****************************************************************************** Scooby Doo: Unmasked Faq/Walkthrough Version 1.2 Author: MysticWeirdo ****************************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** CONTENTS ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction 2. Version History 3. Main Menu 4. Controls 5. Walkthrough 6. Item Locations 7. Unlockable Monster Profiles 8. LEGAL 9. Contact Information 10. Credits ****************************************************************************** 1. Introduction ****************************************************************************** I am MysticWeirdo also known by my real name Warren Grieder. Scooby Doo Unmasked is based on the Scooby Doo cartoon series. In this game you take on the role of Scooby Doo, the reluctant canine hero of the series. This game is available on Xbox, Gamecube, and PS2. I'm playing the game on the XBOX Version but I hope players on the other systems will find it helpful as well. ****************************************************************************** 2. Version History ****************************************************************************** Version 1.2 July 24, 2006: Gamecube controls added Version 1.1.1 November 19, 2005: Note added about pulling the bow back longer to hit the targets on the sub. Several typos fixed. Version 1.1 October 10, 2005 PS2 Controls added Version 1.0 October 1, 2005 Walkthrough for remaining missions completed. Item lists are now complete. Version 0.61 September 26, 2005 Walkthrough and item lists completed to the end of the 9th mission. Version 0.33 September 25, 2005 Initial Version of this Guide. Walkthrough and Item lists completed up to end of the 5th of the 15 missions. All other sections of the guide complete. ****************************************************************************** 3. Menus ****************************************************************************** ============= 3.1 Main Menu ============= There are six items in the main menu. New game starts a new game. Load game loads a previously saved game. Options takes you to a screen where you can set the volume for Music/Movies and Sound Effect. You can also toggle Vibration and the Autosave feature on an off here. Controls lets you view the control layouts for the various game modes. See the Control Section for more details. Extras take you to the Extra Menu. You can view the Monster Profiles, Bonus Art, Credits and Trailer Here. The monster profiles need to be unlock and are covered in the Unlockable Monster Profiles section. Bonus art is a collect of concept art from the development of the game. Credit runs a listed of the people behind the game. Trailer shows a advertisement for a collected of Scooby Doo episodes. Language lets you change the language used between English, French, Spanish, and Italian. ============== 3.2 Pause Menu ============== There are six options in the pause menu in most area. The hub area only have five options. Save game saves your current progress. Load game loads a previously saved game. Options takes you to a screen where you can set the volume for Music/Movies and Sound Effect. You can also toggle Vibration and the Autosave feature on an off here. Controls lets you view the control layouts for the various game modes. See the Control Section for more details. Exit Level. This option doesn't appear in the hub area. Stop playing the current mission and return to the hub. Quit Game. Stop playing and go to a screen which asks you if you want to loads a game or return to the main menu. ****************************************************************************** 4. Controls and HUD ****************************************************************************** ================= 4.1 Xbox Controls ================= Generic Controls ---------------- Start - Pause X - Interact Y - Display Status (HUD) Right Thumbstick - Move Camera Right Trigger - Reposition Camera Movement Controls ----------------- Left Thumbstick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge B - Release Ledge A + A - Double Jump Attack Controls --------------- Left Thumbstick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move X - Spin Attack A - Bounce Attack B - Slide Attack A + B - Roll Attack A + A + B Smash Attack Bat Controls ------------ Left Thumbstick or D-Pad With A - Glide A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge X - Spin Attack Kung Fu controls ---------------- Left Thumbstick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move X - Punch A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge B - Mega Strike A + X - Jump kick / Thunder Punch (Ninja only) X + X - Karate chop X + X + X - Side Kick Robin Hood controls ------------------- Left Thumbstick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move X - Spin Attack A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge B - Shoot ===================== 4.2 Gamecube Controls ===================== Thanks to Matthew Iverson for providing this Gamecube control listing. Generic Controls ---------------- Start - Pause B - Interact Y - Display Status (HUD) C Thumbstick - Move Camera Right Trigger - Reposition Camera Movement Controls ----------------- Joystick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge X - Release Ledge A + A - Double Jump Attack Controls --------------- Joystick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move B - Spin Attack A - Bounce Attack X - Slide Attack A + X - Roll Attack A + A + X Smash Attack Bat Controls ------------ Joystick or D-Pad With A - Glide A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge B - Spin Attack Kung Fu controls ---------------- Joystick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move B - Punch A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge X - Mega Strike A + B - Jump kick / Thunder Punch (Ninja only) B + B - Karate chop B + B + B - Side Kick Robin Hood controls ------------------- Joystick or D-Pad - Walk, Run, Move B - Spin Attack A - Jump/Climb Up Ledge X - Shoot ================ 4.3 PS2 Controls ================ Thanks to julie andrews for providing the listing of PS2 Controls. walk/run =left analog stick jump = x button double jump = x button + x button grab = x button(hold) drop from something = square button pull up = left analog stick ATTACKS spin attack = square button slide attack = o button roll attack = x button + o button smash attack = x button + x button + o button COSTUME CONTROLS glide (bat costume)x button(hold)+ left analog stick kung fu punch(kung fu costume) square button jump kick(kung fu costume)x button + square button karate chop( kung fu costume) square button + square again mega strike( kung fu costume) o button(hold and release) thunder punch(ninja costume) x button + square button shoot toilet plunger( robin hood costume) o button ======= 4.4 HUD ======= There are seven elements of interest on the Heads Up Display. In the top left there is a picture of Scooby with some medals beside him representing his health. If Scooby runs out of medals he'll respawn at full health at the last checkpoint. In the middle left is the amount of Mubber you've collected so far in the level and haven't spent yet. Mubber doesn't carry over between missions. In the lower left is a count of clues found out of the number to be found in the current world, spanning the hub and the missions. In the top center, an icon will flash if you attempt to adjust the camera in a location where that function isn't available. In the top right is Scooby's current stockpile of Scooby Snacks. Collect 100 to restore a health medal. 100 of these can be held in reserve. In the center right is a count of the current number of unused ingredients found. Take these to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchin in the current world's hub to earn Scooby Medals. In the bottom right is a count of the trap pieces found out of the number to be found in the current world, spanning the hub and the missions. ****************************************************************************** 5. Walkthrough ****************************************************************************** There are two types of areas in this game, hub areas and mission area. The hub areas contain the Mystery Machine and Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen as well as the entrances to the mission areas. In the mission areas you either need to reach the exit or defeat a boss. It the areas where you need to reach the exit, you'll need to look for trap pieces, clues, and ingredients. Clues and ingredients can also be found in the hub areas. WARNING: It is not possible to return to the hub areas of Chinatown, the Theme Park, or the Museum after you complete the final area there. Make sure you've located all of the ingredients, coins for the costume machines before venturing into the 4th mission in each of those worlds. If you want to replay the completed mission areas just go up to the Mystery Van in your current hub area and select the appropriate option in the popup. =============================== 5.1 Monstrous Fright and Magic =============================== The game opens with a cutscene of Scooby and the gang, Fred, Daphne, Velma, and Shaggy, on their way to the MFM Studios to see Fred's cousin Jed. They arrive to find the place in disarray. --------- 5.1.1 MFM --------- Clues to find: 2 Ingredients to find: 4 Mubber Required: 75 NOTE: The exit level option in the pause menu is grayed out as you haven't been to a hub area yet. You start out at the entrance to the MFM Studios. The door behind you is sealed. The first room is round with a path going around the perimeter. You should make a full circuit of the perimeter of the room, picking up the Scooby Snakes to you left. You should also use spin attacks to destroy the crates and furniture along the sides of the path to pick up more Scooby Snacks and Mubber. You'll need to jump up to the low ledge to get around to the back half on the path, when you find a monitor by some stairs. You should have 5 mubber at this point. This monitor is a check point. If Scooby loses all of his health medals, he'll respawn with full health at the last checkpoint visited. Go up the stairs by the checkpoint to where Shaggy waits. Watch the cut scene. You can talk to Shaggy afterwards to hear some extra dialog that doesn't serve much of a purpose. There are three bits of dialog to here. If you're interest in hearing all the dialog in the game, keep talking to characters until the dialog repeats. Gather the Scooby Snacks in this room, attacking the vending machines and monitor here to get the snacks that they contain. There's also a spring platform here the you can jump on to get more altitude, but you can get all of the snacks here without it. There a strange machine here as well. Later in the game machines like this one will generate costumes or ingredients for Scooby. Go into the hall on the other side of this room. Don't get to close to the painting on the left as it will fall, injuring Scooby. After it falls destroy the crates here to get more Scooby Snack and Mubber. Mubber count should be 16 now. Turn left at the corner. Double jump over the shallow pit. Destroy the crates and boards to the left to get another Mubber and more snacks. Head towards Velma. Watch the cut scene in which she point out a switch as asks you to find a clue. The way to the switch to your right is blocked by electricity. There a clue, a Magnetic Keycard, floating in the air to your left. Double jump to get it. Talk to Velma to go to the clue screen. Examine the new clue. Watch the scene in which Velma use the keycard to deactivate the electricity blocking the way to the switch. NOTE: Velma is the only character that it is essential to talk to as she'll use the clues you find to unlock areas. Jump on the switch to you're right to open the door onward. Watch the cutscene in which Velma walks off. Go through the newly opened door and follow the path the curves to the right. Destroy the three stacks of crates along the way to get more Mubber. The Mubber count should be 28. You'll be at the top of a slope with red and blue gunk on it. Its slippery and Scooby will slide down it. There's mubber in the gunk so jump about while you're sliding to try to get a few extra, but don't worry about getting them all. When you get to the bottom, watch the cut scene with Free who will tell you that you need to slide down a cable. Destroy the stuff in the dead end to the right and the other crates and board to the right and forward in this area to get more Mubber and snacks. Ignore the spring platform for now and go to the left of the ledge with the door. Get the Ice Cream ingredient in the area past the ledge. Destroy the the crates here for more Mubber and snacks. Return to the spring platform an jump on it to get the top of the ledge. You'll activate the next checkpoint here. Go under the cable, which in marked with a green arrow and double jump up to it. You get a few Scooby Snacks as you slide down the cable. Destroy the crate at the end of the slide for another Mubber. Go down the slope and through the door marked with a glowing paw. Destroy the crates here for some more Mubber and snacks. Double jump to the hovering platform ahead of you. Wait for it more move closer to the next platform and jump to the right to get to it. This one moves as well, jump left to the next platform once you're in range. Jump to the hallway from there once you're close enough. Destroy the crates for Mubber and snacks and get the Hot Pepper ingredient to the left. Continue destroying crates until you get to a slope to the right. Slide down the slope to the next checkpoint and watch the cutscene in which Daphne asks you to rescue Velma who has been cornered by rats. Go ahead and destroy the five rats with spin attacks, getting the Mubber that they drop. Watch the cutscene with Velma. There are a few snack bearing crates to the left the ramp by Velma. There another strange machine here that you can't use and a lizardman prop. Go up the ramp where there's a box of Scooby Snacks to replenish and medal in case the rats managed to hurt you. Destroy the boards blocking access to a clue at the top of the ramp. Get the clue, a Radio Beacon, and watch the cutscene of Velma waving. Go back down the ramp and talk to Velma. Examine the new clue to cause two platforms to slide out of the wall in this room. Go back up the ramp. Jump to the ledge to the left at the top. Destroy the crates for more snacks and Mubber. Jump to the first of the platforms that slid out of the wall to the left at the end of the ledge. Double jump to the next platform. Go to the green arrow and double jump to grab onto the bottom of the catwalk above you. Go along the bottom of the catwalk to reach the ledge on the other side. Drop down to the ledge Destroy the crates for more snacks and Mubber. Jump on the red switch here to cause a couple of spring boards to fall down to the right of the ramp by Velma. Go to the other end of this ledge. There's a smaller stranger machine here called a Mubber Converter. This one requires 75 Mubber to produce and ingredient, a Chocolate Bar. If you've been diligent in destroying crates you should have plenty to spare. Drop back to the bottom of the room from here and go up the ramp again. Turn right and jump on the lower of the spring boards. Do a mid air jump when you reach the apex to get to the next spring board. Do another mid air jump at the apex to reach a ledge where you'll find the Cabbage Ingredient. Turn left and watch the cutscene of Shaggy telling you about his porta- kitchen. Go up to the porta-kitchen and us it. Select any two of your collected ingredients to get your first extra health medal. Use the remain two ingredients bring the next recipe to 2/3 of completing. You will be fully healed after making the recipe. The are a few crates with mubber and snacks here but you should have need of them. Slide down the slope to the left of Shaggy. Don't worry about collecting mubber or snacks on your way down. Watch closing cutscene for this mission in which Scooby gets surrounded by knights. He's rescues by Mr. Stanton and Marcy who you UV Lights to break down the Mubber that the knights are made of. You'll be pointed in the direction of Chinatown. You're Completion Percentage should be 6% if you found everything. ================================== 5.2 Shuddery Showdown in Chinatown ================================== The a cutscene Maggie Xi will approach and warn you about a dragon on your arrival in the Market area of China Town. She vanishes after you hear a roar. ------------------------------------- 5.2.1 Chinatown Hub: Market Part 1/4 ------------------------------------- Clues to locate: 1 Ingredients to locate: #1 of 5 The Mystery Van is to your left. You can use this to access unlocked monster profiles or replay completed missions. There's a large dragon statue in front of you. You can see Shaggy's Porta- Kitchen in the distance to the right of the statue. A train of Scooby snacks leads around left side of the statue, past a checkpoint to Velma. You'll see a clue glowing in the distance past Velma. Go up the stairs past Velma to where Fred and Daphne are having a conversation with Ho Fong the owner of an antique shop. Listen to the dialog. Go up the stair to the left. Before getting the clue turn left and double jump onto the ledge. Go along it and double jump up to another ledge. Get the Hot Pepper ingredient at the end of the ledge. Turn around and return to the top of the stairs. Jump up the ledges to get the first of the Chinatown clues, a Giant Fortune Cookie. Before returning to Velma with in scout out the rest of the area. Let's go clockwise around the perimeter. There are some stairs to the left beside where you found the clue. Go up the and note the stairwell to the right. Turn left and note the forklift just two far from an awning to the left. The locked entrance to the fortune cookie factory is to the right here. Continue going forward and you see two sets of purple lights. The path to the right leads to the sealed entrance to the Sewers past a Kung Fu costume machine. The other path leads into the pit around to the sewer entrance but there's nothing of interest there. Turn around and return to the stairs beside where you found the clue. Turn left. This take you to the sealed entrance to the Temple. If you need it there's a box of Scooby Snacks on top to the wall to the left of the entrance to the Temple courtyard. You can get up there be jumping up the rocks to the left, then to a tree, and to the wall from the tree. Turn around and turn left at the dragon statue courtyard. Shaggy's Porta- Kitchen is here. Use it to complete the recipe for your fifth medal with the lone ingredient you've found here so far. Turn sealed entrance to the Warehouse is in the dead end past the porta- kitchen. Continue clockwise brings you back to the Mystery Machine. Now it's time to talk to Velma. Examine the clue to unlock the entrance to the Cookie Factory. Follow the trail of Scooby Snack as they go past Velma, Daphne, and Mr Fong. Turn left as the lead up the stairs past where you found the first clue. Turn right into the Cookie Factory courtyard. Note the item count on the sign before following the Scooby Snacks through the entrance to the Cookie Factory mission marked by the glowing paw. ---------------------------------- 5.2.2 Chinatown 1: Cookie Factory ---------------------------------- Clues to find: 2 Ingredients to find: 4 Trap Pieces to find: 1 Mubber Required: 65 You'll trigger a checkpoint on entering the factory. Go right and double jump to the top of the boxes in the foreground. Keep going right and kill the rats that emerge from the hole with spin attacks and get the Mubber that they drop. Destroy the hole with more spin attacks to get some extra mubber. Destroy the crates in the alley to the right of the rathole to get so snacks. Retrieve the Eggplant ingredient here. Head back to the left and double jump over the boxes. Go up the ramp to the right here. Jump up the three steps and step onto the awning to get sprung up. Do a mid air jump at your apex to land on a wooden ledge to the left. Step onto the awning to the left to get sprung up to a ledge to your right. Jump a ledge to the right and use a spin attack to destroy the sign blocking your way. Jump to the left again to another platform. Step onto the awning to the left to get sprung up to a platform to the right. Step onto the awning to the right to get sprung up. Do a mid air jump to get to the platform to the left where you can get a box of Scooby Snacks. Double jump to the platform to the right (or bounce up off the awning below). Jump to the platform to the right. Go under the green arrow and double jump up to slide down the cable to a platform. Step on the lift to the left to start it moving. Get off the lift at the bottom. Go right and pause before you get to the door on the wall to avoid the zombie that will pop out, it makes a distinctive sound when its about to come out, remember this sound as it signal a trap about to spring throughout the game. Destroy the crates here to get some Mubber. Jump on the lift at the right side of the and ride it up. Jump to the awning to the left and spring up to a ledge to the right. Head to the right along a rickety walkway. Them camera shifts when you reach the rooftop at the end of the walkway. Destroy the crates there for some Scooby Snacks. Double jump to the building to the left. The camera will shift again. Destroy the crates for a couple of Mubber and double jump onto the top of the large box. Double jump up from the green arrow on top to slide down a cable to the left. Wait for the zombie to pop out and destroy the crates to the left for some snacks. Jump onto the lift to the left and ride it down. Jump off at the bottom and head right. Destroy the rats and the hole that they emerge from for some mubber. Destroy the barbecue and the crates for some snacks. Jump onto the lift to the right of the rathole and ride it up. Jump to the platform to the ledge to the right at the top. Jump onto the awning to the left and bounce up to an awning to the right. Bounce up to another awning to the right. This time you'll be bouncing up to a platform to the left. Destroy the crates there for some mubber. Double jump from the green arrow to grapple onto the bottom of a walkway. Head right along the bottle of the walkway and drop to a platform at the end. Jump onto the to platform to the right and destroy the sign at the end with a spin attack. Step on the lift to the right and ride it down. Getting off on a platform to the left. Destroy the sign at the other end of this platform. Jump on the lift to the left and double jump to the left get the cotton candy ingredient. (You can also bounce of the awning behind it if you don't get it during the jump.) Drop to the ground at destroy the rats and their hole on the right side of this for some mubber and the rest of the stuff here for some snacks. Wait for the lift to come back down and jump onto it. Jump onto the first platform to the right on the way up. Step onto the awning to the left but ignore the ledge to the right instead landing on the truck. Drop to the ground to the right and destroy the stuff there for some snacks. Step on the awning to the right side of this area and bound up to the awning to the left. Bound up to another awning to the left, which is to the right of the platform you ignored earlier. Bounce up to a platform to the right and step onto the awning to the right. Bounce up to an awning to the left and from there to a platform to the left. Double jump from the green circle here to grapple onto the bottom of a walkway. Go right along the bottom of the walkway. Drop onto the platform at the other end. Double jump from the green arrow to slide down the cable to the right. Get clear of the door at the bottom by going left before the zombie comes out. Once it does you can destroy the crates there for some more snacks. Go left down the stairs and destroy the sign blocking the way to a lift. Get on the lift and ride it down. Destroy the rats and rathole to the right of the lift for mubber and destroy the rest of the stuff down here for snacks. There are also two boxes of Scooby Snacks down here. Get back on the lift and get of on the first platform to the right. Go to the right along the rickety walkway and go through to opening marked by the glowing paw print. You'll activate a check point in this area. A spider making machine is ahead of you. Destroy the spiders and the machine with spin attacks to get a fair bit of mubber. Double jump onto the hood of the truck to the left and double jump up to the top of the truck box. Go forward into the main factory area. Down get on the lift in front of you just yet. There's a box of Scooby snacks in the dead end to your left. There another snack box to the right of the lift under some scaffolding. Destroy the rats and ratholes to the right of this go gets some mubber. Get the ham ingredient behind the rats. Go to the back left corner of this area, past another box of snacks, and get the trap piece, a broom, there after killing a stray rat. Now get on the lift and ride it up. Getting onto the ledge at the top. Turn right and the end of this ledge and jump onto the small platform with the green arrow. Double jump from here to grapple onto the bottom of a walkway above. Grapple along the bottom of this walkway and drop onto the box at the end. Turn right and double jump over to the top of the nearest cylinder. Go across the four cylinders and turn right to face the top of the scaffold. Double jump there. Go to the end of it and turn left. Double jump to the lift to activate it. Double jump onto the conveyor at the top of the lift's path. Go left along the conveyor. Double jump to a small platform from the end. Double jump into the hallway from there. Turn right in the hallway at go through the opening marked by the glowing paw print. You'll slide into the next room and a Chinese Zombie will attack. Use a couple of sliding attacks to take it down to get its mubber. More mubber can be acquired by destroying the crates on the left side of this area. The other crates here contain snacks. Go through the opening to the right past a box of snacks. Watch the cut scene where the Chinatown boss, Zen Tuo, will taunt you. A checkpoint is activated after this scene. Get on the conveyor to the right. Avoid the two acid jet by walking to the left against the conveyor until they start firing. Jump over the gap to the right and the end of the conveyor to another conveyor. Avoid an acid jet on this conveyor and get on the spring board to its right. Spring up to a ledge to the left. Get the Scooby Snack box there. Double jump from the green circle to grapple onto the bottom the walkway. Go left and drop on the conveyor at the end. Go left along this conveyor, avoiding the acid jet. Double jump up to grapple onto the bottom of another walkway from the green arrow at the end of the conveyor. Keep going left and drop to the metal platform at the end of the walkway. Bounce up two spring boards to a ledge and destroy the rats and their rathole there for their mubber. Double jump from the green arrow to grapple onto the bottom of another walkway. Go right and drop onto the platform at the end. Go onto the conveyor to the right and avoid an acid jet before getting a clue, a Forklift key, before avoiding another acid jet. Double jump to grapple onto the bottom of another walkway. Go to the right under the walkway and drop to the ledge at the other end. Keep going right and kill the rats and destroy there hole for mubber. Destroy the sandbags for snacks. Keep going right to another conveyor. You'll be going against this conveyor so double jump past the acid jet when it shuts off and double jump to the next conveyor to the right. Try to avoid the flour bags when they get dropped out of the spouts by waiting for the bad to drop and jumping over it. Jump to the next conveyor and avoid the flour bag. Jump on the slightly moving platform to the right and from there to a springboard. Spring up to the conveyor to the left. Avoid the flour bag as you go left and double jump to a platform. Destroy the bags here for snacks and jump up to the ledge to the left. Destroy the rats and their hole here for mubber. Double jump to the conveyor to the left. Avoid the acid jet and get onto the spring board at the end. Spring up to another springboard to the left and from their to a ledge to the left. Destroy the stuff there for snacks and get the Box of Scooby Snacks there. Double jump from the green arrow to grapple onto the bottom of a walkway. Go right along the bottom of the walkway. Drop down on the other side. Destroy the rats and their hole for some mubber. Destroy the crates and bags here for mubber and snacks. Go to the right end of this ledge. Double jump onto the moving ledge where it starts to extend and double jump from there to the conveyor to the right. Avoid the flour bag on the conveyor. Get on the spring board and spring up to the control room to the right where you'll activate the next check point. Go right through the control room and onto another conveyor. Go right along the conveyor avoiding an acid jet. Double jump to the next conveyor to the right. Try to avoid the four flour bags on this conveyor and double jump to the next conveyor to the right. Avoid the acid jet and get onto the springboard to the right. Bounce onto the moving ledge to the left and double jump to the left to another moving ledge. Double jump left from there to a conveyor. Avoid the acid jet, two flour bags, and another acid jet on this conveyor. Get onto the springboard to the left at the end. Bounce up to a platform to the left and destroy the rats and their hole there to get their mubber. Destroy the bags here for snacks. Jump past the springboard to get a box of snack. Jump onto the springboard and spring up to grapple underneath a walkway after doing a mid air jump at the apex. Head to the right underneath the walkway and drop to the ledge at the end. Get on the conveyor to the right and avoid four flour bags. Jump onto the next conveyor to the right and avoid two move flour bags before getting another clue, a dragons scales. Jump onto the spring board to the right and bounce onto a ledge to the right. Use 65 mubber in the mubber converter here to produce an ingredient, an Apple. Drop down to the right and head towards Shaggy by the glowing paw print marking the factory exit. You're Completion Percentage should be 13% if you found everything so far. ------------------------------------- 5.2.3 Chinatown Hub: Market Part 2/4 -------------------------------------- Ingredients to find #2 of 5 Costume Coins to Find: #1 of 2 Watch the scene where Zen Tuo taunts you, Shaggy and Velma. Shaggy will get trapped in the sewers after Scooby backs into him. You'll automatically enter the clue screen to examine the clues that you found. The forklift key will cause the forklift across from the cookie factory to raise the fork. The dragon scale will cause the Sewers to open. You'll proceed to a conversation with Velma and Maggie about Shaggy's disappearance. Since Shaggy isn't around you'll be unable to use the porta- kitchen even though you have enough ingredients for the next medal. Follow the trail of snack up the stairs past where you found the first clue in china town. Jump onto the pile of boxes it leads you to. Jump up to the roof of the forklift and from there to the crate that is lifted on the fork. Double jump to the awning to get the silver Kung Fu coin. Bounce up to the ledge to the left. Go another and double jump to the tail of the dragon statue. Get the Shrimp ingredient here. Drop to the ground and head back up the stairs going to the forklift. Go past it this time. Go through the purple light to the right. Note the item lists on the Sewer sign. Go along the walkway and use the costume machine to the right to put on a Kung Fu outfit. Approach the collapsed sewer entrance here, which is marked by a glowing paw print, and use a mega strike to open it. Go through the entrance to begin the next mission. -------------------------- 5.2.4 Chinatown 2: Sewers -------------------------- Clues to Find: 3 Ingredients to Find: 6 Trap pieces to Find: 1 Mubber required: 225 You'll trigger a checkpoint on entering the sewers. You'll notice a clue in the distance but its going to be a while before you can get to it. Head left following the trail of snacks. Destroy the crates along the way for mubber and snacks. Destroy the two spiders in the corner for some Mubber. Get the box of snacks in the corner. Turn right. You have a choice of going along the walkway to the left or down some stairs to the right. Let's go down the stairs. Destroy the rats and ratholes at the bottom for some Mubber. There is more Mubber in the crates here as well as some snacks. A box of snacks is at the enter of the lower walkway. Go back up the stairs. Go along the upper walkway this time. Jump over three gaps as you go forward on the walkway. Watch the cutscene of the Kung-Fu Maiden appearing. Double jump above here and use a smash attack. Repeat to finish her off. Get the mubber that she drops, you may need to jump down to the lower walkway to get it all. The portal with the glowing paw print to the left is currently sealed so turn right at the end of the walkway. Destroy the crates and spiders for mubber and snacks. Get the Scooby Snack Box from behind the board by the Kung Fu costume machine in the corner. Use 30 Mubber to activate the Kung Fu costume machine. Step onto it to put on the Kung Fu costume. Turn area and go back to the sealed portal. Use a mega strike to open it. Go through the portal. A checkpoint will be activated in the next area. Destroy the crates here for some snacks. Go down the stair to the left and destroy the crates there for some mubber. These stairs will let you get out of the water if you fall in. Go back up the stairs. Jump to the column past the checkpoint. Jump to the next column. Wait for this column to reach its peak and jump to a third column. Wait for this column to reach its peak and jump to a fourth column. Wait for this column to reach its peak and double jump to the center of a spinning platform. Double jump to a ledge after that. Jump up to the ledge above the one you're on and destroy the spider to get some mubber. Jump up to the next ledge. The purple lights will destroy your Kung Fu suit. Jump on the switch here to cause a platform to rise. Ignore the cable slide here for now. Instead, jump to the spinning platform below from the switch. Jump from here to the platform that you just activated with the switch where its at it's lowest point. Double jump from the higher point of this columns path to a ledge. Slide attack the zombie here a couple of time to kill it. Get the mubber it drops and destroy the crates here for some snacks. Go through the portal here that is marked by the glowing paw print. You'll activate a checkpoint here. Use a couple of smash attacks to defeat the Kung Fu Girl and get her mubber. There are also some rats and a rathole to destroy here for more mubber. Jump up to the ledge to the left and destroy the stuff here for more snakes. There's a Snack Box on a block here. Jump up the stairs to the right on the block with the snack box. Destroy the spider at the top for its mubber. Go through the portal at the top of the stairs through some purple lights to the first chamber of the sewers that you were in. You'll on a ledge. Jump over two gaps in the ledge in front of you. Double jump from the green area to begin grappling a catwalk above you. Move left along the bottom of the catwalk. Avoid the acid jet along the way. Drop of on the ledge at the other end. Jump over to more gaps in the ledge and go to the green arrow. Double jump to ride the cable down to the clue, an Emergency Staircase Counterweight. Go onto the wooden ledge here. Double jump over to the ledge with the costume machine. Use the machine while you're here as it is already activated. Go back through the portal to the left. The checkpoint here will be reactivated. Jump across the four columns and the spinning platform to the ledge on the other side. Jump up two ledges to the right. You get some mubber where you're suit is destroyed by the lights. The green arrow is in the purple light. Double jump up to slide down another cable to a ledge on the other side on the central chasm in the room. Go forward to a lower ledge with another costume machine. You'll need to use 30 mubber to activate this machine. Get on the machine to put on a Kung Fu costume. Drop down one more ledge and destroy the rats and their hole there for some more mubber. If at some point you fall into the water here, there another ledge below this one that will let you get out. Double jump to the closet column to the right. There are two column to the left that you can just across if you need a box of Scooby Snacks. Otherwise jump to the spinning platform to the right and from there to another spinning platform. Wait for the column past the second spinning platform to reach its lower point and jump to it. Double jump to the next column where the column you're on reaches its highest point. Wait for this column to get higher that the next one and jump to it. Double jump to the next column when the one you're on reaches its highest point. Jump to the ledge to the right where to column you're on gets to its higher point. There's a sealed portal with a glowing paw print here. Before opening it, break the crates to the right for some mubber. Jump to the dragons paw from this on and double jump to the one on the other side of the waterfall. Jump to the ledge past there and destroy the stuff there for some snacks. Jump back across the dragon paws to the portal ledge. On the other side of the ledge, jump to the column. Jump to the dragon's paw to the left. Double jump to the paw on the other side of the waterfall. Double jump to the ledge past there. Destroy the crate there for some snacks. Double jump to the ledge to the when the acid jet turns itself off, landing past the jet. Destroy the stuff there for some snacks. Double jump to the ledge to the when the acid jet turns itself off, landing past the jet. Destroy the stuff there for some snacks. Drop down two ledges to get the trap piece, a Gas Can. Wait for the moving platform past this ledge to start extending and double jump to it. Double jump to the next ledge while its extended and the acid jet is off. Double jump to the ledge with the Fish Ingredient. Make you're way back across the ledges to the portal. Use a mega strike to open it. Go through the portal. A checkpoint will be activated in the next chamber. Destroy the crates here for some snacks and the ones on the stairs down to the water to the right for some mubber. Jump into the water to the left and get the Cheese ingredient from the waterfall. Jump to the round column with the spider and bounce attack to kill it. Jump to the next column and do the same to the spider there. Get the mubber that they drop. Jump to the ledge past there and kill the zombie(s) and destroy the zombie making machine to get there mubber. You'll need to use your karate moves as the slide attack is unavailable in your current costume so you might take some damage. Destroy the rats and their hole to the left of the machine for some more mubber. Jump to the column nearest the rat hole. Jump to the next column and jump on the switch there to cause a platform to rise to you right. Turn around and jump to the previous column. Jump to a column to the left. Turn left and jump to the spinning platform. Jump to another spinning platform. Wait for the column past there to drop below the spinning platform at jump to it. Turn left and wait for the column that you're on to rise above the next column there and jump to it. Jump to another column and from there to the bottom of some stairs to the left. Jump up the stairs into some purple lights destroying your costume. Destroy the crates there for some snacks. Jump on the lift that lowers over the bottom of these stairs. Ride it up and double jump from the green arrow at the top to grapple onto a walkway overhead. Move left along the walkway, avoiding two acid jets. Go through the portal at the end that's marked with the glowing paw print. A checkpoint is activated when you enter this room. Double jump from the green arrow to slide down the cable to a ledge with a floor switch. Jump on the switch to extend a ledge from the waterfall in the previous chamber. Turn to face the chamber. Time a double jump so that you can grab onto the long side on the spinning platform to the left. Pull yourself up. Jump to the column past there when its visible. Jump to the ledge past there to get a clue, a Stone Pa Kua. Turn back and jump back tot the column where its lower that the ledge. Jump to the spinning platform when the column rises above it. Double jump to the ledge. Turn left and double jump to the first extending platform when the second extending and the acid jets are off. Quick double jump to the second platform and double jump to the column to the left to get the Marshmallow ingredient. Turn around and try to get back across the moving platform to the ledge at the end of the cable. If you fall into the acid below you'll respawn somewhere where its easier to get there. Go through the hall that is marked with the glowing paw print. You'll be back in the previous chamber. Jump onto the rising column to the right. This column now gets close enough to the water to get back up so you may want to reactivate the checkpoint in this room before proceeding. When at the top of the column path jump to the to top of the dragons paw. Double jump across the water fall to the other paw. Jump to the column past there. Double jump up to the ledge to the left. Jump up the ledge and destroy the crates for some snacks. Wait for the acid jet on the next ledge to the left to turn off and double jump to the ledge, landing past the jet. Wait for the acid jet on the next ledge to the left to turn off and double jump to the ledge, landing past the jet. A check point will be activated on this ledge. Double jump from the green arrow here to ride the cable to the ledge you activated in the fourth chamber. Go into the small cave here and kill the four spiders and destroy all of the crates and boards for mubber and snakes. Active the Kung Fu costume in here and use it to change into a Kung Fu costume to begin a combat challenge. You'll need to defeat 13 opponents. The first five are rats that emerge from the hole by the costume machine, the next five are spiders and the last three are Kung Fu Maidens. Once you've defeated them all, press the switch that just opened up in the cave to activate a lift in the main chamber. Leave the cave. If you need some health jump to the lift to the right to get a box of snacks and jump back to this ledge. Jump to the column to the left. Jump onto the lift from there when the column is above it. Ride the lift up and jump to a small ledge above it. Double jump to a larger ledge to the left. Jump up the stairs here and destroy the Chinese Zombie and two Kung Fu Maidens. Use 120 mubber in the Mubber convert here to get an ingredient, Pepperoni. Break the crates here for some snacks. Use a mega strike to open the sealed portal here. Go through the portal. You'll find yourself sliding down a river. Grab the snack as you go around a turn to the right. Jump over the whirlpool. Go around the column ahead to the left. The river turns right a bit after this as you get a cabbage ingredient. Take the left fork ahead. Jump over a fallen column. Go around the columns ahead to the right. Go left of the next column and to the right of the following one. The river turns right. Jump over the fallen column. Go around the next column and jump over a whirl pool. Jump over another fallen column. The river turns right again. Take the right fork and jump over a fallen column, a whirlpool, and go between a pair of columns as the river turns left. Follow the river to the next bend to the left, where you'll need to go to the left of some columns. Go between the columns in this stretch, jumping over the whirlpool. You rejoin a fork in the river here and the river turn right. Jump over four whirlpools and some low columns in this winding portion. Jump over the whirlpool and the river turns towards another fork. Get the Pickle ingredient in this stretch. Take the right fork over the falls. Go around columns to the left, right, and left again. Avoid the next two columns to the right and left. Jump over another whirlpool. Avoid the column to the right when the river turns right where it rejoins the previous fork. Go left of the next column, right of the following one, and jump over some short columns. Go left of the columns and jump over the whirlpool. Avoid more column to the left during this jump. Go right around the next few columns to get to Shaggy at the bottom of the slide. A checkpoint is activated after the cutscene. Destroy the crates here for some snacks. Turn around and jump to the column. Jump to the next column. Jump to the ledge under the purple lights, destroying your costume. Double jump to the next ledge. Double jump from the green circle and ride the cable to another ledge. Jump up the stairs to the left. Jump across the gap at the top of the stair to a ledge. Double jump over the next gap to another ledge. Double jump over the next gap to another ledge. Destroy the crates at boards here for some mubber and snacks. Go into the hall that was behind the boards. Destroy the crates and barrels for snacks and the three spiders for mubber. Destroy more boards at the end of the hall. Destroy the two spiders on the other side to get some mubber. Destroy the Chinese zombie further on with a couple of slide attacks. Destroy the boards behind the zombie and destroy the two zombie in the next area. Use 30 mubber in the Kung Fu costume machine here to activate it. Put on the Kung Fu outfit to begin another combat challenge. There are 26 opponents this time. There are 24 rats and 2 Kung Fu Maidens. After defeating them get the clue, a Chinese Bell, from the tunnel that opens up in here. Drop through the hole here to free Shaggy and end the ledge You're Completion Percentage should be 20% if you found everything. ------------------------------------- 5.2.5 Chinatown Hub: Market Part 3/4 ------------------------------------- Costume Coins to find: #2 of 2 Ingredients to find: #3 of 5 Watch the cutscene in which Daphne appears to have been captured. You'll go to the clue screen. The Chinese Bell unlocks the temple. The Emergency Staircase Counterweight lowers the stairs before the cookie factory. The Stone Pa Kau causes the Dragon statue's mouth to open revealing a gold coin. You'll be at the beginning of the path heading to the temple. Before heading to the temple wrap up some loose end here in the hubs first. Head up the stairs to the left. Go up the staircase to the right at the top of these stairs. Jump up to the ledge at the top of the staircase and go to the other end of it to get the Lobster Ingredient. You should now have 12 unused ingredients. Go back to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen and use them all to get 2 more health medal and contribute 3 of the 6 ingredients required for the next one. Go to the front of the dragon statue. Go up the stairs and jump onto the wall around the pool surrounding the statue. Jump onto its talons and double jump up to the tail. Go up until the lit light bulb to the left. Jump up to the dragon's belly. Double jump up to the raise palm to the right. From there jump into the dragon's mouth to get the Gold Kung Fu coin to upgrade your kung fu costumes to the Ninja. Now you can head to the temple. Go by Velma and Fred down the path to the temple courtyard. Jump onto the temple steps and note the item count on the sign. Jump up the stairs to the left and go through the temple doors to begin the Temple mission. -------------------------- 5.2.6 Chinatown 3: Temple -------------------------- Clues to find: 3 Ingredients to find: 4 Trap Pieces to find: 1 Mubber Required: 275 You'll activate a checkpoint on entering the temple. There's a gong ahead to your right. This is the first of 11 gongs you need to hit in this mission. Attack it to raise a platform ahead of you. Destroy the stuff in the corner behind you for some snack. Before heading across the newly raised platform, jump to the left across the water to a small ledge. Destroy the rats, their hole, and some crates there to get some mubber. There is also a box of Scooby Snacks here. There are more rats and another hole on the upper portion of the ledge to destroy for more Mubber. While you're there destroy the barrier concealing a cave where you'll find the Cheese ingredient. Return to the entrance and jump to the platform that you raise with the first gong. Double jump to the dock ahead. Double jump across the gap between docks. Destroy the jars at the corner for some snacks and turn left. Jump onto the platform ahead of you. Double jump to grab the hook ahead of you, make sure you time the second jump when you're near the hook to grab it. Start swinging back and forth. When you're moving forward jump to the next hook and grab it. Swing and jump from this hook to the dock ahead, where a Ninja will attack. Use spin attacks to kill the Ninja and get its mubber. Destroy the jars here for some snacks. Double jump to the dock to the left of the clue you see in the distance. Follow the dock around a couple of left turns and destroy three spiders for their mubber. Hit the second of the 11 gongs to raise a couple of platforms near where you fought the ninja. Turn around and follow the dock back to its beginning. Double jump to the right back to where you fought the ninja. Jump to the newly rising column. Double jump to the next column when you're higher that in. Jump to the dock when the column you're on reaches its peak. Follow this dock around a turn to the right. Jump across the gap ahead of you to another dock. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks. Go down the rocks ahead of you. Double jump to the docks. Destroy the crates for some mubber. Follow this dock to the end where you'll find the Chocolate Bar Ingredient. Turn around and jump back up the rocks to the previous dock. Turn left and jump up to the grass at the end of the dock. Kill the ninja here for his mubber. Jump up to the tree top to the left. Don't stay on it too long or you'll fall through. Jump across tree more small tree tops to a platform. Hit the third gong here to start a column moving. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks. Jump to this column. Wait for it to reach its peak and double jump over to another platform where there's a spider to kill for some mubber. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks. Double jump to the next platform and kill the spider there for some more mubber. There's more stuff to destroy here for snacks. Go under the green arrow and double jump up to slide down the cable to another platform, where Zen Tuo will vanish as you arrive. Turn right and follow the snack trail. Destroy the ninjas and the monster making machine for more mubber. Jump across four tree tops to a platform with the fourth gong. Hit it to cause a couple of platforms to rise in the waterfall. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks. Drop to the dock below where there is more stuff to destroy for snacks. Follow the dock past the newly raise columns and kill the ninja at the end for some mubber. Jump to the tree top to the left. Jump across three more tree tops and into a small cave to the right to get a clue, a Crane Lever. Jump back across the tree top to the dock. Follow the docks double jumping to the next level and then onto the platform where you hit the fourth gong. Jump to the tree top and from there double jump to the first column that the fourth gong started moving. Double jump to the next column where you're higher than it. Jump to the dock at the top of the waterfall when you're above it and following it to the right through the glowing paw print. You'll activate a checkpoint at the beginning of this area. Go ahead and jump to the column. Jump to the rocks past it and drop down to the grassy area past them to kill a rat for some mubber. Jump back onto the rocks. Jump across three tree top and time a double jump to grab onto a ring. Swing, jump, and grab the next ring. Swing and jump to the tree top past the ring. Allow yourself to fall through the tree and kill the rats and destroy there hole for some more mubber. Double jump up to the ledge above. Destroy the crates for some more mubber. Jump up two levels of rocks. Jump onto the rightmost of tree tops and jump to a dock from there. Destroy the ninja that appears for some mubber. Jump across and series of three tree tops turning right and double jump from the third to another dock. Destroy the ninja that appears for some more mubber. Drop to the ground from the end of the docks and destroy the rats and their hole for some mubber. Drop down to the left to kill more rats and destroy another rathole for some more mubber. Turn around and jump up three grassy ledges and them onto a rock. Jump across four tree tops and drop to the higher grassy ledge below. Destroy some rats and there hole for some mubber. Head left across this ledge. Destroy the Kung Fu Maiden that breaks out of a crate and some rats and their hole behind her for some more mubber. Turn around and jump onto the small rock. Jump up across five trees as they turn left towards a platform with the fifth of the 11 gongs. Destroy the paper lanterns here for some snacks. Hit the gong to cause a couple of platform to start extending from the wall in the distance. Turn right and jump across two tree tops into a small niche where you'll find a clue, a Restaurant Menu. Turn around and jump back across the tree tops back to the platforms. Time a double jump to grab onto the ring on the other side of the platform. Swing, jump, and grab another ring. Swing and jump to the platform past the rings. Wait for the platforms the fifth gong started moving to start extending and jump across both of them to the area on the other side. Wait for the zombie to pop out of the door before proceeding. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks and get the snack box. Hit the sixth of the eleven gongs here to start a pair of platforms extending over the docks ahead of you. Drop down to the docks. Get the snack box when the path curves to the left. Kill the Kung Fu Maiden at the end of the docks and get her mubber. Turn around and return to where the sixth gong was. Double jump across the two ledge as they start extending and double jump from the second one to another ledge. Jump to the tree top ahead to the left and turn right to time a double jump to a ring. Swing and jump to another tree top and jump down to the docks below. Go up to the building in front of you and destroy the rats and their holes on the left and right sides for mubber. Go behind the building and get the trap piece, a Rope, in a hole in the building. Jump to the rock in the corner before the hole and from there to a walkway. Jump to the landing to the right and avoid the zombie that pops out. Destroy the stuff here for snacks and jump over to the roof of the building to destroy more stuff for snacks. Go back to the walkway and turn left. Double jump up to the grassy ledge above. Hit the seventh and the 11 gongs here to cause the platforms to the left to start extending. Destroy the stuff here for snacks. If you need health you can drop to the docks below. Follow them to the end and double jump to another docks with a Snack Box. Turn around and return to where the seventh gong was. Double jump across the two platforms when they start extending. Double jump from the second one to a grassy ledge. Destroy the stuff here for snacks and mubber. Turn left and jump to the tree top and then on to the ledge past there. Kill the Kung Fu Maiden for some mubber. Destroy the crates here for some more mubber. Go across the bridge and kill the two ninjas for there mubber. If you've managed to collect 275 mubber you can use the mubber converter here to create an ingredient, a Carrot. I'm one for three in collecting the mubber so it may be necessary to backtrack here after the next opponents. Hit the eighth of 11 gongs here to start the platforms to the left extending. Destroy the stuff here for snacks. Turn left and double jump to the extending platform. Double jump to another platform past it. Destroy the stuff there for more snacks. Double jump to the next extending platform and then double jump to the platform beyond it. Destroy the stuff there for snacks. Jump across a small gap to a grassy path. Turn right and destroy the ninja, kung fu Maiden and the monster making machine for mubber. This should be enough to put you over the edge for the mubber converter. If not you'll be replaying this level later to get that ingredient. Be careful not to go through the glowing paw print prematurely as there's no coming back. Try to keep the machine active as long as possible if your short on mubber as you can milk as lot of mubber out of the opponents it generates. Get the Onion ingredient in the pile of stuff to the right that can be destroyed for snacks. Go through the glowing paw print after you've got the last two ingredients. You're inside the foyer of the Temple where Daphne is being held. You'll activate the checkpoint on entering. Use the Kung Fu Costume machine to put on a Kung Fu costume, no mubber required. Use a mega strike to open the sealed portal with the glowing paw print. Go through the portal into the main temple. Watch the cutscene of Daphne suspended in a cage. An eight opponent combat challenge beings. There and four ninja followed by four kung fu girls. After destroying them the gate to the ninth gong opens. The jars around the perimeter contain snacks and boxes of snacks. Hit the gong. This partially raises a pillar in the center and opens the gate to the tenth gong. Hit the tenth gong. The pillar finishing rises up to Daphne and the gate to the final gong opens. Hit the final gong to extend platforms going up in a spiral around the pillar. Jump up the platforms. There are ninjas to kill on the fifth, eighth, eleventh, and thirteenth platform. You'll also get a clue on the thirteenth, a UV Light Bulb Packing Slip. Jump up one more platform from the clue and double jump to the top of the pillar. Walk up to the cage to free Daphne in a cutscene which ends the mission. You're completion percentage should be 27% if you found everything. ------------------------------------- 5.2.7 Chinatown Hub: Market Part 4/4 ------------------------------------- Clues to finds: #4 and #5 of 5 You'll be in the clue screen. The UV Light Bulb Packing Slip opens up an awning on the Warehouse. The Restaurant Menu opens a purple awning. The Crane Lever lowers a crane near the sewers. Velma will now ask you to pick the clues that answer three questions. Question 1: I wonder why the animatronics have gong haywire. Answer: Giant Fortune Cookie Question 2: MMMh... where do you thing that dragon came from? Answer: Dragon Scale Question 3: Ho Fong said the Dragon had strange eyes... I wonder what he meant? Answer: UV Light Bulb Packing Slip Watch the cutscene where Zen Tuo taunts the gang. You'll be looking into the alley leading to the warehouse. Make sure to wrap up all of the loose ends first before proceeding. Head up the stairs leading to the cookie factory and the sewers. Jump on the crates to the right just before the cookie factory. Jump onto the red awning above them. Jump to the purple awning to the right that the Restaurant Menu lowers. Double jump to grab onto a ledge. Pull yourself up to get the Sausage Ingredient. Drop to the ground and head towards the sewers. Stop just before the sewer entrance. Double jump to the crane and pull yourself up. Double jump to the ledge in the corner. Head right along the ledge and jump onto some pipes. Jump on the shorter ledge in the middle here. Jump up to the ledge to the left. Jump up to the tallest ledge to the right where you'll get the Hamburger ingredient. You now have six unused ingredients. Make you're way back through the pit around the sewer and down the alley to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen. Use three of the ingredients to complete to the current recipe to get another health medal Use the first three of the seven ingredients required for the next recipe. Now it's time to head for the warehouse. Go down to the alley to the right of Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen. Jump onto the boxes at the end. Jump up to the higher pile of boxes to the right and double jump to the awning. Double jump up to the ledge above and pull yourself up. Go through the door marked with the paw print to begin the Warehouse Mission. ----------------------------- 5.2.8 Chinatown 4: Warehouse ----------------------------- Boss Fight: Zen Tuo's Dragon Mubber Required: 35 After the cutscene, stick around in the purple lights until Fred and Velma have handed you 35 Mubber. (You could destroy the crates to get it as well but that risks waking up some rats.) If you die during the battle it is not necessary to repeat this as the costume machine will be activated already. Use the mubber to active the costume machine. Use the machine to put on a Kung Fu outfit. Once you have the outfit on go into the center of the roof where the rats won't bother you. Charge up a mega strike but don't release it. Adjust the camera angle to keep the dragon in your sight. When it charges you release the mega strike to hit it. Repeat this three more times. Now the dragon will begin throwing blue energy balls at you when its charging. As before charge up the mega strike and track the dragon. Wait for the energy ball to be almost on you and release the mega strike. This should disperse the energy ball and hit the dragon as well. Repeat three more time. All that's changed now it the dragon has activated the UV lights in it's eyes. This means that it will likely destroy your Kung Fu costume when it charges. Go back to the costume machine for another suit if and when this happens. Other than that just keep using the mega strike like before for three more hits to finish the dragon off. Watch the cutscene where the Chinatown villain is unmasked. You're completing percentage should be 33% if you've found everything. ================================= 5.3 Rockin' Roller Coaster Terror ================================= -------------------------------- 5.3.1 Theme Park Hub: Midway 1/4 -------------------------------- Clues to find: 1 Watch the cutscene of the of the gang's arrival and the Rockin' Roller coaster theme park where they're greeted by Alvin Wiener, the Guitar Ghoul's biggest fan. The Mystery Machine is behind you if you want to view monster profiles or replay previous missions. Unfortunately you can't return to the Chinatown hub so if you mission an ingredient or the golden coin there you're out of luck. You can see Shaggy's Porta Kitchen ahead of you through a gate. Daphne is talking to Alvin just to the right on the other side of the gate. The trail of snacks goes of to the left, clockwise around the hub. Follow it past Velma into a dead end lined with booth to find the first theme park clue, the Haunted House Ticket. Explore the hub going clockwise around it before returning to Velma. You'll past a large burger to the left just outside of the alley of booths. Past a building with drums you'll see an ingredient through the closed drape on a small booth. You'll need to wait to find the right clue to get this though. Turning the corner takes you past the platforms leading to the locked Haunted House. Keep going past the map of the park by a closed door near a wheel of fortune. Next you'll come to a deactivated Bat Costume machine by a fan blowing air up to the locked Water Park. Keep following the wall and go around behind it to a strength test. There's another burger in this area and then a Guitar with a door on it. Next you'll find the locked entrance to the Hall of Mirror. The locked entrance to the Circus tent is just past it. This brings you to Shaggy's Portal Kitchen beside a large statue of the Guitar Ghoul. You'll notice an ingredient above the statue that you can't get to yet. Go past the statue and talk to Velma. This will take you to the clue screen. The Haunted House Ticket will start the cars moving on the track to the Haunted House. Follow the trail of snacks from Velma to the Haunted House sign. Note the item counts on the sign. Jump up the platforms leading to the track. Wait for the solid car to come by and jump on top of it. Jump off when you get to a track to the right. Follow this track through the door with the glowing paw print into the Haunted House Mission. ---------------------------------- 5.3.2 Theme Park 1: Haunted House ---------------------------------- Clues to Find: 3 Ingredients to Find: 4 Trap Pieces to Find: 1 Mubber Required: 335 Watch the cut scene of Scooby entering the Haunted House. Follow the tracks past a stack of crates (don't destroy them yet). Destroy the two spiders on the other side of the of the crates for their mubber. Double jump onto the stack of crates. Double jump up to grab onto the chandelier. Swing and jump to the top of the fireplace to get a box of Scooby Snacks. Destroy the crates on top of the fireplace for some mubber. Drop back down and destroy the stack of crates for some snacks. Follow the tracks past and pop out target that you can destroy. Turn right with the track, past an derailed car, destroying some vases in the corner for some snacks. Destroy more spiders and crates where the track disappear into the wall for some mubber. Jump on top of the derailed car. Time a double jump to the chandelier ahead of you. Swing and jump over the bookcase past the chandelier. Watch the cut scene. Go down the hall here between the suits of armor. Destroyed the spiders and crates at the end for mubber and snacks. There's a bookshelf to the right, beside where the rail cars emerge from the wall here. Attack it an it will move aside, revealing the Lantern trap piece. Jump on one of the solid rail cars that emerge from the wall. Time a double jump to grab onto the chandelier just before it falls off the end. Swing, jump and grab across two more chandeliers. Swing and jump to the ledge past the last chandelier. Destroy the crates by the armor here for some mubber. Double jump across a gap to another ledge. Get the box of snacks to the right and destroy the crates and barrels for more snacks. Jump on the small round platform here to start it moving. Jump off on the wooden platform at the other end of its run and destroy the spider there for some mubber. Double jump to another wooden platform. This platform will fall away, so quickly double jump to the next platform and watch the cutscene of the Fire- Breathing Groupie emerging. Jump on the small round platform at ride it over to the Fire-Breathing Groupie. Jump off and use a couple of smash attack to defeat her and get her mubber. Turn right down the track. Double jump over the oncoming cars when they get close. After you jump over a few you'll be able to go the right of where they emerge and get a box of snacks. Destroy the boards blocking progress to the right. Destroy the three spiders for some mubber. Destroy the Fire-Breathing Groupie further down the hall for more mubber. Destroy the crates and barrels lining the hallway for snacks. Destroy another Fire-Breathing Groupie for mubber where the hall emerges into a cavern. Destroy the crates here for snacks. A few steps for you'll activate a checkpoint just as you'll have to destroy some rats and their hole for more mubber. Jump on a solid car by the checkpoint and ride it. Double jump to the small round platform just past where it fall off. Ride the platform up and double jump to a wooden platform where you can kill a rat for some more mubber. Go to the green arrow and double jump up to grapple onto the bottom of the track above. Go to the end and wait for a solid car to go under you and drop on top of it. Ride the car and time a double jump to grab onto a chandelier where the cart falls off the track. Swing, jump, and grab you way across four more chandeliers. Turn right on the last one and swing and jump to the platform there. Stand on the green arrow and wait for the upside down car to more past over head. Double jump forward and up to grapple onto the track. Drop onto the next platform when you see your shadow on it. Wait for the next car to go by and double jump forward and up to grapple the track again. Drop onto the next platform when you see your shadow on it. Wait for the next car to go by and double jump forward and up to grapple the track again. Drop onto the next platform when you see your shadow on it. Destroy the crates here for some mubber. Jump to the next platform. This platform will fall away, so quick double jump to the next platform. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks. Turn left and double jump up three fall away platforms to a solid platform. Get the snack box and destroy the crates for some mubber. Go forward into a room and drop into it. Destroy the Fire-Breathing Groups on either side of the chasm to get some mubber. Hit the bookshelf on the right side of the chasm to reveal a clue, a Roller Coaster Photgraph. The hit the bookshelf on the other side of the chasm to reveal a box of Scooby snacks. Destroy the boards blocking the cable at the end of the room. Turn around and go back to the entrance to the room. Double jump onto the piano turn. Turn towards the covered bookshelves under the cable and double jump over there. Double jump to the ledge with the green arrow. Double jump up to slide down the cable and through a window with the glowing paw print. You'll active a check point on the other side of the window. (If you jump back through the window you can destroy a couple of vases there for some snack.) Drop down to the left and kill the rats and destroy their hole there for some mubber. Destroy the other stuff there for some snacks and get the snack box. Double jump back up the two ledges to the right to get back to the check point. Destroy the spiders and crates to the right of the checkpoint for mubber and snacks. Jump over to the slanted roof. Keep jumping to stay until you can jump to the ledge past it. Destroy the Fire-Breathing Groupie, Spider, and crates there for some more mubber and snacks. Jump over to the slant roof to the right. Keep jumping to stay on as you make your way across it and another slanted roof to a less slanted roof that you can stand on. Jump your way across another slanted roof and jump down to the ledge past it. Destroy the crates there for some mubber. Go around the corner and destroy the spider for its mubber. If you need some health double jump across the gap to get a snack box and double jump back. Double jump back up to the previous ledge and then double jump around the corner to a higher ledge. Time a double jump to grab the hook on the gargoyles. Swing, jump, and grab to another hook. Swing and jump to the high ledge past there. Destroy the spider and crate at the corner for mubber. Jump over the gap to another ledge. Time a double jump to grab the hook. Swing and jump to the ledge and pull yourself up. Destroy the crates for some mubber. Double jump up to the next ledge. Before investigating the costume machine ahead, double jump back to the ledge with the green arrow. Double jump up to grapple the catwalk above you. Go left under the catwalk and drop onto the ledge and the other end. Kill the Fire-Breathing Groupie around the corner to earn some more mubber. Destroy the crates and barrels along this ledge for more snacks and mubber. Destroy the spider, crates, and Fire-Breathing Groupie at the next corner and get their mubber. Get the Popcorn ingredient at the end of the ledge. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks. Go back around the ledge, grapple across the catwalk and drop down to the green arrow. Double jump back to the ledge near the costume machine. Use 150 mubber to active the costume machine. Use the machine to change into a Kung Fu costume and begin a combat challenge. There are twelve enemies to defeat in this challenge. The first four are spiders. There are followed by six rats and finally two Fire-Breathing Groupies. Jumping attacks are effective against all of these. Two gates open after the challenge. Take the outer one on the right first after destroying the crates at the top of this path for some mubber. You'll need to jump over three gaps on the way down and destroy a spider after each one. Destroy the crates in the corner for some more mubber. Turn the corner to the left and approach the crates. Wait for the jack-in- the- box to pop up and destroy the crates for some snacks and the Fire-Breathing Groupie there for some mubber. Kick open the gate back to the checkpoint. You'll now have a shortcut you need to respawn. Turn around and make you way back up to the costume machine. Take the left gate this time and watch the cutscene. Time a double jump to the hook as you slide down the slope. Swing, jump, and grab the next hook. Swing and jump to the ledge past the hooks to get a box of Scooby Snacks. Jump to the next ledge to get a clue, Springs. Destroy the crates here for some snacks and jump through the window with the paw print to the left. You'll activate a checkpoint on the other side of the window. Destroy the crates, rats, and there hole here for snacks and mubber. Destroy the Fire-Breathing Groupies, spiders, and the monster making machine further down this hall for more mubber. Destroy the other stuff in the hall for snacks. Turn right at the end of the hall and jump onto the chandelier. Jump through the hole in the wall on the other side and destroy the Fire-Breathing Groupie there. Destroy the other stuff in the room for snacks and the spiders at the end for mubber. Jump onto the small round platform through the opening at this end on the hall. Jump forward onto the chandelier. Turn right and jump onto the chandelier there. Turn left and jump onto a small round platform. Ride it over to a track and jump to the wooden portion. Wait for a solid car and double jump on top of it. Jump off to the right after a u-turn by a red circle. Kill the rats and destroy their hole here to earns some mubber. Wait for the jack-in-the-box to pop up before getting the Chocolate bar ingredient and destroying the crates for snacks. Double jump onto the small round platform here and ride it back to the checkpoint. Make your way back to the top of the chandeliers and other the small platform that when to the tracks. Double jump down to the room past the small platform. Destroy the rats, their hole, and the spider for mubber and the other stuff for snacks. Hit the bookshelf to reveal the Shrimp ingredient. Get on the round platform and ride it up. Double jump over to the clue, a Surveillance Tape. Use 185 Mubber in the mubber converter here to make an ingredient, Broccoli. Approach Shaggy to complete the mission. Your completion percentage should be 40% if you found everything. -------------------------------- 5.3.3 Theme Park Hub: Midway 2/4 -------------------------------- Ingredients to find: #1 and #2 of 6 Coins to find: #1 of 2 After a cutscene you'll enter the clue screen. The Surveillance Tape open up the water park. The Springs activate the hamburger trampoline by the alley of concession booths. The Roller Coaster Photgraph opens the door beside the wheel of fortune. The door that was opened beside the wheel of fortune is to the left of the trail of snacks heading for the water park. Go up to it and it will open to reveal the Lobster ingredient. Turn around and follow the trail of snacks past the Guitar Ghoul Statue to the hamburger springboard. Double jump onto it and spring up to the ledge to the left. Follow the ledge and turn left after jumping onto a height ledge in the corn. Drop down and double jump up onto a higher ledge in the next corner. Turn left and time a double jump onto a trapeze. Swing and jump to the next trapeze. Swing and jump to a ledge to get the Silver Bat Coin, activating the Bat Costume machines. Drop down and head straight past the Guitar Ghoul statue to the Bat Costume machine. Use it to put on a bat costume. Note the item count on the water park sign. Before gliding up on the fans, go to the platforms leading up to the train to the haunted house. Jump up to the top one and face the guitar ghoul's statue. Double jump and glide over to it to get the Broccoli ingredient. You now have six unused ingredients. Go to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen and used four of them to complete the previous recipe for another health medal. Use the two remaining ingredient to start the next recipes which will require eight ingredients. Head to the fan by the costume machine and glide up it. Follow the path at the top around a turn to the left. Go through the door with the glowing paw print into the Water Slide Mission. ------------------------------ 5.3.4 Theme Park 2: Water Park ------------------------------ Clues to Find: 4 Ingredients to Find: 6 Trap Pieces to Find: 1 Mubber required: 360 Watch the cutscene where you get separated from Shaggy. A checkpoint will be activated after the cut scene. Before following Shaggy down the slide, turn around. Destroy the ticket booth for snacks and the crates for Mubber. Destroy the picture of the kid on the waterslide to access another room. Destroy the rats in here for Mubber and the crates and notes for snacks. Avoid destroying the barrel with the green fumes and the explosive warning symbol as it will hurt you. Now slide down the waterslide, Shaggy's no where to be seen, he must have gone on without you. Destroy the notes to the left for some snacks. Double jump onto the ledge ahead of you. Destroy the stuff here for some more snack. Continue jumping up this hill and destroy three spiders and a Fire- Breathing Group to get their mubber. Jump onto the pipe with the yellow stars at the top of the hill. The crates here contain some Mubber. Time a double jump to grab the trapeze from here. Swing, jump, and grab across two more trapeze bars. Swing and jump from the third one to a ledge on the other side. Destroy the spiders, the rats, and the rathole ahead of you to get some more mubber. The crates by the jack-in-the-box behind you contain snacks, but avoid the fuming barrel there. The crates by the rathole also contain snacks. Double jump up to the ledge past them. Destroy the crates at the end of the ledge, past the drum for more snacks. Double jump onto the drum and bounce up to a drum to the right using a mid air jump at your apex to make it. Do that same for the next two drums. From the top drum you can drop to the ledge below to get a Box of Scooby Snacks, after which you'll need to make your way up the drums again. Head forward from the top drum onto the ledge above. Destroy all of the non-fuming barrels here to get some snacks before sliding down the water slide. Turn left at the bottom and destroy the crates to get some mubber. Head towards the clue, jumping across two fall-away platform to the other with the clue, a Souvenir Stand Key. Turn around and jump back across the two platform to the area at the bottom of the second slide. Turn left and go across the bridge, where you'll need to destroy a Fire-Breathing Groupie and get her mubber. Keep going across the bridge and destroy the Fire-Breathing Groupie and the monster making machine on the other side to get some more mubber. The crates and barrels here contain snacks. Before bouncing up the drums, double jump across two fall away platform to a ledge. Kill the rats there to get their mubber. Get the Cabbage Ingredient. Double jump back the fall away platform to return to the drums. Jump onto the rightmost drum. Bounce from it doing a mid air jump to the top of your path up a series of four drums. Bound from the top of the fourth drum to the top of another waterslide. Destroy the rats and their holes to either side at the bottom of the slide to earn more mubber. Double jump up to the ledge over the rathole to the right of the bottom of the slide. Destroy the crates there for more snacks and the rats and rathole for mubber. Keep going along the ledge and drop to a lower ledge on the other side. Head along this ledge and destroy more rats and another hole around a corner to the right to get more mubber. Wait for the jack-in-the-box to pop and destroy the stuff by it for some snacks. Go around another corner to the right and destroy more rats and another hole, earning more mubber. Get a clue, the Volume Knob, among three fuming barrels here. Make your way back to the bottom of the third water slide. Jump and bound up the two drums to the right of the bottom of the slide. Get the box of snacks on the ledge above the two drums and double jump onto a third drum there. Bounce up to a platforms where you can kill a Fire- Breathing Groupie to get more mubber. Jump onto a drum to the right of the platform and bound up to the roof of the covering over the platform. Go to the green arrow and double jump up to slide down the cable. Before heading into the cave here, turn around and jump to the ledge where the Cheese ingredient is. Double jump back to the ledge and enter the cave and go through the tunnel into a chamber. Watch the cutscene of two Circus Strongmen beginning to attack. Use a couple of slide attacks to take out the strongmen and earn some mubber. Destroy the other stuff in the chamber to get some snacks. Go through the tunnel on the other side through the glowing paw print. A check point will be activated in the next area. Destroy the rats and their hole ahead to earn more mubber. The stuff beside the hole contains snacks. Turn right and approach the pit. The crates by the pit contain mubber. Double jump across the left side of the pit when the swinging electric cable is approaching the left side so that it will be swinging away when you land, giving you time to get safely past it. Get a trap piece, an umbrella, from a niche in the wall to the left just past the cable. Go through the purple light and turn left. Destroy the crates for mubber and get the box of snacks here. Use 160 mubber to activate the Kung Costume machine. Use the machine to put on a kung fu costume and start a combat challenge. There will be 10 rats and 3 Fire-Breathing Groupies. Use jumping attacks against all of them. Defeating them causes a gate to the right to open. Double jump across the gap to a ledge there. Wait for the electricity to turn off an cross between the three sets of lightning rods. Jump onto the lift past them and get off onto the ledge at the top. Jump onto the first extending platform when it emerges. You may need to do a double jump when this ledge is about to retract to give the next ledge time to extend. Double jump to the ledge past here from the second platform. Jump down to the right where you'll need to fight five circus strong men. You'll need to make do with you're kung fu moves since the sliding attack isn't available. Break the other stuff here for snacks and mubber. Drop to the ledge below the corner 90 degree counter clockwise from the extending platforms you just jumped across. Destroy three groups of rats and their holes on you way up to the purple lights to get some more mubber. You're kung fu costume will be destroyed by the light. Jump across the gap past the light to another ledge. Drop the barrels for snacks and get the snack box. Turn right to face the revolving gears. Double jump across three gear and to a platform after the third one. Turn right and double jump to another platform. Move on the green arrow and double jump up to grapple onto the catwalk above. Go right under the catwalk and avoid the two acid jets. Drop to the platform on the other end. Wait for a gear cog to go by and jump on it from the right end of the platform. Jump off when you get to another platform to the right by a swinging electric cable. Go along this platform on the left side gap. Jump across the next two platforms starting when the first cable is swinging toward the left. Jump from the second platform to a rotation gear and turn left to double jump across three more gear to another platform. Turn right and go forward. The Cotton Candy ingredient is in a niche to the left just around the corner. Drop to the ledge in front of you of get the mubber and snacks from the breakable stuff there. Jump back up to the previous ledge and get on the magnetic lift to get it to move. Jump onto the platform at the end of its run. Jump to the next platform ahead of you. Wait for the next platform to flip up and jump to it and then double jump to the next platform. Wait for the next platform to flip up and jump to it and then double jump to the next platform. Jump onto the small square lift ahead of you and get off at the top. (This lift will provide a short cut if you respawn.) Destroy the stuff here for snacks and get on the next magnetic lift. Jump over the two pipes as it moves. Jump off on the ledge on the other side. Get the snack box and head into the tunnel. Destroy the Fire Breathing Groupies and the rats for their mubber and get the clue, a Giant Tomato Slice, from the room to the right. Destroy more rats and their hole in here. The crates in here contain snacks. Leave this room the way you came in and go the other way. Destroy the Fire- Breathing Groupie. Wait for the jack-in-the-box to pop and get the snack box. Destroy the crate for some snacks. Jump on the magnetic lift here to get it moving. Jump of on the ledge at the end of its run. Double jump up two ledges and turn left. Double jump up three more ledges and turn left again. Double jump up another ledge and destroy the fire breathing groupie and the monster making machine here. There's a box of Scooby snacks past the machine. Backtrack to the green arrow. Double jump up to slide down to get a clue, the Def Potatoes Tour Album. Go up the ramp and through the door marked with the golden paw print. A check point will be activated. Use 200 mubber to activate the Bat Costume Machine here. Use the machine to put on a bat costume. The crates in the room contain mubber and snacks. Jump onto the fan. Glide up to the next fan. Glide up to a third fan. Glide up to the top of the chamber to get the Fish ingredient from the top of the chamber before going through the opening with the glowing paw print. Watch the cutscene where you finally catch up with Shaggy and the two of you begin you're ride down a giant water slide. A checkpoint will be activated. Jump over a gap. Turn right. Avoid the notes. Turn left. Avoid the falling pipes. Jump over a gap. Avoid more notes. Jump over another gap. Turn left and avoid the note. Turn right and then left. Jump the gap and get the Marshmallow ingredient. Jump another gap. Turn right and then left avoiding the sparks. Avoid the next spark to the right and jump another gap. Avoid the note and turn right. Jump another gap. Avoid three sets of sparks and turn left. Avoid the note and turn sharply right avoiding 3 note on the corner. Go left of the fallen pipe. Turn right again and avoid 3 more sparks. Turn right and then left avoiding a note by jumping it. Turn right again and get the Ham ingredient as you jump the gap. Avoid the sparks and make a sharp right. Avoid the falling notes as you turn left. Jump a final gap to complete the mission in a cutscene where a woman greets you. You should be at 48% completing if you've found everything. -------------------------------- 5.3.5 Theme Park Hub: Midway 3/4 -------------------------------- Ingredient to find: #3 and #4 of 6 Watch the scene where Shaggy and Scooby introduce Nikki to the gang. Daphne has been captured again. You'll go into the clue screen. The Def Potatoes Tour Album unlocks the circus tent. The Giant Tomato Slice unlocks the giant burger on the building beside the alley of concession booth. The Volume Knob unlocks the door on the guitar on the house of mirrors. The Souvenir Stand Key unlocks the hamburger spring board across to the giant guitar. You'll be near the entrance to the circus tent to the left of Velma. Before going in lets wraps up some loose ends. Go past the statue of the guitar ghoul and over to the concession stand alley. Jump onto the hamburger springboard and bounce to the top of the building to the right. Jump into the hamburger to get the Carrot Ingredient. Drop down and head back past the guitar ghouls statue, Velma, and the Circus Tent to the side of the Hall of Mirror with the big Guitar. Attack the knob to open the door on the guitar to get the Onion Ingredient. You now have 8 unused ingredient. Go to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen and use six of these to complete the previous recipe and earn another health medal. Use the two remaining ingredient to start a 9 ingredient recipe. Head back to the Circus Tent. Note the item counts on the sign and ride one of the lifts up. Jump onto the platform between the lifts. Time a double jump to the first trapeze bar going into the tent. Swing, jump, and grab across two more trapeze bars. Switch and jump from the third bar to a platform and go through the entrance to the tent marked by the glowing paw print to start the circus tent mission. ------------------------------- 5.3.6 Theme Park 3: Circus Tent ------------------------------- Clues to find: 4 Ingredient to find: 4 Trap Pieces to find: 1 Mubber Required: 430 Watch the scene of Scooby and Shaggy entering the tent. They see Daphne in a cage (again). Take a few steps ahead to activate the checkpoint. The stuff beside it and on the other side of the corridor formed by the rope mesh can be destroyed to get some snacks. Double jump onto the cart blocked the path and drop down to the other side. Use sliding attacks to destroy the two strongmen and earn some mubber. The crates here contain snacks. Jump on the shorter of two pedestals. Double jump to the higher one. Double jump onto the tiger cage to get a clue, a Freak Show Brochure. Ignore the trapeze for now and drop down to the other side. Destroy the strongman, rats, and the rathole to get some mubber. Along the jack-in-the- box to pop and destroy the stuff around it for snacks. Turn around and destroy the crate by the pedestal for some mubber. Jump on the shorter of two pedestals. Double jump to the higher one. Double jump back onto the tiger cage and turn around. Time a double jump to grab the trapeze, it helps to be going forward as its approaching you. Double jump as you swing forward to grab the next trapeze. Jump onto the next tiger cage. Watch the cutscene of the Juggling Clowns being shot out of cannons. Use and couple of smash attacks to destroy the nears clown since you have a height advantage at the moment. The other one you'll want to use a jumping spin attack to knock in of the pedestal and smash attack it from the top of the pedestal that you can double jump onto. Destroy the crates in this area for snacks and mubber. Double jump onto the higher pedestal that the clown was on. Double jump to the top of another tiger cage. Again ignore the trapeze for now and drop down below. Destroy the strongman to the left and take out the monster making machine for some mubber. Now you can take out the one to the right and the one behind the big drum to get some more mubber. The crates in this area contain snacks, mubber, and a rat, which can be destroyed in turn for some more mubber. Double jump onto the short wall and drop over on the other side. The cannons here can be destroyed for snacks. The clowns in the big crates can be taken out with sliding attacks. There's a rathole around the corner to the left that can be destroy, along with the rats, go get more mubber. Destroy the crates and barrels in the various piles here to get some snacks. Jump back over the wall into the previous second and go back past the drum. Double jump onto the short wall by the tiger cage and then double jump on top of the cage. Time a double jump to the trapeze, again it help to be moving forwards as its approaches. Jump to the drum and start bouncing. Grab the trapeze as its swinging towards you, again you'll have more success if you're moving forward. Make sure you've bounced a few time to judge when it will be coming towards you. Jump to the platform with the Guitar Ghouls picture from the trapeze. This platform will start going down. Get under the green arrow and wait for the platform to rise again. Double jump where it reaches the top to slide down the cable. Unlike previous cables, there are obstacle to avoid here. Swing left or right whenever you get to a clown balloon to avoid taking damage. There a two balloon to avoid on this slide, the first one is dead center an can be avoided to either side, the other is best avoided to the left. Destroy the two clocks that drop in to earn some more mubber. There's also a rathole to the right and a strongman between to the cart to destroy for mubber. The crates by the jack-in-the-box contain mubber, the rest, including those on top of the left cart contain snacks. Get on the left cart by jumping up the boxes beside it for a snack box as well. Turn around and go through the glowing paw print. You'll activate a checkpoint in the next area. Drop into the area below instead of bouncing up the drums. Destroy the clowns and the monster making machine to the right of the drums. There are also three large crates with clowns to destroy for more mubber. The crates by the jack-in-the-box in this area contain mubber, everything else contains snacks. If you can time a double jump right you can get on top of the tiger cage to get a snack box. Jump back up the three pedestal to get back to the checks point. Now its time to bounce up the drums. Double jump from the red platform by the checkpoint to the first drum. Bounce of it up and to the left, doing a mid air jump to the next drum and do the same to get the third drum. Do the same off the third drop to get to a trap door. Quickly double jump up to the small level area at the top of a slippery slope. Turn to face the slope and slide down it. Turn left and the bottom to face another slope. When you slide down this one double jump over the gap at the bottom to get to the next corner. Turn left to face a third slope. Note the clock in the gap ahead, double jump over it as you slide down and double jump from the end to get to the to of the green grand stand. You can get some snacks and a snack box if you go counterclockwise around the grandstand, double jumping over the large gap when you get to it. Drop down into the ring. The stuff under the center platform contains snacks, mubber, and spider. After destroy all of it jump on the small pedestal. Double jump from there to the lower of the two platforms. Turn right and double jump to the other platform. Watch the cutscene of the clowns and strongman surrounding you. Double jump up to get a clue, a Tennis Ball. Drop down and defeat the four opponents to get their mubber. Jump back onto the small pedestal and double jump back to the shorted platform. Double jump to the grand stand from there and drop into the gap to the right. The crate by the box contain mubber. Approach the stair. Wait for the strongman to come down at destroy him with sliding attacks to get his mubber. Wait for the jack-in-the-box to pop and destroy the crate to the left of the stairs for some snacks. Jump up the three stairs. Time a double jump onto the trapeze. Jump and grab the next trapeze when they swing together. Jump onto the platform and destroy the clown. NOTE: You can to a mid air jump to recover if you're slide attacks take you off the platform. Double jump over to the green platform to the left. The crates there contain snacks. Double jump up two more green platforms. Jump onto the drum. Bounce and do a mid air jump to get to the drum to the right. Bounce and do a mid air jump to get to the top of a slide. Go down to slide, doing two quick double jumps to get over the gaps with the clown balloons. Get the Pepperoni ingredient at the end of the slide. Jump back down to the top of the stairs. Cross the trapezes to the platform again. Double jump ahead to the platform with the star. Turn right and double jump to the drum. Bounce up and do a mid air jump to beam to the left to get a snack box. Jump back down to the drum. Time a mid air jump to grab the trapeze when it swing towards you. In this case avoid going forward do to the risk of the electrified water. Jump and grab the next trapeze when they swing together. Jump to the platform past the trapeze. If you get on the green platform to your right it will start moving back to the platform with the star. This isn't particularly useful as there's a check point just ahead, which you can reach by double jumping onto the platform that it's on. Use 200 mubber in the bat costume machine beside the checkpoint to activate it. Use the machine to put on a bat costume. Glide up the wind from the fan past the checkpoint to the entrance to the Big Top. Go forward to round platform with the star. Turn left and look at the ring with the pictures of the Guitar Ghoul. Don't bother trying to go through the rings. Jump and glide (don't release the jump button) straight towards the fan past them to ensure that you make it. Glide up to the platform above the fan and land on it. Turn right. Line up with the large clown balloon to the right of the rings. Jump and glide to the balloon. Release you glide above it and bound off the balloon, breaking it so there's no second chance, up to the fan to the right. You may need to do a mid air jump at your apex to make it. Turn towards a string of three rings heading straight towards another fan. Go to the edge of this fan closes to them. Glide up to the top of the wind from this fan and push forward, gliding through the rings and you'll just make it to the fan. This time turn toward a platform a bit to the left. Go to the end of this fan closest to it. Glide up to the to the top of the wind from the fan and get the Banana ingredient as you land. Turn right to face the clown balloon to the left of a pair of ring. Jump and glide to it. Bounce and do a mid air jump at your apex to get to the fan to the left. Ride up the wind from this fan, and keep going up and forward through the wind from to more fans to another platform. Turn right and jump and glide to another platform to get the Shovel trap piece. Jump and glide to another platform ahead of you. Turn right towards the platform where you can see a clue in the distance. Jump and glide to it to get the clue, a Bell Hammer. Turn left to face an pair of clown balloons. Jump and glide to the first. Bounce of it and do a mid air jump at your apex to reach the second. Bounce off the second balloon and do a mid air jump at your apex to reach a platform. Turn right an go along the walkway, activating a check point. Your bat costume will be destroyed by the purple lights at the end of the walkway. Turn right at the platform here and head down another walkway. Turn right again at the next platform and go down yet another walkway. Turn left to the next platform and go forward along the walkway, activate a checkpoint on the platform at the end. Get on the green arrow and double jump up to slide down the cable. Swing left right, left, right and left to avoid the five balloons. Destroy the clown on the platform at the bottom to get its mubber. There are four clown balloons be the platform, a single one heading straight for a platform, and a string of three in a curve toward the same platform. You'll want to attempt the string to three to the right so that you can get the Apple Ingredient on the bounce between the first and second balloon. Don't worry if you don't make it all the way, after getting the ingredient just double jump and bounce off the lone balloon and do a midair jump to make it to the platform. Destroy the stuff on this platform for some snacks. Get on the green arrow and double jump up to grapple onto the bottom of a catwalk. About halfway along the catwalk is a box of Scooby Snacks over a large balloon. Drop off over the balloon to get the snack and do a mid air jump as you bounce up to grab onto the catwalk again. Finish going along the catwalk and drop off on the platform at the other end. Turn left to face a pair of large balloon. Double jump to the first and bounce off it. Do a mid air jump at your apex to reach the second balloon and bounce of it. Do another mid air jump at your apex to reach the platform. Get the snack box here and destroy the crates for some snacks. Get on the green arrow and double jump up to the catwalk. Carefully go along this catwalk. Time your passage to avoid the rising balloon that can knock you off. Drop off onto the large balloon at the head and bounce forward, doing a mid air jump at your apex to grab onto the next catwalk. Drop off on the platform at the end of this catwalk. Get the box of snacks here and destroy the crates for some snacks. Double jump out to the first of two large balloons. Bounce off it and do a mid air jump at you apex to make it to the second balloon. Bounce off that one and do another mid air jump at your apex to make it to a platform. Destroy the clown there to get some mubber. Double jump onto the trap door and quickly double jump to the platform above it. Turn left and double jump up to another platform. Get on the green arrow and double jump up to grapple onto the bottom on another catwalk. There are two sets of rising balloon to avoid on this catwalk. Wait for the jack-in-the-box to pop before dropping off the other end of the catwalk. The crates here contain snacks. Turn left and jump onto the small square platform to get it moving. Double jump onto the platform at the top. You can knock off the clown that bursts that large crate here with a spin attack. The crates here contain snacks. Time a double jump as the trapeze swings towards you to grab onto it. Jump from it to a trap door. Quickly double jump to another trap door and then double jump to a walkway. Get on the green arrow and double jump up to grapple onto the bottom of a walkway. Go along the walkway. Do worry about the stuff on the first platform under the walkway as it contains nothing. Drop off on the walkway at the end. Destroy the stuff there for some snacks. Time a double jump to grab the trapeze as it swings towards you. Jump off onto the walkway on the other side. Destroy the crates there for snacks. Watch the trapeze beyond the trapdoor. Double jump to the trapdoor when it starts swinging away and double jump from the trap door to grab it. Jump onto the next trap door and double jump ahead to grab the next trapeze. Jump and grab the next trapeze when the swing together. Jump to the platform at the end of the swing. Destroy the strongman here to get some mubber. Use 230 mubber in the mubber converted to produce an ingredient, an Eggplant. Destroy the crates here to get some snacks. Go along the walkway through the glowing paw print. You'll activate a checkpoint in the next area. Jump to the platform ahead of you. Watch out for the rising balloon as you jump to the next platform when your above it. Double jump to the next platform when you're above it. Wait for the balloon to go by and double jump to the next platform to get a clue, a Music Sheet. Double jump to the next platform when you're above it and a balloon isn't in the way (the string doesn't count). Double jump to the next platform in the gap between balloons when you're well above it. Double jump from the top of this platforms path to get to the platform where Daphne is being held. Watch the scene where Scooby and Shaggy rescue Daphne, well sort of. You're completion percentage should be 55% if you found everything. -------------------------------- 5.3.7 Theme Park Hub: Midway 4/4 -------------------------------- Clues to find: #5 and #6 of 6 Coins to find: #2 of 2 You'll go straight to the clue screen. The Music Sheet unlocks the Hall of Mirror. The Tennis Ball opens a booth in the alley of concession booths with stacks tin cans. The Bell Hammer activates the strength test. The Freak Show Brochure open the small booth under the tracks to the Haunted House. You'll now need to answer three questions Velma asks by selecting the appropriate clue. Question 1: I wonder how the Guitar Ghoul managed to sabotage all rides without anyone noticing Answer: Surveillance Tape Question 2: There's something strange about the Alvin Wiener... I wonder how he's connected to this? Answer: Def Potatoes Tour Album Question 3: I wonder what Nikki's real relationship to the Guitar Ghoul is..? Answer: Music Sheet Watch the cutscene. You'll be at the entrance to the house of mirror. Before going inside make sure you get the gold coin and the last of the six ingredient from the hub as you won't be able to come back. Turn left toward the strength test. Jump on it to release the gold coin. Go to the nearby Hamburger Spring board and jump up to the roof to get the Gold Bat coin which upgrades your bat costume to the Giant Bat. Drop to the ground. Head across the park past the Haunted House railroad to get to the small booth where you'll find the Sausage ingredient. Head to the alley of booth and double jump into the one at the end with the stacked cans. Attack them to get to the Pickle ingredient. Take the six unused ingredient you now here to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen. Unfortunately this will leave you one ingredient short of completing the 9 ingredient recipe. Head back to the hall of mirror. Double jump onto the platform to the left. Double jump onto the middle platform. Double jump to the highest platform on the right. Double jump up onto the ledge by Daphne. Go through the door between Daphne and Fred to start the Hall of Mirrors mission. ------------------------------------ 5.3.8 Theme Park 4: Hall of Mirrors ------------------------------------ Watch the cutscene. This is a boss fight against the Guitar Ghoul. You won't be able to attack him directly as he'll on a platform surrounded by an eight panel glass shield. Spiders will soon start to dangle in. While they're dangling you can use spin attacks to knock them into the glass panels damaging them. You'll need to jump and use a spin attack for the once dangling above the ground. It take a few hits to destroy a panel leaving the ghoul vulnerable. While you're doing this the ghoul will occasionally jump on top to the panels. Concentrate on changing you direction often when he does so to avoid his electric bolts. When you manage to hit a spider into him it will take away a third of his health. He'll replace the glass shield with one that's twice as strong so it will require more hits to take down. Four boxes of Scooby Snacks will also appear around the perimeter of the area. The guitar ghoul will have added a shockwave to his repertoire of attacks. Jump over this when it appears. Once you get a second spider through to the ghoul he'll lose another third of his health. His shield is now three times as strong as the originals. Four more boxes of Scooby Snack appear. Now there's a continuous bolt of lightning moving counterclockwise around the area. It moves faster than you can so double jump over it when it catches up to you. The electric bolt and shockwave attacks still need to be avoided. The next spider you get through to the ghoul will finish him off. Watch the cutscene of the unmasking of the Guitar Ghoul. You should be at 61% completion if you've found everything. ================================ 5.4 Harum Scare'um at the Museum ================================ Watch the cutscene of the gangs arrival at the museum. ------------------------------------- 5.4.1 Museum Hub: Entrance Lobby 1/4 ------------------------------------- Clues to find: 1 The Mystery Machine is behind where you start if you want to check out the monster profiles or replay a previously completed mission. There's a securing area where you can see a sealed away ingredient to the right. Another sealed away ingredient is behind the sealed glass door to your left. A trail of snacks leads out in front of you to the left of a close booth it the center of the museum. Strips of red carpeting radiate in four direction to from this booth, I'll be using these as reference points for the exploration of the lobby after you follow the snack trail to get the first clue, a Photo of the Caveman, in the dead-end to the left to the stairs going up to the second floor. Velma is talking to the museum's curator, Dame Nella Vivate, on the red strip leading to the stairs, directly opposite the one going to the Mystery Machine. She mention robotic exhibits going out of control. On the red carpet to the left of the Mystery machine you'll find Fred talking to Professor Stoker, who denies the existence of the caveman. There's a closed door to the left of the entrance to the hallway leading to the closed Dinosaur Exhibit. Daphne is talking to a security guard, Joe Grimm, between the security area and the red carpet to the right of the one leading to the Mystery Machine. A deactivated Robin Hood costume machine is directly across the red carpet. This red carpet leads to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen which is just outside the entrance to the cafeteria where there's an open electrical panel. The back staircase going up to the second floor is in here. Lets start the exploration of the second floor from the main stair case beside where you found the clue. There a hallway leading to the closed Undersea Exhibit part way up. You can go up to either the left or right to the second floor at the entrance to the hallway. There's some scaffolding high above the hall to the undersea exhibit. You won't be investigating that for quite a while. There's a display of some planets in the center, a current unreachable ingredient floats above it. Going clockwise you'll come to a scaffolding on with you can see a silver coin that can't be reached yet. The path to the left leads past a closed door to the stairs down to the cafeteria. Continuing clockwise you come to a landing pointed toward the planetary display. You'll notice the closest planet has a flat top but it's too high to jump to. Keep going clockwise and you'll notice the closed Medieval Exhibit to the left. The gold coin hangs out of reach here as well. Go back downstairs and talk to Velma. You'll go to the clue screen. The Photo of the Caveman, unlocks the Dinosaur Exhibit. Follow the trail of snacks from Velma to the now unlocked Dinosaur exhibit at the end of the red carpet to the left of the one leading to the Mystery Machine. Note the item count on the sign. Go through the doorway market by the glowing paw print to begin the Dinosaur Exhibit mission. -------------------------------- 5.4.2 Museum 1: Dinosaur Exhibit -------------------------------- Clues to Find: 4 Ingredients to Find: 4 Traps pieces to find: 1 Mubber required: 290 A checkpoint is activated when you enter the exhibit. The skull torches and the dead stump behind you contain snacks, while the crates contain mubber. Head forward to the broken bridge, destroying the bones and more torches for snacks. Double jump over the broken bridge. Kill the spider on the other side to get some mubber. Go along the path, destroying stumps, bones, and torches for snacks. Avoid the Venus dog trap when its out and quickly go by it when it settles down, jumping up a small ledge to kill some rats and destroy their hole to earn some mubber. Double jump onto the ledge above the rathole. The torch here contains a snack. Get on the green arrow and double jump up to slide down the cable. You'll be at the beginning of a long broken bridge, get on the green arrow here and double jump up to slide down another cable. Watch the cut scene in which the Pterodactyls start there attack. Use sliding attacks to defeat the four Pterodactyls and two spiders here, earning some more mubber. Watch out for the Venus dog trap. The bones and torch here contain snacks, while the crates near the trap hold mubber. If you go down the slide here by some steps here, you can follow a path to a turtle you can bounce off of to get a snack box and get back up to this area. Double jump onto the display case near the Venus dog trap to the eggs. (Or you can jump up the steps and walk here.) Destroy the eggs for snacks and kill the Pterodactyl for some mubber. the torch here contains a snack. Double jump to the ledge above when the three eggs were. Follow the path, destroying the torch for some snacks, to get the Apple Ingredient. Drop back down to where the eggs where and head towards a broken bridge. Turn to face the bridge and double jump to the other side. Kill the spider in the cave ahead to get some mubber. Double jump from the next broken bridge to a turtle. Bounce off the turtle and do a mid air jump to get to a slippery sloped ice block. Jump over to the slippery sloped ice block to the left. From they jump to the area in the center of the ice blocks. Destroy the Pterodactyls and the monster making machine here to earn some mubber. The stumps and bones here contain snacks. Double jump to the slippery sloped ice block to the left of the monster making maching. Jump to the plateau past there and kill the three spiders to get some mubber. Double jump over to the next plateau to get the Chips ingredient, and destroy the Pterodactyl there to get some mubber. Destroy the bones and torch here to get some snacks and double jump onto the display case to get a snack box. Turn around and double jump back to the previous plateau. Double jump to the slippery ice block. You'll need to double jump to the block to the right and double jump back to the central plateau by the monster making machine. Double jump to the ice block to the right of the machine this time. It's not slippery at the top of the slope. Slide down and double jump across the gap. The stump here contains some snacks. Go forward to the cave and destroy the two spiders and the Pterodactyl to get some mubber. Double jump over the gap. Go forward and destroy four Pterodactyls to get their mubber. Destroy the torches to the sides of their cave for some snacks. There are two forks, to either side of a Venus dog trap, that will eventually lead to the same place. The left fork starts off with some rats and a hole that can be destroyed for some mubber. The eggs here can be destroyed for snacks and the crates on top of the display case contain mubber. The are two ledges to jump up and a pterodactyl to kill for some mubber before you get to a series of six hooks that you can cross by swinging, jumping and grabbing, before going down a slide to where the paths rejoin. (I recommend turning around after destroying the Pterodactyl and taking the right fork to avoid the long series of swinging jumps). The right fork has you jump across three fall-away platforms to a solid one where there are two spiders to kill. The stuff here can be destroyed for some snacks. Double jump across three more fall away platforms to the bottom of the slide form the left fork. Kill the Pterodactyl here for some mubber. Double jump to the plateau to the left and destroy the stuff there for some snack and get the snack box. Double jump back across the gap and return to the bottom of the slide from the left fork. You'll also be at the top of another slide, as you step on it you'll get a clue, a Metal Chain. Go down the slide and get on the green arrow. Double jump up and slide down the cable to activate a checkpoint. Destroy the egg and bone here for some snacks. Get on the green arrow and double jump up to slide down the cable. Destroy the four Pterodactyls here to get some mubber while avoiding the Venus dog trap to the left of their cave. Get the Scooby snack box from the top of the display case to the right of the cave. The torches to the sides of the cave contain snack. Follow the path to the left of the cave, ignoring the ledges for now. Destroy the stuff along the path for some snacks, and the rats and their hole at the end for the mubber. You'll also get a clue, a Broom Closet Key, and the end. Black track to the start of this path and jump up to the first ledge before the venus dog trap. Double jump up to the solid ledge to the left. Double jump up a series of ledges: 2 fall-away, a solid one with an acid vent, 2 more fall away to a slightly larger solid ledge. Ignore the slope back down to the pterodactyl cave and double jump up another series of ledges: a solid, a fall-away with an acid vent to avoid, two more fall-aways, and a solid. Double jump across the longer gap here and pull yourself up to a path. Kill the spiders here to get some mubber. Double jump up another series of four fall away ledges to another path. Step forward and watch a cut scene where a Pterodactyl carries off Shaggy and more importantly, a tasty looking Drumstick. Go through the opening marked by the glowing paw print. You'll activate a checkpoint in this volcanic area. Destroy the stuff here to get snacks and mubber, as well as some spiders to kill. Activate the bat costume machine here using 100 mubber. Use the machine to put on a bat costume. Get on the fan and glide up. Glide across to the corner of the mountain ahead and land on the path. Kill the spider to get its mubber. There's no need to go by the acid vent to the left. If you need the health there's a snack box on the lower path to the right. Otherwise, double jump to the ledge and kill the spider for some mubber. Double jump to the turtles and bounce over the fan. Turn to face the volcano in the distance. Get on the edge of the fan closest to it and glide up to the top of the wind and push forward. Land on the volcano. Turn left to face another mountain. Glide up on the hot air form the volcano and push forward. Land to the right of the turtle at the bottom. Get the snack box to the right and bounce off the turn to the ledge above to the left. Kill the spider there for some mubber and get another snack box here. Wait for the acid jet to turn off over the ledge to the right and double jump to it. Double jump to the next ledge. Kill the spiders there for some mubber. Wait for the acid jet over the ledge to the right and double jump to it. Double jump to the next ledge to get a clue, a Miniature Saturn. Kill the spider here to get some mubber. Go through the opening to the ledge and kill the rats and destroy their hole for more mubber. Get the Sausage ingredient here. Go back out to the path and get the snack box from the end. Go back to the opening and face out towards a volcano. Jump and glide to it. Land on it and turn left towards another volcano. Glide up on the hot air and land on the second volcano. Push ahead to the next mountain. Go around to the left, killing two spiders for mubber and getting two boxes of snack rather than risk the acid jet to the right. You'll be at the turtle. Bounce off it and to a mid air jump to get to a fall-away ledge to the right. Double jump across two more fall-away ledge to get to one with another turtle. Bounce off the turn and do a mid air jump to get to a ledge to the right with a clue, a Dinosaur Bone. Wait for the acid jet to the right to turn off. Double jump to that ledge and the double jump to a fall-away ledge to the right. Double jump to a ledge with a turtle. Bounce up and do a mid air jump to get to another ledge with a turtle. Ignore the ledge to the left when you bounce of this turtle. Instead do a mid air jump at your apex and glide to the right to land on a ledge with a Trap Piece, a Broom. Kill the rats here and destroy their hole for some mubber. Now you'll near to jump up a series of four ledges, all but the third of which have acid jets, it having a spider to kill instead. You'll need to time the second jump so that you glide down to it as its about to turn off. Double jump to the path at the top of the mountain and watch the cut scene. (If the acid jet knock you down just bounce to the top ledge to the left of the last turtle). Go to the mubber converter here and use 190 mubber to create an ingredient, the marshmallows. Go to the green arrow and turn towards the while circular opening in the wall to the distance. Jump and glide to it to begin a chase sequence. Circle the screen during this chase to avoid the breath weapons of the pterodactyls. When you see an arrow push to one side, or the center of the screen to avoid an obstacle. The arrow appear in this order Right, Left, Left, Right, and Center. After making it by the obstacles watch the cutscene of Shaggy being rescues. No mention of the drumstick. You're completion percentage should be at 68% if you've found everything. ------------------------------------- 5.4.3 Museum Hub: Entrance Lobby 2/4 ------------------------------------- Ingredients to Find: #1 of 7 Coins to Find: #1 of 2 Watch the cutscene before you automatically enter the clue screen. The dinosaur bone unlocks a target leading to the Medieval Exhibit. The Miniature Saturn adds Saturn to the planetary display on the second floor. The metal chain drop Saturn lower in the display. The Broom Closet Key unlock the door to the left of the carpet leading to the Dinosaur Exhibit. Daphne will talk to Professor Stoker afterwards. You'll be on the carpet leading toward the dinosaur exhibit. Go to the door here and the caveman will give you the Cheese Ingredient. Take your five unused ingredient to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen. The first one will complete the current recipe giving you another health medal. The four remaining ingredient will begin a 10 ingredient recipe. Fred and Daphne are talking to Joe Grimm about getting access to the undersea exhibit near the main staircase. Follow the trail of Scooby Snacks up the stairs and turn up the left stair case. Turn right at the second floor and head to the landing overlooking the planetary display. Double jump to the top of Saturn. Double jump form that to the top of the Scaffolding to get the silver Robin Hood coin. Go back down stairs and use the costume machine to put on a Robin Hood costume. Go back up the main and left stairs. Just to the right is the target that the dinosaur bone clue revealed. Double jump onto the boxes in front of it. Shoot the target and it will flip up to create a platform. Double jump onto the shield. Double jump over the scaffold ahead of you to enter the medieval exhibit. (You'd need to around to the other side of the scaffold before doing this if you wanted to check the item counts.) -------------------------------- 5.4.4 Museum 2: Medieval Exhibit -------------------------------- Clues to find: 5 Ingredients to find: 4 Trap Pieces to find: 1 Mubber Required: 125 Walk the cutscene of Shaggy stumbling into a secret passage leaving Scooby alone. A check point will be activated. You'll in a large room that has several statues bearing targeted shields. There's a costume machine to your right, but you'll need to gather some mubber first. Jump over the rope to the left. In the center between two furnaces is a Black Knight that will wake up as you approach. Use smash attacks to defeat it to get some mubber. The breakable stuff here contains snacks. Jump over the rope here and head towards the rathole. Destroy it and the rats to get some mubber and the crates beside it to get some snacks. Head clockwise around the room. There's some mubber in the crates leading back to the entrance that contain mubber. The next crates contain snacks. A bit further on is a Black Knight by the first places. There are also two large crates further contains Knights. Endless streams of Black Knights will emerge from the gates on either side of the fire place. All of them will produce mubber when destroyed. The crates by the both gates also contain mubber. The crates between the two large crates contain snacks. There's a rat hole behind the display cases just before the costume machine. Destroy the rats and hole for more mubber. The crates past the hole also contain mubber. The few breakable items in from on the cases contain snacks. Use 100 mubber in the Robin Hood Costume Machine to activate it. Use the machine to put on the Robin Hood Costume. Shoot the targets on the five shields around the room to convent them into platforms. If you need some healing, jump onto the table in the aisle from the checkpoint and onto that shield to get a box of Scooby Snacks. Head back to the costume machine and double jump onto the first display case. Jump to the next two cases. Double jump to the raised shield. Double jump into the purple light over the fireplace, destroying your outfit. Double jump across the next three shields. Instead of going ahead to the display case, turn left towards the furnaces. Wait for the acid jet to turn off and double jump to the first furnace. Quickly double jump and grab the loop on the chandelier. Swing and jump to the next furnace to get the Carrot ingredient over the second furnace, ideally while the acid jet is off. Quickly double jump and grab back onto the chandelier. Swing and jump to the first furnace while the acid jet is off. Double jump back to the shield and turn left towards the display case. (Or just drop to the floor after getting the carrot and get back to the shield the way you got there to begin with.) Double jump across two display cases. Go to the green arrow and double jump up to grapple to the underside of a catwalk. Go left under the catwalk, pause for three acid jets. Drop onto the case at the other end. Double jump onto the bookshelves to the left. Double jump onto the platform on top of it and then double jump up to the ledge above. Turn right and get a box of Scooby Snacks. Destroy the piles of crates for snacks and the rats, rathole, and spiders in the corner for mubber. Go around the corner and destroy the crates for snacks. Destroy the two Black Knight and a pile of crates between them for some mubber. The crates past them contain snacks. Step on the switch ahead to open the passage in the fireplace below. Destroy the boards past the switch and enter the hall. Destroy the rats and their hole, as well as the crates and spider behind them for more mubber. Get the clue, a Breastplate, from where the spiders where. The chest here contains mubber and spiders. Turn around and head back to the switch. Turn left towards some chandeliers. Double jump and grab the first chandelier. Swing and jump to the top of a lower chandelier. Double jump and grab the next chandelier. Swing and jump to a ledge on the other side of the room. Turn left and jump to another ledge. Double jump to the hallway ahead. Destroy the rats and two Black Knights here for some mubber. The breakable stuff here contains snacks. Turn left and destroy the boards. Kill the rats and destroy their hole ahead to get some more mubber. Destroy some more boards. Kill the two spiders and four Black Knights ahead to get their mubber, while you pick up a Snack Box and the Fish Ingredient. The other stuff here contains snacks. Turn around and make you way back to the main chamber. Double jump back to the ledge and jump to the next ledge. Double jump and grab the chandelier. Swing and jump to the top of the central chandelier. If you need healing turn left and double jump across two more chandeliers to get a snack box and then come back here. Drop down beside the fireplace. Go through the glowing paw print in the fireplace. A check point is activated on entering the next area. Jump over to the left to the right to get a snack box and destroy the chest there for some snacks. Jump back to the checkpoint. Head left and jump to the ledge. Destroy the stuff to get some snacks. Jump up to the next ledge. Jump onto the awning to the left and bounce up and do a mid air jump to get to a ledge to the right. Destroy the crates to get some mubber. Jump and grab the hook to the right. Swing, jump, and grab the next hook. Swing and jump to an awning, bouncing up to the ledge to the right. Destroy the stuff here for some snacks. Jump onto the awning and bounce up to another awning to the right. Bounce and do a mid air jump to get to the ledge to the left. Go along the ledge avoiding three acid jets, getting a snack box along the way. Jump and grab a hook to the left. Swing, jump, and grab across to more hooks. Swing and jump to a ledge with a clue, a Sword. Jump and grab the previous hook. Swing, jump, and grab the previous two hook. Swing and jump back to the ledge with the three acid jets and avoid them as you go to the right. Drop onto the light and fall onto the lift to its right. At the bottom of the lift go right to destroy some crates for mubber and get the snack book there. On the right side destroy the rats and their hole for some mubber and the other stuff of some snack. Wait for the lift and right in part way up. Double jump to a ledge to the left to get the Popcorn ingredient. Get back on the lift and right it to the top. Get off on the sloped roof to the left. Double jump to a ledge to the right at the bottom of the slope. Double jump to another slope to the right and get a clue, a Fuse. Destroy the Black Knight just to the left to get some mubber. Jump onto the lift to the left. Kill the knight on the other side to get some mubber, and get the snack box there. The chest here contains snacks. Get on the lift and ride it up to the top. Jump to the small platform to the left. Drop onto the tree top to the left. Double jump to the ledge to the left to get a trap piece, a Garbage Can. Drop back down and get on the lift again. Ride it up to the top and double jump up to the tree to above the ledge to the left. Double jump up from the green arrow to slide down a cable to the right. Push right from the end of the cable to make it over the slope to an awning. Bounce off the awning to a ledge to the right. Ignore the tree tops and drop down to the right to get a clue, a Coat of Arms, on the awning far below. Kill the knight to the right of the awning to get some mubber. Double jump over the gap to the right to get a snack box. Double jump back across the gap and return to the awning. Bounce up to another awning to the right. Bounce up to the ledge to the right. Destroy the stuff here to get some snacks. Jump onto the lift to the right and ride it up to the right end of the string of tree top you ignored earlier. Jump to the ledge to the right and go through the glowing paw print. A check point will be activated. Jump down to the awning to the right. Bounce to the ledge to the right. Destroy the crates here for some mubber. Double jump to the tree top to the right and double jump to the ledge to the right. Destroy the knight here to get some more mubber. The other stuff here contains snacks. Double jump to the tree top right. Double jump to the ledge to the left to get the snack box. Make you way back to the awning and bounce back up to the checkpoint. Double jump to the lift to the left of the check point. Ride it up. If you fall from this point to after the second set of hooks you'll need to make your way back past the checkpoint and do everything again. Double jump and grab the hook to the right. Swing, jump, and grab the next hook when the acid jet is off between the hooks. Swing and jump right to a ledge. Destroy the Black Knight here to get some mubber. The other stuff here contains snacks. Jump to the awning to the right and bounce up, do a mid air jump, and grab the hook to the right. Swing, jump and grab to get to the next two hooks when the acid jets between the hooks are off. Swing and jump to an awning to the right and bounce up to a ledge. You're no past the area to the right of the checkpoint that you would have had to return along to get back to this point if you'd fallen. Destroy the crates to get some mubber. Get on the green area and double jump up to grapple onto the bottom of a walkway. Go right along the bottom of the walkway avoiding two acid jets. Drop onto the lift at the end and ride it down. Go right at the bottom and destroy the rats and their hole to earn more mubber. Wait for the acid jet to the right to turn off and double jump to the tree top. Double jump past another jet to get to a ledge with the Hamburger ingredient. Double jump back to the tree top when the acid jet turns off and double jump back to the other ledge when the next jet is off. Jump onto the lift when it come down. Halfway up double jump to the right onto a tree top. Double jump right across two more tree top to an awning. Bounce up to the and do a mid air jump to the left if the acid jet is off to get to another awning. Bounce and jump to the left to get onto another lift and ride it up. Get the snack box and destroy the crate for mubber to the left of the top of the lift. Head to the right, destroy more crates, some rats, and their hole for more mubber. Slide down the slope to the right. Use 25 mubber in the Kung Fu costume machine to activate it. Use the machine to wear a Kung Fu costume and begin a combat challenge. There are 24 opponent to face in this challenge. The first 8 are rats on the path to the right. Jumping attacks work well again the group of rats. Ride to the lift to the right down and get off to the left. The are two Black Knight to destroy with jumping attacks along here. Jump down to the left to a lift and go right. There are two more black knight and twelve rat to destroy here with jumping attacks to complete the challenge. Bounce off the awning to the right and do a mid air jump to the right when the acid jet is off to get to another awning. Bounce up to the right off it to get a clue, an MFM Contract, from a third awning. Bounce off the final awning and jump up to the right to get to the ledge with Shaggy. Approach him to complete the level. You should be at 76% completion if you've found everything. ------------------------------------- 5.4.5 Museum Hub: Entrance Lobby 3/4 ------------------------------------- Ingredients to get: #2 of 7 Coins to get: #2 of 2 Watch the cutscene, where you'll see that Fred and Daphne have been capture in the undersea exhibit. The Sword cause a display case with a sword to appear near the entrance to the Medieval Exhibit. The fuse activated the Fuse box in the cafeteria. The Coat of Arms cause a display case with a shield to appear near the entrance to the Medieval Exhibit. The MFM Contract causes a shark to drop outside of the Underwater exhibit. The breastplate causes a display case with a breastplate to appear near the entrance to the Medieval Exhibit. Head into the cafeteria and attack the snack machine to the right of the fuse box to get the Ham ingredient. You should now have five unused ingredient. Go to Shaggy's Port-Kitchen and add them to the current recipe, bring it to one short of the 10 required. Go up the main stairs and go up the left stair case. Head past the stack stands leading to the Medieval Exhibit to the sword's display case. Double jump onto it. Double jump onto the Breastplate's Display Case. Double jump onto the Coat of Arm's Display Case. Double jump up to get the Gold Robin Hood Coin upgrading you're costume to Sharpshooter. Head back to the fork in the main staircase and approach the hanging shark. Attack the shack to open up the Undersea exhibit. Note the item counts on the sign outside the exhibit. Go through the glowing paw print here to start the Undersea Exhibit Mission. ---------------------------------- 5.4.6 Museum 3: Undersea Exhibit ---------------------------------- Clues to Find: 6 Ingredients to Find: 6 Trap Pieces to Find: 1 Mubber Required: 240 You'll activate a checkpoint on entering the exhibit. Destroy the crates and chests ahead to get mubber and some snacks. Use 10 mubber to activate the Robin Hood costume machine here. Use the machine to put on the Robin Hood Costume. Face the large submarine to the left. Shoot the target in the portal to cause a pillar to rise from the water along the sub. You'll need to hold the button down for a few seconds so that the arrow will reach the sub. Turn to the right to face the water running along side the sub. Jump on the back on the purple turtle and ride it forward. Double jump to the pillar that shooting the target caused to rise. Double jump to the back of the next turtle and ride it back. Turn to the right and jump to the island with a gray seashell when you get to it. Destroy the seashell for a snack. Turn left and jump to the back of another turtle. Double jump over the pipe as the turtle goes under it. Double jump onto the clear jellyfish at the end of the turtles run and bounce off of it and double a mid air jump to get to a pillar to the right. Ignore the walkway with the Pterodactyl for the time beginning and double jump to the next jellyfish to the right. Bounce off this jellyfish to the next pillar to the right. Double jump up to the ledge above the pillar. Shoot the Pterodactyl three times to kill it. The other stuff here contains snacks. Get the clue, an Emergency Light, that's sitting here. Double jump back to the pillar. Jump to the jellyfish to the left and bounce to the next pillar. Double jump to the walkway where the pterodactyl is. Shoot it three times to kill it for its mubber. Go to the end of the walkway. Jump onto the platform to the right at the end. Ride it over to a ledge and double jump onto it. Shoot the Pterodactyl to get some mubber. Destroy the crates for snacks. Get the clue, a Museum Building Scale Model, here. Jump back on the moving platform. Ride it back to the walkway and jump onto the walkway. Shoot the target on the submarine that you should be facing to cause a pillar to rise just past the end on the walkway. Double jump to the newly risen pillar. Double jump to the moving platform at rise in around the large island ahead. Jump to the island when you get past the crates and watch the cut scene of Fred and Daphne. Kill the three pterodactyl by taking shots and running from them until you've finished them off and get their mubber. Destroy the stacked up crates for snacks. Double jump onto the left to the left of the display case with a crab and kill the spider to get its mubber. Double jump to the one with the Eggplant ingredient to get it. The are four more leaves here, three of them have spiders to kill for mubber, the other one has a snack box and a chest with snacks. Jump back to the large island after you've dealt with all of these that you care to. Go past the pipes and double jump onto the rock beside the display case with the lantern fish. Turn right and shoot the pterodactyl on the next rock from a same distances. Double jump over to the rock to get its mubber and a clue, a Museum Guide. Destroy the other stuff here to get some snacks. Double jump up to the next rock and destroy the crates there to get some mubber. Double jump your back to the large island. Jump onto the platform between the pipes here to get it moving. Double jump over the pipe as the platform moves under it. Jump of onto the next large island. Watch the scene of the 10,000 Volt Ghost materialize from the electrical platform ahead. Jump onto the rocks to the right and shoot to two Pterodactyls that land they to get their mubber. Turn and shoot the 10,000 Volt Ghost several times to kill it, it should take above five plungers. Get the mubber it drops and retreat to the rocks when the second 10,000 Volt Ghost appears. Kill it in the same fashion. The are some mubber bearing crates on the rocks. There is a trail heading down from the end of the rock past the electrical circle towards the large octopus. Go down it to get the Hot Pepper ingredient at the bottom. Double jump onto the turtle as it approaches, getting a snack box. Jump onto the rocks on the other side. Destroy the spider, and the rats and three ratholes for mubber as you jump up this path of rocks to get the clue, some Reading Glasses, here. Ride the turtle back to the path leading up the previous island. Jump up the ledges forming the path. Jump onto the leaf on the other side of the display case. Jump to the next leaf and turn left. Jump across two more leafs onto a platform. Ride the platform over to a string of three tentacles. Double jump to the first tentacle. Bounce of it and the next two tentacles, doing mid air jumps at your apex, to reach another island with a 10,000 Volt Ghost generator. Jump onto the ledges to the left after the first 10,000 Volt Ghost appears and get the Shrimp ingredient there. Turn and shoot at the 10,000 Volt Ghost to kill it. Drop down to get the mubber it dropped. Retreat to the ledges when the second 10,000 Volt Ghost appears and kill it as well. Go past the ledge at the generators an drop onto the ledge at the end of the island facing a clue in the distance. Go down the slope, to get a trap piece, a Wrench at the bottom. Jump onto the platform here and ride it back up to the island. Go back past the generator and shoot all three of the target on the side on the submarine to start the platform in the distance moving. Double jump on the platform when it approaches. Double jump onto the pillar at the end of the run. Double jump to the next two pillar and then to a tentacle, getting a clue, a Camera Tripod. Do a mid air jump at your apex as you bounce off the tentacle to get to the top of the submarine. Kill the two Pterodactyls that land on the sub to get some mubber. Destroy the other stuff here for some snack. Use 230 mubber in the mubber converter here to create and ingredient, Cotton Candy. Go through the glowing paw print. You'll be in a flying sequence. You'll need to restart if you run into another plane or a blimp, although you won't lose any health. You may want to do this deliberately if you miss the two ingredients in this area. You can shoot down the blimps to remove them from you. You may survive a glancing blow with a plane but don't count on it. Go straight at the beginning an shoot down the three blimps at the beginning of a left turn. There are five more blimps to shoot down through the turn and the following straight section. Get the cabbage ingredient halfway up the right side as you're about to enter a turn to the right. Keep to the center to avoid the planes in the next stretch and shoot down two more blimps. Make another turn to the right. The broccoli ingredient is a bit left and up from the lower right corner as you pass the first group of planes. Otherwise keep more or less to center while shooting the five blimps in you're path. Turn the next corner to the right. This time fly over the two blimps on the left side to the exit from the flying sequence. Watch the cut scene of you bailing out of the plane. You'll activate a check point beside the giant octopus. Fred and Daphne will be calling for help. The Robin Hood Costume machine beside you does require any mubber. As you're already in costume you'll only need to use this if you have to respawn at the checkpoint. Double jump forward to the platform to get the clue, a Video Tape. The platform will start moving to the right. Ride the platform back and forth, double jumping over the pipes. As you do so you'll need to draw the bow back as shoot the four eyes on the octopus when they're open to cause tentacles to rise. Once you've cause all four tentacles to rise, double jump from the platform when it reach the left end of its path to get to the lowest tentacle. Bounce and do mid air jump at you apex to make your way up the row of tentacles to the right. Bounce twice on the third tentacle to get closer to the fourth tentacle. Bounce an jump off the last tentacle to get on top of the octopus, freeing Fred and Daphne in a cutscene to end the mission. Your completion percentage should be 85% if you've found everything. ------------------------------------- 5.4.7 Museum Hub: Entrance Lobby 4/4 ------------------------------------- Ingredients to get: #3-7 of 7 You'll enter the clue screen automatically. The Video Tape causes one of the planets to move. The Emergency Light activates something in the security area. The Museum Building Scale Model unlocks the door across from the security area. The Museum Guide unlocks the booth in the center of the main floor. The Camera Tripod causes another planet to move, opening the way to the planetarium. The Reading Glasses causes the door at the top of the back stairs from the cafeteria to open. You now need to answer Velma's three questions by selection the appropriate clues. Question 1: Mmh... if the museum's not open yet, why are the dinosaurs outside operational? Answer: Dinosaur Bone Question 2: Do you think Monstrous Fright and Magic knew their dinosaurs were used as oil pumps? Answer: MFM Contract Question 3: One thing puzzles me: when you rescued Fred and Daphne, the video monitor still showed them being held by the Caveman... Answer: Camera Tripod Watch the cutscene. Before running after the caveman into the planetarium, gather up the last of the ingredient. If you forget any of the seven ingredients or the gold coin in the hub you won't be able to come back for them. Jump into the gift shop beside you to get the Pickle ingredient. Go into the security area on the other side of the gift shop. Attack the filing cabinet to move it to the side. Get the Onion ingredient from the room behind the filing cabinet. Go through the other on the other side of the carpet from the security area. Get the Pepperoni ingredient in this room. Go through the cafeteria and up the back staircase. Get the Ice Cream Cone ingredient from behind the door at the top. Head towards the center of the second floor from here. Go left to the landing overlooking the planetary display. Double jump to the top of Saturn. Double jump onto the planet to the left. Turn left and double jump to the next planet, delay the second jump to make it. Double jump to the large planet and get the Lobster ingredient. You should now have 11 remaining ingredients. Drop down to the main floor and go to Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen. The first one completes the previous recipe earn the 12th health medal. The remain ten will complete the final recipe bringing your health medal total to the maximum of 13. Go back up stairs and jump back across the planets to the big planet. Turn right towards the final planet and double jump onto it. Double jump to the hallway past the final platen when Daphne and Fred can be found. Head down this hallway and go through the doorway marked with the glowing paw print to begin the Planetarium mission. ---------------------------- 5.4.8 Museum 4: Planetarium ---------------------------- Watch the cutscene of Scooby getting attack by the Caveman in a UFO and get into one of his own. This is a large circular arena. Periodically glowing orbs with appear inside the arena, these are power-ups that the gang is giving to you to help you out. The white pickups are shields that protect you from damage from the electrified wall of the arena. The other pickups are various weapons. Green pickups are electromines that will damage the Caveman if he moves into one. Red pickups is the spark shoot that fires a homing bolt of electricity at the Caveman. Blue pickups are Deep Free bolts the slow the Caveman down. There's no value in holding onto the weapon pickups, use them immediately. The pickups respawn quickly but the once that appear are random. The objective here is to damage the Caveman's UFO by either knocking him into the electrically wall or by shoot him with the space gun. (The mine also damage him, so you can try knocking him into any that you've deployed as well.) Try to avoid taking damage from running into the electrical wall yourself. Once the caveman is down to about 60% health he'll knock down some electrically cables for you to avoid as well. Keep up knocking the caveman into the wall, and shooting him, while avoiding the new hazard. When the caveman gets down to about 15% health, he'll pull out a gun that he'll try to shoot you with. Just keep trying to knock him into the wall and shooting him as his aim with the gun is terrible. When he's out of health, watch the unmasking cutscene. You're completion percentage should be 90% if you've found everything. ====================================== 5.5 Back to Monstrous Fright and Magic ====================================== What the cutscene of the gang's return to the MFM Studio. ------------------------- 5.5.1 MFM 2: Back to MFM ------------------------- Mubber required: 140 You're just inside the studio. This time the door behind you leads through a glowing paw print to a mini-hub area with the Mystery Machine and Shaggy's Porta-Kitchen. You can replay the previously completed missions at the Mystery Machine and use the Porta-Kitchen to use up any ingredients that you may have neglected to previously. There will be no new items found in the last two missions so you won't be coming back here. Return to the studio through the door with the glowing paw print. A checkpoint is right in front of you that will be activated when you walk up to it. Follow the snack trail to the left past Shaggy and jump up the short ledge to Fred. There crate between Fred and Velma contain mubber. Daphne's at the base of the ledge on the other path from the check point. Go down the hall between Fred and Velma. Kill the ninja to get his mubber. The crates in this room contain mubber as well, including the one on the toppled vending machine. There's a box of Scooby Snack on top of the vending machines. Use 20 of the Mubber in the Kung Fu Machine here to activate it. Use the machine to put on the Kung Fu outfit. Leave through the door on the other side of the room. Turn down the hall to the right. Destroy the crates before the electrified pit to get some more mubber. Double jump across the pit to the left. Destroy the stuff in the hall leading to the closed door to get some snacks and mubber. Go into the small room to the right of the closed door and jump on the switch to open the doors. Go through the doors and destroy the shieldless Black Knight ahead, jumping attacks work as well against him as the shielded variety. Destroy the crates ahead on the curved path to get some mubber. Destroy the Pterodactyl to earn some more mubber. The ninja outfit will be destroyed as you cross under the purple lights ahead. Slide down the slope, gathering some mubber in the process. Destroy the two Pterodactyls at the bottom as well as the Black Knight to get more mubber. The crates here contain mubber. Jump onto the spring board to get to the ledge above. The cable is damaged over the area ahead. You'll need to do some jumping onto the sloped platforms. Jump onto the one under the red "5" first. Double jump ahead to the slop under the red "4". Double jump to the left to the slope under the red "2". double jump to the right to the slop under the red "3". While you have some momentum, double jump ahead to clear this area. Destroy the crates for some more mubber. Go through the doors marked with the glowing paw prints. You'll activate a check point on the other side of the doors. Destroy the crates here to get some more mubber. Jump ahead to the platform to get it moving. Jump to the one to the right when you get to the end of the path. Jump to the next platform to the left when the one you're on reaches the end of its path. Jump to the hall ahead once you get close enough. Kill the two black knights and the ninja in this hall to get more mubber. The crates here also contain mubber. Get the snack box here. Slide down the tube to the right at the end of the hall. Destroy the ninja at the bottom. The crates here contain mubber and the barrels contain snacks. Use 120 mubber to activate the Kung Fu costume machine. Use the machine to put on a Kung Fu costume. Go up the ramp and kill the ninja. Destroy the boards to get to a snack box. Jump to the ledge to the left of the top of the ramp. Destroy the crates there for more mubber. Jump onto the platform under the purple lights to the left, destroying you're outfit. Double jump to the next ledge. Go to the green arrow and double jump up to grapple under a catwalk. Go left under the catwalk and drop down on the ledge at the other end. Jump on the switch here to cause a platform higher in the room to start flipping up. The breakable stuff on this ledge contain snacks and mubber. Drop back down into the room. Put on another Kung Fu costume and go back up the ramp. Bounce up the two spring board to the right to get to a ledge. Before heading down the hall double jump to the ledge under the purple lights, destroying your Kung Fu costume again. Double jump and grab the hook to the right. Swing, jump, and grab the next hook when the acid jet is off. Swing and jump to the next ledge. Wait for the next ledge to come up and double jump to it. Double jump to the next ledge. Jump on the switch here to open the doors at the end of the hall. Double jump up from the green arrow to slide down the cable to the hallway with the door you opened. (If you fall off just jump up the springboards to the other end of the cable.) Go ahead, destroy the crates and black knight to get more mubber. Slide down the slope through the open doors at the end. Follow the trail of Scooby snacks along the left side of this area to get to where the gang is waiting. Watch the cutscene. A check point will be activated. There are two black knights and two Pterodactyls to destroy in this room. Use jumping attacks to destroy the knights and sliding attacks on the Pterodactyls. The lizard here isn't an enemy. Watch the cutscene where you final located Fred's cousin, Jed to complete this mission. You're completing percentage should be 95% if you've found everything. ----------------------- 5.5.2 MFM 3: Movie Set ----------------------- Watch the cutscene in which the villain pushes a button to cause a giant pterodactyl to attack you. This will be the final battle, which has three phases. In the first phase you need to start by running to the right to a Robin Hood Costume Machine. Use the machine to put on a costume. You need to shoot the Pterodactyl where the red target appearing in it mouth. Charge your shot after dodging the acid it breaths at you. If its going to breath again, release the shot at dodge again. If the target appears shoot the target. Hit the target five times to trigger a cutscene when you put on a Bat Costume and enter the flying sequence that comprises the second phase of this battle. Like the flying sequence in a previous mission you'll need to watch for the arrows an move in the appropriate direction to avoid an obstacle. This time you'll need to move into the corners as well as the sides or the center. Move clockwise around the screen to avoid the acid breath when you're not avoiding obstacles. The first sequence of obstacles to be avoided comes after two or three attacks. This direction to avoid the obstacles are: Right, Up, Right, Left, Right, Up, Left, Right, Left There will be a couple of more breath attack before you need to another series of obstacle using these directions: Left, Upper Right, Left, Up, Right, Upper Left, Right, Left, Upper Right, Down Watch the cutscene of the Pterodactyl getting its here stuck and you changing into a Kung Fu costume to begin the final phase of the battle. Complication matters here are the rats the will emerge from either side of the screen. Run around killing the rats while the Pterodactyl is pecking with its beak. When the Pterodactyl uses its breath attack, charge up a Mega Strike and release it immediately after hearing Scooby say "... Dooby", which indicates that its charged. This will hit the Pterodactyl damaging its health. Hit it five times to finish it off. Watch the final cutscene in while the real mastermind behind the plot is unmasked at last. You'll completion percentage will be 100% if you'll found everything. If you've missed even a single ingredient you're percentage will be only 99%. Watch the closing credits, these will cycle endlessly so select the button indicated at the bottom of the scene to return to the main menu. ****************************************************************************** 6. Item List and Locations ****************************************************************************** ========= 6.1 Clues ========= Monstrous Fright and Magic ========================== 1. Magnetic Keycard - Floating in the Air to the left of Velma, requires a double jump to get. Velma's Comment: This keycard must open up some restricted area. 2. Radio Beacon - Behind some boards at the top of the ramp past where you rescued Velma from the rats. Velma's Comment: This looks like a radio beacon... Probably a homing device of some sort. Chinatown ========= China Town Market (1/4) ----------------------- 1. Giant Fortune Cookie: In the Market Area to the right of the top of the stairs beside where Daphne and Fred were talking to the antique shop owner. Velma's Comment: Interesting... the fortune inside the cookie looks like some kind of binary code. Cookie Factory -------------- 2. Forklift Key : On a conveyor between two acid jets about halfway up the main factory area. Velma's Comment: This could be a key to some sort of machinery - some Monstrous Fright and Magic device, maybe? 3. Dragon Scale: On a spring board after the last conveyor in the main factory area. Velma's Comment: This piece of mubber is shaped like a lizard's scale. Maybe it's from that dragon... Sewers ------ 4. Chinese Bell: In tunnel open by completing second combat challenge. Velma's Comment: This looks like a bell you'd find in a temple - maybe that's where Zen Tuo is hidden! 5. Emergency Staircase Counterweight: On a ledge in the first chamber you enter. You'll need to go into the second chamber and find a way back to get to it. Velma's Comment: This is a counterweight used in emergency stairs... maybe those stairs lead to Zen Tuo's hideout! 6. Stone Pa Kua: On a column in the a smaller chamber off the third main sewer chamber. Velma's Comment: This is a Pa Kua, a important symbol in Taoism. It could be a key to some hidden secret. Temple ------ 7. UV Light Bulb Packing Slip: On the thirteenth platform surrounding the pillar Daphne is imprisoned on. Velma's Comment: This is a packing slip for UV lamps - this could explain the strange light coming from the dragon's eyes! 8. Restaurant Menu: In a niche across the tree tops to the right of the fifth gong. Velma's Comment: This is a menu for a neighborhood restaurant. Maybe Zen Tuo's hideout is there... 9. Crane Lever: In a niche past some tree top from the dock under the fourth gong. Velma's Comment: This is a lever to activate a crane. Could Zen Tuo be using it to hold up the dragon in the air? Theme Park ========== Midway (1/4) ------------ 1. Haunted House Ticket: In the alley of concession booth to the left of the entrance to the Theme Park Velma's Comment: This is a ticket for the Haunted House attraction... the Guitar Ghoul may be hiding there. Haunted House ------------- 2. Surveillance Tape: Near exit. Velma Comment: This tape shows attractions going out of control and animatronics attacking people. Could it be sabotage? 3. Springs: On a ledge reach by swinging from the hooks after the combat challenge. Velma's Comment: These springs come from the hamburger-shaped trampolines. Maybe the Guitar Ghoul uses them to move around... 4. Roller Coaster Photograph : Behind a bookshelves in the room with the chasm and cable slide. Velma's Comment: This is a photograph showing people in the roller coaster. I wonder if the culprit is on it? Water Slide ----------- 5. Def Potatoes Tour Album : At end of cable slide before the fan room. Velma's Comment: This is a tour album for a band called Def Potatoes... hey, doesn't the lead guitarist look like Alvin Wiener? 6. Giant Tomato Slice: In room to right of hallway after second magnetic lift. Velma's Comment: That seems to be part of some food stand decoration. Maybe it's a clue to the Guitar Ghoul's hideout. 7. Volume Knob: Among three fuming barrels at the end of a series of ledges to the right of the third slide. Velma's Comment: This seems to be part of the park's electrical system. Maybe the Guitar Ghoul used it to control the attractions. 8. Souvenir Stand Key: Across two fall away platforms from the bottom of the second slide. Velma's Comment: This is a key to a souvenir stand. Maybe that's where the Guitar Ghoul is hidden. Circus Tent ----------- 9. Music Sheet: On the fourth platform in the area where Daphne's calling for help. Velma's Comment: This is the music for an old Guitar Ghoul hit... Funny, it's attributed to "N.S." 10. Tennis Ball: On the higher of the two platforms in the green grandstand area. Velma's Comment: A tennis ball... maybe this comes from a midway attraction. Maybe it's a clue to the Guitar Ghoul's hideout! 11. Bell Hammer: On a platform in the Big Top just before two balloons leading up to a checkpoint. Velma's Comment: This is the hammer for the Strongman's Bell. Perhaps the Guitar Ghoul hid something important in there. 12. Freak Show Brochure: On the first tiger cage. Velma's Comment: This is a brochure for a circus sideshow. Perhaps we'll find clues to the Guitar Ghoul's identity there. Museum ====== Entrance Lobby (1/4) -------------------- 1. Photo of the Caveman: In dead-end hall between to left of main stairs up to the second floor. Velma's Comment: This photograph of the caveman seems to have been taken in the Dinosaur exhibit. Maybe we can find him there. Dinosaur Exhibit ---------------- 2. Dinosaur Bone: On a ledge above a turtle, on the third mountain in the volcanic region. Velma's Comment: There's some greasy black fluid on this dinosaur bone... 3. Miniature Saturn: On a ledge past an acid jet on the second mountain in the volcanic area. Velma's Comment: This is a replica of the planet Saturn, named after the Roman God of time. Perhaps this has a hidden symbolic meaning. 4. Metal Chain: Between two slides at the end of a string of fall-away platforms. Velma's Comment: This metal chain may have been used by the Caveman to scare away workers... 5. Broom Closet Key: A the end a path to the left of a pterodactyl cave just after the second checkpoint. Velma's Comment: This looks like a broom closet key. Maybe we'll find information about who the Caveman is in there. Medieval Exhibit ---------------- 6. Sword: Head back after bouncing up a pair for awning, going past some acid jets and some hooks in the next area after going through the fireplace. Velma's Comment: This sword looks as if it was damaged through high voltage. Maybe the Caveman used it to short out the lights. 7. Fuse: At the bottom of the second slope to the right of the first lift in the area past the fireplace. Velma's Comment: This fuse was probably removed to prevent the backup electrical system from working. 8. Coat of Arms: Below the ledge after the cable slide. Velma's Comment: Interesting... maybe the motifs on this coat of arms indicate who the caveman really is... 9. MFM Contract: On the awning just before the exit. Velma's Comment: This contract was signed between MFM and an anonymous company to share "fringe benefits of museum operations". 10. Breastplate: At end of hallway past the switch that opens the fireplace. Velma's Comment: This looks as if it was part of a suit of armor... maybe it was worn by the Caveman? Undersea Exhibit ---------------- 11. Cassette Tape: Over the moving platform before the big octopus that Fred and Daphne are being held prisoner on. Velma's Comment: This is a video tape of the Caveman holding Fred and Daphne... maybe that wasn't a live feed after all. 12. Emergency Light: On a ledge to the right just before the first walkway. Velma's Comment: This emergency light may have been removed to keep us from seeing the Caveman hiding in the shadows. 13. Museum Building Scale Model: On a ledge at the end of the moving platform to the right of the end of the first walkway. Velma's Comment: This seems to be part of the scale model of the museum. Maybe that's a clue to the Caveman's hideout? 14. Museum Guide: On a rock near the large island where you watch the cutscene with Fred and Daphne. Velma's Comment: This guidebook for the museum must have come from the Gift Shop. there might be some more information there. 15. Camera Tripod: Over the tentacle just before you board the submarine. Velma's Comment: The Caveman must have used this to film himself with Freed and Daphne, to make it look as if it was a live feed. 16. Reading Glasses: On some rocks by the submarine reachable from a path leading down from the first island with a 10,000 Volt Ghost generator. Velma's Comment: Reading glasses... could these belong to the person hiding under the Caveman's mask? =============== 6.2 Ingredients =============== Ingredients are used to purchase Scooby's Health Medals at Shaggy's Porta- kitchen. Scooby starts with 3 medals. The additional medal require increasing amounts of ingredients given by the following table. Medal Ingredients 4 2 5 3 6 4 7 5 8 6 9 7 10 8 11 9 12 10 13 10 Monstrous Fright and Magic ========================== 1. Ice Cream: In the area behind the ledge past Fred. 2. Hot Peppers: To the left in the hall after jumping across the moving platforms. 3. Chocolate Bar: Use 75 Mubber in the Mubber Converter on the ledge that can be accesses by grappling under a catwalk after getting the second clue. 4. Cabbage: On ledge reached by jumping up the two spring boards that appear to the right of the ramp by Velma. Chinatown ========== Market Area (1/4) ----------------- 1. Hot Peppers: In Market area, at end of ledge to left of top of the stair where the first clue is to the right. Cookie Factory -------------- 2. Eggplant: In alley past the rat hole on the ground to the right of the first set of stairs. 3. Cotton Candy: On a ledge to the left of the area under the first walkway that you need to grapple under. 4. Ham: In the back right corner of the area past the spider making machine. 5. Apple: Use 65 mubber in the mubber converter after the conveyors. Market Area (2/4) ----------------- 6. Shrimp: On tail of dragon statue. Reachable from the ledge by the silver coin. Sewers ------ 7. Fish: At the end a series of ledge to the left of the exit portal from the second main chamber in the sewers. 8. Cheese: In the waterfall near the entrance to the third sewer chamber. 9. Marshmallow: On a column in the fourth sewer chamber . the third main sewer chamber. 10. Pepperoni: Use 120 mubber in the mubber converter just before the slide. 11. Cabbage: At a turn in the river slide before the fork. 12. Pickle: In the center of the river before the third fork. Market Area (3/4) ----------------- 13. Lobster: On the ledge at the top of the staircase just before the entrance to the cookie factory. The staircase needs to be lowered with the Emergency Staircase Counterweight first. Temple ------ 14. Cheese: In a concealed cave on the ledge to the left of the entrance. 15. Chocolate Bar: On a dock past some rocks between the second and third gongs. 16. Carrot: Use 275 mubber in the mubber converter by the eighth gong. 17. Onion: By glowing paw print in a pile of stuff to the right of a monster making machine after the eighth gong. Market Area (4/4) ----------------- 18. Sausage: On a ledge above the purple awning before the cookie factory entrance. Required the Restaurant menu. 19. Hamburger: On a ledge over the sewer pits. Reach this be using the crane platform after getting the Crane Lever. Theme Park ========== Haunted House ------------- 1. Popcorn: End of ledge reach after grappling under catwalk just before the costume machine. 2. Chocolate Bar: Go right on the top of the chandeliers near the exit and ride a train to a room with a red circle to find the ingredient in that room. 3. Shrimp: Instead of riding the above train, double jump forward from the platform that takes you to it to find the ingredient behind a bookcase. 4. Broccoli: Use 185 mubber in the mubber converter at the exit. Midway (2/4) ------------ 5. Lobster: Behind door beside the wheel of fortune. 6. Broccoli: Glide to the Guitar Ghouls statue from the platforms by the train to the haunted house. Water Slide ----------- 7. Cabbage: Jump across the fall away platform to the right of the first monster making machine. 8. Cheese: On a ledge near the bottom of the cable slide after the third water slide. 9. Cotton Candy: In a niche near the first magnetic platform. 10. Fish: At the top of the fan room. 11. Marshmallow: On the giant water slide after a gap following a right and left turn in quick succession. 12. Ham : On the giant water slide over a gap late in the slide. Midway (3/4) 13. Carrot: In the giant hamburger on top of the building near the alley of concession booth. 14. Onion: In the door of the guitar on the house of mirror. Hit the volume knob to open it. Circus Tent ----------- 15. Pepperoni: At the end on the slide over the electrified water past the green grandstands. 16. Banana: On the second balloon suspended platform in the Big Top area. 17. Apple: On the bounce between the first two large clown balloon in the second Big Top areas after a cable slide. 18. Eggplant: Use 230 mubber in the mubber converter at the end on the second big top area. Midway (4/4) ------------ 19. Sausage: In the small booth under the tracks to the haunted house. 20. Pickle: In the booth behind some stacked cans in the alley of concession booths. Museum ====== Dinosaur Exhibit ---------------- 1. Apple: At the End of a curved path above a cluster of eggs. 2. Chips: On the second plateau to the left of the first monster making machine. 3. Sausage: In the interior area of the second mountain in the volcanic area. 4. Marshmallows: Use 190 Mubber in the mubber converter at the top of the third mountain in the volcanic region. Entrance Lobby (2/4) -------------------- 5. Cheese: In the door to the left of the carpet leading to the Dinosaur Exhibit. Medieval Exhibit ---------------- 6. Carrot: Over one of the furnaces in the entrance chamber. 7. Fish: At the end of the hall across some chandeliers and ledges from the switch that opens the fireplace. 8. Popcorn: On a ledge under the second of a pair of awning in the area past the fireplace. 9. Hamburger: On a ledge past some acid jets at the bottom of the second elevator in the area through the second glowing paw print. Entrance Lobby (3/4) -------------------- 10. Ham: In the snack machine beside the fuse box in the cafeteria. Underwater Exhibit ------------------ 11. Eggplant: On one to the leave by the large island where you see the cutscene with Fred and Daphne. 12. Hot Peppers: At the bottom of a path from the first island with a 10,000 Volt Ghost generator. 13. Shrimp: On a ledge on the second island with a 10,000 Volt Ghost generator. 14. Cotton Candy: Use 230 mubber in the mubber converter on the submarine. 15. Cabbage: On the right side halfway up at the beginning of the second turn in the flying sequence. 16. Broccoli: In the lower right just after the third turn in the flying sequence. Entrance Lobby (4/4) -------------------- 17. Pickle: Inside the gift shop in the center of the main floor. 18. Onion: In the room behind the filing cabinet in the security area. 19. Pepperoni: In the room across from the security area. 20. Ice Cream Cone: Behind the door at the top of the back staircase from the cafeteria. 21. Lobster: Over the largest planet in the planetary display. =============== 6.3 Trap Pieces =============== Chinatown ========= Cookie Factory -------------- 1. Broom: In the back left corner of the area past the spider making machine. Sewers ------ 2. Gas Can: Near the end a series of ledge to the left of the exit portal from the second main chamber in the sewers. Temple ------ 3. Rope: Hole in rear of building between sixth and seventh gongs. Theme Park ========== Haunted House ------------- 1. Lantern: Behind bookcase beside first rideable rail car track. Water Slide ----------- 2. Umbrella: In a niche to the left past the first switch electric cable. Circus Tent ----------- 3. Shovel: On a platform in the Big Top shortly after a string of three fans. Museum ====== Dinosaur Exhibit ----------------- 1. Broom: On a ledge to the right of two turtle ledge on the third mountain in the volcanic area. Medieval Exhibit ---------------- 2. Garbage Can: On a ledge below the first slope to the right of the first lift in the area past the fireplace. Medieval Exhibit ---------------- 3. Wrench: At the bottom of the slope on the second island with a 10,000 Volt Ghost generator. ----------------- 6.4 Costume Coins ----------------- Chinatown ========= Chinatown Market (2/4) ---------------------- 1. Silver Kung Fu coin. Over awning reachable from the raised forklift across from the Cookie Factory Entrance. Unlocks the Kung Fu costume machines allowing Scooby to wear a Kung Fu costume. Chinatown Market (3/4) ---------------------- 2. Gold Kung Fu coin. In mouth of dragon statue. Upgrades the Kung Fu costume to Ninja costume. Theme Park ========== Midway (2/4) ------------ 1. Silver Bat Coin: On a platform reach across a some trapeze bars from the top of the concession booth. The hamburger springboard needs to have been activated. Midway (4/4) ------------ 2. Gold Bat Coin: Release by jumping on the strength text and get by using the nearby hamburger springboard. Museum ====== Entrance Lobby (2/4) -------------------- 1. Silver Robin Hood Coin: On the scaffold reachable by jumping from Saturn in the planetary display. Entrance Lobby (3/4) -------------------- 2. Gold Robin Hood Coin: Above the tallest of three display case outside the Medieval Exhibit. =============== 6.5 Other Items =============== There are two other types of items that can be picked up either laying around, or by destroying enemies and various items. One of this is Scooby snacks, which come either singly or in a box of 100. 100 of these are need to restore one medal of Scooby's Health. You can have up to 100 of these is reserve. Scooby Snacks typically form a trail to the next objective. The other item is Mubber. Red Mubber is worth 1, blue mubber is worth 3, and yellow mubber is worth 5. This is used at certain machine to product costumes or ingredients. The costume bestow special ability on Scooby until it's remove by passing through the beam from a purple lamp. ****************************************************************************** 7. Unlockable Monster Profiles ****************************************************************************** The descriptions and tips from the Monster Profiles from the game are presented in subsections 7.1-7.3. Subsection 7.4 contains a listing of enemies which the game doesn't have profiles for. ======================== 7.1 World 1 - China Town ======================== Trap Pieces Required: Broom Gas Can Rope Kung-Fu Maiden -------------- Description: These animatronics were built by MFM for a big-budget martial arts movie. Toughness: Medium Speed: Medium Attacks: Martial Arts Kick, Hair Whip Tips: These capable martial artists will often evade low attacks. Attack them from above, either with a bounce or a smash. Ninja ----- Description: These stealthy animatronics were used in many martial arts films. Toughness: Low Speed: High Attacks: Martial Arts Kick, Throwing Star Tips: Ninjas will often evade slides, rolls and smash attacks. Spin into them to beep them off-balance. Chinese Zombie -------------- Description: These hulking animatronics represent spirits from the underworld. Toughness: Low Speed: Low Attacks: Ground Stomp, Poison Gas breath Tips: Be careful to avoid these monsters' poison gas breath attack. Try rolling into them to avoid the shockwave of their stomp attack. Zen Tuo ------- Description: This villain won't attack you directly, but rather by controlling a huge dragon. Toughness: Very High Speed: Medium Attacks: Dragon Swoop, Dragon Breath Tips: Only Kung-Fu attack will damage the dragon. Try using the Mega-Strike for maximum effect. ======================== 7.2 World 2 - Theme Park ======================== Trap Pieces Required: Lantern Umbrella Shovel Fire-Breathing Groupie ---------------------- Description: These animatronics were built for the Guitar Ghoul to star in his music videos. Toughness: Medium Speed: Medium Attacks: Kick, Fire Breath Tips: When in their defensive stance, they will block all types of frontal attacks. Use bounce and smash attacks instead. Circus Strongman ---------------- Description: Incredibly strong, this type of animatronics can be used for a variety of tasks. Toughness: Medium Speed: Medium Attacks: Cymbals Crash, Shockwave Tips: Wait for them to do their shockwave attack then slide or roll into then. Juggling Clown -------------- Description: These evil-looking robotic clowns are part of the Guitar Ghoul's circus attractions. Toughness: Medium Speed: Low Attacks: Mic Bash, Mic Throw Tips: Evade their microphones by jumping around then spin-attack or smash them from above. The Guitar Ghoul ---------------- Description: The master of Rockin' Roller Coaster Park, he controls all the monsters in it. Toughness: Very High Speed: High Attacks: Guitar Bolt, Soundwave Tips: Avoid his guitar bolts by running in circles, and spin-attack spiders to destroy his glass shield. ==================== 7.3 World 3 - Museum ==================== Trap Pieces Required: Broom Trash Can Wrench Black Knight ------------ Description: These creepy walking suits of armor were produced by MFM for a fantasy epic. Toughness: High Speed: Low Attacks: Gauntlet Slap, Ground Stomp Tips: The Knights will sometime use their shields to block frontal attacks, but they'll still be vulnerable to bounce and smash attacks. Pterodactyl ----------- Description: These winged monsters are bipedal versions of the famous flying dinosaurs. Toughness: Medium Speed: Medium Attacks: Beak Snap, Fire Breath Tips: These monsters will sometimes wrap themselves up in their wings to block high attacks. When they do, use slides and rolls to hit them. 10,000 Volt Ghost ----------------- Description: Surrounded by an electrical field, these monsters can be quite a shock! Toughness: High Speed: High Attacks: Lightning Bolt, Thunder Stomp Tips: You can't touch these guys without getting shocked, so you'll have to use the Robin Hood Plunger shot to beat them. The Caveman ----------- Description: Straight out of the Ice Age, this burly caveman has scared away all museum workers. Toughness: Very High Speed: High Attacks: Flying Saucer Tips: Bump the Caveman's Flying Saucer into the sides of the arena to damage it. Look for power-ups thrown by the gang for added firepower. ==================== 7.4 Unlisted Enemies ==================== The are several enemies which lack entry in the Monster Profiles. Rats ---- There large rodents typically emerge from their holes after you frighten some smaller rodents into them. Repeated spin attacks are sufficient to take these out. Smash attack can be effective against groups of these. Spiders ------- These slow moving arachnids often lower themselves into a room on a thread before dropping to the floor. The are quite vulnerable which on the thread, with a single spin attack sending them flying. On the ground, two spin attacks will be required. A metallic variant of the spider will appear during the battle with the Guitar Ghoul. Shieldless Black Knight ----------------------- You'll encounter this variant of the Black Knight during the second last mission. Instead of a shield it projects the same energy shield that the 10,000 volt ghost does. It's still vulnerable to bounce and smash attacks like the early version. Giant Pterodactyl ----------------- The large flying reptilian animatronics looks like the smaller version. As the main opponent of the final mission, subsection 5.5.2 is dedicated to a strategy for defeating the three stages of this boss. ****************************************************************************** 8. LEGAL ****************************************************************************** This document is Copyright 2005, 2006 MysticWeirdo aka Warren Grieder. All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their respective trademark and copyright holders. Permission to host this document is given to the following: GameFAQs IGN Sites that DO NOT have permission and never will: fuska.nu cheats.de CheatCC.com cheatindex.com supercheats.de This file may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission, except GameFaqs and IGN. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. ****************************************************************************** 9. Contact Information ****************************************************************************** For suggestions and/or corrections for this guide please email: mystic.weirdo [at] gmail.com The most recent version of this guide will be on www.gamefaqs.com. Please check there before contacting me with additions/corrections. Please include Scooby Doo FAQ in the subject of any email regarding this FAQ. ****************************************************************************** 10. Credits ****************************************************************************** Thanks go to the following: Warner Brothers, THQ, and A2M for making this game. The following sites for hosting this FAQ: GameFAQs IGN Thanks to julie andrews for providing the listing of PS2 Controls. Thanks to Matthew Iverson for providing the Gamecube control listing. ****************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************