Story Screen Script FAQ (official title) Story/Monologue Script (GameFAQs entry title) for Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure DX Director's Cut. by Provisional1313 (you wanted to see fancy title ASCII art? lol, get outta here) * This script was transcribed from the Gamecube's DX version. This FAQ is currently ignorant of any typographical differences that may appear on other versions. ===================== Table of Contents ===================== Um... What's a Story Screen? Save Points and FAQ Format Save Points Labeled, AutoSaves and ManualSaves Sonic the Hedgehog's Story Tails "Miles" Prower's Story Knuckles the Echidna's Story Amy Rose's Story Big the Cat's Story E-102 Gamma's Story Super Sonic's Story Credit Contact Copyright (CC) ============================== Um... What's a Story Screen? ============================== 'Story Screens,' as most of the instruction manuals term them (the PC ones don't give it a name), are "screens [that] provide a short story summary about the selected character," quoted from the game's manual. More accurately meaning, in Adventure mode, the selected character will provide the player their monologue in text about the recent happenings that occurred in the game, portrayed through their personality. The screens appear after a character is selected except when the character's story has just started or ended. Different monologues are shown to the player depending on how far the player has progressed. The screens consist of the script, which slowly scrolls from the bottom to the top of the screen, a styled background of the character, and with their theme song playing, either with minimal vocals played here and there or just instrumental altogether. Super Sonic's story screen has a styled background of Perfect Chaos captured as a screenshot from the opening FMV, with the common "Chaos 0, 2, and 4" boss song playing. ============================ Save Points and FAQ Format ============================ For the game to remember on how far you've progressed through a character's story, the game places 'save points' throughout, meaning when the player passes through a certain point of the story and then suddenly the "Now Saving" appears on the top-right corner of the screen, then that means the player has just passed through a save point. However, the player can also trigger a save point, that doesn't really involve with the game's story, by replaying an Action Stage in Adventure mode, getting an Adventure Field emblem, or by exiting from a Chao Garden. These save points, used to save varieties of data depending on where they're triggered, can be triggered: - Every time after completing an Action Stage, so it may save scores, last location data (i.e. player completes Windy Valley, game reset, load, player is loaded in Mystic Ruins closest to Windy Valley), and for the DX version, total rings accumulated as currency used for the Chao Garden Black Market - When you enter to another Adventure Field, (i.e. from Station Square to Mystic Ruins) the game will save the player's last entered location - After getting an emblem for completing levels in the story or finding one in an Adventure Field - When a character gets unlocked, by encountering or talking to a new character in the story for the first time - When exiting a Chao Garden, so the game saves your Chao Garden data The only save points that are relevant to this FAQ are the ones that will launch the newest story screen text as soon as possible, and so, this info will be provided inside [bracket areas]. The FAQ's formatting will go along like this: - [this bracket area will state where the save point is that's needed to be passed through, or what must be done, to show the story screen text below] Hi! I'm this character! This is my monologue. In the game itself this load of text would be centered, rather then aligned to the left as shown here. It will also scroll from the bottom of the screen to the top until there's no more text. - [next bracket area, same idea, and after passing through the save point noted, it will overwrite the previous Story Screen text using the new one below] 'Sup! I'm this character! Stuff happened and this happened and now some real fecal matter has hit the fan! Oh, no. I must stop this at once! ================================================ Save Points Labeled, AutoSaves and ManualSaves ================================================ This guide will use the terms 'AutoSave' and 'ManualSave' in the bracket areas. Most information inside the bracket areas will not mention either, assume it means AutoSave when this happens. For example, a bracket area might say: "After the cutscene that's launched after defeating Chaos 0." What it means is the game will automatically save a.k.a. AutoSave after the cutscene seen after defeating Chaos 0. An AutoSave will refer to any save point that must be intentionally passed through to progress through the story itself. Examples are, - a save point triggered after a cutscene - triggered when completing a required Action Stage for the first time - defeating a boss - when obtaining a 'required' upgrade item - unlocking a character through cutscene(s) A ManualSave refers to any saves that aren't required to pass through to progress through the story and usually the player has to go out of his way from the story to trigger it. Examples, - finishing an already completed Action Stage - obtaining an Adventure Field emblem - exiting a Chao Garden - obtaining an 'optional' upgrade - unlocking a character by talking to it as an NPC in Adventure Field (i.e. Amy Rose still not unlocked, so when she appears as an NPC in Station Square sometime in Big the Cat's story, you can talk to her and she'll become unlocked). An exception to this is that when talking to Big the Cat standing around in Station Square in Sonic and Tails' story, it will not trigger its save, nor will the game say, "Now you can play with BIG!,", but the character is unlocked, so the player must find a save point afterwards via ManualSaving or meeting another AutoSave. ============================ Main ============================ Sonic the Hedgehog's Story ============================ [After the cutscene that's launched after defeating Chaos 0] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I'd just returned to town after a long journey... Suddenly, this liquid monster attacked me! I had no trouble defeating it, though. Then, while I was lounging by the pool, I saw Tails' plane fly by, trailing smoke! Then it fell from the sky, and crashed near the seashore! I've gotta go save Tails right away!! - [After the scoring of Stage 1, Emerald Coast] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I ran across the Emerald Coast and found Tails, whom I haven't seen for a while. He had a great idea about creating something using a Chaos Emerald. He just loves making machines! What? He has a workshop in Mystic Ruins? OK, I'll go visit it if you want me to. - [After the scoring of Egg Hornet] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! On the way to Tails' workshop, I was confronted by that evil Eggman! He stole the Chaos Emerald and called for that liquid monster... the one I met in Station Square! It transformed when Eggman gave it the Chaos Emerald. He's planning to make that monster super strong using all the Chaos Emeralds! I can't allow that, Eggman! I'll collect and protect all the Chaos Emeralds! Let's start by searching in Mystic Ruins! - [After the scoring of Stage 2, Windy Valley] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! The battle for the Chaos Emeralds has begun!! Chaos... that awful monster! I'll not allow you to grow stronger. I found 1 Emerald in the Windy Valley, so I am off to a good start! I've searched every nook and cranny of Mystic Ruins... so now I am off to Station Square! - [After the scoring of Stage 3, Casinopolis] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Just when I'd found another Chaos Emerald in Casinopolis, suddenly Eggman showed up! He robbed me of the Emerald and then disappeared. He has 2 and I have 1. He may have the advantage now, but I'll never give up! I'll return to Mystic Ruins to search once again. - [After the scoring of Stage 4, Icecap] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I've found another Chaos Emerald in Icecap. Now, I have 2! Fantastic! Now, where should I go next? - [Immediately after defeating Kunckles] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Knuckles appeared out of nowhere and attacked me! Why?? Why would he do that? That Eggman must have tricked him again! Eggman took the 2 Emeralds I'd collected, and now Chaos has probably transformed again using their power! OK, show me how strong you think you are now! Come on, Chaos! - [After the scoring of Chaos 4] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Eggman and Chaos escaped in a huge flying fortress. I can't believe this has happened... But I won't let them get away! C'mon Tails! Let's take the Tornado, and follow them! I'll catch up with you and I'll crush you, Eggman! - [After the scoring of Sky Chase, Act 1] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Tails and I jumped into my plane and flew after Eggman. But the Egg Carrier attacked us. The Tornado was damaged and we crash landed... I landed in Station Square. I think that's when I got seperated [sic] from Tails. I'm sure he'll be OK by himself, but maybe I should go and find him anyway. - [After the cutscene of encountering Amy at the Casino Area of Station Square] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Oh no, it's Amy! Why did I have to run into her now? Wherever I go, danger seems to follow. She doesn't seem to care about that, though. She follows me anywhere I go. So I have to protect her... A bird? A bodyguard? Well, now that I can handle, but... Hmmm... I wonder if she is involved in any trouble again?? - [After the scoring of Stage 5, Twinkle Park] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I can't believe I lost Amy... Was she captured by the robot that was following us? I just knew Amy was going to cause me trouble like this! But I just can't ignore what's happened. Amy, where did they take you?? Where should I start looking for her? - [After the scoring of Stage 6, Speed Highway] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I raced all over the midnight highway, but I couldn't find Amy anywhere. Amy is not around here... Where on earth are you, Amy!? I suppose I should have a look around Station Square again? - [ManualSave: after the cutscene in Mystic Ruins of Amy being taken to the Egg Carrier with ZERO AutoSave: get the Ancient Light upgrade] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Amy was taken away, so I went down to Mystic Ruins. And what I saw there was... the Egg Carrier! It flew off towards the mountains... with Amy trapped inside! Now the Tornado is damaged. Oh, what should I do? Well, I still have my super fast feet! I'll chase after the Egg Carrier and catch up with it on the other side of this mountain! - [After the cutscene of Sonic and Tails spotting each other at the end of Stage 7, Red Mountain] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I chased after the Egg Carrier to rescue Amy. I climbed all the way to the top of Red Mountain, but the ship was gone. Then, I saw an airplane... Piloted by... Tails! Wow! It's his new airplane! OK, Tails! Let's hurry and catch up to the Egg Carrier! - [After the scoring of Sky Chase, Act 2] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Tails made a new airplane, the Tornado 2! It's really great! ...Except that when it transforms it has no landing gear... Ahhh! Anyway! We finally managed to board the Egg Carrier! This ship is really huge. It may take a while to find Amy... - [After the sequence of cutscenes relating to the Egg Carrier's transformation] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Eggman was waiting for us. He knew that we would come here, so he set a trap for us. Now I have to cross Sky Deck to get to Eggman, right? No problem! This'll be easy! Amy, I'm on my way, so hang in there! - [Immediately after defeating E-102 Gamma] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I finally found Amy! But then Eggman called another robot. Me, worried? No way! 'Cause I've never lost to Eggman! I'm not sure why Amy wanted me to stop, but she must have had her reasons. Suddenly, the Egg Carrier began to shake! Tails, you and Amy escape before the ship crashes!! I'll take care of Eggman! - [After pressing the switch in the Captain's Room to change the ship back to its original form] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Eggman escaped to the bow of the Egg Carrier. After I transform the ship back to its original form, I'll chase him down! Nobody can stop me. Nobody!! Eggman, you won't get away this time! - [After the scoring of Chaos 6] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Chaos had 6 of the Chaos Emeralds, but I still defeated him! Eggman was trying to slip away when his monster was defeated. So I jumped off the deck to grab him, but I just missed! I woke up to find myself near these strange ruins. Then, a mysterious light appeared and led me into them... - [After the cutscene of Sonic being taken to the past, which occurs after completing Stage 9, Lost World] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! There was this huge mural drawn on a wall deep inside the ruins. It depicted a monster on a rampage, destroying a town... And before I realized it, I was in a totally different place... surrounded by fire! What is this place!? - [After the cutscene of Sonic waking up and spotting Eggman flying towards his Final Egg Base] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I had an unusual dream... There was this girl, and she was looking at me, filled with sadness. What did it mean?? Whoa, take it easy! I have no idea! I woke up just in time to see Eggman fly by. His base must be that way! OK, I'm on my way to his base! ============================== Tails "Miles" Prower's Story ============================== [ManualSave: anytime after being able to control Tails for the first time AutoSave: enter Mystic Ruins] I'm Miles "Tails" Prower. But you can call me "Tails"! The other day I took my new airplane, the one that's powered by a Chaos Emerald, for a test flight, but it crashed! To my surprise, Sonic came to rescue me. He's my hero! I invited him to my workshop located in the Mystic Ruins. He should be really impressed! - [After the scoring of Egg Hornet] I'm Miles "Tails" Prower. But you can call me "Tails"! On the way to my workshop, that evil Eggman suddenly showed up! He stole my Chaos Emerald! Then, a strange liquid monster appeared, and it transformed when Eggman gave it the Emerald! If Eggman collects all 7 Emeralds and gives them to the monster, it will become incredibly strong! Sonic, let's find all the Emeralds before Eggman does! Let's start by searching the Mystic Ruins! - [After the scoring of Stage 1, Windy Valley] I'm Tails! There was a Chaos Emerald in the Windy Valley! Our search is going well, huh? I'm off to search Station Square next! - [After the scoring of Stage 2, Casinopolis] I'm Tails! Oh, my gosh! We found another Chaos Emerald in Casinopolis, but because of my carelessness, one of them was taken! Still, I'll never give up! Let's return to Mystic Ruins and see if there is somewhere else we can go! - [After the scoring of Stage 3, Icecap] I'm Tails! I found an Emerald in Icecap! Now, both Eggman and I each have two... Now we're even! Where is the next one?? - [Immediately after defeating Knuckles] I'm Tails! Knuckles suddenly attacked me. I suppose he was deceived by Eggman. He took the 2 Emeralds that I had collected. Now Chaos will transform again! How will I ever defeat Chaos? - [After the scoring of Chaos 4] I'm Tails! Dr. Eggman and Chaos escaped aboard the Egg Carrier. Sonic, we must go after them! We can use the Tornado! It's always ready for action. Let's hurry to my workshop! - [After the scoring of Sky Chase, Act 1] I'm Tails! We were so close to catching that Eggman! But the Tornado was shot down! I got separated from Sonic... I guess it is time to unveil my new invention... But first... I need a Chaos Emerald to get it to run! I'm off to find one! - [ManualSave: after the cutscene seen in the Mystic Ruins Jungle of Froggy nabbing an emerald and hopping away AutoSave: after the scoring of the Sand Hill Sub Game] I'm Tails! I really need a Chaos Emerald to fly my new airplane. But this frog came and grabbed the Emerald with his mouth and ran away! I chased after the frog, and just when I caught it... I got trapped in a mysterious ball of light... Where am I? - [ManualSave, Bad: Glitch will only happen if Big the Cat has already been unlocked. ManualSaving via exiting a Chao Garden or obtaining an Adventure Field Emblem will render your entry point back to The Past if game is reset and loaded. The player will be unable to progress through Tails' Story because Tikal will not appear "again" in the level map who is needed to launch the cutscene that will take the player back to the present Mystic Ruins. ManualSave, Good: Only if Big the Cat has been unlocked. Replay and complete an Action Stage AutoSave 1: If Big the Cat hasn't been unlocked yet, then an AutoSave will occur for unlocking him after the cutscene of Tails' waking up and encountering Big and Froggy AutoSave 2: After the cutscene that'll load up Sky Chase, Act 2. You could just ignore all of the above and use this one] I'm Tails! I met this mysterious girl... I wonder if it was a dream? When I returned to Mystic Ruins I saw a big cat. He was chasing the frog. They went somewhere... Anyway, now I've got a Chaos Emerald! Off to my workshop! Tornado 2, lift off! - [After the scoring of Sky Chase, Act 2] I'm Tails! I found Sonic again and we managed to catch up to the Egg Carrier! Sonic said that Amy was captured and being held somewhere inside this fortress. We have to rescue her quickly! - [After the sequence of cutscenes relating to the Egg Carrier's transformation] I'm Tails! Wow, cool! This flying fortress just transformed!! But now is not the time to admire Eggman's technology! He has just challenged us to clear the Sky Deck. OK, let's go for it, Sonic ! Amy awaits us! - [After scoring of Stage 4, Sky Deck] I'm Tails! We finally made it through Eggman's Sky Deck trap! I'll bet we are really close to both Eggman and Amy! - [Immediately after defeating E-102 Gamma] I'm Tails! Amy and I had just escaped from the Egg Carrier, but then Dr. Eggman appeared again! In desperation, he launched a big missile! Oh, no! Station Square will be destroyed! Luckily, the missile misfired! Eggman just went to detonate the dud! I'll beat him there, and destroy the missile first! ============================== Knuckles the Echidna's Story ============================== [After the multiple introductory cutscenes] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. The Master Emerald suddenly broke apart and the pieces scattered. Then, an unknown monster suddenly appeared. Did it cause the explosion? Without the power of the Master Emerald to keep it afloat, Angel Island will fall into the ocean. I've got to collect all the fragments and restore the Master Emerald! Think I'll check out the city first. - [After the scoring of Stage 1, Speed Highway] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. Things are going all right. I've located some pieces of the Master Emerald in the highway. Still there're many missing fragments. I'll return to the city. There's got to be another place to go other than the highway. - [After the cutscene of Knuckles being brought to the past after Casinopolis] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. Where am I? Some funky light ball swept me away when I found some other fragments at Casinopolis. What's going on? Wonder if there're any clues around here? - [After the cutscene of Knuckles being brought back to Station Square] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. I don't know much about my tribe, so whatever just happened... It must've been a dream. What I have to do now is to find more Emerald fragments! - [After the cutscene of Knuckles and Eggman chatting after defeating Chaos 2] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. Whatever Eggman was collecting were not fragments of the Master Emerald. Naw, those were the Chaos Emeralds. Now, why is Sonic collecting the pieces of the Master Emerald? Personally, I've got respect for him. I think he's a good guy, but if I have to, I'll take him out to protect the Master Emerald! Sonic, come get some! - [After the scoring of Stage 3, Red Mountain] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. I just found more fragments of the Master Emerald at Red Mountain. I still can't figure why Sonic is collecting fragments of the Master Emerald. I'm gonna have a score to settle. - [Immediately after defeating Sonic] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. I just can't believe it! Eggman has deceived me again! Sonic was amazed at how gullible I was and now I owe him one! It's all because of that evil Eggman and his Chaos! I'll get them both! - [After the scoring of Chaos 4] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. Sonic and Tails have taken off to chase the Egg Carrier. But I can't go with them. I must restore the Master Emerald. Where is the next Emerald fragment? I should return to Mystic Ruins and search deep in the jungle. - [After the cutscene of Knuckles warping to the past again after completing Stage 4, Lost World] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. The Lost World was located in the jungle. When I found a piece of the Emerald, a strange light ball brought me to this place... Where am I now?? - [After the cutscene of Knuckles waking up from the past on Angel Island] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. I finally returned from a strange world. I am still missing some pieces. I saw a reflection of the Egg Carrier in the Master Emerald... Is it revealing the location of the missing fragments? If I follow Eggman's robot, it should lead me to the Egg Carrier. Let's go! - [After the cutscene of Knuckles boarding the Egg Carrier] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. I've managed to sneak aboard the Egg Carrier, but it's so huge it's really hard to find the Emerald fragments! Do I really have to check every room?? - [After the cutscene of going back to past again-again, after completing Stage 5, Sky Deck] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. I've finally collected all the fragments. Now I can restore the Master Emerald. I was taken away by a mysterious ball of light... What?! Now I'm surrounded by these flames?! - [After the cutscene of waking up from the past, appearing back in the Egg Carrier] I'm Knuckles the Echidna. But just call me Knuckles. I'm convinced it was the Master Emerald that I saw in the other world. Anyway, I've collected all the fragments! Wonder what that monster is doing now? I'd sure love to settle everything myself, but... ================== Amy Rose's Story ================== [After introductory cutscenes] I'm Amy Rose, a cute and cheerful girl! One day, I was walking down the street and saw that evil Eggman's flying fortress! Then this sweet little bird flew out and Eggman's mean robot was chasing after it! Oh, no! OK, birdie! Put your trust in me! I'll protect you and never let them hurt you! But... just to be on the safe side... Maybe I should look for a bodyguard? - [ManualSave: save after quitting out of Stage 1, Twinkle Park AutoSave: after the scoring of Stage 1, Twinkle Park] I'm Amy Rose, a cute and cheerful girl! Oh, I am so lucky today! There's Sonic! He'll make the perfect bodyguard! I'm too cute to resist, after all! I can't believe how lucky I am today! The sign at Twinkle Park says there is a special for cute couples! Of course we have to go! Well... where's Sonic?? I lost sight of him!! Oh, what should I do?! - [At the beginning of the Warrior Feather upgrade cutscene] I'm Amy Rose, a cute and cheerful girl! We were captured by Eggman's mean robot. He took us to the flying fortress and locked us in a cell. Then, another robot came to us. And he tried to take away birdie!! But then, suddenly, I was so surprised! That robot helped us escape! He changed somehow. So I thought... Maybe we could become friends?? In any case, I must escape now!! - [After cutscene of Amy warping to the past after completing Stage 2, Hot Shelter] I'm Amy Rose, a cute and cheerful girl! We escaped from the Hot Shelter, and ended up in a strange place. Not again! Where are we now?? No, I mustn't cry! I have to think positive! I'm a girl who can do anything! Let's continue our adventure! - [AutoSaves after the cutscene of Amy arriving at Station Square via Tails, then the game unexpectedly AutoSaves again right after forcefully loading into Mystic Ruins, about a five second gap between AutoSaves. Script will trigger on after the first AutoSave] I'm Amy Rose, a cute and cheerful girl! I just knew he would come! Why does he play so hard to get? I suppose it doesn't matter, but... What? Is your family in trouble? Eggman has captured them?? Well, don't worry! Let's go and find them. That robot said something about a base somewhere in Mystic Ruins... Didn't he? Hmmm, I wonder if that robot is OK? You know, I am sure I will see him again. - [After the scoring of Stage 3, Final Egg] I'm Amy Rose, a cute and cheerful girl! We went to Eggman's base, but we couldn't find birdie's family. I wonder if they are still trapped somewhere on the Egg Carrier?? Possibly... Although it's definitely not a place I want to visit again, I am not the type of girl that gives up easily! Let's find a way to sneak back on to the Egg Carrier again! ===================== Big the Cat's Story ===================== [After the introductory cutscenes] Hmmm... I'm a cat. My name's Big. I just love to relax and fish with my best friend, Froggy, at my side. One night, a big noise woke me up. Froggy swallowed my lucky charm and took off somewhere... I followed Froggy and we ended up in a big city! I had never seen it before. ...Where, oh where, is my Froggy? - [After the scoring of Stage 1, Twinkle Park] Hmmm... I'm a cat. My name's Big. I finally caught Froggy at this amusement park with my trusty rod... but then he took off again! Froggy, where, oh where did you go? What? You don't like me any more? [sic] - [After the scoring of Stage 2, Icecap] Hmmm... I'm a cat. My name's Big. I found Froggy in that snowy mountain. But darn! He got away from me again!! Oh Froggy, where have you gone? - [After entering Station Square after spotting Tails and Froggy] Hmmm... I'm a cat. Name's Big. This fox caught Froggy for me... But then he ran away again!!! I reckon he might be in that city, so I went there. Here, Froggy! Where are you, Froggy? - [After the cutscene of E-102 taking Froggy from Big, after completing Stage 3, Emerald Coast] Hmmm... I'm a cat. The name's Big. I managed to catch Froggy by the sea, but then a strange gizmo appeared and took my Froggy away. Hey, wait a minute! Give me back my friend! Please! Oh, no. When I followed Froggy I ended up in this weird place... Froggy, you're here, aren't you?? - [After the cutscene of Big's warp to the past after completing Stage 4, Hot Shelter] Hmmm... I'm a cat. I'm Big. I found Froggy in a strange tank. I fished him out with my rod. And... here we are. What a funny place this is... Where am I!? - [After the Egg Carrier's PA system addresses that the monorail is back in operation, which happens directly after the cutscene of Big being warped back to the ship] Hmmm... I'm a cat. My name's Big. Oh, looks like we've returned to the place we started from... But now, at least I'm with Froggy. Hurry, let's get out of here! ===================== E-102 Gamma's Story ===================== [After the first cutscene in which Eggman activates E-102 Gamma ] Fun Fact: You just got 10% Clear on the Adventure Character Select Screen! A winner is you! E-102. Code name Gamma. That is what that man said my name is. That man is Dr. Robotnik. What am I? What should I do? Does not compute... - [After the scoring of Stage 1, Final Egg] E-102. Code name Gamma. That is my name, the man said. That man's name is Dr. Robotnik. He ordered me to go to the training room and complete my mission. Mission complete. What do I do next? - [After the scoring of E-101 ß /Beta] E-102. Code name Gamma. I am a robot. I was created by Dr. Robotnik. He sent me on a mission. I must find and capture a frog with a long tail. I must complete my mission successfully. First I must equip myself with S type armor to complete the mission. I must gather information. - [After cutscene of E-102 being brought to the past after completing Stage 2, Emerald Coast] E-102. Code name Gamma. I am a robot. I was created by Dr. Robotnik. I have captured the frog. My mission is complete. Emergency! Emergency! Present location unknown. Search mode of present location activated! - [After the cutscene about Eggman being proud you for finding the correct frog and ordering you do get Amy's bird * The game must be reset before the next AutoSave occurs later within the sequence of cutscenes, or else the proceeding story script will appear, instead] E-102. Code name Gamma. I am a robot. I was created by Dr. Robotnik. Dr. Robotnik is my master. My master's orders are absolute. He has ordered me to go to the cell and take the bird from the girl. That is my next mission. Roger! Mission commencing! Move out! - [After the cutscene of E-102 commenting about entering the wrong room] E-102. Code name Gamma. I am a robot. I was created by Dr. Robotnik. My next mission is: Go to the cell and take the bird from the girl. I accidently [sic] entered the wrong room and saw E-101 Beta... I confirmed this discovery via ID signal. This does not compute. Continue with mission. - [Script will only appear if Amy isn't already unlocked as a selectable character (which, usually, the player already has). If this prerequisite is met, then the needed AutoSave will occur after the cutscene of E-102 freeing Amy from her cell] E-102. Code name Gamma. I am a robot created by Dr. Robotnik. What have I done? I have released the girl and allowed her to escape. I failed to take the bird. The girl's behavior does not compute. The bird? ...Does not compute. What should I do now? - [ManualSave after the cutscene shown when exiting the Hedgehog Hammer room, entering the main Egg Carrier Hall (Eggman orders E-102 to get the Jet Booster) ] E-102. Code name Gamma. I am a robot created by Dr. Robotnik. I received a new mission. I have new orders. I must arm myself with the booster. I must proceed to the main room to complete my mission. - [ManualSave: after getting the Jet Booster upgrade; this upgrade doesn't AutoSave afterwards like most other upgrades AutoSave: will occur at the beginning of the cutscene of E-102 encountering Sonic up on deck] E-102. Code name Gamma. I am a robot created by Dr. Robotnik. I am now armed with the booster, and I am on the Egg Carrier deck. I have received a new mission. Destroy the blue hedgehog. Roger! Mission commencing. Move out! - [After entering Mystic Ruins from abandoning the Egg Carrier] I'm E-102, Gamma. I have deleted Dr. Robotnik from my registry as my master. I will act at my own discretion from now on. I will destroy all of Dr. Robotnik's evil machines and rescue the animals. My mission is to save my fellow E-series friends! Search commencing. - [After the scoring of Stage 3, Windy Valley] I'm E-102, Gamma. I have destroyed Dr. Robotnik's evil machine by my own volition. Now, I will rescue the animals. I rescued E-103 Delta in the Windy Valley. Search for the other E-series commencing. - [After the scoring of Stage 4, Red Mountain] I'm E-102, Gamma. I have destroyed Dr. Robotnik's evil machine by my own volition. Now, I will rescue the animals. I rescued E-104 Epsilon in the Red Mountain. E-101 Beta and E-105 Zeta location unknown. Perhaps they are on the Egg Carrier? - [After the cutscene of E-102 detecting an E-Series robot in Hot Shelter when on board the Egg Carrier crash site] I'm E-102, Gamma. I have destroyed Dr. Robotnik's evil machine by my own volition. Now, I will rescue the animals. I arrived on the crashed Egg Carrier to save E-101 Beta and E-105 Zeta. Mission commencing. ===================================================================== Super Sonic's Story (selectable after completing all the other characters' stories) ===================================================================== * Story Screens will only appear during the first playthrough - [MaunalSave after a whole bunch 'a intro cutscenes] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! Well, yaaaaaaawn.... Eggman seemed to have learned his lesson. I suppose it's time for my next journey. Suddenly, Tails came to me in a huge panic. What? Angel Island has fallen again? What's happened this time? Anyway, let's go and find out! - [ManualSave after returning from the past] I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! When I awoke, only Tails was there. The last Chaos Emerald is still inside the Tornado 2! I cannot allow Chaos to absorb the last Emerald! Tails and I ran back to Mystic Ruins to search for the Emerald. If the vision I saw is true... That must mean Chaos is...! ======== Credit ======== Me - Made it SEGA - Made the game, and all the story screen text is copyright to them. Also, this guide used a quote from one of the game's manuals that says "screens provide a short story summary about the selected character" as a means of describing what Story Screens are. ========= Contact ========= Corrections, insults, complements, questions, improvements, help out? Provisional1313 [at] g mail [dot] com ================ Copyright (CC) ================ The Story Screen text, the game, its manual, and its characters are copyright to SEGA. Story Screen Text FAQ by Provisional1313 is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Made in 2010. Therefore, you automatically have permission to copy, distribute, and transmit the work, for example, hosting it on your website.