - Take/equip the magnum, helmet key and 1 full health item. Leave the cabin via the main entrance door, taking a blue herb before you exit. Run through the shady path and enter the wrought iron gates. Run RS past the waterfall to the elevator - avoid the dobermans. Ride the elevator to the upper courtyard. Run to the empty pool and descend the ladder. Use the blue herb if you have been poisoned. Cross the pool and leave the area through the wrought iron gates at the top of the ladder. Run across the courtyard, past the columns to the storage shed DS. Avoid the dobermans by running in a zigzag fashion. Take the new supplies from the floor of the storage shed - battery pack, 2 first aid sprays and acid shells. Read the note from Barry posted by the metal door and exit through this door. Follow the exterior porch back to the mansion and enter the door. Immediately after the enemy appears, auto-aim and fire. 1 bullet at close range should drop him. Exit via the door between the portrait and the chair. Kill the enemy waiting by the maintenance save room and enter it. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 14). - Mission 19 - Basement Denizens - Take/equip the handgun, handgun magazine and helmet key. Leave the maintenance save room and ascend the staircase. At the top of the stairs, run US and enter the very last door on the landing, situated around the bend. Cross the fireplace room and enter the door beside the coat rack. Push the statue LS through the open doorway until it rests against the far wall - ignore the crushing walls. Return through the open doorway and take the narrow passage LS of the oval painting. Your task is to press the switch, run back to the RS side of the statue and push the statue LS before the walls crush you. Flick the C-stick once you have pressed the switch to make a speedy start. Once the statue is in place, enter the new opening between the 2 statues. Take the battery pack from the desk and run DS to the hole. Drop through the hole and take the Last Book Vol 1. Read the diary and press the switch on the gravestone. Descend the ladder. Walk slowly through the misty passage, shooting the enemies. At the T-intersection turn right and take the map from the wall. About-face and walk past the metal shelf containing the 2 hubcaps. Exit via the door LS of the shelf. Cautiously step into the next passage and auto-aim near the 2 herbs at an off-screen enemy. Use the blue herb if you are poisoned. Take the dagger from the floor and continue US through the mesh doorway to the elevator power supply. Switch the fuse and return through the mesh doorway. Stand by the bucket of water and walk towards the top left corner of the screen. Enter the rusty door at the end of this passage. Shoot the enemy and take the dagger and handgun magazine from the central table. Follow the bare tiled wall to the elevator and ride it upwards. An enemy hides in the alcove DS from the elevator. Run DS past the alcove to the very end of the corridor, past the 2 flaming torches that flank the double-doors. Shoot from a safe distance. Wait for a second enemy to appear near the elevator and shoot. Walk past the elevator and turn the corner. Enter the door that is diagonally opposite the armless statue, between the 2 flaming torches. In the small office, take the battery from the desk and the battery pack from the floor. Then take the magnum rounds and acid shells from the floor. Return to the outer passage. Enter the door that is around the corner, opposite the armless statue (several deer antlers line the walls that lead to this door). Enter the door that is RS of the mirror in the corner. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the dining hall. Enter the door on your left near the stained-glass window. Proceed downstairs to the drug save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 15). - Mission 20 - The Tiger's Eye II - Take the helmet key and return to the top of the stairs. Walk DS and enter the door set into the wall opposite the wall-mounted candelabra. Turn the light off and take the grenade shells from the ledge under the deer and the dagger from the ledge LS of the buffalo. Read the mail on the circular table. Push the chest of drawers under the buffalo, then walk slowly to the corner RS of the deer, so that the eagle's gaze follows you. Quickly run to the chest of drawers under the buffalo and climb up to retrieve the yellow gemstone. Push the other chest of drawers under the deer, then walk slowly to the corner LS of the buffalo, so that the eagle's gaze follows you. Quickly run to the chest of drawers under the deer and climb up to retrieve the red gemstone. Return downstairs to the drug save room and store everything. Take/equip the assault shotgun, shotgun shells, yellow gemstone, helmet key and 1 full health item. Leave the drug save room and follow the ground floor hallway around until you reach the second door - if you run you will avoid the enemies. Decapitate the enemy in the L-shaped corridor. Follow the LS wall and turn right into the small alcove, opposite the scythe that rests against the wall. Take the dagger from the painting that rests on the floor in the alcove and enter the door beside the oval mirror. Place the yellow gemstone in the tiger's eye and take the MO disk. - Mission 21 - The Serpent's Lair II - Return to the scythe and run DS behind the enemy to the door. You will emerge in the Kenneth passage. Run DS and enter the first door on your right. Run RS through the dining room and take the ink ribbon from the end of the dining table. Exit through the double-doors to the main hall. Run to the opposite side of the main hall and enter the single door RS of the bottom of the stairs. Take the diary from the bench and walk LS into the room. At the T-intersection walk DS and take the ink ribbon from the drawer. About-face and walk US to the door at the end of the passage. Decapitate the enemy and take the dagger, green herb and jewellery box. Return to the main hall and walk upstairs. Enter the double-doors that lead to the dining hall upper balcony. Run LS to the far end of the balcony and enter the farthest door near the stained-glass window. Kill the 2 enemies that prowl the stairwell. Stand under the window in line with the stairwell and target them one at a time at close range. Return downstairs to the drug save room and store everything. Take/equip the loaded grenade launcher, acid shells, helmet key, 1 full health item, red gemstone and the jewellery box. Combine the red gemstone and the jewellery box. Rotate the 5 puzzle pieces until they fit in the puzzle. Use the R-button to rotate. The third piece sits at the bottom of the puzzle. The second piece sits in the middle of the puzzle. The fifth piece sits in the top right of the puzzle. The first piece sits in the top left of the puzzle. The final piece sits in the left of the puzzle. Store the emblem key and return to the top of the stairs. Walk DS and enter the door beyond the wall-mounted candelabra. The second you emerge in the mirror passage auto-aim at the Crimsonhead and fire. Walk US past the chair, through the archway and around the corner. Enter the door at the end of the passage (not the door beside the mirror). Walk up the steps and continue along the tiled passage, past the suits of armour until you come to a door. Enter the door and take/combine the 2 green herbs. Run through the library and descend the ladder to the lower library floor, ignoring the beast in pursuit. Shoot the enemy as it crawls around the library, avoiding its' bite by firing from a distance. Acid shells work well. Once it is dead, take the Last Book Vol 2 from the pile of books and return to the tiled passage with the suits of armour. Leave the tiled passage via the door at the bottom of the steps. Run through the mirror passage, past the rows of tall candlesticks and exit via the last door that is right of the mirror in the corner. Run RS along the dining hall upper balcony and return to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the single door directly opposite, near the top of the main staircase. Run through the U-shaped passage and enter the second last door by the table. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 16). - Mission 22 - Beyond the Water Curtain - Take the battery, crank, emblem key and 2 full health items (it's gonna be a bumpy ride). Leave the maintenance save room and return to the carpeted hallway outside. Exit via the ground floor door. You will emerge in the doorway between the portrait and the chair. Run DS and use the emblem key to enter the ornate door beside the chest. Turn on the lamp on the desk and take the shotgun shells from the drawer, metal object and battery pack. Leave the study office and walk US around the corner, entering the darkened passage that leads to the exterior porch. Run through the exterior porch and enter the storage shed. Enter the door directly ahead of you in the storage shed. Run across the courtyard to the wrought iron gates at the top of the steps, avoiding the 3 dobermans. Check your health regularly - if it's at 'danger' level, use a full health item. Cross the empty pool and descend the elevator on the far side (if you become poisoned use the blue herbs near the bottom of the elevator shaft). Run to the waterfall, then DS through the columns. Place the battery in the recess in the wall beside the other elevator, avoiding the 2 dobermans. Ride the elevator upward. Run DS and then RS to the wrought iron gates at the top of the steps. Enter the gates. Use the crank to refill the pool (this stops the waterflow to the waterfall in the lower courtyard). Return back through the wrought iron gates to the previous elevator in the courtyard with 3 dobermans. The path to the elevator is LS of the columns. Ride the elevator downwards and enter the tunnel that was hidden behind the waterfall, between the 2 urns. Run through the dark tunnel and descend the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, run straight ahead until you reach the inventory chest. Take the ink ribbon near the typewriter and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 17). - Mission 23 - The Stone Labyrinth - Take/equip the loaded magnum and 1 full health item. Return to the bottom of the ladder. Enter the LS door. Approach the T-intersection and move DS. Take the acid shells by the boulder and run past the T-intersection to the door at the bottom of the stairs. Enter the door and take the handgun magazine from the steel grate beside the elevator shaft. Approach the studded door on the other side of the elevator shaft and take the handgun magazine lying before it. Enter the studded door. Run through the wet tunnel and trigger the cutscene. Take the crank from his grasp and prepare to leave the wet tunnel - shoot the enemy that blocks your path and return through the studded door to the elevator shaft. Exit via the door on the opposite side of the elevator shaft. Run up the stairs to the T-intersection and shoot the enemy. Run LS at the T-intersection and return to the inventory chest near the typewriter (do not climb the ladder). Store everything except Enrico's crank. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 18). - Mission 24 - The Arachnid King - Take/equip the loaded grenade launcher, acid shells, incendiary shells, 1 full health item and Enrico's crank. Walk US around the corner and approach the gap in the path. Use the crank in the slot in the wall to rotate the tunnel walls. Walk US and enter the door. Approach the boulder, then run quickly back to the door. Take the shotgun shells from the recess where the boulder was originally situated. Run DS and enter the new tunnel and double-doors door revealed by the crashing boulder. Run around the larger enemy avoiding attack whilst shooting it from behind. Auto-aim and shoot at anything that moves. Incendiary shells are best. Take/equip the survival knife. Use it on the doorway that is concealed by cobwebs. Enter this door. Run DS and take the Courtyard B1 map from the wall. Use the blue or green herbs if you are poisoned or injured. Run DS to the studded door at the opposite end of the tunnel and enter it. Approach the gap in the path and use the crank in the hole in the wall to rotate the tunnel walls 3 times. Run into the LS passage immediately to avoid the boulder (you'd reckon a giant multi-national corporation like Umbrella would have the means to install a slightly less rudimentary security system huh?). Take the first aid kit from the recess where the boulder was originally situated. Run back to the door that is located near the crank hole and enter it (hehehe - crank hole). Push the statue DS so that is sits beside the brown rectangular section of wall. Use the crank in the hole in the wall to push the statue into the centre of the room. Use the crank once more to send the rectangular block back into the wall. Push the statue onto the circular plate in the centre of the room and allow it to rotate. Push the statue off the plate, then back onto the plate again so that the statue is facing the same direction as the other statue in the room. Push the statue into the recess beside the other statue. Take the cylinder and return to the cave with the giant arachnids. Exit through the opposite door and return to the inventory chest. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 19). - Mission 25 - The Catacombs - Take the cylinder and 1 full health item. Run DS to the bottom of the ladder and enter the door. Run down the stairs and enter the cave with the elevator shaft. Run DS and locate the elevator's power source. Open the lid and take the shaft. Combine the cylinder and the shaft and examine them. Rotate the cylinder 6 times until the roman numerals are matched up. Insert the cylinder into the elevator power source and press the following buttons: '4', '2', '3' and '1'. Board the elevator, press the switch and ride it downward. Enter the plain door ahead of you and slowly make your way through the tunnel. The tunnel is a circuit, in that if you run in the one direction, you will end up where you began. The tunnel has 3 doorways branching from it - a plain door leads to the elevator shaft, a studded door leads to the transportation device and a studded door leads to the sewers. If you meet any unexpected guests, simply about-face and try the other direction. Do not engage the enemy in battle - she is invulnerable, and can kill with 3 blows. Search the tunnel for a set of stairs that lead upward to a studded door that is lit by a single bulb. Enter the door and locate the device for transporting materials. Push the crate LS once, then US onto the platform. Activate the switch, sending the crate deep into the caves. Run DS from the activation panel and climb onto the crate that is littered with pebbles, near the stack of metal pipes. On top of the crates are magnum rounds, a handgun magazine and a battery pack. Return to the tunnels where Lisa lurks, and find your way back to the plain door that leads to the elevator shaft. Locate the wooden dock beyond the elevator shaft, take the handgun magazine and climb down the ladder. Push the crate LS toward the garbage compactor, and finally into the compactor pit. Crush the crate and climb into the pit, taking the broken flamethrower. Return to the elevator shaft and enter the plain door that leads to Lisa's tunnel. Explore Lisa's tunnel until you locate a lever set into the cave wall that activates the release mechanism for the studded door situated deeper in the tunnel. The lever is located under a light bulb. Activate the lever and run DS through the series of tunnels to the protruding hooks. Providing you are always running downhill you will find it. Rest the broken flamethrower on the hooks and enter the single studded door. - Mission 26 - Lisa's Sanctuary - Pass through the candlelit room and step into the flooded sewer - run to avoid the snakes. Enter Lisa's bedroom and take the jewellery box from the small shrine and dagger from the bed. Climb the ladder and walk DS. Take the green and blue herbs and proceed in the opposite direction to the tall ladder that leads upward. You will emerge in Lisa's cabin. Store everything in the inventory chest. Take/examine the jewellery box and take the stone ring. Take the metal object and combine it with the stone ring. Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun and 1 full health item. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 20) and keep the ink ribbon in your inventory. You should be carrying 4 items in your inventory. Leave the cabin via the front door and make your way through the woods back to the storage shed. Decapitate or avoid the enemies in the woods and graveyard. Climb the small steps inside the storage shed and enter the metal door opposite that leads to the exterior porch. Take the stone and metal object from the recess in the wall, just LS of the metal door that leads to the storage shed. Run along the exterior porch and enter the mansion. Walk straight ahead and enter the first door directly ahead of you. Run through the stained-glass gallery and enter the outer courtyard. Run up the mossy steps and enter the backdoor that leads to the main hall. Run downstairs and enter the passage that runs underneath the main staircase. Place the stone and metal objects into the recesses in the double-doors and enter through the doors. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 21) on the typewriter beside the double-doors. - Mission 27 - The Matriarch Entombed - Run down the stairs and access the inventory chest. Take 2 full health items and Last Book Vol 1 and last Book Vol 2. Descend the stairs RS and follow this path until you trigger the cutscene. You will emerge on a square platform above an abyss. Give Barry his gun. To stop Lisa, you must push the 4 stones at each corner of the platform off the edge into the abyss. Avoid Lisa and never step between her and the outer ledge, or she will knock you off - always hug the inner tomb wall. First push the lower left stone LS and wait for Lisa to approach Barry. As he shoots her, duck past her and push the remaining 3 stones. Push the lower right stone RS. Push the upper left stone LS. Push the upper right stone RS. Lisa's torment is over once this is accomplished. Talk to Barry and exit via the opening between the 2 statues. Ride the elevator to the upper courtyard. Examine both books and retrieve the medal of wolf and the medal of eagle. Place the medals in their respective slots on either side of the circular pool. Descend the secret staircase and ride the elevator downwards. Run around the machinery and climb down the ladder to the laboratory entrance save room. Take the ink ribbon and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 22). - Mission 28 - Infection's Wake - Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun, lighter, fuel canteen and 1 full health item. Exit via the double metal doors. Decapitate the 2 enemies on the cement landing. If you fail to decapitate them, torch their bodies, or they will reanimate as Crimsonheads. Refill your fuel canteen by the double metal doors. At the top of the stairs and turn LS past the B2 sign and take the MO disk from the desk. Descend the stairs and enter the barred gate. You will emerge in a square circuit corridor - if you walk in any either direction you will arrive back at the same point. Decapitate or torch the 2 enemies. Take the dagger from the shelf of medical supplies near the gurney. Enter the double-doors LS of the barred gate. Enter the door immediately to your right. Press the switch on the wall and take the 2 x-rays. Study the diagram on the wall detailing the internal organs. Read the Researcher's letter. Place the 'Clark David' x-ray between the 2 x-rays on the illuminated window. Place the 'Gail Holland' x-ray in the fourth position. By combining the information from the Reseracher's letter and the x-rays, we now have the code passwords for the electronic locks - JOHN, ADA and CELL. Return to the outer corridor and proceed through the double-doors to the square circuit corridor. Run RS through the arched tunnel and enter the double-doors at the far end. Take the magnum rounds from the small table on the far side of the operating table. Activate the computer terminal and enter 'JOHN' as a login code, then 'ADA' as a password. Enter 'CELL' for the B-2F and B-3F codes. Take the battery pack from the shelf near the suspended corpses. Return to the square circuit corridor and run back through the arched tunnel. Enter the double-doors at the far end (not the barred gate). Walk DS and enter the single door that is flanked by 2 plastic curtains. Take the incendiary shells from the basin and the slide filter from the desk. Decapitate or torch the enemy. Place the MO disk in the MO disk reader (uncanny how this device resembles a Nintendo Gamecube). Read the fax and return to the outer corridor. Proceed through the double-doors to the square circuit corridor. Enter the barred gate and return to the top of the stairs. Walk LS past the B2 sign and enter the doors just below the desk. Place the slide filter on the projector and note the barcode, '8462'. Enter '8462' into the keypad near the entrance and enter the audio/visual suite. View Kenneth's film and take the laboratory key. Read the Security Protocols on the bookcase near the audio/visual suite. Take the MO disk from the shelf by the entrance. Return downstairs and enter the barred gate. Run DS and continue onward past the giant fan. Use the lab key to unlock (but do not enter) the double-doors near the gurney. Unlock and enter the single door US from the double-doors. Run straight ahead and enter the laboratory lounge save room at the T-intersection junction. Store everything. Place the objects that are lying about the room in the inventory chest - ink ribbon, shotgun shells, grenade shells and first aid spray. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 23). - Mission 29 - The Abominable Factory - Take/equip the magnum, magnum rounds, 2 full health items and 2 MO disks. Leave the laboratory lounge save room and enter the door straight ahead that leads to the square circuit corridor. Enter the double-doors directly ahead DS. Push the shelving and climb onto the bench. Enter the air conditioning duct. Drop to the floor and shoot the 2 enemies at close range. Climb onto the bench and enter the other air conditioning duct. Drop to the floor and take the battery pack from the desk. Place the MO disk in the MO reader on the desk. Push the shelving and exit via the double-doors. Enter the single door US that leads to the T-intersection corridor. At the T-intersection junction, run DS and descend the steps leading to the generator room. Enter the generator room and run LS. Auto-aim to kill the 2 enemies lurking in the steam-filled room. Take the fuel supply capsule from the refuelling device near the 'WARNING' sign, at the end of the dead-end path beyond the small furnace. Exit via the double-doors back to the T-intersection corridor, then return to the square circuit corridor. Stand before the barred gate at the end of the archway tunnel and enter the double-doors on your left. Enter the door that is flanked by 2 plastic curtains. Open the round hatch door on the refuelling device. Set the capsule in place and take the fuel supply capsule. You must carefully WALK back to the generator room. If you run or shoot, you will disturb the fuel capsule, causing it to explode. Return through the double-doors to the square circuit corridor. Continue past the giant fan to the single door that leads to the T-intersection corridor. At the T-intersection junction, walk DS and enter the double-doors leading to the generator room. Place the fuel supply capsule in the refuelling device near the 'WARNING' sign, at the end of the dead-end path beyond the small furnace. Once the fuel capsule is set and the power has been restored, run around to the opposite side of the room and approach the single plain door. Shoot the enemy that emerges from the air duct. Enter the single plain door and run straight ahead RS until an enemy appears. Shoot the enemy and place the final MO disk in the MO reader. Take the other path LS down past the large hook and shoot the next 2 enemies that emerge from the air duct. Enter the double doors and run to the other side of the machinery. Shoot the enemy and activate the power to the main elevator. Return back to the T-intersection corridor, ignoring the enemies in pursuit - you do not have to return to this area again. Enter the laboratory lounge save room at the T-intersection junction. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 24). - Mission 30 - Frankenstein Unbound - Take/equip the loaded magnum, magnum rounds, loaded grenade launcher and 2 full health items. Leave the laboratory lounge save room and run US around the corner to the elevator. Activate the elevator controls on the RS wall and ride the elevator downward. Follow the passage and enter the U-shaped laboratory. Once the monster is free, run DS and auto-aim, firing at him from a safe distance. 6 shots should drop him. Activate the door lock that is located near the barred fence, on the side with the 2 large cans. Examine Wesker's body and check on Barry. Ride the elevator back upward to the T-intersection corridor. Run LS from the T-intersection junction and enter the square circuit corridor. Run LS through the arched tunnel and enter the double-doors LS of the barred gate. Run to the end of the corridor with the plastic curtains and release the 3 door locks. Enter the metal double-doors beside the door lock and retrieve Chris from the prison cell. Return to the square circuit corridor and enter the barred gate beside you. Run upstairs and follow the landing back to the double-doors that lead to the laboratory entrance save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 25). - Mission 31 - Countdown to Dawn - Take/equip the grenade launcher, loaded magnum, 3 full health items and any remaining shells. Ensure that you have 1 space free in your inventory. Climb up the ladder and enter the metal doors at the top of the ladder. Run forward and look for the fuse unit on the metal walkway. Take the fuse unit and place it in the recess beside the elevator doors. Ride the elevator upward to the helipad. You have less than 3 minutes to escape before the self-destruct sequence detonates, destroying the entire mansion and you along with it. Leave the elevator and take the signal rockets. Activate the signal rockets to attract the helicopter pilot's attention. Run around the helipad in zigzag fashion to avoid attack from the monster. Try to distract the monster with gunfire so that he doesn't turn on Barry. The best strategy is to run in one direction, then once the monster is in pursuit quickly dart left or right to avoid his swipe attack. Keep pummeling him with gunfire, because the sooner you damage him, the sooner Brad will drop the rocket launcher from the helicopter. Run to the rocket launcher, equip it and auto-aim at the monster. You only have 4 rockets so make them count and don't miss. Occasionally the monster will block a rocket attack, but the second hit should connect. Monitor your health regularly and heal when health is at 'danger' level. Believe it or not, you can even use defence items on this guy when he picks you up by the neck. Congratulations Jill - you beat Umbrella. So it appears... ____________________________________________ 7. W A L K T H R O U G H - C H R I S - 1 0 0 % C O M P L E T E ____________________________________________ --- CHRIS - Hiking (easy) mode --- Chris' game is slightly more difficult as you have only 6 spaces in your inventory, requiring you to either carry fewer items or to make more trips to inventory chests. Chris can't use the grenade launcher or lock pick, and has to suffer the infernal boobery of too-cute bumbling medic Rebecca Chambers. And no - not the good kind of boobery. Ok - off we scoot. - Mission 1 - A Comrade Falls - Enter the door at the opposite end of the dining room near the fireplace. You will emerge under a light in the Kenneth passage. Walk DS and trigger the cutscene. Immediately after the cutscene ends, flick the C-stick and run DS, leaving the passage via the previous door under the light. Return to the main hall through the double-doors at the opposite end of the dining room. Take/equip the handgun and return to the Kenneth passage via the dining hall (do not be tempted to use the entrance doors in the main hall - a pack of feral dobermans patrol the front porch and will enter the mansion if the door is opened). Once you emerge in the passage, walk US slightly until you notice the previous enemy and kill him. Examine Kenneth's corpse and take the videotape. Move US and exit via the door LS of the large painting. Run through the L-shaped passage until you come upon a birdcage. Take the handgun magazine and reload. Take/combine the 2 herbs and head upstairs. Enter the door. Move quietly LS under the archway, past the mirror. Stand before the plush chair and auto-aim DS, killing an off-screen enemy. Once he is dead, continue moving DS through the passage, past the rows of tall candlesticks until you come upon a golden arrow and a handgun magazine. Examine the arrowhead. - Mission 2 - The Subterranean Crypt - Walk LS around the corner and you will be faced with 2 doorways. Enter the door that is right of the mirror that rests in the corner. You will emerge on the balcony above the dining hall where Barry investigated the blood. Ignore the enemy and move RS. Take the dagger from ledge beside the door. Lure the enemy toward the large stained-glass window and run to the opposite side of the balcony. Push the statue in front of the section of broken railing, then push it off the edge of the balcony. Exit via the double-doors at the end of the balcony. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the main hall. Walk halfway down the main staircase and enter the door set into the wall, between the 2 candlesticks (it has a painting of a tombstone on it). You will emerge in a courtyard behind the mansion. Descend the stone steps and follow the path to the tomb that is over-shadowed by a relief carving of a cherub. Place the arrowhead into the tombstone and descend the long staircase. Take/examine the Book of Curse and retrieve the sword key from the back of the book. Ascend the long staircase and return to the courtyard. Ascend the mossy stairs leading back to the main hall. Enter the main hall and walk downstairs to the ground floor. - Mission 3 - A Safe Haven - Enter the double-doors to the right of the bottom of the main staircase. If you wish to retrieve the 1F map that rests atop the statue, climb over the cabinet and enter the curtained doorway. Push the cabinet back into the centre of the room until it rests beside the statue. Climb onto the cabinet to retrieve the map. Once you have the map, push the cabinet back to its' original location. Climb over the cabinet into the curtained doorway and proceed to the end of the dark passage. Take the dagger and use this defence item (L button) to temporarily stun the enemy that appears. Stand still, and when he lunges at you press the L-button to stab him in the temple. Run past him and quickly climb back over the cabinet. Enter the door to the right of the curtained doorway. 2 of the cabinets in the tiled L-shaped hallway can be pushed to reveal items. The second cabinet conceals a dagger if pushed US and the fourth cabinet conceals a handgun clip when pushed DS. Enter the door at the end of the passage. Step into the winding hallway and enter the second door on your right that leads to the bathroom. Drain the bathtub and shoot the enemy dead - use a defence item if he attacks. Take the old key from the bathtub and exit. Walk RS and enter the grey metal door. Follow the exterior path around the side of the building and use the herbs if you are injured. Take the chemical from the wheelbarrow and return to the winding hallway (do not return to this area under any circumstances - the doberman will have jumped the fence). Continue moving RS through the winding hallway and exit via the double-doors at the far end. Reload and enter the door on your left that lies between the portrait and the chair. Cautiously move down the carpeted passage toward the staircase and attract the enemy's attention. Flick the C-stick and run back to doorway. Once you are at a safe distance, auto-aim and kill him. Lure the enemy on the upper balcony downstairs and kill him as he descends. Enter the maintenance save room at the bottom of the staircase. Take the old key by the typewriter and store it. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 01). - Mission 4 - Trial by Fire - Your inventory should be empty. Leave the maintenance save room and walk upstairs. At the top of the stairs, walk DS and exit via the door at the far end of the landing. In the U-shaped carpeted hallway, take the wooden mount from the table beside you and walk US. Enter the single door at the end of the passage. In the study, take the handgun magazine and dog whistle. Read the botany book. Leave via the opposite door and you will emerge once again on the landing above maintenance save room. Follow the landing LS past the top of the stairwell and enter the door at the far end. Enter the sitting room with the fireplace. Place the wooden mount above the fireplace and light the fire to retrieve the 2F map. Take the 2 green herbs and 1 red herb. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room and take the green herb that sits outside. Enter the maintenance save room. Combine the 3 green herbs, take the handgun magazine from the crate and store everything in the inventory chest. Take the fuel canteen from the floor and refill it. Incinerate the 2 enemies you disposed of earlier if they weren't decapitated with gunfire. Return to the maintenance save room and refill the fuel canteen. - Mission 5 - The Rite to Bare Arms - Take/equip the loaded handgun, handgun magazine, sword key and fuel canteen. Return upstairs and enter the door above the maintenance save room that leads to the U-shaped carpeted hallway where you found the wooden mount. Proceed DS through the U-shaped hallway, past the double-doors until you arrive at the very last door at the end of the corridor. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the main hall. Run downstairs and enter the double-doors that are left of the bottom of the staircase, leading to the dining hall. Take the blue gemstone from the rubble on the floor. Enter the door to the right of the fireplace. Torch the corpse and walk US, following the passage until you come upon stairs leading downwards to a door. Enter the door at the bottom of the stairs. Take the old key from the shelf. Take the dagger and handgun magazine from the table. Leave the kitchen and - uh-oh. Flick the C-stick and retreat to the LS corner, auto-aiming at the upright enemy. Use a defence item if he gets too close. Allow Chompy-Gnaw-Gnaws to bite your ankle, then crush his head underfoot. Leave the kitchen and return to the Kenneth passage. Return to the dining room via the door set in the RS wall near the light. Run through the dining hall and exit via the double-doors. Return upstairs to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the double-doors that open onto the balcony above the dining hall. Ignore the enemy and proceed through the door at the far end of the balcony, closest to the stained-glass window - this door will require the sword key. Approach the area where the stairwell banister meets the wall and auto-aim, killing an off-screen enemy. Another enemy will ascend the staircase - kill him. Proceed downstairs and torch the corpse lying beside the crates under the stairs. Enter the drug save room beside the stairwell and store the blue gemstone. Leave the drug save room and proceed around the corner, following the hallway until you arrive at 2 doors. Use the old key on the first door opposite the window and enter the small room. Take the flash grenade, broken shotgun (a shitgun?), ink ribbon and refill your fuel canteen. Return upstairs and incinerate the 2 corpses if they weren't decapitated with gunfire. Run around the banister and enter the door opposite the wall-mounted candelabra that leads to the upper balcony in the dining hall. Exit via the double-doors at the far end to the upper balcony in the main hall. Run to the single door opposite that leads to the U-shaped passage. Run through the U-shaped passage and enter the second last door. Descend the stairs and enter the ground floor door, beyond the maintenance save room. You will emerge through the door that lies between the portrait and the chair. Exit via the double-doors US. Step into the winding hallway and enter the single door directly opposite the double-doors. Step through the small marble room to the opposite door. Take the dagger and ink ribbon. Swap the broken shotgun with the shotgun. Return through the marble room to the winding corridor. Enter the double-doors directly ahead of you and return to the save room via the door between the portrait and the chair. Enter the maintenance save room and refill your canteen. SAVE YOUR GAME and replace the ink ribbon (save 2). - Mission 6 - His Master's Voice - Return upstairs and enter the door above the maintenance save room that leads to the U-shaped carpeted hallway where you found the wooden mount. Proceed DS through the U-shaped hallway, past the double-doors until you arrive at the very last door at the end of the corridor. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the double-doors opposite that open onto the balcony above the dining hall. Ignore the enemy and proceed through the door at the far end of the balcony, closest to the stained-glass window. Proceed downstairs and enter the drug save room. Take/equip your shotgun, loaded handgun, old key, fuel canteen and dog whistle. Return to the top of the stairs and run around the banister. Enter the grey metal door that requires the old key (near the door that leads to the upper balcony in the dining hall). You will emerge on an exterior balcony. Move DS and stand in the corner of the balcony, at the lower left corner of the screen. Face the door and blow the dog whistle. Shoot the dobermans with the shotgun. If you become injured, use the green herbs in the planter box after the hounds are dead. Take/examine the dog collar until it becomes a coin, then the imitation key. Exit through the grey metal door near the planter box. - Mission 7 - The Medieval Trap - Your inventory should consist of the shotgun, loaded handgun, imitation key and fuel canteen. Equip the shotgun and proceed to the top of the stairwell. Walk DS until you reach an old door, on the far side of the two-armed candelabra. Enter the door and torch the corpse DS from the plush chair. Walk RS toward the plush chair and under the archway. Run DS past the corpse and enter the door, avoiding the Crimsonhead's attack. Ascend the stairs and replace the armour key with the imitation key. Descend the stairs and return to the hallway with the Crimsonhead. He is hiding around the corner near the plush chair, and will not sense your presence if you are cautious. Take/combine the 2 herbs and equip the handgun. Quickly scoot around the corner, executing a U-turn under the archway and enter the door below the plush chair. If you are quick you will avoid his clawing attack. When you emerge on the landing above the medical supplies room, an enemy will burst through the grey metal door ahead of you. Stand at the top of the stairs and kill him. Burn his remains if he wasn't decapitated. Return to the drug save room at the bottom of the stairs and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 03). - Mission 8 - A Tiger's Eye - Take/equip the shotgun, armour key, blue gemstone and chemical. Leave the drug save room and follow the ground floor hallway around until you reach the last door. Enter the door using the armour key. Follow the wall LS through the dark corridor and turn right into the small alcove, opposite the scythe that rests against the wall. Enter the door in the alcove beside the oval mirror and place the blue gemstone in the tiger's eye. Take the shotgun shells. Return to the dark corridor and enter the door beside the scythe. Take the handgun magazine from the bed and examine the desk. Read the Keeper's diary. Investigate the wardrobe. Aim upward with the shotgun to decapitate the enemy. Take the old key from the wardrobe and use a defence item (L-button) on the other enemy. Return to the dark corridor. Walk DS past the scythe toward the bench that sits below the window. Take the flash grenade from the bench. Walk past the ominous shadows at the window panes and enter the greenhouse door near the rake. Place the chemical in the pump trough and turn the pump on. Turn the switch to 'red'. Heal yourself with the herbs if necessary but do not take any. Take the death mask and exit the greenhouse. Run through the dark corridor and enter the first door, near the bench with the candlestick. Ignore the enemies in pursuit. Run through the next corridor and enter the drug save room at the bottom of the staircase. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 04). - Mission 9 - A Comrade Awakens - Take the loaded shotgun and armour key. Leave the drug save room and walk to the top of the stairs. Walk around to the other side of the banister and exit via the wooden door, opposite the wall-mounted candelabra. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the dining hall. Ignore the enemy and return through the double-doors to the upper balcony in the main hall. Run around the balcony until the camera angle shows a large chain-suspended chandelier in the foreground, with a door at the top of a small flight of steps. Use the armour key to enter the door. Run along the exterior balcony and take the handgun clip from the glass table and the dagger from the bench. Run US past the dead comrade, ascending the stairs and turning the corner toward the herbs. Auto-aim as he advances from behind and shoot him in the face close range. Take/combine the 2 green herbs. Return to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the door on your left and proceed through the U-shaped corridor. Unlock but do not enter the first door you pass. Unlock and enter the double-doors set into the LS wall halfway through the U-shaped passage. Walk into the centre of the room. In the following order, push the top left LS, the top right knight RS, the bottom left knight LS and the bottom right knight RS. Press the button on the central table and take the jewellery box from the wall at the far end of the room. Examine the jewellery box and press the buttons on the front face and rear face of the box. Take the death mask. Return to the U-shaped passage and run US through the curtained archway, entering the first door on your right. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room. Examine the note pinned to the wall outside the maintenance save room. Enter the maintenance save room and store everything in the inventory chest. Place the new items on the ground (2 first aid sprays, 2 handgun clips and shotgun shells) in the chest. Be sure to combine all handgun clips and herbs. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 05). - Mission 10 - The Abandoned Office - Take the armour key and old key - you should have 4 free spaces in your inventory. Return to the top of the stairs. Walk US and enter the first door on the right that requires the armour key. Take/combine the 2 herbs and enter the white wooden door. Read the Researcher's Will. Take the hook from the mounted fishhook display right of the aquarium. Take the bee specimen from the fishing lure display left of the door. Take the lure of a bee from the insect specimen display left of the aquarium. Do not press the switch. Combine the hook and lure of a bee and place it in the fishing lure display, left of the door. Place the bee specimen in the insect specimen display left of the aquarium and press the switch. Take the wind crest and quickly leave the room before the wasp stings you. Walk DS under the deer head and enter the door opposite the white wooden door (a broken picture frame lies on the floor beside it). Take the first aid kit, ink ribbon and old key. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 6). - Mission 11 - A Musical Interlude - Take/equip the loaded shotgun, shotgun shells and armour key. Return upstairs. Walk DS and enter the door at the end of the landing that leads to the U-shaped passage. Walk DS and continue moving past the double-doors. Enter the next door you come upon set into the RS wall, opposite the porcelain jug. Uh-oh - dickhead alert. After the cutscene with Richard, run DS to the main hall. Run to opposite side of the upper balcony in the main hall and enter the double-doors. Run around the balcony above the dining room and enter the door at the far end, closest to the stained-glass window. Avoid the enemy. Run downstairs to the drug save room and search the shelves for serum. Run back upstairs and return to the upper balcony in the dining hall, then through the double-doors to the upper balcony in the main hall. Run to the opposite side of the balcony and enter the door that leads back to the U-shaped passage. Enter the first door on your right and deliver the serum to Richard in the dusty L-shaped corridor (if you took too long Richard will die). After you deliver Richard to the drug save room (sigh), run back upstairs and return to the upper balcony in the dining hall, then through the double-doors to the upper balcony in the main hall. Run to the opposite side of the balcony and enter the door that leads back to the U-shaped passage. Enter the first door on your right and proceed slowly through the dusty L-shaped corridor where Richard was found. You can avoid the enemy by ducking around behind the square column. Enter the door at the end of the corridor. Step into the next corridor and stand before the archway. Wait for the enemy to advance and decapitate him with the shotgun. Step through the archway and enter the door at the far end near the flickering light. Use the lighter to light the candlestick on the table. Leave the handgun magazine on the table but take the shotgun shells from the shelves in the corner left of the candlestick. Stand to the right of the candlestick and push the wardrobe DS. Step into the alcove and auto-aim upward, decapitating the enemy. Take the musical score and leave the room. Return through the archway to the exit via the US door. Run through the dusty L-shaped corridor and slip past the enemy again, using the path behind the square column. Enter the U-shaped passage. Run DS to the main hall. Return downstairs and enter the double-doors left of the bottom of the staircase. Run through the dining room and take the emblem from the wall above the fireplace. Exit via the door right of the fireplace. Quickly run US through the Kenneth passage and enter the second door on your left. Run around the far side of the piano and push the shelf RS to reveal the musical score. Combine both musical scores and place them on the piano. Turns out Chris is as musically-gifted as a bucket, so allow Rebecca to oblige with the tunes. Take Chris for a quick scoot upstairs to the upper balcony in the dining hall, allowing Rebecca time to practice (route is RS door near light in Kenneth passage, dining hall, main hall, upper balcony dining hall). Return downstairs to the piano bar via the same route (main hall, dining hall, second door on left in Kenneth passage). Enter the secret passage and swap the gold emblem with the emblem. Examine Trevor's diary. Take the ink ribbon from the counter and exit the room. Step into the Kenneth passage and run DS, entering the first door on your right near the light. Place the gold emblem in the recess above the fireplace and examine the grandfather clock. Turn the large gear right twice. Take the shield key and exit via the double-doors on your right. Return upstairs and enter the single door that leads to the U-shaped passage, opposite the double-doors. Run through the U-shaped passage and wait by the double-doors for an enemy to appear. Equip a flash grenade as a defence weapon (L-button) and shove it down his throat (be sure to re-equip the dagger as your primary defence item again. Flash grenades are very rare and we will require every single one of them later in the game). Run US beyond the double-doors and exit via the second last door. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 7). - Mission 12 - The Serpent's Lair - Equip/take the loaded shotgun, shotgun shells, 1 full health item and the shield key. Return upstairs to the U-shaped passage. Walk DS and continue moving past the double-doors. Enter the next door you come upon set into the RS wall, opposite the porcelain jug. Run through the dusty L-shaped passage, take/combine the 2 green herbs and exit via the other door. Run straight ahead up the steps and enter the door at the top. You will emerge in a dusty attic. To your right on the shelves is a box of shotgun shells. Step into the room and trigger the cutscene. Shoot at the body of the beast and try to avoid his bite, keeping well away from his head. Keep the battle located in a circuit around the central post and only fire if his head is on the opposite side of the post. Don't let him encircle you, trapping you next to the post - hug the outer wall. Manually reload after 6 shots. Be sure to collect the death mask from the far corner before leaving the attic. If you're bitten you will automatically take control of Rebecca, who must quickly run to the drug save room and collect the serum. The quickest route is: return to the U-shaped passage and run DS to the main hall. Run to opposite side of the upper balcony in the main hall and enter the double-doors. Run around the balcony above the dining room and enter the door at the far end, closest to the stained-glass window. Avoid the enemy. Run downstairs to the drug save room and search the shelves for serum. Once you have it return to Chris via the same route: run upstairs and enter the upper dining hall balcony, run through to the main hall upper balcony, enter the U-shaped passage on the opposite side and enter the first door on your right, opposite the porcelain jug. Once Chris is cured, return to the outer U-shaped passage with the porcelain jug and run US past the double-doors. Enter the second last door and return downstairs to the maintenance save room. If you're not bitten, return to the maintenance save room by following the U-shaped passage past the double-doors and entering the second last door that leads to the landing above maintenance save room (consult your map). Store everything in the maintenance save room. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 8). - Mission 13 - The Architect's Prison - Take/equip the loaded shotgun, 3 death masks, armour key and old key. Your inventory should be full. Leave the maintenance save room. Once outside, exit via the ground floor door - do not go upstairs. You will emerge through a door that is between a portrait and a chair. Walk DS until the camera angle changes and quickly enter the door on the left in the corner. Ignore the enemy that appears behind you. In the stained-glass gallery, press the button below the yellow valiant, opposite the door. Run around the other side of the partition and press the button below the yellow saint. Press the button below the red sage (left of the yellow saint). Finally, press the button below the stained-glass image of the Lisa. Enter the outer courtyard and take the fourth death mask. Exit via the wrought iron gate using the old key. Follow the path to the top of the subterranean staircase. On your left behind the fence is small enclosed graveyard. Enter the small graveyard and search the area below the tree trunk for shotgun shells. Return to the subterranean staircase and descend it. Place the 4 masks on the corresponding busts. The first requires a mask with no eyes, the second a mask with no eyes, nose nor mouth, the third a mask with no nose, the fourth a mask with no mouth. Approach the coffin. Kill the enemy by remaining stationary and auto-aiming at close range. Reposition yourself if he drops. Manually reload after 6 shots. Take the shotgun shells and press the button in the coffin. Take the stone and metal object from the coffin and ascend the staircase. Run through the courtyard and return to the stained-glass gallery via the wrought iron gate. Run through the stained-glass gallery and exit via the door on the other side of the partition. Stand stationary and decapitate the enemy with the shotgun. Proceed RS into the short darkened passage from where the enemy emerged and exit via the door. - Mission 14 - The Night Path - You will appear on an exterior porch. Run LS along the porch until you reach the metal door at the far end. Kill the enemy that follows you and place the stone and metal object into the recess beside the metal door. Enter the metal door that leads to the storage shed. Take the shotgun shells from the floor and first aid spray and flash grenade from the shelf. Enter the door at the bottom of the steps. Run down the slope and examine the first weathervane. Stop the arrow spinning at 'W'. Run down the slope and examine the second weathervane. Stop the arrow spinning at 'N'. Proceed downwards through the wrought iron gates. Run straight ahead through the muddy graveyard to the wrought iron gates directly opposite. Follow the path through the woods to the cabin. Take/combine the 2 green herbs from the ground outside the cabin entrance. Enter the cabin, take the courtyard map from the fireplace room and store everything in the chest. Take/equip the loaded shotgun, 1 full health item, the wind crest and ink ribbon. Move DS from the chest and jump down onto the dirt. Take the crank. Carefully approach the typewriter and examine the photograph - do not enter the doorway. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 9). - Mission 15 - Beyond the Brown Pool - Return to the chest and store the ink ribbon. Proceed through the door to the fireplace room. Shoot the creature until she collapses (about 3 times), then run past her to the exit. Run through the woods and enter the wrought iron gates, avoiding the enemy. Walk slowly to the T-intersection junction, then walk RS between the 2 crows. Stand before the RS grave and place the windcrest in the recess. Take the 3 crests and examine each one, pressing the buttons on each to activate the projections. Stand before the LS grave and place the 3 crests in the recesses to retrieve the magnum. Walk to the top of the T-intersection and exit via the LS gates. Follow the path back to the storage shed. Once you are inside the storage shed, walk up the small flight of steps and exit via the wooden double-doors opposite the grey metal door. This courtyard is patrolled by 3 feral dobermans. You can avoid them by running in a zigzag fashion. Enter the large wrought iron gate that is situated on top of the stairs at the opposite end of the courtyard, beyond the columns. Walk around the side of the drainage pool and use the crank to drain the water. Climb down into the empty pool and follow the cobblestone path to the elevator. Ride the elevator down to the lower courtyard and walk quietly LS past the waterfall to the double wrought iron gate. Take the green herb on the ground in front of the waterfall. Enter the double wrought iron gate and take the red herb. Combine the red herb with the green herb you picked up in front of the waterfall. Follow the shady path to the cabin. If you become poisoned by the falling snakes, cure yourself with the blue herbs located just inside the cabin. Enter the first door on your right, the potting save room. Take the flash grenade, first aid spray and ink ribbon. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 10). - Mission 16 - The Forsaken Lodge - Store everything. Take/equip the handgun, handgun magazine and 1 full health item. Leave the potting save room. Walk US and enter the double-doors beyond the crate. Run into the centre of the room and auto-aim, shooting the enemy from a distance. Do not shoot at the second enemy, or he will drop to the floor and pursue you. If you become poisoned, leave the room and use a blue herb located near the cabin entrance. Walk downstairs into the dining area and take the first aid kit, shotgun shells and red book. Return to the potting save room and store everything. Take/equip the loaded shotgun and 1 full health item. Return to the outer hallway and walk US until the camera angle shows the damaged floor with 2 large splintered holes. You need to push the crate that is located near the double-doors over the RS hole. Climb over the stack of crates to the exit door by the light. Run through the corridor and enter room 002. Enter the bathroom and take the residence key from the shelf. Use an L-button defence item on the enemy and quickly leave the bathroom. Climb back over the stack of crates and return to the hallway outside the potting save room. Enter door 001 opposite the potting save room door. Enter the bathroom and drain the bathtub. Take the control room key and quickly leave the bathroom. Return to the potting save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 11). - Mission 17 - A Watery Grave - Take the control room key and 1 full health item. Ensure you are at maximum health. Return over the crates to room 002. Examine the Plant 42 Report on the desk and push the left bookcase US, the right bookcase RS. Descend the ladder and run through the cement tunnel. Push the 3 crates into the pool, beginning with the crate that is closest to the pool. Run across the crates and take the green herb. Enter the double metal doors that are half submerged in water. You will emerge in a circular room, the aqua ring. Run RS and follow the curved wall. Enter the control room door set on top of the small flight of steps. Heal after you have been bitten twice. Descend the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, walk DS and take the first aid kit. Walk DS further and familiarise yourself with the location of the oil pressure regulator. Return to the bottom of the ladder and walk RS into the middle of the control room. There are control panels on your left, right and ahead of you. The panel on your left is a pressure shelter. The panel on your right controls the main system. The panel ahead of you in the middle controls the drainage switch. Activate each panel in the following order: middle panel, right panel, left panel, oil pressure regulator (DS from the ladder), right panel, left panel, middle panel (try every number when activating the oil pressure regulator. The shutters will reset if this is done correctly). Once the aqua ring has been drained, take the map from the wall and follow the path directly opposite the oil pressure regulator. Descend the small flight of steps and enter the single hatch door. Run DS and examine the pile of soaked dynamite for 2 shotgun shells. Enter the double metal doors opposite the pile of soaked dynamite. Take the assault shotgun from the ground near the smaller shark and step into the water on the left side of the large shark. Climb onto the platform and attempt to activate the flashing switch. Push the water flow control system unit into the water, then throw the switch on the generator. Climb into the water and retrieve the gallery key, flashing in the water near the shark's nose. Return to the room with the pile of soaked dynamite and exit via the barred metal doors, just beyond the single hatch door. Take the magnum rounds from the crate, climb the ladder and exit via the door. Run US and return to the corridor outside of room 002. Follow the corridor RS to the next door on your right. Use the residence key to enter the gallery. Run under the archway and take the insecticide spray from the corpse in the far corner. Run to avoid the wasps. Return to the outer corridor and run US to the area outside of room 002. Take the map from the wall and spray the insecticide into the hole. Return to the potting save room beyond the stack of crates and store everything. - Mission 18 - The Green Collossus - Take/equip the new loaded assault shotgun, shotgun shells, red book and 2 full health items. You should have 1 space free. Climb back over the crates and enter the gallery. Investigate the narrow corridor beyond the archway, where the crumpled corpse sits in the corner. Take the residence key from the desk under the wasp nest. Enter room 003, just DS from the corpse. Enter the bathroom and drain the bathtub. Take the dagger and leave the bathroom. Take the white book from the bookcase and swap it with the red book. You must rearrange the book spines to form a picture of a reclining sea nymph. Begin by swapping the 4th book with the 1st. Then swap the 6th book with the 2nd. Then swap the 7th book with the 3rd. Ta-da. Take the ink ribbon and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 12). Enter the secret doorway at the foot of the bed. Run upstairs and alternate firing at the plant from the north and east balconies (use your map to orient yourself). Both of these balconies are missing the railing, enabling you a free shot at the central bulb. Keep moving and wait until the central bulb is exposed before firing. Repeat the process, alternating positions between the 2 balconies until the plant is dead (about 10 shots). Heal when you are at 'Danger' level. Take the helmet key from the fireplace and exit via the double-doors. Take the red herb and return to the potting save room (you can walk past the stacked crates now the giant plant is dead). Refill/store your fuel canteen. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 13). - Mission 19 - Hunted - Take/equip the magnum, helmet key and 1 full health item. Leave the cabin via the main entrance door, taking a blue herb before you exit. Run through the shady path and enter the wrought iron gates. Run RS past the waterfall to the elevator - avoid the dobermans. Ride the elevator to the upper courtyard. Run to the empty pool and descend the ladder. Use the blue herb if you have been poisoned. Cross the pool and leave the area through the wrought iron gates at the top of the ladder. Run across the courtyard, past the columns to the storage shed DS. Avoid the dobermans by running in a zigzag fashion. Take the new supplies from the floor of the storage shed - flash grenade, 2 first aid sprays and shotgun shells. Read the note from Barry posted by the metal door and exit through this door. Follow the exterior porch back to the mansion and enter the door. Immediately after the enemy appears, auto-aim and fire. 1 bullet at close range should drop him. Exit via the door between the portrait and the chair. Kill the enemy waiting by the maintenance save room and enter it. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 14). - Mission 20 - Basement Denizens - Take/equip the handgun, handgun magazine and helmet key. Leave the maintenance save room and ascend the staircase. At the top of the stairs, run US and enter the very last door on the landing, situated around the bend. Cross the fireplace room and enter the door beside the coat rack. Push the statue LS through the open doorway until it rests against the far wall - ignore the crushing walls. Return through the open doorway and take the narrow passage LS of the oval painting. Your task is to press the switch, run back to the RS side of the statue and push the statue LS before the walls crush you. Flick the C-stick once you have pressed the switch to make a speedy start. Once the statue is in place, enter the new opening between the 2 statues. Take the flash grenade from the desk and run DS to the hole. Drop through the hole and take the Last Book Vol 1. Read the diary and press the switch on the gravestone. Descend the ladder. Walk slowly through the misty passage, shooting the enemies. At the T-intersection turn right and take the map from the wall. About-face and walk past the metal shelf containing the 2 hubcaps. Exit via the door LS of the shelf. Cautiously step into the next passage and auto-aim near the 2 herbs at an off-screen enemy. Use the blue herb if you are poisoned. Take the dagger from the floor and continue US through the mesh doorway to the elevator power supply. Switch the fuse and return through the mesh doorway. Stand by the bucket of water and walk towards the top left corner of the screen. Enter the rusty door at the end of this passage. Avoid the enemy and run along the bare tiled wall to the elevator. Ride it upwards. An enemy hides in the alcove DS from the elevator. Run DS past the alcove to the very end of the corridor, past the 2 flaming torches that flank the double-doors. Shoot from a safe distance. Wait for a second enemy to appear near the elevator and shoot. Heal yourself with the herbs by the elevator if necessary, but do not take any. Walk past the elevator and turn the corner. Enter the door that is diagonally opposite the armless statue, between the 2 flaming torches. In the small office, take the battery from the desk and the flash grenade from the floor. Then take the magnum rounds from the floor. Return to the outer passage. Enter the door that is around the corner, opposite the armless statue (several deer antlers line the walls that lead to this door). Enter the door that is RS of the mirror in the corner. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the dining hall. Enter the door on your left near the stained-glass window. Proceed downstairs to the drug save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 15). - Mission 21 - The Tiger's Eye II - Take the helmet key and return to the top of the stairs. Walk DS and enter the door set into the wall opposite the wall-mounted candelabra. Turn the light off and take the shotgun shells from the ledge under the deer and the dagger from the ledge LS of the buffalo. Read the mail on the circular table. Push the chest of drawers under the buffalo, then walk slowly to the corner RS of the deer, so that the eagle's gaze follows you. Quickly run to the chest of drawers under the buffalo and climb up to retrieve the yellow gemstone. Push the other chest of drawers under the deer, then walk slowly to the corner LS of the buffalo, so that the eagle's gaze follows you. Quickly run to the chest of drawers under the deer and climb up to retrieve the red gemstone. Return downstairs to the drug save room and store everything. Take/equip the assault shotgun, shotgun shells, yellow gemstone and helmet key. Leave the drug save room and follow the ground floor hallway around until you reach the second door - if you run you will avoid the enemies. Decapitate the enemy in the L-shaped corridor. Follow the LS wall and turn right into the small alcove, opposite the scythe that rests against the wall. Take the dagger from the painting that rests on the floor in the alcove and enter the door beside the oval mirror. Place the yellow gemstone in the tiger's eye and take the MO disk. - Mission 22 - The Serpent's Lair II - Return to the scythe and run DS behind the enemy to the door. You will emerge in the Kenneth passage. Run DS and enter the first door on your right. Run RS through the dining room and exit through the double-doors to the main hall. Run to the opposite side of the main hall and enter the single door RS of the bottom of the stairs. Take the diary from the bench and walk LS into the room. At the T-intersection walk US to the door at the end of the passage. Decapitate the enemy and take the dagger and jewellery box. Return to the main hall and walk upstairs. Enter the double-doors that lead to the dining hall upper balcony. Run LS to the far end of the balcony and enter the farthest door near the stained-glass window. Kill the 2 enemies that prowl the stairwell. Stand under the window in line with the stairwell and target them one at a time at close range. Return downstairs to the drug save room and store everything. Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun, shotgun shells, helmet key, 1 full health item, red gemstone and the jewellery box. Combine the red gemstone and the jewellery box. Rotate the 5 puzzle pieces until they fit in the puzzle. Use the R-button to rotate. The pieces are numbered in the order they appear in the L-formation. The large third piece sits at the bottom of the puzzle. The small second piece sits in the middle of the puzzle. The small fifth piece sits in the top right of the puzzle. The large first piece sits in the top left of the puzzle. The small final piece sits in the left of the puzzle. Store the emblem key and return to the top of the stairs. Walk DS and enter the door beyond the wall-mounted candelabra. The second you emerge in the mirror passage auto-aim at the Crimsonhead and fire. Walk US past the chair, through the archway and around the corner. Enter the door at the end of the passage (not the door beside the mirror). Walk up the steps and continue along the tiled passage, past the suits of armour until you come to a door. Enter the door and take/combine the 2 green herbs. Run through the library and descend the ladder to the lower library floor, ignoring the beast in pursuit. Chase the beast around the bookcase whilst firing into its' body. Once it is dead, take the Last Book Vol 2 from the pile of books and return to the tiled passage with the suits of armour. Leave the tiled passage via the door at the bottom of the steps. Take/combine the green herb and run through the mirror passage, past the rows of tall candlesticks and exit via the last door that is right of the mirror in the corner. Run RS along the dining hall upper balcony and return to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the single door directly opposite, near the top of the main staircase. Run through the U-shaped passage and enter the second last door by the table. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 16). - Mission 23 - Beyond the Water Curtain - Take/equip the loaded magnum, battery, crank, emblem key and 1 full health item. Leave the maintenance save room and return to the carpeted hallway outside. Exit via the ground floor door. You will emerge in the doorway between the portrait and the chair. Run DS and use the emblem key to enter the ornate door beside the chest. As tempting as it is to ignore Rebecca's screams, we'd better save her because it will affect our final rating if the silly bitch dies. Ah frig it, we'll save her when we're good and bloody ready. Turn on the lamp on the desk and take the shotgun shells from the drawer, metal object and flash grenade. Return through the door between the portrait and the chair. Run upstairs to the door above the maintenance save room. Enter the U-shaped passage, run US and enter the only door. Shoot the enemy at close range. Return downstairs through the door behind Rebecca. Exit via the ground floor door. You will emerge between the portrait and the chair. Walk DS around the corner, entering the darkened passage that leads to the exterior porch. Run through the exterior porch and enter the storage shed. Enter the door directly ahead of you in the storage shed. Run across the courtyard to the wrought iron gates at the top of the steps, avoiding the 3 dobermans. Check your health regularly - if it's at 'danger' level, use a full health item. Cross the empty pool and descend the elevator on the far side (if you become poisoned use the blue herbs near the bottom of the elevator shaft). Run to the waterfall, then DS through the columns. Place the battery in the recess in the wall beside the other elevator, avoiding the 2 dobermans. Ride the elevator upward. Run DS and then RS to the wrought iron gates at the top of the steps. Enter the gates. Use the crank to refill the pool (this stops the waterflow to the waterfall in the lower courtyard). Return back through the wrought iron gates to the previous elevator in the courtyard with 3 dobermans. The path to the elevator is LS of the columns. Ride the elevator downwards and enter the tunnel that was hidden behind the waterfall, between the 2 urns. Run through the dark tunnel and descend the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, run straight ahead until you reach the inventory chest. Take the ink ribbon near the typewriter and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 17). - Mission 24 - The Stone Labyrinth - Take/equip the loaded magnum and 1 full health item. Return to the bottom of the ladder. Enter the LS door. Approach the T-intersection and move DS. Take the shotgun shells by the boulder and run past the T-intersection to the door at the bottom of the stairs. Enter the door and take the handgun magazine from the steel grate beside the elevator shaft. Approach the studded door on the other side of the elevator shaft and take the handgun magazine lying before it. Enter the studded door. Run through the wet tunnel and trigger the cutscene. Take the crank from his grasp and prepare to leave the wet tunnel - shoot the enemy that blocks your path and return through the studded door to the elevator shaft. Exit via the door on the opposite side of the elevator shaft. Run up the stairs to the T-intersection and shoot the enemy. Run LS at the T-intersection and return to the inventory chest near the typewriter (do not climb the ladder). Store everything except Enrico's crank. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 18). - Mission 25 - The Arachnid King - Take the loaded assault shotgun, shotgun shells and Enrico's crank. Walk US around the corner and approach the gap in the path. Use the crank in the slot in the wall to rotate the tunnel walls. Walk US, take the green herb and enter the door. Take/equip the flamethrower from the lock mechanism. Approach the boulder, then run quickly back to the door. Take the shotgun shells from the recess where the boulder was originally situated. Run DS and enter the new tunnel and double-doors door revealed by the crashing boulder. Run around the larger enemy avoiding attack whilst targeting it from behind with the flamethrower. Auto-aim and shoot at the smaller enemies with the shotgun. Take/equip the survival knife. Use it on the doorway that is concealed by cobwebs. Enter this door. Run DS and take the Courtyard B1 map from the wall. Use the green herb in your inventory. Take the blue and green herbs if you are poisoned or injured. Run DS to the studded door at the opposite end of the tunnel. Place the flamethrower in the lock mechanism and enter the studded door. Approach the gap in the path and use the crank in the hole in the wall to rotate the tunnel walls 3 times. Run into the LS passage immediately to avoid the boulder. Take the first aid kit from the recess where the boulder was originally situated. Run back to the door that is located near the crank hole and enter it. Push the statue DS so that is sits beside the brown rectangular section of wall. Use the crank in the hole in the wall to push the statue into the centre of the room. Use the crank once more to send the rectangular block back into the wall. Push the statue onto the circular plate in the centre of the room and allow it to rotate. Push the statue off the plate, then back onto the plate again so that the statue is facing the same direction as the other statue in the room. Push the statue into the recess beside the other statue. Take the cylinder and return to the tunnel where you left the flamethrower. Take the flamethrower and return to the arachnid cave. Equip the assault shotgun and exit through the opposite door. Shoot the enemy and place the flamethrower back on the lock mechanism. Return to the inventory chest. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 19). - Mission 26 - The Catacombs - Take the cylinder and 1 full health item. Run DS to the bottom of the ladder and enter the door. Run down the stairs and enter the cave with the elevator shaft. Run DS and locate the elevator's power source. Open the lid and take the shaft. Combine the cylinder and the shaft and examine them. Rotate the cylinder 6 times until the roman numerals are matched up. Insert the cylinder into the elevator power source and press the following buttons: '4', '2', '3' and '1'. Board the elevator, press the switch and ride it downward. Enter the plain door near the elevator shaft and slowly make your way through the tunnel. The tunnel is a circuit, in that if you run in the one direction, you will end up where you began. The tunnel has 3 doorways branching from it - a plain door leads to the elevator shaft, a studded door leads to the transportation device and a studded door leads to the sewers. If you meet any unexpected guests, simply about-face and try the other direction. Do not engage the enemy in battle - she is invulnerable, and can kill with 3 blows. Search the tunnel for a set of stairs that lead upward to a studded door that is lit by a single bulb. Enter the door and locate the device for transporting materials. Push the crate LS once, then US onto the platform. Activate the switch, sending the crate deep into the caves. Run DS from the activation panel and climb onto the crate that is littered with pebbles, near the stack of metal pipes. On top of the crates take the magnum rounds and flash grenade. Return to the tunnels where Lisa lurks, and find your way back to the plain door that leads to the elevator shaft. Locate the wooden dock beyond the elevator shaft and climb down the ladder. Push the crate LS toward the garbage compactor, and finally into the compactor pit. Crush the crate and climb into the pit, taking the broken flamethrower. Return to the elevator shaft and enter the plain door that leads to Lisa's tunnel. Explore Lisa's tunnel until you locate a lever set into the cave wall that activates the release mechanism for the studded door situated deeper in the tunnel. The lever is located under a light bulb. Activate the lever and run DS through the series of tunnels to the protruding hooks. Providing you are always running downhill you will find it. Rest the broken flamethrower on the hooks and enter the single studded door. - Mission 27 - Lisa's Sanctuary - Pass through the candlelit room and step into the flooded sewer - run to avoid the snakes. Enter Lisa's bedroom and take the jewellery box from the small shrine and dagger from the bed. Climb the ladder and walk DS. Take the green and blue herbs and proceed in the opposite direction to the tall ladder that leads upward. You will emerge in Lisa's cabin. Store everything in the inventory chest. Take/examine the jewellery box and take the stone ring. Take the metal object and combine it with the stone ring. Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun and 1 full health item. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 20) and keep the ink ribbon in your inventory. You should be carrying 4 items in your inventory. Leave the cabin via the front door and make your way through the woods back to the storage shed. Decapitate or avoid the enemies in the woods and graveyard. Climb the small steps inside the storage shed and enter the metal door opposite that leads to the exterior porch. Take the stone and metal object from the recess in the wall, just LS of the metal door that leads to the storage shed. Run along the exterior porch and enter the mansion. Walk straight ahead and enter the first door directly ahead of you. Run through the stained-glass gallery and enter the outer courtyard. Run up the mossy steps and enter the backdoor that leads to the main hall. Run downstairs and enter the passage that runs underneath the main staircase. Place the stone and metal objects into the recesses in the double-doors and enter through the doors. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 21) on the typewriter beside the double-doors. - Mission 28 - The Matriarch Entombed - Run down the stairs and access the inventory chest. Take 2 full health items and Last Book Vol 1 and last Book Vol 2. Descend the stairs RS and follow this path until you trigger the cutscene. You will emerge on a square platform above an abyss. To stop Lisa, you must push the 4 stones at each corner of the platform off the edge into the abyss. Avoid Lisa and never step between her and the outer ledge, or she will knock you off - always hug the inner tomb wall. First push the lower left stone LS and wait for Lisa to approach Wesker. As he shoots her, duck past her and push the remaining 3 stones. Push the lower right stone RS. Push the upper left stone LS. Push the upper right stone RS. Lisa's torment is over once this is accomplished. Talk to Wesker and exit via the opening between the 2 statues. Ride the elevator to the upper courtyard. Examine both books and retrieve the medal of wolf and the medal of eagle. Place the medals in their respective slots on either side of the circular pool. Descend the secret staircase and ride the elevator downwards. Run around the machinery and climb down the ladder to the laboratory entrance save room. Take the ink ribbon and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 22). - Mission 29 - Infection's Wake - Take 1 full health item and the MO disk. Equip the flash grenades as your primary defence item. Exit via the double metal doors. Allow the 2 enemies on the cement landing to grab you and decapitate them with the defence item. At the top of the stairs and turn LS past the B2 sign and take the MO disk from the desk. Descend the stairs and enter the barred gate. You will emerge in a square circuit corridor - if you walk in any either direction you will arrive back at the same point. Decapitate the 2 enemies with the flash grenades. Take the dagger from the shelf of medical supplies near the gurney. Enter the double-doors LS of the barred gate. Enter the door immediately to your right. Press the switch on the wall and take the 2 x-rays. Study the diagram on the wall detailing the internal organs. Read the Researcher's letter. Place the 'Clark David' x-ray between the 2 x-rays on the illuminated window. Place the 'Gail Holland' x-ray in the fourth position. By combining the information from the Reseracher's letter and the x-rays, we now have the code passwords for the electronic locks - JOHN, ADA and CELL. Return to the outer corridor and proceed through the double-doors to the square circuit corridor. Run RS through the arched tunnel and enter the double-doors at the far end. Take the magnum rounds from the small table on the far side of the operating table. Activate the computer terminal and enter 'JOHN' as a login code, then 'ADA' as a password. Enter 'CELL' for the B-2F and B-3F codes. Take the flash grenade from the shelf near the suspended corpses. Return to the square circuit corridor and run back through the arched tunnel. Enter the double-doors at the far end (not the barred gate). Walk DS and enter the single door that is flanked by 2 plastic curtains. Take the magnum rounds from the basin and the slide filter from the desk. Decapitate the enemy. Place the MO disk in the MO disk reader. Read the fax and return to the outer corridor. Proceed through the double-doors to the square circuit corridor. Enter the barred gate and return to the top of the stairs. Walk LS past the B2 sign and enter the doors just below the desk. Place the slide filter on the projector and note the barcode, '8462'. Enter '8462' into the keypad near the entrance and enter the audio/visual suite. View Kenneth's film and take the laboratory key. Read the Security Protocols on the bookcase near the audio/visual suite. Take the MO disk from the shelf by the entrance. Return downstairs and enter the barred gate. Run DS and continue onward past the giant fan. Use the lab key to unlock (but do not enter) the double-doors near the gurney. Unlock and enter the single door US from the double-doors. Run straight ahead and enter the laboratory lounge save room at the T-intersection junction. Store everything. Place the objects that are lying about the room in the inventory chest - ink ribbon, shotgun shells, magnum rounds and first aid spray. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 23). - Mission 30 - The Abominable Factory - Take/equip the magnum, magnum rounds, 1 full health item and 2 MO disks. Leave the laboratory lounge save room and enter the door straight ahead that leads to the square circuit corridor. Enter the double-doors directly ahead DS. Push the shelving and climb onto the bench. Enter the air conditioning duct. Drop to the floor and shoot the 2 enemies at close range. Climb onto the bench and enter the other air conditioning duct. Drop to the floor and take the flash grenade from the desk. Place the MO disk in the MO reader on the desk. Push the shelving and exit via the double-doors. Enter the single door US that leads to the T-intersection corridor. At the T-intersection junction, run DS and descend the steps leading to the generator room. Enter the generator room and run LS. Auto-aim to kill the 2 enemies lurking in the steam-filled room. Take the fuel supply capsule from the refuelling device near the 'WARNING' sign, at the end of the dead-end path beyond the small furnace. Exit via the double-doors back to the T-intersection corridor, then return to the square circuit corridor. Stand before the barred gate at the end of the archway tunnel and enter the double-doors on your left. Enter the door that is flanked by 2 plastic curtains. Open the round hatch door on the refuelling device. Set the capsule in place and take the fuel supply capsule. You must carefully WALK back to the generator room. If you run or shoot, you will disturb the fuel capsule, causing it to explode. Return through the double-doors to the square circuit corridor. Continue past the giant fan to the single door that leads to the T-intersection corridor. At the T-intersection junction, walk DS and enter the double-doors leading to the generator room. Place the fuel supply capsule in the refuelling device near the 'WARNING' sign, at the end of the dead-end path beyond the small furnace. Once the fuel capsule is set and the power has been restored, run around to the opposite side of the room and approach the single plain door. Shoot the enemy that emerges from the air duct. Enter the single plain door and run straight ahead RS until an enemy appears. Shoot the enemy and place the final MO disk in the MO reader. Take the other path LS down past the large hook and shoot the next 2 enemies that emerge from the air duct. Enter the double doors and run to the other side of the machinery. Shoot the enemy and activate the power to the main elevator. Return back to the T-intersection corridor, ignoring the enemies in pursuit - you do not have to return to this area again. Enter the laboratory lounge save room at the T-intersection junction. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 24). - Mission 31 - Frankenstein Unbound - Take/equip the loaded magnum, magnum rounds and 2 full health items. Leave the laboratory lounge save room and run US around the corner to the elevator. Activate the elevator controls on the RS wall and ride the elevator downward. Follow the passage and enter the U-shaped laboratory. Once the monster is free, run DS and auto-aim, firing at him from a safe distance. 6 shots should drop him. Activate the door lock that is located near the barred fence, on the side with the 2 large cans. Examine Wesker's body and check on Rebecca. Ride the elevator back upward to the T-intersection corridor. Run LS from the T-intersection junction and enter the square circuit corridor. Run LS through the arched tunnel and enter the double-doors LS of the barred gate. Run to the end of the corridor with the plastic curtains and release the 3 door locks. Enter the metal double-doors beside the door lock and retrieve Jill from the prison cell. Return to the square circuit corridor and enter the barred gate beside you. Run upstairs and follow the landing back to the double-doors that lead to the laboratory entrance save room. Store everything and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 25). - Mission 32 - Countdown to Dawn - Take/equip the loaded magnum, magnum rounds, loaded assault shotgun and 2 full health items. Ensure that you have 1 space free in your inventory. Climb up the ladder and enter the metal doors at the top of the ladder. Run forward and look for the fuse unit on the metal walkway. Take the fuse unit and place it in the recess beside the elevator doors. Rebecca informs you that the self-destruct system has been activated - gee, thanks Helen Keller. Ride the elevator upward to the helipad. You have less than 3 minutes to escape before the self-destruct sequence detonates, destroying the entire mansion and you along with it. Leave the elevator and take the signal rockets. Activate the signal rockets to attract the helicopter pilot's attention. Run around the helipad in zigzag fashion to avoid attack from the monster. Try to distract the monster with gunfire so that he doesn't turn on Rebecca (if you want her to live nyuk nyuk nyuk). The best strategy is to run in one direction, then once the monster is in pursuit quickly dart left or right to avoid his swipe attack. Keep pummeling him with gunfire, because the sooner you damage him, the sooner Brad will drop the rocket launcher from the helicopter. Run to the rocket launcher, equip it and auto-aim at the monster. You only have 4 rockets so make them count and don't miss. Occasionally the monster will block a rocket attack, but the second hit should connect. Monitor your health regularly and heal when health is at 'danger' level. Believe it or not, you can even use defence items on this guy when he picks you up by the neck. Congratulations Chris - you beat Umbrella. So it appears... ____________________________________________ 8. W A L K T H R O U G H - R O C K E T L A U N C H E R ____________________________________________ --- JILL - (Mountain Path or Normal mode) - under 3 hour game --- To earn the bitchin' unlimited ammo rocket launcher you must finish the game on normal or hard mode in under 3 hours. My first clear time through the game was something like 10+ hours and I was incredulous that this could be achieved. However, I have since plotted a route through the entire game that will ensure a clear time of approximately 2:34:39. This will permit 25:21 for bumbling, slack-jawing and other time-wasting misadventures. Unlike other games in the RE series, you can save and heal as many times as you goddamn like without it affecting your clear time. Here are the main time-saving tips: 1. Skip all non-essential items, such as the MO disks and gemstones. 2. Choose Jill - she is able to carry more items, saving you trips to inventory chests. 3. Press the A button twice to quickly access inventory chests. 4. You can open doors by pressing the A button just before you reach them. 5. Skip cutscenes - whenever you are not in control of the action, press the start/pause button to skip cutscenes. The clock is still ticking while the cutscenes are playing. 6. Don't save anyone - look after your ass only. 7. Avoid rather than kill enemies, or stun them with defence items, or temporarily drop them with gunfire. Your objective is to pass them, not kill them. It is impossible to predict how many random decapitations will occur in a game, so some enemy locations may not appear in the walkthrough. Always be on guard and listen - swap to the shotgun if you hear the menacing footfalls of a Crimsonhead. If a passage is narrow, drop the enemy. If you are in an open area, try to evade them. 8. Sometimes it's wiser to let a zombie attack you and heal at a later stage rather than waste precious ammo trying to kill it. 9. Don't use the fuel canteen. 10. Practice makes perfect - follow each walkthrough mission perfectly. Only save your game if you have been running at maximum speed, encountering minimum obstacles, completing each task to perfection. It may take several attempts to complete a task perfectly, but your patience will be rewarded. Practice familiarising yourself with a mission route first. Once you have mastered it, run through it again and save your best attempt. If for some reason you are unable to clear the game in under 3 hours on your first attempt, you will still be rewarded with Barry's custom-made Samurai Edge handgun if you complete the game in under 5 hours. This handgun fires 3 bullets rapidly in succession and has unlimited ammo - the perfect weapon to attempt a clear time of under 3 hours. Both unlimited ammo bonus weapons are only available to use in 'Once Again' mode. Good luck kid (don't forget to begin your game on either 'Mountain Path' or 'Normal' mode). - Mission 1 - A Comrade Falls - Skip the introductory cutscenes. Enter the single door RS of the fireplace. Run DS and trigger the cutscene. Immediately after the cutscene ends, flick the C-stick and run DS, leaving the passage via the previous door under the light. Return to the main hall through the double-doors. Run to the RS side of the bottom of the main staircase. Run through the passage that loops around under the staircase and trigger the cutscene. Take the lock pick. Return to the Kenneth passage via the dining hall. Once you emerge in the passage, run DS to the door past Kenneth's corpse. Run through the L-shaped passage until you come upon a birdcage. Take the handgun magazine and reload. Take/combine the 2 green herbs, run upstairs and enter the door. Run under the archway, past the mirror. Stand before the plush chair and auto-aim DS at an off-screen enemy. Continue running DS through the passage, past the rows of tall candlesticks until you come upon a golden arrow. Avoid/kill the enemy and take the handgun magazine. - Mission 2 - The Subterranean Crypt - Run LS around the corner and you will be faced with 2 doorways. Enter the door that is right of the mirror that rests in the corner. You will emerge on the balcony above the dining hall. Avoid the enemy and run RS. Take the dagger from ledge beside the door and exit via the double-doors. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the main hall. Run halfway down the main staircase and enter the door set into the wall, between the 2 candlesticks. You will emerge in a courtyard behind the mansion. Descend the stone steps and follow the path to the tomb that is over-shadowed by a relief carving of a cherub - kill/avoid the enemies. Examine the arrowhead and place it in the tombstone. Descend the long staircase. Take/examine the Book of Curse and retrieve the sword key from the back of the book. Run back up the long staircase and stand at the top of the stairs. On your left behind the fence is small enclosed graveyard. Enter the small graveyard and search the area below the tree trunk for shotgun shells. Avoid/kill the enemies. Return to the courtyard and ascend the stairs leading back to the main hall. Enter the main hall and run downstairs to the ground floor. - Mission 3 - A Safe Haven - Enter the double-doors to the right of the bottom of the main staircase. Enter the door to the right of the curtained doorway. 2 of the cabinets in the tiled L-shaped hallway can be pushed to reveal items. The second cabinet conceals a dagger if pushed US and the fourth cabinet conceals a handgun clip when pushed DS. Enter the door at the end of the passage. Step into the winding hallway and enter the grey metal door set into the LS wall. Follow the exterior path around the side of the building and take the chemical from the wheel barrow. Heal yourself with herbs if necessary, but do not take any. Return to the winding hallway. Proceed RS through the winding hallway and enter the second door you come upon. Step through the small marble room to the opposite door. Take the dagger and shotgun. Return to the marbled room and the roof will descend. Quickly attempt to open both doors! Enter the double-doors directly ahead of you and enter the door between the portrait and the chair. Run down the carpeted passage toward the staircase and attract the enemy's attention. Flick the C-stick and run back to doorway. Once you are at a safe distance, auto-aim and kill him. Enter the maintenance save room at the bottom of the staircase. Take the ink ribbon from the inventory chest. If you have completed this mission perfectly at top speed, SAVE YOUR GAME (save 01). If not, try again. - Mission 4 - His Master's Voice - Store everything. Take/equip the loaded shotgun, shotgun shells, loaded handgun and sword key. Return to the carpeted hallway outside, run upstairs and avoid/drop the enemies upstairs. Enter the door at the end of the landing above the maintenance save room. Run US in the U-shaped passage and enter the single door at the end of the passage. Avoid/drop the enemy. Take the handgun magazine, lighter and dog whistle in the study. Leave via the previous door and return to the U-shaped passage. Run through the U-shaped hallway, past the double-doors until you arrive at the very last door at the end of the corridor. Avoid/drop the enemy. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the main hall. Barry will give you acid shells. Enter the double-doors on the opposite side of the balcony. Ignore the enemy and proceed through the door at the far end of the balcony, closest to the stained-glass window - this door will require the sword key. Equip your shotgun and enter the grey metal door just ahead of you beside the floor rug. You will emerge on an exterior balcony. Move DS and stand in the corner of the balcony, at the lower left corner of the screen. Face the door and blow the dog whistle. Shoot the dobermans with the shotgun. If you become injured, use the green herbs in the planter box after the hounds are dead. Take/examine the dog collar until it becomes a coin, then the imitation key (open the metal door to discard the dog whistle, then return to collect the collar if you are short of space). Equip the handgun and return to the landing through the grey metal door. Walk DS until you can see the banister around the staircase and auto-aim, killing an off-screen enemy. Another enemy will ascend the staircase - kill him. If you run out of handgun bullets, switch to the shotgun and decapitate the enemies. Proceed downstairs and enter the drug save room beside the stairwell. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 2) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 5 - The Medieval Trap - Store everything. Take the loaded handgun, loaded shotgun, chemical and imitation key. Equip the shotgun, leave the maintenance save room and run upstairs. At the top of the stairs walk DS until you reach an old door, on the far side of the two-armed candelabra. Enter the door, run toward the plush chair and duck under the archway. Run DS past the corpse and enter the door, avoiding the Crimsonhead's attack. Ascend the stairs and replace the armour key with the imitation key. Descend the stairs and return to the hallway with the Crimsonhead. He is hiding around the corner near the plush chair, and will not sense your presence if you are cautious. Take the green herb. Quickly scoot around the corner, executing a U-turn under the archway and enter the door below the plush chair. If you are quick you will avoid the 2 enemies. You will emerge on the landing above the medical supplies room. Run downstairs and follow the ground floor hallway around until you reach 2 doors. Enter the first door opposite the window and take the battery pack and ink ribbon. Leave the small room and enter the door to your left using the armour key. Take the battery pack from the bench and run straight ahead past the ominous shadows at the window panes. Enter the greenhouse door near the rake. Place the chemical in the pump trough and turn the pump on. Turn the switch to 'red'. Take the death mask first, then take/combine 5 herbs. Exit the greenhouse. Run through the dark corridor, around the L-bend and exit through the door at the end of the passage, beyond the scythe. Ignore the enemies in pursuit. You will emerge in the Kenneth passage. Run DS to the first door on your right under the light and enter the dining room. Take the ink ribbon from the dining table and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 3) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 6 - A Comrade Awakens - Exit via the double-doors to the main hall. Walk upstairs and run around the balcony until the camera angle shows a large chain-suspended chandelier in the foreground, with a door at the top of a small flight of steps. Use the armour key to enter the door. Run along the exterior balcony and take the dagger from the bench and the grenade launcher from the dead comrade. Equip the handgun and run DS, back to the main hall upper balcony. Enter the door on your left and proceed through the U-shaped corridor, dropping the enemies. Unlock but do not enter the first door you pass. Unlock but do not enter the double-doors you pass. Run through the U-shaped passage and enter the last door. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room and avoid/drop the enemies. Store everything in the inventory chest. Place the new items on the ground (1 first aid sprays and incendiary shells) in the chest. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 04) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 7 - The Abandoned Office - Take the loaded shotgun, shotgun shells and armour key. Return to the top of the stairs and avoid/drop the enemy. Run US and enter the first door on the right that requires the armour key. Take the red herb and enter the white wooden door. Skip the cutscene with Barry. Take the hook from the mounted fishhook display right of the aquarium. Take the bee specimen from the fishing lure display left of the door. Take the lure of a bee from the insect specimen display left of the aquarium. Do not press the switch. Combine the hook and lure of a bee and place it in the fishing lure display, left of the door. Place the bee specimen in the insect specimen display left of the aquarium and press the switch. Take the wind crest and quickly leave the room before the wasp stings you. Walk DS under the deer head and enter the door opposite the white wooden door (a broken picture frame lies on the floor beside it). Take the ink ribbon and the green herb hidden on the far side of the bed. Combine the green herb with the red herb. Return to the upper landing and run DS, entering the last door on the landing above the maintenance save room. Run DS through the U-shaped passage and enter the double-doors. Avoid/drop the enemies. Walk into the centre of the room. In the following order, push the top left LS, the top right knight RS, the bottom left knight LS and the bottom right knight RS. Press the button on the central table and take the jewellery box from the wall at the far end of the room. Examine the jewellery box and press the buttons on the front face and rear face of the box. Take the death mask. Leave the room, run DS and enter the next door you come upon set into the RS wall, opposite the porcelain jug. Skip the cutscene with Richard and run DS to the main hall. Run to opposite side of the upper balcony in the main hall and enter the double-doors. Run around the balcony above the dining room and enter the door at the far end, closest to the stained-glass window. Avoid the enemy. Run downstairs to the drug save room, avoid/drop the enemy. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 5) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 8 - A Musical Interlude - Store everything. Take/equip the loaded handgun, handgun magazine, armour key and lighter. Take the serum from the shelves. Run back upstairs and avoid/drop the enemy. Return to the upper balcony in the dining hall and avoid the enemy. Run through the double-doors to the upper balcony in the main hall. Run to the opposite side of the balcony and enter the door that leads back to the U-shaped passage. Enter the first door on your right and deliver the serum to Richard in the dusty L-shaped corridor (if you took too long Richard will die). Take/combine the 2 green herbs near Richard and proceed LS through the dusty L-shaped corridor. Enter the door at the end of the corridor. Stand before the archway and autoaim, dropping the enemy. Step through the archway and enter the door at the far end near the flickering light. Use the lighter to light the candlestick on the table. Take the handgun magazine on the table and the handgun magazine from the shelves in the corner left of the candlestick. If you didn't kill the previous enemy he will follow you - kill him. Stand to the right of the candlestick and push the wardrobe DS. Step into the alcove and quickly run back out, luring the enemy into the room. Lure him to the other side of the table, take the musical score from the alcove and leave the room. Return through the archway to the exit via the US door. Run through the dusty L-shaped corridor to the U-shaped passage. Run DS to the main hall. Return downstairs and enter the double-doors left of the bottom of the staircase. Run through the dining room and take the emblem from the wall above the fireplace. Exit via the door right of the fireplace. Equip the handgun and step into the Kenneth passage. Drop the enemy and enter the second door on your left. Run around the far side of the piano and push the shelf RS to reveal the musical score. Combine both musical scores and place them on the piano. Enter the secret passage and swap the gold emblem with the emblem. Exit the room. Run DS through the Kenneth passage and enter the first door on your right near the light. Avoid/drop the enemy. Place the gold emblem in the recess above the fireplace and examine the grandfather clock. Turn the large gear right twice. Take the shield key and exit via the double-doors on your right. Return upstairs and enter the single door that leads to the U-shaped passage, opposite the double-doors. Run through the U-shaped passage and avoid/drop the enemies. Exit via the second last door. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 6) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 9 - The Serpent's Lair - Equip/take the loaded grenade launcher, acid shells, incendiary shells and the shield key. Return upstairs to the U-shaped passage. Walk DS and continue moving past the double-doors. Enter the next door you come upon set into the RS wall, opposite the porcelain jug. Run through the dusty L-shaped passage and exit via the other door. Run straight ahead up the steps and enter the door at the top. You will emerge in a dusty attic. Step into the room and trigger the cutscene. Shoot at the body of the beast and try to avoid his bite, keeping well away from his head. Keep the battle located in a circuit around the central post and only fire if his head is on the opposite side of the post. Don't let him encircle you, trapping you next to the post - hug the outer wall. Manually reload when necessary. If you're bitten, restart from the last save point and try again (if you become poisoned, you must return to the drug save room for the serum, extending your game time unnecessarily). Be sure to collect Richard's powerful assault shotgun and the death mask from the far corner before leaving the attic. Return to the maintenance save room by following the U-shaped passage past the double-doors and entering the second last door that leads to the landing above maintenance save room (consult your map). You can avoid the enemy in the dusty L-shaped corridor by quickly slipping past him when he has his back turned. Store everything in the maintenance save room. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 7) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 10 - The Architect's Prison - Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun, shotgun (if it contains shells), shotgun shells, 3 masks, armour key and wind crest. Leave the maintenance save room. Once outside, exit via the ground floor door - do not go upstairs. You will emerge through a door that is between a portrait and a chair. Walk DS until the camera angle changes and quickly enter the door on the left in the corner. Ignore the enemy that appears behind you. In the stained-glass gallery, press the button below the yellow valiant opposite the door. Run around the other side of the partition and press the button below the yellow saint. Press the button below the red sage (left of the yellow saint). Finally, press the button below the stained-glass image of the Lisa. Enter the outer courtyard and take the fourth death mask. Exit via the wrought iron gate. Follow the path to the subterranean staircase and descend it. Place the 4 masks on the corresponding busts. The first requires a mask with no eyes, the second a mask with no eyes, nose nor mouth, the third a mask with no nose, the fourth a mask with no mouth. Approach the coffin. Kill the enemy by running around him, auto-aiming at close range. Take the shotgun shells and press the button in the coffin. Take the stone and metal object from the coffin and ascend the staircase. Equip the less powerful shotgun (it's best to use this ammo up so we can discard the weapon once it's empty). Run through the courtyard and return to the stained-glass gallery via the wrought iron gate. Run through the stained-glass gallery and exit via the door on the other side of the partition. Stand stationary and decapitate the enemy. Proceed RS into the short darkened passage from where the enemy emerged and exit via the door. - Mission 11 - The Night Path - You will appear on an exterior porch. Run LS along the porch until you reach the metal door at the far end. Kill the enemy that follows you and place the stone and metal object into the recess beside the metal door. Enter the metal door that leads to the storage shed. Take the shotgun shells from the floor and first aid spray and battery pack from the shelf. Enter the door at the bottom of the steps. Run down the slope and examine the first weathervane. Stop the arrow spinning at 'W'. Run down the slope and examine the second weathervane. Stop the arrow spinning at 'N'. Proceed downwards through the wrought iron gates. Run past the first 2 crows, then at the T-intersection run RS between the next 2 crows. Stand before the RS grave and place the windcrest in the recess. Take the 3 crests and examine each one, pressing the buttons on each to activate the projections. Stand before the LS grave and place the 3 crests in the recesses to retrieve the magnum. Run to the top of the T-intersection and exit via the RS gates. Follow the path through the woods to the cabin. Enter the cabin and take the ink ribbon from the inventory chest. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 8) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 12 - Beyond the Brown Pool - Store everything in the chest. Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun and 2 full health items. Move DS from the chest and jump down onto the dirt. Take the crank. Return to the typewriter and proceed through the door to the fireplace room. Shoot the creature until she collapses (about 4 times), then run past her to the exit. Run through the woods and take the path back to the storage shed, avoiding the enemies. Once you are inside the storage shed, walk up the small flight of steps and exit via the wooden double-doors opposite the grey metal door. This courtyard is patrolled by 3 feral dobermans. You can avoid them by running in a zigzag fashion. Enter the large wrought iron gate that is situated on top of the stairs at the opposite end of the courtyard, beyond the columns. Walk around the side of the drainage pool and use the crank to drain the water. Climb down into the empty pool and follow the cobblestone path to the elevator. Ride the elevator down to the lower courtyard and run LS past the waterfall to the double wrought iron gate. Enter the double wrought iron gate and take the red herb. Follow the shady path to the cabin. If you become poisoned by the falling snakes, cure yourself with the blue herbs located just inside the cabin. Enter the first door on your right, the potting save room. Take the battery pack and ink ribbon. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 9) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 13 - The Forsaken Lodge - Store everything. Take/equip the loaded handgun. Leave the potting save room. Walk US and enter the double-doors beyond the crate. Run into the centre of the room and auto-aim, shooting the enemy from a distance. Do not shoot at the second enemy, or he will drop to the floor and pursue you. If you become poisoned, restart the mission from the save point. Take/combine the 2 green herbs. Run downstairs into the dining area and take the first aid kit, shotgun shells and red book. Return to the outer hallway and push the crate DS 3 times, then push the crate over the hole. Climb over the stack of crates to the exit door by the light. Run through the corridor and enter room 002. Enter the bathroom and take the residence key from the shelf. Quickly leave the bathroom before the enemy appears. Climb back over the stack of crates and return to the hallway outside the potting save room. Enter door 001 opposite the potting save room door. Drain the bathtub and take the control room key. Quickly leave the bathroom and return to the potting save room. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 10) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 14 - A Watery Grave - Store everything. Take the loaded assault shotgun, control room key and 2 full health items. Return over the crates to room 002. Decapitate the enemy. Push the left bookcase US and the right bookcase RS. Descend the ladder and run through the cement tunnel. Push the 3 crates into the pool, beginning with the crate that is closest to the pool. Run across the crates and take the green herb. Enter the double metal doors that are half submerged in water. You will emerge in a circular room, the aqua ring. Run RS and follow the curved wall. Enter the control room door set on top of the small flight of steps. Heal after you have been bitten twice. Descend the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, walk DS and take the first aid kit. Walk DS further and familiarise yourself with the location of the oil pressure regulator. Return to the bottom of the ladder and walk RS into the middle of the control room. There are control panels on your left, right and ahead of you. The panel on your left is a pressure shelter. The panel on your right controls the main system. The panel ahead of you in the middle controls the drainage switch. Activate each panel in the following order: middle panel, right panel, left panel, oil pressure regulator (DS from the ladder), right panel, left panel, middle panel (try every number when activating the oil pressure regulator. The shutters will reset if this is done correctly). Once the aqua ring has been drained, follow the path directly opposite the oil pressure regulator. Descend the small flight of steps and enter the single hatch door. Run DS and examine the pile of soaked dynamite for shotgun shells. Enter the double metal doors opposite the pile of soaked dynamite. Run past the smaller shark and step into the water on the left side of the large shark. Climb onto the platform and attempt to activate the flashing switch. Push the water flow control system unit into the water, then throw the switch on the generator. Climb into the water and retrieve the gallery key, flashing in the water near the shark's nose. Return to the room with the pile of soaked dynamite and exit via the barred metal doors, just beyond the single hatch door. Take the magnum rounds from the crate, climb the ladder and exit via the door. Run US and return to the corridor outside of room 002. Follow the corridor RS to the next door on your right. Use the residence key to enter the gallery. Run under the archway and take the insecticide spray from the corpse in the far corner. Run to avoid the wasps. Return to the outer corridor and run US to the area outside of room 002. Take the map from the wall and spray the insecticide into the hole. Return to the potting save room beyond the stack of crates. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 11) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 15 - The Green Collossus - Store everything. Take the loaded assault shotgun, shotgun shells, red book and 3 full health items. Leave the potting save room and climb back over the crates. Return to the gallery and investigate the narrow corridor beyond the archway, where the crumpled corpse sits in the corner. Take the residence key from the desk under the wasp nest. Enter room 003, just DS from the corpse. Examine the bookcase, take the white book and swap it with the red book. You must rearrange the book spines to form a picture of a reclining sea nymph. Begin by swapping the 4th book with the 1st. Then swap the 6th book with the 2nd. Then swap the 7th book with the 3rd. Ta-da. Enter the secret doorway at the foot of the bed. Run upstairs and alternate firing at the plant from the north and east balconies (use your map to orient yourself). Both of these balconies are missing the railing, enabling you a free shot at the central bulb. Keep moving and wait until the central bulb is exposed before firing. Repeat the process, alternating positions between the 2 balconies until the plant is dead (about 10 shots). Heal when you are at 'Danger' level. Take the helmet key from the fireplace and exit via the double-doors. Take the red herb and hand gun magazine. Return to the potting save room (you can walk past the stacked crates now the giant plant is dead). SAVE YOUR GAME (save 12) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 16 - Hunted - Store everything. Take/equip the magnum, magnum rounds, helmet key and 1 full health item. Leave the cabin via the main entrance door, taking 2 blue herbs before you exit. Run through the shady path and enter the wrought iron gates. Run RS past the waterfall to the elevator - avoid the dobermans. Ride the elevator to the upper courtyard. Run to the empty pool and descend the ladder. Use the blue herb if you have been poisoned. Cross the pool and leave the area through the wrought iron gates at the top of the ladder. Run across the courtyard, past the columns to the storage shed DS. Avoid the dobermans by running in a zigzag fashion. Take the new supplies from the floor of the storage shed - battery pack, first aid spray and grenade shells. Exit through the metal door. Follow the exterior porch back to the mansion and enter the door. Immediately after the enemy appears, auto-aim and fire. 2 bullets at close range should drop him. Exit via the door between the portrait and the chair. Kill the 2 enemies waiting by the maintenance save room and enter it. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 13) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 17 - Basement Denizens - Store everything. Take/equip the handgun, handgun magazine and helmet key. Leave the maintenance save room and ascend the staircase. At the top of the stairs, run US and enter the very last door on the landing, situated around the bend. Cross the fireplace room and enter the door beside the coat rack. Push the statue LS through the open doorway until it rests against the far wall - ignore the crushing walls. Return through the open doorway and take the narrow passage LS of the oval painting. Your task is to press the switch, run back to the RS side of the statue and push the statue LS before the walls crush you. Flick the C-stick once you have pressed the switch to make a speedy start. Once the statue is in place, enter the new opening between the 2 statues. Take the dagger from the desk and run DS to the hole. Drop through the hole and take the Last Book Vol 1. Read the diary and press the switch on the gravestone. Descend the ladder. Run through the misty passage, evading the enemies. At the T-intersection turn left past the metal shelf containing the 2 hubcaps. Exit via the door LS of the shelf. Cautiously step into the next passage and auto-aim near the 2 herbs at an off-screen enemy. Use the blue herb if you are poisoned. Take the dagger from the floor and continue US through the mesh doorway to the elevator power supply. Switch the fuse and return through the mesh doorway. Stand by the bucket of water and walk towards the top left corner of the screen. Enter the rusty door at the end of this passage. Shoot the enemy and take the dagger from the central table. Follow the bare tiled wall to the elevator and ride it upwards. An enemy hides in the alcove DS from the elevator. Run DS past the alcove to the very end of the corridor, past the 2 flaming torches that flank the double-doors. Shoot from a safe distance. Wait for a second enemy to appear near the elevator and avoid/drop him. Run past the elevator and turn the corner. Enter the door that is diagonally opposite the armless statue, between the 2 flaming torches. In the small office, take the battery from the desk and the battery pack from the floor. Then take the shotgun shells and acid shells from the floor. Return to the outer passage. Enter the door that is around the corner, opposite the armless statue (several deer antlers line the walls that lead to this door). Enter the door that is RS of the mirror in the corner. You will emerge on the upper balcony in the dining hall. Enter the door on your left near the stained-glass window. Proceed downstairs to the drug save room. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 14) if you completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 18 - The Jewelled Puzzle - Store everything. Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun and helmet key. Return to the top of the stairs. Walk DS and enter the door set into the wall opposite the wall-mounted candelabra. Turn the light off and take the grenade shells from the ledge under the deer and the dagger from the ledge LS of the buffalo. Push the chest of drawers under the deer, then walk slowly to the corner LS of the buffalo, so that the eagle's gaze follows you. Quickly run to the chest of drawers under the deer and climb up to retrieve the red gemstone. Exit the trophy room and run around to the other side of the banister. Enter the door opposite the wall-mounted candelabra. Run RS along the dining hall balcony, following the wall to the double-doors, avoiding the 2 enemies. Run downstairs and enter the single door, right of the bottom of the stairs. Walk into the room. At the T-intersection walk DS and take the ink ribbon from the drawer. About-face and walk US to the door at the end of the passage. Avoid/drop the enemy and take the dagger, green herb and jewellery box. Combine the red gemstone and the jewellery box. Rotate the 5 puzzle pieces until they fit in the puzzle. Use the R-button to rotate. The third piece sits at the bottom of the puzzle. The second piece sits in the middle of the puzzle. The fifth piece sits in the top right of the puzzle. The first piece sits in the top left of the puzzle. The final piece sits in the left of the puzzle. Take the emblem key. Return to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the double-doors that lead to the dining hall upper balcony. Run LS to the far end of the balcony and enter the farthest door near the stained-glass window, avoiding the 2 enemies. Return downstairs to the drug save room and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 15) if you have completed the mission perfectly. - Mission 19 - The Serpent's Lair II - Store everything. Take/equip the loaded grenade launcher, acid shells and helmet key. Return to the top of the stairs. Run DS and enter the door beyond the wall-mounted candelabra. The second you emerge in the mirror passage auto-aim at the 2 Crimsonheads and fire. Run US past the chair, through the archway and around the corner. Enter the door at the end of the passage (not the door beside the mirror). Run up the steps and continue along the tiled passage, past the suits of armour until you come to a door. Enter the door and take/combine the 2 green herbs. Run through the library and descend the ladder to the lower library floor, ignoring the beast in pursuit. Shoot the enemy as it crawls around the library, avoiding its' bite by firing from a distance. Acid shells work well. Once it is dead, take the Last Book Vol 2 from the pile of books and return to the tiled passage with the suits of armour. Leave the tiled passage via the door at the bottom of the steps. Run through the mirror passage, past the rows of tall candlesticks and exit via the last door that is right of the mirror in the corner. Run RS along the dining hall upper balcony avoiding the enemies and return to the upper balcony in the main hall. Enter the single door directly opposite, near the top of the main staircase. Run through the U-shaped passage and drop/avoid the enemies. Enter the second last door. Return downstairs to the maintenance save room. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 16) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 20 - Beyond the Water Curtain - Store everything. Take the battery, crank, emblem key, blue herb and 2 full health items. Leave the maintenance save room and return to the carpeted hallway outside. Exit via the ground floor door. You will emerge in the doorway between the portrait and the chair. Run DS and use the emblem key to enter the ornate door beside the chest. Turn on the lamp on the desk and take the shotgun shells from the drawer, metal object and battery pack. Leave the study office and walk US around the corner, entering the darkened passage that leads to the exterior porch. Run through the exterior porch and enter the storage shed. Enter the door directly ahead of you in the storage shed. Run across the courtyard to the wrought iron gates at the top of the steps, avoiding the 3 dobermans. Check your health regularly - if it's at 'danger' level, use a full health item. Cross the empty pool and descend the elevator on the far side (if you become poisoned use the blue herb). Run to the waterfall, then DS through the columns. Place the battery in the recess in the wall beside the other elevator, avoiding the 2 dobermans. Ride the elevator upward. Run DS and then RS to the wrought iron gates at the top of the steps. Enter the gates. Use the crank to refill the pool (this stops the waterflow to the waterfall in the lower courtyard). Return back through the wrought iron gates to the previous elevator in the courtyard with 3 dobermans. The path to the elevator is LS of the columns. Ride the elevator downwards and enter the tunnel that was hidden behind the waterfall, between the 2 urns. Run through the dark tunnel and descend the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, run straight ahead until you reach the inventory chest. Take the ink ribbon near the typewriter and store everything. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 17) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 21 - The Stone Labyrinth - Take/equip the loaded magnum and 1 full health item. Return to the bottom of the ladder. Enter the LS door. Approach the T-intersection run downwards to the door at the bottom of the stairs. Enter the door and take the handgun magazine from the steel grate beside the elevator shaft. Approach the studded door on the other side of the elevator shaft and take the handgun magazine lying before it. Enter the studded door. Run through the wet tunnel and trigger the cutscene. Take the crank from his grasp and prepare to leave the wet tunnel - drop the enemy that blocks your path and return through the studded door to the elevator shaft. Exit via the door on the opposite side of the elevator shaft. Run up the stairs to the T-intersection and drop the 2 enemies. Run LS at the T-intersection and return to the inventory chest near the typewriter (do not climb the ladder). SAVE YOUR GAME (save 18) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 22 - The Arachnid King - Store everything except Enrico's crank. Take/equip the loaded grenade launcher, incendiary shells and 1 full health item. Walk US around the corner and approach the gap in the path. Use the crank in the slot in the wall to rotate the tunnel walls. Walk US and enter the door. Approach the boulder, then run quickly back to the door. Take the shotgun shells from the recess where the boulder was originally situated. Run DS and enter the new tunnel and double-doors door revealed by the crashing boulder. Run around the larger enemy avoiding attack whilst shooting it from behind. Auto-aim and shoot at anything that moves, using the incendiary shells. Take/equip the survival knife. Use it on the doorway that is concealed by cobwebs. Enter this door. Run DS and use the blue or green herbs if you are poisoned or injured. Run DS to the studded door at the opposite end of the tunnel and enter it. Approach the gap in the path and use the crank in the hole in the wall to rotate the tunnel walls 3 times. Run into the LS passage immediately to avoid the boulder. Enter the door located near the crank hole. Push the statue DS so that is sits beside the brown rectangular section of wall. Use the crank in the hole in the wall to push the statue into the centre of the room. Use the crank once more to send the rectangular block back into the wall. Push the statue onto the circular plate in the centre of the room and allow it to rotate. Push the statue off the plate, then back onto the plate again so that the statue is facing the same direction as the other statue in the room. Push the statue into the recess beside the other statue. Take the cylinder and return to the cave with the giant arachnids. Exit through the opposite door and return to the inventory chest. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 19) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 23 - The Catacombs - Store everything. Take the cylinder and 1 full health item. Run DS to the bottom of the ladder and enter the door. Run down the stairs and enter the cave with the elevator shaft. Run DS and locate the elevator's power source. Open the lid and take the shaft. Combine the cylinder and the shaft and examine them. Rotate the cylinder 6 times until the roman numerals are matched up. Insert the cylinder into the elevator power source and press the following buttons: '4', '2', '3' and '1'. Board the elevator, press the switch and ride it downward. Enter the plain door ahead of you and slowly make your way through the tunnel. The tunnel is a circuit, in that if you run in the one direction, you will end up where you began. The tunnel has 3 doorways branching from it - a plain door leads to the elevator shaft, a studded door leads to the transportation device and a studded door leads to the sewers. If you meet any unexpected guests, simply about-face and try the other direction. Do not engage the enemy in battle - she is invulnerable, and can kill with 3 blows. Search the tunnel for a set of stairs that lead upward to a studded door that is lit by a single bulb. Enter the door and locate the device for transporting materials. Push the crate LS once, then US onto the platform. Activate the switch, sending the crate deep into the caves. Run DS from the activation panel and climb onto the crate that is littered with pebbles, near the stack of metal pipes. On top of the crates are magnum rounds, a handgun magazine and a battery pack. Return to the tunnels where Lisa lurks, and find your way back to the plain door that leads to the elevator shaft. Locate the wooden dock beyond the elevator shaft and climb down the ladder. Push the crate LS toward the garbage compactor, and finally into the compactor pit. Crush the crate and climb into the pit, taking the broken flamethrower. Return to the elevator shaft and enter the plain door that leads to Lisa's tunnel. Explore Lisa's tunnel until you locate a lever set into the cave wall that activates the release mechanism for the studded door situated deeper in the tunnel. The lever is located under a light bulb. Activate the lever and run DS through the series of tunnels to the protruding hooks. Providing you are always running downhill you will find it. Rest the broken flamethrower on the hooks and enter the single studded door. - Mission 24 - Lisa's Sanctuary - Pass through the candlelit room and step into the flooded sewer - run to avoid the snakes. Enter Lisa's bedroom and take the jewellery box from the small shrine. Climb the ladder and run DS. Take the green and blue herbs and proceed in the opposite direction to the tall ladder that leads upward. You will emerge in Lisa's cabin. Store everything in the inventory chest. Take/examine the jewellery box and take the stone ring. Take the metal object and combine it with the stone ring. Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun, 1 full health item and the ink ribbon. Leave the cabin via the front door and make your way through the woods back to the storage shed. Avoid the enemies in the woods and graveyard. Climb the small steps inside the storage shed and enter the metal door opposite that leads to the exterior porch. Take the stone and metal object from the recess in the wall, just LS of the metal door that leads to the storage shed. Run along the exterior porch and enter the mansion. Walk straight ahead and enter the first door directly ahead of you. Run through the stained-glass gallery and enter the outer courtyard. Run up the mossy steps and enter the backdoor that leads to the main hall. Run downstairs and enter the passage that runs underneath the main staircase. Place the stone and metal objects into the recesses in the double-doors and enter through the doors. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 20) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 25 - The Matriarch Entombed - Run down the stairs and access the inventory chest. Take 2 full health items and Last Book Vol 1 and last Book Vol 2. Descend the stairs RS and follow this path until you trigger the cutscene. You will emerge on a square platform above an abyss. Give Barry his gun. To stop Lisa, you must push the 4 stones at each corner of the platform off the edge into the abyss. Avoid Lisa and never step between her and the outer ledge, or she will knock you off - always hug the inner tomb wall. First push the lower left stone LS and wait for Lisa to approach Barry. As he shoots her, duck past her and push the remaining 3 stones. Push the lower right stone RS. Push the upper left stone LS. Push the upper right stone RS. Lisa's torment is over once this is accomplished. Exit via the opening between the 2 statues. Ride the elevator to the upper courtyard. Examine both books and retrieve the medal of wolf and the medal of eagle. Place the medals in their respective slots on either side of the circular pool. Descend the secret staircase and ride the elevator downwards. Run around the machinery and climb down the ladder to the laboratory entrance save room. Take the ink ribbon and SAVE YOUR GAME (save 21) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 26 - Infection's Wake - Take/equip the loaded assault shotgun, loaded magnum and 1 full health item. Exit via the double metal doors. Drop/avoid the 3 enemies on the cement landing with the shotgun. Equip the magnum, descend the stairs and enter the barred gate. You will emerge in a square circuit corridor - if you walk in any either direction you will arrive back at the same point. Decapitate the 2 enemies. Run RS through the arched tunnel and enter the double-doors at the far end. Take the magnum rounds from the small table on the far side of the operating table. Activate the computer terminal and enter 'JOHN' as a login code, then 'ADA' as a password. Enter 'CELL' for the B-2F and B-3F codes. Exit the room and equip the shotgun. Return to through the arched tunnel and enter the barred gate. Return to the top of the stairs and run LS past the B2 sign and enter the doors just below the desk. Drop/avoid the enemies. Enter '8462' into the keypad near the entrance, take the first aid spray and enter the audio/visual suite. Take the laboratory key and leave the audio/visual suite. Return downstairs and enter the barred gate. Run DS and continue onward past the giant fan. Unlock and enter the single door US from the double-doors. Equip the magnum and run straight ahead to the T-intersection junction. Auto-aim offscreen at 2 enemies. Enter the laboratory lounge save room at the T-intersection junction. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 22) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 27 - The Abominable Factory - Store everything. Take/equip the loaded magnum, magnum rounds, loaded grenade launcher and 1 full health item. Leave the laboratory lounge save room and run DS. Descend the steps leading to the generator room. Enter the generator room and run LS. Auto-aim to kill the 2 enemies lurking in the steam-filled room. Take the fuel supply capsule from the refuelling device near the 'WARNING' sign, at the end of the dead-end path beyond the small furnace. Exit via the double-doors back to the T-intersection corridor, then return to the square circuit corridor. Stand before the barred gate at the end of the archway tunnel and enter the double-doors on your left. Enter the door that is flanked by 2 plastic curtains. Kill the enemy and open the round hatch door on the refuelling device. Set the capsule in place and take the fuel supply capsule. You must carefully WALK back to the generator room. If you run or shoot, you will disturb the fuel capsule, causing it to explode. Return through the double-doors to the square circuit corridor. Continue past the giant fan to the single door that leads to the T-intersection corridor. At the T-intersection junction, walk DS and enter the double-doors leading to the generator room. Place the fuel supply capsule in the refuelling device near the 'WARNING' sign, at the end of the dead-end path beyond the small furnace. Once the fuel capsule is set and the power has been restored, run around to the opposite side of the room and approach the single plain door. Avoid the enemy that emerges from the air duct. Enter the single plain door and run DS past the large hook. Avoid the enemies that emerge from the air duct. Enter the double doors and run to the other side of the machinery. Shoot the enemy and activate the power to the main elevator. Return back to the T-intersection corridor, ignoring the enemies in pursuit - you do not have to return to this area again. Enter the laboratory lounge save room at the T-intersection junction. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 23) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 28 - Frankenstein Unbound - Take/equip the loaded magnum, magnum rounds, loaded grenade launcher, any spare rounds and 2 full health items. Leave the laboratory lounge save room and run US around the corner to the elevator. Activate the elevator controls on the RS wall and ride the elevator downward. Follow the passage and enter the U-shaped laboratory. Once the monster is free, run DS and auto-aim, firing at him from a safe distance. 6 shots should drop him. Activate the door lock that is located near the barred fence, on the side with the 2 large cans. Check on Barry and ride the elevator back upward to the T-intersection corridor. Run LS from the T-intersection junction and enter the square circuit corridor. Run LS through the arched tunnel and enter the barred gate. Return to the square circuit corridor and enter the barred gate beside you. Run upstairs and follow the landing back to the double-doors that lead to the laboratory entrance save room. Avoid the enemies. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 24) if you have completed this mission perfectly. - Mission 29 - Countdown to Dawn - Store everything. Take/equip the loaded grenade launcher, loaded magnum, loaded assault shotgun, any spare rounds and 2 full health items. Ensure that you have 1 space free in your inventory. Climb up the ladder and enter the metal doors at the top of the ladder. Run forward and look for the fuse unit on the metal walkway. Take the fuse unit and place it in the recess beside the elevator doors. Ride the elevator upward to the helipad. You have less than 3 minutes to escape before the self-destruct sequence detonates, destroying the entire mansion and you along with it. Leave the elevator and take the signal rockets. Activate the signal rockets to attract the helicopter pilot's attention. Run around the helipad in zigzag fashion to avoid attack from the monster. Try to distract the monster with gunfire so that he doesn't turn on Barry. The best strategy is to run in one direction, then once the monster is in pursuit quickly dart left or right to avoid his swipe attack. Keep pummeling him with gunfire, because the sooner you damage him, the sooner Brad will drop the rocket launcher from the helicopter. Run to the rocket launcher, equip it and auto-aim at the monster. You only have 4 rockets so make them count and don't miss. Occasionally the monster will block a rocket attack, but the second hit should connect. Monitor your health regularly and heal when health is at 'danger' level. Believe it or not, you can even use defence items on this guy when he picks you up by the neck. SAVE YOUR GAME (save 25) if you have completed this mission perfectly. Walkthrough Clear Time: 2:34:39 Congratulations Jill - you beat Umbrella, AND scored yourself a badass rocket launcher. ____________________________________________ 9. O N C E A G A I N M O D E ____________________________________________ Initially there are only 2 modes to choose from: 'Mountain Climb (normal)' or 'Hiking (easy)'. If you complete either of these modes you will unlock 'Once Again' mode. This will allow you to choose from 3 modes: 'Easy', 'Normal' and 'Hard'. You will be able to use the 2 bonus weapons in 'Once Again' mode if you have unlocked them by successfully meeting the clear time requirements (see Secrets section). ____________________________________________ 10. R E A L S U R V I V A L M O D E ____________________________________________ If you complete either 'Mountain Climb (normal)' or 'Normal' mode you will unlock 'Real Survival' mode. In this mode the item boxes are no longer linked. The items put in the item box can only be retrieved from that location. Aiming changes to manual operation, so you must target each enemy manually - auto-aiming will not function. In addition, you cannot use any bonus weapons you may have unlocked by successfully meeting the clear time requirements. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Choose Jill and follow her walkthrough (note: there will be fewer health and ammo items). There is no time limit. ____________________________________________ 11. I N V I S I B L E E N E M Y M O D E ____________________________________________ If you complete 'Real Survival' mode, or finish 'Normal' or 'Hard' modes with both characters you will unlock 'Invisible Enemy' mode. In this mode you may choose from 'Easy'. 'Normal' or 'Hard' modes, but every enemy will be invisible. Aiming changes to manual operation, so you must target each enemy manually - auto-aiming will not function. In addition, you cannot use any bonus weapons you may have unlocked by successfully meeting the clear time requirements. It's not as difficult as it sounds. Choose Jill ('Easy' mode) and follow her walkthrough (note: there will be fewer health and ammo items). There is no time limit. ____________________________________________ 12. S E C R E T S ____________________________________________ - Costumes - To change costumes you must first finish the game, then take the closet key from the inventory chest in the next game. Closet location - from the main hall, enter the double-doors RS of the bottom of the staircase. Climb over the drawers that block the doorway in the statue room and proceed through the passage to the closet door with the castle scene. 1. Chris - Regulation STARS uniform - default costume in first game. 2. Chris - Streetwear outfit - available after you complete Chris' game once on any mode. 3. Chris - Rockfort Island (Code Veronica) uniform - available after you complete Chris' game twice on any mode. 1. Jill - Regulation STARS uniform - default costume in first game. 2. Jill - Combat fatigues - available after you complete Jill's game once on any mode. 3. Jill - Nemesis (RE3) outfit - available after you complete Jill's game twice on any mode. Rebecca 1. Rebecca - Regulation STARS uniform - default costume in Chris' first game. 2. Rebecca - Cowgirl - appears if Chris wears costume 2 or 3. - Demo Idle Screen - After finishing the game once on either 'Mountain Climb (normal)' or 'Normal' mode you will unlock a new demo idle screen, highlighting battle scenes featuring the giant snake, giant plant and sharks. - Bonus Weapons - Complete the game on 'Mountain Climb' (normal), 'Normal' or 'Hard' modes in under 5 hours to receive the unlimited ammo Samurai Edge custom-made handgun. This handgun fires 3 bullets rapidly in succession - the perfect weapon to attempt a clear time of under 3 hours. Complete the game on 'Mountain Climb' (normal), 'Normal' or 'Hard' modes in under 3 hours to receive the unlimited ammo rocket launcher. This thing has got to be seen to be believed - one hit to any enemy (bosses included, except Lisa) and they're history. Both bonus weapons are only available to use in 'Once Again' mode. - One Dangerous Zombie - After finishing the game with both Chris and Jill on either 'Mountain Climb' (normal), 'Normal' or 'Hard' modes, your old friend Forest Speyer will reanimate and patrol the mansion in certain locations. Some sick bastard has strapped explosives to Forest's chest, so if you shoot him the whole mansion goes with you. Avoid Forest at all costs. Forest does not appear in 'Real Survival' or 'Invisible Enemy' modes - thank god. - Secret Message - If you complete 'Invisible Enemy' mode, you will receive a message of congratulations from the director, Shinji Mikami and be able to view the gallery of unused costume designs. You cannot save the game at this point. You can only access the secret message by saving your game at the save point prior to the final Tyrant battle in 'Invisible Enemy' mode. You must always keep this save file on your memory card and defeat Tyrant to access the secret message. The secret message reads: 'Thank you for taking the time to play all the way through "biohazard" (Resident Evil). If you're reading this letter, I salute you! You are truly a remarkable player! I imagine you must have had some pretty memorable experiences along the way. The pain of seeing the "Game Over" screen time after time! The sweet taste of victory after you finally beat the game! The feelings of camaraderie you shared with your character! The excitement! and the overwhelming sense of dread. We believe that games are more than just the product of a team of developers. It takes the support of dedicated players like you to make a game worthwhile. For this reason, we are truly delighted when someone enjoys one of our games as thoroughly as you have.Therefore, on behalf of the entire staff, please allow me to express our gratitude and congratulate you on a job well done! Thank you very much for playing! Shinji Mikami, Dev Team Representative. P.S. - we're awfully sorry for Rebecca Chambers (ok - I made that last bit up). The unused character costumes are: Chris - streetwear, leather, karate. Jill - secret agent, corporate, cowgirl. Rebecca - casual, cowgirl, STARS regulation. ____________________________________________ 13. C R E D I T S ____________________________________________ I must confess, of all the walkthroughs I've penned so far, this one has truly been a labour of love. Thanks to Nintendo and Capcom for delivering the single best gaming experience ever. 10/10. Thanks again to 'adarkervision' for his ongoing friendship and correspondence. And finally, thanks again to my dog for patiently waiting for me to finish this walkthrough. Promise I'll buy you 'A Dog's Life' soon buddy. If you've enjoyed this walkthrough look for other RaccoonCityPD walkthroughs only on www.gameFAQs.com Resident Evil Walkthrough by RaccoonCityPD (c). Another 100% Complete Guide by RaccoonCityPD - only on www.gameFAQs.com All text copyright Jason Beks, 30 December 2003 (c). Email questions to: jbeks@hotmail.com (ensure Resident Evil is in the subject line).