WESKER'S REPORT II ****************** Translated and Compiled by Matt Mitchell Document Version 0.5 (8/2/02) Contact Email: matt_in_nihon@yahoo.com DISCLAIMER ---------- This document is my own personal translation work. None of it was taken from any other websites or documents. As such, if you would like to use it on your webpage or in your FAQ/walkthrough/guide, written approval from myself must be obtained. This document (C) copyright Matt Mitchell 2002. DOCUMENT VERSIONS ----------------- Version 0.1 - First fourth of the Report has been translated. Expect the rest (7/27/02) very soon. Version 0.2 - I went back and smoothed out some of the grammar and mechanics (7/31/02) in my translation. Also, I created a webpage that has this same translation, but with the original images telling the story. It adds a bit to the mood if you read the report while looking at the creepy pictures... Version 0.4 - A big update. I have translated the second section, titled (8/1/02) "Introduction: Alexia Pt. 1". This contains a lot of information pertinent to Code: Veronica, and is definitely interesting. The HTML version of this translation is being slowly updated to reflect the progress made in this document. Bookmark it and keep checking back! Version 0.5 - Another major update. The third section has been translated and (8/2/02) added, titled "Introduction: Alexia Pt. 2". The website is also being updated to match my progess here. Go check it out already! The newest updates to this translation can be found at: GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com) Wesker's Report II: A Translation (the HTML version of this translation) (http://home.att.net/~matt_in_nihon/wr2t.htm) FOREWORD -------- What is Wesker's Report II? Well, it's another piece of background that Capcom has released regarding its BioHazard/Resident Evil series. It was written in conjunction with the release of the Gamecube remake of the original game in the series, and as such, can only be truly understood after playing through the game. Wesker reveals quite a bit of information this time around; however, most of it is very technical and drab in nature but a good read nonetheless. Well, it looks like I have some egg on my face. It turns out that the report is indeed addressed to Ms. Wong; I simply didn't read the fine print on the site. Sorry for any confusion! Now onto the information! *** (INTRODUCTION: THE FEMALE TEST SUBJECT) July 31, 1978 (Monday) ====================== It was the summer when I was eighteen that I first visited that place. That was 20 years ago. Even now I can remember the smell of the air that was kicked up by the rotors of the helicopter... From the air it looked like any normal mansion, but on the ground something seemed different. Birkin, two years younger than myself, was in a state of total engrossment with some research document he had with him. The two of us were informed that we would be working there only two days ago. We would be working as researchers since the administrative office we were working at had been closed. Was this part of some big plan, or was this just pure dumb luck? Spencer was probably the only one who knew the truth. This was the American research laboratory where the T-Virus was being developed. This was the Arklay Laboratory. As soon as we got off the helicopter, the chief of the lab was waiting in front of the elevator. I don't remember his name. He was simply a formality; the Arklay Lab was ours and ours alone. Being the head researchers, we were given full authority over all projects done at the lab. Of course, this was all due to Spencer and his wishes. We had been chosen. Ignoring the chief, we all boarded the elevator. I had already memorized the layout of the lab, and Birkin, who had no intention of being rude, didn't look up from his reading. Usually, when people are forced to work with us, they feel a bit of resentment towards us in the first five seconds or so. However, the chief didn't react to us at all. Because I was a self-conceited greenhorn at the time, I paid no mind to his reaction. After all, I was the there because I bent over backwards for Spencer. This man was our boss because he understood the way Spencer thought and acted accordingly. The whole time the three of us had been descending, Birkin hadn't taken his eyes away from those research papers in his hands. The document Birkin was so absorbed in was a report on a new type of filovirus, called Ebola, that had been discovered two years ago in Africa. At that very moment, people all over the world were sure to be diligently researching this new virus. Their research served to fulfill two means: to help people; and to kill people. As fas as we knew, the death rate for the Ebola virus was about 90%. It was able to totally break down the structure of the human body in about 10 days, and there was no vaccine or any medical treatment for the virus yet. If it were to be used as a weapon, Ebola showed dreadful potential. Of course, since an anti-biological weapons pact had already come into effect at the time, research to use Ebola as a weapon would be illegal. However, this doesn't mean that no one was ever going to use it as a weapon. That being the case, any research done to better our knowledge of the virus would be legal. Either way, we were skirting a thin line... While we were researching how to prevent and cure the virus, it was also important that we learned how it could be used as a weapon. Research to prevent the virus and research to use it as a weapon; there was no difference between the two. In other words, we were to pretend to do medical research on the virus, but we were also to look for feasible ways to use it in a weapon... However, none of these reasons were why Birkin wanted to study the virus; it had too many flaws. First of all, the virus could only live outside a host's body for a few days. Any exposure to sunlight (ultraviolet rays) would simply cause it to die. Second, because it kills the infected organism (a human) far too quickly, there is very little time for it to move to its next host. And third, since the passage from host to host relies on direct contact, it is relatively simple to prevent futher infection. However, consider this: What if a person infected by Ebola, brimming with contagion, were able to stand up and move around? And, in their dimmed state of consciousness, were able to then go around and come into contact with others who weren't infected? What if the RNA in the Ebola's genetic code were able to influence the genes of humans? And, what if this change caused the host to simply not die, but to also give them monster-like endurance? Couldn't a bio-organic weapon be created from a person, that would walk around in this "dead" state spreading the virus that was within its body?... Ebola did not have any of these characteristics. However, if we were able to create a virus with these capabilities, we and we alone would be able to monopolize the market. It was for this reason that Ozwell Spencer created the company called Umbrella; he wanted a virus that could do all these things. To the public, it would appear that Umbrella was a pharmaceutical manufacturer involved in viral research, but in reality it would simply be a cover for a bio-organic weapons plant. It seems that everything started when the "Mother Virus" was discovered by rearranging human DNA. In order to manufacture B.O.W.'s from this Mother Virus, we would first have to develop another strain of virus that would strengthen the characteristics of the existing virus. This was the purpose of the T-Virus Project. Since the RNA within the Mother Virus was able to mutate, we would be able to use these mutations to strengthen the characteristics we were after. Birkin hoped to take certain genetic code from the Ebola virus he was so interested in and insert it into the Mother Virus, thereby creating the virus with these new capabilities. Luckily, the sample of Ebola was already waiting in the lab. After changing elevators numerous times, we finally reached the bottom level of the facility. It was there that Birkin finally pulled himself away from the documents. It was also the first time we met her... We weren't informed of her beforehand. She was the lab's highly classified project, and the data never left the installation. According to the records, she had been here since the lab was opened. She was 25 when we met her. However, no one even knew her name or what she was doing there. She was simply a test subject to be used in the development of the T-Virus. They began testing on her on November 10, 1967. During those 11 years, she had been injected with the numerous viruses created by the project. Birkin muttered something to himself. Had he cursed her, or had he praised her? It was too late for us to turn back now. Would this woman lead our research to success, or would it, too, rot away, the same as she? Of course, we had no choice. The sight of that woman, bound to her hospital bed, moved something in both of us. Was this also part of what Spencer had planned?... (Continue to the next record, dated 3 years later...) *** (INTRODUCTION: ALEXIA PT. 1) July 27, 1981 (three years after the previous record) ===================================================== Today, a 10 year old girl was assigned as the head researcher at Umbrella's Antarctic Research Facility. Her name is Alexia Ashford. I was 21 and Birkin was 19 at the time. It has proven to be quite a nuisance. Even at our Arklay facility, the other researchers can't stop talking about the rumors of Alexia and the Antarctic facility. Among associates who have been with Umbrella many years, the Ashford family name is like some sort of legend. When research had reached a sticking point, those same incompetent old men started saying "If only Edward were here..." If I remember correctly, Edward Ashford was the great scientist whose sole discovery of the Mother Virus was the whole basis for the current T-Virus project. However, he died shortly after Umbrella was founded. Now, 13 years after his death, everyone was looking to the Ashford family with great expectations. In reality, the Antarctic Research facility that Edward's son established has yet to discover anything fruitful. His granddaugher probably isn't capable of anything either! Driving me to my wit's end, those same ueseless old men have started saying something different. Now they say, "If only Alexia were here..." They were foolish people, thinking only to judge someone by their family or their heritage. Those men who think that way, even though they are old enough to have one foot in the grave, will remain simple underlings who can't even help themselves. ...However, I was a man of good judgement. Since I was in charge, if I were to get angry or emotional, that would only mean that the work on the T-Virus would go that much slower. In the current situation, if I wasn't able to remain calm and make rational decisions, the success of the project would be in jeopardy. At that time, I was always thinking of the next step. I had to handle all of those old fools with care and make sure the research produced results. Since they might die at any time, wouldn't it be best to use them in the more dangerous experiments? If one doesn't logically use the men made available to him, how would he be a great leader? However, Birkin was also becoming a problem. After hearing the rumors about Alexia, he became a miserable wreck. Although he never actually said it, Birkin was probably proud of the fact that he had been put in charge at such at early age, at 16 years old. This pride was shattered by that 10 year old girl. Having been born a genius, this was probably the first time he had tasted defeat. He just couldn't approve of it, a young girl from a famous family. We hadn't come up with any findings from our research yet, and he was trifling with the affairs of someone so far away? Being caught up in such a petty matter only proved that Birkin was still a child. Although he was inexperienced, he had to do something to snap out of his stupor. During those three years, our research had entered the second stage. At that stage, the T-Virus was able to produce the B.O.W.s we nicknamed "zombies" with relative stability. However, the virus's effect on the genes wasn't always 100% effective. Depending on the person, there are subtle differences in the genetic code that affect compatibility. Even when infected by a zombie, ten percent of all humans will avoid becoming infected. Even if we continued genetic research on this, there probably isn't any way to change these figures. The other ninety percent will totally transform into a B.O.W., but this is not how Spencer planned it. Spencer's response was "That's all?" He wanted a weapon that would affect 100% of all humans, not just 90%. What on earth could it be for? By their nature, the only redeeming quality of B.O.W.s is that they are cheap to produce. However, the B.O.W.s that we were researching were beginning to be exceedingly expensive. If Spencer just wanted to make money, then why did he choose this route? Used in conjunction with normal weapons systems, these models would surely be enough to bring large profits to the company. However, continuing research on a weapon that would infect everyone wouldn't be good for profits and losses. Why would he continue researching while neglecting the profit? I can understand wanting to be able to monopolize the war manufacturing market by changing the whole idea of warfare, but... I have no idea what Spencer's true motives are anymore. Spencer's true intentions aside, Birkin had been putting some serious thought into plans to make a combat able B.O.W. By taking the genetic information contained within the T-Virus and inserting it into the genes of another living creature, we were able to create it. Created to wipe out armed humans or those immune to the virus, or those who simply escaped infection, we had our first Combat B.O.W. After it was finished, we decided to call it the "Hunter". However, we had to put this project on hold for a while, to protect the subject from Birkin... Because of his foolish impatience towards Alexia, Birkin began to stray from the beaten path... He stayed in the lab 24 hours a day, repeating experiments that had no rhyme or reason over and over again. The other researchers and myself helped him out, extracting samples from the organisms before they died, if we were able to. However, none of us could keep up with Birkin's speed. The test subjects were dying as quickly as the chief could replace them. It was hell in there. But in the middle of that hell, only one person managed to survive: the female subject. She was now 28 years old. She had been in that laboratory for 14 years of her life. She probably didn't have the ability to think like a human anymore after the Mother Virus injection 14 years ago. But if she had any mind left, I am sure she wanted to die and end all of this. But she kept living. Why is this woman the only one who keeps on living? Her experiment data isn't any different than the other test subjects'. More time will be needed before this puzzle unravels... (Continue to the next record, dated 2 years later.) *** (INTRODUCTION: ALEXIA PT. 2) December 31, 1983 (Saturday) (two years after the previous record) ================================================================== It's the sixth winter I have been at the Arklay Facility. Although the research in the past two years has been far from fruitful, that rut has finally passed and we are reaching a turning point. It all started because of a report I received this morning. Alexia was dead. There had been an accident involving the T-Veronica-Virus that she had discovered. Alexia was 12 years old. She was just far too young to be performing such dangerous research. There had been rumors from the very beginning that she had planned to administer the virus on herself, but why would she do that? Most likely, she simply hadn't recovered from the unfortunate loss of her father just a year ago, and made a mistake. Alexia's twin brother, her only remaining relative, took over all research at the facility, but no one expected him to accomplish anything. After all, being that the Ashford family hadn't produced any results in their research, it was only natural that they fade from the picture. Just as I had expected, their legend had begun to pass... Birkin changed after Alexia's death. Was he becoming himself again? However, he no longer cared about winning the approval of his associates. There was no one who would dare to cross him. Talking about Alexia in front of Birkin was taboo. Even when I made maneuvers to obtain a sample of the T-Veronica-Virus, the man adamantly opposed me. Getting our hands on Alexia's research would have to be postponed it seemed. Eventually, the situation started to get better, although Birkin still hadn't matured in any way. At the time, though, I had other matters on my mind. The Arklay Laboratory was surrounded by a thick forest. I used to often take walks around that forest, but since the forest sat in the middle of a mountain range, I never met any other people. Since it seemed that the only way in was via helicopter, it wasn't exactly the kind of place that people could just come visit. The lack of people would be very important, if, for any reason, a viral leak were to occur. This way, damage could be kept in check. However, the animals in the area were not so simple a matter. The virus didn't infect humans only. Many viruses simply don't infect just one species. For example, the influenza virus infects not only humans, but birds, pigs, horses, and seals. The theory behind it is very complex. Not all of the animals in a species are affected. In birds, ducks and chickens become infected, but other birds don't. However, the same virus, after a mutation, can infect more and more animals in the species. Even if the object is to make a single virus, it's almost impossible to tell what organisms it will become capable of infecting. And that was the problem with the T-Virus: it was able to adapt by jumping to different species. Birkin didn't feel that this would be useful in any way, but I started to examine the T-Virus's secondary contagion characteristics. As I soon found out, the truth was that the virus was able to infect nearly every species of living organisms. Not just mammals, but plants, insects, fish; it was possible for the T-Virus to spread through all of these types of organisms. I would often wonder to myself as I took those walks through the woods, "Why did Spencer choose this place?" There was a whole ecosystem represented within that forest. If the virus leaked out here, and came into contact with the wildlife in the area, what would happen? Were it to infect the insects, I have a feeling that they would grow to giant proportions because of the secondary characterstics of the virus. And the insects would be able to carry the virus from the forest. If that were to happen, who knows how far the virus could spread? In the case that the plants were infected, since they aren't able to move by themselves, I think that the scope of the contamination would be much smaller. But then again, what would happen if the infected plants were to release pollen? This location is entirely too dangerous. If you think about it, setting up a research laboratory in the Antarctic like the Ashford family did is only logical. But conversely, it almost seems as if this point was chosen in order to spread the virus... But that's impossible, why would anyone do such a thing? What is Spencer trying to do to us? This problem is too great to reveal to the other researchers. At the time, it seemed as though Birkin was the only person I would be able to tell this to, but even if I did tell him about it, the answer was obvious. I would have to report it. At that moment, I began to realize the limits of my position as a researcher. If I was going to find out Spencer's true objectives, I would have to take up a position dealing with intelligence. In order to do that, I would have to cut all ties to the position I held now. However, I had to hurry. If Spencer caught on, it would all be over. I told no one of my plans and immersed myself in the research like Birkin and the others. During that time, the female test subject was forgotten, tucked away in a corner of the facility. She was the "failure" that kept on living... We called her a failure because we hadn't been able to gain anything from her test data. It would be another five years before that data served any use... (Continue to the next record, dated 5 years later.) *** MORE COMING SOON!