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Updated Diablotaur and Sirian Dark Lord sections with new info. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ================== =================== 1.1: Introduction =================== 1.1.1: Why do a Boss Faq? 1.1.2: General Tips ============= 2.1: Bosses ============= 2.1.1: Ancient Rome (Diablotaur) 2.1.2: Feudal China (Subterranean Emporer Hydra) 2.1.3: Legendary Atlantis/Sirian Mothership (Sirian Dark Lord) ============== 3.1: Closing ============== 3.1.1: Copyright information and stuff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 - INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 - WHY DO A BOSS FAQ? =========================== Serious Sam: Next Encounter has some of the most toughest battles ever and some people can get stuck on them, and ever since I completed this game on Normal difficulty, I had the idea of doing a boss faq. This FAQ will assist you and give you the best possible way of defeating each of the bosses in this game. Do note that this guide was written while playing the Normal Difficulty, so things will either be easier or harder than suggested, and the points you get from bosses will also be different depending on difficulty (You get about twice the number of points that can be gotten on Normal Difficulty on Serious Difficulty!) 1.1.2 - GENERAL TIPS ===================== - Don't waste certain types of ammunition on enemies! You may need them to even the odds with bosses greatly. - When using the sniper rifle, only use it while in scope mode (activated by pressing the 'b' button, if you're playing the Gamecube version)! For some reason, the sniper rifle does damage that is comparable to that of the Serious/SBC cannon. Use it on bosses if you don't have anything that is more useful to start with on the boss. - Don't use Serious Bombs during boss fights, other than for clearing out some lesser enemies that are getting at your throat while you battle the boss. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.1 - BOSS FIGHTS ================== 2.1.1 - ANCIENT ROME: Diablotaur ======================================= This is the first boss and the boss of the Colloseum (aka Showdown at the Arena, not the level where you're accidently teleported to the Colloseum). After defeating two waves of enemies there should be another health heart spawned at the center of the arena with an arrow pointing at it. Picking it up will trigger the boss battle. Below is the information directly from the game. ----------------- Diablotaur A gigantic beast, wielding awesome strength and awesome firepower. Records show this creature was bred by the Romans as a Gladiatorial spectacle of the highest order at the whim of Caesar. Mental has further abused this creature's nature by augmenting it with several modern weapons systems, replacing it's skeleton with a titanium rig and supplementing its brain with a remote control processing unit. Scans reveal that it's brainwaves are being corrupted in order to produce a state of permanent rage. This device also pumps a constant supply of adrenaline into the creatures bloodstream, meaning it feels no pain. It uses its shield to deflect much of your attacks so look for a window in its defense in which you can hit it with your strongest firepower. Metabolism: Cybernetically Enhanced Gladiatorial Spectacle Perception: Timelock Guardian Endurance: High Size: 30 ft Weapons: Chain guns, Sword, Rocket Launchers Threat: Very High Score: 100,000 points ------------------ Man, that's one tough cookie! You're gonna die lots of times, but it's possible to walk away with a gold medal (I did, and I died several times figuring out its pattern). When the Diablotaur raises it's upper cannons, it's gonna shoot alot of rockets. These are easy to avoid by diagonal-strafing back. Another attack it uses is a laser attack. Dodge the first laser by strafing, then taunt as if you were going to strafe in that direction and go the opposite way, like you would with large lava Golems from the first two encounters of Serious Sam. It will also attack with it's chainguns, and they shoot homing bullets! Strafe and hope that you can avoid them, but you'll either take damage a little or a lot, or die in the process. Finally, the Diablotaur will try to run you over with a charge attack, but it's easily dodgeable. You can tell he's doing the charge attack is when he is violently flinching. Get as far away as you can and keep strafing to avoid it's charge attack. If you are too far from it, it will just keep using that attack anyways. Periodically in the battle, Porcine Berserkers and Beheaded Kamikazes will make your battle much worse, so I'd eliminate them before continuing to fight the Diablotaur. The best way to defeat it, is to use the Sniper Rifle. It will take approx. 23-25 sniper bullets to kill it. Keep shooting it while you avoid it's attacks. Hopefully you saved enough sniper bullets to do the job. If not, use the Double-Barrelled Shotgun, Minigun, Uzis, or any hitscan weapon to finish off the Diablotaur. If your health is low, there's a health heart and Sonic Rockets found behind the Diablotaur's appearance area, along with Serious Skates. You will need the Serious Skates if you happen to die too much (and of course you'll need the Serious Skates on difficulties higher than Normal). Despite what it's threat level is, it should actually be immeasurable! :\ Of course, with Serious Skates, the threat level would actually be below what it is anyways. 2.1.2 - FEUDAL CHINA: Subterranean Emperor Hydra ================================================= This fiend is in the level "The Beast Beneath the Palace", the final level in Feudal China. As soon as the level starts, start running towards the center of the arena. There's a green ammunition pack there (indicated by a yellow arrow). Pick it up and holes will blow up all over the area (except the central area you are on). Get ready to battle the... ------------------ Subterranean Emporer Hydra This huge beast has lain dormant for millenia beneath the Ancient Palace where its immense natural power was often drawn upon in magical ceremonies. Someone has awoken this three-headed Serpent King and augmented its heads with the latest in military weaponry. Now industrial class mining drills and 100MW lasers accompany its natural ability to breath jets of flame. Scans also show its brain waves flooded with signals to override its natural instincts. After all those years asleep, he seems furious and is intent on destruction. You'll have to defeat each of the three heads if you're to get past this mythical beast. Metabolism: Cybernetically Modified Ancient Monster Perception: Timelock Guardian Endurance: High Size: 25 ft Weapons: Mining Drill, Fire Breath, 100MW Laser Threat: Very High Score: 0 points (Actually it's 150,000 points) ------------------- For this battle, the Serious/SBC Cannon, Sniper Rifle, Rocket Launcher with Sonic Rockets, heck anything are the best weapons to use. Two heads take turns rising (a bacheish head that shoots mining drills which stick to the ground and explode later, and a blue head which shoots the 100MW laser), and each head rises twice before trading places with another head. After taking down approx. 1/9 or 1/8 of it's health, the first two heads will gang up and attack you. The blue head uses a new laser attack while the bacheish head will still shoot it's usual drills. Next, after both heads go back into the lava, a dragon head will pop out and spit out 7 sets of 3 fireballs, going in different directions. Getting hit by EVEN one of these is bad, as you'll get ignited in flames and lose a lot of health! Each head set only rises once at a time. When all three heads are down to 1/2 or less of their health together, they will all attack you at once! The previous two heads will attack as they did without the dragon head, but the dragon head will use a flame breath attack (much like the ones the devil stallions use and almost like your flamethrower's standard attack!). It's crucial to get rid of the dragon and blue heads immediately as they are more dangerous than the bacheish head. Here's the order the heads must be destroyed at: 1. Dragon Head 2. Blue Head 3. Bacheish Head And you can easily tell if one of the heads is nearly dead is when the crosshair colour over the specific head changes from green (healthy) to red (near death). Eventually the heads will then start to die, one by one, and the battle will become more tolerable and you should be able to finish off the final head with one of your weaker weapons (heck, go ahead and use those pistols on it!) When it's health goes down to 0% it will completely die. And do note that Netricsa identifies the enemies to yield no points: It actually yields 50000 points for each head killed, for a maximum of 150,000 points! Like other boss battles, it's really easy to get a gold medal. 2.1.3 - LEGENDARY ATLANTIS/SIRIAN MOTHERSHIP: Sirian Dark Lord ============================================= Like other boss stages, walk forwards until you get to the arena, but when you step on the arena, do not pick up the health heart or super armor! Pick up ONLY the green ammopack, as the other items do not appear again and when you die,you will respawn with only 100% health and no armor. A cutscene will ensue, and after the cutscene, a checkpoint will be placed! When you do die, the items will all respawn in the same place as before, so you can get the health heart and super armor each time you die, and you will always keep the ammo you had from the checkpoint before you died. Anyways, below is the information direct from the game to let you know what's in store for you... --------------------- Sirian Dark Lord The ultimate defense system of a Sirian Mothership, The Dark Lord is the soul of a great Sirian Warrior fused with the very core of the ship. Drawing his power from the singularity that powers the ship's engines and with the battle experience of the elite Sirian Guard, Dark Lords have been known to destroy entire fleets of opposing ships and even planets. Capable of unlimited self-propelled flight and possessed of a multitude of weapons systems, the Dark Lord should only be activated by Sirian High Command in a dire situation. Somehow someone has bypassed these systems and released the Dark Lord in order to destroy you. Your chances of survival are almost nil. Possessed of the ability to rebuild damaged components and replace them with materials pulled directly from the Sirian Mothership's hull, the Dark Lord is almost immortal. My calculations suggest your best chance of damaging the Dark Lord is during his restructuring when his energies are diverted from shielding to the process of assimilation. Metabolism: Technologically fused Sirian Soul Perception: Giant Energy creature / Giant Robot Endurance: Immeasureable Size: 50 ft Weapons: Rockets, lasers, chainguns, energy balls Threat: Immeasureable Score: 1,000,000 points (you gotta believe that =) ) -------------------- Man, this dude rivals the difficulty of that of Ugh-Zan from Serious Sam: The First Encounter (or for those who played the Xbox version, the 2nd episode of Serious Sam). He does not regenerate his health, but he is invincible when all his cybernetic pieces are intact. To add to the trouble, Atlanteans will be spawned in the arena as well. Luckily, there's an ammo pack surrounded by Armor shards at the central part of the arena, and a health heart and a super armor at different corners of the arena (which will respawn periodically during the battle), each surrounded by health pills. There are also lines of different types of ammunition, which include cannonballs, energy cells, and heat-seeking missiles to name a few. The Dark Lord himself has several attacks: He will shoot a line of rockets (each one doing the same amount of damage as the Diablotaur's), indicated when one of his arms is held out for a long time. He will also use a chaingun on you, but you shouldn't worry about it (that's a relief, considering that the Diablotaur uses homing bullets). The plasma balls he shoots have the damage value of a Major biomechanoid's rockets, so you should always avoid them. Another attack he will use is a devil stallion's fireballs, and you should avoid them, otherwise you will get scorched in flames (and even die if they eliminate all your health at once). Of course, once you damage the Dark Lord enough, he will resort to Reptiloid Highlander fireballs and lasers instead of his standard fireballs and chaingun attacks. The Dark Lord will fly down and then fly to the other side to ambush you from behind, or just fly across the arena past you, so turn 180 degrees either side and face (or await, if he flew under the arena) towards the Dark Lord. To make him vulnerable to your firepower, you must peel off all of his robotic parts with your Minigun (recommended) and Sirian Power Gun. You should get rid of the last part of the Dark Lord's robotic parts with the Sniper Rifle (in scope mode). You know you got rid of all his robotic parts is when he will hover down and then attack you with a laser. This laser attack takes off a decent amount of health (about 20-30 points each swipe). At this time, use your sniper rifle (in scope mode for maximum damage) to shoot at his head (the exact center of it, any other side of his head don't seem to do any damage), and you should be able to get 2-3 shots (maybe even 4 shots if you're lucky). Each shot takes off approx. 1/6 of his health, so you can consider him to have a laughable amount of health compared to the Diablotaur and Subterranean Emperor Hydra, and depending on the difficulty you are on, the Dark Lord can only handle between 3 (the minimum to kill him on Easy difficulty) to 10 (on Serious Difficulty) sniper bullets to kill him. If you'd rather use other weapons than the sniper rifle, his health won't go down as much, and forget about using heat-seeking rockets, because they won't work against him, but are useful for taking out Atlanteans which keep getting on your nerves. You won't be able to kill the Dark Lord in one attack opportunity, so you'll have to repeat the process of blasting off his robotic parts again, and remember that he uses Reptiloid Highlander Fireballs and laser beams if his health is low enough! He may also switch back to using chainguns and fireballs when his health is below half or in the red. After his health bar is dissipated, the game will immediately halt and go directly to a cutscene, and I'm not spoiling it. Congratulations on beating Serious Sam: Next Encounter (and one of the toughest bosses in the history of all the Serious Sam games!) I managed to defeat the Dark Lord in under 3 minutes and 20 seconds on Normal Difficulty, but did it above 18 minutes on Serious Difficulty. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.1 - CLOSING ============== 3.1.1 - COPYRIGHT INFORMATION AND STUFF ========================================= Special Thanks goes to: -Croteam for making Serious Sam happen! -Global Star Software and Climax Entertainment for bringing Sam over to the Playstation 2 and Nintendo Gamecube (Also parts of this guide were directly from the game, so credit is given to them for the info that is direct from the game) Serious Sam: Next Encounter Boss FAQ Copyright 2004 by Sean Gauthier aka. Cacoenchanter DOOM. Serious Sam: Next Encounter is copyright 2004 by Croteam, Global Star Software, and Climax Entertainment. Please do not put parts/all of this FAQ on your own website, FAQ, and/or walkthrough without permission and proper credit. The following sites can host this FAQ: GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com) Neoseeker (www.neoseeker.com) I can be contacted at: Email: Gauthier.home@sympatico.ca AIM: Genehilanth