This line, as long as it is, is, believe it or not, exactly 79 characters long @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ !@@ @@! @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@@ @@!@!@@@ @@! @@! !@@ !@! @!!!:! @!@!!@! @!@ !@! @!@!@!@! @!@@!!@! @!! @!!!:! !@@!! :!! !!: !!: :!! !: .:! !!: !!! !!: !!! !!: !!: !:! :: :: : : :: ::: : : : :: : : : :: : : : :: ::: ::.: : @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@! @@@ @@! @@! @@! @@! @@@ @@!@!@@@ @!@ !@! @!!!:! @!! @!!!:! @!@ !@! @!@@!!@! !!: !!! !!: !!: !!: !!: !!! !!: !!! :: : : : :: ::: : ::.: : : :: ::: : :. : :: : Written by Geoff McCulloch, "Canadian Ninja" Version: 0.90 Last updated: October 26, 2003 ----------------- Table of Contents ----------------- I. Introduction II. Why Use Cervantes? III. Profile of Cervantes IV. Move List i. A ii. B iii. K iv. Throws v. Miscellaneous vi. Signature Moves vii. Quick Moves viii. Power Moves V. Cervantes' Weapons VI. Legal Information ------------ Introduction ------------ Hello. This would be the Soul Calibur FAQ for Cervantes de Leon. He is my favorite character, and I basically decided to write a FAQ on him. There's not much more to say, so onto the next part of the FAQ! ------------------ Why Use Cervantes? ------------------ For our first reason, he's an undead pirate who wields one part of Soul Edge. If that's not a good enough reason, I don't know what is. He isn't as powerful as Astaroth or Nightmare, but he has a decent attack, and with the flick of the C-Stick, an invaluable counter move to stop a horizontal or vertical attack. As a beginner, I wouldn't use him (didn't stop me though!), but with a bit of practice, he becomes much easier to use. ------- Profile ------- Cervantes de Leon Age: 48 (Aging has stopped) Birthplace: Valencia, Spanish Empire Height: 5'10 Weight: 176 lbs Birth Date: January 1 Blood Type: None Weapons: Soul Edge (Long sword type) & Pistol Sword Weapon Name: Soul Edge & Nirvana Discipline: Memories of Soul Edge Family: Father/Killed in battle Mother/Deceased His Crew/Slaughtered by his own hands Under the influence of Soul Edge, the dread pirate Cervantes slaughtered his entire crew and fed off of the souls of swordsmen whom dared to venture forth to challenge him. But one day, a holy warrior sent by god destroyed one of the demonic blades, and Cervantes' body was consumed by hellfire. His soul, however, was not freed by the destruction of his corporeal form. The pieces of Soul Edge buried in his body resurrected Cervantes. He had lost most of his memory, but it eventually came flooding back. Along with his memories came back the desire to possess that great power once again. Although he recalled the loss of his free will to the power, it still appealed to him. Cervantes began to seek the fragments of the sword, only to realize that the second sword had been shattered as well. He picked up several pieces of the newly created shards and gazed upon them. Was his desire to possess that power again for naught? That was when Cervantes sensed something strange. Two pieces of the sword in his palm began to resonate with his body and began to melt into one. Four years passed. He took the souls of the strong and found new pieces of the sword to increase the power of Soul Edge. In time, the fragments assumed the shape of a sword and began to emanate an evil aura. His ultimate goal was the revival of Soul Edge. To accomplish his goal, he needed as many fragments of the evil blade as he could find. Stage - Pirate's Alcove Few know of the hidden dock inside a naturally formed cave lying in the westerly seas, for nary a soul dare to venture close to the wave beaten precipice that houses it. This place was once the stronghold of a renowned pirate and his hardy crew. But there is no one here anymore, for the captain murdered all of his subordinates. Ten years have passed since anyone has stepped foot in this cavern, but the place is still lit, and a pirate ship can also be seen. Is this the projection of the memories of the slain pirates? ...Or, is this the memories of the captain, who has since disappeared? --------- Move List --------- Legend ( ) = Buttons to press for desired move. A = Horizontal Attack B = Vertical Attack K = Kick G = Guard Note: For a slide, the button pressed quickly will be lowercase. Ex: aA * = Hold button (Ex: K* means hold the kick button.) Note: A diagnol will have two. Ex: **\ or /** O = Neutral + = Hit both buttons together Trait Legend Unblockable = Unblockable. The attack cannot be blocked. S-Middle = Special Middle. Can be blocked by both normal and crouching guard. A. Throw = Attack Throw. If the attack connects, the enemy is thrown. S. Move = Special Movement. Usually a cancel of an unblockable move. G. Break = Guard Break. If the attack connects, the enemy's guard is broken. G. Impact = Guard Impact. The attack has guard impact properties. Stance = Stance. Switches to a different stance. i. A Attacks Soul Swing (A A) Cervantes hits the enemy with the shorter sword twice for quick damage. Hits high. Crush Keel (Forward+A) A spinning attack that turns the enemy around. Hits high. Lagging Wave (Forward, Forward+A) (Forward*+A) A forward attack that sends the enemy into the ground at an angle. Hits high. Notes: Useful for a ring out. Scissor Wave (Down-Forward+A) Cervantes hits the enemy with both swords at the same time in a scissors-like movement. Hits the middle. Laser Wave (Down+A) Cervantes takes the long sword and slashes at the enemy's leg. Hits S-Middle. Dread Wave (Down-Back+A) A spinning attack that knocks the enemy over. Hits low. Notes: Hold A to make the spin last longer. Dread Lifter (Down-Back+A B) Cervantes turns as if performing the Dread Wave, then spins again and slashes the enemy into the air. Hits the middle. Bridgette Wave (Back+A) Cervantes hits the enemy with a flick of the shorter sword. Hits low. Tornado Slice (Back, Back+A) (Back*+A) (Down-Back*+A) (Up-Back*+A) A forward attack that hits with both swords. Sends the enemy flying into the background. Hits high and middle. Eraser Wave (A+B A) Cervantes swings both blades twice and finishes with a Dread Wave. Hits middle twice and low. Armada Eraser (A+B B) Cervantes swings both blades twice, then finishes with a spinning hit from his longer sword. Hits the middle. Gale Slash (Forward+A+B B) Cervantes turns to the left, slashes with the shorter sword, then slashes with both blades. Hits the middle. Windmill (Forward, Forward+A+B) (Forward*+A+B) (Up*+A+B) (Down*+A+B) Cervantes launches an attack that looks like a tornado, sending the enemy airborne. Hits the middle and high. Slant Cross (Down-Forward+A+B) Cervantes tucks both swords in, and slashes outward. Hits the middle. Killer X (Down+A+B) Cervantes steps forward and slashes downward in an X formation, sending the enemy to the ground. Hits the middle. Eternal Curse (Down-Back+A+B) Traits: Unblockable Cervantes pivots back on one foot, charges the longer sword, and slashes forward, sending the enemy to the ground. Hits the middle. Notes: Cancel the move by pressing G. Bloody Hoist (Back+A+B) Cervantes turns and slashes with the longer sword. Hits the middle. Cross Bone Divider (Back, Back+A+B) Cervantes takes a step back, clashes both swords together above his head, and slashes upwards, sending the enemy airborne. Hits the middle. Notes: Hold A+B to make the move unblockable. Iceberg Circular (Up+A+B) Cervantes crouches, steps forward and jumps, slashing the enemy, sending the enemy airborne. Hits the middle. Killer X Crawler (Up-Forward+A+B) Cervantes does a forward flip and slashes in an X formation, sending the enemy to the ground. Hits the middle. Pressure Astern (Up-Forward+A*+B*) Cervantes does a forward flip over the enemy and stabs behind him, sending the enemy to the ground. Hits the middle. Anchor Whirlpool (Down-Forward+A+K) Cervantes balances on his elbow and does a sweep kick, knocking the enemy to the ground. Hits low. Pirate's Cross (aB) Cervantes slashes horizontally with the short sword and then vertically with the longer sword. Hits high then middle. Gentle Wave (agA) Cervantes fakes a normal strike, then slashes the enemy from the other side. Hits high. Dread Pressure (Down-Forward+aB) Cervantes turns around and stabs behind him, causing the enemy to fall. Hits the middle. Notes: Hold B to make the move unblockable. Scissor Lifter (Down-Forward+aB) Cervantes performs the Scissor Wave, then slashes upwards, sending the enemy flying behind him. Hits low, then middle. Notes: Hold B to make the move break the enemy's guard. Bridgette Slice (Back+aA) Cervantes slices forward with both blades. Hits middle, then high. Dishonest Wave (Down-Forward*+A) (Up-Forward*+A) Traits: G. Impact Cervantes raises the shorter sword and slices with the longer sword. Hits high. Gibbering Torpedo (Down*+A A) (Up*+A A) Cervantes performs the Dread Wave, then slashes again with the shorter sword. Hits low. Full Sail Anchoring (Whie rising, A B) Cervantes slashes upwards in a reverse Killer X, then slashes both down as one blade. Hits the middle. Full Sail Anchoring (While Rising, A B*) Traits: S. Move Cervantes performs the Full Sail Anchoring, but takes longer to slash down. Flying Dutchman (While crouching, A+B) Cervantes stabs forward relentlessly. Hits the middle. Aft Dread Pressure (With back to enemy, A+B) Cervantes stabs behind him. Hits the middle. ii. B Attacks Storm Generate (B+Down) Traits: A. Throw (against airborne enemy) Cervantes does an uppercut. Hits the middle. Wild Storm (B B B) Cervantes slashes down, stabs, and slashes again, knocking the enemy down. Hits the middle. Notes: Press B a bit late to cause a delay. Bloody Storm (B B A) Cervantes slashes down, stabs, and finishes with a Dread Wave. Hits the middle, then low. Storm Flare (B B Back+B) Cervantes slashes down, stabs, then teleports into the air, slashing the enemy and knocking them down. Hits the middle. Sail Nautilus (Forward+B B) Cervantes swipes with both blades, then lunges forward with the longer blade, sending the enemy backwards. Hits the middle. Bile Lunges (Forward, Forward+B) (Forward*+B) Traits: A. Throw Cervantes stabs forward with both blades, embedding them into the enemy. He lifts them up and slams them into the ground. Cannonball Lifter (Down-Forward+B) (Down-Foward*+B) (Up-Forward*+B Cervantes slashes an uppercut with the longer sword. Hits the middle. Notes: While in Soul Charge, you can press B again to do a Shadow Flare. Spike Anchor (Down+B) Cervantes spikes the longer sword into the ground. Hits the middle. Slay Storm (Down-Back+B) Cervantes cracks the enemy in the head with the shorter sword. Hits the middle. Bloody Hilt Kick (Back+B K) Cervantes slams the hilt of the shorter sword into the enemy's chest, then roundhouse kicks them in the head. Hits middle, then high. Bow Breaker (Back, Back+B) (Back*+B) Cervantes takes a half step back and lunges forward with the longer sword. Hits the middle. Fang Cross (Forward+B+K) Cervantes slashes an uppercut with the shorter sword, then spikes down with the longer. Hits the middle. Anchor Bow Heel (Down-Forward+B+K) Cervantes spins and slams his heel into the enemy. Hits the middle. High Tide Anchoring (Down+B+K) Cervantes spikes both swords into the ground. Hits the middle. High Tide Anchoring (Down+B*+K*) High Tide Anchoring, only it takes longer to perform. Night Raid (Down-Back+B+K) Cervantes lunges forward with the longer sword. Hits the middle. Notes: Hold B+K to make the move break and enemy's guard. Shadow Flare (Back+B+K) Cervantes teleports into the air and slashes downward. Hits the middle. Notes: This works from anywhere on the stage useful against an opponent who's keeping distance. Surprise Wave (bA) Cervantes holds the longer sword behind his back and swipes with the shorter sword, spinning the enemy. Hits high. Side Needle (Down*+B) (Up*+B) Cervantes reverses direction and stabs the enemy three times. Hits the middle. Riot Storm (Down-Back*+B) (Up-Back*+B) Cervantes takes a step forward and slashes. Hits the middle. Devestator (While rising, B) Cervantes spins and slashes upward. Hits the middle. iii. K Attacks Anchor Knee Kick (Forward+K) Cervantes knees the enemy in the chest. Hits the middle. Head Scratch Kick (Forward, Forward+K) (Down-Forward*+K) (Up-Forward*+K) Cervantes kicks the enemy in the head with his heel. Hits the middle. Anchor Middle Kick (Down-Forward+K) Cervantes kicks the enemy straight in the chest. Hits the middle. Anchor Marooned Kick (Down-Back+K) Cervantes spins and kicks the enemy in the knees. Hits low. Anchor Steep Kick (Back+K K) Cervantes kicks the enemy in the head, then spins and delivers an Anchor Middle Kick. Hits high, then middle. Galleon Sinker (Back, Back+K) (Back*+K) Cervantes leaps forward and slams into the enemy. Hits the middle. Head Snap Kick (Forward, Forward+kB) (kgK) Cervantes jumps and spin kicks the enemy. Hits the middle. Anchor Side Kick (Down*+K) (Up*+K) Traits: G. Impact Cervantes protects his side with his sword and kicks the enemy. Hits the middle. Anchor Swirl Kick (Down-Back*+K) (Up-Back*+K) Cervantes sweep kicks the enemy. Hits low. Anchor Revive Kick (While rising, K) Cervantes rises and kicks the enemy in the chest. Hits the middle. iv. Throws Sadistic Cross (A+G) Cervantes impales the enemy with his shorter sword, then his longer sword, and rips them out through the side. Surging Current (B+G) Cervantes rolls onto his back, kicks the enemy into the air, and jumps up and slashes the enemy in the air. The enemy then falls and snaps their neck on the ground. Flash Flood (From behind, A+G) (From behind, B+G) Cervantes picks up the enemy with his swords, then drops them back down and knees them in the back. Figurehead Break (From left, A+G) (From left, B+G) Cervantes picks the enemy up with his swords, holds them in the air, and rips them out through the side. Jolly Roger Hoist (From right, A+G) (From right, B+G) Cervantes spins the enemy in the air on his sword, then smashes them into his knee. Storm Generate (Against airbone enemy, B+Down) Cervantes sucks energy out of their chest, then spikes them into the ground. v. Miscellaneous Pirate's Scheme (A+K) (Any direction*+A+K) (During Dread Charge, A+K) Traits: G. Impact Cervantes holds both swords perpendicular to the ground. If a horizontal attack hits, he counters by spinning his body on one of the blades and kicking the enemy. Pirate's Tactics (B+K) (Any direction*+B+K) (During Dread Charge, B+K) Traits: G. Impact Cervantes holds both swords parallel to the ground. If a vertical attack hits, he counters by stepping forward and blasting the enemy with hellfire. Dread Charge (Down-Back*+A+B) (Up-Back*+A+B) (Down, Down-Back, Back) Traits: Stance Cervantes goes into a charging stance. Dread Slash (During Dread Charge, A) Traits: Unblockable Cervantes spins and slashes with both blades. Hits high. Notes: Press G to cancel the move. Geo Da Ray (During Dread Charge, B) (During Dread Charge, Down+B) (During Dread Charge, Up+B) Cervantes launches himself at the enemy. Hits the middle. Sadistic Sweep (During Dread Charge, K) Cervantes spins and kicks the enemy in the knees. Hits low. Sadistic Archmage (During Dread Charge, Down+A Down+A) Cervantes swipes at the enemy's knees with his swords. Hits low, then S-Middle. Sadistic Wiseacre (During Dread Charge, Down+A O A B) Cervantes swipes at the eney's knees, slashes upward in a reverse X formation, and spikes downward. Hits low, then middle. Notes: Hold B to make the spike take longer. Dash Flare (During Dread Charge, Forward B+K) Traits: S. Move Cervantes dashes forward, then teleports up and slashes downward. Hits the middle. vi. Signature Moves Shadow Flare (Back+B+K) Cervantes teleports into the air and slashes downward. Hits the middle. Notes: This works from anywhere on the stage useful against an opponent who's keeping distance. Flying Dutchman (While crouching, A+B) Cervantes stabs forward relentlessly. Hits the middle. Dread Pressure (Down-Forward+aB) Cervantes turns around and stabs behind him, causing the enemy to fall. Hits the middle. Notes: Hold B to make the move unblockable. Geo Da Ray (During Dread Charge, B) (During Dread Charge, Down+B) (During Dread Charge, Up+B) Cervantes launches himself at the enemy. Hits the middle. vii. Quick Attacks Soul Swing (A A) Cervantes hits the enemy with the shorter sword twice for quick damage. Hits high. Wild Storm (B B B) Cervantes slashes down, stabs, and slashes again, knocking the enemy down. Hits the middle. Notes: Press B a bit late to cause a delay. Anchor Knee Kick (Forward+K) Cervantes knees the enemy in the chest. Hits the middle. Scissor Wave (Down-Forward+A) Cervantes hits the enemy with both swords at the same time in a scissors-like movement. Hits the middle. viii. Power Moves Eternal Curse (Down-Back+A+B) Traits: Unblockable Cervantes pivots back on one foot, charges the longer sword, and slashes forward, sending the enemy to the ground. Hits the middle. Notes: Cancel the move by pressing G. Cross Bone Divider (Back, Back+A+B) Cervantes takes a step back, clashes both swords together above his head, and slashes upwards, sending the enemy airborne. Hits the middle. Notes: Hold A+B to make the move unblockable. Dread Slash (During Dread Charge, A) Traits: Unblockable Cervantes spins and slashes with both blades. Hits high. Notes: Press G to cancel the move. Iceberg Circular (Up+A+B) Cervantes crouches, steps forward and jumps, slashing the enemy, sending the enemy airborne. Hits the middle. ------------------ Cervantes' Weapons ------------------ Soul Edge & Nirvana The fragments of Soul Edge inside Cervantes' body acted through his sword to consume souls and eventually took on the form of a new sword. Nirvana has a pistol built into it and is an extremely unusual weapon. They are balanced weapons but pale in power compared to the real cursed sword itself. Comments: Cervante's first weapon. This is a good overal weapon to use, as it is not offset in any way. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Falchion A curved, single-edged sword used in Europe from the Dark Ages up through the Renaissance. The blade is wide, heavy, and is good at splitting things in two. It's sturdiness also works well defensively, and it is unlikely to break from normal blows. Comments: A good sword if you like to fight up close. It's short range upsets its good offense, but not it's good defense. Offense: 120% Defense: 130% Firangi A sword used many times in the past by invaders that troubled the Mughal Empire. It is unique to this region, but its design looks very Western. It has a sharp blade, but the grip does not fit Cervantes' hand very well. Comments: I see no difference in this other than it is vulnerable to a Guard Impact. Stick with Soul Edge and Nirvana. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Erlang's Blade Also called a tri-point double-edged sword, its name comes from the Chinese hero-god, Erlang. It is actually a pole weapon, but Cervantes cut short the handle in order to make it easier to hold. It has a good reach, but because it is not as long as it was designed to be, the balance is poor. Comments: I like this sword. Its longer range comes in handy more often than you would think. However, it is vulnerable to a guard impact, so be careful. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Acheron A long sword that lay in storage along with Nirvana on Cervantes' flagship, the Adrian. Cervantes used this sword for a period of time before reviving Soul Edge. It is good for both offense and defense. But when blocking an opponent's blow, the shock is fierce, which takes its toll on the wielder's body. Comments: Offense increases with Soul Charge. Instead of just charging for one attack, it charges to that attack height and gradually returns to its original power. However, when blocking, 20% of the attack will still go through. Like Erlang, it is vulnerable to impact. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Phlegethon Flames run along the blade when this sword strikes a target, and it is said that there is no forge on earth that can melt it. Soon after being found near the crater of Mount Etna, it was taken by someone and disappeared, leaving only rumors behind. Its deadly flames would surely take their toll on any opponent. Comments: Phlegethon penetrates defenses; 20% of the attack will go through regardless. With Soul Charge, try to use one hit only, a combo will reset it. Recommended. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Cocytus An ancient sword dug up out of the permafrost. It is always cold and causes freezing burns in those it wounds. Because of its constant low temperature, droplets of water appear on its surface and fall to the ground like tears, giving it the additional name of the Crying Sword. As one would expect from its cold temperament, it is unaffected by the state of its wielder's heart. Comments: Use with caution, you take a portion of the damage as well. Offense: 130% Defense: 100% Styx Also known as the Sword of Oaths, it has a curved blade with a hook at the tip. An oath sworn upon this sword is treated as more important than anything else, and breaking that oath is the most shameful act a person can commit. It is said that the one who wields the Styx becomes as a servant of the gods and can outrun the wind. Comments: Your movement increases with a Soul Charge. Despite what it says, I haven't notice anything about a weak single strike. Offense: 100% Defense: 100% Soul Edge (Complete) An evil blade with a reputation for devouring souls. This weapon is also known to be a shape-shifter -- which form it takes depends on its current owner. The forms it has taken are legendary, as are the souls of the renowned warriors it has consumed. Only those with great mental discipline can retain their will while wielding this weapon. It is a fearsome evil force that consumes all life around it, enemy and ally alike. Comments: If there is a cooler set of twin swords like these, I haven't seen them. Recommended, but beware the continuous health drain. Offense: 140% Defense: 100% Lethe Legendary twin swords. Those who grip these weapons find their heart rendered blank, unable to even remember who they are. They have acted as the final trap that put an end to many a quest. Those who wield this weapon are said to unleash its power by burning away their own lives. Comments: I like this sword. High attack power, defense, but with each hit, your health goes down slightly. Still highly recommended. Offense: 150% Defense: 120% Imitation Sword Wooden swords carved by Cervantes after being revived. They are made of high quality wood and carved with great care. They are not particularly useful as weapons, but perhaps because of this, they might lead opponents to let down their guard. Comments: If you want a challenge, play with these. I'm not too fond of them, other than for a laugh. Offense: 80% Defense: 80% ----------------- Legal Information ----------------- Copyright 2003, Geoff McCulloch The following web sites have been authorized to post this guide: This may not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site, with the exception of the sites listed aboved, or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.