Game Name: Skies of Arcadia: Legends Available On: GameCube Author: Zaloopa Contacts: E-mail - or just find me on the Skies of Arcadia Social Board at GameFAQs. Or go to and post on my message boards. ____ __ __ _____ _____ ____ __ () ___ (_ ) /__\ ( ) ( _ )( _ )( _ \ /__\ / / __) / /_ /(__)\ )(__ )(_)( )(_)( )___//(__)\ \__ \ (____)(__)(__)(____)(_____)(_____)(__) (__)(__) (___/ ___ ____ ____ _ _ ____ __ _____ / __)( _ \( ___)( \/\/ ) ( ___)/__\ ( _ ) ( (__ ) / )__) ) ( )__)/(__)\ )(_)( \___)(_)\_)(____)(__/\__) (__)(__)(__)(___/\\ v1.0 Legal Stuff: This guide didn't exactly take a lot of time to make, but I don't exactly have a ton of free time between work/school/playing video games, so please don't post this FAQ without asking me first and giving credit where credit is due. If you ignored that first little bit then read the next sentance. You jerk, how dare you steal my creation! I'll smite ye! ***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***### ***###***###***###***Introduction***###***###***###*** ***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***### @@@ WARNING!!! @@@ If you don't like spoilers then don't read this FAQ!!! Now that that's out of the way I'll proceed with the introduction. In Skies of Arcadia once you get your ship the Delphinus two important things will be available to you. First, you'll be able to start recruiting crew members to keep your ship in good shape. Second, you'll have access to the two crew specials, one which uses your party and a giant moon colliding with the world, and the other which uses your active crew members to do lots of damage and heal your party at the same time, the amount of healing and damage depend on which active crew members you picked. This guide is designed to show you where each crew member can be found, what you need to do to recruit them, and other useful info about each person. The crew members are listed roughly in the order that you can recruit them. The crew descriptions below will all follow the same general pattern, here's what everything means: -Name: The crew member's name. (duh) -Description: Just my mindless ramblings about that particular crew member, nothing important here. -Position: What the crew member's job is on your ship. -Where: Where you can find them before you recruit them. -Recruit: What you need to do to get them to join. -Stats: What they do for your ship once you set them as an active crew member. (note, if I don't list an SP cost here then what they do for your ship is always active and best of all, it's free!) -Blue Rogue Attack: This is where I describe what the crew member does in the crew special "Blue Rogue Attack". So there you have it, enjoy! ***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***###*** ***###***###***###***Crew List***###***###***###*** ***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***###*** Name: Marco Description: Marco is the jerk little kid who annoys you constantly but for some strange reason Vyse seems to like the little brat. Position: Sailor Where: On the Delphinus, hiding in a storage compartment on the bridge. Recruit: Marco is in there as soon as you get the Delphinus, just open the storage compartment to find him and he'll join. Stats: Using Marco in a ship battle will recover SP, but you need 8 SP to use him. Blue Rogue Attack: Marco has a very gross animation. He appears to be picking his nose and then he pulls out his finger with a giant green glob the size of his head on the end of it. He then proceeds to fling this glob toward the camera in an attack while saying "Take this!" or something similar. Ugh. Name: Polly Description: Polly owns the tavern on Sailor's Island and has a reputation as a great cook. Her husband was a sailor who disappeared in the Dark Rift a long time ago. Position: Cook Where: In the tavern on Sailor's Island. Recruit: Just talk to her and she'll join. Stats: Using Polly in a ship battle will recover 10 MP for a character of your choosing, but you need 6 SP to use her. Blue Rogue Attack: Polly's animation is pretty simple, the camera pans around her to show off her curves I guess, and then she lays a big kiss on the camera leaving lipstick marks on the screen. Somehow this heals you. Name: Lawrence Description: Lawrence is a mix between the typical "I'm too cool to be friends with you" anime character and the "money is the only thing I care about" mercenary character, which I don't know how that works since Lawrence isn't a very "cool" name. He should've been named something more dramatic... like Steve. Position: Helmsman Where: Near the guild on Sailor's Island, around the corner from the doors. Recruit: Pay him 10,000 gold. Stats: Adds 30 Quick to your ship's stats. Blue Rogue Attack: In Lawrence's animation he jumps down from off-screen holding a cool red sword and says "This is what I'm paid for." and then some light flashes on the sword and it looks all cool and makes you want to put him in your party, but you can't and you just sit in the corner crying all night. Name: Pinta Description: Pinta is a funny looking little guy who played a bigger part in the Dreamcast version, but I never played that so I don't know any details. All I know is that Pinta is an explorer and that's why he joins you, to explore. Position: Delegate Where: In the equipment shop on Sailor's Island. Recruit: Just talk to him. Stats: Blocks all damage from enemy cannons for a full turn, but he costs 10 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: First he jumps into view and his little belly jiggles, then he swings a wrench at the camera in an attack. Name: Pow Description: Pow is Vyse's dog but most of the time before he joins you he's running around playing with the kids on Pirate Island. Position: Jester Where: On Pirate Island. Recruit: Just talk to him. Stats: Increases the chance of attacking first during a ship battle, but costs 4 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: Pow jumps around leaving a rainbow trail behind him and then ends up right in front of the camera barking at it. Name: Khazim Description: Khazim seems somewhat disgruntled but really he's a very dedicated gunner looking for revenge against Valua. Position: Gunner Where: Near his cannon in Nasrad. Recruit: Just talk to him. Stats: Adds power to your main cannons automatically. Blue Rogue Attack: He screams out "Get a load of these!!" and then starts shooting two big cannon/guns he has under each arm. Name: Osman Description: Osman is obsessed with wealth and also seems to be a bit of a glutton. Position: Merchant Where: Near her shop in Nasrad. Recruit: Just talk to her. Stats: Increases the chance of finding expensive items. Blue Rogue Attack: She just laughs maniacly while gold coins are popping up everywhere. Name: Domingo Description: Domingo is your only competition in the discovery race, he's THE explorer in the world, that is, unless you can find more than him. The best part about recruiting him is that he won't find anymore discoveries once he's part of your crew, so that's more for you to find! Position: Lookout Where: In Gordo's Bistro. Recruit: Talk to him after finding 30 or more discoveries. Stats: Increases the chance of critical hits in a ship battle, costs 6 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: He says something like "I found some treasure." and then looks through a telescope and a treasure chest is reflected in the lens. Name: Tikatika Description: Tikatika believes he has the best eyes in the world and joins your crew so that you'll put his eyes to good use. Position: Lookout Where: In Horteka. Recruit: Talk to him after finding the Village of Ixa'ness discovery. Stats: Increases the accuracy of torpedoes. Blue Rogue Attack: He says "I never miss." and then shoots a bunch of arrows from his bow. Name: Merida Description: Merida is a world class dancer from Horteka. Her skill is pretty useless in the Gamecube version of the game since ship value does nothing, but I've heard that in the Dreamcast version you could sell your ship, so that was probably really useful then. Position: Jester Where: The bar in Horteka. Recruit: Talk to her after finding the note in a bottle at Sailor's Island. Stats: Increases the value of your ship. Blue Rogue Attack: She just dances around with sparkles all around her and stuff. Name: Robinson Description: Robinson is Polly's long lost husband, he has been stranded in the Dark Rift this whole time but lost his memories. Position: Sailor Where: In the Dark Rift, he's in a ship that looks like the "treasure chest" ships in the Dark Rift. Recruit: Talk to him with Polly in your active crew. Stats: Decreases SP consumption for a full turn, but costs 8 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: He's sitting down and drinks from a bottle and then spits fire. Name: Kirala Description: Kirala is the bold Yafutoman builder who's as cocky as she is talented. Position: Builder Where: In Yafutoma at the construction site. Recruit: Praise her when you speak to her. Stats: Fully restores your ship's HP, costs 7 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: She just runs by throwing blades, pretty simple. Name: Urala Description: Urala is pretty much the opposite of her sister, she's very soft spoken and not very bold. But she has as much skill in cooking as her sister has in building. Position: Cook Where: In the bar in Yafutoma. Recruit: Talk to her after recruiting Kirala. Stats: Maxes out SP, but costs 15 SP to use. So, for example, if you have 50 max SP, using her will get your SP up to 35. Blue Rogue Attack: She says something like "You guys looked hungry." while walking with a tray of food. Name: Moegi Description: Moegi is full-fledged Yafutoman royalty and unlike her brother she acts like it. She joins so that she can explore Enrique... I mean, so she can keep her country from being ignorant of what's going on in the rest of the world. Position: Delegate Where: Yafutoma Recruit: She joins automatically when you obtain the Blue Moon Crystal. Stats: Blocks all damage from magic in a ship battle for a full turn, costs 10 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: She says "Bless us all." and all sorts of flashy healing animations happen. Name: Ryu-kan Description: Ryu-kan is a legendary blacksmith who is famous for his unrivaled weapons. You'll need him if you want an equipment shop on your island. Position: Artisan Where: On his very own island far north of Yafutoma. So far north in fact that it's on the southern portion of your map near the Dark Rift. Recruit: After you've acquired the Blue Moon Crystal talk to him with a rating of "Daring" or higher. (Note, if your lookalikes have ruined your reputation you won't be able to recruit him until you defeat them to fix your title.) Stats: Increases Attack and Defense on your ship for a few turns, costs 15 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: He's sitting in front of an anvil hammering at a sword and then holds up the sword and says "hmmm, a fine blade." and then the blade flashes and it's over. Name: Hans Description: Hans seems like a pretty cool guy, he's very eager to learn and is a true Blue Rogue. Position: Engineer Where: On Centime's ship in Horteka. Recruit: Talk to him after obtaining the Blue Moon Crystal. Stats: Increases your ship's Magic Defense by 20 points. Blue Rogue Attack: You see a lot of smoke and then a wrench pops through the smoke and you see Hans holding it and he says "The Rejuvinator* is ready to go!" and you see some big machine behind him putting along. *For a long time it sounded like he was saying "Jiminator" even though that makes absolutely no sense, I just guessed rejuvinator because he adds healing to the attack so I could be wrong. Name: Don Description: Don is a hopeless alcoholic who's given up on having dreams. Until you inspire him by successfully navigating the Dark Rift and he joins your crew. Position: Helmsman Where: At the tavern in Esparanza. Recruit: Talk to him after acquiring the Blue Moon Crystal. Stats: Increases your ship's Dodge stat by 15 points. Blue Rogue Attack: He just drinks from a champagne bottle while laughing a lot. Name: Kalifa Description: Kalifa is the all-knowing fortune teller that really doesn't tell you anything you don't already know, just like most RPGs. Position: Merchant Where: In her shop in Maramba. Recruit: Talk to her while you have a Surian Blade equipped. Stats: Increases your chance of finding rare items. Blue Rogue Attack: You hear her say "Yes" while she floats around and a diamond shaped crystal spins around in front of her. Name: Brabham Description: Brabham is a miracle worker when it comes to ships. Even though he's old he still acts like a kid when planning fancy improvements to your ship. Position: Engineer Where: Crescent Island. Recruit: He'll join automatically after you get the Blue Moon Crystal. Stats: Increases your ship's Defense stat by 20 points. Blue Rogue Attack: He's laying down and he yawns and then slips and falls down. Wacky. Name: Izmael Description: Izmael is a very dwarf-like person since he's tiny and has a long beard and all. He's an excellent builder but Kirala is cooler I think. Position: Builder Where: Crescent Island. Recruit: He'll join automatically after you get the Blue Moon Crystal. Stats: Increases the strength of your ship's Moon Stone Cannon. Blue Rogue Attack: He yells something that sounds like "bahbaam!" and then hurls a beam of wood. Name: Belle Description: Belle is an absent-minded spazz who you shouldn't trust to operate a door let alone a cannon, but she seems to do fine anyway. If you ever visit a Skies of Arcadia message board you'll find that she's most famous for being, um, "bouncy"... that's all I'm going to say. Position: Gunner Where: Crescent Island docks. Recruit: Talk to her after you get the Blue Moon Crystal. Stats: Increases the strength of your ship's secondary cannons. Blue Rogue Attack: She's standing next to a large cannon and says, "Yeah, here goes!" and fires the cannon. Name: Ilchymis Description: Ilchymis is a cool character, yet another I wish would join my party. He's an alchemist who specializes in healing medicines and such. His shop on your island will also sell the seeds you can use to up your character's stats permanently. Position: Artisan Where: On his island north of Valua. Recruit: Talk to him once someone has learned the spell Riselem. (NB, you must talk to him once and then come back once someone has learned the spell, so if you have the spell when you talk to him the first time you'll have to leave his island and immediately come back to talk to him the second time.) Stats: Increases your ship's stats for a few turns but costs 8 SP to use. Blue Rogue Attack: You see him holding a book and he says, "See my true power." and then all sorts of sparkling happens. ***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***### ***###***###***###***Thanks***###***###***###*** ***###***###***###***###***###***###***###***### I'd like to thank the following: GameFAQs for accepting this FAQ. SEGA & Overworks for making Skies of Arcadia and bringing it to GameCube. Caffeine for being so so good. Nintendo for keeping gameplay as the top priority in their games. Everyone at the Skies of Arcadia Social board, except my arch-nemesis harvestmoongirl. Celestial Cry, for challenging my evilness and in the end making me more evil. Caffeine again, because it's just that good. RPGs for always being fun. Anyone who will actually read all this junk. This document is (c) 2004 Zaloopa All rights reserved.