ROGUE OPS WALKTHRU By boscobuddy This walkthru is copyrighted January 2004 by Jack Harris. This is version 1.00 For the moment, I am only posting it at website, until I can find out how other websites that carry gaming walkthrus require them to be sent to them. This walkthru may be not be reproduced for anything except personal and private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without checking with me first. Using this walkthru on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. 1/2/2004 8:25:15 PM Game Rating: Mature DISCLAIMER: I started writing this walkthru during the first week of November 2003, and finished the game at the end of November 2003 on the Amateur difficulty. Then from the beginning of December to December 30, 2003, I played thru the game again on the Agent difficulty, using the walkthru that I had put together, to iron out the kinks, and find better ways of doing things that were more in accord to my style. That being, 'the only good enemy is a dead enemy'. I snuck around when I had to, and shot enemies in the back when I could get away with, to balance the fact that they mostly all had machine guns, and I didn't. Ninety some odd percent of all that is contained here, came about from using Code Breaker Codes, so that I could explore as many avenues and areas of the game without having to restart all the time. The codes that I used were 'unlimited ammo, and unlimited health'. My primary reason for this was not to cheat while playing the game, but to find out where everything was in the game. I also got a few ideas about what needed to be done from Kemco's Rogue Ops Forum, and then I went at those situations in my own way. I don't mean to slight anybody, but at the time, my intent was to only make a walkthru for myself, for when I played the game again in the future, since there were none available. So I didn't take note of the persons who posted the ideas, and oftentimes, the same ideas were posted by different people. If you feel that you deserve credit for something that is contained in this walkthru, e-mail me at Direct me to proof of where you think you presented the idea first, and I will gladly give credit where credit is due, when I update this Rogue Ops walkthru. After I had finished my first draft of the complete walkthru, Kemco came out with a FAQ on their website. What they supplied was a generalized idea of what needed to be done and where to go. So that the reader has to figure out for themselves, how to go about it for the most part. Which is good for the kind of person who likes to do everything themselves, and only wants to know what to do when they are stuck. What I did here, is a step-by-step process of dealing with the game. Yes, I did compare what they wrote, with what I had written. And I did find a few ways of doing things that I had missed, like shooting the sparking electrical wire down to electrocute the guards standing on the metal steps, shooting the explosive barrel in front of the truck in the garage and also blowing the truck horn to make the guard come to where I could kill him, etc. INTRODUCTION: This is A way to get thru the game. This is not the BEST way. This is not the ONLY way. And this certainly is not the RIGHT way to play the game. FYI, that happens to be what works best for each particular player. If anything in this walkthru can help you get thru the game, then by all means go for it. If you only want to find fault, so you can badmouth me, then "Step Off", cause I ain't about hearing that. In my opinion, the main purpose of any game is to have fun. So do whatever works for you. This walkthru was created on PS2, on the Amateur & Agent difficulty settings. The game itself is not linear, meaning, that many times, there are more than one route to finish a mission, and more than one way to complete a task. This walkthru is not designed to make you the first person on the planet to finish the game. Instead, it's geared more towards "not being shot all to hell" cause Nikki ain't about pulling bullets out of her butt. CHEATS: The Cheat Code that comes with the game is HALFDAMAGE. This will reduce your health loss by 50% for each hit you take. To use your cheat code: Pause the game using the Start button. Enter the following combination using your controller while Objectives is the selected menu item: Square Square Circle Circle L L R R Circle Circle Square Square L is left on the D-pad R is right on the D-pad The Screen will flash white when the game has accepted the code. Code Breaker has other codes for this game. Cheats that you can enter by button pressing combinations, can be found at NOTE: A word of caution regarding using cheats or codes with this game. When some cheats or codes are applied, the game will try to overcompensate for the imbalance, by relentlessly sending in replacement guards and continuously turning on the 'red alert' alarm around the map screen. They'll be worse than that damn energizer bunny. They'll never stop. They'll just keep coming and coming, and coming. There are certain rooms in the game that have a gray or black door in front of them, and are sealed shut. These are the guard replenishment rooms-this is where they come out of. The door will slide open, and send out some guards, then close again. If you manage to kill all of them, the door will open again, and send out some more, and keep on repeating this cycle, until either you die, or quit. The only thing you can do is restart at your last game save-however far back that might be. My opinion on cheats is, "Do whatever works for you." No one has the right to decide whether or not another person should use cheats and codes, but they themselves. I also feel that once you know how to do what you're doing, cheats and codes will kinda lose their appeal-at least for that particular game. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx FOR YOUR INFORMATION: When you enter new areas or rooms, and aren't under attack at the moment, stop and look around for things that will bring up the Green Activation Icon. Things like vents, grapple points, ladders and pipes, movable objects, or objects that you can search, etc. Often when you enter a new area, the nearby guard will just be standing there, not even aware of your presence, but will start to move shortly thereafter. This is a good opportunity for a quick Shuriken headshot kill. When using the Shuriken, there is a slight delay between when you press the Shoot Button, and Nikki actually throwing it. So if you are throwing it at a moving target, chances are good, that the target will have moved from the spot that she was aiming at, by the time that the Shuriken gets there. Unless you compensate, by throwing a little ahead of the target. AVOID SHOOTOUTS WITH GUARDS!!!! Their bullet supply is far greater than yours is. And they are real stingy about giving anything back when they are searched. When they die, they generally take their bullets to the afterlife with them. When you attempt to kill a guard with a projectile weapon, and only wound him, a Yellow Alert will come on around the map screen. If you don't finish him off quickly, he will be able to get an alarm off, and the alert will change to Red. And that can only mean one thing, many more damn guards!! So make sure you finish him off quickly. Sometimes you'll think that you have killed a guard, and after playing possum for a while, he will slowly start to rise, and somehow be miraculously fully recovered. So be aware, the 'half-dead' CAN rise again. More often than not, you can hear the distinctive sound of the turret or camera rotating, before you even see them. So listen for them, and then look to see where they are before proceeding. You can stand up under many of the cameras that you encounter during the game. The camera won't see you, so it won't set off the alarm, and the machine gun won't open fire. If you shoot a camera and the area around the camera glows blue, that means that there is a force field around the camera. To use the Remote Mines, highlight it with the Weapons Select Buttons. Then press the Draw/Holster Button to put it in Nikki's hand. Then press the Draw/Shoot Button, to throw it where the little green trajectory circles are leading to, then move away a safe distance, and press the Draw/Shoot Button again to trigger it. For Proximity Mines, just drop them somewhere where enemies are likely to pass by, and run like hell. Proximity Mines that are left by your enemies, will show up as rippling green circles on your map screen. This game has a "gazillion" guards, and not nary a one was issued a pistol in boot camp. They mostly all have machine guns, and more ammo clips, than they got pockets to put them in. And here's the 'kicker', they all have on bullet proof vests, which can take three to four shots, before they die. That's what I call Super Duper Overkill. This game asks the question: "Are you sneaky?" Cause if you ain't, you will be before it's all over. If you are in some place like a vent, and forget whether Nikki has a weapon drawn or not, look for the red dot targeting reticle. The higher the difficulty setting of the profile that you are playing, the more alert, and sensitive to Nikki's presence the guards are. I started playing in the Assassin difficulty setting, and it's like they can just smell Nikki, before she's anywhere near them. I'm having to be a heck of a lot sneakier, and take guards out long before I get near them. You can have several new game profiles, each with a different difficulty setting, and all eight missions available to you, after you complete them. HEALTH KITS, and AMMO pickups, will usually have a white spot on the floor beneath them. Also, whatever you collect in one level DOESN'T carry over into the next. If the Red Alert is flashing around your map screen, guards are on the lookout for you, and you just make it past a green flag checkpoint, restart your game. And it will come back on with no Red Alert or guards looking for you. And you can now go in peace. Be aware while moving around, that guards in other rooms can see you thru the glass in the windows and doors. Whenever you need to kill only a stationary guard, use your Shuriken, instead of bullets. Since you have plenty of time to line up a head shot. Nikki has a really cool looking move that she can do. While running, press crouch near where you want her to end up, and she will do a dive- roll, and end up still moving forward in a crouch. It's great for when you need to duck behind cover quickly. When running from gunfire, move in a weaving pattern, instead of a straight line, to take less hits. If you are being attacked by guards, and you have a choice of a hidey hole, and a vent. Opt for the vent. From there, at least, you can shoot the guards without them knowing where you are shooting from. And as long as you don't stay near the opening, the vents are usually bullet-proof . When you step out of a hidey hole, nearby guards can sense you, and return fire. If you have a way of doing something that's different from what's in this walkthru, and it works for you-then by all means go for it. I refuse to pop out of your screen and spank your hands because you deviated from what is presented here. Whenever you hear "I'm scrubbing this mission," quickly hit "Start" and move to the Save/Restart option. That prevents the whole "Game Over" mess, and speeds up getting back into the thick of things. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TRAINING PART 1: From the start, move to the lighted green square. This is where you check you comm and visor hookup. So move the camera to the right and left. Hold the View Button and Zoom In by pressing the Movement Button Forward and Backward. Move it Left and Right, to strafe Nikki left and right. Move the Camera Button in any direction, to view in that direction. You're instructed to look left, right, up, and down at the red crosses. This causes the two roll-up doors ahead to open. Move into the building, and stand by the ladder. As you get close to the ladder, you'll get an Orange Icon on it, or any item that you can interact with, but are not close enough to yet. When you get close enough to activate or use the item, the icon will turn Green. Then press the Action Button, to grab the ladder, and the Forward Button to climb up, and the Backward Button to climb down. Now go to the left, and stand on the green square. You will be instructed about grabbing ledges and pipes that are above your head. If you want to see the onscreen instructions about something again, just go to the nearby question mark, and press the Red Button. Move to your right, and look up to get the Green Icon. You may have to adjust Nikki's position, until it comes on. Now press Action and Nikki will jump up and hang from the ledge. Press the Left or Right Direction Buttons, to make Nikki hand walk in the desired direction. Press Forward to pull up, and Backward, to let go and drop down. Walk forward, until you get the Green Icon on the ladder. Press Action, and Nikki will mount the ladder. Press Backward, and Nikki will slide down the ladder, which looks really cool. Turn around, and walk onto the green square to your left. Instructions will appear telling you how to crouch under low objects. While crouched, Nikki can pickpocket enemies, even if they are moving, just as long as they don't see her. Press the Crouch Button to crouch down, and the Direction Button, to move in that direction. Crouch walk under the pipes, then press Crouch again, to stand. Now go right into the room and at the end, hook a Uuey(u-turn) to the right, and go up the stairs, and stand on the green square. Now you are taught how to do a Wall Hug. Walk Nikki into a wall, and she will turn around and hug the wall with her back. Move the Left and Right Direction Buttons, to make her slide along the wall in either direction. To move her off the wall, press the Backward Button. Put Nikki into a Wall Hug on the wall with assessment zone painted on it. Now move the Direction Button Left, to make her go left across the screen, and slide between the buildings. Press Back to move off the wall. Now go around the building to the right and left, till you get to the green square. Now it is explained how to move certain objects. If an object can be moved, you'll get a Orange or Green Icon as you approach it. Press the Action Button, to grab and release the object, and Forward and Backward, to move the object. Move to the single box, and push it forward, so you can get by. Now go left down the hallway, and left again at the end and stand on the green square. You now get instructions about climbing pipes. Climbable pipes will show an icon as you get near them. Press Action, to grab onto the pipe. Press Forward to climb up, and Backward to climb down. At the top, if you press Forward again, Nikki will pull up. Now walk across the roof, till you get near the edge. Place the camera over Nikki's head, to keep her from walking off the edge on the other side. At the edge, if you move Nikki toward the left wall, she'll get an Activation Icon. Press the Action Button, and she'll grab the other pipe below the roof. Press Backward to make her climb or slide down the pipe. Move forward, and turn right into the room full of boxes. Go thru the isles, until you come to the next green square. This will teach you how to use Nikki's Grapple Hook, which she always carries with her. Look up to spot the Grapple Point on the ceiling, and when you get the Green Icon, press the Action Button, to make Nikki shoot her Grapple Hook up to it, and jump onto the rope. Press Forward, to make her climb up, and Backward, to make her climb down. At the top, she will hang onto the ledge, so press Forward again, to make her pull up. Move forward, then right, then left, then left again, and Jonah comes on, and tells her that there's one final test, all she has to do, is reach the exit. Move forward, and go up the two steps to the left. Climb the ladder on the right wall. At the top, go around to the right to the green square. You're instructed how to grab and hang from horizontal ledges and pipes. Turn around and face the two drums in the corner. Now look up until you get the green icon. Press Action and Nikki will jump up and grab the ledge above. Press the Right Direction Button, to make her hand walk to the right. Keep going till you are centered above a window, and almost touching the wall. Press the Backward Direction Button, and Nikki will release the ledge, and grab the window below. Press Forward, to pull up into the window. Crouch walk thru the vent to the opening at the other end. Press Forward at the end, to drop down to the ground. Turn right, and press the Red Button besides the green door, go thru it, to complete part 1 of your training. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx TRAINING PART 2: This is your advanced training. Jonah tells you about using the map to see cameras and enemies in your area. Press the Map Button, to zoom in on the map. It will give you a closer view of nearby enemies, camera locations and other things in the nearby area. The enemies are shown as a red moving icon on the map, and the yellow part represents the enemy's or camera's cone of vision. To search searchable items, walk or crouch walk up to them until you get the green icon, then press and hold Action, to search them. Jonah tells you to search the room for the keycard, so you can exit this room. Search the two file cabinets for the BLUE KEYCARD. Then go to the Card Reader on the left side of the door, and press Action. Go thru the two doors. Now you must unlock the far door. You're now given your VISOR, which you can access and equip, using the Device Select Buttons. Press Left or Right, to go thru your available inventory items. Then press the Activate Button to equip and use it. While using the VISOR, Nikki's body can only strafe left or right. She can look in any direction using the Camera Button, and Zoom in and out, using the Forward and Backward Buttons. The VISOR uses battery power at a slow rate. Put the Visor on, and look up at the red light above the door. Follow the wire coming out the top of it, along the wall to the right, and down to the picture of the sailboat. Take your Visor off, to conserve battery power, then walk over to the picture, and it will move to the side, to expose a Red Button you can push to unlock the door. Notice the red light above the door has now turned green. Now you can go thru the door. As you move thru this hall, a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE will appear on the screen. This means, that wherever you restart your game, after Saving it, you'll always restart at the last Green Flag Checkpoint. In the next room you must reach the other side while keeping out of sight of the Camera. First of all, stand to the left side of the doorway, and zoom in on your map, to see where you are, where the camera is, and where you are in relation to each other. The camera is ahead on the left wall. Nikki is the Green upside down "T," with the long leg of the "T" indicating which way she is facing. Move forward towards the brick wall ahead on the left, and when the map shows the camera looking away, run to the right, along the crates, and crouch down in the dark shadowy area. Look at the right hand side of your map screen, and you will see a timer bar go from the top right side, to the bottom. When it gets all the way down, Nikki will be hidden from nearby cameras and guards. To remain hidden, she must either crouch walk, or do some 'serious sneakin'. While still crouched in the shadowy area, move forward to the other end, and the camera SHOULDN'T see you. When the right side border of the map screen becomes clear and see thru, that means that Nikki can now be seen. I don't make mention of 'Shadowy Areas' thru out this walkthru, because you can get into a darkened area, thinking that it is a 'Shadowy Area," and it's not, and find yourself receiving a Care Package full of bullets. Now when it is at the halfway point, and about to turn left, run around and to the right. In the next room turn right, get another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Now left into the next room. Jonah tells you to use your weapon to shoot out the cameras, before they see you. Many of the cameras in the game can't be disabled with weapon's fire. These will show a blue aura around themselves after you shoot them. Press the Weapon's Buttons to go thru your available weapons, and then press the Draw/Holster Button to put it in Nikki's hand. And the Shoot Button, to fire. Press the View Button, to make the Targeting Reticle come on screen, and the Forward and Backward Buttons to zoom in and out. Press Left and Right, to strafe Nikki's body. Draw your pistol, and strafe slowly right, until you can see the camera straight ahead. Press the view button, and slowly inch to the right, until the Targeting Reticle changes from red to green. Use the Camera Button to move your weapon, without moving your body. Fire when ready. Now move forward, and stop before the corner. Check your map, to see if there are any Cameras in the next hallway. It's clear, so move forward, and stop before the corner of the right wall. Walk Nikki into the wall on the right, until she does a Wall Hug. Now slide her, until she reaches the corner and stops. There's a camera ahead on the right. Press your Camera Button, to place the Red Reticle on the camera or target. Press the View Button, when the camera is turning to the left of the screen, to swing Nikki around the corner to face the camera. Then press the Shoot Button to fire, before the camera swings back around. Release the View Button, if the camera swings back around before you are ready, and wait to try again. Press Backward to take Nikki off the wall, and move down the hall. Move forward to the large casino room. Now you learn how to hide from enemies. There are two places to hide in this area. For the first one, turn left in the nearby doorway, and look up. See the "X" shaped parts of the ceiling? Look up to get the Green Icon, and press Action, and Nikki will jump up and support herself against the ceiling. While up there, Nikki can look around, using the Camera Button. The other hiding place is to go straight ahead thru the archway, and turn left before you get to the pool table. Enter the alcove, and go to what looks like a tall gray locker, but what I call a" Hidey Hole/Dead Guard's Storage Facility." When you get near it, a green icon will appear. Press Action, and Nikki will open it, press Forward, to step in, and close the door. If she is carrying a body, the whole locker will glow green. Someone will come in, and confirm that area 5 is secure. Now you're told to proceed to the next area. Press Action to exit the Hidey Hole, come out of the alcove, and hook a Uuey to the right. In the next hallway, you get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Now you are going to learn how to sneak up on an enemy, and kill him silently. Open the door to the left. See the guy with his back to you? Slowly move to the right side of the hallway, since he is turned partway to the left. Now walk slowly (crouch walk if you want to pick his pocket) up behind him until you get the green icon. Press the Movement Buttons lightly when you want to quietly creep up behind someone. When the Green Icon appears, press Action. Then several Movement Directions will appear on the screen. At which time, you must mimic them by moving the Direction Buttons in those directions. A cut scene will show Nikki killing the operative stealthily. Nikki is told that he was killed because he failed his training. Which means you better not fail yours, or you could meet the same fate. You're told to hide the body and yourself. There are two Hidey Holes nearby. Crouch down over the dead guy, until you get a Green Icon, then press Action, to search him. Now stand over the dead guy, and at the Green Icon, press Action and Nikki will pick him up. Now walk over to the Hidey Hole, and when it glows green, press Action to open it, dump the body, and close the door. Now do the same thing for Nikki with the other Hidey Hole. A guy comes in and determines that area 6 is secure, and you're told to carry on to the next area. Press Action to exit the locker, and go right to the doors ahead. This ends your training, and you get ready to go on your first mission. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx MISSION 1: LA CASA NEGRA After the cut scene ends, move forward quietly, and use the camera to look around the wall to see the guard standing over your comrade's dead body. Move to the other side of the opening so that you are behind the guard's line of sight. When you are directly behind the guard, crouch walk up behind him, until you get a Green Icon. Stand up and press Action, then mimic the onscreen directions with your Movement Button. Now carry the guard's body back to the area where you started and drop him out of sight. Go past the sundial, and drop him near the left wall, near the corner. If you first move a body, and then try to search it afterwards, you may not get an Activation Icon to do a search. If that is the case, go back to where you picked up the guard, and search his weapon. You should get the BLUE KEYCARD from either the guard's body, or his weapon. Also, from the start, you could have just walked to the opening, and put a shuriken in the guards head. See the black car that was behind the first guard. Walk around the to the back of it. An Activation Icon will appear on the trunk of the car. Press Action, when it is green, to place the bomb. As you move back around the car, a GREEN CHECKPOINT FLAG/GAME SAVE PLACE, will appear on the right side of the screen. CROUCH WALK back around to the front of the car, And go to the side of the gate. Up above on the balcony, is a patrolling guard. Press the Map Button, to see his movement. Nikki's movements are represented by a green upside down "T," and her enemy's movements are represented by a red upside down "T." On the left wall is a red drain pipe that Nikki can climb. When the guard is on the left side of the balcony, move over to and behind the drain pipe so that you are below the balcony and behind a column. Now watch the movement of the guard on the map and use a close-up view. When he starts to walk towards Nikki above her head, come out and climb up the drain pipe, so that you stop before climbing up to the top, until the guard turns around and walks away from you. Pull up, and move over to the dark corner on your left, arm your Shuriken, and wait for him to return. Take aim with your Shuriken, and when the red icon on his body turns green, Press the Draw/Shoot Button to take him out. The good thing about using the Shuriken is not only do they provide a silent kill, but they are also retrievable when Nikki moves within range of them. Crouch down and search him to get another BLUE KEYCARD, that he was keeping safe for you, then move his body to a dark area that is out of sight. Sometimes, when you need to get something like a keycard, the same item, will be in more than one location. Continue on clockwise around the balcony, and collect the HEALTH KIT at the end. Nearby, you'll get a Green Icon, which indicates that there is another red drain pipe that you can slide down. Take note of where you are standing right now, particularly that green trellis to the left. This is the area that will be shown in a cut scene, later in the level. This is where you'll need to come back to, to pursue Van Cleef. Before you slide down, arm your Shuriken, and take out the lone guard ahead. Wait until your targeting indicator changes from red to green, then fire. Down below are three more guards, to the left. Slide down the drain pipe, and crouch besides the boxes. Now use your Shuriken to take out the guard that you can see-taking the time to line up a head shot. Then take out the third one when he comes to investigate what killed the second one. A fourth guard may also put in an appearance, so take him out also. Now go search, and collect your Shuriken from them all. Try to be aware of how many Shuriken that you start each level with, so you'll know how many you need to retrieve. Don't just search the guards that you kill with them, also search the surrounding area, including the walls and floors. The first guard has a HEALTH KIT, and one of the others has a RED KEYCARD. When searching dead guards, be sure to also search the weapons that they drop for goodies. Follow the room on around, and find another HEALTH KIT on the other side of the table. Continue on around into the kitchen, and find some more AMMO, and near that, is a spot on the wall for the second bomb. After you place it, turn around, and head towards the open refrigerator. You will see a green flag appear on the screen for a few seconds. This indicates that you've reached another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. From the open refrigerator, move to the left past a chair, and a clock on the wall. There is a hallway that leads to a recreation room which has a couple of guards in it. Go over and stand behind the kitchen countertop next to the toaster, and face the hallway. Crouch down, and move to the right a little, so that the countertop doesn't block your shot. Equip and use your Shuriken to kill the guard that you can see. When the other guard comes down the hall kill him too. Don't forget to search them. Go into the recreation area, and around to the right, to get another HEALTH KIT. Notice the Red Button on the wall, that you will activate later. Before you do, go over to the right of the fish tank, and press Action when the Green Icon appears, to make the wall vent that is low on the floor slide open. Crouch down, and enter the vent to get a BATTERY. Now come back out of the vent, and back into the recreation room. Head up the stairs, to get another HEALTH KIT. Now head back down, and press the red button on the wall, which will return you to the courtyard where you climbed up the drainpipe to the balcony. Go to the door on the right, and it will open automatically as you approach. To your left, will be a HEALTH KIT to pick up. To your right will be some stairs leading down to the basement, which is where you want to go and plant your third bomb. On the ceiling to your left, inside the door that leads down to the basement, is a gun turret, whose beeping you can hear. The turret will not shoot you, if you don't shoot it. Move down the steps without stepping on the blue sensors, and use the keycard on the card reader on the wall to the right, to deactivate the laser sensors and gun turret, which are protecting the steps. There is also a second turret part way down the stairs, which will be deactivated also. Another way to bypass the laser sensor, is to move up under the turret, and locate a ring above Nikki's head on the brown column that the steps go around. Move close to it until the Green Icon comes on, and when you press Action, Nikki will jump up and grab the ring. Then all you need to do, is move her to the left, and drop her down when she is above the floor below, and won't land on any part of the stairs. Now move down the steps to where the next keycard terminal is on the left wall, and don't go past it. This terminals icon will be green when you approach it, since you now have the red keycard. Use the red keycard, to deactivate the sensor lasers down in the pit, and camera/turret on the ceiling, in the middle of the room down below. Before going down stairs, move around the column to the right to get a pickup of a five round clip of AMMO. Since the laser sensors are deactivated, you can just walk on down the steps and into the pit. There's another way to get across the room if you don't have the red keycard yet. Look up to your left, and see some red hooks that move to the left side of the room along a rail attached to the ceiling. Walk over to the crates that are beneath them, and look up. When you see the Green Icon, press Action and Nikki will jump up and grab the rail that the red hooks are moving on. Now hand walk to the right, till you reach the end of the rail, and press the Backward Button, to drop down to the floor. In the corner by the two barrels, is a AMMO pickup. Now turn to your right from the ammo pick up, and you'll see another shorter rail that will take you to the top of the stairs that are on the other side of the pit from where you entered. Place the camera over Nikki's head, so that you can see where to drop down to a safe area. But it doesn't make sense to do this when you can deactivate everything in the pit with the red keycard, and just be done with it. Regardless of whether you do the hand walk along the rail on the ceiling, or use the red keycard to deactivate the laser sensors, DON'T CROSS THE THRESHOLD OF THE NEXT ROOM, because invisible force fields will trap you inside while the ceiling turrets makes mincemeat out of you. Be sure to get the HEALTH PACK in the pit to the right, and the AMMO pickup by the two barrels up the left set of steps. Now go up the steps that are opposite of where you came in, and STOP AT THE TOP BEFORE CROSSING THE THRESHHOLD OF THE NEXT ROOM. Look to the right, and use the red keycard on the card reader to deactivate the laser sensor, and turret in the next room. Look to your right, and you will see two huge red barrels. Remember this spot, because after the explosion, there will be a opening for you to run thru, when you return to the basement, in pursuit of Van Cleef. You could have also deactivated some of the lasers in the next room, by shooting all three ropes, that are holding the three prisoners, to make them drop and block parts of the laser sensor, and walking on the left side of the room. The turret will take a few potshots at each of the fallen bodies, before it deactivates. Now that the next room is safe, go thru it. Throwing the wall switch to the right of the bomb placement place will deactivate any laser sensors that you didn't have the keycard for. Place the third bomb, and you'll get a message from Cody. Your contact tells you that you must get to Van Cleef. He says that Van Cleef's location is in his study upstairs. And that he's tagged the location on your map. During the cut scene, you'll be shown what the area outside of the study looks like. It's the same area off the balcony where the green trellis was, to the left of the drain pipe that you slid down. He also says that you must get to him, before the onscreen timer runs out, and the bombs detonate. Quickly turn around, and run back thru the previous room. As you go back thru, a green flag appears on screen, indicating that you've reached another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/ GAME SAVE PLACE, so that you don't have to start back at the last checkpoint, in case you don't get to van Cleef in time. Return thru the pit, and up the stairs, and as you approach the top of the winding stairs, arm a weapon, because a guard walks in from the courtyard. Take him out quickly, and search if you wish, but remember you only have two minutes to find van Cleef, and the clock is ticking. Go out the door and around to the right, to the first red drainpipe that you climbed and go up it to the balcony. Follow the balcony around again, and crouch down where you get the green icon, and go thru the hole in the railing. Stand up on the other side of the railing, and move onto the green trellis. Don't grab onto, or slide down the drainpipe. Move to the other side of the trellis, and climb up onto the balcony there, and inside you'll find van Cleef. If you make it in time, you'll see a cut scene with van Cleef talking to one of his minions, and the three bombs will detonate. When you climb up on the balcony, you reach a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. You'll then be in a shootout with a guard that van Cleef leaves behind while he goes to get the book. At first, the guard will be standing behind the brown square column, that is underneath the ceiling fan. Use your sniper rifle, because you can move it to the side, without exposing any body parts. Try to get in a couple of shot, before he runs to the left besides the piano. When he does, move into the room and face the wall to the left, and strafe slowly to the right, until you have him targeted. Kill and frisk him, then search the desk drawer for a pickup that I have no idea what it is. Now proceed thru the door with the green button on it, and down the stairs and thru the recreation room and stand by the green plant near the door on your left, and equip your sniper rifle. The doors will open automatically as you move towards it, and on the other side will be the courtyard, with two guards shooting at you. Slowly pan the scope to the right, and target the guard's head to the right of the well ahead. The other guard is behind the well, to your right. His head is also fair game. Once they are dead, search them, and then head thru the door to the basement on the right. Go down the steps, and cross the pit again, and at the top of the stairs, turn right, and past the card reader, will now be a opened door. Go thru it to continue pursuing van Cleef. Switch to your VISOR briefly, and you will see van Cleef's footprints heading down the stairs. The game will load to the next segment, and you'll continue down a passageway. An explosion will occur ahead. Crouch and enter the low passage way ahead, but stop in the middle and use your VISOR to detect van Cleef to your left. When he runs away, follow him. Continue on till you reach steps ahead and steps to the right. Go up the steps ahead, and you will see a HEALTH KIT in the middle of the hallway. Don't take the health kit just yet, but move to the corner ahead, and do a wall hug. At the top of the steps will be a guard, that you can shoot in the back when he turns around. Also, you will notice that your Targeting Reticle is up there too. Move the Camera Button, to move the Reticle where the guards' head will be when he stops and poses for you. Press the View Button to lean around the corner, and the Shoot Button, to kill him. He'll be dead, with no muss, and no fuss, and no exposing precious parts of your body to his bullets. Now go frisk, then pick him up. At the bottom of the steps, opposite the barred door, is a lowered door, that will raise when you put the dead guard down. This is where you're going to have to do a timed run to before it comes back down. Now carry the body back to where the health kit is, and back into it, to pick it up. Drop the body where the health kit was. Then race back to the left of the bottom of the stairs and thru the lowering door. You could probably run backwards, and still make it before the door comes back down. Thru the next raised door ahead, is a gun turret in the ceiling, and an invisible laser trap to the right, so don't go there. Instead, go left down the ramp. Van Cleef says, "Silly Rabbit, Tricks are for Kids" No, just funnin with ya. He really says that he's brought you here to die. And who the hell is he calling a slut? Nikki's gonna make him so dead. Before the room with the circular handrail, is a hallway with a turret on the ceiling and another invisible laser trap, so don't go there either. Go to the circular handrail, and throw the switch on the wall to the right, to open the next door on the left. Move thru the doorway, and stand at the top of the steps. Use your VISOR, to spot the guard, down the stairs and around the corner to the left. Stand at the top of the stairs, and move forward along the right wall, until you can just see around the corner to the left. Now take him out with Shuriken, when he gets to this end, and turns to walk away. Down the steps and to the right where the white light is, is an AMMO pickup. Now head back up the steps and throw the switch on the right wall. Then move to the circular handrail, go right, and throw the switch on the left. If you continue ahead, you run into a third ceiling turret and invisible laser trap, so turn back around, and go thru the doorway on the other side of the circular handrail. Stop after the door closes behind you, and a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE comes on the screen. There is an AMMO PICKUP in the next room to the left, but before you go get it, peek around the corner to the right, and look down the ramp. Van Cleef is waiting to ambush you, but let him get away for now. When he runs away, get the ammo. On each wall is a proximity mine just waiting for you, indicated by the green circles on your map. Use your Shuriken to take them-and all the ones ahead-out from as far back as you can. By blowing up one, it will trigger the other one. Now retrieve your Shuriken and proceed down the steps. To the left is another mine to blow. Stand by the bottom of the stairs, to target it. Go to where the mine was, and face that wall, and look around the corner, and see the barred area ahead, with the health kit behind it. There is a guard that walks by here, so wait for him, and shoot him thru the bars. Before the bars, to the left, is another guard to kill. Facing the bars, move forward, and go to the right, and stop before you reach the corner. Shuriken another mine up high on the right wall. With the wall that the mine was on to your back, go straight. To your left, you'll see the guard that you shot thru the bars, and the HEALTH KIT. The guard gives up some SNIPER BULLETS. Return the way you came, and go right to where the mine was high on the wall, and go left down the hallway. Go left again, and there's another mine to the left. Before you get to the intersection, stop. Back away from the intersection along the right wall, until you can just see the green light of the mine on the left. Make it go ker-blooey. Continue on around to the left, and stop before you get to the second hallway on the left, before the gate ahead. Van Cleef will be waiting to ambush you again down this hallway to the left. When he runs off, proceed towards the stairs, staying along the left wall. On the curved wall to the right, before you get to the stairs, is another mine. Shuriken it, then quickly move back to the right. There are two more on the walls ahead-with the one on the right being closer, and one more in the middle of the floor. There's a switch on the wall to the right by the door to open it. Your contact tells you that you've got van Cleef cornered, and to go straight ahead. There's another mine ahead. Get the HEALTH KIT and BATTERY, in the circular rail room. Then proceed forward, and stand outside the lighted room ahead. You'll reach another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. Stand outside the room and Shuriken out the two lights that you can see from here. The other two are to the right side of the room, and Van Cleef is up on the balcony to the right also. This is a boss fight, so you'll have to keep shooting him till his onscreen health bar goes down to zero. Change to your pistol or rifle, and holster it, and run into the room, and hide behind the tall black square column on your left. Behind you to the right, is a HEALTH KIT. When you run for a different area, holster your weapon, so that you can run faster. Run to the tall black column on the left. In front of it, is a THING-A-MA-BOB to pick up. Did he just call Nikki a Whore? Use your VISOR for a few seconds at a time, just to locate him. As he moves around the rafters and balcony above, you should holster and move to get into a better position also. After you kill him, search the room for pickups. A helicopter will drop down a rope to get you out of there at the far end of the room to the right of where you entered, before you get to the red lighted room. Look up to see the helicopter thru the opening in the roof. Below the helicopter on the rope, you'll get a Green Icon. Press Action, to jump up to the rope, and get out of there, and complete the mission. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEVEL 2 FORSYTHE MUSEUM: After you regain control, move to the left. When you get to where the top of the tail of dinosaur fossil is, look past that to see the keypad on the left side of the Security Room door frame. Every so often one of the guards will enter a code on the keypad. You need to find out what that code is. Equip your Sniper Rifle and train it on the keypad. Now find the numerical keypad in your scope. Now move a little to the left, so that you have to be turned half right to see the keypad. Now wait for the guard, who'll come from your left. When he moves to the keypad, zoom in and see what numbers he punches. He punched in 1069, to unlock the door. Remember this code, so you can open the Security Door also. There are two ways you can get down to the lobby. METHOD #1: Move around the balcony to the right, until you come to a plank leaning against a crate. Move up the plank, and when the guard isn't nearby, drop down, and then move behind the nearby column. Move around the column, as he passes, to stay out of his line of sight. There are three guards patrolling. You need to frisk one of them to get a keycard. When he comes from the right, and starts to get near you, move to the opposite side of the column, so he won't see you. After he passes you, heading to the left, check to see if you can see the guard ahead. If not, move quickly & quietly along the right wall, past where the keypad lock and brown doors are, all the way to the corner. Hide in the dark corner standing up, as far back as you can, with your left shoulder towards the end of the room where you dropped down. METHOD #2: Move towards the left end of the balcony, and look up to the ceiling, above the pterodactyl display, to see a Grapple Point. Press Action, to hang from a rope. Slide down, but not so far that you can be seen. There is a guard that goes into the Security Office that doesn't have a keypad on it, and was beneath you while you were up on the balcony. You need to drop down when he is away, and hide behind something, so he doesn't see you when he returns. Then crouch walk behind him, pick his pocket for the GREEN KEYCARD, and follow him into the Security Office area. While following him, hang back a little, so he doesn't see you when he turns right. Once you get into the doorway, cut to the right, and hide in the corner, while he continues making his patrol. When he leaves, move over to the small office, and use the keycard on the card reader. Enter the office, search the low file cabinet, and get a piece of paper which will have the code 1069 on it. This is another way of getting the code for the basement. This code will also appear on your Mission Objective file. Exit the small office, and the door will remain open, but the patrolling guard won't even notice it. When it is safe, make your way over to the corner to your left, next to the blue laser sensor doorway. Stand as far back in the corner as you can, and wait for the guard on this side, that says "still working," to walk towards you, and go back. When he does, crouch walk behind him. Slow down, and let him get to the keypad, punch in the code, and go down stairs. Shortly thereafter, move to the keypad, and punch in 1069, and go down the stairs. Crouch walk under the window, and go down the stairs to the left. But don't go near the automatic door, cause the guard might be alerted, if it opens by itself. Wait for him to go back upstairs, and then enter the security office, that he just left, and go to your right, and search the low file cabinet to get the Taser, and then get the power cell from the desk. Grab them, and come back out, and go down the steps, and equip it from your weapons inventory, and press the Shoot Button, to use it against the gray Power Unit where the red and blue lights are. This will cut power to the laser blocked doors. As you start back up the steps, a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE will appear on the screen. Now wait for the guard to come back to the room again, and when he goes into the office, you crouch walk past the window, and run up the stairs. Go out the door, and to the right, towards where you hid in the corner, and go thru the doorway where the laser was. Go to the right, and press the red button on the wall, to open the garage type door. The game will load, and you'll be on the other side of the roll up door, and ahead is a barred door. To the right of the Bozza Cola machine, is a spare BATTERY. Get it before you do anything else. There's a camera just inside the metal gate, up and to the right, and its cone of vision extends to the light brown colored area of the room that you are in now. There's another one, at the other end, up and to the left. You'll need a retina scan to activate the terminal that will open the door. Move forward and stay on the darker part of the floor. When the guard goes halfway down the side of the room that the nearest camera is on, and turns around, and heads back towards you, use your RETINA SCANNER DEVICE to capture a scan of his eyes. Use the Camera Button, to move as he moves, so that the target won't be lost before the scan is completed, and you'll wind up just wasting your battery. When it says 'Data Stored' on the screen, shut the scanner off to conserve battery power. Now use the terminal when the guard isn't real close by, and is on your right side, and it will recognize and open the barred door. Then crouch along side the pop machine and pick pocket the guard while he is examining the machine. While behind him, move slightly to his right side. This will net you the BLUE KEYCARD. Now let him leave, and close the door. Let him walk to the left side, and then come back to the camera side and walk to the end. Use the terminal to open the door again. Now all you have to watch out for is the camera to your right. When it moves away, and before he gets back, move to the left corner, and hide behind the black column. When he comes back, he will go into the barred room with the terminal, which is just the right time for you to move towards the other end, and hide behind the other black column. Notice the other camera location on your map. When he comes to your side of the room, adjust your position behind the black column, so he doesn't see you. When he's moved away from you, check which way the nearby camera is facing. When the camera is facing all the way to the left, get up and move quickly and quietly straight across the room, and to the opposite corner and turn around and face the camera. When the camera faces to the left, move along the wall, and into the next room, stopping just inside the doorway on the brown part of the floor. The blue area is a sensor laser. Look up on the ceiling to the right, and press Action when the Green Icon come on, to shoot a Grapple Hook to the ceiling, and then press Action again at the top, to move into the vent. When you drop out of the vent, you'll be on the other side of the door that is to the right of the statue. As you move forward, you'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. Crouch walk beneath the window, and move around the corner to the right, to the door marked Accounts. If you don't already have the BLUE KEYCARD in your Items Menu, you'll need to enter the toilets. In here, crouch walk counterclockwise in a wide circle. And go over behind the guy washing his hand, and when you get the Green Icon, press Action to pick his pocket. This will net you a Blue Keycard, and if you got one before, you will now be listed as having two blue keycards, under Items when you pause the game. Come back out of the washroom, and go to the door straight across from it. This is the Accounting Office, and both blue keycards will open the door. Use the Blue Keycard in the card reader, to open the door. You'll find the GATE KEYPAD CODE in one of the file cabinets. And in the other another BATTERY. The code 7120 will now be in your objectives folder. Exit this room, and go right, and stand near the window that is near the door. Now use your map, and watch the guard without being seen. When he is on the other side of the room, do a crouched wall hug. Now slide past the Security Office Window, stand, and then turn left at the corner, and press the button at the end, to open the loading bay dock door. Turn right, and go to the button on the wall, and press it. The cargo will drop down into the dock. Stand on the boxes, and press Action, to open the low vent. Crouch walk thru it, and enter the darkened Administration Office. Stop, just past the other vent opening, because there is a window to your right, and the guard in the other room might be able to see you. Turn left, and search the two file cabinets, and get another BATTERY, and a HEALTH KIT. Now go over to the door, and press the Red Button on the wall. This turns on the lights in this room. The guard in the Security Office decides to investigate. Quickly turn and run towards the window, and press crouch to make Nikki do a Dive-Roll Crouch, back over to the low vent. Important! Be sure to press Action again at the vent, as it will have automatically closed. Now go back thru to the docks. Now come back around and enter the Security Office. Now press the button on the far wall. This shuts off the lasers in the statue room. Come out of here, and go right, down the hall to where you dropped down, and press the button on the wall to open the door to the statue room. Go right in the statue room, and enter the 7120 code that's in your objectives folder, and press the square button to validate it. Your contact tells you that that's the statue(the red dot on your map), and that you need to find a way of opening the cage. There is a big brown painting to the left wall of this room, from the entrance. Go up and move the painting to uncover a combination lock. It will give you a bunch of directions to push in a certain amount of time, like a stealth kill, only longer and harder. Even if you mess up, keep pushing directions as fast as you can and you should beat the timer. You've succeeded when the cut scene shows the cage lowering. Approach the statue from the side farthest from the entrance. When you go to grab the statue, you discover that it's a fake. You report this, and are told to use lethal force to get the real statue back from Omega 19. After the conversation, two armed enemies enter the door, so quickly crouch down behind the pedestal where the fake statue was, and draw your pistol. When they turn around and walk back towards the door, stand up, and take them out, and frisk them for much needed AMMO before you leave. Then proceed back to the main room of the museum where you started. When you go thru the two camera room, the button to open the gate is beneath the camera on the left. Don't worry, if the camera spots you, all the enemies are in the main lobby. When you open the roll up door, the game will reload, and you'll be on the other side of it when you regain control. Crouch walk behind the tables and chairs to your right, and equip your sniper rifle, and when you get across from the doorway, look up to the balcony to spot the sniper. Killing him, should sound the alert. Now wait for a couple of the guards to enter. Take them out. Now move to the door to the Main Lobby, but don't go out yet. Use your Sniper Rifle, to take out the sniper who is beneath the pterodactyl to the left. There's also one standing between the dinosaur fossil's legs. Kill them all, before leaving the cover of the lunchroom. Get the BULLETS to the right, inside the lunchroom. There's a HEALTH KIT in front of the door leading down to the basement. Search bodies for AMMO, and HEALTH. One of the dead guards in the middle gives up a GRENADE. Now head to the other doorway that was laser protected. It's open now, but don't go in before you snipe the guy hiding behind the vase on your left. There's a couple of AMMO pickups just inside the laser door on the right. Then go and open the rollup door on the other side of this room. The game will reload, and you'll be inside the next room. There's a grapple point above the head of the statue on the left. After you climb up, go thru the low vent. While inside the vent, put on your VISER, and notice the body heat of several enemy lying in wait. Arm your sniper rifle, and move forward. Grab the RIFLE AMMO, and proceed thru the other vent door. You'll be on a ledge, so don't jump down, until all the enemies on your map are dead. Look down and to your right, and snipe that guard. Now move around to the right side of the ledge, and look down up under the vent exit, to see two more guards. Take out the rear one first. The other one may get up, and walk between this room and the next one, so line up a good shot on him while he's moving around. Now go back onto the side of the ledge that the vent exit is on. Face the back wall, and strafe in a crouch position towards the left. Train your sniper rifle on the doorway in the left corner of the back wall. Look to the left of the two columns, and see parts of the two snipers here. Take them out, then drop down and search everybody. If they are not in the doorway, then you'll need to go down and get them. Jump down near the vent exit, and using the columns as cover, move toward the doorway on the left. Enter the doorway, and do a Wall Hug on the right wall. Put the Reticle Red Dot on the guard's head, and when it turns green, swing around the corner and fire. Now, go back to the previous room, and search the bodies and weapons, then search this guy also. As you move thru the rooms and hallways, regularly check your map to see guards ahead. Continue thru the hallway, and stop before the next room. There's a button ahead, to let the sun rise. Before you approach it, look to the left corner, to see two guards hiding in the dark. You'll probably see the red beams coming from their rifles first. Follow it up to them. Take them out with your sniper rifle, before you enter this room. Now you can press the button to watch the sun rise, and take a coffee break if you like. One of the two guards has a HEALTH KIT for you. In the room with the alligator to the left of the doorway, there's a guard a little past it, leaning in and out from behind the sarcophagus. In the room with the above the ground tomb and columns in it, there are two guards behind it. There's a HEALTH KIT & AMMO, when you frisk them. Go down the ramp, and there will be two guards shooting at a museum guard on the steps to the right. Use your VISOR to see where they are. They are up on the platform directly over your head. They will kill him. Move out from under the platform, on your left, looking up for them. Be sure to search him after you kill them. He has a BLUE KEYCARD, that opens the door at the top of the stairs. When you go thru, at the bottom of the steps turn left, you'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. All that remains now is to kill the guy with the real statue before he escapes out the garage door. Move forward, and right, and do a wall hug on the double stacked boxes. Use the Camera Button, to put the Red Dot of your Reticle on the sniper that keeps popping out. Press the View Button to swing around, and when he pops out again, fire. Move forward, and get his AMMO. Now move to the left wall, and ease toward the doorway. Use your sniper rifle to pan right in the doorway, and take out the guard in front of the Security Control Room. Now take out the one on the balcony. Move in thru the doorway, along the left wall, to the wall ahead. Search for ammo then proceed to the left, and stop before you get to the corner with the black and white sign that says Security Office with a arrow pointing right. There's another shooter straight ahead. Do a wall hug against the wooden wall on your left. Place the Targeting Reticle on the guard on the right, and press View to lean around the corner and kill him. Now you are ready for the final part of this level, and you will only have a short amount of time to kill the guy with the statue. Check your inventory, and you'll see that you have 5 GRENADES. Equip and holster them, and as soon as you head towards the last guard that you killed, a cut scene shows the guy with the statue, beginning to make his mad dash. From here on out, don't worry about getting shot, or stopping to kill anyone else but the guy with the statue. Check how many health kits you have, which should be enough to last thru being shot a number of times. Now start your own mad dash to the left, thru twists and turns. When you get to the area with the metal stairs going up, keep going, and you'll see a cluster of guards ahead. Amongst them is the guy with the statue. Run halfway down this hallway, while equipping your grenades. Now start to chuck them into the collection of guards using the little green trajectory circles to aim. Continue to run forward. Follow this with a barrage of pistol fire if necessary, and kill everyone down there. Once your contact says good work, you know you've got him. So now take cover, and take out the rest of the guards that have been shooting at you. When all are dead in this area, search everyone, until you get the real statue. Your contact tells you the mission is finished, and you're needed elsewhere. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEVEL 3 SILO 7 EAST: Three Jamming Grenades have been added to your arsenal. From the start, move a little to the right side, and equip your sniper rifle. Line up a head shot on the tower guard and take him out. When he's dead, the spotlight will stop moving. Now move forward to the truck ahead. There are two guards in the building and one leaning against the wall. Now make your way past the other truck, to the truck with the open door. Arm your pistol and holster it, then look inside the cab, and press Action, to start the truck. Then quickly move behind the OTHER truck. The guard leaning against the wall will come over to investigate. Cap him while his back is turned and he's looking inside to cab to turn it off. Now go over and search him, and get the RED KEYCARD. Now check your map, to see when there is no guard at the window ahead. Then quickly move over to the right side of the window, and crouch down. Now move around to the back of the building, crouching beneath the other window. Then go straight ahead, and use the keycard in the card reader on the back wall. The emergency access hatch will open, so slide down the ladder. A thought bubble may appear over Nikki's head, saying "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeee" as she is sliding down. That is, if you've got the 'special copy' of the game. You'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. There are two UNARMED guards repairing a truck to the right. Now there's something that you don't see everyday. One of the guards forgot the socket wrench, and will go upstairs to the toolbox to get it. Let him go by and then you go up the stairs and turn left, and crouch down besides the red alarm button, and wait for him to come back. Shuriken him, then stand up, and move to where you can Shuriken the other one who should still be by the truck. Search them both. You'll get a HEALTH KIT, & a BLUE KEYCARD from one, and another HEALTH KIT from the other. Now move their bodies downstairs and out of sight. Now switch back to your pistol, and go press the alarm button then move forward to the corner. When the guard leaves the Security Office and comes looking, kill him. Then kill the other one that might appear downstairs. Now search everybody. To shut off the alarm, just climb a little ways up the access hatch ladder. Then go into the Security Room by the red toolbox, and search the file cabinet 4 times, to get a BATTERY, another BLUE KEYCARD, HEALTH KIT, and a SMOKE GRENADE. Too bad you can't cop a couple of those automatic rifles hanging on the racks. Come back out of here, and go to your right from the little office. As you move, your contact will tell of an invisible laser alert system. It's that green twelve square section with the yellow and black striped border, to the right. He suggests that you use the steam pipes to help you see the sensors. But you don't need no 'stinkin steam pipes'. That green grid with the vertical green lines won't hurt you if you trip it, but it will cause the alarm to sound. And it will cause a force field to go across the doorway ahead. To shut off the alarm, if you happen to trip it while trying to get past the vertical sensors, just go walk around in the little office next to the red toolbox. Move to the right, next to the wall where the fan and steam pipes are. Facing the wall where the doorway is, put the camera over Nikki's head and look down. See the yellowish "x"es on the floor? That's where the sensor beams are, so don't go there. Take one step forward, and stand on the line separating the squares. Now slowly turn(or strafe) to the left, and move forward, and stop just at the beginning of the last square. Now slowly turn to the right, and walk forward to the beginning of the last square, still avoiding stepping on the flickering "x"es. Now turn(strafe) right on the last row, and walk forward to the next to last square, and turn(strafe) left. You should be next to the right hand side of the doorway. Now just walk on into the room. IN OTHER WORDS: The grid is composed of twelve squares. If you look closely, you can see the dots that look like little "x'es". This is where the sensors are in normal vision. Go to the right hand side, and face the door on the other side. From the door side, number the squares top to bottom, and left to right 1-4, 5-8, and 9-12. Place the camera over Nikki's head, looking down on her. Now walk slowly forward, on the line between square #11 & 12. When you get to the top of #11 & 12, stop. Now turn(or strafe) very slowly to your left and walk along the line separating the middle row from the bottom row. Stop at the intersection of boxes 5, 6, 9, and 10. Turn half right, and take a step into box 5, then face the wall that the door is in. Walk forward, and take one step into box 1. Turn right(or strafe), and walk along the bottom of boxes 1, 2, and stop halfway into box 3. Now walk thru the doorway. Push the Red Button on the wall to open the door ahead, so you'll never to have to do that again. Thru the doorway is back where you killed the three guards. But guess what, where you wanna go is blocked by red lasers. Your contact suggest that you find something to block those beam. How about one of the three dead guards? Go back and lug one of their carcasses into this room, and drop him across the red lasers. Now, using him as a doormat, step thru, and go left to get some AMMO, and use the BLUE KEYCARD on the card reader on the wall. Which will open another access hatch. Slide down the ladder. There are guards talking behind you to the left. As you move forward, you'll encounter another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. As you move forward, there is a hidey hole to the right, open it. Now move forward to the red star on the wall, to get a HEALTH KIT. Then move past the bars, to the white button on the wall. This is an oversized light switch. Press the button, so the lights will come on, and then run back to the hidey hole. One of the guards will come down to investigate. Let him turn around to leave, then step out, and shoot him in the back. Shoot the second, third, and maybe fourth guards while they are at the top of the ramp. Be sure to search the guards for the two HEALTH KITS. At the top of the ramp, there's a door ahead, and a door to the right that opens automatically as you approach. The following describes what happens when you go thru the door on the right. To the right, is the better choice. What happens when you go thru the doors ahead is at the end of this mission, between rows of 'X'es. There's a guard patrolling the hallway to the right, if he didn't run in and get himself killed when you took out the other guards. If he's still alive, stand by the Red Star on the wall, and approach the door slowly, and wait for him to show up on the map, with his back turned to you. Open the doors, and do a headshot, then search him. Follow the hall down to the stairs. At the bottom of the steps, stop before the last step, and peek around the corner. You'll see a couple of guards to the left, and a third one behind the glass wall. Crouchwalk over to the wall ahead, so that you'll be out of sight of the two guards on this side of the glass. Use your sniper rifle to make a head shot thru the glass wall, killing the third guard. This may cause the alarm to go off. Crouch down in the corner to the left, and when one of the two guards that were talking comes around the hand rail, let him have it. His buddy will remain where he was standing, so just go up on the steps, and give him a head shot too. After he dies, the alarm will shut off. Move on around past where the guard that was behind the glass was, and enter the room. If you got the guard behind the glass before he had a chance to lock himself in the room, the door will be open, and you can get a HEALTH KIT. Two of the guards also give up HEALTH KITS. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ There is a low vent in this room. Go thru it, and you come out in a room with fans on the wall, and a high vent above for you to jump up to. Move thru the vent, and exit. When you climb out, you'll be at a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. There are horizontal force fields that go up and down, on your right, so don't go there. Instead, go all the way to your left, and look up at the ceiling, to spot the Grapple Point. Pull up to the rafters above the floor with the guards. Adjust your position at the top of the rope, until the green icon appears, then press Action again, to move onto the rafters. Without exposing yourself to their bullets, shuriken the four guards on the floor below. Then hop down and search them and their weapons. On the wall in the room where the guards were, there is a green button to press, which will shut off all the force fields on the floor below. Go to the other end of this walkway, and crouch and drop down to the floor below, on the other side of the alarm lasers. Turn around and you'll see a low vent opening on your right. Don't go in there, because it only leads back to the room with the fans on the wall. Instead, go down the long hallway where the force fields were to the other end and you'll see a ladder in a access tube leading down. As you are climbing down, a cut scene will play, showing an explosion below you. When you regain control, finish climbing down, and move away from the ladder. Move forward, and go down the ramp on the left, and you will pass a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. As you move into the room below, you find the remains of three of the Phoenix Infiltration Team, who were killed by the rocket that just test-fired while you were climbing down the ladder. Your contact tells you that there was a forth member of the team that might still be alive. You start your search for him. Move up the ramp on the other side of the room, and you'll hear the fourth team member being interrogated. Shortly after, the interrogators will leave, promising to be back. Climb down the ladder, and notice the red laser beams on the ceiling of the room below, blocking you from getting down there. Look up to the right, and the Green Icon will come on, indicating a place to pull up onto. Now handwalk to the left as far as you can go. Notice that two of the laser beams below you, blink on and off, so time your drop so that you go past them when they are off. Just hang there, and watch their pattern. There is a time when the one under you blinks off, then the one next to it blinks off also, then they do this again, followed by them both blinking off at the same time, which is when you need to drop down. So keep watching, until you notice this pattern, and can drop without getting incinerated. Now you need to make your way to the middle of the walkway, without setting off the horizontal alarm laser, so stay close to the rail. Crouch down, and approach the lasers sideways, which will place the camera behind Nikki to get as close as you can without touching them. Now it's the bottom two that blink on and off, and the very bottom one is a little closer to you, than the one above it, and it blinks off first. So face them, and again study their pattern, before moving. Now you need to go back past the lasers on the dark brown concrete floor part of this walkway. Go to the end, and drop down to the next level. Notice that the lasers below you don't go all the way to the wall, so drop down over there. Do a wall hug, and slide across on the narrow ledge, and drop down where there is some floor below. Go and stand over where the single laser blinks on and off. You can see it better, if Nikki faces the wall. If Nikki grabs the ledge that she was standing on, just wait till the single laser blinks off again, and drop down. When you drop down, you'll be in the prison cell adjacent to the one that the fourth team member is in. Move to the window separating the cells, to activate the cut scene. You learn from the team member, that Omega 19 is getting ready to launch the Cold Bringer-a satellite weapon, that will wipe all computers in the USA clean. Your contact tells you to leave the team member and find and shut down that weapon. A guard comes in and shoots the team member. Go out the now opened cell door, and into the cell across from it to get a pickup. Then proceed down the hall. Check the other cells for a HEALTH KIT, and then proceed thru the door with the green light above it. Go down the hall, and press the button on the wall to open the elevator gate. Ride it up, and proceed to the door. You'll net another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. You will be contacted by Cody. He tells you that you must get to the Missile Command Center, so he can mess up the launch. He says start by finding a woman named Serena. After the cut scene, quickly back away from the door, before the guard sees you. You're getting ready to enter the area where the missiles are, and there will be a number of guards on different levels of the steps and walkways. So quickly turn your Visor on and off from time to time, to see where they are, before they see you. Arm your weapon, and use your visors to see thru the wall to locate the guard. When you can't see him, move into the room. You'll be on one side of a missile, and the guard will be on the other. When he comes around to your side, kill him. Now search him for a HEALTH KIT, and your Shuriken. Now move around to the other side of the missile and thru the automatic door, and up the stairs. There is a guard on the stairs, so take him out. Inside the room on the other side of the missile, is another guard to deal with. Kill him from the landing below, then continue on up the stairs. Look up every once and a while to see if you can pick off any guards on the upper levels. At the top of the stairs, there's another guard on the other side of the missile. Wall hug across the thin striped ledge under the red star, to get over to where he was. Now move into the next room where the stairs are. There's another guard in here. Stay in the doorway, and wait for him to come down to you. Kill and search him. Proceed up the stairs, and back into the other missile room. Go around it, and get the HEALTH KIT. Look up on the wall behind you, and notice the Grapple Point. Use it to pull up to the top floor. Move around the ledge staying close to the rail, and stop before you get to the automatic door. You'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE here. Look thru the glass in the door, and you'll see a camera backed up by a machine gun turret. The camera is only looking down the "L" shaped hallways ahead. Move forward up under the camera. The Machine Gun won't fire unless the camera spots you. When the camera start to turn to the left, run into the alcove ahead on your right. And stay out of sight of the window glass. You'll hear Serena talking ahead. Crouchwalk past the window, and there is another turret on the ceiling down the hall to the left. It also won't fire, unless the camera further to the right of it sees you. Now run up under that camera, and when it turns to the right, run down the hall towards the door ahead, and duck into the alcove on the left. Proceed into the next little hallway, and climb up into the vent above. Get the BATTERY and AMMO on the right, and then go into the low vent here. You will come to an opening with shutters across it. Use the Camera Button, to make the Green Icon appear at the top of the shutters. Look thru them and into the window across from you, and use your RETINA SCANNER on Serena who's sitting in the chair. Now retrace your steps thru the vent and drop back down to the floor. Move forward, and peek around the corner to the left. That camera and turret are still there, daring you to have forgot about them. When it's turning away from you, run down and stand up under the camera. Face the door, and scanner pad besides it. When the camera turns to the left, run forward to the eye scanner pad, and when it shows a Green Icon, press Action to open the door. Move on around to the left, so the camera doesn't see you when it swings back around. And if the turret starts to fire at you, move away from the door, so that it will close. There's a guard in here, so kill him before he spots you. Cody will tell that once you are inside to switch the command console to receive and he'll take it from there. Move around the column in the middle of the room on the side with the nearby window, and crouch down until you get a Green Icon from the low gray box on the left side of it. Press Action, and this will change the computer for the missile from transmit, to receive. Now you must escape to the surface before detonation. There are a couple of guards out in the hall that need to be killed. So stand by the green map on the other side of the column in the middle of the room, and sniper the one that walks by the glass. The other one will run into the room, shortly thereafter. So feed him too. Now to make your getaway. Crouch a few steps away from the door and holster your weapon. Use your map, to see when the camera outside of the automatic doors, turns to the right. Then stand up, run thru the door, and stand under the camera. When the camera turns right again, run forward, into the now opened door. Work your up the stairs, and go into the door at the top. At the top, when you step on the dark brown floor, the game will load with you beyond the door. Cody will contact you, and tell you that the missile will explode in a couple of minutes, and you need to get to the top and outside the blast doors before it does. There are a few Health Kits that you can get along the way. You'll meet a lot of machine gunning guards on your way to the surface. Only have your gun drawn when you are shooting at someone, have it holstered when you are just running. If you have trouble targeting the guards, wall hug around corners without letting them see you, line up your Reticle on where they are standing, then use the View and Shoot buttons, to let them have it, or just strafe sideways a bit to kill them while firing. As soon as you regain control, run forward and thru the doorway, and get the HEALTH KIT, and then continue up the stairs. There's a guard at the top of the second set of steps. Kill him, and then proceed to the next corner and crouchwalk up behind the crates on the left wall. Ease to the right, and kill the guard that is closest to you here first. Then shoot the two red bombs in the crates further ahead down this hallway. After they blow, kill what's left of the three guards further ahead in the hallway. About halfway down this hallway, there's a missile room on the left. You can go in and get the HEALTH KIT on the left, but it's not really worth it, because you'll be fired upon by two machine gunners from above your head, so unless you're desperate, it best to just bypass it. Besides, the CLOCK IS TICKING!!! Continue down the hall and up the stairs. At the top of the second set of stairs is a guard to kill. Ease out from the corner, and kill him before he sees you. Continue past him, and halfway up the next set of stairs, is another HEALTH KIT. Wait to get it, until you kill the guard at the top to your left. Now get the health kit. Go to the closest corner of the doorway on the right, and kill the crouching guard just inside on the left, then turn around, and search the guard behind you for another HEALTH KIT. There's another guard to the right of the doorway and further back. Check your time. If you have only about 15 seconds, and a few health kits left, let him shoot you when you head for the rope. Now look up, and notice the rope dangling from the very quiet helicopter which is above the nose cone of the missile. This is your ride home. Run around to the left of the doorway, behind where the crouching guard was, and you'll see a narrow ledge that goes around the wall, and will take you to the dangling rope. When you get to it, move the camera, until the icon turns green, then press Action to get a cut scene where you make your escape and end this mission. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is the long route, if you miss killing the guard behind the glass wall, and he runs and locks himself in the little room. Go back to where there were doors to the right and straight ahead at the top of the ramp. Go thru the automatic door that is straight ahead from the top of the ramp. In the hallway, are red lasers that you can't see unless you step into the dark part of the hallway. Stay at the corner of the hallway, on the light colored part of the floor. Look up on the left wall, to spot the Green Activation Icon. Jump up to the overhead bar, and handwalk past the red lasers. Drop down, and headshot the guard with his back to you. Move around to the left, and you will see two ceiling cameras and the lights in the room will turn off and on repeatedly. Another guard will put in an appearance, coming from behind you. Pick up one of the guards, and when it's dark move ahead, keeping the cameras on your right, and circle around them. Head towards the HEALTH KIT in the corner ahead, making a detour down the left passage, to get SEVERAL PICKUP ITEMS. Get the health kit. Lay the guard across the red vertical lasers, and step thru to the auto door. There are a lot of guards ahead, so the best tactic is hit and run back to hide somewhere where they will give up the chase. Then go back and take out another, until they're all gone. Oh, by the way, they will come thru the automatic door in pursuit of you. Head thru the automatic doors, and crouch down behind the crates. On the other side of them, are three guards, one is patrolling back and forth, and the other one is posing for you, and the third one is standing back out of sight. Proceed forward cautiously, and when you get to the red star on the wall on the right, look a little bit past that, to see a camera with a green flashing light. Move behind the crates near the camera, and stand up under the camera. Ahead, you can see a guard standing. When the camera turns to the right, move to the dark alcove across from the red star on the left wall, to be on the same side as the next set of three crates. Check the camera's field of vision on your map, then when it's safe, move up to the glass window on the left. Your contact will tell you that the boiler room is too heavily guarded, and to try and find another way. There is a machine gun turret on the ceiling in the Boiler Room. If there was a way to disable it, then I must have missed it. Step inside the automatic doors, and look on the left wall to see a button to press. This button shuts off some lasers beneath the walkway floor. Go press it, then quickly turn around, and while trying to outrun the turret's bullets, run around the walkway going counter clockwise, until you come to an opening in the fence. Jump down, crouch, and move beneath the red pipes. Jump down to the floor below, and kill the guy that locked himself in this little room for making you have to go the long way around. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEVEL 4 MAGYAR CLUB: There are three guards in the next room, one on each side of the doorway, and a third one walking back and forth down the middle of the floor. At the start of this level, go down the three steps, and go to the right. The tall wooden box that says 'export only' on the back, is a hidey hole box that you can hide in or use as a Dead Guard Storage Facility. By the end of the long brown table, crouch down and aim your sniper rifle thru the doorway to the far end. Wait until the patrolling guard is either going to the right or left, then put a bullet in his head. Now holster your weapon, and go over to the piano, and let Nikki entertain you. As soon as you regain control, run back BEHIND the hidey hole, crouch down and arm your pistol. Now target the area at the end of the table. One of the guards that was standing by the door will come looking for you. Watch your map, so that you can see when the guard is coming. When he starts to walk around the end of the long table, walking away from you, kill him. Shortly thereafter, the other guard will come to check on his buddy. I would suggest that you come out from behind the hidey hole, and kill him before he sees his dead buddy. Honor his head with a new hole also. Search them all, and then continue on about your business. Move to the far end of the second room, and turn right at the corner. There's a hidey hole ahead on the left and above and to the right of it, is a vent for you to jump up into. At the last turn before the vent exit, check the map for the guard in the room below. Then carefully open the vent exit, and shoot the guard patrolling below, before he can sound the alarm. There is a door to the right of the vent exit, and besides the red/green door switch, is a little table, with EXTRA POWER SUPPLYS FOR THE FLYCAM, on it. Be sure you grab that, or else! The door ahead, is the kitchen, head into there, and stop on the other side of the door. Move forward slowly, while watching your map, to activate two guards in here. Then move back out to the room where you shot the first guard. Even though the alarm hasn't been sounded, they will still be looking for you, but will stay in the kitchen. It's like their clairvoyant or something. Check your map for when they are separated. One will say, "I'll check in here." And will go and check the area to the left. Approach the kitchen doors from the side to open them. Shoot the one on the right, and then go kill the one on the left, before he can sound the alarm. Follow the left path to get a HEALTH KIT. Now exit the kitchen, and go into the room on the right. Just inside the doorway, is a small waist high rectangular table on your right. Move it across the threshold of the doorway that you just came thru. Vargas's gun is behind the yellow force field in the middle of the room. Move around the outside perimeter of the force field till you get to the room that is straight across from where you came in. On the wall above the rifles, is a hole for your FLYCAM to go thru. Bring it to the front of your inventory using the Device Select Buttons. Stand a little ways back from the wall, and press the Activate Button and fly it into the hole. Slowly maneuver thru the curving tunnel. Bumping it into the sides of the tunnel, will drain it of power faster. If you get static on the screen and the fly cam turns red, that means that it has gone Kaput on you. If you don't have any extra power cells for it, meander on back to where you dropped down out of the vent, and on the table by the door, is the power supply for your fly cam. That is if you didn't get it before. Inside the fly cam tunnel, and at the first set of laser traps, the lasers come from both sides, cross the middle, and then move back. The lasers in the first slot on the left moves to the center and back, followed by the lasers in the second slot moving to the center and back. Aim the fly cam at the red dot ahead. Then they all recede back and this is the time to move the fly cam straight thru. Follow another tunnel. On the second laser trap, a single laser block sits on the left for a while, then moves down a long tunnel to the right. Follow behind it, and turn in to the left just before it stops at the end. Follow this tunnel to the end, and fly the cam into the green and red area at the end, so Cody can hack into the Security System, and remove the yellow force field. Move into where the force field was, and get Vargas's empty gold gun. Which just happens to be booby-trapped. A short fuse timer appears on the screen. Immediately run forward, and do a running dive roll thru the doorway, before those red lasers slice and dice you. The lasers will destroy the table that you put across the threshold, allowing the concrete door to slam down. You'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE, if you make it out. There will be a couple of guards that will appear when you start to move around. So it's best that you go gunnin' for them, so they don't pop up at the wrong time. You start outside the room where you got Varga's Gun. So arm your pistol, and head into the kitchen. On the left, behind the counter, another guard will just suddenly appear, so take him out quick. Continue on around to the left, and get the HEALTH KIT if you didn't get it before. Or maybe the game put another one there. Now come back out of the here, and go around to the right side of the kitchen. Stand in the meat locker, until your body temperature lowers- as indicated by the blue thermometer bulb on the right side of your map screen turning blue. Now make a mad dash out of the kitchen, and exit thru the door on the left with the green/red button besides it. Keep running to the left, and run THRU the next two rooms and then stop. If you had of come thru the last room sporting 98.6F, you would have been trapped by force fields across both doors, and a machine gun turret in the ceiling would have mowed you down. In the next room up on the right wall, is a camera that you can shoot out. So when it is pointing away, walk in to the right, and stand up under it. Now aim up and shoot it. Now you're safe from the turret. Now walk thru the automatic doors on the right side, and hook a sharp right, and stand between this and the next doorway on your left. Cody will tell you that you need to locate the Security System DVD-ROM Disc, so no one will know that you've been here. Turn around and survey the room. Notice the picture of the sail boat. Also notice the Fly cam hole above it. Remember this spot, because you'll be back here later. Now turn back around, and face the other room. There's are patrolling guards that walks in the connecting rooms ahead. There is also a camera in the next room up on the wall to the right, and it faces left. Above that camera, is a balcony with a guard walking on it. You need to locate him on your map. When the guard in the next room leaves and the guard on the balcony is walking away from you and the camera is turned to the right, move to the left, and take the camera out. Then move back into the corner. Now keep an eye on both the balcony guard, and the guard that comes into the next room. When both guards are walking away from you again, move left a little and take out the one in the next room. Now move into the next room to the bookcase ahead, and turn right. Look up, and shoot the balcony guard when he walks by. Now move back to the end of this bookcase, by the crate. Holster your weapon, and check the position of the camera in the main library. When it goes to the right, run up under it. Now kill the camera. Go up the stairs, and turn left. Stop before the end, cause there might be a guard around the corner. If so, kill him before he sees you. Now enter the Computer Room. On the last desk, is the Security DVD Disc for you to get. There is a fly cam access port on the wall. Send the fly cam into the little access hole, straight ahead, and it will disrupt power to the two cameras downstairs in the library. As you exit the computer room, you'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Go right, down and up the stairs, and jump up into the vent. Below the other end of this vent, is a guard, maybe two, to take out. If possible, wait until they go downstairs, where you can get a better shot at them. Drop down out of the vent, and go down the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs, hook a Uuey to the right, and go to the desk. Inside, you will find the HANDWRITING SAMPLE. Return back thru the vent. Go all the way back down stairs, and then to the left. Two paths here that you can take. To the right, is the camera that couldn't be shot, but has now been disabled, since you were in the computer room. It was guarding a false bookcase-which required you to find a Green Icon somewhere on it, so that it would raise and expose a concealed door to the little room where you got the handwriting sample from the desk. There is no longer any need to go there, so go to the left, then right, and you'll be facing that sailboat painting that I told you to remember. As usual, the fly cam access tunnels are booby trapped with moving lasers which you have to avoid while trying to find the next connecting tunnel. Enter the access port, and stop the FLYCAM just before you get to the lasers. It will start from the right, and move to the left. Follow behind it, and go right into the next tunnel. Move forward a ways until you see the next set of lasers. Watch their movement pattern. When they move to the left and right, move the fly cam straight ahead, and bump it into the control panel at the end, which will raise the painting of the white building by the water, which is in the room to your left. Go into the room to your left, and go to the safe that was under the painting of the building by the water, and press Action to access a direction button puzzle lock. Mimic the directional symbols that appear on the screen with the timer. If you mess up, just keep pressing buttons before the timer runs out. And you should still unlock it. Go back to the fly cam room, and enter the door on the right, and before you do anything else, move the two podiums so they cover the floor vents in both rooms. Check between and on all the shelves in both rooms, for pickups. There is a POWER CELL FOR THE FLYCAM on the shelf to the right, as you enter the door. Now bring the fly cam up to the top of your inventory, so you can start to use it quickly. The AMMO FOR VARGAS' S GUN, is on the shelf in the right corner of the second room, but pick this up last. Move over to where Vargas's Ammo is, and notice the fly cam access port in the right corner, behind the box. As soon as you grab the Ammo for Vargas's gun, and head back out the room, a guard comes in the previous room, and activates the red alarm button on the wall to the left of where you entered. The doors will seal, and poison gas will blow into the rooms. So be sure that you've move both podiums over their respective vents, made all the pickup in both rooms, and most importantly have your fly cam ready to equip as soon as the cut scene ends. Now run over to the right corner of the far wall in the second room, and send your fly cam into the access tunnel near the floor. A ways down this tunnel are four sets of moving lasers. The 1st set will move to each side, and blink on and off a few time. When they start to blinking, quickly move the fly cam straight ahead. This will take you to the connector tunnel with more lasers. The 2nd set of lasers move towards the center of the tunnel, and then back away. When they start to back away, move straight ahead. At the 3rd set of lasers, when they move to the right, follow them and move into the next tunnel on the left. At the 4th set of lasers, you need to go straight thru when they part, and fly the fly cam straight into the broken wires where the green and red glow is. Cody will take control, and disable the poison gas, and open the exit door. When you exit this room, you'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. You start out outside the room where you were being gassed. It seems that there are three guards looking for you. Head forward thru the rooms, until you see a guard actually running towards your position on the map from the right. Now turn around and run back to the gas room, and watch for him to run past the gas room. Wait a while, and hopefully, all the red guard icons will disappear off your map. Now come out and proceed forward back towards where you started this level, keeping an eye on your map for any guards that will just suddenly appear. At the end of the last hallway, Cody will tell you that the forger has been captured, and that you must kill the guards stealthily before they kill him. When you get to the end of the long hall, the game will reload, and you'll be outside the room where three guards and the forger are. Ease right so you can see the guard to the right of the doorway. You'll need to sneak up behind each of the three guards, and kill them stealthily. When the second guard on your left, starts walking away from you, and the guard to your right is standing with his back to you, walk stealthily up behind the first guard, and kill him with your hands. Now crouch down, and turn left, besides the brown box. When the second guard turns around and heads back to your right, follow him and stay to his left side. Press Action, and quickly mimic the on screen directions to kill him. Now crouch down and turn right, so that you are directly behind the third guard. Crouch walk up behind him, and when the Green Icon comes on, stand and mimic the on screen directions. Then the forger will copy Vargas's handwriting, and the game will load, and you'll be in pursuit of Vargas. During another cut scene Cody will access a secret location where Varga is, and you'll appear at the entrance of it. Cody will tell you to use Varga's gun(it will be the Gold Gun in your inventory) to kill five of the guards and save the last bullet for Varga. Also any guards that you kill with your own gun instead of Vargas's gun-their bodies must be hidden in the dead guard storage facilities. Also go for head shots. Crouch walk and arm Vargas's pistol. There's a storage facility for bodies on your right. Proceed to the left, checking your map for guard locations as you go. Stay back in the dark area, and guard #1 will walk by on the other side of the fence. As long as you have the green targeting icon, you can shoot thru the fence. Shoot him in the head before he gets too far down the path. Now do a u-turn at the opening in the fence, and go around to where he was walking, and stop before the next corner. Directly overhead, is a bridge where guard #2 keeps coming to the rail and saying "Ahhhh, beautiful night." Arm Varga's gun, and have Nikki do a wall hug near the corner. When he walks to this side of the bridge, use the Camera Button to place the Red Reticle on his head, and leave it there. Now let him leave, and come back. When he stops, the reticle should turn green. When it does, press the View Button, so Nikki swings around the corner, then quickly press the Shoot button, to kill him. Move under the first bridge, and just past the brown crates, but not past the corner wall on the right. Move to the wall on your right and do another wall hug. Guard #3 is up on the second bridge. When he stops on this side, place the Red Reticle on his head. Let him go and come again. When he does, swing around and kill him. As you move up under this second bridge, there's a dead guard storage facility on the other side of the boxes. Move forward into the opening on the left, and around the boxes. At the bottom of the second set of steps, is guard #4 standing by the wall to the left, but he will leave after a while and walk forward. Then he'll come back and go down some steps that you can't see yet. Track his movements on the map. Crouchwalk down the steps leading with your right side, towards the first landing. When you have your shot lined up, fire away. At the bottom of the second set of steps, go down the third set of steps to the left, and get the HEALTH KIT, & AMMO from the storage room. Now come back out, and go into where Varga's getaway car is. There's another guard storage facility, next to the car. Go into the opening in front of the car, pass another guard storage facility, and climb the ladder, to reach another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. The 5th and final guard is in here to the left. Stay in the room where the ladder is, and let him come into the room ahead. Take him out so you can go kill Vargas. Move thru the doors, and go around to the left, then up a small set of stairs and straight ahead to the far right. There's an opening in the fence to get you onto the roof. Stand on the glass to fall thru, and a cut scene will play, where Nikki's promises not to kill Varga. He then gives her some helpful information, after which she says she lied, and kills him anyway. That finishes this mission. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEVEL 5 STAUFFER PRIVABANK: You are given the crossbow with poison tipped insta-kill arrows that leave no tell-tale bloodstains. Move forward, and crouch under the fence, and stay crouched, then look up to see the two blue laser sensors running across the ladder on the right. Move to the ladder, and get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. Notice that the laser sensor beams are wide, but very flat. Move up as close as you safely can, then when the beam clears the ladder, going to the left, move up near the next beam. Rinse and repeat. At the top, as soon as you regain control from the cut scene, quickly move to the left. The guard that came out of the door, will go over to the rail, and stand. Then he will begin to walk a patrol, of only a few steps, back and forth. Kill him however you like. Crouch up under the door, and move to the crates ahead. Move up under the desk to get some AMMO. The other guard isn't coming to you, so you'll have to go to him for the kill. As you move towards him, you'll get another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. After the kill, move forward. Look up on the left wall up under the alarm air horn, to spot a vent that you can climb into. Near the end, on the left will be a vent window that you can open and look thru to see into the room you just came thru. Use the control at the middle top to open the shutters. There doesn't seem to be anything else that can be done from this vent, so come back out and drop down to the floor. Move under the turret above the doorway. Put on your VISORS to see the invisible sensors ahead. The first set is horizontal, and the next set are both vertical and horizontal together. Near both ends of this sensor protected area, is a X-shaped place up above that Nikki can jump up to if she accidentally touches one of the sensor beams, and causes the turrets to open fire. Just look up and spot the green icon, then press Action to make Nikki lay flat against the ceiling. When the turrets stop firing, and the doors raise, press Action again to make Nikki drop down to the floor again. Crouchwalk past the first set of sensors, and then notice that the gap between the second and third vertical sensor beams is wider than the other gaps. Also notice, that there is a line on the floor, that runs right down the middle of the space between those two vertical beams. Crouch down, and place Nikki on that line, with the camera above her head. As long as you don't veer off that line, you'll make it thru without setting off the alarms. Keep going to the big light gray automatic doors. At the bottom of the steps, climb the ladder on the right, and enter the vent. This will take you to a low room, with four fans on the wall, and a BATTERY & HEALTH KIT, in the opposite corners. Retrace your steps, thru the vent, and down the ladder. To the left of the ladder, is an access port for you to upload your DDC when you find it. Now approach the large gray automatic double doors. There are two guards in the room behind the double doors. One is on the left side of the room, and the other one is on the right. Check your map. Approach the doors, without opening them, the guard on the left just keeps circling some computer terminals. When he is between the terminals and the wall, move forward to open the door, and shuriken him in the back of the head. There's a dead guard storage facility straight ahead. Now check your map, for the movements of the second guard. He comes from the right side of the room, to the middle, then turns and goes back. While he's heading back, sneak into the room, and go between the wall and the computer terminals on the left, right where you killed the first guard. Do a wall hug on the computers, and move to the left side of the screen. When the second guard heads for the other side of the room, place the reticule on him, then swing around and put him down. Search both guards, to get the Red Keycards. Check the desk drawer on the other side for a HEALTH KIT. Around to the right, there's another dead guard storage facility, and another HEALTH KIT & AMMO. There's a third dead guard storage facility in this room. Check the low file cabinet under the opening in the wall near the other doors. This is where you will get the DDC Vault codes. Check your Items File to see that E. Stauffer's retrieval cipher is 1103. Now proceed to the top of the stairs, and stop. There's a camera ahead, and a guard to the right. If you check your map, you'll notice that the guard is out of the camera's cone of vision most of the time. So wait until he's out of camera range, then strafe left, and stand anywhere behind the camera, to put his lights out. Now go and stand under the camera. When it's pointing to the left, run forward to the vault, and use the RED KEYCARD on the card reader to open it. The front of the vault isn't in the camera's field of vision. The bars on both sides will open. Enter the vault around either side, and type in the code 1103, which is in your objectives file. This will cause the black compartment in front of the key pad to open. Move to it, and get the DDC. Cody tells you to take it to the upstream port, which is to the left of the ladder by the bottom of the steps. Retrace your path, avoiding the camera in front of the vault. Upload the DDC, and Cody tells you that there are $60,000,000, in six bearer bonds upstairs that you have to get. The guard that was in the locked room, notices your upload, and comes out to investigate. Turn around, and kill him as he comes out the door. Search him, and get the BLUE KEYCARD from him. Now head into the room that he came out of, and enter the low vent next to the desk. This will take you to a room with a HEALTH KIT, & AMMO. Get them, then return thru the vent, and press the button on the wall next to the desk. Now head upstairs going behind the camera, and straight ahead to the now opened doors. You'll net a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. From your start position, the doors ahead, and the ones to the rec room with the guard playing a video game, won't open yet. So go thru the door on the left, with the green light above it. There are some stairs going down, and a low vent on the right. The vent is blocked by a fan, and goes nowhere. So head downstairs. There's a hidey hole, and a red switch on the wall. Throw the switch. This will cause the power to go out in the rec room. Disrupting the guard's game. He'll leave the room and come down the stairs, so draw your weapon, and head into your hidey hole. He will come down and credit the thrown switch to a power surge, and flip it back on, and head back up the stairs. Before he reaches the top of the stairs, step out, and pelt him with Shuriken. Now head up the stairs and into the rec room. Get the HEALTH KIT next to the Smash It Up Game. There's a hidey hole to the left of the door. And straight ahead from the door, is a Red Button on the wall to push. This will cause the other doors that are next to this room, to open. Go thru them. This leads to some stairs going up. The low vent ahead to the left, goes nowhere. These vents that go nowhere, are probably there as places to hide. At first, both guards will come down to the bottom of the stairs, so hide under them. After they go back to the top, one will come back down to the bottom by himself. Plug him when he gets there, then go over and move his body out of sight. Wait a while, and the other one will come down also for another easy kill. On the second and fourth landings, there are two more go nowhere vents. Keep heading up. The door at the top, is locked, but there's a vent next to the door up on the wall. Hop up, and head thru. The game will load, and you are now on the other side of the locked door, in a hallway. Cody tells you that the main vault, is upstairs. When you head to the stairs ahead, you'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Proceed up the stairs in a crouch, and stand behind the square brown column and when guard #4 goes past, crouch walk and follow him. As you start to follow him, notice the force field on your left. You'll be back here, as soon as you disable it. Pick his pocket, to get the GREEN KEYCARD. Continue on around the outer edge of the room, and go to the door with the card reader. Use the keycard, to enter. You are now in the offices. You're at a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Stand up, and go past the door with the keypad, and into the first office. Check all the desks and file cabinets for goodies. There's a BATTERY in the first desk on your left. The low file cabinet with the blue bag on top has AMMO. The file cabinet with the fan on top, has zilch. The file cabinet next to the copier has a HEALTH KIT. The nearby desk has a PROJECTOR SLIDE. Now move into the back office. The desk on the right with the slide projector on it, has something that I still haven't been able to figure out yet. Logically, it's got to be some kind of AMMO for one of your weapons, or something to make one of your devices work. The file cabinet against the back wall, next to the blue bag, has a BATTERY in it. The other file cabinet next to the plant, has another HEALTH KIT, in it. The desk with the blowing fan on it has a third HEALTH KIT. Now move back to the desk with the slide projector on it, and move around the slide projector, until you get the Green Icon. Press Action, and the Security Locks Code-4912-will be displayed on the wall. Now go back behind the desk with the blowing fan on it, and press the Red Button on the wall. This will shut off the force field that you passed when you were picking the guards pocket. Now return back thru the offices, and go to the door that you passed with the keypad on it, and enter the code(4912) that you just got. This will let you into the cashier's booth. Crouchwalk past the blue chairs, and go to the low file cabinet at the end, and get a BATTERY. Now come back past the printer, and press the Red Button on the wall. This will open a door upstairs, directly over the offices. Exit the cashier's booth, and go right, and crouchwalk out the door, and stop. Check where guard #4 is, then proceed towards the stairs ahead. Then go back around the room going counter clockwise around the outer perimeter, because there's a guard on the floor above, that can look down and see you. Enter where the force field was that I told you to take note of, and use your keycard on the door on the left, which is the janitor's room. Climb the ladder in here, and go thru the vent. Turn right, and ahead at the end are some shutters, which you'll be using in a little while. For now, go down the connector vent to the right, and at the end, go either left or right. The two paths lead to two washrooms. Drop down in either one, and stand in the doorway, so that you can see guard #1 patrolling. When he goes to the left, move down the hall, and go to the right, before he turns back around and sees you. Be aware that there are more guards on the other side of the walkway, so avoid them seeing you also. Go thru the door, which you opened by pressing the Red Button while in the cashier's booth. You'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. As you approach the brown doors on the left, you'll hear Serena talking with Stauffer. Check where guard #1 is, then when he's walking away from you, follow him, and cut down the hallway to the left. Re-enter one of the washrooms, and jump up to the vent, and this time proceed to the shutters on the right. To open the shutters, just look at them in various places, until you get the Green Icon, then press Action. Look down and directly across from you, into the window. Stauffer will walk up to it and stand. Use your RETINA SCANNER, to scan his eyes, and get the eye code. Now return to one of the washrooms, and stand in the doorway again, to check the whereabouts of guard #1. When he goes past the hallway to the left, move forward, and go to the right. There may be an additional guard on the right. If so, just keep going thru the doors. They won't follow you in. Crouchwalk past the brown doors on the left where Stauffer is, and continue on around the hallway, and stop before the end of the hallway wall. There are sensors on the left and right. On the left path, there's always a sensor on, on the bottom. The right side looks like a better choice, BUT, there's a camera/turret combo just past the lasers on the right. When the camera starts to turn back to the right, and all the lasers on the right are off, run past, and stand under the camera. When the camera turns to the left, go down the steps turn left then right, to be at the vault door. If you tripped the sensors, and the machine gun starts firing, just keep going, until you are out of range. Look at the lock mechanism, and it will give you a green icon, because you've scanned Stauffer's eyes. Press Action, to open the vault door. Move forward around the corner, to get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. Notice the flying drones with the headlights. Those are flying machine guns-the turrets have been upgraded. There are also guards walking around on the various levels. Use your crossbow on the guards and avoid the flying drones. Try to listen for the motors of the flying drones as they approach, they'll get louder and louder. Straight ahead of you is the elevator that you'll have to go down shortly. Before entering this area, crouch a little before the two carts on the left, and when the drone passes, take out the guard walking on the left. Then when the drone that is coming down the hall that is closest to you and turn towards the center of the area, run left, then turn right down the hall, and go beyond this drones route and stand behind the wall. At the bottom of the steps wait until the next drone flies by before going up. There's a guard walking around up here. Kill him quick, and duck into the doors on the right. There's AMMO, A HEALTH KIT, & a WHA' CHA' MA JIGGER, in the file cabinet. Listen for the drone, then exit the room and stand behind the column. There's a turret on the ceiling ahead. If a flying drone start firing on you, run back into the room, to cancel the alarm. You need to drop down the shaft, with out touching any of the blue beams. If you do, that will cause some circular red lasers to come on at the bottom. If you touch any of the circular red lasers, they will take a significant chunk of your health-as in just enough to make you very dead. Notice nearby the turret, is a Grapple Point. When the flying turrets goes past you, run forward, and stop at the yellow and black striped line. Grapple and hang from the rope. There are three blue sensors, going from side to side beneath you. If you touch any of them, red lasers will appear at the bottom, and tear you to shreds, but you already know that, don't you?. Also the flying turrets probably will have spotted you by now, and will be shooting at you also. Hang above each blue laser, and when it passes under you and moves to one side, press Backwards to drop below it, then quickly release Backwards, so Nikki will stop. If you get past all three, without touching any, the red lasers will NOT come on. At the bottom, the contraption in front of you, is your ride back up. So for the time being, move around it, and go forward. You'll reach a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Stop before the circular red lasers, and notice the gap in the line where one is missing. There are three sections, the middle of the floor, and then three more sections that you have to get past. Each section moves in the opposite direction of the next one to it. Move as close as you can without touching them. First of all, place the camera over Nikki's head, so that you are looking down on her. Then starting from the large gap between the beams, start counting, and then step thru. In the 1st section, there are 6 or 7 beams, then a gap. In the 2nd section, there are 11 beams, then a gap. In the 3rd section, there are 15 beams, then a gap. Now you are in the center section, so move close the next section of beams. The beam count will now be reversed. In the 4th section, there are 15 beams, then a gap. In the 5th section, there are 11 beams, then a gap. In the 6th section, there are 6 or 7 beams, then a gap. In the opening is a red button to press, which will deactivate the circular red lasers, and raise the circular center of the floor, to show some steps leading down. Before you go down, there's a BATTERY to your left. Now go on down, and get another BATTERY, at the bottom of the steps. Cody tells you the Six Bonds are inside the vault, and that you have three minutes to get them once you open the door, or get locked in. Equip your sniper rifle, then put on your visors, and zoom in. Look to the left and right, to find the location of what looks like a couple of sheets of paper, tied with a bow. Then remember their location, and take off your visors. Use your scope, so that you can see the two digit numbers on the outside of those particular security boxes. You won't be able to see the bonds that are behind the vault door, because it's too thick for your VISOR to see past. So you'll have to waste time checking them out once you get inside the vault. But if you want, I can kinda tell you what they are. That is if you want me to. On each side of you and behind the vault door, as you are facing it, there are six groups of nine security boxes each. Facing the vault door, count the groups of boxes 1,2,3,4,5,6, going from Nikki's left to right. Count the individual boxes in each group, from left to right, and top to bottom, number the top row, 1,2,3, the second row 4,5,6, and the bottom row, 7,8,9. Still facing the vault door, on your Left, in the left hand group of boxes, box number #4 has the bonds in it, and the code on that box is 07. Still on the left, in the right hand group of boxes, box #8 has the bonds, and the code is 17. To your Front, behind the vault door, in the left hand group of boxes, box #9 has the bonds, and the code is 33. In the right hand group of boxes, box # 2 has the bonds, and the code is 23. On Nikki's Right, the left hand group of boxes doesn't have any bonds in them. Still on the Right looking at the right hand group of boxes. The bonds are in boxes #6, and #7. The codes on these boxes are, 48 & 52. So the six codes that you need are: 07, 17, 33, 23, 48, and 52, to open the security boxes. Enter 07, and 17 on the keypad to the left of the vault door, 33 & 23 on the keypad behind the vault door, and enter 48 & 52 on the keypad to the right of the vault door, to open those respective security boxes. To open the four combination locks on the vault door, use your visor to look inside at the tumblers. The tumblers are those pieces of metal, that have what looks like 1/4 of a circle(or arrow tip) on the end. What you need to do, is move those pieces of metal so that the 1/4 of a circle is in the middle, and the four pieces together form a circle. The Left Movement Button, will turn the dials. So switch back and forth between using the Left Movement Button, and your VISOR, until you have a circle formed in the middle. These are the numbers that each lock should be set at to form the circle. Left Lock: 7 Bottom Lock: 5 Right Lock: 2 Top Lock: 5 When you enter the vault, start with the left side groups of boxes, and end with the right side groups. You may need to crouch, to activate the Green Icon on the lower safety deposit boxes, and move back and forth to activate the Green Icon on the upper boxes. The safety deposit boxes are grouped in sets of nine each. Count them left to right, and top to bottom-1-2-3, 4-5-6, & 7-8-9. Left side left hand group: code 07=box #4 Left side right hand group: code 17=box #8 Middle side left hand group: code 33=box #9 Middle side right hand group: code 23=box #2 Right side right hand group: code 48=box #6 Right side right hand group: code 52=box #7 After you get all six bonds, and come back out the vault door, Cody tell that they are picking you up, and to head back to the lobby. And you know that they will be up there waiting for you. When you enter the elevator, you'll reach a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. Press the button to ride the elevator up. When you reach the top, there are guards waiting on you. See, told ya. Nikki quickly slides down the back of the elevator back down to the bottom. There are about three guards shooting at you from above, that you have to take out. As soon as you regain control, run to your right and get the HEALTH KIT. Then hightail it back to the ladder on the left, and climb up to the top and move back out of the opening. There will be two snipers across from you on the walkways. And one on the walkway below the side that the ladder isn't on. Once they are dead, Serena kill Stauffer. Cody tells you to kill Serena. Your best bet, is to stay up here at the top of the ladder. Sometimes, she'll be down on the bottom floor. Sometimes, she'll be going up and down the stairs, and other times she'll be on the walkways across from you. Your pistol can track her faster than you sniper rifle. She'll be throwing hand grenade up at you. Just keep firing at her until her health bar goes down enough that she dies. Then this mission will end. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEVEL 6 RELIANCE SHIPPING: Equip your crossbow. You start by stepping out of a crate, which is among several other crates, that are between you and the two guards. There is a third guard walking up and down the steps, and patrolling the second floor. The guard on your left, who is standing at the table facing you, is guard #1. The guard to your right, is guard #2. And the guard on the second floor, is guard #3, whose route covers upstairs, and most of the way down the steps. Take out guard #3 when he finishes climbing the stairs, and has his back turned to you. Don't start backing away from the boxes, until he faces up the stairs. Don't wait until he is walking around upstairs, he can see you when you back away from the boxes, even from up there. Now crouch and move to the right, and when guard #2 is either on this or the other side of the room, and walking away from you and behind guard #1, kill him too. Then move around to where you can see guard #1, and kill him also. Go upstairs, and search guard #3's body, and get an ADRENALINE BOOST. Up by the Infinite Cola machine on the right, are two SNIPER BULLETS. And by the coffee machine, are two clips of AMMO. Now move all three guards' bodies up under the steps, and search them. Guards #1 & 2, have PROXIMITY MINES for you. Equip your crossbow. Now jump up into the vent to the left of the stairs, and proceed thru it. At the last turn, you'll hear a lab tech guy talking about a video game. When you hear him, that means that one of the two guards that are now upstairs, has been activated to come down to the floor that you are about to exit on to. So get a move on, and exit the vent. To your left, is a partition, and behind it is the lab tech guy on the video game machine. Kill him before he see you. Stand by the end of the partition, on the side where the video game machine is. When the upstairs guard gets to the bottom of the steps, a headshot is definitely called for. If the alarm doesn't go off, search them, then go under the steps, to get a HEALTH KIT. Now go over and get the lab coat by the hidey holes, and go upstairs. Stay away from the guard up here. If you draw your weapon, the lab coat falls off, exposing you, and can't be picked back up. Your best bet, is to just try to leave this room, go across the hall, and avoid getting close to the guard over there. When this guard goes out into the hall, pickpocket the lab tech guy in the back corner, and get the RED KEYCARD. Now keeping your distance from the guard, go back out, and down the hall to the end. Behind the table on the right, is a guard sitting in a alcove besides the small table. Ignore him. Now use the red keycard on the card reader across from where the guard sits, and go thru the red doors. As soon as you are on the other side of the door, the lab coat will automatically drop off on the floor. Walk down the hall, and you'll net a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Move down the hall. The sign on the door informs you that you are leaving the civilian area. You ask Cody why a shipping company needs lab technicians. Then inform him that the agent is definitely here. Continue down the hall and around the corner to Security Level 1. Be aware while moving around, that guards in other rooms, can see you thru the glass in the window or door. Move forward along the left wall, and check your map, to see that there is a guard to your left. Periodically, he goes into the little supply room to your left. When he does, follow him in and kill him before he turns back around, and get the ARROWS that he's carrying. The room he went in, has a black and yellow stripe on the door, but doesn't have a card reader besides it. In here, you'll get three REMOTE MINES, A HEALTH KIT, three AMMO packs, and SOMETHING WITH SPIKES, on it. There are also three hidey holes in here. Jump up into the vent in the ceiling, and follow it on around. Get the HEALTH KIT. I finally found out what that pickup with spikes on it that I been calling a wha' cha' ma jigger is. It's Shuriken. I happened to have them selected as my current weapon, when I picked some up, and saw the quantity increase. Now prepare to come back out. Go to the door, and cause them to open from the side. Check your map to see that the guard in the raised room, isn't near the window or glass door. Also peek down the hall, to see if the guard behind the door is looking your way. Now exit the room where you got all the goodies. Approach the door to the raised room in a crouch from the left side. Check for when the guard inside has his back to the door, then move right to make the door open, then kill him. Search the guard or his weapon, to get the GREEN KEYCARD. Now for the other door in here, use the keycard in the card reader, to unlock it. Approach the door from the side, and check your map for when the guard on the other side, comes near the door, and turns around and walks away. As soon as he moves away, cause the door to open, move in and kill him. There's another guard around the corner to the left, so kill him too. Search them, to get a GRENADE, and an ADRENALINE BOOST also. I think that there's a HEALTH KIT on the shelf??? Continue on around to the right. There's a red button on the wall. On the left, you'll see the door that gives you the audible greeting and alerts a whole passel of guards. There's a low vent on the left-which is just a hiding place, and doesn't go anywhere. As you get near the two toned door with the red button to the right of it, you hear the unmistakable sound of a gun turret. If you press the red button to open them, you'll get a warning about pressurized doors opening. A red alert will surround the map screen, and guards will come from behind. Move away from the door, to make it close with them on the other side. If their barrage of fire kills you, then when you restart the game, the red alert will be cancelled, and you'll be on the side of the door with the shaft full of sensors below it. IMPORTANT!!! Before you take another breath, SAVE YOUR GAME. You reached a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE, as soon as you entered the shaft, but may not have been able to act upon it, due to all the bullets that were penetrating you. The red button to the right of the door, while inside the shaft, will reopen the pressurized doors. But if you go back out, you run the risk of another Red Alert coming on, just for the hell of it. So let's not push your luck, shall we? Now for some real fun and games-getting down to the bottom of the shaft, without tripping any of the blue sensors. The turret in the ceiling will only shoot you if you trip any of the sensors. OKAY, here's how we're gonna do this. Carefully walk around the narrow ledge in this shaft to the front left corner, and go all the way to the end, and face the wall. Slowly ease back, until Nikki drops and hangs from the ledge that she was on. It will help, if you place the camera over Nikki's head, while trying to get as close to the sensors as is safely possible. Now hand walk as far to the right as you can. Then press Down on the Movement Button, and Nikki will release from this ledge, and grab onto the one below it. Now get as close as is safely possible, then watch the 1st set of blue sensors to your right. I'll give the pattern of the lasers sensors as I went thru the game. But check what the pattern is for yourself, as the game may change them. 1st Set: Their pattern is 1 long On, followed by 2 short On's, and then 1 long Off. Hand walk to the right, on the long off, but don't go all the way to the corner, because there is another set of blue sensors. 2nd Set: They have the same On/Off pattern, as the previous ones. After you get past the second set, continue to the end, then drop to the ledge below. Nikki will catch hold, and hang. Move near the next set of sensors to the right. You need to get really close to this set, because the off time, is short, and you need to start moving a little before the short On fades out completely, in order to make it past safely. 3rd Set: The pattern here, is 2 long On's followed by 1 short On, followed by a short Off. Continue all the way to the right, and drop and grab the next lower ledge. Now move all the way around to the end. Release and grab the next lower ledge and stop a little before the end on the right. The next set of sensors are horizontal and below you, and they blink on and off. 4th Set: Their pattern is 2 long On's followed by 1 short On, followed by an Off. Drop on the Off and grab the ledge below. Hand walk all the way to the right, and you should be able to safely drop to the floor. Cody tells you that there's an air vent that give you access to the underground warehouse. It's on the wall behind you. Hop in and see where it takes you. The game will load, and you'll be in a hallway with a guard behind the door to your right. So move forward so he doesn't see you. Equip a remote mine, and move around the corner. Creep up close enough, so that you can attach one onto the doors in front of the two guards with their back to you. As soon as it attaches, they'll try to run thru the doors, so detonate it quickly, and get two birds for one stone. Aw, they didn't quite make it. Oh well, win some, lose some, right guys? Guys? Got nothing to say now huh? A while ago you were a couple of motor mouths. Now move back to where you started, and look above your head, and jump up to the vent above. Keep going to the left, across the pairs of pipes, and continue on into the room to the right. Cody tells you to switch off the centrifuge below. Get the HEALTH KIT, and REMOTE MINE first. Look at the ceiling, and notice the Grapple Point. Now press the Red Button on the wall. This opens the nearby yellow floor grate. Now go back to the other side of the grate, where you got the health kit, and look down at the lab tech. Check your map, for when they both move near each other, then drop a remote mine(or proximity mine) in between them, and detonate it. Again, two for the price of one. Drop down thru the floor grate. Move up to the pedestal that says generator. Look up thru the grated trapdoor, to see the Grapple Point in the ceiling. When you get the green icon on the pedestal, press Action. This will stop the centrifuge from rotating. Now quickly find the grapple point up thru the grate that you opened, and pull up. Drop back down to the second floor, and toss a couple of remote mines down to the stopped centrifuge. Some nosy busybody is gonna call about the centrifuge being shut off, and shortly thereafter, a guard will appear below. Now you can shoot the guard from relative safety. Now go back to the ceiling vent, and drop down. Go back thru the hallway and turn left of where you started. Check your map, and open the door, and kill the guard when he's going down the steps to the left. The lab tech who is on your right, will try to run down the stairs to press the alarm button, so cap him also. Now go down the stairs besides the Generator 1 sign on the wall. Enter the little room ahead, and get the HEALTH KIT. Now go to the larger doorway, and Shuriken the guard who is posing with his back to you. The hallway ahead, is laser lined. Go back upstairs, and go left, to the far end, and jump up into the vent on the ceiling. Continue thru it, and exit. You'll arrive at a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. You are on top of a building. Crouch down quickly after the game loads, because the guard on the bridge below, can see you, if you're standing. Look up to the ceiling to your right, and see the grapple point. On the wall to the right, is a Orange Icon when you move near it. The only two purposes that I can see for the grapple point, is to lower you down to the floor beneath the bridge. Also, it is possible to use the grapple hook and position yourself on the rope so that the Orange Icon turns Green. Thereby letting you grab onto the narrow ledge on the wall, and handwalk around to the left. The thing is, that there is nothing around there to do, after you get to the end of the narrow ledge. In the room that you are on top of, there is a button on the wall, that when you push it, it will lower the first force fields on the floor below the bridge, on both sides. Having gone down there, there was nothing else to do or interact with. So I really don't see any purpose for lowering the force field. In fact, this whole area serves no purpose other than to get you shot and killed. When the guard walks out the door ahead, drop down onto the bridge, turn around, and go in the room that you were on top of. Inside, to the left is AMMO. Push the Red Button on the back right wall, which causes both force fields that are nearest to the bridge, to be lowered. Turn around and kill the guards that come in the room. Then stand in the other doorway, and look to the left, and spot the camera and turret on the ceiling. Know that this camera can look down under it's self. When the camera turns away, run up under it. Now quickly enter the low vent before more guards come and the turret starts firing. Move thru the vent and drop down to the floor at the other end. To the right, are stairs leading down to a dead end. For my money, you could have just dropped down, ran thru both doors without pushing the Red Button, and cut left and crouched into the low vent, and saved yourself some health loss. I still don't see what pushing that Red Button accomplished as far as Nikki is concerned. Equip your sniper rifle. Go up the stairs ahead, and thru the door. The game will reload, and you'll get a cut scene, showing that Serena is still alive, and trying to ship some nerve agent out on time. You're spotted, and she tells the guards not to let you get out of here alive. There are a few guards below shooting, but you can't shoot any of the red pipes or the containers, or the nerve agent will escape. Naturally this is where they take cover. This is a time for your trusty sniper rifle. Crouch behind the nearby boxes, and pick them off one by one. The good thing about the sniper rifle, is that not only can you zoom in, but you can also move the rifle from side to side, without ever leaving cover or moving your body. There are at least four guards, and a lab tech to kill. Then grab the HEALTH KIT to your right, and go downstairs, and mop up any stragglers. Move to the other end of the room, and turn left, go up the few steps, and thru the doors. Leave the Renaissance Laboratory, and proceed thru the door ahead. At the top of the steps, Cody tells you that you can get a sample of the nerve agent in a lab on this level. He also picks up their comm signal and tells you that you're in a trap. After the game loads, move to the right and get the HEALTH KIT. There are just too many guards that will keep popping up. Get your track shoes on, cause it's time to lay down some serious speed. Your best bet, is to run to the right, down the stairs, hook a Uuey to the RIGHT, going between the stairs and the wall. Make a quick pit stop and get the HEALTH KITS, under the stairs. All while you are running, bob and weave from side to side, so the guards can't get a good lock on you, and less bullets will hit you. Continue on straight ahead to the next wall, and turn right. Run all the way to the end, and turn right again. Get the other HEALTH KIT under these stairs if you want. At the stairs, make a quick u-turn and run to the top. Hook another quick Uuey to the right go thru the automatic door at the end. Turn left, and a little ways down the hall, you'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Keep running, and go thru the automatic door on the right, and quickly move forward, so the doors will close, and no guards can follow you thru. The main reason for taking this route, is that those round red things that you pass in the crates are bombs, and all it takes is for some trigger happy guard to miss you, and shoot a bomb accidentally on purpose, just as you happen to be going past it, to ruin your whole day. If you feel you have enough ammo and health, to fight it out, be aware, that there are two cameras, one on each end of the room that you can shoot out. There are pickups, but the room is mostly dark. When you first enter the Aux. Lab, turn right, and go to the two vertical pipes, and look up on the wall. There is a fly cam hole up there, so equip your fly cam now! Now turn left, and go to the end. To your left, is a round pedestal and a pickup. Get the FLYCAM POWER CELL, then move around the pedestal, until you get the green icon, and the window blinds are in front of Nikki. Press Action, to take the nerve gas sample, and an explosion occurs, and the room starts to fill with poison gas. Now run to the left and stand behind the table, so that you are in front of, but not directly up under the fly cam hole. Send your FLYCAM thru the hole, and fly it to the right. When you enter the fly cam hole, go to the right. Then past a several barriers, until it will exit outside the Aux. Lab. Now do a 180 degree turn, and aim it down and into the three red vertical wires below the fly cam hole, and to the right of the door. If you do it before the one minute on the on- screen timer runs out, the force fields will go down, and the vents will disperse the toxin. If you succeed, you get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Now go into where the dead lab techs are, and search each one of them, and between the cabinets to the right, to get 4 BATTERIES. Now take a retina scan of the guy with the red beard. Now exit the lab, and go back thru the door on the right. Stand at this end, and take out the two guards at the other end who come in and out the door. Proceed thru the door on the right, and go into the now opened door at the top of the stairs. Remember the ambush, and all those guards that you thought you got away from? You thought you were so damn smart. Well, they're back in full force, and are coming on like gangbusters. Well, it looks like it's time for history to repeat itself, so haul ass. Go across this room, and press the red button on the wall to open this door. Kill the nearby guard, and turn left, and use the retina scanner terminal besides the door, to open the storage area. Now you can breathe easy-at least for a little while. Turn right, and get the pickups, then go to the other end, and follow the hall around, and you'll get another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Go to the door on your left, and Cody tells you that you need to turn the valve on the tanks to cause the chemicals to explode. There are several guards below, and a timer starts when you enter the door. There are two valves that you need to turn, one on each side of the red tanks at the top of the steps. Take out some of the guards from up top, then race by the others, and turn the two valves on each side of the tanks, then run thru the door at the same end of the room that you started at. A cut scene will show the tanks exploding, and Serena getting ready for a final showdown with you. You'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE before this fight. Serena won't be as tough to see as she was last time. For the most part, she'll be running along the upper walkway above where the destroyed tankers are. Stay outside the room, and use the doorway for cover. Equip your sniper rifle, visually locate her, and then zoom in. For the most past, she'll be running, so aim at a spot ahead of her path, then pull the trigger, and she and the bullet should get there at the same time. Do this enough times, and her health bar will deplete, and she'll die. Cody calls to check on your progress, and this ends this mission. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEVEL 7 ABANDONED RESEARCH STATION: At the start, you are standing behind some crates. In front of you is a guard walking his patrol that comes near you then walks away. When the guard turns and walks away, strafe left, shoot him in the head, before he gets to the little concrete room where he goes to get warm. To your right, is another guard on patrol, on the other side of the fence. Look up to see a camera on the building. It's just covering what's on the other side of the fence. When this guard gets to the ladder on the building and poses, and is out of the camera's view, shoot him in the head thru the fence. Now turn back to the left, and check where the guard that walks by the gated part of the fenced-in area is, and go crouch down behind the crates to your left oblique. When the guard comes near, and walks away, move to the door in the corner, and go inside the building. Search the low file cabinets for a GRENADE, and AMMO. Now come back and stand beside the glass door, without opening it, and when it's safe, come outside and crouch back behind the crates. When the guard that's walking towards you, turns and walks away, stand up and shoot him in the head, while he is at this end. If the guard that's in front of the truck in the garage ahead saw you, and the Yellow Alert is around your map screen, then kill him too. Say, isn't that an explosive drum by the front of that truck? Now move forward to the crates on your left, and crouch down. Shuriken the camera above the garage door, or the one on the building against the back wall, inside the fenced in area. Depending on which way you want to go. If you do the one inside the fenced-in area. Go to the gate, and press the Red Button to open it, then go forward, and turn left behind the truck. Be aware, that there was a guard behind the truck in the garage, and that he may be coming out the other exit that is near the end of the truck that you are currently passing around the back of. Continue on around to the ladder. If you go thru the garage, the guard will be there messin' with the back of the truck. So kill him before he sees you. Then continue on around and out the door, to the ladder on your left. Climb the ladder on the wall, and go right, and enter the low vent. This will drop you into a hallway at the top of a concrete ramp going down. At the bottom of the ramp, you get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. You also get some good news-you have to eliminate all the guards. Aw, do I gotta? Well it's about damn time! Creep down the ramp to the left. There are three or four guards in the room, and cameras ahead, and to the right, so check your map. Move forward to the corner and face left. From back here, use your sniper rifle to kill the guard that is all the way to the wall, walking behind the crates and near the windows. When you first go around the corner, he's just standing there waiting to be killed. Now zoom in again, and shoot the camera above the truck. Move forward about halfway down the left wall, and turn half right, and up on the dock, you'll see another camera above the double stacked crates, and to the right of the door. Get the green targeting icon, and when the guard that walks under it, either goes in the door, or comes back to the end near you. Shoot the camera out with your pistol. Using the Shuriken on a camera can be heard by nearby guards who will immediately sound the alarm. Now for the guard around the corner to the left, who is just circling a truck. When both guards are moving away from you, move around the corner to the left, and crouch down behind the crates in the corner. When the truck guard passes from right to left, move away from the crates, and kill him. Now turn right, and kill the guard walking on the dock. Then go up onto that dock and turn left and go in the door under the totally ruined camera. No guards in here, so press the red button on the wall. You inform Cody that the doors are open, and they can send in the Bio- Warfare specialist. You give the specialist the nerve agent sample, and then come to find out, that it is Peter-your boss, and that he has betrayed you, and this was a part of a plan to turn you over to Omega 19. Now you are in a jail cell, and a guard keeps asking, "How are you feeling lab rat." As soon as he turns away, jump up to the "X" shaped part of the ceiling, and Nikki will suspend herself up there. When the guard comes by to taunt her again, he thinks that she's escaped. He searches the cell, then goes back out to tell his buddy. After one of them says, "Come on, she can't have gone far." Wait a few second, and then drop down. Together they both go looking for you. Go into the cell with the broken door to your right front, and get a HEALTH KIT. There is a place to suspend from the ceiling in this cell also. Peek around the corner around the lamp to see them looking around at the top of the ramp. When you begin to slowly head up the ramp, one of them say, "Let's split up and search." That's your cue to continue behind the one on the left stealthily. Don't let the one that went to the right, look around and see you. You can run a ways to catch up, and then slow to a moderate paced stealth walk as you near him. Even though he will still be moving, when you get near him, you will get the Green Icon. If you are following a guard around the corner, stay to the outside, so he doesn't see you, and wait until you're on a straightaway, before attacking. Use the Left Movement Button, to mimic the directional arrows that appear on the screen. Nikki will then perform a stealth kill. Now pick him up, and find the alcove nearby with the dead guard storage facility in it. Dump him in there. Now turn around, and crouch down besides the two barrels as close to the wall as possible. This place circles around on itself, so the second guard will be coming towards you shortly. When the second guard goes past, come out from behind the barrels, and let him get around the corner and be going down the longer straightaway, before you stealth kill him. When you actually get near a guard, don't get over anxious, that you let him catch sight of you with his peripheral vision. When going around corners, stay to the outside, so they don't see you. If a guard sees you, he will then sound the alarm, and several other guards will come into play. And you would be better off restarting the game, than trying to stealth kill all of them without being seen. If the second guard gets in view of the third guard, before you can kill him, double back and find a place to hide, and wait for him to come by again. If you get to the area that is a storage area in the middle of the floor, with bars on both sides, be careful, because if you're on one side, and the guard is on the other, he can see you thru the bars, and sound the alarm. After you kill the second guard, this will activate the third guard to come looking for the other two guards. Quickly find an alcove to dump the body out of sight, or you can take the body down where the cells are, and then duck down behind something. After the third guard goes by, come out and follow him for another stealth kill. The third guard will be more sensitive and aware to your sneaking up on him, than the first two. So you may want to crouch as you get near him. You don't want to be seen by anyone, until all three of these guards are dead. For some reason, even though none of the three guards sounded the alarm, a fourth guard put in an appearance. So if need be, kill him, and search all the bodies and weapons that are left behind for the BLUE KEYCARD. The third guard is the one that has it. If you don't find it on one of the guards, then check the weapons that they dropped. I don't know where the fourth guard came from. Then circle around till you come to a room with a card reader. Use the keycard to enter it. Check the low file cabinet to get all your weapons and other stuff back. There is a SHOCKER BATTERY floating in the air, next to the file cabinet. But it will keep avoiding you, until you have the Shocker. Then you'll call Cody, and explain that Peter has gone over to Omega 19's side. And the situation just got personal, so you're going after Peter. On the other wall in this room, is a power unit, so go into your inventory and equip your Shocker, and stand in front of it and use it by pressing the Shoot Button, and the door next to it, will open. Proceed down the hall, and along the way, you'll get to a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Move forward and stop just by the green M.O.A. sign before the doorway. You'll hear two guards talking about being electrocuted. It's only fair, that you make their fears come true. Ease left towards the doorway, and you'll see a sparking wire by the wall across from you. Shoot it, and see what happens. Did you hear some moaning, or were they just trying to Serenade Nikki? Check your map screen, and you should see three bloodstains on it. If not, then one of them didn't get a 'hot foot'. So seek him out, and give him some 'hot lead', so he won't feel left out. Go down these stairs, and up the next set, and enter the doorway, taking the RIFLE and PISTOL AMMO along the way. Enter the doorway, but don't go past the corner. Look around it, to see if you see a guard thru the next doorway. Go to but not thru the door and stand by the pipes. Look thru the glass window beyond it, to see that guard. When he is walking away from the window, open the door, and move next to the doorway on the left. Draw your pistol. When the guard straight ahead is re-entering the other room, rush in to the room on the right, and kill that guard quick. Then quicker still, turn left, and get the HEALTH KIT. Now being Super Quick, turn back around, and jump into the rectangular hole straight ahead and move thru the vent. Climb out, and crouchwalk to where the vents are blowing out cold air, and stay there, until the right side of your map screen turns blue. This indicates that your body temperature has dropped enough not to set off the heat sensor alarms, just before the bridge, in the hallway. Press the Red Button, to open the door, and go thru the hallway, and stop just before the corner of the last left turn. You should be at the very corner on the left. But not where the guards can see you on the other side of the bridge. The last hallway that you are at the end of has heat sensor lasers in the ceiling, so getting frost bite actually paid off. Some of the guards on the other side of the bridge ahead are going to be shooting Rocket Launchers at you, and not only that, their going to blow the bridge up too. Now that's just plain mean. One of the guards comes over to this side of the bridge, then turns and walks back. When he does, snipe him, and snipe as many of the others as you can. They won't know where the shots are coming from. There should be at least five that you can see by the door on the other side. When it seems quiet, holster your rifle, and move forward, and turn left before the bridge, and crouch down behind the crates. Get the HEALTH KIT. Use your scope, to search out any guards that might be hiding. Put a Remote Mine in your hand, and look up over the bridge. You'll see three Grapple Points. If the bridge gets blown away, here is what you need to do to get across, when it's safe. Shoot your Grapple Hook up to the second Point, then drop down onto the small segment of the bridge that didn't get blown away. Now shoot your Grappler to the third Point. Then drop down onto the other side of the bridge. If guards start firing machine guns and rocket launchers from back where you came from, duck behind the crates, and send some remote mines to them when they cluster together. The lock to open the door is another "Onscreen Mimic The Directions" keypad. So just copy the highlighted directions with your Left Movement Button, and go thru. Cody tells that they've confirmed that Peter has gone renegade. Go thru the door ahead, and stop. There's a bridge above you, with a guard on it. Wait until he moves away. Proceed thru the small door on the right, and kill the guard if he's still there, and get the HEALTH KIT, under the stairs. If he's not there, then check your map for him to be walking up and down the steps. Try to take him out at the bottom of the stairs, so he isn't seen. Move up to the step before the next landing. There's a glass door to a short bridge, with another glass door with a guard walking up and down those steps. Do a close up of your map, to see when he starts to turn away, and walk down the steps. Quickly move up to the second door, and open it and shoot him quickly before he sound the alarm. Now go over to the wall, and press the red button. Cody accidentally releases the toxin into the lab below, and they seal themselves in. Now you need to find a protective suit, so you can safely enter the lab. Start by going back up the steps. There are guards below the bridge, and at the bottom of the steps so take out. After they are all dead, go into the room at the bottom of the steps. There are two hidey holes in here, and a contamination suit, so press the red button to get it. Cody has hacked the door to Slavko's lab, so you can get in now. Come out of the suit room, and go right and follow the hall and thru the door, and where you see the yellow fumes on the right, is where you want to go. When you enter, Slavko mistakes you for a guard. As you approach him on the left, he recognizes you, and sounds the alarm for the guards. Go inside the enclosure that is next to the room that he has locked himself in. The lab tech that didn't make it to the room with Slavko, has a RED KEYCARD, so be sure to search for it. There will be repeatable guards who replace any that you kill, shooting at you with sniper rifles from two balcony's that you can't see from here, but for now, they can't see you either. One is located on the other side of the room where Slavko is, up above. The other one is located above and past the top of the stairs ahead on this side of the pit. Put your weapon away, and run up the stairs ahead, and into the room. Go thru this room, and go past the Proton Gun Control Unit. Now go out the other door, and down the steps, and at the bottom, hook a quick Uuey to the left, and go press that red button. This will bring a piece of square metal from down in the pit, to a place nearby. Which causes the room where Slavko is hold up, to be unprotected. Don't wait for it to get up here, just quickly return back upstairs and into the room. Go to the Proton Gun Control Unit, and swipe your key card. Now press the Red Button besides it. This will cause the proton gun down in the pit to fire at the wall below Slavko, giving him instant death. Go down the ladder into the pit, get the HEALTH KIT at the other end, then come back, and go thru the hole in the wall that the proton gun made. Cody calls, and tell you need to get to the surface to be rescued pronto! Continue thru the hole, avoiding the still burning areas, and thru the door on the right. You've reached another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. Quickly duck down behind the crates to your left, and arm yourself, because there are guards blocking the other end. The sniper rifle would go good right about now. Just past the forklift on the right, is a Red Bomb for you to shoot. There are two guards to be killed. One had PISTOL AMMO, and the other has a GRENADE. Stop at the next corner and peek around it-at the end on the right, is another guard. That guard has a BATTERY to give up. Stop before the corner, as there are more guards at the end of this next segment. Shoot the red bomb on this end before the guards ahead do it, just as you pass by it. Not shoot the red bomb behind them, and kill anyone that the bomb doesn't. These two guards gave up SMOKE GRENADES. Down this next segment, there's a guard behind each set of crates, and one more up on the balcony with a Rocket Launcher. Take him out first. As you enter this large room there is a guard on the balcony to your right, probably right above your head. Run left around the outside of the room and crouch behind the steel girders, till you can see him. There are also a couple of guards in the three windowed room at the top of the stairs. Try to kill them and the guard on the balcony that is across from you, from down here. Before you climb the stairs, be aware, that there is a door on the other end of this large room, on the second floor, where a guard will keep popping out and taking pot shots at you as you climb the stairs. When you get to the second floor, go into the room, and kill anyone remaining. Shoot the guy that keeps popping out from the cover of this room if you didn't get him before. While in this room, get a HEALTH KIT besides the Cricklewood Water Machines. Then come back out and go left. Go thru the next door, and follow the balcony around to the left. Search the guard in here, then get onto the elevator and go up. At the top, Cody tells you that your evac team is under fire from rocket launchers of which there are three. As soon as the game loads, move forward, don't wait for Cody to finish talking. You'll need to take them out-that is if you wanna be rescued. There are two on the second level, and one on the third. Use your sniper rifle, to see who has the rocket launchers. And holster it, when you are just running. If you've got enough health kits, don't stop to take out the guys with machine guns. Just run past them, and take out the three rocket launchers pronto. You'll need to go down to the ground, press the button by the gate, to enter the middle section. Then climb up the ladder, and run around, to see where they all are. Now kill everyone else on the balcony and then the ground. After the helicopter says that they're dropping down a rope for you, climb back down the ladder, and run to the center, to get the rope, a cut scene will play showing you on the rope, and this will end this mission. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LEVEL 8 INSTALLATION K: You have in your inventory, a THERMAL OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE watch looking device. This will make you hard to detect to enemies. Also you have five ADRENALIN BOOSTS, which slows down everything in the game. Both of these devices use a lot of battery power really fast. You start this final level by walking into an ambush. Again? You regain control, crouched down behind some crates, so if you don't have it engaged already, immediately go into the pause menu, and switch on your Half-Damage Cheat. Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Left, Left, Right, Right, Circle, Circle, Square, Square. The screen blinking white means that it has taken effect. You're using left and right on the D-Pad. You may have to re-apply it each time you restart the game. Return to the game, and immediately switch to your pistol and take out the guard running up on your left on the other side of the machine gun. He'll probably take several body shots, because you won't have time to line up a head shot. Then get the one on your right, who will try to run around behind you. Do the same thing giving him several body shots, to take him out quickly and permanently. After all, you don't want any zombies rising from the dead and sucking your blood-do you? Now position yourself behind the crate, so that you are not taking any fire. Now holster your weapon, stand up, and run forward getting the HEALTH KIT, then crouch beside the raised floor. The other guards will remain where they are, and not try to flank you. This is the best seat in the house, because with your being crouched down here next to the raised floor; they can't get a good shot at you. Throw a Shuriken at Wood Box #1 that is near you and the raised floor, to break it open, and expose another HEALTH KIT. Mosey on over there, and get it. Arm your pistol; slowly move back from the raised floor a little bit, so that you can get the guard who is hiding behind some crates on the right wall on the raised floor. There is another guard, who is a little to the left of him. Put your Reticle on him, and then ease back from the raised floor, till it just touches the tippy-top of his red beret. When it turns green, or the crosshairs of your scope are on it, fire. Another guard will come in from the back room, to a position near to where you just shot the last guard. Kill him the same way, seeing just the tip of the top of his beret. While staying close to the raised floor, keep using the Camera Button, to locate each guard, and then put your Reticle on about where he is, and then ease back from the raised floor, until you can target his head, and then take him out. Start with those that are closest to you, and when they are dead, then you can move further back from the raised floor, to pick off those on the back wall. Now rinse and repeat. Then do the same with the spotlights on the left and right, and if possible, the Red Barrel nearby. There is one guard behind some crates on the back wall to the left of the big brown door. Another one is near the right corner, back past box #1 up on the raised floor. There may be about three or four more to mop up. When you think everyone is dead, stand up and holster your weapon, but be ready to do a dive-roll behind some cover at the first sign of trouble. When you're sure that all are dead, go around and search the guards, their weapons, and wood crates-use shuriken to break open the crates-and every nook and cranny that Nikki can fit into. Take your time, and search thoroughly. Finish off the wounded guy, who is to the right of where Nikki started, on the other side of the ramp. He gives up a GRENADE. I purposely and completely avoided using the Mini Gun at the start. The problem with the mini gun is that you'll be openly exposed to all the guards' machine gun fire while using it. Also, it moves so freely on it's mounting, that it's difficult to shoot accurately. And it definitely DOESN'T have a zoom feature. When you're done checking everywhere, go up the ramp, and go to the big brown door, that is on the same level as the left floodlight. Press the Red Button to open the door. Holster your weapon, and do a running dive-roll, down behind the single crate straight ahead. There are three more guards further back behind the closest one on the right. And one definitely has a death wish, because he goes into Kamikaze Mode, and runs right up in your face for his helping of a lead-lined lunch. After they are all dead, go back near the red lasers, and move the single crate to the middle of the floor, then push it thru the bottom red laser beam, so that you can crouch walk past it, to get to the next room. You will pass a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Press the red button by the door. A couple of members of the infiltration team are being pinned down by sniper fire. There are five snipers in invisibility suits, up on three sides of the bridge. From back here, take out the sniper up on the bridge by the back wall straight ahead and just to the right of the purple beam. When you see something in your scope that wavers, that's them. There's also two up high on the bridge to the left. So ease along the right wall, and locate the one far ahead on the left bridge. After him, move slowly further forward along the right wall, and take out the other one that is closer on the left bridge. There are two more up high on the bridge to the right. So put your weapon away, and run into the room to the left, and take cover behind the three crates next to the tall brown column. Then look up on the bridge, just to the left of the column that is closest to the entrance, and take him out. The last one is up between the second and third columns. After they are all dead, search all the nooks and crannies in the room for pickups. Including back on the other side of the door where you pressed the red button to enter this area, and the weapons that your slain comrades left behind. To the left of the doorway where you entered this room, is a door that will open. And diagonally across the room from it, in another red lighted corner, is another door that will open. The door that is closest to where you entered, will only take you a short ways, before you'll be blocked from going any further, so skip that, and head for the door in the far right corner. Enter here, and as you round the first corner, stay back. Take out the red barrels in the room ahead, from as far back as possible, so they won't explode from the shots of the guards in the back of the room waiting to ambush you. Then move forward with your weapon holstered, until they make their presence known, then quickly turn and run back around to the other side of the wall where you entered. Then locate them in you weapon's sight, and take them out. One is on the ground level, and the other two are on the stairs in the back of the room. Get a couple of AMMO CLIPS from them. In the next room, there is another shooter up on the landing behind the two crates. Get the SNIPER BULLETS behind the crates, and then go up the steps. This guard has a GRENADE. Then proceed around the next corner, to get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/SAVE GAME PLACE. The next door will open onto a bridge with shooters to the left, so you'll need to holster your weapons, each time you run across the bridge from one brown square column, to the next, taking out snipers along the way. The first one is up on the third level. Then do a wall hug on the first column, and take out the one near the door on the other bridge. Disengage, holster, and move up to the second column. Stop just before you get to it. The next sniper is on the bridge, that connects this bridge to the one across the room. Peek around to the right, and take him out. The fourth sniper is up on the third level bridge, standing by the last column before the door. After him, you should be able to run straight to the doorway at the end and holster your weapon. Don't enter the doorway, until you know what to expect. Inside this room to the left, is a Rocket Launcher guy. Just after you enter the door, there will be a guy dropping Grenades from the third level on the right side, who keeps saying "Surprise." And there will be a Machine Gunner on the third level on the left. Run thru the door, and turn the left corner and run up on the rocket launcher, as you draw your weapon, fill him full of lead. Proceed on around, and out thru the broken doors, and keep bobbing and weaving as you run across the bridge and thru the door at the end. Proceed to the end, and stop before going around the corner, to another room of snipers, so stay back by the u-turn. Alternate between sniping and moving forward, until the are all dead. When you enter this room with the HEALTH KIT, and red tool box, a kamikaze guard will run down the steps at you, wired with explosives, so shoot him before he gets near you, and he go BOOM! Holster your weapon. Go on up the stairs, and after you enter the doors, the guards decide that rather than getting shot at, it would be in their best interest to just blow up the bridge. And it would be in your best interest to backpedal out of the door. Unfortunately, one of them is a little slow about getting off the bridge. Oh Well, __it Happens! Look over to the crates on the left, and kill the idiot that blew up his partner. Now enter the doorway, and look up on the right wall, for a green icon. Press Action, and Nikki will jump up and grab the thin ledge. Now hand walk to the left a little ways, then press Back on the Movement Button, and Nikki will let go, and grab the next narrow ledge below. Release and grab one more time. Now hand walk to the right, and around the corner. Keep going, until you can pull up into the vent with red blood or ink or maybe it's just food coloring around it. Proceed thru the vent, and enter the room, and get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Climb the ladder, and before you reach the top, a guard appears down where you just came from, and apparently he didn't get the memo, and wants to know who the hell are you. At the top, take him out, so he doesn't run back and tattle on you, then get the HEALTH KIT, & AMMO. If you don't see him, he's in that open doorway to the right. I could have sworn that gray door was a solid wall when I passed it. After he dies, the gray door will seal itself again. Cody tells you that Omega 19 thinks that they killed you in an explosion, and to use the stealthy approach to your advantage. Now jump up into the vent on the wall. Move thru to near the end, and then open the vent door, but don't jump down yet. There are a couple of guards below and to your right. One will walk under the vent opening and pose for you. A headshot would allow him to take a much needed rest from the hard work of standing around and doing nothing. The other one is in the hallway to the right, so drop down and wait for him to come back out. At the top of the stairs, and around the corner to the right, you can snipe another patrolling guard. Now move up to the doorway, but don't go thru it. Around to your left, on the next bridge over, is another patrolling guard. Take him out, before he shoots the exploding red barrel near the doorway. Just so you don't get caught off guard, you might wanna consider blowing up the red barrel(shuriken) yourself, if a guard sounds the alarm. If you can't get out the doorway because of the guards milling around, you might wanna consider lobbing a grenade to clear the area of walking debris. There will also be more guards over on the next bridge, if you haven't already killed them all. When it's safe, proceed across the bridge to the other end. Well will you look at that, a fully loaded, fully automated genuine Mini Gun, and it's just for Nikki. May the 'bullet gods' always be so generous. It must be her birthday. I can only assume, that all hell is about to break loose. When you approach the machine gun, you'll get a green icon with a question mark in the center. Press Action, and Nikki will attach herself to the mini gun, as she gets a serious case of the giggles. Okay, so where are the enemies? Don't tell me that I've killed them all before I got to the gun? Just this one dude lobbing grenades. Man, What a Rip Off! Okay, unbolt yourself from the Mini, and proceed down the hall. Notice the Power Unit on the right wall. Let's shock it, and see what happens. Hey, it's a dud. Push the Green Button, to open the door, and proceed across the bridge. Proceed thru the next doors, and a guard will throw a grenade at Nikki in the cut scene, and she will dodge it. When you regain control, Nikki will be above a ladder, with guards at the bottom. Kill them from up here, get the AMMO CLIP, and then slide down the ladder. Move around the corner, to see a red laser blocking forward progress. Come back into the previous room, and jump up to the vent in the ceiling. Go thru it to get past the red lasers. When you move into the next room, the door will slam shut behind you, and you'll get a GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. Climb the ladder to the left. Go to the right, and get the HEALTH KIT. Diagonally from the health kit, is a yellow pallet jack, and behind it are an AMMO CLIP, and RIFLE BULLETS. Pull/pull wooden box #3 that is by the red lasers, next to the other wooden box #3. Go over to the control panel, and press Action. This will bring the metal box that is down below near the ladder, up to this level. Now push/pull this metal box over to block the lower red laser beam. Make sure that it is to one side of the other, so that Nikki has room to get past. If you break a wooden box and need another, go over to the yellow and black striped conveyer belt and press the Red Button to the left of it. Now crouchwalk past the red lasers. You've just passed another GREEN FLAG CHECKPOINT/GAME SAVE PLACE. As you approach the right turn, you hear voices. There are about a dozen shooters just past the crate. One of them has a rocket launcher. Run forward, and crouch down behind the first crate on the right. This is a REALLY good place for explosives. Use your grenades, and save your Mines for the Bosses who are coming up right after this little Guard Bashing Blow Out. This will thin the herd quickly. Pick off the hard to reach guards with your sniper rifle. Now let's go see what needed all those guard's protection? It's another Mini-Gun! Well, Great Gosh A Mighty!!! It's Nikki's birthday again. That's the third time this month. This calls for a party. Take out the guards at the other end of the hall. The Mini Gun has a limited turning radius, so try not to let any guards get behind or to the sides of you. Then go thru the door ahead, which will lock behind you. In a cut scene, you confront Kondrashev and Peter. They exit, and leave you to fight a Little Red Robot. There are six white junction boxes-that are located on the walls that you need to destroy with bullet fire, to keep the robot from repairing itself. When you get the cut scene, that means that five are destroyed. When his two regenerating stations blow up, he's a sitting duck. If you have any remote mines to attach to him, or proximity mine to throw in his path, this will take him out oh so much quicker. Try this after all six junction boxes are destroyed and you'll have a real Meeting Of The Mines. There's a HEALTH KIT, at each end or the room, behind the tanks, near the outer wall. So you can know where you are at all times, I'm going to give each wall a directional name. From your start position. Left-West Wall Front-North Wall Right-East Wall Back-South Wall The North Wall has Red Flags on it, in the NW and NE corners near ceiling. The South Wall has a Red Flag over an open doorway on the upper level. The East Wall has a picture of a soldier with five red stars on the lower level. THIS IS WHERE THE WHITE & RED JUNCTION BOXES ARE: 1. East Wall, southeast corner, upper level. 2. North Wall, northeast corner, upper level, near ceiling, facing east. 3. North Wall, northeast corner, lower level. 4. West Wall, northwest corner, upper level. 5. West Wall, northwest corner, upper level, on the room's rear wall. 6. South Wall, southwest corner, lower level. The two regenerating stations are in the middle of the East and West Walls, lower level. If you hide behind the tall gray tank in the North-East corner, you should be able to see and shoot junction box # 1,3,4, and 5. Just adjust your position around that tank, when the robot isn't around. #2 will be right over your head, out past the overhang. #6 will be diagonally across the room, in the south-west corner. The fight begins with the robot running straight for you, so quickly go to your right, counterclockwise around the room, and when you are out of sight of the robot, duck behind one of the tall gray tanks, but make sure it's one where he doesn't see you going behind it. Now you can check out the lay of the land. He will run around the dark brown track, and thru the middle area searching for you. While you are crouched down here, look around, and try to target any of the white and red junction boxes on the walls, and check them off as you go. That's so you don't get a Brain Drain, and go "How many is that???? Duh!!!" And don't go getting mad cause I said that. That damn pesky robot will make you lose track of what planet you're on. When you have it lined up right, the red icon will turn green when you zoom in to show that you've got a target lock. Your pistol is better, because you can actually see the targeting icon change from red to green. But the sniper rifle will work also. After you take out one, holster your weapon, so that you can run faster, and wait for him to pass you by. Remember, he's kinda sneaky, and will run past, and then cut back thru the middle so that he just circled one corner, and came right back just as you were standing up to be seen. He won't cut thru the middle, when the machine is discharging electricity. But he will jump over the gray machine to get to you faster. If you step on the four white squares at the corners of the dark brown track, this will cause the electricity to shoot up before it's scheduled to. And if you try to trap him inside the machine this way, know that he only remains trapped a short while, and you can't see where is, when he's behind you. So you don't really know whether he's trapped or not, until you check your map, and you just might find that he has gotten real close and personal by then. Close enough to wipe you out of existence. Then run to the next tank or curved pipe, and quickly crouch down. Make sure that you are kinda to the left side of the yellow & black square plaques that are in back of all the tanks and pipes, since the robot mostly runs in clockwise patterns around the room. If he passes you by, he didn't see you. Now draw your weapon, and locate another junction box, and fire at it, until you see smoke and flame coming out of it, to indicate that the destruction was successful. Now rinse & repeat, until all six are destroyed. After all 6 junction boxes are destroyed; the rest of the fight can go quickly, if you have any remote mines left. Just throw them on the dark brown path that you know that he'll tred on, and just before he passes, detonate it. It only takes about three or four, to destroy him, and look at you, not a scratch on you. Putting enough headshots into the robot to destroy him completely works also, but takes a bit longer. After he's destroyed, take a couple of Victory Laps around the room, getting any pickups that you see. When you're done, go and stand in the middle of the four spinning yellow lights, and the lift will take you to the floor above. Move towards the door, to meet the final enemy of the game. Mr. Big-I'm such a baaaaaaad ass-Boss Spider Tank. From the start, you see Peter laying behind a crate. It's important that you not let the Spider fire at you while you are near Peter, because if Peter dies during the fight, you lose the game, no questions asked. With weapons holstered, run between the crates, and cut to the left, and get the HEALTH KIT behind some nearby crates. Now cut to the right, and move towards the back of the side of the building that is closest to you. But before you go back there, move behind the girder in front of the open doorway of the building. If you still have your ADRENALIN BOOST, THERMAL OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE, or any other EXPLOSIVE WEAPONS, this would be a good fight to use them on. After all, you don't want to wind up dead, still holding an inventory full of weapons do you? Quickly try to take out the Spider's machine guns which are at ground level, and its eye lasers which are on top of the part that looks like a head, BEFORE IT HAS A CHANCE TO TURN AROUND AND FACE THE BUILDING. Now, if you have time, holster your weapon, and run inside the building, and get the SINGLE HEALTH KIT, and AMMO pickup, then scurry back outside and to the left back corner of the building. Now turn around, and the Spider will definitely be fully turned towards you by now. Now after each big belly blast, strafe out, and finish disabling its machine guns and eye lasers, then you'll have less weapons shooting at you. The building is blocking mostly all of its shots. If you didn't get them before, run inside the building, to get a SINGLE HEALTH KIT, and AMMO. The only weapon you cannot take out is that belly button blaster. Also, don't underestimate using shurikens to take out some of the weapons. Look for the little doors that open to release the missiles when the tank is bending forward to the ground. Shoot them before they fully close, as the tank is returning to its normal stance. That's the only time that the missile launchers will be vulnerable. It takes several shots, and it will require patience. But it's better than having missiles that come and find you. If your health or ammo is low, it would probably be better if you stayed in the back corner, and use your sniper scope, to locate the small vulnerable area. You can try to strafe in and out to take potshots at the vulnerable part of its belly-the little yellow circle that is briefly exposed, every time it rears up. The problem here is that when it rears up, the orange fire from it's charging its nuclear blaster blocks you from seeing the vulnerable area clearly. Thus, wasted ammo, where you didn't have enough from the git go. Up against two machine guns, two eye lasers, heat seeking missiles, earthquake making tail slams, a bad case of 'shake, rattle, and roll', and a nuclear blast from it's belly button, how come Nikki doesn't have anything better than a rifle and a gun to shoot with? If you have enough health kits, run up close to the front of the spider, and locate the yellowish circle on it's belly, and just toss Remote Mines onto it-this is why I told you to save them-or shoot it every time it rears up to fire it's nuclear blast. Just make sure that you don't stand directly under the vulnerable spot, or the Spider will slam its tail on the ground, causing the aftershocks to decrease your health rapidly. Also it acts as if it's got a bad case of the shakes, making it very hard to get a lock on its vulnerable area when you stand directly up under it. If your health supply can last long enough the spider will explode and you will win the game. All that's left is the closing cut scene, and it's Game, Set, & Match. Yeah You!!! Way To Go, Hero, You Just Did Some Serious Butt Kicking!!! 17 17