Soul Calibur 2 Hidden Moves FAQ Version 3.00 Written by: Kenneth Walton (Wild Man X) Written on: October 23, 2009 E-mail: Website: Tekkenomics ( PSN: Wild_Man_X This FAQ version will be available at: GameFAQs ( IGN ( Neoseeker ( SuperCheats ( Games Radar / Cheat Planet ( ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Table of Contents ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Version Updates 2. Legal Stuff 3. FAQ Description 4. Legend 5. Hidden Moves A. Assassin B. Astaroth C. Berserker D. Cassandra E. Cervantes F. Charade G. Heihachi H. Ivy I. Kilik J. Lizard Man K. Maxi L. Mitsurugi M. Necrid N. Nightmare O. Raphael P. Seung Mina Q. Sophitia R. Taki S. Talim T. Voldo U. Xianghua V. Yoshimitsu W. Yunsung X. Every Fighter (EF) Y. Every Fighter Exception (EFE) Z. Fighter Specific (FS) 6. Move Lists 7. Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome 8. Sample Combos 9. Taunts 10. Special Thanks 11. About Tekkenomics 12. About The Author 13. Closing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Version Updates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ver# - (mm-dd-yy) 1.00 - (08-30-03) First release 1.10 - (08-17-04) CREATED: "Table of Contents", "FAQ Description", "Legal Stuff", "Special Thanks", "About Tekkenomics", "Closing" EDITED: "Legend" ADDED MOVES: All except Assassin, Berserker, Charade, Lizard Man CORRECTIONS: All except Charade 1.20 - (8-18-04) EDITED: "Legend", "FAQ Description" ADDED MOVES: Cervantes, Heihachi, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Necrid, Nightmare, Raphael, Taki, Voldo, Yoshimitsu, Yunsung, "Every Fighter" CORRECTIONS: Cervantes, Maxi, Yoshimitsu, "Every Fighter" 1.30 - (8-25-04) Created "Every Fighter Exception" section, Edited "Legend" ADDED MOVES: Cassandra, Maxi, Necrid, Sophitia, Talim, Voldo, Yoshimitsu, "Every Fighter" CORRECTIONS: All except Assassin, Berserker, Charade, Lizard Man, Voldo, Yunsung 1.40 - (8-27-04) EDITED: "Legend", Created "Fighter Specific" section ADDED MOVES: Astaroth, Cassandra, Cervantes, Heihachi, Kilik, Nightmare, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Taki, Xianghua, Yoshimitsu, Yunsung, "EF", "EFE" CORRECTIONS: All except Assassin, Berserker, Cassandra, Charade, Lizard Man, Xianghua, "EFE" 2.00 - (8-28-04) EDITED: "Hidden Moves" section format, "Legend", "FAQ Description", "Closing" ADDED: "Move List" section ADDED MOVES: Astaroth, Cassandra, Heihachi, Kilik, Nightmare, Sophitia, Taki, Yoshimitsu, "EF" CORRECTIONS: All except Kilik, Seung Mina, Sophitia, Talim 2.10 - (8-31-04) EDITED: "FAQ Description", "Legend", "Closing", "About Tekkenomics", "Version Updates", Added web address of "Tekkenomics" website ADDED MOVES: Astaroth, Kilik, Maxi CORRECTIONS: All except Charade, Seung Mina, "FS" 2.20 - (09-06-05) Updated "Legend", ADDED: Taunts from my "Soul Calibur 2 Taunts FAQ" Version 1.2, "Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome" section, "Sample Combos" section 2.21 - (12-24-05) Added more websites where to find this FAQ, UPDATED: "Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome", "About Tekkenomics", "FAQ Description", "Legend" 2.30 - (6-17-07) ADDED MOVES and CORRECTIONS for Taki UPDATED: "Special Thanks", "About Tekkenomics", "Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome" 2.31 - (05-02-09) Removed AIM screen name, added PSN screen name, various minor fixes ADDED: "About The Author" section UPDATED: "Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome", "About Tekkenomics", "Closing" 2.40 - (05-10-09) UPDATED: "Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome", "Special Thanks" 3.00 - (10-23-09) (See below...) Table of Contents - Added extra spacing Legend - Added section description - Added new notations - Various notation changes Hidden Moves - Added moves for Cassandra, Cervantes, Heihachi, Ivy, Kilik, Maxi, Mitsurugi, Nightmare, Talim, Xianghua, Yoshimitsu, Yunsung - Updated Astaroth, Cassandra, Cervantes, Heihachi, Ivy, Mitsurugi, Raphael, Seung Mina, Yoshimitsu - Removed majority of the "Any WS move" commands - Removed some other moves Move Lists - Minor format changes Taunts - Renamed section from "Pre-Match Taunts" - Renamed "Taunts" sub-section to "Loading Screen Taunts" - Updated section description Sample Combos - Added combo for Heihachi Other - Updated links to point to the "Tekkenomics Blog" - Changed "UPDATED" to "UPDATE" - Updated "FAQ Description", "Legal Stuff", "Special Thanks", "About Tekkenomics", "About the Author", "Closing" - Other minor fixes/changes FAQ Update Legend ----------------- New content that has been added. Content that has been changed, corrected, or modified in any other way. NOTE: Corrections include adding any notes, changing names, correcting various mistakes or typos, and removing anything. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2. Legal Stuff ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You may download and print this FAQ, but under no circumstances can you put this FAQ on your web page without our permission. You MAY NOT ALTER IT IN ANY WAY or claim it as your own. From this point on, I will only be sending FAQ updates to GameFAQs, IGN, and Tekken Zaibatsu. Anyone who has recevived permission to host any of the Tekkenomics FAQs also has permission to host any of our future text-based FAQs (unless specified), and can obtain updates from any of the previously mentioned websites. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. FAQ Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The idea behind this FAQ is to put together a list of moves that are not listed within the in-game command lists. After working on Hidden Moves FAQs for Tekken 4 and Tekken Tag Tournament, I decided to create a Hidden Moves FAQ for Soul Calibur 2. This FAQ will not be as complete as my Tekken FAQs, because I have been playing Tekken for a longer period of time. This FAQ only covers the moves that are hidden within the PS2 Soul Calibur 2 (U.S. Version). These moves should work on the Arcade (except Heihachi) and other PS2 Versions, but I only tested these moves on the PS2 U.S. Version. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Legend ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a list of the notations that I will be using throughout this FAQ. I have a background in Tekken and attempted to create a Legend that reflects that, so it might be different than what you're used to if you're not a Tekken player. RECENT CHANGES: HOLD to #, RUN to F, WOG to GRND, WOBFT to FUFT, WOBHT to FUFA, WOSFT to FDFT, WOSHT to FDFA -------- Buttons: -------- Notation Meaning -------- ------- a Press the Horizontal Attack Button A Hold the Horizontal Attack Button b Press the Vertical Attack Button B Hold the Vertical Attack Button k Press the Kick Attack Button K Hold the Kick Attack Button g Press the Guard Button G Hold the Guard Button ---------- Direction: ---------- Notation Meaning -------- ------- f Press Forward (Towards opponent) F Hold Forward (Towards opponent) r Press Backward/Retreat (Away from opponent) R Hold Backward/Retreat (Away from opponent) u Press Up U Hold Up d Press Down D Hold Down D/F Hold "Down" and "Forward" D/R Hold "Down" and "Back/Retreat" U/F Hold "Up" and "Forward" U/R Hold "Up" and "Back/Retreat" QCR Quarter Circle Retreat; Down to Retreat (d,d/r,r) QCF Quarter Circle Forward; Down to Forward (d,d/f,f) -------------- FAQ Notations: -------------- Notation Meaning -------- ------- # Hold; Hold indicated button(s) until that move is executed or until N (Neutral) * Leave the Controller neutral ~ Slide Input; Input command immediately after previous command ( _ ) Or; Choose one of the moves within the parenthesis to do < Delayed input / Press indicated directional buttons at the same time + Press buttons at same exact time N Leave joy pad neutral ---------------- Action Notation: ---------------- Notation Meaning -------- ------- BT Back Towards your enemy FC Full Crouch; While Crouching GI Successful Guard Impact (f+g) HIT Attack must hit the opponent HIT* After opponent is hit (damaged) SC After Soul Charge (a+b+k) WALL Your fighter must touch the wall WS While standing from a crouch; While Rising ------------------- Grounded Positions: ------------------- Notation Meaning -------- ------- FDFA Face down & feet away FDFT Face down & feet towards FUFA Face up & feet away FUFT Face up & feet towards GRND While lying on ground ------------------------ Fighter Specific Legend: ------------------------ Notation Meaning Fighter Notation -------- ------- ------- -------- FLE Flea Stance Yoshimitsu a+b MED Meditation Stance Yoshimitsu b+k MNC Mantis Crawl Voldo (d _ d/f)+a+k MST Mist Stance Mitsurugi f+a+b NBS Night Behind Stance Nightmare b+k NSS Night Side Stance Nightmare u+b+k RLC Relic Stance Mitsurugi r+a+b SPO Sword Pogo Stance Yoshimitsu a+b WAS Wind Assault Talim f+b+k WND2 Wind Roll 2 Taki (U _ D)+b+k ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Hidden Moves ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is a list of moves for each fighter that is not listed within their in-game move lists. ------------------------------------------------------------------- A. Assassin ------------------------------------------------------------------- Since this fighter is not provided with an in-game move list, all of his moves can be considered to be hidden. Please look in the "Move List" section below for the list of commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------- B. Astaroth ------------------------------------------------------------------- Annihilator A {Miss Opponent}, A Ax Volcano (Hold) Cancel d/f+B, g Azazel Tackle (ALT) R+b ~ (u _ d), k Body Splash (ALT) F, b+k Bull Rush (Hold) Cancel f, f+K, g Canyon Creation (Hold) Cancel r, r+B, g Hell Hammer Combo B, f+k Jumping Horizontal Attack (u _ u/r)+a ------------------------------------------------------------------- C. Berserker ------------------------------------------------------------------- Since this fighter is not provided with an in-game move list, all of his moves can be considered to be hidden. Please look in the "Move List" section below for the list of commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------- D. Cassandra ------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Step Roundhouse Kick QCF, (u/r _ u _ u/f)+k Gaia Quake (ALT) (u/f _ u/r)+a+b Gaia Quake (Hold) Cancel (u/r _ u _ u/f)+A+B, g Nephilim Shield Counter QCR, g {Opponent Mid/High Attack} Orbital Jump Kick FC (u/r _ u _ u/f)+k ------------------------------------------------------------------- E. Cervantes ------------------------------------------------------------------- 360 Degree Slice a ~ r 360 Degree Slice to Buried Treasure a ~ r ~ b Double Slice r+a ~ a Dread Charge Cancel 1 QCR, g Dread Charge Cancel 2 (D/F _ D/R)+a+b, g Geo Da Ray Ricochet QCR, b {WALL}, b Geo Da Ray Ricochet (ALT) QCR, B {WALL} Geo Da Ray Ricochet 2 QCR, B ~ (U _ D) {WALL} Gibbering Missle (U _ D), a, b Iceberg Circular Cancel (u _ u/r)+a+b, g Pirate's Scheme Counter a+k, {Opponent Mid/High Attack} Pirate's Tactics Counter b+k, {Opponent Mid/High Attack} Shadow Flare Cancel r+b+k ~ g ------------------------------------------------------------------- F. Charade ------------------------------------------------------------------- Charade has the ability to take on the move list of any of the selectable fighters except for Assassin, Berserker, and Lizard Man. ------------------------------------------------------------------- G. Heihachi (PS2 only) ------------------------------------------------------------------- Demon Executioner Extra Damage f+b, b, a, b Demon Kicker Extra Damage f+b, b, k Demon Shout Feint to Demon Breath f+a ~ b ~ (u _ d), a+b Demon Slayer Extra Damage f+b, b, a Fake Executioner to Demon Breath b, b, a, b ~ (u _ d), a+b Guard Impact to Heaven's Wrath Soul Charge GI, a+k Heaven's Wrath to Soul Charge a+k, {Opponent Mid/High Attack} Jumping Kick (u _ u/r)+k Rage Demon Breath Feint to Demon Breath b ~ f, a, b ~ (u _ d), a+b Running Head Carnival F, b+g Shoulder Tackle F, b+k Twin Hammers (Hold) Cancel r+A+B, g While Rising Dark Step f, N, d, D/F * WS (Any WS move) ------------------------------------------------------------------- H. Ivy ------------------------------------------------------------------- Biting Raven Grab {CH on second hit} a, A ------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Kilik ------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Stick u/f+b Grounded Heaven Monument Cancel GRND a+b, g Grounded Heaven Monument Cancel to Wall Ricochet GRND a+b, G {WALL} Heaven Monument Cancel QCF * a+b, g Heaven Monument Cancel to Wall Ricochet QCF * a+b, G {WALL} Jumping Kick (u/f _ u/r)+k Legend Rush Cancel r+B, g Raging Phoenix Yin Rising f+a, a : b+k Splits Kick u+k ------------------------------------------------------------------- J. Lizard Man ------------------------------------------------------------------- Since this fighter is not provided with an in-game move list, all of his moves can be considered to be hidden. Please look in the "Move List" section below for the list of commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------- K. Maxi ------------------------------------------------------------------- Dragon's Sky f+a+b, g Falling Dragon (HOLD) {During Right Outer} k, A Left Inner u+a+k Left Inner Advance/Retreat (f _ r)+a+k Left Inner to Nunchaku Freestyle 2 u+a+k, (U _ D) Nunchaku Lick to Right Outer d/f+b+k ~ B Nunchaku Lick to Right Outer to Nunchaku Freestyle d/f+b+k ~ B, (F _ R) Nunchaku Slap to Behind Lower (ALT) r+a, u+k Nunchaku Slap to Steel Dragon to Left Outer r+a, b, b Right Outer d+a+k Right Outer to Nunchaku Freestyle 2 d+a+k, (U _ D) Serpent's Pleasure Cancel to Right Cross (ALT) a+b ~ (u _ f _ r) Stance to Nunchaku Freestyle 1 {Any Stance} (F _ R) Steel Dragon to Left Outer f+b, b Tiger Pounce Cancel (ALT) F+a ~ g Tiger Pounce Cobra Fangs (f, f _ F)+a ~ g ~ u+b Tiger Pounce Striking Snake (f, f _ F)+a ~ g ~ a Ulimate Nunchaku Freestyle A+K, (U _ D _ F _ R) ------------------------------------------------------------------- L. Mitsurugi ------------------------------------------------------------------- Diving Thrust Slice a + k ~ f False Purification Counter RLC (a+b+g _ f+g) {Opponent Mid/High Attack} Mist Cancel MST g Mist Diving Thrust Slice MST b ~ f Mist Thrust Slice MST a, b ~ f Relic Cancel RLC g ------------------------------------------------------------------- M. Necrid ------------------------------------------------------------------- Necris Dive BT k Necris Dive to Back Facing Enemy (ALT) BT f+k ------------------------------------------------------------------- N. Nightmare ------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Hand Spin Cancel r+a, g Back Hand Spin ~ Night Reverse Side Stance Cancel r+A, g Earth Divide Cancel QCF+b, g Flying Edge to Lay Down d+a+b, D Guard Jumping Vertical Attack to Night Behind Stance (u _ u/f _ u/r)+g, B Maelstrom to Night Side Stance WS A Midnight Launcher Cancel r+b, g Midnight Launcher ~ Night Behind Stance Cancel r+B, g Night Behind Stance Cancel NBS g Night Side Stance Cancel NSS g Quick Spin Slash to Night Side Stance f+A Shoulder Rush Slash f, f+k, b Shoulder Rush Slash to Night Behind Stance f, f+k, B Stone Cold Foot Stomp {Grounded opponent} d+k, k, k, k, k Stone Cold Foot Stomp Special {Grounded opponent} d+K ------------------------------------------------------------------- O. Raphael ------------------------------------------------------------------- Assalto Montante to Spiral Envelopment Twist (a+b _ A+B), b+k Circular Envelopment Counter a+k {Opponent attacks}, (a _ b _ k) Dark Tear to Spiral Envelopment Twist (U _ D)+a, b+k Death Guise to Spiral Envelopment Twist U+a, b+k Horizontal slice to Spiral Envelopment Twist (f, f _ F)+a, b+k Scarlet Roar (Hold) QCF, a, B Spiral Envelopment Counter b+k {Opponent attacks}, (a _ b _ k) ------------------------------------------------------------------- P. Seung Mina ------------------------------------------------------------------- Belly Crush Combo d/f+k, k Blunt Slash d/f+a ~ a Blunt Slash Spin Delay d/f+a < a Light Crane Blunt Slash a+b, a ~ a Retreating Sands Cancel d/r+b+k, g ------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. Sophitia ------------------------------------------------------------------- Angel Step Roundhouse Kick QCF, (u _ u/f _ u/r)+k Angel Step Side Movement Roundhouse Kick QCF, (u _ d), k Cutlass Europa (Hold) r+A, a, a El Fortune Counter a+b {Opponent Mid/High Attack} Gaia Quake (ALT) (u/f _ u/r)+a+b Gaia Quake (Hold) Cancel (u _ u/f _ u/r)+A+B#, g Orbital Jump Kick FC (u/r _ u _ u/f)+k Revenge Mirage Counter Attack {CH} r, r+a ------------------------------------------------------------------- R. Taki ------------------------------------------------------------------- Evil Begone SC d+b Evil Begone ~ Mekki-Maru SC d+b, a Haste Alternate (ALTER) (u _ u/r)+k, k, k Haste Alternate to Possession (ALTER) (u _ u/r)+k, k, QCR Hurricane Punishment (ALT) (f _ r)+a+k Jumping Darkness Banishment (u _ u/f _ u/r)+g, b, b Jumping Darkness Banishment to Stalker (u _ u/f _ u/r)+g, b, a+b Jumping Rapid Destruction (u _ u/f _ u/r)+g, k, k, k Reverse Stalker BT a+b Stalker Wall Ricochet A+B {WALL} Stalker Wall Ricochet to Stalker Blade A+B {WALL} ~ a Stalker Wall Ricochet to Stalker Omen A+B {WALL}, k, a Stalker Wall Ricochet to Stalker Thunder A+B {WALL}, b Storm Cloud Kick to Wind Roll 1 WND2 k, B+K Tornado Slash SC u/r+k, b ------------------------------------------------------------------- S. Talim ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blunt Razor Gale to Wind Charmer 2 d/f+a Layout Double Kick WAS k {HIT*}, k Layout to Double Bartikal WAS k {HIT*}, b Layout to Double Inwardi WAS k {HIT*}, a Shearing Blades Cancel f+a+b ~ g ------------------------------------------------------------------- T. Voldo ------------------------------------------------------------------- Blind Dive Wall Combo d/f+a+b {WALL} Blind Dive (HOLD) Wall Combo d/f+A+B {WALL} Caliostro Rush 2 (U _ D)+b+k Fool Ritual Fire Mantis Dance MNC f, f * (a _ a+b _ b _ k) Mantis Crawl Cancel MNC g Mantis Crawl Constant Advance/Retreat MNC (f _ r) Mantis Wall Crawl MNC r {WALL} Rat Cheesy Kick d+a, k Reverse Mantis Crawl BT d+a+k Super Freak Cancel b+k, g Super Freaky 1 B+K, (u _ d _ f _ r) Super Freaky 2 B+K, (U _ D _ F _ R) Super Freak Inner to Mantis Crawl (ALT) d+b+k, d Super Freak Outer to Mantis Crawl (ALT) u+b+k, u ------------------------------------------------------------------- U. Xianghua ------------------------------------------------------------------- Mei Hua Kick to Playful Slice (u _ u/f _ u/r)+k, (b _ d+b) Mei Hua Kick to Wall Jump u/r+k {WALL}, k Mei Hua Kick to Wall Jump (ALT) u/r+K {WALL} Rising Shui Shian Wall Kick WS k {WALL}, k Rising Shui Shian Wall Kick (ALT) WS K {WALL} ------------------------------------------------------------------- V. Yoshimitsu ------------------------------------------------------------------- Crying Spirit Sword Cancel to Yoga Stillness f, f+a+b, b ~ B+K Deathcopter Cancel u/f+a+b, g Digging Spirit (Hold) to Cyclone d+A+B, b Digging Spirit (Hold) to Sword Pogo d+A+B, a Door Knocker (Hold) f+b+k, b, b, B Fake Turning Suicide to Advance f, f+a+k, f, f Fake Turning Suicide to Evasion f, f+a+k, r, r Firmiana Brach Cancel to Shark Attack Combo f, f+b ~ b+k, a+b, k Meditation Cancel MED (g _ d) Pogo Hop Movement SPO b, (Any Directional Input) Poison Wind Evade u/f+b+k {HIT}, R Poison Wind to Yoga Stillness u/f+b+k, b ~ B+K Reverse Meditation BT b+k Reverse Standing Suicide to Manji Blood Dance BT d+a+k, a, a, a, a Reverse Sword Pogo BT a+b Standing Suicide to Manji Blood Dance d+a+k, a, a, a, a Steel Wind Evade u/f+b+k, k {HIT}, R Steel Wind to Yoga Stillness u/f+b+k, k, b ~ B+K Sword Pogo Cancel SPO g Sword Pogo to Yoga Stillness SPO B+G Sword Smash {CH} b ~ a Tekken Metronome (More info available under "Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome".) {f+k+g Succeeds}, k+g Turning Suicide (Hold) to Manji Blood Dance f, f+A+K, a, a, a, a Whirlwind Meditation to Yoga Stillness (U _ D)+k, b ~ B+G Yoga Stillness B+G ------------------------------------------------------------------- W. Yunsung ------------------------------------------------------------------- Back Turned Double Kick BT K : K Crushing Heel (ALT) (d _ d/f)+b+k Double Circular Heaven Cancel Attack f, f+k, k ~ (u _ d), (a _ b _ k, k) Jumping Tiger Maul (u _ u/f _ u/r)+g, b, b Rising Cobra to Crane (U/F _ D/F)+B Shattered Wall to Crane F+b, f Sword Spin Sweep Combo d+a+k ------------------------------------------------------------------- X. Every Fighter ------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, you will find moves that are missing for all of the fighters. Back Turn Cancel BT g Crouch Advance / Retreat FC (d/f _ d/r) Crouch Guard D+G Grounded to Low/Mid Guard Impact FUFT r+g Grounded to Mid/High Guard Impact FUFT f+g Grounded to Standing FUFT g Grounded While Rising Attack (FUFT _ FDFA) (Any WS move) Guard Jumping Horizontal Attack (G _ g), (u _ u/f _ u/r), a Guard to Crouch G, D Guard Walk G (F _ R) Horizontal Attack Cancel a ~ g Jump G (u _ u/f _ u/r) Kick Cancel k ~ g Low/Mid Guard Impact r+g Mid/High Guard Impact f+g Sliding Kick F, k Vertical Attack Cancel b ~ g While Rising to Crouch WS ~ D ------------------------------------------------------------------- Y. Every Fighter Exception ------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, you will find the names of the only fighters that cannot perform the indicated move, or the move is not missing for that fighter, or the move is under their section as a different name. Crouching Low/Mid Horizontal Attack All except Heihachi, Voldo FC a Crouching Low/Mid Vertical Attack All except Heihachi, Voldo FC b Crouching Low Kick All except Heihachi, Necrid FC k Guard Jumping Kick All except Taki (G _ g)+(u _ u/f _ u/r), k Guard Jumping Vertical Attack All except Necrid, Taki, Yunsung (G _ g), (u _ u/f _ u/r), b Jumping Horizontal Attack All except Astaroth, Berserker (u _ u/f _ u/r)+a Jumping Kick All except Cassandra, Heihachi, Kilik, Sophitia, Taki, Xianghua (u _ u/f _ u/r)+k Jumping Vertical Attack All except Astaroth, Berserker, Kilik, Yunsung (u _ u/f _ u/r)+b ------------------------------------------------------------------- Z. Fighter Specific ------------------------------------------------------------------- In this section, you will find the names of the only fighters that can perform the indicated move, or the move. Jumping Vertical Attack Astaroth, Kilik, Yunsung (u _ u/r)+b ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 6. Move Lists ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are the move lists for Assassin, Berserker, and Lizard Man, given in SC2 move list format. Note that these are not the complete move lists and none of the moves have been named. This is because the lists are still under construcion. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Assassin ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- A ------- a, a, b a, a, k, k a+b f+a f+a+b f, f+a f, f+a+b F+a+b r+a r, r+a R+a d+a d/f+a d/r+a d+a+k FC a FC a+b WS a, b WS a+b ------- B ------- b, b b, k b~k b+k b~f f+b, a f+b, b f, f+b, b F+b, b r+b r+B r, r+b r, r+b+k R+b R+b+k d+b, b d/f+b d/f+b+k d/r+b u/f+b FC b, b WS b ------- K ------- k, k f+k, k f, f+k, k, k r+k r, r+k, k R+k d+k d+k~k d/f+k d/r+k, k, b FC k WS k ------- Grab ------- a+g b+g ------------------------------------------------------------------- Berserker ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- A ------- a, a a, A A, a A, A a, b, b A, b, b f+a, b f+a, B f+a+b f+A+B f, f+a r+a r+A r+a+b R+a+b r, r+a r, r+A R+a R+A d+a d+a+k d/f+a d/f+A d/f+a+b d/f+A+B d/r+a d/r+A, a d/r+A, b u/f+a u/f+A FC a, b FC a+b WS a ------- B ------- b, b, b B, b, b f+b f+b+k f+B+K F+b+k F+B+K f, f+b F+b r+b r+B r, r+b r, r+B r, r+b ~ (u _ d), k R+b R+B R+b ~ (u _ d), k d+b d+B d/f+b d/f+B d/r+b u/f+b u/f+B FC b WS b ------- K ------- k K k~b f+k f, f+k f, f+K r+k r, r+k R+k d+k d/f+k, a d/f+k, A d/f+K, a d/f+K, A d/r+k (U/R _ D/R)+b, k (U/R _ D/R)+B, k FC k FC d/f+k WS k ------- Grab ------- a+g b+g {Opponent on Ground} d+b+k ------------------------------------------------------------------- Lizard Man ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- A ------- a, a a, b, b a, b, k a, k a+b f, f+a f, f+a+b F+a+b r+a, a, a r+a, a, b r+a, a, B r+a, b r+A, a, a r+A, a, b r+A, a, B r+A, b r, r+a+b R+a, a, a R+a, a, b R+a, a, B R+a, b R+A, a, a R+A, a, b R+A, a, B R+A, b R+a+b d+a d/f+a, b d/r+a, a u+a+b u+A+B FC a WS a WS A ------- B ------- b, b b, k b~d, b, b, b, b f+b f, f+b F+b r+b r+b+k r+B+K r, r+b R+b R+b+k R+B+K d+b, b d/f+b QCF+b FC b WS b WS b+k ------- K ------- k k~b f+k f, f+k f, f+K r+k r, r+k d+k d/f+k d/r+k d/r+K u/r+k QCF+k, k * a QCF+k, k * b QCF+k, k * k FC k WS k, k * a WS k, k * b WS k, k * k ------- Grab ------- a+g b+g ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7. Yoshimitsu's Tekken Metronome ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Yoshimitsu has the ability to perform several moves from the various fighters from the Tekken series. Successful attack Number to times can perform Tekken Metronome f+k+g Up to three times f+A+B Up to three times a+b+k Up to one time Every time you successfully connect one of the above attacks on the opponent, you will be able to randomly perform one of the following Tekken attacks by pressing "k+g" (press "k+g" each time for a different attacks, up to the number listed above): NOTE: Listed next to each fighter will be the command using a common Tekken notation. Tekken Character Move Name Tekken Notation ---------------- --------- --------------- Heihachi (T4) Shadown Step b,b,N,3+4 Jin (T4) Power Stance b+1+2 Kazuya (T4) Lightning Uppercut b+1+4 King (T4) Burning Knuckle u/f+1+2# King (T4) Deadly Boomerang SS+3+4 Kunimitsu (TTT) Heaven Divide u+1+2 Lei (T4) Drunken Master Walk f+3+4 Lee (T4) Blazing Kick d,d/b+4 Paul (T4) Incomplete Somersault Taunt FC {Hold for 1 second} Paul (T5) Riptide (from Tekken 5) qcf+1+2 Normally, you will randomly perform these attacks by pressing "k+g": Ling - Greetings (2+3+4) Other - Standing Spin For more information, check out the "Soul Calibur 2 Yoshimitsu Claiming Soul Techniques FAQ" written by Skyrax at the link below: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 8. Sample Combos ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here are just a few combos that can be done within "Soul Calibur 2". NOTE: Damage may vary depending on where the opponent is hit. Cervantes --------- {CH} d+a+b; d+a+b (67) u+a+b; d+a+b (74) QCR,b; BT f; b~d (86) WS+2; d+b+k (56) d/f+2; u+a+b (72) d/f+2; b~d (75) (U _ D)+1+2; u+1+2 (87) Heihachi (PS2 only) -------- d/f+b,b; d/f+b,b (76) u+k; d/f+b,b (61) a+b; d+b (46) f,N,d,d/f+b; f,f+b (63) f,f+b; a+b (62) f,f+B; f,N,d,d/f+B (89) Ivy --- u+a+b,a; QCR+B (67) u+a+b,a; u+b+k (99) FC d/r+b; BT k; d+b+k (75) FC d/r+b; BT f; u+b+k (87) FC d/f+A+B; u+b+k (113) Kilik ----- (U _ D)+b; a+k (68) (U _ D)+b; a+b (72) f,f+k,k,b; a+b (127) d/f+b; r+k,b (51) Maxi ---- r+a+b; QCF+b (66) r+A+B; f,f+k (87) k~b,k; a; a+b (92) WS+k; a; a+b (71) Seung Mina ---------- (U _ D)+b; r+k,b (68) (U _ D)+b; a+b,a+b (79) Yoshimitsu ---------- WS+k; b,b; d+b (65) WS+k; d/f+a,b; d+b (72) d/f+a,b; d/f+a,b; d+b (87) FLE A+B; b,b; d+b (67) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9. Taunts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After playing the demo version of Soul Calibur 2, I noticed that you could make your player say one of four possible taunts before you get to the actual fight (during the pre-match loading screen). After I purchased the game, I decided to put together a list of all of these taunts for each selectable fighter. This is performed by pressing any one of the face buttons on the controller (A, B, K, or G) (see "Legend" for explanation). Also, listed to the right of each taunt will be it's equivalent lines from the Character Profiles. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend ------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- Buttons: -------- Notation Meaning -------- ------- A Press the Horizontal Attack Button B Press the Vertical Attack Button K Press the Kick Attack Button G Press the Guard Button ------ Other: ------ Notation Meaning -------- ------- N/A There are no taunts for this button. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Loading Screen Taunts ------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- Assassin ------------------- A: Haha (Laugh) B: (N/A) K: Heya G: (N/A) ------------------- Astaroth ------------------- A: Graaaaaaw! (Attack 17) {53/85} B: Shut up! {67/85} K: Execute! {56/85} G: Mash! {59/85} ------------------- Berserker ------------------- A: Growl 1 B: (N/A) K: (N/A) G: Growl 2 ------------------- Cassandra ------------------- A: Uh-oh! {69/89} B: Watch out! {62/89} K: That's it? {71/89} G: This way! {74/89} ------------------- Cervantes ------------------- A: No mercy! {60/80} B: Not enough! {56/80} K: Crush! {57/80} G: Stop struggling! {55/80} ------------------- Charade ------------------- A: (N/A) B: (N/A) K: (N/A) G: (N/A) ------------------- Heihachi (PS2 only) ------------------- A: Yah. (Attack 2) {27/69} B: Seeeee. (Attack 24) {49/69} K: Hohohohohohohoho! (Laugh 1) {9/69} G: Humph! {54/69} ------------------- Ivy ------------------- A: Dance! {57/86} B: Squirm! {62/86} K: This is the end! {66/86} G: Don't Move! {63/86} ------------------- Kilik ------------------- A: Chia. (Attack 20) {49/77} B: Sorry! {58/77} K: Move! {54/77} G: How's that? {62/77} ------------------- Lizardman ------------------- A: Growl 1 B: Growl 2 K: Growl 3 G: Growl 4 ------------------- Maxi ------------------- A: Not enough! {61/87} B: Forget it! {62/87} K: Come on! {65/87} G: Outta my way! {71/87} ------------------- Mitsurigi ------------------- A: (Attack 20) {62/77} B: Seriaaa. (Attack 1) {35/77} K: (Attack 8) {50/77} G: No use! {38/77} ------------------- Necrid ------------------- A: (Spirit 1) {47/68} B: (Spirit 2) {48/68} K: (Disgusted) {53/68} G: Suitya (Anger 1) {50/68} ------------------- Nightmare ------------------- A: (Attack 22) {49/78} B: Got you! {54/78} K: The end! {56/78} G: Not yet! {22/78} ------------------- Raphael ------------------- A: Be Gone B: Humph! {62/86} K: No Good. {68/86} G: How Boring! {64/86} ------------------- Seung Mina ------------------- A: Hey! {76/101} B: Ready? {72/101} K: So? {85/101} G: End of the line. {75/101} ------------------- Sophitia ------------------- A: Repent! {16/91} B: Sorry! {61/91} K: That's it! {68/91} G: No mercy! {70/91} ------------------- Taki ------------------- A: Haaaaaaaa! (Attack 17) {55/90} B: Don't Resist! {62/90} K: Stay Down G: Hexhehehehehew. (Laugh 2) {66/90} ------------------- Talim ------------------- A: Payback! {76/95} B: Here I come! {72/95} K: You want more? {77/95} G: Are you Okay? {79/95} ------------------- Voldo ------------------- A: (Attack 16) {39/64} B: (Attack 17) {40/64} K: (Attack 19) {42/64} G: (Attack 20) {43/64} ------------------- Xianghua ------------------- A: Forget it! {56/85} B: Here's another! {61/85} K: Hey! {71/85} G: (Attack 20) {60/85} ------------------- Yoshimitsu ------------------- A: Namu... {6/72} B: (Attack 18) {52/72} K: Futile! G: Well done! {27/72} ------------------- Yunsung ------------------- A: Outta my way! {65/90} B: Next! {67/90} K: (Attack 19) {62/90} G: Gimme a break! {73/90} ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 10. Special Thanks ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name Reason ---- ------ Namco Creating another incredible game! RoyalFlush Writing the "Soul Charge Enhancements FAQ guide": vincerthomas Letting me know about a hidden move for Taki. Skyrax Writing the "Soul Calibur 2 Yoshimitsu Claiming Soul Techniques FAQ". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 11. About Tekkenomics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The main purpose of "Tekkenomics" is to provide you with Tekken FAQs/Guides and to keep you updated on Tekken news and information. "Tekkenomics" was originally the name of the website created by me (Wild Man X), with help from Paulinstein and Drake the Demon, which first came online on November 6, 2004. However, due to someone engaging in piracy on our hosting server the website went down in April 2007. With the release of Tekken 6 approaching for consoles, I decided to bring back Tekkenomics, but in the form of a blog back in June 2009. "Tekkenomics" contains various Tekken related material, some of which is difficult to find on any other Tekken based website. The blog will contain exclusive articles, original FAQ files, move lists, combos/juggles, combo videos, in-game matches, Tekken commercials, PC desktop wallpaper, PSP wallpaper, CG art, fan-based material, and other things. If you're having problems visiting the "Tekkenomics Blog" at, then you can also visit it at the following link: If you were wondering how we came up with the name "Tekkenomics", back in my high school days in the year 2000, Paulinstein, me, and some other high school friends would get together to play Tekken 3 on the PlayStation 1. At the time, we were also enrolled in Economics. Whenever we would get together to play, we would say that we were going to study some "Tekkenomics". So, basically: "Tekken" + "Economics" = "Tekkenomics". There are a few references on the web to the name "Tekkenomics" that aren't related to us or our blog. There are some members on the Tekken Zaibatsu forums that go by the names "Tekkenomics", "Tekkenomics_101", and "TekkenNomics Jr." that aren't related to us. On Tekken Zaibatsu, we go by the names "Wild Man X", "Paulinstein", and "Drake the Demon". The things on the web that ARE related to us are at: GameFAQs, Neoseeker, IGN,, Gamerhelp, Gamespot, MySpace, AIM, MSN Messenger, Hotmail, GMail, YouTube, PicasaWeb, Blogger, WordPress, ImageShack, and Twitter. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 12. About The Author ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have been a fan of the Tekken series since 2000. A few of my friends got me into the series with Tekken 3. My first FAQ was "Hidden Moves" for Tekken 4. Writing this FAQ, I've learned some new things about Tekken along the way that I probably wouldn't have learned otherwise. My FAQs are a way for me to share what I have learned. Lei Wulong is my main fighter, and has been since Tekken 3. When I bought Tekken Tag Tournament for the PS2, I decided to learn how to play with all of the fighters, and this has carried over to Tekken 4, Tekken 5, and Tekken: Dark Resurrection. So, you can rest assured that I do atleast know a little bit about what I'm talking about :) I am currently residing in Southern California (in the United States), but have not been to any of the arcades in the area in a long time. I used to play at the University of California, Riverside. I hope that you've enjoyed my FAQs! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 13. Closing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Feel free to e-mail me any questions or comments about this FAQ or the Tekkenomics Blog. When sending e-mail, please make sure that "Tekken", "Soul Calibur", or "FAQ" is somewhere in the e-mail subject name, or it will most likely be deleted. Also, I only speak English. Please let me know if you are confused about any part of this FAQ. I will do my best to clarify any part that may seem confusing. I hope you find this FAQ helpful. Thanks for your time. Tekkenomics Class is now in session!!! Copyright 2000-2009 - Tekkenomics ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ EoF