GENESIS - USA/JAP BEAT 'EM UP - 2p SIMULTANIOUS ____________ / / / ________/ / / / /_______ / / ___________ ______ _____ _____ __________ _____ /________ / /___ ____/ / __ / / ___/ / ___/ /___ ___/ / ___/ / / / / / /_/ / / /__ / /__ / / / /__ _________/ / / / / __B A R E / ___/ / / /__ / / / / / / /\ \ / /__ / /__ / / ___/ / /___________/ /__/ /_/ \_\/____/ /____/ /__/ /____/ STREETS OF RAGE 3 (US) / BARE KNUCKLE 3 (JAP) _________ ______ ______ ___ ______ _____ / _____ / / ____/ / __ / / | / ____/ / ___/ / / / / / /___ / /_/ / / /| | / / _____ / /__ / / / / / ____/ / __/KNUCKLE | / / /_ _/ / ___/ / /____/ / / / / /\ \ / / | | / /___/ / / /__ /________/ /_/ /_/ \_\ /_/ |_| /_______/ /____/ __________ / / /______ / / / _______/ / / / /______ / / / _______/ / / / /_________/ Streets of Rage 3 / Bare Knuckle 3 Move List by KageKaze Release 1 (4/6/99) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS-- 1. Words from the Author 2. Move List Key 3. Common Moves 4. Character Special Moves a> Axel b> Blaze c> Skate (Sammy) d> Zan 5. Weapon Special Moves a> Axel 1> Baseball Bat 2> Sword 3> Knife b> Blaze 1> Baseball Bat 2> Sword 3> Knife c> Skate (Sammy) 1> Baseball Bat 2> Sword 3> Knife d> Zan 1> All Weapons 6. Play as Ash 7. Ash's Special Moves 8. Play as Shiva 9. Shiva's Special Moves 10. Play as Roo a> Method 1 b> Method 2 11. Roo's Special Moves 12. Copyright Information ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WORDS FROM THE AUTHOR-- Ah, another Final Fight clone... Bare Knuckle (or Streets of Rage in the United States) has evolved rather nicely from it's very rough first incarnation. BK the original was a nice fighting game for those who owned a genesis, but still didn't look as good as Final Fight... BK 2 kept the original style while adding in some new weapons and making the graphics alot better. Each character had one "Dash Attack" and helped you out abit when you were fighting. Now, BK 3 took BK 2 and overhauled it. This game is very nice, and not only do you have the standard Beat 'em Up moves, but now you have some special moves. Normally you only get two, but with a 6 button controller, you can acivate special moves you normally only get if you can keep from losing a life for 3 or 4 stages. It's a nice game and can be alot of fun (despite some of the difficulties on the bosses like Shiva). I think this guide came out rather nicely and I hope you agree. I know there are some secrets missing but I wanted to release this FAQ without further delays, so I simply put in the codes that pertained to the move list. Thank you for your time and enjoy the FAQ, okay? =) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MOVE LIST KEY-- T = Towards D = Down U = Up B = Back ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COMMON MOVES-- Dash -- T, T Roll -- D, D or U, U Back Attack -- Attack + Jump Jump Attack -- Jump, Attack Secondary Jump Attack -- Jump, D + Attack Pick up Weapon -- Attack Throw Weapon -- Attack + Jump (Zan cannot throw his weapon) Position Swap -- Jump (When you've grabbed an opponent) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHARACTER SPECIAL MOVES-- Axel: Double Kick -- Charge Attack, release Back Fist -- Attack + Jump Headbutt -- Grab, Attack Knee -- Grab, T + Attack Shoulder Throw -- Grab, B + Attack Back Toss -- Grab Behind, Attack Spinning Dragon Punch -- Special 1,000 Punch Upper -- T + Special Bare Knuckle -- Dash + Attack Long Bare Knuckle -- X, T, T Spinning Fury -- X, D, T Spinning Fury Upper -- X, B, D, T Blaze: High Kick -- Charge Attack, release Reverse Sweep Kick -- Attack + Jump Throw -- Grab, Attack Knee -- Grab, T + Attack Leg Throw -- Grab, B + Attack Suplex -- Grab Behind, Attack Flip Kick -- Special Soul Fire -- T + Special Terra Shield -- Dash + Attack Long Terra Shield -- X, T, T Summersault Combo -- X, T, U Summersault Slide -- X, D, T, U Skate (Sammy): Flip Kick -- Charge Attack, release Reverse Flip Kick -- Attack + Jump Headbutts -- Grab, Attack Overhead Throw -- Grab, Jump + Attack (in middle of Position Swap) Head Punches -- Grab Behind, Attack Double Kick Throw -- Grab, B + Attack Spin Attack -- Special Skating Fist Fury -- T + Special Flying Headbutt -- Dash + Attack Far Flying Headbutt -- X, T, T Ground Roll -- X, T, D Ground Roll Kick -- X, U, T, B Zan: Double Rocket Punch -- Charge Attack, release Backward Slap -- Attack + Jump Grab n Smack -- Grab, Attack Toss -- Grab, B + Attack Reverse Toss -- Grab Behind, Attack Shake and Slam -- Grab Behind, T or B + Attack Shock Treatment -- Special Electric Grab -- T + Special Elbow Slam Shield -- Dash + Attack Energy Ball Toss -- (when holding weapon) Dash + Attack Long Range Elbow Slam -- X, T, T Bi-Level Slam Attack -- X, B, U Tripple Slam Attack -- X, U, B, T ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON SPECIAL MOVES: Axel: Baseball Bat-- Swing -- Attack Power Swing -- Dash + Attack Bat Toss -- Attack + Jump Sword-- Slash -- Attack Uppercut Slash -- Dash + Attack Sword Throw -- Attack + Jump Knife-- Throw -- Attack Blaze: Baseball Bat-- Swing -- Attack Bat Toss -- Attack + Jump Sword-- Thrust -- Attack Slicing Dash -- Dash + Attack Sword Throw -- Attack + Jump Knife-- Stab -- Attack Upper Slash -- Dash + Attack Knife Throw -- Attack + Jump Skate (Sammy): Baseball Bat-- Swing -- Attack Polevault Kick -- Dash + Attack Bat Toss -- Attack + Jump Sword-- Swing -- Attack Sword Throw -- Attack + Jump Knife-- Stab -- Attack Torpedo -- Dash + Attack Knife Throw -- Attack + Jump Zan: All weapons-- Energy Ball Toss -- Dash + Attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAY AS ASH (Bare Knuckle 3 Only)-- After fighting Ash and defeating him, hold down the A button immediately after the final blow. Hold down the A button untill you see the next screen then you may release the button. When you lose all your lives and continue, you will then be able to select Ash as a playable character. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASH'S SPECIAL MOVES-- Rapid Smack -- Charge Attack, release Knee Bend Flip -- Attack + Jump Toss -- Grab, Attack Laugh (No Damage) -- Grab, T or B + Attack Back Toss -- Grab Behind, Attack Rapid Smack -- Special Dashing Rapid -- Dash + Attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAY AS SHIVA-- After fighting Shiva and defeating him, hold down the B button immediately after the final blow. Hold down the B button untill you see the story line appear and then you may release the button. When you lose all your lives and continue, you will then be able to select Shiva as a playable character. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHIVA'S SPECIAL MOVES-- High Kick -- Charge Attack, release Hook Punch -- Attack + Jump Grab n Smack -- Grab, Attack Back Toss -- Grab Behind, Attack Summersault High kick -- Special Hook Punch -- Dash + Attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PLAY AS ROO-- Method 1: When you fight against Roo and his master Bruce, defeat Bruce before Roo. You may damage Roo, but just do not defeat him. After the battle, Roo will run away and he will now be yours. When you lose all your lives and continue you may then select Roo as a playable character. Method 2: There is a secondary method to select Roo at the Character Select screen but I'm unable to find it at this time. Should someone give it too me, I'll be sure to put it in here. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ROO'S SPECIAL MOVES-- Tail Flip -- Charge Attack, release Backwards Tail Thrust -- Attack + Jump Grab n Smack -- Grab, Attack Gattling Kick -- Grab Behind, Attack Summersault Tail Whip -- Special Hurricane Tail Spin -- T + Special Body Slam -- Dash + Attack ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- COPYRIGHT INFORMATION-- This FAQ is Copyright KageKaze (Troy Ludwig), this document may be reproduced as long as no information is changed or edited in any way. The only thing I ask from any webmasters or publishers is to please notify me if this FAQ is used on their forum. (web page, article, etc..)