SSSSSS OOOOO UU UU LL SS OO OO UU UU LL SS OO OO UU UU LL SS OO OO UU UU LL SS OO OO UU UU LLLLL SSSSSS OOOOO UUUU LLLLLL CCCCC AAAAA LL II BBBB UU UU RRRRR CCCCCC AA AA LL II BB BB UU UU RR RR CC AA AA LL II BB BB UU UU RR RR CC AAAAAAA LL II BBBBB UU UU RRRRR CC AA AA LL II BB BB UU UU RR RR CCCCCC AA AA LLLLL II BB BB UU UU RR RR CCCCC AA AA LLLLLL II BBBB UUUU RR RR IIIIIIIIII I I I I I I I I IIIIIIIIII ======================================== MISTRESS IVY’S BLOTTER [Version 1.1] Current Date: 11.02.2003 Current Time: 4:32 A.M. Created By: NikolakakisGr E-mail: (MSN Messenger Available) ICQ No.: 229-587-600 ======================================== ------------ |FAQ CONTENTS| ------------ 1.INTRODUCTION/S.C.II PROLOGUE 2.IVY’S PROFILE 3.IVY AS A CAREER PLAYER 4.MOVE LIST 5.IVY’S STANCES 6.WEAPON GUIDE 7.SOUL CHARGE 8.COMBAT TACTICS 9.ENDING/COPYRIGHT AND THANKS ************************************* _________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 1 – INTRODUCTION ~~ \_________________________/ ************************************* Hi everybody. My name is Nick... I am an 18 year old guy from Greece(Athens/Halandri).I am a student of the University of Crete (Computers and Multimedia Department), and guess what? I love video games! Especially namco fighting games...This is my first Character Guide construction. I am doing this because I love Soul Calibur II very much. I hope that this faq will be a reason to meet persons from all over the world, who also love video games. ABOUT IVY Well, Ivy has 2 basic costumes and one hidden. To obtain that hidden costume you must buy it from the weapon master mode. Basic Costume: A purple leather suit, which has on her right arm a draft of 2 snakes.With her right arm, Ivy holds her weapon, Valentine. On her left arm she has a metallic arm-cover in order to be protected from her weapon.A very enticing appearance ;) Secondary Costume: This costume has mostly blue color. It is a coat with a tie and Ivy wears White Gloves and White boots. It’s a very formal appearance. Her hair is also different. Hidden Costume: This Costume is basically a nightdress. Its color is red and it’s beautifully decorated with roses. Ivy wears also a necklace with a green jewel, the same jewel that her weapon has. --SOUL CALIBUR II PROLOGUE—- Countless legends surround a sword known as Soul Edge. Some claim it was the ultimate weapon. Others refer to it as the "Sword of Heroes." …A phantom sword with immeasurable power of the spirits…the key to eternal youth…treasure without equal…a panacea to cure all illness… There are even those who consider it the "Sword of Salvation." Although no one could ever be certain of the sword's whereabouts or true identity, various rumors and folklore spread across the world. In reality, Soul Edge was comprised of twin blades that fed on human souls. In the latter half of the 16th century, a warrior on a divine mission for the ancient god of forge successfully shattered one of the evil blades. Tragically, shattering the sword produced the opposite effect of what was intended. The balance of power between the swords was destroyed, and the evil of the blades spiraled out of control; its malevolent energy diffused into the sky in a form of eerie light. The phenomenon, which later became known as the Evil Seed, scarred the world with its evil legacy. The remaining sword possessed the body of a man who took the evil blade into his hands and embarked on a killing spree throughout Europe. Macabre accounts of merciless killings spread fear throughout the entire continent. Yet the massacres ceased after three years. Four more years passed, and the horrors became a distant memory and people felt safe once again. ...No one knew. Four years before, a spirit sword named Soul Calibur appeared from the East, as if to answer the call of the raging Soul Edge. No one witnessed the final battle to the death where Soul Edge was shattered. No one knew that the spirit sword was left behind in the vortex of evil to stop the demon sword's powers. Most people were oblivious to the fact that the peace that followed was the result of this battle, and the spirit sword's existence remained a mystery. Unfortunately, the peace was merely a facade; the evil blade began spreading its influence, quietly yet surely, throughout the world once again. People unwittingly transported the sword to every corner of the world in the form of metal shards. These pieces of Soul Edge still embodied evil powers. With Soul Calibur lost in the void, it was only a matter of time before the evil sword's dark powers infected the entire world. The following tales of swords and souls are of those who pursued Soul Edge for their own convictions and reasons... ************************************* _________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 2 – IVY’S PROFILE ~~ \_________________________/ ************************************* True Name: Isabella Valentine Age: 32 Place Of Birth: British Empire/London Height: 5' and 10" Weight: 128lbs Blood Type: N/A Weapon: Snake Sword Weapon's Name: "Valentine" (Older Referred as Ivy Blade) |HISTORY BOARD| Isabella “Ivy” Valentine... SHE IS ONE WHO HIDES HER SECRETS... Count Valentine, a practitioner of alchemy, was driven insane by his pursuit for Soul Edge-also known as the "Key to Eternal Youth." By the time of his death, his efforts to search for Soul Edge drained his family's fortunes and left one of London's most distinguished families in ruins. As if to pursue her husband into death, the Countess fell ill and passed away soon after Count Valentine's death. This left Ivy as the sole surviving member of the Valentine family. In reality, Ivy was not a true Valentine by birth. The Count and Countess found her abandoned in front of their mansion when she was an infant, and she was taken into the family as an adopted child. Ivy discovered this secret only after reading a will left behind by the Countess in her death. But this did not matter to her, for the Valentines were the only parents she knew. Obeying the last wishes of her adoptive father, Ivy continued the search for Soul Edge and studied alchemy. During this investigation, she uncovered the true nature of the sword-it was an evil blade that feasted on souls. In order to avenge the death her father, who was driven insane by the allure of Soul Edge, Ivy vowed to use all of her knowledge to destroy it. She invoked strange powers through occult rituals to summon a mysterious individual who gave life to the whip-like, mechanical sword she dubbed "Ivy Blade." The sword, which had a will of its own, accompanied and protected Ivy on her journey to vanquish Soul Edge. When she crossed paths with Nightmare-the one who breathed life into her sword-she agreed to assist him in the "summoning of souls." Little did she know that it was all part of the evil sword's plans. Ivy realized it was Nightmare who possessed Soul Edge. She came to this revelation only after he was defeated and the evil blade was shattered. That meant that the beloved blade she had forged to destroy Soul Edge had life thanks to the power of the evil blade. She also learned the secrets of her true lineage. Ivy's birth father…he once wielded Soul Edge and was manipulated by its wicked powers! Shaken by the horrifying truth, Ivy returned home and locked herself away in a dark laboratory. She tried countless times to destroy Ivy Blade, which was now a symbol of her self-hatred and regret. She could not, however, bring herself to actually break the sword. "I am the same as this sword… Yes, the blood of the evil blade flows through me. The same blood…" Ivy Blade waited for its master's orders silently. After months of soul searching, Ivy emerged with renewed resolve. Her goal was no longer to destroy the evil sword, but to completely wipe it out of existence. As a vow to her commitment, she renamed her sword "Valentine." And when she acquired information about fragments of Soul Edge being scattered throughout the world, she immediately departed on her new journey. Ivy intended to destroy every fragment of Soul Edge, anyone who carried its tainted bloodline, and anyone contaminated by its evil. Nothing would stop her from destroying the root of the evil, even if it meant killing the innocent-there would be no exceptions. The only thing that mattered was obliterating the evil sword's existence completely. "…Call me a monster, a demon if you must. I'll be happy to be called those names if it is the price I must pay to eliminate the existence of the evil blade!!" This was the beginning of her long, arduous journey. A journey where she would ultimately have to destroy herself and all that was related to her. Ivy's adoptive family name "Valentine" became a symbol of her will to live as a "human" even though the cursed blood of the demonic blade ran strong within her. ************************************************ __________________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 3 – IVY AS A CAREER PLAYER ~~ \__________________________________/ ************************************************ [o] GENERAL [o] Ivy is a very sexy woman with sadistic behavior (Damn that’s what made me love her so much:) ). Although she has an ass-kicking appearance, Ivy is a very difficult character. It will take thousands hours of hard training to master her moves. I think that Ivy represents Kazuya Mishima from Tekken 4. These two have a lot in common, don’t they? [o] ADVANTADGES [o] -Ivy is a very powerful player. Her attacks can cast severe damage to her opponents. -Ivy’s weapon has the “reach” ability. She can fight from long distances. -Ivy has awesome personality. In my opinion she fully represents pure evil. -Ivy can use combo’s VERY EASILY [o] DISADVANTADGES [o] -Ivy is a bit slow. Her recover time is not so good. -She is also not so good in close distance combats. -Her “Ring Out” Moves are not so varied which it means that Ivy can perform a “ring out” harder than another character. -Difficult Soul Charge Ivy has 4 different stances, complicated throws, and two frame hits. ************************************* _________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 4 – MOVE LIST ~~ \_________________________/ ************************************* Let’s imagine that the following sketch represents the joy pad. ub u uf \|/ b--N--f /|\ db d df The N represents the neutral position of the joy pad. SYMBOLS: A -> Horizontal Attack Button (X) B -> Vertical Attack Button (Y) K -> Kick Button (B) G -> Guard Button (A) () means: press and Hold the button WR means: press the button while Ivy rises WC means: press the button while Ivy crouches + means: press together , means: next button press can be a bit delayed _ means: next button press is a frame hit. N means: joy pad in neutral position Directional Input means: press the joy pad in a random direction. {HORIZONTAL ATTACKS} 1.Bitting Raven A A 2.Bitting Raven~Whip Stance A (A) 3.Bitting Raven~Spiral Serenade A (A)~Directional Input *** 4.Raven Butt f+A 5.Raven's Egg f f A 6.Crossing Madness df+A 7.Cursed Mark d+A 8.Ancient Wheels b+A 9.Menance Slice b b A 10.Dancing Insanity b b A 11.Dancing Insanity(HOLD)~Whip Stance b b+(A) *** 12.Serpent's Venom d db b+A 13.Serpent's Venom(Cancel) d db b+A, G 14.Spiral Serenade A+B 15.Freeze Gaze F A+B 16.Insanity Light F F A+B 17.Insanity feast (F) During Insanity Light 18.Insanity light (Cancel)~Whip Stance F F A+B, G *** 19.Eye Of madness DF A+B 20.Eye Of madness~Spiral Lust DF+(A)+(B) 21.Dominance D+A+B 22.Razor's Bite BF+A+B 23.Spiral Punishment(Cancel)~Whip Stance b A+B, G*** 24.Spiral Punishment b A+B B 25.Spiral Dominance (Hold) b A+B (B) 26.Crucifixion b b A+B 27.Crucifixion(Hold) b b (A)+(B) 28.God Whisper u[or uf or ub]+A+B A 29.Royal Huntress D+A+K 30.Raven's Egg (f) A 31.Wolf Lash (df)[or uf] A 32.Insanity Light (d)[or U] A 33.Insanity Light (Cancel)~Whip Stance (b), A *** 34.Ancient Wheels (db)[or ub], A A 35.Dancing Insanity (b), A 36.Dancing Insanity (hold)~Whip Stance (b),(A) *** 37.Menance WR A 38.Masquerade~Resting Madness WC df+A+B 39.Masquerade~Resting Madness~Spiral Lust WC df+(A)+(B) 40.Detemented Loop WR A+B A or B 41.Tail Of The Serpent u[or uf or ub]+A {VERTICAL ATTACKS} 1.Immortal Gale B B 2.Immortal Gale~Whip Stance B (B)*** 3.Immortal Gale~Spiral Serenade B (B)Directional Input *** 4.Squire's Cage B f+B 5.Caged Silouette~Whip Stance B f+B *** 6.Ivy Lash f+B 7.Ivy Lash f+(B) 8.Bitting Ivy Inner f+(B) u[or d] 9.Serpent's Breath f f+B 10.Serpent's Breath~Spiral Tribute f f+(B) 11.Cursed Heavens df+B 12.Curse Brand d+B 13.Poison Ivy db+B 14.Poison Ivy db+(B) 15.Ivy Bite b+B 16.Darkside~Whip Stance b b+B *** 17.Darkside~Spiral Serenade b b+(B) *** 18.Venom Lash d db b+B ( "BEHAVE!!!":)) ) 19.Venom Lash~Serpent's Embrace d db b+(B) *** 20.Ivy Brambler d df f+B 21.Pleasure Change (Weapon Shape Change) B+K *** 22.Embrace Of Lust f+B+K 23.Embrace Of Lust f+(B)+(K) for short and long distance 24.Fear's Void d[or db or df] +B+K 25.Fear's Void(cancel)~Whip Stance *** press G immediately during Fear's Void 26.Gnome Huntress df+(B)+(K) Near the Opponent 27.Heel Explosion b+B+K 28.Heel Explosion (Cancel) Press G during Heel Explosion 29.Exile~Whip Stance b b B+K 30.Exile~Spiral Lust b b (B)+(K) 31.Ivy Kick~Whip Stance u+B+K or f+B u *** 32.Silhouette~Whip Stance u+B+K K or u+B f+K *** 33.Serpent's Breath (f)+B 34.Drowing Madness (d)[or u] B 35.Drowing Madness~Spiral Tribute (d)[or u] (B) *** 36.Poison Ivy (db)[or df] B 37.Poison Ivy (db)[or df](B) 38.Darkside~Whip Stance (b)[or df or uf] B 39.Darkside~Spiral Serenade (b)[or df or uf] (B) 40.Shameless WR B 41.Asylum WR B+K 42.Ivy Masquerade WC df+B 43.Ivy Masquerade WC df+(B) 44.Pride WC db + B 45.Toe Pierce u[uf or ub] +B {KICKS} No doubt that Ivy has Bryan Fury's, Hwoarang's and Nina William's Kicks:)Unfortunately only few of them are useful. 1.Ivy Sweep K D 2.Raven Knee K F 3.Mind Shatter f f+K 4.Mind Shatter(delayed) f f+(K) 5.Evil Sparrow df+K 6.Charmer Silhouette d+K 7.Serpent Silhouette d df+K 8.Rage Kick db+K 9.Rage Kick db+(K) Stuns The Opponent!!! 10.Raven Catcher b+K 11.Diving Raven b b+K 12.Evil Sparrow (df)[or (uf)] K 13.Royal Huntress (d)[or (u)] K 14.Ramble Shot (db)[or (du)] K 15.Diving Raven (b) K 16.Rising Cross WR K 17.Nail Cross WC df+K {THROWS} 1.Primal Dominance In Front Of The Opponent A+G 2.Dominion Throw In Front Of The Opponent B+G 3.Sweet Dominance Behind Opponent A+G or B+G 4.Heartless Guide Left side Of The Opponent A+G Or B+G 5.Sunset Cradle Right side Of The Opponent A+G Or B+G 6.Ivy Kick Against Airborne Opponent U+B+K 7.Summon Suffering Approach Opponent(Any side) df ub f d df db+A+B 8.Calamity Symphony Approach Opponent(Any Side) df ub f d df db+A+K Must be in whip stance! **************************************** ___________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 5 – IVY’S STANCES ~~ \___________________________/ **************************************** If you learn how to trifle your opponent with Ivy’s Stances you will be invincible. That’s the key to master Ivy. Please note that there are also some moves that change your stance into several other stances. I have marked them with a *** (Check The MOVE LIST CHAPTER).As I mentioned before, Ivy has 4 stances. However, I have figured out one more stance. From this stance you can use all the While Rising and While Crouching Commands. I call this stance “Lurking Serpent”. Those stances are: I. Whip Stance II. Spiral Serenade Stance III. Spiral Tribute Stance IV. Serpent’s Embrace V. Lurking Serpent Now, let’s see how these stances work. NORMAL STANCE<-->WHIP STANCE That means that you can change into whip stance and you can also return into normal stance. ______ PLEASURE CHANGE________ / B + K \ Normal Stance<- ->Whip Stance \______ PUNISHMENT CHANGE______/ d db b From whip stance you can also change into serpent’s embrace stance. WHIP STANCE ---> SERPENT’S EMBRACE STANCE Remember, you cannot go back to whip stance once you change into serpent’s embrace stance. That means that you are forced to use a move from the serpent’s embrace stance or change into normal stance by pressing Guard. Whip stance –----A+B----> Serpent’s Embrace Stance _____NORMAL STANCE ( PRESS G )_____ / | \ SPIRAL SERENADE--->SPIRAL TRIBUTE--->SERPENT’S EMBRACE These 3 stances are chained. You can change from Spiral Serenade to Spiral tribute and from spiral tribute you can change into serpent’s Embrace. But you can’t reverse it, which it means that you can’t return to Spiral Tribute from Serpent’s Embrace and from Spiral tribute you can’t return to Spiral Serenade. You can return to Normal Stance anytime though by pressing G. Normal Stance –Press A+B-> Spiral Serenade –Press A-> Spiral Tribute –Press A->Serpent’s Embrace. By pressing G, you actually cancel this chain. Oh! Almost forgot:) From Normal Stance you can also change into Spiral Tribute By pressing f f+(B) Normal Stance (Press G) / \ Normal Stance–Press ff+(B)-->Spiral Tribute–Press A->Serpent’s Embrace Lurking Serpent Stance (My Stance - Intro) Well I hope it will be of some use to you. Listen to this: We all know Ivy’s Very useful move u[or uf or ub] + A + B A or B (God Whisper). I modified that move a little bit and I came out with a whole new stance! Lurking Serpent Stance (Command) Press u[or uf or ub] + A+B. Ivy will start the God Whisper Move. Don’t press A or B! Leave the joy pad in Neutral Position. That’s the Lurking Serpent Stance! Look: u[or uf or ub] + A+B N After can use all the WR and WC commands!!! Asylum, Pride, Detemented Loop, EVERYTHING! It’s a very good trap. Normal Stance--u [or uf or ub] +A+B N-> Lurking Serpent Stance-->WR or WC Command! [IN-DEPTH MOVE ANALYSIS] [[[Commands From Whip Stance]]] MOVE NAME TIP/COMMENT: 1.Venom Strike A+B (CAUTION! This Move Will Change Your Whip Stance Into Serpent's Embrace Stance) 2.Lamenting Tail A+K Something Like A Throw. Ivy grabs the Opponent’s leg and raises him into the air... There are also Punishment Change and Pleasure Change. I mentioned these moves before...:) [[[Commands From Spiral Serenade]]] MOVE NAME TIP/COMMENT: 1. Serpent Lash A Changes Your Stance Into Spiral Tribute! 2.Serpent Whip B B Changes your stance into Whip Stance 3.Cross Kick K A Simple Kick to Push your dueler away 4.Reeling Mind A+B Or B+K Grabs Opponent (“ENTWINE!!”) [[[Commands From Spiral Tribute]]] MOVE NAME TIP/COMMENT: 1.Raging Flames A Changes your stance into Serpent’s Embrace 2.Lost Soul d+A Low Hit 3. Mistress Justice X3 B_B_B I will Give you a tip for this move. X-box’s Controller’s Buttons help so much to perform a frame hit. While you are into spiral tribute stance, scratch from the top to the bottom the Y button. Once this is done, immediately scratch it again, and again (with the same method). There you go! Mistress Justice is a complete success! This method changes the time that frame hit requires and does not confuse your brain. Practice it a bit. 4.Mistress Justice X5 B_f+B_b+B_f+B_b+B A very difficult move... You need a lot of practice to master it... Is it worth it? I love to see my Ivy lashing the enemies so many times but I can’t perform it that easy... 5.Cross Knee K Another Simple kick that push your opponent away... 6.Fencing With Flames A+B Crashes opponent’s Guard and changes your current stance into whip stance [[[Commands From Serpent’s Embrace]]] MOVE NAME TIP/COMMENT: 1.Violent Spirits A A A VERY useful move... 2.Lamenting Tale d+A (Same grab with Venom Strike) 3. Whirling Exile B Multiple Hit 4. Whirling Exile (flaming) (B) Unblockable Hit 5.Charging Serpent K “Shoulder” Hit 6.Charging Serpent f f+K 7.Released Souls A+B 8.Stingin' Souls B+K (Mid Distance) 9.Stingin' Souls f+B+K (Long Distance) 10.Stingin' Souls b+B+K (Short Distance) [[[Commands From Lurking Serpent]]] (Remember the command: uf[or u or ub]+A+B N WHILE RISING COMMANDS TIP/COMMENT: 1.Menance A 2.Assylum B+K Guard Impact 3.Violent Spirits A+B A or B 4.Rising Cross K WHILE CROUCHING COMMANDS TIP/COMMENT: Remember to press and hold the direction of the WC command 1.Masquerade~Resting Madness~Spiral Lust (df) (A)+(B) 2.Masquerade~Resting Madness (df) A+B 3.Ivy Masquerade (df) B 4.Nail Cross (df)+K **************************************** ___________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 6 – WEAPON GUIDE ~~ \___________________________/ **************************************** Here are all of Ivy’s Weapons. 1.VALENTINE Advantage: - Disadvantge: - Comment: Ivy’s standard sword. Most useful 2.MIRAGE BLADE Advantage: Moves That are Unblockable on level 3 soul charge are also Unblockable on level 2 Disadvantage: Less Damage than normal Comment: Totally useless! 3.WISEMAN MACE Advantage: Recovers Health Disadvantage: Lower Defense Than Normal Comment: Fair Weapon. It’s useful on survival mode though. 4.DREAM BLADE Advantage: Damages through opponent’s guard Disadvantage: Your horizontal attacks break easier with a hostile vertical attack Comment: Very good weapon. Use it without fear. It is also very beautiful 5.CHAINED FLAIL Advantage: Higher Damage than normal, Your vertical attacks break easier with a horizontal attack Disadvantage: Drains Health Comment: Balanced weapon. Awesome appearance. It casts very powerful hits but it drains health. Well if you stand your ground you will be able to use it! 6.VIPER EDGE Advantage: Higher Damage than normal Disadvantage: Your horizontal attacks break easier with a hostile vertical attack Comment: Balanced weapon. “Useful on EXTRA EXTREME TIME ATTACK”. I don’t like its Appearance though:(. 7.ALRAUNE Advantage: Higher Damage than normal, Better Defense Than normal Disadvantage: Take damage even when guarding Comment: Very cool weapon. I believe it’s one of her best. It has also lovely appearance. 8.DEMON TAIL Advantage: Attack Power Increases during soul charge Disadvantage: Horizontal Attacks Break Easier With Vertical Comment: No Comments. This weapon shouldn't even exist 9.SOUL EDGE (COMPLETE) Advantage: Severe attack damage.Better soul charge Disadvantage: Absorbs slowly souls.While you fight,it drains the opponent's soul.But while you are guarding or standing,drains yours! Comment: Not that good. Despite of its benefits, Health decreases during the battle 10.KALEIDOSCOPE Advantage:Very High Attack Damage. Almost Ignores target's guard! Disadvantage:Drains health.A portion of damage made is reflected back.Horizontal attacks break easier with vertical Comment: Hmmm...what to say?it needs a lot of practice to weild such a weapon! 11.PROTOTYPE IVY BLADE Advantage:Funny Sound Disadvantage:Lower attack power.Lower Defense Comment:A funny weapon?gimme a break! Thanks my friend Abdul Haq for the info about Ivy's two last weapons! ************************************* _________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 7 – SOUL CHARGE ~~ \_________________________/ ************************************* Soul Charge has 3 levels. Command A+B+K Level 1: The green aura reaches Ivy’s Knees. Weapon’s color is now dark green. Level 2: The green aura reaches Ivy’s Breast. Weapon’s color is now light green Level 3: The green aura reaches Ivy’s Weapon. Weapon’s color is now blue Ivy’s Soul Charged Moves and their properties... 1.d df f + B (“BE STILL!”) Un/ble Move Level 3 2.db+(B) Guard Break Level 2 3.d+B+K [Or db or df] Guard Break Level 2 4.f+B Unblockable Level 3 5.f+(B) Unblockable Level 3 6.b b + B Guard Break Level 2 7.Calamity Symphony Level 3 ************************************* _________________________ / \ ~~CHAPTER 8 – COMBAT TACTICS ~~ \_________________________/ ************************************* ~~SUB CHAPTERS~~ I.CONTROLLER’S EXTRA BUTTONS MODIFICATION II.CHAINED MOVES III.GUARDING/GUARD IMPACT/GUARD CRUSHING IV.RING OUT STRATEGY V.WHAT TO BE CAREFUL ======================================================== SUB CHAPTER I – CONTROLLER’S EXTRA BUTTONS MODIFICATION ======================================================== First you must re-assign the Controller’s Extra buttons. Go to the options menu and select Controller Options. Highlight the TYPE option and set it to “free” mode. After that you are allowed to use the following assignments: WHITE BUTTON: A+K (Horizontal Attack + Kick Strike) BLACK BUTTON: A+B (Horizontal + Vertical Attack) LEFT TRIGGER: B+K (Vertical Attack + Kick Strike) RIGHT TRIGGER: A+G (Throw TYPE 1 – Emergency Evade Button) It’s the only way to learn easily all of Ivy’s moves. From the normal stance, now you can -Change stance with the Black Button -Use successfully all of Ivy’s Moves -Have another chance of guard break by hitting Left Trigger (Pleasure Change) -Escape from the Stage’s Edge By pressing Right Trigger Button From all the other Stances now you can easily perform ALL OF IVY’S moves successfully. ============================== SUB CHAPTER II – CHAINED MOVES ============================== Ivy’s Combo moves are very simple. I have found out some chained moves. Use them without a fear during a battle. Chain Starter: Finishing Move --------->up[or uf or ub]+B+K / / / up[or uf or ub]+A+B A---- ----------->db+A+B (black Button) \ \ \ --------->f+A+B (black Button) up[or uf or ub]+A+B A --->d db b+(B)--->N[or ub or uf]B+K (depends on the distance) ------------>A->B / / f f + (B) [counter hit] --------------> B_B_B \ \ ------------>A->wait the -->A A opponent to rise,then press K --->d+A+K 2-hit combo / / db + B+K--->db+A+B 2-hit combo \ \ --->b+A+B I will add some more chained moves. Give me some time to master all of Ivy's Hits. Remember: You have the advantage to hit your opponent from distance. Take advantage of it! Use Ivy's kicks (such as ff + K or b+K) to throw him away. After that, fight him with her "reach" attacks. While you are in a stance, never forget that you can move around. Don't just stand there gazing your dueler! Move left or right. If your opponent is attacking, move backwards. Once he finishes his move, strike! ====================================================== SUB CHAPTER III - GUARDING/GUARD IMPACT/GUARD CRUSHING ====================================================== Guard You can't stay guarded all the time because the opponent will use a throw on you.So you must use the guard wisely Use a guard against a chained move of your opponent for example.I always prefered the agressive type of gameplay. But it's your choice what you'll do after all isn't it?:) Guard impact You can perform a quick guard impact by pressing f+G and you can perform a slow guard impact by pressing b+G. Guard impact stops the opponent's move and gives you the advantage either hit or grab him. Guard impact is fairly easy to pefrom but extremely difficult to succed! If you want my advice never use blindly guard impacts. Use it only if you know your opponent's hit by heart!Otherwise you give him advantage to hit you. Guard Crashing There are some moves (lvl 2 soul charge or normal moves) that are able to crush your opponent's guard.In example, one of ivy's guard crushing move is A+B during spiral tribute. ================================== SUB CHAPTER IV - RING OUT STRATEGY ================================== *Case 1 - You at the edge of the stage Grab your opponent with A+G(Right Trigger).Ivy will perform her throw and will throw the opponent out of the stage *Case 2 - Opponent at the edge of the stage Fairly easy to throw him out.Use one of the following moves: ff + K b+K uf+K ff+(B) A A A db + A+B *Case 3 - Both at the edge of the stage (Ivy on the Right) You can only throw him out of the stage with the ff+K kick Tricky kick right?? *Case 4 - Both at the edge of the stage (Ivy on the left) Grab again your opponent with the A+G command.Now you are on the right or you have won with a "ring out".If not, kick him with the ff+K kick again! ================================== SUB CHAPTER V – WHAT TO BE CAREFUL ================================== There are several dangers for ivy during the battle. Here are some: 1.Be careful of Mitsurugi and his f******* damascus sword! 2.Yunsung and his loathsome legendary weapon han guang.Fatal opponent! 3.Voldo and his idiotic moves. 4.Nightmare's Soul Charge.Once you see him soul charging,stop him or try to evade him or even hit him at distance! 5.Never try to lure your opponent at the edge of the stage so you can throw him out.Your defeat is very possible if you do so. ***************************************************** _______________________________________ / \ ~~ CHAPTER 9 – ENDING/COPYRIGHT AND THANKS ~~ \_______________________________________/ ***************************************************** That's the end of my faq!Thank you so much for reading it,i hope it was of some use to you! This faq (mistress Ivy's blotter version 1.0 and 1.1), is copyrighted.For any furhter uses you will need my goodwill.Don't make illigal copies of this faq!!! I Also want to thank my friend and ivy fan Abdul haq for his info about Ivy's 2 last weapons. In the end, i deticate this faq to my best friends but especially i deticate it to my spiritual brother Jim. Jim,You are the best video game player in the whole world!You made me a true video game player.Thank you. ...And... to all ivy's fans i only have o n e thing to say B E H A V E!!!!