-------------------------------------------------------------------- Shaman King: Soul Fight! (for GameCube) FAQ (Ver. 0.9) Written by Paul Fidika (Fidika@new.rr.com) -------------------------------------------------------------------- ++++++++++++++++++++++ 0. Table of Contents ++++++++++++++++++++++ 0. Table of Contents 1. Menus -Menu Translation -Menu Explanation 2. Battle Controls and Menus -Battle Status Bars -Battle Screen Menus -Rock -Scissors -Paper -Special-Moves -Special Attacks -Tag-Team Controls 3. Training your characters -Strategies -Menu-Translations 4. Secrets 5. Credits ++++++++++ 1. Menus ++++++++++ Menu Translation ________________ Story-Mode Shaman-King Mode (Secret) Shaman-Fight Mode Omake (Secret) Tutorial Options Menu Explanation ________________ -Story-Mode: Play through the anime's (highly abridged) story as Asakura Yoh. In between battles and storyline cut-scenes, you'll have to play mini-games to level-up your characters. -Shaman-Fight Mode: You'll be presented with the menu: -1st Player VS Computer -1st Player VS 2nd Player -1st Player VS Computer (with custom characters) (Secret) -1st Player VS 2nd Player (with custom characters) (Secret) -If you select any of the first 4 options, you'll receive a second menu allowing you to choose from 1-on-1 or 3-on-3. If you're using custom characters, you'll be sent to a third screen to pick load character-data from your memory card. -Survival (Secret) -Pick your best custom character and battle your way past 3 randomly chosen enemies to fight Hao. St will be restored and status affects removed in between fights, but your HP / OSP / Special-meter will not be. Your first 3 enemies are sissies, but Hao is an immortal God! This is by far the toughest mode in this game; train your characters well before taking it on! -Tutorial: This explains the various menus and controls in the game, unfortunately it's all in Japanese! O_O -Shaman-King Mode: Select your team of 3 and train them like mad in between fights. You'll progress through the Shaman-Fight Tournament, taking down 3 randomly chosen teams, and Hao in the final round. -Omake: -Intros: View one of the two intro-scenes, straight from the anime! -Cutscenes -Story Cutscenes: All of the cutscenes from story-mode. -Special Events: All of the special events (birthdays, holidays, etc.) from Shaman-King mode and all of the Shaman-King endings you've seen. -Sound -Background Music -Sound Effects -Voices -Special-Attack Cutscenes -Options: -Rumble: On / Off -Sound: Stereo / Mono -Sound Effect Volume -Background Music Volume ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 2. Battle Controls and Menus ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Battle Status Bars __________________ During battle you'll notice that there are several status bars displayed at the top of the screen. -OSP Meter: This is your top purple bar or number. Whenever you take damage your OSP will decrease until it reaches 0, at which time any further damage will be taken off of your HP meter. (Max: 999) -HP Meter: This is your top Green number. Your HP meter is actually several bars layered on top of each other; once one is depleted, the next bar will start being depleted. After your total HP reaches 0, you die. (Max: 999) -ST Display: Attacks use up ST, and you won't be able to use an attack if you don't have enough ST for that move. Press B or use a Special ST-restoring move to replenish your ST-supply. (Max: 10 - 20) -Special Meter: Whenever you hit someone or dodge / block an attack, your small blue meter will rise. Once this maxes out, you'll gain a special-crystal, which you'll need to use your special. (Max: 3) The Battle Screen Menu ______________________ On the battle screen-menu, there are 4 options for you to select (listed in descending order); (1) Rock, (2) Scissors (3) Paper, and (4) Special. Highlight one of these and press "A" to make your choice, the countdown 3-second countdown will now begin. You can always change your selection before the countdown finishes. As you play the game, you'll come to realize that making it look like you've selected one move (say, rock), while you've actually selected another move (say, scissors) is part of the strategy! All moves are either level 1, level 2, or level 3. Higher-level attacks will use up more ST, but will deal more damage. Moves which have little icons next to their names (such as a skull or a heart) have status-effects which take action once the move hits your enemy (e.g., poisoning your enemy, etc.). By Pressing right or level on the D-Pad or control-stick, you can select different (1) Rock ________ Rock VS Rock: Both players will either have to mash the A-button or rotate the control stick as fast as possible (a la Mario Party). Rock VS Scissors: Rock Wins Rock VS Paper: Rock Loses If Rock wins, both players will have to play a Dance-Dance-Revolution style mini-game, in which arrows or buttons move from right to left. Hit the corresponding button once it is highlighted. The better your timing, the higher up your meter will go. Whoever has the highest meter at the end of the round will deal extra damage to their opponent. (Higher-level moves mean that the button-sequence will be longer.) (2) Scissors ____________ Scissors VS Rock: Scissors Loses Scissors VS Scissors: Both player's attacks cancel each other out Scissors VS Paper: Scissors Wins If Scissors wins, both players will have to press a sequence of buttons as fast as possible (you only have a finite amount of time to finish!). Whoever enters the sequence first, or whoever has the fewest misses, wins. You'll have to do this once, twice, or thrice, depending upon the level of the attack. After each sequence, the attacker either hits the enemy, or the enemy dodges, depending on who won that sequence. Whoever won the most sequences gets to deal extra damage. (3) Paper _________ Paper VS Rock: Paper Wins Paper VS Scissors: Paper Loses Paper VS Paper: Neither side attacks If Paper wins, both players will see a button displayed, and whoever presses the corresponding button the fastest wins. Your usual reaction time should be within .5 seconds, especially later in the game, when your opponents will have an astounding reaction time of .3 seconds or less! (4) Special-Moves _________________ Special against any of the other three means you'll lose and damage will be dealt to you, but you'll get to perform your special once the damage sequences are over. Specials include useful things like restoring your OSP, poisoning your enemy, regenerating your HP, restoring ST, etc. Special-moves usually consume a small portion of your HP to use them. Finally, by pressing B, you'll do a simple move in which you restore half of your ST. Special-Attacks _______________ When you have 1 or more special crystals, you can use your special attack by pressing the X button. The more crystals you have, the higher-level attack you can perform. Press right on the D-Pad or control-stick to make more of your crystals "glow," or left to decrease the number of glowing crystals. What level special-attack you perform will depend upon how many crystals are glowing at the time you press X. Press Y to reflect your opponent's special; your opponent's special attack will stop immediately, and you'll use your corresponding-level special-attack (you'll use up their special-crystals, not your own). (Note that although everyone has 3 levels of special attacks, not all of the special- attack animations will be different. For example, Faust's level 2 and 3 specials look identical but his level 3 special will deal more damage than level-2.) Finally, if you selected an attack while your opponent used their special, you'll still use up that move's ST. If you used a special-move or special-attack while your opponent used their special-attack, you'll perform your move / attack after their special-attack animation finishes. Tag-Team controls _________________ Press R or L to perform a special-move which will switch out to one of your other characters (in tag-team, each team consists of 3 characters). (Your characters which are not fighting will have their OSP and Special-meters slowly restored.) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 3. Training your Characters +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Strategies __________ Select your character, and you'll be presented with a book. The first marker lets you choose that character's training program for the week, and the second option lets you view that character's stats. Each character has 4 bars, which will allow you to learn a new move once it maxes out (Green: Rock attacks, Blue: Scissors attacks, Yellow: Paper attacks, Orange: Special moves). You'll have to play a quick mini-game before you learn the new move. Once you've learned all the moves of a certain class, you'll level up for that class and your Stress stats will both drop to 0 (more about that in a moment!). There are 8 training activities which increase a certain class of attacks (you'll note that there's a color correspondence!). Almost always pick the leftmost training activity, as the leftmost one is the weaker one of the two. Later in the game you can also fight other enemies of your choice to test out your new moves, or you can advertise Anna's Spa and Hotel, and build up her business. Once all three of Anna's bars max out, her Hotel will "level up." The maximum is level-4, by the way. Why would you want to waste your precious training time doing this, you might ask? Well, the higher-level her hotel is, the faster your characters will level up! (You'll gain more stress along the way though.) After selecting an activity, select a supervisor (Anna or Pirika will make you level up the fastest, but they'll also increase your stress more, while Manta or Tao Jun will make your characters level up slower with less Stress.) Finally, you can pick the training routine's difficulty (just set to max, the top option, again, you level up faster but with more stress). Your character performs the routine, and their stats increase. All training programs create stress (some more than others), which, if it gets to high, will result in your characters "failing" future training routines (their stats don't go up at all and you just lose a week). To avoid this, you can lower their stress by selecting the "Rest" option for the week's activity (it's a big "Z"). Menu Translations _________________ Highlight and select the little blue spirit in the upper left-hand corner. The menu will look like this initially (yes, it rotates: Assign Moves Save Game Exit Menu Options Start Week Assign Moves ____________ Pick what moves you want your characters to use (you'll learn plenty of new ones as the game progresses.) Save Game _________ Talk to Manta, to save and continue playing, press Yes (top option) through the whole thing. -Due you want to save? Yes / No -Yes: Overwite Previously Saved Game Data?: Yes / No -No: Do you want to continue playing?: Yes / No -Continue Playing?: Yes / No Start Week __________ Rather than having to choose the schedule every week, you can just come here to do exactly what you did last week. ++++++++++++ 4. Secrets ++++++++++++ -Unlock Shaman-King Mode and Omake: In Story mode, defeat Hao for the second time, watch the ending credits, and save, to unlock these two new modes. On your way through Story mode, you'll also unlock several characters and the 3rd and 4th modes in Shaman Fight-mode. Whew! -Unlock Asakura Yoh and Tao Ren's Second Costumes: After beating Story mode, select the second Yoh and hold down the start button while pressing A, Yoh will now lack Amidamaru's shield. Do the same for the first Tao Ren, and Tao Ren will now be in his bright-yellow school uniform! -Unlock Tao Ren, Faust VII, Lyserg, Jeanne, etc. in Shaman-King mode: If you're missing, say, Horo Horo's second costume in Shaman-Fight mode, start a new game in Shaman-King mode and make that character (Horo Horo, in this example) your first team member. Save that game, and then exit out, and you'll now have Horo Horo's second costume in Shaman-Fight mode! (The following characters have secondary forms: Asakura Yoh, Tao Ren, Horo Horo, Faust VII, Ryu, and Lyserg.) All of the characters have different speical attacks in their alternate forms. -Unlock Lyserg in Shaman-King mode: Beat Shaman-King mode once. -Unlock Jeanne in Shaman-King mode and Survival Mode: Beat shaman-King mode twice. -Unlock Asakura Yoh's 3rd Form: Beat survival mode (easier said than done!). I'd recommend training one character (your favorite, like Faust VII for me ^_^) all throughout Shaman King mode and/or Story Mode (if applicable) to max his or her stats out. The final battle with Hao is VERY difficult, he seems to be psychic and can tell exactly when you're using your special so that he will counter it almost every time. The third Yoh is just like the second one, only he can equip WAY more moves than anyone else in the game, and his Special-Attack animations are way cool! It's worth all the trouble just to see these attacks!! -Unlock Asakura Hao: ???? (Does anyone know?!!) ++++++++++++ 5. Credits ++++++++++++ This FAQ was written by Paul Fidika on November 2003. Please do not copy this FAQ without permission. Any questions can be sent to me at Fidika@new.rr.com Thanks goes to GameFAQs.com for posting this FAQ, and Tommy and Bandai for making such a cool game! And thank you for reading this FAQ! ^_^