______ /AAAAAA\ /________\ /| |\ / | /__\ | \ | | // \\ | | | | \\ // | | \ | 100-/ | / \|________|/ \ / /AAAAAAAA\ /AAAAAAAAAA\ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Sonic Riders 100 Ring Box Guide Version 1.01 Created by: Gammasite Creation Date: August 5th, 2006 Contribution Date: August 8th, 2006 Last Update: N/A *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> I. Table of Contents <<< Welcome to the Table of Contents. For those of you that don’t know, you can go to your desired part of the FAQ by clicking Edit on your browser window, clicking Find, and entering, for example, VI. 100 Ring Box Locations. I. Table of Contents II. Version History III. Why Is This FAQ Here? IV. Character Types/Abilities A. Speed B. Fly C. Power V. What is the 100 Ring Box? VI. 100 Ring Box Locations A. Heroes Stages 1. Metal City 2. Splash Canyon 3. Egg Factory 4. Green Cave 5. Sand Ruins 6. Babylon Garden 7. Digital Dimension 8. SEGA Carnival B. Babylon Stages 1. Night Chase 2. Red Canyon 3. Ice Factory 4. White Cave 5. Dark Desert 6. Sky Road 7. Babylon Guardian 8. SEGA Illusion VII. Frequently Asked Questions VIII. Contact Information IX. Thank You’s X. Legal Blah… *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> II. Version History <<< This is the place where you can find all the info on past versions of this FAQ. I apologize in advance for any missing “I”s in this FAQ, I’m using my dad’s machine and the keyboard screws up sometimes for I. I’ll try to watch out and fix any mistakes though. Version 1.0: The first version of this FAQ. Contains 100 Ring Box Locations and methods of obtaining them for every stage but SEGA Carnival and Babylon Guardian. Version 1.1: Added www.neoseeker.com and www.supercheats.com to my allowed sites list. Also, though I won’t actually alter the rest of the FAQ to say this, I now have 100% completion on Sonic Riders, including the Chaos Emerald (allows Sonic to play as Super Sonic) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> III. Why is This FAQ Here? <<< Well, basically, here’s the deal. I’ve never made a FAQ before. Ever. I’ve helped some people with games, but I’ve never actually made a FAQ. Thing is, I do use FAQs, quite often at that. Now don’t get me wrong, I don’t condone letting a guide get you through a game, where’s the fun in that? I play games for fun, not to beat them. The only FAQ, Guidebook, etc. use I condone is that which A) Doesn’t actually help you, or B) Only helps you earn extra stuff, not actually beat the game. Anyway, back to what I was saying. I do use FAQs, quite often at that. After all this time of using them, I got to thinking, “Hey, I use so many FAQs, isn’t it time to make my own contribution to the FAQ community?” The problem was, I could never think of a subject matter, and the what little subject matter I could think of had already been made into FAQs. That’s right about the time when I got Sonic Riders. I fell in love with the game instantly, and constantly worked harder to get better at it. Now, I have earned everything in the game save the Chaos Emerald due to my incredibly low attention span. Many of my friends even consider me a Sonic Riders guru, though I’m not sure that’s really true. But one thing did come from all of this: I realized that Sonic Riders should be what I make my FAQ about. All that was left was to decide a topic. I tried to think of something that most people try to use for the game and have trouble with, and one of the things that popped into my mind was the 100 Ring Boxes. They’re incredibly useful for attacking, regaining air, and getting rings to buy Gears, yet many can be hard to find. Most experts will probably know these, heck, maybe they’ll know one or two I don’t. This guide is mainly for all of you that are just starting to really explore the game and try to earn stuff. Well, before this turns into an autobiography, I’ll get to the next section. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> IV. Character Types/Abilities <<< Presenting character types/abilities. Really, the only purpose of this part is to provide you with the lingo to understand what is mentioned later on in this FAQ. To find out a character’s type, just highlight them on the character selection screen. A. Speed (i.e. Sonic) The Speed type characters in this game have the ability to grind. Just ride up to a grindable rail (will usually have a floating blue sign that reads “SPEED” before it), press A to jump, and then press A once more in the air to land on the rail. Remember: Many times you will press A in the air to land on the rail and your character will not immediately land on the rail. DO NOT PRESS A AGAIN!!! Characters will often have a delayed reaction to land on the rail, if you press A again, even if you are still in the air, you will jump off the rail once you land it. In this FAQ, Grind will be referred to as Grind. B. Fly (i.e. Tails) The Fly type characters in this game have the ability to fly through lines of hoops suspended in the air. There are two ways to fly. One is if the ramp leading to the flight path is a designated flight ramp, meaning that the ramp has a large symbol on it, slightly resembling a bird or feather (see ASCII picture below). The other is if the ramp leading to the flight path is a normal ramp. If it is a designated flight ramp, all you need to do is ride up and off it. Just ride up it and let yourself fall off and you will naturally start to fly. Note: designated flight ramps cannot be used as ordinary ramps for jumps. If the ramp leading up to the flight path is a normal ramp, you must jump and perform a trick off it that gets you high enough to pass through the first hoop. Once you pass through, you will begin to fly. Note: When you are flying by either method, some control is required. Steer yourself through each hoop, and remember that up and down are inverted. Note: In the following ASCII picture, the “wings” (made of /s and \s) are bent down slightly in the real in-game symbol. A AAA ///////////////|||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ||||| ///////////////|||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ||||| ///////////////|||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ||||| ///////////////|||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ ||||| ||||| A AAA ||||| ||||| In this FAQ, Fly will be referred to as Air Ride. C. Power (i.e. Knuckles) The Power type characters in this game have the ability to smash through obstacles, i.e. small pillars, fan blades, robots, cars, etc. This is possibly the easiest ability to perform. Just go. That’s it. No button pressing or nothing. Just ride head-on into the obstacle, and rather than getting hurt like normal, you’ll bust it outta the way. In this FAQ, Power will be referred to as Punch. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> V. What is the 100 Ring Box? <<< The 100 Ring Box is similar to ordinary ring boxes (i.e. 10, 20, and 30 Ring Boxes), with just a few differences. A. There is no more than one 100 Ring Box per stage. B. Almost every stage has a 100 Ring Box somewhere within it. C. Once someone gets the 100 Ring Box, it is gone for the rest of the race, as opposed to replenishing every lap. D. The 100 Ring Box is gold, as opposed to the regular red. E. The 100 Ring Box is approximately twice the size of a regular ring box. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> VI. 100 Ring Box Locations <<< Well, we’re finally here, at the main part of this FAQ. Time to get down to business. Remember, there is only one 100 Ring Box in each stage, so if there are multiple entries for a given stage, these are simply alternate methods. If there are multiple methods to obtain a 100 Ring Box, they will be listed from (in my opinion) easiest to hardest to accomplish. A. Heroes Stages These are the stages played in Heroes Story and are the first choice when picking one of the two versions of a stage. 1. Metal City “Run through future expressways.” Many of you have probably seen this 100 Ring Box, yet not been able to get it. On the raised track above the regular track immediately after the first jump of the stage, the 100 Ring Box floats just above the left side of the raised track just before it turns right. One would think to jump and get it, yet that accomplishes nothing. Here are the two known ways to get it: a. Perform a super jump off the first jump of the stage so as to land on the raised track. Align yourself with the very left Item/Ring/Air Box, and ride through. Keep going straight, and within a couple seconds, you will come across a short line of rings on the track. Jump at the end of the line of rings. You will land, sideways, on a hovering Right-Turn sign, slide along it for a moment, and fly off, passing straight through the 100 Ring Box. b. Much harder to perform, and dependent on a bit of luck, I have heard from others that if you jump off someone’s turbulence at just the right time (whether you’re on the top or bottom track), you can get the 100 Ring Box. I have never pulled this off myself, but I have heard it works from credible people who claim to have succeeded. 2. Splash Canyon “Dash through the waterfalls and valleys.” Possibly the easiest 100 Ring Box to get in the entire game. Simply start the course, and when you come to the area immediately after the first left-turn (the one with the Grind shortcut, Air Ride shortcut, and 3 small waterfalls), ride towards the middle waterfall (the one on the far right). The 100 Ring Box is just on the other side, it was simply hidden from view. 3. Egg Factory “Tear through the burning blast furnace.” This one can be a challenge. Go past the part where you ride on the mesh surface above the lava and then get blown upward by heat, then keep going past where the multiple lava flows are coming from the ceiling. As you are going up the hill afterwards, you will see canisters spinning to the left. Ride in between them (they CANNOT be punched out of the way!) and you will see the 100 Ring Box hanging on the edge of the track. After you get it, just keep going forward and the track will dip so you can safely go under the canisters and take a shortcut. Just remember, don’t get hit by the canisters, and don’t fall of the track in getting the rings! 4. Green Cave “Bowl through the jungle.” There is most likely another way to pull this off, but I don’t know of one. This will require either a Fly character or someone riding the Access or Magic Carpet. Ride through the stage as normal until you come to the part with the many vines immediately before the giant centipedes. Air Ride off of the flight ramp, and go through the FIRST HOOP ONLY!!! After you go through the first hoop, angle yourself slightly downward so that you can land on the highest vine you can see (rather than going forward, it will be going across the screen from right to left). When you get off, the 100 Ring Box will be right in front of you. Get it and get on the centipede. 5. Sand Ruins “Tear through the ruins in the desert.” This 100 Ring Box can be obtained with or without Air Ride, but Air Ride certainly makes it easier. a. After the first jump of the stage, you will see a flight ramp on the edge of the cliff to the right. Take it, and the flight hoops will take you straight to the 100 Ring Box. b. After the first jump of the stage, you will find yourself in a sandy outside area complete with quicksand to draw you off the cliff. As you near the end of this stretch, a pillar will fall to your left. Pull a perfect trick off of it, and you will land on a higher platform where the 100 Ring Box is. 6. Babylon Garden “Run across the fortress floating in the air.” This one’s a toughie, sorta. Go along the stage until you come to the part where the jets fly you along for a bit. After you land, follow the track until you see a Fly shortcut. Don’t take it, I’m just using it as a landmark. Keep going forward, and you will see a tiny ramp immediately before the large area that the jets destroy upon your arrival. Pull a trick off that ramp, and if you do it right you’ll both nab the 100 Ring Box and make it across the gap (yes, that is a risk here). 7. Digital Dimension “Race through the phantasmal space.” This one’s difficulty level is comparable to that of Splash Canyon’s; it’s incredibly easy. Simply ride through the demonic portion of the stage until you finally come out upon the heavenly portion. The moment you land, head left and you will see a place where you can take a Fly shortcut. Immediately before the flight ramp is, you guessed it, the 100 Ring Box. 8. SEGA Carnival “Carnival course with a SEGA theme.” As far as I know, this course has no 100 Ring Box. B. Babylon Stages These are the stages played in Babylon Story and are the second choice when picking one of the two versions of a stage. 1. Night Chase “Run through expressways at night.” Just keep going until you’re at the part where there’s four ramps, two to your left, two to your right, and an intersection in between the first and second ramps on both sides. It’s also the place where cars come by going from side to side on the screen. Once you’re there, pull a jump off the end of the second ramp on the right. If you do it right, you’ll nab the 100 Ring Box from the air. 2. Red Canyon “Dash through the valley at sundown.” This one’s a cinch to pull off. Keep going through the stage until the jump right before the end of the lap. Go off it, and once you land, keep left. The 100 Ring Box’ll be waiting for you at the bottom. 3. Ice Factory “Rush through the frozen factory.” Go along the stage as normal until you come to a part with canisters just like in Egg Factory, except they aren’t moving. The 100 Ring Box is in between the first two. 4. White Cave “Dash through the snow of spores.” After the first jump of the stage, you will enter an enclosed, pipe-shaped area. As you near the opening, go up the right side of the pipe until you are almost completely upside-down. You should see the pipe continuing from the opening to your right, and disappearing in front of you and to your left. When you’re just about to go off the gap, press B to Boost off the ceiling you’re riding on. If you pull it off just right, the gravity of another vine besides the normal one to the left of the ramp (when you’re right side up) should pull you in. Ride around to the top of the vine, and you’ll see the 100 Ring Box toward the end of the vine. 5. Dark Desert “Run through the desert during a solar eclipse.” All right, this one requires that you *gasp* be in lower than first place. Make sure you’re behind someone after the first set of jumps, and get on your opponent’s turbulence. They wll take a left into an enclosed path and then take a sharp right. As you are taking that turn on their turbulence, perform a trick off of it. You should fly through the ceiling to a shortcut and the location of the 100 Ring Box. 6. Sky Road “Dash through the area where combat fighters zoom overhead.” If I have one thing to say about this 100 Ring Box, it’s “Wait ‘til the third lap.” Why? Because it’s impossible to do on the first, and near impossible (plus deadly) on the second. Anyways, all you have to do is this. On the third lap, make sure you don’t take the giant never-ending turbulence path. After you land from the jump that would have put you on that path, turn right and keep right. You’ll see a small gap and a tiny ramp in front of it. Pull off a trick just right and that’s right, you’ve got yourself a 100 Ring Box. 7. Babylon Guardian “Fight against the guardian god of Babylon.” Yeah, I don’t believe there is one here. 8. SEGA Illusion “Illusion course with a SEGA theme.” Ok, this one’s pretty simple. Right after you take the jump into the Chu Chu Rocket area from the Space Channel 5 area, take the first sharp left you can. Jump over the arrow pads to get to the Gold one against the wall. Land on it and it’ll shoot ya right into the 100 Ring Box. (Get it? Golden arrow sends you to golden ring box.) *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> VII. Frequently Asked Questions <<< This section has no entries yet. Frequently Asked Questions will be drawn from emails sent to me. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> VIII. Contact Information <<< I am accepting any and all emails regarding questions you may have and other things. See something wrong in this FAQ? Tell me! Got something to add? Definitely tell me! Got any questions about this FAQ? Ask away. Just need help with the game? Happy to help. Only one rule for these emails: They must be readable, and not typed in some annoying fashion |1&3 7#15 OR THIS r mb ths oR eVeN tHiS!!! None of that! None of that AIM talk either like “hey r u ther?” and crap. And use some relatively ok grammar, please. Okay, anyway… My email: gammasite@mindspring.com *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> IX. Thank You’s <<< Hmm…uhh…let’s see… Thank you Kayo for being the rival that inspired me to hone my skills, for validating the 100-Ring-Box-by-turbulence trick in Metal City, and discovering the location of the Night Chase 100 Ring Box for me. Thank you Ryan for helping me earn the Gears from Mission mode. Thank you Tommy for cheering me on when I was earning NiGHTS, Aiai, and Ulala. Thank you Dad for not kicking me off your computer cuz mine was broken and I needed to type this. Thank you 6pieisgood9 (creator of the Shortcuts FAQ for Sonic Riders) for being the general inspiration for my FAQ layout. And thank you reader for reading this FAQ!!! ^o^ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* >>> X. Legal Blah… <<< This FAQ was made for Gamefaqs and Gamefaqs alone. Only those sites I add may use this FAQ. Do not post this FAQ, in whole or in part, on any other website. If you want to, email me and ask permission. I’ll probably let you. Just ask first. Also, if you see ths anywhere that’s not on my allowed list, please tell me. Finally, if I DO give you permission, make sure to give me my credit. Sites Allowed To Use This FAQ: www.gamefaqs.com www.neoseeker.com www.supercheats.com