WALKTHROUGH FOR RUGRATS: ROYAL RANSOM (THQ) for Nintendo Gamecube © 2001 Version: 1.9 Date: September 28, 2008 Author: Laurel Glasco (cathairetic@cox.net) Copyright 2008 by Laurel Glasco, all rights reserved. You may not take this document in whole or in part and claim it as your own. You may not alter it in any way. Please do not post this on your site unless you have permission from me. Sites allowed to post this walkthrough: Gamefaqs.com Supercheats.com Neoseeker.com I would like to thank my grandson, Kory, who is an experienced and advanced game player, for playing the game on Reptar Tough when I came to challenges I couldn’t get through myself. With his help, I was able to get information I needed to complete this walkthrough. 1. STORYLINE AND BASIC INSTRUCTIONS Stu Pickles has invented a fantastic multi-level play set for children, the Play Palace 3000. He sets it up in his back yard for the babies to try out. Angelica steals the babies' favorite toys and holds them for ransom in the highest level of the castle on top of the play set. The babies complete the game challenges to get to the top of the play set and get their toys back from Angelica. ANGELICA is heard in the background whenever you are in the central area of the play set and when you are on the ground. She makes obnoxious and nasty comments all the time. My favorite Angelica-isms are when a baby fails a challenge and is sent back down to the ground: "Watch out for falling babies!" and "See you next fall!" The characters you can choose to play with are TOMMY, CHUCKIE, PHIL, LIL, and KIMI. My favorite of all is LIL. She has the smartest mouth of all of them and makes me laugh, especially in the Cheesy Chase challenge in Moon World. Each character has his or her comments on what is going on. SUSIE is the voice you hear telling you what you need to know before you begin each game challenge. If you miss or forget what Susie said press the start button and then select Susie’s Rules. She will repeat the whole set of directions for the challenge you are in. You will find small batteries in each game challenge area and these are needed to open further challenges. You must win two or three game challenges in each world on each tier of the play set. Winning a game challenge gives you a big battery to put into the battery array in the central area of each tier. When the battery array is full the next tier of the play set deploys and becomes available. When you have filled the battery arrays on the three lower tiers you will be able to go up and challenge Angelica. As soon as Tier 3 deploys go down to the ATM on Tier 1 and purchase Hidden Funny Money. Don't worry about getting all the Reptar Funny Money the first time through the game challenges. Just win them. After you purchase Hidden Funny Money you can go back later and get the all the money and any small batteries you may have missed. If, after re-entering a challenge, you need a band-aid and can't get to one or if you are being heavily attacked by enemies, press Start and then select 'Yes' to QUIT LEVEL? Susie will say "Surrender challenge." You can then re-enter the game challenge with full health and finish getting the money. You begin the game with 500 gold coins (tokens). You pay 100 coins to get up on the play set. If you should fail a challenge, or quit it before winning it, your baby will be sent back down to the back yard and you will have to pay 100 gold coins to get back up on the play set. Therefore you should collect all the gold coins you see in the game challenges. You can save your game before you enter a game challenge so that, if you fail, you can quit the game and then start over with the same amount of gold coins. If you run out of gold coins needed to get back up on the play set the game will be over. Save your game every time you win a game challenge just as a matter of course. You must be in the area outside the game challenges to save your game. If at first the save option does not come up, move to another spot until it does. 2. DIFFICULTY LEVELS There are three difficulty levels: Baby Easy, Rugrat Medium and Reptar Tough. I am an adult and have difficulty with Rugrat Medium, let alone Reptar Tough. I am sure these levels are not for younger children. Experienced gamers should have a good time with them. Differences in the difficulty levels are that on the medium and tough levels there are Angelicas-in-a-Box all over the place and they will explode if you touch them, there are fewer band-aids available and fewer gold coins to collect should you need them to get back up on the play set. There are also many more enemies to harass you and they are harder to destroy. It also takes more big batteries to fill the battery arrays. On a cheerier note, there is more Funny Money in the harder levels of play. 3. GAMECUBE CONTROLS A button - walk; move the boat; move underwater; move the moon buggy; jump, press twice in a row to double jump A button and then X button - Diapy Bounce (bum bash) B button - select your baby; use, shoot or throw; jump the moon buggy Control stick - forward; change directions; up or down when under water or in the air; target beetles C stick - changes the camera view X button - crawl, if running your baby will roll; reverse direction; put away bow and arrows Z button - first person view, press again to return to third person view Start button - You can see how many small batteries you have, how many coins you have collected and how much Funny Money you have. This will also show you the "Continue, Quit, Save, Susie’s Rules, Options" menu. While this menu is displayed the game is paused. 4. ITEMS Small Batteries - These are used to open new challenges. Big Batteries - Your reward for winning a game challenge. Coins - Found throughout the game challenge areas. You need 100 coins to get up onto the play set. Reptar Funny Money - Found throughout the game challenge areas. Use this to purchase the Bonus Games at the ATM. After you have purchased Hidden Funny Money return to all the finished levels and find the additional Funny Money. Funny Money comes in three colors: Blue=$10, Purple=$50 and Red=$250. Magic Helper Ball - Touch it and follow it as it leads you closer to where you want to go. Radar Screen - This helps you locate what items you need to find. Energy Meter - This tells you how much health you have. Band-Aid - Look for one of these if your health is low. Angelica-in-a-Box - A booby-trap. If you touch one of these it will explode. Green bomb - Found in Moon World. When you go near it, it will click to arm itself. If you touch it - BOOM! Big Blue Crates - Found in Circus World - Cone Caper. These contain Pink Snow Cones. Large Tan Crates - Found in Jungle World. These contain gold coins or bananas. Jars and Baskets - Found in Arabian World. These contain gold coins, jewels, or purple scarab beetles. 5. WALKTHROUGH *ON THE GROUND* You must choose which baby you will use to play the game. They are lined up to the right of the house. Press B to activate your choice. Each one will move a little to show that it is activated. Just keep pressing B until you get to the baby you want to use. You can change babies when you are outside the challenges at any time. If the baby you want to use is still in the backyard you will have to pay 100 coins to get him/her up to the play set. The baby you were using will still be on the play set in the place where you pressed the B button. Go into the house and collect the gold coins in the two rooms. These coins and those in the back yard will reappear every time you go back down to the back yard. Walk around the perimeter of the yard and gather the gold coins. Then do a double jump to get the coin by the "Hover-vator." Step onto the Hover-vator and you will be prompted to pay 100 gold coins to purchase an 'up' to the first floor of the play set. Click on "yes." *TIER 1* SNOW WORLD Ready, Set, SNOW Small Batteries Available: 3 In this game challenge you must race your sled against two snowmen, Chilly and Slush. Avoid the ice crags and snow patches, and jump the logs with A. Try not to hit anything because it slows you down. First you race the small snowman, then the large snowman, then both for a total of three races. You must win all three races. On the harder levels of difficulty you must find shortcuts over the banks to have any chance at all of winning a race. When you re-enter the game challenge to try to get the Funny Money and batteries, keep an eye on the race graph at the bottom of the screen and exit the challenge before the snowman gets to the finish line or your baby will be sent back down to the back yard. * * * Mr. Snowtato Head Small Batteries Available: 3 Find all of Noodle the Snowman's missing parts by following the white helper balls next to signs with pictures of his parts. Just touch a helper ball to get it to deploy. Then follow it and touch it again if you need to. You must jump up onto a roof to get his scarf. Use the two barrels at the side of the house to jump up to the roof. On the more difficult levels there are Angelicas-in-a-Box all over and you may find it tricky to maneuver around them since you have nothing to shoot at them and set them off. On Reptar Tough difficulty there are no white helper balls. There are no enemies to bother you and Funny Money is lying around everywhere. Explore to find it. Take the sky-ride up the mountain to see where the money is. Then you can run down the mountain and get it. There is a side path down the mountain through a fence near the top of the sky-ride. You must jump down from ledge to ledge. One of the small batteries is on the first ledge. There is a tunnel to the right of the house. At the end of the tunnel there is a rope you can climb and at its top you will find yourself halfway up the mountain. After you have purchased Hidden Funny Money, go back to this game challenge and find more Funny Money. * * * Snowplace To Hide Small Batteries Available: 3 You must get the key to unlock the mountain passages. Take the sky-ride to the top of the mountain to find it. Use B to throw snowballs at the taunting snowmen to smack them and get gold coins. You can also throw snowballs at the ice cubes to get gold coins. Explore the area to find all the Funny Money. There is a tunnel to the right of the house (but no rope up to the mountain) that is blocked by ice cubes that has Funny Money and a band- aid in it. After you have purchased Hidden Funny Money go back to this challenge and find more Funny Money. The more difficult levels are infested with Angelicas-in-a Box and there are many more snowmen throwing snowballs at you. The snowmen move around much more also. JUNGLE WORLD River Fun Run Small Batteries Available: 2 You must race in three boat races against three alligators: Junior, Mama and Big Daddy. Try not to hit anything because it slows you down and reduces your health. You will hear a beep- beep as the alligator passes you. Use the Control stick to go forward and to direct your boat. Press X to reverse. Press A to jump. White boxes in the water are First Aid kits. If you are playing on one of the more difficult levels you absolutely must use the ramps you see as shortcuts because the alligators are much, much faster. There will also be Angelicas-in- a-Box in the water along with First Aid boxes if you lose health from running into things. In Race Two I think that Mama Alligator can somehow get a head start on you. If this happens you cannot catch her. The alligators are so fast on Reptar Tough level that when they pass you a steam train whistle sounds! When you return to the game challenge to find Funny Money and batteries keep an eye on the race graph at the bottom of the screen. Exit the challenge before the alligator gets to the finish line or your baby will be sent back down to the back yard. * * * Punting Papayas Small Batteries Available: 3 This challenge made me wonder if this game was really for little children at all. You must take a papaya from the base of the papaya tree and bring it to a papaya crate. Just walk into the papaya. Follow the white helper ball to the crate. Walk into the open crate with the papaya. There are also plain tan crates here and there and these are full of coins. When you are not holding a papaya use your Diapy Bounce to break them open. You cannot double jump when you are holding a papaya. On Baby Easy level you must crate 3 papayas. On Rugrat Medium level you must crate 4 papayas and on Reptar Tough level you must crate 5 papayas. The paths are very tricky with many jumps and pitfalls. For example on Baby Easy difficulty: The first path has you jumping four water lily pads to a shore (edge down into the water before you make the first jump). You turn around on the shore and then jump onto more water lily pads leading to a stone pillar lying on its side. You jump up onto the pillar, walk along it and then jump up to a stone portico. Your path winds around on the portico and from there you must navigate the tops of stone pillars. Some pillars will lean if you stay on them too long, these are a muddier gray color, so stand on the edge in the direction you need to jump) Follow the pillars down to another shore, the papaya crate and a new papaya tree. You will probably fall in the water a lot and drop many papayas before you get the hang of it. Some paths have you jumping across partially submerged pink hippopotami that sink if you stay on them too long. The big jumps are on big pink mushrooms. Hold A and bounce really high. If you fall in the water you lose little or no health but landing on the ground will damage you: the longer the fall, the greater the damage. This game challenge is loaded with Funny Money and there is quite a bit inside the temple near where you begin. To get to the inside top of the temple you must travel all the way through the challenge to the river section. You then must jump up into the treetops (use a pink mushroom) to get to the temple roof. The stone projections on the temple have money on them but will tilt down and you will slide off unless you jump along them quickly. Jump inside the temple and fall down on a line of Funny Money and gold coins. You will find yourself back at the beginning of the challenge area. Each difficulty level increases the number of papayas you must crate. On the more difficult levels of play you will pass 'check-point' trees on your way to the crate. They will sparkle to show they are activated. Susie will call out "check-point" when you pass one. These trees will give you a papaya if you accidentally drop the one you are carrying. That way you do not have to go all the way back to the first tree of that particular path. On Reptar Tough difficulty level, on the last papaya path, I do not follow the helper ball over the hippopotami and lily pads to the stone ‘bridge’ in the middle of the river. When I arrive at the river I turn right and stay on the river bank and run up the slope to go into the cave behind the waterfalls. It saves a lot of trouble to do that. When you exit the cave, follow the path to the tree with the pink mushroom under it and jump up into the treetops. If, after you get to the very last check-point tree, you should fall and not lose your papaya, you will be put back at the pink mushroom where you jumped up into the trees. You can jump into the water with your papaya and you will be returned to that last tree closest to the temple. This is the most difficult papaya to crate because you must land on the pink mushrooms as you bounce from islet to islet. If you land on the grass you will lose health. Then you jump to the tilting stone projections on the temple. Stay close to the temple wall and you can make it across the projections to the crate. You must be very careful of your health on the difficult levels because band-aids are few and far between. * * * Monkey Business Small Batteries Available: 3 You need to catch the monkeys that are stealing the bananas. Use the B button to throw bananas to stun monkeys and put them into monkey cages. It is basically the same area as the Punting Papayas game challenge with minor differences. Here you are starting in the middle of Jungle World. On the Baby Easy level you must get four monkeys into cages, on Rugrat Medium you must get eight monkeys and on Reptar Tough you must get twelve monkeys. Don’t throw bananas around indiscriminately on the harder levels of play because on Reptar Tough level there are no crates of bananas to be found. However, the few single bananas you pick up as you make your way through the challenge area do reappear after a while. You cannot double jump when you are holding a monkey. If you make a misstep bringing a monkey to a cage you will drop the monkey and have to catch it again. On the more difficult levels of play throw bananas at the Angelicas-in-a-Box to set them off instead of trying to edge by them. On the two more difficult levels of play the rope and plank bridges have planks missing. When you start to cross the second bridge the viewpoint is often not good enough for you to see the holes in the planks. If you run back up to the big tree trunk at the beginning of this bridge then when beginning your transit, the view will be adjusted so you can clearly see the floor of the bridge and can avoid the gaps in the planking. First, Diapy Bounce on all the crates in the immediate area to get bananas (Baby Easy level) and gold coins. Otherwise the monkeys use these to dodge behind and avoid you, and you find yourself running in circles. Many monkeys you can chase and catch but most of them you must throw a banana at to stun them. When I played this on Reptar Tough I rarely had to bean a monkey but maybe that was because I had improved my chase skills. Once you have picked up the monkey by walking into it, carry it to a monkey cage and walk into the cage to drop it in. You can climb up to the temple here by going through the trees but the stone projections here are solid and do not tilt. You cannot jump down inside the temple in this challenge. You can jump down a series of pillars to the base of the temple and finish the rest of Jungle World. On Reptar Tough difficulty the first rope and plank bridge is blocked off by Angelicas-in-a- Box. After you detonate these with bananas you will find the climb up to the second bridge also littered with Angelicas-in-a-Box. On both harder levels I avoid more of them on the way up to the third bridge this way: Jump across the second bridge until you are next to the ledge with the pink mushroom on it. Instead of going around this stone pile and jumping up from ledge to ledge, jump to the left over the bridge railing onto the mushroom and bounce up to the top of the stone pile. You will have avoided one large and one small box. The small one is virtually impossible to get by without touching it so you will have saved yourself a lot of health by taking the shortcut. You can also use this shortcut in the Punting Papayas challenge. When you have nine monkeys in cages you must climb up to the temple top and then down to its base to finish with the last three monkeys. The last cages are (10) and (11) up on stone 'bridges' reached by pillars and (12) at the end of the rolling rocks canyon. This challenge is also loaded with Funny Money. Be sure to get the Funny Money over the stone entrance door to the bridge area. You will have to jump down to it from the cliff above. Also on the cliff above is a stone gazebo of sorts. In order to get the red Funny Money on a wall near the edge of the cliff, you must climb up the wall behind the stone gazebo and then jump to the gazebo roof edge. Make your way around to the front and then jump down onto the red money. Whenever you have a clear view of a large area try to look all around you to see where the Funny Money is waiting. * * * $ This is where you stand, and are pulled up the Wind Pipe, to go to the ATM to purchase the bonus games with Reptar Funny Money. *TIER 2* UNDERSEA WORLD Stand under the Wind Pipe and press A to be pulled up into Undersea World. How did Stu Pickles manage to put islands and a sea in the play set? His water bill must be horrendous. Sub a Dub Dub Small Batteries Available: 3 This game challenge requires a lot of exploration if you are to find all of the money and batteries. Completing the main mission is simple: Find four treasure chests and drop them into the big nets. The green dots on the radar highlight the treasure chests. Find a chest and lower the submarine down to it. When you have a treasure chest on your sub's magnet, take it to the giant net. You need only lower the sub over the net and the treasure chest will automatically drop onto it. Press A to go forward, press X to reverse and use the Control stick to go up or down. Watch out for the giant electric eels. They are a silvery blue and have arcs of electricity sparking about them. Use the B button to fire a "torspeedo" at them. It takes three hits to dispatch them. If they get near you they will shock you until your health is gone so shoot from a distance. There are also annoying yellow fish that will blow up when you get near them. If you get too near they will explode and you will loose health. Unfortunately your torspeedoes are of no use against them. There are many more of these two enemies on the harder levels of difficulty. If your submarine bumps into anything you will lose health. There are band-aids floating in bubbles and there is one in the middle of the first net you see in case you need it. On Reptar Tough level of difficulty there are lots of giant electric eels and yellow blow fish. You must still find four treasure chests. The sunken boats seem to have multiplied and sprouted extra masts and spars so that there is a veritable obstacle course for you to navigate. Of course the electric eels and yellow blowfish all hang around where there is a treasure chest. If you are not careful you will sustain a lot of damage to your sub from the boat rigging and from those yellow fish. Torspeedo the electric eels and find the chest. When you have a treasure chest, rise almost to the surface and speed to the net. That way the yellow fish don’t have time to blow up because you are already past them. Coins in this game challenge can be hidden under piles of black rocks. Use the B button to blow up the rocks. Other large black rocks can also be blown up to reveal coins or a tunnel opening. Although there is a lot of money in this area, especially after you purchase Hidden Funny Money, it is very difficult to see. You have to be nearly on top of it before it really becomes visible. * * * Hot Cod Racer Small Batteries Available: 2 Herman and his hermit crabs challenge you to a race. You are racing against other hermit crab 'chariots.' Follow the red arrows to stay on course. Press A to go forward and use the Control stick to control your direction. You cannot reverse. You must complete three laps and stay ahead of the others to win. Halfway through the lap there is a short-cut where you can go down into a tunnel and come out ahead of the other crab chariots. As you have no weapons, the electric eels and yellow blow fish don't go after you in this challenge but if you do run into an electric eel, you will be zapped. You will not lose health but it will slow you down. It's easy to win on Baby Easy, but very difficult on the harder levels. On Reptar Tough the other chariots are really fast and difficult to pass. As in Sub A Dub Dub there is a lot of Funny Money to be found but it is difficult to see and find. When you re-enter the challenge to find Funny Money and batteries you must keep an eye on the race graph at the bottom of the screen. It tells you the position of all the racers. Since you are taking your time to hunt for items you will be last. Do not let a racer reach the finish line or your baby will be sent down to the back yard. When a racer is almost to the end of lap three, exit the game challenge and then return again to finish your hunt for items. ARABIAN WORLD Meanie Genie Small Batteries Available: 4 The Nice Genie’s big brother, Meanie Genie, has escaped from his lamp. This game challenge is broken up into two sections. In the first part you ride a camel and use the B button to make it spit at Meanie Genie’s purple scarab beetles. If you are not fast enough the beetles will get to you and bite you until your health is gone. You must do this three times. The first time the beetles are on the ground. The second time they are flying in the air and the third time they are both in the air and on the ground. This is easy on the Baby Easy level but not easy on the harder levels because the beetles are much faster. On the easier levels there are 50 scarab beetles in each wave. On Reptar Tough level there are 100 beetles in each wave and they are super fast. The third wave is absolutely the worst. Your health can go down so fast that you are tossed out of the challenge before you know it. The second section is in the genie's cavern. After you get off the camel at the entrance to the cavern you can return to the challenge start on foot and collect any Funny Money/batteries. Then return to where you got off the camel. Once you enter the cavern avoid the green mist. It will knock you out. On the more difficult levels the green mist sprays out four ways at a time You can quickly need a band-aid but fortunately band-aids are usually around and they reappear after a minute so you can go back and get more health if you need it. Most of the rocks you must jump across will sink into the lava if you stand on them so move quickly. Run up the path and you will see Meanie Genie. Avoid the rocks Meanie Genie throws at you and touch his lamp. Then he will go back in the lamp for a "time-out." When you re-enter this challenge to get all the Funny Money go past the genie and you will find yourself climbing spiral paths that end in nothing and will have to jump onto flying carpets to continue your hunt. Warning: On Baby Easy difficulty do not go over to the place where a cliff looks like a face. That is where the lamp is on the Rugrat Medium level. If you do, you will not be able to exit this area and will have to surrender the challenge and begin your hunt for Funny Money and batteries again. This means facing the nasty bugs again. * * * Rugrat Rug Race Small Batteries Available: 3 You are riding a flying carpet and must collect 100 of the jewels that you see as you fly three laps around the course. Use the Control stick to direct the carpet left, right, up and down. Press A to jump your carpet up to reach items just above you and to get to higher places or paths. You cannot reverse. If you get all the jewels required in less than three laps, the game challenge will end with a win anyway. There is no time limit so you can try to snatch the Funny Money and batteries as you fly by (but concentrate on the jewels). If you don't get it all the first time you can return to the challenge later and pick it up. Just remember to exit the challenge before the third lap is over so your baby is not sent back down to the back yard. On the more difficult levels of play there are fewer jewels but a lot more money. I am not very good at this on the harder levels so I find that, if I bang the carpet into a wall many times (A button) in the different areas, jewels will often just fly into me and increase my count that way. You must be a champion rug driver on Reptar Tough to win this one. * * * Temple of the Lamp Small Batteries Available: 3 The Nice Genie has locked himself out of his house. His lamp is in the Temple. You must collect a certain number of jewels, depending on the difficulty level, to open the gates to the Temple. Baby Easy requires 40 jewels, Rugrat Medium requires 55 jewels and Reptar Tough requires 70 jewels. Gems are all over the place, on the ground, in jars, on roofs, by stone piles. To open the jars use the Diapy Bounce. The jars can contain coins, jewels... or purple scarab beetles! Ouch! The jars up on the roofs are all safe to open. There are blue trampolines to help you jump up to roofs. Most of the buildings have awnings on the doors and windows so you can use them to jump from one awning to another or to different buildings or tall rock piles. Just hold down the A button to jump very high. There are also magic ropes that will extend up from a coil to help you reach a building roof or a floating jewel. There are several flying carpets about in the second area and if you stand in the right place you can jump on them to hitch a ride to higher places. If you fall in the river you can get out on a path up to the first area. There are coins and Funny Money in the river but the money is underwater and really hard to get. Jump from the highest point on the bridge and make sure you land right on top of it. In the two harder challenges there are large purple scarab beetles that will attack you. Avoid them if you can. If they bite you, you will lose health. You can hear them coming. Get on something a level above them (a blue trampoline is not high enough and a jar is not safe enough) and watch them run into the wall and explode. After you have gathered the required number of gems the gates to the Temple will open and you can get the Genie's lamp. All the jars here are full of gold coins. Be sure to go around the outside and collect all the money and gold coins before you enter. There are money and coins floating in the water so look for them. Funny Money may be suspended in the air, especially in front of tall rock piles, requiring you to jump from one place to another or to fall on it to collect it. CIRCUS WORLD Cone Caper Small Batteries Available: 4 You must navigate a circus side show to get to the end of the game challenge. There are clowns everywhere throwing pink snow cones at you. "Har-de-har-har-har!" Smack them with your pink snow cones (B button) to knock them down and get gold coins. Diapy Bounce on the big blue crates to get more cones. You can carry up to ninety-nine cones at a time. The crates reappear after a time so you can return to them if you are in the same area. There are lots of band-aids in case you need them. The fountain in the rear of the side show area has lots of money on it. There are two semi- hidden areas where you can get money also: the airplane ride and the Ferris wheel. If you see an alley bounded by wooden fences, investigate it. Follow the white helper ball to the final area. There is a large trampoline. Hold down the A button to jump farther and higher. This area is full of stacked crates and boxes. Climb up the tallest pile of crates to get a small battery. From up there you can see where everything is. Jump into the rocket gun to be shot into the fenced enclosure where you will have to beat a "boss." There are three rounds to this. Each time hit the three clowns with cones and then hit a target on the big revolving clown head. Each time there is one less target to hit, ending with one only on round three. If you don’t hit the target fast enough in any round, the clown head will lower and you will have to repeat that round. On Baby Easy the clown head just revolves. On Rugrat Medium, the revolving clown head will shoot out cotton candy vapor at you along with pink snow cones. On Reptar Tough the revolving clown head shoots pink snow cones in round one. If you stand in line with a small clown, the clown head will shoot him as it tries to get to you! In round two it shoots pink snow cones and pink cotton candy vapor. In round three it shoots pink snow cones, pink cotton candy vapor and cotton candy bombs. * * * Acrobatty Dash Small Batteries Available: 3 This game challenge is timed so do not stop to get the Funny Money or the batteries the first time in. Just win the challenge and return to collect these items. Baby Easy level gives you 7 minutes to start. Rugrat Medium gives you 3 minutes 30 seconds and Reptar Tough gives you only 2 minutes to finish. However, every time you touch the white helper ball you have seconds added to the time remaining. If you don’t fall off anything you can end the challenge with the same time left as when you began. Make your way from one end of the tent to the other. Jump into the rocket guns to be shot across the tent after the helper ball. DO NOT LOSE YOUR WHITE HELPER BALL or the STAR on the last platform will not appear. Touch the star to finish. You must touch the helper ball every time you come up to it. If you do get ahead of it and fall down to the floor the game will put you back to where the helper ball is. Hold the A button to bounce higher on the big drums and make it to the next one. If you fall you will lose health and time. You must also swing on trapezes and hang-ride down zip lines. If you time it right you can jump from trapeze to trapeze and save time. When returning to the challenge watch the time clock and surrender the challenge before it runs out or your baby will be sent back down to the back yard. * * * Cream Pie Flyer Small Batteries Available: 4 You are flying a plane in the Big Top circus tent. To win the game challenge shoot cream pies at the trucks circling below and then at the clowns that fall out. If you keep shooting pies at the empty trucks you can destroy them, and the clowns will be left to run around on the floor. The trucks shoot cotton candy bombs. On Reptar Tough level the trucks’ aim is improved so you can lose health quickly if you don’t keep your distance. A number on each side of a truck indicates how many clowns are inside so you will know how many there are left that you must hit. More cream pies are available at the top of the tent, attached to balloons. There is a lot of Funny Money up there and on the ground. The red and white boxes are First Aid kits and will restore you to full health if your plane has bumped into anything or you are hit by any cones or bombs. On the more difficult levels there are clowns on the top rafters who throw snow cones at you so it is harder to get the refills you need from the balloons. There are only four First Aid kits on Reptar Tough and they do not reappear. Your strategy here is to eliminate the clowns on the rafters first so that you can get to the refill balloons when you need them. Do not use a First Aid kit until your health is almost gone since a First Aid kit restores you to full health. There is red Funny Money near the top of the center tent pole and over the red banners at either end of the tent. There is purple Funny Money on a rafter and hiding behind the red banners also. Blue Funny Money is all over the floor. *TIER 3* DINO WORLD As Lil says, "This is funner than dirt!" Now Stu Pickles has managed to squeeze an entire prehistoric world, including volcanoes, onto the play set. How does he heat up the lava? Rex Riding Small Batteries Available: 4 This is the easiest game challenge in the entire game. You must collect bones and drop them on the bone pile. Sneak up on the dinosaurs slowly and from behind because if one sees you it runs away. Walk into it and you will then be riding it. Run over the bones to pick them up. Run over the bone pile to drop the bone. A "ding" will sound indicating your success. You can also press B to throw the bones on the pile but I find it is much easier just to run over it. On Baby Easy difficulty you will find enough bones in the general area right around the bone pile. The dinosaurs jump extremely far and high so use them to jump over the lava to get more bones on the harder levels of difficulty. They can easily over-jump a target so you will learn by doing when and where to jump them. They also cannot make tight turns because they run so fast. They do not stop. If you want to get off you will have to run the dinosaur into something. There are three main areas in this challenge. The first is where the challenge begins, a large grassy field. The second area is a volcanic island in the lake and the third is across the lake where there is a giant rib cage lying on the ground. Actually this third area is on the other side of the big volcano from the first area. When you go through the tunnel path looking for bones or money, etc. you will see it below. It is much easier to find all the small batteries and Funny Money on foot. Your baby can make the jumps that the dinosaurs do to get to islands in the lava. Some of the money is on the edge of an island and the dinosaurs cannot get to it without falling in the lava. Look for places where you can climb up higher. Be sure to look for rocks hidden in the lava smoke where red money is waiting. There are two of these places: One is in the volcano on the island in the lake and there is also red money on a ledge behind this volcano. The other smoke hidden rock is on the upper slope of the main volcano, above the large grassy field. Follow giant rock "steps" up to this one. If your dinosaur runs into a wall or falls into the lava you will be set down on land closest to where it fell. If it falls in the shallow lake you will be left in the lake. The dinosaur will be returned to where you found it. * * * Fly High Egg Hunt Small Batteries Available: 4 Follow the white helper balls to the colored eggs and to a "scary-dactyl" that will fly you up to the nest where the egg belongs. Walk into it to get on its back. The nests are in the tops of tall trees and already have a colored egg in them so you can tell into which nest to drop the egg. You do this by flying closely over the nest. Do not let the scary-dactyl bump into anything because you will lose health rapidly. Green creatures scuttle between the rocks on the ground and if one hits you while you are walking you can lose health. There are band-aids on the ground, in the tops of trees and on top of tall rocks for you to collect if you need them. Baby Easy level is just that, but at the harder levels of difficulty this challenge is really very hard to win. The paths you must take to get to the eggs and the scary-dactyls are peppered with Angelicas-in-a-Box or are down in the lava. There is Funny Money all over the area and down just above the surface of the lava lake. If you look at the lava lake from the sky, it resembles a large dinosaur footprint. Look in the top of the volcano and fly through the mountain tunnel for some large amounts of Funny Money. Unfortunately you cannot go on foot all around this challenge area because the lake is lava, not water as in Rex Riding, and is a barrier between the areas. Therefore you must use a scary-dactyl to collect most of the items. You must have an egg for the scary-dactyl to carry you. MOON WORLD Stand under the Wind Pipe and Press A to be pulled up to Moon World. Jumping is easy "on the moon" because you weigh less and can float to higher levels than usual. I wonder how Stu Pickles managed this? Rise of the Anjellyuns Small Batteries Available: 5 Your spaceship has crashed on the moon and needs to be repaired. Follow the helper balls around the cheese factory to easily find the engine parts. Press B to throw your glow bombs to blow up the Anjellyuns. Watch out for the "moon booms" they toss at you! If you fall from a platform while over the 'abyss,' you will be returned to the edge where you started. This challenge is much, much harder on the difficult levels of play. There are mega-giant Anjellyuns and teeny, tiny Anjellyuns and they are all out to get you. However, just one of your glow bombs can take out a group of the teeny, tiny ones at one blow. The little ones will also follow you to run into the crates you stand on and into the edge of the Cheese Factory platform. They make a satisfying splat. Thank goodness the band-aids reappear after a short time. Be sure to check out both sides of the first upper airlock (above the room with the plants). There should be $500 there. Just get rid of that mega-giant Anjellyun first. The challenge area is large and you must explore it to find all the Funny Money and batteries. * * * Moon Buggy Madness Small Batteries Available: 4 You must collect fifty pieces of cheese to win this game challenge. Your fuel runs out quickly so you must run into the fuel cells that you see floating about the area to refill your tank. After you have won the challenge, return to collect the money and batteries. There is Funny Money all over the challenge area but the overhead tracks seem to have most of it. The problem is staying on the track as you zoom around trying to pick up the money. You also need to be up on these tracks to jump down onto some of the bigger piles of money on the main floor because they are on top of rock piles. To get up onto the Radio Telescope you can back off to a distance and use one of the small hills as a ramp along with jumping (B button). At the harder levels the fuel cells are fewer and do not reappear after they are used. If you drive too fast the moon buggy will likely turn upside down. Use the B button to jump it and try to get right side up. * * * Cheesy Chase Small Batteries Available: 4 This game challenge is easy but it takes some time to finish. You are inside the cheese factory and there is a big problem with mice stealing the cheese. The number of mice you must catch depends on your level of difficulty. Look for a round of yellow cheese and there will probably be mice around it. These mice are fairly easy to catch with your vacuum (press and hold the B button) but most of them do have little jet packs to help them fly away. Catch five to fill your vacuum then go to a "Mouse House" and shoot them in with the B button. There are many areas to explore in this challenge and you will need to go to all of them in the more difficult levels of play. On the higher floors (through the upper air-locks) of the Baby Easy level and everywhere on the harder levels, besides the awful and irritating Angelicas-in- a-Box, there are round green bombs lying everywhere. They click when you get near, arming themselves. If you actually touch one it will blow up, costing you health. Look down before you jump down between crates or cases to make sure you don't land on a bomb unexpectedly. * * * MEDIEVAL WORLD Holy Pail Small Batteries Available: 4 YOU MUST NOT LOSE THE WHITE HELPER BALL because it alone can lead you to the Holy Pail (along the Holy Pail Trail). You cannot find it by yourself. The Holy Pail will not appear, even if you know where it is found. There are pink potion bottles to take that will enable you to shoot back at the magical hollow armors that shoot at you. Press the B button to shoot. It takes two hits to destroy a magical armor. A knocking sound will warn you when one is nearby. There are also shields to protect you from the magical armor's green missiles. These items are temporary and when the colors dull at the bottom of the screen you must go and get another potion and shield. Green boots are found where you must make a long or tall jump. The power of the boots is very short-lived so you need to know what or where to jump at or to quickly. You sometimes need the boots to jump up to the white helper ball. At the more difficult levels of play it is better to eliminate all the magical armors first before you try to get anywhere. Some areas are absolutely infested with them but they can be destroyed with patience on your part. On these levels the helper ball will actually dive into the river and you must jump off the highest point of a bridge directly onto it to deploy it to the next stop. So, if all of a sudden you lose sight of the helper ball, look in the river first before wandering all over Medieval World trying to find it again. There are also two magical places up on the bluffs each with a central teleport that will send you to the opposite side of Medieval World. One is full of band-aids. * * * Let's Play Bow and Apples Small Batteries Available: 4 As Susie says, "You finally get to play with food!" Shoot the barrels, or targets to open a tower or the castle, and get the amount of apples required. Press B to take out your bow and arrow. Press X to put it away. You can't run quickly with it out. Press B and hold it to shoot farther. Use the Control stick to aim up or down, left or right. You never run out of ammunition. There are magical hollow armors that will attack you but you can eliminate them by shooting them. They give four apples in the Baby Easy level, less in the harder levels. There are not many band-aids available on the more difficult levels of play so be very careful when you hear the knocking sound that indicates a magical armor is nearby. There are many, many magical armors in the harder levels and they are all over, even up on the roofs in the castle keep. The magical armors, together with the Angelicas-in-the Box sitting on places you need to be, will give you a lot of shooting to do. Funny Money is in odd places in Medieval World, on the roofs of the houses in the castle keep for instance. In the keep there are platforms here and there to help you get up. If you are playing on the easiest level you can also jump onto a barrel to the left of the church and then up to a walkway. Just don't shoot the barrel first! Look behind the houses also. Money can sometimes be found floating in the water. You can wander all over the challenge area and not find any money and then you may find $250 just sitting in the middle of an intersection of paths. Climb up to each of the windmills and see what is there. It takes a lot of searching to find it all. *THE TOWER* STORMIN' THE CASTLE You are driving your very own kittypult. Press B to pull back the scoop and lob a rock. Watch the strength meter as you hold down B. The higher it is, the farther your rock will go. Lob rocks at everything you see. You will be surprised at what you can break up. Sometimes there are things you need under structures or haystacks. If you find yourself and your kittypult upside down press B to flip yourself over by using the catapult as a lever. Press X to reverse. Angelica will try to hit you with big bubbles. If one touches you your health will go down. Find a band-aid to restore your health. Even though Angelica is obnoxious with her remarks you cannot hit her with a rock. There are colored shields on the ground areas and on overhead tracks. These you must roll onto. They will lift the grates over the door to the next area so you can pelt it with your rocks. In the last area drive onto the green path that meanders through all the areas, go to the end and lob a rock at the barred window. Drive through the opening at high speed and get a key, money and a First Aid kit as you fall. You will land in the first castle area you opened. Return to the final area and go up the ramp. The door to a secret room is now open. This room is carpeted with gold coins and full of overhead ramps hanging from the ceiling. The ramps are difficult to get up to and to stay on but they are full of lots and lots of money. Take your kittypult to a high corner of the room closest to the ramp access and race down to it to get up to the ramps. It may take you many tries but you can do it. You may also fall off many times but if you want to buy all the bonus games you will need that Funny Money lying about up there. Once you open the door to Angelica, you have beaten the game. Save your game. On the harder levels of play there are Angelicas-in-the Box scattered around and magical hollow armors will attack you. Fortunately you have an unlimited supply of rocks. 6. SINGLE/MULTIPLAYER BONUS GAMES* To get these you must go to the ATM on Tier 1. Stand on the $ sign and press A. You will be pulled up to where you can buy the games with Funny Money. All the original characters used in the game are available to use here. To use the other characters listed below you must pay extra. These games require a memory card. After you purchase one or more, save your game. To play the games choose Play Silly Stuff from the opening menu. These games are a lot of fun and I have them on one of my memory cards for friends and family to try when they don’t want to spend a lot of time playing a game. These are great for short-term entertainment. Carrot Catchin' $500 1 player. Grab carrots as you sled down the hill. See who can get the most. Play as Susie $200 Ring Roller Coaster $600 1 player. Fly through as many rings as possible before time runs out. Throw pies at the solid rings for extra time. (Available after you complete Circus World) Play as Stu $250 Play as Angelica $250 Target Bash $600 1 player. Use your kittypult to smash targets. See how many you can get before time runs out. Play as Dil $250 Snow K Corral $900 2 players. It’s a snowball fight! The last player standing wins. (Available after you complete Snow World) Play as Angelica $400 Play as Susie $400 River Race $900 2 players. It’s a boat race. (Available after you complete Jungle World) Play as Grandpa $350 Double Subble Trouble $1200 2 players. Submarine Tag. Hit the other player more times with a torspeedo than they hit you. (Available after you complete Undersea World) Play as Grandpa $300 Play as Dil $300 Loopy Hoop Race $1500 2 players. Race your airplanes through the rings in three laps. Make sure you only fly through your rings. (Available after you complete Circus World) Play as Dil $350 Play as Stu $350 Loopy Hoop Race 2 $1500 2 players. The rings are closer together so you can use cream pies to slow each other down. Lunar 500 $1500 2 players. It’s a moon buggy race. (Available after you complete Moon World) Play as Susie $400 Play as Dil $400 Play as Angelica $400 Target Time $2000 2 players. Hit the targets on the barrels and collect as many apples as you can before time runs out. (Available after you complete Medieval World) Play as Angelica $300 Play as Susie $300 Chuck and Duck $2500 2 players. Use your kittypult to splat the other player with water balloons. Whoever gets the most hits wins. There are lots of band-aids around to keep you healthy. (Available after you defeat Angelica) Play as Dil $600 Play as Angelica $600 Get the Sled Out $1500 2 players. It’s a sled race. (Available after you complete Snow World) Play as Dil $200 Play as Angelica $200 Double Scoop Cone Zone $1000 2 players. It’s a Snow Cone fight! Whoever gets splatted the least wins. (Available after you complete Circus World) Play as Susie $400 Play as Angelica $400 *Game descriptions adapted from the instruction booklet. Secret funny money $500 YOU MUST BUY THIS to have enough money to purchase the games and extra characters. Thousands and thousands of dollars worth of Funny Money become visible in all the challenges on every floor. This is not available until Tier 3 is deployed. Silly sounds $25 Tootie horns, "tockety-tock," "te-whee-wheeee," "wa-gah-dah wah-gah-dah" and toilet flushes will sound when you jump, shoot, fall or land on something. Young children will find these sounds hilarious, especially the toilet flushes. This is not available until Tier 3 is deployed. 7. GLITCHES 1. The first glitch I found in this game is that when you are jumping from place to place you can inadvertently end up ‘inside’ a rock or a structure, or in a niche or crevasse. Sometimes you can get out by repeatedly pressing A and using the Control Stick, but you may have to exit the challenge. If you do not manage to get out of your rock or structure, etc. the game will often put you back at the beginning of the challenge. This has happened to me in challenges and I would just return to where I was before. However, in Fly High Egg Hunt I already had six of the seven eggs gathered. I had to exit this challenge because there is no way to get to the second area on foot and I had gathered all the eggs in the first area. You cannot use a scarey-dactyl unless you have an egg and there were none. *However, igorseabra@gmail.com wrote me to say: I have found that it is possible to get from the first area to the second on foot…To do it, you must have full health. From the start, go back and left until you get to the lava lake, near the wall. From here, jump as far as you can and then keep jumping on the lava until you're at the other side. I've tested by myself and it works, trust me.* 2. The second glitch is in the Temple of the Lamp challenge. On the more difficult levels of play Susie continues to tell you that you need to collect 40 jewels to open the gates to the Temple. In fact, on Rugrat Medium you need 55 jewels and on Reptar Tough you need 70 jewels. The number showing on the bottom of the screen is correct, however. 3. When I was playing in Medieval World, there was purple Funny Money over the castle gate. You could see it from both sides of the gate but it is impossible to get anything there because the game does not allow you to jump there. 8. CHEATS I have found no cheat codes whatsoever for this game. If they exist, please send them to me at cathairetic@cox.net and I will be happy to give you credit. 1